#please let them hug. and be happy. I DEMAND IT. ;_; THEY DESERVE IT. ]
thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
This Is What You Deserve (Daemon x Reader)
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Look man you don't choose when the smut will come to you, it just does. This was requested by anon and @ladystrongofharrenhall which I feel the need to apologise cause it like barely is what you requested, if you feel like you don’t like it please let me know and we can figure out something else for me to write for you.
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“The dowager lady of Harrenhall, (y/n) Strong with her son and heir Arryan Strong”
The man introduced the lady dressed in all black that stood before the iron throne with a toddler holding her hand that was dressed in deep blue, a spitting image of his father, soft curls fell directly on his face and eyes that had stolen the color right out of the deep sea.
The lady bowed before the king that had invited her to court after the incident that had occurred in Harrenhall, within the night she had lost her husband and good father, both of them gave their lives to save her and her son, now she was in kings landing for the first time since her wedding.
“My king, it is very thoughtful of you to invite me to your court”
“Nonsense, your husband was one of the most trusted men within the gold cloaks and his father was a good friend of mine, last time I saw you you were dressed in all white”
“A lot has changed since then I am afraid”
“Indeed, I grief for the loss you have suffered, I summoned you to offer you a place in my court, under my protection, your born family has been an ally since the beginning, your son will be my cupbearer and will receive the same education as every noble boy and you can live within the castle as the queens' companion”
“Your honor me, your grace, it gladdens my heart that you thought of us amongst the countless matters that demand the kings' attention”
(Y/n) had learned from a very young age that a lady was to act a certain way, she had just lost the earth from underneath her feet, left with a son in her arms and a scandal on her back that she had to shield him from, she could feel every pair of eyes on her back, all of them like crows that waited for a sign of weakness, she would not give them that satisfaction, not today, not ever.
“The servants will lead you to your chamber, I believe your travel is quite long”
“Indeed, thank you, my king”
“My king”
Sweet Arryans voice was heard as he bowed in unison with his mother, a boy of 4 years of age, he was (y/n)s sun and moon, anything and everything she did she did it to make sure his future is secured and his present time is as happy as it could be amongst the chaos.
“My boy”
Little Arryan ran to his mother and hugged her as tightly as his little arms could although he could not completely wrap them around (y/n)s hips since this was the height that he was.
(Y/n) scooped up her son to check for any injuries or some type of harm, (y/n) had attempted to stay calm and calculated in front of the court, however, imagine her surprise when she left her little boy with Baela and Rhaena to play together and when she came back Baela told her that their father Daemon had taken Arryan up on Caraxes.
“You looked tiny from up there”
“I did, didn’t I? Let’s go inside now”
“You are welcome, I am sure that was a moment the child will never forget”
(Y/n) was fuming, Daemon had approached her a few morrows ago to offer his condolences, being a widower himself he could indenting the struggle and pressure she was under, at the time she faintly smiled and curtsied to thank him.
Now (y/n)s eyes threw a dagger and her lips were a thin line, how dare he so arrogantly demand a thank you for putting her child in danger? Arryan wasn't a Targaryen, nor was he a kin to Daemon, the possibility of Caraxes to harm the child was huge.
“Baela, take Arryan inside, I shall be with you in a moment”
Her voice grew cold, and the surroundings were resembling of a cloud closing in and overshadowing the sun, like a warning of a strong that gathered around Daemon's head who seemed clueless of the warning signs that he is daughters picked up so easily that got them almost running away from themselves
“Have you lost your mind?”
“Excuse me?”
“Who gave you the authority to take my son up on that beast with you?”
“You should feel flattered, he is one of the few people that get to say that they have gone up on a dragon”
“I know that your family likes to frown down upon us from your mighty dragons but listen to me well, my son is the future lord of Harrenhall and the carries my born name of Featherdall, we were the biggest army Aegon the conqueror had on his side when he took over the seven kingdoms, so the next time you even think of coming around me and my son with your high and mighty attitude I would advise you to think how well would it go for you if you angered the house that put you up on that throne, got it?”
Daemon was stunned, he just stared at the lady that stood before him with her breath heavy and audible enough for everyone to feel her fury, she wasn’t a dragon but Daemon swore he could see fire in her hues, no one had dared to speak to the rogue prince this way, still there she was, commanding him and keeping her head up high, not an ounce of doubt or fear in sight.
“Yes, my lady”
“That’s what I thought”
“Alright my love, let me tuck you in”
“Momma, can I go up to the dragon again?”
“I am not sure sweetling, the prince is a busy man”
“But he said he will find time whenever I want”
“Did you like the dragon that much?”
“Uh-huh, you said Papa is up in the sky, I wanted for him to see me better”
(Y/n) was speechless, tears welling up in her eyes at the doting explanation her son had given her, she could detect the joy the little boy had experienced that day, she had not seen him this happy since Harwin was alive.
“Go to bed now, I will ask Prince Daemon on the morrow”
“Thank you, momma, goodnight”
“Goodnight my love”
Regret took over her body and soul like poison, she lost composure and talked back to a royal, she did not even take a minute to think of how did Arryan end up on the dragon, (y/n) had switched to defense mode the moment she saw the humongous animal land and did not care of anything else besides that her child could have been harmed.
Daemon could not find sleep, he tossed and turned for hours but his mind was occupied with playing (y/n)s speech over again instead of leaving him to rest, she was fuming however there was something in the way she looked at him, at the trembling tone of her voice that Daemon could empathize with… grief.
It was almost like the Gods had orchestrated it, leaving them restless and wandering in the gardens with the encounter that had a sour taste in their mouths.
Daemon was the one that noticed her figure sitting down on the bench, a silk cape covering her as her hair was down instead of a tight undo like it was in the morning, he chose to remain silent as he approached slowly and sat next to her, (y/n) did not turn to look at the prince, something told her exactly whom it was.
“I am sorry, I should have not talked to you that way, it was entirely inappropriate”
“You were defending your child, I should have asked permission to take him with me. I understand why you lost your temper”
“Sometimes I dream of putting him in a bubble, to keep him from… harm”
Her voice cracked once more, at that little word so many emotions were hidden, love, fear, anger, confusion, Daemon looked at her side profile while the moonlight caressed her cheeks, the difference of expression between the lady he met in daylight was tremendous, she had lived every day in agony but painted a smile for her son, now he could see the true cracks.
“Why did you come back to kings Landing? Harrenhal might have been better?”
“The king summoned us, Harwin and I had never presented our son to the court, now I had to make sure he was established as the future lord of the house strong”
“Did you love him? Harwin”
“Deeply, he treated me with kindness and respect”
“I don’t know how much respect did he show to your wedlock, especially with all the whispers that surrounded his name”
“Harwin was a wonderful man, I lost three children before we had Arryan, my father told him that he would understand if Harwin wished to leave our marriage, still he stood by me and loved me”
“Is that what love is to you? A man sticking at your side while he has other children”
“I will not let you taint my dead husbands' name, I have already apologized why are you trying to get me riled up again?”
“I’m not”
(Y/n) scoffed at Daemon's protest and got up so she can get some distance from him, her back was now facing him and Daemon realized he was pressing down on a wound that was still tender, it was not his place to question their marriage since he has two on his back.
“I just, you are a young lady you certainly deserve more than the bare minimum?”
“Bare minimum? Are you even aware of what most women have to put up with when it comes to their husbands? Beatings, embarrassment, constant pregnancies, bastards, public belittling, Harwin treated me with care, he was sweet and offered me much more than any woman could ever wish for”
“He fucked Rhaenyra”
The harsh slap against Daemon's cheek was heard loudly around the garden, even (y/n) was taken back by her action, she did not understand why he kept pressuring her, like a knife that he had stabbed her with and now he kept twisting it around, Harwin was nowhere near perfect but there was a level of understanding between them, he kept her away from the dramatics and carefree enough, why was Daemon kept nitpicking at her?
Daemon's eyes grew wide, it stung but it did not hurt him, was most shocking, they both gawked at one another waiting for someone to do or say something, maybe it was (y/n)s sudden rush of emotion that compelled him to do the same or just him being compulsive, whatever it was that took over it was strong enough to push her against the nearest wall and plant the most passionate kiss (y/n) had ever experienced, at first she froze still the heat that radiated from his hands as they roamed her body and the strength his kiss held sweetened the moment and she closed her eyes, in a way one would say she surrendered.
“This is what you deserve”
Daemon growled as the kisses went down from her lips to the nape of her neck, Harwin was a sweet lover, his touch was soft, and (y/n) was taken care of, however (y/n) could see that it lacked in passion, he did not yearn for her, it was just another way to show her that he loved her.
“We could get caught”
“Not if you are quiet”
That would have been a piece of wonderful advice had he not made it so difficult by thrusting intensely, she whimpered from pleasure while her nails dug deep into his skin and drew blood, she even bit her lip to the point of bleeding to prevent herself from letting the whole keep know how much she was enjoying this, she had never felt what it was like to be craved, wanted, needed even, Harwin loved her still his body did not weaken at the sight of her nakedness nor did his hues darkened during their sacred bedding.
Daemon's eyes were as dark as the deep waters of the ocean, his grip on her waist was ironlike, and his body collided with hers while she hoisted up her leg to his waist for more access and comfortability, the match was resembling the concept of throwing fire to gasoline.
“Please Daemon”
“You sound so pretty when you beg”
Both of them were out of breath but kept pushing, their bodies acted like they knew each other for years, that this was a normal day for them, they instinctively were conscious of how the other liked to be touched, kissed, gazed upon, it was addicting, it was (y/n)s first time of feeling like the queen of the world and Daemons first time that he wanted to over-perform, to fill every need and tend to her every desire.
He shushed her when a yield escaped her lips as she reached her end, he kissed her once more as she moaned in his mouth, his pace slowed and both of their bodies relaxed when they rode the pleasure at the very last wave of it.
“Do you now understand what I meant when I said that you were getting the bare minimum?”
Daemon whispered in her ear before he left a kiss on her cheek, her face glowing and wet from droplets.
“You are burning up”
(Y/n) was sweating profusely, although Daemon wanted to take a good look at her, to remember the moment that a faint smile decorated her lips as she grew tired but her body was relaxed as it was used to the very bit of its powers, Daemon softly blew some air at the side of her neck to cool her, though all it did was compel her body to grow goosebumps and shake.
“Stop, it tickles, you are no better either, you are a sweaty mess”
“The sweat of a champion, anyone that would even glance at you would see how content you are”
“And you are not? You are still inside of me”
“I must admit, it is like a nice warm hug”
(Y/n) pushed him off at the cheeky comparison making him giggle, she fixed her dress to hide most of the damage while Daemon pulled his trousers up and buttoned up the shirt with the few buttons that were left since (y/n) had ripped it open.
“We must go”
“I will collect Arryan on the morrow after I break my fast”
“And who told you you could do that?”
“No one, I assumed I get privileges when you were holding on to me for dear life whilst I-“
“Alright alright, I will see you on the morrow”
Requests are open!
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alexiabae · 1 year
SIDELINES; alexia putellas x fem!reader
Summary: spain won the world cup. but she didn't care about it, she cares about the happiness that it brings to someone else.
Warnings: fluff. insecurities, brief mention of what happened last year with the Spanish federation. I wrote it a few weeks ago and I'm not sure if I want to update it. So before I regret and delete it, I give it an opportunity. Hope you like it, x.
Note: English is not my first language.
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It's over.
The referee whistles the final, indicating that Spain proclaimed the winner of the World Cup.
Y/N stopped running, her breathing accelerated by the intense 90+ minutes played. She put her hands on her waist, looking briefly at the stands where people started to celebrate their victory.
"¡HEMOS GANADO!" Jenni shouted happily while she wrapped her arms around Y/N's waist and lifted her, making the girl squeal a little.
"Put me down!" Y/N demand immediately, moving her legs on air.
Jenni laughed, putting her down again and kissing her head a few times. "We won kiddo." The brunette whispered, before she let her and went to another part.
Y/N rolled her eyes by her antics and soon her gaze found her England teammate devastated and walk towards the player, wrapping her arms around her waist from behind and leaning her head on her back.
"I'm really sorry..." Y/N muttered, hugging the woman more.
Lucy let out a watery laugh, looking briefly at the girl behind her. "I know... But it's football, you all deserve it." She said between tears, bringing her right hand to Y/N's head, caressing affectionately. "Why don't you go and celebrate with your team?" She asked, knowing internally why because the girl confessed to her a few months ago.
Y/N let out a tired sight. She looks to where most of her teammates are, and her eyes watered, shaking her head. "I regret it, Lucia." She admitted in a low voice, using Lucy's full name.
In another moment, Lucy would scold her for using her full name, but she knew that right now wasn't the moment. Then, she turned around and wrapped her arms around her neck, hiding both of them on the hug.
Lucy wants to say something comforting, but she can't. She said it in the past though. So the British separated a little from the hug and grabbed Y/N's face between her hands, she kissed her forehead.
"Go." Her teammate whispered, signaling with her head the side where Y/N's teammates are. When saw that she didn't move, Lucy pushed her softly. "Go, we will see soon. Celebrate and enjoy your holidays, I will text you and call you." She promised before walking to some of her teammates, knowing that Y/N doesn't walk to go over there.
Y/N looks again to where they are and she sees the beautiful sight that brings her in the first place. She started walking slowly towards there, consoling briefly some of the other team, she took a mental note to go to talk to Keira.
Irene was the first to notice her and run to hug her, lifting her from the floor. Why does everyone do that? Thought Y/N.
"Where were you? ¡SOMOS CAMPEONAS DEL MUNDO, Y/N!" Irene, like every teammate, shouts happily. She started spinning, making Y/N once again squeal.
"I was with Lucy. Please, put me down!" Y/N explained, begging her to hear her and put her down.
At the mention of their common friend, Irene put her down. For Y/N's relieved. She raised her gaze towards Lucy would be. Y/N saw how Irene has red eyes for crying. Happy tears.
"Shit, I'm going to search for her." Irene let her know, kissing the side of her head while putting a hand on her head, before she let go.
Y/N briefly sees Irene walk to the other side of the pitch, doing what Y/N did on the walk toward there, until her gaze moves again to the group next to her and sees the guilty, smiling, her cheeks stained from the tears. The Barça player bit her bottom lip, biting the involuntary smile that wanted to escape.
Then, the other noticed her. The woman made a gesture with her head, asking why she is standing on the spot while they are jumping and chanting. Or that was supposed Y/N she asked with a simple move of head.
"Come here, idiota." Alexia called, stretching her right arm towards her, moving her fingers in the air, still smiling.
Y/N couldn't resist anymore to be near her and accepting the hand that the other offered, intertwining it a few seconds. It saddened Y/N when the Catalan left her hand, but Alexia made her change the opinion when wrapped her right arm around her waist, a firm grip on her hip.
She was over the moon. She doesn't care what was the reason if Alexia could do that frequently. Y/N would do it if it was the award. She knew that it was another moment to remember the many times Alexia hugged her while Y/N lay on her bed while the sleepiness came to her. She would write it in a diary, but her mind was the replacement, she can vividly feel it.
Alexia turned her head towards Y/N, their head very close. "I'm proud of you." She said loudly, trying to be heard from the loud noise that their teammates are doing.
"I'm proud of you too." Y/N doesn't bother to raise her voice, if the brunette doesn't hear her, she reads her lips.
Alexia's dimples show up, showing more of her teeth for the reciprocal compliment. Y/N feels how the grip tightens briefly on her hip.
"That dribble was scandalous." Alexia inevitably said, leaning briefly on Y/N's ear to be heard.
Y/N shakes her head, smiling. "Can you please stop for a moment thinking football and enjoy?" She asked rhetorically, chuckling. She reposed her left arm on Alexia's shoulder, giving a soft pat.
"Sorry, you know how I am." The brunette apologized, shrugging.
It takes Y/N for surprise what Alexia made after. She knew that the Catalan is someone affectionate with people she cares about, but she always has the power to surprise her.
Alexia leaned again and kissed her cheek. It would be a few seconds, like one or two. But it remained for more seconds that it was obligatory for only two friends. Even she made a little pressure before she separated, starting to chant again.
But Y/N just looks at her distracted, not caring if someone sees her. She is enjoying Alexia, that's all that matters to her in that moment.
After taking as many photos as possible with the trophy. They walked to the changing room, where the real party started.
Y/N doesn't mind it and goes to the showers. She felt strange, she remembered the last time she won a trophy, just two months ago and it didn't feel the same manner. Y/N celebrates it until the next day, not bothering to do the necessary personal things immediately, she just lives the moment. But right now... It's different and she knew it.
She knows that she didn't would accept it in the first place. But then, a person interfered with it. Explaining the reasons to why they all, need her on the team. And Y/N accepted. She was very conflicted, nights where she spent it crying with a lump on her throat.
"Stop thinking, I can hear you from here." Ona muttered on the other shower.
Y/N turned to look at her and saw how a reassuring smile played on her lips. "Why are you here and not celebrating?" She was confused, noticing Ona's wet hair.
The young Catalan leaned her arms on the wall and put her chin there. "I can ask you the same." She hummed, chuckling when Y/N threw her some drops of water with her fingers.
Ona watched her carefully while the other continued to shower. She knew that something happened to her, because from the start, Y/N was acting distant, light conversation and always on her mind.
"Something to say? Since you are looking too much." Y/N teased her, letting out a playful smirk.
"Why are you acting holding yourself?" Ona directly asked. She saw how Y/N froze on the spot, not waiting for that question.
Y/N's eyes watered, not caring anymore hold her tears in front of some teammates. Her demeanour changed, something that Ona noted immediately.
"Hey... Sorry. I shouldn't ask you..." Ona interrupted herself, grabbing her towel and after wrapping it on her body, she got out and went towards Y/N, grabbing the tower for the girl.
She wrapped it around Y/N's body and turned off the shower. "Let's go." Ona muttered, bringing the girl outside and sitting her on a bench. Soft sobs starting to escape from Y/N's mouth. The Catalan frowned, feeling a little guilty for probably being a hard topic for her. Even if she didn't really know what the problem was. She decided to put on the clean clothes that she brought before.
"Look at me." Ona whispered once she had her clothes on. She bent down and removed Y/N's hands from her own face, wiping with her thumbs the many tears rolling for her red cheeks. "I'm here, Y/N. If you don't want to talk about it right now, I understand. But please, you are holding it for many time that it is consuming you." The brunette whispered, passing an arm around her neck and leaning towards herself to hug her, while with her free hand caressing her back.
Y/N thought that Ona was right and for once, she decided to share her fears. After she relaxed a little and the hiccups remained from sobbing.
"I shouldn't come back to the national team." Y/N muttered, her head still on the crook of her neck, feeling a little brave since she can't see Ona's face.
Ona frowned and still caressing her back, she asked. "Why?"
"Because from the start, I wasn't coming... But-." Y/N stopped abruptly, fearing if she said too much, her secret would be out. But she trusted Ona.
"But?" Ona pressed softly, putting her chin on her head.
"Alexia talked to me." She finally let her breath out, the one she was holding.
"She talked to me too. I don't understand." Ona said confused.
Y/N let out a sigh. "I accepted even knowing that everything would be the same as before." She explained.
Ona's frown disappears slowly conforming she thought about it. "If I don't understand bad this time... The reason you are here is Alexia." She said it carefully, noticing how Y/N confirmed it with her head. A low sight escaped from Ona's mouth. "Since when?"
Y/N swallow. "I lost count." She whispered.
The Catalan felt shocked by this answer. She was waiting for a clear number. Not for her friend confessing to her that practically she is in love with Alexia from all the time they met.
The young defender separated herself a little and with both hands, she grabbed her face, looking directly to her eyes. "You will do everything for her, didn't you?" Ona guessed quickly, understanding now.
Y/N bit her bottom lip, nodding. "And for the first time I regret it. I failed my friends, Ona. It hurts." She started to cry again.
The other girl feels her pain. It's like if Y/N could pass her from her body and show her how she is feeling. And it is sad and scary.
"They understand, Y/N. They will not hate you." Ona tried to reason with her.
"Even though I don't deserve being here... There are a lot of better players than me. It's stupid." Y/N rants out, letting her walls down and showing how truly she feels.
"Don't say that!" Ona scolded her, looking at Y/N seriously. "You deserve it. You are one of the best players we have. Damn, you came from winning a Champions League. And you played every minute of this tournament, something I don't agree with because you aren't a robot." She made her point, a little mad with Y/N for saying that, better say, for believing that she isn't a good player. She knew that it was her insecurities talking for her, but she can't contain her madness. "You deserve it. Just like them." She says it this time in a sweet and caring voice, kissing her cheek repeatedly.
"Y/N! You are losi-," Alexia came to the shower room. The gold medal is still around her neck, a happy face adorned by a big smile that turned soon in a half open mouth and in her eyebrows installed a confused frown. She cleared her throat after recomposing a little. "Sorry to interrupt guys..." She awkwardly said, forcing a smile. Then, the woman tried to go but Ona called her.
When someone else entered the room, Ona separated from Y/N and put herself quickly in front of her to cover her. Clearly she knew that Alexia caught them in a compromised position, but a wrong one.
"Ale! Wait." She looked briefly at Y/N, who was wiping her cheeks fast and with her eyes begged at her friend to let it go. Ona sighed, a little conflicted but wanting the best for her friend. Maybe she didn't have to know everything, just the part she is struggling with right now. So, the Catalan raised her head to look at a serious and confused Alexia and spoke. "Y/N is bad. She needs you." She whispered, looking guilty at the floor.
After hearing these words came out from Ona's mouth, Alexia instantly worried. She decided to continue the way that she decided before to leave and closed the door, walking decisively towards the pair, stopping in front of Ona.
"I don't want to overstep because I know you. But I'm staying here until you're ready." Ale murmured, worry installed on her voice. She looks at Ona, their eyes meeting. With a simple gesture of her head asked her, but the answer was shrugging.
Y/N sniffled and stood up. She knew that Alexia would stay here until she knew everything. So she decided to put on the clothes, go to an empty shower and put it on quickly, matching Ona's wet hair down and after wiping some dry tears from her cheeks, she went outside, meeting the begging ones from the freckled girl. Y/N can't look at Alexia, it's like the brunette intimidated her right now. She can feel her eyes on her, watching every move she makes.
"I hate this..." Y/N muttered, letting aside her towel and sitting on a bench, putting both hands on her knees, a tired sigh escaping from her mouth. "I shouldn't pay you attention and stay with my decision. I spent two months with anxiety, sleepless nights, crying without anyone knowing and fighting the urge to call the girls to ask for their forgiveness." She explained in a low voice. I hate the act of whatever you say, I would do it..." She trailed off, more tears rolling for her cheeks, this time not caring.
Alexia was speechless, noticing how much in pain her friend is and she didn't notice. It hurt her. Her watery eyes wandered towards Y/N, seeing her small form on the bench. She was hugging her knees, hiding her head there. It broke Alexia's inside. Maybe her heart, or her soul. Or something else that she doesn't describe.
"I'm going outside." Ona whispered at her, biting her bottom lip and passing her arm for her eyes, grabbing her things and kissing Y/N's head before she went out.
The midfielder walked slowly towards the bench and sat down next to her, wrapping her left arm around her shoulders and pushing her softly toward herself, leaning her head on hers. Inevitably it was the first thing she did, because Y/N in pain or sad Alexia needed to fix it. It's a sentiment that she always did from their early friendship that remains until today. Alexia could fight the world only for Y/N giving her a tiny smile.
"You could say no. I would never be angry with you." Alexia whispered, looking at the white cold floor. "If I insist much it is because I wanted to play my last world cup with someone important to me." She confessed in a small voice.
Y/N sniffled, raising her head to look at her, making Alexia separated to meet her red eyes. "It's not your last world cup." She muttered in a hoarse voice.
The childish voice made Alexia paint a lipped smile. "Maybe." She opted to say. She leaned her head aside and brought her fingers to Y/N's face to put away a strand of hair. "Lo siento." She let down the first tears roll for her cheeks. It's weird that Alexia cried in public, it needed to be something really big to make her cry.
"Don't cry, please." Y/N begged, a pout on her face.
Muffled music was heard in the background, alongside many of them singing.
Alexia sniffled and shook her head smiling, looking at her. "I'm sorry for be blinded all this time..." She murmured, grabbing with both hands Y/N's ones, not intertwining, just holding it while she caress her palms. "But I'm here for you. I will always be for you." She whispers, passing her tongue for her bottom lip.
"Ale...?" Y/N calls her. Maybe this wasn't the right moment, but she has something to say right now. Even if the other rejects her. When Alexia looks at her expectantly, squeezing her hands to let her know that Y/N has all her attention, she takes a breath and speaks. "I feel things that I shouldn't have felt for you. When I look at you, whether you are paying me attention or not, I'm calm and nervous at the same time. I did things for you even if I don't wanted to do it, I'm not talking about this case, but from other occasions. I found myself remembering every little detail you have with me every night. I have been selfish to me and I shut up because you seem happy. I can't describe all I feel for you. But I'm in love with you, Alexia." Y/N finished to say.
For Alexia, there isn't a best description of it. Maybe it was a little messy, but it's real. She was taken by surprise, she can't deny that. Right now in her eyes, if Y/N pays the right attention, she could see the pure love on them.
"Sorry to be a distraction to this amazing moment. Maybe I needed to say it on another occasion..." Y/N whispered, standing up.
Alexia frowned, grabbing her wrist, standing up too. "Kiss me." She just simply said, firm.
Y/N opened her mouth, taken aback for what she said. The Catalan gave the few steps that separated from her, letting out her wrist to wrap both hands on her hips. "Don't make me repeat it."
It's when Y/N put both hands on her cheeks, looking at her mouth wishful but afraid if it is a joke or a product of her imagination. She leaned slowly, closing her eyes. Alexia leaned down, she was a little taller than Y/N, and met her lips.
A soft whimper escapes from Y/N's mouth, not believing that she is kissing Alexia. Her hands made pressure on Alexia's cheeks, bringing more towards her while she put herself on tiptoe. It's a chaste kiss, meeting the mould of their lips.
When they separated, Alexia opened her eyes and saw how Y/N was still with hers closed. A loving smile painted on her face, inevitably brushing her nose with hers and not letting time to the other to react, she captures her lips with hers, biting softly her lower lip.
Soon, their tongues met, deepening the kiss. Alexia tightened her grip on her waist, pressing her more into hers.
The foreheads are pressed against each other after they need to breathe again, silly smiles on their faces.
"Why do we stay here and keep kissing? I don't mind celebrating." Alexia whispered in Y/N's mouth.
Y/N intertwined her hands on her back of the neck. "I love that idea. But unfortunately, if they notice that we are missed, soon they will all start research for us."
"Right." The Catalan sarcastically said, rolling her eyes, already annoyed with her teammates. Y/N chuckled, adoring her reaction. She couldn't resist it and kissed her, making Alexia humming gladly.
They kissed a little more until they decided to come back with the team. Y/N watched with a loving smile how Alexia walked to the door, not believing anything what happened for a few minutes. Then, the midfielder turned around to look at her. "Are you coming?" A raised eyebrow accompanied the question with a knowing smirk.
Y/N grabbed her things and walked towards the door too, stopping to her side. "Thank you." She said sincerely and put herself on tiptoe, kissing her cheek for a few seconds.
"For?" Alexia whispered, seeing her separating from her. Y/N shrugged and gave her a lipped smile, walking out.
This time it was Alexia who watched how Y/N let her things on her bench and walked towards Ona and Tere.
"ALEXIA! Come here!" A happy Misa calls her with a beer on her right hand and another on her left, stretching it towards the brunette.
Alexia walked towards her, an involuntary smile on her face.
She won twice that day. And maybe she won every day that Y/N permitted her to pass by her side.
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mbappebby · 6 months
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Sometimes you just need your brother || Pt.3
Summary: Jos demands Makayla to come back home with him otherwise they will be consequences and Max can’t do anything about it..
Makayla Verstappen (OC) x f1 grid
Taglist: @eugene-emt-roe (let me know if you want to be added)
Makayla was stood behind Kelly as Max opened the door to see the face of the older Verstappen. “Max, how are you son?” Jos said.
“Cut the talk dad, how dare you just kick Mack out like that!” Max replied. “Well it’s not kicking her out when I want her back home. Come here Makayla!” Jos added.
“Like hell you are doing that!! She’s happy here and she doesn’t need you anymore” Max told him. “She’s only 16, a minor and I’m her biological father so she has to come with me” Jos spat.
Max kept quiet knowing that he was right. “I’m not going with you!” Makayla shouted. “Makayla, honey! Yes you are, you can’t stay with Max I’m your father” Jos told her. “You can’t make me!” Makayla added.
“Well, why don’t you try to explain that to these two police officers,” Jos said with smug grin as Makayla face dropped. “You have run away from home Makayla, your father has been worried about you” One of the policemen said.
“Oh, so that’s what you told them was it?” Makayla said to her father. “It will be consequences if you don’t go with him Makayla, as you’re a minor he’s your legal guardian” The other policeman said.
“Fine, I’ll go get my stuff..” Makayla mumbled as went to her room, Max and Kelly soon entered after her. “Max, please you have to do something!” Makayla cried as Max pulled her into a hug.
“I’m sorry Mack, I promise you I’ll try and get something sorted quickly..” Max mumbled as they pulled away. “I just don’t know if I can stay with him..” Madelyn mumbled.
“What does he do to you, Mack?” Kelly asked softly as Makayla looked away. “Mack, please” Max mumbled. “Hurts me..” Makayla whispered as Max’s eyes started to water.
“We will try everything we can to get you out of there as soon as possible, just stay strong okay?” Kelly told her as she nodded and got her stuff.
They made their way back to the door where Jos was still standing with the two police officers. Max pulled Makayla into a hug one final time.
“I’ll get you back, I promise” Max mumbled in her hair before kissing her forehead. “Okay..” Makayla whispered as she made her way over to her father.
Max watched as Makayla flinched when their father put his arm on her shoulder, he watched as Jos had a smirk on his face before leaving with his sister.
“Fuck sake!” Max shouted as he buried his face into his hands.
He just hopes that Makayla will hold on..
“He hits her?!” Daniel exclaimed as some of drivers had met up with Max in a little cafe in Monaco. “I don’t know how I didn’t realise..” Max mumbled. “Mate, it’s not your fault” Lando said.
“But she’s in the house with him, who knows what Mack is like right now!” Max added. “She’s a strong girl, whats your plan to get her back?” Charles said.
“Going to become her legal guardian,” Max told him with a smile which made the 3 drivers smile too. “I’m glad you’re doing that, Mack doesn’t deserve what she going through right now” Daniel said.
“Yeah, I can’t let her live with him for another 2 years” Max added. “Have you got the papers and everything?” Lando asked. “Getting through it all, hopefully I can get everything done in the next week or so” Max replied.
“Does she know yet?” Charles asked. “I haven’t been able to get through to her..” Max mumbled but at that moment his phone rang and he saw her name come up on the screen.
“Put it on speaker,” Lando said as Max nodded before he answered the call. “Mack!? I haven’t been able to get ahold of you in ages!” Max said. “I’m sorry..” Makayla mumbled.
“Are you safe?” Max asked as Makayla started crying before she started to speak through her tears. “Max…I can’t do this anymore..I’m sorry!!” Makayla cried.
“Please don’t say that Mack, where are you? I’m going to come get you now” Max said as he wiped tears that had fallen down his face. “Basement…” Makayla mumbled.
“Fucking hell, hold on for a couple more hours for me okay? I’ll be there, I promise” Max told her. “Okay…I love you” Makayla said. “Love you too sis” Max replied before ending the call.
“Plane is ready for us, let’s head to the airport” Charles said as he got off the phone.
Hold on for us Mack…
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amphibiahawks321 · 6 months
M!Reader : ZZZZZZzzzzz......
[Signora shakes Y/N's body on the couch]
Signora : Dear~ I'm home~
M!Reader : ZZZZzzzzH-huh? S-signora! You're back!
[Y/N immediately walked to the kitchen and grabbed leftovers from the fridge]
M!Reader : I saved some leftovers for you! I kinda went ahead 💧^v^
[Signora let out a Chuckle]
[Signora's amused smirk immediately turns into a frown]
M!Reader : Dear? Are you okay? ......did Childe touch your coat again?
[Y/N walked up to the kitchen counter to opened the leftover box]
M!Reader : Cause I'm pretty sure-
[Signora walked up behind Y/N hugs him from behind and placed her head on the crook of his neck]
Signora : I'm sorry...
M!Reader : Hm? For coming home late? PFFT! It's alright! You're back now! That's all that matters!
[Signora's heart fluttered by Y/N's words and starts kissing Y/N's neck]
M!Reader blushing : MMM!?
[She then starts nibbling the edge of Y/N's ear]
M!Reader blushing : W-wait you gotta eat first....
Signora : What do you think I'm doing right now~?
M!Reader blushing : V-very funny-!!!?!?
[Signora starts sucking and nibbling Y/N's neck leaving a huge Hickey releasing a soft moan from Y/N]
Signora : Aren't you just squirmy today~
Signora : Hm~ I think i now know how to make it up to you~
[She whispers softly into Y/N's ear]
[Signora spun Y/N's around and pushed him onto the counter making him sit on the counter]
M!Reader : Signora...
[Signora leans into Y/N's ear and whispers]
Signora : Be as loud as you want love~
[Signora starts kissing Y/N passionately while also pulling down Y/N's pants and underwear exposing his hardened length]
Signora : Chuckles so hard already?~ and just from a kiss~?
M!Reader blushing : pant I...I need you pant
[Signora starts smirking amusingly again]
[Signora starts slowly rubbing his length making Y/N squirms but Y/N closed his mouth with his hand and signora is NOT happy about that]
Signora : Now dear....
[Grabs his hand and removes his hand from his mouth]
Signora : What did I say about You can be as loud as you want hm~? You don't wanna disobey me right~?
M!Reader : N-no!....
Signora : That's what I thought~
[Signora starts jerking Y/N's length faster making Y/N let out a moan]
Signora : There you go~
M!Reader : P-please!~... D-don't stop!
[Signora is shocked by the sudden demand]
Signora : Not planning to my love~
[Signora starts jerking Y/N's length faster and faster]
M!Reader : O-oh fuck!.... S-so g-good~!
[Signora starts kissing Y/N passionately while still jerking him off]
Signora : Hmm~
M!Reader : HMM~!
Signora : Such intoxicating taste~
M!Reader blushing : ......💧0////_////0
Signora : Hold onto me dear~
[Y/N starts wrapping both of arms around Signora's neck]
[Both of them start kissing passionately together while signora picks up the pace and jerk off Y/N faster]
[Y/N pull out of the kiss]
M!Reader : I-im close!~..... P-please let me cum!
Signora : Chuckles such a good boy asking for permission~
Signora : But~
[Signora stops jerking Y/N's off]
M!Reader : W-what.... Why d-did you stop-Nngh~!?
[Signora's other hand starts rubbing Y/N's nipples]
Signora : Fuck hearing your moans is addictive to hear~
Signora : But you definitely deserve this~
[Signora starts holding Y/N's length again]
Signora : thrust in dear~
M!Reader : T-thank you!
[Y/N starts thrusting his hips into Signora's warm grip]
M!Reader : A-Aah~!....... S-so good! So warm!.... Aah~!
Signora : Cum for me sweetheart~
[Y/N thrust his hips for the last and Signora places her hand on top of Y/N's tip making him cum all over her palm]
M!Reader : Pant S-shit... T-that was so good... Pant
[Signora licks her palm all clean while staring at Y/N in the eye making Y/N absolutely flustered]
Signora : I'll make you sure we do this more often~
[M!Reader immediately blushes bright red]
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attemptinghaikyuu · 3 months
You lack nothing
*G/n reader x aroace spec Kuroo
A/n: happy pride month! This one’s for everyone but especially for the aroace spec peeps <3 There’s nothing wrong with feeling different and experiencing a little less of something~
He’s standing still, tears streaking down his scowling face, and all you can think is you need to hug your boyfriend. You’re also imagining making whoever made him feel this way cry in return.
“Tetsuro, what’s wrong?” You demand.
This is the third time you’ve asked, and you wish he would tell you so you could help comfort him. Or if it was one of those rare occasions he needed space, you’d give it to him.
He just shakes his head in response though, scowl deepening slightly.
The first time you’d asked him the question, you’d garnered a response about some rude coworkers he had to deal with today, with him dropping his bag onto the ground and sighing. He’d then started rubbing his face, and that’s when your concern meter went up.
Kuroo had always tried to cover up his tears, and rubbing his face was his way of keeping them at bay before the dam ultimately broke.
The second time you asked what’s wrong, keeping your tone gentle as you walked over to him, he’d mumbled “Nothing, cause it’s not like it matters,” But tears had begun leaking from his eyes, so clearly, he was lying.
This third time you were determined. Patiently waiting for his response, you grab his hands and guide him before firmly sitting him down on your shared couch. You let him cry, watching as exhaustion creeps it’s way onto his face and then his voice.
“I love you,” Kuroo turns to you. “I do, I absolutely do, I- I just don’t understand how-
He plops his head into his hands, while you move one hand to his back, waiting again. You think you understand what this might be about.
“I love my family and Kenma and the rest of my friends, so I don’t get why it’s like, like” he struggles for words while you consider interrupting to tell him he’s perfect and his coworkers should mind their own damn business. But you know you need to let him say it all first, so you let a minute go by before his voice starts up again. “I love you, and I feel like I’m always going to, I just… I don’t understand how I started feeling that way since I only ever felt this much, in this way, one other time.”
He shakily continues “And I don’t understand how saying I’ve never dated anyone before you, should mean anything to my coworkers,” the tears have stopped now. His eyes red and puffy as he finishes his thought.
“I’m emptier then everyone else, but it doesn’t mean I don’t love people,”
You finally snap out of your quiet. “Tetsuro that’s not true,” you stand up, feeling anger on your boyfriends behalf bubble up.
“You are not emptier then anyone! It doesn’t matter if you don’t usually like people romantically, or if you don’t want sex the same way as other people! You love with your whole heart, and even if you didn’t it wouldn’t mean there was any less of a great person in front of me,” you huff. “So please, don’t talk about yourself like that. And you should let me kill your coworkers.”
You get a chuckle at that, and looking into your boyfriends face to see a fond smile gracing his tired features, you know he deserves better- better then the shocked looks when he says he never dated in high school, or the uncomfortable talks he has to endure about love with people who don’t know him, or any of the thousands of things people expect him to feel because he’s a handsome guy who should want other people.
You hope he believes you when you tell him he deserves better a moment later, between the kisses you plant on his forehead.
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nxrdamp · 2 years
For a S/V prompt, how about some fluff with Arven & gender-neutral MC taking a well-deserved rest after the events of Area Zero.
I used to have a puffy vest like his, and they are SOFT. I imagine resting one's head on his chest must feel like heaven.
Arven x Gn! Reader -Comfort at Last
After the devastating realization that the only parent he “had”, hadn’t been there the whole time, Arven felt more alone than ever.
Even when Nemona insisted they all walk back together, he stayed silent.
“How the hell can she be so happy?! That was my parent, back there as a AI!!! The AI even left me….”
I don’t even think my (mother/father) got a proper burial….” Arven thought to himself, struggling farther and farther behind the group
After a few moments, the group left him entirely, as he snuck away. While everyone else was headed back to (Naranja/Uva) Academy, he ran back to his (mother’s/father’s) old research center by the lighthouse
He locked the door as soon as he ran in, and collapsed, letting the tears flow from his eyes.
Mabosstiff came out of his pokéball on his own, snuggling up to Arven to comfort him.
“Why Mabosstiff? Why did you have to raise me? I love you, but I just want them back. I want my (mom/dad)….”
Mabosstiff let out a sad bark, nuzzling his face into Arven’s neck.
Days when by, and still not sign of Arven. Nemona couldnt really bother herself to look and Penny didn’t really know him that well.
(Y/n), however, was searching all over Paldea for him. Even going back to Area Zero to see if he was hiding in the 4th research station to mourn his loss
Eventually, they were walking back to their mother’s house, to seek advice.
Arven was loosing his mind, first he lost his parent, and then Mabosstiff ran away. Was it because he was too pathetic to face reality? Or something else. He didn’t know.
(Y/n) was strolling down Poco path, before being pinned to the ground.
“H-Hey! What the hell?!”
They crawled out of the captor’s grasp, to get a good look at them.
It was Mabosstiff, he had left Arven to find help.
“Hey Mabosstiff” (Y/n) said, worried,”Where’s Arven? Is he okay?!”
Mabosstiff shook his head no
“Can you show me to him?”
Mabosstiff gave a bark in reply, agreeing to their request.
“Alright” (Y/n) replied,”We’re going to him right now. I’m……I’m really scared Mabosstiff. I want my friend back. I want him.”
Mabosstiff took that as all the confirmation he needed, and took off, dragging (Y/n) behind him across Pogo Path, leading to the place where they first met, the place where Arven’s (mother/father) used to conduct research.
The two of them walked up to the door, before letting out a shaky sigh.
“Here goes nothing…” They whispered to themselves
(Y/n) then gave a firm knock on the door, only to hear a response of shuffling around the room, and disgruntled noises.
“Ugh. Go away.” Arven said, not even bothering to open the door to see who his visitor is.
Mabosstiff barked, demanding the door to be opened at once.
He ripped the door open, ready to pounce on whoever had his partner.
“YOU-“ Arven said, stopping in his tracks before locking eye contact with (Y/n).
Mabosstiff jumped on Arven, giving him a puppy-hug, as (Y/n) stepped into the dusty, once not so long ago abandoned, research facility.
They coughed from the dust being stirred up, only to find an inflatable mattress on the floor, that looked as if it had seen better days. It was adorned with tear stains and shedded fur.
“Why are you here? Student council girl send you for ‘attendance’ or something?” Arven said, shutting the door to let no one else in.
“No. She actually doesn’t know I’m here. Penny either. I……I care for you Arven. I do. I know Area Zero must have fucked with you in the head. I know that, but….please…I wanna be there for you. I’ll never be or replace your (mom/dad), but you do have people that care for you in your life! Well, I don’t know anyone else’s true feelings, but I know mine. You….mean so much to me. I can’t stand you being so….alone”
They walked over to him, cupping his cheek as tears flowed from his eyes at their sweet, encouraging words. “Arven…” (Y/n) said,”I love you. Always will. Plus, you can’t get rid of me. Mabosstiff will just team up with me again.”
Arven let out a chuckle, before hugging them so hard they both fell onto the aged mattress.
“A-Arven!!” (Y/n) laughed, crawling out from underneath him. They then rested their head upon his fluffy, yellow vest.
“I love you too (Y/n)….please know I wasn’t abandoning you-“
“Don’t apologize.” They said, holding him tighter to hear his increased heartbeat,”You lost a parent for Arceus’s sake! I was worried about you, not mad Arvy.”
He sniffled,”Thank you” He said quietly,”Thank you for always being there for me….no one else is-“
Mabosstiff let out a rebuttal, but in the form of an angry bark.
“-besides you and Mabosstiff” Arven finished, laughing his tears away as Mabosstiff tried to smush the both of them on the mattress.
“Just rest” (Y/n) told him,”We’ll worry about Clavell and Nemona chewing our asses out for attendance later”
He gave them a kiss on the forehead, and the three of them got some well deserved rest
Word Count: 898
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sailtomarina · 1 year
Birthday breakfast
“Shhhhh, let her sleep.”
“But it’s time to get up!”
Hermione smiled, eyes still shut and clinging to the vestiges of sleep. She felt wrung out and deliciously sore from when Draco had woken her up at midnight to give her the first birthday gift of the day. She wasn’t sure what time it was now, but considering her heavy eyelids, it was probably still far before noon.
“Scorpius, get back here!”
She kept her breathing slow and steady despite the door knocking into the wall and the weight that landed at the base of the bed.
“If she doesn’t wake up, then how can she eat breakfast?”
It took all her willpower to not chuckle at the pout in the little boy’s voice. At eight-years-old, Scorpius reminded her so much of his father, full of demands and seemingly without a concern in the world. Hermione knew better, of course. Her adopted son had experienced grief too early with the loss of his mother. His resilience was a testament to the love lavished on him by Astoria and Draco long before Hermione had come along.
She heard the soft patter of footsteps. A second weight dropped the mattress even further. Hermione knew Draco wasn’t fooled by her little act.
“I suspect she’ll wake up soon, my star. The food will keep until then.” Humor laced his words. Hermione could just imagine Scorpius’ lip jutting out in response.
“But,” Draco emphasized, “We could try a spell to help her wake.”
Well, this would be interesting.
“A spell? Please, Dad, show me!” Scorpius bounced in place, sending shockwaves through the bed. Perhaps they should consider casting some permanent stabilization charms.
“Okay, repeat after me: tempus passus!”
Hermione nearly snorted at the fake incantation. Tempus passus, really? That was the best he could come up with?
“Tempus passus!”
“Now wave your wrists like so.”
The bed shook once more with the force of Scorpius’ movements, one of his hands smacking her on the thigh.
“Wait for it…”
Hermione fluttered her lashes, then twitched. With a groan, she rolled over and stretched her arms out.
“It’s working!”
“Scorpius?” She didn’t have to fake the scratchiness in her throat. She could desperately use some coffee.
“Happy birthday, Mum!”
That opened her eyes faster than any bang of the door or jolt to her mattress. The sight of a grinning Scorpius filled her vision, any hints of reservation completely absent. 
“Mum”. He’d called her “Mum”.
“Oh, Scorpius, honey—” Her words cut off with the force of the young boy’s skinny arms wrapping around her. Behind him, Draco wore a gentle smile, which she matched with her own.
She hadn’t dared hope for this day. In her mind, Astoria would always be Scorpius’ mother. Hermione loved him, of course, but she knew better than to expect she’d ever take the woman’s place in their hearts. Even though Astoria had passed while Scorpius was barely old enough to remember her, she had already left her impression behind, that of a mother and wife who loved with all her being and regretted nothing but leaving her boys behind. The best Hermione could hope for would be to carve out a place of her own and bring them the joy they deserved.
“Happy birthday, love.” Draco joined them in their embrace, all-encompassing and reassuring in his warmth. She could have stayed like this all morning.
Scorpius had other ideas.
He wiggled and pushed, ending their hug with a cry of “Birthday breakfast!”
“There’d better be coffee,” Hermione teased. They were all too aware of her pre-caffeine grumpiness.
“Here, Mum!” A tray was shoved into her lap, set with steaming coffee, a carafe of pumpkin juice with three glasses, and a full English breakfast several times the size of her usual morning meal.
She raised an inquiring brow, which Draco met with a knowing smirk. “How about a breakfast picnic for three?”
Today, of all days, Hermione set aside her rule against food in bed. There was much to celebrate, least of which being her own birthday. 
WC 678
DHRMonth Prompt: Week 3 - Celebrations, September 19 - Birthday
Cross-posted to AO3
I’ve always considered Hermione’s birthday as set at the perfect time of year, just late enough to see the start of my favorite season with its turning colors and color evenings, but still warm enough to only need a light cover in the day’s sunshine. I’m excited to see all the artwork and fics centering on our birthday girl!
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gamerbearmira · 8 months
I quite literally have no idea
Yeah, originally I was gonna do the vampire au, then the werewolf kids au, but then it just. Morphed into this. Enjoy it, idk <333
Mirabel walked with Camilo in the village. The pair of five-year-olds were giggling wildly at a joke Camilo made, a rather dumb one. But who could blame them? They were only 5, and it was a funny joke.
As they walked, they passed by a cart. Mirabel's eyes lit up, and she skipped up to the cart, Camilo hot on her heels. "I want a cone!" Mirabel said, her voice practically a demand. The ice cream vendor wasted no time and scooped the ice cream from the large cold basin into a cone.
Mirabel got her way. She always did. When her ceremony failed, her abuela just couldn't bear to see her Mariposita so unhappy and got her a room. And she loved it, and she loved her Abuela for doing everything just to get it for it. Mirabel was adored by her family, and she was well aware of that fact. It wasn't said out loud by anyone in the village but...Mirabel was spoiled.
Very spoiled.
She always got her face. And she was fiercely defensive of her family. She loved them to pieces and reveled in the attention that was showered on her. She would do anything to keep them happy, just like how they had done for her on her second attempt at a birthday party.
Mirabel smiled as the ice cream vendor handed her a cone. As she went to enjoy it, she saw Camilo fiddling with the fringes on her poncho. She stopped for a moment, her eyebrows furrowing before she looked at the man again.
"Give him a cone too. Now. And make it fast," Miravel said, pointing to her primo. Camilo's eyes lit up at the idea of also having ice cream.
The man looked towards Camilo. His expression changed, and with no hesitation, he flat-out told him a prince. "50 pesos for two scoops."
Camilo hesitated before digging around in his pockets. He left his pocket money at home. Mirabel noticed his saddened expression and the ice cream vendor's indifference. The fact that the ice cream vendor was charging him anyway irritated her, but she would fix this.
"Just give him a cone! He always helps out in town! I saw him yesterday helping you move your cart up the hill," Mirabel said, and she wasn't wrong. Just the other day Camilo had shifted and helped him, among the many other villagers.
"Look I can just...give out free cones. Bad for business. You're lucky I gave you one," the vendor argued, and Mirabel's top was about to blow. And Camilo could tell.
"Mirabel, it's fine, let's just go to the bakery or something," Camilo tried to reason.
"No! You want ice cream, and you deserve it. It's not fair!" Mirabel tapped her foot again, and by this point, her cone was melted. She paid little attention as she turned back to the vendor. "You WILL give him a cone! You have to!"
"Why? It's my business!" The man argued back. He wasn't entirely sure why he was arguing with a 6-year-old, but he wasn't going to lose.
"It's our Encanto! You wouldn't be anything if it weren't for me and my family! Especially Camilo!" Miravel snapped. She threw her cone to the ground. With a strong kick to her cart, Camilo finally pulled her away, pushing through the crowd. "You hear me? Nothing! I'll make sure no one buys from you again"
Camilo pulled Mirabel aside into a small alley, still holding her hand. The girl was breathing heavily, and Camilo pulled her into a hug. His jokester façade fell away, revealing a more gentle side that he only reserved for family, and even then, only Mirabel.
The girl eventually calmed down and Camilo pulled away. "You didn't have to do that. We could've just gone to the bakery."
"But that's not fair!" Mirabel said, stomping her feet. "I never get what I ask for, the villagers are mean!" Mirabel cried into her hands.
Camilo frowned at her prima's reaction. He pulled her closer, his hand on her cheeks, copying what his mama, tia, and abuela always did whenever Mirabel started crying like that. "Please don't cry Mirabel, it's not that big a deal."
"You deserve an ice cream cone! The whole family does! I don't like this village," Mirabel huffed, tears still in her eyes. With a sigh, she rubbed her eyes. "We should move."
"Or! We can still go to the bakery! Señor Marcelo always gives us treats there," Camilo suggested and Mirabel nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah, let's go," Mirabel grabbed Camilo's hand, rushing him out of the alley and towards the bakery. Camilo shook his head at the sudden mood swing. But he was happy he could make her feel better.
Literally just one of Mirabel’s old concept designs with a few altercations. She’s very mf spoiled in this au. But the only people she’s a brat to is her family.
That’s all I got y’all, I just didn’t wanna leave y’all wit no content 💀💀
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maximoffswriter · 2 years
Looks Can Be Deceiving.
warnings: slight mentions of self harm.
pairing/s: larissa weems x student!reader
genre: fluff/mild angst(?)
summary: reader is burnt out, and has been struggling with their mental health, and the only way they cope is by hurting themself.
word count: 584
you do NOT have the permission to steal, copy, or repost this and claim my work as your own.
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
As a gifted student, y/n's parents expect a lot from them. Straight A's, perfect attendance, and perfect manners. They comply to all those. Well.. they try, but trying to be the best isn't enough. They thought they had to be the best, so did their parents.
Though burnt out, y/n still tries, harder and harder each day.
The principal soon noticed. The tiredness in their eyes that was always plastered with a smile. It wasn't easy to notice, as y/n was such a happy student... or so everyone thought. Their arms, which were usually covered with their sleeves, had scars. Some healed, some new. This is how y/n copes. They say the pain gives the comfort, and a break from the numbness they feel most of the time. "I deserve all the pain." they thought.
Every time someone asks how they're doing, they're response is always "I'm doing good" or "I'm doing amazing!", even when they're not. y/n is also the type of student who'd rather spend time at the library, studying, than eat lunch. This was their usual routine for lunch. Study, review, and read. "I don't deserve to eat anyways." were the words their mind repeats.
Back to present. y/n was speaking with Enid, when Principal Weems called them to their office, they bid goodbyes to Enid, and walked to the principal's door, and knocked. "Come in." Principal Weems' voice called from the inside. y/n opens the door, then enters. "You called me?" They asked, "Yes. I'd like to talk." Larissa's voice was stern yet soft. "Come sit here." She smiles. y/n walks up to the chair in front of the principal's desk, and sat, just as they were told. "What would you like to talk about, Ms. Weems?" They ask, playing with the rings on their fingers. "Well, we all know that you're one of the best students in Nevermore." She started, y/n's anxiety was through the roof, has she heard the false rumors about them sleeping with a teacher to get better grades? 
"I've noticed the look in your eyes, dear." They stare at her, puzzled. "Get some rest, okay? I'll take care of your teachers." She says, almost demanding. "I can't. My parents will be extremely disappointed. I appreciate your offer though." They smile. "Your parents? Are they forcing you to be the best?" She asks, worry laced in her voice. y/n did not know what to say, so they stayed quiet, tears welling up in their eyes, as they tremble. "Love, come here." the principal calls with open arms. y/n comes to Principal Weems, and hugs her, nearly breaking down. Unshed tears makes their eyes glimmer, as the light hits them. "You're safe with me, I'm here." Principal Weems say. With that, y/n crumbles. The tears that were threatening to fall, now do, rolling down their cheeks.
Heartbreaking sobs leave y/n's lips, as Larissa hugs them tighter. Her heart hurts more and more as the student shakes in her arms. "I-I'm sorry, you shouldn't see m-me like this.." y/n stutters, as they try to pull away from Larissa's arms, but Larissa held them tight, wanting to give them the comfort they need. "Shh, stay with me until you've calmed down, love." She shushes them down, and draws patterns on their back. "Principal Weems..." y/n mumbles against Larissa's shoulder. "Yes dear?" She says, voice soft. "P-please don't let go." Larissa smiles at this. "I won't, I'll hold you until you don't want me to anymore." She says, kissing the top of the students head.
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happy-hermit · 2 years
Part Two of White Hair Scar fic !!! This man is going through it <3
Part One
He’s lucky he doesn’t run into anyone on the way back to the Swaggon, because when he climbs into his bedroom and glances at the mirror, the first thing he sees is white. More than there was before. Way more. 
The entire front section of his hair is now a stark, unnatural white. Scar stands in front of the mirror and slowly takes his hat off. It won’t help, anymore. He’ll have to find a new way to hide. 
What is this? His mind works frantically behind a layer of numb acceptance. Why is this happening? Why is it happening again? 
It’s like his hair has given up on holding a color. It’s almost as if his body is forcing him to have some outward sign of his internal struggles, which isn’t fair; not when he’s trying so hard to keep it hidden. Tears prick at his eyes, but he stubbornly blinks them away, exhaling shakily and looking up at the ceiling. There’s a cobweb in the corner. He’s been away for too long. It feels like he hasn’t really come back at all. 
(Would that really be so bad? If he’d stayed gone? If he’d stayed there? No one has seen him since they’d gotten back. No one has come looking for him. No one cares if he’s here or not.)
The faint echo of the harsh words drifts through his mind, and he closes his eyes tightly, breaths coming faster. The phantom burn wounds spread across his body start to sting. It’s like he’s burning all over again, dying and dying and dying—
The mirror cracks as he turns it around so its reflective surface is facing the wall, and his hand is shaking where it now rests against the back of it. He’s lost the battle against the tears in his eyes, but at least now he doesn’t have to see it. And he’s alone. So no one else has to see it, either.
(No one would want to. No one should have to. He is not allowed to be sad, or angry, or lonely. He is only allowed to be happy, to be quiet. To be alone.)
The floorboards creak as he collapses down next to his bed, painful sobs wracking his body even as he tries so hard to stop them, even as he holds his trembling hands against his mouth, as if it would do anything — as if his hands could ever be anything but clumsy and unsteady and useless. 
The sun outside has set, and the lanterns in the room are burning bright. Scar can see his reflection in the window. He gets the honor of watching in real time as another section of hair turns white, bleeding slowly from his roots to the ends. He whines high in his throat, heart dancing to an offbeat drumline in his chest, and he squeezes his eyes shut so hard that it hurts. His knees pull up to his chest and he hugs them tightly, pretending that it’s someone else holding him close, pretending that someone cares enough to comfort him, pretending that he is someone who deserves it.
Scar is on the floor in a room that doesn’t feel like his, in a world that feels wholly separate from him, and he falls asleep holding his own hand.
In his dreams, he is standing alone in a vast expanse of darkness, and someone is speaking to him. 
(You are trapped here) says the voice, gleeful and cruel. Mocking. (This will not change, and you will not change. You don’t know how, do you?)
“Who are you?” Scar demands shakily, and his voice echoes in the infinite space around him. “Where am I?”
(You could be anywhere) says the voice, and the inky blackness surrounding him ripples and changes and suddenly he is standing in the desert, cactus growing in a ring around him. (You could be here.)
No. Scar lets out a strangled gasp and stumbles backwards, sand grabbing at his ankles, blood dripping into his eyes, and he is tripping and falling and landing—
On a mountain. His wizard hat base is rising into the sky above him, and the wind is howling, and even his breath has left him. His vision is blurry. He cannot think. Please.
(You could be here) the voice continues, endlessly amused, and the world fades back into darkness. (You could be anywhere. But you can only be yourself. And you will always—) Scar gets the impression that the voice has gotten closer. (— be alone.)
“Who are you?” Scar asks again, broken and quiet. 
The voice chuckles, and the hair on the back of Scar’s neck stands up. (Don’t you know?)
It's right behind him—
Scar whirls around and comes face to face with— Red eyes. Horrific burns. Black cloak. White hair. 
His distorted mirror image grins at him, cruel and unforgiving. (You never were that bright, were you?)
Scar wakes up screaming.
His breath rattles in and out of his lungs at unhealthy speeds as he scrambles into a sitting position, eyes wide and darting around the room. He’s shaking so hard that the bedframe is rattling quietly against the wall. The only thing he can hear is his heartbeat in his ears. 
It was just a dream. Only a dream. Scar closes his eyes and counts to ten, making a conscious effort to slow his breathing. When he opens them again, he is at least less likely to pass out.
He had moved to his bed at some point in the night, but now his covers are strewn about the floor due to his frantic movements. The sun is bright outside his window, and he knows without checking that it’s nearing midday. His head hurts. There are dried tear tracks on his cheeks. He is still shaking.
He gets out of bed anyway, sitting on the edge for a few moments before finally finding the courage to stand. He staggers over to the big chest against his wall and kneels down beside it, flinging it open and digging through it with trembling hands. Finally, he finds what he was looking for, and pulls it out onto his lap. 
A worn green cloak, hooded and heavy. Just another one of those items of clothing that he keeps for just-in-case purposes. It’ll come in handy, now. It’s perfect for hiding. He doesn’t have to look to know that his hair has gotten worse.
The cloak falls over his shoulders, a comforting weight, and some of the tension drains out of him. He’s only just woken up, but he’s tired. He is tired in a way that he doesn’t think can be fixed.
I need to go away, the thought appears unbidden in his brain, a quiet certainty. No one can leave him, if he leaves first. I need to build somewhere else.
It wouldn’t be for long, or for good. It would just be… a place to go. Just in case. Somewhere out of the way. 
He starts making a list of materials he’ll need for his new base in his head as he walks toward the door, already workshopping different themes and ideas. He pulls his hood firmly over his head and reaches for the doorknob, puts his hand on it, and he— freezes.
What if someone’s out there? His mouth goes dry, his hands going clammy. His heart speeds up, just a little. What if they want something?
Scar shakes his head forcefully and turns the knob. Stop being stupid, stop being scared.
He walks through Boatem with a few empty shulkers in his inventory, one hand on his hood to keep it down and the other twisted into the front of his shirt as he struggles to fight off his nerves. There are a few gray clouds hanging over the horizon, but they are far away, and the sun is shining. He wonders where he should go. Where would be far enough. 
He equips his elytra absentmindedly, just finishing when distant movement catches his eyes, and he turns, heart in his throat.
Grian and Mumbo are sitting on top of Treesa, and Scar has to squint to see what he thinks is a picnic. They’re eating lunch together. It is simple, and casual, and such a small thing, and Scar aches.
Mumbo spots him and raises his hand in a wave. Grian turns and does the same. Scar hesitates, mind running a mile a minute, his heart skipping stones across a violent ocean in his chest, and then he waves back. His hand shakes, and he drops it quickly, continuing his walk.
For just a moment, he considers turning back. He considers going over there. He considers throwing his entire plan out the window and begging them to let him stay. 
Instead, he pulls rockets out of his inventory. 
(Rule number one. Don’t go where he’s not invited.)
Scar picks a random direction, and he flies.
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
um no you can't leave tate and ethan like that fix it please
Tate had eventually tired herself to sleep leaving you to clean up the house waiting for Ethan to get home.
It was bearing on midnight when your phone went, you picked it up expecting it to be Ethan but it wasn’t it was Lauren, Ryan’s girlfriend.
“Come get your crazy fucking husband!” She yelled down the phone.
You could hear commotion in the background and Ethan’s voice was clear.
“Is Ethan at your house?!” You exclaimed, rushing to grab your keys.
“Yeah he just showed up here shouting and yelling at Ryan”
You could hear him screaming “you broke her! how do you walk away from your own kid?!”
“I’m coming just give me ten minutes”
Luckily for you, one of Ethan’s teammates lived across the street. A rookie living with a billet family who you had ran across to and begged he sit in with your kids as you had an emergency and he was more than happy to help.
Ryan and Lauren didn’t live far away, only a few blocks away and you had definitely broken some speeding laws.
You saw Ethan on their lawn, banging on the door
“Ethan Edwards what the fuck are you doing?!” You demanded, walking up to him.
He turned to you, he looked like a crazed animal “He has to know, he has to know what he’s done to her!”
“What are You talking about?! Babe just come home… you’re not ok right now” you tried to soothe him.
He’s got tears in his eyes “She’s just a little girl, y/n”
It clicked, this was about Tate.
“If she doesn’t want me to be her dad then fine but someone has to be and he needs to take responsibility!” He’s banging on the door again and this time Ryan opens it and is looking at you.
“Get him away from our home, he’s scaring our kids”
That sentence made you want to punch him, instead Ethan did it. He hit him right in the nose, knocking him back a few steps.
As Ryan goes to punch him back you stand between them, he stops.
“Get him away from our house y/n”
Ethan’s behind you, still trying to reach him “Your kids huh? What about Tate? What did she ever do to deserve this Ryan?!”
“Edwards You don’t know what happened-“
“I don’t know?!” He seethed “She was eighteen years old and you knocked her up and forced her to keep it promised her the fucking world!”
“I was there!” He retaliated
Ethan scowled “No, I was there! I was there when she sat up for the first time, when she crawled, her first steps, her birthdays and even her first word” he rants
“Which was dada by the way” he added, just to twist the knife.
You thought back, sad.
“She needs her dad” is all Ethan said and before Ryan could reply you turned to your husband, placed your hand on his chest and said
“She has her dad”
Ethan looked at you, confused. You asked for his phone and he obliged before you clicked on his voicemail and played it out loud.
"Dad, I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean I was really mad but I've cleaned my room now, did it will you come home now? Daddy please...
"please daddy.."
Ethan looks at you, stunned and with tears in his eyes. Ryan is furious.
“Ethan, you’re her dad… blood or not that little girl is yours” you announced before turning to Ryan.
“I’m done putting her through this Ryan, I’m either going to take you to court and sue you for custody or we can skip the lawyers fees and the wasted court time and you can sign over your parental rights” you finally put your foot down
“That little girl deserves a dad who loves her and that’s not you”
Ryan grumbled but agreed, claiming that he’d sign the papers when they’d been drafted
“And i won’t have to pay child support, right?”
You only rolled your eyes and mumbled “Asshole” while walking away.
Once you’d both arrived home and relieved the rookie with a lot of praise and Ethan claiming he’d tell Lindy to let him off on drills this week you two were left alone in your home. Silent.
“You’re a piece of work Edwards” You announced, waltzing over to hug him.
“I’m sorry I don’t know what got into me”
“I do” he gave You a puzzled look and you continued “It’s a dad thing, protecting your babies”
He nodded, kissing your forehead and saying “I’m gonna go see her”
You couldn’t stop him, you knew that much.
Ethan pushed open Tate’s door and she was fast asleep. He shook her awake lightly and she groaned before opening her eyes, when she noticed who it was she sat up fast and jumped into his arms.
“Hey Tater-tot” he’s holding onto her for dear life
“You got my message? You came home?”
“I’ll always come back for you babygirl, I’m not going anywhere. I love you kiddo”
“I love you, dad”
You’d left them to their own devices and went to bed after a stressful day. In the morning you found Ethan hadn’t come to bed.
Going to wake the kids up you found him asleep on Tate’s floor, flat on the floor holding her hand while she slept.
“Yeah, i picked a good one second time round” you mumbled to yourself.
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Here’s my official lineup for the HIT era steam team! I’m super pleased with my designs for all of them and I think that they fit their personalities well! I have updated some things since then (this drawing is from July) but everything is still pretty much the same up till now.
They are a unique species that look human but share engine traits (grey skin, higher demand for water, and enhanced strength and speed). They all work as conductors and general workers on the railway.
My AU also takes place in the mid 1960s so technology is very limited and is still very old fashioned.
Headcanons and close ups below!
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💙Thomas Billinton💙
Voice headcanon: Eddie Glen
Physical age: 33
Mental age: 20
- Despite being the ‘leader’ of The steam team he lacks in leadership skills. Unless the task is extremely important
- He is kind but can be mischievous and slightly rude when he wants
- He is pan and is currently dating Emily
- Despite his previous mistakes and wrong doings he tries his best to better himself and to not let others bring him down
- If there he candy around it will be gone in less than 30 seconds
- Annie and Clarabel are his closest friends and would kill if something bad happened to them
- Likes to bully the older members as he finds it funny (Gordon especially)
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💙Edward Pettigrew💙
Voice headcanon: William Hope
Physical age: 65
Mental age: 47
- The father figure of the group, everyone looks up to him since he’s one of the oldest engines
- The sweetest member on the team (probably the sweetest on the island let’s be real)
- The best guy to go to for support and advice. He’ll try his best to help everyone
- Rarely ever gets upset, when he does you know you’ve messed up
- Due to his age he gets tired more easily. And has trouble working long, hard days
- He is currently questioning his sexuality
- Absolutely loves calm days on the railway, it gives him a chance to slow down and relax.
- Despite being pushed down by the younger members, he doesn’t let that bother him and continues to do his best
- Loves hugs, gives them out for free (go give him one he deserves it)
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💚Henry Stanier💚
Voice headcanon: Keith Wickham
Physical age: 39
Mental age: 34
- Is usually kindhearted but can be rude if you grind his gears
- Absolutely loves nature, he keeps a ton of houseplants in his room
- He is bi
- Has trauma from The Flying Kipper accident, he has a lot of scars from the crash
- Is a sucker for cuddles (will get flustered if you hug him)
- Has frequent anxiety due to past accidents. He doesn’t want to go through that much fear again
- He loves napping under trees (he has a favourite one in his forest)
- Hopes one day he could pull the express full time (despite Gordon’s pleas)
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💙Gordon Gresley💙
Voice headcanon: Kerry Shale
Physical age: 43
Mental age: 41
- Is one of the tallest and strongest workers on the island. He always thinks that he’s the best (and he is ofc)
- Despite his pompous and harsh exterior he is good hearted and wouldn’t hesitate to help others in need
- He is bi demiromantic and is currently dating Jessica (my self insert Oc)
- Has a massive fear of heights after the events of ‘A better view for Gordon’ and he hates it when people find out
- Avoids showing any form of weakness or vulnerability due to his reputation. He doesn’t want to look soft as he fears it will ruin him
- Enjoys a nice black tea at any time of the day
- Wouldn’t trade his job of pulling the express for anything. He absolutely loves it. And he hates doing any other jobs (especially if it’s dirty work)
- Despite getting teased by Thomas often he’s happy with his alliance with him, whenever he needs help he will come to his aid.
- Wouldn’t say it out loud but he would definitely cry if something happened to the ones that he cares about.
- He fears no one except for Diesel 10. He quivers in fear in his presence
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❤️James Hughes❤️
Voice headcanon: Rob Rackstraw
Physical age: 32
Mental age: 28
- MASSIVE show off, will take any opportunity to show the world who he is
- He’s gay and has a crush on Edward
- Definitely has the biggest wardrobe of the group. He loves fashion and will wear makeup when he wants to
- Isn’t afraid to start beef with someone. He is full of drama and comebacks
- Sometimes, especially after an accident he feels insecure about his self image. And feels like he’s not good enough. He absolutely hates this
- Would definitely throw a tantrum if he doesn’t get what he wants
- Always wants to look perfect, he wants to impress everyone
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💚Percy Stothert💚
Voice headcanon: Nigel Pilkington
Physical age: 27
Mental age: 19
- The youngest in the the group, he’s just a little child!
- Is way too pure for this world. He brightens up any room that he enters
- LOVES any job involving the mail. He takes pride in it and is always super proud of himself when he gets the job done
- He is ace
- He is very optimistic and always has a positive outlook on life. He’s also very supportive and wouldn’t hesitate to lend a hand!
- He loves animals! And usually tags along with Henry when walking in the woods
- He’s very curious and wants to learn as much as he can
- He gets scared very easily, others take advantage of this and try to scare him. Though he tries his best to be brave!
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🤎Toby Holden🤎
Voice headcanon: Ben Small
Physical age: 53
Mental age: 51
- A kind and wise old man. On par with Edward on being a great source of advice
- Loves to take things slow and enjoy the littlest moments in life. You’ll never see him being in a rush
- He is straight and is married to Henrietta
- He has a massive fear of water after multiple incidents. And gets very upset when people tease him about it
- Despite being one of the smallest members of the group he has a massive heart. A great source of support
- Likes to participate in the younger members’ tricks on occasion. It gives him a good laugh
- Due to his calm nature, whenever he is stressed he often overacts as he’s not the best with dealing with anxiety
- He loves to wind down by sitting in his chair with a hot tea and with his wife close at the end of the day
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💚Emily Sterling💚
Voice headcanon: Teresa Gallagher
Physical age: 72
Mental age: 35
- Surprisingly the oldest in the group. Although she doesn’t get teased about it as much as Edward
- Loves telling stories about her work experiences in Scotland. Feel free to lend a ear and she’ll tell you one!
- She’s usually very kind but she can be bossy when she’s grumpy
- She acts as the bigger sister to the group, especially the younger members. She will do anything to help them if they were in danger
- Loves a good old fashioned tea party. It’s one of her favourite activities
- She is straight and is dating Thomas
- She enjoys a good book. Takes frequent trips to the library. It’s her favourite way to wind down after a busy day
- Like Edward she gets tired easily and has trouble working long days
- She is the queen of girl outings, and is always ready to plan a get together
Whew that was a lot of typing, if you’ve made it this far, thank you. And have a good day ^^
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Your take on my idea of Roy getting Jaime pregnant with triplets was absolutely brilliant, and it would be so funny for Roy to faint at the doctor's office. Now I am wondering what everyone else's reaction to Jaime and Roy having triplets would be. Would Beard cry? Would Bumbercatch start knitting? Would Ted and Rebecca go into full Mom and Dad mode together? Would Dani and Sam call their parents to get recipes for delicious meals to make Jaime? Would there be a competition for who gets to be godfather? So many possibilities with Roy and Jaime realizing they have a huge family to be there for them!
Roy just absolutely being floored by it while Jamie is like "um babe, Im the one carrying them, please stop being dramatic"
The boys would take a few days before deciding to tell anyone. They just want to adjust to the idea, and Jamie has been told by the doctor that this will be difficult. They've both been told the reality of it all, including the fact they could lose one of the babies if things aren't treated with caution.
The first people they tell are family. Roy calls his sister, with Jamie's permission, because despite her not dealing with this side of medicine, she'd be able to talk him through it and be honest with him, and she is. She's very comforting to them both, and so excited about it. They hold off on telling Phoebe for a while but when they do she is over the moon. She's so excited to get three little cousins and is already planning gifts and the nursery with Roy's sister, and with Jamie's mum and step-dad after they tell them
With that support system told, the next thing they do is call Rebecca, Ted, Higgins and Beard into meeting because Jamie is going to have to stop playing. It's too much of a risk. Ted isntantly faints and Beard fails to catch him because Beard is freaking out, just wide eyed and making a high pitched noise. Higgins has his jaw on the floor, but quickly comes around and is congradulating them and offering advice. Rebecca takes a moment because these things are still a little hard on her, but in the end, she is just so happy for them and demanding she be god-mother and that they forgo a god-father because "obviously, these weaklings don't deserve the title, let me and Keeley handle it" which makes Jamie laugh
When they tell the team....it's silent for a moment before there is utter chaos. Richard is ordering the best baby fashion while talking in rapid french, Sam is hugging Jamie so tight and telling him what a great dad he is going to be, Isaac is claiming the triplets for a mini football team, and Colin is going "So we all agree Im going to be the best guncle right? Right?" which sparks a war over who is going to be the favourite uncle
Jamie and Roy are so overhwelmed with love, but it's also so reassuring and touching to know they have a whole support system to help them with this and support them
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maybe-limerence · 2 years
Darling types and their most compatible (and safe) Yandere
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Oh Darling.. you don’t have a clue, do you? The Darling who doesn’t think much of missing items. ‘Oh, I must’ve miss placed it.’ goes through Darling’s pretty little head. The Darling who doesn’t think much of the feeling of eyes on you when you’re out. ‘Everyone must feel this way.’ goes through your pretty little head. The Darling who does think about your family and friends avoiding you though. ‘Did I do something?’ goes through their head. You don’t have a clue.. do you? Don’t taint their innocent mind, you won’t come out of alive :).
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Darlings who are fighters. And they have good reasons to fight as well. They woke up in an unfamiliar place, why would they be docile? But.. still. They’re so cute like that. The lucid yandere knows what their doing is wrong. They know that they’ve gone too far. But they don’t care. They just want their cute little Darling to love them! Even if they have to use force. Don’t try to take their Darling, you might end up with cement shoes underwater :).
♡💌 ♡💌 ♡💌 ♡
A manipulative Darling. A rare one indeed. One who catches on to their yandere’s antics, finding them amusing. One who lets their little yandere try to play their game. One who, after a while, starts to use their yandere for their own benefit. One who demands everything from their yandere and more. One who doesn’t care about their yandere. I mean, who would? Such a pitiful creature as their little pet doesn’t deserve kindness. Especially after what they’ve done. Don’t touch their deity, you’ll be sacrificed :).
Ngl, worshippers are my favorite
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Darling you’re so tired! Take a break! I’m worried about you! Dependable coos to their Darling, kneeling next to their bed when they (Darling) finally goes to sleep. Dependable doesn’t see what they’re doing as wrong. They’re worried! They’d be so happy if Darling called upon them to help them. All they know is Darling tired, and that’s all they care about. Don’t help their Darling, that’s their job :).
♡💌 ♡💌 ♡💌 ♡
Oh how happy Docile Darling’s yandere would be if they weren’t opposed to their love! They’d be grinning ear to ear. Darling doesn’t mind being there to complete them? Sign Dependent up! They love how they don’t fight back. It means they have more time to love obsess over them. Don’t fight with them please, they will cry :).
♡💌 ♡💌 ♡💌 ♡
What’s this? Darling’s being abused or bullied? It’s no problem for Aggressive. Darling wants a hug? Aggressive loves giving them hugs! Aggressive loves their Daring and their Darling alone. Everyone else can go to hell. Especially the ones making Desperate Darling, well.. desperate. Aggressive certainly doesn’t mind, but those who do such things don’t deserve life, but they also don’t deserve the sweet release of death. They deserve misery drawn out. It could take weeks.. months.. hell, even years for Aggressive to be done with the disgusting things that decided to hurt their darling. Don’t hurt their Darling. It might just be the last thing you do :).
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anemptypuddingcup · 2 years
Taking care of Keigo after he gets burned. ||Part 1 angst.||
Spoilers?? (Unless if I’m just late- I need to catch up on mha.)
(I don’t have much knowledge of this- but I’ve seen enough spoilers to know what happened to him😀)
this may be a change of fandoms but I love Keigo- fight me.
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“KEIGO!? KEIGO!” Keigo could hear your voice echo throughout the hospital’s hallway followed by your rushing footsteps. The nurses and doctors tried their best to keep you out of the way, but there was no way you would let Keigo sit there in pain without you by his side.
You bursted through the doors and into his room, tears flooding down from your eyes. “B-Baby-“ Keigo coughed. All he could do was reach his arms out as you fell into them. You cried your heart out onto Keigo while he could only rub your back and sigh. “Aw, there’s no need to cry. I’m still alive aren’t I?” He smiled, still coughing a bit.
“That’s n-not the p-point…” Your whimpers were muffled by his hug, a tight hug at that. Keigo was hurt, so that he wouldn’t be able to fly high anymore, to soar though the clouds.
There would be no point in having a hero name such as his. He was a wingless bird now.
But if he had to be honest, he’d rather have this fate than having you taken away from him.
Walking didn’t seem so bad.
He patted your head and kissed you. “Y’know you’re gonna get in trouble for doin all that…right?” Keigo giggles. You looked up at him, still teary-eyed.
“Let me see them.” You said sternly.
Keigo’s eyes widens in response.
“I SAID LET ME SEE THEM! TURN AROUND!” You yelled, demanding him turn around. Keigo sighed and sits up slowly, letting out a pained grunt. You helped him up and looked at his wings, which were now two little moving bones. The base of of his wings.
Your heart shattered seeing them move back and forth and it made you feel even more worse. You bursted into tears and Keigo tried his best to calm you down.
“Baby bird please, at least it wasn’t you in this situation.” He said, holding you in a tight hug. “But Keigo- y-you’re…your wings…” You whimpered before you could even finish your sentence.
“…they’re gone…”
Keigo looks at you with saddened eyes and hugs you. “At least I’m not dead, alright? This was bound to happen to me eventually.” He sighed and continued, his voice beginning to break. “Besides…I’d rather have this fate, than lose you. Just be happy that I’m still here.” He whimpers, the tears finally beginning to fall down his face.
You could only cry with him as you both lay there on the hospital bed. You stayed in each others embrace until the doctors finally came back in to escort you out of his room.
It pained you to leave him and at first you had refused, but Keigo decided that it would’ve been best for you to go home for the night so you could stay out of trouble. The doctors allowed you to come back tomorrow but you had to go home tonight.
And with that after saying your goodbye to Keigo, you left. You couldn’t sleep during that night, your fear for Keigo could only grow as paranoia took over your mind. You just wanted it to be dawn soon so you could go back to him, to make sure that he would be okay.
||End of part 1||
-Just so y’all know. In my world, there’s no such thing as a wingless bird. (In this case, there’s no such thing as a wingless Keigo in my heart)
-With that being said, take this art I did of Hawks since I finally finished it, you deserve it after reading this angst. (Part 2 is gonna be smutty-)
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I had too much fun drawing him too😀
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Warning: Contains Sanegiyuu 🛐
Tomioka: Shinazugawa, don't run away from the obvious.
Genya: Aniki!
It seems that our beloved hashira of the wind is in trouble again, but let's see what it has done this time
Genya: Aniki... I'm so sorry, please, I...
Sanemi: What are you annoying, right? I already told you I don't have siblings!
Genya: But... Aniki...
And yes, Sanemi was about to hit Genya except for the hashira's companion, who held his arm and pushed Genya away.
Tomioka: Why are you attacking your brother?
Tomioka: Shinazugawa, don't lie... It's obvious that both are brothers, why do you treat him like this?
Tomioka cast a slight glance at Genya, then walked over to him and hugged him. Sanemi just turned around, a little jealous and sad at the way Tomioka was hugging Genya, damn it, he wished it was him at that moment. His thoughts didn't last long because he was thrown to the ground and immobilized, he struggled as hard as he could to get free, but hey, it seems that they had caught him at a good time
Sanemi: I know what you plan to do... But I swear, if you do it, Kocho will have to do the impossible to keep your face looking as beautiful as it does now after I hit you
Tomioka: What?
Genya: Aniki?
Sanemi: (Oh shit...)
Sanemi, accept it, you said it and they heard you. Anyway, Sanemi ran out of there after that 'shame' what had happened and is now where we found him. Being chased by Tomioka and Genya, calm down Sanemi, they won't kill you or anything
Sanemi: What?! WOW!!
He was pushed down again, Tomioka was on his legs while holding his wrists so he wouldn't fight or punch. Sanemi yelled, demanding that he get off, he didn't know what he wanted was worse, if the 'punishment' what would they give him or the situation he and Giyuu were in
Tomioka: Genya, this is your chance... Do it, after all, he deserves it for being an angry chihuahua
Sanemi: I AM NOT A-! Don't you dare Gen-!! Ghhh!!
Tomioka: He dare, do it Genya, I'll make sure he don't kill you after this
The hashira gave the order, Genya could not disobey or pass up an opportunity like this, it had been a long time since he and his brother had had such a moment. And boy did he make the most of it, because in just a few moments Sanemi was already laughing uncontrollably, trying to free himself from Giyuu's grip, accept it now Sanemi, you like it
Tomioka: Amazing, how did you do it?
Genya: My brother is sensitive in his hips and attacking his hip bones will make him cry and beg for his life.
Tomioka: Noted, I'll keep it in mind
Tomioka: Do you use my name? It really is a bad place, I like it
Well Sanemi, it looks like you have nothing else to do but kick your legs or think of a way to free yourself, of course while your brother and your boyfriend attack your hips and armpits at the same time. Anyway, Sanemi began to cry with happiness, yep with happiness, it seems that there was no problem if it was the 2 of them, but his pride was stronger and he begged them to stop
Tomioka: What do you say Genya?
Genya: I forgive you Aniki...
Tomioka: I think I'll stick with this for a while, it's kind of fun
Sanemi: TOMIOKA!!
Tomioka: Yeah-? Hmm!?!
It was time, Sanemi approached Tomioka and stole a kiss. When they separated, Tomioka was still in shock and felt how his cheeks were getting more and more red from embarrassment.
Genya: I didn't expect that...
Tomioka: Uh I... I...
Sanemi: I knew it would work
Genya: So...?
Sanemi: You're forgiven for now, I guess...
Genya: Aniki...
It seems that the relationship of the Shinazugawa brothers will improve, that and also the 'secret' relationship between Sanemi and Giyuu came to light.
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OO THIS WAS CUTE!!! Sanemi accidentally calling Giyu beautiful out loud was gold! And the ending! This was delightful! Thank you for sharing! :D
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