#[[ also yes he made her feel like when she did when they were buddies ]]
countlessrealities · 6 months
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For a moment, she's left speechless. She can't believe her ears.
When she first caught the random interview online, her first reaction was annoyance. They know that she's dating Charlie, why would anyone think that she would cheat? And with Adam of people. It's demented.
The comment about how he would "break her" had her rolling her eye, but it's quickly forgotten because of what comes next.
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"Did he seriously invite people to look into his real crush just to defend my honour?"
As the shock starts to fade, a little grin curls her lips. Maybe there is hope for that idiot, after all. And that's what she's choosing to focus, not the hint of warmth that touches her chest, a feeling that belongs to another life.
{ @creationtainted }
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blarshwritezz · 4 months
I was just at the store and heard an innocent conversation between a father and his young son and got me thinking……..Yan! Father and child son looking for their new wife/mother darling while out doing errands??
Ah, this is so cute!
Yandere Father & Son x Reader
M yan(s) x F reader
TW - Kind manipulation, implied plans of kidnapping, honestly pretty tame
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"How about her, daddy? She looks pretty."
"Buddy, I think that woman is a bit too old to be your mommy."
The man smiled looking down at his son. He was a bit more selective about the woman who'd become his wife. Though, he couldn't help but be amused by the young boy's eagerness to find a mother.
But the woman he'd pointed out was clearly a decade or two older than the man. Not suitable at all.
They walked through the grocery store, the son eagerly pointing out woman after woman. But none of them were right. Regardless, the man kept a calm smile on his face.
But he got curious when his usually rambunctious and loud boy went quiet. He looked down at as son, who was staring off.
"Daddy...I need her to be my mommy." The boy slowly pointed one of his little fingers at a figure, one that also caught the man by surprise.
You were gorgeous. Not exactly wearing anything special, no makeup, and your hair was barely brushed. It was just a little grocery trip, after all.
But still, you remained show stopping to the two. Something about you was just...flawless. It screamed that you were your one they've been searching for. Your hair, perhaps? Your eyes? Your skin? Your figure? All of it, they wanted all of it.
"Yes...go say hi to mommy."
Your late night grocery shopping was suddenly interrupted by a small child crashing into you, holding your legs tightly.
"Mommy! I missed you!" The little boy cried as you looked down at him.
"Ah- look, kid, I'm not your mom." You tried to explain while being gentle. He was just a kid after all. A kid that was getting tears all over your pants.
"But you are, mommy!" He insisted, holding you tighter. How the heck could this kid have such a strong grip?
Just then, a man who must've been the boys gather rushed over and picked him up. "I'm so sorry, miss. My son must've just gotten confused. You see, you look a little like my late wife..."
And suddenly, your night was so much more awkward. Did this kid really think you were his dead mom? Made you feel bad for the poor thing...
"Oh no, not at all. I'm so sorry to hear about that." It wasn't the kid's fault. He was probably really struggling to comprehend that. He was so young...
After a bit of small talk, and a lot of insistence on the man's end, he ended up paying for your groceries. You parted ways, thinking that'd be the end of it. An odd encounter for sure.
"Daddy, I liked her a lot. She's my mommy!" The boy exclaimed to his father as they drove home. "When will she come home?"
"Let's see...how about next month?"
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I feel like this one's a bit short, oh well!
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buckyalpine · 2 years
An idea!
Maybe an FWB situation with BestestFriend!BuckyxAvenger!Reader they do it mostly for Bucky after a long, gruesome, taxing mission. Bucky made it clear that no feelings must be involved. He also made it clear that he’s not into her as he is still very much inlove and hung up with his ex. Basically this FWB situation mostly benefits Bucky, even Nat thinks it’s not really a FWB, just Bucky using her. But she doesn’t mind. Bucky is a good fuck. Like damnnn good. And if she can’t have Bucky as a romantic partner, she’ll take what she can get. Besides, Bucky told her that he doesn’t want an avenger or an agent as a partner. Too much danger and chaos for his heart. He wants to love a civilian like his ex, in hopes of living a normal life after retiring.
So, she starts distancing herself when she sees Bucky slowly trying to get back with his ex. Less sex, more excuses. But for some reason? Bucky does not like it. He does not like how you were not there anymore, how you don’t need nor seek him for the “benefit,” he’s also not that happy with whatever he’s doing to win his ex back. She doesn’t necessarily reject him when he asks for sex, just avoids him all in all. Day by day though, she consumes his thoughts and mind. Did he do something wrong? Say something? Forget something? What did he do to deserve this treatment from her? Bottom line, he misses her. What’s weird is, she’s still there as his best friend when he needs either steve or her. Just less of that benefits part
Then it grows progressively worse (for Bucky) from there as he sees her bring one night stands, to consistent and stable dates in their home. He’s still happy tho Bc if the date goes wrong or the one night stand doesn’t satisfy her, she goes to Bucky for a satisfying sex.
However, what pushes Bucky over the edge was one night filled with passion. Both of them feels this sex is different. One thinks he’s doing and feeling this extreme emotion Bc he’s angry while the other thinks she’s just frustrated. But the truth is? It’s passion and connection between them. She feels so good that she can’t help but blurt out “oh god I wish my future boyfriend/husband could fuck and fill me up like you do”
That’s it for Bucky. Those words are enough to make him feral. Just the thought of another man giving her attention, affection, love, adoration, and faithfulness makes him sick to the core. So, He fucks her with all his might, all his feelings. He fucks her with all the possessiveness and the green monster inside him. He fucks her in hopes of filling her full and deep that no other man can reach and own her like he does. (Maybe even breed her so that no man would actually be with her, but him)
Bc how bold of her to think that he would let another man touch her. That he would let her wear someone else’s ring and last name? That he would let her carry another man’s babies? No. Absolutely not.
Obviously this confuses her, but she thinks of it as part of their play. Maybe heat of the moment? Whatever it is, it’s hot and made their sex better so she didn’t question Bucky as of the moment.
Come next morning, she wakes up buried in bucky’s arms tightly and securedly wrapped around her as if she would disappear any moment. She has things to do so she attempts to leave but this just wakes Bucky up. She was abt to say something but Bucky just kisses her passionately yes Bucky now admits what it is. Not letting her go and aiming for another hot steamy possessive sex. Her words from last night ringing in his ears as she tries to leave.
Idk what to do next, I just want them to be happy and together in the end (maybe fast forward to their wedding? To them having twins?) 😭 then maybe the last line was like “well my love, you’re lucky your husband could fuck and fill you just like I did when we were fuck buddies”
This is so perfect, i love this and that ending line is sending me, its so angsty and steamy and fuck it's so cute. Literally had to pull out a google doc to paste the request so I could look at my draft and the points side by side cause of all the details, I’m so sorry if I missed anything 
“Strictly sex?”
“Strictly sex” 
Bucky’s lips smashed onto yours as soon as the words left your mouth, the both of you clawing off your tactical gear, throwing it off haphazardly. You didn’t even make it to the bedroom; Bucky had taken you right in the middle of the safe house floor, no prep, sliding into you and fucking you till the sun was up. 
Moments earlier
The mission was long. Stressful. Violent. Bloody. You weren’t even sure if you’d make it but you’d both made it out alive. You’d noticed Bucky on edge the entire time, his jaw clenched, fingers twitching while you tried to patch up a few scratches on yourself. 
“You okay Buck?”
“M’fine” He mumbled, closing his eyes and letting his head fall back, resting on the wall of the jet letting out a strained groan. 
“You don’t seem fine” You gave him a pointed look, clearly not believing him. “What do you normally do to relax” You cocked an eyebrow while Bucky stared at you, his eyes turning a shade darker. 
“Fuck” His eyes bore into you, challenging you to ask more questions, his patience wearing thin. “I fuck” 
“I can help with that” 
“So what’s with you and y/n?” 
“You’re saying there's nothing?”
“I- I’m not over Lauren yet” Bucky shrugged, his mind constantly clinging onto his ex. She was the first girl he had dated in years and the first girl he felt anything for in a long time. The break up was mutual; his job took up long hours and the longer he was away, the more they grew apart. The split was made sense but he couldn’t let go of the lingering feeling in the back of his mind about how things would have been if he had just tried harder. Bucky set down the mug he was drinking from, leaving the kitchen while you entered. He gave you a nod, making his way to the gym to punch his feelings away. What if he had just tried harder...
Nat shrugged, not pushing the matter further but she never believed either of you when you both insisted there was nothing more between you. She knew damn well Bucky was using you to fuck his feelings away but it didn’t seem to bother you. You were more than satisfied with some super solder dick because it was good. Damn good. Still, she was a trained assassin and not stupid. Nat could see the way your eyes would linger on him for a second longer and the way you’d lighten up as soon as he stepped into the room. 
“So you and Barnes are just friends, huh?” 
“Obviously” You looked at her with wide eyes, hoping to ignore her question while you made yourself some tea but she continued to stare at your instead. “It’s nothing more than that. We hook up sometimes but it’s just casual”
“And you’re completely okay with things staying just the way they are?”  She cocked an eyebrow, her eyes narrowed accusatorily as if she could see right through you. “You’re fine with always just being a quick fuck?” 
“It’s what we both need, honestly, I’m fine with the way things are” You nodded,  thinking back to a conversation the both of you had both had after a mission. 
“If I ever settle down, it’d have to be with someone outside of all this”
“Outside of what?” 
“This” Bucky waved his hand around, pointing to the arsenal of weapons you were putting away after yet another grueling mission. “All this avenger shit, saving the world. I just want to go home to something peaceful. normal. Leave all this behind and just exist with someone I love. I’d never date someone from the team or someone associated with this, it’s too much” 
You felt a strange tightness in your chest at his words but you shrugged the feeling off, understanding where Bucky was coming from. 
“So who do you think you’ll end up with Barnes” 
Why were you asking him this as if you’d like the answer. 
“Maybe someone like Lauren” He mumbled, “Just someone who isn’t a part of this. Normal”
You felt the tightness creep back up but you shoved it back down. After all he’d been through, he deserved a little bit of normal. 
You took your tea and made your way to your room, sipping while you thought about Nat’s question. Were you okay with the way things were? He was a good friend to you and no doubt the only person who could have you screaming till your lungs were sore. 
He was never yours.
He never saw you that way.
You were just a good fuck.
He always loved his ex.
It didn’t help that you’d recently noticed he’d been out more often. He didn’t say anything to you directly but you could tell he was trying to get back with his ex.  Cut his hair. Cleaned up. Quietly going out and not breathing a word about where he was off to. You weren’t 100% sure what he was doing but it was enough for you to decided you had to pull back. 
A few weeks later
Bucky frowned, hearing yet another excuse from you as you made your way to your room, softly closing your door and hearing the muffled noise of your TV switch on, not going to bed like you insisted. It had been weeks since he’d spoken to you properly. He couldn’t even remember the last time you had the benefits part of your “friendship” You were usually always slinking around him like a cat, your touch, your voice, your scent, some form of you always surrounding him. 
He didn’t like it.
Not one damn bit. 
 He hated that you didn’t wrap your arms around him randomly, whispering in his ear about how badly you needed him. Or the way you’d bite your lip looking over to him in the middle of the field, a silent promise of sucking his soul out as soon as the mission was over. Or how your back would arch off the bed, your thighs suffocating him, tugging the hair from his roots when he nursed from your clit as if your arousal quenched his thirst. Or the way he’d let his cum seep down your thighs, fucking it back into you with his fingers, getting you to lick them clean afterwards-
Bucky groaned to himself, shifting uncomfortably at the hard on he’d given himself thinking about you. It’s not even like he could go to you to get you to take care of it. The few time’s he’d tried to initiate something, you were tired. Had cramps. Not feeling well. Injured. Always something, leaving him high and dry, avoiding him all together. He decided to make his way down to the gym, punching his feelings away yet again, though this time they were over you. 
A few more days had done by and Bucky was worse than before. Sure he was talking to his ex again, but he was more concerned over the growing distance between you both. You’d both agreed the benefits would stay just the same unless either of you got into a committed relationship and while he had reconnected with Lauren, they weren’t official....
Why did you avoid him so much?
Was it because of Lauren?
Why did he even try to reconnect with her...
How come you didn’t let him get close to you anymore?
He started to wrack and pick at his brain wondering where it all went down hill. Did he say something to you? He didn’t forget your birthday, he’d gotten you everything you’d ever mentioned, even the littlest things you figured he hadn’t paid attention to. So what did he do to deserve this? He’s pent up like never before and it’s not just sexually. It dawns on him that he needs more than just sex, he also needs your friendship, your softness, your laugh. 
He missed you. 
All of you. 
Of course you were there for him when he needed you, patching him up after missions, keeping his favorite snacks always stocked up, listening to him vent about Sam. It wasn’t the same though. As soon as you did your job taking care of him, you were out of his hair and off to do something else that had nothing to do with him. 
Bucky thought it was bad before but now he was seeing red. He was silently seething, seeing yet another handsome stranger drop you off, kissing you and giving your ass a playful squeeze before letting you make your way inside. The worst was when your stupid dates would actually make it inside the compound and all the way up to your room, Bucky had never been more thankful for sound proof walls. He watched you carefully, your smile dropping as soon as your date drove off, kicking your heels off and making your way to the kitchen to pour yourself a drink. 
Though Bucky despised seeing you after dates (unable to understand why he felt so strongly about them in the first place) there was one benefit to your rendezvous. One he wouldn’t openly admit to enjoying. A twisted part of him was happy when you didn’t enjoy yourself because while you would keep your distance from him on a regular basis, there were a few select times you’d relent and give into your needs. Like right now. 
“Bad date?” He cocked his head while you downed the dark liquid in one go, slinking over to his side, the warmth of your skin radiating off you. You nodded, letting your arms drape around his shoulders, standing between his legs. 
“Wanna help me forget?” 
It happened often and left Bucky more tormented than before. He hated that you only came to him when you needed to forget your shitty date but what could he say when you were supposed to be just friends with benefits anyway. You have a hold on him he can’t even explain. A hold no one else had ever had on him before. Not even his ex. 
His ex.
Bucky isn’t even sure why he had tried to reconnect with her. He realized there was nothing between the day he met her again after months. He remembered the relationship differently; rose coloured glasses making him forget that there wasn’t ever a strong connection between them. Now he was struggling to figure out why all of his thoughts were consumed with you. If that was the only way he’d get to have you then he’d take what he could get. 
Bucky smiled to himself when he heard the a soft knock at his door, opening it to find your semi disheveled state, your hair a mess, wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt. 
“Need something doll?” Bucky smirked while you rolled your eyes, pushing past him, walking right into his room. You were there for one thing and one thing only. He knew it and you knew it.
“You know what I need Barnes” You huffed, unsatisfied from your date who rubbed you like a scratch lottery ticket, asking if you had finished 30 seconds after. “He couldn’t find my clit” You shook your head, tossing your tshirt off, leaving you bare moving laying on his bed “Not that most guys can”
Bucky felt all of his blood rush down south, it didn’t matter how many times he’d seen you naked, how many times he’d had you spread out for him, he’d forever be taken with how perfect you looked wearing absolutely nothing. He palmed his boner as he made his way over to you, stripping all his clothes off before giving his cock a few tugs. 
“Pretty sure I can” Bucky murmured, crawling onto the bed and spreading your legs in front of his face. “And if I remember correctly...” He nipped your inner thigh making, smiling to himself at the soft gasp that slipped form your lips, pressing a sloppy wet kiss right onto your clit “It’s right there, isn’t it baby”
You let out a whimper, nodding while he hummed, a cocky smirk curling on his lips. He pressing his hard cock against the mattress for some relief, the feel of your soft silkiness making him leak. “I know exactly where my pretty doll’s clit is, don’t worry your pretty head baby” 
“He didn’t know how to touch you, huh” Bucky cocked an eyebrow when you silent shook your head, his thumb coming to rub soft circles around your clit, “You like it slow and gentle at first, hm? Barely touching you, teasing you a little before getting faster?” Bucky watched you carefully, your chest rising up and down faster as he started to apply more pressure, his blue eyes locked with yours. “Then you like it faster, just like this” He removed his thumb, twitching to his two fingers', coating them in your arousal before using his fingers tips to rub you making you moan louder, “That’s right, sing for me baby, sing for me while I play with your pretty little clit” 
“I remember you loved when I did this...” He gently sealed his lips around your sensitive nub, suckling with the lightest pressure, his hands holding your thighs apart, loving the way you moaned just for him. He pulled off so he could use his tongue, lapping and twirling around your clit, groaning at the sweetness that coated his tongue. 
“Need-need more” You moaned, getting louder as he pushed two fingers into you, curling them and speeding up his pace, grinding against the bed, his balls growing heavy. “Need your cock Bucky! Please fuck me” You grabbed at his shoulders, too desperate for just his fingers, needing to feel all of him. 
“Okay, okay baby, m’here” Bucky cooed, as he came up, kissing your neck, jealousy creeping through his veins smelling the remnants of your dates cologne still lingering on your skin. 
Another man. Who touched you. Felt your body. 
“Need you” You moaned again, feeling his cock nudge against your soaked entrance, your thighs wrapping around his waist. Your eyes were practically pleading with him, rolling back when you felt him start to press into you, moaning into your neck. 
“You have me” Bucky groaned as he shoved his cock into you, not giving you a second to adjust, his arms wrapped tightly around you, and pounding you right into the mattress. You cried out from pleasure, the air nearly knocked out of your lungs from his cock hitting your sweet spot, his cock starting to drip inside you. You could feel him all over, his body weight heavy on top of yours, the scent of his body wash, the scent of him, the heat off his body, the way he tasted when he smashed his lips against yours. 
You’d hooked up plenty of times before but none of them were like this. 
Bucky’s face was tucked into the crook of your neck, sucking dark bruises, gently licking and kissing them right after. His arms were holding you tight against him, rolling his hips so that he’d still be pressed against every inch of your body the entire time. It felt like he was trying to fuck the deepest depths of your soul, unrelenting, the bed post steadily thudding against the bedroom wall.  
 Bucky felt it too. Something more. He didn’t know what, maybe you were frustrated, pent up from being unsatisfied but he’d never had you like this before. Your legs squeezed his sides, your nails scratching down his back, trying to pull him impossibly closer. You were begging him for more, nearly crying, tears clouding your vision as he braced himself up slightly on his knees, fucking you even deeper. He savored your sweetness on his tongue, the smell of your shampoo, how silky and soft your body was. His cock was throbbing, threatening to blow sooner than he’d like, your pussy sucking him back in every time he fucked you. 
Your hands went to card through his hair, your nails grazing through his scalp, drawing the sluttiest moan from Bucky, his eyes rolling back, fucking you even harder. You could feel your arousal squirt out of you at how desperate and delicious he sounded, squirming under him, feeling the wiry hair at the base of his cock rub against your clit. 
No one else had ever satisfied you the way he did, touching you in a way that made your body light on fire. He felt so good, fucked so good, tasted so good, made you feel things everywhere. Your heart was screaming, wanting to making the night last forever, but forever wasn’t something either of you agreed on. He wasn’t yours. If only. If only you could always have this. You needed this. Exactly this. You tried to bite your tongue, your voice needy and broken, unable to stop the words from tumbling out as your mind swirled. 
“Fuck Bucky I wish my future husband would fuck me this good, oh god-
You cried out as he growled, grabbing you and bringing your knees up, angling his hips till his thrusts made your belly bulge. He felt feral hearing your words, knowing you needed more of what he was giving you, what only he could give you. No one else would ever make you feel this good.
“Yeah? That what you want? Another man to fuck like me?” Bucky felt another surge of jealously course through his veins at the thought of another man having you the way he did. Another man touching you. Making love to you. Fucking you. Filling your tight cunt with their cum, breeding you till your belly was round and swollen. He snarled against your neck thinking about you carrying someone elses name. Someone else making you feel good, making you moan, putting their cock in you, it was supposed to be just him. Only him. 
Why was he so possessive.
He tried to shake off the thought but the image seared into his brain. 
He couldn’t stand the image of you in your wedding dress, saying I do to a man that was someone else, your soft lips kissing theirs, sealing the both of you together forever, taking you away from him. 
Fuck that. 
Bucky fucked you like his life depended on it, the green monster of envy and jealous possessing his very soul, pouring all his feelings into the way he fucked you. He marked your neck, your shoulders, your breasts'. 
“Need-need this Bucky” You cried out, feeling pressure and tightness growing through your body, your orgasm desperate to spill over. He grunted, his balls growing heavy, his own climax at the tip of his cock. 
How could you think of letting someone else have you this way. 
To have you so vulnerable, hearing how beautiful you sounded when you were lost in pleasure. 
How could you think of wearing another mans right? Taking his last name?
How the fuck could you think of carrying another mans child, giving birth to his babies, having a family with someone that wasn’t him. 
How could you. 
Bucky’s mind felt muddled, he felt sick at the thought of you belonging to someone else, not when you had him. Not when he could give you what you wanted. He couldn’t push away the thought of how you’d look if you were carrying his babies. The way your tummy would be so round. How tired you’d look, a little super soldier baby growing inside you. 
The way you’d be pouty, your breasts leaking, your swollen belly perfect evidence that you belonged to him. No one would look at you twice, knowing who your baby daddy is. Who would dare look at the pretty thing the winter solider knocked up, thinking twice before they even looked your way. 
Fuck, you’d look so perfect, pregnant with his baby. He’d take such good care of you, massaging your sore feet, rubbing your belly, doting on you every second of the day. He’d spend hours worshipping your pussy with his mouth, knowing you wouldn’t even be able to see him over the swell of your tummy but your satisfied moans would be more than enough for him. He’d carry you everywhere, treat you like a queen, make love to you, drink your sweet milk when you felt heavy and sore, you be all of his-
“F-FUCK I’M CUMMING” Bucky bit hard onto your shoulder, moaning loudly as he started to cum, thoughts of your leaking nipples and firm belly making his whole body jolt, his cock sensitive, spurts of his seed endlessly pouring into you. “Y/n, look at me” He panted, still rutting his cock into you while your eyes rolled back into a silent scream, cumming around his throbbing length. 
“Look at me” He grasped your cheeks, making you look at him, sweat beading at his forehead, his skin flushed “I’m gonna get you pregnant” You gasped, moaning against his mouth as he continued to sloppily grind into you, his cock still some how hard. “You’re all mine, understand?”
You nodded, but it wasn’t enough, his grip on your cheeks tightened, desperate to hear your voice. 
“Say it” He pleaded with you, panting and grunting, overstimulated but too deep in wanting to fill you again to care. 
“I-I’m yours James!” You could feel pleasure creep up you again, working yourself up to a second high just off his words alone. 
“Keep saying it, keeping saying it, m’gonna cum again, don’t fuckin stop, keep telling me” He almost sounded like he was going to cry, his balls throbbing, still full and heavy.
“I’m yours, I’m yours, get-get me pregnant daddy” 
“FUCK YES”  That did it, his second orgasm spilling into you, his cock finally starting to soften. You panted, your mind reeling over the what had just happened, too fucked out to formulate words. He had taken you apart, cumming in you twice, his seed still deep inside you as he stayed inside you, slowly drifting off to sleep. As much as you wanted to ask him about what had just happened, you figured it was just the heat of the moment. You melted into his hold, letting sleep take over instead, what just happened wasn’t a big deal anyway....
You blinked awake, heat engulfing you, Bucky’s arms wrapped around your body keeping you tightly and securely right against him. You squirmed, only to feel him hug you closer, whining, as if you’d disappear if he let go. You tried to gently wiggle free, not wanting to deal with the fact that you’d stayed the night, but your attempts to leave only woke him up. You blinked at his soft blue eyes gazing down at you, his strong arms still clinging onto you like no tomorrow. 
You were cut off by his lip smashing onto yours in a breathe stealing kiss, your eyes growing wide before melting and kissing him back. You both reluctantly broke away for oxygen, your face heating up as he tucked your hair behind your ear, still holding you close. 
He rolled over, pinning you down onto the bed, his hard cock pressing against your thigh. “Stay, please” All Bucky could think about was your words from last night, the thought of anyone else other than him having you making him sick. He needed it again. Needed more. Wanting the same passion from the night before, his heart yearning and aching for it. “Y/, doll please” 
You shook your head, a sudden surge of anger fueling you when you remembered he wasn’t even yours and his heart was elsewhere. 
“James, let me go- 
“No” He stayed in place, bringing his hands to lace with yours, pinning you further, “Doll, I know I have no right but-but I need you”
“You had me last night, that’s all you need anyway” You scoffed, while he shook his head, regret clouding his eyes.
“No baby, it’s not enough. It was never enough. It’s always been you” 
“James, you were just trying to get back with your ex-
“It was a mistake. I learnt that the same day I met her. There wasn’t anything between us, truthfully there never was. I guess I remembered things differently from how they actually were. A stupid memory that never even existed. She never made me feel the same way you did. Not even close” 
You stayed silent, while Bucky continued to nervously ramble, his feelings coming out scrambled, fear making it difficult for him to focus. He couldn’t lose you. He adored you. Needed you. Couldn't stand the thought of someone else other than him being by your side. 
“It’s all you baby, always all you” He whispered, giving you his best puppy eyes, his heart hammering against his chest. You spread your legs slightly, letting his cock rest against your core, your nose bumping against his. 
“Show me you mean it” You whispered against his lips, gasping as he filled you, moving slowly so you could feel every bit of him. Him. The only person you truly every wanted. The person you imagined your future with. The person you wanted it all with. 
“M’gonna show you for the rest of my life doll” 
A few years later
You yawned, handing off your little one to Bucky, giving him a quick kiss before he was carried off to bed. Bucky rocked his son in his arms for a moment before setting him down in his bed, kissing him goodnight before switching the night light on. He made his way back to the bedroom, his heart swelling when his eyes settle on you, the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. 
“How are my babies” Bucky smiled, laying in front of you and pulling your shirt up over your swollen belly, his two little angels fluttering inside. 
“Kicking and causing a ruckus, just like you a Steve” You huffed, giggling when he laid his head on your tummy, kissing the area where he felt the little ones moving. 
“Let mama sleep” He soothed, rubbing your skin,  smiling when he felt the babies settle down. “Be good for mommy, she’s sleepy, carrying you both around all day, keeping you warm and cozy” 
Bucky continued to coo and whisper to your belly, lulling you in and out of sleep, listening to his soothing voice. He had done the same thing when you first son Steve Grant Barnes Jr. was born, doting on you every second of the day. You had sworn you needed time to recuperate, exhausted from carrying his enhanced little one though both of you struggled to keep your hands to yourselves. 
“You just had to get me pregnant with twins, didn’t you” You playfully narrowed your eyes at him, gently stroking his hair while he continued to cuddle with your tummy. Bucky grinned, taking your hand and kissing your palm, the ring on your finger glinting softly under the glow of the table lamp. 
“Not my fault, you were the one who had your hands down my pants when we got back from that mission. I didn’t hear you complain when I made you cum three times in a row” He wiggled his eyebrows while your face heated up, biting your lip, remembering the way he had taken you apart in the jet, the safe house and then your home, the both of you insatiable as always, “Aren’t you lucky your husband fucks you like I did, Mrs. Barnes” 
Tags: @glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  @beabutterfly987  @teambarnes72  @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass  @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan  @buggy14  @whimsyplaty92  @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec   @pono-pura-vida   @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog  @happyt0exist   @emmabarnes  @bethyruth @matchat3a  @cjand10   @getwellsoontana  @cherryschaos   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog  @buckybarnessimpp   @potatothots  @goldylions  @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog  @kingfleury   @peaches1958   @spiderman-stilinski   @peaceinourtime82  @gublur   @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46   @lolawassad  @almosttoopizza   @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess   @buckycallsmeaslut    @kamaria-sweet-writes  @charmedbysarge    @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7 @alina02  @gh0stgurl    @polishprincess999 @jessybarnes @alltheficsiwant @chemtrails-club  @eralen   @perdidosbucky-yyo  @clqrosmgc    
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angelicdanvers · 1 month
a charlie bushnell x fem!reader social media fic.
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liked by y/n, dior.n.goodjohn, leahsavajeffries, and others
levizmiller — she won at pool. again.
tagged | y/n
y/n hey at least we got drinks ↳ levizmiller true ↳ walker.scobell YOU CAN DRINK??? ↳ y/n technically yes BUT i settle for virgins
dior.n.goodjohn best duo loading?! ↳ levizmiller YES
user i lowk shipp ↳ user2 nah they prob friends ↳ user3 ay no need to speculate 😭
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liked by levizmiller, dior.n.goodjohn, walker.scobell, and others
y/n — prep for the jumpscare at the end
tagged | levizmiller
levizmiller 😭
walker.scobell i wanna be your age ↳ y/n in like five years buddy
walker.scobell also levizmiller your physique is ELITE ↳ levizmiller thank you walker :)
leahsavajeffries YOU GUYS ARE SO COOL ↳ y/n that’s our goal >:)
iamcharliebushnell hope ur having fun! ↳ y/n thanks!
dior.n.goodjohn YOURE SO HOT ↳ y/n BABES YOU ALL YOU
user2 not charlie becoming less and less consistent ↳ user4 fr man this is sad
forbidden child added cutie patootie
↳ HI ARYAN OKAY SO UH I NEED YALLS HELP i think you guys were right
cutie patootie aw what’s wrong?
chanel’s enemy uh oh
↳ yeaaah so is charlie mad at me??? for hanging out with levi?
lee lee he shouldn’t be, he doesn’t have a reason to because even tho all of us are close it’s still your life yk
chanel’s enemy i second that, and if he does that also means SOMETHING if yk what i mean
dr dre im not even gonna sugarcoat, his comment seems so passive 😭
↳ welp i’ve screwed up big time 😃
cutie patootie i mean he’s okay around walker and i. he did keep talking about you at one point last night when we were watching moon knight literally made us pause the ep and just spoke of you
cutie patootie idk bro it just seemed to me that he missed her a lot. he kept saying how he wanted to take her to egypt esp a restaurant by the pyramids considering y/n still hasn’t been and other places
chanel’s enemy ong he deffo should if he likes her, he should actually ask her out before anyone else does take her to a nice lil restaurant, get her flowers, whatnot
cutie patootie yeah fr
↳ yall pls tell me youre not speculating he likes me
↳ yes but im choosing to ignore them for the sake of my sanity
dr dre is he tho guys do dumb shit when they like a girl
↳ he doesnt like me 😭
cutie patootie ANYWAYS i'd keep my eyes and ears open if i were you, y/n, you definitely didn’t screw up but if you're worried abt charlie maybe just be a tad bit more careful?
↳ gotcha, no more levi posts then?
chanel’s enemy i mean ofc you can post him, it shouldn't be anyone's business as to who you're posting, but idk it's so hard to explain like don't get me wrong i think you should post whomever you wish but hopefully it won't hurt anyone. i mean you're not with anyone controversial so it shouldn't be a big deal anyways, plus if someone cough charlie cough can't fess up their feelings it's on THEM not YOU
↳ i definitely get that, thank you for the insight you guys :) it’s just tough because i really don’t know how i feel either
chanel’s enemy WAIT WHAT i did NOT expect that response
↳ i can't help it idk my emotions are all over the place right now
cutie patootie okok miss y/n do you, or do you not, have a crush on levi?
↳ i do not
chanel’s enemy okok MISS y/n l/n would you rather be MRS. y/n bushnell?
dr dre well THAT got a reaction out of her
↳ ugh but he's cute and he’s so sweet and he’s so charming too he texts me every morning no matter what timezone i’m in and he gave my mom flowers when he first met her too he’s so smart, both emotionally and intellectually like doing math with him is just >>>>
lee lee girl. GIRL.
chanel’s enemy LMFAOOO MATH 💀 she down bad BAD
dr dre you see there’s a river in egypt…
↳ OKAY OKAY fuck i like charlie don’t i
↳ aw shit man WHAT DO I DO
chanel's enemy MAKE A SUBTLE MOVE ASAP
cutie patootie YES THATS PERFECT
↳ guys this is too hard i dont like this
— taglist.
@shokocoded @istillremeberthefirstfallofsnow @surftrips @svtsimp22 @thames-fig @captainshischier @reggieslifeboat @multifandom-loser @wheelerslover @mermaid-mqtel @randomnpc456 @kaithoughs @isab3lita @mariposa555 @sunshinessky @myr-cheri @thedeadlynights @ella33 @c1nn4mng1rl @poppysrin @breadbrobin @lucy-the-ant @jules-loves-lukecastellan @taloulalila @tom-pls-fuck-me @mia-luvs @iknowyoureabigfan @rinisfruity14 @chasebeth @auttumnsayshi @prettygirlformula @alwayswndr @balletfilmss @kestisvrse @1forthemoney2forthekish @eissaaaa @emelia07 @toffytaste @soulaires @bearwon @happy-mushrooms @simrah1012 @blimp-blimp @obxstiles @yuminako @hopexcroc @mackycat11 @knowugetdejavu @0puddleofgender0 @callsignwidow @i-heart-emos @eddiesdrummergf @suckerforblondies @homebyeleven @bookworm-center @kawliflo @https-evan2 @ihrtzku @strawberryapplesauce13 @captainshischier @vbbaby-girl @honeysmoonn @itssmandiee @kinderwh0r3 @willsdills @americanbluebirdrb @bokutos-biddys @ln4author @lqclercs @czennieszn @laveens-pearl @inlovewithcarsthatrunreallyfast @aerangi @taygrls @ilamara @hanjiiberry
hi my loves! i am so so sorry for disappearing for a bit, school was getting horrible during the second semester and i found very little motivation. i rested all of july and i am hoping to update this series, along with posting a luke one i've written for the past few months, throughout this month! i think i've mostly tagged all the people that requested to be a part of the taglist, forgive me if i missed you or tagged you twice.
how are you guys doing?
please stay safe and drink water, i'm proud of you <333
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happiest-hotch · 1 year
Mother's Day
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Summary: Jack has a very important, surprise gift to give you on a special holiday for your inaugural celebrations together
Paring: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader (Fluff)
WC: 1.4k
Whenever he can, Aaron leaves work early to get Jack. Thankfully, with Strauss's return, he's not still stuck doing two jobs, so he finishes his work in time to get Jack from school. You also love when he has days like that because it means he'll cook something delicious and homemade, maybe even dessert if Jack has anything to say about it.
Jack gets into the car like any other day, but what he says isn't the typical comment about his day or request for an afternoon activity. "Did you know it's Mother's Day this weekend?" Jack asks.
Aaron's heart clenches in his chest. Mother's Days, birthdays, Christmases, and the anniversary of Haley's death are all especially hard days for Jack, and Aaron tries his best to support his son. "Do you want to talk about mom?" He asks softly as he drives. Since Jack doesn't remember a lot of it, Aaron fills in the blanks and answers the questions.
"No, I might want to talk to her tonight, but I want to get a present," Jack explains.
Aaron frowns a little but accepts it. "We can do that. What do you want to get her?"
Jack's thinking face looks like his dad's, something you were the first to point out to Aaron. "I don't know." He admits. "You always get roses for Y/n so maybe I can get her flowers?"
That really throws Aaron, and it rapidly occurs to him that he and Jack aren't talking about the same person. "You want to get a present for Y/n?" He clarifies.
Jack shifts uncomfortably in his car seat, clearly nervous at his father's reaction. "I'm sorry. Is that wrong?"
Aaron can't shake his head fast enough. "No. No, of course not, buddy." He assures his son, reaching back with one hand to touch the boy's foot for extra reassurance. "I think she'd really like that. What made you think you want to get something for her?" He tries to ask it in a non-judgemental, casual tone.
"Well, in class, we were all talking about what we love about our moms, and a lot of the things that my friends were talking about are things that Y/n does for me." He explains, and Aaron feels his heart clench in the best way that time while he bites down a wide smile. "Mom is still my mom, and I'm not forgetting how she used to do those things for me, but Y/n is there for me too."
Aaron notices what he's emphasizing, and he's immensely proud of Jack for being able to express those feelings, understanding that appreciating his mom and recognizing your role in his life aren't mutually exclusive.
Then he's thinking about you as he absorbs the confession. And how lucky he is to have you. You have been a constant source of support and love, a beacon of hope and stability in the wake of their family tragedy, never anything but good to them. He feels so much joy and a tiny bit of sadness. He knows Haley would have loved you and appreciated how much you care for Jack, but he wishes she was there to see it.
He's choked up as he goes to speak. "Jack, that's very sweet of you, and I think, no, I know, Y/n feels the same way about you. She thinks you're the most amazing kid ever."
Jack smiles softly. "She does? Really?"
Aaron can't nod fast enough. "Yes, she always tells me how great she thinks you are."
"So we can get her a gift for her?" Jack confirms, looking hopeful.
"Absolutely." Aaron agrees, taking a right turn to the mall rather than a left to their home. "Whatever you want."
It's been such a long week of work and Saturday mornings are Jack's soccer games, so as soon as your Saturday movie night is over, you're fast asleep next to Aaron.
Like usual, he stirs beside you first on Sunday morning, but when you go to get up with him, he softly whispers for you to go back to sleep and that's very easy to do.
When you next wake up, the sun is creeping through the blinds at a different angle, signaling that you slept in for longer than you usually would.
There's a soft knock at the bedroom door before you can properly wake up and get out of bed, and you softly call out for who you expect to be Jack to come in.
You're right in your guess that it's Jack, who quickly jumps up onto the bed with you, followed by his father who has a breakfast tray with a big vase of flowers on it accompanying a delicious-looking plate of French toast.
"Wow, you've both been busy this morning." You mumble sleepily as you sit up to hug Jack who's jumping into your arms.
"Happy Mother's Day!" He cheers joyfully, and you're taken off guard by the greeting, completely shocked.
Your eyes dart to Aaron's to make sure you heard Jack correctly, and his wide smile confirms you have. He's looking between you both with so much love and tenderness, his heart so full it feels like it's bursting.
Your eyes fill with tears as you realize the enormity of what he's just said. "Thank you, Jack." You squeeze him even tighter in a hug, not wanting him to slip away from this perfect moment.
He pulls back and smiles at you before turning back to his dad. "Can we give it to her?" He asks.
"Sure, bud." Aaron agrees, setting the tray down over the top of your legs. He sits near the foot of the bed while Jack snuggles into your side.
Jack reaches forward to pick up the little box next to the breakfast. "Here." He hands it to you. "Happy Mother's Day. Thank you for caring so much about me."
You kiss his forehead, holding him tighter to his side as you gladly accept his thoughtful and unexpected gift. "You're very welcome. I love you, Jackers."
Whatever he has for you has to be jewelry from the small, flat shape of the box and the designer jewelry stamp. You open it up, and your heart melts more, if it were possible. What's inside is a gorgeous gold bracelet with a flat, circular charm, engraved with the letter J.
Jack touches it as your finger does. "It's a J for Jack."
You nod so you don't start crying too much. You're so overwhelmed by gratitude and happiness that you can't help but let one tear slip out.
"Thank you." You finally get the words out. "It's perfect and I love it so much. I'm going to wear it every day, so you're always with me."
Jack's grinning a proud grin, clearly proud of himself for picking it out. Aaron had told him how much you would love it, but seeing it confirms it for him. "I think it'll look beautiful on you." He tells you adorably.
You chuckle a little. "You're a sweet talker just like your dad, you know?"
Aaron laughs next to you, but Jack's confused at what your compliment means, and his attention is drawn elsewhere. "Daddy and I made French toast for me as well. Oh, and I got you flowers."
It's a gorgeous bunch of flowers, beautiful colors, and lovely smells. "Thank you so much. Both of you." You repeat to them, making sure they're feeling the reciprocated love you're feeling.
"You're welcome," Jack says politely.
Aaron leans over to kiss your forehead. "I love you." He whispers.
You whisper it back before looking back at your breakfast plate. "There's a lot of French toast here, so I might need some help eating it." You say suspiciously, looking between Jack and Aaron.
Jack's eyes light up like he's been waiting for you to offer him some of it, and you can't blame him, it looks and smells like restaurant quality and you know breakfast foods are Aaron's strong suit cooking-wise.
"I am kind of hungry." Jack agrees, smirking at you softly.
"Eat up then, bud." You say, offering him the first spoonful. "We've got lots of fun stuff to do today."
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thelikesofus · 1 year
Buddie Fic Recs
AKA Talented Mutuals Tuesday
Except I spent so long making this list that the timezones changed over BUT I wanted to show my mutuals some love and now that we are going into the hiatus I thought you might all like a list of quality fics to keep you occupied while there is no new Weewoo show. 
I don't know if anyone will actually want to join in on this but if you do the rules are simple:
SHOW YOUR MUTUALS SOME LOVE! Share your favourite fics, (or gifs, edits, literally anything that your very talented mutuals have made), as many or as few as you like but let's share the love around <3
Apologises in advance for the long post btw
@speaknowdiaz I would literally read anything that April writes and would probably sell a limb for the incredible WIPs I know she's still cooking up but here are a couple of my faves:
pining and anticipation (I don't want you like a best friend)
Buck challenges Eddie to try to hit on him after teasing Eddie for not having any ‘game’. This fic is very funny and very soft.
believe in one thing (i won't go away)
This fic hit me straight in the feels. Buck and Eddie go to couples therapy even though they aren't a couple and they work through some stuff.
@thosetwofirefighters Incredible amazing Nat ily xx
Say It All Out Loud
Eddie comes out to Aunt Pepa after his ‘date’ with Vanessa. I am a little bit biased towards this one because she did write it for me but it's honestly just so good!
How to Cure Boredom: Buckley Edition
The 118 are stuck at the firehouse during a slow shift and Buck entertains them all by mattress-surfing the loft stairs. It’s soft and silly and in the same universe as her other fic Safe in His Arms.
@loveyourownsmiilee The wonderful amazing Juju not only writes incredible meta and keeps us all fed with Oliver content but Juju also writes wonderful buddie fic. 
When Were You Under Me?
Who doesn’t love a Friends AU. This is Buck and Eddie as Ross and Rachel and it is hilarious and so sweet. 
You should also check out her Buddie Language Meta if you have not read it before <3
@elvensorceress Jenwyn’s work always astounds me so be sure to check these out:
Color Him Father, Color Him Love
I will scream from the rafters how much I adore this fic and yes it did make me cry (happy tears). It’s a look into Buck’s head after his sperm donor kid is born and he realizes what Christopher (and Eddie) truly mean to him. I know I have recced this before but it deserves all the love. 
Unless You Ask Me To
Eddie dates a man for the first time, and Buck is completely 'Fine'. This is a preemptive rec because it is one chapter away from completion and I have been saving it to binge in one sitting but knowing Jenwyn and her incredible talent I guarantee this will be worth the read. 
@spotsandsocks If anyone’s work is guaranteed to make me sob like a baby (happy, sad, or tears of laughter) it’s Spotty. 
Everything But (temptation)
This is Spotty’s newest fic and it's just brilliant. Buck is practicing extreme self-control whilst Eddie is being an irresistible menace. 
Could Have, Should Have, Would Have
Buck finally tells Eddie he loves him right before Eddie’s new boyfriend is supposed to meet Christopher. Honestly, all I can say about this fic is that it’s a masterpiece and I screamed many times while reading it. 
@shortsighted-owl Wonderful amazing Owly (Abbi). I appreciate you so and you make my dash so happy xx
Of foam-moustached kisses, and button combinations
For all your sweet domestic buddie needs this is the fic. Eddie is practicing a video game to get better than Chris and Buck makes fun of his ex-technophobe boyfriend. 
Also THIS EDIT SET to the lyrics of You’re All That I Have by Snow Patrol make me assdffgghjjklkll
@lilbuddie Okay, this one is just a brag because Minja doesn’t actually have any fics published yet (side eye) but I wanna make sure she is on everyone’s radar for when she does because yall are not ready for the incredible amazing talent that is this girl’s writing!! So go check out the snippets on her Tumblr and badger her until she finishes something plssssss
@wheelsupin-five Hi! <3
Almost Almost Almost
This adorable of Buck who is always cold and Eddie warms him up I– asfffghhjkklllll
Under Kitchen Light
SO SOFT! Buck wakes up and Eddie isn't there, Buck finds him in the kitchen. 
@rogerzsteven Simi owns my heart and by that I mean my heart is locked in a cage in Simi’s basement where it is occasionally beaten to a pulp by the most incredibly angsty fics you've ever read.
Buck is extremely nauseous and Eddie takes care of him while I sob over them in a corner.
build me a home underground (free from light and sound)
This fic is so brutal in all the best ways, my heart was in my throat the entire read! Buck gets trapped in a sensory deprivation room while the 118 and Athena race to find him. 
@ashavahishta another incredibly talented mutual of mine
out of ashes
Is it really a Meegs rec list if I don’t rec this fic honestly it's engraved on my soul. This is a criminal minds/greys inspired fic where Buck is kidnapped and tortured until the 118 can find him. This fic is so so well written and means a million things to me I could never explain but pleaseeeee read it!! 
@jobairdxx hello lovely xx
Oh, We Pray to Make it Through the Night
Highly recommend this fic, I do love a near-death experience fic! Buck gets injured on a call and Eddie falls asleep holding vigil at his bedside. 
Jules also writes beautiful poetry on Tumblr so go read some of that too <3
love is on its way
I know we’re all a little bit in mourning over the couch theory but it lives on in our hearts and in this fic which has six moments between Buck and Eddie on the Diaz couch (and she’s a wee bit spicy too).
Buck's café (take my heart, just not my order)
Coffee Shop AU. Buck runs the shop where the 118 order all their drinks on shift. I absolutely adore this fic! 
there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head
If “aasdsdfghhjkl” was a person it was me reading this fic. Eddie comes out to Buck, receives a quirky mug, and gets together with the love of his life. In that order.
@bekkachaos Wonderful, amazing Bekka xxx
lose yourself in the feeling
I am a sucker for ‘accidental kisses’ and this was just wonderful. Buck is so excited about Maddie and Chim getting engaged that he kisses Eddie when he tells him. 
start me up, open my eyes
Okay, the mild sexual content tag is a lie, nothing has ever been closer to smut without actually being smut than this fic, I have never been so wound up reading a fic. Bekka builds the tension so so well. 
@sibylsleaves honestly I'm still a little in shock that we're mutuals now so please excuse me while I fangirl over your incredible writing!
with a bird at your door
Eddie starts spending all his time with Buck. Which would be fine if it weren't for the fact that Buck is in love with him. This fic is the perfect mixture of pining, angst, and a happy ending. And yes I think about this fic frequently I love it okay. 
@mysteriouslyyounggalaxy last but certainly not least (for now). hello lovely xx
(tell the gravedigger) better dig two
Missing scenes from while eddie is trapped in the well followed by the most perfect extended reunion scene. We all know I am a sucker for fics based on the well incident, it’s literally how i started writing for buddie but omg this fic!!!! 
Remember to share the love around and happy hiatus to you all.
Love, Meegs xxxx
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lionlena · 5 months
Headcanon: If Teresa tried to get Marcus back after years... (MarcusPikexf!reader)
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Teresa couldn't believe it. She just got off the train and saw him.
Marcus Pike, her ex-fiancé, stood at the same train station.
She hadn't seen him in almost eight years, but he didn't seem to have aged at all and somehow he looked even better. Teresa smiled broadly.
"Marcus! Oh my god! What a meeting!"
Marcus grimaced slightly, but she didn't seem to notice because she hugged him tenderly.
This made him feel awkward and he took a step back.
"Umm… Hi, Teresa."
"That's really amazing, how are you?" Before Marcus could open his mouth, she already started talking: "I divorced Jane three years ago, it turned out he was cheating on me. Now I'm alone."
Marcus took this information very indifferently and looked at his watch, then at Teresa, who was looking at him as if she was waiting for something. But since he didn't say anything, she took the initiative again.
"Maybe we should go for coffee?"
Marcus wanted to laugh. What was she counting on? That during those eight years, he did nothing but wait for her.
"Listen, Teresa, we probably won't go for coffee."
She looked at him surprised but didn't give up.
"Maybe we can just exchange phone numbers. We don't have to go for coffee." She winked at him. "We can go for a drink."
Marcus tried to be polite and forced a smile, but even Teresa could tell that it was a fake smile. She also noticed that he was constantly looking at his watch.
"Are you in a hurry to go somewhere?" She asked sweetly and blinked her eyes.
She was starting to feel a little frustrated that her charms weren't working on him like they used to.
Before he could answer, he finally saw you and a real big smile appeared on his face.
"Actually, I was waiting for someone." He glanced casually at Teresa, his eyes focused on you, on your beautiful, round pregnant belly, and on the little six-year-old boy running towards him and screaming, "Daddy!"
Marcus said a quick and curt "Sorry" to Teresa. But it was obvious that he wasn't the least bit sorry. He fell to one knee and spread his arms wide.
"Hey, buddy!"
The laughing toddler fell into his arms and wrapped his arms around his neck. Marcus felt a wave of happiness. He stood up holding his son in his arms.
"How was it with your grandparents?"
"I was riding on a pony"
"Wow! You have to tell me everything on the way home."
Teresa was still standing nearby, watching the scene with open eyes. Marcus simply radiated the energy of a perfect dad.
By this time, you had managed to join them. You walked much slower because of your big belly. Marcus immediately kissed you on the lips and used his free hand to tenderly caress your pregnant belly.
"How are my princesses?" He asked with concern.
He hadn't seen you for only three days, and even though he knew your parents would take good care of you, he was furious that he couldn't go with his family due to work.
"All right." You replied with a smile. "We're just hungry."
Marcus chuckled.
"So it's good to have a delicious dinner waiting at home."
"Did you make dinner?"
"Yes, dinner, laundry, and grocery shopping."
Your heart instantly melted and you caressed his cheek tenderly. He was truly the perfect husband.
Teresa grimaced and felt the bitter taste of jealousy in her mouth. This is what she lost. A perfect, caring husband. She finally cleared her throat and that was when you noticed her. You looked at Marcus questioningly. He gave Teresa a blank look and muttered:
"It was nice meeting you, now excuse me… Family duties call."
Before Teresa could get over her shock, he simply wrapped his arms around your waist and started leading you towards the parking lot where he left the car.
You turned back and noticed that the woman looked as if someone had poured stinking water on her.
"Who she was?" You asked out of curiosity.
Marcus shrugged.
"Nobody important."
You weren't going to ask more. You knew your husband and you didn't feel jealous. You knew his eyes were focused only on you.
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Yes, I hate Teresa... And writing this made me wildly happy :D
Pernament tag list: @harriedandharassed
Next part: Marcus tells you about his meeting with Teresa...
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coolprettyleo · 7 months
maybe i will finally learn my lesson? - begin again au ☆
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wc: 1.2k
tw: sad, angst, rejection, talks about sex. no actual smut tho. borderline alcoholic tbh
ryan leonard x hughes sister au!
frankie fell back onto her bed with a soft thud as she tried to catch her breath. she looked at the boy beside her with a hopeful look hoping to gosh he would stay the night and cuddle her. she just needed some form of reassurance.
he never ever wanted to stay over though.
“i gotta go, the guys are going out tonight” he says as he gets out the bed acting like he was talking to some stranger. what frankie didn't realize was that they basically were.
“do you have to leave?” she says in a sad voice kneeling on the bed. she hated how he never wanted to stay and talk. was that so much for a girl to ask for these days?
“frankie, im all spent for right now, but i mean if im feeling it later on, i'll stop by”
is he fucking serious.
it had honestly been a while since frankie had felt that much rage. he really did only think of her as a fuck buddy.
she knew what she was getting herself into, when she agreed on their little agreement, but in the movies it always ends with the guys falling in love with you. right?
“oh my gosh. just leave. like actually” she said getting back in bed and turning her back to him. which left him dumbfounded. why would she be mad he had to leave?
“did i do something?” he asked confused as he finished putting his cloths on.
no answer.
that pissed drew off. she had no reason to be all pissy with him.
“are you mad because im going out with the boys? why would that bother you? were not anything, frankie. im allowed to go out” he said. still starring at her back.
“oh don’t worry. you’ve made that very clear to me drew” she says, her voice wavering due to the fact she just felt so foolish.
“whatever, you’re annoying me. talk to me when ur done being crazy” he said walking out and slamming her door in a fit of rage.
to say frankie took it totally fine would be dishonest. she sobbed in a fetal position all night. while blasting foolish one by taylor swift.
that woman really does have a song for every situation.
she had honestly never felt so alone.
of course she’s not actually alone; she just refuses to go to anyone and burden them with her problems. it’s not like she can call her parents and her brothers due to the fact she can’t lie to them. she knew they were going to ask something like 'how'd practice go?' and whatnot so she's been forwarding their calls since Wednesday when she quit the team.
she could also call her friends. or her ex teammates. did she even have friends?
she was alone.
she sits in her room finishing up and assignment when she felt like doing something. usually she would get drunk and go from there, but no. if the last week has taught her anything; it's that she's becoming a new person. and the new person wouldn't black out after every minor convenience.
so in the spur of the moment, she decided she was going to rearrange her room! which is what lead her to where she was right now; outside the freshman hockey house.
while moving her bed from one side to another, she found drews hoodie. so being the mature, new, amazing person she claimed to be... she decided to give him back his hoodie, as a form of ceasing the deal. this is a supposed to be a step forward is it three steps back?
frankie walked up the front steps and as she lifted her fist to knock she halts, when she hears multiple voices coming from inside. not wanting to end her and drews situationship in front of his teammates; to save them both the embarrassment. she quickly trashes her plan and decided to just head home.
but when she heard her name is when she decided against that.
"frankie?" she hears drew ask.
"yes dude. its actually so obvious she wants you after what your saying she did yesterday"
he told them about the argument?
well she couldn't really get mad, if frankie had best friends she would of probably told them too.
"well i dont want her like that and she knows that"
frankie felt her heart crack.
i mean she told herself he didn't like her back, but hearing him say it, is a whole different level of pain for someone who just oh so hoped to joke about their situationship one day over coffee as he watched the morning news while their kids got ready for school.
foolish one, frankie hughes.
"no way your gonna reject her, she's so hot. what the hell is there not to like" one of his stupid teammates said.
"I mean she's the nicest and one of the hottest girls I've ever got with dont get me wrong, but some of the shit she says makes me question if she's being for real or not" drew said not knowing the match he was lighting.
"I think I know what your talking about, is it when she said she thought denver was in texas?" one of his other teammates chimed in.
"bro yes. that actually left me speechless" he says. frankie felt like burning the house down at this point.
"she's lucky she's got hockey" another voice said.
the hoodie she had in her hands slipped through her fingers. just like the heart drew held. the heart he never wanted to hold.
she backed away from the door, never wanting to slash anyones tires more. she wanted to commit arson. the way they were talking about her, made her want to throw up.
she can take the fact he didn't like her back. thats okay. if he didn't feel the butterflies she felt it wasn't no one fault. but mine.
but the fact he stood their and called her stupid? who the fuck even knows geography like that? she felt so many emotions run through her veins and the one overcoming the rest was the one that held the power over her tears.
"frankie?" oh my god. no. why the hell did I not run home?
she turned her head to see ryan leonard standing there. one of drews friends. someone she had considered to be her friend. but if the rest talk about her like that, him, will, and gabe probably do too.
"you didn't see me here, ryan" she said as she covered her face trying to push past him.
"wha- hey! what's wrong? who did this?" he said grabbing her wrist and seeing her crying eyes. he knew who did it. he just needed to hear a confirmation before he went inside and beat his ass.
"nothing. let me go" she said wiping her tears.
"im not letting you leave here alone hughes, i know how you get when your this sad. I dont want to wake up tomorrow and hear that you got hit by a damn bus for gosh sake"
one thing ryan hated was when she would drink her feelings away because that meant she was going to be reckless. she honestly is reckless.
"well then do you want to come?"
I got tired so im done writing but I wanted to post this! also ! I have no hate towards drew, its all going to add up in the future when I start the other aus I have planned but for now drew is like anyone else and he's learning and growing. so bear with me!
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
Hello! Sorry I’ve been putting a lot of asks. You can feel free to push this one later. I just wanted to submit this ask while I still remembered this idea. A while ago I read your post about Optimus Prime with a daughter who was his exact opposite, and I loved that one! So may I request a similar idea with TFP Ratchet? Like TFP Ratchet with a daughter bot Buddy who is his exact opposite. Like who had a gentle and sweet and that “Does it hurt here? Aww, you poor thing” “Hey you are doing so much better! Aww! Great job” type of classic cartoon nurse personality, as well as the classic “I love these little creatures! Can we keep them? Father pleaaase?” type of little girl personality (probably to the humans, to Ratchet’s dismey). And she also looked up to Arcee a lot. Like, A LOT! Her absolute idol! she would want to copy every way Arcee talk and behave (even the bad examples)(much to Ratchet’s dismay) and copying the way Arcee battle too. And thanks to Arcee she now wished she could join the battlefield and do all these wonderful cool and dangerous things too! (Once again, much to Ratchet’s dismey)
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YES! Give Ratchet a child!
Hope you enjoy!
Ratchet with a daughter who has the exact opposite personality to his own
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Buddy was originally a sparkling from a dear friend of Ratchet and Orion Pax’s.
Their caregiver was an extremely pacifistic bot who wanted nothing more than peace on Cybertron. But once in a while the caregiver would join a rally with Pax and Ratchet. They believed in change and agreed something needed to be done.
They sadly passed away from natural causes one day when they dropped Buddy off at his clinic to pick up some rust sticks for Buddy. The two friends were devastated hearing the news while the sparkling was happily playing around with her toys.
Their caregiver had placed Ratchet as the primary care giver if anything should happen, Orion was to be the sparkling godparent.
Ratchet took on the new duties immediately.
It was the least he could do for his friend and the sparkling.
Ratchet made sure to let the sparkling know what happened to their caregiver when they were older.
“And that’s the story.”--Ratchet
“So, they’re really gone then?”--Buddy
“…Does that mean I can’t tell bots you’re my caregiver?”--Buddy
“I mean, you take care of me, you feed me, you help me with stuff I don’t know, you helped me choosing my alt mode, you let me rant when things get too much, and you love me… right?”--Buddy
“Of course, I do!”--Ratchet
“…I am…I…”--Ratchet
“You don’t have to say it if you aren’t ready. I love you, you take your time.”--Buddy
“… I love you, Buddy. I love you, my sparkling.”--Ratchet
“To Luna 1 and back?”--Buddy
“To Luna 1 and back.”--Ratchet
The sparkling grew up with a peculiar personality contrasting his.
She wasn’t as sarcastic as he was. If fact it was rare to hear her say sarcastic things. Buddy rather expressed herself open when she could.
“Hi Arcee! Hi Cliffjumper! How was patrol this evening?”--Buddy
“It was fine. Not a Con in sight.”--Arcee
“And too bad too. We would have knocked out their processors out right away!”--Cliffjumper
“Any wounds today? Dents? Dinges? Scratches?”--Buddy
“Yeah I think some of the gravel clipped my servos.”--Cliffjumper
“Oh! Let me!—”--Buddy
“He was joking Buddy.”—Arcee
“…But I do have some cool looking rocks to add to your collection.”—Cliffjumper
“Really! Awesome! Let me go get my collection right now!”—Buddy
“Nice save.”--Arcee
“No thanks to you ‘Cee.”--Cliffjumper
She was a very sensitive individual and extremely empathetic in nature. Just like her former Caregiver, a near perfect image of them.
That being said, Buddy did pick up some of Ratchet’s habits.
Sleep schedule? Never heard of them.
Perfectionist? Absolutely.
Think highly of a certain bot? Yes, but not the same one.
Buddy cleaning some of the medical equipment.
Bumblebee coming out from his habsuite.
“Beep beop! (Morning Buddy!)”--Bumblebee
“Morning? But it was just—oh! God morning Bumblebee!”--Buddy
“Beep… bep bep bop? (Buddy… how many hours did you sleep?)”--Bumblebee
“… So, are you going to pick up Raf today?”--Buddy
“Bep beep (Like Daughter like Father)”--Bumblebee
“Bep bop? (Am I wrong?)”--Bumblebee
Buddy stayed by Ratchet’s side through the thick and thin as his nurse. It seemed like the best role for Buddy to play. They did get taught by the very best anyways.
The kids for the longest time thought that Buddy was simply a student to Ratchet.
“Hey Buddy, do you have parents?”--Miko
“What it’s a valid question.”--Miko
“Umm… I’m confused. You know him already.”--Buddy
“Wait your parent is one of the bots on the Team?”--Raf
“Yes? I thought you knew already.”--Buddy
“Who is it! I bet its Optimus!”--Miko
“Actually, he is my godparent as you’d say it on Earth.”--Buddy
“Then who?”--Raf
“What’s wrong?!”--Ratchet
“You’re Buddy’s dad!?”--Miko
“Yes? I thought you knew already.”--Ratchet
“That’s what I said!”--Buddy
“But how—I want a Cybertronain DNA test, cause there is no way sweety Buddy is related to salty you.”--Miko
“I’m actually adopted Miko.”--Buddy
“But that doesn’t mean you aren’t my daughter, Buddy.”--ratchet
“And that doesn’t mean you aren’t my father Ratchet.”--Buddy
“This is too cute I’m going to go puke.”--Miko
“And you ruined it.”--Jack
This clears a lot of things for the humans.
Buddy was the eldest of the youngest group on Team Prime. She took her job as big sister seriously with Bumblebee and later with Smokescreen. She made sure to always be there for them in any way she could figure out was necessary.
The two bots enjoyed having someone have their backs and fixing them when they came back from patrol.
“Hey Smokes’, you’re doing amazing there.”--Buddy
“Yeah, just a bit longer and you’ll be on your pedes in no time!”--Buddy
“Then you can start the physical therapy.”--Buddy
“Can I skip that?”--Smokescreen
“Did I studder?”—Buddy
Bumblebee accidentally crushed a tool with his pede.
“Bee… Honeybee… I needed that.”--Buddy
Ratchet on the other side of the base.
“…I suddenly feel proud for some reason?”--Ratchet
Like Ratchet Buddy looked up to certain teammates.
While Ratchet looked up to Optimus, Buddy looked up to Arcee.
Buddy saw a hero and great friend in Arcee.
A part of Buddy, like Ratchet, wished she could do more to help the team. When she saw Arcee sparring and hearing the retellings of her stories, she could only imagine doing the stuff Arcee could do.
“Then what happened?”--Buddy
“That’s when me and Cliff went into the groundbridge while Shockwave shot at us with his canon.”--Arcee
“I remember hearing that cliff was knocked unconscious when he went into the portal. What did you do to Shockwave?”—Buddy
“Are you sure you want to know?”--Arcee
“Heh…I shot the Cyclops right in that giant optic of his! He fell straight back to Cybertron with a BANG!”--Arcee
“Please don’t influence my child.”--Ratchet
“No promises.”--Arcee
“Yeah, no promises!”--Buddy
“…Maybe you were right…”--Arcee
Ratchet just hopes that Buddy doesn’t follow Arcee exactly.
He is too old for these jump scares.
And its not like Buddy would go into battle with nothing more than their med kit for Arcee alone, right?
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berryhobii · 9 months
Do Not Disturb (myg x reader) A Drabble
Pairing: fwb!Min Yoongi x black!female!reader
Warnings: Smut(18+ but I don’t control what you consume), sex while on the phone, doggystyle, fingering, orgasms(m and f receiving), ass slapping, fingering(f receiving), squirting, Yoongi wearing a chain, yes that’s a warning, he’s also obsessed with reader’s pussy duh
A/N: Hi everyone! I’m back with a little something something for my Yoongi stans. This is just the classic still fucking while talking on the phone trope. And making it fwb!Yoongi just felt right. I didn’t explicitly describe reader in this so imagine them however you want! Please enjoy and stay safe🩵criticism is greatly appreciated and please feel free to tell me what you think
The ringing of your phone made you slow down in your actions. Your bleary eyes glanced over to where it laid on the coffee table.
Best Friend🌸
What were they calling you for right now? Thank goodness your friend is so clumsy and their camera is broken so they couldn’t FaceTime you.
“Answer it.” The gruff voice of your fuck buddy said, his large hands squeezing at your bare ass.
“Are you insane, Yoongi?”
His skilled fingers tweaked at your sensitive nipples, a whimper coming from your mouth.
“Just answer it. You know they’ll call back.”
You didn’t have time to reject before he was grabbing your phone and pressing the answer button. You squeaked in panic but he had already placed the phone next to your head.
“Why the hell you ain’t answer the first ring, bitch?”
You sucked your teeth. “Don’t call my phone with an attitude, hoe. Now what you want?”
“Let me tell you what that old lady at my job did.” They started.
And Yoongi started to move your ass back and forth on his cock, your mouth dropping open as the head pressed dangerously close to your cervix.
“So I went on my lunch break early because I was starting to get a headache, right? No one else had a problem and it was slow anyway so me taking a break wouldn’t have did anything…”
“Fuck, this pussy is so wet.” Yoongi grunted, pushing your ass cheeks apart to get a better look at your creamy pussy sucking him in.
“Oh shit.” You gasped.
Your friend was still busy ranting so they couldn’t even hear your little noises.
“But when I was about to clock out, she gonna walk up and say ‘it’s not time for your break’. Like bitch, who the hell are you? I can take my break whenever I want. God I hate her so much.”
When Yoongi started thrusting his hips to meet you, you cursed out a, “fucking bitch.”
“Exactly! So I told her to mind her business before I give her some business to mind and she said she’s gonna tell our manager. Like I care. I’ve been ready to quit that job anyway.”
Your head hung low, hands gripping into fists as you began throwing your ass back on Yoongi. You felt ready to cum, that pressure building back up in your lower belly.
“Anyway, when I came back from my break, she told me I went 3 minutes over. Can you believe she was timing me? What’s next? Is she gonna start sneaking into my house to see what time I go to sleep?”
Yoongi’s hips sped up, the clapping noise of your skin meeting getting too loud for your liking. You reached an arm back to try and stop him but he just grabbed it and held it against your back. His other hand pushed his sweaty hair back out of his face.
“O-oh my….ooooooo..”
“What’s that? Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah. I’m fine. I just…burned my finger.” You stuttered, trying not to make it too obvious that you were struggling to form complete sentences.
“Oh okay. But yeah, she is so annoying…”
With every thrust of Yoongi’s hips, it became harder and harder to hold in your moans. You were so close and you and him both knew how loud you got when you were about to cum. Not even the occasional gags you used could muffle your screams of pleasure.
He began scooping his hips to drive right into that spot again and again and you couldn’t hold it anymore. Hands scrambling for your phone, you pressed the mute button, your mouth opening to let out a cry.
“Oh my fucking god, Yoongi! Harder baby!”
His hand pushed your shoulders down so that your face was pressed against the cushions, hips slamming into yours hard enough that you’d think Trey Songz wrote that Neighbors Know My Name song for you two.
Yoongi released your arm to grab both of your ass cheeks again, gripping them like handles in his palms.
“I love this pussy. Damn.” He delivered three consecutive slaps to your ass. “I’m so close. Want my cum, princess?”
You desperately nodded your head. “Yes baby! Fill me up!” You moved your hand under you to begin handling his balls which were sticky and wet with your arousal.
Yoongi tossed his head back, eyes fluttering shut as fire burned hot in his belly. The combination of your slick walls squeezing around him and your acrylics lightly scratching at his balls was enough to send him right over the edge.
His hips stuttered, cock throbbing as he released deep into your clenching walls.
You moaned at the feeling of his warm cum filling you up. You were so close. You just needed a little more.
And Yoongi gave it to you.
Pulling out of you, he replaced his cock with his index and middle fingers, hooking them right into that spongey spot inside of you. You screamed into the air as he drilled his fingers in and out.
Your hips bucked as the pressure became overwhelming, his arm holding you down and preventing you from running.
Your hands scrambled for anything to hold onto, the back cushions of the couch the victims of your assault.
“F-f-f-uhhhhhhhh, oh! Yoon!”
“Cum baby.”
Your hearing blanked, vision blurring with tears and drool leaking from the sides of your mouth as your orgasm pummeled into you, harder than anything you’ve felt in your life.
Yoongi cursed as a hard spray of liquid squirted from you, pulling his hand out to rub furiously at your little nub.
“Yeah princess. Fuck, you’re so sexy.” He palmed at your ass, spreading your cheeks before leaning in to slurp at your clit. His hot mouth propelled you right into another orgasm, this one not as hard as the last one but still satisfying and so so good.
You reached your hand back to grip at his hair, pulling his face closer and deeper to you. His tongue lapped all over your creamy cunt, your combined juices and releases tasting sweet on his tongue. He couldn’t get enough of you. You were just too delicious, too captivating, too beautiful.
He pulled away from you and was just about ready to plunge his now hard cock in your walls again when your phone rang out.
You had completely forgotten about it. Your chest heaved as you lifted your head. You blinked your tears away to make out the name on the screen, finding your Best Friend’s ID flashing.
Oh shit.
You tried to stabilize your breathing before clicking the answer button.
“Oh are you finished? You know, next time you’re in the middle of that, just don’t answer my call.”
You gulped, tossing your braids over your shoulder. “W-what? What do you mean?” Your hand slapped at Yoongi who was rubbing the head of his cock up and down your slit.
You heard them scoff. “Don’t play dumb. You took me off mute. Y’all are nasty.”
“Oh. My bad. Uh….did you still want to-“
They cut you off. “Nope. Don’t even worry about it. I’ll just see you this weekend. Don’t get pregnant.” That’s all they said before that familiar ‘beep beep beep’ sounded.
They were not gonna let you live this down. Brunch was about to go crazy.
Clearing your dry throat, you turned your head to look at your fuck buddy whose eyes were focused on your pussy. You rolled your own eyes, this horny bastard.
“Yoongi. Did you hear that?”
He didn’t even lift his gaze. “Huh? Yeah. Ready for round 2?”
“Are you serious? My friend just heard us having sex and you’re ready for round 2?”
He snorted, eyes finally lifting to meet yours. You’re glad he made eye contact because if he wasn’t, he would have saw how your pussy just clenched from how devastatingly sexy he looked; pale skin marked up from from your scratching and biting earlier, his dark hair pushed from his face, and that annoying ass chain resting against his collarbone.
Okay. Round 2 didn’t sound like a bad idea.
He raised an eyebrow. “Yeah?” He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Yoongi, I don’t think-AH!”
Suddenly, he flipped you over onto your back, grabbing your ankle to pull you towards him. He spread your legs wide enough for you to feel a slight burn in your hamstrings.
He leaned over you, that sparkling chain hanging right above your face.
“Do you really care that they heard? I know this slutty pussy doesn’t care as long as my cock is filling it up.” He emphasized his words by sliding his cock home, the girth splitting you open and making you forget your previous frustration. “Isn’t that right?” A smirk pulled at his lips, those pink lips looking absolutely kissable.
You whined out a yes, hands sliding up his arms to wrap around his shoulders. “Fuck me, Yoongi. Please.”
“Of course, princess.” He was about to start up but you stopped him again.
“Wait. Let me put my phone on silent.”
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
idk why but I think it would be funny reader stuck in the elevator with joe and reader freaking out bc the elevator stopped while joe is all soft and trying to calm her down
YES excellent – i merged this idea with another request from anon who asked for a story that starts on the tube, so, here we go... a new five-part series! here's part one! thanks for the request, you're well sexy and the best, love ya for life xo Wordcount: 2.6K
Between Floors and Feelings
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
“Rough night?”
You knew what this looked like.
You understood why the person who you'd sat down next to immediately got up and moved a few seats down. Why they avoided the drama of it all.
You understood why the lady opposite you stared at the floor and nothing but the floor, pretending that she hadn't seen you, probably because that would just be easiest for everyone involved, the politest thing to do.
You understood why the handsome stranger at the end of the carriage kept looking over, his big round eyes overflowing with pity for the runaway bride in the dirty dress, mascara stains all down her face and her hair a tangled up mess.
You got it.
You probably would’ve felt the same had you witnessed a girl in a wedding dress sit down in an empty seat, sort of dazed and empty-looking, numb to the stares and whispers – if people even whispered at all; the tube was notoriously quiet, always and forever.
“Rough night?” a boy from a group of four, maybe five, called over, and the rest of them all tried to hide their laughs.
It was obvious they’d been drinking and you guessed they were on their way to the next party. Off to find another bar or a club that still let people in after the last tube had gone.
You made direct eye-contact with the kid, and you looked exhausted the way people can only look exhausted after they’ve cried for a good while.
Made sense, since, you know, you’d cried for a good while.
You just looked at this boy, who thought maybe he’d get a reaction out of you, but your lack of expression and unwavering stare quickly made him grow uncomfortable. Made his buddies shove his shoulders as they told him to leave her alone man, suddenly all respectful and well-mannered.
They felt the vibe. None of this was fucking funny.
It was enough to get him to back off, and thank fuck they all got off at Leicester Square – of course they did – and when the doors closed again, you noticed the carriage was mostly empty now.
A glance sideways told you the handsome stranger who’d been sneaking looks at you was still there.
Watching you.
What an outfit to be seen in by someone who had looks that would usually make you sit up a little straighter. Would make you faff with your hair a bit. Would make you stick your chin out and push your shoulders back, just in case he looked at you again.
You absolutely didn’t give a single shit about it now.
Couldn't care less about what you currently looked like.
You knew your face was a mess of streaky foundation with black mascara marks all the way down to your chin and, fuck it, you weren’t even planning on washing it off tonight. You’d wallow in bed and probably would cry some more before you’d fall asleep.
Tomorrow could be the day on which you’d care.
Right now all you’d wanted to do was murder someone, then sleep, and also, empty the rest of your bladder.
Perhaps that was the only thing about tonight that brought you secret joy; the memory of squatting over your boss’s handbag to piss right into it. You had to stop in a scurry when you heard footsteps coming up the stairs and didn’t want to be caught, but, if you had been, ultimately, it wouldn't have mattered.
You had resigned with immediate effect when you'd seen them.
Finding her unguarded handbag on your way out was exactly what she fucking deserved. You knew you'd probably regret it later, but for right now, it was all you fucking had.
The train stopped at Covent Garden, and it took a second for your body to get up to get out. Like the signals your eyes and ears picked up took longer to travel to the right parts of your brain, that then following signals took longer to travel from your brain to the right parts of your body.
You had to lift up your skirt, two fists grabbing at the tulle, to make sure your feet didn't get caught up as you stepped onto the platform.
With the increasingly annoying See It, Say It, Sorted repeating itself for the millionth time within the fourteen minutes you'd been on the tube, the doors beeped behind you before you heard them roll shut.
The platform felt empty, just a couple other people making their way towards the exit, and with your zest for life currently non-existent, the sensation of the wind from the tube leaving felt nice. So, you took a second, just stood there and thought to yourself how long it would take for it to become weird that you weren't moving.
There were just too many things to freak out over, far too much to completely overwhelm you, but it was almost like none of it was real. As if every single survival mechanism your body held within itself had switched on. They all made sure that the only thing you had going inside your brain was a low, constant hum. Nothing else.
It was almost like you weren't even there.
Like the whole evening had been a dream.
Like you didn't even really exist in this moment right now.
Yea. You were definitely dissociating.
You felt like a ghost a little.
One that had to pee, still. That motivated you enough to turn your head, tired heavy-lidded eyes reading the signs to follow them out.
Exit. To the lifts and stairs.
You were nearly home.
Home, where you were definitely 100 per cent going to beeline it straight from your front door right into bed.
Just that thought alone brought you back into yourself a little more, but it was just so you could tear up again. You felt the hot pinpricks behind your eyes and quickly shoved yourself out again.
No more crying, please.
You could just... float down the underground tunnels behind yourself. Follow your own footsteps out of the station. You knew were you lived. You would find yourself there later.
It was fine.
It was after the last theater rush, so for Covent Garden standards, it felt eerily quiet. Not that you were complaining. Waiting for the lifts whilst crushed between a bunch of tourists was the last thing you wanted right now.
But stepping into an empty lift with just one other person stepping in behind you, seeing just a few people step out on the other side, felt weird too.
Especially when you looked, and you saw that the one other person was the handsome stranger from your carriage. He'd apparently gotten off too, and suddenly, you felt embarrassed.
You were wearing a dirty wedding dress. Had black marks all over your face, all over your hands.
He looked fucking stunning. All prim and proper. Vintage-looking tweed green suit. Olive-y green. Gorgeous and well put together, the literal exact opposite from you in your current state. Like, sure, his curls were a little messy, but it seemed part of his look.
As the lift doors closed behind you, the stranger gave you a polite nod accompanied by a tight lipped smile. And you would have returned it, would've made it a kind, well-mannered exchange of acknowledgement, but, you weren't really inside of your body, remember?
All you did was look at him a second, face all blank, and you only slightly noticed that the empathy in his eyes doubled right in front of you before you turned away. You turned and slumped against the side, head resting back, eyes scanning the ads but not really reading anything, and you wondered if these lifts ever got cleaned. If someone ever took a rag and some cleaning solution and wiped down all the panels. By the look of things, probably not.
What if that was your job?
Clean the Covent Garden tube station lifts every day. There were four of them, and you imagined they all could use a good scrub.
You honestly wouldn't mind a job like it. You needed a new job anyway, 't was close to home and you liked the sense of accomplishment cleaning something incredibly dirty gave you. Where you could really see the difference.
You were doing a stellar job at distracting yourself from the current situation you were in. Made sure to stay all the way out of your body. Made sure that this veil that separated you from the real world, that blurred the boundaries between what was real and what was not, made sure that it stayed in place.
You were so close to home.
Wanted to be there right this second.
Fuck, you were so tired.
Maybe your new job could be figuring out this whole teleportation thing. See if you could make that work for yourself.
You didn't realise that your eyes were staring at the man who stood near where the doors were meant to open when you reached ground floor. Just, comfortably locked at the shoulder seam of his jacket.
Even when he turned his head a little for a quick look before he took a small sip from a half empty water bottle, surely because he could sense your two bulging wet eyeballs burn into his back, you didn't move your eyes.
Felt too nice to keep them there.
But then, without warning, there was a sudden jolt. It shocked you right back into your body and you couldn't help the small gasp that escaped you. The lift had come to an abrupt halt, and the lights flickered for a moment before they settled into a dim glow.
Oh no.
“Oh no,” the barely audible sound of your voice surprised you. Your throat still felt thick from crying, and hearing it out loud just reminded you of it more.
“Is it stuck?”
For a second, you thought that maybe, you were wrong.
You made a mistake.
Clearly you weren't really with it right now, so you didn't really trust your senses currently. You didn't really know what was real and what wasn't and found it difficult to differentiate.
But then the guy who was in there with you looked around, and then lowered his head. By the way his eyes moved, you could tell he was trying to listen for something.
“Are we stuck?” you tried again, and his eyes shot up to look at you.
No answer.
A mix of emotions washed over you; disbelief, annoyance, a new good dose of self-pity along with a strong healthy pang of sheer panic.
It was kind of exactly how you felt about an hour ago.
If only there was a handbag of someone you really hated to piss into to elevate the situation a little. It helped a lot before.
“I think we're stuck.”
That was exactly the wrong thing to hear and it immediately threw you for a loop.
A panic attack.
The whole ordeal.
Your heart quickened its pace, an unsettling sensation tightened your whole chest and your breathing picked up, became all shallow at a rapid rate. Before you knew it, the box you were now trapped in felt like it was shrinking around you and suddenly you were in a place of imminent danger.
You were inside a mortal trap, a tragedy waiting to happen.
You had to sit down.
But your knees were locked.
You didn't know if the moisture you felt on your face were tears or sweat.
Oh man, it was hot in there. Did this guy feel hot in there too? Jesus Christ, why were wedding gowns so fucking restricting?
You saw how the emergency button was pressed, just once. Sensible. And then this guy waited patiently as he listened to static coming from the little intercom below it.
Well, fuck that.
In your panic you kind of threw yourself at this emergency button and with frantic hands and shaking fingers, you pressed it over and over and over, until two big hands took hold of you and guided your arms down.
“It's OK, don't worry. Help will come,”
Those words meant nothing to you, no matter how kindly they were said.
“Hello?!” you shouted like anyone would hear you, eyes big and darting, and you scanned the rest of the lift for more buttons.
Your phone!
Of course.
You fished your phone out, panicked movements making you nearly drop it.
No service.
“Hey, breathe,” the far-too-good-looking-for-his-own-good stranger tried, but you had already slung both arms over your head and got the jitters in your legs, desperately needing to move and so you started pacing.
Two small steps towards the back, two small steps back to where this guy was stood.
“This is just perfect, what the fuck, this is just–” the loud and sudden sob that escaped you made you slap a hand over your mouth.
“Calm down, we're safe, you need to–” he huffed a humourless laugh through his nostrils, all obvious nerves and tense uncomfortability. “You need to breathe,”
And he was right. You did need to breathe. You started feeling light-headed a little, felt your cheeks start to tingle, so you covered your face with both hands and squatted down, making the tulle skirt of your dress take up half the floorspace.
He joined you down there and held out his opened water bottle to you.
“Do you need some water?”
You didn't move your hands as you shook your head no.
“Okay, let me try that again. My name's Joe, I think you're having an anxiety attack, and I think you need some water. Here, have some water,”
“I don't want water.”
It was definitely sweat and tears. You felt clammy and cold but somehow uncomfortably hot at the same time.
“Breathe in, hey,” a finger got snapped in front of your face several times. That didn't do shit. “You're just breathing out, you've got to let air in too.”
And just for a second, the smallest fraction of a teeny tiny moment, everything suddenly cleared up in your mind. Comfort and ease took over and you felt... well, nothing.
Felt like drifting.
You felt everything flush down your body, all the way from your face right into your toes until it was all gone.
Just for a mere second, though.
“I'm fine,” you croaked before everything went slack. You lost your balance, your eyes rolled back and just like that, everything went dark.
“Oh, shit, oh shit,” Joe muttered, moving forward from sitting on his haunches to pressing his knees into the fabric of your dress as he tried to reach for you in a flash.
He got you by the arm, his open water bottle terribly in the way, and his other hand managed to reach around your neck. He got to slowly lower you down, ease you towards the floor entirely unsure of what to do next.
What did he need to do next?!
He was trapped in a tube station lift, on a stop he didn't even need to get out of, with an unconscious runaway bride who'd quite clearly was having the absolutely worst day of her life ever.
What the fuck was he going to do?
Then, behind him, from the corner of the elevator, the intercom static picked up again and was followed by a crackly voice.
“Emergency services, how can we assist you?”
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @freckledjoes @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @thefemininemystiquee @alana4610 @emmamooney @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellyxo1 @chaoticgood-munson @sherrylyn628 @ohmeg @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @roosterisdaddy36 @alwayslindie @breddiemunson @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-eddie @alizztor @jnnyrd @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsmunson @frogers @kennedy-brooke @daleyeahson @eddielives1986 @harringtonfan4 @sadbitchfangirl @emma77645 @tlclick73
(taglist currently full, sorry)
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thethreeeyed-raven · 11 months
Hey pooks, hope the brits haven't gotten to your head yet. All that tea ya know? PIP PIP, ELLO!!!
anywho, imma hit you with a daddy Zuko req.
So, him and fem reader are childhood friends. And she was kind of a ball of Anxiety and didn't have many friends. So zuko took her under his wing, and was really protective of her.
So when he is banished, he doesn't take her with him because he think she's safer at home.
She thinks she made him mad somehow, and she thinks Zuko hates her and left her.
After he returns (pretending to have killed Avatar) she kind of avoids him, cause she thinks she did sm wrong.
Zuko thinks he did sm wrong, and thinks that she hates him because of the banishing and him kinda being a murderer.
He finally is like "wth, talk to me. Ily, I missed you sm"
And she's like "I thought u hated me ilyt"
And he's like "pooks, u can't love me I've done terrible things.'
And she's like "bby, ily I know u never hurt me. Idc that u banished and a murderer. U always take care of me pooks."
And they all live happily ever after.
WELP, have a good tea time!!!
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navigation | warnings : none? | a/n : this was better in my head, must of been the 5 cups of tea i have everyday | zuko playlist | tags : @fangsp1der-2099 , @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom , @knight-of-flowerss , @mochminnie
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You remembered the day he left.
He didn’t even look back at you.
He just left you there.
But now he had returned.
What were you to do? You hadn’t spoken to him in almost three years.
He was banished, you knew that. But why didn’t he take you with him?
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Zuko had felt nervous all day.
Yes, he was scared of what his father would do. But he was more scared of what you would say.
Did you even stay in the fire nation?
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When you were feeling down, you usually went to feed the turtle ducks.
Today was one of those days, it was nothing new.
It was quiet and peaceful, until a voice you thought you’d never hear again.
You whipped your head around and met those enchanting golden eyes.
He approached you slowly, then sat down.
The silence was awkward at first. Zuko then had the courage to speak.
“I need to apologise to you.”
You looked at him from your peripheral view.
“When I was banished, I was afraid to take you with me. I didn’t want you to see me that way.”
“And I’m glad I didn’t. I’m glad you didn’t see what I became, what I have become. For that I’m sorry, but I also don’t regret it.”
The hungry turtle ducks were far out of your mind now. Your thoughts were filled with the boy next to you.
“I thought you hated me. You didn’t even look at me when you left.”
All this time, Zuko thought that you had forgotten about him. He never imagined that you would hate him.
“I could never hate you. I didn’t look at you because I felt shameful.”
Both of you didn’t know what to say.
“When you were gone, I was all alone. You remember me having no friends don’t you? Well, no one definitely wanted to be friends with the buddy of the banished Prince.”
“And I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you.”
Zuko shook his head. “You have the right.”
“I didn’t hate you…because I loved you. I always have.”
You took your hands in his gently. “I’ve always loved you too, and even now, after all you’ve done. I know I can love you.”
His hand softly caressed your face and he brought you closer. “Can I…”
Nodding, you closed the gap and brought your lips together.
Yours were soft against his chapped ones, both of you enjoyed the feeling of the other.
“We can learn to love properly again. I know it.”
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realchemistry · 3 months
About Maddie's reaction to ~the incident
One of the things I think is important to point out, because I haven't seen or read anyone talking about it, is Maddie's reaction when Buck told her the truth about the basketball incident. When Buck first arrived, she was all smiles, probably happy to have Buck there. Then she asked about how Eddie was doing and Buck said he hadn't talked to him because what happened on the basketball court was not an accident.
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Buck confessed that he might have meant to hurt Eddie because he was pissed, felt left out, and he guessed he was trying to get Eddie's attention (I’m not gonna go Buddie here, but he legit literally said exactly this which !!!).
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Her face started to morph, the change in her whole demeanor, the horror of it all... she was really really mad. I don't think JLH got the proper credit for it. It's truly remarkable, her face spoke volumes about everything that was going through her head at the moment. You could see Maddie thinking about her past, about Doug, about how he hurt her and the terrible ways in which he justified that behavior as she was telling Buck that you do not hurt people to get their attention and not to do it again.
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The episode didn't make that connection explicit (they had her babbling about Sarahs instead, more on that in the last paragraph), and I KNOW that if roles were reversed, part of the fandom would've lost their mind, since they love to portray Eddie as violent and abusive towards Buck when there's nothing in canon to back that up, quite the opposite as of this episode actually. Since Eddie was the one who got hurt, it was no big deal, it was pretty much forgotten immediately after. I thought it was a huge deal, I thought tptb didn't really address how problematic that was. I thought the only one who reflected the gravity of the situation was Jen, maybe thanks to her character's past.
BTW, I don't think it's in character for Buck to do this, I think he does know better, and he really isn't and hasn't ever been the type to resort to violence. Having said that, that's what tptb decided to do on screen, maybe as a way to show he was struggling with his identity... But that’s kinda terrible, like, he’s confused at this point about his feelings so his first instinct is to harm his friend out of jealousy? Also, we didn't get to see anything else on the matter after. It was such an odd choice, tbh, cause yes, Buck and Eddie probably talked about it for a second and then made up offscreen, but to have a character be violent towards his friend just to push a storyline forward, a storyline about bisexuality of all things, disregarding everything about said character and then not acknowledging it... Some very bad choices were made. Once again, I think tptb prioritized moving the plot forward over making sense and that's just something I truly hate with my whole heart.
Characters cannot have their choices and actions dictated by the plot or, at least, it can't feel that way to the audience. That's just bad writing through and through. Tptb did this a lot this season, and I understand that time was pressing because of the strike and all, but they need to do better. They are professionals getting paid to do a job, the least they can do is actually make it all make sense for the fans and stay away from toxic portrayals of LGBTQ+ characters (Hen cheating, anyone?).
The whole story about the Sarahs was really kinda ridiculous, honestly, I think they just had to give Jen more to do but a follow up without it would've been much better. Of course, seeing as their intention was to completely ignore the gravity of the situation, they simply couldn't mention Doug at all cause that would've required Buck and Eddie discuss this seriously instead of completely forgetting about it.
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mdanon027 · 10 months
For a long-last friendship. | Aaron Hotchner x FemaleReader
For a long-last friendship. | Aaron Hotchner x FemaleReader
Summary | Aaron wants to make it up to Jack, so they go to the zoo. Not expecting to end up having a fun day with his team agent. (Inspired by the Prompt go to the zoo and point out the coolest animals by @creativepromptsforwriting )
Word Count | 1878. (I got carried away for a Prompt)
Warnings | I don’t think there’s any warning, if you found something triggering, please let me know.
Side Note: I don’t own any of Criminal Minds characters, words, or narrative. This is only a reinterpretation and fiction based on the Criminal Minds Universe they continue to develop. Also no repost is allowed. If you ever see this on another website, please let me know.
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After one of the most exhausting and longest cases he had this year, Aaron needed to make it up to Jack.
Being apart from his son was difficult, specially when he was supposed to be the main care giver. Jack had spent the last two weeks with his aunt Jessica. He made a promise to spend every single free moment he had, to devote quality with him.
Jack was becoming a happy and curious kid again. He was in his animal phase; his new favorite animal were lions. In school, he was learning about them. Jack asked him weeks ago to go to the zoo.
Being the first whole free weekend, he had in months, he needed a little more sleep than normal. As a consequence, now they were late and the line for the tickets was longer than he expected. Jack was excitedly talking about some animal facts he learned with his aunt Jessica.
“Hotch?” Someone said by his side, by reflect he took Jack’s hand. He turned around to see Y/N, one of his team agents.
“Y/LN?” He said surprise to see her there on her free day.
“You can call me Y/N, we are not working.” She said smiling.
“Who is she, daddy?” Jack asked getting behind Aaron.
“You must be Jack, isn’t it?” She said getting down to match his height. “Nice to finally meet you, I’m Y/N. I work with your dad.” She extended her arm to greet him.
Jack looked up to his dad, Aaron just nod.
“Nice to meet you Y/N.” Jack shyly said taking her hand.
“You have been here for a long time?” Y/N asked them, she was by their side, outside the line.
“The line it’s taking longer than we expected.” Aaron said while looking to his son.
“We planned to get earlier, but daddy got glued to his pillow.” Jack said, joking while looking up to his father. Aaron could feel his face getting warm.
“Have you considered he may be a tiger?” Y/N asked Jack.
“A tiger?” Jack was getting interested in the conversation.
“Yep, did you know they sleep up to 16 hours a day?” She added.
“Tigers sleep that much?” Aaron didn’t know his agent knew animal facts.
“Yes, they are also nocturnal animals, maybe he stayed up at night. Probably working on the papers for the last case we had.” She told Jack. “Have you seen him up at night?” “No, I’m always asleep when he arrives home, “Jack told her in low voice. “He may be a tiger.” Looking suspicious to his dad.
“We can get faster over there; I have a members card.” She said while taking her pass.
“It’s not necessary Y/N, we can wait, isn’t it Jack?” He didn’t want to interfere with the free day of his team member.
“But it’s taking centuries Dad!” Jack growled.
“No worries, I come a lot, so I have some free passes. Let’s go!” She said, while guiding them through the main entrance.
They went through security, and Jack was waiting for his dad to come closer to finally take his hand.
“Awww! You are like otters.” She said to Jack. “Otters hold hands so they don’t float afar from each other, well they do that while sleeping, but it’s really wise of you keep your dad near Jack.” She said Smiling.
“Did you know they swim really fast? I can do that too! You remember dad, I’m the fastest in my swimming class!” he said taking both, Aaron and Y/N by their hands.
“Yes buddy, you are the fastest!” Aaron says proudly. “Thanks again Y/N, you didn’t have to use your passes on us.”
“Oh, its fine Hotch, you always invite the meals when we are out, let me invite you this. And I’m with the fastest swimmer in town, it’s an honor” She smiled.
Jack pulls his dad down, and started to whisper something to him.
“Jack the Otter wants to know if you would like to spend the day with us? If you don’t mind.” He asked, if his son was feeling happy today, he was willing to make him as happy as possible.
“That would be lovely! Of course, thanks for including me in your plans Jack.” She said beam back to the Hotchners.
They started to walk to main map of the zoo. Jack had a plan of the first animal they should explore.
“Have you been to this zoo before, Jack?” Y/N asked him, while he approach the map, looking carefully.
“Nop, it’s our first time here.” He said exited. “You know it really well?” “Kinda, I know where the animals are, but its really big. So, we are going to stick together like the Beluga Whales, ok?” She told to the little kid.
“Beluga Whales?” Aaron asked her.
“Yes, they travel in pods.” She said to him.
“What’s a pod, dad?” Jack question his dad.
“It means, they travel in groups Jack.” Explained Aaron.
“That’s why you need to keep close to your dad Jack.” Y/N look down to Jack. “They are also known to have last long friendships, most of the times they spend their whole life with their pods.” She said smiling to Jack.
They started the journey. Jack and Y/N started talking non stop about the animals they where watching, Aaron was just amused by the facts both of his pod where saying.
“Why do you know a lot about animals, Y/N?”
“When I was younger my Godparents where zoologist and they used to work at the zoo, so I spent a lot of time of my childhood and teens there. I loved it! My parents always gifted me animals’ toys, specially plushies, they still send me some.”
“Really? You still collect them?” He was speechless, at this moment of his young life, he just wanted to know about all about animals.
“Yes, I just bought this tiny crocodile and just saw a Beluga Whale plush at the gift store, but maybe another time…” She said while showing the tiny plushie on her backpack. “Whenever you want, I can show you my collection, I have some at my apartment.” She spoke.
“You can also come to our house, right dad?” Aaron just nod, smiling to his son. “I’m starting my own collection; I have 20 animals so far!”
“Wow! That’s a lot of them.” She said while getting close to the aquarium part of the zoo.
The main animal on the aquarium exhibition was the Octopus.
Jack started to asked if she new any facts about them, she started to answer. Once in front the tank, Aaron got the chance to say his fun fact.
“Now the Octopuses are becoming friends?” Aaron said while looking at them.
“We are not octopuses daddy; we are Beluga Whales.” Jack said while laughing.
“Octopuses collect shells with their eight tentacles buddy, both of you collect plushies.” He said smiling, he was mesmerized at how Y/N and Jack were getting along.
“It’s that truth, Y/N?” Its not that Jack didn’t trust his dad facts, but at this moment he knew Y/N was an expert.
“He is right Jack, but mostly shiny things, they like to decorate their homes.” She told him.
“I think Y/N its an octopus.” Hotch told to Jack.
“Why so Hotch?” She asked her boss.
“Your desk its full of tiny toys, shiny post its, postcards, and I can swear there’s a photo of you with a baby alpaca, your keys are full of keychains from almost every city we have been on a case. You always travel with a small pink hippopotamus plush, and try to get a plush every time you see one, I didn’t realize it was for your collection. Still…” He couldn’t continue because she started to talk over him.
“You are profiling me?” She said amazed at the tiny details her boss had taken notes about her.
“It’s not profiling, I just know my pack.” He said smiling.
“A pack?” Jack looked up to his dad.
Y/N was amazed with this new side she got to know about her boss, always so serious and professional being chill outside the field. She had seen him laugh and smile before, even getting drinks with the team after cases, but never seen him so carefree.
“Jack, I think your dad may be a lion…” Once again, she was designating animals.
“A lion?” Aaron asked her,
“Why a lion?” Jack was getting curious.
“Well, he is an amazing leader. When we are out catching the bad guys, he always come with a great strategy and always listen to our ideas. He always tells us what to do, some times he can be bossy, “she started to laugh at the smirk on his face, now she was profiling him, “but it’s always to keep us safe. Sometimes he intimidates me…” She said joking with Jack.
“Why my daddy scares you?” Jack asked amused of watching his dad with growing smile.
“It’s not that he scares me, but he is kinda serious, with that stern look, when he’s angry at someone that it’s treating us bad, but that’s a quality of the lions. It demonstrates his discipline and authority as the Unit Chief.” She finished. It was a long time since he was profiled.
“That means I’m a lion, daddy! Just like you!” He exclaimed exited, that his dad had the qualities of his favorite animal.
They kept walking through the zoo, Aaron decided to join with the fun facts he knew about animals. But he was impressed with the amount of information Y/N kept in her brain about them. She was like an encyclopedia.
When the day was over, they separated ways.
Jack made Y/N promised to keep in touch, so they could keep talking about animals and to hang out in the near future. Aaron was happy with the new friend his son and him just made.
They learned more about animals from Y/N than from the zoo charts, so they decided to get their new friend a gift.
Next Monday, Aaron was the first to arrive to the office. He had the well deserve peaceful weekend having fun with his son and surprising with Y/N. He had only known her on the field, a smart and excellent agent. He didn’t get enough time to spend knowing his team, and he was grateful by knowing another side from her.
Strategically placed on her desk a Beluga Whale Plushie and a drawing of three Beluga Whales. A big one, a medium one and a small one, they were holding fins and with Jack’s handwriting.
“For a long-last friendship.”
-Jack and Aaron :)
He couldn’t wait for her to arrive. He knew for a fact, that she was going to like it.
She arrived to the office, and staid speechless.
Her smile could light whole Quantico, Virginia.
She turned around looking for him, until she spotted him looking at her from his office, smiling. His agent just whispered a “Thank you dear friend.”
She added the new piece of art to her board, while hugging the new member of her collection.
She was overjoyed.
He was glad his new friend liked the gift. And he did hope, their new friendship last long.
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Autor’s Note: Hello Again! I normally don’t write stuff, I just read/comment/reblog fanfics, but now I’m in my Criminal Minds Era, so it’s my first prompt I ever write! It’s being a year since I posted an original fanfic, I hope you like it!
If any of the authors I read ever read this, to let you know I always go as anon (thanks that this is my side blog) and I always sign as -MD💜 or -MDanon027💜 (@mdanon027). Thanks for the inspiration!
Also, please be honest if you like it or nah. Any comment will help for future personal writing skills. And if you see any misspelling, I’m sorry, I already reread it several times, and English it’s not my first language. Please don’t mind on telling me to correct anything.
Special thanks to some of the plushies I keep buying every time I got to the zoo/aquarium.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
“Two Heterosexual Men”- Buddy Daddies - Episode 8 - SPOILERS!
Saw someone on r/anime describe Kazuki and Rei like this in the comments on a post. Like, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that they made that comment before Episode 8 dropped. But, if they didn’t, I’m seriously just sitting her thinking how? The subtext this episode was astronomical:
First we have the parallel of Yuzuko (who is slightly older) finding Kazuki (who is slightly younger) at his lowest point and Kazuki (who is slightly older) finding Rei (who is slightly younger) at his lowest point:
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Both of these meetings took place around “flowers” that have ties to romantic love. Hydrangeas mean “true geniune love” and Mistletoe (the name of Kyu’s cafe) is associated with kissing under.
Then we have the fact that Rei states he found something to protect, mirroring the man that was essentially his teacher, whose person he wanted to protect was a woman that was heavily assumed to be his wife:
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Yes, of course, Miri is present there too. And Miri is a factor (she is part of his family), but the parallels being drawn here are to the significant other.
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Just like how we were meant to also make a connection to Satoru losing his significant other to a hit like Kazuki did (even if Yuzuko’s death was an unintended result, it doesn’t change the fact that it happened).
That’s why we are meant to feel so scared for Kazuki, because he is being paralleled to all of these other significant others who were killed due to their connections to a hitman for a spouse/partner.
Add in Rei’s fierce desire to keep Kazuki out of his father’s and the organization’s business, along with Rei stating that Kazuki didn’t mean much to him at first, but then Kazuki basically wormed his way into Rei’s heart because of how he cared for him. And, of course, there is plenty on Kazuki’s side towards Rei too, like Episode 7 where he makes the deliberate choice to move forward with his new family and to continue to stay with not only Miri, but Rei too. Rei is just as important to him. 
Both Kazuki and Rei fear that the other has abandoned them and they don’t like it.
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And, like, I’m not saying people have to view their relationship romantically, I still view it as queerplatonic and likely always will, but when people are like “They are just two HERTEROSEXUAL men” it is them trying to throw out and deny any queer reading of the relationship dynamic between Kazuki and Rei.
Even though all of the parallels and subtext (that is practically text at this point) is literally right there.
Like, the series can hardly be any clearer about this at this point.
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reyanfia · 2 years
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the warrior and his healer — neteyam x reader ☄. *. ⋆➢ part one!
other chapters are up! read it here -> chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4
setting: awa'atlu, pandora
pairing: neteyam x fem!metkayina!reader
warnings: nothing much in this part, but if we are talking about the entire series, mentions of bl00d, a bit of angst, teyam survives!
summary: the newcomer seems to enjoy your company! he seems to like what you do, too. let's hope nothing bad happens to your study buddy.
a/n: I actually requested this to @bonnibuckets, and they did great at writing it! but I wanted to try and write it myself. pls enjoy ^^ by the way, I'm replacing y/n with _____ because I personally find y/n weird to read. and yes, it is like loaksky's style, but I don't think it should be a problem. :)) a lot of the medicinal stuff in here is made up since little about healing is known in avatar.
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"ah! here she is." tsireya smiled as she skipped into your marui, dragging the eldest sully boy from behind her.
you looked up from your papers, meeting eyes with them both. figuring she brought him to you to fix up some injuries, you placed your studying materials aside.
you hadn't acquainted yourself with any for the sully kids, but you have watched them train with tsireya, ao'nung and rotxo.
from your observations, you thought that the younger sully boy, lo'ak, was the first one who tsireya would bring into your marui for any injuries that had to be healed. it didn't cross your mind that the eldest would be hurt before him.
you weren't an official healer, to be exact. but you are training to be one. ronal, the tsahìk, had announced that due to the lack of healers in the village, she will be choosing a few more girls to help out the elders. but to be qualified to do so, they must have enough knowledge about medicine and healing.
tsireya dubbed you to be the best among the other girls, as to probably why she brought neteyam to you.
tsireya's beaming smile stayed on as she sat neteyam down in front of you. "here, he scuffed himself by the corals. would you mind patching him up, ______?"
you glanced at his bleeding forearm and back to her. "no, I don't mind." you gave her a small smile, which she enthusiastically returned before she ran off.
you then got up and went to your shelves. "i'd thought that your brother would come running in bleeding first," you stated as you grabbed the covered bowl of healing salve.
neteyam laughed. "well, he did get hurt. but it seems tsireya has taken him for herself to tend to."
you smiled, and though you were facing away from him, he could see it. "she has talked a lot about him the past few days. i've heard more about him than the firstborn son of toruk makto."
you set all the things you needed onto the floor. you sat where you previously were, preparing to tend to the cuts on the arm.
he felt his face warm when you said it. "you don't have to call me that," he could barely look into your eyes, something you found odd. you'd expected him to be a little more confident than his brother. seems the roles have switched.
"why not? i suspect people call you that all the time back in the forest." you dipped the cloth into the bowl of water, and started dabbing around the wound to clean it.
the boy before you winced. "ah— well, yeah. i guess it feels weird to have somebody new saying it to me." he replied, clearing his throat after.
you nodded. you also took notice of the abnormal rasp in his voice, possibly because of all the breath-holding and accidental swallowing of the ocean water.
after you finished cleaning the wound, you took a small amount of the healing salve. "this is going to feel a little cold," you warned, applying it onto the cuts. it only soothed the pain more. neteyam felt instant relief as you gently rubbed it into his azure skin, the sting immediately going away.
as you were busy tending to the injury, he sat still. but his eyes roamed and observed.
he watched your brows furrow in focus, your clean hand going up to your hair to tuck it behind your ear every now and then. he looked at the plants and scriptures you were studying, there was a pile of it by your right.
you reminded him of himself. hard-working and busy.
"what's all that?" he asked, pointing towards the pile of things. your head snapped up to him first, then to where he pointed. "oh that, it's uh— stuff that i need to know to become a healer. tsireya thinks im good at it — probably why she brought you to me."
neteyam glanced from your face, and down to your hands. you were done with the paste — you took a long strip of soft dried seaweed, wrapped it around the wound and secured it in place by expertly tucking the ends in.
"all done. better?" you released his arm, letting him have a look at your handiwork. "much better. tsireya may be right." you smiled at his indirect compliment, as to which he did back.
"maybe i should go now?" neteyam suggested. you were about to let him, but his voice reminded you about that medicine you needed to try out.
"oh! before you go, try this medicine that i made. it'll help with your hoarse voice."
you reached from behind him, revealing a large, curved flower petal that contained a golden-amber like liquid. "it matches his eyes." you thought as you handed it to him. he drank it.
it was surprisingly sweet, it tasted like what humans would call honey, and it alleviated the discomfort in his throat. "how is it? does your throat feel any better?"
he stared at the ground for a few seconds. how on pandora did you manage to come up with such a thing? it worked like a charm.
he nodded vigorously. "it's amazing. now tsireya was definitely right."
you laughed along with him, glad that the mixture you made helped.
you may have just made yourself a new friend.
— ☄. . ⋆✧ .
neteyam can feel kiri's eyes piercing through the side of his face. sighing, he turned to her. "kiri, did i do something wrong?"
she shrugged and looked to his wrapped wound. "you seem oddly happy."
he shook his head at her answer, lying down onto the marui floor. "hm. i wonder why."
and he knows exactly why.
it was calming being in your presence. tranquility was a stranger to him. with all the pressure and expectations, neteyam has not known a day of peace. no one he knew before gave him peace. except now that he's met you. that's fun.
kiri wasn't stupid though. copying him, she sighed. "I wasn't born last night neteyam. what's her name?"
he froze. he remembers tsireya mentioning your name when she dropped him off at your marui, but he forgot it. somehow.
"oh damn. I'm not sure. she's that girl that tsireya always hangs out with. we've seen them together a couple times—"
she cuts him off. "_____? the healer in training?" neteyam nodded against the marui floor, slightly scratching his head in the process. "yep. her."
kiri turns her head upwards, as if remembering how your face looked like. "hm. she's pretty. would be surprised if she liked you back though."
"oh cut it out, kiri." neteyam swatted at her arm. "I don't like her."
she rolled her eyes in response. "yeah well, not yet."
"who are we talking about?" both kiri and neteyam get hit by a blast of cold wind when lo'ak opened the marui entrance. "ah! there you are. had fun on your date with tsireya?" kiri teased, barely dodging whatever it was that lo'ak had thrown her way.
"shut up! it wasn't a date." neteyam couldn't see much while lying down, but he saw enough to catch a glimpse of his brother's blushing face. he chuckled to himself at his siblings continue to bicker.
and as eclipse settled in, he slowly fell asleep then, his last thought being about you.
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tagging: @azaleaniath @theycallmesia
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next part will be out soon :] [next part is out! check top of this post.]
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