#[[ and the wild assumptions she's making xD ]]
countlessrealities · 6 months
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@creationtainted sent:
[text] hey [ MMS - a picture of a large egg in a cozy, makeshift nest. somehow, it looks almost content, despite being expressionless ] [text] renewing my dilf permit [text] gonna throw a rager at my place once it goes through 🤪
(Adam's here to provide 0 context, sorry Vaggie)
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What in the Nine Rings?!
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For a serveral, long moments all Vaggie can do is gape at the screen of her phone, paralysed by incredulity. Is that...? It can't be! ....Right? What in the Heavens is Adam doing with that?! Where did he get it?!
...Jesus fucking Christ, as if she doesn't have enough on her plate already.
[text to: Flopmaster🎸] ADAM [text to: Flopmaster🎸] What the actual fuck !! [text to: Flopmaster🎸] Is that an ANGEL egg?! [text to: Flopmaster🎸] Did you steal it? Is that yours? Is that LUTE'S?! 🙀 [text to: Flopmaster🎸] This is batter a goddamn prank, and I'll punch you for it, but still, it's better, or you'll have to hope that Lucifer sweeps in to save your sorry ass from me! 😤
There's a moment of pause.
[text to: Flopmaster🎸] In any case, I'm confiscating it. RIGHT NOW.
Another few seconds pass by.
[text to: Flopmaster🎸] ...Shit, wait no. Alastor might eat it🤦🏽‍♀️
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okay last thing for now I swear. But I realized that you might get joy from all the things I thought Eris Mourn was before I gave up and asked.
(Very important note is I was going in blind except for a handful of factoids that a friend gave me. As it turns out this friend was very bad at video game lore.)
'That Wizard came from the moon' is referring to Eris Mourn. She looked like a wizard from the moon to me. This one was probably the closest tbh.
After finding out what a wizard was I just assumed she was an Awoken and that's what powerful Awoken look like. Wrong direction, past me.
Mara doesn't have three eyes so obviously that's wrong. Did the Traveler just bring her back weird?
No ghost? Okay so she's an Ahamkara. I heard that word used a couple times around her so clearly that's what she's supposed to be!
Eris Mourn is Hive God Savathun. This was from my friend attempting to course-correct the Ahamkara theory but they corrected me from flying into a brick wall to flying into a different, closer, brick wall. I don't know why they told me this.
Thank you for tolerating my silliness, feel free to ignore or also point and laugh at past me XD The fun part of going into games blind is coming up with absolutely wild theories that aren't even a little bit true. Like thinking the Cabal aren't real and I was misremembering how many factions there are.
Ok so, these are all pretty close to the mark, narratively speaking, and not silly at all.
I mean, "that Wizard came from the Moon" is... a reasonable assumption. She wields Hive magic and lives on the Moon. (Although Eris would probably be deeply insulted because she can probably murder Hive Wizards in her sleep.)
For the longest time the lore was ambiguous and people did think Eris was Awoken because she calls Asher Mir (who is Awoken) "cousin" and she has a very sickly skin tone. But, as it turns out, she was born in the Last City, which makes her a garden variety boring normal human. Being underground for a century in a hostile environment while being hunted to death by Hive just does really terrible things to your skin.
Brought back weird is also a good theory. Especially now that we have Lucent Hive. Eris is definitely weird. Not a bad conjecture, all things considered.
Ahamkara is also a good guess - for anything, really. They're shape-shifters and can look like anyone so "when in doubt maybe Ahamkara?" is generally Destiny-plausible, albeit rare and unusual, (not to mention, her glowing ball is an Ahamkara bone and she was only able to learn how to escape the Hellmouth because of a wish so your intuition was bang-on, just not for the right target).
Now the last one you came up with is especially interesting, lore-wise, because Sav did infiltrate the Hidden network and impersonated Eris in several lore entries. It is infamously referenced online as "the time Savathun wrote Eris fanfiction" and is debunked by the Hidden in other lore entries later. So, again, while missing the mark, it's shockingly accurate as far as intuitive leaps in story go and that does happen, just not in that specific way.
But, if you will forgive me for doing so, there's one more misonception in your ask that you may not be aware of that I want to tell you about: the spelling of Eris' last name.
And the only reason I point it out is not to tease you about a spelling mistake but because it is an exquisitely beautiful resonant and powerful bit of imagery and wordplay that I don't think a lot of people realize.
You've been referencing her above as Eris Mourn.
Mourn: Feel or show deep sorrow or regret for (someone or their death).
But, while it sounds exactly the same, Eris' last name in game is spelled Morn.
Morn: Dawn. Morning.
The dual nature of her last name is already lovely because it encapsulates so much of her character but the fact that it is Morn and not Mourn ties in very closely with two specific pieces of dialogue in game:
In the Prophesy dungeon:
Drifter: Hey, Three Eyes. You spending all your time on Io now? Eris Morn: Or the Moon. Depending on the weather. Drifter: What do you think of all this? Eris Morn: All of what? Drifter: The black fleet. The end of the line. End of the Light. Eris Morn: It hasn't come to that. Not yet. Drifter: How do you know? Eris: It hasn't been dark enough. Drifter: Look at the sky. Nightfall's comin'. Eris Morn: We'll live in the night if we have to. I've been there before. So have you. So has the Guardian. Drifter: It ain't pleasant. Eris Morn: No. But necessary. For what follows. Drifter: And what's that? Eris Morn: Dawn.
And then brought up again, this time by Drifter to Eris in Gloaming Journeyer:
"I remember what you said. I think about it more than I should these days." "What did I say?" "That we'll live in the night if we have to. We do it for what comes after."
Eris, while her entire backstory is about the loss of her fireteam, and she becomes a full-on Hive god to avenge them, really is the embodiment of hope within Destiny.
And this is nowhere more true than in her interactions with… Dredgen Hope, named by the Darkness itself after that which he did not, and could not, have because of who he was and what he had experienced: the drifter with no family and no name, who trusted no one, and who, upon befriending us, told us not to give in to hope because that would only ever get us killed.
Eris is named after morning, dawn, daybreak.
Because, within the narrative of Destiny, the image of dawn breaking over the darkest part of the night is not a soft angelic light, sweet and gentle.
It's the grim snarl of a Forgotten Blade dragging itself, broken and bloodied, out of the deepest pit of hell.
The glow of Morn comes, not from some distant star, but from the three eyes she cut from the face of the enemy she killed while blind and lightless, which she then embedded in holes she carved into her body, cutting out her own sightless eyes and piercing her own skull to do so because, despite everything, in an inescapable situation, against all logic and reason, facing absolute certain death, she refused to fucking die.
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beehiveofblorbos · 1 month
It’s August 15th! Happy Birthday, Tsumugi Shirogane!
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Tsumugi is such a conflicting character for me! She’s the character I like that I think I could be the closest friends with off the drop, and a character I would push off a cliff without any hesitation. Overall, I would say she’s one of my favorite characters in fiction. I’ll drop an analysis I did of why I love her so much and what she means to me below, but for now, today is just to celebrate and make happy the Queen herself, Tsumugi Shirogane!
(lol sorry for all these copy-paste analyses I just am never prepared and it’s a good excuse to share stuff I already had written)
The biggest crime, imo, that a character can commit… is being boring. Be rude, be evil, be sappy, be a loyal dog, be anything except uninteresting, unobtrusive, uninvolved.
So by the start of the ch6 investigation, I plain disliked Tsumugi Shirogane. Particularly as she was such a waste of the Cosplayer talent, which was something I was really excited for as someone who loves fan communities. I was super disappointed with the portrayal fans had had so far in Hifumi exactly falling in to assumptions people make about fans, and now Tsumugi seemed to be in line to be Sonia 2.0. All she’d really had as far as plot impact was be Gonta’s only true friend. She wasn’t really comic relief either; she had moments paused and timed for comedic effect, but they weren’t funny. She was just… weird.
And then. My god, when we pulled that shot put out of the trash, and Shuichi remarked about the pink fiber on it? When I realized Tsumugi was the mastermind? The one who’d been living among us all this time??? Instantly rose to become one of my top favorite Danganronpa characters. To this day I use her “oops, I let my hobbies slip in again” and other quotable lines as stock phrases XD I just can’t help myself, she’s so cute
She is absurdly intelligent; if you go back through and pay attention, Tsumugi is constantly generating conflict in subtle ways. She joins Angie’s cult to give them a significant enough percent of the class to be a real threat, in the trial she keeps diverting the topic back around to ghosts to keep Kaito scared and keep Shuichi off track, it goes on. You literally can’t help but see what she’s doing once you know that she’s actually being intentional about it, because it’s all a perfectly reasonable “role”: that of the sweet, naive Ultimate Cosplayer. And yeah, that’s why there’s a pause and focus for all of those jokes I didn’t get earlier - they’re horrifying AND funny in the light of the truth of the game
She is supremely arrogant; she spends her entire time in a killing game winking at the camera and making veiled references. Can you imagine the audacity involved in writing Kokichi? She wrote in an insanely intelligent character, gave him a motive video telling him to end the killing game, and had him survive almost till the end? She was so confident - and she was almost right to be so, because he never caught her. But he did manage to force her into stalemate so XD
She gives them sooo much leeway. She gives them Miu, she gives them Keebo, she gives Rantaro the Survivor Perk. What does she care? She’s perfectly designed everything to lead them to entrap themselves and keep killing each other. No mind control necessary - just suffering. And she considers this essential to be called the Ultimate Cosplayer.
She’s an actress. It’s part of her talent, but the entire world is essentially a stage, she’s the director and one of the main characters, and all the other characters are her props to move as she pleases. Isn’t that wild? I love her to bits for it.
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my-gf-is-kazuichi-soda · 10 months
The selfship that almost was: my ridiculous experience with Trigger Happy Havoc.
Spoilers for Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc, and the bottom part of this post (starting where you see Kaito's picture) has spoilers for DR V3!
You can absolutely laugh at me for this post. Shit gets wild.
I played THH I think 2-3 years ago? It's almost a year since I played SDR2 and I played DR V3 this year.
Some time before my little sister asked me to play THH (and to let her watch me play to see my reactions), I had already spoiled myself to Chihiro's death. I didn't know her killer, but the video I saw (it was so long ago I really dont remember which video this was) mainly talked about her gender in the game. Somehow I ended up picking up the detail that Mondo trained with her, but not that he was the one that killed her?
Anyway, so going into the game I knew I would like Chihiro but tried not to get attached because I also knew she would die, so I tried to see other characters I could like. If I had been less self-conscious (keep in mind my little sister was watching me play), I would have spent more free times with Hifumi. I tried to pick a more "normal" character, or at least more normal to admit to liking?, and apparently I don't know what normal means because I thought this was Toko.
Toko was mean, but I chalked it up to her being terrified of the situation and everything happening to them. How was she supposed to trust anyone in a "killing game"?! Of course she freaks out! Of course she hides in her room! Of course she has trust issues! Okay but none of this excused how mean she was, but maybe that was her defense for being scared? I could also relate to her not exactly being warm to the other girls in the game, and I admit my first impression of Aoi was petty and negative and I didn't trust her (sorry Aoi, this was unwarranted and stupidly biased in hindsight. I didn't like her because I had this impression about her being a "mean popular girl" -because she showed off her boobs I guess???- and the rest of the game threw me off so much I didn't really stop and rethink this assumption. That was a fail on my part. Thankfully I learned not to make the mistake with Akane). It's also funny that I thought Aoi was "too girly," considering that she's one of the only canon Danganronpa girls to wear something that isn't a skirt/dress, and she was in sort of a relationship with Sakura. First impressions aren't everything, as I would realize later come to realize with Toko.
I felt so bad for Toko, and I was annoyed at the time that we were playing Makoto because I wanted to play a girl character who was nicer to her, who was lesbians with her (yes, I had a crush on Toko. HAD. You can probably guess what made that crush dissipate.) I had this idea about writing a fanfic where my s/i would try to protect her "like she's my little sister," except obviously this was a lie because she didn't want to scare her away by admitting to a crush. In hindsight, this fanfic idea would have been hilarious. Assuming I actually could win Toko's affections, I planned on being a bit annoying and clingy (simping) but doing everything to prove I was keeping her safe, she would have been pushing me as far away as possible to avoid me becoming Genocide Jack's next victim, insulting me to get me to leave while I weigh every insult against the consequence of losing the only character I made a big connection with. Also, I know I would never be able to handle a tsundere insulting me the way Toko would, but I was considering working around that by having my character be desperate to latch onto somebody to be safer during the game, though I would still try to take on the role of protecting Toko. Is it wrong that it makes me laugh to imagine writing this and then having Genocide Jack kill me? XD
I had so much trouble picking out items I thought Toko and Chihiro (the two characters I spent free times with) would like, and my sister would get impatient with me if I reset to try to pick a better item to try to activate a cutscene. I only got three cutscenes with Toko, and none with Chihiro. It was pretty frustrating when I wasn't getting anywhere. I think I talked to Yasuhiro a bit too, because my sister asked me why I was spending so much time with Toko and I didn't want her to catch onto my crush (lol).
I figured Toko probably had a secret, but my idea of it was very simple. She was showing such a tsun side, and her backstories revealed how lonely and heartbroken she was, I figured that her secret was probably something sweet and cute to show her dere side. Since she struggled to be nice to people from her trust issues, maybe she was volunteering at an animal shelter, and had a pet she was very close to waiting for her at home. We'd get to see a picture or something. Her in a shelter uniform with the dog or kitty she was fond of. Something sweet like that. That was the image in my head.
And then Chapter 2 hit me like a ton of bricks.
Chihiro's death didn't shock me, though I was surprised it showed up so early. Oh well, at least I still had Toko to spend free times with! I should probably pick another character because again, my sister would get impatient if I just spent all my free times with one character (to be fair, my sister was like 14 at the time and we had limited times to play this game, I can understand.)
It's funny, this chapter had Byakuya acting even more obnoxious, and also introduced him being Toko's crush, so I was like "ah, my rival is a total jackass." Also, he seemed hella gay and not interested at all in Toko, so I wasn't too worried. When he told Makoto not to enter a room in the library and Makoto's just like "okay! :D" I had two thoughts: "Wow, Makoto is a dumbass" (this would become a running gag with me and my sister saying this), and "Byakuya is probably the murderer. Even if it's not this case, probably another one." And when Byakuya became more obnoxious in the trial, I was like "Oh, revealing you as the murderer and seeing your execution is going to be SO satisfying. >:D"
And then... he was one of the survivors!!!
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Don't get me wrong! I laugh about it now. I'm laughing right now. Well played, Danganronpa. This game trolled me so much. I don't even hate Byakuya anymore, well I kinda do, but he's the character that's fun to hate. I don't seriously hate him anymore. I laugh about how ridiculously mad I got about this. Feelings about feelings are funny like that.
Speaking of which, I was even less prepared for the Toko twist because-
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Poorly written multiple personality disorder, AND she was a murderer, but she wasn't even the murderer for THIS case?!! I guess I can't say the game was predictable or boring, but what the hell was this?!
Also, the scissors thing and that tongue...you cant. You cant. You cant say she's straight and obsessed with men and then give her all this lesbian symbolism, game. What are you doing? From this point on, Danganronpa was confused. Or maybe I was confused, I don't know. I was so very confused. I was still attracted to her, maybe more attracted to Jack now, but what the hell was this?!?! All the directions they could have taken her character and THIS is what they chose to do with her???!!
I like to joke now: Chapter 2 is actually the first double murder in the game. They killed Chihiro in the living sense, and they totally murdered Toko's character in the writing sense, in a way that I almost wish they had really killed her off instead. That would have been kinder to her than...this...
And I thought her big secret she was a volunteer at a damn animal shelter. Help me. 😭
It really did frustrate me, because even though she was very cruel I could relate to how cold and distant she was to everybody when she was scared, her trust issues, her clearly wanting someone to protect her and care about her but also being too terrified to trust someone enough to give them the chance to do that. I think you can see where I attached to Kazuichi for...the same exact reason, damn.
But honestly, Genocide Jack wasn't even the worst part of her writing from this point (shocking, right??!!)
No, the worst part of it was that the rest of the game, Toko would only appear every once in a while to simp over Byakuya. Literally nothing else (as far as I remember). And then she would disappear and in her place would be Jack.
Which, ngl, Jack was sexy and hilarious. I know I got like, one free time event with her. But still, she wasn't Toko! :(
It frustrated me to see this character get turned into an ableist joke. Any idea of a subversion, that maybe they were telling the player that they could consider Toko's perspective, that she had a sweeter side behind her scared, bitter self, that maybe the loser girl shouldn't be rejected by everyone... NAH! She's actually mentally ill and a freak! Let's just make fun of her mental illness and separate from liking her as much as possible! That's what it felt like playing the game after this, at least when I think about Toko.
My real favorite in this game, among the survivors, was Yasuhiro. I was convinced he would be the last victim, and I was so happy he wasn't. Bless him.
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I was happy to finish THH, I needed closure for the story even though it was frustrating to see characters I started to like dying almost immeadiately and having barely anybody I cared about still around. "So in the end" (to quote Sakura) I had mixed feelings about Toko, Byakuya, and Aoi being survivors (in hindsight I was judgemental and wrong about Aoi and my feelings toward her have become more positive since then!), but I was glad to see Makoto, Kyoko, and Yasuhiro as survivors. My sister wanted me to play SDR2, and I told her I needed some time to pass before I decided to take on this game. Before I agreed to it, she had to reassure me that it was so much better than THH.
I was so worried about Kazuichi going the same route as Toko, but I took a chance at trusting her, and throughout the game she constantly showed how helpful she was and how kind she wanted to be. It wasn't as much development as I would have wanted, but it was better than what happened with Toko. There was no character assassination like Toko.
I find it so funny that I fell for the "simp" characters, and for these two games it was before I found out they were the simp characters. For Toko, it was because she was "the weird girl." For Kazuichi, it started off being because of her appearance, and continued as we learned that she was smart (a mechanic!) and helpful (she gave a thumbs up!). Yes, that is actually what made me first fall for her. You can laugh. As soon as she gave a thumbs up I knew I could trust her. Yes, I am aware that that reason is absolutely bonkers, I dont care. I'm so happy I was right this time.
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^^^Look at this kind, helpful soul! I love you!!!
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^^Check out the family resemblance. This is her cousin, my cousin-in-law Kaito. Kazuichi and Kaito being cousins is my headcanon. I headcanon Kaito as the older cousin, even though that probably makes no sense timeline wise. Heck, none of DR V3 makes sense timeline wise, so I do whatever!
Also, the pattern continues, as I admit I have a crush on Tenko as well. It's not as big as my crush on Kazuichi, it sort of comes and goes for the time being, and if I ever selfship with her I want to get a better sense of her character before I write her into the relationship (I'd like her to be with me and Kaz, also I'm not sure if Chihiro being part of the ship is still in my canon or not), but I wanted to mention it at some point and it's relevant to this post. Tenko had great potential, and she got some development she deserved, though the death she absolutely did not.
I guess the moral of this story is that you can trust again. Sometimes that trust will be broken, but sometimes it will help you find love. You have to take that chance.
All the places I could have learned this moral and it was the Danganronpa series. Wild.
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raphaelesbian · 3 months
ok, since you asked (and I GET the "I wanted to write, but didn't") ....ummmm..... would Shini try to sneak Raph into a concert?
Also, if it's not too spoiler-y, what are all three boys' currently theories on where Raph got the alcohol?
Oh I definitely think that would be on-brand for her. One because she definitely is a concert kind of girl and she loves breaking the rules, but also just because, like. Her goal is to stabilize them, basically. She's a little wild, but (mostly) in a "teenage girl" kind of way, while they're very much Losing It. So things like a little makeover montage, or listening to music, or watching silly YouTube videos, and TOTALLY going to a concert, are all things she would think of to try and... "distract them" isn't quite right, but it's close. To break them out of their spiral, kind of.
Anyways fhkdsahglk I think she'd get him all dressed up and probably watch from the rafters or smth a la Bayverse. She'd probably try to convince him to actually go down with the people, because it's dark! no one is paying attention! you'll be fine! but he'd push back on that pretty hard. Poor 12 boys would NOT thrive in a crowd XD Maybe someday in the future she could change his mind though.
Oooh okay that actually is a very helpful question bc I haven't even really thought about it that much 🤔 and I need to!
I think, after Raph stormed off at the end of the last chapter, there was probably some off-screen discussion between them all. For sure they briefly grilled Casey on potentially introducing him to the idea, but he strongly denied the allegations. I think Casey is more of a weed guy anyways lmao. I think, as a group, their mostly likely assumption is just that he's stealing it. He's a ninja, he's never cared much about human society/rules so he wouldn't feel bad about it, and it's the easiest answer. BUT:
Why would he not tell Casey if that was the case? It isn't something Casey would be likely to snitch on; he wouldn't care and would probably join in. So they know there has to be more to it, even if they're correct.
Oof, them turtles are hard to characterize!! This is an excellent question ty for forcing me to contemplate it fhklsdahklg. Donnie is smart, but he's also not the best when it comes to reading people. I think he'd just go down the decision tree of most likely explanations and say "yeah he's stealing it and getting drunk in an alleyway somewhere. god he's annoying (/said with love and frustration)"
mikey is always difficult for me lmao, I love him and I love his relationship with raph, but he's such an erratic character. he's very, like, instinctual (see: monkey brains episode), so I think he disagrees with the consensus, but doesn't have much of an alternative. he doesn't know WHERE raph is getting it, or what he's doing, but he knows that can't be it. which probably makes donnie double down harder on his theory, because mikey has no DATA.
leo has been the one the MOST in the know, even if he's still very much left in the dark. he'd be putting some of those pieces together: that time Raph came back injured and said he was jumped, how tired and withdrawn he's been, the bracelet, perhaps the hint of makeup you can barely see beneath his lopsided mask. he would think that maybe there's someone else, someone he's hanging out with that either is providing alcohol or they're getting it together, but then he hits a wall.
I even think that karai crosses his mind, but between their INCREDIBLY antagonistic relationship during the brainworm incident, and the fact that they just. never liked each other, and raph was always telling LEO to stop trusting her. so he would write that off. but it's there, in the back of his head.
I'm definitely going to continue thinking on this fhdlsdahklg but having to go through that thought process in my head and put it into words was a good exercise I think XD ty so much for asking!!! I hope some of that was interesting lol
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ramcharantitties · 2 years
Idk if you'd be into this or not...but...how abt a angst and fluff Ram x Wife!reader where she asks him for a child? lmao I just can't get this thought out of my head for some reason xD. Keeping these things aside, I just want to let you know that I love your fics. They give me hope. I finally found a blog whose reader insert fics are relatable! Thank you for all of your amazing works!!
"what have you been thinking about?" Ram sat down beside you, joining for dinner. His abrupt presence snapped you out of your train of thoughts. You shook your head and started to serve him, when he gently held your hand on the lid of casserole. "Batao na" ram said, clasping your hand in both of his. You took a good look at his face- the soft eyes and strong moustache, lips moist and warm cheeks. You smiled to yourself. But you couldn't ask him right now. No matter how you wanted to- you shouldn't. Not right in the peak of his career. "it's nothing. The daily chores have been piling up, that's it" You broke away your hand from his grasp and he gave you a long, silent look. "You want something, you think I won't agree to. Right?" Your movements stilled as soon as he made the assumption. You sighed, and leaned back on chair. "What is it?" Ram asked, and you rubbed your face. Ram pulled his chair closer, anxiety building up. "Y/n, did I do something?" He asked, his mind running wild. She doesn't mean a divor-
"I, want a child" you muttered, your head down. Ram pulled his seat back to initial position. "Y/n we talked about this" "I Know" you erupted, contrary how you were sulking seconds ago. "But I swear I can manage the house, work and child! It won't be a distraction for you!" "Y/n I don't want to be a bad father to the child. Why can't we wait till-" "But I don't want to wait!" "Don't you have the next art research to work on? Do you think a child won't push your timeline? You already complain about short deadlines. As much as I can help with house chores the child will interfere with your work more" Ram stood up and started to leave. "It's a mutual decision to have a child, Y/n. I will be a father too. And I don't want to have a child right now" he made the final statement and closed the doors of the room, locking himself.
You sat glued to your spot, running your finger on the table. The had gone cold, which you covered after he left. You were running out of time. A country struggling for independence asks for sacrifices, and your own husband being a police officer doesn't make it any better. A brown officer on the oppressor's side. Triple suicide. Your legs cramped and your arms ached. Maybe Ram was right. Maybe it's too soon. But the sand was slipping out, and he won't realize that the sand is conical shaped, last grain falling. You inhaled the coldness in the room when you heard your room unlocking, and your husband reappearing. You looked away quickly.
Ram came behind you and massaged your shoulders, as you melted in his touch. "I know you are mad" he broke the silence and you stayed quiet, defying his expectations. He took his place in front of you again, on the same spot. "But you have to know that my job won't let me live with you for long. You can marry another person- someone, white, rich. Who won't have to worry about his future too much to have a child with you. But Y/n, if I leave after our child, I don't want the world to pity you. I don't want the world to tell our child that no matter how much you try it will never have a father."
Ram's hand, which was earlier on your cheek, moved to wipe the tear that rolled down your eye. You both had the same fear. Ram opened his arms and you sat down in his lap, as he rocked you slowly. He caressed your back, often massaging your scalp for next ten minutes. The eerie silence in the room didn't please him. "Maybe we should look for names first" Ram announced, only for you to chuckle.
Tagging: @budugu @rambheemisgoated @thewinchestergirl1208 @shreyalokesh @bromance-minus-the-b @juhiiiiii @dumdaradumdaradum @chaanv @chaotic-moonlight @mish-ka @kashti15 @saanjh-sakhi @ronaldofandom @bishh-kanya @nyotamalfoy @obsessedtoafault @iamhereforthefanfics @maraudersbitchesassemble @phoenix666stuff @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @infusedchaos @army24--7 @iams99 @booksmartheart @rambheemlove @stuckyandlarrystuff @bitchy-bi-trash @moonyrox @sabi5 @nerdreader @yehsahihai
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writerfae · 7 months
Just imagine the day Callan and Henry officially started dating, Henry comes home smiling like a fool, with a skip in his step, red in the face, and Aiden's like: Are ok? Do you have a fever? Get to bed right now!
Henry: Aiden, I do not have a fever
Aiden: Then why are you red like a rose?
Henry: Ammm... allergies?
Aiden: Bed! Now!
(I love Henry and Callan so much (both as individuals and as a couple)😭❤️)
Petition to give Aiden a notebook to keep track of all the crazy things that get revealed about his family:
Cameron opens his mouth
Aiden: Hold it! Who's he?
Henry: ...My birth dad.
Aiden, scribbling: ...birth dad. Got it! Do we like him?
Henry: No
Aiden, scribbling: ...we don't like him. Ok! I'm done! WHAT THE ACTUAL-
When Aiden and Henry reunite
Aiden: Henry?
Henry: Yes, Aiden, it's me- WAIT! Sorry, wrong person! There's no way he grew taller than me!
Aiden: I'm even angrier now!
You know how baby Aiden used to pull on Henry's ears?
What if when they reunite Aiden sees his ears for (to his knowledge) the first time, and he tries to pull on them to see if they're real or something?XD
Also, guess who's noticed another writing problem with their mc again? :D
It's fine, I'm working on fixing it, I'm just not sure how to yet (good thing I found the problem, though! I'm happy about that)
It's that I was writing some pre story fluff thing and I realized that when she's not thinking about taking care of Ákos, or freaking out about something, Adél's pretty "no thoughts, head empty", which isn't good!
The reason I'm worried is because for the others these things came maybe a bit more naturally, and I'm afraid of how it'll turn out if i try to "force it" with Adél, but I'll figure it out! (Tell me, I got this, please, I'm scared) (sometimes I'm sitting here, like: should I just erase Adél and start from scratch, and that makes me really sad! Please tell me not to do that! Who will give Ákos magical hugs then?)
Sorry for the complaining, i hope you don't mind
Yes to all of these!
After the story is done, Aiden could probably write a whole family chronicle and it would most likely be titled like What the Fuck Fae - a story of wild shit I learned about my family in the past few weeks
Your problem with Adél is really valid, though if I’m being honest, it sounds to me like it is pretty much the same problem we talked about before: you haven’t figured out enough of Adél’s personality yet.
Which is completely fine and normal and not meant as criticism. I just think that this is the core issue that leads to the “no thoughts head empty-mc” problem.
When her main traits are worrying about everything and caring for Ákos and these main traits are as dominant as they are, then of course that’s what she will do all the time when you write her. That’s why she needs more traits.
I mean I don’t know if she has developed more since you asked me about writing her the first time, so I don’t want to make assumptions. But maybe you really should equip her personality a bit. I think that’s the first step to improve writing her and “giving her thoughts” (for the lack of better words).
Of course there’s characters that come more naturally. And then there’s ones that are a bit harder to figure out. Those need time and care and yes, sometimes a little bit of force. Otherwise you’ll get stuck. Remember, developing an mc is a progress! There’s no progress if you don’t try!
So just keep writing her! If it turns out sounding too forced or you won’t like what you came up with, you can always cross it out. And even that will take you a step further to figuring Adél out, because then you’ll know what you don’t want her to be like/to think about.
Don’t give up! I know you can figure it out! And please, don’t erase Adél. We love Adél! And she’s already a solid framework for a good character!
You just need some more practice and time with her! Sometimes you have to lock yourself in a room with your oc and try to get them to talk to you.
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aelaer · 1 year
This is for the assumptions thing. *sherlock steeple hands*
Seeing as how you claim Stephen to be your favorite blorbo, I’m willing to bet you have a lot in common with him. Probably the oldest sibling. It’s hard for you to make relationships (platonic/familial… any relationships) but once you do, you’re incredibly loyal to them. Very protective of them. You stick to your morals and beliefs, so basically being stubborn. You probably went to college right after graduating high school, but instead of something science related you went with art. You’re detail oriented for sure, anyone can just glance over one of your fics and see how much research goes into it. You’ve said in your Wong fic that you’ve worked in customer service. As someone who also works in customer service, there’s a certain type of patience that kind of job requires. You’re on the west coast, I’m pretty sure.
You like photography. You’re interested in different cultures and like to travel a lot (possibly for your job?) You’ll try just about any food, especially in other countries. (I know from an ask post you tagged me in that you don’t like spicy food, though). Despite liking movies/shows, you’re not the type to watch something simply because there’s a lot of hype around it. Your preferences in whump suggest you’re the type to help people who genuinely need it, but will stop if they’re aren’t even attempting to take care of things themselves. This is me going out on a limb here, but I’m thinking that perhaps your parents aren’t that affectionate, either with each other or with you? That tends to be common in people who like angst and either heavily like/dislike romance.
Also you’re in your mid/late 30s, so ;) is preferred to 😉
Oh this is great. Excellent layover fodder. This got long but I can't figure out how to do the read more cut on mobile, sorry!
Eldest sibling: Yes. Eldest of 4. We thankfully all get along wonderfully. Don't get to hang out much together because both of my brothers' jobs are very demanding/have holiday work at times - and of course I'm missing Easter this year xD
Relationships: Not really. Very close to my family, always have been. Have the best parents in the world. (Totally missed the mark on my parents haha, I tell folks in Discord pretty often that I'd lend my parents out as foster-parents were it possible). I have to *stop* my parents, especially my mum, from over-hyping me to people xD I can't have my mum read any of my works because she'd tell *everyone* about this wonderful story I wrote and I absolutely do not want the neighbors to know I write fanfic. And she legit can't help herself. As for my dad, he's spent the last 2 weekends with me helping me fix things around the house and helping me clean my garage of my neighbor's crap, and we can talk about almost anything (the only thing he refuses to talk about is anything regarding sex which is pretty hilarious because he gets all blustery if I casually mention something around it and he changes the subject). He's a great dad. Very lucky to have them both.
Friend-wise, it was harder in my youth for sure, but I have always been tenacious and managed. These days it's easy to create them on a superficial, acquaintance level - it's harder to be more in depth due to lack of energy or time. My greatest in depth friendships in my adulthood have all stemmed from online interactions because it can be hard to find nerds in the wild. I'm not a huge fan of superficial small talk that is prevalent with many adults "in the wild" (gossip about kids, neighbors, and the gym in my experience) so finding people that are just *interesting* to talk to is the big key. I know a lot of stuff about a lot of topics and finding conversation partners that have the same breadth is challenging. My coworkers are more interesting- but they're all over the US xD So yeah if everyone was just in the same area that'd make it so much easier.
Morals: I don't think sticking to your morality is a bad thing as the word stubborn implies 😜 flexible morality can lead bad places. I do stick to my guns though. Always up for a philosophical debate about moral conundrums but I call something out if I think it's just wrong - or I certainly try. I haven't been in a situation where doing so would put my life in danger so I'm not sure what I'd do there. I hope the right thing.
College: I'm an art major. Don't regret it.
Work: My customer service stint was blessedly only for a few months; they were trying to train me for the (slow) manager track and I noped out as soon as I could xD. Most of my work in HS and college was as a tutor, which was significantly more rewarding.
Area: Greater LA! Born and raised. 5th generation on my dad's mom's side too (Potato famine refugee), which is stupid rare here.
Travel: I wish I could travel for my job. But with working remote I may be able to make something out of it in a couple years. I think they may be up for it; it's a young company run by millennials which makes the difference. All the travel I've done in my 20s was through making connections with others in my youth and getting invited to stay places, and then teaching English abroad between jobs 5 years ago. And after that I finally started earning an actual decent income which meant I could save up for trips (like this!). That said I also had the support of my parents which helped make it possible (they didn't pay for the trips except one ticket in my early 20s, but I could fall back on them if I needed to which made a big difference).
Self care: Hit the nail on the head. I am the type of supporter to give links to resources in a person's area that is within their income (even in the US there's a lot of free resources, just takes a bit of digging). If someone decides not to help themselves to get out of the bad spot they're in by pursuing these resources, I withdraw. I can only be emotionally invested if people are actually trying - going to free counseling, going to work agencies, etc. No one that I know of here on tumblr is *not* helping themselves by pursuing resources to the best of their ability, so this applies to no one here. But I have had friends in the past that were unable to push past their mental barrier and I eventually ran out of emotional energy to give them. This likely comes from my mom who worked herself up from abject poverty, and my own struggles in my youth where there was a lot of struggle and pushing because my brain is a wee bit different. So I expect folks to try and make the calls and work through the problems. It's okay if it takes years - but you gotta try and keep pursuing and can't give up no matter how hard the going gets. (Note: this is presuming you're physically capable and have enough mental sound-of-mindness for executive decision making, which I do think is still like 99% of the population). I *strongly* recommend a support outlet if you don't have one - online or in person. There's a ton of communities on reddit for folks in tough situations that can help, to start. (Also note that it's very different on what you can do depending on where you are in the world, and that I'm very aware of.)
I find that a lot of people who like angst just like the genre due to finding characters overcoming their struggles very interesting. I don't think parental affection has anything to do with it personally, as I've met many people who adore romance who have absolutely awful parents. As for romance itself, I think my biggest issue is its oversaturation in media and how romance is emphasized to be more important than close platonic (found family) relationships. This happens in fanfic too and it's just annoying. I was significantly less annoyed with it in the LOTR fandom back in the day when they were even - so yeah, it's 100% about the saturation and lack of balance.
(Also romance is a legit boring genre outside of comedies, haha)
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cornflowershade · 4 months
okay so my friend and I thought up a vidding game where we both edited a show that the OTHER ONE watches, without having ever seen it ourselves. 😂 We used foreign shows to keep it even harder to guess context lol. And thus, while I'm still out here struggling to finish my own OFTS edits, here's one that she made! Despite not even being in the fandom lmao. I think she did a really great job, especially considering the lack of context! What do you think? :) Also I wrote down some funny quotes of things she said to me while skimming the show and editing it, which I'll stick below. Hearing her make wild guesses and assumptions was the funnest part of this process haha xD
-[seeing Mew] is this the younger brother who blackmails Boston? Is this BOSTON?
-[seeing Mew again] I've decided he's Nick
-[seeing Nick] I've decided to call him tattoo guy
-[Ray shows up] earring guy!! your favorite! the only guy i actually recognize in this thing
-[during a nickboston scene at the tech store] oh this has to be Nick [pointing to Nick] because he's in the Nick Spot
-[Nick listening to the car tape on headphones] oh I think he's Boston! I think he's Boston.
-[every time topmew is onscreen] I don't remember these guys. They're very unmemorable for some reason. [they kiss] that's a boring looking kiss, too, idk
-[Nick, ep 6] I think that's Boston
-[sandray pool scene, Ray's pov] "why you threatening me at pool? That makes me sad" (yeah she read this scene 100% correct)
-[nickboston scene] they're in Nick's photography room! so one of them has to be Nick. [Decides Boston is Nick]
-[Mew's birthday party] this looks like an unfun party.
-[has a running joke about Nick wanting a new phone case, but is still thinking he's Boston]
-[Sand is hugging a crying Nick at their apartment] Boston is sad here, he wants a new phone case, [Sand] is like "I'm sorry I don't have one, I can't do what Nick could do for you"
-[Ray dancing with Mew] that's NOT who they were with before!
-[police taking drugs from Ray, who's in Joker costume] police: "you got too much into character, boy!"
-[Boston kissing friend's younger brother] this looks like it wasn't meant to happen.
-[sandray cheek kiss in camper] oh wait, you used something from that in your video, that means it must be good! // (*it's a wip vid lol)
-[Boeing at Mew's house] what are they up to? I don't know but I don't like it
-[Nick kissing the friend's brother] that's not right. There's something wrong here
-[about the college] wow, they have pink elevators? That's a choice!
-[Nick leaving Boston on the curb (a scene I talked to her about a lot)] wait that's Boston! So that must be Nick! I had them mixed up this whole time!!!!!
Meanwhile, my edit was for the k-drama Evilive. Obviously I haven't seen it (actually I had even less context than she did because I didn't even know a summary of the plot 😂) but maybe some of you have? Either way, here's a link in case you're interested in seeing how my part of this challenge turned out! <3
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captainsspnanon · 3 years
C2E14 - Fleeting Memories
More campaign two because I’m sick and sad!  Wooo!
*cuddles under blankets and considers making soup*
Huh, short episode! 3:15, which means more realistically just about three hours excluding the break.
And no Laura, which confirms that they meet the Gentleman this episode!  ...which was kind of obvious because of how the last episode ended, but WHATEVER.
This welcome back Ashley bit is actually giving me feels. XD
ALSO yay for the nat 1 charity push!!!
I love Matt’s ‘don’t you dare’ face and then they still silly string him.  AS IT SHOULD BE
LOL at Taliesin talking about the guns coming back to haunt him.
Molly is so panicked!  Props to Taliesin for the RP, this is fantastic!
Also Caleb totally recognized SOMETHING about the spell-splitter lady from the captial.
Holy shit. Hindsight, Matt really is telling all the story!  We’ve got the Tomb Taker’s individual names, AND the named group! and Vess (not being directly named), we’ve got Lucien dying two years ago, we’ve got the actual tome in question taken by Vess.  GODDAMN Matt!!  You really do just throw all the things out there, and then we don’t get it until 80 sessions later!!
Well, to be fair, there probably were Critters who figured stuff out right away. Starting live with C3 I’m seeing just how much speculating and theorizing starts right off the bat!  Apparently with C2 there were theories about Caleb being a werewolf after the first session???? This is WILD.
Wait, part of the same order?  The Claret Order???  Which is just barely touched on at the end, but I believe is in the books???
Oh man, I am SUPER impressed by Molly/Taliesin here!  The half answers and vague replies make JUST enough sense to work, but at at the same time give nothing! And Taliesin couldn’t have know, he didn’t know his backstory!! Just so fucking impressive
And everyone poking and prodding for more answers because they’re under the (reasonable) assumption that Molly knows this!
LOL poor Matt is like I have no clue what Jester would do, meanwhile Laura talks about how she would have instantly started to chat with him about being blue, and might look for rings on his fingers.  It would be hysterical if she was there and would have started guessing that he was her father right away.
GODDAMN BEAU YOU ARE SO DAMN GOOD “no, Demedan was - *clumsy* with his information” GODDAMN I LOVE YOU
It is so interesting to see how the Gentleman behaves this early on, especially compared to AwkardDad!Gentleman that we get later!  I forgot how he really was the perfect blend of charming and intimidating!
Hmmm, I wonder why Cree wouldn’t already have had Lucien’s blood, considering that was basically her talisman for casting, as I understand it.  Well, she also doesn’t appear as obsessive here, so maybe that only started after she brought Lucien back.
Is Sam uncomfortable with this?  Or Nott?  It’s actually hard to tell, I think it might be Sam.
Oh man, how hard this must have been for Caleb!  I wonder if the amulet would still prevent the scrying with blood?
Interesting RP choice from Liam, I think?  Or possible legit nervous habit.  He’s twisting his wedding band.  Doesn’t really work for Caleb as we have no indicator that Caleb wears rings, but possibly a short hand for fiddling with, I don’t know, a wire from the components pouch, or his amulet?  Or I’m reading into this too much and it’s just Liam twisting his ring out of character.
Fjord winning really is amazing, and it’s all just luck.  I love it so much, and it’s 100% unpredictable how it could have played out.
Props to Matt for having the main suspects for the High Richter being Molly and Beau. He doesn’t take a side one way or another in the argument that the party had with Caleb (and rightfully so, let the PCs do what the PCs do!), but with this he adds just a touch of ‘you know you were highly suspicious too’.  Nothing accusatory, nothing even going ‘Beau and Molly were Wrong’ (because again, it’s a PC fight not something for the DM to get involved with), but just a hint of ‘you were seen too, fyi’.  I like it!  It’s a small thing, and it certainly doesn’t UNDO the fight, nor the points that either side had for it.  Just added another little complication into the basket.
15 years working… as The Gentleman?  Or just in the crime market?  ‘Cause Jester’s older than 15!  Hmmm….wish I could remember what he told Jester. AH WELL WILL FIND OUT IN LIKE 100 EPISODES OR SO.
First off, full fucking props to Nott for challenging the Gentleman and picking a good way to do so.  Second, props to Matt for having the Gentleman be totally for it and delighted.  Lastly, FUCKING PROPS TO THE GENTLEMAN FOR DRINKING THE VIAL OF ACID way to get EVERYONE’S respect.
*tries to find the thing that spooked Travis*  Looks like maybe something fell from the light/microphone rigging and knocked a die?
Ugh, I really love Fjord/Travis being the face.  I miss that he took more of a back seat later in the campaign with Beau and Caleb being the face for intense stuff, and Jester and Nott being the face for the less intense stuff. I admit, I just really like smooth talkers in the right situations, and I feel like he covers that so well for the party.  IC, and then just OOC because I really like the way Travis says things.
Interesting, Molly checked to see if Cree had any eyes!  Subtly so, but by Tal tapping his cheek and neck/shoulder area.  That makes sense, it was the only marking that Molly had and was aware of, and it’s the only backstory thing that Tal knows is a thing that he chose.
Lol at Fjord giving the party that failed shit when Travis would be yelping each time. You can almost see it on his face, that conflict of ‘PC toughs it out….NOMATTNOGHOSTSPLEASE…..no man I’m cool, fuck you’
Beau is such as ass and I love her so much for it.
“visit the city” Matt you little shit
Also did we ever find out if the ritual actually failed and why?  I can’t remember! Because Lucien DID die!  Molly was a fragment that somehow came back, but we never really find out why either, right?
Oooof, as soon as Molly implies that one of the Tomb Takers had turned Cree was like wtf no I don’t believe you anymore.  He was doing so well before that!
…..I was not a Widofjord shipper and I think maybe I slowly might be becoming one? Like WOOF that scene where Caleb asks Fjord about the gambling and calculated risks?  THAT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN AS HOT AS IT WAS.
Sam trolling Ashley so hard for not having a detailed reason for Yasha’s disappearances while Ashley was off Blindspotting.
Wait, did they not know Yasha was from Xhorhas???  I could have sworn it came up before. DOWNSIDES OF REWATCHES, not realizing when is the ‘first’ of something if I’m not looking for it.
Year and a half?  I thought she’d only been in the Empire for six months?  Was that something she told Trent?  MEMORY.  I DO NOT HAVE IT.
I kinda miss Beau being a fuckboi.
All this back and forth over the Xhorhasian blade and I don’t think anyone ever uses it.  Yasha gets the Magician’s Judge in this upcoming encounter, and Fjord gets the Summer Dancer after Molly dies, I think.
Oh man, Fjord started fucking with Nott way earlier than I remember him doing so.
“Important note! Laura Bailey has texted in that she hates us all”
Zone of Truth!!! Which is very needed.  Now granted, Molly saying that his first memory was the dirt and then having to correct it to vague memory and being told about it?  I don’t consider that a big deal.  He was flavoring the truth, essentially.  But it’s very interesting to know from Taliesin himself that he didn’t want to share all the things that get shared in this scene.  Which I don’t care, Molly needed to spill.  And I’m glad that he was forced to, because he as a character just LIES SO MUCH, and now???  He still wanted to lie NOW???  Now that everything was here and he acknowledged that it was dangerous?
Oh man, Nott pressing the ‘past life’ bit has soooo many more feels to it with all the Veth backstory.  MY HEART.
Also, Liam is doing a good job making sure to avoid questions to Caleb.  And I say Liam, because it’s him interjecting with the texts from Laura/Jester, and with that plus Caleb’s actual interrogation skills coming slightly into play, he’s managing to avoid any questions to him.
Fuuuuuck you Liam. Beau says “just because you know the past doesn’t mean you have to be beholden to it” AND THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE.  The tiny eyeybrow raise and the scoff.  STOP BREAKING MY HEART.
Seriously, Liam and Laura are the best with breaking my heart in a campaign.
...wait did Caleb just dissociate???  After Beau’s comment and the scoff, he starts just furrowing his brow and looking straight forward, until suddenly after a comment Molly says, he gives a little jolt and starts paying attention again.  LIAM WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.  Master of fucking subtleties.
Oddly, this aspect of Molly had me even more against him in first watch through.  I was very much ‘if you don’t care about your past then why should I care or be invested in you as a character’.  I can still understand my way of thinking with that, but I don’t feel that way now.  And that’s heavily in part of the fact that I understand how Taliesin plays now.  When I was first watching, it was also my first time watching any of Critical Role, and I thought that Molly’s dismissiveness meant that Taliesin would actively avoid anything plot related to Molly, and would brush it off and just move on – something that would be really boring and annoying for a viewer. After seeing Cad and Percy, I can look at this and know that Molly may not have it impact him super emotionally (MAYBE), but Taliesin would still be involved with the plot and involved with everything. And even if Molly ‘brushed it off’, he would still have IMPACT with it, regardless of how the impact took.  SORRY FOR DOUBTING YOU, TAL.  I DIDN’T KNOW BETTER.
Hmmm...when Jester asks about the fortune tellings and he says he sometimes has a tickle in the back of his mind, the phrasing is just peculiar enough that I’m wondering if he’s taking a truth (tickle in the mind) and implying that it means an actual fortune.  Because I’m like 90% sure that’s what he just did.  And I seriously hate that Molly KEEPS FUCKING LYING.  Like, I legit don’t think he stops lying, and it annoys me.
I like how Caleb takes a moment to clarify that while he does not shave his butt, his butt isn’t hairy anyway so.
Good scene all around!  Though I do wonder about how Molly saying that he left every town better than he found it worked under the truth spell.  Like, that just feels like a statement that can’t be said truthfully, especially by a con artist?  If you’re conning someone, you might think they deserve it, but you don’t know how you could be hurting them or hurting someone else through them.  I dunno, it’s a good statement, but I feel like it shouldn’t have been under the truth spell.  Like, how did they leave Trostenwald better than they found it?  Alfield, sure.  Zadash, maybe if you want to consider the political thing a positive turn.  But they didn’t do anything to better Trostenwald aside from clean up their own mess, which isn’t ‘better than he found it’.  In fact, they literally killed four people just by being there.  And fixed nothing.  And improved nothing.  Does performing a single show make up for four lives?  I doubt it.  Though maybe it’s just that Molly believed it therefore he could say it?  SPELL TECHNICALITIES.  ...and I’m thinking waaay too much on this, I know that.  I wouldn’t be so hung up on it except for the fact that due to the logic of the world I think we’re supposed to believe it’s 100% true, which I am not really a fan of?
Once again, Molly being a dick by calling Nott ‘frightfully ignorant’ when she professes her own beliefs but says she respects Molly’s view.  Fuck off Molly.  Stop attacking people when you disagree with them. ...And then he literally threatens Nott by saying maybe Lucien killed goblins!!  With a LOOK on his face.  What the fuck Molly?!?!?
Oh huh, I guess Fjord does attune to this blade.  Is this the one that he swallows though? I thought that was the Summers Dance.  
I’m appreciating Yasha a lot more now that I’m more aware of Ashley’s range as well.  Granted, I really enjoyed Yasha, but not until the second half once Blindspot ended and she was there full time.  I’m getting her a lot more now early game because of that prior experience.
Aaaand I now get the whole ‘dagger that comes back to you’ joke
lol wingman Caleb
I feel kinda bad that Beau was never able to become proficient with the darts.  One of the few things where I could see a rule-of-cool rule bending to allow them to be considered monk weapons, but I also understand why not. Then again, I also feel like cat Frumpkin should have been allowed darkvision.
She calls him Grog! *heart*
I love it so much when they are upset when Matt ends the game and beg for more time. IT GIVES ME WARM FUZZIES.
I know that Soft exists.  I like the descriptor of things feeling Soft!  It’s just not a word that’s part of my vocabulary so I don’t think to use it when it would apply.  I should probably start using it.
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pilferingapples · 4 years
LM 1.3.1 retrobricking
Well The Year Starts Coming and it Don't Stop Coming 
...footnotes for this chapter ALONE make the Rose and Donougher translations well worth having, whoowow.
 So there is a LOT going on here, but before getting into the specific details, it strikes me this time that so many  of these details are really forgotten outside of this chapter, and in the textbooks and research of people  of the sort of people who study real historical minutaie (ahem, not that anyone like that is around here).  And of those sources...I'd bet money that this chapter gets read more than the textbooks. 
And so many of these details are things that people at the time would have assigned great importance to-- the Greatest Whatevers of the age, political debates that consumed enormous amounts of energy and focus. Hugo mixes reminders about minor figures that were wrongly assumed to be the Defining Names of their age with reminders of the recent Allied invasion/siege/ returning of the True King to Paris, the European wars, and other major events, and tosses it all together to suggest , not entirely inaccurately , that they are all about as Eternally Memorable.  It's a bit of an Ozymandias moment; from the corner of narrative's gaze we can see the wars and movements of an era , Nothing Beside Remains.  
And  yet...these scattered memories, already fading out of living memory when they were written down, in a book Hugo genuinely hoped would become irrelevant soon, do remain, even while they challenge the assumptions of the time of their origin about their importance.   There is such a sense of melancholy and loss in this story, even aside from the heavy fates of so many characters, and in fact inseparable from the hope and the call to change and the greatest moments of power and energy in the story, and there is so much of all that in this chapter, with its echoes of little things lost in the rush to make the future. 
  Anyway! Some more specific notes that aren’t just me bogging in Emotions:
- how did I miss on every previous read that  Hugo specifically calls out NAPOLEON HAVING HIS GREEN COAT TURNED.  Oh my GOD.  Marius getting Courfeyrac's old green coat may not quite satisfy his sense of mourning (and inherent gothness), but it fits his Napoleon fanboying  XD
- Hugo directly mentions Duras reading Ourika to her friends!  I was recently discussing with @niguedouille the  way women writers of the period are so often overlooked in later critical assessments, even if they were very respected in their own lifetimes, to the point where I've even seen some (admittedly outdated ) articles claiming they didn't exist.   So Hugo giving this direct shoutout to Duchess Duras  really sticks out to me; even he's mentioning her, there's no reason for anyone who's actually reading Hugo  with an academic/critical eye to not know she existed , geez.  (he’s incorrect here about exactly when the first version of Ourike was complete, but not too far given he couldn’t have looked it up on Google or anything:P) 
- "The French Academy gave a prize on the subject 'The Happiness Procured by Study'"-- this is a prize Hugo wrote an entry for, and won-- but was disqualified because the judges thought the work was too good for someone Hugo's age, and decided he must have lied to look good.   Hugo's fine! he's totally over it! 
- "the general opinion was that Charles Loyson would be the genius of the age" --Loyson was a poet.  Hugo, very secure at this point in considering himself the poetic genius of the age, is of course mocking the miscall on Charles Loyson. But WOW he could not have known that 200 years later, not only would Charles Loyson not be the most famous poet of the century, he wouldn't even be the most famous Charles Loyson.   Instead, that goes to his relative Charles "Hyacinthe" Loyson, who had a pretty wild life!-- and who was born in 1827.
- Abbe Lammenais was Hugo's mentor/teacher/friend as a kid! but was not very convincing on the Catholicism, evidently.   - Hugo is ALSO Totally Over the time Neufchateau  stole the preface Hugo wrote. TOTALLY over it. 
- Wow Hapgood completely drops Hugo's English quote in the paragraph on traitors!  "Please adjust your dress before leaving", on the inside of toilets, was Hugo's favorite English phrase; he claimed once that it summed up the English mindset perfectly (how? no further elaboration!). 
- a Personal Note:   I've done enough research now that I actually have an existing concept and context for some (not all! by no means all!) of the events and people Hugo mentions in this chapters.  It's an odd feeling-- recognizing these things now, and immediately feeling like Of Course they're important!! , and at the same time remembering when I just nodded blankly through the whole chapter. If anything, it increases the sense of being given a handful of dandelion seeds. 
And/but/also:  now that I know a bit more about what had been going on in Paris,  the way all these incredibly ordinary things are just. Goin’ on. In a city that only a couple years ago was the endpoint of a war-- it’s getting to me like Hugo’s mention of the butterflies at the barricade. No even stops life from just rolling on; Napoleon’s whole international war happened to the side of gossip and art and fashion and people arguing over where to eat dinner.   And this is just how people are! And it’s what the story is Really About!  I am wildly  emotional about this chapter!
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rebornthestage · 4 years
Reborn! The Stage (2018) Liveblog Commentary
LMAO Mukuro's face as he looks back at Tsuna during the Opening, I can't
Tsuna’s way of running, I'm dying
I forgot how good the first Haru's switch between nice and mean was 
Suddenly I remember that she became a weather forecaster after this in a popular news show for a year lol
HAHAHA send help Tsuna's running in another odder style
is this actually a workout video?
god, if I were in Tsuna's position, I'd rather die than be subjected to dying will mode
i think that's tsuna's mom in the black wig; she's a student now lol
oh~ real smoke
hahaha the arms! Suddenly I remember the making of
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Ouch, the abs
They..they fall sideways XDDDD
This is a long fall
How many stories does Namimori Middle have? 100? XD
Wow a forward roll from Ryohei
I've been watching Magic for Humans with my nephew lately, and Ryohei's closeup with Tsuna suddenly reminded me of close-up magic
lol the way he dodged ryohei's punches
I know he's saying "Haire", but being back in the Tenipuri fandom made me think he's saying "Haide" instead lol. Go Higa-chuu!
Nice jump out of the ring lol
Someone take the knife away from the 5yo please x_x
Reborn sleeping with his eyes open
RIP bird
RIP Gokudera
lol Reborn don't care
LOL. Reborn holding the dead bird suddenly reminded me of that tag "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat"
lmao that's Lambo's actor
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lol more falling
nice final pose haha
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Oh, I forgot to take note of the different boxers -_-
God, I'd hate not being able to have quiet moment like Tsuna's house will be from now on
Nngh, this play's really long
Oh?? A Sakura tree! ;)
Oh Hibarin has a high kick too lol
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The 8018 shipper in me: Oh hey, look at Yamamoto being the first to bring up Hibarin again
Ken actually reacting correctly to Ryohei's wild assumptions lol
Kami-sama, Hibari-samaaaaa
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Go Lambo! lol
lol top tier fight choreo right there
The Bloody Twins! I can't forget how they were head banging behind the scenes
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Ooh, nice job distracting us with Tai-chan's flips as Yamamoto goes to the side to trade his sword to a breakable one
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Does Yamamoto really were capri pants in the animanga? (The answer is yes)
LMAO the Ken projection mapping XDDDD It's both amazing and hilarious
Nice fake laptop lmao
TYL I-pin? I think that's still Tsuna's mom lmao. Yeah that is her voice isn't it
Ensemble life sure is busy
Birds erasure lmao
lol the prison photo
I can't forget that one time in the making where he was swinging a beach ball around
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lmao, Child Mukunari's outfit
Mukunari's legs look really smooth from this distance XD
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So long Lancia
Namimori no~
Go Tai-chan! ...Oh wait, I'm routing for the wrong team lol
lol it's this scene
Omocha desu ka ne~
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G'night Hibari!
Shindemo shindekirenee!
Oh! Tsuna's slumped at the couch! With the ensemble hiding behind it lol
RIP Mukuro
I'm imagining Lambo trying to follow the Vindice out from the stage wings here as MM stops him lol
LMAO Hibari is just lingering there in the corner in the last scene
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How To Train Your Dragon: Homecoming - Thoughts/Review!
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sanjuno · 6 years
Rereading your gorgeous SM/KHR cross idea and wondering how it would go if they meet earlier? Maybe where Ikkuko realises her no-good brother has a wife & kid and decides Nana needs to know what he has gotten her into? I just think babyTsuna needs more support and two cousin & extended guardians & friends would be amazing. Especially if Tsuna's first flame use is discovered/understood in the magic framework - Tsuna magically willing together an outfit & catchphases because that is what you do ;)
… Oh. Oh, my gods that would be glorious. Let me see, let me see… ok.
So it would have to diverge right around when Chibiusa shows up, because that’s the first time Usagi having relatives outside her household is brought into the narrative. So Usagi, having seen Chibiusa brainwash her parents and brother goes off about not having any cousins. Except oh dear Ikkuko has a good-for-nothing criminal for a little brother. Usagi is furious and also curious and it all cumulates in 12 year old Tsuna getting a surprise visit from his relatives and his “little sister”.
Tsuna doesn’t have a little sister! Cue the screaming and the panic (from Tsuna) and intent interest (from Usagi and Luna), because Tsuna’s seal may be fundamentally horrible but it does have a nice side effect of keeping his Flames and mind safe from outside tampering.
Shingo, being the naturally suspicious brat that he is, twigs to something being wrong because his cousin keeps insisting that he’s an only child. Tsuna’s protests about Chibiusa make more of an impact on Shingo because Tsuna is a new presence in the family and therefore Tsuna’s shrieks are not automatically dismissed as jealousy the way “stupid Usagi’s” dramatics were. Which all leads to Shingo and Tsuna investigating the discrepancy in Shingo’s memories and accidentally discovering that Usagi is Sailor Moon in the process.
Tsuna and Shingo are targeted by and/or get caught up in a Black Moon plot shortly after they discover that Usagi is a Magical Girl. Usagi panics when she finds her cousin and her little brother critically injured and/or brainwashed by the enemy and Moon Crystal Heals them both at the same time.
Tsuna’s seal disintegrates.
Tsuna and Shingo promptly burst into Sky Flames that contain a hefty degree of prismatic rainbow glitter.
Usagi panics more.
The boys are not any calmer.
Tsuna flash-crystalizes a tree. Shingo turns a garden gate into a portal that dumps all three of them into the throne room of the Moon Palace.
Praise be to the All-Seeing Void for the Palace AI that Queen Serenity left behind, because none of these flailing morons are calm enough to take the Sudden Magical Awakening with any grace. The AI directs them to a testing chamber where they can find out who the boys Patrons are. Shingo is a Knight of Janus (with power over doorways, beginnings, and ends), and Tsuna is a Knight of Sancus (with power over loyalty, honesty, and oaths). Usagi finally manages to regain coherency and explains the history of the Silver Millennium and also why they’re all magic.
Assumptions are made.
Assumptions like Usagi’s Lunar Inheritance cross contaminating her younger relatives through their blood connection. None of them have any idea of the Flames being anything except for Magic as a result of post-apocalypse reincarnation. Usagi drops her transformation and tries to do the glowing-without-tranforming fully thing she saw the boys do.
Her clothes shred apart under the force of White Sky Flames. Cue more shrieking. Usagi promptly summons up the ribbons and forms her Senshi uniform. Then she makes the boys swear themselves to secrecy. The boys agree because it’s not as if their clothes fared any better.
Shingo has a few moments of disassociation as he reconciles his flighty big sister with his hero Sailor Moon. Tsuna is having a small moment of panic over the idea of fighting demons by moonlight. Then Usagi gives the boys a crash-course in accessing their magical powers because they’re suck on the moon until Shingo can control his portals enough to get them home.
Thankfully, not only does the eventual transformation provide a semi-coherent users manual for their magic powers, but dropping the transformation restores their clothing to an undamaged state.
They do eventually make it back home. Whereupon they are hustled off by the rest of the Senshi for a debrief and also a rather frantic health check. Because Shingo and Tsuna are magic now and what theeeeeee ever-loving hell how did this happen?
Background to the hysterics of the Lunar Royal Shenanigans, Ikkuko has been getting to know Nana and has a 10 pound cast-iron skillet with her stupid little brother’s name on it. Kenji is prudently hiding behind his newspaper when his wife’s vindictive muttering about no-good deadbeat shames on the family name start rising in volume.
Mamoru avoids making an ass of himself because his fiancées family drama has been distracting him from his nightmares. Also the reality of Shingo and Tsuna waking up their Magic Powers is a huge, glaring difference from the “visions” Mamoru is being sent that he’s rightfully suspicious of how accurate they could really be.
Chibiusa is less likely to run wild or act out because her little trick on the Tsukino’s has gotten wildly out of hand and she’s worried it’ll get worse if she tries to correct it. However, Chibiusa’s initial relationship with Usagi is also a great deal better than it was in canon because Usagi has been so preoccupied with meeting and getting to know Tsuna and Nana that she has less energy to spare for getting worked up about Chibiusa being around, and also because Mamoru isn’t avoiding her Usagi isn’t displacing her resentment about that onto Chibiusa either.
So as soon as Usagi catches on to the fact that Chibiusa is the target of the Black Moon plots Usagi’s instinctive protectiveness of her secret future daughter ramps all the way up because of course Usagi has Hyper Intuition too and the Vongola Tri-Ni-Sette gift is being able to look up and down your current timeline. And so. The Lunar Royals close ranks with all due speed, and Chibiusa is accepted and welcomed with an understanding of her reasons for the brainwashing that took a lot longer to reach in canon.
The Dark Moon Clan get their asses Royally kicked. Pun intended.
The trip to Crystal Tokyo ends the arc, and Pluto is hella confused by the Knights of Janus and Sancus. This isssss… wrong. She doesn’t know where she went wrong but things definitely went wrong somewhere. Oh dear.
Also Neo-Queen Serenity doesn’t remember meeting Chibiusa as a teenager. That should be telling but it’s overlooooooked. XD
Tsuna goes back to Namimori, secure in the knowledge that he has his relatives to support him even if he’s still “dame-Tsuna”. Shingo gets regular practice making portals between Juuban and Namimori because Usagi may whine and complain about it herself but like hell is she letting her little brother and baby cousin get away with being undertrained. There’s no telling when the next Enemy will show up.
Chibiusa comes back for Senshi training, and is doted on by her mother’s past self and her father’s past self and her two Uncles. 
Chibiusa treasures her time with Shingo and Tsuna, because they’re weren’t there in Crystal Tokyo and Chibiusa is terrified of what that means. She’s hoping that they just didn’t have a Lunarian lifespan in her original timeline. She’s hoping that with their magic having woken up because of the changes Chibiusa’s presence made to the timeline that they’ll live to see the future Chibiusa comes from.
Chibiusa hopes, but there is a corner of her mind that is expecting the worst. Because Chibiusa is 900 years old and she didn’t know her mother had a little brother until she travelled to the past.
This is where KHR canon comes into play, because KHR introduces the concept of multiple timelines and dimensions as being related to but inherently separated from one another. Chibiusa didn’t travel to the past of her timeline, but to the past of a similar timeline. Chibiusa bringing up Usagi having a cousin changed the timeline. Even Pluto is clueless about the consequences of this. It’s fabulous. ^_^
The Mistress 9 and the search for the Holy Grail thing happens. Everybody gets their power-ups, and the Outer Senshi learn to Believe In The Power Of Love or else. Sailor Moon in Hyper Dying Will Mode is a thing of beauty and existential terror.
Due to the teeny-tiny fact that his seal is gone and all the damage it caused to his psyche has been magically bandaged by Usagi’s healing power, Tsuna is recovering from his trauma much faster than he did in canon. Not having Reborn sitting around to snipe at him for shits and giggles helps. Of course, Tsuna being Tsuna and a Sky and also a member of the Lunarian Royal Family means that he’s started tripping over his Inner Court with truly ridiculous frequency. This goes on for about a year but the relationships in question change very slowly due to Tsuna disappearing to be with his cousins whenever he’s not supposed to be at school.
But! Before anything can actually get resolved we have Reborn show up! Yay! ^_^
And now the KHR Daily Life arc is running congruent to the SM Dread Moon Circus events and it’s a mad banquet of chaos. Reborn is caught wrong-footed more often than he’s comfortable with. The fact that when Tsuna gets shot with the Dying Will Bullet he ends up wearing a sliver-embroidered version of Primo’s suit, complete with cape, is a mystery that Reborn is still trying to figure out.
But hey, at least Tsuna is actively recruiting his Guardians. That’s nice to see.
Tsuna called Usagi on the communicator to wail hysterically about being a Mafia Heir and they took him to the moon so he could hyperventilate in peace for a while. It helped a lot with coming to terms with the situation. Usagi has rightfully pointed out that Ikkuko’s tendency to snarl about Iemitsu makes a lot of sense if she knew her brother was a criminal. So yeah.
Usagi and Shingo stay well away from Namimori at Tsuna’s request. The last thing he wants to see is Reborn’s reaction to more of Primo’s descendants being of trainable age. Luckily Nana’s belief that Chibiusa is her daughter is conditional to Nana speaking to Chibiusa within the last 24 hours. Otherwise she doesn’t recall Chibiusa at all. Which means Reborn has no idea that Tsuna has cousins and a niece living nearby.
Tsuna and Shingo being part of the battles creates an opening for Tigereye, Fisheye, and Hawkeye to get flipped and because Endimiyon is paying more attention this time around the Prince of Earth takes them into his court. So during the “leeching life from the Earth causes Mamoru to fall into a malaise” drama, there’s someone else there to see the ghosts of the Shitennou trying their best to comfort their Prince.
Which naturally spawns a whole other side plot about Mamoru learning to use the Golden Crystal properly so he can pull one of Usagi’s tricks and resurrect his Court. This will, of course, eventually succeed because I like the Shitennou and I think they deserved better than what they got in canon.
Nehellenia gets smashed at around the same time the Ring battles are announced. The confrontations with Squalo and Leviathan happen, and Tsuna panics because there are Mafia Assassins coming for his Court and Tsuna isn’t the member of his family with enough raw power to raise the dead by resetting the entire planetary timeline back by a year. 
So Tsuna may just enlist Shingo’s help to abduct all of his Guardians and associated family members because panic and Lunarian protective instincts are not a pretty combination. The Namimori 10th Gen Crew stares blankly at the lovely view of North America offered from the balcony of the Moon Palace as Shingo pats Tsuna’s back and reassures him that “Aneki sent Mama to deal with the Family Shame so it should be safe to go home in a few days”.
Usagi blows in, radiating enough enraged Sky Flames to put even Hibari on his ass and promptly squashes Tsuna in a hug as she promises to be there and turn anyone who wants to hurt her “cute fluffy baby cousin” into dust. Fite her. Usagi dares you.
The news from Tsuna that the Mafia had discovered magic inherited from Silver Millennium citizens being reincarnated on Earth shook the Senshi up and they’re a lot more aggressive about their Guardianship of the Sol System then they were in canon. Also they are planning a massive social reform because do you have any idea how useful more magic users would be when the Enemy comes knocking? Even just having Shingo and Tsuna to help with the fights has caused significant changes to how quickly and successfully the Senshi were able to deal with various threats ever since Chibiusa first popped into the timeline.
So yeah, Tsuna has been funnelling everything he learned about how the Flame Mafia works back to Usagi and her Court so they can figure out how useful they’re going to be when it comes to reestablishing the Sol Kingdom. Having Tsuna’s new Court get killed off by professional assassins before they start working on that was not in the plan.
Something along the lines of the following conversation happens:
“Jyuudaime is a UMA?”
“I’m a Lunarian.”
“You’re an alien!”
“And you are probably a Martian, Hayato! Who cares!”
Then the Senshi drag everyone off for a training montage that starts with learning how to complete a transformation because trying to channel Celestial Power through a squishy baseline non-magical human body is just asking for trouble. It’s a large part of why so many Flame Actives die young. They burn out because they keep getting halfway through the process and then they get stuck.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, Reborn is watching Iemitsu get his head caved in by a very pretty woman with Flames in her eyes and the type of voice projection that is unique to mothers and opera singers. Reborn would be more concerned about his dame student disappearing with his fledgling Famiglia so suddenly, except Ikkuko has made it very clear that she’s taken her nephew into her house until her horrible no good deadbeat criminal brother has left and taken his horrible no good wastrel criminal influence away from her sweet kind nephew.
So there, you drunken layabout shame on the family name.
Ikkuko flounces off, leaving Iemitsu heavily concussed and buried under about three kitchens worth of cast iron pans. Reborn doesn’t quite react fast enough to catch the Varia spy that was hanging around, but hopefully Xanxus has enough honour left to leave Ikkuko’s kids alone until after things are decided with Tsuna.
Of course, Reborn doesn’t need to worry about that because Usagi and Shingo are mysteriously nowhere to be found. Just like Tsuna and company are mysteriously nowhere to be found. How very mysterious. ^_^
The Ring Battles happen on far more even grounds, given that the Senshi have made the magic happen when it comes to the 10th Gen Guardians being able to use their Flames and associated Powers. It still comes down to the Sky Battle though, because drama. Tsuna looks at Xanxus from close range for the first time and oh.
So that’s where Chibiusa got her eyes.
Instead of Zero Point, Xanxus gets a face full of Moon Healing, complete with the mind melding memory sharing BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF LOVE blasting mystical heart-to-heart that brought Chibiusa back from the corruption of Wiseman’s Black Lady. There is so much glitter. Glitter everywhere. The Varia have no fucking clue what just happened. The CEDEF have no fucking clue what just happened. The attendant Arcobaleno have excellent poker faces but? They have no fucking clue what just happened.
The ghost of Primo and Secondo make guest appearances during Tsuna and Xanxus’ heart to heart. The most bedazzled of family feuds took place within the span of about 6 seconds. The fight ends. Xanxus spits out sparkles and concedes the Sky Ring to Tsuna.
Tsuna cackles, because he recognizes the Ring as being blood locked to his direct lineage and instinctively knows that the Ring is the best possible Channel for his powers. The Vongola Rings are gathered up and dropped on Luna and Artemis with polite requests that they study them and then fine tune or upgrade the Rings to match with Sol Kingdom expectations of Magic Foci.
The 10YL Arc is immediately derailed because Tsuna has experience with time travel to possible futures and he recognizes that they aren’t in their natural timeline anymore because the 10YL Tsuna didn’t have Usagi waiting in the wings to wreak holy righteous vengeance in response to his assassination.
Byakuran was not expecting to get lectured and then turned into a pile of glitter dust. No he was not.
The Sailor Stars have a lot more trouble dismissing the Senshi as childish and naive thanks to the Mafia politicking the Senshi have since been exposed to. Also, thanks to said Mafia information network, Usagi is informed of Mamoru’s death within hours of the plane exploding. Seiya’s attempts to charm Usagi are subsequently rejected without mercy because instead of feeling neglected by her boyfriend Usagi is in mourning.
The Galaxy Cauldron thing occurs with far less waffling around.
Then the Arcobaleno Trails happen, and Kawahira was not expecting the Crown Princess Serenity to show up and rip him a new one for being a jerk. Between the Silver and the Gold Crystals the Arcobaleno Curse is broken, the Vindice all get healed of their hatred and are living people again, and Kawahira gets put in time out on the Moon for being a jackass.
Mamoru and his Generals take point on dealing with Enma and the Simon because they are Earth Flame users and even before most of the life in the Sol System got wiped out Earth Mages were vanishingly rare. I mean, he knows now that the sharp decline in Earth’s magic-capable population was because of Metallica sneaking around and abducting them, but back at the time it was just an accepted fact that most Earth Born just didn’t have magic. Only now there’s this Mafia Family that does and given how Usage’s situation worked out Mamoru has suspicions.
Especially given how Mamoru was orphaned in a car crash and there was very little information available to be found on the “Chiba” family. Can we all say “cover up”?
Rei sticks an ofuuda on Daemon and exorcises him with extreme prejudice.
Mamoru and Usagi get married and the slow buildup to the creation of Crystal Tokyo begins.
The End. ^_^
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scarlettlawyer · 5 years
Part 13 of my reaction/commentary to the Phantoms & Mirages Saga, the fanfic series by @renegadewangs
(Chasing Phantoms): Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
(Haunted Specters): Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
(Vanquishing Mirages): Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Vanquishing Mirages / Lifting Spirits: Part 10
Lifting Spirits: Part 11 Part 12
OH BOY we actually made it. Are we actually here? At the Lifting Spirits ending?! :O
It only took thirteen posts and thousands upon thousands upon thousands of words and a couple of AUs and fun off-topic detours but WE DID IT. But it was the journey that counts, not necessarily the destination, no? XD
It was only the three of them- Simon, Athena and Bobby himself who were visiting Lex. There were very few other people who would bother to pay their respects, Bobby supposed.
The ambassador was probably the only other person who’d visit the grave with honest intent.
I don’t… necessarily think that’s true, to be honest.
I have some thoughts about this that I won’t go into, but, there were many people deeply upset by the fake verdict in-universe.
Lifting Spirits, Chapter 18
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I can’t it’s so much, the sweetness the…
”His identity was mine up until two months ago and it’ll continue to be mine whenever my uncle deems it time to take me out for some exercise.”
While this was a suitable alternative to execution, in a way it felt like they were cheating.
Okay I really liked this line on first read honestly because. Yes.
Like, this ties in a huge amount to what I said in the last post. It… DID kind of feel like cheating to me back then? In the sense that this is such a wonderful, happy ending for everyone to the extent that it almost felt like it shouldn’t be possible given the past and the characters involved. It felt like a bit of a meta line? And I really don’t know if it was intended as such, that’s just how I interpreted/read it!
And these are the EXACT lines wherein, tied with the open acknowledgement of the inability to please everyone discussed in the last post, seriously made me embrace and adore this ending one thousand percent.
The “cheating” comment seriously resonated with me and just, by alluding to it feeling like cheating… to just embrace it… The open acknowledgement goes such a huge way. There doesn’t need to be any internal sense of dissonance whatsoever if the story is right there with you in terms of self-awareness.
By saying “not everyone can be satisfied with the ending” in and of itself allows me to be fully satisfied, and to no longer have to worry about the fact that it can’t please everyone, since the story is already aware of this and having pointed out that pleasing everyone isn’t possible anyway.
Mind you, my perspective now is somewhat more akin to hissing “no it’s not cheating back off this beautiful ending is 100% earned and righteous shhhhh”.
I… am really rendered speechless with some of the wonderfulness of this ending… And I’d actually... forgotten a lot of wonderful details too? Because I’d only read it through once before, and the fact that rereading the series to do these reviews has taken some time means the largest gap of time had passed between the first and second reading when it came to these last few chapters (making my memory of them the least fresh before reading through a second time). So the entire time prior to actually reading them once again, I’d been entirely going off memory of my first reading from like… a few months ago now, when discussing things with my friend(s) and thinking up scenarios. So, some things were like reading afresh and they just kinda outright killed me (in a good way) as if it was better than I had even remembered it being. Two examples of this are, 1. I could not recall with certainty an instance of Lex referring to Palaeno as “uncle”, and while reading through Lifting Spirits, noticed that even after the surgery he was still just referring to him as “ambassador”. Which, made me wonder if he had… So, suffice it to say… Reading this ending and seeing how he continuously refers to him as “uncle” & “my uncle” SO many times in such a short timespan, blows me away, and WOW!! WARMTH & LOVELY EMOTIONS ABOUND. 2. THIS IS KIND OF SKIPPING AHEAD TO THE LAST CHAPTER I GUESS BUT SIMON OUTRIGHT ACKNOWLEDGES THEM AS FRIENDS!!!!!!!! PLEASE I DIE OF WARMTH. I did NOT remember that, it is so… casually acknowledged!!! Like yes, yes, it is clear as DAY that, by the end, there is friendship among the trio, but it is casually verbalised by Simon like that and oh my goodness.
Lifting Spirits, Chapter 19
I will have to say that for the Lifting Spirits ending, I was way, way more invested in the themes of family and family dynamics instead of the shipping side of things. But SHIPPERS GOTTA SHIP and I respect that XD
Things spiraled out of control further and further.
Alexander… Luster Jr
Not with someone else, only Benny. …For now, anyway.
Lifting Spirits, Chapter 20
Really love the parallels vs differences between Benny and Lex illustrated so clearly in this chapter.
He didn’t want her to die. It seemed unfair of her to have to die while he got a second chance at living.
WILD that I had forgotten about this being brought up directly in the text considering how much I’ve been “”complaining”” about this EXACT “double standard”.
My memory must be SO bad I genuinely thought that Mirage didn’t even get any mention anywhere in the ending, and that after Lex’s meeting with her in the prison she promptly Disappears never to be mentioned again in Lifting Spirits, which felt INCREDIBLY unjust and to do her character a severe disservice. Once again I am a FOOL. A FOOL. That’s my entire Phantoms and Mirages reading experience let’s just be clear: me just, fumbling around blindly and making a fool of myself xDD
I actually think this being brought up directly in the text is the precise thing which planted this thought in my head in the first place too, and then I just, forgot that it was brought up in-story and started going around thinking it was my Own Original Sentiment, pffffff. THAT’S UH. A BIT OF A RUNNING THEME ABOUT THINGS FROM THE ENDING ACTUALLY. This is what I get for reading the ending Once and then needing to go off of memory alone for the next few months: suddenly it starts seeming like my ideas are Totally Original, Not Drawn From Direct Textual Hints/Discussion Or Anything. LOL.
Lifting Spirits, Chapter 21
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
I have no clue if this was intentionally meant to echo one of the Phantom’s statements in Chasing Phantoms, but I found myself noticing it, at least on second readthrough, nonetheless!
“It would be best if you wipe that smirk off your face and hold your tongue, Bobby, as I’m quite certain your assumptions won’t sit well with me.”
Benny is right there? He’s right th
Hhhhhh I guess Benny is ok with the lack of openness then? dfhjbdfjfdkjb but Bobby’s RIGHT and Lex is a LIAR~
“I feel it is our duty as your friends to rub it in. Thirty eight years old, wasn’t it?”
“as your friends” once again, I’m ascending
Simon decided to tune out the remainder of the argument. Much as he believed Bobby had a point- the Jammin’ Ninja really was worthless against an opponent as grand as the Steel Samurai- he had no interest in partaking in the discussion.
The former spy dropped himself back in his chair to return his attention to the watch he was constructing.
: D (I misremembered the “former” part being way earlier in the narrative… and was kinda “huh!” whenever the narrative would still refer to him as “spy” long after the surgery on this readthrough… This is an example of my oversimplification of the distinctions the text makes between Lex and the phantom; in reality, there was still a transition involved, and things/characterisation wasn’t as clear-cut as I’d remembered it being in a “before vs after the surgery” sense. The subtle changes are… super great).
Okay, so for this ending (and the plot of Lifting Spirits), there was ONE thing that slightly nagged at me. Ultimately, I couldn’t be happier with how things turned out. But one thing that did strike me is that the Phantoms and Mirages narrative very clearly frames the phantom’s lack of emotions – their impairment as a result of the bone sliver – as a disability. Through the removal of the bone sliver, this disability is ultimately “cured”, and Lex is given the opportunity to become a “real” and good person.
In real life, in the vast majority of cases, there is no ready cure for disabilities, and a person’s disability cannot be readily separated meaningfully from who they are. It is something with them their whole life. It could be said that the disability itself is being kicked aside in this narrative instead of being accepted. (But, of course, given the context, it’s pretty understandable). There’s the slight potential for things to go awry if you warp some kind of message out of the narrative somehow such as “oh, it’s okay, if you’re disabled you can still have a happy ending… You just need to “cure” your disability first!” but that is obviously an extremely unfair and uncharitable reading.
I think it’s important to clarify that the Phantom’s lack of emotions – his disability in and of itself is not what made him a bad person (obviously), it was his actions. And I think that the narrative does make that pretty clear.
But the thing is,
It’s NOT actually the case that Lex gets suddenly magically “cured” of everything. That’s not the case at all! He must continue to struggle and to strive – he may not be emotionless anymore, but now he has to deal with the opposite, which is a sort of handicap all on its own. There are lasting repercussions from the bone sliver in the sense that now he must learn to deal with the intensity of what he is feeling. With that in mind, to frame it in terms of a “disability being kicked aside” is a pretty incorrect reading.
I said this in a previous post when I kind of touched on this kind of thing:
It’s just, the notion of a character actively striving to be good and overcoming themselves vs a sudden fix that gets externally applied
But another thing is… In my mind, I had exaggerated somewhat just how much of an effect this “sudden fix that gets externally applied” has as well. Lex must not only strive to overcome the extremity of the emotions he feels now, but there continues to be development throughout Lifting Spirits regarding how he interacts with the characters around him. It’s not like he gets the surgery and his characterisation/bonds with the others suddenly and abruptly jumps to where it was at the end and remains consistent through the whole fic; not at all. There CONTINUES to be development as he makes progress towards the point he’s at in the ending, even after the surgery.
Another thing about this ending is that it is so nice.
I think that Lifting Spirits, at its core, is a really beautiful story and concept. It really is. And part of why I had, perhaps, fought against or figured I wouldn’t find a good ending convincing is because I had convinced myself that it just wasn’t possible for the phantom as a character in general to ever achieve any kind of happy ending no matter what, EVEN IF I might like such a thing. I must make some clarification here, because other stories do offer a good kind of happy ending for them, but not in the same manner in which Lifting Spirits does, Lifting Spirits definitely feels like a different “kind” of good ending and a more “direct” good ending at that. I hope that makes some sense, because articulating the difference does seem kinda difficult.
Usually with favourite characters you want them to be happy, but with the phantom it had never been like that… I only ever wanted, or expected, angst or whatnot because… I simply did not think anything else was possible. And I was pretty content with that. But you… You…!
Anyway, there is another big aspect of the ending’s greatness that I want to talk about too. It’s kind of open-ended in the best possible way…
So many things happen that well and truly make it seem like the story is drawing to a close, and YET, simultaneously, there is very much this sense of new beginnings as well, and this ending works equally well regardless of whether there’s another instalment or not.
Something little like Simon getting his hair cut, or Bobby and Simon officially moving in with each other, are awesome things that feel very significant, that make you go “wow, we really are at the wholesome, satisfying, grand conclusion to it all huh? We’ve spent so much time with these characters, but now it’s finally time for them to go on their merry way, and continue to go on with their lives beyond the text written on the page.” They are CHANGES, changes to the “status quo”. You certainly get the impression that even if the story might be “over” for the reader, it certainly isn’t over for the characters – and that is the impression we would still get if there was absolutely nothing else written beyond Lifting Spirits – that their story would continue on regardless, and there would still be… adventure.
Because that’s another thing about the ending to Lifting Spirits. It closes off, and wraps everything up so very nicely. But at the same time, it remains poised, there is just this huge atmosphere of “stuff can still go DOWN” building. It’s the perfect ending where everything gets wrapped up but it is also the perfect set-up for anything to happen beyond the conclusion.
I sense this VERY STRONGLY in the segments where, for example, Benny considers how maybe he might need all the weapons and skills he has. Feels very “calm before the storm”.
Part of what’s so great about something like Simon getting a motorcycle is that the “the subway sucks” and “Simon trying to learn how to drive” subplot(s) have been present in the series from the very beginning. And finally, finally, after trying and failing at learning to drive regular cars, Simon has successfully escaped the subway at the very end.
We are given such hints on what could lie beyond, but also, from the way things are? There are a million different ways things COULD pan out in future, and the audience is only left to wonder.
We are given this strong hint that MAYBE… just maybe, this situation isn’t quite sustainable indefinitely. That perhaps, something’s gotta give at some point.
And that no matter what, the characters probably have some wild times ahead of them. Like that’s the thing: Even if Tracking Ghosts didn’t exist, I’d be left with the lasting impression that events of “Tracking Ghosts” length may still await the characters in the future.
But it’s all left so perfectly VAGUE. All left only in the realm of possibility.
I was satisfied to the extreme with the ending, I had to just take it and run at the time (of course I always planned on reading on), although back then to an extent I was outright BAFFLED at there still being this huge instalment to go. In the words of my friend, back then when I told her that Actually, there’s STILL even MORE to read:
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Like, it truly felt like EVERYTHING had already been said and done. So how…?!
And since then, of course, I have not continued reading on as of yet, which has given me plenty of time to think.
And I have since realised that, as well and as thoroughly as Lifting Spirits DOES wrap everything up, there are still tiny, potentially loose threads. Tiny threads that could be unravelled until they could give way to all manner of things, scenarios, plots.
And that aside, there’s so much else that COULD happen as well. The Lifting Spirits ending is rife with potential. It is absolutely brimming with it.
And I also found myself realising that hey, there actually are things that haven’t been said and done yet. That there ARE little tiny things left nagging at me.
Tracking Ghosts contains a whole new threat, elaboration on Lex's emotional instability, road trips through Borginia, lots more 'Mirage' and Domestique LaSoote's backstory (oooh~). Also, the mother of all epilogues and a few more bonus chapters that take place afterwards.
Okay it is actually hilarious how little I remembered of all of this by the end. And that is to say: pretty much none of it. I straight-up forgot ALL of this being even mentioned in the Author’s Note at the end, and therefore have incorporated stuff like “road trips through Borginia” and “Mirage backstory” very VERY little in how I’ve thought about what to expect from Tracking Ghosts, at least in recent times, ahahahaha. Well I’ve got… quite a lot ahead of me, I’m sure.
I am certain that there’s so much more I could probably say about this series, I could continue to go on and on, but for now, there you have it, I think. I have not done this ending justice at all – it’s just so good it defies being done justice, and I don’t think I can fully articulate what I want to. But I’m content. Across so many posts, in thousands and thousands of words, I have already said quite a bit. XD
So now, all that’s left is to take that plunge and finally start to read Tracking Ghosts as I planned on doing once this series of posts was finished, huh? XD
I start my work week tomorrow, so it’s currently looking like… I will start reading it next weekend! It will have to be a weekend, sadly, as I can’t imagine starting and diving into something so huge when I have to try and focus on work/get sufficient sleep, lol.
Thank you, so much, for everything, and uh, apologies in advance for however much I might blow up your inbox/DMs/what have you when reading Tracking Ghosts. GENUINELY DON’T KNOW how much I will liveblog to you, if only a couple of things will slip through or if I’m just outright gonna go completely wild with it XD. IT WILL DEPEND ON THE STORY ITSELF AND HOW I’M FEELING I GUESS/my reactions.
These review posts have been… they’ve been really fun, I’ve enjoyed doing them a lot. They’ve been time consuming, but it was all 100% worth it and I’m very glad I set out to do them. I couldn’t not do them, really. I found myself realising that I just needed to tell you about the incredible journey/ride this series took me on one way or another – and, of course, I just have so many thoughts and so very many opinions about it. It lends itself so readily to analysis for me. But more than that, it feels like it SHOULD be analysed and subjected to analysis.
Talking with you is really great, and I hope to talk with you heaps more in future! Not just about your stories, just in general!
Thanks again, and I hope you have a great week! And then it will be TRACKING GHOSTS TIME.
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clotpolesonly · 5 years
Man people getting jealous when their partners spend time with other people is WILD to me. Or when people don't even want to spend time with anyone else but their partners. I have never understood that, or why it was seen as bad form to treat a relationship as casual if you didn't have the Are We Exclusive conversation. I ended up hurting some people's feelings with that bc y'know we go on one date, but no one calls it exclusive (therefore to me it ISNT) and then I'm suddenly being accused (1/?)
of cheating and?? Trying to navigate all of that relationship BS in hs was a Bad, so glad it's over. But a friend of mine, she started dating this guy and suddenly had no time for anyone else, and I just didn't get it. We ended up not being friends anymore bc she was just literally always with him, and never had time for anyone else. Like that's great that they were so in love but Jesus, I wouldn't be able to cope with that. A girl needs some room to breathe. (2/?)
Like you said, being able to tell my partner to just go be gross and romantic with their other partner when I'm not feeling it would be so convenient lol. Like yeah sorry guys I'm just not in the mood for it, go have fun though I'll make snacks. Sounds like the perfect set up for me tbh (3/3)
one date and they thought you were exclusive?? wow, they were moving fast. sorry got put in that position, hun, that’s rough.
the dating scene as a whole is full of so many assumptions and unspoken expectations. it’s just a social minefield with a million ways to accidentally blow yourself up, especially if you don’t have the same viewpoint as the people you’re trying to date (like an aspec person trying to date allospec people. there’s nothing bad about it, but it does get tricky when your fundamental perspective on things is different and comes with different assumptions and unspoken expectations).
that sucks that you lost a friend like that. i will never understand how some people can let a romance (or any one relationship, honestly, of any kind) take over their whole life to the point of decimating their other relationships. that can’t possibly be healthy. but it’s also, to an extent, a little bit expected? amatonormativity being what it is, people expect for a romantic relationship to be the priority in your life, for it to take up most of your time, and for you to want it that way. and that isn’t healthy either. there’s got to be a balance.
“tell my partner to just go be gross and romantic with their other partner when I'm not feeling it” is a whole-ass romance-repulsed arospec mood XD and that does sound like the perfect set up for me too, haha. i just want the option to occasionally indulge in my more romantic-coded impulses, like cuddles and hand-holding and hair-petting maybe the occasional date, but like.....not all the time and with no obligation.
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