#[[ i'll reblog this once or twice tomorrow as well. ]]
cultesdesghoules · 2 years
『•• ooc update ••』
i've been thinking it over the past couple days while playing engage, and after getting a second opinion from the lovely @/breakthings, i decided that i'm going to move all of my fire emblem muses onto a multimuse blog dedicated solely to the series. while not 100% set up, it's @pathofemblems ! if we had a thread on this blog with one of my fe muses, it will be moved over there, if you'd like to follow.
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angelpuns · 10 months
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It's literally 3 AM, but here's a sort of preview for the Kid Leo AU Sticker sheet I've finally been able to draw!!! I've been wanting to make Kid Leo stickers for a couple of months now, so it's exciting to have some designs I really like!
I'm mostly doing an interest check to see how many I should order/if anyone really wants them, this may also not be the finished design, I'm thinking of making the Kid Leo Au title a sticker as well or adding my signature to the background somehow, I'm not sure yet.
If there's enough interest I'll order these when I either do the restock/order Christmas stickers so they'll hopefully be here right around Christmas time! I'll be posting those designs as well once I'm finished!! (for anyone worried, I will still be ordering these regardless of the poll, but I want to get a sort of numbers check on how many to order for the first time around <3)
Open to suggestions ofc and ADDITIONALLY I wanna say a big thank you to everyone who has bought stickers from me the last couple of months. Right now, the sticker thing and odd jobs are my only source of income for various reasons, so I'm really surprised and happy that I've gotten so much support <333 As well as how much support Kid Leo au has gotten!! I'm really so happy to be part of such a nice community!!!!!
Side note: I'm gonna reblog this sometime around 4-5pm tomorrow since it's so late, sorry to anyone who has to see it twice <3
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myers-meadow · 6 months
An orange and a knife (Halsin x Tav)
Title: An orange and a knife
Pairing: Halsin x (named) Tav
Summary: You share an orange together. Twice. Or: Your adoration of Halsin grows by the day, but acceptance of those feelings is a whole different beast entirely. One night, they burst to the surface, and you can hide them no longer. Maybe you won't have to.
Warnings: none, all ages; pining, yearning, complicated feelings, happy end. First person pov. An exploration of emotions and how I wouldn't be able to take living close to Halsin as I'd just implode from adoration.
Wordcount: 1459
Please reblog or comment if you enjoyed! Have fun reading! <3 Dividers by@saradika-graphics.
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I sank down on the log by the fire, plate and knife in one hand, a big orange in the other. Gale had it left over from somewhere and I gladly took it off his hands. Most of the companions had already retired to their tents, to read, to meditate, to sort out food for the next morning and the journey ahead. Karlach and Halsin were left, wrapped in conversation and I sat my ass down next to Halsin, who immediately scooted over once he spotted me coming. 
"Ay girl, did you borrow that dagger from Astarion?" Karlach joked, pointing to the overly large knife in my hand. They all knew I wasn't a fighter, and I didn't tend to carry weapons, so her guess wasn't a bad one.
"No, actually," I said, going along with the joke. "Wyll lent it to me."
She and Halsin laughed. I laid the plate down on my lap, holding the orange as i sliced off the ends. Halsin leaned back, turning towards me, to allow me to join conversation. Before I came, they'd been discussing Karlach's new ability to touch people, and from the looks of things, they got along swimmingly. My heart swelled at Karlach's joy as Dammon installed the new part earlier that day. Absentmindedly, I cut the orange in thick slices, then cut them in the lenght to eat from the rind.
"You want some?" I held out the plate to them both, leaning against Halsin's arm to reach Karlach, fingers dripping with juice.
"Thanks, soldier!"
Halsin laughed, in that way he sometimes did, somewhat quietly, when he had a joke to himself, or was just too polite to say what was on his mind, but he took a piece anyway. I didn't comment on it, too busy with my first piece, having looked forward to the orange as dessert ever since Gale mentioned the fruit in the morning, hoping no one else got their hands on it before me, fingers sticky, teeth digging in the soft, stringy flesh, sweetness filling my mouth. Moments like these were what kept me sane throughout all this. I realised I was sucking away on my third slice, before coming to my senses and passing the plate along again.
"Have more, please." My cheeks grew hot, hoping I hadn't ruined the romantic tension between them. "Please don't mind me."
Halsin sucked off his fingers and I tried not to look at it for too long, afraid my hunger would show - just as these two were getting along so well. "We were talking about what Karlach wants to do now that she can touch others again."
"And all thanks to you!" she beamed, reaching over for another slice.
"Dammon is a treasure," I said and handed the last piece to Halsin, moving to stand again to clean the plate and knife. "It's getting late, I'll leave you two to it, goodnight, loves! Have fun!"
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The next night, Halsin tended to my wounds before I could seek out Shadowheart. Gale was cooking something delicious-smelling back at the heart of camp, and most retreated to do their own thing before dinner. We sat at Halsin's tent at the edge of the light. It was a relief to be back around him, surrounded by his warmth, his smell, the herbs he dries in his tent, the small pots of salves and potions he keeps on hand.
"Let me come with you, tomorrow," he said, voice soft, the healing spell sizzling out, the last of the blue glow fading. "You've been taking hits like you're Karlach, but you're a spellcaster. You should stay back more, like Astarion."
"I try, I just always happen to be-" a gasp left my lips as Halsin rubbed the bruise on my leg with a warm hand, to see if he was done yet, "right there in the middle of it."
He slid my skirt up to see how bad it was, his fingertips leaving goosebumps in their wake, but not from cold. He dipped his fingers in one of his healing salves. "The cultists really don't like you much."
I covered his hand with mine. "I'd be glad to have you by my side tomorrow."
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After a particularly rough day of adventuring later that week, my dear companions elected to have me stay at camp. Karlach was overjoyed to join Wyll, Shadowheart and Astarion anyway, so it was a win-win for many. Camp was rather quiet. The hours passed agonisingly slowly, especially as most companions seemed to have their own routines, and no need for company. Sometime before midday I found myself by Halsin's tent. He went out the day before to forage for herbs, and was hanging it all to dry, tying them into bundles with lenghts of string. Movements practiced, it was hypnotising to watch him. Large hands that still had such nimble fingers.
"Did you come here just to stare at me?" His voice startled me. From the way he eyed me, it felt like he was aware of my amorous intentions.
I hummed. "I've never spent the entire day at camp before."
"That doesn't answer my question." His tone was light.
"I'd like to stare, if you'll allow me," I said, eventually. He smiled. His hazel eyes glowed. 
"You're welcome to stay, as long as you have desire for my company."
So I stayed, enjoying the easy conversation, the sun on my face, and fell deeper and deeper in love with him.
No matter how much I tried resisting my feelings, every time I caught a glance of Halsin across camp, a terrible wave of adoration washed over me. The amount of times that Gale got upset when my attention slipped was more than I'd like to admit. With the adoration, came the jealousy. It was foreign to me before, but when Karlach would nestle close to Halsin, the pangs of it were heavy in my stomach.
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One night, Halsin sank down next to me, orange and knife in hand, my heart leapt at the sight of him.
"Here, you like oranges, right?"
"You remembered."
"And I remember how terribly awkward you cut it. Here, let me show you an easier way." Halsin angled towards me so much that our knees were touching, and I could see only him, the rest of camp reduced to vague shapes in the dark, the fire behind him illuminating his hair, laying harsh shadows on his face. Beauty. He laughed softly in much the same way as back then, when we shared the orange for the first time. "It'd help if you'd actually pay attention to what I'm doing."
I hummed, but did as he said. Instead of cutting slices, he divided the whole orange into parts, to eat from the rind in a much more effective manner. The knife dripped with juice when he wasn't even halfway done. I ate as he cut, as he didn't bring a plate to put them on. With sweetened lips, I thanked him. "You're right, this makes a lot of sense. Thank you."
He smiled warmly and I almost had to avoid his eyes with the overwhelm of emotion. "Gladly. Frankly, I've never seen anyone cut fruit that clumsily."
I laughed. "Well, I just love to surprise people."
We shared the rest of the orange, in this comfortable bubble of this shared experience. As I was done with my pieces, and Halsin took his last bite before discarding the peel, the juice glistening in the firelight - in an impulse I reached up and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. Immediately, regret drowned out all other thoughts.
"Fuck, Halsin, I'm sorry-"
Seeing my panicked expression, and not caring for how sticky his hands were, he cupped my cheek and kissed me fervently. The sweet citrus mixed with the tobacco he smoked earlier that evening, warm, heady, delicious. Tingles set me alight as though hit by a lightning arrow. In the distance, somewhere, Karlach cheered, and the others didn't remain silent either. It didn't really process - there was only the sensation of his lips against mine, lingering even after he pulled back. Halsin rested his forehead against mine. Somehow my fist was balled into his shirt, and I let go slowly, smoothing out the fabric.
"You've no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he breathed, his voice quiet and heavy with emotion.
"Since the moment-" I swallowed thickly, refusing to look at him still, "we met, amidst the goblin guts."
A laugh rumbled from his chest. He pulled me into him for the best hug of my life and happily I sank into him, heart fluttering lighter than ever before. "Then we have a lot to catch up on."
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izayoichan · 7 months
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The future of this blog, kinda part two? (sorry for the wall of text.. again!) It's been a lot of trying to find the love for sims again for me, trying to find the fun. But I have come to the conclusion, that right now, it just is not. I have not uppdated, opened, touched the for anything but taking a couple of screenshots because I comissioned poses so I wanted to use them, or I just felt (stupidly I guess) that I had to so this blog had sims content. That is what this blog is to me, its linked with sims, the story I started creating with them, and friends that also love sims. But like mentioned, for me the fun of sims is gone. (Thank you EA, for constantly making sims worse and worse and boring to the point where it's for me just not worth spending energy on). So I will from tomorrow let what I have left of the story that's already written post twice a day until it's done. I will at the same time share all the last sims screenshots I have lying around that I have kept to myself because spoilers and me having the need to be a little secrety, and when that is all posted and ended, I will make a post with a new blog, a new start for me to find my fun again. I don't want to delete what is here, because I am actually proud of it, that I managed to share and write a story for the first time. So instead I am making a new blog, where I will post random screenshots, random things I find, reblog more stuff that I find pretty and so on. I am working on going back to streaming for fun as well, but that will take time and some effort as I want certain things, and I want to do them right and properly. (Live 2d avatars are not easy, cheap or fast to have done!) So the progress on that might be on my new blog as well, and maybe when time comes, I will have clips of sillness and me grumbling and cursing the game while I once more fail miserably at Elden Ring. Yes, I will still follow a lot of the same people, because although my relationship with sims is (for now) at an end, I still love your stories, and your little pixel figures. I am not breaking away from that, I am breaking away from my own stuff. Do I feel like I let people down, a little, but I know that's just how my brain works and that this is doing what is best for me outweighs that worry. (specially after talking to some people about it for some input, and them saying I should do what it best for me. See I am listening!) A little health update at the end, for those interrested: I am slowly doing better, new doctor and new scans have brought more understanding, more peace of mind, and I am back on most of my pain meds, which means my body is slowly stabalizing into a new place. Not quite as good as I was before "hell year" started, but also not as bad as I have been. I'll take every step in the right direction with a big smile on my face.
So for now, enjoy the sims content that will come. And when the time comes, perhaps I will be seeing a lot of you on the new page as well!
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talonslockau · 9 months
Happy New Year's Eve!
I've been in the process of writing Embrace of Locked Talons for several years by this point - I first posted the first 6 chapters, plus the prologue, on February 9th, 2022 within the confines of a small circle of friends. It was only after I finished it with the epilogue on April 7th, 2023, that I considered going public with it. I've always written primarily for myself and my close friends, making this my first foray into fandom as a whole.
And what a foray it's been! Once again, I'd like to thank everyone who's liked, commented, reblogged, followed and asked on Tumblr - knowing even one person likes my writing keeps me so motivated, let alone so many more. And a thanks to those who have liked, commented, and bookmarked on Ao3 as well!
It's been a great 2023 - but I know you're all eager to know about my plans for 2024 now that Fire and Ice is fully released. I've got a lot to say - so I'll be putting it all under the cut.
First, I want to say that Forest of Secrets will be significantly darker than Fire and Ice, and a fair bit darker than in canon. I will label everything with trigger warnings, as well as chapter summaries on AO3, but I want to mention it in advance because I know that Fire and Ice was fairly lighthearted compared to canon.
I also have some bad news - I've been rushing out Fire and Ice, mostly because I'd technically already posted it for my friends and wanted everyone to be on the same page. However, posting once a day (or three times a day, in the case of this past week) isn't sustainable with my writing pace, especially since I'm still not finished with Forest of Secrets.
For that reason, I will be posting Forest of Secrets once a week on Mondays. If I get Forest of Secrets done and move on to the (still unnamed) last book before the end of the year (which seems likely) then that may change to twice a week or another end-of-the-year blitz; but I make no promises on that regard if something unexpected happens. I'll be posting the allegiances, prologue, and Chapter 1 tomorrow, the first day of the New Year!
Art will be moving to being posted on Fridays, so there will still be new content twice a week. I plan to finish the elders (Smallear, One-eye, and Patchpelt) first - after that it's likely to be all the warriors, including those that have newly graduated :)
Speaking of new warriors, I'm very excited to announce something I've been planning since I first decided to go public with my fanfic, which only became possible in 2023. You've all surely noticed some of the 'new' faces in Thunderclan, including Dewpaw, Cedarkit, and Cherrykit. While I've given some - such as Peppermask and Mistspring - their own names, there are those who I just can't decide on the best name for.
So I'm going to move the decision to you all, the people! I'll be making Tumblr Polls for most of the newly grown up faces as well as some old ones with a few options based on both legacy names as well as suffices that I feel fit the characters' personalities best. These polls will be posted on the last Wednesday of the month, so the winner will be decided on the first Wednesday of the next month.
I'll clarify that not all names will be decided in this way - for instance, I've already decided on Cinderpaw's warrior name, one that I think everyone will agree suits her perfectly. However, I can preview the first name that will be polled on - Dewpaw, Thunderclan's lovely healer apprentice.
I think that covers everything I want to announce right now. Thank you all once again for your support, and I'll see you next year!
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sommerflue-22 · 1 year
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SWIPE RIGHT | Armin Arlert x Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
One swipe to the right and you found yourself going on dates with Armin Arlert, loving how he treated you right. Who could possibly resist such a gentle and compassionate man? It's only a matter of time before he officially asked you to be his girlfriend...
Pairing(s): Armin Arlert x Fem!Reader
Warning: -
Word count: 617
Author Note
Hi, guys! This is the last part of the fic. Thank you for the likes, reblogs, and for reading until the end. This fic is also available on Ao3, it's a different version from this one. I'll publish more fic after this. Let me know if you have any request! <3
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You haven’t heard anything from Armin in months. After that night you didn’t block his number. You kept your words that you would wait for him. However, it seemed like he decided to follow his parents’ will. Good for him, that’s what you’ve always told yourself. Even though you tried to convince yourself that it was for the best, you still locked yourself up in your apartment over the weekends. Your body sprawled on the sofa or on your bed, the delivery man knocked at least twice a day (or thrice, sometimes your friends sent you food). You tried your best every day to get up and go to work, but at the end of the day you missed his presence in your life. It’s crazy how a match from a dating app could turn your life upside down in a matter of weeks. Maybe you were meant to be together, maybe you just wanted to be in a romantic relationship. Maybe, maybe, maybe…
You slammed your laptop shut, causing Hitch to jump in her seat.
“You okay there (Y/N)?” Hitch asked.
“I’m fine.” You replied calmly. “Too many emails today, but I’m grateful they’re from our clients.”
“Yeah, it’s great. It’s not even the holiday season yet, can you believe it?”
“Well, I hope the sales keep increasing.” You shoved your laptop inside your bag, “You’re finished yet?”
“Nah, I think I’m leaving in half an hour. You go first.”
“Alright, see you tomorrow, Hitch.”
You left the store around fifteen minutes after five and walked to the bus stop nearby. You rubbed both of your hands together and blew hot air from your mouth…
…until it reminded you of that one particular night ride.
You shook your head and leaned against the bus stop sign. Even as the cold wind hit, you just shoved your hands inside your pocket. Your bus should arrive any minute. Impatient, you looked to your left, hoping to spot the blue bus. 
Instead, you noticed a really familiar black sedan with a plate number you recognized, parked only a few steps away from the bus stop. You held your breath as the door opened.
Armin stepped out from the vehicle, dressed casually in a white button-up with his sleeves rolled up. It seemed like he was alone because he didn’t rush to open the other door. You saw him sighed, white fog escaped from his lips. You caught yourself staring, right when Armin turned his head.
It was the first time you’d seen each other after that night. None of you moved. You weren’t sure if you should approach him. 
Armin raised his left hand to wave and that’s when you saw it. A silver ring on his fourth finger. 
Ah, you thought to yourself, that’s why.
You’ve never been happier when you saw your bus. As it pulled over, you nodded to him and smiled. Your chest tightened as he put his hand on his chest and nodded back. As if he was saying his last goodbye, thanking you for the memories.
“Miss, are you coming in or not?” The bus driver grunted.
“Yeah, I’m going.” You let your stare linger on Armin once again, before getting on the bus.
You sat in the very back of the bus, trying so hard not to look back.
However, your feelings got the best of you and you peeked over your shoulder.
Armin stayed still in his place, staring at your bus as it moved forward. You kept staring at him until the bus took a turn and you couldn’t see him anymore. 
You leaned back on your seat, closing your eyes and let out a sigh. 
Good bye, Armin.
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This fic is also available on Ao3
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cosplayingwitch · 2 years
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I posted 657 times in 2022
76 posts created (12%)
581 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 139 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 23 posts
#fan fiction - 16 posts
#loki x reader - 6 posts
#tag game - 5 posts
#loki - 4 posts
#tagged - 4 posts
#uquiz - 4 posts
#quiz - 4 posts
#reader insert - 3 posts
#reccomended - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#as in i met a couple people for lunch once or twice in a date like scenario but without it officially called a date
My Top Posts in 2022:
Not-really spoilers for Obi-Wan Kenobi ahead!
I love tiny Leia. She is as full of chaos and sass as grown Leia is. Well done, creators of Obi-Wan, well done. I think Carrie Fisher would be happy with this representation.
5 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
I kinda doubt it, but I have an idea if anyone wants a random writing prompt. I call it the "leftover valentine's candy challenge". I still have a box of smarties conversation heart things, so I could give you a prompt of a random candy or two drawn from the box.
So if you want to participate (which I doubt anyone will), let me know and I'll send you a picture of however many random candy quotes as you want. Obviously, you'd have to tag me in your finished story.
(I suspect this would be excellent for writing fluff.)
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6 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
What am I doing with my Saturday night? With a migraine and having had quite a bit of my energy taken up in helping my mom with her class reunion, I'll be catching up on Bridgerton.
(Yes, I am only tonight beginning season 2.)
Plus, because I do love period dramas, I will be going to see the new Downton Abbey movie in the morning.
6 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Anyone else watch Moon Knight and find themselves just enamored by Oscar Issac with an accent? Like, I knew I was attracted to him as Poe Dameron, but add a fucking accent and I'm head over fucking heels over here.
The show itself is cool, but I'll admit, this was one of the two reasons I even tried the show. (The other one being "it's marvel".)
13 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Three Drinks, Two Texts, and a Phone Number
Here we go! My first new fic since December! This is for @make-me-imagine 's 5th Anniversary Challenge
Pairing: Malcolm Bright x gn!reader (I reread it to double check, but if you spot any runaway pronouns please let me know)
Prompt: “Meet up for a blind date and getting along very well, only to realize halfway through you met up with the wrong person on accident.”
Length: just over 1200 words
Warnings: the reader does do a bit of drinking in this, and maybe mild language warning?
A/N: This is my first time writing in this fandom! I've wanted to write for this for awhile, but haven't gotten around to it. I also messed up with the prompt a bit, so that probably disqualifies me. But I wrote it anyway!
Three Drinks, Two Texts, and a Phone Number
You’d just gotten off work when your best friend called with an usual question.
“You’re single, right? Please tell me you are.”
“Ummm, yeah?” They’d been by your side after your most recent, and rather painful, breakup, so they had to have known this.
“And you still owe me for getting you an advance copy of that book?” You couldn’t lie, having a friend with a job at a bookstore had its perks.
“You’ve held that over my head since you did. Let me guess, you finally figured out how you want to cash in that favor?”
God, you hope it’s not something bad. Or illegal.
“You’re going on a date tomorrow night. Consider it a gift.”
“What?” You’re a little taken aback. “No.”
“You owe me. I’m not saying you have to marry the man, just go out with him. One date won’t kill you. Look at it this way, you’re getting a free meal out of this too.”
“If I do go, which is a big if, can I ask who I’m going on this date with?” You question, still a little hesitant.
“That would ruin the surprise, it’s called a blind date for a reason. And you are going, even if it means I have to drag you to the restaurant myself.” You knew she was being sarcastic, but something also told you that there was a bit of truth in that.
Eh, what the hell. Why not.
As you straighten your shirt, you can’t help but wonder if you’re overdressed for this.
“That’s nonsense. You’re still used to the work-from-home sweatpants. This is absolutely perfect for a date at a fancy restaurant.” Your best friend continued to babble over the video call, but nothing really stuck. You were busy being stuck in your own head.
The sound of your phone jolted you back into reality.
“Okay. I sent you the address of the restaurant. Remember, 6 PM. No later.”
You arrive at the restaurant a little early, choosing to wait in the lobby than take up a table before whoever your date was showed up.
But that was exactly the problem. He never seemed to show up. You waited until 7 before giving up and asking the hostess if there were any seats available at the bar. Sitting down, you checked your phone in case your friend texted you that something happened to your date.
No text. You managed to get stood up by a blind date. 
“Date gone bad?” The man to your left asked.
See the full post
46 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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a’ight homies it’s the most wonderful time of the gd year. SMASH THE ♡ !! for a holiday and/or wintery themed starter from me to be posted over the weekend. specify muse(s), because I’m not randomly picking & I’m not going out of my way to ask.  you can ask for starters from as many & to as many muses as you want we ain’t believe in limits here
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caroline-ds-world · 2 years
Beg for me - Lee Felix
Tagging @dctorxmaximoff14
Word count 2,124
Warnings: soft dom! Felix, unprotected sex,piv sex, eating out, blowjobs, edging, sub! Reader, I might have missed something please let me know if you think there is anything I need to add!
Please let me know what you think or if you have any requests! Feedback and reblogs are appreciated!
Today was the day. The day Felix was supposed to come back to you from being on tour for 2 months. You missed him so much. You missed his cuddles, his voice, his lips.
Everything about him really. You even tried to coax him into coming home a few times, of course failing and giving up, knowing he would probably punish you when he got back but you just missed him so much.
You got the text from Chan telling you that the boys had landed and Felix was supposed to be on his way to you, but 2 hours later he still hadn't shown up you texted and called him and even had called the other boys asking if they knew where he was they all said they thought he went straight to your apartment. You knew you weren't going to be able to sleep until you knew he was safe, so you sat on your couch, watching TV, while waiting for him to knock on the door.
You ended up falling asleep, waking up hearing your phone ringing, it was Chan. " Hey Nina, Felix just came back to the house, did you ever see him come by?" Chan questioned. You replied " No I haven't, did he seem mad?" Chan chuckled "No he was his usual self. Did you do something to make him mad at you?" "Chan I told you I didn't see him, I haven't seen him or talked to him much since you guys left for tour."
"Well we all plan on coming to see you tomorrow so I'll let you get to sleep, so you have energy for all 8 of us to attack you" Chan jokes with you. You say your goodnights and once you hang up you go to your bedroom, but as you do you receive a text from Felix.
"Hey kitten, didn't mean to worry you if I did, but I will be punishing you by dragging out you being able to get any sexual relief from me. For now you have to deal without this cock you love so much. Until I think you've learned your lesson." You were shocked reading this text, he usually wasn't this dominant and never called you kitten until now, usually calling you baby or babe, but it certainly brought out the submissive side of you that you hadn't told Felix about but somehow he must have picked up on. Most people would probably think that it was the other way around, that Felix was the submissive and you were the dominant, but you were always more of the submissive type.
" I'm sorry, sir, I just missed you. I'll behave until you say otherwise, I'm going to sleep now though so have a good night" you sent the reply before you could think twice then changed and got into bed. He responded with a "goodnight Nina" message. Oh no, he definitely was mad, he never calls you by name.
You try to get some sleep but are up and down every few hours throughout the night. You're worried how mad he is and if he'll even come with the rest of the members. You get up at around 8:30 am and decide to make some coffee to prepare for the day ahead, also having to clean before the guys get there. Once the coffee has been drunk, you get up and start cleaning up to get your mind off of the punishment Felix had put in place. At around 11:30 you get a call from Chan telling you that the boys and him are on the way, including Felix, so he was coming with them still, so he must not be too mad.
30 minutes after Chan called, there was a knock at the door. You went and answered it and we're automatically attacked with a hug from Han Jisung. He didn't let you go until Chan pulled him away while laughing. Once he finally let you go from the hug, all the other members hugged you, except for Felix. Felix came to you last, hugging you but he did kiss you and hold your hand. Once they all had greeted you, you all moved into your living room, sitting on the couch to watch movies and play games, like you always do when they come back from a tour.
At some point Chan had pulled you into cuddle with him while you watched one of the movies and you kept feeling Felix stare at you through it. You turned to whisper to Chan " Felix is staring at us. Do you think you should let me go back to him?" And Chan shook his head no, clearly trying to get Felix to react to him holding you.
After them being with you for about 7 hours the boys, aside from Felix,decided to go get food and bring it back to your apartment. Leaving you with Felix, they said they would be back in about 30 to 45 minutes. You were sitting in silence with Felix, until he spoke up "Are you trying to get back at me for wanting to punish you baby? Trying to make me jealous of Chan? Cause I have half the mind to remind you who you belong to now." You were shocked once again at this. You shook your head, not trusting your voice. He came over to you and started kissing you passionately.
The kiss kept getting harder and more passionate, Felix rubbing his hands down your sides. Shortly after he decided to start kissing your neck and slip his hands under your shirt. You moaned out " I'm sorry sir, I wasn't meaning to do that, I even asked him if I should come back to you" " Oh so you weren't just being a bad slut?" Felix rasped out "I'm going to take you to the bedroom baby, I need you now I haven't had you for 2 months."
He then picked you up and took you to your bedroom, closing and locking the door behind you and him. You didn't understand why he did that at first as the boys were out. "Kitten, I intend to take my time with you, cause I also plan on punishing you still and make sure you feel lots of pleasure, they'll probably be back while I fuck you. Do you remember your safe word, should you need to use it?" Felix explains as if he read your mind. You nod then state your safe word "mocha is my safe word, sir". You had chosen this safe word quite a while ago and had never needed to use it but it's better to already have it in place you and Felix agreed.
After you stated your safe word, Felix pulled out your favorite sex toy which is a pink vibrator that is smaller than his cock, but fills you up so perfectly. But when he pulled it out you knew exactly why he had said he was going to punish you still, he was going to edge you. You weren't going to fight it. You actually love edging so it wasn't really a punishment, aside from you didn't know how long he'd make you go without orgasm. He then pulls your shirt off and starts kissing your neck, both of his hands grasping your breasts roughly causing you to scream then bite your lips. He stops and commands in a deep voice "Don't you dare hide your noises from me, you do that and I will stop."
You squeak at his dominant side coming again, hoping he doesn't notice it and what it does to you, but he does. " Oh does my pretty kitten like it when I'm dominant? Shall I do this more often? Are you my pretty sub baby?" You squeak again. He takes that as a yes and chuckles. He then takes off the shorts and panties you were wearing leaving you naked and him, still fully clothed. He turns on the vibrator and brings it down to your pussy, focusing on your clit with it.
"You're so pretty baby, I'm sorry I'm having to punish you but you acted bratty, and you can't just do that without punishment. Don't worry master is going to fuck you tonight, all night long after I edge you for a bit. And I don't care if the boys hear me fucking you either. You're mine and they need to know that." His voice is such a turn on to you and he knows it. He decides to try to get you to the edge quickly, by sucking on one of your nipples. You moan out his name loudly, knowing you're one the edge of orgasm already because your nipples are sensitive and he puts just the right amount of pressure on your clit, a moment later he pulls away from you.
Satisfied with having brought you to the edge and then pulling all stimulation away, Felix chuckles. "Poor kitten, didn't get to cum, I know I know, just a few more times and I'll give you what you need.i just need you to learn your lesson first about begging me to come home on tour and then flirting with my hyung." Once you've calmed down, he brings the vibrator back to your clit, repeating exactly as he just had.
After 3 more edges you're screaming and begging " Please sir please please please let me cum, give me this please I won't misbehave again." He gives in and strips himself finally. Once all his clothes are off, he takes his dick in hand and gives it a few pumps before bringing it to your pussy, pushing in and bottoming out. He waits a few seconds. He moans at feeling you around him "fuck baby you're so tight, I love your pussy so much, you're so good to me, I'll be good to you now baby, just cum when you need to. I don't know how long I'll last now."
He starts thrusting in and out of you, starting off just slowly making sure he'll be able to last. He brings his mouth down to your ear and starts whispering praises into your ear "Good girl, such a good pussy, I love you." over and over again. As he starts picking up the pace you feel the coil in your stomach building up and snap very quickly and as it snaps you feel yourself squirt all over Felix. Stunned, Felix stops thrusting. He looks down in awe of you. "Oh my god, baby you just squirted all over me, that was so hot, if I eat you out now will you do it again?" He then pulls out and moves to where his face is between your legs and starts eating you out.
His tongue moves expertly on your pussy, licking and sucking just right, trying to give you an amazing orgasm from his tongue also. He loves giving you pleasure and just wants you to always have a mind blowing orgasm. As he continues to eat you out, you feel the coil building up again. And after about 3 minutes it snaps, and you squirt all over his face, and he loves it. He then puts himself back into you trying to give you another orgasm, and eventually he does give you 3 more orgasms, totaling 5 orgasms for the night.
After your 5th orgasm, you tell him you're too sensitive and you want to suck him until he cums in your mouth so you can taste him. " Baby wants to give me the pleasure I have her? Go ahead baby" he moves to where he is laying on your bed and lets you get to where you can suck his dick. You grab it with one hand and then wrap your mouth around the head of his cock and start bobbing your head up and down and sucking making him moan " oh fuck so good baby I love your mouth, I'm gonna cum." He came in your mouth shortly after and you swallow all of his cum.
After that he gets up and runs you a hot bath so that you too can get clean. After the bath is done he puts you back into your bed and walks into the living room and kitchen to get you food to eat after that long and intense session. As he walks out there half clothed the boys start teasing him about the noises they heard from both of you and he brushes them off. Coming back to you, he gives you the food he brought for you. After eating you cuddled up in bed and fell asleep with Felix's arms wrapped around you.
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agirlwhoisaphantom · 3 years
Shades of Winter - Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You finally get to meet James Bucky Barnes. You two are an instant click but would this eventually lead to something good or something bad?
Word Count: 3140
Warnings: The reader talks about past memories such as: kidnapping, torture, starvation, violence. A bit of angst. Also If you like the Hobbit movies, I'm so sorry (yes this is tw) Also if there is anything else let me know.
Author’s Note: A little bit more in-depth on who y/n is in my Bucky fics. Other than that this has been in my archives for a hot minute so.
reblogs/feedback/likes are greatly appreciated & highly encouraged! But please, DO NOT repost/steal ANY of my fics!
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It has been a couple of years since you returned to the Avengers Quarters. You had been on the run before the blipped happened. But you have finally told yourself that enough is enough. You always knew that the Avengers would be your family, so you decided to go back to them.
The first person you were excited to see after a while was Sam. So, you decided to go to his hometown and give him a visit.
When you arrived, you notice that there was a party. You felt a little bit left out. But you pushed those feelings aside since Sam didn’t know that you were coming along as well.
Once you laid your eyes on Sam, you knew that you needed to sneak up on him and scare him.
There was loud music playing in the background, so you took that as an advantage. You quietly sneak up to Sam, getting on your toes as you try to cover his eyes.
Sam turns around, putting up his guard. When he notices that you tried to sneak up on him, you could see the relief on his face. He didn’t think twice but to hug you. “Where have you been? You go incognito mode and don’t visit me. I’ve been worried about you.”
You hug him back, “I just needed a break from the world and traveled a bit.” You chuckled a little bit. “But I��m back and better than ever.”
He starts to ramble as you two catch each other up on everything that has happened the past couple of years. You two start to walk up to the docks. You notice how beautiful it was with the sun setting how the sun reflected on the water. You were amazed.
“Hey, I’ll be back. Do you want anything to eat?” Sam pointed to the table that had nothing but plates of food in it. Your small smiled formed on your face as you shook your head.
Walking around, you notice so many little kids running around and having fun. It was such a positive place to be. You could feel the aura around you just filled with joy.
Without noticing where you were walking, you bump into someone. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t-“ you look back at him. The first thing that you noticed was his ocean blue eyes. You could stare at those eyes for hours.
Breaking the eye contact, you took a few steps back so that you wouldn’t be close to him anymore. “I’m Bucky.” He places his hands in the pockets of his black jean jacket. There was a smirk on his face.
“uh, y/n” you had a confused smile on your face.
“y/n,” Bucky says in a deep flirty tone of voice, he looks around, and that smirk became a smile. “I’ll see you around y/n,” he winked as he walked away.
Why did your name sound so much better when he said it. Something about him made you curious. You were on the fence if whether or not you wanted to know more about him or just let him be a mystery. But either way, you knew the moment you bumped into him, Bucky was going to become a trouble.
During the blip, when you helped, there would be moments that Steve would tell stories of Bucky when they were younger. In those stories, Steve would describe him as the most caring friend and always attached to a book such as The Hobbit.
Throughout the day, you would occasionally interact with Bucky. He would ask you random questions such as what your favorite color was? What flowers did you like? He wanted to get to know you.
“So, you are telling me that I should watch the movies and how there are three of them.” Bucky takes a sip of his drink.
You chuckled a little bit “yes, I like the book versions better. But it’s so nice seeing them come to life.”
“I’ll make a note of that, Doll.”
Going back home, you never expected to talk to Bucky again. You didn't have any of his contact information either way, and he didn't have yours.
A couple of days pass by when you receive a message from an unknown number.
10:38 AM "hey there, are you busy this afternoon?"
You decided to ignore the message; it might have been sent to someone else instead of you.
10:45 AM "shit, sorry, It's Bucky."
The moment that you read that, it was Bucky that sent you that message. You wondered how he got your number. Could it have been Steve? Sam? Nat? That gave him your number.
These thoughts were running through your head and were interrupted by that number calling you.
"So, are you busy this afternoon?"
"No, Hi, how are you? How is life? Just going right to asking me what I'm doing this afternoon, what a great start James." You said in an annoying tone of voice.
"Hi, Doll. How are you? There is that better," he said in a mocking voice. Even though you couldn't see him, you could tell that he was rolling his eyes.
You wanted to hang up, but a part of you didn't want to do it. "So much better, thank you." You said sarcastically. "I'm doing nothing later. I'm probably just going to go home and make some dinner."
"You can always say no. But I just bought the three Hobbit movies, and I wondered if you wanted to watch them with me? And Tony is throwing a party tomorrow, and I thought if you wanted to go."
This took you by surprise, it hasn't been an entire week of knowing him, and he is already asking you over to his apartment. "Yeah, that would be fun," you said once again sarcastically. You didn't mean to sound it like that.
When you agreed that you would watch the series with him and to the party, a part of you knew that you had done something you might regret in the long run, but the other part you wanted to see where this would take you, and you wanted to explore it. Something about him made you curious, and you wanted to know why. Why, out of all the people that you had met, he is the one that sparks curiosity in you.
Once again, these thoughts are interrupted by him "I didn't hear a no, so I'm assuming you said yes. I'll send you my address. Meet me here in two hours." He hangs up.
Two hours pass by, and you were unsure what to bring, so you brought a couple of snacks. Walking into Bucky's apartment, there weren't many decorations. It seemed like he had just moved in. There wasn't much besides a small sofa and a tv. It was a very dark place with little to no light coming through.
Bucky notices that you were looking around "sorry if I had more time, I would have cleaned a bit better."
Your eyes widen as you were confused. You look around once again. His place was way cleaner than what your apartment looked like. "you consider this dirty. You should see mine" Bucky goes near the light switch and turns on the lights of the kitchen.
The instant he turned on the lights, that's when you notice what he was wearing. He was wearing a white muscle shirt with a pair of gym shorts, and his hair was messy, and you were able to tell that he had a couple of curls.
If heart eyes were a thing, you would have had them at this exact moment. Bucky was way more handsome than he was when you first met him. As the thoughts continued through your head, you knew that you needed to stop them before you ended up drooling over him.
He points to his bedroom. "I'm going to go change. I have to hide this." He was referring to his left arm. He wasn't sure how you would react to it, and he thought that he should have worn something to cover it before you decided to show up.
You grab the wrist of his metal arm. "It's okay. I don't mind. Besides that, I think it makes you more attractive" the moment that the word attractive escaped your mouth, you could feel your cheeks turn red and your body heat rise. Why did you say that? Especially towards him. Your mind was full of regrets, but at the same time, you didn't care because he was truly attractive.
Bucky covers his mouth with his right hand, trying to cover his laugh. You playfully hit his arm "this isn't funny, Bucky. I'm so close to turning around and making you watch the Hobbit alone." You crossed your arms together. You were getting annoyed with him. All you wanted to do was come over and watch movies with him.
"Fine, I'll stop. But it doesn't mean that I'm not going to hold this against you." Bucky chuckled.
Bucky goes to his bedroom, brings a blanket, and tries to ensure that his place can be as cosey as possible, even though it was dark.
Halfway through the third movie, you could see that he was extremely disappointed. If he could rate the movie, you would 100% be sure he would give it a -1000 rate. "Why the fuck did Peter tell me that these were great. They are complete garbage" Bucky raises his voice. Deep down, he did enjoy the movies. He just wanted to see a reaction out of you. But you were calm since this was your 5th time watching these films.
You couldn't help but laugh at how disappointed Bucky was. He turns to face you and notices the face of amusement you had on "this isn't a joke, Doll. I thought they would be great." He rolls his eyes.
When the movie ended, he put on the sports channel and started to watch it. As much as you loved watching sports, you slowly went to sleep. You felt comfortable around him. It had only been a couple of days that you had met him, so you found it odd.
You fell asleep on his right shoulder. When Bucky felt that you placed your head on his shoulder, a small smile formed on his face, he was unsure why he felt comfortable with you. But he knows that you were going to be one heck of trouble from now on.
Bucky looks at you and notices that you were fast asleep. He can't help but to carry you in his arms and take you to his bed. He made sure to tuck you in.
After he tucked you in, he went back to the living room and continued to watch his sports.
Around midnight, you woke up. Not because you had a nightmare, but because you felt like you were in an unknown location. As soon as you woke up, you panicked and started to look around. You immediately went into fight or flight mode in case If you were in danger. Walking outside of the bedroom, you notice Bucky was sleeping on the floor.
Seeing him on the floor, you drastically put your guard down. You sighed in relief that you were with him and no one else. You go into the kitchen to grab a mug to make yourself tea. When you prepared your tea, you went back to Bucky's bedroom and opened the window outside to let some fresh air in. You wrapped yourself with the blanket Bucky gave you, and you held your knees up to your chest as you drank from the mug.
This was the first time you had ever woken up without having a nightmare. You wondered why was it because of Bucky? As your thoughts were running, you could hear someone come into the room. You turn around and notice it was Bucky. "Someone is up early." He chuckled.
A smile formed on your face. "It looks like you are up early too" you rolled your eyes.
There was silence between you and him. You hated being silent, but with him, you didn't mind.
"Is everything alright?" Bucky whispered. You turn your head towards him, and you nodded. "you can tell me anything, you know." He places his hand on your shoulder.
You lift your eyebrows, unsure if he was messing around with you. "I just met you, like yesterday. Why would I-"
"Five days ago, to be exacted." He said in a snarky tone of voice as he interrupted you.
"Fine, you want to know.” You looked away from him because you knew you would start being vulnerable, and you didn't want to see Bucky's reaction or what face he was making. “For the longest time, I've had nightmares back-to-back. But oddly enough, tonight I didn't have any."
"if you don't mind me asking," Bucky takes a big gulp before saying anything. He knew that you were a bit uncomfortable, and he didn't want to push you. "Why do you have nightmares?" "I used to have them constantly because of who I was. It took me time to understand that the winter soldier wasn't me, and jeez, till this day, there would be moments where I doubt myself, but I'm getting better."
Hearing him tell you a little bit of himself made you feel more at ease. You take a big breath before you start telling him why you would have these nightmares. "At a very young age, both of my parents were killed. My brother died as well, trying to protect us. One of the Hydra agents forcefully made me go to one of their camps. I fought for the first couple of months, trying to get out. But eventually, I gave up. I thought they provided me a roof to stay under, and even though they barely fed me, I was somewhat grateful. I could have it worse. They taught me how to fight, how to hold a gun, etc. When I was a teen, I was tortured, starved more than before, and experimented on."
He grabs your hand and tries his best to comfort you. He knew that this was a lot for you to tell him. "They wanted to see if they could make me into a mutant but with every little alternation of genetics. Nothing worked. Even if it did, I didn't want them to know about it. At that point, I just was numb; I didn't want to live anymore. So I let things happen to me. Hoping one day my body just gave up. Till this day, some of those things that they did I don't remember, nor I want to." You take a small pause as you heard yourself. You felt so comfortable telling him about your past.
Your voice started to crack as you thought more about your past. You tried your best not to cry. "After I escaped, I moved to Washington, Nat found me there, and I started to work at SHIELD. Nat was the only person that knew me and helped me get better."
Bucky was unsure how to react to what you had just told him. He had mixed emotions. He didn't know why he felt anger, sadness, grief, and disappointing feelings towards you. But he knew that it took you a lot of courage to tell him all of these things. He sits on the floor next to you and hugs you. The second that he hugged you, you couldn't help but cry. He was the second person to know your story. "I'm sorry, Bucky. I shouldn't have told you. You've been through much worse, and I wish you didn't-"
"Doll, don't apologize. None of this was your fault. I'm glad that you told me. We both didn't deserve anything of that." he held you for a couple of more minutes and let you cry. He wanted to tell you more, that he was glad that you left when you had the chance. That he hated that you were in that position, he wanted to comfort you. He couldn't find the words. So all he did was hold you.
After a couple of minutes, you were grateful that he listened to every word you said. But you were mentally exhausted, and you just wanted to go to bed. You got up and placed the cup on the nightstand, and started to get ready to leave. When Bucky grabs your arm, "stay the night, it's already late enough to walk around." His voice was small and a bit shaky. "You can stay in my bed, and I can sleep on the floor. Please stay."
You agreed to stay the night with him, and he goes to his closet and grabs you some clothes to sleep comfortably. They fit all baggy on you, but you didn't care. You didn't want to sleep uncomfortably. The moment you got out of the bathroom, Bucky chuckled as he looked how big his clothes looked on you. You ended up rolling your eyes.
Bucky laid on the floor next to his bed. As you were closing your eyes, you felt some guilt, so you look to where Bucky was lying. "Buck, come up here." You whispered.
"Nah, I'm comfortable sleeping on the floor." He turns around, facing away from you.
You grab a pillow and throw it to him "well, I'm not. So get your ass up here before I drag you."
"I would like to see you try, Doll." He chuckled. Once again, you threw another pillow at him, accidentally hitting his head. "Fine, I'm going." He grunted.
Lucky enough Bucky had a queen bed. So you had enough room for yourself and him. "One thing, don't invade my bubble, and we won't end up fighting. Okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. Let's go to sleep."
Within minutes you two were in a deep sleep.
When you two finally arrived at Tony’s Party. Bucky couldn’t help but be curious about what was happening between the two of you.
He couldn’t help it anymore. He decided to ask you, “So, what are we?”
“What do you mean what are we, Bucky?” there was a confused smile on your face.
“yeah, like are we friends, or I don’t know?” he nervously laughed, unsure if he should be asking this.
You laughed a little “Friends is a bit too much. I don’t think we are there yet.” You teased him. You gently punched his arm.
“Are we acquaintances?”
“I like that. We are for sure acquaintances.” You chuckled.
“you think it’s funny, but I can live with that, Doll.” He shrugs his shoulders.
And just like that, two strangers who never planned on caring for one another became the most inseparable pair.
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1252291 · 3 years
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♡  ‘ forbidden ’ collaboration event  ♡
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sometimes relationships don’t always turn out the way you want them to. whether it’s because other relationships get in the way, or you’re just not allowed to see the other person. maybe it’s taboo, and you really should avoid getting caught. this collaboration highlights those relationships!  
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how to join:
send me an ask with which character you’re going to write for, as well as which trope you’ll be writing for. the rules are under the cut, so please read them before joining! please be following me so you can see the other's contributions when I reblog them!!
trope examples: these are just examples, and you can write whatever forbidden relationship you can think of!
professor and college student
families are rivals
best friends significant other
brothers/sisters best friend
you must be 18 or over
your characters & y/n must be 18 or over
you can write dark content to your hearts content! just make sure it’s tagged appropriately. do not write actual incest, or wildly inappropriate themes.
you can also write fluff, or nsfw. I encourage nsfw, just because that’s what my blog is mainly about, but if you’re more into fluff, I’m here for it!
don’t forget to tag me in the post so i can reblog it. also feel free to message me once it’s posted so i make sure i see it and get to reblog it !
there’s no limit to the characters. if you see they’re on the list already, you can still join the collab!! just try not to do the same character with the same trope!
your post should be at least 500+ words! but i won’t be mad or anything if you hit underneath that amount. no max count on words 😮‍💨
this is an open event. you can write for any anime that you want to! just keep in mind that my blog is mainly aot and jjk, so i’m more open to those two ! but there’s no cap on who you want to write for.
you can write for up to two different characters (aka join the collab twice)
you can join anytime from now to the deadline date!
The deadline is August 20th, 2021 !  that’s 42 days from tomorrow. If you need more time, that’s totally fine. Just message me to let me know! 
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step-brother ( @aqueencomplexx ) — fic!!
dilf & babysitter ( @bunnysuit-femboy ) - fic!!
step-brother ( @bertlsbeloved )
step-brother ( @jenijae )
brother's best friend ( @boston-bakedbeans ) - fic!!
priest erwin with demon reader ( @yeagerslut )
employer & secretary ( @tetsunormous ) - fic!!
the next door neighbours husband ( me )
sire & fledging ( @onyxoverride )
families are business rivals ( @chaotic-nick​ )
mob bosses girlfriend falls for somebody else ( @ghost-party )
step-brother ( @weepinglevi )
step-sister ( @saccharine-darling )
step-brother (@pennylanewrites ) - fic!!
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step-brother ( @haikyutiehoe )
feat. sukuna - straight!itadori & step!bro sukuna argue over who fucks better, and test out on male reader ( @fvckme-sir )
cheating on significant other ( @katboykiyo )
step-father ( @haikyutiehoe )
brother's best friend ( @nocturnalazura )
* * *
coworker ( @saccharine-darling )
step-cest ( @hyperdensityseals )
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a final mushy note from n:
thank you so, so much from the bottom of my heart to everybody that's decided to follow me. while I don't share my milestone numbers, I want you to know that you mean so much to me, and I see you!! I see you interacting with my fics, and commenting on them. and I appreciate you so much. you make writing so much fun for me to do after I stopped writing for a good year, and excited to scroll through my dash and see the thirsts ahahahaha.
If you ever need me, I'm just an ask box away! probably screaming into the abyss until somebody looks at me bahaha. okay, I love you. don't forget to drink some water. I'll see you!
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may-day-voice · 3 years
First Impressions
Eijirou Kirishima's Timeline | 172732014
please do not repost, but you have permission to reblog :)
• Watch/ Listen on YouTube: https://youtu.be/UaN7KhnC1WQ
• Read on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1061231254-eijirou-kirishima-pro-hero-au-172732014-first
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The ticking of the clock nagged at the back of your mind. It didn't help while you sat at your desk, eyeing the clock on the wall, waiting for the day to end. Today wasn't as exciting as you thought it would be, being one of the few days that you were stuck at a desk rather than patrolling the city. Fourth Kind had been fervent about balancing effectiveness at the agency, but that also meant having to take up the desk job every once in a while.
You stared at the pile of papers you completed forms for regarding reports on your own patrols as well as any others in the agency. The one thing Fourth Kind was very fervent about aside from civil service was prompt paperwork. It was boring if you were being honest. You wanted to be out and about, seeing people, fighting crime, saving a cat, anything but staring at the hands of the clock counting down to the end of the day.
A yawn caught you off guard while you stretched your limbs up high, spying the seconds counting down on the wall.
"Ah, how's my best Hero?" Boomed a voice from behind, turning your head up and backwards to spot Fourth Kind, with all four arms crossed.
"Ah, sir?! Boss! Hey!" You exclaimed with a grin, waving at the Pro-Hero, still leaning against your chair.
"I'll need you to be a part of an operation prepared for downtown Musatafu. You're our best candidate for the job."
Well, that was sudden, and with only ten minutes and sixteen seconds to spare, but your face brightened up at the prospect of being considered for a major operation. It made you fumble a little on your seat, righting yourself to turn towards Fourth Kind properly.
"Whoa really?" You exclaimed, turning your gaze between him and the clock.
"Yes, it's being set up for Esuha City. I was originally part of the First Wave, but the Commission decided to keep us at a distance and put in some young blood," explained Fourth Kind, his eyes pensive at the decision. "Made me think of you to take my place, besides with your running record of keeping the peace in our small neighbourhood, you're a public favorite."
You nervously sighed, pondering on the tiny notion that this choice of his was favouritism over your primary skill set, however, that didn't deter the excitable butterflies in your stomach.
"So, what are the deets to this thing?" You asked, noticing the clock still counting down.
"Well, that's why I came to fetch you," started Fourth Kind. "The meeting's in half an hour at Fatgum's agency."
"The operation is set for tomorrow."
"Pack your desk down. We set out at 1655 hours."
And with that, Fourth Kind left you to your devices, staring blankly at his large back. Despite his passion for civil service, his promptness wasn't ideal at times, catching you off your game most times in the office. It was also part of the reason why you'd prefer patrols.
You stared at the clock, noticing its hands close to the time Fourth Kind had stated earlier before you pulled yourself up from the seat. At the very least, you were given an early mark.
The trek to Fatgum's agency wasn't eventful riding in Fourth Kind's car to the office. But with every turn on the road it made your stomach churn. You rapped your fingers on your lap with anticipation, wondering what this meeting was about. It came too suddenly at the end of the day, and as soon as your eyes landed on the building ahead, you could feel the nerves travel through your limbs.
After Fourth Kind parked his car, the both of you entered into Fatgum's agency, noticing a handful of Sidekicks leaving for the day, as well as noticing a small handful of Commission agents waiting around the foyer. Along with them was Fatgum, his burly size hard to miss while he conversed with who you presumed was a Hero. By the look of them, you recognized them as the Head of the Local Hero Network, soon watching them excuse themselves from their conversation to take a phone call.
"The meeting will start soon in Meeting Room One," informed Fourth Kind. "Be ready in ten minutes."
"Will do, sir," you affirmed, finding a smile on Fourth Kind's face before he greeted Fatgum ahead.
After the long drive, you decided to stretch your legs by taking a stroll around the foyer, making note of where the meeting room was held as well as admiring the agency. You've roamed inside once or twice before, but it was on a casual basis, more so because you were involved in Hero activities within the bounds of Esuha City, out of your volition, or out of your control. You sighed remembering the number of paperwork you had to fill, another bane of Pro-Hero life.
You soon found yourself wandering the agency, stumbling across a few Sidekicks who passed by ready to either end the day or start their shifts for the midnight hour. You couldn't imagine anyone who would willingly take graveyard shifts, but shrugged knowing that that wasn't the kind of life you'd ever want to find yourself in. Stuck in thought, you bumped into a tall figure taken by surprise by your absent-mindedness. He took a few steps back, hands up in defense before he uttered a small apology.
"Oh no, that's on me!" You yelped, mirroring the man standing by you with his long blue locks hiding away his eyes from you. "I wasn't paying attention."
"Oh, still, sorry about that," he spoke in a low whisper. "Did I hurt you?"
"Nah, I'm fine. You have a pretty hefty swing in your shoulder though."
"Is that bad?"
"Huh? No, I was going to say that you're probably pretty fit."
You smiled up at the man, finding his eyes looking elsewhere, yet he did not budge or make an attempt to leave your vicinity. You stared at him, wondering where you had seen him before. He looked awfully familiar, but with his casual tee and outfit, you couldn't quite place your finger on who he was.
"Is something wrong?" He quietly asked, noticing your stare.
"Oh sorry, that's rude of me," you apologized with a nervous chuckle. "I'll leave you be. Have a great evening!"
With that, you continued to walk the halls, leaving the broody man behind. You checked the clock on your phone, seeing that there was five minutes left before the meeting was to start. You contemplated if you could take a roundabout route back to the foyer or just turn your heel and walk back the way you came. Still, you may end up crossing paths with that gentleman again, which wasn't a terrible notion if it wasn't for that nagging feeling at the back of your mind that you had seen him somewhere before.
You quickly decided to turn tail hoping to save a few minutes if you trekked back the way you came, your body swinging on your heel until you crashed into somebody. In the collision, as if by reflex, he grabbed hold of your arm while you did the same, stopping you from falling backwards onto the floor. The rush was mind-boggling. You felt like you walked into a brick wall.
"Whoa, hey, you all right?" He asked, concerned for your well-being.
"Yeah I'm fine," you started, still boggled. "Thanks."
"Heh, my bad, I should've looked where I was going."
"Same. I thought I walked right into... a..."
You shook your head a little before you turned to find a redhead before you, his long locks loosely tied behind his head while his headband opened his face up with his toothy grin. He appeared a little disheveled as if he just came out fresh from the showers, but he was built and towered over you in a crisp shirt and track pants. He looked rather friendly though, his bright eyes smiling down at you until he stared into your own stare, his expression curious of your trailing silence while he still kept a hold on you.
"Hey, you sure you're okay?" He asked, waving his hand before your eyes to snap you out of your reverie.
"Huh? What? Yeah, I'm fine," you piped, shaking your head.
"For a minute I thought you had a concussion," he admitted with a smile. "Glad I'm wrong."
You chuckled nervously in reply while you reprimanded yourself internally at the embarrassment that soon travelled through your veins. Were you just staring at his chest of all places? And then the feel of his hands on you as did your hands on his crossed your mind, releasing yourself from him in realization.
In an attempt to keep your thoughts from bay, you pulled out your phone, noticing that you had lost a couple of minutes on the clock. Panic ensued, realizing that this meeting was about to start and you still had to trek back to the foyer.
"Well, nice to meet you. Sorry for the trouble. I have to go," you quickly spoke, running your mouth while you slowly made your way past the man to ready yourself until-
"You're part of Fatgum's meeting, yeah?" Asked the man, catching you off guard and halting you in your tracks.
"Um, yeah?" You replied, hoping not to waste any more time lest Fourth Kind reprimanded you for your lackluster punctuality.
"The foyer is quicker to reach down this way," suggested the redhead, pointing in the other direction.
"Yeah, the agency runs in a loop, it's better than having to walk three quarters of the way back."
That made so much more sense than to rush back the way you came adding more time to your dilemma. You quietly turned towards the redhead, walking past him and continuing to do so down the hall.
"Uh, thanks!" You quickly piped, hoping to get to the meeting before the man appeared beside you again, walking along with you.
"I'm on my way as well, so you don't mind if I join you?" He asked while he rubbed against his neck, rolling his shoulders a little.
"Oh yeah sure, why not?" You quickly spoke, still semi-power walking through the halls hoping that would shave seconds against the clock. Despite your speed, the man kept pace with you, looking unstressed about the matter. If it was the end of his day, he had it easy, unlike this impromptu meeting that was thrusted upon you.
"Wait a minute, you're part of this meeting too?" You asked, spotting a nonchalant look on the man's face.
"Oh yeah, Fatgum spoke to me earlier today about it," he answered with a smile.
"Do you happen to know what's going on?"
"You haven't been briefed about it?"
"I was only told about this whole thing before five this evening, and then the intention of being part of a First Wave? But that's about it."
You noticed something change in the man's demeanor, glancing your way before the both of you arrived into the foyer. It was quicker than you had anticipated to reach your destination before you noticed a group of people outside Meeting Room One. Aong with your boss Fourth Kind and Fatgum, a familiar gentleman spoke casually to the BMI Hero by the doors - that soft spoken man that you bumped into earlier in your wandering. Staring at the two conversing beside each other triggered that nagging feeling again, staring at the scene until it finally clicked where you had seen the man.
You didn't recognize Suneater out of uniform, only realizing that fact when you could visually see him next to Fatgum. You felt your ears warmed with embarrassment, recalling that minor altercation in the hallway despite it being a to and fro of self-blaming one another. You had spoken words with one of Fatgum's Top Heroes, in fact, with one of the most highly sought out and spoken about Heroes to graduate from UA in his time. And all you did was just stare. You felt like hiding away between your shoulders, wondering if he was part of the meeting until you spotted him bidding farewell to Fatgum, leaving the agency.
"There you are!" Yelled Fourth Kind from across the foyer, your shoulders stiffening from his harsh tone. "Where have you been?"
"I'm sorry," you called back. "I arrived within ten minutes just like you advised."
You shut your eyes, expecting a knock on your head by one of his many fists until you felt nothing come your way. You peeked through one of your eyes, finding Fourth Kind looking elsewhere but with a smirk on his lips.
"Well, long time no see," he spoke, catching your attention.
"I'd say the same Fourth Kind. How have you been?" Spoke the man's cheerful voice next to you.
"Doing my part, and keeping this one in line."
You felt his words referring to you, a little embarrassed and confused about the current exchange between the men until the redhead placed a strong hand on your shoulder.
"Oh they're one of yours?" He asked.
"My best and brightest, at least on patrol," replied Fourth Kind.
"Hey!" You retorted in kind.
"Come on folks, let's get this sorted," yelled Fatgum from afar, leading everyone into the meeting room for this briefing to start. "Get a move on Red Riot, you're the main focus here!"
"Gotcha, we'll be in soon!" Yelled the redhead.
Your heart immediately stopped. Did Fatgum just call this guy next to you the illustrious-
"Nice to chat with you Red Riot," commented Fourth Kind. "We'll see you inside."
"Sure thing, can I have a moment?" Requested Red Riot with a smile.
You only caught a haughty chuckle from your boss before he strode towards the meeting room, leaving you with the Pro-Hero still with his hand on your shoulder. You felt nothing but sheer and utter embarrassment at your lack of awareness. You blamed the whole day at a desk numbing your faculties, kicking yourself mentally that not only did you not recognize Suneater, but you didn't even discern the Red Riot.
"Wow, I never knew you were part of his agency," he started nonchalantly. "Guess it makes sense if you're in the First Wave instead of him now. But hey, I guess this is good news. I get to meet my partner before we set off on this mission tomorrow."
"Wait, what? Partner?" You piped, still trying to catch up to the situation.
"Yeah, I'm leading the First Wave and you're my reinforcement. It's just the two of us."
You stared at Red Riot slack-jawed, speechless from the arrangement. You were being partnered with the Red Riot, the rising Pro-Hero in Fatgum's agency only equal to the recent intake of Heroes from his academy no less. You stood there not knowing what you wanted to say. Was it a thank you, or an honorable mention? You were just a patroller if anything. Missions were somewhat a pipe dream you hoped to embark on one day, but never had you thought that would arrive tomorrow.
"Are you sure you didn't bump your head too hard back there?" He asked with concern.
"Uh, no, I mean yes, I'm okay, I'm perfectly fit and ready Red Riot. Whatever you need I've got your back," you blurted out.
Just what were you thinking?
"Please call me Kirishima out of uniform," he jested with a smile, his hand outstretched before him in greeting.
Still in shock and utter waves of nauseating embarrassment, you took his hand, feeling it engulf yours with a hearty shake. Kirishima soon led you towards the meeting room before seating yourself where your name card placed you, still next to him. It only exacerbated that self-consciousness of yours, feeling it implode with every glance of his smile, toothy or not. As the meeting proceeded, you couldn't keep your eyes off of him, finding his cheerful and serious moments both surprising and frightening. A mix of emotions ebbed and flowed; excitement, mortification, and the feeling that you may have blown your first impressions.
You thought best to get yourself out of desk job duties in the future.
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1-800-channie · 5 years
[10:30AM] with Chan;
Note: For my love, as promised, @backhugsforhyunjin ♥ I hope this is what you were asking for.
Warning: Very angst
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*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿   *・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  
If there was a time when Chan treated you like a queen, it was during your pregnancy days.
The sweet boy would send you a text in every chance he could, asking if you were alright or if the baby was quiet and letting you rest.
He would go shopping with you. Helping you choose the cutest outfits for your changing body.
You loved to wake up with him kissing your growing belly, or talking to your baby like the great father he is, completely lost in enjoyment.
Chan loved you more than anything. He knew, from the moment that your eyes locked for the first time, that you would be his wife and mother of his children.
Your wedding was simple and small, just his dear bandmates, his family and yours as well.
The blonde boy always believed that you couldn't become more gorgeous, but when his eyes witnessed your pregnant body, he changed his mind.
But, everything seemed to go down as soon as your baby, Mina, was born. Chan became completely in love with his girl and all of his attention turned to her.
She turned five months when the Stray Kids comeback was scheduled, and it got worst for you.
Since the baby still needed all your attention, you started to work from the house. Designing, after all, could be done from home, and since Mina was a sleepy girl, you could work relatively well.
Your routine was rough. You couldn't sleep much because the baby would wake up crying in the middle of the night, waking you up. And, when she finally falls asleep, you couldn't rest yourself. So, you decided to start working at night.
You had to take care of Mina, clean the house by yourself and even do your work. It was evident on your face that you lost some weight and the dark mess under your sights were showing signs of tiredness.
Your husband's routine was the same ever since then. He would kiss your forehead as goodbye in the morning, and, would do the same as he stepped inside the house passing the three in the morning.
Of course, he would go and kiss his Mina good night as well. And also, always tell her he loved her. Something he hasn't said to you, in months.
You woke yesterday with a new feeling of hope blooming in your chest. Day 15th of May, it's your wedding anniversary of 3 years.
You woke up early, hurrying in making your husband a delicious breakfast. As you happily hummed a song that was stuck in your head, you finished the pancakes, a proud smile displayed on your lips.
But quickly the smile vanished away when Chan appeared in the kitchen: He kissed your forehead, picked his keys from the hall and walked out.
No 'I love you'. No 'good morning baby'. No 'Happy 3 year anniversary.' Nothing.
With teary eyes you gazed all over the food you cooked him: the pancakes, the sweet orange juice, some warm coffee, fresh fruit, and his favorite cereals.
You cooked it all for nothing... 'No!' You thought to yourself. 'He is just tired of all the pressure on him. Chan still loves me.' You notify yourself, cleaning the salty teardrops with the back of your hand.
In the afternoon you texted him 'Have a good afternoon of work, Love' but he didn't text back. It's ok, he is probably working -You thought.
Your baby, Mina, seemed very cheerful and talkative today. Flashing her gummy smile at you, whenever you cutely talked to her. Deciding to try another thing, you dressed her up with a cute pink dress and snapped some precious pictures.
'Do I look pretty?' You joked as you sent some pictures of her to your lover, and for your surprise... Chan replied immediately: 'My baby looks so pretty!'
You smiled as the idea of a new surprise to your lover came to your senses. As soon as the child was peacefully sleeping you dug in your wardrobe for something to wear.
After choosing the whole outfit, you decided to work on your new design for a while, so you could make some time to start cooking dinner.
Everything was ready at nine pm. You took a shower and were smelling like roses. The blue velvet dress was hugging your, now, less curvy body perfectly, making you feel confident. Even your make up was fire, simple but blue, making your hazel eyes sparkle.
In the kitchen there were candles everywhere, making a shady and dark but sensual environment drown the whole place as his favorite food was ready for him to eat as soon as he came home.
To your unhappiness, when Chan came home, it passed the five am and he was too tired to notice your romantic kitchen or the absence of your presence by his side in the bed.
You woke up in the kitchen a few minutes later. The candles still burning, the food now freezing and the house completely silent.
With your heart thumping stupidly fast, you thought something happened to Chan because there was no evidence of him. But you were mistaken.
As you silently footed inside the large bedroom, not to wake up the sleeping newborn, your eyes widened as you saw your husband dozing off on the king-sized bed.
How didn't he noticed that you weren't there? How didn't he noticed the kitchen carefully decorated with candles? Why did he only answer the texts about Mina and left yours? Why hasn't he said he loved you in months?
With burning tears rolling down your cheeks you walked back to the kitchen and began to clean it all. Halfway to all the dishes you were washing, you couldn't glimpse anything from the tears in your eyes and ended you falling asleep sitting on a chair, your head resting over your tear-stained dress.
Chan woke up the next morning, today, with a loving smile, the sunlight was brilliant, making the bedroom have a comfortable and warm atmosphere.
His muscular arm searched for your body, but his hands were only met with cold sheets. Chan immediately opened his eyes.
You weren't in the bedroom. Maybe you were in your creative room, so he walked over there to check. But you weren't there either.
Then he remembered that you love to shower in the morning, so, he walked to the bathroom, only to find silence. No sign of you.
It hit him there. Where were you? Why weren't you by his side?
With fast and worried steps he walked to the kitchen and as soon as his eyes recognized your figure, the tears were already blurring his vision.
There was a burned smell inside, and he recognized it because of the melted candles all around him. His eyes found cooked food at the top of the table and dirty dishes on the sink.
No, no.... He couldn't....
You were even worse: Your face was stained with dry make-up under your eyes and cheeks. Your dress was messy and your heavy breathing suddenly felt like punches in his stomach.
The blonde man picks up his phone and notices the little reminder '3 year marriage anniversary - yesterday'.
Chan falls on his knees in a silent cry. All the memories of what he has been doing making his heart break with blame.
All those months without a single 'I love you'; all those months without giving you the, so worth love... He missed you.
You woke up scared. An unknown sound of sobs filling your ears. The baby... You guessed immediately, but the sight of your husband on his knees by your side made you think twice.
"Chan," You called for him. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
As soon as he recognized your voice, his guilty eyes studied your worried face. He wasted no more time: Chan stood up on his feet and held your body tightly against his:
"I'm so sorry YN. I never meant to hurt you... I swear... I just- I know I have been neglecting you and it's all my fault...." He cried with his face hidden in your shoulder in shame. "I'm such a bad husband. I was so focused on our daughter that I forgot that you needed my love as well... I'm so sorry baby..."
By this time, you couldn't stop the tears from dropping from your stares. You wanted to inform him that its ok, that it doesn't matter, but it does.
You've felt so alone, so lonely...
"Chan..." You whispered fighting back a cry.
"I'm sorry... I will pay more attention to you." Chan said with his lungs full of air. "I love you so much YN. And I will show it to you more, I'll thank you every day, for loving me and for taking care of our daughter." His fingers were caressing your cheeks, and you leaned on his touch.
"I missed you so much, Channie..." You pouted.
"I missed you too, darling." Chan smiled and then proceeded to smooch your lips. Once, twice... until he was satisfied.
"I won't ever neglect you again, love. You are the of my life..." With those last words, you buried your face in the crook of his neck and inhaled his manly perfume, as you hugged him.
You've missed this. You've missed your husband. But it's all good now, he is finally here for you.
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿   *・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿
Note: Hello my stars, I'm here but I am not. I'm just passing by to drop this veryyyy long time stamp that I've promised my dear friend to post. I really enjoyed writing it! (I may had shed a tear while writing). Remember, notes and reblogs are appreciated. Thank you so much ♥ Good night (it's passing the 1am here hahA) I'm sorry if there is any mistakes, I'll revise it again tomorrow. 
201 notes · View notes
bernadineisreborn · 6 years
Black Magic Woman Part 2. Read Part 1 here!
Fandom: Harry Potter - Marauders Era
Pairing: Young Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: Song fic based on “Jane” by Starship. Confused friends don’t know what feelings are.
Words: 3,662
A/N: The end is a bit rushed… BUT I JUST NEEDED to finish this. Please leave a comment, like, or reblog! Thanks for reading and ily all :) This makes a lot more sense if you read the first part first. I do not own this gif or these characters. 
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Jane, you say it's all over for you and me, girl
It was a stormy winter morning. You and Lily had arrived at the Gryffindor dining table only minutes earlier.
“Y/N, I swear to Merlin if you say it one more time, I am going to jinx you,” groaned Lily from across you. You were both dressed in your robes for class, and Lily’s cheeks were tinted a lovely rose hue that made her hair look even redder.
“Fine, Lily. I’ll stop saying it. But we both know it’s true,” you smirked at her, and she let out a puff of air.
You were talking about James, of course. Now that you had gotten Lily to see how much he really liked her, you wouldn’t shut up about it. It didn’t help that the boys seemed to be sitting next to you at every meal now.
Speaking of the handsome devils, your eyes glanced up at the sound of people laughing and moving quickly through the entrance to the Great Hall.
Sirius was shoving James, who was laughing heartily. Peter and Remus were tittering along beside them. Remus seemed to be trying to calm the first two.
“Merlin, help me,” said Lily.
You deepened your voice, imitating James, “Oh, Lily, darling. Don’t you look just ravishing this morning-”
She cut you off, throwing a grape at your face, but you were both laughing.
The boys sat down by you soon after. James sitting uncomfortably close to Lily, pressing his broad shoulder into hers. She forced herself to roll her eyes and nudge him away, but she was still blushing.
Sirius sat next to you, giving you space, but friendly. He gave you a smirk as he settled in, one of his signature, award-winning smiles that usually had you swooning.
But you didn’t want to make it too easy for him.
There's a time for love and a time for letting it be, baby
Remus sat next to Sirius, and Peter by James. The four boys looked less tired than they usually did at this period of the month, though Remus was visibly shaken.
“Good morning, love,” said James to Lily, “Hello, Y/N.”
“Hi James,” you replied.
Lily tensed, but managed a “Hi, arsehole.”
James engaged her in flirty conversation, and Sirius turned to you.
“Hi, Y/N. The, er, potion worked brilliantly,” he glanced at Lily, unsure what you had told her, “Thanks again for helping.”
“No problem, Sirius,” you say, “How is Remus?” you ask, quieter. You both glance at the boy, long scars standing out on his unusually pale face.
“He’s been worse… He’s been much, much worse.”
You hum, heart sinking to your stomach for him, “And you?” Your caring eyes meet his, and for a moment, you see a flash of the truth. He was struggling with something. Perhaps Remus’ condition, perhaps something else that was bothering him.
Then, his expression shifted into one of ease, his mask firmly in place.
“I’ve been much worse, as well.”
Across the table, James managed to make Lily laugh at something he’s said. You and Sirius focused your attention elsewhere. Your head was turned away and Sirius watched you talk to Remus, wondering why it made his stomach uneasy.  
Jane you're playing a game called, hard to get by its real name
By the end of the day, you were exhausted. It was almost time for Christmas break, which meant that professors were piling on the lessons to keep up with the curriculum.
You made your way to the Gryffindor common room, planning to work on a few assignments before bed.
Sirius and Remus were sitting on the plush sofa nearest the crackling fire. They waved you over.
“Hello, boys. Up late, aren’t we?”
Remus gave you a boyish smile, teeth over his bottom lip like fangs, “Just working on homework, Y/N.”
You sat down on a sofa across from them, setting your bag by your feet and resting your face in your hands. You were vaguely aware of Sirius whispering something to Remus.
“Right. Well, I better get to bed, then. See you two tomorrow,” said Remus, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. You uncovered your face at his words, glancing up. You catch Remus winking at Sirius, just enough of Sirius and Remus’s secret conversation to clue you in.
You watched Remus leave. Then, turned back to Sirius, who you were not expecting to have shifted closer to you. He caught you off guard, grey eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Want to come sit by me?” his lips quirked into a smile and you had to take a second to compose yourself.
“I’m good here, thanks,” you replied, gathering a few books onto your lap.
Sirius huffed in response, you see his face form an elegant pout from the corner of your eye. You were playing with him, not letting him get what he wanted without a little effort.
You both worked in silence together for a few minutes, then, “What are you working on?”
Looking up, you responded, “Transfiguration.”
A few more minutes passed. “Y/N, I was going to, uh, ask you-”
“No, I’m not letting you copy my homework, Black. It’s the end of the term, you should be doing it yourself!”
His eyebrows raised and his mouth stretched in an expression between amusement and offense, “I wasn’t going to ask that.”
You looked up at him once again, “Oh. What were you going to ask?”
Sirius thought his next words through carefully. Your skin glowed by the firelight and the picture made his heart feel something weird. If he asked you what he really wanted to ask you, it could ruin something. No, no, he had to wait a little. But, the way you had looked at him. And the way he looked at you back…
“I… I was going to ask if you thought James had a real shot with Lily.”
Your face fell, a shift barely noticeable if Sirius hadn’t been watching closely. Not because he was creepy or anything. Just because he was talking to you. Obviously.
But you pulled your face into a smirk and said, “I guess we’ll have to wait and find out.”
Making believe that you just don't feel the same
Oh Jane
Sirius was bored. He had been sitting at the same spot in the library for hours now. James and Remus had left a while ago, their school work finished much faster than Sirius’.
He lifted his gaze from the parchment in front of him, searching for something else worthy of his time.
You were seated at a table a few feet away, quill furiously scratching against a long piece of parchment. Your hair was draped messily on your shoulders and you had a frazzled look about you.
Sirius couldn’t help but smile at the sight. The more he looked at you, the more he found himself smiling. You were pretty, he had no doubt. But you were so studious, so kind, so hard-working. He preferred… looser arrangements, and you were not the kind of girl to be in a loose arrangement. You weren’t his type and Sirius knew he wasn’t yours.
So, instead Sirius turned his attention towards a table of 4thyear Gryffindor girls. He managed to get the attention of one of them, and they soon began giggling amongst themselves, looking back and forth between their parchments and him.
He gathered his things, and started towards the girls, a lazy smile on his handsome face.
Jane, you're playing a game you never can win, girl
A week later, Sirius was feeling a bit hopeless. After you had almost kissed him, twice in a row might he add, he had been confused. Then, he had been intrigued. But now… hopeless.
He had tried flirting with you. It just wasn’t working. For some reason, every time he thought of a clever one-liner or a witty comment, images of you coming closer and closer to him in either the Astronomy Tower or Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom flooded his brain. It made him feel weird and scratchy and sweaty. You were throwing him off.
Sirius was way off his game.
He couldn’t even flirt with other girlswithout thinking about you for Merlin’s sake! He was getting absolutely no love. And you were the cause of it.
He just didn’t understand why, he didn’t understand the way he had been feeling when you were around.
Sirius decided he needed to talk to Remus. Remus would know what to do.
You're staying away so I'll ask you where you've been, baby
You, on the other hand, were trying to stay away from Sirius. You had watched him grow bored of you and drift away once before, intentional or not, and it had broken your heart. You had no intention of letting him get tired of you again.
You saw him at meals, him sitting agonizingly close to you. He always made conversation, and sometimes you wondered if he was trying to flirt with you, but then he would clear his throat and look away or start eating his food fast to avoid talking.
It was confusing. And you were starting to think that you maybe had a teeny-tiny crush on him, to make it worse.
You were still brewing Wolfsbane for Remus, and you were determined to make it much better the second time around.
On the Thursday before the next full moon, you were in Myrtle’s bathroom, busying yourself with potions so you didn’t have to think about Sirius. Unfortunately for you, Myrtle noticed the strange way you refused to stop working for even a second.
“Y/N?” Myrtle squeaked, “What’s wrong with you? Did you decide you hate me like all the other kids so now you’re not going to talk to me anymore and oh, I always knew you would-”
“Myrtle, calm down. It has nothing to do with you,” you reassured. You wanted to talk your feelings out with someone, and you had been planning on waiting to talk with Lily, but Myrtle was so convenient. She could be trusted, right? Probably. “It has to do with… Sirius.”
Myrtle gasped. “A boy? Oh please tell me, Y/N! No one ever tells me about boys, they only come in here to cry or get away from teachers or fight trolls or.. you know. Tell me!”
You winced at her high pitched tone but resigned, “Okay, fine, Myrtle. But you can’t tell anyone.  Ever. I mean it. Or I won’t come visit anymore… and I’ll curse you.”
Myrtle nodded.
“Well… you see, he’s beautiful, obviously. I mean, you can still see. It’s ridiculous, right? No wonder every bloody witch at this school is in love with him. And he’s a complete arsehole sometimes. That does things for some girls, I guess. But not usually for me. Except… I know that he has layers and that deep, deep, deeeep down he’s a sweetheart who masks his own internal problems with external arsehole-ness…”
You continued your rant for about ten minutes. Myrtle listened intently, humming and agreeing in the right places. Poor lonely ghost.
But neither of you noticed the shaggy haired boy come to the bathroom door himself, hearing you mention his name and eavesdropping shamelessly from the other side of the door.
His smile grew as he realized that all of your pent-up emotions meant that you liked him. He wasyour type, after all.  
Like a cat and a mouse
From door to door and house to house
A few nights later, you and Lily stayed up in the common room, anxiously awaiting the return of your friends.
James had finally told Lily about their monthly adventures, so now you at least had someone to sit up with, waiting for them to return safely and help heal their injuries as to not attract suspicion from professors.
Lily kept dozing off, but you were too lost in your thoughts to sleep. Sirius had acted especially awkward the past two days, and you wondered if you two were growing apart again. The thought made you sad, but you couldn’t do anything about it if he decided you weren’t worth his time again.
Don't you pretend you don't know what I'm talking about
A few hours after, you had joined Lily in her slumber, and the boys limped into the Gryffindor common room to find their supposed caretakers cuddled next to each other, shivering in the chilly night time air. Luckily, none of them had any injuries that they hadn’t managed to heal themselves already.
James laughed quietly, “Aweee, they’re sleeping. And they care about us!”
Sirius smiled at the sight of you with your eyelids fluttering and the emotion wiped from your face in you sleep.
“Maybe this means Lily wants me to ask her out.”
Suddenly, you were being lifted by a pair of tender, gentle, but strong arms. Sirius carried you to your room, and James carried Lily.
Halfway up the stairs, both you and Lily woke enough to have the sense to walk yourselves. Lily jumped from James’ arms, almost falling down the stairs. She stammered and blushed, made sure he was okay, and bid him goodnight before heading to bed.
You awoke enough to realize who was carrying you and tighten your arms around his neck, desperately clutching to him and hoping he didn’t leave.
Sirius pretended he hadn’t seen your eyes open for a split second before you did so.
When you got to your dorm, Sirius laid you down on your bed and sat by you. You were awake enough now to acknowledge Sirius’ presence, but sleepy enough to be bold.
“Erm- Thanks for waiting up for me, I mean, for us. It means quite a lot,” said Sirius.
His words were met with silence as you snuggled yourself into your bed and under the covers. In the soft moonlight, his features were filled with nerves and you finally understood why he had been acting so oddly the past few days.
Sirius was about to leave when you grabbed his hand.
Your eyes met. You were half asleep and he was exhausted, but you both could have sworn that the other was glowing. You were too tired to care about the consequences your next words would have on your beloved friendship with Sirius.
And so he did.
Were all those nights we spent together, hey hey
Only because you didn't know better
I gotta know
The next morning, you woke up to sunlight streaming in through the frosty windows. You were surprised at how hot you were. Usually, you didn’t get too warm at night. It was like you were sleeping with a space heater or something. Or a dog.
A dog.
Your eyes shot open and you remembered, embarrassedly, the sleep soaked events of the night before. Sirius was laying peacefully beside you, his arm wrapped around you and his eyes shut tightly.
Oh, Merlin. What had you gotten yourself into?
Instead of staying and dealing with the awkwardness of waking up next to a boy that you were kind of in love with, you decided to leave. So, you dressed in your robes and hoped that Sirius would have the sense to leave the room discreetly before leaving for the Dining Hall as fast as you could.
It was earlier than you had ever woken up before, there were only a few other students in the dining hall when you got there. You sat by yourself at the Gryffindor table and prepared for humiliation.
Not long after, someone sat beside you.
It was Remus.
His hair was extra messy, and he had dark bags hanging from his usually bright eyes. There were a few new scratches on him, but nothing that would scar.
“Hey, Rem. How are you feeling?”
“Awful, but no worse than usual. The Wolfsbane really helps. Why are you up so early?” he asked, but there was a knowing look on his face as he awaited your response.
“Erm… Our dorm was, well, just quite warm this morning and it woke me up.”
“Yeah, Sirius gets warm in his sleep. It’s woken me up before, as well. No worries,” he said with a small smirk spreading across his tired face.
You choked on your tea a bit. His words planted so many questions in your brain, but you settled with, “How did you know?”
He shrugged, “Had a feeling and you just confirmed it.”
You groaned, “What are the chances you tell no one and all parties involved pretend this never happened?”
Remus made a face, his scars scrunching together in thought as his expression changed, “I’m not sure that’s the best-”
“No, really. I just got my friendship with Sirius back. The last thing I need to do is ruin it by making it awkward or something. Please, just… don’t mention it.”
He studied you for a few seconds, thick brows furrowed.
“You really fancy him, don’t you?”
You choked on your tea again.
You were trying to think of a response when you heard him mumble something under his breath.
“What was that, Rem?”
“Oh nothing. Just, erm, you should tell him how you feel. I certainly couldn’t tell him, because you’ve sworn me to secrecy. And he’s sworn me to secrecy as well, so. Just tell him.”
You were staring at him, trying to process what he’d just said, when the rest of the boys dragged themselves into the room. You made eye contact with the exhausted but unreasonably gorgeous Sirius and made another easy decision.
You stacked your plates quickly, “Okay. I’m, uh, done with breakfast. See you later Remus!”
“Y/N, wait! I really think-”
“Good morning, Y/N, darling. What’s the rush? You’re just going to eat with Remus and then leave him like that? Jeez, must be your trademark,” said James as you walked by.
There was laughter in his eyes, and you knew he meant nothing by it. But his words meant that Sirius had already told his friends about last night. You were filled with a sudden, intense wave of embarrassment and anger towards the situation. Heat rose to your cheeks as you tried to think of a response. But the boys were holding in laughter and you couldn’t deal with it anymore.
So, of course, you ran.
Jane you're playing a game, you're playing a game, playing a game
Oh Jane, you're playing a game of hide and go seek
You finally stopped running when you got to Myrtle’s bathroom.
You were crying at this point, hot tears streaming down your face. There were so many emotions running through you, and their combined product was overwhelmed tears. You slumped to the ground and put your head in between your knees.
You were vaguely aware of Myrtle yelling something at you about being just another person crying in her bathroom.
Her words made you cry even louder, your emotional release bringing only a bit of satisfaction.
Not long after you’d finally started calming down, the bathroom door had tentatively opened to reveal the object of your torment. You didn’t notice, too focused on relaxing your breathing and drying your eyes.
But, Sirius came over to you and laid a careful hand on your shoulder. You looked up, surprise flooding your features when you met his eyes. There was regret on his features, brows pinched gracefully in the center and eyes running intently over your face.
“I’m sorry.”
You wiped your fingers under your lashes, ashamed at the tears still streaming from your eyes.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, Sirius.”
“Yes, there is. I told my idiotic friends about last night and they embarrassed you. And now you’re… sad.”
His words hung in the air as you tried harder to compose yourself.
“Look, Y/N. I’ve been… meaning to talk to you. I guess now is as good a time as any. I, actually, I think I like you. Well, that’s what Remus says my feelings mean, anyway. And I was thinking about it… I think he’s right. And last night felt right to me, somehow… I don’t know does that make any sense at all?”
As you watched him try to tell you how he felt, you felt a mixture of disbelief and confidence join the emotions coursing through you.
Then, he was looking at you again, and you were looking into his eyes and then at his lips. One of which was tucked neatly under his top row of teeth. You unconsciously leaned closer to him, smelling his woodsy scent.
His smooth lips curved into a little smirk.
“Are you going to kiss me, L/N?”
You smiled back.
“What if I was, Black?”
“Well, I’d let you, of course.”
With that, you both moved closer, closing the gap and crashing your lips together awkwardly, a little too enthusiastic to be gentle. You both shifted to make it more comfortable, and soon enough you were both smiling against each other’s swollen lips.
Jane, you're playing for fun but I play for keeps, yes I do
That's a game on me, yeah
Sirius was the first to pull away.
“Wait. I don’t want this to be a one-time thing. You’re not a one-time thing. You’re my friend, you’re… well you can be my girlfriend if you-”
“I like you too, arsehole. I’d be honored to be the girl who finally tied down Sirius Black.”
The second time you kissed Sirius, your lips met with a tenderness that you hadn’t felt before. It made your heart swell and cheeks heat. You tangled a hand in his hair and tugged just enough, getting the upper hand. When he opened his mouth in surprise, you leaned in and grabbed a hold of his lower lip with your teeth and bit down.
He pulled away, his expression one of mild arousal and surprise.
Jane, Jane, Jane
So plain to see
Why you fooling with me, me, me
Tag List: @sirius-lysad @firekissedwitchbitch @ideas-nocturnas @hellizhelusive2 @boiolay @fallern618 @cyberbadman
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