#[The Corruption arc -info-]
lesbianyosano · 9 months
legitimately what the fuck was that
#ig im dissapointed lmao#sorry most of it i just kind of expected (bram regaining his body and stopping the vampires. fyodor dying bc there isnt really anything els#you can do with him. dazai and chuuya both alive)#mostly i wish aya awakened an ability give her oneee also i want to see how they manifest#idk we'll see soon where this goes ig but 1. i really wish fukuzawa had just died alongside fukuchi and 2. that there would be some calmer#chapters more focused on political repercussions rather than more fighting but the 2 hours later thing isnt really pointing to that huh#ill have to reread this arc at some point bc fukuchis and fyodors plan got so convoluted i was barely following it#and also 1. what abt sigma do they just. leave her there#i mean surely not bc she has info on fyodor but dazai really just did not care#and 2. yeah i wish fukuzawa died but now that he didnt. does he???? just keep the one order#and wheres that fucking page#and whats exactly on it#bc i dont think they can just rewrite anything 1. they dont know how much space is on it and theyll need a lot to fix this mess#2. god knows if they even can do anything or if theres some condition written in already thatd stop them#also asagiri for the love of god get into anticapitalism bc you cant just go into criticing states and military without talking about it#and i still need the hunting dogs dead even if i know its likely not going to happen#but how are you going to go all “absolute power corrupts” and “omg fukuci dont create a military state” and then just leave the super cops#running around and getting redeemed bc “they mean well” yeah they do but it doesnt matter#they are complicit in the state violence THEY ARE state violence#asagiri pls i can show you theory you havent even dreamed of#txt.
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soulsxng · 10 months
Jaspern sighed from where he stood with Pythius, Darrow, and Cilatyve. So far, the meeting for the announcement was going about as well as it had the last time such a thing had happened. One or two people had interrupted the Trio before they could even begin explaining, and others grew emboldened enough to join in.
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By the time the Ahnian king had even turned his head to make a "Here we go again..." comment, the situation was already well under control. Ippuru having drifted down from where the Creationary Trio and Siffo had been hovering, so everyone could see them. A few especially rowdy individuals were bold enough to advance forward a bit, as though their proximity would somehow intimidate the being.
Those few hit the ground particularly hard when Ippuru's feet touched down-- laid out in some exceedingly unnatural positions, not unlike a box that had been carelessly crushed underfoot. At least the other dissenters were likely uncomfortable at the most, from how they had been forced down as well.
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"They really aren't the brightest." Pythius muttered under his breath, giving a little grin when it got an amused scoff out of Jas, and a soft giggle from Cil. "Guess they cracked under the pressure, huh?"
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"Being so close to Creation is enough to make most people say and do crazy things. Though you wouldn't think anyone would be more inclined to pick a fight with a feeling like that looming over them."
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"There used to be a lot of people like that in Wilacri. Fighting always worked for them before, so why wouldn't it now? These people are-- were the same way, I bet!"
Said people had finally fallen quiet. Where the sounds of panic, of begging, and of anger had once bubbled up in response to their punishments, there was now nothing. Leaving a now visibly irritable Ippuru to float back to the other Creationary beings.
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"...As the lot of you appear to be quite finished squandering everyone's time, We shall begin without further ado. If everyone could listen closely, and refrain from voicing any questions until We say otherwise...We would rather not have need to repeat Ourselves more than necessary."
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styxnbones · 1 year
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One of these gays is a terrifying black hand priest with a kill count in the hundreds
the other is his cringefail ventrue boyfriend
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ooc-miqojak · 1 year
Peek at my Muse's Playlist
Funny, that these three are all... kind of thematically similar, but none of them go as hard as the majority of her playlist, lol.
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cheswirls · 2 years
once again having Thoughts abt kohza and conis being part of the revolutionary army
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vaguely-concerned · 9 months
In light of the info about the properties of souls in The Unwanted Guest, I want to shout out that Gideon — with no grounding in the theoretical underpinnings of the subject whatsoever — actually makes basically the same observation about the permeability of the soul at the end of Harrow the Ninth, when she's in Harrow's body and (with some justification) is pretty sure she's about to die in the River:
Harrowhark, did you know that if you die by drowning, apparently your whole life flashes in front of your eyes? I didn't know, as I died and took you along with me—having kept you alive for what, a whole two hours?—whether it was going to show me both. Like, at the end of everything, if it was going to be you and me, layered over each other as we always were. A final blurring of the edges between us, like water spilt over ink outlines. Melted steel. Mingled blood. Harrowhark-and-Gideon, Gideon-and-Harrowhark at last.
‘As we always were’! ‘Melted steel, mingled blood’! (Also interesting that despite saying earlier in the book that all she ever wanted was for Harrow to eat her (oh Gideon), the metaphors Gideon reaches for here are not about consumption ala what Ianthe’s deal and thus traditional lyctorhood is presented as in TUG, it’s about similar and equal substances joining together to a new whole, more like what we see with Paul. I personally feel like a Paul-style merging for Harrow and Gideon is not in the cards and would not be a satisfying ending — it worked as a bittersweet conclusion specifically for Pal and Cam because those two are utterly nuts in all their sanity lol, but I don’t think the series means to present it as The definitive answer to the central question of individuation vs. connection. There is something so moving to me, though, in the fact that right at the end this is what Gideon wants for her and Harrow. Not for Harrow to eat her, not simply to be of use to her, but to be made together from the same stuff. It’s a longing for connection and union that’s finally at least in imagery free from the imbalance within the ultimately hierarchical roles of necromancer and cavalier that Gideon internalizes through her corruption arc in Gideon the Ninth, understandably so as it’s the only model she’s presented with in their society to understand intimacy and attachment and devotion through. But Gideon says Harrowhark-and-Gideon, Gideon-and-Harrowhark at last, mutually and equally. And I’ve written about this before, but at what must be almost exactly the same time, the same process is happening in Harrow’s mind through the evolution in the symbolism of her dream bubbles. Help I am emotions now) 
Palamedes is so right, Gideon is a lot smarter than most people -- including Gideon herself -- ever give her credit for.
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cryyon · 1 year
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Pearl’s sheet is a bit more messy but I think if I tried to make a really nice ref sheet for her I’d perish after making so many for the other three so!! sketchy it is!! also a lil bit of info on the Architects villain group is that, unlike irl, pearl is the founder, mumbo is co founder. They formed the group together a little bit after mumbo/inventor was classified as a villain, pearl/lune was the one to offer mumbo the proposition. Grian joins last and its just them three, I don’t have plans on scar joining but maybe that will change. I would’ve done a proper lil comic bit but im rewriting the bits of planning i have... ALSO Rendog’s hero name is Sirius!! Theres a bit of lore between him, grian/poultry man and mumbo/inventor but that might change a bit? Because its very easy to make Ren the corrupt/bad guy imo bc of his whole king arc in season 9 of hermitcraft. Also a little pic of grian, mumbo and scar cuddling. Probably well after they find out each other’s identities n stuff. Another small note about them is that they’re incredibly loyal to each other.
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genericpuff · 1 month
ten storylines u think could have been amazing in lo if they had been handled better?
10 already feels like so much for a story like LO buuttt:
1.) the act of wrath plotline, seriously this one felt like it had some of the most lost potential as one of LO's more unique plotlines (and it lost that potential as soon as it was turned into some "oopsy" committed by persephone due to her wrath being a 'gift' from eris when she was a baby??? still bugs me so much ugh) give me back that dichotomy of Persephone and her internalized wrath, dangit.
2.) the Eros and Psyche plotline. it started off so promising as a parallel B-plot to H x P and then seemed to just get dropped halfway through S1 when Psyche got turned into a nymph.
3.) Echo's involvement as a double agent for Zeus. that was clearly the intention when she was introduced but then she was promptly dropped and only showed up again to say "fuck you Zeus" with zero build-up or implication that she had a change of heart. Like imagine if we actually saw her leaking info back to Zeus but then also getting closer to Hera on a personal level and realizing that she didn't want to keep snitching on her. it would have also made the 'big reveal' of Hera kissing Echo a lot more impactful because then they would have had an actual story arc.
4.) Persephone's character development into becoming the Dread Queen. Right now the story wants us to think that Persephone is somehow "better than ever" despite the fact that her version of the "Dread Queen" is being an absolute Karen. But think of how it could have been if her character de-evolution was the point, to show how Hades had corrupted her. Or if they were meant to be actual shitty people and not shitty people that the narrative was trying to convince us were good.
5.) Hades' and Minthe's relationship. It goes without saying that Minthe was wrong to turn to physical violence, but I'll die on the hill that Minthe wasn't being treated fairly by Hades, either. Those three flashback episodes in S2 leading up to Minthe getting turned into a plant were such a missed opportunity to showcase how Minthe became as bitter as she did towards Hades and what their relationship was actually like in the beginning (and why they liked each other in the first place which they very clearly did) but instead it just dragged its heels because obv Rachel didn't want people empathizing with Minthe.
6.) Ares being used as a tool for war by Zeus. It's clear being sent off to these wars is taking its toll on him and it's created a steep divide within the family, especially concerning how protective Ares is of Hera esp when it comes to how Zeus treats her.
7.) The Aphrodite / Hephaestus plotline. Good god I have no idea what the thought process was behind this one, some of the myths she kinda got away with flipping but this was the one that made the least sense to flip. There was so much potential there that was squandered, a lot of it at the expense of Aphrodite and Ares as traditionally powerful and respected gods.
8.) Hades' alcoholism. Minthe was right, simply falling for Persephone and dropping the cigars and brandy to make himself look better for her doesn't make him a changed person. If the alcoholism was linked to his trauma, why didn't we explore that more? Why couldn't we have seen him actually pursue proper recovery and have it not just be "I'm hot for the 19 year old girl but if I'm drinking constantly that'll make me look bad so I'm just gonna put on the best fake persona I can to make her fall in love with me" instead of actually getting to the root of his issues?
9.) The SA plotline. As much as I talk about how shitty it is, I have zero issue with the original depiction of it, I think it was very accurate especially when it comes to coercion. A lot of people assume SA has to be violent, kicking and screaming, begging for help, but coercive assault is often a lot quieter and more about manipulation which that scene nailed in depicting. It's just everything after that that feels completely misfired and more so for the purpose of making Hades look like a better person simply by comparing him to Apollo on the basis of "he never assaulted Persephone!" and it drives me nuts.
10.) Demeter's winter. In the most recent FP episode, while discussing it with pals, all I could really say was, "This was supposed to be a retelling of the Abduction of Persephone". And Demeter's winter is a core part of that story, one of its biggest purposes in Greek culture was using the myths to explain the creation of the seasons. Despite this being a "retelling" of the Abduction of Persephone / Hymn to Demeter, one of the most important characters in the entire myth has been reduced to, at worst, a Mother Gothel Disney villain, and at best, a pointless NPC.
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teriri-sayes · 7 months
Reactions to the Lone Flame's Chapter 215
TL;DR - Gashan can't use his shaman powers too. Story about how dragons became gods. Village chief does not know someone named CJG. Subjugation force will arrive in 3 days.
More Power Restrictions Mana and aura were not the only powers that were restricted. Gashan confirmed that he could not use his shaman powers/power of nature. So this brings us to the question: What about Cale's ancient powers? Unfortunately, the author did not mention anything about the ancient powers for the past chapters.
Dragons as Gods We got more world-building today, so I'll summarize it all in a story format:
This tale begins at the time when the weather drastically changed, and powers like mana and aura became unusable. These drastic changes brought about chaos to the world, and was thus referred to as the period of cataclysm.
There existed a place called the Free City of Gonia, which was rumored to be founded by people with dragon blood, the so-called half-blood dragons. During the cataclysm, the free city asked help from their dragon protectors for a solution.
The dragons responded to their pleas, and roamed around the world, helping in stabilizing the chaos. They repaired places where mana and aura became unusable, and stopped the beastkin who had fallen into madness. Their powers and attributes also helped alleviate the drastic weather changes.
Hence, people all over the world began to praise and worship the dragons. Their faith in the gods wavered, for the temples were rife with corruption, and the gods seemingly did not listen to their cries for help.
The Free City of Gonia renamed themselves as the Holy City, expanding its territory and openly declaring the worship of dragons as gods. However, the last emperor of the Har Empire vehemently opposed it.
The last emperor of the Har Empire and the last Archduke Snow secretly believed that it was actually the dragons who caused the cataclysm in their desire to become gods. But the world thought the Har Empire's opposition was because they were afraid to lose its status as a powerful nation, and the prestige of their first emperor, who was a dragon slayer, from falling.
War took place. The dragons abstained from joining the war, and only the ones said to be half-blood dragons participated. And in that war, the last emperor and the last Archduke Snow passed away.
The Har Empire was demoted to a kingdom, and fled to the north. The Holy City seized control of the Har Empire's territory, once again renaming themselves as the Holy Empire.
The Holy Empire declared to its neighbor countries that they would maintain friendly relations as long as they accepted the worship of dragons in their countries. They even offered their assistance in solving the chaos brought about by the cataclysm.
Thus, no country opposed the Holy Empire. And true to their word, the Holy Empire did assist other countries that asked for help, sending out dragons to resolve their problems. Dragon worship further spread to the world.
Other Answers to Cale's Questions As for Cale's other questions, CJG seemed to have disguised himself here, so the village chief did not know anyone of that name. But the village chief did keep a record of strangers who entered their village, so they would have to check that for any CJG clues.
The subjugation force was expected to arrive in 3 days, and Eruhaben expressed his worry about the enemies finding out about them. But Cale even welcomed it, saying that because they lacked information, they could just capture the subjugation force and interrogate them. Yes, typical Cale. 😂
Ending Remarks Nothing exciting happened again today. It's just info dump and more name reveals. The wolf beastkin among the villagers was called Koukan, and the village's name was Wins Village. Frankly, it feels weird? Back in the murim arc, we would have gotten lots of named characters already, but this time, only one person had been named. Village chief is still called village chief or elder, though it was revealed that he was a descendant from the butler family that served Archduke Snow.
Anyway, next chapter is either the villagers meeting Lock, or Cale's group capturing the subjugation force. And hopefully, we get an answer if Cale can use his ancient powers here.
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coldgoldlazarus · 2 months
Echoes and Hunters are really interesting to me because of their place relative to the rest of the series, as basically the closest thing to being self-contained Filler Episodes in Samus's life. It can be argued the Prime games as a whole are a filler arc, what with how you really don't need to play the Trilogy to understand the 2D games' ongoing narrative. Even so, it is still a whole arc within itself; despite being decent standalone titles, the phazon connection spanning all three enriches them in conjunction with one-another, and Corruption in particular leans a lot on the setup the first two provide.
Yet at the same time, while definitely connected to the other two, Echoes is distinctly the odd one out in a lot of ways, and the overarching phazon storyline seems almost incidental at times despite Dark Samus and the background setup of the conflict. It's not confirmed either way, but the dark world could be read as a pocket universe created by the leviathan seed malfunctioning, or a whole parallel dimension that it simply broke through into and created the copy of Aether within. Even if it is the latter, the Ing were probably a byproduct of the interaction of Phazon and the dark dimension, but there is also the possibility the were a distinct entity existing beforehand. Regardless of all of that, the Luminoth and Aether as a location certainly stand out as unique, and are only loosely connected to the bigger picture through a shared history with the Chozo.
Hunters, meanwhile, may wind up tying into Prime 4 through Sylux, but that too is extremely incidental to the main story focus, which is even more outright disconnected from the usual Metroid factions and concepts than even Echoes is. As people have joked about before, it really says something that killing Gorea, a terrible eldritch abomination that singlehandedly wiped out an entire galactic-region-spanning civilization, is probably one of the least important things Samus has done in her career. Even that aside, apart from Sylux and Weavel, most of the other hunters are similarly unique and disconnected from the established story, with Trace and the Kriken Empire in particular standing out as an elephant in the room that are weirdly less relevant than the info on them would imply.
And I love the overarching storyline, both of the Prime games and the series as a whole, and how the different mainline titles are for the most part thematically enriched by their interconnectivity and parallels. (Even Proteus Ridley, for all the problems I have with him, I do appreciate as a clear bridge between Corruption and Super.) But there is also something really fascinating to these two more avant-garde titles, that really expand the universe and try new things, instead of remaining confined to the core concepts the series usually keeps a tight focus on.
There is a risk of going too far and possibly losing sight of the aesthetic/thematic shore, so to speak, but I feel like we're not quite there yet, and I appreciate the effort to branch out. On the flipside, there is again some weirdness to some of this stuff being so confined instead of having a bigger impact, (looking at you Trace) but the level of tightness of the mainline games does kinda work in our favor here. Sure it's weird, but it's not out of the realm of plausibility that the Kriken really are a big deal, but just... elsewhere, and mostly haven't directly relevant to Samus's life outside of this one-off run-in with Trace.
Idk, I'm not really going anywhere in particular with this, I just think it's neat.
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spopsalt · 3 months
Ik Rick and BoJack are random but I wanted to add on some well written characters :)
context for the character and list of some of their crimes under the cut!
Catra Applesauce Meow Meow
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Definitely my most controversial pick for this list! Catra was an abused child soldier and abused her sister Adora, she was redeemed buttt her arc wasn't really...good. Her crimes: War crimes Abuse of power Corruption Reckless endangerment Psychological abuse Assault Terrorism Attempted regicide Attempted mass murder Attempted world domination Attempted cataclysm Conspiracy Mass destruction Abduction & kidnapping Unlawful imprisonment Brainwashing Theft Torture Treason Usurpation Coercion Stalking Mutilation Aiding and abetting Illegal use of weapons Espionage Crimes against peace Crimes against Etheria Altering reality (unintentional)
Next up my personal least favorite out of this list, Stolas!
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Awww poor guy, forcing someone into having sex with you with holding what they need for their job over their head, his crimes took me a bit longer considering he's considered just a poor guy buttt here's a list I thought of from the top of my head: Child Neglect, Abuse of power (unsure if that's a crime) harrasment, r*pe
Next up Bojack the Horseman, Bojack the horse don't act like you don't know!
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One of the more sympathetic ones, he's still an asshole but he does try to change and he is well written. He's egotistical and has a huge ego, we do get a positive implied outcome in the series finale, but it's still unclear. Here's a list of his crimes: Murder via inaction Assault Attempted murder Theft Drugging Breaking and entering Harassment Stalking Drug dealing and possession Driving under the influence Supplying alcohol to minors Corruption Sabotage Fraud Identity theft Trespassing Child endangerment Bullying Destruction of property Arson Sexual misconduct with a minor Psychological abuse
Next up my favorite, but still an awful person, Rick Sanchez!
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Again, he's one of the more sympathetic ones given his past, and he is actively trying to change and does really love his grandson,the rest of his family and friends even sacrificing himself for his grandson but he is still a horrible person with a longgg list of crimes, also disclaimer ripped most of these from the villains wiki so if any info is missing or inaccurate that's why. List of crimes: Unethical experimentation Negligence Mass murder Mass genocide Mass enslavement Mass torture Mass mundicide Mass property damage Mass manslaughter Mass theoricideMass omnicide (heavily implied)Terrorism Treason Theft Trespassing Death threats Hijacking Assault and battery Psychological abuse Human trafficking Vandalism Regicide Arson Deicide Piracy Possession Hacking Kidnapping Blackmail Con artistry Drug dealing Mutilation Brainwashing Smuggling Corruption Defilement Heresy Vigilantism False imprisonment Jailbreak Sabotage Incrimination Reckless endangerment Indecent exposure Impersonation Cannibalism Aiding and abetting Disturbing the peace Child abuse Substance abuse Abuse of power Burglary War crimes Animal cruelty Forced transmutations Corpse desecrations Grand theft DUI Pollution Attempted infanticideIllicit dealings Weapons dealing Graverobbery Usurpation Public intoxication Child endangerment Evading arrest Perjury Illegal weapons development
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born-in-hell · 7 months
w all the "sinners" theme going on in the qsmp i wanted to summarize everyones sins pre-qsmp lore
Take this as an unofficial and incomplete guide to the qsmp chars past mistakes and wrongdoings. I will also dive on their personalities, since i dont think they'd change so much from pre-lore.
ill keep working on this and adding more info !!! if smth is wrong lmk plss
the colors signify the intensity and/or quantity of known sins.
things like "demon", "cryptid" and "grim reaper" are added here not bc i personally consider them bad, but bc the fed/ the eye might see them as issues.
· qbbh: grim reaper demon. caused a catastrophe when arrived that killed many people (some theorize it was atlantis). burned a childrens hospital once. did something in venice. trickster, liar. (as egglore is semi-canon u can count it in and say hes a former cult leader but eh). Besides his children, trusts no one. Sandwitches the truth between lies to a point no one can tell when hes lying or not. Intentionally acts suspicious, pushing friends and loved ones away. Tends to pull deathly and sometimes harmful pranks on others for fun. Tends to lie abt unserious things for his own amusement. I consider bbh a fox-like spirit.
· qcellbit: cannibal, torturer, murderer. mentor in the war was a demon. liar, manipulator. name originates from his time in prision, where he used a broken cellphone to frighten the other inmates. Kept his nature while in the island, it appearing more softly in the start (the Regret arc, where he falsely betrayed everyone to get intel on the fed), and fully unleashing when he learned the truth abt his past ─ killing the fed workers and threatning qPac ─ and in Purgatory.
· qmike: thief. stole from rich ppl in order to donate to orphanages w qpac. both betrayed qcellbit (formerly cell) when they escaped from prision, leaving him for dead. Not afraid to go against authority figures. Does everything to protect his family. Doesnt trust a lot of people. Stands his ground.
· qfit: 2b2t veteran. i dont need to say more.
· qroier: was obsessive over his last bf. made a cult in his name. tried to kill him ig.
· qmouse: demon & proud. excentric, likes death and blood. enjoys chaos and suffering.
· qfoolish: afaik we dont have much info on his past. Isnt afraid to do what he believes is necessary, even when it makes him a villain. Patient and cunning. Tends to tell the truth, despite not always saying his true intentions. Two-faced.
· qforever: was a corrupt politician. bf from outside the island is a vampire. possibly not a human, although nothing is truly confirmed. If unhuman, theories and hcs span from werewolf, to fae, to elf. His mistakes arise from being too good for his own good. When he became president, he declared he didnt want to be corrupt again, or become a dictator. Always tries to be as morally right as he can, even though it may push his friends away.
· qpac: thief. stole from rich ppl in order to donate to orphanages w qpac. both betrayed qcellbit (formerly cell) when they escaped from prision, leaving him for dead. Has abandonment and self-esteem issues.
· qphil: angel of death. married to lady death herself. If Antarctic Empire is confirmed cannon, hes also a world-conquerer and war criminal.
· qmissa: grim reaper (unconfirmed lore afaik). Naive and innocent. Has major self-esteem issues.
· qtina: demon. hides her identity for unclear resons.
· qjaiden: liar, manipulator. even tho, is a kind soul. fed experiment. besides this, not much info on her past.
· qslime: we dont have any info on his past. Has a weird toxic relationship w qmarianna. Certainly not one of the purest islanders.
·qmarianna: we dont have any info on his past. Has a weird toxic relationship w qsime. Certainly not one of the purest islanders.
· qaypierre: fed experiment (afaik; i guess). he has smth going on.
· qbagi: nothing particularly bad stands out abt her past.
· qbagh: besides being a fed experiment and an islander since was a child, nothing bad stands out abt her past and/or current actions.
· qtubbo: we dont have any info on his past. Naive and impulsive young adult.
· qfelps: he is a weird one. He doesnt have any sins in his past, as he was one of the "good guys". When he was a guard at Alcatraz, cellbit attacked him him. It is unknown if he survived the attack or came back to life.
· qetoiles: we dont have any info on his past. Is a noble warrior, and values fairness over anything.
· qantoine: we dont know. no one knows. is envolved w the feds and cucurucho. a type of cryptid or smth.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Symptoms of what is being called Corruption (or The Corruption of The/Our Voice of Truth) are under the cut! Why exactly it's popping up, and what it is that's causing it will be in another post!
One note is that when it says "glitchy" appearance, it means that it can appear staticky, distorted, hazy, doubled, opaque, a different feature entirely...pretty much anything that isn't naturally occurring in that person.
Another note is that this corruption CANNOT be healed at this point (Gotta spin those three c's first! Or. well. One of them, starting tomorrow), and symptoms can't really be relieved by any means. In fact, trying to heal it will probably make it worse (or at least make symptoms temporarily worsen), since it would just be throwing more energy on something that's corrupting the very energy that comprises...well. Existence.
Early effects (First 3-4 days for corruption from Zhrun/First 7 days for corruption from other):
The sensation of "something/someone" being inside them/their head will steadily grow over the early days of corruption. Very rarely, it will feel (rather than sound) as if something is trying to communicate with them, but it's impossible to understand.
Their presence is somewhat obscured from the Creationary Trio's senses, but they can still ultimately be tracked, and specifics will be known about them after a moment or two of focus.
Living things can be corrupted after 12+ hours of (non-continuous-- the corruption lingers) proximity, or after a short period of physical contact. Non-living things can't be corrupted yet, at this stage.
Regularly occurring feelings of inexplicable fear and dread to varying degrees of moderate to severe, as well as rare periods of confusion and the inability to focus-- though that last two bits may come across more as them being more spacey than they typically would be, or that they're getting sick or tired. The former two can become severe enough to cause physical repercussions, such as nausea, for example.
Magical/"otherworldly" powers are effected. ~15% of the time, the powers will manifest in ways that weren't expected. Stronger or weaker, or altogether a different effect than what was supposed to occur.
Pain begins. Sometimes it spikes to be crippling in its intensity (maybe once or twice a day for 10-30 minutes?), but usually it's a moderate, inexplicable pain. Can't really be explained in any way other than "Something is wrong". A shifter of any sort might say that it feels somewhat reminiscent of being stuck in the middle of a shift. Delerium can be caused by the more intense pain, as well as other physical effects. The mental and physical effects are equally as shitty here.
Early-mid effects (1 week for corruption from Zhrun/1-2 weeks for corruption from other):
Can start to hear echoes of "something", along with the sensation of something being inside them. These echoes are what starts to drive the corrupted to insanity. Still can't understand what's being communicated, but it will start to feel like when a word is right on the tip of your tongue.
Creationary Trio can sense their location, but not specifics about the effected. Easy to track, and relatively easy to cure. Mild side effects after being healed.
Living things are corrupted after 6+ hours of proximity, or after a short period of physical contact. Non-living things can only be corrupted after continued physical contact (~6+ hours)
Occasionally, some of their extremities will seem to grow staticky and warped.
This is when the psychosis first starts to appear, and can be categorized a variety of different things. It's not constant, and rather seems to spring up particularly during times that they can hear the "echo"...which less than a third of the time, but up to half by the later points of this stage. (ie: Difficulty to comprehend or complete things that would typically be automatic processes for them. (breathing, blinking, speaking, etc) Moderately distorted short-term memory, and mildly distorted long-term memory. Severe mood swings. Wild, unpredictable, and/or irrational behavior. Sensing things that aren't there, or not sensing something that is there. Sudden, severe worsening of mental conditions. This is just naming a few though, and honestly if your muse is corrupted and you want them to show the psychosis in a certain way, go nuts, they can show any mix of indicators for it!)
There will be periods of confusion along with the psychosis at times. Not recognizing where they are, or not understanding something that's being said to them (in a language they typically understand). Inexplicable fear and dread typically accompanies this.
Magical/"otherworldly" powers are crippled. About 25% of the time, they don't respond at all, and another 25% of the time, they don't act as intended-- weakening or strengthening at random, or sometimes doing something entirely different altogether. The other 50% of the time, it works as normal.
Pain worsens, but it's the mental effects that are more agonizing at this point.
Periodically, their bodies will act outside their will. Things that seem like muscle spasms, or involuntary vocalizations.
Mid effects (2 weeks for corruption from Zhrun/2-3 weeks for corruption from other):
First start clearly hearing hive mind and "The Voice of Truth", but it's intermittent. The presence from before feels normal now, so the fear/dread response isn't as prevalent, anymore. Passively understands what is being communicated to them, here and there.
Creationary Trio can barely sense them anymore, plus ~15 or so feet around them. Still possible for them to be saved-- the only thing that makes it harder than the lower tiers is that by this point, they're harder to track since they can't be sensed as easily. Mild to moderate side-effects after being healed.
Living things are infected after a short period of proximity (Touch makes it immediate). Non-living things after 12+ hours of proximity (Touch infects after a short period). Other things would take days, if at all, depending on the strength of the corrupted being (Touch only slightly effects this).
Appearance becomes "glitchy" from time to time (5-10% of the time), to varying degrees of severity. When this is happening, they'll be unable to physically interact with anything that isn't corrupted with the parts of them that are effected.
Psychosis severely worsens in this stage; particularly when they're able to hear the hivemind. Short-term memory is sketchy at best and doesn't reliably develop at this point Long-term memory is moderately distorted as well. There will be periods that even people they know will seem foreign or "not quite them". However, they'll be able to recognize those that are experiencing the effect in this category and higher without fail. This group is most likely to attack what it doesn't recognize in an attempt to corrupt (or further corrupt) it.
Magical or "otherworldly" powers they're in possession of only work about half the time. When it doesn't work, the power just doesn't respond at all, or will manifest as an brief, but uncontrollable surge.
Should not be killed, as their energy will immediately return to the Creationary Trio's Well, thus further corrupting it and unbalancing existence as a whole once enough corruption is built up. At this stage, Creation can suppress or convert the energy back, but it takes a good amount of time.
Can no longer die from things like hunger, thirst, age, exhaustion, etc.
If someone in one of the former categories is killed near it, it can "consume" the corrupted energy left behind.
Pain is at its highest level in this stage. At this point, the pain is probably worse than the mental effects, if only because when the psychosis is in effect, the corrupted person won't really be fully aware anyway. The pain, on the other hand...yeah.
Actions will occasionally happen out of their control as "The Voice of Truth's" frequency further corrupts their own. Physical actions can be to the point that the corrupted individual hurts themselves. If in a particularly serious bout of psychosis, they'll talk uncontrollably (presumably to the hive mind, or to The One True Voice itself)-- sometimes in a known language...other times, completely incomprehensibly.
Mid-late effects (3 weeks for corruption from Zhrun/3-4 weeks for corruption from others):
First effected by the hive mind, and compelled to follow The One True Voice's will (intermittent). Can hear it constantly, and fully understands what is being communicated.
Covers the immediate 50 or so feet around them from the Creationary Trio's senses. It's difficult, but still possible for them to be saved from this stage. Mild to major side effects occur after being healed.
Living things are infected immediately (Touch makes it skip to early-mid stage immediately), Non-living things are corrupted after a short period of time (Touch makes it immediate). Everything else would be corrupted after 12+ hours of exposure (touch makes it after a short period of time).
Barely recognizable anymore-- 50-75% of their appearance is "glitchy" at any given time. It's difficult for them to interact physically with non-corrupted objects at all about 50% of the time. Otherwise, it's just with whatever parts of them are "glitched".
Psychosis is in full swing. There's very few moments of clarity, so not only are they hardly themselves by this point, but they'll hardly recognize anything that isn't corrupted to the the point of at least experiencing the effects in the "Mid" category. Whether or not they attack or ignore something that falls into that requirement depends on how attention-catching the thing in question is. (ie: It's attacking them, it's moving around a lot, It's making a lot of noise, etc.)
Any magical or "otherworldly" powers they commanded before are no longer at their disposal. Instead, they are able to wield a somewhat diluted form of Creationary energy, via their new connection to the Creationary Other.
Should not be killed, as their energy will immediately return to the Creationary Trio's Well, thus further corrupting it and unbalancing existence as a whole once enough corruption is built up, and by this level, it's too much for Creation to reliably convert/suppress.
If someone in one of the former categories is killed near it, it can "consume" the corrupted energy left behind.
Pain has mostly receded…or maybe more accurately, isn't registered anymore.
Incoherent babbling and outbursts, coupled with nonsensical or (when "glitched") outright impossible movements. Behavior switches from wild and unpredictable, to dazed and sluggish at the drop of a hat.
Late effects (1 month+):
Too corrupted to be saved with the initially planned cure level-- they no longer belong to the Creationary Trio, but also doesn't fully belong to the The Voice of Truth, either.
Fully integrates with hive mind.
"Infects" anything they're around immediately by touch, or within minutes by proximity.
Tries constantly to reach the The One True Voice. Most seem to wander about aimlessly, trying to find a way into Zhrun.
No semblance of former self remains. Does not recognize anyone that isn't corrupted to the the point of at least experiencing the effects in the "Mid" category, but will mostly ignore them in favor of trying to get to the Voice of Truth.
Fully "Glitched" appearance.
Cannot be killed, but can be temporarily stunned via a few select methods.
If someone in one of the former categories is killed near it, it can "consume" the corrupted energy left behind. It can also simply...revive it right away, instead. Which isn't great either.
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tanthamore-events · 1 year
Tanthamore Week May 2023 Info (updated)
What is Tanthamore Week?
Tanthamore Week 2023 is a week-long fanwork creation celebration for the pairing Jade Claymore/Kit Tanthalos from the TV show Willow (2022), running from May 22-28, 2023. The theme is “Season 2”!
How does it work?
You create fan content aligning with one of the prompts and post it during the week! You can use the tags and AO3 collection to organise, and we will reblog/post some of the creations.
There are seven prompts, one for each day – they are general and then we have provided specific ideas for each of them. You don’t have to use any of the specific ones.
Tumblr media
You don’t have to create something for every day! You don’t have to adhere strictly to the prompts! This is meant to be as inclusive and accessible as possible. There are no word minimums or maximums, no requirements for art size or approach, etc. You can write a long fic that hits each of the prompts, or a drabble for only one prompt – anything is welcome.
All types of fan content are welcome: art, fic, vids, fan mixes, rec lists, etc. If it’s transformative, it’s welcome!
You can add your work to the collection on AO3 here if you would like (use the "Post to Collection" button).
All content should be in some way related to Tanthamore, and to the overall theme of “Season 2”, but other than that, feel free to interpret the prompts and guidelines however you like. We are not going to police your work!
All ratings and content warnings are welcome, but please tag it appropriately (on AO3, using the Archive warnings and rating system as you please, and on Tumblr, with tags that communicate the content in a manner similar to the archive warnings.
Any questions can be asked using our ask box or emailed to us at [email protected].
Day 1: A World of Fantasy
Everything Bavmorda
Tanthalos family history/family tree
Crone backstory
Who is Lili?
Blood of the Six
The history of Kael and/or the Bone Reavers
Who are the Mothers?
Fairies, mermaids, minotaurs, fantasy creatures of all kinds
The Wyrm / the Wyrmworld
Day 2: The Darkness Within
Character goes to the dark side / is evil
Jade gets corrupted by the Crone
Graydon emerges from the Immemorial City
Kit gets taken instead of Airk
Bavmorda corrupts the twins
Madmartigan comes back evil
Day 3: The Journey Home
Return to the Wildwood
Scorpia’s successful mission to free the slaves from Skellin
Vale of Boobs
Revisiting Ballantine's grave
How do they get back up the waterfall at the end of the world?
Return to Nockmaar
Rescuing Graydon
Sneaky kisses
Public kisses
Getting teased
Day 4: Preparing for the Long War
Drawing lines in the sand
Gathering allies
Training Arcs
Galladoorn and the Shining Legion become enemies of Tir Asleen
New allies
Day 5: Haunted
Haunted by decisions made in the past
Nightmares/bad dreams or memories
Supernatural spookiness
Characters are forced to face their fears
Madmartigan returns, and how Kit, Airk, and Sorsha respond
Finally talking about past events
Day 6: Countdown
Racing against time
Time jumps
Characters have to be somewhere by a certain time/date
Day 7: Lessons learned
What was gained/what was lost
The Cuirass
Processing past events
Consequences of past actions
Understanding past mistakes
Training together
Really excited to see what everyone creates! Please spread the word to your Tanthamore-loving friends <3.
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the-crimson · 9 months
Scrolling the tag and my dash and I’ve seen quite a few people saying it’s fucked up that Forever holds the worker’s life as more important than Dapper’s - telling Bad that he has info about Dapper that he’ll only share if Bad shows Forever the worker - and… no?
First, I don’t think Forever knows anything about what happened to Dapper or the other eggs else he’d share it with literally everyone or the other Brazilians at the very least XD (Forever viewers correct me if I’m wrong)
Secondly, I don’t think Forever cares about the worker at all. He care about BAD.
Forever thinks Bad is sick like Forever was on the happy pills and that he needs to be cured somehow. Forever needs Bad to confess to kidnapping the worker so Forever can help him because Forever can’t accept that this is who Bad has always been and the version Bad has showed him, the person Forever has become best friends with, was a lie.
Forever never saw who Bad turned into around Etoiles. Forever never met the Bad that first arrived on the island. Forever never knew the brand new parent that created five different houses and dug a new hole every night for Dapper to sleep in. Forever met the Badboyhalo that had been softened and domesticated by fatherhood.
The only people who knew the lengths Bad could reach are Etoiles, Max, and Foolish.
Etoiles recognized the wolf beneath the sheep costume immediately and has been trying for months for Bad to acknowledge this. Recently, Bad admitted that Etoiles was right.
Max has been corrupted by Bad’s lack of morality through their friendship. Bad was literally a devil on his shoulder.
Foolish knows exactly what Bad is and wants him to stop holding back. Foolish wants to see what Bad is truly capable of and has said multiple times that even if Foolish doesn’t participate himself he’ll cheer Bad on from the sidelines, with popcorn most likely in tow.
Forever wants to save Bad but he doesn’t realize/can’t except that the only one that can save Bad is himself. Everything Bad’s done has been incredibly premeditated and intentional. He is intentionally hurting Baghera and Forever with full understanding that it could permanently destroy their relationships. It doesn’t matter. Bad is willing to do anything, cross any line, to get the kids back. Including making everyone hate him and getting himself killed.
There really isn’t anything Forever can do to help Bad because the things that made him this way are thousands of years old traumas. I don’t even think getting the eggs back would help Bad right now. Forever is doing his best in an impossible situation, just like Baghera, and I hope we’ll get a resolution to this arc when Forever comes back from his vacation and it’s not just resolved while everyone is gone.
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schweety · 5 months
i've been bitching about the ending non-stop so i sat down and thought about how i would've ended it, so here are my thoughts (unhinged)
first and foremost: hiyori's death
how i would have done it: she had an unique status as an half-ayakashi. a few chaps back, when she was almost sucked into that hole, i wholly believed adachitoka was planning for her to go to the underworld to meet izanami. i'd have loved to see her meet the goddess of death, somehow get the info on how to break the koto no ha (as izanami is surely still mad at father), making a promise to her to bring father to her and then return to the near shore (as she's half-human) to kill father without having to die for the melodrama of it all.
and to make her return to her body, yato'd have had to cut their ties once and for all, making her forget about him (this would have been just as emotional and dramatic as her death!)
second: the whole heaven arc
i would've shown at least SOMETHING about heaven (like a covenant) officially pardoning bishamon and co. and amaterasu announcing that heaven had to change their ways in order to never let anything like this happen again. amaterasu saw first-hand what corruption could lead to and an insight into her mind, her thoughts and learnings all brought to her by yato would've resolved at least some of the loose threads from the heaven arc.
third: god's greatest secret
this wasn't resolved at all by adachitoka. kazuma and yukine have been touched by GGS and lived! nice, but what about the secret as a whole? honestly, all gods should be deadly afraid of them bc of this and not allow their shinkis to hang with them at all lol.
the whole point of GGS was that the painful, regretful death of their past lives would corrupt a shinki. the solution to this whole thing, in my eyes? break the taboo as a whole. not sure how exactly i'd have handled this, but if all shinkis knew their past lives, they could start healing each other together, playing back into the famous quote that ,,only humans can help humans'', which shinki are. ofc, this would need like a whole arc of itself so the ending in the manga is fine, i guess. they just don't rly talk about it lol.
fourth: father
OOOH what wasted potential! he was so complex and then they went ''haha, bad guy go blubblub'' which i honestly don't even mind at all. but i'd have added at least one scene of him meeting izanami back in the underworld, with her wearing kaya's face once again. he'd hear kaya's words ''to let it go'' one last time before he accepts his death and failure, embracing izanami and meeting his end therem eternal limbo. it'd have been a deserved death, bc he was (comically) evil and did terrible things but with some more context and depth to his character (which he always had!).
fifth, yato's lifeline (the most important one)
the literal plotpoint of the manga was yato being recognized as a god by the people. the whole twitter debacle was funny, yeah, but oh so cheap.
i personally would've loved for him to realize, after saving hiyori, that he actually wasn't disappearing at all, making him realize that there were people believing in him (like masaomi). they could've cut back to the little boy with his cat, who still thought about yato as his saviour, or to the girl he saved in chapter 1, who remembered a god that had brought her happiness. he'd have realized that, while bringing calamity, he had also been a god of fortune to them all the time. would've been such a nice, full circle and such a good pointe to this whole lifeline thematic and another realization that father had been lying to him all along. BUT NO. TWITTER SAVED HIM. hsuiahfsdufhudzshf
and lastly, the timeskip:
honestly? i liked this about the chap. showing hiyori as a doctor, her thriving, i was so happy! i would've kept that. also i like the fact that yato hid her diary from her, in order to let her live her life after cutting their ties, peak drama, mwah!
of course, she remembers him, i loved how his name formed on her lips and boom, there he was, on the tree
i would've added a convo, something, anything!!! they haven't talked in yrs (real-time!) so they should've exchanged words, a hug, WHATEVER, accepting their love for each other, accepting that she has to live on on the near shore, as much as it dooms their relationship. some frigging acknowledgment of their feelings for each other, come on!
also, yatorine reunion, before we cut to the end page where hiyori writes in her diary about yato.
the rest? i was fine with. take has a good end, bishamon has a good end, nora especially won! i liked these points but like… everything else i pointed out? too sad we're left with these threads hanging loose, i guess :(
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