#[dominion intensifies]
doesjingorolikeit · 2 years
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Something I made around Halloween-time, based on a Sisters of Mercy album cover. I liked the idea, and the album being from ‘87 and having a sax solo right in the opener helped it along 🎷
(I’m still around - may post some more relevant art going forward)
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Repost from @jewishvoiceforpeace
Today, far-right Israelis are rampaging through occupied Jerusalem on a route intentionally designed to assert dominion over Palestinian space in the city. Backed by police and the state, they hold Israeli flags, yell genocidal slogans, and commit violence and destruction against Palestinians.
The “Flag March” happens annually on “Jerusalem Day,” the anniversary of Israel’s 1967 military occupation of Jerusalem and the West Bank. It celebrates Jewish supremacy and control over Palestinians and their land. Marchers advocate for Palestinian genocide and attack Palestinian passersby.
This year, the fascist nature of this march is intensified by the Israeli military’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. Today’s brutality against Palestinians in Jerusalem and in Gaza are the result of the same ideology: Zionism.
Zionism is the ideology that the Israeli government rests upon. It claims Jewish safety requires a Jewish-only nation-state. Zionists use the strategy of violent ethnic cleansing to ensure their goal of “maximum land, minimum Palestinians.”
Some will try to write off the genocidal views and violent actions of far-right Israelis in the Flag March as “extreme.” They are “extreme” in their inhumanity and their audacity— but they aren’t fringe. They are actively protected by Israeli police and enabled by the state.
Today and always, keep your eyes on Jerusalem and your hearts with the Palestinians there as they endure and resist this horrifying march.
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lilacura · 10 months
You belong to me
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pairing: Kim Minjeong x Reader
warnings: JEALOUSYYY
>wc: 1.2k
summary: In the pulsating college party, Minjeong's possessiveness emerges, casting an unsettling shadow over the night, as tensions escalate into a different atmosphere now playing ♫ "you belong to me" ♫- the weekend
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As the pulsating beats echoed through Aeri's luxurious manor, you and Minjeong entered the lively college party hand in hand. Minjeong, the enigmatic star of the basketball team, radiated an aura of confidence and intimidation that kept most at a distance. Her cold exterior melted only for you, the once-unnoticed Y/N, who blossomed into the spotlight by Minjeong's side.
You both navigated through the lively crowd, and as Minjeong settled onto a plush couch with her basketball friends Aeri and Jimin, you felt the rhythm pull you toward the dance floor with Yunjin. The music intensified, creating an electrifying atmosphere that matched the charged energy between you and Minjeong.
Dancing under the vibrant lights, you and Yunjin lost yourselves in the music. The chemistry on the dance floor was undeniable, but little did you know that Minjeong, from her perch on the couch, observed every move with keen eyes. As Yunjin's hands snaked around your waist, a flicker of jealousy ignited within Minjeong's gaze.
The room seemed to contract, focusing solely on Minjeong as conflicting emotions stirred within her. Aeri and Jimin exchanged knowing glances, recognizing the storm brewing in their friend's usually composed demeanor. Minjeong's fingers tightened around her drink as she continued to watch, unable to tear her eyes away from the scene unfolding on the dance floor.
The thumping bass of the music reverberated through the crowded dance floor as you lost yourself in the rhythm alongside Yunjin. The colorful lights danced around, casting a mesmerizing glow on the revelers. Unaware, a lurking sense of dread crept through the shadows, unbeknownst to you.
Minjeong, unable to contain the jealousy that had taken root, rose from her seat on the couch. With a determined stride, she made her way to the dance floor, her piercing gaze locking onto Yunjin. Aeri and Jimin, once again, exchanged glances, sensing the impending clash of wills.
As Minjeong approached, a hushed tension rippled through the dance floor, parting the crowd like the Red Sea. Yunjin, oblivious to the approaching storm, continued dancing until Minjeong tapped her on the shoulder.
Without a single word, Minjeong's actions spoke volumes. The dance floor seemed to bow to her silent command as Yunjin, recognizing the unspoken authority, hurriedly parted from your side. A subtle smirk played on Minjeong's lips as she claimed the space.
With an almost predatory grace, Minjeong closed the distance between you. The atmosphere crackled with an electrifying tension as she slid her hands around your waist, fingers confidently tracing the curve of your hips. The touch was possessive, yet tender, a silent declaration of her claim.
As her body pressed against yours, Minjeong's presence enveloped you like a shield. The possessive gleam in her eyes intensified, casting a magnetic allure that held you captive. The dance floor, once a realm of shared energy, now became an intimate stage where Minjeong asserted her dominion.
Her hands, skilled and confident, moved with a purpose, their warmth seeping through the fabric of your clothes. The dance became a subtle choreography of desire and possession, each movement deliberate and filled with unspoken promises. A shiver ran down your spine as Minjeong's breath tickled your earlobe, and the words, "You belong to me," hung in the air like a hypnotic mantra.
As the song neared its end, Minjeong's grip softened, but the residue of her touch lingered. Turning to face her, you caught a glimpse of a complex array of emotions in her eyes – possessiveness, vulnerability, and a hint of tenderness and yet, in that moment, it wasn't about control but a reassurance of the deep connection you both shared.
The dance floor, once charged with tension, transformed into a stage for a private performance of love and passion. The unspoken exchange between you and Minjeong defied the world around, making it clear that in the dance of emotions, Minjeong was the one leading, and you were willingly following.
As you turned to face her, her gaze held a mix of jealousy and adoration. The unspoken understanding between you and Minjeong became the undercurrent of the night, shaping the narrative of a love that could weather any storm.
Together, you and Minjeong returned to the couch, the subtle shift in dynamics evident to those who observed. The party continued, but the dance floor had become a canvas where emotions painted a vivid masterpiece. The possessive whisper still echoed in your mind, a testament to the depth of Minjeong's feelings, and as the night unfolded, the connection between you and Minjeong grew stronger, solidifying your status as each other's irreplaceable halves.
"Everything okay?" you asked, concern knitting your brows as Minjeong took a moment before responding.
"fine," she replied dismissively, her eyes avoiding yours with a tinge of jealousy. Unspoken words, heavy with resentment, lingered in the air, and an invisible barrier seemed to have emerged between you and Minjeong. Doubt crept into your mind, questioning whether everything was truly fine as her response carried a dismissive tone that left you feeling uneasy.
The night continued, the party unfolding in a symphony of laughter and music. Despite the external festivities, an unspoken tension simmered beneath the surface. Minjeong's pride clashed with the vulnerability she felt seeing you in another's arms.
As the evening progressed, you found yourself caught in the crossfire of emotions. Minjeong's usual stoicism cracked, revealing a raw honesty that both surprised and intrigued you. Sensing the need for a private moment, you guided Minjeong away from the crowd to a secluded balcony overlooking the sprawling city lights.
The cool night air enveloped you both as you turned to face Minjeong, her guarded expression softening as her eyes met yours. "What's going on, Minjeong?" you asked, your voice gentle yet insistent.
Minjeong sighed, her guard lowering even further. "I hate feeling like someone might steal you away," she admitted, her gaze fixated on the city lights below. "I know it's irrational, but seeing you in someone else's arms…it drives me crazy."
You squeezed her hand gently, offering a reassuring smile. "Minjeong, you don't have to worry. No one could ever replace you," you said, your voice carrying a soft sincerity that echoed in the night air.
A vulnerable smile tugged at Minjeong's lips as she turned to look at you. "You're too good for me, Y/N. I'm not used to someone caring this much," she confessed, her eyes revealing a mixture of gratitude and longing. "I just... I can't stand the thought of losing you."
Your heart swelled with affection as you cupped Minjeong's cheek, your thumb tracing a soothing pattern. "You won't lose me, Minjeong. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere," you reassured her, your words carrying the weight of commitment.
The balcony became a space for raw confessions, the vulnerability shared creating a bond that transcended the uncertainties. The city lights below witnessed the unspoken promises exchanged between you and Minjeong, the twinkle in your eyes reflecting the depth of emotions shared.
As you both returned to the party, hand in hand, Minjeong's possessiveness now mingled with a newfound understanding. She stayed close, a subtle protective presence, but allowed you to enjoy the night. The music played on, and the dance floor became a testament to your unity, each step reinforcing the unspoken commitment between you.
Minjeong, though occasionally casting a watchful eye, lets you revel in the joy of the party. The newfound vulnerability in her gaze spoke volumes, a silent acknowledgment that while she might not like seeing you too close with others, she trusted in the strength of your connection.
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a/n: idrk how i feel abt this tbh 😰 and I KNOW the song isnt called you belong to me, but for the sake of this fic lets act like it is
let’s also ignore the fact that the ‘hre’ in atmosphere isn’t colored 🥰 idfk why it’s not working but we move on!
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lizaluvsthis · 4 months
Destiny has already decided
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- What if (in Triple Threat AU) - 
- Eratica got to talk to her inner self? (Eri) -
Summary: Eratica got sent to the abyss where she happens to meet her inner-self
Talked to @dreamteamredstinger about couple of Lore drops Eratica has and the AU itself, since eri's my fav this story is about her and her innerself ^^
Anyways enjoy lovely fans and to people who love Eratica!
Especially to RedStinger since this is one of the first gift fic he's getting
A white light suddenly burst into the plain white space, revealing a lone woman caught off guard by the unexpected appearance. 
Time seemed to slow down as the person’s eyes widened in realization. For a brief moment, fear consumed her, but she refused to let it control her. 
With a clear and steady mind, she quickly assessed her situation and decided to use her sword as a makeshift stair; she stabbed it into the ground just before her body could touch the floor.
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Her boot landed on the top handle, and she gracefully landed safely on the ground, her sword still firmly embedded in the floor.
Her feet stabilized as she took in the surroundings around her. 
Her eyes darted around, taking in the endless white spaces that seemed to stretch indefinitely. 
With a determined look, she pulled her sword from the ground, its weight firmly gripped in her strong grasp.
"Where in the hell am I?" She said aloud, her hood falling to her shoulders revealing her face and her mask hanging loosely around her chin. She took a deep breath, taking off her mask momentarily as she looked around the space in confusion.
The woman's face revealed signs of battles past. A scar on her left eyebrow, a scar on her cheek, and hints of corruption on the left corner of her cheek that crept down her neck. 
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"What is this place...?" she asked aloud, her voice echoing faintly in the quiet space, the volume seeming out of sync through the emptiness surrounding her.
Her gaze fell beneath her feet, and she looked at the tile reflecting her appearance. 
Suddenly, a faint glow caught her eye, and her focus shifted towards it.
Her senses tingle with anticipation, bracing for a possible encounter yet to come.
The surrounding atmosphere suddenly darkened, the glow intensified to an explosion of brightness. 
In a quick motion, Eratica shielded her eyes with her cape, protecting them from the blinding light that engulfed them all around her as the explosion occurred.
As the brightness faded and the abyss returned to its previous state of blank white emptiness, Eratica slowly lowered her arm, eyes opening once again. 
She steeled for the unknown, preparing to face whatever may come.
Only to find that she was staring back at...herself?
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Her eyes widened in surprise to beheld her inner self, transformed into a young, healthy, and unblemished version.
The other version of her wore a purple sleeve and sported long, flowing hair, and eyes appearing innocent.
She couldn't help but take notice of the other version's stature, as she seemed shorter in comparison to her own. 
This difference was both unsettling and yet strangely captivating.
Eratica felt frozen in place, her hands remaining firmly clamped onto her sword's handle as her eyes locked onto her past self. 
Astonishment washed over her, prompting her to utter "You're...me..." 
Her brow furrowed, deepening the frown that now adorned her face.
Eratica's confusion only deepened as her eyes locked with her past self, the glowing yellow aura around her adding to the surrealness of the situation. 
“But how? How is this possible?” Yet no words came from her past. 
The silence between them felt almost deafening.
As the memories flooded back to Eratica, images of the past came rushing to her mind. 
She remembered the rise of the memes, their dominion over the territory, and the chaos that ensued. 
Bloodshed and destruction ravaged the lands, cities were reduced to heaps of rubble, and an army filled in vengeful hearts was ready to strike. 
The most haunting memory of all was the moment where she had taken her own brother's life…
Eratica could feel the weight of the memory as it pressed upon her conscience, its presence overwhelming.
In a desperate attempt to deny the reality of her past actions.
She took a few steps backward, her body instinctively distancing itself from the horrors she had inflicted. 
Her inner-self, Eri, now stood before her, an expression of anger evident on her face as she posed the question, "Why...?"
Eratica's body stiffened slightly as her mind wrestled with memories, her feet momentarily rooted in place. 
With a deep, purposeful breath, she managed to center once more, bringing clarity to her thoughts. 
Her attention returned to Eri, watching as her former self stood there, tears welling up in her eyes and a look of anger and hurt painted across her face.
"Why did you do that...? You..." Eri started, her voice trembling in a mixture of sadness and betrayal.
Eri's voice rang out in anguish, blaming Eratica for the death of her brother.
“You killed my brother!"
 However, Eratica responded to a cold, impassive tone, her face lacking emotion as she firmly stated, 
"He is not our brother. He has become a parasite. And parasites always will be parasites until they've grown to harvest from the mind of each being's existence..."
Eri's eyes dropped to the ground, her fists clenching tightly as she digested the harsh words spoken by Eratica.
Eratica remained cold and unflinching as she listened to Eri's outburst. 
"Why are you sad? I did what we were supposed to do, we finished our job," 
she stated matter-of-factly, in a hint of confusion.
But Eri's anguish only intensified, her frustration and anger reaching a boiling point as she yelled, "THIS ISN'T RIGHT! ALL OF THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" 
To a surge of emotion, she ran up to Eratica and lashed out to a weak punch, but Eratica dodged the attack effortlessly.
Her glow intensified, illuminating the space around her. 
In a sudden motion, she conjured up a small sword that bore a striking resemblance to Eratica's own. 
To a determined push forward, she issued a battle cry, her voice implied with anger.
Her swing came down hard, the force behind it powerful enough to almost knock Eratica off her feet. 
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But the present Eratica stood her ground, her blade held firmly as a shield, defending herself from the onslaught.
“And who are you to think of that to yourself?!”
Eratica's anger flared, visible in the purple glow of her eyes shifting from red. 
She dodged Eri's attack, knocking the sword out of her grasp and pinning her to the ground. 
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Her sword pointed menacingly at Eri, Eratica issued a harsh decree.
"You are nothing. You are not worth being yourself anymore," she declared, her voice cold and commanding. 
"I am in control here. And no such parasites shall live."
Her vision fixed on Eratica, a look of empathy and contemplation on her face as she uttered the question, 
"What have I become...?"
Looking down at her younger self, Eratica remained cold and neutral, her eyes devoid of kindness or mercy.
The anger and hatred that resided in her heart radiated outward, consuming her without a trace of compassion.
Eri's voice trembled in regret as she confessed, 
"I've become the worst to everyone, haven't I?” 
Eratica spoke “They think I'm the villain, but I tried everything to save their lives for this." 
Her grip tightened on her sword, anger welling up within her, but she fought to keep hers in check, slowly calming down.
Eratica's voice trailed off, choked in anger. 
She took a deep breath before speaking again, 
"And yet, what did I get in return? Nothing but the loss of my brother, all because of those damned pests."
There was a brief moment of quiet as the two versions of Eratica stood facing each other, both reflecting on the shared struggle and the pain that had driven them to such extreme measures. 
Though separated by time and circumstance, they shared a common bond in the loss of their brother, 
a pain that had consumed their hearts and led them down a path of anger and violence.
Eri's words echo a sense of self-blame and regret. 
She held accountable for the choices made.
 On the other hand, Eratica remained steadfast in her belief that the memes were the root cause of their troubles.
 She wholeheartedly believed that the chaotic influence of the memes had led to all the suffering and chaos.
"But- what about Minion...?”
Eri's words brought up an old and painful memory, and Eratica instinctively flinched at the mention of Minion.
"No- don't bring this up now, she doesn't matter to me” Her response was brief and dismissive, trying to suppress the guilt connected to their past.
But Eri persisted, her voice added frustration as she yelled. "Then why did you stop?" Eratica paused, caught off guard by the question.
She followed by turning her head to the left at her prompting, and her eyes widened at what she saw.
She stood silent. “Don't you see the other side? The bright side of life? Can't you see how it is for other people that can have different paths?" 
Looking to her left, Eratica was met to an unexpected sight—a vibrant, colorful world filled in joy and laughter. 
People moved about, their faces etched that had radiant smiles and eyes twinkling in mirth. Life seemed to hum with energy and optimism. 
Everything here is so... vibrant and alive.
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Eratica turned to the other side and saw the scene unfolding before her. 
The white plain abyss loomed, and SMG3 was there, defending SMG4 with his arms protectively wrapped around him.
Minion had bravely stepped in front of the meme guardians, a look of determination and fear mixed on her face.
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She was frozen, unable to move, the weight of her feelings pinning her in place.
Eratica's eyes, something stirred within her. 
She was quiet for a moment, the weight of truth sinking in.
"We were different from our world. We killed our brother... and what did it cost? All of it, just because others turned into those insane meme parasites? Was it all just for our brother to return? Hoping everything would finally end? Go back to normal?”
Eratica walked up to the front, she stared at Minion's face. 
Regret and guilt seeped into her expression, the weight of her actions and the consequences they had brought upon them all. 
"LOOK AROUND YOU, ERATICA!" Inner Eri's voice cut through the air, feeling frustration and despair. 
"I did it to protect the people!" Eratica retorted, her voice firm and resolute, standing unwavering in her convictions.
But Inner Eri's response was equally intense. "THIS ISN'T OUR WORLD! IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT!”
As Eratica's resolve cracked, the pieces of her facade falling away, she stood there, dumbfounded by the realization that hit her. 
Inner Eri's blunt words struck a chord, causing her to question everything she thought she understood.
"Take a hint," Eri urged "What do you think the people around this world act like? Four's crew, who weren't even affected by the meme parasite?"
Eratica paused, letting the question sink in as she looked around, seeing the world differently for the first time.
"It's because they're good people, they protect others from the dangers that are a threat to their world. Look outside. 
Don't you see that nature is still living? On its peaceful side, you wonder why. 
Because they're the main guardians. 
They guard to protect whatever is harming their own home! And what do you think you're doing?!"
Eri's eyes glanced at the sword, she urged, 
"Please... think about your decisions... think it all through... I don't want us to... to go insane again... please..." 
As she spoke, she slowly raised her right hand, offering it to Eratica, hoping for her to take it and embrace the path of understanding and healing.
As Eri stood there, offering her hand to Eratica, she noticed that her hand was fading away, slowly vanishing before her eyes.
Eri's time is running out.
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Eratica stood there, torn apart to her and the weight of her past actions. 
Eratica's voice was soft and strained as she spoke, "Please... make a decision... I don't want ourselves to end up in a big mess like this... let it all go... it was all... in the past…"
Eratica felt confused. 
In her world, the guardians had always been in control. But now that she saw them in this world, they seemed different. 
She tried to find why they seemed so different, but it made her doubt what she had thought was true.
As Eri pleaded with Eratica, the urgency in her voice was palpable. 
"Promise me you'll change," she began, her voice barely holding back tears as she spoke of her brother and their world. 
"For us, your brother, the world we were in... promise me," She begged, her hand still extended, the promise hanging in the air. 
"PROMISE ME!" she cried, the weight of her request clear in her emotional outburst.
Eratica's gaze fell upon the sword before her, the embodiment of her identity and the symbol of her convictions. 
It took a moment of deep contemplation for her to reach a decision. As her sword clattered to the ground, a sense of resignation washed over her.
A form of a heavy sigh, she admitted.
"I can't promise that." 
The words hung in the air, went to a mixture of regret and acceptance.
Despite her problems, Eratica knew that some things couldn't be guaranteed.
As the weight of the decision bore down on her, Eratica had self-doubt. 
Her inner self slowly fading away and leaving her to choose her own, the significance of the moment magnified.
The silence seemed to only amplify the tension of the moment as Eri stood there, knowing that whatever decision she made would have far-reaching consequences.
As Eri's words echoed through the air, a bittersweet chuckle escaped her lips. 
Forming a gentle, saddened smile, she continued.
“Then you are an idiot." 
The weight of her statement hung in the air, a stark contrast to the finality of her fading away into the ether.
Eratica stood there, alone in the silent aftermath, grappling the weight of her choice and the consequences that lay ahead. 
The absence of Eri's presence left a void in her heart, and the echoes of her words still resonated within her mind, a bittersweet reminder of the choices made and the paths that had led them there.
As Eratica gripped her sword tighter, determination burning in her eyes, she declared in a firm voice, "There is nothing WORTH for me to give... I've paid the price, and I must end it." 
As Eratica sat there, a wave of emptiness washed over her like a merciless tide. 
She finds it hard to understand, grappling the question at her thoughts. 
“Why does it hurt?” It was a question that had no easy answer, and as the weight of pain and loss settled upon her, she wept without restraint, shedding tears that seemed to come from the depths of her wounded soul.
As tears streamed down her face, Eratica felt a touch on her shoulder and provided comfort.
The faint figure of a familiar soul stood beside her.
Its voice cutting through the haze of her pain as it spoke words that offered both guidance and purpose.
The red gleam flickered in the dim light as the familiar soul urged her on, 
"Come on, Eratica. It is your DUTY to save everyone. Before it is too late, you must fulfill your destiny"
A determined glint in her eyes, Eratica wiped away her tears and stood upright, gripping her sword tightly.
The voice of the familiar soul's encouragement echoed in her mind, reminding her of the weight of her responsibility.
"You're right," she acknowledged, her voice firm yet in a hint of sadness. 
"I must... for the people and everyone," Eratica took a deep breath, filling her lungs to a mix of resolve and lingering guilt. 
Despite the conflict that gnawed at her heart, she steeled following the path she was setting her upon.
In a final swing of her sword, Eratica sent forth a cutting arc that tore open a portal, its shimmering light rippling in the surrounding environment.
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With a heavy heart, (I'm sorry) the words tinged in regret of the path laid out before her. 
"But destiny... has already... decided."
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thatasadbitch · 2 years
᯽ 𝑶𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝑻𝒆𝒔𝒕 ᯽
𝑵𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒎 𝒂𝒃𝒅 𝑳𝒐'𝑨𝒌 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: + 18, oral M e F
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• this little angel-faced sweetie has a huge passion for giving and receiving oral, it turns him on both immensely, but feeling you between his legs that you're taking care of him surely compares to very little improve.
• Neteyam on the other hand though won't choke you with his cock or anything like that but like a good guy, he'll leave you the space to do as and what you want with him.
• the most he could do is have his hand in his hair which doesn't really do much for him except to make the situation he's experiencing more vivid and real and sing you the dirtiest praises Pandora probably has ever heard.
• On the other hand, he is a soft Dom even if calmly he must have everything under control and above all he must have you under his dominion.
• he will look into his eyes, with his eyes full of lust and love towards you, ajar and moist with some moans coming out of his wet lips without any type of restraint.
• when he comes and does it not too late, dropping his head and his eyes rolled back letting your name fall like a symphony from his sinful lips, his grip on your hair will intensify.
• he will come on your tongue or lips
• Taste? Good very good it almost seems fruity 🫐
• and don't worry he will return the favor and I would say masterfully, you will surely come more than once between his golden lips.
• even just your smell can send him into a frenzy but your taste really sends him to another planet
• he'll eat you up enough to make you hypersensitive and beg him to stop without obviously getting any sign of yielding from him. (new kink unlocked).
• will exhaust you with your hands tangled in his hair and throat singing his name like it's your favorite song
• will clean you from top to bottom leaving no trace of your orgasms you can be sure of that.
• he loves to receive a good blowjob from his girlfriend he really doesn't know what to do with it… (more often than he would like to admit) he feels the imminent need to feel your lips around him that welcome him perfectly by sucking him gently.
• in this case Lo'Ak tends to be very vocal, not so much praise towards you, more profanity and generic curses with hoarse moans attached.
• will call you with perverted little names that will only turn you on more (we'll leave that for another headcanon).
• he'll choke on his cock so good, it makes his eyes water and he slaps his hand on his thigh to catch his breath before coming back again to take it all deep down your throat.
• with one hand rigorously on your head that pushes you more against him, only getting more excited to see the tears fall on your chubby cheeks, which he will take care to dry, passing his thumb over them.
• it won't really take long for him to come, and he'll do it strictly down your throat, sighing and moaning hoarsely letting his mouth open into an O and his eyes shut in a pure form of bliss.
• taste? Good for him too not so good but still enjoyable
• will he reciprocate? Of course he will
• also obviously loves to lick you and eat you as you shout his name to all Pandora makes him proud of himself definitely proud of his good work.
• plus your hand pressing on his head will make him hard again very soon while you gently pull his hair to let you touch your favorite points.
• when he's finished he'll kiss you just for the sake of letting you taste your good taste.
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baravaggio · 2 months
Male violence in general has intensified not because feminist gains offer women greater freedom but rather because men who endorse patriarchy discovered along the way that the patriarchal promise of power and dominion is not easy to fulfill, and in those rare cases where it is fulfilled, men find themselves emotionally bereft. The patriarchal manhood that was supposed to satisfy does not. And by the time this awareness emerges, most patriarchal men are isolated and alienated; they cannot go back and reclaim a past happiness or joy, nor can they go forward. To go forward they would need to repudiate the patriarchal thinking that their identity has been based on. Rage is the easy way back to a realm of feeling. It can serve as the perfect cover, masking feelings of fear and failure.
— The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love by bell hooks (2004)
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uboat53 · 11 months
All right guys, in light of the current situation in Israel and the discourse around it in the US, we need to have a talk about Evangelical Christians. Consider this a SHORT RANT (TM).
Christian support for Israel in the United States actually didn't start from a bad place. Initially it was the position of mainline and liberal Protestants that Jews needed a safe place to flee from intensifying persecution in Europe and that this would be a part of a broader rapprochement between Jews and non-Jews.
Since the establishment of the State of Israel, however, and particularly since the Six-Day War in 1967, American Evangelicals have become the primary supporters the Zionist conception of Israel. In particular, they view the Jewish dominion over the historical Israel as a necessary step to the rapture and the end of days.
Long story short, the Evangelical interpretation of the prophecies of Revelations and those surrounding them is that the Jews need to take control of the holy land and then be destroyed in order to bring about the end times. The problem with this, though, is that the people who destroy the Jews will, themselves, be destroyed, so they can't do it directly.
Hence, the current plan. Israel is to be encouraged to expand, making about as many enemies as is possible, then, at some point in the future, any military aid would be pulled, allowing the prophecy to be fulfilled without Evangelical Christians themselves being the "bad guys" of Revelations.
You can see that this plan isn't great for actual Jews or for Israel itself. In fact, it's even worse than it sounds. According to the prophecy, all Jews in Israel will either convert or be destroyed, a cultural and religious genocide by any definition.
You'll also notice that this doesn't do much for Jews outside of Israel. In fact, the Evangelical interpretation of the prophecy seems to be that all Jews need to go to Israel in order for this to work, so their support of Israel goes alongside efforts to push Jews in other countries out.
All of this leads up to the fact that many so-called "Christian Zionists" are also raging anti-Semites. John Hagee, the founder and chairman of Christians United for Israel, believes such anti-Semitic nonsense as that Adolf Hitler was born from a lineage of "accursed, genocidally murderous half-breed Jews", that the persecution of Jews throughout history is justified by Jews' refusal to embrace Christianity, that the Holocaust was good because it pushed Jews to Israel, and that the anti-Christ will be "partially Jewish".
Other prominent and popular Christian Zionists such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are likewise on record as holding abhorrently anti-Semitic beliefs such as the belief in a worldwide Jewish conspiracy that is cited by any number of those who commit atrocities against Jews in this country.
Evangelical Christians can speak all they want about their "unswerving support of Israel", this support does not in any way change the fact that a huge amount of them are virulent anti-Semites. They do not support Israel as a refuge for Jewish people or Jewish people in general, they support Israel as a trap into which Jews must be forced so they can be destroyed as part of their apocalyptic vision and, meanwhile, their zeal for all Jews to go to Israel leads them to embrace and encourage violence against us elsewhere in the world.
These people are not friends of Jews, they are as much enemies as those who wield rocket launchers and automatic weapons against us. Remember that the next time you hear them speak of their support for Israel.
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celinamarniss · 2 months
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A little bit of scene-setting from the next chapter of Thrones, Dominions (posting Friday!):
Mara stepped into the room. The rugs and conversation circles that had once furnished the audience chamber had been removed and the floor was bare and cold. She could feel the grime that had accumulated on the soles of her feet against the slick marble, setting her teeth on edge. Without looking back, she could sense the doors closing behind her, sealing her in. 
This particular chamber, with its grey marble floors and obsidian walls carved with scenes from the Great Sith War, had always reminded her of a cave. As she stepped over the threshold she noticed a subliminal hum echoing against the stone walls, more vibration than sound. It seemed to throb just at the edges of her senses, intensifying in pitch as she entered the chamber, the hum vibrating through her bones. 
A gleam caught at the corner of her eye. Two Sith lords, carved into the stone, bent their heads together in eternal conference. Set into a small recess between them was a pure blue crystal and the note in her head seemed to swell in recognition as she looked at it. Further down, yellow facets winked from between the sculpted fangs of a serpentine creature. A purple crystal adorned the crown of a Jedi in battle, her lightsaber held high over her head as the thin etched line of a blaster bolt pierced her heart. Kyber crystals. Dozens of them, stripped from the lightsabers of the Jedi order and set into the walls like trophies. 
Luke had shown her the golden-hued crystal in his own saber once. At the time had assumed that it was the first kyber crystal she’d ever seen. He and Vader were the only Force-sensitive servants of the Emperor who had been allowed the use of a lightsaber, and despite all the times she’d been invited into this chamber before, Mara had never realized the significance of the crystals set into the obsidian walls. 
No, not obsidian. Polished cortosis, the carved lines shining in the light. She hadn’t been able to identify it the last time she had been invited into the Emperor’s suites. Thrawn had shown her a slab of the ore, and Luke had confirmed that it could short out a lightsaber blade. This room was a Sith’s den, a bunker, protected on all sides and lined with the treasures of the order he had destroyed. 
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themattress · 8 months
As we draw ever closer to the 5th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts III, I can't help but reflect more and more upon the realization I've had as of late. For well over a decade, ever since Dream Drop Distance, I have mourned the degradation of the KH series' story and characters, which only intensified after KH3 and all the bullshit it brought to the table in regards to those aspects. But now I understand just as important as those, if not moreso, is the degradation of the KH series' universe. After all, normally in a well-established fictional universe, even if one story with one cast of characters doesn't go over well, you can still potentially look forward to a different story with a different cast of characters unconnected to that other one. And there lies the biggest problem - for all the expansion of this increasingly convoluted lore, the series' universe has shrunk in scope because nothing is unconnected.
The state of the KH universe is that in the beginning it was populated with Keyblade wielders who, due to the machinations of a certain Keyblade master, fought a war over ownership of Kingdom Hearts that plunged the universe into darkness. But then a select few Keyblade wielders restored the universe, which created many more Keyblade wielders who joined up with them, and they essentially ruled over the universe from the shadows in this super special secret world called Scala ad Caelum. Eventually, the machinations of that same Keyblade master from before corrupts a Keyblade wielder who spends his whole life - through several points in time and several different incarnations of himself - trying to take control of Kingdom Hearts so that he could destroy and remake the universe again because he isn't satisfied with how it is now. He is stopped by other Keyblade wielders assembled by a retired Keyblade master, but it caused that damn conflict-creating Keyblade master and his pupils to somehow return, and now the story is venturing into "the realm of unreality" which turns out to have been a big part of that Keyblade master's goal the whole time that he's been working toward since damn near the inception of the universe....OK, do you see what I mean? Everything, and I mean everything, that goes on in this universe that is treated as important by the narrative is directly tied to this one item (Keyblade) and one class of people (Keyblade wielders), and has been scripted by this one omnipotent douchebag (the Master of Masters). Nothing is unconnected, all events and concepts tie back into the Keyblade, the important players who shape the universe are all a part of this one, tightly-knit web of connections, and as a result the universe feels so. fucking. small. It feels so utterly limited in scope and range.
Think of all the Disney worlds in this series, which make up the majority of the universe. Worlds from classic Disney shorts, Alice in Wonderland, Hercules, Tarzan, Aladdin, Pinocchio, The Little Mermaid, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Peter Pan, Winnie the Pooh, Fantasia, Mulan, Beauty and the Beast, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lion King, Tron, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Lilo & Stitch, The Jun The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Tron LEGACY, Wreck-It Ralph, Toy Story, Tangled, Monsters Inc., Frozen, and Big Hero 6. And then afterwards, ask yourself this single, all-important question:
How many of these worlds matter to this universe's grand story?
The answer: THREE.
I shit you not. Disney Castle (classic Disney shorts), Yen Sid's Tower (Fantasia), and Enchanted Dominion (Sleeping Beauty) are the only worlds that hold any significance, all because of the characters who hail from there that interact with the universe's grand narrative: Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Jiminy Cricket, Chip and Dale, Pluto, Pete, Yen Sid and Maleficent. And yes, I know that Jiminy technically hails from the Pinocchio world, but nothing about his life there prior to winding up at Disney Castle and entering Mickey's service as a chronicler for Sora's adventures really matters. Every other world is visited by Keyblade wielders, but its inhabitants never gets to meaningfully contribute to the story those Keyblade wielders are caught up in.....in fact, they are mostly kept ignorant of its very existence.
And the infuriating part is that it didn't used to be this way! Before the Keyblade overtook everything and was just one important part of a larger universe, the Disney worlds and its inhabitants were able to contribute! In KH1, the story was about the Heartless and the worlds' hearts and a group of villains conspiring to capture a group of princesses to obtain ultimate power and Sora broadening his horizons and making his heart stronger through making friends, all of which were serviced through the Disney elements. In KH2, the story was about Organization XIII and the Nobodies seeking to use the Heartless and the Keyblade for their own ends of obtaining ultimate power, with doing so involving threatening worlds and friends that Sora held dear, as well as competing with Pete and a resurrected Maleficent over usage of the Heartless. So again, the Disney worlds and their inhabitants actually participated in what's going on! Even BBS could be forgiven for not having the Disney worlds connect much to the overall plot (beyond a bunch of Unversed running around and barely anyone reacting) because it was a prequel, and naturally the developers didn't want many world inhabitants getting an inkling of a larger universe before the Heartless invasion of KH1 transpired.
But then it all shifted so that everything that happened in those games were all a part of Master Xehanort's convoluted grand plan which hadn't been remotely thwarted yet, meaning that retroactively all of those aforementioned games and events the Disney worlds and characters interacted with meant jack shit...and a point is now even being made about keeping specific Disney characters (the "new Seven Lights") out of the main action and ignorant to their potential role in it! And then it shifted again so that it's all about the Keyblade wielders of the ancient past and the Master of Master's grand designs, which means that those previously important Disney worlds and characters feel even less important than they already did following the big Master Xehanort reveal! From what I can tell, the only Disney world and character that may be gaining prominence in the universe's grander narrative is Olympus and Hades respectively, and even then only because he lucked out since Nomura wants to recreate Final Fantasy Versus XIII which involved a god of the dead. Otherwise, it's still all about the OC worlds and OC characters - nearly all of them Keyblade wielders - plus those select few Disney characters from those three worlds that actually know what's up.
That's the sad state of affairs. A supposedly vast universe where the majority of its settings and population....don't actually matter. To the point where they all may as well not be part of the universe but a separate one altogether. Daybreak Town / Scala ad Caelum, the Keyblade Graveyard, the Land of Departure / Castle Oblivion, Radiant Garden / Hollow Bastion, Twilight Town, The World That Never Was, the Final World and Quadratum...those worlds and the characters who populate them are the ones that truly matter to the universe. Those worlds plus those three (soon to be four) Disney worlds mentioned before, as well as all the goddamn datascape recreations of such worlds. It's a small (and boring) universe after all.
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saras-devotionals · 6 months
Quiet Time 3/16
What am I feeling today?
I feel that I’m getting better health wise, I’m not that congested anymore and I can speak again so that’s great! I’ve been excused from the past three days of work and school and there are some things that I won’t have to make up which I’m really grateful for! Although, it could just be because I was sick and just away and isolated from everyone for a bit but I’m just feeling kinda numb. I’ve spent way too many hours in bed, on my phone, watching tv, etc and I just feel awful about it because I wasn’t being productive. Even though I know everyone is telling me to rest, I just can’t, like I can’t allow myself to fully rest.
Bible Plan: Spiritual Wilderness
Israel left Egypt, which was their place of deliverance, but the promised land they were heading for was their place of dominion. In between Egypt and the promised land was a dry desert. The period between deliverance and dominion is usually marked by a miserable wilderness.
Elijah went through a wilderness as well as the apostle Paul (1 Kings 19:1-9; Galatians 1:17-18). Even our Lord Jesus “was led into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil” (Matthew 4:1) after being filled with the Holy Spirit.
The wilderness experience is a tough time in which we endure spiritual afflictions. Often, it’s a time when temptation intensifies; there might be spiritual attacks on our soul. This is a time that may also involve a spiritual drought when we feel disconnected from God.
A spiritual wilderness is not a sign that we are in sin although sometimes it feels like that. Instead of looking for God, we tend to look for some sin that can be blamed for our current experience. If you are going through a spiritual wilderness right now, remember you are not alone. The Holy Spirit is with you right now.
God is with you in the wilderness even when you don’t feel Him.
I understand that this is something that is common and it’s talked about. We go from baptism and then it’s like we’re thrown into the desert and we’re tested and it’s a hard path to walk. I don’t feel like this all the time, there are some times when I’m all fired up and ready to go! But then I have my periods of drought, where I feel absolutely numb, and I don’t want to go on in life because I’ve just gotten so tired and beat down.
I want to be able to strike a balance here. I understand that God is with me during both of these times and the desert can be necessary! It’s just hard, and I think I lack a strong will sometimes. But I can also think I’ve persevered thus far and I’m still here, what’s stopping from going further?
Psalms 24:1-6 NIV
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters. Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god. They will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God their Savior. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, God of Jacob.”
The instruction of those who may stand in the holy place before God are those who are of pure heart, clean hands, and that do not have idols. From this section, what I’ve been struggling with is idolatry and I don’t want that to be true. I can be quite selfish and put myself first. I can also get obsessed and allow it to consume me, like an addiction really, I just need to get my next fix and constantly craving whatever more I can get. That’s a problem, that’s something I want to change, because I know, in the end, it doesn’t truly leave me satisfied, nothing does or will except for God.
Matthew 28:18-20 NIV
“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.””
The Great Commission!! This is something I’ve had memorized for years yet I hadn’t began putting it into practice til a few months ago. I mean, this is literally some of Jesus last words to us and a command that he has given all of us! I mean come on! How much more important can this be?? I need to get better with this though, I can have a hard time sharing my faith and catching up with people that I have shared with before. I should check up and not give up just because it didn’t work out the first time.
Isaiah 43:1-4 NIV
“But now, this is what the Lord says— he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush and Seba in your stead. Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life.”
We’re His🥹 this just hits hard for me, like God is with us, we’re precious to Him, He loves us🥹 like this is just something that I’ve always had a hard time wrapping my head around but He’s like literally our Father and we should treat Him as such. I think about how much I love my dad and how I try to spend time with him even when it’s inconvenient for me and I need to give God and even higher treatment than that! I mean it’s just!!! He just!!! He loves us!!!🥹🥹
Deuteronomy 2:7 NIV
“The Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you, and you have not lacked anything.”
I could honestly cry right now because!!! God is just so good, even when I’m struggling, even when I’m having a hard time, even when all I want to do is just give up, God is always there. I may not be aware of it all the time but He is, He’s watching over me and He’s with me and what more could I possibly ask for?
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asma-al-husna · 8 months
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Allah calls Himself Maalik ul-Mulk— Master of the Kingdom, the Dominion’s Owner— on one occasion in the Quran. He is the only possessor and ruler of the creation. Maalik ul-Mulk has the supreme authority and ruling power to act, command, and decide in whatever manner He likes!
The King, the Ruler, the Owner of Dominion
Maalik, Malik and Maleek all come from the root maa-laa-kaa, which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to have possession and ownership. The second is to have power and ability, and the third main meaning is to control and have authority.
This root appears 206 times in the Quran in ten derived forms. Examples of these forms are malakat (“possess”), mulku (“dominion”), and al-malaa’ikatu (“the angels)”.
Linguistically, maalik is an intensified form and refers to not only having kingship, but being master and lord. The word malik (king) is used for people however the name Maalik ul-Mulk is used for Allah ‘azza wa jall only. He is the King of all Kings, the owner of all owners and the ruler of all rulers, and His Kingdom consists of all that was, is, and will be created!
Maalik ul-Mulk Himself says: Say, “O Allah , Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away from whom You will. You honor whom You will and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is [all] good. Indeed, You are over all things competent [Quran, 3:26]
The Maalik of the Day of Judgement
In Surah Al-Fatiha Allah ‘azza wa jall calls Himself Maaliki yawmid-Deen: He is the Master of the Day of Recompense and on that day all commands will be Allah’s only. No king or ruler will be able to command anyone to anything nor will any person have the power to do anything for someone else. Maalik ul-Mulk says, demonstrating His complete ownership and mastery over us: Surely the virtuous shall be in Bliss, and the wicked shall be in the Blazing Fire. They shall enter it on the Day of Recompense and then shall never come out of it. What do you know what the Day of Recompense is? Again, what do you know what the Day of Recompense is? It is the Day when no one will have the power to do anything for another, and all command will be Allah’s. [Quran, 82:13-19]
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Remember the Day of Recompense.
Remind yourself of the day that Maalik ul-Mulk will confront you: The Day when they will (all) come out and nothing of them will be hidden from Allah. (On that Day they will be asked): “Whose is the kingdom today?” (The whole world will cry out): “It is Allah’s, the One, the Overpowering.” (It will then be said): “Today shall everyone be fully recompensed for his deeds . . .[Quran, 40:16-17] Every time you say Maaliki Yawmid-Deen in your prayer, imagine standing in front of Him and think of the deeds you have put forward for that day!
2. Reflect on the Kingdom.
Because nowadays most of us live in cities, surrounded by concrete and machines, we forget that in nature more than anything you see the sublime manifestation of the mulk of Allah ‘azza wa jall. When you are caught up in your daily life issues, blowing small problems out of proportion, or when your connection to Allah ‘azza wa jall feels weak, step out of the streets and into nature and let it humble you. Pick up a leaf and feel the texture. Reflecting on the creation is in itself ‘ibaadah.
3. Ask Maalik ul-Mulk.
Use this beautiful Quranic dua to supplicate to Maalik ul-Mulk: Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and lying on their sides and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: Rabbanaa maa khalaqta haadha baaTilan subhaanaka fa qinaa ‘adhaaban-naar – Our Lord! Thou hast not created this in vain! Glory be to Thee; save us then from the chastisement of the fire [Quran, 3:191]
4. Motivate yourself.
Imagine the moment you will enter Paradise; the angels at the gates will welcome you with salaamun ‘alaykum– they greet you with peace, peace that you have longed for all your life. Then you will rush off to your house, the prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, any one of them (believers) will be more familiar with his dwelling in Paradise than he was with his house in this world [Al-Bukhaaree] Make Paradise a reality in your life and make it a clear goal at each start of your day. Allah ‘azza wa jall says: And when you look there [in Paradise], you will see pleasure and great dominion. [Quran, 76:20] Motivate yourself by imagining that first look into the great Kingdom of Paradise!
5. Be responsible in the dominion of Maalik ul-Mulk.
And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.’ [Quran, 2:30] Allah ‘azza wa jall placed you in His dominion with a mission: to worship Him alone and be reformers on earth. How do you know what Maalik ul-Mulk expects from you in His kingdom? By studying the Quran and the sunnah, so you can first read about His commandments and limits with which He guides you. The second step is asking Him for understanding of your Deen, and the third to do your best to act upon your knowledge!
6. Be a good leader.
The Messenger of Allah salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, Every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. The leader of people is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects. A man is the guardian of his family and he is responsible for them. A woman is the guardian of her husband’s home and his children and she is responsible for them. The servant of a man is a guardian of the property of his master and he is responsible for it. Surely, every one of you is a shepherd and responsible for his flock. [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] Never misuse your authority over someone else, be just to your spouse and children and even to the animals, and remind yourself you will be asked about your leadership by Maalik ul-Mulk!
O Allah, Maalik ul-Mulk, we know that You are our only Master and Ruler. Make us remember the Day of Recompense in our words and deeds, aid us to truly reflect on Your Kingdom and be humbled by it. Guide us in being responsible on this earth, just to those under our authority and make us enter Paradise, Your Eternal dominion of pleasure, ameen!
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santoschristos · 11 months
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Venus Ishtar Neith, 2018 by Daniel Mirante Atelier.
On November 8th, Venus enters Libra (until December 4th).
Venus is the planetary ruler of Taurus and Libra. Taurus, an earth sign, wants to build, while Libra, as an air sign, critiques. As the airy part of Venus, Libra uses words and artistry to express themselves.
Via combusta, which is known as the “fiery path,” is a point between 15 degrees of Libra and 15 degrees of Scorpio. This intensifies the energy. The caveat is that 23 degrees Libra is a very auspicious degree, because the benefic fixed star Spica is positioned there. This year, Venus in Libra will be via combusta from November 24 to December 4, except for November 28 when Venus aligns with Spica. Therefore, we can expect to have erratic and compulsive romantic tendencies from November 24 to December 4, except until November 28, which brings us luck and abundance in love.
Venus Ishtar Neith Puja
The Aeon VENUS arises from the ocean flecked with primal foam
like a boiling star she rises in screaming fury and loving laughter
brightest star, veiled with the patterns of eternal sacred geometry
outstanding her face blazes like a new sun
lightning pours from her tongue and boils clouds of dew in the air
clear vision her eyes are rainbows
from her heart flocks of birds fly to new skies
and from her crown arrows terminate erroneous forms
her feet stamp upon the coiling bones of false promises
Neith sets herself upon the vault of the sky
and mortals wax and wane to her journeys in the land of the celestial dominions
and meets her consort, the Red God, to discipline and free each other
kingdoms and mountains melt at her passing
and deserts wax with new life and in time burn to ash
all earthly power is vanity to the holy fire of ISHTAR
trying to penetrate a mystery, earthly alchemists measure the patterns of her hems
earthly daughters take inspiration from her magic and woo the plants and animals
but nobody has ever understood NEITH, nobody has ever lifted her Veil.
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helloanime · 3 months
Shadows of the Archon War: Bonds of Light
In the tumultuous era of the Archon War, when gods and mortals clashed for dominion over Teyvat, the land was ravaged by ceaseless conflict and untold suffering. Among the myriad of warriors, two figures stood out—Xiao, the fierce and loyal Yaksha of the Anemo Archon, and Zhongli, the wise and stoic Geo Archon, Rex Lapis. Bound by duty and a shared desire to protect their people, they fought valiantly against the encroaching darkness.
Amidst the chaos, there was you—a healer, skilled in the ancient arts of restoration and protection. Your talents had not gone unnoticed by the gods, and soon, you found yourself in the service of these two legendary beings. Your journey intertwined with theirs, as you sought to mend the wounds of war and bring solace to those in need. Little did you know, your presence would prove to be as vital as any blade or shield, becoming the light that guided them through the shadows of despair.
The Beginning
The sun was setting over the battlefield, casting a crimson hue across the land. The scent of blood and the cries of the wounded filled the air, creating an atmosphere of unending agony. Amidst this grim scene, you moved with purpose, your hands glowing with healing light as you tended to the fallen.
"Hold still," you whispered gently to a soldier, your voice a soothing balm against the backdrop of suffering. The glow intensified, knitting flesh and bone together, and the soldier's pained grimace softened into one of relief and gratitude.
As you finished, a shadow fell over you. Looking up, you saw Xiao, his amber eyes gleaming with a mix of exhaustion and determination. "Healer, we need you at the front," he said, his voice steady despite the evident strain. "The situation is dire."
You nodded, gathering your supplies and following him. The battlefield ahead was a maelstrom of elemental chaos, with Zhongli at the center, his stone spear striking down foes with calculated precision. The Geo Archon's presence was a bastion of strength, but even he was not impervious to the relentless tide of enemies.
As you reached the front lines, Xiao turned to you, his expression softening for a brief moment. "Stay close," he instructed, before launching himself into the fray with a battle cry that sent shivers down your spine.
Your heart pounded as you surveyed the chaos, but there was no time for hesitation. You rushed to Zhongli's side, your hands already working to heal the deep gashes and burns marring his form. He glanced at you, a rare smile touching his lips. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice a low rumble. "Your presence is a blessing."
With a nod, you continued your work, the three of you forming an unbreakable unit. Xiao's swift and lethal strikes, Zhongli's unyielding defense, and your healing light combined to turn the tide of battle. The enemy forces began to falter, their confidence waning in the face of your combined might.
But the war was far from over, and as the night fell, the horizon was alight with the glow of distant fires. There would be many more battles to fight, and many more lives to save. Yet, in that moment, amidst the ruins and the ashes, you found a sense of purpose and belonging. Together with Xiao and Zhongli, you would face whatever challenges lay ahead, forging a path through the darkness with hope and determination.
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ofniightshade · 3 months
closed start ♔ @xfatalexit location ♔ near the cemetery
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it  was  late  now,  and  the  darkness  still  held  dominion  over  the  city.  ms.  clary  had  asked  if  someone  could  escort  her  home,  and  bonnie  volunteered ┈┈   uneasy  about  letting  sol  venture  out.  to  bonnie,  the  shop  was  the  safest  place  for  her  daughter.  with  the  elder  witch  safely  deposited  at  her  doorstep,  bonnie  took  a  shortcut  through  the  cemetery.  she  knew  her  worth,  knew  that  her  power  would  protect  her.  yet,  the  inky  blackness  intensified  the  low  hum  of  fear  that  caused  goosebumps  to  prickle  her  skin.  and  then,  there  was  the  presence┈┈ unfamiliar,  but  undeniably  dangerous.
she  stopped  between  the  tombs,  her  chest  rising  and  falling  quickly.  she  turned┈┈   her  voice  firm  despite  the  tremor  in  the  air,  "who's  there?"  her  eyes  scanned  the  dark  surroundings  as  a  figure  stepped  out  onto  the  path  before  her.  the  bennett  witch's  brow  furrowed,  her  magic  thrumming  at  her  fingertips  as  she  illuminated  the  area  with  a  soft ┈┈  ethereal  glow.  "you  know,  they  have  names  for  strange  men  who  follow  women  home,"  she  said,  her  tone  a  mix  of  challenge  and  warning,  eyes  narrowing  at  the  figure  before  her.
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auburniivenus · 7 months
❛ tell me what you want me to do. ❜ (modern)
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Within   the   interior   of   his   chamber,   darkness   does   reign,   nestled   within   its   opulence   that   denigrates   the   day's   splendor,   curtains   crafted   of   the   most   exquisite   velvet   cast   rebellious   shades   across   every   corner   they   touch.   It’s   here,   upon   a   grand   queen-sized   mattress   enveloped   in   satin   sheets,   pale   as   the   tender   light   of   a   moonbeam,   where   two   figures   are   imprisoned   in   ebullient   congress.   They   execute   a   clandestine   tango,   one   birthed   from   instinct's   call   alone—a   rhythm   unfurling   exclusive   to   their   momentary   orlay.
Lithe   limbs   articulate   an   exquisite   pas   de   deux,   their   sinewy   lengths   crisscrossing   in   fervor.   With   ardor   spoken   through   caresses   and kisses   exchanged   with   insatiable   urgency,   they   chart   the   contours   of   desire   on   one   another's   dermis.   A   susurration,   a   whisper   articulated   on   quivering   lips,   flees   from   between   them   amidst   the   feral   storm   they   share.   Within   this   chamber,   laden   with   expanding   shadows   and   scintillations   of   pleasure’s   light,   a   voltaic   atmosphere   blooms   into   existence.   It’s   the   tangible   endorsement   of   their   corporeal   symphony,   magnificent   and   ravenous   hunger   that   has   ensconced   them   whole.
Should   one   have   asked   her   if   she   indeed   desired   to   stem   this   rapid   cascade   into   appetence’s   abyss?   If   she   longed   for   a   break   from   these   appetite-driven   fights   where primal   urges   hold   dominion?   Her   silence   persisted,   like   a   ghost   between   them.   But   none   required   her   utterance   to   know   the   answer;   each   palpitating   heartbeat   against   her   chest   served   as   a   sonorous   signal.   She   wants   him.
Arching   upon   him,   a   maneuverable   crescent   moon   sculpted   by   her   own   form,   Inoue   raises   her   pupils   until   they   lock   with   Astarion's.   Her   breaths   are   captured   by   tempest's   whimsy,   each   exhalation   inconsistent   and   fervid.   Rosiness   proliferates   across   her   visage—a   painter’s   carefree   stroke   enhancing   an   artful   mien—not   enough   to   cloud   her   luminescence   but   to   silhouette   her   enchantment. "I-I   don't   know."   Admits   with   stammer   borne   on   trembling   words   while   carnation   intensifies   upon   her   comely   cheeks.   Her   gaze   is   laded   with   profoundness.   "What   wonders   can   you   teach   me?"
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sharpclaaw · 1 year
(@wizard-of-night )
A small bunny walks in, feeling tense as he looks into the darkness. Geez.. It's desolate here. That's usually a bad sign. But, what exactly lurks here..?
The sound of his weight beats against the grassy earth as General Scales makes his way towards Cape Claw's hidden fortress. The dense foliage of the coast's jungle giving way, practically parting before his large frame and revealing the imposing structure that stands as a testament to the sharpclaw's dominion over the lands of Sauria.
Its stone walls rise defiantly as they reach out to kiss the Saurian night sky. The ancient building showcasing the signature crest and proud emblem of his clan, of the sharpclaw. The many banners hang and fly in the humid breeze, each one bearing the weight and scars of many untold histories and battles. The scent of damp earth and tropical flora fills the air, mingling with the sharp tang of salt from the nearby sea. Scales's Waterfall, as his mother has come to name the landmark, crashes thunderously nearby in a magnificent display of nature's power. The cascade of crystal clear blue water descends from a cliff high above, its waters tumbling and frothing before pooling into a beautiful river that snakes along the coast, eventually feeding Sauria's sparkling ocean. Moonlight dances on the surface of the calm river, effectively casting phermeral ripples that shimmer like liquid silver. It is a sight that never fails to captivate the large dinosaur; a reminder of the untamed beauty that surrounds his tribe, even in the heart of their powerful dominion.
Scales's keen eyes, accustomed to the darkest of nights, pierce through the jungle's thick shadows, effectively catching glimpses of the various nocturnal creatures and wildlife that scurry about the planet at this hour. The crashing waves in the distance providing a steady, rhythmic undertone, however it's quickly interrupted by the sound of an unusual and unfamiliar rustling -- the sound, normally considered unassuming when located so deep within the planet's nature, stands out to the sharpclaw general. This noise was not the typical hopping and flopping of a Bafomdad or a Duster. No, this was something much different.
That's when a low rumble begins in the depths of the large dinosaur's chest, it's a guttural growl that seems to vibrate the very air around them. It ripples through the fortress walls, reverberating like an ominous warning. The muscles in his jaw tense, the corners of his lips curl upward, revealing the dangerously sharp edges of his huge teeth. It's a chilling sight, the grin that holds the promise of danger. As his growling intensifies, it transforms into a roar--a primal, thunderous declaration of dominance towards the invader he has detected. The sound is a shockwave; a literal physical force that moves the very stone of the building, rattling loose debris and stirring up the night's air. It is a roar that speaks of power, of a predator laying claim to his prize...
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And that prize? A lost little bunny feeling around in the dark.
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