#{ The Red Masked Priestess }
toacody · 1 year
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Shrine Maiden
"They don’t let just anyone be a miko! We’re an ELITE corps!”
Creator: snifywhisper
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dxrknessembr8ced · 29 days
Andi returns from the store with a bag of gala apples and gives them to Jaaku. "Play nice, Junior didn't mean any harm."
Jaaku immediately calmed down and grabs the bag taking a bite on one of the apples as she sat besides her older sister.
" These are MY apples! "
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" They're for everyone Jaaku. "
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" . . . Did I do anything wrong? "
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bloodycassian · 7 months
Enemy Lines - Reader x Azriel - reader is caught by the Autumn Court and Azriel saves her.
TW - themes of torture/death, gruesome violence, damsel in distress reader, savior Azriel
“I don’t want her going alone.” Azriel’s words were clipped towards his high lord. It seemed that the other part of Rhysand, his brother, would be unavailable for this matter. Azriel wasn’t sure if he blamed him. 
“I understand your bond is new, but this is essential, Azriel.” He said calmly, hardly looking up from the maps atop the table. 
He couldn’t help the way his lips pulled back in disgust. “So send Feyre, then.” He shot back, unable to contain the words. Rhys stilled, then finally, finally looked at Azriel. 
Pity coasted his features, then hardened back into that mask of the high lord. “Feyre does not have the same gifts. It would defeat the purpose-”
“Send me, send anyone else. Rhys this is a death sentence!” 
“Have faith in your mate, Azriel. She is talented, and smarter than you give her credit for.” His dismissal was not angry, nor was it painted with that pitying look he’d shown before. To his credit, he revealed no sign of budging on the matter, even while one of the few that could challenge him and survive raged at him.
Azriel saw the conversation going nowhere, and stormed from the room.
The robes were uncomfortable. You sighed and adjusted your position in the saddle again, wishing to the Mother you’d picked a different disguise for this role. The priestess uniform had made you look utterly delectable though, so there was no complaining there. Not as Azriel had whispered filthy things to you while he flew you to the closest stable where he was sure there were no Autumn cout guards or spies lingering. 
You bought the cheapest horse they had, and it’d been a mistake. 
The mare threw her head and nearly reared each time Azriel got within a few yards of her. It made the journey much longer without your mate at your side. You’d planned to at least say goodbye to him before you got to the Autumn border, but with such a fussy mare, it seemed that it wouldn’t happen. 
So as the humidity and heat started to peak, you waved behind you, to the darkening sky where you knew Azriel watched from afar. 
You had four days to get as much information as you could on Beron’s plans. He’d recently began acquiring more and more ships along his shoreline, and it’d caused a stir. Skiffs, warships and cargo boats clotted his waterways as you rode up the bridge to the bunker castle, nestled into the leaf littered ground. 
Your pale robes stood out in bright contrast against all the red, orange and brown shades of this place. Guards closed in from the trees once you crossed, meeting you at the outer gates of the castle. Two males stood in front, spears sharp and at the ready. 
“State your business.” One commanded. 
The glamour over your face was essential now, and you made sure it did not slip as you spoke.
“The Mother sends you a Priestess, and you meet her with violence?” You called back.
Your heart quickened as you stepped down from the horse, a vulnerable time of dismount would be the perfect moment to kill. They could take it as a threat, and be justified in their murder.
“I am Vivienne, of the Kallos Sea. I understand your previous priestess has…” You paused for effect, knowing that she was on a very long sailing back to Valhallan. “Abandoned her duties.” 
“How could you-” The leader began, but was interrupted by the enormous stone doors opening. 
“Welcome, priestess.” Eris Vanserra welcomed you, waving you forward.
“I understand that the temple in Valhallan has been undergoing restructuring. Much overdo, in my opinion.``You hummed in agreement, made absent comments while you searched the walls and doors for any hint at where Beron’s office may be. Eris made kind smalltalk while he showed you to your room. The male was charming, but revealed nothing about the influx of ships when you hinted towards it.
Remnants of the missing priestess still lay about. The candles, gems and potions lined the shelves on the walls. Personal artifacts had been cleared, and you hoped the female wasn’t fond of the items left behind. Azriel was only able to capture her because her journey to the nearest temple had taken her out of sight of the court’s many guard stations. 
“My lady?” Eris prompted, his forehead pinched. He’d been speaking. You cursed yourself, you feigned sadness, and placed a hand upon your chest. “I apologize my lord, it has been.. Distressing to say the least. With Liasia disappearing it is… unsettling.” You fanned your face, making sure that the false tears showed. 
“You’re safe here.” Eris assured, with a squeeze to your shoulder. His hand left behind a tingling, heated sensation on your skin. A reminder of what he was? What power he possessed? He looked at you, his golden gaze darkening. “Just be sure you have someone with you if you exit the manor.” 
You batted your eyes at him, playing the part of seductive priestess well. “I’d ask for you if I did, prince.” 
That got him to smile. “Please do. I’d be more than happy to show you my court.” 
A new idea sparked in your mind. Perhaps you wouldn’t need to make this a rushed, blind mission. If Eris was as paliape as he seemed to be for you, perhaps he’d give you the information willingly. 
His gaze lingered on you, even as he bid you goodnight.
The rotting scent only seemed extreme when your torturers came and went. The fresh air they brought with them a curse more than a relief. All around the Autumn dungeons seemed to reek and ooze with the smell of decay and half eaten things. A bucket of rats in the corner, long dead was swarmed with maggots. The trays of food you’d not eaten had been thrown against the walls, food for more scurrying things to feast upon.
Eris did none of the torturing himself. He did watch though, and questioned while a hooded and masked male did the carving. You had two fingernails left, from what you’d been able to see through your swollen eyes. They’d had some kind of powder, an itching, burning thing that they used when they’d gotten sick of the blood. 
But you hadn’t broken. The glamour was still in place, and you’d die before implicating your court. 
“You smell of snow and wind and rivers. Not of the Ocean, Vivenne.” Eris had whispered, so close you could feel his hot breath on your ear. “There is no reconstruction the Mother’s Temple. The Valhallan sages think it to be distasteful.” He said smugly. 
Though you cursed yourself for falling to such a trap, you worried more for Azriel, who by your estimation would be arriving in less than a day for your rescue.
“Perhaps you don’t know all that you think you do, Prince.” You strained for the words, little more than a whisper.
The hours were grinding on Azriel’s nerves. He had gotten the sense that something was wrong days ago, but he refused to act. The bond had remained quiet, diluted almost from the Glamour. He did not enjoy being so blinded from you. Without the mental link, he felt lost, like a ship without course. 
Night fell, and he decided he could no longer wait. He did not warn Rhys or Cassian, because he know - deep in his bones - that something was wrong. Something more than just his mate being late to their meeting point. Something had gone wrong. 
So, with a running start, he flew through the Autumn Court borders and vowed to the Mother he’d find you or die trying. 
The pain was less than a pinch, each time they drew your blood. The blades and odd things they used were nothing, compared to the poisoned prods they’d put in your back. Fire rippled through you with every breath, with every heartbeat that dragged the poison through you. 
Your eyes no longer wept from the throbbing, your voice was gone from the screaming. You held on faintly, to the glimmering bond deep inside your mind - your soul. The thick rope that seemed to be vibrating, warm and welcoming to your presence held you together. It was Azriel. It had to be, because if it wasn’t then what was the point of holding on any longer? 
You could feel something like peace embrace you, every time you’d pass out. Darkness greeted you with open arms, enticing you to fall into the shapeless pit. But that cord, that part of you that loved Azriel more than it feared the pain… it was stronger. It helped you stay, to remain in this world for a few more hours. Days? How long had it been since Eris’ guards had ambushed you? 
The question brought forth the violence of consciousness. The males before you came into focus again, and you body tensed. The fire along your back heightened, earning a broken sob from your chest. 
“Tell me where you’re from, who you’re with, and this can be over.” Eris promised, his voice like honey in the darkness. And Mother above it was tempting. So incredibly tempting to allow the words to come out. The answer to what he wanted was only a few syllables. You could feel your hold on the Glamour beginning to shake. 
There was a thudding sound, far above the prison cell. Dirt shifted and rained down from the ceiling above. An earthquake, hopefully - that would rid you of this pain faster than you’d hope. 
Eris flicked a hand, and two of the guards left the room. When the door opened, revealing silvered moonlight from the windows in the hall, it also made that decaying scent swirl and vacate the room for a moment.
And when you’d normally cringe, and attempt to hold your breath, this fresh air was different. It was cold. Downright freezing, in fact. The guards hesitated outside the door, and the screaming began.
“Where is she.” Azriel’s voice was not his own. It was a growl, a demand and promise of wrath if the boy did not answer his question. The redhead stammered, and clawed at the shadowsinger’s hands, his eyes wide and horrified at what he saw before him.
He let the boy drop. It’d be more likely a guard would know. Azriel was having a hard time getting to the logic of things though, when he sensed the pain his mate was in. When he knew he’d been right all along, and Rhys should have listened.
The compiled rage leaked from him like a poison. Every guard who got close enough fainted or died on the spot from the intensity of the shadows, the nightmares they saw there. He reigned them in, his surroundings coming into focus. He took a breath, and it was as if his senses were heightened in this state. 
There was a male hiding behind the next corner, beside a barrel of wine and stores of bread. Azriel was there in an instant, his shadows taking him so easily, like liquid from one space to the other. 
“Where is she?” He said the words calmly, but they still came out through his teeth. 
“The priestess!” Azriel’s blade was at the male’s neck in the next heartbeat. There wouldn’t be survivors here, not tonight. 
“The cells are down the next hall, the door on the left with the lock. The Prince is there as well-” With the teary confession, Azriel threw the male against the wall, flecks of bone chasing his shadows as he winnowed to the end of the hall. 
The screams were growing louder, more frantic before ending abruptly. Eris flicked a hand again, and all the devices and pain actively hurting you disappeared. The torturer included. Had he been a figment the entire time? More shouts echoed through the halls. 
A smile curled your lip, stretching the skin to the point of pain. Then, you couldn’t help but laugh. As much as you could anyway, it came out more like bitter coughs. 
Eris was moving then, a swift backhand had you spitting up blood between laughs. He unhooked your legs, then your arms. He held you up by the waist, then decided better and let you fall to the ground. Your body sparked in pain, protesting at every movement. Something cold pressed to your neck, and you closed your eyes, blood tipping back in your throat. 
The cold air flowing into the room stopped all together, and the silvery light of the moon faded. Your heart thundered, every joint in your body throbbing in time with it. Pain sang through you, a symphony of aches and split scabs being torn apart.
The guards at the door shuffled, holding their weapons at the ready, then abruptly fell to their knees. There was no sound, other than the clang of their weapons against the stone. 
Azriel appeared in the doorway like a god, wrathful and wielding his power like a part of himself. Your tears stung your wounds as they fell. You mouthed his name, unable to make the word out around the knot in your throat. 
“Not another step, Shadowsinger.” The knife at your throat pinched, and warmth flowed down your chest. 
Azriel straightened, his jaw flexing. “What about her?” Azriel held up a hand, and a red haired female appeared, a gag in her mouth and tears in her eyes. You recognized her as the Beron’s wife, the Lady of Autumn. Eris’s knife relaxed at your throat, and his other no longer held you in place. Your body sagged, threatening to fall without the support of his other hand at your shoulder. 
“You wouldn’t. She’s done nothing.” Eris spat, and a cruel smile played at Azriel’s lips. Truth teller laid a streak of blood upon the Lady’s high cheekbone, carving down, down, down-
“Enough!” Eris was shaking, you could feel it reverberating through his legs. 
“Let her go.” Azriel’s eyes darted to yours, and he blinked quickly. “Release her Eris, or I’ll be sure she regrets ever birthing you.” 
“I’m certain she already does.” Eris muttered, shame weighing his voice. He nudged you forward, and you nearly fell face first to the floor but Azriel was there - and you were gone. Cool shadows embracing you, circling you like a cat. 
“What did they do- what hurts the most?” Azriel was asking before he’d even stepped from his shadows. You landed together in damp leaves, the moon’s light making you squint. 
His hands shook as they grazed over your tattered clothes. His mind warring with revenge and healing. The glamour on your face was rippling and changing, shifting between the face he loved and the one of a stranger. But your scent. He inhaled deeply, greedily, even though it was tainted with blood and something darker, more sinister beneath the surface. It was still you. Still his mate.
“Missed you.” You breathed, smiling at him through swollen lips. His heart ached, his stomach threatened to spill out right there on the decaying autumn ground. 
He tore off his top layer of leather, covering your shoulders with it. The siphons attached dulled but didn’t darken. He used parts of that glowing power to patch up the larger wounds he could see in the shadowy moonlight. Relief flooded him when that glamour finally shifted, and fell. Your face was a bloodied mess but he kissed you on the forehead anyway, as gentle as he could.
 He felt weak, so very tired and weak after the encounter. Fatigue pulled on him, even as the night air bit at his exposed arms once he took off into the sky. 
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water-to-drink · 3 months
Be a Gladiolus in a Field of Belladonnas pt10
Tree Hugger
(Summary): After narrowly escaping detection from the Natlan army it seems that the one from before has caught up with you and company
Part 1 Last Part Next Part
✧ Masterlist ✧
(Characters): Traveler!Lumine, Paimon, Abyss Prince!Aether, Childe, and ???
(Tags/Warnings): gn!reader, potentially bad fight scene, potentially ooc, potential inaccurate descriptions of Natlan, (lmk if I missed anything)
(Word Count): 2.1k
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You ran until the layer of snow became thinner and the crunch beneath your shoes resonated less and less. of a heatwave. You ran until the sun that was once rising now sets and paints the sky with a beautiful mixture of red, orange, and purple. You ran despite your feet hurting beyond belief, but the adrenaline kept you pushing forward. You ran despite your lungs burning hotter and a summer day in the midst
Your feet become heavy and your movements became almost sluggish, it seems that Lumine has noticed this
Lumine looks over her shoulder towards you but you see her looking over you and her eyes widen in horror. You look in the same direction and your heart dropped. Just far into the distance you spotted the same jaguar like mask you saw back in Snezhnaya coming at you full speed
“Guys, someone’s found us!” Lumine yelled as she quickly pushed you behind her and summoned her sword
Your assailant summons their weapon, a long wooden claymore lined with pieces of sharp obsidian blades. They swung it at the traveler who expertly dodged the attacks. When Lumine swings her sword the masked individual blocks it with a shield decorated with colorful feathers. They lift up their club to strike Lumine but Aether comes in and stops the attack
The two fall into a familiar rhythm of fighting the attacker and covering the other, Lumine making swings with her right hand whilst Aether does the same with his left hand
The assailant takes out a cord with 3 balls tied to the ends of it and they swing it above their head before throwing it. The string entangles itself around Lumine’s ankles making her fall to the ground. Aether looks at Lumine to ensure she’s okay
“Aether watch out!” Lumine warns
The prince turns around to see their attacker about to deal a blow, but they put up their shield to block the hydro infused arrows, however some water splashes onto them
Seeing the opportunity Aether throws a few lightning strikes towards the assailant to stun them
Childe uses his hydro vision to make a pair of blades and charges at them. Still in a daze the attacker couldn’t react in time to block the slices dealt by the ginger
Lumine finally was able to untangle herself from the bolas
“Childe get down!” Lumine warned and she blasted a large cryo attack at the assailant, freezing them in place
Finally getting their bearings the masked individual puts their hands up in defeat. “I admit defeat, I expected nothing less from the three of you.” They finally spoke
“Who are you?” Aether said while pointing his sword at their neck
Their hands slowly make their way behind their head to remove the mask from their face. You spot two rounded ears covered in a rosette pattern, yellow eyes with slits in the pupils, and short reddish hair
“Oh my god!” You shouted out in surprise. “Wait, who are you?”
“I’m the high priestess in Natlan, Chimalma, I aid the mighty warriors in various thing, but that’s a topic for some other time.” Chimalma introduced herself
“Why should we trust you, for all we know you could have alerted your forces about us.” Aether asked still untrusting of the supposed high priestess
“I know what happened between you and the Raiden Shogun, her seeing your golden blood.” They stated matter of factly. “I also know that the Fatui has been searching for these ‘primogems’, but you haven’t had any luck finding more.”
“How do you know that?!” Lumine asked as she and Childe got in front of you ready to protect you in a moment’s notice
“I don’t mean to bring harm to their Grace, we only wish to help you on your journey.”
“Wait, ‘we?’ Who else is with you?” You asked
“Chimalma wouldn’t have known about your situation if a little birdie hadn’t told her.” A voice replied, you turned your head to see the iconic long pink hair with pink ears drooping because of heavy gold earrings with purple gems, one earring holding an electro vision
“Yae?!” You, Lumine, and Paimon shouted in unison
“Why hello your Grace.” The Guji greeted
“Wh-why are you here?! And how did you know that I’m not the imposter?!”
“Well the Shogun puppet came to the shrine one day and told me about the incident, she even told me about despite Ei seeing your blood but she was forced to raise her blade against you.” You saw Yae’s usual playful expression uncharacteristically turn into one of pain. “I apologize for our little priestess’ brash behavior earlier, I will deal with them later.”
“Wait, I understand where she learned the incident with Ei but how did she learn about the Fatui?!”
“It’s simple,” Chimalma said as she raised her hand out and a blue hummingbird flew over and perched itself her hand. “I had spies watching.”
“Birds talk here?!” You gasped in shock
“They do but only a chosen few can understand them. Soon you’ll understand them.”
“We need to head out soon, it’s getting late and do something about your clothes.” Yae looks over her shoulder and made a little gesture with her hand, a decent sided wooden carriage pulled by animals you don’t recognize and two men dressed in what you assumed to be Natlan clothing come out of the carriage. The twin instantly get in front of you at the sight of the men, sensing your nervousness they give Yae the box and kneel down before you
“Just as Lady Chimalma said, we don’t mean to bring you any harm.” One stated
“We would rather see that our end is met by your hands if you see us as untrustworthy .” The other continued
“No, you’re good. I’m not killing anyone except my doppelganger.” You reassured them
“Natlan warriors are an intense bunch.” Yae said as she walks towards you with the wooden box. “I know it’s not much but it’s all that we could find in such a short period.” Yae opens the box to reveal 7 Primogems
You take the gems and they disappear into a glittery blue dust very reminiscent of a nebula in space. You felt a tiny bit of power course through your arm and up to your chest causing an involuntary shiver racks through your body
“Whoa, I actually felt something this time.” You chuckled
“That’s good to hear, but I know a more effective method to getting your old powers back.”
“Really? What is it?” Paimon asked
“We need to go to Natlan for that.” Chimalma said as she melted the ice trapping her feet in place
“Don’t worry, little one. I will ensure your safety.” Yae said putting her hand on your shoulder in a gesture of reassurance. “However, before we enter Natlan’s boarder’s you all need to change into something less eye catching.” Yae said gesturing to your clothes
The Guji snapped her fingers and the two men go back into the carriage and bring out various clothing items, they present them to you and company
“You have to change out of your clothes to avoid suspicion.” Yae advised
You and the others quickly put on the disguises which consisted of a thick cloth shirt, leggings with a rosette pattern similar to the one that Chimalma has on her ears, and a wooden helmet carved in the shape of a bird, but you were told that could be put on later when in Natlan. Now you resembled the two men clothing wise, you all were ushered into the carriage and settled in. There was only enough room for you and Miko to sit on one side while the others sat right in front of you. The carriage began to make the long journey from Snezhnaya to Natlan, maybe the fact that you were finally stationary in hours because you found yourself dozing off and you almost rested your head on Yae’s shoulder
“You look tired, my dear. Why don’t you rest a little for now.” Yae smiled as she patted her thighs inviting you to lay your head on them
“Oh! A-are you sure, don’t want to impose…” You stuttered out as heat rushes to your face
“Nonsense, you need all the rest you can get, remember you have a long journey ahead of you.”
“If you say so.” You said and laid your head down in her lap. Yae’s lap felt like heaven, you don’t know if it’s due to the fact that you’ve slept in a cave and spent the whole day running but her thighs were spiritually healing. You were so preoccupied with the comfort you were experiencing you completely missed the death glares thrown at Yae, who in turn smirked triumphantly
The next thing you feel is Yae gently shaking you awake, you sat up and in your groggy state you looked around and remembered where you are.
“We’re here.” Chimalma said as you all got out of the carriage and looked at the beautiful landscape. “Welcome to the nation of pyro, Natlan.”
“How did we get here that fast?” You asked in amazement
“It’s a secret~” Yae said holding her finger in front of her smirking lips
You look around to see reddish orange mountains with various paintings on them. A tap on your shoulder brings your attention towards Yae
“It isn’t safe to be out there for too long without your mask.”
You put on the wooden helmet and followed Yae and Chimalma who lead you and company to a tree with parts of its bark a glowing shade of blue
You see the two hybrids looking at you and the tree expectantly
“Ohh! Uhh, how do I ‘resonate’ with the tree?” You asked
“The same way our dear traveler resonates with the statues of the seven, by touching them.” Yae answered
You hesitantly extends your hands and rest your finger tips on the tree. After a while your tense shoulders slowly relax and you press your palms on the bark. The moment you spot the blue parts of the tree start glowing brighter than before you instantly withdrew your hands. The soft giggles from Yae drew your attention towards the Guji, she takes your hands and leads them back to the tree
“Relax, just concentrate on connecting with the tree.”
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, focusing on the tree you feel power and warmth course through you. You take your hands off the tree and open your eyes to see the blue parts glowing brightly
“So how do you feel?” Lumine asked
“That was intense, but other than that I feel the same.” You replied
“Summon some fire!” Chimalma urged
You hesitantly held out your dominant hand and imagined a flame coming out from your hand and once the image comes into your mind a decently sized fire envelopes your hand. Surprisingly the flame doesn’t hurt you and after a while the flame dies down into nothing
“Whoa, so the way for their Grace to regain their powers is to touch these trees, kinda like Lumine with the statues of the seven?” Paimon asked as she rubbed her chin
“Very intuitive little one, as to why it works for the Ley Lines instead of the statues I do not know.” Yae explains
You spot Aether wanting to say something but stopping himself from doing so, you stopped yourself from prying so to not make the situation awkward
“Now that we’re done here, let’s go time is of the essence.” Yae begins to walk away from the tree
“Wait before you go,” Chimalma said as she knelt down before you. “take this sword with you.” You took the sword and take it out of its sheath to examine it, a brown hilt leading to a blade with similar blue stripes as the tree you just resonated with
“Why are you giving their Grace a sword?! They have us to protect them!” Aether stated also offended at the implication that he and Lumine aren’t enough to protect you
“You never know and besides it’ll help jog up some memories.”
“I think you’re mistaken, I’ve never held a sword like this before.” You said
“Maybe in this life, but in your old life definitely. Everything that the old pyro archon knew, you taught it to them.”
You held the sword and felt something stir inside you and put it back in its sheath
“I’ll hold you to that statement.” You said
“I promise it’ll come in handy.”
You waved Chimalma goodbye and walk back to the carriage. Mentally preparing yourself for your next destination
The land of electro, Inazuma
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@chuuya-brainrot @creation-magician @tartarsaucechi1de @vvyeislazzy @kokomisimpppp @aludicpoet @undecidingfate @annoying-mary @randomnatics @ventixthexanemoxarchon @bore2808 @lizzhearthz @ bidisasterforevermore @dxprived4-starboys @angstylittleb1tch @esthelily @yurivision @angelamelamela @d4y-dr3am3r @blackcoffex @not-the-shroom @raffaelo4ka @rebeccawinters @lhaol @artwitchh @imyme20 @nymphsdomain @sun7flowxr @itz-luna @flowerypesky @ghost-mint @mmmhyperfixation @legendaryexperthideout @lapinaenmicoche @sinsdumbdrabble @land-of-eternity @deathcvltcivilofficial
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 1 month
Dom! Reader, sub! Donna
Reader is a new maid/butler working for Donna who is secretly a vampire(not like the dimitrescu but different like she can survive any climate). She wears contact lense to hide her red eyes from her. Donna is unaware of all of this and continues to her things. Reader can smell her blood and she's obsessed with it. One time couldn't take it anymore, during night time she goes to her mistress' bed. Donna woke up seeing her standing in the middle of the night with her red eyes and she's terrified. Reader proceeds to drink her blood, she is savouring all of it so it was a slow process. Donna felt her blood draining and she's losing consciousness there's also tears in her eyes at this point. Donna didn't stop her but rather let her continue, the truth is that she's been in love with reader for quite sometime but is afraid to approach and even confess. Now she wanted to please her by making her drink her blood, maybe she'll love her as well. Reader stop drinking and looks at the semi conscious Donna, with all of her strength Donna proceeds to kiss her and then fainted. Reader felt guilty and took care of her until she woke up 3 days later. Reader apologised for what she did to her that night and they kiss.
Note: can you follow the story if it's ok with you, if not it's okay as well.
Happy ending plss
Yess!!!! Thank you for your request!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!!! :))))
Red eyes, red like blood
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem, Vampire! Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, blood, reader POV
Word count: 7.540
Summary: She can't know I'm a monster....
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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She is not a suitable vessel for Eva…
Those were the first words I heard when I woke up from a dream that seemed eternal. I remember the golden glow of that mask, I remember being at the mercy of the priestess Mother Miranda.
I can't remember how I got there and what happened. I only remember the thirst, the hunger, my heart beating strangely.
After all, I was just a naughty girl who had a penchant for entering the dark places of the village. My parents always said that the Black Gods would punish me for my insolence. They were right.
I couldn't say if it was a punishment, or a gift, as the witch told me after talking about complicated technicalities, about parasites that I didn't understand. I could be clear about one thing. I was no longer the same.
 (Y/N) had changed, forever.
The mirror made me understand that great change, the red eyes that shone terrifyingly on my face were no longer mine, but from that moment on, they would never stop being mine. My skin turned pale, my head ached with every sound that was heard in that old laboratory. The thirst was unbearable.
“What am I, Mother Miranda?”  I asked the woman with the golden mask, that kind of living legend that led the village, that emissary of the Black Gods we had to venerate. The woman looked at me out of the corner of her eye, trying to write something on a piece of paper.
I couldn't make out the letters, I couldn't know what was written on that note, I could only look at her hands, those pale hands that let her veins be seen, the places where her blood flowed.
I got nervous. I fidgeted and tried to move. It was in vain, I was tied up.
“I suppose you're thirsty,” the witch murmured with disinterest.
I nodded, noticing how my lips cracked, how my body longed to fill that horrible emptiness.
“Mother Miranda… Could you… Give me a glass of water?” I asked with a broken voice. The blonde smiled and shook her head, searching for something among her belongings.
I didn't know what horrible things were in that place, I could only see her blood flowing through her body, my eyes never leaving every inch of her pale skin.
“I don't think that's what you want, (Y/N),” she whispered, extending a glass with a thick, red liquid towards me, one that made my eyes focus on it, my hands untie themselves from their bonds to reach it.
“Gods… What?” I said confused, looking at the already empty glass, flooding my mouth with that characteristic ferrous taste, the taste of blood.
“Better?” she asked, pushing that delicious liquid away from me. The thirst subsided and my mind cleared.
What had I become?
Miranda tried unsuccessfully to talk to me about what had happened, about the things that had happened to my body. I soon realized. I stopped listening to her scientific explanations.
I was always a great reader, a lover of mystery, of creatures of the night. It didn't matter what I called it, it didn't matter what kind of disease had taken hold of me. Only one word echoed in my mind, a terrifying word that repeated itself over and over again: Vampire.
Drinking blood, immortality, heightened senses. It was that disgusting mushroom, but what mattered was what I had become. I was a vampire, and I would be forever.
Luckily, or unfortunately, the priestess didn't see a threat in me. She didn't see the danger in my eyes, the way I looked at the veins on her neck. She simply let me go.
“What will I eat, Mother Miranda?”
“You can eat whatever you want, but if you want to live, you need blood.”
“Won't I die in the sunlight?”
“You're not a vampire, (Y/N).”
It was a lie. I was, there was nothing else I could be.
“What’s going to happen with me, Mother Miranda?”
Her hidden gaze darkened at that last question, as if she really didn't care but at the same time she was wisely pondering her decision, my destiny.
“Have you ever worked as a maid, (Y/N)?” she asked, with a sinister smile, one that even made a creature of the night like me shudder.
And so, after a time I couldn't calculate, my life became a hunt, trips to the forest in search of small animals to feed on.
She let me go, but assured me that I would return once I learned to control myself. According to her, there was something I could do, a mission for me, a job that would allow me to stay away from the village, but at the same time, close to her.
One witch, four Lords. That was the level of power in my old village.
My friends dreamed, fantasized about obtaining the grace of the Gods and serving one of them. Not me, they terrified me. But, now turned into a monster like them, now under the control of the owner of that place, my purpose, the task that was entrusted to me in that second and eternal life, was to serve, to serve a Lord, the veiled lady in black, Donna Beneviento.
According to Miranda, she was the youngest of the Lords, she was sick, she was erratic and lonely. For a newborn monster like me, it was the perfect place, a secluded place, surrounded by forest to be able to feed, a place to live in the shadows, just like the doll maker.
“Mother Miranda sends you, you say?” that sinister puppet, the Angie doll asked.
Lady Beneviento was sitting in front of me, with that puppet on her lap asking a thousand questions, making me believe that my presence was not welcome. It seemed the lady didn’t even know about my nature and I could not blame her.
In a last act of mercy, Miranda gave me some strange objects, ones that hid the reddish color of my eyes. I could ask her many things, but I didn’t want to.
Why not tell her daughter what I was?
Why her?
No, no question made sense. No question was going to fix my transformation. There was nothing that could cure me.
“Yes, my lady,”  I said kindly, feeling strangely comfortable in that place, thinking that maybe being a maid wouldn’t be that bad, even if I was the maid of what all the villagers said was a monster.
“Why would Miranda send someone like you? We don't want maids,” the doll said, with a different tone, darker, the distorted voice of Lady Beneviento, you were sure.
“I don’t question Mother Miranda, my lady,” I said, lowering my head in respect.
 I was still afraid. I still trembled to have a woman like her in front of me. I couldn’t see her face, but I could feel her fear, her rejection, was it another ability?
“Mm,” a different voice that came out of that black veil murmured, while the doll lowered to the floor and the lady stood up, approaching me slowly.
I was nervous, could she feel how nervous I was?
“There is something weird about you...” she whispered with a hoarse, melodic voice, being close, too close to me, as if she was trying to observe me, as if the mere fact of meeting me was already warning her that I was a monster.
“Weird, weird!” the doll shrieked, her voice getting louder, approaching my almost frozen figure with clumsy steps.
“I, I guess we all have something strange inside us,” I said, downplaying her suspicions, making a vague and clumsy attempt at joking.
Something that was not a good idea.
“Are you laughing at me?” the lady asked, with an aggressive tone, standing up to reaffirm her position in front of me, a simple villager, a villager who wasn’t what it seemed.
“No, my lady, why would I do that?” I asked letting my new instincts to run away, not occupy my mind. Everything, the smells, the sounds, everything was overwhelming for my head.
“Tell me, (Y/N), why would Mother Miranda choose you to be my maid?” the lady asked, moving away, as if something had scared her.
 Maybe it was my nervous breathing or maybe she could see the darkness inside me.
“I don't know, my lady,” I said with a muffled voice, broken by my desire to attack, to run, to let out that stress by hunting again, far from that place.
“You’re lying,” she whispered, coming closer again, clouding my senses with her floral perfume, one that almost made me dizzy.
“Lying, lying!” the squeaky Angie repeated.
“Start talking, villager, tell me why you're here,” the lady in black demanded, moving away again, making her dress dance in an almost hypnotic way.
“I… Well, I…” I stammered, searching in my head for a way to keep the secret.
Yes, I was a monster now, but that didn't mean I wanted Miranda's golden claws to pierce my heart.
“I wanted to, I wanted to steal something valuable from her,” -I said, being completely sincere. After all, that's what I snuck into that cave for. I was never a friend of the law, even if it was the law of a sinister and supernatural cult. “Mother Miranda caught me and… Well, she condemned me to serve you, my lady.”
“Uh-huh,” the lady said, with disinterest, moving impatiently. “Serving me is a sentence for you, then.”
“Yes, I mean, no,” I said quickly, confused and nervous. “I'm just, I'm just trying to redeem myself from my sins.”
“I see…” she whispered, indicating to the puppet to stop harassing you with its sinister gaze. “Upstairs, you will stay there,” she said after a few seconds of tension.
“Thank you, my lady, you won’t regret it, my lady,” I said happy to have been able to comply with Miranda's demands.
Yes, I was happy to have pleased her, why? I didn’t want to think about it.
“Make me some tea and shut up, your voice is annoying me,” my new lady ordered, not wanting to waste any more time with me. Once again, I couldn’t blame her.
“Well…” I murmured to myself, watching the lady walk away, disappearing into the darkness of that mansion. “How nice…”
Sighing, calming my nerves, I climbed the indicated stairs, staying for a moment, paralyzed, looking at the portrait hanging on the wall.
It looked like the lady in black, the doll gave her away. She was a truly beautiful woman, with pale skin and bright, cold eyes. Questions came back to my head as I looked at the stoic pose of that woman.
Why are you covering yourself?
“What are you looking at?” a voice asked behind me, one that startled me. I turned around, putting myself in an involuntary attack stance.
Lady Beneviento, who was mysteriously watching me from the bottom of the stairs, stepped back upon hearing the small hiss that escaped my lips.
“My lady,” I said to reassure myself, hiding my hands, which already revealed horrible claws coming out of my nails. “I was, I was looking at the painting.”
“Why? Why?” Angie asked, in the arms of her owner.
“Because… I was curious,” I whispered, letting the truth come out on its own, allowing sincerity to appease those sudden urges to kill.
“Curiosity…” the lady began, with a mysterious tone, bringing one of her hands to the black cloth that covered her face, pulling it away, letting me see that familiar face, the face of the portrait, deformed by a horrible scar.
“…Killed the cat,” I finished, with a thread of voice, surprised to see the face that nobody knew. I could think she was a monster, but I didn't, I thought she was… Simply beautiful.
“Do you have something to say?” she asked with an annoyed voice, with her only eye shining with hatred, nervous, dangerous.
“No, my lady,” I denied with the most sincere voice possible, letting the first impression of her beauty speak for me.
“Tea, ora,” she murmured, relaxing her posture, without stopping looking at me, staring that beautiful gaze into mine.
“Yes, my lady,” I answered with a bow, relieved by the sound of the heels on the wood, by seeing that dark shadow disappear again.
I didn't start off particularly well in that house. Everything was dark, strange, disturbing...
I couldn't stop thinking about what was wrong with that woman, why she seemed so strong, and at the same time her gestures betrayed fragility. That curiosity that began to thrill me was unhealthy, dangerous, only increased at the same time as my hunger, my thirst.
During the day, I was just a maid: washing clothes, cooking, cleaning, nothing worth mentioning. Many of those days, I didn't even coincide with the lady in black.
Was she avoiding me? She possibly was.
She was a Lord, she wasn't just any woman. It wasn't just any house.
At night, my wild side appeared. I couldn't feed myself during the day, I couldn't. I had to take advantage of the fact that the sun didn't illuminate the bright eyes that hid behind a couple of strange objects.
When the darkness was not just a metaphor, and the forest was quiet, I took advantage of the opportunity to run, to hunt animals, to quench the horrible thirst I suffered during the day.
Maid by day, monster by night. If I had been luckier in life, I would surely have written something about it.
Time passed, my thirst was quenched. There was nothing strange in my life, there was nothing that made me think about Miranda's motives for sending me to that house. Donna was never there, Donna didn’t exist. She was a ghostly, elusive presence.
But even so, little by little she got used to my presence, to not using her hands to point out something she wanted, to using her voice without using irony, without showing me again and again that I was a simple nuisance.
“(Y/N),” a voice woke me from my involuntary dream, from my nightmares in which the color red occupied each of the places my mind visited.
“Ah!” I screamed, moving defensively, with the unpleasant sting of those lenses burning my eyes. It was her, the lady in black, who had unconsciously placed a hand on my shoulder, causing me to sit up abruptly.
She stepped back, frightened by my reaction. Discreetly, I looked for some sign of my nature that would have given me away. I didn't seem to have any claws and those annoying lenses were still burning my eyes. I had simply been scared.
“Oh, I... I... It's, it's true, the tea, I...” I said hurriedly, trying to forget those red nightmares, ones that reminded me of how thirsty I was.
“No, wait,” she whispered, lowering her gaze, playing with her nervous hands. “I wanted to talk to you.”
“Have I done something wrong?” I asked, controlling my breathing, trying not to look at the lady's neck, one that at certain hours of the afternoon became tempting.
“No, I... I wanted to ask you some questions, if it's okay with you,” she said with a soft, elegant voice, letting her hands go of in that nervous way, not daring to look me in the eyes.
“Questions? Yes, yes of course,” I said, still confused, with the red still tinting my field of vision, with my lady's floral perfume making a dent in my thoughts.
“Va bene,” she whispered, sitting on the other side of the sofa, not letting me see her bright eye, one in which sometimes, just sometimes, I lost myself. Nervous, she cleared her throat and sighed. “You weren't in your bed last night.”
“No,” I said, frowning. A dangerous statement, a phrase that I already knew, that I didn't want to contextualize, I didn't want to explain why.
“That's not a question, my lady,” I joked, hoping that this small, minuscule increase in confidence between the two of us would serve to relax the inevitable tension in the environment.
“I know,” she said, without laughing, without smiling. “I've been trying to talk to you for several nights and you're never here,” she explained in a serious tone, with her hands playing nervously in her lap again.
“Talk to me?” I asked strangely, placing myself on the sofa, avoiding a hungry hiss from slipping through my lips.
“I'm the one who asks the questions,” she said, with a stern tone, with a cold, almost angry expression.
“You're not asking them, my lady,” I murmured, with an amused smile, relaxing her breathing with my words.
Again, she didn't understand my desire to make her smile, to discover that smile that I had once imagined was as beautiful as I thought.
“Where do you go at night?” she asked, looking away.
I was always a funny girl, and, to be honest, I had to be thankful because my transformation didn't erase that aspect of my personality.
“Why do you want to talk to me?” I asked back, with an amused look, with a light in my smile that hid the fervent darkness that burned in my guts.
“Forget it,” the lady sighed, getting up with a furious gasp, muttering words that I was unable to understand.
I immediately regretted my attitude, getting up and grabbing her wrist. She froze.
“I'm, I'm sorry,” I said with a soft voice. “I didn't mean to make you nervous.”
Yes, I knew her attacks, her crises, the problems that darkened her mind. Little by little, I began, unintentionally, to find similarities between her and me, too many.
“You're very good at that,” she whispered, with a mocking, ironic smile, one that wasn't even half as beautiful as I imagined. That smile wasn't worth it to me, I wanted a real one.
“I guess I’m that way,” I said, shrugging my shoulders.
Lady Beneviento shook her head and turned away, gently removing her hand from mine, as if she didn't want to do so.
“I should have imagined that a thief like you would be that shameless,” she murmured, with a different tone, strangely amused.
“I've stopped stealing,” I sighed, remembering that my actions were the ones responsible for that thirst that was getting worse little by little.
“Really?” she asked distrustfully, studying my gaze, my gestures and the tremors with which my body asked for me to drink. “So tell me, where do you go at night?”
“To the forest,” I answered too quickly, slowly losing control of my actions, looking again at my lady's neck, at that beautiful neck… I shook my head to stop my impulses and smiled in a false, fake way.
“To the forest,” the lady repeated, with her eyebrow arched. “The forest is dangerous at night.”
“Not for me,” I said, clenching my hands tightly for letting out those mysterious statements that would surely give rise to more questions.
“I see,” she whispered, moving nervously, moving away from me, as if she were afraid of me, as if, deep down, she knew who, what I am.
“What did you want to tell me?” I asked, thus breaking another of the hundreds of tense moments like that.
“I… I wanted, I wanted to apologize,” she finally said, daring to look into my false eyes, ones that seemed innocent.
I didn't answer, I just kept my face of ironic surprise and nodded slowly, letting her continue, if she wanted to continue.
“I know that... I didn't treat you well at the beginning,” she said, with a voice so low that it was increasingly similar to a whisper. “Um, understand me, I've been... I've been alone for a long time and...”
“I understand, calm down, I know it's not easy to deal with a change in your life,” I said, putting on that tone of an understanding girl, one that unintentionally revealed my own worries.
The sun was setting and my throat hurt from thirst. She was too close to me.
“Well, thank you, I, wanted, wanted to thank you for being here with me,” she whispered again, getting a little closer, letting me see her delicious neck better.
I had to shake my head again.
“You, you're welcome, I'm… Well, to be with you is not bad at all, even if you come at night to say kind words to me,” I joked, taking a small step back. Finally, I could finally see that smile.
“During the day I'm usually busy,” she explained without me asking her, without that beautiful smile fading from her face.
“I’m busy at night,” I said, shrugging, holding my hand discreetly so it would stop shaking.
“I guess then we'll never meet,” she said amused, taking a step forward, the step I took back, the step I needed to get away from her. I was too thirsty.
“It’s a shame, I like meeting you, my lady,” I said softly, breathing deeply.
Her face relaxed, but she didn't lose her smile, she simply reached out her hand to my cheek, her eye focused on mine.
She was thoughtful.  I could hear her blood flowing through her veins, a comforting, but dangerous sound.
“Donna, stop with the my lady thing,” she whispered in a timid voice, before her hand brushed my skin, moving away with a shy smile and quickly, giving me one last mysterious look.
“Donna...” I sighed, still intoxicated by her floral perfume, by her hair, by her hands...
It was time to hunt.
That conversation was a turning point. Our routine remained the same but with small changes. Smiles were much more common, the time we spent together was longer, the conversations more interesting.
My mind was always weak to beauty and little by little I became obsessed with hers. Falling in love is an easy task, but being a monster in love is not that easy. Despite my approaches, something about me continued to scare her, as if that lack of confidence was still part of the environment.
Cooking, cleaning, spending time with Donna, hunting, eating, drinking, sleeping, starting over.
My new and cursed life wasn't bad at all, after all.
“Did you never learn?” the lady in black asked.
It was one quiet morning when I was keeping her company in the old workshop. As I said before, those encounters stopped being coincidences. It didn't matter if she was looking for me, or if I was the one who wanted to see her.
“Mm, not really,” I said amused, shrugging as I saw the lady working on her dolls and looking at me accusingly for not knowing how to sew.
“How strange, normally villagers like you are born almost knowing those things,” she said, concentrating on a fabric she was sewing slowly, with an almost hypnotic skill.
“Oh, of course, so I could sew the stinky clothes of a fat-ass husband, right? How predictable,”  I said jokingly, but with an internal resentment that reflected the slight annoyance those words caused.
“I didn't say that, I just said that I find it strange,” she said, with a more serious tone, stopping sewing to look at me intensely.
“Don't you find that a villager like me tries to steal your Goddess strange?” I asked amused, resting my elbow on the table, taking the fabric that the woman in black offered me, concentrated.
“Hold this, per favore,” she murmured, seeing that I had indeed listened to her.
I nodded indifferently, holding that fabric with my arms outstretched as she cut it with scissors.
“What happened to your dress?” Donna asked when she finished her work, roughly grabbing one of my sleeves, pulling me unconsciously.
“Oh, well I must have caught myself on a branch,” I lied, knowing it wasn’t the reason for that tear.
My runs, my jumps through the forest while hunting were starting to be evident in my clothes.
“You are very careless, (Y/N),” Donna said, with a slightly dark tone, sewing the fabric again.
“That's just me,” I said amused, pointing at myself. She looked at me and smiled, shaking her head, letting the air out of her lungs with a tired, melancholic sigh.
“Ah, cazzo,” the lady protested, letting the fabric go and bringing one of her fingers to her mouth.
“What…?” I asked, being unexpectedly attacked by a sweet aroma, by an attractive perfume that made my pupils dilate, my vision blurry and the red color being the only thing I could see.
A perfect red color, blood that spilled almost imperceptibly from her hand. I didn't know if I was dreaming, but that feeling was as if I could fly, that red color was the purest I had ever seen, the most appetizing.
“What's wrong, Donna?” I said nervously, trying to come back to myself, trying to ignore the pleasure of that ferrous and sweet smell, one that mixed with the floral perfume that always accompanied her.
“It’s, it's nothing, I stuck myself with the needle. How opportune, just when I was scolding you for being careless...”
I knew she was talking, but my ears couldn't hear her, they could only hear a tiny drop of blood falling on the old wooden table, one so small that only I could see it.
“I'm going to wash up, excuse me,” she said, getting up from the chair, holding her injured finger and going to the next room.
I could lie, I could say that I didn't do anything, that I waited patiently for her to come back, but I didn't.
Grunting, I approached that little drop of blood, soaking my finger with it. It was very small, but I could still feel its warmth, its smell, that voice calling me from that red place, urging me to commit a sin.
Not even the sweetest of rabbits could compare to that taste, not even the fiercest of wolves had that intensity. It was divine nectar, it was almost magical, a love potion, a soft taste of copper and flowers.
My finger swam in my mouth and its flavor impregnated my tongue. I had been drinking animal blood for a long time, I never hurt anyone, I never wanted to.
But that almost paradisiacal smell forced me to do it, that attraction to Lady Beneviento's blood that had crossed the limits of curiosity.
Sweet, bitter, intense… And very, very fleeting. That taste left me soon, that sensation of tasting the nectar of life left my body trembling. Her taste left me, her smell didn’t.
Then I knew what her blood smelled like, how appetizing it was, how pleasurable it would be when it went down my throat. If I could go back, I surely would not have licked her blood, I would not have caused more problems to my cursed body.
She came back, free of the red stain on her hand, of that smell that stopped being perceptible to become something subtle, something fantastical that surrounded her. I could hear her heart pumping that delicious liquid. I could see her veins swelling with that blood, with that ambrosia.
I had a horrible day. Unwillingly, I moved away from Donna to avoid feeling the urge to see her bleed again, to stop looking at any sharp object, to stop running my tongue over my fangs every time she was near.
Luckily, night came, and with it, my time to quench my thirst. Surely this way I would forget about her blood, about the taste that made me see stars, reach a pleasure that I thought was impossible.
I couldn't do it. I ran, jumped, almost flew to dig my claws into the animals, to sink my fangs into their skin. The sensation of warm blood in my mouth was enough to quench my thirst, but it was disgusting.
That blood was wild, impure, imperfect. It lacked the flavors, the nuances of Donna's little drop of blood. It had nothing to do with it. There was a too great gap between those two flavors.
Furious, I dedicated myself to looking for more creatures, one a little more similar to that divine flavor. I didn't find it, I never tasted that sweet flavor again, that pleasant flavor of the blood of the lady in black.
Time continued to pass, and I, naive, believed that what they said about time and sorrow was true. I thought that the memory of that flavor, of that purity, would disappear with hours, days, weeks. It wasn't like that.
Guided by my sick obsession, I began to pursue Donna, to look for her when she felt like cooking, when she worked with her dolls. They were two dangerous situations, which sooner or later would cause her delicious blood to leave her body again.
But Donna was not just any woman, she never was. She was caring, skilled, she calmed my anxiety with her smiles, with her soft accent, with the words that praised me almost without me realizing it. I could only think of red, of her red.
I couldn't even hear the voices of my heart, of that human side that remained intact, of those screams that repeated to me over and over again, that I shouldn't hurt Donna, that I loved her.
Yes, I may have loved her, but love was something that my condition as a cursed girl left in the background. I loved her, I needed her, but first, first I wanted one thing, only one thing: her warm blood in my mouth.
Desperate, anxious and nervous, I lost control of my nightly hunts, I tore apart innocent creatures, I drank the blood of ever larger beasts so as not to have that horrible need to feed on the woman I loved. It didn't work, nothing worked, only her, only her perfume, her neck, her eye, her smile, only she could calm my desires, only her blood could calm my thirst.
I returned home empty-handed, I was not able to kill, to drink. My body rejected that impure blood, it was no longer good for me, my mind rejected it, repudiated it. I didn't want to drink that disgusting blood, and if I couldn't drink hers, I wouldn't drink any.
It was madness that darkened the sanity of my mind, my logical thinking, my animal instinct for survival.
Even her face, her stoic gaze hanging in that portrait called me, even my eyes searched for her neck in that old painting. I ran up the stairs, locked myself in my room, took off my lenses, and looked myself in the mirror.
My bright red eyes reflected my thirst, my breathing and my gaze reflected the monstrosity that slowly took over me. But something strange caught my attention behind my monstrous body, something that was on my bed.
A dress, a seemingly new one, brought me out of my bloody visions. I frowned and brought my trembling hands closer to the small paper note that was on top of that new garment.
I hope you won't be careless with this one, (Y/N)
Thanks for making my loneliness disappear.
Love, Donna.
“Oh, okay,” I groaned, reading the note over and over again, bringing it closer to my face to sense the floral perfume that invaded my room. She had been there, she had made me that dress, she had contaminated my room with her tempting essence.
A nervous smile formed on my face, my heart was beating loudly to be heard. I should have fallen madly in love, but I didn't. There was only one thing in my head, a horrible tremor in my hands almost made me tear that note.
I felt stupid. If I had drunk that night, I would never have left the room.
My gaze stopped smiling, my body stood up on its own, slowly picking up that new dress.
“At least I'll do it in your honor...” I whispered, not really knowing what I wanted to say, the wild part of me was the one talking, the one moving my hands as I took off my torn dress and put hers on. It smelled like flowers, it smelled like her.
I looked at myself in the mirror again. I couldn't see a girl, I couldn't see myself, I only saw my red eyes, I only saw a beautiful dress put on a monster.
I closed my eyes, hoping to wake up from that nightmare, from what my body was asking me to do and had begun to.
Like a zombie, like a ghost that always follows the same path, I went down the stairs. The gaze that used to smile darkened, my throat, sore from thirst, forced me to hiss unpleasantly. Darkness enveloped the old mansion, but I didn't need light, I needed blood, her blood.
The basement was even darker, but it was no problem for my monstrous body, for my anxiety, my uncontrollable thirst. I could follow her trail. I let myself be carried away by the scent of the flowers, which was more and more intense.
I arrived at my shameful destination, at that wooden door that separated my integrity from my monstrosity. Donna was there, my precious desire rested peacefully behind that door.
A sinister creaking accompanied my body walking inside that windowless place. I could see her, she couldn't.
She was... She was like a painting, like a muse, like an angel. A woman like her, dangerous, sick, beautiful, was even more so when sleep invaded her body, when her expression was completely relaxed.
I took a step towards the bed, then another, and then another.
The old wood was that telltale element that stirred the brunette, blinking confusedly, looking everywhere, remaining paralyzed when she met me.
“(Y/N)?” she asked sleepily, rubbing her eye. Maybe she thought she was dreaming, maybe she thought it was a nightmare. I wish it had been just that, a nightmare. “Your, your eyes…”
“Donna,” I said, with a deep voice, bringing my hands to my face, rubbing my red eyes that had not gone unnoticed by her. “Look, I put on your dress.”
Quickly, with a frightened movement, Donna reached out to the switch of the small lamp on the bedside table. The lady sat up and blinked several times, disturbed by your pose, by your voice.
“Did you like it? I'm, I'm glad to know it,” she stammered with a false smile, unable to hide her fear, her gaze frightened by yours. “(Y/N), what are you...?”
I couldn't stand it any longer.
I jumped onto the bed. She screamed in shock, but my strength and speed were no match for hers.
I climbed up her body, immobilizing her arms by her wrists while my breathing mixed with hers. Her gaze caused a pang in my soul, that terror, that fear it caused her should have made me feel guilty. But it didn't, I should have drink in the forest.
“What are you?” she asked, stopping fighting my hold, looking at my eyes, the red color I needed, at my fangs involuntarily showing when I was so close to my prey.
“I don't know,” I answered, with a tear running down my cheeks, a tear that came from the good side of my soul, the side that stupid Mother Miranda hadn't been able to corrupt. But a tear wasn't the same as the desire to stop. “But I do know what I need…”
I didn't waste any time. Slowly, I grabbed her head, leaning it back, leaving her neck completely at my mercy. Donna was screaming, saying things I didn't understand but I wasn't able to hear her, I could only hear her blood waiting to be drunk by me.
It wasn't a scream, nor a shriek. When my fangs sank into her flesh her body shuddered, but she stopped, she didn't continue fighting. I moaned as my desire was satisfied, as I felt that warm, tasty, divine liquid in my mouth, in my throat.
One drop was enough to obsess me, obsess me until I got what I wanted. I was not sorry, its flavor was pure, intense, sweet… It was nothing I had known before, nothing I had ever tasted before.
I moaned with pleasure as I felt all the nuances of its flavor, as I felt how the corners of my mouth were stained red, her red.
It was sweet, addictive and strange. A drug, a desire, a treasure, it was everything and nothing at the same time, it was the meaning of existence itself, the name of pleasure, of flavor, of life.
As my thirst diminished, my desire increased. I wanted to have it all, to drink it all, to never stop feeling that comforting sensation, that wonderful flavor, those images that soon disturbed my head.
Aprite la porta, lasciateli entrare e fateli felici con i vostri sorrisi…
The voice of a girl, a little girl singing interrupted the overwhelming pleasure I felt, forcing me to to taste that blood more slowly, hoping it would travel a little further, that its flavor would transport me to Heaven itself.
Miss Donna, if you don't eat, Angie will be very sad...
A man's voice came to my mind, it couldn't be her. It couldn't be blood. A vampire feeds on blood, not memories, my desperation, my desire to get that unique flavor was surpassing my own abilities. It seemed as if, as if I were sucking her soul.
I couldn't stop, I didn't want to stop. Without realizing it, I was comfortably lying on top of the lady, her arms hugging me, her hand caressing my head made I feel much more comfortable while I emptied her body, while I let her blood bathe my senses.
You like the maid, you like the maid…
A squeaky, mocking voice interrupted that peace, that relaxing and erotic moment, that continuous flow of her blood traveling through my throat.
Angie, shut up, she can hear you…
I sighed, taking a breath to continue my feat. Something inside me stirred, something was calling me, claiming me, interrupting me while I felt the greatest pleasure of my life. A warning I ignored at first, with an annoyed moan, snuggling against her body, letting her hands caress me, her soft touch accompany  my action, my sin.
A cold breeze woke me from my reverie. It was no wind, there was no such breeze, there was nothing, nothing. The grip of her hands on my body faded, the hand in my hair stopped caressing it and collapsed on the mattress.
Then, I woke up. I pulled away from her wounded neck abruptly. Her blood didn't taste so good anymore. It seemed like that the purity, that essence was fading at the same time as her embrace.
I blinked several times to look at something other than her blood, I looked at her. Donna Beneviento, Lord, servant and adopted daughter of Mother Miranda was pale, breathing with difficulty, her eye dancing erratically, her body almost unable to move.
Finally, I realized. I was enjoying that taste so much that I forgot about my heart, that I forgot about the danger of drinking without limits, I forgot that I had put her in danger.
But her gaze, although dizzy and sore, moved to mine, her hand clumsily raised passing over my face, over my face stained with her nectar.
“So... That was it...” she murmured with a weak voice, unable to sound clearly. Her smile was terrifying, it was sweet, it was calm. There was no longer fear in her gaze, only serenity, pride and... Love.
“I, I don't...” I said nervously, shaking my head, studying her condition, calculating how long I had been enjoying my desires. It was too long.
“Shh, hey, no, it's okay,” Donna said with that agonized voice, without stopping looking at me, making an effort to continue caressing me. “If this makes you happy...”
“Donna, why? Gods, I've gone too far, why didn't you stop me?” I asked nervously, putting a hand on her wound, letting the temptation fade, her life suddenly put before my thirst.
“Sono... Sono innamorata di te...” she whispered, with that same agonized tone, with her hand wandering aimlessly over my face, confessing something I didn't know I didn't understand until I saw her smile widen, her breathing weakly agitated.
“But, but Donna... I…” I said nervously, pressing hard on her neck, trying to keep that ambrosia in her body, where it always had to be.
“I, I don't care… Nothing matters to me but seeing you happy… If… If this makes you love me, I will… I will do it without hesitation.”
“No, no, no wait, wait a moment, no, don't fall asleep, wait,” I said nervously, seeing how her gaze was lost again, how after that confession her body didn't seem to want to keep fighting.
“I, I love you…” Donna whispered, grunting from the effort she made to get closer to me, to lean her head very close to mine, gently placing his lips on mine, kissing me softly, unexpectedly, as a last act of love before succumbing to her lack of blood, one that I caused.
“Shit, no, no please… Don't do this to me… Gods, forgive me Donna, please… No…” I said desperately, running my hands through my hair when the lady lost consciousness, letting herself fall on top of me.
I shook her shoulders, studied her soft breathing, listened to her heart through her chest, I wanted her to live, I wanted me to pay with my life for hers.
She didn't move, she didn't answer, she had fainted, but, luckily, that was all.
I hated myself, I insulted myself. I even scratched my face in rage. I wanted her, I loved her and the creature that lived inside of me was going to kill her. I cursed Mother Miranda, I cursed the village, I cursed Donna for being too beautiful, her blood for being too tempting.
I stayed with her in my arms, swinging on myself, looking for that floral scent that was about to disappear, because of me.
“Please… Wake up,” I whispered from time to time, cradling the brunette in my arms, wishing the coldness of her skin would disappear, healing her wound, swearing to myself that I would never, ever do it again. “Please… I love you too…”
I had no choice but to wait. I couldn't say how long, it seemed like an eternity to me, one more to add to the list of sentences in my life.
Finally her body moved and stopped turning pale like a soul in torment. After a time that I couldn't determine, Donna had come back to life, the life that I almost took.
“Oh, Donna, Donna,” I said nervously, with a big smile. “Okay, okay, no, don't move... Wait, wait, you, you must be hungry...”
I didn't wait for her answer, I quickly captured her deadly lips in a quick kiss, one that no longer wanted to be red, and I ran to the kitchen.
“Here, eat this, it's, it's a steak,” I said, entering the room again. “It, it will be good for you.”
The lady looked at me confused, in pain from the wound on her neck. She was already fully awake, but her gaze was confused, disoriented.
“(Y/N)…” she murmured with a hoarse voice, lacking strength while I sat next to her, offering her a glass of water and the plate of food.
“Shh, eat and shut up, I, I put some garlic on it, just… Just the way you like it,” I said, rubbing my hands, seeing how hers were shaking. She was so weak that she couldn't even eat. “Wait, let me, let me help you.”
I fed her in silence. My body moved nervously, my conscience traveled between joy and guilt and her eye, her eye was fixed on mine.
“Those are your real eyes, aren't they?” she asked with a soft voice, causing the fork to tremble in my hand.
“Yes,” I whispered, scared by the cold tone of her voice. “Do you want some water?” I asked, bringing the glass closer to her.
Donna nodded, without taking her gaze off mine.
“They're beautiful,” she said, now with a tired smile. The glass, again, trembled in my hand.
“That's not true, I'm a monster,” I admitted, saying out loud the truth that I was not able to verbalize.  “I Almost, almost...”
“You didn't,” she interrupted, with her skin color more normalized, with a little more light in her eye.
“You kissed me, Donna, you told me you loved me,” I said, changing the conversation, focusing on what really mattered.
“I didn't want to leave without you knowing,” the lady said, sighing, looking at me, looking for that answer that came again in the form of a kiss, a loving sigh, regret, letting a monster like me express emotions that were not suitable for it.
“I love your blood, Donna,” I said confused, wanting to confess, to express my guilt and at the same time the desire to live love with her. “But the love I feel for you is the only thing that could quench my thirst.”
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jacks347 · 6 months
(Is this stupid enough to be considered a crack fic?? Idk, we're going with it)
To say Hipswitch was surprised to see a woman sitting in his base next to Albus would be an overstatement.
Now, to say he was surprised to see said woman be so...dressed while sipping a cup of tea, that was accurate.
He'd never seen the demon bring back anyone who wore so many layers. Hell, now that he was really thinking about it, he hadn't really seen Albus bring back anyone at all. From the headscarf covering her hair to the skirt that brushed at her ankles and all the fabric and layerage of jewelry in-between, Hipswitch was getting warm just watching her.
The woman turned, smiling politely at him. She was rather pretty, warm brown skin with dark green eyes. Not necessarily someone he'd consider Albus’s type but everyone had their exceptions. "Hello there. You must be Hipswitch." Her voice was quiet and flowed like honey. She reminded Hipswitch of the ladies of the church in town, always speaking softly with inviting smiles. Definitely not Albus’s usual type. What, had he really gotten that bored?
"That I am. And who might you be?" Hipswitch took a seat across from the odd duo, eyes darting between the two in bewilderment. Albus huffed out a laugh, wrapping an arm around the woman's shoulders. "This is Faith. She a, ah, friend of mine." The woman, Faith, rolled her eyes with a small chuckle. "Mm, sure, friend. Let's go with that." She hummed as she took a sip of her tea.
Hipswitch nodded slowly, still going back and forth between them. It was very strange but he couldn't say he didn't appreciate the change. Hell, he welcomed it. Faith was polite, she was far more dressed than he expected, and she seemed very sweet. It almost brought a tear to Hipswitch's eye. "Well it's very nice to meet you. I've gotta say Albus, she's certainly a might better for you than the others from the whore house."
There was an audible beat of silence before it was broken by both a roar of laughter from Albus and a rather impressive spit take from Faith who was now coughing like mad as she tried to regain her composure while Albus was nearly doubled over in hysterics. Hipswitch was left rather confused, not exactly understanding why what he said had caused such a visceral reaction. "Did I say something wrong?"
The statement only made Albus laugh harder as Faith finally recovered, her cheeks flaming red and her face a heavy mask of embarrassment before kicking Albus in the shin. "Stop laughing! I've never been so mortified in all my life." She dropped her face into her hands, shaking her head before pulling herself back up. "How do I put this lightly..." Faith mumbled as Albus’s laughter finally petered off. "Oh Switchy, Faith is a sister paladin." He corrected, making Hipswitch raise an eyebrow in confusion. "A what?"
"A nun." Came a surprised voice, making Hipswitch jump as he turned to find the source of it. "Hey Doc, how long have you been standing there? Almost gave me a heart attack. And how do you know that?" The doctor leaned against the doorframe, staring at Hipswitch with a wide-eyed expression between shock and horror. "When Albus came on I decided to do some research on the medical practices of New Tennessee. Maybe there would be something there to help better treat Albus if I needed to. And well, most of the information was from or about the sister paladins. They're the main form of healthcare, they're essentially priestesses who learn medicine to take of the knight paladins. But they're known to treat anyone who comes to their temples." The realization slowly dawned on Hipswitch, his eyes widening as it did. No wonder she reminded him so much of the women of the church, she was one of them! Oh he fucked up. He fucked up bad.
"So, in case you missed it in that grand fucking speech, you just called a nun a hooker directly to her face." Albus clarified, though he really didn't need to. Faith sighed, the initial embarrassment fading into a kind of indignant rage. "Can I slap him?" Albus snorted a laugh, flashing a sly grin at Hipswitch. "Oo, watch out there Switchy. She's got a mean backhand and I'm almost willing to let her do it. You kind of deserve it." Hipswitch wished he could disappear. "I-I am so sorry ma'am! I would never think of implying you would be that kind of woman, I just assumed-" He spluttered an embarrassed apology, making Albus burst into another round of hysterical laughter as Faith cut him off with a shake of her head. "Don't apologize, I know you didn't mean it. You worked with what you knew, I can't blame you for that. Though I do still want to slap you. And you do kind of deserve it."
Faith got to her feet stiffly, fixing the layers of her outfit and narrowing her eyes at a still laughing Albus. "I think I've seen enough of Maya for one day. I've got to pick Kerano up from school." She leaned down to poke a finger into the warrior's chest. "Don't make me come back out here to check up on you. Had me worried sick for nothing." Albus’s laughter faded as he lightly smacked her hand away. "Gods, yes, I know. I won't, I promise." She nodded with a satisfied huff before turning to the doctor. "I'm glad I could help with your research, you know how to reach me if you have any more questions." "Of course! Thank you again, Sister. It's been very insightful having you here. I should go continue to look over those notes." He turned and headed back into his office as Faith turned to Hipswitch. "And you." Hipswitch gulped, expecting the worst. Maybe that slap Albus had warned him about. "Maybe actually talk to someone before assuming they're some kind of common hooker. I take my faith very seriously and even if I didn't, I'd be far outside of his price range." She smiled warmly before turning on her heel and heading for the door. "See you again boys!"
Albus’s head dropped back onto the couch with a snort. "Outside my price range, she's crazy." He muttered. Hipswitch quietly got up and moved closer to punch Albus in the chest, making the demon wheeze out a breath as his head snapped up to glare at him. "Fucking hell, what was that for?" "For not warning me! I made a damn fool of myself in front of a nun because of you!" "Well, she's not really a nun, she's a priestess." "Regardless! She's a woman of faith and I disrespected her in the worst way possible!" Albus waved his concerns off. "Ah don't sweat it. Give it a week, she'll be laughing over it. It was damn funny." "You're actually the worst, you know that?" "Oh I am well aware Switchy. You're not the first to notice." Hipswitch could only roll his eyes. Why did he have to care about this idiot so much? "Okay but tell me one thing." "Whatcha got Switchy?" "Have you actually slept with her?" "Would you be jealous if I said yes?" "Albus..." Albus chuckled lowly, shaking his head. "Sorry Switchy, this is one time I don't kiss and tell. That's up to you to figure out." He confessed with a shrug. "Out of all the escapades you've rambled on about, this is the one you keep quiet about?" "Faith is different, okay? She...she deserves to not have her story told. So I won't." He defended. Hipswitch sighed in defeat, stepping back. "I'll never understand how your head works." "Good, I don't either. So looks like we'll both be confused."
(...idfk how to end this so this is what you get. Yes I made this entire thing because there is a non-zero chance that Hipswitch would assume Faith is a hooker the first time he met her and that was so damn funny to me)
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prophecyofwinter · 6 months
Across the Sea and to the East
Aemond Targaryen x Stark!Reader
Summary: Under your uncle’s usurpation of your brother you have been sent away to hide in Lys under House Rogare. You’ve found new purpose with the Lord of Light but you will be called home soon.
Tags: slight slow burn, actual burning, violence, smut, angst, tags will be added as we go.
Authors Note (new!): I will be releasing a prologue for another Aemond x Reader fic soon! I love writing about Essos so I had a good idea for a story about Saera Targaryens daughter. Keep an eye out! I will take turns for chapters between the two.
Chapter 3 | Chapter 5 | Prologue
Chapter 4: A Womb and A Prophecy
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It was a beautiful Lysene morning. It was raining therefore no morning fire, so you were able to go back to House Rogare to spend some extra time with your adoptive siblings.
Ten siblings you acquired, not including bastards, most are younger than you. Including your sweet sister Larra, she turned four and ten just a few moons ago. She has been sweetly attached to your side since you arrived in Lys.
The two of you sat in the greenhouse seating area snacking on small treats. The pitter-patter of the rain on the glass smoothed you greatly as you sipped your tea down. You wore a lovely red gown, made of light and airy fabrics to match Lys’s weather and style of fashion. You would have to find yourself a new wardrobe as to not be seen as a foreigner in your home country.
Larra curiously twirled her thumbs, thinking before she spoke.
“Father tells me you are to go to Westeros soon. Does that make you happy sister?”
You let out a breath of laughter out of your nose, leaning back in your seat.
“Why yes, yes I am happy to go to Westeros… though it is not to Winterfell, King’s Landing will have to do.”
Larra got a little pouty, you weren’t sure if it’s because she’d miss you or if she wanted to go to King’s Landing herself. Even if you wanted to bring her, you truly had no promise you would come out unharmed. You wouldn’t forgive yourself if Larra somehow got involved.
“I’m sure you will go to Westeros one of these days Larra, I don’t believe you’d quite like it though.”
Naturally you can’t have more than a few moments of peace and footsteps quickly approach your seating area. You sigh out loud and turn to a proper position to greet your interrupter.
You sucked in an abrupt breath, not expecting this visitor without a notice. One of the highest priests from the Red Temple in Volantis, she stood draped in red robes with a mask of gold covering her face. Her dedication to the Lord is commendable, she gave up all identity to have no obstructions in her faith. She was nobody but a faithful servant of the Light.
“Priestess, I had no word of your incoming arrival or I would have met you at the Temple myself.”
You stood to meet her, she bowed respectfully as one must do in your presence.
“It is raining so I knew I would find you here my Lady. Apologize but it was far too urgent to wait and it is too private to be sent by letter. I must speak to you privately.”
Goosebumps creeped up your body, her phrasing worried you immensely. You peaked over your shoulder to Larra and nodded your head to tell her you’ll be back shortly.
“In private is where we will speak Priestess.”
You took her to one of the guest rooms, decorated beautifully with beautiful architecture like the rest of the house. The rain gave the room an odd darker feeling.
The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a sword. Even for someone as experienced as her, even she didn’t know how to go about it. That tells you it must be of extreme unique importance.
“I have many things to attend to today so if-“
“Do you remember the Azor Ahai prophecy?”
How could you not, it was one of the first things you learned about in the temples. It’s a tale every child in Essos hears tenfold.
“Of course I do but I don’t see how that was so important to come all this way for.”
For the first time you see the Priestess look nervous, or at least you could tell from over her mask. You assume there’s more to it so you allow her to speak uninterrupted.
“You must play your own part in the Prophecy my lady. I know R’hllor has told you, you make your own path and this is your choice as well. However, if it is to come to fruition there are circumstances to cultivate it.”
“You are beating around the bush, out with it.” You speak with slight frustration.
“Azor Ahai must come from your and a dragon lord's blood. If you are to go to Westeros it would be wise to secure something for yourself. It would be unwise to rely on your descendants to do it for you.”
Oh, well. Beat around the bush she did not. Yours and a Dragon Lord's blood? Targaryens are the only Dragon Lord’s left so that’s all she could mean. Oh.
“Oh. So I must have children with one of the Targaryens is what you mean.”
“Yes. Since you have a past with Prince Aemond I would hope the choice would be there. Do not leave Westeros empty handed my lady.”
This complicates things for you, going to Westeros was in part to see Aemond. But, what if he has moved on and has no desire for you. That is always a risk, and now the fate of the prophecy rests on you getting Aemond to marry you. If you were a man and Aemond a woman, it may have been easier to manage.
“I see. Is that all?”
“Yes, that is all. I will be seeing you for prayer this evening my lady. I look forward to it.”
As she leaves you feel a sense of weakness fill your bones, you have to sit down. This doesn’t feel right, you had been promised a life free from these exact circumstances, though it’s presented as a choice.
In reality, it really is not.
In less than 2 weeks you will be faced with more choices and consequences then you had ever wished for.
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Hi, I was wondering what was your opinion (if any) on the theory that Fia is actually Fortissax in disguise, kind of like Florissax. (since it would open another avenue for drama with the perfect golden boy)
tbh Fia has too coherent a backstory (she was going to lay with another Noble before Guidance of Grace woke her up) + the starting cinematic cutscene included her in it so it doesn't seem like sth Fortissax made up to lie to the Tarnished imo.
thanks to the DLC we knew Priestess like Florissax still wears some sort of dragon mask even when they had given up their dragon form, and even if you look at her model underneath, her eyes are red, reflecting the red lightning of the ancient dragon (and i do believe From always match up features between characters that have connection to each other), Fia has light blue to her eyes. sooooo, yeah.
it's an interesting theory to dwell on and can stand as a strong AU, but i don't think there are much canon backing to it. and fr though, with the way i already characterize my Godwyn, if i subscribed to that theory he'd look like an x2 asshole 😭
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ariadnethedragon · 8 months
HOFAS thoughts as I read it: (SPOILERS below)
All that t*rture in the dungeons, Ruhn’s piercing and tattoos. Baxian’s tattoo. The wings. “How strong is your bite?” Sarahhhhh!!!!! Stop! That was more than I could handle😫
The Middengard Wyrm😖. Nesta dealt with it brilliantly but it just makes you appreciate how impossible it was that human Feyre managed to kill this thing by herself with no decent weapons.
Azriel hugging Nesta and stroking her hair after she took the Mask off🥺
Bryce’s wallpaper being Hunt and the photo of her friends in the phone case—that made me tear up
Imagining the inner circle all surrounding Bryce’s phone trying to figure out how it works is hilarious. Also Nesta being jealous of Bryce’s music collection, “THOUSAND?”
The nightbright angst KILLED me💔💔💔
Hunt just dreaming of Bryce. She’s the only thing pulling him through, “He’d wanted so many things with her. A normal, happy life. Children.” HE BETTER GET EVERY SINGLE ONE IF THOSE THINGS OR HANDS WILL BE THROWN!
Silene. The Daglan. My theories were true😁😁
Sigrid. I had so much hope for her story but I was disappointed. Hopefully it’ll get better
Ariadne!! I wanted to see more of her😕
Ruhn’s bedroom. The burn cream😭😭😭
Lidia FUCKING Cervos. That breakout scene. Magnificent.
Jesiba and Ithan’s dynamic. Librarian Ithan and the fact that Jesiba is a Parthos priestess!!! Also JellyJubilee being the computer password😂
Bryce using the mating bond to teleport to Hunt😭😭😭
Bran and Ace. Lidia giving them her ruby ring for tuition as a goodbye💔
Hunt and Bryce got married?!!! WHEN?
Cloudberry crown sounds funny idk why
If I had a penny every time SJM included a set of unhinged/partly unhinged fae twins (yes connall I’m looking at you) in her series, I’d have three pennies bc it happens every single time
So the astronomer is basically a Voldemort 2.0
Flynn and dec going crazy for waffles on the mer ship
“I never had anyone fight for me” Oh Lidia my love😭😭
Guess I’m shipping Tharion and Sathia now🤷‍♀️
Lidia being turned on by Ruhn lighting a fire—girl, I get it.
“Because I’m yours, Day. I’m fucking yours.” Screaming crying throwing up
Lidia: “I want you all the time”😭😭😭😭😭😭😩😩😩😩💗💗💗
Idk why but I am disappointed in the Autumn King, I thought there would be some redemption for him for some reason
Ruhn: “I am going to live and I am going to live well without you”😭😭
Bryce was always a queen but now she a queen Queen👀
Avallen becoming all green again.
Hunt being a demonic test tube baby😂😂
Dec being the first to look for service. Typical😂
Ithan x Perry???? Cinnamon and strawberry? I start getting suspicious when they notice all the nuances of that person’s scent. I think they’d be cute though
Nooooo, the prime—I keep thinking of him as master oogway from king fu panda and it makes me sad
Sabines finally dead🥳🥳
Ithan is prime now? Okay okay pop offf!!
Hunt finally breaking free of his halo and freeing Isaiah as well❤️
Is the under king from the ToG universe??? Valg??
Connor💔💔💔😭😭😭 The bullet. Memento mori
Sathia and Colin McCarthy. This will be interesting
Commando Hunt. The underwear was too small🤭🫨🫨
Morven guest room having red lace thongs😂😂
Okay tharion and sathia are really growing on me🥰🥰🥰
‘She’s my mate you fucker’ SCREAAMMING
Ace finally calling Lidia Mom😭❤️
Lidia is the descendant of Brannon. The fire, the hind/sacred stag. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!
Pollux being incinerated☺️☺️☺️
The sprites and Irithys💗
The kill switch, the godslayer rifle. Bryce just blackholing the Asteri. She is so brilliant and cunning and clever and I love her.
Danika and the pack. Light it up Bryce. I SOBBED
Jesiba crying and then her sacrifice😭😭😭💔💔
Ember and Randal going to Prythian. Randal bonding with Rhys but more importantly Ember and Nesta—I want to cryyyy🥹🥹🥹
Starsword/Gwydion back in Prythian…whats going to happen in ACOTAR 5???
The princes of Hel—you gotta love em
Lidia and Ruhn finally having that beer
Flynn x Perry? Jealous Ithan😏
Syrinx running for his life when Hunt and Bryce share a heated look. It’s nothing new but it cracks me up all the time
Pegasuses in Avallen🥰🥰
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
I love the Reverse Robins AU very much and I love that both Red Hood/Joker Junior!Tim and Red Hood/Black Mask/Death Mask!Steph exist (Like alternating lines, both can coexist), I feel that both would be a tragic love story ~ But here also comes the Oracle role that they both use (mostly from the au); For example, I name Oracle!Steph Pythoness (The Priestesses of the Oracle of Delphi) and Oracle!Tim Heimdall (The All-Seeing Norse God)
I don't know, I like that Ship (I'm a multishipper and DC is screwing it up) and I don't know much about the comics but I feel that if Bruce had not interfered in their relationship it could be better and also they are both teenagers who had no idea what to do and that if there is a chance that they both came back as adults they could be better (as always I go around the bush…Hel)
Hmm... I personally don't ship Tim/Steph because it gives the vibes of friends who love each other so much they tried dating. After a messy breakup, it takes time but they end up being best of friends again. Everyone knows they dated, but they really don't see each other like that anymore. They mean the world to each other, but they also don't want to date.
I also agree that Bruce probably fucked up their relationship. We can blame some of Tim and Steph's bullshit on Bruce, some of it on them being kids who haven't had good role models for healthy relationships, and some of it on their circumstances. As adults, they might be able to work through all of it and be better off. I prefer them as platonic soulmates, but they might do better romantically as adults.
However, I wouldn't mind reading a tragic reverse Robins TimSteph.
Would they try dating before or after they turn into their respective roles?
For before, it'd be interesting to watch them "breakup" when they both "die." Joker tells the Bats that Tim died, and Steph dies momentarily on the table. Steph does the whole "is dead" thing for a bit and comes back as Black Mask, or whatever equivalent. Either Tim takes up Red Hood or Joker Junior (though I'd prefer both of them keep their identities from each other and the Bats for a bit). Obviously, Tim and Steph become enemies and try to figure out who's under each other's masks.
Maybe they end up working together, try a relationship again, and betray each other. Lots of fun to explore.
If it's after they both come back to Gotham, perhaps they were friends briefly before their respective tragedies. Thus, they would be friends to unknowingly enemies (because they don't know the other is under the mask or alive) to tentative allies to lovers.
It would be cool if, after they know the other is under the mask, they both take up an Oracle like role to help the other. They can't share an ID due to them arguing too much and wanting to do things their own ways, but they still look out for each other and pass along info.
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jakey-beefed-it · 5 months
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Picked up some secondhand skitarii today! I've always liked these little dudes and their hoods and big old sad wet cat eyes (eye l3nses but who's counting). But it's Warhammer, so people are always being weird about it including Women™, and as such I wanted to make one of the alphas more obviously a lady than skitarii augmetics usually allows. So I took a spare bald (from the radiation) sister of battle head, gave her a single eye lens and a hood (down) with greenstuff. Plus a clipped hose and a little number plate from arco-flagellant bitz.
Somewhere or another I've got a tech-priest that I converted into a tech-priestess just by gluing a lady stormcast face mask to her instead of the usual mask, so once I dig her out she can get a paint job to match these dudes.
Thinking about painting them with dark blue robes, hot orange glows and lenses, and the usual grotty metal for most of the rest of it to represent Forge World Konor and go with my other Ultramar-based Imperial armies. Maybe a dirty off-white spot color. Red rust sand bases of course, Mars-style. Blue and orange should look interesting together. Decades of low-effort movie posters have taught me that, if little else.
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
Previous Chapter ☆♡☆ Masterlist ☆♡☆ Next Chapter
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CHAPTER NINE: "Feel your breath course frankly below and see life as a worthy opponent"
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Shrine maiden's are young priestesses who work at shinto shrine's. They use to be viewed as shaman's but are more accepted into society.
In daily life they are trained to perform tasks such as sacred cleansings and performing the sacred kagura dance.
Early Miko were important social figures and were associated with the ruling class. One Miko has even stated that they descended from the Goddess Uzume.
Inari shrine's however are the most common despite Inari having no presence in mythology.
The lukewarm breeze brushed against his body, A soft wind that rustled the leaves ever so slightly and left only the faintest of chills on his skin.
The sun was low in the tangerine dusted sky. The atmosphere ablaze in hues of red, Oranges and artic blue's. It was a cool summer evening, One you might sit on the porch to admire the setting sun or go out with friends for a drink.
However that was far from Genya's thoughts. One foot in front of the other as he scaled the steep hill, Steps catching on rocky bumps as he went. Occasionally he had to stop to regain his balance, Careful not to fall down.
He had to get up. From what the locals had told him they had seen the man he was looking for come up here. Genya hoped that their word was true as he wiped his brow of sweat, He prayed that he hadn't moved on.
Genya had been searching for weeks now. He had been to villages and cities, Asked dozens of people and came up empty anyways. The man he was tracking down was fast, Tricky and hard to catch.
Genya even doubted that he was real, Doubts clogging up his mind as he near tripped again on the hillside. Sightings of him were few and far between, Majority were around the Kakushi base going in and out but even when he went there he came up empty.
Maybe he was a myth. An urban legend perhaps, A way to motivate the other slayers to do better. After all, One thousand demons in a year is a staggering and impossible number. He could be fake, But even then that motivated Genya further.
It had only been a good month or two after final selection, In that time he had been to many Hashira and higher ranked slayers looking for advice and help yet none of it ever did assist. So if he was real, He must of been it. If Fujimori was unable to help him, Then no one would.
Genya exhaled, Almost a wheeze as his jog staggered into a stop. He keeled over slightly, Resting his hands on his knees absolutely exhausted. He tried to steady his breathing like he was taught to, In and out like he was trained.
It was only when he looked up that he was graced with the top of the hill. A beautiful sight to behold within the oncoming summer evening. The air was cleaner up here, The breeze just a little bit heavier as it tickled at his skin.
It ran through the grass, The leaves and the ferns as his breath hitched in his throat. It was a beautiful landscape, But that was not what he focused on as his eyes locked onto the shadowed man a few metres away from him.
He was tall, Facing the sun and casting a long shadow within a stagelight of evening glow. He stood at the edge of the hill, His sandles kissing the edge of the cliff as he stared longingly at the sun.
Genya had to squint, Barely making his shadowed figure out.
"Hey..!" He tried to call out, Yet it only came out as a mumble. His vocal chords felt tied in his throat as he gazed upon the man, Watching his loose haori flow gently within the wind. He didn't turn around, So Genya tried again.
"H-Hey..!" It came out louder this time, Loud enough for the man standing at the edge of the cliff to stiffen his shoulders and lazily turn his head around to face him.
As soon as he did, Genya was met with the fated mask resting upon his visage. The eyes akin to the sea gazed at him with the equivalent vastness, Almost if his side-look was enough to pierce through his very soul itself.
Genya's jaw dropped only slightly, His breath taken at the sight. He seemed ethereal, Nigh divine in nature as he looked upon him now. He was real, A god incarnated in the flesh and one that looked at him now with such otherworldly grace.
"Oh, Hey.. Didn't see you there." His voice resonated out, Loud above the midsummer evening breeze. It was boyish, Casual and spoke with a non-chalant charm as his mask's irises looked him up and down.
Genya felt like he was nothing under his scrutiny. His messy half shaven hair and his mid-puberty skin made him feel insignificant like an insect, A sudden urge to tidy himself rose from within Genya's chest.
"You must be the slayer that was following me around for weeks, Right?" [F/N] asked, His voice still held that casual tone as he pointed out Genya's game. Genya himself felt his breath catch in his throat and his face heat up from embarrassment.
"Y-Yes Fujimori-sama, I'm sorry!" Was all he could say as he instantly bowed low in front of him, Arms tightly locked to his side as another bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. He had knew Genya was following him for weeks, How? He had no clue.
Genya heard a snort muffled by his mask with a light chuckle to chase it. It made him blush harder, Shame appearing in the red.
"Don't sweat it. I was wondering when you'd show up anyways.." [F/N] remarked. The bottom of his sandals that mingled with the cliff's edge parted, His overcast figure turning around and pacing a few steps towards him.
"So.. You must've been pretty determined if you wanted to find me this bad, It's admirable really but.. Whatever you wanna say, I'd do it now. The nights almost here and I gotta head soon." [F/N] said, Coming to a halt just a few feet away from him, Waiting for his answer.
Genya swallowed the bundle of words choking up his throat, He couldn't take his eyes off the masks as he stared into their patient blue.
"I.. I want you to make me your Tsuguko! I want to learn Soul Breathing- I-If that's okay with you.." Genya exclaimed a little too loudly, Making it up by quickly adding cordiality at the end.
The mask's eyes blinked. [F/N] cocked his head to the side as he stared down at him. It was basically impossible to tell what he was thinking behind it, The best Genya could make out was a hint of contemplation.
Then, [F/N] shrugged.
"..No can do. Sorry." [F/N] replied. Raising a hand to the back of his head to lightly scratch it as he looked down at the boy with a semi-apologetic look.
Genya's frown grew sharper.
"What..?! But why?" Genya argued lightly, Almost like a toddler throwing a tantrum. [F/N] sucked air through his teeth in response.
"Mmm.. I'm sorry. I'm just not good with that sort of stuff. I'm not exactly a life model to follow or give guidance, You know?" [F/N] explained, This time almost fully apologetic as he bowed his head lightly.
Genya looked baffled. He had spent all these weeks searching for him, Looking for miles just to beg [F/N] to take him as his Tsuguko. He had expected a yes, A reward for his hard work yet he was faced with a no. And that's something he just can't take.
"So what? I've been looking for you for ages now, You may not be used to this sort of thing but I promise I'll try my best! You.. You don't even need to do much, I can just take notes if you bring me along with you so.. Please!" Genya bargained once more, Bowing again before him.
He stared down at the ground, Begging whatever god was listening that somehow he swayed his mind. Convinced him that it was a good idea to take him in, This was his last resort.
A sudden snap of fingers brought him back to reality.
"Ahh.. That's where I recognise you from. You're The Wind Hashira's brother, Genya.. Right?" [F/N] said. Fingers positioned in a check before him after snapping, An eccentric quirk as he sounded relieved.
"Y-Yeah.. That's me." Genya confirmed with a nod.
"Then why don't you ask him to take you in as a Tsuguko? Wouldn't that be easier?" [F/N] questioned, A dramatic raise of his lower lid and a tilt to his head as he inquired such.
Genya's fist subconsciously started to curl up.
"It's.. My brother and I aren't getting along right now. It's complicated but.. I can't ask him, He.. He doesn't really like me anymore." Genya admits, Tossing his head and his eyes to the side. Anyway to not meet the other man's gaze.
[F/N]'s eyes narrowed, He hummed slightly under his breath. He seemed to taste his words on his tongue, Thinking over and mulling every little detail of it. He shook his head lightly, Then sighed.
"..Alright then. I won't take you in as a Tsuguko, But I can give you some advice at least." [F/N] finalized. A compromise came to and one he was fine with, If not a little hesitant.
Genya looked up at him. The disappointment quelled only a little bit, While it wasn't the prospect of training under him the information that he could turn into advice must of been invaluable. It was better than nothing and better not to push his luck.
"I.. Thank you, Fujimori-sama." Genya mumbled gratefully. [F/N] snorted again.
"Drop the 'sama', Makes me feel old. Fujimori-san is fine with me." [F/N] said. Turning to the side to pace off towards the surrounding forest life and sitting down on a old fallen log, One with festering mushrooms growing from the sides as he sat faced the sun.
"Come on, Sit with me." [F/N] called out to him, Patting the space beside him on the log expectantly as he looked at the boy.
Genya quickly nodded, Hastily moving over to the fallen log and quickly sitting down beside him.
As he sat down, He felt his body tense up at the awkward silence. Stealing a quick gaze towards [F/N] he saw him take in the scenery, Admiring the fungi and the blossoming flowers surrounding them.
He breathed in, The air fresh in his lungs. It made his shoulders relax ever so slightly, Only a little bit as the strangeness of the situation set in.
"So.." [F/N] started. "You mentioned earlier that you wanted to learn Soul Breathing, Right? I'm guessing this means you don't have a breathing style then." [F/N] deducted, His eyes never straying from their surroundings as he spoke.
"Yeah. It's actually part of the reason I wanted to be your Tsuguko in the first place.. I've been to lots of cultivators, Senior slayers and even a Hashira or two.. But no matter how hard I try or train I just can't learn any of the styles." Genya explained, Remembering the events that brought him here.
[F/N] hummed, Taking in the information.
"Really, Even the basic one's like Fire or water?" He queried, Eyes only now taking a glance towards him.
"Yeah.. Fire, Water, Wind and countless others.. I just can't learn any of them." Genya confirmed.
[F/N] nodded, Taking in a deep breath of the ripe air.
"Well breathing styles themselves are a reflection of our strengths and talents. Almost mirrors of ourselves, Really. Each of them has a special strength you need to excel in to learn how to wield them" [F/N] started, His vast knowledge of breathing styles starting to come into play.
"Breathing styles like Stone breathing require excelling in durability. Fire and Water both require hard work and physical fitness. Thunder requires speed, Wind is Swordsmanship. Other styles that descend from them require more such as Love breathing descending from Fire, Both requiring physical fitness and flexibility. The more you descend down the chain, The more difficult it is to master the style." [F/N] explained.
Genya took in the information, Slowly nodding along to every word the man spoke. He tried to register it inside but the onslaught was a lot to handle in his head, But he tried his best to follow it.
"And what about Soul breathing?" Genya asked.
"Soul Breathing requires Mental Strength." [F/N] replied, Now turning to look at him through his porcelain sapphire irises. "Soul Breathing is one of the fundamental basic breathing styles along with the one's I mentioned."
Genya lowered a brow.
"Mental Strength? What does that mean?" He asked. The term was broad, Vague to be precise. It made his lip quirk and his mind fuzz up even more than it was already. [F/N] chuckled lightly.
"It requires a will that rivals the gods themselves. A determination to keep going through any situation, To keep going even though you know every single bone in your body is broken. Stability and a calmness in your soul. Everyday I need to meditate around three hours just to be able to wield it." [F/N] answered.
Genya nodded yet he felt baffled at the training regiment. Three hours, Just for meditation. It sounded insane, It was as well. Genya could barely imagine doing it himself.
"Don't take any offense to this, But you don't seem like you excel in that sort of thing." [F/N] commented, Eyes running him up and down from the tips of his hair to the soles in his shoes.
Genya groaned. Even though he hated to admit it, [F/N] was right.
"Listen.. You are physically fit, You're durable and you're fast. I've seen it over the past few weeks but it's nothing you specialize in, It's not your special skill that can set you apart from the others" [F/N] started, A follow up with purpose to comfort him.
[F/N] leaned in closer. The mask's eyes locking onto Genya's own in a staredown, One that made him feel that same insignificant way he did the first time. Like he was judging him, Looking straight into his soul.
"So, Genya. What do you excel at?" He asked.
The question reverberated in his ears. Genya knew it wasn't meant to be rude or invasive in anyway but he felt like his head was cut open, Like [F/N] was questioning this not to his face but to his very core down to the bottom.
He thought for a moment. Words ringing as he contemplated them over and over. Genya was physically fit, He could take a punch and could run faster than the average person yet it wasn't anything he was particularly great at.
But the skills pushed away in the back of his mind, They weren't something he was proud of and they weren't useful at all. But the prying gaze the man sported made him want to cough them up, Already spilling out.
"Well.. I'm not really good with a sword to be honest. I'm great at hitting targets though, As well as this.. Special kind of talent.." Genya mumbled. Almost regretting his last words as he let them out.
[F/N] hummed.
"Special kind of talent? You want to explain it to me?" [F/N] asked. A sudden undertone of curiosity playing on his tongue. Genya pulled his gaze away from the man, Watching his shoes as he contemplated his words.
"..Well, It's not really something I like to talk about but.. A few years ago I figured out that I could become a demon by eating their own flesh" Genya admitted, Slightly nervous as he looked back up at him. "..It's how I got past final selection in the first place.." He added.
[F/N]'s eyes narrowed. His stare made Genya feel more exposed yet it wasn't in the usual scorn he got when he told people. It was surprised, Maybe even a little intrigued.
"I see.. Well I've never heard anything like that before, Can't say I can give any advice on that front." [F/N] remarked, His look finally pulling away from him to longingly look at the sun once more.
"So you do have talents. Like you said you've got your demon eating as well as your skill in hitting targets, However neither of those are able to be turned into a breathing style." [F/N] concluded.
Genya felt himself deflate. He had been wanting to find [F/N] for weeks, Wanting an answer to his incompetence in breathing styles and his lack of skill. [F/N] was suppose to know so much about breathing styles and if he said that he couldn't then that was that.
He needed to become a Hashira, He wanted it so badly it churned in his stomach. A breathing style was a slayers life-blood, If he couldn't learn one then how-
"Ah, Whatever. It's not like a breathing style matters much anyways." [F/N] remarked as he gazed into the sun, Shrugging his shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal.
Genya's eyes widened, Looking up at him.
"What do you mean..?" He asked slowly, His words were an oddity. A breathing style was all everyone discussed in the corps, Their techniques and their types. Everything about them yet the strongest among them brushed it off like dust on his shoulder.
[F/N]'s eyes shined, Reflecting in the evening light.
"As I said, Our style is a reflection of us. It's not a breathing style that makes us strong, Genya. It's our strengths that make the breathing style. Maybe a breathing style is just not the mirror to reflect your strength so-" [F/N] cut himself off, Shoulders raising along with his eyebrows.
"Ah-! Hold on.." [F/N] muttered as he reached around to somewhere behind the log. Genya watched him rustle about, Muttering 'no' or 'not it' as he heard several things clinking and hitting against each other.
"Aha!" [F/N] called out in triumph as he turned back around and in his hands it was something that made Genya's eyes widen. Held with such 'nonchalantness' was a gun, A shotgun to be precise.
"Where did you get that?!" Genya gawked, Eyes locked onto the sudden weapon he wielded with such causality as he now noticed the open bag sitting behind the log.
"Got it while scavenging a demon's house.. Oyataka-sama has decided docked my pay until I start showing up to the Hashira meetings. Of course being the stubborn bastard that I am, Won't let him win so I've been taking stuff from the demons I slay and selling them in the villages." [F/N] groaned like a child not getting their way, Scratching the back of his head.
"Unfortunately though you can't really sell something like this in a small village so.. I was going to head to Tokyo after this to sell it there but, I suppose you'd get some use out of it." [F/N] said, A smirk appearing on the corners of his porcelain mask.
"Me?!" Genya exclaimed, Taken aback by the sudden proposition as he watched [F/N] push himself up from the log.
"Yeah, You. You said you were good at hitting targets, Right?" [F/N] didn't wait for an answer as he paced forward, Gun in hand as he beckoned Genya to follow him which he did quickly.
[F/N] stopped in front of the cliff, The sun shining bright onto the two of them. Genya watched as [F/N] flipped the gun around, Presenting him with the handle.
"Careful. You know how to use one of these?" [F/N] asked to which Genya nodded. Taking the polished wooden handle with utmost care, He looked it over and examined the metal.
"..Yeah, Only the basics though.." He replied yet was still enthralled with the craftsmanship of the shotgun.
"Great. Now here's what I'm gonna do." [F/N] reached down towards the ground, Stretching out his hand he grasped a handful of pebbles from within the grass and got back up.
"I'm gonna throw these off the cliff, Your job is to shoot them mid-air alright? Let's see if this is your special talent after all." [F/N] said, The smirk playing on his mask widened only a little more as he turned to the cliff.
He tossed Genya a bag full of ammo, To which he nodded gratefully and quickly loaded the gun if with a little difficulty.
"Ready?" [F/N] asked, Holding up a single pebble in his hand.
"Ready." Genya nodded. Raising the gun towards the sun he wiped the sweat and steadied his heartrate, Waiting on baited breath.
In a single toss the pebble was flung high into the cool air. Hurtling like stars through the sky and quickly dipping, Starting to fall into the ground.
But in a pull of the trigger and a wince at the backlash, The pebble exploded into chunks in a burst of dust and stone leftover falling to the ground. It was completely destroyed within the second it flew, Split into a million pieces.
Genya's breath hitched, Surprised at his own outcome.
"Nice." [F/N] praised. "But that was just one, Not enough to prove your skill. So, Round two?"
"Right.." He said. Genya nodded then looked back at the sun, Ready for the second round.
And in another split second another flurry of rocks flew up into the air. Several dozen moving through the air like plane trails. Genya's eyes narrowed, His finger playing with the trigger.
Several gunshots went off followed by more rocks exploding mid-air. Dust scattered across the atmosphere as more rocks were tossed, [F/N] not giving him a break for a minute.
Genya kept shooting, One after the other not a single rock spent a single second in the air without being hit. No stray bullet, His eyes locked onto every single pebble thrown like he had a homing system built into his mind.
One final shot echoed out into the setting evening night. One final explosion of dust and rock falling away from the impact. Genya was breathing heavily, Looking for the next rock before realising there was no more.
The gun lowered in his hold, Falling to his side.
"Hey.. Nice job. I guess you really are skilled at this after all." [F/N] applauded, Now fully turning his body around to meet Genya. The way he looked at him now was filled with nothing but pride, The way an older brother might look at their younger sibling and one Genya hadn't had in a long time.
Genya showed a small smile through his exterior. Looking at [F/N] now he saw something deep within the god he appeared to be, Through the divine atmosphere surrounding him there was something undeniably human in there. Something warm and benevolent, Something that seemed locked away by his ethereal status.
"Thanks.." Genya muttered. His smile full of appreciation and flattered joy as he looked away. [F/N] raised a hand and placed it on his shoulder.
"You can keep the gun, Alright? You'll need to purchase the rounds yourself but I think that this will be much easier for you than a sword or needing to constantly eat demon meat." [F/N] said, Nodding once before removing his hand.
"Oh, By the way. If you still want to work under a Hashira, I'd go for Himejima Gyomei. Tell him I sent you, Okay?" [F/N] added to which Genya nodded gratefully.
Genya looked down at the gun, Looking from the wooden handle to the steel bound barrel. It was perfectly crafted if not for a scratch or two and it was the first gift anyone had given him in a long time. He chuckled lightly, Wiping away the tears building up in the corners of his eyes.
"Thank you, Fujimori-san but how can I ever repay yo-"
But by the time Genya went to thank him, He was already gone.
His presence disappearing into the sunlight leaving the boy standing stunned on the hill. The wind brushed through the grass and forest life, The serene quiet falling over him once more.
Genya's mouth closed, He nodded slowly as if to accept his current situation. While he hadn't gotten his goal of working under him he came out with something much more valuable, Both in the lesson he learned and the expensive quality of the gun.
He turned, Back facing the sun as he slowly made his way down the hill. Now his goal was to find The Stone Hashira and ask for his help and with the recommendation of Fujimori it felt like everything was falling into place.
Fujimori, The god in human clothing. His faded presence leaving a lasting effect as he went back down, A light and blessed kick in his step now.
He stood unshakeable above everyone else, At least that's what Genya thought anyways.
[F/N] opened her eyes wide, Skin drenched in cold sweat as she gasped for air.
Shooting up on her futon she sat alert on the mattress. Shoulders raised high as if she was to be attacked, Fingers itching to draw her sword or throw a punch.
Though she calmed down when she was met with the cold darkness of her room. Her hair was a mess, Knotted and greasy from not showering and her nightwear was clammy from the amount of sweat she was secreting.
Her shoulders slumped. This was the first time in who knows how long that she had a dream, It wasn't the empty void of a restless slumber but instead a rekindled memory. An unusual kind of dream and one she had never had before.
It was usually just the blizzard or in recent cases the face-melting dream. This one was actually one she remembered, One that took place only a few months ago. The dream was when Sanemi's younger brother came for advice and she had given it readily.
[F/N] sighed. She recalled at the time how the boy looked at her, The way he thought she stood above the clouds themselves. It was a look that made her groan and feel icky, More than she already did with the dirt on her skin.
[F/N] remembered how much she took for granted the sun on her skin, The warmth of it like a featherlight touch and the embracing light that came upon her. Not to mention the wind as she stood on the cliffs edge, The soft breeze as her sandals near tipped off.
It was such a beautiful evening. It was only until the sky was now only a dark void that she wished she could see the sun once more.
[F/N] wiped her brow full of sweat. She groaned and flipped her legs over the side of the frame and slowly stood up on aching legs. She was glad though, Recently it took a good few hours before she could even dare to get up. The nightmare did have a sliver lining at least.
Her bare feet hit the old wooden floorboards as she pushed herself up. Remembering the events of yesterday [F/N] hummed. Pulling back her pillow she saw the sixteen separate tallies.
[F/N] slowly etched another tally beside the lonely tail to the side, Her uncut nails making it easy to do so. Seventeen sleeps, The information put onto the wall now.
Akaza was now in her corner. He was now available for handing in small items of use and providing information, Of which she already knew what she was going to ask now that she had slept on it.
Whenever he did show up that was. Whether it was Kokushibo or Akaza on shift she had no clue, But as she moved over to the vanity desk and averted her eyes from the mirror she knew that it was only a matter of time until she found out.
Though, She'd need to fix her appearance first. For weeks she had been putting it off, Brushing it away with the excuse of it being no big deal but as she felt the grime on her skin and the knots in her hair she knew she'd need to fix it.
So instead of throwing on another kimono she instead tossed a lotus-patterned one over her shoulder and headed out the room, Going to see if there really was a bathing place here after all.
The pull of a string, The small drops of water building up into a rushing flood.
The bamboo irrigation pipe was pulled down from the wall, Letting a gush of running water flow down and into the empty pit below.
[F/N] stood on the wooden rim of the square-shaped bath, Her bare feet touching the somewhat dusty birch wood flooring as she watched the already steaming water start to fill up the pit.
Walking over to a small drawer built into the wall she pulled it open. A burst of dust was released making [F/N] cough and wheeze, Wafting away the soot with her hand she peered inside only to be met with an incense set.
It was old and unused for assumedly a long time but that didn't matter to her as she smiled, The incense always being something she enjoyed when she use to take her baths back at the shrine. The cherry lotus always being her favourite scent.
Luckily while wandering around one of the previously unwandered parts of the shrine she had came across the bath houses. And fortunately they were only mildly dusty, Easily cleaned up by the first shower of water she sprayed into it beforehand.
Speaking of the water [F/N] didn't really want to think about where it came from. Hopefully not the ocean outside, But if that was the case then the water would be a slightly murky and translucent liquid and not the clear water that was flooding down into the bath now.
[F/N] was glad at least. Grabbing the two incense sticks she struck one against the matchbox provided. Slightly raising it up to her nose she expected the usual scent of cherry lotus.
But as she inhaled in the only thing she smelt was the delicate bitterness of lotus, There was absolutely no cherry to be found. Instead it was the new yet old smell of fresh water flowers entering her lungs.
A disappointed frown spread across her face. The lack of the sweet aroma mixing with the bitter was an unwelcome sensation, Though the stick had already started turning black she set it back down into the tin with the new smell starting to diffuse amongst the room.
The bath had now raised to a fair level and with the pull of the string once more the irrigation pipe raised back up into the wall, Water going with it as it clicked back into place.
[F/N] didn't take any time to set her foot down on the first step, Water pooling around her ankles as she took another few steps down the stairs until the water reached her midsection.
She winced slightly, The water stinging her injury but it didn't deter her in anyway as it reached her shoulders then her neck. [F/N] was completely submerged now, All except from her head.
[F/N] was left to bask in the warm embrace of the water. It was quiet, The only sounds being the sparks of incense and the sound of water sloshing against each other at any little movement she made. It all left her vulnerable to her thoughts.
Floating in the little lake she made for herself she could only focus on the lotus lilt drifting around the room. The cherry that was missing made it feel so incomplete, [F/N] didn't even know why but as she inhaled it in she could feel an undeniable hole in her heart.
Her plan, She needed to focus on her plan out of here. Luckily she has access to Akaza now so with that in mind she laid down the steps in her mind.
Get the proper information: Akaza was a useful source so she needed to gather information. Where the exit was and perhaps where Kokushibo was storing her mask and sword.
Plan out an escape route and time from there. It was a difficult decision whether to do it while Kokushibo was here in the shrine during the day or while Akaza was here and Kokushibo was out there in the night.
Get the sword and mask. [F/N] didn't think he would've destroyed them or tossed them, They were nigh indestructable and highly valuable so it wouldn't make sense if he did. Afterwards, Step four.
It was a four step plan. One that seemed much easier in her head than would be put into practice, Either way once she was finished with her bath she'd need to write it down and hide it in-between her bedframe.
Taking the oil sat on the edge of the bath she popped the seal, [F/N] let the lavender scented liquid pool in her hands and rubbed it between her palms. Raising her hands to her hair she started to massage the oil into her scalp.
Anyways she had somewhat of a plan now. Well, the bare bones of it but she was trying to focus on the positive here.
[F/N] would still need to find a way to deal with Kokushibo, She'd still need to figure out what time would be best to leave or what time it was at all. [F/N] had all the time in the world however, There was barely anything to do here anyways.
[F/N] continued massaging the oil into her previously greasy hair, Feeling the grime washing out of her overgrown and choppy locks into the bath water below. It was somewhat therapeutic, Her nerves had been on edge lately but as her shoulders relaxed she could feel her heartrate slow down with it.
[F/N] tilted her head back, Body now lying on top of the water of which was keeping her afloat. The bathhouse was surprisingly cosy and warm, This was probably the most calm she had felt in weeks.
[F/N] didn't want to remember the last time she took a bath. Last time she had sunk so low into the water, Sunk so low that water started to invade her lungs and leave a lasting effect afterwards.
She moved her palm down to her chest. [F/N] felt the water running down her skin, Pressing it close to her heart. The pain had completely healed now, Probably from the amount of rest she had while unconscious. A silver lining at least.
[F/N] tossed her head to the side as she continued to work the oil into her hair, Running her fingers through the ties and knots built up in it all easily coming loose. She shut her eyes, Focusing of the rhythm of her hands through the strands.
Her body felt like jello in the water, The warmth flooding her system like the pool rushing around her like ocean waves. She leaned her head back, Shoulders slumping as she let all her worries leave her system.
She sighed, Breath exiting her lungs as th-
[F/N] jolted up from the water.
She took in a sharp gasp of air, Eyes shooting open at the sudden scream of noise hitting at the door. [F/N] raised up from the water, Head snapping towards the door.
"W-Who's there, I'm busy!" [F/N] called out, Suprised from the abrupt intrusion as her eyes looked at the door like a ticking explosive. It was silent, Only for a moment.
"Kokushibo.. Who else would it be?" Kokushibo called back out from behind the door. His voice was muffled yet [F/N] could hear his signature voice from behind it, Topped with the usual cold and indifferent tone.
[F/N] groaned lightly, Rubbing her temples. What could he want? For days since the dinner incident he had been avoiding her and ignoring her in favour of his "No respect or gratitude until you start behaving" rule.
Has he really given up in that rule? What could he want with her now, She hadn't done anything at all except.. Did he find out she had been talking to Akaza?
[F/N] swallowed. For Inari's sake she hoped not, He was her ticket out of here and she couldn't risk losing him. Hoping for the best she opened her mouth to respond.
"F-Figure of speech! What do you want..?" [F/N] muttered out, Resting her hands on the edge of the poolside. She made sure to emphasise the irritation in her voice, The only form of protest she could muster right now.
"Show some respect and adress me in proper honorifics, Girl.. Now are you decent?" Kokushibo hissed in response to her tone. [F/N] gulped in return and shook off the cold sweat.
She sighed.
"..Fine, Kokushibo-sama.. I am not decent." She emphasised again, Feeling a slight uncomforting taste on her tongue as she said it. "May I please ask what you want with me?"
[F/N] heard nothing for a few moments, Her eyes stuck on the door wondering if she had done anything wrong before she heard a deep sigh.
"That'll do.. Once you are done with your bath.. I expect you to get dressed and meet me out in the courtyard.. You are aware of how to get there, Correct?" Kokushibo inquired, His voice still rough but less irritated now.
"Yeah.." [F/N] replied cautiously. He wants to meet? In the courtyard? What could he possibly want that warrants her presence in the courtyard? [F/N] could feel her stomach turn, This couldn't be good.
"Alright then.. Make it quick and do not keep me waiting." Kokushibo ordered. [F/N] listened close as she heard his heavy footsteps trail off down the hallway, Feeling the vibrations through the door. All until she couldn't hear or feel anything of him anymore.
As soon as she knew he was gone, She pushed her head into her palms and groaned. [F/N], Foolish of to think he'd leave her alone. Whatever hope she had left of that was now diminished into water foam.
She shook her head. [F/N] rested her hands upon the rim of the pool, She pushed herself up and hoisted her bare body over the side until she was completely out of the water, Save for the droplets dripping down her skin.
[F/N] got to her feet, Her steps leaving watermarks on the floorboards as she grabbed the towel hanging on the rack and tied it around her body.
Kokushibo, The thought of what he could want reverberated in her mind like a yell in a cavern. [F/N] just hoped to Inari that it wouldn't mean any roadblocks in her path, She hoped it wouldn't affect her escape at all.
[F/N] walked down the chilling hallways of the shrine. By now her hair was only damp and her skin revitalized from the recent bath, A welcome change from the grime and dirt covering her head to toe.
Her footsteps stopped. In front of her stood the courtyard doors, As she reached a hand out to the knob she could feel the faint brush of heat coming from the other side. Enticing, Yet she kept her hand firmly rested on the doorknob.
She stared at the silver gripped in her hand. Kokushibo was on the other side of this door, The sheer acknowledgement of that made her want to puke. [F/N] didn't want to spend time with him or talk to him in any way but by the tone in his voice she knew it wasn't a debatable option.
[F/N] ran her fingers through her hair and adjusted her lotus-patterned kimono. A beautiful emerald sunset of fabric brushing against her fingertips, It fit perfectly well and suited her figure to the fullest.
Taking a deep breath in she turned the knob.
The door opened with a click, Easily pushed open by [F/N] as the light started to dance on her face making her squint.
She walked in, Closing the door behind her as she walked down the dark hall towards the light. The warmth getting more and more evident as she went, Near tickling on her skin as she finally reached the end.
The warm light finally washed over her entire figure, Her semi-blurry vision met with the towering Hyperion tree flourishing in the centre. It's leaves were as green as always, It's branches producing ripe apples.
It was a welcome sight, Almost enough to steady her nerves as she looked down under the shade of the blossoming leaves. There stood her captor, Standing strong underneath the shadows.
His back was facing her, He stood under the tree with his stance wide and strong. The samurai appearance he sported was on full display now as she noticed his flesh forged sword drawn and placed in front of him, Supporting him.. Not like he needed it, Though.
Kokushibo. As much as she hated him, Loathed him in every way possible [F/N] could not say he wasn't dignified, An honourable man if she didn't know the full extent of who he was and what he was capable of.
Kokushibo cocked his head to the side, Three golden eyes landing on her small figure in the doorframe looking up at him. His expression was emotionless and cold as he turned around to face her in that same position.
"You've arrived.. That took longer than expected.." Kokushibo remarked. His jabbing gaze scrutinizing every little inch of her like a hawk closing in, One that made [F/N] feel nervous.
"..What can I say? This is kind of on short notice..- Kokushibo-sama." She quickly added on the name and honorifics to try and balance out her previous statement. It worked apparently, Evident by his lack of emotional change.
"It doesn't matter.. While you are here you should be ready to come when I call.. If I want you to dress or act a certain way you shall do so.. Do you understand why?" Kokushibo asked, Eyes expecting her to know the answer.
[F/N] bit her tongue, Both in thought and effort not to bite back at him.
"Because.. Because.." She mumbled.
"-Because I am the head of this family as well as your older brother.. You may still be confused but that does not excuse you.. So, Hold your tongue when you are with me.." Kokushibo said slowly, Almost as if he was spelling it out to a toddler.
Hold my tongue? What do you think I'm doing? Either way no matter how much he enraged her she didn't want to send another jab back, Not unless she wanted to invoke his wrath that is.
Kokushibo took a few steps down from where he was standing under the Hyperion. His figure becoming more illuminated as he was only a metre away from her now, Much to her displeasure.
"So.. About the last time we spoke.. Have you thought over my words at all? The coincidences in your nightmares.. Do they make any more sense to you?" He asked. Though his face was stone cold [F/N] could see the dirt in the cracks, He was curious, That much she could tell.
In all honesty it hadn't left her mind. While she hadn't had it at the forefront, No, She had other things to think about. It was always a parasite eating away at the back of her brain, Things she'd lie awake at night mulling over or think about when she chewed on her food.
The coincidence was no longer coincidence, Instead it had turned into correlation. There was no way it was just a match of chance. Everything matched up from the setting to the bleeding wounds it was all up to the tea.
At first it alarmed her, It made her panicked. Her religion believed in energy passing back to the environment, Not reincarnation: A Buddhist belief. It was an existential crisis only put off by her meeting with Akaza, Barely at that.
But as time passed on and as she was left to her thoughts, The more she started to come to terms with her situation.
Reincarnation. Shintoism has always been hand in hand with Buddhism, Things mixed between the two faiths so she supposed that it wouldn't be too out of line that reincarnation was the next step.
Just like she came to terms with her location at the shrine she became more at ease with the reincarnation theory. Not comfortable, Not at all but she was managing.
Even so the chances of her being related to the Uppermoon one then becoming a Hashira to fight him hundreds of years in the future. That was the hardest part to wrap her head around but she had to if she wanted to escape.
So she swallowed it down, Kept it hidden before opening her mouth to speak.
"Well if I am speaking in all honesty, I kind of believe you?" [F/N] stated, A casual remark as if explaining the sky was blue. A remark that made Kokushibo raise a brow.
"But.. Even so.. Even if I was related to you in the past doesn't mean we are now. I.. We're not siblings, I.. I have been reincarnated into a new life. I don't mean to offend you.. Kokushibo-sama, But I'm just not your little sister anymore." [F/N] shrugged her shoulders and if she didn't have her hands slack to her sides in view of him she would've crossed her fingers.
Kokushibo stood there seemingly thinking over her words. His eyebrows lowered once more as he looked down at her and took in a sharp breath of air.
"..It seems like you didn't understand what I said at all.." He concluded, A slight shake of his head and the roll of his middle eyes showed that completely. The absolute delusion made [F/N]'s skin crawl more than it already was.
"No matter.. As has been made clear to you we have all the time in the world for me to help you understand your situation better.." Kokushibo turned away from her, Leaving [F/N] in confusion.
"Is.. Is that all? Can I go?" [F/N] asked slowly, Testing the waters as she watched him march back over to the Hyperion tree with curious eyes.
"No.. I didn't just bring you out here for a catch up.. I called you out here because I want to see your swordsmanship.." Kokushibo replied. He reached over to somewhere behind the Hyperion tree, Reaching his toned arm out he grabbed and raised a wooden practice sword.
[F/N]'s lips parted, Seemingly breathless at the sight of the sword. Out of all the things she expected to be doing today it wasn't showing off her lack of swordsmanship to her captor.
"But.. But didn't you see enough back at the shrine, You know.. When you fought me?" [F/N] asked, Mouth wide and agape as she gawked at the sword. Kokushibo took a few more steps towards her, The wooden sword held in both his hands.
"Yes.. However I want to see it more up close.. Without the use of my own breathing technique. I want to examine your skill.. Your form and your footwork.. From what I did see back at your shrine it was some of the best I have met." Kokushibo said.
It was an unusual compliment coming from him, Mostly due to the stark contrast in the way he said it. Walking forward a few more steps Kokushibo presented her with the practice sword.
[F/N]'s arms reached out, Her fingers shaking as she grasped the bamboo fibre handle of the sword and took it into her hands. The cool timber resting within her palms as she surveyed the woodwork.
"So.. Do you want me to do a few stances or..?" She trailed off, Waiting for him to finish the sentence for her as he took a few strides back from her.
He didn't respond, Not vocally as he only drew his own blade from it's biological hilt. The fleshy muscle of what should've been metal pulsated like it was alive, Wretched eyes sticking out to stare at her small form below her.
"No.. Instead I want you to face against me.. A one on one fight without the use of my own breathing style." He announced and as the last letter left his mouth her eyes shot open wide like saucers.
"W-What?! But I'm still injured, I can't fight you!" [F/N] exclaimed, Words babbling out on instinct as she gawked at the living blade. Disgust and repulsion revering on her tongue as she spoke. Kokushibo hummed.
"Not in a proper fight.. No.. Which is why I am promising to be gentle with you.. Nothing that might strain or impede your injury's near full recovery.." Kokushibo said, Eyeing her up and down with a glint in his eye.
Almost as if he knew something.
[F/N] gulped, Eyeline drifting away from his.
Kokushibo didn't hesitate to hold his blade to the side, A casual stance and a basic one at that. His entire demeanour radiated danger and his voice spoke forward.
"Lets begin.." He stated. "To start us off.. Your only task is to land a hit on me. Nothing more, Nothing less.." Kokushibo said. An open task as she looked at him, Unsure and nervous while she raised the wooden blade in her own stance.
[F/N] didn't move an inch however. A cold sweat running down her brow as she bit her lip, Her mind seemed to race a thousand miles per hour yet her feet stood fixed onto the smooth ground of the courtyard.
"Well..? Are you going to make your move.. Or would you prefer it if I do mine first?" His words a suggestion yet a threat was held in the undertones, Dark and inferring.
It was also everything [F/N] needed to steel her nerves and put a single foot in front of the other, Until her slow march became a faltered run. Her practice sword drawn to her side as [F/N] charged at him.
tap, Tap, TAP, TAP!
Her footsteps grew louder, Her knees bended as she launched herself up into the air with her sword swinging.
Kokushibo raised his own in turn, Drawing it back and launching it forward with both swords creating rushing winds by their sheer force.
The bamboo sword collided with the flesh of his own sword. Bits of splinter burst out from the impact yet it wasn't enough to shatter her sword.
[F/N] gritted her teeth. Still in the air she drew her sword back once more, Eyes locked onto his open neck as she swung it down harder, Quicker and with more burning desire to slice open his jugular.
Her sword hit against his over and over with a sudden rage brought up in her. Kokushibo on the other hand didn't break a sweat, Effortlessly stepping to the side and lazily raising his sword to perfectly block every little one of her attacks.
Her steps were light as her sword danced in the air. Her technique wasn't usual. Kokushibo noted her fighting style was similar to that of a Shrine-maidens dance, Graceful and coordinated yet had a touch of ferality and desperation in every sway of the bamboo.
"Hmph.. Try and steady your footwork there, You are missing several turns you should be making.." Kokushibo commented as he watched her featherlight steps on the ground, One's that seemed perfect to her. Hair catching in her face as she went.
"I-I'm doing my footwork fine! Maybe if you give me the mask and sword I'd give you a proper demonstration!" [F/N] replied yet she never strayed from his neck. Sword swinging and hurtling down hard only to be blocked yet again by his fleshy blade.
"..No, They've been confiscated for your own good.. You're not getting them back" Kokushibo replied as he swayed his blade, Confirming that her items were not destroyed.
His own movements were absolutely flawless as he blocked another one of her attacks. Even though [F/N] wasn't as good at her swordsmanship in her normal form this was just ridiculous, She could still do a good few moves yet he kept dodging and weaving around her.
Maybe it was the anger that was putting her off, The way his dry lips turned into a small smile as he fought with her made her enraged. It was the way both the eyes on his face and the ones on his sword shone with enjoyment.
[F/N] hurled in the air, Tossing and turning until her body landed a few metres away from him. Low, Crouched and out of breath as she looked up at his untouchable form through the mess of her hair.
"Hm.. Already tired? I expected more of you.. Little one.." Kokushibo said with his flat voice yet the taunt perceived by [F/N] didn't go unnoticed.
"I've been asleep for weeks.. I'm injured and I'm doing this in these blocky sandals.. What more do you want from me?" She panted, Gesturing to her maiden sandals she wore. Body burning from the smallest exercise she's had in ages.
It didn't make sense to her either. If he wanted to see her technique then he should of waited until she was fully healed from the cut on her abdomen, Why did he want to do this? He wasn't even putting any effort in so.. Why?
"I want to see your breathing style.. What was it.. Soul breathing?" Kokushibo remembered, Spare hand pointing up beside him in recollection. "Hm, Yes.. Why don't you attempt to use your breathing style? ..It was rather impressive the last time I saw it.."
[F/N] pressed a hand to the dirt ground, Pushing herself up with effort as she stumbled a bit.
Her eyes dragged themselves up to him, A look of disbelief and raw defeat permeating through them as she tried to steady her breathing. As his proposition rang in her mind, So did the sunset, So did the breeze on her skin and the ledge of the cliff.
"I can't use my breathing style.. I.. I just can't.." She sighed, Shaking her head as the grip on her bamboo sword loosened. Fingers leaving the hilt as it skittered to the ground with a light thud.
Kokushibo's eyes narrowed.
"Why? Your lungs seem fine.." Kokushibo said, Eyes running down her chest to examine her lungs with transparent world. To him they were fine, Not a scratch or tear to be seen in the organ.
"..I need to be in a good headspace to use Soul Breathing.. I can't just wake up and use it I need to meditate or- or read a book-! Or- Something.." [F/N] sighed. She was slouched over as she turned away.
"..Where are you going?" Kokushibo called out. His voice was no longer commanding nor was it entirely void of feeling, She could make out the genuine confusion. One which she mutually shared when she heard it.
"I'm gonna go read a book.. Or meditate.. I dunno.." [F/N] mumbled as she dragged her feet out of the courtyard and down the shadowing hallway. She didn't even look back as she pushed the door open lazily.
But as she stepped into the hallway she could see the dark shadow stretched, Hiding the pooling light from the opened door. [F/N] sighed softly, Cocking her head to the side.
"Yes.. Kokushibo-sama?" She mumbled as courteously as she could. Looking up at his towering figure with an exhausted if not semi-nervous gaze.
Kokushibo in turn didn't say much. The shadow casted over him made his expression murky and unseen by the girl in front of him, [F/N] waited on baited breath for what he wanted now. What more he could want after destroying her illusion of semi-competency in the one thing she could do?
He sighed, Breath almost visible as it escaped his mouth.
"..You are not going walk away easily next time.. The reason I brought you out to oppose me is to teach you dignity while in my presence.. You practice a dignified art while you realise the dynamic in place.." Was all Kokushibo said. Cold and commandant as if she was nothing under his thumb, An insect under the shoe.
[F/N] expected to feel the nervous chill run down her back, The quirk of her lip or her cowering form but instead she responded with.. Nothing..
It was weird, Strange to no end and distracting her from the man in front of her. [F/N]'s brows knitted together as she mulled over it. Was it because she was use to it by now?
Before looking back up at him with a defeated acknowledgement.
"..Understood, Kokushibo-sama." [F/N] replied. Bowing down in a show of faux respect though not thought out. It was just a natural response at this point as she raised her back to its original posture.
Kokushibo looked down into her eyes, Watching and listening the obedient demeanour she handed to him. It was one he had been going after for a long time, Yet it was one that felt like rocks in his intestines.
"[F/N].. Come here.." He commanded and he promptly watched her take a few steps forward, All until she was only one foot apart and he could feel her body heat radiate off of her skin.
Kokushibo reached into the side of his kimono, Searching through the inner pockets of the beehive patterned lavender he pulled out a small trinket looking thing and held it in-between his clawed hands.
[F/N] squinted to look at it through the shadows. Though her eyes softened once she realised what it was.
"I will keep coming to collect you.. From now on this will become a regular part of your schedule.. Though during our fight and our passing in the hallways.. I couldn't help but notice your hair, It's rather.. Overgrown.." Kokushibo said.
His hand reached out. The thing he held in his fingers was a hairclip, A beautiful sapphiric jewel in the shape of a lotus flower. One with gold trimmings and plated pearl ribbons flowing down from it. It looked expensive, Near precious luxury.
Kokushibo's clawed hand took her overgrown and choppy locks into his hands, [F/N] only flinched a bit. Though his expression was cold and harsh his touch was gentle as he took the clip and set it down into her hair.
Finally the overgrown mess of her hair was out of her face. [F/N] stood there confused and frozen in place as she raised a hand to examine the clip. Her fingertips brushed the lukewarm lotus jewel, Feeling so alien in her grasp.
"There.. Be grateful for this.. As soon as you start to get back to your old self the luxuries like this one will be more.. Abundant.." Kokushibo spoke. His arm finally pulling back to his side.
[F/N]'s vision was locked onto her shoes. Her fingers still dancing on the lotus as if trying to test if it was real, The action confounded her to no degree as she shook her head.
"No.. What did th-"
But as soon as she looked back up his shadow was gone, His aura dissipating into the drafty air in the hallway. [F/N]'s eyes widened at the sudden disappearance, Head looking back and forth to find him with futile results.
Once he was gone however, She stood there silently. Contemplating her situation.
[F/N] felt a spark start to flicker in her stomach, A small lighter clicking over and over again. It sizzled and hissed, It started to burn and scorch her insides. It was another feeling she recognised well yet welcomed like an early morning guest.
It was anger, It was frustration. He had called her out to the courtyard only to spar with her, Hit her to the ground and show her exactly why she was incompetent in the ways she was already painfully aware.
Afterwards he tried to quell the situation with a promise of the situation repeating and a tiny little hairpin. Did he expect to buy her old self with promises of riches and luxury? The one she had only one, Maybe two dreams of.
It was ridiculous but she was glad. At least she had some anger left in her, The rest of it turned into defeated compliance. [F/N] still held onto that sense of self, Grasping at it for dear life.
Either way, A neuron clicked in her mind.
[F/N] could no longer feel Kokushibo's presence lurking around in the shrine, Nowhere near her anyways. This most likely meant that he left entirely, Therefore Akaza should be arriving anytime now.
A small smirk tugged at the corners of her lips. Finally, It was time to put step one into action. Her plan of getting out of here will now commence.
The floorboards creaked, Depressing under Akaza's firm march. Finally, Kokushibo had left. It took him long enough, Long enough for Akaza to get his fill on human meat and search for the blue spider lily.
Of course as usual he came up empty handed leaving a bitter aftertaste to swallow down the flesh.
The breeze ran past him as he walked down the winding docks. The labyrinth of spiderweb architecture stretched on forever as he neared the shrine in the distance, Towering above everything below it.
Just like he did every night he made his way, The building in the distance getting closer and closer until he could make out the walls of wooden window shutters. Akaza made out the rocky red tiles and the Hyperion tree bursting out from the top, Leaves in bloom as he stepped onto the main deck.
Though the dandelion hues of his eyes focused on the artistry of the shrine before his irises now homed in on a different target, One sat under the shade, Sitting slumped on the porch as she leaned up against the banister.
"Hey.. Took you long enough.." [F/N] yawned as she watched Akaza approach. She stretched her arms up into the air before using the banister to pull herself to her feet.
"You've been waiting for me?" Akaza questioned as his eyes narrowed in on her tired form. He looked over her, Seeing the bottom of her lotus-woven kimono pattered in dirt.
"Yep.. Maybe for like, An hour or so?" [F/N] pondered "I dunno.. It's just been a while" She concluded, Shrugging her shoulders as she began to trail down the porch steps to meet him.
Akaza 'tched.
"Why? Wait.. No, Scratch that.. You're here about the deal, You want something" Akaza realised as she came to a halt in front of him, Only a few metres away she nodded lazily.
"Bingo, Right on the money.. Wouldn't be here talking to you otherwise." [F/N] said as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
"Yeah alright then.." Akaza looked her up and down. "So what do you want?"
"Well I have a few things, You know.. Information and maybe a few materials depending on the former. It's really not much so.. First of all-" [F/N] cut herself off once she noticed the expression on Akaza's face.
"Hey! Are you even listening? Can't just ask what I want and proceed to ignore me." [F/N] chided as she seen Akaza's gaze far off and looking away from her. He seemed to be focusing on something behind her, Making her turn.
[F/N] snapped her head round and followed his line of sight up to the top of the shrine. At first all she could see was the infinite nothingness and the temple surrounding it, But as [F/N] narrowed her eyes to focus she could see a flash of black and blue darting around.
"What the.." [F/N] didn't get to finish her sentence as she felt a hand wrap around her wrist and yank her in the opposite direction. Her body near fell forward as she was dragged by the wrist inside the temple at quick speeds.
"We can't speak here." Was all Akaza said as he started to march off at a quick pace.
"Get off-! What the hell is wrong with you?" [F/N] yelped as Akaza dragged her along. She noticed the alarmed expression on his face and the scowl that chased it, He didn't respond to her he pulled her down the hallway.
After a few minutes of what seemed to be searching he yanked open a shoji door. He wasted no time on pulling her inside and shutting it, Only then did he let go of her wrist to let her back away from him.
"Why'd you do that.. Ugh, Thought you didn't hurt women.." [F/N] muttered angrily as she rubbed her sore wrist, The skin aching as she tended to it.
They seemed to be standing in an empty room of the shrine. The only thing inside was a few vanities and the floors layered with a tatami mat. It was cold and dark like the rest of the shrine yet it was quiet, The usual sounds of the ocean or the settling of the shrine's structure was gone.
The entire room seemed to be soundproof, Either due to the material of the walls and door or the thickness of it. Akaza seemed to have chosen well, Most likely sensing it as he stood there agitated.
"We couldn't speak there.. Otherwise we would've got caught doing this.." Akaza replied, Pinching his temples which were already pushed together by his knitted brows. [F/N] noticed his high risen shoulders and felt the aura coming off of him.
Akaza hoped that he had thrown Kaigaku off his trail after spotting him prowling around on the rooftops. He hoped that it would buy the two of them time to get their dealings over with.
"Why? Don't tell me Kokushibo is here.." [F/N] pleaded, Her heart dropping in her chest at the mere thought that they would get caught in the middle of their trade.
Akaza shook his head.
"Hell no.. We'd already be dead if that's the case." Akaza said. [F/N] sighed in response, Her drumming heart slowing to a slow beat as she nodded.
"Right.. Then who is?" She asked, To which Akaza responded with a scowl as he recalled.
"Upper six.. The bastard works under Kokushibo as a student similar to how Demon Slayers- If you know what they are, Train their own.. Turns out he's been following you for weeks on Upper one's orders." Akaza reveals.
[F/N]'s jaw dropped. Her mouth left agape as she gawked at him, The information a complete surprise to her. How did I not notice him? The thought ran through her head at lightning speed, She was usually able to pinpoint a location from someone's aura but this time she was left in the dark.
"Let me get this straight.. So Upper six has been following me around for weeks, I haven't noticed him at all and now your telling me he's Kokushibo's what? Tsuguko?" Though the weight of the situation started to sit in, [F/N] couldn't help but feel baffled.
This was an issue. If he was watching her, Tracking her every movement and following her around her possibility of escape or doing stuff unseen dwindled to a thread.
Akaza raised a brow.
"Tsuguko.. How do you know that word?" Akaza questions. His suspicions raised with his guard once she spoke of the term used near exclusively by the slayers.
[F/N] huffed.
"Akaza.. I'm a Hashira." [F/N] responded, Almost as if it was obvious.
"What?!" Akaza exclaimed. His eyes widening and his eyebrows raising to their peak height as he glared at her with a newfound scorn. He looked her up and down, Her body structure to the way she carried herself. A Hashira, Impossible.
"I know I don't look the cut, Akaza, Trust me I know.. But I just happen to be one, Okay?" [F/N] explained, Dragging her eyes away from him.
She seemed to be taking this whole thing like it was nothing yet the revelation shocked the demon she spoke to like a bolt of lightning.
"Can we just get back to the deal? I don't want to get into this and we said we wouldn't get personal" [F/N] reminded, Exasperated.
Akaza looked at her once more, Up and down a final time before he nodded.
"..Fine.. Alright.." He conceded though the look glimmering under the darkness of the room still stuck out like the speck of a star within a night sky, Staring at her, Questioning her motives.
"Good. So as I was saying I do have a few questions.." [F/N] said. Starting to pace around the empty room, Her footsteps were light as she spoke.
"One, How the hell do you get out of here in the first place?" [F/N] asked, Raising her hands and looking at Akaza expectantly.
He sighed.
"I travel through several cracks or separations in the water. We're in what we call the Infinity castle and the layout outside of this section is wide and cavernous.. If you try to escape through those ways the drop would kill you.." Akaza explained, Several hand motions backing him up as he did.
[F/N] hummed, Taking in his words as her mind started to wander.
"And that's it? There's no more exits?" [F/N] mumbled to herself.
"Correct. Even if your weak little human body was able to stay intact after the fall, You'd need to deal with finding the exit door, Which is one of thousands in the entire castle and controlled entirely by the biwa demon." Akaza replied.
[F/N] bit her lip and her face scrunched up. While she hadn't seen the outside of this sector, The way Akaza described it seemed like it was a fortress. A labyrinth more complex than the one she was in right now.
"Great.. Just great.." [F/N] said, Her hands raising to her head and carding through her hair in annoyance. Her hands however were blocked by her lotus hairpin, Still freshly placed into the side of her head.
"There isn't any other escape, I haven't searched because I never needed to." He shrugged.
"Alright then.. How about the looping affect around the shrine?" [F/N] asked, Hands raised to her hips.
"Hm?" Akaza questioned to which [F/N] huffed.
"..Everytime I try to run away through the docks I end up coming back to the other side of the shrine. Is this a natural affect or does this have something to do with this 'Biwa demon' character?" She asked.
Akaza hummed.
"Don't know.. Probably is the Biwa Demon but I can't be sure. I've never had that sort of issue however.." He said, Folding his arms over his chest.
[F/N] shook her head. So far her questioning had gotten her nowhere.
There was no viable escape from what he said. If she tried to escape through the 'cracks' in the water or whatever he said, [F/N] would instantly be killed from the drop.
And The Infinity Castle, Though she had brushed off the weight of the name before it now seemed much more.. Well, Infinite. Thousands of doors he described, Thousands of doors that could be her exit as well as her failure.
"Right.. You know what? Take me to the so called cracks in the water. I want to see them for myself and make an opinion on my own." [F/N] concluded, Raising her head and eyeline to match Akaza's own.
He 'tched.
"As I said. It won't do any good for you. It's impossible to escape that way with the things you have right now." Akaza emphasised his words more clearly, Spelling it out to her with an edge like a knife.
"I don't care, I'd like to see it and if you want Kokushibo's head you'll do it." [F/N] said with the same tone he did, Taking a few steps towards him and getting up in his face like she usually did. Akaza responded in his usual kind, The scrunch up of his nose and a twitch of his eye.
"Watch your tone.. If you were a man I would've already killed you and wear your guts as trophies" Akaza hissed. His teeth were bared as if to lunge at her yet he held back.
[F/N] chuckled. A cold and emotionless sound reverberating in her throat.
"You say that like I'd be opposed to it." She responded with a malicious smile, One that made Akaza's eyebrows lower in confusion. She shook her head once before backing away from him, Folding her arms over her kimono and looking at him.
"So? Are you gonna take me there or not?" [F/N] asked, Now staring at him with a more confident and controlled look as she tilted her head.
Akaza groaned at her insistence. His shoulders going slack in annoyance as he looked back with a scowl.
"Sure, Whatever. But once you see it you'll find out how hopeless it is."
Next Chapter
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dxrknessembr8ced · 29 days
" I want my apples who ate all the fucking apples?! "
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' URP ! '
" Yummy! yummy! "
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Jaaku is about to strangle Junior for eating her apples. One of the only things she love to eat aside from eating people.
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And Sigma grabbed her preventing her from inflicting harm.
" JAAKU NO-! "
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While being held by her older sister and the younger cursing everything under the sun Junior just stares in utter confusion.
" Uh? Why is Jaaku mad? "
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the-lonelybarricade · 2 months
What Do You Know About Love - (7/?)
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Summary: When Elain discovers a centuries old love letter, written in secret and never sent, she decides that she's going to be the one to finally deliver it. Even if finding its intended recipient means going on a mission with Lucien Vanserra. Set post ACoSF.
A contribution to @elucienweekofficial Day 7: Tension/Healing
Chapter 7 - Push and Pull
Read on AO3 ・Previous Chapter
It was true what they said about the Celestial Courts. The seasons changed with the natural cycles of the world, which in itself was unusual, but the skies—they were unparalleled to anything she’d seen before.
She’d slipped away from the party to glimpse it in full, and was pleased to have found a small veranda laden with overstuffed pillows and a heavy cloth drape she pulled for privacy. Her father would be red in the face if he caught her collapsing into one of the pillows when she could be preening the ego of a High Lord’s son. Which was precisely why, moments prior, she’d tactically set one of the High Priestess’s acolytes upon him by exaggerating her father’s interest in the traditional rites of a Day Court Equinox.
From her estimates, she’d afforded herself at least an hour before he realized his middle daughter was missing, and perhaps an hour more before he discovered her hiding spot.
It didn’t matter that he would be furious. Her feet ached from the hours of dancing, and the relief of removing her shoes for even a second would be worth his temper.
She kicked the embroidered boots to the side and collapsed back into the large pillows, releasing a breath she was certain she’d been holding in all evening. Already, she felt much more refreshed—enough to manage her first genuine smile as she blinked at the horizon sprawled before her, glowing against the night as if someone had arranged a line of embers across the bottom of the sky.
“If you think our dawn is beautiful, you should stay long enough to see our dusk.”
With a scream, she clambered to her feet and whirled to find a male holding the curtain aloft, his mask a streak of gold in the dim light.
He laughed. A deep, rumbling sound that she would have mistaken for thunder had she not watched it shake his chest. “Pardon the intrusion, Lady, I’m—”
“I know who you are,” she breathed, taking in his bright eyes, the shape of his jaw, the warmth that radiated from him as if she was standing before a roaring bonfire. Even in the residual night, with the moon disappeared and the sun still tucked away, their small alcove seemed to light with his presence.
She would know who he was, even if she did not recognize his face.
He offered her a broad smile. “And how might I acquire the same honor?”
“The same as you would acquire anything,” she said. “By offering something of equal value in exchange.”
One of the male’s dark eyebrows lifted over his mask, amused by her game. In truth he was a Prince, and he could acquire such information simply by demanding it.
“Then you’ve set me an impossible task,” he said. “There is nothing I could offer you that’s of equal value.”
Oh, he was a flirt. And she couldn’t deny it thrilled her.
“No?” she took a step toward him, the sun-warmed stone tingling against her bare feet. “I’ve heard that you have troves of gold.”
“I could empty my coffers and it still wouldn’t be sufficient,” he said grimly.
She laughed. “And your thousand libraries? Surely they contain knowledge of greater importance.”
“I assure you, Lady, the ancient scholars would be left unrewarded from such a pursuit.”
This time, he was the one to take a step, drawing her attention to the golden sandals lacing up his muscular calves. He paused once he was in front of her, and gently perched his thumb beneath her chin to draw her eyes back to his.
Her words became breathless. “Then are you saying, milord, that you have nothing to offer me?”
“Not nothing, Lady. Though I hope you will take pity on me, for my offer is humble. I would like to volunteer my company for the evening.”
She pretended to consider this. “Can you dance?”
“Yes,” he said. “For as long as you wish.”
He offered his hand to her, and she stared at it for a long moment before placing her palm atop his. The touch of his skin against her own sent a zap of heat through her body, and she gasped as it triggered a sharp tug in her chest.
His amber eyes softened, all too knowing.
“I accept your offer,” she said. “On the condition that we stay out here.”
She imagined her father wouldn’t be pleased to see her dancing with the Day Court Prince when she was supposed to be making nice with the sons of Autumn.
“Wherever you wish,” he said with an agreeable nod. “Although, it will be hard to hear the music from out here.”
“You let me worry about that,” she said, raising her palm to mimic the starting position of an Autumnal Waltz. His eyes never once waivered from her face as he mirrored her stance.
And then she began humming.
A soft, haunting melody tangled with the steady rhythm of footsteps, and beneath, a distant, beaconing heartbeat. It started in time with the melody, but as it grew louder it fell out of tempo, beginning to drown out the song. Elain resisted its call at first, wanting to linger in the rippling memory—a woman, humming, her voice warm and sweet, like sun-soaked apples and spiced wine.
Elain thought she recognized the melody, but when she tried to grasp it, curling her fist around the soft notes, the thread of memory tightened, then yanked, vaulting her towards the thundering heartbeat.
A headache. That’s what the pounding was—her own blood, violently pumping through her skull. Though as Elain peeled her eyes open to the dim bedroom, she half expected to find someone standing above her, rapping their fist against her forehead.
Every curtain was drawn, sealing out any allusion to the time of day. She groaned softly, raising her palm to her temple in the hopes she could massage the throbbing pain away. It was difficult to convince herself to wander out of the safety of her dark bedroom, but the need for water won over.
She was still wearing the blue gown she’d arrived in, now creased in odd places from sleep, and she hadn’t the slightest idea where the clothes she packed for the journey had ended up.
“Lucien?” she called, parting the curtains to the central room of their shared suite.
The Eagle fountain stood proudly in the center, liquid still flowing from its beak. Nausea churned in her stomach as she recalled how its water had burst the room into light and color, sweeping around and around her. And yet, even as her head thudded and her nose crinkled in repulsion, the back of her mouth began salivating, recalling its sweet taste.
Elain tore her eyes away from the statue, pushing the chant of its soft trickle to the back of her mind before it could tempt her into another sip. Her eyes wandered to the two other curtains, once which led to Lucien’s bedroom, presumably, and the other… to a bright seam of light.
So it was day time.
Elain carefully picked her way through the maze of multicolored pillows littering the floor, her steps impaired by her wavering balance and the sharp lance of pain that shocked through her skull each time she bobbed her head.
When she reached the wine colored drape, she paused, certain that the light on the other side would be excruciating. But her mouth was so dry, and she thought, surely, if she could find someone, they would know the remedy for this hangover?
With a deep breath, Elain pushed open the curtains, cringing back from the full intensity of the morning sun. It was angled in the perfect position to pour directly across her face.
She held up her hand to block its path, squinting to take in the details of the surrounding private garden. As she searched, her eyes landed on a tapered waist rising from a large pool of steaming water. Lucien’s back was turned, oblivious to her arrival as he reached up to run his fingers through his wet hair and inadvertently flexed every corded muscle in his arms and back.
Elain shrieked, causing Lucien to whirl around, and she shrieked again—staggering backwards before she risked seeing the front of him nude. In her haste, she tripped over the drapes, and though they slowed her descent, she still fell hard enough against her elbows for her teeth to clack together. It did nothing to help her worsening headache.
“You’re awake,” Lucien said, rushing to the edge of the pool, like he intended to help her before the nature of their predicament dawned on him. She watched him cover himself in her periphery. “I—sorry. I thought you’d be sleeping for a while yet.”
“Why aren’t there any locks in this place?” she complained as she sat up to rub her sore elbow. She was deliberately looking anywhere but his direction.
“I already told you,” he said, and she could hear his smugness seeping in, “baths are communal in the Day Court. I thought I was being courteous by taking mine while you were asleep.”
Elain squeezed her eyes shut. It was her attempt to both block out the stabbing pain behind her eyes and the image of his naked backside.
“I need water,” she said, desperate to change the subject. “And clothes. And something to get rid of this godforsaken headache.”
“That’s what you get when you drink a full mug of ambrosia,” he said, with hardly any sympathy.
“You didn’t warn me about this part.”
“I seem to recall not having a chance to.”
Elain shook her head in exasperation, then immediately regretted it when the pain ratched skywards in intensity, causing her to clench her teeth and drop her head into her hands. If she could squeeze hard enough to end her misery right then, she would have.
His voice softened. “Go back inside—I’ll be there in a second.”
Feeling rather pathetic, Elain retreated back into the safety of the dimly lit lounge, depositing herself atop a pile of pillows as she tried not to listen too closely to the sounds of water sluicing off Lucien’s body.
Moments later, the curtains parted to reveal Lucien, his skin and hair still damp from the pool. He’d tugged on a pair of loose-flowing trousers but was still bare from the waist up. She could feel the heat from the water curling off him as he dropped to the ground in front of her, perching on the balls of his feet.
He surveyed her sorry state and sighed. With a wave of his hand, his traveling pack appeared beside them, and he began rifling through its contents until he procured a small tin. He popped the lid open with his thumb, revealing a handful of powdered orbs, each roughly the same size and shape of a marble.
“Here,” he said, plucking one of them from the tin and holding it up to her lips. “Place it under your tongue and suck on it—don’t swallow,” he added sternly.
Elain recoiled. “What happens if I swallow it?”
“Must you question everything?”
She only blinked at him, refusing to part her lips until he told her.
“So stubborn,” he grumbled, though she swore there was an underlying warmth to it. “If you swallow it, it won’t work. Do you trust me?”
Elain gave him a hard stare. His lips twitched.
“If you don’t trust me, you’re going to have a very hard time here, Elain. You know I’d never put you in harm's way.”
She did know that, even if she didn’t want to admit it. The same way that she couldn’t bear the thought of harming him.
Begrudgingly, Elain parted her lips and tilted her head back. Lucien’s throat bobbed, but his touch was nothing but clinical as he leaned forward and dropped the small orb onto her tongue.
She immediately scrunched her face together, and Lucien slapped a broad hand over her mouth to stop her from spitting it out. It tasted vile—like licking a piece of rusted metal.
“I know,” he said, his voice coaxing. “It’s horrible, but it will make the headache go away. It’s getting better already, isn’t it?”
Elain’s eyes were beginning to water. She screwed her eyes shut and shook her head, but he was right. Her thoughts were no longer suspended between bright, pulsing bursts of pain.
The throbbing was easing back in slow tugs, moored like a ship being hauled from a sandbank. But saliva collected in her mouth like a flooding tide, wetting the powder around the pill, and the tugging became easier. Less of a tug and more a glide. It was receding faster now.
Lucien read her posture well enough to see she’d relaxed. He dropped her palm and offered a grim smile. “Better?”
Elain nodded, shoulders slumping in relief.
“Good,” Lucien said, rising to his feet. “Because the next part is pretty gross.” She watched him warily as he held a cupped palm in front of her lips. “Spit it out.”
Elain shot him a look that said, What?
“Quickly,” he urged.
Into his hand? Were there no options? Lucien’s fingers flexed, urging her to hurry, and Elain sensed that she would regret delaying over human primness.
Elain spat the orb into Lucien’s waiting hand, watching in horror as its surface split open to reveal several long, spindly legs breaking free of its constraint. She screamed as Lucien hurled the creature to the floor and stamped it beneath his foot.
“It was an egg!?” Elain pressed her hand to her mouth in horror, holding back a gag. Her voice rose in pitch as betrayal coursed through her, hot and boiling. “You made me suck on an insect’s egg?”
Lucien winced, lifting his foot to reveal the mangled, flattened corpse. His lips curled in disgust as he inspected the guts sticking to the bottom of his bare foot. He still hadn’t responded to her outrage.
Elain launched to her feet, giving the insect a wide berth. “I can’t believe you!”
“Would you have taken it?” He asked. “If you knew what it was?”
“No!” She cried. “And that’s not a good enough reason to not have told me!”
“Don’t talk to me,” she snapped, storming toward the drapes that led to her designated bedroom. “Just—just leave me alone, Lucien.”
She threw open the red cloth, wishing that there were doors in this gods forsaken palace so that she could slam it in his face. And though there was nothing to keep him from pushing the curtains aside, he halted on the other side of the limp barrier.
“I’m sorry,” he croaked. “Do you… do you still want me to bring you some food? I can leave it out here.”
Elain said nothing in answer. She didn’t know what to do with herself, alone in this room. In this Court. She hugged her arms around her body and sat on the bed, listening to the steady heartbeat on the other side of the curtain as Lucien waited for an answer.
Waited, and then realized he wasn’t going to get one.
“I’m sorry,” he said again. “I’ll ask a servant to bring you some. Just in case.”
Elain listened to his footsteps retreat, holding it together just until she was certain he’d left their suite entirely. And only then did she allow herself to grab one of the pillows from the bed and fling it toward the wall, pretending it was his stupid, handsome face.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Reader is Medusa
So in the myths Poseidon… forced himself onto a worshipper (or priestess) of Athena inside Athena’s temple and Athena punished Medusa, turning her into a Gorgon whose gaze would turn all to stone
Medusa of course fled and over the years, I think even decades because she was semi immortal where the only way she could die is if someone killed her and she lost her mind
She was killed by Perseus and after that her head was used as a weapon until it was given to Athena who adorned it upon her shield (she had also helped Perseus kill Medusa so yeah Athena was a bit of a bitch to Medusa)
Anyway so I’m thinking she was brought to Valhalla (in some interpretations of the myth Perseus killed Medusa while she slept but in this case it was in a drawn out battle [also Medusa doesn’t turn to stone if she sees her reflection that’s not a thing in the myths]) and while she is still stuck with her curse she does find a nice garden that she tends to and stays out of the way of others
When she has to go out she dons a mask so that no one can accidentally gaze into her eyes and be turned into a statue
Anyway, she can’t get revenge against Athena because the goddess hides behind her father Zeus who doesn’t think she did anything wrong, but when Ragnarok is announced Medusa sees a chance to get revenge on the other god responsible for her fate
She volunteers to face Poseidon
Also in different interpretations Medusa uses a bow, her claws, or a sword as her weapon so if she does a Volundr there’s something for ideas
Also differing in interpretations is her legs, sometimes she has human legs but is just extremely scaly and with snakes for hair, or her lower half is a snakes but her upper body appears more human
My request is what is her relationship with the Valkyries, the Einherjar, and what is her fight with Poseidon like?
Damn, I had forgotten how many people the Greek Gods had screwed over in mythology.
My personal take on this particular legend is that Athena didn’t punish Medusa, but instead gave her that form and the ability to turn others into stone so nobody could ever hurt her again, giving her the ability to fight back. However, when men saw her, seeing her as a monster, they treated her like one and drove her away, seeing her as a threat because she could make them stop with their violence. This is why Medusa is the symbol for women safe houses around the world, as she is seen as a protector of women, as some say that Medusa’s gaze only worked on men, sparing the women. However, for this HC, I’m doing it as a cruel punishment from Athena, rather than a blessing.
-Everyone knew your tale, how you were raped in a temple of Athena by Poseidon for your beauty, and you were in turn, turned into a fearsome snake like beast as punishment.
-Emerald green and black scales grew all over your body, a long matching tail sprouted from your tail bone, and your hair morphing into matching, writing snakes with glowing red eyes, and your eyes morphed into slit eyes like a snake, colored of molten gold.
-Anyone who dared to look you in the eye turned to stone, and you were chased from your temple, your home, chased and outcast, nothing more than a monster in the eyes of your fellow humans.
-You spent so many years, never aging, never dying, forced to live with the curse that had been ‘gifted’ to you, hiding away in deep caves, so you wouldn’t turn anyone else to stone.
-Many came to slay you, wanting to slay the fearsome Medusa to claim glory for themselves, to get honor from the gods.
-You grew angry and resentful at their cruel words, fighting back against them using swords from past warriors, it wasn’t your fault you were like this, it was the gods, they were the ones who caused this, not you.
-Your rage drove you to madness until you were finally released from your curse when you were finally killed by a worthy opponent, Perseus.
-To your horror, it was not the end, after you awoke in Valhalla, now a demigod, still looking as you did when you died, like a monster.
-Your stone gaze no longer worked like it did on Earth, where your victims were permanently stone, now they were only stone for about a day before returning to normal, which you were grateful for, but after years of being treated like a monster, you hid yourself away in a quiet corner of the Greek pantheon.
-You no longer had to hide away, as many in Valhalla knew about your fate, but if you were to venture out of your little garden hideaway, you wore a mask over your eyes, so none would be turned to stone for the next 24 hours.
-Many in Valhalla were kind to you, knowing that you were cursed by the gods to look like that, many humans and a few gods were sympathetic to you.
-Those who were sympathetic towards you were others like you, the Minotaur, Charybdis, various demigods like Hercules, beings who were treated so cruelly by the gods, just because they could.
-Brunnhilde approached you in your little garden, your snakes alerting you to her presences, stretching out to greet her, as they were now long enough to stretch down to your belly.
-You made sure your mask was on so you wouldn’t change her to stone before you turned to greet her.
-You had recently heard about this tournament she had managed to arrange, a chance for the salvation of humanity.
-You were mostly neutral when it came to your opinion on humanity, as humanity turned its back on you, once you changed into a monster; they did you no favors so you felt like you didn’t owe them anything.
-Brunnhilde was understanding of this, before she told you that the gods would be fighting, including Poseidon, the man who caused your life to turn into hell.
-She noticed your snake’s eyes flash brightly in anger and you saw a small smile on her lips.
-You smiled at her, “Very clever of you, dear valkryie. You have what you desire, I will fight for you. However, my opponent is to be Poseidon, and no other.”
-She put her fist over her heart, swearing this to you before thank you for joining the fight.
-When you walked in to the waiting area where the other Einhejar were, eyes went wide and jaws dropped, seeing the legendary gorgon who would be fighting alongside them.
-Qin Shi Huang was almost immediately over to greet you, smiling warmly, not scared at all, he was in fact fascinated by your hair as your babies moved to greet him.
-Okita was the same way, his eyes sparkling up at you, you were surprised but not upset by their questions and curiosity, finding it almost amusing.
-When Brunnhilde entered to inform the remaining fighters, including you, that Poseidon was next, you tail flicked and all of your snakes rose, their eyes flashing, baring their fangs as you smirked, showing off your own fangs, your eyes flashing behind your mask.
-You cracked your knuckles as you headed towards the entrance, your Valkyrie partner, Brunnhilde herself, approaching you from the side.
-She grinned warmly down at you, giving you a firm nod before she took your hand, transforming into a shining, bright metal kopis blade.
-Humanity were hesitant when you first walked out, seeing a monster, but many who knew you, who knew your legend, were quick to start cheering, which soon got the rest of the humans to cheer for you.
-Across from you stood Poseidon, who looked unamused, seeing his opponent was a maiden before his eyes widened, only slightly, as he recognized you as the creature that Athena created.
-Your eyes flashed brightly, pointing your weapon at him, “You gods will finally learn the consequences for your actions.” He didn’t respond, moving into an attack position, and the match began.
-You were a fierce warrior, having trained when you were alive, learning how to fight to survive, and you had learned many things in Valhalla as well.
-You were agile and flexible, and you had some extra backup from your snakes that would lunge out, sinking their fangs into whatever they could reach.
-You stunned everyone when you blocked his blow and swiped up, slicing off his left arm, stunning even him before he swung his broken trident, holding it more like a sword now, slicing three of your snakes off before slicing your arm open.
-You leapt back, hissing softly as two more of your snakes lowered to your injured arm, wrapping around it to bind the wound before you charged again.
-Jaws dropped all around as you charged again with a war cry that seemed to shake everyone in attendance, kicking his trident out of his hand and you swiped, severing his head from his shoulders, Perseus style.
-His body crumpled before disappearing slowly, you watch him vanish, a sense of accomplishment filling you before you turned, looking up at Athena, who was sitting beside Zeus, pointing your sword up at her, eyes narrowed, “You Gods have abused your positions long enough! It’s time for you to learn the consequences of your actions.”
-Athena scowled down at you as Zeus looked over at her, a bit confused, “What does she mean?”
-You scowled and spoke, your voice projecting around the whole arena, “I was once a human priestess in a temple of Athena, where I was raped by Poseidon. Instead of punishing the man who raped her priestess and defiled her temple, Athena turned me into what you see now, as if it was my fault that I was held down and raped by a god.”
-The humans were all quickly jeering Athena, hearing of her treatment of you, and Zeus was shocked to see many gods started to jeer her as well for her actions, finding them both cruel, as Zeus did nothing to reprimand his daughter.
-You knew there were good gods out there, ones who didn’t abuse their powers or positions, those who had sympathy for humanity, but just like humans, with good there is also bad.
-You glared up at Athena as she was now embarrassed by being called out by you publically, having the crowd now against her, “You are the Goddess of War, Athena, honoring the virtues of justice! Where was my justice when I was raped by your uncle, goddess?! Tell me Athena, was Poseidon punished for his crimes against your temple as well?”
-The crowds got even louder, backing you up, screaming out their anger, leaving Athena panicking, staring in horror as most of Valhalla was now against her, including many gods.
-Brunnhilde returned to her true form, giving you a firm nod, proud of you, you smiled softly at her before you looked back up to Athena, who was now seething, “Let this be a warning to all gods who abuse their power! Humanity is going to fight you and keep fighting. We’re not going to take your abuse any longer!!”
-The cheers were almost deafening as you turned, walking to the back with Brunnhilde, where Goll met the two of you, hugging you both, congratulating your victory.
-As you headed towards the medical facilities, you were met by many of the other fighters for humanity, many of them congratulating you, and in return you gave them soft smiles.
-An angry voice then shouted out, “You bitch!!” all eyes turned to see Athena stalking towards you, her sword drawn and you turned to your allies, “Cover your eyes.” They all did as you were told and you removed your mask.
-She smirked, raising her blade, “That doesn’t work on gods you-” your eyes flashed and she was immediately froze, turning into a stone statue.
-Those around looked up as you replaced your mask, a hand coming to your hip as you smirked, “It does work on gods, but it takes more effort to make it work, dear Athena.”
-You then swung, your tail swinging like a club and you took her head clean off, letting it shatter and just like Poseidon, her body crumpled and vanished.
-Goll was gawking, as were many of the others, seeing that you just killed two gods, but you weren’t bothered, you felt like you could finally relax now, your revenge now complete.
-You turned with a grin, flashing your fangs to your other competitors, “Kick their asses!” they all cheered for you, making you grin before you continued to the medical facility to get your wounds dealt with so you could return to the others to watch the remainder of the fights.
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stariisoda · 10 months
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Arcana Themed Kandi Bracelets (PART 1)
The Main Six! (Left: Asra, Julian and Nadia/Right: Muriel, Portia and Lucio
Guess who got into Kandi making? Me. Wanted to make some Arcana inspired singles (cause that's all I can make lol)
So I went with the most obvious characters:the ones you can date in game.... Duhhh....
(I'm gonna make more, maybe the courtiers next???)
(Read for more photos and explanation)
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Asra: I chose a heart charm that has a smaller heart inside of it for... Obvious plot reasons. Then the teal and purple because I think teal is their favorite color? I think? And purple because that's what I see when I think about him. Star beads because magic. Also, the little white tri-beads kinda look like bones from the side, so take that as you will.
Nadia: I picked an owl charm for her because it could either represent Chandra or The High Priestess. Her colors are mainly her color palette, and most of the beads are pearlesent.
Julian: There wasn't a raven, but this bird that kinda looks like a hummingbird? Whoops, I just couldn't find anything else that reminded me of him. So the bird is supposed to represent either Malak, The Hanged Man or a plague doctor mask (the beak is long lol) This one is pretty plain, having black beads in the back and two ab finish black beads in the front. And the red.
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Muriel: You can't really see it in this angle, but I picked a house charm, because it reminds me of his little hut in the woods. Also Muriel's a home body. Used the tri-beads again for the same purpose as Asra. Chose big blocky letters because it better suits his vibe. And then more earthy tones, with the black ab beads for his cloak.
Portia: A cat charm to represent either Pepi or The Star. Star beads because The Star. Then the rest of it is just her color palette. (Don't know a whole lot about her, sorry)
Lucio: I picked a crown charm because... Because he's the count. Also it's so ugly, I honestly dislike his bracelet, despite him being my favorite character. I chose those awful gold beads because, let's be honest, Lucio would love that. Picked them because they were kinda over the top. (Originally was going to use the same letter beads as Asra and Nadia.) Uses small red beads and two faceted yellow beads at the front (looks like gems). The rest is his color palette, although it's mainly ab, pearl and glitter colors other than the red, which is solid. I made his bracelet ugly on purpose because he would probably have something like that. (Oh, he has his necklace haha)
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Them all laid out together
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Then all of them on my arm
Anyways, that's it for now! If you stayed to read all of that, thank you! I liked trying to come up with meanings behind them and designing each one.
I'm aiming to do the courtiers next 👀
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