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gilbirda · 1 year
Danny is the rightful Ghost King, but since he's not of age he needs a regent who is a) his species, b) his family, and c) an adult. The only adult haftas are Vlad or this Red Hood guy from Gotham that he's never heard of. Since Vlad is not going to happen looks like it's Red Hood, now how to make the guy count as family...
Jason has had a lot of weird shit happen to him over the years but a woman tracking him down as Red Hood to propose a temporary political marriage so he can be regent of a death dimension until her brother is old enough to rule in his own name is a new one for him. Of course he accepted. The only other option was apparently a creepy uncle figure. He's read enough romance to know a forced marriage of a woman to her creepy uncle never ends well. A forced marriage of a woman to a crime lord doesn't usually end much better, but he's ignoring that for now. He's going to woo and romance his spit fire of a wife with respect, spontaneous poetry, his damn good cooking, and by not being a Darcy. And he is going to rock not just this whole regent thing, but also and more importantly the mentoring her brother and his new ward on how to rule this dimension. Competence is always attractive. He runs a tight ship in his crime empire, surely running a dimension can't be that much harder.
He actually already has a plan on how he's going to handle the whole 'The USA declared war on the dimension he's regent of' thing. It's simple really he goes to the next family dinner and causes chaos. The faces everyone will make will be glorious when he drops that he's lord regent of a dimension, the USA is at war with his dimension, and it's such a shame that no one can meet Jason's wife or ward till there is a peace treaty. Then he just needs to sit back and watch the entertainment as his siblings realize he has forever won the position of favorite child by being the first married and first to give Bruce a grandkid. Also you know the chaos of Bruce willing to wage a one man war if necessary so he can meet his grandson. Jason figures it will take at most a month for the government to cave.
And like a cherry on top he's going to get on a medical treatment plan for the pit. Everything is looking great for him.
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windsroad · 2 years
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catfindr · 3 months
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From here: tumblr(.)com/bad-comic-art/722210984058585088/silver-surfer-70-1992
My anatomy is still wonky, as is perspective, but I still feel like this quick sketch is an improvement.
submitted by @ynqviry
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official-penis-posts · 10 months
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Found a penis in my garden..
Official Prettiest Pink & Purple Penis Post
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mama-scarebear · 1 month
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Playing in my own mess like I don't know any better
EDIT: This is a submission and not me.
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reactionimagesdaily · 15 days
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mcyt-cats · 4 months
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star almost found the sun
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I was browsing reviews on Pokemon Center and found one that I thought would make a good post (if it hasn't already been posted) - on the Lucario Sitting Cutie:
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Love your blog!
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 months
ROSE: That dream you had is very interesting, Dave.
ROSE: Freud would say it's indicative of intense sexual repression due to dealing with your brother so often, and having little physical freedom.
ROSE: Although Jung would say that it has nothing to do with sex, and simply indicates that you want to be a person with more of a purpose in life.
ROSE: Then Freud would say, "No, that's stupid. Purpose is so vague and hardly means anything about the patient or the dream. The interpretation of the genital fixation makes far more sense."
ROSE: Then Jung would retaliate with, "Not everything is about sex, you idiot! He's a teenager! How much could unconscious sexual desires affect him? And purpose just means that there is a lack of direction in his life. He wants something to do, something to strive for! Shouldn't we try to help him find that purpose instead of just attributing everything to this reductive view of human psychology?"
ROSE: Then Freud would go, "Perhaps you're right. But you can't deny that something is being repressed here. Maybe not sexual desire, but there is certainly a desire for something other than purpose."
ROSE: Then Jung would say, "Not really. What else could it be? Love? That's just an offshoot of sex in your view. I don't get what it could be at all."
ROSE: Freud would nod sternly and say, "Perhaps the patient desires connection. Not necessarily closely tied to purpose, but connection to others in the world is something he needs. That's what the globes in the dream represent. Connection to the world, something other than the living space he is stuck in. That's certainly a major effect of having no mother figure in childhood."
DAVE: rose
ROSE: Jung would sigh and say, "Connection. I see. Maybe that's something we all desire innately. We need to connect to each other and the world in order to understand what we need to do."
ROSE: Freud would take a step towards Jung and reach out a hand, saying, "Jung. We disagree so often that it feels there is no connection in the world. But I know we know each other. We can understand what we mean. If we all desire connection, that includes you and me. Let's try to connect more with each other, okay?"
DAVE: rose
ROSE: Jung would take Freud's hand and pull him close to his face, just inches apart from each other, and softly whisper, "Freud, you know that when I disagree with you, it's more because I envy you. I want to connect with you more, we can satisfy our... deepest desires, as you say... and become the ideal people we want to be if we are closer."
ROSE: What?
DAVE: shut up
DAVE: i did not sign up for your psychologist fanfiction
DAVE: tell me if im gay or not
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Do you know this Jewish character?
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deerspherestudios · 9 months
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He's so cute🥺👉👈✨
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onenicebugperday · 6 months
Had an unexpected guest in the shower! 🤣 House centipedes are much more common, this is only the second time I see a scolopendra in my house. Could it be that it was using its antennae to drink from the condensation droplets inside the glass?
I suspect this is not an adult, what do you think? It doesn't have that many legs yet, plus it doesn't look quite like the most common species in northern Italy. Body size is about 2–2.5 cm, I'd say.
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What a cutie! They wouldn't use their antennae to drink, they'd just use their mouthparts for that. I'm afraid I can't tell you much about this fella, though, as I'm not familiar with Italian species and I don't know a ton about centipedes anyway! @crevicedwelling would likely know more than I would.
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shiftythrifting · 1 year
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i wish someone loved me as much as julia loves mookie
(found in newington ct savers)
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bunnyjesters · 8 months
why are you following a minor on twt?
….on my public sfw account? because i liked the art?
chronically online people are weird. go outside
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mama-scarebear · 8 months
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I'm ready for my dance lesson Mama 🫣 x
Next time I'll make sure the blue goes Under the diaper 😳
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