#{Sephiroth ~ OneWinged Angel}
kay-i · 3 months
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dark Aerith🖤
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chainsawsangel · 2 years
i was tagged by @themotherofhorses and @happilyhertale (ily guys 😘)
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
last song: angel of small death and the codeine scene by hozier.
last show: ergo proxy
last film: meet the robinsons
current show: the last kingdom (rewatching)
reading: nothing atm but I'm hoping to reread the sandman comics.
current obsession: welp! obviously ewan mitchell + his characters, i admire him so much. anime, video games (having resident evil brainrot atm), and my OC athena. 💜
tags: @tiffanyvalntine, @aemonds-wifey, @roguelov, @heywizards, @orallech, @boneforts, @deputyrook @onewinged-sephiroth & @hella-amberpricefield (no pressure, guys)
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starspanner · 2 years
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I posted 1,023 times in 2022
That's 237 more posts than 2021!
53 posts created (5%)
970 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,007 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#levi - 146 posts
#tlt - 105 posts
#this is all true - 82 posts
#how cute is that? - 48 posts
#ninth house - 44 posts
#gundam wing - 41 posts
#tumblr ftw! - 39 posts
#star wars - 39 posts
#sixth house - 38 posts
#nice - 33 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#i've only known spoogie for a day and a half but if anything happened to him i would kill everyone in this room and then myself
My Top Posts in 2022:
That was lovely. I would like to read more books with tumblr, thank you.
11 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
The John Verses from Nona the Ninth
Mostly using the New Oxford Study Bible, a Catholic edition, double checked with other editions. 
20:8 -- Then the other disciple, who reached the tomb first, also went in, and he saw and believed.
5:20 -- The Father loves the Son and shows him all that he himself is doing; and he will show him greater works than these, so that you will be astonished.
15:23 -- Who-ever hates me hates my father also.
5:18 -- For this reason the Jews were seeking all the more to kill him, because he was not only breaking the sabbath, but was also calling God his own father, thereby making himself equal to God.
8:1 -- while Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Some editions kind of mush this with the end of 7:53 -- And they went back, each to their own home.
5:1 -- After this there was a festival of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
19:18 -- There they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side, with Jesus between them.
3:20 -- For all who do evil hate the light and do not come to the light, so their deeds may not be exposed.
9:22 -- His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jews; for the Jews had already agreed that anyone who confessed Jesus to be the Messiah would be put out of the synagogue.
1:20 -- He confessed and he did not deny it, but confessed, "I am not the Messiah."
5:4 -- Is a verse NOT FOUND in some modern Catholic bibles. The Oxford simply ignores its existence. My New American Bible Fireside Study Edition says: "Toward the end of the second century in the West and among the fourth-century Greek Fathers, an additional verse was known: 
'For [from time to time] an angel of the Lord used to come down into the pool; and the water was stirred up, so the first one to get in [after the stirring of the water] was healed of whatever disease afflicted him.' 
This verse is missing from all early Greek manuscripts and the earliest versions, including the original Vulgate. It's vocabulary is markedly non-Johannine." Ronald Knox retains it with almost that exact wording in his translation, and merely adds in a footnote, "This verse is omitted in some manuscripts."  My King James bible includes it.
25 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
2-2-22! It’s Duo’s day!
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30 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
Where did they find that child? She is amazing! It took about ten seconds to 100% believe that she was indeed Leia Organa and 30 seconds to 1000% love her.
Yet another fantastic surprise from yet another awesome series.
63 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So happy about Razer getting...well...not closure per say, but an update on Young Justice.
But seriously, hope fueled by rage? I’m not sure I’ve related to anything more in my entire life. 
Hope for the best, destroy everything when it’s worst.
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88 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Starter || Sephiroth and Zack
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         A month it had been, so far.
A month since Zack’s fateful mission to Modeoheim. A month of reports of success and fairly in their fight against Genesis. A month of updates to SOLDIERs missing, and defected, and rising, and falling. A month of smaller missions, and tight-nit assignments to keep progress and failure under wraps. A month since the Buster Sword...found a new master. It was a month since Angeal died, and Sephiroth had yet to show despair for such events. But just as he did not show despair, he had yet to speak of it.
But though it did not show outwardly, this fact of his life never left his mind. He did not allow it to blind him, or weaken him before his duties, even if the turn of events led him to question things. No, he had his part to play, it was his purpose, serving as SOLDIER. Perhaps he did not reflect the honor of the man who fell to corruption and the consequences of his own honor...but he was committed, no matter what was gained or lost. Because that is what was meant of his existence, he felt.
His mind, however, in small whispers, or heavy thoughts when he was left alone, was weighed down by this. Things he never considered he’d loose, had been torn away from him, all by the very wills of the men he lost themselves. And he blamed them for it, yet found himself knowing there was blame meant for others as well. But he could not allow that blame to consume him, and so the thoughts and feelings were buried, and the mission, any mission, was made the most important.
That, and what he had left.
It was an empty day, when he found himself hunting down Zack Fair, feeling rather sure he’d find him taking a moment to himself in the training room--memories had there, as well as simulations that could be applied, seemed to have pulled him there once or twice that Sephiroth had noticed. He had tried to ignore it after Zack returned from his mission, admittedly. He saw the young SOLDIERs pain, and couldn’t bear the sight of it so soon, most certainly not with the Buster strapped to his back. But now it was time. 
He entered, finding a simulation going, but he could not see what the scene was just yet--it seemed to perhaps be a covert op run, and a sense of dread filled him as he imagined it may have been programmed to add in Angeal, and he wasn’t sure how he’d face seeing that, and so he searched for Zack himself. He didn’t speak, so as to not affect the simulation, and he stayed in the shadows, wondering and, to a certain degree, worrying.
|| @dreamsofasoldier​ ||
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ashthelightmare · 3 years
Authors note: @artlovingbre​ gave me this idea and encouraged me to write my own version of her Felix x Daughter!Reader, but just a little bit differently. We had so many idea’s on how all the scenarios would go, and I’m really excited to write them all! It’s going to be the same scenario as Bre’s where the readers mother and reader are American and she traveled abroad and met Felix. My Inbox to ask requests is open, and I don’t really have any limitations, I just won’t write for things I know nothing about or aren’t interested in. Don’t be shy when asking requests! Be sure to check out The Architects Daughter by @artlovingbre​ If you’ve also read some of Bre’s Dbd x Reader works, there’s going to be some Easter eggs!
Warnings: Cursing, nothing more I can think of
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GIF is from onewinged-sephiroth A/N: I imagine in this gif Leon’s saying “wow” even though I fully know he isn’t but just lemme and all the Leon Simps have it :3
Y/N Richter always wanted to be a cop when her father disappeared before her gender reveal. Her mother always talked about how great of a boyfriend he was and he would’ve been a great father to her. Her mother explained the excitement Felix would express after finding out about their child. 
Before Felix disappeared, him and his girlfriend were going to do a gender reveal with their families, but when Felix didn’t show up nor was found afterwards, Y/N’s mother raised her on her own. Only having optimism that Felix didn’t run off, finally admitting he was scared to have a kid.
After high school, Y/N decided to join and train to be a cop, hoping to maybe find her missing father. It was a sunny day out when her class graduated. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, and Y/N’s mother was proud. Her class wore purple robe’s and many variety of clothes under their robe’s.
Y/N received her diploma, valedictorian scholarship, and her valedictorian certificate. It was such a huge success for her and her mother. “I know that you would’ve made your father proud,” Y/N’s mother told her before graduation. Now, it almost made her cry. My father would’ve so proud. Y/N whispered to herself when everyone gathered up to meet their families.
Y/N looked everywhere for her mother, and when she found her, ran into her embrace. “We’re so proud of you Y/N,” her mother whispered in her ear, before giving her a kiss on the cheek. There were tear stain on her mothers face, which led to Y/N to start to tear up. “Mom, you’re going to make me cry!” Y/N shouted while laughing, hoping to keep the tears from falling. Y/N’s mother decided it was the best time to give her daughter her graduation gift. “You’re father always called me his angel, and if he were here, he would’ve called you his angel,” Y/N’s mother explained as she gave her daughter the small box. Inside was a ring, perfectly fit on her middle finger. Almost crying again, Y/N hugged her mother. It fit perfectly with the necklace Felix bought for his girlfriend. Y/N’s mother decided to give it to her daughter, so she’d have something to hold onto when she gets into the police academy.
Her mother decided that she would take her robe and certificates from her and let Y/N go grab her things from her sitting spot. Taking the robe and hat off, she gave it to her mother. She wore a short dress, the top was white, hugging her curves and the skirt was pink, hugging her waist while it was loose around her legs. Her sandles crushed the dandelions underneath her. 
While grabbing her purse, the sky started to turn dark around her, but the sky was still clear. Glancing around her, it seemed like everyone disappeared, there wasn’t anyone in sight. Suddenly, there was a black fog that submerged from the grass below her. Stepping backwards, Y/N grabbed her phone, calling her mom. It rang 3 times but before her mother could answer the call, Y/N’s phone dropped in the grass, along with her purse. When her mother went back to her spot to find her daughter, she was no where to be found.
When Y/N got her vision back, she noticed she was in a carnival. Instinctively, Y/N felt around her neck, feeling for her fathers necklace. Once she felt the infinity necklace, Y/N looked around herself, hoping to decipher where she was at. There was a messed up looking horse with a third eye laying around a small red tent with a knife tossing game. 
While looking around, Y/N felt someone tap her shoulder. Spinning around, about to slap whoever tapped her, she saw a tall man with dirty blond hair. He towered over her pretty short form. The man wore a police vest with the 3 words on his vest. RPD. Y/N had no idea what that meant, but on his vest, she saw his name. Leon S. Kennedy.
Leon gave her a confused yet, infatuated look. “What’s your name?” the police man asked Y/N. Having to trust this cop, she let the cop, Leon, know her name. “Y/N Richter.”
“Richter, would your father so happen to be Felix Richter?” Leon asked her, looking around them, hoping the killer wasn’t around. Y/N nodded her head eagerly. This cop found her father? Where was he? Why didn’t this cop tell her mother? Or her family?
“You found my father?” Y/N spoke up, and Leon nodded his head. “Yeah, but I can’t lead you to him right now, we need to get you to safety first,” Leon told the 18 year old. Y/N went to ask what he meant by that when suddenly, something loudly charged at them. Y/N couldn’t describe what it was, but the thing held a scythe looking weapon. Leon shouted her to run, so Y/N started running away from the... thing.
“Hey asshole! Come after me!” Leon shouted tauntingly at the thing, hoping to keep it away from the daughter of Felix. He felt like he had to protect this young adult, determined to get her to her father unscathed.
Y/N ran around mindlessly, hoping to get as far away from that thing as possible and hopefully find someone else. When Y/N was sure she was far enough away from the thing chasing her, Y/N looked around and decided to head into the big building. From there she heard a machine being worked on above her. Finding the staircase up, Y/N saw a woman with curly ginger hair in a bun, working on the machine she heard. “Excuse me,” Y/N asked the woman. The ginger glanced at Y/N before getting off the generator.
“You must be a new survivor, I haven’t seen you around here before. I’m Mikaela Reid,” the woman explained. Y/N noticed she wore a purple hoodie with weird symbols on it. She also had white shorts on and thigh high socks on, with Uggs on her feet. “I’m Y/N Richter,” Y/N introduced herself. “What’s this thing you���re working on?”
“Oh, this is a generator, we do these to escape this realm,” Mikaela explained to the young adult. “Let me teach you to fix it.”
Once all the generator were complete, Leon, Y/N and Mikaela walked back to the campfire together. Leon had his hand on the lower part of her back, to her right, and Mikaela was talking about her spells to Y/N on her left.
Y/N saw many people sitting, standing, playing different things, and talking around a small camp fire. Many were tall, short, thick and thin. Y/N figured her father had to be somewhere around here, so she stopped talking with Mikaela and stood on her tipy toes, attempting to find her father. When she couldn’t find him, she turned to Leon. “Leon, where’s my father?” Y/N asked the cop.
Leon looked around before leading her to her father. Mikaela let Leon guide her and went to talk with a couple of teens.
As Y/N got closer to her dad, she suddenly got nervous. Despite her mom saying he would’ve been proud of her, she’s never met her father. Maybe he disappeared on purpose. Maybe he truly didn’t want a kid and left her and her mother. All these thought flooded Y/N’s mind, and she didn’t notice her father was looking at her.
“Felix, that kid you remember telling us about?” Leon asked as he dropped his arm from the lower part of Y/N’s back, stepping forward. Felix nodded his head, confused why the cop was telling him this now of all times. Leon stepped to the side and let Y/N be in view of her father. Y/N messed with the ring her mother gave her, nervously.
“I’m Y/N, your daughter,” Y/N told her father.
Felix took a second to look at the woman in front of him. She looked almost identical to him, but had slight feature of his girlfriend. Felix had some many questions, but instead stood up and embraced her. There were slight tears in his eyes, and he embraced her tighter.
After the two hugged, Felix stepped back to get a better look at her. She had her mothers hair color, but she had his eyes. Her lips were like her mothers but pale like his. Her nose was small like her mothers. She had his darker skin instead of her mothers S/C skin. “You look so much like your mother,” Felix finally said as he wiped a tear away. Y/N was silently crying, so happy that her father really did disappear and loved her. Felix noticed the necklace around her neck.
“Is that the necklace I gave your mother?” Felix asked, letting his tears fall down. Y/N nodded and showed her father the ring her mother gave her. “Mom said you would call her your angel and that if you found out about my gender, would’ve called me your number 1 angel,” Y/N explained.
“You’re mother knows me so well,” Felix sobbed before embracing her again. There was some whispering behind them, but one stood out from the most whispering. “Leon totally has the hots for the new girl.”
He recognized that Feng was the one to say that. Felix stepped away from Y/N to look at Leon, noticing that he did give his daughter puppy love eyes.
“Leon,” Felix said as he pointed a finger at him. Leon shifted his eyes to Y/N’s father, giving the face like a child getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
“If you date my daughter, watch yourself.”
“Dad!” Y/N shouted, face going red in embarrassment. She knew she too had the hots for him.
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neko-mun-rp · 3 years
Angel/Demon AU (closed)
Falling. Falling from the very heavens an angel came crashing down to the mortal world. He had been a warrior at the pearly gates, a general that commanded the ranks of angels and was looked up to. But this fateful day when demons attacked, Sephiroth had lost this fight at the cost of one of his wings. Without both he couldn’t fly and therefore was rejected from heaven.
Colliding with the ground did not leave a physical impact for humans to notice as humans couldn’t see angels or demons unless they wanted them to. But for Sephiroth the pain he was left in was beyond anyone’s comprehension. His remaining wing, once silvery and beautiful turned to black to permanently mark him as a Fallen Angel.
It was some time that the newly Fallen had gathered the will to drag himself to his feet. Not only was he in agony but the angel was completely distraught over the fact that he could never return home and was now completely and utterly alone. He was vulnerable and soon his presence would be noticed by demons. As a Fallen, Sephiroth couldn’t find sanctuary in any church as the consecrated  ground would repel him. The next form of holy ground he could go was a cemetery, it wouldn’t protect him from demons but he could find some holy water to clean up his mangled wound of where his wing had been ripped out from the socket. 
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hiislegacy · 4 years
Starter | Muse: Cloud
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The last time that he could remember being by himself was before he had met up with the members of Avalanche, and how lonely that really was, he now realized. Calmly, he set about trying to find out any sort of clues, they all did, if they could see to it that Sephiroth was even able to be stopped. It seemed impossible, if he was going by what they all had witnessed of the one-winged angel’s strength, not so long ago.
What he had seen, alone with him at the ‘Edge of Creation’, as the other put it; That place certainly felt like an edge of something, and he wasn’t sure if creation was the right word for it. A barren place like that, with the stars shining all around, constellations that were visible at such a distance. He was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he had even seen such a place. It seemed like it was something from his dreams, and every time he closed his eyes he could still see it. What an unsettling feeling. He shook it off, walking on to his next destination, and night was falling all around.
The sky was darkening, and he was still stuck in this forest, which must’ve been outside of the nearest city that was miles off. The map he had must’ve been outdated, as he didn’t see any of the landmarks that were on it, and he sighed. “Better make camp…” Cloud gathered some wood, and set it in a pile at some clearing. He unrolled his small sleeping bag, and didn’t even bother with any sort of shelter. Probably not even going to rest long. He sighed, and just sat on the edge of the bag, staring into the fire that he started off with a bit of materia. Something felt so off, and he couldn’t get this feeling to stop. Hope the others found something useful, at least.
| @onewinged-tragedy​ |
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 4 years
Seven Comfort Films
Name seven comfort films and tag seven people
I was tagged by @a-muirehen, tysm angel!
1) LOTR Trilogy (*gimli voice* that still only counts as one!)  2) Mary Poppins  3) My Neighbor Totoro 4) Lilo & Stitch  5) Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 6) A Knight’s Tale 7) Treasure Planet
Bonus: Seven Comfort Games
1) Mass Effect Trilogy (yes i count that as one it’s a whole experience too lskjf)  2) Pokemon Crystal 3) The Witcher III: Wild Hunt  4) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 5) Saints Row The Third  6) Abzu 7) Star Wars: The Old Republic 
tagging (w/ no obligations as always): @rosewaterhag, @galerion, @dittsamvere, @waterdeep, @yverocher, @onewinged-sephiroth & @aoba-san
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kay-i · 6 months
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their height difference is actually insane
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eeveeliciousrp · 2 years
@brxakable-nxrds Cloud said to Sephiroth:  ❝ How is your skin so soft? ❞
Sephiroth sat holding the shorter male as they lounged together, Cloud in his arms leaning against him while tracing over the exposed part of his chest. At the question he hummed a bit. 
“I’m perfect.” He stated as if it was a known fact. “I was made to be perfect in every way.”
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lil-melody-moon · 3 years
I was tagged by @kittykatsandbox Thank you, this is a pleasant surprise!
Rules: spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url
l: LET iT END - SiM a: Anxious Heart - Nobuo Uematsu n: No More Tears - Ozzy Osbourne d: Dalai Lama - Rammstein o: One Winged Angel - Nobuo Uematsu f: Facing Hell - Ozzy Osbourne f: Fight Fire with Fire - Metallica o: Out of Hell - Skillet r: Roads Untraveled - Linkin Park g: Gyöngyhajú Lány - Omega o: One - Metallica t: This Time Around - Michael jackson t: Turn the Page - Metallica e: Engel - Rammstein n: Nothing Else Matter - Metallica o: Our Little Horror Story - Aviators n: Nebel - Rammstein e: Empire of The Clouds - Iron Maiden
I tag: @juliearchery107 @amiiera @baekuras @ladyfubuki @arsuf @no-sorry @onewinged-sephiroth @triforce-princess @shinakazami1 @dragontamer05 and anyone who wants to do it, really
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// Hi, don’t mind me, just tag dumping.
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niflim · 4 years
8 people I’d like to know better
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Rules: fill this up and then tagged 8 people you’d like to know better!
one / ( alias / name ): thoaria
two / ( date of birth ): january 23rd
three / ( zodiac sign ): aquarius 
four / ( height ): 5′9″
five / ( hobbies ): writing, coding, editing ( sprites, graphics, etc ), reading, gaming. bonus: researching psychology, mythology, folklore, & other cultures.
six / ( favorite color ): blue, any shade
seven / ( favorite books ): fantasy
eight / ( last song listened to ): king’s dead by j.ay rock, k.endrick l.amar, future, & j.ames b.lack
nine / ( last film or show watched ): uhhhhh the k.ing: e.ternal m.onarch
ten / ( story behind url ): cloud was born in nibelheim which is an alternative spelling of niflheim. given that sephiroth has angel imagery or, more specifically, that of a seraph, and cloud was injected with jenova cells / is a sephiroth clone, he’s made into one of the nephilim, in a sense. nephilim are the progeny of the “sons of god” and “daughters of men”. an alternative spelling of nephilim would be nefilim. thus, a portmanteau serves as my url: nifl + lim and can be read two ways depending on your pronunciation ( n[e]filim or nifl[he]im ). punny.
eleven / ( inspiration for muse ): while i didn’t grow up with final fantasy vii, i have always been intrigued by the characters. it wasn’t until i found a copy of advent children at my local t.arget that i’d ever really indulged in any of the media. fast forward to now & i’ve done all i can to catch up with all of y’all <3
tagged by: @gainsborro​ ( TY !!!!!!!! )
tagging: @onewinge​ & anyone who wants to <3 tag me
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leonchiro · 7 years
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❗️WORLD. BE READY! I WILL BE SEPHIROTH! I don't think there's a better moment to officially announce THIS, especially after Distant Worlds! I can't tell you more for the moment, but I hope you trust and know me enough to realize it's gonna be something really BIG. #Sephiroth #FinalFantasyVII #FFVII #VII #LeonChiro #Motivation #Hype #Project #FinalFantasy #Masamune #Fomento #Official #Announce #OneWinged #OneWingedAngel #Angel #Wig #MakeUp #PhotoOfTheDay #Weapon #Memory #Jenova (presso Milan, Italy)
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kay-i · 2 months
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🌍𝒜𝑒𝓇𝒾𝒮𝑒𝓅𝒽 𝒲𝑒𝑒𝓀 2024☄️ Dance of Light and Shadow
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kay-i · 2 months
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🌍𝒜𝑒𝓇𝒾𝒮𝑒𝓅𝒽 𝒲𝑒𝑒𝓀 2024☄️ Eternal Bond
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