#{introduction starter}
rubbarband · 10 months
Go beyond: In america
Closed rp with @FemDeku-rp
It wasn't often that America got Heroes from other states, usually it was a temp agency thing- or they were passing through mostly. Desmond and his Mom's agency was getting a really skilled hero, someone on the level of Japan's level 1 hero! So everyone was getting everything all dolled up for the time being.
Desmond was the same age as this hero, called themselves Deku but Izuka was a tough cookie, and honestly? this was great help after losing Stars and Stripes.
Here Des was waiting for the airplane to drop off Japan's toughest.
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"Ah Izuka over here, your ride awaits." Desmond waved her down, in his casual purple shirt and black pants he smiled at her approaching. "Lemme grab your bags, did you enjoy your flight?" Des asked plainly.
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growmydarling · 22 days
So I’ve always been in the skinny side but I’ve fantasized about being fat for a long time, it’s so tantalizing and excites me like nothing else. But anytime I’ve tried to commit to gaining I give up pretty quickly - the discomfort after a stuffing or feeling self conscious being the major factors
Do you have any suggestions how to get over these hurdles?
hi! well, i think pushing yourself to gain rapidly, while sexy, is not totally necessary. let the weight pile on slowly. eat whatever you like and as much as you like- you don't have to stuff yourself to get big. just eat high calorie or super nutrient dense foods regularly. keep snacks close at hand always. you should always have multiple meal options at home in case the mood strikes- ramen, pasta. frozen meals, canned goods and sugary candies last for a long time in the pantry! switch a few of your drinks every day from water to soda, juice, sweet tea, or sugary/creamy coffee. add a milkshake or gainer shake in, too. make hang outs with friends and family meal-focused. add cheese, cream, butter, and condiments to meals. focus on carbs. the weight will be impossible to keep off if you follow these tips! happy gaining!
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keeperofquestions · 7 months
Have You Seen Me? (Open)
The posters were being distributed in as many places as Duedephelon could reach. He was on foot for a sizable portion of the journey so it didn't reach out as far as he would have hoped. Still he hoped it was enough.
The poster read:
[A photo of Duedephelon: a brown bird demon with large feathery tufts sprouting from his head and a cascade of brown speckled "hair" slicked backward, cleanly dressed in a semi-formal shirt and vest]
Or something that looks like this? -> <A picture of what looked like an arcane sigil of some sort>
Please mail any information to Castle Noctua, or seek me out in person.
Duedephelon Noctua
Phel could only imagine how disorienting this must have been to see someone handing out their own missing poster, but it was what he had access too right now.
He didn't know how to access the family finances- if any still existed; and there were no electronics to speak of in the ruined castle which meant he had no phone. They were apparently missing with any important records. He would have to rely on what anyone else could possibly tell him. It was a long shot, but he had to try.
He again rushed to the nearest passerby after slapping a few more against posts and walls and nodded politely with wide red eyes. "Pardon me. A moment of your time please?"
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"New to the town" RP Starters
"Excuse me, can you help me?"
"Hi, do you know where's the closest hotel / restaurant / shopping centre / tavern / etc.?"
"Wow, this place is stunning!"
"Oh my gosh, I think I took the wrong bus!"
"Excuse me, where is this train / bus going?"
"Do you have any good restaurants to recommend?"
"I've tried out this cafe yesterday, they're quite good. Want to grab some coffee?"
"I've never seen buildings like these, it's fascinating."
"What is this? It smells delicious!"
"Wow, people here are quite rude!"
"Wow, people here are way nicer!"
"Careful! That man tried to scam me yesterday!"
"Um, I think I'm lost. Can you please help me?"
"Holy crap, stuff is expensive over here! I don't think I have enough money.."
"Hello, I am your new neighbour!"
"Hey, I know that you don't know me, but could you please help me to carry these boxes?"
"So how's this neighbourhood?"
"Hey, are those neighbours always this loud?"
"Hey, do you need a hand?"
"I'm new here, could you show me around?"
"So what's the gossip around here?"
"Hello, are you my neighbour?"
"I just moved here and I'm already regretting it!"
"I'm so glad that I moved here!"
"I'm new here and I baked you a pie!"
"Everyone dresses so differently here.."
"I feel like people are staring at me.."
"Well, this is a fresh start!"
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promptling · 11 months
CARMILLA by j. sheridan le fanu, edited by carmen maria machado
did you realize he killed her off?
who reads an introduction?
i long for the door to open.
i did not know that it was possible.
i did not realize my soil was not salted.
she is already dead.
someone did lie there, the place is still warm.
lord hear all good prayers for us, for jesus's sake.
the poor young lady is dead.
the letter appears to me to have been written in distraction.
i'm in one of my moping moods tonight.
i forget the rest.
was ever a being so born to calamity?
i cannot, dare not, delay.
it would be so delightful.
where am i? what is this place?
how do you like our guest?
tell me about her.
how very odd to say all that!
i hope i have not done a very foolish thing.
how wonderful!
i saw your face in a dream, and it has haunted me ever since.
i could not forget your face.
i don't know which of us should be more afraid of the other.
if you were less pretty i think i should be very much afraid of you.
i wonder whether you feel as strangely drawn towards me as i do to you.
i have never had a friend.
i shan't require assistance.
it is very hard to part with you.
young people like, and even love, on impulse.
heavens! if i had but known all!
your little heart is wounded.
if your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours.
you are mine, you shall be mine, you and i are one forever.
what can you mean by this?
i don't know myself when you look so and talk so.
don't you perceive how discordant that is?
i think it very sweet.
you pierce my ears.
you must die - everyone must die - and all are happier when they do.
i don't trouble my head about peasants.
tell me nothing about ghosts.
i hope there is no plague or fever coming.
sit here, hold my hand.
that comes of strangling people with hymns!
i shall demand redress from him.
then you have been ill?
let us talk no more of it.
you would not wound a friend?
you are afraid to die?
girls are caterpillars while they live in the world, to be finally butterflies when the summer comes; but in the meantime there are grubs and larvae, don’t you see—each with their peculiar propensities, necessities and structure.
are you glad i came?
how romantic you are.
i have been in love with no one, and never shall, unless it should be with you.
i live in you, and you would die for me, i love you so.
is there a chill in the air?
it is the last time, perhaps, i shall see the moonlight with you.
i have been thinking of leaving you.
do you think that you will ever confide fully in me?
you do not know how dear you are to me.
i am under vows, no nun half so awfully.
you will think me cruel, very selfish, but love is always selfish.
how jealous i am you cannot know.
you must come with me, loving me, into death; or else hate me and still come with me, and hating me through death and after.
there is no such word as indifference in my apathetic nature.
you are going to talk your wild nonsense again.
were you ever at a ball?
i was all but assassinated in my bed.
love will have its sacrifices.
no sacrifice without blood.
you see it now with your own eyes.
you must not plague me with questions.
you are not to trouble your head about it.
i should tell you all with pleasure, but you should not believe me.
you puzzle me utterly.
i had no hope of meeting you so soon.
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bluefurrsmemes · 10 months
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A list of Introduction Starters for muses who've just met. Feel free to change pronouns as needed.
"It's nice to meet you, I'm name."
"Let's skip the introductions."
"You don't know me. You don't know what my life is like."
"Hello, I'm name."
"It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."
"That looks very heavy, would you like some help with that?"
"Can you get the door for me? My hands are full."
"Excuse you! I was here first!"
"Hey! That's mine!"
"Should I know who you are?"
"Watch where you're going you jerk!"
"I love your outfit! Where'd you get it from?"
"Um, uh, Hi!"
"Can you help me? I think I'm lost."
"What do you want?"
"Do you need a hand with that?"
"What's a matter, cat got your tongue?"
"That's a unique name."
"You look familiar. Have we met before?"
"Do I know you?"
"I've heard about you."
"Everyone says you're nothing but trouble."
"I've been told you're a real sweetheart."
"I don't mean to bother you, but I think you dropped this."
"Are you okay?"
"I know we've just met, but it looks like you have something on your mind. Care to spill your thoughts?"
"I don't care who you are or what you want, leave me alone and we'll get along just fine."
"Is that your dog? They're adorable!"
"I know we just met, but it feels like I've known you my whole life."
"You have your cat on a leash? That's pretty cool."
"You seem cool. Let's be friends."
"I've been told you break hearts."
"I'm so glad I met you!"
"Can you get that for me? I can't reach it."
"I'm so sorry!"
"I didn't mean to run into you!"
"This is all my fault! I feel terrible."
"Is there anything I can do to help you?"
"I love your hair."
"Wow, you're beautiful."
"Are you alright? That looked like it hurt."
"I'll be okay. Thanks for asking."
"You've got something in your hair."
"Dang it! This machine stole my money!" *kicks the machine*
"Oh, were you going to use this washing machine? I'll use the one next to it then."
"I've never met anyone like you before."
"Have you seen this cat/dog? They're missing."
"Help! I'm stuck!"
"Nice to meet you. What's your name?"
"Here's my number. Call me sometime."
"Hey good looking."
"Let me buy you a drink."
"Are you new to town? I've never seen you around before."
"Hi. I just moved here."
"Can you please give me directions?"
"Leave me alone, weirdo."
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queenharumiura · 1 month
Closed starter for @whiskeysmulti
Haru pushes the door open to see the person she was looking for at his desk. What else could she possibly expect from him? It was just him in the office, so...
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"Kyouya-san, Haru found these little ones pecking at her window this morning." She holds out her hand to show two little birds, smaller than the usual ones- so they had to be pretty young. "Haru thinks they got separated from the rest of the flock and got lost."
She wasn't sure how they found their way to her home, but they must've been smart enough to know she could help them find their way back 'home.'
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“Hello and welcome to Gurgle & Churn Industries (L.L.C). We are a company that focuses primarily on creating a safe & enjoyable environment for prey that love the thrill of being devoured by a dangerous predator. Here at G & C, we offer a variety of services including a twenty-four seven hot tub, direct room service, entertainment, and even transportation. Now, as much as we try to ensure a safe environment, we can’t promise anything; because of that, we are not responsible for any unwanted digestion, kidnapping, or injuries resulting from predators— you have been warned. Any complaints you may have can be filed directly with me in my office. Please enjoy your stay.”
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nocentis · 4 months
I am trying something new (to me) in regards to starters. In the past, I often found myself saying, "Well, my muse has no established relationship with your muse. They have never met." And thus nearly every thread started with formal introductions and slowly fizzled out from there because there was no real goal attached to the situation. While it makes perfect sense to establish that these characters do not yet know each other at some early point in these introductory threads, I feel that making that the entire focus of the thread doesn't lend to a greater story in most cases. As such, I am doing away with formal introductions as a starting point and instead throwing our characters into a fun situation with a lot of wiggle room!
This, of course, applies to pantsed threads with characters that my muse has no canon interaction with — or threads that have not been plotted. If this ends up working out, great! If not, that's perfectly fine, and I can always go back to introductory threads (ex. "Hello, how are you? I don't believe we've met."), but I thought this might be a fun little shift to help both of us keep the ball rolling.
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fantasywritten · 8 months
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“I AM ODYSSEUS, reigning King of Ithaca.”
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rubbarband · 4 months
Heroic gems
closed starter with @always-together
Just another zany day in Portland. Desmond was fighting two villains, he was lucky enough to get away with a tone of intel with his AI partner Kal-li and while she was compiling it all, he had to distract the villains.
Luckily one was just old friend M.T, Monsterous Tengu, but 1. to Des that was too long, and 2. being called M.T pissed him off even more- he was one of the infamous chess piece villains- dangerous, powerful and unpredictable.
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"Aww come on M.T aren't we suppose to banter? what because you're seeing other villains you're suddenly too good for me?" Des would dodge a portal being thrown at him with grace from the masked villain in red.
"You giant idiot, you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a portal." He wasn't doing much better.
"I don't see you hitting him!" M.T looked down on the smaller man
Des was having fun with the two fighting each other.
'Not to spoil your fun Desmond-' An Ai voice, feminine and polite spoke up, his visor lighting up with each word. 'You should not let their portals collide, that could cause catastrophic-'
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"You couldn't have told me earlier!? You know how dangerously stupid and mentally unstab-"
"Right there!"
The two of them would throw portals that would collide with each other before hitting Des, the energy would cascade throughout the warehouse before it would open to a random location, Des only got a glimpse of a beach? And a statue of is that a hero?
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03petition · 9 days
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" Are you gonna sign my petition, or is it gonna be one of your surviving family members?" Dude shoved a clipboard and pen in front of them, an obvious gesture-- no, a DEMAND to sign their name. The petition was titled, "PETITION / MAKE WHINY CONGRESSMEN PLAY VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES", and below were a messy list of scribbled signatures, as if each petitioner was in a rush. Can't guess why.
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toksikk · 6 months
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@nofinalgirl gets a starter from FP Jones :))
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FP only stepped outside to snap at one of his men but as he started to go back into the Wyrm, he head a familiar voice. He turned at his name and smirked a bit. " Gracing the Wyrm with your presence again?" He asked, as per usual though he wasn't sober. He had had alcohol issues since he was a teen. He didn't know any different and it had ruined a lot of things in his life. Now he had no family outside of the serpents. " You want a drink? Joaquin is behind the bar tonight."
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a-rat-who-writes · 1 year
More writing prompts!
Have the love interest make the MC some corny sign or something you find cute to ask the MC out to prom. (Bonus points if the MC also makes the love interest something corny and they ask each other at the same time.)
Have the love interest go to prom with another person but the MC (bonus points if it is someone the MC hates), and when they see the MC walk in, they instantly blush and can't stop looking at them.
Make the MC take the love interest (or vice versa) to their place and have it begin pouring rain when they get to their doorstep, allowing for whoever walked the other to their house to go in too.
Make a short scene between the MC and the love interest cuddling while it's raining.
(NSFW) If either the MC or the love interest play video games, have the other one tease them while they are online playing a competitive game or talking to others through the microphone.
Have the MC go out to a coffee shop they routinely go to (Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, or somewhere made up in your story) and have the love interest sit in the place where the MC usually sits.
Either the love interest or the MC is a tattooist, and have them give the other a tattoo (this allows for the other to get close to them).
The MC is in a library, and the love interest goes up to the librarian, asking if there is a specific book, but the MC has the last copy. The librarian points to the MC, telling the love interest they got the last copy. (Bonus points if this makes the love interest mad.)
(Similar to 8) Have the love interest sit across from you in a library supposedly 'reading a book' but you can see from above yours that they keep looking at you.
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"Enough of this!"
"You want my time?! You demand my audience so desperately, so much?!.."
"Very well then, Speak you overcomplicated energy maker! For your healthy status might differ from now at any moment if you waste breath towards me."
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(Finally created a separate Ask blog for my Entity OC, supposedly called "The Shadow Entity", interact with her and learn more of this puppet master of shadows. Oh and don't worry about her harming you. It's only like a... 85% chance of happening. So.. Anyway Good luck out there champ!) artwork by: @feliksbyks
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phoenix-of-jade · 9 months
Affections across time
Open starter for @vulpuslunae - Royals x Mythical AU for Xuan x Miharu
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A light shining in the distance... The familiar sound of a voice... The sweet note of a gittern, the warmth of a touch and a smile...
Xuan's eyes jolted open, a bothered feeling shaking him awake from the troubled sleep he'd been trapped within just moments ago. Another one of those dreams... Fragments of a distant past returning to haunt him once again. But this time more lucid... more real... And with a higher frequency too.
It was as if his unconscious was trying to send him a message. Some sort of gut feeling or premonition as if trying to herald a prophecy. Or at least that's what it felt like. But it couldn't have been... It's been three thousand years after all. Why now and not sooner? Eyebrows furrowed, the man shook his head, refusing to even entertain the thought that this could be a sign of that person having finally come back.
Yet, at the same time, a part of him wished for it to have been true. After all this time and all this waiting... Maybe there was a fate after all and maybe it wanted for them to be together once again. Didn't she promise? And how cruel of her if this turned out to be actually true and she'd intentionally made him wait. Three. Thousand. Years! Only an immortal being such as the phoenix could fathom the torture of living in uncertainty for this many years. Huffing, the man glared towards the window. Only a fool would agree to serving such a cruel master again!
And still, the feeling left by the dream kept lingering, growing stronger and stronger as the day went on, bothering the man even further as he tried reasserting his decision that no matter what, no matter if he'd get reconnected to that person, he wouldn't make the same mistake again of allowing them to see him at his weakest and hurt him for a second time. After that day, he'd sworn to stay away from love and he was adamant on honoring his own promise to himself!
But even soo, that invisible thread was pulling him in like a damned leash. A fated bond that transcended time and space itself and unbeknownst to the young man, it was leading him back towards the very same thing he was vehement on avoiding. Inevitable.
Not long after, his fate was finally sealed when they bumped into one another.
The harsh cold feeling of stone made Xuan's side ache as he landed on the concrete, the feeling of anger already starting to brew like the fire in his veins. "Ugh... For fuck's sake, watch where you're going...!" He was about to add a not soo gentle appellative when their eyes finally met, rendering Xuan to immediately go silent.
Fate sure works in such mysterious ways... Master and servant finally reunited.
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