#{pls or come back as the moment the moment shapeshifts and i would love to see anyone incorporate their look to it}
thebadtimewolf · 1 year
just so you all know, i love rose tyler every day. my love stops literally at the christmas invasion because then after cassandra the flanderization begins. if tenth doctor and tentoo has to perish so be it.
jack. girl find rex matheson already i dunno what you waiting on. *plays the star spangled banner jill scott edition* mekhi phifer come back and get ur fellow immortal man. he's starting to look like a wet cat again.
i love donna noble every full week, my love dont stop and now it wont. if tentoo has to die via aneurysm (because his mind refuse to let him speed up the tardis growth because once he does he'll do what the dr did and leave his kid and wife behind until the one time he does return, they too are left for dead buried in a rubble of his own negligence) for her to live, sorrows prayers. sorrows. prayers.
i love dr. martha jones every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year. if tenth doctor has to be beaten so bad by 8 9 12 13 14 15 and master!doctor? let it be so.
i love amy but girl get a therapist. rory get a therapist.
i love river song aka melody williams as much as donna. like girl you got an adoptive granddaughter that looks like jodie foster cosplaying you, if thats not memorable and romantic idk why the dr be fumbling that bag so badly. u can do better.
i love clara oswald but girl c'mon. you got too comfy as the goddess kali - even though you were nowhere near being her in any form to begin with - one time and suddenly you're the ghost you predicted. if the time council has to be humbled again? court is adjourned babes.
the moment aka the interface. baby girl thats actually a planetary bomb turned literal god, im sorry you keep being mistaken for rose tyler by everybody else but the doctor. you deserve better, something 13 and i agrees on according to the novelisation of your appearence. you are better. without you, 9 wouldnt have fell for rose in the first place.
bill potts i love until the stars stay in the universe. if she has to make fun of the dr even as part space sentient oil known as the pilot, fly on space cowboy.
nardole. you do good. odd you wearing gallifreyan citizen wear from the great time war in twice upon a time and no one said anything about it but... you do good.
yasmin khan i love just as much as martha and donna combined. bbc studios might not but i do.
empress rose. i love you more than rose tyler and rose tyler knows it thats why she was a cameo. i hope you get a spin off with 8 9 12 13 master doctor 14 15 and the moment because you deserve it more. i love you. i hope you never stop roasting and almost killing ten everytime he keeps trying to compare the ordinary shop girl fashioned into a soldier turned into a married housewife slash companion to the incomparable and incompatible freedom fighter turned general then empress that is you. im so sorry they trying to downgrade you because you're better than the alternate self he gave away twice. it heavily implied empress rose is more jenny's mum than rose tentoo tyler is and i feel like that should be addressed.... by beating tens arse..... and jenny hugs.
i love rose temple noble so much and i just got her. if bbc studio has to crumble under the strike i really want them to experience so it shall be.
ruby sunday. you are the first companion to have actually have their actress grow up, watch, and know of doctor who with a doctor whose actor also watches doctor who. you are a rare gem inbetween the sands of obliviousness and the sea of hyperawareness. if 14 has to die via tripping and bumping his head on a brick, rip to that tight fit he got on. what a truly mournful loss
i hate the writers that write you for it is their faults of inconsistency that makes me want better for you than the so call fans of your existence. you were set up with a belief system of your own making and then is written to betray that for a eldrich being that contradicts its own existence that could never say i love you and mean those words unless your blades are six inch deep into their hearts for a bullet is too kind and also too slow.
thry all reside and co exist.
anyway. i hope yasmin finney is traveling with them because they never said she was just an anniversary companion and we get to see ruby sunday and rose temple noble date each other.
yes its to make up tens mistake in separating the poc companions: cult survivor cleopatra hunsicker, clone descendant and bi cindy wu, and mexican-american time sensitive transhuman gabby gonzalez aka the best team tardis is when none of them are attracted to the doctor and vice versa. at least gabby met the moment.
and yes its to share this monstrosity i made due to lack of sleep from being awake 27 hours and 30 minutes:
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i passed out right after this. and now im sharing this monstrosity to yall.
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basichextechml · 2 years
Wednesday Addams/Fem!Reader
Rating: Teen // 4.7K words // Reader uses she/her pronouns, no looks are described, rated teen bc the jokes are morbid and somewhat graphic, reader is a shapeshifter, reader is a touch insecure but don’t worry guys it’s good I swear, I’m sick w covid rn so if you spot a mistake no you don’t (but actually tell me pls), there’s a playlist at the end of this fic pls check it out love you guys <3
A chain reaction is set off when Wednesday realizes she’s not actually talking to her roommate
Pt. 2
     Wednesday wasn’t talking to Enid right now.
     Sure Enid was in front of her, sitting on her bed, in their room, wearing her clothes, and her face- but it had, embarrassingly, taken Wednesday five whole minutes to realize it wasn’t Enid. Her hairline was off, her smile was a bit too big, and her eyeliner wasn’t done with its normal flicked technique. What cracked the bell, however, was the fact that her nails were a different color. Wednesday normally couldn’t care less, but her roommate had been trying to find the perfect shade of green for her nails for the past month and had only repainted them this morning, blabbering on and on about it. A fact that made Wednesday want to open the large decorative window, and fling herself out of it.
     But her nails weren’t green. They were blue with pink polka dots. The same pattern she had last week.
     “You’re a pretty convincing fake,” Wednesday bit, and faux-Enid paused mid-sentence.
     You’d been caught.
     Wednesday continues, tilting her head down to glare at you through her lashes. Other than those minute details- you really could be Enid. Or, at least, someone lesser than her would believe so. “Who are you, and why have you chosen to impersonate my roommate?”
     Faux-Enid sighed, before sticking on her house slippers and stepping towards Wednesday, holding out a hand. After a moment of consideration, Wednesday took it firmly in hers and shook it twice. You clicked your tongue in satisfaction- a decidedly un-Enid thing for you to do. Wednesday never thought she’d see the uncanny implications of someone wearing another’s face so nonchalantly in person.
     “(Y/n),” You said, brows pitching up as you finally looked around freely, “I just wanted to see the great Wednesday Addams that everyone’s been whispering about.”
     “Whispering is for wakes, I prefer it that way, everyone’s been too loud since I’ve arrived.”
     You understood now why everyone was talking- well, maybe for different reasons. They were concerned about the attempted murder charges. You were wondering how someone could be so pretty. She was entirely ignoring you as well, a bold move considering you were a stranger, and you had impersonated her roommate and snuck into her dorm.
     Hm. That made you sound like a creep.
     Oh well.
     The newly occupied side of the room was sparsely decorated- a far cry from Enid’s colorful and cluttered abode. You couldn’t say it was bad, though, everything was organized, in its rightful place- and delightfully macabre, accentuating the architecture that encased it. Her bedsheets had hospital corners. Taking care not to touch anything, you glanced over the few trinkets she had, lingering on the heavy typewriter with a fresh piece of paper stuck inside its hold.
     As you take a step closer to her, she takes one back.
     You rescind your previous step, putting twice the space between you- and you catch a downward twitch in her brow.
     “A murder mystery?” You ask, looking her in the eye. Wednesday isn’t entirely sure you’re asking about her book, even though it is the topic of discussion.
     Wednesday found herself asking a question without thinking. “How could you tell?”
     You turn your back on her, this time. A dangerous decision, she decides, because she can see your neck from here. “Instinct, maybe?” You tease, turning back momentarily to wink. Wednesday’s lips purse tight, perturbed at those words coming from what seems to be Enid’s mouth.
     “If you’re going to act in such a way, I’d be much obliged if you stopped mimicking my roommate.” Her skin prickled as you sighed, rocking back on your feet as if contemplating her words.
     And then you begin to change, right in front of Wednesday’s eyes.
     Wednesday’s ever-present morbid curiosity waits for the cracking of bone or stretching of skin- reminiscent of other transformations she’d bore witness to. This was nothing of the sort- it was smooth. Too smooth. Like a hot knife through the doughy fat of a thigh. It’s disturbing as you take on a new shape, and she can’t blink, because she’ll miss it.
     Or maybe she won’t? How can she miss it when the familiar face staring back at her is her?
     You trot along to Enid’s mirror, fixing your newfound fringe and admiring how Wednesday’s face looks on you. She had dark brown- nearly black eyes, and a smattering of freckles over her soft skin. Her eyelashes are long, too, wisping against her brows and the apples of her cheeks, almost like a doll. “You really are pretty, Wednesday. Great cheekbones,” She sees the way your eyes look down at her lips in the mirror. “Nice-”
     “If you finish that train of thought they’ll find you at the bottom of the lake hog-tied with lead in your pockets.”
     You smile at her- and that’s how others would be able to tell you both apart because the muscles responsible for completing such an expression had died in her face long ago. It was like an out-of-body experience, or a successful trial after her many failed attempts at lucid dreaming. It made her feel something- something she couldn’t put a finger on- something she might not like.
     She wants to end this.
     But then you’d leave.
     She wants you to leave.
     It may be too difficult to say no to her own face.
     You can see the twitch next to her lip, and know that maybe you’ve pushed the new girl too far- and thus, you borrow Enid again. “Don’t worry, Wednesday,” the way you say her name sends chills up her spine, like hypothermia setting in. It’s different from the way Enid would say it, like you’re pitching her voice differently, making it your own. “I won’t borrow your face if you don’t want me to.”
     And just as you make peace with plunging Wednesday into the ice-cold uncharted waters of discomposure, the door jiggles and swings open. Enid- the real one- stands in the doorway with shopping bags on her arm, ones that she nearly drops as she squeals over your presence.
     Wednesday takes a step back as the blonde entirely overtakes you, and she’s sure she’ll go blind from the embarrassingly emotional spectacle you both make. Clamoring and chattering as you discuss something undoubtedly trivial. Enid doesn’t seem to mind that you’ve borrowed her complexion. Wednesday doesn’t understand it. Maybe she doesn’t want you to leave. She feels her fingers twitch in the urge to lay you down and cut you open. Shapeshifters must have malleable cells, right? To aid in the transformation process? She wants to see what it would look like under a microscope.
     As if sensing her murderous intent, maybe you can see it in her eyes, you turn to her, a sly little smile. “It was lovely meeting you Wednesday. I’d love to hear more about your novel next time we chat.”
     The next time.
     How bold.
     When Enid posted on her blog about Nevermore gaining a new student and the scandal that would undoubtedly follow, you were hooked. The Addams were infamous at Nevermore, and now their oldest would be showing up midway through the quarter, tugging along attempted murder charges?
     You were itching to meet her.
     Heart practically beating out of your chest, you retreated from Enid and Wednesday’s dorm. Riveting. Absolutely riveting. Your fingers and toes were numb in excitement at the prospect of the rest of the quarter. Who knew a flash of braids and a homicidal edge was what this school so desperately needed?
     “I’m assuming you know her?” Wednesday asked, not bothering to look at her roommate as she pulled out her desk chair and began setting up her typewriter.
     “Oh, (Y/n)? Yeah of course! We’re like, besties!” Wednesday fought the urge to roll her eyes at Enid’s terminology. “I was wondering when she was gonna come around- when I told her you were coming to Nevermore she totally freaked.” Enid clipped her bangs back, getting ready for her nightly skin routine. “I can’t believe it took her, like, what, a week? to come say hi.”
     Wednesday hummed, barely hearing the words over the clacking of her typewriter keys, her brows furrowed in thought. Enid grabbed her caddy of soaps and prepared to head off into the bathroom. “I feel like you’ll be great friends. Ooooh, we should totally do, like, a group sleepover! I’ll be right back, think about it, okay?”
     The front door slammed shut behind Enid, and Wednesday grumbled, pulling out the used sheet of paper from her typewriter and crumpling it up. Thing looked up from his place on Wednesday’s bed, shutting the magazine he’d been leafing through to see what was troubling her. Wordlessly, she fed another piece of paper into the paper table.
     Perhaps Viper De La Muerte’s mystery would gain another character.
     You come to her next as Xavier in their shared botanical sciences class, and she can tell right away based on the doodle you’re scratching into his desk. It’s quite awful. Horrendous, actually- technically speaking.
     “Good morning Wednesday” You chirp, and that warbled tone is there again. Perhaps a side effect? Curiosity is creeping up on her in these spare meetings you both share, getting ready to strangle her in the best way
      Wednesday sets down her bag, and sits precariously on her chair, eyeing the etched drawing on the desk. It’s a raven, and when it doesn’t pop out of the table at her, she’s sure of her conviction.
     “(Y/n)” She states.
     You let out an affronted gasp, eyes crinkling at the recognition, before propping your chin up on your hand. “How could you tell? Was it my magnetic personality?” Wednesday focuses on the way your, Xaviers, fingers tap and fidget against the desk like you think she won’t notice. “Perhaps our first encounter has captured your heart- and you’ve fallen for me?”
     “I’d rather you watch me fall off a cliff.”
     “Sounds like the perfect date idea, how about seven tomorrow night?”
     You watch in excitement as her brows tick up a hairline of an inch and the way her cheeks look a little less dead. She most likely wasn’t used to someone receiving her sardonic personality with open arms.
     In place of answering, she chooses to counter it with another question. “Why are you impersonating Xavier?”
     Dramatically, you pull out a notebook. Not a sketchbook. A real notebook. And begin to take dutiful notes. Another way she would’ve been able to tell the difference between you and Xavier. “If someone doesn’t want to go to class, for whatever reason, they normally pay me to come and make sure they don’t miss an attendance credit, take a test, get homework-”
     “If that’s what you’d like to call it, then yeah, cheat,” You shrug, “It makes me good money, and I get to keep the grade curve up. I’m sure you could appreciate that.” Your pencil nudges against hers, tapping against her meticulous notes.
     She’s not sure where to take this conversation, and that weird feeling is back. Normally, she’s itching to leave a conversation. Any conversation. Maybe it’s the fact that while she’s talking to Xavier, she’s also talking to you. There’s nothing to put to your voice yet, even when it’s masked and warbled by another.
     Wednesday is talking to someone, and she doesn’t really know who. The concept is eldritchtian in nature, that she could look over and not understand something that was right in front of her face. There’s no control. A masterful side eye keeps watch on you throughout the period. If she can’t put a face to a name, she could at least tack onto mannerism. Maybe then she could control that feeling in her gut.
     You liked keeping your hands above the desk and busy. You’d fidget with them often, picking at your nails. Your nose would involuntarily twitch whenever Thornhill pulled out a particularly foul-smelling plant. But was that you or Xavier? Wednesday’s pen taps the edge of her paper, leaving ink blots in the margins. She could argue that it’s you- at the end of the day it’s your brain, but another part says you could be subconsciously mimicking the mannerisms of whoever you’re impersonating. You’re a puzzle with one too many edge pieces that she’s trying to make fit.
      She’s adorable- thinking that you don’t notice she’s watching you. The thing about being different, for good or bad reasons, is that you can feel when someone’s trying to understand you. How their eyes linger. Maybe it’s masochism that runs your brain because you feel good gaining her attention- no matter how depraved it was.
     The game of ignoring and noticing each other continued throughout the period, like a dance you had practiced, making sure not to step on each other’s toes. You wondered if she was curious enough to ask now. You wanted her to ask. To be curious enough to suggest meeting up. To know you better. From what Enid had spilled about her, Wednesday was confident- and unpredictable. The ball was never in your court because she was never even playing her game with you, just hitting it against the wall by your head and waiting for you to flinch.
     You’d flinch if she wanted.
     Miss Thornhill wrapped up the end of class, the volume of the room slowly rising as kids began to talk about their upcoming plans for the weekend. You watched slyly as Wednesday packed up, flipping your notebook closed to give back to Xavier.
      “My room, tonight after dinner,” Wednesday murmured firmly, and your smile pulled taught, an ache in your cheeks. But your victory was short-lived, the lips you’d admired in the mirror spelling your crash.
     “Don’t come as anyone.”
     You were stupid to have not thought this far.
     Stupid, stupid, stupid.
     Getting so caught up in just trying to capture her attention, you didn’t even know what you were going to do if you got it. You thought it would take a couple more tries to get her fully into the idea of being around you- but you had underestimated Enid’s words.
     Wednesday knew what she wanted quickly, and she expected to get it.
     It would be hot if you weren’t mentally freaking out.
     She said to meet her after dinner, but that didn’t specify a certain time, right? Hypothetically, you could show up whenever. You could say you had a late dinner- but you know that wasn’t what she met. She’d already be upset at you for disregarding her last request, you couldn’t be late on top of that.
     As you walked through the hallowed halls of Nevermore Academy, you people-watched. There were so many interesting students here. No matter their disposition, they had rich lives that would no doubt continue on and only grow more complex. Intriguing powers that had so many quirks and kickbacks that you could only imagine what it felt like to have them come naturally to you. There were so many compelling people here- so why would you want to be you when you could pretend to be them?
     Shifting from foot to foot, you knocked on the door. Well, Bianca technically knocked on the door, but it was still just you. Enid answers, looking somewhat taken aback before realization dawns on her. “(Y/n)- come on in! I was just about to go meet Ajax, so it’ll just be you and Wednesday.” The way she says it sounds like she’s hinting something, looking at you with wide eyes and a mischievous little smile.
     ‘Subtle’ You mouth to her, nodding your head. Enid does a bashful curtsey, before grabbing her keys. She makes sure it’s loud as she locks the door behind her.
     And then it’s two.
     Wednesday looks positively deadly cut against the low light of the iconic Ophelia Hall window. The way she glares through you emphasizes her distaste for your actions.
     “I see you’ve decided on Bianca today. Odd, considering I asked for you.” You’re nearly prepared to say something, mustering up enough thought to figure out what she’d even want to hear, but it’s her who steps closer. And closer. And closer.
     She’s in your space now, looking up ever so slightly at you. “Take it off.”
     “You could at least buy me dinner first,” You stumble out, voice not nearly as confident as it had to be for that line.
     Wednesday only tilts her head, coy as can be, with a brow slightly raised. “I thought you liked my unconventional… date ideas.”
     You muffled a laugh, “I didn’t even get the first one. I was looking forward to seeing the rocks together-”
     Wednesday wondered if you do it- if you’d teeter into the violence of her earlier statements.
     “-If you’d jump, and if you did, how you’d hit them. Maybe, what it would look like when I followed after you.”
     You’d been lured into her trap. And by the way, Wednesday could feel the corners of her mouth twitching up, she’d been ensnared in yours. But she couldn’t let you win so easily. She couldn’t find herself letting you do it. Turning away, she marched to her desk, pulling out a thin, monogrammed book, and a pen. “I believe I made that commitment to (Y/n), not Bianca.”
     Frozen to the floorboards, you stare wide-eyed, having been put right back into the one spot you didn’t want to be. Wednesday could hear the hitch in your breath, matching it with her own to see how long it would take you to breathe again. The satisfying ache in her lungs proved that she had caught you off guard. “To make it up to me, you’ll be answering a few questions.” She points to her bed, telling you to sit.
     Relief wasn’t the right word to describe your state. Abject happiness? Pure and unbridled repose? Perhaps disappointment- because you wouldn’t be meeting your demise to the cold, small hands of Wednesday Addams. Though, a thorough interrogation will take a close second.
     There was a weird disconnect with the situation. You’d tell Wednesday anything she wanted to know. What you were, how you felt, your deepest fears, your middle name. But the idea of shedding whomever you had borrowed and bearing your face to the world terrified you. The idea that she could know everything about you and know nothing at the same time felt comfortable, but when Wednesday Addams was looking at you with a curious spark in her eyes, you felt it wasn’t the right choice at all.
     Scurrying over to the bed, you hurriedly sat down- only to sit on something soft. Not in the springy way, a bed was soft, but in the way people were soft.
     Wednesday watched in amusement as you yelped, jumping up quickly off of her bed. Thing angrily crawled his way out of the covers, obviously having been woken up from his after-dinner nap. Desperately, you apologized to Thing, seemingly unfazed by the fact that he was only a hand. She doubts he’s the weirdest thing you’ll see while you choose to associate with her. “Thing, this is (Y/n). (Y/n), Thing. Now stop apologizing.” Wednesday demands, grabbing Thing and carrying him over to Enid’s side of the room. Precariously, she tucks him in, before turning her back on him, leaving no room for argument. She pointed to the bed again. “You. Sit.” What were you meant to do? Say no? Perched on the side of the bed, you waited for her to begin her investigation a la (Y/n).
     “You can become anything?” Wednesday started, writing along the printed lines of her notebook.
     “Anything you want.” You tease.
     “I want a real answer.”
     “Anything I want, within reason,” You sigh, leaning back on your hands.
     She stopped writing for a moment, looking over the edge of her book, “And what does that entail?”
     “I can’t get too small,” You emphasize, making a small box with your hands and then gesturing to the rest of yourself, “Or else I feel cramped. And I can’t get too big, because then I’ll be stretched too thin, and everything’ll become unstable.” Wednesday narrows her eyes for a moment, hitting the nib of the pen against the paper before deciding what to write.
     “What about width?”
     “Oooh, that’s a good question- haven’t tried it? I guess? Not many things are wider than they are tall.”
     Wednesday hums in thought, before grabbing her desk chair and propping it up in front of you, sitting down herself. Your knees were knocking together, the only thing separating your skin from hers being her uniform skirts. Bianca always liked to roll her skirt up a bit, so you did too. “Does it hurt?”
     “Did what hurt? When I fell for you- Ow!”
     You rubbed at the skin of your knee where she had stabbed you with her pen, the broken skin healing itself within the blink of an eye. You could feel her gaze watching it.
     “We’re not doing that bit again. Your abilities seem to have a healing aspect.” She mumbles, furiously scribbling something down. You wondered what she was even writing. ‘Initial observation, healing aspect, eternal torture? Must review’. Yeah, no, okay.
     “Not exactly, It’s sort of like healing- but also a bit more complex. When you heal, you make new cells, right?”
     “Of course.”
     “But what I just did wasn’t making new cells- it’s just the same cells remembering what was there, transforming into that, and then moving accordingly.” Tentatively, you grab her hand. It’s cold and rigid against yours, like a corpse, and you move it to the skin of your knee. You’d never be able to tell that there was a hole there in the first place. “Of course, I still produce new cells like everyone else, it’s just if I were to sustain a large injury- a lethal one, being a shapeshifter wouldn’t save me. My cells would transform and move, but that would only be tearing me open in a different way.”
     There’s a smile on Wednesday’s face.
     It’s small, barely even there, like an apparition, but you can see it.
     Wednesday is enamored with you. Your skin was so warm. You were holding her hand so tightly. She had this disgusting, revolting feeling in her chest. One she wanted to keep there forever.
     “So I couldn’t crack your ribs open and crawl inside of you?”
     “If you had to keep warm, of course.”
     You were so close.
     Suddenly, she clapped her notebook shut, the chair screeching as she lurched out of it. Jolting, you leaned back a little, watching with wide eyes as she slammed the notebook into her desk drawer and shut it.
     “We’re going to see the rocks tomorrow.” She demanded, reminiscent of when she asked you to come here. “And I do want you this time.”
     Son of a bitch.
     “I…” Your mouth felt dry. It was amazing how she managed to make you feel so comfortable while trapped. “I’ll think about it.” And within the next moment, you were a mouse scurrying across the floor boards, and ducking right beneath the door frame.
     You didn’t stop running until you were down the stairs and in the main entrance hall- quickly changing back and collapsing against a wall.
     A mouse? Did you become a fucking mouse?
     Silently screaming into the hall, you hit your head against the ground, embarrassment flooding through your every nerve. Because what the fuck. You became a fucking mouse and you ran under the door.
     You knew what you had to do.
     You had to die.
     Life was over at this point- there was no use continuing. Wednesday Addams had (sort of) asked you out, and like a complete and utter loser, you ran away. As a mouse.
     You had been avoiding her.
     It had been a week since Wednesday Addams had last seen you. And a single question loomed above them all.
     Who did you think you were?
     You barge into her room, responding to her threats and homicidal tendencies in kind, making her interested, sticking her neck out onto the guillotine. Making her want to hold and touch you. Hold your warm hands. Run her fingers over your skin. And you’re hiding from her?
     To say she was positively murderous at this point was an understatement. Her rage was unconcealable. People avoided her in the halls, well, more so than before. Enid was neglecting to start conversations when they shared their dorm, fearing the wrath she may incur if Wednesday was even a bit more annoyed. She had already stabbed Xavier with her pen twice. He didn’t even have the nerve to treat her to a spectacle such as you did.
     Her cello was bearing the brunt of her bad mood this evening, pulling along the strings and bow to string together a much blunter rendition of Shostakovich’s String Quartet No. 8. The callouses on the tips of her fingers burned as she flew through the piece, a much-needed pain to distract her from her inner turmoil. It felt so right.
     As the last few notes on the page crept up on her, the quartet drawing to a close, there was a glint in the night. Brows furrowed and lips pouted, she closed her music book, setting down her bow and cello to approach the edge of the stoned terrace. A raven- big and beautiful, flapped its wings closer, a chain dangling from its beak with a pendant hanging from the end. Like it recognized her, it stalled in the air, almost waiting for Wednesday to hold out her hand.
     Tentatively, she did so, and the raven dropped the cold, sterling silver amulet into her hand. Ignoring its retreat, she turned the amulet around, peering into the glass class on the other side. Its contents puzzled her.
     “Don’t turn around.”
     Head snapping up, Wednesday felt a tingle run down her spine as she looked onto the horizon. She knew that voice.
     One that was normally distorted with another’s, warbled and lost in a tonal fray, was crystal clear.
     “I… I wanted to apologize.”
     “For ignoring my existence?”
     “Yes, I just…” She could hear your exasperated sigh behind her, and instead of turning around, she channeled her want into running her fingers along the grooves of the amulet. “I want to show you who I am. I do. I just don’t think that I… That I’m prepared for what that means. So I got you that.”
     It was a Victorian mourning locket. Inside its glass prison lay a small, cut stock card. Oil paints had been used to portray a single, lively and bright eye, laid deep into plush skin. Framing it, were strands of hair, glued and staged to look as though it would when hanging naturally. A single braid of the same hair wormed around and enclosed the portrait, snug against the silver. The hair, skin, and eye colors were unfamiliar to her- but Wednesday Addams was a smart girl, she could piece it together.
     She felt as if you had grabbed her heart and pulled it out of her chest, content to watch it slow to a stop in your hand, and all she could muster was- “Who painted this?”
     You muffled a laugh. “My dad, don’t worry.”
     Wednesday could hear your steps, and by the fourth, she could feel how warm you were against her back.
     “This is just my way of saying… that when I’m ready, you’ll be the first person I show. You’ve already seen more of me than anyone else here has.”
     Just like when you first met the infamous Wednesday Addams, your fingers were numb. Though, this time, instead of excitement, you were dreadfully, painfully, nervous. Nervous that the girl standing only a few feet in front of you would reject your declaration. All was silent, and the only sound you could comprehend was the thudding of your pulse in your ears as she held the locket out behind her.
     “Put it on for me.”
     Fingers shaking, you struggled to unclasp the chain, before pulling the chain around her thin neck. Securing the clasp again, you lingered, warm hands smoothing out the baby hairs on the nape of her neck.
     Wednesday watched unfamiliar hands flash in front of her eyes, and she knew that she had you at that very moment. “Sit,” she demands again, settling down on the floor of the terrace. One more moment and your back was entirely pressed against hers, the ridges of your spines kissing through your muscle, skin, and clothes. “Thank you,” Wednesday said quietly into the night air, “I’m… I’m pleased, that I’ll be the first.”
     She took your hand in hers, and the numbness faded.
Thank you guys for reading!! If you enjoyed it pls let me know, my inbox and mentions are always open and reblogs are always appreciated <3
This is a playlist I made for Wednesday, it’s got Latin American goth and orchestral pieces (including the one mentioned above), so if that’s your vibe pls check it out!
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all of your ocs are so cute i cant BREATHE, would you be so kind as to give up some facts about them pls 🤲
These are just a couple starter facts about Mahki, Cricket, Bear, and Ryeom!
Love Language: Acts of Service. She loves using her own time to dedicate to her crush by making little crafts and then giving them to Tamarack.
Fears: spiders and most other bugs (except ladybugs)
Favorite Color: Yellow and pink
Transportation: Rollerskates
Favorite Movie Genre: Rom Coms
Favorite Holiday: Valentines Day. She loves having an excuse to wear all the pink and red she desires, and make cute little valentines gifts for Tamarack.
Left Handed
She's always nervous to move because it means having to meet new people and worry if people are even going to accept her there.
What do they carry in the pocket of their jacket? candy from the entrance of Tamarack’s house
Strange things they hate worms and non-hard cover books
Morning Person or Night Owl - Morning Person
If they had one superpower what would it be? Invisibility
Love Language: Quality time. Bear can be quite introverted, preferring to listen to his music or wood carve rather than hang out for a long time. But Bear noticeably makes more effort to hang out with Tamarack and Qiu. He really likes being around them, listening to them, joking around with them.
Fears: terrified of lightning and thunder / uncomfy by loud sounds
Favorite Color: Purple
Transportation: Bike
Favorite Movie Genre: Fantasy
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Right Handed
Mad at his mom for moving so much, and he struggles to communicate his feelings a lot. Whenever he's stressed, he feels like he can't speak in those moments, so he takes time alone to think through his feelings before coming back and trying to speak about it.
What do they carry in the pocket of their jacket? stress/fidget cube
Strange things they hate wearing stud earrings
Morning Person or Night Owl - Night Owl
If they had one superpower what would it be? Reading minds
Love Language: Physical Touch. The best way for him to express that he cares for his friends is by touch. A squeeze on the hand, an arm over the shoulder, hugging, pinky holding, etc etc.
Fears: Of not succeeding or getting anywhere with his music career
Favorite Color: Green
Transportation: Skateboard
Favorite Movie Genre: Horror (less gore though)
Favorite Holiday: National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day
Left Handed
He's used to moving at this point, so whenever he moves, he makes some songs inspired by each town or the people who're memorable to him.
What do they carry in the pocket of their jacket? Guitar picks
Strange things they hate Ladybugs. Hates them ever since *the incident*
Morning Person or Night Owl - Morning Person
If they had one superpower what would it be? Immortality
Love Language: Words of Affirmation. He loves praising others, though its difficult for her to fully accept compliments or praises back. They think it's important to remind the people they care about that they're very very valuable to him.
Fears: the dark
Favorite Color: Cranberry
Transportation: Skateboard
Favorite Movie Genre: Drama
Favorite Holiday: New Years
Poor kid when it comes to moving. She's very anxious about the thought of leaving this town because he's grown to love this town and the people in it..
What do they carry in the pocket of their jacket? Finger skateboard from a scholastic book fair
Strange things they hate  Animal prints fur texture
Morning Person or Night Owl - Night Owl
If they had one superpower what would it be? Shapeshifting.
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carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
Camilo x Reader headcanons? pretty pls? I love your Carlos one and I thought why not for Camilo?
(Only if you want to though, not here for force)
Camilo Madrigal x Reader Headcanons
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—  A bunch of my headcanons of what I think it would feel like to be in a relationship with Camilo Madrigal.
— headcanons
— gender-neutral reader
— none
—  finally, my first initial headcanons for Camilo as your bf, enjoy!
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Camilo had several crushes in his entire life so he knows what it's like to be attracted to people, but genuinely falling for you? Woaaah, that's a different territory.
The first time he laid his eyes on you I wanna know what love is by foreigner begins playing in the background lmfao
I also think he doesn't have a specific type, he just wants someone who can put up with his shit and vibe with his energy
Mans literally googling shit at 3 am flirting tips, the best places for dates, etc. He puts his effort into impressing you.
Camilo is an absolute flirt, he's got that natural charm. He would say anything from cheesy pick-up lines to compliments that make your heart swoon bruh he's so suave fr ugh
As for courting you, he would try anything to get your eyes to land on him only. He'll sing, do a fucking breakdance, act, something that would have you sighing with hearts in your eyes.
Despite his overflowing confidence, I feel like Camilo won't be the one to confess first lmao. Like, he'll back out in the minute, afraid that you won't feel the same. But when the moment is right, as a random opportunity, he'll blurt out something like "I like you so much" and then says it's an accident before actually confessing.
His shapeshifting goes out of control when he finds out you like him back. He'll be incredibly overjoyed, picking you up and spinning you around.
Camilo "Oh, everywhere I go I keep a picture of you in my wallet just so you know" Madrigal
As for his ideal date, I think he'll be the type to take you to lively and fun places like theme parks, arcade dates, and probably concerts. But if you're not into that he'll just go over to your house and hang out, watch a movie or two. He's not picky and will be satisfied if it's just you and him.
He's not overly into PDA, he does it sometimes to brag to people. He shows affection in many ways, especially in actions. A kiss on the cheek or forehead, a good morning/night text, will ask if you have eaten yet, and just generally looking out for you. He loves to hold your hands and is not afraid to show the world how much he loves you, and he's full of lovely endearments.
Camilo would probably love to call you with a unique nickname (i.e if your name is like Juliana, he'll call you something like Juli, Ana, Iana, Julia, etc.). Let's not forget the common endearments like Mi vida, amor, querida/querido, and more.
He will dramatically collapse to the ground if you call him with a nickname or endearment lmao
Definetly feeds off of your attention, like come on. He loves to distract you and do stupid shit if it means you'll give him your attention.
Camilo is most likely a gift-giver, he likes to give you a lot of things with his own twist. Like he'll buy you your favorite flowers with a hand-written letter attached to them. He's probably the type to know what you really like (i.e clothes, gadgets, items, jewelry, e.tc) and put his effort into saving money and buying it for you as a surprise. He'll take random job offers for money to buy that one thing you love the most.
He would very much insist on buying matching stuff with you. He'll ironically buy those "He/She's mine" t-shirts with arrows lmao. But he'll be more into matching clothing so that you'll wear his, like matching hoodies with the same design but different colors. I feel like he'll like matching rings too hehe.
Okay, I am about to lose it, but I think Camilo would save a recording of you talking or singing and use it as his ringtone like wsdtgvbjmkll, YES. 
He's both a listener/talker. He'll listen to you talking for hours and he'll blabber about everything just to make you feel better n' stuff.
"Let's laugh until we cry. We can go anywhere, or go to bed. I would accompany you everywhere, even to Hell" - Camilo Madrigal
Not every relationship would be perfect so you two would argue sometimes. Like he won't sense you're not in the mood for his jokes, you tell him to shut up, he'll roll his eyes and make fun of you for being so grumpy, and then shit just goes downhill
[Angsty] Camilo can be violent if he can't control it, he's not very harsh with words but he can make the tables turn easily (Taylor Swift style lmao). He's not the "silent rage" but "loud fury", he'll really express his distress when in a fight with you. I feel like he would accidentally hurt you, but not dramatically like a slap, he'll just shove you or firmly grab you by the arm.
He'll be the first to leave after a fight and the first to apologize, after some time alone of course. He'll seek you, it doesn't matter where you are, to say sorry with a gift or a simple kiss and hug. If you're still mad, he'll understand and give you some space but will occasionally check on you from time to time.
When things are on good terms, he'll be all happy and giddy again, he'll maybe take you out on a date or have a special moment alone together to make it up to you.
Camilo loves to pull tiny pranks on you and film it so he'll have something to make fun of you later. He'll definetly do those TikTok pranks but will stop if things get too annoying or too much for you.
Camilo is thoughtful, sentimental, and a bit of a jealous type. If he sees you talking to someone else, he'll secretly glare at them and flip them off behind your back but when you would turn to look at him he'll be smiling like an innocent angel lmao.
He's also sweet, understanding, and responsible. Surely, he can act immature and be a joker in many instances but he's a very smart guy, it'll be hard for someone to trick him. If there's a problem you're going through he's great at giving you advice. He's good at switching roles like bro he can be a fucking malewife or a mafia boss (???) at the same time lmao, mans is very versatile.
Camilo is an absolute daytime/dawn type of person. He likes to sunbathe sometimes and would take you to picnics and watch the clouds in the sky. He'll maybe ask you out on a hike or camping trip together. He'll love the idea of road trips or anything adventurous.
He likes getting to know your business, he's nosy lmao. He'll come to you for drama like "I heard you had beef with [Friend's Name], is it true?" and if you lay the details on him he'll take your secrets to the grave. He loves to gossip with you.
HE LOVES SLOW DANCING TO OLDIES THAT HIS PARENTS WOULD PLAY!!11!! Please I am so weak for that idea that he'll randomly pull you into a slow dance, hand to hand, cheek to cheek with the 80s or 90s kind of music playing in the background as if it's the end of the world. He's a great dancer too huhuhuhu
I feel like he has a secret talent for playing the drums, you'll catch him sometimes practicing in his drum set and he'll teach you sometimes (i.e he'll give you the drumsticks and sit behind you while he guides you how to hit the drums). He's intense and hot while playing the drums bro I'm about to faaaaaaint.
Absolutely and definetly a dramatic person, both ironically or not. He just has the most telenovela type of reactions to everything. If you say something like "I don't like you anymore" (jokingly) he'll drop to his knees and start speaking in Spanish, begging you to not leave him lmao.
He would love to grow his hair out and let you style it. He'll let you groom, braid, brush, and just style his hair. He likes going on spas with you and getting some of those relaxing facials and foot spas, manicures, and shit. He loves being fresh asf.
He'll send you random shit from the internet, funny videos, memes, and interesting stuff. He loves to send you selfies of his amazing outfits every day and ask stupid shit like "do these pants make my ass look fat?" lmfao. generally, he'll send you a pic of anything he's doing atm, he's shameless in sending intentionally ugly selfies and videos of him strutting in his best clothes bc he's a fashion star.
He's obsessed with sending you food that he personally made with the help of his tía Julieta
I feel like he loves to show off by getting into your hobbies, he also likes to be involved with your interests. If you're a performer, he'll go to every show/contest/event. He's a 100% supporter you can't change my mind.
As soon as you and he became official, the first person he ever told it to was Mirabel (I hc they're besties). And then the next day the news would spread and The Madrigals would know and beg for him to invite you over for dinner, he happily obliged.
Camilo is a flustered mess when he invited you to have dinner with his family, he turns from suave into a shy teenage boy lmao. His parents would see, especially Pepa, his loving gaze on you and they would go crazy. Pepa forms a raincloud and cries over how her mijo has finally become a man. His cousins and siblings would make fun of him for being so shy around you. Yeah, his family adores you.
Of course, you invite him over too so your family would get to know him. Immediately, your family would like him. He's such a show-off, he'll politely greet your mother and compliment her and tell your father how cool he is. You'll roll your eyes because it seems like your family likes Camilo over you. But yeah, your family would love to have your boyfriend over for every dinner.
His first kiss with you I feel like would be accidental, like a quick peck on the lips and his pupils dilate. He'll ask if he can properly kiss you, if you say yes he'll be incredibly tender and gentle. He's a fantastic kisser, he's got your spine tingling and your heart-stopping.
He'll take any chance he gets to pull you in for a kiss. He loves to kiss you on your forehead, temple, and the back of your hand. He loves to nuzzle his forehead with yours too hehe.
Camilo is really determined to marry you someday and throw the best wedding ever the world has ever since, Disney princess-style. He'll find the prettiest ring out there and plan a very emotional proposal. 
Bonus:  here’s a playlist to go along with the headcanons <3
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taglist: @vanevafu , @irisia-ckzkb1109 , @elegantkidfansoul , @candykamikun , @cahmilo , @pochi-moochika , @justzei , @try-cry-why-try ...join here
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gloomymuffin · 3 years
Carlos Madrigal x Reader
A/N: pain!
Pronouns: They/Them
Warning/s: none
Summary: You know how Carlos was the bad guy?
(I edited this bc the first version was just really complex)
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→ Forbid
Carlos had a bad reputation after he attempted destroying the magic in the past.
Carlos was still doing his task, helping the townspeople with their problems but only a few of them. Some of them still didn't trust him and that included your parents.
Your parents forbid you from going near him and of course, you obeyed them.
But here he is, attempting to get your attention.
"Uh-hey! Y/N isn't it? I brought you some snacks my tia made!"
Possibly a trick.
"No, thank you!"
"Hey Y/N, Antonio wants me to take you to Casita!"
This could be a trick, again.
"I don't know uh... Maybe later."
And Carlos was so done with your shenanigans.
|• • •
"I heard her parents told them to stay away a month ago"
Dolores stated as she washed the dishes. "And you never told me?!" Carlos was mad, "Y/N's parents knew they could hear and asked me to keep quiet.", " Then why are you telling me this now?!", "I was just waiting for you to ask."
A few minutes have passed and Carlos was trying to figure out how to talk to you without you being intimidated.
And he got an idea. Why not pretend to be someone else! But who though? Hmm...
|• • •
Mirabel was finished teaching you embroidery and you were on your way home to show your work, "Y/N!", Oh no.
"Carlos please! What now-" you looked back to see someone different. He had curly brown hair like Carlos, but his hair wasn't covering his eye. One more thing is that both of his eyes are hazel, Unlike Carlos who had the other eye green.
"Who are you?" You asked him, he hesitates for a moment, "I'm Camilo."
|• • •
Weeks have passed and you and Camilo we're such a great duo! Chaotic even.
You two would play pranks on people, get some of Julieta's extra food, and more!
Except you haven't seen Carlos when you started hanging out with him.
"Hey, Camilo, Do you think Carlos is alright?"
"Of course!"
"How are you so sure?" He thought twice. "Well...he has his family with him so he should be alright!"
And if you do see Carlos he wouldn't have that mischievous grin but a genuine smile. Maybe Camilo is right.
|• • •
"Just tell Y/N that you're Carlos," Dolores asked, Carlos was scared about the idea, "What if they stay away from me! They would be mad that I lied to them and-", "Dolores is right, Carlos. Just tell them the truth. Even if you don't the truth would still come out!" Said, Felix.
|• • •
You were invited by Camilo his house, You told your parents and they approved of this. Camilo told you that he has a surprise and you were excited!
Camilo knocked on your door, "Hola Y/N!" He greeted you, "Hola Camilo"
You two were chatting while walking to his house, and when you two got there his house was...Casita?
You saw the entire family looking at the both of you.
"Uhm, Camilo?" He stood in front of you, you could tell he was nervous.
"Y/N, please don't freak out." He shapeshifted into Carlos.
"Wait what?!-" oh boy, "Wait! I-I can explain!-", " Then explain!", He was shaking so much,
"It's just that I want to get to know you but you avoid me all the time and it was because of my bad reputation so I pretended to be someone else so that we could spend time together!"
Tagging: @justanothercamilofan @usernameunavailable @camilolovesroxiie @carlosmybeloved @itsmesmileyface @tigreost (Thought I should tag you-) @patient-steadfast-steady (you too-) @try-cry-why-try @luv4camilo
Your heart just broke, "Carlos..." You cupped his cheeks, He was crying. "Please, Even if I was willing to spend time with you I can't." Carlos clutched on your sleeves, "Please stay ... I love you."
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needsmorewlw · 2 years
okay this is a weird ask but I am curious, the quarry counselors if they had super powers.. what do you think they would be?
Wait oh my god this is a GREAT ask.
I'm sorry this took so long for me to reply because I rly had to think about it. Also to anyone who sees this pls interact with your ideas?? I wanna read them so bad.
Max is some offshoot of a shapeshifter, C'mon it's right there. SweetBoi™ turns into GiantMonster™ with all the angst and accidentally hurting his loved ones that comes with it. Or maybe instead of a monster he has some kind of volatile elemental or a radioactive form that he can't control (at first) but eventually he figures it out and can swap between that and his regular form at will. Then maybe gradually he can kinda alter the form shapeshifter style.
Dylan is simultaneously giving me "No superpowers but just incredibly smart" ironman/batman moment. And ALSO the "scientist who accidentally gives themselves superpowers" genre. Especially since there's a massive list of energy manipulation brand of powers that is literally all about quantum physics (link to wiki page). I think his whole schtick would be utility. Using energy to make force fields or spatial displacement, like teleporting or making portals. Or maybe even messing with gravity, altering a thing or persons mass to make them heavier or lighter and throwing them around and make them explode. He just uses it to help with his experiments.
Either that or he experiments on someone else *cough* Kaitlyn*cough* and gives HER energy bending powers.
Speaking of Kaitlyn, she also gives me "No superpowers just incredibly competent" the BatFam master tactician energy. Nightwing, Batgirl "yeah we're just hot, smart and good at fighting". But if she did have powers, using a specific type of energy bending to enhance her fighting just seems like the sickest shit. Like she channels the energy around her and blasts it out of her fists when she punches. Plus she can channel energy to heal herself and all that.
Meanwhile Jacob! The first thing I thought about with Jacob is the whole "you hit him, he can hit back twice as hard" power. WHICH FUNNILY ENOUGH is also an energy manipulation sub genre. Kinetic energy absorption and all that. He can like, store energy from hits and then use it to buff his strength or to just do one massive game-ending attack. He can also like, save himself from a massive fall but absorbing the fall damage (though that took some practice). I think Dyl in this universe is just going buck wild handing out powers and tbh I'm living for it.
In a similar vein as Dylan, Laura gives me "scientist who purposefully fucked with themself for whatever reason. (Maybe bc her beloved bf got accidentally mixed up in some shit and got turned into a monster 👀) so she made moves to make herself into something that could help him. And she got the whole heightened senses, faster, stronger, she can jump really fkn high, regenerative powers, all that dope shit. Maybe she used animal genes or something.
Nick has the aura of every speedster in every comic book and movie. BUT ALSO could fall into the "person who found some otherworldly shit that attached itself to them now they're kinda possessed/share a consciousness with said otherworldly thing and have all its powers/abilities." Like Blue Beetle alien suit kinda vibe. And at first it tries to control him but eventually he gets his consciousness back and he can use the powers himself.
Emma gives me alien princess. She's a star, she's an otherworldly goddess. Like Starfire with a Superman background, she was adopted on earth and lived a normal life, not knowing she was an alien/had powers until she was put into some dangerous situation then she learns about her true origins. She can fly, she can shoot beams and balls of light out of her hands, her eyes glow, her hair sets on fire, all the hot girl shit.
For Ryan, he's definitely that hero that people are a little freaked out by because his power is kinda spooky. Like he can cloak/camoflauge himself and walk through walls by bending and altering his own matter which is rad, but he could also control your mind and reach into your chest and squeeze your heart, which he would never do but he could. He can also alter the matter of other things. Like he can make a ladder by sticking pipes through a wall, making them solid again and climbing up. Maybe he also has telepathic abilities where he speaks in your head and all that.
Meanwhile Ryan's powers also fall into the energy/matter manipulation subgenre and Dylan is entranced by Ryan's seemingly natural abilities and wants to know more about him 😌👉👈 you KNOW I had to add some Radioheads in here.
And Abi! She has all the making for "unbelievably powerful character who's too afraid to use it to its full potential." Like she can control the weather type of mayhem but she'll never do anything more than freezing the air around people's feet to stop them from running away or zapping people with electricity to stun them. But her powers are linked to her emotions and inevitably something happens to make her angry and it's a whole potential apocalypse scenario until her friends can calm her down.
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relax-and-read-on · 2 years
Since there was The Shameless Anon who asked about Sang/Horus kinks in bed, and you apparently like the Magnus/Perturabo ship and Perturabo/Forrix, may I ask for same kinky hcs but for them?
Walking nearby in an Iron Warrior style you know🌚
We do not shame the horny anons in this house!!! Yall can come in and yell about the sex life of anyone in 40k!!!! (Including Cain. Especially cain actually. Pls. Yell at me about my fav normy human)
Meanwhile, back to kinky kink!!!
Size. Kink. You would get one too if you could shapeshift. Sometime, Magnus get so small and delicate, it's a struggle for Pert to fuck him. Other time, he gets so big, Pert feel surrounded and cared for.
You have never meet a pair of bitches becoming so horny just from praise, and it goes both way. It's kinda funny how nice they are to each others in bed.
Ohhh the hair pulling!!! Magnus hair is just ASKING to be grabbed.
Daddy kink? Daddy kink. I don't even know wich of those two bitch got it first, but it sure is there.
Perturabo love seeing Magnus in bondages. He prefer ropes with him tho, it fit his aesthetic.
Sometime, Magnus give himself a sex change, because wrap magic. It always greatly interest Pert, who is very bi, compare to our Gay King Magnus.
Floating sex!
Oh boy. Perturabo very much has the control of the dynamic.... Most of the time. If he lets his wall down and let Forrix dom him, he is extra ashamed the next day.
Forrix like being allowed to gently Dom pert. Things like praise, soft touch, control.... It get him going.
Sometime, Perturabo is angry, and in those moment, Forrix is very much a chew toys. It's a miracle he hasen't had a broken pelvis yet.
You can add Perty on the "List of primarch who like getting cockwarmed while doing paperwork"
Humiliation. A very, very solid helping of humiliation kink. Ill let you decide who get shamed.
Forrix like massaging Pert. It's actually a very relaxing moment for the both of them, and qyickly become very sensual.
Heavy restrain. And by that I mean shackles and Iron collar.
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crystalirises · 3 years
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Your Prompt is this picture/concept! I hope you have fun.
(Art by: p1neapplerum, https://p1neapplerum.tumblr.com/)
Oh :000 I've seen this art on Tumblr actually.
Of course, the art belongs to p1neapplerum, the credit belongs to them and also check out their stuff.
I'm just here to make a one-shot out of the concept of the art, though I'm not really good with interpreting messages in art (ask my art teacher, the panic I felt each time I got called to say what I think the meaning of a piece of art is) so what I might write might not be the story they're going for.
Anyway, hey Pillow! Thank you again for the prompt and I did my best to sorta make a plot but I don't know what the story behind it is so this is just my interpretation of what just happened.
I'm pretty sure the first part of the art is like a separate thing from the other stuff? But I'm just gonna assume Wil accidentally got turned into a fox by a witch and while he was waiting to turn back, little kit Fundy found him and decided then and there that Wil is now his dad.
So... yeah.
I didn't know what I was doing but I hope it's good enough XD.
Wilbur had royally fucked himself over.
It wasn’t enough that he’d offended a witch - OH NO - now he was a fucking fox.
He settled underneath a tree canopy, his mind racing with solutions.
Wilbur couldn’t go home like this. Well, he could, but his brothers would never let him live it down. He’d be lucky if Phil found him first, but he highly doubted that.
He glanced down at his soft, furry brown paws, wincing at the thought of coming home like this. A witch’s spell could only last for so long, he only needed to wait it out. Wilbur let out a small huff, resting his tired head on the ground, his fox tail thumping slowly behind him. You would think for a river witch, he’d be turned into a salmon or something. Then again, he’d rather be a fox. Less chance of him getting hunted down by his own family this way. Techno did love his foxes and he’d sooner bring Wilbur home with him than hunt him for his hide and meat.
The wind ruffled at his fur, his skin itching with the foreign feeling of having fur all over him. He moved deeper into the tree canopy, the leaves providing cover from the scorching sun above. Wilbur found a small hole within the tangle of tree roots, and while he couldn’t fit into it, he settled right next to it. If he was lucky, maybe he wouldn’t be attacked by a snake whose territory he’d just laid down next to. Wilbur took a deep breath, he should probably sleep the curse away.
His eyes fluttered close, but it was barely minute before he heard a low growl come from next to him. His eyes snapped open, instincts forcing him to his feet. FUCK HE FORGOT ABOUT THE WOLVES! He turned to leave, but a sharp pain travelled throughout his whole body. His fur bristled, a low whine escaping his throat as he angrily turned around to face his enemy. Only... it wasn’t a wolf.
A little fox kit was biting his tail... oh, fuck.
Wilbur wagged his tail, but the kit wouldn’t let it go. If anything, it’s little teeth sunk deeper into his tail, causing him to yelp in pain. That seemed to give the kit pause, after a moment, it reluctantly let go. He sighed, awkwardly patting the kit on the head before moving away. A kit meant a litter, and a litter meant a vixen. He’d rather not get mauled to death by a mother fox today, no thank you. He moved away from the oak tree, heading deeper into the forest before settling underneath a small berry bush. He laid down, content to finally take a short nap.
That was short-lived. A small weight settled over his back, a snout nuzzling into the back of his neck. Wilbur froze, turning his head. The kit had followed him, its tail wagging behind it happily. Unfortunately, that was when the curse wore off.
He looked up, heart beating loudly in his chest. Wilbur had gone into the forest today - and while Phil would never question his son’s whereabouts - it had been hours, and now his son was calling for help. He flew out of the large window, ignoring his other sons’ screams of surprise. Phil let the wind carry him towards the tree line, his son’s disheveled form standing out against the flower field that surrounded their home. He landed gently, his wings letting out a gust of wind.
“Wilbur, what—” He cut himself off. Wilbur was holding a fox kit in his hands, and every few seconds, the fox would shapeshift into a more humanoid form. It continued to do that before finally settling into its humanoid form. “WILBUR—”
“A witch turned me into a fox and now this kit came out of nowhere and wouldn’t leave.” Wilbur held the fox out, a terrified look in his eyes. From the look of his cheeks, Phil could tell that Wilbur had been crying. “He wouldn’t leave me alone even after I turned back and now I’m a dad! I’m a dad! Phil, what do I do?!”
Phil sighed, “I disown you.”
No, Phil did not actually disown Wil. It’s a joke, pls. It’s a joke.
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auncyen · 3 years
So, my thoughts on bd2 so far (still not done) are both spoilery and...a little salty, so under a cut they go.  I’ll get the good out of the way first.
BDII is pretty nice as a return to the brave/default battle system and asterisk system.  The controls are pretty fluid (once I realized I could press zr to unbrave in the middle of commands lol).  Music and visuals are both nice.  THE CHARACTER THEMES ARE DISTINCTIVE AGAIN (I still like BD1′s set the most, but in BD2 I can tell you which theme is which character’s and uh.  I wouldn’t be able to do that with b2nd’s).  “A Hectic Moment” is very fun.
And then like.  Both the story and parts of the game design are baffling to me.  I was not surprised by the prologue feeling dry because.  BD game.  Partially because it was a BD game I half-expected Sloan to defy his death flag parade and simply be forced to retire due to a wound or something similar but ok, he died.  And first chapter made me hopeful!  I don’t care at all for Orpheus (even as “love to hate” he just ends up kind of “meh”) and Anihal and Bernard felt a bit one note at first, but the twist with Castor where it seemed like his flaw was prejudice and then it was oh no backstabber was good.
The maniacal laughter kind of ruined it a bit, but still, good.  (On this note, Castor and ...pretty much every ch. 2 asterisk holder had me thinking for a while that the asterisks handed out by the woman might have been tampered with and were driving people nuts, but at this point, seems firmly not to be a case, Castor was ax-crazy on his own.  Okay.)  And a later flashback about Anihal and Bernard made me regret a bit that the latter had died.
But like also at this point I’m kind of concerned that there hasn’t been any inner party conflict.  Or like.........internal doubts.  Or anything.
Ch. 2 was initially a bit funny for everyone having The Accent but eventually I got properly into it and, yes, all three people grieving a lost child was pretty touching.
Screw those woods though and why is the institute set up like that??? I know this is an RPG but guys.  Guys.  they’re supposed to be brilliant at that institute, at least one person would have set up the bare minimum of a rope ladder so they didn’t have to deal with the nonsense in between floors.
And then there was Folie.  Folie’s dungeon is AMAZING.  Her job is good.
Her boss fight is utter bs when you’re punished for using two different mage jobs and the character in general is just.............idk.  I kind of preferred Mona’s death being accidental because it seems rather odd for someone like Folie who does not seem particularly attuned to others’ emotions to be like “ah yes, let me kill zis little girl and zen all of these people will be emotionally vulnerable for me to give zem my paintings” --yes, I also hated the accent.
I am of the opinion that there is no bad VA in this game (thus far) but goodness, the direction some of them were given.
Ch. 3 was interesting intrigue wise and the reveal with Adelle was GREAT but it also hinged very heavily on this being a BD game, since they made it obvious from the start of the chapter that, hmm, there’s something funny about her.  (Honestly my guess had been shapeshifting dragon, so I wasn’t quite surprised by her saving Martha, though I WAS a little surprised by Martha not SAVING HERSELF BY JUMPING AWAY BECAUSE SHE WAS A FREAKING DRAGOON.)  The party’s surprise at this is dealt with very quickly.  Elvis’ reaction is kind of cute but it also just...........seems to cement that there’s never going to be any inner-party conflict, and there doesn’t seem to be any internal character conflict either, so it’s kind of just.  Guys.  Pls.  Something interesting.
Coming back to world design: this religion feels so dumb and poorly-designed (Martha is in DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE LORD OF DRAGONS BUT ISN’T TRUSTED TO KNOW HIS WISHES???  THE FAIRY TRIALS ARE A ‘TRADITION’ BUT ALL THE DRAGONS ARE COOL WITH ADELLE???) and why is their holy hall full of crumbling walls and is, in fact, the only place I’ve found so far to “smash rock”?  Yes, it has been bugging me.
the highlight of ch. 4 was Lonsdale, because he might not be the most original character concept, but it was interesting to have an antagonist with morals who has a friendly drink with Seth and warning for him at the tavern.  (Also Seth’s piss-poor job at pretending to be just recovered from a cough for all of one sentence.  And, in my game, while wearing heavy armor.)  The low point was finding out how absolutely pointless Adam is.
It’s just....been very mixed and somewhat mediocre with the story, and lbr bd and b2nd both had issues with story too, but bd had an endearing cast that b2nd heavily borrowed from.  The BD2 warriors of light seem very obviously inspired by bd crew but Seth never grieves his lost crew or misses his hometown or shows any uncertainty about the question of him living again.  Gloria welcomes Elvis and Adelle easily even though they’re both clear about working in self-interest and there are never any trust issues even when Adelle’s concealed identity is revealed.
I’m not saying they should have had the exact same issues (esp since Gloria didn’t have any set up for mistrusting fairies) but they don’t have ANY issues.
I may now be at a point where Gloria does have an issue but it’s just kind of...1) there should have been at least a couple tell-tale hints about this sooner, it could have been as subtle as the king of Halcyonia gently suggesting she consider the marriages which would have painted him first as possibly evil, then as possibly just sexist or out-of-touch, and then finally you realize oh he knew and was hoping they could find other solution and trying to get her to consider a future that wasn’t dying (I think he knows.  or at least I hope because if they gotta do this every 200 years then Gloria????? who knows to pass this down????  were you gonna teach your traumatized companions the secrets of being a vestal-lite as you were dying? because you didn’t.) 2) it’s just kinda.  too late.  A part of me is checked out.  I know there is more and that the bd-style tweeest is finally starting, but this was the end of ch. 5 and both the main crew and story just haven’t been that interesting.  If this wasn’t a bd game and I hadn’t gotten impatient enough about wanting to know about one detail that I spoiled myself for it being a fake ending, there is a high chance that I would have watched the credits, gone “well, okay.  that was the game” and just set it aside.
And then maybe a few days later gone “wait they never explained the book was it buried in some request” because there is SO MUCH buried in requests and reloaded the game, but yeah.  I still wanna fill in the gaps of what I’m missing, but I’m probably going to be slowing my pace and I really doubt I’m going to be active in the fandom because none of the characters have really grabbed my interest that hard.
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asterekmess · 4 years
my dude i have not watched the show (nor will i ever, when i can read metas upon metas, and your rewrite :P ), so I don't know much about talia hale 'cept for the fact that she was the previous alpha of the hale pack and that she was(? or at least seemed) understanding when derek had his eyes turn blue. i was wondering about your thoughts on talia hale, and on the significance of the blue eyes(like, is it a killing the innocent thing, or a guilt thing, or whatever else)?? thanks dude
oh man, so this might be totally convoluted, and I apologize in advance. Also, a Read More to save the civilians:
So, I haven’t seen the whole show and my knowledge of Talia Hale is limited/possibly incorrect, pls b aware.
But man, do I hate Talia Hale. So, we mostly just see her in flashbacks during the Reflection episode where Peter and Cora talk to Stiles about Derek and Gerard talks to Scott and Allison about Deucalion.
Peter and Cora, as I’m sure you know, talk to Stiles and explain Derek’s history with Paige and how he got his blue eyes. According to Peter, though the flashbacks the show gives us say otherwise, Derek was desperate to have someone bite Paige so that she would accept him being a werewolf and was convinced that as a human she would never be able to understand or accept him. Then it sort of...skipped any explanation of how it came about, but suddenly Paige is in the high school at night and Ennis shows up and bites her, and she immediately has a horrible reaction to it. Derek comes and finds her and...I really don’t understand how, but he somehow manages to get her all the way into the Preserve and down underneath the Nemeton in this root cellar that he and Peter used to go to or something?
Paige is dying and she admits to Derek she knew he was a werewolf the whole time because our boy isn’t subtle. Then she asks him to help her die, bc it hurts so bad. It’s fucking heartbreaking, but he mercy kills her. By the time his mom finds him and Paige’s body, Derek’s eyes are blue.
No one really actually explains what the fuck that’s supposed to mean. They say stuff about ‘taking an innocent life’ but...it’s so fucking weird and vague? Is it killing a human or killing someone who never killed anyone else, or just killing a ‘pure’ hearted person? Is it killing them with your claws or your wolf self, or does it include shooting someone?
They’re supposed to be a shameful thing, so lil Derek shows his mom his blue eyes and she calls them beautiful and it’s a nice moment, I guess.
But see, then she steals Derek’s memory of where the Nemeton is. For some reason that I can’t remember at the moment/wasn’t actually given. We know that shit hurts, btw. Claws in ya neck is not a pleasant sensation.
And apparently the whole Malia is Peter’s daughter thing? I had to have someone explain it to me bc my memory is shit, but apparently Peter was in love with ‘the desert wolf’ who...wasn’t a wolf she was a coyote or something?...and he gets her pregnant. and...talia doesn’t like that? Someone doesn’t like that? Anyway, once again Talia stole Peter’s memory of Corrine (is that her name?) so he had no clue that he even had a daughter. That’s the memory Peter asks Lydia to get back for him.
Now if I’m honest, those two instances are enough of a reason for me to hate Talia Hale. She’s presented in the show as being this Miracle Wolf who can full-shift (ALL HALES CAN FULLSHIFT, GET FUCKED JD) and who was like superstar Alpha of California or whatever. Known for her wisdom or whatever. Wisdom that apparently never included any plans that would protect her children in the case of a hunter attack, or keep them from revealing themselves to humans at their high school, or even allowing her fucking kid to know where the INSANELY POWERFUL NEXUS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WOODS is.
Derek didn’t even get to know who Deaton was. Like, apparently Laura knew him as some kind of advisor, but Derek didn’t know. Why the hell would you keep Deaton a secret?
Obviously Talia had no idea she would die in a tragic fire that would take out the vast majority of her family, but it still doesn’t make sense to me that her second-eldest (going by the fact we were never told Derek had any siblings other than Cora and Laura) child wouldn’t know about the magical druid who was sworn to protect the family in the case of an emergency. Laura and Derek fled to New York because they didn’t think they had anywhere else to go. What kind of Alpha leaves their kids so vulnerable and without any kind of support system outside the main house?
Anywho, in my rewrite I took some creative liberties when it came to Talia Hale and some of the other...abnormal...things I’ve noticed that the tw universe does. I twisted a few things and snipped a few others and ended up with a slightly fucked up backstory that I think makes perfect sense. *shrug*
As for the blue eyes. I personally believe that blue eyes are a symbol of guilt, not a direct result of killing an ‘innocent’ person. If the shape you take reflects the person you are, then a guilty person (and I’m talking about guilt, like the bone-deep horrible shit that you can never rid yourself of) would have blue eyes. And...apparently it’s the same with all shapeshifters, since coyotes can have them too....???
Tw makes no fucking sense.
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thebadtimewolf · 6 months
i want freema to come back as the moment.
i mean that shit.
we know she would eat 👏🏾them👏🏾up👏🏾 and the moment is a shapeshifter god, the shape shifted into billie because of ten, and shape shifted into john hurt for rassilion because of war dr with the name pandoric in ref to pandorica.
i want freema to appear as the moment the second the master is on screen i mean it.
"oh its because he couldnt stop thinkin abt r—" wrong because rassilion wasnt even liking the dr like that and yet the moment shifted into him in appearence so brush that bull reason off and try tf again babes.
plus the moment actually says they are dating to the drs face and the dr do not correct them in their face. bonkers that 13 isnt upset that the moment has rose face but rather annoyed and angry that it chose THAT one instead of who she was actually thinking about which was river and yaz. And you know what 13? Valid anger. We were robbed of moment!river and moment!yaz. go 13!.
and 15 would love it omg he would. pls give us 15martha. i rather not just watch rtd moffat essentially attempt to treat 15 like rosemickey in front of my eyes againnnn give me 15martha noww
"oh but that will ne–" neither is billie and chris reprising ninerose on screen. sit down. this aint about you.
yes its because freema and ncuti should twerk to the new beyonce album in the bts scenes. party party party
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starsreign · 4 years
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☆ /  @irnmaidn​ :  🌠 give me all of them !!! 💖            SEND 🌠 && I'LL RECOMMEND A PLOT FOR US TO TRY OUT !!  || accepting !!
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i added a few recently too so like...this gonna be long sry....
☆ AHRI.   i mean...would cass like to meet a sexy fox spirit ?? because she could if she wants !! she’s curious && fairly cordial but she’s very deadly && mysterious && just kind of comes off with an air of uncertainty whether u should trust her or not && i think that’d be fun with cass cause we kno she loves dangerous mysterious women with a taste for biting wit. but in my tangled verse it’s similar to her canon -- she’s a fox spirit && has been alive for so long, ever searching for where her people like her are && where she came from. so perhaps cass could run into her && help ahri post series ?? or she could simply be along for the ride with mysterious && selfish reasons she won’t say but either way it’s always interesting to think about when her cloak finally drops && cass gets to find out about the fox ears && nine tails ;’) also she’d probably flirt with cass sry not sry
☆ NEEKO.   iiim admittedly still working on her tangled verse cause she’s a chameleon but pls love my lesbian chameleon girl she deserves the world tbh ?? she’s extremely sweet despite her entire tribe being destroyed && killed && she FELT every single bit of it && felt her people fade away. she’s pure sunshine but she WILL fight when she has to, when there’s no other option or when people with good sho’ma are endangered. she’s looking to make a new tribe for herself now -- made up of everyone, not just oovi-kat, so she really takes in everyone who she can && who is willing. she can shapeshift by extending her sho’ma to other’s sho’ma which is a sort of spiritual essence && she can borrow their appearance, gain current emotional state && recent memories to better camouflage as them && immediately kno friend from foe so i think it’d be rly neat tbh for cass to encounter that ?? plus with neeko she wouldn’t have to open up too much or have to fight to express her emotions or voice them since neeko can feel && sense && taste emotion -- they have colours && tastes to her. she can also split herself into two, sending out a clone of herself while she becomes invisible && has a lot of floral / plant based magic as well so i think she’d rly vibe with ur cass portrayal !! but tbh she’s very chipper upbeat && kinda rapunzely personality wise -- she’s just very curious about the world && wants to learn everything since she was from a magical tribe that isolated themselves from the world, so for hundreds of years she’s literally ONLY known her tribe && their home && it’s EXTREMELY different from the world ?? she’s so used to not physically speaking && just extending sho’ma && reading emotions from each other, so she struggles with communication && that can frustrate her sometimes, but she’s knows emotions && she can see past like faking things or past all those walls she’s got up !! it’d be neat...theyd be....cute tbh... i rambled too much but i just rly love neeko sm n if u wanna kno more about her or any of these u can ask too !! also...not for nothing but neeko rly rly loves n swoons for strong badass ladies !!
☆ KINDRED.    kindred is literally just...y’kno...death, the grim reaper whatever u wanna call them !! they’re as old as the concept of death && started as one man who cleaved himself in two so he’d have a friend -- they understand the deep pain of loneliness despite having each other now because they were born from loneliness. they’d sense that from her && i think there’s plenty of times she could have met them, when death was near to her or around her && theyre certainly not entirely happy about her resurrection. they’re easily translatable into any verse but they are very ethereal && magical && love to play with people. so anything considering death. near death or perhaps just running into them if cass happens near a particularly brutal bandit robbery about to take place on the road that ultimately she wont be able to stop even if they tell her about it :’)
☆ HANA.   hjdksmd u kno i love these already n all we’ve talked about aa !! but also i’d literally be up for anything i love them sm already !! but like ?? soft moments ?? cass getting to come to her kingdom ?? getting to pilot the mechs n getting to just uuhhhh live her life be free n be happy ??
but also :eyes: hehe what if we also have a plotline where hana finds out about the moonstone thing n meets her while she has the moonstone n tries to talk her down :’) possibly mushy stuff they don’t wanna say could come out too mayhaps :thinking:
☆ AMITY.   she’s a little witch !! in her tangled verse she’s still a witch but she && her family are more in hiding about their powers && school so they’re all hidden away but amity’s family is a very, very noble family with a lot of money && power -- which extends to magic too lol. but it’d be Neat to meet cass n like amity looking up to her ?? she’s a lot like cass tbh, pretentious mean girl type who is rly rly icy n mean n sassy on the outside but she’s soft inside she just CANNOT show weakness n she oof is rly oppressed by her family n standards set for her n she ALSO has a crush on a sunshine girl who happens to be human. n she reads to younger kids n helps them out she’s softe secretly...just has a lot of pressure on her -- her parents wont let her hang around witches with lesser talent either. they’d get along i think after like tension but she’s just a lil teen witch n needs a good strong role model but she could also help cass out with the whole magic thing ykno ?? 
☆ PERFUMA.   ooooh they’d be cute !! perfuma is just...so sweet n positive n !! i’d love to interact with her in any of ur she.ra verses or i could absolutely try to fit her into a tangled verse but i’d absolutely want to keep her plant powers but that’d be neat with ur cass n her powers too !!
oh !! or aaalso, concept: we could have perfuma interacting with chrys !! n like when her n cass start working with the princess alliance n her helping them out n giving them insider info even if shes nervous n its dangerous n just perfuma helping her with that n giving her pep talks about her being brave ?? helping her with fashion stuff, helping her adjust to life where her sister can’t help as much ?? that’d be so cute bhadjksbh
☆ AKALI.   hehehee akali n cass would be hilarious at first i swear it -- they’re both headstrong, stubborn && sassy tbh. she’s from an order of acolytes that try to keep the balance of the spiritual / magical realm && the outside realms; she was raised in it && her mother && father were higher ups && very powerful in the order -- her father died in an attack led by her master’s friend on the order && they had to flee && try to remake with smaller ranks when she was very young. she succeeded her mother as the fist of the shadow but could not vibe with the way her master wasn’t taking action like she wanted to -- she wanted to restore balance in her way && she wanted to spill blood to do it because that’d be the only way to do it, so as an adult she just peaced off to do it her own way. && tbh that could fit in with a tangled verse -- just in the shadows, keeping the balance of magic unseen to most. she’s a trained assassin && she can literally throw three kunai && pierce three different hearts while in the midst of a smoke bomb like she’s insanely good -- she is also tiny n has some amazing muscles on her arms back && has very visible abs n she sexy n she kills me daily !! but they could get along ?? she does some magic but she was never the best at it tbh but depending on where in the timeline they meet it could be interesting ?? like s1 would be neat for her to meet someone like akali ?? another strong woman fighter but she also comes from a place that praised women’s strength instead of putting it down -- buuuuut she was hiiiighly ignored by her own mother in favour of another neophyte growing up so....ykno...Mood right ?? it stings a lot -- she saved everyone from a corrupted tree spirit n had the girl she looked up to spit in her face because she lost her leg n blamed it on akali && then her mother praised the girl instead of akali despite the other kids telling her what akali had done n singlehandedly dragged them to safety n she was like around nine or ten or so at the time... but it’d be cool if they met s1 n got to kno each other n maaaybe akali joins them on their journey since it has a lot to do with restoring the magical balance of the world n they could use a master assassin but also...the angst with cass taking the moonstone n the conflict akali would face about having to oust her cause ykno...shes fucking up the balance n thats her ykno....entire purpose riiiip
☆ WIDOWMAKER.   IDK BUT OOF i love widow. i haven’t thought about a tangled verse or a fantasy verse but like uuhhh something about being a french noblewoman married to a freedomfighter but ending up being brainwashed by some magical sect or talon but they’re part of zhan tiris crew or whatever ?? might be neat. she killed her husband && she’s just a little bit possessed now && a ruthless killer. so maaaaaybe....her trying to stop them on their journey to the dark kingdom ?? but her brainwashing starts wearing off the more she’s away from the source tbh -- but also, she’d be on cass’ side when she has the moonstone n honestly that’s very powerful, she’d have a very powerful ally to keep her on track && help like tell her she’s doing great because in the end she’s on zhan tiris side && she can probably see her the whole time && would be working to help get her back to power. also up in the air whether she ends up regaining herself later on && helping cass escape or whatever but she’d feel intensely guilty yikes but anyway i think it’d be honestly rly rly interesting n i’d love to do something with this if u’d be up for it bhdajkmd n like i said we can talk about any of these if u want too !! 
☆ BENSON.   i have zero ideas for this right now because his series is just so far removed from tangled....it’s a post apocalyptic universe where there’s extremely large animals some of which can talk n want to destroy humans who all live under the surface mostly except the ones who try to survive on the surface. TBH u’d love it...i think u’d love wolf specifically too ?? i dont wanna spoil anything but yeah it might be something u might enjoy ??
but also like mlm wlw solidarity pls ?? he’s a pretty carefree but smart gay teen, he’d get along pretty well with her n play off her iciness cause he’s just like that ?? he started off just caring only for himself n his bug buddy n just thieving a lot but like got a lot of character development -- but i guess he could be a thief in tangled verse ?? n like grow out of it or she could show him there’s better ways n stuff ?? idk...
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Soulmate au any thing you write on your skin shows on your soulmates skin With Emile, Deciet, and Remy pls
This one ended up not being super focused on the actual writing on the skin, but it’s still got a decent importance in the story.
Pairings: RED (Remy, Emile, Deceit)
Warnings: Insecurity, mentions of transphobia (I think that’s it but please tell me if there are more)
Word Count: 1.3k
Deceit’s name is Emery
Emile sought out a lot of validation as a kid, but he always found himself falling behind. In the first grade, one of the girls in his class had been praised for colouring a picture where there was no white spots left. The next day, Emile coloured in his assignment perfectly, staying in the lines, and with no white spots. He enthusiastically called the teacher over. “Look! Look Miss Zimmer, I don’t have any white spots,” he said proudly. The teacher had simply nodded and moved on to the next kid as Emile stared down sadly at his picture.
In the second grade, a boy in his class had brought in a story that he wrote, and he’d read it to the class. The teacher loved it, and let the boy pick a toy from the prize bin–usually reserved for anyone who got a high mark on an assignment. Emile, who loved to write, worked long and hard on a story and brought it in a week later. It wasn’t very long, just a few pages, but he was proud of it. And when he finished reading it to the class, he waited for the teacher to tell him to pick a toy from the bin, but instead he’d just been instructed to sit down, given a pat on the back. That night, Emile had thrown out the story.
Then came fifth grade, where Emile was running in a track race. He’d gotten first in his heat, but no one was cheering for him. His friends were all sitting on their blankets on the other side of the field. The kid in second place had gotten more praise, and Emile took his ribbon halfheartedly, sneaking past his friend’s blankets in order to hide away in the school bathrooms.
And on and on and on.
He never really understood why he’d started seeking out the praise in the first place. It may have had something to do with his parents both working full time to support their “perfect little girl.” Then he’d realized he was a boy, and now, maybe it was that. Maybe it was that that was all he would ever be to them. They had a daughter, not a son. Maybe that was why, when his Soulmates drew on their skin, he’d stopped following suit after the fourth grade. He watched as their artistic skills got better and better as he fell behind, now only writing compliments and praise next to the others’ drawings rather than making his own. And they never seemed to notice, just like everyone else. But Emile wasn’t really upset. He was used to being last place. Someone always had to be, right?
In high school, Remy and Emery–Emile’s other Soulmate–had met. After they’d graduated, with Emile just one year behind, they’d moved in together. There had been a slight pang of jealousy, with Emile having met neither of them yet, but he was able to push it to the side and pretend it didn’t bother him. Really, it was just another thing he’d be last at. And he would meet them eventually anyways.
One morning, when Emile was in line for coffee, admiring his Soulmate’s newest pattern on their arm–his Soulmate Remy had moved from drawings to abstract doodles in middle school–he felt a tap on his shoulder.
“Where did you see that?“ 
Emile turns around, sleeve still rolled up to reveal the pattern on his skin. Behind him stood a man in sunglasses and a leather jacket, black hair ruffled. After a moment, Emile realized he hadn’t answered and sticks out his arm. "One of my Soulmates drew it,” he says. “He’s really good at these little patterns that he does.” Emile immediately regrets saying it. 
He was always self-conscious about saying that his Soulmates were boys, because he knew that everyone would automatically assume that Emile was a girl because of it. Like he wasn’t allowed to say he was a boy if his Soulmate was too. 
But the man didn’t seem to mind, instead his eyes widen. “Wait,” he says, grabbing Emile’s arm and holding it up to his face. At this point they’ve scooted out of the line, and Emile stumbles forward as his arm is pulled up. “I drew this. Just this morning!”
Emile stares in awe. “Remy?” he says quietly. The mans face breaks into a smile.
“That’s me,” he says, moving his hand from Emile’s arm to hold his hand. Emile grins. “And you must be Emile. Unless Emery decided to shapeshift all of a sudden,” he jokes. Emile can’t help but laugh. 
“No, it’s me. I’m Emile.” He was so caught up in the fluttery feeling of meeting his Soulmate that he didn’t even have time to think about the fact that Remy hadn’t brought up the obvious fact that Emile was trans. Usually it was all Emile could think about, how strangers would see him and, because he wasn’t able to get a proper binder, they would immediately think he was a girl. No matter how short he cut his hair. But Remy didn’t mention it as they got back in line, and Remy bought Emile’s coffee for him.
They walk out of the shop together, Remy’s hand still in Emile’s. “Do you want to come over and meet Emery?” Remy said suddenly. “He’d love to meet you.”
Emile found himself at a loss for words for a moment. He was going to meet both of his Soulmates in one day! Maybe he’d even be able to move in with them, if they let him! He nodded enthusiastically. “I’d love to meet him too,” he says, letting Remy lead him to their house.
Remy pushed the front door open, cupping one hand over his mouth and calling out. “Emery! Someone’s here to meet you!” After a few moments of silence, he adds, “I swear I’m not trying to make you do the recycling again!”
Hesitant footsteps come from the stairs to the right, and Emile looks up expectantly, his heart starting to flutter again. His second Soulmate! In one day! Oh, what will he look like? Will he get along well with Emile?
A short man jumps down the final few stairs, his head turned toward the entrance. His head cocks to the side, eyes searching Remy before going to Emile, looking him up and down. One of his eyes is blank; White and hollow, looking as though it’s not taking in any information. Emile smiles bashfully from behind Remy.
“Emery,” Remy starts. “This is Emile. I ran into him when I went out.”
Emery’s eyes widen, a grin spreading across his face. “Emile?” Again, that fluttery feeling. Emile’s hand unlatches from Remy’s and he rushes up the two front stairs, almost throwing his arms around Emery before hesitating. Emery doesn’t seem to notice though, and still leans forward to hug Emile, who tucks himself into Emery’s neck. 
“God, it’s so good to finally put a face to your name,” Emery says gently. “I thought I would go crazy, not knowing how handsome you are.”
Emile sputters, pulling away from the hug and blushing. Remy laughs, walking up to meet them. “I don’t know,” he says. “I might still go crazy, just look at him.” Emile is at a loss for words again. He’s not used to this much praise. He shyly tucks his arms together, smiling besottedly up at his Soulmates.
“Do you want a drink? I can get you something to drink?” Emery says, but Emile shakes his head.
“I just had a coffee before we got here,” he says. “I think… I think I just want to relax.”
They decided to just sit down and wait until dinner, with Remy suggesting they get take out so it’s less effort. In truth, neither of them wanted to leave Emile’s side to cook. After a bit of awkward conversation about what show to watch, they were huddled together, with Emile in the middle, feeling more loved than he ever had.
Maybe some of his issues could wait. For now, he wanted to enjoy their company.
I might do a second part to this, I left some things unattended to……
Send Me a Soulmate AU prompt!
My Other Fics
Tag List: @monikastec @misstallip @aikogumi @another-emo-blog @roses-for-roman @confinesofpersonalknowledge @phoenix-galaxies @well-love-has-failed-me @theresneverenoughfandoms @lilbit-gay @em-loves-them @logicaltimeink @never-end1ng-suffering @kameraishere @saltypaint @hot-tea-and-sweater-paws @analogical-mess @jemthebookworm @crownswriter123 @my-analogical-romance @pawtonsanders @clone-number-1 @romansleftshoulderpad
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magic-owl · 5 years
i wish these had numbers to not take up room but alas: what is your absolute favorite ship? what’s a ship you like that most people don’t? what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion? (choose any of your fave pairings for the following bc I'm curious about all your faves) rate [pairing] from 1-10 and explain why. what’s your favorite headcanon of [pairing]? what’s your favorite canon moment of [pairing]? favorite AU ideas for [pairing]? what song(s) remind you of [pairing]?
Thank you my dear! You are my Star Wars Friend so I’ll keep it SW focused (if you wanted to ask this to solely find out what else I liked BESIDES SW sorry lol just let me know and I can redo it). This got long because turns out I have a lot to say about my ships so answers under the cut!!! xD
Absolute favorite ship: This one’s kinda hard but I’m gonna have to go with Obi Wan/Anakin! I also like them a lot as a trio with Padmé, but overall I gotta say these two are just my faves? Why? Because they are such a M E S S and gosh I just love them so much. Ppl say they don’t like each other very much but come on, have you watched the TCW, have you watched RotS, they’re the greatest team there ever was, they’re constantly fretting and worrying about each other, they’re always teasing (the constant banter omg boys pls) at each other and hyping the other up and believing in each other and Ahsoka literally calls them her adoptive guardians in the Ahsoka novel, that’s how much of a family they were and ugh they’re just so married. And they’re such a TRAGEDY and it breaks my heart and it’s delicious to watch because in the final fight it’s just heartbreaking betrayal because through it all they love each other so much and that’s WHY they’re so furious with each other because to them it feels like the ultimate betrayal. Even after (when after everything, Obi Wan still loved Anakin too much to kill him himself) they’re constantly on the other’s mind, and ugh the pain hurts but in such a good way, and how in the end Anakin did the right thing and Obi Wan was RIGHT THERE to help guide him back to the light in spirit and now they can rest happily together for eternity (with some spare stressing about, ya know, Kylo Ren and the impending return of Sidious, but never mind all that). and on top of that, it’s my fave because I also absolutely love their relationship platonically as well, as much as I LIKE to see them together, it’s not necessary for me because they have such an enjoyable dynamic. *coughs* Sorry, so yea, they’re my disaster faves! 😅
A ship I like that most people don’t: See above lol. I get aspects of the Obikin ship can be problematic in the whole power dynamic and age difference thing, but I’ve only ever shipped it after Anakin was knighted as an adult when there’s literally not a problem with it (it was weird for me because I watched the prequels totally out of order. I actually saw the TCW cartoon FIRST and then I saw RotS and then I didn’t watch the first two for a while after that because I was a fool and listened to prequel bashers who said the first two weren’t good, so when I started shipping them as adults that was all I saw them as). To be honest, for the most part the PT fandom is done with the drama since ya know, like a good half of the SW general fandom still hates us, so no one’s really vocal about not liking it and our shipping community is mostly left to ourselves, but every once in a while I’ll come across a joke post/fanart of the two and OP will be all snarky in the notes like “tag as a ship and I’ll come after you with my spiked bat” (someone’s exact words btw) and it’s like ok jeez, do not interact then, was minding my own business dude...
My most underrated ship: Hmmmm....... Gonna have to go between Luke/Ezra and Satine/Padmé. Skybridger I understand since they’ve literally never met in canon, but come ON, they’d get along like a house on fire and argh they should have met, it would be great. I honestly don’t get why Pads and Satine aren’t more of a thing (THEY DON’T EVEN HAVE AN OFFICIAL SHIPNAME ;_; ) cuz c’mon they’re the subtler explosive yin to Obi and Ani’s wildfire yang. They get along great and work together really well, and they both seem to have a type. I am doing them a little better in my new OT4 fic, and I hope ppl like it!!! Ya know what, I’m also gonna add Kaeden (cute girl from the Ahsoka novel!) and Ahsoka because even if a lot of ppl actually ship them, they hardly have any content and neED MORE DANGIT THEY WERE SO CUTE!!!!!!!
Gonna go with Obikin for all the following ones cuz I haven’t had the chance to gush about my boys in a while and you’ve opened Pandora’s box
Rate them from 1-10: 10, plus a hundred more points because I love them, then subtract that hundred again cuz Anakin is an gotdang idiot who ruined it and now they both make me cry. My scoring reasons are that they make me feel all the emotions and I love them Ever So Much and argh.
Fave headcanon: Oh boy, I’ve got a couple actually!
Whenever they’re talking/arguing over the phone, they’re always subconsciously mirroring each other’s actions even when they can’t see what the other is doing. It’s kinda creepy because you’ll hear yelling and it’ll look like one of them’s talking to an invisible person in front of them when it’s actually each other.
There has been multiple instances of them both getting injured in battle because they were distracted watching the other be a total badass (not that either will admit it)
Neither of them are morning people. AT ALL. Obi Wan actually has self-discipline and is able to get up with an alarm and crankily drag them both up, but both are almost impossible to deal with until they’ve had caffeine in them, and it’s been established that unless you want to risk murder, neither of them talks in the morning until caffeine has been provided.
There has been many, many cases of accidentally taking the other’s robe and not realizing it but thinking to themselves that said robe feels more comforting than usual today.
A mutually drunken arm wrestling match absolutely turned into a mutually drunken makeout once. Neither can remember it, and they wonder why some of the clones have been acting funny all week.
Half of the Temple thinks they’re already dating.
Ok I’ll stop it here
Fave Canon Moment: Ughhh, this is HARD. I really like the “any closer and you’d be kissing it” line in TCW, basically any moment in TCW when one of them refers to Ahsoka as “OUR padawan”, the extra long stares and unnecessary touches they give each other in TCW, the elevator scene in RotS movie (THE NOVEL MAKES IT A MILLION TIMES BETTER), also in RotS the way Anakin is half-ready to straight up fight Palpatine when he suggests leaving Obi Wan behind to die, the RotS “No loose wire jokes” bit, the RotS “Roger. Roger.” bit (OKAY JUST THE WHOLE FIRST HALF OF THIS RIDICULOUS MOVIE), the way Vader built his big stupid castle where they had their breakup, the way he’s constantly mentioning Obi Wan when the convo wasn’t even about him, seeing them together again at the end of RotJ (whoops you asked for one, you get MANY SCENES)
Fave AU ideas: Again, there’s a couple!
Superpower AU: Can’t decide whether I’d put this in canon or modern. Most powers in this AU are stolen from inspired by X-Men, DC, and other popular media, so I’m torn between Anakin having Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix style powers while Obi Wan had a variation on Rogue’s with additional energy manipulation. OR it would be a thing where Anakin could commune with the dead a la Klaus from Umbrella Academy while Obes had sort of Avatar-style wind/flight powers. (Both are relevant for different plots).
Sith AU: I know these are far from unpopular in the SW fandom, but the way I’d do it would be to try and write two stories at once, update one every other week so one update a week total. The stories would what would happen if either of them became the Sith Apprentice after the events of Episode 1, and how their dynamic would be during Ep 2 and The Clone Wars with one of them on the other side. It’s funny because the way I’ve plotted it, the Sith!Ani fic would have very big Good Omens vibes, while the Sith!Obi one would have very strong Under the Red Hood vibes, so two VERY different dynamics going on xD
WWII Spies: This is one I 100% plan to write someday, even tho it is a very long time from now. It’s basically following Anakin as an American naval pilot who got injured in a crash and discharged. He still wants to serve and eventually his talent gets him into the intelligence end of the war and sent to Europe where he meets Ben, who’s been working with British intelligence since it broke out, and sparks fly. I’m kind of cheating here cuz as of now this is an Obianidala story, not just Obikin, but it’s one I’m very excited for
Phantom of the Opera AU: This idea I had when I realized that Anakin as Vader is kinda a Lot like the Phantom, but he’s also a Lot like Christine too. So it turned into Anakin as a talented ballet dancer getting preyed on by Palpatine!Phantom (there is NO romance there, Palpy is a total creep and will be treated as such) with Obi Wan as a combination of Raoul and Madame Gery and I have a bunch of ideas and idk if it’s gonna be an actual thing, but I want it to.
Shapeshifter AU: Canon, not very complicated but they can all shift into animals. Obi Wan is a kind of cougar panther cat with a fluffy ginger tail, and Anakin is a big grumpy black Krayt Dragon with a stump for a front leg.
Not A Jedi!AU: One in canon in which set like the Sith!AU, two different stories exploring how their dynamic would be if one of them wasn’t found by the Order. As of now, I’ve got Anakin as the warrior pirate prince of Tatooine, after having grown up and staged a slave rebellion, then promptly put his mother on the throne, and Obi Wan’s there to negotiate something during TCW and things happen. For the Obi Wan one, he’s a political journalist and war correspondent who keeps on running into Anakin’s assignments and popping up where he’s stationed and Anakin has to keep this idiot from getting himself killed/stop asking me annoying questions that criticize the Jedi and the government.
Dark!AU: A kind of morbid canon divergent fic where Padmé dies early and unexpectedly (Palps didn’t plan it). Anakin goes off the rails and Obi Wan agrees to go with him on a murder vengeance roadtrip to try and keep him from Falling or the Sith from getting to him. He kinda fails and they both Fall in a way and it ends with them hunting down Sidious’ players one by one. I’m not entirely sure I want to continue with this tho because it plays strongly on the Fridged Woman trope, which I can’t stand. I’d have to figure out how to give Padmé some sort of active role after her death...
Songs to describe them: There’s a couple (I could have very well gone cranky but I decided to do (mostly) serious))(also my music taste kinda stinks)
Icarus— Bastille
Animal I Have Become— Acoustic cover by Vitamin String Quartet (original by Three Days Grace) (seriously y’all listen it’s sooooo gooooood)
Warriors— Imagine Dragons
My Demons— STARSET
Ignorance— Paramore
Set Fire to the Rain— Adele
Stubborn Love— The Lumineers
How to Save A Life— The Fray (yes i am aware it is stereotypical angst song leave me Alone it FITS)
Viva la Vida— Coldplay (tbh this fits like the entire PT but I liked it)
Raised by Wolves— U2 (another more PT-centric, but this one works dangit)
Bonus Broadway Song! : Confrontation from Les Miserables (now that ya think of it, that would be a pretty good AU too.....)
Bonus Broadway Song! : The Tango Maureen from Rent (I always imagined this one as Obi Wan and Padmé about Anakin, but it would be about something other than cheating cuz canon has established Anakin views cheating as a worse crime than murder, so yea)
Bonus Broadway Song! : Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better (aight this one’s mostly a joke but come ON don’t tell me that’s not completely them xD)
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gionamim · 5 years
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BRIANNE TJU,  CISFEMALE, SHE/HER.  —  looks  like GIONA MIM is  attending   AURORIA UNIVERSITY  in  auradon.  they’re  the  NINETEEN  year  old  child  of MADAM MIM,  which  means  they’re  from  THE ISLE OF THE LOST.  heard  they’re  SOCIABLE  &  LOYAL,  but  can  also  be  RECKLESS  &  FORLORN  ;  we all have our bad days.  people  normally  associate  them  with  LETTING MUSIC LEAD YOUR BODY , MUSHING A PIE ONTO SOMEONE’S FACE , STOMPING AROUND IN BOOTS TOO BIG TO FEEL POWERFUL ,  CLOSING THE DOOR SO NO ONE SEES YOU WISHING ON A STAR —  
hello hello !!! it took me way too long to plan this child but now that she’s here im so excited for her !! pls if u like cabaret, magic, baking, and bitching, then step right up !!!
NAME: giona giulietta mim
AGE: 19 
HEIGHT: 5′1″ (smol)
BDAY: november 2 ( scorpio! )
DEATHPLACE: .....camelot
vk colours: pink and green and black
tattoos of constellations dotted and lined on her left calf: the lyra, and scorpio
dotted by herself
she has no pulse, no heartbeat
she doesn’t bleed
body temperature is cold
her skin heals quicker than average, if damaged
DOESN’T LOOK ‘DEAD’ (no dead skin, no disconnecting limbs)
she actually looks pretty perfect lol thats the star in her heart ayyy
when she’s truly happy*, she glows (like a halo around her head)
*truly happy = well ..... it’s a case-by-case basis
ON THE ISLE: it wouldn’t have been a full halo ... just more like a sparkle in her eye 
madam mim has always been an average witch, but the way she gains excessive power momentarily is by eating the hearts of other witches, wizards, and magical creatures. this was how she fought merlin, way back when. and when she was defeated, she was furious, distraught, ashamed, embarrassed, but mainly furious
she spent years trying to find the perfect heart to consume, the one that would give her the ultimate power to defeat merlin once and for all (petty bitch)
and it took her years and years. TOO LONG, in fact. because by the time she found one, the creation of the isle of the lost had been found, and she was running out of time.
she figured out that the way to beat merlin was to use his own tools against him: LOVE, BELIEF, GOODNESS. and she was losing power, so there were no pure hearts to be found easily (though snow white had plenty of children, they were too heavily guarded), so she sought other means. 
she studied the lore of stars. she charted, planned, and waited for the next fallen star. it is said that if you were to consume the essence of a star, you would be filled with the purest magic of all, an everlasting, and sustaining magic. 
a week before she’s meant to be thrown into the isle, she finds a star. 
but it’s not all she thought it would be. the essence of the star was so pure, it was fading in her evil hands. in its raw form, it refused to be consumed, let alone touched, by her. so she wrapped it up in a cloth (its light already fading slowly), and scurried away, seeking another way to keep the star and ultimately eat it. 
bear in mind this is all just to defeat merlin 
she experiments quickly, using millifractions of the star and testing it on different creatures: she finds out that if she chooses the little woodland creatures and let them eat the heart -- and she eats their hearts...she’s awashed with the intense magic. 
but how to find a large enough heart that will stay alive all these years in the isle? she decides to find her child. the child she abandoned decades ago, the one where she can’t even remember where she left it. 1 year old, wandering the woods, died in the cold of winter. but she knows where it would have gone -- to the land of the dead.
and there, she finds a wizened old skeleton (elder gutknecht) telling her that she simply cannot take the dead out as she pleases -- but madam mim uses the last of her magic to find a way and now she finally has a capsule in which to keep the essence of the star
she keeps it in her daughter’s heart. and as soon as it is in there, the girl comes back to life -- well, an almost-life. she has no blood rushing through her veins, no heartbeat. she doesn’t feel pain or exhaustion as a living girl does. 
on the isle, mim begins a MIM’S MUSICALE -- a cabaret show and dinner theatre. giona is the cleaner and the waitress, as soon as she was old enough to carry a tray of food and a mop&bucket. it helps when your child’s half-dead and somehow seems more energetic at night. 
this is where mim’s ego truly thrives bc even tho she’s lost her shapeshifting powers, its still like 7 nights a week, ppl going to HER place to watch HER perform (like they have a choice lmao)
probably gives herself awards
fast forward to 12 yrs old: mim is settling into isle life but still impatient for when she and the other villains can break out. she hears giona singing while washing the dishes from the night before. the girl can sing. and, yes she was losing patrons bc mim’s performances are just too abstract for ppl to like (clearly). so she forces giona to become the new act. makes her perform, sing, dance, every night. 
mim almost forgets that there’s a star in this girl’s heart. she almost forgets, until she sees those small moments when giona’s in the kitchen, when she thinks mim can’t see her; baking a small cupcake from whatever ingredients she could find, and though there’s no magic allowed on the isle ... there is still something unnaturally bright about that girl. and she hates her for it. 
this ‘goodness’ and ‘purity’ thing is very merlin-y and she HAAAAATES THAT
so she works giona to death (sort of). and tells her she’s ugly. and bullies her into low self-esteem. 
16 years old: mim is getting more restless about being trapped in the isle. she decides to take action again. she begins to teach giona the mim magic, which is hexes and jinxes and shapeshifting, and ofc, a hatred for merlin. 
but by this time, giona’s made up her own mind about her life. and she won’t let her mother live it. 
SUMMARY: giona was dead and brought back to life with star-essence that mim put inside her heart, so she will eat the heart when giona breaks her out of the isle and then she’ll use that star magic to destroy merlin and be considered the greatest sorceror once and for all mwahahahaha. also the star thing is a complete secret, mim hasn’t told ANYONE and giona has no clue about the glowy thing.
she has no heartbeat, her body is sort of cold, doesn’t bleed, doesn’t need as much sleep
probably if they’re the kind of friends that like ... are genuinely good for each other lmao, they probably saw a bit of giona’s ‘glow’ when she’s truly happy
100 bad bitches can’t tell me nothin’
still a sort of mini-mim because giona also has a very short temper and is prone to just .... never letting things go lmao 
hates her mother: found out at a young age that actually, she’s not ugly, and she’s not stupid and she starts to drown out mim’s nagging and bullying
but still, in the middle of the night (bc for some reason she feels more active at night and cant sleep), she hears her mother’s voice in her head and cries herself to sleep
loves music & shows & plays & acting & performing:  but hates being forced by her mother to do everything. she hates being forced to sing by someone, she hates being told what to do
hate hate hate !!!!
loves to bake: little cupcakes and muffins and baked goods, and cookies ofc, and bread, she loves to make all kinds of bread and pastries. at least, that’s the dream. on the isle, she’d be lucky if she could find clean flour. so far, she’s only made cookies and tiny cupcakes.
these foods are only reserved for her friends, and they are all SWORN to secrecy that they will never tell her mother
loyal to a fault: once she feels she can trust you, she will never let u go. it’s ride or die. growing up with a mother hell-bent on hating her, she began to appreciate the few friends she made on the isle, and will do absolutely anything for them
still tho she’s like ..... she’s a bitch first and a friend later 
loud as hell and speaks her mind and would probably get a tattoo that says NO RAGRETS.
doesn’t know anything about her heart: all she knows is that her mother tells her to keep herself safe, otherwise all that “business of trying to bring you back to life will be for nothing”. 
so yeah, she knows she was dead. but she just believes her mother used necromancy to bring her back, and it clearly didn’t work the whole way because she’s not fully alive
but you wouldn’t even know it unless you tried to find a heartbeat
[ how they feel about heroes/villains ]
giona only hates one thing for sure that is her mother lmao
merlin ???? will be fun to see but like otherwise doesnt give two shits, will probably praise him and send him a cupcake to thank him for defeating her mum
operates on a “if you mess with me, i will mess with you back” basis
doesn’t want to join any squads that plan to ‘ruin auradon’ because to her its just hakuna matata bro let it go why can’t you just be happy we’re actually here ?? lets fuckin run away !!!
from the isle:
VKs who regularly came to MIM’S MUSICALE and saw her perform! she will hate the reminder ty 
MIM probably also hired a few weekly performers, ppl who performed once a night so if ur muse was a performer on the isle pls hmu !!!! 
VK friends that giona met and has them try her tiny baked goods 
they must love the cupcakes and cookies OR ELSE >:(
now in auradon:
those who know magic, who would investigate/recognise why she glows when she’s ‘truly happy’ and tell her that she’s a STAR and that her mother is probably planning to EAT HER
women/nb to squad up with and go shopping with and basically pls give her a girl squad she will fight anyone for you and you can do each other’s nails and just MAKE HER TRULY HAPPY W REAL FRIENDS AAHHH
someone to show her the kitchens :0 and take her grocery shopping :0
MAGIC PPL TO TEST-DRIVE MAGIC WITH. i’m talking fun duels, and pranking people pls.
musicals ?? to join ??? where she can finally play the roles she wants to play, and sing the songs she wants to sing ??? amazin
shapeshifts into any animal !
shapeshifts their size ! can be teeny-tiny or gigantic
shapeshifts their features to look a little different ??? like can look hideous, or more beautiful, or taller, or with bigger ears -- but can’t change into a whole other person
potions and hexes and jinxes take more concentration, but she can do it
oKAY SO !!!!
the star part is greatly inspired by Stardust, the movie, especially the part about her glowing when she’s truly happy
mim is essentially growing her child to one day be able to eat her heart, gain the infinite powers, and defeat merlin
but since giona is the star (over the years, the star became a part of her heart), rather than someone who consumed it, the magic works differently for her. so she glows, and she heals easily, and she is awake more at night. with giona, the star ecomes a way of being rather than a power-source.
if her heart were to be taken out, she would go back to being dead, with no hope of a second life as an undead or zombie, because the star is the only life giona actually has. once it is gone, she is nothing.
giona can still do all of madam mim’s typical magic ! shapeshifting is the big one, and her thing is pink-green coloured animals. 
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wooahaes · 2 years
layton anon again ^-^
pls don't feel to pressured about quick updates or anything and take your time with writing!! It's supposed to be a fun hobby to you and I don't mind waiting for updates at all ☺️
I totally understand the anxiety thing about taking the meds; seems like a good choice to do it when family is around :)
fjdhfjh shigure's voice actor was so good omg i agree 👀 omg i totally do the drafting too. ngl i have a bunch of small notes about which pairings i wanna go to and which classes they have to be to gain which skills etc. but all the re-classing is just a little exhausting gjfdhd i think i can count the games i've actually played through on one hand and the ones i've sorta abandoned... not so much
no matter what kinda fire emblem au it is, hoshi's love for tigers needs to have a place in it (makes me think a tiger shapeshifting class would be really cool for him too👀)
(totally a gree on the rally skills!!) also war cleric for joshua feels so perfect. like that's literally The class for him, after you said it I can't see anything else fdfhdjsh thief/trickster would also work so well for hannie!! maybe even assassin
I love cavalier vernon that's such a good fit! I think Dino would also have a pretty physical class, though maybe more offensive and less defensive...I think i'd like to see him wield an axe hfjdhf
For Seungkwan I think he might not be a close combat class. I can see him using magic, also things like silence staffs and so on...
As always I hope you have a good day!! <3 -layton anon
omg hi layton anon!! sorry for not responding sooner :( i hope u are doing well!!
i think, thankfully for me, i don't really feel pressured to write something just to get it out? if i have stuff posted, i'm happy to share it, but i like to feel content w my work when i post it. stuff like UtS will get finished in due time, and i don't intend on ever forcing myself to post a part if im not satisfied w it. they're big projects for a reason. i might feel bad that im not writing fast enough, but sometimes i just need to sit back and chill and then come back to writing with a fresh mind.
ive honestly been feeling better? only shit thing today was the fact i was sniffly as hell but ive got year-round allergies so its normal lol
ooo fun!! my drafting is usually just what pairings i want to do and i'll figure stuff out in the moment. some characters i always end up changing (like mozu in fates!! shes SO good as an archer imo). i feel that tho re-classing is such a pain but its worth it
oh big big big mood. rip to the video games i abandoned to replay other games lmao
yess <3 honestly shapeshifting tiger class for hoshi would be super fun >:3
shua just has the "im a healer, but..." vibes to him. i cannot help it. gentle man who can heal u but also ive seen his arms and he could kill.
axe wielding dino omg... im honestly thinkin maybe mercenary -> hero dino? im going off fates rn but sword/axe dino... clenches fist. yes.
troubadour kwannie is a thought? going off fates again but troubadour -> strategist kwannie was where i was going. give him a horse.
thank u layton anon ily <3 take care!!
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