#|| dark souls: I love dragons!
luckyberet · 11 months
Marylin in Demons Souls: Gets in trouble for merely being a sorcerer, still proceeds to keep magic safe.
Marylin in DS1: Gets herself in trouble by seeking Logan and some other sorcerers... Starts quest to salvage all sorcery before it's gone. Begins to tutor students for novice spells, while learning more advanced ones and the most rare: soul sorcery. Then gets in trouble with the Scaleless.
Marylin in DS2: Gets out of crystal golem she was trapped, like princess Dusk, her adventure starts in the mines - gets in trouble with the loyal ones to the royalty but otherwise she is pretty fine - exclude target on her head. Her collection is increasing. She has started to study dark magic too but lacks faith to properly use it.
Marylin in DS3: Gets in trouble again for being filthy magic user, spends sometime trapped in Irithyll for interrogations - she just cannot get a break. By now her collection is big and she could be compared to Logan if not beyond herself. Some recognize her as a grand mage, while she has never been officially given the title.
Marylin in Bloodborne: Academic. Finds an remnant of Ebrietas and keeps the slug as a pet. Ends up under wing of a church worker, becoming his assistant while seeking knowledge of the old ones.
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heybiji · 8 months
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dandelion casually dropping traumatic information while insisting that instead of killing the problem wizard they simply burn his tongue
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chicxibalba · 7 months
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daily ornstein
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val-of-the-north · 11 months
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Dark Souls dragon lore
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Ornstein likes the rain. He often just sits as high as he can outside when a storm rolls in, staring at the clouds and kicking his feet.
He's fine getting struck by lightning too, as his armor dispells (most) of the damage, and lets him absorb the energy from the lightning strike.
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vaguely-concerned · 1 month
sophia's time in redcliffe is such an emotional roller coaster I feel so bad for her lol
morning: village is saved with minimal casualties. people look at her with admiration and gratitude rather than fear. several tricky political situations successfully navigated, irving would be so proud. really getting the hang of this saving the day thing! :) sounds like some drama up at the castle, almost makes a person happy to not have a traditional family, phew glad that's not my problem! the boy she likes professes his love for her in front of a stunning view over redcliffe castle in the most adorable and soul-affirming way, a moment that she'll look back to later in life when she's happy in herself and say 'that. that was what changed everything, that is my anchor in hope'. aw yeah everything is coming up sophia amell
by lunchtime: her fuckup little brother (who is older than her) is in a dungeon and has reached dizzying heights of fuckup even she had not believed him capable of. she finds the righteous anger she's been using to block out everything else she feels around him can't survive his sad tired eyes and now everything is Complicated. at BEST they're going to kill him oh fuck oh fuck. isolde feared her child being sent to the circle so much she did all of this instead. teagan has been so kind and courteous the whole time, and he 'can't imagine the boy as a mage, of all things'. ha. ahaha. get in bitch it's time to finally face all that childhood and systemic trauma you've been pretending doesn't even affect you that much this is going to suck
(you love the Circle. you love the Circle. you love the Circle. love isn't love if it doesn't bleed. right? right. (alistair gave her the rose so carefully, with such attention and intention, so the thorns wouldn't tear her open. the petals are soft against the pad of her thumb.) she doesn't let jowan out of the dungeons because she remembers what happened the last two times she took her eyes off him for five fucking minutes, and she didn't protect him then -- she'll do it now, this time she'll stand up for him, and that will fix it, surely. SURELY. we're bargaining staging this for all it's worth baby. her love is what dooms him to tranquility, ultimately. that she didn't let go of him, this time. and she'll live with knowing that for decades. augh)
she goes to her dad irving for help and he provides it with characteristic aplomb -- connor is freed, day saved yet again! (there's something so funny and like... immensely first year college student coded about the 'uh. this is a lot. let me call my dad real quick' vibes going on here lol) but irving won't meet her eyes whenever jowan's name is spoken and doesn't pick up on her tentative hinting, the way their conversations usually go, doesn't initiate a Clever Plot like she thought he might, and it all turns to ash in her mouth. she's just saved a family, and didn't even understand she herself had one until it went all to shit and she realized no one else would ever save it -- no one else would never even think to try. the templars would close the doors and burn the place down with her family still inside, and no one would stop them.
she looks at irving's impassive face which for once offers no guidance, with a child's grief and terror as they first understand that a parent's hands can't fix everything, that they're only human with human limitations too. all at once she understands that he let go of jowan in his heart completely the moment he found out the templars had conclusive proof against him -- that as first enchanter you would go mad if you grieved every child lost that way, you have to put up some kind of framework in your mind to rationalize it and make it bearable. (and how could she blame him -- she did the same thing, after all. she's just less practiced with sticking to it yet.)
it's the first time she feels deeply how she was not abandoned when irving sent her away from the circle, because she's seen what his abandonment looks like now. and how could you ever know how to feel about that? that your father loves you so deeply he wanted to free you, and arranged for the disposal of your brother like so much radioactive waste with his other hand? that they all live in a system where what might have happened if he didn't could have been so much worse?
she looks and looks at irving's profile and thinks could you have let go of me in your heart as easily, if I stepped wrong one time, if I were less brilliant, if I had worked less hard to be perfect? and he turns his face away from her and doesn't answer. maybe he sent her to the wardens so he'd never have to answer that question. maybe that was the best he could do. maybe one day she'll be allowed to forgive him for it.
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goblins-wife · 1 year
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hash-smash · 1 year
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He is trying to take off his helmet but he can't
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tatzelwyrm · 8 months
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My hands are shaking. This single attempt took 15 minutes.
But he is gone now. He is an ex dragon. He has ceased to be.
I'm getting a good grade in video games.
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the-fluffiest-trainer · 8 months
You are a Faller as well? How have you been settling in?
Hi! So sorry to take a while to get back to you, I've been running all over the place along Kalos Routes 6 and 7 and have hardly had a chance to rest. Now that the way is clear of sleeping snorlaces, though, it's finally peaceful enough that I can check my messages while I walk.
To be honest, I think I like this world a lot, really. It's peaceful, its inhabitants are kind... even if I don't really belong. It's taken me some time to really get used to humans, and I do wonder why I Fell into this place rather than a world with ponies and pokemon... or maybe a world like this with me also transformed into a human. I'm kind of glad I don't have to deal with walking on two legs though. That just seems so hard to keep your balance.
There just seems to be that same general sense of friendship here, the same as back home in Equestria. You can walk up to anyone and they'll help you out if they can. Even for me, not the most outgoing of ponies by far, it's to the point that I actually can just go up to strangers without fear. And that's... nice, you know?
If I may ask, what's the meaning of your username on this device? Was there a Princess Luna in your world as well, who gave you her favor? The one in my world was... well, she was away for a long time, so it was difficult to adjust to being back. I feel like she and I probably had a lot in common, we just never got much chance to interact before I... I only have flashes of memory from that day, but something happened and my friends and I ended up Falling here.
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texeoghea · 2 years
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ipad doodle im watching elden ring videos again and being possessed by powers as terrible as they are strange. heres drake as the undying knight of the realm of dreams
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flowering-darkness · 4 months
How about, for Luna and/or Clio: ☁️ - does your f/o like to travel? where are some faraway places they'd like to go with you someday? (Dragonsmooch)
Dragon, I’m going to be honest, I completely forgot that I had reblogged an ask game. So, thank you so much for sending this to me - it really means a lot!!
(source: “⭐ assorted selfship ask game! ⭐” by yuzuru-p)
☁️ - does your F/O like to travel? where are some faraway places they’d like to go with you someday? - I think this is a really fun question to compare Luna and Clio’s perspectives, so I will answer it for both of them, if that’s alright!
Luna is agoraphobic, as was stated by her game’s creator. As such, I don’t feel that she would like travelling very much, especially not by herself. She has been shown to travel around Reborn itself a bit - I think the furthest she goes from the castle is the Glass Workstation in maingame and the Citae Prisma (which I think you get to through the Beryl Ward?) in postgame - but the journeys she has made have largely been only out of necessity to go home, or are due to her following Shade’s guidance. With that said, what I have read about agoraphobia seems to indicate that those with it can feel more able to go places if with someone they trust, and so I like to think that my/Adriana’s presence can help ease her fears a bit.
The main far-flung place I envision us going together is the Hoenn region, because it’s safe to say we both need a nice holiday after everything that happens in Reborn is finally resolved. We would spend quite a bit of time there after the grand finale, because of Adriana wanting to try her hand at Contests while she’s visiting, and I think that Luna would enjoy watching those even if she didn’t want to participate. I also think Luna would enjoy visiting Ballonlea in Galar, as well as cities like Laverre in Kalos (which is where Adriana was born!), but these would probably be briefer visits!
Clio, on the other hand, enjoys travelling a lot more! As a Keyblade wielder, she’s used to going to other worlds to help those residing there, and try to combat threats from rising villains. She likes getting to experience what all these different worlds are like and what sorts of things can be found in them - and she can also adapt to new situations on her travels fairly well! (This trait is also one that ported well to Final Fantasy XIV when I made her in that game - to the point that her in-game guardian deity is Oschon, the Wanderer!)
As a result of all this, I think it would be quite common for her to want to explore lots of different places with me/Aria, especially given the wide variety of worlds that were explorable in the age of fairytales (as seen in KHUX). Some are quite similar to each other, such as the Castle of Dreams versus the Enchanted Dominion, but others are very different, such as Olympus Colosseum or Game Central Station - so, there’s always something to see and do! Especially since, when left to her own devices, Aria will have a tendency to spend a lot of time in other worlds anyway, instead of hanging around Daybreak Town. So, with Clio there alongside her, it becomes more of an exploration than a concealment.
I hope that these answers were alright for you, friend! Thank you so much again for sending in this question!!
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chicxibalba · 2 months
cool four knights of gwyn headcanons
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the age of fire lasted for thousands of years. kingdoms rose and fell, people lived and died. the only constants were the lords, anor londo itself, and ultimately, each other.
the dragonslayer, ever the busybody, took great pride on his cooking. what began as a necessity for survival turned into a genuine passion. you will never see him with a smile, but you will see one close enough when he's taking care of you with a hot meal.
the hawkeye is almost totally singular in his kind. born from the archtrees themselves far to the north, he was always compelled to wear a mask of some kind. his faceless visage was unsightly and unsettling to newcomers, even in spite of his good heart.
the lord's blade was never quite normal, or not as normal as she wished she were. she is a habitual liar, seeding falsehoods on reflex. it's easier to dress up the truth, to sweeten it, to just not be yourself. she wishes she could be honest with those close to her. it's safer for them is she's not.
the humble knight, a medial born among mortals, was born well after the dragon wars. his colleagues would never let him forget this, even when he went on to slay dragons of his own. the knight would never feel completely appreciated in his time, at least, not until the Abyss began to eat him alive.
the dragon slayer lived to serve. he served the Firstborn, he served his Lord, he served his compatriots. he and the lord's blade had known each other for a long time, since before they were even knighted. they served together in the war, became intimate. he feels the worst about how he was unable to prevent what she's become.
the hawkeye never understood romance so well. call it a cultural dissonance, or something else, but the drive isn't there. he has those who his is close with, though, from the blacksmith to his fellow knights. he is happy to let one rest with him, lay on him, tell him about their day. he never touched them back, not with his giant hands. not unless they ask.
the lord's blade is well acquainted with pain. she was born into it, living by it, in the form of a thousand cuts, burns, tears. her skin is painted in them. pain is satisfying, pain is cathartic, pain is pleasure. pain means that she is doing well. one day it will conquer her, but until then her every ache is a badge of honor.
the knight had always found himself the subject of the attentions of the other three. how couldn't he be? he'd always had a certain heart about him that simmered their suspicion and distance into true appreciation, brought them closer to him and to each other. his jokes, his wisdom, his love. the world was lighter with him.
the dragonslayer has family out there--sisters, nephews, nieces. he isn't acquainted with any of them anymore, and lost track of them quite a while ago. some intermarried with humans, gave birth to children with stunted mortalities. he himself always wondered if he could be a father, and raise a child better than his own had. his vows forbid it, but if things were different, together with his companions...
the hawkeye was fascinated by faces. lordranian giants had faces: humans had faces; gods had faces. they had eyes, noses, mouths. they blinked, smiled, growled, flushed red, drained pale. there was a little envy there, in how the dragonslayer might kiss his hand, or the lord's blade might share with him a truly rare smile. in how the dear knight might share a cup of tea with him, and describe its flavor. the faces he wishes he could share back, he whittles into wood.
the lord's blade wants to give back. these people in her life, these rocks of hers among a morbid blur, are all she has. she doesn't know how to. she doesn't even know where to begin. she has to be invited into love, into intimacy, and gradually warmed to it, before she even thinks herself worthy of it. in the end, she barely makes it. it's worth it all the same.
the knight hid when he first began to fall sick. he hidea his cold shivers, his inky-black coughs, his violent panic attacks. he catches himself in the mirror one morning. he's pale, utterly ashen, out of breath from the lightest exertion. his hand lays over his heart--it's racing. that sullen green ring hugs his finger, the symbol of his covenant with the Serpent. they can't know what he's done. they can't know what he's sacrificed to do the good he's always wished to do. they can never know what New Londo took from him the night it fell, and what he took from it in turn. they would despise him. hate him. throw him out. and then, just like in the beginning, he would be nothing.
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solradguy · 2 years
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GUILTY GEAR 4KOMA: GET. Thank you to @broken-clover for selling these volumes to me (and for the very cute frog drawing 💖)!!
I was gonna save these for after I scanned in the Missing Link manga, but the Japanese used in them is very, mercifully, straight forward. So, I think I'm gonna bump these up in my To-Do queue and get at least one volume scanned in before the ML volume to work on around harder stuff (LIGHTNING THE ARGENT...). With the holidays right around the corner and the Dengeki mag still in my WIPs, this will likely be a January project.
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Ornstein has a secret sweet tooth.
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fantomette22 · 6 months
How to fight the Ancient Dragon (easy technic)
Also about my DS2 session of yesterday, again. Before fighting Vendrick and the gank squad I went to fight the ancient dragon who's reputed to be quite a pain in the helmet. I didn't want to spend hours on it so I went to look up a few technics online.
The lighting arrows strat isn't for me I got one shot by his fire twice or tree time XD
Then I found this strat online V and reproduce it. It work the first time I try it it's amazing XD
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