#|| he's already drank like 12 cans of this shit
Person A: Do you want a beer? I’m paying.
Person B, going through the restaurant’s menu: No. Ugh, where’s the good stuff?
Person A, half jokingly: I thought you were an alcoholic.
Person B: Exactly. I’d need at least, like, four beers — without food — to get slightly buzzed, and my stomach can’t fit over 2 beers in it. I’m small. I’ll have a rum, neat.
#source: me#incorrect quotes#incorrect quotes ideas#incorrect quotes prompts#tw: drug mention#tw: drugs#i used to be so small when all i did was heroin and ketamine. since i started drinking (i only started drinking every night because the-#-opiate withdrawal was so fucking bad alcohol was the only thing that kept my legs from kicking all night long and my skin from feeling-#-like it was on cold wet fire somehow)#anyway. when all i did was opiates ™ i was like 45 kg and i’m 165 aka 5’5 like i looked like a sickly model#now it’s only been a month drinking and not doing morphine or some shit and i already gained 12 kg it’s insane i’m like almost 60 kg now#i’m queueing this for a month from now so hopefully it’ll have been 2 months when this gets posted#and like i say i’m an alcoholic cause i don’t think it’s normal to drink like 5 nights a week but i’m not chemically dependent on it like i-#-was with opiates like i’m sober half the time. ive never done surgery while drunk for instance. there was this one time i had just had 4-#-shots in the bathroom in secret cause i was having a panic attack and didn’t know what else to do but anyway.#and they asked me if i wanted to close up on a tubal ligation and i passed on the opportunity even though i was Fine bc idk i just didn’t-#-feel good ab it. which is more than i can say for my professor tbh#like some other medical intern said ‘wow it must be so hard having to be On Call 24/7. like i bet u can’t even drink’#and he said ‘oh come on surgeons have lives too. in fact i drank more than a few beers just a few hours ago lol’ and proceeded to cut-#-someone open#anyway. yeah. i don’t get drunk at work yk#felt like i had to make that clear
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A Legacies Secret |13|
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: You just wanted a happy life with your girlfriend but then Ghostface attacks, revealing long thought to be buried family secrets.
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Stabbing, Attempted Murder, Murder, Death, Blood
Word Count: 3.4k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
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You glanced to the side as some of the guys laughed and shoved each other. You shook your head; you weren’t really friends with any of them, but they were fun. You put your attention back on the large canvas before you, smirking as you raised the spray paint bottle to the brick wall. While the others drank and smoked weed, you tended to focus on the vandalism side of things, you didn’t do any major damage, it was paint, it would wash off, eventually. Besides, it was the high school, it’s not like you were hurting anyone.
Just as you began to spray another line a siren sounded and there were red and blue flashing lights. “Shit,” you whispered. You tossed the can aside and took off running behind the others.
While the guys ran to their cars or down the street you veered right, running behind the school. You kept going, running behind all the buildings next to the school. When you no longer heard sirens or saw any lights you slowed to a light jog and eventually stopped all together. You rested against a brick wall as you tried to catch your breath.
You looked around one last time before pushing off the wall, you shoved your hands in your pockets and walked towards the street. If you acted casual, then no one would suspect anything. Almost as soon as you stepped onto the sidewalk a police car appeared. Your head snapped to the car, and you shuffled your feet as you considered taking off again.
“Don’t even think about it,” Dewey’s voice came from the speaker on the car.
You rolled your eyes and raised your paint-stained hands. You locked them behind your head as Dewey got out of his vehicle. “Don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic,” he sighed. “Is the whole hands behind the head thing necessary?”
“Don’t you think some light vandalism is a little below the sheriff’s pay grade,” you snarked.
“What can I say, I just knew you’d be involved.” You couldn’t help but smirk at that. “Let’s go.” He gently grabbed you by the arm and led you to the cop car. He made sure you ducked down far enough so you didn’t hit your head getting in the back seat.
The two of you rode in silence back to the police station. “Want to give me the name of your friends?” He asked.
“They’re not my friends,” you said.
“Right,” he sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.
You watched Dewey through the mirror, he was still treating you with the same kindness he always did when he brought you in. There was something different though, there were bags under his eyes, and it seemed as if he hadn’t slept in days. You slumped in the backseat, nothing to do put pick at the hole that was already there.
The one good thing about living in a small town was that you arrived at the police station in a matter of minutes. Dewey wordlessly got out of the car and opened your door for you. He once again gently grabbed your arm and led you into the station. You passed by the officer left at the station, he barely glanced up from his paper before rolling his eyes at seeing you again.
“Sit,” Dewey ordered when the two of you got to his office.
You slumped down in the chair across from his desk. You looked around, nothing was new, not like it had been long since you had been in this same position before. Dewey’s office was at the back of the station, but he generally kept the door open, and the blinds were always up so he could see out onto the floor and his officers could see him.
“What was it this time?” Dewey asked as he leaned against the front of the desk, staring down at you. He once told you he did this because he felt it created a more open dynamic, that it was more casual, and easier to talk than it would be if he was sitting behind the desk.
“Nothing,” you mumbled. You crossed your arms as you refused to look him in the eye.
“Come on-”
“Look can you just call my foster parents, I want to go home.” You rolled your eyes, you didn’t know why Dewey was trying to do this tonight, it was late, you weren’t in the mood for one of his speeches.
“Cut the bullshit,” Dewey snapped. You couldn’t help the way you flinched, your eyes instantly snapping to Dewey. “We do this almost every week, you’re sixteen,” you looked down at your hands in your lap. “I can’t keep protecting you.”
“Then don’t!”
“So, juvie, that’s what you want?” You glanced up to see Dewey’s disappointed glare. “Is it?”
“No,” you mumbled.
“Cause that’s where you’re headed if you keep this up. If you’re lucky!” You looked up at him, your eyes wide. “If they wanted, you could be tried as an adult.”
You opened your mouth, but no words came out. ‘I’m sorry’ didn’t seem like enough. ‘I’ll do better’ wasn’t enough, those were just words. Words didn’t mean anything at the end of the day, actions are what matter, actions are what spoke the loudest.
“He came home drunk, again,” you whispered.  You glanced up to see Dewey’s furrowed brow. “My foster dad.”
Dewey sucked in a breath and nodded. He knew what your foster dad was like, he knew exactly what your life was like. “Did he hit you?”
You shook your head. “Left before it got that bad.”
Dewey sighed and took a seat in the chair next to you. “You don’t have to stay there, you know.”
You let out a humorless chuckle as you scoffed at just the idea of that. There weren’t any other options, you had to stay with them until you were eighteen and then they’d kick you out and you’d be on your own. “Yeah, cause I have so many places to go?” you snarked.
Dewey got up and made his way around his desk, grabbing something on the shelf behind it. When he turned around, he was holding a packet of papers. He leaned across the table, holding out the papers to you. You hesitantly reached up, taking the papers from him.
When you looked down at the papers you couldn’t help but furrow your brow. “Emancipation?” you asked, looking up at Dewey. “There’s no way I’d ever qualify,” you shook your head, tossing the papers back onto his desk.
“Not if you do the work,” Dewey said. He picked up the papers and held them out to you again. “You’re a smart kid, the only one who can pull you out of the path you’re on, is you.”
You reached up and took the papers back from him. You looked down at it. You had thought of it before, of course you had. Getting emancipated required a lot of work though, you had to have your living situation figured out, you had to have an income, you had to prove that you could be independent and support yourself.
“I don’t even know where to start,” you mumbled.
“First,” Dewey said. “This shit,” he picked up an empty spray paint can from a previous encounter with you. “Has to stop. No more. I don’t want to see you in that seat,” he pointed to the chair you were in. “Again.” You nodded, keeping your eyes on the floor. “I can’t keep giving you chances.” You nodded, you had gotten lucky every time Dewey was the one to bring you in, no one else would have been as generous. He got up and made his way to the door, resting his hand on the doorknob as he looked back at you. “You know the way out,” he said before leaving his office, letting the door close behind him.
You continued to stare down at the papers in your lap. Maybe Dewey was just having a bad night, maybe he really was done with you, either way, you needed to get your shit together. You were going nowhere if you kept going at it like you were, it was only a matter of time before you got caught up in something much bigger than a little vandalism.
You shot up in your seat, your heart beating erratically in your chest as you looked around. “Hey, hey,” Tara’s soft voice came. You calmed down instantly when your eyes landed on her. “It’s okay.” She gave your hand a comforting rub. You were at the hospital, you were still at Tara’s bedside, you guessed you had passed out from all the crying.
“Sorry,” you rasped out. You got up from your seat, moving to the little sink in the room to fill a glass of water.
“You have nothing to apologize for.” You leaned your back against the sink, resting your hands on the counter behind you. “How are you holding up?”
You shook your head; you had no idea how you were doing. “I hate this town.” You stared at the floor.
You felt Tara’s eyes on you, but you couldn’t look away from the floor. “Ask me again?” Tara whispered. You scrunched your eyebrows, looking up at her with a tilt of your head. “Ask me again.”
Your eyes widened when you realized what she meant. You couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on your face despite your current situation as you made your way to her bedside again. “Run away with me?” you asked, leaning forward to stare into her eyes.
Tara nodded, happy tears filling her eyes. “Okay,” she whispered. You were already leaning in as she reached up with her good hand, resting it on the back of your neck to pull you closer.
You eventually moved to Tara’s other side, even though you couldn’t hold her hand anymore, you still wanted to keep your eyes on the door. You were in the chair, pressed against the bed as you ran your fingers through Tara’s hair. The two of you were watching some mindless TV, trying not to think about everything that had happened.
You rubbed your eyes tiredly; you could barely remember what sleep felt like. The only times you had slept since Tara’s attack had been in an uncomfortable position in a chair, passing out from crying yourself to exhaustion, and the few hours you had been knocked unconscious, though Tara told you that last one didn’t count as sleep.
You pulled out your phone when you felt it vibrate. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes when you saw whose name appeared on your screen. “Who is it?” Tara asked.
“Your sister,” you grumbled. You rolled your eyes again as you swiped to answer the call.
“Y/N,” Sam practically screamed into the phone as the phone got to your ear.
“Too what do I owe the displeasure Samantha?” you asked, unable to hide the irritation at her calling. The only reason you even picked up was because of Tara, you had no problem letting it go to voicemail.
“Ghostface is going after Tara.”
“What?” You shot to your feet. “How do you know?” You started pacing around the room, your eyes darting all around for anything that could be used as a weapon.
“Judy’s dead.” You stopped in your tracks. Your eyes were wide as you looked up at Tara. She scrunched her eyebrows, silently asking you what Sam was saying. “Wes too.” You shook your head, that couldn’t be, you had just seen both of them.
“Fuck,” was all you could manage to get out.
“He’s going after Tara.” Sam was clearly struggling with what she was about to say to you. You were sure it probably had to do with the fact that she told you to stay away from Tara and now she was calling you, telling you Tara was in danger. “Look I’m-”
“He’s not laying a fucking hand on her,” you cut her off. You didn’t need her apology; you didn’t want it. All that mattered right now was protecting Tara, that was your only concern.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
You clenched your jaw and gripped the phone in your hand tighter. “Whatever,” you hung up.
“What happened?” Tara asked.
“We need to get you out of here,” you said. You looked around until your eyes landed on the wheelchair.
“What’s going on?”
You rolled the wheelchair as close to the bed as possible, so you could get Tara into it without risking hurting her more. “Come on.”
“What’s going on?”
Tara grabbed your hand, forcing you to look her in the eye. “Ghostface.” Tara’s eyes instantly filled with tears, and she began shaking her head. The same fear you saw when she first woke up was back. “Hey,” you moved to her side instantly, gently brushing away the strands of hair that fell in her face. “No one is going to hurt you.” You stared into her eyes. “I swear, I’ll protect you. Okay?” You waited for her to nod.
You locked the wheelchair in place. As soon as you got your arms under Tara to lift her you heard a noise outside the door. You held your breath as you stared at the doorknob, waiting for whoever was out there to start turning it. You could feel Tara gripping onto you, her nails digging into your arm.
You moved quickly, getting Tara into the wheelchair as you continuously glanced at the door. No one tried coming in and you couldn’t hear a sound coming from the other side. The silence, which should have been peaceful, was anything but, you knew the second that door opened all hell would break loose. Sam said Ghostface was on the way, but he could have already been there. The only thing standing between Tara and Ghostface was you and you weren’t going to let him lay a finger on her.
You started to roll the wheelchair as quietly as you could when you saw the doorknob begin to jiggle. You raised a finger to your lips and moved across the room, so you’d be behind the door when it opened. Tara shook her head furiously, but you kept your attention on the door, you weren’t letting him get her.
As soon as the door creaked open you rammed your shoulder into it. There was a groan as the door whipped back into whoever was trying to open it. You quickly opened it, ready to tackle the person when you stopped in your tracks. “Richie?” you asked.
“What the hell?” Richie said, holding a hand to his bleeding nose.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
Richie opened his mouth, but you didn’t know what he was about to say because behind Richie was Ghostface. “Look out!” You tried to warn him. Richie turned just as Ghostface brought down his knife, slashing him across the forearm.
Richie backed up, nearly tripping over his own feet before Ghostface grabbed him and shoved him against the wall. You kept yourself between Ghostface and Tara, straightening your back as Ghostface turned to face you. He tilted his head and twisted the knife in his hand.
“Move as fast as you can,” you whispered, glancing at Tara out of the side of your eye.
Before Tara could argue with you, you moved. Ghostface raised their knife, but you caught their arm as they tried to bring it down. You backed them up, slamming them against the wall. You heard the wheelchair begin to move behind you, at least Tara actually listened to you for once. Ghostface pushed back and you turned them, so your back was facing the door. You just had to stall them long enough for Tara to get to safety. You started to walk them back when they tripped over Richie’s feet. Ghostface crashed to the floor, their knife flying out of their hand.
You didn’t hesitate as you turned and ran out of the room. You got your hands on the wheelchair and began racing down the hall towards the elevator with Tara.
Something hit you in the side, sending you slamming into the wall, the force making Tara’s wheelchair tip over, and sending her crashing to the floor. You groaned, your eyes instantly widening when you heard Tara’s cries. You moved to go to her when you felt something pierce your side. Your breath caught in your throat as you looked down, seeing a knife in your side. You lifted your head, staring into the white mask as Ghostface slowly pulled out their knife.
“No!” you heard Tara scream, though she sounded far away.
Ghostface raised their knife and waved it back and forth in front of your face so you could see your own blood coating the knife. They brought the knife down, shoving it into your left shoulder and giving it an aggressive twist. You screamed and brought your hands up, trying to pull their hand away from you. They ripped it out without a care and watched as you slid to the floor. Your right hand went to your shoulder as your left hand held your side, trying to stop the blood but it continued to seep between your fingers.
You tried to pull yourself up as Ghostface slowly walked towards Tara, he was taunting her, knowing she couldn’t crawl away. It sounded like Ghostface was talking to someone, but everything was muffled. You tried to move as Ghostface reached her, but you only collapsed to the floor.
You took away your hand from the wound on your side, reaching out as if you could get to them, as if you could stop Ghostface. Just as Ghostface raised their knife the elevator doors opened. You choked out a sob as Dewey raised his gun, firing several shots at Ghostface until they dove out of the way down another hall. Sam rushed to her sister’s side, helping her up and as gently as she could rushed her to the elevator.
Dewey rushed to your side, he swung an arm around you and helped you to your feet. He whipped around with his gun when he heard a noise, but it was just Richie coming out of the room, a hand to his head from where he was hit. Dewey put his other hand around Richie and began struggling to help the both of you to the elevator.
As the three of you passed the hall Ghostface ran out, slamming into the three of you, making you crash to the floor again. Richie stumbled back to his feet, his eyes widening in horror as Ghostface dragged you back by your feet. He stood above you, and you could only stare up as he raised his knife.
The next thing you knew Ghostface was thrown back, crashing into the cabinet display along the wall. You turned your head to see Dewey with his gun raised. He kept his gun trained on Ghostface as he ran to your side. He didn’t bother flinging an arm around you this time, opting to just drag you by the back of the shirt towards the elevator.
Dewey finally let you go when he reached the elevator, letting you slump against the back wall. Tara dropped down to your side, resting a hand on your shoulder. Sam dropped down next to her, helping put pressure on your wounds. Richie was slumped in the corner, holding a hand to his bleeding arm. Dewey pressed the button for the first floor as he stood in the doorway.
“The head,” he whispered.
“What?” Sam asked, furrowing her brow as she stared up at Dewey.
“You have to shoot them in the head. Otherwise, they always come back.”
“Who gives a fuck!”
“I do.”
You Dewey held your gaze as he stepped back out of the elevator. You shook your head, you tried to move but your body just wouldn’t cooperate. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“N-n-no,” you whispered, coughing up some blood in the process.
Dewey gave you a sad smile before turning and walking back to Ghostface. You shook your head as he raised his gun at Ghostface’s head who still laid motionless in a pile of broken glass. When Dewey stepped closer, the broken glass cracking beneath his feet Ghostface’s arm shot up, stabbing Dewey in the gut, making him drop his gun.
“No!” you screamed, tears instantly feeling your eyes.
The last thing you saw before the elevator doors closed was Ghostface standing tall above Dewey, raising their knife as they prepared to stab him again.
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rafedaddy01 · 4 months
Get on top
She’s never had sex before, so imagine her surprise when her two closest friends ask for a threesome.
It was a typical Friday night, Dre and Nick were over along with the rest of the cast and you guys were having a few beers while talking about wrapping up the show.
“You killed it in that last scene, y/n” Rudy said as he took a sip of his beer.
“You think? I feel like I could have done better” you always felt a little insecure being on screen. Madyline and Maddison were so perfect, you had a different image of yourself in your mind. No matter how many times Drew told you you’re gorgeous. But he’s your best friend so he doesn’t count.
“Hey, don’t stress babe. You were amazing as always” Madyline said as he squeezed you in a tight hug. Her and you were probably the closest out of the girls, although you got along with the boys better, Madyline was more layed back and it was easy to talk to her about stuff.
“You want another?” She asked, pointing to your empty beer bottle. “Sure” you gave her the empty one and watched her walk into your kitchen to grab a fresh cold one.
The rest of the night went on. You’ve probably drank 3 or 4 beers and had a few shots of tequila, thag was not your friend.
You weren’t drunk but you definitely wouldn’t remember snippets of the night in the morning.
“Alright, me and mads gonna dip. It’s already 12:00am” chase put his arm around his girlfriend and before you knew it they were gone. Slowly everyone else cleaned out the apartment.
“Don’t worry, we’ll stay and help you clean up” Nick said gathering some empty bottle and putting them in the trash.
Drew smiled warmly at you as he started picking trash off the ground.
“Aww you guys are the best.” You walked over to nick and gave him a kiss, you tried to go for his cheek but his head turned in your direction and captured your lips instead.
Your cheeks flushed as you pulled back, but his lips pulled into a grin. “It’s alright” he eases your mind and brushes it off before going back to cleaning.
Your to tipsy to really focus on the embarrassing moment so you walk over to Drew and start helping him.
“Thanks for staying, you didn’t have too”
“It’s not issue, you’re our girl. We got you” he winks at you charmingly before continuing cleaning.
Your confused. First nick didn’t make and issue out of you kissing him and now Drew’s calling you their girl. Are you reading too much into this?
“Right.. well thanks anyway, both of you”
Once you guys are all done cleaning the mess your friends left behind, it’s practically 1am. “You guys can crash here if you want”
Your all standing in the, nick and drew in front of you as you try not to check them out. They’ve always been hot and you’ve always thought they were, but they were your friends and you know they don’t feel like that about you.
Drew glances that nick and he shrugs, “sure, why not. Put apartments pretty far away and we both drank so it’s safer to just sleep it off”
“Cool, I’ll get you guys some blankets.”
You walk off to grab each of them a couple of blankets and when you walk into the living room your eyes widen and the blankets drop to the floor.
They’re both standing in their underwear. Their toned chests glistening, even in this crappy apartment lighting, that’s how hot they are.
“Uh- haha, sorry” you bend down to pick the blankets up, taking a deep breath to clear your mind and get images that shouldn’t be there out.
“You alright, y/n?” Nick asks as he takes a step forward to help you with the blankets.
“Yeah- I’m-I’m great. Why do you ask?” You clear your throat as you try really hard not to look down.
“What, you’ve never seen a guy in underwear before?” Drew speaks up from behind Nick.
Your cheeks blush, nobody knows your a virgin. But clearly it’s come out now.
“Holy shit. I don’t think she has” Nick says as he grabs the blankets from you.
Your embarrassed now and a little upset that they think it’s funny, “anyway I’m off to bed”
“Y/n, wait. I- I didn’t meant to make you uncomfortable” Drew grabs your shoulder to stop you. “It’s not a bad thing, it’s cute that your a virgin”
You look up and your eyes meet. His expression softens, and he’s so beautiful your breath catches. “Would you- I mean could you-“ your words get twisted but the alcohol still running through your body pulls them out.
“Would you fuck me?” You bite your lip as you watch the shock on Drew’s face turn into interest.
He doesn’t say anything, “I- forget it. It’s stupid, I shouldn’t have-“ before you can turn away drew spins your around, your hands slam into his hard chest and his twists into your hair as he kisses you, hard and soft at the same time. Making your legs turn into jelly, but he holds you up.
You both pull away out of breath. Staring into each others eyes.
“Do you-“ Drew clears his throat before speaking again, “do you want us both?” He completely forgot Nick was here, that caught up in the amazing kiss, until Drew moved a little and nicks standing there. A clear bulge in his underwear.
“A threesome?” Your mind can’t even comprehend the word. You’ve never slept with anyone. And now they’re asking you to sleep with both of them.
“Only if it’s okay with you” Nick comes up behind Drew, reach out for your hand and rubbing small circles on it, his touch brings tingles to your skin. And suddenly you want it all over. “Yes”
They both look at each other before they pounce.
Ones taking off your shirt and bra while the other helps you out of your pants and panties. You don’t even know who’s who. There’s just hands grabbing you at all angles.
“Wait” they both stop what they’re doing and look at you. “Maybe we should take this into the bedroom?” You giggle as a wide smirk plastered both their faces.
Nick picks you up and throws you over his shoulder with Drew following behind. He throws you on the bed, staring at your naked body, all the way from your eyes to your perfect manicured toes.
“What’s wrong” you wonder if suddenly he’s disgusted by you, “nothing, your perfect” he hovers over you, kissing your neck.
He starts sucking and your head rolls to the side, your moans quiet and soft as his hands move over your breasts.
Your eyes open to find Drew, he’s sitting next to you on the bed, his underwear gone and his hand wrapped around his cock as he watched your face.
You look at his angry tip and suddenly want to know what it feels like in your mouth and inside you, you can’t wait.
“How are we gonna do this” you speak between breaths as your eyes are still on Drew’s hand and nicks lips still suck at your sweet spot.
“First we have to warm you up” Nick says as he steps back and takes off his boxers. Your eyes fly to his cock. It’s not as long as Drew’s but it’s thickets and your insides do flips as you watch him sink to his knees.
“What are you-“ you gasp out a moan as you feel the swipe of his tongue against your folds. “So wet” he speaks into your pussy and you gasp more and more as he dives further in, tongue fucking you.
“Shh, it’s okay. Relax, let him make you feel good” you didn’t even realize Drew was behind you, your upper body leaning on him and he massages your breasts, tweaking the nipples. “Fuck” you moan and shit your eyes.
The feelings of nicks tongue and the way Drew teases your nipples becomes to much. “I-i can’t. I’m gonna cum” you moan as nicks grip tightens around your thighs and he pushes his face further in.
“It’s okay, baby. Just let go” Drew soothes you as you feel your orgasm take over and your thighs begin to shake. Nick licks up the mess and pulls away, licking his lips and wiping them with the back of his hand.
You prop yourself up on your elbows and Drew pushes your hair away from your neck, he starts peppering small kisses down the column and your mind goes fuzzy again, ready fore more. “What’s next”
“Your impatient aren’t you” Drew whispers in your ear and the sound of his voice is so sexy, goosebumps cover your skin.
“It’s my turn to make you feel good” Drew gets off the bed and takes nicks place. “Turn around for me” he waits for you to flip onto your stomach and when you look up nicks cock is right in your face.
“Tell me if you need me to stop” you feel Drew’s tip rub at your clit. He runs it through your folds, getting it nice and wet before slowly pushing in. Your mouth forms an O as you squeak out from the pain. “Doin okay?” Nicks pushes a strand of hair behind your ear and you nod. “I’m good, just keep going. Fuck”
Drew pushes the rest of the way in. Stopping when his balls hit your clit. “I’m gonna start moving now, and nicks gonna stuff that pretty face. So if you need either of us to stop just squeeze his tight. Got it?” Drew says behind you, his voice is strained, likes it’s taking everything in him not to fuck you silly right now. “Yes” your drooling at the thought of getting fucked while tasting nicks cock in your mouth.
“Good girl” Drew slaps your ass lightly before he pulls back and slams back in. Your mouth opens in a gasp and nicks shoves his cock in there.
The bed squeaks as Drew continues snapping his hips into you. Nick groans as he stuffs your mouth over and over, loving the way you look up at him through your lashes and the way your drooling. You moan around him and he grips your hair, tugging a little.
“Fucking hell, gonna make me cum” he throws his head back as you feel your mouth swell and a warm liquid hits the back of your throat.
He pulls out of your mouth and sighs, “shit, that’s the fastest I’ve ever come” he chuckles as he takes a seat on the bed to continue enjoying the show.
“Fuck, she’s squeezing me so tight” Drew groans and your head drops to the bed, your nails dig into the sheets and your a babbling moans mess as Drew cock hits deeper and deeper with each stroke.
He pulls out and you whimper. “Come here” nick calls you over. You muster the energy and crawl over to him. “Get on top”
@f4ll-for-you @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx @spencerreidsrealgf @rafescokenostril @thievin-stealing @rafemotherfuckingcameron @dilvcv @starkeysheart
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gavisfanta · 7 months
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summary: pedri has things to hide
warnings: cursing, tiny bit of smut
[PEDRI:] I love you 02.27 am
[PRINCESA:] Pedri? 09.29 am
"What are you doing?" Pedri asked just as you wanted to stand up and go upstairs.
"I wanna go to bed, I'm tired." You hummed and he pulled you back onto the couch. He then pulled you on top of his leg so that your legs were sideways over his.
"Or we could go to a party, Balde's friend owns a nightclub and me and the boys planned to go there, I'd like you to come too." Pedri put his hands onto your hips and you groaned.
"I'm so tired tho,"
"It's okay, I'll stay at home too then." He mumbled but you shook your head while you yawned.
"No, you can go, it's okay. I won't wait until you get home tho." You told him and he gave you a look.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to be mad after." He raised his eyebrows at you as you smiled.
"No, its okay, you can go, have fun. Don't drink too much tho." You kissed his lips and then got off his lap again.
"I love you, have a goodnight." He told you and you just gave him a smile while walking up the stairs.
"Come on, don't be a loser." Balde pushed another glass towards Pedri but he just shook his head.
"Nah, I won't." He laughed but then everyone started saying his name in sync.
"Pedri! Pedri! Pedri! Pedri! Pedri!"
So in the end he took the shot glass and downed the hard liquid in a matter of three seconds. His throat burned not only with the alcohol but with regret too. He shouldn't have drank that, he shouldn't push his limits because of others.
Not even 10 minutes later he was drunk, so drunk that he for sure didn't know what he was doing.
He was sitting in bar because he ordered himself some water when a girl walked up to him and stood next to him.
"What are you doing here? So alone? Girlfriend didn't wanna come?" Pedri scanned her with his eyes. Long black hair, a shit amount of make up and very revealing dress. The black dress wasn't even reaching the middle of her thigh, if she would have leaned over, her ass would have probably been seen.
"Yeah, she was tired" Pedri smiled a little and the girls expression changed. She nodded her head as she held her hand out for Pedri to shake.
"I'm Lorena, nice to meet you" Pedri shook her head and just nodded his head.
"Pedri" He informed her and then she nodded her head as she tilted her head to the right.
"Do you wanna come to the dancefloor? I'm alone and I have no one to dance with." She made a bit of a sad face and Pedri groaned as he stood up and nodded his head.
"So you have a girlfriend?" The girl asked him as she stood in front of him, holding him by his bicep.
"Mhm" He nodded his head and then put his hands on the shoulders of the woman in front of him. She grabbed his ankles and moved down his hands to her own waist.
"You know what, let's just sit down." Pedri nodded his head towards the bar again. Lorena gave him the fakest smile she could have ever imagined to make and followed him.
As he sat down he groaned, his head was spinning and he could already feel the headache coming in.
"Come on, lets go and drink some water, I can see that your head's hurting" She jumped off the stool again and started walking away. Lorena stopped however as soon as she realized Pedri was still sitting down. He took another shot and downed it pretty quickly.
Maybe the pain would dissappear then.
However, Lorenas cheeks rises up as Pedri then jumped off the stool too. At this point the alcohol was too much for him.
The way he couldn't think clearly and everything was spinning. He managed to walk to the single use bathroom with Lorena and she pushed him inside.
He watched as she looked the door, not thinking much of it he also watched her walk over to the counter and sit down on top of it.
She invited him closer by waving her hands. Pedri stepped closer to her and she pulled him into a kiss.
A kiss at first, it quickly turned into a make out session, it became very dangerous tho when Lorena pushed up her dress so that her black thing was revealed to Pedri.
He looked down for a second, her hand sliding down his abs and pressing onto his semi hard dick.
Sooner than he knew, his dick was in her hand, pushing it inside of herself. He was silent as he watched her.
'Is this rape? I'm in control tho, I could just pull away, run outside, before it's too late, it probably is too late already, let's just get the job done, my head hurts too much for this'
Pedri's head was full, but still so empty. He then started moving his hips back and fourth as he couldn't help but get an erection which he would gladly get rid of.
So he thrusted into her, pushing her back on the counter, her moans filling the bathroom as Pedri's expression was emotionless. He furrowed his brows, looking almost angrily at himself while he pushed inside of her again.
Then he finished, his head sunk as he breathed heavily. "I'm sorry" He muttered under his breath and Lorena then caressed his cheek with her thumb.
His head shot up as soon as she touched his skin. He hit away her hand and pulled his pants back up and then stormed out the bathroom.
He walked towards Gavi who was talking to a blonde girl. "Gavi, I need help, I fucked up bad." Pedri immediately told Gavi, grabbing his shirt.
"Dude, I'm kind of in the middle of something-" He pointed at the girl in front of him but Pedri shook his head.
"No, I fucked up, I need help." Pedri said, his eyes almost watering. Gavi looked at him for a couple of seconds and then nodded a goodbye to the girl.
Pedri then began to push Gavi outside of the club. "You need to drive me home. Please- no actually, let me stay at your house." Pedri was talking way too fast as Gavi and him sat inside the car.
Luckily Gavi didn't frink anything so he was able to drive. "Dude, shut up for a second. What happened?" he buckled in his seatbelt and then looked at Pedri to his right.
"Fuck, FUCK," Pedri yelled and hit the seat. Gavi then looked at him while he raised his eyebrows. "She's gonna kill me." Pedri burried his face in his hands.
Gavi suddenly realized. "Don't tell me you fucked that girl" Gavi mumbled and looked at Pedri brush his hair back with his fingers.
"I didn't want to, I swear, I love her. My god she's never gonna forgive me." Pedri mumbled while rubbing his eyes.
"Look, I'll let you sleep at my house, then you'll go and talk to her." Gavi tried to remain calm. Pedri nodded his head and after he calmed down a bit, gavi started to drive to his own house.
Pedri's thoughts were racing, suddenly he didn't feel drunk anymore. He just felt sick, he wanted to throw up, he wasn't the cheating kind of type.
So he pulled his phone out of his pocket and clicked onto your contact. He texted you the only thing he coukd think of.
[PEDRI:] I love you.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Dangerous Romance is peak comedy
I got 99 problems, but Dangerous Romance ain't one. It feels like a Thai version of Another Gay Movie because it is squeezing in all the tropes yet taking none of them seriously, which is not a problem in my book.
Not a Problem #1 - Nava & Guy making everything into a competition including turning on the faucet. They got that Love Mechanics color-coded lighting treatment, and that's all I care about.
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Not a Problem #2 - The Poor Boys treating the Rich Kids like the dogs they are by threatening punishment if they act up and dropping "good boy" casually into the conversation when they do good deeds, then rewarding them. It's puppy play meets praise kink, and I approve of it.
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Not a Problem #3 - How Sailom's friends, especially Guy, thought Kanghan was trying to poison them, yet still drank with Nava because if he was going to die, he was going to die the champion.
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Not a Problem #4 - Kanghan not knowing how to express what he is feeling when Sailom questions him after the kiss and expecting the kiss to speak for itself. He thought he was speaking Sailom's love language, but Sailom is clearly an "acts of service" type, while Kanghan is a "words of affirmation" guy.
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Not a Problem #5 - Characters using the bathroom! Every episode, someone goes to the bathroom or uses it as an excuse to escape a dinner where they cannot make eye contact with the boy who kissed him in the bathroom because the kiss was a C- at best and he doesn't know how to tell him that without making him cry since he has a praise kink, and I appreciate it.
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Not a Problem #6 - Kanghan saying that he sucks.
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Not a Problem #7 - Kanghan stating he has to keep trying because practice makes perfect.
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Not a Problem #8 - The tiny smile Kanghan gave when he realized he could go through the bathroom door instead of the front door to get to Sailom. And no, this is NOT an euphemism.
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Not a Problem #9 - How Kanghan stood in the light because he finally figured out his feelings and he wanted to be open and honest about them while Sailom still hid in the dark blue afraid of the way he already loves this unhinged Blue Boy.
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Not a Problem #10 - The pinky promise to be queer
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Not a Problem #11 - The way Kanghan naturally went into Sugar Daddy mode.
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Not a Problem #12 - The dumb looks these two kept giving each other in front of Sailom's friends and God as if no one else existed but each other.
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Not a Problem #13 - Sailom singing JLo's 2001 hit "My Love Don't Cost a Thing" only for Auto to bring that Golden Era Madonna Energy and tell Kanghan that "We are living in a material world, and he is a material girl"
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Not a Problem #14 - Kanghan liking the way Sailom smells. Kanghan wearing Sailom's clothes. Kanghan responding "no-no" when asked if he is a psycho like a cute little puppy. Kanghan's entire existence, and Sailom's annoyance of how much he loves this guy.
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Not a Problem #15 - Kanghan being a WEAKASS! My family will give outsiders hot shit without any warning, just to watch them take a bite and cry, so I get a deep pleasure watching people suffer their way through eating spicy foods to save face. Like, just take the L my man, so everyone can know Sailom is superior to you in every way! Hence why I love Eddie from Kiseki: Dear to Me and Palm from Never Let Me Go. They like it spicy.
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Not a Problem #16 - Sailom being horny on main when Kanghan took the blame to save Auto.
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Not a Problem #17 - Auto being so tiny compared to the group. Auto getting White Girl Wasted. Auto dancing. Auto refusing to snitch on the group. Auto saying his mom is gonna be soooo upset at him like he is a (queer-coded) killer in the original Scream. Auto saying "NEVER FORGET! NEVER FORGIVE!"
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Not a Problem #18 - Sailom being a gold-star gay when that girl was trying to dance with him, only for Kanghan to come in with a steel chair and demand she leave his gay boyfriend alone.
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Not a Problem #19 - Sailom finally realizing just how crazy Kanghan is when Kanghan wanted to ballroom dance in the bar as a way of declaring to the whole world that they are in love, then Sailom realizing he is VERY into Kanghan's brand of crazy. *see #16*
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Not a Problem #20 - Those handmade cheerleader outfits being so camp (read: fugly), that it brought the queer out of my (hidden) girl couple.
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Not a Problem #21 - Sailom screaming "TROY!" again for the Wildcats in the audience who are "all in this together"
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Not a Problem #22 - Guy not kink-shaming Sailom for his puppy play relationship with Kanghan since he's probably taking mental notes, so he can tame Nava using similar methods.
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Not a Problem #23 - Kanghan hugging Sailom so tightly and THANKING HIM after Sailom said yes to being his boyfriend. See what a good dom can do for a brat through affirmation play? "Good boy" *pat his head*
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Not a Problem #24 - Kanghan's (Perth's) smile. Sailom's (Chimon's) wavy hair. The boys cuddling up in Sailom's bed because Kanghan now needs constant positive reinforcement for his good behavior and he likes the way his boyfriend smells. Kink is really classical conditioning. Smell of boyfriend + Hugs from boyfriend = Who's a good boy? Who's the best boy? Who's my very good boy? *rubs his belly*
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Not a Problem #25 - Saifah being A WHOLE FUCKING PROBLEM all episode! My wild ass theory lives!
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God, I fucking love this show.
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venusinx · 1 year
ode to a conversation stuck in your throat
itoshi rin x reader
chapter VIII: smoothe as fuck
cw: cursing, alcohol drinking, touchiness (?), jealousy (?)
chapter VII > series masterlist > chapter IX
"i can't believe you got us an entire limo," you said, shaking your head in disbelief, "and you didn't even offer the rest of the guys a ride." reo shrugged, his arm resting casually over seishiro's shoulders. "they didn't ask," was all he said. you and rensuke laughed as the limo played a popular song lightly in the background.
"well," rensuke started, "there's sake here. should we pregame?"
"yes," you said immediately.
"no," sei said right after.
reo pouted at his boyfriend. "sei, please." reo made puppy dog eyes. "you never drink with us."
seishiro rolled his eyes. "because you three always get ridiculously drunk and i have to take care of you. it's such a hassle."
reo looked a little crestfallen, so you said, "i promise we won't drink that much this time sei, just have some fun with us. please?"
seishiro rolled his eyes as if he didn't believe you, but shrugged. "okay, but if i'm drunk, i'm not taking care of any of you shits."
you and kunigami cheered, and reo placed a big kiss on sei's cheek, which sei wiped off jokingly.
reo called for the driver to turn the music up, and the four of you drank sake the whole way to the club.
when you all arrived, everyone else was already waiting for you. you peered out the window. rin was making his way to the car door, eyes glued on your window, though you were certain the windows were too tinted for him to see you. he opened the door and his eyes met yours. "yn," he greeted.
you weren't sure if it was the alcohol or how good rin looked, but your cheeks felt immediately flushed. all black was undoubtedly a good look on him. "hey, rin," you managed. he held out a hand, and you took it, getting to your feet. you opened your mouth to say more before you realized everyone was staring at you two and dropped his hand.
"uh, thanks," you said, still blushing furiously. the tips of rin's ears were pink. "no problem," he replied calmly.
"yn!" a voice called your name. you turned to see yukimiya in a dark green button up, black slacks, and his usual glasses. "you look stunning," kenyu said, pulling you into a hug. you grinned. "thanks, kenyu. you don't look too bad yourself," you joked.
"i can see you and rin are still attached at the hip," he said with a chuckle before turning to rin, "how've you been, man?" rin didn't return yukimiya's smile and said shortly, "good."
you ignored the awkwardness and exchanged greetings with bachira, who hugged you enthusiastically, and yoichi and oliver, the latter of whom looked you up and down approvingly. "i hate to admit it," aiku said begrudgingly, "but mikage has good taste."
"thank you for that, oliver," reo said. you turned to find that everyone had exited the limo. the guys were doing the normal bro-handshake-hug greeting, as if they didn't see each other at practice barely over 12 hours ago, except for nagi, who stayed stubbornly under reo's arm.
"well," reo said, smiling mischievously, "it's party time."
the second they entered the building, your jaw was on the floor. the space was huge, a large dance floor taking up most of the first story, with a bar on both the first and second floors. there were strobe lights and fog machines, and the room was packed with people dressed equally as fancy as them. "holy shit," you said, "is this what it's like to be rich?"
reo laughed and shrugged. "can i be your trophy wife?" you deadpanned. sei scowled and shook his head, but reo just laughed again. "aw yn, you're already my sugar baby and side chick #1." sei rolled his eyes, begrudgingly throwing an arm over your shoulders, too. reo looked delighted. "and on that note, let's go take shots. we're celebrating, after all!"
the group migrated to the bar where reo treated them all to drinks, leaving the tab open for them to drink as they pleased. "to yn and her new job!" reo cheered.
yukimiya smiled, saying, "and she's already doing a great job, too. there's no one else i'd rather work with." you giggled, a little tipsy already from the sake on the ride here. "that's a lie, but i appreciate the sentiment nonetheless."
"it is not a lie!" kenyu insisted. they continued laughing and arguing as the rest of the group gradually split off.
"dude," oliver said to rin in a low voice, "the only time you've stopped staring at yn tonight has been to give yukimiya a fucking death glare. chill."
rin scoffed, looking away from yn and kenyu, "not true. stop talking."
aiku rolled his eyes. "whatever, man," he said, "we're supposed to be having a competition."
rin regarded him suspiciously. "the fuck are you talking about?" oliver huffed a laugh. "i'm gonna pull way more than you. i always do."
rin scoffed. "as if," he said dismissively, downing the rest of his drink as his eyes drifted back to yukimiya. kenyu had somehow moved even closer to you, his arm resting on the bar a hair's breadth away from yours. rin averted his eyes, but aiku saw where he was looking.
"why don't we go ask the whole group then?" oliver challenged, "who they think will pull more, i mean." rin shrugged. "sure."
the two of them made their way to the booth where reo and nagi sat on one side with isagi, bachira, and kunigami on the other. "yo," oliver started, "who do you guys think will pull more, my sexy ass or rin the fucking statue?"
"i vote for the statue," meguru said in a sing-song voice, "he's way more respectful than you." rin cracked a small smile. "that's true," oliver agreed, "yoichi?"
"it's not hard to be more respectful than oliver, but at least he has charm, versus rin's…" isagi trailed off, deciding to finish the sentence with, "blandness."
"fuck you, isagi," rin predictably said.
nagi shrugged. "i don't particularly care either way. it's too much of a hassle to think about, so i agree with whatever reo says."
reo considered the two contenders before saying, "i guess it comes down to preference. oliver is more the charismatic, outspoken, rogue-ish looking guy, and rin is the more tall-dark-handsome-broody strong and silent type. so it depends."
sei turned to reo accusingly. "why'd you have to spout out a whole ass analysis? you could've just answered the goddamn question. i already know you're gonna say aiku."
reo pulled sei in for a kiss. "you know me so well, and that's why i love you." he turned back to rin and oliver, who had looked away during their display of affection. "yes, sei and i vote oliver."
kunigami had his head down on the table and mumbled, "i feel sick already. too much sake in the limo. gonna vomit."
nagi sighed. "he does this every fucking time."
aiku and rin slipped away to make their way to the bar where you and kenyu were still chatting away. "yn, yukimiya." oliver slung his arm around your shoulders, well aware of the way rin tensed and kenyu's smile dropped. "we got a question for you," oliver continued. "between me and rin over here, who do you guys think could pull more?"
you giggled, nudging oliver's arm off your shoulder. "depends if they have good taste or not. if not, then i'm sure you'll get lucky tonight, aiku." rin choked on a laugh as aiku placed a hand on his chest dramatically. "you wound me, yn," he joked.
yukimiya chuckled and said, "i don't know you very well, oliver, but i'll take yn's word for it. besides, rin had an entire fan club in high school. i suspect it's only grown bigger since then."
"you'd suspect right," you said, taking another sizable sip of your drink, your eyes subconsciously trained on rin.
"well," oliver said, slapping rin's back, "time to go test these theories. we'll let you guys know the results at the end of the night." he threw a wink at you and dragged rin away, who sent you a look that screamed 'help me'.
over the course of the evening, you were joined at the bar by reo and seishiro to take shots, then by isagi and bachira, who dragged you to dance, and even by random men and women alike who approached you with offers to buy you a drink. you politely but firmly turned them all down.
"plot twist!" reo proclaimed to the group of them squeezed into the booth, "yn's pulled more than oliver and rin put together, i bet!"
isagi and meguru nodded in agreement, and kenyu said, "yeah, that's gotta be a record or something. not that it's surprising, anyone with eyes can tell you're easily the most beautiful person here."
the group was silent for a moment before bachira whistled. "damn, you've got game, kenyu-chan! can i call you kenyu-chan? that was smoothe as fuck!"
nagi and reo exchanged a look that you couldn't interpret with your hazy, alcohol-fuzzy brain. kunigami still had his head resting on the table, a glass of water in his hand.
"why don't we go dance?" isagi suggested, "and we can try to find dumbass 1 and 2 while we're at it. i haven't seen them since they started their stupid competition, and rensuke here can hold down the fort for us."
kunigami grumbled something incoherent as everyone left him, each person patting him on the head as they left.
the dance floor was packed, sweaty bodies pressed up against sweaty bodies. someone bumped into you and you stumbled, a mix of drunkenness and your high heels only making matters worse. before you could fall, a strong arm wrapped around her waist. "careful there, yn," yukimiya said, his face incredibly close to yours, "can't have your pretty self get hurt, now can we?"
he let go of you slowly, as if it was taking everything in him. "right," you said, your mind cloudy, "thanks, kenyu." he smiled softly before offering you a hand. "care to dance?"
yn glanced around, but reo and sei were dancing alone and isagi and bachira had already found women to flirt and dance with, so you shrugged. "may as well," you said with a grin.
you hadn't felt this light and carefree in ages, or this good about yourself, if you were being completely honest. you didn't think you'd ever had this many people come up to you to offer drinks and compliments.
you took kenyu's hand, gasping a little as he pulled you in close, his arms circling around you to rest respectfully on your lower back. you were surprised to find that the way your body was pressed against his was rather pleasant, as was the way he was looking down at you. intensely, as if he was trying to convey something with his eyes alone. you allowed your arms to loop around his neck and joked, "this feels rather unprofessional. you're my coworker, after all."
yukimiya threw his head back with a laugh, his cheeks flushed. it was cute, you thought. "you're right, i suppose," he agreed, pulling you even closer, "but i don't care."
he stared at you again, his eyes dipping down to your lips. he began leaning in, and your eyes were fluttering closed before you spotted something in your peripheral vision that made your stomach drop.
rin, sitting at a table, with an absolutely stunning woman draped over his lap, her hand trailing his chest and his arm wrapped tightly around her waist. she leaned in to whisper something in his ear that made him smile, a smile broader than any smile you had ever seen him give a stranger. your heart sank as the girl shifted, moving to kiss rin's neck. his eyes closed and he leaned his head back, allowing her to explore further down his throat.
you suddenly felt sick. you pushed away from yukimiya, mumbling some excuse about needing to throw up. you shoved your way through the crowd on the dance floor and out the front doors of the club for some air.
"oh god, oh god," you whispered to yourself. "fuck. fucking hell. what the fuck am i doing."
there was no way he didn't see you; the man had practically 180° vision he used in soccer. unless he was too caught up with that woman to even notice you-
you took a deep breath, steadying yourself, before slipping back inside, skillfully avoiding yukimiya, who you could see was searching for you near the restrooms. you hurried over to the booth and shook kunigami.
"come on rensuke, we're going home, okay?" he grumbled something you couldn't understand again as you grabbed his arm, pulling it over your shoulder to stumble outside.
miraculously, you were able to haul kunigami's excessively muscled body into a taxi, giving the driver the address to your apartment. you shot the group chat a quick text that you felt sick and were leaving with kunigami.
"fuck, fuck, fuck," you whispered. kunigami groaned. "what's wrong? why'd we leave? where's everyone else? where's the limo?"
you sighed, adjusting to support him so he didn't hit his head on anything. "i- something happened, and i want to go home, is all." you sniffled a little, and rensuke seemed to sober up a bit.
"what? what happened, yn?"
you just shook your head. "i'll tell you about it in the morning, ren. i just wanna shower and sleep. you can crash at mine tonight, the sofa is a pull out bed."
kunigami still looked concerned, but he nodded. "okay, yn. whenever you wanna talk about it, i'm here to listen."
you smiled, wiping away a lone tear that had managed to escape. "thanks, kuni." you rested your head on his shoulder for the remainder of the drive home.
when you got to your apartment, kunigami immediately passed out on the couch, not even bothering to pull out the bed. you laughed lightly and moved a trash can to the side of the bed in case he needed to vomit, and put a water bottle and a bottle of tylenol on the floor next to it.
shrugging off your new ridiculously expensive dress and jewelry, you didn't even look at your phone before sitting in the shower a long, long time in an attempt to rinse off the feel of other people's sweat on your body.
every time you closed your eyes, you could only see rin's head thrown back, eyes closed, enjoying that woman's lips on his neck.
you shook your head roughly, trying to snap out of it as you dried off.
you finally picked up your phone that you'd thrown on the bathroom counter and froze.
you had a few texts from the group chat with reo and nagi, but what caught your attention were the texts from both kenyu and rin.
a/n: teehee i <3 drama even if it's the most predictable thing ever i live for it
chapter VII > series masterlist > chapter IX
taglist: @punkhazardlaw @sarah-saystuff @ashnootnoot @xiriela @froggie-zusya23 @vanitasbrainrot @nutsinspector @shironagi @1isabelfox @celestair @rin1802 @rroxii @reiners-milkbiddies @arxliana @kiopanxp @kawaii-angelanne @sleepygraves @dei-lilxc @y-sabell-a @k0z3me @lilactaro
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tala-bez-i · 2 months
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At first sight Chapter Twenty-Nine
(m!reader x Bonten!Haruchiyo Sanzu)
Fluff/slash/reader is male/cursing/BontenTimeline/drugs and alcohol mentioned/violence/blood/death
All characters that appeared in the Tokyo Revengers manga and anime belong to Ken Wakui.
Words: 5040
This chapter may not be pleasant to read for some people.
“I know it's too early, Hanma. Listen, did that bitch had said anything about their boss?” Sanzu paced around the living room, his voice growing irritated. 
“We already established that Kuroda and the rest were just admins, so stop talking nonsense.” 
The question was swirling in your mind about what Yuji had done to you that your subconscious had decided to erase his existence from your memory as much as possible. In fact, you didn't remember many events related to his character, and yet he spent almost all his time at home. 
He was older than you by how much? About 12-13 years? Yeah. Mai was seven years younger than him, and when she was home, he was never far from her side. He helped her with her studies, with her school projects... 
“She must know something!” Sanzu shouted, stopping in his tracks, and as you sipped the alcohol from the glass, you saw the hand he had clenched into a fist starting to shake. “Maybe it would be easier if I talked to her myself? Oh, you know I would get everything I want to know out of that bitch.” 
He was never far from her side... You were just a little shit who didn't understand many things back then, but now... 
“Yuji was obsessed with her.” You mumbled and drank the contents of the glass in one gulp. “He was fucking obsessed with her.” 
The pink-haired man continued talking, or rather arguing, with Hanma on the phone, completely ignoring your words. Maybe he didn't even hear them, so without anyone stopping you, you took the bottle of alcohol you had just started and started drinking straight from the bottle. 
You remembered your father's words, which you once overheard while walking past your parents' bedroom. 
“It's not healthy, Sachiko. He does something he shouldn't. We are Family." 
"I know babe. Mai is afraid of him.” 
“He treats Tomoko like a sister…” 
“Which it is by virtue of actual kinship. Yuji just got lost..." 
“Don't defend him. He's my son, my firstborn, but I can't bear to look at him. I can't accept what he's doing, and neither can you." 
“He's 25 years old, damn it, he's not a kid!” 
You didn't hear the rest of the conversation because your father closed the door, not knowing that you were standing right next to them. You remembered taking steps towards your eldest sister's room, but on the way, Tomoko grabbed you, placing a finger to her lips to keep you quiet. 
You knew what that meant. Yuji was at home, in his room, and if he heard you around Mai, you would be in serious trouble. 
You felt the alcohol starting to burn your throat, but you didn't mind. The feeling was strangely soothing and as soon as you noticed that there wasn't much alcohol left at the bottom and Sanzu left for the bedroom - still talking on the phone, you got up from the sofa and went to the small bar where he kept more alcohol. 
You were going to get drunk, even drink yourself into unconsciousness, which would allow you to forget about your brother, at least for a moment. Too bad, maybe Sanzu will kill you for your weakness, but you didn't give a damn about it. 
“Yes, I have my suspicions.” Haruchiyo said louder, returning to the living room wearing a shirt and pants. “I won't tell you who we mean… Yes, we, me and Y/n…” 
You started drinking from another bottle, feeling an increasingly pleasant tingling sensation in all your limbs. You took two more bottles in your hand and headed back to the sofa so you could sit on it and enjoy your alcoholic beverages. 
Suddenly, Sanzu's hand took one of the bottles from you, and when you looked at his face, it had a strange expression mixed with irritation at the drawn-out conversation with Shuji Hanma. He shook his head and you shrugged, continuing your journey to the comfortable lounge furniture. 
“Focus, Hanma. How the fuck are you focused?” He loudly put the bottle back in its place and began pacing around the room again. You watched him calmly, taking a sip of alcohol from the bottle every now and then. “Who did she mention? Yuu? So, this fucker is their boss? Good, good. Now we're starting to come to some sort of agreement, you fucker..." 
Yuu... Yuuta... Yuji... 
You took a few long gulps and leaned your head back, mumbling under your breath. “Yuji might be Yuu…” 
"What?" You heard Haruchiyo's voice close to you. “Not you, Hanma. Y/n, what did you say?” 
“Yuji might be Yuu. I wouldn't be surprised at all. He's a fucking psycho." You answered him, staring at the ceiling. 
“Fuck... Yeah, Yuji is the guy we suspect. Don't eavesdrop..." Sanzu growled into the phone and took a few steps forward, then stopped and walked to the sofa where you were drinking alcohol. “Why do you think so?” 
You shrugged. "And why not?" 
“Hanma, deal with Emiko. Get more out of her about this whole Yuu thing.” Sanzu said after a while and ended the call, throwing the phone onto one of the armchairs. “Stop drinking.” 
You ignored him, finishing the bottle of liquor and setting it on the coffee table. Sanzu sat down in the other armchair and out of the corner of your eye you saw him swallowing drugs. You looked at the last bottle he hadn't taken from you and grimaced slightly. 
“You don't have any vodka?” 
“Should I take this away from you?” The answer came, so you shrugged, accepting the type of drink and took a sip. “Stop drinking, I'm serious.” 
“Take care of your pills.” You grunted and you get hit with a small pillow, which you put aside unfazed and poured the burning liquid into your mouth again. 
“Why would your brother compete with Bonten?” 
“He's not competing with Bonten.” 
“Care to explain what you mean?” Haruchiyo asked, still irritated. “He's endangering Mikey.” 
"Not him. Yuji is endangering me. The murdering of whores and the actual attempts to threaten the syndicate was solely on the part of Kuroda and the rest.” You answered after a short moment of thought. 
“And the Uchiyamas?” 
You stopped your hand with the bottle halfway to your mouth. Well, what about them? 
“Maybe… Fifty fifty?” 
“They acted as a means of disposing of our prostitutes, but because of Emiko they were more… Umm… Related to… Harming me? I don't know, Sanzu.” 
“She didn't know you were alive. Have you forgotten that there was a contract for your head?” 
Exactly. You forgot. You placed the bottle between your thighs so you wouldn't have to reach for it on the table, and you clearly intended to drink the entire contents. No matter what Haru said... 
“So, they were going to harm Bonten.” You said, running your fingers through your hair. 
“But they worked directly for Yuu, not Kuroda and Nagano like everyone thought, so…” 
“Don't mess with my head, Sanzu, for fuck's sake.” You interrupted him and drank from the bottle again. 
“Not in that tone.” Haruchiyo stood up abruptly from the chair he was sitting in and walked over to you. He grabbed the bottle you held close to your mouth and tried to take it away from you. “Give it back, you've had enough to drink.” 
“No.” You slapped his hand and saw his eyes widen in disbelief. “Let me finish. I need it." 
“You need purity of mind, not alcohol!” The man got angry and tried to take the bottle from you again, but you grabbed it from his grasp and wagged your finger at him. 
“Let. Me. Finish.” You gritted out through your teeth and then you felt a stinging pain on your cheek and your head snapped to the side. Haruchiyo slapped you. 
This time, when his hand reached for the bottle that was still in your hand, you let him take it. You were too busy trying not to punch him back to react to the confiscation. 
“You're getting nasty.” He said, still nervous, but sat down next to you and turned your face towards him. “Can't you see this motherfucker is starting to control you? You haven't even seen him yet and he already has power over you." 
“Let Hanma cut off her next fingers.” You mumbled, feeling the effects of the alcohol again. Your eyes began to move over Sanzu's face, not lingering on any point. 
“He's already cut off enough of her fingers.” The pink-haired man grimaced as he watched your face. 
“Then let him cut off the rest of them. We won't let her go anyway.” 
“If not the fingers, let him start burning her.” You huffed, tightening your fingers on his wrists. 
“Knowing Hanma, he's already tried that…” 
“Then let him roast her nipples. Damn it, Sanzu... She doesn't need them for anything.” 
His bright eyes widened, and his face showed disbelief once again. "What?" 
You licked your lips, feeling your mouth dry and moved his hands away from your face. “You heard me. I can do it myself..." 
“Y/n…” Haruchiyo laughed uncertainly, watching you struggle to get up from the sofa and take a few wobbly steps towards the entrance door to the apartment. “You won't go anywhere in this condition. You won't even be able to put your shoes on..." 
“Then I'll go barefoot…” You mumbled, holding yourself against the wall. 
"Absolutely not." The man sighed and grabbed your arm confidently, offering you better support, which you took advantage of. 
“For me, Hanma can burn her cunt. She won't get much use out of it.” 
“God, Y/n... I've never known you like this before.” He chuckled as he led you towards the door, but it wasn't until you were through them that you noticed that you had gone through the wrong one. 
“Haru, silly, this is the bedroom…” You frowned and tried to turn around, eager to try to leave the apartment again, but his grip on his fingers tightened. 
“Oh, I know what I'm doing.” The other sighed and pushed you onto the bed, where you fell rather limply. 
You propped yourself awkwardly on your elbows and lifted your head with difficulty to look at the pink-haired man who poured a glass of water from a carafe on the cabinet and sat on the edge of the bed, handing it to you. 
“Drink this. You barely ate anything, and you shouldn't drink on an empty stomach... Even Rindou wouldn't be that drunk after so much alcohol.” He said in a calm voice and you took the glass from him. 
You drank its contents and your head fell back onto the mattress. “Don't tell him about this... Please.” You mumbled as you felt your eyelids getting heavy. 
You saw Haruchiyo's face above you, watching yours closely. His soft hair tickled your cheeks and the fingers of his hand danced over your healing lip and eyebrow. 
“I'm tired…” You muttered quietly and closed your eyes, feeling everything start to spin. 
“Of course you are, honey.” Sanzu answered you and you felt something warm and wet on your cheek, followed by a few small kisses. “Sleep, Y/n.” Tickling on the neck. “I'll take care of everything, you don't have to worry about anything.” 
His voice was soft, warm... Soothing. You wanted to look at him, but you could only open one eye. He was still leaning over you, the warmth of his body surrounding you in a pleasant wave. 
You tried to lift your hand to touch him, but his hands were faster and pressed yours to the mattress above your head. 
“Shhh…” He kissed your ear and you sighed softly. “Let me take care of you.” You felt another kiss on your neck and you tried to move your hand again, but this time you couldn't. You didn't have the strength for it. 
The alcohol must have had a much greater effect on you than usual, but you didn't feel the slightest bit anxious. Sanzu was with you, and you knew everything would be okay. He said so himself... 
You saw his face again and his rosy lips were stretching into a beautiful smile, so the corners of your mouth twitched upwards slightly, trying to answer him in kind. 
He kissed you tenderly and you blew out a breath through your nose, closing your eyes and giving in to another wave of tiredness. 
“Such a good boy.” You heard him whisper and fell asleep. 
You woke up after what felt like an eternity of sleep. Your body felt numb, as if you were sleeping in a very uncomfortable position, but you were lying on your back with your head on a soft pillow. You moved your sluggish limbs and forced yourself to sit up with great difficulty. 
Your head was dropped to your chest, but you managed to lift it and looked around the room. You were still in Sanzu's bedroom, but it was almost completely bathed in darkness. Only in the corner of the room, right next to the door to his dressing room, there was a lamp lit, giving dim light. 
You expected a severe headache, but apart from slow movements, nothing else bothered you. You slid your legs off the bed and your bare feet touched the cool floor. You looked around again for your phone, but it was nowhere to be found. It probably was in the living room... 
You stood up carefully and took your first few steps. It wasn't bad, really. Your body began to respond faster to the stimuli sent to your brain and after a while you opened the bedroom door. The living room was also lit in several places by standing lamps, but there was no one in sight. 
“Sanzu?” You called out hesitantly, but silence answered you, so you took a few more steps and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. 
His hands showed 1:23 past midnight. 
“Haruchiyo?” You called out, looking into his small kitchen once again, but there was no sign of the man there either. 
You returned to the living room and looked at the cabinet where you always put your house and car keys, but they were nowhere to be found. The pink-haired man's keys were also missing. 
You walked closer to the front door and saw that his shoes were missing. He left the apartment. He left you alone. 
“What the fuck?” You mumbled and feeling anxious, you searched for your phone, but after twenty minutes you were unable to find it anywhere. This could only mean one thing. Sanzu took it with him. 
You went back to the front door and pressed the handle. Closed. Sanzu locked the door and you knew you wouldn't be able to open it without the key. 
Jacket... You usually had the spare key to his apartment right there in your jacket, and unless Haru checked it... 
You ran back to the bedroom and grabbed the said article of clothing that was slung over the back of the chair and started checking the pockets. 
“There it is!” You smiled broadly as you pulled out a key from your inside pocket. 
Your smile quickly disappeared when you realized your weapon was missing and you cursed loudly. What was he thinking? And above all, where did he go? 
You put on your jacket and went back to the front door, where you put on your shoes and inserted the key into the lock, turning it, and you were ready to leave your would-be prison. You locked the door from the outside and headed for the elevator to get to... 
Yes, to get to your car. Genius. You didn't have the key! 
You swore again and took the elevator down to the ground floor and into the lobby, where you stopped and bit the inside of your cheek lightly. So where did you want to go? You placed your hands on your hips and lowered your head. Maybe home? You had a spare key hidden under the flowerpot on the porch... You could take the other gun and... 
You looked up at your reflection in the door of another elevator. You could have gone to where Emiko was being held and extracted the information you needed from her yourself. You had to make sure your thoughts were correct and that Yuu was Yuji... 
Yes. It wasn't a stupid idea. You left the building and walked towards a nearby taxi stand. 
As you drove to your address, thoughts flooded your mind again. Where was Sanzu and why did he take your stuff? What happened? One thing was certain, you would settle accounts with him and put the idea of imprisoning you in such a way out of his mind again. 
You paid for the ride with the rest of the cash you had in your pants pocket and entered your house without any problems, but as soon as you got to the room where your spare weapon was hidden, it turned out that someone had taken it as well. 
“Damn it!” You swore, punching the wall next to the locker door. "Sanzu, you dumb fuck!" 
Oh, you'll definitely teach him a lesson this time. He could count on it. 
You quickly left the room and went down to the basement, hoping that Hanma hadn't told him where you had another weapons stash. 
You moved a cabinet away from the wall, with a few tools lying on it, and entered the code on a small keyboard. The light changed from red to green and you opened the door. You were immediately relieved when you saw your two extra guns and several full magazines full of bullets. You took one and put the holster under your jacket. Now you really wanted to talk to Emiko. You won't let yourself be stopped. 
You entered the garage and grimaced slightly seeing that your only options were a bike and... Your face relaxed slightly at the sight of your first baby - the Kawasaki ZX-10R Ninja. It didn't quite match the suit right now, but... You shrugged and drove it out of the garage, enjoying the sound of its engine all over again. 
You rushed to the address of the warehouse that was etched in your memory, bearing in mind the fact that at such a late hour you might attract the attention of a police patrol. Even though you were focused on the road, you had your eyes peeled, just in case. 
The journey didn't take you very long, but as soon as you entered the gates of the warehouse area, you let the machine continue to run at low speeds, trying not to make any noise. You had a strange feeling that you shouldn't draw attention to yourself. 
You left your motorcycle behind the crates and listened. Silence. No talking or footsteps. For all you knew, there should have been a few people outside and at least five more inside. 
You looked around carefully and saw a black SUV that belonged to the syndicate. Maybe the boys took a short nap break? You didn't blame them. 
You stepped closer to see for yourself. You no longer cared whether they reported you to Hanma or Mikey himself. You had the right to show up here and it didn't have to be related to the fact that your ex was in the warehouse. The official version you knew was that the woman was outside of Tokyo. 
The closer you got to the car, the more your stomach tightened. Something was wrong, very wrong. You stopped right in front of the driver's side door and without thinking, you pulled out your gun. You held it at ready and pulled the car door handle. 
“Fuck…” You whispered as you saw the limp bodies and traces of blood. 
You touched one of the men's necks and felt no pulse. The bodies were still warm, which meant they had been killed a few minutes ago. You looked at your hand and saw it was covered in blood. You wiped it on the man's clothes and looked towards the door to the warehouse. 
If this was the situation outside, what was inside? 
You sneaked to the door of the building and listened, but you didn't hear anything, so you opened the door and slipped inside the warehouse. The first thing you saw were more bodies of men working for Bonten lying in pools of blood. 
It was bad, very bad. You walked towards the back rooms where Emiko was supposed to be kept and the closer you got, the more clearly you heard the conversation. 
“…you don't understand…” A man said. “Hanma…can't find out.” 
"I do not care about it." Another one growled, and you immediately recognized the voice you heard on the recordings from the basement of the Uchiyama house. Daisuke Sugiyama. 
“But I care... Take away... disappear.” 
You pressed your back against the wall next to the open door to the dimly lit room and listened. 
“I'll take the car.” Sugiyama said and the other man cursed. 
"Absolutely not. How will I explain this, eh?” The first man protested. “Take the woman away until Hanma shows up and fuck off.” 
“Can't you see what condition she's in? She won’t make it to my car.” 
“Then fucking carry her!” 
The sound of a struggle and the man's quiet groaning. “Don't talk back to me. Don't forget who you work for.” 
“Fine... I'll say they stole it... Fuck, let me go.” 
The sound of bumping into some furniture or crates and the quiet sobbing of a woman. 
“Shhh, baby. It's okay. I'll take you away from here. They won't hurt you anymore.” Sugiyama's tone was sickly tender and you felt bile rising in your throat. He really loved her... 
“Move, the fuck.” The first man spoke again. “Look what time it is! Hanma is expected to be here within sixty minutes!” 
“Why so early?” 
“He's supposed to ask her about the boss. I only know this much.” 
“He won't know shit.” 
“Get out of here before the guard wakes up…” 
“They won't wake up.” Sugiyama said and a female voice spoke. 
“Look what they did to me, honey. Look what they did to me..." 
“Shhh... They'll pay us for this. My poor thing.” 
“What do you mean they won't wake up?” The first man became concerned. 
"This." Emiko's husband answered him briefly and there was a gun shot, followed by the sound of a falling body. 
Your heart started beating faster with the sudden rush of adrenaline and as the door opened wider, you grabbed the man leaving by the collar of his shirt and threw him against the wall. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a small female figure fall to the floor, but you decided to ignore it now and focus on the taller man who, despite the moment of surprise, quickly responded with an accurate punch to your face. 
You stepped back and when you aimed the gun at him, he knocked it out of your hand with a strong kick. The gun slid across the floor and as you shielded yourself from Sugiyama's next attacks, you heard a woman scream in frustration. 
You looked towards her and saw that she was trying to lift the gun, but due to several of her fingers being missing, she wasn't able to get a good grip on it. She threw the weapon further to the side and jumped to her feet. 
“Get in the car!” Sugiyama shouted and his next well-placed punch to your head sent you reeling backwards. 
You expected the man to be as strong as Hanma, but you had little hope that his age would slow him down even a little. Oh, how wrong you were... 
Somehow you managed to land a few punches, though he blocked most of them without much effort. You kicked him in the side and the man fell into a pile of crates nearby. He grabbed onto one of them and gave you a hateful, icy glare. He smirked and nodded at you. 
“Now I see who Yuuta got his beauty from. It became clear why my butterfly hated the little one so much.” He said contemptuously and your blood boiled. 
“You'll pay for what you did to him, you son of a bitch!” 
“Oh, come on…” He brushed his hair back from his face and laughed. “God, he was such a sweet baby. So obedient and lovely..." 
"Shut the fuck up!" You screamed and lunged at him, but just as you were about to grab him by the shirt and punch him in the face again, he pulled out a metal pipe from behind one of the crates and hit you on the head with what seemed like all his strength. 
Your ears were ringing and the pain was splitting your head. You fell onto the dirty warehouse floor, completely blind for a moment, and doubled over as you felt a strong kick to your stomach. Immediately afterward, you felt several blows from a metal pipe all over your body and you automatically tried to protect your head with your hands. 
“Now you'll die, you bastard! Oh, the boss would like to do it himself, but…” Another series of blows. “He'll have to forgive me... This moment of weakness!” 
Somewhere in the distance, you heard another scream from a woman calling for Sugiyama, and a wave of energy washed over you. You grabbed the metal pipe that was getting closer to your body again, yanking it out of the man's hand and throwing it far to the side. With a well-aimed kick, you knocked him off his feet and quickly sat on his chest. 
Both of your hands shot to his neck, and you began to tighten your fingers around it. Your breathing was heavy, and you were panting loudly, the metallic taste of your own blood on your tongue as it dripped from your nose. You felt wetness on half of your face, and you wouldn't be surprised if the first hit of the pipe cut the skin on your head. 
“Who is your boss?!” You drawled, looking Sugiyama straight in the eyes, where you saw blood vessels starting to burst. 
The man's only response was a loud wheeze, so you slammed his head against the floor. 
“Who is your boss?!” 
"Y...Yu...ji..." The man drawled with difficulty and blood poured from his nose. 
Your eyes widened in horror, but you didn't loosen your grip on his throat. Yuji, Yuji... 
"Where is he?" 
Another wheezing noise from him was drowned out by the roar of the engine and when you raised your head, you saw the headlights of a car speeding towards you. 
You cursed loudly and jumped away from the man beneath you at the last moment. There were a few sickly wet cracks, you felt a few drops land on your face, and the front of the car hit the standing crates. You looked with horror and disbelief at the bloody body of a man who was dying before your eyes. 
She ran over him! That fucking bitch didn't hesitate to run over him! 
You were broken out of your trance by the screech of the car's tires as it reversed rapidly. His rear wheels ran over Daisuke's head and his legs jumped up. Without waiting for anything else, you jumped to your feet and ran away from the front wheels of the car that moved rapidly towards you. Instead of aiming at you, the vehicle crashed into the warehouse gate and with a loud bang, the car drove outside, leaving you alone. 
Your poor heart almost beat out of your chest as you fell to your knees to catch your breath. You didn't want to look towards the dead body of the man who hurt your son. You covered your mouth with your hand and, ignoring the fact that Emiko might be waiting for you outside, you ran out of the warehouse and fell to your knees again, vomiting. 
Your eyes stung from the exertion of puking and tears flowed from them. Emiko ran over him... She ran over him... 
“Y/n?!” You heard someone screaming, but you didn't respond to it. 
“Y/n!” Someone rushed up to you and grabbed your arms with such force that you had to grab onto something to keep your balance. 
You looked into terrified, wide light eyes, framed by long, thick pink eyelashes, and you knew who you had in front of you... 
“Sanzu…” You whispered and saw Hanma standing behind him with a look of complete surprise on his face. 
"What are you doing here?!" His eyes widened even more when he saw the state you were in, then he looked towards the warehouse and its ruined gate. “What the fuck happened here?!” 
“Sugiyama came for Emiko. She ran away…” You started to explain, your body starting to shake. “One of the guards was a traitor... She escaped!” 
Hanma moved towards the SUV and looked inside, then quickly ran to the warehouse. 
“You shouldn't be here…” Sanzu pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and started wiping your face with it. “How did you get out of my apartment?” 
“She ran over him with one of our cars, Sanzu… She tried to run me over, but she killed Sugiyama…” You tightened your fingers on his forearms and the pink-haired man froze, staring at your face in horror. “She didn't hesitate for a moment…” 
“And the fun is over.” Hanma sighed loudly as he walked towards you and out of the corner of your eye you saw him signaling to the people who had come with him and Sanzu. “It needs to be cleaned up and all traces removed. Get to work, boys.” 
Sanzu helped you up from the ground, holding your arm tightly as Hanma leaned forward slightly, pursing his lips. “Please, tell me that you at least had the idea to ask them about their boss, Y/n….” 
“Hanma…” Sanzu growled warningly, but you nodded. 
“Sugiyama confirmed my suspicions.” You swallowed loudly, looking into Shuji's golden eyes. “Yuji L/n is their boss.” 
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plantwriting · 4 months
hello! you wanted your askbox full! :D
i'm sure you've posted about most of them already, but any chance you have kian/jrwi headcanons you want to share??
!!!!!!!!! Yeah ive probably posted most of them but. Theres always more…
Post being revived, kian still has some leftover bug instincts. Like even though hes not a bug just having memories of being one and specifically memories of being part of the hive leaves him with bug things in his head. Being around rolan makes them stronger whenever rolan acts bug, like if rolan’s clicking kian just has the instinctual need to click back at him, rolan at some point starts just building a nest out of blankets and stuff and whenever kians not feeling good he feels the need to just go to the nest (blanket fort) to be safe, his hair being groomed makes him feel incredibly safe and relaxed and loved because social insects groom each other as a bonding activity, etc etc
Kian’s afraid of a lot of “embarrassing” things and he tries to hide it but that. Wont work forever. Hes specifically scared of flying, the dark, needles, deep bodies of water, being alone, and post revival hes scared of music in general for a while and the feeling of things going down his throat :(
Kian has like. Really nice handwriting. He spent forever practicing making it look as nice as possible as a kid/teen. In contrast rolan has like.. extremely average looking handwriting, and rand’s handwriting is horrible. (I am rand in this situation lol)
Kian’s really wanted to try drag before, but never really had the chance to. He couldnt afford it (since you know makeup and clothes and everything expensive) when he was younger, and he could have afforded it after becoming a stockbroker but he kind of just.. gave up on doing any performing. Or just really having hobbies in general outside of going to clubs and sleeping around. He didnt feel like he deserved any kind of positive attention that being on stage might have brought him since he’d failed to become a rockstar :(
Okay happier one! Kian hyperfixated on mythology and constellations at some point either in his teens or as a young adult. He really likes stargazing with rand and rolan and explanaining the different constellations and such to them :)
Really likes sour things! Bro would eat a whole lemon if you let him (projecting)
Partly because autism, partly because horrible childhood, he has a lot of trouble like. Reading the signs his body gives him. Or even noticing that there ARE signs. Like hell be exhausted and feeling like shit and just brush it off until he realizes that wait its been like 12 hours since hes eaten. Or he hasnt slept in three days. Or when was the last time he drank water?? He just. Forgets that those are things he needs.
He loves collecting funky earrings :) i mean i feel like its implied by the earrings he has in canon but. Yeah. Hes got so many of them
He gets really clingy and emotional whenever he’s really not feeling well (sick or very tired etc) and he TRIES to hide it but its. Yeah. Rand will like make him soup or something while hes sick and hell just break down in tears
Kian with chronic fatigue save me.. chronic fatigue kian.. save me constantly exhausted but trying to fight it kian…
Specifically to actually explain the last one his body is like. Not the same after coming back. Like being brought back from the dead took a lot of energy and hes also sort of just.. in low power mode? I guess? Like his body doesnt generate as much energy as it should because it just doesnt work like it used to anymore. He really doesnt like it because it makes him feel like a burden :(
Uhhh yeah thats all i can think of for now!! Thank you for giving me an excuse to go crazy about him lol
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patscorner · 7 months
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Summary: Arlo was a closed off person, but when Sturniolos walked into his life, it got harder and hard to hide what's going on at home. Eventually, Arlo's troubled home life comes to life, as well as unexpected feelings for an unexpected person.
TW: kissing, making out, mentions of alcohol, mentions of vomit
Nick opened his eyes slowly, squeezing them shut immediately. The light coming from the window was already too much for his hungover mind to handle.
His head was pounding so loud he was certain any nearby outsiders could hear it. As the pain slowly went away, Nick noticed how thirsty he was and how he felt like he couldn't move.
Nevertheless, he got up anyway, swaying on his feet, having to use the nightstand for stability. Nick looked around the room, trying to figure out how he got home.
All he can remember is going to a party and suddenly feeling really sad... but he couldn't remember why. He shook his head, immediately regretting it as a giant wave of nausea hit him like a truck. He stumbled to the bathroom, immediately falling in front if the toilet, gagging harshly.
As he lay on the cold tile, memories from last night came back to him. Nick remembered drinking... and drinking some more... and then yelling at someone. He remembered watching Arlo walk into the night...
Arlo. Shit.
Nick got drunk, and that probably fucked with Arlo's head. Nick couldn't even remember why he drunk that night. He knew he was sad, but he didn't know what the reason was.
Nick's face dropped, suddenly feeling guilty. Yelling and drunkenness probably isn't something Arlo needed. Nick had convinced him to go to the party, only to get shitfaced and not actually hanging out with him.
Nick sat up and gagged once again. This time, only bile came up. Tears fell from his eyes as he started to sob, the sharp pain behind his eyes only making it worse.
How could he do that? How could he get drunk? It's so irresponsible. He didn't even know why he drank. He rarely did, especially enough to barely remember what he'd done. Something had happened, and he didn't remember what and why it affected him the way it did.
Nick lurched forward, finally throwing up. Soft cries left his mouth as he laid back and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
Suddenly, the door opened, and an arm rubbed patterns on Nick's back. He didn't know who it was, but he was thankful that he wasn't alone anymore. "Shhh, it's okay... let it out, bud."
Nick froze. Arlo.
Nick looked up to see his best friend, sympathy written all over his face. Nick felt a wave of guilt, causing him to start to cry again. He fell back into Arlo's arms, helping guide him to the wall.
Nick closed his eyes as more tears fell, Arlo quickly wiping them up. Arlo was still upset, but he wasn't gonna leave Nick by himself. A comfortable silence fell between the boys, as Nick recovered from losing everything he'd consumed in the last 12 hours.
Nick finally opened his eyes, looking over at Arlo, who was looking and fidgeting with his hands in his lap. "I'm sorry." Nick croaked out.
Arlo looked up, sadness in his eyes. He looked back down. "I know." He whispered. Silence engulfed the boys as they got used to the cold tiles.
"Why?" Arlo asked, staring in Nick's blue eyes. Nick shook his head, feeling too bad to look at Arlo any longer. He didn't know why, that's the fucking problem.
"I don't know. I don't..." Nick swallowed, trying to keep his tears at bay. "I don't remember." He said, barely audible, but Arlo heard him.
Arlo nodded. "Tito's will do that to you." He smiled softly, looking at Nick, who still wasn't looking at him.
Arlo brought his hand to Nick's chin and forced it towards him, causing Nick to look at him. When Nick finally did, a small tear fell from his eyes.
"Don't cry, it's okay. You didn't mean it." Arlo spoke, carassing Nick's jaw, wiping his tears.
Nick smiled a bit, leaning to Arlo's hand. All of a sudden, Arlo had the urge to kiss Nick, to feel his lips on his own. To know what he tasted like.
"Can-" Alro took a deep breath, trying to keep his composure. "Can I kiss you?"
Nick raised his eyebrows in shock. He wasn't opposed, just surprised. He nodded, and with that, Arlo leaned in, gently pulling Nick's face to his, interlocking their lips together.
Butterflies immediately erupt in Nick's stomach. He didn't even realize he was ignoring his feelings about Arlo until right now. If it were anyone else, it would've been just a kiss, but Nick felt something he'd never felt before.
Arlo immediately got lost in the kiss, just like Nick. Neither of them realized it, but they were falling for each other, this kiss confirming it. Arlo moved his other hand to Nick's jaw, carrassing the light stubble he had growing in.
After a minute, Arlo pulled away. "Holy shit..." He breathed out. Nick laughed lightly. "Again?"
Alro smiled before leaning in and kissing Nick once more. This time, more hungry and more passionate. Arlo moved his hands to Nick's neck, pulling him in closer, causing him to gasp slightly.
Arlo took the opportunity to slip his tongue into Nick's mouth. Nick returned the favor, fighting for dominance and ultimately losing. They pulled apart to breathe, only to connect their lips once more. This time, Nick wasn't gonna lose.
He pushed Arlo onto the cold tile floor, hovering over him. Nick looked down at Arlo before reconnecting their lips, which quickly turned into a heated make out.
Arlo's hands moved up and down Nick's sides, as one of Nick's rested on Arlo's waist, the other holding himself up. The kiss became sloppy, both boys breathing heavy and saliva all over their lips.
Finally, Arlo pulled away, resting his forehead on Nick's, his eyes closed. The boys breathed hard, staying where they were for a minute.
Nick finally moved off of Arlo, sitting back where he was. Arlo followed suit, sitting back in his original spot. It got quiet, both boys unsure of what to say.
Arlo cleared his throat. "Breakfast?" He asked. He and Nick burst into laughter, doubling over.
"Seriously, though. That's what I came in here for in the first place." Arlo said after the laughter subsided. Nick smiled. "I don't think I eat even if I tried."
"Come." Arlo said, standing up and holding his hand out for Nick to grab, which he does.
Arlo slowly led Nick, who was reminded of his hungover once he stood, down the stairs to the kitchen. Matt and Chris were both sitting on the couch, empty plates in their laps, phones into their hands.
They didn't even notice the two walk in until Arlo started speaking. "I made waffles, but I see these fucking morons had them." His voice causing the boys to look up. "How about eggs?" He asked.
Nick just nodded.
"Hey, Nick, how are you feeling?" Matt said, looking up from his phone, voice laced with concern.
Chris just rolled his eyes and looked back at his phone. Nick noticed Chris's attitude but didn't say anything. He figured Chris would say what he needed when he felt like it.
"I'm... I'm okay. Gotta a huge fucking headache, though." Nick said, sitting down at the island.
"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. You had a fuck ton of Tito's." Chris scoffed, standing up and stomping down the stairs, slamming his door.
Nick's eyebrows raised in surprised, looking at Matt, who shrugged. "You threw up on his favorite shoes. Give him a minute."
Nick shook his head. "That's crazy because I remember when he threw up on my pants and gave me a black eye." Matt laughed. "I don't know, dude, you were fucked up last night."
Nick looked at Arlo, who immediately looked at his shoes. "I wasn't that fucked up... I remember everything." Nick looked back at Matt.
Arlo shook his head, his heart starting to ache. Nick didn't remember it. Nick didn't remember telling his best friend that he was in love with him. He didn't remember almost getting into a fight. He didn't even remember throwing up on Chris's shoes. He didn't remember.
"Not everything." Arlo scoffed quietly, but Nick still heard him.
He turned around, facing Arlo. "What the fuck does that mean?"
"Nothing, Nick. Look, if you want him to stop being grumpy, go clean his Jordan's." Arlo turned around, quickly changing the subject.
"And my fucking car." Matt chimed in. "We film today, and I don't want to smell fucking Tito's and tacos."
"Fine, Jesus. I'll clean it all up." Nick spoke, eyeing Arlo, who'd moved to the stove to make eggs.
After Nick cleaned Chris's Jordan's and made Arlo help him clean the car, they all piled in and drove to their favorite parking lot to film.
"Okay! So today, we don't actually have a topic, but we can do this or that. Sound good?" Nick said, looking around at everyone, earning sounds of collective agreement.
"We also have a guest to join us, one that we know and love, Arlo!" Matt said, grinning.
Arlo smiled and waved at the camera, ignoring Nick's eyes on him. "Hey, everyone."
And with that, the video continued, flowing smoothly, like usual. Nick and Chris bickered, while Matt and Arlo sort of just watched in amusement.
Nick would look at Arlo occasionally, forgetting that they were filming and forgetting how crazy their fan base is. As Matt and Chris conversed, Arlo watched, listening intently.
Nick wasn't even trying to listen to his brothers. He was staring at Arlo, admiring his face of concentration.
He stared until Arlo's phone buzzed. Arlo ignored it at first, assuming it was his job group chat. But then it kept going, buzzing over and over again.
"Turn the fucking phone off, Jesus Christ!" Chris turned around in his seat, looking at Arlo.
Arlo rolled his eyes. "Fucking relax Chris. It's not that fucking deep." He grumbled as he pulled his phone out to put it on mute. But as he opened his phone, his heart dropped as he read the contact name and the message.
Come get the rest of ur shit bitch boy. Since u don't wanna come home u arent welcome home.
Arlo's breathing hitched, his heart dropping to his toes as he read the message.
Fuck, he thought he was done with this.
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estrellami-1 · 2 years
Soft Touch Baby
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | Pt 4 | Pt 5 | Pt 6 | Pt 7 | Pt 8 | Pt 9 | Pt 10 | Pt 11 | Pt 12 | Pt 13 | Pt 14 | Pt 15 | Pt 16 | Eddie’s POV | Song | ao3
(This one was a bit harder to get out… I had a buffer until now (and now I have a little bit of a buffer again but it was hard to get there), So most of this I wrote yesterday/last night. Paired with the fact that I’m Seriously Considering I might have SAD… I’m doing great 🙃 anyways I hope y’all enjoy!!!)
Steve looks down as he feels color rush into his cheeks. "She found so many books it's almost embarrassing. It basically boils down to one of our fundamental human needs is touch. Any touch. Holding hands, a hug, doesn't matter. Supposedly helps with a buncha stuff, anxiety, stress, shit like that. Can even help with sleep." He raises an eyebrow at Eddie, who toasts him with his water before taking a sip. "So she started touching me more. And it really does help." He bites at his lip for a second. "It, uh, didn't help for sleeping until last night."
Eddie nods slowly. "I understand, I think, but I see you touch the kids all the time."
Steve shrugs helplessly. "Ask Robin. Something about a difference between touching and being touched."
Eddie bites his lip. "You know I'm ignoring the being touched. That's too low a hanging fruit."
Steve snorts. "I'd expect nothing less from you."
Eddie nods like it's settled. "Well, good then. And, uh. You want touch... you can come find me.”
Steve smiles. Doesn't remark on the color on Eddie's cheeks. "Thank you."
Eddie nods, dipping his head once, focused on his pancake. His leg starts shaking. He doesn’t look up. “What we said earlier,” he begins finally. “About… needing it. That goes both ways?”
It’s somehow both a question and a statement. Steve nods, takes his empty plate over to the sink, turns on the tap. “Yeah. Course.”
“Cool,” Eddie murmurs, almost lost underneath the spray of water against the plate. Steve hides his smile as he squirts soap onto the sponge.
Eddie leaves not too long after, stating something about the band and songs and tuning. He hesitates in the doorway. Steve very carefully doesn’t say anything.
He leaves. Steve very carefully doesn’t feel anything.
He tells himself it’s stupid, that they’re not even together, that he couldn’t realistically hope Eddie would stay longer, with no real reason to-
He calls Robin. “Hey, dingus.”
“Come over?”
He knows the face she’s making, trying to figure out the tone he tried not to have. “Yup. I’m bringing ice cream and The Princess Bride.”
Steve chuckles softly. “I expect nothing less. See you in twenty?”
“Yep.” The line goes dead.
Steve chuckles again as he replaces the phone back in its cradle, looking around. Eddie had helped him clean up last night, so the only thing left was the pan Eddie had used for pancakes. Steve very carefully doesn’t feel anything.
“Stefano,” Robin greets twenty minutes later, waltzing in like she owns the place. Doesn’t even bother knocking. He just smiles at her.
“Hey, Robbie. Still not my name.”
She moves closer, grasping his chin between her fingers and moving his head to one side, then the other, like a grandmother would do. She hums. “You don’t look awful.”
He snorts and rolls his eyes at her bluntness. “Gee, thanks.”
She flaps a hand in his face. “You know what I mean, shut up.” Ice cream is suddenly pushed into his stomach. “Here. Rocky Road, it’s freezing my hand off, you hold it. Ready for the movie or not yet?”
He considers, knows he’ll have to tell her one way or another, decides. “Not yet. Couch?”
“Grab some spoons!” She calls over her shoulder, already halfway there.
They sit facing each other, the ice cream slowly dripping condensation onto the couch cushion between them. “So?” Robin starts. Steve looks away.
“He stayed the night.”
“Knew it.”
“Christ, Robs, nothing happened,” he says, laughing. “We drank, we smoke, we talked.” He swallows. “He… he didn’t know, but he said, um…”
“Yeah. I, uh. Shut down.” He shrugs, looks away. Remembers. Smiles. “He got me to open up pretty quick again. I told him. He said the word’s no longer in his vocabulary.” Robin giggles. “Told him about all the head shit. Just… talked. Went to bed.” He bites a lip. “I had a nightmare.”
“Christ, Steve-”
“Yeah. Think he woke me up. Maybe I woke myself up, I dunno. He was there. I was still halfway in the dream, still freaked out, couldn’t see him. Didn’t know it was him. Didn’t do anything, thankfully. He didn’t either, just stood there, slowly came to sit on the bed, kept…” he ignores the crack. “Kept sayin’ how I was safe, it was just him.” He takes another bite of ice cream. “I, uh.” An incredulous almost-laugh. “I didn’t shut down. Kinda the opposite.”
Pt 10
@thegingervulcan @snapshotmaestro @the-redthread @tiny-enthusiast @thatonepotatochild
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cant-icle · 29 days
one of the untitled ones. pick one, any one
yea ok
uhhh this one was last edited 12/18/19 and is pegoryu, i'll post the whole thing under the cut bc its like 700 words
Despite all earlier efforts to dissuade him, Akira really wants a pineapple burger. 
So they’re gonna go sneak out of the hotel to get one. 
This is incredibly stupid; Ryuji may be an idiot, but he’s not dumb. He’s also about as strong as wet tissue paper in the face of Akira actually telling him he wants something. Big Bang Burger is open 24 hours here in Hawaii (crazy!!) and they’re actually going to sneak out of the hotel to go get one.
Akira meets him in the hallway, his hair a mess, his eyes gleaming. “Are you ready?” he asks, barely a few centimeters from Ryuji’s ear. “If we get caught, we just say we’re getting something out of the vending machines for Mishima, okay? He drank some of the tap water and he’s been complaining all night.”
“Shit,” Ryuji wrinkles his nose in sympathy. “Yeah, okay. Let’s do this.”
Amazingly, they don’t get caught.
There’s no teachers in the hallway, no staff out this late at night; there is a Makoto near the front desk, but her head is buried in a book and it’s child’s play to creep around her and through the automatic doors and out into the night.
Ryuji very wisely waits until they’re halfway down the beach to the shopping strip to whoop. They did it! Got out of there scott-free! Sure, getting back in’s gonna be just as tricky, but that’s a problem for later! “Dude!” he says, half-gasping, prodding Akira’s shoulder with his fist over and over until Akira ducks under his arm and jabs him in the ribs. “Man! That was—”
“We do sneakier things in the Metaverse all the time,” Akira reminds him, but the knife-grin on his face belies the adrenaline he’s clearly feeling too. “It was just getting past Makoto.”
“Seriously, I thought she was gonna look up—” He bumps his shoulder into Akira’s, lightly at first and then harder, until he’s almost overbalancing both of them and Akira’s shoes slip in the soft sand. “We were almost toast!”
“Are you— get off me, what are you doing? I’m not gonna carry you—” 
Despite his complaints, Akira’s laughing; he hears it in the husky undertones of his voice, and leans all the harder into him. “You’re a big strong thief, you can hold me!”
“You’re the musclehead! Why aren’t you carrying me?”
“You want me to carry you?” Ryuji asks, grinning wide. Akira looks at him, then steps backwards. “Nah, Aki, you want me to carry you?” 
He reaches out but Akira’s already sprinting off, stumbling in the soft sand
“So,” Ryuji asks, more distracted by the feel of the waves curling soft and warm against his calves than anything, “how is it?” 
Akira chews for a moment, a moment Ryuji spends admiring the shape of his jaw and the curl of his hair in the moonlight. This should feel like the least romantic thing in the world, honestly; he can’t smell anything but the grease wafting off the fry bag clamped in his hand, and Akira’s got sauce smeared up his cheek, his hair shoved up and off his forehead by his stupid dumb fake glasses.
But the moon turns his skin to porcelain and his eyes to gunmetal, leaches the color from his clothes until he’s as much a part of the night as any other piece of the scenery.
“S’okay,” Akira finally says, but his pleased expression and the way he twists away when Ryuji sways closer to his hard-won prize betrays him. 
“Worth it?” Ryuji presses, sloshing closer, until their sides touch.
Akira chews a little more, Ryuji following the motion when he swallows. “Salty.” 
“Could be the ocean air.”
“Could be.” He takes another bite, a mournful moue crossing his face when he sees how little there is left.
“Man, why you gotta be all stoic? You like it, you like that big dumb piece of pineapple on bread, don’t you?”
“It’s not dumb!” 
“Then y’wouldn’t mind if I—” Ryuji sways down towards it 
and thats it!
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i-heart-yellowstone · 2 months
11 - One Without the Other
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Part 12
Raised Fair Share Of Hell
Tag list @bvbwestfall @hcwthewestwaswcn @child-of-of-the-sunshine @elenavampire21 @keep-the-wolves-close @kmc1989 @tallrock35
What do y’all want to see next in this story??? More moments between Alissa and Kayce? More moments with Alissa and Ryan??? Have Alissa have more interaction with her own family / more with the other Dutton’s???
Riding up on horseback to the barn I had taken a break from tending to the cattle needing to check on my daughter. Slowing my horse down to a trot I tilted my head in confusion seeing Beth’s vehicle sitting in the driveway which was uncommon on this ranch. Putting my horse inside the barn I dismounted going up on the porch steps to find her waiting for me. “Bethany Dutton, what are you doin’ out here on our property?”
“There’s a threat coming for our families. I was hoping to come and talk to your parents about this.” She explained with one leg crossed over the other one.
The front door opened and both my parents came outside clearly seeing she was here. My father sat down in the big rocking chair with my mother sitting on the swing with me. “What are you doing out here, Bethany?” He asked her using her full name rather then her short name.
She sternly looked at my parents. “I’m here to warn you about a threat to my family who will soon be coming for your land sooner rather than later.”
“What kind of threat?” My mom asked her.
Beth didn't sugarcode it. “A fucking airport and casino that goes through my father’s land and will likely connect across yours. Where all of this land is gone forever and becomes just like where the new people here come from. They'll turn this land into those populated cities of shit.”
“How do we start stopping this attack?”
The only Dutton daughter brushed her hair out of her face. “I have been thinking it in my head lately and I've only had one solution. You or Kayce would need to become the new Livestock Commission when my father goes to step down. Kelsea is coming back into town and I know you and her were close until the night of her party.”
“That could certainly be doable. Alissa-” My father called my name seeing me force myself up and into the house slamming it without a single word uttered from me. I couldn't even hear his name recently.
Kelsea Northwest was the mayor's daughter before he resigned ten years later. She was everything the town's daughter should be, until she was around her friends. Then we all knew her as the party queen of Montana. Walking through the woods Kayce and I came upon a burning campfire that was sat up.
“Kayce! Lissa!” A familiar voice broke through the crowd of people with a bright set of blonde hair, tackled us into a bear hug once reaching us. “I'm glad you guys could make it. The dudes are messing with the fire and the girls are playing beer pong.”
“Sounds Good - woah uh bye Kace.” She tugged me forward away from him.
Kayce chuckled shaking his head at one of our friends. “You stealing my girlfriend already?”
“I'll bring her back, Dutton…eventually.” Kelsea snorted out a laugh.
Kelsea, me and a few of our other girlfriends chose to play beer bong that was set up by the fire. I was waiting for my turn getting caught off guard by my friend’s question. “So are you and Kayce thinking about getting married soon?”
“What!” I coughed out some of the drink I had drank from my red solo cup.
Kelsea flipped some of her hair out of her face. “Oh come on Alissa. Everybody can see the chemistry between you two. Plus I’ve never seen either of you without the other not far behind.”
“I really like him, I do. But-“
She throws her hands up in the air. “But what marry the Dutton already?”
“We’re only sixteen , Kelesa. We don’t have to rush and become adults and marry unless he gets me pregnant. I really like him and we’re in a good place right now. I don’t see the need to rush that.”
The mayor’s daughter squeezed my shoulder. “I have high hopes you’ll soon be a Dutton.” I grabbed her hand dragging her back in over to the game ending that conversation.
It had been a little while where I decided to go search for my boyfriend since we hadn’t really spent time together tonight. I walked around the area with a flashlight and a drink in my hand searching for my boyfriend in the dark. Stopping in my tracks I heard a noise in the bushes where I peaked over the plant gasping covering my eyes with my hand. “Oh my god! Kayce.”
“L-Lissa?” He lifted his head up laying with a native American girl, both of them completely naked and laid underneath their jackets.
Throwing the red solo cup full of beer at the pair I stomped off that night. “Go to hell!” That was the night he had gotten her pregnant and started all this nonsense ten years later.
Kayce had finished with his work for the day knowing he couldn't give his best friend anymore space. He needed to tell her how sorry he was. He needed to tell her that he knew he had screwed up. Helping take care of Monica hadn't been fun for him. He only really cared about making Tate happy. He pulled the truck to a stop at the Lambert house getting out of the vehicle heading up the front porch. “Maybe we should start doing this in the barn. Surely we can't hide from your family forever.”
“Ryan?” Kayce bared his teeth not expecting to hear his father's ranch hand inside the house.
Alissa came around by the window where I ducked down thinking she saw me waiting a minute before I slowly peaked my head back through the window. “We don’t have to hide in the barn. Plus I thought we were doing this with no strings attached meaning you have nothing to be afraid of, especially getting caught.”
“Oh my god.” He cursed low under his breath getting sick when he saw her kiss him causing him to run back to the truck and head back on our side of the fence line, hitting his hands angrily on the steering wheel knowing he’d screwed up as a husband now.
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loneamaryllis · 1 year
Saving Snape, Chapter 12 bonus
The chocolate had an odd taste.
That was Harrie's first thought. Her second thought was, oh shit, it actually tastes like Amortentia, down to the delicious Snape scent. Her third thought was that she really liked Hutton. Liked? No, no. She loved him. Yes, she was sure of it. She loved Hutton. And she had to tell him, right now.
It was around six o'clock. He was probably in his office. She closed her eyes, visualizing the space, and... ah, she was there.
There was a surprised gasp from Hutton. Eyes wide, he looked at her as if he couldn't believe she was here. But she was. She had to be close to him, it was only natural.
"Harrie?" he said. "How did you—"
"I love you."
His eyes grew wider. She approached him, climbing directly onto his desk, sending the papers he was marking flying to the floor. He got up in a flash, backing away from her. Oh, he was quick. That was nice. Always a good quality in a mate.
"No, you don't," he said.
"Yes, I do."
She tried to get closer to him, but he stopped her with a hand on her shoulder, keeping her at arm's length.
"Harrie, listen. You've been drugged. It's Amortentia, whatever you're feeling isn't real."
She thought about it.
"No," she said. "I'm pretty sure I love you. Do you love me? Please, love me."
"Hold on," he said, taking his wand out.
He cast his Patronus, his very pretty owl that Harrie liked too. Off it went, fluttering away on his great silver wings.
"Oh," she said, sad to see the animal go. "Where did you send him?"
"To Snape."
"Oh. I like Snape too."
She didn't love Snape, but she liked spending time with him. Oh, wait. Didn't they have a date later tonight? She would have to cancel. Or maybe Hutton could come, and they'd do a three-way date. But no, that wouldn't work. They didn't like each other. Unless...
There was a crack outside the door. Then Snape walked in. He looked very unhappy.
"Snape!" she said, smiling at him. "I found a solution for our date!"
"Date?" Hutton said.
"Potter," Snape said, in a sort of soft, careful voice, as if she was sick or injured, "why don't we all go the infirmary? Hutton is heading there anyway."
"Yes, I have to go there," Hutton said.
"Okay," Harrie said. "Let's go."
She grabbed Hutton's and tugged him along. He sent a weird look at Snape. Maybe he did like him? It would make things easier.
"Can I hold your hand too?" she asked Snape.
"Do you want to?" he said, looking confused.
"Maybe she got a very light dose," Hutton said.
"The dosage doesn't matter with Amortentia," Snape said, and while he was looking at Hutton, Harrie snatched his hand and held it tight.
"The solution for our date," she said, squeezing both men's hands, "is a threesome."
She got one startled look (Snape), and one horrified stare (Hutton).
"To the infirmary," Snape said firmly.
"Oh, right," Harrie said. "There are beds there. But I don't think we can all fit on one..."
They reached the infirmary. Madam Pomfrey greeted them with a smile, and then, noticing that Harrie was holding hands with Hutton and Snape, said, "Amortentia, I assume?".
Then they made her sit on a bed, and Madam Pomfrey cast some spells on her, and Hutton wanted her to drink a purple potion. So she drank the potion to make him happy. The taste was awful. It burned in her mouth, down her throat, like it was fire, cleansing her from...
Oh, shit.
"Fucking hell," she said, blushing in mortified horror, before her body reacted with a spasm, and she found herself vomiting her guts out into the bucket Madam Pomfrey had placed on the bed.
"Vomiting is normal," Snape said in a professional tone. "As was your behavior when under the influence of the drug. None of it reflects who you are."
A threesome. She had suggested a fucking threesome.
"Wasn't me," she said morosely. "Got it. Please forget everything I said."
"Already done," Hutton replied.
"As soon as I'm done murdering whoever dosed you," Snape said, with absolute seriousness.
Harrie smiled weakly. She wanted to forget everything about the unfortunate event, except for one thing: how it had felt to hold Snape's hand. Yes, that, she wanted to remember. And she wouldn't mind doing it again.
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vxnsa1234 · 1 month
Today I slept through five alarms and woke up at noon. I keep intending to change my ringtone because my ears have learned to like the way it sounds but I don't really care that much to remember.
I slept with my retainer in for the first time in months. My teeth felt like they were going to fall out of my skull. The sensation felt nice, strangely.
I took my dog outside and she threw up which made me want to throw up. I'm not afraid of vomit per se but given the opportunity I'd rather not. I don't understand why upchuck is so lax nowadays. I used to think it was a pretty common dislike.
I want to eat healthier but I fear I am allergic to commitment. For breakfast I drank one of my dad's weight loss shakes and it tasted like lost dreams. I do not want to have adult problems.
I've been trying to take care of myself more so I put my hair in rollers and watched a movie. It was called Carol and I watched it because one of my friends on social media always talks about it. It was not as life changing as she proclaimed it to be but it did leave an impact on me. The scene where her husband records her with Therese so she can't have custody of her child made me upset.
The movie confused me because I like to think I am into guys and girls and yet I can find no real attraction in either. It was nice watching them be in love but I don't think love is for me.
My best friend O always talks about her boyfriend. He has been her ex boyfriend for weeks which almost makes this worse. I don't understand why anyone would love someone more than themself. This makes her unbearable at times because it is like I am talking to someone who isn't there; some self-loathing being who exists to please someone who doesn't want her.
Of course I feel terrible thinking these things because she is having family troubles recently. I just wish she didn't make me feel like shit because of it. Honestly most days I feel like a robot pretending to be human. I think I struggle with emotion. I always say the wrong things.
O got angry with me today because she thinks people take things too seriously when it comes to "cancel culture". The way I see it is there are too many people in the world already so might as well knock out the rotten ones. She said I didn't know what I was talking about and I was making things up to disagree with her. I always know what I'm talking about which is why I had to help her with her entire relationship. It is the actions she did without my orchestration that led the whole thing down the drain. This hurts me to say because I love her very much.
I spend a lot of time wondering why people don't flirt with me. Of course relationships go both ways and I understand that I should reach out to people I'm interested in. However I have not found that person yet and if relationships are 50/50 shouldn't that person have found me by now?
When O made me sad on our call today she invited S to the call and it was like listening to two people have a conversation. I wanted to hang up but I knew she would feel bad if I did. I don't know why no one understands me. Sometimes I just want to do things without people having such strong reactions.
I feel guilty for not having a lot of friends. It is like a competition among my peers to see who has the most connections. Sometimes I'd rather not talk to anyone at all and I don't see what's so wrong with that.
I'm going to get back into writing. I started writing an essay on birth and I think it's really neat. It's a think piece on how we are born knowing death. This will help me get back into writing my screenplays and then maybe I will be famous.
I wish I had time tomorrow. Tomorrow I have to meet with my doctor who I always tell I am doing fine which is true. I don't see the point in seeing her if nothing has been bad. Then my mom is driving me to get my hair redone which I wish she told me because I think my hair looks good but it is too late to cancel. Then after that I am meeting with another doctor which I don't like because she is a little stupid. I worry I am smarter than every person I've ever met. She will ask me about school which is ridiculous because it is summer break. She will never ask me important questions. I am not looking forward to our meeting.
I keep asking my mom to drop me from therapy but she worries there will be a day when I actually need it. I don't have the heart to tell her that when I actually need therapy there is no way I'm going to a doctor for help. I know what's best for myself and I always work it out and it makes me happy knowing I am in control. I don't like that she is in charge of my life. She is overprotective because I made mistakes in the past but she was still in charge at that point so I don't understand why it's my fault that she didn't help me. Alas. Women.
I don't think I will ever have romantic feelings for someone who isn't fictional. I have felt real love for fictional people. The internet tells me this is my way of avoiding real love. I wouldn't avoid real love if they were Anakin Skywalker, I'll tell you that. I don't see why that is an disappointing expectation to set for myself if it is what I want and makes me happy. I'd rather not lower my standards for someone that makes me unhappy just because they are real. This is what I don't understand about love nowadays. If that is the case I'm happy being in my own world.
Sometimes my dog upsets me because she doesn't listen and jumps off my bed which could hurt her. I think this is how my mom feels about me whenever I do stupid things. Part of me feels bad and the other part of me feels loathing which makes me feel even worse. I wish she was more normal. She keeps pretending to be but I know what she really is like.
I will not add tags to help people find my post. I'm not afraid of people seeing my writings but I'd prefer to keep this out of view. I will post this under everyone because that sounds thrilling and I am curious if anyone will find it.
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perereiii · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel for the ask game?
Eisen you just opened a can of worms that will not shut for *checks notes* about 12 paragraphs. Good job!
Oh, Hazbin. Dear, sweet, Hazbin. Butchered by Twitter, and in some cases, elsewhere. There’s a lot I could talk about—including but not limited to character design, art style, world design, storytelling, arcs, villainy, moral grayness, Heaven’s rules, etc—but for this “mini” gush-a-thon, I’ll go with the latter two: Moral grayness and Heaven’s rules. Funny, because the show is set in Hell, right? Even in Helluva Boss, its sister series, a recently killed woman says, “… Get sent down here with all the Hitler’s and Epstein’s of the world,” after recounting her story as to why she was sent to Hell in the first place. It’s Hell! That must mean everyone is a rape loving, pedophilic, communist bastard dead set on killing as many people as possible! Right? Well… Maybe some of them. Valentino comes to mind, with his repeated rape and sexual assault of his staff, Alastor’s abuse and downright slave-owning tendencies to those he owns (i.e., Husk, Ep 6—though being an Overlord, as far as canon is concerned, requires owning at least a few people, so the owning people thing a wider issue regarding those in power. (The scene in Ep 6 has a little more nuance to it that I’m not going to explain to save this from becoming a 12 page essay)), or Vox’s mass hypnosis, keeping people attached and addicted to his technology. These are all objectively (and subjectively, too, I guess) bad things, and sure enough fit that belief of “all people in Hell are bad people who do terrible things.”
Then there’s the other end of the spectrum. Heaven. The glittering star of pure holy light against a sea of darkness and brimstone. Only the good go there, only the good run it. Except… Not really. Heaven is filled with good, no doubt, but there’s also corruption. Examples include Adam, the first man and certified Biggest Narcissist Ever. He swears, he fucks, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he drank too. All sorts of debauchery and sin. On top of that, he leads an exorcist army. Another prime example would be Sera, the head Seraphim of Heaven. She runs the show in place of God, keeping Heaven safe, which just so happens to include crushing any possibility of “rebellion” by Hell with an iron fist, her dearest exorcist army.
Heaven plays into this stereotype of “all people in Hell are bad people who do terrible things” to a. Make itself look better against “sinner filth”, and b. Lessen the blame for attempted genocide. This sort of mindset is common when a group is trying to kill another. Making them seem less than human (like when the European colonizers deemed Natives less than human due to them “being behind technologically,” or when Hitler took advantage of an already antisemetic Europe and killed millions of Jews because they “infected” a “pure Aryan race”) or like vermin, or filth (like with Donald Trump’s rhetoric of Muslim’s and Mexican’s (among many others) being vermin that seek to commit crimes and felonies). The strategy that Hitler uses, taking advantage of an already biased group filled with prejudice fits well with what Heaven has done and the message they convey. People are a lot more willing to oppress another group of people if they see that other group as “not like them” or lesser to them, be it for one reason or another. In this case, angel’s aware of the oppression are content with what they’re doing because to them they are killing a lesser, a pure evil, something threatening peace.
So, we’ve established that the stereotype came from somewhere, and that Heaven plays into it specifically to further its own goals of extermination. But where does moral grayness come in? Well, person who has already devoted too much time to reading this, it comes from literally everyone else. While people are more willing to engage in kinky shit in Hell, or snag a pinky finger or two from Cannibal Town, they aren’t that bad overall. Two examples really stand out to me; Rosie, the Overlord in charge of Cannibal Town, and Angel Dust, a famous porn star under Valentino.
Little is known of Rosie’s past, but she really shines through as a character in Episode 7. Right off the bat, we’re introduced to her as a cannibal—kind of a taboo, or so I’ve heard!—which rings those “all people in Hell are bad” warning bells. Yet, once Charlie starts to converse and connect with her, she’s shown to be a confident, empathetic leader that helps Charlie both in public, trying to convince the cannibals to join her cause, and in private, acting as a pseudo-therapist when Charlie expresses difficulties in her relationship. She’s genuine and warmhearted, and outside of her indulgence in cannibalism, she would be a joy to be around, as far as society is concerned.
Angel’s past is more set in stone. He was born into a mobster family, and died in the late 1940s from OD—most of the sin in his life being out of his control. Even in Hell, his life slips from him, when he sells his soul to Valentino. Shit just doesn’t work out for him, until he’s given grace at the Hazbin Hotel, and is allowed to breathe again, which is where his true colors start to show. He’s not hypersexual because he just adores being a bad and sinful person that does terrible things, it’s a trauma response. After some rehab, and living in a safer environment, he becomes happier, less overtly sexual, and builds connections with people who care and aren’t going to hurt him out of sick, twisted desires. He’s messed up, and definitely leans more on the darker gray than the lighter, simply from all the hardships that he’s faced, but at his core, he’s not the bad person that Heaven wants to paint him and so many others as.
As a small note, this moral grayness is also seen in Heaven, as mentioned earlier. Some are better than others, and some are there for a very specific (albeit theorized) reason, despite displaying so many acts of sin:
Heaven’s rules. Heaven plays into the stereotype of Hell being pure evil for a few reasons, but there’s one I’ve neglected to mention: It furthers their agenda. Heaven relies on order, and while that order sometimes aligns with goodness, it will never abandon its roots. It seeks a perfect garden, in a perfect world, in a perfect universe, created by a perfect being, God. Only when Lucifer established chaos, while initially small, was Heaven’s order threatened. Free will, by nature, is chaotic, and with Lilith leaving Adam over Lucifer, and Eve eating the apple, chaos was established.
Hazbin Hotel also plays into the narrative of Lucifer establishing evil, not chaos, in it’s opening scene, directly stating, “For with this single act of disobedience [of eating the apple], evil finally found its way into Earth. With it, a new realm of darkness and sin, and the order Heaven had worked to maintain was shattered.”
With no other choice, in order to protect what slim perfection Heaven had left, they banished Lucifer and Lilith into a place of pure chaos, lest it spread into their domain. Earth seems to serve as a middle ground, where all extremes and all shades of gray fester. More importantly, this balance of order and chaos explains why Adam is seen in Heaven, while Eve is not, and why good people go to Hell, and bad people go to Heaven.
Adam’s sin was seen as a byproduct of Eve’s sin, the original sin. He only ate the apple because Eve coerced him into doing it—under the hand of the devil, of course—as the story goes. In Hazbin, it’s clear that Adam is devoted to Heaven, despite engaging in acts of sin. He leads an army in direct service of Heaven, and enacts their duties once every year to exterminate and control those that threaten Heaven’s order. While little is known of Eve—though theories point her to being Roo, the Root of All Evil—it can be reasonably assumed that she fell to Hell, as she started the chaos, right by Lucifer and Lilith, who were both banished to Hell. (TL;DR: Adam followed Heaven’s order much better than Eve, thus he went to Heaven, while Eve’s likely in Hell, despite Adam being a total douchebag.)
This also applies to those now, long after the Adam and Eve story. Angel was a mobster who OD’ed. Guess what mobsters typically aren’t? Those who follow order. Alastor practiced voodoo and killed people, most certainly not in the name of God. Niffty is alleged to have killed her husband, again, an act that probably wasn’t in the name of God or to maintain Heaven’s order. On the flip side, while very little is known about the “winner” population, Seraphim’s can technically fall to Hell. The only reason Sera and the others haven’t is because they seek to maintain order, not threaten it. The list goes on.
BIG TL;DR: Hell and Heaven aren’t two sides of the same coin and don’t fit into nice, clean boxes of goodness and evil. Rather, they fit better into order and chaos, as per how the Hazbin series and a general, amateur viewing of Christianity’s Heaven and Hell is set up.
Also of note, a lot of Heaven’s order stems from the Church, or the ones who effectively “promote” the Bible and Heaven’s ideals in the first place. The Church (Christian is what’s referred, but this can be generalized for many religions) is set up largely to maintain order and in part of maintaining that order they put lessons into their religious stories, such as being a good person and helping the community in the name of God rather than turning to selfish ambition, often said to be lead on by the Devil. Since this order is established by the Church, and it is generally a reflection of its time, it explains away why things like homosexuality used to be considered sin and aren’t anymore.
Also also of note, another great example of this order vs chaos mentality appears in Nimona. Highly recommend.
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momzyalive · 9 months
Day 2 [1/9/2024]
I'm getting this one out a little late, oopsie! hee hee! lol. I remembered to do my entry last night, but I had taken melatonin and was already starting to get there tired wise, and wasn't willing to use the brain power to turn my light on and think about what I wanted to say about the day, so I figured I would just write it tomorrow. I'm gunna get my entry about today tonight though! Promise!
Anyways, yesterday was not bad! I was super tired during the day, I haven't drank caffeine since monday, so I'm thinking that that might have to do with how tired I felt during a specific point at work, and then also when I got home. I tried watching Sopranos, but started to fall asleep once I laid out on the couch, and then somehow it was goddamn 9pm! I wasn't expecting to fall asleep until super late, so I'm glad the melatonin helped and I was asleep by I wanna say 12 or 1.
I wasn't happy being back with kids, cause obviously more work than PD, but I was really happy to see Collin. Even 6th grade was better than how they were acting with Abdallah at the end of winter break so that's nice. I'm happy that I'm getting sober and noticed a difference even when waking up, I felt a little more pep in my step when waking up for work. Idk might be purely anecdotal but felt really easy to get out of bed as opposed to lying back down or staring at my phone.
I was annoyed at Michael tonight. I don't think it was a very large ask for him to be present as I showed videos to him, and then he cops this big fuckin attitude like I'm holding him hostage or some shit. Like alright bro, you don't look at my messages, and I wanna laugh with you, but nah, its my problem that I want him to see videos, and then tries to tell me that I'm on my phone during shit he puts on. Idk man, I feel like I was trying to be accommodating, and watch the SLC shit with him, but when I asked him to lock in for two seconds it was like a big problem. I'm trying to give him grace because I know that being off weed is hard, but I mean. lol. He's always got passive aggressive energy and for lack of a better term, its fucking annoying. Like if you had a bad day, thats fine, lemme know so I can react accordingly. If not, then wtf I didn't do shit to you, why you gunna act pissy like its my fault you're in a shitty ass mood. Idk man, it was annoying. Idk man i'm just venting. Just one of Michael's shortcomings at times I suppose.
I didn't have as much scatterbrain or cravings when I got home which was great. I think I just needed that first day out of the way, and now it'll only get easier to steer the course. Here's to more of that, and more sobriety. It'll get better!
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