#|| starter call ||
xkuja · 24 days
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v late night early morning starter call for anyone honestly~~~. Let me write you something quickie~~~.
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regnantlight · 4 months
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I’ve been hit with the Zelda writing bug something fierce, so like this post for a little something your way through out the weekend! 💛
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reanimated-owl-moved · 6 months
Starter call, I guess?
((Like this post and I will send you a starter of some kind. Might just be a symbol/sentence from one of those memes if you’ve reblogged any recently. Might be one I write myself.
I don’t know when I’ll actually get around to sending em. Might be tonight. Might be tomorrow or this weekend depending on how work goes.
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kingofdisrepute · 6 months
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late night xmas lurkers get a starter if they press the big red button
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frestoniia · 2 years
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▹ like this post for craig to hold ur muse’s hand
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alabonshay · 15 hours
Sometime Soon Starter Call
// Followers, if we haven’t already been plotting and you would like to RP with me (but don’t know how to start) please interact with this post. I will write a starter for you within a week. Multimuse please specify.
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littlelightningbvg · 1 year
proper tag drop. FINALLY!
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regnantlight · 11 months
Hear ye, hear ye~
Like this post for a small starter from Princess Zelda! You may receive BOTW, TOTK, or AU, so please let me know if you have a preference. ❤️
May Hylia Smile Upon You. 😌
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theminecraftbee · 5 months
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[image ID: Joe’s starter base. it is an enclosure made of five copper trap doors. /end ID]
don’t worry. he’s been contained.
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hellsmayflower · 2 years
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{{ Since random starter call is getting to be a trend,like on this for a small starter with Mayleene just randomly appearing and meeting your muse. Comment on which muse you want her to interact with. }} {{ mutuals only. }}
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artemismoorea03 · 10 months
Ok, but for your amusement, might I suggest:
Tucker decides Danny needs a break and a shot at a love life. Tucker blackmails Danny into ATTENDING (though he makes the mistake of not specifying for how long) and Danny runs into a bored Wayne kid. Neither want to be there. Both were blackmailed with the kindest intentions. Both decide to team up to make their well-meaning but obnoxious meddlers pay.
"Danny, you need a break." Tucker said, and Danny sighed.
"This again? Guys, I'm fine."
"You're not fine, Danny." Sam insisted, standing next to Tucker. She had originally struck up this conversation when they were still in Amity Park. "You're going through a lot right now and you need a distraction that isn't work or ghost related. Gardening didn't work-" Because he froze every plant he touched, "Meditation didn't work-" because when he closed his eyes and tried to relax he would have flashbacks about the countless things he'd seen since the accident. "So the next step is dating."
Danny rolled his eyes. "Hard pass."
"Come on dude, Sam is right. If nothing else you can at least do some people watching and get to know the city better!"
Danny simply continued to scroll on Tiktok, wondering how hard it would be to do one of those dancing videos he saw everywhere. Then again he'd actually need to know how to dance for that to work. He was so busy looking at the video he didn't notice the glance his friends passed between each other before they sighed.
"You've given us no choice, Danny." Sam said, "Tucker."
Tucker held a phone out to Danny to make him see the screen as Danny's face burned red at the picture. It was a picture of him in his Phantom form after a fight with Skulker where a good chunk of his suit had been destroyed, showing off more than Danny was comfortable with.
"DUDE! I told you to delete that!" Danny said, jumping off the couch towards Tucker who was pulled out of the way by Sam who then armed herself with a frying pan. "Delete it, guys!"
"No way! And if you don't at least get out of this house and at least make a friend I'm going to make a Phantom Dating Profile using this picture!"
"You wouldn't dare." Danny glared.
"Try us." Sam said, "We'll even send it through the Ghost Zone now that the Phantom Phones are working we're bound to get some replies from interested ladies."
Danny faultered, then groaned. "Fine."
"Hell yeah, we even made it easy for you." Sam said, handing Danny a piece of laminated plastic. "One ticket to the Wayne Gala this weekend. Tucker got permission for two people to go with him. Which means the three of us are going to a party!"
"A party. A Wayne run party? You guys are just begging for trouble." Danny sighed, "Besides, I don't own a tux, remember?"
"Leave that to me."
Two days later the party arrived and the three of them walked up the drive towards the building where the event was being held.
Sam was wearing a beautiful A-Line dress that was jet black in color with a rose shaped black bracelet that was wrapped around her wrist over the back of her hand and connected to her middle finger.
Tucker was wearing a black suit with a white button up shirt with slight rose shaped patterns on it, a black tie and a thin gold chain connected to his left vest pocket. he looked very sofisticated.
Danny felt like a fool though. Silently wishing he had never let Sam pick out his clothes. He was wearing a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, exposing the black compression sleeve on his left hand, a gray vest, black suit pants, black shoes and a black tie. He was wearing a silver watch on his right hand which served as a ghost portal maker in emergencies.
He also knew that the 'pocket watch' in Tucker's Pocket was the same kind of device, and the rose Sam was wearing would release harmless smoke out of it if they needed a distraction.
Danny still felt like this was a bad idea. No, actually, this was a terrible idea. Not only because he looked out of place compared to his friends but compared to the rest of the party he hardly seemed like he fit in. He was going to draw so much attention to himself.
They walked to the front doors, showing their invitations and id's to the guards before walking inside. It wasn't as loud as some other parties they'd seen since coming to Gotham but it also was more crowded. There were people everywhere in expensive outfits, talking about... something that sounded like rich person gossip, it was boring.
"Have fun you two, don't make fools out of yourselves." Sam said, waving as she walked over to mingle with a young woman with blonde hair and another girl with short black hair, both seemed to recognize her.
"Oh, hey those guys are from my team, I'll catch you later, Danny. I wanna talk shop." Tucker said, rushing off just as quickly as Sam did as Danny sighed.
'I wanna go home.' He thought as he began to wade through the sea of people, trying to find his way to a wall where he could make himself look as small as possible. Not that it would be hard, his body was so busy developing new powers all the time it had decided that he didn't need to grow anymore after he turned 16 and stuck him at a solid 5'6".
He finally found his way to a corner, letting out a sigh as he sat down on a chair and looked out at the party happening all around him. He started to subconsciously count the people in the room, even going so far as to closed his eyes and sensed the very souls in the room. 56 people in his room, 17 in the room Sam was in, 10 upstairs. Danny then opened his eyes and got a sense for the room in another way. 45 windows lined the entire South side of the building if he was going his math right, with two sets of double doors near the front of the building. The building was mostly open floorplan which helped keep an eye on everybody but in an emergency it would be a stampede.
A man walked over, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall with a growl. He was wearing clothes similar to Danny's but with a red shirt, but what caught Danny's attention was how he felt. He was luminal but not like Sam who felt like a walk through the garden or Tucker who felt like gritty sand, no the feeling that came from this man was like fire. A burning pain that also felt like grease stuck to the back of Danny's throat.
He was luminal but the ectoplasm that made him luminal was so fucking tainted that it made Danny want to gag.
Seeming to notice Danny's glance the man looked back at him.
"What?" He growled.
"Nothing, just thought your hair was cool." Danny said, noting the white streak at the front of his bangs.
The man blinked, touching his hair. He was about Danny's age if he had to guess, maybe a bit older.
"Thanks. It's a birthmark." He grumbled, but Danny could tell that it was probably a sore subject. If death turned his hair white he could only assume it did the same to this guy too. "What's your name kid? Never seen you at one of these boring as parties."
"Danny. Danny Fenton. And I'm not a kid, I'm 19."
"Same age as me, neat. The name's Jason." Jason introduced, himself. "You work at Wayne Enterprises?"
"Kinda, I'm just the janitor, my friend was the one who was invited. I'm just one of his plus ones."
"Yikes, what'd you do to deserve a punishment like that?" Jason asked as Danny laughed.
"My friends decided that going to work then living as some kind of godless cryptid that sleeps the rest of the day 'isn't healthy' so they dragged me out here in hopes that I'll make friends. Though they may have heavily implied that they expected me to either find a date or hook up with somebody while I was here. When I said no, they blackmailed me here. I'm just hoping that if I stay small and don't complain then they'll just let me exist without getting in my face for a while. What about you, what are you in for?"
Jason hummed and nodded, "Similar story. My dad and siblings are all here and said that if I didn't at least make an appearance this time that they would hide some of my books. Among other things. Plus my older brother used the whole 'you never spend time with us' whimper while my two sisters gave me puppy dog eyes."
Danny and Jason sighed before Danny looked at him. "Wanna hang out so they think we're playing nice and leave us alone?"
"Sure." Jason chuckled, "So which ones are your friends?"
"That one there." Danny said pointing to Tucker, "Tucker Foley, he works as a Programmer at WE. Then over there is Sam Mason, she works as a Gardener."
Jason's eyes widened, "Doesn't your friend Sam work at the Wayne Manor?"
"Yeah? How do you know that?"
"My dad is Bruce Wayne." He said, his eyes going to Tucker before they landed back on Danny and he laughed. "Wait. You're that Janitor?"
Danny swallowed a lump in his throat. "I don't understand?"
"My dad came home one day and said that somebody told him that there was information happening at Wayne Enterprises that was above his paygrade an we've been teasing him about it for weeks. Now every time he asks anything we reply with 'that's above your paygrade, Bruce'."
Danny groaned, his cheeks burning red. "Oh my god, I can't believe this. I didn't even mean to say that, I just panicked when he suddenly showed up in storage for no reason and caught me... uh... testing stuff."
"Testing stuff?" Jason asked as Danny nodded.
"Y-yeah. See, I work as a janitor because I didn't graduate high school and unlike Tucker I can't just breeze through school and show off my hacking skills to get a job. So I've been using some of the tech that gets thrown away to make something that would help me temporarily lift some of the fragile heavy objects around the building and place them harmlessly down so I can clean under them. But then Bruce caught me, I panicked and that was my reply." Danny was quick to explain, which wasn't a lie he was working on something like that but it was for the Ghost Zone to help him move some heavy things around his Lair and hold down things that often floated off for no damn reason.
"You know, that does explain a couple of things. I can't imagine your boss seeing you mess with tech would be a fun thing to explain. But... if you're so smart why didn't you graduate?"
Danny shook his head, "I'm not smart, I mean not like Tucker or Sam or my family. My sister is in Metropolis studying Psychology and is already a good way through her degree because she graduated a year early. Tucker and Sam graduated and are both working on getting degrees in something but nah, school just wasn't something I could do. Sitting behind a desk learning from a book isn't my thing. I'm better at using my hands, figuring stuff out on the fly, and trial and error shit."
Jason thought about this for a moment before he smiled. "I don't blame you, school is bullshit. Just like stupid galas."
Jason suddenly smiled, "Dude, I have the best idea to get back at all of them."
Danny smiled back, "Oh, you have all of my attention."
That one choice was how Danny ended up leaning against a wall closer to the crowd while Jason loomed with one hand near his head, talking to him about absolutely nothing important just to play the position while Danny occasionally chuckled. To anybody outside of the conversation it was supposed to look like they were flirting, which in a way they were but they also weren't.
"Do you like raisins? How about a date?"
Danny chuckled, at the horrible pickup line. "Excuse me, sir, do you have the time? I would like to know the exact time when I got a crush on you."
Jason snorted, "Are you a magnet? Because you sure are attracting to me."
Noticing Tucker and Sam looking his way Danny reached up and gently touched Jason's black tie to sell it more, but he was careful not to touch Jason otherwise. "Let's flip a coin." He told the taller man, "Heads I'm yours, tails you're mine."
Jason's cheek got ever so slightly red as he cleared his throat. "Are you a parking ticket, because you've got fine written all over you." He said as Danny chuckled again, watching Sam and Tucker quickly walk away to give Danny privacy.
"If you were a vegetable you'd be a cute-cumber."
Jason relaxed again at the cheesy flirt as Danny touched the silk tie in his hands. Not because he was actively trying to flirt with Jason but because it felt really nice and expensive. Jason snapped him out of his thoughts with another flirt. "Do you believe in love at first sight, or shall I walk by again?"
Before Danny could think of another flirt another man walked over, this one about 24 or so in age. He had wavy black hair and blue eyes with tan skin.
"Little Wing! Who's your friend?"
"Ugh." Jason groaned, moving slightly as Danny let go of his tie. "Take a hint, Dickie-Bird." He groaned.
The new person simply ignored Jason though and held out his hand.
"Hi! I'm Dick, Jason's older brother."
Danny shook his hand, "Danny. Danny Fenton, it's nice to meet you."
"You too, Danny! You look a little young to be working at WE, are you here with somebody?"
"A bit of both, I'm a janitor at WE but I'm here with my friend Tucker."
"Really? That's awesome! How old are you, Danny?"
"I'm 19."
This seemed to relieve Dick in a way that confirmed any suspicion that Danny had about him checking to make sure Jason wasn't doing anything illegal though he found himself ever so slightly annoyed. Did he look that young? No, people were just blind.
"Neat! Well, I just wanted to make sure Little Wing here didn't ditch the party, so I'll let you guys go back to what you were doing. Have fun~" He said, then walked away as Danny chuckled and looked at Jason.
"'Little Wing'?"
"Dick gives everybody nicknames, it's stupid. Now, where were we?" He asked, suddenly slamming his hand back by Danny's head as his cheeks grew warm. "Oh, that's right, I was going to out cheese you with these stupid fuckin' flirts."
Danny snorted, "Do you play soccer? Because you look like a keeper."
"I'm studying to be a historian. I'm really interested in finding a date."
This continued for a long time until they ran out of flirts and by that point Bruce Wayne was about to do a speech. At least that was the plan until suddenly the doors slammed open as party was crashed by a large group of people all wearing matching masks. Masks that looked like Ghostface from Scream.
There were at least twenty of them, all heavily armed with guns that they fired into the air. Jason cursed and Danny quickly grabbed him by the arm.
"Don't." He said, looking for Sam and Tucker who were trapped on the other side of the room. They were separated, they were in a large room but with so many people they might have been trapped in a hallway. "Where's your family?"
Jason looked around, "I see my dad and youngest brother. My two sisters are with your friend Sam. I don't see the other three though."
Danny shook off the question of 'just many of you are there' and instead nodded. "Okay, my friends are together too. So we should stick together, everybody else is in groups. Rushing anywhere now might start a stampede."
Jason frowned then glared at the criminals who were pointing their guns at everybody.
"Okay~ I think it's time we get this party started. Now, let's make this easy. If you don't actively work at Wayne Enterprises or aren't related to Wayne Family via blood or adoption get on your stomachs on the ground, the rest of you stay on your feet."
"They're looking for somebody..." Jason mumbled as Danny nodded.
The majority of the crowd laid down while only about a third of the crowd remained standing allowing them to see each individual person.
"Very good!" The criminal in charge praised and looked around. "Now, anybody who makes the wrong move will get one of the people laying on the ground killed. I know a lot of you are stupid enough to try to play heroes so instead of you getting shot we'll shoot whoever is closest to us."
"Shit." Danny and Jason both said together before passing a glance at one another.
The one in charge looked around again until he looked at Danny and pointed at him. "You. Step up."
"No way." Jason said as the man pointed a gun at a young woman who sobbed in fear.
"No no, it's okay. I'm coming." Danny said, patting Jason's arm as he walked carefully through the crowd towards the gunmen.
"Nice to see you again, brat." Hissed the man as Danny raised a brow. Before he could question it though the man pointed to Bruce Wayne. "You. Step up."
"Father." The young kid standing next to Bruce Wayne said going to argue but Bruce just told him to stay put then walked towards them. Bruce kept his hands up, looking at Danny with a clear look of recognition.
"Why don't you let the kids go, there's not a lot of them but those who are here don't need to be involved in whatever demands you have." Bruce said.
"Hah, no way, Bruice-Boy." Hissed the man as two of his men grabbed Bruce by his wrists, yanking his arms behind his back and knocking him back down to his knees. "We came here today for you, but damn we're lucky that this one is here. See, if it weren't for the kid here-" The man grabbed Danny by the front of his suit, shoving the barrel against his chin. "We wouldn't need to do this. This is what happens when you meddle, brat."
Danny's heart sank before he glared. "It's you. You're that bastard who boke in a few weeks ago!"
"Yeah! And if you had just minded your damn business this wouldn't be happening now. If you had just let us do what we were going to do then it wouldn't be a problem."
"You were trying to burn down part of the building with people still inside, I wasn't going to let you."
"And how is that turning out for you now, brat? Hm?" He moved the gun from Danny's chin as shoved Danny back into the arms of two more men who grabbed Danny's arms and shoved them behind his back but let him stay on his feet. "Now, Mr. Wayne, let me explain. See, you and your company were trying to find a cure for something found in the water supply that was making some kids sick, but see were were making a lot of money selling the cure at the highest price. We were going to destroy your progress but unfortunately we were stopped by another kid who thought he was a hero. So, this is what we're going to do. You're good at fundraising so you're going to help us fundraise ransoms for each and every one of these people from their own pockets. The more a person pays the more limbs they get to keep. We'll start at 20,000 per limb." He pointed his gun at Jason. "We'll start with the young man closest to doing something stupid."
Danny growled, glancing at Sam and Tucker. Their eyes met and Danny flashed them green. Sam nodded then with a swift motion told her friends something before smashing her bracelet on the ground.
In an instant their area filled with smoke that rushed out covering the men with smoke and protecting the majority of the crowd laying on the ground in a layer of smoke while only those standing could be seen. Danny reacted as well, knowing that more people would be able to see him . Dropping his full weight down he yanked the two men holding him together as they smashed their heads together and let him go. Danny then elbowed the one to his right in the crotch before standing up, grabbing the barrel of his gun and yanking it upwards, squeezing the metal so the gun would be unusable before he pulled it from the mans hand. Flipping on the safety of the gun he spun it and smacked the man in the temple with the butt.
Danny spun the gun, moving it to his left hand before disarming the man of his gun and kicking it into the smoke in the direction of the stairs in hopes of keeping it away from people. Snapping out of their dazes Bruce and Jason also seemed to react as Bruce slammed his head back, breaking the nose of one of the men before elbowing one in the center of the chest knocking the breath out of him while Jason grabbed the barrel of the gun the main guy was using and shoved it up, causing the gun to go up and break some of the ceiling plaster but preventing people from getting hit. Deciding to leave those men to those two Danny go to work again, but this time in a slightly different way.
He hated fighting humans.
They were too fleshy and not durable like ghosts so he chose not to fight and the smoke provided the perfect cover as he froze the feet of the enemies who were still posing threats while mysterious snake like shapes wriggled under the smoke and yanked the men under to where they would later be found wrapped up in plants or ice. One by one the men were taken down until there was a pained cry that made Danny turn when he heard Bruce shout.
Danny turned, seeing Jason rubbing at his face. There as a cut above his brows from a knife. He had managed to get the gun from the man but he had pulled out a knife.
Danny snarled, taking a step forward as the man went to stab Jason. Danny and Bruce moved at the same time with Bruce covering his son. But Danny made it to them before the man could make contact and he got in the way of the attack. Danny held the wrists of the man as he barred his teeth.
Danny shoved the mans hands upwards, knocking him back slightly before he spun and did a roundhouse kick. An attack that he might have put just a bit too much power into as the man was thrown a good ten feet backwards towards the stairs and the doors that he had broken down. Danny could hear the man wheezing and coughing, seeing him flailing desperately under the smoke but not getting up.
No sooner did Danny relax and turn back to the Bruce and Jason then did Batman (who seemed shorter today for some reason), Red Robin and Signal showed up with the police and a verity of confused looks.
"You sure you're okay?" Danny asked Jason who nodded, his forehead bandaged.
"Just a scratch, headwounds bleed a lot. I'm more confused what the hell just happened. Normally the bats react more quickly than that when they send in a smoke screen."
Danny chuckled, "You have a lot of experiences with the bats?"
"I'm a Wayne, it comes with the territory. Are your friends okay?" He asked as Danny looked towards Sam and Tucker who were mostly just waiting for Danny to finish but Tucker was also hacking on his phone to erase whatever data he could from the security cameras as he possibly could.
"They're fine. I'm going to get an earful for being reckless though."
"I don't think you were reckless. But... how did you learn to fight like that?"
"Uh... long story. Where we come from though the saying 'fight or die' was serious and there were daily reminders of it. But again... long story."
Jason nodded, looking drained. "Well... I know that this whole thing was just a way to get our groups off of our backs but how would you like to get dinner together some day? Just as friends, I mean I'm not against maybe trying some day but right now I kinda wanna get to know you. Besides, I'd like to thank you for protecting me and my dad."
Danny thought for a moment before he smiled. "Sure." He reached into his pocket and handed Jason his phone. Jason typed in his number then handed the phone back. "Get home safe, Jason."
"You too, Danny."
Danny started walking away when Bruce suddenly called out.
"Danny." Danny stopped and turned towards his boss, shrinking down slightly before Bruce smiled and put his hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"
"All good."
"Are you sure? You did really well out there but if you're hurt you should get looked out."
"I'm not hurt, Mr. Wayne, I promise. Just really tired."
"Alright, if you're sure." Bruce moved his hand and smiled, "Thanks for saving us, Danny."
"Any time, Mr. Wayne, but let's not make a habit out of it, okay? I moved to Gotham to get away from craziness like that." He said, waving his hand as he walked to his friends as he wrapped his arms over both of their shoulders and they made their way home.
"So, you guys have fun?" Sam asked as Danny looked at her.
"You know what... kinda, yeah. At least until the end."
"Did you get his number?" Wondered Tucker.
"Of course I did."
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hoofpeet · 2 years
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Chandelure bullying hours
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decolonize-the-left · 5 months
Artists creating specifically to sell and trading off (some of) their own style to do it, activists begging for attention and shares and media coverage because they aren't being paid enough attention, UNWRA desperate for donations, the percentage of people who don't mask in 2024 compared to deaths and disabilities, ppl who need to be convinced to vote with principles that save lives and that genocide is unacceptable, how a living wage or UBI is believed to be "unrealistic" despite the trillions in shareholder investment accounts.
....I'm starting to think Mainstream People™ fucking suck, ngl. In fact, dare I say that Mainstream People are the biggest obstacle to progress now.
Malcolm X said it was the white liberal as did a lot of other revolutionaries and thinkers.
I, however, think anyone who can hold their own comfort over someone else's suffering is the problem.
Why are the rest of us constantly begging and shouting and changing ourselves and our bodies in an effort to make them care about us? To make them see us? To give us rights? To bless us with the support needed to make a living?
Same shit, different generations. And idk about y'all, but I would love to be the last generations who ever had to hate themselves to survive.
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regnantlight · 11 months
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I have a sudden craving for Elder Zelda, so please give this post a like for a starter from Old Lady Zelda!
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westerosiqueens · 1 month
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Do the thing!
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vigilant-yaksha-asks · 8 months
Open starter: Nightmares
oh, mod here, trigger warning for self harm and nightmares/panic attack/general anxiety!! the starter will be below the cut
Xiao jolted awake, eyes darting around from where he lay in the branches of the tree that grew around Wangshu Inn.
"You're safe...you're fine..." Xiao ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm down.
He stood at the top level of the Inn, folding his arms on top of the railing and resting his head on them. Xiao bit them into his forearms. His sharp teeth dug into his arms. He tried and failed to breathe deeply.
"...why did I have to be the one to survive?"
Tears sprung at the corners of his eyes despite his protests.
"Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry..."
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