#· * ⁎   ━  obidala.   ❛ didn’t mean to fall in love.
cypanache · 6 months
Cy's 2023 Fic Replay - Track 9
I am very sorry, but this is continuing ...
track 9: Let's Hurt Tonight - One Republic
I'm pretty sure I found this song just this year through Spotify and from the moment I did it went to the top of the playlist for the modern obidala 'padme lives' AU that I've been working on off and on for the past year.
fic: wires
[obidala, anidala | modern-au | padme lives]
This fic has lived in my head for almost as long as Unintended has. I mean honestly, are you really an obidala author if you don't have at least one 'padme lives' au swimming around in your head? And while I adore all the gentle domestic 'obidala helping each other heal after Anakin' AUs, this is not that. After watching OWK, I really really wanted to just let them swim around in that mutual self-hatred for awhile. So Wires is where I get to do that
Which is probably why this song fits so well. Because really could anything say more clearly "I enjoy watching two characters I care deeply about tear great gaping chunks out of each other" more than this song. Particularly this part:
I'll hit the lights and you lock the doors Tell me all of the things that you couldn't before Don't walk away, don't roll your eyes They say love is pain, well darling, let's hurt tonight
I worked on it quite a bit for PadMay, and it expanded out into a non-linear character exploration of Padme and her relationship with both Anakin and Obi-Wan. And while I haven't managed to finish it, it's got some wonderfully dark and raw bits that I can't help but want to share, so indulge me:
“I am not testifying against Anakin.  I told you that.” “No one’s asking you to.  My testimony should be enough for them to–”  “To what?  Lock him up?  Let him rot in prison?  You know what things would be like for him in there.  Is that really what you want?” “He’s dangerous, Padme.  His being in a wheelchair doesn’t change that.” “Says the man who put him there.  What are you trying to do?  Finish the job?” He jerks his head away.   Padme falls back against the bed. “Maybe we should talk about this when you’ve gotten some sleep.” Like that’s going to happen.  “Why?  I’m not going to be any less of a bitch about it then.” “Then maybe we should talk when I’ve gotten some sleep.” Of course.  This is how all their other fights end.  She says something completely unforgivable, and he…doesn’t.  Either retreating or calling a truce for the kids or distracting her in other ways he finds effective, but never never actually returning fire.  And she knows that control, that ability to keep himself distanced enough, detached enough to never let his emotions get the better of him, is what kept him alive for all those years undercover.  But god if she doesn’t hate it.   Just once she wishes he would fight back.  Just say it.  All of it.  Every why didn’t you and you should have and this is your fault  she knows he’s been carrying around in his back pockets. She knows they’re there.  She can see in his eyes, feel it in his touch.  She doesn’t understand why he won’t just say it.  What’s holding him back.  If he would just say it, just blame her, accuse her, something, anything, then she could at least mount some kind of defense, build a case, explain herself.  But if once, just once, he would fight back, beat her up a little, then maybe she could finally stop doing it to herself. Padme stares up at the ceiling and doesn’t say anything. Obi-Wan turns to go. “I’ll never forgive you.  If you do this, I’ll never forgive you for it.” He stops, back still turned.  “I’m not asking you to.” No.  No he’s not.  He never has.  As if he knows she used up all her forgiveness on Anakin ages ago, and doesn’t have any left.  For either of them.
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friskynotebook · 1 year
All the Wasted Time Ch. 7
An Obidala GFFA AU slow-burn romance ❤️
CW: age gap, food, bed-sharing, hurt/comfort, grief, death of a loved one, caretaking, handkerchief use, pining, crying
Summary: Padme helps Obi-Wan through a deep tragedy.
Also on AO3!
In the weeks following Padme’s recovery, she and Obi-Wan continued seeing each other socially—tea at each others’ apartments, walks in the park, browsing hole-in-the-wall libraries.
And Padme was fine with this, totally fine with her pathetically pining after him while just being friends, because he was being nice to her when she got hurt, and they’re still hanging out because they’re friends, nothing more.
She was absolutely fine with this.
All she wanted to do was tell him how she felt, how much she loved him. But she knew she would scare him off. He was barely ready to acknowledge he deserved any kind of good in the world—even though he’s one of the best people she knew. How could he possibly manage a friend telling him she loved him?
She was pretty sure he would combust.
But then again, if she didn’t tell him how she felt soon, she would combust. Especially since she was convinced she was falling more and more in love with him every time they met.
So, who will break first?
Padme got her answer sooner than she wanted.
A few days after their most recent outing—breakfast at Dex’s Diner—Padme was working in her office when her desk comm rang.
Without a second thought, Padme answered. “Senator Amidala.”
“Hi Padme,” Quinlan sighed, sounding distant and muted.
She frowned. Why is Quinlan calling me? “Quinlan, hi. What can I do for you?”
He swallowed, as if he were calming himself. “Qui-Gon passed away this morning.”
“What?” Padme gasped, her heart sinking. “I’m so sorry.”
“Thanks,” he choked, clearing his throat. “I actually called to ask you a favor. For Obi-Wan.”
She immediately started packing her desk. “What is it?”
“Will you go with him to Stewjon? For the mourning period?” he asked. “Bail is needed in the Senate, Mace has to stay for the Council, I’m stepping in for Obi-Wan on his mission with Anakin, Ahsoka, and Cody—”
“Of course I will,” she cut him off. “Of course. I can fly out within the hour.”
Quinlan breathed out a sigh of relief. “He’s on Chandrila.”
“I should be there in about three standard hours.”
“I’ll let him know,” he confirmed. “Padme?”
“Thank you.”
She furrowed her brow. “You don’t have to thank me.”
“It means a lot. You going with him. He’ll never admit it, but he’ll need someone during the mourning period. He and Qui-Gon were very close.”
She swallowed the lump down her throat. “I’ll take care of him, Quinlan.”
“I know you will.”
Two and a half standard hours later, Padme landed her shuttle on a nondescript docking bay in Chandrila. As soon as the engines shut off, Padme darted off the ship, her eyes scanning the bay for Obi-Wan.
She spotted him standing with Anakin, Cody, and Ahsoka. To the naked eye, he appeared to be as unruffled as ever. But to Padme, the slump of his shoulders and dark circles under his eyes told a different tale.
He seemed smaller somehow, like he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Like he would crumble under the weight of his grief.
She made a beeline towards him. 
“Obi-Wan,” she breathed, pulling him into a firm hug. He sank against her embrace, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.
“Hello, Padme,” he murmured into her neck before pulling away.
“How are you?” she cooed.
“As well as can be expected,” he reassured her, giving her a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
Cody placed a hand on his shoulder. “It’s alright, sir.” He turned to Padme. “Thank you, Senator.”
“Yeah, thank you, Padme.” Anakin gave her a meaningful look, stepping closer. “Having you there will be good for him.”
Padme swallowed back her tears. “I’ll do my best, Ani.”
He gave her a crooked grin. “Trust me, just being there is enough.”
She turned to Obi-Wan. “Ready to go?”
He nodded. “As I’ll ever be.”
Padme set the course for Stewjon and fiddled with the controls, Obi-Wan beside her. Normally for a flight of this length, she’d set the ship on autopilot and read a holonovel or work on one of her many pitiful crochet projects, but she sensed he wanted the company and she wasn’t about to abandon him.
“Obi-Wan?” she asked about halfway through the trip.
“Hmm?” He looked lost in thought, but he turned towards her, open to some conversation.
“Why are we going to Stewjon? Was Qui-Gon from there?”
Obi-Wan smiled softly. “No, he doesn’t know—rather, he never knew—his home planet. By the time the rule on attachments was lifted, he didn’t have any real connection to his home world. So, my family adopted him, in a way.”
“They did? That’s lovely.” Padme smiled.
“They were grateful to him for training me and caring for me as if I was his own . . .” Obi-Wan’s voice trailed off.
Padme covered his hand with hers. “You were his own, Obi-Wan. He loved you so much.”
“I know,” he whispered. “I felt it in the Living Force, every day. It was so strong . . .”
“I could feel it too. We all could, even without the Force.”
“Padme, did he know? How much I loved him?”
“Of course he did,” Padme replied, squeezing his hand. “Of course he did.”
They landed on Stewjon the next afternoon.
As they stepped on the docking bay, Padme gasped. “Oh Obi-Wan. It’s so beautiful here. So green.”
“It’s quite green on Naboo, too.” His eyes sparkled as he looked out at his home world. 
“Yes, but this is a different green. A lush green.”
“I suppose it is.” The corner of his mouth quirked upwards.
An older woman with a shock of red hair came barreling towards them. 
“Mum!” Obi-Wan grinned, catching her in his arms.
“How are you, darling?” The woman cupped his face in her hands, her voice more of a rough brogue compared to her son’s clipped elegant accent.
“Alright, I suppose.” His face softened. “I haven’t had much time to think about it.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Obi-Wan,” she murmured. She turned towards Padme. “And you must be the Senator Amidala we’ve all heard so much about.”
Padme’s eyebrows shot up. “You’ve heard about me?”
Obi-Wan’s face turned bright red. “I’ve told my family about my life on Coruscant, of course you would be mentioned.”
“Oh yes, Obi here brings you up constantly.”
“I wouldn’t say constantly, Mum—”
“I feel like I know you myself!”
“Well, it’s an honor to finally meet you, Mrs. Kenobi,” Padme smiled.
“None of this ‘Mrs. Kenobi’ business! Call me Jemmila.”
“Jemmila it is.”
There are a lot of Kenobis, Padme learned.
She lost count after meeting forty of them—cousins, aunts, uncles.
The only ones she could remember by the end of the day were his mother Jemmila, his father Fenn, and his younger brother Jeshi, the latter of whom helped her and Obi-Wan with their bags.
“You’ll be sharing a room,” Jeshi said, hauling one of Padme’s large bags up the stairs. “I hope that’s alright with your majesty.”
Padme blushed. “I’m not royalty anymore, Jeshi. Padme is fine.”
“Oh, sorry,” Jeshi apologized. “It’s just, Obi would tell these stories about the Queen of Naboo saving her planet and ruling her people—”
“Jesh, I told you other things about Padme too,” Obi-Wan interjected.
“Yeah but I remember the ones you told me when I was wee the best,” he said. Padme recalled Jeshi was seventeen years younger than Obi-Wan—a lovely surprise, Jemmila had said.
“Perhaps I can tell you other stories while I’m here,” Padme said. “Ones your brother doesn’t know.”
Jeshi perked up. “Really? That’d be grand!” He dropped the bag inside the door of the . . . cozy spare room.
“Thank you, Jeshi,” Obi-Wan said.
“Clean towels are in the ‘fresher. I’ll be next door if you need me?” Jeshi ended his sentence as a question.
“We should be fine. Goodnight,” Padme said.
“Yes, goodnight,” Obi-Wan smiled, watching his brother as he left the room.
As soon as they had privacy, he turned to Padme. “I’m so sorry about this.”
She frowned. “Sorry about what?”
“This. Sharing a room, a bed. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I’ll talk to my mum—”
If only he knew. “Obi-Wan, we’ve shared a bed before,” Padme pointed out.
He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, yes, but the circumstances were different then—”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m fine sharing a bed if you are.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Now let’s get ready for bed.”
The next morning, the sounds of talking and banging downstairs woke Padme. She flipped over and found Obi-Wan gazing over at her, his face masked in sleepy confusion.
“Hey,” she rasped. “How are you feeling?”
Padme’s heart shattered as she watched the memory of the previous day return, the pain of grief clouding his features.
He pinched the bridge of his nose. “All things considered? Alright, I suppose.” He rolled onto his back. “Is it childish to admit I had hoped it was a bad dream?” he whispered.
“Oh, Obi-Wan, I’m so sorry,” she said, blinking back tears. It pained her to see this strong, patient, consummate Jedi in so much distress. She wished there was more she could say, more she could do to help him—if there was anything she could do to take away his pain, she’d do it in a heartbeat. Anything for Obi-Wan.
She gently brushed her fingers against his arm. “Is there anything you need? Anything I can do?”
He covered her hand with his, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb. “No . . . Just you being here . . . it helps more than I can say. Thank you, dearest.”
Padme swallowed. She could picture herself so clearly crawling across the bed, straddling his waist, and pulling him in her arms, holding him close as if she could heal him through the sheer strength of her love.
“Let’s go downstairs,” she suggested.
Stewjoni mourning traditions were more . . . celebratory than Padme had been anticipating.
Obi-Wan’s older brother, Duran, had arrived with his partner, Elias, and their children, Sovi and Terral—and they brought the raw bantha, ready to roast for Qui-Gon’s wake.
“Is roasting a whole bantha part of the funeral traditions?”
Elias laughed. “Oh no, lass. This was Qui-Gon’s favorite meal.”
“On Stewjon, funerals are a celebration of the person’s life, not a mourning of their death,” Jemmila added. “Of course it’s normal to feel sad at someone’s passing. But it’s more important to remember the joy they brought us in life.”
Padme smiled. “That’s a lovely thought.”
“Qui-Gon Jinn loved his food,” Fenn said. “A perfect fit for our family.”
“Remember when he demolished that tray of butter-basted land shrimp?” Jeshi laughed.
Duran cackled. “He didn’t realize it was a party tray!”
“He was rather embarrassed,” Obi-Wan grinned. “He couldn’t look at a land shrimp for months after that.”
“But every time he visited, your mother insisted on making it for him,” Fenn laughed, looking like the spitting image of his middle son.
“What?” Jemmila played innocent. “He clearly liked it! I’d be a bad host if I didn’t make it.”
Padme giggled. “I’m not much of a cook, but I’ll do what I can to help—everything smells wonderful.”
“Hopefully you’re better in the kitchen than Obi here—he almost burned the house down twice!” Duran said.
“The second time was not my fault!” Obi-Wan protested.
“That’s what you said when you tried to make grilled crupa breasts at the palace in Aldera and Qui-Gon had to Force-throw water from the pool before you set the entire palace on fire,” Padme laughed.
Obi-Wan’s family burst out in a roar of laughter.
Elias grinned, turning to Obi-Wan. “We like this one, a bhobain—don’t scare her off.”
Obi-Wan turned bright red. “I’ll try not to.”
In the days leading up to the funeral, members of the Kenobi clan took shifts sitting with Qui-Gon’s body after preservation.
“It’s tradition to watch over the body before the funeral,” Jeshi told Padme. “To protect the spirit from falling to the dark of night—Obi-Wan would call it the Dark Side.”
She nodded. “I imagine it’s also a chance to say goodbye.”
“Yes,” Jeshi agreed. “That’s what most of us use that time for. To say thank you and goodbye.”
During Obi-Wan’s shift, Padme walked over to his place beside the wrapped body, holding two mugs of hot sucosa.
“Want some company?” she asked.
He smiled up at her and shifted over. “I’d like that, Padme.”
She sat beside him, handing over one of the mugs. “Your mother’s secret recipe is delicious.”
He sipped his drink. “Kenobi family secret.”
“So she said.” Padme sipped her own drink. “How are you feeling?”
“Better than I did when we arrived,” he said, staring ahead at the pyre. “It’s strange. I miss him so deeply and yet he’s right in front of me. But it’s not him.”
Feeling brave, Padme rested her head on his shoulder. “He’s gone, even though he’s right in front of you.”
“Exactly,” Obi-Wan agreed, his hand casually resting on her thigh. “I still catch myself thinking of him in the present tense.”
“That’s not a bad thing,” she replied. “He’ll always be alive in you, in Anakin, in the Jedi Order. He’s probably alive in the Force, too—wait, is that how the Force works?”
He snorted. “Yes, more or less. We believe he is one with the Force now—that’s what the burning symbolizes.”
She nodded. “It doesn’t make it easier, though, does it?”
“Not in the short term, no.”
They sat in companionable silence, neither ready to be alone, watching over Qui-Gon.
“Padme,” Obi-Wan began, his voice raspy from disuse. “I know you must feel like you aren’t doing enough, or not doing anything . . . But you must know, my dear, this is everything.”
She looked up, her heart sinking at the tears filling his eyes. Even when he’s in the depths of his own grief, he still feels the need to make her feel better. “Obi-Wan—”
“Being here with me, my family, dropping your entire life to be by my side, it means more than I can say. Staying with me makes all the difference.” He paused, trying to maintain his composure. “I cannot thank you enough.”
“You don’t have to thank me at all. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.” I’d do anything for you in a heartbeat.
He drained the last of his drink. “Still. I hope one day I’ll have the opportunity to return the favor in some way.”
Padme stood, taking the mug back. 
“You already have,” she replied, leaving him to grieve in private.
The night before the funeral, Padme watched Obi-Wan go through his katas before bed—part of his usual routine, she noticed.
Still, she pretended to read her holo novel as he went through his routine, keeping a watchful eye on him to make sure he wasn’t over-tiring himself.
When he finally came to bed, Padme reached over to her nightstand to shut off the light.
“Goodnight, Obi-Wan.”
“Goodnight, Padme,” he replied, his voice soft. “Sleep well.”
She couldn’t help but smile. Always caring and kind. 
Padme kept herself awake, listening to Obi-Wan toss and turn beside her. She knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep if Obi-Wan wasn’t sleeping.
After half an hour of his restlessness, Padme turned towards him. “Obi-Wan? Are you alright?”
He sighed. “I can’t sleep,” he admitted. “I feel this . . . weight in my chest that won’t go away. I can’t sleep with this pain, Padme.”
She turned over to face him. “That’s your grief. It’s normal to feel that.”
“I haven’t been able to cry, not really, since we arrived. I’m trying to be strong for everyone else who loved him, I want to be there for them—”
“But you need to process your feelings too. It’s okay to cry, Obi-Wan.”
His chin wobbled, and his breath started shaking, his tears glistening in the moonlight. “Padme,” he choked.
“Come here,” she cooed, pulling him in her arms as he quietly wept against her chest.
She stroked his hair and rubbed soothing circles on his back, shushing him softly. He pulled her impossibly close, needing to be comforted as much as she needed to comfort. 
I’m here, Obi-Wan. I’m here.
After a while, his sobs eased and turned into sniffles, though he still kept her close. Padme reached over to her nightstand and grabbed a handkerchief for him. He accepted it gratefully, wiping his eyes and blowing his nose before discarding it on his own nightstand.
When he finished cleaning himself up, he settled back into her embrace.
“Padme?” he whispered, his voice heavy with sleep.
“You’re my best friend.”
Words that only a week ago would have broken her heart now comforted her and touched her in ways she never thought possible. Being Obi-Wan Kenobi’s best friend meant more to her than any other title. It was an honor to hold a special place in this beautiful, brilliant man’s life, and even if he never returned her love in the way she wished, she would never give up her relationship with him.
She still wanted him to know how she felt, but she no longer threatened to burst with her feelings. Rather, they had settled between them like a warm blanket, ready to support and comfort him as he needed.
And that was enough. Loving Obi-Wan in any way he needed was truly enough for her, and that knowledge eased her mind and her heart.
“Let’s get some sleep,” she cooed. Obi-Wan was asleep before she finished her sentence.
No-pressure tags: @wickedscribbles @obiknights @labyrinth-runner @your-dose-of-obidala @mxster-jocale @cypanache @celestial-alignment @alabama-metal-man @written-musings
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padme-amitabha · 3 years
Just popping in to say, I agree with you on the Master/Padawan ships being ew. But, as an Obidala shipper, I kinda want to ask that anon why Obidala would mean not understanding the characters? I mean, I've read books upon books in the EU and have a fairly good grasp on the two of them and I feel like they're more compatible personality& morality wise than anidala. (Not saying anidala is bad, because it's not. I ship it, too, just not as much as obidala). Plus there's just the whole part in the RotS novel where Padmé realizes that although she loves Anakin, she doesn't trust him. But she trusts Obi-Wan. Which, for me, is why I ship Obidala just a bit more than anidala because trust is everything, and it's canon that anidala keeps so many secrets from each other.
Also just... Insert that tik tok that's like "So you're telling me Padmé Amidala, former queen of naboo..." Here
I don’t know about the other anon but the reason I don’t ship Obidala is because I don’t think they are compatible. I view Obi-Wan as someone who puts duty and the Jedi council above everything else (I mean it literally took Anakin being burned alive for Obi-Wan to tell him he loved him) and also him being alright with lying to Luke about Vader being his father. Also, both in canon and legends, he chose duty over love (with Siri and Satine). Obi-Wan falls in love with them, that’s for sure, but it’s very different from Anakin as he notes in the book Secrets of the Jedi: 
But the way Obi-Wan had spoken had been so measured. With a temperament like that, it was impossible to love, Anakin was sure.
Padme, on the other hand, is someone who puts love above duty and chose that many times (especially when she decided to marry Anakin, and then overlooking his crimes on Mustafar and giving him a chance to be with her). Anakin has the same sense of compassion and values love more than duty and I think that’s what she admires about Anakin too. I think Anakin and Padme have a lot in common than she could ever have with Obi-Wan. I see Obi-Wan as the type to value the order he’s in whereas Padme (from AOTC novelization) also longed for a life free of responsibilities but ultimately couldn't because she felt she had a duty. But you are entitled to your own opinion so it’s cool.
Even Anakin notes they are very similar in AOTC novelization: 
Anakin shook his head doubtfully, but he wasn’t bothered by the possibility. In a strange way, he was glad that Padmé knew the rhyme, glad that it was a common gift from mothers to their children. And glad, especially, that he and Padmé had yet another thing in common.
 Ah yes. I remember that Tik Tok about what Padme ever saw in Anakin but I think there’s a lot of admirable qualities in Anakin (especially in movies, I don’t mean in TCW because I don’t like TCW’s take on their relationship which fundamentally changed their characters from the movies) so we may be talking about completely different versions of the characters here. 
Here’s some excerpts from novelizations regarding what made Padme fall for Anakin: 
She could see him now, not as a Jedi Padawan and her protector, but just as a young man. A handsome young man, and one whose actions repeatedly professed his love for her. A dangerous young man, to be sure, a Jedi who was thinking about things he should not. A man who was inevitably following the call of his heart above that of pragmatism and propriety. And all for her. Padmé couldn’t deny the attractiveness of that. 
But still, as she stood there looking upon him, his face now serene, she couldn’t deny the attraction. He seemed to her like a young hero, a budding Jedi—and she had no doubt that he would be among the greatest that great Order had ever known. And at the same time, he seemed to her to be the same little kid she had known during the war with the Trade Federation, inquisitive and impetuous, aggravating and charming all at once. 
She loved the way he was reacting to this place, to all of Naboo, his simple joys forcing her to see things as she had when she was younger, before the real world had pushed her to a place of responsibility. It surprised her that a Jedi Padawan would be so ... She couldn’t think of the word. Carefree? Joyous? Spirited? Some combination of the three?
Padmé’s hand slowly dropped to her side and she sat listening in amazement at how honestly he was opening up before her, baring his heart though he knew she might tear it asunder with a single word. She was honored by the thought, and truly touched.
A man who knew exactly what he wanted and was honest enough to simply ask for it; a man strong enough to unroll his deepest feelings before her without fear and without shame. A man who had loved her for a decade, with faithful and patient heart, while he waited for the act of destiny he was sure would someday open her own heart to the fire in his.
He is not a perfect man: he is prideful, and moody, and quick to anger—but these faults only make her love him the more, for his every flaw is more than balanced by the greatness within him, his capacity for joy and cleansing laughter, his extraordinary generosity of spirit, his passionate devotion not only to her but also in the service of every living being.
So, Padme loved Anakin for all his honesty, recklessness and flaws, and I think they were both people who loved too wholeheartedly (and maybe a little selfishly), wanted a family together, and idealized each other which made them overlook each other’s flaws. I don’t really agree they didn’t trust each other. There were many lines at the beginning of ROTS about them trusting each other. 
He could feel her patience, and her trust, and he was so grateful for both that tears welled once more.
I don’t think they started keeping secrets until the very end of ROTS because Padme had given her word to the other Senators to keep all the Rebellion stuff a secret and even then she wanted to tell Anakin but he was siding with Palpatine and refused to listen. And even then she was very uncomfortable about having to keep a secret from Anakin so it’s safe to guess they didn’t have a habit of keeping secrets from the other. 
Don’t make me lie to my husband was her unspoken plea. She tried to convey it with her eyes. Please, Bail. Don’t make me lie to him. It will break his heart.
Also, Anakin in ROTS was really unstable and sleep-deprived and he was constantly being manipulated by Palpatine and the Jedi weren’t helping either. Obi-Wan is more collected and reliable and they were good friends so it makes sense why Padme trusted Obi-Wan about this more than Anakin. Also, didn’t Obi-Wan sneak into her ship and betrayed her in a sense? 
That said, I am not against Obidala and it could work in fanon but I personally don’t see them growing close in the actual story. 
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sunflowersturn · 4 years
the bodyguard au
Sooooo basically @labyrinth-runner got me into Obidala. And I asked her to pick three prompts (randomly) from this post. I was planning on having her pick between them but as you can see, they all worked out together. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ty to @karasong​ / @hellotherekenobi​ for doing quality control lmao.
49. You caught me doing something dangerous and flipped out.
23. “Just tell why you did it!” “Because I’m in love with you, okay!”
10. You confessed your feelings and we’re about to kiss but we get interrupted.
The Bodyguard AU
It took effort for Padme not to flinch when she heard the door to the hall closet slam shut. Obi-Wan had been fuming the entire way back from the event, and while she knew she deserved it, she wished he’d at least look at her. As he came back into the room, however, she could see that cold fury was still on his face. He towered over where she was sitting on the bed as he opened the first aid kit and he wordlessly held out a hand for her injured arm. She suppressed a sigh, looking up at him with big eyes.
“It’s really not that bad,” she said, knowing she sounded defensive and probably a little petulant. He didn’t say anything, and she reluctantly pulled his scarf away from her arm to show him the cut.
It had been exceedingly lucky that she’d been wearing long sleeves for the event and chosen such a thick fabric for her dress. Her choice to combat the weather had served a dual purpose in shielding her from the worst of the damage, leaving her with just a long and shallow cut down the inside of her arm. It had stopped bleeding at some point in the last few minutes, but jostling it again was sure to get the blood flowing if they weren’t careful and it needed to be covered.
“The healers said I didn’t even need stitches, just a bacta patch,” she tried again, but he still wasn’t having it and she bit her lip as he started to rummage through the contents of the kit for antiseptic wipes so he could clean the wound first.
“It didn’t need to happen at all,” he said, voice low and tone condemning. Padme’s heart sped up a bit at the sound and she had to swallow when he looked up at her with those dark and angry eyes. “I had everything handled. If you had stayed down and let me take care of the situation—”
“If I had stayed down, you could have died!” she shot back, unable to help herself as the heat rose in her chest. She tried to jerk back her arm, but Obi-Wan had a firm grasp on her wrist and she hissed a bit as her own movement jostled her injury.
For a moment the anger in his eyes was gone, replaced by worry as he leaned down to examine the cut on her arm. It had thankfully not reopened, but he was quick to take the wipes and start to clean up the cut. With his head bent over her arm she couldn’t see his expression anymore and it made her uneasy until he chose to speak again.
“You’re right. I could have died,” he said, and his voice was still hard and unyielding. “But I also have far more training than you do in these kinds of things, and I did see that the blade was coming. I could have handled it. It’s my job to handle it.”
Padme was silent. She knew that he was right, and that was what made it burn even more. She hadn’t been able to help herself. Logic and reason had flown out of her head the moment she saw the knife pointed at him and she’d just...thrown herself forward. It was lucky that she hadn’t succeeded in actually catching the blade, managing to only get cut on her arm as she deflected. She should have known that Obi-Wan had seen the attack coming and was prepared for it, but her body had reacted before her mind.
He’d finally finished cleaning the cut and was now cutting off a strip of bacta to place over the wound that would have it closed and healed within the next couple of days. She shivered a bit as the cold material touched her skin, but also at the way his fingers felt as he smoothed down the patch over the sensitive skin inside her arm.
She wished she knew how she could explain herself and make him understand. It didn’t matter that it was his job to protect her. It didn’t matter than he was supposed to be the one jumping in front of blows meant for her. Seeing him hurt, seeing him bleeding, it was too much for her to handle. She couldn’t stand the idea that this Jedi, this charming and kind and warm gentleman, assigned to protect her while she was on this diplomatic mission would end up injured—or worse—because of her.
Part of her hoped that he could see it in her, sense it with the Force the way she’d been told they sometimes could. Maker only knew what he’d do if he found out, but still. If he’d ever seen a hint of what she was feeling in her mind, he’d never given her a sign of it.
“Why did you do it?” he asked softly, looking up from the patch now that it had cured against her skin so it wouldn’t fall off. He looked into her eyes, deep and searching, and she found herself lost, as she so often was, in the blue-green depths. “You know how much you mean to the Republic, how much you mean to m—the people. Just tell me why.”
Her heart was pounding ferociously in her ears. For a second her vision swam. She knew she had to say something, but her throat was dry. She licked her lips, ducked her head, and took a deep breath. When she looked back up that iron resolve she was so known for was in her eyes.
“Because I love you,” she said, as simple as that.
There was a long moment where Obi-Wan was obviously too stunned to speak, looking at her like she had grown another head instead of confessing her love to him, and she waited as it sunk in. He seemed at a loss for words and after another few moments without a response, she drew her arm away from him and stood to leave the room, murmuring an apology.
“Wait,” he said, catching her arm before she could get too far away. She didn’t turn around to look at him. She didn’t want to see pity in his face, or hear anything about the Jedi code. She was sure she would scream if she did. “Please, Padme.”
He had never called her by her first name before, and so she turned to look at him with a wary hope in her eyes. There was obvious conflict in him as he looked at her, a tenderness warring with his conviction. He took a step closer and pulled at her arm so they were almost chest to chest and she had to crane her head to continue meeting his eyes.
The silence reigned. He stared down at her, searching, and she stared up at him, waiting. She was sure he could hear her heart racing and see as clearly into her mind as if she had a window on her head. He was leaning down, hesitantly, but definitely moving towards her as though pulled by some outside force. She licked her lips and saw his eyes dart down to her mouth and back up to her eyes again.
He was asking her a question, and she gave the barest of nods. She could feel his breath on her lips and she closed her eyes, tipping up her chin…
“Miss Padme? Miss Padme, are you here?”
The tinny voice of C3-PO caused them both to start and jump away from one another, faces flaming. Down the hall, the protocol droid’s head leaned out of the entrance to the den and he spotted them through the door Obi-Wan had left open. With a whir of servos he started down the hall towards them.
“Ah, there you are! I heard that there was an attempt on your life and that you were injured, Miss Padme!”
Padme gave C3-PO a tired smile and glanced at Obi-Wan before she left the bedroom to greet the droid. He looked a bit shocked with himself, and embarrassed to boot. She had to swallow a hard lump in her throat before she was able to speak. “Yes, but it was a minor one. Look, Obi-Wan already got me all patched up. Why don’t you help me get some tea started in the kitchen…?”
As she led the droid back down the hall again she looked behind her to see that Obi-Wan was still standing by the bed, a hand over his eyes and a look of devastation on his face. Her heart clawed at her to go after him, but she knew...she knew that it would only complicate things further.
He was a Jedi. She’d known it would be this way. But it didn’t make it hurt any less.
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twilightofthe · 4 years
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@nerdgatehobbit Hey! Thanks for the question! Ik you asked this to my main but imma respond on my SW blog if that’s okay?
So whew that’s a big question. Do I honestly think that Dave kept Obi Wan and Padmé and then Anakin and Satine from interacting in the TCW show because they didn’t want shipping wars?
(Remember, these are all just my personal opinions. I do me and you do you!)
Short version? Yes and no. Long version? Under the cut because I can never shut up.
Firstly, I don’t wanna say this was all Dave’s decision. He was one of the top guys in charge of TCW, yes, but he was far from the only one, there was an entire creative team working on the project, and during the time of TCW’s original six seasons Lucasfilms was not owned by Disney yet and George Lucas himself had a very large amount of creative control over the entire show. So I don’t really think it’s fair at all to point fingers at any choices the show made and go “yep that’s completely 100% Dave’s fault alone”.
I also don’t quite think they were concerned about shipping wars in the way ATLA had them. Avatar’s shipping wars were so absolutely toxically rancid that they legit drove me right out of that fandom. I’m still hesitant to come back during the current renaissance because of them. Star Wars, prior to the Sequel Trilogy, never had shipping wars close to that calibre of pure nastiness. The fandom was a godawful cesspool that fought to the death on most aspects of the franchise, this has always been true, but shipping, if I’ve read right, was somehow never really one of those hot button issues within fandom. I don’t think Lucasfilms kept the Clone Wars four apart because they were afraid of fans fighting over ships.
That being said, Lucasfilms HAS always been Very Strict on how they want their characters to be seen, romantic-wise, way back to when they would terrorize Original Trilogy slash shippers back in the 80’s and 90’s with threats of legal action. It’s part of why they were Very Firm in their insistence that they had absolutely nothing to do with all the Luke/Mara Jade EU stuff. You either abided by LF’s canonical romances or not at all in their world. So yes, in the case of Obi Wan and Padmé, I absolutely think the writing team’s decision to keep the pair of them apart was almost entirely so fans didn’t ship them together.
Why do I think this? Because there is no other rational reason why Obi Wan and Padmé haven’t had a single second of screentime in TCW that hasn’t had either Anakin or Satine also in the room as a buffer. Not when Revenge of the Sith EXPLICITLY portrays their relationship as relatively close friends who care about each other. So nope, I genuinely think the show just doesn’t want the fans to consider any other relationship for Padmé besides Anakin.
But why would they do this just to her and Obes? Obi Wan and Padmé both have other friends of different genders, why don’t they worry about us shipping THEM? Well for Obi Wan’s case, it can be excused that he flirts with everyone, so we’re conditioned to think that it’s never anything serious, and none of the other characters are married to the main character of the series. This is entirely because of Padmé’s position. Yes, she has other male friends, but either they’re nonhuman and not conventionally attractive so the series doesn’t see them as a threat, they’re Clovis, who they actively show Anakin going into a jealous fit over, or they’re Bail, who can be excused by the fact that he’s already married and also because he’s never actively shown as in competition with Anakin for anything, so he’s not threatening either.
Obi Wan, on the other hand, is a major threat to Anidala in the show’s eyes. They already constantly make a point to compare him and Anakin in almost every opportunity. Which is strange, the show’s decision to force them into the role of narrative foils to each other when in the movies that isn’t the case at all— Obi Wan is much more of a foil to Sidious and Anakin’s foil is Luke —but yeah, the show very often has Obes and Ani going through similar situations with competing viewpoints— ESPECIALLY their canon romances, and I won’t rant about how the show’s attempted Anidala and Obitine parallels fall apart under scrutiny right now but if yinz want the rant sometime let me know.
Obi Wan also has the canonical ability to charm the pants off of literally everyone he meets. Nearly everyone in canon is in love with him, 80% of the fandom at least is in love with him, and I KNOW most of the crew was in love with him too. Anakin, on the other hand, has a very abrasive personality and is much easier to dislike. The show was ALREADY terrified of the fans not liking or wanting to root for Anakin to the point that they reworked his entire personality to make him more palatable to his critics from the movies. Plus, Obidala fans already existed! Since the first and second PT movies, a big group of people already shipped these two because they already thought Obi Wan was a preferable match to Padmé than Anakin. The studio did not want to encourage this.
So yes, I think it was a combination of the show’s tendency to already try and get the fans to compare Obi Wan to Anakin for everything else plus their insecurity in Anakin’s image and likeability as it was, that they did Not want the handsome charming not-future-evil guy around the leading lady and threatening her canon romance by existing as a possibly better option. So Obi Wan and Padmé got no stories together, just kinda throwing the opening ROTS left them in the garbage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The worst part is, there is so many potential places in TCW where Obi Wan and Padmé could talk to each other, like during her investigation into her friend’s murder, during the Clovis arc, bits during the Malevolence arc, the earlier Naboo crisis arcs, even the one time where she’s just hosting a damn party and wants to invite her friends gahhhhhhhh
Anakin and Satine, I also think yes, but this is also a case of half and half because Satine isn’t nearly as major a character as the other three are, and out of the nine episodes she appears in, she only has more than a singular line in seven of them, and out of those seven, only two of them aren’t revolves entirely around building her relationship with Obi Wan. So really, there is a defence for the writers here in noting that there’s not as much room to explore Satine’s character as it is, let alone trying to shoehorn in a scene with Anakin.
Except no, I’m not gonna give them that defence because in the two episodes where she only has a speaking line or less— Obi Wan’s funeral and the Ahsoka and Lux meet Death Watch ep —I can already easily think of ways she and Anakin could have really meaningful interactions in them both. Y’all have already heard my bit on how they could have a real important conversation at the funeral, but y’all HAVEN’T seen my idea for a rewrite of the Carlac ep where it’s a two-parter, Anakin comes with Ahsoka and Padmé to the negotiations on Mandalore, and it ends up with a subplot of Anidala chasing after Ahsoka and Lux with Satine as the put-upon third wheel and we get foreshadowing to Satine being Bo Katan’s sister, so when the reveal happens the next season it actually means something.
So yeah, it was partially because of timing constraints, but it was also DEFINITELY in part because they didn’t want Satine being shipped with Anakin— which ppffffft, if they were brave enough to actually try writing these two in a conversation in-character, they’d understand how much of a not-worry this would be xD —because the show is set on the fact that despite maybe there being other flings at some point, Obi Wan and Satine are each other’s one true tragic love (Or, at least Obi Wan is Satine’s. He’s always had more freedom and decision than she has in this narrative, and that’s always kinda bugged me). So, that means Satine can’t interact with any men unless they’re gonna betray her trust and try to kill her by the end of the episode, because the show needs Obi Wan to have a loyal, steady, good girlfriend because he is a good man.
(And yes, before anyone says it, I have heard the more unpleasant rumors behind why exactly Obi Wan was given a girlfriend in the show, but as I’ve yet to see any official proof of them besides fandom salt, I’m not gonna spread them because those are hefty accusations to throw around).
So yeah, Satine can’t talk to Anakin partially because time constraints, but also because she isn’t allowed to talk to any other nice men besides Obi Wan and her son (no I don’t particularly like the Korkie Kenobi thing, but it is blatantly obvious that that is what the show was implying and I’m not gonna pretend otherwise), and Obi Wan and Padmé can’t talk to each other entirely because the show saw Obidala as a threat to Anidala.
Again, just my opinions and things I noticed, y’all are more than free to disagree and discuss with me.
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shierak-inavva · 4 years
omg happy birthday!!! 🎉🎂🎁🎈 for the request, could you just do any like,, short modern au oneshot for obidala or reylo? im not picky lmao
awww thanks so much!! 💛💛💛💛
i have some reylo stuff coming up for you guys and i got a cute idea from someone on twitter, so here’s this little obidala meet-cute ( and wah i’m on mobile so forgive me for no readmore tumblr hates us mobile users 😭💦 )
“you know, there’s someone else who gets this exact same order,” flora remarks as she hands him his drink, leant over the counter slightly. his regular barista in the mornings that always knows his order—today she’s grinning in her green apron and her flower earrings, holding out his usual summer morning order: grande iced london fog tea latte with an extra tea bag and one packet of brown sugar.
obi-wan blinks, glancing from the latte back to flora.
“the exact same?” from behind her, at the espresso machine, vera nods.
“yep. right down to the packet of brown sugar—do you know her?” she glances up under a raised brow. “i figured you HAD to, since literally no one else i’ve ever had has ordered this particular beverage.” flora laughs, nodding.
“i mean she’s right—do you know her? comes in most mornings around 7am, like yea high, somehow single, brown hair, nice smile, cute beauty mark—“ vera snorts as flora trails off some and obi-wan racks his brain.
“did you get her name?”
“she always says to just write ‘ami’. like...real secretive, i’m into it.” obi-wan chuckles at this and nods, taking a sip of his drink.
“well...maybe i’ll catch her next time.”
three days later he’s back, a little after 7am. he’s forgotten all about the mystery tea woman until on his way into the morning line, he hears his name and sees flora behind the counter gesturing hurriedly—but he turns too late and only catches sight of long curling hair and a floral sundress as they walk out the door.
flora and vera both groan and facepalm behind the counter before turning back to finish their orders.
this happens on two more occasions. flora mentions the third time that she asked the woman about him, but vera chimes in that no, ‘ami’ didn’t know a ‘probably in his thirties blond dude with a beard and pretty eyes, always wears button downs, somehow still inexplicably single’, but that she said she’d like to if he likes the same tea—and flora shrugs.
“god this is some real ships in the night stuff,” she sighs dreamily, and obi-wan just laughs, even if he’s gone a bit pink.
it’s a morning that he’s not in the best of moods and running a little late due to the downpour outside that he pops back in for his usual; but flora and vera aren’t there. luckily he knows jack, who waves and gives him a thumbs up, which obi-wan assumes means he’s got his order coming along.
when he gets to the counter, he pays, and jack’s partner (who obi-wan only knows by face, really) rushes up with a few orders, and doesn’t use names:
“venti iced dirty chai, grande pink drink, tall sweet cream cold brew extra ice, and a grande iced london fog tea latte with an extra tea bag and brown sugar!”
so of course he turns to take his cup, except there’s a small, slender, and perfectly manicured hand that brushes his on the cool plastic.
obi-wan pauses.
the hand, it turns out, belongs to a woman who has to be his ‘tea twin’ as the girls have been calling her—she’s a good head shorter than him, slim and pretty with honey brown eyes and deep brown hair, and he has to admit flora’s right, the beauty mark is cute. another floral outfit today: pink and white flowers on a loose, thin blouse, and a pair of yellow dress pants. she looks like she works in an office.
“i’m sorry i think this is mine,” she says, but she’s looking him up and down in a curious way that makes his face go a little pink.
“no, i’m sorry—i shouldn’t have assumed—“ he shakes his head and she tilts hers just slightly, taking the drink and finally nodding.
“it’s all right, no harm.”
and just like that she walks away, but he doesn’t see her glance back before she’s out the door and into the rain.
it’s sunny next time. flora nearly vaults over the counter when she sees him, later in the morning than usual.
“YOU’RE JOKING, THE ONE TIME YOU TWO MEET AND WE WEREN’T EVEN HERE—“ she paddles the counter with her hands eagerly, “i need details,” she says while tapping his order into the computer, “are you in love already, what was she wearing, did she just fall into your arms—“
“ah—“ obi-wan coughs a bit, rubbing his chin, “no, i’m afraid there wasn’t anything like that...”
“jack said you almost took her drink and you two ‘stared longingly for like 30 seconds in front of a lobby full of people like we were in a datenight netflix movie’ but that she left,” vera raises an eyebrow as she slides his drink across the counter, “soooo during all of that did you get her name, or what?” obi-wan clears his throat and takes a deep breath, taking his drink.
“i did not.”
it’s raining again.
he’s supposed to have the day off but he’s decided to finish up a little extra work on his personal laptop—which he’s got settled in front of him at a table next to the front windows, along with a blueberry scone and his usual iced tea latte.
starbucks is surprisingly empty, which is fine with him, but that just makes it all the more noticeable when She walks in.
damp curls and a lavender umbrella that she shakes out carefully, and behind the counter flora makes a strangled sort of noise that makes obi-wan look away instinctively.
the woman orders.
he sits at his little table and tries to focus on his laptop screen, internally debating over whether or not he should say something. there’s next to no one else in the dining room and the other three people have headphones on anyways.
he can also see vera trying to get his attention already.
her drink’s almost ready and he’s still fighting himself on ‘is it too weird to walk up to her and say something or not’, and he barely hears them call ‘ami’—and he realizes he’s probably too late in deciding to go for it and hurriedly jolts up out of his seat—only for her to be standing next to his little window table, with her drink in hand and a croissant on a plate.
she smiles, and he swallows, completely blind to the two baristas excitedly leaning over the counter together to watch.
“hi,” she greets pleasantly, and he feels a little frozen just standing there but she continues, “i’m off today, and flora behind the counter has been making a very compelling case that you might be my soulmate based on our drink preferences,” her eyes crinkle and there’s laughter in her voice, but it’s sweet rather than derisive. “i didn’t get to really say much last time, i was running late. but if you have a minute today i thought i would at least meet you properly.” he feels a little stunned by all of this, but finally just smiles, chuckling and nodding.
“flora makes a convincing matchmaker,” he agrees, and gestures to the empty chair. “if you’d like to sit down—i’ve got the day off myself.” she glances at his laptop and then phone, and then back at him.
“i’m not bothering you am i?”
“not at all.” he shuts the laptop and stows it in his bag beside the table before facing her again. she’s set her croissant down and she’s smiling and he takes a little breath and smiles back. “i’m not sure our matchmaker has already told you, but i’m obi-wan kenobi.” he offers a hand, and she takes it, looking very intrigued.
“absolutely not the name i was expecting,” she replies, her smile widening, “i like it. my name is padmé amidala.”
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kybercore-archive · 7 years
tag dump !   2 / ?
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acatbyanyothername9 · 5 years
Every even number :)
2.                  What is your favorite movie?
AOTC : we got introduced to so much greatcharacters : Dex, Dooku, Jango Fett… We got to see Obi Wan drink and play detectiveand going with the flaw in some of the most ridiculous situation ever shown onscreen, we got to meet the GAR for the first time too! I also loved Kamino aesthetic.
4.                  Do you ship Anidala?
This is a complicated question. I don’t, notreally because I don’t think theirs is a healthy relationship. They jump into amarriage after having lost contact for ten years, Padme just brushes under thecarpet the fact that Anakin committed genocide, they don’t seem to agree onsome of the fundamental things such as democracy. I mean Padme fought untildeath to preserve the Republic and the Democracy, while Anakin was on board fora dictatorship and then brought on the Fall of the Republic. And some of therecent comics have shown that Padme does not trust Anakin (even if it’s only onpolitical matters because of his relationship with Palpatine). Also Anakin doesnot do healthy relationship and that is reason enough to not ship Anidala. On theother hand, I find Anidala fascinating because of all this: it’s a deeplyflawed relationship, yet they did it anyway and tried to make things work.
6.                  Luke or Leia?
Definitly Luke. Leia is way to belligerent forme.
8.                  Did you like Lando?
As a matter of fact I did! I liked his slyhumour, his friendship, the hinted background with Han, everything. I think heis one of the characters of the Original Trilogy that stuck with me the most.
10.                  Did you like the sequels?
Nope not at all. TFA is nothing more than aremake of ANH with characters with a different name/colour/gender (it was likewatching the Beauty and the Beast live action remake), as for TLJ, I still don’tknow what they were trying to do. At least I had some things to say afterleaving the theatre, even though none of them were nice. It’s a Star Wars travestythinking it’s a clever film. And I’m still mad that we saw Yoda and not Obi Wanhaving a talk with Luke. I mean who better to talk about what happened but ObiWan? Especially since the same catastrophe affected the characters in such adifferent way. But no, it would have required the movie to have some substancethat was very sadly lacking.
12.                  Snoke or Palpatine?
Palpatine. I mean have you SEEN what he did tothe Galaxy? He played the game from the inside, become Supreme Chancellor then Emperorand he had corrupted the Republic so much that SENATORS applauded him when he proclaimedthe Empire!!!
14.                  Thoughts on General Hux?
He spends most of his time on screen screaming?I’m not into the sequel fandom so I don’t have to say much about him. One thingfanart made clear however is that he seems to be a cat lover, so he scorespoints.
16.                  Least favorite ships?
Ooh boy, here comes I fear some unpopular opinions:Obikin first and foremost, just NO. Obitine just doesn’t work for me, nor ObiWan/Siri Tachi, despite Ruth Baulding excellent Lineage and Legacy series. Rex/ObiI just don’t get it (not that I mind it’s just I don’t understand why Rex/Obi).
18.                  What is your favourite quote?
« Hello there! » or alternatively ObiWan and Dex : “Cloners? Are they friendly?” “Depends how good your manners are andhow big your pocket money is” It’s just so reminiscent of Obi Wan attachment tothings that are “civilised” (and Dooku attachment too), like Ok, we know moneyis what makes the world go round, but I like this idea that manners and respectare really important too. Thank the Force it’s Obi Wan who went to Kamino. Can’timagine their reactions if it had been Anakin….
20.              Sith Code or Jedi Code?
Jedi Code, wether you agree with it or not, it’sa quality food for thought and meditation.
22.              What is the saddest Star Wars scene?
DO YOU EVEN HAVE TO ASK????? Qui Gon’s death akathe scene that didn’t happen
24.              Han or Luke?
Again Luke.
26.              Favorite villain?
It’s a tie between Dooku and Palpatine. Palpatinebecause a villain of such scale and cunning is an extinct specie in blockbusterstoday and Dooku because he’s fascinating, and it gives me so much Lineage feels!AND he’s played by Christopher Lee.
28.              Do you want Rey to have a love interest?
Noper. Being asexual and seeing how the romanticrelationships are handled by Hollywood (romanticizing predatory behaviour in men,thinking that snide remarks are belligerent sexual tension, pushing characterstogether that have NO chemistry) I would prefer for Rey to be single and allowher character to have some growth on her own before being saddled in arelationship.
30.              Thoughts on Solo?
I haven’t seen it. But from the clips I’ve seen,I LOVED Lando.
32.              What is your favorite Star Wars pun?
I had to look them up, because I don’t think I’ve ever heard/seen one. The one I found genuimly funny was this one : “What did Cody say to his fellow clone when Count Dooku spotted them? “Tyranus saw us, Rex!”
34.              What is your favorite battle?
I haven’t seen TCW so I can’t say much about it (onlythe two first seasons were available on Netflix and since it isn’t in chronologicalorder, I find it very confusing and sort of gave up). So I’m gonna go with themovies. For the lightsabre battle, it’s Obi Wan vs Darth Maul in TPM.
36.              If you could be trained by Qui-Gon Jinn or Obi-Wan,who would you choose?
Obi Wan. Qui Gon would have infuriated me.
38.              Anidala or Scoundress?
Scoundress because I said earlier Anidala is notan healthy relationship.      
40.              Leia’s hair or Lando’s fashion?
Lando’s fashion. I would never wear anything asflashy as he does, but I wish I could rock the capes as he does!
42.              If you could have any creature as a pet, what wouldyou choose?
A Loth-cat.
44.              Yousa like Jar Jar?
I never really disliked him in the first place.Anakin annoyed me more than him^^.
46.              Finn or Poe?
Finn became a joke in the TLJ and seeing whatwas done to his character, I much prefer Poe, who was at least a bit morefleshed out. But I admit I don’t really care about either of them, the sequeltrilogy did nothing to make the character other things than walking/talkingtropes. And as such, I was never emotionally invested in any of them.
48.              What are your top five ships?
My OTP is QuiObi, after that, well Obidala isthe only het ship I like when it comes to Obi Wan. Then there’s Quinlan/Obi Wanbecause these two were totally in a relationship at some point or another. Finally,Han/Lando. Yes it’s only four ships but that’s it.
50.              Who is your favourite character?
Obi Wan. Hands down. Nobody comes close.
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gffa · 7 years
thewillowbends reblogged this post, but I’m going to stop hijacking keblava’s post and put it on its own, since it’s diverged away.  ♥
Obidala is workable in certain contexts (outside of OTP3, I can see it working post-RotS, but yes, the ghost of Anakin is between them), but it doesn’t particularly strike me as compelling for either of their character in that the two of them are fairly similar in temperament and personality. Left to their own devices, they are dedicated and driven to the point of personal expense.  Part of why Anakin was good for them (and them for he in the opposite regard) is that he rebels against the idea of personal relationships being subordinate to duty (albeit, when isolated, he takes this to a fault).  He gives them the space to indulge personal emotional needs while allowing them to maintain their comparatively superior sense of personal responsibility due to their more matured and nuanced understanding of the complex reality of their galaxy.  (Not to suggest Anakin doesn’t bring a unique perspective whose significance is often neglected to the detriment of everybody later on, but he’s no ideological prodigy.)  Likewise, Obi Wan and Padmè provide both the emotional stability and stronger moral direction that Anakin desperately needs.  It’s the breakdown in that support structure in RotS that primes him for the fall.
In defense of Anidala, though, if shit hadn’t hit the fan, I think they ultimately would have been all right had Anakin left the order (something that I think was inevitable no matter what, voluntary or otherwise).  Without a war and given time to connect without the constant duress of potential loss underlining every moment, they would have been able to connect better.  Padmè would have been forced to recognize and reconcile how emotionally damaged Anakin was from both his childhood and the toxic (for him) culture of the Jedi Order, and the stress of two dependent children certainly would have exacerbated her realization of how much of the emotional labor she was performing.  I can’t imagine it would have been long before she shuttled him along into therapy - which is the perhaps the best thing that could have happened for all of them.
(It’s his relationship with Obi Wan, unfortunately, that I think would have suffered the most in that scenario.  Obes is a consummate Jedi, and there wasn’t nearly enough allure in a life external to the Jedi to get him leave the only existence he’d ever known. AND…Obi Wan, while mature enough to overcome it by that point, is more than a tiny bit possessive where the people he cares about are concerned, so I imagine he’d be pretty hurt when Anakin left, even if he understood why.  Their lives would’ve inevitably taken them in directions opposite of each other and they’d have faded into the backdrop of one another’s existence.)
I have so many thoughts!  ♥  I’ll start with Anakin because, well, ultimately Star Wars was Anakin’s story and I do generally have the most to say about him and, you know, lots of feelings that I need to scream about.  ^_~  I think the thing that took me awhile to understand about him was that he didn’t really want to leave the Jedi Order, one of the fundamental things about Anakin’s character is that he was driven to want to change the galaxy, to help make people do the right thing.  I think this is why he fell in love with Padme in the first place--yes, she was beautiful, an angel in his eyes, but she was also this Queen of a planet who got shit done by marching up to people and making them do the right thing, he watched as she took matters into her own hands and made the galaxy a better place! That’s exactly what Anakin wanted and has always wanted--I love the idea of him retiring somewhere and having a happy, domestic life, but I don’t think that’s what Anakin himself would ever actually want.  He wants to be out there doing things, using his power to save people and make the galaxy a better place in his eyes.  That’s why he’s so torn--he desperately wants to stay a Jedi for so long because that’s what he thinks they’re supposed to do (and is angry when they don’t go far enough to achieve more), that’s why he stays with Palpatine after ROTS, because he has always and would always want to be shaping the galaxy. (This is setting aside that I agree that Anakin shouldn’t have been a Jedi, by their standards and his.  I love them both dearly, they both have their merits, but sometimes two good things are not always a good fit!)
Also, while I personally think Anakin would benefit from therapy, I don’t think he wanted it and have you ever tried to drag someone to therapy who thought they didn’t need it or want it?  I’ve done that twice in my life (family members who really, really needed it and we desperately tried to help support them through it) and it made absolutely zero difference, they were just angry and resentful at the rest of us because they didn’t want it.  You have to want to go to therapy before therapy can help you, and I don’t think Anakin wanted it or saw himself as having a problem, not at heart.  He says that he knows he wants more and he shouldn’t, but that entire movie is about how he refuses to let go of Padme and looks for every justification to do whatever he feels is necessary, because he so truly does not see his love as being wrong in any way or out of balance. The problem with Anidala, for me, is that they never really knew each other and Padme ended up doing more of the emotional labor than she should have and, honestly, I think they wanted slightly different (but important) things--Anakin wanted that person who set the boundaries down and was his emotional rock, the person he would lean on.  Padme wanted someone who was more equal--she wanted someone to hold her like he did on Naboo (and this is when Anakin is really going into a spiral, when he feels he has to be the emotional rock in the relationship, he starts thinking he has to do it all himself, make all the decisions himself, and that is a DISASTER) just as she would hold them.  Her ability to maintain those boundaries waned across the series--starting with how she told absolutely no one about all the people he murdered on Tatooine, up to when he was having dreams in ROTS and she knew what that did to him the last time, but still did nothing but tell him, “It’s just a dream.” to when he won’t let her talk about her concerns about Palpatine with him and she just lets that go by. On the other side of things, I think Obi-Wan’s biggest two problems were a) that he believed that Anakin should be independent when Anakin was not built for that and never was going to be (something Obi-Wan would struggle with letting go of) and b) that he was blind to Anakin’s falling, in addition to their mutually being shit at communicating with each other, of course. Obi-Wan is someone who knows himself pretty well (look at how he knows that he would have left for Satine if she’d been ready, he knows that he would leave with Anakin if Anakin had wanted to leave, he knows that he loves Anakin, that’s not exactly news to him), it’s just that he’s a reserved person.  And that’s a fine way to be!  Some people just are reserved.  Their understated words may be less effusive, but that doesn’t mean they’re any less truly meant.  The problem is that Anakin needed more and Obi-Wan didn’t see that.  He knew Anakin wanted more, but didn’t understand that he needed it instead.  He sought to train Anakin to independence, when Anakin should have been trained to realizing that this wasn’t his path.  (But, then, Obi-Wan thought the sun rose and set on that guy, so he really believed in Anakin as a Jedi.) Obi-Wan, I think, is tricky where--if he realizes that Anakin needs him?  Then he will absolutely leave the Jedi Order (because it’s not about how you can’t love people, it’s about where your priorities and balance are, which Obi-Wan knows would be with Anakin, and that’s what would clash against his Jedi ideals) to go be with Anakin.  But if he thinks that Anakin’s better off on that path without him or that he himself isn’t necessary?  Then he won’t go and I think that’s where their relationship would suffer, yeah.  ): Ultimately, this is why I think Obianidala is the most stable of the possible options--Padme needs emotional support to put those boundaries back down, Obi-Wan needs an interpreter because he doesn’t realize how much what he thinks is clear isn’t always, and Anakin needs two people to handle him and to spread the work across. Both Obikin and Anidala are rich relationships, full of people who loved each other deeply and truly, these are people who could be so good together, if given a little more breathing room and getting away from the stress of the war and Palpatine’s manipulations.  They’re both so necessary for Anakin’s character and, given some breathing room to not have their priority shifted to the war and so they could see that, no, Anakin wasn’t like this because of the war, that this was deeper than that, I think A WHOLE LOT could have been so different. Obi-Wan and Padme, for all that they’re similar in a lot of ways (especially in that Anakin is drawn to their structure and moral goodness), they’re also on opposite sides of what Anakin needs--Obi-Wan sets boundaries down too firmly without enough direct emotional softness, while Padme is too much emotional softness without the boundaries (later on) that Anakin needs.  The two of them would balance each other out and then provide exactly what Anakin needed, and that’s why I love the three of them together best of all.  ♥ (I feel like I should state that whatever criticisms I have of any characters or relationships are done from a place of my love, that I do not believe any of these relationships are worthless or terrible, certainly I don’t believe these people to have been acting out of anything less than what they thought was the best course of action and came from places of intense care and love as well.  They’re all wonderful and have such good things about them, Obikin and Anidala and Obianidala all.  ♥) (And also I feel like I should reiterate that the intention is not at all that I’m trying to change others’ minds about any of this, but that I enjoy laid back, fun discussions that make me fall in love with everyone and everything all over again!)
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obiwanwhat · 7 years
What We Could Have Been: The Clone Wars
The second installment of the Obidala AU I posted like 2 months ago.
Episodes 1&2
The Clone Wars happen.  Obi-Wan is a general fighting a war, Padme is a senator trying to end a war.  It’s rare that they’re on the same planet at the same time, but they still write send each other letter-style messages - both because a written message is easier to hide than a verbal one, and also because it reminds both of them of happier times.  They steal moments when they’re both on Coruscant at the same time - stolen kisses when Obi-Wan comes by Padme’s chambers to give her updates on the war, a tender glance in an abandoned corridor, a hand squeeze under the table at a formal banquet or negotiation.  And the best of all, when they have a moment to themselves, and they can simply talk - Padme can share her concerns about the war never seeming to end, Obi-Wan can talk about the growing darkness in the Force, and about his worry for Anakin…or they can talk about the shiny who just joined the 212th who, for whatever unknown reason, had adopted some sort of six-legged furry animal from the last planet they were on and the little girl who stopped Padme in the hall to give her a flower.  They talk about the horrible things and the good things, the ordinary and the extraordinary.  The war is long long and hard, and they know that each meeting could be their last.  But for now, they have each other, and it makes the war bearable.  
Unlike Anakin, Obi-Wan is capable of being subtle.  As far as the rest of the galaxy is concerned, Obi-Wan and Padme are nothing more than friends.  Anakin especially has no idea - he couldn’t fathom the idea of his master, the man he always sees as the perfect Jedi, having emotions that are so close to forbidden attachment.  Anakin himself is still in love with Padme; he has been since he laid eyes on her just before the Clone Wars started.  But he knows that Padme doesn’t have feelings for him in return, and with a war going on and a padawan to train, he doesn’t have time to pine over love that wilr work out.  So he buries those feelings deep, deep within himself and ignores them, for the most part.  
And so the war goes on.  Bills are ratified in the Senate, bills are shot down, and the war goes on for Padme.  Battles are won, battles are lost, clones die and are replaced.  Ahsoka is accused of a crime she didn’t commit, and she leaves the Order.  And still the war drags on, and on, and on, and it feels like nothing will ever change.
And then Anakin gets the news that Obi-Wan’s ship was shot down en route to his latest assignment.  They’re scanning for survivors, but they don’t think it was possible for anyone to survive that explosion.  
Anakin’s first thought is that he would have felt it if Obi-Wan was killed, but…..Obi-Wan was in the Outer Rim on the other side of the galaxy - about as far away from Coruscant as you can get.  At that distance….he might not have felt it - he hasn’t been able to sense Obi-Wan for weeks.   And it’s the uncertainty that’s killing him and the idea that he should have felt it, he should have been there, he should have done something….in summary: Anakin is a mess.  Palpatine appears in Anakin’s chambers to try to turn the situation to his advantage, but after about five minutes it’s pretty clear that Anakin isn’t hearing a word he’s saying and that the manipulation is going to have to wait for another time.  So he goes with plan B: he gives Anakin an expensive bottle of Corellian brandy “in honor of Obi-Wan.”  Anakin is too distraught to question the fact that the Supreme Chancellor just suggested he drown his sorrows in alcohol.  Eventually, because he can’t handle this alone anymore, Anakin shows up at Padme’s door with the bottle of brandy - he doesn’t know the full extent of Padme’s relationship with Obi-Wan, but he knows the two of them are close enough that Padme’s probably the only person who will both understand him and not scold him for letting his emotions take control of him.  Padme looks as bad as he feels when she opens the door, and without a word she takes the bottle and pours them each a glass.  Because she’s also worried out of her mind - she doesn’t know if the man she loves is alive or dead, and she knows that the next day she’ll have to go out and act as though nothing is wrong, even though she is dying inside for fear that Obi-Wan is dead.  One glass leads to another, and another….basically, both Anakin and Padme get drunk out of their minds because neither of them can handle the levels of emotion they’re dealing with at the moment.  
What neither of them knows, however, is that Palpatine knows that Obi-Wan Kenobi is not dead, but imprisoned in a Separatist colony in the Outer Rim after his escape pod was captured.  He knows that Kenobi won’t stay missing for long, but if he can use the opportunity of Kenobi’s absence to drive a wedge between Kenobi and Anakin….and what better way to do that than with the irritating senator, who managed to capture the hearts of both the Jedi?  He knows about Anakin’s feelings because Anakin’s confined in him, and he knows about Padme and Obi-Wan’s relationship because of his frankly excellent spy network.  Palpatine knows that Anakin won’t be able to resist turning to Padme to help him cope with Obi-Wan’s supposed death, so he laces with a lust-inducing drug.  Hopefully, Kenobi discovering his former Padawan is having an affair with the woman he loves will be enough to destroy the friendship between the two men, leaving Anakin even more susceptible to Palpatine’s manipulations.  
So Anakin and Padme are not only drunk beyond all belief, but they’ve also been dosed with a lust drug.  Also, Anakin’s never been able to hold his liquor that well, and his grip on the Force is….shaky at best at the moment.  Specifically, it means that without knowing it, he’s projecting his emotions like crazy onto anyone in the general area (which happens to be Padme), and as a result of the drug, the fact that he’s in love with Padme is at the forefront of his mind.  Normally, this would be nothing more than an embarrassing revelation, but because Padme is similarly drunk out of her mind, she’s not in a state to realize that those emotions aren’t her own.  The fact that she was also dosed with the lust drug isn’t helping either.  So with the combination of alcohol, the drug, and Anakin’s emotions affecting both of them…..one thing leads to another and when Padme wakes up the next morning in bed with a naked Anakin Skywalker, her first thought is what have I done.  She runs to the refresher, and puts on some clothes - any clothes, Senatorial dignity be damned - and practically runs out of the apartment.  
Anakin wakes up about half an hour later, and his first thoughts are similar to Padme’s.  Yes, he’s in love with Padme, but he never wanted it to be like this - not when both of them were drunk, and not while Obi-Wan is…..Anakin can’t even think about it.  He gets dressed and, once he can sense that the hallway’s clear, slips out.  
It is important to note, however, that Anakin has no idea he was projecting his emotions the night before.  He thinks that the love he sensed from Padme last night was real - he has no idea that it was, in actuality, his own emotion mirrored back at him.  So in some small part of his mind (the very tiny part that isn’t filled with regret and shame and worry for Obi-Wan) there’s the hope that maybe, someday, the two of them can happen the right way.
Obi-Wan makes his escape from the Separatists.  He steals a ship, and as soon as he’s safely away and able to access a comm, he sends two messages: a coded message to the Jedi council detailing where he was and that he escaped, and a message of two words - I’m alive - to Padme.  Padme is in the middle of a Senate meeting when she gets the message, and she has to leave so that she can sob in relief without disgracing herself.  But after the pure, indescribable relief and joy that Obi-Wan isn’t dead comes dread.  How is she going to face Obi-Wan after what she did with Anakin? The one line that the two of them never had crossed, never could cross - and she crossed it with his former apprentice.  She doesn’t know what she’s going to say to him. He’s alive, she tells herself.  He’s alive, and that’s all that matters.  And mostly, she believes it, because words cannot describe her joy that the love of her life is alive.  But still, a small part of her worries.  
And then Obi-Wan is home, and he’s bruised and scarred but not broken, not broken and wonderfully alive.  As soon as he’s able, he finds himself in Padme’s chambers, and she’s in his arms, weeping from relief and shame and love.  He can tell something’s wrong as soon as he sees her - he knows her Force signature like he knows his own name - and the truth pours out from her lips between sobs.  And it’s a knife in Obi-Wan’s side to hear the words - imagining Padme with the man who’s like his son, like his brother makes him feel like he can’t breath.  But Padme is sobbing into his chest, and he can feel the regret and self-loathing pouring off of her in waves, and he knows to the depths of his soul that there’s nothing she could ever do that would make him stop loving her.  And so he holds her, and tells her he’s here, and he’s safe, and it will be alright.  
Obi-Wan falls asleep in Padme’s chambers that night, his head in her lap as she runs her fingers through his hair.  And for that moment, just for that one moment, they are at peace.  As things so often are before a storm comes and changes everything.
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cypanache · 2 years
Now I need to read Obidala’s Bridgetonesque AU!!!! 😫😫
Your wish is my command. Here have ~500 words of the first months of marriage. (In reference to the obidala bridgerton marriage of inconvenience AU idea I posted about here) :
Padme has in the past few months learned a great deal about the man who she now calls husband.
Her husband prefers fencing to shooting.  But excels at both.
Her husband keeps an excellent stable and goes out of his way to avoid its use.
Her husband would rather walk the estate’s farms with Mr. Fett, his land manager, than spend a night at his club in Coruscant.
Her husband will not touch her.
Despite Lord Kenobi’s reassurances when he proposed that he had no interest in exercising any privileges one might expect of a husband.  Despite even Anakin’s grudging admission that his cousin was above all things a man of his word.  Padme still spent the first month at Stewjon waiting for the inevitable.  The tread on the stair, the knock on the door, an insistent brush of a hand.  After all, how could she expect it to be otherwise?  
Her husband is titled, landed, and intelligent.  He is well off, well read and well spoken.  He is admittedly eleven years her senior, but still cuts a fine figure on a horse no matter how much he claims to abhor riding.  And even in her most uncharitable moments Padme has never managed to consider him anything but handsome.  He is by every measure of society, eminently suitable. 
Which means, he could have his pick of most of the young ladies currently out.  Lord knows, Sabe had expressed more than once in the days leading up to her wedding that she would be happy to walk down the aisle in her place.  (‘We’re practically twins.’)  Padme had thought her a fool.  Because really, what would possess a man so eligible, to take as wife, his younger cousin’s paramour, a woman of modest dowry and besmirched reputation who has repeatedly and insistently protested that she does not and will not love him.  She didn’t know, but every answer she could think of made her blood run cold.
And yet the days turn into weeks, turn into months, and the knock never comes, and she stops jumping at every footfall.  And by Fall, she even finds herself thinking in her more practical moments, that perhaps it is time to stop being quite so surprised or dismayed by the continued presence of a ring on her left hand.
Because in truth the most important thing she has learned about Obi-Wan Kenobi is this:
He is kind.
He is so very kind.
Which only serves to confound her even further.  He could be so easily loved. Any other woman would love him. Why would he do this?  Is he truly so placid, so lacking in passion as to be content in early morning pleasantries and occasional polite conversation?  How could he not wish for more?
Perhaps, she thinks, he has simply never experienced love like that she and Anakin had shared.  Never known the way it made the world more vivid and real.  Perhaps his whole life has been nothing but quiet walks and evening brandies and chapel services on Sunday and he simply cannot conceive of what it feels like to have your blood sing with that overwhelming, all consuming desire to be with another that overrides reason and sense.  
He may not fence like a man who is a stranger to passion.  But . . .
Does he not at least wish for an heir? She simply does not understand.
And then comes the Organa’s winter ball.  
And the Duchess of Mandalore.
And she suddenly understands all too well.
part ii
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labyrinth-runner · 4 years
Can u do a Obidala fic based on the song “Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps” by Doris Day?
Based off This song
Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps
Padmé didn’t know why, but somehow she was looking forward to her week away with Master Kenobi. She knew it was just for a mission, and that he was there to protect her, but that didn’t stop her from thinking about how nice it might be to spend some more time with him. She’d barely seen him in passing since they parted ways on Naboo all those years ago.
She tried not to bounce on the balls of her feet while she waited for him. No, she would be every bit the dignified leader that she has always been near him. She just didn’t understand why her heart felt erratic at the thought of seeing her old friend again. The door opened and her friend walked over to her.
“Senator Amidala, it has been too long,” Obi-Wan smiled, giving her a hug.
“Master Kenobi, I see you’ve grown a beard,” she smirked. “It suits you.”
He let out a melodic chuckle as the skin above his beard tinged pink. “Thank you, Senator.  You’ve grown into quite the accomplished woman since the last time I saw you. I heard your people wanted you to reign for another term. Although, I’m hardly surprised. You would do anything for your people. I’m sure that they would do anything for you.”
Now it was her turn to try not to blush. The silence was deafening.
“I suppose we should get going,” Padmé murmured.
“After you, Senator,” Master Kenobi nodded as he followed her into the cockpit.
The trip to the planet they were visiting went smoothly. The two of them chatted about the different aspects of their life that they’d missed out on.
“How is Annie?” Padmé smiled.
“He’s… a teenage boy,” Obi-Wan smirked. “Sure of himself and thinks he knows best. He has a bit to go before he becomes a Jedi Knight. Reminds me a lot of someone else when I first met her…”
“Hey, I did know best!” Padmé gasped. “I saved my people, did I not?”
Obi-Wan shook his head at her. “We’re dropping out of hyperspace.”
“Obi-Wan, can I ask you a question?” she ventured.
“You just did, Senator, but I’ll allow you to ask another,” he teased.
“Would you ever leave the Jedi Order for someone?” her eyes shone brightly. She didn’t know why, but she was holding her breath waiting for an answer.
He looked at her oddly as if seeing her truly for the first time, taking a thoughtful pause. He rubbed his beard in thought. “Perhaps.”
Padmé swallowed, turning away from his intense gaze. She brought their ship down to the planet’s surface.
“Just a reminder of our cover stories,” Obi-Wan suddenly said.
“What cover stories?” she asked in confusion. She had not been made aware that she would be going undercover for this.
“They didn’t tell you? We’re pretending to be a newly married couple on our honeymoon tour. This should allow us to investigate how the slave trade is profiting from the Trade Federation dealings without raising suspicion,” Obi-Wan replied nonchalantly.
“Master Yoda had not told me about this,” she replied.
“Well, it’s the plan, darling,” he purred, offering her his arm to take as they left. “Now, stick close. This isn’t the place to go off on your own.”
The two of them checked into their hotel and made their way to the room.
Padmé opened the door. “Oh… there’s only one bed.”
“Well, we are supposed to be a couple,” Obi-Wan replied. “But, you can have the bed. I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“Obi-Wan, you’re not sleeping on the floor,” Padmé deadpanned as she went to sit on the bed. She looked at the floor as she addressed him. “We’re both adults. We have self-control. We can share a bed and stay on our respective sides.” She looked him in the eye and raised a challenging eyebrow at him.
“Alright, Senator. If you’re okay with it, then we will,” Obi-Wan nodded.
She nodded back. The matter was settled.
They went about their day as normally as they could.
That night they both slid into bed.
“Good night, Master Kenobi,” Padmé murmured as she shut off the light on her side and turned away from him.
“Good night, Senator,” Obi-Wan replied as he shut off his own light.
Sometime through the night, Padmé started shivering. It woke Obi-Wan up. He let out a groan. He knew they’d insisted on staying on their opposite sides, but he needed to protect the senator. That included keeping her warm. He turned in bed so that her back was to his chest and pulled her against him. She immediately relaxed into his warmth. He smiled softly at her. She really was beautiful. Soon, he settled himself in to sleep again.
Neither of them discussed the fact that they woke up in each other’s arms the next morning.
The day was spent following leads and tracking down information. When they returned to the hotel lobby, they ran into the hotel owner.
“You know, for two newlyweds, you don’t seem to be very much in love,” he said.
“W-what do you mean?” Padmé chuckled. “Of course we love each other! This is our honeymoon!”
“You don’t seem like you’re on your honeymoon. You’ve never even kissed.”
Padmé stared at Obi-Wan. They couldn’t blow their cover. Before Obi-Wan could protest, she kissed him. It was supposed to be a quick, sweet kiss, but then he kissed back.
“Alright, alright. Clearly you’re both very much in love,” the innkeeper said waving them off. “Now get out of my lobby.”
Padmé pulled Obi-Wan back into the room like he really was her husband. She giggled slightly as the door closed behind them.
“I can’t believe that worked!” she smiled as she rested her arms around his neck. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around her, his crossed hands settled on the small of her back.
“You’re very convincing,” he smirked.
“Obi-Wan…” she trailed off, a blush coming to her cheeks. “That kiss…”
“What about it, darling?” he asked, the pet name slipping off his tongue.
“It felt real,” she sighed. “I know that sounds silly, but, do you think that in a world where we weren’t defined by our duties, we’d be together?”
Obi-Wan sighed, letting his arms fall back to his side. “Perhaps, Padmé, perhaps.”
He gently untangled himself from her and moved further into the room. Padmé raised a hand to stop him but let it fall to her sides. She’d give him space.
“I’ll be out getting something for dinner,” she murmured before leaving.
Padmé was alone in the streets, but she felt like she was being watched on the way back from picking up dinner.  She turned a corner and noticed two of the slavers they had been gathering intel on following her. She passed by an alley when she was pulled in. Panic set in as a hand covered her mouth and held her against a hard chest. She tried to scream, going to kick the person who grabbed her.
“Shh, darling, it’s just me,” Obi-Wan murmured as he uncovered her mouth.
Her breathing evened out. “You scared me.”
“I’m sorry. I saw those two tailing you and needed to make sure you were okay.”
“But I left you back home.”
“And I told you it was unsafe for a woman to wander here alone when we first landed,” Obi-Wan replied. “I wasn’t going to let you do it.”
“I can take care of myself.”
“I don’t doubt that, Padmé, but its my job to protect you-“
“Is that all this is, Obi-Wan? Am I just a job to you?” she asked.
“Padmé,” he pleaded.
“Answer me,” she demanded. “Do I mean anything to you?”
“Perhaps,” he sighed.
She shook her head at him. She shoved her basket into his chest. “Here’s your dinner.”
“Padmé, please,” he replied, but she was already out of the alley and heading back to their hotel.
Neither of them got much sleep that night.
Their mission was a success, in the way that they had found out what they needed by day three, but they had budgeted for a week.
“Obi-Wan, let’s stay the rest of the week,” Padmé ventured that next night at dinner. “When is the next time you’ll get a break or pretend to be normal?”
“Are you suggesting we stay here and play house for the rest of the week?” Obi-Wan asked.
“Why not?” she asked, accidentally running her foot up his leg when she went to cross her legs under the table.
Obi-Wan took in a breath at the contact. “It would be nice… Fine, we can stay.”
Padmé smiled.
The rest of the week felt like they got into a rhythm with each other. It was almost as if they had actually been married for years. On the night before they left, Padmé decided to talk to him again.
“Obi-Wan, I need to discuss something with you,” she asked, gently sliding into his lap. The action felt natural.
“What is it, darling?”
She blushed. Hearing him call her that more and more often as the week went on made her heart do somersaults.
“When we go back… what will happen to us?” she asked.
“Well, I’ll go back to the Order and you have your duties,” he said as he studied her.
“That’s not what I meant,” she sighed as she took one of his hands in hers. “I meant what about us.”
“But Padmé, there isn’t an us.”
“Obi-Wan, can you honestly sit here and tell me you don’t feel anything for me?”
“Perhaps,” he sighed.
“You’re many things, Master Kenobi, but I didn’t think a liar was one of them,” she seethed as she got up and went into the bathroom.
Obi-Wan sighed, getting up to wrap a knuckle on the door. “Padmé, you know the Code.”
“Obi-Wan, if you love someone enough, then you do whatever it takes to be with them,” she said, resting her forehead on the other side of the door.
“Are you saying you love me, Senator?” Obi-Wan asked. He was glad she couldn’t see him, because he was blushing profusely.
“Perhaps,” she shot back.
Obi-Wan sighed. He deserved that.
“Obi-Wan, I don’t want to get back to Coruscant and live my life not knowing what could have been,” she said, opening the door. “I don’t want to wind up being parted and broken-hearted. But, if you really love me, I need to know.”
“Padmé, what difference will it make?”
“Obi-Wan, I’m willing to fight for us. I think deep down, you want to do the same, and I swear to the maker that if you say ‘perhaps’ one more time, I will deck you,” she shot back.
“Fine, Padmé!” He said exasperatedly, “I do love you. Being with you this week just makes me think of everything I could have, but I have a Code, and I have always followed it. Although, Maker above, you make me want to break that Code every day since I’ve reunited with you. Little by little, you’ve worn down my resolve, and I am so close to cracking that it scares me. These are my values! The things I’ve held dear, but you’ve become so much more important to me.”
Padmé sighed, stepping forward to cup his cheek.  “Obi-Wan, I don’t want to leave you after this.”
He reached a hand up to place over hers. “I know, darling. I don’t want to lose you, either. Not when I feel like I’ve just found you.”
“What are we going to do?” she murmured.
“We’ll find a way to make it work,” he told her. “All I know is that I love you and that’s not going away any time soon.”
He scooped her up in his arms and kissed her properly, not for show, but because he meant it, and in his arms, she found that she knew everything would be alright.
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kybercore-archive · 7 years
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           –––    ❛  she was beautiful, and kind. when i first saw her, i knew ––– i knew there was more to her than what first meets the eye. she was captivating; a woman with thunder in her veins, capable of calming even the most deadly of storms. and she was gentle too. and by her side i’de never felt more true to myself. i felt like a star. alive. illuminated only by the brightness of her light, and i knew then i was ready to give up everything for her.  ❜   ‹ PADMÉ NABERRIE · OBI-WAN KENOBI ›
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