#༻✧ *yawns* good morning jean... ; for demi
electro-kins · 3 years
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painting themed edgar valden twitter layouts for my beloved @electroratio !!
reblog/like if using <3
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Briefcases and Bloodspatter: Chapter 5: Benny doesn’t share food!!
Hello all, thought I’d get another update in while I could. I know this one is a bit filler-ish. I hope you all enjoy it though, I needed to get the story rolling through though!
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Liv had just managed to tidy up a bit and throw on a t shirt and a pair if shorts before there was a knock at her hotel room door. Quickly she checked her reflection in the mirror – she’d managed to tame her hair into a long plait and luckily she’d yet to take her subtle make up off.
She opened the door and smiled at Benny, who stood patiently at the threshold. He hadn’t stopped to change out of his work out wear, and she look a moment to enjoy his exposed arm muscles. He had fixed his hair though.
“I’m really sorry for dragging you out this late.” She started to apologise, stepping out the way so he could come past her and enter the room.
“No need to apologise, didn’t I say call me whenever you need me?” He shot her a cheeky grin and winked “Quite sad you’ve put clothes on though, the towel dress was a good look.”
“But a chilly one.” She closed the door and followed him into the depths of the room. He took a seat on a plush green armchair and looked around.
“It’s a nice hotel room you’ve got here.”
“Thank you, you actually get to see inside it this time.” She laughed and grabbed a pair of glasses from the under-desk cabinet. “Can I get you a drink?” she waved the bottle of wine and glasses at him.
“A drink would be great. Thank you.”
“Well, I have a bottle of white wine here, or water, or I can call room service to get you a scotch?”
“White wine is fine, no need to fuss.” Benny got up from his chair and came over to her smiling warmly. He took the bottle in one hand and placed the other on the small of her back, nudging her toward the seating area. She couldn’t help but replicate his smile, his small gesture was so familiar – commanding and gentle – completely Benny Colon.
They both sat in the chairs and Benny poured them each a glass of wine. A moment of comfortable silence fell over the room as they sipped their drinks.
“So, what did you find? Benny asked putting his glass down and imperceptivity shifting into business Benny mode, his expression serious.
“After you’d left this afternoon, I managed to collate and package up those semen samples. I ran a whole barrage of tests – potency, virility, DNA markers, age verification …”
Benny grimaced “You can run a test for that?”
Liv nodded and took a gulp of her wine. “Well, yeah, every man’s sperm is like a signature to them. One of a kind if you like. It’s kind of an off shoot from the DNA markers. It’s also how we check for any present illnesses that may show up in a sperm count.”
Benny nodded and gestured for her to continue.
“Anyway, the vast majority of it belongs to Brandon – as we expected. But, there’s sperm there that doesn’t fit his DNA markers.”
“So that means … he wasn’t just having sex with women on that boat …”
“Exactly. And according to my test results we’re looking for an older man. Cable sent me a few hits, I just need to go through them and pinpoint before we put the cat among the pigeons.”
Benny furrowed his brow in confusion. “But I thought it was all individual?”
Liv nodded, “It is. But it’s easier to pull correct 99.9% accurate results when you have a ‘living’ sample to compare it to. This sample is a mere smidgen and faded on material, it’s harder to pull a correct reading straight off. Comparisons are harder.”
“I’m sure this will help us, somehow. Thank you.”
Liv shrugged, “It’s all part of my job.” She yawned and stretched her arms above her head. Benny’s eyes instantly fell to the strip of flesh that peeked out with the movement. “Sorry to call you out in the dead of night, now that I say it out loud, it could have waited.” She bit her lip bashfully, and played with the frayed hem of her shorts.
“Don’t be sorry! I’m finding spending my evenings with you is a pleasure. I’m glad you tore me away actually, ten more minutes and Bull would have forced me into some night time trial prep.”
“I saw you were in the office, don’t you have a home to go to Mr Colon?” she joked not caring if she sounded openly flirty. The wine had gone straight to her head from the adrenaline rush.
Benny laughed, relaxing now that the business talk was over and done with. “I do. A nice modern apartment about ten minutes from the office. I do get to go home and relax sometimes.” He looked thoughtful for a second. “It gets a bit quiet though.”
“Nothing at all to come home to?” Liv could have kicked herself for asking the question. She desperately wanted to hear the answer, but she didn’t at the same time. It was like her subconscious needed to know if she was wasting her time, or if she was going to be heart broken by this Latin demi god.
He chuckled lightly and fixed her with that intense gaze. “Nothing. Not even a pet.”
“That’s a little sad. I don’t know what I’d do without my puppy.” She handed him her phone, proudly showing off her pride and joy. “His name is Chico. He’s my fur baby.”
“He looks friendly.” Benny handed her back her phone “Who’s looking after him while you’re here?”
“My best friend. Eliza basically moved into my flat to make sure he won’t wreck it.”
Benny nodded and glanced at his watch “I should really be getting home.” He got up and made his way to the door. Liv followed him and paused while he opened the door chewing her bottom lip.
“Thanks for the drink Liv.” He was stood close enough that she could hear his lowered voice.
How does he still smell amazing after working out?
“No, thank you for coming. You really didn’t have to.”
“A beautiful girl tells me she needs me, wearing nothing but a towel? I’d have no brain if I said no.” He tucked a stray piece of hair back behind her ear and pulled her into a hug. She enjoyed the gesture, wrapping her arms around his neck, and breathing in the masculine, musky scent of his hair.
Benny pulled away far too early for her liking, leaving her feeling suddenly cold without his body heat.
“I’ll see you in the morning. Sleep well.” He winked at her and started to walk down the corridor towards the elevator.
“Good night Benny!” she called after him.
“Good night Liv.”
“So why wasn’t I invited to this pyjama party?” Bull asked accusingly, looking at Benny and Olivia over the top of his glasses as they talked in his office the next morning.
“It was late and I didn’t want to disturb you …” Liv uncomfortably pushed an imaginary crease out of her skirt in agitation. Benny just rolled his eyes.
“Give it up Bull, you’re not invited to everything.” The lawyer pointed to the files Liv had placed on Bull’s desk. “What is important, is that Liv here, found an anomaly in the semen.”
“An anomaly?” Bull started looking through the paperwork.
“I’ve not been able to get an exact match yet, but there’s more than just Brandon’s semen on his jeans from that night.”
“He was with another man.”
Bull nodded, flicking through each sheet.
“My tests say it’s an older man. I’ve got to do a bit of DNA profile matching today before I can give you a precise who.”
“Good work. This might just be the ace we’re looking for.”
“So I missed a hell a day, clearly.” Liv said as she sat down next to Benny at the communal table.
Cable nodded emphatically. “Gun play and everything.”
“Pete Peters is in the hospital with a GSW. And Clyde is pushing for a second degree manslaughter deal at the DA’s office.” Benny said pouring water into Liv’s glass.
“He’s just sore because that brat Taylor Bensimon threw the ipad at his face.” Danny added as she and Chunk unloaded the group’s Chinese order out onto the table, separating it off for each person.
“Bensimon … where have I heard that name?” Liv pondered, tapping her nails on the table and furrowing her brow in thought.
“They’re everywhere in this case.” Benny said, accepting his order from Danny.
“The families are tightly linked. Like Taylor and Brandon were paired off as kids, without even a say.”
“Speak of the devil. “ Marissa said under her breath, but loud enough for the whole table to hear as Bull came through the door, leading Brandon over to their table.
“Have a seat Brandon.” The psychologist put pressure on his shoulders and he sat awkwardly next to Liberty. The kid’s eyes were red rimmed.
“Here you go momma.” Chunk handed Liv her lemon chicken and rice, sitting down next to her with his own food.
“Ugh Chunk, Have I told you lately that I love you?” Liv asked, opening the box and inhaling the sweet scent from inside.
“No, but you have now.”
“To business.” Bull said as he paced around the table. “Brandon here, is going to testify. We need to give him some advice. Go.”
“Speak up.” Marissa nodded at the young boy, trying to be as kind as she possibly could be.
“Answer directly.” Benny said, putting a dumpling in his mouth.
“Keep your hands still.”
“Don’t slouch.” Benny said through a full mouth.
“Only answer questions, not statements.”
“Don’t fill silences.”
“Don’t smoke on breaks.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full, jeez Benny, I thought you were a gentleman?” Liv laughed, slapping Benny’s bicep. His eyes went wide and he swallowed quickly.
“I was hungry.” He shrugged and winked at her. Liv shook his head wondering how he could be charming, even after such a revolting move.
“What did I tell you Liv, like a rabid animal when he’s hungry.” Cable joked.
He pouted and offered her a dumpling from his box, which Liv gladly accepted, with a friendly nudge of the elbow.
Everyone around the table that knew Benny watched the interaction open mouthed.
Benjamin Colon never willingly shared food.
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For those of you interested, this is Liv’s puppy Chico.
@reelovesbennycolon​ @lets-love-little-me​ @thesleepyproducer​
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
Daddy Issues - HappyxReader
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(ok, another combination of requests! Jax’s little sister reader and Happy for @simplyceceh and the Demi Lovato song Daddy Issues from an anon- another banger by the way, you guys have got such good  taste in music. it’s kind of all over the place though so i’m sorry)
Warning: kind of nsfw but mostly implied
Kinda short, sorry.
I call you too much You never pick up 'Cept when you wanna fuck And I can't get enough You're the man of my dreams 'Cause you know how to leave But I really believe that you'd change it for me
You would never tell anyone but you were kind of unofficially Happy Lowman’s girl. Not really but kind of yes? Everything regarding Happy was so difficult to determine. He was the most frustratingly unreadable person you had ever met but you loved the way he was with you.
Your relationship had started off... interestingly. Neither of you had wanted anything serious. All you wanted was validation from someone, anyone, that you were worth something to someone.You blamed it on your daddy issues and you told him as much and he seemed to understand what you needed. He knew who your dad had been, he was the club founder- one of them anyway and he knew that what you were doing had to be kept a secret from everyone, including your brother and mom. He didn’t like it, he expressed this at least, but when you were together he didn’t seem to care.
He would call and you would go running but whenever you called him he never answered. When he showed up at your house in the middle of the night or early in the morning you let him in and didn’t care when he wasn’t there when you woke up the next morning. He left and you probably wouldn’t see him until the next time he called. That’s how it started anyway.
You're unavailable  I'm insatiable
You were wanting him more and more and it was becoming difficult for you both to stay away from each other but you understood that becoming an official thing was not an option for you. Jax would go crazy if he found out and Gemma had been so protective over you since your dad had died that not even Happy Lowman would be able to defend himself from her.
It never stopped you though. Not even when your eyes met across the TM lot and Jax looked at you a little too closely. Not even when his hand brushed against your back at a club party and Gemma made a flippant comment about you both seemingly getting closer every time she saw you together.
Don't know how to commit But I might want your kid And after our first kiss Got your name on my wrist Yeah, I get a little obsessive A little aggressive, a little bit too invested And whatever you want, whenever you want That's what you get
Before you had decided that you were unofficially/officially Happy’s girl you had found yourself getting possessive of him. He would see you glaring at a random croweater that had decided that she would attach herself to him and he would smile. He liked you being obsessed with him; he liked having that affect on you because he was just as obsessed with you. 
When it was too much for you to bare, he would push the croweater away from him and meet your gaze hungrily. He would move away from whoever he was talking too and you would wait 10 minutes or so to excuse yourself and meet him in your spot: the office of the work bay. Happy would be stood there, waiting for you with his arms folded and his face dark and brooding. He always told you he had been waiting too long knowing full well you would get aggravated with him and hiss angrily to him as you unbuckled his belt.
“You know I can’t just up and leave when you do,” you grumbled, “that’s just a sure fire way of getting found out. You have such bad timing you know that? Tig was telling a really funny story-”
“I always get what I want,” he murmured in your ear as you unbuttoned his jeans, “don’t I?”
“Yes Happy,” you sighed and rolled your eyes as he gently kissed your neck.
Lucky for you I got all these daddy issues What can I do? I'm going crazy when I'm with you Forget all the therapy that I've been through Lucky for you, I got all these daddy issues
Eventually, your relationship with Happy had progresses passed rough, meaningless sex. It took a while but Happy didn’t want to scare you away from him because you were so accepting of him and how he was. He knew he wasn’t the most outwardly loving person but internally he just wanted all of you regardless of who your family was. So, he went to your house mid-afternoon one day, just to see how you would react.
“Happy?” You had asked, looking so beautiful with your hair up in a messy bun and a big t-shirt over leggings and fluffy socks, “what are you- did anyone see you?”
He shook his head and pushed you inside your house, also conscious that someone would see him. When you had shut the door and uncomfortably fiddled with your huge shirt he realised that he had never seen you during the day. Never. The only time he saw you before 7pm was across the TM lot and before he left in the morning when he would brush the hair away from your sleeping face and plant a soft kiss on your cheek, worried you would wake up and find out how much he actually cared about you.��
“I’m not ready,” you said nervously and looked at him, “I didn’t- you’ve never been here this early before.”
With a shrug, he took off his kutte and hung it up on the hooks by your front door slipping off his boots and placing them neatly beside yours. When he looked back at you he had to hold back a smile at your confused expression. He bit the inside of his lip and turned to walk into your lounge, settling himself on your couch and flicking on the TV. You stood in the doorway, unsure of yourself and with your arms wrapped around your waist. He looked back at you.
“Are you gonna stand there all day?” He asked, breaking you out of your confusion and making you walk towards him and sit beside him.
With a shrug, you reached over to push up his t-shirt and expose his toned and tattooed stomach only to become more confused when he grabbed your wrist and shook his head at you. He didn’t want sex? You thought, not even a blowjob?
“You don’t want me?” You asked in a voice that broke his heart.
“Yes,” he reassured you, “but right now I just want you here.”
Your eyebrows furrowed when he pulled you, by the wrist, to his side and put his arm around your shoulders. You looked up at him, blinking in confusion when he put your arm around his waist and pressed your head to his shoulder. 
He had sat with you and watched TV until the evening when he left without asking for anything remotely sexual. You had been left confused and kind of scared on the couch as you heard his motorcycle powering down the road.
This routine happened for a few days and you grew to expect it but didn’t dress up for him like you would when he came at night; seeing him smile as he took in your casual comfy clothes and messy hair. 
One day, however, when he came at 2:00pm you answered the door to him looking battered and bruised. He had a split lip and a black eye, bruises on his cheek and blood on his knuckles.
“Oh my god,” you gasped and pulled him inside, sitting him on the couch and going to the kitchen to get your medical supplies, “Happy what happened? Are you alright?”
He nodded simply, seemingly unaffected by his injuries and watching you fuss over him. He let you clean him up and rub antiseptic cream over the cuts and holding ice wrapped in a towel against his eye. There was no way of telling what he was thinking, as always but there was something different in the way that he looked at you. A strange warmth in his brown eyes that hadn’t been there before. You didn’t question him on it, you knew better than that, but couldn’t help wondering what he had been doing.
Once he had been cleaned up you cast another worried glance over him before packing away all the medical supplies as he turned the cartoons on the TV. When you came back, he opened his arm; inviting you to sit beside him again. You did as he requested and settled into the usual position with your arm across his stomach and your head on his chest. His arm was around your shoulders and his hand on your arm that was across his stomach.
7pm came and went and he was still sat on your couch, tracing soft patterns on your shoulder and resting his head against yours as he flipped through the channels.
“Are you... Happy are you staying the night?” You asked him and he nodded silently, “alright. Now?”
He nodded again and tilted your head up so he could kiss you as you worked him free of his jeans. Happy was different today, you thought. He had been gentle and careful when he took you right there on the couch. He was never gentle with you but it wasn’t because he was in pain, that kind of thing didn’t bother him, there was something else.
When you were both done, he made sure you were alright before covering you with his shirt and pulling on his boxers. He took your hand and led you up to your bedroom and pulled you into bed with him. You thought perhaps he wanted round two but was surprised when he pulled you back against his chest, hugging you firmly and pressing his face into your shoulder.
“Happy,” you whispered, “what are you doing?”
“M’tired,” he yawned, “you need to go to sleep now.”
“What happened to your face?”
He sighed but didn’t move, didn’t let you move either.
“I told your brother about us.”
“You did what?!” You exclaimed, sitting up quickly and looking down at him in the dusky light coming through your bedroom window, his face was as unreadable as always, “Why would you do that? Oh my god!”
“I love you.”
Your heart had simultaneously dropped into your stomach and had jumped into your throat at the same time. He said it so casually, like it meant nothing and was the most obvious answer to the question. You stared down at him with wide eyes, more confused than ever. Speechlessly, you shook your head and frowned.
“Come on,” he sighed, “I’m tired and we need to go to sleep.”
“You love me? I don’t understand.”
“I love you,” he said again, sounding frustrated, “what is there to understand?”
“Everything, Happy.”
Happy rolled his eyes and sat up to look you in the eye, brushing your hair away from your face and kissing your lips gently. The thought that you hadn’t loved him back had never crossed his mind, he got what he wanted after all. 
“You told them that? You told them everything? That’s what happened to your face?”
Happy nodded once, keeping his hand on your face. You couldn’t believe what he was telling you. Jax had beat him up, probably Gemma too, because he told them all about what you had both been up too and he had still come back to you.
“Do you- do you like me?” He asked, suddenly nervous at your silence.
You swallowed and tried to stop the happy tears that had sprung to your eyes. You failed though and sobbed quietly but he took this as a rejection and started to stand up until you grabbed onto his arm; stopping him from leaving you. He looked at you hopefully and you just nodded, unsure of yourself and your situation. 
“I don’t care you got Daddy Issues,” Happy shrugged, settling back down next to you, “I’m gonna be here. I’m gonna love you.”
You laughed and nodded. After all, someone telling you that they loved you was the ultimate validation.
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namjoonsteeth · 7 years
Ruin The Friendship (part IV)
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Title: Ruin The Friendship (mini-series) Part 4
Word-Count: 6.4k
Pairing: Jay Park/ Reader (kinda)
Summary: Best friends to lovers. Inspired by Ruin The Friendship - Demi Lovato.
Genre: Smutty Fluff
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5
We fall into a routine.
He’s working on an album right now on top of tons of collaborations. In the morning, I can account for him to be either at the studio or the gym. I work at my studio with Bora preparing for award season. We book a lot of consultations and do hours of research to the point that we could name menswear by designer from this season.
At night Jay’s at the studio. He works into the morning often, sending me snippets of him singing riffs. Sometimes, he’s at my door at two o’clock in the morning, a sleepy smile on his face. Other times it’s me, climbing in his bed waiting until he slips in beside me.
We talk a lot. We talk about how different our lives are compared to how we thought it would be. We talk about each other, we talk about love and hope, and wanting more still.
We have sex; slow, hot, and tired; rough, knee-shaking, fucks; quick mid-day romps that leave us wanting more but holds us over until we can get our hands on each other again.
Most importantly, we laugh. I’ve long since gotten used to the universe knowing that I’m in love with my best friend. Sometimes I wonder exactly what it is about him that made it essential for me to love him the way that I do. I don’t think I’ll ever really get an answer. I just know that he’d always meant to be apart of my life. From childhood to adulthood, we’d found each other again and again.
Jay: I think this is the ugliest picture I have of you.
We’ve been doing this for the past hour. He includes a picture of me that I’m sure is hidden somewhere deep in my parents’ basement back home in Seattle. I’m crying hysterically over a pair of concert tickets on Christmas morning. My hair sticks up in every direction which luckily (I think) draws attention away from the reindeer pajamas my mom pressured my sister and I into wearing. I’m at least sixteen by the way; old enough for this to be the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.
Y/n: Burn it. You win.
Jay: I’ll delete it if you replace it...
I roll my eyes. The idea of sending nudes has never been something I really scoffed at. I’ve done it at least twice in my life. But there’s just something about how bad Jay wants a photo of my body that he’s sees almost every night that has me feeling a little bit powerful. I’m not ready to relinquish that yet.
Y/n: the porn industry is a million dollar business for a reason
Jay: it’s not the sameee😩😩
Y/n: just delete the damn picture Jay
Jay: nope. I think I found my next WCE picture
Y/n: im not having sex with you until you delete the picture
Jay: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Jay: Says the girl who begs me to come over at four in the morning.
Dammit. He’s right.
Y/n: That was one time and I was hormonal.
My phone rings, Jay’s face flashing.
“What do you want?”
He laughs and I’m so glad he’s at work instead in front of me because I can’t even pretend to be upset at him when he laughs. Bora shoots me a look from her desks. I think she’s a little confused as to how Jay and I actually like each other when we’re bickering every other minute.
“Is this how you treat me? After I spent all night letting you have your filthy way with me,”
“You’re probably the most annoying person in South Korea,”
“You love me,” he says.
“I do,” I tell him. We don’t say it often. Sometimes I whisper it at night when I’m sure he’s half asleep and the only response I get is his arms tightening around me as if he’s saying, ‘Yeah, me too,’. Or sometimes when he feels too good sliding against me, I think the words so hard that they slip out.
“Did you tell Bora about Henz tonight?”
“I did. She’s in,”
Jay has been working non-stop since he came back from the states two weeks ago. And because he feels like going out tonight, we’re going out. It’s been a while since I’ve been out with Jay and his friends.
The day passes slowly. Bora and I finalize Zino’s look and pack away everything neatly for next week. She laments again about how she’ll be so lonely in LA without me. I assure her that her boyfriend Jin will more than make sure she has a good time. Giving my plane ticket to Jin seems to be becoming more and more of a good idea.
As much as Jay pushed me into the decision a little, I know it was a good one. I can’t lie and pretend that if the tables were turned, I’d be 100% comfortable with him on a weekend trip with someone I’m not fond of. I trust him. I really do, but I’m selfish enough to want every part of him to myself.
By the end of our day, Bora promises to see me in a few hours and we lock up the studio. I take an Uber back to Jay’s place where I’d left an overnight bag for tonight. I sleep until Jay gets in, waking me up by laying his whole body on me.
“Come on, man,” I groan failing to push his heavy body off of me.
He laughs, holding his body rigid like he’s planking.
“Get off of me you weigh so much,” I say tiredly. He rolls over, pulling my body into his arms.
“Come on, baby. Get up, I miss you,”
“I was sleeping,” I groan into his chest. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s getting woken up. He knows this. He’s been on the receiving end of my wrath plenty of times, yet he doesn’t care.
“It’s about to be nine,” he says, his arms around me. I sigh, squeezing my eyes shut.
“I had an alarm set,”
“Too bad,” he laughs. “Get up, it takes you at least four hours to do your makeup,”
“Shut up, it doesn’t,” I yawn and stretch out my body against him. “Give me another hour. Just lay here with me,”
His arm drapes across my face. “Ok, baby,”
I fall asleep again while Jay taps away on his phone, he plays sound clips really quietly, holding the phone to his ear. When it’s time to get up again, I shower and get dressed while he spends another hour in bed. I finish my light make up and by the time I’m done, he’s right where I left him looking like a whole model. He’d changed into a silk patterned top, tucked halfway into his dark jeans. His hair is gelled up a little.
He stands when he sees me, a cute wide smile on his face. He pulls me against his chest. He smells clean, like the soap I’ve been using every time I stay over. A hand moves up my leg, sliding beneath my dress and settling on my ass.
“We have to go,” I smile up at him. My arms come up around his neck, drawing him close.
He brushes his knuckles across my jaw while his other hand squeezes at my flesh. He looks at me like he’s ready to call the whole night off. All he has to do is say a single word and the dress would be on the floor.
“You look beautiful baby,” he tells me. His tongue presses to the corner of his mouth, his eyes going to my lips.
I look down at myself. A curve-hugging basic red T-shirt dress that brushes the top on my thighs, and black high heeled boots that just barely meet the hem. I’d thrown a denim jacket over my shoulders to keep from freezing to death. It’s nothing special by far. There’s no point in doing the most when it’s all going to be thrown on my floor later. I’d be lucky if my impatient boyfriend doesn’t end up ripping some part of this outfit tonight. Still, the way he looks at me makes me feel like I’m the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. And it hits me like a punch to the chest; I’ve seen this look before. When he’d stepped off the plane when he went back home to Seattle all that time ago,  and when he’d picked me up from ICN just three years ago.
I lean up to press my lips against his. His arms flex around my waist, holding me tight against his body. The kiss only lasts a few short seconds, but it’s so sweet I’m not ready to pull away from him yet.
“I’m proud of you,” I tell him. I think I’ve said it a thousand times and yet he just keeps doing more, being better, becoming who he wants to be. I don’t know if I’ll ever be done letting him know. Tonight feels different though. Like we’ve finally arrived where we’ve been meant to be all these years. I’m still right next to him. He’s still rooting for me.
His hands smooth down my dress before he laces his fingers with mine. I reach up to smudge away the red lipstick that’s smudged on the side of his lips. It’s funny how domesticated we’ve become in the last three weeks; easily as if there’s no other way to be.
“Thank you,” he says before pressing his lips against my jaw.
He pulls me through his living room toward the door and I grab my purse on the way out. I follow behind him until we get out front. He moves aside so I can slide in the back of the Uber he’d called for before he slides in beside me. His arm comes around my shoulders.
“Is it bad that I don’t even want to go out anymore?” Jay asks with half a smile, looking at his phone.
I don’t really want to go out either but I think my reasons are completely selfish in comparison to his. He always looks good, but tonight I want to pull him out of that Gucci silk top.
“You can’t work yourself to death,” I tell him, pushing a piece of hair off of his forehead.
“I know, I know. I just,” he trails off for a second, looking out the window of the car. He’s been very introspective lately. I see it on his face. As much as he doesn’t like to let on, I know he’s a little scared. The music industry, especially in the states isn’t guaranteed. He’s willed all of this good stuff to happen on his own, but a record label as big as Roc Nation is a new world. He’s had experiences with a large company before and it almost stopped him in his tracks before he’d had a chance.
“I want to do good,” he says finally.
“I don’t think it’s possible for you not to,” I tell him. “Look at everything you’ve made for yourself, by yourself. You succeed. It’s just what you do,”
“And if I don’t?”
“You’ll still own my heart and this ass,” I joke smiling at him.
He laughs shaking his head at me.
“For whatever it’s worth,” I say seriously. “I’ll be here. I’ve always been here,”
He leans in to kiss me again, his tongue gliding over my bottom lip. It’s making it a little hard for me to be excited about having him out of my bed when he touches me like everything from now on is just a precursor for what’s sure to happen later. I wonder if this is how it always is with everyone else; going through the day just so we can get back to touching each other in the dark away from the world.
When he pulls away I roll my eyes at his mouth. I pull out a makeup remover wipe from my person and wipe his lips before starting to reapply my lipstick.
“Can’t you use like clear or something? I can’t kiss you if you’re wearing that shit,” he pushes his bottom lip out.
“You’re not going to be kissing me at all because you’re going to go have fun with your friends while Bora and I stay on the dance floor,”
As always it’ll be a big deal when Jay shows up tonight. He commands the attention regardless of the occasion. Tonight is all about him, and I want him to have as much fun as he usually does without looking over at me every few seconds.
We pull up to Henz before he can say anything. I see Bora and her boyfriend Jin waiting outside for us. The line wraps around the building as if word got out that Jay would be in tonight. He grabs my hand, pulling me behind him as we exit the car. We greet Bora and Jin as Jay guides us toward the entrance, bypassing the line. I shake myself free of Jay.
“Go have fun,” I tell him.
He shoots me a look just as Bora shoos her own boyfriend away. Everyone has already spotted him, pushing him toward the closed-off section some of his friends are in. I’m sure there are tons of people over there that’ll help him celebrate.
“I’m going to get a drink. We’ll meet up with you guys later,”
“You can get a drink brought to you over there,” he yells over the music.
“I’ll text you,” I tell him, blowing a kiss and leaving toward the bar. Bora’s hand finds mine as we make our way through the crowd.
“You’re the only girl I know that would leave Jay Park in a club full of women,”
“I trust him,” I say dodging out of the way of a girl who’s carrying one too many shots.
“I know it’s not him I’m worried about. There are already girls moving to get their hands on him,”
I look behind me to see that she’s right. People are going crazy as he makes his way toward VIP. From here I can see a few aomg and h1ghermusuc guys welcoming him into the small section. The smile on his face is enough to know that I made the right decision to keep my distance for a little while. It’s been a little time since he’d last came out like this, with his friends just to enjoy the night. I don’t want him catering to me like I know he’d do.
“I guess it’s a good thing I’m the only one that gets to take him home then,” I smile at her while we wait for a spot at the bar.
An hour later and Jay and his friends have commandeered the club just as I expected. They all take turns performing their songs and just generally having a good time. When the DJ makes an announcement, shouting out Jay’s new label deal, the club gets amped up just a little more. I can’t keep the stupid grin off of my own face at my boyfriend’s face. He’s happy. He’s enjoying himself, and it’s all that’s ever mattered to me.
He catches my eye, his head tilting for me to come join him at the center of the attention. I shake my head and wave him off. His lips poke out in the cutest pout but he lets it go. Bora and I linger close to the bar, away from the crowd but close enough to keep eyes on our guys.
“It’s kind of amazing how they kind of just turned this into their show,” Bora notes. She watches as Loco takes the mic and the first notes of a song further hype the crowd.
I nod, tilting my drink back until it’s finished. “It’s a little overwhelming,”
“Get used to it, babe,” she tells me. “The way he looks at you, it’s ridiculous that you guys are only just starting out,”
I laugh and look at her. “How does he look at me?”
She shrugs. “I don’t know like he’s always been in love with you. It’s just weird to see you guys be so domesticated so quickly,”
“He’s been my best friend for years,” I remind her.
“How did you watch all of this; the girls and the parties and not feel,” she trails off.
“Jealous? I don’t know. I just knew he’d always belonged in my life in any way he fit, I made room. And he did the same,”
I think about all the times I had to distance myself from him a little because of someone I was dating and he wordlessly just understood. We adjusted.
“You guys are disgusting,” she laughs. I can’t disagree with her.
Suddenly, Bora slaps my arm. Her eyes follow someone who steps up behind me. I look back. It’s Zino. I inwardly roll my eyes at his dimples smirk. He pushes his hair back out of his face.
“What a nice surprise,” he smiles at Bora and me.
“Nice to see you,” Bora greets.
I manage a smile, thinking about the small fight he’d indirectly caused between Jay and I. It wasn’t his fault. In fact, he hasn’t actually done anything wrong. I can’t hold him accountable for anything. After all, Jay was the one who slept with his girlfriend.
“Let me buy you another drink,” he offers, eyeing my empty glass.
“Oh no, I’m good. Thank you anyway,”
Zino nods stuffing his hands in his pockets. An awkward silence falls over the three of us. He works with Bora more than I, so they should be able to hold a decent conversation.
“I’d like to apologize,” he says suddenly, his eyes on me. “I think I must have offended you the other week,”
“No,” I shake my head. I still haven’t figured out a way to explain that my boyfriend doesn’t like him and wants us to not be associated in any way, which is the reason I’ve decided not to go on the free LA trip he’d offered. “It’s ok. I’m just,”
God this is uncomfortable. “We’re busy,” Bora offers for me. “Y/n forgot we had clients booked for award season during next week,”
He twists his lips, chewing on the corner. I don’t know if he’s buying it. Instead of responding, he orders a beer before turning back to us.
“So business is good?”
I nod. “Yeah, everything is good,”
He tilts his beer at the stage. “Jay’s doing well?”
I don’t know why I feel so protective of Jay. I’m immediately on the defensive when Zino mentions his name.
“Yeah, he’s doing really well. He just signed a deal with Roc Nation,”
“I heard,” he says taking another sip of the beer in his hand. Another awkward silence settles around us.
I clear my throat looking around subtly for an excuse to get out of his space. A sudden push in the crowd forces the three of us closer. Zino’s shoulder presses against me. With Bora on my other side, there’s really nowhere to go.
“So, why are you guys not up there with them,” he asks.
I shrug. “It’s a little crazy up there,”
We all look at the guys jumping around up front. It looks fun and I’m sure it is, but it’s a lot. Zino laughs shaking his head as someone stands on a speaker. He reaches behind me to sit his bottle on the bar, his arm brushes my side slightly.
“What about you Bora,” he leans in to look at her on the other side of me. “No boyfriend tonight?”
She gestures behind her. “Jin’s up there somewhere. Probably completely out of his comfort zone, but he’s somewhere in the mix,”
I feel a hand behind me touch my waist. When I turn around, I’m met with my boyfriend’s hard face.
“Let’s go,” he whispers in my ear.
I frown at him. “That’s fine but we can’t just leave Bora here,”
“He’s making his way through,” he says tugging me further away from Zino.
“It’s ok, Y/n, I see him. Text me in the morning,” she says.
Jay leads me through the crowd. When we make it outside, he silently pulls out his phone to call a car. He puts space between us as we wait.
“What the hell is your problem?” I ask quietly. He hears me though. His grip on my waist tightens slightly. There are people watching, I’m sure. We’re running the risk of pictures of the two of us all over the Internet, something else I wanted to avoid tonight.
“I don’t want to talk about it right now,” he says. His eyebrows pinch into a frown. He looks at his phone, check where our Uber is.
“Jay,” I call him. He says nothing, his lips twisting to the side like he’s trying to hide a scowl.
“For fuck sakes-,”
He kisses me hard, taking the words out of my mouth. His tongue touches mine roughly. His hand snakes up to grip the nape of my neck. The way he kisses me, it shouldn’t be done in public. Yet, we’re here in front of the biggest club in Seoul, kissing like we’re in a bedroom.
When he pulls away, his forehead leans against mine.
“Just stop talking, Y/n,”
Our car pulls up right in front of us. Jay opens the back door for me. I slide in and he follows behind me. The drive feels like it takes forever. He barely looks at me. The tension is palpable. I watch the lights that pass hit his twitching jawline. He supposed to be mad but I’m so turned on I can’t see beyond the hard set of his mouth. I don’t know if it’s the two drinks I had that has my skin buzzing to touch his or the kiss. Either way, my hand slides up his thigh without me actually realizing it. He grips my fingers stopping them from going any further.
When we’re in front of the building, he tips the driver, slides out and waits for me to follow. He grips my hand and pulls me along upstairs.
“You’re mad?” I ask.
“Yeah, I’m fucking mad,”
We step into his place. I reach out to hold on to his shoulder so I can slip my shoes off. He stands still, letting me lean against him. When I’m finally barefoot, I wrap my arms around his neck, tilting my head up.
“Are you jealous?” I ask.
He stays silent, avoiding my gaze. I press my lips against his jaw that’s wound tight. I trail my mouth down his throat. He tugs at my arms. They drop to my side.
“You can’t seriously think that I’m interested in anyone else,” I roll my eyes. When he still doesn’t speak I slide past him.
“You’re fucking ridiculous,”
“He touched you,” Jay says finally. “He touched you and he stared at your body and when he saw that I was watching, he gave me the biggest fucking smile, Y/n,”
“It’s not like I fucked him, Jay,”
“He wants to fuck you though,”
I sigh, rubbing at my temples. This isn’t how I saw my night going. I should be wrapped around him by now, discovering eighty new ways to get him to bite his lip the way he does when he’s feeling extremely good.
“I don’t understand why you’re mad at me, though,”
“You put yourself in that position, Y/n. I told you to come up with me and the next thing I see is him all over you,”
“I’m not even entertaining this conversation,” I say walking away to head toward the shower. His hand on my hip stops me. I look up at him, the thunder in his eyes back.
“I’m selfish, Y/n. I don’t like other people wanting what’s mine,”
I open my mouth to tell him very matter of factly that I don’t belong to him. I’m not a piece of property. His mouth on mine stops any words. He kisses me hard, our teeth knocking together. I sigh against him, reaching up to wrap my arms around his neck. He stops me, gripping both of my wrists in his hands. He walks us backward until my back hits the wall behind me. He pins my wrists against the wall above my head.
“He touched you,” he says against my lips.
His mouth moves down my neck, biting at my skin. His hand tightens around my wrists, holding them above my head. My hips move against his, grinding against the bulge in his pants. His free hand pushes my dress up my thigh, exposing my thin lacy underwear. His fingers pull roughly at the fabric, and I hear the material tear.
“You owe me a pair of underwear,” I moan against his lips that fall on me.
Only illuminated by the light streaming in from outside, he’s like a dream. His light skin reflects yellow light, drawing the dark lines of his tattoos into focus. The only response I get is his fingers tightening around me. He uses his hand to lift my thigh around his waist, pinning my body against the wall with his hips.
“Keep your hands here,” he instructs, his grip loosening on my wrists. I do as I’m told enjoying the fire in his eyes. His gaze doesn’t leave mine as he opens his pants so he can pull himself out. Once he pulls a condom on, he grabs my wrists again. He pulls them down, pushing them against my chest as he plunges into me hard.
He moves against me fast, anchoring me in place with a hand on my hip. My legs wrap around his waist, drawing him closer. When my hips start to move with his, his fingers dig into my skin roughly. It feels too good. He holds me too tightly, fucks me too hard. I don’t last more than a few short minutes, my muscles spasm around him, my legs going slack. He reaches down, grabbing my thighs while he carries me to the couch. He lays me down, his body coming over mine.
“Jay,” I call, reaching up to grab at his slick hair. His mouth comes hard against mine again. Teeth pull at my bottom lip, roughly. He tastes too good to let him pull away. I hold his head against mine, kissing him until I’m gasping for breath.
His hips start to lose their rhythm as he chases after his own orgasm. His face falls into my neck, as he groans against me.
“Fuck, Y/n,”
I pull him tighter against my body, his sweat falling on my own skin. I don’t want to move. I could lay here for the rest of my life with the taste of him in my mouth and his body pressed to mine. He pulls away too quickly, going to the bathroom. I wait for him to come back. When he doesn’t, I sit up, pulling the dress back in place. I hear the shower cut on just as I start to approach.
*He really fucking left me there*
I haven’t been on the receiving end of Jay’s anger before. After being so high, I’m left feeling empty. But I know how he operates. He wants me to go after him, to beg him to talk to me, but I won’t. He’s mad at me because he can’t let this thing with Zino go. Even if I tell him how fucking ridiculous it is for him to feed into a grudge that really makes no difference now, he’ll still think I’m not taking his side.
Loyalty has always been a big thing for him, and I get it. But there comes a point where you have to see beyond what’s right in front of you. I don’t think I have to tell Jay that I don’t want Zino, or that I’m so stupid in love with him that it’s ridiculous. I hurt his pride, at the end of it, but that not for me to deal with.
I take a shower in the bathroom down the hall, ignoring the bruises that are already starting to appear on my skin. When I’m finished getting ready for bed, I slide in beside his still body.
“Did I hurt you?” He asks in the dark.
“No, I liked it,” I whisper.
He says nothing but shifts so that his back is toward me. I roll my eyes in the dark.
“You’re not talking to me now?”
He says nothing.
“God, sometimes, I can’t deal with you,”
I still get nothing.
“You’ve been with tons of women. And I had to see it all Jay. Not once did I hold it against you. All he does is talk to me, and you freak out like I’m some toy of yours he’s playing with without asking first,”
“It’s not the same thing,” Jay says. “We weren’t together,”
“I loved you the same way I do now, so don’t give me that shit. You’re embarrassed because you think he’s going to do to you what you did to him,”
“Don’t say it like that,”
“Fucking grow up, Jay,”
He stays silents which infuriated me even more. I turn, pushing my feet against his ass and kick him.
“Get up. Get up and talk to me,”
“Ow, Y/n, what the fuck,”
I push until he finally sits up. I can’t see his face but I can imagine that if looks could kill I’d been dead ten times over.
“This is how it works. I talk to whoever I want. Out of respect for you, I decided not to directly work with the guy, but I’m not going to ignore someone who is paying my business for service,”
“He’s just trying to get to me, Y/n. He’s not going to leave you alone because he knows how much it’ll kill me if,” he trails off not finishing his sentence. He doesn’t have to.
“You think I’d do that to you? You think I’m not so fucking crazy about you that’ll it makes me sick just thinking about anyone else touching me?”
“I’m going home,” I slide out of the bed, looking for my phone to call an Uber to my apartment. I grab the first pair of pants I see and luckily they’re mine from when I left them here at some point. I slip them on. Ignoring Jay’s hands that grab for me.
“You can’t be mad at me when I’m mad at you,” he says, blocking the doorway.
I ignore him and push past to get my shoes from his living room. I grab my purse and pull it over my shoulder.
“I did nothing wrong, Jay. You don’t get to fuck me and then treat me like I’m part of the problem,” I cross my arms over my chest. We’ve fought more in the last month than we have throughout our whole friendship.
“I won’t keep going in this circle with you about Zino,” I tell him. My phone vibrates letting me know that my car is outside. “So, I’m going to go home. I don’t want you to call me until you figure out your own shit,”
“How did I become the one in trouble?”
“Because you’re acting like a child. Honestly Jay, the silent treatment?”
“What do you want me to say, Y/n? I’m sorry?”
“I want you not to treat me like shit,” I feel my eyes prick. I don’t want to cry in front of him. As upset as I am, I know he’ll feel a thousand times worse if he knows he made me cry. Still, moisture pools in my eyes and drop down my cheeks. I don’t even know why I’m crying. I love him. I love him and I don’t want to fight with him. We get limited time together and here we are arguing at three in the morning.
I turn away from him to wipe my eyes. It’s no use. My shoulders start to shake. I wrap my arms around myself, moving through the apartment to gather the rest of my things.
“Y/n, don’t do that. Come on,” he sees it. His arms come around me as he pulls me against his chest. My face presses against his skin making it impossible for him not to feel my tears smudge against him.
“Shit, please don’t cry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, ok?” He rubs at my back but it only makes me tear up more. He lifts me off the ground and carries me back to his room. He sits on the edge of his bed and pulls me into his lap. His thumb comes beneath my eyes, wiping away the moisture.
“I’m sorry,” he says again.
“For making me cry or for being a dickhead?” I ask through tears.
He holds my face between his hands, forcing me to look at him.
“Both, Y/n. You don’t know how I feel about you. You’ve always been mine. When someone tries to threaten that,” he sighs, pulling my mouth against his. I don’t know how I always end up here, kissing him like he didn’t just make me upset. He has that thing about him. He can charm his way out of every situation.
“I want to go,” I say pulling away from him. “I don’t want to be here right now,”
His forehead presses against mine, his eyes close tightly. I don’t know why he’s doing this to us. We’re fine, actually more than fine we’re perfect until his head gets in the way.
“Sleep here and I’ll take the other room,” he says.
I don’t trust myself not to seek him out later tonight. I think we’re too used to each other. We need a little space. I stand off his lap and gather up my stuff. I have to call the Uber back because he’s long gone.
“I’m going to go,” I tell him clearing my throat. “I’ll call you,”
“Don’t leave,” he says, his fingers lace with mine pulling me back into his arms. His lips press to my neck. “Don’t leave,” he repeats against my skin.
I’m so weak. I’ve always been so weak for him. He looks at me with those brown eyes like he wants to keep me in this room just to love me for the rest of his life. The way he makes me feel, it’s intoxicating. It’s addicting. And I know his heart. I know he doesn’t mean to make me feel bad. I know he loves me beyond the sun and the moon.
Sometimes I wish I’d didn’t know him as well as I do. I wish I hadn’t gotten the chance to fall in love with every single part of him. It’s making me weak.
“It’s late,” he says. It’s nearly four. Too early in the morning for us to be even having this conversation. He’s right, though. I can’t imagine I’d go to my empty apartment and feel any better.
I look at him, his eyes are tired and a little bloodshot. He bites at his lip while he waits for my answer. His hair is a mess. Still, he’s so pretty my heart aches. I press my hand against the compass tattooed into his skin. My thumb tracing the points.
“I love you,” I whisper.
“I love you too,” he tells me quickly like he’s afraid I’ll go if he hesitates.
“I know,” I tell him. “But do you know that I love you? All of you, even the parts that drive me freaking crazy,”
“I’m sorry, Y/n-,” he goes to apologize again but I interrupt him.
“I don’t think you know. I don’t think you realize how much I love you, Jay,”
“I’m going to do better with you, Y/n. You just have to let me get used to him being around you,”
“It’s work, Jay. He’s just a guy. I shouldn’t have to tell you that I’m on your side,”
His hand spreads out on my thigh. “I know, baby,”
I stand from his lap again and step out of the joggers I’d pulled on. I climb back in bed behind him and reach my hand out for him to join me. I won’t be able to sleep if I know he’s just in the other room. At least that’s how I rationalize it. I ignore the fact that once again I’m sweeping just how hurt I am under the rug and hoping for the best.
Jay grabs my hand and settles beside me, pulling me against his chest. I trace my fingers over the ridges in his back.
“I’m sorry I made you cry,” he says.
“You’re too good for me,”
“Yeah, probably,” I yawn.
He laughs, taking my lips in the dark. He kisses me so thoroughly, that I forget that I’m supposed to be mad at him. I want him again. He’s turned me into a fiend. I suppress the urge to climb on top of him. Instead, I pull away and cuddle deeper into his chest.
He falls asleep quickly after that. He’s never not touching me during the night. His arm stays wrapped around me, or his hands grip my flesh, either way, he keeps me close. I stay up. To go from not having a single issue with someone for years to this. It’s just one thing, I tell myself. It’s just one thing that we have to get over and then we can get back to being us.
With so many pent-up feelings to literally last more than a decade, we’re just now being able to express them. It’s his personality, he’s competitive, he just doesn’t like the guy. I make excuses because the alternative, losing him, isn’t an option.
I shut my eyes finally, curling closer to him. He pulls me against his side tightly. All thoughts of anything other than how good it feels for him to hold me gets forced out. I don’t think about work, Korean rap stars, award shows. It all gets lost in the cadence of his breaths.
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kyaappucino · 6 years
Pairing: Hakyeon/Taekwoon
Words: 1,812
Rating: G
Summary: He doesn’t want to be one of the many bodies Hakyeon has touched, meaningless and forgotten.
Notes: Second part of my Demi/Pan series, as I’ve decided to call it. The second chapter of Unexpectedly.
Warnings: none.
Taekwoon doesn’t allow himself to get too attached to people. It’s safer to let them look into glimpses of his heart without seeing the entire picture. So, when he finds himself staring at Hakyeon, he wonders how the elder does it.
Hakyeon’s feelings are worn not only on his sleeve, but on his entire body. Each smile from his lips makes his eyes crinkle with joy or scrunch with pain. And when Hakyeon touches, he does so with the same sensuality as he dances. Taekwoon doesn’t miss a beat; he sees how Hakyeon gently strokes the inside of Minhyuk’s wrist with one of his fingers, laughing at something Minhyuk has said. Minhyuk keeps talking but one of his hands is on Hakyeon’s shoulder, his smile far too warm to be considered as platonic.
Much later, Taekwoon’s eyes take in how carefully Hakyeon spins Minah around as she laughs with mirth, slow dancing with her in the practice room while the others take a break. The others are glad for her playful interruption, a welcome distraction from the weight of improvement and the constant struggle to attain perfection, to be the Vixx that could always make their Starlights proud.
They didn’t know how to reciprocate the awards or the gifts or the well-wishes any other way.
It wasn’t at all unusual for their leader to express affection through touch. God knows, he touched nearly all of them whenever he could.
Hakyeon would embrace Sanghyuk while the younger tried to wriggle out of his hold, half-amused. Whenever Wonshik fell asleep in his studio after a long day, it was Hakyeon’s fingertips who would dance around his collarbones until Wonshik woke up, waving them away. Hongbin’s cheek was gently stroked when Hakyeon bid him goodnight, and it was Hakyeon who would playfully wrestle with Jaehwan on their off days.
Hakyeon’s hands spoke more than his mouth sometimes, but it was in a language Taekwoon didn’t care for. It appalled him, really, how Hakyeon could poke and prod and stroke at someone else’s skin without feeling entirely overwhelmed. The feeling of his hands exploring the planes and curves of skin that covered the muscles and wrapped around the very core of a person, and that person trusting enough to let you touch–it was one of the most terrifying and breathless feelings Taekwoon had ever known.
So when those dark, strong fingers reach out for him, Taekwoon stiffens. He lets Hakyeon know that it isn’t welcome, the way he smiles at Taekwoon and gently grasps his arm. Hakyeon’s smile does strange things to Taekwoon, makes his stomach turn and makes his tongue wrap itself around his throat, so Taekwoon can’t say anything except “I need to go,” when it all gets too much.
He doesn’t want those fingers touching him–Taekwoon is sure he doesn’t want the feeling of those fingers imprinting themselves onto Taekwoon’s heart, the way wet clay retains the prints of all who has touched it, until it dries.
He doesn’t want to be one of the many bodies Hakyeon has touched, meaningless and forgotten.
But the moment he got used to Hakyeon’s touches and hugs, he knew it was only a matter of time.
“Good morning.” Taekwoon is bewildered when he opens his eyes, and Hakyeon is sitting cross-legged on his mattress, holding a steaming cup of coffee in between his fingers. “This is yours.” It felt surreal, almost as if he was in one of their MVs. He sits up and reaches for the coffee cup and when their fingers touch, it’s almost too much for Taekwoon to bear.
Hakyeon’s fingers are gentle and he doesn’t try anything–doesn’t try to playfully grab at Taekwoon’s digits. He knows better now, and it warms Taekwoon’s heart knowing that Hakyeon cared enough to remember the little things about him, about how he felt about touch.
Blinking away the remnants of sleep from his eyes, he lifts the cup to his mouth and drinks up, delighting in the fresh taste of caffeine as it surges through his veins, waking him up. “Thank you,” he says softly, looking straight at Hakyeon. His leader’s cheeks are dusted with pink and he supposes it’s from the light streaming through their bedroom window. Taekwoon is relaxed and he almost doesn’t mind Hakyeon’s hand stroking his hair, affectionately–like a mother would to a child. Without meaning to, he leans into the older man’s touch.
It’s just because he brought me coffee, Taekwoon thinks. He definitely doesn’t enjoy the feeling of Hakyeon carding fingers through his hair.
“Where are the others?” 
“They went out–just you and me here today.” Hakyeon stops stroking Taekwoon’s hair and asks softly, “Can I lean on your shoulder for a while?”
He’s in such a good mood that he nods, allowing Hakyeon to rest his head on Taekwoon’s shoulder. “Thanks. I’ve been so tired lately.” As he shifts his weight to get more comfortable, the smell of Hakyeon’s fruity body wash clings to him, and it makes him feel dizzy and light-headed; almost drunk.
He’s so distracted that he almost misses the way one of Hakyeon’s hands wraps around his waist, and suddenly there’s a warm hand on his hip, stroking the bone affectionately.
By now, Taekwoon was used to Hakyeon’s hugs but not this–this is entirely new and he’s not ready for it yet. It wasn’t overly unpleasant though–maybe because they were alone, and it was Hakyeon.
He gulps and tries to concentrate on the bitter, chocolate scent of his coffee.
The mixed assault to his senses are warm and welcoming, and for Taekwoon, it seems like a perfect morning.
Which is why his first instinct is to drain his coffee cup and say gently, “Hakyeon…I’ll go and cook us breakfast.” There’s a soft whine that makes its way out of Hakyeon’s mouth and with great reluctance, the hand disappears from Taekwoon’s hip and the ever-cheerful leader yawns and stands up from the mattress. Hakyeon stretches his arms out and his sleeping shirt rides up just a little, exposing a strip of tan skin.
Taekwoon pretends his breath isn’t knocked out of him and leaves Hakyeon to fold up the mattresses, his mouth set into his signature poker face.
Why did Hakyeon have to be so determined?
When Taekwoon’s feet pad out of the bedroom and down into the kitchen, that’s the only time he lets out a shaky breath, trying to calm his heart down. He and Hakyeon were friends. Lifelong friends–isn’t that the name Hakyeon put down for him on his phone?
This was why he hated getting close to people. It didn’t happen often, but the chance to fall in love with them was always there. He hadn’t felt this since he was nineteen, and rejected by the girl he cared about, very much so. His face was much too cold, stoic–she said quietly. She’d been scared that he would have hurt her over the smallest thing.
It hurt because she had been so patient the whole time, until he considered opening up to her, fully. The moment he’d confessed however, she just rejected him, and gradually he stopped responding to her gentle touches, her hugs. She was still his first love and he would always consider her as such.
After that, he knew it would be awhile before he would allow anyone else to touch, to breach so far into him as she had.
Then Hakyeon crashed into his life, optimistic and doling out a pocketful of sunshine to anyone who gazed at him. Hakyeon had been so patient, gently coaxing Taekwoon out of his shell. Hakyeon, so supportive and kind.
The only problem was this was the same Hakyeon who snuck out in the middle of the night and came back smelling like someone else’s perfume.
Still, maybe his feelings didn’t need to go anywhere. Taekwoon reaches into the fridge and gently whisks together some milk and eggs and smiles when he spots a package of cheese. Shredded cheese on eggs sounded pretty good right about now.
Hakyeon touches a lot of people, and…well. Maybe the way he touched Taekwoon this morning was just one of them. The main vocalist reassures himself that Hakyeon was just being his usual friendly self, ignoring the pang in his heart. Somehow, he didn’t like thinking of the people that Hakyeon sees at night. He remembers each moment because every time the leader returns to their shared bedroom, he smells of smoke and musk and other people.
Despite the fact that Taekwoon’s heart is sinking into the universe that is Hakyeon, he tries to pull it back, reminds himself that Hakyeon is the sort of man that loves everyone and everything–he’s expressed it well enough in the way he steals kisses from Minhyuk (Taekwoon saw them on the way back from the grocery store) or the way his hand slides, teasingly, down Minah’s sides as he bids her goodnight. 
He wonders if Hakyeon kisses them, touches them in the same way as he touches Taekwoon. He wonders if Minhyuk likes Hakyeon’s cuddles, or if Minah blushes when Hakyeon’s lips press against the smooth planes of her cheek. He wonders if they mean anything to Hakyeon.
He wants to ask, but he also doesn’t want to know the answer.
“What’re you making?” Hakyeon’s voice cuts through Taekwoon’s reverie and he says smoothly, “Omelets…do you want cheese on yours?” He’s had a shower and changed into a black shirt and skinny jeans. “Ooh, we have cheese? Make sure to add lots please, Taekwoonie.” He tries to add cuteness to his request by making a bbuing bbuing face, to which the younger man replies to with a soft chuckle, looking away. “You know that doesn’t work on me.” 
He adds more cheese than usual anyway, knowing that it would make Hakyeon smile. “Wah! Thanks, Taekwoonie. Your cooking’s the best~”
“I…” Taekwoon is at a loss for words and says quietly, “…it’s just eggs…” The blush spreads across his face and Hakyeon chuckles, affectionately patting Taekwoon’s cheek. “Aw, did I embarrass you? Sorry, sorry. Ah, Taekwoonie’s so cute!” That earns him a swift kick under the table and Hakyeon laughs, evading it easily.
As both of them wash the dishes, Taekwoon tries not to think about Hakyeon’s warmth, or Hakyeon’s hugs. It seemed unreal that just a few months ago he would have done anything to get away from Hakyeon and his arms, those arms that seemed to want to touch and stroke and hold every person it could reach.
And now…he just wants to be held by them. Wants to ask if he can be held by them. He mentally makes it a point to hang out with Hongbin or Wonshik later in the day, fearing for the worst if they get any closer.
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Ink Demon Vs Demon
One nice clear sunny day in a normal town in a lodge that was rather close to the forest and near the town it was called "Henry's Lodge" and in the lodge was a very bored out bendy he was wearing his casual black hoodie with his red hood and with his blue jeans and green gloves and grey shoes the ink demon sighed and yawned loudly "man there is nothing to do today im soo bored" he already letted susan his pet t rex roam around outside but she would always go off on her own and come back during night time or the afternoon and even haftway through the morning if lucky. Bendy turned on the tv and checked through the channels and groaned "dang it nothing good on today" he turned it off and looked outside "it is a rather nice sunny day tho.. but the others did told me to stay in the house... dang it why do boris and alice get to go out with joey but i get to stay here and hold down the fort?!" the demon crossed his arms with a pout "it's not freaking fair!" he sighed even though it was nice to let off some steam he was still bored "i need a drink maybe some water or juice would help me get my mind off of things" he got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen "still amazed on how big this place is i wonder how much money it took for the old man to make this during his retirement from the studio and during the war." he said as he grabbed a bottle of juice and poured it into a cup as he drank it but as he drank it a loud crashing noise was heard in the living room causing him to nearly choke and spit out his drink "gah! what the heck?!" he went back to see what caused the noise and he was surprised to see shard there the robot skeleton rubbed the back of his head "owww never go in head first in a portal again" he said as bendy walked over "hey there shard" shard looked up "oh! hello modern!" bendy helped shard up "hi hey where's that other me the one with the wings" he said to shard "oh! he was busy taking his pet dragon out for a walk so i decided to come visit you instead hope you don't mind" bendy smiled "not at all it was getting boring here" he nodded. a few minutes passed as the two were talking about stuff and other things and shard was telling him about the timeline invasion "soooo let me get this straight there's this girl and her twin sister that wants to make a zoo but they also want to get rid of all these CORE machines?" shard nodded "and you said they had two of these uhhh human named jenna right?" shard nodded again "the one with the red hair and is stronger is named demmon she survived prima-" bendy laughed "wait your telling me that girl survived godzilla's spiral atomic punch? oh give me a break nothing can survive that guy" shard's eyes widen "w-wait you know who primal is?!" bendy smirked "i don't just know him shard, im friends with him" shard's jaw dropped "ha i like your expression" he laughed while shard was still shocked "how do you know him?" bendy winked at him "a demon keeps his  secrets~~" shard sighed but bendy's expression turned from funny to concern "so if that girl's been following you.... does that mean she'll come into this universe?" shard's eyes widen "... n-no.... damn it! im a idiot!" he hitted his head "she's gonna come here and sh-she'll try to find me by killing everyone she sees oh god i scre-" bendy stood up and faced him "shard" he looked up at modern!bendy "if that red haired toots thinks she can come on anyone's world and mess with you or me than she's got another thing coming i'll show that toots who's boss around here don't worry i promise" shard smiled shakily "t-thanks be-" than a loud sound was heard "o-oh no! s-she's here!" bendy gave shard a radio "go to the basement and stay there until i say she's gone" shard gulped "b-but s-she'll-" bendy's eyes went red "0 H S H E ' L L H A V E A V E R Y H A R D T I M E T R Y I N G T 0 K I L L M E" shard gulped and he nodded and telported to the basement as he waited than he saw a girl walked in she had horns and red hair "so you must be the toots that my friend's been talking about gotta say not haft bad for a demon" demi!jenna stood there tilting her head "not much of a talker ain't ya? but there's one thing you forgot" she tilted her head he smirked and his eyes glowed red "D E M O N S S H O U L  D B E C O L O R E D R E D" he telported behind her and kicked her away she landed with her hands and she got up and bendy kicked her across the face hard she stumbled and held her cheek and she glared and bendy hitted her with a bat out of nowhere "?!?!?!?!" she stared shock bendy smirked "what? it's called the hammer space toots haven't you ever watched cartoons gags before?" he kept hitting her and hitting her with the bat until her eye flared up and she grabbed the bat and rammed it hard on bendy's head making the bat break in haft "ow!" he growled and grabbed her and throw her at the window and she kicked him to the wall near the entrance "ughhhh" he shook his head and grabbed her when she came lunging and he swung her around and threw her at the wall hard making it crack a bit she bit her lip and she got up glaring and aimed her void blasters bendy smirked and snapped his fingers and she tilted her head but she send the void blasters anyway at him he pulled out a hammer and bashed the blasters away but one hitting him "argh!" she smiled and bendy glared while smirking in a devilish manner "oh now we're playing hardC0RE?" demi!jenna's eyes blinked as she did not understand the pun and he bashed her with the hammer hard she fell down and he smirked and walked over but he got upper cutted by her arm turning into a strange weapon "ow..." he got up and demon smirked and walked over but bendy grinned and pulled out a knife and slashed her cheek her eyes widen and bendy slashed her again this time on the stomach she silently winched due to her being mute and stumbled back bendy did a back flip and knocked her over and stabbed her in the back her eyes widen and she grabbed him and slammed him on a table hard she pulled the knife out and rammed it on his back she smirked and turned around but bendy got up with a blank expression and pulled the knife out and she turned around and he threw it hitting her shoulder she silently gasped and she got kicked by bendy "that's right toots don't ya ever mess with the demon!" he pulled out a machete from hammer space and she got up and he slashed her back hard she stumbled and he drop kicked her to the couch he tried to stab her but she dodged and kicked his hand and grabbed the machete and slashed him "ow!" she grabbed him and threw him near a ceiling fan the blades slicing him and he crashed onto the bookshelf she smirked and grabbed him and threw him towards the living room he coughed up ink as he glared as she lifted him with her strange weapon arm again he gave her the bird saying "fuck you you so-" she bashed him on the ceiling and then the coffee table hard and he stayed down his body going limp she smirked and turned around and walked towards the kitchen to find shard but heard laughing, demonic laughing she turned around to a horrifying event. Bendy emerged in his 'ink'/rage form his height increasing to about boris's height and his tail was dripping and his gloves turned to a stained green color so did the rest of his clothing his horns were now curved he grinned and said "D I D Y A R E A L L Y T H I N K I T W 0 U L D 0 F B E E N T H A T E A S Y T 0 K I L L M E B I T C H ? ! ? !" demi!jenna stood there too shocked to move he grinned manically and grabbed her and slammed her on the coffee table very hard and threw her at the ceiling fan making it break and she crashed into the kitchen wall he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a meat mallet and grinned and went to bash her head in but demon reacted quickly she pulled out the knife he used and stabbed him with all her force on his head he screamed with a distorted Roar in both pain and anger and bashed her across the cheek very hard blood dripped down from her head as she held the side while stumbling back and he pulled the knife out and slashed her in the eye nearly ripping it out again in the process and he stared right into her soul sending a shiver down her spine for once in her life "0 H S 0 Y 0 U A R E A F R  A I D 0 F S 0 M E T H I N G" he grabbed her and threw her outside in the backyard she landed on a hard stone road as bendy jumped out kicking her to the garage door she looked up as bendy was on top of a car grinning like a actual demon towards her he lunged and she quickly reacted by using her arm weapon again this time hitting him square in the entire body as he went flying towards the lodge top floor wall she quickly opened the garage door a few big inches and climbed in as modern!bendy fell onto the car hood and than on the ground he got up 40 seconds later and saw the garage door open he grinned and crawled in "do you really think you can hide from me toots? i promised my friend i'll stop you and i will even if i have to.... K I L L you M Y S E L F ! ! ! !" he said and he turned around to see demon kicking him over some boxes and a wooden cabinet falls on top of him she grabbed a lawnmower and quickly thrown where he was laying hoping the blades would do some more damage to him after waiting for a few seconds she was about to calm down until the lawnmower was thrown at her making her crash in a SUV car door "N I C E T R Y T 0 0 T S" he said as his eyes beamed red "I T ' L L T A K E M 0 R E T H A N T H A T T 0 K I L L M E !" than demon had a idea if he stabbed her than her nuclear ability shockwave would work combinded with the car being blown up it should be enough damage to kill him she grinned silently and he raised his tail and stabbed she opened her eyes and her eyes widen to see that his tail stabbed the gas tank "D I D Y A R E A L L Y T H I N K I ' M T H A T S T U P I D ? ! ? ! I F I ' M G 0 I N G T O H E L L I ' M T A K I N G Y 0 U W I T H M E Y 0 U B I T C H" she silently gulped "B Y E B Y E Y A-" the car blew up and it send demon flying towards a hotel and bendy being blown up in the garage having the entire thing crushed on top of him and demon got out of the rubble of the house she crashed into and limped back to the backyard of the lodge she held her shoulder weakly as blood dripped down due to bendy's sharp gloves she looked around and gave a silent breathe of relief she spotted the only place left checking to see if shard was really here the basement she limped towards it but then a ink tenactle appeared and slapped her to the car and another one slapped her to the wooden fence than more ink tentactles started to appear and she started to use her void snake blasters to attack them when it looked like the tentactles were killed they were merging and out came a transforming bendy he started growing taller pass sammy's height and his tail grew longer and his gloves torn up revealing sharp claws, haft of the ink faded going to his curved horn making it look sideways revealing one eye and a devilish evil grin. his shoes torn up revealing sharp demon like feet and gained wings and spines on his back this was bendy's Berserker Rage ink form the second form of modern!bendy "I D 0 N ' T R E A L L Y L I K E U S I N G T H I S F 0 R M B U T F 0 R Y 0 U K I D Y 0 U D E R S E R V E  I T ! ! ! " he ran up very quickly and punched her right in the gut and tail whipped her to the wooden fence and he lunged at her and she dodged it and he crashed through it he growled and grabbed her and threw her in a near by house and he uses his tenactles outside to grip onto the entire house he grinned and sended a few tneactles in and they started to attack demi!jenna she fought back one of them opened it's tail end and revealed it was a mouth it bit on jenna's stomach and threw her around and he started to get bored "B 0 R I N G" he used his giant fist attack to destroy the whole house with her in it and he waited until his ink tenactles came back to him and his giant fist shrunk to normal size he grinned and looked at the rubble "T H A T S H 0 U L D D 0 I T" he said as he walked towards the rubble and looked down but got uppercutted by her and she fired her void blaster at him knocking him down she tried to run but she tripped and bendy's eye opened and grabbed her leg and slammed her repeadly and thrown her towards another garage his one eye beamed red and he grinned "I F T H I S D 0 E S N 0 T K I L L Y 0 U T H A N I D 0 N ' T K N 0 W W H A T E L S E T 0 D O" he lunged and in slow motion demon actived her arm weapon and her void blaster snake and resulted in a explosion with bendy crashing into the basement doors of the crumbled house and with demi!jenna crashing into the garage and it blew up after the smoke cleared she emerged out of the destroyed garage silently coughing and holding her arm her void blaster snake silltered over her with a worried look she stood up and walked a few steps before glaring at where modern!bendy crashed she snapped her fingers and the void blaster snake charged up it's beam aiming at the door than a ink tenactle came spearing out she jumped up and it destroyed her void snake blaster and went for her body she smirked but then her eyes widen as she was impaled in the air by the ink tentactle as nothing happened "WELL NOW LOOKS LIKE YOUR SPECIAL GIFT DOES HAVE A WEAKNESS TOOTS!~~" he said as more ink tentactles appeared and wrapped around her one even stabbed her shoulder "YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH EVERYTHING JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE POWER AND LOOK SCARY?!" he said as his wings turned into tentactles and he kept saying "WELL YOUR WRONG! JUST A SHAME I HAVE TO DO THIS BUT YOU REALLY DESERVE THIS!" one of the tenactles stabbed her leg and one wrapped on her like a squid as her soul began cracking as she coughed out blood with a little gasp he looked surprised and grinned "AH I FINALLY HEARD A SOUND OUT OF YA THAT'S GOOD REALLY GOOD LETS ME KNOW THAT YOUR REALLY HAFT HUMAN IN THERE AFTER ALL BUT STILL YOU DON'T" he said as the spines on his back turn into tentactles as they wrapped it around her as her soul cracked more "DESERVE ANYONE'S KINDNESS" his arms and hand grew big as they hover over her "OR MY MERCY!!!!!" and with that he used both of his giant fists to smash her in the air but held on to her he laughed as he aimed his tail as the end piece turned into a tail mouth as two sharp edged blades came from each side of the tail "DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" he kept laughing as he rammed his tail but before it cough reach the giant ink fist he felt warmth and heard a voice "bendy..... that's enough.... you showed her who's boss she won't do it again" he knew that voice "B-B......boris?" the inktenactles and giant fist letted go as the nearly dead demi!jenna falls to the ground every bone in her body has broken as modern!bendy turned back to normal revealing that his wounds from the fight were shown and he hugged modern!boris while crying "i'm sorry boris... i'm sorry but she was going to kill shard i had to do it-" boris shushed his best friend "i know bendy" he hugged him "i know" bendy sobbed into his shoulder shard came out of the basement running up to boris and they looked up to see demi!jenna's body was still there unmoving "......." boris glared at shard "shard. she had enough" shard was shocked "b-but boris! why did you stop him from killing that freak?!" boris sighed "because shard! i can see good in her" shard scoffed "like there is any good in her she's pure evil! she's killed every monster she can lay her hands on, she nearly killed all of my friends and survived in a fight against the monster killer and timelinegoji! she needs to-" boris growled and shard stopped "just... why boris... why show her mercy... when she does not even deserve it...." she weakly opened her eye to see them talking "because shard i believe in that anyone can change even if there pure evil or if they done bad things..... i've still think they can change for the greater good." shard was surprised to hear this from him but then he looked at her body and his eyes flared up and he telported a few inched from in front of boris and bendy and aimed a lot of gaster blasters at demon both glowing "SHARD?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" boris yelled "sorry boris! i just can't have her being alive anymore! at leash we won't have to worry about her anymore!!" he fired the gaster blasters and it resulted in a very massive explosion when the smoke cleared nothing was left "s-shard... y-yo-" shard freaked out "n-no! no t-t-there should be remains! burnt ashes or pieces of her soul around she can't have tat much power left to telport!." his eyes widen realizing "oh no....... her friend must of saved her at the last second...... DANG IT we were so close to finally getting rid of her!" modern!bendy placed a hand on his shoulder "hey shard... don't worry.. at leash now we know her special power has a weakness" he smiled and then coughed ink as boris held onto bendy "shard.... can you help me with him" after they setted him on the couch and checking up on his injures thanks to alice and henry's help shard was on his way back as the portal opened "hey shard" modern!bendy said as shard turned to face him "when you see that other me tell him maybe i'll be the one that'll visit him soon alright?" shard smiled "sure" and with that the robot went into the portal closed and modern!bendy yawned "ya had a long day punk rest ya head" henry said as bendy laughed "you too old man" they both smiled and laughed it off “so what did you do while i was gone?” he said while bendy looked out the window “oh ya know just doing the same thing as usual” ----- something i came up in my head one day. what if @ahrifoxtailgoddess‘s demitale jenna aka demon went up against my bendy AU called modern!bendy who was inspired by a LOT of bendy aus and even the famous 2D bendy AU itself. this all happened while @mistymiddiana undertale oc shard came for a visit at my bendy's AU universe. and yes people you can make fanart of this fanfic if this is will be canon to the comic i will be so happy but if not hey at leash i've made something interesting.... i think also this took a long time to make!
--- shard belongs to misty demi!jenna belongs to NeonCarla Modern!BATIM AU belongs to me! hope you all like this little thing i came up with and yes NeonCarla and to everyone else fanart of this fight between modern!bendy and demi!jenna are allowed! so yeah hope you all like this and please like and comment! i'm heading off to sleep now that took WAY too long from the first haft of june all the way to july 5th
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electro-kins · 3 years
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750x1334 soukoku/chuuya nakahara wallpapers, raffle prize for @despairuma !!
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electro-kins · 3 years
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matching lovecore ddlc icons for my beloved @electroratio !!
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electro-kins · 3 years
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light academia matching ranpoe icons for my beloved @electroratio !!
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electro-kins · 3 years
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starcore mnemosyne's dream for my beloved @electroratio !!
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electro-kins · 3 years
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chuuya nakahara twitter layouts for my beloved @electroratio !!
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electro-kins · 3 years
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fiona gilman tumblr layouts for my beloved @electroratio !!
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electro-kins · 3 years
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bsd stormbringer icons for my beloved @despairuma !!
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electro-kins · 3 years
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bright citycore dazai osamu icons for my beloved @despairuma !!
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electro-kins · 3 years
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starcore melly plinius icons for my beloved @electroratio !!
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electro-kins · 3 years
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matching dazai osamu and chuuya nakahara icons for my beloved @despairuma !!
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