notiddygxthgf · 8 months
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★ pairings: choso x f!reader
★ synopsis: World famous rock star Choso Kamo’s new live-in assistant is convinced that she can fix him – substance abuse issues and all. Tensions ensue, and as new feelings rise to the surface, the two find it difficult to maintain an appropriate workplace relationship (or; the one where an unstable musician struggles to keep it friendly with his assistant).
★ c.w.: none (more content warnings and tags)
★ a/n: don't be a stranger! leave some comments for me to read teehee
★ w.c.; 2.8k
smoke and mirrors; chapter index
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THE MUSIC INDUSTRY BLEEDS YOU DRY. That’s just the truth. It takes every ounce of your creative passion and tramples on it. It takes everything from you, and then it takes more. I find myself reconsidering my career path on a daily basis. There’s only one thing, in fact, that keeps me grounded.
“Choso! Choso! Choso! Choso!” 
That. The chant of the crowd. The endless bodies waving their hands over the venue, reaching for me, singing for me.
I leaned my head back, feeling the cool breeze of the backstage air against my neck, against my trembling skin. Crewmembers swarmed around me like gnats, tweaking little details of my outfit – one had a black eyeshadow palette up to my eyelid and another was messing with my hair. She had said something about needing to look intentionally messy.
The low hum of their conversation was only background noise to me. I blew a bubble with the wad of gum in my mouth – a nervous tic that clearly betrayed the calm exterior I was trying so hard to maintain.
The girl who was touching my eyeliner up snapped the palette shut. My mind was elsewhere – it was out there. 
“Choso! Choso! Choso!”
I took a deep breath to steady my racing heart. The chant of my name reverberated through the walls, a frightening reminder of what lay just beyond the curtain. 
People. Thousands of them.
“Choso! Choso! Choso!” The chorus of voices seemed to grow louder. I shut my eyes, visualizing the sea of faces, the outstretched hands, the passion in their voices. The crowd– my fans; they were my lifeline. 
Another crew member informed me, “You’re on.”
I nodded solemnly, feeling that strange pit in my stomach. It was terrifying, it was familiar, it was… exciting. 
I took another breath, then I stepped forward. With each step towards the stage, the chanting intensified. The noise was like this strange, palpable force, urging me onward. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins the moment I reached the edge of the stage. The anticipation was almost… suffocating.
I stepped out. Then, for a blissful moment, it all seemed to go quiet.
I took a moment to look at them, really look at them. All of them. The mass of humanity blurred into one collective wave of joy. From here, I couldn’t even make out faces. Only smiles, flashing lights, and limbs flailing. Signs with my name on it. People with love in their hearts. 
Nothing but them and me, hearts beating in tandem. I wondered how nervous they felt – if they knew how nervous I felt standing here before them. If they knew I had been nervously chewing on a piece of gum only moments prior.
Thousands of people who all came together for one purpose – to see me. A mosaic of adoration. 
I glanced down at my trembling hands, fingers clutching the edge of my guitar. The weight of the crowd’s expectations pressed down on me. The realization hit me a second time – they were all here for me. That both terrified and humbled me.
I licked my lips, gave my old guitar a strum, feeling those familiar vibrations amplified a hundred fold. It was loud, so loud that I could still hear it reverberating throughout the venue when I reached for the microphone.
I stole another glance at the crowd as a smile broke across my face. 
Deep breaths.
I shouted, “What the fuck is up, Paris?”
The response was deafening. The crowd erupted in cheers. I could feel their energy merging with mine – the lights, the love, the screams. In that moment, I remembered why I endured the trials of my industry. I remembered why I was still living – what I was fighting for. It was all for them, the countless faces who found solace and inspiration in my music. 
And with that realization, I felt my heart begin to race.
“How y’all doin’ tonight?” I asked.
They screamed back at me in response. I grinned.
“God, I love you guys,” I laughed. Strummed my guitar a second time. Looked at them. “I got a special show for you tonight!”
It was all for them. I do it all for them.
Life on the road was pretty crazy. I wish I could say that I had family to miss back home, but that wasn’t the case. I had been in and out of foster care for most of my life; had to grow up pretty fast so my brothers and I could stay off the streets. Other than the three of them, I never really had a family.
I turned to music as a crutch. I bought my first guitar with the first paycheck I earned – I was 16. I bandhopped for a while, alternating between the roles of lead singer, bassist, and rhythm guitarist. I found a passion for writing lyrics somewhere along the way. It felt nice, being able to put pen to paper and make my fucked up life sound appealing.
It was great.
I did basement shows right up until I turned 21. I would have been more than happy to keep on doing them – hell, sometimes I found myself wishing I could still fit those small, shitty little venues – but some big, music industry talent hotshot came and found me at one of my shows. He handed me a card. Told me he liked my sound, that I could be famous.
Who could have refused?
I never anticipated hitting it this big. Not that I’m complaining. It keeps a roof over me and my brother’s head – to say the least. I have more than enough money to live lavishly for the rest of my days.  I found my new family in my music team: my manager, my coordinators, my publicist. All of them. 
The music industry is notoriously blood-sucking. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. I realized that rather quickly, though by the time I was hot enough to hire a whole team, I was in too deep. It all seemed so… superficial.
I grew to hate it.
My hatred only grew when I lost two of my beloved brothers – Eso and Kechizu. There was a shootout at the mall. They found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. I remember rushing to the hospital as soon as I heard the news. 
It was too late by that point, though. They had bled out long before I was able to see them.
I didn’t sleep for a week after that – I developed insomnia that would last for years to come. I spent my evenings curled up on my shower floor, sobbing into my own arms. It was the same after that, and then the day after that. I found myself spending all of my time replaying the memories in my head, thinking about where I went wrong.
It didn’t take long for me to find comfort in the lifestyle of the rich and famous – the drinking, the partying, the drugs. I would go on week-long benders, drinking myself into a sickened stupor, rolling up two joints a day, popping pills I didn’t know how to pronounce. Doping myself up so I couldn’t think about it.
Ecstasy, Molly, Coke, LSD, Acid – I’ve taken them all. Shit, you could probably find trace amounts of them in my blood at any given point in time.
Or… however the hell that shit works.
I took Adderall every day to keep me grounded. That’s what I told myself, at least. No doctor in his right mind would ever prescribe someone like me 80 milligrams on a daily basis. Good thing I paid mine enough to forget his hippocratic oath.
I wasn’t completely lost, though. I didn’t feel good about it. Yuuji, my only living brother, told me multiple times that I needed to cut down on my consumption. He wanted me to go to rehab. Shit, over my dead body.
He stopped bringing it up, but I could see it in his eyes – I was breaking his heart. I had to remind myself that he had lost his brothers, too, that day. Probably felt like he was losing the only one he had left.
I try not to dwell too hard on it, though. Got better shit to do.
Fucking hate the music industry most days. Everyone expects you to be all put-together, even though you wake up feeling like you dragged your feet through a field of broken glass shards. Even though you wake up every goddamn morning feeling you’re reliving the same day over and over again.
It’s like a painful reminder that the only people I have in my life are paid employees. I have no one – other than Yuuji – who I could confidently say would be there for me if I no longer had the funds to compensate them.
It fucking blows. I drink to forget about it. Drink and… well, everything else I put in my body.
Never put a needle in there, though… at least not for drugs. I’ve got more tattoos and piercings than I can count.
Enough about my unhealthy coping mechanisms, though.
My “family” never let me put out music I like making. They stripped my creativity from me. I lost all enjoyment in songwriting along the way. They turned me into a husk – a shell of the man I used to be.
I couldn’t recall the last time I felt real happiness. You know, the kind you got from taking a walk in nature and not from snorting and ingesting copious amounts of illicit substances. You would think that someone would see me greened out on the couch and know I was crying for help.
Nah. No one ever listens.
They never noticed. The only reason they cared about whether I was dead or alive was because I kept them well-fed and their pockets full.
That’s the fuckin’ music industry, baby. Nothing but a bunch of soulless, drugged-up puppets pumping out music they hate making. Begging for help.
But no one ever listens.
My head hung low as I snorted a line of powder off the tray my housemaid – or some other woman I didn’t know – had brought me. As quickly as she had appeared, she vanished. In her absence, I relished in the rush that hit me all too fast. 
I sniffed and coughed, shaking my head with remnants of the powder clinging to my nose. I blinked slowly, trying to make sense of my surroundings. 
The studio’s walls were adorned with gold, platinum and silver records, a shark contrast to the disheveled state of the room. Empty liquor bottles littered the floor. The air hummed with companionable conversation and the distant echoes of a repetitive beat.
As I raised my head, the scene unfolded before me. Half-naked women, draped in a hazy glow from neon lights, raised their glasses in a toast. The shots went down smoothly, accompanied by the thumping bass of my latest creation, reverberating through the studio's speakers.
The instrumental was infectious, quick and catchy, resonating with a bass that seemed to throb in sync with the erratic pulse of the room. My eyes fell to the scattered papers on the coffee table in front of me – lyrics scribbled in messy script on lined paper that had been torn straight out of my composition notebook.
Cigarette smoke, a whiskey glass,
Fading memories, like shattered glass,
Every sunrise feels like the last,
Trapped in the echos of the past.
Stuck in the rhythm of a broken clock,
Every tick’s an echo, every tock’s a shock.
A carouse of monotony,
Lost in a loop, just try’na break free.
Guitar wails like a distant scream,
Reality blurs, just like a dream.
Drift through the hours, like a ghost,
In this eternal purgatory, I’m lost.
Pouting, I wiped my nose, feeling the dull burn of the coke as it tingled in the back of my throat. I was congested as all hell. Still, I tried to sing the bridge beneath my breath. 
“Drift through the hours, like a ghost. In this eternal purgatory, I’m lost…” I hummed, pouting again when I realized I still didn’t like it. 
The women in the back of the room continued their celebration, completely oblivious to my internal struggle. They were too busy shooting the shit with my friends.
More glasses were poured, and one was handed over to me. I took a sip without looking – because it honestly didn’t matter what was in the cup, could’ve been piss for all I knew. The familiar burn of bourbon warmed me momentarily. Humming in recognition, I traced my finger over the rim of the glass, lost momentarily in the verbiage of my own creation. 
Something felt off.
Furrowing my brows, I stared down at the words on the page. I sniffled again. Then I downed about half of my glass of bourbon, standing up on unsteady feet. The room swayed slightly, especially when I walked over to the corner where the producer was set up – a lone figure surrounded by the chaos.
I nodded at him, muttering, “Play it again from the chorus. I’m try’na see somethin’.”
The producer – Chris, or some shit like that – nodded back. He pressed a button, and the beat started over. The room’s ambiance, fueled by laughter and friendly chatter, didn’t quiet down. 
I tried my best to immerse myself in the rhythm, but the distractions were just… it was just too much.
‘Guitar wails like a distant scream,
Reality blurs, just like a dream.
Drift through the hours, like a ghost,
In this eternal purgatory, I’m lost.’
I hadn’t realized I had forgotten to actually sing the words until my producer looked over at me expectantly. I shook my head, huffing out an exasperated sigh.
“Shit, sorry, take it from… take it from the chorus again, please?” My voice cut through the noise – or tried to, at least. 
The beat started over again, a few measures behind where I needed to be.
“Guitar wails like a distant scream…” I attempted once more. “Drift through the hours, like a lost– fuck, I fucked it up.”
The collective revelry around me was a wall – it fucked me up. I could feel a headache coming on.
“Can we pipe down a bit?” I groaned, massaging my temples. My ears began to ring a bit, growing louder with every passing second that the chatter continued. “Guys, shut the hell up.”
My pleas fell on deaf ears. The ringing persisted, drowning out everything else in the room. 
“Yuki,” I directed at her, a little louder now. She seemed to have been leading the conversation. “Yuki, please.”
No one ever listens.
And they didn’t. They weren’t fucking listening. I tried to make eye contact with her, but I couldn’t seem to make out her face from the rest. The room was blurry, moving side to side, hazy around the edges. I held my forehead, groaning quietly.
They were so fucking loud.
No one ever listens.
Downing the rest of my bourbon in one go, I – in a fit of frustration – hurled the glass against the wall above the couch where my friends were comfortably seated. It shattered, sending shockwaves through the room as stunned silence replaced the previous chaos.
“Yuki,” I mumbled, swaying slightly on my feet. “Shut the fuck up. I’m trying to.. Try’na fuckin’...”
“Choso,” She began quietly, her mouth slightly agape. Had she always had a twin sister, or was I dreaming? “Your… your nose– are you okay?”
I put a hand up to my nose, feeling around for anything out of the ordinary. My fingers were red when I brought them back, painted with a viscous crimson fluid. Another fell from my nostril onto the pale skin of my wrist. 
My nose is bleeding.
I wiped my nose, waving them off. “I’m fine,” I slurred – I wasn’t, least I don’t think I was, but the show must go on, or some shit like that. “Can we just… keep going, please?”
A thick, heavy silence enveloped the studio. With all of them finally keeping their mouths shut, I could hear myself think again. The ringing in my ears began to subside, and I, looking over my shoulder at Chuck– Chris, whatever the fuck– demanded, “Play that shit again.”
He swallowed nervously, clearly caught off guard by my outburst. Still, he pressed a button or two, and the song started all over again.
Drift through the hours like a ghost,
In this eternal purgatory, I’m lost.
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a/n: hiiii! I hate the way this was written, but I always hate my first chaps hehe. NEXT ONE WILL BE SM BETTER I SWEAR!! this is gonna be a long, slow burn, smutty ass fanfic (loosely [very loosely] based on the show 'the idol'). and by based on ofc I mean I watched an ep and I was like damn I could make this better. Enter our beloved emo boy choso kamo. anyway!! comment your thoughts/wishes/etc!! I love an interactive community of loyal commenters and I loveee reading all of ur thoughts and lovely remarks!! keep them coming, and ill keep the chapters coming in retribution! love you bunches!
comments + reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
credits: @/2OARIN on twitter (cover art). If you know the other artist, please let me know, so I can credit them properly for their work! I obviously do not own jjk or anything related to it. please do not reproduce, copy, or translate my works anywhere. dont fk w me im a bruja.
taglist: @missphanosaur18 , @bontensbabygirl, @megumissunshine, @chocoyanchan, @littlelovebug98, @lucisimpongod, @xochyw, @jaegerstan222 , @electro-supremacy, @mellytheteddy, @clover0310 , @soraya-daydreams, @priussy, @insanehumantinker, @staygoldsquatchling02, @nonksity, @hinata7346, @chososwhoresblog, @ynjimenez , @soraya-daydreams , @nonksity , @hinata7346 , @armani78 , @mindurownbussines , @sad-darksoul , @sasuke-slut , @yuunie135 , @bratkuna , @aydene , @mshope16 , @pretentiousteentrash , @galactict3a , @kokos-property , @moonriseoverkyoto , @lyn-soso , @arilostie , @violetmatcha , @markleeisdabestdrug , @erensdior , @hp-simp505 , @fushiguro-kyuuuuuu , @bontensbabygirl , @switch-godess , @honey-yuh , @ddotsie
wanna join the taglist? | smoke and mirrors; chapter index
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jihyoruri · 1 year
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❨ .˳⁺⁎˚ ﹏ ꒰ఎ ★ ໒꒱ ﹋ ˚⁎⁺˳ . ❩˖ . the playgirl.
#✿! . . . group!- ive ( starship).
#✿! . . . birthday!- n/a.n/a.2002
#✿! . . .height!- 5’7
#✿! . . . mtbi!- INTP
#✿! . . . relationship status!- single | exs!- yuna, haewon, isa, winter
#✿! . . . family!- mom, step dad, little sister(nwjns!yn)
#✿! . . . traits!- insensitive, a tease, chill, quiet, confident, emotionally unstable
#✿! . . . close friends!- aeri (giselle-aespa), somi (soloist), keehoe(p1harmoney) , yunjin (lesserafim), soyeon (gidle)
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#✿! . . . brand endorsements!- vivienne westwood, calvin klein, nike, chromehearts, soju commercial spokesperson, tiffany&co
#✿! . . . fav artists!- chase atlantic, frank ocean, DPR LIVE, arctic monkeys, eyedress, mac demarco
#✿! . . . songs that describe her!- heartless (the weekend), heartbeat (childish gambino), mind games (sickick), daddy issues (the neighborhood), high enough (k.flay), slow down (chase atlantic), house of balloons (the weekend), nervous (the neighborhood)
#✿! . . . fav movies!- scott pilgrim vs the world, superbad, kickass, 21 jump street
#✿! . . . biggest dream!- have someone tattoo her name on their forehead
#✿! . . . most cherished possessions!- her star ring, her dirty vans that people all through her life have drawn on, her old walkman that used to be her step dads
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skylinx2o · 15 days
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✸ • *. ° · ° • .°• ✯✯ ★ * ° °· . • °★ •
Pebble sat down as his desk, the brush leaving soft strokes on the paper underneath it. The young dragon looked at the green ink, something Nezha got for him after he said that the black one was boring. Pebble smiled slightly.
He looked at the window, getting distracted from his homework by thoughts.
Pebble was supposedly to grow up into a powerful dragon. But he didn't feel like it. Well, certainly others besides Nezha didn't make him feel like it. Celestial realm seemed to be so full of contradictions. On one hand they act cautious around him because of his supposed powers, on the other they treat him as a literal infant. Sure, he wasn't 10000 something years old, but he was ten not two, at least make a distinction there.
His eyes darted to his crutches laying nearby. Oh, right... also that. He heard Li Jing's... unsavoury words about him. He argued with Nezha a lot these days... Something about Nezha being too soft on the dragon, and that they should push him to do more. Pebble understood that, to some degree. But maybe going against what the doctors say isn't a good idea?
The Lotus Pond Dragon, unable to walk because his egg was damaged... Sure, Pebble wasn't happy about this either! He wished he could do more! But not at the cost of possibly making things worse... And well, due to his powers being unstable yet still, there's no chance of fixing him with magic. He had to work what he had.
...... But... ...Was he doing enough? He looked back at the paper, quickly going back to work. He wanted to make Nezha proud. He can prove himself. The celestials will see, In due time... He's already very smart, smarter than average for his age. And he was proud of that... Nezha was proud...
He smiled, glancing out the window again, admiring the clear sky and listening to the birds, before going back to writing.
Suddenly, he heard... um, was that a knock? Or more like a bang at the door? Pebble frowned before grabbing his crutches and coming over to the door, carefully turning the handle and...
Nezha falls through the door, falling on the floor. The young Lotus Pond Dragon gasps in fear and shock, looking at the battered Nezha wide-eyed. He didn't have much time to think before something grabbed him-
''There you are, young one. Now I can finally take back what they took from me...''
Pebble's world stopped, his heart thundering in his ears, his breath shaky. What was going to happen now? This was bad. Very, very, very BAD.
✸ • *. ° · ° • .°• ✯✯ ★ * ° °· . • °★ •
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Just a short Pebble story to tease some stuff :p [Froggy divider found on pinterest, it's not mine but looked cute]
Vote me boy! :3 👍
@lmk-oc-competition propaganda ✨
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artebris · 4 months
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Stars and Thoughts
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Hogwarts Legacy Characters Zodiac
(Just some thoughts about main student Characters signs, as I know the Zodiac from experience speaking to people around, with any offenses to others <3)
MC: Virgo ♍️
My MC character is a Virgo, close to Libra. Collected, clear, stable Earth sign. They are loyal, ambitious, sometimes even sarcastic and toxic, hard to reassure or change their mind. But closeness to Libra balances out excessive persistence and harshness. Good and talented learner, loyal friend, cleaning maniac, order fanatic with calm but tough character.
Ominis Gaunt: Scorpio ♏️
Ominis is a classic early Scorpio, born in the end of October/beginning of November, from 25.10 to 10.11 to my taste. He is also close to Libra, which makes him a smooth Scorpio. Mysterious, with unique appearance, sarcastic, with amazing humor sense, calm, not very talkative, attentive, strict and just. You are afraid to come close and speak to them, thinking they would sting you hard, they seem too dangerous to approach to… But if you are brave enough, you shall know how kind their heart is and how vulnerable they are inside. Their sting is only a mean to protect their gentle soul.
Sebastian Sallow: Leo ♌️
Early, July Leo, very close to Cancer. Still emotional and vulnerable as a Cancer, but already self-lover and arrogant as a Leo. Thinks he is a center of the Universe and the world is spinning around him, yet, when the truth hits hard, he can break into open and uncontrollable emotions mixed in Water and Fire. Stylish. Self-confident. Claims a crown, world and wealth before he earns it, ambitious, charismatic, energetic, chaotic, unstable and warm. Can be an arrogant king and a crying baby, sometimes at the same time.
Garreth Weasley: Aquarius ♒️
Typical, absolute Aquarius. Born somewhere in the middle of February. Absolutely on their mind, full of new ideas. Creative rebels, going against the system, having their own thoughts about everyone and everything. Calm until they have a new absurd idea, inspired, stubborn, experimental. Fails don’t scare them, they are ready to try again, again, again and again, creating their own worlds. Can be a pain in the ass, never give too much attention to safety, they are never bored and people around are never bored both them. In both good and bad sense.
Natsai Onai: Capricorn ♑️
The beginning or the middle of January. Stable. Serious. Kind. Calm and just, emotionally conscious, aware, you can always rely on them. They are prudent and smart, do not give up in difficult situations and always try to solve the problem. If they have something in mind, they will see it through to the end, sacrificing themselves with a straight smiling face. Talented and stubborn in their studies, careful, diligent, decent, logical and hell of hard working.
Amit Thakkar: Gemini ♊️
June ending, the closeness to Cancer makes him a mumbling talkative and emotional baby. You cannot ever shut them up, but you don’t really want it. Curious, wondrous, greedy learners and readers, dreamers, open mind, but unable to step much outside the box. They are scared of something that is more than written in their book, but they know the subject perfectly. They need a huge amount of time to recover from stress and an ear that is ready to listen about their horrible adventure, slowly turning into a scientific monologue.
Poppy Sweeting: Aries ♈️
Born in the middle of April or end of it, closer to Taurus. Stubborn and focused. They look quite innocent and casual, but are capable to be extremely surprising anyone with their zeal to achieve their goal. They have a sharp look and a brave, kind, loyal heart. Can be absolutely crazy and reckless in a good sense of those words, being a complete angel outside. Being close to Taurus also makes them loyal and grounded, calm, but still stubborn and burning with idea they have in mind.
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gyubaseone · 1 year
seok matthew. one call away
❛ i just wanna be with you. ❜
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pairing — seok matthew x f!reader
genre — angst with fluff at the end !
synopsis — even if it feels like the world is crashing down, matthew will always be there.
warnings — none i think.. lmk if there is anything ! third person pov, not proofread.
word count — 946
notes — literally stuck in my parents room because the ac isnt working and it ruined my train of thought 😭 TRYING TO WRITE NOW I SWEAR. also new format.. how are we liking it ?? + i wrote this at 3 am.. probably alot of mistakes which i will fix in the morning 🫠
★ ( please fill out this form to be on my taglist ) ❕
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y/n's whole life had been falling apart ever since she stepped foot outside of her shared apartment with her boyfriend, seok matthew, hours ago.
if being stuck in traffic and waking up late wasn't enough for her, y/n's boss had fired her earlier that day as well.
it had been for multiple reasons; the company being overstaffed and the work was slow but her being late that day just threw her boss over the edge he was barely hanging onto.
normally y/n wouldn't feel so overwhelmed, but with the recent closing of her lease and sharing an apartment with her boyfriend, she's been very stressed to say the least.
her being financially unstable after just moving in with her boyfriend was her biggest worry. y/n's second worry was breaking the news to matthew and seeing the disappointment on his face.
what if he broke up with her then and there? what if he left her on the streets to rot? what would she do without him?
matthew was like her sun. he was always there for her and cheered her up at her worst moments. even the times where she insisted that she was fine and just wanted to be alone, he could read her like a book and know just how she felt.
it was ironic. the only person who understood her complex emotions was the person she was trying to avoid at that moment.
y/n found herself at a beach minutes away from their apartment complex, not daring to enter the place where she knew matthew would be. that was the last thing she wanted to do at that moment.
she just wanted to sort out her thoughts alone, sitting on the gravely sand. there was just this feeling inside of her that craved the comfort of matthew and his warm hugs, but y/n knew she would just burst into tears the moment he appeared in front of her.
"what's got you so deep in thought?" a voice spoke softly, sitting down besides her.
y/n could recognize that voice from a mile away. even without her facing him, she knew it was matthew. no one had that soothing, relaxed voice as sweet as his.
"how'd you know i was here?" y/n asked, not turning her head to face him just yet, trying her best to not break down in a matter of seconds.
"you always come here when you feel down," matthew answered, basking in the rays of lights beaming on him. "i figured something was up when you didn't respond to my million texts."
"just needed some time to think," y/n remarked, looking down at her hands as she played with them to distract herself.
as moments of silence passed by, she felt matthew's warm hand press against her cold cheek to lift her head up and face him. once her eyes met his, y/n couldn't help but shed a few tears while he smiled at her.
"what's wrong sweetheart? you know you can tell me anything right, hm?" he comforted, using his thumb to wipe her tears away before stroking her hair behind her ear.
"we don't have to talke either," matthew assured, pulling her closer to lean on his shoulder, "we can just stay like this if you want to."
he pulled away from y/n for a moment, admiring her face with a smile on his before leaning in to press a kiss on her forehead then leading down to her nose before pressing a short kiss on her lips.
"i love you, okay?" matthew rubbed his hand against her head, giving her an endearing look like he always did before pulling her back into a hug.
"i got fired from my job," y/n admitted, nuzzling her head closer to matthew's neck to stop the tears from flowing down her face.
"that's their lost then," matthew said with a slight frown on his face, his brows knit together. "how can they let go of someone amazing like you?"
"we can get through it, i promise," he asserted confidently, pulling y/n closer to him as if she couldn't get any closer, "maybe we can go on a vacation too.. just the two of us, away from everything for a bit."
"matt, you have a job," y/n pulled away from him with a slight smile on her face, feeling slightly better after her boyfriend's comforting efforts.
"i have sick days i can use," matthew replied, putting his hands on y/n's cheeks to squish them together, "i just wanna be with you. i don't care about anything else."
"and if you ever feel like this again, don't be scared to talk to me," matthew leaned closer to her face, admiring y/n's beauty for a moment.
"i'm only one call away," he smiled, leaning in for another short kiss on y/n's lips before pulling away only to lean in once again. "i just can't get enough of you."
"oh shut up," y/n pushed him away playfully, attempting to cover her rosy cheeks.
"what, i can't love my girlfriend?" matthew frowned cutely, supressing a kiss onto her cheek before swiftly moving to her nose; ending up kissing every inch of her face.
"stop, it tickles!" y/n laughed out, her hands scattering in an attempt to push matthew away brefore eventually giving up.
"i love you, matthew," y/n muttered, looking into his shimmering eyes for a moment before looking towards the sunrise.
"i love you too, y/n," matthew responded, pressing another kiss onto her cheek while his arms wrapped around her waist to pull her closer.
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© gyubaseone — please refrain from copying, translating, reposting or claiming my work as your own.
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fishhawish · 10 months
Hi!, this is my first request in here, so im sorry if I make you uncomfortable, and sorry for my bad englinsh is not my native lenguaje.
So i May ask for a kokichi yandere x fem reader headcannons?
Thank you very much, and like i say earlier sorry if I make you uncomfortable, have a good day! :D
Ofc you can! Tysm for being patience I am currently unwell so I will respond slowly. And dw English isn't my first language either so��
Obsessive Yandere!Kokichi x fem reader
**WARNINGS READ**: obsessive and unhealthy behaviors, warnings of changing ones self for another, mentions of harming others. mentions of self harm and suicide
!!this is NOT healthy by any means and if one genuinely feels this way please get them help. /SRS Proceed with caution.!!
Fem reader
Yandere kokichi head cannons :3
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˚₊‧꒰ა ♱ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Kokichi who'd study the guys you'd hang out with or show interest in to be just like them
Kokichi who'd change everything about himself for you
Kokichi who'd give you little snacks and gifts anonymously
Kokichi who'd beg for even a small chance to breathe the same air as you
Kokichi who'd take pictures of you to study and figure out what you like
Kokichi who's jealousy is borderline dangerous
Kokichi who'd hurt himself just to get your attention
Kokichi who'd kill himself if you didn't like him or rejected him at all.
Kokichi who'd tease and pretend to target you during trials to see you get upset and pay attention to him
Kokichi who'd stay strong and not murder anyone just for you
Kokichi who's extra cautious and specifically protects you
Kokichi who would take the blame for a murder you did if you where caught
Kokichi who'd do anything to set you free from that horrid game
Kokichi who'd kill if you where fond of anyone else in the game
Kokichi who'd threaten people to stay away from you for your saftey
Kokichi who'd do anything just to be your type even if it hurts him.
Kokichi who's just happy everything wasn't real and that you're safe
Kokichi who's unhealthy habits from pre and in game carried over
Kokichi who's too mentally unstable to date but still tries to get with you
Kokichi who actually kidnapped someone in post game just because they thought of hurting you
Kokichi who is determined to make you only trust him
Kokichi who is dedicated to protecting you from the world
Kokichi who isolated you from everyone you loved.
Kokichi who'd murder for you in real life now.
The end!
Reposts and likes are appreciated
Reqs open slow response I am currently unwell!
⋆。°✩ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊✩₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ✩°。⋆
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
。・゚゚・   ・゚゚・。
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thighsoverlives · 1 year
Savior - 1/?
⋆ relationship ⋆
John Price x F!reader
⋆ summary ⋆
Your deadbeat boyfriend up and leaves you, turning your world upside-down. After a mishap at the local liquor store, an older man with a mysterious background takes interest in you.
⋆ notes ⋆
found this in my docs lol. its like 4 months old but i decided to finish this part of it (where is this motivation coming from??). hopefully it turns into something half decent but god knows because i have no idea where i want to take this. soo.. enjoy lol.
⋆ warnings ⋆
implied/referenced harassment (very brief)
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
hope you enjoy! (●'◡'●)
Part One : Bad Decisions
Your hands are trembling as you angrily pull at fistfuls of hair. All of you want to do right now is feel anything but this stabbing pain. You’re drawing in unstable breaths but it still feels like you can’t breathe. Like all the oxygen in the world will not be enough because your lungs feel like they're going to collapse in on themselves. Like they’re going to explode. Your vision is blurry from all the tears you’ve been crying. You hate this feeling. Hate how the area under your eyes stings as more hot tears stream down your cheeks. You want everything to stop, stop, stop. You can’t do this right now.
Just last week your deadbeat piece of shit boyfriend had up and left you, using the excuse that he’d found someone better. That he’d been seeing that someone for a while. The insinuation that you had never ever been good enough for him in the four years that you’d wasted with that fucking piece of garbage hurt you more than you expected it to. You’d already emotionally detached from him months ago but it still hurt so much. Even though he was the absolute epitome of trash, he was still a major part of your life. He was stability in the sense that your life had been relatively the same for the past four years. Now that he was gone, what were you supposed to do with yourself? Were you just supposed to pick up the pieces that he had so haphazardly broken and discarded and put them back together? It seemed impossible. 
Your breathing was again becoming more labored. Your body physically fucking hurt. Everything hurt. You wanted things to go back to normalcy. Even if normalcy meant feeling alone with him. Even if normalcy meant suppressing your tears every time he made a backhanded comment or cruel remark. Even if normalcy meant being in the worst emotional pain you’d ever felt for the last four years. You hoped maybe he’d come knocking on your door in the dark of the night, telling you how sorry he was and how he’d treat you right this time. But this wasn’t a fairytale. He wasn’t your knight in shining armor, here to save you and take away all your pain. Hell, even thinking that he would apologize or give you anything that even resembled comfort was a fever dream. Why did you still want him to come back? You knew the promises of changing his behaviour were empty and hollow. But you wanted your normalcy back so fucking bad. Stop, stop, stop, stop. You wanted to yell at yourself for even thinking that. Fuck. He had screwed your brain up so much. Fuck, you hated him.
You wanted to scream. Wanted to break something. Wanted to punch a fucking hole in your wall. Wanted to break everything in your shitty apartment. God, you were such a fool. You’d wasted so much time on him and he was such a piece of shit. Fuck. This apartment was suffocating you. The walls felt like they were closing in, coming to crush you. You had to get out. You grabbed the nearest hoodie and pulled on your sneakers and in nothing else but shorts, you left your apartment. Liquor and Tylenol sounded like a nice combo to forget this shitty week. If you were lucky enough maybe you could forget the past four years too. 
The chilly March night air nipped at your bare skin as you pushed the lobby door open. You should have bothered to put a decent pair of pants on and you could hear your father’s voice in the back of your head saying “This is how you catch a cold,” but you pushed on. 
The streets were quiet. The sun had long since set so there weren’t many people out and about. The liquor store was only a couple blocks away but it probably wasn’t a smart idea to be going out in the first place. Your neighborhood wasn’t exactly what one would call safe. The apartment was dirt cheap, and for good reason too. This side of the city was riddled with crime and shady personnel. It was all you could afford though. It didn’t matter much either. You just wanted booze and some pain killers. The store wasn’t that far away and you’d never been hassled.
The door to the liquor store opened with resistance as the chimes hanging above announced your arrival. You went right to the cooler. It was slightly isolated from the rest of the store, the sliding doors separating it from everything else. The cold once again sent goosebumps racing up your legs as the doors slid open. You walked to the back of the cooler, in search of a six pack of Heineken. Maybe you’d get a twelve pack. You were pulled from your thoughts as three men approached you. 
One of the three stepped forward. He was wearing a baggy hoodie with grey sweatpants splattered with stains. “What’s a lovely lady like you doing out at this time of night?” His breath smelled of cigarettes and alcohol, with a pungent undertone of something you could only describe as shit. 
“Just picking up some beer,” you replied flatly. You had suddenly become aware that they were blocking your exit and a twinge of panic began to bloom.
“How ‘bout I take you back to my place. I can show you what a real party looks like.” He gave you a smile and it sent shivers up your spine. You should have never left the safety of your apartment. 
“No, it’s okay, my boyfriend is waiting for me at home.” You tried to return a smile and hoped your bluff didn’t sound too far fetched.
“C’mon, don’t be lame. This would be way more fun than going home to your boyfriend. Just come with me, yeah?”
“No, really, it’s okay-”
“I don’t think you’re getting the fucking hint.” He reached for your wrist, grabbing it tightly. The two other men that were with him took a step closer. 
Your stomach dropped. You were so fucked. 
“Do we have a problem here, gents?” A thick British accent came from behind the group of goons.
“I think you should mind your own fucking busines-” Before he could finish his sentence, he jaw was connecting with the British man’s fist. You were pulled forward for a second before you were able to release yourself from his grasp. He crumpled into a pathetic mess, blood pouring from a gash in his cheek. One of the other goons went to swing but was stopped by another man who kicked at the back of his knee and sent him sprawling to the floor like his friend. 
“I’d suggest you leave now.” The other man spoke in a low, calm tone as he bent down to look the two men in the eyes.. His voice was also thick with a British accent.
The group of men left the cooler quickly without any more protest.
“You alright?” 
Your hands were once again trembling as you stared at the little splotches of blood on the floor. You should have never left the apartment. What were you thinking? God you were such a fucking idiot. 
“Ma’am?” The voice was calm and soft as it broke you from your trance.
“Fine. Yes, I- I’m fine.” You stumbled over your words, hands still shaking uncontrollably. 
“Uhm, the name’s Gaz, and this is Price. Sorry about what happened,” he paused. “Is there anything we can do for you?” 
“N-no, it’s fine.” You felt lightheaded, like you were going to pass out any second. What the fuck just happened? Your head was spinning. 
“Did you come here by car?” The one named Price asked. Price, a funny name, a last name? It must have been a last name. Price. Like a price tag.
You might’ve been more concerned if not for your dazed state. These men were still strangers and despite the fact that they saved you, they could also be acting with ill intentions. Why was he asking if you had a car anyways? Was it so he could determine whether or not you were an easy target? Your head was spinning 
Trembling hands grasped for a case of beer. This night was just getting shittier by every passing second. You had to get out of this cooler. It was suffocating you just like your apartment was.
You pushed past the men, bumping into the older one as you left. 
“Ma’am, are you going to b-,” His voice was cut off abruptly. The younger one said something to him and the talking ceased. They were probably plotting to abduct you. You were so, so stupid. Why on Earth did you ever leave the safety of your apartment? Sure, the complex was shitty and the security wasn’t great but at least you’d be behind a locked door. 
 You tossed the case of beer onto the counter, paying little mind to the cashier.
“Everything okay? I heard a commotion in there.” He scanned the beer, eyeing you as he did.
You scoffed, not replying. It felt like the world was against you. Maybe you were confusing genuine concern for something more insidious but you could care less what he was thinking. 
The bells chimed once again as you exited the building. As you began walking towards your apartment, you saw the two men who’d beat the goons up getting into their car. A black sedan type. You were thankful it wasn’t a white van. You sighed, pulling your hood up over your head. You were so tired of this shit. 
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faelegacy · 1 year
Welcome to Ashlace: A Fae Legacy★
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★ this is a very unserious story. i don’t follow any specific rules. i just play, write, & take lots of pics!
Founder: Baelia Ashlace
Young Adult Grey Faerie Traits: Unlucky, Brooding, Animal Lover, Unstable, Loner LTW: Adopt a Unicorn All story updates here: Ashlace Legacy 🧚🏻‍♀️ View them in chronological order: Ashlace Legacy Chrono 🧚🏻‍♀️
Read (the beginning of) (the intro to) her tragic backstory (the prologue) below! 🤍
Contently isolated from the outside world, Baelia spent many of her years tucked away in a faerie house - way too many years. Very occasionally, curiosity led her to cautiously approach the tiny windows of her home. Only during daylight, of course. She'd often wither or shriek at the sight of something as mundane as a raindrop.
Every few dozen years, Baelia would find herself feeling particularly broody. She'd steal full glances through the windows, gathering in what little she could of her surroundings. No Sims built homes nearby - that was always a relief. There were always green bushes and fish splashing in a pond, though these days the sight made her head spin like a maelstrom. The trees were neverendingly enormous, and she wondered if they'd seem less impressive in her Sim form.
Baelia was young when she discovered this hideaway in Moonlight Falls. It was a restless and foggy night, and she'd gotten lost trying to find the arboretum. Magic depleted and desperate to avoid the monsters brought out by the full moon's glow, she fled into a nearby garden. It was overgrown and lush with greenery, and deep within the foliage was the little glowing faerie house. It wasn't until she was already inside that she felt something off about the garden. It gave her the creeps.
Born a Grey faerie, Baelia was cursed with terribly bad luck. It caused her to overreact to feelings of unease, rendering her fully convinced that something awful was certain to occur. From the moment she settled into the little dwelling, she found herself overwhelmed with worry about the things that could go wrong if she ventured back out on her own two feet - literally. The creepy feeling never went away, and so Baelia's fear grew, trapping her in fae form for over several Sim-generations.
In time, she came to realize the solitude didn't bother her. Instead, she felt it suited her. She looked outside less and less often, accepting her quiet life and hoping in vain that the fear would fade away. She had everything she needed to live comfortably right where she was. She would be just fine living here for the rest of her very, very long life if not for the unending, nagging sense of ominous dread that seemed to hang in the air.
Maybe Baelia needed to take a good, long look at herself in the mirror, and then out the window.
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 8 months
fifi, darling, please get checked out ASAP. i'm sorry you're dealing with this. please don't think this is the thing that ruins you.
if you are in fact pregnant, there are ways to discard the pregnancy. please be as safe as possible doing so. i know that's easier said then done in this god forsaken town, but you have people in your corner.
you'll get through this. you'll have the support of abel and robin. they love you. they want you safe and happy. you will be safe and happy, eventually. you are not your mother, your story is and will be continue to be different than hers.
your fans and followers love you and wish only the best for you.
p.s. ...please don't interact with kylar anymore after this is said and done. i know you have a big heart, but kylar just isn't worth letting in. not when he hurts you like this.
i'm not going 2 make an appt w/ dr. harper.
abel got me a few home tests in case there's any mixed results & i. haven't taken them. theyre on teh counter. im goign to,,, but i've just been soooo busy packing yk!!!! ^.^ it hink that's more umm. time sensitive aha
i don't. think we'll b staying in town anymore,,, not after this lolzzz. abel and i've blocked kylar, so it's like. idk. only a matter of time until he starts to worry or like find out what we're doing x_x i said i was going out & i'd b back but im. not. (sooner or later he'll try to check my acc and see its unavailable & he has alt accs n shit so nothing i post is safe (★‿★))
tysm for ur support it means the world <3 i've been an unstable mess all day and reading "you will be safe and happy" and "you are not your mother" kind of made me start sobbing lolz fuuuuckkkk.
if im pregnant i literally wont evr b able to look at kylar ever again im so fucking serious u dont evn have 2 worry abt that
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
How Gawain Dubhán Byrne, Gavin Ciarán Byrne, Eun-jeong Yoo, Ryuunosuke Yamamoto, Ryouta Watanabe react to a reader who has suffered a lot of abuse who distrusts people does not trust people only yanderes.
a/n: so i feel like i didn't really understand this request well! if i wrote this wrong, please send another request and clarify and id love to rewrite it for you!
as for this post, i wrote it as if the reader doesn't trust anyone other than obsessive people (aka yanderes)! hopefully that's what you meant! and, if not, like i said, my inbox is open! please clarify and id love to rewrite it for you!
english isnt my first language loool so sometimes i get stuff mixed up a lot
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warning: implied child physical and emotional abuse
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gawain dubhán byrne ★ profile
i think, first meeting you, you'd be really distrusting of him becos gawain seems just like any regular guy and gawain would be really intrigued by you becos you'd seem a lot like someone who'd need his help and his protection
it would be a lot of cat-and-mouse chasing, i think, where you don't trust gawain in the slightest but he can just sense that he needs to protect you, he just knows it and, if you let him, he'll keep you safe
this entire time he's trying to get you to trust him, he tries to still seem like a normal person (which is kind of his downfall loool but he doesn't know that)
eventually, something has to give lol and som,ething snaps probably and he probably feels forced to kidnap you and keep you in his apartment
don't you see? lovelock isn't safe! and you keep running away from him when all he wants to do is protect you from the scary world out there! it's so dangerous and you're so defenseless!
and now that the jig is up, you trust him! you can see that he's... dedicated to you, he won't hurt you. he'll keep you safe, just like he promised
once all of that is sorted, you'll probably open up to him about why you were running away from him and why you won't run away anymore
gawain didn't exactly grow up in an unstable home. in fact, his parents weren't perfect but they were always trying their best and that was honestly all gawain could ask for
so honestly speaking, that meant he didn't understand exactly what you had gone through at all
still, he'll take care of you. not before taking care of your family first. he won't tell you the details, of course, your precious ears shouldn't be tainted like that. but he'll drop a few hints
and then you won't have to worry your pretty about anything else cus he'll be here for you now!
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gavin ciarán byrne ★ profile
first meeting gavin, you might not be as cautious as you are with other people becos gavin just normally has an unhinged nature about him
but gavin has an unnaturally good talent at spotting broken people and his radar pinged when he saw you
so, when he decided that he'd take you under his wing and take care of you, that you were his darling now, that normal unhinged nature might be way more noticeable than normal
either way, he's very open about what he wants from you and what he's happy to give so i don't thing there's much of a chase here
he wants to take care of you for the rest of your life! in exchange, all he wants is to belong to you, wholly and entirely, and for you to belong to him wholly and entirely!
that's not a lot to ask for, is it?
after it's established that he's obsessed with you and unwilling to hurt you in any way, you probably open up to him and he's understandably furious
for him, his parents were pretty much perfect so he never really had any complaints about his childhood. they could be pretty strict at times but what kid never complained about that?
he didn't think that all parents were like his but to think yours hit you and scarred you that much? that your family all participated in this torture of you? it disgusted him
would totally be the type of boyfriend husband (becos that's what he is to you now, right? since the two of you are getting right to it?) to try to meet your family right away and instigate shit loool
like he shakes your dad's hand and then breaks it and then like secretly threatens them and shit
absolutely causes drama
basically he wants revenge for you in the most telenovela way possible lmaooo
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eun-jeong yoo ★ profile
it's been drilled into his head for a long time that he needs to conform to society's standards so you'd probably be super weary of him cus he'd come of as super normal
it won't be a cat-and-mouse chase like gawain becos he wouldn't wanna do anything to upset you
it would more be like you live your normal life and he just stalks you to make sure you're safe lmao
and that's how the two of you live your life forever until he either snaps and kidnaps you becos you're not taking care of yourself or you find out he's stalking you becos you find one of the cameras
once he's kidnapped you and trapped you, you realise that he's obsessed with you and that he just wants to take care of you and that he won't hurt you so you trust him now!
you'll probably explain to him why you didn't trust him before and then he'll realise
same hat? same hat!
he let go of his grudges with his family but it was a very long process for him becos the abuse he went through went on for years and years
he'd have to go thru that process again to forgive your family again lol and he's not even sure he'd want to go thru that
if you'll allow him, he'll exact revenge on your family. if you won't. he'll try to help you process your trauma the same way he processed his and the two of you can heal together! very nice and wholesome!
and he'll take care of you for the rest of your lives! he'll make sure nobody, especially your family, would be able to hurt you ever again!
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ryuunosuke yamamoto ★ profile
japanese weeb absolutely comes off as a weird obsessed stalker fan so the two of you probably hit it of pretty well almost immediately
and, if not, he's so delusional that he thinks the two of you do loool and his delusional ass convinces you of his obsession with you which turns his delusion into reality? wildt
neway, the two of you would get together pretty fast and he'd swear to love you with all of his heart and that he'd protect you with everything he has
the two of you are also same hat? same hat! becos his parents were pretty shitty with him too! except he never got over it and exacted the revenge he wanted! and now one of them was in jail and the other was scattered somewhere in the ocean somewhere!
would you like him to do that with your family? he'd love to do that with your family? anything for you, baby!
and, if that's not what you want him to do, that's fine too becos he'll do it anyway just to make sure that they'll never have anything to do with you ever again
just know that everything he does is for you because he loves you!
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ryouta watanabe ★ profile
tries to be normal at first but, if you try to run away from him because he seems too normal (so you don't trust him), he doesn't even give chase and like just kidnaps you
which, of course, confirms his obsession with you. he'll rant to you about how sorry he is, that he just wants to take care of you, that he knows how dangerous lovelock is and that he just wants to prevent the city from taking advantage of you
then, of course, you'd open up to him, and he'll realise that it's too late, that he wasn't able to stop the city from 'corrupting' you
unlike everyone on this list except ryuu you wont be able to stop him from absolutely decimating everyone who's ever hit you, insulted you or participated in abusing you
he'll ask his brother, his boss and all his coworkers to help. he'll make sure that nobody ever finds out what the hell happened to your family. they'll just become another missing person's report, another cold case, another mystery never to be solved
it's what they deserve for doing this to someone like you
and that'll solidify his dedication to you. it'll show to you how much he loves you, how much he cares for you, that he'll do anything for you
he'll burn this entire city down for you, he swears. he loves you
the two of you can live in his apartment and he'll provide for you and you can do whatever you want, as long as you follow his rules so you can stay safe, so that nothing bad ever happens to you
the two of you can life happy forever! together! just the two of you!
and your family will never bother you ever again
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awmancreeper · 1 year
ミ★Just Say You Love me </3 . 37 - Raid Shadow Legends
--★ Kai’s friends roast him for not being in a relationship since he was 12. While Y/n tries to avoid getting into a relationship every week. One day Kai spots a familiar girl hiding in a tree finding out she was hiding from her 2nd confession that week. After hearing the university’s IT girl struggles Hyuka comes up with a plan.
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!!written part!! (Written portion after text messages)
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“She didn’t love me” Hyuka said over and over again while Beomgyu looked at him concerned. “Dude you’re starting to scare me,” he told Kai who was sobbing into a pillow. Gyu stood there awkwardly, Tae and Soobin left a couple of minutes ago to go run errands and left Beomgyu in charge of their mentally unstable friend.
He’s known Kai for a long time and not once have seen him like this. Honestly, these days Soobin or Taehyun are the ones comforting Kai but seeing as they’re not here it’s up to Beomgyu to try to cheer up his friend.
“Come on Hyuka why are you crying when you can be grinding.” A plushy danced in Kai’s face as Beomgyu changed his voice “Because this video is sponsored by raid shadow legend-“Beomgyu continued but Kai’s chuckle cut him off “You’re an idiot”
Beomgyu shrugged and sat next to him “Hey whatever makes you laugh” Kai sighed remembering your laugh. This frustrated Kai whenever his friends would cheer him up something reminds him of you. He felt guilty seeing his friends try so hard but Kai would knock himself back every time.
“You know you can always talk about it” Gyu spoke breaking Kai’s train of thought. “Huh?” “Crying is good but it’s only a temporary fix,
If you don’t talk about it; it stays trapped and it’ll keep on hurting you” He explained
Kai sat up, his bed hair stood up and his hoodie was all wrinkled. “I feel embarrassed” Kai spoke
“About the whole ordeal, I told myself I was doing this to help her, nothing more but I knew
I knew I had selfish motives. I wanted her to like me as much as I like her
I thought maybe if I loved her enough she’d love me.” Kai sounded defeated
“I gave her my heart like an idiot!” Kai shouted holding his head “I begged her to say she loved me!”
“I didn’t even care if it was a lie I just wanted to hear her say it!” He cried
Kai slowly fell to the floor “Y/n please don’t do this to me,” his tears landed on the wood floors “Tell me you love me!” He cried “Please!”
“But she didn’t”
“It’s my fault I cheated!-“
“Woah you cheated?!” Beomgyu asked while Kai nodded “Dude-“ “No she had told her she’d never love me and I was drunk then met a girl named Yuna-“ Hyuka rambled
“Okay, rewind! Yuna?!” Beomgyu questioned “Yeah?” “You had sex with dance club Yuna?” Beomgyu asked feeling kinda proud of Kai “No! I didn’t I just kissed her! But I still cheated”
“Kai get a hold of yourself!” Beomgyu jumped off the bed and grabbed onto his friend. “It was a fake relationship, she didn’t love you so you didn’t cheat” he said but that didn’t make Kai feel better what so ever.
“I’m not gonna lie it’s gonna hurt but you will get through this Kai! You’re 21 your life just started just because this one girl doesn’t like you doesn’t mean it’s the end of your world! Plus YUNA found YOU attractive that’s crazy!” Beomgyu held holding onto Kai’s shoulders
“Not helping Gyu”
“You are Kai Kamal Huening and a girl half your size will NOT tear you down” Beomgyu preached loudly but Kai cried at the thought of you.
“Not the best wording,” Gyu thought “Okay listen, I see you really love this girl and the way she looks at you- even so don’t tear yourself down because of her. If it’s meant to be you’ll find each other again but meanwhile, hold your head up high because we want our cutie Huening Kai back”
Kai looked at Beomgyu and he sees his eyes glossed over “Okay” “YEAH!!!”
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Niki groaned clenching the paper bag in his hand. He hate to admit but Yeonjun was right there was no way Niki would swallow his pride to talk to them again; at least for a while. Knocking on your room door, he let himself in.
“Brought you burger like you asked!” He called out playfully. There you were surrounded by stuffed animals hidden in your thick covers. He’d realized you hadn’t moved since he tucked you in last night. “Okay stinky it’s already 3 in the afternoon, time to get up!” he put the food back down on the bedside table.
Grabbing your sheets, you begin to groan “Oh stop” he laughed ripping them off of you. You lay on your side while your Hello Kitty pjs clung onto you from all the sweat. “Ew you say you’re cold but you’re sweating like crazy”
He grabbed your arms and pulled you to sit up and of course, you fought him all the way there “Come on let’s get you clean, you smell like a middle school boys' locker room” he said and he could’ve sworn he heard you giggle but it was just his head missing your laugh.
“Since we're always in your room how about we hang out in your living room today huh?”
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ykimiya · 1 year
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𝐓𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ~~~ 𝐒𝐚𝐞 𝐈𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘚𝘢𝘦 𝘪𝘵𝘰𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘹 Reader 𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘛𝘰𝘹𝘪𝘤 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱, 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵 𝘯𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵, 𝘧𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨, break-up, 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳y: 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘱 𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥… 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘮.
Sae Itoshi, a genius playmaker and one of the best midfielders Japan has ever seen. He is beautiful beyond words and also an absolute player, there are articles and articles going on about his unstable love life. But you still couldn’t help but yearn for him. No matter how many times your friends warned you that he would break your heart, you wanted to be in his arms, to just be in his presence or more… and now you are. In fact you've date him for 2 years. So why aren’t you happy? Why don’t you feel how you thought you would? Sae was good to you (in his own way), but now you feel so beneath him. Although he might lash out sometimes its fine, he's in the world's eyes, surely he doesn't...‘Maybe I’m just overthinking it’ you thought shaking your head whilst sitting at the dinner table. You look up at the clock Sae was supposed to come home about an hour ago, He promised to come home today and eat dinner with you. He promised. ‘Where could he be’ you bit your lip hard, typing on your phone.
y/n: Honey? Where are you? 
y/n: I made your favorite dish
y/n: Come home soon please
You let your lip bleed while you waited and waited and waited… 'might as well be comfortable' you got up from the table and sat on the couch. You could wait for him.
The dinner was left cold.
About 2 hours later , you heard a ding from your phone. Half asleep you thought ‘Who would text me at this ungodly hour.’   You lifted your phone up. It was Sae. You frantically sat up.
Sae<3: why the hell are you texting me when I'm out with the team 
Sae<3: they all saw that damn text
y/n: you said that you'll come home today
Sae<3: you should know if I don’t come at the time I told you I would
Sae<3: then I’m not coming home
y/n: oh I’m sorry
Sae<3: of course you are 
Sae<3: leave me alone, I’ll probably come home tomorrow
Sae<3: if i feel like it
y/n: okay good night Sae
y/n: I love you
‘Damn, I just wanted to check up with him’ you thought, tears spilling out of your eyes. ‘Stop crying, this isn’t the first time this happened, stop it’ And indeed this isn’t the first time, you're just lucky he wasn’t face to face with you. That would've ended worse.
You head to bed, this day has been exhausting and all you want right now is to sleep. No, you shook your head, you don’t want to sleep, what you want is Sae. Sae to be next to you, to kiss you and to just engulf you in his warmth. But you aren’t stupid, you know that won't happen. Sae isn’t interested in you anymore, the signs are evident, he doesn’t look at you the way he did a year ago, he doesn’t treat you the same way he did and yet while he’s pulling away from you, you're inching closer to him. ‘No it’s okay, Sae’s an athlete and he’s busy. He just needs time to cool off. Stop overthinking it, you don’t know how much Sae had to deal with.’ you tried to convince yourself while slowly slipping off to sleep. ‘He loves you’.
𝘢/𝘯: 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦. 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘦. :>
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ebonyforged · 1 year
★ Verse: Empty throne. 10 years post-amnesia.
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𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖆 𝖋𝖊𝖜 𝖞𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖘 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊. . .
After a powerful attack at the Demon King’s very core by a force unknown, Moros is no more. His human form shrivels and turns to dust with no one around to bear witness, Limbo Demons relying on his leadership are instantly left feeling aimless and confused, and the mirror dimension is suddenly without a leader. It cries out, quickly growing unstable without something in control after such a long time. It’s unprecedented for someone’s rule over any part of it to have lasted for millennia, and so is the reality that the power vacuum left behind threatens to do irreversible damage to the thin barrier between it and the human world. For the first time, its very life is threatened, and with it the lives of every living being on Earth.
There aren't many beings, Angels, Demons, or otherwise, compatible with its existence like Moros was. When they are, they stubbornly neglect to hone this skill out of fear of it, fear created by Moros' vision of what the realm should have been.
In it desperation, it finds Ebony in its dark underbelly and pins her to the ground. She thrashes angrily and fights the grip of dark tendrils, curses the dead man's name until Limbo forces her eyed skyward. Confusion finally gives way to understanding when she sees the state of the veil, cracked and threatening to burst apart without the stability of a ruler.
While her eyes brim with tears, Limbo presents to Ebony a gold ring.
She’s not as powerful as Moros was, merely a lost Demon who remembers less of her own life than Limbo could recount to her if it wanted. But she’s there, right next to the crumbled remains of its previous ruler, and the ease with which she has always passed through the veil proves one thing: She’s compatible.
This wasn't what Ebony wanted when she ventured to Moros' core in Limbo with a Holy blade in hand. She immediately knows that she has no choice but to accept, or this desperate search for a replacement will find someone else who seeks only power.
Her hand shakes from the smouldering marks left by the blade's hilt as she holds it out to accept the ring unto her finger, where it fits perfectly. Limbo silences all at once, the Weapon now a Master herself — but she doesn’t want this title of 'Queen'. The dimension is a living thing, its reaching out to her proves it, and Ebony has no desire to manipulate something that already has a will of its own.
In truth, the thought is terrifying.
So she crumbles Moros' tower, basks in the silence for a minute or two, and goes home. No one knows what happened to the Demon King. No one but Ebony is aware that for a short moment, Limbo was reaching out to find any suitable soul who could readily take his place. Maybe no one has to know. As long as Limbo has someone to call its ruler, someone to fill the vacancy while millennia of influence and corruption slowly fade away and Limbo becomes a blank slate once more, maybe that’s enough.
Unfortunately her own friends — Demons she once thought reasonable — don't take well to being left without orders, and it would only take one look at her scarred hands for them to realize who killed their king.
                              𝕴’𝖑𝖑 𝖇𝖚𝖎𝖑𝖉 𝖆 𝖓𝖊𝖜 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊.
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thecursedprince · 2 years
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Tinker Bell Limited Edition Doll Available 2/6 Worldwide. USA at 7AM PT 🧚🏻✨ on shopDisney.com Edition Size: 5,500 -•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• -•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•- Disney's dream and magic work "Peter Pan". To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the release, a limited edition Tinker Bell doll is now available. Faithfully reproduce the world of "Peter Pan". Don't miss the beautiful and detailed costumes, such as dresses with embroidery and stones, and glittering feathers. It is made with attention to details such as the angle of the line of sight and the fingertips. Get your hands on the exciting items that you can only get now. ★The product " Gift Bag Disney Store Original " that is suitable for this product is XL size (different from the wrapping service)★ *World limited number: 5,500 points *This product is available at Shop Disney, Tokyo Disney Resort Store, and Shibuya. It will be released at the Koen-dori store. Release stores are subject to change without notice. About this product size: Box: Height approx. 47.5 x Width 27.5 x Depth 15 (cm) Body: Height approx. 43 x Width 25 x Depth 13 (cm) Materials: PVC, ABS, POM, METAL Weight: Overall: about 1.7 (kg) Target: 6 years old and over For safe use ・Be sure to read the precautions before use, and follow the instructions for safe and correct use. ・This doll is for ornamental purposes only. This product is not a toy. Not for use by children under the age of 6. ・Avoid using the product in an unstable place as it may cause it to tip over or fall. ・Please note that we are not responsible for any stains, scratches, damage, etc. that occur during use. ・For overseas imported products, we do not repair or sell individual parts when damaged. Please note. #fairy #tinkerbell #rosetta #disney #fawn #disneyparks #disneystore #disneyprincess #captainhook #disneyprincesses #zarina #peterpan #wendy #fairytale #neverland #instagood #disneylimitededitiondolls #cute #love #mermaidlagoon #disneylove #beautiful #disneymagic #disneyland #disneylife #disneyside #pixiedust #doll #disneydolls #disneydesignerdolls https://www.instagram.com/p/CoLzsk6oaRW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wickedsrest-rp · 2 years
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NAME: Nymph (Pl: Nymphs)
RARITY: ★★☆☆☆
LIFESPAN: Variable
DESCRIPTION: Nymphs are a category of fae with many subtypes, all tied to elements, biomes, plants, animals, or even musical motifs. They’re the most ancient groups of fae, and one of the most magical. Being so tied to nature, it’s not uncommon for nymphs to put their connection and bond with the environment over the lives of the people around them. Sometimes even other fae come second to their element. Most share a love for games and trickery – naturally, these “games” are often deadly or dangerous for the humans involved. Many nymphs are insular and keep close to their own kind, choosing to reject most human company. The appearance and abilities of nymphs vary widely and are related to whatever element or area that type of nymph is connected to. Generally speaking, nymphs will have obviously inhuman characteristics representative of their connection; most mask their appearance with glamours, but how effective this is depends on an individual’s level of experience. Most lack the insectile wings of their non-nymph fae relatives (wings listed under type abilities if present). 
ABILITIES: All nymphs have a deep connection with nature and may physically feel when a tree, earth, forest, ocean, or body of water is upset or unbalanced, depending on their domain or element. Through this deep connection with a specific domain, they’re able to manipulate certain parts of the world around them. This is a far more raw kind of magic than that used by spellcasters, and is driven by communication with the domain rather than brute control over it. Using this connection, nymphs can become forces of nature, controlling tidal waves, stirring up sandstorms, and ensnaring others with vines. Some may even be able to work within their domain to create illusions, such as the sound of the sea in someone’s ears or a massive swarm of bees surrounding someone. Additionally, some types of nymphs have additional abilities, such as breathing underwater, flight, and heightened senses or strength. While nymphs are most dangerous when near the part of nature they’re tied to, like other fae, their ability to bind others with words should not be underestimated. 
WEAKNESS: Nymphs are connected to life and energy itself, and the world can be an unstable place. At times, their domain or element may not have the same feelings or goals as a nymph, resulting in a lack of alignment on what the nymph requests of it. When there’s disagreement, the element will take on a life of its own should the nymph attempt to use the connection for their natural magic, causing chaos even the nymph may not appreciate. Although, that depends on how chaotic they’re feeling. 
Some nymphs lack preternatural strength and senses, meaning they can be harmed or killed using ordinary weapons and methods. Like other fae, they’re susceptible to iron, especially cold iron. Their close ties to nature can be used against them, as most types of nymphs can be harmed or killed if what they protect is destroyed. They can be especially sensitive and volatile. It’s not uncommon for nymphs to become dangerous or lethal to those who try to harm what they’re connected to or intrude on their domain. Many types of nymphs have specific weaknesses based on what they’re connected to.
The types below represent some of the better known types of nymphs, but there are nymphs tied to almost every facet of nature, as well as themes such as music, weaponry, and more. If you want to apply for a nymph not listed below, please reach out to us and we can talk through balancing their strengths and weaknesses.
NAME: Anthousa (pl: Anthousai)
NYMPH OF: Flowers and other non-tree plant-life
RARITY: ★★☆☆☆
Lifespan: 200-800 years
Universal abilities: Fast healing, make flowers bloom, communicate through flowers, pollen may have various effects, may have wings
Universal weaknesses: Fire, lack of sunlight, iron, chemicals harmful to plants
Known for their beauty and whimsy, anthousai are nymphs of flowers and other plant-life such as bushes or even moss. Like leshy, which are tree nymphs, the appearances of anthousai vary widely based on what species or types of plant the nymph is connected to. Many have flower blooms in their hair and may be surrounded by a cloud of yellow pollen, though their physiology is similar to that of other fae and not primarily plant-based. Where leshy are serious forest guardians, anthousai are playful and can be quite superficial. They cherish their connection to their domain and will strike down those who oppose them, but are not known for being rageful. Anthousai can use flowers and other plants as a means of communication, able to hear and sense whatever their domain can, and even communicate back through them; this gives them “ears” all over their forest. The pollen that they naturally exude can have varying ill side-effects on those who breathe it in or make contact. Their very presence in an area can result in magnificent blooms.
NAME: Leshy (pl: Leshy)
ALSO KNOWN AS: Lleshi, Lesovi, Lesovy, Lesun, Hejkal
RARITY: ★★★★☆
Lifespan: 800-2,000 years
Universal abilities: Plant magic, fast healing, can augment themselves by incorporating new plants into their physiology
Universal weaknesses: Fire, dehydration, iron, chemicals harmful to plants 
Leshy are an all-male species of nymph that tend to take themselves more seriously than their mischievous cousins. Though there are many types of nymphs tied to other plant life such as flowers and moss, leshy are the protectors of trees and trees alone. Their appearance may vary wildly depending on what type of trees they protect and what part of the world they sprouted in. If they are moved to a habitat unlike the one they grew up in, the leshy will default to caring for whatever species are native while still retaining the unique qualities of their progenitor tree. Their cells function using chloroplasts; leshy breathe in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, and whatever tree they grow to emulate will also dictate their dietary needs. They are incapable of reproducing sexually and not much is known about how the species proliferates, which leads to many leshy being adopted and raised by whoever first discovers them in the wild. 
NAME: Lampade (pl: Lampades)
ALSO KNOWN AS: Lampad, Nymphae avernales
NYMPH OF: Darkness
RARITY: ★★★☆☆
Lifespan: 600-800 years
Universal abilities: Merging with existing shadows to become incorporeal, madness stare, fast healing
Universal weaknesses: Iron, prolonged exposure to sunlight, bright light
In their true form, lampades are humanoids with dark, wispy appearances and long, stag-like antlers on their heads. They are beings of shadows and in mythology have often been associated with the underworld. In reality, they are protectors of the shadows and those who call the shadows home. Their ability to become shadows themselves makes them particularly dangerous to anyone or anything that is perceived as a threat to shady and dark places. Their bright, lantern-like eyes inspire madness in any non-fae that looks into them, which can present differently depending on the individual and can last varying lengths of time. This madness they induce typically turns those who would dare bring light to their shadows away. Some lampades like to say they created fear of the dark though whether this is true is unknown. Their antlers (especially the velvet they shed each autumn) are a sought-after magical component desired by spellcasters. Lampades typically grow taller with age, some even reaching a height of fifteen feet.
NAME: Mycenid (Pl: Mycenides)
NYMPH OF: Fungi, yeast, and mold
RARITY: ★★★☆☆
Lifespan: 100-200 years
Universal Abilities: Fast healing, make mushrooms thrive, communicate through mushrooms, can make fairy rings, spores may have varying effects
Universal Weaknesses: Dry environments, soft-bodied, cannot use fae word binding/geas without fairy rings, smell musty
Like mushrooms themselves, mycenides are typically found in damp and dark places, preferring to call the darkest parts of the woods or the insides of caves home. These fae have similar physiology to fungi, and are physically quite delicate, but their spores allow for other means of defense. With variation across individuals, some have spores capable of immobilizing others, some may promote decomposition or cause poisoning, and some can even exert mind control over victims. Fairy rings naturally spring up around mycenides, and they can use these rings to toy with, control, or torment humans despite not having the natural ability to bind others to their words (and indeed tend to be exceptionally mischievous). Gnomes are attracted to them and often follow them around. Mycenides can also sense and communicate through mushrooms in their surroundings. Because they're soft-bodied, it's especially important they maintain moisture, and as such they're prone to drying out and can become sick. Mycenides have a musty smell.
NAME: Nix (pl: Nixies)
ALSO KNOWN AS: Nøkk/Nøkken, Neck, Nyx, Naiad
NYMPH OF: Rivers, lakes, streams, and other bodies of freshwater
RARITY: ★★★☆☆
Lifespan: 150-200 years
Universal Abilities: Breathing under freshwater, accelerated healing while in water, agility
Universal Weaknesses: Saltwater, water separation, water pollution
Nixies are nymphs that take a great deal of pride in protecting bodies of freshwater. Most will feel drawn to a particular source such as lakes or rivers. Most commonly, they appear as a fish-like humanoid with claws and sharp teeth though they are known to take forms similar to other freshwater species like frogs or even the water itself. As nymphs, they consider the water they guard off-limits to those who decide to take a swim uninvited. Most will drown those who enter their waters and have fun while doing so. The range of their abilities is typically tied directly to their form, but all have a great degree of agility in the water. While nixies who appear more like fish have their claws and teeth, others who may appear more like frogs can pull people under with their tongues. Others may have a degree of camouflage while present in their waters. Particularly practiced nixies can manipulate their water to varying degrees depending on how in tune they are with the water itself. This can present in the way of changing currents, inducing flooding, and other forms of water elemental magic. Nixies are at their strongest when in their waters though they are not a threat to be taken lightly on land. 
NAME: Nereid (pl: Nereides)
NYMPH OF: Ocean, sea, and a variety of ocean species
RARITY: ★★☆☆☆
Lifespan: 700-1,300 years
Universal Abilities: Breathing under saltwater, strong swimmers, fast healing when in saltwater source
Universal Weaknesses: Freshwater, iron, water separation, water pollution
Like the oceans and seas themself, nereides are variable in both their appearance and abilities. These nymphs can be tied to different sea faring species, oceanic plant life, and even the water itself. What part of the ocean they’re tied to will greatly determine their strengths and weaknesses. All nereides experience a connection with the species they’re tied to while an exceptionally experienced nymph may also have a strong tie with the waters they reside in. Some larger nereides may have enhanced strength in the water while smaller nereides may be more adept with agility and illusions. Nereides as a whole are stronger when the tides are high and a bit weakened when the tides are low. This makes them particularly dangerous during a storm, adding to the risks stormy waters pose. Across the board, it seems most nereides take joy in drowning people and tipping over sea-faring vessels. Outside of their waters, nereides lack most of their supernatural abilities though they should not be underestimated. 
NAME: Oread (pl: Oreades)
ALSO KNOWN AS: Orestiad, Oreiad
NYMPH OF: Mountains and rock formations
RARITY: ★★★☆☆
Lifespan: 1,000-2,000 years
Universal Abilities: Shifting into rock formations, sensing vibrations in the earth, burrowing by becoming one with earth
Universal Weaknesses: Damage to rock form is often permanent, disoriented when not on solid ground, iron
Oreades are nymphs that are connected to various aspects of mountains themselves. These nymphs range from being guardians of entire mountain ranges, cave networks, or even plate formations. As such, oreades tend to be durable and long-lived like rocks themselves. These nymphs are particularly territorial when it comes to their range of mountains, rock formations, or cave systems. Most do not take kindly to humans or even other fae exploring the areas they protect uninvited. All oreades have some degree of connection with rocks though their abilities change with what they’re tied to. An oread connected to a system of caves may be able create the illusion of pitch black darkness or trap anyone who explores their caves by shifting the rocks that make it up. Those connected to particularly strong rocks may be able to use them as projectiles and those tied to full ranges may be able to shift the earth to a degree that they can quite literally throw people off their mountains. Their weaknesses are just as varied. Those who protect more fragile rock formations may be more prone to damage while others may experience a decrease in strength with natural erosion or disasters. 
NAME: Sylph (pl: Sylphs)
ALSO KNOWN AS: Aurai, Boreas, Sylphid
NYMPH OF: Air, skies, or winds
RARITY: ★★★★☆
Lifespan: 500-800 years
Universal Abilities: Can manipulate the wind, sending messages through the wind, and able to travel through the wind, may have wings
Universal Weaknesses: Physically weak, air pollution
Very little is known about sylphs as much like the wind they embody, they are constantly moving and flowing through the world. The howls in the wind have often been attributed to the messages they send far and wide. Their true forms tend to be very transparent and expansive as they take on qualities of the air. This allows sylphs the ability to ride the winds, which looks much like flying. In the absence of strong enough winds, they travel by foot. Most sylphs find their purpose in creating the movement needed to keep the world turning. From carrying pollen from the smallest dandelion to being the power behind a storm that brings rain to a drought, the variety of roles any given sylph takes on is varied. Given that pollution to the air weakens both themselves and their charge, sylphs often attack anyone or anything that is causing harm to the air. Vehicles are particularly loathsome to them and they often go after individuals causing air pollution in any way. On larger scales, they may be inclined to go after power plants that cause a great deal of smog. While they aim to fight this pollution, they often cannot stay in polluted cities for too long without taking on a good deal of damage themselves. Because of this, most sylphs alternate between attacking threats to the air and aiding the wind in keeping ecosystems thriving.
NAME: Entomid (pl: Entomae)
NYMPH OF: Insects
RARITY: ★★☆☆☆
Lifespan: 50-300 years
Universal Abilities: Communication with bugs they are representative of, often have wings
Universal Weaknesses: Harsh weather conditions, pesticides
Entomae are insectile nymphs with abilities as varied as the creatures they represent. While most entomae are insect-like, some may have ties to other terrestrial invertebrates. Most are stronger than they appear, often appearing smaller in stature than other nymphs. Entomae often have wings, though they aren’t always functional and may instead serve as a status symbol; functional wings may be only for certain positions within their communities, with others either only having vestigial wings, or none at all. Many entomae are strongly linked to their communities, forming aos sí with only their own species rather than intermingling with other nymph types. Entomae resembling social insects such as bees or ants have such strong connections to their community that they may be able to communicate without words, using pheromones and body language instead. Entomae can also be based on solitary insects, and many take after their counterparts where their specific abilities are concerned. Some entomae are known to possess certain qualities, such as those based on honeybees (called melissa/melissae) having a fondness for honey, while others like mantid entomae may be better known for their ability to camouflage.
NAME: Khione (pl: Khione)
ALSO KNOWN AS: Chione, Cailleach
NYMPH OF: Ice and snow
RARITY: ★★★★☆
Lifespan: 300-500 years
Universal Abilities: Manipulation of ice and snow, can cause snow or hail
Universal Weaknesses: Heat, humidity
The lucky few who have seen a khione in person have remarked that they are one of the most beautiful beings they’ve ever seen. These nymphs often take on a translucent and icy appearance that seems to shimmer in the light, much like ice or snow itself. These nymphs typically reside in places with colder weather though are known to travel throughout winter seasons and bring winter storms along with them accordingly. All khione have the ability to manipulate ice and winter weather patterns, though some are more skilled than others. Those who are not as practiced may find they lose control of the storms they brew and cause the inadvertent blizzard while others still cause these blizzards on purpose. All khione are sensitive to heat and will die if their true form melts completely. Even when glamoured, these nymphs are cold to the touch. It is believed these nymphs were once much more long-lived during the Pleistocene era. Currently, they are able to live five centuries at most and find themselves in harmful conditions more often than most other nymphs. 
NAME: Hesperide (pl: Hesperides)
ALSO KNOWN AS: Hesperus, Heliades
NYMPH OF: Sun and sunlight
RARITY: ★★★☆☆
Lifespan: 600-800 years
Universal Abilities: Blinding through light, burning touch, photokinesis, may have wings
Universal Weaknesses: Darkness, extreme cold, iron
In many ways, hesperides are the opposite of lampades. Where lampades are the shadows, hesperides are the light. Much like the sun itself, the true form of hesperides blind most. Other fae seem to be the only others who can look directly at these nymphs with no negative effects. Hesperides are typically strongest during the brightest part of the day and seem to especially thrive during the summertime. These nymphs are largely focused on bringing light and warmth to the world. This can be through sunlight itself, a variety of light sources, or even some bioluminescent insects. They are likely to attack anyone or anything that threatens their lightsource. From shade sources to fire extinguishers, Hesperides consider a variety of things threats depending on the light they protect. They may also be opposed to their lights being used in what they deem frivolous ways, most particularly finding holiday lights to be wasteful. They all have some degree of blinding people with their light, manipulating light, and burning individuals with their touch. 
While these dynamics are considered to be typical, there are many outliers based on character histories, personalities, development, and plots.
Selkies: The pelts of selkies require magic to work, and that magic comes from spellcasters and fae. It’s more “taken” than “borrowed,” and as a result fae don’t appreciate losing their abilities. Some fae have grown up being warned about those magic-thieving seals. Spellcasters and fae may overcome their differences to protect each other from this outcome – or throw each other under the bus. Nereids in particular especially dislike selkies. As selkies can be very territorial in the water and nereids consider the waters they protect their own, this naturally leads to tension between the two species.
Banshees: Because of their ability to predict death, some fae communities have a special reverence for banshees, even if most don't buy into the whole "fate" thing banshees always go on about. Others may think banshees are simply batshit. Two things can be true. Banshees tend to view other fae as equals and allies, but even so, remain secretive about their ways.
Spellcasters: Some fae may look down on magic cast by humans and deem it as unworthy and lesser than fae magic. Nymphs especially find elemental casters distasteful. Because of this, some spellcasters may find fae insufferable. Others may be more interested in learning about the other’s magic and improving their understanding. There is an upside for those who have trouble with glamours: fae who have trouble fully concealing their non-human form may form relationships with casters who can help them.
Hunters: While relationships between fae and wardens are almost always violent, some slayers have forged alliances with fae in order to take down bigger groups of vampires. Fae are eager to stop those that seek out their blood, and slayers just want to reduce the number of vampires. Wardens and most rangers disapprove of this, and some slayers don’t know how binding these arrangements can be if they’re not careful.
Bugbears: While fae as a whole don’t have any particular dislike of bugbears, the fact that bugbears can see through their glamours may make them feel uncomfortable and exposed. It can allow for bugbears to easily identify them as fae, which makes bugbears a danger when it comes to secrecy breaching. Some bugbears don’t know how to keep a secret; others may find less scary fae utterly unremarkable and don’t spare a thought. Due to bugbears' love of honey, melissae tend to regard them with disdain. Bugbears who do come by a hive protected by a melissae may be especially drawn to their honey that’s become imbued with fae magic over time.
Kitsune: Kitsune and fae make natural allies and good company for each other. They’re long-lived and – unlike the often miserable undead – tend to be quite vivacious even in their golden years.  
Vampires: Most hesperides pity vampires as they never get to spend time in the sun. To a sun nymph, this is a fate far worse than death. Conversely, vampires tend to avoid hesperides because of the light they’re able to radiate, especially in their true forms. Nixies and nereides can get a bit territorial around a vampire who may enjoy using their lack of breathing to swim to new depths. This can cause some friction between the two. Even so, a nix or nereid may recruit a vampire to help with issues that arise in the water due to the fact they cannot drown. Nereides especially seek the help of vampires where selkies are concerned. The nereides become safe from the territorial selkies and the vampire gets a good meal. 
Zombies: Some nixies and nereides may feel kinship to zombies who drowned in their waters. Since these undead are particularly hearty, these nymphs may think the zombie is obligated to protect their waters as well. Most zombies who drowned don’t enjoy this, especially since their deaths can be a source of trauma they prefer not to relive.
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seaoftheworst · 14 days
@waxgentleman sent: ❝ W—What makes you so confident, sir? ❞ /To Crocodile (cross guild!
★*゚‘゚・The Mummy (1999)
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Crocodile turned his gaze to Mr Three ans his eyes narrowed as he focused on the man who had once followed him faithfully and said that he was going to again.
"Because the world runs on money, in countries that are unstable, where marines are more prominent... People will be more desperate, and desperate people will take desperate measures." The people would turn on the marines, especially with bounties as high as he placed on them.
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