#‘but *i* never refer to my friends by calling them hun-‘ one of my friends calls each person in our friend group ‘darling.’
skwtches · 2 years
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once again, it is indeed Chaggie Day on twitter
#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel charlie#hazbin hotel vaggie#hazbin hotel fanart#fanart#chaggie#charlie x vaggie#shipping#these two r very cute i love em#rly wish we had more of them being a couple in the pilot bc it’s rly obvious just how last minute the decision to make em girlfriends-#instead of just Besties(tm) was#‘but *i* never refer to my friends by calling them hun-‘ one of my friends calls each person in our friend group ‘darling.’#friends giving each other platonic petnames isn’t out of the ordinary. just depends on the ppl#y’all don’t have to keep defending the way they’re written in the pilot y’know. it’s already been confirmed that they weren’t supposed to -#be a couple until DURING the storyboardung process when ppl on the crew began shipping them#also don’t make me bring up the character sheets that vivzie made during production where vaggie was only referred to as charlie’s-#best friend#BUT ALL THAT ASIDE#from the looks of it they’re most likely gonna be more openly romantic in the show and i’m looking forward to that#in addition i’m hoping for more substance in their dynamic#the pilot gives em an interesting base for a relationship but i rly wanna see more of what they have in common + how they express affection-#for one another#also hoping that neither (mostly vaggie) loses characterization in favor of only being characterized by their relationship#like- i don’t see them becoming as bad as m&m where millie is barely a character in comparison to moxxie#and to be fair charlie IS the protagonist so it’s no surprise if she has more characterization than everyone else in the main cast#all in all i just hope vaggie gets enough time to shine as her own character outside of her relationship & physical capabilities#tl;dr: lemme get inside vaggie’s head goddamnit
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iamthat-iam · 7 months
"Ego", The Final Boss
Olivia (she prefers to be called Liv) has been on quite the spiritual journey for a couple of years. She was born and raised Catholic, then as a teen she decided to leave the church because it didn't resonate with her. She went through a law of attraction phase, followed by law of assumption, and finally, she found non dualism from a few Twitter and Tumblr accounts.
The message, from what she gathered, was that she needed to fully drop the ego in order to realize her true self/true nature and to experience whatever she wanted. She even read a few books where realized masters have spoken about their own personal journeys of dropping ego and how life is generally more peaceful for them now that they've done so.
Now, Liv is one with a troubled past. She would give anything to become an entirely different person with no childhood trauma, and just a happy life all around. She meditated every single day, practiced "sitting in silence", and tried her hardest to detach from her "ego."
She stopped enjoying her usual hobbies out of fear of identifying too much with the character. She would go out of her way to correct thoughts that she felt were "too related to being the person." Needless to say, her mental health began to go downhill very fast.
One of her best friends, Marcus, decided to check up on her one day through face-time. "Hey sis! How have you been?! Haven't seen you in a while."
"Hey..." Liv answered. "I'm not doing all that great to be honest."
"Yeah I figured that. That's why I reached out to you," Marcus stated. "I'm worried about you. It seems like you barely leave the house. Everytime myself or anyone else tries to make plans with you, you either cancel last minute or come up with some bogus excuse as to why you can't come out."
Liv had to laugh because everything he said was true. "So I'm guessing you didn't believe the story about my pet rabbit dying."
Marcus cackled. "GIRL. I've known you for years and not once have you ever had a pet rabbit. Stop playing."
"Okay let me tell you what's really going on with me," Liv began, "So a few months ago I found this 'spiritual practice' called Non Dualism, and the premise of it is you need to 'let go of ego' in order to realize your true nature as God, or Awareness, whatever you want to call it. Also you get to experience whatever you want."
"So this is the reason why you've stopped enjoying your usual hobbies, and why you've stopped having a social life?" Marcus inquired. "I'm going to be honest here. As your friend, I feel like I owe it to you to tell you the Truth even if it isn't what you want to hear. I don't think that this 'practice' has helped you one bit. Either you have misinterpreted the message, or these people are spreading misinformation. Never at any point should you sacrifice your mental health for the sake of 'becoming enlightened.'"
"I don't know what else to do," Liv started to cry a little. "I just want to become a different person living a life full of happiness, one without trauma and constant reminders of my horrible past. I hate being this broken person!"
"It's okay hun, I totally understand," Marcus consoled her. "I can help you. You remember my family guru right? She hates being called that, but I don't know how else to refer to her. Her name is Sage. My family has gone to her for spiritual advice and healing for years."
"Yes, I remember her! Didn't she help your mom heal her lower back pain?" Liv asked excitedly.
"She sure did. I can give you her number if you want!"
After Liv ended her face-time call with Marcus, he gave her Sage's number. She immediately reached out to her to schedule a day where they can meet up.
- -
One day, Liv arrived at a beautiful park to discover Sage already sitting on one of the benches waiting. "Hi! I don't know if you remember me, I'm Marcus' friend Liv."
"Yes! Hi Liv, it's nice to see you again," Sage reached out and gave Liv a warm hug. "Now what can I help you with?"
Liv sat down next to Sage. "Well, I discovered Non dualism a few months ago, and I'm not sure if I misunderstood the message or not, but I thought you had to let go of ego in order to realize your true nature as awareness. And after you realize this, you can experience whatever you want. So long story short, I stopped enjoying life because I thought I had to do that in order to be enlightened."
Sage hesitated for a moment, and then smiled. "Think about it this way.. if it's true that our true nature is awareness, or God, whatever label you put on it, why would you have to go through these unnecessary steps in order to 'become' it? If that's what you already are in the first place?"
Liv opened her mouth to reply, then closed it again. Maybe Sage had a point.
"Here are my thoughts. If anyone is telling you to 'drop the ego', it's bullshit," Sage chuckled. "The point of Non Dualism is realizing that you were always awareness. You were always the awareness behind everything that seems to appear. The ever-stretching, limitless silence that can take on the form of anything. The ego is just a thought. The idea that you are not already fully realized is also just a thought. In reality, there's no ego or person here to let go of. No person here who needs to become 'fully realized.' Just drop the idea that you are a limited human that has to become something, and you'll be golden."
Liv's jaw dropped to the ground. "You're telling me it was THAT SIMPLE THIS ENTIRE TIME?"
Sage laughed heartily. "Yes it is. Why do you think it took masters like Lester or Sri Nisgardatta months or YEARS to 'realize Self?' because they spent so much time trying to get rid of an ego that doesn't exist!"
Liv let out a sigh of relief. "So there really is nothing to do. I can't believe I exerted all that effort for nothing. I do have one more question, how can I experience whatever I want knowing I'm awareness? I want to be a completely different person with a different past."
"The person you think you are now, and the one you want to be are both illusions. You, as awareness, can 'choose' either one like a costume. Everytime you think about this ideal version of you, you've already experienced it," Sage grinned.
Suddenly a wave of emotions flooded through Liv, a mixture of relief and happiness. She felt the urge to give Sage a tight hug. "Thank you so much for helping me today."
"You're so welcome, sweetie."
Good for Liv, she has finally accepted her omnipotence and freedom to experience anything!
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
Mini Me
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x shy!fem!reader
Summary: After giving birth to your twin boys, Tim is upset that they look just like you. He's momentarily distracted by a visit from the godparents, Angela Lopez and one of your best friends, who Tim only refers to as soldier.
Warnings: fluff! soft Tim! a quote from The Godfather, inspired by/based on the Modern Family scene in the request
Word Count: 1.3k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
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“It’s not fair, that’s all I’m saying,” Tim insists.
You hum, tilting your forehead toward the baby in your arms.
“They’re half of me,” Tim grumbles.
“Is he still upset they look just like you?” a kind nurse asks as she enters the room.
Tim huffs, and you smile as you give her a nod. She takes the baby from your arms and moves it to the nearby crib. You watch as she looks over your new baby boy.
“You know I’m not really mad, right?” Tim whispers at your side. “To be straight with you, I’m glad they’re mini yous. I mean, I’m not thrilled that they seem to like you more, but they did just spend a lot of quality time with you, I can understand missing that.”
Lifting the shoulder closest to him, you try to hide. Your shyness evaporates when Tim puts the second baby boy in your arms.
“We do good work,” Tim says, one hand on your shoulder while he brushes a finger over the younger twins’ cheek.
“You certainly do,” the nurse answers. “How are you feeling, Mom?”
“I’m okay,” you answer softly.
“Well, let me know if that changes or if this husband of yours gets too big for his britches.”
“I would never,” Tim replies, a dramatic hand raised to his chest. “She loves it when I tease her.”
“Yeah, she seems overjoyed. Press the call button if you need anything, hun.”
You smile as she leaves, purposefully avoiding meeting Tim’s eyes.
“Have my kids and immediately fall out of love with me.”
Tim’s tone lets you see his smile even though you’re looking in the opposite direction. Leaning back, you sigh when your cheek hits his arm. He’s been by your side throughout the pregnancy, but everything shifted when you went into labor. He still teases you constantly, but you’ve never seen him so happy.
“I need to take these beauties out for just a minute,” another nurse says, moving your twins into the cribs and rolling them out. “Just a quick checkup and they’ll be back. You also have some visitors; they’ll be in shortly.”
Tim thanks the nurses, taking your hand in his.
“Who’s coming?” you ask, glancing up at him.
Already looking at you, Tim smiles when he meets your eyes. “Angela and Wesley, Lucy, solider.”
“He has a name,” you point out. “And you were a soldier too.”
“I was better.”
“I, uh, I offered to let you choose both godparents,” you whisper.
“Hey, look at me,” Tim requests, brushing his fingertips over your jaw as you look up again. “I’m just teasing you. I- I’ve never been this happy, and I’m glad that you have someone like soldier to trust as the godfather.”
“Well, you can do anything, but never go against the family.”
“Nerd,” Tim jokes.
Closing your eyes, you hide again. Tim’s used to it, and his kind hand on your arm is an apology. Though you’re not sure he’s ever really been sorry.
“Are we in the right place?” Lucy asks, opening the door to your suite. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m great,” Tim answers.
“I don’t think she was talking to you,” Wesley interjects with a smile.
“Well you know it’s just emotional.”
“I’m also good,” you answer. “We have two little boys.”
“She’s happy ‘cause they look just like her,” Tim grumbles.
“Dodged a bullet,” Wesley jokes, nodding once in your direction.
“What are their names?” Lucy asks excitedly.
“We haven’t decided yet,” Tim explains. “We can’t narrow it down past three.”
“You can’t,” you correct under your breath.
“Tim, this is for you,” Lucy says, pulling a mug from her bag.
“Best dad?” Tim reads.
“Yeah, I bought it for my dad, but Tamara wouldn’t let me give it to him, said it wasn’t true or something.”
“Wow. Uh, thank you... I think.”
“How was your vacation, Wesley?” you ask. “Sorry Angela cut it short when I called.”
“We were happy to come back. I’m pretty sure we’d tried every restaurant in a five-mile radius of the hotel anyway.”
“Hey, everybody,” your first (and favorite) nurse calls.
“Where are the babies? I want to see them!” Lucy exclaims.
“The godparents wanted to do something; they’ll be right in.”
“This is so much worse than I thought.” Tim sighs, running a hand over his jaw.
The nurse turns the light off and presses a button on a phone, 'The Circle of Life' from The Lion King filling the room. Tim sighs again, lightly squeezing your hand.
Angela and your best friend, whom Tim (lovingly) calls soldier, enter in matching robes, each carrying a baby.
“I love this!” Lucy whispers, clapping her hands over her chest.
Stopping at the end of your bed, Angela and soldier wait for the nurse to turn on a flashlight to hold the babies up, imitating the scene when Simba is lifted over the rock.
“Where did they get the matching robes?” Wesley asks.
“They’re so beautiful,” Lucy gushes, rushing to Angela to meet the babies.
Tim’s hand moves to your shoulder when he sees your tears. You never imagined being this happy and lucky to have friends and family who care about you and treat your children as their own. Leaning your cheek on Tim’s hand, you smile as you watch Lucy and Wesley take your sons.
“Your dad is probably gonna buy you dog beds, but I’ll be the best aunt you could dream of,” Lucy tells the older twin.
“I can hear you, boot,” Tim calls, not moving away from you.
“You’re next, huh?” Angela asks Lucy.
“Oh, no, please don’t,” Lucy begs.
“Soldier,” Tim greets, shaking his hand before walking from you to hug Angela.
“Thank you for coming,” you tell him.
“Of course. Nothing I wouldn’t do for my best friend and her babies, and the guy that helped make them.”
You chuckle at him, offering your hand. “Where did you get the robes?”
“Oh, that wasn’t me. Angela had them made when you asked us to be the godparents; been carrying them around since then.”
Glancing at Angela, she doesn’t look away from the baby in her arms to say, “Hey, it pays to be prepared. Lucy’s just lucky I’m not in the same realm as her, she wouldn’t stand a chance if I was an aunt, too.”
“That’s not fair,” Lucy accuses.
“And labeling yourself as an aunt to my kids is?” Tim asks.
“I didn’t label myself, it’s basic relations. You tolerate me, which is practically an acknowledgement that I’m family.”
“I- why do I even bother?” Tim asks himself.
“No one knows,” Angela and Lucy answer together.
“You’re going to let them talk to the father of your children like this?” Tim pouts as he looks at you.
“Man, you’re begging for me to get in on this,” soldier adds, shaking his head. “There’s a reason they’re already mama’s boys.”
“Don’t start with me, soldier.”
“You do know I’m going to be around more because I’m the godfather, right?”
Tim points at you before you can quote the movie again. After Lucy trades babies with Wesley and Angela moves to talk to the one in Wesley’s arms, Tim returns to your side.
“I think you’re right about the names,” Tim admits as he holds your hand between his.
“Yeah, about that…” Wesley begins.
“This is ‘Boot’ because he’s a kicker, and this is ‘Tiny Tim’ because he grumbles like you,” Lucy explains, pointing to the twins as she gives them nicknames.
“You nicknamed my kids after the term for rookies and a sick kid? You’re a terrible aunt,” Tim replies.
“Tim,” you warn quietly.
Everyone silences, looking between you and Tim with wide eyes.
“Sorry,” Tim says (reluctantly and begrudgingly).
“She’s right, though, he acts just like you,” you tell Tim, kissing his knuckles quickly.
“Can you survive two of me?” Tim asks.
“As long as you don’t tease both versions of me.”
Angela, Lucy, Wesley, and soldier talk to your babies, and you look on with a smile. Tim was right: you did good work.
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callmelola111 · 10 months
K.O. ♡ e.w. oneshot
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 ✄ - - - -   inspo track   - - - -   bull believer- wednesday
synopsis: as hours, minutes, and seconds count down till the new year, secrets are revealed and trust is broken. who knew the downfall of your life could be so freeing—and that a total stranger would be the one to catch you.
      | 𓆣 | pairing & wc: ellie williams x reader. wc: 4.8k
      | ❀ | cw: 18+ themes (MDNI), modern au, reader is in a toxic relationship with a man (sexuality isn’t mentioned in huge detail so feel free to hc however you like—they could be bi, pan or just a lesbian with very real comp het), coming out scene (refers to self as “gay”), heavy swearing, descriptions of intense violence + gore, cheating (bf on reader), underage drinking + use of marjuana (18), reader is called a slur (dyke)
a/n: hi hellooo, long time no see! **first, a quick disclaimer: this isn't realistic, there is a complete lack of morals and an unethical/dangerous amount of violence that i wouldn't condone irl. but alas this is fan fiction based off a M rated game whose whole basis is violence, sooo plz keep that in mind when reading.** anywaysss... i’ve been obsessed with this song for months now and it sparked a little oneshot idea so here it is. not exactly my usual stuff, more of a passion project as i process my hatred for men as a lesbian who used to date them. soooo i guess this one goes out to my small town comp het girlies who love ellie williams. thanks for all the support!! ♡~ lola
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In the south it never really felt like a true winter. All the holidays that came along with it never felt real either. Christmas was dull and New Years was even worse. After spending the last 18 years of your life in a small hick town, it felt like no use to wish for some “better future”. You were damned from the start. Sure it was a new year, but it was the same old shit and you knew nothing was gonna change until you got out of this hell hole.
Just 6 more months of pretending, you’d tell yourself. 6 more months of bending over backwards to please your overbearing parents. 6 more months of mediocre sex with your shitty boyfriend that you weren’t even sure you liked. 6 more months of artificial conversations with your estranged friend group from middle school who claim to “not get you” anymore. But at this point, as every little thing ate away at you, you weren’t sure if you could keep up your act for much longer. Especially tonight, where you’d be faced with the challenge of appeasing all 3. 
December 31st, 9:00pm:
Adorned in a matching set of mint green pjs you sat patiently on your bed waiting for the go-ahead. Like clockwork, your parents gave a small knock and pushed open your door from its cracked position. It always annoyed you how they knocked, pretending to respect your privacy while simultaneously enforcing a “no closed doors” rule. You thought at 18 they would’ve let it go, but no. 
“Well hun, me and your mother are heading out now. We don’t expect to be back till the morning… Ya know, just to be safe while taking part in all the ‘festivities’.” Your dad chuckled, throwing up some air quotes. Your mom stood deadpan waiting for him to wrap up his little bit before butting in.
“No plans for the evening, right?” She phrased her words like a question but you knew this was just her way of subtleing enforcing the stupid rules you’ve followed your whole life.
“Of course not momma. Probably just gonna watch Gilmore Girls reruns and then go to sleep before any fireworks start up.” You gestured to your pjs but your perfectly made bed said otherwise. See, you knew this little routine like the back of your hand. You knew just what to do and just what to say in order to lure your parents into a false sense of security. While they stood in the frame of your door wishing you a goodnight, your party clothes hung on the other side of it, just out of their view.
December 31st, 9:30pm:
A loud honking blared from just outside your bedroom window. You ushered the sheer curtains open and glared out at the little sedan sputtering in your driveway. Your hands ran down your face followed by a big sigh. It’s not like you didn’t know your boyfriend Jax was coming to pick you up for the new years party that night, you had planned it just days before. But unbeknownst to him, the only reason you reached out was because you didn’t have a ride and tonight was one of the few times your parents wouldn’t be around to police curfew. 
You climbed into the passenger seat already cringing at the unidentifiable smell and litters of trash covering the floor. Forcing a smile to your face you greet the grimey boy sitting at the wheel with a wave.
“Come onnnn, not even a kiss? You must be real happy to see me, huh?” You grit your teeth, squeeze both eye’s shut, and lean in for a peck to appease his complaints. 
“Of course I’m happy to see you babe.” This was a lie. Something you had become quite good at these past few years, even lying to yourself at times. The rest of the car ride was silent, leaving you to ponder this drudgery of a relationship. You weren’t quite sure when things shifted or if there was ever an attraction at all, but after a year together and college approaching you just decided to ride it out until the inevitable. And part of you recognized the same in him, so there was never any guilt about it. 
December 31st, 9:45pm:
Alcohol was the first thing on your mind as soon as the car went into park. The door to the house was propped wide open, inviting in teens of the small town. Some top 10 hit boomed from a speaker nested in the main living area, not really your style—at least not sober. You scavenged the kitchen for a clean solo cup to designate as your own and began the journey to drunkenness. Jax followed in suit with a couple bottles of beer. The harsh burn in your throat lingered but the alcohol's effect was already beginning to take off the edge that was your life.
You attempted to initiate some conversation with the man who had brought you here but he was too busy texting to listen. So consumed with the glow of his screen, you couldn’t help but peek to see what was so interesting. As soon as you got a glimpse you wished you had been less nosey. His attention was not being stolen by a dumb Instagram reels, but actually, a long string of texts with a girl whose name you didn’t recognize. Your stomach pinged at his possible infidelity. Partly because he was your boyfriend but mostly because you’d spent months convincing yourself to like him, to stay with him, to be a good girlfriend—and he could care less. All this work and effort on your part was simply discarded with his unloyal behavior. It was all for nothing. But hey, maybe you were just drawing conclusions. It could just be a friend. Right?
December 31st, 10:15pm:
Jax had finally shifted his attention back to you before his screen lit up again causing you to retaliate in irritation. You swiped up the cracked device before he had the chance and began to scroll.
“Can’t you just silence it? What is soooo fucking importan-.” Your voice caught at the sight of flirty messages littering the screen.
“Are-are you fucking cheating on me?” You instantly questioned.
“Bro no! Give me my fucking phone back!”
“Who the fuck are you texting then? ‘Mary Jane’,” you spouted in a mocking tone, “no way is that someone's real name. You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
“It’s a joke between me and my cousin. Now would you chill?”
“Your cousin?? You call your cousin baby?? I mean, I knew this town was full of hicks but I didn’t know y’all were those kinds of hicks.” The alcohol was giving you a little too much courage as your taunting waded into dangerous territory.
“The fuck did you just say? Don’t fucking test me! Can’t even handle a couple shots without getting all crazy on me!!”
“Crazy?? I’m being fucking reasonable. Literally any other person would be bothered by this just as much as me.”
“You know what, just fuck off. We can talk when you stop being such a delusional bitch.” He then disappeared into the living room, landing onto the couch, leaving you alone with your anger. 
December 31st, 10:30pm:
You stood idle, bubbling over with emotion, eye’s filling with tears when a wet sensation hit your upper lip. Its flow grew stronger and began to trickle onto your hands where your gaze was locked. Deep red stained your palms- a random nosebleed. It was like a sign from the universe. A sign that you weren’t crazy. In fact, you might be one of the only sane people in this whole damn town. Stuck in your reverie, blood continued to drip on your hands, your shirt, your lips- everywhere. That is until a kind eyed girl slipped you a dish towel to stop the flow. 
“Uh hey, your nose is bleeding.” You snapped your head up finally acknowledging the moment in full.
“Shit thanks, sorry…” Your face went hot realizing how long you had been just standing still, letting the blood fall where it may. The heat doubled, spreading to your ears when you finally acknowledged the person who had witnessed the whole thing. Ellie Williams. You had never formally met but knew of her existence, as she had kind of a reputation around school. There wasn’t anything inherently bad about her (at least in your opinion), she just didn’t fit the mold of most residents in your town. Therefore, she was a target for people's prejudices, especially being the only out lesbian in your senior class. Despite everyone else’s thoughts, you really admired her. You wished you had that type of courage.
“It’s no problem…” the auburn haired girl glanced down deciding what to say next before lifting her gaze back up to you. “Not to be nosey, I know you don’t really know me, but like… are you okay?”
Head tilted back, you gave a nasally reply, “Oh me? Yeah, yeah uh- I’m okay” 
“No offense but uh, you don’t look that okay.” she gestured to your bloody everything.
“Alright so I’m not okay, you got me.” You looked down to your now crimson stained blouse and scrubbed frantically at the chiffon material trying to reprimand the damage.
“Here, here– You can just take my flannel to cover it up, I promise I don’t mind.”
“Are you sure?” Before you could say anything else, Ellie was sliding the warm garment over your shoulders and guiding you into the arm holes. It was dark blue, in a faded plaid pattern, and smelled of pine and incense. The girl was now left barren in just her white tank– and all for you.
“Yeah of course.” She then took it a step further, buttoning you up. You watched as her dexterous fingers worked up from the bottom of the shirt to the top, brushing you at each maneuver. A little jab into the plush right under your naval, a swipe past your ribs, and a tap at your collarbones. The quick, unexpected interaction left you completely flustered and you weren’t quite sure why.
“Thank you.” was all you could say. 
“Sooo… do you wanna talk about it?” At this point, Ellie was completely enamored with you from the way you handled yourself with Jax. She had this unusual feeling, a feeling like she needed to protect you. A feeling that you were different from most. Maybe you were even a little like her?
“Honestly, yeah. My friend Samara was supposed to be here tonight but I guess she decided not to show, and I’m starting to wish I didn’t either.”
“Well, if it’s worth anything, I’m glad you’re here. Come on now, follow me.” Ellie led the way to a set of stairs at the edge of the living room. You snaked right past the couch where Jax was drunkenly passed out, mumbling obscenities at his phone. Of course, he paid no mind to you. The idiot was too consumed with himself to even wonder if you were okay.
December 31st, 11:00pm:
You and the sweet girl sat on the rough carpeted step talking about everything under the sun. Ellie was the first person in a really long time who you felt you could be honest with.
“So you think he’s cheating on you?” she questions trying to clarify the few bits of dialogue she heard while watching from afar.
“I know he is. I’m not stupid.”
“I’m sure you’re not.” Ellie put her head down staring at the laces of her dirty converse. You felt so unreadable, making her unsure of how to proceed in the conversation. “So00, how do you feel about it all then?”
“I don’t know, I guess angry.” you answered with a remarkably solemn tone. 
“What about… sad?”
Like second nature, you instantly thought of a less than honest answer until Ellie’s attentive green eyes brought you back to Earth. 
“It feels like… I’m supposed to be sad, but I can’t. In a twisted, confusing way, I’m honestly kinda relieved. So fucking pissed, but relieved.” Ellie’s lids widened, this was an answer she wasn’t expecting at all–but one she was glad to hear.  
“I can’t blame you, he does kinda seem like a piece of shit.”
“And his dick is small too.” you quipped, making Ellie chuckle under her breath.
“Maybe I’m reading into things, but… it seems like you never really liked this guy in the first place.” 
You took a guilty pause before confirming, “Maybe…”
“So why haven’t you broken up with him?” Ellie was genuinely curious. She thought if it was her in the situation she definitely would’ve gotten rid of that Jax guy long, long ago. Who would wanna keep around a douche bag like that?
“Being with Jax felt convenient. He felt like my ticket to ‘normalcy’.” You put your head down in slight shame but continued the explanation. “I got so caught up in my image that I neglected how I actually felt. I was doing everything to please everyone but me.”  Ellie scooted in one inch to the left, now connecting your thighs and bringing in a sense of comfort.
“Trust me, I understand. This town is fucking ruthless.”
“God yeah, the things I’ve heard people say about you are seriously fucked up. I don’t know how you do it.” A beat of silence lingered as Ellie articulated her thoughts.
“I think… community. I mean, obviously most of the people at our school look down on me, but all it takes is one singular person to be right there with you and then things don’t feel so bad. I guess for me, I can’t imagine being anything but myself. Like completely myself.” The girl looked up from the hangnail she was picking at as she spoke and was met with your tear filled eyes. “Fuck, did I say something?”
Your hand shot up to quickly wipe away the floodgates threatening to fall, “No, no. It’s just that you’re right,” you stuttered, choking down another cry, “an-and, I wish I would've realized it sooner because these past 4 years have been like hell. I don’t wanna be the cookie cutter straight girl anymore. I just wanna be me.”
Ellie then placed a gentle hand to your knee and brought her eyes to meet your own, “And what might that be?”
“Gay. Like really fucking gay.” you said through teary-eyed laughs as Ellie joined in with her own hearty chuckle.
“Welcome to the club.” she said, sticking out a strong hand for you to shake. You grasped it tightly as her warm palm guided you up and down, her touch lingering just a little longer than the gesture itself. As you collected yourself you whipped out a small pocket mirror to touch up the smudged mascara littering your undereyes. Ellie admired in silence. She was in pure awe of your resilience, and when you were finished with your clean up, you turned back to realize what had just gone down.
“Fuck, I’m sorry for dumping all that on you considering we just met. It’s weird how things I’ve never even said out loud before can come out so easily around a stranger.”
Ellie nudges you with her shoulder, “I guess I just have that effect, huh?”
“I guess you do.” you sighed, nudging her back.
December 31st, 11:15pm:
The two of you continued your banter until a cold breeze from the back door gave Ellie a brilliant idea.
“Dare I say… you look like you need a blunt?” she said with a mischievous smirk.
“No, please. It's exactly what I need.”
Ellie then reached into the pocket of her baggy jeans, “I guess it’s your lucky day then.” she said, revealing the most perfectly wrapped blunt you’d ever seen.
“You’re actually god sent Ellie. How are we just now meeting?” The auburn-haired girl gave a small laugh before grabbing your hand and leading you to the backyard. As she pushed the white panel door open, every single ounce of weight that had been lifted off from that one singular conversation, all came crashing back down. Ellie and you weren’t the only ones who adventured outside into the brisk night air. Right on the porch stood Jax, accompanied by your “friend” Samara, who up until this point you didn’t even think was coming. The piece of shit was practically sucking her face off before the creaking sound of the back door sent them 5 feet apart.
“I knew it! I fucking knew it!” you yelled, eyes growing dark with rage. Ellie just stood and watched from the corner.
“Babe, please! I swear it’s not what you think!” Jax stumbled forward, attempting to grasp at your figure.
“Don’t you dare try and touch me! You don’t even deserve to look at me. It’s over Jax. I’m done being suffocated by your never ending bullshit!” Knuckles clenched, you continued your lashings, this time at Samara. “I-I thought we were friends. What happened to that?”
“You don’t even like him. You should be thanking me.” she spat. 
“You really don’t get it, huh? This has nothing to do with me liking Jax or not, you completely betrayed our friendship the second you started fucking him behind my back. Friends don’t fuck each other boyfriends Samara!” Before she could even respond Jax was dragging her away, flipping you off on the way inside.
“Ellie-” you squeaked, trembling in shock. 
“Come here, it’s okay love.” she whispered, parting her arms to make a safe space just for you. You collapsed into the warm cavity and relinquished the buckets of tears you had been saving for the moment someone actually gave a fuck. And Ellie did. She never let go of you even for a second as you crumbled under her.
“Jeez I’m sorry.” you said after minutes of pure silence, lifting your head to meet Ellie’s green eyes. 
“For what?”
“For being a drunk mess, crying to you about a man, and also, I think I got a little snot on your shirt.” you tried to laugh it off but you really just wanted to disappear.
Taking your face in her palms Ellie reassured you, “hey, hey no need to be sorry pretty girl. You’ve been through a lot tonight. Besides, I think I look kinda good with this huge ass wet spot in the middle of my tank top. What do you think?” You stepped back and took a look at the damage, and honestly, she was kinda right. With the white cotton material you could see right through to her toned stomach, barely missing the bottom of her breasts. 
“Fine, yes. I’m sure there’s plenty of girls who’d kill to see you in a wet shirt Ellie.”
“Lucky you then.” she said, playfully nudging your shoulder.
You couldn’t help it as the corners of your mouth turned upwards, “Yeah, I guess so.”
“There’s that smile. Soooo… blunt now?”
“Yes. Blunt.”
December 31st, 11:30pm:
And just like that, you were halfway through the chestnut wand of herbs and deep in conversation.  
“So you really haven't seen But I’m a Cheerleader?” Ellie asked, blowing out a puff of smoke with the question and passing it on.
You took the blunt from between her fingers and let it rest between your own, “No. Should I have?” 
“Definitely dude, it’s like queer classic.”
“Oh yeah?” You cocked your head at the freckled faced girl. 
“Yeah. And now that I’m thinking about it, you’re honestly just like the main character.”
“How so?” you asked, taking another long draw. 
“She’s in denial about being gay for like the first 30 minutes of the movie.”
A string of coughs unleashed from your chest as you let out a hefty laugh mid-inhale, “Bitch-”
“What? I’m being so deadass!”
“Fine, what character are you then?” you pry, passing the lit blunt back over to Ellie.
Taking a hit she replies, “I guess I’d be graham.”
“And what does she do?”
“I’m kinda like your awakening in a sense. Graham is all gay and cool, and of course Megan—that's you—totally falls for her.” 
You retrieve the lit cannabis and roll your eyes, “I haven’t fallen for you yet Williams.”
“Yet.” she emphasizes, placing a soft finger to the tip of your nose tauntingly.
“Ha. Ha.” you monotonously mock, “Now here, I think it’s done.” You hand Ellie the roach and she promptly stubs it out into the concrete slab deck.
“Come on, let’s go inside. I’m fucking cold.” she pleas.
“Dude I’m scared. Like I am way too fucked up for this.”
“No, no– I promise you’re fine. I’ll protect you.” 
“Fineee.” you drag out.
December 31st, 11:50pm:
Things were seemingly fine as you and Ellie entered the muggy living area of the packed house once more. Your hesitancy was quite clear though and Ellie could sense you needed just a little reassurance. Your right hand, currently picking away at the hangnail on the thumb of your left, was quickly captured by Ellies own rough hand which led you back to your comfortable spot on the ascending stair set.
As you both took a seat your grip remained tight on the girl, afraid that if you let go you might jump up from your spot right then and there just to give Jax one more lesson. Just the sight of him through the slats of the stairs’ wooden railing—legs casually spread wide and eyes focused in on a casual game of Mortal Kombat—drove you fucking crazy. 
“Dude if you keep staring like that you might actually burn a hole through his dumb ass T-shirt.” Ellie said, nudging your tensed shoulder.
“Good it’s ugly anyways.”
“Fair point.”
“I just have this burning need to get back at him. I wanna beat his ass just like in that game he can’t take his eyes off.”
Ellie rolled her eyes, “Very funny, but you wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“Oh yeah?” you questioned before laying a soft punch to the girl's forearm. A string of dramatic “Ows” reverberated from her lips. “See, I’m a badass right?”
“Fine you’re a total badass” she agreed begrudgingly, rubbing the soft tissue of her arm where you had left your mark. 
“What? It hurt that bad? You need me to kiss it better?” you taunted. 
“Maybe I do.” she said, longing eyes staring into your own. 
You gulped down any hesitation and felt it drop straight to your nervous stomach, “Where does it hurt?”
Ellie pointed to her arm slowly, “here.”
You placed a soft peck.
Hot breath raising goosebumps to the surface of her skin, “and here”, she gestured to her outstretched neck
Another supple kiss.
“And um-” she continued, but was quickly cut off and brought back to reality with the bellowing sound of a countdown. Too caught up in the moment, you both had almost forgotten about the holiday currently taking place.
“Can I kiss you?” she blurted frantically, and with no words you dove into her plump, chapped lips. Just like a puzzle piece your bottom lip slotted perfectly between her own. It was a gentle and delicate kiss at first, drinking in the euphoric moment. Quickly though, soft maneuvers of the mouth got quicker and harder. Spit was exchanged with passion and need, as your hands were becoming grabby at the girl's toned figure. The heat growing between your legs was an easy distraction from the fact that you were at a large party, in a hick town, with your ex-boyfriend now hovering over your more than friendly exchange.
January 1st, 12:01am:
“The fuck? You’re a dyke now?” he yells, practically loud enough for the whole party to hear. You and Ellie frantically pull apart, bumping heads in the process.
The calloused hands that were once caressing the small of your back are now balled into tight fists as Ellie rises from her seated position.
“The fuck did you just say?” she questions, tilting her head to the right.
You now stand up with her, worried where this might go, “Jax you need to walk away.”
“Oh shut up slut. You’re so fucking desperate you’d do it with anyone!” 
That one hurt. That was the tipping point. Tears welled in your eyes. 
“You need to leave now before I do something I’ll regret, you dirty bitch.” he threatens. And that's it, Ellie takes a swing aiming straight for his nose. Her fist retracts and reveals his bloody and now crooked cartilage. Through clenched teeth Jax grips onto Ellies white tank, throwing her into the open space of the living room. Just like a car crash, it’s one of those things where a scene can be so disturbing but you just can’t look away. And everyone else in the room was feeling it too—backed into corners, hands over mouths, some men even obnoxiously chanting “fight, fight.” But this isn’t what you wanted. Not at all.
“STOP! YOU NEED TO FUCKING STOP IT!” you screamed desperately. You didn’t even want to imagine what Jax would do to the freckled girl who changed your life in mere hours. But you didn’t have to, because here they were, brawling it out for the whole school. Jax swung at Ellie’s head to which she ducked before jabbing him in the stomach, stealing whatever air was swimming in his lungs. He stumbled backwards 3 steps, coughing through the hit, but this just made him angrier.
He charged back at the flustered girl with more force and gained a grip on a wad of choppy auburn hair. With a forceful yank she came tumbling to the ground with him on top. Ellie wriggled, pushed, and kicked but the sheer weight of the furious man was enough to keep her pinned. Jax began punching left and right, capturing her face with each blow. Thick crimson decorated his knuckles and the entirety of the girl's face. You could barely make out her litter of freckles and the half-lidded slits of emerald green—it was blood, all blood.
But as Jax kept on going, and the room grew quieter, this fight turned into something much more serious. It was inching on life or death and you had to do something. You surveyed the room, eyes dancing from counter to counter until a large glass beer bottle nagged at the tips of your fingers. Grabbing it tightly in your fist, you did what you had to to end this. Glass and gasps scattered through the room. The sharp brown shards littered the floor and evoked a gushing red stream from the back of Jax’s head. He instantly rolled to the side leaving Ellie an opening to escape. You weren’t done yet though, he hadn’t gotten what he deserved yet. Falling to the floor right at his body, hot tears streamed down your face.
Through curses and screams you thrashed at the man's barely conscious frame, “FUCK YOU JAX! FUCK YOU!” This was for every time he made you feel stupid, for making you feel like the ugliest girl in the room, for all the times he kissed you while you just prayed for it to be over, for making your life a living hell. With each scratch, punch, and kick all the pent up anger and resentment drained from your soul. Ellie let you have at him for a bit but as the crowd started to thin she knew the cops would be here any second now.
“Come on! We gotta go hun!” she nagged. 
“NO I CAN’T! NOT YET” you yelled, collapsing down into tears. Ellie promptly scooped you up by your armpits and dragged you from Jax’s limp body.
“I know baby, you're angry, it’s hard. But the cops are coming and we need to leave now.” she said, picking you up completely and carrying you through the frame of the propped open front door. You nestled your head into her bloody top as your chest still rapidly rose up and down, choking on the last few streams of tears and snot. “I’m gonna get you home love, don’t you worry.”
January 1st, 12:15am:
Finally through the small window of Ellie’s red truck you spot your familiar 2 story home. She grips the steering wheel, whipping to the right into the empty driveway. Of course she helps you inside and up to your quaint little bedroom. It felt weird almost—so quiet and still after such a chaotic night—and void of any life but you and the freckled faced girl. It was a cold feeling knowing you’d be all alone in just a few minutes, and tonight, you weren’t sure if that was a feeling you wanted to know.
“Yeah?” she answered softly. 
“Can you stay?”
With a kiss to the head she agreed, “Of course I’ll stay.” The rest of the night was spent cuddled up under your warm comforter, and despite all the events from just hours before, you felt safe. And for once, in fucking years, you were content.
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@endureher @gold-dustwomxn @alexpritch @4rt3m1ss @robinismywifee @sophlovesbooks @97cityy
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mysaintkitten · 10 months
Could i ask for Kitten branden friends to lover meeting in a home etc / sewing class pleaseee 🥰
Befriended | Kitten Braden x fem!reader
this is such a cute idea 💔💔
prompt: you’re a new student at a new school, luckily, you make some new friends
WARNINGS: friends to lovers, kitten is briefly referred to as patrick with male pronouns, definitely not canonical kitten lore but when are my fics canonical, inexperienced reader/kitten gives reader their first kiss, implications of sex
*not proofread*
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maybe it wasn’t the best idea to switch schools in your final year of secondary school. all of the friends and foundation you’ve made over the past few years, gone in a blink. but this is a fresh start, to some degree, so you try to not ruminate too much on the past.
the first half of the day goes as well as it can in a new environment. you sit, you pay attention, you don’t talk to anyone, and no one talks to you. some people shoot you a few dirty looks or confused glares, but you try your best dismiss it. you remind yourself that they don’t know you, and that they have no real reason to stare at you that way.
lunch eventually rolls around. as you sit alone outside, you observe the people and the land around you. people are walking, talking, eating, average things. some groups of boys are obnoxiously loud, but that seems to be a given wherever you go.
as you sip your water, you spot a boy and a girl sharing a cigarette. you weren’t the type to purposefully stare, but the boys uniform was different than any of the other ones you’ve seen.
it was hard to tell from afar, but it looked like he had decorated his uniform with buttons and thread. is that allowed? maybe this school has more lax uniform rules than you thought ..
you shift your gaze away, and resume finishing your lunch. as you start to eat, the bell rings. of course. well, you could always eat later, you think to yourself.
nows time for home economics. you’ve never taken home economics , but you’ve also never gone to a school that offered a class for it. so you thought, why not? this could be practical in your day to day life. after taking longer than anticipated to find the classroom, you eventually track it down and go inside.
as you enter the room, you nervously look around. the rooms packed. your eyes dart around the room to try and find a free seat, but you can’t seem to track one down.
“(y/n) (y/l/n)?” the teacher asks from behind her desk, your eyes shift over to her quickly. “yes, that’s me, ma’am.”
she smiles and nods, “well .. i believe there’s a free spot beside patrick and charlie. they won’t mind, hun.”
you thank her for her guidance and continue to try and locate this “free spot” she speaks of. suddenly, it appears in your line of sight. you glance over at who you’ll be sitting beside, and you see the boy and the girl again. so he must be patrick, and she’s charlie. as you get a better look at them, you realize patrick’s a bit cute. really cute, actually.
you make your way over to the seat and quickly sit down. once seated, you can see patrick and charlie look over at you from your peripheral. you turn to meet their gaze and smile as best you can, “hello, i’m (y/n). i’m new here.”
“oohhh …” quietly falls from both patrick and charlie’s mouths, “see, charlie i told you.” patrick says while nudging charlie. she laughs, “i’m not as attentive as you, kitten. forgive me.”
you’re a bit confused as to what they’re referring to, but you’re too shy to ask. so you just laugh politely.
“this is charlie, and you can call me kitten.” patrick says with a smile.
kitten. that’s an interesting nickname.
“nice to meet you, charlie and kitten.” you reply sweetly, shifting your body more in their direction as you become more comfortable with them. class starts to actually begin and the teacher gives instructions for the assignment.
you have to make some sort of clothing item. blouse, pant, sock, underwear, whatever. you had to make something. to everyone else, this was going to be a breeze. but as someone who has never sewn or created any sort of clothing in their life- you were struggling a bit.
“do you have any experience with sewing, (y/n)?” kitten asks as he places the needle between her teeth while he rummages around for the right material. you shake your head.
“well, don’t hesitate to ask for help, darling! i’m quite keen on sewing if you can’t tell ..” kitten giggles, pointing to his various buttons and thread patterns sewn into his uniform. you’re finally able to get a good look at them, they’re so intricate and harmonized, kitten has quite the eye for detail.
as you brainstorm what you want to make, charlie gets called down to the office, leaving you and kitten alone for a while.
“so, what made you want to go by kitten? are you a fan of cats?” you ask, genuinely curious. kitten grins sweetly but shakes his head, “i love cats, but i picked the name after saint cettin. he .. or she .. was an acolyte of saint patrick.”
“i see, that makes sense.” you respond, “kittens an interesting name for a boy, though.” you laugh, hoping kitten will laugh too, but he doesn’t. his smile slowly begins to fade and he brings his attention back to his project. you begin to feel some tension lingering in the air, is his name a touchy subject for him or what?
as you sit in silence, charlie eventually returns. soon as charlie sits down, kitten stands up and mumbles something about how he’ll be right back. while he’s gone, you attempt to confide in charlie.
you lean over to her and whisper, “i think i upset him.”
“who, kitten?” charlie furrows her brows, you nod.
“oh, she’s just having a bit of an off day. she was being short with me earlier, too.”
she? you’re confused for a few moments, then it became painfully clear, almost immediately you feel a pang of guilt wash over you.
“oh, jesus ..” you groan, “i kept calling him- her, i called her a boy. i didn’t know she felt that way .. i ..”
“it’s all right, (y/n). i promise.” charlie assures, grabbing some scissors to begin cutting her fabric.
“can you tell her i’m sorry? really, i am, if i had known i wouldn’t have spoken like that.” you ramble anxiously, today was only your first day and you felt a slight glimmer of hope that you might actually have some friends. you really did not want to potentially ruin this.
“breathe, it’s all right.” charlie repeats, “she’ll be back soon, and everything will be fine.”
you take a few deep breaths and try to calm yourself down, if charlie is so adamant that it’ll be fine maybe you should believe her. a few minutes pass, maybe about ten, and you notice kitten reenter in your line of sight. you glance nervously at charlie, but she still just reiterates that it’ll be fine.
kitten sits back down with a huff, she smells like a fresh cigarette mixed with some perfume.
“charlie let me know.” you whisper to kitten, “i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have spoken like that.”
kitten slowly shifts her gaze over to you, her eyes analyze each aspect of your face. eyes, nose, lips, and then back up to your eyes.
“kitten’s a nice name for a girl.” you add, quiet enough for kitten to hear. a genuine grin sneaks across her lips. “thank you.” she hums gently.
kitten seemed comfortable before, but a whole new layer was uncovered once you knew the truth about her. charlie and kitten have already made you feel so comfortable and welcomed, you’re almost certain that they would consider themselves your friend. maybe not today, it’s too soon, but within a few days or weeks, definitely.
after this, class seemingly flys by. kitten helps you with sewing, actually she helps with every aspect of the project. but you don’t mind in the slightest. kittens a good teacher, very patient and thorough.
once the class concludes, you learn that you have two other classes with kitten and one other class with both charlie and kitten. you’re very happy that things worked out the way they did, despite there being some bumps in the road at the beginning.
eventually, a few weeks pass. you, charlie, and kitten become a trio. every chance you get to hang out, you take it. it used to just stay within school hours, but kitten began inviting you over to her house afterwards. you and her would sit on her bed and talk or swap clothes and ramble about bullshit or cute people you saw.
one friday night, kitten invites you to go out with her, charlie, and a boy named irwin. you’ve never met irwin, but kitten swears he’s nice, so you trust her.
as you sit on kittens bed and rummage through the clothes she’s offered to let you borrow for the night, you see kitten carry in a bottle of red wine.
“kitten ..” you giggle, “what’s that for?”
“snagged it from my mammy,” she laughs, “trust me, it’s no fun getting the night started completely sober. get a little something in your system beforehand, yeah?”
you shrug, can’t argue with that, so you accept the bottle and take a generous swig before passing it back to kitten.
as you and her get ready, you take turns sipping from the bottle, progressively feeling yourself get more and more tingly and tipsy. and, unsurprisingly, you get more giggly.
everything seems a bit sillier, and kitten seems a lot cuter. you’ve thought she was cute since the start, but now in such an intimate location with a slight buzz going, you’re starting to realize maybe you think she’s really cute. as kitten sits at the vanity, you can’t help but stare at her face in the reflection.
“kitten ..” you ask from her bed. “yes, dear?” she responds without turning around, swiping on her last little bit of mascara onto her lashes.
“what’s the farthest you’ve gone with a person?”
kitten giggles, “boy or girl?”
your brows raise in surprise, “you have experience with both?”
“i’m a people person,” she starts, “and a pleasure seeker. i like bodies, and how they feel.”
your cheeks tint slightly, “well .. erm .. boys then.”
kitten clicks her tongue and shakes her head while placing her mascara tube into her makeup bag, “not too much. had a few ‘boyfriends’ here and there. some kissing, some over the clothes touching, that’s about it.”
interesting. your curiosity begins to peak, maybe kittens as inexperienced as you.
“what about girls, then?”
kitten forms a cheeky little grin at the question, “well .. i don’t know ..” she responds coyly. she swiftly turns around on her stool to face you, “tell me how far you’ve gone first.”
you shift around and chuckle nervously, “i’ve .. heh .. i’ve never ..”
“you’ve never what? done anything? not even kiss?”
hesitantly, you shake your head no. kitten seems to be in disbelief, “but you’re so pretty! how come no one’s at least kissed you?” she asks while standing up from her stool and making her way over to her bed.
“i don’t know, really, there just really wasn’t anyone around that i wanted to kiss.”
that was true. you weren’t too fond of anyone at your old school, and if you were attracted to them they were either not interested or already in a relationship. so you just stuck to yourself majority of the time.
“ah ..” kitten responds softly, scooting her body closer towards yours. “you know, i could kiss you, if you’d like ..”
your cheeks burn harder, you would really like to kiss kitten, but you don’t want her to do this out of pity, or whatever.
“well .. do you want to kiss me?”
“i wouldn’t be asking if i didn’t want to.” kitten responds sweetly with a smile.
you feel your heart flutter a little, “oh .. oh okay ..”
kitten hums and crawls onto your lap, straddling you while placing her hands on either side of your head. then, as you close your eyes and pucker your lips, you feel kittens lips on yours. her gentle, plush lips feel so nice. you almost don’t want it to end.
kitten pulls away, soothingly rubbing your cheek with her thumb.
“your lips are soft.” you chuckle quietly, kitten giggles in response. “thank you, sweetheart, would you like another one?”
“yes, please.” you respond, desperately wanting to feel kittens lips again.
with a small laugh, kitten brings her lips back to yours, kissing you more passionately this time. slightly turning her head to the side while slipping her tongue into your mouth. you moan gently against her, you never expected to see yourself become so intimate with kitten.
kitten pulls away again, sighing softly while running her hands along your shoulders. “for someone who’s never kissed before .. you’re not bad at all.” you giggle and place your hands onto her hips, “thanks.”
kitten shifts off your lap and sits beside you, laying her legs across yours.
“so, how far have you gone with girls?” you repeat, hoping kitten will give you a proper answer this time.
she grins widely, “i’ve quite a bit, we don’t have to get into details but .. i have my experience.”
“i see ..” you hum, your eyes repeatedly darting back down to her lips. you want to kiss her again, you want to do more.
after a few moments of peaceful silence pass, kitten breaks it.
“if you need some help with getting some .. experience ..” kitten purrs, “i’m always here to help.
you blush and nod, you definitely plan on following up with kittens offer. but for now, you attempt to push those feelings aside and finish up getting ready. you and kitten meet up with charlie and irwin and the four of you spend the night talking, drinking, bonding, overall having a good time.
throughout the night, kitten keeps you close. rubbing your back, or placing her hand on your hip. you’re not sure if other people notice, but you’re also not really thinking about anyone else. all you can think about is kitten, and this potential romance blossoming between the two of you.
if you guys would like a continuation of this, please let me know !! i need to start writing more softer/fluffier fics (specifically kitten ones)
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Mc’s Drink Gets Spiked at the Fall
(Maybe part 1)
Trigger Warnings: drugs, getting drugged, reference to sexual assault, alcohol, puking
This is really long and I got tired of working on it lol. Maybe if it’s popular I’ll continue
Ya so I’ve been drugged at the club, shit sucks ass omg I’ve been sick and hungover before but nothing compares to how I felt that night and morning after. If you’ve never been roofied before it’s like you’re fine and then suddenly your drunk x100 and hung over x100.I was t able to even walk the next day. Thankfully I was with a friend so she was able to keep me safe and who ever did it wasted their drugs.
With all the being said, fanfics are my coping mechanism like a weird dairy. So Mc gets their drink spiked while out with Asmo and Lucifer has to save the day
Mc is gender neutral with they them pronouns
The night was coming to its climax! After a few fancy cocktails at Restaurant 6 you and Asmo had decided to take the party to the Fall. The dance floor was packed, the music shook the floors, and Asmo kept the drinks coming one after the other.
You and Asmo danced and drank for hours, slowly the crowd started to thin as the night grew old. You freely laughed with Asmo as you both stubbled over to the bar. Asmo was what could only be described as white girl wasted, wobbling in his heels giggling as his balance swayed back and forth. You wouldn’t say you were wasted perhaps tipping over the line of tipsy would be accurate. The fall only carried a small selection of human world liquor so compared to your date you had had considerably less to drink.
You sat Asmo a top a tall bar chair at cocktail table with in arms reach of the bar.
“Ooo grabme a drink!” Asmo slurred as you left to grab you both waters. Both of you unaware of the hungry eyes that lingered on you from a dark corner.
“Here babe” you said setting the water in front of you very sloshed date.
Asmo happily grabbed the glass taking a big swig only for his face to fall at the distinct lack of alcohol. “Hey! Thisisolywater!”
“Ya and you should drink it.”
“I’m fine~” Asmo wasn’t very convincing as he went to stand. “I’m getting somthin real todrink”.
Asmo took about two wobbly steps before he lost his balance and not so gracefully fell to the ground.
“Asmo! Are you ok!?” You quickly moved to his aid abandoning your waters at the table.
“Imfine imfine,” Asmo simply laughed as you helped him back to his seat.
“Come on let’s drink our water and have Mams come pick us up.”
“Ugh fine.” Asmo huffed taking a sip of his water.
Satisfied, you began to drink yours. Feeling a little dizziness, you laid your head down. ‘Maybe you had more to drink than you thought’
Asmo finished off his water feeling the spinning in his head start to slow. Just as he was ready to call Mammon suddenly you released what could only be described as a waterfall of vomit.
“Mc!?” Asmo was quick to side, propping you up from laying in you puke puddle. “Hey darling are you ok?”
“Mo I don’t feel sgood” you voice came out weak and strained.
“It’s ok hun come on, let get you some fresh air” but as Asmo helped you to stand you legs gave out toppling both of you to the ground.
Your head was spinning as you vision blacked out. All you could comprehend was Asmo’s voice as he frantically called over the bouncer for help.
With the help of a very concerned bouncer Asmo was able to get you out side. However the cold night air did nothing to clear your head. Asmo gently propped you up against the bars brick wall only for you to slide down legs to weak to stand.
“Hold on Mc, I’ll call Mammon we’ll be home soon.” Asmo tried to reassure you and him self as he frantically pulled out his D.D.D.
“Lucifer…” you groaned in you delirious state.
“Damn!” Asmo cursed. Five calls and Mammon’s useless ass couldn’t be bothered to answer a single one.
“Lucifer…” you weakly called you again.
Asmo paused, he could call Lucifer. There’s no question the eldest brother would answer his call. But if he saw you in this state there’d be serious hell to pay.
“Lucifer… I want Lucifer…” you called his name like a scared child calling for its father. You head lulled to the side suddenly feeling to heavy for you neck to support.
That’s it, Asmo quickly dialed Lucifers number, pacing as he waited for the eldest to pick up.
“Yes Asmodeus, what is it this time?” Lucifer answered already irritated by what ever it is Asmodeus could need at two thirty in the morning.
“Lucifer! We need you to come pick us up! We’re at a bar across from the Fall.”
“Unbelievable. Asmodeus it’s 2:30 in the morning. Do you really expect me to drop my work just to come play taxi for you. Unless your legs are broken I suggest you start walking.”
“Please Lucifer!” Asmo begged. “Mammon was supposed to pick us up but he’s not answering his phone!”
Lucifers mind wandered to Mammon who was currently hung from the ceiling. “Very well, I’ll be there in twenty minutes. Stay by the curd where I can see you.”
“Thank you! You’re the best big brother ever!”
Asmo knelt down to your level, patting you face gently to see if you were still conscious.
You simply groan turning you head to puke again.
“I’m so sorry Mc, Lucifer will be here soon! We’re gonna get you home and cleaned up before you know it!” Asmo assured you rubbing you back.
Asmo sat you down on the curd where he stood anxiously waiting for Lucifer to arrive. What was he going to tell the eldest when he saw the state you were in. All the times he had seen you drunk off your ass either at home casually drinking with his brothers or at one of Diavolo parties, you had never been fucked up to the point you couldn’t stand. Asmo counted your drinks, maybe three cocktails and a few shots? That’s not nearly enough to make you this sick. Asmo couldn’t wrap his head around what had happened to put you in such a state.
Asmo was startled from his thoughts by Lucifer honking his car horn as he pulled up to the curb.
Lucifer rolled down his window. “Where’s Mc?”
You had fallen back waiting for Lucifer. With out the brick wall to support you, you body had been too heavy to keep up right.
“They’re right here!” Asmo leaned down to pull you up.
Lucifer leaned out the window to see you laying on the ground. You head lulled back as Asmo hopelessly pulled on your arms trying to get you to stand.
“For fuck sake,” Lucifer groaned getting out to help get you into the car. “This is absolutely unbelievable.”
Lucifer easily scooped you up in his arms. “What the devil is wrong with them?” He immediately noticed how your body felt completely limp as though you were merely a doll.
“I don’t know! They were fine one second and like this the next! We only had a few drinks I swear!” In his big brothers presence Asmodeous finally felt his anxiety over you state over whelm him.
Lucifer signed, of course you couldn’t just be drunk, at least then he could scold you for being irresponsible. He gently rocked you, testing if you were still conscious.
“Lucifer,” you weakly called you your voice barely above a whisper. “I want Lucifer.”
Good at least you were awake although you clearly weren’t able to process your surroundings.
“Mc can you hear me?” He tried getting your attention.
“Luci? Wanna go home, don’t feel good.” You began to cry, delirious and scared you curled into his chest.
Good he thought, at least you’re responsive. “Hush now Mc, I’m here to take you home.”
Asmodeus began to cry too his head still spinning from all the demonous, “I’m so sorry Lucifer, Mc. I don’t know what happened.”
“Keep it together Asmo, just open the door so I can get them home.”
Asmo did as he was instructed chocking back more tears. Lucifer gently sat you in his passenger seat laying it back so you head wouldn’t hang forward.
On the drive back to the House of Lamentation, Asmo recounted all of the nights events to the best of his memory. Lucifer listened careful trying to figure what could have possibly happened to put you in such a state. He agreed with his little brother that it couldn’t have been the alcohol. He too has seen you wasted stumbling through the halls of HoL with his brothers, but you always seemed to bounce back rather quickly.
“Asmodeus, I want you to call Solomon. Have him meet us at home.” Lucifer signed, he hated to ask that shady wizard for help but you were more important than his pride.
“Ok,” Asmo couldn’t hide the nervousness in him voice. If Solomon needed to be involved it must be serious.
The phone rang only twice before Solomon picked up. “Hello?”
“Solomon I need you!” Asmo’s voice was desperate his anxiety over you completely consuming him.
“I’m sorry Asmodeus, I’m not really in the mood tonight.” Solomon completely misunderstood, used to the demon calling him out of a different kind desperation.
“No not that, somethings wrong with Mc!” Asmo explained everything he could, from the nights event to you current condition.
“Ok, hmm I understand. I’ll meet you there.”
Solomon was standing out side the main door when Lucifer pulled up. Before Lucifer could even turn off the car. Solomon was opening the passenger door and lifting you into his arms. Lucifer simply bit his tongue not in the mood to argue with the sorcerer.
Solomon navigated the halls of the house as if he too lived there, making his way to your bedroom. Lucifer was right behind him as Asmo stumbled behind.
“Wait!” Asmo called to Solomon.
Solomon didn’t stop but he did slow his pace for Asmo to catch up.
“Solomon, take them to me room.”
“Look at them,” Asmo motioned to your crumpled form.
Solomon took a moment to inspect you. Your cheeks were stained with tears, your hair matted and disheveled, your clothes were stained with puke, and your were covered in dirt and sweat.
“Let me get them cleaned up.” Asmo pleaded.
“Very well, Solomon please do as Asmo asks,” Lucifer spoke up. Above all else caring for you comes first.
“Alright, here Asmo.” Solomon handed you off rather reluctantly but he couldn’t argue considering you’re state.
Asmo carefully cradled you in his arms. Despite his thin frame you were still feather light in his arms thanks to his natural demonic strength. When he felt just how limp you were he had to bite his lip to keep his emotions at bay. All he wanted to do was get you cleaned up and tucked into bed.
Solomon and Lucifer followed him to his room further discussing the incidents to had occurred that night. They waited in Asmo’s room as he took you into his bathroom.
“I’m sorry Mc, I promise my intentions are pure at least this time.” Asmo gave you an apologetic look as he stripped you out of your vomit stained club wear. ‘I’ll have to take them shopping’ he thought as he tossed the ruined garments aside. He was carful to watch for any resistance as he removed your underwear but you were like a doll with no strength or will of your own.
Asmo propped you up against the wall for a moment as he got the bath ready and removed his own dirty clothes. He hesitated for a moment before picking you up to place you in the bath. The thought of feeling your skin against his and bathing with you did make his heart flutter but he quickly pushed those feelings down focusing on caring for you. He scooped you up into his arms, testing the water before he lowered you down with him.
He laid you between his legs, having you lay back against his chest. He went to work gently scrubbing you down. Asmo felt ashamed as his cheeks heated up and his heart fluttered running his soapy hands over your body carful to avoid any intimate areas. His emotions were running high seeing you so sick and vulnerable. He can’t help but feel his heart ache remembering how you called out for Lucifer. He wondered if you would rather have Lucifer in here with you. No, he could think that way. Not now while you were still in this condition.
He finished by leaning you back to wash your hair. He cradled you head in one hand carful not to let and water or soap get in you eyes as he ran the shampoo through your hair. He felt satisfied with getting you cleaned up and feeling much cleaner himself. There wasn’t much else he could do to help you, he felt so helpless. But, at least he could make sure you were comfortable. Asmo wrapped a warm fuzzy pink towel around your form, as well as one around his hips.
Solomon and Lucifer stopped their conversation when they hear the bathroom door. Asmo stepped out of the steaming room suspicious of they’re sudden silence. He didn’t like that they wanted to hide what he assumed they believed had happened to you. He also didn’t like the way Lucifers gaze was fixed on you or how Solomon’s gaze racked over both of you.
“Could we have some privacy?” Asmo’s question came out as a demand as he placed you on his bed to fetch you both pjs.
“Right,” Lucifer quickly turned around, averting his gaze from your form.
“Of course,” Solomon however turned around slowly his eyes lingering in you.
Asmo quickly dressed you in his coziest jammies before dressing himself. He tucked you into his bed making sure you’re head had plenty of support. By this point you were out cold and completely unresponsive to anything happening around you. Asmo sat next to you on the bed, gently pushing your damp hair from your forehead. “Alright, you perverts can turn around now.”
Lucifer and Solomon both turned back around. They traded glances before meeting Asmo’s eyes.
“So what were you talking about?” Asmo asked trying to keep up his usual sweet and innocent act.
Lucifer spoke first, “we were discussing a few theories about what we believe happened to Mc.”
“Oh? And what’s wrong with them?” Asmo couldn’t have hidden how nervous he felt even if he wanted to. They were being awfully cautious.
Solomon spoke now, “we believe it’s either a curse, a poison, or a human world drug.”
“We just need to examine them to figure out which it is so we can better treat them.” Lucifer finished.
Asmo could take a hint. Reluctantly he moved away from the bed allowing them to approach.
Solomon and Lucifer took his place by your side. Lucifer went first scanning your body for any hint of magic tampering or a curse. Solomon then thoroughly checked you over. He checked your vitals, as well as your eyes and mouth. He felt over your body searching for any abnormalities that could indicated the use of Devildom poison.
“Well?” Asmo asked growing impatient watching his friend feel you up.
“Well Lucifer?” Solomon asked first.
Lucifer sighed, “I didn’t find any residual magic or signs of a curse. And you Solomon?”
“Well the good news is I don’t believe they were poisoned at least by anything that could be found here in Devildom.” Solomon rubbed his chin in thought.
“Ok so then what’s wrong with them!?” Their answers did nothing to calm him down. “If it’s poison or a curse, what is it?”
Lucifer and Solomon shared a glance again. Lucifer shook his head no but Solomon remained firm. Before Lucifer could stop him he stood to face Asmo. “It’s hard to confirm with out proper medical testing but I believe Mc’s been drugged with a human world substance called Rohypnol or some call it roofies. It’s commonly used in the human world to sedate victims so they’re easier to s…”
“That’s enough Solomon.” Lucifer cut him off before he could finish but it didn’t matter, it was clear Asmo understood as the color drained from his face.
He wasn’t stupid. He’d heard of “getting roofied” before and he was fully aware of how humans used it. Asmo’s felt sick. Best case scenario you’re attacker would’ve just devoured you. However he knew if they had gone to the trouble of drugging you with a human world drug they had more than just eating you in mind.
Asmo broke down. “It’s all my fault.” He fell to his knees sobbing, “Mc could’ve been raped or worse and it’s all my fault.”
Lucifer said nothing. Truthfully he wanted to be furious. Angry at you for being so careless and angry at Asmo for not keeping a closer eye on you. But he just didn’t have it in his heart to lecture his little brother who was currently crumpled up on the floor crying. And fortunately for you he was much more worried than angry.
Solomon kneeled down to Asmo’s level gently placing his hand on his shoulder. “What’s important now is it’s nothing fatal and Mc will get better with rest and plenty of water.”
In his mind Asmo knew Solomon was right, you were going to be ok at worst just extremely hung over and dehydrated for a couple of days. But his heart ached with the knowledge of what could’ve happened.
This knowledge also weighed heavy on Lucifer’s heart. One slight slip up tonight and you might not have been with them now. Although you’re time in his life so far had been short, he couldn’t imagine it with out you.
“Since Mc’s going to be ok,” Lucifer finally spoke. “I’d better go start working on the paper work and reporting this incident to Diavolo.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose the exhaustion of the night catching up to him.
Solomon signed, “I’d better join you to help explain Rohypnol and how it’s used to Diavolo. Watch over Mc for us Asmo.”
Asmo sniffed taking a deep breath to calm him self. “Ok I will.” Solomon help him to his feet, turning to exit with Lucifer.
After the two left Asmo stood there for a moment focusing his breathing to calm down. He looked to you still knocked out. You looked as bad as you probably felt. While still sniffling, Asmo went to work on your face routine at least want he could while you slept. He massaged the serums in to face, feeling satisfied with the slight glow they gave you. He took care of his own routine before running to the kitchen to get you both water.
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Should Probably Leave (Joel Miller)
Joel Miller Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Warning: fluff, implied smut, angst
Summary: After being Sarah's babysitter for the past ten years, Joel and you finally act upon your feelings for one another but your chance at a good life pushes Joel to make sacrifice it all. Inspired by - Chris Stapleton's - You Should Probably Leave.
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"So, officially part of the workin' class..." a very familiar voice drawls out from behind, causing you to turn around with a broad smile.
"Hey, Joel... thought we weren't comin'."
Joel audibly scoffs, "miss my favorite person's graduation party...? Never", giving you a playful wink then.
You roll your eyes at his words, "favorite person? Only because I've babysat your kid for cheap for the past ten years."
Joel presses a hand to his chest in pretend offense, "ya wound me, Sweetheart."
With another eyeroll, you softly chuckle at him, "where's Sarah?"
"Out back, with the rest of the kids" he nods his head in the direction, "she'll come round to pester ya soon 'nuff."
"Guess she don't need me much anymore now she's a teenager..." you remark disheartened as you think of the once four-year-old little girl that used to cling to like a barnacle.
"Nah, ya still her best friend" Joel attempts to cheer you up.
You respond with a weak smirk, shrugging, "if ya say so."
"Ahem..." Joel clears his throat, awkwardly scratching the back of his head, "got ya a lil graduation gift."
"Really...?" you stare at him in starry-eyed disbelief.
"It's at the house though" he nervously chuckles, "wanted to give it to ya in private, without makin' a fuss"; referring to the house filled with people.
"No-fuss-Miller..." you giggle at his explanation and his chuckles along, nodding.
"Yeah. Come round later and I'll give to ya?"
"Sure thing, Miller" you broadly smile in agreement.
The interaction between Joel and you end when your mother calls you over to talk to someone and you leave Joel to head over to them. What you didn't notice though; was the look of yearning on his face as you walked away from him.
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"Hi there..." you smile at Joel when he opens the door for you.
"Hey, c'mon in" Joel flashes you a dimpled smile, stepping aside to allow you entrance.
"Sarah home?" you enquire at how quiet the house was.
"Nope. Sleepover at a friend's" Joel responds, shutting the door.
"Was hopin' we'd do a movie night" you plop onto the couch with a disappointed sigh.
"Sorry to disappoint ya, hun..." Joel plops down next to you, a small gift box in hand.
"That my gift?" you eagerly eye it.
"Ain't we an eager beaver...?" Joel teasingly bobs his head from side to side, handing it over to you then.
"Don't start with me, Miller..." you shoot him a glare, lips twitching in amusement as you open the box.
"Oh my gosh, Joel!" you stared open mouthed at the silver pedant necklace.
Joel shyly smirks at your reaction, "it's a Celtic infinity knot cross. Symbolizes everlastin' love, friendship an loyalty, least what the guy at the jeweler said..."
Your heart couldn't help but skip a beat at the mention of everlasting love. Could he possibly feel the same as you? Then again, he mentioned friendship, so it was only wishful thinking on your side as always. Joel had never once shown any interest you and you were quite sure he never would.
"Want me to put it on for ya?" Joel enquires, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Sure" you hastily move your hair out the way for him to put on.
"Perfect..." Joel remarks, admiring the pedant resting on your chest.
Reaching up to touch it, your stared starry-eyed at him, "it's beautiful, Joel... thank you."
Joel silently returns the stare; you were absolutely breathtaking, and he wanted to kiss you more than anything at that moment. Knowing that it was quite impossible but not wanting you to leave just yet, Joel offers up something he had never before.
"If ya still keen on the movie night, I don't mind still doin' it... that is, if ya fine with it."
Ecstatic at his offer but not wanting to seem too eager, you teasingly act taken aback, "ya really prepared to sit through a chick flick just to keep me company, Miller?"
Joel scoffs, rolling his eyes at your remark, "as if I ain't done it every time Sarah an ya have a movie night..."
"She always falls asleep halfway through..." you chuckle, nodding in agreement.
"Then ya forced to sit through the rest of it with just my ol' ass for company" Joel drawls in response.
"Ya ain't old..." you scoff, lightly slapping his arm in protest.
"If ya say so" Joel utters out under his breath, giving his head a little shake then, "so, what torture ya got for me this evenin'?"
Reaching for your bag, you flash him a sly smirk, "actually brought two, one to watch with Sarah an one you would enjoy, for after she fell asleep..."
"Really?" Joel's eyes widen in excited interest, "whataya got?"
Taking the DVD out, you playfully wave it in front of his face.
"Oooo... that's one of my favorites!" Joel gasps, snatches it out of your hands in excitement.
"I know" you chuckle in response, "thought I'd repay ya for all the times ya were to finish watchin' all those chick flicks with me."
"Ya a doll!" Joel comment, causing you to lightly blush at his words.
"No problem..."
"This calls for snacks an some drinks, don't cha think?" Joel enthusiastically jumps up from the couch scampering towards the kitchen whilst you shook your head, giggling in amusement.
I know it ain't all that late But you should probably leave
And I recognize that look in your eyes Yeah, you should probably leave
'Cause I know you and you know mech And we both know where this is gonna lead You want me to say that I want you to stay So you should probably leave Yeah, you should probably leave
As interesting as the movie was, you found Joel to be way more; sneaking side-eye peeks at him every time you took a sip your drink.
What you didn't know was; that Joel was quite aware of what you were doing, making it extremely difficult for him to fight the urge to just give in and kiss you. As much as he wanted to, Joel knew it was impossible, you were everything could possibly want a woman; smart, fun, strong, and most importantly; you cared deeply for his daughter. Even though you were only twelve years older than Sarah, you were the closes thing to a mother figure she had ever known. Although it seemed that she wasn't fazed by the possibility of you moving away, Joel knew his daughter well enough to know that the girl was shattered by it. You were the most constant woman in her life and soon you would be leaving, it wasn't far off to believe that the girl felt that she was losing her second chance at having a mother. Sarah never knew her real mother, so there wasn't much to miss about her. But you... you were part of her life for the past ten years and that meant the loss of you would hurt far more.
Sarah wasn't the only one being torn apart by the realization though, Joel was too. He wanted more than anything to keep you by their sides, yet he knew it was impossible. You were still young, had your entire life ahead of you, was just about to start the career of your dreams, unlike him. He was washout and old, a father to a teenager and he knew it would be selfish of him to ask you to stay with them. You had your own life to live, even if it meant breaking his and Sarah's hearts in the process.
There's still time for you to finish your wine Then you should probably leave And it's hard to resist, alright, just one kiss Then you should probably leave
'Cause I know you and you know me And we both know where this is gonna lead You want me to say that I want you to stay So you should probably leave Yeah, you should probably leave
Like a devil on my shoulder, you keep whisperin' in my ear
And it's gettin' kinda hard for me to do the right thing here I wanna do the right thing, baby
As the movie continued, Joel was finding it more difficult to keep his need for you suppressed, especially when you lean into him to rest your head against his shoulder. Lost in the moment and as if it was the most natural reaction, Joel absentmindedly places his arm around you, pulling you closer to his side.
Attempting your best to hide a satisfied smirk, you begin playing with the taut material of his t-shirt spanning across his middle.
"Whataya doing...?" Joe's voice calls you out.
"Er... nothing" you slowly retreat your hand, but Joel stops it.
"Now why don't I believe ya, Sweetheart...?"
"Don't know what ya mean" you murmur, feeling put on the spot as you attempt to pull away from him.
"Nuh-uh..." Joel quickly responds, gripping your chin to look him in the eyes, "ya know exactly what I mean."
"Joel..." you softly plea, tears of frustration prickling your eyes.
"Jesus..." Joel mutters out at the needy look in your eyes. Not able to any further deny either of you of what you both desperately wanted, Joel's head tips down to capture your lips in a gentle kiss.
Letting out a soft whimper, you reach up to bury your fingers in the back of Joel's hair; allowing him the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth and deepen the kiss.
"Just as sweet as I thought ya would taste..." Joel slur against your lips.
"Less talkin', more kissin'..." you grumble out, causing Joel to chuckle as he pulls you into his lap.
"I got ya, Sweetheart..."
The kiss becomes more heated then as Joel's hands travel up your dress to grip at of your bottom. Letting out an approving at the contact and feeling the swell of Joel's erection beneath, you slowly began grinding down onto it. Breathing out a deep moan, Joel's grip on you tightens as he assists by rocking you against his clothed member.
Breaking from the kiss for some air, Joel rests his forehead against yours, "wanna take this to the bedroom?"
You against him once with a soft whine, "please..."
Sun on your skin, 6 am And I been watchin' you sleep And honey, I'm so afraid you're gonna wake up and say That you should probably leave
'Cause I know you and you know me And we both know where this is gonna lead I want you to stay, but you'll probably say That you should probably leave
Yeah, you should probably leave Oh, you should probably leave
Joel silently stared at your beautiful features as you laid sleeping draped over him, you were absolutely magnificent, and he still couldn't believe that last night had happened. He felt like the happiest man alive at that moment, yet he knew the feeling would be short-lived and it was killing him to have to attempt it. You could never be his, not the way he wanted you to be, not when you had so much potential ahead of you.
He wished that last night had never ended and that this morning had never come. Joel knew he had to let you go and live your life, even it meant breaking both your hearts to do so.
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rabbitenn · 1 year
Good day or night. Can I request hcs Momo and Tamaki reaction(hcs) when their S/O only called them a friend when talking, even though they are in a relationship.
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A slip up leads to you showering your lover with affection to (hopefully) make it up to him.
ft. Yotsuba Tamaki, Sunohara Momose x gn! reader.
cw/genre: mild angst, comfort, fluff.
hello nonnie, dear ! I actually don’t write for Tamaki, given I’m not sure I can characterize him well enough (it’s stated in my rules); however, I’m making an exception for you this time, since I think this prompt fits him quite well (don’t get used to it tho hehe it’s only this once) I apologize for the wait and I hope I managed to execute this to your liking, hun <3 enjoy !
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— Even though Tamaki is not one to focus on details, he is very sensitive in the emotional sense of the word. He is someone who also cherishes his friends and loved ones deeply, even if he is a little rough around the edges.
— So overhearing you referring to him as ‘my friend’ while you were being approached by some of the tv staff after your boyfriend had finished filming, really does feel like a harsh pang to his heart.
— ‘Your friend’. Weren’t you two supposed to be more than that? He may not be very knowledgeable when it comes to relationships, but he really thought you were a couple.
— Not knowing how to react, and not wanting to cause trouble for you either, Tamaki storms off, the only indication he was ever there in the first place, the loud slam of the door.
— The sound pulls you out from your conversation, as your eyes scan for your partner around the studio.
He’s not here.
So you excuse yourself, before setting off into the chilliness of the night air.
— Running a list in your mind of likely places he could be at, you decide the most likely is his dorms. Sighing, a little worried, you set off, but not before making a stop first to buy a certain something.
— Careful not to be seen by prying eyes, you finally make it to the dorms. And you know just where to look for your boyfriend.
— On a darkened area of the dorm’s patio, he sits. Knees tucked against his chest, long fingers plucking out some of the grass.
— Now it’s yours the heart that drops. You never liked it when he was sulking.
— “Tama…” you try calling, walking towards him.
No reply follows.
— “Tamaki,” you call him, closer now, touching his cheek with a small glass jar not unlike many you’ve cleaned up before around his room.
— He takes the King Pudding from you, your hand still lingering close to his face.
— “So, I’m just your friend now.” He mumbles, uncapping the pudding. “I really thought we were more than that, [Y/n]. I was happy.”
— “Tamaki…” Your expression saddens, eyes widening. “We are more than that.” You try reaching for his hand. He doesn’t pull away.
— “But you’re an idol, Tama.” Your thumb traces soothing patterns over the back of his hand. “We can’t announce to the whole world that we’re dating, you know.”
— You squeeze his hand, your eyes meeting his sky-blue ones, now more distant, akin to the mysteries hidden in the night above you. “However, that doesn’t mean I love you any less, okay? I’ll buy you King Pudding for every time I have to call you just ‘friend’ if you so wish.”
— He finally raises his head.
“You promise?”
— “I swear, on a year’s worth of King Pudding.” You smile, brushing cerulean strands away from his face.
— “I love you, [Y/n]-chan.” Your boyfriend states. Sometimes you are still amazed at how upfront he is making his feelings known.
— “I love you too, Tamaki.” You utter, leaving a soft kiss to his cheek, as you sit beside him, head resting on his shoulder.
— “Tell me about the stars?” You plead, while he finally digs into the King Pudding you bought for him.
Distant pinpricks of light shift into clear images as your lover names every constellation he knows. You like how his eyes shine while he does so.
You’ll do what it takes to protect that light.
— “Are you sure you don’t mind?”
“Momo, I told you, you can stay the night. It’s not like we haven’t had sleepovers at your place other times.”
“But you have work in the morning.”
“Momo, we’re friends, it’s more than okay if you stay.”
— And after that, a heavy silence settles over the both of you in the tranquility of your apartment.
— ‘We’re friends.’ You just called your boyfriend ‘a friend’.
— Azalea hued eyes stare at you, caught somewhere in between hurt and disbelief, as you bring both your hands over your mouth, your own gaze widening in horror at what you just said.
— “Friends, huh?” Your boyfriend repeats, a sad smile on his features. It’s wrong, this expression on him, it’s all messed up. Momo’s smiles are always genuine, brimming with contagious cheerfulness.
— “No, wait, Momo!” You try to reach for him, but he just avoids your touch. “I’m sorry, I didn’t- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.”
— “What are we, [Y/n]?” He asks. Not ‘love’, or ‘baby’, or any of the other cute terms of endearment he always came up with. It stings, salt being rubbed against the wound you both share.
— A few moments pass, before you open your mouth, and yet, whatever reply you might have uttered goes unsaid.
— “So you can’t answer.” Your lover lets out, dryly.
— “We’re a couple.” You shoot, almost before he can finish the sentence. “You’re my boyfriend, Momo.” You step closer to him. He doesn’t retreat now. Good, you think, heaving a small sigh of relief. “And I love you.” You wrap your arms around his middle, your gaze mesmerized by the vibrant shades of his. “More than anything.”
— The familiarity of a warm embrace squeezes around your waist, as the scent of his shampoo wafts around you. Fresh peaches. Reminiscent of balmy sunsets dyed in rose.
— “I’m so sorry, Momo…” You choke out, tears gathering on your lashes now. “Please don’t leave.”
— “You have work tomorrow morning though, baby.” He teases now, the usual cheery lilt back in his voice.
— “You’re my boyfriend. Stay.”
— And well, he just can’t deny you anything. So, like the many nights you’ve stayed at his place before, he does the same this time around.
— And because you know he’s more of a morning person and your little misunderstanding has tired the both of you, you lay in bed, face to face. His arms settle around the small of your back, as yours rest over his heart.
— Before drifting off to sleep, however, your lips tenderly brush against his. He’s your first choice, now and forever, and you’d be damned if you didn’t let him know.
The next morning, you take the day off. Doting on your cute boyfriend and showing him how appreciated he is is your priority. Momo deserves all the kisses and cuddles in the world, and there’s no one better to provide them to him than you.
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xxcherrycherixx · 9 months
Lets talk about my goldilocks (goldi)
Shes a single mom, her husband passed away when blondie was a kid and she never looked for anyone else after.
She toned down her girly poofy pink wardrobe when she became a mother, and it got even more toned down after losing her husband.
She was raised very traditionally as most of the parents of the ever after high cast are. This means shes against the whole rebel thing, which explains why Blondie was also against it.
Shes also homophobic, but only because shes not able to understand it as queerness had been very undercover before the time frame of ever after high along with being a rebel. It causes her to lose blondie who is a lesbian and dating cupid. She misses blondie so much considering she was basically the only family she had left and then one day she sees blondie has a baby now, her granddaughter. It makes her desperate to have her family back and she throws her taught prejudice aside and rekindles with blondie, accepting cupid and their daughter as her family.
She likes nature and would take little blondie out into the forests with her to explore and have picnics
As the queen of their village shes on friendly terms with their local bear population, all goldilocks eventually are and its why blondie is so sure on all bears being her friends, its because she sees that the local bears to her village are friends with her mom and so she thinks all bears outside of her village will be friendly with her too.
Goldilocks never pursued a career, all goldilocks usually just become queen of the village (basically just mayor) and raise the next Goldilocks as stay at home moms. Blondie wants a career though, she wants to be a reporter. When she stops talking to her mom she basically realises she can actually fully pursue this career, she figures she wont have to be the queen of the village anymore and goes for it. When she does reconnect with her mom she manages to keep her job, with goldi sharing her duties of queen and helping to look after the kids while blondie and cupid are both working.
Goldi loves her grandkids, she takes them out into the woods just like she did with baby blondie. She raises an eyebrow at the bear cub but she quickly accepts him, she asks her mother bear friends about raising cubs and passes the advice she learns onto cupid and blondie. she proudly shows him off as her grandchild to her mother bear friends, and sets up playdates between him and their cubs so he can have playmates he can be more of a bear with (like using his claws and teeth without risk of injuring his human siblings)
When blondie tells her who the fathers for her bio kids are she raises an eyebrow “king charmings boys? Well thats a coincidence. You know once upon a time those boys could have been your brothers” and blondie is confused and horrified “what” goldi just laughs “oh dont worry theres no chance of that. I just dated him for 2 weeks back in high school” and blondie calls daring and dexter to tell them about it and daring is surprised meanwhile dexter is like “… i kinda knew?” Anyway blondie and daring gang up on him for not telling them, darling sees this and pretends she had no idea either leaving dexter to fend for himself.
She gets along with cupid and thinks shes a sweet girl, and even one day says she thinks shes the perfect girl to be dating her daughter. of course cupid is always on her best behaviour around blondies mom. shes pretty sure goldi wouldn’t be as keen on her if she knew half the things she gets blondie into, or what she gets into blondie 👀 so basically all swearing, sexual references and provocative clothing are kept very much away from goldi’s ears and eyes so she can maintain this image. (Cupid has absolutely had sex with blondie in her moms house, when blondie moans cupid shushes her for basically the first time ever, blondie is confused and cupid whispers “hun, i cant have your mom hear us. shes taking me with her shopping tomorrow for ‘mom and daughter-in-law bonding time’ I cant handle the pressure of her glaring at me and giving me the silent treatment the entire time” blondie rolls her eyes and tries to be quieter.)
Goldilocks has no idea how old her daughter’s girlfriend is and will never know. Blondie and cupid decide its best to keep somethings a secret from her mom, she also wont ever see cupid’s true form or even know shes able to shapeshift at all. the kids say something about cupid’s “cool bone wings!” And goldi is so confused, its even worse when their cub asks goldi “why do i need to be around these other bears?” And goldi says “its good for you to be able to learn bear things from your own species instead of just your human family” and he tilts his head confused “but momma is a bear sometimes, she teaches me bear things already” and goldi confronts cupid and blondie to which they absolutely lie about it.
Goldi meets cupids family once and never again. They are too much for her and cupid cringes as her auntie Aphrodite tries to flirt with a confused goldi. Cupid begs and prays that goldilocks views on her have not changed after the experience.
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the-writer-nerd-ro · 7 months
I had a lot of fun with this one! It doesn’t directly follow “Everything on their Christmas Lists,” but it does reference it! Honestly though if you’re not caught up on my delicious, delicious twelve-part series what are you even doing lol
Anyway, enjoy, and have a lovely Valentine’s Day!
Doppelganger Date
Sara had a lot of Valentine's Day surprises planned but this hadn't been one of them.
They'd chosen the rowdy bar and grill sort of last minute since it was the fanciest restaurant they could get into without a reservation. Sara hadn't really wanted to commit to any reservations before she knew what her bank account would look like. She'd used most of her Valentine's Day funds on Hunter's present, not satisfied with the mixtape she'd gotten Hunter for Christmas when Hunter had gone all out with a beautiful rose gold locket.
Sara had planned on giving Sara her gift at dinner, but she hadn’t anticipated the less-than-romantic ambiance. And she hadn’t anticipated that the other patrons of the bar would be oddly familiar.
It wasn’t anyone she knew personally- her list of friends in the city was pretty small and she didn’t remember partying with either of these people. They probably partied though, the shorter one definitely looked like the type.
“Hun,” Sara said in a whisper, “do those two at the bar look familiar to you?”
Hunter glanced over and studied them critically for a minute. Hunter was really good at this, at taking people in with a few looks and then breaking them down to their essentials.
“They look like us,” Hunter said, sounding matter-of-fact.
Sara stole another glance and came to the same conclusion. It wasn't a one-to-one comparison, the pink streaks in Sara's hair were magenta, instead of the light pink that comprised all but the roots of the taller woman's hair. The shorter woman had the same long dark hair as Hunter, though hers was buzzed on one side. It was also hard to ignore the two curved horns sticking out of her head.
“I'm going to go network,” Sara decided.
“You can't just go up to random strangers,” Hunter argued.
“I literally do it all the time, how do you think I get gigs?”
“But they're clearly on a date. And so are we, remember?”
“It'll just be a minute,” Sara said.
Hunter rolled her eyes, but she was smiling slightly. She found Sara's ability to turn anything into a networking event weirdly charming. Last week Sara had worked a party for her dentist.
Hunter's amusement faltered when, a few minutes later, Sara walked back to their booth with the strangers in tow.
“Hun, this is Rosé and Harper. Guys, this is my girlfriend Hunter.”
“I love your dress,” the pink-haired one, Rosé, commented genuinely.
“Thanks, uh, yours is pretty cute, too.”
Rosé grinned and, against all odds, the other couple sat down.
This was not at all what Hunter had imagined for a night of romance- she'd never once been on a double date she enjoyed.
“So, what do you guys do for work?” Hunter asked awkwardly.
“I'm a detective,” Rosé said. Harper was still silent, probably judging her.
“Oh, good. Lotta crime out there.”
“That's my mom's name,” Harper said.
“What is?”
“Lotta Crime. Well, her maiden name.”
“Huh. So… Do you do crime?”
“Are you a cop?”
“I'm a funeral director.”
Harper visibly relaxed. “Yeah, I do some crime.”
“Petty thefts,” Rosé said with a smirk.
“I asked you not to call them that,” Harper huffed.
“Just remember which one of us is a better thief.”
Hunter, feeling awkward being left out, commented, “Yeah I steal stuff too.”
Harper gave her another once-over.
“Really? I haven't seen you in any of my circles.”
“It's kind of a solo thing, I don't really publicize it much. It's more of a… Hobby.”
“She takes cute dresses from dead people,” Sara said with a beaming smile that conveyed she was very proud of Hunter's unconventional hobby.
“You're a graverobber?” Harper asked, looking a mix of surprised and impressed.
“No, I take the dresses before the bodies are in the grave. And only when they're really cute. And it's a closed casket.” The one time she'd tried to take a dress from an open casket funeral she'd gotten sued but fortunately there'd been some big murder case that week so the “Funeral Director Desecrates Body” story had gotten buried.
“Whatever floats your boat,” Rosé said, taking a sip of her drink.
“You're not going to turn me in, are you?” Hunter asked nervously.
“Of course not, snitches get stitches. Plus it's clearly paying off, you look adorable.”
Hunter smiled. “Thanks.”
“We are so partying together,” Sara said with a grin.
“Absolutely. You're going to love York and Grenda -those are my roommates/found family. When we party, we party hard.”
“I can't wait,” Sara said. She must have already passed out her business cards because she didn't seem worried about Rosé contacting her with the party deets.
“Do you party, Hunter?” Harper asked.
“Not usually,” Hunter said.
“You should come party with us,” Rosé said, “We'll teach you how to steal stuff off of the living.”
“Tempting. I'll check my schedule and see if I can fit it in.”
Harper and Rosé hung out for a while longer until eventually they went their separate ways. The accidental double date had thrown off Sara's plans, so she decided to give Hunter her present when they got home.
“That was weird,” Hunter commented as she put her coat up. “I mean, they were nice, but it was weird, right?”
“A little, but that's what's so fun about meeting new people. You never know what to expect.”
“I think they were hitting on me,” Hunter said thoughtfully.
“Probably,” Sara agreed. “You're pretty irresistible.
“I got you something, by the way.” She pulled the box out of her pocket and presented it with a silly little bow.
Hunter had found it suspicious that Sara was wearing actual jeans for Valentine’s Day when she had cherub-covered leggings that would’ve been perfect, now her suspicions were confirmed. She let out a hum of anticipation before opening it to reveal a pair of silver and emerald earrings.
“Oh, wow, these are beautiful.”
“I maybe went through your collection, and I saw you didn't have any earrings to match your mom's necklace. I didn't think that was right.”
Hunter blinked back tears. “Wow, Sara… That's so thoughtful.”
“You do thoughtful things for me all the time, you literally brought me breakfast in bed this morning. I wanted to return the favor.”
Hunter pulled Sara into a hug.
“I love you, Sara without an H.”
“I love you too, Hunter with an H. I'm glad I get to share my home and life with you.”
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 1 year
Hey Bunni! I have a question: What are some of your muse's favorite words of endearment? (Sweetie, dear, beloved, etc.)
I’M SO LATE FOR SINDAY OH MY GOSH! I got you though, Ozzie! You never specified if this was platonic, or whatnot, so I decided to do a bit of both for a couple of my dudes!
SCP-8713 / Ophelia
Receiving (romantically): ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH CALLING HER PRETTY OR PRAISING HER!! Things like Darling, Beloved, Lover, Dear, Kitten, etc. are always good but if you call her smart, beautiful, talented, compassionate. She’s melting and looking at you with the softest expression! Larry would always use it to warm her up before an apology for him dragging her into his hunts
Receiving (platonically): Ophelia isn’t super used to getting many platonic nicknames, it’s mostly been cold phrases like ‘girl’ or ‘SCP / SCP-8713,’ to refer to her in recent memory, so something as simple as acknowledging that she is a Miss or that she is a qualified and decorated nurse. That’s often enough to bring her joy! The common Hun, Honey, Dear and Loves though?? Those have to be her favourites of the passing niceties family!
Giving (romantically): GOD, OPHELIA IS SUCH A FUCKING DELI COUNTER WITH ALL THE CHEESE SHE HAS GOING ON. Petnames from her have two categories: artistic bullshit or like… such genuinely sappy vintage declarations of love that seem like they jumped off a 1910s Valentine collection. Some of the highlights of hers include: Tiger, Hotstuff, Handsome, Stallion, Sweetheart, Hunk, Stud, Dove, Angel, Lambkin, Love & Honey.
Giving (platonically): Ophelia is of the firm opinion to love often and love unapologetically, so practically everyone in her life has been given some personalized pet name or another to signify the relationship she holds with them! Poppy is her Ducky, Iris is Shutterbug, Easel alternates between Mr. Grumpy and Blot, Yam is her Sweet Potato, Lily is her little bear cub, Hell! Even many of the doctors and staff have nicknames! Connor had her calling him ‘Big C’ for a while after he joked offhandedly that it could be cooler than the corny nickname she had come up for him. So TDLR: everyone gets a nickname, they aren’t super generalized, Ophelia likes to tailor them to show people she loves them.
The Nurse / Sally Smithson
Receiving (romantically): SALLY WILL MELT IF YOU GIVE HER A SAPPY NICKNAME, it’s such a proclamation of unabashed love in her eyes and it is on the level of PDA to her in the best way. You call her your golden rose and you may as well be open mouth kissing her right in front of company and she ADORES it. In terms of notable favorites though!
Anything involving gold or yellow on account of her hair, Ladybird, Mouse, Magnolia, Rose, Sweetheart, Beloved, Darling, the last one especially is enough to make her get that dopey grin and nod like ‘Yes, I’m your darling, that’s me,’
Receiving (platonically): None usually! Sally, she won’t pick a fight with people but she dislikes nicknames and the faux kindness that carries with them. If you know her, she prefers you call her by her given name or either of her last names.
Giving (romantically): Darling, Beloved, Dear, Handsome/Gorgeous, Sweetest & Angel! Mind you these are all unisex in her mind, and certain relationships will draw their own unique petnames.
Giving (platonically): Sally really isn’t too fond of giving pet names to people! It’s not her thing, far too familiar and faaaar too presumptive in most cases. If you are her friend, colleague, etc. she’ll default to calling you by your last name, i.e sir, mr, miss, mrs. -blank- (sadly she’s pretty antiquated to these are her defaults) If she’s closer with you, you get to be a first name basis. For example, Sally calls the Trapper Evan!
But this said, she has been known to throw out the words Dear & Love platonically! I.e ‘Dear, would you help me lift this?’ or ‘Love, the door, my hands are occupied,’
The Trapper / Evan MacMillan
Receiving (romantically): Evan is not familiar with pet names. Never grew up with them, never familiar with them & honestly, it’s a bit too much vulnerability to be comfortable. So, while receiving ANYTHING is wonderful and will make his heart flutter. It’s very overstimulating and overwhelming as well! Give him a bit to sit with any names before you make it a frequent thing!
Receiving (platonically): OKAY EVAN IS ONLY USED TO BEING CALLED BOY, SIR & MISTER. He had a couple goofy nicknames back when he had friends, like DaVinci mockingly for his love of art but that’s it! Anything else is new ground and he really doesn’t care much for it. Sir always feels nice though!
Giving (romantically): Contrary to the fact Evan isn’t super familiar with receiving pet names, I think he’d be incredibly open to giving them once he’s caught feelings! As I mentioned before, Evan goes full tilt puppy dog when in love! So a couple of his favourites are: handsome, babe, honey and muffin!
Giving (platonically): YA EVAN WONT, not in the respectful way that Sally does it or the overly familiar way Ophelia does it. He’s just… not giving you any of that warmth and even though he’ll knows your name, he isn’t going to call you by it. With Evan platonically, you’re either being barked at with boy or girl. Or, if he’s pissed off with you enough, he’ll break out the condescending sweetheart, pumpkin, etc.
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jaestrz · 2 years
Comfort after humiliation -choi seungcheol
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Being an idol was a job that you wouldn’t trade for the world. Having 13 loving members and a supportive fans was it all to make you happy.
And you couldn’t be more grateful to have that experience even through hardship.
But if there’s something that could disturb you, it would be your mom’s friends who turns every moments awkward. You don’t hate your mom, but you hated her nosy friends.
When the company announced the dating between Seungcheol and you, the first person to call you was your mom telling you how her friend was a little disappointed. At first you didn’t really know why but it soon happened after the members and you have an ending ments before going off stage, waving at the people in the crowds.
Backstage, everyone was exhausted in a happy way. Having a 20 minute rest before they have to change to go home. But there weren’t any rest for you after one of the staff had called you telling that your mom wanted to see you with a “woman” who the staff referred to was your mom’s friend, separating you and the group.
“Y/n? Where are you going?” Hoshi’s question made Seungcheol stop his conversation with Wonwoo and gazed at you. You just smiled and said “I’ll see you guys a bit. If you need anything I’ll be at the hallway.” before walking with the staff and meeting up with your mom, greeting her and her friend.
The air conditioner hits your skin.
“You were great on stage.” Your mom complimented, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear that was covering your face. You smiled. “Thank you— but what brings you and your friend here.” You told them in a slight confusion tone.
Her friend chuckled. “My son Ji hun has a liking interest in you for a long time and I do honestly think you’re perfect for each other. Maybe you know? You two can date and get married once you two get to know each other more.” Her words made you a bit uncomfortable but you understood. You can’t control your feelings for someone and it looks like Ji hun really has an interest in you.
But loving someone who works as an idol would be exhausting. Especially when it would be different than others. Dating a busy person would means less more attention and rarely see each other. Maybe he just never saw that bad side of dating.
Ji hun was a nice guy, he’s polite and somehow you heard from others he was 2 years younger than Seungcheol.
Now that he is seriously in love with you, you didn’t know what to expect. The boy was looking at you with serious in his eyes. “I actually already found someone I love and I’m not changing my mind. But I hope Ji hun will think me as his silly crush. Even if I’m not dating anyone, I don’t think we could be together. The company wouldn’t allow that.” You exhaled.
There was a hint of disappointment look in Ji hun’s eyes but you couldn’t think of anything to say. “I wonder why you even choose to be in this career. No offense but I think you should lower yourself a bit. My son has everything a girl wants. If the company can let you and that Seungcheol kid pass, why not my son? Maybe you’ll change your mind once you meet him. Who gave permission to date a band member anyway?” Your mom friend told you, showing off her son who was probably a little bit shorter than Joshua.
“That isn’t probably the nicest thing to say to a hard working woman . It took me years to get a woman like her. Have you seen how much she enjoys on stage? Doing her job?.” A voice said from behind.
Suddenly there was a light sound of footsteps coming towards you four, feeling an arm wrapped around your waist and pecked you on the lips from behind. There was a smile on your mom’s lips when Seungcheol greeted her. “I’ve made you all lunch before coming here. Eat well.” There was a large bag filled with water and bento boxes labeled with names on it.
Seungcheol took it from your mothers hand and thanking her.
There was a paranoid look on the lady’s face when Seungcheol suddenly smiled. “I’m sorry but we both have to go now. It was nice meeting you. Thank you mom for the food, i hope we see again on weekends.” Seungcheol told them before taking you away from them.
A proud feeling grew in him.
“You love me that much?” He asked, kissing your head.
“I do.” You told him. “Why would I choose someone when I have a boyfriend. I don’t even know him much. We only see each other when his mom comes over the house.” Seungcheol and you both stopped walking, standing at the empty hallway. “You also defended me, that gave me a little comfort” you told him.
“I couldn’t stand seeing someone humiliating the person I love.” He chuckled, burying your face in his chest.
“I love you baby”
A small smile crept up your face. “I love you too.”
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
don quixote and the classics // bucky barnes bookstore! au
pairing: bucky barnes x bookkeeper! reader
summary: bucky develops a sudden affinity for secondhand books from one specific store, and coincidentally, that store just so happens to employ a pretty, intriguing bookkeeper. from don quixote to the history of Hun empire archery techniques, bucky just wants to see you again.
warnings: swearing, mutual pining, the avengers are meddling assholes but i love it, couple references to my favorite books, and oblivious reader
w/c: 6.5k
prompt 6 by @juicywritinghoard
“librarian desperate to understand what wild phase the other character is going thru rn”
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*✿❀ ❀✿*
when you dreamed of moving to new york, you had hoped your days would be spent glamourously lounging in high-end bars, frequenting gentrified hip indie cafés (because let’s be honest, you can’t escape them these days), and/or getting yourself a sugar daddy.
what you didn’t plan for was working six days a week at a shitty bookstore where you tripped over the loose floorboard behind the counter even after three months. granted, the “shittiness” of it all was quite charming, and the old man who owned the place was probably the sweetest person you’d ever met—which said a lot because you hated old people.
the business had been slaw. as aforementioned, the gentrified millennial-catered cat-café-bookshop-cabaret-bars blew whatever “run-down charm” your store could try to advertise itself as. you spent most of your time abandoning the counter, since it wasn’t like there were customers who needed to purchase things anyway. instead, you’d found yourself lost in shelves of haphazardly organized books (fuck the dewey decimal system), trying to squeeze in new finds (and by new, you meant the battered up copies that the owner’s friends had no more use for) but eventually settling for stacking them horizontally on top of the rows and rows of dusty books.
you’d never admit it, but this place had become your home. sure, it was probably decomposing. and you swore that you saw a squirrel in there once. but you and your single coworker were always treated with baked goods from the owner and paid a reasonable salary. the owner had done so much for you back when you were a naive, freshly moved-in new yorker. he’d fed you when your bills were becoming too much, he offered you a job and made sure you were paid enough, and once, he even let you crash on the cushy chairs in the back when the subway was down and a thunderstorm was raging. 
today was like any average day, so essentially a day full of nothing. stevie nicks crooned through the old radio—the owner insisted on CDs—and you hummed along, occasionally singing some of the lyrics you knew. when the bell chimed and you heard the hinges of the door squeak, you yourself let out a squeak.
“uh, hello?” a raspy male voice called from the front of the store. he cleared his throat. “is there anyone- are you guys open? i didn’t see a closed sign or anything and the lights were on so…” he was speaking to nobody in particular, trailing off after he heard no response.
“okay, um, no worries! have a good day,” he called to no one, turning to leave.
“wait! wait, come back!” you huffed as you ran to the front of the store, clutching your stomach to catch your breath. “sorry, i thought i was hallucinating. we haven’t had a customer in a long time.” you winced. “that’s really bad advertising, isn’t it,” you muttered to yourself.
the man laughed. “no worries, i’m enjoying our introduction, actually.” he hesitantly held his flesh hand out for you to shake. “bucky. bucky barnes?” he waited for some sort of recognition to flash in your eyes, or maybe a recoil, or maybe for you to ask him to leave. instead, you took his hand in yours and gave him two firm shakes. he smiled at your confident grip.
“as much as i’m glad you’re enjoying this introduction at my expense—sorry about that, by the way; customer service is not my thing—how can i help you?”
“i’m looking for a book,” he said, eyes flickering around the crowded bookshelves as if he were a little intimidated.
“then you’re in the right place,” you snorted. “sorry, that was rude of me. sorry. do you know what you’re looking for? our organization system is a bit… unique, so i can show you to our different sections if you need.”
“that’d be great, actually,” he confessed, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. “do you have anything on… gardening? botanicals? specifically flowers? ones that are native to the east coast would be preferable.”
you smiled, picturing the burly man in front of you curled up on an armchair, scanning pages and pages about delicate, colorful petals and local flora. “we do, actually! come with me.”
the man—no, bucky—trailed behind you, mesmerized by the way you navigated seemingly random stacks of books with such familiarity. you stopped abruptly and he nearly walked into you—and thank god for that, because he probably would’ve run you over.
“here ‘ya go!” you chirped, running your hand over the spines of botanical books fondly. “if it’s not too invasive to ask, but why are you looking for books on flowers? no offense, but you don’t really seem like,” you waved your hands around, “a flower kind of guy.”
bucky chuckled, already immersed in his hunt for the perfect book. “you’re right, i’m not. my friend wanda’s been wanted to start a garden, but she’s always been a city girl. we have a place further out from the city with a good amount of land, so i’m hoping to get her started.”
“that’s so sweet!” you swooned, smiling widely. “you’re such a wonderful boyfriend. god, those are rare.”
“oh no- uh, we’re not dating,” bucky stammered, cheeks flushing slightly as he refused to meet your eyes. his hands froze midair, fingers dancing across the spine of a book. “we just live… together. there’s a lot of us there.”
“ah, so you guys are like fancy outskirts-of-new-york co-inhabitants, huh?” you gazed at the ceiling thoughtfully. “never met anyone like that.”
“well, normal is not a word i’d use to describe myself,” he said with a hint of bitterness. was that right? he was bitter?
you leaned against one of the shelves as you watched him search. when he found what he was looking for, he turned with the book clutched against his chest, giving you a triumphant grin.
“you found one! c’mon, i’ll get you all checked out.”
bucky couldn’t help but watch as your fingers danced across the old register whose numbers on the keys had begun to fade. you flipped the book to the back to check the price. “hey, you got a good deal! five dollars, please.” 
he fished for his wallet and handed you a crumpled bill. you smiled and handed him his book. perhaps it was intentional or maybe it was simply an accident, but bucky shivered when your fingertips brushed against his own. “it was nice to meet you, bucky,” you waved cheerfully as he left, a bit reluctant to say goodbye. he held his hand up in parting, walking out the door backward to keep you in his sight for as long as possible, almost bumping into a passing pedestrian who shot him a glare. you giggled.
as he began the walk back to the subway, he flipped through his new book. he smiled to himself. right in the center of the pages was a delicate bookmark, stained with dancing hues of a painter’s watercolor touch.
wanda was overjoyed at bucky’s gift. she seemed to love the secondhand nature of it, claiming “that’s what gives it personality!” bucky agreed that the book had personality, but he didn���t think it was because of its age. it was because it reminded him of the sweet bookkeeper’s smile. unbeknownst to wanda, he’d taken the bookmark out and kept it for himself.
steve’s birthday was coming up, and seeing as wanda couldn’t stop gushing over her plants, the rest of the team had taken an interest to where the book had come from. when living in a hundred-million-dollar complex, something as simple as the concept of paying for a battered-up, used item was a bit foreign.
“you’re back!” you’d exclaimed at the sight of bucky’s smiling face. it was late june, and between his first meeting with you and today’s mission of retrieving a birthday present for steve, he’d stopped by three times already.
“your favorite regular has arrived,” he grinned, draping himself over the counter teasingly to admire your face. you swatted him away.
“you’re my only regular and you know it.” you tapped his nose. “so what are you looking for today?” you came out from behind the counter, taking extra care to skip over the loose floorboard. after tripping over it twice in front of bucky, you were determined to take extra caution.
“something on art, actually.” he looked down at you adoringly as you stood in front of him, head tilted up to meet his eyes as you rocked back and forth excitedly on the balls of your feet.
“ooooh, you’re versatile!” you wrapped your small hand around his wrist, catching bucky off guard, but by some miracle, a wave of courage swept over him and he slipped his wrist out of your grasp and interlocked your fingers with his. if you were caught off guard, you made no indication, but bucky could swear your heart jumped a little.
you weaved the two of you through the shelves once more. the two of you were fully aware that bucky could probably navigate just fine on his own after his multiple visits here, but neither of you would complain about the extra few minutes you’d get to spend together. 
as he browsed, you settled into your usual routine of chatting as he searched and you leaned casually against a shelf. “... so first you come in with gardening, and then the next week it’s archery during the Hun empire, and then last week you get two books—which were great picks, by the way; you were very tasteful with the don quixote and thinking of you reading alice in wonderland absolutely made my day-” 
bucky blushed. you had been thinking of him?
“-and now you’re here for art? i’ve got to say, i’m extremely impressed, buck.”
he stood up from his crouch, where he had been examining the lower shelves for the perfect book, and held it up to you for approval. this was also part of the routine—he’d pick out a book, you’d inspect it, and if you deemed it a good fit, he’d buy it.
“i love it! mainstreamers of modern art? i never pegged you for a modern art guy, but i see it now. you’re adventurous.” as the two of you made your way through the checkout process, he couldn’t help the thought that’d been running through his mind the past few weeks.
“do you make the bookmarks yourself?
this time, it was your turn to blush. “um, yeah, actually.” you hesitated before handing him his book and meeting his eye. “i’m no picasso,” you tapped on the cover of the book where his art was featured, “but before you started coming, i had a lot of free time. so i started making little bookmarks.”
the loveliest smile you’d ever seen on bucky’s face, or anybody’s face, for that matter, spread ear-to-ear like the flowers you assumed that wanda had successfully been nurturing.
“what is it?” you laughed nervously, tilting your head away from him shyly.
he reached out and took hold of your jaw with a gentle touch. he wasn’t sure where all this courage was coming from. perhaps it was the spirit of capitan america running through his bloodstream. “don’t… don’t look away. don’t be embarrassed. i think it’s beautiful,” he confessed, eyes never leaving yours just as his hand refused to pull away from where it had reached up to caress your face. the two of you were trying to contain your bashful smiles.
“thank… thank you,” you whispered, finding your faces a bit too close for this to be platonic. at this point, you weren’t sure if the “beautiful” bucky had been talking about was referring to the bookmarks or to you. you hoped it was the latter.
the clanging of the bell broke your spell. the both of you jumped back; you pretended to be busying yourself with papers that didn’t exist and bucky’s arms snapped to his side like a soldier in position. a young woman appeared at the door.
“wanda?” bucky revelled, eyebrows furrowing as he took in the figure of a curious customer scanning the store.
“no, bucky. vision decided to emulate me and come all the way down here to terrorize you. yes, it’s me, wanda,” she deadpanned.
“wanda!” you abandoned your nonexistent busywork. “you’re bucky’s roommate? i’ve heard so much about you? how’s the garden coming along? what’d you think of the book? i’m not sure if- i put bookmarks in all the purchased books, i hope yours didn’t fall out! i put a flowery patterned one in there for you,” you gushed, overjoyed to meet a friend of bucky’s and get a glimpse of his personal life which he was incredibly guarded about. oh, and because you had a new customer, obviously.
“bucky’s told me all about you as well! it’s so nice to finally meet you!” you hesitated for a second as wanda wrapped you into a big hug before reciprocating with equal enthusiasm. bucky didn’t care about wanda’s comment as much as he was thrilled to see you get along with his friends.
“and yes, i loved the bookmark,” wanda said, shooting bucky a questioning glance, eyebrows raised. bucky wilted under her knowing look.
“how did you even find me, wanda?” bucky chewed his lip nervously at wanda’s mischievous smirk.
“oh, it was totally an accident. i found this darling store online and i knew i just had to come get steve’s birthday present here. it just so happens that this is the place you’ve been running off to all these weeks! i can’t believe you’d keep this gem to yourself,” she simpered, taking hold of your hand.
“you know, bucky can’t stop talking about this place,” she smiled. “and you,” she whispered connivingly into your ear. you felt your face heat up and hoped wanda couldn’t tell. she could.
“r-really? that’s so sweet of you,” you stammered, eyes flickering between wanda and bucky. bucky looked like he was going to sink into the floor.
you cleared your throat. “so, you said you’re looking for a birthday present? would you like some assistance or are you good to wander on your own?” you deflected, letting go of wanda’s hand when you felt yours begin to clam up.
“well, i see bucky’s already beat me to the art book. i think steve might like a classic though. he’s been trying to catch up on everything he missed when he was under the ice, and i know he’s always had a soft spot for the paperbacks with the pretty colors. you should stop by and check out his collection!”
you narrowed your eyes. “under… under the ice?” you questioned, not sure where this was going and wondering if you needed to call an ambulance and/or schedule a psychological examination for wanda.
“yeah, you- oh, has bucky not told you?” the both of you turned back to look at bucky, who was still frozen in place by the counter with his eyes wide. wanda turned back to you smugly. “we’re here for steve rogers. you know, captain america.”
your mouth dropped as you stared at wanda blankly. you weren’t sure if you were drooling or not, but you wouldn’t be surprised if you were.
“c-capitan america? the real one? a-and are you wanda, as in the scarlet witch? holy shit. and- oh my god,” you panted, eyes wild. “bucky?”
bucky met your eye, apprehensive. “bucky? i’m so fucking stupid. bucky barnes. james barnes. the- the winter soldier?”
bucky flinched, steeling himself for the inevitable. you sounded so afraid, tripping over your words as you tried to say his name. the secret was out now, and he’d have to stop coming to your bookshop—no longer could he tease you, or buy books he didn’t really need, or spend all his spare cash, or help you dust the shelves, or add to his collection of your bookmarks, or-
“bucky, i can’t believe you didn’t tell me, you little sneak!” you ran up to him and slapped his arm playfully. you tugged at your hair. “i’m so blind, aren’t i? you’re wearing a jacket in the summertime. your name is literally barnes. you told me you lived in a fucking compound on the outskirts of new york and i was so caught up in your pretty face to even-”
you slapped your hand over your mouth, eyes widening enough to rival bucky’s own wide eyed stare.
“uh, wanda! you wanted a book?” you rushed over to her side, grabbing her hand and tugging her deeper into the shelves as wanda snuck a look back at bucky, whose face was buried in his hands as he leaned against the counter.
wanda ended up buying 1984. you were a fidgety mess as you checked her out, tucking another one of your bookmarks between the pages. you and bucky didn’t look at each other once. well, that was a lie. your eyes were burning holes into the first edition paperback while bucky snuck glances at the side of your face, watching your concentrated brows and small huff at the sticky keys of the register with a stupid, infatuated smile on his face. wanda elbowed him hard.
“what was that for?” he hissed, lowering his voice and hoping you couldn’t hear him. wanda rolled her eyes.
“thank you so much,” she simpered as you handed her the book with a polite smile. “you know, you’ve done so much for us. bucky’s never been big on reading before,” wanda patted the super soldier’s arm. your eyebrows raised as if to say, oh really?
“hard to believe, right?” she laughed. “he comes here so much i could be fooled. anyways, i was thinking you should come and celebrate steve’s birthday with us! it’s the fourth of july, which is cliché, i know, but if you don’t have any plans you’d be more than welcome! we’d all love to meet the woman that’s gotten bucky all intellectual recently. your books have more of an impact around the compound than you think.”
you looked terrified. “i- what? the compound, as in the avengers compound? wait, captain america’s birthday? a birthday party? you want me to come to america’s party for his birthday?” you gasped, blinking furiously to try and comprehend the insanity of it all.
wanda giggled. “yes! you’re so cute; i can see why bucky likes you so much.” once again, you and bucky blushed and looked at the floor. wanda either didn’t notice or didn’t care.
“i mean, i’ll have to- i might have to work but- yes! i’d love to, i just have to check with the owner, uh, thank you? for inviting me to your party? um, are there going to be avengers there?”
wanda shook her head, enamored by your antics. “yes, there will definitely be avengers there. it’ll probably just be the team and their families, but you can be bucky’s plus one. here, let me write down the details for you!”
you slid wanda a piece of scrap paper silently, subtly pinching yourself to check if you were dreaming. you were not.
“here ‘ya go! bucky and i can’t wait to see you there!” she chirped before dragging a dazed bucky out of the store and leaving you breathless. bucky can’t wait to see me there. 
“stop being such a sourpuss, bucky.” wanda complained, smacking his arm with a trail of red energy.
“yeah, bucky. if your girlfriend is half as obsessed with you as you are for her, she’ll show up here with a trumpet fanfare and a horse-drawn carriage. you’re down bad, my man, and it’s getting kinda sad.” sam had his arms crossed in front of bucky, who had decided to tag team with natasha to bully bucky all day.
“it’s steve’s birthday, can we just… ugh,” bucky groaned, tugging at his hair. “i don’t even care if she comes or not. it’s not a big deal. i’ve only seen her like, five times. i’m just a customer. so it doesn’t even matter.”
natasha rolled her eyes. “i’m this close,” she demonstrated with her fingers pinched together, “to beating the stupidity out of you, buchanan.” bucky glared at her.
“can you not-”
“shut the fuck up, idiot,” sam interrupted.
natasha elbowed him “okay, the goal is to piss him off, not rip his fragile, lovesick heart into shreds,” she chastised. bucky pursed his lips in frustration and took a deep, calming breath.
“i am going to remove myself from the situation,” he spoke mostly to himself, closing his eyes and remembering with dr. raynor had taught him. as much as he hated his shrink, he had to admit, therapy was coming in handy when it came to dealing with his asshole teammates. de-escalate, bucky. remove yourself from the aggressive environment. good job, bucky. deep, calming breaths. imagine you’re on a quiet beach…
“bucky!” the sound of your honeyed call broke his trance. his heart raced once more. well, shit. that ruined the whole meditative process. but it was worth it if it meant he got to hear his name roll off your tongue, all sugary and pure.
natasha and sam smirked at each other as you ran over to bucky with a gift in hand and bucky took speedy steps over to you with his long legs. he wrapped you into his arms and you squealed as your feet left the ground as you returned his hug with just as much passion.
“hi!” you whispered as you caught your breath, smiling up at him with such joy that he thought he might melt under your gaze before he’d even get a chance to wish steve a happy birthday.
“so you’re the girl that’s turned that frown upside down?” sam joked, taking your hand delicately and planting a charming kiss on the back of it. you laughed breathlessly, unaware of bucky’s pointed look at the back of sam’s head. it didn’t slip natasha’s perceptive gaze, however, and she took note of it.
“i’m natasha,” the spy shook her hand and raised her eyebrows approvingly at your firm handshake. you introduced yourself eagerly. “wow, you’re the black window! i- wow. i love you so much. my coworker and i are such big fans,” you raved, fanning yourself with your hands.
natasha chuckled, taking your hand in hers and lowering it for you. “well, i’m a big fan of you too.” you looked like you were going to pass out. “it’s an honor to meet the woman who’s turned the most petulant, ancient asshole into a cutesy, sappy little boy.”
you gasped dramatically, eyes jumping up to bucky. “bucky’s not an asshole! or a little boy, for that matter. he’s a cultured reader and classics aficionado. one of my best customers, actually,” you said proudly. natasha and sam looked at each other once more, but you and bucky were too immersed in each other’s smiles to notice their smug looks.
“wait, can you fly?” you whipped your head around to sam. “you’re the falcon! of couse you can fly! sam—can i call you sam?—can you take me flying?”
sam opened his mouth presumably to say yes, as he would take any excuse to zip around the compound and annoy his team, but bucky cut him off.
“nope, we’re not doing that. don’t do that, doll,” he looked down at you. you smiled, confused, at the pet name that slipped out of his mouth. “there’s a 70% chance that sam will kill you and a 10% chance that he’ll land roughly and you’ll both fall, and you look too beau- nice for grass stains. plus i’d really like to spend at least a couple hours with you outside of your work before you die.”
you gaped at him, not sure whether to interpret this as him making jabs at sam or him trying to flirt with you. maybe it was both. you were too stunned to analyze any of it anyway.
“buck? hey, you brought your friend!” steve jogged over eagerly with a glint in his eye that bucky did not like one bit. 
“i- oh my gosh- hello? i’m sorry, it’s just that you’re capitan america and that’s pretty cool and stuff and bucky and wanda got books from my store—oh shit, did i just ruin the surprise?” you gasped.
bucky was prepared for steve to scold you for your language, but instead, he burst into a full-bellied laugh that neither of you were expecting. “i may be turning 105, but i’m not blind yet! we can never usually get bucky to talk, but ever since he got wanda her book, it’s all been ‘this girl at the bookstore,’ and ‘did you know that she paints?’ and ‘i wonder what her work schedule’s like because i never see her outside of the store,” steve ranted.
“it’s kind of really annoying, actually,” tony piped in, sauntering over with a half-eaten chocolate covered strawberry in hand. “the gramp won’t shut up about you. it’s nice to know that your favorite vegetable is cauliflower and that you’ve promised to take the tinman to a vegan restaurant. y’know, he hates vegetables. he’s practically a carnivore.”
tony pushed his sunglasses down to give bucky a judging look unobstructed. normally, bucky would’ve retaliated, but all he could do was blush. (from the heat of the sun, obviously. he did forget to put on sunscreen today.)
you looked up at bucky, taking his metal hand and shaking it without hesitation. your fearlessness surprised him—not only had you touched his prosthetic so nonchalantly, but you hadn’t run away screaming after hearing all the embarrassing things his teammates had divulged within the first half hour of your arrival.
“bucky, is it all true?” you teased, licking your lips and tilting your head ever so slightly. bucky knew it was because you were questioning him, but all he could think about was how you were perfectly positioned for him to kiss; all he needed to do was bend down a bit and maybe then he could finally see if you tasted as homely as your books smelled or if you had just eaten cauliflower—somehow, the idea of vegetable breath was appealing if it was on you.
“bucky? you still here?” you poked him in the stomach, which didn’t do much seeing as he was a buff avenger with enhanced strength. he blinked himself into the present.
“yeah, yeah! sorry, uh,” he rubbed the back of his neck, a habit you’d come to recognize as something he did when he was uncomfortable.
“hey, are you okay?” immediately, the interrogation you were planning on giving him disappeared from your lips and was replaced with eyes of concern. you placed your other hand on top of his metal one and tugged on it to catch his attention. “bucky, c’mon. let’s go somewhere quieter.”
you weren’t really sure had no clue where you were going, but once the bubbling of voices from the party began to fade, you stopped and turned to face him fully. his flesh hand, which had continued to run across his face, paused and slowly sank to his side as you watched him solemnly.
“i know that friends sometimes push things to far,” you laughed quietly, eyes darting to the ground, “and it can hurt a little bit. and sometimes for me it’s hard to tell them that i’m hurt.” you looked back up at him, but his face was expressionless.
you sighed. “i guess you’re right; we don’t know each other that well apart from our interactions at the store. but… if what your friends were saying were true, i’d- well, i’d like to know you better. outside the store, i mean.” your eyes darted between bucky’s intense, blue stare. your gaze never left his, even as he swallowed hard and refused to let any emotion cross his face. by the bob of his adam’s apple, though, you could tell that he was affected somehow.
“i wasn’t joking when i said i’d take you to that restaurant, you know. ‘cuz i really like you and i don’t understand you and your reading choices but i’d really like to because… you intrigue me. i don’t care if your team thinks you’re broody or whatever, ‘cuz i think you’re enigmatic and thoughtful.” 
you dropped his hands. “ha, sorry. i don’t wanna push it; i know you’re probably really overwhelmed right now, it being your friend’s birthday and hosting a stranger and all your friends probably made you really uncomfortable just now so i don’t want to add to your stress-”
“can i kiss you?” bucky murmmured, the tiniest bit of nervousness flashing across his eyes as he pursed his lips in anticipation for your answer.
you needed no words. instead, you raised your arms and jumped, flinging them around his neck and bucky was quick to understand. he caught you, holding you up by your thighs and being careful to keep things respectful (he was a 40s gentleman, after all). bucky’s eyebrows furrowed as his lips met yours cautiously. god, he’d been dreaming about this for so long, and it always felt a bit vouyeristic knowing that you didn’t reciprocate his feelings. how wrong he was about that.
you hadn’t expected bucky’s lips to be so soft and you adored it when you leaned into the kiss. your noses brushed and your hands, after fidgeting with themselves for a bit, climbed up his neck and into his hair, where you tangled your fingers in his locks and gently rubbed over his scalp. he groaned, opening his mouth to deepen the kiss.
you had to break off, though, as you were not nearly as capable of holding your breath as long as a super soldier was. you were reluctant to do so, of course, and you pulled away just as much as necessary, making sure to remain as close to him as possible. your foreheads and noses were still touching as your lips remained just an few inches away where you were trying to catch your breath. your eyes were closed blissfully, and bucky dared to flutter his open.
there you were, the subject of all of his daydreams in the past few months, so close to him. he could feel your warm breath on his face. when you leaned in to kiss him again, you did so with even more fervor. you gasped into his mouth so wonderfully that he stumbled backwards a couple steps, swiping his tongue over your bottom lip so that your mouth would stay open and he could continue kissing you even deeper.
“bucky,” you whispered hoarsely as you pulled away for a second time. “bucky, i-”
“keep it in your pants, barnes!” tony’s voice bellowed from the party, and bucky burned red. you wiggled a bit in his hold and he took it as a sign to set you back on the ground. once you were standing, you shook your hands fiercely, letting out all the tension.
“wow,” you breathed, a satisfied, wonderstruck smile blooming on the lips buky had just kissed.
“wow is pretty accurate,” bucky agreed equally as breathless.
when you two captured each other’s eyes again, bucky reached down to cup your jaw and run his thumb over your cheek.
“you’re so beautiful, you know that?” he muttered, smiling fondly as you leaned into his touch and covered your hand with his own.
“i could say the same about you.” you turned your head so that your lips were in the palm of your hand and pressed a chaste kiss to his skin. he was glad he hadn’t reached out with his metal hand. he didn’t want to miss out on feeling every kiss you blessed him with. 
“we should go back.” you watched as clint’s kids and tony’s daughter began pleading to cut the cake whilst steve insisted that they wait for the two of you to return.
“we should,” bucky nodded.
neither of you spoke or made any effort to move. instead, you stood on your toes to press one final kiss to the corner of bucky’s mouth and whispered “you don’t even have my phone number.”
he laughed. “doesn’t matter. i’ll just come bother you at the bookstore.”
you bit your lip to stop the beam that was sure to explode across your face and agitate your sore cheeks, so you tilted your head towards the party.
“we should definitely go back. the cake, and stuff. and maybe if i decide that i really like you, i’ll give you my number at the end of the party. so don’t get too comfortable.”
“it’s a deal, doll.”
you were perched on one of bucky’s thighs, horizontal to his chest, as the two of you dug into new reads. just like steve, bucky had decided to catch up on the classics (mostly because it meant he could watch your face light up as you chattered on about your favorites and what they meant and tried to convince him to read them, even though he knew he’d read anything you gave him anyway). thus began your sunday ritual of domesticity. bucky knew sunday was your only day off, so the first sunday after steve’s birthday, he had planned to make the most of it.
he took the train to brooklyn (he loved liked you even more for that) and picked you up at 10. he’d brought you to one of the coffee shops that’d been running since the 40s, which you doted on; “it’s so classic! i love mrs. basque—she gets me, you know? hates the gentrification too; she’s so progressive.” he teased you when he found out you (used to) hate “old people.”
“what a change of heart, huh? first your boss wins you over, then you fall for an 106 year old, and now you seem to like mrs. basque more than me.”
“well, if you keep making fun of me, maybe i will start liking mrs. basque more than you.”
bucky had dropped to his knees right outside of the store, begging you to forgive him as the two of you struggled to hold in obnoxiously loud laughs for the sakes of the people around you.
bucky had taken you up to the compound and cooked you a plant based meal and even ate it himself, which was when you realized how deeply you felt for him. he showed you wanda’s garden, helped you safely fly with sam, and then brought you to see steve’s book collection. but the best thing he’d done was present you with a book. it was a limited edition copy of herland, the book you’d been raving about ever since you’d convinced bucky to read the yellow wallpaper. he’d devoured your collection of feminist literature soon after and you fell a little more.
and now, curled up against the chest of the man you loved adored, you were struck by your second revelation of just how far you’d fallen. you watched as his blue eyes, almost as blindingly bright as his smile, danced across the pages of the newest novel you’d given to him. you watched as the sunlight streaming from the window made his eyelashes glow golden, and how his fingers tapped on the cover of the book absentmindedly. you knew he truly cared about the book when he let you be mesmerized by him instead of looking away, embarrassed. and he knew you truly cared about him when he took the time to read through your little annotations and add some of his own.
you shifted, wrapping your arms around his broad chest and nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck. he hummed contetedly, using two fingers to hold the book open so that he could free up one of his hands to rub your back with.
from within the blanket of security his body provided you, you allowed yourself to confront your feelings. he’d confessed to you two weeks ago that the only reason he’d kept coming back for books was because he wanted to see you again. technically, he had a “reason” to, but he was the one coming up with them. the book on Hun empire archery was for clint, who didn’t really want the book in the first place, and when he came back the third time, he did so with the intention to ask you on a date. when he chickened out, he thought that’d be the last time he’d see you. instead, he ended up buying two more books—not because he was particularly interested in the classics, but because he’d asked you for your recommendations and you had said don quixote. he picked up alice in wonderland mainly as a joke, but ended up reading it (and loving it) just because it was you who sold him the book.
and then you learned he’d been keeping each one of your bookmarks, treasuring them as if they truly were picasso-level art, and you’d planted the biggest kiss on his cheek. and then you’d learned he never learned how to cook and taught himself just so he could make food for you, and you threw yourself into his arms. and then you had met alpine, and discovered that bucky would read aloud to his cat every night.
and then—well, just now, you cursed yourself out in your head. holy fucking shit i’m such a dumbass, aren’t i? i’m in love with this man. i’m in love with bucky. i. love. bucky.
you didn’t even hesitate when you lifted your head from his shoulder and pecked his cheek to catch his attention. when he closed his book, making sure your bookmark was properly secured before closing it, your breath was shaky.
“i love you, bucky. i’m so in love with you it’s stupid. i love you.”
bucky was silent for just a second before pulling you into the tightest hug. “i love you too,” he whispered into your hair, voice wet with emotion. “i’ve loved you for so long,” he confessed, pulling away and keeping his hands on your shoulders as if he wanted to be assured that you’d never leave.
“i hated everything you loved, at first. reading. vegetables. being so happy, all the time. but you made me love it all. and i must be the biggest fool for taking so long to figure this out, but the reason i’ve changed isn’t because i’ve learned to love all those things. it’s because i learned to love you. and i’d stop eating beef for you, sweetheard. i’d eat cauliflower burgers for the rest of my life if it means i get to love you.”
you backhanded his cheek softly. “you stupid, stupid boy,” you sniffed. “i hate you. god, i hate that you do this to me.” you were blinking back tears. “you’re making me fucking cry. i hate the power you have over me.” you didn’t. the both of you knew that you didn’t.
leaning in, you pressed your lips to his. it was a shitty kiss where your big smiles stopped you from actually doing much kissing, but the “shittiness” of it all was what made it charming. and no amount of bad customer service of ineffective advertisting could convince you or bucky otherwise.
*✿❀ ❀✿*
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Conference Room
Pairing | Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary | Bucky gets a surprise when he realises that things that were looked down upon, and people were often disgusted by in his day and age, are wanted in this one.
Warnings | includes smut, blowjob, cum facial, Bucky being an insecure bb, swearing
Requested ✖️
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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Everyone filed out of the meeting room, one by one disappearing into the maze of the compound. Bucky watched you with tender eyes, slowly following behind, as you headed for the door.
But instead of passing though the threshold, so that you could make your way on route to the kitchen, in order for you prepare yourself a well deserved drink after sitting through the small conference, you closed the door, and pushed down the latch.
The action itself made Bucky stop in his footsteps, and fix you with a confused expression. He wasn’t sure why you had locked the two of you in here. Only moments ago you had been on a group call with Fury, and now that he had signed off, all of you had been free to leave.
But that freedom that all the else had fled feebly towards, served a much different price to that for which you specifically had in mind for him. “Sergeant Barnes, I think the two of us need to have a little talk; our ears only.”
Bucky gulped, remaining upon the spot that he was stood in. He racked his mind for reasons that you would want to do this here, and not in one of your bedrooms. It would only make things more difficult for when he left the scene, heartbroken by you cutting him off, and finally pushing him away.
It was inevitable that it would happen somewhen; but it was too early. Things were finally running smoothly, he felt content and happy, and as though he were making a good difference to the world, which is all he ever wanted. However, it appeared that all of that was about to come tumbling down at his feet, in the same very moment.
The two of you hadn’t been dating too long, just short of three months. And during that time, the pair of you had never once gotten obscenely intimate. So in your case, as he viewed it, you really had nothing to lose. But he couldn’t pin point as to why you were dressed in a sly smile, and creeping ever so steadily towards him as though you had a surprise.
“Doll.” He spoke softly, thinking that it would be the last time he had the opportunity to describe you with that pet name. From the way that he addressed you, your expression quickly became more innocent and happy.
As you got closer to him, you wrapped your arms around his middle, leaning forwards and pressing a kiss upon his material covered chest. “Baby.” You greeted him, moving to his lips next, and pressing a fluid peck upon them.
“What are you doing?” He unsurely asked, his voice cracking in the meanwhile, and his face scrunching up into a confused frown. Your hands rubbed down his chest, and plucked the band of his trousers, over again in a repeated motion.
Sucking your lip into your mouth, you looked up into his sky blue eyes, reading them for any signs of him being affected by your actions. Rather than feeling aroused, it seemed to make him confused, which was not at all your intention.
“You seemed tense Buck.” Your hands raked their way back up to his shoulders, soothing any apparent tightness that were held within his muscles. “I thought maybe... I could help loosen you up.” Fluttering your eyelashes at him, Bucky lightly groaned, rubbing his lips together as he mulled over what the pair of you could possibly get up to in this room.
His hands went down to the button of your jeans, but lightly, you slapped his hands away, doing the same to him, and undoing them. As your fingers toyed with the zip that helped the denim be adjustable to his size, your other palmed him through the blue material. “This is about you James. I want to make you feel good.”
Again, he swallowed his own saliva, he paid the utmost attention to your every movement, completely compelled with how you tossed your hair to the side by simply moving your head. “You want me to suck your cock, I promise I’m good at it.” A giggle erupted from your mouth, and Bucky clasped your chin in the feather light grip of his vibranium hand.
He pulled your lips to his, warming them up before slipping his tongue inside. It had been a long time, though he hated to admit it, since he had done anything even slightly sexual, and a part of him was afraid that he wouldn’t last long.
But the other was excited, back in the forties , blowjobs weren’t often digressed. The idea had always appealed to hun, however no dame had ever wished to dirty their knees before him, and take his sufficient length down their throat. It pained him a little, knowing that like most people he had encountered through his life, that they would take from him, but never return it with an ounce of kindness.
He’d perceive it as a dream come true, the woman that owned his entire heart, independently wanting to pleasure him in such ways that were looked down upon in his day. “Are you sure?” He pulled away, desperate for some clarity on the matter.
“Yes, of course I am.” You smiled, drawing him in for another locked lip session. After a minute or two of tasting his tongue, you trailed your direction down, running down his chin, and then his neck, until you completely dropped to your knees, rutting your hand against his growing cock.
Right then, from that image alone, Bucky swore that he would die. That innocent expression that was entailed upon your face had him mentally cursing, and he couldn’t help but groan to himself in a relaxed manner as you pulled his jeans down to his ankles, leaving only his boxers as the final barrier.
Lightly, you pressed a kiss to where you guessed his tip to be through the cotton, gently running your tongue down the shaft, and lower down to where his balls were stationed. “Y/n, please stop teasing.”
“Tell me Bucky.” Your fingertips cascaded up and down his v line, warming him up to what was to come(pun intended). “Have you ever been sucked off before?” His heart rate picked up, as he furrowed his eyebrows.
“How did you- that punk!” He said in reference to Steve, realising that he must have let the detail slip to you. But he couldn’t be made really, if the captain hadn’t digressed his secret to you, then he may have waited longer to experience the enthralling and dirty, as it had been known to be, engagement.
Without any pressure, you pressed your teeth upon his cock, dragging his attention back towards you. “Now that is no way to talk about your dear friend, I’d say he did you a favour.” He was getting ready to grumble in his Bucky manner, but was hit with your gasp as you suddenly pulled his boxers down, his dick slapping upwards, having your entire focus.
Reaching forward with a hand, you wrapped it around the mid section of his shaft, your palm hardly fitting around his girth. “It’s so big.” You gaped at the sight, moving your hand up and down to gouge a reaction out of the super soldier above you. His head leant back, his eyes screwing shut as he realised just how sensitive he was. He felt like a virgin all over again.
An obscene and loud moan was pulled from his mouth as you ran your tongue up his shaft, humming at the taste of his intimate skin. With the encouragement of his lie noises, you directed his tip towards your lips, rubbing it upon the cushioned flesh, before sinking him halfway in your mouth.
“Holy fuck!” He exclaimed, reaching down and on instinct entangling his metal hand in your loose hair. As though you were doing nothing, you innocently looked up at him with wide doe eyes., although he could feel you hollowing your cheeks around him, as you began to bob your head.
Only then did he realise how experienced you must have been within this department, for he noticed how you didn’t struggle nor gag the slightest around him, and it appeared that you were enjoying it as much as he was.
One of your hands planted itself on the thickness of his thigh as your other found homage with fondling his balls. His chest rapidly moved as he felt every slither of your tongue around him, and as you pulled slightly back, you began dipping it in the line of his slit.
“Baby, slow down, or I’m going to cum.” With his words heard, you took him out of your mouth, wrapping your hand around his saliva soaked rod, and began pumping him rapidly. For a moment, he swore his head was going to explode as he saw you stick your tongue out, awaiting his load that was soon to be delicious.
“Cum Buck. Want you to cum for me.” It was impossible for him to hold back any longer, and thus, his seed flew over the expanse of your tongue, whilst the rest spurted over one side of your face. “Hmm.” You mumbled, swallowing that of it that you caught, and scooping a swipe into your mouth.
“I swear to god that I’m in love with you.” He spoke breathily as you stood up, both of your faces flushed from the activity. He pulled you in for a few pecks, to which you could do nothing more than stare into his oceanic pools.
“Well that’s encouraging.” You laughed, reaching down and tucking his softening cock back into his boxers and jeans, giving it a loving pat before pulling away. “I love you too Bucky Barnes; always.”
“The conference room though, really?” He asked with a bemused laugh, causing you to shrug. “You’ve got to walk out of here now.” He said, motioning to the mess on your face.
“That is something that I didn’t think of.” You responded, your eyes darting a around the room, until your eyes landed on the box of tissues that Tony had brought in at the start of the meeting. Thank Thor for his cold! “Grab me some paper towels from the corner would you babe?”
He sent you a pleased, and you’d say very satisfied smile, before stepping back, and heading in the direction of the desk, picking a few sheets out of the cube, and walking back to help you clean up. He felt like he at least owed you that much.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Ok I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I'm just now copying your Norwegian Bella AU into a text translator, and if you don't already have 50 people in your inbox demanding a translation then shame on ALL OF US because this is glorious! And while Google Translate does have a certain charm (it translated "piper hun ut" as "she beeps") I'm curious to see how you'd put it in English.
Troquantary is referring to this post. In which Bella doesn't speak English.
Fun fact, you're the only one who's gone into my inbox to request this. I was so sad, had the translation half-written and everything, but I was too proud to beg. So thank you, Troquantary, for popping this ask.
As for the dictionary fuckups, sounds about right. I made a few typos, too, that made Google Translate suffer even more. (Such as managing to mix up "henne" (her) and "hendene" (hands), resulting in Aro patting Bella instead of clapping his hands. Poor Google.)
Also, there are a few cultural references and language things that would be lost in the translation, in an attempt to keep them I included notes clarifying things.
Some things, like Aro and Carlisle's very old man way of speaking, are easier said than done to translate, you'll have to bear with me there.
Additional notes are that I added a few things to this version, many of them because translating is hard, but a few because while translating I thought "oh you know what would be much funnier-" and then wrote that.
Alright, without further ado:
When Renée left Charlie she did not go to Florida, she went to Oslo. And she went all in to make her daughter a true Norwegian, hiring Norwegian nannies and making sure never to speak English around the child. Since transatlantic flights are expensive, little Bella Swan rarely got to visit her father, and as such she never did learn what should have been her native language.
She quickly forgot what English she did have in favor of Norwegian, with the exception of words like “Yes”, “No”, and “I’m Bella”.
The few trips she took to visit her father were all the more awkward than in canon since she couldn’t play with the Black kids. Let not the blame fall upon Charlie: he took Norwegian classes and speaks conversational Norwegian. He can’t speak to Renée, because her Norwenglish is incomprehensible even to Norwegians, but he can communicate with Bella.
Not that he’s had a lot of chances to do so.
Bella makes it to seventeen years old, she’s in second grade at Handels* and is a major outsider among the preps there, and then Renée marries a handsome skier**. Together they shall travel the continent all winter to participate in as many skiing races as they can, and in the summer they’ll take gigs at Hurtigruta to see the coast.
*“Handels” is the nickname for an Oslo high school infamous for its pupils being rich and beautiful blonds who are going to be CEOs when they grow up.
**Skiing as a sport is huge in Norway
***Hurtigruta is a famous ferry that travels across the Norwegian West coast
Bella, who sucks at skiing and is too young to work at Hurtigruten, takes the hint.
With dread in her stomach and dictionary in hand she goes to her father in America.
Where she doesn’t speak the language.
Charlie gives her a car, and I wish this meta was set in the present because I could have joked about electric cars and the automat only driver’s license*, but Twilight is set in 2005 so I can’t. The car part proceeds without drama.
*An increasing number of Norwegian youth take the driver’s license for automatic cars only, and we’re the country in the world with the highest percentage of electric car purchases.
School is worse than in canon, because she is now a thousand times more sensational than if she was merely the new student. She is from another country! All of Forks keels over with excitement.
To make matters even worse, our girl doesn’t understand a word of what people are saying.
She is too awkward to let them know she doesn’t know English. It’d become a thing, and they might think she’s dumb. To be fair, it’s not good that she’s been through primary, secondary, and now a year and a half of high school and still sucks at English.
So she nods, smiles, mumbles “Hi, I’m Bella” to the new faces, and blushes heavily when anybody says anything.
People assume she’s shy. That’s a bit boring, but oh well.
She has her biology class with the redhead hottie she noticed during lunch. She watched him and his family, they were fascinatingly pretty, but she doesn’t know anything more about them. Sure would have been great if she could have asked the tiny girl (was it Jess?) about them.
Biology proceeds as in canon - Edward badly wants to eat the delicious girl, but fortunately doesn’t.
She runs into him in the office when he tries to switch to another biology lesson, but she has no idea what he’s saying so she only has the suspicion that this somehow concerns her. Which is still uncomfortable, but Bella is probably the problem here. The hottie surely can’t be.
He’s missing from school for a week, Bella finds that weird.
He returns, and to her great horror he starts talking to her.
“Hello”, he says.
Bella dies inside. He’s too handsome!
"I'm Edward Cullen," he continues, and ok, she got that. The hottie is called Edward, that’s good to know. She’s not sure she caught that last name, though, Köln?
He says something else, it’s gibberish to Bella even though she’s concentrating, and at the end there he says “Bella Swan”.
She gulps.
"I'm Bella Swan," she confirms and nods. That should be correct. God, she hopes it’s correct.
He smiles a crooked, boyish smile. She’s awed. She didn’t think it was possible to be so beautiful.
He says something else.
Bella didn’t catch it.
She blushes even harder, she hasn’t been more embarrassed in her life. Here he is, the most handsome guy in all the world, and she has nothing to say to him. Literally, they don’t speak the same language.
She should tell him.
It’s one thing to chicken out of telling the town she doesn’t speak English, but there’s something different about Edward Cullen. He deserves the truth.
He’s the most beautiful person she has seen in her life. He is American, too, so the odds of him knowing Norwegian are microscopical. If he finds out she doesn’t understand a word he says he’ll stop talking to her, and selfish as she is she doesn’t want that.
So with a slightly guilty conscience (but not enough to fess up) she contributes to the conversation with enough words and smiles to pull through. "Yes", "No", "Thank you", and "That's nice".
He is surprised by several of these answers, but instead of giving her odd looks and losing interest he grows more invested in the conversation.
Class ends.
The next day the near accident happens, and he saves her. She is stunned - dear god, did he just pick up a whole car? After teleporting across the parking lot..?
Soon she’s in the ER, and more than a little bit stressed about that fact since she knows the Americans have a terrible healthcare system.
She hopes Charlie has an insurance.
An insanely beautiful man walks into the ER, and Bella is shocked. He is just as handsome as Edward and Edward’s lunch friends!
He introduces himself as Carlisle Cullen, and Bella can only assume this is someone’s older brother. Possibly related to the blonde girl.
He smiles at her, says something, and she answers, "I'm Bella Swan."
He frowns.
That must have been the wrong answer, then.
His hands return to investigating her scalp, and to her great surprise he switches to perfect Norwegian, "kjenner De* noe ubehag når jeg holder her?" Do you feel any discomfort when I touch here?
*De is the Norwegian polite pronoun for “you”. Du = thou = the French tu, and De = you = the French vous. These polite pronouns went out of use in the 1980’s, save for when addressing royal persons, and would be considered antiquated in 2005.
He hurries to add, "Norsk lærte jeg i... fjor sommer. Det var et nettkurs." I learned Norwegian… last year. Online class.
"Hvilket da?" Which one? Bella asks, because Charlie needs to hear about this. The doctor has beautiful, if slightly outdated, pronunciation.
The doctor’s smile turns uncertain. She gets the feeling there’s something he doesn’t want to say. "Husker ikke," I don’t remember, sier han etter en litt vel lang pause.
That’s a shame. And weird.
"De hadde hellet med Dem i dag, som ikke ble truffet av den bilen." You were lucky today, not getting hit by that car. he then says, noticeably changing the subject.
"Det var ikke hell, det var Edward," It wasn’t luck, it was Edward, she replies sharply.
The doctor definitely looks uncomfortable.
She continues, "Han krysset skolegården på et blunk, og plukket opp hele bilen. Jeg så det," He crossed the schoolyard in a moment, and picked up the whole car. I saw it,
The doctor laughs. "Om han kunne det hadde nok gymkarakteren hans vært meget bedre. Nei, frøken Swan*, jeg beklager å si at det høres ut som at De er litt omtåket. Det er helt normalt ved hjernerystelse." If he could do that, his PE grade would be a lot better. No, Miss Swan, I’m sorry to say you seem confused. That’s normal with concussions.
*Addressing a young woman as “frøken” is even more outdated than using polite pronouns.
Why does Bella get the feeling he’s lying?
She’s discharged.
We’ll jump ahead to her trip to La Push - that trip uneventful, since Jacob knows she doesn’t speak English. They stick their hands in their pockets and stare at the sea.
The next day she’s shanghaied to Port Angeles, because apparently she said “Yes” at the wrong time when talking to Jessica (Turns out Jess’s name was Jessica!) and accidentally said yes to a day trip to Port Angeles.
Like in canon she wanders away from the others, and as in canon she is nearly gang raped. And again as in canon she is saved at the last moment by Edward.
He buys her dinner, and she can’t believe her own luck- and misfortune. A date with the most handsome guy on the planet (hence the luck) and she can’t say a word to him (hence the misfortune)!
He says things to her, lends her his jacket, and really this is it for Bella, she’s peaked, life can’t get better than this.
(That’s a lie, it would be better if she spoke English.)
He’s so amazing.
She’s gotten pretty good at navigating conversations with him, so she nods and aha’s her way through.
In his car on the way home the tone takes a more serious turn.
He asks her about something, and it’s a serious question, that much she’s gathered. She answers in the confirmative.
He is silent.
Did she say anything wrong?
(Edward, on his end, just asked if she knows what he is. She said yes, so calmly, not even a trace of fear in her.)
A few days later he takes her out on a walk in the woods.
He shows her a meadow in the woods, and when he steps into it he lights up in the sunlight.
Bella is in shock.
She knew there was something different about him, but- holy cow. This guy isn’t human.
Is she dating a god?
She stumbles into the clearing after him, and they spend a day together where he says things, and she can barely hear any of it (nevermind understand it) because she’s so distracted by how pretty he is.
The next day he takes her to a house in the middle of nowhere. She doesn’t want to guess that this can be where he lives. Surely gods don’t live in houses?
He shows her inside the house, and introduces her for Dr. Cullen and a lady with a name she doesn’t catch.
Bit weird that these two are acting like a couple of parents, they’re far too young and divine for that.
Edward shows her around in an old-fashioned office, and she doesn’t know what to make of i when she sees a painting of Carlisle. Edward launches into a long story when he sees her watching it, unfortunately she doesn’t catch any dates or artist names. At one point she heard the word “suicide”, though, and that’s not good.
She doesn’t get much out of the story.
The baseball game doesn’t happen because Bella didn’t pick up on what Edward wanted and didn’t realize she was being invited to a thing. They spend the afternoon watching a movie instead.
The relationship continues, impeded slightly by communication problems, but she’s mostly able to cover those up.
Until her birthday comes around.
She gets a papercut.
Jasper lunges at her. Edward throws her into a glass table, and then everyone is leaving.
Carlisle is kind enough to switch to Norwegian when he’s stitching up her arm, perhaps remembering the last time she was his patient. "Jasper har ikke vært på dietten vår så veldig lenge." Jasper hasn’t been on our diet for very long.
"Diett?"she asks. She’s never seen Edward eat anything. She wasn’t clear on what the Cullens ate, honestly she thought they were above such things. She was thinking maybe photosynthesis. The knowledge that they apparently eat food astounds her, but diets?
"Dyreblod istedenfor menneskeblod," Animal blood in stead of human blood, Carlisle clarifies.
Carlisle gives a slight smile. “Jaspers liv som vampyr fikk en brutal start." Jasper’s life as a vampire got off to a brutal start.
Bella’s missed something here.
Oh dear lord, oh fy faen, she has missed something.
“Åja”, uh huh, is all she can say, and suddenly she’s very aware of the fact that she’s sitting there with a bleeding arm.
And Carlisle.
Who is a vampire.
Over the course of the following conversation Bella makes a host of discoveries.
Edward has been a vampire this whole time, and he’s a telepathic vampire. Whether Bella should be a vampire too or not has been a matter of hot debate, but due to religious reasons Edward doesn’t want that.
Carlisle also brings up how Edward died of the Spanish flu.
"Jeg var under den oppfatning at Edward fortalte deg bakhistorien min?" I was under the impression Edward told you my back story? Carlisle asks at one point, and Bella just has to ask very nicely if he’d be so kind as to repeat it.
Turns out the guy is nearly four hundred years old.
Jahahaha jaa ha.
That’s… a lot.
She wanders out of the house in shock, and hardly notices Edward’s strange behavior over the next couple of days.
One day he picks her up at school, and takes her behind the house.
That works out.
He’s a vampire, but he never hurt her. He is endlessly beautiful, perhaps easier to love now that she knows he’s not a god. He’s her Edward, and that’s suddenly easier now that she knows.
They can still be together.
But now that she knows this about him, it’s about time he knows something about her as well.
It’s time to finally be honest with him.
So when he opens his mouth, she opens her mouth as well, but she doesn’t get any further than to “Edward-” before he launches into a monologue.
She’ll have to wait until he’s done before saying her piece. It’s a bit embarrassing, but it doesn’t seem like he intends to stop talking anyway.
And what he’s saying seems to be serious, so it’s probably best to let him finish.
Edward concludes his monologue by kissing her forehead. Then he disappears.
Where did he go?
A big unsure, Bella goes back to the house. She’ll just have to wait until he gets back.
She doesn’t know what to think when Charlie returns from work and tells her the Cullens have all left.
Oh, god.
Edward must have found out she doesn’t speak English.
She made a mockery of him.
He has every right to leave.
Knowing this doesn’t make it any easier to live with.
Bella sinks into a depression.
The hallucinations begin, as in canon, though Hallusinward speaks Norwegian. Thank god for small mercies.
The friendship with Jacob (dictionary in hand) blooms, as someone has to help her see those hallucinations.
The cliff diving happens, and Alice shows up. Bella’s not sure what this is about, but she has gotten good enough at English to know that something bad happened, and Alice wants them to do something.
She’s a bit surprised to find herself on a plane to Italy, though.
Alice tells her to “Run to Edward” and ok, she got that, actually.
So she saves Edward.
After that she’s taken into the sewer, which turns out to house dozens of vampires.
Bella, Edward, and Alice are received in some kind of hall, where an unusual vampire has quite a bit to say. She understands some of what he’s saying, at least the part about “la tua cantante”. She knows a bit about Italian, see, so she knows that he’s talking about a song now.
She wishes she knew the context.
At one point he takes her hand, and appears fascinated by it. She wonders if he’s a palmreader. Not very vampirey, but what does she know.
He asks her a question.
"Yes," she says.
Saying yes has gotten her this far, after all.
But when he lights up and claps his hands together, and Edward and Alice stare at her in shock and betrayal, she knows she must have said the wrong thing.
The two are dismissed from the room before Bella can do or say anything, she’s just listening to Edward make a racket outside in the hallway.
Not good.
The unusual vampire brings her further down in his sewer palace to a basement, and she is given comfortable clothes to wear.
This is getting terrifying.
The vampire leans towards her - and she chickens out.
"Jeg snakker ikke engelsk!" she squeaks. "Non habla ingles!" I don’t speak English.
Han stanser, og ser forvirret ut. "Que- Hva behager*?" I beg your pardon? spør han etter et øyeblikk.
*A very formal, and slightly outdated (you can use it, but people will think you’re putting on airs. And they will be right) way of saying “excuse me?”
Sobbing, Bella tells him the whole story, from how she didn’t want to be the weird kid in school to how she’s now somehow in Italy without knowing why nor what she just agreed to.
When she’s done the vampire starts laughing.
"Dette forklarer jo en hel del," This explains quite a bit, ler han. "Men, kjære Bella, jeg er redd det ikke endrer noe." But, my dear Bella, I’m afraid it changes nothing.
He tells her that she has agreed to serve him and his army of undead warriors into eternity.
Well fuck.
"Du skal få slippe det, når du ikke visste hva du samtykket til - men skjebnen din forblir den samme. Loven er loven." You’re released from that promise, as you didn’t know what you agreed to - but your fate remains the same. The law is the law.
After a moment of silence, during which she looks terrified, he hurries to add, "Vi har en lov. Du må bli en av oss." We have a law. You must become one of us.
A law that Bella Swan has to become a vampire?
People are finally speaking Norwegian, and Bella is still lost. And it’s too embarrassing to keep pestering this poor, polite man with questions.
So she nods.
He gives her a glittering smile, and bites her.
When she wakes, Aro offers her an English course. A language course that, naturally, leads to her staying in Volterra. Why not learn a few more languages while we’re at it, dearest Bella?
Some time later Edward breaks into Volterra to save his Rapunzel, only to barely recognize her now that she’s a vampire who says things. Lots of things, she talks all the time now. WHAT DID ARO DO TO HER.
Too mortified to admit that she never spoke English, Bella claims she’s been brainwashed.
Aro is having too much fun to correct her, and the whole sad affair sets off a regrettable flood of rumors.
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marie-hoe · 3 years
I just read Runs the Household, and I think the reader and Pepper should have a nice long talk. I'm sure both mothers agree coming near the children is off-limits. I do love me some mafia!Stucky, though.❤️🥰👏🏻
Over Brunch
Mafia!Poly!Stucky x Reader
Words: 1888
Warnings: Part 2 to Runs the Household; allusion to killing people; Pepper and Reader being boss ass bitches
AN: Such a great idea Anon. Reader and Pepper should have a nice talk.
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“I’ll have a mimosa, please, and can you bring one out for my friend when she gets here, please? Thank you,” you said as you handed the waitress the beverage menu back, smiling softly at her as she cooed at baby Sky.
“Yes, ma’am, I’ll have yours right out,” she replied before walking away.
You busied yourself with your phone while you waited, fingers swiping passed social media post after social media post, rolling your eyes at the absurdity of your so called “friends.”
To: Bucky & Stevey,
Aster’s Soccer Game tonight at 5, be there at 4. Don’t forget, love you
You glanced up from your phone momentarily, catching a glimpse of her red hair bouncing as she strides towards you in a daring all white power suit, babies in tow. “Morning, (Y/N), Sorry I’m a little late. Morgan’s school needed my signature on a form.”
You smiled at her, pulling an extra chair up to the table so she could set the twin’s car seats in chairs between the both of you. “Hey, Pepper. You’re good, didn’t even notice. I was just sending reminders again, you know how it is,” You answered as you cooed at the 2 month old babies beside you.
The waitress made her way over to you quickly, bringing over the second mimosa as you asked her to. Pepper accepted the beverage with a small thanks before sipping it.
“Pepper, what’s Toby up to?” You asked seemingly innocently, but getting straight to the point. 
She chuckled at the question, as if it weren’t obvious, “Well, for starters, he’s busy producing the weaponry for your husbands. You know they asked him to double his output this month? I don’t know what buyer needs all of those, but... all the while trying to balance Morgan and the twins. He’s really tired, but he will never admit it--,” She rambled on as she sipped away at the orange juice beverage in her hand before you cut her off. 
“Pepper, why does he have guys sitting outside my house?”
Her eyes narrowed at you, flickering from each of your eyes as she checked to see if you were being serious or not. “Tony? Why would Tony have people watching Bucky and Steve?”
“That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it?” you cut back as you drank your drink, watching her mull it over as if she had no idea. “Come on, Pepper, I know who runs that house. Let’s just settle this, I have kids in that house.”
She nodded her head at you, looking between her twins and your Sky. “No, I know. Same as you, we run these ships, but I truly don’t know why,” she said slowly before her phone began to ring. “It’s Tony, gimme a minute.”
You nodded to her as she picked up the phone, eyeing you out of the corner of her eye as she watched your body language stiffen. The only thing scarier than men in the mafia was men in the mafia that were going rogue. 
“Hey, hun... Yeah I’m at brunch... He didn’t come in? That’s odd, well did he go home yesterday? Oh, he was working late?”
You listened as she spoke, automatically knowing they were referring to the man that was outside your house. 
“Well, why do that, Tony?... No, no.... Tony, no. That’s ridiculous, you can’t do that alone, just call it off. We’ll all have a family dinner and fix it. I’ll talk to (Y/N) to have them send some guys to the house, we’ll be fine. Better yet, I’ll just go over there with her. Let the kids have a play date after school.”
You watched her watch you as she took her call, her eyes filling with more and more light as the conversation went on. Finally, she hung up, leg crossing over the other as she turned to face you head on. “There’s a new guy in town. He’s trying to get Tony to switch over, to sell to him, but Tony obviously said no, so new guy is going to the source. He wants to take Bucky and Steve down.”
You scoffed, shaking your head in dismay as you pinched the bridge of your nose. “That’s preposterous,” you huffed out. “Yeah, and the guy. The one that didn’t show up?” You began softly, looking to her as she nodded knowingly. 
“Lagoon,” you both said simultaneously, taking a long sip of your mimosas.
“Steve took care of him-- I’m sorry,” you started, now knowing that this was not in fact Tony’s doing. 
“No, no,” she stopped you, holding a hand up to shush you, “You have four kids there. He had no right to be there, no matter who he was working for...” She replied before trailing off and thinking out loud. “Though, if Tony said no to the new guy and thinks he was working late--”
You both traded your thoughtful gazes for looks of disgust at the same time, leaning back and crossing your arms as you said in unison, “traitor.”
You sighed contently, looking up at her as you spoke, “You know, the boys would never be able to pull this off without us.” 
You watched as she shook her head, “Never. They’re too aggressive, too quick to pull a punch.”
“Or a trigger,” you interjected, causing her to giggle lightly before she continued.
“Exactly. They’ve just got too much...” she began, hands waving slowly in the air as she tried to form the right word. 
She looked at you as the word came flooding to the both of you, prompting you to both reply knowingly while nodding, “Testosterone.”
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“Come on, kids, get inside. Mrs. Stark made us dinner tonight, remember, what do we say to people when they give us things?” You instructed as you walked to Tony and Pepper’s front door with your husbands and your children. 
In unison, Aster and Kaden replied, “Thank you,” with little Evy mumbling her response after them from you arms. 
“Aster, pull your cleats off before we go in, John will take them to the car,” Bucky instructed as he kneeled down and aided his son in pulling the shoes off, handing them to the man in the suit behind him before the passel of you walked in the house. 
“Hey!” Pepper exclaimed as she walked closer to the kids with open arms, “How was the game, Aster? Did you win?”
“Yeah and I scored two goals,” he said as he hugged her before running off to play with Morgan. 
“Wow, two goals? So, he’s going pro?” Tony joked from around the corner in the kitchen. 
You laughed and nodded as you watched Sky and Evy be swept away by Stark’s nanny, allowing the adults to have a moment to themselves to get to the bottom of the situation at hand. 
You follow Bucky and Steve as they silently walked into the dining room, hands in their pockets as they pulled a chair out of you to sit in. With Bucky on your left and Steve on your right, Pepper and Tony brought out the plates of food they’d prepared for you tonight.
Graciously, you made your plate, nudging an elbow into Steve as he bored holes into Tony’s head. Neither of them had bothered saying a work to either of them since you got here, and getting them to come to the dinner without a plan to kill was a job on its own.
“Because I said we are, Steve. Tony didn’t do send his guy to our house,” you whispered aggravatedly as the three of you stood at the sidelines of Aster’s game, watching and waving as he ran passed you.
“Doll, I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring all of the kids if we aren’t 100% sure,” Bucky reasoned, making you roll your eyes.
When it was only the three of you, these men would crumble under your touch and under your words without hesitation. They would do anything you asked of them, but whenever you brought anything business related up in public, they turned into hard headed idiots.
You turned to look at Bucky, deciding to speak in a language he would understand better. You grabbed his hand lightly, bringing his hand to your lips as you left kisses along his knuckles and palm before cheekily sucking on his index finger. His face turned to look at you quickly, eyes wide and pupils blown as he gave you his full attention. You gave him your best doe eyed pout as you explained it to him in a more sultry voice, “Daddy Bucky, Tony’s guy turned on him because there’s a new guy in town that tried to get Tony to work for him instead of you. Tony didn’t know the new guy got to his guy until I told Pepper that Daddy Stevey took care of him.”
You watched as he swallowed thickly, nodding his head in contentment as you finished what you were saying, dropping his hand back down to his pocket. “Yeah, Steve. I think it’ll be fine. Tony’s always had our backs, we should just talk to him before we do anything crazy,” Bucky said, eyes straight ahead watching Aster as Steve scoffed at the weak-willed man.
You smirked as you looked up at Steve who mumbled under his breath, “pussy whipped.” You scoffed, smacking Steve’s ass as you laughed.
“What does that make you, Stevey?” You asked as he looked down at you, groaning as he already knew what you were getting at before you continued, “Pussy and cock whipped?”
Steve rolled his eyes as you and Bucky laughed. Bucky walked over to the pouting man, a hand landing on his neck as he pulled him into a kiss.
“It’s okay, baby boy, we’ll take care of her and her attitude later,” Bucky whispered in Steve’s ear just loud enough for the three of you to know what he said.
You giggled as you turned to the side and shook your ass at them tauntingly before Steve grabbed it quickly, before the three of you turned your attention back to the soccer game before you.
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“Tony, tell us about this new guy,” Steve instructed as he picked at the salad on his plate.
You watched as Tony inhaled deeply, setting his fork down and glancing to Pepper before speaking. “His name is Clint. I don’t know where he’s from; I don’t know who he has working for him or how many. All I know is that he is looking for a production guy and doesn’t like being told ‘no.’”
Bucky and Steve sighed beside you, jaws tensing as they glanced to one another. “And your guy?” Bucky asked. 
Tony lifted his hands in defense, shaking his head in dismay. “I was told he was finishing inventory and then come to find out he was watching my bosses. I have nothing to say about him-- won’t be missed.”
A quietness fell over the room as the men went back to eating. You and Pepper shared a quick look before abruptly she spoke, “Well, what now?”
You looked around to everyone in the room, watching as the men simply continued to eat their meal as Bucky mumbled, “We take care of it.”
“Together,” Steve added, glance meeting Tony’s as he nodded curtly.
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