#‘enemies to lovers but we’ve hooked up before so there’s really no question if the attraction is mutual’ what if you couldn’t be with
reputayswift · 9 months
I can’t read romances after TDT…I pick up a contemporary romance and it’s like no…you’re being too blatant…you have to filter your feelings through art history figures…you will never be Declan making Jordan say his name in a packed museum…
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jobean12-blog · 9 months
Had to be You
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader (enemies to lovers ish)
Word Count: 2,270
Summary: You and Bucky have been going at each other for months. He's grumpy and defensive. You're sassy and frustrated. Steve's had enough. So when Steve steps in to do something will it work? Or will it makes things worse?
Author's Note: At this point all I want is for Bucky to kiss me senseless for the rest of my life (and do everything else) but really. Kisses. Yes please. Anyway. Thank you so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: some light mead comsumption, angsty ex talk, tension but softness, happy ending
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“STEVEN GRANT ROGERS! You get back here right now and open this door before I kick your ass!”
Steve’s chuckle only makes you angrier. “I’ll open it when you two make nice.”
“STEVE!” you screech.
His retreating footsteps have you banging your forehead into the thick metal of the door, muttering curses under your breath.
“Please tell me Stark has some hidden exit in here somewhere?” you sigh.
“I’m going to kill Steve.”
When Bucky’s speaks his first words since you got locked in the gym together you spin to face him, eyes hard.
“Get in line Barnes!”
“Hey, look at that kids, you’re agreeing already!” Steve’s voice rings out from down the hall.
With that last remark everything goes silent other than your frustrated huffs.
“Is this actually happening?” you whine. “Can’t you just break the door down?”
Bucky’s blue eyes stare blankly and you grow more agitated.
“Why the hell did he do this?”
You glare back in his direction, hands on your hips. “Because of your sunshine and rainbows attitude toward me!”
You spit out the words, letting them drip with sarcasm.
“MY attitude?” Bucky grits out as he sticks a finger in his chest. “Doll face. I’ve been nothing but a perfect gentleman to you.” That same finger spins to point at you now.
You face him fully and take a step closer.
“Grunts do not equal a greeting and barely answering questions and barely making conversation definitely does not show your gentlemanly side!”
Bucky opens his mouth to retort but you continue on. “And what about avoiding me all together!? What the fuck is that about?”
He runs his large hand through his hair and squeezes the back of his neck, setting his lips in a hard line.
“Fuck. Please tell me there’s still some of Thor’s mead in here,” he mutters.
“Why the hell would he leave alcohol in the gym?” you ask, your brows nearly hitting your hairline.
With a shrug Bucky starts moving about and searching under things. “He likes to ‘get drunk’” and he makes air quotes as he says it, “and then show us how he can still lift heavier weights.”
You can’t help the laughter that boils up and over but you quickly cover your mouth when Bucky gives you an unamused look.
“Here it is!” he chimes, seeming far too relieved.
You move toward him as you watch him take a swig from the bottle, the muscles in his neck shifting with every swallow.
“Save some for me,” you say quietly and hold out your hand.
He smirks.
“Careful doll. Too much of this and I’ll have to carry you out of here.”
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As more of the mead circulates through your body you start to relax marginally, thoughts of killing Steve slowly fading.
Bucky has been sure to keep your consumption under control and other than feeling less murderous and calmer you’re lucid.
“So,” you muse. “It doesn’t look like Steve is coming back any time soon. And we’ve been quiet. No yelling or fighting.”
Bucky simply grunts in agreement.
“SEE!” you nearly shout. “That’s exactly what I mean. I say something and your answer is a grunt…WHAT. THE. FUCK!”
While waiting for his explanation you notice a slight pink flush to his cheeks and you find it hard not to throw him a triumphant smile.
Deciding to let him off the hook for now, you ask, “how long have you known your best friend is insane?”
To your surprise, Bucky laughs. A real laugh that has his eyes crinkling and his nose scrunching up.
You try not to stare too long but you find it difficult to look away.
“Are you drunk Barnes?”
His eyes meet yours and the corner of his mouth twitches with a boyish smile.
“You’re full of questions tonight doll. And for the record it takes a lot more than this to get me drunk,” he admits as his smile widens.
He shifts in his spot on the floor, his long legs now stretched out in front of him and you can’t help but focus on his thighs and the way his jeans pull tightly over the thick muscle.
“Who knew all we needed was a little alcohol to not fight.”
You chuckle and hold your hand out for the more.
He shakes his head no and places the bottle down on the floor before leaning forward.
“I don’t want to fight with you. Ever.”
At his admission, your expression hardens.
“Then why are you so….so… unfriendly?” you ask.
“Why are you always so sassy?” he shoots back. “Seems to me like you’re the one always looking for a fight.”
His answer makes you sigh.
“I don’t see you doing that to Barton or Steve…hell anyone else!” he adds.
He waits patiently, his eyes trained on you and his body straining forward.
With more nonchalance than you feel, you confess, “you’re kind of my type. And my dating track record sucks. So…you know…”
You motion to him. All of him. His long legs, broad shoulders, hard chest, sculpted arms and his perfectly handsome face.
Stunned, Bucky stares for a second too long and too fiercely.
Heat starts to tickle your skin as you feel your body react to his focused attention.
“Are you…” he starts, before clearing his throat. “Are you telling me that you’re attracted to me and that’s why you hate me?”
The tension is thick, stretching between you for many long seconds before you wrench your eyes away and look down at your hands.
“I don’t hate you.”
Your words are quiet and the next sentence that passes your lips is even softer. “I just have a hard time trusting men.”
When he doesn’t say anything you look up at him and see the hurt etched across his features.
“Are you sure it’s not just me you don’t trust?”
At his question, the realization of what he’s implying hits you and you immediately slide closer to him and reach your hands toward him.
“No Bucky. That’s not it at all. In fact I trust you with my life…just not necessarily my heart.”
When he continues to study you, his features softening, but doesn’t speak, you add. “It’s not your fault. Really.”
“I want to know why.”
“Why what?” you ask.
“Why you don’t trust men.”
His jaw is tight and his fists are clenched in his lap.
He’s clearly distraught over the fact that you’ve been hurt and you’re sure he’s thinking the worst. It melts you more and you want to reach out and trace the hard line of his jaw to reassure him.
“It’s not anything that bad. I’ve just been hurt. A lot. And not just in romantic relationships. Friendships too.”
He scowls. “In what ways?”
You shrug like it’s nothing.
“What is there to say? The first real relationship I was in ended when he found something better. He told me when we broke up, ‘why would I say with you when I can do better’.”
“That motherfucker,” Bucky fumes as he opens and closes his metal fist, the whirring metal sounds momentarily distracting you.
“Yeah. But that wasn’t the last. My boyfriend after that I found out was sleeping with my friend. Or I thought she was my friend.”
“Fucking hell. Please tell me you’re kidding.”
He stands slowly, visibly agitated.
“And we haven’t even gotten to my last boyfriend yet. Better sit back down.”
“I’m too fucking pissed off to sit,” he growls.
“Honestly, it’s more my fault. I knew I shouldn’t have dated him. He was just like the rest and when my friend sent me a video of the two of them fucking I was hardly surprised.”
You couldn’t look at Bucky anymore and you dropped your eyes.
“Guess I’m just not good enough to stick around for.”
“Fuck,” he exhaled. “Doll.”
He sat down in front of you, forcing your attention back to him.
“Please don’t tell me you really believe that.”
You give him an exasperated look. “After being dumped three times you kind of start to believe it.”
Suddenly, he kicks at one of the weight machines, making the metal creak and bend then he falls to his knees in front of you and takes your hands in his.
The smell of him surrounds you and you have no where to look but into his eyes.
“These men,” and he spits out the last word. “Fuck that, they aren’t men. These pieces of shit have no idea what a gift you are and they don’t deserve you. They deserve a fucking beating.”
You squeeze his hands. “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?” he counters. “Tell you the truth? Tell you that you’re gorgeous, sexy, smart, and kind.”
His eyes drop to your mouth and he licks his lips.
“Hardly kind,” you scoff. “Look how poorly I treated you.”
He reluctantly drags his eyes from your mouth and determination hardens his gaze.
“Nah doll face. I get it now. And honestly, a lot of that is on me. I couldn’t understand why someone as perfect as you wanted anything to do with me. I put up my defensives the only way I know how.”
You whisper his name hoarsely and run your thumb along his jawline.
His eyelashes flutter against his cheeks and he exhales.
Even if you wanted to you couldn’t stop the way your body moved closer to his and when he slides his hand up your arm and around the back of your neck your lips part in a gasp.
Just as you feel his warm breath tickle your skin the lock on the door turns and Steve calls your names.
You quickly pull away with wide eyes, shooting one last look at Bucky before you lift your eyes to Steve.
He stares between the two of you and then at the half empty bottle of mead.
“Nothing,” you and Bucky say at the same time.
Bucky jumps to his feet and holds his hand out for you.
You take it and let him pull you up and into his body. Your chest brushes his with your every breath and you’re right back where you were just seconds ago…under his spell.
It only takes a moment for your past hurt to flood back and wash away the desire you’re feeling and in the next breath you’re mumbling goodbyes and rushing off.
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When Bucky finally finds you the next day the apology you’ve been wanting to give him spills out.
“I just want to say that I’m sorry for how I’ve been acting.”
He takes a step closer to you, crowding you against the door of your room.
“I really appreciate that doll, but I should be the one apologizing to you. I’m sorry. For everything.”
“Thank you.”
It’s all you can manage to say with him so close to you.
You can feel your pulse jump and when you hear the moving metal plates in his arm you look down at his hands to see them clenched into fists at his sides.
“Bucky?” you ask.
“I’m having a really hard time not touching you,” he explains in a pained whisper.
“Oh,” you breathe out.
He closes the space between you and your back hits the door. He slowly lifts his hand, caressing your cheek with his thumb and then slowly sliding his fingers down to stroke your neck.
The gentle dominance in his touch sets you on fire and you lean into him.
“I’m scared of getting hurt Bucky.”
The words tumble out and you start to drop your gaze but he stops you with the press of his fingers under your chin.
His eyes harden and he doesn’t speak.
You whisper his name, your voice shaky.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I’m just talking myself out of hunting every one of your exes down and skinning them alive.”
His voice grows with anger and you press a soft hand to his hard chest.
“They aren’t worth it.”
“You’re worth it.”
Taken aback by the intensity of his words you stare into his eyes, their blue color filled with longing and fierceness.
“Fuck doll. You have no idea how fucking gorgeous you are, do you? I can hardly catch my breath.”
Your hand shoots to your mouth and you quietly inhale, nibbling your bottom lip to stop the smile that wants to break out across your face.
“Do you want me to go?” he asks.
You drop your hand from your lips and reach for him. “No.”
He tilts his head and inches closer, his mouth lightly brushing yours.
Your fists clench the front of his Henley and your eyes close at the light press of his lips. You stay like that, trying to remember to breathe.
He pulls away only enough to stare at your mouth and then traces his thumb across your upper lip.
“What is it?” you ask with a worried tone.
His thumb falls to your lower lip and he gives it the same attention, savoring the softness.
“Why won’t you kiss me?”
He drops his hand from your lips and as his fingers fall they trace the outline of your neck before his hand wraps around the back of it and he brings you impossibly closer.
“I’m worried that once I start…” he breathes against your lips. “I won’t be able to stop.”
When he presses his lips to yours he groans low in the back of his throat, his hands desperate to get you closer.
The way you taste, the feel of your lips, your gasps and moans…he can’t stop.
He can’t stop.
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@hiddles-rose @randomfandompenguin @kmc1989 @goldylions @blackwidownat2814 @buckysdollforlife @littleseasiren @lizette50
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tobesoalive · 3 years
latch (Sam Kiszka x reader)
hey guys here's the little Sam enemies to lovers smut that was requested! idc if it’s a bit cheesy, I had a ton of fun writing it so please please please send in more requests! I love helping your ideas come to life! 
Warnings: Smut (Oral-f and m receiving, fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex)
Friday had finally rolled around and you were more than ready. After a long week of classes and work you were more than ready to have some fun tonight. You and your roommates were going to have some people over tonight to celebrate your second year of college almost being over. You had come up with the idea last weekend and quickly made a list of who all should be invited. There was one person on the guest list that you were dreading to see, no other than Samuel Kiszka.
You had met a kid named Danny Wagner in your first class freshman year, and you two became fast friends, sharing many of the same interests and hobbies. Together you and Danny were a dynamic duo, and you always made each other laugh. People often thought you were dating, but he already had a beautiful girlfriend back home. Danny also had another person constantly attached at his hip, Sam Kiszka, you’d almost think they were the ones dating.
Sam was a lanky kid with sharp features and an extremely annoying god complex. He really thought he was the absolute shit and that everyone was in awe of him. Quite honestly many people were, but you saw right through it. You found him to be arrogant and rude, and you were always disappointed to see him when you went over to Danny’s place, even though he was his roommate. Sam would often show up unannounced at your place too, mostly with Danny, but a couple of times he showed up alone. You were always polite, inviting him in like the good host you are, and you two ended up watching a movie together, and much to your surprise, in these times he was almost tolerable. Almost. He would make a snide remark or joke that would infuriate you, but he wouldn’t stick around for long, usually having somewhere to be. That somewhere was usually the bed of another girl, but they probably didn’t just watch movies.
That was another reason you couldn’t stand Sam. Last year you had a crush on him and he would do the thing where he would play with your emotion, hang out with you and flirt with you only to immediately go and fuck random girls. It hurt you, a lot, but you eventually got over it, losing the romantic feelings, or rather pushing them deep down where you’d hope they’d never surface again.
Now people were going to be at your house in an hour and you haven't even showered. It didn’t really matter though, you weren’t all too concerned with what other people thought of your appearance, so what if your hair was a little wet. You quickly rinsed off in a cold shower, then changed into a simple outfit for the night, flared corduroys and a crocheted tank top.
That was the other thing, you’d think you were exactly Sam’s type, he seemed like he would be into girls who were more artistic and down to earth, but all the girls he hooked up with seemed like they spent most of their time thinking about themselves. Not that there was anything wrong with those girls, you weren’t the “pick me” type, but it seemed like Sam would care about that kind of thing. Whatever, you don’t even like him anyways, he’s more of a nuisance than anything.
You had finished a seltzer by the time people started arriving, the playlist you and your roommates curated playing throughout the apartment. Being with your friends always made you very energetic, and people always said they liked being around you. You could get a crowd laughing in no time. People were coming through the doors and when there were about 75% of the people there, your partner in crime finally arrived. “Wagner!” you shouted across the room in a dumb accent, already a little buzzed. “Where art thou good friend?!” Danny yelled back, matching your accent as you two finally made your way to each other, wrapping him in a friendly embrace. “Where’s your obnoxious sidekick?” you whispered into his ear.
“Don’t worry he’s here. I know how you were just dying to see him.”
“Oh aren’t I always?” you responded with a sarcastic smile
“I still think you need to give him a chance, you’d probably really like him.”
Before you could even respond, he was running up behind Danny and lifting him up by his waist.
“Well if it isn’t dumb and dumber!” you exclaim before Sam comes up and wraps his arm around your shoulder.
“Oh come on (y/l/n), you love me!”
“Haha good one Kiszka, now why don’t we do something I actually love.”
“And what would that be?” Danny questions.
“Take a shot and dance our asses off!” you yell. If you were going to deal with Sam you needed to be a little more intoxicated.
You gathered your roommates and the boys and took them to the kitchen and got out the glasses.
“To friendship!” you yelled
Right then you caught danny say something quietly, and it looked like he was saying “Or more than friendship”
That made you stop for a second before throwing your head back and downing the shot.
“Ok let's get back out there” your roommate says as she pulls you by the arm.
You spend about the next half hour dancing with all your friends, taking hits of joints and drinking. You and Danny did a silly little dance you had come up with last year when you would get drunk in your dorms and do dumb shit. Mid-routine he slipped and pulled you down with him, both of you laughing your asses off. You felt someone grab your arm and help you up as the song changed, “Latch” by Sam Smith blasting through the speakers, one of the best party songs probably ever. The person who had grabbed you wrapped their arms around your waist, swaying back and forth with you to the music. You loosened the stranger’s grip and spun around only to be met with the face of that little shit, Sam.
“C’mon kid can’t you at least try to tolerate me for one song”
“Who ever said you were intolerable?” you respond, admiring how the dim light highlighted his features.
He leaned in close to your ear and lowly whispered in it “You think I can’t see it. Whenever you’re around me you act like it’s charity work.”
You pull back to look him in the eyes and say “It wasn’t always that way. Now let's get back to what we were doing. I like this song more than I like you, which is quite a lot.”
He gives you a grin before you start moving your body against him, and by the end of the song he’s staring at you in complete awe.
Once the song ended you broke free from his grasp. “See you later Kiszka” you say with a wink, turning around and disappearing into the crowd.
Your stomach was in knots, and not from disgust. The moment you just had brought up a lot of emotions, mostly about your romantic feelings for Sam but also the resentment you felt towards him. Fuck, you were in deep now. Things would be so much easier if you never had to see him again and all of this could go away. But alas, you needed to suck it up so you could still have a close relationship with Danny. Plus in about twenty minutes Sam would probably be grinding on another girl. Screw it, you were going to have a good time with your friends, you didn’t need Sam to be happy.
The rest of the night you avoided Sam, giving him zero of the attention he was craving. A couple hours later people were leaving your home or asleep somewhere in the living room, bathroom, kitchen you name it. Thankfully though, your room remained empty, you needed some space to think.
Everyone was asleep and the house was quiet, you threw on a pair of boxer shorts and an oversized Led Zeppelin shirt, passed down to you from Danny. You went to the kitchen and drank probably a gallon of water, making one last pit stop to the bathroom to pee and brush your teeth. No matter how tired you felt you knew you'd thank yourself in the morning. Finally you were on the way back to your room when you stopped in the doorway. Sam was standing in there, looking at all your decorations and your extensive vinyl collection.
“You’ve changed some stuff since the last time I was here”
“Yeah, I like to rearrange stuff y'know? keep it new and interesting.” You remarked, rubbing the back of your neck and yawning, trying to hide your obvious panic. This is the last thing you were hoping for, being confronted one on one with the man himself.
“Are you cool if I stay here tonight? Daniel is passed out on the couch and I don’t feel like making the walk home alone.”
“Of course...did you want to sleep in here?” you ask before you could even stop the words from coming out of your mouth. Fuck, you were a dumbass.
“If that’s okay with you, sleeping next to a stranger wouldn’t be my first choice.”
“You never had a problem being in a stranger’s bed before” you mumbled, looking at the floor.
He didn’t say anything, just turned his head to stare at you for a second, his eyes seeming almost apologetic.
“Well you might as well get comfortable” you tell him as you turn off the lights and flick the lamp on.
“Do you have a shirt I could borrow? I don’t really wanna sleep in jeans and a sweaty shirt.”
“Would you like an old one of Danny’s or one of mine?” you tease him, grabbing out yet another old band shirt of his roommate’s.
While he’s changing you turn away and busy yourself with lighting some incense and pulling the covers back, to avoid seeing his bare torso.
“Can I throw on a record? I can never get to sleep in the silence.”
“Help yourself” you say, but he already has a selection in his hands, Michigan by Sufjan Stevens, one of your favorites.
“Wonderful choice, but I imagine you’re a bit biased.” you say to him, both he and Danny were from the same town in Michigan and had to let everyone know.
“I just wanted something calm and serene, compared to all the fast paced stuff we’ve been blasting for the whole night.”
“Well it was a party Samuel, you have to give the people what they want” you tell him as you climb into bed.
Sam grabs for one of the pillows and a blanket, but you stop him.
“Were you gonna sleep on the floor like a dog? I don’t give a shit whether or not we share the bed.”
“I just assumed...I didn’t wanna make you uncomfortable...or anything.”
“You might be surprised by this but I actually feel pretty safe around you” you confess to him. Fuck, you were still slightly intoxicated so your filter was off. It’s okay, he was still a little drunk too it seemed.
“Do you mind if I take my pants off?” he asks you with a sincere look on his face.
You can’t help but burst out laughing, finding his awkwardness and the absurdity of the comment quite hilarious.
“I’d prefer it to your rough jeans...as long as you’re wearing underwear.”
“C’mon I’m not that much of a freak” he says as he pulls down his zipper and clumsily kicks his pants off.
You couldn’t help but stare for a moment, he looked gorgeous quite honestly, long hair tangled, old shirt hanging off his shoulders and shark boxer briefs stopping at his mid thigh.
“Okay Kiszka, get in here before I change my mind.”
He pulls back the sheets and crawls in, laying his head on the pillow facing you.
“I’m sorry” he says, looking deeply in your eyes, seeming almost ashamed.
“About what?” you knew you shouldn’t feed into this, whatever was going on here was completely platonic and wouldn’t mean anything in the morning.
“Everything. Being such a dick to you. Leading you on. I promise that’s not me, I just, I honestly don’t know how to act around you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re just the one person who actually kinda intimidates me. Or at least my feelings for you intimidate me.” he sighs.
“Is that why you are always fucking other girls and telling people about it when I’m around?”
“God you’re not going to take it easy on me, are you?”
“Why should I?”
“You shouldn’t. With the way I’ve treated you I honestly don’t expect anything from you, I just couldn’t hold it in any longer and I thought this was as good of a time as any.”
“Sam, can I be honest with you?”
“Of course”
“I actually don’t hate you at all like you seem to think. I can’t stand you because I really do like you, but I gave up on anything happening a long time ago.”
“Well you did a pretty good job of hiding it” he says, moving a little closer to you to the point where your noses were almost touching, the feeling of his breath giving you goosebumps. The music hummed softly in the background as you thought for a second.
“Sam don’t hate me but we’re both kinda drunk and I don't wanna do anything right now. I wanna be there for it, like fully there.”
“I was actually hoping you’d say that. I wanna take in every detail and remember it all. You’re not just another drunken hookup.”
You can’t help but give a soft smile, your cheeks going red.
“Well maybe I wouldn’t be opposed to a bit of cuddling”
“Neither would I” he says as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you in close as you bury your head in his chest, taking in his scent.
Something overtakes you, and you tilt your head up and press a soft kiss to his collarbone.
“Goodnight Samuel”
“Goodninght kid” he whispers, pressing his lips to the top of your head, and you can feel him breathing in your scent as well, elated to finally feel wanted.
You wake up to sunlight streaming through your curtains, turning to look at your clock but instead being met with Sam’s chest.
You were sober enough last night to remember everything that happened, Sam’s feelings for you coming to light and vice versa. It made you almost giddy with excitement, not being able to wait until his eyes opened.
You played with his hair, running your fingers through it and moving it from his neck, replacing it with your lips. Soon enough he’s stretching his arms and yawning.
“Any reason you needed to wake me up at 7 am?” he asked you, looking down at you as the pad of his thumb brushed across your cheek.
“Just couldn’t wait to see you I guess”
“That's a first” he says sarcastically, once again staring deep into your eyes.
You could hear the birds singing outside and a refreshing spring breeze made its way into your room through the open window.
You stared at each other for a second longer before he whispered “Can I?”
You nodded your head yes and he dipped his head down to capture your lips in a kiss. It started off sweet and then your lips started moving in a rhythm, his hands grabbing your legs and pulling you onto his lap. He kept kissing you as your tongue made its way into his mouth, causing his hips to buck up into you. You pulled back and let out a soft sigh, basking in the feeling of him growing hard against your core. He took this as an opportunity to attach his lips to your neck, sucking at the delicate skin and leaving little nips.
“Can I take this off?” you ask him, hands grabbing at the hem of his shirt.
“Please” he groans against your neck.
You pull it off and instantly your hands run along the expanse of his smooth skin, admiring every freckle and mole, fingertips brushing across his nipples. You pull your hands away to pull your own shirt off, blushing a bit, slightly embarrassed to show yourself to him. He takes a moment to stare at the newly exposed skin, pulling you down into a kiss a moment later and mumbling “You’re absolutely stunning” into your lips.
“You’re not too bad yourself” you say with a smile spreading across your face, quickly losing it as you bite your lip when he starts to move his hips once again, his bulge rubbing deliciously against your already wet core.
“I need more of you” he grunts, obviously frustrated.
You tangle your hands in his hair and pull his head back a bit, looking down into his eyes before saying “then have me”, pulling him into a kiss.
In a swift movement he flips you both over, kneeling with his legs on either side of you.
“These need to come off” he says, tugging at the waistband of the boxers you slept in. As he pulled them off and the cold air hit your core, you couldn’t help but drink all of him in, admiring just how gorgeous he looked, as if he was sculpted by the gods himself. That moment ended when you felt his middle finger run lightly up and down your slit. You threw your head back and closed your eyes, concentrating on the feeling of his skin on yours.
“Please Sammy, I need you” you say, surprised at yourself for using that nickname with him.
He looks at you and smiles before lowering his gaze to your dripping cunt, furrowing his brows as he pushes his long finger inside of you. You mewl as he pushes it down to the last knuckle, letting you adjust for a moment before starting to slowly pump in and out.
“Fuck you’re tight. So much better than I imagined.”
“So you’ve thought about this before?” You smirk at him, turning your eyes to look at the sight of his finger pumping in and out.
“Quite a lot actually, I’ve thought a lot about how you taste too” he says before readjusting himself so his head is buried in between your thighs. It only takes a second for his tongue to find your clit as he inserts another finger and starts to pump a little faster.
“Fuck you’re good at this” you say as you let out a breathy moan, hands once again finding their way into his hair. That causes him to moan around your clit, sending vibrations through your whole body. You don’t know how much longer you’d be able to last, with Sam lapping at you like it’s his last meal.
You pull his hair, forcing his lips to part from your sensitive bud, pulling him into a sloppy kiss.
“I wanna taste you too” you say before getting up and kneeling on the floor in front of your brd, motioning him to sit with his legs over the side, facing you. You look up at him as you pull his boxers down, length hitting his stomach. You take a second to admire it, with its pink head, a large vein running up the bottom. It was a nice length, with quite a bit of girth to it, surrounded by a small patch of pubic hair. As you wrapped your hand around it you said “not to be weird or anything but your dick is gorgeous”, causing him to let out a light laugh that was quickly stifled when you wrapped your head around the tip of his cock. His fingers intertwined with your hair, lightly pulling it, not forcing you down on his dick like some guys do. You gently moved your head up and down, taking as much of him as you could in your mouth and using your hand to stroke the rest.
“Fuck I need to be inside of you” he groans, tugging at your hair, causing you to pull your mouth off his dick with a small pop.
“Can I ride you?” you question as you make your way back onto the bed.
“Fuck yes, I can’t promise how long I’ll last though” he says, pulling you in for another kiss as you line him up up with your entrance. You run his tip along your slit a few times before slowly starting to lower yourself down, taking your time to adjust to his size. Once he’s fully sheathed inside of you, he throws his head back, letting out a guttural moan.
“Fuck, you feel so fucking good, I’ve wanted this for a long time.”
“So have I” you say before starting to slowly move yourself up and down on him.
It’s lazy and sweet, not perfect or anything, but nothing about this situation really was. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Fuck” he remarks as he grabs your hips, fingers sinking into your skin,helping you move up and down on his delicious cock.
“You fill me up so perfectly, god you feel so good”
“I guess it was meant to be baby” he says with a grin, putting his fingers in his mouth then moving them down to rub circles around your clit.
“Fuck Kiszka, if you keep taht up I’m gonna cum.”
“That was my goal, I’m close too” he breathes out as he buries his head in your neck.
You clutch the back of his head as you start to move yourself up and down faster, fucking yourself on his cock.
“Fuck Sam I’m gonna cum”
“Me too babe, where do you want me to?” he asks shakily.
The only word you can muster out is “Inside” as you approach your peak, clenching around him once more before tipping over the edge.
It’s complete bliss as you ride out your high, feeling him give one last deep thrust into you before coating your walls with his warm ropes of seed.
You collapse against him, nuzzling your head into his neck, pressing sloppy open mouthed kisses as you both catch your breath.
He pushes your hair to the side, leaving his lips on your temple while he remains sheathed inside you.
“Thank you” he says, still regaining his breath and returning to reality.
“Don’t leave me” you say softly into his ear.
“I wouldn’t for the world, don’t you worry kid.”
You sit up and look into his soft brown eyes, taking in how much things have changed in the past few hours.
“I don’t hate you. Not in the least. I just hated the idea of not being with you.”
“Same here, but we don’t have to feel that anymore. I’m sorry for the way I treated you. You deserve the world, and I want to try my hardest to give it to you.”
“Thank you Samuel, I’ll try to do the same.”
You give him one last long kiss before pulling back, pushing his hair behind his ear and saying “C’mon loverboy, let’s go get some breakfast.”
321 notes · View notes
lassostark · 4 years
So yeah, I got carried away. As usual. *facepalm* Anyway, Happy Birthday, Wolfie @jaskierswolf!!! I hope you enjoy reading this long-ass fic, lovely. 😀💙 
(Edited) Word Count: 9k (I have a problem, I know)
Relationship: Geralt/Jaskier
Tags: AU: College/University, Professor!Jaskier, Professor!Geralt, Soulmates, Rated M for Language, Jaskier!Whump, Miscommunication, Enemies to Lovers (ish, can’t find the right tag sorry), Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending
Read on AO3 here
The Other Half
“Do I have a class to teach here or are all of you going to be focused on your phones?”
Jaskier is standing in front of his desk, hands on his hips as he gives his Creative Writing class students a stern look. Several of them look up from their phones with guilty expressions, and if Jaskier wasn’t in the middle of a lecture about storytelling in poetry, he would’ve laughed at their almost identical expressions.
“Sorry, Professor,” Rebecca, one of his favorite students, says. Jaskier raises an eyebrow at her, and the brunette blushes faintly as she reluctantly turns off her phone.
“Care to share what has everyone’s attention glued to their phones instead of me?” Jaskier smirks, injecting a bit of humor into his query. He notes how half of his students chuckle as others follow Rebecca’s lead in turning off their phones.
“It’s Sole Mate, sir,” a student from the back answers.
Jaskier frowns slightly. “Soulmate? Did another celebrity couple split up because they met their other half?”
There’s a ripple of laughter in the classroom while others shake their head. Thankfully, it’s Rebecca who gives him a proper answer.
“Er, no, sir,” she begins. “Sole Mate. The new app that’s been circulating lately? Everyone said it’s loads better than Tinder because instead of just random hook-ups -- um, I mean dates -- Sole Mate allows you to find your, well, soulmate.”
By the end of her explanation, Jaskier’s eyebrows are nearly reaching his hairline. He’s no stranger to social media and technology, so Jaskier knows what Rebecca is talking about. In fact, he’s noticed that aside from the students in the campus, he’s heard his fellow colleagues talking about it every now and then. Which is odd, to be honest, because for one, professors like Jaskier aren’t really that open about the whole soulmate thing. It’s not a taboo, per se, but more like a personal thing because not everyone has met their soulmate yet.
So while he’s aware that people are talking about the topic, Jaskier didn’t think that it was this big of a deal.
“I… see.” Jaskier nods, giving himself a few extra seconds to come up with a follow-up question. He coughs lightly before clearing his throat. “I’ve heard about that app, but I’m afraid I’m not familiar with its algorithm. What makes it so special, hm?”
Another student, Marcus, raises his ring-laden hand in the air. Jaskier gestures for him to speak.
“Well, sir, Sole Mate gives you the option to upload a photo of your soulmark. The photo is never made public, of course, but rather it’s an added feature that’ll help the app. Once it’s in the system, Sole Mate narrows down the scope of the search to people who have a similar look to your mark. It’s broken into groups which the app refers to as Sole Groups. Then you just chat with the people who are in those groups that meet the criteria until you meet the one whose mark matches yours.”
“I read an article from CNN yesterday,” Arif pipes in. “Since the app launched three months ago, there’s been a 95% increase of people finding their soulmates compared to the last ten years. And just yesterday, I found out my great-aunt found her match!”
“I’m going on a date tonight and I think they’re my match!”
Jaskier looks on in befuddlement as his students start to whisper excitedly to one another about the prospect of meeting their soulmate. He blinks and shakes his head before calling their attention once more.
“Alright, alright!” Jaskier calls over their chattering. “Enough now, please. Midterms are a month from now and we still have much ground to cover.”
“How about you, sir? Have you found your Sole Group yet?”
Jaskier hides his amusement at how eager his students look at him. Instead, he shakes his head and smirks at them as he moves around his desk to pick up his chalk.
“No, Damian,” he says mildly. “I don’t see a need for me to do so.”
“But why not?” Rebecca asks, sounding both curious and confused. “Don’t you want to meet your soulmate, sir?”
Fortunate that he’s facing the blackboard so his students can’t see his conflicted expression, Jaskier writes a few notes on the board as he flippantly replies, “I’m happy on my own and don’t see myself settling down, Ms. Haywood.” Before his students can pry further, he adds in a sterner tone, “Now, please pay attention to the lecture because there will be a quiz before the end of this class.”
There’s a collective groan behind him which Jaskier happily ignores as he launches into his lecture once more.
“‘I’m happy on my own and don’t see myself settling down’?” Essi repeats to Jaskier later when they’re on their lunch break. “That’s a load of bollocks, love.”
Jaskier rolls his eyes as he pops a grape in his mouth.
“Obviously,” he says after swallowing his food. “My students don’t need to know I already met my soulmate, Essi.”
“I know that,” Essi replies. “And I respect your privacy for saying that. But you don’t have to pretend with me, you know.”
“What the hell are you on about now?”
“I mean that you don’t have to lie to yourself, Jask.”
“I’m not lying!”
Essi scoffs at him. “Oh, please. We’ve known each other for nearly ten years. I know when you’re lying, Jask. You do that thing with your lips; it’s subtle but don’t think I didn’t see it earlier.”
Jaskier scowls at his friend, who’s one of the best and strictest Marketing professors in Redania University. So instead of replying, he decides to take a huge bite out of his ham and egg sandwich.
She’s lucky I love her, Jaskier thinks moodily.
“Still haven’t spoken to him?” Essi asks him after several minutes of comfortable silence pass.
‘Him’ being Jaskier’s soulmate, obviously.
He shakes his head. “Nope.”
“Are you ever going to speak to him?”
“Once he has his head out of his arse, maybe I’ll contemplate breathing the same air as him.”
Essi whistles low. “Damn, was the confrontation really that bad, Jask?”
Jaskier pointedly stares at her.
“Essi, darling, I’ve told you about it a hundred times in various states of inebriation and sobriety. Of course it was bad. It was horrendous for both parties.”
And honestly, Jaskier doesn’t want to talk about it. Hell, he doesn’t even want to think about it because every time he does, he feels nothing but disappointment and anger and hurt. Goddamn it, it’s been three years and it still fucking hurts. It’s a constant phantom pain in his chest that Jaskier doesn’t know what to do with, and he’s been living with that kind of pain for years with no hopes for resolution in sight.
He thinks of that day, the confrontation as Essi puts it, and all Jaskier can think of are golden eyes filled with apathy. An inscrutable expression on his soulmate’s chiseled features after Jaskier told him that they’re meant to be together.
Well, Jaskier didn’t say it like that, exactly, because he was nervous. He was rambling and sweating in places he didn’t know he could sweat, and he had just met his soulmate for fuck’s sake!
Alas, like the idealist he is, his expectations didn’t meet his reality.
“Oh shit,” Essi suddenly says, breaking Jaskier from his glum thoughts. “Don’t look. Your three o’clock.”
Because Jaskier has an issue with impulse control, he looks.
And he freezes.
There, dressed in tight-fitting grey slacks and a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, is Jaskier’s soulmate.
Geralt Rivia.
His hair is fixed into a man bun, and Jaskier feels his chest constrict at the wisps of silver hair framing his jawline. Geralt hasn’t seen them, thankfully, because he’s busy chatting with Yennefer Vengerberg, the gorgeous yet cutthroat International Relations professor who’s notorious for failing 40% of her students.
Jaskier is about to look away when Geralt turns his head and meets his eyes.
He notes the deep furrow between Geralt’s brows, the Anthropology professor’s hold on his lunch tray tightening when their gazes meet across the room. As much as Jaskier talks about being alright on his own, he can’t help but secretly admit to himself that he likes the shiver of pleasure that runs down his spine when their eyes meet. Jaskier read somewhere that researchers called it The Spark. It’s cheesy, yes, but it’s exactly that. An electrifying feeling shared between two halves of a whole finding each other.
Then reality comes crashing down and Jaskier remembers what Geralt told him that day and he thinks: Fuck this.
Appetite gone, Jaskier clears his throat and looks away. He deliberately ignores Essi’s sympathetic gaze as he packs up the rest of his uneaten food. He stands up and slings his shoulder bag before daring to look at his friend.
“I just remembered I have papers to grade. I’ll see you later, yeah?”
Essi nods her head. Jaskier doesn’t wait for a reply and turns to make his escape, but not before he catches Geralt still staring at him.
For the life of him, Jaskier is still unable to read the man’s facial expressions. It’s just so… inscrutable. Like staring into a slab of brick wall with no hopes of breaking through it. Jaskier doesn’t know why he still finds himself caring at this point.
Who is he kidding? He’s always cared.
“Professor Pankratz.”
Jaskier averts his eyes from Geralt to meet Yennefer’s violet eyes, a smirk on her ruby lips. They’re not close, and though he finds the woman equally terrifying and beautiful, Jaskier can’t help but be a little fond of her.
“Professor Vengerberg,” he acknowledges her haughty look with a faint smile.
From his peripheral gaze, Geralt looks like he’s opening his mouth to address him. But Jaskier thinks it’s probably a trick of the light, so he walks away and forces himself not to look back.
No matter how painful it is. No matter how his soulmark feels like it’s going to burn a hole through his shirt.
3 years ago
“Is that the new Anthropology professor?” Essi whispers to Jaskier excitedly.
Jaskier gazes across the spacious meeting room to find the person his friend is referring to. It’s about damn time the university hired someone to replace Mousesack. The elderly scholar looked like ready to drop if he stayed for another semester.
“I don’t see-- oh.”
Oh, indeed. Jaskier shamelessly eyes the silver-haired Adonis dressed in grey slacks and a tight-fitting dress shirt. He notes with mild amusement how the newcomer looks a little awkward standing beside the drinks table, drink in hand as he silently eyes his surroundings with a guarded expression.
“Oh, he’s gorgeous,” Jaskier says under his breath.
“The hair isn’t doing it for me, but yeah he’s gorgeous,” Essi agrees with a hum.
“I’m gonna introduce myself. Be right back.”
Jaskier doesn’t wait for Essi’s response as he quickly crosses the room to approach the brooding man. Like a lone wolf eyeing his prey, he thinks with an inward chuckle.
“Hello, there,” Jaskier greets the man with a friendly smile once he’s standing a respectable distance from him. He quickly takes note of their height difference. Well, more like a lack of it as Jaskier surmises the burly man is only an inch or two taller than him. “You must be the new Anthropology professor. I’m Julian Pankratz, but everyone here calls me Jaskier. I teach Introduction to Creative Writing and Advanced Creative Writing.”
Jaskier feels his smile start to falter as the silver-haired Adonis initially doesn’t accept his handshake. He’s about to bring down his arm when he feels a warm, calloused hand curl around his.
That’s when he feels it: the spark. Jaskier is unable to hide a gasp when he feels an electrifying feeling trail down his spine. He blinks owlishly at the other man who looks just as shocked as him.
“Geralt Rivia,” the man introduces himself after a few seconds of awkward silence pass. Jaskier feels another shiver down his spine upon hearing the low, growly voice.
“N-nice to meet you, Geralt.”
Instead of feeling annoyed, Jaskier feels endeared at the non-verbal reply. He finds his gaze falling on their clasped hands, and he’s about to let go when something catches his eye and he freezes on the spot.
Geralt has his shirtsleeves rolled up to his elbows, so Jaskier can see the veins and light dusting of hair on his arm. But that’s not what he’s focusing on, no. He finds himself drawn to Geralt’s forearm, where a familiar-looking mark resides. A mark that Jaskier can draw in his sleep because he bears the same mark since he was born.
Holy shit, Jaskier thinks as he looks up to meet Geralt’s puzzled frown with a slackened expression. I just met my soulmate.
Present day
“Hang on, you bloody cat,” Jaskier grumbles under his breath as he enters his one-bedroom apartment later that evening. Mister Fuzzball meows and curls his orange tail around his calf while Jaskier locks the door. “Yes, yes, you will get your meal in a bit. Just let me put down my bag, darling.”
Mister Fuzzball meows again as the tabby cat trails after him.
Jaskier goes through the motions of his nighttime routine like clockwork. Change into his home clothes, feed Mister Fuzzball, prepare his own dinner, and then eat his dinner on the couch while watching a rerun episode of The Office.
Afterwards, he leaves the dirty dishes on the sink to sit on the small dining table to grade more papers. He works silently for a couple of hours while nursing a glass of wine, and when Jaskier finds that he can no longer find the energy to constructively criticize his students’ writing, he turns in for the night. He cuddles Mister Fuzzball for a few minutes before going to the loo to brush his teeth and do his extensive skincare routine.
By eleven o’clock, Jaskier is in bed with the lights turned off. He lets out a sigh as he stares aimlessly at his ceiling and wonders how his life has come to this. Just going through the motions of a routine well-established whilst trying his best to ignore the ache in his chest.
Lost in his thoughts, Jaskier finds himself stroking his left collarbone, tracing the lines that are slightly raised as he hums a nameless tune under his breath.
Rebirth. That’s what his soulmark symbolizes. But all Jaskier feels these days is the opposite.
He doesn’t fall asleep until the early hours of the morning.
“- so I told mum that I’ll spend Christmas with them and then go to Scotland for New Year’s with Edmund. What about you?”
Belatedly, Jaskier notices the silence has stretched on, so he looks up from staring at the painting of Philippa Eilhart to meet Essi’s worried gaze.
“Sorry, what?”
“Are you alright, Jask?” Essi asks. “You don’t look too well, love.”
Jaskier bats off her hands as his friend tries to feel his forehead for a fever.
“I’m fine, Essi. Just tired.”
“Not sleeping well?”
He shakes his head. He can’t explain it, but he’s feeling more lethargic than usual.
“No, I’m sleeping fine. I’m just tired, s’all.”
Essi doesn’t look convinced, so Jaskier musters what strength he has left to smile at her.
“I’m fine, mother. There’s no need to get your knickers in a twist.”
“If you say so, Jask,” Essi replies with an eye roll. Then teasingly, she adds, “Better apply concealer, though. I can see your bags from here.”
Jaskier gasps and tosses the crumpled wrapper of his sandwich at her.
3 years ago
“Geralt! Hey, hi. Do you have a minute?”
Jaskier smiles nervously at the hot Anthropology professor who is about to exit the break room. Geralt turns to look at Jaskier with a puzzled frown before he grunts and nods his head. Relieved, Jaskier tilts his head and gestures for the other man to follow him to a somewhat secluded corner of the room. Although standing beside the painting of Philippa Eilhart, one of the founders of Redania University, isn’t such a good idea. But Jaskier is out of good ideas at this point because he’s nearly bursting at the seams to do something he’s been meaning to do for the past three months since he met Geralt Rivia.
“What did you want to talk about?” Geralt asks him, looking curiously at Jaskier now.
Jaskier clears his throat and wipes his sweaty palms on his slim corduroy pants as he works up the nerve to just… do it.
“Yes, um, so,” he begins eloquently. Oh gods, this was easier in his head. “So we’ve known each for a few months now and I like to think we’ve reached a certain understanding of one another. One might, er, even say that we’re casual friends at this point.”
Geralt blinks at him but doesn’t say anything. If Jaskier looks closely, which he is, he thinks there’s something akin to amusement dancing in the other man’s golden eyes. Could be a trick of the light, but Jaskier has high hopes.
“Geralt, um,” Jaskier continues. He tries his best to ignore the butterflies fluttering in his belly as he focuses on what he’s going to say next. “I don’t know how to say this, exactly, because it’s never happened to me before. But, um. Well, the university is singing your praise and you’re an unexpected hit with the students. No surprise there, if you ask me, you’re an incredibly beautiful man and, oh god.”
“You’re rambling,” Geralt notes with a slight upwards quirk of his mouth.
Jaskier scratches the back of his head. “Yes, I’m well aware, thank you.”
Geralt snorts, looking amused now.
“Just spit it out, Jask,” he says not unkindly.
And, well. That ought to do the trick.
“We’re soulmates,” Jaskier blurts out. He doesn’t notice Geralt stiffen, too preoccupied with getting the words out now that he’s finally said it. “And before you say anything, I saw your mark. On the first day we met - well, I introduced myself. We shook hands and you had sleeves rolled up to your elbows, and that’s when I noticed the mark etched on your forearm.” When Geralt doesn’t say anything, Jaskier hurriedly adds, “I have the same mark, you see. Right here.”
Then and there, Jaskier unbuttons his white dress shirt and yanks the collar of his undershirt down to show Geralt the same dandelion tattoo across his left collarbone.
Seconds, and then minutes, pass by and Geralt remains stoic, an unreadable expression on his chiseled features. Jaskier’s smile falters as he self-consciously buttons up his shirt once more, feeling naked and seen under the stoic gaze of his colleague.
“Geralt? What, um. Please say something.”
It takes several seconds before Geralt reacts. The older man breathes in deep through his nose and slowly exhales through his mouth. He blinks at Jaskier, golden eyes swiftly glancing at his covered soulmark.
Jaskier nearly balks at the response. Well, he certainly wasn’t expecting that!
When Geralt meets his hopeful stare, Jaskier knows his answer from the lack of emotion in the other man’s eyes. Something in him cracks at that very moment.
“I don’t know what to say,” Geralt begins haltingly.
Jaskier’s voice is hoarse when he answers, “The truth would be nice.”
Geralt hums but doesn’t say anything for a few seconds. He looks at the painting to his left, and Jaskier silently observes him as he works up the nerve to share his thoughts.
Eventually, Geralt settles upon saying, “I can’t. I’m sorry.”
A part of Jaskier was already expecting it, based on Geralt’s initial reaction, but it still hurts, holy shit.
“Can you…” Jaskier clears his throat. “Can you tell me why? Maybe, maybe we can compromise?”
His voice trails off when Geralt shakes his head.
“I’m not… available. The whole soulmate thing is… hmm. It’s not my thing. I don’t believe in that whole destiny crap. I’m sorry.”
Not his thing? Doesn’t believe in the “whole destiny crap”?
“But, but Geralt,” Jaskier protests weakly. “You’re my other half. And I’m your--”
“I said I’m not interested,” Geralt reiterates firmly, golden eyes determinedly not meeting Jaskier. “I’m sorry, Jaskier.”
Then without waiting for a response, Geralt shoulders past him and leaves the break room like he’s being chased by a pack of wolves.
Jaskier stares at the spot where Geralt was standing just moments ago, feeling like he lost the one thing he never had in the first place.
Present day
“Remind me again why Valentine’s Day is not considered a proper holiday?”
Essi is looking through the books that line up the shelves of Jaskier’s office as he rummages the piles of paper scattered on his desk.
“Because Valentine’s Day is not a proper holiday, Essi,” Jaskier answers somewhat distractedly. He continues searching for one of the papers he remembers grading the night before, but he can’t find. It. Here. “It’s just a big, fat scheme for companies to capitalize on lovesick fools. Now where the bloody fuck is that paper?!”
Essi ignores his grumbling.
“Hmm, true, but they should. I mean, any business big or small can develop a strong value proposition aimed at lovesick couples. Of course, the competition would be ghastly, but considering that Sole Mate has matched 5,000 couples in the UK alone, I think they missed an opportunity there.”
“Whatever you--” Jaskier starts to say, only to immediately cut himself off when he starts coughing. And it’s not the good kind of cough, either.
He spends almost a minute coughing up a lung, and he ultimately accepts the tissues Essi hands him. He thanks her with a thumbs up before he spits out the phlegm on it. Jaskier crumples it up before tossing it in the bin under his desk. Out of sight, out of mind.
“Are you okay?” Essi asks him, sounding worried.
Jaskier nods as he clears his throat before speaking.
“Yes yes, I’m fine. Sorry, didn’t mean to alarm you.”
“Jask, you don’t look fine.”
Jaskier waves off his friend’s concern as he pushes a book out of the way. He makes a triumphant sound when he finally finds the missing paper. Jaskier quickly shoves it into his messenger bag as he picks up his blazer to shrug into it.
He meets Essi’s worried gaze, and Jaskier tries to appease her with a dimpled smile.
“Turn that frown upside down. I’m perfectly fine, Essi.”
Essi still doesn’t look convinced. “Have you been to the doctor? You should go for a check-up.”
Jaskier shakes his head.
“I’m still recovering from the flu last week but I’m regularly drinking that herbal tea you recommended to me. It’s working wonders on my throat. I’ll be right as rain in no time, don’t you worry.”
Rejected soulbonds are few and far between as far as Jaskier is aware. There’s not much study material available on the Internet, but what he’s found out so far doesn’t help ease the anxiety that’s been building up for months now.
Lethargy. A decrease in the immune system. Difficulty with sleeping. Shortness of breath.
They’re a few of the symptoms that researchers from Kerack Institute compiled a few years ago from studying broken, or rejected, soulbonds. According to their study, it’s not a life-threatening situation. People who experience this usually end up recovering after a period of time. Broken or rejected soulbonds usually occur if the person’s soulmate is deceased before they meet, or if their other half is already in a committed relationship with someone else.
In Jaskier’s case, it’s neither. Geralt’s rejection still stings after all these years, and Jaskier doesn’t understand why he still feels like it happened yesterday. The ache in his chest is not dissipating at all. In fact, it’s worsening as days go by. He’s been to see a cardiologist, and the scans showed that his heart is perfectly fine. So whatever Jaskier is going through right now is not physical, but more… psychological? Emotional?
He’s not certain about that since there’s not enough material about his case. But one thing does stand out from what Jaskier read about rejected soulbonds.
Proximity is what makes or breaks the affected party.
Unfortunately, Jaskier and Geralt are employed in the same university. They attend the same weekly meeting, attend the university’s functions when required, and they usually see each other during their breaks. It’s not often, but it happens frequently.
So the more he sees Geralt, the worse Jaskier feels. And over time, it could literally be his life on the line.
And therein lies the problem.
Well, there’s only one thing left to do.
“You want to go on sabbatical?”
“Right now?”
“I believe that’s what I just said, yes.”
Vesemir Morhen, the president of Redania University, looks at Jaskier with a perplexed expression.
“Jaskier, may I know why you’re requesting to go on leave in the middle of the semester?”
Jaskier hesitates for a second before replying, “I just think it’s the right time to do so, sir. I talked to Priscilla, and she’s willing to shoulder my classes for the rest of term. There’s not much ground to cover--”
“Jaskier, Priscilla is going on maternity leave starting next month,” Vesemir interrupts him, eyebrow raised.
“Well, um, I’m aware of that.”
“Then why--”
“That’s why I talked to Coën to cover for her, well, for me, next--”
Jaskier snaps his mouth shut mid-tirade at Vesemir’s stern gaze.
“Sir, please, I--”
Vesemir shakes his head.
“No, Jaskier. If you really want to take a sabbatical, you can do so after the term ends. At this moment, I can’t allow you to go on leave. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to wait a little longer.”
“Very well, sir,” Jaskier answers stiffly, knowing that once Vesemir has made his mind up there’s no chance of him changing his decision.
So he’s stuck for another three months here.
Fuck, he curses to himself. Damn it.
It’s a little late in the evening and Jaskier is just about to leave his office. After hours of hunching over his desk marking papers from his Advanced Creative Writing class, Jaskier is more than ready to eat leftovers for dinner and binge-watch a few episodes of Anne With An E. Fortunately, he doesn’t have a scheduled class until tomorrow afternoon so he can sleep in a little bit later.
Jaskier locks his office, pockets his key, and turns to walk down the hallway towards the parking lot when he finds himself meeting Geralt’s gaze across the corridor. A jolt runs down his spine as he staggers in his steps, and Jaskier is momentarily nonplussed at the peculiar look on the burly man’s face.
“Jaskier,” Geralt says eventually when he doesn’t speak up.
Jaskier swallows inaudibly, his tongue clicking on the roof of his mouth.
Jaskier waits patiently as he eyes the Anthropology professor who looks like he’s working up the courage to say something. It’s certainly a first, and Jaskier is not sure what Destiny has up her - his? Their? - sleeve this time.
He’s fucking exhausted, damn it.
“Yennefer told me you were planning to go on sabbatical,” Geralt finally blurts out in his typical gruff voice.
Jaskier blinks. Well, he was certainly not expecting that.
“What? I mean, how in the world did Yennefer find out? I never spoke to anyone about this except Vesemir.”
He notes with awe as Geralt shuffles his feet on the hardwood floors, and for a moment, something akin to fondness wells up in Jaskier’s chest before he tamps it down. This is not the time to feel anything remotely positive towards Geralt Rivia when he’s the source of Jaskier’s misery.
“Hmm, well,” he hears Geralt reply. “She told me she heard it from someone who overheard Vesemir’s assistant talking to Tissaia after you left. So it could be anyone.”
Jaskier is unable to hide a groan of frustration. He runs a hand through his already disheveled chestnut locks as he thinks, Great, they’re definitely going to bring this up at the meeting on Friday. Nosy little witches.
“Yes, well, it’s not happening,” Jaskier says with a shrug. He finds himself taking a step, and another, and another, before he’s walking down the corridor to narrow the distance between him and Geralt. And he doesn’t stop when he reaches the other man’s side. “Vesemir said I can’t go on leave right now, so I’ll still be here until the end of term.”
He hears footsteps behind him, and Jaskier inwardly curses when Geralt picks up the pace to follow him.
Just his luck. And why the fuck now?
“Is everything okay?”
Puzzled at the non-sequitur, Jaskier doesn’t break his stride, but he does look over his shoulder to see the closest thing to concern written over Geralt’s face. A part of Jaskier finds it endearing before he swats that thought away with a scowl.
“Everything’s fucking peachy, Geralt,” he answers waspishly before turning his attention ahead of him. “And why are you following me?”
“I’m not, I’m going to the parking lot,” Geralt says simply. This time, Jaskier detects a hint of amusement in his tone, which only serves to piss him off. “Where did you plan on going, then?”
“None of your business,” Jaskier says through gritted teeth. He thrusts open the double doors and quickly descends the stone steps two at a time.
“What’s gotten into you?” he hears Geralt ask, and that’s it.
They reach the parking lot, but instead of marching over to his blue Volkswagen Beetle, Jaskier whirls around to face Geralt. He distantly notes with satisfaction how the other man quickly takes a step back.
“Nothing has gotten into me,” Jaskier says, aggravated beyond comprehension in that moment. “I just wanted some goddamn space, but apparently that’s really fucking hard to come by these days. So for the love of god, take your curiosity and fake sincerity and leave me the fuck alone.”
Geralt’s brows furrow as he meets Jaskier’s glare with perplexity.
“I… it’s not--” he protests haltingly before he shakes his head and tries again. “I only wanted to know--”
Jaskier swiftly cuts him off.
“Well, you lost that right the day you rejected me,” he spits out. Distantly, he knows he’s being too harsh, but Jaskier can’t bring himself to care right now because nothing in his life makes sense anymore. He misses the flicker of emotion that passes over Geralt’s face, too busy turning around to unlock his car. “Just… just leave me alone, Geralt.”
If Geralt responds, Jaskier doesn’t hear it. He starts the ignition and doesn’t bother to warm up the car. He quickly reverses from his parking space and presses his foot on the gas, wanting to get as far away as he can from the one person his soul is aching to be close to.
“Damn, Jask,” Essi says after Jaskier relays to her what happened that night over the phone. “You really tore him a new one, huh?”
“Serves him right,” Jaskier grumbles. He takes another bite of leftover orange chicken as he listens to his friend whistle on the other end. “I know that kind of whistle. That’s your disapproving whistle.”
“Yes, well,” Essi starts. Jaskier frowns, so he pauses the show he’s watching, cutting off Anne mid-tirade as she talks to Gilbert Blythe.
“What is it?”
Essi hesitates for another second before eventually saying, “Don’t you think you were a little harsh on him, though?” Before Jaskier can respond, she continues. “Don’t get me wrong. Geralt should’ve seen it coming and I understand where you’re coming from, Jask. But I don’t know, something doesn’t add up to the confrontation. Like, I feel like your reaction wasn’t justified enough?”
Jaskier sighs.
“What do you want me to say, Essi? He was being nosy and I didn’t like it. We barely exchanged a word in three years and of all the occasions, he chooses now to do so? Why?”
“I don’t know.”
“I don’t know, either.”
Essi is silent for a while.
“Something’s up with you, Jask.”
Jaskier is lucky that they’re not talking over FaceTime because he would’ve been caught in that moment.
“Nothing’s up with me,” he says with an eye roll. He knows Essi doesn’t believe him, so he adds, “I swear, Essi. I just want a break, and I think not seeing Geralt’s face for a year is the first step.”
Weeks pass, and spring slowly introduces itself in hues of green and yellow. Jaskier is able to breathe a little easier when he notices the distinct lack of one Geralt Rivia. Sure, they still see each other during faculty meetings, but that’s a given. Outside of that weekly assembly, Jaskier doesn’t see neither hide nor hair of the silver-haired Adonis. A part of him sighs in relief because at least his one wish was granted. But another part of him, the bigger part, can’t help but feel melancholy at no longer seeing or bumping into his soulmate.
After all, it’s for Jaskier’s benefit that it has to be this way until the end of term. Less than three months to go and he can finally go on sabbatical. He doesn’t know where he’s going yet, but Jaskier finds the idea of starting in New Zealand to visit Hobbiton very appealing.
He’s going to miss his students, of course. He’s going to miss Essi and Priscilla, and the other faculty members he’s gotten close to over the years. He’s obviously going to miss Mister Fuzzball, his orange tabby purring and constantly requesting for cuddles and treats. He hates to admit it, even to himself, but Jaskier knows he’s going to miss Geralt. Fuck, he misses the man right this moment, and the idea of not seeing his soulmate for a year makes him feel… antsy.
“No, we’re doing this,” Jaskier shakes his head. Mister Fuzzball meows and he looks down to see his cat playfully nipping at his fingers. Jaskier chuckles and cuddles Mister Fuzzball closer to his chest. “You’re right, Mister Fuzzball. This is for the best. Distance is what will heal this rejected bond, that’s for certain. What’s the worst that could happen, right?”
Mister Fuzzball meows and boops his nose to Jaskier’s chin.
Yes. Easier said than done.
It all comes to a head in late May.
Finals week is looming closer so Jaskier and the rest of the faculty at Redania University are working overtime. After a tiring week of preparing exams and preparing his handover to the Literature Department before he goes on sabbatical, Jaskier elects to pamper himself once the weekend rolls around.
He wakes up after eleven on a Saturday morning and decides to have brunch at his favorite pub. He calls Essi, who agrees to meet him at Rosemary & Thyme in half an hour, before he gets up from bed and starts getting ready for a relaxing day outside. Maybe he’ll try and coax Essi to go shopping with him. Retail therapy has worked wonders on his mental state before.
But Jaskier never managed to do any of those things.
Instead of taking his car, he elects to take the subway instead because finding a parking space is always a pain in the arse on the weekend. Jaskier is only a few blocks away from reaching Rosemary & Thyme when he hears the commotion before he sees it.
Several vehicles’s horns start blaring while people from the sidewalks shout in alarm. Jaskier turns at the noise, and he feels his heart leap to his throat when he sees a small blonde girl running to the middle of the road to pick up a round, furry stuffed toy she likely dropped.
The voice who yells the child’s name is somewhat familiar, but Jaskier ignores it for the moment because a child is in danger. He doesn’t know how it happens or why, but something clicks in Jaskier that makes him act on instinct. He pushes past the other onlookers staring in horror and sprints to the middle of the busy street.
The small blonde girl -- Ciri -- can’t be more than five years old. She has the furry toy clutched to her chest when Jaskier reaches her side. From his peripheral vision, he glimpses a cab approaching them, and the next several seconds happen in slow-motion.
The cab’s brakes screech as the driver spots them a little too late.
The blonde girl’s emerald eyes lock on Jaskier, a look of awe and confusion on her freckled gaze.
Around them, several bystanders are either frozen on the spot or shouting in alarm.
Geralt stands at the curb with Yennefer and a few other burly men, a look of undisguised terror on his handsome face.
It feels like a lifetime and not, and without giving it much thought, Jaskier finds himself lifting the blonde girl and tossing her in the arms of the one cyclist who had the presence of mind to block the other cars who managed to brake on time.
Except for one.
One second, he has both feet on the ground, and the next Jaskier finds himself on his back on the concrete floor. He feels something sticky trickle down his face, and when he tries to speak, he ends up coughing on the metallic taste of blood.
Oh. So he got hit by the cab, then.
A cacophony of noise permeates through his muddled senses. Sirens and screams and several pairs of feet thudding closer and closer. Jaskier tries to blink but his vision is blurring.
“Jaskier, Jaskier,” the familiar voice says, sounding panicked and choked to his ears. Do they know him? “Jaskier, oh fuck. Hold on, Jaskier. Help’s on the way.”
“Eskel, take Ciri from the cyclist,” another familiar voice filters through. “Geralt, don’t move him. We don’t know what injuries he’s sustained.”
“What injuries-?!” an unfamiliar growly voice interrupts. “He got hit by a fucking car! He’s definitely broken some bones.”
“Lambert, be useful and call a fucking ambulance,” the familiar voice growls back. There’s a gurgling sound before the familiar voice, Geralt, speaks up. “Ssh, it’s okay. You’re going to be okay. I’m so sorry.”
“Ngh,” Jaskier slurs. He tries to keep his eyes open but it’s becoming more difficult by the second. “G’rlt.”
“Keep your eyes on me,” the voice repeats, and they sound choked with emotion. “Jask, stay with me. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please stay with me.”
It’s the last thing Jaskier hears before he loses consciousness.
2 weeks later
“You wonder what he’s thinking when he shivers like that. What can you tell me? What could you possibly tell me? Sure, it’s good to feel things, and if it hurts, we’re doing it to ourselves--”
Someone knocks on the door before it opens, and Jaskier looks up to see the nurse, Jackie, standing on the threshold. Essi, who’s been reading to him his favorite poems for the past hour, stops to look up as well.
Jackie smiles at them before she addresses Jaskier, “I’m sorry for interrupting you, but you have another visitor, Jaskier.”
A glance at the clock nailed to the wall in front of him alerts Jaskier that it’s already past three o’clock.
“Shit,” Essi curses beside him, clearly taking note of the time as well. “Sorry, Jask. I lost track of the time. I need to go.”
She looks down apologetically at Jaskier, who shakes his head in understanding and smiles warmly at her.
“Not at all, Essi,” he says, voice still a bit hoarse. “Thank you for visiting me again. I’m sorry for keeping you.”
Essi pockets her phone and slings her messenger bag across her shoulders before leaning down to brush a hand through Jaskier’s unwashed hair and planting a soft kiss on his bandaged forehead.
“Don’t apologize, silly,” she admonishes slightly once she straightens. She smiles crookedly at Jaskier and brushes her fingers on his face, lightly tracing the faint bruises on his cheek. “I’ll drop by again tomorrow before my afternoon lecture. Do you need me to get you anything?”
“No, I’m good. But please feed Mister Fuzzball, and cuddle him for me, won’t you?”
Essi rolls her eyes good-naturedly but nods her head. “Of course, Jask. I got Mister Fuzzies under control.”
“It’s Mister Fuzzball!”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Love you. Take it easy and I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
It’s Jaskier’s turn to roll his eyes, but he carefully waves his bandaged wrist at his best friend’s departing figure.
“Love you too. See you later, Daven.”
When Essi disappears around the corner, less than thirty seconds pass before Jaskier’s next visitors come in.
“Jaskier! You’re awake!” a small, blonde girl greets as she dashes inside the room. She stops at the very last second when she reaches Jaskier’s side, careful with his injuries as she climbs up the bed to plant a sloppy but very welcome kiss on his bruised cheek.
“Of course I’m awake, darling,” Jaskier answers with a dimpled grin as he playfully boops Ciri’s nose, causing the child to giggle. “I would never pass up the chance to miss your visit.”
“How are you? Did you finish watching Frozen yesterday? You fell asleep and Papa said I shouldn’t disturb you.”
“I’m feeling better now that you’re here. And no, I didn’t finish Frozen yesterday but I already watched it before so it’s okay. What movie do you want to watch next, hm?”
Jaskier chuckles as he listens to Ciri prattle on for the next few minutes about her favorite scenes in Frozen and how she wants to watch an old Disney film called The Emperor’s New Groove. Jaskier looks up to see the second visitor who silently trailed after the energetic child, making sure to shut the door behind him to give them privacy.
Geralt is already seated on the chair Essi just vacated, the silver-haired man looking at Ciri and Jaskier with undisguised fondness. If someone told Jaskier that he would be the object of Geralt Rivia’s shameless googly eyes, he would tell them where to shove it. But as it is, since his unfortunate accident two weeks ago, it’s like the man did a 180-degree. It’s probably mean of Jaskier to think it, but he can’t help it. If he hadn’t saved Geralt’s daughter, they likely wouldn’t be in this situation.
But Jaskier won’t have it any other way. Daughter or not, Jaskier doesn’t regret saving Ciri. Not at all. He may only know the child for less than a month, but he already loves her like his own, and that notion should terrify Jaskier. It really should, but for some unfathomable reason, it feels completely natural. As easy as breathing.
Although he and Geralt still have so much to talk about - goodness, there’s so much baggage between them that needs to be unpacked and addressed - Jaskier finds that he doesn’t mind spending this time getting to know his soulmate’s family. Aside from Ciri, he’s already met Lambert and Eskel, Geralt’s foster brothers who also drop in to visit him a few times a week. Jaskier likes them, likes their crude sense of humor and enjoys their company even when he doesn’t feel like chatting.
Then there’s Vesemir, who happens to be Geralt’s uncle or whatever, and isn’t that a fucking shock? Jaskier initially didn’t know whether to be horrified or amused when the president of the university he works at visited him to wish him a speedy recovery. In the end, Jaskier takes it in stride and thanks the old man for his well wishes.
How has this become his life now? Will wonders never cease?
“- and Uncle Lambert said I should watch Monsters, Inc. next after The Emperor’s New Groove because he said I remind him of Boo,” Ciri continues to chatter, the adorable five-year-old making herself at home by Jaskier’s uninjured side.
Jaskier listens to her attentively, while looking up every now and then at Geralt, the Anthropology professor currently balancing his laptop on his knees as he slowly types.
It’s the sixth, or probably seventh, time that Jaskier looks up when he meets Geralt’s golden eyes already trained on him. There’s that familiar jolt that runs down his spine when their gazes meet, and Jaskier raises a brow at him.
Geralt’s lips quirk upwards into a semblance of a smile, and Jaskier feels his heart stutter against his chest when his soulmate quietly mouths, “Hi.”
Jaskier tries to fight off a smile but fails rather dismally.
“Hi,” he mouths back before shifting his attention back to Ciri, who’s now chattering about her morning at the daycare.
All at once, it feels like the end and beginning of something new.
“Gods, I miss playing my lute,” Jaskier grumbles to himself a few nights later.
Ciri is fast asleep beside him, the adorable child already drooling on his shoulder but he doesn’t mind it in the least bit. They watched two movies and had dinner plus dessert, so Jaskier feels a little spoiled.
“Your what now?” Geralt asks, and Jaskier nearly jolts Ciri awake, almost forgetting that there’s another occupant in the room.
He recovers quickly and leans back against the fluffy pillows.
“My lute,” he repeats. At Geralt’s blank stare, Jaskier huffs out a laugh and continues. “It’s a medieval instrument that bards used to play. I learned to play it back in uni - I minored in Music, by the way - and I just… I just love it. And I miss playing it.”
“Oh,” Geralt says after a while. “I never knew you played.”
If Jaskier’s smile comes off a little bitter, Geralt thankfully doesn’t mention it.
“We both don’t know a lot about each other, I’m afraid,” he says.
Jaskier snorts. “Well, except for that.”
Geralt doesn’t say anything after that, so they spend the next several minutes in silence. It’s comfortable, for a change, and Jaskier doesn’t mind breaking the quiet with inane chatter. While he enjoyed watching children’s movies with Ciri, he’s easily exhausted, still in the midst of recuperating from his extensive list of injuries. A major head concussion is no joke, but at least Jaskier can sleep peacefully these days.
He’s staring aimlessly at the ceiling and thinking about what he’ll do first when he’s eventually discharged when he hears Geralt clear his throat.
“I was afraid,” Geralt starts when Jaskier turns his head to meet the older man’s eyes. At Jaskier’s puzzled frown, Geralt clears his throat again and explains. “That day, when you told me we were soulmates… I panicked.”
Oh, so they’re finally going to talk about it now. While his soulmate’s daughter is lightly snoring and drooling on Jaskier?
Okay, then.
“That’s some way to panic,” Jaskier teases, but it falls a little flat. He notices Geralt wince, and Jaskier inwardly curses himself because it’s not the time to make jokes right now. “I’m sorry,” he quickly adds. “I didn’t mean it like that. Please continue, I won’t interrupt.”
Geralt blinks, looking surprised. Jaskier smiles at him and decides to wait patiently for him to speak. It doesn’t take long.
“I don’t have a good track record when it comes to relationships,” Geralt begins, his voice quiet and gruff so as not to wake his daughter. He’s not meeting Jaskier’s gaze. Instead, it’s trained on Jaskier’s fingers that’s carefully playing with Ciri’s blonde curls. “Ask my brothers, ask Yennefer, and they’ll gladly tell you of my failed relationships. Don’t know why, but I was more prone to burning bridges than maintaining them.”
Jaskier feels his heart break, and it takes every ounce in him to not reach out to take Geralt’s hand in his because he’s afraid the other man won’t welcome his touch. So Jaskier bites his cheek and keeps silent, and keeps his hands to himself. He continues to wait in silence, willing to be patient for Geralt because it’s clear to see now that his soulmate is struggling with his words.
And he knows better now, too, that Geralt needs this moment to unpack everything that’s been left unsaid between them all these years.
“When Ciri was born, I felt like I finally had purpose,” Geralt continues. “Her mother didn’t want anything to do with her, so Fiona left her in my care and never looked back. I was fine with it, didn’t mind taking on the responsibility of caring for Ciri. She’s my kid, after all, and it’s an honor to raise her. I thought, since I hadn’t met my soulmate at the time, that everything would be fine. And it was fine for a couple of years. Then I met you.”
At this, Geralt finally looks up from studying Jaskier’s deft fingers to meet his cornflower blue eyes. There’s that oh-so familiar jolt, and for the first time in three years, Jaskier allows himself to bask in the remarkable feeling.
“Then you met me,” Jaskier repeats with a small, sad smile. “And I went and made a fool of myself.”
Geralt emphatically shakes his head.
“No, you didn’t,” he says firmly. “I was an idiot.”
“No, I was the idiot.”
“Let’s agree to disagree, then.”
“In retrospect, I probably made things difficult for you,” Jaskier says with a half-shrug. “So I’m really sorry, Geralt. I think I was pretty tactless with my approach.”
Geralt smiles ruefully at him. “My reaction is what caused us to have a falling out.”
Jaskier opens his mouth then closes it with a thoughtful hum.
“I suppose,” he says, then he glances up from studying Ciri’s peaceful face to look at Geralt with a slight tilt of his head. “Why did you react that way, though? I thought… well, I thought you hated me. Hated the concept of soulmates.”
“I could never hate you,” Geralt cuts him off with a sincere look.
Jaskier gapes at him for a few seconds.
“I, well. You said--”
Geralt swiftly interrupts him once again.
“I remember,” he discloses with a grimace. “I’m not proud of it. I was selfish, Jaskier, and I’m sorry.”
“Alright,” Jaskier says with a patient smile. “You’re sorry, but for what? Telling me the truth? Rejecting me?”
His voice trails off when Geralt shakes his head.
“No, no. None of that.” At Jaskier’s puzzled frown, Geralt sighs and rubs the back of his head. “When I met you, I was terrified at how you made me feel. I felt… wrong-footed, I think? And when you told me we were soulmates, it just made the whole thing more… threatening.”
“Threatening how?”
“Ciri is my number one priority. Sure, she has Vesemir and her uncles, and Yennefer, but I’m her dad. My purpose, my… everything I do is for her, Jask, and you have to understand. Please understand, that when you told me we were soulmates, it felt like everything I worked so hard for would come crashing down. Because here was another person who… matters to me more than I could understand at the time. I was… scared… that if I acknowledged our bond, and accepted you, that it would make Ciri feel like I wasn’t prioritizing her. That she was no longer my number one.”
“Because then you’d have to focus all your time and energy on me,” Jaskier finishes, finally understanding where Geralt is coming from. “And on us. Because it takes a couple of months to solidify the bond.”
Geralt nods, and he looks like there’s a huge weight that’s lifted from his shoulders. Like he’s been carrying this weight for the past three years or so.
Jaskier breathes in and slowly exhales through his nose. He, too, feels like there’s a huge weight that’s been lifted off his chest. Like he and Geralt are finally on the same page.
Well, almost.
“Geralt, I want you to listen to me closely because I’m going to say this once.”
Geralt nods, golden eyes intense as he waits for Jaskier to continue. This time, Jaskier takes a chance and reaches for his soulmates clasped hands. To his immense surprise, Geralt’s fingers curl around his, as if they’ve been doing it for years instead of for the first time.
“I will never fight for your attention, because Ciri will always be your number one. I’m confident in saying that because, believe it or not, I absolutely adore your daughter to bits.” They exchange smiles at that, each turning to look at Ciri sleeping peacefully between them. Jaskier clears his throat and continues. “I’m sorry that you felt like you had to choose between us. If that was the impression I gave you, then I beg for your forgiveness because it honestly wasn’t. I promise you, Geralt. I promise you that Ciri will also be my top priority.” He shakes his head when Geralt is about to open his mouth. “No. If we’re doing this, Geralt, then I want to be involved. I want to be a part of Ciri’s life, not just yours.”
“I can’t ask you of this, Jaskier,” Geralt professes.
“I know you’re not asking,” Jaskier says with a good-natured eye roll. “That’s why I’m offering, silly.”
Something in Geralt breaks because his shoulders sag. He stares unbelievably softly at Jaskier, golden eyes tender with emotion.
“Jaskier,” Geralt says, awe in his tone.
Thinking that he literally has nothing left to lose, Jaskier moves his hand from grasping Geralt’s to cupping his cheek. He feels his soulmate lean into his touch, and Jaskier knows right then and there that they’re going to be alright.
“We both have baggage,” Jaskier tells him once their gazes lock once more. “And we still have so much to talk about. But I’m in this for the long haul, Geralt. You’re my other half, and I’m yours.”
“I’m yours,” Geralt repeats, and he sounds like he’s starting to believe it.
When he leans over to press soft, dry lips to Jaskier’s slightly chapped ones, Jaskier lets himself believe it, too.
They’re going to be alright.
103 notes · View notes
yehet-me-up · 5 years
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PAIRING: Kihyun x reader
RATING: M for language/sexy times
GENRE: Enemies to lovers, smut
SUMMARY: How do you choose dignity over desire when ever inch of your body is screaming for release?
Monsta X Kinks series part seven: Blindfold 🙈
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He is not your boyfriend. Not anymore.
He should be no one to you. He should absolutely not matter.
But despite all of these obvious and logical facts, you can't stop paying attention to him.
From the bar he watches you dance like you're his personal entertainment for the evening. He takes a swallow of what looks to be a gin and tonic and grimaces at the taste. With heavy-lidded eyes he licks the alcohol off his bottom lip and stares at your ass in a way that really should piss you off.
Unfortunately for your sanity, and for your long-standing hatred of him, it's only succeeding in turning you on. Bastard.
Not that you have one these days; a boyfriend, that is. Even if you did, it wouldn't be Yoo fucking Kihyun. The only problem is, he doesn’t seem to have gotten the message.
Your partner in crime for the evening, Kellee, notices immediately, snapping dramatically in your face. 'No.’
You raise your brows innocently. ‘What?’
‘I see who you’re looking at. Just ignore him,' Kellee says over the music. 'He's an ass.'
She tugs on your arm and you reluctantly take your eyes away from his annoyingly angular jaw and perfectly styled hair. She purses her lips at you and folds her arms with a mixture of amusement and annoyance as she dances in her mid-thigh, long-sleeve, black sequinned dress.
‘We’re here to celebrate, remember? Not take a walk down awful memory avenue.’
Right. New Year's Eve. Party at Cherry Blossom. How does he still make me lose track of space and time after all these years?
'I know,' you say, sighing loudly.
Kellee points a finger at you and laughs at the hesitation in your voice. 'Excuse me. We hate him, right?'
'He looks good though.' The cut of his crisp black dress shirt, the expensive Rolex on his wrist, the way his lips twist into a possessive smirk as he meets your eyes. You turn back to Kellee and feel your cheeks heat in embarrassment.
'Shit, he saw me.' You raise your eyes to the ceiling for divine intervention. Of all the nightclubs in all the boroughs in all of New York...
Kellee holds both of your wrists in her hands and forces you to focus on her through the haze of Vodka crans in your blood and the bass so heavy it vibrates along your skin. 'He ditched you the night of senior prom to hook up with Brandi Walters!'
Memories of him in high school flood your mind. The way the air felt like it was sucked out of your lungs when he smiled at you, blushing and asking you out. The tentative press of his mouth against yours for the first time. The enormous and cheesy and perfect poster he made to ask you to be his girlfriend, that’s probably still gathering dust in your closet.
But then...the look on Kellee’s face when she tried to hide the video from you. Brandi’s hands all over Kihyun, when he was supposed to be on his way over to pick you up for prom. Her mouth on his neck. Even college and two more years in between you can still feel how heartbroken you were that night.
You shake your head, disgusted at yourself. 'Jesus Christ, you're right. Who cares about him, anyways? There's plenty of other guys here.'
'Exactly,' Kellee exclaims, smacking you on the butt. 'We've been working so hard on this case I haven't been laid in months, I'm dying.'
While she shakes her ass to a remix of your favorite Majid Jordan song, you scan the room. The guy with the spray tan and the tacky barbed wire bicep tat sitting on the couches? Nah. The hipster with the wire frame glasses and the trying-too-hard plaid shirt? Ugh. Just when you’re about to give up, you see him.
A man with ridiculously hot facial hair and a mischievous look in his eyes leans against the bar on the opposite side from Kihyun. His shirt is a rather disastrous shade of red, but who cares? Something about seeing Kihyun tonight makes your hands sweat. Every brush of your thighs against each other sends a shock of need to your core. You’re not looking for a husband tonight. Anyone but Kihyun will do just fine.
‘Fuck it,’ you say, the sound drowned out by the bass.
On a more civilized night such as oh, literally any other day of the year, you'd be more inclined to flirt and give someone your number. Go on some dates. Let things unfold naturally, easily.
But whatever chaotic and thirsty energy settles upon the city on New Year's Eve each year pushes you to find something more... immediate to relieve your tension. Kellee is right, it's been ages. And you need something more than your trusty vibrator tonight.
You get Kellee’s attention and motion subtly to the guy in the red shirt. She squeals excitedly and waves you on. With a laugh you make your way through the crowd up to the bar. You eye Kihyun surreptitiously as you walk, wishing you didn't know how well he could undo you with just his hands and his mouth.
Prom was supposed to be it, the night you finally slept together after a few months of dating. The night you finally went to home base, or whatever that fucking analogy worked out to be. But then he screwed it up and you never found out if he knew how to use the rest of the, ahem, tools at his arsenal. Pity.
Tonight, you want a face buried in your neck. You want teeth against your skin and hands on your hips, insistent and rough enough to leave a faint purple outline of fingerprints in the morning. Tonight you want to be fucked so hard that the stress of the last few months of law school fall away like a snakeskin. Tonight you want to come so many times your legs shake and you leave scratch marks down someone's back.
Tonight you want to be 'raw and exposed,' a favorite expression of you and Kellee’s. Normally it’s a joke, but tonight you mean it literally. And you want it with anyone but Yoo Kihyun.
Red shirt's eyes follow your legs as you climb the short stairs up to the bar. The satin of your red dress teases the skin of your thighs, clinging to you in the warmth of the bar. The short sleeves and the skirt are loose and flowing but neither red shirt nor Kihyun can ignore the way the neckline cuts low and hugs tight to your ample chest.
He smiles as you pass, expecting you to come to him. But tonight you're a lion dressed as a lamb, a huntress pretending to be prey. Come and get it, you think. You return his friendly grin as you move behind him.
Red shirt catches on quickly. ‘Hey, can I buy you a drink?’
Unfortunately, you agree to the drink before you learn three things that would make you not sleep with him under any circumstance.
First, his cologne is downright awful. Thirteen year old boys swiping samples of Axe body spray from magazines smell better. Second, he proudly and happily tells you he’s drinking O’Douls… because he likes the taste. Third, the only thing he’s interested in talking about tonight is the Lakers/Clippers game on tonight.
After ten minutes you desperately look for Kellee on the floor, hoping she’ll come save you. But she’s happily grinding with a Chad Michael Murray circa 2007 lookalike and you wish her well. You roll your eyes as politely and as covertly as you can when red shirt mentions Lebron’s ‘sick lay-up’ for about the twentieth time and unfortunately you meet Kihyun’s focus.
He grins at you while he talks with the woman behind the bar, raising a brow in question. You can almost hear him asking if you need to be rescued. Infuriated, you turn back to red shirt, ignoring him… almost. Out of the corner of your eye you watch as he runs a finger along the rim of his glass before drawing it into his mouth. Another swipe of his tongue along the plump bottom lip and you can see it gleam from clear across the bar.
You want to whine in frustration and need. Sure, you could excuse yourself. Tell red shirt you need to meet your friend. But, when it comes to Yoo Kihyun, you did always like playing with fire.
With an exaggerated sigh you subtly nod to him. Triumph and heat flare in his eyes as he makes his way over to you. Rolling up his sleeves, he exposes taut forearms and you distantly remember the way they felt pressed against the tender skin of your waist.
Kihyun slides next to you, his arm effortlessly coming around your waist. His hand finds your hip comfortably and rests high enough to be respectful. He bends and presses a kiss to the exposed skin of your shoulder, lips lingering, sending a jolt of awareness down your spine. The scent of his rich cologne wraps around you and you almost sigh with relief.
Red shirt, who you now know is named John, blinks in surprise. 'Who's this?'
Kihyun suppresses a laugh and says against your ear, 'sorry I'm late darling, I can't believe I kept the most beautiful woman in the world waiting.' He holds out his hand to John. 'Thanks for keeping her company for me. I'm Kihyun.'
Guy looks perplexed, but to his credit he shrugs it off fast. 'John. Have a great night, Y/N.'
The moment John turns back to his group of friends Kihyun leans against the bar, smug smile on his infuriatingly handsome face.
You snort and try to walk past him, rolling your eyes. ‘Thanks.’
His arm comes out to block your path. ‘Going so soon, darling?’
‘Ugh, you’re disgusting,’ you say, folding your arms. ‘Did you know that?’
He motions to the bartender and instantly two Vodka crans appear. Kihyun hands you one with a playful smile. ‘I did know that, in fact.’ He takes a large sip of his. ‘But despite that, you did still let me help you.’
You hold the drink as though it’s a grenade, liable to go off at any second. ‘I was desperate. If I had to listen to another three seconds of audio commentary of a goddamn basketball game I was going to run out of here screaming. Don’t flatter yourself.’
He eyes you from the tips of your heels to the top of your hair. ‘I’d so much rather you flatter me.’
A feeling almost like anger, but with far too much arousal fills your veins and you almost snarl at him. ‘What makes you think I’d want anything to do with you?’
Kihyun raises his hands in surrender and stands, facing you. He clinks his glass to yours and downs the rest of the liquid in one swallow. ‘I know you don’t want anything to do with me anymore. You made that very clear at Senior prom.’
Your mouth drops open. ‘Wow. Bold of you to bring that up, after what you did.’
‘What I did?’ His brows furrow. ‘After you ditched me, you mean? I have to say the hostile and condescending tone is what I expected given how you ignored me after that night. But I hoped you’d grown out of it.’
‘After I ditched you?’ You step closer, narrowing your eyes at him. ‘I saw the video of you and Brandi. Why would I wait around like a fool after that?’
He grits his teeth. ‘Is that what you think happened? Brandi was my friend Jay’s date and she was so drunk from the pre-gaming that she couldn’t even walk on her own. I was helping to get her into my car so we could take her to the clinic. Is that what you saw?’
‘I-’ you start. ‘Even if I believe you, which I don’t, how do I know you’re telling the truth?’
Kihyun runs a frustrated hand through his hair. ‘You could ask the nurse at the clinic. Or the dozens of people at prom who saw me show up just after ten, wondering why my girlfriend hasn’t answered any of my dozen texts or calls.’
You worry your lip between your teeth. ‘Kellee took my phone. She didn’t want me to get hurt any worse.’
He sighs and laughs to himself. ‘Well, that would explain quite a lot.’
Suddenly, you want to reach for him. To force him to look into your eyes and tell you the past six years were just a dream. ‘So you really didn’t cheat on me?’
The warmth and surprise in his brown eyes almost undoes you. ‘No, I didn’t. And I guess you didn’t ditch me either.’ You shake your head. ‘Huh.’
You pick up the drink and take a big sip. ‘Huh, indeed.’
Kihyun does the same, a smile playing on his lips. The alcohol and the music and the sweat running down your spine from the heat of the room and the goddamn way Kihyun is watching you over the rim of his glass - it’s all going to your head and you reach a hand for his arm to ground yourself.
‘Come home with me.’ He steps closer, hands finding your waist. ‘I believe we have some unfinished business.’
You make a noise of disbelief. ‘You don’t know anything about me, Kihyun. Not anymore.’
His lips find the spot where your neck meets your shoulder. ‘I want to know everything.’
His hands draw slowly down your side, moving around your lower back. ‘I want to hear all about your job or school, however you fill your days. I want to know where you’re living now, and about your friends, and if you have any adorable pets.’
He eases your back against the bar, pressing himself into all of your curves. ‘I want to know how you like your coffee in the morning.’
Kihyun pulls back, breathless, his eyes turning black in the low lighting. ‘But right now, more than anything, I want to know how it feels to be inside you.’ You gasp and he traces his lips along the shell of your ear. ‘And what it feels like when you come around me.’
You nod, groaning as he pulls your ear lobe between his teeth. All you can manage is a needy, ‘please.’
He grins, pulling you through the dance floor. ‘You tell your friend you’re leaving, I’ll get the car.’
Before you can say anything he pauses on the stairs and kisses you fully on the mouth. In your surprise you can only hold onto his shoulders to try and steady yourself. It’s only a preview of what’s to come but already the hot slide of his lips against yours, the insistent tugging his teeth do as they nip your full lower lip, makes you feel desperate to have him inside you.
He pulls back and laughs. At least he has the decency to look just as flustered as you feel. ‘Sorry, I - it’s been so long. I missed that.’
You shake your head at him as he heads off to a side door. ‘Wait! Don’t we need to pay?’
Kihyun winks. ‘I own the bar!’ he calls above the music before disappearing out into the night.
Amused, you tilt your head back and laugh. Of course he does. 
Excitement thrums in your veins as you find Kellee and give her the shortest possible version of the story. She watches you carefully and makes you promise to text at least twice tonight so she knows your safe. After many reassurances and a dash to coat check, you emerge out the front. Fear tells you he’s left you again and this is all just a stupid prank.
But no. He rolls down the window of his Porche and tilts his head. ‘Get in.’
The seats are plush and match your dress coincidentally. He turns on the radio, more from a desire to distract from the obvious erection he's sporting than for any particular urge to listen to jazz. 
For the first minute of the drive you focus on slowing your breathing, savoring the unexpected catharsis that being with him tonight is bringing you. An old wound in your chest undone, emotion bleeds out onto your skin in a healing wave. It surrounds you like steam in a sauna, the way you want him feels palpable on your lips and hands and at the meeting of your thighs.
Once you accept this new reality you look at him, wondering how far to push him. If this Kihyun is as romantic and sweet as the one you knew in high school, or if this new version has a bit of bite. He holds his jaw tight, the muscles in his neck working to concentrate on the road. Unable to resist you slowly reach your hand across the gearshift and rest it on his thigh.
He meets your gaze for a beat and something shimmers within - a heat and need that match your own. As the sultry music plays you lean across the seat and rest your chin on his shoulder. Slowly, so slowly he groans, you drag your hand up towards his obvious need. With featherlight touches you kiss his neck above his collar.
When you reach his hard cock, settling over the length covered by the fabric of his pants, you bite down on his earlobe. The car jerks to a stop and you look out the windshield, terrified you've somehow made him crash with your tentative efforts at seduction. Thankfully, it appears you've arrived at his house. The townhome is modern, two-stories, and instantly you wonder what the bedroom is like.
'We should get inside,' he says darkly. 'If I touch you here, we won't leave until I'm inside you.'
With a laugh, you nod. 'That's probably a good idea.'
For a long moment you stare at each other. Taking in the flush in his cheeks, the way the heat of his skin kept some of the red of your lipstick as a souvenir. No doubt he can read the arousal in your blood. The way the strap of your dress is sliding off your shoulder, begging to be removed.
He looks like he's about to risk it and kiss you, but at the last moment he grunts and opens his car door. A beat later and he opens yours, holding his hand out to you. Once, this was so natural. Being with him, trusting him, your palms and lips and hearts never far from each other. As he guides you inside you wonder about the distance from that time to now. If this is just one good fuck between exes or if he expects there to be more; if you do.
In his exuberance he accidentally slams the door open, the sound too hard against the wall behind it. He seems frustrated by the sheer distance and pulls you into his arms before shutting the door with one hand and leaning you against it. Breathless, you cling to his shoulders, wondering if he means to swallow you whole, unmaking you as the tide does to the sand.
He notices your hesitation and brings a hand to cup your face. 'Hey, what is it?' His breath ghosts across your cheek at his whispered soft words.
'It's stupid, but -'
'Tell me,' he asks and smiles softly.
'It's been so long, Kihyun. I'm just nervous it won't be like we're hoping. I don't even know what you want. Do you just want tonight or-'
He closes this distance and presses a chaste kiss to your lips. 'I want you tonight. I want you for a long time. It's always been you, you know. I've tried to date other people but... I just want you.'
His hands pull at your waist, moulding your body closer against his. 'Yes, really. I can't guarantee the first time will be perfect,' he says, his lips ghosting along yours. 'I want it to be. I want you to laugh and smile and sigh and moan just as I dreamed you would. I want to hold you after and fall asleep with your heart beating against mine and your leg wrapped around my waist.'
You giggle and kiss him back. He's been many things in the time you've known him, but he's never been a liar. 'Okay.'
Kihyun grins against your lips and bends, lifting you into his arms. Your dress slides up, exposing you to his eager hands. 'Just okay?'
You squeal and hold onto his shoulders to stay upright. 'Better than okay.'
'Good,' he answers. ‘If at any point you want me to stop, just say the word.’
He does his best to walk upstairs with you in his arms and his mouth on your neck. His erection strains against your thigh, making him groan. You absolutely make it worse by tugging on his hair and moaning at his tongue on the sensitive nerves where your shoulder meets your neck. 
With his hands full he manages to find the bed, tripping and dropping you onto the plush comforter. He falls after you, laughing, landing in a tangle of arms and limbs.
Righting himself he grins, running a hand through his hair. 'Stay right there, I have something I think might help.'
You kick off your heels and use your elbows to move you further onto the bed, watching with curiosity as he impatiently strips off his jacket and shirt. 'Hey, no fair. I wanted to do that,' you pout.
He gives you a dangerous smirk before he starts digging in his closet. Triumphant, he pulls out a black tie. ‘Would this help?’
Your jaw drops open. 'You want to tie me up? Blindfold me? So you want me to trust you by not letting me move or see anything?' You raise a brow at him.
Kihyun laughs and removes his shoes and socks. He climbs onto the bed, scooting so his back rests against the headboard, his legs spread out in front of him. His chest moves as he breathes, as though he's been running. 'No. I want you to use it on me.'
Something warm and bright flashes in your chest. 'Oh!'
His eyes go wide. 'You don't have to! I mean... I just thought-'
Desire makes you clench your thighs together. Excitement and curiosity make you crawl across the bed to him. 'No, I want to. It's perfect,' you smile, straddling him.
He smiles and sets it beside him on the bed. 'I have one thing I want to see first.' His hands toy with the edges of your dress. 
When you nod he lifts the fabric over your head. Before it hits the ground the heat of his palms warms your hips. He strokes over the sensitive skin of your side and you moan, dropping your forehead to his shoulder.
Kihyun eases your bra off you so gently you sigh. 'God, you're so beautiful. I missed this.' He kisses along your shoulder and down your arm, holding up your hand so he can kiss your palm. 'I missed you.'
'I missed you too.' You stay like that for a minute before the hard feel of him pressing against your core demands attention. 'Now please make love to me before I lose my mind.'
He thows his head back and laughs. In quick succession he undoes the zipper of his pants and slides them off, holding you up with his hips and a hand around your waist. 'Your wish is my command.' He gives you a wink before grabbing the tie and securing it around his head.
His chest rises and falls as he breathes, waiting to see what you’ll do, hands obediently resting on your thighs. You wave a hand in front of his face. He doesn’t move. With a grin you run a finger down his chest and he shivers. You back up and take off your underwear, throwing it to the floor. He whines and his hands reach for you, already demanding to touch you again.
When you straddle him again, he sucks in a sharp inhale of breath. He peeks out from under the tie with one finger. ‘I’m in your control tonight,' he says warmly. 'You set the pace.' 
Quickly, he fumbles in his nightstand and retrieves a condom, handing it to you as though it were a precious package. 'I trust you.’
You purse your lips at him, trying not to laugh, and he settles the blindfold back over his eyes. Despite how wet you are, and how desperate you are to sit yourself on his cock, you resolve not to take him inside you until he begs for it. You ease the fabric over his erection and take him in your hand. 
After tearing the wrapper you roll the condom down his length. Slowly, you begin to stroke him. He grunts and his fingers dig into the flesh of your now naked hips.
With your free hand you slide two fingers across your slit, gathering the moisture there. You add your second hand to the motion of the first, coating him in your wetness and easing your stroke. Kihyun bites his lip, pressing his head back against the headboard. The veins stand out against his throat and you dip your head and run your tongue along one.
‘Fuck, I’m going to come before I even get inside you,’ he groans, high, whining. Good enough.
Thighs pressing against his, holding his wooden headboard with one hand, you guide him to your entrance. Your arousal eases the way as you slide down and in seconds he's filled you to the hilt. 
Years ago, when you took him with your mouth and your hands, when his tongue and his agile fingers brought you to your first orgasm, you thought about what it would be like to feel him inside you. None of those fantasies prepared you for the taste of his mouth on yours or the way your bodies line up perfectly as he stretches you just enough to burn around his girth.
You can't swallow the moan that leaves you as he rocks his hips into yours and everything gets so much better. 'Hey, you're not supposed to be helping.'
He pulls you onto him more fully and it feels so good you squeeze your eyes together. 'Was that a rule?'
Kihyun repeats the motion, angling you so every thrust brings delicious friction to your clit. With a shuddering breath you clutch at his headboard for balance. 'I'll allow it,' you moan, holding the back of his neck as you match his motion with your own.
His thumbs dig into your sensitive skin hard enough to leave marks in the morning, his fingers grasping the flesh of your ass. You’re beyond caring about anything but this moment. His face is buried in your hair, his raspy, animalistic groans coming from him make you squeeze around him.
'Fuck,' he groans, doubling his pace and making you feel like you're about to explode from the heat and slide of him inside you.
'Come with me,' is all you can get out amongst the stream of gasps and sighs you can't contain.
He nods, his teeth playing with the tendons in your neck just sharp enough to send shockwaves of sharp pleasure to your already sensitive core. One of his hands leaves your waist and you feel his thumb swirl circles around your clit. Your orgasm bursts forth like a river freed from a dam and you cling to him and he rides out your release as well as his own.
When your breathing returns to normal you lift your arms, thick with pleasure and the best kind of exhaustion, and remove the blindfold. He looks as relaxed as you feel and he brushes your hair behind your ears. 
'And the verdict is?'
‘I can’t believe we could have been doing that for the past few years, fuck,' you laugh.
He strokes his thumb across your lip. ‘I hope we can do that uhhh, quite often in the future. After you tell me all about your life right now.’
‘Deal,’ you say, pulling his face back to yours to kiss him.
Tagging @yixingminseokjongdae​ I hope you’re well love!! <3
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cocained · 5 years
crime plots i need:
you’re dating one of my gang members, but i’m the boss and i know how to please you better.
i stole your car and the police isn’t doing anything so you decided to track me down yourself and you found me, but whatcha gonna do, i went through your stuff so i know all your secrets.
you’re a heavy criminal or something idek and we hooked up a while ago but fuck, i owe my drug dealer money and i really pissed him off bc that’s what i do and now i need you to help me otherwise i’m gonna be dead and you actually know what ur doing so.
we’re gang members but the rule is we’re not allowed to date people inside the gang, but there’s a lot of sexual tension between us and then all of a sudden we have to take care of something together bc the boss says so and if you kiss me i’m gonna fucking kill you, but pls do.
your dad is my biggest enemy in the crime world and you’re a straight-up rebel, so to piss him off you decide to sleep with me and wow, it was fucking amazing, but now your dad is out to kill me so what now.
you’re a criminal and even though i’m a pretty good person we’re still dating and then you get caught and end up in prison and everyone that you owe money/drugs/etc from now comes to attack me and it’s a few years later when you get out and come to see me only to find out that nothing’s the same. (either i became a criminal/dealer myself or a prostitute/stripper bc i needed the money or i changed my name, moved away and gave birth to a child that’s yours)
we’re two thieves who literally can’t stand each other bc we’re each others biggest competitors so we have a stealing war with each other to prove that i’m the best in what we do and it doesn’t stop at just stealing objects (girl/boyfriends, friends, jobs, name it!)
we’re lovers and we decided to rob a gas station together bc we needed the money and holy shit, we got a lot more cash than we expected, but oh shit turns out this business was actually really shady and now there’s a whole gang after us that’s trying to kill us to get their whitewashed money back.
we’re just normal people and we’ve been going out for a few months and it’s pretty clear to me that you’re keeping something from me but i can’t put my finger on it and all of a sudden i get kidnapped and it’s really fucking scary bc they look dangerous as fuck and they keep asking me the weirdest questions about you and wait what, it turns out you make drugs/sell guns/whitewash money/whatever ?!? and of course you come in and rescue me and i’m super relieved, but now i don’t know if i should be mad or turned on about it all.
i work for a cartel, not because i want to but because they’re gonna kill me if i don’t and i just got to the united states and they’re making me do all sorts of things (cutting coke, cleaning labs, ‘providing money’) and it’s really fucking awful, but then all of a sudden you notice me even though you’re (much) higher up and i don’t know why but you’re helping me to get higher up as well and before i know it we’re getting assignments together and you’re like really bad ass fuck i'm starting to like you.
3K notes · View notes
imaginingsoftly · 4 years
Baseball Trivia Pt. 2 - Josh Anderson
Type: Y/N insert shorts, strangers to enemies-ish to lovers, series
Requested: No
Warnings: standard swearing
There was no fucking way. Y/N stared at Thatcher as he talked, but the words he was saying weren’t computing. No fucking way was Josh Anderson on his way to Vancouver. It was like fate had heard her think that they would never meet again and laughed as she sent Josh in Y/N’s direction. “Earth to Y/N, where the fuck did you just go?” She snapped back to the present, shaking her head and smiling at the mountain of a man in front of her instead of responding. Thatcher gave her another weird look before continuing. “We’re gonna have the end-of-summer barbeque at my place after the last day of training camp, and I expect you to be there. Someone’s gotta help me man the grill.” 
It was tradition. End-of-summer barbeques had become a thing beginning their sophomore year at BC, after the pair had become close during their freshman year. Almost eight years later it was still a yearly tradition, though now the barbeque was extended to the entirety of the training-camp team rather than just a few friends. “Took you long enough to pick a date,” Y/N retorted, slapping the bill of Thatcher’s baseball hat. “ I thought I was gonna have to have a barbeque all by myself.” Thatcher slapped the bill of her hat in response, and it turned into an all-out war. As an only child, Thatcher had become the closest thing she had to a brother, shenanigans included. It was refreshing to have someone to mess with who wouldn’t get upset when she roughhoused a little. 
Even while trying not to let Thatcher and his professional athlete muscles overpower her much smaller frame Y/N found her mind wandering back to Josh. There was really no reason for her to be freaking out as much as she was. It was one hook up. There were no strings implied, no numbers exchanged, it’s not like she ghosted the guy, not really. Thatcher had never really expressed any distaste towards her dating other NHLers, but it was different when it came to his teammates. They were like his brothers, and were therefore her brothers by extension. In other words, off limits. 
She really just needed to relax. He wasn’t even on the team when they got together. Everything would be fine. Josh was part of the family now, and she would follow his lead. If he wanted people to know they hooked up then fine, but if he wanted to act like a stranger that was even better. Thatcher was a little bit too protective of Y/N at times, and she religiously avoided getting into it with his teammates just to make sure she didn’t mess with team chemistry. Honestly, there was a chance Josh wouldn’t even remember her. It’s not like the guy had a glowing reputation anyway, and they had been drinking. It would be fine. Maybe if Y/N repeated it to herself often enough, she would start to believe it. 
Y/N sighed heavily, giving in as Thatcher managed to wrestle her into a headlock. “Seriously, Y/N, are you okay?” Thatcher released his arm and turned her so they were facing each other. Crap. Here comes the interrogation. “You’ve been on another planet since we started talking. What gives?” She shrugged. There was no way she was going there right now. 
“I guess I’m just tired, bro,” she said with a shrug, “conference play just started. I’ve got a lot on my plate.” Thatcher reached up to squeeze her shoulders, and Y/N struggled not to cringe at how easily he ate up her lie. It sucked to lie to him, but there was no way she was going to tell him about Josh, not without talking to Josh first. Her response seemed to placate Thatcher, and he gave up on that line of questioning after making Y/N promise to take care of herself. 
Keeping things from Thatcher was tough; he was there for her after her boyfriend of three years broke up with her halfway through their junior year of college, he drove her down to UConn the summer after graduation so she could begin her first internship as a college grad, and he’d been the one to welcome her to Vancouver with open arms after the completion of said internship. He was there for every important part of her adult life, and now the one thing she hadn’t told him was going to bite her in the ass. The universe was out to get her. 
Training camp would begin tomorrow, and in a couple of weeks Y/N would have to face Josh in the same backyard she was sitting in at the moment. There went any sleep she had planned to get before basketball was added to her workload. 
---Josh POV--------------------------------------------------
“So there’s no one in your life? No girl at all? Not even a hookup?” The questions were getting annoying, to say the least. It wasn’t the guys’ fault; they just wanted to get to know him. The problem was that he shouldn’t be doing this. He was supposed to stay in Columbus, live his life there until he retired and then move back to Canada. 
Josh shook his head. “No hookup. Although there was this one girl,” he said with a small smile, “she was something else. We talked for hours at the bar, and she knew so much about baseball and hockey history. We hooked up, and then she was gone when I woke up the next morning. No note, no number, nothing. And she was from out of town, so I couldn’t even try running into her at the same bar again.” All of the guys groaned sympathetically, and they finally let that line of questioning go. Truthfully, he hadn’t thought about that girl in months. She had been fun to talk to, and tough enough to dish back everything Boone and Seth had thrown at her, but it wasn’t like he wanted to fucking marry the girl or anything. Mostly, it was the fact that she had left that stuck with him. He was always the one leaving. The girls usually tried to hang around, maybe try to get more than one night. It was an asshole thing to think, he knew that, but damn it sucked to be on the other end of it. He didn’t even know where she lived. In all of their time talking he only learned she worked at a university. He didn’t even know if it was in the States or Canada. 
A tape ball connected with the side of his head, and Josh shot a glare at Bo from across the locker room. A middle finger almost followed, until he noticed video cameras catching the exchange. Josh waved at the intern behind the camera sheepishly. They would have had to cut that for their welcome back video if he hadn’t caught himself. Another tape ball came flying at his head, courtesy of Stecher, and Josh whipped that one back at his teammate with a grin. The guys were alright, even if some of them could be pretty childish. Even Hughes acted older than some of the guys, and he was the team baby. A body slumped down into the stall next to Josh’s, and he looked over to find Thatcher watching him. “‘Sup, Dems?” 
Thatcher smiled up at Josh, a shock considering the choice words he’d thrown in Josh’s direction after a particularly nasty dangle he’d put past the goalie at the end of practice. “Barbeque at my place this afternoon.” Shit. He’d planned on exploring the city, maybe finding a hookup tonight. “Non-negotiable, everyone comes,” Thatcher interrupted, almost like he knew Josh was about to refuse. “It’s a tradition. One of my college friends and I get together and man the grill. We’ve been doing it for almost eight years now. Bring yourself and your booze of choice if it isn’t beer or wine.” Josh nodded. Your goalie says you come to some end-of-summer party, you go to the party. Don’t mess with a goalie’s traditions or superstitions. Thatcher stood, punching Josh’s shoulder. “Everybody starts showing up around 4. See you then.” 
Thatcher made his way around the locker room repeating the same announcement, and it was met with shouts of excitement and reminiscing on barbecues of year’s past. Clearly it was a hit. Brock and Petey somehow roped Josh into riding to the party with them, promising that Josh would be happy he’d taken an Uber with them instead of driving himself. “The drinking is legendary,” Brock had promised, a solemn nod of agreement coming from both Petey and Stecher, who flanked Brock. Legendary parties were his thing. This would be even ground, and he could keep up. Bring on the drinking.
--Y/N POV----------------------------------------------------
Y/N woke up the day of the barbeque feeling sick as the Dropkick Murphys blasted on her alarm. It didn’t matter how many times she told herself it would be fine, running into the guy she had ghosted was going to suck. Hopefully he was as interested in revealing their hookup as she was, and it would never get mentioned again. 
She groaned as her alarm continued to scream the lyrics to Rose Tattoo, reaching up to swipe the alarm off her phone. Thatcher was expecting her at his place before he left for camp in an hour with a list of groceries for him to pick up on the way home. The desserts Y/N had prepared the night before were sitting on the counter when she stumbled into the kitchen for coffee, mocking her with their chocolatey stare. It was going to be one of those days. She caved, shoving one of the cupcakes into her mouth with a groan. If she didn’t get a handle on herself before she made it to Thatcher’s he was going to get suspicious. The last time she acted this strangely some poor kid from the Comets almost got punched for flirting with her. The guys had good intentions, but sometimes they took the caveman shit too far. 
With her coffee brewed and cupcake eaten, Y/N shuffled into the bathroom to get ready for the day. She washed her face and brushed her teeth on autopilot, debating if mascara were really necessary. The guys had seen her at her worst, and she didn’t really care what they thought about the sprinkling of acne on her jawline that just wouldn’t go away. It’s not like she was interested in any of those idiots. Well, any of the idiots that had been with the team before a couple of weeks ago, anyway.
A hat would be necessary, even if she was just going to be in Thatcher’s house until it was time to grill. Her nose would burn something awful if she didn’t wear something with a bit of protection, and the soccer games she was working that week would just add to the burn. Hat protection for sure. She slapped on an old BC Hockey hat, one she’d stolen from Thatcher, and looked into her closet with a sigh. The decision on what to wear took far too long. The guys loved to throw her in the pool, especially Brock when he got drunk, so her bathing suit needed to be reliable. The problem was that they also loved to take photos for their social media pages, and her most reliable swimsuits were also the least flattering. The black and white striped bikini was the most durable, but Y/N really wanted to wear the strappy midnight blue one-piece she’d gotten on a whim during a day trip to Seattle. Durability won out in the end, and the bikini was stuffed into her bag beside the pajamas that would inevitably find use when she didn’t want to go all the way home at the end of the night. 
Y/N’s drive to Thatcher’s was relaxing. She lived in the middle of the city, fond of the ability to walk down the street to the grocery store or the bars, but Thatcher’s place was right outside the city, on a quiet sidestreet that better resembled a neighborhood in her hometown. She stopped at their favorite coffee shop on her way out of the city, picking up another coffee for her and a breakfast sandwich for Thatcher. It didn’t matter how many times the nutritionist told him to knock it off, Y/N knew he relied on those sandwiches to get him through morning skates. In no way was Thatcher a happy camper in the morning. His attitude rivaled even hers. Thatcher was waiting outside when she arrived, sitting on his front stoop like she had missed curfew or something. 
“You’re late,” Thatcher called as she opened her door, “and you’re gonna make me late for camp if you don’t hurry it the fuck up.” Y/N raised her middle finger in response, leaning back into the car for the desserts. Thatcher appeared behind her to help carry things, and Y/N had to slap his hand away from the trays when he tried to reach for a cookie. If he ate one now, he’d eat them all by the time the actual party started. She’d learned that lesson the hard way. Y/N placed the breakfast sandwich on top of the tray of cookies Thatcher was carrying, and he leaned down quickly to kiss her cheek. “You’re the bomb, bro, my saviour.” Y/N rolled her eyes. He was so dramatic about his breakfast sandwiches. 
Y/N finally managed to get Thatcher out the door and off to camp with a promise to get the backyard ready for that night, so long as he grabbed the necessary groceries on the way home. It was their agreement since they’d both settled in Vancouver; she brought dessert and got the house ready for guests, Thatcher bought all the food and alcohol. Everything was ready for the night, really, with the exception of the grill. It looked like it hadn’t been cleaned since she cleaned it last summer, so Y/N grabbed all of her cleaning supplies with a sigh. She needed a clean grill if they were going to make burgers tonight. That was non-negotiable. 
---Josh POV--------------------------------------------------
Brock and Stecher were far too loud when they were tipsy. Petey was fine, if anything even more quiet than normal, but the other two were borderline obnoxious. The pregame had begun the moment everyone rolled up to Brock’s place, and Josh had to admit he hadn’t expected it. Pregaming a team party was a little weird, but hey, he was with a bunch of fellow hockey players. They didn’t always do things that made sense. Herding them into the Uber waiting on the street outside Petey’s apartment was no easy feat, and Josh felt himself sweating a little bit as the responsible one of the party. This never happened. He was always the one being herded.
The ride was long, as apparently Thatcher lived outside the city, and Brock kept Josh entertained with stories of barbecues past. “I think the worst, though, was that time Jake almost drowned.” Stecher started laughing, and Josh stared at him uncomfortably. A teammate almost drowning was funny? Brock must have caught his expression, because he hurriedly continued. “He wasn’t actually drowning, he was just so drunk that he sat in the shallow end and yelled for help. It came up to like his chest.” Stecher roared with laughter again, and Josh joined in a little bit. That must’ve been a sight.
Thatcher’s house was far too nice for a bachelor, a moderately large home that was built for a small family and not a single hockey player who basically lived on the road. It was homey-looking, covered in gray wooden shingles and boasting a wrap-around porch Josh envied. It was perfect for sitting with a small group of friends. He could only imagine the inside, if the outside was any indication. The landscaping and yard decorations gave away that Thatcher hadn’t decorated the place himself. The inside probably looked like a design catalogue vomited on it.
Cars lined the long driveway and the street in front of it, all Range Rovers and fancy sports cars guys who didn’t know how to spend their money splurged for. Josh caught himself as the wave of negative thoughts continually rolled over him. These were his teammates, not the enemy. Those thoughts weren’t helpful. 
Josh was pulled out of his line of thinking by the stopping of the Uber, and he was the only one to thank the older guy driving as they all piled out of the car. Petey led the way into the house, though Stecher made his presence known with a shouted hello as he brought them through a hallway that indeed looked like a design catalogue and into a bright and airy kitchen. The cabinets were white, as were the countertops, though most of the walls were covered in some kind of dark teal tile. 
Thatcher was slumped on a countertop, flicking the bill of the baseball cap on the girl in front of him. He laughed when she raised a middle finger at him, flicking the hat again. The girl mumbled something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like a threat, in a voice that sounded vaguely familiar. She reached up and smacked Thatcher’s hand when he went to flick her hat again, and Thatcher laughed harder as he swept three beers off the counter and walked back outside through the accordion doors to his left. The girl shook her head after him, though the moment was broken when Brock stumbled into the room behind Josh. 
“Y/N!” Brock yelled enthusiastically. He threw his arms around the girl from behind, and the laugh she let out made Josh freeze. It couldn’t be. “Babe,” Brock continued, “you’ve gotta meet our new teammate. He’s your kind of player. Likes to hit things.” Brock began to turn the girl around by the arm still slung over her shoulders, and Josh almost shouted at him to stop. He knew that laugh, and the girl attached couldn’t be here. Their eyes met, and Josh saw the panic he felt reflected in her eyes.
He was so fucked. 
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musinglymuse · 4 years
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This recommendation list focuses on a popular pairing in Check Please! They bicker, they argue, they fight, they smo-- well, no smooching in canon but that’s what fanfiction is for! Nursey and Dex often embody the ‘enemies to friends to lovers’ trope, sparking constant speculation and hundreds of fanfiction.
I’ve compiled some of what I consider excellent fanfics that feature this couple although it does not contain all of my recommendations. They are in no particular order. I plan on creating more recommendation lists down the line, especially for other pairings in this fandom. You can find other fic recs tagged in my blog.
As a reminder, please make sure to check the tags and any warnings before reading. Take care of yourself!
got those wayfarers on by somehowunbroken Canon Divergence // ~8k // PG-13
It's all Bitty's fault. Indirectly. That's his story, and Chowder's sticking to it.
[In which Chowder does his best to matchmake from the other side of the continent over summer break, and is immensely pleased with the results.]
Petals and Thorns by rhysiana Musician / Florist AU // Series // ~17k // PG-13
Goddammit, Will thought as he dodged around a few strategically tall people and turned down a side street. How had he managed to leave the apartment without a hat? He peeked back around the corner. His fans were less than a block behind him, and he really couldn’t deal with them today. Frantically, he studied the shops around him, hoping for somewhere to hide.
Coffee shop? Too easy.
Ah! Nursery Rhymes: Poetic Floral Arrangements. Perfect. No one would ever look for him in there.
can’t change what the seasons bring by growlery Canon Divergence // ~1.7k // PG-13 They get back after winter break, and Dex has done something to his hair, and he was hot before, but now he’s, like, hot and he doesn’t look like a grumpy old man.“New year, new me,” Dex says dryly, and Nursey might be having kind of a crisis about it.
want to be (yours) anyway by shellybelle Canon Divergence // ~39k // PG-13
Dex learns Nursey’s secret halfway through practice on a cold morning in October.
“What the hell,” someone says, interrupting the Dex's shooting drill. “Is that a baby?”
(Or: Nursey has a secret, Dex has a crush, and things get complicated before they get romantic--which isn't to say they don't get romantic at all.)
Paint Me Like One of Your French Canadians by Denois Canon Divergence // ~6k // R
Lardo hooked Dex up with an extra part time job to help make ends meet back in his frog year. Modeling for the art classes was pretty easy money, and the team never had to know. Until Nursey took an art elective and needed a private model to complete his project and pass the class. Nursey's sure that he can keep it professional and friendly....as long as Dex never sees the completed paintings.
up to 104% perfect by winchysteria The Good Place AU // ~34k // NC-17
Will Poindexter and Derek Nurse finally know what happens after you die. You wake up in Hot God's office, you move into a really nice house, and-- you realize that you hate the person who's supposed to be your soulmate? Join a smug poet, a frigid computer nerd, and the rest of the Scooby gang as they ask questions like: what makes two people right for each other? what does it mean to be happy? does heaven get software glitches? and most importantly, why does this computer have a Southern accent?
Welcome! Everything is fine.
The World Only Spins Forward by Liminal_Space_LLC Soulmates AU // ~63k // PG
Dex and Nursey have been at odds for as long as they’ve been friends, but when Dex’s heartbreaking new soulmark has him turning to Nursey for advice, they will discover they have more in common than they ever realized. Together, they will help each other heal their heartache and become closer than they’ve ever been before. As their friendship grows, neither of them is prepared for newer, sweeter feelings to emerge.
However, Nursey has his secrets, and nothing scares him like the possibility of having his heart broken again. That doesn’t stop him from wanting, though, and as their feelings become stronger, both Nursey and Dex find it ever harder to hide them. Meanwhile, the stakes are becoming higher as the team comes closer and closer to the Frozen Four. Can Nursey and Dex overcome their fears to realize the love they feel, or will their anxieties destroy everything they’ve worked for?
starting to get to me by playingforkeeps Buzzfeed Unsolved AU // ~12k // PG-13
“You’ve been dragging us to bumfuck nowhere with that mating call for three years when you hear there’s a sighting. But we’ve never considered: what happens if Bigfoot answers it? That’s the goal, isn’t it? You’ve been after that good, good Bigfoot dick this whole time!”
Dex sputters. “I don’t want to fuck Bigfoot! Jesus, Nurse!” He glances at the others, disbelieving. “Back me up here, guys.”
Silence. Lardo says, “You do own a Bigfoot mating call, dude.”
All Hail the Underdogs by xiaq Boarding School AU // ~76k // PG-13
Lucifer was an angel once.
That’s what Nursey thinks, the first time he sees William Poindexter.
Because the boy is beautiful even though he shouldn’t be. Even though he’s doubtless the kind of person who would punch you in the face if you said the words “you” and “beautiful” to him in the same sentence.
His skin is choked with freckles. It’s potentially more freckle than skin. Not just his face, where his nose and cheekbones are so hyper-pigmented they look tanned, but his collarbones and forearms and knuckles. The close-shaved dark ginger stubble of his hair should make his ears look too big or his mouth too wide but instead it accentuates the long curve of his throat, the cup of velvet skin between the tendons in the back of his neck.
“You’re the new defenseman?” Nursey asks. “William Poindexter?”
And the boy turns around and considers him with what might be contempt but what might just be the way his face looks and says, “Yeah?” like its a challenge.
And Nursey thinks:
Oh no.
In So Many Words by alocalband Canon Divergence // ~17K // R Derek writes a short story. That's his first mistake. His second is getting it published.
bless this mess and call it a home by pepperfield Magical AU // ~27k // PG-13 The thing is, being able to talk to houses doesn't actually preclude them from conspiring to ruin your life. Dex finds this out a little too late. First comes the Dib Flip, then Nursey's bed, and the water heater...the Haus definitely has it in for him. In which Dex has house magic, Haus has Haus magic, and at least one of them is in love with Nursey.
#mine by rispacooper Urban Fantasy AU // ~17k // R Treasure, Will thought with an angry little snort. Nursey called almost everyone on the team treasure. He called Ford treasure. He’d even called Coach Hall treasure once. He did not call Will that. That was probably Will’s fault. Knowing that didn’t make Will feel any better about it.
love you as the plant that never blooms by sugarybowl & wishingonalightningbolt Canon Divergence // ~27k // NC-17 Dex doesn’t roll his eyes, but only because he’s overwhelmed with the thought that he really does have feelings for Nursey. Gooey feelings. Romantic ones. They see each other every day; they’ve been close, there’s been touching, and maybe—maybe it’s not quite as platonic as Dex assumed it was. From watching Ransom and Holster, anyone could get the idea that that’s just what friends do. But… It feels different.
“I like him,” he says, soft, contemplative. “I like when he’s around and it’s frustrating to watch him go. It’s horrible to think he might be upset at me, or that he thinks I lied to him. It’s killing me.”
Dex doesn't know what it is to want. With Nursey, he learns.
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bl--ankhaeji · 5 years
The Get Together (Jeno)
Pairing - Non-idol*Lee Jeno x FemaleBlack*Reader, College au
Genre - smut, fluff
Warning - sexual content, enemies to lovers, slight praisekink, pretty explicit language
W.count - 5.4k
Sneak peek-“H-hold up,” I slightly push him off, “Let’s get this straight, just because we’re about to fuck does not mean that I like you now. It just means that I need some dick and you’re the only one around at this very second, ok.” I say in between breaths.
 “Ok, whatever you say.” He states smugly
 “Fuck you.”
“Oh please believe baby, you’re about to do just that.”
Lee Jeno, the most infuriating, egotistic, frown-inducing asshole was here, and it had me questioning why the fuck I was also in attendance. Let me start from the beginning. I was just a girl suckered into coming to a get together between my group of friends, the starting girls volleyball team, and his group of friends, the starting boys basketball team. This had already been planned for a while now, and because we were busy with preparing for the semi-finals it had been postponed for a month and ever since the beginning I knew I didn’t want to go just because of him. 
“Come onn y/n, pleasseee just for me this one time pleassee. I know you and Jeno have this unadulterated hatred against each other but I want to hang out with them because they seem like cool people.” My best friend and blocker, Joy, stated whilst violently shaking me. 
“No Joy, I’ve already made up my mind, I will not go and that’s final,” I rolled my eyes. “Also don’t act like you want to go to hang out with everyone, we all know you just want to get closer to Chenle, you’re not fooling anyone.” 
“Yea Joy, we all know you have a crush on him, so I agree with y/n on this one.” At that Joy became flustered whilst fixing a pout on her face. 
“Buttt y/n I also agree with Joy, I really want to go, and while you do hate Jeno you don’t hate us so do this for us please.” Chungha, the decoy, stated while tightening her ponytail. 
“Yea Cap. we’ve been working our asses off this entire season and I’m almost failing AP Chem. I need a break.” Our libero Hwasa commented.
The other wing spiker Mei strolled into the room “You guys it’s almost time coach is about to call us so can we decide this now?”
“Why don’t we make a bet.” The setter, Luci, calmly stated. Making sure everyone was paying attention she stated, “If y/n can score fifteen points this game then she doesn’t have to go, but if she doesn’t make the points then she has to attend. How does that sound?”
Everyone looked towards me to get the answer. “Fine. I’ll do it, but when I score a whole round don’t say anything. Come on ladies it’s showtime.”
“I shouldn’t have promised shit.” I grumbled when I found out I missed the mark by one point. All the other girls were screaming from enjoyment while I was beginning to sulk once I truly realized what I had gotten myself into. 
“Come on it’ll be fun I promise. You don’t even have to pay attention to Jeno, I'll be right there, we all will.” Joy expressed.
“Ok but when is the trip to hell?” I questioned already mentally putting together my outfit
“It’s next Friday. Ahhh I can’t wait, I'm so excited.” Chungha practically bounced on her feet. While I figured that it might not be that bad.
“I swear on my life that I will murder Jeno.” I exclaim while I forcefully throw my bag on the couch next to a startled Joy.
 “What did he do now?”  
“Ok so this morning had gone particularly well, I woke up early enough to do a bantu crown and fix my curls and not just wear a messy bun to class. I felt so good that I even decided to dress up for class.”, I say as I gesture to my outfit which consisted of a cropped hoodie with a tommy hilfiger sports bra and semi baggy pants with my tommy underwear band showing.
 “I was even able to stop for coffee and a cream cheese and ham bagel, I also sat down and talked to Jaemin and tried to express my concern for the coffee of the dead he was drinking at the time. That good mood went to shit when I got to my political science elective with Jeno.” I explained to Joy as what happened came rushing back to me. 
It was my second to last class and I was still thriving until he came in with his latest fangirl at his feet trailing behind him. The girl was desperately trying to get him to go out with him, he looked like he would do just about anything to get her to go away, and my dumbass made the mistake of snickering. He turned to me with a hard glare that would make anyone piss their pants and all of a sudden his eyes lit up like he had just figured out the key to life and not gonna lie that freaked me out. Before I could turn away he rushed over and dragged me out of my seat.
“I don’t want to go out with you because I’m already dating her.”
I whipped my head so fast that I’m surprised I didn’t break my neck. “What the hell you talkin’ bout willis?”
“There’s no way you’re going out with her for one and for two she doesn’t even know your name babe like who the fuck is willis.”
“Woah lady excuse me-”
“What the fuck you mean by I wouldn’t go out with her?” Jeno fumed, “I’d rather go out with her than your basic ass. Get the fuck away from me, now.” 
I stood there dumbfounded because I had never seen Jeno look so mad in my life, and I should know since I make him angry a lot, but before I could finish my thoughts Jeno did something that I would never imagine he’d do in my life. 
All I felt were his soft lips against mine. His lips felt slightly cool yet so smooth. I found myself kissing him back slowly, losing myself(but I didn’t tell them that)-
“Woah he did WHAT!”
 “He kissed you, are you serious?” Joy and now Chungha, who had just made it back from work, exclaimed at the same time. 
“Yes he kissed me, but that’s not all.” I said while trying to get back to the story. 
He broke away and fixed his eyes on the girl in front of us, and he said something I couldn't comprehend and the next thing I know I feel something cold being poured on me and something plop on my hair.
“The bitch had poured her fucking drink and squeezed out her cupcake on my head.” I told them.   
I turn to Jeno with the fiercest look I could possibly mutter. “Do you realize how much I want to kill you right now?”, I all but yelled in his face, I wanted to say more but the teacher walked into class.  
“UGHHHH I promise if I didn’t love you guys I would so bail on this stupid get together.”
Chungha suggests having a movie night with all of the girls as a way to apologize. “Fine but since I have to wash my hair now you guys have to buy my products for me when I run out next time.” I point at both of them while staring into both of their eyes. 
“Deal.” They both agree.
Tonight is the night of the get together and even though I don’t want to go I’m gonna look good while regretting my life choices. I pin my hair to the side since I feel like that would go best with the vibe I have going on, then putting on my leather jacket that completes my outfit of a rose embroidered slightly cropped shirt and high waisted red elastic overalls with the belts hanging down, I start to head out of my room to meet up with Chungha and Joy in the living room.
“Ok are y’all ready so we can head out, I’m trying to get in and get out so that I can get this night over with.” I tell them as I pass both of their rooms, getting ready to walk out of the apartment. They both walk out looking fine as hell, and we all take a second to survey each other. Then Joy’s phone pings, “The girls said they’ll meet us at the boy’s place.”
“Ok someone get me directions. AUTOBOTS ROLL OUT.” 
Since we’re caught up now let's continue shall we?
 “Great so now that everyone is here, let's begin.” Donghyuck or as he’s better known on campus as, Haechan said seemingly being in charge of everything. To anyone else it would’ve seemed boring garnering that there were no drugs and alcohol because we were all athletes and were currently in season and there was no loud music to make your ears bleed, but it was enough for us. Not to lie it was actually quite fun as long as I pretended Jeno wasn’t there. I even saw Joy and Chenle cuddling in the corner of the couch.  
But after all of the karaoke and twister and card games had calmed down we were left in a calm silence, and I saw this as the perfect chance to try and leave. 
“So tonight was fun but I think I’m just gonn-”
“No, don’t leave yet, we haven’t even gotten to the best part.” Donghyuck smirked and started to walk to his room only to come back with a small box. “Anyone up for truth or dare?”
“Come on Hyuck really, how old do you think we are?” Renjun stated while looking up from his phone at Donghyuck.
He smirked evilly, “Oh no my son this isn’t regular truth or dare. See this has a catch and you’ll see once everyone agrees to play.” He states while daring everyone to say yes. A chorus of various forms of agreement are heard throughout the room. Donghyuck takes a seat while telling us all to get in a circle and he places a bottle in the middle. 
“You see these.”, he proceeds to shake the box in his hands, “These are dirty dice and if you refuse to answer a truth or do a dare then you have to roll them, and whoever gave you the question has to do what the dice say to you.” 
“Haechan what the fuck-”
“Oh come on Luci, if you want I could give you a dare right now and we could demonstrate how this is supposed to go?” He offers cunningly with a smirk. Everyone knows they used to hook up for a while back but for some reason they never got together, but the tension between them was almost palpable. 
“Ok I’m down.”
“Let’s do it.” Jaemin and Mei both agreed and glanced at each other. 
Hwasa offered to spin the bottle first and it landed on Chenle. 
“Truth or Dare?”
Everyone has had a go at the bottle, and currently Jeno, Jaemin, and Mark are shirtless all for different reasons. Chenle and Luci have hickey’s up and down their necks(not from each other), everyone knows that Mei likes rough yet passionate sex, and Hwasa has had her boobs caressed by Mark. Also that if I was a boy and had to fuck one of the girls I’d fuck Chungha and Joy, and they both have had to kiss each other while Chungha was sitting on Renjun’s lap, so it’s safe to say that everybody is under immense amounts of sexual frustration. Donghyuck was currently in the process of completing his punishment.
“Ok Hyuck since you didn’t want to answer your truth then you have to let Luci lick whip cream off of your nipples because I’m sure as hell not about to.” Jeno says with a smirk and a nod in Luci’s direction. You could see the immense blush on both of their faces. 
“Uh-h-uhh” Luci stuttered.
“Just do it, I'm fine with it.” Donghyuck states with care and understanding in his voice while he sat beside Luci.
She hesitantly leaned toward him and slowly laid him down. She leaned over him and slightly let her tongue venture outside of her mouth and to the sweet white cream on his chest. The first couple of licks were sort of kitten licks due to the tension and the anxiousness in the room. Soon she made it past the whipped cream down to his nipple and she began to lick the access off and Donghyuck’s moans started to gradually increase in volume, until that was all that you could hear. His sweet whiny moans gave Luci confidence and let her know that she was doing a good job. And by the time she started to kiss her way over to the other nipple Donghyuck was whimpering and withering on the ground and you could see his boner start to form. The temperature in the room had increased exponentially by the time she had gotten done.
Mark cleared his throat, “Uhh Haechan do you uhm wanna go handle, that.” He said while gesturing to his boner currently poking through his pants, but he was too busy staring at Luci to listen to a word Mark was saying. Hyuck then stood up and grabbed Luci’s hand, “Come with me.” Him and Luci marched all the way back to his room where he slammed the door and all you could hear was our breathing. 
“Well that just happened so I think it's time- Woah what the fuck?” Chungha stopped talking and that made everyone pay attention to where she was looking only to see Joy and Chenle making out on the couch. Vigorously. Then soft grunts and moans were heard from Jaemin and Mei. ‘When the fuck did that happen?’ I think to myself. 
“Ok since all of you are some horny children I’m about to take my ass to Mark’s room goodnight.” Hwasa stated while she stood up and walked to Mark’s room, but what she didn’t know was that I saw her wink at Mark to which he claimed to have to ‘use the bathroom.’ 
So here I was stuck in the middle of sex crazed lunatics sexually frustrated as fuck with no one to do anything with, oh and did I mention I was stuck with Jeno.
“Fuck this I’m just about to head out, they can text me in the morning when they need to be picked up.”, I stated while getting my keys about to walk out the door, “I hope they use protection.” 
“Hey.” Jeno calls, “Let me go to your apartment.”
“What the fuck, no why can’t you stay here?”
“Because I won’t be able to get any sleep with all of this,” he gestures around the house, “going on.”
“Not my problem, bye.”
“Come on please.” He begs in aegyo.
“Ahhh stop stop now don’t do that bullshit again. Fine you can come just don’t ever do that I almost threw up.” I yell while grimacing.
“Thanks y/n you’re so kind.” He smiles with his eye smile.
Getting in the car and buckling my seatbelt I turn toward him and say, “Ok when we get to the house you can sleep in either Chungha or Joy’s room idc but just don’t say anything to me ok.” He nods his head and clicks his seatbelt. The entire drive back I was trying to be discreet while I rub my legs together. No matter how much I play it off, what went down at their house greatly affected me and now it was affecting my underwear, and Jeno’s cologne was not helping at all because it smelt so damn good and manly. I just hope he didn’t notice, all I have to do when I get to the house is just hop in the shower and then I can handle myself. 
“Hey y/n.” Jeno said out of nowhere scaring me. 
“What I thought we agreed not to talk to each other.” I said keeping my eyes on the road, but I could feel his eyes boring into the side of my head.
“When we get to the house do you want to continue the game?”
I almost swerve the car out of pure shock. ‘What the hell did he just ask me?’ And I don’t know if it’s because of the thrill of what he just offered or if it’s because I’m just that sexually frustrated and it’s making me delusional, but I pull up to the apartment building and once I park I look at him. 
“Why do you want to continue the game?” I questioned 
“I just want to, do you?” He looks at me with his eyes and what seems to be his heart on full display. 
“Fine.” I then get out of the car and walk toward the building and then proceed to walk up to the elevator. I notice Jeno is right beside me and we get in the elevator without a word and press the floor. We make it up to the apartment and I tell Jeno to turn around so that I can type in the password. Walking into the house feels as if I’m walking to my death and I get this feeling deep inside and it brings so much anxiety. 
“Ok lets continue.” I say to Jeno while I look at him.
“Truth or dare?” He questions while pulling the dice out of his pocket.
“I dare you to masterbate right here right now.”
I think about it but then I just say ‘Fuck it.’ Pulling my pants down I nervously worm my hands down to my underwear and I immediately feel just how wet I am and that causes a moan to fly out of my mouth and I start to work myself up. 
Rubbing my finger around my clit I feel that little tingle that comes from it and it is enlivening. I feel myself get wetter over time and then the moans start to bubble up until they are uncontrollable.
 I feel like something is burning into and I realize that I got so into it that I forgot that Jeno was watching me do this to myself. I didn’t know I was this horny but I was too far gone. I had already started and I wasn’t gonna stop anytime soon. 
“Ahh f-fuck, Jeno mm truth or dare?”
I take my hand deeper into my underwear and stick a finger inside. The penetration although not much made my moans come out even louder and I wanted more, so I asked the unthinkable, “J-jeno do you want to f-fuckk me.” It was like I had set off a bomb that released him from his cage because the next thing I know he was all over me. 
“Fuck kitten it’s about time you asked.”
“H-hold up,” I slightly push him off, “Let’s get this straight, just because we’re about to fuck does not mean that I like you now. It just means that I need some dick and you’re the only one around at this very second, ok.” I say in between breaths. 
“Ok, whatever you say.” He states smugly 
“Fuck you.”
“Oh please believe baby, you’re about to do just that.”
He started to take off the rest of my clothes while kissing my neck until he found my sweet spot. “Ah yes r-right there please.”
He grabs the hand that was in my underwear and holds it up. 
“Damn kitten you’re soaked. Is this for me?” He states while staring me in my eyes.
“Aw that’s too bad because maybe if it was you would’ve gotten a prize.” He says working his way down my neck to my breasts. He starts to slowly rotate them while putting gentle kisses around the nipple. 
“Hmmg stop teasing you asshole.”
“Baby, I don’t really think you’re in a position to tell me what to do.” He says while holding up his hand after running it up my slit. 
“Mmm like you have any room to talk.” I say while motioning to his clear erection. Deciding I’ve had enough of his shit I flip us around so that I’m on top. I look at his shocked face and say “You were taking too long for me.” 
I start to palm his dick over his pants while my other hand works on unbuttoning them.
“Shit that feels so good.” He says while slowly rotating his hips. 
I take my hands and push his pants and his underwear down at the same time, and when his penis pops up to slap his stomach which I then notice is bare my mouth slightly waters. I haven’t had sex in a long time because I’ve been too invested in college and volleyball, so to say that I would kill for some dick right now wouldn’t be too far off. 
I slip his dick in my mouth and start to give him possibly the best head of his life. If his high pitched yelps of my name say anything. 
“Ah-uh-h s-s-shit right there FUCK yes, suck that dick baby.”
I take my tongue and slowly caress his dick in my mouth from as far as I can reach to the very tip and I tease his slit. What my mouth can’t reach, I massage with my hands. Then I destroy his life by taking him all the way into my mouth bottoming out on his dick. 
I feel Jeno clutch my hair and tense up trying not to thrust into my mouth. 
“Y-you must be so hungry for my cock kit-kitten, you’re doing so well baby.” He says while rubbing my head 
I feel my spit building up in my mouth so I back off a little and swallow while still around his cock and he almost has an aneurysm. He immediately takes me from around his mouth. 
“Stop, if you had kept going I would’ve cum and I never cum that quick baby.” he says gingerly patting my head while looking into my eyes and running his thumb over my bottom lip. “Look at you kitten, you look so innocent, but with a mouth like that you’re anything but.”
I don’t know what it was whether it be his praises that sent shivers down my back or was it the way he was looking at me, but at that second I felt as if I was seeing him in a new light and it slightly scared me because I’ve never seen him in any other way than with hatred. 
He looked so beautiful with his freshly flushed face and his moans that still rung in my ears and the taste of his pre-cum still on my tongue. It was then that my mind decided to remind me of our kiss shared earlier this week and for the first time since it happened I didn’t get heated in anger but in somethin-.
 NO what the fuck am I thinking, I hate him and I’m pretty sure he isn’t feeling like this now just from some head. 
Y/n calm the fuck down. I look away from him as quickly as I possibly can and clear my throat, “Uh yea so can we just like move along please?”
I think he senses my change in moods but he doesn’t say anything. “Ok cool we can totally do that kit-”
 “Oh and can you also stop with the pet names.” He looked slightly hurt but agreed nonetheless. 
“Let's move this to the bedroom ba-y/n.” 
I can tell that what I’ve said has slightly ruined the mood but that won’t stop me, so as soon as we enter my room I push him onto the bed after I grab a condom from a shoe box under my bed.
 “I want to be on top.” I say while straddling him and rolling the condom onto him, and he agrees while stating that it’s whatever I want. I take his dick and rub my wet folds against his dick slowly grinding on it past my soaked hole but not yet putting it in and you can tell it’s pure torture for him. 
“Come on y/n stop teasing.”, and he slightly thrusts up as a warning.
“Mmh nope I don’t think I want to do that, this feels pretty ahh nice.” You could see the anger and irritation in his eyes. The next time you rub near your hole Jeno sits up and grabs your hips forcefully and slams you down on him basically impaling you. 
The whimper/scream that was forced out sounded downright inhumane in the most wanton way. You looked utterly fucked out right then and there and he hadn’t even moved yet. 
He slowly moved your hips to gyrate on him in an act of trying to get you used to the stretch before he lifted you up and slammed you back down again. 
“OH fuck baby, mmh shit you feel heavenly.”, he groaned in your ear smaking your ass, “You had me so fuckin’ twisted thinking I was just about to sit here and let you tease me like that and not strike back. Now you ride this cock like a good little kitten or I’ll make you do it myself.” 
You whimpered and proceeded to grind yourself against his pelvis. His dick reached spots that had never even been tapped before. You felt him everywhere. The encouraging kisses that he laid on your breasts followed by some of the darkest hickies you’ve ever had. Suddenly Jeno delivered a thrust that made you hop up and he kept giving them back to back nonstop.
“Yea my kitten likes that huh, I own this hole baby. Tell me who it belongs to.” 
When I didn’t answer he decided to take matters into his own hands. Next thing I knew he had me face down ass up giving me just about all the power he could muster in his hips.
“I don’t know if you heard me but let me repeat myself and this is the only time but I said who does this belong to.” He stated.
I didn’t reply. When he didn’t hear an answer he stopped. “No, no no no ugh fuckk don’t stop please don’t stop.” I plead while working my hips trying to get some sort of friction. 
“No, you don’t get shit.” He said while starting to get off of the bed. 
“Why do you want me to say that so badly? Why can’t we just fuck this one time with no strings and then go back to hating each other tomorrow?”
“Because y/n I like you ok, hell I would even say love. Look I don’t know when hate started to turn into like, but once it did it was too late to do anything about it so I just kept playing along with you because that’s the only way you would talk to me.”         
“What y/n I can’t understand you, look if you don’t like me back I understand but don’t do this and just let me go sleep in another room tonig-”
“I SAID, it’s yours- I’m yours..” I said looking away flustered. He walked toward me and held my head up and with his beautiful eye smile said, “And I’m yours.” 
He kissed me and it was as if nothing had ever felt as right as this, his lips moulded to mine. He proceeded to lay me down whilst still kissing me softly yet passionately. 
“Damn kitten you don’t know what you do to me. Now where were we?”
He inserted his dick into me and I swear it felt even better than last time. We kept eye contact while he moved in me, albeit slower, but each thrust left me wanting more and more. Something about this felt different then when we first started. I don’t know what it was but as my hands wandered all over his body feeling his protruding muscles and I looked into his gentle eyes that leaked nothing but love and I felt as if we were one. 
Grunting, Jeno asked, “ Is this enough for you baby, do you like the way I make love to you.”
 “Yes oh my god yes. It feels so good, I-I feel you in every part of me.”
“Fuck don’t say that...because I won’t be able to hold back kitten.”
“Who..was asking you to?”
At that Jeno started to roughly pound into me. His thrusts were so strong that I felt the bed moving with us. 
“Ffuck see this is what you do to me, you make me want to destroy you.” He grabs my ass so roughly that I’m sure there will be marks tomorrow.
“J-jen ahh I’m a-abou to uhghh cum.” I say barely being able to get my words out. 
“I’m almost there too baby just wait a sec.” He mumbles into my neck. I start to feel his pants and I feel his hips stutter. Clenching onto his arms, trying not to dig my nails so deep that it draws blood I lock my legs around his waist and squeeze my walls to help him get there faster. 
“Cum with me Jeno I can’t hold it any longer.” 
Jeno looks into my eyes and rubs his hand against my cheek and says,“Ok my sweet kitten you can let it go.”
It was as if my body was on cloud 11 and I didn’t want to come down. A broken scream was released from my mouth and I tried reaching for the closest thing I could find, anything, everything. 
Jeno thrusts one last time while cumming into the condom. He stands up off of the bed and walks over to the trash in my bathroom and ties the condom before throwing it away. Walking back to the bed he sees me get up and almost fall so he rushes over to help me. 
“What are you doing standing up right now? What is it I’ll get it for you?” he urges. 
“Uhh I’m pretty sure you can’t help me pee Jeno.” I chuckle in amusement. 
“Oh ok well just make sure to be careful.” 
I finish doing my business and make my way back to the room to see Jeno flicking through Netflix and it’s then that I realize that I’m naked so I try and hide myself so he can’t see. 
“I’m pretty sure that it doesn’t matter that I see you naked now since we did just have sex, and I’ll be seeing a lot more of you now that you’re my girlfriend.” He smirks while still scrolling, “But if you’re uncomfortable with that then I understand.” 
I clear my throat and make my way out of the room. I come back in with his shirt on and see his getting ready to say something until he sees me and then he blushes. 
“W-why are you w-wearing my shirt?” He stutters, not looking at my way. 
“Because I can, can’t I? Also I don’t ever remember you asking me to be your girlfriend, I’m waiting.” I smugly look in his eyes, “Look who’s shy now.” I say climbing into bed next to him.
“I- uhh.” He scratches the back of his neck out of anxiety. “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” He smiles nervously 
“I don’t know Jeno, why should I?” I say in an attempt to scare him, He simpers and turns to hover over me, “Because I just gave you the best dick of your life that’s why.” 
I look at him incredulously, “Some one’s cocky. Are you sure about that statement?” 
“Do I need to recall you begging me not to stop. ‘oHhH jEnO PlEaSe DoNt sToP aHH AhH-’”, I start to smack his arm and push him off of me trying to hide my smile. 
“Shut UP I swear, see that’s why I’m not gonna be your girlfriend.”
“Noo baby I’m sorry ok, please do me the honor of dating me I promise not to mock you again.” He says trying to stop laughing and giving me puppy dog eyes. 
“Hmph, you act like you didn’t want this, do I need to recall you huh?” He hurriedly shakes his head. 
Jeno looks down sadly and asks,“Are you really not gonna date me now?” 
I have no choice but to swoon at how cute he was and I can’t help but to question his duality. “Oh my god you’re so cute, and of course I’ll date you.” I say holding his face up to look at me, and I peck his lips for added assurance.
 “Ok let’s watch a movie. I wanna cuddle, I'm tired.” I say as I snuggle into his chest.   
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powerpuff-ali · 4 years
Ok, so here's my first official drabble I'm posting ever. I'm just tired of rereading it at this point and too nervous to post.
I really just needed some wholesome, slightly domestic greens... Trigger warnings: none
Rating: teen and up? Nothing explicit and very moderate language.
Edit: trying to figure out how to shorten this post.... Also word count is 3,054
Buttercup growled to herself as she left the gym. Pounding the pavement as the sun beamed down on her already overheated body. It had been another grueling day at work and she was beyond her limit. Anything that could go wrong, did go wrong. 
First, the ellipticals needed to be regreased, then the dance rooms weren't properly stocked or cleaned, some of the lockers were dented and therefore stuck, and on top of all of that, one of her clients tried lifting the heavier weights despite her suggestion not to. Of course, the man then blew his back out. Truthfully, the list could go on but she was done thinking about work. What she really needed was food, a shower, and a nap. Desperately, in that order. 
Buttercup quickly raced to her boyfriend's apartment. Butch usually hid the good snacks in his room away from his brothers. She attempted to take a discreet sniff of herself while waiting for the light to change. Eh, she's definitely smelled better. Maybe a shower before eating would be best. 
She greeted the doorman with a weak smile as he opened the lobby doors for her. Once in the elevator, she looked down at the key. Butch had forced the key on her in an attempt to be romantic. She chuckled to herself, remembering how flustered he was and just how oblivious she was to what he meant. 
He kissed her hands, biting her left pointer finger, " I love you so much."
She giggled at the gesture, " Yeah, yeah. I love you too." 
He turned on his side, propping himself up slightly, " No, really. I mean it, I do. A lot." He leaned in, kissing her nose softly.
" What? You think I don't mean it?" Buttercup squeezed his jaw affectionately.
" I didn't say that. I'm just saying, y'know, you have the key to my heart," Butch had slipped a metal object into her hand. His eyes fluttered to the hand he was holding before looking up again.
Buttercup locked onto his forest green eyes, unaware of the object, " Alright, something's up. What stupid shit did you do?"
" I put something in your hands. Look," Butch pressed the key into her palm.
" A key? Like an actual key to your heart? That's nice," Buttercup used her entire will not to laugh. She didn't make an attempt to take hold of the key. Did he get this idea from Boomer?
" Ugh, no! I'm just saying since you have the key to my heart, you should finally have the key to the apartment," he pressed the key harder in her palm to get her to grip it. 
" What do I need this for? You're always here anyway so you'll just let me in, " the blank stare in her face was infuriating for him.
" Yeah but it'd be easier if you had your own key. Maybe moved some more of your things here since the gym is close by," he cooed at her.
She cocked her head and met his eyes, " But then I wouldn't have my things at home where I need them."
" Yes but then you'd get to be with me more," his eyes widened at her trying to get her to take the hint.
She watched him, narrowing her eyes, " Do you get high before I got here?"
"Ugh, woman! I can never be romantic with you! I'm asking you to start moving in with me," he covered his face, hiding his exasperation, " God, you make it fucking impossible to be romantic."
Buttercup grinned foolishly to herself. She wasn't too caught up on being romantic and neither was he but when he was, he could usually ease her into it. She stepped into the apartment and made a beeline to his door, "Butch."
Butch briefly turned his face to her before settling back on his screen, " Hey beautiful. No not you, jackass." 
" You playing with Boomer?" She tossed her equipment bag to the side and kicked off her shoes. She stretched, flexing her legs to get that extra stretch.
" More like beating his ass. How was work?" Butch smashed at the buttons on his keyboard furiously, dodging shots from Boomer's character.
Buttercup sighed, " I don't even want to think about it right now." 
" Hold on, Boomer," Butch gave her his full attention. A sigh wasn't good. It was never good, " Everything okay?" 
" Yeah, I just need a shower first, " she pulled a fresh set of clothes and her towel into the bathroom. 
" Alright," he turned back to his game and yelled expletives at his brother for trying to steal his loot. 
The cold water cascading through her hair felt like heaven. Her scalp tingled, rinsing away the heat of her stress. She questioned whether or not she should head back home to the Professor today. No, I open tomorrow so I should just spend the night here. 
Although she was 22, she chose to stay at home to live in her childhood home to have proper space from Butch. They had gone from enemies to lovers in highschool and since they both decided against college, they had seen each other almost every day since then. Ugh, how am I not sick of him? Smiling to herself, she knew she couldn't get enough of him. 
The water shut off and she dried herself. Wrapping her shoulder length ebony hair in the towel, she tossed on his shirt and her briefs. Her stomach growled in protest. Right, I need food. I could really go for a-
A grilled ham and cheddar cheese sandwich, chips and an ice cold cola were plated for her next to Butch's half eaten sandwich, " Babe, I put mustard in yours already. Boomer, shut up. I've heard the shit you call Bubbles." He had actually taken the time to make her food while she showered.
" If he's home too, why didn't you two just sit on the couch and play?" Buttercup's mouth was full, munching away at her food. She loved sitting together with Blossom and Bubbles for game nights. It made gloating about their wins so much more enjoyable.
" And actually spend time with him? I don't think so. Shut up, Bubbles is with you in there too," Butch smashed his mouse down, the plastic cracked under the pressure. 
Buttercup watched as the keyboard clacked under Butch's excitement for a while. She finished off the last of her cola as the exhaustion set in. She lifted herself off of the bed and straddled his lap. Burying her face in his neck, her left hand pulled at his raven hair slightly. She could feel him swallow faintly.
Butch kissed her temple. Muting his mic he pressed his cheek to hers, " Wanna talk about it now?"
" Fred blew out his back and nearly his rectum too while doing squat lifts after I told him he wasn't ready," She breathed out.
Butch bit back a laugh, " This isn't the first time. Why does that old man think he knows better than you? A literal trained professional."
" I don't know. I still don't like seeing my clients get hurt," Buttercup could hear Boomer yelling through Butch's headphones.
" Boomer, stop yelling. I can hear you," he muted his mic again, " Well, you're home now so just relax." 
" That's what I'm doing," Buttercup closed her eyes and breathed in his scent. He smelled like her green apple shampoo. Something that he had once considered too girly to exist in his  bathroom was now his favorite scent. Mostly because it reminded him of her but he claimed it actual smelled edible.
Butch cradled her so she could position herself better on his lap, " I'm logging off now. Yes I am. Because something way more important requires my attention." He tossed his head set to the side and squeezed her hips.
" You didn't have to end the game," she hummed into his neck giving him instant goosebumps.
" I wanted to. I missed you today," His fingers traced down her spine. Butch loved that she wore his shirts. According to him, that's when she looked "the hottest". 
" Hey, how long have we been together for?" Buttercup opened an eye and stared at the bed, the sheets beckoned for her muscles to rest against them.
He hummed for a moment, " If we want to get technical, we've been officially dating since I turned 18 but if you want to count all the other fun shit we used to do, then we got together when we were 15." 
" No way," Buttercup recounted the years in her head, " Weren't we 17?"
" No, we were definitely 15. Remember it was at the homecoming dance? Bubbles dressed you in that god awful neon green puffy dress and black knee high converse sneakers. We ended up slow dancing and I kissed you. Then we were making out regularly, we started fooling around and then during the summer before senior year, we finally started hooking up but then I had to actually ask you out because you were completely clueless that we were already together."
She scoffed," You were always playing games, that's why. Some days you didn't look twice at me and other days you had me cutting class so we could go hang out." 
" Dates. Those were dates. Also, I was trying to play it cool that you would ignore me by ignoring you," He squeezed her tight, kissing her right shoulder blade. 
" You needed to be more direct," her shoulders shook with laughter.
" Woman," he sighed out softly, he knew she was pressing his buttons, " if you're asking me how long I think we've been together, my answer is since we were 15. We've been together for seven, almost eight years." 
" I've seen your stupid face almost everyday for eight years," she sat up to kiss his cheek, " Eight years well spent."
Butch was grateful she had settled down against him because she would've teased him for the blush on his face, " I'm glad you think so. You'd see me a lot more if you lived with me full time." That was what the key was for!
" I already see you everyday," she leaned back to get a good look at him, her eyes heavy and forearms aching. 
" I'm convinced you don't love me by any means," he shook his head, grinning at her.
" So tell me what you want from me and I'll tell you yes or no but first, carry me to the bed. I feel like I'm about to pass out," she pointed to the bed and pouted, something she knew he couldn't resist.
Butch rolled his eyes and tossed her onto the comforter. He turned off the lights and snuggled underneath it with her, " Okay so I want you to move in full time and actually live with me." 
" Live with you and both your brothers while also having to deal with my sisters being here? That's a lot to ask for," she felt his hand wrap around, fingers toying with her stomach lightly. 
" Then maybe you move in and we can save up for our own place. It's not like we don't have money saved up," Butch traced her abs. He loved how strong she was, how passionate she was about pushing herself to do more. She was the reason he stayed motivated. 
" I like that idea better. Okay, I'll move in then. What's next on your list?" Buttercup adored when he traced her abs. She could feel it in the top of her head and trickle down her spine which made it all the more relaxing. When was the last time I got him in the gym?
" Hmm, let's see, we should get married," he felt her core tense up. It was an idea he had flirted with for a while. Originally, he just didn't understand why it was so important. After overhearing Blossom and Bubbles talk about what they would want their weddings to be like, he didn't want to wait any longer with Buttercup. I know I want her forever. Why put it off any longer?
Buttercup's big picture never included marriage. Was it really that big of a deal? What was all the hype about? Was he going to expect her to be a stay at home wife? He knew better, right? " Not if you're expecting me to be like a stay at home wife. I don't mind caring for you but I'm also not going to be waiting on you hand and foot."
"No! Of course not! That isn't who I got with. That's not who you are and that's not what I'm expecting," he kissed her ear gingerly. 
" As long as we're on the same page then yes," she could feel his grip tighten.
" Okay, I want kids too. At least," he squinted his eyes, thinking for a moment, " Five."
She flipped over and glared at him, " I want kids too but I hope you're planning on carrying the other three because the most I'm giving you is two. Are you seriously insane? You want me to have five? Five pregnancies?" 
" Babe, if I could I would. Aren't you tired? You said you would only say yes or no but I'm getting back talk for everything!" His fingers glided down her spine, resting at the small of her back. Those lime green eyes lit something up in him he was never able to explain.
" I am tired but you keep saying ridiculous things," she hooked her leg over his to pull him in closer. 
" Fine, you're right," he closed his eyes. A nap definitely sounded good. Between his programming job and playing online with Boomer, his eyes were sore. 
Except for his humidifier, the room went silent. Soft sounds from the living room thrummed through the walls, " So when are we getting married?" 
Butch's eyes shot open, "Huh?" 
" I was thinking when we were closer to our thirties but," she paused for a moment, " eight years is a pretty long time to be together."
He pulled back to watch her face, " Are you awake or asleep?"
Buttercup opened one eye and met his, " I'm awake. You have me thinking now though. Maybe you have a point and we should get married sooner."
" Don't say it like that though! Do you want to be married to me? Is this what you want?" Butch positioned his arm under him to sit up.
Buttercup toyed with the idea of marriage. She loved him. She wanted no one else but him. Her mind wandered for a moment. Two moments and she smiled, " I want us to get married so you can be my housewife." 
Butch pulled her on top of him, " I want to be your house wife too." 
" I only want to get married under one condition though," Her muscles throbbed each time he moved her.
" Name it."
" We get married in Vegas. I don't want frills and whatever other crap. I want us to do the whole drive through wedding officiated by an Elvis impersonator in a '65 green Ford convertible. We check into a nice hotel, hit up the casinos and have our drunken wedding pictures taken by our siblings and a photo booth," her eyes lit up, speech sped up. She was definitely awake now. 
Truthfully, Butch hadn't pictured her the type to want a classic wedding anyways so knowing she had actually somewhat thought this through was comforting to him, " Bubbles might want to kill you. Hell, your father might want to kill me. Both. Both Bubbles and your old man would kill me if I agreed to this but this does sound so much better than some stupid big wedding."
" Doesn't it sound like fun though?" She nudged him, " Come on, this is, like, our dream wedding! This suits us!"
Damn it, she's right. " How about this, we book a trip to Vegas, all of us, and we get married like you just described without telling them. Then Bubbles can plan you some princessy wedding and we satisfy everyone."
" Ugh, I don't want a princess wedding! I'm not a princess!" She sat fully up now, crossing her arms over her chest like some overgrown child.
" You're my badass princess but I'm scared of your sister so you'll either be a young widow or you suffer in silence for a day to keep me alive," he treasured seeing her so electrified.
Her cheeks burned slightly, " Not a princess and yeah, okay. We'll have two weddings then."
" Fine then you are my queen. So how about we do something even crazier?" Butch pushed against her knee to lift himself up, " Let's get everyone to drive out to Vegas and we get married this weekend?"
Buttercup smiled deviously, " Are you asking me what I think you're asking me?" 
" Buttercup Utonium, I'm asking you to do me the honor of being my amazing partner, beautiful wife and take on the burden of having me as your dashing husband," her hand in his, he matched the spark in her eyes he had fallen for all those years ago.
Oh wow. Her breathing unexpectedly hitched at the flicker in his eyes. Hearing it really was a different experience like Bubbles had tried to explain to her numerous times. She squealed, jumping on him, " Yes! Of course, I will!" Her heart lightened, stomach fluttered. She didn't imagine that him asking would be a big deal but somehow it felt amazing hearing the words. 
Butch wrapped his arms around her tight, " Alright so after our nap, we can make more plans, okay?" 
Buttercup kissed him sweetly, " I love you." 
All the blood in his body rushed to his face, " I love you too." How did I end up so lucky? Maybe that should be the theme. Lucky cards, lucky life.
With that, Buttercup settled her cheek against his chest, listening to his heart surge. There were so many things to think about now, so much to plan. The air was cool and comforting. It cradled them. Marriage! Before their siblings at that! Who'd have thought the greens would have an actually successful relationship?
" I think I still need to mature before we have kids though so maybe we save that for our thirties?" Butch broke the silence, his eyes focusing on their posters.
" It's funny you thought I would have it any other way." 
Hope you enjoyed. I'm sorry if it's messy or lacking detail.
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enby-hawke · 5 years
Interview with Lucky Hawke
Tagging @factorykat and @munchyarbeyach for showing me and encouraging me to do this interview. It was a lot of fun. I’m going to go ahead and tag 
@leafo-supreme @gloomba331 @mahalzevran @alexiealducsdrawings @angryirene @glittering-peaches @ghostmage @dankou @zeesqueere @apostates-anonymous @pippii-punkstockings and I don’t know who else wants to do it. No pressure of course. 
NAME ➔ “Lucky,” he winks. “Surely, that’s not the name your parents gave you,” the interviewer says. Lucky frowns. “Rude? Do you go around insulting all your guests?” The interviewer chuckles. “Just was wondering...considering you’re-” “Alright, you do know how many times I’ve been arrested for punching people?” “Point taken.”
ARE YOU SINGLE ➔ He smiles brightly. “Happily married, twice over. And we all share a girlfriend.” The interviewer frowns. “That’s not possibly legal.” “And?” Hawke shrugs. “Andraste had two lovers, the Maker, and her husband. It’s not so weird.”
ARE YOU HAPPY ➔ Lucky sighs deeply and leans back. “Yeah, you know I think I am. Took a while to get there, but this life is all I have.” “You don’t believe in an afterlife?” the interviewer asks. Hawke smiles bitterly. “I didn’t say that.”
ARE YOU ANGRY ➔ Hawke shrugs, running his fingers through his curls. “I mean I guess you’ve seen the videos, but,” Hawke looks right into the interviewer's eyes. “Anger tells me what matters to me. I listen to it.” He smiles, though it’s a little strained. “It’s not always the enemy.”
ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED ➔ “Yeah, I’m sure they’re having a grand old time gossiping about us kids,” Lucky laughs brightly. “Mom and Dad would have never guessed what we’d get into. I’m sure Mother’s chatting the Maker’s ear off.”
The interviewer’s bright smile falls. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know they passed.”
Hawke shrugs. “It’s just how it is.” NINE FACTS
BIRTHPLACE ➔ “Amaranthine, at the Squeez,” Lucky chuckles. The interviewer almost spits out his water. “The brothel?” Lucky laughs at the interviewer's face. “I’m not shitting you. It’s kind of a long story. Funny though.”
HAIR COLOR ➔ Dark brown
EYE COLOR ➔ Lucky chuckles. “Everyone always notices the eyes. Yeah, my left one’s brown and my right one’s blue.” The interviewer leans in. “They are rather unusual.” Lucky winks at the interviewer. “Makes me special.”
BIRTHDAY ➔ 7th of Drakonis, 9:08 Dragon
MOOD ➔ “Chipper,” Hawke grins.
GENDER ➔ “Well let’s see now,” Lucky takes out a coin and flips it. “Heads. Guess I’m a girl today.” “Ok maybe that was a weird question, but please answer seriously.” Hawke blinks putting his hands to his chest in mock shock. “I don’t understand. You don’t think I’m a pretty girl?”
SUMMER OR WINTER ➔ “Summer. Wait, winter. Wait….” Lucky scratches his head thinking deeply. “This is not supposed to be a serious question. Just whatever feels right.” “Summer’s for beaches and swimsuits but winter’s for cuddling by the fire and cute sweaters.” Lucky continues to seriously weigh his options as the interviewer tries to move on.
MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➔ “Ah, man, the morning’s only good if you’re already awake. So probably afternoon.” EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE
ARE YOU IN LOVE ➔ “Would be weird if I was married and not in-love,” Lucky chuckles.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT ➔ “My parents did and I thought it was bullshit until I saw a guy rip out a slaver’s still-beating heart and stuff it into his mouth.” The interviewer is seriously disturbed. “That’s….interesting.” Hawke is now daydreaming.
WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP ➔ “He did. Then she did. I’m not...,” Hawke’s chuckle is strained and then he clears his throat. “It’s all good now, though. We’re good.” The interviewer wants to press on but something in the way Hawke suddenly glares makes him think better of it.
HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART ➔ “Unfortunately I’ve had too much practice with that.”
ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS ➔ Hawke chuckles. “You know it used to be this huge thing, and I hurt a lot of people not knowing what I want.” Hawke looks serious for once. “It’s not bad to take time to figure things out before you jump into something.”
HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➔ “Did Varric not drive me here?”
HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER ➔ “No, when I was young, things were very different,” Hawke looks uncomfortable but quickly smiles. “Now, I just have admirers so if there are any secret ones they remain secret.”
HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➔ “Too many times to count,” Hawke chuckles. “Good thing is, now, I’m better at fixing it.” SIX CHOICES
LOVE OR LUST ➔ “Love hands down,” Hawke answers without hesitation. “I’m surprised,” the interviewer states. Hawke looks puzzled. “Why?” “I mean...you read the book, then read the articles.” Lucky laughs. “Ok, maybe I liberally love. I’m much tamer these days, I swear.” Lucky then gives an easier grin. “Unless you don’t want me to be.” The interviewer blushes and says they should move on.
LEMONADE OR ICED TEA ➔ “This is biphobia. Stop making me choose,” Hawke teases. The interviewer politely laughs. “It’s only a question.” “Fine, I’ll mix them. Final answer.”
CATS OR DOGS ➔ Hawke chuckles. “Well, cats don’t like me much so I guess dogs.”
A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS ➔ “I think there are only a few people nowadays I call a friend. I used to have a lot of “friends” but,” Hawke laughs. “I’ve learned it’s better to focus on what’s already good and more good will come.”
WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN ➔ Hawke frowns again. “Biiiiiphobia.” “You really don’t have preferences?” “My preference is a good time.”
DAY OR NIGHT ➔ Hawke sighs, leaning back. “Night? I guess? Things just seem easier when the day is gone.” FIVE HAVE YOU EVERS
BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➔ “All the time. I got better at it when I was older.”
FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➔ Hawke laughs. “That’s random. But uh, yeah. Both” “That actually doesn’t surprise me.”
WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT? Hawke smiles but there’s something different about this smile. Something much more bitter. “Yeah,” he simply replies. “Care to elaborate?” the interviewer raises an eyebrow. Lucky takes a sip of water. “No.”
WANTED TO DISAPPEAR ➔ “Wow is this therapy now?” The interviewer is surprised by the quick reaction. “We can move on,” the interviewer clears his throat. “Yes,” Hawke’s eyes bore in a warning. “Let’s.” FOUR PREFERENCES
SMILE OR EYES ➔ “Wow back to the preferences?” Lucky chuckles but it’s lighter and more good-natured. The interviewer joins in. “How about what you like about each instead. We might get through these questions faster.”
Hawke puts his fingers to his lips thinking. “I love to make people laugh. A smile lets me know people are comfortable. I don’t...always know how to...but I can stare for hours at my wife’s eyes, at my husband’s eyes, at my girlfriend’s eyes. Paired with a smile meant for me,” Hawke half-smiles. “There’s nothing better.”
SHORTER OR TALLER ➔ “Well lots of people are taller than me, so it’s nice when I’m the tall one for once.”
INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION ➔ “You know I’ve met a lot of intelligent assholes and attractive assholes. I usually just want someone nice.”
HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➔ “I did the hook-up thing for a long time, and still every now and then, but there’s something to be said to have someone you know will stay by your side.” “Wait aren’t you married? You still hook-up?” “What my girlfriend and I compare hook-ups. And we’re all safe about it.” The interviewer stares blankly. Hawke shrugs. “It’s not that weird.”
DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➔ Hawke laughs. “We’re a family. Caring deeply means emotions run deeply. We have our fights but we’ve learned better ways to talk to each other as we got older.”
WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➔ Hawke sucks air through his teeth. “Messed up enough that my best friend is making royalties off of it.”
HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➔ “A few times,” Hawke nods. “Actually running away was how I found Boof.” “Wait, Boof?” “My mabari mutt,” Lucky takes out his phone to shows a selfie of him and a feathery golden mabari. “He’s a cutie, ain’t he?” “Why Boof?” Hawke looks puzzled again. “He named himself.” It’s the interviewers turn to get puzzled.
HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➔ “Not when I was younger. My dad was...protective.” FRIENDS
DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ➔ “No, if I hate you, you’ll know it.”
DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS ➔ “I don’t call you a friend if you’re not my friend.”
WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND ➔ Hawke glares again. “Biiiiiipho-” “Ok, we’ll just move on.”
WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ➔ Hawke looks up thinking. He then takes out his fingers and starts counting. “Well let’s see there’s Merrill, Fenris, Isabela, obviously Varric, Anders, Aveline, my brother, and si-...sitter.” “Sitter?” Hawke chuckles nervously. “Yeah, my girl’s sitter. I always end up talking her ear off.”
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littlemisskookie · 6 years
Four Letters: Ch 8
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Four Letters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ship: FWB!Jungkook | IceQueen!Reader | Yoongi Description: College!AU. Enemies to Lovers. Your icy exterior makes it seem as though you dislike everyone- which is partially true. But the one person you truly dislike is the cocky frat boy Jeon Jungkook. Warnings: Threesome, Double Penetration, Ass-Play, Dirty Talk, Oral, Cum-Eating, Cum-Play, Degrading Names, Spit Roasting, Fingering, Multiple Orgasms, Forced Orgasms, Pussy Slapping, Gagging, Creampie, Blowjob, Intercourse, Deep Throating, Light Spanking, Slight Exhibitionism, Unprotected Sex, Choking, Squirting, Lots of Overstimulation, Light Spitting, Slight Dub-Con, Sloppy Seconds? D/S Themes, Light Fluff, Angst Word Count: 12,330
"Why are you crying?"
You look up at Tae from your laptop, tears streaming down your face. You hurriedly wipe them away as Taehyung rushes to your side, giving you a warm embrace, cradling you to help you feel warm and comforted.
"Shh, I'm sure it's ok. What is it?" Taehyung questioned, his voice soft and soothing despite the fact he had just been woken up by the sounds of your crying in the middle of the night. His eyes were trained on you with concern, and you could tell that much from how the laptop's screen illuminated his features in the otherwise dark room.
"I-I forgot to submit my essay and n-now it's too late," you sniffle, wiping away at your nose. "God, I fucked up so badly. I can't believe I was this irrisponsible."
"Hey, it's alright. It'll be ok," Taehyung assures you, massaging your shoulders.
You felt as though you were being a melodramatic baby, but you couldn't help yourself. You had pulled an all-nighter on this before and forgot to turn it in. Now you were minutes late, and you knew you'd end up getting a zero on the essay. There was no doubt it'd bring down your grade. "No it isn't!" you heard yourself wail.
Taehyung was patient and kind. "You're bright, Y/N. One paper isn't going to get in the way of you graduating. It's only your freshman year of college anyway."
"I hate it already," you sniffle, pouting as you looked glumly at the screen. It seemed to mock you and the cold tears that ran down your cheeks.
Taehyung slowly shut your computer. "You should go to bed. There's nothing that can be accomplished by moping over something that's already been done. You'll pull up your grade with the next few graded assignments- I'm sure of it."
You rise from the chair as Taehyung pulls you closer to the bed. He lifts up the sheet for you to climb inside, following you after. You roll on top of him, bear-hugging his waist as you nuzzle his chest. You're overcome by the scent of him, not some cheap smelling cologne- just Taehyung. It smelled like home. It smelled like memories of your first kiss with him at a football game, where your team won and you were cheering so loudly that he leaned over and kissed you just to shut you up in the most polite way possible. It smelled like snuggling next to a roaring fire when his parents were out of town, the two of you curled into a blanket and tipsy from sneaking the vodka from the liquor cabinet, playing ISPY despite the fact both of your visions were blurry.
Your lids are droopy when you pressed your lips against Tae's, molding them together. You melt into the feeling, a smile on your lips until you pull back, your eyelids fluttering open.
Beside you is a man you do not recognize. Another nameless student at your school, another face you wouldn't see. Yet the two of you were stark naked beneath the sheets, and you could feel the bass from the speakers cause the house you were in to vibrate. You heard each crashing boom and the muffled hollers from downstairs, and you had just given this stranger your virginity.
It had been a bit over a month since Taehyung left you.
Or had it been longer? It felt as though each minute was a day, as the days drag on into years. For all you knew it had only been a week.
So your friend Lisa had dragged your depressed self to a random party, and you drowned yourself in your worries with alcohol and started to dance, only to hook up with the man who had been grinding on you for a majority of the night.
You roll over, looking at his face, analyzing it. Up close he wasn't nearly as blurry and evidently wasn't nearly as good looking. But you had dated Tae, so your standards were by far higher than most.
It was funny. You always assumed you would've given it to Taehyung. Whether it be after a few more months of dating or on your wedding night- you had built up this whole fantasy of it being sweet and sensual and romantic- giving your virginity to the man you loved.
Instead, it had been boring, sloppy, and short.
"That was great," the man grinned beside you, adjusting as he sprawled himself against the mattress. He's a senior- which explains why you had never seen him. Though he decided to hook up with a random freshman, you didn't know. He glances at you. "Did you cum?"
Considering the fact he hadn't even touched your clit, something that even the inexperienced you knew about, you'd have to decline.
"Sure," you find yourself saying. You thought back to what had just transpired between the two of you. How uneventful. You came to the conclusion that sex was by far overrated- and for that matter, men.
Of course, it would take you three months to finally put that to heart, as you slept around with plenty of men in some effort to numb the feeling of being abandoned.
But for now, you'd subside with putting your clothes back on and leaving the room, going back down to the party where drunk people would dance pressed against one another without a care in the world.
You bump into someone the minute you step off the stairs. A doe-eyed boy collided with your figure. He was tall, but there wasn't much muscle there. You recognized him, however. He was the boy who apparently arrived at the school in some fancy car that no broke college student could afford, who's parents were rumored to buy his way into the school.
You forgot his name but nevertheless didn't pay much attention to him. What would you care about some spoiled rich kid? He probably didn't have to work for anything that was handed to him, and as he grew up he wouldn't know how to do anything. People like that were always reduced to nothing- rubble- from what you knew. "Sorry," he apologized as you turned away, brushing past him.
It was your first interaction with Jeon Jungkook- but months later he would become built and obnoxious, shedding his rich boy persona in favor of the more punk look- and absolutely content with bugging the ever loving shit out of you. At which point the two of you had changed so drastically that the brief encounter was completely forgotten.
If only you knew at that moment what he would become. What the two of you would become.
"Y/N!" he shouted.
You freeze. How did he know your name?
"Y/N!" he calls again. You turn around, brows furrowed. His voice was higher than usual.
Your eyes snap up, and you bolt upright, turning towards Lisa who stood at your doorway, the light to your room on.
"Y/N, is it ok if I borrow one of your jeans? The ripped ones that are that washed out color," Lisa questions. "I'm surprised you're still sleeping in. It's the middle of the day. I mean, I know we don't have classes today but..."
You're dazed, still trying to bring yourself to reality, trying to decipher what little you got from the dream before it disappeared from your mind forever. The blend of memories and dreams that seemed to blur.
Lisa gave you a concerned look. "Are you ok? You look out of it. Well... frazzled."
You rub at your eyes, your mind hazy. "It's nothing just a weird dream."
Lisa snapped her fingers and pointed to you. "You're running but the thing you're running to just gets farther and farther?"
"That's your dream- not mine," you huff. It had been a while since what transpired between Hoseok and Lisa- weeks, actually. She had been rather depressed at first, and you returned the favor by cheering her up in her time of need.
She definitely seemed a lot more chipper, though, recently.
"Where are you going anyway?" you questioned as she rummaged through your closet.
She bites her lip in excitement, turning to you as she holds the jeans to her chest. "I have a date today."
Your eyes are wide as you stare at her. "Wait- what?"
"I met this really cute guy at the coffee shop a few days ago; cliche, but it was so cute! They got our drinks mixed up and we ended up sitting with one another and chatting. We exchanged numbers, and I didn't want to say anything because I figured it might be a bit too soon- but we've got a date today!"
"That's great, Lisa!" you say enthusiastically. "What's his name?"
"Jin," she grins. "Oh, Y/N, he's the most gorgeous man you've ever seen! Like, if Aphrodite and- I don't know, some other really hot person, had a baby- it's this guy! He's absolutely dreamy!"
You're pleased to know that she's getting over Hoseok, and hopefully, this Jin character will help get her mind off of the man she had been in love with for so long.
"Maybe one day Jin and I could go on a double date with you and Jeon. I know it's too soon to think of such things, but I can't help it," Lisa says gleefully.
"Jungkook doesn't date. Besides, I went on a date with Yoongi. Not Jungkook," you clarify. Though, you still need to properly speak to Yoongi about the whole Jungkook situation. The two of you had been tiptoeing around it too much, without addressing the situation, and it made whenever the two of you hung out way tenser.
Lisa rolled her eyes. "Yoongi's just the guy you're going out with because he's safe."
"What do you mean by that?" you question, furrowing your brows.
"C'mon, Y/N. Everyone calls him the guy you- and you figure if you get someone similar to yourself they'll be less likely to hurt you- because you wouldn't hurt you. You're scared of Jungkook because you're scared of getting as close to someone as you were to Tae."
You tense at that, the name making your muscles tighten.
Lisa gives you a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, I'm just speaking my mind. I mean, it's obvious. You're afraid of getting attached to someone because it'll mean getting hurt. With Yoongi you can stay detached."
"Since when were you one to speak your mind?" you questioned.
Lisa shrugged. "I don't know. I guess having to prevent saying what I've wanted to for so long, I realized that I'd be a lot happier if I said what I meant and meant what I said. It quits the bullshit, y'know? I'm a lot happier when I say what I've always wanted to. Maybe you could learn something from it."
You glare at her as she wags her brows, and you know perfectly well what she is insinuating. "There's nothing I want to say."
"Only because you won't admit it to yourself yet," Lisa teased. "But don't worry- sometimes it's hard for insiders to see what the rest of the world does."
"And what does the world see, exactly?" you ask, cocking your head to the side.
She steps forward to ruffle your hair, though it doesn't do much. You've got bed head still from just waking up. Her smile is bright, and you can't remember the last time it was so genuine.
"That you're head over fucking heels for Jeon."
You're tapping furiously at your laptop, eyes flickering up to the assignments that you'll have to do later on. Read this chapter, read that, write this essay, fill out this question- you loved Psychology, of course, but the teacher really loved to pile on homework for the lot of you.
You feel a presence slide next to you, and you turn to Jungkook. Your brows furrow. "What're you doing here?" you question. "You don't usually sit next to me."
Jungkook shrugs. "Lisa's not here- you probably know what happened to her- and Hoseok's away to visit his sister. So why not?"
"I dunno, it's just different," you mumble to yourself, your cheeks heating up when you realize you stammered your words a bit. You needed to concentrate on copying this down- not Jungkook.
"Am I not allowed to sit next to you?" Jungkook questioned.
"Why would you want to?" you shoot back, eyes darting back to the words above. Your teacher had a habit of turning things off too fast or clicking through the slides at the speed of light.
Jungkook shrugs again. "I just like spending time with you."
You snort in derision, amused. "You like sleeping with me, that's what."
Jungkook smiles at that. "I'm serious. Sleeping together or not, you're pleasant to be around."
Your fingers freeze over your keyboard as you look to him. "I think pleasant is the last word someone would describe me as, Jeon. You must not know me at all."
"Nah," he grins, his smile oddly adorable. "Maybe I just know you all too well."
"I'm called an Ice Queen for a reason," you remind him, going back to copying down the information.
"Ice can melt," Jungkook says.
"Why would I melt?" you say, looking to him for a straightforward answer.
His grin only grows larger. "Some people are worth melting for."
You blink at him, your face stony. "I'm going to ignore you now and pretend that you did not just quote Olaf from Frozen with the cheesiest line ever said."
Jungkook cackles at that, and despite your insistence on ignoring the annoying prick, you can't wipe the small smile on your face or suppress your uplifted spirits.
Namjoon was currently in one of the storage closets putting away the knickknacks that were cluttering up the studio. You glanced to Yoongi, deciding that if you were going to say something, now was the time to. At least while Namjoon was gone.
"Uh, Yoongi, can I talk to you?" you ask him softly.
He looks up to you. "Sure, what's up?"
"It's about Jungkook."
He tenses at that. "What about him?"
"I mean... I'm sorry. I should've told you that I was hooking up with him on a regular basis. It wasn't fair of me to keep that a secret from you while we were talking or on that date. What I did was wrong and I'm truly sorry. I never meant to hurt you, and that was truly my last intention. I guess I figured that if I told you would judge me. I mean, it's Jeon, your frat brother, of all people. And I complain about him 24/7- I'm rambling, I'm sorry. My point is I should've told you."
Yoongi shrugs. "What? You don't need to apologize."
Your brows furrow. "I don't?"
Yoongi shakes his head. "You and I aren't given a title or anything yet- hell, we only really went on one date. And if we aren't exclusive, you have the right to sleep with whoever you want. Even if it's Jungkook. What happens between the two of you isn't my business."
You blink at him in surprise. "So... you're not mad?"
He smiles lightly at that. "Nope."
"So... we're good then?"
"I think so."
"And you want to continue..."
"This?" His eyes lock with yours. "Definitely."
You lick your lips, smiling slightly to yourself at that. You open your mouth to say something, but it's at that moment Namjoon reappears from the storage closet, beaming to you.
"Oh, Y/N, I almost forgot!" He walked closer, unaware of the conversation you and Yoongi had just shared. "Would you mind helping us carry stuff into the frat house for the party? On Friday. We need a lot of help since a few of the guys are gonna be gone."
"The party this Friday?" you question, quirking a brow.
"You'd just have to help some of the guys carry the coolers and not spill the beer- it's nothing really," Namjoon assured you. "And your sorority is the sister house! Therefore it's kind of your responsibility as well."
You roll your eyes at that. "Fine, fine, I'll help."
"Great!" he cheers, patting your shoulder. "You need to get some more muscle anyway."
You gawk at that, and Yoongi only cackles.
"Xiyeon, I'm so sorry for how I treated you a few weeks ago. I was frustrated, angry, and overwhelmed. I got it in my mind that you'd replace me. Somehow you'd take Hoseok and become Y/N's best friend- I was just insecure. But it was wrong of me to lash it out on you," Lisa apologizes, her hands held in Xiyeon's.
The two of them had finally sat down to have a proper conversation face to face, talking about everything that had transpired between them. You were there to act as something of a mediator in case something went out of hand, but based on the glassy eyes and the way the two squeezed each other's hands, you guessed that wouldn't happen.
"Oh, Lisa, I'm so sorry. You were struggling with Hoseok and I worsened everything by sleeping with him. I might've been drunk but I still did it, and I know that hurt you deeply and put a strain on everyone's relationship. I was so stressed, the guilt was eating me alive. I should've told you straightaway, though," Xiyeon says, one of her hands slipping out of Lisa's to wipe away a tear, her lips trembling.
"No, I'm the one who's sorry. You suffered far more than you should've. You're innocent and you didn't mean for it to happen. But I can't forgive you," Lisa says softly.
Your head snaps up at that, and Xiyeon's face falls.
Lisa breaks out into a grin, though. "Because there's nothing to forgive. You don't need to apologize to me."
Xiyeon finally lets the tears cascade down her cheeks, throwing herself onto Lisa, hugging her tightly. The two of them clung to each other, gripping each other's clothes as they tried to pull the other closer. Their embrace was tight, and both of them were outright sobbing, their bodies shaking as they held each other in their arms.
You found the tender moment to be sweet. You cough awkwardly, though, making your prescence known. "I know this is a sweet moment and all- but it's pretty gay, so might want to warn Jin he's got competition," you snicker.
The two laugh at that, with Lisa slapping your arm.
You smile to yourself. Despite how many problems were within the group, and the guys that surrounded your life, you were always going to be content with your girls.
"Yoongi texted me. He says that he's running late due to traffic, but he'll be here later to help," Namjoon tells you, looking down at his phone.
You nod in response, shrugging. "That's fine. Just tell him where I am and to come and find me. Where do you want me to help anyway?"
"Jungkook's supposed to be rolling in any minute now with some coolers of beer- it'd be a great help if you helped him carry it inside," Namjoon said. His attention was soon diverted as someone else called for his attention, and you gave him a nod as a silent goodbye, stepping outside to the car.
It rolled up into the driveway- the crummy car that many of the guys used to run their errands. Jungkook parked it, stepping out as he opened the trunk. You step forward, creeping behind him.
"Hey, Jeon," you greet.
Jungkook seems to jump five feet in midair, and you can't help but cackle evilly seeing the expression on his face. "Dear God, woman! Don't just sneak up on me like that!"
You chuckle at how frazzled he still seems. "Namjoon told me to come here to help you carry some coolers inside. Probably because of those spaghetti arms of yours."
Jungkook scoffs. "Wow, sure. You, in comparison, look like those dancing things in front of car sales."
You give a mock-offended expression. "I'm insulted!"
"Yeah yeah. Help me with these coolers, then we'll really get to roasting each other."
You laugh at that, rolling your eyes. You're surprised, however, when Jungkook quickly leans in to catch your lips, cradling your face in his hands as he presses his mouth against yours. It isn't forceful or rough, and it lasts only for a second before he breaks away.
"What was that for?" you question, calm but confused.
"Am I not allowed to do that?" Jungkook asked, eyes wide with worry. "Did you not like it or something?"
"What? Yes, Jungkook, you're allowed to. And I liked it- I always do. My question is why you did it though," you ask him again, collecting your thoughts. You weren't mad at him in the slightest. In fact, you're smiling a bit, feeling the faint feeling of his lips against yours lingering.
"Oh." Jungkook thought for a moment, as though he weren't so sure himself. "I dunno. I just felt like kissing you I guess."
"Oh," you respond, wondering if you could read into his words a bit deeper.
Jungkook looks to you nervously. "Can I kiss you again?"
You chuckle, amused at how hesitant he seemed in comparison to how many things he had done with you sexually before. "Sure," you say. Jungkook's hand is on your cheek again, and he kisses you tenderly. You close your eyes, kissing him back, feeling yourself melt into the feeling.
You catch yourself for the briefest moments.
Pushing him away slightly, you shake your head. "We still have to do a job, Jeon."
"Oh- right!"
You wouldn't have thought it'd take half an hour to drag coolers inside. But you also didn't suspect them to weigh practically a ton. How the hell it was so heavy, you didn't know. But needless to say, once the very last one was slammed down onto the tile floor on the kitchen, you were a sweaty mess.
Jungkook was worn out as well, was panting, sitting down on the floor to lean against the kitchen cabinets.
You sit down next to him, sweaty. "Is this the part where we roast each other again?"
"Let me catch my breath first," Jungkook huffed, running his fingers through his hair.
You catch the glint of silver along the digits and quirk your brow. "Since when did you start wearing so many rings?"
"Oh- I just felt like it today. Damn things were digging into my fingers the entire time, though. I should've taken them off while we were getting those blasted coolers."
Your eyes linger on the rings, concentrated on the veiny hand from the workout, and the long digits decorated by metal. Jungkook seems to notice how your gaze lingers for a second too long, because soon he's licking his lips, staring at you with the same expression.
"Want to... take a break?"
Jungkook's tongue traveled along the slope of your neck, his lips sucking tenderly to form bruises along your skin. Your back was firmly pressed against his chest as you arched yourself into his touch, his rough hands kneading your breasts. You whimpered, spreading your legs, your skirt opening further to reveal the lacy underwear you had hidden underneath.
"Mm, does my babygirl like being touched here?" Jungkook questioned, mumbling the words into the crook of your neck as his fingers pinched the sensitive buds, hard as pebbles in his hands as he toyed with them.
"Yes," you say breathily, opening your droopy eyes as you looked to the door you were facing, trying to recall whether or not you had remembered to lock it. Your mind was hazy, however, when Jungkook's hands slid down your shirt, riding over your skirt to lift it up and slide your panties off your legs. The cold rings glided along your skin, and you shivered at his touch as you kicked off the cotton, his fingers reaching down to your heat. The cold metal contrasting with the warmth made you gasp despite yourself, and Jungkook petted at your folds, his fingers now glistening with your fluids.
"What about here?" Jungkook questioned slyly, pinching your clit, having you shudder and arch against him as he continued to toy at it, rubbing it carefully and slowly, though the pressure had you rolling your eyes back.
"God, Jungkook, please don't stop," you say, leaning back, craning your face to look at him. His lips collided against yours, devouring each whimper and moan that cascaded from your lips.
The door swung open to reveal Yoongi, and before you can curse yourself for forgetting to lock the door, his eyes are planted on the scene before him. Your cheeks turn crimson, and you snap your legs together, feeling utterly humiliated to be caught in the act by Yoongi no less. You opened your mouth to explain through embarrassed stammers and apologies, but Jungkook beat you to the chase. His hand, still caught between your thighs, moved lower to roughly thrust into you, two digits curling inside. You groaned before you could even bite your lip, feeling him move his fingers within you, the cold metal inside of you making you even more sensitive to his ministrations.
"Hey Yoongs," Jungkook says casually as though he weren't fingering you at the moment. He grins, licking his lips. "Nice of you to join us."
You look at him in alarm, but as he hits your g-spot and grinds the palm of his hand into your clit, you're unable to utter even a single sentence. "Spread your legs, babygirl. Let him see the view," Jungkook cooed. You hesitantly spread your legs apart, Jungkook's hand freeing itself from its grip on your breast to pry apart your legs, leaving you completely exposed to Yoongi's blank gaze. "Though, from what I know, he's already seen it, hasn't he?"
Yoongi looks darkly to Jungkook, his mouth pressed in a tight line. "Are you trying to rub something in my face, Jeon?"
Jungkook feigned innocence as you whimpered against him. "What do you mean? Don't act like you don't like seeing her like this. It's no secret you've had a thing for her. C'mon, I'm sure she can handle two at once, can't you babygirl?"
The question directed to you has you shudder and bite your lips, your gaze locking with Yoongi's. His expression is unreadable, and you think he's about to storm off and wants nothing to do with you. Instead, he surprises you, walking forward to crash his lips against yours roughly. It's more dominant and domineering than what you were used to him, but still, you welcomed it, kissing him back with equal urgency. Your mind was swimming, Jungkook's fingers slipping out of you to rub against your clit as his tongue brushed against the expanse of your neck, sucking harshly.
Yoongi got off of you for a moment, tugging at the hem of your shirt. "Off," he said simply, his voice gruff and raspy already.
You didn't hesitate, unwrapping Jungkook's arms from around you to pull the shirt off. You unclasp your bra for extra measure, feeling both of their lustful gazes ravish over you in nothing but a skirt.
Yoongi makes the first move, his hands fondling at your breasts as he sucks against the side of your neck, as though trying to conceal the forming bruises with his own, a sign of his own possessiveness that you hadn't seen from anyone other than Jeon.
Jungkook smirks at Yoongi from behind you. "Don't seem to be in such a bad mood anymore, do you?" he questioned.
Yoongi grunted in response, annoyed by the younger. "I can share for one night, dickhead."
Jungkook's fingers dip back down to your pussy, petting at the folds before sinking the two digits knuckle deep once again. "She's gotten even wetter since you walked in. She's dripping all over my hand like a slut."
"Must be excited to have two cocks at once," Yoongi grunts, his blunt nails digging into your breasts with a firm squeeze.
Your mind spins. The two of them seemed to work so well together, feeding off of each other in a comfortable manner, their words and movements like clockwork as they orchestrated with each other. You wondered how this was, and you remembered something Jeon had said but a little while before you two even started hooking up.
You tried to prevent the flaring of your cheeks- unwilling to admit to yourself that your small attraction to Yoongi had led to racy thoughts that had nothing to do with radio mixes or CDs. But you weren't going to let an asshole like Jungkook get to you. "Even if he did, he'd probably to better than your lame excuse of a dick."
"Really?" He quirked a brow, and you knew instantly that you said the wrong thing. "Because I can assure you that isn't exactly the case. Yoongi and I had this friend, and she wanted to spend some time with us- Yoongi's alright, I suppose, but I'm-"
"Knock it off kid, no one wants to hear about how the two of you spit roasted Kyulkyung," Hoseok said, grabbing onto the collar of Jungkook's shirt and yanking back, an annoyed look on his face. Everyone here was way too used to Jungkook trying to get under your skin- it had become quite the norm.
Jungkook shrugged, that annoying smirk remaining as he looked to the elder. "What? I'm just trying to help Y/N. Lord knows she'll need some good masturbation material when she fails to get laid tonight."
It clicked. No wonder Yoongi didn't show much reaction. It probably wasn't the first time he walked in on Jungkook with another girl and was invited to join in. And it was also no wonder he knew how to use such a filthy mouth, seeing as he was spit roasting girls with Jeon.
Yoongi's tongue slipped into your mouth, and the wet muscles twirled around one another, moving at a rhythm only you two knew.
Jungkook hissed. "She's clenching down so hard on my fingers, Yoongs."
Yoongi hummed, removing his forceful lips from your own to allow you to breathe. His hands remove themselves from your breasts to grab at your face, one squeezing your chin tightly. "Seems like we've got a greedy one this time, then, hm?" Yoongi hummed, amusement lacing his voice.
Your cheeks flushed at his words, and you clenched down harder on Jungkook, his teeth sinking into your shoulder as he moved his fingers inside you more, loving the way you instinctively squeezed around the digits.
"Y'know, she wouldn't stop teasing me about how you gave better head," Jungkook mentioned casually, admiring how rosy your cheeks turned. "I begged to differ- but maybe it was because I didn't see it in person. Care to demonstrate?"
Yoongi smirks at you, tilting your chin up so that you had no other choice than to stare him in the eye. "Awe, you said that I gave you good head? Better than Jeon, baby?" Yoongi cooes. You shift your gaze to the floor, but he redirects your head. "I asked you a question, answer."
Jungkook's hand slides out of you, and both turn to squeeze your hips hard enough you think they'll bruise. "He asked you a question, babygirl. Yoongi's got a short fuse sometimes."
You're one to talk, you think to yourself. You don't dare to say it aloud, however, knowing full and well you'll bend to their every whim and wish. "Yes," you say clearly.
Yoongi gives your cheek a light pat, giving you a grin of satisfaction. "Cute."
Jungkook tsked as Yoongi starts pulling your skirt off and draping it down your legs. "Don't get cocky, now."
"Apparently you don't give her good enough head- I feel like I have every right to be cocky," Yoongi bites back, descending down your body. He tugs you closer to the edge of the bed, and he kneels on the floor. Your legs are on the edge of the bed, and Jungkook scoots behind you, supporting you as you lean against his chest. Yoongi spreads your legs further, having them lay flat against the bed, your naked cunt exposed to him, glistening with your juices.
"Why don't you teach me, then?" Jungkook suggests, his voice a quiet hum. "I want to see how she squirms for you."
"I'll have her fucking my tongue in no time," Yoongi grunts, his hands digging into your thighs, red marks already beginning to form. He licks a stripe along your slit, tongue gathering fluids from between your folds as it drags up to the sensitive clit, adding a small twirl for finesse to have you shiver.
"Shit," you say, biting your lower up at the sensation, Yoongi attaching his lips to your cunt now, sucking nimbly as he warms you up with his tongue. The blood rushes down, the heat making you feel as if you were in a sweltering room.
Yoongi stares up at you as he stares up into your eyes, his tongue lapping at your folds, dark and piercing, studying you carefully. You felt as though the tension was too much, and quickly turn away, squirming as he sucks harshly at your clit. Jungkook doesn't tolerate any of it, however, grabbing onto the back of your head, gathering a thick chunk of hair before forcing you to look down at Yoongi. "Watch him fuck you with his tongue," Jungkook says, his voice a deep growl as he rasps in your ear. "I want you to see how he properly eats out a slut."
You curse quietly under your breath, your eyes trained on Yoongi, and you feel him smile against you before traveling lower again, not wanting you to reach your release so quickly. His tongue laps at your entrance, the copious amount of fluids covering his taste buds. Lewd sounds fill the room, and there's not much you can do to conceal your moans.
Soon he's tracing two fingers around your entrance, sliding them in easily with absolutely no resistance, the slick covering his fingers as he crooks them up into your g-spot. You gasp aloud as he repeatedly curls his fingers in a come-hither motion, harshly sucking at your clit. You can hear each lap of his tongue against your pussy, and the sounds make you squirm against him, biting your lip as you instinctively buck into his fingers, riding his face.
"Add another finger," Jungkook suggests, staring down at your exposed cunt as well. "She's taking two cocks tonight- she'll have to be stretched out properly."
Yoongi does as Jungkook says, adding a not just a third digit, but a fourth as well, your walls squeezing around the fingers as they stretch further to accommodate him. Jungkook's right, though. You'd definitely get more than just four fingers tonight. And you were looking forward to it.
"You like the idea of having two cocks lodged in that tight cunt of yours, at the same time?" Jungkook purrs in your ear, his words dark and laced with lust. His pupils are blown out with just at just the thought. "You'll be so stretched out, babygirl. Your greedy little pussy won't get enough. A slut like you can barely be sated with one dick, hm?"
"Fuck, I want both of you inside me," you moan, your mind spinning at the thought of having both of them fucking your pussy at the same time. Not just one in your pussy and the other in your ass, but both of them stretching you out and filling you out to the brim, their cocks pressed against each other as they manage to squeeze into your convulsing walls. And once both of them came in you, you'd be so full, and copious amount of cum would be leaking down your legs and smeared over your pussy, despite how deep they spill into your womb. The image was the hottest thing you could think of.
Yoongi thrusts his fingers inside of you, his tongue swirling around your clit, milking you for all you were worth in order to get you to cum on his tongue. Your hips seemed to move on their own as you rutted your hips into his fingers and tongue, the friction of his tongue against you making your movements almost animalistic.
Suddenly Yoongi removed his mouth from your cunt, pulling back, though his fingers continued to pump into you. However, your orgasm soon began to die down, only at that teasing amount of pressure that had you yearning for more. "You don't get to cum until we say you can," Yoongi says gruffly, dark eyes glazing over you.
You bit your lower lip, eyes pleading. "Yoongi, please?"
Yoongi looks up to Jungkook, their eyes locking.
You turn to Jungkook, craning your neck. "Jungkook, please, c'mon!" You weren't used to being teased like this. The last time Jungkook did it to you, you were furious.
Jungkook shrugged, a smile plastered over his face, however, to see you begging. "Yoongi's rules, not mine."
"Use your big girl words, baby," Yoongi suggested, a deliberate thrust with his fingers that had you arching your back against Jeon's back. "What do you want?"
"I want you to make me cum on your tongue," you blurted out, cheeks becoming flushed once again.
Yoongi grinned deviously at that. "That wasn't so hard, was it?" he says huskily, his hot breath fanning over your heat before he connects his mouth against your cunt, sucking on the clit until the rapid pace of his fingers and harsh sucks had you cumming on his face, your hips jerking in mid-air to the point that Jungkook had to pin them down.
Yoongi didn't stop, however, his tongue continuing to lap at your clit as you squirmed, cringing from the overstimulation.
"Don't stop, Yoongi," Jungkook encouraged, keeping your legs spread apart to prevent you from caging Yoongi between them. "Get her to cum again."
Yoongi obeyed, his tongue continuing to suck tenderly at your engorged clit, and you felt tears prick the corner of your eyes. You felt the pain and pleasure blossom throughout your core, and your fingers tugged at Yoongi's locks, trying to push him away, but he stayed firmly in place until you were outright sobbing, your second orgasm taking control as you shake.
You're limp in Jungkook's arms, panting as you collapse against his chuckling form. Still, you know in the back of your mind that it is far from the end of the night.
"Aren't you going to say thank you, babygirl? Yoongi worked hard," Jungkook cooed, fingers threading through your hair.
You couldn't form proper sentences, however, your lips not moving.
"He asked you to answer, baby," Yoongi says darkly, leaning over you.
Your legs slowly close, and your hazy mind struggles to think of what words you should form. You're too late, however, as Jungkook and Yoongi exchange a knowing glance. Jungkook reaches for your legs, prying them apart, spreading them once more as Yoongi's hand went down to slap your cunt.
You jolted upright, fully alert, tears at the corners of your eyes as you yelped. Yoongi looked irritated, and you remember the bit about him having a bit of a short fuse. You feel guilty for being too lazy to even respond, and now you were paying the price.
"Fuck, Yoongi, I-"
"That's not what I want to hear, baby," Yoongi tsks, his hand slapping down to your cunt, watching you jerk at the sharp pain.
He holds one of your legs in place as he repeatedly smacks your pussy, hearing your whimpers. You cry, tilting your head back onto Jungkook's shoulder as you endure the pain, but he has none of it. He grabs onto a chunk of your hair, forcing you to look down as Yoongi landed another harsh smack against your pussy. "I want you to say thank you every time he slaps your pussy, cockslut."
Yoongi landed a hard slap against your cunt, making you jerk and jolt in Jungkook's grasp, your eyes trained on how you quivered at Yoongi's sharp blow. "Thank you," you whimper quietly.
Yoongi smacked your pussy once again. "Louder," he commanded.
"Thank you!" you speak clearly, voice daring to go to a rather normal level of volume. Yoongi doesn't seem satisfied, however, another blow following, as though he was intent on making you scream. Your lips quivered, and Jungkook's fist squeezed tighter, tugging at your scalp as your eyes stung. "Thank you!" you say, your voice shaky as you yelled it.
Yoongi patted against your cunt, fingers brushing through your folds as he leaned in, tongue messily moving with your own. "Good girl," he purred. "I think it's time you get fucked, isn't that right?"
Your watery eyes lock with his gaze, and you nod. Jungkook let's go of you, scooting back as he drags you back towards the center of the bed. Yoongi follows, quirking a brow to Jungkook. "You fuck her first- make her fucking cry," he suggests.
Jungkook grins at that, dragging his pants down his legs along with his briefs. He pulls you closer into his lap, spreading his legs as he lifts you to sit on his erect cock. "Gladly," he says to Yoongi. "Sit on my cock, Y/N. I want you to face Yoongi while I fuck you."
You're obedient, like putty in his hands as you lift your hips, reaching behind you to grab his dick, aligning it with your entrance before sinking down onto it. You let out a hiss, and Jungkook wraps his arms around you, jerking his hips up to buck into you, deep thrusts.
You gasp aloud, Jungkook's grip firm to make sure you don't fall off as he aggressively rams into you, hitting so deep to the point there's a hint of pain along with the pleasure. You struggle to stay upright as he bottoms out into you each time, his dick appearing and disappearing with each thrust. Your tits bounce wildly, and Yoongi's eyes glaze over your wrecked form with pure lust.
"Toy with yourself, baby," Yoongi suggests. "I want to see you fuck yourself on his dick."
You don't hesitate, your hands kneading at your breasts, the pebbled nipples pressing into your palms as you rubbed them against your hands, pinching and toying with them as you stared Yoongi in the eye. You bite your lip, preventing moans, though low grunts still emit from your mouth.
Jungkook reaches forward, lodging three fingers inside of your pussy to stretch you out further as he thrusts into you. "Still so tight. We'll barely be able to fit our cocks in you, babygirl," Jungkook grunts, the squelching sounds filling the room. "Don't worry; we'll make it fit."
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, and you're panting, brows furrowing as you focus on the pleasure at hand. The heel of Jungkook's palm digs into your clit, and you're not able to do much more than let out a silent scream as he continues to abuse your body, still fucking himself into your pussy.
Your face contorts, legs beginning to wobble. "I don't think I can cum again, Jungkook, please."
"You're gonna be cumming on our cocks a lot more than this, baby," Yoongi cooed, glancing to Jungkook, which made the other man dig his palm harder against your clit, making you crumble against him. "Have to make sure you're properly fucked out, don't we?"
"Mmf," you grunt, biting onto your lip as you tilt your head back, trying not to cum again, not sure how much more you could take so quickly.
"Shit, I don't want to cum inside her just yet," Jungkook says, slowing down until he was still inside of you. He unwrapped his arms from around you, lifting you off of him. You let out a breath of relief, absolutely relieved and grateful, panting with a mind at ease until his next sentence. "Yoongs, you haven't hooked up with anyone since we spit roasted Kyulkyung, have you? I mean, last time I checked."
Yoongi furrowed his brows. "What? I haven't hooked up with anyone since then- I mean, other than Y/N."
Jungkook let out a breath of relief, looking to you. "He and I got tested afterward and came out clean. And if what he says is true, he's still clean."
"Where are you going with this?" Yoongi deadpanned. "Of course I'm clean."
Jungkook grinned, smacking your ass cheekily. "Fuck her pussy. I'll fuck her mouth in a bit."
You look back to Yoongi. "I thought you didn't want to have sex, Yoongi?"
Yoongi's eyes are dark, and he steps forward, grabbing you by the hips roughly, jerking you towards him as you fall on all fours. He raises your hips, your ass in the air as he smacks his hand against your ass, squeezing your cheek as he did so, the blunt fingernails digging into your skin to shut you up. "I changed my mind," he grunted.
"You haven't fucked her, yet?" Jungkook asked, confused, the information new to him. It morphs into a cocky grin, however. "You're missing out, Yoongs. Tightest, wettest pussy I've ever fucked. Keeps me coming back for more."
Yoongi only grunts in response, and you hear him taking off his pants. Soon enough the blunt heat is pressing against your entrance, and he's sinking into you. He bottoms out with a rough jerk, trying to press himself as deep as possible into your womb. You groan at the feeling, but he doesn't give you time to adjust, bucking his hips against you. His fingers dig into your cheeks, spreading them apart so that he can watch as his cock appears and disappears inside of you. Your slick juices cover his shaft, and it glistens in the light before he plunges himself back into you.
Jungkook squeezes the base of his cock, which is an angry shade of red, and soon enough he's grabbing your hair again, your head previously pressed firmly into the mattress to suppress your moans. He grabs at your chin, forcing your mouth open as he lodges his cock into your mouth. "Suck," he commands as you straighten yourself up. You obey, letting your tongue twirl around the head before he sinks lower, bottoming out into your throat. Your eyes water at the intrusion, and you screw them shut, your nose buried in his pubic hair.
Jungkook's hand wraps around your throat, preventing you from getting any air without his consent. He grunts, dragging his cock out before slamming his hips into your face once again, and he can feel the way his dick plunges into your throat, the walls contracting around the girth as you struggle to take him in as Yoongi continues to pound into you.
"She's taking our dicks like a champ," Jungkook chuckles, his other hand lodged in your hair as his mischevious eyes lock with your watery ones, and he sinks you as far down onto his cock until your nose is squished against his pelvic bone.
"Guess the whore likes getting spit roasted- she's still so wet," Yoongi grunts, his thrusts becoming erratic.
"Put your thumb in her ass and rub her clit. She'll cum hard within five minutes," Jungkook suggests, jerking his hips back before hitting the back of your throat again, all of the breath knocked out of you once again.
Yoongi spreads your cheeks further, spitting on the muscled rim before plunging his thumb inside. Your eyes seem to roll back at the feeling of having both holes filled, and it doesn't help when his fingers expertly pinch at your clit, toying with you as you continued to clench and clamp down on his dick.
"Shit, she's squeezing around me like a fucking vice," Yoongi hisses, rubbing you faster.
Jungkook chuckles in response, "She'll try to milk you for all you're worth. Cockslut is so greedy for cum- isn't that right?" He pulls out of your mouth, a string of saliva connecting the head of his dick to your lips briefly before breaking off. He stops squeezing your throat, and you cough and sputter for air.
"Yes," you manage to gasp out, your voice raspy already. "I want to be filled up- please."
"Hear that?" Jungkook laughs mockingly. "She wants to be our personal cum dumpster. Pathetic, isn't it?"
"Careful what you wish for, baby," Yoongi responds, a harsh thrust that has you knocked over so far that your head bucks into Jungkook's abs, pressing against it firmly.
"Fuck, I'm cum-" You're unable to say much more, tears streaming down your face as Yoongi rubs your clit harder, and you're shaking. You feel yourself squirt all over the sheets, Yoongi's rapidly moving fingers now getting soaked in your cum as you thoroughly soaked them.
"Shit, I didn't know she was a squirter," Yoongi hisses, biting his lip as he sees you shake beneath him like a leaf.
Jungkook grins. "She does it a lot. She can't get enough. Don't worry, though, I'm sure we can make her do it again before the end of the night."
"Fuck yes. Such a messy girl," Yoongi smirks, stilling his fingers finally.
"Pull out, Yoongs. I think it's about time both of us take her," Jungkook suggests, licking his chapped lips.
Yoongi's thumb leaves your ass and he pulls out of you. You whine at the feeling of being empty, but Yoongi lays down, patting his thigh for you to hop back on. You're more eager than you'd care to admit, sinking down on him. He lays flat on the mattress, hissing as you sink back down onto him. He grabs your face once he bottoms out into you, and he brings your head down, crashing your lips against his in a passionate and heated kiss. He bucks his hips up into you at a steady pace, your tongues pressing together, your face kept in his grip, your chests pressed against each other in a sense of intimacy.
Based on your relationship with Yoongi so far, this was how you would've assumed your first time with him would've been. It would've been close, intimate. Probably not as wild and rough as Jungkook was, but not vanilla. You were it'd have the two of you rocking against each other, hips moving in a languid motion, staring into each other's eyes as corny as it seemed, with his arms caging you into an embrace that kept your chests pressed against each other.
It wasn't until you feel rough hands spread your cheeks apart that you're yanked back into the reality that your first time with Yoongi was far from what you originally thought it'd be. But you couldn't deny the fact that the experience was probably already ten times better.
Yoongi's hips slow their pace, stilling inside of you as Jungkook spits on the part where your and Yoongi's bodies connect. Your juices are still covering Yoongi's length, and dripping down your own thighs still. Jungkook's blunt head rubs against the slick surrounding your entrance, and soon enough he's pushing into you, inch by inch. You gasp, grasping onto Yoongi as he keeps you caged against his chest. You feel yourself stretch to accommodate Jungkook's length, and before you realize it his legs spread further as he mounts you, bottoming out.
"I told you this slut could take two cocks at once," Jungkook grunts, though his typically seductive voice is shaky. "Fuck, so tight. Your slutty pussy is just sucking me in, babygirl."
"Oh my God," Yoongi says, sweat dribbling down his temples, and it's clear that he is trying hard to concentrate and control himself. "Shit, fuck, it's..." He trails off, unable to properly describe what he's trying to say.
"Are you ok, babygirl?" Jungkook questions.
You nod, biting your lip, concentrating on the pleasurable stretch of having two cocks in your pussy at one time. "Move, please."
As though on cue, both men begin to buck their hips, their thrusts sloppy and restricted, though the stretch was pleasurable. The way they bucked into you had you moaning the entire time, and you absolutely loved the feeling of being filled. Slowly, though they didn't have much room for movements, both men were pumping themselves into you, and you tried to prevent yourself from clenching down on them with your vice-like grip.
"Mmf, such a good little slut for me," Yoongi groans, shoving his tongue down your throat as he grips your thighs, spreading them as far as they could go as he pumped himself into you.
Jungkook grunted in response, making you shake like a leaf as he presses his thumb against the puckered rim, slipping it in once again to add to the sensation. He slowly pumped it into you as he growled at Yoongi. "Funny you say that when she's got another man's cock in her pussy."
Yoongi rolled his eyes in response, delivering a brutal thrust into you. His hands stop gripping your thighs, managing to squirm between your two bodies, rubbing at your clit. "I'm close, baby, come on."
"Fuck," you say, the feeling of being so full practically unbelievable.
"Make sure all of her holes are filled," Jungkook retaliated as you clamped down on both of their cocks, Yoongi's friction against your clit causing you to squirm as they continued to thrust into you. Jungkook's free hand reached forward, thrusting four fingers into your mouth, some of the drool slipping down beside Yoongi's head and onto the bedsheets as you gagged around the thick digits. "A good cockslut puts every hole to good use."
"Fucking shit-" Yoongi said, his thrusts getting sloppier. "I'm gonna cum."
Your moan was suppressed, Jungkook's fingers devouring every little whimper as he continued to ram into you, but you couldn't miss the sensation of Yoongi flooding your pussy, the hot ropes of cum coating your walls, hitting deep where the head was buried deep into your womb, letting the cum cover both of the cocks that were bottomed out inside of you. Jungkook definitely seemed to be affected by the sensation as well, muttering curses and instinctively thrusting hard, his hip bones burying and bruising into your ass as he buried himself as deep as possible into your filled womb.
"Fuck, you filled her up so good. I can feel how much cum there is," Jungkook grunts, beginning to ram into you again, his movements unrestricted now and quick, Yoongi's cum acting as a sloppy form of lube as he was able to move even more freely inside of you. From the pace of Jungkook drilling into you, you could feel your juices and Yoongi's cum dribbling out of your entrance, dripping down your swollen lips, the hot liquid making you shiver at the sensation.
"Rub her clit, make her cum on our cocks," Jungkook growls, his voice low as he has to bite down onto your shoulder. You feel his dick twitch against Yoongi's softening one, and you know he's close. Yoongi picks back up the pace, his nimble fingers furiously rubbing against you to reawaken your high. You couldn't even count how much you had cum so far today, and you let out a silent scream, though it's concealed from Jungkook's fingers. You feel yourself spasm and shake, weak and numb as Jungkook rams into you senselessly. He grips your jaw tight, fingers flat against your tongue as he buries himself impossibly deep into you, at last, his dick against your cervix. You feel it twitch inside you before he erupts, cumming inside of you. You don't know if it's because of Yoongi's cum already being inside of you, but there's so much cum, you feel yourself overflowing.
Jungkook pants, pulling out of you, and Yoongi follows suit. You roll over on your back, chest heaving, cum already dripping out of you, the white drops of semen splattered along your folds, while a small stream of white cum drips down your cheeks to spill onto the sheets.
"You've stained my sheets, babygirl," Jungkook chuckled, dragging you closer to the edge of the bed. "I'm gonna have to clean up that slutty pussy of yours."
"Jungkook, I'm too sensitive," you protest, but Jungkook pays no heed, blowing cold air on your clit to make you shiver.
"You don't want to be a mess, do you? Someone's got to clean up our precious little cum dumpster," Jungkook mumbles before licking a stripe of cum from along your folds. You see the white liquid lay on his tongue before he swallows it, licking his lips afterward. You shuddered from the sensation, and Jungkook turns to Yoongi. "Hey Yoongs, want to help me clean her up?"
"Sure," Yoongi says, grabbing one of your legs to spread them apart, laying it flat against the mattress. Jungkook does the same, your glistening and sloppy cunt before them. Both of them turn to devour your heat, their heads buried between your legs. Yoongi focuses on your clit and folds, while Jungkook laps more so at your entrance, devouring the copious amount of cum you squeezed out as your walls convulsed and squirmed under Yoongi's ministrations against your throbbing clit. The engorged nub has endured so much abuse during this whole ordeal, and your tears haven't even dried yet, being repainted to stain your skin.
Jungkook's lips popped off of you with a lewd pop, and he plunges two fingers into your entrance, more of the cum and juices spilling out for him to eat. It isn't until he licks every drop that he finishes, and Yoongi puts an end to your torture.
Jungkook grins to you, seeing how wrecked you were. He grabs at your chin, and you're limp under his hold, having no further strength. "Look how wrecked she is," he cooed, glancing to Yoongi. "I think she's been properly fucked out, don't you?"
Yoongi licks his lips, sitting down next to you. He nips at your earlobe and hums in agreement. Jungkook holds your mouth open, spitting on your tongue before crashing his lips messily to yours. He pries his lips off of yours, and Yoongi tilts your chin so that you face him, and he does the same, crashing his lips against yours.
You're tired and aching, and the two men take mercy on you, chuckling to themselves as they call an end to your delicious torture.
The party is in full swing, and you're in a tight dress that Lisa had somehow squeezed you into. You were dancing with Xiyeon and Lisa- the latter celebrating the fact she had just gone on her second date with the now famous Jin, something you and Xiyeon were equally ecstatic about.
You didn't have a drink the whole night, but Lisa had been pounding shot after shot. Xiyeon was practically babysitting her at this point, having had only one beer so far.
You spot Hoseok in the corner of the room. He must've just gotten back from visiting his sister. He's staring in your direction. More specifically, Lisa's.
"I'm gonna get a drink!" You shout to the girls.
"Stay safe, baby!" Lisa crows, laughing hysterically.
You squeeze past the crowd, walking towards Hoseok. He doesn't notice that you're walking to him, his gaze focused still on Lisa. When Hoseok finally sees you, he seems startled.
"Please don't tell me that you're gonna lunge after me again," Hoseok begs, though his voice is laced with genuine fear.
You wave him off. "I'm over it. So is Lisa, for that matter. I'm not gonna lunge at you."
Hoseok sighed. "Yeah, heard a bit about that."
"Jealous?" you ask, quirking a brow. You were only curious.
He shakes his head. "I was her friend before I was her lover. I want her happiness first. If he gives her the happiness I failed to, then I'm content."
You're momentarily stunned at that moment. "That's really mature of you, Hobi."
Hoseok grins, placing his palm on the top of your head, ruffling your locks. "I can be at times. When I feel like it."
"Well, I'm gonna get a drink. See you later?" you ask. He gives you a nod, and you turn, only to bump into someone.
Dahyun spills a bit of her beer on the floor, and you curse, apologizing.
"Oh, fuck, I didn't mean to bump into you-" You begin.
"Wait- you're the girl from the date I had with Jungkook," Dahyun recalls.
You freeze. "Oh, uh, yeah. I am."
"God, that day was absolutely horrible," Dahyun mutters. "Which is absolutely ridiculous, considering the fact that after giving up on pursuing him, he asks me out, and then blows over the entire date!"
You furrow your brows. "What do you mean? Was the date bad?"
"Don't get me started," she says, rolling her eyes. "The entire film he's not even paying attention. He's all irritated and doesn't pay attention to me- and suddenly in the middle of it he gets up and leaves. Ten minutes later he's back and pissed and drives me home. I didn't even get to finish the movie. And I shaved my legs and everything."
You're stunned at that. "I'm sorry to hear that." Did Jungkook run after you and Yoongi when you bolted from the theater?
"Yeah. It's whatever, though, I suppose," Dahyun sighs.
"I should, um, go," you say, quickly leaving. Your mind is muddled, and you think to what she had just said. You scurry towards your two friends, Xiyeon dragging a rambunctious Lisa to the couch.
"What's up with you? Where'd you head?" Xiyeon questioned, glancing over your figure.
"Do you remember that girl I told you that Jungkook went on a date with? When I ran into him while I was with Yoongi?" you question, the words tumbling from your lips.
"Dasha?" Lisa asked.
"Dahyun," you corrected. "I just ran into her."
"Did you sock her in the nose?" Lisa burst out, bawling her hands into fists as she squinted, throwing a few sucker punches in the air playfully.
"Why would I do that?" you ask.
"You seemed to hate her a lot. Though that probably would've been because you were jealous of her," Xiyeon shrugged.
"Why would I be jealous of her going out with Jungkook?" you scoffed.
Xiyeon's eyes locked with yours. "Who said anything about Jungkook?"
She had you there. You feel yourself freeze, and Lisa cackles, pinching your cheek playfully. "C'mon, you can't deny it anymore, it's written on your face! You totally like Jeon- you're even blushing!"
"You are kind of obvious, Y/N," Xiyeon admits. "You get jealous of other girls over him, you're way more fond of him, you let yourself get a lot closer... You're just scared because it's the closest thing you've had to anything stable since your ex. The one you told me about who left?"
You gnaw your inner cheek. Did you really like Jungkook? Was what they were saying true? You thought back to how words stung when Jungkook said something, or how it'd flutter the next. You had such intense reactions to whatever he did, and somehow you always came running back for more.
There really was only one conclusion you could come to.
"Let's say I do like Jungkook," you test, refusing to meet their eye despite the way they grinned towards one another. "What would I even do? We're just having casual sex, this would ruin it. He doesn't even do relationships."
"C'mon, Jeon totally has it bad for you! If he'd make an exception for anyone, it'd most likely be you," Lisa gushed, squealing with excitement. "You've got to go for it!"
"It could ruin things," you say.
"I thought that too with Hobi. It gnawed at my insides. You don't want to carry that burden of keeping a secret. He'd deserve to know anyway, and it wouldn't be fair to him if you weren't honest. You have to try, otherwise you may regret not doing it sooner," Lisa said softly.
"She might be drunk, but she's right," Xiyeon nods. "Just look at what happened to Lisa. If you think you can endure that suffering, go ahead. But it might seem a bit hypocritical, seeing as how you reacted to her situation."
Xiyeon had a good point.
You let out a breath, making up your mind. "Ok. I'll do it."
Lisa's eyes lit up. "Really?!"
You nodded. "Someone get me a shot before I change my mind. I can't do this without a little alcohol in my system."
Xiyeon scurries away to get the shot, and Lisa throws her arms around you to pull you into a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you, Y/N," she says, lips trembling. "You're learning from my mistakes."
"Yeah," you say, nodding, praying to yourself you wouldn't become another Lisa. Xiyeon comes back, handing you a shot glass, which you down in one. It tastes like utter shit, and your lips sting, but it was most definitely worth it. You look around, trying to see if you could find the pink haired man anywhere.
"Over there!" Lisa points, Jungkook entering the room, beer in hand.
You feel so scared. You could feel your heart beating in your throat, the pounding in your ears. Your vision got blurry and your fingers were shaky, but you made a beeline towards him. Bravery wasn't marching towards something without an ounce of fear- it was going face to face with something you were deathly afraid of.
You didn't feel so brave, however, when you stepped before him.
"Hi," you manage to croak out, licking your lip, cursing at how off your voice sounds already.
Jungkook raises a brow, smiling to you. "Hey, Y/N- I was just looking for you. Would you like to... I dunno, hang out upstairs?"
You understand his proposal for hooking up but shake it away. "Actually, we need to talk."
Jungkook's face falls with one of concern, his mind flitting to worst case scenarios. "Uh oh. Is it bad?"
"No- well, depends- wait, I mean no," you clarify, jittery. "I'm not going to call off what we've got going on if that's what you're thinking."
Jungkook lets out a breath of relief. "Oh, thank God."
"Yeah..." you nervously chuckle. You feel a lump in your throat, and attempt to swallow it down. "The thing is, I need to tell you something."
"Go ahead. Shoot," Jungkook says nonchalantly.
You suck in a deep breath. You feel as though you're sweating from every pore in your body. Was the room spinning? It felt like it was spinning. You never felt this vulnerable or out of control in a long, long time.
"I'm just going to go right out and say it before I lose my nerve- Jeon, I like you. A lot. I know it's weird and it's not what we agreed on and it conflicts with everything but... it happened. And as much as I tried to push it down and ignore it and distract myself, I always found myself running back to you. Despite the fact that you can be cocky, or obnoxious, or unpredictable- you're so much more as well. You're considerate, passionate, complex- and I want each and every part of that. Of you. I think I've wanted that for a long time now."
Jungkook is still, soaking in your words. "Are you drunk?" he quietly asks.
Not the response you were looking for. You shake your head. "I only took one shot the entire night. I'm completely sober."
Jungkook sucks in a breath. "Ah, ok. I..."
You bite your lower lip nervously, gnawing at it. "You...?"
"I'm sorry."
You felt your blood run cold and you wanted nothing more than to turn back the hands of time.
"I think we should end this."
You feel your heart plummet to your stomach, and it's as though someone tied weights to your arms, dragging you down to the floor. A cloud hung over your head, and you were paralyzed and helpless, only staring him in the eye.
He avoided your gaze. "This... this can't continue. It won't work out. You and I could never work out. You and I... that's something we can never be. Friends maybe. It was nice being friends with you. But... I'm sorry."
There's a pause of silence between the two of you the air tense.
You feel tears brimming your eyes, and your vision is blurry. The last thing you want was for him to watch you cry. You manage to choke on your tears, trying to contain them, though your throat swells despite your efforts. "Yeah, sure. We can stay friends." Neither of you missed how your voice cracks.
Jungkook gives you a sympathetic look, reaching out for you. "Y/N-"
Your lips tremble. The way he says your name- without a tone of teasing or familiarity- instead it sounds as though it's clipped like he was calling out for a stranger. "I should go." Your rush words are curt and broken, strained as you tried to choke them out clearly enough for him to even be able to decipher what you were trying to push out.
His fingers grip onto your shoulder, and you both tense. You freeze, eyes glassy as you look back to him, slowly gripping onto his fingers, knowing it could very well be the last time you did so. Your hand trembles as you slowly push his hand away, and he gulps, staring at the movement until it slips off. He lets it hang loose, danging by his side.
He doesn't know what to say, you know that. But at the same time, he's said all he needs to. You got the message- and there was no way for you to misinterpret it.
"I'm so sorry," he says one last time, his voice barely above a whisper.
You don't respond, moving away as quickly as you could. Tears slipped down your cheeks, and there is no doubt in your mind that there are black streaks on your face from your mascara. You quickly swipe them away, knowing full and well there would be gawking. Seeing you cry of all people. Some would probably pat Jungkook on the back for finally breaking the Ice Queen.
You thought back to everything that had happened between the two of you, memories swimming in your head. How he kissed you tenderly when he saw you arriving to help him with the coolers, to how he made a point to sit next to you to whisper jokes under his breath, only for you to roll your eyes. How he slept next to you, only keeping you company and comforting you when you ran into the two people who contributed the most to who you were today.  To how he softly asked if you would go public with him, to how he ran after you when you ditched the movie. You could still feel his arms cradling you when you were sobbing in the cafe, having told Taehyung to leave, and Jungkook asking no questions to simply hold your shaking form. More tears slipped down your cheeks when you remembered being in the bathtub with him, his words cheeky and annoying as always. How he introduced you to his parents, believing you were so different- the good different. When he joked with your niece and gave you a ticket to- God, it was too much. You couldn't handle it. You misread all of it- and you were the one left to be the fool from how you misinterpreted every little gesture to mean something far more.
But you were wrong. Jungkook didn't like you. He never would. And maybe it was because he didn't date- but that didn't line up. He went on a date with Dahyun, didn't he? What did she have that you didn't?
Maybe that was it.
There was something wrong with you. It made sense- especially looking back on your history with Taehyung.
Jungkook saw the same thing Taehyung did.
You weren't good enough.
You bolt to your friends as quickly as you could, their blurred forms clearing once the tears fell down your cheeks. They don't see how wrecked you are yet, naturally assuming that it went fine. Lisa grinned. "How'd it go-"
You slam into her and Xiyeon, wrapping your arms around them so they'd support you, sobbing into their shoulders. They knew within a second exactly what had happened, and their expressions fell as quickly as yours.
Lisa pried your arms off of her, wrenching them aside. Her glazed eyes showed fury, and she was seething. "How dare he make you cry!"
Xiyeon looks to her with worry and concern. "Lisa, don't-"
It was too late, Lisa marching out into the crowd you and Xiyeon followed in horror as you struggled to keep up, squeezing through the crowd to walk in on Lisa chewing Jungkook out.
"-you don't deserve her anyway. Aha too good for you, yet you broke her heart. Why did you lead her on, huh? Why'd you pretend you liked her? So jealous and possessive, ignoring your own dates for her, acting sweet or introducing her to your parents? You can't even sort out your own shit, Jeon. How fucking-"
"Lisa!" Xiyeon snapped, reaching forward to yank on the girl's ear. Lisa was dragged away quickly, though she tried to pry herself from Xiyeon's right grip to yell at Jungkook some more. You know you should go along with them to go home, perhaps give yourself a good cry until you were able to fall asleep. Instead, you were numb, staring at Jungkook, your cheeks wet and your lips trembling.
"I'll leave you alone now," you said quietly, eyes downcast. "I'm sorry I wasn't good enough. I guess I never will be."
Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, but you were already gone.
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escapingreality1992 · 5 years
Loki’s Immortals Healer Ch. 3
The Library
“Loki? Are you in here?” I called out, closing the door to the library behind me. It was beautiful. The golden shelves reaching the ceiling, leather couches sitting in the middle of the room; there was even a giant fireplace keeping it warm and cozy.
           “Lovely isn’t it? It’s my favorite place to be most days,” Loki’s voice greeted me. I turned to see him standing beside me, a serene smile on his face. He held his hand out to me and I graciously accepted it. He pulled me against him, his arm securing its place around my waist.
           “Come, there’s more shelves this way. Also it’s much quieter and we’re less likely to be disturbed,” he told me, steering me to the left. I felt…calm around him, a feeling I hadn’t felt in a long time, not even around Hannah, but I also felt nervous; I wasn’t sure what his purpose was at the moment.
           The further back we went among the rows and rows of shelves until we hit a wall of marble, which he ran his fingers along, magic sparking from his fingertips. The wall opened to another room dimly lit by another fireplace, one sole couch sitting on a rug.
           “This is a secret place of mine. I come here when I’d rather shut myself out from the world if need be, to be alone indulging in reading,” he explained, leading me to the couch; the door slid closed with a quiet thud, hiding us from prying eyes. I turned my attention to the room itself, admiring the massive bookshelves leaning on the wall. In between the bookshelves, you could clearly see golden etchings in the walls making it more stunning than it already was.
           I brushed my hands along the cool, black leather couch once I got closer to it, pulling off my boots. The tile of the floor was cold beneath my feet as I ventured over the rug in front of the fireplace. The rug was soft, the material fleece and white as snow. Smiling, I turned my attention to Loki, in awe of what he had shown me.
           “It’s gorgeous. Thank you for bringing me here. I don’t imagine you bring anyone…else here,” I told him, startled when he strode towards me in a rapid pace, leaving hardly any space between our bodies. He tilted my chin up so that I would meet his eyes, my breath hitching as he leaned in closer to my lips.
           “You’re welcome, my dear. You’re absolutely correct. I don’t bring anyone else here. You, it seems, are the only exception. I’d like to kiss you now if that’s alright with you?” he told me, his voice low, his eyes scanning mine for any objection. I simply nodded, closing my eyes as his lips brushed mine. We pulled back for a moment; our lips still close, then pulling me back in for another, he gripped my waist tight against his body. My hands found their way into his hair not wanting to let go.
           Loki nipped at my lower lip causing me to gasp allowing him to slip his tongue inside my mouth, deepening the kiss. He lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist, carrying me over to the couch and sitting down. I straddled his lap, his hands leaving my waist. One entwined in my hair, pulling me down into another passionate kiss, the other cupping my jaw, moving to the front of my dress and ripping the fabric.
           It hung loose, allowing him to reach inside to stroke one of my breasts, his thumb lightly rubbing over my nipple. I moaned into his mouth, lurching forward to give him more access. Removing his hand for a minute, he ripped the back of the dress, pulling the long sleeves off my arms, freeing both breasts from the binding fabric.
           “Loki, maybe we shouldn’t…” I began, breaking the kiss but he pressed a finger to my lips halting my words. I was afraid someone would walk onto what we were about to do, but he seemed calmer than I felt.
           “Shh…it’s okay. No one will bother us, I promise, but if you don’t want to, I understand,” he stated.
           “I do…want to. You don’t know how much I want to but I don’t want to play games. No tricks. I want you. I want this to be real as any lovers are,” I commented.
           “No games, no tricks, no manipulation. I want, no need you as my lover. I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re under my skin and I don’t want to lose this feeling when you’re around,” he responded. He kissed one shoulder, lowering his mouth to suck on my breast, his tongue swirling around the nipple. My hands gripped his shoulders, pleasurable tingles spreading throughout my body. Throwing my head back when he moved to other one I released a slow sigh, enjoying the foreplay. He turned me to lie down on the couch, pulling the rest of the dress off my body.
           “Beautiful. Now what to do first to enjoy every bit of you,” he commented, running a finger down my naked form. His hand rested on my left inner thigh, pushing my right leg off the couch.
           “Hmm, this couch simply won’t do. Not enough space to play on. What if I…yes much better. A giant bed for us to spread out on,” Loki stated, turning the couch into a bed with dark green sheets and a gold bedframe. He quickly disrobed, climbing on top of me, kissing me with his mouth, hot and hungry. His hands spread my legs, inserting one finger, pumping in and out slowly. He added another finger, my arms enveloping him, nails digging into his skin, moaning at the pleasure shooting through me.
           “Good girl. Scream my name. That’s it, my love. I like having you at my mercy,” he commented. He centered himself, removing his fingers, ready to enter me, but I stopped him.
           “Do you have…protection?” I asked him, heat flooding my face. Loki arched an eyebrow and snapped his fingers, a condom appearing around the full extent of him. He slid into me, my walls stretching to adapt to him.
           “Are you okay? I don’t want to hurt you,” he questioned at my grunt as he entered me. I nodded and he began to fuck me, my hips in sync with his. We were panting and moaning until I decided to hook my legs underneath his, flipping him to be on top. I linked my fingers with his, riding him until we both released our orgasm, my walls clenching around him. I collapsed onto his chest, our hands still linked, breathing hard.
           “I didn’t realize you were that good. I expected you to be a little mediocre but you surprised me,” he told me, removing his hands, stroking my back as we lay there, trying to get our breathing under control.
           “Mm. You were fantastic with everything. I’m a little out of practice. I’m sure I’ll improve next time,” I stated. He moved me off him, the condom disappearing from view, drawing back the covers so I could get underneath them. He climbed under them as well, his arm draping over my waist, the other stroking my hair.
           “What have you done to me? I can’t enough of you. You treat me different than most people, one thing I’m surprised about. You haven’t put me under a spell have you?” he commented. I kissed him, my hand running down his chest.
           “No, I don’t have any magic like you do. I’ve done nothing but shown you kindness and compassion. More importantly, I can’t get enough of you either. I feel like I can be myself around you,” I informed him. We lay like this for a few minutes before dozing off in each other’s arms.
  “Where is she? Where’s my best friend you so rudely stole from me? I want answers now! Get your hands off of me! Clara! Clara, where are you?” a familiar voice woke me from deep slumber.
           “Clara! Come out right now! Where is she? You can’t keep her from me!” the voice, Hannah’s, continued to shout.
           “Oh, shit. Loki, wake up. We’ve got to get up. There’s someone shouting,” I stated, shaking him awake. He looked over me with lust in his expression.
           “They won’t find us, but if you’re curious to see who it is, then put your dress back on and I’ll lead you back to your room, discreetly of course. I wouldn’t want anyone asking questions,” he stated, fingers running over my breasts, the pads of his thumbs grazing my nipples.
           “Or you could just stay here with me until they go away,” he suggested when I let out a whimper in pleasure.
           “As much…as I want to stay, I think we should make sure everything’s okay. No enemies lurking around,” I responded, a little breathless. He laughed and pulled me out of bed, handing me my dress. I threw it on, the loose fabric hanging off my body.
           “Here, put this on. Wrap it around yourself to hide the rips,” Loki told me throwing a black cloak in my direction. I wrapped it tightly around my body, clasping it to hold the front of the dress together, watching Loki, as he got dressed. He took my hand and le me down a hidden hallway. Checking around corners, making sure no one was around, he pulled me down the long corridor, until we reached my chambers; we stealthily went inside, closing the doors behind us.
           I removed the cloak to hand back to him but he pushed it back towards my chest.
           “Keep it. It looks better on you anyway,” he told me. I smiled bringing to the wardrobe to hang it up, selecting a new dress to change into, tossing the destroyed one to the floor.
           “Clara! I will find her! You have no right keeping her from me!” Hannah’s voice shouted, this time right at my door. I pulled the rest of the dress on; Loki stuffed the ripped dress under the bed, just as the door was kicked open. Hannah burst in the room, three guards on her heels.
           “Clara! Thank god, you’re okay. When they took you that day, I thought you’d come back but you didn’t. Now three days later, I find out you’re here and these assholes”
           “Hannah, don’t be rude,” I cut her off; she continued speaking.
           “Right, okay. These assholes wouldn’t let me see you and…hello, and you are?” She commented, still being rude, now noticing Loki was in the room.
           “Loki, Prince of Asgard. My apologies, I was sent to retrieve Cl…Miss O’Neal to bring her to the throne room but it seems I was a little late in doing so,” he greeted her, his smile beaming.
           “Loki, Prince of Asgard. I think you forgot the God of Mischief part. Were you really bringing her or is there some other malicious purpose as to your being here. If you hurt her I’ll-“
“Hannah! Enough! He hasn’t hurt me, I promise. He is telling the truth. What are you doing here anyway?” I snapped, defending him. Hannah looked as if she had been slapped, trying to school her features to one of concern.
           “I was seeing if you were okay. When I didn’t get contact from you, I was worried something had happened to you. I came to take you home,” she answered me.
           “I don’t want to go home. My place is here. My services are required in Asgard. I’m sorry that I didn’t contact you, but things have been quite busy up here and my powers are…increasing. I think it’s best I stay here…where I can’t hurt anybody,” I informed her. Her eyes narrowed at my response, but she sighed defeated.
           “Fine, but I’m staying for a few days to make sure they’re not hurting you. I don’t trust him. He’s called the God of Mischief for a reason. Be wary Clara. He could use you for his own benefit,” she stated.
           “I think I can take care of myself but I appreciate the concern. Bear in mind that you don’t know him. Be sure you do before you make any judgments about someone’s character,” I commented through gritted teeth. I thought she didn’t judge people but it seemed I was wrong.
           “We should report to my father. You’ll need his permission to stay here,” Loki stated, his expression darkening at her comment.
           Great, my lover and my best friend don’t get along, I thought to myself as we exited the room.
              “All the commotion this morning made me think an enemy was at our door but now I see one of your friends has intruded our palace and she seeks permission to stay here,” Odin greeted us in the throne room. He did not look happy and I was afraid of what he might do or say.
           “She only wanted to validate my safety. She’s a bodyguard of sorts. I apologize for the commotion she caused this morning but I didn’t know she was even coming here,” I explained, trying to ease the tension. His angry expression didn’t change, which only made me worry more.
           “Another human, on Asgard, seems to be a bit problematic. I’m not sure-“
           “She’s not a human. I’m an angel in case any of you were wondering. I’m sorry I intruded but I received no contact from her and the last time that happened I…She was my responsibility then and I failed her. I will not fail her this time,”
           “If you send me home, then she will be coming with me, no ifs or buts about it. If you let me remain here and see that’s she safe and out of harm’s way then I will leave and return if it deems necessary,” Hannah argued.
           “Another woman with a bold attitude. You may stay for five days to see to her safety and we will alert you if you need to return or if you receive information that she’s in danger. In those five days, you are welcome to attend our ball. I can assure you no harm will befall her here,” Odin ordered.
           “Thank you, your majesty,” she said, bowing to him. He dismissed us and we headed back to my chambers.
           “Wait! Miss Clara! Can I have a word with you…in private? Ahh!” the warrior Erik stopped us halfway there, screaming when Hannah put her sword to his throat.
           “Whoa, easy there tiger! He’s the one I was sent to heal. He’s not a threat. Relax, I’ll be fine,” I commented, placing one hand on her shoulder, one on the blade itself. She lowered it and sighed.
           “Fine, but I’m waiting outside the door,” she told me. I nodded and pulled Erik in the room we stopped in front of. It turned out all he wanted was for me to teach him how to dance to impress his wife. He didn’t want anyone to know, his brother Noah being the only exception since he wanted lessons as well. In the coming days of these secret lessons, jealousy would spark itself in Loki.
           I returned to my chambers with Hannah where we caught up with each other until I was summoned to help with healing other Asgardians. These powers were increasing and soon those from my past would get word and it was only a matter of time before they would seek me out.
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thnxrick · 6 years
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❍ ─ hey dudes !! i feel pretty hype to be here. i’ve been rewatching gg for the past three weeks and pretty much neglecting my creative side/avoiding all of my writing friends. i was rping in another fandom on discord and i just started to lose inspo, y’know that flame was starting to blow out. on a whim i decided to check out the rp tag on tumblr again ( i haven’t rped on tumblr since 2016 btw ), and whaddya know, the second post i see is from a gossip girl rp. ─ could’ve been a coincidence, could’ve been a sign ?? idk. point is that i’m here !! and i’m really hoping to fall in love w/ writing again. 
ok, lemme introduce you to a boi i made up 48hrs ago.
// so um, FUNNY STORY, when i joined i was planning to fill up a connection from another roleplayer here as their brother, but they were gone as soon as i was i accepted looooool. so now i lack a sibling and i took their last name. ah well, gotta make due with what you’ve got i guess. 
// that being the case, it sort of inspired me to make a VERY convoluted family tree for him. i’ll touch some bases, but i’ll probably make other posts getting more into it i suppose. 
// just to be clear, i’m going to keep it canon that he has a sister named olivia, i was straight up coming up with a lot of relationship HC’s before approaching the mun, and some where based around that character’s profession. i like what i came up with so i’m planning to keep it that way.
// let’s just say olivia isn’t on gossip girl’s radar. ─like a jenny humphrey from season one lmao. 
.・:*:・゚’ twenty one, cismale, roderick bordeaux was made in the upper east side and attended st. jude’s. he still resides in new york, and is currently a model who progressively grown weary of his profession. they are staying up til’ 4am laughing at memes, mischievous looks, suggestive stature, eccentric humor, silk tuxedos. onlookers say they resemble shawn mendes. ( al, 19, idc, cst. )
roderick grew up with two older siblings and two very wealthy parents. 
his family is very popular in the social scene of manhattan, we’re talking generations on both sides of their family.
they’ve always kept up appearances and have made bountiful donations to noble and not so noble causes.
his father ( lawrence ) is exemplary businessman and his mother ( keighley ) is a retired actress who’s found her life as a socialite a “profession” on its own.  
his relationship with his parents had its moments of toxicity and neglect but overall he’s never been resentful towards them as he realized the privileged life they handed to him and his siblings. 
rick has always had a penchant for doing stupid things and getting away with it. he gets bored easily !!  but to be clear his intentions are usually positive. his parents barely know of his ventures, they’re not very interested in GG to keep up with it either. he is the youngest─ he gets off the hook a little easier than his siblings do. you bet your ass they envy that.
he’s always been academically inclined, but school was never really his priority. he spent most of his time at constance with his friends. he’s a social butterfly at heart, and he wasn’t one to stick to cliques. basically getting along with almost anyone. always open to making more connections with people. doesn’t mean he lacked his fair share of enemies. 
up until then he was unaware of any other type of life. party, fun, drama and the occasional responsibility. things took a bit of a turn after high school though.
first of all, his ex-girlfriend’s-mother married into his family. holidays already came with the uncomfortable “greeting family you haven’t seen for months to years on end” how the hell are you supposed go about it─ “oh hey we’ve rubbed genitals together, we’ve hated each other for a while and now we’re cousins, want a turkey leg” ??
second, his father wanted college, roderick didn’t, but obliged after his father threatened to freeze his accounts.
for three years, he attended harvard, likely due to his parents connections i might add─ he almost claimed the title of a lit major, but in retribution for a new revelation about his parents, he quit.   
in his third year of college rick picked up a course in theater, dance and media, partially due to the crush he had on another student. during his attendance he met a classmate who he quickly befriended. one evening she invited him to her birthday party, and to say it changed his world would be an understatement.
after spending more time with her and her family, he felt strangely attached to them, he desired the type of relationship she had with her parents. and soon enough the universe offered him a truth that could make that a reality.
turns out his parents weren’t really his parents. rick was involved in a tangled plan filled with lies and deception. ─his close friend from college ?? was his sister.
this was a lot to take in for rick, he had an entire genealogy that he didn't know about, and they were seemingly everything he wanted in a family. of course this was conflicting. he loved the people he grew up with unconditionally, but his loyalty wavered the more the truth was uncovered.
 his “parents” didn’t even want him, they were blackmailed by his biological grandmother ( thalia ) to keep him away from his biological parents. his grandmother disapproved of his biological father ( lloyd ) and wanted nothing to do with him or his family. 
her distaste was unwarranted however, completely biased. her issues were purely against his mother ( harlow ). they have toxic history together, and share a hatred for each other. so much so that they put aside their disagreements to work together. there was no way in hell harlow would share her surname and it’s perks with thalia’s offspring. and thalia wasn’t planning to have a familial tie with harlow.
harlow promised to take away lloyd’s life of luxury if he married rick’s mother ( rowan ). 
thalia called for some favors owed, and successfully managed to manipulate rowan and set her grandson up for “adoption”.
unfortunately for the high class devil’s their game only played out for a few months, lloyd and rowan loved each other too much to let go. the loss of a child and the loss of luxury wasn’t enough to keep them apart. 
they eloped against their parents wishes, and lost everything. by their early twenties, they were no longer royalty of manhattan, they were “nobody’s”. practically disowned. if it meant they cut ties with their sadistic families, it was fine by them.
rick’s biological parents searched for him, for years, they almost divorced as a ploy to get information from their parents, but it lead them to more questions than answers. it was eventually a mutual decision to end their search, the pain was too overwhelming to continue.
call it fate, who would’ve thought the search would end with academic career and their daughter. 
understandably, rick was extremely upset with his “parents” and ultimately detached himself from them. 
he quit school, and disconnected himself from most of his friends for a while. it was necessary to go over his options alone. and soon enough he planned an intervention. in four months time, he planned to expose his parents in public at an uptown charity event honoring them. 
he told four of his closest friends about his strategy requesting for a helping hand, and they willingly accommodated him. 
all except for one. one of the four ratted him out before he could pull it off. and his “grandmother” ( genevieve ) was informed and immediately warned thalia and harlow of the proposition. 
they took matters into their own hands, and made things very personal. suddenly grandma genevieve wasn’t as sweet as she had been.
rick’s ex-girlfriend-now-cousin was instructed to seduce and drug him in his loft, if she failed to follow through, her mother would suffer the consequences. 
with much hesitation she compelled. and on an odd night out she convinced him to catch up, and eventually got him drunk enough to have him pass out on his couch. she called their grandmother right after and waited 10 to 15 minutes for a sign to leave. there were a few stern knocks on the door by two men in very posh tuxedos, she was conclusively excused by their entrance. 
his cousin-ex-lover left his loft around booty call hour. lacking a walk of shame... but stamped with a very guilty face.
off schedule─ his housekeeper arrived to his loft a bit earlier than usual, having much to do that day. her extended family was coming in from out of town for a familial celebration. and we all know how important family is, don’t we?
she suspected rick was working early as well, and went down the list of her duties. her first priority was his restroom, as he generally left wet towels on the ground after his morning showers. however the only elements she found were scattered pills and emptied bottles on his bathroom floor, along with rick... in a bathtub filled with water looking a little too pale.
with a disheveled 911 phone call, she preformed crucial CPR, and an ambulance shortly arrived─ rick was sent to the hospital to have his stomach pumped, and the bordeaux’s made a private entrance, feeling troubled with emotions of guilt and regret. 
in recovery rick denies the suicidal accusations but was sequentially sent to a rehabilitation center against his will. 
he spent his summer in connecticut, and his family lied to keep press away from their charity event. to what the public knows, rick pursued his modeling career further and traveled through europe for the summer. 
all forms of communication were taken away from rick, and he spent most of his time at rehab trying to reach out by bribing his nurses.
one of his nurses fell into his bribe and let him make contact with his cousin. out of fear she confessed and delivered his SOS to their grandmother.
sooner or later, his grandma showed up─ grandma.. thalia. to most and to gossip girl? a stranger. 
she proposed a settlement with roderick, he was to forget about his biological family and continue mingling in his social circle as if nothing ever happened for exchange of his freedom and his family’s freedom.
he begrudgingly agreed to it, and flew back to new york with built up resentment and a thirst for retaliation.
he’s back home now, as if nothing ever happened. last he heard his biological family tried to invite him to their halloween feast. but no word after that.
as of now, his course of action is to figure out what “bestie” ratted him out. what did thalia, harlow or even genevieve have on them. and what could he do about it ??
if all attempts fail, we still have gossip girl.
ok ok ok ok ok, ik it’s a lot of shit to read. i’m sorry but not really, i enjoyed myself waaaay too much to truly feel guilty about it. SO idk if you’ve noticed but, i took a lotta of inspiration from the show since i just finished the series again. ─i figured rick is a dumbass but he doesn't lack that much morality to do something awful without warrant. I’LL BE SHOOK IF YOU REALLY READ THROUGH ALL OF THIS BUT HEY IF YOU WANNA PLOT W/ ME PLEASE DO. i have a connections page that has to do with normal connections and it also has connections related to everything you’ve read here !!  feel free to im/dm me at anytime, or like this so ik you’re interested in plotting w/ me, i don’t mind hitting you up. OKAY, MUCH LOVE EVERYONE. 
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The Worm Reads: Empire of Storms, Ch 34 - 37
Because Chapter 38 is a... doozy, today we’’ll be covering some extra chapters. My treat.
She was a liar, and a murderer, and a thief, and Aelin had a feeling she’d be called much worse by the end of this war.
Pfft, I’ve called her worse during these chapter reviews.
Securing this alliance was only part of it. The other part, the bigger part … was the message. Not to Morath. But to the world.
“I mean yeah innocent people might die but who cares I just want attention from the whole world because I’m so ~special~ lol!”
[Aelin] was not a rebel princess, shattering enemy castles and killing kings. She was a force of nature. She was a calamity and a commander of immortal warriors of legend.
No, you’re a selfish asshole who cares only about herself and throws tantrums whenever someone doesn’t immediately bow down to you. Also, love that final nail in the coffin to the original concept of t0g. May the first two books rest in peace.
Gavriel was still too busy staring after Aedion, who hadn’t so much as glanced at his father before fastening his shield and sword across his back, mounting a sorry-looking mare, and galloping for the watchtower.
I S2G SJM, leave Gav alone.
People were panicking in the streets as the dark force took shape on the horizon: massive ships with black sails, converging on the bay as if they were indeed carried on a preternatural wind.
See Alien you fuckin’ prick, innocent people live here!!! And you’re totally okay with them all dying if it means everyone knows what an uber powered snowflake you are you piece of shit!!!!!
Rowan’s hatchet gleaming while he hooked it at his side
Again, total nit pick, but.. why do both Lorcan and Rowboat use hatchets? I mean it’s totally okay, I love other kinds of weapons getting used other than swords, but they both have hatchets? Let’s get some battle axes, maces, and other cool weapons in here!
Aelin strode for them. “Anchor them to the mainmast and make sure there’s enough room for them to reach right … here.” She pointed to where she now stood in the heart of the deck. Enough space clear of everyone, enough space for her and Rowan to work.
I’d point out she doesn’t have authority here, Rolfe does because it’s on his ship, but I might as well talk to a wall. Alien is putting the iron there in order to steady herself while using her magic, FYI. She has so much snowflake power she literally needs restrains lmfao SJM you’re killing me.
[Aelin] flicked a glance toward either watchtower to see Dorian arrive—then Aedion’s golden hair racing up the outer spiral staircase to the enormous mounted harpoon at the top. Her heart strained for a moment as she flashed between now and a time when she’d seen Sam running up those same stairs— not to defend this town, but to wreck it.
I despise Alien but the callback here works pretty well. Whereas back then, Alien was wrecking this town, she is now defending it, even without Sam at her side which highlights how much has changed and how much she’s gone through since her previous visit here. I mean, she is also the reason this town is in danger, but regardless.
Lysandra jumps into the sea and transforms into a sea dragon. I’ve already complained about her OP shifting powers, but I’ll admit, this scene is pretty cool.
Lysandra dove, and she let them see the long, powerful body that broke the surface bit by bit as she plunged down, her jade scales gleaming like jewels in the blinding midday sun. See the legend straight from their prophecies: the Mycenians would only return when the sea dragons did. And so Aelin had ensured that one appeared right in their gods-damned harbor.
Like c’mon, that’s pretty bad ass. Lysandra is a cool character in spite of her shitty powers, and that’s really only the fault of SJM’s crappy magic system. We transition into Assdion’s POV.
Aedion chucked off the shield from his back and slammed into the seat before the giant iron harpoon, its length perhaps a hand taller than him, its head bigger than his own.
So like.... a harpoon cannon, essentially? Because those were invented in the late 19th century. Consistent world building who?
Well, at least [Aedion] now knew what secret form Lysandra had been working on. And why Aelin had insisted on getting inside Brannon’s temple. Not just to see the king, not just to reclaim the city for the Mycenians and Terrasen, but … for Lysandra to study the life-size, detailed carvings of those sea dragons. To become a living myth.
How does this make any sense?? So Lysandra can perfectly replicate the system, the anatomy, and the size and powers of a beast by looking at a drawing of it? The fuck??? She doesn’t even need to see it in real life?
Gonna pull from Animorphs again; the kids have to see the animal in real life and actually touch it to absorb its DNA. They can’t turn into animals they haven’t touched even if they know what they look like. This makes sense in a sci-fi fantasy setting. Lysandra’s shifting powers do not.
Lysandra had studied the carvings of the sea dragons at the temple, once Aelin had burned away the dirt on them. Her magic had filled in gaps the carvings didn’t show. Like the nostrils that picked apart each scent on the current, the ears that unraveled varying layers of sound.
HOW DOES MAGIC DO THAT??? We’ve received several hints magic is its own sentient being but it’s never explained or expanded upon?? Lysandra’s magic is only as old as her, how can it know all these details about a beast she’s never seen? SJM I’m not asking for an amazing magic system, I just want things to be consistent and make sense!
Next chapter!
Perched on the rail of the Sea Dragon, gripping the rope ladder flowing from the looming mast, Aelin savored the cooling spindrift that sprayed her face as the ship plowed through the waves.
Even though the sudden pirate and adventures on the seas element is... well, sudden, I’m all for it. Gimmie some awesome pirate battles!
Tightly grasping the rope, Aelin leaned out, the vibrant blue and white below passing in a swift blur. Not too fast, she’d told Rowan. Don’t waste your strength—you barely slept last night. He’d just leaned in to nip at her ear before sliding onto Gavriel’s bench to concentrate.
You’re in a battle. You’re sailing into almost certain death. Can you not be fucking horny for five seconds please I am b egging. Why couldn’t he have done something pure and sweet like a kiss on the cheek?? Why does everything have to be ~sexual~, SJM?
Aelin again looked ahead—toward those black sails blotting the horizon. The Wyrdkey at her chest murmured in response.
You know what? I’ll take this over “The Wyrdkey between her breasts” any day.
Alien puts on the iron chain to restrain her magic. Rowboat kisses her ass for a bit, then we get this.
“I’ve recovered, I’ll have you know. So this morning’s little display…” “A way to take off the power’s full edge,” [Aelin] said wryly. “And make Rolfe piss himself.”
I hate you.
[Aelin] lifted her head to study [Rowan’s] face, the harsh planes and the curving tattoo. He leaned in to brush a kiss to her mouth.
If Ratlin starts making out during this battle I am actually going to quit. No joke. I’m warning you, SJM.
All anyone on deck saw, she knew, was two lovers embracing. But Aelin tunneled down, down, down into her power, felt him doing the same with his, felt every ounce of ice and wind and lightning go slamming from him into her. And when it reached her, the core of his power yielded to her own, melted and became embers and wildfire.
The actual reason SJM didn’t make a magic system was so she could pull this and justify her OTP making out in the middle of a battlefield. You cannot convince me otherwise.
[Aelin’s] magic whispered to start digging through that ash and silt. But Rowan’s grip tightened on her waist. “Easy,” he murmured in her ear. “Easy.”
If this was a ship I actually liked I’d be living because I love the “loved one helps protag with their uncontrollable magic” thing, but I hate Rowboat and Alien. I can’t even win when SJM uses my favorite tropes.
Alien shits out a huge column of fire out after Rowboat lends her his magic.
Aelin was ripped from his arms with the force of it, and Rowan grabbed her hand in a crushing grip, refusing to let her break that line of contact. Men around them stumbled back, falling onto their asses as they gawked upward in terror and wonder.
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Higher, that column of flame swirled, a maelstrom of death and life and rebirth.
Oh my god I get it, Alien is the most powerful snowflake ever
So apparently this fire shit isn’t even burning or attacking their enemies, it’s literally just a display to the world. So Alien is burning (no pun intended) all of her magic just for a pretty fire display for everyone to fear how ~special~ she is? Holy shit. People actually stan this shitstain.
The flames winked out at the same second [Aelin] reached into Rowan with burning hands and tore the last remnants of his power from him. Just as she ripped her hand from his. Just as her power and the Wyrdkey between her breasts merged.
So apparently Alien gets possessed because she was wearing the Wyrdkey. Idiot, why’d you go and do that, then? So who is possessing her?
“Deanna,” Rowan whispered. [Possessed Aelin] flicked her eyes to him in question and confirmation.
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So for those who didn’t know, Deanna is a goddess mentioned in some of the other books. So the gods have gone from actual gods that were briefly mentioned to spirits who can possess people.... huh.
We switch into Alien’s POV again as she is unable to do anything while Deanna struts around in her body.
And those flames—her flames and her beloved’s magic … they belonged to the Other now. To a goddess who had walked through the temporary gate hanging between her breasts and seized her body as if it were a mask to wear.
Okay, guys, can we be completely honest with each other here? Tumblr user to Tumblr user? Does this bother anyone else?
Am I over reacting? Because I find it completely undercuts the tension of the moment when I’m suddenly forced to picture a Wyrdkey jammed in between Alien’s boobies. IDK maybe I’m just going crazy after being exposed to this book.
Alien busts a nut after hearing Rowboat’s voice and it’s enough for her to gain the willpower and strength to kick Deanna out. Not enough for her to not immediately fuck everything up though.
The ship beneath her, the center and left flank of the dark fleet beyond her, and the outer edge of the island behind it blew apart in a storm of fire and ice.
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God job, Alien! If any innocent people died it’s all on you. Fuck you.
My god. We’re only on chapter 36. I... I’m going to break.....
Aelin drifted down, as she had drifted into her power, the weight of the Wyrdkey around her neck like a millstone— Deanna. She didn’t know how, didn’t know why— The Queen Who Was Promised.
Hm.. that sounds familiar.... lemmie just Google it to see if-
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Didn’t SJM once claim she hated Game of Thrones? Lmfao she’s so full of shit.
What had she done what had she done what had she done—
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Later. Later, [Aelin]’d deal with that rutting goddess who had thought to use her like some temple priestess. Later, she’d contemplate how she’d shred through every world to find Deanna and make her pay.
Okay, but.. is this just Alien fuming or can she, like, actually do that? What are the gods in this world? Are they just spirits who can teleport between worlds I’m?? so confused???
Fenrys takes Alien, since she’s such an idiot who couldn’t save herself from drowning in a puddle, and jumps from the remainders of Rolfe’s ship. Good fucking job, Alien. Can’t wait to see how the narrative justifies this.
Think of that later. Aelin shoved through and ducked under larger bits of debris, past… Past men. Rolfe’s men. Dead in the water. Was the captain among them somewhere?
She doesn’t even give a shit she killed dozens, maybe even more, of innocent people on her side! But I have no doubt she’ll angst about it later but only so Rowboat can fuck her and convince her it’s not her fault even though it fucking is.
While Alien is busy wailing for someone to comfort her poor feefees, Lysandra actually makes an effort to save Rolfe and his first mate even though the sea wyverns are an issue.
Blood laced the current. And not the puffs that had been staining the water since the ship exploded. Great, roiling clouds of blood. As if massive jaws clamped around a body and squeezed.
Ain’t that edgy. We all know SJM is gonna forget all this gore and death took place once the porn kicks in.
[Lysandra] was so tired. Shifting afterward might not even be possible for a few hours.
So amassing the power to shift into a huge ass dragon doesn’t tire you out.... but destroying a few ships with your dragon form. Okay, SJM, okay.
tl;dr Lysandra kills the two sea wyverns and the chapter ends. One more to go for this review... one more....
Assdion’s POV opens up this chapter, where it’s revealed the two sea wyverns Lysandra killed were just juveniles, and there are three adults.
Faster and faster, those three bulls closed in. Lysandra remained at the mouth of the bay. Holding the line.
Even though her magic pisses me off, I think I’m about to stan Lysandra. Here she is, weakened with no magic left, and she’s willing to make a final stand and protect her friends.
The three wyverns spread out, so huge Aedion’s throat went dry. And for the first time, he hated his cousin. He hated Aelin for asking this of Lysandra, both to defend them and to secure the Mycenians to fight for Terrasen.
WHAT THE FUCK??? ASSDION NOT PRAISING ALIEN’S EVERY ACTION???? This can’t be right. This can’t be the Assdion who is only a plot device to kiss Alien’s ass...
Lysandra destroys the last warship and traps one of the wyverns into impaling himself on the remains. Then she leads the other two near Dorian’s tower, where he freezes one of them.
Dorian loosed a battle cry. And Aedion had to admit the king wasn’t that useless after all as the catapult behind Dorian sprang free, and a rock the size of a wagon jettisoned into the bay
Lmao bitch you thought! You've literally done nothing this battle while Dorian is out here killing a sea wyvern so you can climb off your high horse, Assdion. Also, Lysandra loses sight of the final wyvern.
Aedion scanned the bay, rotating in the gunner chair as he did, searching for any hint of that colossal dark shadow— “YOUR LEFT!” Gavriel roared across the bay, magic no doubt amplifying his voice.
Hate when dialogue is typed in all caps. Also magic can now be used as a megaphone? Lmfao aiight.
“SWIM,” Aedion roared, even if she couldn’t hear. “SWIM, LYSANDRA!”
Assdion doesn’t even have Gav’s megaphone magic powers, so you have no excuse for this shit, SJM.
Lysandra swims for the beach and Assdion rushes to her while everyone celebrates. This is a good concept, so like, can anyone write this but with a good ship? Might have to make a self indulgent AU for one of my ships just to scrub away the filth of this novel.
“Open your gods-damned eyes,” Aedion snarled. [Lysandra] snarled back but cracked open an eye. “You made it this far. Don’t die on the rutting beach.” The eye narrowed—with a hint of female temper.
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Why the fuck is temper gendered now? SJM, you saying a woman’s temper is somehow different than a man’s? You implyin’ all women have bad tempers and they should be shamed for it? What the fuck is the point of this?
Aedion drawled, even as his relief began to crumble his mask of arrogant calmness, “The useless sentries in the watchtower are now all half in love with you,” he lied. “One said he wanted to marry you.”
Uh... why you lyin’ Assdion? I think he’s trying to compliment her, but this is kinda weird?
“But you know what I told them? I said that they didn’t stand a chance in hell.” Aedion lowered his voice, holding her pained, exhausted stare. “Because I am going to marry you,” he promised her. “One day. I am going to marry you. I’ll be generous and let you pick when, even if it’s ten years from now. Or twenty. But one day, you are going to be my wife.”
FUCK I would like (some of) this scene if it wasn’t for Assdion..... Someone rewrite this but with a good ship please.
Those eyes narrowed—in what he could only call female outrage and exasperation.
... I’m done. We’re packing this chapter up.
Alien and the others show up and Assdion realizes that Alien used the Wyrdkey and nearly killed all of them. He’s understandably mad but criticism against Alien? Rowboat’s Fae peen says no!
[Assdion] was shaking now, that rage indeed taking over. But Rowan snarled at him, low and vicious, “Save it for later.”
Oh fuck you, Rowboat. You know damn well you’ll never let anyone criticize Alien. This entire fucking narrative sucks up to Alien so much and I’m pissed. If your characters make stupid ass mistakes, punish them for it! Let them know! Don’t pretend they’re perfect uwuu unproblematic babies and let others criticize them without being portrayed as villains for it GOD I’M SO FUCKING DONE
As if SJM is trying to throw me a bone, there’s this.. actually decent scene afterwards. Gav watches Assdion as he watches over Lysandra until she has the energy to shift back. SJM refers to Assdion/Gav as the Wolf and the Lion though, gets kinda repetitive.
Sand crusted [Lysandra’s] naked body, and she tried and failed to rise. The Wolf moved then, slinging his cloak around her and sweeping her into his arms. The shifter didn’t object, and her eyes were again closed by the time the Wolf began striding up the beach to the trees, her head leaning against his chest.
In a better world where Assdion wasn’t an ass to Lysandra and he was a good character... I would ship this. Fuck. Just gonna go casually write this scene but with one of my OTPs  so I can get this sweet gesture without Assdion’s shitty personality.
The Lion remained out of sight and held in the offer of help. Held in the words he needed to say to the Wolf, who had downed a sea-wyvern with one arrow. Twenty-four years old and already a myth whispered over campfires.
Fuck... the way Gav describes his son as an outsider, since Assdion hasn’t accepted him yet... it’s really good. I love this. Damnit why can’t the rest of the novel be like this?
If you guys thought these chapters were bad, buckle up. Because the next chapter is the long dreaded it.
Yup, next time we’re covering the Ratlin sex scene.
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jcmorrigan · 7 years
           I am currently sailing the vast and wide oceans aboard a fairly big ship known as the “Jumba/Pleakley.” I know not how long I am going to be in the obsession phase over these two. I actually got hooked on it a while ago, but I think what kicked it all off was me FINALLY watching Stitch Has a Glitch for the first time and seeing how perfect they were in that. So I wanted to take a little time to tell you why I think this ship is amazing and also why I feel like it’s pretty much canon at this point. Because I seriously do think that at some point, the writers of the Lilo & Stitch extended universe realized what they were doing and barely bothered to hold back.
             When they first meet in the original Lilo & Stitch, Dr. Jumba Jookiba and Agent Pleakley (who we wouldn’t find out had the first name “Wendy” until extended canon kicked in) are complete and total opposites who hate each other’s guts. I personally love ships that start out with some rivalry. This is partly due to personal reasons (i.e. when I was immature in high school, my method of flirting with others was to act like a jerk) and partly because watching a relationship evolve gives it extra strength. If you’re going to go from enemies to friends to pretty much lovers, you’ve got to bond over a lot and come to thoroughly understand each other.
           But let’s stop for a moment and break down the archetypes at play here. You have Jumba, who starts the film as a criminal and has a dark past, ultimately doing the right thing but with his own brand of cheekiness and a little disregard for morality where he sees fit. On the other hand is Pleakley, a naïve cinnamon roll who’s just trying to do the right thing. Does this dynamic remind you of anything? Because it should.
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                The “bad boy/femme fatale” and the “sweet summer child” are a duo that Disney actually LOVES to use in its canon romances. Sometimes they get along from the get-go, but in some cases, like Rapunzel and Eugene, they actually don’t, and once again, their journey is about coming to understand each other and see the beauty in each other.
           Back to Jumba and Pleakley. They remain in pretty constant rivalry throughout the original film; some moments between them could be interpreted…problematically. However, their adventure in attempting to catch Stitch gives this duo kind of a fire-forged quality. You never see one without the other from the moment they’re introduced to each other, and the audience comes to appreciate their opposing personalities as well-played comedy. Even if their chemistry is “We have nothing in common,” there’s still a chemistry there.
           That isn’t to say they don’t have their moments. For one, the disguises they choose to look human after Pleakley insists they need to blend in to avoid panicking the locals are probably meant to evoke the look of a couple. For another, there’s the scene where they observe Stitch’s first night in Lilo’s room. Their fight over who gets to wear the wig is playful, and Jumba posing the question to Pleakley of what it’s like to have nothing, not even memories to look back on, is perhaps the first instance of dialogue they have that isn’t vitriolic. Of course, Pleakley doesn’t actually say much in return, given the fact that he’s just survived a mosquito attack of epic proportions and is in no state to talk…
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              By the way, do we REALLY think he put all those bandages on by himself? Just food for thought.
           When Jumba and Pleakley finally decide to change gears and help Stitch and Nani rescue Lilo as opposed to bringing Stitch to task, they still aren’t really getting along, but the fire-forged aspect of their alliance stands out a lot more. There’s one more scene I really want to draw attention to here. During the spaceship chase, at one point, a blast from Gantu hits the ship in such a way that it nearly misses completely obliterating Pleakley. This is played for laughs, but the way it goes down, he freaks out about almost getting shot…
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              Then Jumba looks back over his shoulder at him after hearing the scream…
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              Then the shot cuts back out to the ships in pursuit.
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              The way this is framed stands out to me. They could have just done the shot of Pleakley’s reading being interrupted by him ALMOST GETTING INCINERATED for the joke, then cut back to the ships. Or they could have gone with Jumba looking back at him, then turning back forward to make some comment to Nani about the structure of the ship being compromised by the gunfire. But what comes across by this shot sequence is that Jumba looks back at Pleakley just because he heard him scream: just because he wanted to visually confirm that Pleakley was okay. I’m not sure if that’s what was intended, but that’s how it reads to me, and I think that shows just how far their bond has come. They started out as enemies forced to work together, but at the very least, they’re used enough to each other’s presence that if one of them cries out in fear, the other is going to check up on him.
           By the end, they both move into the same house, which is a little surprising given the friction between them for the bulk of the film. Again, it speaks to the idea that a bond has grown between them due to all the time they spent together on their mission.
           That brings us to the extended canon, where their relationship after the adventure that brought them together is actually ironed out and explored. There are a couple directions to go here. “Stitch Has a Glitch” is generally seen as taking place before “Stitch! The Movie” and the animated series, at least according to how the Disney Wiki seems to frame it and TVTropes refers to it. Disney itself views the animated series canon and “Stitch Has a Glitch” as alternate universes, but I like to put them under the same umbrella. In truth, I actually think “Stitch Has a Glitch” has to come LAST, after “Leroy and Stitch,” for characterization reasons that I will discuss when we arrive at that point. I won’t be going into anything regarding the “Stitch!” anime or “Stitch and Ai,” as I have little interest in either of those series and don’t consider them part of my personal canon. If you prefer them, then more power to you; I’m sure there’s a lot of subtext to dig up there for Jumba/Pleakley as well.
           To go in the chronology I’ve specified, we’ll begin with an assessment of their relationship in “Stitch! The Movie.” When we start out, they’re roommates, but they obviously still have their differences. When Gantu comes calling, they have an argument over whether or not Pleakley should take and hide the other experiments; Jumba wants Pleakley to take his creations and hide in a box, obviously caring more about the safety of his creations than Pleakley’s well-being. Pleakley, on the other hand, doesn’t consider how much trouble Jumba is in because of the experiments, simply pushing them back because they’re “something evil.”
           This is also the film that further’s Jumba’s personal character arc. It’s not done in any complex manner, but at the beginning, he claims to still be a lone wolf, and is surprised by the end to figure out that he actually is part of a family now, and one that is working hard to secure his safety, to boot. That falls right in line with how he and Pleakley interact at the beginning; we have proof positive that Jumba is thinking only of himself because he doesn’t think he could have a caring relationship with anyone at this point. Pleakley’s stance is more ambiguous, but it probably still carries some bad blood from how they used to be at odds. (Though we do hear Jumba use the term “little one-eyed one” on Pleakley after the argument, which sounds strangely like a term of endearment.)
           When Jumba actually is taken, however, we see Pleakley more distressed. He begins his comical quest of phoning every single planet in existence to see if Jumba is on any of them (“Oh, I get it! Detention CELL PHONE!”). When he and Jumba finally do connect via phone, they’re visibly pleased to be talking to each other again. By the time Gantu and Hämsterviel interrupt the call, they’re completely off topic of the subject of Jumba’s capture; Jumba is in the midst of telling a stupid joke. Hämsterviel commandeers the call, and we’re given that side of the call from Pleakley’s perspective as he hears the demands Hämsterviel lays down. He relates the demands to Nani, and as he gets to “…or we’ll never see Jumba again,” he actually breaks down. While no tears are visible, it’s evident from his tone and body language that he’s either close to crying or he’s actually there.
           Then, of course, when Jumba does return to Earth, he undergoes the revelation that yes, he is part of a family. During the hostage negotiations, we also see Pleakley there to bargain for his life, trying to talk Gantu out of shooting him because “He’s allergic to plasma blasts.” So, no, at this point, while the two of them are shippable, they still aren’t at a place where the subtext can be considered romantic. It does, however, speak to a friendship having developed. We clearly see Pleakley show legitimate concern for Jumba’s well-being since his capture. It’s not as obvious from Jumba’s end, but he does come to terms with the fact that he has people who care about him and, by assumption, people he cares about, and Pleakley falls within this group. And again, we’ve now seen him visibly brighten when Pleakley calls the Detention Cell Phone (I’m still not over that pun).
           As we move into Lilo & Stitch: The Animated Series, their relationship becomes a good deal more filled with subtext. They still pick on each other; that element never goes away, but it’s much more light-hearted. (And, once again, speaking from personal experience, that can mean flirting.) I won’t touch upon every episode (pretty much just the ones I used for my fanfic), but I’ll try to hit the high points.
           “Spooky” has Pleakley outfitting the pair in what are very obviously couples’ costumes for Halloween: once as Cleopatra and Julius Caesar:
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   and once as Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler:
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   (I find it difficult to imagine Pleakley actually LIKING “Gone With the Wind,” but he obviously digs the aesthetic.) This is relationship coding.
           Then comes the infamous episode “Fibber.” This episode’s plot revolves around Pleakley’s family pressuring him to get married to a woman of their choosing. Pleakley tries to escape the obligation by pretending to be engaged to Nani, prompting his family to arrive on Earth to witness the wedding. When Pleakley’s mother arranges for an actual minister to make the wedding legally binding, Nani backs out of the scheme. Of all people, it’s Jumba who fills in as a replacement bride, dressing as a woman and showing up for the actual marriage ceremony. Keep in mind that Nani left because this marriage would have been legally binding. Jumba has no problem with this little catch.
           This episode also demonstrates some of how much more physically comfortable Jumba and Pleakley have become around each other. There’s a gag in which Pleakley forces a human-sized wedding ring onto Jumba’s finger, which is obviously very painful. Immediately after that, we get this shot:
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              Which could be read as “I’m touching the person I’m supposed to be marrying in a convincing way to make it look like I can’t keep my hands off ‘her’,” but, given the timing, I actually see more as “I’m sorry I did that to your hand and this is the best comfort I can offer right now.” Later, when Gantu crashes the wedding to make chaos, as Gantu is wont to do, Pleakley’s first reaction is to leap into Jumba’s arms:
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              And Jumba’s instinct is to catch him.
           The end of the episode also evokes a coming-out narrative, with Pleakley admitting to his family that he doesn’t want to get married (fit a heteronormative mold) and his family chewing him out before admitting that they accept him the way he is. Having this narrative play out juxtaposed with a sham marriage to a male character puts a little extra context around the fact that Pleakley and Jumba were very nearly married.
           “Nosy” has what becomes the usual of Jumba and Pleakley acting like a married couple in public. In order to keep up their charade, or because they actually are that close at this point? But interestingly enough, when Nosy, an experiment obsessed with airing out embarrassing secrets, reveals the dirt he got on Jumba to experiment 625 (who is not yet named “Reuben”), he happens to mention that Jumba has a drawer full of love letters. He never specifies who the letters are to or from, but there are at this point only so many people, and one of the options is super obvious.
           I have nothing to say about “Hunkahunka” because Jumba/Pleakley was pretty much the one pairing that DIDN’T occur and I will be forever bitter about this missed opportunity. (Just as bitter as I will be about there being no Huntsman+Gantu alliance in “Morpholomew.”)
           “Skip” explores an alternate future caused by Lilo messing with time travel (for the second time in the series). Hämsterviel has conquered the galaxy, and Jumba is living alone in the repossessed and broken-down Pelekai house. As Jumba lists off all the woes of the world, he does mention that Pleakley has landed a job as a television fashion critic, and names this as the one bit of “good news” he has. It’s small, but significant in that he has actively seen Pleakley’s life turn out better than his own and calls it good news. He’s not jealous at all. He’s just happy because his other half is happy.
           “Snafu” features an interesting B-plot in which Jumba and Pleakley admit that they do not fully understand the concept of “love” (which has interesting implications as to society in the Galactic Alliance outside of Earth) and set out to research it together. From the get-go, that’s already a ship trope: the duo who is always together sets out to find the true scientific meaning of love. What gets me is when Pleakley first proposes his study. He actually suggests the idea to Jumba while doing this:
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              Again, these two are very physically comfortable with each other at this point, and I can’t say I know many people who are “just friends” who would get into this position casually, especially while talking about the meaning of love. Anyway, Jumba shoves him off and rejects the proposal, but is brought back around to it when he realizes the power of love could potentially be used for evil. Somehow. Pleakley goes along with him on this. For most of the series, whenever Jumba brings up doing anything for evil, Pleakley uses that as a point of criticism; he still has a strong moral compass, while Jumba insists, even after three years of heroic deeds, that he is a villain (NOBODY BELIEVES YOU ANYMORE, JUMBA, SO JUST DROP IT ALREADY). However, even when evil experimentation is on the table, Pleakley is willing to drop the argument just so he and Jumba can work on the project together.
           This culminates in the pair mixing several comical ingredients (stale Valentine’s Day chocolate, sand from a romantic beach, puppy saliva) into what they believe to be the distilled essence of love. Jumba then hands it to Pleakley, and Pleakley drinks it. I’m going to reiterate this; Jumba gives what he believes to be the DISTILLED ESSENCE OF LOVE to Pleakley, who DRINKS IT IN FRONT OF HIM. You have to wonder what they really EXPECTED to happen, knowing that love is a bond between two people. Of course, it does nothing. (Please do not try drinking melted chocolate, sand, and dog spit at home.) But if your first instinct upon holding the essence of love is to hand it over to your close friend to have him drink it, I think you already have a slight idea of what love is, and it has something to do with that friend.
           For my final exhibit pre-Leroy, I want to talk about something that did not happen in the show proper, but, if sources are correct, almost did. It was by a very happy accident that I stumbled upon this original deleted storyboard for “Ace,” dubbed here by Ron “Keeper1st” O’Dell (who does a VERY accurate job of capturing each character’s verbal tics): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4QWt8Hbl4g 
           First of all, wow.
           Second of all, WOW.
           I’m still reeling from the very fact that the original plan was for Jumba not only to get kicked out of E.G.O. because he PERSONALLY went in to save Pleakley from drowning, meaning that he valued Pleakley above his reputation as an “evil genius” after all, but to say along the way about Pleakley, “His existence is meaningful to me.” That right there feels like a coded “I love him.” Do you know what I would personally give to have somebody say that about me?
           Then there’s what comes after: the expressions they trade after Jumba states that family is more important. The toast Pleakley tries to make to Jumba to call out how kind of a person he actually is. And then, of course, because Jumba is a rascal who can’t just let someone call him kind and get away with it, he arranges for an entire strawberry pie to get smacked in Pleakley’s face. Some things never change. But the scene in total is very full of heart, and it’s also very in line with how we’ve seen the relationship develop over the series. Jumba and Pleakley obviously ARE very important to each other. They’re roommates, they almost got married, and even though they argue all the time, they always do try to come to each other’s rescue (Pleakley bargaining for Jumba’s life in “Stitch! The Movie” and Jumba chasing down and confronting Gantu to rescue Pleakley in “Poxy”). By now, their interactions are very sweet.
           What really propels them into OTP water for me during this phase of the canon is just how much time they have to interact with each other. Even the big promoted heterosexual power couple, Nani and David, don’t show up in all that many episodes together, but Jumba and Pleakley are in pretty much EVERY EPISODE with something to say about each other, either good or bad. There’s always a new interaction to incite feelings, whether they’re relatably picking on each other or becoming closer in a heartwarming way.
           But “Leroy and Stitch” is a whole other ball game. The conclusion of the series, canonizing it as having taken place over three years, it begins with the alien members of the Pelekai household becoming recognized as heroes by the Galactic Council and going their separate ways to realize new destinies. Jumba is reintroduced to his old laboratory, where he begins creating a brand-new experiment. Pleakley is given a supervising professor job at a university, which disappoints him because he thought he would be working with students, but that is not the case. And Stitch becomes a captain, piloting his beloved Big Red Battleship. One of the themes of the film is that while it is important for Lilo to learn to let her loved ones go, when they’re all apart from each other, they become miserable; the people they care about are more important than titles and honors.
           With Jumba, however, this is realized in a rather telling way. Once he makes progress on his new experiment, take one guess who the first person is he calls out for to come see what he did. Yes: it’s Pleakley. Jumba specifically calls out for Pleakley to come look at his work before realizing that Pleakley isn’t there. Oh, wait, did I say Pleakley was the “first” person he calls out to? Make that the “only” person he calls out to. Because he doesn’t mention “626” or “little girl” at all. He calls for Pleakley, realizes he’s alone, and immediately pops in a record of “So Lonesome I Could Cry.”
           Hämsterviel then takes him hostage, because it’s seemingly Jumba’s destiny to become Hämsterviel’s hostage at least once every three years. During this time, Pleakley is also coming to terms with the fact that he misses Jumba. He deliberates between whether or not to call Jumba by looking back and forth between a phone and…oh, what’s this?
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              A picture of Jumba and nobody else that has a permanent home on Pleakley’s desk!
           When he makes the call, Jumba tries to get him to stay away without giving away Hämsterviel’s presence. This prompts Pleakley to try a line on him that has become INFAMOUS in the L&S fandom: “Are you sure you don’t want to talk to your Aunt Pleakley? I’m wearing the wig!” Okay, at this point, the writers aren’t even trying to hide the relationship coding. This is pretty much canon.
           Hämsterviel forces Jumba’s hand, and Jumba tells Pleakley that he never wants to see him again. This results in a display on both ends of how much they care about each other. Pleakley fires off his own barrage of insults before the call ends, at which point he just lays his head down on his desk and cries. This angst lasts for all of five minutes, but I think you just can’t help but feel for him at this point. The other half of his dynamic duo just told him he never wants to see him again, and he’s reduced to an emotional breakdown. I personally think that Pleakley in general is in need of as many hugs as he can be given, but ESPECIALLY at this moment.
           Jumba, on the other hand, says one of the most poignant lines in the entire L&S canon when it comes to their relationship: he tells Hämsterviel that making him be mean to Pleakley was the most evil deed of all.
           I just want you to sit back and think about that for a minute when compared to how Jumba treated Pleakley in the first film. They were a fire-forged alliance, but Jumba also regarded him as a nuisance and wanted to be rid of him. We’ve now come so far that Jumba thinks Hämsterviel making him be mean to Pleakley is THE WORST EVIL OF ALL. He has to know that at the other end of the galaxy, Pleakley is having a breakdown. He knows Pleakley too well to NOT realize this is happening. And that has to be giving him his own version of turmoil.
           But of course, saying “I never want to see you again” does NOT ACTUALLY STOP PLEAKLEY, who shows up at the laboratory not five minutes later, just in time to get captured by Hämsterviel as well. And then you have this exchange:
           “I just wanted to make up!”
           “Next time, send flowers.”
           Don’t you tell me this isn’t canon at this point.
           Anyway, let’s fast-forward to after the great Leroy vs. experiments battle until the very end. Once again, our heroes are presented before the Council for saving the galaxy. As the Councilwoman tries to present them with their honors, Jumba, Pleakley, and Stitch all decide to go back home to Earth instead. But Jumba and Pleakley’s body language as they say it is worth noticing here. Jumba tells the Councilwoman, much like in the “Ace” storyboard, that his ohana is more important than his evil genius status. But as he says this, he reaches out and…
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              He doesn’t make physical contact with Lilo or Stitch. JUST Pleakley. And it’s the timing of these things that makes a very important link. When he touches Pleakley while talking about how family is more important, he immediately associates the two concepts. Pleakley is his definition of family.
           And Pleakley turns this right back around. He gets out of Jumba’s grip for a moment, telling the Councilwoman he quits his “non-teaching teaching job.” She asks him to clarify, and he yells, “Crazyhead! I wanna go home!” And as he says that, he does this:
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              Again, making the same association: he considers Jumba his definition of home.
           Also, while I haven’t tracked every single instance in the series, you’ll notice that while the pair is very physically affectionate, Pleakley is generally the one who initiates it. This time around, it was all Jumba’s idea. This signifies to me that a sort of barrier is breaking down around Jumba; he’s always been okay with Pleakley touching him casually, but he hasn’t ever felt motivated to initiate the contact himself. Now, he feels the need to display his affection a little more outright, and that ends up carrying over into “Stitch Has a Glitch.”
           Now, the reason I place “Stitch Has a Glitch” after “Leroy and Stitch” is because of the great stride made in the relationship. In the animated series, Jumba and Pleakley are dancing around each other. “Leroy” has their affection for each other become much more blatant. In “Stitch Has a Glitch,” they’re flat-out dating and you have no evidence to disprove this. And I have to say that “Stitch Has a Glitch” actually offers up the icing on the relationship cake that moves them from just a really cute ship with squee-worthy interactions to one of my incredibly valuable OTPs.
           The premise of “Stitch Has a Glitch” is that, due to Stitch having faulty energizing at his birth, he is breaking down, having fits of physical violence that herald his eventual death. It’s sort of a metaphor for illness, physical or mental, and how it can change a person, in my eyes. During all of this, Jumba is the first one to know what’s going on, since it has to do with his work. And he was going to hide that fact away from the rest of the family. Because Poor Communication Kills and we needed a plot device? That’s the argument I see brought out a lot of places, but really, I think Jumba trying to keep it a secret is an important revelation about his character. He’s afraid of Stitch dying because of his failures, and he’s ashamed to admit that he’s the source. He wants to quietly solve this problem without it coming to light that he indirectly put Stitch in so much danger. This is new ground for Jumba, who we have so far seen as swaggeringly confident. We hardly ever see him at a loss emotionally, and seeing his armor be pierced is armor-piercing for the audience, at least where I was concerned.
           As I said, he tries to keep it a secret. But Pleakley knows right away that something’s off, and when Jumba tries to slink away to the lab aboard the red spaceship, Pleakley follows him, begging, “Include me! Include me!” And after some light pestering, Jumba does. Yes, Pleakley did annoy him into it, but if Jumba REALLY wanted to shut him out, I think we all know he could have found a way. Instead, he opens up to Pleakley and Pleakley alone about his secret. He and Pleakley put their heads together to try and create the fusion chamber that will give Stitch back his life force, resulting in some comedy around them trying to hijack the necessary technology such as the toaster.
           But the first version of the fusion chamber fails, and Jumba loses confidence that he can build one, as he admits the first one he ever used on Stitch was not even of his own creation. We finally see Jumba at his lowest, having lost all faith in himself. And here’s where it gets amazing. Pleakley is the one to talk him up, reminding him that he was the one to create Stitch in the first place, asserting Jumba that he not only can create the life-saving machine but is the only one who can do so. And this works.
           When Jumba recreates the fusion chamber, he steps forward to turn it on, and falters. “What if it does not work?” he asks.
           Pleakley responds by gently touching his arm and saying…
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              “It will.”
           Pleakley has absolute and utter faith in Jumba, and actually succeeds in restoring Jumba’s own self-confidence, which he has never truly lost before, at least that we have seen. (Another reason why I think this film fits best in the canon going LAST, Nani’s job notwithstanding.) That’s what makes this relationship go from adorable to beautiful. These two aren’t just infatuated with each other. They’re just THERE for each other. They’ve left behind all the vitriol and hatred that they used to harbor for each other, and they’re ready to support each other emotionally. This is something that can get me to fall for any ship instantly: if the involved parties build each other’s confidence up.
           And you wanna know the best part? The fact that it’s PLEAKLEY acting as the emotional rock for JUMBA. Because if you’ve been paying attention, you’ll recall that Pleakley is usually NOT emotionally stable. HE’S usually the one who breaks down at the first sign of trouble. HE’S the one more likely to cry, to lose his cool, to worry that the worst is about to happen. But when Jumba needs him to be strong, he steps right up to the plate.
           We’ll just cover a few more interactions that all but canonize the ship in the final moments. As Lilo races toward Stitch in the spaceship, the others are scrambling to climb a cliff face to reach them in time, and let’s just say…did I mention that Jumba and Pleakley are VERY physically comfortable with each other?
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              And to a less in-your-face degree, after Stitch is revived by Lilo’s love, Pleakley asks how that’s possible, and Jumba informs him it isn’t:
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              And once again, this is Jumba initiating contact with Pleakley, showing how much his barriers have come down.
           Finally, during the closing scene, we have the entire Pelekai family dancing together, especially Jumba and Pleakley:
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  Juxtaposed, I might add, with Nani/David, who are the overt “canon” couple showing PDA:
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So, in conclusion, Jumba/Pleakley is a ship with a lot of development over the course of its universe. It starts out as a rivalry, develops into a fire-forged alliance, becomes a close friendship, and settles into an obviously coded relationship. These two have perfected the art of pretending they wouldn’t drop everything to protect each other when in reality, they totally would, and whenever one of them is in true distress, the other is right there, whether it’s the threat of Gantu and Hämsterviel or the loss of faith in oneself. We can’t objectively call it the greatest Disney romance (we’re all agreed that one’s Belle/Beast, right?), but it’s up there among the greats.  
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