#‘no I haven’t slept in two days and I have plans you’ll have to wait’ so the Christmas movie ending thing obv not an option
h0neyfreak · 9 months
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intotitties · 11 months
❃ A night to remember
pairing: Kit Tanthalos x reader
warnings: fem!reader, kit is a black cat around everyone but a golden retriever with jade and reader, no use of y/n, 18+ topics but no smut, js kissing, reader has seen Kit a few times but didn’t realise she was the princess before, her mother made her basically never leave the house and work indoors
song: “A night to remember” by beabadoobee and laufey
a/n: it was really fun to write, i hope you’ll enjoy:) if you want to request smh don’t afraid to! english is not my first language but i tried my best to find all the mistakes.
“I swear i have seen her before” Kit sighed as she swinged her sword in Jades direction.
“Yeah? So maybe you should go on a adventure, looking for a girl that you slept with in your dream” she replied sarcastically and repelled Kits attack.
“Oh spare me” she put her hands up, signalling end of the training, “i don’t even remember what she looked like” she groaned and put her sword to its scabbard.
“I don’t know, maybe you will see her again in your next dream” she laughed.
Dreams. Kit got many dreams in her life, but none of them could compete with that one she’s got a week ago. She’d never forget about that pretty girl underneath her white sheets, the soft kisses they shared and the night they spent.. she could remember every detail about that dream, the warmth, the scent of the other girl, the things she felt.. yet she still couldn’t remember her face.
After the training Kit went straight to the dining room, where her mother was already waiting for her.
“Where is Airk?” said Sorsha as Kit sat down next to her.
“I’m here mother” Airk showed up before Kit could answer, sitting down next to his sister.
“Good, now if you let me” she said as she stood up, “since you are getting married to the princess of Galladoorn” her gaze turned to Airk “there will be a party in two days, and i expect you two to show up” she announced.
Marrying a person you haven’t even seen before.. Kit gave her brother a look full of compassion. She didn’t even imagine what he must feel right now.
A weird feeling hit her when she noticed a girl talking with an older maid. Strange warmth filled her heart and a blush crept onto her face as she watched her every move.
“Kit?” Sorsha snapped her out of her trance, making Kit look at her.
“Sorry mother, i’m not hungry” she said as she stood up, when her eyes traveled back, the girl was done.
She ran to the older maid “Excuse me, do you know this girl you were talking with?” she asked politely.
What a stupid question.
“Oh, of course! She is my daughter” the old lady smiled “is there something wrong with her?” she asked worriedly.
“Oh no, no! My mother wants her to help with the food and everything at the party” she improvised, a nervous chuckle left her mouth.
The maid gave her a slightly suspicious look, because ber daughter wasn’t even working in the castle but before she could say anything, Kit was already on her way to Jades house.
“Calm down!” annoyed moan left Jades mouth as she had to listen her best friend ask her about the same thing for the 10th time.
“What do i even do” she cried.
“Make her a bouquet, give her something yours, be creative!” Jade hit Kits shoulder.
“Will you help me?” she looked at her, almost begging for help.
It’s not that Kit was totally clueless about romantic stuff, she was just kinda inexperienced and lost in the feeling. She’s got some little crushes before, but never asked anyone out. She was too scared of rejection, but this time was different.
For the rest of the day Kit and Jade were looking for the perfect bouquet to impress the girl from her dream.
The next day she was planning everything from the start of the party to the end. But i guess everything went to hell when she saw you in the crowd. The feeling of deja vu hit her when she took a longer look of your face.
Flowered blue dress with green corset made you look in her eyes like some goddess, making her even more nervous.
“She is so attractive” she mumbled into Jades shoulder, hiding her flushed face.
“Go talk to her” she answered.
Kit blew up every chance she got to talk to you, which annoyed Jade even more. She even brought her a drink to help her relax, but it didn’t seem to work. And this is how the past hour passed.
Eventually, Jade got mad and intervened. She dragged Kit to the dance floor, where you were talking with someone and pushed her at you, making it look like an accident.
“Oh i am so sorry! Are you okay?” Kit said, her voice trembling.
“Yeah.. yes i’m okay” you answered quietly.
After a longer moment of awkward silence she asked “Do you want to.. dance with me?” her hand waiting for you to grab it.
You nodded shyly and grabbed her hand, she guided you through the crowd to get more space to dance. Her hands rested on your waist as you slowly wrapped yours around her neck, making her slightly pull you closer.
You two swayed to the music “I feel like this happened before” you said quietly, smiling softly under your nose at how absurdly it sounded.
She wished she could see the smile of yours for the rest of her life.
“Well, it’s happening now” she looked into your eyes.
“Have i seen you before?” you said as you scanned her face.
“You don’t know me?” she asked in slight disbelief.
“Should i?” you replied with a nervous chuckle.
She took your hand again and led you through the hallway of the castle, you followed her without hesitation.
“Are you gonna tell me where are we going or i should start worrying that you want to kill me” you heard her quiet laugh at your words.
While the two of you were walking, a small but meaningful to you conversation started. Just about your hobbies, interests, nothing big but you two seemed like you’ve known each others for years.
After a longer while you could see a big garden with a lot of flowers and a big tree in the middle. It was dark outside so the only source of light came from the windows.
“We shouldn’t be there! The queen’s gonna be mad” you whispered, however she didn’t seem to care.
Kit sat down under the apple tree and signalled you to come closer “You look so pretty” she said as you stood in front of her.
A slight blush decorated your face. You sat down next to Kit, her hand brushing against yours “We are gonna get in trouble” you mumbled.
She sighed and looked you, you could notice her gaze on your lips “That might sound crazy but.. with you i feel like i belong somewhere” she said, looking at the cloudless sky “and i know we don’t really know each other but i would really like to get to know you better”
“Maybe it was meant to be like that” you grabbed her hand and looked at the sky as well, “you didn’t tell me your name” your face turned to hers.
“Kit, Kit Tanthalos” she said hesitantly.
The realisation hit you immediately, you were flirting with the princess! “this is so wrong, i shouldn’t be here” you stood up as fast as you could, but she was faster to grab your hand and keep you in place.
“There is nothing wrong with this! Please.. wait here for a minute, promise me” she said, begging you to stay.
You sighed loudly and sat down under the tree again, she disappeared immediately.
Kit couldn’t believe that she forgot the gift she got you. She was never running this fast, the risk of loosing you from her sight again was too high. She grabbed it quickly and ran back to the garden.
When she got back, you saw her with a big bouquet of jasmines, yellow roses and forget me nots that she was holding. Your mouth slightly opened as you watched her get closer.
“Where did you get that?” she sat next to you and gave you the flowers.
“Save those questions for later, i still have something to give you” she showed you a pretty ring “it’s amazonite” she put it on your ring finger and kissed your hand “i hope it will always remind you of me”
“It will, thank you.. but i don’t have anything to give you” you said, feeling genuinely sad “oh! wait” you said as you took off your necklace “it was my grandmas, it’s ruby stone” you kneeled behind her and put it on, she smiled at your gesture.
“Do you like your gift? It was really hard to get” she laughed under her nose.
“Why are you doing this?” you said quietly, she looked into your eyes again.
“Sometimes, people listen to their hearts and do things that they don’t really know why they are doing” she got closer to you, one of her hands traveled to your cheek.
“I guess they will figure it out” you whispered.
Her lips brushed against yours as you closed your eyes. She laid you down and kissed softly - as if she would hurt you if she kissed harder. You deepened the kiss and put your hand on her neck what gave her more confidence. The kiss got more comfortable as you two got lost in the moment. You could feel her smile between the kisses. Nothing else existed, it felt like you have experienced this before.
Maybe you did, in another universe?
taglist: @lxxk2sua @rin-idk @that-one-little-soybean @venusbequiet @vster0769 @cherryflavoured7777 @lightwhoranoutoflight
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Hi! Can I request some Genderbend Sleeping Beauty x Isekai Reader? (Please no princess reader I've seem them everywhere on qoutev)
Yandere Genderbend Sleeping Beauty x Iseakai'd Reader
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Tending to a human man the moment you’d been dropped into this alternate world was not the ideal position. Originally being instated in the castle as a charity-case servant you hadn’t made any connection to the fairy tale. Not until the head butler brought you to a familiar trio of faeries; dressed in blue, green, and red. 
“My my their magical signature is quite–”
“--I was going to say, perfect for the worst-case scenario.”
Supposedly because of your outlier existence, the faeries had designated you to be their human help. Should the prince–Briar Rue fall into the curse of the spindling wheel he’d need constant care. It was a contingency plan, a tragic plan to set everyone in the kingdom to rest until the princess would return to save him with her kiss. Unlike the kingdom, the prince’s curse was cruel: continuing to let his bodily functions continue as he slept away. 
“It’s just in case.” 
“Yes, not likely at all.”
“--All because it just doesn’t work on you.”
“Mariwether!” “Mariwether!”
“Sorry, forget that I said that please!” 
That was why in the span of a week you were meeting and serving the cursed prince that had spent the entirety of his life in a forest. A position that would have many of the staff sneering at you as waited on the prince’s hand and foot.
“All of this is so overwhelming (Y/n)...I don’t want to marry a girl I haven’t met. Even when I’m so madly in love with another.”
The prince was doing an iconic Disney Princess mope, leaning against the barred windows of his room in the castle. You continued to fold away his forest attire, smiling to yourself as you replayed the animated version of the fairytale. 
“Well I have a feeling you’ll meet her sooner than you may think.”
He turned his sorrowful gaze to you, tilting his head at your ominous smile. He questioned you no further, opting to conversate with you about the ‘modern’ nuances of popular society. Which you were just as uninformed about as him. Needless to say, the both of you were on something of a learning curve, relying on the staff and fairies to fill the both of you in. 
Two days. 
Two days ago he was learning alongside you how to waltz. The day you were dismissed it was in an explosion of emotion. A reaction of his overwhelmed self in this stressful environment; had you sent away and retiring early. Living in such a hierarchy was new to you and your knowledge of the future meant nothing at the intensity of his order. That being said you didn’t blame yourself when the fairies arrived at you, heads hanging low with tears in their eyes. 
As agreed upon you had begun your caretaking duties of the prince. Waking every morning to wash, dress, change his magic feeding trey, and placing the medieval equivalent of a diaper as the day forged on. Whether you are familiar with the task of caring for someone so intensely it soon becomes a habit for you. Becoming a part of a mundane routine for yourself. Care for the prince, have breakfast, read some outdated literature, and repeat. After the first couple of days, you got quite used to the hollow echoing chamber of an otherwise empty castle. Minding the unconscious staff and royal families; it was bliss. 
While you certainly had the time to teach yourself the rules and etiquette of the time, this couldn’t have been the healthiest way to go about it. Without the commentary or viable presence of others, you had begun to speak out loud. Talking to sleeping bodies and non-sentient objects had become you’re normal for the following month. A commonality of that time was being freaked out when any of the fairies decided to make themselves young; they were considerate usually catching your attention in a flurry of sparkles. A fair warning, for whenever they came to grieve.
Towards the end of the month, their visits had a different tune; singing their praises of the princess who was fighting the malignant Sorcerer king. As evident by the distant roars and green swirling sky, this would be over soon. 
“I-I am here to kiss the prince!” 
She came to the castle frazzled, wounded, and on shaky legs. You adamantly refused, practically fighting her to eat and let you treat her wounds. In fact, it was similar to how you had been treating the prince for the past couple of months. Shouldering most of her weight as you bathed and dressed her; a process that only seemed to embarrass you. You figured as a princess this might’ve not been so out of the ordinary making it easier for you to send her to sleep. After all that you scrambled to do the same to Briar, and with a sense of finality you carried out your routine. 
Cheering to the sleeping Briar, “What do you think of that Sleeping Beau? Your beauty is here and we’ll both be free!” 
Waking the next day you finally cooked for someone else, watching as the princess scarfed down her meal only to shake at the door of Briar’s tower. Having full intentions to give them their space, you were shocked by the forceful grip on your apron. 
“D-do you think it’ll work?”
“Of course, I do, your grace! I’m sure you will recognize that he’s someone you’ll enjoy kissing awake. Now if–”
“You have to come with me!”
“W-what!? H-hey!” 
Without heeding your struggle, she curled her arm around your torso easily hoisting you up along with her as she speedily ascended the tower to the sleeping Briar Rue. It was oddly easy for her to bring you to the room the prince was sleeping in. Leaving you in shock as she began to fiddle with her cape and kilted armor. 
“M-maybe i-if I take M-mom’s idea I’ll b-be m-more confident to kiss him!”
“Ah what was your mother’s idea?”
She went silent at your question; returning your curiosity with a blank stare before shaking her head. Scratching at the back of her head she mumbled to herself before anxiously gripping the handle.
“I–i’ll just wait until h-he’s awake then.”
“A-anyway do you really think I can do this?”
“O-of course.”
Her nervous demeanor was grating on your nerves, probably because you were more than minutes away from seeing this whole debacle being solved. After minutes of deliberation the princess opened the doubled doors revealing the hauntingly beautiful image of the sleeping beau. She made an audible gasp at the sight. 
Shining in the angled light of the setting sun, the stained glass windows of his temporary chamber flashed the mosaic of colors across the sleeping prince. Blonde flowy hair splayed out around his crowned head. His face was still, cheeks oddly rosy and lips perfectly puckered with their own touch of red. He looked ethereal and you couldn’t help but internally pat yourself on the back. Whether or not you were familiar with makeup in the modern world, this world wasn’t particularly fond of the attractiveness of healthy color. But judging by her continued awe the smashed berries you got were a good idea. 
“Whoa he’s the fellow from the forest…” She marveled at him tentatively rubbing at his folded hands. She bent forward slowly, lips slowly inching forward before she abruptly pulled away turning from the one act that would end this all. Her worried eyes darted around before falling on you widening with an idea. 
“H-h-how about we do this together?”
“Excuse me, what?!” 
“Like we both kiss him at the same time s-so that I-I won’t be l-lonely when I do this!”
“What! Why do you want me–a servant of all things to kiss the prince with you?”
It was a viable question; unless she felt threatened by you. But knowing the princess it would be for something less daunting—
“B-b-because! This is my first time k-kissing a prince!” 
You shook your head in disbelief but relented when she puckered her bottom lip at you; making the equivalent of prayer hands with her face. You entered the chamber gazing at the both of them before walking around the bed to his lower right side. 
“How about this Princess, I’ll kiss his hand and you will kiss his lips though I’m certain it is absolutely unnecessary.” 
“Alright! W-we er I can do this.”
With newfound confidence, she positioned herself near his face on the left side of the bed. She looked back at you while making sure you were also in position. To which you nodded urging her to go on. 
You originally weren’t going to follow through, faking your involvement but even as she went in for the kiss you still found her gaze flashing toward you. So you followed through lightly pecking the back of his hand, standing up you got to catch a glimpse of the magical moment. Pulling away from the waking prince she nervously peeked with one eye as Briar blinked his own eyes.
“Y-you? From the forest and…”
He looked to the right, blue eyes landing on you or they would have been if the three fairies hadn’t taken your place near the bed. 
“Oh, Rue!”
“You’re awake!”
“Yes but–”
“We must awaken the whole kingdom! We must celebrate!”
Any concerns the awoken prince would have had were brought to a hush under the cheers of the fairies and the castle’s jovial celebration. Their prince, to the kingdom’s knowledge, had survived the curse and was reunited with his love: Princess Phyllis of the neighboring kingdom. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay for the wedding?”
“No no I think I’m ready for…the quiet once again.”
“Surely Rue would be happy to see you on his big day!”
“Yes! Yes! I can conjure up something for you! In blue of course.”
“Yuck, that’d be a crime! Obviously in red!” 
“Now here you go again–!” “Why I oughta–”
You stepped away from the bickering faeries, continuing to hug the fae in green. 
“Thanks again for letting me have that cottage, Floran. I really appreciate it.”
He shifted his glasses, magicking a basket full of food into your hands after you hurriedly adjusted your pack’s strap. 
“Deary it’s of no trouble, after all. We have no reason to use such a lovely space. And I’m sure it’ll offer you the quiet you’ve grown so used to.” 
He smiled wiping away imaginary dust on your shoulder as he held your upper arm.
“Just be weary, you know we won’t stay away forever now. We’ll be sure to visit.”
“And when you do I’ll be glad to welcome you.”
You both shared a laugh as you had begun to walk to the mule you were discreetly gifted by the royal family. It was decided that you’d be released from your duties both at your own request and at the faeries' discretion. With vague compliments, the royal family could quietly thank you for your mysterious role in ‘solving’ their Prince’s curse. Phyllis was adamant, as she could be, about thanking you but the fairies were stern about keeping quiet. During this time you found no time to speak or so much as look at Briar without it being from the perspective of a bystander by a passing celebrity. You didn’t mind. And it most certainly didn’t stop you from letting the mule lead you to the cottage Briar Rue had hidden in before, more than willing to enjoy the silence and relaxation of the cottage life. 
Briar fought the urge to yell as Phyllis went into another tirade about her adventure. Sat near the window of the seamstress’ tower as she was fitted for her wedding gown. An event she and his parents eagerly insisted he attended. It was a brazen attempt to make them get along despite the obvious lack of interest on his side of things. 
“B-briar? Er-Rue? D-did y-you hear the l-last thing I said? A-about the d-dragon and the w-wounds I got? I-it’s kind of crazy y-you know b-because when I finally got to the c-castle–”
How did this wake him up?! 
It couldn’t have. He knows it. The nights he’s spent hearing warbled words and grunts didn’t make his heart pound for her. Or the warm touches along his chest and arms, they were evidence of someone else. But no matter how much he wracked his brain the thought of who remained a mystery. 
Faun assured him it was a small side effect, that the cloudiness of waking up was sure to hover over his consciousness for the next week. That was why he got tired every time he tried to recall the time before his cursed sleep. 
“B-briar? A-are–d-do you h-have any questions a-about that day?”
“No Phyllis I’m just trying to remember…”
“Oh okay. S-so, as I was saying (Y/n), was there and th-”
That’s what it was! That’s who it was!
The piece he’s been missing: the memories of the week before. His heart, straying from his so-called love for the mysterious woman in the forest to the clumsy handmaid. He remembered cursing himself and then cursing at (Y/n), sending them away while ignoring the pain in his chest. What could it be, to so quickly change the object of his affection? Was it a problem that when he thought of love all he could see was their face? And even if he was truly devoting his love to (Y/n) instead of the mystery maiden, who turned out to be Phyllis the princess, then what could he do? As a prince himself, he would have no choice but to abandon you in worry that his royal family would reject you for the nobility’s standards; if not for their own biases. It was an endless cycle of heartbreak that had no end. 
When the dark sorcerer’s curse came about, he was entirely lucid. Only refusing to follow the green foreboding glow to stew in his own grief. Audibly sighing at the entrancing orb, he only raised his head when the orb transformed into a figure.
“Come child, it is your time.”
“How can it be my time when all is so helpless.” 
He tucked his head into his folded arms, hiding his sniffles and bubbling tears as they fell onto the table below. Missing the smile that spread over the sorcerer’s face as he feigned a giddy pity as he patted the prince’s back. 
“There there, the faeries spoke of a true love’s kiss. Now I’m sure that you’ve found someone you love?”
The question was rhetoric, the sorcerer was well aware of his rendezvous with the princess in the woods. The sorcerer was certain of this, and it brought a greater smile to his face that he had already acted on this. 
“Y-yes…but–well–I’m not sure if it's true love! Since it’s changed so much…” 
Feigned sympathetic pats on Briar’s back, allowed the fireplace to morph. Lined in green flames a portal opened opening to the tallest tower within the castle where a new glowing orb waited patiently. 
“Now young Briar, the only way to know would be the ultimate test would it not?”
He sniffled, “What do you mean?” 
“What better test for you’re love than sleep that can only be broken by true love? Do you not want a method that is tried and true?”
“Tried and True?”
Giving into the trance the prince rose from his seat, guided by the hand of the one who cursed him. Settled behind his back as he nudged him into the portal and in the direction of the green light. Aware of his curse he followed dutifully, wiping his tears and rubbing his dribbling nose. He came to the orb that materialized into a glowing spinning wheel, needle piked and practically begging for his puncture. Briar reached forward stopping just a hair’s length away to turn to the sorcerer who was growing agitated. Face full of worry and trepidation he pleaded with the horned man. 
“H-how will I know that the one who wakes me is the right one? What should happen if the one who stands above me when I wake is the one? There are those who might trick me or–” “Fine then.” 
The sorcerer’s voice boomed as he stepped heavily towards him, chest to Briar’s face he held a green flame in his hand. Blue eyes snapped to the flame registering the sound of a snap before the sorcerer pulled away. 
“I’ll let you hear everything.”
He opened his mouth to question the action, stopping to let out a scream as his ears burned. He stumbled to the side, nearly falling to the ground as he clutched at his ears groaning from the pain. The sorcerer groaned pulling a hand from the side of Briar’s face in the direction of the wheel. Pinpricking his finger, releasing the hand as the prince retracted his hand inspecting the wound. Eyelids drooping and knees buckling before sending Prince Briar Rue into the beginning of his eternal slumber. 
“There dearest Rue, you can hear everything. Even the cries and pleas of all those who come to mourn you by your bedside! I applaud you for your creativity, suffering for eternity will surely bring you an even crueler existence than I would have given! Hahaha.”
He was right. It was cruel to remember having doubted (Y/n) as they cared for him. It was they who had read to him and spoken to him while he was trapped in an uneasy slumber for the entirety of thirty days and thirty nights. Now he was meant to marry the mere attraction of his past, it was truly a nightmare. The only solace he could find was in their servitude. If he couldn’t have them in the way of a lover he’d have them in the way of a king. It sounded cruel but surely that was just because the thought was in his head.
It would all make sense the night before the wedding when he’d call them after the dreaded bachelor party. He’d confess his love within the solace of the private garden he’d been gifted, taking them under the moonlight and the stars as his witness. Oh, how he’d dread the morning! When he would have to repeat such false vows as he betrayed them one time last. But that would be the end of it, the rest of himself would be dedicated to (Y/n) and (Y/n) only. 
Or that would be if that wasn’t who he thought it was in the window—
“H-hey! T-that looks like (Y/n) r-riding on that donkey! Doesn’t it Briar?”
Rendered speechless at the sight of your riding form disappearing into the bustling capital city. He could only stifle a fit of frustration as he recognized the familiar trio of red, blue, and green. Post haste he attempted to leave the room stopped by the hand, and following consequences written all over Phyllis’ face. He’d wait for now but when he was done…they’d surely be hearing from the angered and fully awoken prince.
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mynameismckenziemae · 10 months
Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone-Chapter X
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x Female Reader (no use of y/n)
A step forward together.
(previous chapter here)
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6 weeks later
Your heart is still pounding as the adrenaline works out of your system as you step out of work.
Bob picks up on the first ring. “Hey! How’d it go?”
Today was your first solo flight (minus the physician and pilot of course) and you’d hardly slept the night before due to the excitement and nerves.
“I was on call with Dr. Kennedy. We got the patient transported in one piece and stable so that’s a win in our field.”
“That’s great! I’m so proud of you. All that worrying for nothing,” he replies.
“Yeah yeah, I know” you laugh, “Hey, Rowan’s calling, I’ll see you later?”
“Sounds good, love you”.
“Love you too.”
You hang up and accept Rowan.
“Sunny, hey! I got the job!” She squeals.
“I knew you’d get it! Congratulations! When do you start?”
“Ha, so they want me to start in 3 weeks. I put my 2 weeks in earlier today and started looking online at apartments but I haven’t had much luck yet, do you know of anyone that’s renting or even looking to sublet?”
An idea pops into your mind.
“Actually, I might. Let me do some checking and I’ll get back to you. I’m so excited you’ll be living here, and for you to meet Bob”.
“I can’t wait either. Let me know what you find out?”
“Will do! Talk to you soon!”
“What would you think of me moving in now?” You ask as you’re running your fingers through Bob's hair, his head in your lap.
“You know I’d love it. I thought you wanted to wait until Penny found someone to talk the apartment though?” He asks, looking up at you.
“Well, Rowan got the job and they want her to start in 3 weeks, hardly enough time to find a place on her own. I was thinking about offering her the apartment.”
“Oh, that’s great! I’m sure Penny would rather rent to someone she knows than a stranger too.” He lifts his hand to grasp your chin. “I also would like nothing more than to wake up to your sweet face every day.”
You smile and place a kiss to his hand. You call Penny and she is happy to rent it out to Rowan, whom she’d met when you’d visited with her in college one spring break.
Next, you call Rowan back and offer her the apartment, which she accepted only after you assured her she wasn’t kicking you out.
“Sunny, you’re a fucking lifesaver. You have no idea how much of a headache you saved me. I owe you a night of margs” she laughs. “The 23rd work for ya?”
“I’ve got Jake and Natasha’s engagement party that night at the Hard Deck-Penny’s bar. Will you come?”
“Oh, no, I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“You wouldn’t be! Natasha has been dying to meet you and it’s very low-key. There’s always a bunch of cute guys in uniforms there too” You smile as Bob narrows his eyes at you before laughing himself.
“Well, I’ll think about it then. Got any pictures of these cute guys in uniforms?”
You slowly start bringing a box or two every time you go over to Bob’s. It doesn’t take long before you have most of it moved. You leave a lot of the furniture since Rowan’s coming from a furnished apartment herself and Bob has everything already.
2 days before Rowan’s arrival, you take Penny to dinner. You know you’ll still see her often, but the time living so close was special. You’re both close to tears as you thank her for everything she’s done for you.
On the morning of the 23rd, you get a text from Rowan.
Rowan: Hey, I’m ahead of schedule. I couldn’t sleep last night so I drove straight through. I should be at Penny’s by 11. Do you want any help setting up for the party?
Sunny: Sure! Bob and I are planning to get to the Hard Deck by 4. Penny should be home to let you in, otherwise, the keys are under the grill cover.
Rowan: Great! Thank you again, can’t wait to see you!
Sunny: Me either!
Later, you hear the bathroom door open while you’re lathering your hair.
“Can I join you?”
“Of course,” you reply, sliding the door open, “what time is it? I told Row we’d be there by 4-ohh” you sigh
Bob comes up behind you, hands coming around to cup your breasts, erection poking your back. “A little after 3.”
“I don’t know if we have time baby,” you moan as he rolls your nipples.
“Should’ve thought of that before you walked around all morning in that little thong and my shirt” he kisses your neck.
“I wasn’t—“ you start to argue but he interrupts you.
“And then you left said thong on my pillow,” he bites your neck, “you knew exactly what you were doing, don’t even start.”
You smile as you tilt your head, allowing him access. Busted.
“Dirty girl” he bites where your shoulder meets your neck, “what am I gonna do with you?”
A sharp slap to your ass makes you gasp and then moan ass he rubs the sting away.
“Why don’t you start by getting on your knees and show me how sorry you are?” He says, turning you in his arms before guiding you to kneel.
An hour and a half later you walk inside the Hard Deck on wobbly legs, Bob’s cum seeping down your thighs since he told you ‘Dirty girls don’t get to wear panties’. You fail to suppress your shiver.
You had sent a text to Rowan, apologizing for being late and that you were on your way, but she hadn’t replied. Maybe she’d fallen asleep.
“Sunny!” You hear 20 minutes later as she wraps you in a hug.
“Row! Sorry I was late, I was uh-preoccupied?” You chuckle, a little embarrassed. “Hey, this is Bob, my boyfriend.” You say as you release her.
“Nice to meet you finally, I’m Rowan,” she says, shaking his hand, which he returns with a smile. You notice she’s a little out of breath and flustered.
“Are you feeling okay? You look a little flushed.” You ask.
“Yeah, I’m good. Just a little nervous is all.”
That’s not like her at all. Weird. “Don’t be! Everyone’s gonna love you. Oh, there’s Bradley now. I’ll introduce you.”
Bradley’s cheeks are ruddy and his hair is a little messy as he nods when you catch his eye. His eyes widen when he sees Rowan behind you.
“Bradley, this is my good friend Rowan from college. She’s the engineer moving here from Colorado, staying in Pen’s apartment,” you turn to Row, “and this is Bradley, my childhood friend. Our dads flew together in the Navy”.
“Rowan. That’s a pretty name. What does it mean?” Bradley asks, giving her heart eyes. You have to bite your lip from smiling.
“Little redhead. I bet you can figure out why my parents chose it” she smirks, holding out her hand. “Great to meet you, Bradley.”
He takes her hand. “Likewise” he murmurs, looking at her lips, which turn up into a seductive smile.
Oh, she’s going to eat him alive.
The end (for now!). It’s been so fun! I’m going to start on Bradley and Rowan’s story soon, I’ll be posting their mood board too I think.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
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Thank you to @trappedinfanfiction for this ask. By now, we know that me and 100 words can't go in the same sentence, but under 600 is a feat for me! Thanks for letting me explore my favorite bromance a little more, Tif!
Book: Open Heart (Prequel) Characters: Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick Rating: Teen Words: 558 Summary: New roommates Ethan and Tobias, have an enlightening conversation after a rough night. Does it set the tone for their Hopkins years? A/N: Participating in @choicesseptemberchallenge2023 Day 25, Surprise
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The sound of the curtain being shoved aside wouldn’t be so offensive on a typical morning. It wasn’t a particularly loud or harsh sound, but then again, this wasn’t a typical morning. Tobias groaned audibly as he rolled to the side, forgetting he had slept on the sofa. He was quickly reminded as he crashed to the floor, a trail of curses falling from his lips.
“What the hell are you doing, Ramsey?”
“Joining the land of the living... it’s nearly noon.”
“What does it matter? It’s our day off.”  Tobias shaded his eyes. “Would you close that damn thing!”
Ethan reluctantly pulled the curtains back with an exasperated sigh. “I didn’t realize you were such a lightweight, Carrick!”
“Lightweight?” Tobias protested. “A, I had a lot more to drink than you. B, I didn’t come home and crash... no, I crashed directly into the lovely Linda... or was it Laura? Lydia!! Lydia... I think...  where did she go, anyway?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Ethan rolled his eyes. “I guess you don’t recall how mortified Lisa was when I walked in on the two of you... crashing... on the couch.”
Tobias rolled on his back, staring at the ceiling thoughtfully. “Oh, yeah...” he droned as realization washed over him. “I vaguely remember her grabbing her things and rushing out.”
Ethan chuckled as his eyes fell on a red lace thong draped over the corner of an armchair. Lifting it gently between his thumb and forefinger, he threw them in Tobias’s direction.
“Not all of her things. It looks like she left a souvenir behind.”
Tobias shifted to sit up, a proud grin morphing on his lips. “Souvenirs... not a bad idea...we have four years of adventures ahead... maybe we should start a memory box for all our...encounters.”
“Yeah, I’m going to pass,” Ethan laughed as he fell into the armchair. “Wait...” he stiffened, “is it safe to sit here?”
“Oh, yeah. If memory serves, we never made it over there.”
“That’s a relief! As I was saying, I think I’ll exercise a little more... discretion in my extracurricular activities.”
“Discretion is overrated. And not for nothin’, Ramsey, but you’ll have to have extracurricular activities before worrying about how you’ll handle them.”  
His roommate’s smug expression raised ire and put him on the defensive. “Perhaps I’m just discrete enough that you’re unaware of them.”
“Nah,” Tobias chuckled. “I notice everything. For example, I’ve noticed how you’ve been eyeing Vincenza in Dr. Phelp’s class.”
“I have not!”
“You haven’t?” Tobias raised a brow. “Shit! If you’re not interested in Chenza, that means she’s fair game... you don’t mind if I...”
“Cut the shit, Carrick!”
And there was the smug expression again. “I knew it. So... what’s your plan?”
Ethan sat silently for several moments before surrendering. “I’m meeting her for brunch; it’s a study thing.”
“Right,” Tobias leered, “That’s what they call it... studying.”
“It is!” Ethan laughed, stepping up to grab his jacket. “And I have to get going, or I’m going to be late.”
“Wouldn’t want that,” Tobias smiled, rolling back to his side.
“Are you going to get up?” Ethan asked.
“Sure, in another two or three hours. I should be fully recovered by then.”
Ethan shook his head with a laugh as he walked out the door. It was going to be an interesting four years.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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not-a-seagull · 4 months
PRISON CELL – 08: “Illegal Crowcave Logging”
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Background: Prison Cafeteria.
Music: None.
Eiden: Ready to tell me why you’re here?
Quincy: ……
Quincy: Like I said, you should leave this place quickly.
Eiden: And stay out of your business too, right…? Well, not only am I still here, I’m also one of your new neighbors…
Quincy: Reckless move.
Eiden: Edmond and I resolved to help— and three heads are always better than one, right?
Eiden: Besides, an opportunity like this, without any guards around, doesn’t come around often. It took a whole lot of planning, you know?
Quincy: … You won’t leave until I tell you?
Eiden: Bingo! Looks like we’re finally on the same page.
Quincy: … *sigh*
Quincy: Not long ago, I got word from Topper that, in a distant region of the forest, a precious species of tree was being cut down in huge quantities.
Music: BGM 023
Eiden: You mean… the crowcave trees?
Quincy: You’ve heard of them?
Eiden: Edmond told me about them on the way here… But how come you got arrested? The Warden said you attacked the guards outside the prison…
Quincy: I did.
Eiden: Uh, care to elaborate? Why did you attack them?
Quincy: I had to get inside this place to learn more.
Eiden: Wait, so you got yourself arrested on purpose so you could investigate? Are you saying the prison is somehow involved with the illegal felling of crowcave trees?
Quincy: I spotted the Warden among the culprits.
Quincy: A few of the guards, too. They worked at night and were dressed differently than usual.
Eiden: … So you’re saying… they’ve been denouncing the illegal fellings all while doing exactly that?
Quincy: Yes. But I haven’t found out what they’re using the trees for or who exactly is involved.
Quincy: Crowcave trees emit a scent that protects the surrounding plant life from pests, but they take a long time to grow. As such, cutting them down affects the entire forest.
Quincy: I have to find out what’s going on and stop them.
Eiden: I see… So that’s why you were so cold before, you were trying to hide your identity?
Quincy: ……
Quincy: I wasn’t being cold.
Quincy: … I just haven’t slept well since coming here.
Eiden: (That was morning grouchiness!?)
Eiden: But, hold on… How come you’ve been ignoring me these last few days? I’m here to help you, you know?
Quincy: … My plan was to find evidence of their crimes and then deliver retribution.
Eiden: Deliver retribution…
Eiden’s heart rate increases slightly as he ponders the meaning of Quincy’s words. His gaze falls on his clans member’s muscular arms, his unconsciously clenched fists.
Quincy: This is the quickest way. It’ll be troublesome if you get involved.
Eiden: Forget that… There’s no way Edmond would ever agree to this kind of vigilante justice…
Quincy: ……
Eiden: Ah, so that’s why you wouldn’t talk to us… You were worried we might try to stop you?
Quincy: … Yes.
Eiden: But now that you’ve told me everything, does that mean you’ll let me help?
Quincy: … No choice. you threatened me.
Eiden: Alright, looks like we’re definitely on the same page.
Quincy: … *sigh*
Eiden: Whew~ That took some work, but it was worth it. I might suck at Topper-nese, but i get an A+ for Quinglish, right?
As if in reply to eiden’s question, the little white blur speeds up onto the table and, making sure to hide between the two men, munches on a small scrap of bread.
Eiden: Topper!
Quincy: He can move around and find useful information much more easily than we can.
Topper: *squeak*... *squeak* *squeak*!
Quincy: He says he was shocked to see you here. He guessed you must have committed some crime and was worried about you.
Eiden: Topper, I’m moved! No one’s as good to me as you~!
Topper: *squeak* *squeak*!
Topper lifts his head and rubs his cheeks against both men’s palms, then, bread in hand, speeds off like a tiny flash of white lightning.
Eiden: So what did Topper find out?
Quincy: … He didn’t find the crowcave lumber, but he did find something unusual.
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Background: Prison Workshop (closed.)
Music: None.
Edmond: At ease! Line up in an orderly fashion to take your brooms.
Inmates: Yes, sir!
Eiden: ……
Eiden: (Ah… Edmond, what a sight for sore eyes…! The air in here just got a whole lot sweeter~)
Edmond: Ahem! Daydreaming, are we?
Eiden: I have something to report, sir. Could I speak with you once I’m done sweeping?
Music: BGM 023
Edmond: I see, so Quincy is investigating the illegal felling of the crowcaves…
Edmond: I cannot and will not sit back and do nothing if the prison is involved in such a serious crime.
Eiden: (Ahaha, I knew he’d never go along with Quincy’s whole ‘deliver retribution’ plan…)
Edmond: So, what have Quincy and Topper discovered?
Eiden: Topper found a hidden passageway that opens up near the senior guards’ office and exits outside the prison. Seems like it’s only used by the Warden and a few select guards.
Edmond: Hmm, I don’t recall any such passageway in the prison blueprints. Sounds very suspicious…
Edmond: If, as Quincy suspects, the Warden is behind the illegal fellings… it is highly likely he has been using said passageway to transport the fallen crowcave lumber.
Eiden: But why would they bring it inside the prison? Wouldn’t it be in their best interest to get rid of it as soon as possible?
Edmond: As far as i know, in recent years, the majority of crowcave products sold at market have arrived ready-made.
Edmond: As such, it has been nigh on impossible to trace them back to their sources.
Eiden: Ready-made…
Edmond: Thinking about it carefully, a connection could easily be made.
Edmond: They first bring the lumber to the prison to be processed, then take the finished products to sell to the nobility…
Eiden: Take it to the prison to be processed…
Eiden: Ah! Quincy mentioned something about this workshop!
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Background: Prison Cafeteria.
Music: BGM 023.
Quincy: Each inmate is assigned a different work task every day, except for those assigned to the carpentry workshop. They also work different hours to the rest of us.
Quincy: I approached one of them during break time to ask about it.
Eiden: And what happened?
Quincy: … As soon as i approached, he attacked me with a fork and got himself thrown in solitary.
Eiden: W-Wait, you mean 9527?
(End of flashback)
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Background: Prison Workshop.
Music: BGM 023.
Eiden: … So in the end, he didn’t find anything out…
Eiden: But there’s definitely something fishy about this place… I’ve been assigned to clean the workshop several times already, but i’ve never seen a single person in here working.
Edmond: Indeed… very suspicious. What’s more, the shift chart lists the Warden as the one and only supervisor for all carpentry tasks.
Eiden: Remember 9527? The one that picked a fight with Quincy. How about we go have a little chat with him?
Edmond: 9527? I read his medical report just this morning.
Edmond: He seems to be of a very delicate disposition. Apparently, he has suffered from nightmares while in solitary confinement and now sits around muttering gibberish to himself all day.
Edmond: Who knows how long it could take him to recover?
Eiden: (Sounds a little too delicate if you ask me…!)
Eiden: But that means…
Eiden: he hasn’t been able to work in the carpentry workshop the last few days, right? In that case, they should be a little short-handed…
Edmond: You’re right…! If the Warden really is using inmates to process illegal goods, I’m sure he plans to fill the vacancy as soon as possible.
Eiden: And I know the perfect way to help him do just that…
End of chapter.
Background Images: NU Carnival wiki.
Transcript: did it myself, with the help of this video.
Last chapter: Prison Cell 07 | Next chapter: Prison Cell 09
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elliebyrrdwrites · 5 months
Dramione Blurb 8.5
There was no DNA match for the blood Draco found on the wall at the crime scene. They were, however, able to determine that it belonged to a male. It was too little, unfortunately, to be able to detect the trace of magic in the blood, according to the forensics unit at the DMLE.
“The victim,” Harry sighed as he fell into his chair at his desk. “Is a pikey.”
Draco’s eyes shot up from the report he was reading. He stared at Harry who was staring back at him, expectantly.
“A what?”
“A gypsy.” Harry sighed and sent the report he held in his hand to Draco’s desk. “They move frequently, never stay in one place for long.”
Draco stared at Potter, trying to wrap his head around the idea of this sort of lifestyle.
“Sort of how Ron, Hermione and I once lived.” He shrugged and continued, ”This particular gypsy typically travels with other gypsy witches and wizards. They are not registered with the Ministry. They live within their own little code of ethics and laws.”
“That’s bizarre,” Draco murmured as he scratched at his chin. He had not been able to shave and the stubble along his chin was starting to itch as it grew back. After convincing Granger to stay at Harry’s, Harry went with her to pack up her belongings, vehemently denying Theo and Draco entry into her home.
Theo had ignored her and followed them into the Floo.
When they returned, she had ignored him and disappeared into the bedroom Harry had kept for her.
Theo stayed behind to guard the house while Draco and Harry went back to work, still working out the evidence in the case.
“Belinda Giles.” Draco read her name aloud.
“We have no idea what her heritage is.” Harry shrugged. “Gypsy’s don’t keep records like that.”
“Let’s still run her DNA through the Muggle registry.” Draco tossed the file onto his desk and leaned back in his seat. He ran two hands over his face and rubbed furiously. It was late and he hadn’t slept much the night before. The days all really sort of blurred together.
Harry was staring at his desk, unseeing the mess on it. “I haven’t seen Ginny since the party.”
“Are you avoiding her?”
“What?” He looked up at Draco. “No, this whole thing with the case and you and Hermione...” He lifted a hand, gesturing across the room. “It’s all very tiring.”
“But that hasn’t explained why you aren’t married to her now. Or why she doesn’t live with you. You are engaged to her, aren’t you?”
With a groan, Harry threw his head back against his chair. “Of course!”
“Why hadn’t you set a date, then?”
Draco stared across the room as Harry stared at the ceiling, with no answer. And then, “I don’t know. I guess I’m afraid to?”
“You love her, though.”
Harry pulled his eyes off the ceiling and looked over at Draco. “Immensely.”
He nodded, slowly, as he leaned back in his own seat. “Then let her continue on with this charade. Let her plan a wedding, call her bluff.”
“I’ll end up married in three months.”
“But you’ll have her.”
Harry blinked several times before he leaned forward, folding his arms onto his desk. “How long have you been in love with Hermione?”
Ugh. Draco rolled his eyes and stood from his desk. This is why he didn’t talk about feelings, in general, as a rule. It seemed to prompt people into believing he was going to spill all of his little secrets into their waiting hands.
“Nope.” He collected the reports from today’s victim and proceeded to leave the office. He wasn’t really sure where he was going, just that he was going to go. And avoid this conversation with Harry bloody Potter.
Potter, it seems, was relentless in his pursuit. He followed Draco out of the office and into the empty floor. Empty cubicles and dim lights filled the space, void of any other life aside from Harry and himself.
It reminded him of home. Except, Potter spoke much more often than his mother ever did. She spent most of her time taking tea with other socialites and even then, she barely spoke.
“Clearly it must have been sometime during school,” Harry mused as he followed Draco through the maze of cubicles.
“Why didn’t you ever pursue her?”
Draco abruptly switched course, changing his direction for the lifts.
Harry Potter was quick, always a seeker.
“If you’ve been in love with her all this time, why were you sleeping around with half of Wizarding London all these..oh!” Harry abruptly called, as if coming to some sort of a realization. “Well, that makes sense.”
“What?” Draco glanced over his shoulder, to find Potter nodding to himself. “What makes sense?”
“Nothing.” Came Harry’s much too quick response.
They were standing in front of the lifts, now. Draco didn’t push a button, he just stared at the doors, as if mentally willing them to part.
He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he considered Harry’s questions, all valid really. But he wasn’t going to tell him. If anyone deserved to know those answers, it was Granger. And well, she hadn’t asked them.
He opened his mouth and immediately shut it, fearing something like honesty spewing forth. And then words did spew out, and Draco halfway suspected that orb had some sort of lasting effect not yet realized. “What was I supposed to do? She was playing house with Weasley.” He scowled at the doors of the lift. “She might as well still be with him, judging by the bit of information I’ve gathered, already.”
“Well,” Harry began but Draco wasn’t done.
“And what was I supposed to do had I gone to attempt to woo her? I was an untrained blood traitor. Had I dated her, what would have become of it? She’d have a target on her back. I mean, there is a fucking serial killer out there looking for women just like her for Godric’s sake.”
“But you’re back and pissing your scent all over the place.”
Draco scoffed with little humor. “I’m not pissing anywhere,”
“You literally got into physical altercations with two men who are known to show interest in her, in less than 24 hours.”
“I didn’t start them.” He sniffed.
Of course, that was a lie. He did start the one with McLaggen. It was satisfying. The one with Weasley was less intentional and all…visceral. Like previously stated, he didn’t mean to do anything, he simply couldn’t have helped it.
Harry snorted and reached a hand to ring for the lift. “I think we need sleep or a drink.” The doors opened and both men stepped in.
“Either works for me.” Draco replied as they began their ascent to the atrium.
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preciousprentiss · 2 years
Prompts of Hotchniss - Chapter 16
Prompt: Person A and Person B finally get married.
My beautiful bride.
Running her thumb over the writing on the front of the envelope she was holding while sat on the edge of the bed in her hotel room, Emily worried her bottom lip with her teeth in an attempt to keep herself from crying and ruining her mascara. She had already cried four times that morning, leaving Pen to have to clean her up and apply another coat every time, and the technical analyst told her that she would kill her if she had to do it again. 
She tried to blame her emotions solely on her raging hormones, but she hadn’t been fooling anyone and she knew it. She was an emotional wreck because after four years, four incredible years with him, she was marrying her soulmate.
In just under three hours, Emily Prentiss would no longer exist and she would be known henceforth as Emily Hotchner.
Just the thought of that was enough to give her butterflies.
She was reminded of the envelope in her hand when one of the boys kicked and pulled her from her thoughts, a sigh leaving her as she rubbed her bump through her dress to calm him. Her mom, Pen and JJ had taken Soph to the park across the street so she could have some time to herself and read Aaron’s letter without any distractions. It was a cute little thing they decided to do weeks ago since the two of them were sticking to tradition and keeping from seeing one another until Dave walked her down the aisle.
She wrote the soppiest stuff in hers, but she knew he did the exact same thing.
Deciding she should probably start reading before the girls got back, she took a breath and opened the envelope before unfolding the letter and grinning like an idiot as she began to read.
I knew this was going to happen.
This is literally my third time trying to write this stupid letter and I know what I want to say, but no idea how to write it down and so I think I’m just going to wing it like I did the proposal because that went well enough. I mean, I wouldn’t be writing this right now if it hadn’t gone to plan. 
All right, here goes.
You have no idea how obsessed with you I am. How much I love you. 
You can stop shaking your head at a piece of paper, Em, because I know I’m right. 
Yeah, I tell you I love you all the time and I buy you stuff to remind you of that on occasion, but I’ve never actually told you just how much I love you because there isn’t a word suitable enough to describe it. Like you, the love I have for you is so unique and just impossible to define. I’ve loved before, you know that and I won’t pretend I haven’t, but the love I have for you is entirely different to that.
I remember waking up with you after our first night together and not believing it because I thought I dreamt the whole thing. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed lying there with you in my arms while you slept, but I honestly believed it was a feeling that would pass the more you stayed at my place. Well - and you are so gonna love me for admitting this, I know you are - I was totally wrong. It’s been four years and you being there is still the first thing that makes me smile every day.
Not only do I love lying there with you and watching you sleep because you do that adorable little nose scrunch thing (I can call you adorable because you can’t punch me, but you’ll probably get around to it later anyway) but also because I get to feel the boys move since both of them are early risers like me. Em, I mean it, I have no idea how you sleep through all that kicking. I thought Soph was a kicker when you were pregnant with her, but she was nothing compared to them.
Speaking of our kids, the four of them are just another reason why I can’t wait to marry you. I want to prove to them that I’m serious about you and I don’t want anyone but you. When we first got together, Jack worried we would get bored in time and break up and he would have to get used to having somebody else in his life. It hurt me to hear him say it, but it made me see he needed me to prove to him I was crazy about you and you wouldn’t be going anywhere. Us having Soph was the first step, but I think it took us getting engaged for him to be sure.
I know Soph won’t remember anything about today, but it’s still important to me that she’s there to hear us say our vows. I promise I’m not going to just say mine and forget about them in a couple days. I’m going to remind you of them all the time and I’m going to make sure I take every opportunity to kiss and hold you, no matter if the kids are there or not, because you really need to know how I feel.
I love you, honey.
Not just today. Always. 
This letter is getting stupidly long, so I think I’m gonna leave it here because the longer it takes you to read it the longer it’ll take for you to walk down the aisle and I’m enough of a nervous wreck as it is. I don’t need your tardiness making it any worse.
I’m so excited to see you walk down the aisle. You’re going to look so gorgeous.
I’ll see you later, Mrs Hotchner-to-be.
Folding the letter back up with trembling hands and pushing it back inside the envelope, she put it down on the bed and stared at the ceiling in an attempt to keep the tears in her eyes from falling. Up until now, she thought she couldn’t love that man more than she already did. She thought it was impossible, but he’d just gone and proved her wrong. That letter of his was the most beautiful, heartfelt thing she had ever read and she was in no doubt of his love for her.
He was always complaining to her and others that he didn’t have much of a way with words, but he was wrong and she would kill him if he dared say that again.
She was just starting to pull herself together when she heard a gentle knock on the door. Expecting it to be the girls back from the park, she got up from the bed and walked across the room before opening it to see Dave standing there. “Oh, wow...” She breathed as she looked him up and down, admiring the suit he had on before looking him in the eye and noticing he was blinking back tears. “No! No, you can’t cry. If you cry then I’ll cry and then my mascara will go everywhere and Pen will kill me. I’ve been a mess all morning, so please keep it together.”
Taking her face in his hands beneath her veil, he stepped closer to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead before drawing back again and brushing his thumbs against her cheeks. “You have never looked more beautiful.” He told her quietly.
“Not helping, Dave...” She teased. “You coming in? The girls took Soph out.”
“Sure,” He nodded before letting his hands fall from her face so he could follow her into the suite. “How are you feeling?”
“Nervous,” She admitted. “I could do with some Dutch courage, to be honest.”
He smirked. “And how are my beautiful little nipotis doing?”
“I was a bit worried because they hadn’t been moving around as much as usual, so Aaron called my OB and she managed to squeeze me in,” She said. “She told me everything is fine with both of them, they just haven’t got that much space in there now and so their movements are limited. It also doesn’t help that Rowan is such a chunk and Ryder is so tiny because Rowan’s taking up the room there is and Ryder is a little squashed. Not much longer though, thankfully. Two months.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa...” He held a hand up while she sat. “Rowan and Ryder?”
She laughed at that. “Aaron and I were flipping through a book of baby names to get a little inspiration the other night and Jack found us. When we told him what we were doing, he asked if he and Soph could pick the names and we thought it was a good idea. We sat them down and even though it was a risk, we promised we would go with the names they picked out. Because he’s older, we let Jack go first and he chose Ryder because it means ‘mountain warrior’ and he thought it sounded super cool. Aaron and I love it too because he’s so small but so strong. It was just luck that Sophia picked out the name Rowan really.”
“You excited? It must feel more real now.” He sat down in the chair opposite her.
“The two of them are all I can think about at the minute,” She told him, running a hand across her bump, her gaze falling to the proof of her babies for a second before she looked at him again. “My OB says Ryder has put on weight since the 4D scan and she’s pleased with his progress, so it’s seeming much less likely they’ll have to be delivered early and spend some time in the NICU. He’ll still be smaller than Rowan at birth, but it shouldn’t take him too long to catch up with him. Knowing all that has changed a lot, so Aaron and I did some shopping and we found Moses baskets for them. They’re already up in the bedroom.”
He chuckled. “He’s not stopped going on about the three of you all morning.”
“Is he doing okay?”
“Yeah, he is. Nervous, obviously, but I have never seen him so happy before.”
“That’s a relief. Not changed his mind yet then.” She joked.
“That man wouldn’t change his mind if you beat him with a brick.” He scoffed.
“Don’t give me ideas, Dave,” She smirked at him. “That might end up being my go-to if he winds me up while we’re away.”
He snorted with laughter at that, but her phone beeped before he had chance to say anything else and she got up from the bed to walk over to the dressing table. “Mom says the cars are outside. Soph’s legs are hurting, so they’re gonna head to the house because they don’t want to drag her up here just to take her back down again. I’m glad of that though, she’ll get to spend some time with the boys before the ceremony and that should keep her quiet,” She glanced at him before responding to her mother, turning her phone off and putting it in her clutch bag. “I guess we should take that as our cue to get going too.”
“Let’s wait ten minutes,” He told her. “Be fashionably late. Make the man sweat.”
“That’s so cruel,” She feigned shock. “I like it.”
“So, ten minutes?” He raised an eyebrow at her.
“Ten minutes,” She nodded. “Ten minutes...”
She barely had time to drink her water and put the glass on the side before the music she and Aaron picked for her to walk down the aisle to - the instrumental version of Songbird by Fleetwood Mac - started playing, her heart racing as she walked over to Dave before taking his arm with a trembling breath. “You good? You can take a minute if you like, he knows you’re here so no need to worry.” She heard him whisper while he brought his free hand up to give hers a stroke.
“I’m okay,” She assured him. “Well, I will be once I’m down there with him.”
“In other words, you want me to just shut up and start walking.” He translated.
“Yeah, pretty much,” She beamed. “Thank you for filling in for my dad. You don’t know how much I love you for it.”
“And I love you,” He kissed her on the cheek. “Now, let’s get you down there before Hotch sweats through his shirt.”
The two of them shared a smile before she tightened her hold of his arm, her other hand tightening its hold of her bouquet of flowers as she allowed him to lead her through the French doors that opened out into the back garden. Before she had even made it off the patio, the guests had risen from their seats and turned to watch her walk down the aisle. She was grateful to them all for coming, of course, and she managed to give the odd person a smile when she caught their eye, but her main focus was on the handsome man waiting for her under the wedding arch. He had told everyone that he wasn’t going to cry at the wedding, but she could definitely see tears rolling down his cheeks.
She would tease him about it when they were on their honeymoon, but for the time being she would simply enjoy it.
It took less time than she had thought it would to make it down the aisle and join Aaron beneath the arch, and once she had dropped Rossi’s arm and handed her bouquet of flowers to Garcia she turned to face him with a soft smile. “Is it too early to kiss the bride?” He teased, moving her veil out of her face with his fingers. “You look so beautiful.”
“You don’t look too bad yourself,” She reached up to brush the tears from his cheeks. “You ready for this?”
“Definitely,” He nodded. “You?”
“More than ready…” She assured him, taking his hands in her own. “Let’s get married.”
The two of them turned to Richard, the officiant, then and the smile he gave them told them he was ready to begin. “Dear friends and family,” He addressed the guests. “We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Aaron and Emily. In the years that they have been together, the love they have for each other has grown, turning them into the couple standing before you. Now, they are ready to spend the rest of their lives as husband and wife. A true marriage starts well before the wedding day, and the efforts of marriage continue long after the ceremony. A brief moment in time and the stroke of a pen are all that is needed to create the legal bond of marriage, but it takes an entire lifetime of three things – love, commitment and compromise – to make marriage durable and everlasting.”
He cleared his throat before continuing. “Emily and Aaron are here today to marry each other. No one else’s will can create such a union. It is their words, their intentions, their vision, that must define and shape their marriage. So, I call upon them both now to state their promise before this group: the pledges that will bind them together.” He fell silent once he’d said his piece and handed the microphone to Emily, clasping his hands as he stepped back slightly.
“Here you are.” Garcia whispered as she handed a folded-up piece of paper to her.
“Thanks,” Emily smiled before dropping Aaron’s hand in order to unfold it, the look on his face causing her heart to race when she took his hand again and squeezed it before looking at the words she’d written. “Aaron, I’m so proud that today I become your wife. I love you. I love the way you act like an idiot to make me laugh whenever I’m having a bad day. I love how you have to push my hair back when it’s in my face and I love how you take the opportunity to kiss me whenever we’re at a stoplight on our way into work,” She couldn’t help but laugh when he chuckled quietly.
“Today, I want to make promises to you that I promise I’ll always keep. I promise to never stop holding your hand, I promise to give you the same love and support that I give to our children, I promise to stand by your side when you face the world and listen when you have something to say and I promise to grow alongside you but never grow up. More than any of that though, I promise to love, respect, protect and trust you, and give you the best of myself, for I know that together we’ll build a life far better than either of us could imagine building alone,” She paused for just a second as tears blurred her vision. “Today seems like it’s the start of a new journey for the both of us, but I already belong to you. Falling for you wasn’t falling at all, it was just walking into your life and knowing I was home.”
Looking him in the eye again once she had finished reading her vows to him, she took a step closer to him and ran her thumb across his knuckles as she watched a tear roll down his cheek. The two of them looked at one another in complete silence for a time, nothing else mattering but them, before he reached for the microphone and cleared his throat. “There’s no way I’m going to top that, but let’s see how this goes,” He chuckled, making her and the guests laugh. “Em, I love you without knowing how, or when or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without any pride or complexities. Loving what I know of you and trusting what I don’t yet. Home, in my opinion at least, is wherever you and our kids are. I love you not for what you are, but what you are when I’m with you and that’ll never change.”
Even though there was a lump in her throat and she was fighting back tears, she still managed a quiet: “I love you.”
“And I love you,” He ran the back of his hand down her cheek, brushing his thumb against her hair. “So much.”
When Richard moved closer to the two of them once again, Aaron handed him back the microphone before slipping both hands into his bride’s again and smoothing his thumbs across the back of her palms as they both took a deep breath. “I think the fact that I can’t see a single dry eye says more than I ever could about those vows,” Richard said as he looked out at the wave of guests for a second. “Now, it’s time to move on to the declaration of intent. Do you, Aaron, take Emily to be your lawfully wedded wife, to share your life openly, standing beside her in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, in hardship and in ease, to cherish and love forever more?” He inquired, looking at him.
“I do.” Aaron replied without hesitation, nothing but love for the beautiful woman standing before him in his eyes.
“And do you, Emily, take Aaron to be your lawfully wedded husband, to share your life openly, standing beside him in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, in hardship and in ease, to cherish and love forever more?” He asked.
“I do, I definitely do.” Emily nodded, not caring in the slightest that her impatience was showing through.
“That’s excellent,” He smiled. “Now the rings, please.”
Aaron and Emily both turned their heads in order to watch Jack walk towards them with their rings on a pillow, their pride in him evident on their faces when he came to stand beside them and held the pillow up a little. “Now, Aaron,” Richard continued. “Please take the ring you have selected for Emily. As you place it on her finger, repeat after me” He watched silently as he took the diamond ring from the pillow and eased it onto her finger. “Emily, I give you this ring as proof of my love. I ask you to wear it as a sign to the world that you are my wife. With this ring, I thee wed.”
Once Aaron had repeated what he had said and settled the ring neatly at the base of her finger, he turned to Emily. “And Emily, please take the ring you have selected for Aaron. As you place it on his finger, repeat after me,” He told her before watching her take the other ring from the pillow and gently place it on Aaron’s finger. “Aaron, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. I ask you to wear it as a sign that you are my husband. With this ring, I thee wed.”
Emily repeated his words perfectly as she slid the ring down his finger, and Richard smiled as he watched them take each other’s hands again. “In so much as the two of you have consented together in matrimony, and have witnessed the same before this company, by authority vested in me by the State of Virginia, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Aaron, you may kiss your bride!” He announced, stepping back when Aaron pulled Emily into a soft, deep kiss.
Wrapping her arms tight around his waist as the guests clapped and cheered, Emily couldn’t help but smile against her husband’s lips as she felt him pull her closer to him with the hand pressed into the small of her back. “Well, Mr. Hotchner,” She murmured between kisses, grasping the back of his shirt in both hands. “You’re stuck with me now.”
“Am I? Good,” He smirked. “Because that’s all I’ve ever wanted…”
From where he was standing in the corner of the garden with a can of beer in hand, Aaron smiled as he watched his girls pose together for a picture. All the pictures that the two of them had been serious about having taken with the kids, the wedding and the maternity ones, had been taken hours ago and so they were only messing around, but he knew that that was one picture he was going to keep so that he could have it on his desk at work. Emily and Sophia were standing together in the shade of the huge oak tree, his wife with one hand on her back and the other running down their little girl’s cheek as her lips were pressed to her bump and her tiny hands were cradling it at either side.
It was such a natural and beautiful picture of the two of them, one he knew would always make him smile no matter the day he was having at work, and he couldn’t wait for it to be developed. Once the picture had been taken, Sophia took a step back from her mother and giggled before Emily cupped her cheek in her hand and she nuzzled instantly into her palm, the love he had for the two of them deepening as he watched the little scene unfold. His wife was the most natural mother he had ever seen, she truly was. Her mother had barely been around when she had been little, meaning that she’d had no example to follow when Sophia had arrived, but she needn’t have been worried about it.
Like he had known she would, she had found her own way and she had astounded him with the little things she had done when they had brought their daughter home for the first time. She had been a multitasker, able to hold her in one arm while doing laundry or pouring Jack a bowl of cereal at the same time, she had known exactly how to settle her whenever she had cried, she had known which lullabies had comforted her the most and he had been so proud. Things were going to be a little different this time around though, he knew that. Unlike their sister, the boys would be delivered via C-section and he knew that it would be weeks if not months before Emily would be back to normal.
He was going to have to pull his weight big time, getting up with the boys in the night along with making sure Jack got to school in time in the mornings and Sophia was kept entertained throughout the day. It wasn’t going to be an easy task and he was going to be permanently exhausted, but the thought of such things didn’t bother him all that much. For the past seven months, his wife had been eating for three and sharing her body with two crazy little boys who kicked her all night and played with her bladder all day. She hadn’t had a moment’s peace since she had found out she was expecting them, so he was looking forward to taking them off her hands for a while so she could sleep.
Besides, how much trouble could two newborns actually be?
Jack and Sophia had both been a breeze.
“Dada!” His sweet little girl’s voice pulled him from his thoughts and he set down his beer the second he caught her toddling towards him, warmth pooling in his chest as he got down to her level and opened his arms to her. She ran the last couple of steps, eager to get to him, and buried her face in his chest when he caught her in one of his bear hugs, her peals of laughter only making him love her more as he tickled her sides while getting back to his feet. He perched her on his hip once he was upright again and kissed her chubby cheek, lingering for a moment longer than necessary to breathe in her scent before pulling back to watch his wife walk towards them as she rubbed her bump.
“You might have to be the one to take her to the park for the foreseeable,” She puffed. “I can’t keep up with her.”
He chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist once she had reached him and drawing her close with a kiss to her temple. “Does this mean that my days are going to be spent fetching you chips and soda while you sit on the couch watching Doctor Phil? Don’t get me wrong, I loved doing that when you were pregnant with this little one, but if you could just let me know what I’m in for then I’d appreciate it.” He teased, amusement in his eyes as he looked at her.
“Mmm…that sounds nice,” She smirked. “My ankles are a bit swollen as well, so you could massage my feet for me.”
“Who do you think you are? FLOTUS?” He asked.
“Please…?” She pouted, cuddling closer to him.
He feigned a sigh of exasperation. “Fine. I guess I am partly responsible for your swollen ankles and mad cravings.”
“I am so in love with you,” She laughed, nudging her nose against his. “You mean absolutely everything to me.”
“And you mean just as much to me.” He smiled.
He leaned in to steal a kiss from her, but a soccer ball hitting him in the leg prompted him to pull away from her at the last moment and he turned with a frown before sighing as he watched Jack approach them with a sheepish look on his face. “You and I have been over this, buddy. You shouldn’t be kicking your ball around Emmy or your sister.”
“Sorry, daddy, I was supposed to kick it to Henry but it went the wrong way.” Jack explained, playing with his hands.
“Sounds like you need a little more practice,” Aaron told him, hoping the smile on his face would tell him he was no longer upset. “How about a little one-on-one when Emmy and I get back from our trip? I’ll give you some pointers.”
Jack’s eyes lit up. “You mean it? Really?”
“Really,” Aaron nodded. “Why don’t you leave the ball for the time being though and take Sophia to get some cake?”
“Cake! Cake!” Sophia squealed, clapping her hands together with glee before her father set her down on the grass.
“Emmy, I’m sorry about the ball. Can I have some cake as well? Please?” Jack asked with hope in his eyes.
Emily sighed. “Sweetheart, it was an accident. You were only playing. Of course, you’re allowed to have some cake.”
“Thank you! You’re the best mom ever!” He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug before taking Sophia’s hand in his and hurrying to the desserts table with her, Emily watching them go with tears of happiness in her eyes.
“Did you, um…” She stumbled over her words as she glanced up at her husband. “Did you hear what he just said?”
“I did.” He brushed a dark curl back behind her ear.
“He probably doesn’t even realise he said it,” She shrugged. “I shouldn’t get too excited.”
“Don’t think of it like that. Think of it as a step forward,” He shook his head. “It proves he sees you as a mom, Em.”
She smiled to herself. “He’s not mine, I know, but I love him just as much as I love Soph and the boys.”
“I know you do,” He rested his chin on her head, casting his gaze over at their beautiful children. “I know you do…”
Running the back of his hand down the side of her face as he held her in his arms that night, Aaron felt nothing but relief when he felt Emily settle against him and heard the slightest change in her breathing. She was actually asleep. It had taken hours to get to this point and he had to admit that, for the first time in quite a while, he was genuinely annoyed with her. All afternoon, she had been dancing and chatting away to everyone as though she had been fine, but the fact of the matter was that she had been far from it. Her back had been in two and her feet had been killing her, but he hadn’t known a thing about it until she had burst into tears once the final few guests had headed home.
When he had been holding her on the couch and massaging her back in an attempt to help ease the pain a little, he had asked her why she hadn’t told him sooner and all she’d said was that she didn’t know. He adored her. He loved her more than she would ever know, but there was one thing he couldn’t stand about her and it was how she would keep him in the dark about things if she thought there was the slightest chance of it hurting him. He needed her to start opening up to him about things, but he also understood why that was such a challenge for her. She had never had someone to talk to about her issues before. No one had cared. No one had listened and she’d grown used to it.
She was the bravest woman he knew, but her past had damaged her severely and it would take time for her to heal.
When he had helped her upstairs after she had sat with a hot-water bottle pressed to her back for a good half hour, their wedding night had been the furthest thing from his mind and he’d been relieved that it been the furthest from hers as well. It would have killed him to push her away if she had made advances, but he would have forced himself to do it because it wouldn’t have been right. To do that to her in the state she had been in would have been selfish. He would have seen it as taking advantage of her and that was one thing he never wanted to do. He cared about her far too much. “You are an absolute idiot sometimes, Emily Hotchner,” He sighed into her fringe. “But I still love you.”
Despite his frustration, he smiled when she stirred in her sleep a couple of minutes later and murmured something incoherent before brushing her hair out of her face and settling down again once she’d cuddled up to him. She was something else, his wife. She was so unique, so different to any woman he had ever met, and there was no one way to define her which was one of the things he loved her most for. When he had been saying his vows earlier on, he’d told her that he loved everything he already knew about her and that he trusted everything that he had yet to learn and he’d meant it. There were so many layers to her, it would take forever to peel them all back, but he would do it.
He would eventually learn everything there was to know about her.
And he would surely love her all the more because of it.
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agustdwrites · 2 years
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Two days later the storm had finally come to an end and everyone was sat down for a group meeting. “With the storm over, we’re going to have to head out and see what condition things are in. We’ll go as one team but I need you all to remember that we don’t know what’s out there waiting for us.” Everyone was silent as Namjoon spoke, listening intently to the plan. “Those things attacked Y/n during the day, so we have no confirmation on whether the storm brought them out or if there’s been a mutation.”
Namjoon turned to you. Though you were still unable to go out with the group because of your leg, you had still been the one to study what was known about Nightcrawlers and you’d done some work over the last few days. “I can’t be certain whether this is a mutation or not, but from the research I have done, it really isn’t possible for them to be out in the daylight. The sun is out today and the sky is clear, so there should be no sign of them, but you still need to treat this as if it is a mutation. Today is the day that will confirm what’s going on.”
They all looked at you as you spoke, making you feel a little nervous as you weren’t used to the attention. “Remember, if you do see any, shoot through the brain, take the head off, and burn the body. We only have two gas masks here so only two of you will be able to approach the bodies. Do not take the risk without a mask, if you breathe in those spores, it will turn you.”
As they packed up their bags and prepared to head out, you made your way over to Yoongi. “Promise me you’ll be careful.” He was stressing trying to find his silencer, but his expression softened when you walked in, “Of course I will, and you be careful on that leg, okay?” You smiled softly and nodded.
Neither of you had brought it up, but since your feelings for each other had become clear to the both of you, you were able to relax around each other. There was an unspoken agreement between you to just take things one day at a time.
There was no need to rush anything, especially in an apocalypse. Each night Yoongi slept with you in his arms, but that was as far as things went when it came to affection. In fact, sleeping was about the only time you’d spent together in the last few days. You had been helping Hobi with keeping track of medications and ammunition as your leg healed, while Yoongi had been helping the others with insulating the base for warmth.
Before he left, he gave you a hug, holding you tightly against his chest. It was a simple gesture, but it meant a lot between you. He smiled down at you and pushed some hair behind your ear, “We won’t be too long. Make sure you eat something and rest your leg.” You nodded again as you watched the group walk out of the base, closing the gate behind them. “Please be careful..”
As the boys wandered the streets, they had their guard up incredibly high. After what had happened to you, they were all terrified of what could happen next if the Nightcrawler really had mutated. It was easy enough to avoid going out at night, but during the day it was key to their survival.
They walked through the snow for hours, searching high and low. The storm had done quite a bit of damage, but that damage was helpful as far as materials went. “It’s been 3 hours and we haven’t seen a single Nightcrawler.” Taehyung said as he looked around. Namjoon nodded, “I think we can confirm that it was just the storm that brought them out, but we can’t let our guard down either way. Anything can happen and it’s still extremely dangerous without them. The good thing about winter is that the infected can’t get around well in the cold. They don’t have the means to get around like we do,” he said as he looked down at his boots, “so we need to take advantage of that while we can.”
After another hour spent scouting the area, they decided it was time to head back. They were all getting hungry and being out in the cold for too long could make them sick, which was definitely not ideal given the situation. “Anyone up for some nice hot ramen when we get back?” Jin asked as they all hummed in delight. “Something hot sounds incredible right now, I’m so cold!” Yoongi said as he felt a chill creep down his spine.
Jungkook laughed as he threw an arm over Yoongi’s shoulder. “We’ve got to bulk you up for warmth. Jimin too, look at the little guy.” Jimin glared at Jungkook, teeth chattering as he stomped through the snow. “Don’t test me Kook, I’m so cold I might cut you up and get inside for warmth.” Jungkook’s eyes widened in horror at Jimin’s comment, making him laugh.
Jin rolled his eyes, “See this is why I told you not to let him watch that documentary with the whale Namjoon.” he scolded as the two started throwing snow at each other, Taehyung getting caught in the cross fire. Namjoon chuckled, “It’s not my fault he actually learned something from it.”
Jin walked over to Jungkook and Jimin, grabbing them by the ear to stop them. “Get along or you get no ramen.” When they nodded in agreement, Jin let them go, only for them to turn on him and start hitting him with snowballs. Eventually, the entire group broke out into a snowball fight just outside the base.
When you heard shouting come from outside the gate, you slowly approached to try and hear better. When you heard them laughing as they shouted, you knew it was nothing to worry about. Thank god. You wanted to see what was going on but since you weren’t able to see through the cut out they’d made, you opened the gate instead.
The guys were so lost in their game that they didn’t notice you’d opened the gate. That was until Namjoon, being his clumsy self, accidentally threw his snowball past Jin, hitting you in the face. You stood there in shock as the cold snow slid down your face and hair. You were definitely not expecting that to have happened. Namjoon stared at you with wide eyes, Jin and Jungkook struggling to hold back their laughter.
Yoongi rushed to your side, brushing the snow off of you. “Are you okay?” He tried not to laugh, but he couldn’t help himself as it escaped his lips. You glared at him as he laughed, “If I was able to get out there, you’d be dead. You know what my aim is like.” He covered his mouth to try and stop laughing. You rolled your eyes as a chuckle left your lips. You looked over at Namjoon who stood frozen, “Relax, it was an accident. I’ll get you back another day.” Namjoon let out a breath that he hadn’t realized he’d been holding, finally laughing along with the rest of you.
You rolled your eyes as they all piled inside, Yoongi helping you sit down so you could warm up. Jin prepared ramen for everyone as they filled you in on everything. Yoongi noticed you were acting a little anxious as they mentioned the conditions of the area, but brushed it off assuming you were worried about your cameras as they mentioned they all appeared okay. When you noticed him looking at you, you straightened up and offered a small smile. You were worried, but it wasn’t because of the cameras.
As much as you trusted the guys, Yoongi most of all, you did have a secret that you kept to yourself. A secret that could cause a world of problems between you and the group. A secret you prayed none of them would ever find out.
0 notes
nsokolow · 2 years
Little Weasel, Big City: Chapter 9
The room was tinted yellow with the sun shining through the closed blinds.
Duke woke up to Leilani facing him, her eyes closed, her face still. Her arm was around him, and his arm was around her. Duke then noticed their legs were woven together.
Leilani had been so kind to him. She was a very kind weasel, and creative, too. She looked beautiful, peaceful, sleeping so soundly. Duke was happy to have helped her fall back asleep after such a nightmare.
Oh, and he was going to be living large. That was a dream come true.
Maybe…if somehow she lost everything, he’d still be happy with her?
Duke groaned. What was he thinking? He had only known this girl for three days! Some weird flowers sprayed them and he woke up in her closet with a ring on his finger! They had just met before all this! He should only be happy about hitting the jackpot!
But…Leilani. Her joy, her kindness, her bright eyes…
“Ah!” Duke jolted and saw Leilani was awake.
Leilani giggled. “Good morning.”
“Oh, uh…good mornin’. You sleep okay?”
“Yeah, I slept great. You?”
“Yeah, me too.” Duke turned on his back, yawned, and stretched his arms. “Was out like a light.”
Leilani looked up at her digital clock with purple digits. “I have work in about two hours. You wanna maybe come with me?”
“Eh, okay. It’s a nice place, and I don’t really have anywhere to be. Then again, I haven’t followed much of a schedule in ages.”
“Okay, sounds good to me. I should probably shower, it’s been a while, with all the…craziness and stuff.”
“Yeah, I should probably get up too, put on my new clothes.” Duke threw off the covers and got out of bed.
Leilani followed right after.
“So, you think you’ll look for a new car anytime soon?” Duke asked as they rode in the elevator.
“Yeah, I’ve been planning on going to a dealership on Monday.” Leilani adjusted her purse. “Do you know how to drive?”
Duke shrugged and grimaced. “Well, it’s been a while. I got a license after I first learned how to drive, but it’s definitely expired by now. I never even owned a car.”
“Oh, well, I was thinking, if we’re going to be together for a year, maybe I can help you get a new license and you can drive my car if you need to go on any errands or something.”
“You-You’d do that for me?”
“Yeah, sure! I mean, you probably remember some things about driving, and you’re going to be living with me for a long time.”
Duke chuckled. “Wow, uh, thanks.”
“No problem—oh! That’s my floor!”
“Excuse me, is this casual day at the office?”
Duke, who sat leaning against a wall, looked down at a white mouse with purple spiked up hair, pushing a tiny cart full of mail.
“Oh, uh, I don’t work here, so I don’t know about any of that. Why?”
“Oh, I was curious. I like your Wreck-It Rhino shirt! I work in the mail room, which is the only thing I’m qualified to do here, besides janitorial work, since I just got out of prison!” The mouse grinned and clapped.
“Uh…congrats on that?” Duke felt uneasy at her vacant expression. She was weirdly peppy about her past. For a moment, Duke was relieved he never did anything severe enough to land him in prison, rather than jail.
“Why are you here if you don’t work here?” The mouse fiddled with one of her large hoop earrings.
“Oh, uh, my wife’s in a meetin’ and I’m bored with this place now.”
“Well, do you wanna come see the mailroom?”
“Okay. I don’t got nothin’ better to do.” Duke stood up and followed the mouse to the elevator.
“I can’t wait for you to meet everyone else, and see all the pretty mail! I’m Mandy! I just got out of prison!”
“Duke,” was Duke’s short response.
Mandy gasped. “You were on the news! A meter maid trapped you in a donut!”
“Uh, yeah. Good times.”
They stepped into the elevator.
“I just got my ankle bracelet off!” Mandy held up a foot.
Still bored, Duke said nothing as the doors closed. Something suddenly occurred to him. If this weirdo could find work here, then…
“Are there any openings?”
“For where?” Mandy swung her tail around in circles as she stared into the distance.
“The mailroom!” Duke snapped.
“Uh…yeah! My boss is always looking for new employees because they leave a lot because a lot of them are college students.”
“Is your boss here?”
“Yeah, he’s in the mailroom. Do you think he lives there?”
“Uh…I don’t think so?”
Mandy slowly gasped. “You just blew my mind.”
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honeypiehotchner · 2 years
Recompense (Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- one shot
My suitemate made me write this /hj
Also talk about returning to Hotch fics with something completely out of left field 🤪🤪
Warnings: 18+ only pleaseeee y’all know the drill, slight sub!Hotch/dom!reader, light bondage, grinding, angst, MAYBE dubcon if you absolutely squint
WC: 2.1k
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Hotch had been gone for weeks, which isn’t unusual, but still takes its toll. To combat it, you and Hotch have been planning a dinner for when he gets back.
“Should we go out or stay in?”
“Stay in,” Aaron said, exhaustion laced through his words. “I’m so tired of eating out.”
“I know you are, babe,” you murmured. As much as Hotch loves his junk food, he hates eating out so often. He misses your home cooked meals, homemade lunches. He misses running every morning, coming back to your sleepy eyes as you fix coffee for the both of you. “We’ll stay in. I’ll cook.”
“No, no, I’ll cook, you’ve been cooking a lot.”
“I actually haven’t,” you admitted sheepishly. “Cooking for one is hard and I’ve been too lazy anyway.”
“Honey…” He knows when you say ‘lazy,’ you really mean you’ve been missing him and it’s been getting to you. “I’ll be home soon.”
“I know you will.”
Every night he called, and every night a new facet of the date was planned. The menu, the table setting, the music.
If this hadn’t been the fourth case in a row that the BAU was called on, this feeling of missing him wouldn’t be as bad. But he barely had six hours of sleep before he was called out on the second one, and he didn’t even get to come home before the third. With the fourth one, he was home for a blissful twelve hours, but he was exhausted and slept for eight.
Needless to say, it’s been a while since the two of you have really seen one another.
The day that Hotch texts you that he’s coming home can’t come fast enough.
You haul yourself out of bed immediately, flipping lights on and throwing clothes over your body to get ready for the day. There’s a lot to be done, and you can’t wait to get started.
You have all day because it’s a long flight and they haven’t actually left yet, but still. There’s no time to waste.
Hotch doesn’t know how time got so far away from him.
He texted with you when the jet landed, but you weren’t quite ready for him yet, so he went to the office with the rest of the team. His plan was to do paperwork for a few hours, then check back in with you.
Well, he worked for more than a few hours. And forgot to check in.
By the time he looks up, it’s well past the time when he was supposed to text you. It’s dark outside, for Christ’s sake.
He immediately calls you instead, but you send him straight to voicemail. He forgets all about the work he was doing and grabs his coat and keys.
He makes it home in less than half the normal time, but you’re not there. You’ve left a note on the counter, telling him you’ve gone for a drive to get a milkshake, and you don’t know what time you’ll feel like coming back.
He calls you again. Voicemail again.
This time, he leaves one for you. Telling you to come back -- begging, more like. His only hope is that it works, and that you’ll be walking through that door tonight.
The sight before you makes your mouth water. And you hate it because you’re supposed to be angry, but you can’t be when your partner is sitting in front of you with his hands tied. Literally.
He took one of the chairs from the dining table and placed it in the middle of the living room. He’s out of his tie and has it tightened around his wrists, palms facing each other, fingers curled into fists.
“How did you even do that?” is the first question out of your mouth.
He chuckles. “You think I’d do something to you that I haven’t tried on myself?”
“Oh,” you squeak, but really, you’re thinking, that’s hot. “Right.”
You set your things down and lock the door behind you. You’re not sure exactly what to say. If you weren’t mad at him, you’d be on top of him right now. You’d be all over him. But you’re resisting, and you’re keeping your feet planted firmly here, by the front door.
“I’m sorry,” he says from his place in the living room.
“Is this your apology?” you deadpan, gesturing to his self-made predicament.
“Part of it,” he admits. “Do you want me to get up?”
You’re not sure what happened exactly to flip the switch, but something did.
You shake your head, lifting it to meet his eyes. “No. I’ll tell you when I want you to do something.”
He hears the shift too and he nods. “Yes ma’am.”
You like the sound of that.
With a heavy sigh, you cave.
Slowly, you strip your jacket from your shoulders. “Why weren’t you home on time?”
“I-I got caught up in paperwork--”
“We’ve talked about that, Aaron.”
“I know,” he replies, shameful.
“What should you have done?” you prompt him, hanging your jacket on the hook by the door. You spin around and cross your arms over your chest, waiting.
“I should’ve set an alarm,” he says. “Or three. To check in and keep myself aware of the time.”
“Mhm,” you nod. “Why didn’t you?”
“I forgot.”
You click your tongue. “Not a good enough answer.”
“I know,” he says quietly, hanging his head.
His head remains hung in shame as you walk over toward him, toeing off your shoes by the couch. Aaron registers the noise, but doesn’t lift his head until you tell him to.
“Look at me,” you murmur, standing in front of him, but not touching him. His hands are mere centimeters from your legs where they rest on his knees. You see him tighten his fists and you know he’s fighting the urge to reach out and touch you. “Lift your arms.”
Aaron does as he’s told, albeit confused. Until you sit down on his lap.
You face him, your breath caressing his lips. You reach up and guide his arms back down, looped around your neck.
“I would’ve had you tie them behind your back,” you comment, “but since you’re already like this, we’ll make do.”
He nods, looking into your eyes intently. It’s been so long since he’s kissed you. It’s torture for the both of you to have your faces this close, but not touching. It’s hurting you just as much as it is him, but you are determined to take your time.
You can feel him hardening beneath you, much quicker than you expected, but still it doesn’t surprise you. It’s been a while since the two of you have had sex, too. Not over the phone, at least.
You roll your hips, earning a low groan from the back of his throat. You smirk.
“I’m not sure what I want to do,” you muse, letting your fingers wander to the buttons on his shirt. You begin undoing them, one by one, while you speak. “I could take something that I’ve wanted for weeks. I could refuse to let you cum while I do it. Or,” you finish the last button and snake your cold hands over his warm, toned chest. “Or I could let you cum, on one condition.”
“What is it?” he asks quickly, already breathing hard. Between the way you’re sitting, straddling him, your scent, and your hands, he’s ready to burst. “I’ll do it.”
“You don’t even know what it is,” you chuckle. “It could be something you hate. Or not necessarily hate, but something you prefer not to do.”
At that moment, Aaron knows what you mean. And he doesn’t like it. But he also doesn’t like the alternative.
“Okay,” he says.
You grin. “Someone’s desperate.”
“You have no idea,” he replies.
“Believe me,” you snap. “I do.”
He frowns. “I’m sorry--”
“Be quiet,” you tell him, removing your hands from his chest, to instead work on removing your pants. “Lift your arms.”
He does, and you step back, stripping yourself of your pants and panties, kicking them away. He watches them wistfully, and you have to snap your fingers to bring his attention back to you.
You take your shirt off as well, loving the way his eyes darken when he sees you aren’t wearing a bra. And knowing that he can’t touch you.
You straddle him once more, noticing his bulge has gotten considerably larger.
If there’s one thing Aaron hates, it’s cumming in his pants. Especially when he could be touching your skin.
It makes a mess, sure, but the mess is always the least of his worries. He has them dry cleaned regardless. But it’s the pain. The agony. Being confined when you’re right there, stripped naked for him -- for yourself, really, because you’re angry with him right now. None of this is for him. This is all for you.
You guide his arms back around your neck, wanting to feel them there as you begin rocking your hips. You feel his muscles flex, the physical sign of his internal strife.
You’re sensitive on most days, but it’s especially bad when you haven’t felt him in a while. Just the feel of his dress pants against your core sends sparks through your entire body. Not to mention when you clit brushes against his belt.
You can’t stand it anymore, so you kiss him, hot and heavy, moaning into his mouth. He stretches his arms straight out, desperate for some relief. You pull him toward you by the back of his neck, your nails scraping his scalp.
His tongue easily finds yours and takes control. You let him, at least in this aspect, knowing he’s dying for it. You like it when he does, anyway, so this is an easy concession.
Your first climax comes soon, but it isn’t enough, so you don’t stop.
Without needing to be asked, Aaron goes for your neck, sucking and biting as you ride out your high. You keep his lips there, pressing your hand on the back of his neck. When the pressure is a little too hard, you hear him groan, and that’s enough to make you wild.
His hips jerk every now and again, the movement difficult on its own with the way he’s sitting and the way you’re grinding against him.
“I know you’re fighting it,” you murmur against his ear, sending chills down his arms. “You’re going to give in.”
The truth is, it is harder for him to climax when he’s constrained, but at the same time, he is fighting it right now. He hates that you noticed, that you know him well enough to catch it, but he doesn’t know why he’s surprised. You know him as if he is you. And the same goes for the way he knows you.
“Come on,” you press, lifting his head from your neck to look him in his eyes. Your lips brush against his as you say, “I want to hear you.”
He closes the gap between your lips with a fierce growl. The sound alone sends a wave of heat over your body, like molten lava poured overtop of you. You spread your legs wider, chasing your next climax, noticing for the first time how wet you’ve made the fabric of his pants. Or maybe some of it is from him, too.
“Let go,” you demand, lowering your hands to rake your nails over his chest. He shudders at the movement, his head falling onto your shoulder. His moans are broken, almost sobs. “Let me hear you, baby.”
You reach down and rub your clit, desperate to reach your climax at the same time as Aaron. Your sounds drive him over the edge.
He tenses, cries. His hips jerk in sync with yours, and you feel him twitch beneath you -- a harsh movement for you to be able to feel it through the layers.
You drive your hips down toward his, already cumming when he finally breaks, and climaxes with a shout. It lasts much longer than normal, purely because of how constricted his movements are.
“That’s it,” you murmur, pressing your chest against his, relishing in the sweet pleasure of your simultaneous highs. “That’s it, baby.”
He rests his head on your shoulder, his chest heaving.
“Are you okay?” you ask, chuckling a little when he nods.
“I’m great, I’m— Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you nod. “Here, let me.”
“No, I got it,” Aaron flexes his wrists and the tie comes off, falling to the ground.
Your eyes widen. “That’s hot.”
“Really?” he laughs, smoothing his hands down your arms.
“Oh yeah,” you nod, holding his face. He’s still hard beneath you. “Continue in the bedroom?”
His only response is standing up, with you in his arms, carrying you down the hall for more ‘apologies’.
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
And the Award Goes To...
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: All the fluff between Jack and our First Lady 😘💕
Synopsis: You and Private Garden are in attendance for the 2022 BET awards and excited doesn't even begin to describe how you're feeling. The night ends up being even more amazing when the last thing you ever expected to happen does.
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by: the gorgeous @minkookie95 😘💕
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You woke up tangled next to your husband who was still in a deep sleep as you heard his light snores and him breathing with your face in the crook of his neck.
The day was finally here and you couldn’t have been more excited.
You finally have the chance of attending the 2022 BET awards that would be taking place in Los Angeles, California.
You remember watching the show every single year since you were a little girl dreaming of actually getting an opportunity to go and lo and behold, here it was.
You weren’t able to go last year since you had been on tour and wouldn’t have made it back in time in order to go with your husband.
Now, you would be able to go with him right along with the rest of PG. 
This year you had been nominated for two awards, Best Female Hip-Hop Artist as well as Best New Artist. 
Brandi let Jack be the one to break the news to you knowing how much it meant to you and you were floored.
You most definitely shed a few tears that night.
Working towards something for so long and actually seeing your work pay off was a dream come true.
And you had your husband and PG to thank for that.
Jack had been nominated the year before for Best New Artist, but unfortunately lost to Giveon which he was still salty to this day about.
You made sure to never bring it up after it happened. 
You would also be performing your hit song Big Energy and was planning on surprising the crowd by bringing out Mariah Carey since she had hopped on the remix with you, while Jack had planned on performing Poison along with First Class with Lil Wayne and Brandy.
Bottom line is that the Harlows weren’t coming to play.
All of you had been in L.A. for the past few days rehearsing and making sure that everything was just right for the special night.
You peeked at the nightstand behind Jack to see that it was around 7 in the morning.
The award show didn’t take place until 5, so there was plenty of time to kill before then.
You wanted to make it a priority to spend the day with Jack since both of you had been in overdrive for the past few days and truly hadn’t had the time to spend one on one with each other.
And both of you would soon become agitated when you didn’t get that one on one time.
Not wanting to be awake just by yourself anymore, you began to place kisses along Jack’s neck.
He fluttered his eyes open and you were met with a soft smile.
“Good morning, wifey.”
“Good morning, my baby.”
“Are you excited?” He asked while bringing you in closer to him. 
“That doesn’t even begin to cover it. I’m just happy I get to spend the day with my favorite people.”
“And you deserve all of this mamas. I’m so fucking proud of you.”
“Okay, please don’t make me cry at seven in the morning.” You immediately felt the waterworks beginning to form.
“I’m serious smush. Like you haven’t let up since you released your first single and you prove time and time again that you’re just as talented as anybody else out here. And wait.. it’s only seven? Baby, why are you awake so early?”
“Thank you my baby. And because I can barely sit still. I’m like a kid in a candy store.”
“Baby, I literally just put your ass to sleep at three so you mean to tell me you only slept for four hours?”
“Hmm, maybe?”
“Mamas, come on. Go back to sleep so you’ll have energy for later. No pun intended.”
“Nope, close your eyes and lay on my chest. Your ass is about to be out in ten minutes. Works every time.”
And no lie was told.
It was nearing 3:45 pm and it was now time for all of you to begin getting dressed to head to the venue and walk the red carpet.
The butterflies in your stomach were increasing by the second.
You and Jack had decided to coordinate your outfits and Metta along with Julissa found the perfect outfits to put the two of you in.
Well, everyone knew you were probably going to take the longest to get ready, so they made you go first.
It simply never failed, you would start to get ready and still be the last person out the door.
And no one was trying to be late.
But, of course, that’s exactly how it played out.
“Baby! How did you start getting ready before anyone else and you still not done!?”
“Don’t rush me, Jackman! Be patient!”
“She’s almost done!” All of PG heard Julissa say as she was putting the finishing touches on your makeup and making sure there wasn’t a hair out of place.
Julissa then ran into the living room to present her work to everyone which was you. She was proud of it and had done a damn good job.
“Is everyone ready?”
“Yes, Julissa, damn! We’ve been ready for like an hour!”
“Jack shut up. Once you see how pretty your wife looks, you’ll be thanking me. You’ll probably want to rip her clothes off as we speak.”
“But, I planned on doing that later anyway.”
“Yall are nasty as all hell. Do yall EVER come up for air?” 2fo asked as he rolled his eyes.
“Been tapping that since we were 15, not a chance.”
“Okay, yall shut up! Bring her out Julissa.” Metta replied while coming to sit on the couch next to Quiiso.
“Okayyyyy, I now present to you Mrs. Y/N Y/M/N Harlow better known as your first lady! Come on out Y/N!”
You had nothing but a big smile on your face as you walked into the living room so everyone could get a good look at your outfit.
“Well, got damn. Definitely worth the wait.” You heard Jack say as he was eyeing you up and down.
“Yes mamas! Work it! Give em a twirl!” Julissa was hyping you up as everyone began to laugh and take in how happy the scene in front of them was.
You did as you were told and hit a pose when you were finished.
“Damn, them earrings big as shit.” Brandi said taking in the sight of them. 
“You know what they say. The bigger the hoop, the bigger the hoe.”
“Y/N! Stop that!” Jack exclaimed while also trying not to laugh. 
“Now drop!”
“NO! My wife will NOT be dropping it for anyone but me. Y/N, you better not! If that ass hits the floor, they’ll be hell to pay. Damn mamas you look gorgeous. How’d I get so lucky?”
Jack asked while getting up and making his way towards you and taking in how amazing you looked.
“I’m the lucky one.” You replied as you lightly kissed him trying to not mess up your makeup.
“Nah, cut the shit! Don’t get these two started because we won’t make it downstairs until the show is over. Keep it moving. Jack, you know what your wife looks like. You’ve been staring at her for almost ten years.”
“Urb, you are such a fucking hater.” You replied while sticking up your middle finger in his direction with you earning the same gesture in return.
“Okay, yall we are all on a mission tonight to get Urb laid so he can stop hating on me and my wife!”
“I’m getting real tired of yall asses.”
It took less than twenty minutes in order to get to the venue and it was now go time.
The rest of PG got out first leaving only you and Jack.
“You ready, baby?”
You simply nodded as he got out first and held out his hand for you to take and you heard nothing but screams erupting from the crowd in front of the venue.
“Private Garden has arrived! Jack Harlow and the first lady, Y/N Harlow are making their way down the red carpet!”
All of you posed for several pictures and also made the time for you and Jack to do a few interviews before making your way inside. 
All of you were sitting in a row with Jack being on the end and you were in the middle of him and 2fo.
The award show was now underway and Jack had killed his performance.
You were nothing but smiles as you all made your way back to your seats since all of PG had been on stage during it. 
It was getting close to the time where the awards that you were nominated for were going to be presented and Jack could tell that you were starting to get restless.
“Baby, it’s going to be fine. If you get that award in your hand tonight or not, I for damn sure am proud of you along with the rest of PG.” Jack softly whispered in your ear before kissing your temple making you smile.
“I love you.”
“And I love you more.”
“Cut it out. Save it for later.” 2fo replied as he overheard the two of you making the both of you roll your eyes.
It was time.
“Please welcome Saweetie to the stage!”
They would have to get your best friend to present this award. You knew that she was probably behind this somehow.
After this award was presented, it would soon be time for you to hit the stage for your performance along with Mariah Carey. 
“So, I am here to present the award for Best New Artist. Now, I have to admit there is some tough competition this year and it might seem biased of me however, the real ass rich ass bitch from the south has not come off yall necks since she stepped on the scene! Hey best friend!”
You and everyone else around you immediately laughed and you knew that she was trying to do her best to ease your nervousness.
That’s why she was one of your best friends.
“I love you!” You mouthed to her as she sent you a warm smile before mouthing the words back to you.
“Now, let’s take a look at the nominees.”
“Baby Keem.”
“Benny the Butcher.”
“Muni Long.”
“And the award goes to...”
You were holding onto Jack’s hand for dear life and took a deep breath.
“MY BEST FRIEND! THE FIRST LADY OF PRIVATE GARDEN, Y/N HARLOWWWWW!” Saweetie yelled as Big Energy began to play.
You were in immediate shock and your eyes began to water as you stood up and embraced your husband.
“What I tell you? Nothin but winners in this family.”
“I couldn’t have done this without you.” You replied as you kissed him.
He helped you up the steps to the stage so that you could take your award from Saweetie who screamed before giving you a hug.
Once she handed you the award, you stepped to the mic with tears threatening to fall.
“I.. am.. I’m literally speechless right now.”
“And I love yall too, yall have no idea how much. This is my first award that I’ve won and the fact that it’s a BET award is just out of this world and makes it all the more special. I have to thank God for giving me the opportunity to do this alongside by husband and best friends. They’re the ones who were constantly pushing me to be my best self and continue to do so on a daily basis. So, Jackman, I absolutely love you and PG, it’s only up from here. Thank yall so much for this.”
You were met with applause as Saweetie led the two of you backstage and the both of you embraced once again.
“I am so fucking proud of you babe! You deserve this!”
“You have no idea how much that means to me.”
“You are the shit, baby. And first lady needs to start acting like it.”
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Liked by jackharlow, bet, saweetie, urbanwyatt, druski2funny, privategarden, and 7,249,870 others
y/ninsta: it's givin BEST NEW ARTIST 🥺
jackharlow: so proud of my baby. well deserved. all hail the queen of the south!
saweetie: go best friend, that's my best friend!
sza: and we didn't expect anything less!
normani: you out here killin it bby! let them know!
mariahcarey: it was an honor to share the stage with you. keep reaching for greatness. Love, Mimi 💕
y/ninsta: mariahcarey I can't even put into words how much I appreciate you 💕🥺
urbanwyatt: maybe you should listen to us more often. we KNEW how amazing you would be
y/ninsta: love you Urby 💕
druski2funny: proud of you mamas! but why yo earrings so big? 🤔
y/ninsta: druski2funny you know what they say, the bigger the hoop the bigger the hoe 🤭
jackharlow: Y/N!! stop that!
y/ninsta: jackharlow no.
jackharlow: y/ninsta no? did my wife just tell me no?
y/ninsta: jackharlow 👀
jackharlow: y/ninsta imma teach your ass a lesson when we get back at this hotel. no my ass.
y/ninsta: jackharlow or you can do it right now 😏
urbanwyatt: PLEASE NO
jackharlow: urbanwyatt we gotta get you laid man. and soon.
y/ninsta: jackharlow urbanwyatt 🤭🤭🤭
jackharlow: y/ninsta stop laughing because you won't be after I get through with you
y/ninsta: jackharlow do your worse daddy 😏
jackharlow: y/ninsta meet me by the bathrooms. NOW.
2forwoyne: jackharlow y/ninsta can't take yall horny asses anywhere
privategarden: it's only up from here for our queen!
y/ninsta: we got room for everybody to win!
jackharlow: y/ninsta get your ass back here NOW.
y/ninsta: jackharlow cumming! I mean coming!
druski2funny: jackharlow y/ninsta yall got room for one more? 👀
jackharlow: druski2funny you got the got damn audacity to ask me that shit?
druski2funny: jackharlow look closed mouths don't get fed
jackharlow: druski2funny only mouth getting fed over here is mine. get your own girl.
druski2funny: y/ninsta tell yo man to let me watch!
y/ninsta: druski2funny you already got a free show in the past so no
saweetie: wait WHAT
sza: y/ninsta jackharlow EXPLAIN YOURSELVES
jackharlow: sza later. we busy.
jackandy/naremyparents: can't wait to hear about this one 🤭🤭
saweetie: and why do I feel urbanwyatt was somehow involved?
urbanwyatt: *sigh* because I was
theestallion: urbanwyatt SPILL IT
urbanwyatt: I think 2forwoyne is calling me
2forwoyne: urbanwyatt the hell I'm not. Spill it!
urbanwyatt: yall not about to send me 6 feet under. all imma say is the recording session of Sex Lies.... and I'm out ✌️
jackharlow: urbanwyatt one of my best performances if I do say so myself 😏
2forwoyne: jackharlow keep it down. yall loud as shit. how we in the club and I can still hear her?
jackharlow: 2forwoyne I'll do my best but no promises
saweetie: jackharlow well got damn
375 notes · View notes
yespolkadotkitty · 2 years
Who Wouldn't Want That
I watched episode 1 of Moon Knight and I want someone to treat Steven kindly.
Words: 1.3k ~ Warnings: none. Pairing: Steven Grant x fem!reader
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Today is the third time he’s fallen asleep on you in as many weeks. You always seem to end up sitting next to him on this Central Line train. His hair is mussed, like he’s slept funny on it or spent too long running his fingers through it.
He holds a messenger bag on his lap, plain black. You wonder what’s inside, where he goes when he gets off the train.
You don’t mind that he falls asleep on you. Really. You live alone with only a tortoise for company, so you’re a little starved in the human contact department.
He smells nice, of paperback books and something sort of sugary - breakfast cereal?
The train jolts to a stop at the next station and the man jerks away with a startled “hnnnnggh.”
He glances at you, eyes comically wide for a second. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
“That’s okay.”
His eyes flick over you for a second. They’re as dark as the waves of hair on his head. “Oh bugger, I’ve done this before, haven’t I? I promise it’s not some kind of weird fetish thing. Not that I have any weird fetishes….” he trails off, then bites his lip.
You chuckle. “Bad night’s sleep?”
“Every night,” he mutters.
You give him your name. “Seems like we should at least know each other a little if we’re going to continue this.”
He smiles. “Steven.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Steven.”
The train stops again and you have to get off. “Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that,” he says softly. “Laters.”
You haven’t heard anyone say laters since you were a teenager, but the sort of laid back persona oddly suits him.
You see him again two days later, not at the usual time.
“You work Saturdays?” you ask.
He nods, a curl coming loose from his head of hair. “Sometimes. I, ah, work in the British Museum gift shop. The Egyptian section.” He smiles ruefully. “I’m late in sometimes. All the time, actually. So I have to make the time up.”
“Sounds a bit like detention,” you tease.
A flush creeps up his cheeks. It’s adorable. “Something like that, yeah.”
“Will they make you write lines?”
The fingers of his left hand open and close on his thigh. “Nah, but I’ll have to do inventory, which is just as bad. Endless scanning of gift shop stuff. You know. Keyrings of Anubis but wearing a dog collar.”
You snort.
“I mean, why not at least sell cool stuff? Scarabs and that. Replicas of the heart scarab of Hatnefer. It’s even engraved with some of the Book of the Dead. Who wouldn’t want that rather than a bag of hieroglyph jellies? I mean, ten year olds, I guess.”
You chuckle. He’s funny.
“You seem like you know a lot about Egypt, for a gift shop clerk.”
He shrugs one shoulder. “Worked there a long time, I suppose.” His brows furrow for a second, like he doesn’t know if that’s true or not, and the strange moment lingers in your memory until the train stops. Steven stands.
You do too.
“I’m getting out here today, too. Meeting a friend.”
His face falls but he covers it quickly. “Oh yeah? Have a good time.” He turns away a little, and you realise he’s used to rejection. Used to being passed over.
Only you don’t want to pass him over. You want to learn more about him. He’s a loner, like you, and maybe you’ve just been waiting for him, all this time.
“What time do you finish inventory?” you ask.
His coal-black gaze snaps to yours. “What?”
It takes you an hour longer than you’d planned for, but you find a florist that stocks lotus flowers.
You hurry to the museum steps. It’s only three o’clock, still busy. Tourists sit on the stone steps between the imposing pillars and eat snacks, read museum maps, chat and listen to music and soak up the sunshine.
You spot Steven almost immediately, sitting off to the side by himself, staring into the distance, looking but not really seeing.
He expects to be stood up, you think, your heart squeezing. He doesn’t think you’ll come.
His head jerks around and he stands up, almost slipping down a step in the process. His awkwardness is sweet, unusual in such an attractive man.
“You came.”
“Of course!” You offer the lotus flower. “This is for you.”
Surprise and joy bloom on his face for a moment. “For me? No one’s ever given me flowers before. Wow. I. Um. Thank you. Thank you,” he says again, softer, and you take a moment to admire the open amazement on his handsome face.
“You’re welcome.”
He stands up, still carefully cradling the flower. “Did you know that in Ancient Egypt, lotuses were a symbol of the sun, because they close at night and open at dawn? They were all about creation and rebirth. In fact, there’s one creation myth-” he cuts himself off. “You probably don’t wanna hear about that.”
You touch his arm. He feels surprisingly muscled under his plain, drab dress shirt. That’s interesting. “No, I do want to.”
“Really?” Excitement flickers over his face, like a kid in a sweet shop, and then he looks down at the flower again, as if to make sure it’s still in his palm.
“Really. Do you wanna go somewhere?”
He tears his gaze from the flower. “With you?”
“You’re funny. Of course with me.”
“Yes. I mean, yeah, of course. Sure.” He cards his free hand through his hair and you stifle a laugh at his late attempt to play it cool. “Wherever you want.”
You turn back to the museum entrance. “Actually - would you show me around? The museum, I mean. I bet you know loads more than what’s on the info cards.”
“You… You want me to show you around?”
You link your arm through his. Christ, he feels jacked. Why is a gift shop clerk jacked? “Yeah. I do.”
You walk up the steps and between the pillars together.
Tagging people who might like this @astroboots @mourningbirds1 @a-reader-and-a-writer @skvatnavle @charnelhouse @songsformonkeys
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adoringhaikyuu · 3 years
they misinterpret your words during a fight and think you want to break up
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characters: aone + kyoutani + oikawa + ushijima + (gn!reader)
request: hii can I request saying 'why am i even trying' in a fight n they take it wrong way, they thought u had enough of them but u just mean it like ' why r u even trying to argue' - kyotani, aone, ushi and oikawa... thank you ✨ • by @chibiiichann​
warnings: a lil angsty
notes: i was not sure how to title this well skfjhg + let’s just say everyone lives together in these
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it wasn’t that he was trying to aggravate you
it’s just that he genuinely didn’t understand why you were upset and he was being dismissive without even realizing it
and that is what pushed you over
you were tired, you wanted to go to bed 
and you clearly weren’t getting anywhere, so you were ready to just drop it and go to sleep, hence why you said
“why am i even trying”
aone blinked a few times as he stared down at you, those five words sending a spike to his gut. you tried to move past him, not noticing the panic in his eyes, when he shot his arm out to stop you.
you looked up at him about to complain when you noticed the intense and glassy look in his eyes. he spoke up, his voice small. “please don’t.”
you sighed, “i just don’t see the point, nobu. i’m going––”
“no.” his voice was slightly louder and shaky. “please.” he stood in front of you and placed his hands on your arms as he looked into your eyes. “please don’t leave me.” 
you tilted your head, “leave y––” you shook your head, “baby, no i’m not–” you walked into his arms and he hugged you immediately, his arms holding you tight. “i’m not leaving you,” you looked up at him to find him already staring at you, holding his tears back. you placed a hand on his cheek and he nuzzled into your palm. “i was just going to bed because this argument wasn’t going anywhere. that’s why i said i don’t see the point.” 
he swallowed harshly and nodded. “oh.” 
you smiled sadly, “well now i can’t be mad at you anymore...” 
his hands squeezed your waist, “for what it’s worth...i’m sorry, y/n.” 
you leaned up for a kiss and he met you halfway. “let’s go to bed, okay?” 
he nodded but made no move to let go of you––so the two of you stood there for a while, just holding each other in silence.  
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you and kyoutani didn’t fight often...to be honest you rarely ever fought
but today...
both of you were really stressed out
you started arguing over something stupid, to be honest you couldn’t even remember what it was
it was just a way for you both to get out your frustrations in the end
but your voices started getting louder and you were getting in each other’s faces
and it became too much for you, it was just stressing you out even more
you needed fresh air
you rolled your eyes and stepped back, trying to shove past him. “you know what? why am i even trying here–”
before you could get far, kyoutani grabbed your arm, not forcefully, but enough to make you stop. you looked up and glared at him, surprised to see another emotion swirling in his eyes––sadness?
“you’re fucking joking right?” he never was good at talking through his emotions. 
you scowled, his tone not helping either of your moods at all. “let me go.”
he scowled right back. “no.” 
he raised a brow and stepped closer to you, “oh so we’re on a first name basis now? what, y/n?”
you clenched your jaw and looked him in the eye, taking a deep breath. “please just let me go.” your voice was small, defeated, you just needed space. 
his hand loosened but he didn’t let go completely, seemingly battling with himself in his mind. “no...i can’t. i won’t let you leave me.” 
so that’s why he was upset? 
you frowned up at him. “taro. i’m just going for some fresh air. i’m not leaving you.” 
he let go of you and stood straight, his lips parted. “oh.” he clenched his jaw and looked down, suddenly embarrassed by his reaction. you grabbed his hand and started walking towards the door. “what are you doing?”
you looked back at him, eyes no longer blazing, but instead, warm and loving. “we are going to get some fresh air. together.” 
he looked down, suddenly shy, but kept walking with you. “okay.”
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oikawa had a bad day and he was more irritable than usual
tbh he was being kinda rude unintentionally
you were eating dinner across from each other and you were trying to talk about how your days were, not having spoken to each other much due to your busy schedules
but he wasn’t in the mood for talking and was just answering you with hums and giving you one word responses
after a while you got annoyed and honestly felt a little hurt
so you sighed and rolled your eyes, getting up from the table to go refill your water, mumbling to yourself more than anything
“why am i even trying”
it wasn’t until you said that that oikawa looked up from his plate, eyes wide, heart beating loudly in his chest. “wait what––”
you were already in the kitchen by the time he looked up and he urgently got out of his seat, almost knocking down his glass and you turned around at the clatter, surprised to see him basically speed-walking towards you. 
“oh now you pay attention to me?” you went to sip your water when he pulled it out of your hands and set it on the counter, ignoring your “hey!-” in protest. 
his eyes were frantic as he looked at you, “look baby i’m sorry i just i had a really shitty day today but––”
you sighed and looked to the side. “and i get that tooru, but that doesn’t give you the right to be a dick, i mean it feels like we haven’t had time to ourselves this week at all...”
he pouted and took your face into his hands, “i know baby and i’m sorry, i haven’t been trying as much as i could have been. but i promise i’ll do better, okay? i know i don’t deserve it but please tell me you’ll keep trying too?” his eyes were suddenly filled with tears and you looked at him in shock.
“hey–what’s wrong?” 
he pressed his forehead against yours and let out a shaky breath. “i just don’t want you to leave me––please don’t. i don’t know what i’d do without you––”
you pulled away as much as he’d let you to look into his eyes. “woah baby what––i’m not leaving you? sure i was frustrated, but i wasn’t going to break up with you.” 
his eyes widened, “really?”
you nodded. “really, tooru i promise.” just from the vulnerable look in his eyes you felt like you could cry as well. you kissed his cheek, “i’m not going anywhere.” 
he sighed, relieved and pulled you into a hug, mumbling his next words into your shoulder. “i love you.”
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ushi could be really blunt and straightforward 
and sometimes had a tendency to brush things off, not understanding the big deal
today you were trying to get him understand something that happened at work, someone pissed you off and it really put you in a bad mood for the whole day
and ushi was always there to talk through things with you at night when you got home
but today, he really couldn’t see why you were upset––or rather, why you let it affect you so much, he didn’t see the point
and it felt like he wasn’t listening to you
(granted, you were a little strung up already)
you didn’t want to deal with people anymore so you brushed past him and went to take a shower, grumbling “why am i even trying”
as soon as you uttered those words, ushijima paused, unsure what to even think. you didn’t mean the relationship did you? surely, he thought about how you’d had a bad day, how you were frustrated and maybe you were just saying that in regards to your frustrations...but part of him wasn’t sure. you seemed rather annoyed during the conversation much to his disliking.
unfortunately, he wasn’t able to ask you about it because as soon as he turned around, you were already locked in the bathroom. he sat anxiously at the edge of the bed, his elbows on his knees, hands clasped as he waited for you. you were taking your sweet time, no doubt relaxing and decompressing, which he understood, but it was only furthering his worry about the situation. 
it was a good while later that you’d finally gotten out of the shower, steam exiting the bathroom as you opened the door. you hadn’t even noticed ushijima sitting across from you as you got out, still focused on your thoughts, trying to calm down. 
you put your night shirt on along with some sweats, which was immediately a bad sign to him, you almost always slept in one of his shirts, and he loved that about you. 
only when you got on the bed did he speak up, clearly tense as he got your attention. “love...”
you turned and he swallowed thickly, suddenly nervous. “when you said...” he paused, looking down at his hands before looking into your eyes, clenching his jaw almost in pain. “are you giving up on us?” 
you frowned immediately, “what?”
“you...you said ‘why am i even trying’ and stormed off...did i do something? are you not happy?” 
your mouth dropped open in shock, the frustration coursing through your body now replaced with disbelief and sadness. you moved closer to him and put one hand on his cheek, the other other on his shoulder as you looked into his eyes. “what? baby no, i was just annoyed and our conversation wasn’t really helping but it wasn’t your fault! i just needed some time to think to myself, i’m sorry. this whole time you thought i wanted to end things?” 
he nodded once and your frown deepened. “baby i would never,” you paused and pulled him close for a sweet kiss. 
his hands came up to hold your waist and you melted into him, the kiss clearly soothing his worries. the look of relief and love in his eyes was clear as day when you pulled away to catch his eye. 
“i promise i am happiest with you. i’m not going anywhere, unless you were planning on leaving any time s––”
his hands gripped your waist tighter, a fierce look appearing in his eyes. “no. you’re it for me.” 
you smiled, feeling something burst in your chest and gave him another kiss. “i love you.” 
his hands made their way under your shirt and you hummed, pulling away to stop him. “baby i’m kinda tired today.”
he shook his head, a light blush on his cheeks . “i know. i just prefer when you wear my shirts.” 
you smiled and moved your hands away, “oh, okay. then go ahead.”
he smiled back, “thank you.”  
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thatlovinfeelin · 2 years
Eye Of The Storm -five- Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Baby Kazansky X Rooster
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One Two Three Four
“So where is he?” Beth questioned over facetime. 
“Uh, he said he was going downstairs to make a work call,” Molly shrugged, “I told him I would probably be asleep when he got back. I managed to sneak my meds in the bathroom when he wasn’t looking.”
“Wait, you haven’t told him?” Erika’s face suddenly came into frame, “And how are you going to explain it if you can’t sleep?”
“I took my stuff already,” Molly shrugged, “I won’t have any problems.”
The other two girls sighed. Molly would mother all of them, she almost seemed to love taking care of everyone, but the second someone tried to do the same with her, she shut down.
For some reason, she hated being taken care of, or worried about. Her roommates never understood it. 
“One of these days Molly, you’ll have to actually tell him. Especially if you plan on keeping him around like this,” Erika told her. 
“Let me worry about it,” Molly replied quickly, “I can worry about myself.”
“Yeah, we know you can Bliz-Molls- fuck…just talk to him.” 
Molly could practically feel her inner walls getting thicker at the thought of telling Rooster about her past, and how it made her who she is today. She closed her eyes for a moment, wishing she was still in Connecticut. Maybe things would be simpler if she never decided to go back home. 
“I should go, I don’t know when he’s coming back, and everything is starting to kick in.”
It was more than an hour before Rooster slipped back into the hotel room. The small lamp next to his bed was the only light on in the whole room. Molly, true to her word, was fast asleep in her bed. Rooster couldn’t help but notice the way she seemed to curl up to take up the least amount of space possible. She did that in the car too. Now, she was curled up on the very edge of the bed, almost hugging her legs to her chest. Never mind the fact that she had her own bed, and didn’t need to worry about space, it was almost as if she couldn’t help it. 
Rooster let out a deep breath, feeling his shoulders sag a little. He carefully sat down on the edge of his bed, quietly slipping off his shoes. For some reason, he felt like she could wake up at any moment. She hardly slept in the car, even though she claimed she did. Rooster could tell she mainly just had her eyes closed, probably to avoid talking. Which was fine, if she didn’t want to talk he wouldn’t make her, but she didn’t need to fake being asleep to avoid him. 
The only sound in the hotel room was the old air conditioning unit, which made an annoying humming sound when it was on. Rooster was used to sleeping in far worse conditions though, having spent time at various bases overseas.
“You should stop staring at me,” Molly’s voice broke through the near silence. 
“Oh, sorry, I thought you were asleep.”
“Doesn’t make you staring any less creepy,” Her eyes opened to meet his, “You should go to sleep. Since you wouldn’t let me drive.”
“Did I do something that upset you?” He suddenly questioned, “You’re different all of the sudden.”
She rolled over onto her back and looked up at the ceiling. She was different, because her feelings were different. But she didn’t know how she could even begin to explain that to him. She didn’t even understand it herself. Because somehow, she went from feeling cold, to having her heart ache whenever she was near him. 
“It’s nothing,” She said quietly, “Just go to sleep.”
She heard a sigh followed by the sound of him rolling over in the bed next to her. Molly wished she could put everything into words and tell him the whole story. She wanted Rooster to understand her. Hell, she wanted to understand herself. She trusted Rooster, but that didn’t stop her from wondering if he would rethink everything. 
She couldn’t say that she would blame him if he tucked tail and ran. Chances are, she would do the same thing if the roles were reversed. In Molly’s mind, she carried more baggage than a cargo plane. So instead, she rolled over, putting her back to him. She felt the need for distance as she held her breath, praying the tears would somehow go away. Molly would not cry with Rooster in the room. Especially when they still had a few more days worth of driving ahead of them. 
The next day, Rooster refused to let Molly get behind the wheel. Truthfully, he liked driving, if he couldn’t fly because he was with her, at least he could drive. Molly stayed quiet, trying to focus on the book in her hands.
Rooster had one hand on the wheel while the other played with the radio, trying to find an acceptable station. Though, most of what he was able to pick up was just static or morning talk shows. 
Molly took note of the way he seemed annoyed as he kept pushing buttons before groaning and switching the radio off. There was a minute or two of silence. Molly tried to seem like she was reading, but in all reality, her heart threatened to explode from her chest. 
“Okay, the way I see things, we still have a few thousand miles ahead of us, right? We have two choices, either we continue this drive in horrible silence, or you can talk to me and tell me what’s wrong, so you can go back to being my girl.”
Molly scoffed and slammed her book shut, “I’m not your girl, Rooster.”
He almost laughed, “Right, so I flew across the country only to drive back, during the first good amount of leave I’ve had in years, for someone that I don’t care about? Someone who doesn’t care about me? I don’t think the last couple of months have been one sided, Molly.”
She shook her head, refusing to look over at him, “I’m not doing this with you, not now. I can’t.”
“If not now, then when Molly? Huh? Because I know you feel it.”
“Nothing can happen between us, Rooster. You know that.”
“Why? Because you’re a few years younger-”
“More than ten! More than ten years younger, which last time I checked isn’t a few. You were nearly a teenager when I was born, don’t you get that? In comparison, I might as well be a child.”
Rooster spotted a rest stop just ahead and pulled over. He slammed the car in park before turning to face her. For some reason, he felt a bit of rage due to the way she was acting. Yes, she was younger than him, but she was more mature than some of the women that were his age. She understood his life, and somehow understood him. She was young, yes, but wise beyond her years. She was far from a child. 
“You aren’t a child,” He said sternly, “However, you’re acting a bit like one right now.”
“Yeah, well you’re being an ass, so there’s that,” She shot back under her breath. 
Suddenly, his laugh filled the cab of her truck. The kind of laugh that made his whole body shook as he threw his head back. While he laughed, anger bubbled up inside Molly. She wanted to scream. She didn’t know where they were, aside from the side of an interstate somewhere. Yet, here he was laughing just moments after inadvertently trying to turn her whole world on its side. 
“What the hell, Bradshaw!”
“I’m sorry,” He was still laughing, but trying to quiet down, “You just have no idea how much power you hold in this situation, Molly. Normally I’m the one with the cards, in the air or on the ground. I know exactly how things are going to end, but with you…God, with you I’m in a tailspin. The scary part is the fact that I like it.”
“You can’t say things like that, Rooster,” She whispered. 
“I told you,” She replied softly, licking her lips, “I can’t do this. I won’t do this…I won’t do it to you.”
“Do what to me, Molly? Talk to me, please,” His hand reached out for hers. He didn’t miss the way she seemed to almost flinch when his skin came into contact with hers, but grabbed her hand anyway. 
She shook her head, knowing there was no way she could explain everything to Rooster and still have the same relationship with him. Only three people knew about it outside of her family, Beth, Erika, and Jack. They were the only ones she ever told. 
Taking a deep breath, Molly moved as far away from him as she could, “You wouldn’t understand, Rooster.”
A few seconds later, she unbuckled and opened her car door, “I need to get some air.”
Rooster opened his mouth to try to stop her, but the door was already shut behind her. Molly walked several feet away and bent over. Her breath was shaky and forced. She didn’t expect to feel this way about him. She didn’t expect to have butterflies or constantly be blushing around him. She loved being around him, but she started to realize that she loved it too much. 
“Get your shit together,” She whispered to herself, “You still have days to go.”
Rooster watched as she walked in circles in the parking lot. He wanted to go out and comfort her, even if he didn’t know what was going on. He felt the need to just help her. Rooster couldn’t explain or understand how this girl seemed to steal his heart, but he knew that she had it. Even if Molly herself didn’t know, or wasn’t sure if she wanted it, she had him in the palm of her hand.
The second he saw her shaking he sprung out of the car and ran to her. He wrapped her in his arms, holding her as tightly as he could. Her whole body shook as she cried. She clung to him. His heart ached, he didn’t know how to help her or what was going on. 
“It’s okay, I’ve got you Mak.”
At a rest stop in the middle of Illinois, Molly looked up at Rooster and finally saw it. She saw the concern, she saw the way he looked at her. She finally felt the safety he offered her. She relaxed in his arms. In that moment, Molly realized that he wouldn’t hurt her, he would do everything he could to keep her safe and happy. She trusted him. 
In a moment, before she could talk herself out of it, Molly stood on her tiptoes, trying to get as close to him as she could, and she kissed him. She gave him more than she’d given anyone in years. She gave him her heart.
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starrgaziinggg · 2 years
BEGIN AGAIN | hwang hyunjin
Hwang Hyunjin messes with your head, unknowingly, for over a month. Until you can't take it anymore.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
Growing up with Chris Bang as your best friend had it's perks - a permanent bodyguard, a shoulder to cry on... and seven other boys who also became your best friends as you grew up together.
Week in, week out, your routine stayed the same. Study, go to class and patiently wait to attend your regular Friday evening home cooked meal with your friends. You just couldn't wait to graduate and start working, to rid yourself of exams and finally start earning some proper money like the boys.
Desperate to put some light back into your mundane, studious life, Chris forces you to start blind dating. Two miserable dates down and ready to murder the man, someone completely unexpected appears and makes a mess of your orderly life.
And a mess he does make.
|fake dating|friends to lovers|slow burn|non idol au|
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*✧・゚: *✧・゚: chapter fourteen
You woke up with a jolt, hearing an immense amount of crashing in your apartment.
"Fuck," you heard someone say from another room. You rubbed your eyes groggily, stretching out and squinting at the sun that was shining through your curtains. It looked like it would be a nice, spring day.
You were interrupted from your calm thoughts when you heard another loud bang.
"Oh for gods sake," the same voice said, and you groaned as you moved aside your covers to get out of bed. You stuffed your feet into your slippers and pulled on a hoodie, since your apartment was cold and your legs were bare. You were surprised when you weren't hit with a pounding headache instantly, but figured the tea you drank last night must have been your saviour.
You walked into a catastrophic sight. Hyunjin on the floor, surrounded by pots and pans, with flour everywhere. You couldn't help but take a picture on your phone of the scene in front of you, laughing as you did so.
"I've had an incident," the man said. He had white powder all over his clothes, the floor - his face. It was a disaster.
You reached out a hand to help him up, and he gladly took it, the clatter of pots and pans continuing as he moved.
"What the hell happened?" You said to him as you shook your head laughing. You watched as he dusted himself down, trying to rid himself of the flour all over him.
"I was getting things out of your cupboards to surprise you with pancakes, but all the stuff was just stuffed in there so it all fell down! Then I tried to put it all back, and it fell down and took the open bag of flour with it," he explained with an adorable pout. "This is just reminding me why I don't cook."
"Disaster seems to be following you around this week, Hyun," you said to him, beginning to pick up the pots and pans from the floor. "It's not your fault though, the shelf is broken in that cupboard so everything's in there haphazardly. I've been meaning to fix it but I just haven't found the time."
Hyunjin helps as you put the pots and pans on the countertop.
"This just ruins the whole thing," he mutters, mostly to himself.
"What whole thing?" You ask. He looks at you sheepishly.
"You're not doing anything today, right?"
"I'm seeing a man about a dog."
"Shut up," Hyunjin replies to your stupid joke. "I have the whole day planned, as an apology for being a fucking idiot last night."
You raise an eyebrow. "What does this day entail?"
He brings a finger to his lips. "It's a secret, but I know you'll like it. It actually is a blessing in disguise, this, because we didn't really have time to make pancakes anyway. It's already mid day, so I was just about to wake you up."
"It's mid day?" You say, checking the time. "God, I slept late."
"Well we were up until half three yesterday, so I don't blame you. Anyway, I've sent an email telling nobody at work to contact me for the day so I can switch off, and since you have no life responsibilities yet I figured you weren't up to much on a Saturday, so get ready cause we need to stop off at mine before we go."
You lightly punch his shoulder at the cheeky comment and he laughs as he pretends it's the worst pain he has ever felt, dramatically falling into the wall.
"I have plenty responsibilities, thank you," you huff, walking away from him to go into your room and get ready for the day.
"Watering your plants daily doesn't count," he shouts to you and you roll your eyes.
"What's the dress code for this mystery day out?" You shout back at him. Since you had no idea what you were going to be doing, you didn't know what to wear.
"Just something casual, but not too casual," he said as if that gave you any idea of what that meant. You just ignored him and sifted through your clothing options, until you came across a cropped green cardigan which you paired with white wide leg jeans and a white tube top. When you tried it on, you liked the outfit so you hoped it would look nice for whatever plans Hyunjin had. Your hair still had a curl in it from last night, so you just left it as is, putting on some light makeup to cover your dark under eyes. You grabbed a bag, not bothering with a jacket after checking the weather app, and walked back into the living area of your apartment.
"I tell these fuckers to leave me alone for one day - just one - and they still feel the need to bombard me with emails," he said huffily, engrossed in his phone. He looked up and smiled at you. "Perfect. You look pretty."
"Thanks, you look like crap," you said, trying not to blush from how easily he complimented you. He made a face as he mimicked your words and picked up his car keys. "You drove here last night? I thought you were drinking?"
"I was drinking Coke last night," he said with a confused face. You just nodded and forgot about it as you walked down the stairs and towards his parked car.
You drove the short distance to Hyunjin's apartment complex and he stopped the car. "You can...could you just wait here? We're driving and I'll only be two minutes anyway."
You just nodded without thinking too much, and attempted to connect your phone to his car's Bluetooth when he left. It took a second to figure out how his high tech car worker, but you managed and started playing music. Hyunjin returned shortly after, looking much more presentable, wearing a loose fitting button down and baggy black trousers. He looked really handsome, not that you'd ever tell him that.
"Oh, I love this song," he said to you as he got into the drivers seat and set off, seemingly knowing the route to wherever you were going.
"I know you do, that's why I played it," you said. You'd never told any of your friends this, but one night you'd sat and created a playlist for each one of them, filling it with songs you knew they'd like. Realistically, you only did it so you had the right music to play if you were on aux in their cars, but they'd still make fun of you for it even if you explained that.
"So you're really not going to tell me where we're going?"
"It's not far," he laughed. "You're so impatient! Are you hungry now, or would you rather get food after our first destination."
"I'm pretty hungry," you replied.
"Good girl," he said with a nod of his head, and you wanted to drown yourself for how you instantly got butterflies at the words. "We can stop off at a cafe quickly, there's a good one near to where we're going."
You just nodded and listened as the song changed. The drive was short, as Hyunjin had said, only around ten minutes. He pulled into a space in a car park in the centre of the city. You both got out and you followed Hyunjin. He led you to a back alley and you gave him an extremely concerned look.
"Don't give me that face, it's really cute," Hyunjin said, taking hold of the sleeve of your cardigan and practically dragging you down the alley. You came out the other side of the alley, and you were faced with a hidden café - vines and flowers encapsulating the area. You had no idea this place even existed.
"How did you find this?" You ask him as the two of you walk in. The interior was just as gorgeous as the exterior. And you stood in the short queue to order.
"On one of my walks. I don't know why I went down the alley, but I'm glad I did. It's one of my secret places, though, so you can't tell."
"And how many secret places do you have?" You reach the front of the queue and order a latte and a pastry, whilst Hyunjin orders an iced americano.
"That's a secret," he says with a wink. "I'd love to stay here, but we will be late if we don't go now, so let's walk and eat."
You both lapse into natural conversation as you walk out the cafe after paying and receiving your food. You had to admit, Hyunjin had a good eye for finding cute places. It seemed the man tried to romanticise his life as much as he could.
"Okay, you need to close your eyes for the foreseeable until I tell you to open," Hyunjin says when you assume you're closer to wherever he was taking you.
"That's sketchy. What if I fall over?"
"You won't, I've got you," he says, holding your hand and bringing it up to emphasise his point. "Now close those eyes."
You obliged, much to your discretion. But you both walked slowly forwards for a couple minutes, Hyunjin leading you forwards, until you turned a corner and walked into a building.
"Okay, I need to pay but please don't open your eyes or I will seriously kill you," he said, letting go of your hand. "Just wait here for two seconds."
You did as you were told, standing sheepishly playing with your hands as you kept your eyes closed. He'd gone to this much effort, and you could tell how much he wanted to surprise you, so you just followed along.
"Okay, done. Now, last bit," he says as he comes back and takes your hand again, leading you forwards. You began to walk forwards and started to hear quiet talking. Then, Hyunjin stood you still.
"Okay, open your eyes."
Your eyes widened as you opened them, turning to look all around you. You knew exactly where you were.
"The Van Gogh Exhibit?" You said as your eyes lit up, turning to face Hyunjin. He was grinning for ear to ear, loving your reaction.
"It opened in Seoul yesterday, and I knew you'd want to see it, so I thought I'd take you," he explained, holding your shoulders and turning you around to walk through the exhibit. It was gorgeous - the paintings were blown up on huge light up screens, and that was the only light in the room, so it made a gorgeous atmosphere. You were in awe at the beauty surrounding you.
Hyunjin and you both shared a love for art, and it was one of the reasons you got on so well as friends. You'd been to art museums before, but this was on another level. The two of you walked together, reading the information and looking at the paintings.
"You know," you said to him quietly. "Van Gogh is amazing, and he's extremely influential, but I just think his work is so depressing. He makes sunflowers look like they're crying."
"Hm," Hyunjin contemplates your words as you move to the next room. "But isn't that the beauty of his work? You can literally see his mental state in the brush strokes of his paintings. Is that why you prefer Monet?"
"Yep," you say. "Don't get me wrong, I appreciate Van Gogh and I love his art, but if we're talking about which pieces in particular make me feel good? Water lilies over Starry Night any day."
"I guess it comes down to personal preference. Art is subjective," he reminds you with a smile. "But I do have to agree with you. There's a certain serene vibe to Monet's paintings that is otherworldly."
You nod, continuing on with your tour of the exhibit. When you finish after about an hour and a half, you leave through the exit.
"That was amazing Hyunjin, Thank you," you told him.
"It's no problem, I wanted to see it just as much as you. Okay, next on the tour, we need to get some food for a picnic."
"You really have thought all this through, haven't you?" You giggle. He shrugs with a smile.
The two of you go into a nearby convenience store and you pick up a basket. You laugh when Hyunjin starts throwing random things in.
"We need some of this," he says, not even looking at the packet he picks up and throws into the basked. "Oh! This looks incredible."
You swat his hand away to stop him from picking up another useless packet of food.
"Stop being annoying, this is going to cost a fortune if you keep buying random shit."
"My treat," he says with a wink, picking up the thing you tried to stop him from buying.
"I'm not some incompetent loser who can't pay for her own things, you know," you say huffily.
"I know, you're very self sufficient. Girlboss. But I enjoy treating you to nice things, especially when you've been working so hard with your studying recently. So stop being a brat and let me," he says, moving into the next aisle.
"But you've already paid for the exhibit tickets -"
"Shush. I am not listening to you," is all he says, putting his hands over his ears before taking them off to pick up some drinks. "What's your favourite flavour of these?"
"Raspberry," you say sulkily.
"Excellent, me too."
"No it's not, yours is chocolate," you recall, knowing that he likes the chocolate flavour of the drinks he was showing you. You'd seen him drink it a million times.
"Shut up. I'm trying to be romantic," he says as he wiggles his eyebrows.
"Ew. Please refrain, I don't enjoy it," you say. "What's gotten into you today? That coffee has turned you eighteen again."
"I'm just happy, that's all," he replies, and it makes you kind of sad that you feel like he seems like his younger self just because he is happy.
You both walk up to the counter of the convenience store to pay for the mounds of food, and once Hyunjin has tapped his card you walk out and back towards his car.
"We're driving to have a picnic?" You ask when he opens the passenger door for you.
"Yup. It's in a super secret location," Hyunjin says with a wink.
So the two of you set off, you helping yourself to one of the snacks he bought as you stare out the window at the blue sky rolling beside you, wondering where on earth the boy was taking you next.
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