#‘they would go out and prowl together and also share one big bed at the end of the night’
stone-stars · 9 months
ep 99 short rest is so much all the time to listen to
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ventisehe · 3 years
being in a relationship with bennett and razor / genshin impact
i main these boys and they make such a great team, i love them so much. i had a lot of fun writing this hehe. again, all characters are aged up, 21 or older unless stated otherwise. this includes chongyun and xingqiu.
requested by: pastelpeachyposts
includes: bennett, razor
warning: unedited, not proofread
You, Bennett, and Razor were an unusual trio, and many will attest to this statement. You differ in personalities and ambitions, even favoring completely contrasting delicacies, and yet there will never be a more lively and iconic dynamic than the three of you.
You and Bennett were the first one to meet when he rescued you from a group of vicious Electro Slimes. He was successful in his intent, but you had to escort him back to Mondstadt where he can be healed by the Deaconess.
You met Razor the next after you grew comfortable with your friendship with Bennett. The latter excitedly told you about another friend of his who resided in Wolvendom and was quite well acquainted with the wolves. Your first encounter with Razor was rather tense, and understandably so. He was wary of you, watching your every move as you strolled around Wolvendom with a gleeful Bennett who was oblivious to the atmosphere between the two of you. Most of his experience with humans are less than ideal but as Bennett unknowingly forced the two of you to spend time together, his walls slowly broke and he accepted you as one of his Lupicals.
As time passed and the three of you grow closer and closer together, a revelation descended upon you, and a startling one at that. You acquired feelings for both boys. It wasn't difficult for you to understand why you grew to like both of them. They were so easy to fall in love with. Bennett is an adventurous and motivated boy who, although had a streak of bad luck in him, has a positive spirit and is very generous and caring towards everyone. Razor is a strong yet gentle soul who is protective over those dear to him, and will always go out of his way to show his affection with his uncommon but innocent gifts.
Unbeknownst to you, the two share the same feelings for you. Bennett knew he liked you when you refused to leave after he saved you, even after he insisted this was a normal occurrence for him. Razor took a while to understand what was that hammering in his chest after you took the responsibility of caring for the wolf pups his Lupicals gave birth to.
It was an awkward situation for the three of you when Bennett and Razor decided to confess to you at the same. When the two of them professed their love for you and offered their gifts with bowed heads and tightly closed eyes, they slowly turned to look at each other with puzzlement, heads tilted and eyebrows furrowed. You, however, stood in front if them with redness coating your face and a thundering heartbeat.
"You like ( Your Name ) too, Razor?" Questioned Bennett, gaping at him.
Razor nodded once. "Like her, very."
Normally, when two people discover that the a close friend of theirs holds the same affection to their person of interest, a quarrel will ensue, and estrangement will follow. But Bennett and Razor were very unlike such an example and instead of compromising their close friendship, the two came to an agreement that whoever you should choose - if you indeed have feelings for one of them - they will remain friends and accept your decision.
Imagine the surprise on their faces when you leaned forward and gave each one of them a small peck on their nose, admitting shyly that you have feelings for both of them.
It took some time for the three of you to get used to your relationship. After all, none of you have ever been in a relationship before, not to mention there was the three of you in it. You carefully treaded through uncertainties and tribulations of inexperience, and it took a while but the you, Bennett, and Razor got the hang of how to make your relationship work.
Bennett is always the one dragging you and Razor to adventures. He will come knocking at your door with a wide grin, Razor lingering behind him and giving you a small smile and a shy wave.
"We're going to Windrise today! I heard some adventurers saying they spotted a weird looking Hilichurl with a briefcase! Wanna join us?" Asked Bennett excitedly, eyes shimmering.
Razor glanced at the other boy before returning his gaze at you with firmness. "I will protect you both. No worry."
You can't ever say no to them, especially when both of them look so happy and thrilled.
Razor is the protector of the relationship. With the dangerous enviroment he grew up in and the training he took under the supervision of a human, it was to be expected. He was always on the prowl, prepared to draw out his claymore and defend you and Bennett from any enemies with an evil intent.
You and Bennett are never worried of being attacked out of nowhere with Razor around you.
Razor takes his responsibility as your protector seriously. The rare times he and Bennett come over at your place, he will never allow himself to fall asleep and would sit by the window where he can oversee your residence. You and Bennett would have to drag him to your bed and convince him that you were in a safe enviroment to make him ease down and actually take a rest.
You three share the same bed, and it's always you in the middle. Bennett will cling on to your slumbering form and would snore from time to time, but when you stroke his hair or when Razor softly nudge his head against his, Bennett will quiet down for a while and continue snoring again after. Razor was quite a sight to see when sleeping. Being raised and cared for by wolves, it was to be expected he would mimic their position in sleeping. He would curl up beside you or Bennett, always nuzzling his face against the crook of your necks. You and Bennett will never say it but he looks so adorable when sleeping like that.
You and Razor know of Bennett's unluckiness. Unfortunately, because you're in a relationship, you two are more involved in his bad luck. Bennett is always guilty of putting the both of you in difficult situations and will apologize profusely, even when the two of you insist that it wasn't his fault.
"It kind of sucks that I'm also giving bad luck to the two of you. I mean, you're one of the few good things that ever happened in my life." He admitted in a gentle whisper, a pout forming on his visage as tears begin to appear at tbe corners of his eyes.
You and Razor felt like an arrow shot through your hearts at what he said and you spend your time cheering up Bennett. Although his unluckiness always seemed to hinder your attempts, Bennett appreciated and loved your efforts, which is enough to bring back his big smile.
When the rare times come when one of you are busy and cannot find time for the other two, the latter pair will frequently visit the missing member, often with gifts.
Bennett loves giving you kisses. Not just on the lips, but all over your face. When your relationship was still at the early stages, Bennett would lean forward towards your face and pull back after an awkward amount of time of hesitation. But when you told him that he is allowed to give you kisses and you would love to receive them, Bennett will take all the chances to shower you with kisses. He loves giving kisses more than receiving because he has so much love to give, but when you do the same to him, his cheeks will be painted in a rich scarlet color and his tongue will be tied, unable to anything except stammering.
"A-Ah, ( Your Name ), please, stop - " Stuttered Bennett as he covered his blushing face with his gloved hands, embarrassment palpable in his posture.
You let out a giggle as you took his hands and tried to pry them off. "Aww, don't be like that, Benny. Let me see your cute face. And I know you love my kisses."
Bennett splutteted.
Razor prefers to give you hugs over kisses. His hugs are big, warm, and welcoming. You'll always feel safe when you're in his arms. When you're in his embrace and you're both comfortable, you won't be leaving his arms for a while. Sometimes Bennett will wiggle himself into the embrace and the three of you just cuddle.
"You're so warm, Razor." You whispered as you nestled yourself on his chest.
Razor showed you a small smile. "I make you feel safe?"
You let out a laugh. "And loved."
More often than not, Bennett and Razor will convene and think of something to surprise you. These boys are filled with love for you that even if there's no occassion, they'll come together to buy you a gift they thought of together.
Bennett gives you trinkets from his solo adventures, but even if most of the time they're broken or burnt, you heartily accept them. Razor always gives you items that are found in the wild such as sweet flowers, mushrooms, pinecones, windwheel asters, sometimes wolfhooks, and if he was lucky, an abundant amount of fowls. You mentioned once how you needed ingredients to make food while you're out adventuring alone, or some things for this thing you call ascension. You love their gifts and always make good use of them or take good care of them.
Bennett had long introduced Razor to his dads (a group of adventurers who saved Bennett long ago). When he introduced you to them, you were immediately flocked and you regaled with tales of their adventures back when they were young, and Bennett was just a wee baby then. You stayed with them for hours, just listening. All the while, Bennett just enjoyed watching you get along with his family so well. Since the adventurers were old, you visit them often and help Bennett take care of them.
Some would think meeting Razor's family would be difficult. They are wolves, after all, and they were known for being vicious. But they couldn't be more wrong Anyone Razor trusted, the wolves trusted so they immeditely accepted you in their pack and treated you the way they treated Razor. They surround you whenever they sense danger, ready to pounce on whatever enemy emerges. The wolves would stay close by and let you snuggle into their fur when the weather is cold. Razor really likes it when you play with the wolf pups and help in hunting dinner for his family.
Bennett and Razor talk about you with their families. Bennett's dads approved of you the very second they saw a glimmer in his eyes when he mentions you, and even though the wolves cannot understand Razor's human speech, they can sense the love in his voice and the frequent drop of your name makes them understand it was directed to you.
" - she and Razor helped me fight an Abyss Mage earlier!" Bennett exclaimed, beaming. "If it weren't for them, I would've probably returned back here with more injuries, hehe."
"( Your Name ) made Bennett and me flower bracelets." Razor then proceeded to lift his arms to show the wolf pups the bracelet he mentioned. "Now, Razor need to take care of it, so me not moving around much."
The three of you always walk hand in hand together, you in the middle. You will swing your linked hands together and Bennett will follow your lead. You and Bennett will have to encourage Razor do the same and have to explain the process of it. Razor will be a little confused at first but then begin enjoy the hand swinging once he get used to it.
Dates are frequent, and it'll always be with the three of you. You all promised never to have a date with someone missing. There will be times where the boys will want a private date with you, but most of the time, it's always you three.
Bennett's dates are adventurous - of course - and unique. He'll find some place you haven't seen before or find an activity you three can try. You'll experience a lot of things in his dates, this includes being attacked out of nowhere and having to save Bennett from time to time. Nonetheless, his dates are always fun and will your heart palpitating.
Razor's dates are simple and peaceful. He'll find a nice and safe place with a beautiful view and the three of you have a picnic there. He's always the one preparing the food for you to eat, but you and Bennett will always bring desserts for Razor to try. Razor insisted that he wanted to learn more human dishes and he can find motivation in doing so by having you and Bennett eat them. His cookings at first were not up to standards - or consumption - but the more dates he arrange, the better he becomes. You mentioned once you liked his hash brown shaped as a puppy paw print and strived to perfect it. If you're lucky, he'll even bring a wolf pup or two.
In your dates, you always make sure you cater to your partners interests. You will do something Bennett likes to do, and then what Razor likes, and then something the three of you can bond over. With that, your dates are always chaotic (not as chaotic as Bennett's dates though) but extremely fun.
Bennett and Razor are suckers for your compliments. They always love getting them from you. Although the two have different ways of accepting them.
Bennett cannot easily accept compliments. It was rare for him to receive one with his bad luck and whenever he does get one, he malfunctions. What more if it comes from you?
Bennett will shake his head vigorously as redness painted his cheeks, waving his arms as though denying your compliment.
"( Your Name ), y-you can't mean that! I-I'm not that great!"
"But Benny," You cooed, as you leaned closer to him, smiling. "You're one of the best person I've ever met! You're kind, sweet and - "
As you continue praising him, Bennett will slowly, slowly accept your compliments, and you might not know, but your compliments are building his confidence in himself. Bennett is a happy and positive boy but his bad luck caused him so much troubles and backlash that his self esteem plummeted. Continue supporting and praising this boy, you're making him super happy.
"I guess I do have some good qualities . . . thanks ( Your Name ). You're really cool, too. And very pretty." Bennett admits as he rubbed the back of his head.
Razor's compliments to Bennett are simple and straightforward, and somehow Bennett accepts them easier than yours. Probably because it's simple and straightforward.
Unlike Bennett, Razor accepts your compliments with a smile and always returns your compliments with one of his own. He doesn't know why some people are embarrassed being complimented. It was a nice thing to do, after all.
"You're really strong, Razor!" You exclaimed after watching the Cryo Abyss Mage he was battlinng evaporate in thin air.
Razor faced you, a smile gracing his briks as he wiped a sweat from his brow. "Thank you. You strong too."
"I can fight Hilichurls, but I'll need some backup if it's Abyss Mages." You laughed. "But thanks, Razor!"
Razor and Bennett insisted that they help you train. You have seen how they fought and trained, and you were a bit reluctant because of its harshness, but after contemplating over its benefits like being able to defend yourself, helping more in adventures, and being able to finally properly protect Bennett and Razor, you accepted.
Bennett is very eager to teach you what he knows and has brought you and Razor to a nearby Hilichurl camp to showcase his abilities and give you pointers after. You and Razor end up carrying him back to the Mondstadt with his arms over your shoulders, the Hilichurl camp up in flames behind you two.
"Did I . . . defeat them?" Questioned Bennett. He couldn't lift his head from the exhaustion and pain.
"Yes, you definitely did." You answered.
Razor's training was a bit more proper but you haven't learned much because his training required claymore, and you were far from being a claymore user. Razor demonstrsted how to pick up a claymore but you couldn't even lift it off the ground.
You pouted as your hands lets go of the handle of the claymore. "I couldn't do it."
Razor approached you and patted your head. "Good effort. Maybe claymore not for you."
Bennett and Razor now always goes to you when they need patching up. Now, they could go and visit Barbara like they used to but they preferred that you tend to their wounds for two reasons. One, they love you and love spending time with you. Two, they get kisses on each wound you cover.
Bennett has a habit of running towards you and Razor at full speed and tackling you both down to the ground, hugging the two of you. You and Razor don't mind it and actually enjoy this sort of thing.
Razor named wolf pups after you and Bennett. This causes confusion when you visit him at Wolvendom.
"Bennett, sit." Ordered Razor.
Bennett and wolf pup Bennett both sat down at the same time.
"( Your Name ), stop playing with food." Razor reprimanded sternly.
You looked down at your plate of neatly cut steak strips while wolf pup ( Your Name ) who sat by your feet poking at the meat it was eating whimpered.
When a fight ensues between you three, it won't take long before you relent and make amends. You three have soft hearts and can never stay angry at each other for too long. You apologize and promise to be better and more understanding.
But if a fight arises between only a pair, the one who isn't part of the fight courts the other two to make up already. If you and Bennett have an argument, Razor will push Bennett to talk things out with you. If you and Razor are the ones in the argument, Bennett will panic and will have a hard time choosing who to approach first. You and Razor make up after the two of you try to comfort Bennett at the same time. If Bennett and Razor were the ones in an argument, you can easily talk to them individually and the two will approach the other and apologize.
Bennett and Razor never compete to be your favorite. They know you love both of them equally, and they love you just as much. You have never felt unloved when you're with them. You three are content and happy.
The most wholesome relationship ever.
"And you two got ambushed by a Geovishap - wait a minute - " Your eyelids curtained your retinas as your digits delicately massaged your temples, trying to ease the pressure in your head as Razor and Bennett averted their guilty gazes from you. Their skis were marred in cuts and bruises, their hair disheveled, and clothes torn from what you suspect were large and sharp claws from a humongous creature. " - how did you two even encounter . . . what was it again - a Geovishap? I know there isn't one in Mondstadt."
Bennett reached out to rub a his hand of his over his neck as he tried to dismiss the mystery at hand with a chuckle. "Uh, well, we kinda . . . " He trailed off, clearly not fond of the idea of continuing his sentence.
Your eye fluttered open and you lifted a brow at Bennett. "You what?"
Bennett opened his mouth to answer but right when you thought he was about to speak, he nudged Razor with his elbow and whispered, "You tell her."
Razor turned to you and looked at you with reluctant eyes, shoulders slackening. "Me and Bennett," He began, " - went to Liyue."
You let out a deep at their answer, your hands slipping from your hips. "I knew it. I heard the two of you talking about doing a commission there. I just didn't think you'd go through with it, and without mentioning it to me." You stated. "Do you know how worried I was when the two of you didn't visit me earlier? I had to learn from Katheryne you took on a commission."
Bennett and Razor casted their gazes away, guilt crowning their expression.
You heaved out a sigh. "At least you two are back safely. And alive."
You approached the two boys who have yet to return their sights on you and assessed their forms, scrutinizing each of them carefully. "You poor things. Those look painful." You murmured. "Need me to patch you up?"
Bennett's and Razor's eyes shimmered at your offer, and the two nodded eagerly in response. Any traces of shame vanquished for they know your disappointment has evaporated and they were forgiven. "Yes, please." The two answered in unison.
You permitted a small laugh to escape your lips. "Alright, alright," You tittered. "Follow me, then."
Before you can even move, Bennett interjected. "W-Will we still get kisses . . . " The white haired adventurer turned completely red as he realized how silly his words were. " . . . you know what I mean . . . "
Razor looked down, a shy expression encompassing his features, to which surprised you. "Razor wants kisses too . . . from ( Your Name )."
Your heart jumped in your chest at the sight of their hopeful and coy expressions. Even if you wanted to tease them a little for this as payback, your heart couldn't. You shook your head at them and clasped their cheeks, one hand on the other as you stared into their eyes.
"You two . . . " You whispered, breathing out. " . . . you make it so hard to be angry with you."
Their only response was a grin.
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dragonleesupporter · 3 years
Not So Different Part I
A/N HEYYYY! Did you miss me? Probably not, but here I am with another t-fic.
Warning: This is a tickle fic!
          It was no secret that tickling was a common pastime in the mindscape. Each side had their own soft spot for the activity in different scenarios. Logan loved tickling for the inexplicable properties it possessed. Roman loved being held and teased, Virgil loved soft cuddle tickles and Janus was a fan of others exploring the ticklishness of the skin just in between his scales.
            However, there were two sides that NEVER got tickled. These two the others would call the tickle monsters of the house. Any attempt to tickle them would backfire and the daring ler would soon become the lee. If one side wanted to be absolutely wrecked, or just want a special type of tickling, the two tickle monsters were the ones to do it.
            Logan, and Roman always went to Patton when overcome by monstrous lee moods, while Janus and Virgil would go to Remus.
 Despite holding the same title and power over the others in their little games, Remus and Patton couldn’t be more different. If the two were in the same room with each other for a single minute, an argument was bound to happen. Sometimes it was cute with both tickle monsters teasing some of their favorite lees to try bribe the other to prove their dominance. But other times… their arguments got really serious… This constant friction between them caused Remus to stop coming to dinner with the others, as Patton would always find a way to ruin his fun. Patton stopped going to Roman’s room entirely because of the fact that him and Remus shared it together, and Remus always got to Patton with absurd and disturbing ideas. Patton would only enter the Imagination if Roman went with him.
 Virgil, while loving the way Remus could make him scream and nearly pass out from the all the wonderful sensations of his tickling, or how surprisingly gentle he could be if Virgil used his safe word… he was starting to get curious what it would be like to ask Patton for tickles… After all, out of all the sides, Virgil was the most neutral when it came to the divide in them- down to even being indifferent whenever Patton and Remus fought, refusing to take a side.
 One morning, the emo awoke with what he liked to call an “Oh damn, I’m royally fucked” lee mood, that consisted of him giggling and snorting to himself at the mere thought of being touched in any of his tickle spots. Usually, he’d go to Remus for a lee mood so big, but, reluctantly, it was Patton’s door he decided to knock on.
 “Hey there, kiddo! Why you shaking so much? Is something wrong?” The fatherly trait’s normally happy appearance quickly changed to one of concern at the sight before him. Virgil had hidden his face in his hoodie, hugging himself tightly and shivering with the tingles his mind was making up to get him even more riled up.
 “L-lee mood…” He barely managed under his breath. He dared a peak at Patton’s face and was surprised to see an uncharacteristically smug expression behind Patton’s glasses. He suddenly grabbed Virgil’s arms and yanked him into the room, closing and locking the door behind him.
 “Why didn’t you say so sooner, Virge?” His honey-sweet voice carried an eerie and almost predatorial undertone as he approached Virgil, grinning madly. Virgil took a few steps back, surprised.
 “Oh, don’t look so scared, you asked for this after all…” Patton practically growled as he pounced on him, holding him in his arms.
 Virgil couldn’t help but squeak, Patton’s hands were touching his sides already, making the tingles SO much worse. Virgil suddenly felt the urge to hold his breath as Patton started poking along his sides, feeling out all of his possible tickle spots.
 “Y’know, this is the first time I get to wreck you Virge… would you want to tell me what your favorite spot is? ~” His sweet voice echoed as he leaned up to whisper in Virgil’s ear.
 The emo flinched and leaned his head away, but Patton’s tickly whispers followed him.
 “Cmoooon, son… just tell me where…”
 Oh. He was serious… Remus always knew where to get him. He never had to tell him where he wanted it! Oh no, this is going to be hard!
 “U-Um…” Virgil avoided eye contact. “S-s-s…”
 “Sides?” Patton guessed and immediately shoved his hands under Virgil’s shirt.
 “I- NO! NO! NOHOHOHOHOHO! PAHAHAHAHAT!” Virgil shook like he was being electrocuted. Patton’s fingers were so soft and stubby, skittering up and down his sides like spiders on the prowl. Virgil’s body kept trying to worm away from the unbearable sensations, but there was a floor to his back, Patton in front of him, and tickly fingers on both his left and his right! His legs started kicking as his laughter got higher in pitch. Patton was inching ever so close to his hips and tummy.
 The fatherly figure saw the reaction right away.
 “Aw! Is this a tickle-tickle-tickle spot right here?? This squishy thing right here? This adorable little tummy?” Patton’s voice grew louder and squeakier with excitement as he started prodding at the edges of Virgil’s belly, making him squeal with each poke.
 “C-cut it out!” Virgil managed between each squeal.
 “Cut out what Virge? Tickling you?” Patton’s sugar-dipped tone teased, lightly circling the sides of his tummy with his fingertips.
 The emo tried desperately not to laugh.
 “Quit t-t-teasing!” He shook madly, struggling to keep his giggles in.
 “Aww, is a little Virgie embawassed? Embawassed little kiddo of mine??” Patton’s ever changing tone only got more flustering, the pitch going even higher than the emo’s heartrate. “Maybe my little kiddo needs a boost! A snack perhaps? Why, I’m so hungry, I can eat this adorable tummy right up!” The fatherly figure eyed Virgil’s belly button with overwhelming excitement.
 “Wait-!” The purple side cried in a panic, but it was too late. Patton’s head charged toward Virgil’s tummy like a bull and upon contact, Patton blew the biggest raspberry his lungs would allow.
 “NOHOHOHOHO! STOHOHOHOP IHIHIHIT!” Virgil thrashed and spun wildly, bucking and kicking like mad, but Patton stayed on his tummy button, forcing more vibrations to echo and bounce off each other.
 “NOHOHOT THAHAHAHAHAT! NOHOHOHOHOHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” Virgil started crying tears of laughter, as he threw his head back, a huge wave of relief and happiness came over him.
 When Virgil’s eyes started to roll up and his laughter became silent, Patton finally stopped.
 “How do you feel, kiddo?” He murmured lovingly, rubbing the emo’s belly in slow steady circles.
 “Ahhhffffeb… gah…” Virgil’s attempt at English was pathetic, yet adorable.  
 “How about cuddles… hm?” Patton’s arms wrapped around the hooded emo, purring softly.
 “Otay…” Virgil fell asleep in Patton’s arms as he kissed at his son’s face and neck and woke up with Patton still there, spooning him.
 It was odd, how different Patton and Remus were, yet they still had that loving look in their eyes as they wrecked their lees… However, while Remus is one for suspense and buildup, Patton’s teases have the same effect before he goes right for the kill… Usually, Virgil would wake up tucked in his bed, warm and safe… but all alone… waking up with Patton protecting him with a big sleepy bear hug… this was beautiful… this was… really embarrassing… but this… also didn’t help his decision of who to stick to… or who was the more dominant ler… he was gonna need more help…
 “Virgil, what was it that you wanted to discuss with me?”
 “Yeah, uh… Logan… how would you like to partake in an experiment with me?”
 To Be Continued…
 @poptartsaysurloved @thetickleeraven @fluffymary
@cefsticklestoo @leedrop-angel
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juseki-taisen · 4 years
How about how the 12 warriors celebrate V-Day? (Bonus challenge being Doudecuple and Navi)
Thank you for the request @gale-dragon-writer
This was a long one! I hope you guys like!
Tumblr media
Without S/O
This wouldn’t happen, let’s be real. If it did she planned this by choice, so she’s probably busy kicking ass and taking names...and numbers
Probably prowls bars for lonely men/women/they’s ect to buy her drinks.
Never pays for any food or drink of Valentines. She’s hot af and knows it
It’s 50/50 if she’s going to go home with someone
With S/O
Expects to be spoiled. Please spoil her
Despite her immense wealth, she doesn’t expect you to buy her expensive things. She can do that herself. What she’d really like is for a gift that’s full of thought.
If you make her a gift, she’ll play it off but she secretly loves it. It doesn’t matter how shitty it is. If you make her a cute boar figure out of clay and it’s lopsided, but you tried hard and painted it her favorite color, it’s going on her mantel in the living room.
Spoils you too. You will drown in gifts and kisses. Don’t worry, she uses amazing lipstick and it doesn’t stick to your face.
Without S/O
Spends the day giving candy to the children.
Secretly gives his daughter a secret admirer letter, her confidence SKY ROCKETS
Decorates his classroom
This man is great at help kids learn about consent. No pulling pigtails, and if a boy likes a girl and she tells him no, he makes sure he knows not to keep bugging her. Same thing with the girls. If a boy doesn’t like them they’re not allowed to keep bugging them either.
Watches cute love movies with his daughter. He’s her prince charming.
With S/O
You better believe he has you help decorate his classroom
You make cute paper hearts and pick out candy
The kids leave you valentines
He takes you to dinner. His daughter comes too. You guys have a lot of fun. He buys you and his daughter a dessert. Somehow she eats here and half of yours
Snuggles on the couch and a cute movie.
Without an S/O
Doesn’t celebrate
She doesn’t understand why it’s a big deal
Indulges the day after on discount candy
With an S/O
Help her
She wants to celebrate but she’s in Ushii level awkward when it comes to doing anything
Picks the most popular movie out, watches it, and THAT is the basis for her whole idea
Gets you candy. Wears a cute dress. Picks a place to eat. Buys you roses, or do you get her roses? She’ll get them for you...just in case
Candy? Candy. Lots of candy.
Any small thing you get her she’s going to love. She never has really gotten gifts, and one out of love is a gift she’ll treasure forever
If you do get her flowers, she’s going to press them or dry them and keep them forever
Without an S/O
She had a fiancé for what seemed like forever, so a day without one is kind of difficult for her
She’s happy she’s alone, because she’s happy with who she is and now doesn’t have anyone to try and fit her into a mold that she didn’t belong
Kind of mopes though. She wants romance and someone who loves her for who she is and everything she does
Drinks hot coco and eats an ungodly amount of chocolate
With an S/O
So. Excited.
She cooks all day and makes cake, dinner, and everything else from scratch
You get her gifts and feel like it’s still not enough
Honestly? It doesn’t matter what you get her. She just love shaving you around and knowing how much you care for her for who she is
PLEASE slow dance with her in the kitchen while you’re doing the dishes. She’ll remember it forever
Without an S/O
Hangs out at home
Waiting for the candy to go on sale
Babysits for his child so they can have a romantic evening
Watches random shows on TV, but avoids romance stuff
With an S/O
Still wants to hang out at home, but will go out if you want
Uses this as an excuse to DESTROY the candy aisle
Gets you flowers, they’re not red roses because that’s pretty expensive, but he gets cute ones...and a bear
Snuggles and falling asleep to bad rom coms on TV
Without an S/O
Spends it alone
He wishes he had someone, but he’s alright for the most part
Okay he’s not
He’s a big softie inside and somewhat romanticizes the holiday more than he should
Eats cake...and chocolate 
With an S/O
The man goes WILD
Roses everywhere
A romantic dinner he made meticulously after practicing for weeks
Remakes the titanic ship in a bottle, with you two as the figures on the front of the ship
He loves any gift you get him. He cries. He tries not to, but he does. 
He writes you a poem he gets to embarrassed to read. You get it in a card. 
Without an S/O
Steals everything with his brother
Necklaces, candy, and even flowers just so he can light them on fire
Doesn’t think much of the holiday, never has. It’s stupid. 
With an S/O
He’s awkward. He doesn’t know how to celebrate the holiday
He gets you the basics, candy, a bear, and flowers. That’s it right? 
Oh wait, you wanna do something? Uh, can a theme park be romantic?
You have a lot of fun actually, and when inevitably he lights part of it on fire, he has stuff for smores. 
You save the picture from the tunnel of love. You managed to snap it before he lit it on fire. The tunnel was the point of origin. 
Later on down the road he plans more stuff. He may also use fireworks to do your name in the air or something
Steals you a car. 
Without an S/O
Steals stuff with his brother
Gets entirely to many snacks
Does anything but Holiday stuff
With an S/O
Doesn’t want to do anything, but will because you ask him
Takes you for dinner, and he enjoys spending time with you, but because social convention is making him he’s grumpy about it 
If you’re the kind of person who is easily embarrassed, he may send you cheesy emails with stupid valentines cards
Chocolate and all KINDS of snacks
Later on down the line he’ll plan more romantic stuff, and buy you nice things with real money so you know he cares
Without an S/O
He likes the Holiday and wants someone to do it with SOOOO BAD
Watches all those cute movies and cheesy rom coms
Has a “Friend” he takes out on a date
It doesn’t go well
With an S/O
Oh boy. He’s SO HAPPY
He gets you everything. Flower, roses (ignore the blood it’s fine), and he lets you know he’s arrived to pick you up by having his friends hold him high while he has a boom box playing your favorite song. Even if it’s metal. Even if he thinks the holiday begins at midnight. Your neighbors wont care, right?
You will go to ALL the cheesy stuff. Cute rides at a theme park, which somehow gets burned down later on thanks to someone (Takeyasu)
 A dinner and flowers, chocolate. SO MUCH CANDY. He even likes the terrible heart ones. He made you a box filled with ones that have saying that remind him of you
Cuddles, kisses, and smooches that just...don’t stop. Even in public. You gotta tell him to tone it down. 
Without an S/O
Drinks, and mopes
She doesn’t really want to date, but seeing other people happy kinda rubs it in when you’re single
Partakes in day after candy sales
She actually avoids the bars, to many couples being happy and cute
Angrily eats snacks
With an S/O
She doesn’t expect much, other than maybe being one of those annoying couples who steals Every. Booth. In. The. Restaurant. 
Please get her presents. Please. She’ll get really happy and flustered
This girl will actually try and make you chocolate from scratch. Sharyu helps. She even wraps them in a cute wrapping paper she draws herself
It’s pretty casual and after bar hopping you spend it at home. You’re with her so she cuts back so she’s not sloshed. She wants to remember being with you. 
So many cute kisses. 
Hand holding. It still gets her flustered. 
Please get your picture taken at some point. She’ll put it by her bed and fall asleep smiling
Without an S/O
There’s a Holiday? 
He guess he noticed it was harder than normal to get a table for his favorite restaurant
Doesn’t really like sweets so the holiday just annoys him
So many people confess to him and he’s just like “Okay. Cool. Thanks” 
With an S/O
He’s not great with the holiday. He’s smart though, so he tries  to research what to do
Googles top ten most romantic gesture, luckily has the sense not to propose
Gets you candy, roses, and all the stereotypical stuff
You have to tell him to relax, because all the stuff he’s saying is regurgitated rom com lines
When he does relax, he’s actually really sweet. Stupidly sweet actually. 
“I don’t need a holiday to tell me you’re important, you’re already always on my mind, but the candy is nice I guess”
Will watch whatever you want. Is always confused by romance movies, but oh BOY does he love going out to eat with you. Hell. Yes. The desserts are amazing and now he gets to share them with you
Care you a card. It’s ugly, but he tries
Gets you a really cute necklace. It has a small ox on it, so he can always be with you. 
Without an S/O
Eats candy and sleeps. It’s no different than any other day, other than people piss him off more.
He doesn’t like how weird people get 
They also made out on his locker...and he needed his textbook. Please....Let him get his books
With an S/O
Uses his paths so much that he passes out and HARD CORE NAPS before you go out
Has the perfect gift.
Plays co op video games with you
He doesn’t like people, so you get take out and stay home
You watch movies, but they’re movies like Princess Bride, Warm Bodies, and love stories that aren’t so normal and are more fun
If you’re LGBT he goes out of his way to find a good movie ahead of time, because he loves and supports you and this day is about you two damn it! (The other’s would try to do this for their S/O, but would have a harder time. since most of them are not great with technology like Nezumi is)
So much candy and snacks
Selfies and filters
You fall asleep together and nap
get him a gift. He’ll know it’s coming but it still makes him happy
Without an S/O
Doesn’t do a whole lot. Has wine and watches the mortals below
Maybe messes with people just a bit to amuse himself
Does his own thing. He really doesn’t care for the holiday
With an S/O
Wine and a dessert charcuterie board
Gets you an expensive gift, but practical. A coat, a scarf. Something to keep you warm and cozy you can use everyday and think of him.
Makes the impossible possible. A romantic setting with only a few people
Getting the tickets for some play or show the last minute
Please do something cheesy, it’ll amuse him, and he’ll secretly keep it
He may get a gift from you, then anyone who goes in his office will see it. 
“Look what my Love got me. Have you beheld it?”
It doesn’t matter if it’s stupid. He’s keeping it forever 
Without and S/O
Stays home and has snacks and chocolates
Maybe organizes his hat collection
Watches fun game shows or anything without romance
With S/O
Has a special hat he wears for the occasion
Gets you one too
Gets you candy and a single rose, as well as a teddy bear
Uses his tablet to find the best places to go with the best rating. Uses his ability to multiply to hold your place in line so you can actually do other stuff
Ferris wheel. He has to hold his hat on but you guys get an AMAZING picture together. It’s his screensaver. He texts it to Nezumi. Nezumi and him start having a couple picture off. Next year, double date. 
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ruewrites · 3 years
I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Ship: Solomon/Asmodeus
Word Count: 2082
Warnings: Mild Violence
A/N: Day 4 of Solodeus Week! I decided to mix Royalty!Au with Curse. I will be updating TaBoL again after this week, but I hope you enjoy the lightness of this oneshot with the heaviness going on in the main story right now!
Asmo was more than delighted with their little predicament. Solomon, however, didn't exactly share his enthusiasm.
"Asmodeus, my palm is getting sweaty."
"But we get to hold hands!" Asmo squealed, "You love holding my hand!"
"True, but I also love to do things with my hands."
It was incredibly hard to read his spells right when the fifth born prince of Arcadia was on top of him and in his lap. It was incredibly hard to focus when he was also moving his hips against him and kissing along his neck. He was lucky that it hadn't been a more dangerous spell. But he also couldn't blame Asmo. After all, he was more than happy to be an active participant in his actions.
It wasn’t that he was unfamiliar with curses, no, in fact he was very familiar with them. Some minor ones could be useful for catching thieves, or wiggling the truth out of liars, but he never imagined that one like this would stick him to Asmodeus. Perhaps he should be wiser when choosing readings in Asmodeus’ company.
With a sigh he grabbed his book with his free hand and dragged Asmo with him to the edge of the bed. There had to be a way to undo this spell. Not that he didn’t like holding his hand, he loved holding his hand, but certain situations would call for him to use both of his hands. Not only that, but he and Asmo couldn’t always be together, and being stuck together when they needed to be in two places at once was rather inconvenient.
Asmo leaned against his shoulder, eyes glancing down to the book and back up to Solomon. Solomon’s lips moved ever so slightly as he looked over the words, trying to make sense of the text before him.
“This is nice,” Asmo chirped, interrupting his train of thought. “I like watching you read, you look very attractive when you’re focused.”
Solomon couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “Well thank you, but focus requires quiet, and I’m going to need that in order to figure out what we need to do to fix this.” If he was able to poke Asmo’s nose he would have. So instead he placed a small kiss on it.
“I don’t think we need to fix it so quickly. I don’t think it’s that big of a problem."
"You'll think differently when we have things we need to get done, I don't think it is incredibly possible for us to function like this."
"Shhhh. We'll be holding hands while I figure out what we need to do.”
Asmo seemed slightly satisfied with that answer and remained silent as Solomon continued to scan through the book.
“Solomon! Slow down!” Asmo squeaked, stumbling along behind the king. He’d called a carriage to take them to the outskirts of the kingdom. Just as their luck would have it, it appeared that Solomon was only missing one singular ingredient needed to fix their little screw up.
All the sudden he felt himself jerk back as his fiance dug his heels into the earth, “Asmo-”
“You almost took me through a mud puddle Solomon. A mud puddle! Do you realize how hard that would have been to get out of my clothes? You’re being such a reckless man!”
“Alright, alright, I apologize,” Solomon said, “But darling, you need to keep your voice down, we don’t know what could possibly be prowling around these parts.” As he spoke he noticed Asmo’s eyes go wide, fixed on something behind him.
Did he dare turn around or should he just curse his luck further?
Before he even had the chance to turn around, Asmo was yanking him out of the way. His eyes just managed to catch quills slicing the air where his head had been moments ago. The two of them stumbled off into a tree where Solomon finally got a glance at the creature. It had a humanoid face, surrounded by sharp quills, it’s body was that of a large cat, and it’s tail was spiked, thrashing widley. It’s fangs were bared towards them as Solomon tried to put himself in front of Asmo.
“I can’t get to my dagger,” Asmo whispered, “Not with my dominant hand anyways.”
Because Solomon was currently glued to it.
His eyes never left the beast. He couldn’t risk it pouncing and catching them off guard.
Being stuck together wasn’t too bad.
But being skewered together wasn’t something Solomon was looking to try.
“Just stay close,” Solomon whispered, bringing Asmo closer to him, “Listen and do exactly what I say when I say it."
Asmo's nod was so slight that Solomon barely registered it. They waited, letting their hunter circle them. Swaying back and forth, looking for an opening. This was the downside of being stuck like this. Yes Asmodeus was strong, and Solomon knew he could take care of himself, but he didn’t like the idea that he was the one putting him in danger. He should never intentionally be putting him in harm’s way.
He would put himself down first, but if something happened to one of them, they were both doomed. Asmodeus would have even less of a chance of surviving if he was stringing along his corpse. The stakes were higher than they normally would be.
His eyes drifted downwards to those sharp talons, the way they curled in the soil. He just needed the right moment, an opening.
Then the beast stopped.
"Left!" Solomon didn't give Asmo time to respond, yanking him along as the beast lunged for them. They stumbled onto the ground together, narrowly avoiding being slashed open.
But the beast was quick and agile. Solomon barely had the time to raise a shield above them before it pounced again. He could feel the strain on his body with each blow that came down onto the barrier. This creature really wasn’t going to give up until it had them both between its jaws.
He’d failed his kingdom.
He’d failed Asmo.
He’d failed.
At least he could die in his love’s arms.
“Asmo, I’m so sorry that things are going this way. I-”
“That’s great darling, but look underneath us,” Asmodeus sounded oddly calm. Solomon debated if he should take his eyes off of the furious creature before them.
“Darling,” he could hear the exasperation in Asmo’s voice, and soon a flower was in his line of vision, “While I love the dramatics you’re putting on, isn’t this the little flower that was in your book?” If they weren’t about to be eaten by a giant beastie, Solomon could have kissed him. His absolutely wonderful Asmodeus.
Solomon’s grin was wider than the maw of the creature, “Perfect! That is exactly what I was looking for, now put a petal in my mouth.”
“Excuse me?”
Solomon hissed as the creature threw itself against the shield once more and his magic flickered. “Asmodeus please just do it.”
Asmodeus quickly placed a petal on his tongue and Solomon started to chew. Then, once he thought it was good enough, he spat it onto their hands.
“Ew Solomon!” Asmo screeched, but Solomon would make it up to him later.
Their hands were now freed, but Solomon wasn’t sure how much he would be able to do after he drained more of his powers trying to keep the beast at bay. All he knew was that he’d do anything in his power to keep Asmodeus safe, even if that meant providing a distraction long enough for him to run. All he had to do now was prepare himself to take the wall down. All he had to do was breathe and think of Asmo’s wonderful smile.
But he didn’t even get to think too much about anything aside from that.
As the beast reared, Solomon lowered the shield, and then a figure darted past him. A terrible screech echoed all around them as Asmo plunged his dagger deep into its chest and twisted. He didn’t let up, didn’t let go. Even as it toppled backwards, Asmo pressed forwards staying on top of it until it’s thrashing movements came to a halt.
Asmo’s back rose and fell as he removed his dagger. Blood splatter sprayed his front and his arms, his dagger glistened a dark crimson. His hand raised to his head, and then he hesitated, a look of disgust crossing his face.
Solomon wasn’t sure what it was, but something about the image sent a wonderful red color straight to his cheeks. Something inside of him wanted to ravish the prince. But Asmo smacked his hand away as soon as he went to reach for him.
“Oh no. Nuh uh. Who told you it was okay to spit on my hand? My husband should know better! That was absolutely revolting,” he snapped. The tip of his dagger rested on his chest, but Solomon didn’t even flinch. Instead he brought his hands up and gently cupped Asmo’s face.
“I’m sorry my love, I did what I had to, but I promise that I can make it up to you.”
Asmo raised an eyebrow.
“How about a nice warm bath where I tend to you and spoil you?”
Asmo’s eyebrow raised a little higher.
Oh he was insatiable.
“Perhaps I could call the tailor in? I could get new clothes made and ordered for you, maybe even get your crown shined?”
Asmo let out a sigh and dropped his dagger from Solomon’s chest, “I suppose we can talk about it.”
He was forgiven.
Solomon took that moment to press a kiss to Asmo’s lips, “Good. Now, why don’t we head back and get you cleaned up before more trouble manages to find us.”
The walk back was a lot less eventful, and Solomon could feel his bones start to ache. His eyes glanced over to Asmodeus, his hand gently laying by his side. He couldn’t help himself. Testing the waters, Solomon moved closer to brush their fingers together. Asmo glanced at him and Solomon repeated the action before intertwining his fingers with Asmo’s.
“Now King Solomon,” oh Solomon loved the way he said that, “I thought you didn’t want to hold my hand anymore.”
“Of course I want to hold your hand. I do love how soft they are, and I love how your fingers look wrapped around your dagger.”
“Oh you would love something so brutish wouldn’t you?” Asmo teased, “Refined King Solomon, who is always so deep in his books, loves watching the delicate little Arcadian prince slaying a big ugly monster because of how his spit-covered hands look wrapped around a dagger.”
Solomon wrapped himself around him, not caring in the slightest if blood got on his cloak, “And if I do?”
“And what if you do?” Asmo challenged.
There was so much Solomon loved about him, and that fire in his eyes was one of the things he absolutely adored. Asmodeus was strong in more ways than one, and Solomon knew this to be true. All he could hope was that he helped Asmo flourish and grow.
“Isn’t that the question,” Solomon said leaning in, “But now all I wish is to hold your hand.”
“You’re avoiding the question.”
“But will you let me?”
Asmo met him halfway, letting his lips meet Solomon’s. His heart soared at the tiniest bit of contact with Asmo, and when they pulled apart, Solomon could feel his body begging for more. He could never get enough of Asmodeus, and he would never get enough of Asmodeus. How could he? He was beautiful and powerful all in his own right.
“So may I hold your hand?” Solomon asked again.
“You said you would attend to me in the bath as soon as we got back?” Asmo asked, leaning in close.
“That I did.”
“Then I suppose I could let you hold my hand. Perhaps I’ll even let you hold it the rest of the way back.”
“Oh my Asmodeus is too kind to me.”
And so they walked back to the palace, hand in hand. Solomon didn’t intend to let go any time soon. Asmodeus always had a grip on him. His hands held his heart so tenderly, and his very presence always had him in such a captivating grasp.
Asmodeus was wonderful, and Solomon considered himself lucky that he had the honor of holding the Arcadian prince’s hand. It was one he didn’t deserve, and yet Asmo blessed him every day.
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mk-wizard · 4 years
Let me explain how Transformers are not robots
Hi, fans. Today, I am not discussing a theory, but something that is a fact and perhaps the most denied, resisted and challenged fact in all of Transformers lore: they are not robots.
I have gone as far as having long debates with even my own husband about this subject, but the truth is the truth whether you like it or not. Maybe they were introduced as robots and maybe their definition of what a robot is can be different from Earth’s, but they are not robots and when you stop and think about it, they never were. And here is the list of reasons to back it up and I am only counting facts that Hasbro has confirmed as officially part of the Transformers lore;
They have parts (organs) that cannot be replaced by building a new one from scratch. They either get crude replacements or they require an organ donor to replace the part that is lost. Also, these same parts can sometimes be deformed which affects performance. The most obvious they cannot simply replace is their T-cog which is the unique organ that Transformers have that gives them their ability to transform. If this gets damaged or lost, it cripples that ability leaving them as an unchanger. It is also possible for a T-cog to be deformed in which case the Transformer is an unhcanger at birth or has trouble transforming. This organ can only be replaced by a donor or corrected with surgery. It cannot be built. In fact, even body parts like hands, optics and even a foot cannot simply be replaced. They can be put back on, but trying to make a new one is not that simply and at times, the fact that it is a prop shows as seen with Prime Ultra Magnus’ hand, Prime Breakdown’s optic being lost for good and Animated Red Alert’s hand being replaced with a tool. If they were robots, their parts would work like an assembly line of which they are easily replaced and made from scratch. The fact that not even a hand can work this way for Transformers is proof that they are not robots. Like us, if they lose a body part, they won’t be the same. They are even made up of something called CNA which is what DNA is to us. In fact, they share many organs with us like bones and veins.
They have genders and this has been confirmed since the IDW comics and Beast Wars. I admit that initially, they didn’t have genders in the time of G1 which caused confusion for the G1 fans later, but this fact was officially changed by the Beast Wars era. They have biological genders and work the same way as ours. With that said, as radical as it sounds, they come to be through reproduction like us not through being built. Yes, they can be put back together if broken apart, but they don’t come into the world like that. Every Transformer has a mother and father biologically just like you and me.
They can age and die which is something robots cannot do. A robot may wear and tear with time and its batteries will eventually run out, but it never actually was alive to begin with, it never ages and it doesn’t die. You can simply replace the robot’s batteries and they will be fine. As we have seen especially Alpha Trion since G1, Transformers can age and even grow old. And in Rescue Bots, we see that they even start off in the world as children. And most notably, once a Transformer dies, it’s for good. Optimus was the exception through a miracle of Primus. The norm is that death is forever with them. And if you want to look at this from a spiritual perspective if you’re devout like me and believe in that stuff, they have an afterlife where their souls go which is the Allspark. If the ability to age and die while having a soul is not the definitive trait of being a living being, I don’t what is.
They have biological familial relationships which is impossible for a robot. Since the days of G1, we saw many examples of this; - The Lamborghini twins are twin brothers. - In some continuities, Optimus and Ultra Magnus are either cousins or brothers. - Hound and Mirage are cousins. I don’t know if they are close or distant ones, but it is why they share similar powers. - In some continuities including G1, it is subtly hinted that Elita-One is Alpha Trion and Beta Maxx’s biological daughter. - G1 Arcee is Beast Wars Rattrap’s great aunt. - In some continuities, the Prime system is hierarchical meaning from parent to child so all Primes are family. The Megatron system works the same way. - In some continuities, Ratchet is a father and grandfather. - In Rescue Bots, Ratchet is Medix’s uncle. - The Constructicons are brothers. - In Animated, Jetstorm and Jetfire are twin brothers. - While it was initially a joke that he had a mother, it is now a fact that Optimus Prime had loving parents who sadly, were two of the many casualities in the war. I don’t know which one was the Prime though. - In current times, each Dinobot is a parent. - In Animated, Bulkhead came from a big family. - In Animated, Kup has a nephew. - In the comics, it is hinted that Wheeljack has a son out of wedlock.
They can get sick or hurt which is also impossible for a robot. As we have seen since the days of G1, Transformers have health needs and cannot only emotionally feel, but also physically feel for better or for worse. When they get injured, they don’t just simply break. It hurts and in some cases, the severity of an injury can have repercussions such as permanent damage. In the case of Fixit, he is handicapped for life because of the injuries he sustained from his crash. In some fights, Transformers have wound up dead. Which leads us to the diseases they can endure which can be fatal. And unlike a robot that simply acts wonky or nutty when bugged, Transformers act like we do when they are sick. They are weak, they are in pain, they moan and even physically look awful hence needing to stay in bed. And like us, these diseases require treatment.
They can have handicaps and imperfections which cannot simply be corrected by repairing or rebuilding. If a Transformer has a handicap of any kind especially a mental one or suffers from some kind of insanity, you can’t just simply reboot them or fix their processor (brain). And they can have imperfections such as not all having the same level of fitness or even being fat or possibly even being physically deformed. And like an organic person, sometimes, you cannot simply operate on them to fix it because it can be dangerous. For example, it has been confirmed that Lugnut is hideously deformed (though that didn’t stop Strika from loving him), it is hinted that Megatron is a mutant and years of forced surgery to be a great miner mutated him further, and it has been confirmed that out of all the cop Autobots, Prowl is chubby and a lot of evidence points to most versions of Optimus being fat. A robot cannot suffer from insanity, it cannot gain or lose weight and they cannot mutate because they don’t have a biology.
So there you all have it. Proof that the Transformers are not robots and these are facts Hasbro backs up. I hope it has cleared the air and ceased the confusion. Take it or leave it. Personally, I like the fact that they aren’t robots because I find it makes them more interesting and dynamic. That and I find the fact that they can have families endearing. And as side note, the fact that Optimus Prime had kind loving parents.
If you have a Transformers theory or fact you want explored, let me know in my ask box and I will delve into it.
Thanks for reading and talk to you later. EDIT: Forgot to add a fact. Added sickness and injury now. EDIT 2: More significant things have been added to the family list. Plus, another significant fact came to mind.
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Butterfly Into Chains, Chapter 6
After getting a greeting hug from each of the five Alphas, Esme was handed a drink of wine from Michael and she sat down on one of the two double beds in that room.
David sat next to her, his back against the headboard too. Michael sat on the edge of the other bed and so did Chris. Ben was on a chair at the other side of the bed, up near Esme. And Tom sat on a chair at the end of the bed.
She felt rather flattered, in a way, that she seemed to be the centre of their attention. She quite liked it actually. Having these strong and incredibly Alpha Alphas intrigued and focusing on her completely.
They were all delighted that she was wearing the bracelet they’d got her. Not to mention how beautiful she looked in the dress she’d decided to wear. Her hair was nicely done up, too. It didn’t get passed them that she seemed to have made a big effort to look nice for them.
‘Meeting you has definitely been the highlight of visiting here.’ Chris smiled.
Esme blushed and looked down at her wine glass. ‘Thank you. That’s really nice of you to say.’
‘You should come with us, back to our home.’ Michael suggested.
Esme looked up, surprised. She frowned and looked round at them all. ‘You… You would want me to join your pack?’
Tom’s smile grew larger. ‘Of course. Why wouldn’t we? You’re a lovely little omega, we are all very fond of you, love.’
She smiled again and looked down once more, unsure what to say.
‘What do you think of that? Would you like to come with us?’ David asked, hooking a finger under her chin and raising her head up.
‘I… I would… But my home is here. I don’t know if I could leave East Meadowridge forever. I’d miss my parents and I doubt they’d allow me to leave.’ She said quietly.
‘You don’t need to do what they say, you are an adult remember.’ Chris said.
‘I know… I just, I don’t know. It’s a bit scary to think about leaving somewhere I’ve been my entire life.’ She said honestly.
‘We’d look after you, we wouldn’t let anyone hurt you.’ David said, stroking her cheek with the back of his hand, making her skin tingle.
‘I know. I trust you all, I feel safe with you. But I, I don’t really know what to expect elsewhere. I have my family, friends and job here.’
Ben nodded. ‘We understand, sweetheart. It’s an offer, you can think about it. We aren’t leaving till late morning. Anyway, let’s enjoy tonight.’ Ben held his glass up and everyone else did the same before taking a sip.
Tom looked at Chris and they shared a knowing look with one another.
Esme felt more and more relaxed as the night went on, she knew no doubt because of the wine. But she enjoyed her time with the Alphas. They made her laugh, especially their playful bickering with one another. They reminded her of what it would be like having siblings, actually.
‘So, why do you all not have omegas? I don’t mean to sound rude, but handsome and kind Alphas such as yourselves should be flooded with omegas grovelling at your feet, I’d have thought.’ Esme said boldly.
‘Well, we just hadn’t found the right omega yet.’ Ben purred. He reached over and put his hand on her lower leg, smiling at her as he stroked her bare skin softly.
‘Tell us, darling Esme. Have you ever been intimate with an Alpha? Or a Beta?’ Michael asked.
Esme swallowed, Ben’s touch was making her feel… things.
‘I uh, haven’t… No. We’re always told in this town, that we wait until our first heat before anything intimate is to happen.’ She said quietly.
‘Have you ever seen a naked Alpha before?’ David asked curiously, wiggling his eyebrows at her to make her giggle.
‘Uhm… By accident. Yeah.’ She blushed hard.
Tom raised an eyebrow. ‘Oh? How did that happen, love?’ He leaned forward, intrigued.
Esme continued blushing and smiled shyly as she looked down. ‘It was ah… in secondary school. I was dared by a friend to run into the men’s showers after swim class.’
‘Ah.’ David laughed. ‘Not one to turn down a dare, eh?’
‘Nope.’ Esme said proudly. ‘I uhm, saw more than I expected to see.’
‘Just Alphas from this town though?’ Ben asked, still stroking her lower leg. Her skin was tingling under his touch.
‘Yeah. I’m assuming not as impressive as others.’ She blurted out, her eyes then widened when she realised what she said. ‘I mean… I assume, cause I know the Alphas here aren’t… strong and… stuff.’ She trailed off, realising she had already dug herself a big hole.
But she was relieved when the Alphas laughed and smiled kindly at her.
‘Don’t worry and don’t look so nervous. Sex is natural, it’s our instincts. Bodies are nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. It’s fine to be curious, too.’ Tom said softly.
‘I know. I just, never really speak about it much aside from with my girlfriends sometimes. You know.’ Esme shrugged. She was holding on to her wine glass rather tightly.
‘Did you want to wait, with Mason? Did you want to wait for your heat, or did you want to have sex sooner?’ Chris asked.
Esme took a moment to think. ‘I didn’t really want to have sex with him at all, being honest. I never felt a connection with him or safe, like they say an omega is supposed to feel with her Alpha. There was no attraction either. But as far as wanting to have sex before my heat, yeah. It’s likely my first heat wouldn’t be for another two years going on the average omega. I think most omegas in town are in the same boat, wanting to do it beforehand… we do have needs too, at the end of the day.’ She wasn’t sure why she was being so honest with the Alpha pack, but she felt comfortable enough.
‘Again, completely natural. We all have needs.’ David purred, putting his hand on her arm.
Ben’s hand had slowly made its way further up her leg and he was now stroking her knee, making her squirm a little.
‘Well, there are no laws saying that an omega can’t have some exploratory fun with five Alphas.’ Chris suggested, licking his lips as he eyed her up.
Esme’s stomach flipped and she felt her insides clench. A big part of her was screaming YESSSS! But she was still a bit shy and unsure, too.
‘We would certainly like to show you a good time, poppet.’ David said, still stroking her arm.
‘I… I uhm… Don’t know.’ She said shyly.
‘We wouldn’t claim you, obviously. Just… some nice orgasms for all of us.’ Michael said with a charming smile.
For Alphas to claim an omega, it meant to knot the omega and cum inside her. It would take some restraint for the Alpha to pull out, but it was possible. Unless the omega was in heat, then there was no chance.
She wanted to say no. She really wasn’t sure about this, no matter how much she liked them all. But as she opened her mouth to speak, Tom cut her off.
‘Come on, love. Why don’t you take off your clothes for us, like a good girl.’ He purred. His tone. It was very… dominant. The look in his eye too, was intense.
Esme found her inner omega instincts unable to say no to a proper Alpha. And she found herself longing to be called a good girl. It sounded so nice coming from him…
The Alphas could see the conflict and battle she had with herself in her mind. But they knew they had her, they knew she was going to do whatever they told her to.
And she did.
She started to remove her dress, under the prying eyes of the Alpha pack.
‘Play nicely, boys. Don’t hurt our precious little omega.’ Tom growled as the pack all surrounded Esme on the bed.
She had removed her dress and then with some more gentle coaxing her bra and knickers were removed too. But she was incredibly shy and nervous, sitting on the bed with her legs curled up to her as she tried to shield herself from them a bit.
‘I… I don’t know if I really want to do this or not.’ She said shakily. Seeing the Alphas prowl around her was setting her on edge, even more so when they entered her space.
Tom moved onto the bed up next to her, he cradled her face gently in his large hands and turned her face towards him. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and then sat down, patting his thigh. The other Alphas paused, just hovering, waiting.
Esme didn’t really move until Tom gently took a firm hold of her and helped her onto his lap. Tom cradled her on his lap and stroked her hair.
‘Relax, lovely. We want to cherish you, protect you. And also have some fun, which isn’t such a bad thought, is it? We don’t bite, unless you ask us to.’ He grinned.
‘I… I’ve never… I just…’ She couldn’t get the right words that she wanted out, feeling utterly vulnerable and at the mercy of the Alphas.
She jumped a little when David reached out and started caressing her ankle. Michael also moved in more and stroked over her hip. She turned her face into the crook of Tom’s neck to hide.
Tom looked at his pack and they backed up a little, but kept their eyes locked on Esme’s body. Tom then turned her around more, so her back was flush against his front and she was forced to face the others.
‘Put your hands up behind my neck, love.’ He whispered, nuzzling her cheek.
Unable to defy his command, she did exactly as he said to. She closed her eyes, unable to look at the other Alphas who were now eyeing her up hungrily.
‘Good girl.’ Tom purred and slid the tips of his fingers down her arms, making her squirm.
His hands continued down and he stroked her breasts, slowly focusing in on her nipples that were starting to harden in arousal. With his gentle touches, it didn’t take long to make her gasp and have her aroused.
‘Do you ever play with your nipples when masturbating?’ Tom asked, nuzzling into her hair. ‘Hmm?’ He tugged on her left nipple when she didn’t respond, making her yelp.
‘I… No…’ She said quietly.
Tom smirked into her hair. His left hand continued teasing her nipples while his right hand started venturing further south. When he got to her stomach, she squeezed her thighs together more.
‘Come on, open your legs for us.’ Tom commanded.
Her breathing quickened and Tom could feel her tensing up. He briefly glanced up at David and Michael, who were closest to her and at either side of her. They both took a strong hold of an ankle and slowly pulled her legs apart.
She didn’t say anything, but her face said it all. There was nothing she could do though as they held her spread wide open for them. When she attempted to remove her hands from Tom’s neck, he pinched her nipple and chastised her for letting go.
Her hands quickly made their way back to where they were supposed to be.
‘Just relax, you will enjoy this. You’re safe with us.’ Tom purred, his hand sliding down and gently cupping her sex.
Esme whimpered and her legs shook just from feeling his hand there. Claiming what he wanted.
What was now his.
‘You feel very smooth, love… I get the feeling you shaved just for us, in hopes of something happening. Didn’t you?’ Tom called her out on it, knowing her far too well.
She closed her eyes in shame and nodded. Whilst she hadn’t been sure anything would happen, she had hoped that maybe one of them might’ve taken an interest in her… She never expected them all to do so. And certainly not like this.
David and Michael dragged their fingers up and down her inner leg while Tom started stroking her pussy. He felt her growing wetter, he was gentle with her though and concentrated on her clit. When he touched it directly, she bucked up against his hand, making him growl.
‘So sensitive.’ He circled it slowly, feeling her turn more and more into jelly as the pleasure started to subdue her.
Still holding onto her ankle, David used his free hand to join Tom’s at her heated centre. She let out a squeak of surprise at feeling another hand there, her eyes flew open to see the Alphas all grinning at her. Bulges in their trousers obvious.
She turned her head to the side, unable to keep looking at them. Tom squeezed her nipple, distracting her momentarily as David slipped a finger into her wetness. He moaned at how tight she was as he pushed it in further, then he slowly added a second finger.
Esme was nice and wet, her clit still being pleasured with Tom’s wonderful fingers helped keep her relaxed. So David’s fingers slid smoothly into her as he started thrusting firmly but gently. It felt strange having something inside, she had only ever tried one of her small fingers before but didn’t really feel much from it.
When David curled his fingers forward, he hit a spot that set her entire body alight. Along with her clit being stroked, she started to see stars as David concentrated on that sweet spot, rubbing firmly.
‘That’s a good girl. Let yourself go, cum for us.’ Tom purred.
The gentle command was all that Esme needed to finish, she thrashed around in utter ecstasy. David and Michael had to tighten their hold on her ankles while Tom held her firmly around her middle.
All five of the Alphas moaned along with her in delight upon seeing her cum. Ben had to give his crotch a squeeze, feeling so uncomfortable in his confines.
Tom gently stroked her while she calmed down, while David and Michael both released her ankles.
‘Good girl, Esme. You can release your hands now.’ Tom hummed, sliding his hand back up her body.
She trembled as she took her arms down, but she was too blissed out to even think about covering herself. But what she did register was what Tom said.
‘Who wants to go first?’ He asked, looking at his pack.
‘Me.’ David said quickly, earning a few snarls from the others.
‘Settle, guys.’ Tom growled in warning. ‘You’ll all have your turn.’
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But my another one is a imagine is a where u and angel have a child but it’s mixed and he doesn’t tell anyone so y’all end up in an argument and end up as a breakup but get back together if that makes sense
*I’m sorry it took a little while but I finally got it done! 😁 I hope you love it and it’s what you were hoping for 💕 Thanks so much for the request girl!*
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*gif not mine*
Warnings: Some Fluff and Some Angst with a good old fashioned happy ending
The infectious sound of your daughter’s laugh woke you up from your slumber with a smile on your face. Sitting up you looked on at Angel as he had your three year old pinned under him, blowing raspberries onto her belly, causing the fit of giggles that had your heart swelling with love.
“Papi stop!” She squealed between giggles as she pushed on his head with all her little might.
Creeping silently out of bed you tried to sneak up behind him, your daughter catching sight of you and screaming for you to rescue her, “Mommy!”
Angel pulled away from his little girl, her breathing heavily as she tried to catch her breath and squirm away from him. He turned around to face you with a mischievous glint in his eyes and a grin on his face.
“Don’t you dare,” you said slowly, knowing full well what he was up to.
“I think it’s mommy’s turn, don’t you mija.” He said standing up and prowling towards you.
“Get her Papi!” Your daughter screamed enthusiastically.
“I’m serious, don’t Angel,” you said trying to keep your giggles down as you backed away, hands in front of you defensively.
You turned to make a break for it out your bedroom door, Angle quickly catching you around the waist and dragging you back before laying you across the bed. You tried to fight him off, laughing, as his hands tickled your sides knowing that was your weak spot.
Your child cheered and egged him on bouncing up and down before climbing her way onto the bed.
He finally let up, the three of you in a fit of laughter now. He looked into your eyes as he hovered above you, both breathless as your laughter died down. He licked his lips staring at yours before he leaned down, your lips meeting in a kiss, his tongue slipping his way into your mouth.
Both of you caught up in the moment, you seemed to forget about your little toddler sitting nearby, “Eww blechk,” she said, sticking her tongue out, making a gagging noise.
Pulling away you both laughed at her reaction.
“What? You mad I’m giving mama all the kisses?” He teased, pulling her into his arms and placing a big wet kiss on the side of her face.
“Papi your beards scratchy!” She complained, rubbing her face with her little hand.
You smiled just enjoying your Sunday morning with your family wishing this mood would last the whole day but it wasn’t long before Angel’s damn phone went off interrupting your perfect day.
“Yo,” he answered getting off the bed and walking out into your living room as he took the call.
Putting on a fake smile you got up pulling your daughter into your arms, dreading what you knew was coming, as you carried her out on your hip, “How about we get some breakfast, yeah?” She smiled up at you nodding.
You walked with her into the kitchen opening the cupboard and pulling out the pancake mix, bowl, and utensils, setting her down on the counter as you began scooping out some of the mix into the bowl.
You waited for Angel to come back, trying to listen in to the conversation but not being able to hear much from his hushed voice. You heard as he ended the call before retreating back into the bedroom.
“Chocolate chips, chocolate chips!” Your daughter chanted reaching for the bag laying on the counter.
You ran your hand gently across her cheek before placing a small kiss to her forehead, taking the chocolate morsels and pouring some into the bowl.
You listened as you heard Angel’s bootsteps trudge into the kitchen before stopping behind you. He gripped your waist before placing a kiss to the top of your shoulder, “I’m sorry, mi dulce.” He murmured.
Your shoulders tensed as you already knew what was coming. You didn’t want to turn around and face him, knowing you would snap, and not wanting your daughter to see that.
“Where you going Papi?” (Y/D/N) said, disappointment in her voice.
Angel sighed as he stepped back, his heart breaking, as he looked at his whole world looking at him pouting.
You collected yourself before scooping your daughter up and setting her down on the ground, leaning over to talk to her, “Why don’t you go pick out a movie? We can watch it while we eat our breakfast.” You said gently. You knew this would be enough to distract her as you never let her watch tv while eating.
Hurrying off she ran into the living room to make her selection.
Standing up straight you leaned back against the counter arms crossed as you looked at Angel now fully dressed, cut and all.
“Don’t look at me like that (Y/N),” he sighed running his hand through his hair, “you know when the club needs me I have to go.”
“And what about your family? What about when we need you?” You huffed, trying to keep your voice low, “Why can’t you just tell them to fuck off because your spending the day with your family for once, like you promised.”
He gave you a look, eyes pleading.
“Oh yeah, that’s right. They don’t even know we exist!” You spat, throwing your arms up.
He went to respond but you cut him off, “And why is that exactly Angel? Are you ashamed of us? Afraid of what they will think about your big bad boy persona if they knew the truth? Why are we a secret? What are you afraid is gonna happen if your two worlds collide? Felipe and EZ know about us, so why can’t the club?”
He looked back at the clock behind you, knowing he didn’t have time for this right now. His shoulders drooped and he frowned. If he was late Bishop would have his ass and he was already walking on thin ice with el presidente right now.
“I can’t do this right now,” he pleaded, “but I promise we will talk about this when I get back, por favor querida.”
“If you leave right now Angel, we won’t be here when you get back.” You said, meaning every word, you had had enough.
Angel hesitated, being between a rock and a hard place, he looked once more at the clock before back at you, hoping to be calling your bluff, “Please mi amor. We will talk when I get back.” With that he left you, hopping onto his bike and riding away as you listened as the rumble got quieter.
Tears filled your eyes as you couldn’t believe he actually left you. He chose the club over you, but what hurt worse was that he chose the club over your daughter. Wiping your eyes quickly you pulled on another fake smile as your daughter came bounding into the kitchen with her favorite movie.
“Alright let’s make some pancakes!” You exclaimed over the top clapping your hands together.
Angel pulled into the driveway, turning off his bike and climbing off exhausted. It was late, the sky almost pitch black and they had just got back from the other side running an errand for the cartel. All he wanted to do was kick back and relax with his girls curled up against him on the couch, taking his mind off the stressful day. But he knew that wasn’t going to happen. He promised you that you guys could talk about it so that’s what he was going to do.
Unlocking the front door he stepped into your home flicking the light on, he assumed you would be waiting up for him so he was surprised to find your shared home completely dark, but then again it was late, maybe you were just in bed already.
He kicked his boots off hanging his cut up by the door. Walking down the hallway he slowly pushed your daughter’s room door open expecting to see her fast asleep, but finding her bed empty. She must be in your bed he thought. It wouldn’t be the first time she slept with the two of you.
He stepped into the bedroom and that’s when he noticed his bed was also vacant, completely made up and untouched. This is when he started to panic. He rushed to the dresser opening your drawers and finding them empty. Slamming them shut violently he rushed back into your daughter’s rooms doing the same with the same results.
You really left him. You weren’t bluffing.
He sunk down onto the floor leaning his back against your daughter’s bed as he clutched his chest. He had never felt this heartbroken or lost before in his life. It was as if someone cut off one of his limbs and he didn’t know what to do.
Pulling out his phone he tried calling you, but of course you didn’t answer, so he called the next person he could think of, “I fucked up Pops, and I don’t know how to fix it.”
“I told you he was no good. I told you he was trouble. I told you to leave him long before he knocked you up, but no!”
You rubbed your temples, elbows rested on your knees, as your best friend went on and on with the told you so’s. You knew she didn’t like him from the beginning but this was the last thing you needed right now.
“Enough!” You yelled, catching yourself and quieting down as you looked at your sleeping child not far away, “I get it, okay?”
“I’m just saying.” she said much more gently as she sat besides you, “I love you guys and I just hate to see you hurting because of some asshole.”
“I know,” you sighed, ��it’s been a long day, I think I just want to try to get some sleep.”
“Of course,” she stood up resting her hand gently on your shoulder, “you are welcome to stay here as long as you need.” Walking out the door closing it behind her she left you and your daughter in the small guest bedroom.
Laying down you pulled her close inhaling her comforting scent, already missing having Angel snuggled with the two of you.
It had been a couple of days since you left Angel. You ignored every call he made to you and refused to tell him where you were but he already knew where you’d be. Your daughter kept asking about Papi and you tried your best to avoid and divert her questions, not really sure how to explain it to the toddler. She was a daddy’s girl and was not taking the separation well which only made matters worse for you.
The two of you were in the car now with EZ heading to have lunch. He called earlier and you gave in hoping that things would be better if she at least got to see her tío and he promised that he wouldn’t try to ambush you with Angel.
“You know you can’t keep her from him,” he said as you drove down the street. He knew it was a tough situation between you and his brother but he also knew it wasn’t right to keep the child from her father. Angle loved you and that little girl more than anything, EZ could see that, and that’s what started the fight in the first place.
“Why not? He kept us from the club.” You said stubbornly.
Your daughter sat in her car seat in the back playing with the new toy motorcycle EZ had bought for her.
Sighing EZ stopped at a stop sign before turning left in the opposite of the diner you were planning on having lunch at.
“Where are we going EZ?” You asked, starting to get suspicious.
“I just need to make one quick stop.” He said, keeping his eyes on the road. Pulling up to the scrapyard he pulled into the lot parking the car. Angel was outside leaning against his bike.
“You promised,” you scolded EZ giving him a glare.
“Papi!” Yelled your little girl when she saw her daddy waiting outside. She squirmed in her seat excitedly, trying to wiggle her way out of it.
Taking a deep breath you exited the vehicle slowly making your way over to Angel arms crossed once again as he met you halfway.
“(Y/N),” he started to say.
You cut him off, “What are we doing here Angel? What is this place?”
“Look,” he said, running his fingers gently down the side of your face, easing some of your tension with his touch and voice, “All I wanted to do was protect you, mi dulce, and in the end I only ended up hurting you. You and her are everything to me. I don’t know what I’d do without you, but the club has a lot of enemies and it’s dangerous. I couldn’t bear the thought of you coming into the crosshairs from it. That’s why I wanted to keep you separate from it.”
You looked into his eyes seeing that he was being honest with you and you reached out to tenderly touch his face. “I believe you,” you whispered, “I’m sorry for thinking the worst in you. I shouldn’t have left like that. She needs her father and so do I.”
Smiling relieved Angels wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in tightly to his chest before kissing you.
“Icky!” Your daughter yelled from EZ’s arms behind you.
You all laughed as you pulled away and EZ handed her off to Angel as she reached out desperately for him. She wrapped her tiny arms around his neck hanging on tightly, “I missed you Papi!”
“I missed you too, amorcito. Now come on I have some people I’d like you to meet.” Grabbing your hand with his free arm he walked with you leading you into the clubhouse.
Your daughter buried her face in her father’s neck as she looked at all the men about the room. “It’s ok mija. These are all your tío’s.” She picked her head up at the familiar word looking to her tío EZ before all the other men.
“This is my family,” he introduced you two to the club, “My girl (Y/N),” he squeezed your hand, “And our daughter (Y/D/N).” He smiled proudly showing his girls off to his other family.
The men came up to you one by one introducing themselves. They were all so kind and welcoming, you could see the familia bounds between them. Your heart leapt with joy and you leaned up to kiss Angel, thankful he finally let you in on this part of his life.
Angel grinned as you both watched your little girl smiling and playing with EZ and some of the guys, his arm holding you tightly against him around your waist. His heart swelled, for the first time in a long time he felt complete as his two worlds came together beautifully as one.
Everything Taglist: @jad3djay
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
Not The Right Time
The Story of How Everything Solved (for now):
Ivar+Reader (Modern! AU)
(Chapter 1: The Story of How We Ended Up There)
(Chapter 2: The Story of How He Found Out)
(Chapter 3: The Story of How She Found Out)
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
Happy Easter, if you celebrate it, if not happy Pesach and if not... happy eat-all-the-chocolate in the world!
I hope you’ll enjoy this fic, because I have decided to take a bit of a pause from my original fic, but don’t worry, you’ll have certainly your weekly fic!
As always, I am more than happy to be given feedback.
It has helped me a lot with the last chapter of ‘To Kill a King’ to understand the direction to continue the fic in, so if you have any sugesstion-ideas, I am just here!
Feedback makes my heart beats faster and move my fingers quicker!
Also if you want to support me, here’s my ko-fi!
SUMMARY:  Ivar now hasn't simply to deal with one scorned woman, but two.
But, not only the thought of bieng separated from Eric pains him too much to be considered, but feelings for you are slowly being brought up, even more when you smile so prettily and take care so lovingly of your child.
WORDS: 6,1K 
WARNINGS: Pregnancy, Unexpected Pregnancy, Pregnancy at a Young Age, Mention of Abortion (and Being Harsh About it), Heartbreak and General Angst, Abandonement Issues and Being A Single Mom, Mention of Infertility, Talk about Custody Battles and Custody, Fighting and Angst, Use of The Word Cripple.
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The day of the game you couldn’t help but be nervous about whether Ivar would be coming or not.
You had sent him a small message that morning, to ask him to confirm his presence and if he wanted to meet you and Eric, before the game started, to have breakfast together and he hadn’t answered you, making you almost think he wouldn’t have come.
Which you didn’t know if it would have been a good or bad thing.
Maybe he had started thinking that Eric was ‘baggage’ for him, and most importantly would ruin his picture perfect life, although, if it was like that, you didn’t understand why he had insisted so much to try to support you.
But you couldn’t help but dread the thought of what his absence would do to Eric.
You had told him in the car about the fact that Ivar might not have come, lying that he had had an appointment, coming up at last.
‘So… if you don’t see him… don’t worry’ you had tried to console him, although he had already gotten quite the pouting expression, thing that made him similar to Ivar in any way, shape and form.
And you had felt like the worst mother ever.
Eric had brightened up a bit as his friends had all come around him and lead him to the coach, once he arrived at the game.
You definitely appreciated Eric’s schoolmates, and were grateful for the warm welcome they had given him.
He had had his own share of bullies, although he said everything was fine.
But once he had created his own group of friends, the bullies had eventually stopped taunting him.
You still kept an eye out for them at these things.
And as much as you were thankful for the other kids’ company, you dreaded their mothers.
You hated stereotyping people, but no mom had ever been so nice to avoid doing the same with you, as they looked at your hand-me-down clothes, and your lack of diamond ring on your finger.
And at your young face.
You had heard some rumors going around you, how you had gotten pregnant pretty young from an older man, probably some married man and had been basically thrown out of your small city for the shame of carrying a bastard.
A crippled bastard.
So, you tried not to associate yourself with them and instead, you had developed some kind of strange friendship with Angelika.
Angelika had also married young and had a child even younger, but after a small year together her husband had decided that the married life wasn’t for him.
He had gotten himself a mistress, meanwhile Angelika tried her best to keep the family safe and going, getting a small job in a local law firm.
By the end of the year she had kicked out the lazy husband and was the owner of the law firm, in a truly inspiring story.
At first, she hadn’t liked you, too young and stupid.
She had thought you had done the same mistake as her, but then she had soon discovered that the story was deeper, and she had taken the time to get to know you.
Not only she had become your friend, but she had pushed you to pursue the gallery work, eventually getting you an appointment as a try-out.
She was honestly one of the few people that you trusted and felt like she genuinely liked you.
Angelika immediately reached out to you, as she saw you arriving on the side of field where parents were allowed.
As usually she carried her small water bottle, filled with vodka and orange juice, and the ripped shirt of the soccer team, worn inside of her boyfriend jeans, meanwhile you wore it over it, completely uncaring of your appearance.
“Oh, thank God, you are here” she immediately mumbled, gripping onto your arm, as she brought you in a tight hug “… it’s been for ever since I last saw you”.
“… been busy” you were simply able to breath and you giggled softly at her affectionate antics, before she smirked at you.
“Gosh all business and no fun” she reprimanded as she took in your discarded appearance “… I gotta take you to some club”.
“What about Finn and Eric?” you asked, although you knew perfectly that if Angelika put her mind to something, everything would ever change.
“Drop them at my house, I’ll tell Theresa about it” Theresa was her German nanny, perfect and impeccable always eye-rolling at Angelika’s antics, but it didn’t wok with Angelika, who would eye-roll even harder back at her.
“I’ll think about it…” you mumbled, unsure of the entire thing.
Before Eric you had never been one for clubs or such, and you certainly wouldn’t start after the entire pregnancy and your motherhood, not simply because some nights you were too tired to even crawl to bed, but because there was a reason behind your uncaring appearance.
You were scared of your body.
Of the way it had changed during your pregnancy.
“… I know that tone” mumbled Angelika, prowling around you as a big feline “… that’s the ‘it’s definitely a no, but I am too gentle to tell you no’ “.
“That’s a ‘I’ll think about it’ “you retorted softly, as you gently held an hand out for her, before something else caught your eyes.
He had come.
And he was looking around as if he was a lost child.
“Just excuse me, for a moment…” you mumbled softly, as you approached him carefully, since he had this kind of lost emotion in his eyes, sadness almost and you couldn’t help but feel a fifteen girl again, who blurted out weird Taylor Swift lyrics because her best friend was unhappy, and she was trying to make him feel better.
He shook himself back to consciousness as he saw you in front of him, almost scared.
“Well you are here!” you said it with definitely much more uneasiness that you were supposed to, almost a forced out emotion “… I mean… you didn’t answer me… so I thought…”.
“Yes, I am here” and you knew that with that tone you had gone back to that fifteen-year-old-girl smiling at her best friend, because she knew she loved him.
You were screwed.
Ivar had woken up on the couch that morning, with his legs hurting like hell and yet, when he had seen your worried messages on his phone, he had just thought that he would be late for Eric’s game.
And he couldn’t.
He had swallowed a few painkillers, as the memory of last night came back to him, but nothing set onto him till he moved into his car, setting the journey for the school park, but then he just couldn’t stop himself from thinking.
‘What the hell am I thinking?’.
His soon-to-be-wife had basically left him because of his lies towards his life with you, and he was running to you and your child, as if you were his wife.
Which would only confirm Freydis’ jealousy.
Although he wouldn’t have approved of her psyched behavior, she certainly hadn’t been wrong about the influence you and Eric now held over him, but he would have preferred she hadn’t straight up attacked him.
But to avoid this, he shouldn’t have kept the secret from the start.
But would have Freydis allowed him to see Eric?
With that serious tone of their ‘confrontation’, he couldn’t help but feel like he had seen a side to Freydis he wasn’t used to.
Something he wasn’t completely unaware of, since he had seen some glimpses of it, but at the same time, it now seemed so deep-rooted that for a minute he had to admit that he had thought that she was going to be much more than simply vocal about the matter.
He certainly felt guilty for the wrongness of some of his actions, but he was also surprised by Freydis’ reaction to them.
He had thought some jewelry and a few promises might have made it all better, but now, in the aftermath of their fight, he had no idea how to make everything better.
Certainly, dwelling in his car wouldn’t have worked.
He tried to contact her, but her phone was switched off, and he honestly didn’t know where she could be found, certainly not a work, which was the only other contact he had for her.
And he realized he knew nothing of his soon-to-be-wife.
He didn’t know who were her friends, to who she could have gone and neither her family, since Freydis had told him that she had had a bad experience with them and had run off as soon as she could have.
He remembered a small apartment at which he had come to pick her up on their first dates, but she had soon moved away from it, as soon as Ivar proposed he just started living with her.
Hence, she was a ghost.
And although it made Ivar feel like a horrible husband, he couldn’t help but decide that this meant that she simply didn’t want to be found.
If he knew one thing for sure about Freydis was that she never did anything without a reason.
And he should have respected that.
Although it pained him.
He didn’t want to give her the impression that he didn’t care.
But at the same time, as he had made it clear the previous night, he wouldn’t leave Eric.
No matter what.
Hence, he started the engine and got to the school park.
He had almost regretted the decision, when he had arrived at the venue, immediately catching a crowd of chanting parents had welcomed and, although everybody kept their eyes to themselves, he couldn’t shake off the fact that they were staring him down.
He caught sight of you quite easily, as he saw you by the side of a pretty brunette with feline eyes, trying to convince you to do something reckless by the horrified look on your face.
It was the same you’d give Hvitserk every time he’d try his wicked charm on you.
Those were happier and easier times.
You were wearing a simple soccer jersey and oversized jeans, and although they both hid your body, they did nothing to dampen the natural beauty you had always owned.
He couldn’t help but wonder how men didn’t buzz around you like bees on a flower.
‘Stop being a creep Ivar’ he told himself, meanwhile he remembered the words of Heahamund after he had shown him a photo of you and Eric.
‘Fucking God! Do you even realize what a hot babe you left?’ he had immediately stammered as Ivar blushed ‘… did they drop you on your head as a child’.
And he confirmed it, with the way he answered your question.
Your eyes held a frantic fear and a pleasant surprise, almost as if she hadn’t thought that he’d actually come.
And your cheeks were flushed red.
He had a pleasant memory of your cheeks being flushed after their first and last night together.
It brought out all kind of memories.
‘Again, Ivar, no’.
“Well I am glad you are here” whatever gentleness you had showed for him immediately retreated back in you as you turned “… Eric will be happy of it”.
“Of course, I couldn’t miss his great day” his tone was teasing, and he could see with the way you stiffened in your position, he had hit something inside of you “… is he already on the playing ground?”.
“Sadly yes” you mumbled, but pointed him out to him, although he didn’t need much time looking to recognize the only child with braces, trying to exercise with the others, and as he exchanged a quick glance with his child, Eric immediately raised an hand to salute him.
His smile got so so big, that Ivar couldn’t help but smile back.
And ignore the continued glares sent his way.
Now intensified with his proximity to you.
He could only imagine what they all were talking about.
And as you two took a quick seat beside the brunette he had seen you talking with at the entrance of the venue, she immediately moved towards Ivar, offering a hand and a charming smile of pointy teeth.
He couldn’t help but feel a bit relieved that your ‘friends’ were so protective of you.
You deserved it.
You deserved to be protected from anything else that could have hurt you, after everything you had endured.
“… Angelika Magnussen” she mumbled quickly presenting herself “… (Y/N)’s best friend”.
He almost wanted to scoff that he had once been your best friend…
… and look where it got him.
Where it got both of you.
“Nice to meet you, Ivar Lothbrock…” he sent you a quick look to check with you, but there was no need to lie since everybody seemed to recognize what was going on “… Eric’s father”.
“Gosh I never thought I would have ever met you” in her tone there was a tang of sarcasm that annoyed Ivar, definitely more used to people like Freydis and his mother who would have no trouble agreeing and siding with him.
Maybe not Freydis, anymore.
“… I didn’t know” he simply muttered and you pushed yourself between her and him, sending to both a vicious glare, before the referee whistled the start of the game, getting the three of you to focus on the game.
Ivar couldn’t help but be on edge as soon as he saw Eric in oversized gloves, trying to guard the door, something that could seem absolutely normal and harmless for every child who didn’t have osteogenesis imperfecta.
But for Eric, he couldn’t help but feel nervous.
But you beside him seemed completely at ease, cheering on the boy as he managed to block the ball from entering the doors, and then pushing the ball to his schoolmates.
He couldn’t help but be again amazed by your prettiness and the natural way you did everything and handled motherhood.
And then a ball hit Eric right on his chest, knocking him off his legs, enough that both you and Ivar immediately moved raising up as Ivar made a move to move away from the steps you were sat onto, but you grabbed his hand to stop him as Eric got up pretty quickly, the trainer of the team coming close to him, alongside the school nurse.
And Eric immediately put himself up, lightly limping as the nurse helped him off the field, and the trainer got another boy to take care of his place.
And then as he moved towards the benches, you both scurried off the steps.
You both came to the part that was the closest to the benches seeing the nurse helping Eric with his braces, as you oversaw the entire process, before moving to check in with the nurse, his bones.
Thankfully the hit had been to the chest and the legs bucking off under him were simply for the impact.
And Ivar couldn’t help but watch raptured your soft gestures and the way Eric leaned in softly against you, as you checked on him before helping him into his braces again, asking with a whisper if he felt ‘ok’ enough to stay.
The child immediately nodded as a few of his classmates moved to also check on him.
Ivar had never had this kind of love poured onto him.
He had also to admit that sadly he wasn’t an easy child, as loving and gentle as Eric was.
But he couldn’t help but appreciate that his son had what he hadn’t had back then.
He might end up not turning up in the big screw-up Ivar was.
You returned to him a few minutes later by Ivar’s side, and although you had seemed quite calm and cold-blooded for the entire action, he saw the way your body trembled lightly and…
… your hands were still linked.
Suddenly you gripped tight back onto his.
And he honestly liked it too much to tell you anything, although it wasn’t proper.
He had Freydis.
Or at least he had had her.
Because her actions of the previous night certainly weren’t something that made him feel reassured about his relationship status.
But at the same time, he wasn’t sure that it was so bad to be away from Freydis.
Mostly when your hands matched so perfectly in his.
He had forgotten this feeling.
And he realized he had missed it.
And when you unlatched your hands, as you sat down, he couldn’t help but feel more hurt by that than the pain in his legs, that was starting to bother him.
As soon as the game was finished. he pushed himself by side, meanwhile you and Angelika waited for your children, to take his pills again.
He was caught mid-swallow by a laughing Eric as the boy limped lightly to him and you helped him, a blond boy beside him, who hid underneath Angelika’s legs and from the way their eyes shone of the same malice, he understood he was her child.
“Ivar! Ivar!” he called out, as he tugged gently onto one leg of his pants “… have you seen the way I got that ball?”.
You giggled at his excitement and Ivar couldn’t help but nod gingerly, although he didn’t know shit of soccer, and compliment his child on his optimal score, but Angelika’s child looked at him suspiciously before muttering softly.
“… your dad doesn’t know shit about soccer” he muttered, immediately getting both yours and Angelika’s attention.
“Phineas Christian Hogarth! I don’t pay an expensive German nanny for you to curse in American!” Angelika reprimanded him quickly, gripping tight onto his shoulders, as she saluted you, continuing her lecture “… at least do it in German!”.
But the deed was done.
And Eric looked confusedly at you and Ivar.
Ivar wasn’t so afraid of it all, in the end it only accelerated things, but you looked like you had had seen a ghost and Ivar quickly proposed going out to lunch to celebrate, hence shifting the attention away from the boiling revelation.
And Eric was all too happy to be distracted.
Even more with food.
But you looked still so shaken that he couldn’t help but feel like the tables had turned from the start of the day, with him being the confused one.
As you both sat down, finishing your lunch, as Eric escaped your attention to move onto the game section of the restaurant.
“… I am sure that he’ll forget about it, as soon as he can” he mumbled softly.
You were unfocused as your gaze didn’t shift from Eric, till you shook yourself away of it.
“Maybe…” you seemed doubtful, although Eric hadn’t said anything, proceeding to explain to Ivar everything that worked in soccer, as you drove them to a small restaurant, definitely chosen for the children area and menu.
He couldn’t help but think again about all the work you had done as a mother.
It certainly took all the courage of the world to grow a child on your own.
“… and would it be so wrong to if he had heard right?” he asked, and you petrified him on the spot with a tight look.
“That depends…” he had loved that teasing tone you’d use every time you were annoyed with somebody that wasn’t him “… will you stick around?”.
“I am trying to” he commented.
“And Freydis?” you were hitting low, he wasn’t surprised “… does she know about this?”.
And his eyes answered before his words and you pushed yourself back lightly as if you had lowered yourself too much in his psyche.
“… she knows” you simply mumbled.
“… and she doesn’t like” he added with the same grim tone “… she is also pregnant so…”.
“… so she thinks that Eric is threat to her child” you completed and Ivar couldn’t also deny that he had missed your immediate telepathy “… we won’t be pissed if you want to disappear, you can do it, I don’t…”.
“I don’t want to run away!” his voice raised lightly and the usual annoying old lady beside their table raised her head to hear them better, but Ivar immediately lowered his tone again “… I don’t do that… anymore”.
“But she is pissed” you mumbled, your tone almost guilty “… I could call her, explain how we aren’t… we aren’t involved and how…”.
“She has switched off her phone” he shot back.
“… doesn’t this sound familiar?”.
And yeah that did sound familiar.
It was the same that had happened when he had broken your heart.
“… yeah it does” as he raised his head to meet yours, he almost expected to see a satisfied smile on your face, but you looked honestly… sad for him.
“… she won’t leave you” you mumbled softly “… you didn’t break her heart”.
“I kind of think that hiding a family from her is not exactly the definition of caring for another”.
“And yet you were happy for the baby and you proved to her that you wanted it” you spoke softly, as if you had imagined the same with you “… she just needs to clear up her head”.
“It’s fucking strange that you are comforting me” he mumbled, unbelieving what you were doing.
“… well I am used to your fuck-ups” you giggled silly, shooting a look at Eric as you continued to be attentive at him “… but if she gives you another chance please don’t fuck this up, ok?”.
“Ok” he mumbled, before his gaze also shifted on Eric “… she wanted me to give up on Eric”.
“Don’t blame her” and he hadn’t expected it “… us, women, are put against each other as natural competitors, so it isn’t strange for her to feel threatened by me, although she has nothing to fear. She is the one with an engagement ring”.
“I also think it’s because you and me… we…” Gosh why was he acting like a teenage boy “… had sex back then”.
And you were also flushing.
“I am not interested in your adventurous sex life with Freydis… but don’t you also?”.
“No” why was he explaining your sex life with you “… you were the only one with who… you know… the doctors said that it’s the legs and some others told me it was just my confidence not being enough… the child was created in vitro”.
“Oh” you looked taken aback, and he could see that you were processing the thought of being the only one he had been with, in “that” way “… well I do say that she has a few reasons to detest me”.
He just nodded.
“… but I do think that she should be sure about your love” you added immediately a nostalgic tint in your pretty eyes.
“Because I know for experience that when you fall for somebody you fall hard, and so deeply that it is difficult not to feel loved, even though you are an asshole and sometimes a bit too harsh with your words, but you have this thing that’ll make everyone feel like being loved by you is the greatest privilege ever”.
And like that you had come closer to him, maybe more than it should have been allowed between two ex-lovers, one of which was engaged.
But he couldn’t help but value attentively each word you said, as you gently pushed yourself back, as if you hadn’t revealed to him some special secret.
Back in it, he had always thought he was ‘the difficult one’ but with those words a veil of insecurities was lifted off his chest and he couldn’t help but think about how it would have been if he had stayed with you.
And for one moment, he almost wished it.
You had definitely gone mad that evening.
And you blamed it on the fact that Ivar’s behavior had simply brought you back to five years ago, when you’d walk together on the small playing field of school, usually with one trying to convince the other to ditch school.
It was mostly Ivar, but you had followed many times his dark influence.
And again, this time it had gotten to you.
But it had felt nice.
Except the entire Freydis’ thing.
You had honestly felt bad for her, almost guilty, although it was Ivar’s fault (and you had told him so, as you suggested what to do to calm her down), because she seemed as somebody extremely nice with the way Ivar described her and she shouldn’t have had somebody just barging in her life with a child that could shatter her relationship with Ivar.
Maybe you should have spoked with her, explaining that you weren’t a threat to her and her child in the slightest.
One day Ivar would have gotten tired of this toy and would have wanted a new one.
And yet, the way Ivar had reacted immediately when Eric had got hurt and the way he played almost naturally with him (even informing himself on ‘The Flash’) was genuine and you hoped it’d last.
You were coming back home, just in time for a shower and a dinner, since Eric had insisted to teach Ivar a few tricks with the balls in the nearby field and Ivar, although clumsily, had agreed, even going as far as to ask you to film him getting won over by your child.
Eric had fallen asleep on the field and you had had to use a bit of Ivar’s help to get him back in the car, as he asked you if you needed anything.
‘Just do me a favor and try calling again Freydis, she’s probably going to switch her phone soon, believe me’.
‘If it makes you sleep well at night…’ he had replied simply, shifting the sarcasm back onto you, and it had been… strange.
Although again, from what Ivar said, Freydis seemed nice, he had seemed to talk about her as somebody would of an idealized role-model, but with less passion and more analysis of why ‘she was such a good partner’.
But it wasn’t your place to judge.
You woke up Eric as you arrived at home, the big boy immediately attaching himself to you as a koala, as you pleaded with him to let you go.
‘Mommy is a frail gazelle, and you weight like an elephant!’.
‘Mommy you are more a lemur’.
‘You pass a few hours with Ivar and then you treat me like this!’ you had retorted before tickling him till he had asked for forgiveness and had been awake enough to walk on his own, helped by you, because due to the strain he had put himself through his legs hurt.
‘A quick bath will solve everything’ you had mumbled and as you had helped him clean himself, as he played absentmindedly with a small boat, he had asked the fateful question you had been waiting for him to ask:
“Is… Is Ivar my daddy?”.
You froze in your movements, although you had been waiting for that question since Phineas had pointed it out.
In the end Eric was a smart boy, he certainly wouldn’t have missed all the clues.
And you couldn’t lie anymore.
“Yes” you mumbled trying to keep your tone low, as you saw your child’s eyes brighten and immediately all that fear of your child being hurt scared you even more than the thought of him running away from you.
“Then why didn’t he tell me before?” he continued asking, curious enough to prove to you that he had inherited Ivar’s precious mind.
“Because I asked him not to” you mumbled gently, seeing immediately offense shining in his eyes “… you see me and your dad… we didn’t have a good relationship, your dad… your dad and I aren’t together”.
“Does that mean that he isn’t my daddy” his tone honestly broke your heart and you couldn’t help but be hurt by this yourself and you hurried to shush him softly.
“No no, he is, but…” you didn’t want to break your heart to your own child, but you couldn’t keep him in the shadows “:.. daddy has another child on the way and a woman who will become his wife soon, so he might… he might not want you to call him ‘daddy’ “.
You tried to be the most delicate possible, but you, yourself, were on the verge of tears and were grateful that Eric didn’t ask questions for a bit, as he seemed to think all over this.
“… but I’m your mom and he’s your daddy that means that we’ll always love you, even if we are a bit busy… “ you tried to sweeten everything “… don’t ever doubt that”.
He seemed to think about it again and as your heart was breaking you rushed to take him in a big hug, as he hugged you back immediately and you stayed like that till you felt  a bit too cold for your drenched shirt, and gently moved your child away slightly to help him out of the bathtub.
As you were drying his hair, he finally spoke again.
“… but can I ask him if I can call him ‘daddy’, the next time we see him?”.
And you smiled at the sweetness of your boy.
“Of course, sweetie”.
Ivar had tried to call Freydis but again her phone was off.
He was halfway through asking Oleg to dig up his ‘sources’ to search her, when he walked back in the apartment and found her there, as if solely his positive thought had made her appear.
And he honestly had a few minutes in which he simply looked at her getting dinner ready thinking it might be a hallucination.
And as much as he had been worried, he couldn’t help but also be a bit disappointed by her presence.
And guilty for having spent the day with you.
She continued preparing of dinner, and Ivar took his sweet time adjusting everything about himself, such as getting out of his braces and pushing his light coat onto the coat-hanger, making less noise possible, as if a noise would have startled her into disappearing.
He felt like he was in trap, having no other option than to acknowledge her presence and she did the same with him.
With her usual smile as if nothing had happened.
But it only angered Ivar further.
“… where were you?” he asked, huffing out the question “… I was worried”.
“I was over at Ubbe’s house” and the affirmation hit Ivar in the guts, because he’d have expected his brother to at least say something, maybe to ease his smaller brother’s worries.
And worst of all: what would he have thought about Ivar letting his wife go.
“… I think we need to talk” he muttered, since Freydis was certainly ignoring the entire situation as if it hadn’t happened “… about what happened last night”.
And finally Freydis stopped her rummaging of the kitchen to look at him, her pretty clear eyes and her styled hair doing nothing of what they’d use to do on Ivar’s heart, as if it was frozen and not even her timeless beauty could make him feel better or less annoyed by her childish antics.
And her betrayal.
“I… I am sorry” mumbled Freydis, completely surprising him as he expected her to at least keep up her attitude of the previous night “… last night… I was… out of control”.
And what was worst of all was that deep down he felt annoyed by her apology.
As if he felt it wasn’t genuine.
He kept his mouth shut, playing the silence game with her as she stammered through what he’d have described as ‘excuses’:
“… I was a bit tipsy… and I… it’s shocking, isn’t it?”.
“Freydis, I am not…” he tried to formulate a thought that wouldn’t have made her feel attacked “… I am also not completely in the right, since I should have told you about it from the start but it was a shock for me too”.
“Well… but for me… think this like me, Ivar, please” she pleaded softly as she sat down in front of him “… you are pregnant and your fiancé finds out he had a child from a past relationship… would you have felt calm?”.
He certainly wouldn’t have been calm, but at the same time the possessive and mean way she had talked to him and about Eric.
“Certainly no, but I’d have asked for explanations” and then decided on the matter.
“… I wanted to, but then… you were so convinced to keep the baby in our life…” she was stammering again, as if her confusion was a sign of her heartbreak, the same way she had felt when she had discovered it “… and since you didn’t tell me I thought you wanted to keep it a secret, that you’d have discarded me for another…”.
And in that moment, finally, Freydis’ apology seemed genuine.
But mostly because he, himself could understand her train of thoughts: the worry of being replaced being one of his biggest fear.
And one hand shot out to hers to comfort her softly and she leaned in immediately.
“Freydis, I am not discarding you, I want you, I want you as my wife” he spoke, his tone slowing on every word, as she softly moved even closer to him, gently purring against his warmer body “… but Eric is my child and I don’t want to abandon him”.
And although Freydis hid well her annoyance to this, he still felt her stiffen against him, eventually getting her to simply nod, but she didn’t speak.
But it could have been worse.
And yet he thought about the afternoon with you…
… it could have been better.
You had managed to brighten Eric’s mood through a ‘rewatch’ of the ‘Small Avengers’ series and as the phone drilled, he immediately caught to get it, faking being Quicksilver, as your mother pretended to catch him.
But he dodged her quickly and got the ‘magical phone’, joking he had defeated Ultron as you and your mother faked being dead and defeated.
Eric proceeded to answer the phone, since he thought it might have been Phineas, calling him to chat about the game, since they usually would spend the afternoon together talking and they hadn’t been able to do it, today.
And you were very surprised when Eric thrilled an excitedly screamed: ‘mom it’s Ivar!’.
And you quickly ‘reanimated’ yourself and rushed for the phone, as your mother’s hands wrapped around Eric, and you moved to your room, in order to have a bit of privacy.
“Haven’t you had enough of us?” you joked, although you felt like choking.
“… maybe not” he shot back “… she came back”.
And Gosh it hurt.
Although you were aware that a relationship between you two wasn’t possible and you had made peace with that, still the notion that he had moved on, hurt you in a way that stole all the breath from your lungs.
It was impossible that already five years had passed.
“I am glad” your tone was pointed “… now don’t fuck it up”.
You were almost ready to close the phone in his face, when his voice kept on talking.
“I told her about Eric, and how I won’t abandon him, even though I am marrying her”.
That was unexpected, to say the least.
“… how did she take it?” you asked between tight teeth.
“Well… I think”.
“That doesn’t seem well” you shot back, with a sarcastic laugh.
“… it was either that or not being together” the ruthless voice Ivar had assumed made a shiver go down your spine “… now that I have finally found you, I am not giving up on you”.
He could have said ‘Eric’ or ‘him’ but he had chosen ‘you’.
You shouldn’t honestly overthink about it all…
… but you were overthinking it.
“Now can I talk with him?”.
Yeah, you shouldn’t overthink the entire thing.
“Just let me get him” you replied softly, as you found Eric with his ear against the door of your room “… we have had the talk”:
“That’s…” Ivar’s voice trembled lightly “… wonderful”.
You simply moved the phone onto Eric’s hands, unable to deal with this illusion any longer, as the child immediately giggled softly, and he greeted Ivar, sprinting off to his own room, but you could hear clearly when he called Ivar ‘daddy’.
And for the first time, in this whole mess, you thought that maybe it would have made less damage than you believed it would.
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186 notes · View notes
maatryoshkaa · 5 years
young god | chapter 5
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chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11| 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
word count: 3.1k
warnings: descriptions of violence
description: yang jeongin’s body is found outside glow cafe. when you arrive at work, you’re met with a stunned hyunjin and an anxious felix, alongside police captain kim woojin, detective bang chan, prosecutor kim seungmin, and medical examiner lee minho. miroh heights is shaken, and a killer is on the prowl.
watch the trailer here!
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Somewhere, far, far away, someone was speaking. That much, Jisung knew. Maybe it was just another stray thought prickling at the back of his mind. Maybe it was the wind, nipping at the treetops above him. It was like he was underwater -- sinking, sinking, sinking, the voice muffled and distorted.
“...kay over there?”
His breath was leaving him in rough, jagged puffs, chest tightened and heaving. His palms were hot and sticky with blood, the ground was spinning beneath his feet; all the surroundings were melting together into one, dark, incomprehensible mass.
“...can call an ambulance. What hap--”
Jisung reared around, eyes wild. For a split second, he caught sight of a face. A younger boy. Kind, crescent-shaped eyes, and a cherub’s cheeks. He knew this boy. Somewhere, somehow. A memory tickled the back of his mind, a feeble warning.
Feeling worlds away, Jisung watched the boy fall to the ground, and black flooded Jisung’s vision again.
Jeongin felt his legs give way, eyes rolling up to the sky. Above him, the moon was a lopsided pearl. He felt his heartbeat in his head, throbbing, pounding, splitting; something wet and warm was trickling into his eyes and making them burn.
His eyes were shifting in and out of focus like a broken camera shutter, and when they focused again, the moon disappeared and was replaced by a face -- just as pale, just as cold. Just as beautiful. 
A voice in the back of Jeongin’s head asked weakly if this was what an angel looked like. 
But this boy’s eyes were as wide and dark as craters, glassy and vacant as if he were staring straight through him. As if he couldn’t really see Jeongin at all.
A boy. It was a boy lying at his feet, blond hair matted with blood pouring from an open wound. A wound that, even though he had no recollection, Jisung knew he caused. Jisung’s feet were rooted to the ground, frozen between the young boy and the mangled corpse. As if he were guarding the threshold between life and death.
Jisung wrenched his feet from their place and peered into the boy’s widened eyes, and all of a sudden the world rushed into focus.
Jeongin’s eyelids were heavy, so, so heavy, and he wanted nothing more than to simply curl into a small ball on the cool leaves and fall into a deep, deep sleep.
He felt foreign hands fly to his chest, pulling at his sweater, touching his face. Through sluggish, half-closed eyes, he looked to see the same boy, this time eyes wild and frantic and human. A voice was speaking, as muffled as the mumbling of a broken record.
“Who--why? Why is it you? Why are you here?”
Jeongin wanted to say something, to tell the older boy not to cry, that it was okay, but his mouth wouldn’t budge. As his eyes finally closed, Jeongin found himself faintly wondering who would feed the stray puppy when the morning came.
This was wrong. This was not supposed to happen. This was not part of the plan.
Jisung’s head spun, barely registering the pain when he dropped the bloodstained rock onto his foot, staring instead at the unconscious delivery boy before him.
Yang Jeongin was not supposed to get hurt.
His hands flew to the boy’s neck and nostrils, feeling for a pulse, a breath, anything. After what seemed like an eternity, he felt it -- weak and wavering, but a heartbeat beneath the skin. Jisung’s eyes darted from the forest to the playground.
The main road.
Arms wrapping around the younger boy’s limp body, Jisung lifted him up and began limping out of the forest, stopping only when he had crossed the empty street and reached the darkened storefronts. Setting him down as gently as he could, Jisung’s eyes wandered to the wound blooming from the side of Jeongin’s head. 
It was shallower than he’d thought. The boy had a chance.
He should kill him. They would question him if he lived, and then everyone would know. They would find out about him. 
Jisung’s fingers ticked. He had killed with his bare hands before.
Jisung’s eyes flickered from the boy to his hands, then back to the boy, and lunged.
But instead of the boy’s throat, his fingers reached to frantically push the button for the nearest shop’s doorbell before Jisung took off running, stunned by his own actions, back across the street, through the playground, into the Yellow Wood. 
Out of the corner of his eye -- when Jisung passed the man’s body, passed the delivery boy’s abandoned bicycle -- he caught a glimpse of the stray dog from earlier. Scraggly and dirty, dark glittering eyes watching him. Jisung tore his gaze away.
Jisung only realized he was crying once he reached his apartment, when his tears had washed away the thick, metallic taste of blood in his mouth.
Hwang Hyunjin jolted out of sleep at the sound of the doorbell. He groaned and rolled over in his bed, burying his head under his pillow to muffle the ringing. A prank, or, more likely, some student drunk out of their mind and wandering the main street.
Screwing his eyes shut, Hyunjin tried to fall back asleep, but ended up tossing and turning for the next few hours, the piercing ringtone having chased sleep away. He was a light sleeper, after all.
Hyunjin cursed and swung his legs over the bed, making sure not to wake his sleeping grandmother in the other room as he threw on pants and made his way down to the cafe. The sky was still dark, the tables and chairs casting long shadows along the tiled floor. His eyes flicked to the clock. 4 A.M. Maybe he would set up shop early, and go back to sleep behind the counter until you came in for work.
Hyunjin pushed on the glass doors to prop them open. And that was when he saw him.
Hyunjin recognised him instantly. The hoodie and jeans that were a few sizes too big, the blond mop of hair he loved to ruffle, but something was horribly, horribly wrong.
For one, his signature bike was nowhere to be seen. But what sent Hyunjin’s falling to his knees, heart plummeting straight to his gut, was the dark pool of blood formed around Jeongin’s head. 
“J-Jeongin? Jeongin, can you hear me? Jeongin, please--”
Feeling like his legs had turned to jello, Hyunjin scrambled for the payphone outside the cafe, fingers shaking violently as he punched in three numbers, never tearing his eyes off of his younger friend.
“911, what is the nature of your emergency?” 
“I found--there’s--there’s a kid on the street--he’s b-bleeding real bad--” 
“Is he conscious?”
Hyunjin’s eyes wavered, forcing his voice to stay steady. “N-no, he doesn’t seem to be conscious.”
“Can you identify him, sir?”
At this, Hyunjin felt a sob burn in his throat and shoved it down. “Y-yeah. Yeah, everyone knows him -- it’s Yang Jeongin, the delivery boy.”
He barely heard the dispatcher’s response, something about sending an ambulance and officers as soon as possible and to remain calm. Feeling as though he were trapped in a nightmare, Hyunjin huddled over Jeongin’s body, looking up only when he heard the wail of sirens approaching. Even when the ambulance and police arrived, Hyunjin couldn’t bring himself to move from Jeongin’s side, hands trying to warm the younger boy’s bled-out, cold ones.
“He’s a kid--just a kid. Please, I’m begging you, save him.”
You came to work expecting the usual -- a horde of sleep-deprived students and professors queuing up for their daily dose of caffeine -- and instead got a near-empty Glow Cafe surrounded by police cars and patrol officers.
Inside, most of the chairs were still stacked on the tables, a Closed sign hanging at the door. You’d never seen Hyunjin so shaken. The barista only acknowledged you with a slow, silent nod, eyes busy staring out the window. Watching him worriedly from the side was Felix, sat tapping his fingers anxiously on an empty glass. He looked relieved when you arrived, pulling out a chair for you behind the counter.
What happened? You mouthed to your best friend, who bit his lip before leaning closer and replying.
“It’s Jeongin. Hyunjin found him outside the cafe this morning, unconscious and bleeding from his head real bad. Nobody knows why.” Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Hyunjin’s fingers tighten their grip on the counter, knuckles turning white.
Your eyes widened in shock. Jeongin? You mouthed, and Felix nodded, sighing. A camera hung from his neck, turned off; his notebook and pen were abandoned on a nearby table. That was what you respected about Felix -- even though he was the school photographer and one of the best journalists on the campus paper, he was also one of the most genuine people you knew -- never pushing moral boundaries for the sake of a big story. That was probably why he was by Hyunjin’s side right now, instead of outside pestering police for information.
The door swung open, making you look up. Two men, one in a black police uniform and the other wearing a grey suit jacket, walked up to the counter. Both looked equally grim.
Felix cleared his throat. “Y/N, meet the police captain and the lead prosecutor.”
The older one, the police captain, shook your hand. “Kim Woojin,” he said, nodding. He looked much younger than you’d expect any police captain to be -- late twenties, at most. Still, the hard set in his jaw gave you the feeling that he’d seen his fair share of heinous crimes.
The other, younger man smiled at you politely. “I’m Kim Seungmin.” Everything, from the tone in his words to the suit jacket he wore was clean and orderly. In his hands were a cup of lukewarm, undrunk coffee.
You nodded slowly, head still spinning from the news Felix had just broken. “Does...does the police captain usually come to the crime scene?” You couldn’t help asking. His presence -- not to mention the prosecutor’s -- seemed to make the whole situation seem even more serious. 
“Not usually,” Woojin admitted, “but we’ve been getting reports of similar incidents as of late. There is enough evidence to suggest that Yang Jeongin’s attack is linked to several other ones from this month.”
Linked to other attacks. “So, like...a serial killer?” Felix’s voice was dubious, but the words hung heavily in the air and made you shiver.
The police captain nodded grimly. “It’s still being investigated as we speak, but -- and I truly regret to say this -- there has been a sharp increase in homicides near Miroh Heights as of late. The correlations are too suspicious to ignore.”
Your thoughts flashed to the newspaper Jeongin had delivered just yesterday. Murder at Miroh Heights. The burnt-down flat, one prostitute dead. But what connection did Yang Jeongin, neighborhood delivery-boy, everyone’s favourite face to glimpse in the morning, have with a hooker from the outskirts of campus?
The door burst open again, breaking the heavy silence to reveal a pale man, curly blond hair tousled from running, the top buttons of his white dress shirt undone. He looked around the cafe wildly before his eyes landed on the counter. “Woojin!”
“Chan,” Woojin replied, raising an eyebrow. “Any news?”
Chan exhaled, running his fingers through his hair. “I’ve sent my team to ask everyone around the area, but so far no one was around when it happened. We’ve just finished taking photographs and the rough sketches. Not much evidence to bag -- I’m betting most of it’s on the boy, ‘specially his clothing, but we’ll need to wait ‘till he’s in a stable condition before we proceed.”Chan turned to you, Felix, and Hyunjin, outstretching a hand and a warm smile. “I’m Detective Bang Chan, but just Chan is fine.”
“Y-Y/N,” you barely manage to get out, still overwhelmed by the rush of information. “This is Felix, Hyunjin.”
Chan nodded briefly before turning back towards Woojin and Seungmin. “Also, Minho found another dead body.”
Both Woojin and Hyunjin’s heads snapped up. The police captain looked like he was about to strangle the detective. “Perhaps that would have been a good thing to mention first, Detective Bang?”
Chan only flashed Woojin a wide, winning smile before cocking his head towards the door. “You wanted news, I gave you the news. Anyways, they need you on scene ASAP.”
Woojin sent Chan a withering look before glancing at you, Felix, and Hyunjin, who had gotten up from behind the counter. “Are you sure you want to come? I understand your concern, but--”
“We won’t get in the way of anything,” Hyunjin blurted suddenly, speaking up for the first time since you’d arrived. “I just--I need to know what happened. If it’s connected to my friend. Please.”
Woojin looked warily from Hyunjin’s face to you and Felix’s, before sighing. “Alright, but be...prepared. For what you might see.” 
With that, he turned, speaking quietly to Chan as Seungmin gently nudged you towards the door of the cafe. Outside, the sun was almost uncomfortably bright, a jarring contrast to the bleak crime scene around you. As you ducked under the police tape to cross the main road, your eyes lingered on the dried pool of blood staining the cobblestones, the outline of a body scrawled with white chalk. Only hours before, it was Jeongin’s body that had lain there. A cold chill trickled down your spine, and you tore your gaze away.
Chan was heading for the Yellow Wood, you realized -- weaving through the playground, down the winding park trails and into the forest. It wasn’t difficult to guess where the supposed body was -- a crowd had already formed around a tall oak tree, hushed murmurs and sounds of disgust filling the air.
You hadn’t realised you’d been holding your breath until you caught sight of a man -- the coroner, you guessed, judging from his all-white uniform, gloves, and shoe covers -- zipping up a black body bag. When he shifted to the side, you caught a glimpse of gleaming white skull encrusted with decaying flesh before it disappeared behind the body bag’s zipper. Feeling your stomach flip, you looked away -- straight into the eyes of a very familiar boy.
It probably wasn’t unusual to see another student crowded around the body, as most of the crowd were curious university residents stopped on their way to class -- but unlike the rest of them, Jisung was inside the yellow police tape, beside the coroner.
His wide eyes filled with surprise before crinkling into a bright smile. He waved, and you heard Chan raising his voice behind you.
“Alright, clear off everybody; move away from the crime scene, please.” He turned to you. “I’m not going to make you leave, but there isn’t much to see. They finished up pretty quickly. As for you, Hwang Hyunjin--” he looked at the barista, whose jaw was clenched tight, narrow eyes staring at the black body bag. “Go take the day off or somethin’, you look horrible.” The detective clapped him on the back before diving into the crowd, ducking under the police tape.
Felix put a firm hand on Hyunjin’s shoulder. “He’s right, you know. Go back to sleep, you’ve been up since 4.” When the taller boy didn’t budge, Felix gently turned him away. “C’mon, ‘jin. They need to preserve the scene, we’ll be no help anyways.”
Even though you were filled with questions and burning curiosity, you knew Felix was right, and let the crowd of students dispersing push you out of the Yellow Wood. Momentarily looking back, you were startled to see Jisung’s eyes still on you, before his face finally disappeared behind the throngs of trees and people.
Jisung looked back down at the spot where the body had been. Behind him, a couple of officers were helping Minho lift the body bag into the morgue van. Your eyes were burned into his mind, the look of surprise and confusion on your face when you had made eye contact. He shook his head. There was no way you suspected him, right? Nobody suspected him. He would explain this all later. It would all be okay. It was all under control.
“Who are you?” He looked up into the face of Kim Woojin -- the police captain, he supposed, from the uniform and the way the older man carried himself. “If you aren’t an investigating officer, I’m afraid--”
Chan put a hand on the captain’s arm. “Relax, Woojin. This is Han Jisung, health sciences kid. We went to the same high school. All right, ‘sung?” 
Jisung smiled. “Long time no see, Chan.”
Woojin frowned. “But why is he--”
“I let him in,” the coroner interrupted -- Lee Minho, medical examiner. “He’s a medical student, after all. Loads of Miroh’s health sciences majors go into our field, so I thought letting him watch close-up wouldn’t hurt. He didn’t touch anything.”
Woojin rubbed his forehead as if he had a pounding headache, but nodded at Jisung. “Alright, it’s nice to meet you. Minho, what’s your take on the scene?”
Minho removed his gloves. “Both the victim we found at this site and Mr. Yang had severe signs of trauma to the head. I’m guessing the man found here died between midnight and 3 A.M., but it’s hard to tell if the coldness of his body is due to rigor mortis, or the sheer amount of blood loss. Mr. Yang was found at around 4 A.M., so it’s very likely that the two attacks are connected. No weapon nor DNA was found -- traces of footprints, fingerprints, et cetera. We’ll need to thoroughly examine the body for sure, but the murder weapon is most likely a crowbar or hammer. I’ll send the rest of the files when I get back to the lab. We’re working against a meticulous killer, Captain Kim.”
“I see. Thank you, Minho.” He turned towards the officers. “Back to headquarters, everyone. Detective Bang, meet me in my office -- we have a serial killer case on our hands.”
When the police and forensics departments had driven off, Jisung turned to Minho. The coroner was staring at the ground -- examining the area the body had been lying on, or lost deep in thought, Jisung couldn’t tell.
He cleared his throat. “So. Crowbar or hammer, huh?”
Minho didn’t look up. “It’s easier to believe than a rock, anyways. It’s disposed of already, by the way. Your fingerprints are as good as gone. Footprints, too.” He cocked his head in the direction of Glow Cafe. “Can’t do anything about that boy, though, I’m afraid.”
Jisung shook his head. “It’s--it’s fine. He wasn’t supposed to--” he broke off, steadying himself. “And the man’s body?”
“Practically unidentifiable. It’s an easy cold case.” Minho slammed the door of the morgue van shut. “Another mystery that leaves the police--and yours truly--baffled.” 
“Thanks, Minho.”
The coroner didn’t look him in the eye as he started the van. A small smile pulled at his lips, but there was no trace of humour. 
“You always seem to forget, Han Jisung. I’ve been doing this for thirteen years.”
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 5 years
Could you do something for vampire papas + Copia with an s/o?
*rubs hands together* YOU BET I COULD! 
Also I might just through in a mild warning for predatory behavior and mentions of blood since these are vampires, and still have instincts to hunt and drink! The relationships will not be like normal ones, so it will have some power imbalances and the like! 
Papa Nihil:
~You’re one of two human lovers he has had in his very long undeath that has not been supernaturally altered in some way. The rest of his harem and close followers have all been partially turned or became thralls to his wills (all willing of course.) But you are different. Nihil likes you the way you are and never wants to risk changing you beyond recognition. He’s a very old vampire and one with unspeakable power- so his mere essence could warp you it’s so strong! Nihil prefers you to be yourself and with your right state of mind in check! 
~Keeps you away from his sons, as they are turned as well. He doesn’t trust them to not treat you like food or as another expendable servant. Nihil makes it very known that you are NOt just a mere ghoul or worshiper. You may be human, but you still have an important place in his shriveled, black mess he calls a heart. Nihil likes to remind everyone that you are not a mere plaything, and any harm that comes to you will result in swift and harsh punishment. 
~Nihil likes to pull a Gary Oldman, and his form can sometimes change. He’s old and powerful enough to not be hurt by sunlight or water (so long as it’s not blessed.) often times, when he’s feeling cheeky, he will shift from his decrepit form to that of his prime when he was a young man! It startles you every time when you see the tall, younger man with pitch black hair grinning at your door! Nihil especially likes shifting to look younger because not many, even in his close circle, recognize him and he can spend his day with you without being bothered too much. 
~Despite looking like he could die any moment, Nihil is a powerful being and has mastered many vampire arts. But it’s not something he’s particularly fond of lording over you. To him, your time together is the time he DOESN’T want to think about his long millennia of being a walking corpse. Your time together makes him feel human and nostalgic for the past when his emotions were stronger. Nihil doesn’t usually have deep feelings for others like he does for you, so he wants YOU to feel loved and appreciated when you are together. He knows you ALREADY know he’s a vampire, let you two forget for just a while.
~Never wants to turn you, because despite the perks, living forever actually really sucks. He’s lived for over a thousand years, and it still has not brought him closer to true happiness. Nihil would not force you to spend undeath with him just to be bored or sad that you cannot die. You two have no doubt had heated, emotional talks about it but he just can’t do that to you. “I might be a monster, mio caro, but I am not a monster enough to curse you like this.” 
~Doesn’t need your blood and doesn’t really want it. Nihil likes to think of you more than just food, and he has tons of servants and worshipers to feed from. Why bother yourself? He’s sure you taste very good, especially to him, but you are more to him than an expendable follower. Keep your blood, he won’t need it! But he will share a nice bottle of wine with you! He’s the type of old vampire that can stomach human food again! He much rather have a huge meal than worry about over feeding on you. 
Papa I:
~It’s amazing how indescribably powerful this vampire is, but is so gentle and almost tender with you. Papa has a list of things he has thanks to his vampiric nature- strength, speed, shape-shifting, etc. But with you he just comes off as any other satanic old man... except with a scary gaze to his mismatched eyes and big sense of foreboding that follows him. 
~Refuses to drink from you at all, even when you insist it’s fine. Papa always looks so appalled at the offer and looks you dead in the eye.“You are not a sacrificial lamb to my alter. I will not treat you like common prey.” Papa only ever drinks his blood from willing acolytes who serve him in a goblet. But even if you offered to fill his goblet he wouldn’t drink it. He sees you as too valuable and beloved to ever consider it. 
~Papa has debated on turning you into another vampire. On one hand he adores you and does want to spend eternity with you. On the other, he knows that vampiric nature can also be a curse that twists even the most noble of men into monsters and cold creatures. Could he ever be selfish enough to inflict it upon you just from his own needs? Unless Satan himself wills it, he’s in turmoil over the idea. 
~Papa is still the endless well of knowledge. He has spent centuries collecting and writing various pieces, so he knows a lot. Because you are so dear to him he is even willing to teach you all about vampires- even if it means you could kill him. Granted, he’s so strong there is very little you could probably do to hurt him... but he trusts you. 
~He actually really likes when you ask about his life as a vampire- that you show so much interest in everything that he has seen and experienced. Papa has been in undeath so long he forgets your life is so short. Papa will sit with you for hours and tell you everything you want to know! 
~The only thing that worries him about you, aside from your short life, is people on the outside being threatened by your relationship. He knows his followers would never harm you, he knows he is strong enough to protect you from anything- but he’s always been weary of the outside world. It takes one angry village or pompous vampire hunter to take you away from him. Despite all this, Papa always gives you the option to walk away and seek a normal life. To forget him and never look back. But you never abandon him, and he’s always eternally grateful you love him regardless. 
Papa II:
~This fucker is the vampire that comes through your window at night. Papa likes to be the dark and mysterious predatory vampire, even if you two are an established fling. No matter how long it has been, he’s always willing to be a silhouette in your window that stalks in menacingly. You always know it’s him when you feel a cold hand caress your neck and, at this point, you just welcome him into your bed. He’s also startled you many times by prowling around your shared quarters in the dead of night. He always chuckles as he never means it! 
~Vampire Papa has a way bigger ego than his normal counter part. This is because he is incredibly powerful and has lived a VERY long time. This can cause a bit of imbalance between you too, as you always get the feeling he never takes you seriously. But, what threat could you possibly be as a human? Sometimes you get frustrated with his vain attitude. Papa tries to make up for it by being respectful and polite to you- like an equal. He’s just not entirely worried you could ever bring him physical harm. 
~Papa respects you enough to not make you a mindless ‘bride of dracula’ minion. Granted, he DOES have a harem of lesser vampirie lovers, but they don’t hold a candle to you. Papa stills respects you and your feelings. If you can all help it, you just avoid his harem. Instead, your relationship is stronger intellectually and (for as much as he can) emotionally. He’s still withdrawn emotionally, but Papa has lived long enough where he knows how to support you. His emotions died a long time ago but you are the only sunshine he has had in his dark life for a while- he’s not about to lose you to apathy.
~Out of all the vampires, Papa was the hardest to get into a relationship with. For one, he had a harem and all the company he could want so he wasn’t actively seeking any type of mate like figure. Second, he knows how short lived you are. Papa tried to keep you at arms length as best as he could emotionally when he started to grow fond of you. He’s very aware of how much of a walking corpse he truly is, and you just remind him of it- of how he can;t give a whole, feeling human heart to you. But the more you stayed around, unaware of your effect on the vampire, the more he was unwilling to let you go- even if your time together becomes short. 
~Papa LOVES to drink from you if you give him permission. Among his servants, it’s the highest honor. But for you, it’s just a display of how much you love and trust him. He’s a powerful undead monster who could drink you dry if he so wished. For you two, this has become a weird bonding ritual that might not be defined by normal relationship standards. You give him life out of your own will and in turn he does everything to protect yours. Papa is always sure never to get too greedy and makes sure you are well taken care of by his servants after.  You have a huge luxury bed and are always tucked in and given honey and water to keep you healthy. Papa might be a monster in nature, but he will never act like one towards you! 
~if you really have bonded to the point where Papa can’t spend eternity without you, he will be the first to change you. But be warned, you might be his beloved, but he is a harsh master. Papa will train you to be powerful and independent in order for you to survive. It’s not out of cruelty, but he needs you to be able to hold your own. There are a LOT of things that can kill vampires, even the most powerful ones. Papa has taken you on as his eternal mate and will NOt lose you to a hunter or even day light. By the time he’s done with you, you are going to be one force to be reckoned with! 
Papa III:
~ This man is everything romantic you think of a stereotypical vampire- charming, suave, seductive, dark, and mysterious. Papa can be incredibly dangerous but he’s so charming and has a way of putting you at ease. Normally this would be used to get blood or minions, but for you it’s different. He’s not trying to seduce you just to use you for a meal. For him, it’s very nice to just be his wildly charismatic self without the fear of slipping and scaring you off. You already know he’s a vampire, so he knows he doesn’t have to be careful! 
~Sometimes you have to keep yourself from laughing because he unintentionally acts like a Bela Lugosi Dracula with some of his lines. He’s really just trying to keep the charm going but it can get cliche. Papa won’t be sorry for it, some lines are just classic! 
~There is something super sensual and intimate if you let him drink from you. Papa does it so gently and almost tenderly, because he sees you more than just the typical blood bag. You are his beloved and he is honored to be able to taste you. Papa always holds you close in a lover’s embrace before he sips on you deep and slowly- lips pressed against your neck. He is always mindful not to take too much and to savor every drop. Every time he pulls away his eyes are always closed in bliss- like he just sampled the finest of wines.   
~Papa loves to show off his powers to you, specifically his ones of minor flight and shape shifting. When you are as old and strong as he is, you can actually have wings! If you are down for it, he’ll fly with you in his arms! Papa also loves his animal forms, and you can always tell it’s him! Like when a bat seems too cute and friendly, or a black cat follows you too close. He always shifts back with a laugh and purrs in your ear. “How did you know it was me?” There have also been countless times you’ve caught him walking on the ceiling for fun. He always just shrugs and insists its a good party trick! 
~When Papa finds someone worth his time he considers making you another vampire. He will never tell you for years he’s considered. But the thing is, making another vampire isn’t very smart to do every time you fancy someone. Having to be sire to a fledgling is very tedious and takes a lot of patience. But... Papa wonders what it would be like to have you around forever. You don’t know it, but everyday Papa watches to see if you are worthy of the dark kiss of undeath. 
~ Papa, like his brothers and father, also has a luxury castle and rooms that he shares with you. Despite it being less active during the day and HEAVILY curtained from the sun, you live like a monarch! One thing Papa HAS shared with you is his crypt, the one he was resurrected from. Despite popular belief, no he does not sleep in the casket we was originally in. But, this is incredibly important for him to show you. See, he was brought back after a true death and not just changed- and a vampire can been slain with the soil of their resting place. It means a lot for him to trust you with this information. 
Cardinal Copia:
~Copia was very reluctant to have a relationship with you, let alone have you find out he was a vampire! Normally he doesn’t mind taking humans under his control as willing thralls to serve and feed him. But he’s been undead for so long he wasn’t sure to approach catching feelings for someone again. It was very tempting to have you removed from his life altogether. You were human and destined to die a natural, short life. And he wasn’t sure he was ready to sire another undead. But you won out in the end, and he can’t stay away from you. 
~ He’s very VERY protective of you, especially if any other vampires enters his territory. He doesn’t trust his own kind, least of all with you. Copia is very adamant about you staying out of any of his affairs with colleagues for this reason. It’s for your safety and the last thing he needs is having you threatened for leverage or a business partner trying to eat you. Not to mention, humans themselves can’t be trusted! Copia is always paranoid a vampire hunter or the other church will persuade you into thinking he’s nothing but pure evil. 
~Copia cannot resist your blood offerings even if he wanted to! To him, you are the sweetest and most satisfying meal. He often worries one day he’ll lose his control and hurt you, but never has. Copia always asks your permission, never using his charm or powers on you, before gently sinking his fangs in. Copia will have you with him the rest of the night to make sure you are recovering fine and that you rest well. Typically he gets very cuddly after feeding and is satisfied, and wants you in his arms so he can keep an eye on you. 
~Copia is an odd vampire in which he rarely likes to show off his abilities to you. He will gladly flaunt his powers over rivals or other vampires, but he’s so loathe to do so around his beloved. A part of him wants you to love him for who he still as as a ‘person’ rather than the power he has as a creature of the night. If he wanted blind followers or bed buddies he’d just have a harem like SOME PEOPLE *coughcoughpapaIIcough*. There is a time and place for mindless followers, and being in a relationship that makes him feel GOOD and ALIVE is not the time. 
~Copia does stupid things as a vampire that makes you laugh. You’ve seen him hiss and pull his arms back to his body so many times! You know he’s this monster, but he just looks like a giant dork when he recoils like a cartoon character! You’ve all but lost your shit the time he’s held his Dracula cape up as a protecting from harsh sunlight. 
~Speaking of his cape, it’s his favorite piece to wear when he’s done pretending to be a normal human! Copia will usually wear it when he takes you out at night and when a special occasion arises. He’s informed you that it’s a sign of rank and respect amongst the other undead. You doubt it but hey, he looks great in it! 
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, March 8
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Bruce Springsteen
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Page 1: Big Pic -- as part of Coach's latest campaign Jennifer Lopez posed with a supersized pink version of their new Pillow Tabby purse
Page 2: Contents
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Page 3: Contents
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Page 4: Chris Harrison gone for good? The Bachelor host's future with the show remains uncertain after his controversial interview with Rachel Lindsay
Page 6: Since the start of his career Justin Timberlake has endured his fair share of scandals but after welcoming his second son with wife Jessica Biel over the summer and celebrating his 40th birthday, he is confessing that he feels immense guilt about the past and he won't be making the same mistakes in the future -- Justin's done some soul-searching and accepts that he's wronged a lot of people over the years with his own terrible mistakes and he says he's still a work in progress, but step one has been to stand up and admit he's hurt too many women -- in addition to a boozy night out with his Palmer costar Alisha Wainwright in 2019 and his part in the now-infamous Nipplegate incident with Janet Jackson at the 2004 Super Bowl, Justin recently came under fire again due to the documentary Framing Britney Spears which showed him exploiting his breakup from Britney Spears to help his solo career -- Justin's learned from his mistakes and has a lot more sensitivity about the impact of his actions on other people and that's the big difference between the Justin of today and his old, immature self and that self-awareness was evident in an emotional statement that he posted apologizing to both Britney and Janet for the errors in his ways -- his words drew praise from his wife Jessica who says he's come a long way as a husband, a father and more importantly, a human being
Page 7: Wendy Williams is on the prowl for a new man and he's got to be husband material and she is ready for a serious commitment -- Wendy's been staying up until all hours of the night checking out guys online and on exclusive dating apps and she wants someone age-appropriate, fun, kind, independent and of course has no history of cheating -- she's feeling very optimistic and even buying new perfume and clothes and jewelry for all the dates she hopes to have once lockdown lifts
* Texas native Matthew McConaughey is seriously considering throwing his hat in the ring to become the state's next governor -- he's been putting out feelers to see if he's got sufficient support and if enough donors are willing to write checks, he'd mount an aggressive run in 2022 -- he's already gotten the thumbs-up from his wife Camila Alves and their three kids -- at this point, he needs to see an actual path to winning because he's not interested in just making a protest statement; don't be fooled by his aw-shucks attitude, Matthew means business
* Now that Keeping Up With the Kardashians is coming to an end, the hunt is on for a new family to replace the clan and one reality pro is poised to nab the prize: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Lisa Rinna -- there's already been talk about Lisa picking up the torch and her family is camera ready, consisting of husband Harry Hamlin, and their daughters Delilah Hamlin who's dating Love Island's Eyal Booker and Amelia Hamlin who's dating Scott Disick
Page 8: Things keep going from bad to worse for Armie Hammer -- he was forced to drop out of his upcoming movie Shotgun Wedding with Jennifer Lopez after direct messages he allegedly sent to women in which he described himself as a cannibal and detailed disturbing sexual fantasies were leaked online -- Armie was also fired by his talent agency WME and now the disgraced star may get cut from his new film Next Goal Wins which has already been shot -- he's radioactive and everybody knows it and his completed but unreleased work is getting a second look as studios want to do damage control, and that includes another of his finished projects Death on the Nile where his part could end up on the cutting room floor -- he's a pariah now and it's hard to see how he's ever going to come back from this
* Jennifer Aniston has always had a spiritual side but these days she is taking things to a whole new plane -- Jen has surrounded herself with psychics and has been doing Goddess Circles with the same group of close friends for 30 years, but now she's taking courses to learn to heal herself and be her own guru -- BFF Courteney Cox has been a big influence and Jen's learned a lot from Courteney, who's had a long-term interest in mediums, astrologists and horoscopes, and she's trying to fuse it all together into her own brand of spirituality -- Jen's had a lot of time alone, which has only deepened her questions about the universe and how she can make the most of her life and she's determined to find the answers
* Princess Eugenie is over the moon after welcoming her first child, a baby boy with businessman husband Jack Brooksbank but now the new mom is torn about taking time out from her royal responsibilities -- Eugenie would love to take a long break from everything and focus solely on raising her son however she knows deep down how much she's needed, especially since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are showing no signs of coming back -- as she weighs her options, Eugenie is looking to her multi-tasking cousin-in-law Duchess Kate for some inspiration because she's impressed by how Kate is able to juggle her official duties while raising three young kids
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars captivate in enchanting puff-sleeve numbers -- Bel Powley, Aubrey Plaza, Lupita Nyong'o
Page 11: Kaitlyn Dever, Lucy Boynton, Margaret Qualley
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Hilary Swank vs. Madeline Brewer, Bella Hadid vs. Devon Windsor, Alison Brie vs. Dua Lipa
Page 14: News in Photos -- Tayshia Adams and her fiance Zac Clark felt on top of the world when the visited the Empire State Building together
Page 15: Chrissy Teigen and John Legend were inseparable while out and about in Beverly Hills, Bill Murray and NFL player Larry Fitzgerald Jr. were among the many stars to shoot their shot during a charity golf tournament in Pebble Beach, Rita Ora performing on an episode of the U.K. show Dancing on Ice in Hertfordshire
Page 16: At the Australian Open Serena Williams came out on top during the fourth round, Bachelorette alum Jordan Kimball and fiancee Christina Creedon couldn't wait until they got home to enjoy Candy Pop popcorn's new Peanut M&M's flavor from Sam's Club in Houston, Heidi Montag spent the day hitting the slopes at Lake Tahoe
Page 17: Hailey Bieber starring in Beyonce's new Ivy Park x Adidas collection
Page 18: Brody Jenner had a blast snow tubing while shooting the second season of The Hills: New Beginnings in Lake Tahoe, Avril Lavigne stepped out with her new boyfriend Mod Sun for a romantic dinner in West Hollywood
Page 20: Justin Bieber looked like he'd just hopped out of bed in a sweater and checkered fleece pants in L.A., Robin Thicke in front of a piano in L.A.
Page 21: Steve Martin doubled up on face coverings on the set of his new project Only Murders in the Building in NYC, Michelle Obama on her new show Waffles + Michi, Cardi B spoiled herself with high-end goods during a day of shopping on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills
Page 22: Brooke Burke romancing with boyfriend Scott Rigsby on Valentine's Day, Lucy Hale accessorized her look with her newest rescue pup Ethel in L.A., Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon masked up for a snowy outing in NYC
Page 24: For Galentine's Day Vanessa Lachey snacked on macarons and sipped on wine in L.A.
Page 25: Bella Hadid alongside models Mayowa Nicholas and Heejung Park in Michael Kors' new campaign for the Spring 2021 collection, Hugh Grant stepped out for some fresh hair in London, Sofia Vergara kept it casual during a visit to a pal's house in Beverly Hills
Page 26: Inside My Home -- Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelley's Rocky Mountain retreat
Page 28: Marriage isn't easy especially during a global health crisis but for Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard divorce is not an option -- Kristen said she and Dax at the start of the pandemic were at a point in their marriage where they definitely needed a little therapy brush-up and every couple of years they're being very antagonistic towards each other and they don't want that so they go back to therapy and figure out how they can serve their team goal better and it's been incredibly helpful and even in the toughest times they always have each other's back and they're committed to being each other's biggest support systems -- while their relationship may never be perfect, they're happy and love each other and that's what matters most
Page 29: Now that Tom Brady has won his seventh Super Bowl with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, he has set his sights on the next prize: baby No. 3 with wife Gisele Bundchen -- they've been telling friends they hope to make an announcement by summer at the latest and Tom and Gisele have been super loved-up since leaving Boston and moving to Florida after the QB signed on with the Bucs and the change of scenery has worked wonders on their love life and put them in baby-making mode -- the duo, who recently bought a $17 million spread on Miami's exclusive Indian Creek Island, plan to build a luxury mansion there complete with a nursery and they hope to be all settled in when the new arrival comes -- they've never felt healthier or been happier
* Aaron Rodgers looked positively giddy when he revealed he had a fiancee, Shailene Woodley at the NFL Honors, but the QB is dreading the next step: bringing her home to meet his parents because it's no secret that Aaron's been estranged from them for years and the last thing he wants is for Shailene to get caught up in the drama -- Shailene wants Aaron to clear the air with his folks, but he's not ready to do that and he doesn't want to bring Shailene into a toxic environment
* It's only been two years since Miranda Lambert married Brendan McLoughlin but she's already itching for some alone time -- she's headed to Texas in April for her first concert in over a year and she's told Brendan he shouldn't come because it will be all work and no play but she really wants to get away from him for a while and after the pair's recent road trip together, Miranda is desperate for some space -- sometimes Miranda feels like she's living with a baby because Brendan whines and complains about life on her farm
Page 30: Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker's romance is heating up fast, so much so that she's practically handed over the keys to her Calabasas estate and she loves having Travis sleep over and sometimes he'll stay the whole weekend -- he gets along famously with her children and Travis has been a friend of the family for years, so the kids have pretty much known him their whole lives and they'll do fun stuff together like hiking or playing video games and Travis loves making breakfast and showing off his pancake-flipping skills --Travis is spending so much time at Kourt's place that he's moved a bunch of his stuff in to make it easier for his kids Landon and Alabama with ex Shanna Moakler to visit him there -- everyone's convinced they'll be living together full-time before you know it
* Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were met with a flurry of well-wishes after they revealed they're expecting baby No. 2 -- the couple decided to wait until Meghan was safely into her second trimester to share the news and they only told a handful of family members before the public and they wanted to cherish this secret for as long as they could -- Harry and Meghan have been nesting at their Montecito mansion and have been busy prepping the nursery and making sure it's eco-friendly with energy-efficient lighting and they're keeping it as plastic-free as possible
* Love Bites -- Clare Crawley and Dale Moss reunited, Kit Harington and Rose Leslie welcomed a baby boy, Paris Hilton and Carter Reum engaged
Page 32: Cover Story -- Bruce Springsteen's private world -- he's an open book in his songs, but here's Bruce's untold story of his struggles with depression and regret -- he still has dark thoughts from time to time but therapy and medication have helped a great deal
Page 36: Stars' Cheating Confessions -- sometimes all you can do is beg for forgiveness; these celebs have all had to plead their case -- Donny and Debbie Osmond, Jude Law and Sienna Miller, Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith
Page 37: David Letterman and Regina Lasko, Dean McDermott and Tori Spelling, Kevin Hart and Eniko Parrish
Page 40: Interview -- Elizabeth Olsen -- the Avengers star dishes about getting witchy again for Marvel's mind-bending WandaVision
Page 42: Golden Girls -- how these Golden Globes nominees get their award-worthy figures -- Anya Taylor-Joy, Nicole Kidman, Lily Collins
Page 43: Kaley Cuoco, Michelle Pfeiffer, Amanda Seyfried
Page 44: Aadila Dosani's vegan recipe for Chickpea and Potato Soup
Page 46: Style Week -- Ashley Graham is the new global brand ambassador for self-tanning label St. Tropez
Page 48: What's Hot Right Now -- create a naturally gorgeous, flushed look with fashion designer Jason Wu's namesake makeup collection
Page 49: Haute hippie retro jeans -- take a trip back to the '70s with Revice Denim's ultra-cool capsule, Los Angeles Lovers -- Delilah Belle Hamlin
Page 50: Flower Power -- floral prints are spring's hottest trend -- rock the pretty blooms for a fresh, boho-chic look -- Kaia Gerber
Page 52: DIY Blowout -- these foolproof finds deliver impeccable hair right at home -- Drew Barrymore
Page 54: Entertainment
Page 55: Q&A with Mary Fitzgerald of Selling Sunset
Page 58: Buzz -- after months of playing it coy, these celebs confirmed their relationships on Valentine's Day -- Scott Disick and Amelia Hamlin
Page 59: Vanessa Hudgens and Cole Tucker, Sharna Burgess and Brian Austin Green, Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker, Kendall Jenner and Devin Booker
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Halsey on not conforming to conventional beauty standards, Anderson Cooper on coparenting with his ex, Ashley Graham on the importance of self-care, Kate Winslet on feeling like a fish out of water in Hollywood
Page 61: Tom Holland on the plot of the next Spider-Man flick, Mila Kunis joking about keeping her family entertained during quarantine, Drew Barrymore when asked if she's ever been skinny-dipping, Madelaine Petsch on playing a teen in Clare at 16
Page 62: Horoscope -- Pisces Lupita Nyong'o turned 38 on March 1
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Riz Ahmed
4 notes · View notes
the extent to which the short rest said tender best friends hardshine rights......... I’m crying
these two really just saw each other and hardwon was like “i will accept and celebrate and protect you and your people and everything that’s important to you” and moonshine was like “i will love you, exactly as you are, with all of my tremendous capacity to love” and “they would go out and prowl together but then also share one big bed at the end of the night” and i, frankly, will never recover
32 notes · View notes
My Much Better Half - Duncan x fem!reader
Hi Guys! Remember when I talked about the fact that I would write something about Xavier today?
Well here is a big old pile of Duncan Shepherd fluff.
Suggestions are more than welcome :)
Description: After feeling under the weather for a few days, you discover that you are expecting yours and Duncan’s first child. His reaction? Take you to Paris to celebrate.
Warnings: I wrote some much fluff that I might actually be ill. Also flashback smut. and then more fluff? And somehow it’s 4.6k+ words. Did I mention fluff?
Flashback sequences are in bold italic. Present day is in regular font.
You stepped in the elevator door, tugging nervously on your own fingers as you pressed the button to reach the top floor. Everyone you walked past gave you a respectful nod accompanied with a “Miss Y/L/N”. You had hoped this little visit to your boyfriend of 4 years would be a discreet one but for some reason, this time around, it looked like all eyes were on you and your legs nearly gave out under the weight of the crushing pressure.
You would usually enter the premises with your fingers intertwined in Duncan’s, his smile taking all of the attention off of the heavy title that was “Mr. Shepherd’s other half”. When it comes to exiting, the brunette would guide you straight to the underground parking where you would both jump in a car and get driven home to arrange his lunch and yours.
 Such appearances were rare and the need to leave in secrecy was nearly a must since every time your name was mentioned, a flock of paparazzi would welcome you at the entrance of the skyscraper and the anxiety and stress of being in all sorts of tabloids was not something you were looking forward to it. It was a lesson the both of you learned the hardest of way.
 A groggy Duncan woke you up as he slid out of your shared bed and you immediately informed him of your state. You had been feeling sick for a couple of days and silently prayed it was only due to undercook chicken from the take away down the road but when it carried through Monday, you noticed the clockwork pattern. Whimpering out of bed, you quickly dialled your boss, informing them you would not be able to come in today right before you spewed your bile in the porcelain bowl.
A look of concern shrouded you as Duncan swiftly came and rubbed your back, now covered in a thin coat of sweat. He had been supportive to your need to remain home and he promised he would keep his phone on loud so he would be able to quickly pick up your calls and rush home in case you needed him. “We’ll go to the doctor tomorrow if you don’t feel any better, okay, darling?”
 The ring of the elevator pulled you out of your stupor, a fresh gulf of air and busy office noise filling your ears and lungs. Any time you had to come in with your partner, you were always well dressed and your hair was neatly pulled together however you did not have the time for glamourous looks today.
You gingerly stepped out into the open plan office, stepping as confidently as possible to the large wooden door and heavily knocking on it. “Come in?” you heard from the other side. Your fingers wrapped around the metal handle of the door, pushing it open. One arm rested against the edge with the large windows of his office, the other wrapped around a glass of scotch.
 The creaking of the door twisted Duncan around, his usual relaxed expression lighting up his face once you passed the doorway, pushing the wooden panel closed behind you. Worry grew deep in your belly as you stepped towards your lover “Y/N! I wasn't expecting you!”, his lips delicately wrapped you in a tender kiss, dismissing the half full glass of whiskey to gingerly surround your cheeks, still cold for the outside.
Expecting was the only word you were hoping the brunette would avoid. “What brings you in my office, sweetheart? Is everything alright? Still feeling ill?” he perched himself on the edge of his desk, sipping on his scotch once more. “I need to talk to you about something” you bit your lip, trying to hoist yourself next to him. His dark brows drew closer in confusion and worry.
 “What's going on, honey, he asked, framing your face once more.
- We have a problem and I'm scared of your reaction...
- W-What do you mean? Are you- leaving me, he enquired, standing up and lodging himself around your thighs, his hands resting on your hips.
- Oh no! You replied. Duncan, I'm late.
- Oh, honey, It's okay, I'll call a cab for y-hang on...”
 It took a lot for you to not laugh at his naïve remark. His bright blue eyes widen in shock, his hands dropping from their perch as he gingerly stepped back. Worry grew inside your gut once more as he was withdrawing from you. “Y-You're pregnant?” he asked, trembling still. Averting your gaze from him, nodding. Gritting your teeth to keep your jaw from quivering in terror that this might be the reason why he leaves you. “I did three tests and they all came back positive”.
“And, it's- it's mine, right?” he asked again, taking a confident step forward to inch himself closer to you. “Of course, you idiot” you scoffed slightly, lifting your eyes to dive deep into the ocean blue of his own gaze. You trapped your bottom lip between your teeth, not surprised that he still had that effect on you even after he made you his so long ago. His beauty would never cease to mesmerise you and you couldn’t understand how in Heaven or Hell he ended up being yours.
“Honey, if you don’t feel ready, we can… wait…” you tried, the feeling of him slipping off of your grip still lingering in your thoughts. “So that means I'm going to be a father...?” he gasped, ignoring your remark, a timid smile crept across his face as you nodded just as sheepishly as he grinned. Duncan paced around his office, muttering some sort of plan of action on how he would break the news to his mother and mainly to the world.
He then paused his erratic prowling just as you noticed the tears staining his cheeks. He looked up at you and, not as good as you were at hiding your emotions, he burst out in a stream of tears, rushing against you to hold you tight and close in his warm embrace.
 “Have you ever been to Paris?” he asked and the next thing you knew, he was escorting you out of the large Shepherd Freedom Foundation building he had just spent the last 35 minutes blabbering about baby names and how you would decide on the education of your child and when you would start planning your next one.
It took all your efforts to bring him back down to Earth, where life was still going day by day. He excused himself as you both jumped in a cab straight to your flat.
You had approximated the night it had happened. You were both really goods with protection. You were on the pill and in dark times of needs, Duncan made a small stash of condoms. You vividly remembered a couple of weeks back, on your anniversary, when you had been busier cooking up a meal for the both of you than taking the small medicine.
 The sound of the door opening sent an excited shiver down your spine. Tonight would be special regardless of the outcome of your spinach lasagne. Tonight, you celebrated 4 long years of love and dedication to one another. Duncan's smile grew wide as his eyes met yours. You wore his favourite little black dress underneath the “kiss the cook” apron he had gifted you for your birthday a couple of months back.
A full dinner and one and a half bottle of your favourite red wine later, he was on you, ripping breathes and gasps out of your lungs. He had you exactly where he wanted you, in the largest crook of his heart and each passing day, you were gaining more and more of him.
It felt like the first time again. Your fingers trembling, the both of you heavily inebriated except that this time, you had gone through many more dates. This time, you had loved and fucked each other down to the bone.
And with a man as stressed and frustrated as Duncan, you found him pounding into you more often than not.
 This time, he took the occasion present in front of him and his fingers explored you all over again. “I’m going to make love to you so good we’ll need tomorrow off” he whispered in the shell of your ear, a slight groan mixed to the sounds of his voice. With a drunken and mischievous expression, you quickly took off, running all the way to the bedroom in a fit of tipsy giggle. His footfall were on your tail, a soft laugh escaping from his chest.
In your usual clumsy habit, you slipped against the wooden floor of the bedroom, caught on your way by the toned arms of your lover, a string of chuckles still pumping out of your chest. In a careful, but still buzzed, swoop, he lifted you on your bed and crashed a loving kiss against your plump lips. His hands trailed from the base of your ankle as your tongue fought his for dominance. Duncan’s digits grazed the fabric of your stockings all the way up to the thick elastic band concealed underneath the cotton of your dress.
“Fuck… The garter belt, my only weakness” he groaned, amused, pushing another few laughs from you as you innocently shrugged.
The naïve façade only lasted a second as you felt the sharp sting of the garter coming off and slapping your skin, pulling your lip between your teeth in a soft moan. He played with them, toying with your impatience, his kisses becoming more desperate by the second while you allowed him to peel off the stockings then freeing you from the soft pair of panties.
 He took in the view, a heavy sigh filling his chest. “You make me so happy Y/N, I hope you know that”, he planted his lips against the supple skin of your inner thigh, then again, half an inch closer to your core, and another one. You mentally counted the kisses, expecting his kiss to meet your heat but he instead repeated the painfully slow ritual of kissing his way down your thigh, this time on the other side.
“So do you, Duncan” you gently moaned as he brought his lips closer to where you needed him the most. You lost your fingers in his brown locks right before the pushed his tongue, flat, and incredibly hot, through the length of your cunt, tasting you like he had done so many times before.
 A loud drunken moan escaped your lips as he went against you again, this time pushing his stroke past your folds to caress the throbbing bundle of nerves between your thighs. A contempt sigh left him as he started to suckle on your labia, one after the other. Countless time, you reminded him to be gentle, that the slow and soft drove you up the wall, and he learned his lessons.
Practically making out with your clit, he languidly looked up at you as you twisted and arched under the pressure he was applying. A mixture of torture and absolute ecstasy. Your gaze met his as your coil started to wrap in your belly. His pace gently quickened while his hands drew incoherent shapes on the skin of your outer thighs.
As you were brought closer and closer to the edge with mix mixture of strokes, nips and suckling from Duncan, he pushed two of his fingers deep inside of you. His lips were gentle but his fingers were exempt of the rules, roughly pounding against your sweet spot and in a string of moans, the thread holding you tight released, the tension suddenly ceasing in a chain of twitches and trembles.
Shaking heavily underneath the brunette, fully surrendering to his mercy while his lips jumped up against your jaw, the pad of his fingers helping you ride out your climax. He groaned and grunted as your toes curled, your hand tightly gripping the sheet only to let them go and immediately grab at them again.
 “So god damn beautiful” he whispered, his rough brushes steadily stopping and withdrawing from you. Making quick work of your clothes, you were both rendered naked, exposed to each other once again. Still short of breath, your fingers drove down his chest, caressing every inch of his toned body. Getting lost in the darkness of the room, your delicate fingers curled around his throbbing shaft, pushing out a sigh from Duncan. “Tonight, I’m making love to you” he muttered in your ear, gingerly pushing your hand away before he lined himself up with your glistening entrance.
“Tonight, I’m worshipping you” he said again, easing himself between your supple thighs. Broken I love Yous stemmed in the middle of your pleads for touch. The harsh stubble of your brunette scratched the sensitive skin of your neck before small pecks covered your throat and shoulders. His hips brushed against yours while his hands languidly wrapped around your waist, holding you nice and close to him.
 Delicate and gentle, he thrusted inside of you, brushing your walls in a crackling of whimpers. You rarely heard these squeals coming from Duncan but whenever these sounds crawled out of his throats, you were encourage to remember you were the only one capable of making him crumble.
Pushing your fingers in his dark locks and drowning in the blue of his eyes, nothing else mattered. You just wanted him for all eternity and you prayed every day you would keep him that way. The sweat shrouding both of your figures as he languidly pumped in and out of your heat sobered the both of you. A spark of realisation burst in his eyes but you could not put your finger on it.
That look usually blooms when he realises he forgot to put a timer on the over or he left the light of the bathroom on all day. Whatever he forgot to do that night was quickly dismissed as the only thing that broke the intense gaze linking both of your minds was a deep and loving kiss. Full of passion, you both drunk the syrupy taste of your affection.
 His thrusts quickened while that bubble grew in your belly once more. Contracting the muscles in your legs first, the sensation intensified, then you clutched his back, pushing you one step closer to the edge.
Duncan became a blabbering and whimpering mess, mewling your name and profanities as he climbed his own slope of ecstasy. “I’m so in love with you Y/N” he moaned again and that was the only push you required to have you tumble down the cliff of your release. The coil snapped and your walls fluttered tightly against his hard shaft, squeezing him so hard it was nearly painful.
 His harm reached up to grab the already broken wooden headboard of your bed, his digits grappling the material and violently yanking on it, shattering a new piece that would be tossed to the floor as his large cock spilled heavily inside of you. Heavy panting and loud moaning pulling the both of you to ride your climaxes.
 The driver looked back at you in the rear view mirror, apparently waiting for you to do something. “Y/N? Are you alright, darling?” Duncan pulled you out of your day dream and gently out of the car, holding your hand securely. “I was… Thinking, sorry” you excused yourself shyly while following the brunette to your apartment. Leading you into the foyer of your flat, he closed the door behind his back, lingering there as his eyes trailed against your, watching you walk into the living room.
 “Baby, he announced as he quickly stepped in the room behind you, if you don’t feel ready or if you are worried about it, I need to know.
-I-I’m fine, Duncan, I promise. But I still need to wrap my head around it.
- I’m right here if you need, okay? I just want to make sure you’re comfortable with the decision and the change but ultimately, I will support anything you chose to do.”
 His eyes planted into yours, your let the cold blues wash over you as you gently smiled and nodded. If this were to happen with anyone else but Duncan, you would second guess the outcomes however, you were sure about the choice you were both going to make in welcoming a new life in the world.
Before you knew it, you were already buckled in a plane, flying over the large body of water separating America from Europe. You had never been to Paris before and you didn’t think you ever would due to the multitude of unexpected calls both you and your lover would be subjected to but when it came to celebrating, your partner knew how to surprise you.
And before you knew it, the bumpy landing of the plane rattled your bones awake. Fatigue was definitely one of the symptoms you were experiencing in the very early stages of your pregnancy so sleeping through the flight was no issues for your tired body working so hard to make your womb the safest place it could be.
 You didn’t realise how lit up Paris was. It wasn’t called The City of Light for nothing after all. Duncan had apparently planned it all out. He brought his mother along with the both of you, expecting to announce the beautiful news of the pregnancy to her in an over the top manner like he was used to doing even if you had the sneaking suspicion, he had something else planned during the short trip you engaged in.
The night you both came out to the public after over a year of dating behind closed doors, he had taken you on a red carpet for a gala you were the furthest from being interested in. As if parading you around and introducing you to his peers as “This is Y/N, my much better half” was not good enough to announce to the world the blossoming passion between the two of you, he had organised the most beautiful fireworks you had ever seen.
It’s on that night he knew he loved you, his eyes devouring your from head to toe and it had not escaped his mother’s watchful eyes.
 Watching him grow closer to his mother was a beautiful change you were happy to have made blossom. The three of you made your way out of the small plane, entering the privately hired car Annette had taken care of. It was like the both of them had plotted this long ago.
Exploring the small streets of Paris all the way to the hotel room you would reside in, a series of hushed speeches took place between Duncan and his mother. Unbothered by it, you gentle slipped in and out of consciousness as sleep gained the better of you. You woke up in Duncan’s arms as he gingerly carried you through the halls of the hotel to rest you on the large bed before peeling your shoes off and tucking you in.
 “She must be drained if this is the first long distance flight she experience, Annette whispered.
-That’s why I didn’t want to wake her up, the male hushed, pushing a few strands of hair away from your face before standing up and walking towards his mother. Thank you for helping me organise this, mom.
-Don’t mention it, Duncan. I just hope you’re sure about it and that you are ready.
- I am, mom. I’ve never been more sure.”
 You dozed off again, the words broken and blurry in your ears. The soft kisses of Duncan across your shoulders woke you up as the gentle sunlight warmed your intertwined bodies. He had swapped your travelling outfit for some of your comfortable pyjamas while you rested peacefully. His toned arms pushed your back closer to his chest, breathing the soft scent of your skin. You could feel his smiling lips against your lips. “Rise and shine, beautiful. We have a busy day ahead” he whispered, painfully releasing your limbs from his embrace.
Oh how you loved how close he would hold you down in the morning. The tickling of his stubble teased you awake most of the time and you would remain laced within each other for as long as you could. The love you had for each other was so pure and beautiful.
 Walking from shops to shops, Duncan showered you in attention and gifts. When his mother joined the both of you for lunch, you offered for her to join the both of you in a few shops, hoping to watch your boyfriend and his mother bond some more in this beautiful.
 “That would be lovely, Y/N, Annette smiled warmly,
-We should be on our way already if we want to visit the last couple of shops on our way. Mom booked a table for dinner, Duncan stroked your hands as he motioned to the waiter for the bill.”
 You made your way out of the small restaurant, ready for some more shopping with your boyfriend, his mother hooked to his arm. It took about an hour for him to invite you in the large stores he had in mind but there was one he planned on bringing his mother to. Walking up the busy street, the brunette pointed at the neon sign in top of the shop. “Petit Bateau”. Annette look at the façade then back at him in confusion.
“Let’s have a look and pick something, shall we?” he enquired, smiling wide at his mother. Her brows drew closer, perplexed by his question. “I think you’re past the age of wearing bibs, Duncan” she scoffed, unsure on what to think. That’s only when he looked back at you, his smile growing only wider that his question started to click in her mind. He held out his palm to you, inviting you to join his side and you sheepishly stood by him, clutching his fingers with your clammy ones.
 “What does this mean” she wondered again, taking a careful step back as the tall frame of your boyfriend gingerly pulled you closer to the store. “Y/N is expecting” he announced in a small chuckle, her eyes growing further in disbelief. “Come on” he carried on, walking you inside of the store, his mother in tow, still shocked.
Your fingers unlaced from your man’s as you went alone for your own little wonder. Looking back shortly after, your gaze fell upon the tender embrace of Annette and her son, tears spilling from both of them. A silent exchange of words then took place before the tall brunette eagerly shook his head, wiping his teary eyes. His attention turned to you and he smiled fondly at you.
 You had not bought anything today and if you were to spend anything, this store was the one. You looked at the multitude of tiny coloured socks, browsing through swaddles and onesies while your fingers absentmindedly brushed against your belly.
The comforting arms of Duncan wrapped around you as you turned around, holding what you thought was the most adorable little ensemble to proudly show it to him. “That’s lovely, sweetheart, but I’m afraid we are starting to run short on time” he hushed you. You placed the new born outfit back and settled for a soft pyjama. As you walked towards the cashier, Annette met you with a tight embrace, whispering gentle words of encouragements and congratulations before taking the small hanger from your hands.
 Besides your protest, she purchased it, seemingly beaming of happiness and pride as she looked back at her son, the same look plastered on his face as he admired you. Slowly making your way to the car in a comfortable silence, you laced your fingers with your boyfriend, exchanging mischievous looks and cheeky smiles. The destination was a total mystery to you but as you watched the Iron Lady growing taller in the horizon, you started to wonder why you had not imagined that Annette would book at table on top of the Eiffel Tower. Guiding you to the small lift and grabbing at your hands, you felt your lover grow nervous, his eyes lost in the breath taking view of Paris’ horizon.
 Puzzled by the clamminess of his hands, you brought your palm to his cheek, feeling him melt into your loving touch. His gaze fell onto you and he took a deep breath as he read through your soft features. “You are so beautiful” he said as the lift reached the peak of the tower. Keeping your digits in his grasp, he invited you to step out of the elevator, following below you. Annette was waiting by a table, looking at your entrance. She motioned towards a corner that had no tables. “Let me take a picture of you two in front of the view!” she rejoiced, holding her phone up.
Your lover’s hands held on your waist as you walked to the decorated corner. Some soft music was playing in the background and you stood in position to let his mother snap a picture with you. She gave a discreet nod to her son as he slowly turned towards you, grabbing your delicate hands and bringing your knuckles for a kiss.
 “Y/N” he began, the clamminess of his hands had returned, if not worse this time around. “You are the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. I have never loved anyone as much as I’ve loved you and I knew from the moment I saw you watching the fireworks on that night we made it official that I had fallen in love with you and the privilege of having you now carry my child is the biggest honour I could receive” tears slowly piled at the edges of your eyes in realisation. You looked at him, watching his cheeks getting stained by salty streams of his own. “But I have another favour to ask you today, darling” he spoke in a halted breath before dropping to one knee, quickly retrieving a velvet box from his back pocket. His fingers reached up to yours again, his eyes now pleading and loving. “Y/N, will you do me the honour of become my wife?” he softly asked, displaying the stunning ring sitting in the cushioned box he now had opened.
 The ring was dainty and gentle, radiant with beauty. Lost in his eyes, you quickly wondered, how in the world would you even be able to say no? Nodding vigorously as your cries got muffled against his lips in a passionate kiss, he pulled away from you shakily reaching for the ring inside the box to slip it on your finger, a happy sod ripping through his chest as he smiled even wider.
His face turned to his mother, who was covering her mouth to muffle her own tears, and he gave her the dorkiest thumbs up.
She lowered her phone, which had been recording and rushed to hug the both of you tightly, letting a small weep escape her throat. “Welcome to the Shepherd’s family, Y/N” she said, touching your cheek warmly.
 “Oh, Annette, I’ve felt like part of your family from the day Duncan took me on our first date” you chuckled, looking at the ring then back at your, now, fiancé. Leaning in to drop a gentle kiss on your forehead, he bit his lower lips to hold back his grin. He had secretly worked on this whole trip for over a year and he meant to unfold it all for your anniversary but forgot about it’s date however, that was a secret he was willing to take to the tomb.
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avengerscompound · 5 years
The Science Conference
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The Science Conference: An Iron Man Fanfic
Buy me a ☕ Warning:  smut (Bi MMF threesome, oral sex, anal sex) Word Count: 3579 Pairing: Bruce Banner x Tony Stark x F!Reader Summary:  It’s difficult to carry on a relationship with two people long distance. When the three of you meet up at a science conference, you decide to have a little science conference of your own.
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The Science Conference
It had been a long day.  You’d sat through several lectures all given by people at the tops of their field.  You’d even given one yourself.  There was so much information and people to speak to, it was exhausting and now to round off the day you were standing around in a conference room in heels you had really regretted putting on.
You heard them before you saw them.  Their arrival into the room was punctuated with a sudden flurry of activity and increase in sound.  The flashbulbs of at least 20 different cameras went off and you could hear, ‘Mr. Stark, Mr. Stark, Mr. Stark,’ repeated by various voices carry down to you where you were standing with a group of other people.  They all turned and craned their necks to see the famous Tony Stark.
You rolled your eyes and turned to see them both heading toward you followed by the crowd of people.
“Mister Stark!  I caught your talk, it was revolutionary.”  One of the men standing near you said, extending his hand to Tony.  Tony did some move that deflected his hand and ended up patting him on the back.
“Doctor Hewson.  You talk on plasmon propagation was riveting.”  He said breezing past him and heading directly to you.  Doctor Bruce Banner gave the scientist and an apologetic smile as he followed along behind and Tony’s security moved everyone away from him.  “Miss…”  Tony began holding his hand out to you.
“Doctor.”  You corrected taking it.
He placed his other hand over yours, so it was cupped warmly between both.  “Of course, my mistake.  Your work on Synthesis, Characterization, Biological Activity of 4-Oxo-imidazolidin-2-thione Derivatives is absolutely fascinating.”
“Thank you, Doctor Stark.”  You deadpanned.
He smirked at you.  “Now, now.  No need for formality.  My friends call me Tony.”
“Alright then, dork.”  You said.
He started laughing and leaned in and kissed your cheek.  “How are you holding up, darling?  Ready to go?”
You nodded.  “My feet are killing me.”  You leaned past him and kissed Bruce softly.
“Hey, sweetie.  Your lecture was fantastic.”  He said quietly.
“You old flatterer.”   You replied.
“Okay.  Well, I’ll leave you two and do one full sweep of the room.  Gotta be seen.”  Tony said and moved on to speak with other people.  Bruce took his place in front of you and his arms encircled your waist and roamed up your back.  You cupped his jaw and ran your thumbs along it as you looked into his eyes.  You were acutely aware that the people around you are all trying very hard not to stare at you and are failing miserably.  If it wasn’t for the fact that Bruce had suddenly gotten extremely handsy they might be trying to convince you to introduce them.  It wouldn’t have been the first time.
It wasn’t exactly public knowledge that there was something going on with the three of you.  The press tends to ignore any relationship that falls outside of a typical monogamous heterosexual relationship.  Celebrities that admit to being poly are often one couple and their close friend.  Open relationships are side-eyed and ignored completely.  Gal pals of course even if they are making out in public.  Girls do that don’t you know?
So Tony Stark wandering around with Bruce Banner attached at the hip while he flirted openly with women is obviously just a case of two guys out on the prowl together.  You might have been written in as a girlfriend for one or the other (you had been linked to both at one time or the other but quickly written off again when there was a lack of public sightings) but you rarely went out in public with them.  You and Bruce were way more comfortable at home, or in the lab.  So generally, that’s where you stayed waiting for Tony to go out being Tony.  It was just Science Conferences where the truth of the relationship became evident.  Where the three of you were obligated through work to socialize in public and you didn’t feel the need to try and hide anything.
Bruce nuzzled into your neck.  He, in particular, had no qualms about being public when out in public.   The mild-mannered man who you first meet - who spoke quietly and tried not to be noticed in case of the other guy also getting noticed - was so far from that with people he was comfortable with.  He almost sought out touch as a way to confirm it is actually him in the room with you and not the Big Guy.  You ran your hands back into his hair and rested your cheek on the top of his head.   “You going to rub my feet for me?”  You teased.
“You going to answer that question about the effects of pathogens on the human genome sequence?”  He teased.
“That’s not even my field.”  You whined playfully.
He hummed and pulled back looking into your eyes.  “We’ll see then.  Maybe if you ask nicely.”
You chuckled and pecked his lips, turning in his arms to see if you could spot Tony in his loop of the room.
“Doctor Banner, I wondered if I could talk to you about induced mutation through radiation?”  A younger woman asked approaching him.  He turned towards her and was soon lost in a discussion about radioactive isotopes and the fragility of human DNA.
You finished the glass of wine you’d been sitting on for the last twenty minutes and put it on the tray of a passing server as he came by collecting them.  Tony returned - still being swarmed - and put on hand on his hip.  “Did we lose Brucie Bear?”  He asked you.
Bruce responded to the sound of his pet name like a rabbit hearing something he wasn’t sure of.  He straightened up and his eyes flicked the room before turning back to you and Tony.  “Oh, you’re back.  Did you want to leave?”
“Take your time, dear.”  Tony teased, making Bruce’s cheeks dust pink.
Bruce turned back to the person he was talking to and apologized and handed them one of his business cards  “Here, feel free to email me and we’ll talk.”
The three of you headed outside, you and Bruce holding hands and tailing behind Tony as the cameras went off around him.  He flashed his hands up in a peace symbol when he got to the door and stepped outside.  Happy was waiting by the car and he opened the door for you all so you could all slide into the back.
You sat between them, each of them putting their hands on your thighs.  Tony nuzzled at your cheek, trying to initiate a kiss.  “Mm… hotel room sex.  Always feels so illicit.”  He teased.
You chuckled and ran your nail through his beard. “You’d think you’d have gotten used to it by now.”
That was the final part of the relationship you shared with these two men.  You didn’t see them often.  There was a lot of travel between institutions.  With the Avengers.  It didn’t line up well most of the time.  You made it work, but there was a large portion of hotels at conferences.  Those were events you could arrange around work.  It was how you had met in the first place.  Tony coming and putting on the charms, showing a genuine interest in your work.  Getting lost in discussion with Bruce about it when he’d opened up to you.  There would come a time you were sure when Tony would offer to fund your work just so that a commitment could be made.  You hadn’t reached that point yet.  You weren’t sure what you would do when that happened.  The idea of being bought sat badly with you, but there would be a time when the almost casual nature of your relationship wouldn’t be enough.  You knew that.  They knew it.  For now, you made do.
Tony chuckled and captured your lips with his, kissing you deeply and with an edge of need.  One of his hands ran up your thigh, bunching the material of your skirt with it, as the other pressed on Bruce’s chest.  Bruce leaned in and kissed the side of your neck, making a needy little whimper sound against your skin.
Happy cleared his throat.  “I can see all this you know?”
Tony broke the kiss and fell back against the chair laughing.  “You’ve seen far worse than that, Happy.”
“I also thought you’d grow out of it.”  He grumbled.
You started laughing and relaxed back.  Tony threw his arm around you and you and Bruce both leaned into him.  Tony pressed his lips to the top of your head and just seemed to breathe you in as he ran his fingers up and down the side of Bruce’s neck.
You stayed liked that until you arrived at the St. Regis and Happy pulled the car up at the doors. A valet rushed over opening the door and the four of you got out, Happy tossing the keys to the valet as he rushed to lead the way through the opulent hotel lobby.
There was once again the craning of necks to see what was happening as hotel staff rushed over to pander to Tony.  Happy intercepted a few but the private room butter was let through and you and Bruce watched on bemused as Tony ordered room service for the three of you without breaking his stride.
You went up to the suite you shared.  Happy hovered by the door waiting for the room service to arrive.  You knew he wouldn’t sleep until he was sure Tony was but he was good at making himself scarce if he was sure everything was safe.  You collapsed down into the plush gold and red sofa and put your feet up into Bruce’s lap.  Tony sat beside Bruce and put his arm around his shoulder as Bruce leaned into him.
Bruce slid your shoes from your feet and placed them on the floor.  His thumbs began to work the tension out of your arches.  You moaned graphically letting your head fall back against the arm of the chair.
“Good God, woman.  You don’t make those noise in bed.”  Tony laughed.
“Maybe that should tell you something, Tony.”  You teased.  Happy made a soft snort sound from the corner as he stifled a laugh.
Tony looked over at him narrowing his eyes before he gave in laughing himself.  “That sounds like a challenge to me.”
“I wouldn’t set her up for let down like that if I were you, Tony,”  Bruce said softly.  Tony’s jaw dropped and Happy barked a laugh in the corner.
Tony shot another look over at Happy before putting Bruce in a headlock and rubbing his knuckles on his head.  “Robert Bruce Banner!  You did not just say that to me.  Don’t you know who I am?”
“Tony,”  Bruce said giggling and trying to wrestle him off, a pink flush spreading up his neck to his ears.  “Tony.  Tony, stop.”
“You take it back.”  Tony teased, his hands moving to Bruce’s sides, tickling him.
A tinge of green crept into the red as Bruce squirmed under his fingers.  “Tony!”  He yelped, his voice coming in both as a high pitched squeal and a deep rumble.
Tony didn’t ease up until there was a knock on the door and the call of ‘room service’.  They both froze dead as Happy opened the door.  He didn’t allow the butler to push the tray in but rather tipped him at the door.  He wheeled it over shaking his head as Bruce and Tony went from staring startled at the door to smirking at each other.
“Alright, boss.  I’m calling it a night.  Call me if you need me.”  Happy said.
“Will do.  Night, Hap.”  Tony grinned.
“Night, Happy.”  You and Bruce echoed.
The door clicked shut behind him and Tony crashed his lips against Bruce’s.  Bruce made a small started squeak sound and wrapped his arms around Tony’s neck.  The green crept up a little higher as Bruce moved his lips with Tony’s.  Tony pulled back and Bruce gasped the green finally receding away again.  “God, are you trying to get the Hulk?  Because that’s how you get the Hulk.”
“Now, now.  We both know he will stay back if there is the promise of that on the table.”  Tony teased.  “The Big Guy likes to watch.”
Bruce turns beet red and drops his eye contact, running his hand through the back of his hair.  “Tony,”  He breathed.
“Yes?”  Tony replied, trying to play off innocent.
“I think he’s trying to say, that you’re all talk.”  You teased.
“Oh, that’s it.  You asked for this.”  Tony said picking you up and tossing you over his shoulder.  You squealed and kicked your legs and Tony stumbled.  “Calm down you or we’re both ending up on the floor.”  He said smacking your butt playfully.
“But food…”  You complained as Bruce got up and followed you into the bedroom.
“Food after.  I have my reputation at stake.  We’re having a science conference all of our own.  Practical biology.”  He said as he tossed you onto the bed.
You giggled and started to strip off your clothes as the other two men did too.  “What exactly are you trying to prove here?  That you can get me to make the foot massage noise?”
“At least the foot massage noise,”  Tony said as he dropped his pants.
You positioned yourself on your back in the middle of the bed your head hanging over the end and reached for Bruce.  “And how will you do that if my mouth is full?”
Tony laughed and shook his head, climbing up between your legs.  He ducked his head down and began to kiss his way up your thighs as you pulled Bruce over and nuzzled at his cock.  Bruce bent over you and his hands roamed as his cock hardened.  He ran his fingers through Tony’s hair and along his jaw.  His palms stroked over your stomach and over your breasts, pinching and pulling at your nipples.  Tony meanwhile teased the insides of your thighs with his lips.  Ghosting them over the sensitive skin so you could just feel the scratch of his beard and the occasional wet flick of his tongue.
When Bruce cock was semi-hard you began placing little kitten licks up the shaft, you focused on the sensitive spot just at the head and he made a low rumble sound and his hands tightened on your breasts.  You moaned a rolled your hips.  Tony bit the inside of your thigh right where it met your pussy and he sucked hard.  It would leave a mark and it sent a shiver from your cunt up your spine.
You gasped and dropped your head back with your lips parted.  Bruce’s hand went to your jaw and held it, slipping his index finger into your mouth.  You closed your mouth and curled your tongue around it, taking in a ragged breath as you did.
Bruce made a guttural moan and looked down at you, his eye dark with lust and ringed with iridescent green.  “You want my dick?”  He growled as he pushed his finger in and out of your mouth.
You whimpered and nodded your head a fraction.  A half-smile played over his lips and he removed his finger and teased the head of his cock over your lips, painting them with a sticky trail of precome.
Tony had moved to your other thigh, marking a spot there as well and his index finger lazily traveled up and down the length of your dripping pussy.  Your fluids coating it and allowing it to move more easily.
The salty tang of Bruce’s precome coated the tip of your tongue as you swirled it over the head of his cock.  He eased his hips forward, pushing into your mouth and you sucked, hollowing your cheeks and making him moan.  He started to thrust.
Tony’s tongue ran up your pussy and he used his lips to nip at your labia, almost ruffling the folds.  He hummed happily as he swirled his tongue around tasting as much of you as he could and when a jolt ran through your core making you gasp around Bruce’s cock he groaned and rolled his hips against the mattress.
A pleasant buzz ran through your body and made your skin prickle.  Tony sucked and nipped at your clit and his tongue teased at your entrance, drawing out your arousal and drinking it up as it dripped from you.  You sucked and licked at Bruce’s cock as he gently thrust against you, letting you control things.  His hands continued to roam over you and Tony.
You relaxed your throat and let Bruce just thrust holding your tongue flat so he’s shaft rubbed against it with every snap of his hips.  You closed your eyes and just gave yourself to the feeling of the two men you loved pleasuring you and taking pleasure in you.  You moaned softly, the sound becoming muffled by Bruce’s cock.  Tony’s fingers teased around your entrance sending a pleasant tingle through your cunt and then out through the rest of you.  They thrust into you and he corkscrewed his wrist, so his knuckle dragged on your g-spot.  Your body bucked forcing Bruce’s cock further down your throat, choking off the sound of the cry and causing you to gag.
Bruce pulled back letting you release him panting and he looked down at you.  “You okay, honey?”
The answer you gave was a loud moan as Tony twisted his wrist again and sucked on your clit.  You looked down at him and he smirked up at you and nipped at your clit sending another jolt through you.
You leaned back and ran your tongue back along Bruce’s shaft, and sucked on first one ball then the other.  Bruce groaned and thrust forward.  Your tongue ran along his perineum and he pressed your breasts together and began to thrust into the pocket he’d made between them.
Tony kept fucking you with his fingers, sending tendrils of pleasure twisting through you, binding together in your gut.  You jerked up suddenly crying out as you came.  Tony sat up and grinned down at you smugly.  “Well, look at that.”
Bruce stepped back and moved around to Tony.  “Alright, alright.  Very good.”  He said.
You got up on your knees and looked at Bruce.  He smiled at you and you both turned your gaze on Tony.  “Oh shit,”  Tony said, wiping his fingers down the sides of his mouth.  “How do you want me?”
“Mmm… I think we’ll see if you can moan properly when you’re mouth is busy.”  You hummed.  “On your back.”
Tony rolled over and brought a pillow under his hips as Bruce coated his cock in lube.  You straddled Tony’s face and immediately he dug his finger into your hips and placed a large open-mouthed kiss over your mound.  Bruce moved between his legs and pushed them back.  You took hold of Tony’s ankles and held them as you watched Bruce slowly sink his cock deep into Tony's ass.
Tony groaned into your pussy and you started to rock your hips against his face.  He sucked your clit into his mouth and hummed, making a slight buzz against it.  Bruce snapped his hips against Tony and you leaned in and kissed him.  He growled into it and one hand went to your hair, holding you in place as his tongue flicked out to meet yours and they danced together.
The bedroom became a cacophony of sound.  Moans and growls.  Groans and grunts.  Pressure built in you as a second orgasm built.  You watched as Tony’s legs began to shake as he came close too.  Both his and Bruce’s stomach muscles tensed as Bruce thrust into him.  You ran your fingers through Bruce’s chest hair and down his stomach until you teased the base of his cock.  From there you trailed them over Tony’s balls and gripped his shaft, beginning to pump.  He jerked under you and moaned loudly before sucking your clit back into his mouth and flicking his tongue rapidly back and forth over it.
You cried out and threw your head back as you came for the second time in Tony’s mouth.  He groaned as he lapped it up and you climbed off him, leaning down and kissing him, sucking yourself from his lips as you continued to stroke his cock.
He started to twist like he was trying to escape the orgasm.  Yet at the same time, he held onto Bruce’s wrists.  You watched them both intently as they both began to lose control.  Bruce’s fucked into him faster but slightly erratically.  The tendon’s in his neck were pulling taught and the veins were glowing an iridescent green.  Tony arched up violently cursing as he released, his cock pulsing and ribbons of come spilled over his stomach and your hand.
His orgasm was like a trigger to Bruce.  He rutted into Tony a few more times before jerking forward and groaning as he came.  Tony flopped his hand against your side as Bruce slipped from within him.  “I’m dead.  You both killed me.”  Bruce panted.
You smirked at him as Bruce curled into his side.  “Well you wanted a lesson in biology and Bruce is the expert.  You should know that by now.”
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imthepunchlord · 5 years
LfM Ch 12
Ladybug sighed, rubbing her face as she landed in the Louvre. That was not an easy akuma today… from an army of mummies, to Alya being in the middle of it all, to Tikki being vague about the exhibit she was all excited about it. She was just ready to drop in bed.
Spotting her bag, Ladybug headed for it, ready to head home. She jumped when there was a shout behind her.
She whipped around, wide eyed to see Alya’s crazy eyes locked on her. Loudly, Ladybug declared, “Oh no! I’m going to detransform!” She threw her yo-yo out and zipped away, unaware of the book that fell right out of her bag.  
Alya wasn’t. She ran to it, eagerly snatching it up, gasping in delight when she recognized the book. The same book she had. This, this meant Ladybug went to her school!
So giddy, she turned to her phone, holding it up to eagerly blog, “Hey viewers! Look what the Ladybug just dropped! And from a pink bag. Be on the lookout! We’ll find out who Ladybug is soon enough!”
As anticipated, the views on her blog skyrocketed, and the giddiness surged in Alya as she headed outside the Louvre. Pocketing her phone, she started to flip through the pages, trying to find anything that could give away who this book belonged to—
“Alya, no.”
She paused at the stern tone above her, looking up to see Ladybug hanging upside down, giving her a firm look. She held out her hand, prompting, “Give me the book.”
“Is this your book?” Alya asked excitedly.
Ladybug dropped down in front of her, crossing her arms as she stated, “Actually, no. This belongs to another student, one I recognize and wanted to get her things back to her.”
“This student knows you?!”
“Not that personally. The book, please?” Ladybug held out her hand, eye twitching a little.
Alya pouted, but did as she prompted, placing the book in Ladybug’s hands and watching the spotted hero dash away. She crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes as she stared after the hero. Alya wasn’t going to let this go so easily…
At school, she prowled around, on the search for Ladybug, keeping a look out for a light pink bag. There was no way it could be so simple as Ladybug knowing another student and delivering a bag back. That student had to be Ladybug. And Ladybug went to their school!
No way was Alya going to let her slip around under her nose, not when she was so close…
Alya paused, eyes going down when she spotted light pink in the crowd below. There was Chloe’s favorite target, talking to another blonde with pigtails, one Alya had recognized to be Stormy Weather. A short boy ran passed them, cracking a joke then tore off, the blonde in hot pursuit, and the dark haired girl was left alone. Alya narrowed her eyes, really considering her.
Everything seemed to suggest she could be Ladybug. Same hair, same height, same build, same pink bag…
It was all so promising. Seeing her chance, Alya did what she could to follow Marinette around, eager to prove that this had to be Ladybug. Her phone out, she recorded Marinette everywhere she went, trying to get a look into her locker from a distance, and one time, was even close enough to get to her bag to peek inside when Marinette suddenly tore off—
“What are you doing?”
Alya jumped, looking up to see a redhead standing behind her, frowning slightly as she stared down at Alya. “Nothing,” Alya hurried out, standing up as she faced the girl. “Just uh, found that girl’s bag lying around and thought I’d get it to her.”
“Oh, that’s very nice of you!” the redhead praised, offering Alya a sweet smile, one that could rival Rose. “But, don’t worry, I’ll make sure Marinette’s bag gets back to her.” Before Alya could protest, the broad girl grabbed Marinette’s things and carried them away, shouting an excited greeting to the blonde Marinette hung out with, who turned sharp eyes onto Alya. Tensing under that sharp stare, Alya hurried away.
She was going to have to be a little subtle in her snooping.
At the end of the day, with Marinette started walking home, Alya was ready to follow, only, she never got too far. A cold voice asked behind Alya, “What do you think you’re doing?”
Alya jumped, turning to see the blonde Marinette hung out with looming over her, eyes sharp and furious. Defensive, Alya said, “Nothing.”
“Nothing my umbrella. You’ve been following my friend all day long, even tried to go through her things; I want to know why.”
Alya faltered under that glare. She looked back to see that Marinette was gone, it was just her and the blonde. Alya admitted, “I think she’s Ladybug.”
Aurore blinked, then laughed. “You think she’s Ladybug?”
“Oh, I see. Well, in that case,” Aurore drew near, coming to tower over Alya, making the redhead tense under her frosty eyes, “let me share with you a hard truth. Whether she’s Ladybug or not, its none of your business. And if I catch you snooping around her anymore—”
“Got it,” Alya huffed, drawing away from Aurore, meeting her glare with her own. “I’ll lay off.”
“I would hope so.”
There was nothing more terrifying than coming home to find Chloe standing in the bakery, talking with her mother. Marinette went still at the door, tensing as Chloe turned and fired off a smirk Marinette’s way. But she gave Marinette no comment as she prowled past, and Marinette side stepped her, watching her go warily.
She approached her Maman, warily staring after Chloe. “Everything ok?” Marinette asked.
“Oh, yes,” Sabine reassured. “Chloe just wanted to hire us for her half birthday.” Marinette made a face. “It’ll be a big paycheck,” Sabine encouraged.
“I know… I’m just, nervous,” Marinette said.
“You’re welcome to help us,” Sabine added, slipping into the back before Marinette could respond. Marinette huffed, and slipped upstairs, setting her things down. Tikki darted out, an excited blur around her.
Marinette watched her go for a few seconds, then chuckled. “You’re ready for tonight, aren’t you?”
“So ready,” Tikki whispered, bright eyed.
Marinette chuckled, settling down to start on her homework. Tonight was the night that Ladybug and Chat Noir was going to have a formal interview with Nadja, their first official one, giving the public a chance to get to know them a little better. It was going to be airing soon and she wanted to take this chance to get some work done.
Tikki hovered close the whole time, eyes on the clock, just to make sure they’ll make it on time. When it was close to airing time, Tikki darted around her, starting to usher Marinette away from homework so they’ll make it on time.
Ladybug was off soaring through the skies in just a few minutes, arriving a few seconds after Chat, smiling warmly as Nadja turned her eyes to the door.
“Ladybug!” Nadja greeted, her voice full or relief. “So glad you can make it!”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” she said, plopping down next to Chat, greeting him with a brofist.
“This is really exciting,” Nadja started off, “first official interview with Ladybug in person. You haven’t even given one to reporters on the streets.”
“Usually there’s not enough time to give for any real interview,” Ladybug said.
“Plus, Bugaboo here is big on secrets,” Chat added, shooting Ladybug a playful look.
“Yes, secrets with the public, but what about you two?” Nadja asked, looking between them. “Do you two know who each other are?”
“One day, yes,” Chat answered confidently.
“So, the plan then is to reveal after Hawk Moth’s defeat?”
“Ideally,” Ladybug started to say, only for Chat to cut.
“Though could be sooner.”
Ladybug shot him a look while the cat just grinned cheekily. “We are pretty tight,” he continued, “could be possible we may know who we are before Hawk Moth. Could even make us a stronger team.”
“It could,” Ladybug agreed, “but there are also some really big risks to that. It’ll be safer for us both to just wait to Hawk Moth has been caught and found.”
“So no on identities, which makes me wonder, what are you views on the most popular of blogs, the Ladyblog?”
Ladybug tensed. Was it that popular?
“It has the most popular theories of who you two can be and desires to find out who you are,” Nadja continued.
“I’m sorry,” Ladybug said, “but that’s a blog I don’t support. Our identities are supposed to be kept secret, for not only our safety but the safety of our family and friends.”
“Well, its all for good fun,” Chat tried to reason.
“It has some very big risks in the name of fun,” Ladybug quietly shot back at him, earning a pout.
Taking this in, Nadja tried a new direction. “Ok, next question. What about the relationship between you two? Does the mystery add to the spice of your relationship?”
“What?” Ladybug asked.
“Oh, definitely,” Chat said, earning a look from Ladybug.
“We’re not in a relationship,” Ladybug said.
“But perhaps one day…”
Ladybug huffed, shifting in her seat.
Nadja raised a brow at her, wondering, “You two are really not together?”
“Our relationship is purely professional,” Ladybug declared strictly. “And it will stay that way.”
“At least for now,” Chat persisted, earning another sharp look.
“But from what I’ve seen and heard, there’s a lot that says otherwise,” Nadja noted aloud, watching Ladybug carefully. When she was greeted with confusion, Nadja pushed a button on her remote, and the dreaded Dark Cupid kiss appeared on screen. Ladybug tensed and sunk back into her seat while Chat gaped.
Oh no.
“You two were really going at it, there was really no feelings there?” Nadja asked, as Chat whipped around, gaping at Ladybug, hope and thrill shining in his eyes.
“He was under a spell,” Ladybug explained quickly. “An act of love would break, for love beats hate.”
“I see,” Nadja said slowly, “but there is another source that counters this. Bring him in.”
Ladybug and Chat turned, Chat tensing as Theo Barbot walked onto the stage, looking sheepish and unsure. “H-hey, everyone,” he greeted, offering a weak wave.
“Theo here is one of my best sources to your secret relationship,” Nadja practically gloated, this time watching as it was Chat who sunk into his seat. “He confirmed that you two are in a relationship.”
“What?” Ladybug asked.
“I heard it from Chat himself,” Theo said. “Said you two were like this.” He intertwined his two fingers. “That actually upset me enough to become Copycat…” Theo turned away, rubbing the back of his neck, adding lowly, “I am sorry about all that. I hope you two are still happy together.”
Ladybug stared while Chat looked like he wanted to be anywhere else.
Nadja grinned smugly, asking excitedly, “So, do you two want to change your answer? Are you secret dating? Does the mystery add a nice spice to it?”
“We are not in a relationship. This is not what this interview should’ve been about.”
“But there’s that kiss, and word from Mr Barbot—”
Ladybug stood, loudly declaring, “This interview is over.”
Nadja blinked in horror, calling for Ladybug to wait as the spotted hero grabbed her partner and dragged him out of the studio. She didn’t stop, not when he tried to talk, not when people moved to stop her; she just kept going till they reached the roof.
She let Chat go then, turning to peer at him darkly.
His faux ears were flat on his head, staring at her with big eyes, holding his wrist like her grasp on them had burnt him.
“What, was that?” she asked slowly, hands on her hips.
“Uh,” Chat started off weakly.
“You lied to me about how Copycat happened, making a big fit about how it was my fault because I wasn’t at the ceremony.”
“W-well, it played a part—”
“You lied to me. You lied about me.” She took a deep breathe, her body trembling with contained anger and hurt. “How could you?”
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Look, Bugaboo—”
“Don’t call me Bugaboo.”
“—we are going to be a thing one day, you know.” When he received a raised brow about that, he quickly continued, “Everyone’s expecting it, we have the two miraculous counterparts to each other and are clearly made for each with this,” he pointed to his ring, “and even you clearly want me.”
“That kiss, back during Dark Cupid. I’m sorry I forgot all about that, I would’ve loved—”
“I don’t love you.”
Chat went quiet, Ladybug’s stern stare locked on him. “I didn’t kiss you out of romantic love, Chat. I do love you, but, as my best friend, who I thought had my back. But then, this,” Ladybug cut herself off with a growl, burying her face in her hands, pacing around, frustrated. “This was a mistake.”
“It's just a formality, and a given,” Chat offered. “We’re popular. Celebrities, everyone wants to know if we’re dating. They get a big kick out of it. And… even if we aren’t, it's good publicity—”
“We’re not celebrities,” Ladybug cut in. “We’re heroes, Chat. We’re not out here saving the day for a big show to please the public, this isn’t some big act! This is real! There’s a terrorist out there, taking advantage of people, doing some real harm! And all they want to know if we’re dating?!”
She growled, stomping away from him. “And you too, you’re caught up in that too…”
“My Lady—”
“Night, Chat. I’ll see you later.” She threw her yo-yo out, just ready to call it a night. Only, just as she landed on another roof, a screen lit up, showing an akumatized Nadja laughing maniacally. Ladybug stared up at it tiredly, barely listening to her monologue.
With a sigh, she turned around to face the akuma with Chat, just, ready for this night to be done.
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