#’hey can i ask for your opinion? i kinda maybe have a bit of a crush on you & i was wondering what you thought about that.’
bucket-o-slime · 2 years
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maruflix · 3 months
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Ushijima Wakatoshi x f!reader The Super Ace of Shiratorizawa overheard a conversation between his teammates and his crush… and he did not like it.
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The first time Ushijima Wakatoshi met you was when you went to the gym to return Tendou Satori’s book. Apparently the two of you had gotten your books mixed up. After profusely apologizing, Tendou had asked the stoic captain to accompany you while he ran to the locker room to get your book from his bag. 
Awkwardly, Ushijima carried out his mission, making small talk with you (the small talk was asking for your name and class, then proceeding to stay silent). His first impression of you was that you’re quite shy and polite. He felt pleasantly surprised when you didn’t show an ounce of awkwardness even when the two of you stood silently. His teammates would always say that he’s bad at socializing and can often seem intimidating because of his quietness, but the silence that engulfed the two of you was comfortable and natural.
So imagine his surprise when Tendou returned and a switch in you immediately flips: there are not a lot of people who can match Tendou’s energy, but you easily adjusted yourself to his quirkiness, laughing along with his jokes. You waved to Tendou casually before turning to him and bowing slightly, bidding him goodbye with a “Well, see you around, Ushijima-kun.”
As time goes by, he starts to notice how you seem to appear more often. Sometimes you accompanied Tendou to the gym before going somewhere else, other times you arrived after the team finished practice, walking off with Tendou. The Shiratorizawa team has also gotten to know you as ‘(Name), Tendou’s friend’, as you’re really the only person they have seen Tendou hang out with.
To say that he is curious is an understatement. He can’t deny that he really wants to know who you are. Since when did Tendou have such a pretty friend? Why didn’t he ever tell him about you, when he would yap about anything and everything? Were you dating?
“Oh, she’s my seatmate. She’s a really cool kid, so we kinda vibe.” Was Tendou’s answer when he asked more about you. Truthfully, he wasn’t satisfied with that answer. But he kept quiet because he felt weird asking questions about his friend’s friend.
And then, that thing happened.
It was just another afternoon. The team just finished practice, everyone was chatting amongst themselves, and you were there again to pick up Tendou. Lately Goshiki and Ohira had also joined your conversations with Tendou, and the four of you were chatting away happily.
Ushijima pretended to drop his towel near the four of you and took his sweet time to pick it from the ground, shamelessly eavesdropping on your conversation.
“So, you’ve watched our matches, right? Do you think we did just as well as when we practice?” Goshiki asked curiously.
You hummed, “I don’t know much about volleyball, but… I think so, yeah! It’s always fun watching you guys play.”
“Then…” Ohira looked at you, “who do you think plays the best?” He asked, half jokingly.
“That’s an easy question, senpai,” Goshiki interjected, “Of course it’s gotta be our ace, right?”
“Yeah, that’s not fair! You should’ve asked for second best.” Tendou begrudgingly agreed.
Ushijima’s ears perked up as he pretended to wipe his forehead, turning around to look the other way with his feet still rooted to the ground. His heart started beating a bit faster at the thought of you complimenting him. ‘Logically speaking, I usually score the most points, so it can be said that I play the best, right?’
“Actually,” You grinned, “I have a different opinion.”
“Ehhh?? Really?? No way!!” Goshiki exclaimed excitedly, “Senpai, you think I’m better than our team’s ace?!”
“Hey now, she didn’t say that…”
“Maybe soon, Goshiki-kun. But now, I think… Tori-kun plays the best!” You cheered as the three boys cried out in surprise.
“Tendou?! Really?! Umm, no offense to you, Tendou..”
“Well, I have to admit, the Guess Monster is terrifying when he gets all pumped up…”
“Ehhh, (Name)-chan, you’re making me blush!”
Ushijima’s skin crawled.
“I’m not lying! The way your hand suddenly changes directions and BOOM! Blocked! I’m like, how the heck does he do that?!”
“Damn, Tendou, it must be nice to have a friend who hypes you up like (Name)-san.”
“Oh, but you’re really cool too, Reon-kun! I mean, that’s not even up for debate! And you too, Goshiki-kun! I think one of these days you can become the new ace!”
“Ehhhh!??! Senpai, I like you!”
“Don’t feed into his delusions.”
Ushijima knew that you were a kind person, and maybe you weren’t that familiar with volleyball, or you were just trying to make your friends happy, but…
He gripped his towel.
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The ball went flying through Tendou’s outstretched arms at such a speed that he thought it would blow his head off with it.
Tendou was used to Ushiwaka’s spikes. He was the Super Ace’s teammate, after all, but… He looked up, his heart nearly stopping when he saw the expression on Ushijima’s face.
Like he was going to swallow him whole.
“Don’t mind, Tori-kun!!”
Upon hearing your cheer, Tendou raised an eyebrow at how his captain’s expression twisted even more. He put on a wronged face as Ushijima gave him a glare and turned away.
‘What did I do?!’
Next to him, Ohira Reon was gasping for breath. He had been running around, digging balls and sending spikes, trying to win the 2v2 against Ushijima Wakatoshi and Semi Eita. But it was just not working. Of course it wasn’t working, the game was rigged! Whoever got Ushiwaka on his team is playing with cheats!
On the other side of the net, Semi glanced at Ushijima in hesitation. Ushijima had played like a cannon, receiving the ball perfectly for him to set and missing no beat in jumping and spiking the ball, sometimes right into the hands of his teammates on the other side, only for the ball to immediately bounce away. He could’ve aimed it elsewhere, but… to aim it towards Tendou and Ohira’s hands was like highlighting that even if the ball made contact with their hands, they couldn’t receive it anyway.
Well, it wasn’t that hard to guess where Ushijima would spike the ball. To be able to receive those spikes, though… now that was a skill on its own. Especially when he was playing like he’s trying to impress an Olympics coach.
To no one’s surprise, the practice ended with Ushijima-Semi’s win. Well, it was more like Ushijima’s win, with more than half of the points being his service aces. On any other day, their opponents would put up more of a fight, however Tendou had said earlier that he was feeling a bit under the weather.
Pretending like he didn’t hear anything, Ushijima insisted on playing against Tendou and Ohira, choosing not to cut Tendou any slack, spiking balls to his direction like he was trying to hit him on purpose. Ohira was no better, getting almost no chance to spike since receiving Ushijima’s unusually harder-than-ever spike serves was a real struggle in itself.
Tendou and Ohira regrouped with Semi and exchanged glances with the rest of the team, wondering what on earth caused their captain’s horrible mood. Ignoring their stares, Ushijima walked towards the person he had been focusing on.
“(Name).” Towering above you with a height of 189cm, Ushijima addressed you stoically, causing you to gasp in surprise.
You looked up at him. “Y.. yes, Ushijima-kun?”
“Did I do well?”
Flabbergasted, your mouth hangs open. “W-well, I..” Your eyes flitted at your friends but they only returned your glance with their own shocked silent stare.
“Well? Do you still think that Tendou plays better than me?”
You did a double take, your breath caught in your throat, the conversation you had with Tendou, Ohira and Goshiki a few days ago replaying in your head. “W-well, Ushijima-kun, it’s just that… Tori-kun is my friend, and-”
He bent down, gazing down at you in curiosity. “Do you think he plays better than me?”
“I-is there a wrong answer?” You breathed out at the close proximity between you two. Ushijima held his gaze, his eyes shining in amusement. You blushed at Ushijima’s confidence and obliviousness, thankful that Coach Washijo wasn’t in the room. “I-I-I think you play better than Tori-kun, sorry Tori-kun!” You yelled out, flustered.
Your friend could only give you a thumbs up, his mouth still hanging open.
“What about Ohira? Do you think he plays better than me?”
Gaping at him in shock, you stuttered out a “N-no, Ushijima-kun..”
Ushijima hummed, “And Goshiki?”
“No, you… you’re the best..” Horrifically embarrassed and confused, you finally gave him the answer he was looking for.
The entire Shiratorizawa team gaped at this hilarious interaction.
“I thought so as well.” Ushijima nodded, “But it still feels nice to hear it from you.” Satisfied, he rose up to his full height and turned to look at his team. “Why are you just standing there? Do you want to go for another round?”
Quickly, the team dispersed, no one wanting to be the victim of Ushiwaka’s spikes, all the while muttering about what the HECK just happened between Ushijima Wakatoshi and Tendou’s friend.
You sat, frozen in shock, not expecting that your crush would ask you a string of shocking questions while keeping his face so close to yours, as if challenging you to give him the wrong answers. Of course you thought he was the best, but you couldn’t admit that in front of your friends and his teammates!
Your cheeks still continued to burn even after Tendou plopped down next to you in confusion. “Well… that was something. My hand hurts.”
“Tori-kun, did I.. did I offend him somehow?!” You whispered to him in a panic.
“Honestly, that guy is a mystery. He usually doesn’t care about these things, though.” Your friend replied with a knowing look in his eyes, “But just to be sure, talk to him, I guess?”
After the practice, the rest of the team headed outside while Ushijima busied himself with his bag, as if waiting for you to talk to him. After saying goodbye to your friends, you took determined steps towards the tall male, your heart beating out of your chest.
“Ushijima-kun!” You called out as he instantly turned to look at you, “I-I’m sorry if I offended you! I don’t know much about volleyball and aces and stuff, so I was just yapping about Goshiki being the new ace and-”
“Oh, I don’t really care about that.” Ushijima cut you off, staring blankly at you.
“That won’t ever happen, at least not while I’m still on the team.” He stated as-a-matter-of-factly, “I am the country’s top three aces, after all.”
You had to admit, his confidence was hella attractive. “But then… why were you angry earlier, Ushijima-kun?”
Your heart jumped out of your chest once more.
Ushijima didn’t seem to notice your flustered state. “Call me Wakatoshi.”
“Well, then.. Wakatoshi-kun, why did you..”
“I’m not angry.” He cut you off again, before placing a hand on your shoulder. “Did I scare you? I apologize.”
“No, you didn’t scare me! But… it’s more like… well, your face was so close, and I…”
Tilting his head, he leaned down to gaze at you, his face dangerously close. “Like this?”
He hummed, looking away. “What to do, I’m still not satisfied.” You blinked up at him owlishly, waiting for him to continue, “You always call Tendou so intimately. I wonder why, but I’m not satisfied with you just calling me by my first name.” He stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world, catching you off guard.
For a second you wondered if Ushijima Wakatoshi was flirting with you, but the way he said those words so stoically made you unsure. “Then!” Gathering all your courage, you bravely met his gaze, “Is Toshi-kun… okay?” You offered shyly, feeling your ears start to burn.
Ushijima tilted his head to the other side, his eyes widening slightly. “Say that again?”
“We’ll go with that.” He placed a hand on your head, a smile ghosting his lips as you hide your face behind your hands.
And that day was the start of your friendship(?) with Ushijima Wakatoshi.
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banj0possum · 5 months
Sweet Hero Of Mine
Yandere! Antihero x GN! Hero! Reader
im back little stinkers <333
Edit!! Nsfw mentions removed! Replaced with..Elias being a dork ?
CW: Stalking, Creep behavior, Suggestive talk about reader, slight masochism
🪲 Elias was never into the whole Superhero thing.
🪲 He hated the constant swarming of reporters and fans screaming for his attention. He didn't want to be treated like a celebrity; he just wants to fight crime where people refuse to help.
🪲 That's why he avoided ever displaying himself like that. He preferred to stay in the shadows and kept his deeds out of the picture, but there are always rats scurrying around ready for another big scoop.
🪲 He could only scoff amusingly as he sees his little escapade last night being reported on tv with a blurry photo of him on the rooftops with the words "Mysterious Vigilante Strikes Again!"
🪲 He can admit, seeing them being so absorbed in what he does is pretty entertaining, he can feel his ego go up a bit.
🪲 Soon enough he gets tired of the incessant yap of interviewees talking about him and reaches for the remote.
🪲 His body freezes though when the reporter mentions some 'new hero' and he turns back to the TV.
🪲 His eyes are blessed with the cutest sight of a person dressed in a hero outfit with a logo on their chest. Their warm smile seems to radiate happiness as they talk to the reporter. Is this the new hero they've been talking about recently?
🪲 They ask for their opinion on the vigilante situation and he almost melts over their soft voice.
🪲 "I believe this guy has good intentions. Which is great and all but if it's endangering people and their properties, I think it's time they think about how running around and punching people in a suit isn't being heroic, it's being obnoxious!"
🪲 There goes his ego..
🪲 And perhaps his clean pants..
🪲 He starts researching all about this new hero. Who do they think they are?! This little brat has to be taught a lesson!
🪲 He stalks your social media, every fan account, every news atricl about your deeds, everything.
🪲 For for blackmail of course! Maybe he can find some dirt on you..in this fan account that makes thirst edits of you..
🪲 Soon enough he starts tracking you and your appearances. Every fight with a villain or any burning building with people that need saving, he's there with a high-grade camera that can snap all the rips and tears in your suit...for blackmail!
🪲 He's real happy that he wore a trench coat to your most recent battle or else everyone would have probably seen his growing boner whenever you throw a punch that connected to your opponent.
🪲 He's combing through the photos he took of you and shivers over your sweaty form and aggressive face.
🪲 He imagines meeting you, perhaps having a battle of his own, being pinned down by you, having your arms grappling and squeezing on his body. Perhaps you'd even say something degrading to him with that sweet voice of yours..
🪲 So that's what he does.
🪲 You were doing some last-minute night patrols after a long day of crime fighting and interviews when you hear a deep gravelly voice behind you.
🪲 "Hey there hero~"
🪲 You look back and see a large muscular man in a suit that looked like the armor of some insect.
🪲 "Huh, didn't expect to meet you here vigilante!" I joke.
🪲 "Oh please, call me Beetle~" He smirks as he walks closer to you. God you're even cuter in person..
🪲 "Well, Beetle, you are aware that you're kinda sorta wanted for a lotta stuff right?"
🪲 "Is it worse than the shit those pieces of scum done? Unlike youre pretty little ass I'm actually gettin bad guys off the streets.~" He teases, putting a hand on the wall and leaning close to your face. He's trying not to swoon over your stern face.
🪲 "Unlike you, I'm keeping people safe! Although I do commend your...unique sense of justice.."
🪲 *internal squealing*
🪲 He's a little surprised that you're so nice, unlike some other douchey heroes he knows.
🪲 He lets out a chuckle "That's new..Thanks goody-two-shoes.."
🪲 You give him a teasing face "Hey I'm not that much of an angel!"
🪲 "Oh~? Well o me you are, sweet hero of mine~"
🪲 You two become quick friends, even having missions together.
🪲 His obsession got worse from there.
🪲 Riding in your superhero vehicle, he rarely looks anywhere but at you driving, explaining to him the mission that he barely cares about other than the fact that it's an excuse to be with you.
🪲 Every time you take his hand to lead him somewhere, he makes sure to burn the feeling into his mind. Oftentimes he's the one doing whatever it takes to have physical contact with you, but it's way better whenever you initiate it.
🪲 You love taking pictures together. Of course he never smiles when you take one but when he's back at home, he's staring at it with the biggest, goofiest grin.
🪲 He loves taking pictures too, only he prefers ones with you and you alone. Sometimes it would be things you like so he wouldn't forget.
🪲 You blush, flattered over him remembering your favorite drink.
🪲 He'd memorize anything you say and put it in a top secret file named "My Love"
🪲 Oh my god please degrade him jokingly.
🪲 Bully him, push him around, be playfully rough with him!! Sure it's all in good fun but he's feeding his guilty pleasure whenever you treat him like shit while also being so sweet to him.
🪲 Pull him down suddenly by his suit's collar whenever you want to whisper something to him or show him something, he loves it. Although be warned, he might moan a little..
🪲 He's crazy for you, insane even, bonkers almost!!
🪲 He comes home seeing you in a superhero gala at one of the fanciest buildings in the city.
🪲 The bone-breaking grip on his beer bottle almost cracks the bottle when he sees you being accompanied by some other hero.
🪲 They're being all close with you and making you laugh, he can feel his jealousy rise within his body at the sight of your adorable smile, one that wasn't because of his jokes, his company!
🪲 Maybe it's about time he gives this superhero thing a try..
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quimichi · 4 months
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-ˏˋ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ CRUSH HDCS ࿐ྂ Pt. 1.....
WARNING: × pure fluff in my opinion
SUMMARY: just some idiots with a crush...you :)
CHARACTERS: Aether, Albedo, Al-haitham, Amber, Arlecchino, Ayaka, Ayato & Baizhu x F!Reader
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 Paimon is so done with his constant ranting and crying about you
ᯓᡣ𐭩 She had to stop herself from telling you so often like "Just PLEASE date him already" because she couldn't just fall into her besties back like that
ᯓᡣ𐭩 you would think he doesn't really like you cause he's all quite. Wrong, he actually jusz tries to cope with his rising heat and nervousness around you
ᯓᡣ𐭩 did he once tell you that you smell nice even tho you were sweating lile a sinner in church? Yes
ᯓᡣ𐭩 did he also tell you that you look a bit different and like you haven't slept good after a haircut?...yes
ᯓᡣ𐭩 listen, he was concerned for you-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 everything was so embarrassing for him he thought you hate him now--- well, you didn't. Its hard not to find this weird and awkward ball of sunshine nice
ᯓᡣ𐭩 he also helps you out a lot, no matter whats the issue he's ready to help. And Paimon is the third wheel
ᯓᡣ𐭩 sometimes when he's nervous and talks to you he like suddenly needs to swallow down spit cause it gets stuck in his throat?? Idk how to explain it but i have this issue lol and its so hard to cover up the swallowing cause then people know youre nervous-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 literally once walked into a wall because he was looking at you. Luckily no one saw...except Paimon--she won't let him forget that ever
ᯓᡣ𐭩 speaking of Paimon, bro literally asked her for advice, and she was useful? Hey, look. Shes more than just emergency food-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 she was like, "If you truly love someone, you cook them something good! Love goes through the stomach!"
ᯓᡣ𐭩 and thats why he desperately cooks for you every day---just put Paimon out of her misery and kiss him already
ᯓᡣ𐭩 has no idea how and why it happened but he won't complain, you are pretty so-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 kinda takes it as an opportunity to study love a bit lol. Its not like he's dumb, far from that, he knows what hes feeling and why he feels attracted to you.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 but somehow he can't tell you, words fail him to explain why although he knows
ᯓᡣ𐭩 is confused and is irritated lol
ᯓᡣ𐭩 did tell Succrose about it and my girl can hardly keep secrets-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 oh and like around a week after he noticed his crush on you he confessed
ᯓᡣ𐭩 he's pretty blunt and honest, straightforward if you will.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 there's honestly not much to say, he knows he likes you, also probably knows it's mutual, logic conclusion would be that he confesses so you two can consider a relationship after some time
ᯓᡣ𐭩 easy??? Like what's not to get???
ᯓᡣ𐭩 the strongest feeling he ever had for someone else was a book character-and that's also pretty rare cause he doesn't read fiction he only reads facts-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 treats you normally with a sprinkle of kindness
ᯓᡣ𐭩 you don't notice, no one would notice. Good for Al-Haitham cause ew what if people realize hes just a regular human being?? Can't have that
ᯓᡣ𐭩 would tell you to take breaks and eat an apple or other fruits in those breaks so you can concentrate better afterwards. Oh and take a breath of fresh air
ᯓᡣ𐭩 keeps the bitch face on. Only drops it when you're not looking.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 finds it incredibly cute when you play with your hair or bite your lip. Your concentration is adorable...
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if you read like him, he would consider reading one of your favorite books, even if it's stupid and not his thing at all. He wants a good reason to talk to you
ᯓᡣ𐭩 has no idea how to get out of the "I'm so fucking cool" bs to actually get closer to you without seeming cringe or needy
ᯓᡣ𐭩 feelings aren't his thing but hey, he trys. Just pay more attention and maybe you make it easier for him by doing the first step
ᯓᡣ𐭩 nah cause she's so honest about it-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 probably all Mondstadt and their granny's know that Amber has a crush on you, except for you....dumbass
ᯓᡣ𐭩 she always asks you if you wanna join her on god knows what adventures
ᯓᡣ𐭩 she also always packs lunch for you
ᯓᡣ𐭩 like i said, she is pretty vocal about it and shows it quite well that she has an interest in you....and youre just brushing it off as kindness
ᯓᡣ𐭩 always ready to help! And she doesn't even need a thank you. Helping you is enough to make her happy, seeing your relieved is all she needs.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 gifts you flowers on a regular basis because they're just as pretty as you ♡
ᯓᡣ𐭩 she's so straightforward about her crush on you it's insane. People think she's dating you already, well wrong--
ᯓᡣ𐭩 big talk and actions but when it comes to beinh very vocal about her feelings she shuts down-she would stutter and blush not knowing what to say-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 like, pls stop being so oblivious to her attempts and just tell her you like her--then she'll confess too!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 look, she's a busy woman (father), she doesn't have time for stupid crushes. She'll either tell you immediately once she figured it out, or just waits till the feelings disappear over time.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 why? If she is uncertain that this would work out with a fatui harbinger, then she wouldn't confess at all. You won't notice a thing.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 but if she does feel like it could work out, maybe not immediately because you need time...and yeah maybe she needs to know a 100% too, she would court you (??)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 presenting you the finest things from all nations. Also giving you ifts from your home region cause...well maybe you miss it? And if you're from Fontaine she gives you only the most expensive shit hidden from all normal ordinary people-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 she sneaks her way in your heart ngl-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 and if she ever sees you with one of the things she gave you, she would make sure others know. Who knows who might have an interest in you.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 would also make some space in her schedule just for you. Lets you know too. No, not to make you feel bad, nahhh. She wants you to know how important you are to her.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 and that she will always have time for you no matter what.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 she's kinda advertising herself. "Look, I'm the baddest bitch around."
ᯓᡣ𐭩 also makes space in her very busy schedule just for you. And if she can't find the time so you both can be alone, she takes you with her to her appointments and everything.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 wants her brothers 'ok' for it all. She wouldn't feel quite comfy if Ayato wouldn't like you. Thomas opinion is also very important to her.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if she every plays this weird cooking game with you, she trys to make it tame. She doesn't want you too disgusted or near throwing up cause then she'd feel bad
ᯓᡣ𐭩 and also trys cooking for you normally. She trys ok, she's getting better and better. Takes this as an excuse to cook your favorite meals.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 dances with you! She's shy about it but she does. Ayaka teaches you her favorite dances and moves, and would get quite close to you by doing this...plus for her
ᯓᡣ𐭩 but besides this she's very shy about her crush on you and won't admit it very fast. Even after months she wouldn't dare say a word about it to you or hint anything to drastic.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 tbh, it has to be you who would need to make the first step lol
ᯓᡣ𐭩 very obvious...I mean...he gives you flowers, jewelry, new clothes. He takes you to events or dinners, important meetings. Lets you stay in the Kamisato estate for free. Bitch you even have your own room??
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i can't tell you more, except, just...just talk with him about it. Confront him and say, "yes" that's all he wants to hear from you.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 and see you happy ofc
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if Chansheng can keep her mouth shut he wouldn't tell you at all. Or at least not so fast.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if you know, you know. Baizhus story is...something. i won't spoiler tho
ᯓᡣ𐭩 because of that he needs to be very sure about it all. He can't just jump into something that might not work out at all or have no future in the beginning.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 he would show his interest with nice little gestures. Giving you medicine for free, helping your loved ones when sick also for free, smiling just a bit more at you or teaching you about herbs and all.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 he's very gentle with you, scared he might break you. In truth it's actually him who would break--
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Qiqi would notice, she's a smart girl ofc she would. Yeah she knew you two were a thing before you two knew lol
ᯓᡣ𐭩 oh yeah and Changsheng blew it all-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 "Your hands wouldn't shake so much if you wouldn't love her"
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@hehothrowawayfae @lucienbarkbark @ryu--19 @theblades @rikasurl
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lyrenminth · 4 months
JB9 request
They are divorced and have two children together, and he is jealous that she is leaving the kids at his house so she can go on a date. but the meeting was horrible, because the guy is not like Joe
This was a very specific and I had so much fun writing in. A little bit of angst at the end.
What we used to be
The decision for filing the divorce was consciously taken. It was done three years ago, while you went to a rough patch in your marriage. The decision wasn't easy, because you share two children together, and for them was equally hard to understand why mommy and daddy weren't together anymore.
One of the main reasons was after having children, you marriage went cold and dead. He was busy playing football and you were busy mothering a three years old and a nine months old. You didn't have the time to be a couple anymore.
Currently, you decided to start dating again after your friends prompted you to do so. It was difficult because you had to coordinate with Joe (now that you were co-parenting). And of course, was during the off-season because during his seasons you had the kids most of the time. On weekends you dropped the children with Robin so she would take them to the home game. It was a messy life, because you shared a lot of things as a result of the years together. Trying to get rid of Joe was impossible having children with his face and living in Cincinnati. So you made peace with that fact long ago. You got along for the children, he was kind and always asked for your opinion when included the family. And you were polite with him, but nothing else.
You send him a text. "Hey, I'm dropping the kids early this Friday. That's ok?"
Joey B: Yeah, that's ok. Are you busy on Friday?
You: Yeah, something came up. Your home or your parents'?
Joey B: My house. Everything alright?
You: everything alright
That was the last text. After that you waited earnestly for your date. You met John through friends, he seemed like a good guy. By looks, the completely opposite of Joe. John had one child already, and worked for a big company in New York but was living in Cincinnati two years now.
You thought it would be difficult if men knew who was your ex-husband because it had happened one time and it ruin the mood for everyone. Apparently, you completely fucked up or whatever. Well, John didn't know anything about football, he couldn't care less about the Superbowl and that was a pleasant surprise.
So on Friday, you drive Mackenzie and Julian to their dad's house. They were behaving well during all morning. And since it was off-season they could spent the weekend with Joe.
You parked the car, and for your surprise Joe was waiting for them outside.
"Dad!" yelled Julian, running towards Joe who was wearing pants and a hoodie. "Mom, can you help me with my backpack?" asked Mackenzie trying to open the door. You got out of the car, and help her. She made cookies for her dad, and was so happy to share.
You help her to carry the backpack until you were face to face with Joe, who was looking handsome as always.
"Daddy, I made cookies!"
"Daddy, can we play videogames?"
The children demanded attention equally, but Joe was still staring at you. Hard.
"Have I something on my face?" you asked, almost aggressively. You put some make up on and dressed in a nice dress for the occasion.
"No, you fine" he cleared his throat "Not your usual fit"
"Mommy is going on a date" Julian shout, excited. Joe's eyebrows raised, you laughed nervous.
"Well, kids behave well. Enjoy the cookies" you said trying not to look at your ex-husband. "Is that true?" he asked, he sounded kinda jealous. Maybe you were overthinking.
"Well, yes" not wanting to discuss anything further in front of the kids "Take care, Joey"
"Please, call me if you need something" he said, "Let me know you're safe"
Your heart flipped. Why he did those things before your date? Weird. You nodded, going back to the car.
John was a nice man. You were sure he was nice, just...not to you. After thirty minutes in the date he kept talking about himself and his work that you thought you were watching a TED talk. He was good looking, but soon you realize you didn't have anything in common by what he was saying. Your mind wandered to your first date with Joe, it was in a bowling alley. Things got competitive and you spent a really good time together that you hook up in your car after the date. Would you hook up with John? Nah.
"Do you need another drink?" John's voice brought you back from your wild thoughts.
"No, thank you"
"So, you told me your ex-husband was a football player, right?"
"Yes" you said cautiously "He still plays"
"And how do you get along?"
"We talked only for the kids"
"Ummm, sure" he dismissed your answer. You raised your eyebrows, astonished. "What do you mean?" you wondered.
"Nothing. I didn't tell you about this trip I'm going to make next month..." he started talking again.
Joe bought you drinks too. You loved his smile back then. Julian had the same smile actually. After getting married you had very nice dates too, but you loved to spend time at home watching movies and resolving puzzles.
The date went on, and you have to excuse yourself or would die of boredom. After the date you missed your children so much, but it was Joe's time with them. So you went to your house and waited.
On Sunday evening, you went to pick up the kids. After a couple of minutes, Joe appeared wearing shorts and a compression shirt. He looked really handsome, his sandy hair was messy, he looked younger somehow.
"Hey" you said, nervous.
"The kids are in the pool" he explained "Come in while I prepare them"
"Oh, no. I can wait in the car" you replied, pointing at your car. He looked up-and-down, and pressed his lips. You blushed like a teenager "I bet they want to see you"
"Okay" you whispered, follow him inside the house. "How was your date?" the question made you flinch. You didn't remember John at all. "Umm, it was good"
I was bored as hell, and thinking about you. How pathetic.
Silence. By the way he was looking at you, he didn't believe you either. You reach the kitchen and he offered something to drink and you decline. "Are you going to the OTAs early this year?" you wondered, hearing music and the children screams outside.
"No, I'm going to spend time with the kids" you nodded, pleased. Joe was a great father, you never doubted that.
You locked eyes, and your stomach made weird things. His eyes softened, and he got closer to you.
"Y/N can we talk about us?" he requested.
"What?" you were in panic mode "About what?"
"The divorce. I thought were struggling but I never listen to you" he said, seriously "Until you fill in the papers" Your heart sank. His lips were still pressed, the wrinkles on his forehead let you know he was stressed too. "I feel like we never had the time to stop and think what we're doing" he said softly.
The bump in your throat didn't let you speak properly. You tried anyway. "I try to speak to you, Joey. I tried to do many things to save our marriage. It didn't work, you were focused on football, and I felt utterly alone" you wipe a treacherous tear "We weren't a couple anymore. I didn't have a partner"
"Mommy! Daddy!" Julian got into the house all wet and hugged you. "Do you want to see how I jump into de pool?"
"Julian, mommy is here to pick you up" Joe explained "Go and tell your sister" Julian nodded and went happily to his sister. Joe attention was on you again. "We should speak about this with more time"
"Why? Are you trying to marry me again?" you joked frustrated he wasn't listening again. "Yes, I never wanted a divorce" he replied ardently. The confession hit you. "Then, why did you fill the divorce?"
"Because I was scared..." the footsteps didn't let him finish "I'll send you a message, please"
You left Joe's house confused and heartbroken. Even though, you couldn't avoid the hope growing in your chest.
Let me know if you want a second part. I think it would be cool.
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Dreams come true - Aespa High School AU - Day two
Hello people, the new chapter of my new Au is here. Reader is slowly getting in confidence with the four girls more. Let me know what do you think, which one of them is convincing you more. And as always opinions and suggestions through comments and DMs are welcomed.
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"Bro, second day and you already late?", you asked, walking so fast that it seemed you were training for the olympics. "It's not my fault, blame Johnny and Tae, they convinced me to stay up all night to play Fortnite", Mark justified, his lack of sleep giving him an hard time to follow you. "You're lucky I already got the street memorized", you sighed, gaining even more speed; at this point you were basically running to arrive school in time. Luckily even if you are lazy af, you managed to enter the building few minutes before the start of the lessons, your best friend basically dying on the floor, trying to catch his breath.
Your other best friend was eagerly waiting for you in class instead, in fact the moment you put your shoes inside, she jumped at your neck. "Bestieee, you made me worry, I was afraid you were going to skip school", she complained cutely, pouting at you. "Sorry, Aeri, this idiot arrived late at my apartment and he almost screwed me up. And don't worry about that, it's too early to skip classes...maybe in a week or so", you reassured her, earning a punch on the shoulder. "Well, at least if you really have to, bring me with you", she added, her pout melting in an happy smile. "Sorry to interrupt the moment, but if things keep going this way, I may have to change class soon: I can't stand this bitch acting lovey-dovey", Winter said, feigning to puke. "Shut up, Minjeong, it's not my fault if you have nobody who you can be affectionate to", Giselle rolled her eyes, clearly pissed by the tease of her friend. "Ah no? I don't? Too bad", Winter shrugged, before going towards her seat, but not before giving you a last quick look, and, damn, you felt your heart stopping for a second in front of her smirk.
Soon enough the lesson started, so you barely had the time to greet all your classmates. Of course it was not the case of your deskmate, Ning, who already seemed way more comfortable around you compared to the previous day. "Already late? You're such a bad student", Ning teased you in a whisper, giggling slightly, hidden by her books. "What are you talking about? I arrived before our teacher, so I'm still a model student", you replied, while taking notes of the argument miss Sunny was explaining in the meanwhile. You kinda got Ning already, she was on the surface all cute and shy, but deeply she was this lethal teasing machine. Aeri suggested during last night call to simply ignore her or tease her back and for now it was working. Ning bit her lower lip, almost holding back her next tease, but probably seeing you all focused on the lesson, she must have decided to let it go.
The chance for her was going to arrive really soon. During the mid morning break, Karina cautiosly got close to your desk, before placing a chocolate muffin on it. "Hey...good morning. We have not had the chance to talk at all today", she started the conversation, playing with the hem of her skirt shyly. "Yeah, you're right...is this for me?", you managed to overcome your brain freeze in front of her beauty. "Oh...yes. Giselle casually told me that you often don't have breakfast, so I bought this muffin for you...you know, as a way to thank you for becoming my friend", she admitted, becoming more red on her cheeks at every word. "Well, thank you, Jimin, I have a pit in my stomach right now, so perfect timing", your small joke made Karina chuckle, and it was your first time hearing someone so pretty having such a dorky laugh, but you loved the contrast.
"Look at our model student, already going behind the princess of the school", Ning immediately attacked once Karina went back to her place. You tried to ignore her but your eyeroll was not missed by the younger girl. "Seriously, you just needed a day to pick your target, you didn't even give a chance", she crossed her arms, ready to replicate yesterday scene, but actually her remark produced a different effect on you. "Why? Already interested on me? Such a bold way to confess", you replied, for once teasing her back. Your comeback surprised Ning who got speechless. "No, I...I...ehm, of course I'm not interested, you would like that situation, uh?", Ning tried to gain back the control of the situation, but she was defeated by her own tease. "No need to panic, I'll keer your crush on me secret. Oh, and don't worry, I'm still single...for now", you smirked, messing up her hair with your hand. She didn't expect you to play her like that, and the fact you managed to silence her right in time with the end of the break left her even more flustered. She needed to be more careful with her tease from now on, but she couldn't help but want wanting your attention for some reasons...
"Hey loser, wait for me", you heard a soft voice calling you from behind. You turned your head just to look at Minjeong skipping in your direction. "Why are you following me? You don't even know where I am going", you asked, intrigued by her behaviour. "Right? However I know where you are not going: the cafeteria; it's in the opposite direction", she tried to make you notice, pointing behind her without rotating her body at all. There was incredibly sassy yet cute in her, she really had a different aura compared to the other people of your class. "Yeah, I know, but I'm not hungry right now, so I wanted to explore this building", you explained waiting for her to finally reach you. "Oh yeah? You won't be already tired of your loved bestfriends, right?", why did everyone was so obsessed with teasing in class? Was it the trend of the moment or what? "No, not tired all, simply I ate a muffin before and now I'm full, but I know Aeri pretty well to know she would still force me to have enough protein to make me a bodybuilder", you explained kindly, making Winter nod in agreement. "Well, if you really want to explore, let me be your guide", she said, taking your wrist and starting to show you around.
"-and here we have the rooftop", the girl with bob says standing in front of a metal door. "Are we even allowed to come here?", you ask, raising an eyebrow. "Well...technically no, but I'm sure in this moment the custodian is in line for food as everyone else, so there won't be any problem", she said, taking out of her pocket a small key and insterting it in the door lock, before looking at you again and seeing your doubtful face. "But if you're too scared, we can skip this place", she added, leaning against the wall and waiting for your next move. "Scared? Girl, you don't know me well enough", you snorted, pushing the wall to go out. Honestly this was an unnecessary risk but there is no way someone can think you're a coward. Winter followed you in the open space, a satisfied smile on her face. "You're an interesting one, aren't you?", she kinda praised you, walking toward a bunch of chairs, probably left on this rooftop by who knows how much. "I have always to beg Gigi and the others to come here with me", she explained with a sad smile and yet a bright sparkle in their eyes. "You should give your number, we can have a lot of fun together", she casually added, amusement clearly visible in her expression.
Also the second day of school somehow passed. Lessons were not terrible at all and you were starting to get your classmates and how to get along with them, even the most unhinged. You were putting your stuff in your backpack, when you saw Mark waving hands from the other side of the room. "Where are you going, man?", you asked confused, placing the backpack on just one shoulder, as usual. "Sorry, bestie, today I feel too tired, I need to go to sleep as soon as I can", he explained, standing on the threshold of the door. "But you have spent all the day napping instead of following", you protested, facepalming. "Yeah, but it's not the same as resting on my bed, you know", he justified, stretching and yawning. "Also, you already know the way perfectly, and it's not like I'm letting you go alone anyway", he added, disappearing from your sight, letting you even more confused. "Who are you talking about?", you shouted behind him, and the answer appeared, grabbing your arm tightly. "He's talking about me, dummy!", she exclaimed, snuggling againts your shoulder.
"...I can't believe they really made My Hero Academia end in that way!", Giselle said, wiping her laugh tears away. "For real, and I thought Attack on Titan had the worst ending", you replied, snickering loudly. The two of you walked with your arms linked, talking about some of the manga you were reading those days; it's a costum you two developed since the first days of your friendship and it was refreshing to be able to do it finally face to face. Slowly you arrived in front of the building where your apartment was. "So here we are...", Aeri mumbled, looking down at her feet; you could tell from her tone and body language that she didn't want to let you go already. "Hey Aeri...maybe do you want to...come inside?", you proposed, massaging your neck, a bit embarassed. Aeri was your best friend and you wanted to spend more time with her too, but she was still a really pretty girl and that would have been the first time you two were alone somehwere. "Really? Oh my God, yeah, I was hoping you would have asked me", she cheered, not losing yet another chance to squeeze you in a warm embrace.
"Finally I can see the inside of your cave, yesterday you were able to escape, but today you're all mine", she joked, admiring the really plain interior of your house."Yeah, it's not like there is much too see, I moved here few days before school started", you explained, removing your backpack and launching it on a random place of your small living room. "I can tell, this room is so anonymous that it seems fake", she made you notice, making you shrug, it was not your fault for school had no taste in interior design. "You know what? I will help you to give to this house a touch of style", she announced, nodding, sure of her decision. "I'm on board, as long it's my style and not yours", you teased her, obtaining a middle finger from your best friend. "Thank you for tha...hey, where are you going?", you asked, seeing her going toward the home door. "I told you, I'm going to help to decorate this place, and I'm starting from now. Be ready to work hard tomorrow after school", she told you, her mind already planning on what changement to do. You opened the door for her. "Thank you for letting me come inside, see you tomorrow, bestie", she said, before quickly pecking at your cheek and going on her way, ready to go who knows where. After she was gone, you plopped once more on your couch, closing your eyes and living through your memory the day that has just passed: Ning, Jimin, Minjeong, Aeri...everyone of them made you felt something different. You were not used to feel so much stuff where you lived, but honestly you couldn't wait to experience even more.
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papercorgiworld · 7 months
If you had known, would you’ve come?
Tom convinces his brother to help him get a date with a girl that actually doesn’t like him one bit, but Tom has it all figured out, except for maybe the falling in love part. Leave it to a Riddle to underestimate love. + brother dynamic Mattheo/Tom
Last cameo is Daisy ( @musingsofahufflepuff ). This sweet Hufflepuff is Mattheo’s girlfriend and Mattheo convinces her to help him set you up with his brother.
Tom II Riddle won the poll thingy I did a few days ago, so here it is, my first Tom II Riddle x reader. I loved writing Tom and Mattheo as brothers. I don’t know a lot about the popular opinion on Tom II, so I kinda just went with a general Tom vibe. Tomorrow I’ll start working on the requests so expect the first one to pop up one of these days. But for now, happy readings!
I added part 2
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“Hey, little brother.” Tom appears next to Mattheo, startling the younger Riddle. After a second Mattheo regains his composure. “So, am I in trouble or you?” Mattheo asks, making Tom smile. “You, it’s always you.” Mattheo rolls his eyes. “You’re failing potions.” How does he know everything? “Yeah, I missed a few essays. Nothing, I can’t fix.” Tom raises his eyebrows. Sure, you can, you little overconfident bimbo. “Well, I’ve been so kind as to write essays for you that can get your grade up.” Mattheo stops walking and turns to face his brother. “Kind? Funny. What’s the catch?” Tom stares dryly at his younger brother, annoyed with his witty attitude, but nevertheless grabs a bundle of papers out of his bag. “I’ll even give you my notes and summaries.” Mattheo nods as he curiously eyes his brother. “Ask your redhead girlfriend to set me up with (y/n), they’re friends, so it shouldn’t be a problem.” Mattheo tilts his head like he didn’t just hear his brother ask for a date with (y/n). “Why not ask her yourself?” Tom looks at Mattheo with dull eyes, like he just asked the most ridiculous question possible. “Cause she hates me.” Mattheo opens his mouth, but Tom interrupts him. “No more questions. Do you want these or not?” He waves the papers in front of Mattheo. Mattheo’s tongue pokes his cheek as he stares at his stoic brother with dark eyes, considering his options.
”How’s the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts doing?” Mattheo slings his arm around Daisy and kisses her cheek, making her smile. “You skipped class.” She says with judgy eyes. Mattheo licks his lips and stares her down with playful eyes. “Because I was busy dreaming about you.” Daisy rolls her eyes and pushes him away. “Very funny.” Mattheo follows her and whispers with a cheeky smile. “It’s true though.” A soft giggle escapes her and he smiles genuinely happy to have her, but then his face turns serious. “I hate this, but I need a favor.” Daisy frowns. They had been dating for almost a year and never had he asked for a favor, so she was immediately intrigued. “My brother wants a date with (y/n).” Daisy starts laughing out loud, before realizing Mattheo was serious. “No.” She says sternly.
“Hey, hey, what happened to all that hufflepuff kindness?” Mattheo argues as he pulls her closer. “You brother’s not the kind of guy who I want to set up with my friends.” Mattheo’s shoulders drop. “Why?” The hufflepuff averts her eyes, not liking what she’s about to say. “Cause he’s scary?” Mattheo’s lips form a line. “Right.” He lowers his head. “But you gave me a chance.” Mattheo’s eyes are innocent and Daisy purses her lips, thinking back to how Mattheo ruined every date she went on before admitting he liked her and actually asking her out. “Yeah I did, but I also knew there was a soft side to you.”
“My brother has a soft side, I’m sure, somewhere.” Mattheo frowns, seriously wondering for a moment if his brother had a soft side. “Look, he needs someone in his life, unless you want him to be the weird uncle that tells our kids that life is meaningless, downs a bottle of wine and murders people, not necessarily in that order, I honestly don’t know with my brother. The thing is he deserves a date, a chance.” Mattheo sighs, struggling to defend his brother. “Our kids?” Daisy questions with shiny eyes, loving the idea that Mattheo thinks about having kids. Mattheo feels himself get flustered and shakes his head. “Not the point of this conversation.” Daisy nods knowing that her boyfriend is right. “He deserves a date.” Mattheo smiles. “(y/n). Tonight. 7pm sharp at the wooden bridge. He has something planned.” Daisy frowns and sighs. “(Y/n) hates him. She’ll never agree to go out with him.” Mattheo nods. “Just tell her it’s a blind date.”
You were a bit nervous as you walked down the long wooden bridge, but mostly excited. You hadn’t been on a date in a while so when Daisy proposed to organize a blind date with a handsome and intelligent guy, who was one year older and wiser, you were easily convinced. Though, considering she was dating Mattheo Riddle you probably should’ve known her taste in men was worrying, not to say alarming. However, you fully trusted the sweet hufflepuff and chose to wear your most fancy dress, ready to impress. As you neared the end of the bridge you started to worry that you might even be overdressed. The wind blew through your perfectly done hair as you scanned your surroundings. “Seven sharp.” You whisper to yourself and check your watch, before looking around and softly chewing your lip. It’s then that you notice a small glimmer, only a few steps away. When you take the last step of the bridge your feet don’t land in the grass, because suddenly you’re in a room.
You twirl around admiring the beautiful decor. Someone conjured an entire room? A soft sound of admiration leaves your lips and you hear a soft chuckle. “I knew you would like this.” Your blissful face falls when you meet the man with the gentle voice. “Tom?” He walks towards you. “Shall I take your jacket?” He offers a hand and you stare at it. “No, I- I have- uhm a date.” You stutter and he pulls his hand back, watching as your eyes search for the way you came in. Your back is turned towards him when you realize there are no doors. “I’m aware you have a date. Since I’m your date.” Tom says dryly and you quickly turn around. “That can’t be. Daisy would never set me up with-” You fall silent when you look around the room and spot a perfectly decorated diner table, when you meet Tom’s eyes you see something you’ve never seen in his eyes, vulnerability.
“You didn’t know I was your date, did you?” Tom asks and you feel your heart sink. No of course not, no one I know would willingly go on a date with you. Tom doesn’t need an answer, he already knows and averts his eyes. “If you had known, would’ve come?” His voice is serious and yet filled with so much emotion. However, as soon as the question is out there he decides he doesn’t want the answer to that question either and reaches for his wand. “I’ll conjure a door for you.” Immediately you take a step towards him, making him lower his wand. “I honestly don’t know.” He examines your every expression as your eyes dart around in search of words. “Maybe I would’ve come, maybe not. I don’t know.” You chuckle and take another step towards him. “I wouldn’t have believed it. I mean you and I on a date, that’s ridiculous, who would come up with that.” You let out a short laugh. “I did, it was my idea.” Your eyes shoot up to meet his and you frown. “Why? We hate each other.”
Tom smiles and puts his wand away. He seems more relaxed and licks his lips. “You might hate me, but I definitely don’t hate you.” The surprise and confusion on your face makes Tom chuckle. “We have our differences, but I admire you.” You shake your head. “No, no, you’re Tom Riddle, you treat everyone like they’re less than you. You don’t organize sweet dates with.. uhm.. scented candles, and.. my favorite flowers and .. my favorite snacks-” You feel yourself get flustered as you notice every small detail is for you. “I treat everyone like they’re less than me, because they are.” You roll your eyes, but he ignores it and continues. “Except for you, your determination and consideration makes me believe you might be my equal.” There’s genuine admiration in his voice and you’ve never felt so recognised by anyone before.
You open your mouth to say something, but can’t find any words and just purse your lips, while staring around the room. “Can I have your jacket now?” He asks and after a moment of silence you turn your back towards him and let it slide down your shoulders for him to take. You take a few steps to the dinner table, before turning around to face Tom again who’s carefully scanning you down. When his eyes land on yours you tilt your head judging him for his staring and making him chuckle. “You caught me off guard. I’m used to you being beautiful, but tonight the English language fails to have a word that honors you.” Your lips part and your cheeks heat up. “Normal guys go for something like you look good or hot.” Tom nods and walks to one of the chairs at the table, moving it for you to sit. “And you wonder why I think they’re less than me.” You take a seat and shake your head at his words, but don’t argue with him.
Your eyes scan the table and you can’t believe how perfect it is. A small paper unfolds itself and announces the upcoming dishes and your eyes move to Tom. “A normal date would have sufficed.” You smile at him but he’s not pleased with your words. “I’m sorry if anyone ever made you feel like anything less than this should be enough for you.” You laugh nervously and lean over the table. “Are we on a date or are you courting me?” You whisper with a slightly amused smile, until you see his reaction. “Well, I’m an ambitious man, but I know where I stand so I’ll be patient.” At first you’re baffled by his honesty, but then you smirk. “There’s something about you Riddle men and having a serious amount of confidence, you’re different, but in heart you’re very much the same.”
Tom rolls his eyes. “I rather not be compared to him.” You laugh and he smiles as his heart warms seeing you happy. You notice the warm glint in his eyes and just know that tonight will be lovely.
“You know I have muggle friends.” You blur out as you’re both walking the wooden bridge in the direction of the castle. “I’m aware.” He says dryly, but still relaxed and sweet. You need to know his honest opinion, if you truly want to let yourself fall in love with him. “No one’s perfect.” He shoves his hands in his pockets, something you’ve rarely seen him do and you look away, feeling the disappointment squeeze your heart. “You despise me for it.” He says and you look up at him. “Yes.” He stops and so do you, there’s a soft silence as he looks at the water and you just look at him. “I believe I can convince you that my view of mudbloods is the right one.” His voice is stern, but not mean. It takes a moment, but to his surprise a smile tugs on your lips and you close the distance between you two. “I think I can turn your whole world upside down.” You whisper, while he stares you down and feels himself heat up at your closeness. “Cute, but-” You don’t let him continue and snake an arm around his neck, before leaning in and kissing him tenderly. When you break the kiss your eyes lock with his and you can feel his heart race. His arm wraps around your waist and he pulls you closer. Tom’s tongue moves around in his mouth as he’s obviously overthinking something. “Maybe.” He eventually admits, but it’s the smile that now creeps up your lips and your shiny eyes that make him seriously worry about how truly madly in love he is with you.
“How was the date?” Mattheo asks from his usual spot on the couch and Tom scans the empty common room. “You seriously stayed up to ask me how my date went?” Mattheo shrugs. “Well-” Tom starts, but immediately stops himself from talking about it. “I’m not telling you. We rarely talk and that’s not going to change. It was one date. It means nothing. I’m still the same person I was before this date.” Mattheo raises his eyebrows and tries to hide his amusement. “Sure.” Tom groans at his brother’s annoying attitude and turns around heading for his room. “Whipped.” Mattheo whispers, just loud enough for his brother to wonder if he actually heard that right, but he chooses to ignore his younger sibling and enters his room.
Word count: 2082
Feedback is always very welcome!
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sharkorok · 1 year
yeonjun w/ an inexperienced s.o
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a/n: yooo the legendary yeonjun pic :P, anyways i decided to just follow the oldest member pattern I hope that’s ok anonnie :>
requested: yes!! thank uuu
tw/genre: cursing, fluff, campus au ig(?), fboi yeonjun kinda not really, insecurities so like minimal angst I suppose, tell me if I missed anything :]
-ok so yeonjun. practically everyone has had a crush on him at least two times in their life
-you’ve heard of his charms and smooth-talking and thanked god every day he’s never talked to you because PHEW you had no idea how to respond to that holy moly
-ok once again we are at a party and yeonjun sees you and thinks ur super duper pretty and he’s like “omg isn’t that the person who made someone cry because they responded to ‘i love you’ w thanks?”
-and that only happened because you didn’t know to respond with “i love you too” or “aww thanks” so whateves but you’re pretty notorious for being clumsy with relationships and avoiding getting into them
-so he walks up to you and is like “hey” w rizz and he finds your awkwardness both endearing and refreshing
-the crowd he hangs around with are familiar with sucking up to people or being charming, being automatically magnetic, and in the nicest way possible you weren’t really like that
-but you two become friends and date congrats
-he thinks you’re the cutest ever like genuinely
-maybe it’s the virgo in him but he likes teaching you things or at least helping you through them
-like your first proper kiss or make out or whatever, he walks you through it without making it awkward or patronizing and you appreciate that
-he’s very open about your relationship, he wants you to know he doesn’t care if anyone has nasty opinions on the two of you, he’s proud to show you off
-lowk tho i do feel like he gets insecure if you don’t express your love or affection for him but he also understands so he’s super conflicted and aghhh
-but then ur friend is like “what about gift giving or expressing love in your own way?” and ur like “omg ur so right?”
-and so everyday you write sticky notes or little letters reminding him of all the reasons why you love him, or you do tiny acts and you explain “until I get more comfortable I want to show you I love you in my own way” and he cries
-like he actually cries it was kinda awkward but sweet at the same time, he really appreciates you making an effort for him
-so after that he really cherishes ur little expressions of love :) and then gets pissed if anyone says u don’t treat him right
-because nuh uh yes u do, in ur own way
-likes to fluster you on purpose though, thinks you look cutest when you’re flustered and confused
-he won’t make fun of you but he’ll tease you for sure (if ur ok with it), but he always somehow compliments you too??
-“how can someone as gorgeous as you be so inexperienced with relationships?” and ur not sure whether you feel called out or flattered
-takes you on lots and lots of dates so you can experience what it’s like having a nice boyfriend who’s good to you! he’ll make sure this relationship will be the standard and more for any future partners u have.
-(not like you’ll have anyone else you’re too in love w him)
-never misses a beat with you, because he’s so good at conversation and being a flirt it doesn’t matter if you can’t reciprocate cuz he’ll just carry the convo lol
-“uhhh thanks for the flowers yeonjun :]” i love u too.” “yo whaaaat” and he just winks and kisses ur cheek
-what a weird couple, anyways
-he likes to push you a little bit, not really for your relationship but because it’s amusing
-like if you want physical affection but feel too shy to ask for it he’ll play dumb until you get all pouty and sulky
-“please give me a kiss oh my god jun” “shshsh I’m sorry I was joking!!”
-one time at a party this girl was hardcore flirting with yeonjun and talking about how she LOVESSS pda and how she’s SOOO EXPERIENCED and how she knows how to treat a man and she’s doing this all in front of you, rlly testing your patience
-yeonjun just rolls his eyes and squeezes your hand that’s loosely being held in his, but before he knows it you dragged him by the collar to give him a kiss
-if love isn’t ur fuel for confidence, jealousy and spite sure is
-“good thing I have a partner who treats me perfectly,” yeonjun says after you do your little smooch n she’s so pissed ur giggling
-yeonjun always is like “You don’t have to,” or “take your time,�� and “only if you want to, ok?”
-so you don’t have to worry about meeting his expectations, the only way to disappoint is if you don’t feel comfortable enough setting boundaries and then he’s disappointed in the both of you
-makes u feel like the safest ever but also so flustered and giddy
-ok bye I’m devastated why r u so cute in these
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inblurtub · 9 months
all i want for christmas is you ft. ‘colormytree’ website
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warning: platonic relationship!
in which you sent each drivers on the grid the ‘colormytree’ website url and asked for xmas messages. here are some of their responses:
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max verstappen
named his puppy ornament ‘MAX’
“hey y/n, so how’s spain nd everything? just thought that i would text you a merry xmas gif later today:) too bad they do not have that option here. btw it’s lovely to know that i’m the first one to hang an ornament on your tree, did you text me first, if so i must say that i’m really honoured:) anyway merry christmas and happy new year, looking forward to see you in jan!!”
lando norris
named his santa claus-on-a-ski ‘doubtinglife’
“my twin flame✨🍀💥💐 ya must have miss me so much huh??? happy merry christmas to you and to little eilie too!!! i’ll back in monaco this thur, do you wanna catch up w me?”
“ps: ooops lo siento i forgot you are still in spain. pick a day and pay me a visit then, you owe me a fancy dinner!!!”
george russell
named his wrapped present with red ribbons ornament ‘gr’
“this is honestly kinda cute, really giving me your vibe mate. so uhm… for today only i will say nice things. merry chrismas y/n, i wish u all the best. let’s have a fearless life and maybe got urself a bf or a gf who will madly love you next year. nighty🌛”
charles leclerc
named his polar bear ‘🎄’
“hi y/n merry christmas, wanna take a guess on who am i? btw love this idea of yours, the tree is sooo beautiful and i love the doodles ornaments too, well i might make myself a tree later:) i’ll send you the link first! and i heard that you are in spain? stay safe while visiting barcelona, the guys their are a bit wild in my opinion😂 anw hoping to see u asap🫶🏻”
carlos sainz
named his kitten face ornament ‘hotsummernight’
“ciao ciao, merry xmas to you ms. silly disney princess. don’t need to write a whole paragraph here, do i? i have prepared a present for you, pls come over at 7pm for dinner! but hey i still need u to text me later, u know, for a confirmation:) have a g’day then, see you!!”
oscar piastri
named his orange ornaments ‘theawardshow’
"nice try from you to steal my attention. so how have you been? hope things don’t mess up with u. merry christmas and happy new year, i’m grateful to have you as my friend this year, you’re like a gift. and not the kind i’d return for store credit:) that’s it, enjoy urself and have fun.”
“yikes i hope that no one can read this thing but you, if this message got revealed to the others so there’s a good chance that i might quit racing next year, too embarrassing honestly.”
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stylezxsilvermoon · 1 month
but I'd bet we'd have really good bed chem » chris s. smut
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"come right on me, I mean camaraderie! see it in my mind let's fulfill the prophecy"
» chris smut one-shot based off of the storyline of "bed chem" by sabrina carpenter (in my opinion) (this may or may not turn into a series! let me know if you want more!)
wc: 4k (got carried away, oopsie)
warnings: 18+ content, youtuber relationships, oral (fem receiving), porn with plot, no use of y/n, poc friendly, fem pronouns, kinda teasing chris?? play mocking during sex, mutual friends of the triplets mentioned (they have a minor role)
this is my first chris smut (so pls be kind! feedback would be really nice!) and also I literally don't have Instagram so if the details were off use your imagination ☺️
a/n: yall i haven't written smut in literally forever, i'm more of a fantasy creative story writer so this is SO out of the realms of the comfort zone, but i'm all about pushing boundaries of my imagination so here ya go!
excerpt: sierra dawson is a bit of an it-girl, she's a popular youtuber/vlogger, all of her fans are all up in her dm's and comments begging her to meet chris sturniolo, and when an influencer party comes up hosted by one of their mutual friends, well she just has no reason to ignore the call from the universe pulling them together, right?
The silence in the room is getting loud. And I mean, really loud, most likely because I never expected this to happen. I've just uploaded my latest video addressing the drama. It looks like any other youtuber's video, I'm sat on my bed, cross legged and looking into the camera. The video has been up for exactly 10 minutes and the comments are already flooding with more fuel to the fire. My editor and I are rewatching the video to watch for any mistakes or parts that may need to be addressed later, a deep frown settles across her face.
"I think you may need another video on this." She nods "I mean, everyone wants you together, it's crazy." She nods once more, almost coming to the final verdict that my youtube career might as well be screwed the fuck over because of a man. One singular man, Chris Sturniolo.
"I don't understand why everyone is so hooked on this! I mean, I've never even seen the guy in person." I say, my attention split between her puzzled face and ghosting over Chris' "follow" button on Instagram.
"It's fate, I suppose." She shrugs "But hey, your friend Jake is hosting a party at his and roommate's place, you should go." She says "Maybe that'll put all the rumors to rest, the triplets already said they were going." She says, and I stare, dumbfounded.
"Oh yeah, sure, because the answer to putting the rumors to rest is, to show up to a party I'm sure he'll be at?" I question, as if sniffing out the bullshit in her tone.
"Sierra, if you have to meet him, you might as well be at a place where you’ll know he’ll be, so everyone can stop fantasizing about it happening." She explains calmly "But it's up to you, don't just do it because of the fans."
I hear my own voice echo off of the laptop we're watching the video/live reacting to comments on.
"Guys, I'm not dating Chris Sturniolo, so quit asking!" I say in an exasperated tone, but it's all jokes, there's no real bite in my voice.
I'm mulling over my answer to alot of things at the moment, whether or not I will follow him back and become mutual, announce I'm going to this party, because I just know we're going to be doing content. And I'll be seen with him, which means edits, lots and lots of edits.
And I have to admit, he's not that bad looking either, and he seems like a nice guy, along with his brothers they seem pretty chill. So is it really lose/lose like I'm painting it out to be?
Either way, I bite the bullet and smash that follow button and watch my screen light up with comments within the next few hours. If I'm going to be in a fire-flamed flambe of chaos, I wanna be the one holding the kerosene. I click on Instagram and post my weekly photo dump and tap my screen with my nail as I figure out what I want to caption it. But I decide to just ride this train of chaos while it's here. Because regardless of the complications of attending the party, I am still excited to go, so I might as well show that.
see you there @.jakewebber, ready to party hard and see all of our friends, including someone...special👀
I sit and watch as the comment section quickly is filled with conspiracy theories on what my 'cryptic' message could have meant. And what the implications are on the current situation, especially all of the drama surrounding me. But, I see something that absolutely shocks me, after I scroll for a hot second, I see Chris comment that same eyeball emoji I had in the post with a question mark.
And my whole world just explodes in that very moment, but obviously I try to keep it cool, even in the midst of every social platform I'm on ripping their hair out at the notion of a single reply. But regardless, all of it is to implode ten-fold once the event actually comes around. I scroll through Chris' Instagram for a few moments. Based on this and the content I've seen of him and his brothers, he seems like a pretty nice guy. And god, is he attractive, very attractive, I try to keep a tiny smile from creeping onto my face at the notion of being deemed 'fated' to him by our fans and the prospect of meeting him later on today.
I'm starting to like the idea, like a lot.
Who is Sierra Dawson, you may ask?
Well, according to sturniolo nation she's 'meant to be' with me and we should definitely start dating 'just because they say so'. Which is a bit bullshit. But regardless, us meeting was inevitable, and besides, I've been seeing her everywhere. It's almost like a sign, which i almost hate in a way.
I'm walking into the party at Jake's when I see Sierra walking in as soon as get finished greeting Jake. And woah, she's even more beautiful in person, dark skin and bouncy curls, a total knockout.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the famous vlog girlie with the bad rep?" I tease as I walk over, and it's as if I automatically register in her mind as who I'm known as, which is good.
"Sierra," She says as she gives me a brief hug, which I respond to in kind as I give her a little side hug.
"So what's your reason for being here? The comments?" She teases a little bluntly, which I quickly begin to like.
"Pretty much, and Jake, and we're doing some content together obviously which is really exciting, I do enjoy a good collab." I nod as I look down at her, she's a bit shorter than me, but not abnormally so.
"Is that so? A collab you say, so would you say that we are..collabing?" She asks, teasing a bit more, which causes a smirk to break out like wildfire across my face, and a bit of a blush as a chaser.
Oh boy, great.
"At this moment, I'd say so." I nod, attempting to be at least a little professional, this is our first time meeting. "I'm a big fan of your work, you always come up with good content ideas, I'd love to be in one of your videos one day." I remark, already loving the energy between us.
"Oh my gosh shut up!" She laughs "I'm a huge fan of you too, you and your brothers are hilarious." She nods, her eyes lighting up at the notion.
It only takes a moment to see that for once, in this case, the fans were actually right.
"You free next week?" We both end up saying in unison, before laughing.
"I do recall you following me on insta, but I don't remember receiving a dm." She says snarky tone, almost as if she's almost unwilling to admit the fans were right.
"Oh, you don't recall, huh?" I repeat as I pull out my phone and flash her account in her face, pointing to the following button. Not willing to give in first either.
After a very comfortable stand-off, she ends up breaking and pulling out her phone and texting me on insta, little did I know, those three little words could mean so much more later on.
‘hey, wanna collab?’
“There, it’s official.” I say proudly, as I hold my phone in my hand as I replied ‘sure, since it seems like the fans want it so much. 😊’
As the party went on, the large group of influencers began posting content for the party so each of our individual fanbases knew their faves were linking up and collaborating. The news spread like wildfire, as expected.
Nothing too crazy, Jake did his longform content, as did I. Did a couple TikTok’s, until I had an idea just then.
“Do a tiktok with me?” I asked Chris, which was sitting to my right on the big couch we all were sitting on, as he nodded.
“Course,” he said, scooting closer so we could both get in frame together, which caused me to be hyper-aware of the closeness the entire time. I could feel the fabric of his clothes against mine, which was a jean dress with a black chunky heel, and for Chris, a blue fresh love hoodie and some jeans. After I got over my irrational fear of closeness born out of this situation, we lip sang to ‘bed chem’ by Sabrina Carpenter.
After I’d posted it on my account, he looked at me with a peculiar look. “Don’t you think that song is a little…presumable?” He jokes, but with a little serious tint in his tone.
“Maybe?” I teased “I just felt like it matched the vibe of the situation, is it bad?” I ask, biting back the urge to just rage-quit and delete it before anyone could see, there was still time until-
Too late, my phone began buzzing in my hand, great.
“You’re in for a lot more conversations about us then.” He chuckled warmly as his palm found it’s home on my knee, at the end of my dress, just where the hem was. I fought the urge to melt into it.
I couldn’t explain it, everything felt so natural with him. It was almost as if fate really was pushing us together. And by fate, I mean the fans, but maybe…I assume because we’ve just both been seeing each other everywhere for a bit.
I look down at his palm, large and a little veiny and then back to his eyes, he looked for reassurance if the move was okay before I nodded discreetly and relaxed against the sofa.
“I’ve been seeing you everywhere lately, it’s safe to say you’re on my mind a lot.” He says after a moment of silence.
“Me too, seems like we can’t keep each other’s name out of our mouths, huh?” I say, which causes him to sport a lopsided prideful smirk. Insinuating a dirty joke in my words when there really wasn’t. But, if you squinted…. there perhaps was.
“I was not talking about that, I’m not saying you’re in my mouth- I mean.” I say before rolling my eyes at my mis-speak
“Sure,” he nods cooly “Let’s believe that Sierra.” He smirks again
“Don’t go marching off to the fans saying that shit.” I laughed a little, before we both begin laughing at the nightmare that’d cause.
“’Course not.” He nods, very serious but very toned down, the party isn’t all that highbrow. Very low brow and mellow, just some drinking and talking between mutual friends, and maybe…. more?
“Can you imagine? God we’d never hear the end of it.” I nod, as I unconsciously get closer, the heat of the moment drawing us closer.
As the party goes on, Chris and I continue to get a little too close for comfort, and the urge to do something with him grows closer by the second.
Until, finally, I break, shattering like glass.
“You think the fans were…right?” I gulp, speaking over the loud music, and Chris is only a hair away, staying close to me the entire party. Every time he gets up to talk to someone or his brothers, he returns right back to me. And despite everything, it sends a small thrill through me, like lightning.
God, I can’t actually want him, right?
“Hm?” He teases, inching closer and throwing an arm over my shoulder for extra affect, gazing at me with those blue eyes of his as I stare back, dumbfounded.
“They were…right, I think.” I say, as his face all of a sudden goes soft “You think so?” He says gently, before it twists into a mischievous smile.
God, he’s doing all the right things, all the right moves, it’s crazy. Is this what my fans were talking about? If so, thank the heavens above for all of this drama
The party goes on for a bit longer, until everyone gets a little too sloshed and it begins dying down. After several down-low comments to Chris, we’re both feeling a little wound up to say the least. Or at least I’m feeling the heat, more than anything. And the worst part is it’s the middle of August! Everyone’s heading out, as I make my way out, as I see Chris over to the side, waiting for me at the door.
It's almost already been established something is going down tonight, I just don’t know what. But I have a feeling I won’t be able to walk tomorrow, I’ll just have to do a sitting-down video for sure. Can’t let the fans see me limping…or maybe…no! Absolutely not! But the temptation is so strong, I can hardly resist it. All I know is that little devil on my shoulder looks a lot like Chris.
I’ve barely known him for a few hours, and I already want to jump his bones? I’m all about taking risks today, might as well keep the streak strong, right? But this isn’t just a follow or a text, this is real. But people take risks all the time? After all, as they say, don’t take the flight if it isn’t worth the fall.
“Hey.” He says, breathing smoothly into my ear as he walks me to my car, since it’s dusk dark outside.
“Hey.” I reply back, turning to face him, as his eyes are going haywire, up and down, behind me, to my face, to my tits. 3 key words; what. the. fuck.
“So, were the fans, right?” He asks as we stand against my car, watching everyone wave us goodbye as Matt stands dangling the keys to their van on his finger. From what I’m gathered Nick and Chris don’t know how to drive, and they certainly all came together.
“Yeah, they were, I think, we should try something. Don’t you agree?” I tease “After all, giving the audience what they want can’t be so wrong, right?” I smile slyly as I look him up and down, as he nods curtly. The unspoken conversation between us clear as day.
“I’m heading home with Sierra Matt, I’ll see you later.” Chris says to Matt as he gives him an odd look, overly uninterested because he’s sure he’ll be hearing it all later.
“Okay…” Matt says as he walks away and hops in the van, as he watches it drive away.
No going back now.
We make it there, and I give Chris a home-tour while I’m still at my wits. It takes the edge off of things and gives us some time to figure out whether this is about to happen or not. I head up to my bedroom, the place where I mainly film videos, the bed sheets are a plum purple and there’s a dream board above the bed. But, I’m sure he’s already seen it on his phone if he’s heard of me.
“Woah, behind the scenes.” He nods “Sierra’s studio…” he muses out loud, as I pat the bed, and he gives me a peculiar look.
“If you say so.” He says a tiny glint of excitement in his eyes.
The night turns into midnight, and our minds begin weary, and we begin to blur the line between proving the fans wrong and falling harder, for sure. In fact, I’m confused why we hadn’t met earlier, even.
We lay on my bed, our feet dangling off the bed, talking and talking for hours to get to know each other, even after the party. Everything still feels so much, I still feel the buzz of music in my ears, the pounce of the pavement against my heels.
“They were right.” He sighs, running a hand through his brown short hair, his earrings glittering as he moves his head in the slightest.
“Why do they always have to be right!” I groan, but there’s no real bite in my voice, just like the video, just like tonight.
I keep making choices I know will not lead to the rumors to an early grave, in fact it’s really leading them to a euphoric beginning of an everlasting life. Each comment, edit and rumor pumping life into the veins of something between us.
Usually, fans drive people apart, but tonight? I couldn’t feel closer.
“You like that they were right.” He smirks as he turns to me, looking me up and down.
“I do, I really do.” I nod, inching closer, as his hands clasp my waist all of a sudden, and the world’s feeling smaller than usual. The bed, that usually cascades for what feels like miles feels small and cramped with him in it.
“And I was right, wasn’t I?” He smirks, his lips creeping closer to my ear, pressing a kiss there.
“Is this really about being right?” I ask, gasping at the feeling.
“You started this.” He reminds me, maintaining that power over me, and I feel the sparks of chemistry in my veins like tiny fireworks.
“Did not.” I pout like a child, but there’s no use, I’m already wrong.
His head turns to me, stopping to make sure this is really what I want, seeing if I’ll defy him, defy what the fans had said about us. About what would happen.
“Oh, Sierra, you so did.” He nods, teasing further and further, reaching for the hem of my dress, testing the waters gently while remaining on the absolute edge of defying the fates that’s been set before us.
“Now what happens next, is up to you and me, not the fans.” He hums
“Of course I know that.” I scoff, pulling him closer gently and running my hands through his hair as he closes his eyes in bliss, and I take the chance of his eyes being closed as a sign of risks being taken.
I kiss him, he kisses back ever so gently, his lips coasting against mine like a California shoreline. Fizzing and bubbling with chemistry.
“Fuck,” he hisses, pulling me closer by my thigh, effectively parting my thighs as he slips between them. We kiss for a bit longer before he takes control, getting on top of me quickly, it’s like a flip switched between us.
“Gonna fuck you now, okay with that?” He smirks between kisses
“Yeah.” I breathe heavily as he nods against my lips, taking a moment to breathe as his lips drift down my neck as his hand finds my clothed core, rubbing over it like a mad man.
I yelp and attempt to close my legs, but he keeps them open.
“Ah-ah.” He tuts as he pulls away, I instantly sit up before I watch him take off his shirt, his toned body casting shadows against the dim-lit room. The crevices of his collarbones being explored by the shadows entices me.
In this time, he ever so gently gets my dress off, the Jean dress coasting on a smooth zipper, his hands down my back, grabbing and feeling until it’s off, and I’m in my bra and underwear. He whistles at the sight.
“Beautiful.” He smiles softly, continuing to rub my core as he returns to my parted legs. He dives in for a deep kiss, tongue and all. His hands are all over, mine are all over him too, all in his hair as I grind against his fingers.
“If you want me to do anything, gotta get these off hm?” He teases as I lift my hips as they come flying off within a split second.
“Good, very good, oh Sierra.” He muses, his voice breaking with emotion “the fans were right, I am going to destroy that cunt” he says, before I can even blink his lips are all over my clit as I gasp and my legs shake.
“Chris-“ I cry out, grabbing at the sheets as he works his fingers between my folds, stuffing them in my mouth before pushing them in my pussy.
“Mhm, yeah, what were you saying in that video?” He says between kissing and licking my pussy. “Guys I don’t like chris sturniolo!” He mocks as I’m eating it up like a flame does oxygen, his fingers working on my clit now as he’s circling around my hole, stars in my eyes.
“I didn’t say it like that.” I whine as his other hand goes up and shoves his fingers in my mouth.
“I don’t even know him! We could never happen!” he mocks again, a teasing glint in his voice “Oh Sierra, look at you eat those words.” He says, his voice muffled by my pussy as he eats it like he’s never ate in his entire life. His tongue flat licking over my pussy like a starved man, sucking from my clit like he’s desperate for air. And when I start getting close, he keeps up the teasing as I grasp at his hair.
“That’s it sweetheart, mhm, come for me.” He slurs, not pulling away until I’m over the edge.
“God you’re so! Gah!” I cry as I come apart on his tounge “Chris! Fuck!” I shout as I collapse against the bed, the orgasm wracking through me like a freight train. Chris keeps on rubbing on my clit like a mad man.
“Satisfied?” he asks, smug as ever. “You came all over my face, you’re gonna pay for that.” He remarks with that glint in his eye.
It’s clear to me that we’ve only just begun.
Within minutes I’m balls-deep inside Sierra Dawson. Which is something I never thought would be happening. Regardless, we’re both moaning like crazy people, fans be forgotten, bed shaking, earth quaking.
“H-holy shit.” I say, bottoming out again and again as I hit that special spot.
“Don’t say it.” She grits, still holding onto that bit of bratty attitude and resistance despite coming multiple times underneath me.
“Oh?” I tease as I suddenly stop “Say what?” I ask curiously, hands above my head in a uncaring manner, smug. “Could do this all day sweetheart.” I smirk
“Alright fine,” she remarks, and within a second I’m already back to it, and her back is arched off the bed. Kissing the hollows in her clammy skin that’s somehow frosty and flaming hot all at once. Must be that hot-n-cold attitude.
“Yeah…” I coo in her ear, biting it gently, slowing down just a bit. “Because I’m not inside of you right now, mhm?” I tease, tilting my head to meet her lips gently, kissing her slowly.
“Put some respect on my name next time you make one of those little videos huh?” I say in a snarky tone as I look in her little Bambi eyes, fluttering and filled with those fucked-out tears.
“God.” She says, throwing her head back, hiding her gaze from me as I snap her head right back, grabbing her pretty little face.
“Look at me sweet thing.” I say gently. We’re both close and we know it too, and within seconds I’m bursting inside of her and she’s coming perfectly on my cock, eyes wide and looking at me.
After everything, and I mean everything I never expected that to happen. Or maybe I did, maybe it’s all in my head...
The next morning after Chris and I shower, roll around in bed talking each other’s ears off, we decide to film a Tiktok, maybe just because of the controversy, or we just wanna be little bitches to our fans.
We lip-sing to bed-chem once again, but this time a different line different time.
“Come right on me! I mean camaraderie!” I lip synch while looking in his eyes as he sings the back vocals “bet we’d have really good bed chem.” 
And later on, after it’s posted, it’s clear the rumors is thriving and creating new theories on things we never even thought possible, or even true. Pregnancy, rebounds, covering for what happened last night at the party, since we were seen together and even more ridiculous fantasies.
But we see a special comment that catches our eye “they’re so cute together!”
We each like that one on our insta after we post some pictures together from my bed. Which can only mean one thing, to the fans at least, a collab. They may never know what we’re up too, and it’s a mystery for me too, even. I never expected things to take such a turn. But alas, Chris’ shirtless body in my bed sort of makes all the rumors worth it, even if they’re only just rumors.
Or are they?
a/n: yall I totally got carried away with this PLOT lord, but I had really alot of fun writing it, let me know if yall want a part 2? I feel like it's sort of open ended so I could do another sabrina carpenter short n sweet song one-shot for Sierra and Chris or make it a series? Whatever yall want to be honest! I like both ideas, I think I'd do Juno next if I did, but a part 2 to this storyline sounds kinda cool!
also yall sorry the smut was so bad😭 I never write smut like literally ever so that part of it was kind of short and I know that's the main part but I've literally never written chris before so I was freaking on writing him kinda accurately so..yeah
all the love, stylezxsilvermoon! (I'll add this to my masterlist later on and make a series masterlist if you guys end up wanting it!) I'll make a tag list for anyone that wants notifs for the next part if I make one? Umm I'm new to this LMFAO, comments, reblogs and likes are totally appreciated!
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taffycandyqt · 8 months
hey so how do you think the 2003 tmnt would deal with having a s/o who they’ve not seen all month. They’ve only been texting. The turtles ask about it. And s/o messages that s/o has been injured all month and the turtles can come over if they want too. S/o forgot to mention they were injured. When they get to s/o place, s/o is moving around but they’re slow and struggling to do stuff, in a lot of pain, but is able to do it, but s/o is sick of laying down cuz that’s what they have been doing all month. They’re stubborn about not staying in bed, but they are not going to over exert themselves either. They are half way through healing clearly?
I haven't gotten many requests for the turtles and I love this prompt so much. All the boys are such worry warts it's honestly kinda funny. In my personal opinion there aren't enough 03' fics in the world so thank you!
Your Broken?!
TMNT 2003 turtles x gn reader
You got injured and haven't been able to see your boyfriend for a while. You tell them that they can come over for a visit but forget to mention a very tiny oh so important detail about your... injury.
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Oh he is so concerned, like WHAT DID YOU DO!?
Will not let you do literally anything.
You want water? No. Stay put I'll get it for you
Want a book from your shelf across the room. LAY THE FRICK BACK DOWN!
Now which one do you want?
If you tell him that your tired of doing nothing and you want to be able to at least walk around, he will still be very hesitant.
Of course he wants you to be happy but your still healing and he just doesn't want you to get hurt again.
Your making him nervous.
You'll compromise on him basically spotting you while walking around or do anything.
Bro is literally watching you like your life depends on it because in his eyes, it kinda does.
When you said Leo could come over to see you he wasn't expecting you to have a cast around your torso with a walker in your hands. For context, you had been hanging out with your friends when you made a small 'oopsie'. Now your back feels like someone hammered a nail into each one of your vertebrae. Then to add insult to injury, the walker makes you look like an old lady.
Regardless, you've been alone for a while now and figured your boyfriend would be some good company. He entered through your bedroom window right as you were coming back from the kitchen with a snack.
"Oh, hey!"
Leo walked to you quickly as he spoke, "What happened to you?"
You were quick to respond as he looked like he wanted to continue his questioning.
"I was just reckless with some friends a little while back, nothing to worry about." You smiled up at him hoping to distract Leo from your injury.
"If your hurt that bad you shouldn't be standing up come on."
He led you back to your bed and layed you down while he placed your snack on your nightstand.
"Leo please, the doctor said I'm fine to walk as long as I'm careful and use the walker."
"Just because you can walk doesn't mean it's good for you to be walking around."
"Oh, so your a doctor now?" You snarked jokingly.
"Y/n." Leo looked at you as to say, don't push it you know I'm right. You thought it was sweet how much he cared but you've been 'resting' for weeks. Your allowed to walk to the kitchen. And you told him so.
"PUH-leeeease, I'm so tired of laying in my bed and doing nothing. I want to walk around at least a little bit."
Leo sighed, "I-I don't know y/n, your hurt-"
"Leo, how bout' you walk with me to make sure nothing goes wrong? I get to do something and you get to mother me. Everybody's happy!"
"I'm not mothering you." Leo retorted while folding his arms like a pouty toddler.
"Of course not." You smiled back at him. He looked back at you and sighed, he then went and held your hand for a little bit. Maybe you you could walk around, just a little bit, with his help.
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When he sees you in pain his heart breaks, how could he let this happen to you?!
Spends the rest of the day hovering you.
On the inside is is just as panicked and convinced you could die as Leo.
On the outside however he's sitting and talking with you like normal.
If you want to get up and walk around he'll act like he's okay with it but you can tell by the look on his face that bro is cringing on the inside watching you move.
You so much as stutter on a step and he is right next to you, balancing you, and checking you like your broken all over.
He knows you can handle yourself its just, do you gotta walk around a do stuff when your still healing?
What if you do something and make it worse?!
Highkey dying on the inside.
However, because he feels the need to hide his real feelings about the situation, he inadvertently starts a fight with you instead.
Please just let him mother hen you, he's legit so scared for you.
He'll do whatever you want just please stay in bed.
"So... how'd this happen again?"
You were cleaning up your room a bit when Raph payed you a visit. You had been living in your bed for a good month at this point and your bedroom was starting to feel more like a cave. Raph sat on your desk chair as he watched you like a hawk and tapped his foot on the floor.
"Fell down the stairs and fractured my hip. Just a hairline fracture though, nothing too serious" as you said that you ended up bending your body the wrong way and irritated your wound resulting in you grunting at the pain.
Raph hopped off the chair in seconds flat and quickly made his way over to you.
"Hey, don't over do it, jeez. Don't wanna make it worse than it already is."
"Thanks, just bent the wrong way is all. I'll be fine."
"Right." His response sounded strained and his lips formed a thin line as he pretended to be calm about this.
"Maybe you should lay down for a bit. Ya know, just to rest your hip and all."
"No that's okay, I my doctor said as long as I'm careful it should be fine for me to be up for a bit." With that you continued to walk around your room and tidy up.
"Well you did just tweak your hip just then didn't you? You don't seem to be being very careful to me." He folded his arms.
"Well lucky for you, you're not me and I know I'm being careful."
"Right, cuz being careful gets you falling down the stairs."
"Are we gonna have a problem Raph? Cuz you can go if you don't wanna be here."
"Wh- well maybe I will then!"
"There's your exit!" You gestured to the window were your boyfriend entered. Just then you tweaked your hip real bad and almost fell if it weren't for Raph's fast reflexes. He led you to your bed to sit you down as the pain subsided.
"This is stupid." He sighed, "listen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean- I j-just wanted to. Uuuug."
He put his face in his hands as he tried to piece together what it was that he wanted to say.
"Hey," you gently grabbed his wrist and moved his hands from his face, "I'm sorry too. I should have heard you out better."
"N-No! I shouldn't have gotten snappy with ya, I just want you to be careful. I don't know what I would do with myself if you got worse."
This made you smile. Though it may not always be obvious, Raph really did care about you and wanted the best for you.
"You know what? I have been up and about for a while now. I'm probably due for a break anyways. What do you think about ice cream?"
"I'll grab it for ya."
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Dude is legit gonna look over your injuries himself.
He's gonna act like a professional doctor didn't already look this over and patch you up the best they could.
You got a cast? SUCKS cuz he's got all the materials to take it off and get you a new one so he is looking at that injury to make EXTRA sure your okay.
For your sake you better pray it doesn't look that bad cuz bro will put you on a healing regimen.
If you're already doing physical therapy he won't want you to over do it. He also wont try to get you to do it if it's not that type of injury.
But if you need physical therapy and for some reason you can't get it? He will have you doing it religiously.
He will bring you foods that will help with the healing process and do whatever he can to make you happy.
Afterall, studies have shown that the chemical reaction of happiness helps support the healing process both external and internal.
No other reason.
On the other side of it though he just really wants to spoil you.
He loves spending time with you, and if he can make you happy while your bored and in pain he gladly will.
Donny had told you that he was going to leave and be right back. You said "okay" and didn't think much of it. That is till he came back with a whole freaking duffle bag full of medical tools and supplies.
"whatcha got there Don?" You sweat dropped. You had just gotten back from the bathroom to find Donny setting up a five year olds worst nightmare of medical tools in your bedside table.
"Oh, I got you a smoothie!" He smiled at you, "Here come sit down."
You made your way to you bed and placed your crutches to lean against the wall as Donny helped you lay in bed and handed you your smoothie.
"Thank you D but I was actually referring to the evil scientist starter pack you've graciously organized right next to me."
Donny laughed at that, "You're funny y/n. I'm just gonna to take a look at you leg and see if your okay."
"Don I've already been to the doctor. It's broken but it was a clean break and if I'm careful it should heal up quickly."
"That's good, but I'll believe it when I see it." With that he held a mini buzz saw in his hand and faced you, "Do you mind?"
"This is all standard procedure y/n, I promise you won't get hurt. As for the cast, I have that covered too so there really isn't anything to worry about."
"How about I just show you my X-rays? You can see exactly what happened without having to go through all the trouble of taking off my cast yeah?" You spoke quickly, hoping to convince him of the alternative. You didn't think he would actually hurt you but having him stand over you with a saw was a bit intimidating. On top of that you'd prefer to keep your cast on.
"Hm... okay. Where are they?" He set the mini buzz saw down with the rest of the supplies and looked around to where they might be.
"Here I can get them for you." You began to reach for your crutches again. Donny, however, stopped you.
"That's okay, just tell me where they are and I can take it from there."
After he looked over the X-rays and concluded that you were actually fine he began to make you some food. It was supposed to "accelerate the healing process" but it was good food so you didn't care. Donny then spent the rest of the night talking and taking care of you. He got you any snacks you wanted and watched any show you wanted to turn on. Even ones you couldn't previously convince him to watch.
Whenever you moved to get up Donny was quick to try and coerce you back to bed with cuddles and kisses. The only times he couldn't was when you had to go to the bathroom. He couldn't really stop you then, so he would walk you there and back.
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Mikey will panic, it's unavoidable.
However, unlike his brothers, his panic isn't helpful in the slightest.
Remember his iconic girly scream? Yeah. That happens
Instead of trying to get you to take care of yourself better or helping you himself bro will just scream you ear off.
"What happened?! Why are you standing?! Are you okay?!... Ect"
You legit have to pretend to fall over so bro will catch you and stop talking long enough for your to tell him your fine.
It takes a little bit to convince him that you are okay, and that you just healing.
When he does believe you he'll get a bunch of his favorite movies and just binge with you all day.
If you don't like horror you better tell him fast because Mikey is a horror fanatic and more than have the flicks in his collection are horror.
If you don't tell him you're in for a nightmare.
If you do like them however, y'all are gonna have a TIME.
You guys have so much fun ngl
Honestly he's the most chill out of all of them.
Just wants you to vibe while you heal.
And with that you were going down. Could you stand just fine? Yes. Was the only way to get Mikey to shut up long enough for you to explain by taking a nose dive to your bedroom floor? Also yes.
Lucky for you he was quick enough to catch you but not without a another short scream as he moved to do so.
Right as he was about to start speaking again you covered his mouth with your hand.
"I'm fine Mikey. I twisted my ankle but I would be right as rain in a couple more weeks."
"You just fell."
"You were just screaming."
"So you fell over?!"
"It's the only method I know that works." You shrugged.
He gave you a face that could only be described as 'wtf' but ultimately helped you over to you bed to sit down. And by 'helped' I mean, picked you up bridal style and dropped you like a ragdoll.
You looked at him confused and a little displeased with how he basically manhandled you. Mikey however was inspecting you ankle as carefully as he could manage.
"Are you sure your okay. You've got a cast and everything. How do I know your not downplaying your injury like you always do?"
He got you there. You don't like causing people stress so when you get hurt you tend to play it off like it's not as bad as it is, to your own detriment usually. Since dating Mikey however, he has been trying to get you out of that mindset. Honestly, it's been working. Especially since he has a tendency to worry more after finding out the truth than he would have if you had told it to him from the start. And Mikey always finds out.
"Mikey, I promise, it's not bad. I've been on bed rest for like a month. I may not be completely healed but I'm getting there."
He got close to you and stared you down with a scrunched up face trying to see if you were lying. When he decided he'd seen enough he stood up.
"I believe you, but even though your doing fine you should still stay off that ankle."
"Okay, but I do actually need to grab my laptop. I have some things to work on. I'll stay off of it for a while after that."
You moved to get up and grab your crutches only to be pushed back on the mattress.
"No no no," he wiggled his finger at you, "you can work on your own time. Now though, your being treated to the Mikey super awesome boyfriend entertainment special!"
"The Mikey super awesome boyfriend entertainment special?"
"Yup! Stay right there, don't move. I'll be back faster then you can say Silver Sentry!"
When he came back his hands were full of microwave popcorn, a large assortment of candy, and his whole movie collection.
He put the candy on your bed next to you and placed the box of movies in your lap.
"You pick our first flick, I'll go pop us some of this popcorn!"
"I'm sorry, our first?"
"Well yeah, you may be hurt but it's still not fair for you to choose all the movies during a marathon."
And with that Mikey left the room to head to the kitchen. You chuckled, what were you gonna do with that boy.
_______________________________________________Before you kill me, it's actually cannon that Donny's nickname in 2003 is spelled with a 'y'. I will not be spelling it that way with any of the others unless it is canonized. That being said, you can put your spears down.
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p0rkbun · 1 year
❝LOVEGAME❞ — Amber Freeman
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⤿Pairing: Amber Freeman x Reader
⤿Summary: You and Amber have fun at her house while you ask for her opinion on the photos you took. One thing leads to another, you end up taking a shot of whiskey and your body starts to feel warm but you can't tell if it's the drink or her.
⤿Content Warning(s): underage drinking, fluff, cringe writing probably, reader likes photography, amber is jealous of a camera, soft! amber?, unestablished-relationship, sexual tension? other than that it's fluff :)
⤿A/N: Is this based on lovegame by lady gaga? Maybe, the title was originally "not yet" but changed because I was listening to lovegame and realize how fitting the song was....//////// also i do not condone to underage drinking, this is for tension purposes.
navigation✧ word count: 2.1k
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"What do you think of this?" You hand Amber another picture. Amber invited you to stay at her place for a bit, to have fun, she said. After a long discussion of stab movies, you two decided to watch Evil Dead whilst you ask her thoughts about your pictures you took at school.
Ever since your parents gifted you a fujifilm X100v camera on your latest birthday, you couldn't stop using it. You practically brought it everywhere and had to take a picture when there's any slight bit of a good scenery. You felt relieved and happy that you can finally photograph with proper quality because that old one you had from middle school sucked.
Amber had seen you with that godforsaken camera atleast twenty-times a week, she frequently sees you taking a photo of the sky multiple times when she was trying to find you on school grounds. Even when she found it cute, she gets a little annoyed when your attention is focused on the camera a little more than her these few days. So she decided to invite your over and have her fun with you, she didn't realize that you would actually bring the camera too.
You and Amber have a very close friendship, she was pretty much your polar-opposite but you both found it appealing. She was a little...hostile sometimes but that didn't stop you from growing some kind of feelings for her. That implies the same with Amber.
Now you're sitting on her couch, scrolling through pictures as the movie plays in the background along with Amber glancing at you often to see if you're even paying attention. You were, not really, you seem to love checking in your precious camera and barely giving any mind towards the movie or her. She would laugh at the thought of her being jealous of a stupid device, which she was.
She respects your love for photographing but now she's kinda irritated at you spending the last few days taking pictures instead of hanging out with her.
"(Y/N), that's the same picture as the last one," Amber replies, squinting at the apparently interesting looking tree to your eyes "how many times are you gonna show me the same tree in a different angle?" She utters.
"Hey! Don't be a mean, it's necessary..." You turn away from her and set the camera on your lap while switching to another photo. You gingerly sit back and lift the device for a better view.
"You know what? I won't annoy you with my camera anymore, okay? I'll just have to delete some pics and I promise i'll watch the movie with you" You hear Amber scoff at your words while she slumps in her seat. She sits with her head against the couch back, staring into the ceiling, seething with annoyance and debating whether to toss your camera out the window or not. Of course, she couldn't do it because you're most likely to kill her if she did.
She tilts her head and sees you still absorbed in your camera. She continues to stare at you until you notice the intimate look on her face. You raise your eyebrow and glance back to the small screen on your hands as you edit out your pictures.
You still feel her eyes deeply staring at your figure, you glance at her and she was still looking at you but this time with a smirk.
"What're you smiling at?" You ask. She was momentarily quiet until she answered your very so obvious question.
"Why are you smiling at me?" She laughs at the question you had thrown at her, she leans in with her head resting on her hand this time and smile sweetly.
"C'mon, i'm just waiting for you to finish. Besides, you look cute like that, when you're focused I mean" Her voice was low and sweet but you can hear some kind of sensual to it. You brushed it off and ignore her compliment, thinking she was joking.
She notices you ignoring her and decides to get up and go the kitchen, once again you payed no mind and not even a minute later, Amber comes back.
Even if you always ignore that kind of behaivour from her, there's a thought in the back of your mind that tells you she was being genuine. You always notice her longing stares, sweetly-sickening smiles and unexpected softness towards you. You didn't respond to her flirty attitude, though you had to admit, you secretly observe her from a far multiple times as well.
You two were just close friends you thought, it means nothing. You always decline the possibilites because you would not believe that. You had a small dare for yourself, to test, you look at amber's sitting figure and of course along with her gazing at you.
"Okay, what about this one?" You pick the camera and showed Amber your selfie. It was a simple selfie, you took it because why not? Well that simple selfie got Amber staring at it intensely, she observes every feature of you in the photo. She smirks and gives a low whistle.
"That's a good picture right there" she smirks, in her case, she didn't mean the quality or scenery, she was referring to you.
"Really? You seem to like staring at this picture of me very much" You joke.
"Because I do," Amber smiles and starts to play with her hair as if to tease you "You're attractive."
You squint at her and smile a bit while leaning back in your seat, the camera on your lap is now long forgotten, you finally had your attention on Amber completely. You cautiously lick your lips and maintain a stoic face.
"You're enjoying this huh?" Amber shifts at her seat and sits back in a similar position as yours "I won't lie, I am" she says with a wink, she continues to play with her hair. Her smile turns into a smirk and her look becomes seductive.
You stare at her gaze, stoically until you notice a bottle of whiskey on the coffee table along with two glasses. You eyed it and asked yourself why you hadn't notice that before.
"Is that...whiskey?" Amber smiles and grabs the bottle "Yeah, you want me to pour you a shot?" She pours herself a shot and you gingerly gaze at it.
"Amber, we're underage" you shot her a look, indicating that you two can't do this. Amber merely laughs and leans back with a glass in her hand.
"Since when do we follow the rules?" She pours into your presumed glass "We're young and having fun." She says with a smirk. You were about to sass her but your words got stuck in your throat when Amber gives you that same sensual gaze.
You eyed the glass and let out a breath of defeat "Fine, just a sip" you accept the glass, you didn't know why you did that, why did you condone to this?
You take the glass while keeping a close-eye on Amber trying to see her reaction. You cautiouslly take a small sip and let out a disgusted face "Ugh.." you hear Amber giggle.
"Yeah, it sucks. Here's a tip, chase it with a soft drink or something," She swirls her glass, making sure the whiskey stays as mixed as possible "I have some coke with me for that purpose."
You scoff, you feel like you just commited a crime or something. You take a coke and drank it, you feel a bit better but the taste of whiskey is still there. Staring back at Amber you start questioning why the hell you drank whiskey, did she have some kind of trance on you? She certainly was charming you with her eyes and it had a good affect on you.
"You know, there are other things to stare at" you remark but your voice sounded a bit flushed, your stoic composure was starting to break.
"I know but I like looking at you" She says with a soft smile "I wanted to hang out with you, you know?" She takes her shot before chasing it with coke.
"Well you are, and my attention is fully on you" you scoff while folding your arms "all because of your annoyingly charming stare."
Amber smiles "so, my staring is really affecting you" her voice laces with pride. You remain silent as she pours herself another shot and takes it but not without gazing you with a provocative expression.
Not knowing what to do, you finish your shot and chasing it down with coke. You frown and wipe your mouth, finishing that shot was purely out of nervousness and now you start to have a warm sensation in your body.
Amber chuckles at your expression, another one of her intimate smile takes over her face before it turns into the softest one she has given yet. She moves her hand to the side, as if to motion for you to move closer.
You did by what she silently requested, shuffling closer to amber's side "I had enough now" you sigh.
Amber leans in closer after she puts her arm around the back couch behind your head. She smiles at you before giving you a small kiss on the cheek. She then looks directly into your eyes that were widen and a blush appearing on your cheeks, she smirks.
"What? Did you like that?" You were completely flushed and caught off guard. You didn't expect her to do that, your warm sensation inside starts to bloom. Your attempt to compose yourself is failing and you start to fidget with your hands.
"I....don't know what game you're playing here.." you said meekly, Amber raises her eyebrows and gives you a grin.
"Game? Is that what you think?" She laughs "Well, maybe you're right. Look at you, you're red and getting all shy" She whispers in a low tone "Is it the whiskey or....is it me?" Her voice sends you a shiver down your spine, never, you had ever felt like this before. You feel as if Amber had cornered you into a wall and all you couldn't do anything. She has really taken a toll on you.
"I wanna kiss you again, do you want me to?" She whispers in a soft tone, leaning in with her face close to yours. You breathe a bit heavily before inhaling and exhaling, the warmth is really taking over you and you were sure it was caused by both the whiskey and Amber.
With half-lidded eyes, you faintly whisper.
Amber closes the distance and placing her soft lips on yours. It was slow and tempting, you grab onto her shoulders as she pushes you back a bit. You broke apart and she stares at you with loving-eyes.
"How was that?" She asked. You hum and look away shyly. She grins at your shy form "Was that...your first kiss?" Amber seems to be trying to tease you.
You glance at her shyly before nodding, she cackles and pulls you closer, wrapping her arm around you "y'know, you're even cuter when you're act all shy," she purrs as she pours herself another shot "do you like this? Did you like it when i kissed you?" She takes the shot before eyeing you in a manner you're too flushed too describe.
"...I..." you mumbled and then procced to look down.
"I know that you want me baby" Amber breathes into your ear, she then kisses the side of your neck, it made you squeak and blush even more. She whispers, her voice taunting "you like that?" She gives the familiar look she has been giving you since meeting her, pure seduction in her eyes.
"Y-You!" you stutter while flustered and bit your lip.
"I'll take that as a yes," she chuckles and bites her lips as well "god..baby you're so fucking cute" she whispers as she pull you even closer, slipping you onto her lap. You feel the warmth inside of you thriving strongly.
"Do you know what the best part of this is?" You shake your head, a little lost. She travels her hands towards your hips and rest on it.
"Despite the fact that you have never done anything like this before and yet you take every bit of touch i give you makes everything even better," she bites her bottom lip and whispers "It makes you ten-times more fucking hot." she says lowly with a dark expression before she brings you into a passionate kiss, you let out a muffled whimper against her lips as you slowly start to give into her.
As your hands wander onto her hair, grasping it, the warm feeling inside finally takes over you and making you yearn for her even more than before. This game of flirting and love you two had played meets Amber's satisfaction. Even when you lost, you feel very much pleased when she has you vulnerable in her eyes.
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A/N: some of this was based on a convo from me and amber in character.ai she did something that made me run laps around the house but that isn't included here. I sincerely apologize if there was any misspellings or improper grammar, I don't write often lol plus english isn't my native language 🙏 also sorry if amber is ooc. I hope you enjoyed this ♡♡♡♡ please reblog, like and comment it would be much appreaciated ♡♡♡😊
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catscidr · 3 months
i. note — he’s my guilty pleasure im sry i js CRAVE this mf twenny four/seven ദ്ദി ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ ) </3 ii. includes — dottore, afab! reader but no gendered pronouns are used iii. cw — im rambling again heyyy what's new. office setting/modern au, dottore is kinda creepy, implied stalking, obsessive behaviour, their feelings are mutual but dottore comes off too strong and reader is a bit dense, mention of periods, drinking/alcohol, implied drugging (but nothing happens). this sounds bad but its tame he's just a weirdo with a crush and is weird about said crush Trust Me
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thinking about office senior! dottore using his status in the company to butt in and work on projects that you’ve been assigned. him slowly but surely worming his way into your life ever since he got a taste of you, unable to let you just be a fling, a one-time thing. he just has to ruin you in every way
he would definitely be sooo aware of your steadily blooming crush on him and would use it against you to then tease you to hell and back. this man knows how to toy with people! he’ll most definitely toy with you!!!
lingering touches bordering on unprofessional but still friendly if you squint, going out of his way to ask your opinion on things during a crowded meeting n putting you on the spot, stepping into the elevator at the same time as you to trap you n initiate small talk……
of course said “small talk” is always… a little weird… when it’s with zandik. he doesn’t talk about the weather, stocks, or whatever mundane task you were working on right before you went on lunch break.
no, he’ll talk about things he shouldn’t know about you, things he’d only know if you told him about them, or things that are just a little too… personal? but maybe you’re being a little uptight. maybe you just… don’t remember telling him some things about yourself. it’s not like he’s talking about anything super outrageous or controversial anyways, it’s fine.
“eating instant noodles every day for dinner isn’t good for you, it’s most likely the reason why you get such bad cramps during your cycle. i would recommend adding some leafy greens to your servings at the very least, or some tofu to help with your iron intake.”
what a weirdo…. but hey, he’s kinda right, maybe you should eat more balanced meals so you don’t keel over anytime soon.
office senior! dottore also often does creepy things but in a nice way? if that makes sense?
for example, when the team is brought out for drinks to celebrate another successful project, he’ll make sure to be the only one sitting next to you. you’ll be squished against the wall and his shoulder, beer in hand, your cheeks burning from the alcohol and the proximity between you two
he’ll keep an eye on you and your alcohol tolerance, but not in the way you think he will. he’ll encourage you to drink more, “you seem tense. here, here’s a refill” he’d say in that smooth voice of his. “oh? you’re stumbling on your words, are your nerves still acting up? have my drink.”
and once you get to the point where you’re leaning over the table, head resting on your arms, only then will he start to actually take care of you.
he’ll place one hand on your back, rubbing soothing circles to help ground you from your dizziness. scold you for drinking so much, all while everyone else at the table glances at you with concern (or as much concern as other drunk and tipsy coworkers can muster)
“you shouldn’t have drank so much if you knew your alcohol tolerance was this poor.”
and the shadow of a smile on his face will turn into something more sinister when you frantically get up to rush to the bathroom. you immediately stumble to the floor, dizzy and disoriented. too dizzy and disoriented.
he’ll catch you before you fall as coworkers express their concern for you, only then noticing how bad your state had gotten now that face-planting directly onto the tatami floor of the bar was a feasible outcome
a chorus of surprised “woah!”’s and “are you okay?” ring out, conversations growing quieter as everyone stares at the stoic, scary superior holding up the rookie that got completely plastered at a work event. some are silently judging, but most are ogling zandik
your cubicle neighbor and work buddy gets up from her seat, stumbling on her way to help you stand up. though she had indulged you in gossip about him before, something about him holding your suspiciously drunk body up made alarm bells ring in her head.
“i’ll take them home,” he declares, voice colder than ice. no one really notices the hostility in his tone, too tipsy themselves to notice zandik’s obvious favouritism towards you. “enjoy the rest of your night.”
...and he diligently brings you to your flat, catching you before you stumble on your feet and trip over nothing. the trip was a struggle for the both of you, though more so for you than for him considering he had anticipated this outcome. maybe next time he should reconsider before giving you so much to drink.
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banshatheblademaster · 4 months
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g-ghost swap...? (i don't need to explain to you guys who morro's gonna swap with)
Bansha: - Master of fire. hotheaded, eager to fight, prideful and kinda ruthless, much like her canon counterpart. - does care deeply about her fellow ninja though. feels a bit of a need to appoint herself as the leader and prove she is worth becoming the green ninja. takes missions incredibly seriously, would do anything to succeed - born and raised in a smithery like kai, but starts out with more battle training being the sole overseer of her home by the time shes found and brought to the monastery. likely abandoned by her parents. has the golden blades bc blade master and all. something something 1000° knives - NO idea who nya would be i nthis swap maybe you gyus cna figure something out. - has a soft spot for ghoultar, likes causing mischief with wrayth occasionally and harbours respect (and a bit of jealousy) for soul archer
Ghoultar: - Master of earth. kind-hearted, a bit naive but incredibly loyal. mess with his friends and youre done for. - youngest of the crew. definitely has puppy privileges, but wants to be treated equal to the rest and thus trains harder than he needs to - his family owns a restaurant. his strength came in pretty handy when helping around the place, theyre unsure if his father or mother passed down their powers onto him since he lives mostly with his aunt and uncle. - the sunshine of the monastery. can even make bansha and ghoultar smile once in a while - golden scythe all the way but he is a bit clumsy with it
Wrayth: - Master of lightning. reckless thrill-seeker, kind of an asshole even to his friends. expressing onesself in a healthy and direct manner? dont know her - street kid, probably busted out of the orphanage and got kicked out eventually. wouldnt be surprised if he knew ronin. growing up like this gave him edge and a lot of skills but made it hard for him to trust others. - loves getting into trouble, and specifically getting his fellow ninja into trouble too. its fun for him to pester them, but god forbid they get annoyed, he cant deal with being alone for too long. - golden chains through which he channels lightning. almost as clumsy as ghoultar at first, he only knows how to throw hands. - bandaged face because of a lightning-induced injury on the back of his head
Soul Archer: - Master of Ice. reserved and cold much like his element, only intervenes verbally when he thinks its of upmost importance or when he is asked his opinion on a matter. speaks in a highly proper manner that could even rival their master. - born and raised in a family of high standing, roots able to be traced back to way back before the serpentine war. his mannerisms are a direct result of this environment and only being allowed to speak when necessary - already an archery master when he receives the golden bow. much like zane, he at first prefers to train solo rather than with his team (though its how everyone sans ghoultar handles the first few days aswell) - oldest of the bunch. seems very uninvolved with the others and whats on their mind, but once a connection is formed, he is able to open up a little about his life and his family.
(Bonus) Morro: - a little shit! secretly the green ninja though unbeknownst to anyone. - wu may be swapped with like a creepy gijinka of preeminent, but regardless, morro joins the team much like lloyd did. - him and bansha are pretty much exactly like kai and lloyd but. worse. she cannot stand his guts, as it seems (we know she does care bc hey, abandoned by those who were meant to care? sounds familiar enough) and he plays pranks on her a lot. makes the volcano scene all the more impactful, and they have a sister-brother bond later on - the prank playing means he gets to bond with wrayth first though. neat. until he pulls a prank on him too and its all back to hating the little guy - does this make lloyd the ghost of their masters past? yes! sure why not!
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onceonafullmoon · 1 year
Itoshi Sae x Reader
(No warnings (for once), just pure school fluff, takes place before Spain. Reader is GN but is described as being shorter than Sae and wearing ribbons in their hair. Reader is also an anxious mess, (wonder who they got that from *cough* me *cough*)
A really dumb letter. It all starts, with a stupid letter. And it pisses you off so much, because if you hadn’t written that dumbass confession letter, you wouldn’t have been in this scenario to begin with. But you, being you, a natural walking embarrassment, had to have done so, because the order of the universe was that you had to be a complete, stupidly sentimental dipshit who was born to clown themselves.
It starts off at lunch, your friends chattering away about something, you distantly listening to the bits and pieces that fell off the ends of the conversation, too lost in your own imagination.
“...I mean, it’s fine to say he’s cute, but other than that…” 
A princess lost in a labyrinth, searching for the key to let her leave the main gate, a torch in her hand dragging her palm along the damp, dark walls.
“...there’s more to it than that! Besides you of all people…”
Suddenly, she hears the creaking of the gate behind her, heart dropping to her stomach as a low growl emanates from behind her.
“...see! It’s not the same…”
Sweating, she picked up the pace, running for her life, hands searching for the key desperately, trying to find any way to escape!
“...and that's because you’re delusional…”
Finally, with no choice left, and a monster hot on her heels, no key in sight, she desperately swings around, torch gripped defensively, jaw dropping in horror only to see–
“...fine then! What do you think (Name)?!”
You snap out of your daydreams, eyes darting up to your clearly annoyed friends who were in the middle of what seemed like a heated argument with each other, eyes glaring into the other, while you desperately try to catch up with what happened.
“...uh, I think you both had some good points, but personally, this topic is pretty nuanced.” You blurt out, giving a true neutral politician like statement.
“You weren’t even listening.” Suki sighs, looking at you in annoyance albeit less annoyance than aimed at Naomi.
“...yeah, I’m sorry.” You apologize sheepishly. “Can you give me the Sparknotes version?”
“I was just saying that Suki’s taste in men is lacking and she–” Naomi starts, before getting cut off. 
“-And I’m saying she has no right to talk! Who the fuck finds Maruki from Persona 5 attractive?!” Suki exclaims.
“Who doesn’t?!” Naomi snaps back.
“He is kinda hot–” 
“(Name)! Shut up!” Suki glares at you.
You hold your hands up in defense, not wanting to get into a pissing match with the girl, who in your opinion, was far too passionate about the topic.
“Okay, okay sure.” You placate. “But then who were you talking about Suki?”
“I was talking about a real person, who is appropriately aged and I actually have a conceivable chance with!”
Naomi rolls her eyes at that statement and laughs almost rudely. 
“There is no chance in hell you, or any human being for that matter, would end up with Itoshi Sae.”
“Really? Itoshi?” You ask, jolting in surprise at the name.
Well, you understood the hype around him, good looks, determination, talent at soccer and… uh… yeah… that was it actually… well that was a bit depressing, but hey, most people don’t even have the “good- looks” part, so he was doing pretty okay in your book.
“What’s wrong with that?” Suki snaps.
“He’s a dick!” Naomi snaps. “Right (Name)?”
“Eh? Uhh… well I don’t know exactly, I’ve never talked to him before.” You say, only really remembering the back of his jersey when you saw him playing, being forced to by Suki (and maybe because you secretly thought the game was cool)… which now you understand why.
You do distantly recall seeing the back of his familiar blush hair as he rejected yet another hopeful romantic, the poor girl running away crying, but you could hardly hold that against either of them. It wasn’t her fault she liked him, and it wasn’t his fault he didn’t like her.
Ah, teenage emotions, so complicated.
“Please, (Name), everyone says he’s a dick.” Naomi retorts, to which Suki distantly protests.
You simply just shrug. “It's none of my business either way.”
“Yeah, well it's about to be, this blockhead wants to confess.” Naomi says, gesturing to a slowly red flushing Suki.
“Oh, for Valentine’s day?” You ask, only remembering the date because you make it a point to change the ribbons in your hair for every holiday.
“Cringe.” Your brother said, when you left the house on October 31st, with orange ribbons.
You simply flipped him off.
“Yeah and she’s going to take the risk and be horribly humiliated by that prick, even though we all know she’s going to fall in love again with the next guy she sets eyes on.” 
“This is different, he’s been on my mind for like, three weeks!” Suki protests, earning a glare from Naomi and a laugh from you.
So that’s what this is about.
You can’t help but laugh at Naomi. “So, basically, you’re just worried about Suki, like a sweetheart.”
Suki can’t help but laugh even though she’s still flustered and angry, and Naomi takes her time to blush now.
“Oh fuck off.” She scoffs.
“No, it’s sweet!” You protest, a grin on your face. 
“Besides, it doesn’t have to be a disaster, all Suki has to do is confess through a letter.” You say, already formulating a plan. “I mean it’s gonna be Valentine’s day anyways, he’s gonna have so many letters in his locker, all she has to do is slip it in the envelope when no ones looking and it’ll be fine. Also, if he isn’t interested, like you’ve said, then he’ll probably just ignore it. Easy peasy.”
Naomi still looks unsure, but Suki brightens up visibly at the idea. 
“That’s a great idea (Name)!” She exclaims.
“...Good enough I suppose.” Naomi grumbles.
Suki nods, happy with your suggestion, until a sheepish smile breaks out on her face.
“...say uhh, (Name), what exactly should I write?”
Naomi groans and you sigh with a small smile on your face.
In the end, you end up being the one to write Suki’s love confession, not that you really wanted to, to your credit.
“If it’s a love letter from you, why am I writing it?” You frown disapprovingly at her, though she can’t see it through the phone.
“You’re just a better writer than me (Name), please?” She asks, no, more like whines at you.
“...Fine, but at least tell me a general idea of what you want me to say.” You concede, to which she eagerly starts speaking.
In the end you managed to put together a letter, cringy, but not overtly so, even though Suki’s call ended up being cut short, not that what she said had had been of much substance anyways… because Naomi was right when she said that Suki fell in and out of love very quickly, to the point that calling it love was almost an insult. You ended up gushing a tad about his football skills to fill the space that was lacking.
(Okay, maybe more than a tad of gushing, but you didn’t know what else to write about, so you went with fangirling.)
You end up running into Naomi after school who then informs you that Suki’s dumbass somehow got sick.
“Are you serious?” You ask, deadpan. “So I wrote this dumb ass letter for nothing?”
“You wrote it?” Naomi asks, surprised. 
“She told me what to write… kinda, I edited it a bit.” You wave her off, frowning, the expression looking out of place on your pink bow decorated face.
“A bit, huh? You’re too nice for your own good.” Naomi shakes her head. “Are you delivering it for her too?”
You sheepishly avert your eyes to which Naomi rolls her own to. 
“Good God (Name).”
“Well it's not her fault she’s sick!” You pout. “Besides it’s fine, it's basically just a pit stop before I go home.”
Naomi’s disapproving look shows on her face as you wave her goodbye, but you simply stick her tongue out at her, determined to finish this dumb task.
After all, your good friend depends on you… kinda, well it's not as dire as you make it out to be but that’s the fun of it.
At least that’s what you tell yourself as you make your way over to the lockers.
You’re fairly sure practice is about to end, and you’re worried about someone else seeing you and misunderstanding, so you vow to make it quick, pulling out the cute pink envelope with the heart shaped sticker sealing it out of your bag as you make your way to the infamous Itoshi Sae’s locker.
As you hold up the envelope, ready to slide it through the crack of the locker, you pause, realizing with shame that you forgot to write Suki’s name on it.
“God, I’m stupid.” You think, pausing to fish a pen out of your backpack pocket, annoyed that you almost let yours, and Suki’s by default, hard work go to waste.
You click your pen, holding the note up against the locker to write on it, when someone behind you clears their throat and you feel your heart drop to your ass.
With fear in your heart, you freeze, before slowly moving to turn around, to see the tall male behind you, with red hair and unamused teal eyes.
Well, fuck me.
You can feel your entire body overheating in pure embarrassment as the infamous Itoshi Sae looks down at you with a critical eye, and suddenly you wish you never wore those stupid ribbons in your hair as you think about how cliche you must look with a stupid pink love confession in your hands.
Desperately, you part your mouth to speak, to say anything, but nothing comes out and you end up gaping at him like an idiot before you finally get the sense to close it.
“Kill me now.” Your thought’s echo in your head.
He either takes pity on you or is tired of you blocking his locker, (you’re leaning more towards the latter) so he decides to take the reins of the conversation for you.
“That for me?” He questions, raising a brow, nodding towards the envelope, and finding yourself wishing that he wasn’t conventionally attractive as you felt yourself wanting to melt.
Now logically, you could have said no, and that you were just planning to give it to someone else and used his locker to finish the details, and that you were very sorry for getting in his way. Or better yet, just the truth, that yes, it was a letter for him but that you were delivering this letter for a friend.
But you weren’t logical right now, you were a hot, flustered mess, and all your thoughts jumbled together.
So, although you wanted to say, “No, I’m sorry, it’s for someone else.” or “Yes, but I’m delivering this for my friend.” Instead you said:
“Yes! I’m sorry! Bye!” Thrusted the letter into his chest, and ran off like you were insane.
When you finally make it back home, you immediately text-scream into the collective group chat about the entire incident and flop onto your bed, before actually screaming into your pillow.
Your brother looks at you like you’ve grown two heads but you simply just raise your head from the pillow to give him a look that says “You don’t wanna know.” so he takes the hint and moves along.
When you finally open up the group chat again, you find Naomi and Suki have spammed you with laughing crying emojis like a couple of assholes.
After they tease you for a bit and Naomi tells you that, “this is why you should never help Suki” you apologize to Suki for accidentally stealing her confession, to which she assures you is okay, because apparently she’s found new love in the cute guy who delivered her her homework today.
If you could, you would strangle her, and you tell her so to which she replies with a kissy heart emoji.
Well, embarrassing experience aside, it’s not completely awful, after all, Sae will just ignore you like every other person who confessed to him and then you’ll be fine, all you have to do is avoid him for your own sake so you don’t die of embarrassment.
It also happened to be the weekend, so there was no possible way that he would even remember your face if what you heard about him was true… so really, you were completely fine.
And with that comforting thought, you slowly unwind, ready to make the most of the weekend.
But of course, it’s you, so everything isn’t completely fine and you find that out the hard way when school ends on Monday and you’re left alone in the classroom packing up.
You would have left around the same time as everyone else, but your homeroom teacher had asked you to quickly print off some sheets for her and leave them on her desk before you left, and being a pushover, a nice person, you agreed and did your task, quickly texting Naomi and Suki to leave before you as you were gonna run a bit late anyways.
But maybe if you hadn’t done any of that, then you would have been spared from the absolute bullshit that was motherfucking Itoshi Sae, walking into your goddamn classroom.
Suddenly, as you stare at him in confusion, embarrassment and dare you even say horror, you want to die again.
“Hey, maybe he just needs to talk to the teacher?” Your helpful mind supplies, giving you a smidgen of hope.
“(Last Name), (Name), right?” Sae almost responds in turn, walking over to you, crushing your dreams immediately.
Would it be rude of you to excuse yourself by throwing yourself out the window? You briefly consider it, but decide on nodding instead, feeling the familiar heat of mortification envelop you, as he stops in front of you.
Well, it’s not so bad to be rejected you suppose, especially if you don’t even really have feelings for the person you “confessed” to. Still, you can’t help but worry about the possible verbal ass whooping you might receive, Naomi’s warning now starting to worry you.
However, instead of brutally murdering you with words, when he opens his mouth something different comes out.
“I’ve seen you at my games sometimes.” He says, shocking you to your very core.
“You have?” You ask, unable to keep the surprise out of your voice, not realizing that Sae would have noticed anything outside of the game with the skill he played with, much less you of all people.
“It’s hard to miss you.” He replies, gesturing to your ribbons, and you make a quick mental note to burn every single ribbon in your possession after this.
“Ah, right.” You end up saying, laughing nervously. “Just didn’t think you’d notice me with everything going on.”
Awkward, awkward, awkward, you’d ask for someone to relieve you from this pain, but at the rate these few days are going you know you’re being silly.
As they say, if you want something done you have to do it yourself, so after taking a deep breath, you rip the metaphorical bandaid off.
“So.. uhm, is this the part where you reject me?” You ask, closing your eyes to shield yourself from his reaction.
The room falls silent again, at your words and you start to wish you hadn’t spoken until you hear him speak again.
“...I guess you were always like that.” He says, more to himself than you, and the strangeness of his words has you opening your eyes in confusion.
“Even when I read the letter, it was the same as seeing you in the stands.” He continues, eyes glinting some emotion you can’t quite make out, but honestly you’re more surprised that it isn’t one of annoyance, based on what you’ve seen. 
“...I’m sorry?” You ask, trying to figure out if you’re being subtly insulted.
He looks at you, directly in the eyes, his own teal ones piercing and sharp, and you prepare yourself a second time for a verbal smackdown.
Like last time, it doesn’t come, but funnily enough you still have the wind knocked out of you when he does decide to reply.
“You’re cute.” He states coolly, like it means nothing to him.
Meanwhile, you’ve ceased to function for a solid 5 seconds, trying to figure out where and why and how any of this happened, the heat of embarrassment now strong enough that if any particularly cruel person decided to egg you at your current state, they’d likely find themselves with a well cooked sunny side up.
“...huh?” You finally, rather intelligently, respond. 
He huffs out a breath, one you would have thought might be of annoyance had you not seen his eyes crinkle in amusement.
“‘Said you were cute.” He bluntly repeats again, knocking the wind out of you again, like it was nothing, and it probably was to him.
“That’s not what I was questioning!” You scream in your mind, but your mouth, stupidly says:
“Th-thanks, you too?”
If the ground opened up and swallowed you whole, you don’t think you’d be too terribly angry actually.
Despite the absolute cringe-fest you’re being, Sae seems to find it more amusing, (and apparently endearing?), rather than pathetic and rewards you with an unfairly attractive chuckle that makes you want to collapse on the spot from a heart attack.
“You're welcome.” He replies, humoring your flustered reply with an actual response, before continuing. “You know, there’s a pretty good ice cream shop close to the football field, we should go.”
“...Yeah?” You question weakly, so utterly confused by this interaction that you’ve given up on following the flow of it.
“Yeah.” He answers, with a small smile, that previously you wouldn’t have believed existed, reaching out to tuck your hair behind your ear in a move that has you freezing in place.
“I’ll see you at my next practice then, (Name).” He says, pulling his hand back and leaving no room for argument, and all you can do is dumbly nod back at him.
It’s only when he leaves, when you see his back retreating, the same one you stare at in games, that you can finally process what the hell just happened in the span of what seems like eternity but was actually just 3 minutes.
And when you finally do, you look over at your teacher, who finally has come back and seems confused that you’re still here, your face still flushed, and promptly pass out.
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fandomstickyy · 1 year
Watching A Movie With A Rape Scene
18++ MDNI
CW: mentions of rape, NOTHING GRAPHIC, comfort from these menzes
Au: I'm a bit of a film nerd so I'm always looking for indie/low budget bangers and a few movies I've seen have straight up r#pe scenes! Idk why I terrorize myself. Thought of these scenarios to ease the pain 💀. ANYWAY this post is probably super random but I've seen a lot of wild fics on here so whatever it's not too bad.
It's all fluff!! <3. Take care of yourselves !! Don't read if you're not up for it
° wants to turn the movie off completely
°is super mad if the scene feels unnecessary to the plot. Really sensitive ab it. Even if it makes sense for the plot he's still mad.
°Rethinks his opinion on the entire movie
° if you don't wanna watch it anymore then he is zooming around to get snacks and put on something cute and/or comforting.
°"you want an extra blanket? We have chocolate you want chocolate??"
°"izuku please sit down, I'm okay."
°very touchy the rest of the night. Almost as if physically apolozing for you having to see that 🥺. Touches are light and needy
° he's REALLY uncomfortable
° I mean it goes to say they all are BUT he seems like the guy to freeze up at first
° mind RACING
°body stiff
° 0-100 instant stress. Just thinking "UGH WTF! I didn't know this shit was in the movie when I picked it out! I hope she knows i didnt know" "👀 damn do I turn it off!? Would that be weird ??" "Is she uncomfortable-"
°he'll blurt smth out about the @ssaulter being a piece of shit or smth.
°he pays a lot of attention to how your reacting to his statement. Wants to make it clear that he would NEVER think that's okay. He can be rough around the edges even sharp at times but he would never cross that boundary w you or anyone else nor does he think that's okay (goes w all of them but I feel bakugo knows he's a little more aggressive than the rest I can see him being a little insecure that anyone would possibly THINK he would sympathies with or do smth so shameful and cruel)
° if he sees you're really affected by the scene, he will pull up every reason that the movie is "actually trash" and that the filmmakers are "demented"
° would turn it off if you're really not feeling the movie anymore
°similar to bakugo there's an instant panic. It's that tense in their muscles, that shift in their eyes to you, to the tv, to you, to the wall.
°there's more hesitation with kirishima because he wants to protect you but doesn't want to treat you like your some kid that can't protect themself
°back and forth, back and forth, back-
°"He- hey baby I don't think your eyes need to see that, right??" Reaching to fast-forward with an awkward laugh which makes you laugh hard
°why this man can't stop stutterin ????
°you adore the way he's so caring about it but the act was just too wholesome not to laugh
°"What?? C-comeon I don't want you to see that. .. it's not beautiful.. and you should only witness things that are beautiful .." (BRUH PLEASE-)
°holds you tight the rest of the movie
°giving small kisses on your head, arms, shoulder
° when the movie is over, just wants to hold you close for a moment in silence
° maybe asks if if you're okay after seeing that even though he fastforwarded through
°instant reaction
°covers your eyes !!
° "LALALA!! how was your day baby??"
° closes his eyes too!
° he might as well just fast forward or smth, but he kinda just dived over to you before thinking ab it <3.
°yall 100% get caught up in the conversation, hands over your eyes and everything. Maybe he brings up a funny moment when yall were hanging w friends recently or the way the bathroom door looks like it has a face and he's judgey and his name is Willfred the III
°laugh until you snort when yall realize the r#pe scene is over and has BEEN over
°bored w the movie anyway and change it to Shrek
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