#“minor valentino/vox (hazbin hotel)” is the tag i use
prince-liest · 4 months
Petition for folks writing non-radiostatic fics on AO3 (eg. radioapple, staticmoth) to not put radiostatic in the main ship tag list just because it's one-sided or past radiostatic. QQ Just add it to "additional tags" instead so that it is tagged and filterable but doesn't come up in the radiostatic relationship tag search!
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kaylopolis · 2 months
Alastor's Shadow (18+) - Chapter Fifteen
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Alastor x F!Reader, Alias: Thestral
Synopsis: There’s a new Overlord in town and it isn’t the Radio Demon. Six years after you fell into Hell, you have finally earned your seat at the table as Pentagram City’s newest and baddest and with the Extermination coming six months earlier than planned, it is now time to implement your ultimate endgame. After all, who doesn’t love a bit of power and chaos? Your plan brings you to the doorstep of the Hazbin Hotel as Charlie’s newest Redeemer, but who you find waiting for you will not only turn your entire plan upside down but also challenge your grab for power… 
Tag List: Slow burn, rivals to lovers, eventual smut
Masterlist Link: Masterlist
(Let me know if you want to be added to the Tag List!)
Author note: Dear Hoteliers,
The amount of mental gymnastics I did trying to figure out where hands and legs went while trying to write this...
<3 Stay smutty
Chapter Fifteen - Heaven's Worst Kept Secret
Content Warning: MINORS DNI!!!!! Mentions of abuse, Smut, Bondage, Obsession, (let me know if I missed any!)
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“Fuck!” Velvette landed face-first on the floor, Vox next to her. 
The media demon was silent as he picked himself up, his body bruised and broken. He limped over to the couch, his head hanging low as he leaned against the back of it for support. 
Velvette went straight for Vox’s new desk and began furiously typing as the computers reloaded. You had triggered a system reset when you sent Vox’s mind buffering, but the Vees had a failsafe set in place after the last time Alastor cut the wires. With cracked fingernails, she pulled up footage of the fight on the numerous monitors Vox had stitched together into one giant screen. 
“She used me,” Vox mumbled to himself in disbelief. 
Velvette didn’t even dignify his groveling with a response. The brat demon continued to swipe through the footage, desperately searching for a particular frame. 
“She used me for him?” Vox was still trying to put the pieces together as if his brain itself was also reloading.
“Oh, shut it!” Velvette snapped. Her nose continued to drip down her face, leaving red dots scattered across the keyboard. 
There! Velvette froze the two frames she was looking for and blew them up on the computer. The brat stomped over to Vox, grabbed him by an antennae, and dragged him to the screen.   
“Look at this and tell me what you see,” she demanded. 
Vox shook his head. “Wait.” He jumped back from her grip, wincing when he stepped on his bad ankle. “Are you making another plan? We lost, Velvette! We fucking lost!” 
“No shit, Sherlock, but if you…”
“No ‘but’s, Velv! It’s over! Don’t you get that!?” 
Velvette choked, tears in her eyes, “Vox-!” 
Vox cupped her face rather harshly, forcing her to look and understand the words that escaped his speakers, “He’s dead. Val is dead and isn’t coming back.” 
She shook him off. “And you’re just gonna let him die, are you? Let it all be for fuckin’ nothing!?” Velvette shoved him. Vox fell into the back of the couch, wincing on his bad leg. 
“We lost, Velvette! There isn’t anything to do!” 
“You’re just saying that because your ex picked her over you. Well, newsflash, you bloody idiot, there’s a reason Alastor turned you down! Because you’re a fuckin’ pussy!” 
Vox gave up. The two of them have been fighting since Valentino’s death - Velvette in particular. She had done nothing but push him away, ordering him around as her master plan slowly fell into place. Vox had put up with it because it was rational, wasn’t it? No one processes grief the same, and everyone needs time to process. Vox had chosen to isolate himself, barely getting up off the couch, using Val’s old Fizz bots to bring him snacks and junk food, which he had gorged himself on for days. He spent days in the same suit until Velvette forced him to change by dumping a bucket of water on his head. 
Yeah, it wasn’t nice, but she still managed to get him up and moving, and for that, he was grateful. Until his patience ran out, and he found himself snapping back at her. Meeting her anger with his own growing irritation. It was only a matter of time before they were at each other’s throats. It's the reason they split up the party to take down the Radio Demon and the Shadow separately - it was not a strategy at first. The rest of the plan was built from there. 
That is probably why they lost. The Vees were always stronger together, but they weren’t “The Vees” anymore. They hadn’t been since you murdered Valentino. Velvette liked to claim that she was the backbone of their trio, but when it came down to it, she wasn’t. 
 “Fine.” Vox spat, but his words lacked anger. “You want to go after Alastor and that damn Angel, be my guest, but I’m done.” 
“Pussy!” She screamed after him as he disappeared behind the door. 
Velvette turned back to the screen. Damn, Angel… 
The demon tutted, an idea forming in her brain. “I wonder if Heaven knows it’s missing an Angel?” She clacked her broken nails against the screen, a wicked smile forming on her face. She had pulled up a still image of you and a separate one of Lucifer. While you and Vox had your pissing contest regarding your lack of relationship, Velvette was focusing on other matters. Most notably, trying to figure out why Hell’s King was beneath your robe and not you. He hadn’t been seen around Hell since Lilith left him. So why show up now?  
Velvette spun as she laughed, “Especially one who looks so much like a Morningstar...”  
Oh, but how to tell Heaven?
An idea sprang forth, a memory of an ad she had seen hundreds of times while flipping through her phone. Velvette pulled out her phone and dialed. 
There was a musical jingle before someone answered: “Hello, thank you for calling, C.H.E.R.U.B., how may we bless you today?”
You woke to sunlight beaming through the curtains and soft jazz playing through Alastor’s radio. It was early - morning - you had slept through the late afternoon into the next day. The world smelled of rain as you turned over in Alastor’s silk sheets. They were cool to the touch, which would be nice if you were someone who ran hot - like Alastor - but you were forever cursed to be cold. Instinctively, you reached out, searching for that well of warmth, and jumped when your hand came into contact with nothing but fur. 
Alastor lay next to you, his arms folded beneath a pillow, his face propped up next to yours. The demon’s red irises sparkled in the morning light, his gaze wholly fixated on your sleeping form. He lay shirtless on his belly, the red sheets hooked around his waist. His hair was a tangled mess atop his head - a serious case of bedhead that made you smile. 
Alastor beamed when he finally realized you were awake. His tail beneath the sheets wagged, tossing the blankets aside to reveal the red and black tuft at the crest of his hips. It was adorable, and it only made you grin wider when you realized Alastor was completely naked in bed with you. 
Your gaze drifted across his broad shoulders and down his back to his slim waist. Who knew a back could be sculpted? Who knew men even had hard ridges that moved with their very breath? So many Angels you’ve trained who grew muscles on top of muscles until they were disgustingly large, but not Alastor. He was slim but carried with him a defined tone as if chiseled by Heaven itself - an image worthy of the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling.   
God, if only the sheets would fall a little lower. 
“Bonjour, mon cœur. Comment as-tu dormi? Good morning, my heart. How did you sleep?” Alastor ran a hand down the side of your cheek, his fingers playing with your wild hair. 
Normally, you hated mornings - you were a total grump before that first cup of coffee. Had anyone tried to speak to you in French this early, you’d have turned over and groveled, but today you were beaming. All too eager to please the Overlord, all too excited to impress him with your French as well. 
“Commes le morts, Like the dead,” you giggled, hiding your face behind the sheets.   
Alastor’s eyes sparked. The demon snaked his arms under the sheets and yanked you by your waist beneath him. The sheets came with you, separating your skin from his - a God-forsaken barrier. His arms framed your face as he leaned in, his nose brushing yours. “Tu parles avec un accent du sud-ouest. You speak with a Southwestern accent.” 
“Oui,” you smiled, tilting your chin up. The wisp ends of the demon’s hair tickled your cheeks as you leaned in, but Alastor playfully pulled away, a claw pulling on your lower lip. 
“Et où as-tu appris ça? And where did you learn that?” The demon whispered, his eyes wholly on your lips. 
The Southwestern accent, associated with the city of Toulouse, is considered to be “sexy.” While some Parisians find it provincial, others think it exotic. That may or may not have been a contributing factor to why you chose that particular accent. As an Angel, you could switch languages at will, but switching accents… Well, now you were just showing off. 
“Je... Qu'est-ce que c'est? I… What is that?” Something behind Alastor’s head caught your attention. 
On the underbelly of the canopy was a large figure drawn in green. `
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“That,” Alastor ran his lips along your cheek and across your jawline, not even bothering to look up, “is the reason why you didn’t burn down my apartment last night.” 
Your face heated. Last night… Last night, when you and Alastor… got into it, there was no fire, no static, no magic of any kind destroying the world around you. At the time, you knew it was because of Alastor, but you didn’t know exactly how he did it. 
“It’s a vèvè,” you sat up to get a better look, holding the satin sheets from slipping below your breasts. 
“Hmm,” Alastor sat behind you, his eyes on your hair as he answered, “Papa Loko’s vèvè.” 
“When…” You turn to find Alastor lying on his back, his chest and abs in full view. You’ve seen his muscles before, and although the sight of them still made heat pool in your belly, you were woefully caught off guard by the happy trail of red that started just below his belly button and disappeared beneath the sheets, most likely ending at the base of his -.
Oh, my God. You turned away, forcing your mind to focus on the symbol above.
You could hear Alastor audibly smirk. 
A vèvè is a kind of symbol, a cosmogram, a visual representation of the spirits and deities honored in Voodoo. In Haitian Voodoo, Papa Loko is known for his healing powers and association with the wind. His role is that of protector, and his vèvè depicts a snake coiled around a vertical axis. It was a symbol of protection, the source of magic that had allowed the two of you to indulge but not destroy.  
You breathed, your body tingling with anticipation, “When did you draw that up there?” 
The demon ran a hand through your hair, collecting the silver locks and brushing them over your opposite shoulder. The demon had an unobstructed view of your neck, of the bruises and little nicks in your skin, and, more importantly, of the bite mark. The bite mark Alastor left on your skin, claiming you, marking you as his. 
“Before or after the Vees fake kidnapped you?” You asked, trying your best to ignore his hands on you. 
Alastor wasn’t listening. His mind was on the teeth marks in your skin, trailing his claw amongst them, replaying each one in his memory. 
“Before or after Mardi Gras?” 
The demon didn’t answer, pulling away, he organized the pillows so he could rest comfortably against the headboard. 
Suddenly, the answer hit you. “Our meeting.”
You gasped when Alastor easily picked you up by your hips and seated you between his legs. The demon pulled you against him. Your back flushed with his chest. 
“You thought I was going to return and try to…”
Alastor pressed a kiss to your shoulder, a soft peck. Your mind went blank with the feel of his lips on your skin. 
“Yes, mon couer?” You could hear the sideways grin in his voice as his hands fell to your hips. They roamed the skin of your waist, the curve of your silhouette, relishing in the feel of you between his legs.
The way Alastor wiped your mind with just a touch… 
“You thought I was a threat,” your head lolled back, resting in the fluff of his chest. “I’m honored.” 
Alastor smiled as he kissed you again, slowly working his way to the crook of your neck… The demon smelled of rain, of musk, of vanilla. 
“Why am I just now noticing this?” You breathed, your heart rate spiking as Alastor ran his tongue over a particularly sore bruise. He was making it so hard to think. 
“Because I allow you,” Alastor’s voice was deep. His words filter across your senses with a smoky edge. The radio static fizzed out, leaving behind nothing but his own natural, raw vocals. 
Allow you? Oh… That’s why you couldn’t smell him… Well, not at first, but slowly, you’ve been able to pick up more and more. You wondered if he knows that you can feel his static before he enters a room, if he had conscious control over that? 
The demon pressed his lips to the mark at the crook of your neck, to the wound in the shape of his teeth, and licked. 
“Oh, Heaven,” you choked. 
Alastor’s hands ran up your sides to cup your breasts. You let the sheet fall then, the cold air leaving goosebumps across your skin. Your fingers went straight to his hair, to his ears. 
You tugged. 
Alastor’s hips bucked as he growled, his dick hardening against your backside perfectly in line with your ass. The demon squeezed your breasts, pinching your nipples between forefinger and thumb.
“Alastor,” you moaned his name, the heat pooling between your legs.
You whine when his hands leave your breasts, The demon bent his legs, his hooves flat on the bed. You gasped when he grabbed your knees and hooked them around his, opening your legs, and baring you to the world. 
Alastor nipped at your ear lobe, eliciting his favorite noise, the yelp between your teeth. 
Pressing his lips to your ear, he whispers, “Be a good girl and lift up.”
The demon slips his cock from beneath you, slick with precum. You can feel the heat of him between your legs as you settle back down, his shaft nuzzled against your center. Alastor gripped his shaft and slowly stroked. You watched, not only in awe - Jesus, that thing was inside of you !? - but because you wanted to learn. 
You’ve been in God’s realm for thousands of years and never had you touched a man. Eve bedded everything and everyone, but you didn’t stay and watch. She’d talk of her sexual conquests, but you never really listened, too busy trying to sort out why others were so interested in sex, let alone why they’d want to partake with a complete stranger. 
Here. Now. You wanted to learn because you wanted to make Alastor feel as good as he made you feel. You wanted to feel the demon squirm under your touch, to bring him the satisfaction of completion all on your own. 
Alastor released his hold, and his cock sprang back, smacking your clit and making you jump. 
The demon laughed as he trailed a line of searing kisses up your neck, his other hand tracing your silhouette. He paused at your breast to squeeze. You tried to rub your knees together, wishing for some sort of friction between your legs, but Alastor held your legs open firmly. You whined when his hand dropped lower, drawing little circles with his fingers across your skin. 
It didn’t feel possessive so much as it seemed like he was contemplating clever ways to torture you. He brought his mouth to your neck again and nipped. All the while, his hand drifted lower and lower, finding the inside of your thigh. You tried to scoot lower, to feel his shaft grind against your center, but Alastor’s hand on your thigh stopped you. 
“Alastor, this is torture,” you pouted, your hands going behind you to find his hair. You searched for his ears, hoping to find a way to force his hand, but the demon lifted his head back, leaving you just out of reach. 
“I made you a promise, mon couer, to spend hours drawing orgasm after orgasm until you beg me to stop, until you’re screaming my name in agony, until your dying for my cock.”
For the love of Christ, this man and his words!
“You want me to beg?” You whined, your fingers gripping his hair. 
The demon smiled. With his free hand, Alastor ran two fingers up his shaft, collecting a drop of cum on the pads of his fingers. “Oh, no, darling.” He rubbed the white fluid between his two fingers and thumb. “I want you screaming.”
And then plunged those two fingers inside of you. 
You gasped as he sank to the first knuckle, his thumb finding your clit. The demon stroked, his fingers wet with his cum as he circled your center. With each pump of his fingers, Alastor matched it by stroking his cock, chasing his own pleasure as you gasped atop of him. 
With the demon at your back, his fingers naturally curled upward, immediately hitting your g-spot with every pump of his hand. The feeling was already too much, his fingers pumping in and out of you at a pace you knew would leave you sore afterward. Alastor wanted you to cum, and he wanted it fast. Instinctively, your hips rolled, eliciting a growl from the demon. He thrusted hard, your breasts bouncing with every stroke of your core. 
Jesus Christ, he was finger fucking you with his cum. 
The demon dropped his dick, his hand coming to your breast and pinching your nipple - hard. A scream stopped in your throat as you arched off of him, your only leverage, the fingers you had wrapped in his hair. It wasn’t enough; with the force Alastor’s hand was fucking you with, he was going to knock you right off him. 
You dropped his locks, forgoing his hair for his antlers. The demon growled as you wrapped your hands around the base of his rack, the bone thicker, sprouting a few extra prongs than normal. Alastor’s strokes turned demanding as you writhed on top of him, your breath coming in shallow bursts, your pulse pounding through every glorious inch of your body. 
Fuck, you were close already, and you had just begun. 
And then Alastor adds a third finger, and not once but twice, and you’re over the edge, your body shaking as the orgasm rides through your body. His fingers continue to pump, riding you through your high until you slump back down into him. 
The demon doesn’t give you a moment to breathe. 
Alastor shadows you. Suddenly, you’re on your feet, your chest pressed into the mattress, you’re ass high in the air. The juices from your orgasm trickle down your inner thigh as he hooks an arm around your legs, squeezing them together to create the perfect amount of friction as he seats his cock between your legs. He pumps forward and backward a few times, his head hitting your overly sensitive clit. 
It’s too soon after your orgasm. Your body hasn’t had a chance to fully come back down yet. So every stroke of his cock against your center is sensory overload. 
“You’re so fucking wet,” Alastor moans. The demon presses down on the back of your neck, his fingers wrapped around your throat, forcing you into the mattress. 
“Yes,” you pant, squeezing your thighs harder, driving him against your clit. Jesus, you don’t know if you can do this. You’re nerves are on fire, it’s too much, too overwhelming.
“Cum on my cock,” he commands, his voice labored with his thrusts. You barely register the command, your mind going numb yet overloaded at the same time. 
The pressure builds, and your body tenses, but Alastor holds fast to you, keeping up the pace and rhythm. He grows harder by the second, and you can feel every ridge of him against your slickness. 
“Cum for me,” Alastor commands again. 
“I… I can’t,” you pant. 
Suddenly, Alastor wraps his arms under yours. With one hand, he palms your breast, and the other wraps around your throat. He pulls you up, flush against him, and squeezes hard, cutting off your air supply and surely bruising your nipple. 
And it's enough. You cry out, orgasming for the second time in a row, muscles and nerves blinking. Your knees buckle beneath you, but Alastor holds you up as wave after wave crashes through you, a guttural groan escaping your lips. 
The demon slows his strokes, his cock grinding between your legs with a slick wet sound. God, you had made a mess. 
“Good girl,” he kisses your throat before slowly allowing you to collapse onto the bed once more. 
You have but a moment to breathe before something slithers around your wrists. You jerk away to find one of Alastor’s tentacles knotting around itself. 
Fuck, this isn’t over. 
The black tendrils pull you back on your feet, your toes barely scraping the floor. You spin, coming face-to-face with Alastor. The demon has a fire in his eyes akin to that of the look he gets just before he murders someone. 
Holy shit, this seriously isn’t over. 
Alastor closes the distance between the two of you and presses a soft kiss to your lips. Sweat beads down your forehead and his as the demon strokes his cock, a dark, devious fire burning in his aura. “One more,” Alastor whispers against your mouth. 
You groan, but don’t deny him. 
Something soft slithers up your leg, you look down to see a tendril winding its way up your calf. You gasp when Alastor cups your chin and forces your gaze up again, forcing you to look into his eyes as the tendril makes its way up your thigh and between your legs. A sharp gasp escapes your throat when it finds your center and flicks your clit. 
Oh, God. 
“One more,” you moan, your eyelashes heavy, fluttering against your cheeks.
You can do this. One more. 
The demon smiles, kissing you softly. He hooks your legs over his elbows as another tendril snakes its way around your middle before slithering north, teasing your nipple, squeezing your breast. 
“Oh, fuck,” you moan loudly as Alastor seats the head of his cock at your entrance. He pushes in but an inch and stops. 
You pout, ready to open your mouth in protest, but find Alastor’s eyes gleaming. His smile goes sideways, as it normally does when he’s up to something clever. 
He wants you to beg. 
“Please,” you moan, feeling your walls twitch around nothing, your body feeling empty, the memory of how much he filled you last night playing over and over again in your head. His tendrils continued to flick and pinch, building your need but not giving your body what it truly demanded. 
“Please, Alastor,” you begged. You, the almighty Archangel, were begging a Human Sinner to fuck you. 
“Please, what?” Alastor purred. The narcissist in him was eating this up, only heightening his sexual arousal. 
“Please, fuck me,” you twitch as the tendril flicks your clit. “I need you in me.” You were on the edge of pain with the caress of pleasure at this point. 
Alastor leans in close, his dick hard as stone but still barely inside of you, “As you command, mon couer.”  
And then he slams into you, his cock fully seated to the hilt, his head brushing the entrance to your cervix. Alastor fucks you so hard your teeth clack together, the squelching of your slickness with every thrust. If it weren’t for the tendrils, he would have launched you. 
The build of pleasure is slow this time, your nerves still trying to reload from the last round, but Alastor is relentless. He was going to forcibly pull this orgasm from you if it's the last thing he does. The demon’s claws dig into the fat of your hips, drawing little pebbles of golden liquid to the surface as he pulls you down into him with every thrust. 
It’s a mercy that Alastor doesn’t last long. He’s been edging even before you came the second time. He’s been holding himself back, forcing his own orgasm away until he was seated inside of you. 
“Oh, fuck,” Alastor chokes before he slams into you, unloading into you, filling you with cum. 
With a flick of Alastor’s tendril, the growing wetness between your legs, you fall over the edge with him. This orgasm is both pain and pleasure, the sense of free falling but also crash landing as Alastor continues to pump, your walls twitching around every hard ridge of him. 
You stay locked together for what feels like forever, sticky, sweaty, and spent. Alastor’s forehead finds yours as he slumps into you, his cock throbbing out the last of his pleasure. 
Jesus - fucking - Christ, he wasn’t kidding when he made those promises. 
With the help of his magic, Alastor lowers the both of you onto his bed. “Tu seras ma perte, mon couer, You will be my undoing, my heart,” the demon breathes into your hair as he cuddles up to your side. The two of you lay there and breathe, waiting for your minds to return your bodies. 
You get it now. All those nights Eve spent chasing sex, all those morning walks of shame, all those people sneaking out in the early hours of the day… If any of it them half as good as Alastor was, it would have been worth it. 
You laugh at the thought. 
“What is so funny?” Alastor breathes. 
“I finally understand the carnal appeal of sex,” you laugh, your body spent. “From a demon, no less…”
Alastor smirks, “You are in Hell, dear.” Sitting up, he quickly kisses your forehead before pushing off the bed and heading to the bathroom. “Not to change the subject, you might want to cover yourself.” The demon helps you into a plush bathroom robe. 
“What?” He’s moving too fast for your mind to register the situation. 
“Rolf made coffee, and he is all too eager to share it,” Alastor climbs into the bed next to you. “Immediately.”
Oh, Jesus. 
Your mind sobers fast as you pull the robe on and cinch it around your waist. You’re barely under the covers before Alastor’s shadow opens the door. With a tray in hand and a big goofy smile on his face, Rolf presents two cups of coffee before you. 
It takes you a moment to register that Rolf didn’t just make coffee; he created two concoctions: a jasmine latte and a black chai. 
You smile, pretending the room isn’t filled with the scent of sex. Could shadows smell? “You’ve been watching me?” 
Rolf smiles, nodding his head like a proud toddler running home from school with his first art project. 
Your chest warms, “Thank you.” You reach for the mug and - .
The jasmine latte is in Alastor’s “Oh Deer!” mug - his mug. No one touches Alastor’s mug. You hesitate, unsure of how to tackle this situation, but you don’t have to think long before the demon snatches the cup and thrusts it into your hands. 
“Thank you, Rolf. That will be all.” Alastor takes the other cup, bringing it into his lap as the shadow bows and leaves the room. 
Holy shit. You were holding Alastor’s cup. Nifty gave you an entire fucking lecture about not touching Alastor’s stuff. Fuck, you didn’t even touch it to move it around to reach other cups in the cabinet. And Alastor just gave it to you. 
“It’s going to taste terrible,” Alastor kisses your temple before setting his own on the bedside table. 
Wait. Your brain still wasn’t computing. Was he okay with sharing his things with you? This felt like a step, like a relationship step, and you were surprisingly taken off guard by it. Yet, it wasn’t a bad thing. It was a scary thing, sure, but you were excited about it. You couldn’t help the smile that formed on your face, the absolute beam of joy radiating off of you. 
You had earned more privileges with Alastor, something no one else was privy to. 
And then you took a sip. “Ugh!” You choked. 
The demon laughed, “I told you.” 
It tasted like a mouthful of powder, as if Rolf had poured the entire container of jasmine matcha into the cup, with barely any milk to dilute it. 
Alastor took the cup from your hand, placing it next to his, before kissing the top of your head. “Come, let us wash.” 
You stood before the bathroom mirror wrapped in nothing but a towel. The glass had fogged over, but you ran a hand through it, revealing just enough to inspect the trail of bruises Alastor had left on your neck. God, and only the left side, too. 
Alastor had taken you to the shower this time, allowing you to do nothing but stand there as he washed you. There wasn’t anything sexual about it - thank the Lord. You didn’t have the strength to withstand another round with the demon. His sexual appetite was profound. Instead, he doted on you, scrubbing you with the soap that smelled of him, massaging your scalp, rubbing the knots from your lower tummy. 
After that session, you would be sore for days to come. The thought brought a smile to your face. 
Alastor wrapped you in a warm cotton towel as you exited. Wrapping another around his waist, he kissed your forehead and headed for the kitchen. The demon sent Rolf on an errand to secure you more clothes - a distraction so Alastor could prepare you a cup of real coffee. He knew you hated waking up without one. 
You promised to join him in a moment, but the sight in the mirror held you captive. The bruises… You felt your throat tighten, the anxiety bubbling in your core. Alastor had left bruises on your neck before, yes, but things were different now. These marks meant something different than the usual bruises ringing your neck - not from Alastor, but from Heaven. These… Well… These came from a place of… Well, affection. Not from a place of hate. 
You were used to covering up bruises of hate. 
Running a finger over your neck, you connected the spots as if they were dots, leading to the bite mark at the crook of your neck. You smiled, remembering how you had earned that one, hoping the mark would never fade. 
“Coffee is on the balcony,” Alastor appeared in the mirror, leaning against the doorframe. 
His wet hair stuck to his head which made him seem so much younger than he appeared. The demon was technically over a hundred years old but remained youthful-looking as a demon. Perhaps “younger” wasn’t the best adjective. “More innocent” was a better descriptor. 
Alastor frowned, sensing the worry building in your chest. God, he could read you like a book - connection or no connection. “What’s wrong?” 
You watched the muscles ripple in his abdomen as he stalked towards you, his hands cupping either side of your cheeks. At some point, he had thrown on a pair of lounge pants, a rich man’s sweatpants, that sat low enough on his hips for you to make out the “V” in his pelvis. Curse this man for always looking attractive no matter what he wore. Your mind flashed to Alastor in a nun’s outfit - yup, attractive in fucking EVERYTHING. 
Taking a deep breath, you let your anxiety melt away, feeling instantly more calm by his touch alone. 
“My neck,” you begin. “I have a history of… trying to hide my injuries. I…” Fuck, words weren’t coming to you. “I’m just not used to… this.” You motioned to your neck, resisting the urge to rub it. 
Alastor liked seeing your neck, liked reminiscing about each one. It was weird; it didn’t sit right. Your instincts were screaming at the sight of them.
Understanding clicked in his eyes. “You don’t have to explain, mon couer. Would you prefer if I did not…”
“No!” You interrupt him. “God, no.” You would never deny Alastor wringing an ounce of pleasure from your body. It would be torture for you both. “I just need some time to get used to it. You won’t be mad if I cover them, will you?” 
“Hmm,” Alastor collected your hair in his hands, throwing it over your left shoulder. “I never want you doing anything that makes you uncomfortable. That being said, I would like to reserve the right to admire your body…” His meets your gaze. “...with your permission, of course?” 
A smile tugged at your lips, “Of course.” 
Alastor led you to the balcony, seating you on the side you had always sat in - it was practically reserved for you at this point. Two cups of coffee sat on the table between you, but it was the newspaper your fingers went for first. 
“Shadow Unmasked!” The title read. The front page has a picture of you, standing on the roof of V Tower, moments before Velvette delivered a shock. You looked absolutely pissed. You read through the article as fast as you could, trying to garner how much Pentagram City had learned about your identity. 
They named you as Thestral
They identified you as an Angel
They called you Vox’s ex-girlfriend (Not his girlfriend!!!)
Alastor’s lover!?
You choked. “Is the piano player sleeping her way through Hell’s topmost Overlords to gain power?” You read. “Witnesses report Ms. Thestral, the piano player at Mimzy’s and Hell’s infamous masked Overlord, ran off with Alastor, the Radio Demon, moments after sharing a kiss on the battlefield. Has the infamous assassin traded in for a more powerful model? Will she sleep her way through the Overlords till she reaches Zestial himself?” You abruptly stood from your chair. “You have got to be kidding me!?” 
“Read who the editor is, mon couer.” 
“Velvette!” You crushed the newspaper between your fingers and set V Star News to ash with your flame. 
“She destroys by reputation,” Alastor once said to you. And he was right. 
You collapsed back into the seat, running your hands down your face. Great. Now all of Pentagram City thinks you’re a whore. Better they go after that than going after the whole Angel thing. 
Alastor pulled another newspaper from the Void, this one being 666 New’s very own. This title read, “Vees Humiliated in Overlord Fight!” Below that, there was a subtitle, “Shadow Identity Brought to Light.” Huh, that was actually kind of clever. You skimmed through the article, noting the same things V Star News had written but without all the biases. 
“Hours after the fight in the Entertainment District, the Radio Demon and the Shadow were spotted duking it out in the Magne District. Sources say they quickly disappeared mid-fight and haven’t been spotted since. Was it a quarrel over power or a fight between lovers? The result and reason for the battle is still unknown.” 
You flipped the page to find a special interview with Mimzy. Of course, they already found her, and of course, she had already offered an exclusive interview. News travels fast in Hell. 
Most of it was filled with lies, saying you were close, basically calling you an adopted daughter - absolutely not - her most prized possession. Okay, basically, she was kissing ass to the media to gain more foot traffic to her club. She even gives out the password to Bob’s Barber in the article! Ugh, whatever.
Wait, what does this mean for the Hotel? 
Oh God, hopefully, the gang isn’t being stalked by the media… 
There’s a smaller section on you in the Opinion column, the topic “Who is the Angel?” 
“Oh, my God.” You scoff. “There’s literally people making shit up! One of these guys is theorizing that I’m Lilith - which I look nothing like her - with a makeover. There’s another in here that says I’m actually a gender-swapped Lucifer.” 
Okay, that one you get. Some religious texts literally claim the two of you as twins - you did look a lot alike. 
“Another is saying I’m a bloodthirsty Exorcist Angel who snuck past Heaven’s gates so I could kill year-round. This one just says I’m actually Charlie, and the news media is just reporting it wrong. I mean, ugh!” 
Jesus, these people had some wild theories but now you had an entire City trying to figure out your identity. Fuck! 
Great, your to do list was getting longer and longer now. 
Find cloak
Apologize to Lulu 
Kill Crim
And now
4. Protect your identity
You dropped the newspaper, your head in your hands. Getting Alastor back was worth everything you had to go through. So long as Heaven didn’t find out…
Alastor suddenly appeared before you, down on one knee. He collected your hands in his and kissed your palms, “Everything will work out, mon couer.”
Alastor didn’t seem bothered in the slightest by this news… Why was that?
Hesitantly, you ask. “What did you do?” 
The demon’s smile went cockeyed. God, you loved that smile. 
There was a mischievous gleam in his eye as he said, “Utilizing your army.”
You tried not to let the shock show. “How did you…?”
“The Vees have more enemies than allies at this point. Their bridges have been burned. They have no one to turn to. Their fate has been one of their own making, even before Valentino’s death. Which did not garner sympathy as they expected it to.”
“Rosie, Mimzy, and Carmella would back you no matter what, but you already know that. Zestial has already expressed interest in allying with you...”
“What!?” You gasped, but Alastor continued. 
“...although the man is more gossip than fighter nowadays. Then there is the Goetia, although it is unclear how many you have in your pocket, seeing as Stolas is considered the black sheep of his kind. I’m sure your influence has reached far beyond Wrath and Pride: Asmodeus, Leviathan, Belphegor, and perhaps even Satan himself? Allies, I can guarantee, will not change their mind regardless of your heritage. If anything, they’d be more inclined to ally with you. Well, save for Asmodeus, but he has far more concerning things on his plate at the moment, but you didn’t hear that from me.”
You blinked, trying to process the words coming out of his mouth. How the fuck did he know all this? Wait, how did he know they wouldn’t drop your alliance after this development? Not unless Alastor… Fuck did he meddle in your plans!?
“Your Heaven contacts surely won’t hear of this - especially considering, as far as Heaven is concerned, you disappeared around the same time God did. Rumor has it the two of you are on some sort of top-secret mission only known to the Seraphim and other higher authorities. Besides, Lilith is up there taking care of anything anyway.”  
“I haven’t even touched Charlie and the Hotel. Your influence over your niece and her gang of misfits is extraordinary. You made quite the impression, securing emotional ties via my rescue. I couldn’t have planned it better myself. To have little Ms. Morningstar in your back pocket, oh! How I envy you.” Alastor laughed, but it was Radio Demon's laugh that echoed through his radio. 
“I assure you, while the two of us were… preoccupied with other matters, your army had already been hard at work cleaning up the damage.”
You let all the information sink in, trying to process how Alastor could have possibly known you were raising an army. I mean, that was step two of your plan with Lilith, wasn’t it? While she played her part in Heaven, you were down here, garnering influence amongst the most powerful. 
“Darling, while you were busy running around town and playing house the past few weeks, I made some social calls.”
Alastor was checking up on you while Rolf stalked your every move…
“I know for a fact you didn’t only become Overlord to collect souls - after all, someone like you, with such a well of power in her back pocket, doesn’t require the measly drop of power with which a soul contributes.” Alastor laughed again, his tone turning more cynical. “No, you have all the power you need. You’re garnering souls to feed your army.” 
Alastor’s green aura lowly emits from his form, his smile stitched over with green threading, his eyes flashing with black sclera. “The question now is, why does Heaven’s famous Golden Girl require an army?” 
You once said dealing with Alastor was like a dance - a dance you both pretended not to be leading but also refused to be the follower in. It was a game of power, you see. Yes, dancing had its steps and rules - a waltz is a waltz, after all - but the direction it was going, the added flare to the spins, the story the choreography told - that was where you battled. Thus, you needed to be a half-step ahead of Alastor at all times - without him knowing, of course - until either the dance ended or you found a way to end him. 
Little did you know, he has been hard at work behind the scenes attempting to unravel your little plan. Alastor was one step ahead of you in a way you didn’t see coming. 
And he was hitting awfully close to your ultimate endgame plan… 
But the fact that Alastor was asking rather than stating meant -.
“Lilith didn’t tell you everything, did she?”
Alastor’s eye twitches, his fingers around yours stiff and unmoving. His tail went ramrod straight, his radio screeching as if a record had been scratched. 
Note to self: Tread lightly when it comes to bringing up Lilith. 
The demon stood, pretending to wipe dirt off the knees of his pants. “Rolf is here with your clothes.”
You had thought, after connecting Alastor and Lilith together, that he was her little backup plan in case things went south: a protector for her family. Regardless of the fact that, in your contract, you swore not to hurt them. After all, why return and run straight to the Hotel if not for Charlie’s sake? 
But maybe you were wrong…
You stood, cautiously approaching the demon who refused to make eye contact with you. God, you hated seeing him without his smile, hated when that spark fizzled out in his eyes. Slowly, you wrapped your arms around his neck, letting your fingers play with the short scruff at the base of his head. Instantly, the stress melted from his shoulders. 
His gaze was still on the floor when you said, “And what if I’m perfectly fine in nothing but a bathrobe?” 
The demon smirked, his demeanor changing in an instant. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you flush against him. “And if I prefer you in nothing at all?” He whispered against your lips. 
“I’d say you’d have to earn it,” you stayed just out of reach of his kiss, teasing the demon in the same way he did you earlier.  
“And how exactly would I do that, mon couer?” 
You bit your lip, instantly catching Alastor’s eye. God, were you ready for the next round? You’ve barely had time to recover, your lower belly sore from Alastor’s… lack of gentleness… “Perhaps we should start with the smaller stuff before unraveling each other’s master plans?”   
Alastor pressed a kiss to your forehead before walking the two of you towards his chair. “Where would you like to start?” He brought you into his lap, seating you atop his thighs. You tried hard not to think about the thin layer of clothing separating your center from his cock - which you couldn’t feel at the moment. The demon seated you closer to his knees, most likely on purpose. 
“Well, for one, you used my card.” After finally taking out the three projectiles Crim had shot at you, you landed on the edge of Cannibal Town. While zapping Vox’s bracelet from your wrist, you felt a pull behind your navel - Alastor had used his blood on your obsidian calling card. 
Which meant Alastor had inadvertently entered himself into one of your infamous hidden contracts. 
The demon pulled the card from the Void, flashing the white lettering spelling out his real name. “You mean this one?” A drop of scarlet remained crusted at its center. 
“Don’t lose that; it comes with conditions,” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck and continuing to play with the scruff of his hair. “Those who lose my card forget their memories of me.” 
“Noted,” he smiled, slipping the card back into the Void and running his hands over your hips. You gasped when his claws scraped across the flesh of your waist. Alastor had dipped beneath the robe…
Goddamn, it was getting too hard to think. The demon gave a look that said he knew exactly what he was doing to you. 
“Next matter of business,” he continued. “Show me.”
You knew exactly what he was talking about. 
You hesitated, the bubbles of anxiety in your chest beginning to surface as you remembered last night. Was this smart to do? He was knocked out of the bloodthirsty trance once, would he be again? Would he even need to again?
Then a thought hit you, a lesson you learned in Louisiana: trust means everything to Alastor. So, did you trust him not to try and kill you again? If you didn’t show him, what would that say?
Dipping into that well of power, you broke the seal on the rune, allowing the Book of Knowledge to be unleashed. Alastor was completely captivated by the text flying across your skin, but he remained contained. No ounce of his demonic power slipped out. He remained calm, his irises solid round pupils. 
The demon grabbed your hand in his, tracing the words as they floated past. Your heart felt like it was going to thump right out of your chest as you waited for him to say something, anything. 
You concentrated the power into the palm of your hand that he held, the ink bleeding into your appendage until your entire arm was black. The liquid seemed to seep out of your skin, shielding your arm in a black tendril. The power flowed over your skin as if it were both solid and liquid, a Newtonian fluid that could cut bone. 
Something clicked within the demon’s aura, his awe abating as he closed your fist. You called the magic back into the rune, the aroma of roses dissipating as the Book of Knowledge was once again hidden from the world. 
Alastor pressed a kiss to your closed knuckles. “Hmm,” he hummed into your skin. 
“Are you okay?” You breathed, still waiting for a reply, something to tell you what he was thinking. 
He met your gaze, his eyes still round, irises rimmed in red. “I do not crave it the way I did yesterday. The thought of losing you, of losing my heart,” he cupped your cheek. “Is a greater pain than the allure of power could ever have over me.”
You smiled, leaning into his touch to deepen the feeling. And then suddenly, your own heart grew heavy, a truth you had always wanted to share but never had with another soul. Eve had simply inferred it, but you never really talked about it, never really addressed that aspect of trauma that had haunted your entire existence. 
Why you wanted this power in the first place. 
“Did your sleuthing uncover other things about Heaven’s Golden Girl?” You braced the subject, hoping Alastor understood the weight of the topic you were about to unleash upon him. 
But you could trust him, and he trusted you. Fuck, you had a fail-safe if anything ever went wrong - take your obsidian calling card away from him - but your chest twisted at the thought. You couldn’t help it. You were a General through and through, strategizing was instinct at this point. You never, ever wanted to have a Plan B when it came to Alastor. Which is why you decided to broach this topic with him. Something you’ve never truly spoken of with anyone else.
“Hmm,” he hummed, running his thumb across your cheek. “I know.”
He knows. Of course, he knows. It’s Heaven’s worst-kept secret: God was wildly abusive towards his “favorite” child.
“The day Eve tried to leave Eden, is a day I saw true fear on my father’s face. He smelled of orange and mint. It was… unsettling.” You cleared your throat. “I never really understood why until Eve was brought in and locked away. When she told him she merged herself with the Book - Father wasn’t mad. He was… afraid. He had us lock her up. Hidden away where no one would find her. Fuck, Heaven didn’t have cells. No one ever committed any crimes. If they were the type, they’d have been sent to Hell long before St. Paul let them through the Gates.”
You huffed, continuing, “For weeks after, Father shut himself in his office. He wouldn’t have Sera or me in. After a while things did go back to normal, but he was never the same. I mean, he was violent before, but after… There was this rage in his eyes when he’d…” Your voice breaks. “My father knew hunting down Eve a second time was going to take time, and he was not a patient man, but the longer I took, the worse it got. I’d go back for check-ins, and as one year became two, three, five, ten, fifty… He grew more and more desperate. His desperation manifested as violence, and he took it out on me.”
Alastor rubbed your arms in comfort.
“I didn’t get it until that day in Lilith’s office when I killed Eve and accepted the power for myself. The magic is the rawest form of dark magic I have ever seen - and I spent nearly a century with the Leviathans…”
He planted a kiss on your forehead, infusing you with the will to continue on.
“Father made me do terrible, terrible things: spread disease amongst the pharaohs, wipe out an entire planet of innocent, living beings in a flood, start wars resulting in the deaths of millions of innocent people across the Middle East… I was no Golden Girl. I was the harbinger of death, whether I liked it or not… Regardless of the evils he made me commit, it paled in comparison to the pure evil that is the Book of Knowledge.”
“It took me until the power was in my possession to figure it out. I know why he was so afraid of it. It’s the Yin to his Yang, the dark to his supposed light. The opposite, but equal in every possible way. A power that can kill a god.”
Alastor’s eyes snapped to yours, and instantly, he understood. “You’re raising an army to kill God.”
You smiled wildly, shaking your head. “Oh, no. I am raising an army to end everything, and then afterward, ~I~ will kill God.”
Alastor furrowed his brow. 
“You see, Eve merely wanted to taint my father’s creation. To punish him by ruining his greatest work, but she was thinking too small. I wanted more. I needed more. I didn’t just want to make Heaven’s head spin; I wanted to utterly destroy everything they had worked for." You leaned over him, your nose tickling his. "But - oh, no, I couldn’t simply burn Earth to the ground. Heaven would be upset, sure, but they’d get over it and just make another. No. I needed Heaven to destroy Earth with their own hand. They hate Hell. They hate it so much they’d go to war - if provoked - and when the dust settled, they’d have to face the consequences.” 
Father would be utterly destroyed. 
And then you’d burn him from the inside out. Fuck, even the thought of it had your blood singing.
“The End. Armageddon. The Apocalypse.” Your hands fisted in his hair. You could feel the demon growing hard beneath you, the excitement of chaos and destruction just as erotically intoxicating for him as it was for you. “Whatever you wish to call it. A war between Heaven and Hell, a war that would destroy Earth.”
“Oh, mon couer,” Alastor’s lips slowly twisted into a wicked grin. He looked at you with eyes screaming possession, screaming pride, screaming hunger. The demon cupped your face in his hands, utterly beaming at you, the highest form of praise he could offer. “You are absolutely beautiful.”
And then he kissed you. 
And in that kiss, you realized one terrifying truth. No matter what Hell was coming your way, it wouldn’t be the same without Alastor. You would choose power and chaos with Alastor over everything else because, with him, you didn’t need an army, you didn’t need the Book of Knowledge, you were already unstoppable. 
He is yours, and you are his. 
The demon quickly undoes the ties of your robe, exposing your bare breasts to the world. Your nipples instantly harden in the cool air. Alastor quickly pulls down his pants, a giant wet mark forming directly below where you sat. God, you were soaked already, high on the ecstasy of power flowing through your veins. 
You pray Papa Loko's vèvè had coverage this far away. You hadn't checked to see if you were sparking, but fuck it, you weren't stopping.
Alastor doesn’t even have to bother with foreplay. The two of you could scent each other's arousal, thick in the air. You were ready, and you wanted him - NOW. 
You gasp when Alastor shoves inside you, filling you up, his balls sitting snuggly against you. 
There was something so satisfying in sitting on Alastor’s cock in the shadow of V Tower. 
“Mine,” Alastor growled as he lifted your hips up and slammed into you. “You’re fucking mine.”
And he spends the rest of the day reminding you exactly why… 
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The amount of smut I read trying to figure out how to write this...
-> Chapter Sixteen
Tagged Hoteliers (Let me know if you want to be added!):
@sirens-and-moonflowers @wonderlandangelsposts @saccharine-nectarine @mommymilkers0526 @goyablogsstuff
@eris-norwega @missgirlsstuff @alastor-the-radio-demons-blog @sillywormtrixareforkids @its-a-dam-blue-brick
@cloverresin20 @blue-bird251 @speedycoffeedelight @littlebluefishtail @saw1987
@mopeyghost @beelz3bub @fraugwinska @minamilinaqueen @demoarah
@diffidentphantom @divineknightmare @animecrazy76 @sleepykittycx @graunta
@reath-solia @satansdaughter123 @mysticatto @freshonyourpages
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skullhorn59 · 4 months
Clouded Sensations
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A/N: my first Hazbin Hotel Fanfic! this is going to be multi chaptered! and definitely smut >:), but this part is more a small sneak peak into what I'm planning rather than an actual chapter. if you wanna request anything, go for it! Tags are going to get added progressively!
Pairings: Valentino x Fem!Reader Legend: ❲☆❳ - flashback, 『♡』 = change of scenes Warnings/Promises: Valentino, Manipulation, Drugs (his smoke/saliva), flirting, alcohol, smoking
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Minors DNI 🚨🚔
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Valentino is sitting comfortably on the leather seat in the booth of one of his many clubs throughout Hell. beside him are two demons, employees of his, Dia and Summer. the two girls sit on the pimps lap as he takes a long drap of his cigarette and blows out it's red smoke. the other two Vee's are sitting in the same booth, but don't pay very much attention.
You are at the bar, just another demon trying to make a living, without being put too much into the spotlight. you never wanted to be noticed by the Vee's, at least not more than necessary. yeah - just trying to survive. from time to time, you get out from the bar to bring out drinks to guests, giving them a friendly smile if they give you a tip.
as you're ordered to bring another round of drinks to the Vee's booth, you can't shake the feeling of being watched. you pick up the tray of glasses before you make your way over, already so self-conscious about yourself that you walk very stiff. you have never been the type of demon for revealing clothes, not even as you were alive. everything you own covered you good, and you always wear black, helping you blend in better - or so you thought.
as you put the glasses down, Vox regards you with a glance, and Velvette ignores you completely. relieved, you turn to leave, but then you notice the Moth Demons grin. it looks almost predatory.
you turn to leave, but your wrist is quickly grabbed by one of his hands, his skin is cool to the touch. he nearly purrs as he begins speaking. "Why don't you stay and join us, Cariño?"
you feel your face heat up, and you try to keep your voice from shaking as you answer the Overlord.
"I'm sorry, Sir, but I have work to do. and besides, I'm not very fond of shar-.." your voice breaks, and you have to clear your throat before finishing your sentence, "... sharing."
you free your wrist from his grip, and hastily hurry away, into the safety of the bar. Fuck! you denied THE Valentino! for as much as you knew about him, he killed sinners for less! before panic could settle in, you take a deep breath and continue your work, trying to avoid any gazes towards the booth.
but Valentino wasn't going to give up this easily. he watches you from across the room, his eyes tracing your every movement. after a while, he stands up and with a flick of one of his wrists, gestures the two female demons to leave. he then saunters over to the bar, leaning against it casually. "Whats your poison?", he asks with a charming grin, letting his eyes roam over the array of bottles behind the counter.
as you look up from the glass you were cleaning, you freeze for a moment. no way he came here for you, right? ... Right??? you keep yourself calm and pretend not to give a single care in the world as you lower your gaze back to the glass, keeping your movements steady and casual, your voice calm as you respond.
"I'm a lightweight. a few glasses of a good Vodka Cola mix, and I'm done for. although," you tilt your head, lost in thought for a moment, your heart pounding against your chest in both fear and unwanted desire, "I've never had any hangovers. not even as I was alive. and I never have memory loss either. it's kinda cool." oh God, you have to stop telling so many details!! you're practically serving him your weaknesses on a silver platter!
The Moth Demon regards you a toothy smirk, his gold tooth reflecting the light off of it. "you have good taste, Cariño. I'll invite you on a couple of glasses.~", his voice is practically dripping with venomous honey.
you raise an eyebrow at him, but begin preparing two glasses with the mix. "you know, I'm still working my shift, so I'm not too keen on getting drunk just now." - "I know Conchita, don't worry your pretty little head about it.~" he leans forward on his elbows, his lower pair of arms resting on his hips as he grabs the glass you just finished pouring. the Overlord downs it in one gulp, before setting the glass down. as he notices your stare, he licks his lips seductively.
wait, is Valentino flirting with you?? Holy fuck. this is suuuuch a dangerous game you're playing. if you make a mistake, you're as good as dead. but at this point, you can't just stop. rather drunk at work than dead, right?...
"Right.", you say out loud, raising your own glass to your lips. you notice how his gaze lingers on you, he practically undresses you with his eyes alone. you catch yourself staring at his eyes with half lidded eyes, slowly downing your own glasses contents. May Lucifer help you, you're a lost cause...
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed this snipped, leave a comment if you wanna be added to the taglist, and I'll add you right away!~ and hey, if you got any suggestions/ideas, please do tell! I'm all ears! :)
─❲♡❳▷Hazbin Masterlist ─❲♡❳▷Main List
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babesway22 · 2 months
“In too deep” part 5
Vox x fem!reader// NSFW 18+ // 🔞 minors do not enter.
⚠️the first of many smut encounters for these two, finally! Were working that slow burn Bebe.
Summary: After a strange week you get offered a job working for hell's biggest asshole but does he have a soft spot for you? Or is he just using you?
Tags: vox, slow burn, the assistant has to deal with his shit, powerful overlord, jealousy, hazbin hotel, v tower, Valentino is problematic, eventual p in v, smut, the reader is in need of real love, the reader is shy, assistant trope, the reader has a crush but also wants to kill him sometimes.
Notes: hi, hello, I’m new here. I have the intent for this to be a slow burn with crumbs of smut here and there until the reader and Vox have a more established relationship. Several parts for sure, or, at least until I’m satisfied that the reader is fully loved and taken care of by the angry TV man.
You woke dazed, the early morning light casting long red shadows in the room creating a disorienting ambiance that made your head ache, the hangover brutal. Slowly sitting up in bed, you let your fingers gingerly ghost over your bruised jaw, wincing at the light contact. Everything from last night hit you like a massive wave of emotion, tears silently streaming down your face. Your body trying and failing horribly to digest all of the information that's been thrown at you at a constant rate for the last few months, and then there was the matter of Vox, whose room you sat in for not the first time, but second, since meeting him. “Fuck,” your voice hoarse from crying. Was he angry? You remembered you hugged him, making you groan in embarrassment, knowing better than others, that physical touch wasn't something the overlord enjoyed. You owed him big time for saving your life but also showing immense kindness when he could've been cold. Your thoughts mindlessly carried you away until a soft rap on the bedroom door startled you back to reality. Quickly wiping the tears away on the back of your hand and wrapping yourself in the blanket you waited expectantly.
“Are you decent miss?” you heard Cors's voice from the other side making you sigh with relief.
“Yes,” you called out, voice still full of emotion.
Entering slowly he made his way to the side of the bed. A small tray in his hand and, what appeared to be iced water with lemon, coffee, and a large, unidentified, pink pill.
“Good morning miss, it's 7 am Monday morn-” he began cheerfully.
“Fuck,” you interrupted loudly, beginning to sit up.
Cor held his hand up, patiently. Having done this same routine hundreds of times for Vox when he was badly hungover or, if he would ever admit, sick with a virus.
“I know what you're going to say,” he smiled knowingly.
You looked at him apologetically, taking the tray from him and setting it down on the nightstand.
“Vox has requested that you stay in bed today, in here, stating very specifically, that your safety was of the utmost importance and that you are not to return to assistant responsibilities until his authorization. Now, there’s the matter of the event tonight,” holding up a finger “which I know, as one of his top assistants you had, no doubt, planned on attending from the sidelines, but, he requests if you're able, of course, to attend as his…date” he finished a small smile on his lips.
You opened your mouth to speak, ultimately closing it astonished by all the information you had to digest.
“Ah, and the pink pill, miss, is a pain reliever as well as an accelerator for healing” gesturing to your bruised jaw.
“Well, who's covering for me? I can work perfectly fine,” you scoffed “What am supposed to do all day? he can't just tell me what to-” the words spilled from your lips angrily.
Cutting in on you this time, eyebrows arched “But he can miss. Speaking of, he mentioned that he’ll come to check on you this evening, I imagine you could voice those opinions to him then?”
The thought of seeing him sooner than you expected shutting you up for the time being. “Fine,” you nodded stubbornly.
“We will be sending up clothes and food, shortly, although, I suggest sleep, the medication is strong. Is there anything else I can do for you?” bowing his head slightly.
“You’ve been so kind, thank you, but, how is he? Vox, I mean” your voice quiet as if he could hear you inquiring about him through the walls, hell, perhaps, he could.
“If you're asking if he's angry at you, the answer is no, actually, it's quite the opposite but I fear I mustn't say much more on that as that's for him to say, not me” his eyes had that same knowing look, confusing you.
“As you can imagine, I have quite a few fires to put out this morning so, if you'll excuse me, miss” he chortled, heading out the door.
Vox sat in his office, red, tired eyes glued to the monitor that viewed the outside of his suite. He rapped his long claws on the desk impatiently, huffing out a breath and sitting back. As per usual, he had too much on his plate but scoffed at the idea of someone thinking he couldn't handle it. Work was a mundane distraction like most other things in his afterlife and something he willingly took on because, in his, valuable opinion, no one else could do it like him. Fucking morons.
His screen vibrated energetically, a call from Velvette that he grabbed and threw onto the nearest screen with a loud zap. Sighing, he put on his most charismatic smile, reluctantly.
“Velvette, darling, good hellish morning. Whatever can I do for you?” raising his slender eyebrows quizzically.
“I’m calling to make sure you have a fucking date for tonight's Black tie event! You didn't forget, did you!?” looking away he was momentarily distracted by Cor seen leaving his suite, pissing Velvette off, “Whatever, whoever the slut is,” she pointed a manicured finger at him menacingly through the screen, “I want her dressed in my finest and make sure she sells it, got it!?” she screeched.
Looking back at her he glinted his sharp teeth in a Cheshire cat manner, ever the charmer “Already on it, dear! Don't you worry,” but before she could complain any longer, no doubt, giving him a headache, he ended the call, dropping his smile along with it. “Ugh,” he sighed loudly. Finally taking a moment for himself, he leaned back again, this time letting his head hang off the back of the chair. Cor was due any moment, dutifully coming to tell him how you were. Reflecting, he realized as of late that his emotions had been betraying him, making him more irrational and irritated than he already was, a dangerous concoction, surely. Where hate and displeasure normally sat high upon their throne, there you were, captivating him. He tried in vain, but last night's occurrences replayed in his mind on a steady loop. Your pleading, crying eyes imploring for him to stay, the blood on your dress and beautiful face, and your exhausted from sleeping soundly and safely in his bed. “FUCK,” he pinched his screen where the bridge of his nose would have existed, something he did in his human form, not forgotten.
“Sir,” Cor said, pulling him out of his introspections. Swiveling around in his chair, he sat up, lifting an eyebrow, “Well?” his voice strained.
“She's fine enough sir, it seems she had been crying and was quite sure she could go to work, always so independent and stubborn,” he laughed lightly,
“And?” he was getting angry, a headache coming on.
“Ah yes, I told her about the event, sir. Just like you requested. She didn't say anything on the matter,” he said openly.
He waved his hand at Cor dismissively swiveling back around to the monitors, eyes landing on the hazbin hotel. What a fucking shit hole, and one more thing he had to worry about. If Alastor ever found out he had feelings for someone, he would surely use it against him.
After Cor left you sat with your thoughts, eventually deciding that although you could work, you guess it was reasonable that you required rest. If anything, you felt more emotionally beaten, an insane sequence of events occurring, leaving you depleted. In your living life, you were hyper-independent, never allowing anyone to step in, much less allowing someone to take care of you but here you were, although, grumpy about the matter, you allowed it. As Cor mentioned, the medication made you drowsy, and eventually laying back down, you slept for an additional 7 hours. Waking, feeling refreshed, you were greeted with a small pile of clothes to pick from and a handwritten note from Cor, saying there was fresh fruit in the kitchen for you. Usually overloaded with work throughout the day you found yourself incredibly bored, choosing a self-guided tour of his immense suite. You walked into the large living area first, already well acquainted with his bedroom which you gathered he rarely slept in anyway. The room was massive, with high ceilings and modest, black leather couches. Nothing in particular stood out to you but noted his taste was modern and minimal, the theme carrying refreshingly throughout all spaces. Once in the kitchen, your fingers trailed mindlessly over a variety of costly liquors, humming to yourself at his affluent taste. Opening the fridge you noticed the fruit and nothing else. “He never eats either, shocking,” you hummed to yourself, grabbing a handful of strawberries. In the corner, your eyes were drawn to a large antique record player with stacks of vinyls tidily kept beneath. Interested, you crouched down, your delicate fingers swiping through the collection. Most of them were from the early to late 50s, making you wonder if that was the time he was from, some of his traits and mannerisms making more sense if that was the case. You looked out the kitchen windows, the red tint in the sky was withering to an inky black. If you had to guess, it was close to 5 pm with Vox ending his day anywhere from 6-9 pm, never consistent in that matter, always working until he couldn't anymore. With the event happening you inferred he'd stay late, doing preparations, or, just yelling at whatever poor soul replaced you today. It gave you more time to explore but first, music. You plucked a random vinyl, removing it from its sleeve, and positioning it gently on the slipmat, lowering the needle.
The air filled with an upbeat tune, not unfamiliar from the era in which your life was terminated. You closed your eyes, swaying and twirling about the space carelessly. Time passed slowly until all you heard was the soft scratching of the needle riding through the grooves.
A loud clapping behind you startled you making you whip around. Vox was leaning in the doorway of the kitchen, putting his hands back in his pocket, an arrogant smile on his face.
“Bravo, bravo,” he deadpanned.
“Vox? Shit. How long have you been there? I thought you'd still be at work,” your voice shrill.
“Long enough,” he shrugged.
“I thought you didn't like music, I was surprised to see it here. I hope you don't mind,” pointing back to the machine.
“Music is fine, I don't like radio,” his voice deforming on the last word.
“Most all the artists are from the 50s?” you implored, suddenly anxious at the palpable tension that entered the room at the mention of radio.
“They are,” he strolled past you,
snatching a glass and pouring tequila to the brim. Something was certainly on his mind but what, you wondered.
“Are you done for the day?” you asked meekly, changing the subject.
Turning to you he leaned back on the marble counter. Observing you “I am,” he said, downing the clear liquid and setting it down behind him.
He looked so damn attractive. What was wrong with you?
“Anyways,” his voice interrupting your thoughts “you needed rest, so, I took you off any duties for the week, and with this being the safest room in the building I figured you'd feel more comfortable” he paused, raising an attractive eyebrow at you, “Everything okay?”
Catching yourself, you realized you were staring too long. Did he notice? “Yes, to all of that, yes. Thank you,” stumbling through the words.
He paused a moment, his eyes intense, hiding some other emotion, “come here,” his voice distorting again which should have been your first warning.
But without hesitation, you walked over to him, standing between his long legs. Which you also found attractive, fuck. Keep it together.
Taking his thumb and pointer finger he held
Your face up in the light, examining what was left of the bruises. His claws felt sharp on your skin, but you found yourself feeling safe with him, trusting him entirely. Was that wrong? You couldn't be sure.
“The medication, it worked?” he asked, his voice now darker than it was the other night before you were interrupted.
Closing your eyes, you sighed “Yes, I think so?”
“That's good,” his voice sounding much closer. Gradually, he tilted your head back so the graceful column of your neck was revealed to him.
“I’m losing control, doll,” he breathed into your ear, sending warmth down your spine, straight to your core.
“Vox,” you gasped. The sudden change of direction this was going made you feel light-headed. You placed a hand tentatively on his hip to keep yourself from falling backward. Making him growl lowly, “Careful”
His mood suddenly felt dangerous, the air in the room filling with a strange metallic static that coated your tongue and mouth.
“Do you feel safe with me?” his voice hissing like an exposed electrical wire. His ego was seemingly wounded, from what, you couldn't be sure.
“Yes,” your voice was small and hardly audible.
“If the radio demon ever comes for you, I’ll slit his throat and mount his stupid fucking head on my wall” each word distorted like a tv changing through stations too fast.
He released you from his grip making you stumble away from him.
Turning his back to you he filled another glass full of tequila.
If never aware before, you were now that you just stood toe to toe with one of hell's
most powerful overlords. You allowed yourself to get too comfortable you reminded yourself, taking a small step away from him.
Turning back around he stared down at you, apologetically.
“I'm sorry,” he said, evidently sincere.
You didn't say anything at first, casting your eyes to the floor. He was always so hot and cold, making it nauseating to converse with him at times.
“You're so powerful, sometimes I forget could tear me to shre-”
“Don't say that,” he cut in.
“Vox, I feel like whatever this is,” you gestured between the two of you “is confusing me. One minute I'm afraid of you the next I want to,” you stopped yourself, looking up at him.
“You're the closest anyone's ever gotten to me,” he said taking a long stride towards you.
This time you didn't move, looking up at him.
“What do you mean?”
His screen glitched to an error screen before switching back. His eyebrows pulled down into a deep V.
“I don't know what you're doing to me, doll” he reached his hand out placing it on your
cheek, tenderly, “I feel like I'm losing control of my emoti-”
“Fuck me,” you said, pulling confidence out of thin air, surprising you both.
“What?” he said incredulously.
“Fuck me, see if you still feel the same after,” you said assuredly.
“I'm not gonna fuck you to test whatever-” he trailed off.
Stepping back from him you slowly slipped your dress over your head, dropping it to the floor in a pool of black fabric by his feet. You stood before him, braless with only a pair of lace underwear and heels on.
“What's the matter, vox?” you said walking back up to him, grabbing his tequila out of his hand and sipping it “Cat got your tongue?” you purred.
“Something like that,” he said, reaching his hand out and pulling you back snuggly to his body. A game of push and pull going on between you both.
You placed a hand on his belt, staring up at him through long lashes. Your breasts pressed against his lower abdomen giving him a nice view when he stared down at you, taking his tequila back.
Looking back down you palmed him through his pants slowly, gasping at how big he felt in your hand, already hard for you. “Fuck,” he sputtered, choking on his drink.
Stepping back you tugged on his belt loops, pulling him through the kitchen and into the living area. Pushing him by his chest onto the nearest couch and climbing onto his lap, straddling him.
He looked puzzled, no one ever being so bold as to take charge of him.
“I've made Vox, the tv demon nearly speechless,” you praised yourself, “I deserve a reward” your voice like rich silk.
He looked at you, his eyes lidded and mischievous. “Lucky you,” he hummed “what kind of reward would you like, doll?”
You looked down, fingers undoing his belt buckle. “I can think of one thing,” you feigned innocence, pouting.
“You name it and it’s yours,” his voice low and sensual, sending heat to your core.
Staring at him, you unzipped his pants reaching your hand in and wrapping your hand around his impressive length. “Can I have this?” your voice dripping with arousal.
“Fuu-uuk, yes,” he gritted through his teeth. His eye contact intense, making you squirm on top of him.
Looking back down you pulled him from his pants, gasping at finally seeing how large he was in your small hand. You pumped him slowly, precum dripping from the tip and onto your hand, making a deep moan rise from his throat.
Removing his hands from your hips he slowly slid them up your sides leaving goosebumps in their wake, his thumbs teasing your nipples, making you shiver at the sensitivity.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said softly, his tone so gentle, it surprised you. leaning forward his lips closed around a nipple, his mouth and tongue hot, making your skin feel flushed.
“Vox,” your breath hitched.
“What is it, baby? What do you need?” His voice strained, your hand still lazily pumping his cock.
“Fuck me until I forget everything bad that happened,” you pleaded.
He stared up at you, his expression unreadable, “I've got you,” he placated, his hands slowly moving to your pussy, already soaked from his hands and mouth on you.
“Are you fond of these?” a sharp claw pulling on your underwear.
“No,” your voice no more than a whisper, only loud enough for him to hear. You gasped when he ripped them before hearing your answer, casting them across the room.
With one hand firmly gripping your hip keeping you in place, the other snaked between your bodies slowly adding a sharp finger into your dripping cunt, pumping in and out at an upwards angle before adding a second.
“I need you to cum for me, doll,” he whispered, watching you intently as your mouth hung open. He sped up, the wet sounds of his fingers inside you filling the room lewdly.
Staring down at him from his lap, he looked sinful. His long legs spread wide under you, chest heaving and crimson eyes lidded, darkly.
“Come on,” he groaned feeling your muscles begin to tighten. With your back arching inward, you flung your head back coming undone on his fingers, soaking them with a cry of his name.
“That’s it, fuck,” he snarled. His arm wrapped around your back pulling you to his chest, the other lining his cock up to your entrance.
“You tell me if I’m hurting you, do you understand?” his voice stern.
“Yes,”’ you moaned breathlessly, still reeling from the orgasm he gave you. You felt the tip slowly enter you, already spreading you open. You knew he was going to be the biggest you’ve ever had, other men or demons falling short in every aspect, compared to Vox.
Pushing down on your ass and snapping his hips upward he pushed himself halfway in. Making you whimper at the bittersweet stretch.
He paused, chest heaving under you “I’m trying so hard to be gentle, doll,” he spat.
“Then don’t,” you whispered into his neck, and like a butterfly’s wings in the flames of a dragon, there was no turning back. Those two words spilling from your lips were all he needed. Grabbing your hips he lifted you above him before slamming you onto his cock mercilessly, making your scream echo off the walls as he bottomed out. “Fuck,” he hissed loudly. Picking up a brutal pace immediately, moans pulled from your lips on every upward snap of his skilled hips.
“You look so fucking pretty on my cock, baby,” his voice was a guttural growl that sent another pool of wetness to your pussy.
“Oh, shit,” he laughed darkly, “you like that?”
His voice was always something you found attractive, but a growl from him sent your mind and body spiraling out of control.
placing your arms around his neck for support you leaned forward, giving him a better angle to thrust up, hitting the soft, sensitive spot inside you.
“Vox, it’s too much,” you gasped.
“Take it,” he hissed through his teeth, grabbing your hips and lifting and slamming you down onto him repeatedly his strong arms supporting you completely. He looked down between your bodies, watching himself disappear into your soaked cunt with each sharp, upward roll of his hips.
“Fuuuuuuck, you’re going to ruin me aren’t you?” he groaned, grabbing your face and pointing it down between your joined bodies. “Look what you're doing to me,” he snarled.
“Fuck Vox, I'm gonna cum,” you whined, throwing your head back.
“No, no, no. You look at me when you cum, I want to see what I do to that pretty face,” grabbing your jaw in his clawed hand, he held you in front of him.
“Vox please,” you begged, the coil inside you building, begging to break.
“You're fucking mine, say it,” he hissed. His lips curled above his teeth in a malicious, attractive snarl.
You nodded, not breaking the intense eye contact. “I-I’m yours, Vox, all yours,” your voice hoarse.
“You're such a good girl, taking me so well” a loud whine spilled from his throat, his screen distorting between a SMPTE screen before glitching back, his brows furrowed deeply in concentration.
His praise made you come undone, screaming his name over and over as if a wicked prayer to whatever gods would hear you. Your walls fluttered around him, squeezing him tightly making him studder to a stop, his chest heaving he looked down between your bodies at his soaked cock and pants and back up to you, grinning madly, “Give me one more”
“I can’t, I can’t, please,” you begged.
“I'm wrapped around your finger, doll. Just give me one more and I’ll cum for you” his voice tense.
Hearing those words come from such a potent overlord made you feel dizzy with power. Grabbing onto his shoulders you began a rhythmic bounce on his cock, body trembling with overstimulation. “Fuck,” he choked, guiding your hips and thrusting up shallowly to meet your downward slaps, allowing you some control.
“That's my ggggGg-girlLllll,” his voice distorted. You would never admit it but found it incredibly hot when his voice was affected, making you clentch around him again.
“There it is, doll. Give it to me,” he growled, his pace becoming frantic, his release approaching quickly.
“I'm so close, Vox” you blubbered, tears springing from your eyes at the sensitivity.
“C'mon,” he gritted through razor-sharp teeth, reaching a hand down and rubbing small wet circles on your clit with his thumb, making you explode around him instantly, your cunt gripped him deliciously making him follow suit, cumming deep inside you with a guttural moan of the most sinful corruption. His head fell back onto the couch with a thud. “Fuu-uck,” he sighed gripping your hips to keep you firmly in place. Sitting back up he stared at you, not taking his eyes off yours, both of you not needing words. The room filled, only with your combined, soft panting.
“Mmmm,” he hummed. “You're a dangerous woman”
You stared down at him in utter awe, no man or demon had been able to give you one orgasm let alone the three Vox just gave. He was a tireless sexual partner, skilled in the ways of pleasure to make up for where he fell short in maintaining emotional relationships. Your mind reeling, you realized you were sitting where thousands of other women, men, and demons only dreamed of being, but here you were, his cock still snuggly inside of you.
Grabbing you by the back of the neck, he pressed you to his chest, “This didn't change how I feel, doll,” his voice was dangerous, with an obsessive undertone.
“It was worth a try,” you said quietly into his chest. “Also, I don't understand how your dick fits in these tight pants”
He laughed loudly and unbridled the sound vibrating through his chest.
“I’m so fucked,” he sighed, his laughter trailing off.
“Do you still need a date for the event?” you asked, sitting back up. His cock starting to soften inside you making his cum leak from you slowly.
Clearing his throat dramatically “Ahem, Yes, will you do me the honor of being my lovely, date tonight, miss” raising his eyebrows and putting on his best showbiz smile, handsome as ever.
“However could I say no,” you clutched your
chest innocently, batting your eyelashes
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valentinoappreciator · 2 months
hello everybody did anyone ask for trans!staticmoth? no? well, too bad because i have spent ALL DAY on that!
Media: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Vox x Valentino (as well as very minor Valentino x Angel Dust)
Rating: E for explicit
Word count: 7.6k
Warnings: none apply (although, I guess, referenced / mentioned past (non-graphic) rape?)
Additional tags: trans!Vox (masc-presenting), trans!Valentino (femme-presenting), panic attacks, one mention of Val wearing a collar, multiple orgasms, (light) overstimulation, mentioning / referencing / talking about past rape (non graphic), Heaven and the Angels are FUCKED, side dish of ValAngel (im sorry)... i think that's about it. no slurs are mentioned directly, but they're referenced, if you read between the lines.
Where else to read: AO3. Username: TheWeirdDane. Title: From Rags To Riches
Author's notes: trans!voxval wont leave me alone. I'm so deeply sorry. I tried to use my own experiences in my gender journey for this, but I still apologize if anything was insensitive or done poorly. I am also still learning 😅
Also: minors, do not interact, please!
Valentino, as he so often did, had gone clubbing. The music was loud, and the bass louder still; it was so aggressive that it made his entire being vibrate across the sticky dance floor. The lights blinding and shiny, he occasionally went into an almost trance-like state, just staring into the lights, as if that wouldn’t cause irreparable damage to his already dogshit eyesight. But, well, that was nothing a new glasses prescription couldn’t fix. 
He swayed his hips, bouncing up and down as the music dictated, swinging his arms with the carefully contained wildness of someone who’s entirely used to having four arms, and knows exactly what to do with them at all times. 
Valentino knew he looked like a million bucks, in his figure-hugging, sparkling, diamond-studded bodystocking, his thigh-high, shiny latex boots, and the padded collar cinched tight around his throat. 
He also knew that if someone were to come up to him and ask for a dance, he would deck them. This was his night out. His reprieve. His chance to relax and let loose, without having someone breathing down his neck. 
Accidentally bounding into someone, Valentino’s mouth was halfway through performing an apology - because everything about Valentino was a performance; or, so one would be inclined to think - when he saw who he had bumped into, and his jaw went slack. 
It wasn’t someone he knew, but he knew instantly that it was someone he would die to get to know. 
“Look where you’re dancing, lanky bitch!” the other demon grumbled, only hanging on to their balance because Valentino grabbed the sleeves of their button-up shirt. He had a TV screen for a head, and was dressed in a suit so pressed and straight that Valentino could not take it seriously. 
“I’m deeply sorry, sir,” Valentino purred, and relaxed his vocal cords to let their natural pitch shine through. “It wasn’t my intention. But, you know how it can be. Having four arms and everything.”
The other demon looked him up and down. A smug smile appeared on his screen. Crossing his arms across his chest, his suit creased slightly. 
“I would not know, but I’m sure you could tell me all about it.”
“I’d be delighted to,” Valentino said smoothly, gesturing to the nearby booths. The demon raised a digital eyebrow, but nonetheless followed Valentino when he sauntered towards the red leather. He sat down, produced a cigarette holder from somewhere on his person, and put a cigarette in it. 
Valentino dug between his breasts with one hand, pulling out a shiny, red lighter that he used to light the cigarette. 
“Do you smoke?” he asked the other demon, holding out a pack of fine cigarettes. He waved a hand in a polite pass. “Do you at least drink?” 
“Never pass up an opportunity.”
Valentino grinned, dug between his breasts once more, and pulled out a shiny golden credit card. Stretching it out towards the other demon, he quickly pulled it out of reach. 
“Introductions first, baby, what do you take me for? A fucking reprobate? Name’s Valentino. And yours is...?” 
“Vox,” the other demon said politely, before snatching the credit card out of Valentino’s hand with a speed that Valentino had not expected. He stared at Vox, unable to deny the faint blush on his cheeks. 
“Pleasure to meet you, Val,” Vox then purred, got up, and sauntered towards the bar in such an alluring gait that Valentino was compelled to watch him. His hips were divine, and oh, that ass...!
Valentino smoked his cigarettes and watched the crowd until Vox returned with not one but two martini glasses full of a clear liquid. He raised an eyebrow when one was placed in front of him, then looked at Vox quizzically. 
“Excuse me? What the fuck is this?”
“Well, I thought, since you’re buying, it’s only fair you bought yourself something,” Vox grinned. He put the credit card on the table between them and slid it back to Valentino, who snatched it up with a hand. “You do like martinis, right? Fancy girl such as yourself?” 
Something in Valentino bristled. He was no girl...! But, he would have to admit to himself, that with the way he was dressed tonight, it was only natural that that is what others would assume. The bodystocking that really showed off his figure and pushed up his breasts, the makeup to put any makeup artist to shame, the high-heeled boots. 
He scoffed. 
“Don’t assume things about me based on my appearances,” he huffed, taking a sip of his martini. He hated that he actually liked it. Vox shrugged, mirroring the motion. 
“Right, sorry,” he said over the thin rim of his glass, but with all the attitude of someone who didn’t really mean it, and someone who didn’t care that others knew it wasn’t genuine. 
There was a short pause in the incredibly stimulating conversation where they both just watched sinners go amok on the dance floor. Hopping, dancing, writhing figures blurred into a giant blob of colors for Valentino the longer he stared. 
Eventually, feeling almost dizzy, he looked back to Vox, finding him staring intently at him. 
“What?” he asked gruffly and took another sip of his drink. 
“You’re most curious,” Vox replied. Valentino snickered, cocking an eyebrow himself while lifting his cigarette holder to his lips. 
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” 
“You strut like a woman. You’re dressed like a woman. You have a figure like a goddamn fucking model. Yet you swear like a hardened sailor, of whom we both know the sex.”
That got Valentino to tense. Well, it was no secret that he yearned for a more... masculine form. Okay, it was a little bit of a secret. Only known to those closest to him. An amount of people he could count on one hand. He couldn’t have just anybody know he was a---- well, that he wasn’t comfortable with his current... configuration. 
“If you have something to say, just say it.”
Vox shrugged again, sipping his drink. 
“Are you happy in your current body, Val?” 
Valentino’s mouth tightened into a thin line. He took a deep drag of his cigarette holder and blew the smoke into Vox’s screen. 
“What’s it to ya, Voxxy? Think you can fuck me into liking my body better, is that it?”
“Oh, I think a lot of things, Val, none of which would be fit for a woman’s delicate head.”
Valentino nearly bit the end of his cigarette holder in two, his sharp teeth gritting against each other. 
“Well, if you’re so terribly clever, Voxxy, pray tell, please, what you could offer me that would make me like my... this body better.”
Vox’s mouth split into a wide grin, and he leaned forward conspiratorially. 
“Well, Val, I think it’s fair to say you haven’t had a real man treat you like you need to be treated.”
“And what kind of treatment would that be, oh mighty one? You think you are up to the task? Ha. Hell, you don’t look like much. I doubt you’re packing anything noteworthy.” 
At that, Vox finally seemed to feel something other than that infuriatingly smug self-confidence. He scoffed, and rolled his eyes almost aggressively. 
“But,” Valentino continued and put a hand delicately on Vox’s shoulder, another holding his cigarette holder by his lips, “if you’re so sure you can, forgive the expression, fuck me right, then why don’t we go home to my place?” 
Vox’s screen flickered slightly. He looked to the side. Squirmed a bit. Valentino grinned widely. 
Oh, now who is the uncomfortable one, bitch? he thought to himself, triumphantly. 
“Now, Val, I didn’t---”
“Oh, what, are you suddenly a coward, Voxxy? Afraid I might discard you like all the others? That you’re not up to snuff? That your pathetic, little cock won’t satisfy me?”
Vox’s expression hardened. He grabbed Valentino’s hand and yanked him down so they were face to face. 
“Fine,” he snarled, got up, and unceremoniously pulled Valentino up from the booth as well. “You’re gonna regret saying that.”
Valentino all but stumbled after him. He might’ve talked the talk, but he wasn’t sure he could walk the walk, when it came down to it. 
Once back in his apartment, Valentino looked expectantly at Vox. He crossed all four arms over his chest, tapping his shiny boot against the equally pristine floor. He hated the way his heart beat in his chest, and the way he actually looked forward to whatever Vox was going to show, and do to, him. He was no common whore, and yet... and yet...! 
Vox just stood there, like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck barrelling towards him. 
“Well, Voxxy, I am eagerly waiting for your massive cock and your incredible stamina,” he snickered and crowded Vox against the wall, two hands on either side of his screen. He noticed how Vox’s gaze flickered down to his breasts, and laughed mockingly. 
“Unless that was all talk?” he continued in a more sultry tone, putting one hand on Vox’s screen while another draped itself across his shoulders, a third positioning his cigarette holder close to his lips, and a fourth pushing against Vox’s chest. 
That fourth one gradually crept south, down over Vox’s crisp suit and his flat stomach. 
“V-Val, don’t,” he stuttered, and weakly tried to push Valentino away. 
Valentino kept going. 
“Oh, so it was all talk, was it, huh, baby?” he purred, stroking his hand down over Vox’s hip before going to cup his crotch. 
Just as he did so, Vox’s screen glitched, and he hissed loudly. 
Valentino stared down at him. Blinked once. Then twice. Then a third time, just for good measure. 
“You’re not even hard?” he asked, incredulously. “I should’ve thought you were eager to get with me. You certainly talked like you were!”
“Val,” Vox groaned, looking away when Valentino leaned into his screen. 
“What, I’m not up to snuff? I’m not good enough? Fucking Hell, Vox, I thought---”
But then, in his search to find Vox’s cock, he fondled the demon’s crotch harder, and found his suit pants to be... damp.  
“What, you pissed yourself, too?” he snarled, his temper quickly showing itself. “Are you that much of such a little baby that you can’t handle someone like me?”
Suddenly, Val was pushed backwards, an arch of electricity sparking between Vox’s antennas. His left eye was suddenly pulsing and spinning eerily. 
“Fuck off, Val! Don’t you get it?” he snapped. 
“Clearly not!” Valentino snapped back, pressing his hand harder into Vox’s crotch. “So, why don’t you tell this woman’s delicate head what the fuck I’m not getting?” 
Vox growled, and the claws on his hands suddenly crackled with electricity. 
“Because clearly, I’m not getting cock tonight!” Valentino continued in a harsh snarl, and used a hand to keep Vox pinned against the wall. “Either because you have the smallest fucking cock imaginable to sinners, or because you simply don’thave a----”
Valentino cut himself short when realization hit him. It hit harder than any alcohol ever had, dead or alive. He stared down at Vox, who, for all intents and purposes, looked like he would rather die all over again than be the one to say what Valentino was thinking. 
“You don’t have a cock, do you?” Valentino then asked, bewildered. 
It all pieced itself together in his head. 
Vox was just like him. 
He frowned. Lightly at first, but the more seconds ticked by, the deeper his brows furrowed. 
“You’re... you’re like me.” 
Vox threw Valentino’s hands away from himself. 
“I am nothing like you!” he spat, as if the words, as if the very idea, was poison to him. 
“Come on, Vox,” Valentino said, his voice so gentle it surprised even him. It also seemed to surprise Vox, because immediately, all the anger and frustration drained from his screen. He looked up at Valentino with big eyes. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, shoulders sagging and eyes cast downward. 
Valentino regarded him quietly for a moment. Eyes narrow. Mouth a tight line. 
Vox snorted. 
“Yeah, sure. Why not?”
Valentino pulled out his cigarette pack and plucked one for Vox. He lit it, too, watching with rapt attention as Vox inhaled deeply, immediately choking on the smoke. He coughed and banged a fist on his chest repeatedly. 
“You weren’t kidding when you said you don’t smoke, huh?”
“Why would I?” Vox croaked when he had gotten his breathing under control. Valentino scoffed, amusement tinging the sound. 
“Well, I guess I can respect you for not lying about that.”
Vox let out a snort, stubbornly taking another drag of the cigarette. His eyes closed, and then he slowly slid down the wall. Valentino stared down at him, somewhere between bewildered and enraged. He had been looking forward to Vox fucking him into the mattress. 
With a deep sigh, Valentino slumped back against and slid down the wall, following Vox’s example. 
They smoked quietly for a few minutes. The silence was close to deafening. 
“We can still have fun, y’know.”
Vox snorted and rolled his eyes. 
“You never give up, do you?” 
Valentino snickered, shrugged with one shoulder. 
“What can I say? I’m a hedonist by nature. For better or for worse.”
Now it was Vox’s turn to regard Valentino. He did so with an expression that Valentino couldn’t quite figure out. Was it admiration? Or was it an attempt at hiding how crazy he found Valentino? 
“Pray tell. Fun how?” Vox then asked, prompting Valentino to smirk. 
“You have a cunt. I have one. I’m sure we could... figure something out.”
Vox rolled his eyes, accompanied by an amused sound. 
“What’s something you’ve always wanted to try, Voxxy? I think I have an idea. If, of course, you’re up for it.”
“A hedonist and a mind reader?” Vox chuckled, then sighed deeply with pleasure when he got the smoking down pat, and he felt the nicotine enter his system. His eyes closed. He leaned his screen back against the wall. Valentino put a hand on his thigh, another busy with his cigarette holder. 
He exhaled a plume of red smoke that hung around their heads. 
“It’s something I have always been interested in,” he then admitted, quietly, like it was a deeply depraved fantasy that would earn him a one-way ticket to an even deeper part of Hell. “And, like I said, you’re like me. We’re two sides of the same coin, Vox.”
“What is it? This idea.”
Valentino sent him a long, sideways glance. 
“Take off your clothes. I’ll show ya.”
Vox’s eyebrows lifted. 
“Are you out of your mind?”
“Maybe. But I can almost guarantee that it’ll feel good. If you’ll just allow me to show you.”
“Only almost? Sounds like a weak promise to me, Valentino.” 
Valentino rolled his eyes, but snickered nonetheless. 
“Well, if you don’t want to feel good...” he drawled, starting to withdraw his hand. Vox hesitated half a second to grab it. 
“Show me, then, oh master of sex.” 
Valentino’s lips twitched into a full grin. 
“That’s what I like to hear.” 
Together, they got Vox out of his clothes in record time, and Valentino splayed him out on the ground beneath him. He saw that the reason he hadn’t noticed Vox’s breasts at first was because he had tied them in. Binding, as it were called. He knew of the term, of the practice, of course he did, but he had never had an issue with his own breasts. Well, not in the same way and to the degree that Vox did, it would seem. 
He sent him a curious glance. Vox shook his head, averting his eyes. 
“Don’t... pay attention to them. Please.”
Valentino nodded, and paid attention to other parts of Vox’s body that he hoped would feel better to him. 
“Tell me if... if I’m out of line.”
Vox didn’t respond. He was tense, Valentino could feel that much. 
“Relax,” he said softly, and stroked two hands up and down his sides. He had a slim body that, at another time, Valentino would have loved to throw around and mark. As it were, however, he was gentle. He was tender. He was slow. He was everything he had been denied. 
As the seconds ticked by, reaching to become minutes, Vox gradually relaxed the more Valentino touched him. Valentino kept his word; he avoided the entire chest region, making sure to massage his arms and his thighs instead. Slowly, as the minutes morphed into half an hour, then to an hour, Vox became completely pliant under Valentino’s practiced hands. 
After that, Valentino decided to free style it. He had made sure not to touch Vox’s crotch, but he could smell that Vox was feeling a... certain way right now. He glanced up at his screen; his eyes were closed, his mouth slightly ajar, revealing a bright, neon-blue tongue. 
“How you feeling, baby?” 
“Good,” he rasped, trembling vaguely. 
“Do you want to feel even better?”
“I will need to touch you for that.”
“Please,” came the almost urgent plea. 
Valentino smiled - a seldom, gentle one - and wasted no time in stroking his claws through Vox’s folds, his focus entirely on his face. Vox furrowed his brows in a deep frown, and his mouth inhaled sharply, while his body jerked hard to the side. Valentino immediately pinned him to the ground with his remaining three hands. 
The cigarette holder had been discarded a while ago, now laying forgotten on the floor behind him. A frail wisp of smoke rose from the smoldering tip. 
“Just relax,” he purred, carefully stroking Vox’s folds and paying especially good attention to his clit. “Just relax, let me show you what I can do.” 
“Yes,” Vox whispered, a hoarse, grating sound. He sagged back against the floor again, but one of his hands came up to grab one of Valentino’s. Valentino permitted it. 
Valentino circled his clit. He stroked it gently. He slid his fingers between Vox’s folds, teasing his entrance. Just teasing. It was enough that it had Vox trembling hard. 
“Val,” he croaked suddenly, and Valentino, who had been busy admiring his beautiful anatomy, snapped his attention back to his face. 
“Yes, baby?”
“I feel... weird.” His hand clenched Valentino’s tighter. 
“Weird how, baby? Talk to me.”
“I’m... warm. Inside. It’s like... like electricity through my chords, but... liquid.”
“Yeah?” Valentino urged him on, feeling quite warm himself. It couldn’t be that Vox was a virgin, now could it...? That would just be too good. 
Vox nodded. His chest rose and fell rapidly. Valentino frowned slightly, cocking his head a bit to the side. 
“Does it feel good, though?”
At that, Vox nodded immediately, and quite eagerly. 
“It feels... really good, Val.”
“Okay, good. Thank you for telling me, baby,” he crooned, and continued sliding his fingers up and down Vox’s folds, before focusing on his clit. 
The second his claws made contact with the warm, slightly throbbing bud, Vox inhaled sharply, and jerked so hard he almost bucked Valentino off. 
“Feels that good, huh?” he asked, trying to keep his teasing to a minimum. “Don’t worry, baby, I ain’t even halfway done showing you my magic tricks.” 
Vox bit back a whimper that nonetheless spilled between his sharp teeth when Valentino didn’t relent. He kept stroking and rubbing his clit. Slowly, carefully, not wanting to end the show prematurely. He let his claws tap gently against the incredibly sensitive bundle of nerves, and relished the way Vox’s entire body shuddered. He might have moaned himself, but he would be double-damned and double-dead before he would admit that.
“Now, I’m going to try something,” he warned Vox, who immediately lifted his head to look at Valentino. His eyes were wide open, almost panicked. 
“I’ll keep it to this area, don’t worry, sweetheart, yeah?” he quickly promised. Fuck, why did it matter so much what this dude thought?! Was he growing soft or something?! Pathetic! 
Vox nodded slowly. 
“Lay back down for me, then. There we go. Good boy.” 
Slowly, so slowly that Valentino thought he was going to explode, he laid down between Vox’s legs. He kissed the inside of Vox’s thighs with unending tenderness. The closer he got to Vox’s core, the sharper and quicker Vox’s breathing became. 
“Breathe, baby. Can’t have ya passing out on me,” he joked. Vox whimpered loudly, and put both hands on his screen. Valentino might not be the greatest at reading - and listening to - people, but even he could recognize the way Vox’s breathing spiraled out of control. 
He started hyperventilating, and his legs immediately closed. Alarmed, Valentino lifted his head to look up at him. 
Vox was trembling. Hard. Not to mention, he sounded like he couldn’t breathe, but would die trying. 
“Voxxy?” Valentino said with a frown, moving up to stare directly into the comforting, blue light. “Voxxy, hey hey hey, what’s up, baby?” 
Vox didn’t answer verbally, but he did utter a miserable whimper. 
Familiar enough with panic attacks that he knew what they were, Valentino had never experienced one himself. Not related to sex, anyway. Bewildered, and clueless as to what he was supposed to do, Valentino clutched both Vox’s hands in all four of his own. 
“Hey, Vox, listen to me, babe, okay?” he said. 
Vox shuddered so hard it was near a convulsion. 
Valentino grit his teeth, feeling panic well up within himself, but wanting to quell it before that, too, got out of control. 
“Vox, look, I can’t help ya if you don’t tell me what to do, okay? I’m here, but you gotta walk me through it.”
Vox lifted his trembling hands. Valentino let go, and Vox wrapped his arms around Valentino’s neck. Before he knew it, Valentino found himself wrapped in a loose embrace. Vox’s teeth chattered loudly against his cheek. 
“Okay,” Valentino said softly, bringing his own arms around Vox’s quivering body. “Okay. It’s okay. I got you.” 
“H-H-Hold m-me. Tight. P-Please.”
“Okay, baby, okay,” he whispered, tightening his grip on Vox’s body until he feared he was actively strangling him. However, the tight, warm pressure seemed to be just what Vox needed. It took a while, but eventually, he stopped trembling. He stopped hyperventilating. Instead, he started sniffling. 
Valentino forced himself not to roll his eyes, even though Vox would not be able to see it if he had. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” he said, without letting go. “I’m right here.”
“I’m... s-s-sorry,” Vox stuttered weakly. 
“Naahh, baby, don’t give me that shit. Tell me what’s wrong.” 
He practically heard Vox swallow before he detangled himself from the tight grasp of Valentino’s many arms. Valentino allowed him to, but only to the point he could still plant a firm hand on his knee. 
Vox sat back on his ass on the floor. His eyes unfocused before they focused on Valentino’s hand. He swallowed again, took a deep breath. 
“Uh,” he started, rubbing his eyes. Valentino briefly wondered how he cried if he was all digital. Then that concern was shoved to the background. Vox. Focus on Vox. 
“I... I guess it’s no use trying to play off as nothing serious, huh?” he joked weakly, glancing up at Valentino. 
“Nu-uh, sugar. Tell me what happened, and who to kill.” 
The last part came out without him having even thought about it, surprising both himself and Vox. The blue light of Vox’s screen seemed to become brighter for a second. Valentino cleared his throat, before he retrieved his discarded cigarette holder and sat across from Vox. 
“Go on.”
“I... don’t know who they were,” Vox started, slowly, as if he needed time to get his thoughts in order. “But it was... one night. I was asleep, as one is at that time of the day, when I heard noise and commotion in the living room. Someone whispering to someone. Man voices. They weren’t keeping quiet.”
Valentino’s red eyes narrowed behind their iconic shades. He knew of rape when he heard it, and already, before he had heard any details, his blood was starting to boil. 
“They talked about what kind of goods they could get from ‘a place like this.’ One of them said it wasn’t about the goods, it was about the principle. That sinners needed to start being more afraid.”
“Afraid?” Valentino interrupted. 
Vox shrugged with one shoulder. 
“I don’t know. They went on to talk about how they couldn’t... wait until Extermination Day. To show sinners that they should be afraid of Heaven, actually.” 
Valentino’s eyes narrowed further, until they were nothing but tight slits. He didn’t know of any regular sinner who didn’t fear Heaven and the Angels. 
“They came into my bedroom.” Vox’s voice cracked. Valentino pretended not to hear, and he certainly didn’t comment on it. “I... pretended to be asleep. That didn’t... stop them. Though,” he said and laughed; a hollow sound devoid of joy, “I guess my shaking like a leaf was a clear indicator I wasn’t actually asleep.” 
Valentino grit his teeth so hard he nearly bit his cigarette holder into two pieces. Again. 
“Not like they cared, anyway. They...”
He swallowed heavily, and Valentino felt a twinge where his heart should be. He squeezed Vox’s knee. 
“It’s okay, baby. I get the picture,” he said softly. 
“They touched me,” Vox said quietly, continuing his detailing. “Laughed at me. Poked and prodded. Called me... names. They said that someone ‘like me’,” here, Vox made sharp and malicious air quotes, “could never cross the pearly gates, so why bother trying? Why should they bother letting me live? Why not... put me out of my misery already?”
Valentino’s hand tightened on Vox’s knee. Vox didn’t seem to notice. 
“I don’t know if they were Angels, or just someone wanting to frame them, or whatever. What I do know is that they didn’t hold back.”
“How many?” asked Valentino through gritted teeth, preparing to do the mental gymnastics on how to kill one Angel, and how to do it however many times necessary. 
“I don’t know,” Vox answered in a dull voice. “Four? Five? There were... many different voices. They all... felt different, too.”
Valentino’s stomach lurched. Warmth raised into his chest. He realized he was seething. And for what? Some skinny twink he didn’t even know? 
You know why, the abyss of his brain whispered. It takes a miserable story to know a miserable story. 
He let out a low snarl and removed the cigarette holder to blow the smoke out and upwards. 
“I’m going to fucking kill them,” he hissed. “Angels or not.”
Vox chuckled hollowly, before moving so that he could slump against Valentino. 
“Like you could. No one knows how to.”
“I’ll find a way,” Valentino promised and brought two arms around Vox. “They have terrorized us long enough. It’s time that someone should take a stance.”
“But, Val,” Vox said, “what can we do? We’re simple sinners. We’re not Overlords.”
“Maybe not yet,” Valentino replied almost immediately. Vox noticeably shivered. His blue light intensified as he looked at Valentino. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t become Overlords.”
Valentino grinned down at him.
“We, baby. I’m taking you with me on the way there. We’re going to be the baddest motherfuckers down here. Everyone will wish they were us. Everyone will scrabble for a touch of us, of what we can do.”
Vox’s eyes shone. Then he did something Valentino had not seen coming; he threw himself at Valentino, straddling his thighs, and kissed him. It was hard, and sloppy, and not at all as graceful as Valentino was used to, but he happily accepted it all the same. 
He brought all four arms around Vox, pulling him flush against his tall, lanky body. Vox’s tongue was thick, long, and prehensile, and it quickly invaded Valentino’s mouth. Valentino snickered breathlessly and allowed it, if only for the few seconds it took for him to push Vox on his back again. 
“Someone is eager again,” he purred. Vox rolled his eyes with a dark snicker. 
“You talk about killing my rapists, and every single one of those sons of bitch-ass 'divine' Angels. Of course I’m eager.”
Valentino laughed loudly, and kissed him again, this time allowing himself to be not so gentle with Vox. He stroked his folds and clit harder and faster than he had before, even going as far as dipping his claws slightly inside Vox. Still being careful with that, though; Vox had just opened up about trauma, and Valentino did have claws. He didn’t want to shred Vox’s insides. 
Well, okay, he did, but not yet. There would come a time for that. 
“Saying horny shit is not all this mouth does,” he grinned, and let his tongue slowly wind out of his mouth. More and more. Vox watched it with wide eyes as it just kept going. 
“Are you going to---” he began, but didn’t get a chance to finish his question before Valentino laid flat on his chest and stomach between Vox’s legs again. Realization hit Vox like a freight train, and he shuddered when his eyes met Valentino’s. 
“Oh, you actually are,” he croaked. 
Valentino snickered mischievously, and let his tongue lap against Vox’s soaked folds over and over again. Vox let out a very undignified noise, and hurriedly slapped a hand over his mouth. 
“None of that shit, baby,” Valentino purred, reaching up to pull Vox’s hand away. “Lemme hear ya.”
Vox shuddered, and his back arched slightly when Valentino put his tongue on him again. With all the eagerness of a dog greeting its owner for the first time in a long while, Valentino licked and sucked on Vox’s already drenched core. He snaked his tongue around the desperately throbbing clit, and closed his mouth over it while flicking the tip of his tongue against it at the same time. 
“Fuck!” Vox shouted. His hands came down on top of Valentino’s head, holding him firmly in place while his hips bucked hard upwards. “Fuck, fuck fuck fuck, Val, how do you--- how do you even know how to do that with your tongue?”
Valentino took it as a rhetorical question and thus didn’t stop the merciless fondling of Vox’s clit. Nonetheless, he was flattered. If there was one thing he prides himself in, it was his ability to bring people to their knees. Well, metaphorically speaking. 
Vox’s legs trembled fiercely on either side of his face. When they tried to close around him, Valentino used two hands to force them open, and Vox was done for. 
“Val, I’m---” he whimpered. 
Valentino knew, so of course he didn’t stop. He licked and sucked Vox’s clit as if that was his ticket to Overlord status, and even brought down a hand to tease his entrance just as Vox hit his climax. 
It was loud, and it was messy, but Valentino wasn’t about to start caring about that now. His tongue flicked and rubbed his pulsing clit until Vox jerked away from him and pushed against his forehead. 
“No--- no more,” he said breathlessly, followed by a weak laugh. Valentino looked at him. He didn’t stop. Vox gasped sharply when Valentino’s tongue continued teasing him. 
“N-No, Val, I’m---- ahnn, I’m serious!”
“Are ya though?” Valentino purred and suckled lightly on his clit. Vox doubled over, grasping the back of Valentino’s head tightly. 
“Please, I can’t--- take anymore!” Vox gasped. 
“Tell me ‘red’. Then I’ll stop.”
Vox panted and whimpered, but he didn’t say ‘red’, so... Valentino simply kept going.
Vox managed to come three more times in rapid succession before he safe-worded. And, much to his credit, Valentino pulled back immediately after. He cuddled up next to a vaguely spasming Vox. He looked around his apartment. The lights were still on. 
“Not good enough to cause a total black out, I see,” he joked with a wide grin. His face was wet and sticky, and he was desperate for a shower, but he wasn’t going to just abandon Vox. 
Vox weakly hit him in the chest, an even weaker laugh bubbling out of his open mouth. 
“Shut... shut up.”
“Gotta up my game,” Valentino continued, pulling Vox close in a tight embrace. He immediately leaned into it. 
“If you up your game any further, I will cause a city-wide black out. Is that what you want?”
“Yeah. Would be fun to see everybody panic.”
“You’re an ass,” Vox laughed. Valentino snickered. 
“Yeah, well, you’re the one stuck with me now, baby.”
“Woe be upon me.”
They cuddled for a few minutes, something that was exceptionally foreign to Valentino. His clients were usually all about the pump and dump. They never cared for aftercare, or reassurance on Valentino’s behalf. No, rather, Valentino was used to being the whore that everybody wanted for the night, but nobody wanted for the long term. 
Maybe... maybe here was someone different...?
He dared let a flicker of hope burn inside him. 
Then he pushed it away. Yeah, right. He was a whore, not a partner. 
“Baby, do you mind if I take a shower?” he asked Vox while stroking his upper back. Vox quickly detangled himself from Valentino, and somehow, despite that having been what Valentino wanted, that answer filled him with dread. 
“No, no, of course not, go right ahead,” he mumbled sheepishly. Valentino sent him a flirtatious smirk before getting up from the floor. 
Sauntering towards his massive bathroom, he let the act down once he was alone inside. Once alone inside, he knuckled the sink so tight he almost broke it clean off the counter. Staring into the mirror, he grit his teeth harshly. 
“You can’t go around catching feelings for every stupid fucking twink with a tragic backstory you see,” he hissed to his reflection. It was silent, simply scowled back at him. 
He pushed away from the counter forcefully and got out of his clothes before stepping into the shower cabin. Turning on the hot water, he sighed deeply when it cascaded down over his body. Fuck, that was the good stuff... 
Valentino was halfway through his shower, and the bathroom completely enveloped in dense steam, when he heard the clack-clack-clack-clack of expensive, Italian shoes stepping over the white marble. 
“Val?” came Vox’s nervous voice from the door. 
“What is it, baby?” Val answered, trying to sound nonchalant. 
“Someone is calling you. The display says... Angel Dust?” 
Valentino groaned at length and turned off the water. 
“I didn’t mean to look, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, baby, don’t worry about it. Gimme my phone.”
Vox did. 
“Angel, honey,” Valentino said sweetly, pouring honey over his voice, “I’m busy right now. Can this wait until tomorrow?” 
“Please, Val, I just--- I just need you. Just for two minutes. That’s all. Promise.”  
Valentino glanced at Vox through the mist. 
“Angel, baby, I said, I’m busy. I’m gonna call you back tomor---”
“I miss you. I feel like I barely see you anymore these days, Val. What’s going on?” 
Valentino rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Angel,” he said, and a stern edge replaced the sweet honey in his voice, “I will. Call you back. Tomorrow. Got it?”
There was a long pause. He heard a sniffle through the phone. 
“S-Sure. Sure thing, Val. Talk tomorrow.”  
“Good boy.” 
Valentino hung up and then groaned at length again. 
“Who are they?” Vox asked, sitting on the toilet cover. Valentino could hear the struggle in his voice; he was trying to sound nonchalant. 
“Aww, jealous, baby?” Valentino snickered and stepped out of the shower cabin, grabbing a fresh towel. 
“N-No,” Vox answered way too fast. Valentino started drying himself off, his back to the other demon, but was interrupted by two sets of sharp claws on his bony hips. Then there was the warm weight of Vox’s screen on his upper back, just as the claws snuck around his narrow waist and locked together. 
“Don’t lie,” Valentino purred. “It ain’t a good look on ya, Voxxy.” 
“So, don’t lie to me, either,” Vox mumbled. “Who is that... Angel Dust?”
Valentino sighed. 
“I guess you could call him my boyfriend. At least, that’s what he wants us to be.”
“And you?”
“What do you want you guys to be?”
Valentino shrugged and tried to pry himself out of Vox’s embrace. But Vox was surprisingly strong and determined. 
“Aaww, what’s it to ya, baby, hmm? You want to be my new boyfriend, huh, is that it?”
Vox went still, and Valentino knew he had hit the nail on the head. 
“Baby,” he purred, stroking Vox’s hands and arms slowly. “I can’t just throw him to the curb, now can I? Just because I found you? I need to have some principles.” That last part was mostly a lie, though. 
Vox was quiet. Probably pouting, too. Valentino rolled his eyes, not caring if the steam had dissipated enough that Vox could see it in the mirrors lining the wall. 
“Threesome?” he then suggested. Vox scoffed. “He’s amazing in bed, I promise.” Vox scoffed louder, clung tighter to Valentino. 
“Voxxy, baby, please---”
“I want to eat you out, too!” Vox suddenly blurted out. 
This gave Valentino pause. Instantly, excitement coursed through his veins. He had never allowed anyone to eat him out. Not that anyone had had much interest in that, anyway. For most clients, they just wanted to dip their cock in him. 
“Ask me nicely,” he then purred. 
“What? It’s supposed to be the other way aro---”
“Ask me. Nicely. And then maybe I’ll give you the honor.”
Vox groaned. 
“Fuck’s sake, Val, just let me do this for you? Please? You treated me so well, it’s only fair I return the favor. Please.”
Valentino turned around in the embrace, looking down at Vox with a wide grin. 
“I like hearing you beg, actually. It’s a good sound on ya. Alright, fine. You can eat me out.”
“You could sound more enthusiastic about it.” 
Valentino huffed. 
“Do you wanna do it or not, baby?”
“Then get to it.” 
Valentino sat back on the small step in the shower cabin. He spread his legs wide and looked up at Vox, not without a sizable knot in his chest, and trying to ignore the way his breathing was already getting faster. 
“You can take a towel to kneel on if you wanna.”
“So generous,” Vox snickered and grabbed Valentino’s damp towel. He folded it a few times before kneeling in front of Valentino. Then he seemed to hesitate. He peered up at him. 
“I have... never done this.”
“Congratulations, that makes two of us.” 
Vox frowned. Valentino cursed on the inside. 
“You have eaten out before. Val, you can’t lie to me about that.”
“I meant, dumbass, that I have never allowed anyone to do that to me,” Valentino growled. “Now, get to it or get lost.”
Vox took that quite literally, and dove between Valentino’s spread legs to get to work. His tongue was immediately on his folds; lapping, licking, and sucking. 
Valentino had not expected it to feel that good.  
Sure, his female clients always went insane for cunnilingus, and he had always kind of just assumed that they exaggerated their pleasure so he felt better about himself. Because surely, nothing could be that good, right?
This was that good. Sure, Vox’s tongue was sloppy and uncertain, but the pleasure coursing through Valentino was very much that good. It hit him hard and heavy and made him moan loudly. His wings even fluttered. Just briefly, but still. 
“What the fuck, Vox,” he growled and pressed up into Vox’s mouth. Vox grunted and planted his hands on the inside of Valentino’s slim thighs, keeping them spread. His claws dug into the purple flesh, and while Vox was worried about piercing the skin, Valentino seemed to not worry about that. 
Valentino normally prided himself in his stamina. He could last for hours without getting tired or needing a break. But this? Right here, right now, Vox working him like that? He suddenly couldn’t think straight. 
“Fuck,” he cursed and banged his head back against the shower stall, clutching Vox’s screen tightly. His remaining three hands tried to busy themselves with whatever else was in here. Which wasn’t a whole lot. One hand slammed against the glass of the stall as Valentino moaned loudly. Vox didn’t jump, much to his credit. 
He was warm and giddy throughout his entire body, and he felt as though all his arousal was flowing south, forming a tight knot in his lower stomach. It was too good, actually.  
“Fuck, Vox , Vox Vox Vox,” he panted and thrust his cunt against Vox’s screen. His tongue went from licking his folds to instead flick against his clit, and Valentino had to bite one fist to keep quiet. 
“It feels good, huh?” Vox sounded way too smug.
“If you’ve got the energy to make comments, you’re not focusing enough,” Valentino growled, but he was breathless already. He needed... just a little bit more...
“Fuck, Vox, finger me!”
Vox faltered. 
“Val, my claws, they will---”
Valentino growled and grabbed one of Vox’s hands, roughly and rather clumsily placing it by his entrance, bumping against Vox’s face. 
“This is about me, not you, Vox. I said, finger me.” 
He felt Vox shudder between his legs, and, credit where credit is due, Vox began fingering Valentino while also continuing to suck on his clit. Valentino let go of his hand and used his own to hold his legs open.
Vox’s claws did hurt as they scraped against his insides, but for Valentino, that was part of the fun. The pain was delicious, and complemented the pleasure quite nicely. All of it burnt through his veins, threatening to sear his nerve endings, fry him, make him go up in smoke. 
He pointed his toes and gasped loudly when Vox tilted his screen just so, hitting so good a spot that Valentino began babbling inanely.
“Fuck, Vox, that’s it, that’s the fucking spot!” 
Vox groaned and pressed himself harder against Valentino’s cunt. If he was just acting as if he wanted to please Valentino, he was a fucking fantastic actor.  
“Do not fucking stop, you hear me? If you stop, I am shutting you down for go--- ohh fuck!”  
Vox twisted his wrist and sped up his fingers as they thrust relentlessly into Valentino, his tongue running merciless circles around his clit. 
It was, really, inevitable. The pleasure was bound to break, to crescendo. But Valentino was not ready for the sheer intensity of it. Fireworks went off inside his brain and behind his closed eyes. In a way, it was a bit like how he remembered celebrating the Fourth of July back in his living life. Fireworks and an endless supply of drugs and booze. 
Only, this high was better than anything chemical he had tried. 
“Vox,” he choked out, trying to pry the demon off of him. For all his shameless talk and wanton desires, the idea of coming in Vox’s mouth was filthy.  
“Vox, fucking hell, I’m going to come!”
Vox seemed to take this to mean that he should super glue himself to Valentino’s cunt, because he licked him faster and harder, while at the same time curling his claws repeatedly in a ‘come hither’ motion inside him. 
Valentino’s vision exploded in a cascade of colors, and the bathroom was suddenly filled with a cacophony of sounds that he, later on, would flat-out refuse ever having made. The tight knot unfurled and seeped out of him, while he had a hard time breathing. Two hands clutched Vox’s screen tightly, a third was plastered against the glass, and a fourth against the wall of the shower cabin. 
“Vox, Vox, Vox,” he panted, forcing his name past his lips despite barely having enough air in his lungs to sustain himself. 
But, like any other high, the crash set in way sooner than he would have liked. He was still buzzing pleasantly when he let go of Vox’s screen, and Vox sputtered and coughed for air himself, pulling back from Valentino. 
Valentino’s eyes were closed, until he felt Vox’s soothing claws against his inner thighs. He winced slightly when he pulled them out of him, letting them caress his other thigh. 
“You did good, Val,” he purred. 
"Shut up,” Valentino muttered, breathless, and verging on laughing. 
“Naahh. I think I’ll have this looming over you for the rest of eternity, actually,” Vox said smugly. “Unless you become my partner.”
“Business or pleasure?”
“Why not both?”
Valentino considered it for a second. 
“What of Angel?”
Vox shrugged. 
“He’s not my problem.”
Valentino laughed and put a hand on his forehead. 
“God, you’re hot when you don’t give a shit, Voxxy. Fuck it, fine. We’re business partners first, fuck buddies second. Got it?”
“Got it,” Vox grinned and got up. His knees creaked. “What will you say to Angel Dust?”
Valentino shrugged, getting up as well. His ass ached from having sat on the hard perch for so long. Nothing he wasn’t used to, though. 
“Let me deal with him. Hell, maybe we can all have some fun at some point. His dick game is simply unmatched, I tell ya.”
“It better be if you keep him around.”
“Ohh, jealous, Voxxy?” 
Vox squeezed Valentino’s plump rear before giving it a firm slap. Valentino giggled and spun around in a flurry of wings and fur. 
“Well. Don’t worry your pretty TV screen head... thing... about it. Maybe, when you and I are Overlords, we can have him working for us. What ya think about that, baby?”
Vox pondered it for a moment, then grinned maliciously. 
“I like the sound of that. Now, get dried off. We have business to do, don’t we, Val? Some Angels need slaying.”
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thegreatpapaya666 · 3 months
i don't know what to put here
hi. i'm on tumblr now. thought i'd share some stuff about me here.
i'm a pansexual angled aroace. i use she/her pronouns. i am a minor. i have clinically diagnosed anxiety. i have clinically diagnosed depression. i have clinically diagnosed adjustment disorder. i might have autism (an ados is scheduled for february). I'm an enfj. I'm a 4w3.
i like hazbin hotel. i like helluva boss. i like undertale. i like theater. i like poetry. i like music. i like indie rock. i like show tunes. i like good quotes. i like angst with a happy ending radiostatic fanfiction. i like pink.
(btw i promise i'm old enough to watch hazbin i'm not some random 11 year old claiming they're mature enough to watch it or whatever gen alpha is doing these days don't come at me bro)
i'm pretty neutral on the whole proship stuff. i personally don't consume that kind of content, but i'm not gonna diss somebody who does.
i am a shipper of alastor x vox, valentino x vox, and sometimes lucifer x alastor in the hazbin fandom. as for undertale au's, i ship ink x error, blue x outer, dream x killer, dust x horror, sci x fell, dance x lust, reaper x geno, nightmare x fresh (or aroace nightmare, i like that too), classic x grillby, and stretch x edge.
i'm falling out of my undertale hyperfixation, but the hazbin hotel one is still going strong. especially the vox obsession my friends know and don't love. at least i can still accurately recite the backstories of every popular au sans like that's some sort of achievement and not a symptom of a mental disorder.
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#papaya rambles - Posts where I talk #papaya draws - Drawings I've made #papaya sings - Songs I've written or clips of something I've recorded #papaya reads - Fanfiction I'm posting about or recommending #papaya writes - Poetry, fanfiction, or songs I've written #papaya answers - My asks #papaya polls - Polls made by me or another blog #papaya plays piano - Audio recordings of my playing piano #papaya's reblogs - Stuff I've reblogged #papaya's faves - Stuff I've liked #papaya's saves - Stuff I like to look back on sometimes #papaya likes vox - Any post featuring only Vox #consider yourself tagged - Tag game #hazbin hotel #undertale #radiostatic #staticmoth
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more about me if you're interested: link
have a great day!!
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hazsofties · 3 months
For Your Soft Hazbin OC x/& Canon Needs
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Rosie's Advice Corner
A place for all your soft OC x canon. OC & Canon, S/I & Canon, or S/I x Canon Hazbin Hotel needs! This blog was created to write softer variants of divisive characters. Be respectful and, if you don't like it, there's always the block button. Please review the pinned post before sending in requests and we look forward to hearing from you! Run by @leedollop (Silver's Hazbin blog, mod🚿) and @horsegurltrainor (mod🌷).
Our Requests Are Currently Open. Our ask box is purely for requests, please and thank you. We only take requests in English. (It's also okay to send nice messages or ask questions about requests if there's any confusion).
You can ask for...
Mood or aesthetic boards, imagines, song recs, headcanons, userboxes, and in character asks (you can request to receive these in your inbox or receive an in character response to your ask). For any of these requests, please give full requests over making us infer, or make it clear you want to let us just go wild with an idea or a concept.
If you enjoy one of our prompts, but we didn't do it for one of your favorite characters, you are absolutely free to request it again for said characters.
Our Boundaries
⚠This is a Valentino and Niffty free zone!⚠
We are against AI here. If we see AI on your page, you will be blocked.
Pro/shippers and minors are not welcome here. We're not comfortable writing underage readers, sorry. Bigots, sexists, terfs, and plural unfriendly individuals can stay out.
This blog is for soft content. The only angst we write is hurt/comfort and we typically avoid making content revolved around murder or character harm. We reserve the right to delete asks that make us uncomfortable, and potentially block users that push our boundaries.
Bigoted, minor x adult, noncon, or incest revolved asks will be yeeted into the void.
We are not comfortable making content with yandere, possessive, or abusive themes, so don't ask for that.
We are okay with NSFW asks, but will delete asks that we are not comfortable doing. We will not make any smut content involving impregnation/breeding, foot stuff, or pain/blood in any way. Expect most smut content to be sweet or fluffy in some way.
Sinner Adam content will be tagged #adam🤘 for those who want to block the tag.
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The Characters and Tags
(Placed in the order of most confident to least confident writing)
🐷Angel Dust
🍳Sir Pentious
#hazsoftimagines, #hazsoftaesthetics, #hazsoftmusic, #hazsoftcanons, #hazsoftboxes, #hazsoftasks, #hazsoftreblogs, #hazsoftscreenshots, #hazsoftboosties.
The tw angst tag is for content where characters experience upset. #hazsmut is for smut content, so feel free to block that tag if you don't wanna see it.
Headcanon List
Shared Vox & Adam Cuddles
Vox's Panic Attack Comfort
Adam Panic Attack Comfort Headcanons
Adam Bubble Bath Headcanons
Vox Bubble Bath Headcanons
Vox, Angel Dust, Adam, and Lucifer Catch You Self Pleasuring W/ Gender Neutral Reader
Angel Dust Soft Pre-dating Headcanons W/ Gender Neutral Reader
Vox, Adam, Alastor, Lucifer, and Velvette Cuddle Headcanons
Angel Dust, Lute, Charlie, Husk, and Vaggie Cuddle Headcanons
Vox, Adam, Lucifer, and Emily Nightmare Comfort Headcanons (Romantic or Platonic, Reader Gender Neutral)
Vox, Adam, Angel Dust, and Husk Let Gender Neutral Reader Use Them As a Stim Toy (Romantic Or Platonic)
Vox Helps An Ashamed Gender Neutral Reader
Vox, Adam, Lucifer, Alastor, and Angel Dust scent headcanons
Vox, Adam, Alastor, Vaggie and Emily React To Reader Happy Stimming X Gender Neutral Reader (Romantic)
Charlie Sets Gender Neutral Reader Up With Angel Dust
Lute On A Picnic Date W/ Gender Neutral Reader
Vox And Angel Dust Comfort An AFAB Reader After Their Period
Velvette, Rosie, Lucifer, and Vox Help Gender Neutral and Neurodivergent Reader With a Low (Romantic)
Emily, Husk, and Vox Defend Neurodivergent and Gender Neutral Reader When They're Treated Like A Child (Romantic or Platonic)
Vox Confirming a Reader Afraid of Storms (X Reader)
Vox Comforts GN Reader Struggling To Sleep (Romantic or Platonic)
Adam Comforts GN Reader About Their Body (x Reader)
Vox, Adam, Angel Dust, and Baxter Help GN Reader Feel Confident In Wearing More Revealing Clothing (x Reader)
Lazy Bed Cuddles With Lucifer (x GN Reader)
Vox Comforts AFAB Reader W/ Pre Period Anxiety (x Reader)
Spicy Headcanon List
Aftercare With Vox, Adam, Alastor, Lucifer, Angel Dust, Husk W/ Gender Neutral Reader
Aftercare With Sir Pentious and Baxter (Separate) x Gender Neutral Reader
Aftercare With Velvette, Rosie, Lute, Charlie, Vaggie, and Emily x Gender Neutral Reader (Separate)
Vox And His Perks (x GN Reader Smut Headcanons)
Mutual Self Pleasure W/ Vox (x Reader GN Smut Headcanons)
Adam & Alastor Dick Headcanons x GN Reader
Baxter Comforts Sexually Ashamed Reader (GN x Reader)
Mutual Self Pleasure W/ Alastor (x GN reader)
Fic List
Angel's Bubble Bath (Angel x GN Reader)
A short fic where Angel Dust gives the reader a nice bubble bath.
Nonverbal Snuggles (Vox x GN Reader)
Vox uses bed cuddles to soothe a reader who has gone nonverbal due to stress. Reader is implied to be neurodivergent.
Consensual TV Sinner Voyeurism (Vox x Shy GN Reader)
Based on these headcanons, Vox excites a gender neutral and shy reader by allowing them to watch him self pleasure.
Dating The TV Demon (x Vox)
Dating The First Man (x Adam)
Dating The Radio Demon (x Alastor)
Dating The King Of Hell (x Lucifer)
Dating The Bartender (x Husk)
Dating The Spider Sinner (x Angel)
Aesthetic and Moodboards
Vox Slime Board
Adam Slime Board
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cannibalbuffe · 7 months
Hello! You can call me B, and I created this blog specifically to write for Hazbin Hotel. I do have a few ideas of my own, but sometimes I don't know what to write so I would really like getting some requests. I'll leave a list of who I write for and what I will and won't write.
Before I start, I'd like to make it clear that I only write x gender neutral or x male reader works. You can be of any gender to request, ofc. The genitalia also can be whatever.
characters i write for:
› Alastor (only platonic or qpr. No smut.*)
› Husk
› Angel Dust
› Sir Pentious
› Nifty
› Vox
› Valentino
› Velvette
› Adam
› Lute
› Lucifer
*for now, at least. Some asexuals might engage in sexual activities for a variety of reasons, but I'm still thinking of how I would, and if I would, approach this with Alastor.
› Again, only male or gender neutral reader inserts.
› Smut is allowed! And as such, this blog is 18+. Minors, please do not interact. (I will, of course, tag what is NSFW as such.)
› I can write toxic relationships/tropes, but it really depends on how I'm feeling. Just ask and if I can't deal with that at the moment, I'll just save it in my inbox for later. Angst also depends on my mood.
› I errr have a preference for fluff. This isn't a rule, I'm just saying, haha.
› Kink is allowed!
› Exceptions: ageplay, diapers, any bodily fluid that isn't blood, vore. If you request a kink I don't want to write for I'll just tell you, no judging.
› You can only request headcannons or one-shots.
› Know that I can refuse to write anything for any reason, and I am a slow writer. Be patient </3.
› I will absolutely not write (non-platonic) adult x minor, incest and non-con.
› No character x character requests.
‼️ Be aware that I do not agree with everything I write about. Writing can be used to explore dark themes, and sometimes I might do that. It doesn't mean I support those things. ‼️
(Less importantly, English isn't my first language. I ask, once again, for patience 💔.)
I'll make a master list once I have enough works to fill it up.
My writing tag: #buffet tag.
List of works in progress:
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isforever · 3 months
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hell   is   forever   ,   whether   you   like   it   or   not,   had   their   chance   to   behave   better   ,   now   they   boil   in   the   POT   !   ‘   cause   the   rules   are   black   and   white   ,   there’s   no   use   in   tryin'   to   fight   it   ,   they're   burnin'   for   their   lives   until   we   kill   them   again   !
hell  #isforever  :  private  &  highly  selective  multimuse  blog  featuring  muses  from  HELLUVA  BOSS  &  HAZBIN  HOTEL  !  as  written  by  hestia  ,  28  ,  she/her  !  triggering  content  may  be  present  ,  please  view  this  blog  at  your  own  risk  !  minors  ,  dni  !!
rules:  i'm  old  and  tired  .  please  don't  be  a  dick  ,  we're  not  adam  ,  alright  ?  i  will  only  write  with  muns  above  the  age  of  21  .  no  godmodding  ,  no  stealing  my  headcanons  ,  don't  send  me  hate  .  i'm  not  affiliated  with  vivziepop  or  amazon  or  anything  !  triggering  content  will  be  present,  i'll  try  my  best  to  tag  it  ,  if  there's  anything  you  need  tagged  that  i  miss  ,  please  come  to  me  and  i'll  do  me  best  .  i  write  alastor  as  asexual  ,  so  smut  with  him  is  not  happening  ,  but  all  my  other  adult  muses  are  open  for  smut  .
muses:hazbin  hotel:angel  dust  ,  primary  muse cherri  bomb  ,  primary  muse husk  ,  primary  muse lute  ,  primary  muse vox  ,  primary  muse velvette  ,  primary  muse adam  ,  secondary  muse alastor  ,  secondary  muse charlie  morningstar  ,  secondary  muse emily  ,  secondary  muse lilith  ,  secondary  muse niffty , secondary muse rosie  ,  secondary  muse vaggie  ,  secondary  muse clara  carmine  ,  tertiary  muse egg  boiz  ,  tertiary  muses lucifer  morningstar  ,  tertiary  muse sir  pentious  ,  tertiary  muse valentino  ,  tertiary  muse
helluva  boss:blitzø  ,  primary  muse fizzarolli  ,  primary  muse stolas  ,  primary  muse asmodeus  ,  primary  muse beelzebub  ,  secondary  muse loona  ,  secondary  muse millie  ,  secondary  muse moxxie  ,  secondary  muse octavia  ,  secondary  muse verosika , secondary muse barbie  wire  ,  tertiary  muse kyle ( better than blitzo guy ) , tertiary muse sallie may , tertiary muse stella  ,  tertiary  muse striker  ,  tertiary  muse vassago  ,  tertiary  muse vortex , tertiary muse
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omniuravity · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel NSFW Headcanons:
Part 2
I really had fun with part one and wanted to do the Vees so bad, so here's part two!
Obviously NSFW ahead, Minors DNI
Tags: @bloodypeachblog @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered @je-suis-eternel-jennie @pinkhimecat
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He's the type of guy to invite you into his office for a "meeting" then bend you over and fuck you on his desk.
He loves to tease you while he's at work, but he gets pent up so fast when you start to tease him back.
He swears he's a top, but he's a switch.
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Definitely the most kinky out of the Vees if that wasn't already obvious. He's always down to try something new.
He is a switch, but he mostly tops. Though he does love seeing his partner bouncing on his cock.
He's definitely large. I mean he's like 10ft tall if I remember correctly, so he has to have an impressive cock on him.
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She's a switch. She'd be happy to degrade you and put you in your place. Though she doesn't mind bottoming herself.
She's not nearly as kinky as Vox or Valentino. She has a few kinks, but they're not nearly as wild.
Vel really likes to see you in the clothes she designed, it's a bit of a turn on for her.
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He dislikes being called daddy. It's what Charlie used to call him, so he definitely doesn't like being called daddy by a romantic partner.
He is however willing to become a daddy again. Luci has a huge breeding kink, he would be happy to give Charlie another sibling.
Lucifer is definitely a switch. He prefers to bottom, but he does have his dom moments.
Cherri Bomb:
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Definitely a top.
She's definitely a kinky girl who's willing to try anything at least once.
She does have a praise kink, especially if you're close to her.
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He swears he tops, but is most definitely a switch. Have you seen his taste in women (Lilith and Lute)?
Despite him being a selfish person, he's not nearly as selfish during sex if he really cares about you
He tried being pegged once and he couldn't sit down for a week.
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She tops with high energy and bottoms with low energy.
She has used and is willing to use strap-ons during sex.
She definitely enjoys degrading her partner in bed.
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nabbit-unmasked · 8 months
Current Strongest Kin(s): a bunch of songs
Most Preferred Name(s): Sage
Current Fronters: Sage & Cougar (probably)
Intro Post!
Hi! I'm Sage/Stolace, but you can also call me by any kin name. I'm also fine with any nicknames you can come up with, as long as they're spinoffs of my other names!
• I'm an Alterhuman, and that's what this blog will be mainly focused on, with a special focus on placekin topics.
• My pronouns are he/it/lo/🇨🇫
• I'm a minor (16+ in age)
• I am Autistic and attribute this as the source of my alterhumanity.
• I am a therian, placekin, fictionkin, conceptkin, and an alterhuman in general. Overall, I have 20+ confirmed kintypes which I'll list down below.
• I am genderfluid, and my sexuality is achillean. I identify as trans, mlm, and punkboy4punkboy. I am also objectum, especially for The Gambia and dakota discs.
• Taken by Val (he is my boyfriend /srs)
• I personally identify as a punk, degenerate, freak, and social reject. I reclaim these terms proudly.
• Liminous (Dreadliminal, Backroomian, +more)
• I am the functioner of an Imagian plurality. Collectively, we use they/them pronouns. We are mixed-origin and pro-endo, but we aren't really concerned about our own origin or if we are disordered or not.
[ Kinlist, Identities, Tags, and BYF under the cut. ]
♡ -> Kinlist <- ♡
• Theriotypes:
♡ Lipizzan
♡ Fisher
♡ Quoll (Species leaning: Eastern & Spot-Tailed)
♡ Ruminantia (Cladotherian)
♡ Ardeidae (Pluritherian)
♡ New Guinea Singing Dog / Canine
♡ Big Cat (Lion / Cougar)
♡ [Unsure] Kori Bustard
• Placekin:
♡ Central African Republic (C.A.R. / CAR)
• Conceptkin:
♡ Home Safety Hotline/HSH
*[as in the company, not the physical game]
♡ Slaughterhouse (GD level)
♡ Limbo (GD level)
• Songkins:
♡ Can't Stop - Red Hot Chili Peppers
♡ Everyone Knows That/EKT (Lostwave version)
♡ B O D Y O N T H E F L O O R - Scratchy
♡ you don't love me - Rebzyyx
• Songflickers:
[ Currently None ]
• Fictionkins:
♡ Stolace* (Helluva Boss)
♡ Vox (Hazbin Hotel)
♡ Adam (Hazbin Hotel)
♡ Stone (Ramshackle)
♡ Moisty (TWISTED DOCTOR Universe / Doll Eye)
♡ Nabbit (Mario Franchise)
♡ Cooper (Papa's -eria games)
♡ 1st Prize (BBIEAL)
♡ Blabbot (Amanda the Adventurer)
*[ I spell my name as "Stolace", not "Stolas". ]
• Fictionhearted:
♡ Blitzø (Helluva Boss)
♡ Valentino (Hazbin Hotel)
• Other Hearttypes:
♡ D.R.C.
♡ Birds
♡ Bat-Eared Fox
• Other Identities:
♡ Myotis/Little Brown Bat w/ Leafnose
♡ Common Bedbug copinglink
♡ Seagull copinglink
♡ Odie copinglink (from Garfield)
Special Tags:
#I am the CAR kin / #CARstuff🇨🇫: Posts about my placekin experience as the Central African Republic.
#placekin questions: Answering questions about Placekin and my experience with being placekin.
#🇨🇫❤🇬🇲: Posts about my objectum crush, The Gambia
#aWannabe: Posts about my favorite music artist, aWannabe.
Before You Follow (BYF) :
• I am a minor (16+)
• I don't mind if 18+ blogs interact in a SFW manner, as long as your blog isn't entirely/mostly NSFW
• I like Hazbin Hotel and 4-5 of my headmates are sourced there (some ppl have this on their DNI???)
• I'm dating Valentino from Hazbin Hotel. /srs
• I am against gatekeeping and exclusion.
• I welcome and support every kind of system, plurality, and multiplicity, including endos. I am part of a mixed-origin imagian plurality myself.
• I welcome and support factkin and factives. I am not one myself, but our plurality does have factives.
• I do not post or repost anything political on this blog, unless it is in reference to placekin.
• I don't participate in proship or radqueer discourse on this blog. Consider me neutral.
• I have no DNI. I cannot stop you from making that first interaction with me. If I strongly disagree with your views or you make me uncomfortable, I will just block you.
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skullhorn59 · 4 months
Heavenly Hell
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A/N: the story inspired by a daydream, and the name by @hazelfoureyes (sorry not sorry for the tag :P), I cooked up another fic. sinners - enjoy. >:3 Tags/Warnings are added progressively, design changed/fixed with time. mostly proofread! Summary: you have always been a fan of the show Hazbin Hotel in your life - and as you are spawned in a Hell identically matching the Show, you can't believe your sheer luck. you're immediately on your way to eagerly meet the celebrities (at least they are in your world), but your arrival hadn't gone unnoticed... Pairings: Lucifer, Valentino, Adam, Alastor, Vox, Angel Dust, Sir Pentious, Husk x Fem!Reader Tags/Warnings: self aware and insecure Reader, Spoilers for the Show
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Minors DNI 🚨🚔
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The moment you open your eyes, you see red. red above you, red around you, red everywhere.
Are you dreaming..?
Your other senses begin returning to you, and you groan in pain. your entire body aches as you force yourself to stand up. where were you? you sure weren't dreaming, judging by your physical pain.
Wait a damn minute. your body changed. you can feel more muscles aching, in places where none have been before. testingly moving those muscles, you are taken aback. the position of your ears changed. and you even... have a tail?
Looking around, you seem to be in a city, glamoured by a red pentagram in the red sky. lights everywhere, a familiar tower in the distance, and you can even feel the bass from the music of the clubs that are all around. wait. your eyes shoot back, and you squint at the tower in the distance. are those three V's at the front..?
You've seen that tower before.
In one of your favorite shows.
Hazbin Hotel.
As the realization hits you like a freight train, your blood runs cold. but with more excitement than dread. did you die and spawn in the Show??? was everyone from it gonna be here, alive (well - undead rather) and kicking?? when did you spawn here? before the extermination?? after?? who was gonna be there??
You take a deep breath to try and calm yourself down. but who did you want to find first? Valentino? Vox? Lucifer? Alastor? someone entirely different?
You do think about going to the Hotel first, but judging by where you've stranded, it would be a lot quicker to go take a look for the Vee's first. and knowing good ol' Alastor, you think with a scrunch to your face, he would likely snatch up your soul right away, should he find out you've only just gotten here.
Nah - no way you are risking that.
At least for now.
And so - you have a makeshift goal. doing your best to keep your excitement at bay as you begin walking towards the Tower, you think about what kind of excuse you'll make up to be able to even see one of the Vee's upclose, let alone get away without having to sign a contract in the end.
Offering them your soul? - immediate no. suggesting to work for them? - as bad as the first, so hard no.
Glancing in between buildings from time towards the Vee's Tower to make sure you're still on the right track, you furrow your brows in thought.
Hmm.. there has to be a way.
Coming to a stop infront of your destination before you could think of something, you feel your heart flutter against your chest. a rare occurance - but all the more fitting. looking up and along the tower to the three V signs, you give your braincells another kick. and suddenly - they kick back.
Yes! that's it, you can give all of them valuable information! and in return.. ohoho. so many things you could ask for. you are definitely gonna go see Vox first. you have so much to sell him, it's almost depressing. but Val..? you don't have very much that's of use to him. maybe you can somehow convince Vox to get you a... talk... with his fellow Vee. surpressing a smirk, you look forward again, internally preparing your introverted body and mind for the upcoming social interactions.
The doors glide open quietly, as expected, and you step in, immediately being hit by a wall of cool air from an air conditioner above. it's like entering a store, you think.
With a rather fast glance around, you're greeted with a Luxurious Lobby. snuggled into the far right corner, there's a reception, with a bored looking demon behind it. a camera is seated in the corner above it, with Vox's signature line on it. you can spot another one placed in the opposite corner as your eyes search around the ceiling corners.
Red Armchairs instead of regular Chairs are generously placed in the three leftover corners of the room and a few along the left wall too, low coffee tables in between. as your gaze rises along the wall, you see lots of Voxtek advertisements as well as a few screens that almost lazily switch between even more ads. you can't help but take a step closer, your eyes flitting over each and every one of them with barely held back interest, trying to take it all in at once.
Until the sound of someone clearing their throat brings you back to where you were. oops. you turn your head to where it came from, and you see the receptionist almost glare at you over their glasses. you can't tell their gender at first glance - and you aren't gonna assume it.
So you walk over to them, your eyes somewhere near their face, but not actively looking into it, you're still exploring your surroundings a little. you start speaking, insecure from the moment they laid eyes on you. "uh, hello.. I'm uhm.. here to see.." what should you call him? best to go with the most polite one you can think of. "Mr Vox." taking a deep breath, you fiddle your hands together while you continue. "I have information for him that he's.. gonna want to hear."
The Receptionist raises an eyebrow at you, but before they can respond, you hear a noise that reminds you of electric current, and you feel a cool hand on your shoulder, sharp claws firmly placed on your thin clothing, but they aren't piercing through. and before you can process everything, you hear a very familiar voice speak. you gulp.
"Information, you say? sounds like something we should discuss in my office, privately."
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─❲♡❳▷Hazbin Masterlist ─❲♡❳▷Main List
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babesway22 · 2 months
“In too deep” part 3
Vox x fem!reader// nsfw 18+ // no minors //
Summary: after a strange week you get offered a job working for hells biggest asshole but does he have a soft spot for you? Or is he just using you?
Tags: vox, slow burn, assistant has to deal with his shit, powerful overlord, jealousy, hazbin hotel, v tower, Valentino is problematic, eventual p in v, smut, reader is in need of real love, reader is shy, assistant trope, reader has a crush but also wants to kill him sometimes.
Notes: hi, hello, I’m new here. I have the intent for this to be a slow burn with crumbs of smut here and there until reader and vox have a more established relationship. Several parts for sure or until I’m satisfied that reader is fully loved and taken care of by the angry tv man.
Cor was a compact man with kind blue eyes and Vox’s most trusted assistant having worked tirelessly for the last decade. He quietly watched as you skimmed through a rack of dresses offered reluctantly by velvette. Most all of them too colorful and tacky for your liking but ultimately settling on a knee length dark blue dress that hugged your body delicately, pairing it with classy blue satin kitten heels. Cor nodded with agreement “I’ll be outside the door miss, your presence is requested in the office”
You washed up in vox’s unusually large bathroom and slipped into the dress, enjoying the way the expensive fabric felt on your skin. Taking a moment you stared out the grand window of his bedroom into the desolate streets of hell. The juxtaposition of V tower was dizzying, everything here was so grand, clean and seemingly safe. You found yourself wishing you could earn your spot in a place like this. huffing with indignation you threw the thought from your mind completely.
Your heels echoed off the polished floors of Vox’s suite making it sound empty and dismal. You wrung your hands together nervously, a tick you had from earth side that never went away, even in death. Stopping at a large door you took a deep breath, grounding yourself. You didn’t really know why you were so tense other than the reality of facing a petulant Vox but Cor, sensing your unease smiled kindly, opening the door for you slowly. Inside was sumptuous room filled with cameras and monitors, each a different angle of pentagram city, but most all pointed to the hazbin hotel. To the left was a large glass desk with an imposing blue chair tucked neatly underneath and to your right was a massive and strikingly beautiful blue stone fire place that Vox was leaning on, a glass of whiskey that was no doubt, the finest in all 7 rings of hell in his hand. His jacket was laid neatly nearby leaving him in high quality dress shirt which he chose to roll up to his elbows, showing his toned blue arms that had beautiful lines of bright blue electricity intertwining down to his claws. you couldn’t help but stare, registering just how attractive he really was in that moment. He was completely oblivious that you entered, seemingly in a state of quietude rarely seen by the public eye. You slowly approached, your heels gently clacking on the tile grabbing his attention. When his crimson eyes met yours he did a double take. Trying to hide it, he cleared his throat “that color and form suits you much better than whatever garbage you had on the other night” there he was.
“I’m surprised your remember me” your voice coming out much smaller than you wanted
He tapped the side of his head “I never forget a face and after last night how could I”
“Ah, I see. I am really sorry about that” you looked down feeling embarrassed
He shifted uncomfortably “listen, I think we got off on the wrong foot”
“That’s an understatement. I guess your reputation doesn’t proceed you” looking up from under your lashes playfully
“Don’t tell them that” he scoffed
“I wouldn’t dare ruin your reputation” you laughed lightly
He stared at you a moment, his screen glitching slightly. The room suddenly feeling heavy, a strange energy bouncing between you both.
He cleared his throat again. “I uh- well angel dust mentioned you needed higher quality employment and housing. We could offer you both here at vox tech”
“Work and live here?” you squeaked out embarrassing your self
“Mmm” vox hummed taking another sip of whiskey before setting it down “under me, on my floor. I made the assertion that you wouldn’t want to work for Val or velvette and besides, one of my new assistants didn’t come back after the first week” he said more to himself than you. He paused for a moment “what do you say?”
Despite the fact that you hardly knew him outside of his public persona, there was no denying the strange magnetic pull that you were certain you both felt but most of all, having a safe, clean place to live and work was hard to refuse.
“I -I would be honored but my things and my old boss- I” you cut yourself off, embarrassed by your rambling.
“Already taken care of” snapping his fingers cor appeared before him. “Gather her things and bring them to one of the apartments on my wing”
“Yes sir” he obeyed, taking off immediately
Watching cor leave you turned back to vox
“Thank you, Vox. So much. I could hug you right now.” you laughed breathlessly taking notice of his bemused expression and screen glitching, again.
“Of course!” He beamed, snapping out of it and flashing his signature smile. “I’ll have some things sent to you in the am, that’s when you’ll start your shift”
You woke abruptly at 6am the next morning. Apprehension motivating you to get out of bed and shower before completely changing your mind about the whole arrangement. Showering and throwing together a professional skirt, blouse and heels you tepidly headed for his office to meet Cor, who had given you strict instruction to be there at 7am sharp. “No later or earlier” you remember his serene voice saying. Being 15 minutes early wouldn’t hurt, right? Upon rounding the corner your ears were met with loud shouting making you flinch internally. There, you saw Vox’s tall form hunched over a desk outside his office. A pocket size and utterly petrified assistant clutching papers, looked up at him.
“Where. the. FUCK is the client for the first meeting” his long cerulean claws dug into the desk, ready to do damage.
The assistant who looked like he wanted to die all over again warbled out “I- i think I forgot to book him sir. Wait- no. I-I don’t know.”
“You forgot, No, or you don’t know. WHICH is it?” Vox chuckled darkly through gritted teeth. The antenna on his hat sparking wildly.
Cor appeared to your right holding a coffee mug that read “fuck Alastor”
“You’re early miss” he eyed you “I suppose you’ll see him in rare form this morning then” he chuckled. He watched on with you as the pocket sized assistant stumbled through yet another excuse shrinking in his chair.
Hearing cor behind him, he whipped around manically. One eye almost completely black and swirling hypnotically, his teeth clenching and sparks flying off him hectically.
“Oh ho ho, there she is!” His demeanor changing immediately upon seeing you “ready for your first day at vox tech?” he gestured around him self grandly.
His calm demeanor last night was such a huge contrast to the vox that stood before you now. This was the vox everyone saw and knew. “Yes sir” you smiled tightly at him.
Sensing your apprehension he bent down to your level and lowered his voice “are you okay? Anyone bothering you that I need I kill?” The static in his voice emphasizing on the last word.
“No, not yet sir” you laughed
“Wonderful!” He clapped his hands together loudly and stood back up to his attractive height, grabbing his coffee cup from Cor.
“I have business to attend to, but do tell Cor if you need me” before turning on his heels and teleporting into the nearest camera.
Great, you had a crush on cranky tv man.
Entering Vox’s office Cor set you up at a small desk just inside the door. You were a quick learner, by your first hour already answering phones, scheduling appointments and responding to strange client emails all on your own.
“You’re a quick learner” Cor smiled at you some time later.
“Thanks, I guess lucky for me, I have experience already especially the angry boss part so-“ you shrugged
“You know,” he turned to you, pausing “in all of my 10 years I’ve never seen him treat a new hire the way he treats you. Very curious indeed”
“Give it some time” you laughed playfully looking back down to an email you started.
“Vox is a an enigma, miss but one thing I know is that he has a soft spot for you” he shoved you gently and winked
“oh please” you laughed nervously hiding your flushed face.
Standing slowly he turned to you again “I feel like you could run this whole office by yourself already” he chuckled “I have some matters I need to attend to. You have my number?”
“Yes Cor” you smiled, appreciating his kindness
After he left you sat puzzled for a moment. So Vox’s strange, calm demeanor was only reserved for you? Not knowing what to do with this new information you busied your self for the rest of the day and like Cor mentioned, not seeing Vox the duration of your shift.
After 2 months you were a seasoned employee, knowing Vox tech and V tower like the back of your hand. You moved up in the ranks quickly, working alongside Cor on more complicated matters while managing two, young assistants under you. You never saw Vox much, your silly crush on him dwindling and snuffing out, only focusing on excelling at work, letting it consume you.
You looked at your computer rubbing your eyes and yawning it was already 9pm. You were covering for a burnout intern, filing away unspecific paper work for a meeting on Monday. Feeling tired you kicked off your heels and stretched like a feline under the table. Your mind started to wander thinking of your less than ideal sex life. Many male co- workers complimented you and made vigorous attempts to take you out but none of them making the cut much to their dismay. Work ruining your sex life entirely.
The doors to the office swung open startling you from your thoughts. An irritated Vox walking in briskly.
“Oh god, here I go. valentino.Just another fucking night with Val. Hey, hey, hey. Fuck my life”. He ranted, stopping in his tracks upon seeing you. He opened his mouth to speak, closing it.
“I’m sorry, sir” you stumbled putting your heels back on “just had some paper work to catch up on” you said out of breath
He sighed walking past you and headed to the liquor cabinet behind his desk
“I can wrap ever-“
“Want some” he interrupted holding up a glass
“Sure” you walked over, gently grabbing the glass from him.
You hadn’t seen him in weeks and drank in his attractive features.
“This was a gift from Lucifer when we opened V tower” he said absentmindedly
You hummed sipping on your drink. It was strong but had a beautiful notes of toasted wood that burned your throat on the way down.
Staring at his glass he asked “so, how’ve you been. The new interns fucking shit up yet?”
“Good, good and n-no, not yet” you winced. why was this so awkward.
He looked at you and you smiled softy from under your lashes.
“There it is” his voice and screen glitched
“What?” Your eyes widened
“That smile” he said as if it was obvious, taking another swig of whiskey.
You looked at the floor trying pathetically to hide your blush.
“And that” he said softly. You met his gaze this time, his crimson eyes were intense, sending a shiver up your spine.
He turned around slipping his jacket off, setting it on a nearby desk. A routine he seemed to do when he was alone or, with you. You felt like you should turn away, that this was too intimate but watched intently as he rolled his sleeves up to his elbows and took a sharp claw and pulled his bow tie off. The skin of his neck and top of his chest exposed, making you squeeze your legs together quickly at the sight.
“Cheers, to you” he turned to face you finally, his voice sultry like velvet “my only assistant to not quit after the first week”
You clinked glasses with him “cheers to you, you haven’t managed to scare me off yet” you countered
“Touché” he flashed his sharp teeth at you
That same magnetic feeling you’ve had before filled the room making you nauseous. Could he feel it too?
You both stood there for a moment looking at each other. You felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest.
“Vox?” You managed trying to break the tension.
“Hmmm?” He hummed taking a long stride forward making you gasp and bump into his desk behind you. He tilted his head, his eyes roaming up your body leisurely.
“You’re so…” he began, stopping himself
“S-so what?” you said breathlessly
Taking another stride he put his slender arms on the desk behind you closing the gap between your bodies and caging you in. The heat from the closeness of your bodies making you dizzy. You squeezed your eyes shut, on a whimper.
“Look at me” he growled quietly
You choked back on a moan this time. Snapping your eyes open.
“There she is” he hummed taking a claw under your chin and pulling up “it’s taking everything in me to not bend you over my desk and fuck you”
“What’s holding you back” you said boldly, not believing what just came out of your mouth
“You deserve a gentlema-“ he began
“Voxyyyyyy” you both heard from outside his office “are you in here pendejo” Valentino said angrily
Vox stepped away from you and threw his head back “fuuuuuuuuuck” he whined, grabbing his jacket and putting it back on.
“Vox open this fucking door or I’ll smash your stupid tv head in” Valentino yelled
Turning towards you he sighed angrily, looking exasperated “I’m going to kill him”
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advertisesouls · 4 months
mobile friendly rules
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For starters, my name is Solar, I'm 32, and I use they/them for my pronouns! Thank you so much for taking an interest in Xifeng and my blog. As stated on my pinned post, I do not condone anything that V.ivziepop has done or continues to do and I consider myself to be unaffiliated with the fandom. In addition, my blog will likely always be a work in progress, so there might be things that change occasionally. if there's a major change, I'll be sure to make a post about it. Also, before you interact, you should note that there is a dead dove do not eat warning on Xifeng.
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general etiquette
The standard rules of RP apply here: no infomodding, metagaming or godmodding. I will not tolerate any form of racism, homophobia, transphobia, acephobia, ace erasure, or other discriminatory behavior or language. In that same vein, I don't condone proshipping, and if you support it, then please do us both the favor and kindly hardblock me. I do not want to hear your justification as to why proshipping should be allowed on this, or any, platform. Since I use "dead dove: do not eat" for Xifeng, I'm obviously fine writing most dark topics, however I will not write anything involving incest, minors being harmed / abused / etc, or anything along those lines as those topics largely make me uncomfortable. Hardblock me if you condone writing these topics, thank you.
Update 7/1/2024: As I've recently had a spate of sexual themed asks thrown my way by anons that have made me largely uncomfortable given Xifeng's history and prior trauma, I'm going to have to ask for people to not sexualize my character. This includes, but is not limited to, calling her "mommy", asking her to step on your character, sending her sexual things (she's practically a married woman and is very monogamous even in Hell), etc. I do not want Xifeng's character to be reduced to essentially a sexual object, either, since she can, and will, show why she is Alastor's right hand woman without hesitation. Thank you for your understanding and also respecting this addition!
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my personal triggers / triggers in general
I must ask, for my own comfort, that if you'd like to follow me that you be mindful and tag for the following subjects: adultery/cheating/infidelity, domestic abuse, gaslighting, sexual harassment, and alcohol abuse/alcoholism (this is stemming from angry drunks — I am otherwise fine with casual drinks in threads.) Since I know that Hazbin Hotel has a ton of uncomfortable subjects and topics, I'd like to clarify that I'm fine interacting with those who may write Vox, Valentino, and other similarly written characters. I've been appropriately warned about them beforehand and am aware of how they act. I do not expect you to water them down when interacting with me, either. To go back to the dead dove do not eat warning I've been mentioning, Xifeng's story deals with parental abandonment from her father, her mother making ends meet with prostitution, being orphaned after her mother was murdered, attempted sexual assault from a stranger forcing himself on her, an accomplice to Alastor's serial murders, cannibalism, love as cannibalism, among other topics. Please keep in mind that if these, or other triggering, topics come up in threads that I'll be tagging for them accordingly!
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reply speed/etc
Besides that, please be mindful that I am only here to have fun. This is a hobby and will be treated as such. Please do not badger me for replies (a small reminder here and there is fine, however!) I suffer with chronic pain and fatigue and also have to be my mom's caretaker 24/7, so I may be away from my PC at times. I also suffer with ADHD, major depressive disorder, and general anxiety and my spoons are virtually nonexistent most of the time. As always, thank you so much for your patience.
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Please do not use me as a meme/aesthetic resource. Also, I'd prefer that if you don't intend on sending a prompt in to me that you reblog from the source instead. In addition, please do not drag me into drama as I don't have the time nor spoons for it. If there is someone that I'm interacting with that is a legitimate concern, please privately message me and I'll make my own determination from there. I'm pro-callout to a degree, but only when there's irrefutable evidence in the callout itself. In regards to shipping, I'm open for platonic ships (familial, friendly, antagonistic, etc) as romantic shipping is highly unlikely to happen due to how I romantically ship Xifeng with @praeteritus-memories' Alastor and we've plotted extensively for them to where I consider Lu's Alastor to be both a main and exclusive because of this.
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specific dni
Another thing that I would like to emphasize is if you interact with or condone the actions of the following, then please, hardblock me as well: aku, damon / omen / rxgelord (eyesofbluebitch/burnyoubastard), hearty, zero / kign typo, myers, loke / neku, & miles.
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babesway22 · 2 months
“In too deep” part 4
Vox x fem!reader// NSFW 18+ // 🔞minors do not enter 🔞
Summary: After a strange week you get offered a job working for hell's biggest asshole but does he have a soft spot for you? Or is he just using you?
⚠️ ⚠️ warning for part four, guys. Detailed description of SA on our poor reader ⚠️⚠️
Tags: vox, slow burn, the assistant has to deal with his shit, powerful overlord, jealousy, hazbin hotel, v tower, Valentino is problematic, eventual p in v, smut, the reader is in need of real love, the reader is shy, assistant trope, the reader has a crush but also wants to kill him sometimes.
Notes: hi, hello, I’m new here. I have the intent for this to be a slow burn with crumbs of smut here and there until the reader and Vox have a more established relationship. Several parts for sure, or, at least until I’m satisfied that the reader is fully loved and taken care of by the angry TV man
After sauntering in, Valentino ranted for several minutes about useless whores, completely unaware of what had happened between you two. Vox, rolling his eyes, stared at you briefly “What was it you needed, Val?”
“Si carino, vamos de fiesta,” Valentino laughed, blowing a cloud of pink smoke in your direction, not being missed by Vox.
“I’ve got work to do,” Vox said disinterestedly looking down at his claws.
“You’re always fucking working, Vox. Take a break, huh? Besides, it’ll be good for the fans and our image,“ he threw his arms around Vox’s shoulders, his hands gesturing to an invisible crowd of people “To see us all out, together” shooting his eyebrows up questioningly.
“Yeah, whatever,” Vox sighed, knowing Valentino wouldn’t let up until he agreed or strangled him. Vox preferred the latter, but there was a lady present.
“Yeah? I’ll gather the car and some whores, and speaking of” he said turning to you, shit-eating grin on his face.
“fuck you, Valentino,” you said mildly, already completely used to his bullshit.
“What's the matter chica, need me to fuck you?” throwing his head back on a hearty laugh and striding towards you “You’re coming with us, I’ll even call up that, slut, angel dust for you”
You rolled your eyes at him angrily “So that’s a yes, to both?” looking down his nose and pointing to you and Vox before grabbing him and shoving him through the door, throwing over his shoulder, “Wear something slutty or I’ll kill you” his voice lilting musically down the hall.
You met with angel dust before leaving, letting him pick out the most sinful dress and heels.
“Do I have to go,” you pouted pathetically staring in the mirror at the low-cut, backless, mini-dress.
“Sort of,” he laughed “You never get out anyways! Here, tell me the last time you got some, huh?” Wagging his eyebrows at you.
“It’s been like 5 mon-“
“What!?, I mean, c'mon, there's no way with a body and face like yours, that you're NOT getting fucked?” his New York accent thick and shocked, offending you slightly.
“HEY, works been, ya know, busy, and besides, the last time I went out I was drugged, remember? What if that freak is still out there” You haven’t forgotten about that moment since it happened, perhaps, adding to the excuse to not leave V tower, even for a random quickie.
“Ugh, you sound just like Vox, all work and no play, speaking of,” he said, pointing a slender pink finger at you “The kinky freak that drugged you? he had killed, heard he did it himself or somethin” he looked at you confused, “I thought he told You?”
“No” you whispered “he didn't”
“Vox is such an insufferable, ass,” angel dust laughed, grabbing you by the hips “Let's go get you laid, toots!”
You and Angel Dust took a separate car, downing three shots each, of tequila. The high-quality liquor made you both carefree, chuckling and stumbling into each other as you walked through the back entrance of the club, reserved for overlords and hell’s best.
You both made it to the center of the dance floor, loud, dark electro music thumping in your chest, the tequila and closeness of other drunken bodies making sweat drip down your exposed back. You spotted Vox and Val on a new, massive, couch encircled by scantily clad women visibly desperate in their attempts to bring one, if not both overlords home. Your hazy mind was making you jealous; you turned to angel dust shouting over the loud music “More shots, angel?” gesturing to the bar.
“I’d thought you'd never ask!” he yelled back, grabbing you and pulling you through the crowd.
You both leaned over the bar, your short dress riding up your thighs earning the attention of a handsome, hell-born demon. “Can I buy you a drink, gorgeous?” he called out over the loud music. Turning around you eyed him up and down, leaning back on the bar with your elbows “I don’t know, can you?” Your voice came out sultry and warm. Angel Dust leaned down and whispered in your ear “he's hawt, I’ll be on the dance floor if you need me,” winking playfully, his tall form all but evaporating into the crowd.
The demon gestured to the bartender holding up two, clawed Fingers “Two black death’s” Turning back to you, he let his eyes roam up your slender body, making a show of you noticing “So, what’s a lady like you doing out here all alone?” his voice deep and gravely.
The bartender handed you both the light brown liquid, which you downed all at once, wincing at the strong, combined liquors that lit a fire in your throat all the way down.
“Trying to get some free drinks,” you said mischievously.
He chuckled darkly “Is that so?” two more,” he shouted back to the bartender who nodded dutifully.
You were no lightweight, but your mind was swirling after the second round. Slowly, he guided you the the dance floor, a large hand possessively on your hip. The loud music picked up on a robust, electronic melody making you twirl out of his grasp on a girlish giggle, throwing your arms above your head and tossing your head back, hips slowly swaying to the beat.
Unrevealed to you, vox had his crimson eyes on you all night. Leaning back, he shoved a needy, half-naked whore off his lap, cocaine spilling on the floor along with her “Will you FUCK off”, he gritted through sharp teeth, losing sight of you in the process making his screen and eye glitch violently.
The handsome hell-born grabbed for you again, pulling you in close. His warm hands too comfortable, roaming leisurely as he slipped them into the back of your dress making you gasp when they hovered just under the swell of your breast. Turning back, confused at his boldness, you tried to pull away, but his grip was strong, hurting you. “Hey, let go-” you yelled over the loud music but he cut you off sharply, “I bought you drinks, don't be a bitch,” he yanked your back to his front, rubbing your ass on his erection. You tried again to pull yourself from his grip unsuccessfully, now angering him. “Let’s go somewhere private,” he whispered in your ear, his hot breath smelling of liquor and cigarettes making you sick to your stomach. Sobering up, you looked around the room for angel dust or anyone willing to help; begging eyes landing on the stage where only Valentino sat, covered in giggling women. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. Where's Vox?” you whined under your breath. Grabbing your wrist harshly, making you cry out, he pulled you through the crowd violently and out a side door Into a dark alley behind the club.
“Fuck you,” you cried out as he slammed you into the wall, making your back ache. Hot tears welled up in your eyes, blinding you.
“I like my whores feisty,” he moaned and began hiking your dress up to your hips, ripping your underwear in half, discarding them to the side, leaving you exposed.
“PLEASE, stop,” sobbing uncontrollably now. “Shut the fuck up” he slapped you across the face making you scream out in pain. You turned your face away from him, disgusted at feeling his sweaty hands touch your bare ass making the copious amount of liquor on your stomach rise, begging to come out.
“Come on bitch, give out,” he hissed, grabbing your face back harshly and kissing you.
You gagged again, trying to rip your face from his hands but his grip was too tight bruising your jaw.
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard, bit-b,” he studdered suddenly, blood sputtering from his throat making him cough, the hot liquid spraying onto your face and chest making you flinch. As his body began to sway he sloppily threw a bloodied hand around your neck and squeezed, to no avail. You heard a sickening crunch and more blood splattered all over your dress, this time from his chest.
“Ohh, that felt good” Vox’s devilishly arrogant voice came out from behind, making you rack out a relieved sob.
The demon slumped over and fell to the ground with an unceremonious thump. You looked up at Vox, your chest heaving and eyes wide. He was covered in blood, holding a large knife in his claws that he discarded carelessly to the side with a loud metallic clang, making you jump, your body in a state of fight or flight.
Staring down at your pitiful form, he strode towards you, kicking the body away from you with his foot, easily, a furious scowl on his face.
“I-I drank too much,” you began “I shouldn't have-sho-shouldn't hav-have. I'm so sorry,” your whole body shaking.
“Shhh,” his voice sounded like smooth static, alleviating you for the moment.
He took off his jacket and threw it around your waist. You gasped, completely forgetting how exposed you were.
“I’m so sorry Vo-,” you began, voice tired.
“Stop,” his voice coming out harsher than he intended. “I need to get you back to V tower and get you cleaned up,” he looked down at his dress shirt momentarily “And I guess me,” he sighed. “We can't make a scene. I’ll call the car around, wait for me he-”
“NO- no, no,” you interrupted him “Don't leave me, please,” your eyes wide with shock and fear.
He sighed loudly “Fuck. Okay. hold on to me,” he waved a slender hand to his side.
“What?” you stared at him incredulously.
“Come. Here.,” he gestured to his side, again, unamused.
You stumbled to his side stepping over a puddle of blood and grabbed onto him. Staring up at him you gave a soft, “Okay” making his screen glitch. His body was warm and he smelled of expensive cologne and the coppery tang of blood.
Grabbing your side tightly he warned, “Don't throw up,” but before you could challenge it you were unexpectedly filled with strong currents of electricity and pulled through the air rapidly.
You landed harshly from the camera outside of Vox’s bedroom, stumbling from the residual electricity and leftover alcohol in your system. Vox catching you by the hips before you face-planted the tile.
“Did you teleport me, Vox!? What the fuck?” You said out of breath.
Setting you back down, he opened his doors for you, nodding his head inside “You said don’t leave” his voice filled with a strange, far-away, static.
Walking in you were welcomed by his usual, pristine bedroom that looked as if he didn’t use it at all, giving it a cold feeling. You shivered visibly, needing warmth.
“My bathroom is in there if you want to wash up. I’ll send some clothes up and-,” his voice trailed off as you began unzipping your dress, heading for the bathroom briskly.
Looking over your shoulder, you paused “Don’t leave me alone right now, Vox. Please” your voice pleading.
“This is the safest room in the building,” he said quietly. Looking directly into your eyes.
“That’s not what I meant,” you said disappearing into the bathroom, slipping out of your bloodied dress slowly,not worried about him seeing you uncovered. You were unemotional, completely numb.
The heat from the shower burned your skin but it felt good. Slowly, you washed away the blood and painful emotions, head down you watched the water turn copper. After some time, you heard his shoes on the floor in the bathroom. You turned, water cascading off your body making soft slaps on the tile floor of the shower.
He was looking outside the door into his bedroom. His long arms crossed, still in his bloodied shirt but with his bow tie off, making his shirt fall open, leaving him somewhat exposed in the reflection of the mirror for you to see.
“Hm?” His face still turned away from you.
“Why did you kill both of those men”
You saw the reflection of his screen glitching in the mirror. Opening his mouth and closing it again before replying cooly,
“Would you rather me have not killed them?”
“I wanted you to” your voice hardly audible.
He didn’t say anything but shifted his weight uncomfortably.
The silence was deafening. You could only hear the soft, rhythmic pattering of the water spraying the glass.
“Thank you. For saving me. I-I don’t know how I’ll repay you yet but-“
“Stop that,” he cut in harshly, a hint of anger in his voice.
“Stop what?” Your voice was small and unsure.
“I just- are you done?” he said, deflecting.
“Yes,” Shutting off the water and stepping out, you wrapped a large blue towel around you, hugging it to your face, desperately looking for solace.
“I’m so sorry,” you choked on a sob. Your body giving in to the emotional toll.
Vox spun around after hearing you grab the towel and looked down at you, your delicate jaw bruised and eyes red from crying. How could he tell you killing them was the only option so they wouldn’t hurt you again, that he felt like it was his fault that you stood battered before him, that he’s had a strange feeling in his chest since the day he laid eyes on you in that shit hole office. He wasn’t made for these vulnerable feelings, always shoving them down and snuffing them out upon their arrival. He was cold, unmovable in his opinions, and harsh on the tongue. An egomaniac, narcissist he would willingly admit, but you, with your expressive, soft features and heart-stopping eyes that stared at him like he hung the moon. He wanted to save that and put it in a box, cherishing it for an infinity in hell. Would he be capable of treating you the way you so desperately deserved? Certainly not, right?
“You can sleep here,” he said abruptly.
“No.. Vox, You've done enough” Suddenly you couldn't look at him, embarrassed.
Turning quicky to prevent any more useless crying you padded to his bedroom door, leaving small, wet, footprints behind. Reaching for the door, your hand turned the knob before stopping upon feeling Vox’s warmth radiating on your back. He shuffled so that his body was caging you in, placing a large hand on the door to prevent you from leaving.
Looking down at you, an eyebrow arched imploringly, “Stay” his voice was nothing but static.
“I don't have clothes here, Vox” you disputed.
“Hold on,” he stood back up his full height, disappearing into what you assumed was his closest.
A short time later, he returned. He was cleaned up, wearing a dark shirt you’d never seen before. The fabric clinging to his wide shoulders and narrow hips, distracting you momentarily as he handed you an oversized shirt.
“Here” his eyes were intense and concentrated. Making you feel warm.
He turned around, slowly. Allowing you to change.
“You don't have any cameras in here do you?” you said playfully, cutting the tension in the room.
He choked out a laugh. “No, no cameras”
Dropping the towel, you slid the large shirt over your head, shivering when the fabric touched your sensitive skin. “I’m done, thank you”
He spun around, clearing his throat, not knowing where to look. It was an interesting sight for you, such a potent overlord being unpretentious and quiet.
“You can take the bed, I’ll be on the couch in there,” he said, pointing into another large room.
But without response and before you could question yourself, you walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist, hugging him firmly as if he would disappear. He jerked at the gesticulation, becoming rigid.
“Vox?” your voice muffled by his shirt “I know you probably don't hug, but, I need one”
Seconds passed before you felt his large hands intertwine around your back hugging you tightly to his body. You don't know how long you held each other but you grew sleepy, your limbs heavy, and your eyes unable to stay open a second longer.
“I’m so tired,” you whispered, voice hoarse as your body gave out, no energy left in your bones.
Suddenly you were weightless your body being lifted off the floor. Opening your eyes, all you saw was Vox filling your vision. His strong arms made short work carrying you to his bed. You reached a hand out brushing his bare chest gingerly, a soft “Fuck” spilling from his lips before you drifted off.
Vox, suddenly aware, was in too deep with no way back.
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skullhorn59 · 4 months
Heavenly Hell 2
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A/N: second chapter! no spicey here just yet. sorry!~ im not that good at writing yet. xP Tags/Warnings are added progressively, design changed/fixed with time. mostly proofread! Summary: you have always been a fan of the show Hazbin Hotel in your life - and as you are spawned in a Hell identically matching the Show, you can't believe your sheer luck. you're immediately on your way to eagerly meet the celebrities (at least they are in your world), but your arrival hadn't gone unnoticed... Pairings: Lucifer, Valentino, Adam, Alastor, Vox, Angel Dust, Sir Pentious, Husk x Fem!Reader Warnings/Promises: self aware and insecure Reader, Spoilers for the Show, Vox, Attempted Manipulation, successful Manipulation
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Minors DNI 🚨🚔
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"so, tell me, what useful information could you, someone this new to hell, possibly have?"
Vox sits down and leans back in his chair, watching you with a bored expression on his screen. urgh. right. he probably watched you spawning (arriving?) in hell. this is gonna be a hard one to explain. fiddling with your fingers anxiously, you look everywhere but at his screen.
you already regret coming here first, and not getting yourself a fidget toy first or something. or some pills to help keep your anxiety down. shit, you probably look scared out of your mind right now. he's gonna think you're really weird and rude if you speak up like this. or straight up lying. but for fucks sake - you can't bring yourself to look directly at him.
instead - you take in your surroundings. Vox's office. you only know it's impressive size from the Screenshots of the show, and literally sitting in it now is even more impressive. it consists of a gigantic room, an equally gigantic shark tank below, and a big round platform in the middle, which is connected to the door with a long passway. no idea how this could possibly fit into the tower without having it collapse from the sheer weight of the water alone - the only logical answer would be it being underground.
your eyes wander back to the platform, which is decorated with Vox's emblem. illuminated by a bright array of screens behind it, a round control pult sits at the back end of the platform. infront of it in a spinny chair with it's tips pointing upwards, is a rather impatient looking Vox seated.
you better get to answering his question.
you clear your throat and swallow, unsure how to even start. thankfully, you get your own chair - manifested with a wave of Vox's hand - to sit into. hoping you aren't sweating too visibly right now, you collect your thoughts. if you know one thing, it's not to sell yourself short.
"well, you see, that's hard to explain. and, you, as the head of.. technology.., surely understand that information is a valuable resource. I can't just.. give it away for free."
taking a deep breath, you lean back a little, trying to at least look more relaxed than you actually are. nervousness isn't even close anymore, like, are you panicking already?? well, at least you can mask it pretty well, you think.
"but I can say this much: I have so much information on Alastor," you think you hear a slight glitch coming from Vox at the mention of the name, "and the others in the Hotel, it's not even funny. Just.. I have a few small questions for you first."
a short glance up into the TV Demon's face tells you he raised an eyebrow. is he interested?? you hope he is. with all you got.
"go on, ask your questions."
wait. isn't he usually more talkative than that? nono, you can't spend a thought on that right now. you need to focus.
"When did the last extermination happen?"
"about a week ago."
"okay.. any interesting or unexpected turns of events? I just have to know what happened and what didn't. I-I know this sounds cryptic, and maybe even crazy, but I need to know at what time I got here."
silence fills the room for a moment. you dare to glance at the Overlord again, and he musters you with an expression you can't quite place.
did you mess up?
But Vox interrupts your thought before you can continue it. "... the hotel members fought back against the Angels, and won. that's all." relieved, you let out breath you didn't realize you were holding. okay. that's good to know. so the extermination already happened. it makes a good bunch of your information useless, but still. you can work with that. now you just need to-
"I think I provided enough information to you now," the Overlord begins, interrupting your thoughts again. his voice is oddly sweet. "its time you return the favor, my dear." - of course, he's trying to get the info out of you without paying for it.
how greedy.
you adjust your position on the chair, crossing one leg over the other, before looking directly at him. he's wearing his signature smile, his digital eyes looking  almost affectionately at you, but you know better than to trust the façade he put on.
"I told you, I'm not going to just give it away for free. And don't even try to fob me off with stuff like any of your products, pins, an autograph or similar worthless knick-knacks. That won't work on me. Trust me."
you glance at him again to gauge his reaction, and he seems surprised to hear you use his own slogan against him, but he quickly regains his composure. good. now just don't get any hypnotizing ideas, Vox...
"No, what I want is... actually quite simple. I want to be able to come and go to the entirety of this tower how and when I please. and.." you can't help a small smile at the thought of the Moth Man, "I want to see Valentino. preferably after our conversation."
and again, silence fills the room. you watch him tap the armrest of his chair with his fingers, thinking about your demands. you can't tell if he's going to give in to them or just declare you as crazy and throw you out, but you hope dearly it's not the latter.
just as the silence begins to get uncomfortable, the TV Demon clicks his tongue and stands up. your eyes dart up, and you automatically stand up too. what's happening? is he gonna throw you out now? - "alright. I accept. you may come and go freely, I'll get you your meeting with Val, and in turn, I get all the information you got on the Hotel and it's residents. Deal?"
Staring down at the hand he holds out, your mind whirls for a moment, overwhelmed with the action. you never thought he'd also make deals like Alastor - another detail they're matching each other in. you always thought he'd just somehow get peoples souls with sneaky contracts being signed when buying a Voxtek product or something.
as soon as you take his cold hand, he gives yours a firm shake, his smile widening to a grin as his face glitches momentarily. bright blue electrical currents and sparks begin to flow around the two of you for a moment, together with an intense blue light and a metallic screech. but as soon as it came, it's gone, and before you can waste a thought on it, Vox lets go of your hand, instead placing his around your shoulders as he guides you towards the door. "fantastic. now that that's done, how about we go check if Val's got some free time for you, hmm?"
you're confused.
doesn't he want your informations now?
on second thought - you don't mind too much. this way you have more of a reason to stick around and return.
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