#“this is my angency!”
i like to think about george and lucy doing cases together as they lock lockwood in the house to force him to heal after being shot (and falling down the catafelque hole and battling a bunch of ghosts and fighting off a load of thugs)
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nyan-bynary · 2 months
Forever in love with characters whose entire existence boils down to being a tool in the story for more important characters' development, especially if everything they do is their desperate attempt at having any sort of agency
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bigfootsboytoy · 4 months
BDSM fucking rips man, I love having a dom to tell me what to do.
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undeadmoth · 1 year
Folding my anti depressants and sleeping pills into a slice of cheese so i can pretend im getting a treat for being a good puppy
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ziracona · 2 years
It’s so weird to hear Avesta refer to Harvey as Two-Face when literally no one even once called him that in the version of S1 I just played.
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chrissdollie · 9 months
Dad Bakugo x mom reader - I need more children in my life 😭✋🏾
def calls his kid "squirt" and "buddy"
in mY universe, he has a boy and a girl bc he needs the best of both worlds
we all know he wakes up really early, earlier than you even, so he's the one to check on the babies/kids every morning to see if they're ok :)
definitely keeps schedules of you and your kids days like exams, report cards, if they're going to a friend's house, etc
yk how most kids tend to be like "ewwww" whenever their parents kiss?? not ur kids nono. first of all, your son is the quieter one. not that he's not talkative, he just has a little bit of a hard time expressing himself. anyhow, his sister is very loud. but either way, they both think its sweet. your daughter even said something like "i hope my husband kisses me like that" once (when she was an older kid tho lol)
your son goes to talk to you a lot. he adores you so so much. but one day when he wanted to hang out with you, you weren't home. you were busy running errands while katsuki was at home watching tv. your son started crying and katsuki was like wtf?? eventually, your son grew accustomed to speaking to katsuki. as he got older, he actually talked to him more than you.
teaches your son how to be a man :,) katsuki knew he was bitchy in his younger years and he didn't want either of his kids to be like him. he taught them both manners and how to properly have a conversation.
little pitter patter of their feet ran into your guys' shared bedroom on christmas morning and began jumping your bed. katsuki groaned and rubbed his eyes aggressively. "it's christmas, mommy!" your little boy shouted. "wake up daddy!!" your daughter shouted in his ear. "alright alright you rugrats"
at your daughter's kindergarten graduation (idk if everyone had this but i did lmao), katsuki was tearing up and although he tried to hide it, he had to remain the strong one while comforting you while you bawled your eyes out.
p.s your daughter is the oldest
when she brought home her first boyfriend... ooo chile
i see a lot of people writing how katsuki would act up but tbh in his older years, i think he'd be a lot more mature. he'd greet the dude politely and treat him like he would any of her friends
btw lemme just say: your daughter is a mommy AND daddy's girl. she loves u both insanely
honestly while eating dinner with the boyfriend or something, katsuki would be very blunt and not pay too much mind to him LMAOO he'd be like "'tis is great, doll" as if you don't cook dinner every week and it's only when your daughter brings up how he wants to work at katsuki's angency, where he perks up
"oh shit, no kiddin'?" and you smack his arm lightly.
well this changes everything! he practically gave the kid his blessing. "welcome to the family son"
your son doesn't really care about them together, he just doesn't wanna see his big sis get hurt. lets say that your son is 15 and your daughter is 17. "so, bf/n. have you fucked her?"
you almost spit out your drink like a cartoon. your daughter is shook, katsuki's rage from UA is all coming back to him, and the boyf is scared for his life
you, katsuki, and your daughter have a little talk after dinner
"use condoms" kats stated. "i- WH- nono you can have sex next year." you corrected but ur daughter is like huh?? "wha why next year?" you scoff. "because you'll be a legal adult thats why." "no offense, momma, but that's really dumb. when did you and dad start having sex?" she folded her arms. katsuki shrugged. "like i said, use condoms."
you and your daughter gossip like crazy alr?? ur like the gilmore girls except you're married and didn't get pregnant at 16 (almost)
and this is nothing new to katsuki, he's heard u guys gossip trillions of times. but when he found out you guys talked abouy HIM TOO??
he busts into the room. your daughter squeals and runs behind you. "hi honeyy-" he shushes you, "you guys talkin' shit 'bout me?" "nope" you guys say in unison. "there's this other guy, uh.."
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msbyzsz · 2 years
thinking about bnha being dads makes me so soft and happy.
shoto being so soft for his baby girl, i could just imagine him taking her to your guys angency and just protecting her from everyone there. she would be a daddy’s girl no doubt, just sitting on her dads lap watching him work. every once in a while he’s leaning down to give her a sweet kiss on her forehead while she sleeps. he’ll always cherish moments like these, the ones he’ll know will only happen when she’s young. but maybe you’ll have another one sooner or later. “thank you so much for having her my love, you two are my whole world.
shinsou as a dad would be so cute, i can just see him also taking his kid to work and her just cuddling into her dad. sitting in his lap, just taking a nap. holding onto her dads shirt for dear life but cuddling into him like he’s the softest thing she’s ever felt. him whispering “sweet dreams kitten,” then giving her a sweet kiss on her forehead letting her sleep from the exhausting day she’s had. “thank you for loving me kitten, im so glad that im the one that lets me call you mine and our daughter.”
i feel like bakugou would have tough love. he would try to be so sweet and soft be he also wants the best for his daughter so he’s tough on her. in private he will always be so soft with her, cherishing every moment he has with her. he would hold her in his arms knowing that he’s not gonna get many moments like this, especially being a hero in all and her growing up. he will always love her though trying to make sure he’s always there and she has his attention. giving her a sweet kiss on the head putting her down to sleep. “i love you honey, i love both of you. you’re my everything.”
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pastadoughie · 7 months
i made anothr long rant abt sexism oh noooooo
so many people fundimentally do not understand terf ideology, and end up falling deeper and deeper into it because they think they are "immune" to it.
the fundimental feature of radfem ideology is sexism. or more specifically misandry. sexism by its very nature effects both genders, having a negative veiw of women fundimentally recontextualizes how you see men, if you see women as broadly less compatent, less intelegent, and therefore having less angency (dispite literally none of that being true) then you naturally veiw men as the opposite. thats just a core part of how sexism works. mysogeny and misandry are always gonna appear together. while you can just use the word sexism for all instances then, as that is more accurate in that it doesnt carry the implication that only one gender experiences negative effects from sexism, i think that having words like mysogeny and misandry are still useful. assuming you use them to mean 'ok im talking about sexism witch does effect both men and women, but im talking about just one gender to help make my point clearer' not having to bury yourself in asterisks is nice.
this does however mean that people can exploit this not explicitly stated part of the definition to pretend that misandry just doesnt exist. and i have gotten into many a very very annoying argument from people who just refuse to listen to my actual points and instead want to argue semantic differences about the words i use even when i explicitly state what i mean and their definitions. many people just refuse to use the word misandry entirely and just describe it as "mysogeny rebounding" or something of the sort. this is not only stupid and unhelpful, but also kinda sexist! a fundimental part of sexism is that it effects everyone, pointing out that misandry effects women too isnt groundbreaking stuff! thats how sexism works! women dont just exist in a void ok it is literally impossible to hate women and then be completely neutral about men that can not exist. if you want to speak about sexism but specifically talk about womens issues and experiences with it then thats fine and helpful! but you need to have the same thing for men. just like with mysogeny, being misandrist is going to make you a mysogenist as well, you maybe just word your sexist statements a little differently if youre coming from that angle, but you arrive in the same spot.
and because this is the piss on the poor website i should clarify that, no i am not saying that men experience the exact same issues in the exact same way as women, you will find that no where in this post! that is not my arguement.
feminism is important but if your goal is not gender equality but just to have it be in the opposite direction then that is! still sexism! and still bad!
to make my stance on this clear before i start… women are people, men are people, one is not more or less responsible, intelegent, phisically capable, or worthy of respect then the other. people should be paid fairly according to their skill level, products should be priced according to their value and not according to what gender stereotype they are meant to appeal to, sports should be based on skill level, and not on appearance or legal documents, persecution for crimes should be based on what actually happened, and not on the genders of the perpetrators or victims, and people should not be expected to act or dress a certain way based on what they looked like as a baby.
gender based descrimination is fundimentally illogical and extremely frustrating and horrific to have to experience, having to deal with mysogeny myself i am not somehow ignorant of this. given the magnitude of the issue this leads to alot of people lashing out and becomeing more and more radical. when you have so much of your life spent having people telling you you need to conform to "what men want" and seeing male peers be treated better in certain areas for no reason, youre gonna get a little bitter. when you view everybody as saying men are great and can do no wrong (witch people often do) then saying "well i fucking hate men" feels liberating. you start to get more bitter about it. you have to deal with so much shit for something you have no control over and men dont share your exact experience. its a classic case of trauma olympics where you start to veiw other peoples struggles as less valid and less worthwhile because of the shit youve had to go through.
this kind of emotional response is pretty understandable, but it is not a helpful or productive veiwpoint, sexism is frustrating. yes. but being sexist twards men doesnt help that!
this kind of response makes it really easy to tunnel vision on only the girl side of things. women face alot of sexual and domestic abuse, this is horrific and people have been desperately trying to help and spread awareness (though given the seriousness regardless of how much help there is its still horrible that it happens at all) men can often be violent or disregard womens consent even in non romantic/sexual circumstances, witch leads to a (sometimes warrented) level of distrust of people based on gender, though this is an issue with socialization differences between genders and not actually biological traits.
but theres a flip side to this. gender based socialization plays a big role in how alot of us behave and so, the same crime, for example sexual assault, can present differently depending on the socialization of the person. sexual abuse from a dude is broadly gonna be more violent, while with women its generally long term abuse, and alot more emotional, and when phisical less likely to be "severe" injuries.
agencies dedicated to helping in abusive situations, most of the time dont even consider emotional abuse. this means that its going to be biased to persecute men more, as abuse from women presents differently. systems designed to help with these things are pretty much only geared twards helping women, and to help in cases that align more with "male" patterns of abuse.
also, sexual abuse from women is far far more normalized, ive seen and experienced this myself, where, attention from older men to a young girl is seen as creepy and gross no matter how nonsexual the interaction is, but i have had older women grope me as a child, and nobody bats an eye, often seen as being a "cute" interaction and "just girls being girls!" ive noticed far far more pedophilic tendancies in older women then i ever have in men, as straight women from this demographic tend to expect young girls to be overly comfortable with them, thinking they have a "right" to little girls personal lives and bodies.
when it comes to the structure of organizations centered around abuse alot of people will argue with statistics that men are more likely to commit these crimes and therefore its completely sensible to prioritize an approach that works on that kind of abuse, and id argue this is unfair. this is like expecting accurate statistics on homosexuality from the 80s, there are a million reasons for people to lie on something like that. and moreover, if youve been sexually abused by a woman, not only are you unlikely to share that, but unlikely to properly report it, and extrordinarily unlikely to get any kind of action done for it, and extremely extremely extremely unlikely to have it actually be a punishment fitting for what happened.
moreover, women being seen as "weaker" in general then men means that within assault and abuse cases with a female perpetrator theres alot of shame there, youre seen as "not a real man" if you get sexually assaulted, its seen as a judgement against you, if you would even allow that to happen then you must have deserved it
+ alot of the time, in radfem ideology men are painted as little pervert sexual devients, witch makes talking about sexual abuse twards men really difficult because by the nature of your gender youre expected to "like it" or because of the fact that mysogeny exists at all its seen as "karma" for being a dude, regardless of the fact that one guy in an abusive relationship does not hold the responsibility of all womens rights issues on his shoulders (and argueing that anybody under any circumstance deserves sexual assault is horrific)
women are people, and people can be absolutely horrific. its unfortunately common to see women weaponizing mysogeny, the idea that they are fundimentally less capable and less responsible for their actions, to get disproportionitely less persecution.
these kinds of posts, and the idology they peddle its not just, silly tumblr nonsense, this has caused real, tangible, horrific damage to my (and many other peoples) lives,, and people just regurgitate it because is just so quirky to peddle blatent sexism.
and it doesnt even end there, veiwing people like this, thinking that people have some kind of biological flaws or superiority just naturally leads you to transphobia, this is why terfs are terfs, if youre a misandrist its just kinda the next logical step to hate trans people.
if you veiw men as awful evil penis havers who are, by their very nature, more violent and less trustworthy, then thats going to fundimentally recontextualize how you see trans women, you are not immune to being a terf because you post about girlcock or whatever, terfism including transphobia is a symtom of their sexism. and if you really want trans people to feel safe around you you cannot keep peddaling this shit! "men (or amab people) are biologically more violent" and "trans women are women (and all the gender stereotypes being a woman entails)" are fundimentally conflicting and odds are, youre gonna pick the one thats more violent and hateful, because the internet is about being angry, and there is nothing the internet likes being angry about more then trans women
also its worth nothing that quote en quote "trans inclusive" radfems exist, and they are going to exploit this idea that you are immune to right wing bullshit to push you further and further into the cesspit
you can go onto these blogs and you can find things you agree with, i think yea that the way we veiw gender is really shitty, i think mysogeny is bad and people need to be more aware of it, but then you start, agreeing with the more and more and more unhinged shit till ur straight up posting hatespeech
i cannot stress enough that this is. real shit, i want you to not be a transphobe! but theres only so much i can spoon feed you and you have to put on your big boy pants on at some point and start actually having your brain on when youre reblogging quirky tumblr posts about how hating men is such a cool opinion that does not impact anybody negatively at alllll
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diyahatnight · 2 years
💵 Rich love!
famous people in a nutshell | Scaramouch x gn reader!
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Modern AU
Summary ||: You are a model, modeling for Jean’s model agency, when you do a collaboration with EI’s Model angency the mother of your favorite purple haired boy
Pairings ||: Model Scaramouche x Model gn! Reader +other small ships
Notes from author ||: Ive been seeing people do things like this so i’ve decided to give it a go! Scaracoochie has been a trending character for a while now so he’s gonna be the main lover. I’m going to try my best to be inclusive because i’m so used to writing MLF. But just for you guys I will start writing MLGN or FLGN. If you’d like to add more to the plot of this smau just let me know in ask.
Genre ||: Romance? Realizing your feelings.
Warnings ||: Fluff, mentions of sex, and selling nudes. Really close relationships with friends.
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Act l - I must be going crazy?
01. Get that bag
02. Starting an only fans
03. C is for cute
04. Look at these 0’s
05. Going on blind dates
06. Dating a fan
07. You think i’m cute?
08. Becoming a streamer
09. Rich and Famous
10. Dating (not a official yet?)
11. Broke
Act ll - maybe meant to be?
12. coming not soon
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spitfiregal · 7 months
It's played off as a joke, but ages ago when Launda broke Imogen's rock, Launda freaked out about it and displayed a lot of self-hating behavior.
Then when she's held hostage by Delilah in the tree/dreamscape, she doesn't fight for herself, putting the outcome solely into Imogen's court.
Even when she kills Bor'dor, Marisha explains how Launda only has the illusion of control.
Which is to say, Delilah successfully manipulating Launda shouldn't come as a surprise. Honestly, it should be an expectation.
People with low self-esteem and a poor sense of self-angency are historically very easy to manipulate.
My bet, things with Delilah are going to get real interesting real fast regardless of what Lundinus is doing.
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tessarionbestgirl · 4 months
Alicent - Speculation
I was reading the Ew article, some stuff caught my attention. First we have Hess talking how they are not changing canon but also in this part of story Alicent just disappear from story. And Olivia add this.
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I think Alicent can disagree and act on her own so we can have her play the game of thrones, in the shadows, for what she thinks is right. We can make her character gain more angency and I do believe her brother will play some part of that. ( And we also so know Daeron could be connected with him so do what you want with that)
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What also makes me think the lake scene and this one maybe not a dream sequence.
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distortedataraxia · 1 year
Hello i don't know if this is a request place but can u do idk kunikida or whatever that mans name is and reader in fluff (reader is hmm, shy and uh idk flirty????????????) And kunikida found reader locked in a locker bc shes dumb and somehow locked herself i give u the allowance to think of anythiny else
Author note : hi ! I'm sure this request was from november.. lol, i hope you're doing well my friend, i had fun writing this, though i'll tell you, this is definitely badly written and the characters might probably act out of character, i apologize about that, but i still hope this reached your expectations ! And yes his name is kunikida.. you got that right.
The locker of doom
Kunikida x Fem!reader
Wordcount : 1,397
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It was another normal day in the armed detective agency, Dazai was making airplanes with some papers, ranpo was chilling, yosano was bored, kunikida was working, kenji was chilling.. There wasn't really much work today.
But you just arrived at the agency, you were late because of your alarm ! Out of breath, you apologized, embarassed. "I'm so sorry for being late" Kunikida looked at you, with a face that lets no one know what he was thinking, and he just said in a low voice "Just get to work y/n" there was nothing strict in his voice, it was almost sweet, but you did as he said anyways, work was awaiting for you.
'All i need to do.. ' you thought, before suddenly remembering, that you forgot your phone in your locker! So that's why the alarm didn't ring ! Because your alarm was your phone ! Jeez..
You got up from your seat, as ranpo looked at you and asked "Hey y/n, could you grab a few snacks for me on your way?" You turned around and politely nodded "yes, i'll just go get my phone and my wallet" he looked at you and declared "Ah, so that's why you were late, you're really an airhead y/n" you quietly chuckled and said "Well i mean..that's not wrong..that's why people don't trust me with their stuff" the detective stretched and bored, he said "be more like me and be less like you" of course, he was joking, that was for sure "oh ! >:O Ranpo how could you be so cruel ! " Dazai exclamed himself, jumping in to the conversation, you decided to quickly leave and get your phone as you knew that the conversation was going to last ages, you left without saying anything and without anyone noticing, too shy to say something, afterall, it hasn't been long since you joined the agency, so you're still not used to your coworkers, but kunikida was nice though. He always seemed to keep his composure and calm around you, and he'd always apologize for any inconveniance, such as dazai's behaviour, dazai has been teasing the both of you often, leading kunikida to.. beat him up. This agency really was something. It's been only a few months since you joined, and theses few months have been the most eventful of your life.
You walked in the hallway, finding your locker, thinking about random things, suddenly, you get a bad gut feeling 'Something bad is about to happen to me.. ' you thought, checking your locker content in detail, forgetting what you were even searching, only remembering it was something small, before you realized, that you just locked yourself in your own locker by accident, it was dark.
'What the...? ' you wondered, before processing the situation.
You, a worker from the armed detective angency, got yourself stuck in your own locker. And what's better than that? You're actually scared of the dark!
You started to uncontrollably bang at your locker door in panick, thinking 'i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared !' A thousands of other thoughts came to your head 'what if i get suck here for hours?What if i die here because i'm thirsty!?' you overthinked, shaking, before causing the fall of your own locker, causing you to also fall, and be even more stuck. Suddenly, your phone ringed, and your phone ring was... careless whisper instrumental!? Since when? Who played around with your phone? 'I'm so tired of love songs..' you thought, before thinking about kunikida and wishing for him to come and save you and comfort you, like a knight in a shining armor 'i need someone to numb the pain' you pout to yourself.
The loud noise caused by the fall of your locker killed your ears, and in all honesty, the fall got you hurt, you had no energy to bang at the walls of your locker. Luckily though the loud noise echoing through the halls alerted your coworkers, you hear footsteps, someone running to your locker, and you hear a voice "what the..?y/n ?" The voice seemed familiar, it was.. kunikida's ! It was kunikida ! "Kunikida it's me, help me i'm stuck" you said breathing fast "okay y/n, i'm gonna have to pull your locker back up, please tell me if it hurts" He carefully said before moving the locker back up slowly, then, he opened the door of your locker, you jumped in his arms "you saved me ! " you said, your head nuzzling into his neck, he hugs you back and say "it's okay y/n..you know you could have just used your ability to destroy the locker right? " there was no judgement in his voice, just surprise "I don't like destroying stuff, it's a waste of materials" you said before admitting in a careful voice "and i was too scared and panicked to think about it, i'm scared of the dark" your cheeks felt hot, and you felt really weird "it's okay now, i'll keep you safe, you're okay. " he reassured you before saying "noted though, i'll make sure you don't go on missions requiring a lack of fear of the dark" His words made you happy and relieved, you started relaxing as he rubbed your back, you've actually never seen kunikida so kind and sweet since you joined the agency, you felt something weird in your stomach tingle "I was worried about you there, are you hurt anywhere? " He asked, letting go of the hug and looking at you with a concerned face, you shyly smiled before replying "yeah, my head really hurts,it banged against the locker hard when the locker fell down but atleast.. I'm out of hiding !" He sighs "how did you even get yourself stuck in there?" you stayed quiet for a few seconds, thinking, before stuttering, embarassed "no idea.. " he looks at you, there's no hint of dissapointment in his eyes, just concern and surprise as he says "it's okay.. Just be careful next time" Suddenly, you felt silly and said with a hint of playfulness in your voice "good boy, good boy, you're ought to worry about me. " A few seconds after saying that, you completely regretted your words and didn't dare to look at kunikida, and you started to laugh nervously "i'm joking.. " you said, before hearing the man's voice "it's fine.. " You could hear that he was nervous about something, you didn't know what that was about though "kunikida, you seem nervous, what's wrong?" You looked at him, there was a light pink on his face ,he cleared his throat "it's nothing. Don't worry about me. "
You smiled, confidently, and offered your hand to kunikida "take my hand through the flames, and let's get back to work" you joked, once again regretting your words a few seconds after, feeling your cheeks growing more and more hot "No y/n, we need to check if your head has any injuries, we're going to yosano right now" His voice was strict and you gulped "not yosano" You begged "i'm all fine" suddenly, you saw Dazai walking through the hallway and ran to him, hiding yourself behind him and using him as a shield, kunikida sighed and said "y/n, come on, i'm worried about you, i need to make sure you're 100% safe, even if it means going to yosano" Dazai blinked and you said, holding tight into dazai's jacket "no, not yosano, i'm fine" Dazai chuckled and said "You know kunikida, if you love y/n so much, you really should have her see a normal doctor other than yosano, or, maybe you could let me be your woman !? I wouldn't mind having you send me to yosano, if i can activate my ability i can just let her kill me !" Your eyes grew wide and you could hear the obvious frustration in kunikida's strict voice "No."
"You're so cruel, forcing y/n to go to yosano, i'm sure at this point , i'd take better care of her" he joked, you could sense that Dazai held no interest in you and only meant to annoy kunikida
".. Is that so? " kunikida asked, honestly, which surprised you, you backed away from Dazai and said "i actually rather have kunikida take care of me, not you Dazai and neither do i want yosano taking care of me"
Little did you know theses words only helped Dazai tease the both of you. You were still red at the end of the day.
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dream record — log 3 (not archived)
subject: Dr. Iris Ambrose
written by: Dr. Matthews — vice head of Dreamscape Research and Exploration Angency (DREA)
I will be honest.
Katarinya Iris Ambrose, our head of DREA, is a mystery shrouded in utter nonsense.
For starter, she is a literal living walking porcelain doll. She is sentient, intelligent, and most importantly, adaptive.
Nothing about Dr. Ambrose make sense, just like any subjects we are researching in this facility. Dreams are fickle things, indeed, our head of agency are even more so.
Furthermore, no one knows of her origin. She just appeared in one of the active cryo-chambers one day. I remembered being there to witness the chamber positively exploded into smithereens. And no one batted an eye afterwards, as if she had always been there. One of my colleague even asked why she was there like that.
There's just something about her presence in general scares me. I still have no idea what that is, but I will get to the bottom of it, no matter what methods I have to resort to.
I should perhaps not save this log in archive, in case she herself finds out about my rather... unethical opinions about my superior.
end log.
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greenyvertekins · 5 months
It's not an egregious example and sorta silly to bring up, but it still kinda harking back to people's tendency to infantile the younger characters to the point were their feats get eclipsed by it, remember that IDW Sonic had Charmy being babysat by that radio bird couple? Not even at Vanilla's, just those two? By itself it's a harmless concept, but when you look at how Cream gets treated in this adaption. Yeeeah.
(You could make an argument that with games where Charmy is absent but Vector and Espio appear, he COULD be being watched by someone. But what's not to say he isn't trusted to hold down the angency temporarily? Not take on jobs, just watch over it. Or at least doing something nearby, like how the Olympics have him, along with Cream, on the sidelines or in TSR, where he and Espio are running reports for Vector.)
There's only so much that the "they're a child" argument can excuse things or actions. Age can play a role in a character's story or development, but it should not be used to constantly downplay their abilities or individuality.
If my memory is right, didn't one story have Charmy be put into a fucking car baby seat and held by Vector whilst asleep like a newborn infant?
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Hey so I know I don't have a lot of followers after having to re-create all my blogs after breaking my phone & forgetting all my logins but if your a MHA fan & specifically a KiriBaku shipper I could really use your guys help finding a particular fic.
I can't remember the name of the fic or the author but I remember the plot pretty well.
In this fic while quirks do exist there are no heros or villans & instead quirks are used for professional fighting (think boxing or martial arts tournaments).
Bakugou is one of these famous Quirk fighters but he's unmated aggression (yes this is an A/B/O fic don't judge me) has finally been deemed a serious enough issue by a higher up at Allmight's angency leading Bakugou to be blackmailed into taking time off under threat of being exposed as an omega (by pretending that he got injured) which would end he's career (as Omega's aren't really "supposed" to take part in Quirk fighting).
While on probation he's also been told to try out a special online therapy that turns out to be an anonymous scent match up service (bassically he sends the company a......let's call it a biological "sample" 😅, the company analyses it, send him a selection of scents to choose from then after he tells them which ones he likes he can request certain items from that donor to use for he's own purposes but the donors can also ask the same from him, both parties are free to decline such requests though).
At the same time as this is going on Bakugou has also been crushing on Kirishima (who in this AU is a former high school quirk fighter who had to give it up due to a serious injury) who now works at he's fravriote restaurant.
Bakugou & Kirishima are unable to smell what eachother are due to government enforced scent blockers.
Kirishima ends up telling Bakugou about how he used to struggle a lot with he's unmated aggression when he was younger until Fatgum pushed him to sign up to do the same scent therapy that Bakugou's agency are secretly pushing him to do & because Kirishima says it really helped him calm down Bakugou descides to give it a try & he ends up finding he's perfect scent match via one of the anonymous alphas on the website.
Meanwhile the Bakugou & Kirishima's friendship starts becoming strained due to Bakugou's growing conflicting feelings for he's favourite red head & the new mystery alpha in he's life, on top of the threat to he's career if he can't prove to he's superiors that he can keep he's biology under control.
Edit - The fic is called Primal Agression Therapy by Sagegallows, if any of you are interested. I definitely recommend it.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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I posted 4,790 times in 2022
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#you are literally throwing a tantrum because i asked you to tag correctly and completely missing the point
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello, I just saw that you write for BNHA, omega verse and male reader and I have never been happier. If it’s alright, could I request a alpha pro hero bakugo with his sweet omega who is the complete opposite of his alpha, omega is timid, nicer, sweet and the complete opposite of the buff, mean hero who is only nice to his omega. I’m sorry if it doesn’t make much sense, I’ve recently learned English! Please feel free to ignore this if it’s not possible, take care!
I am a triple threat lol
And your writing is wonderful my dude! Better than some native speakers I know honestly.
It was honestly shocking that an alpha as volatile as Bakugo managed to get such a sweet and kind Omega like (name), he wasn't even a pro hero or anything! He was just a sweet Omega that Bakugo met off duty!
(Name) was shy as he walked into the agency, cutely made dinner boxs as he presented his ID card to the security with a gentle smile, he doesn't come here often but when Bakugo has to be at the agency for a few days (name) liked to make sure he was fed. "Hello again, how are you?" (Name) asked the security guard who led him to the private elevator and swiped the card to activate it "I'm good Mr. Bakugo, yourself?"
"I'm quite alright, my husband isn't giving you all trouble is he? I will beat him up if he does" (name) joked and playfully punched the air, making the guard chuckle "that's quite alright Mr. Bakugo"
Wherever (name) went he always lightened the mood of the room, the delicate Omega cheerful and kind.
The top floor was where bakugos office was along with the pro hero's hired under the Dynamite angency, a few new faces looking at him curiously especially the new secretary infront of his office.
"Do you have an appointment?" She asked in a bored tone, staring at the Omega with disinterest as he wasn't a pro hero he wasn't worth her time "no, I'm here to drop something off" (name) said with a small frown as she stopped him from just going in "Dynamite doesnt like people barging into his office"
"I can promise you he won't get upset, now please let me pass" (name) said because at this point the new secretary was infront of the Omega and despite the scent patches on her neck she was very obviously an alpha just by her stance and the slightly condicending look she gave the Omega.
"Oi! I been calling you on the buzzer for five minutes! The fuck are you--- baby what are you doing here?" Bakugo instantly became calm for his Omega when he noticed his presence "what's going on here? Why didn't you just come in baby"
"You forgot to tell your secretary about your mate" (name) said, not throwing the secretary under the bus because despite her attitude she was just following her orders but he did stare down his husband who just ushered him into the office that was a little messy "I brought you enough food for the next few days and some treats" (name) said softly, moving on from the little mishap as bus alpha led him to the couch and set the food on the coffee table "you didn't have to baby" Bakugo said softly, a complete 180 from his hostile persona he usually held "can't let my alpha starve" (name) said letting Bakugo guide him into his lap when the blond sat down.
Bakugo was unahsamed when he began heavily scenting his mate, nosing his scent gland and mating mark "Alpha...not here" (name) mumbled and Bakugo just nipped at his scent gland "hush pup" he mumbled and went about his nonsense with a shit eating grin.
"YO BAKUBRO! I BROUGHT THE LAST OF THE FI---Oh my" kirishima looked shocked as he took in the bakugos kissing and scenting "FUCK OUT OF HERE SHITTY HAIR!" Bakugo yelled angrily but (name) was already off him and fixing himself up "Hello Eijiro! How are you!" And like that (name) was pretending that he wasn't just caught about to do something inappropriate with his alpha but was very obviously embarrassed "I'm alright! You two seem to be very happy" he teased as he dropped folders onto bakugos desk as (name) just blushed at this and kirishima noticed the food and tried to sneakily go to it "Oi shitty hair! Back off! That's my shit"
"C'mon man! (Name)s food is addictive!"
"I don't give a shit, keep your grubby hands away!"
(Name) smiled at the two best friends bicker, despite his mates harsh words there was no real bite behind them.
The three eventually sat at the couch with their prefered drinks, Bakugo not letting his mate go and serve it claiming since he made food he has to sit his ass down "so is everyone staying for these three days?" (Name) asked curiously and the two heros nodded and (name) looked unimpressed "baby you better be getting them food, they aren't surviving off the food from convenience store I saw down the street" (name) said seriously, staring down his mate and Kirishima wanted to laugh because this little Omega was the only one who could bring the brute that was Bakugo down to his knees with a look.
"...I will have someone order food"
"Every day they have to be here, three meals"
"...yes baby"
Bakugo was whipped for this Omega and everyone agreed it was for the better, (name) balanced him out "thank you baby" (name) said sweetly and kissed his cheek "its getting late, I will make sure you have an escort alright?" Bakugo said gruffly but with no hostility as he scented his Omega one last time "be safe baby" (name) said hugging his alpha before leaving, kirishima noticing he left his sweater deliberately for Katsuki.
Kirishima sighed at this.
He really needed a mate.
859 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
Something none of the Bonten men enjoyed was cleaning out little (name)s pockets because they would find the strangest things.
Once they found someone's credit card, they hadn't even gone out that day.
Another was an engagement ring.
Twelve dollars in change.
Rans phone once.
They had zero idea what they would get from their strange sons little pockets.
One might say "why not dress the toddler in clothes with no pockets?"
They tried that.
And (name) just shoved the things he found down his shirt.
"A shoe lace... Two rocks and a half eaten macaron" Mochi said softly as he reached in again and pulled out... A usb drive?
"Bud where did you get this?"
"Of course... Ran could you have someone run this?" Mochi asked and handed the usb drive to the eldest Haitani who looked at the toddler a bit confused before going off to do his work.
How (name) managed to get his chubby little hands on a usb drive with trade plans from the Chinese Mafia they will never fucking know.
But they did take him out for ice cream because the pay out from that was monstrous.
"Can get spinkles?" (Name) asked Mikey who held him close "you can get anything you want (name)"
"Yeah they got chocolate"
Once the Bonten men ordered in the expensive ice cream parlor they watched little (name) messily eat his ice cream and trying to feed Kakucho every few bites because if Mikey accepts his offerings then everyone has to.
"Bud what's in your pocket?" Koko said and pulled out... Rindos contacts?
"That's where they went?!"
924 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
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Warning: male reader NSFW pet names (bunny, baby boy, baby, good boy, darling) virginity loss
Kaeya was absolutely smitten with the older brother of Barbara, soft gentle smiles as he helped Lisa around her Library when he wasn't at the church with his sister.
He was just so perfect and innocent.
"My my, If it isn't the church's prettiest deacon" Kaeya said smoothly as (name) stepped into the knights building, dressed in the male counterpart clothing of his sister albeit less idol themed "ah! Mr Kaeya it's a pleasure to see you again!" (Name) said with a slight blush as the handsome man sauntered over to (name), eyes doing filthy things to the poor man "what are you doing here though, Lisa is gone book collecting with the traveller"
"Well you see, I actually came to see you!" (Name) said cheerfully much to the blue haired man's surprise"really and why is that?"
"I...wanted to see if you possibly wanted to get lunch with me" (name) was a mess at this point as Kaeya took a moment to process this saint like creatures words but apparently he took too long because (name) looked a little heartbroken "O-oh I must have misread the signals, I'm very sorry Mr. Kaeya, L-lets forget I said anything..." (Name) said chuckling nervously as he turned to walk away only to be pulled back by Kaeya "now now, I never said no did I? Who could deny such a request"
(Name) was a goner at this point, his sister's didn't tell him what to do if he said yes!
The two went out and soon the day became more than just lunch, somehow (name) ended up pinned between the wall and Kaeya as the tanned man ravished his neck and hands slowly took apart his clothes while his leg rubbed against (name)s crotch "so fuckin' pretty, the prettiest little thing in the country" Kaeya said deeply as he let (name) tug at his hair, the sweet angel was most definitely a virgin.
"You want me to take you? Ruin you for anyone else?"
"I-I...please Kaeya...."
That was the first time he heard (name) say his name without 'mr' stamped infront of it and Kaeya would be a dirty liar if he said it didn't go straight to his cock "lemme take you home, your first time shouldn't be in a grimy alleyway"
(Name) let himself be led to kaeyas home and let the blue eyed man strip him down on Kaeyas bed "god, I might just keep you here... Serve my cock and be my little fuck bunny" Kaeya said almost thoughtfully as he imagined (name) in bunny ears and a cotton tail and groaned.
Another time.
He needed to focus on the shy baby boy before him, a red blush looking away with a painfully hard cock he tried to hide.
All for the taking.
Keaya stripped down and watched (name) carefully as the sweet Deacon gave into temptation "touch yourself for me" Kaeya commanded and (name) blushed heavily as he looked at the other "don't you want to be my good boy?"
That seemed to do something, Kaeya keeping that in his memory for later as he watched (name) shyly nice his hand down and stroke his cock, letting out soft moans as he looked away and his his mouth behind his hand.
He wanted to be a good boy for Kaeya so badly.
He like Kaeya so much it hurt, the thought of being bad for him oh (name) wouldn't allow it.
"Don't cum yet bunny" Kaeya said as he moved his hand the the base of (name)s cock "you only get to cum on my cock alright?"
"O-ok..." (Name) said obediently as he let Kaeya manhandle him, every touch seemed to unlock more and more of (name)s inner slut as he was settlled ass up as Kaeya licked his virgin hole "ah! No! That's dirty!" (Name) said panicked and kaeya just pulled his ass closer to his face "looks good to me" he mumbled before eating (name) out, keeping a tight grip on the beautiful shaking man's cock to keep him from cumming.
He'd cum on Kaeyas cock and it alone.
Using his spare hand he fondled (name)s glorious ass and spread it for better access as he continued his meal, the sound of (name)s beautiful melodic moans sent shivers down his spine.
They were so needy
So desperate
Like the call of a siren
And he was a foolish sailor
(Name)s ass had loosened enough for Kaeya to introduce his fingers and God he could tell already that even with prep his bunny was gonna be tight.
See the full post
982 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
can I request for bonten mikey has an omega but has never told anyone till one day his omega visits him with their newborn pup because he wouldn’t calm down and wanted to see his dad
Fuck yeah
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Mikey was a very private man, none of Bonten had ever seen his home and probably never would.
Because Mikey was hiding a big secret.
His mate and pup.
"(Name)? What are you doing here?" Mikeys monotone voice cut through as his mate and fussy pup were dealing with his security "Alpha?" (Name) asked distressed as the security parted for the blond "he won't stop crying, ever since you left..." (Name) mumbled and let Mikey take the tiny babe and everyone looked shocked as Mikey gently scented the whining baby who immediately calmed down at the scent of his dad "have you eaten?" Mikey asked concerned and (name) nodded "have you eaten anything other than snacks?" (Name) asked, the couple ignoring the shock in the room as Mikey led the Omega up to the lounge.
The executives weren't expecting to see Mikey all clingy and holding a tiny baby with his eyes.
"Uuuh whose this?" Ran asked as he eyed the pretty omega, noting the bite mark on his neck and finally realized the bite mark on Mikey's neck.
"My mate" Mikey said simply as he adjusted the babe in his arms "it's a pleasure to meet you all" (name) mumbled softly and then it clicked for Sanzu...he had met (name) before.
Back in Toman.
Well this was unexpected.
(Name) stuck close to Mikey as the Alpha made no attempt at any more introductions so the men took it upon themselves to get answers.
"We didn't know the boss had a mate or a pup" Rindō said and (name) just sighed "Mikey likes to keep us hush hush, keep us safe" Mikey agreeing as their pup reached out to (name), no longer interested in his papa "now that you know of their existence, their safety is top priority" Mikey's tone was grave and the men nodded, Sanzu silently seething at the fact that he didn't know this vital information about his king.
Why didn't he tell him?
It sure as hell explained a lot.
"He's hungry" (name) mumbled to Mikey who nodded and the two stood up "get back to work" Mikey said cooly as he took his mate to his office so he could feed the pup with privacy.
When the Sanos left Koko was the first to speak up "Jesus fuck" his voice strained as the others nodded "you guys expect that?"
Everyone shook their head.
"How the hell did Mikey land him?" Ran asked and everyone shrugged as Sanzu felt that feeling he felt towards Mikey directed at the omega and pup, the urge to serve.
The urge to protect.
1,002 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Xiao was in awe as his mate held their tiny pup, wide eyes and hair like his own but with his mates large fox ears and all in all he was perfect.
"Hello little one"
"Our precious Tighnari..."
Xiao never expected to find a mate and have a pup when he visited Sumeru but god it was the best choice he ever made. He visited to see a friend who came by his in once and found the most beautiful Omega ever and seeing (name) hold their perfect little pup who was just... God he would do anything for his sweet little babe.
(Name) went with Xiao to Liyue, the couple going back to Sumeru every few months to see (name)s family and so their pup knew of his heritage.
"His ears are so big..."
"Judging by my own, they will stay that big" (name) said teasingly as little Tighnari fed contently, making little gurgles and sounds as he did so "he's going to do great things" Xiao said with certainty as the tiny fox pup pulled away and stared at his dad curiously "hello little one, I'm your dad..." And gently took his pup into his arms, little Tighnari wearing tiny robes "rest love, I will handle our pup"
"Love you..."
I love you too"
Xiao wandered around the inn with his pup cuddled into the crook of his arm and made tiny little sounds as his father pretended to make conversation with him "really now? How interesting"
When it came time for his next feeding (name) was already up, the family snuggling in the nest and scenting the tiny pup who kicked happily at his parents giving him all this attention "wait till he meets his uncle..." (Name) said jokingly and Xiao looked honestly excited to introduce their pup to Zhongli.
"He's gonna love him"
1,073 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review ���
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