#← I sat on this for like 30 minutes this is special
rustedhearts · 10 hours
somebody told me (fratboy!steve harrington x fem!reader)
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summary: steve has made it very clear that he doesn’t want you. but he doesn’t want anyone else to have you either.
uses she/her pronouns and female anatomy.
i want your things in my room (part one) the library record store
tags: angst, mean!steve, so much tension, yeah the football player is tim riggins in my mind and so what?! i literally wrote this months ago, enjoy <3
"heaven ain't close in a place like this"
— somebody told me, the killers
may 1st, 2009
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
It came hissed in the doorway between the second floor fraternity steps and the sticky wood paneled wall. Steve hovered above you, breath sour with beer and a new bottle dripping condensation through the hand dangling at his side. His eyes were slanted and directed down at your eyes watching him in surprise.
30 seconds ago, he cornered you against the wall after your swift trip to the bathroom. You caught eyes with him across the kitchen nearly an hour ago, and it took all this time of carefully scanning your movements when you weren’t looking for Steve to get you away from the junior you came with.
“What are you talking about?” you laughed. “It’s a party.”
“I didn’t invite you.”
You swallowed, trying not to let your good-natured grin drop. You were well aware that Steve didn’t invite you.
After he practically ran from your bedroom two weeks ago, things went radio silent between you and Steve. You texted, he didn’t answer. You called once, thought about leaving a voicemail, and spent a whole weekend crying when you realized: he didn’t want you. Someone who wants you doesn’t flee your room the way he did that night.
You were perfectly content wallowing in your idiocy for ever thinking Steve Harrington could have a special spot for you in his tiny, shriveled heart—until said junior you were attending tonight’s party with saw you at the dining hall.
You were studying late into the evening, sitting all alone at a table near the fireplace with your books sprawled out and your picked-at dinner in scraps. He came staggering in with a band of other men, all sweaty and half-dressed from practice. He was a linebacker on the football team, and he looked damn good easing into the chair across from you and making it squeak.
His name was Tim and he had a handsome smile, and a slow way of talking in this Texan drawl that had you blushing. For the ten minutes he sat and talked to you and asked you what you were so focused on, you forgot all about Steve.
You texted for a week, grabbed a few lunches and coffees together, and now here you were. At a frat party, invited not by Steve—but Tim.
“I know that,” you told Steve, pulling your arms up to fold them over your chest. Steve’s eyes flashed down to your breasts cupped under a black lace bra peeking through a red shirt.
“I came with Tim.”
Steve screwed up his nose, pulling back a little. “Tim? Tim who?”
Huffing, you pushed yourself off the wall and pressed Steve back by the shoulder. “Tim, Steve. Now, excuse me, but I’m gonna go find him—“
“No, hey.”
Steve snatched you by the elbow, causing you to fumble on the carpeting and narrowly miss someone heading up the steps. You gasped, stumbling into Steve still against the wall.
“Steve, what the hell?”
“‘m not done talkin’ to you.”
You glared at him, wrenching your arm away with force. “I don’t care.”
You rushed down the steps before he could speak again, head suddenly swollen with confusion, heart pounding hard in your chest. He hadn’t touched you in weeks. Hadn’t spoken to you, looked at you, so much as acknowledged you since the last time he was inside you.
All it took to get his attention was to finally attempt to move on? It was bullshit. It made your cheeks flame and your mouth line with sweetness that made your stomach coil. It wasn’t fair.
“Hey.” That soft Texan drawl called to you.
You raised your head from where you were glaring at the floor, softening when they found Tim’s green gaze. He grinned at you, still holding your red plastic cup from earlier. You retrieved it from him and allowed yourself to tuck into his side under the weight of his arm.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” you told him. “Long bathroom line.”
Steve stepped into the fluorescents of the kitchen, weaving his way through bodies with wide, squared shoulders. He tossed a quick glance your way and shook his head as he made his way through the room. And what pissed you off most was the fact that he thought he had the right. The right to be upset, the right to think anything of you.
“Baby, you look so pretty in that lil’ top,” Tim said, tipping his chin down to you with a lopsided grin. He was a few beers in and loopy.
You grinned. “Do I?”
“Mhm. Real pretty—come gimme a kiss.”
You perked up on your toes to meet his mouth. His lips were always warm and soft and soaked in beer. Lord, college boys drank a lot. If you closed your eyes and forgot where you were, sometimes he even tasted like Steve.
But Tim always called you baby, and Tim always called you back. He walked you to class with your books in his arms and a hand on your waist, opened the door for you, and helped you into his truck when he took you for coffee.
And Steve? Steve acted like you didn’t exist if his dick wasn’t inside you.
Your tongue was just slipping past Tim’s teeth when you were torn apart by force. Tim stumbled aside, knocking you as he went and catching you quickly with a hand on your waist. Both your heads turned sharply toward the assailant.
Steve stood near the island where Tim had previously been, holding a bottle of beer and a look of nonchalance. His eyes glided from Tim’s look of surprise to your absolute glare.
“Sorry about that,” Steve said coolly. “Wasn’t watching where I was going.”
Tim resumed his spot beside you, and your body felt like it was vibrating against his. Every part of you was burning—and you couldn’t tell from what. Anger? Humiliation? Arousal? Maybe all three. You swallowed with difficulty and let Tim pull you in again. But your eyes never left Steve’s.
And his never widened from their slits. The ball of muscle near his jaw bone knotted when he clenched his teeth and it didn’t move.
“You okay, baby?” Tim’s attention was on you, and you looked away from Steve to smile at your date.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.”
The footballer had an easier lightness to him. Breezy, taking things with a grain of salt. He didn’t bother fighting Steve for his ‘mistake.’ He didn’t scold him for knocking you. He only smiled at you with a pair of pretty dimples and kissed the top of your head, arm bending around your shoulders.
“Wanna get outta here?”
Because he’d be going home with you. And it only took Tim a few moments to deduce that it was that fact alone that would drive Steve crazy. Even if you couldn’t.
You nodded, hand rubbing over his chest. You spared one more glance toward Steve, who had stepped away toward the other side of the kitchen with slow, slithering steps. He took a swig of his beer and clenched his teeth on the swallow.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
Tim held your hand on the way out, guiding you down the front steps and toward the street. Your arms swung over the pavement, and you almost felt compelled to check if Steve was watching. What the hell was wrong with you?
“So what was that?”
You peered up from the pavement to Tim’s green eyes. “What?”
He cocked his head back at the brightly-lit house dimming behind you. The music faded the further you went. He was still wearing that dimpled grin.
“Back there, with that guy.”
You inhaled, looking back toward your feet. It only took a few moments to decide that you didn’t want to lie.
“We…used to hookup. But it’s completely over, I swear.” You skirted to a stop, gathering Tim’s other hand and meeting his eye again. “He’s just being a dick about it.”
He snorted. “I sort of got that when he came from across the room to ram into me.”
A giggle burst from your mouth, but it drooped into a frown. “I’m sorry.”
Tim frowned, brows creasing. “For what? You don’t got nothin’ t’ be sorry for, pretty girl.”
The warmth pulsing in your chest you could certainly make sense of now. “Okay.”
He grinned again, dropping one of your hands to squeeze your chin affectionately. “Okay. Come on.”
You walked the rest of the way to your apartment with his heavy arm over your shoulders again. And Steve watched from the front seat of his car, knowing exactly where he was going as he peeled away from the curb.
✶ ✶
“Alright, goodnight, little lady.”
“Goodnight, Tim.”
Your voices were punctuated by the slam of a door. Quick footsteps followed, a rhythmic succession ascending the staircase. Over the creaky board on the other side of the door, then—
“What the fuck?”
It burst open to a streak of lamplight in your bedroom and one Steve Harrington shadowing it at the foot of your bed. He had your university football teddy bear in his hands. It was a gift from Tim and it had his number on the bear’s soft yellow t-shirt.
Steve leapt to his feet. “What are you doing?”
You couldn’t seem to close your mouth. It hung open as you watched Steve raise his brows and jerk his chin expectantly. He tossed his arms out on either side.
You came to your senses with a hard blink. “What am I doing? What the hell are you doing? How did you get in here?”
“Same way I always get in,” he quipped.
Heat touched your cheeks as you stepped into the room and gently clamped the door shut. You snatched the teddy bear from his hand and placed it back on your desk silently. Your purse fell to the floor where you were standing.
“You didn’t answer me. What the fuck are you doing?”
“Is this about the party or Tim?” You kicked your shoes off one by one, keeping your back to Steve and his stupidly pretty face.
You had such a soft spot for pretty boys, it seemed.
“You know what? Both.”
“Okay,” you sighed, pulling the first layer of your outfit off. Steve’s eyes scanned the lace of your tank top as red fabric made its way toward the hamper. “Tim and I are seeing each other. Tim wanted to go to the party, which happened to be at your frat—alas, there we were.”
The mattress springs yipped when you bounced on the edge to pull a clean pair of socks on. You wanted to strip your jeans, too, but you didn’t want to give Steve any ideas. He was already standing there with his arms crossed and his biceps and chest all puffed and sculpted. He already had that handsome pink tinge to his cheeks: his beer blush.
“Well, it’s weird,” Steve stated.
You rolled your eyes, exhaling a snicker. “Okay, Steve. Can you leave now? I’m tired.”
Steve tapped his finger on his arm, watching you shift on the bed and feign exhaustion. He chewed his cheek for a minute before reaching for his hair.
“Well…you know I missed you, right, sweetheart?”
He dropped his hands and softened his eyes into that soft, puppy-dog pout. Your scoff was sharp and sliced through the room. Steve stepped toward the bed.
“No, really,” he urged, sinking into the mattress before you. “You know I was just made president, and I just got super busy, that’s all. I meant to call you.”
You tipped your head at him and stared directly into those faux-pleading hazels. "How come everything you say to me sounds like a line, Steve?"
Steve sat unblinking for a moment. Then his cheeks colored a rosy shade, and he covered it with a cruel scoff and another sweep of his hair.
"What? Come on, you-you know I like you."
You pushed off the bed, head shaking. That warmth was slowly but surely returning to your body in violent form. You pulled your hair off your neck and padded toward the window to open it. Your room already smelled too much like Steve.
"You like playing with me," you corrected, keeping your back to him even as the mattress shrieked with his freed weight.
"You know, you're such a bitch-"
You spun around, shoving him by the chest. Steve stumbled a step back, but the smirk on his face made you regret even touching him at all.
"Get out."
"Hell no," he bit, lunging back into place. He grabbed at your arm again. "You think Tim wants you either? You think he doesn't just like playing with you? You always gave it up so easy."
Tears bubbled in the edges of your eyes. A tingling burn settled in the bridge of your nose. You shoved at him again and angled your head away from him and his sneering scowl and beer breath.
"Fuck you, Steve."
“You’re trying to replace me? Hmm?” Steve cocked his head to meet your eye, and you wished you could will away the hot tear trickling down your cheek. “That’s fine, sweetheart. I’ve got ten of you in my pocket.”
He shoved your arm away with a scowl, and you sniffled as he headed toward the door. All the hot-headed, enraged words pulsing on your tongue shriveled and died—and they were replaced with a hurt and heartbreak that was so familiar it was almost comfortable.
Yet as he opened your bedroom door, you rubbed your arm where he had held you and sniffled.
“Stay away from me, Steve.”
Door in hand, Steve turned and scoffed at you. “No problem.”
✶ ✶
You spent the next hour crying between makeup wipes and playing your radio on low. Pulled a faded grey t-shirt from your pajama drawer and tried not to look at Steve’s face rumpled at the bottom on a white t-shirt. Why hadn’t you thrown it away? He was so hard to let go.
With the football bear cradled to your chest, you wiggled under the covers and reached for the lamp. Your phone buzzed consecutively on the nightstand, causing pause. The plastic clicked on its hinges as it flipped open, and the sheets rustled when you shot up in bed.
u up?
tim is a fckn l0ser
i’m sorry
The first time he called, you didn’t answer. You watched the small square light up with his name, felt the plastic shake in your palm with the force of its ring.
Another call. You pressed the green button, but waited.
“Hello? Hey-hello?” His faded voice brought you from your daze.
You pressed the phone to your ear. “Hello?”
“Jesus, do you not read your texts?”
“Wh-what…why are you calling me?” Disbelief colored every syllable from your mouth.
Steve huffed. “I just…how much do you really know about this Tim guy?”
You looked at the bear sitting on your lap against the sheets. “About as much as I know about you, Steve.”
The line buzzed with quiet for a while. You played with the hem of the teddy bear’s shirt and gnawed on your lip. An ache balled in your chest when the thought of him hanging up occurred to you.
“Fair,” he said quietly.
Sighing, you shimmied under the covers again and reclined back against the headboard.
“Why are you calling me, Steve?” This time it was softer. You couldn’t give in to him anymore, but you had to hear him out. He never called you like this.
He never acted like he cared until now.
“Just…don’t wanna see you get hurt.”
You scoffed, pressing your palm against your head. Despite the way your heart pulsed with excitement, and the way your nerves locked up at the thought—you knew Steve didn’t mean any of it. He was just jealous. He wanted you as his personal plaything and he didn’t like to share.
You couldn’t swallow it anymore. You couldn’t keep biting your tongue to stay the perfect toy in hopes he might see you as more.
You had to end it.
“You already took care of that, Steve.”
You reveled in the buzzing silence of the other line for a beat.
“Goodnight,” you told him.
And you hung up the phone.
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lostgirlmuseum · 1 day
Dancing Spies
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Pairing: Bucky x gn!Reader 
Words: 900
Summary: You and Bucky are undercover at a ball and he’s not ready to let go of you.
Warnings: Reader is mentioned to have hair + height implied to be shorter than Bucky. Idc how tall you are, you're 6 feet? OK well in this universe Bucky is 7ft, etc lol. No use of y/n.
A/N: IM BACK BABY! Ok not really lmao this was 90% written since April 2022 (holy shit over a year before I even started posting here.) As always, sorry it’s short, sorry if it sucks, but also I’m not that sorry if it sucks because it’s short so it’s not like I’m wasting hours of your time. Idk if anyone is even going to read this.
Also: special thanks to @questionableratatouille00 for being so patient and kind to me. ❤️
divider cred: @saradika
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“I didn’t realize you could dance,” you mumbled into his ear as you stepped in time to the soft music.
“Well, there wasn’t that much to do in the 30’s,” Bucky adjusted his grasp on your waist to be more comfortable, “with, y’know, the Great Depression and everything.”
“Ah, yes, a time of great prosperity, wasn’t it?”
“Definitely.” He gave a short chuckle, and continued to gaze around at the other couples dancing around him. He wasn’t avoiding your gaze—he was simply doing his job. At least, that’s what he tried to convince himself. 
A sweet chorus of piano and violin flew through the air, enchanting the large group of people into following in time. Despite his watchful eyes lingering upon the room for the past ten minutes, he couldn’t tell you any details.
How many couples were there? What was everyone wearing? How big was the dance hall? He could only guess, as his mind was solely focused on his steps, and the person in front of him: how close you stood next to him, how he could smell the faintest scent of lavender from your hair, how your hand sat so tenderly upon his shoulder, and how he wished he could take his gloves off so he could get a better feel of your gentle hand intertwined with his right. 
“How much longer, do you think?” you whispered.
“M’ not sure. Until Steve gives the signal, which could be anywhere from now to twenty minutes.” He only allowed himself a quick glance of you as he twirled you outward and back in.
“I doubt it’ll be twenty minutes. I think ten is more reasonable.” 
“It could be twenty,” he argued.
“That would be way too long, there’s too much risk in that.”
“Twenty minutes is fine. There’s nothing wrong with twenty minutes.”
Sensing you were looking at him, he met your gaze. 
Your eyebrow was slightly arched, and you gave him a small look of confusion at his strange… passion. Nevertheless, you dropped it, deciding not to question him.
He felt a slight tug of guilt at his heart for acting weird, but truthfully, he simply hoped this moment wouldn’t end. It felt right. He didn’t want to accept that it could be over so soon.
Naturally, as if the entire room was choreographed, everyone slowed as the song ended, and another started. This song was even slower than the last, and couples pulled each other close accordingly. 
You and Bucky did the same. 
Bucky’s breath hitched at the closer proximity, and he prayed you couldn’t feel his rapid heartbeat now that you were practically chest to chest, and both your arms were wrapped around his shoulders as his rested on your waist.
“Hey Bucky,” you said so quietly, it was barely a whisper.
“I get that you’re trying to be alert, but you need to stop looking behind me. It’s not natural.” 
His cheeks flushed at your comment, though he wasn’t entirely sure why.
“Yeah, okay.” He hesitantly looked down and met your welcoming eyes.
“Better,” you softly smiled.
He curtly nodded.
They continued to slowly sway along with the music. But the tune only served as white noise for him as he couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. Luckily, you hadn’t caught him staring, since you had placed your cheek onto his chest, nuzzling into the warmth. 
He liked that you felt safe with him. Safe enough to rest your head on him. Safe enough to let him hold you with both hands, and not cower at what those hands had once done. 
His shoulders relaxed at the sound of a soft sigh from your lips.
“Comfortable?” He leaned his head down slightly to whisper into your ear.
“Mhm.” You confirmed.
“Tired?” He breathily laughed, seeing your eyes closed.
“Only a little,” you mumbled, keeping your eyes shut. 
He was content with where he was. It wasn’t the most familiar feeling for him, but he liked it. 
His thoughts were no longer focused on the mission(not that they ever really were—the second he found out that the two of you were meant to be a couple dancing on the main floor, he was distracted by you and the possibilities of what would happen,) and he remained focused on you. Your soft and slowing exhales, the affection you spawned in his chest, and how beautiful your hair looked. 
Seeing you at peace, put him at peace.
He could feel himself smiling as he watched you. His tongue flicked over his lips like it always does when he’s about to make a decision. He started to lean his head down to rest on top of your head when he paused.
Is this a good idea?
Screw it.
He rested his chin ever so carefully on your head, and couldn’t hold back his growing smile when you made no effort to move.
“I wish this was real life,” you sighed. “No more fighting. Just dancing.”
Motion from above caught his attention. Steve tipped his hat—the signal. 
Bucky just looked back. He continued to sway with you, shielding you from the outside world with his chest. 
Steve, slightly taken aback at his friend’s lack of action, tipped his hat twice more.
Bucky subtly shook his head and returned his gaze to you.
“Have we gotten the signal yet?” You murmured, eyes still closed.
“Not yet,” he whispered. “Let’s just dance.”
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If you liked it pls let me know so I know I'm not just screaming into the void.
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andromedasummer · 5 months
oh my god i missed the whole rt stream becaus i was. shopping
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hazelfoureyes · 7 months
The Radio Demon fucks a Human Sacrifice (a Valentino production)
⟢ part1♡̶sidestory♡̶part2♡̶part3♡̶part4 ⟣
Valentino has acquired a living, breathing human in hell. But at the begging of Angel, Alastor makes a deal in exchange for her soul.
tags: Alastor x reader, smut, dubcon, mentions of assault (Val intended to "fuck you to death”), Val's existence, overstimulation, forced (?) orgasms, bondage (shadow tentacles), choking (sexy kind, not murdery kind), cervix wrecked, your aunt is a bitch
(author's note: I've been in Japan for like 7 years and my English has suffered, but your fucking smutty writing on this site has inspired me to write for the first time in years.)
Minors DNI
Angel burst into the hotel lobby, winded. “Please, you gotta do somethin’!” 
To the surprise of everyone, he ran straight to Alastor, tears forming in his eyes.
“Val’s gonna hurt her real bad. I don’t know who else to ask, please. I can't—-“ he cradled his head in his hands, “I can't watch him break any more people.”
Alastor didn’t seem to react at first, but Charlie appeared at Angel’s side and pulled him into a hug, “Angel, take a deep breath. He’s gonna hurt who? What’s wrong?”
“He got a new soul. Some fucking cultist offered her up as sacrifice. But she's not dead yet Charlie—- he dragged her down here alive.” His voice cracked, “He wantsta— he said he’s gonna fuck her to death on camera and wait for her to respawn in hell. He’s convinced he’ll make a fortune off the tapes. Please, for fuck’s sake someone has to do something.”
A human in hell? Well, that was something interesting after all. With a raised brow Alastor spoke, “And how exactly can I help this poor, unfortunate soul?”
“Make a deal or– rip his arms off, I don’t fuckin’ know! There has to be something you can offer Val worth her soul. I’d give you my soul if I could!”
Well that’d be worthless.
But a human? A living, breathing human? Intriguing.
“Alastor you have do something. This isn't right! Hell isn’t for the living.” Charlie’s hair flew upward as her eyes flashed red for a second, “I’ll repay it somehow.”
Well there's no harm in taking a look. 
The demons and sinners who saw Alastor walking into the Vee’s tower oscillated between fleeing for their lives and live tweeting the event. Either a truce or a war would be breaking out and they knew they’d be fucked regardless.
“Alastooor”, Val exhaled,  letting the name drag out lazily, “Come to ruin something, I’m sure.” Val hadn’t seen Alastor since his fight with Vox 7 years ago, and he hadn’t expected to see him in his studio— ever. 
“Ha! No, not today. Word got around that there's a special little guest hidden in your studio.” Alastor’s eyes darted about the room, uninterested in the various parts and bits of the actors changing.
Val glanced at Angel, who’d suspiciously returned some 30 minutes before Alastor appeared. 
“I didn’t say nothing, Val.” Angel’s hands went up in defense. “He came to me askin’ about her.”
“And what exactly do you want with my “little guest”?” Val dropped any pretense of politeness. 
Alastor leaned forward on his microphone, and with a pop of static he practically cooed, “To see the poor creature, of course.”
Val ashed his cigarette into a cameraman’s hair and walked off, “Fuck it, sure. She’s back here.”
The back room was dark, perhaps some would call it mood lighting but what mood exactly it conveyed fell somewhere between dungeon and power outage.
You sat on your knees in the center of a round bed. Arms held above your head by a large clip attached to wrist restraints. Your body swayed slightly, a long rope anchored to the ceiling and tied to the clip above you.  Your body was slightly suspended, knees barely making contact with the bed beneath you. The white nightgown you wore was bloodied and ripped at the collar, causing it to slip down your left shoulder. Jaw clenched, your eyes were covered with a red satin tie. 
Alastor took the scene in. Your lip was cut and swollen, bruises peppered your cheek and exposed shoulder. Yet, you were breathing heavily, like a bull about to rush them. You were clearly defenseless, but somehow still defiant. His smile grew to his ears. It had been decades since he had a human in such a prone state.
“Have you …. broken her in yet?” He asked delicately, eyes never leaving your face.
“Nah, just roughed her up a little. I want to capture her raw reaction on camera when she takes her first demon cock.” Valentino clenched his fist to emphasize the word “first”. 
Your head fell forward as you pulled down on your wrist restraints, a growl rising in your throat.
Alastor felt his breath get caught in his own, your nightgown riding slowly up your legs as you struggled. 
“Hey!” Val snapped his fingers in your direction. “Don’t embarrass me. Our guest came to see you. He’s considering making an offer for you, I’m sure, so say hello like a good girl.” Val rolled his eyes, “Sluts always fucking embarrassing me.”
You tried to gather enough saliva to speak, finding the taste of blood still on your tongue. “Fuck you and your friend.” barely made it from your chapped lips. When was your last drink of water? Last meal? How long had you been unconscious before this all began?
“Not friends.” Alastor was quick to retort, “The name’s Alastor, my dear. It’s a pleasure.”
You sneered, a pleasure? What a sick joke. 
“Alastor.” you repeated it, disdain dripping from your lips.
The absolute contempt with which you said his name did something to him. His eyes darted from your mouth back to your inner thighs, exposed from the rising dress. Your mouth was so rude but your body looked so sweet. A little lamb– no, a doe.  
“Say it again.” It wasn’t a request, Alastor himself was surprised to hear himself say it with such demand.
You thrashed. “Oh is that what gets you off? You wanna hear your name in my mouth?” You said mockingly. “You’re just as FUCKED as him.” The nightgown rode up even further. Alastor’s tongue stuck to his teeth as his mouth went dry. Had you been delivered to Val without panties? Offered to him in just this sheer cotton night dress? What was happening to him…
 Static bit your skin as a low hum filled the room. 
“Say it.” Alastor’s voice dropped an octave, eyes suddenly taking on a slight glow. You couldn’t see the danger before you, but you felt it. Something primal in you knew you were in the presence of a predator.
No, you couldn’t see him, but his presence was pressing in all around you. 
“Alastor.” You seethed, “ALASTOR.” Pulling down on the restraints yet again you tried to find the strength to stand, “ALASTOR! ALASTOR!!” Your legs buckled under you having gone numb hours ago, his name devolving into a gutteral scream. All of your anger and despair ripped from your chest as you shouted his name. The nightgown had now ridden to your hips but you couldn’t find an ounce of shame in you to care. 
You were so full of rage, so defiant still. You were so…. alive.
He felt the blood rushing to his crotch in an all together forgotten sensation, and knew immediately his decision. “Let’s make a deal.” His eyes didn’t leave you, but Valentino knew he was talking to him.
Val let out a laugh, “I have some time to waste while they finish the set. Why not.”
Seated in his personal quarters, Val motioned for Alastor to sit opposite him. You had been left in the dark of that room, only knowing you were alone when the static died down and the hair on the nape of your neck relaxed. 
“Listen, Radio Demon. There’s nothing you have that could tempt me to hand over the little bitch.” His long arms rested over the back of his sofa, a heart shaped puff of smoke leaving his lips. Alastor swatted at the air as it approached. 
“What do you even need her for? You don’t deal in souls, but flesh. Surely you can find another toy to break on camera.” Alastor waved his microphone away.
“Hmm”, Val brought a finger to his chin in thought, seriously considering what Alastor could possibly offer him. “Oooh, I know.” His head lolled to the side,  “People have seen me fuck a thousand times. But no one’s ever even seen you with a partner. ‘Radio Demon fucks human sacrifice’” He motioned from left to right as if reading the words off an imaginary marquee, “Now THAT would make money. Real money. Fuck GOD levels of money.” A red liquid leaked from his lips as they were stretched across clenched teeth, his hips involuntarily humped at the air, “oh fuck. Yes. You do the porn, and I’ll give her to you. Soul and body.”
Alastor was looking at Val but his mind was still in front of you, his name tumbling from your lips. The uninterrupted skin where your thighs met your hips. The desperation in your scream. How absolutely soft and fragile you were. He adjusted his hips, trying to calm the twitching of his cock at the thought of you helplessly before him. 
“What exactly are you proposing?” His fingers came to rest entwined on his knee, one leg over the other.
“First, I have full rights to the video to do as I please.” Val counted out on his fingers, “The porno has to show penetration. No dry humping or some bullshit like that. I need you fucking that whore if I’m gonna sell this shit. Aaand”, A sickening grin grew on Valentino’s face, “She has to cum. And I’ll know if she’s faking it. If you don’t manage all three, the deal is off. I keep the human and all rights to the video for per— no, *in* pep-“ he sputtered, “perpur- forever! Fuck.” 
Alastor’s default grin was now so wide his gums could be seen peeking past his lips, his eyes flashing to dials, “It’s a deal.” He extended his hand to Valentino as he stood. A green light was shining from the open palm but Val shook it regardless, confident the deal's conditions wouldn’t be met. He’d seen a lot of fucked up shit on his set, but the Radio Demon, famously uninterested in sex, wasn’t going to make a battered human cum. How stupid could Alastor be, he thought. And he’ll have the video of Alastor failing to please someone to broadcast all over the pride ring and beyond. “May I have a moment alone with her before the filming?”
Val rolled his eyes, “yeah but don’t fuck her off camera.”
The sudden feeling of a hand on your hip startled you so intensely you let out a yelp. 
“Hello, my little doe.” Hot breath tickled the shell of your ear, then your neck, then your collar bone… “Unfortunately your shoot will still continue today. But if you do as I say, I promise you’ll leave the studio alive.”
You felt the nightgown being tugged back down your hips, hiding your exposed sex.
“I will be taking that pompous moth’s place. I will be as gentle as I can, but he will want to see you suffer. You must still fight me, must act pained. Can you play along?”
Your eyes darted behind your eyelids. He sounded— gentle? His voice was soft against your skin. Maybe he was truly the lesser evil of the two. You nodded. You’d heard all the gory details of what the other demon had planned for you, this sounded infinitely more tolerable. You dare thought you’d suffered worse before. 
“And, one more little caveat, darling. I will bring you to orgasm, so please don’t fight so hard as to delay your release.”
You hadn’t realized you’d been holding your breath until his words punched you in the gut. 
“Yes?” Alastor’s mouth was nearly on your neck, his smile ghosting your skin.
“I’ve never—- I mean I can only do that by myself. No one else has managed to-“
A large hand patted your head, cutting your train of thought off. How big was he? His hands could palm a basketball. Could he really be gentle? Was he capable of it? Were those hands going to be on you soon? Your mind was running away with the thought of this strange demon fucking you on camera. 
“Oh don’t worry about that. Just focus on your performance. We have to put on a good show!”
Angel was practically chewing his fingers off as he watched the crew finish the set.
“Alastor what the fuck, I thought you were gonna help her!”
“I am, my effeminate friend. Have a little faith in me.” He adjusted his bowtie and took his place on set.
“I have none. I have negative faith, Alastor. Fuuuuck”, Angel slumped against the wall behind him and sank to the floor. 
The stage was set. A red sigil was painted on the floor of a cabin, candles lit around the room as the only source of light (except the stage lighting hanging above the scene). Of the three walls they’d made, the far left wall had an altar haphazardly filled with flowers, a golden bowl, and small plaid satchel.
Someone — something? — led you by the restraints to the stage. Blindfolded, you were pushed down to the floor, forced to sit on your still numb legs. The leather cuffs on your wrist were unbuckled, allowing you to flex your hands. When you reached for the blindfold a hand smacked at yours.
“No no, keep it. I want you to look exactly how I found you.” The familiar voice of Val instructed. 
Someone handed a script to Alastor, but he pulled his hands away from the demon as if the paper itself was an angelic weapon, “Oh, no thank you. That won’t be necessary.”
“I’ll tell you what to say” Val said, clearly to you.
“It’s—- it’s fine. I’ll just do it like before. I don’t need any help.”
You really didn’t.  There was no improv needed. You could repeat exactly what you said yesterday evening when you awoke on the floor of an unfamiliar place. You’d been visiting your aunt one moment, and alone in a weird room what felt like moments later. Groggy, but alert enough to know something bad had happened. 
You heard “action”, and then silence. You could feel eyes on you.
“Aunt Sara….” You whispered. “I don’t understand what’s happened… Are you still there?” You rubbed your wrists trying to regain some blood flow, readjusting your legs to do the same. 
You heard a strange sound, both yesterday and now. 
“Aunt Sara isn’t here. She’s made an exchange, she gets extraordinary power….and I get your soul.” The way Alastor said it, the way his breath seemed to almost hitch, surprised you. Something cold touched your ankle, causing you to flinch, “But I want more than that. I need more than that.”
You felt that something-unknown snake up your leg toward your center. Crawling backwards on your butt to create some distance you collided with the altar. The golden bowl rolled to the edge and spilled its contents across the table. You could smell the iron tang of blood before you felt the pitter patter on your shoulder. Alastor inhaled quickly before letting the air back out with as much control as he could manage.
“Who are you?!” You’d asked this already. But this time the disembodied voice of your captor replied, “Alastor, the Radio Demon! Pleasure to meet you.”
The right side of your face smacked against the floor of the makeshift cabin as you were dragged suddenly across the room and into the red sigil. The cold appendage on your leg now tightly coiled up your calf.
“No— you have to fuck her with your fucking dick! You can’t use shadow tentacles!” Val shouted, nearly falling out of his chair.
“Now now, the deal didn’t specify with what, only that penetration must occur. Plus, I won’t show up on your video recording device anyway.” Alastor took several steps back, ensuring he was not in frame, “Rest assured, your audience will know it is me.” His words cracked and stuttered like someone had changed the station midway through his sentence.
A small, “fine, whatever.” was grumbled and the scene continued, the tentacle snaking its way up your thigh as Alastor chuckled softly at how you flinched against him.
You rolled onto your stomach and tried to kick off the shadow but it held firm. Letting out a groan you used your hands to drag yourself back towards the altar. Before you could reach the table your other leg felt the pressure of a new tentacle twist around your knee as you were dragged back toward the Radio demon once again.
Your nightgown was forced up, your ass now exposed and in the air as your legs were pulled open. That was as far as you had really gone yesterday, before a flash of light delivered you into the Pentagram City studio. 
Surprisingly, you felt embarrassed, self conscious knowing there were other people in this room. But as if he could read your mind, or perhaps just noticed the tremble in your legs, Alastor softly said, “It’s only us now, darling. There’s nowhere to hide.”
Third and fourth appendages appeared around your waist and neck. Effortlessly your hips were lifted off the floor, your cunt on full display to the man who now owned you. The tentacle on your neck slipped between your shoulder blades and pressed your chest firmly to the floor. You squirmed and struggled against the restraints but only accomplished to draw another chuckle from Alastor.
“Relax. We have forever, after all. We can take our time.”
You felt pressure at your entrance, and your pleas to stop were cut short as a shadow tentacle pushed its way inside you. It was cold, but quickly began to warm as your heat enveloped it. Your body was resisting it, too tight to take it all in one thrust, but you could feel it slick against your lips easily enough to make its way inside.
“Ooh, my dear, your wet little cunt betrays you.” He cocked his head to the side, antlers doubling then tripling in size, “Have my words affected you so much?”
You could feel the tentacle’s shape shift slightly inside you as if it were adjusting to you and not the other way around. True to his word, there was no pain except from the burning stretch of your hole against the girth of his shadow self.
Hissing, you thrashed against the sigil, “get OFF OF ME!” Pushing against the floor you barely got your shoulders an inch off the ground when you felt a nth appendage graze sloppily over your clit. You stilled, suddenly remembering your end of the deal. Your promise to the demon now circling your clit with his shadow. If you couldn’t do this, then the entire filming was for nothing.
“Don’t forget to breath. I can’t have you dying on me just yet, sweetheart.” The static was slowly building in the air around you again, a silent threat.
Your hand shot to your mouth, trying to smother the depraved sounds being fucked out of you. The tentacle in your pussy was now ramming against your cervix, curving and bending as it repeatedly forced its way in and out of you. The room was quiet, except for the slick, sticky sound of the tentacle coated in your fluids pulling nearly completely out of you before smashing back in. The pace was slow and cruel, but the pressure on your clit was fast and hard. Your mind was starting come undone, your thoughts splintering. You couldn’t focus on anything anymore, all over your body was pressure, pleasure, massaging, pushing, and pulling. 
“Ah ah, that won’t do.” Alastor practically sang the words as an appendage pulled your hands from your mouth and brought them to the small of your back. 
You whimpered, trying to find a balance between the overstimulation and the need to not let them see how much you were getting off on this. You needed to hate it more. Hate him more. Your cheek stuck to the wood of the floor as drool leaked from your open mouth, unable to keep it closed any longer. 
“I’ll—” Your strength was nearly gone, but you managed to knock your upper body around the sigil, smearing the still wet blood across your chest. You only managed to whisper into the flooring a quiet, “I’ll fucking kill you for this.”
The tentacles stopped, for a second you felt tears sting your eyes at the loss of friction. A loud screech made you wince, but you had no time to question it as your body was violently flipped. Your hips were slammed down onto the ground, held tightly by a tentacle around your waist. The back of your head ached as it was jostled in the turn. The shadows on your thighs now seemed determined to bruise you as they constricted around your skin. 
“What was that, dear?” The tentacle in your pussy seemed to swell inside you, the force of the thrusts picking up in intensity. He was ramming into your body with such fervor you felt the skin of your ass chaffing on the wooden grain beneath you.  “Speak up, now”, you heard him exhale forcefully, his controlled appearance hanging on by a thread.
“I-”, your mouth opened to continue your resistance when a new sensation stopped you. A second tentacle was trying to squirm its way into your heat, just above the now uncomfortably thick one twisting around inside of you. The pressure on your stomach from the force made you feel sick, but the devoted ministrations on your clit had your legs twitching against the restraints. “Ah–! no, wai-” It managed to slip itself into you, and with no hesitation it was pressing against your g-spot in a matching rhythm to the tentacle swiping over your swollen clit.
You’d never before made a sound like the one that was pulled from your throat. It was ugly and animalistic and took you by surprise. Still struggling to catch your breath, you threw your head back. You were losing control. As your body was rocked against the ground, the blindfold got caught in the friction and slipped down your nose. 
Bringing your head back up, you finally locked eyes with your new master. 
“Alas-” Another chilly tentacle came to your neck and began to lightly squeeze. You could only breathe out the rest of his name as your eyes met with his. He stood some feet from you, just outside of the sigil, barely on the set at all. He seemed nonplussed, antlers looming over you and suit perfectly neat, except one detail. His pupils dilated when you finally set your eyes onto his. The grip on your neck only stopped tightening when you stomped your foot down in fear of passing out. You didn’t break eye contact, a fire burning in you that told him no matter what he did you wouldn’t be broken. That look in your eyes, the contempt mixed with overwhelming pleasure made Alastor shift one foot in front of the other in an effort to better conceal the erection straining against the zipper of his pants. 
“Mmmhhh–” You finally broke contact as your eyes rolled back into your head, the pressure beneath your belly was building, a tightness threatening to snap. But this wasn’t like before, this wasn’t like when you were alone in your bed with your own hand. It felt like too much, your heart was pounding so hard you thought you’d really die. There was no way your body could continue this much longer, your heart would surely give out.
“Please–” You needed him to stop, the ghostly hand on your throat, the two tentacles pressing against your cervix and g-spot, the unrelenting pressure on your clit. It was too much, it was too sensitive. “I’m sorry, please. Pleeea-” you gritted your teeth, thighs twitching as the muscles in your core tightened.
“Going to cum, my little doe?” Through gritted teeth of his own Alastor asked you as if you had any choice in the matter. He forced your knees up to your shoulders, allowing the tentacles to reach new depths. 
“AaaaHH” You convulsed, “I’m yours, Alastor!” You moaned, willing to say anything to stop the overwhelming feeling as the coil snapped, you were orgasming on this demon’s shadow and for the love of all that was unholy he wouldn’t fucking let up. You did what he said, but he wasn’t stopping. His thrusts didn’t slow, your clit was throbbing and your body shaking uncontrollably. All defiance was dead, your fire snuffed out. Your eyes were glazed and unfocused. Your head hit the floor again as you struggled to keep your thoughts straight, “It’s all yours. My soul is yours! Please- sto-” Another orgasm was being fucked out of you, no recovery from the first. “I can’t, I can’t” Your jaw locked, the way your cunt was spasming and tightening around his shadow appendages nearly pushed them out of your body with the strength of your first forced orgasm. The lights in the room flickered and popped, the candles blew out with a sudden gust, static drowned out your voice from everyone but Alastor as you screamed through the second orgasm. A green light erupted from the smeared sigil beneath you, blinding the crew and onlookers. “My body is yours! My soul! It’s all yours. I give you all of me, Alastor! Alastor!!” Your vision went spotty, and your throat seemed to close around your voice. Your face was red with the strain of your orgasm. You’d never felt unrelenting pleasure like that before and in that moment you’d have given him absolutely anything he wanted from you. Everything. It was his. You were his. He owned you inside and out.
The bullying of your cunt finally calmed after your orgasm began to edge away, your breath no longer stuck in your throat. He didn’t stop, but he slowed down to a lazy pace as what few lights managed to survive flickered back to life. As your eyes adjusted to the light, you looked over your wrecked body to Alastor. His eyes were wild, his bangs damp and clinging to his forehead. His smile was manic, sinister almost. He looked truly demonic. A wave of fear carried a chill down your spine.
The tentacles withdrew, the sudden loss making you feel colder somehow now than before. They had taken on your own heat and matched your temperature so perfectly, now your body felt empty. You felt naked. Your cunt was still clenching, but around nothing at all. It felt…like something was missing now. Your body seemed to be upset at the loss of contact. It made your stomach turn.
You flinched when the radio demon approached you, but instead of tearing you to pieces like his grin had promised, he slipped his suit jacket off and laid it over your body. You hadn’t realized the dress was torn and lying beneath you in a wet pile of blood and sweat. The confusion must have been evident on your face, because Alastor’s appearance shifted. Antlers now small, if not tiny between his ears. His eyes a red and pink, lids half closed. His smile was just a line across his face, no teeth at all. He looked like a gentleman, had you not known what he had just done to your pussy you’d have thought him incapable of such impropriety. 
“Good job, my little doe.” He whispered before you were handed a glass of water by a tall stranger. 
“Wow, you’re kind of natural at this babe. I haven’t seen a performance like that in ages.  Are you okay?” You took the water from him but didn’t open your mouth to reply, instead transfixed on his appearance. You’d only seen Val and Alastor until now. “You can call me Angel. We’ll get you home soon. I swear.”
Your eyes flitted to Alastor’s, did he know? He must have, he must have felt it. Of course he knew. In those final moments, you hadn’t been acting. Not an ounce of your pleasured responses were disingenuous. Not a single word a lie.
Alastor helped you to your feet as Angel placed a robe over your shoulders. Alastor hummed as he put his jacket back on, a satisfied sound coming from his chest that almost sounded like a song. 
Val sat in his director’s chair with his legs crossed, mouth open. His cigarette was mostly ash, delicately lingering on the stub.
Alastor placed a hand on the small of your back as you were guided to the door. Looking over his shoulder he grinned to Val, “It seems our deal is done here, Valentino. She’s mine, in perpetuity.”
(Part two)
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hobisexually · 2 years
#allow me to bitch for a second#but I’ve had. three very emotionally difficult months#and if I’m honest it’s been emotionally difficult since july#if I’m really really honest it’s been emotionally difficult since March 2020 NSMSMSMS but you know what I mean#Anyways! since mid December my body has just been steadily falling apart#(oh god now I’m scared this is post having covid syndrome???????? Amber CHILL)#so yeah I have been Unwell since December and it’s all been stress/trauma related#but one and a half weeks ago it culminated to the point I was nearly crying in pain and was sent home#and now last week I have barely worked#and every day I wake up hoping for it to be over but it’s not#and the PT said she didn’t know how long it was gonna take I just had to rest and take pain killers and try to move where I can#but I can’t even hold my phone for too long. I can’t sit behind a computer. it hurts when I’m sat at a table for longer than 30 minutes#and I had an event/gala on Friday I was hosting that took me the entire night from 6 til 3 am#you can imagine the special hell that was for me (but I powered through don’t ask me how)#and I’m just scared that. it’s never gonna go away?#That I’ll never be able to have a normal life again#I know this is the anxiety speaking and I know this is my body responding to an emotionally distressing time#and everyone asking if I’m feeling ok yet just adds more pressure because no one gets how alienating it is!!!! to be like this#it’ll pass again probably. hopefully#but it SUCKS#and I’m tired of being nauseous and in pain and it feeling like someone is stabbing my arm and neck all fucking day#and nobody knowing how long I have to sit through this#hhHHHHhHHHHH#okay anyways.#feel very lonely very sad very scared very frustrated#ill go sleep I guess#at least asleep I can’t think <3#which both my pt and my mum told me to stop doing BUT ITS THE ANXIETY YALL IF I KNEW HOW I WOULDVE
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livixcore · 2 months
All this for him? (idol!Hwang Hyunjin x f!reader)
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✮ Summary: You pay your boyfriend a visit during his practice in the studio which ends up with you receiving another guys phone number while you're there. Jealousy takes over Hyunjin who decides to prove who you belong to.
✮ A/N: listennnn I know smut is a BOLD first post and first write but hear me out... mic and brush has the biggest chokehold on me and I couldn't help myself lols! anyways enjoyyy!!!! lemme know what you think pls and thank u x
✮ Pairing: Idol!HwangHyunjin x fem!reader, AFAB!reader, JealousBoyfriend!Hyunjin
✮ Genre: Smut, Angst (if you squint)
✮ W/C: 4.7k
Smut warnings under the cut!!!
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✮ Warnings: choking, degradation. praise, jealous!Hyunjin, multiple orgasms, oral (m and f rec) unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it people!!) fingering, hair pulling, possessiveness. marking, softdom!Hyunjin, sub!reader, pet names (jagiya, angel, baby...) filming, squirting, creampie, not fully proofread mb x
It had been a couple of weeks since you had sat in the practice rooms to watch your boyfriend run through his choreo so when he called at 7pm and proposed the idea of you coming to watch his new solo performance practice you immediately jumped up to get ready. Somehow you managed to be out your apartment in 15 minutes and arriving at the studio another 30 minutes later.
“Finally you’re here! What took you so long? I called you about 45 minutes ago.” Hyunjin, in his dramatic state, jogged over to meet you at the door once he heard the door swing open. He clearly hadn’t noticed the drinks in your hands.
“Wow, okay so i’m guessing you don’t want this then?” you replied to his drama by shaking the drink around close to his face but before he could react you had pulled it away and strolled past him feeling his eyes burning into the back of your head as you placed your things onto the table at the side of the dance studio.
Still facing the table, you heard footsteps behind you as Hyunjin walked over seemingly more interested in the iced americano now inhabiting the table. You felt a pair of large ring adorned hands snake around your waist from behind and settle flat on your stomach as Hyunjin rested his head in the side of your neck.
“I’m sorry. I was just excited to have you here to watch me doing my solo choreography.” He mumbled into your neck as you leaned into his warmth, sighing comfortably.
“No it’s okay, I know baby. Thought you might’ve needed some energy plus the traffic getting here was crazy so I just thought an extra 10 minutes wouldn’t matter if it meant I wasn’t showing up empty handed.” You melted into his embrace and rested your hands on top of his on your stomach, tracing his rings under your fingertips. Being in a secret relationship and needing to be careful about it made moments like this even more special before reality set in. Hyunjin was quick to remember his choreographer was only stepping out for 10 minutes just before you arrived. He pressed a quick soft kiss to your neck and pulled away, grabbing the drink you had brought and took a sip.
“Thank you. I really needed this.” Just as he replied the door swung open and the choreographer walked in grinning as he spotted you standing in the corner.
“Ah! Y/N I didn’t know you were coming today? Hyunjin didn’t mention it.” He walked over pulling you into a hug and you shot a look in Hyunjin’s direction to catch him holding back a laugh. It’s not that you didn’t like Kai but he had always tried flirting with you every time you had came to the studio to watch your boyfriends dancing. Granted, Kai didn’t know you and Hyunjin were dating but still, he was shameless. You both had always told Kai you were just childhood friends (which isn’t exactly a lie) and you hung out often to just hide the fact you’re dating. He clearly believed it since the flirting was unavoidable despite Hyunjin’s eyes boring into the back of Kai.
“Haha yeah… I had no idea you’d be here either. I thought it was just Hyunjin otherwise I would’ve brought you a drink too.” You tried to cover up the fact you didn’t want him here. Hyunjin bit the straw of his drink smirking as you looked at him for help.
Kai cluelessly just offered a laugh and told you it’s no big deal as he had a coffee earlier already. Hyunjin set his own down and asked you to go sit down so he could show you the choreo for his solo stage.
The music started playing as he took his position in the middle of the floor. You had always admired him while he danced, swaying perfectly to the beat. The song he had for his solo stage was perfect for him. It had a jazz and expensive vibe to it and wasn’t bouncy or crazy in any way meaning his dancing was more mellow and slower, almost sensual. You sat back in your seat watching him run through the moves, his eyes moving to watch your reaction every so often.
Once he had gone through it the first time he was left with a layer of sweat covering his perfect features as he ran his fingers through his hair to move it away from his eyes showing you more of his face as he shot a smirk at you. He knew you loved him like this, his chest rising and falling with each deep breath he took. He just didn’t realise how turned on this side of him made you.
Obviously you had noticed Hyunjin’s eyes watching you but you had also caught on to Kai watching you too instead of keeping his eyes on his student. You had kept a mental note of Kai’s eyes on you in case Hyunjin brought it up later, which you knew he would. Not that you’re complaining.
“That was amazing! Seriously ba-“ You cut yourself off before you finished that sentence hoping Kai didn’t hear. Hyunjin definitely heard as his cheeks flushed red underneath his already red face from his dancing, you almost missed the new flustered look. Settling for clapping with a smile to show how good you thought it was instead, just incase anything slipped out accidentally.
“Can I just say… Y/N… You look beautiful today." Kai interrupted your appreciation with a compliment but immediately snapped his mouth shut. "Sorry I shouldn’t have said that.” He added, mumbling but you could still hear what he said. “Sorry…”
“Uh no it’s okay!” Trying to save the man from embarrassment. “Thank you… I just threw this on today though it’s nothing special.” You thanked him to smooth the tension, tugging on your tight cropped vest and baggy jeans.
Kai rubbed the back of his neck in response, feeling minimally better. “Well you look amazing to me.” He offered a smile.
Hyunjin coughed from beside you as he sat down with his drink in his hand. His tongue poked out between his lips and travelled to the corner of his mouth as he sat back, adjusting his position in the seat. You suddenly felt intimidated with his presence next to you. He felt you tense up as his thigh and fingers brushed the side of your leg, a silent reminder to behave.
“Uh anyways let’s go again Hyunjin!” Kai pulled him out of his thoughts as he had an internal argument with himself to have control and not kiss you in front of the older man. He shot a subtle glance your way and winked as he stood up and walked back to the middle of the room.
About an hour went by when finally they decided to wrap up practice and head home for the day. They had gone over a couple other dances too just to cover some moves.
The entire time Kai’s gaze was still lingering on you which hadn’t gone unnoticed by you or Hyunjin. When it came to Kai leaving he had walked over and gently pulled you into another hug. “I meant it when I said you looked beautiful earlier.” You felt his hands sliding further down your back and a hand slip into the back pocket of your jeans and then quickly pull out again. “Come again soon, yeah?”. All you could do was awkwardly laugh and nod your head as he pulled back. He then walked over to Hyunjin to sort out their next practice session and then left the building which in turn left an insane amount of tension in the room.
You tucked your hand into the same pocket Kai’s hand had just been in and pulled out a piece of folded up paper. He had scribbled his name, phone number and a small “;)” onto it. Fuck. You quickly folded it up and held onto it in shock.
Before you had time to properly react Hyunjin had already crossed the room and ripped the paper from your hands. “What’s this?” He asked scanning his eyes over the paper, a deep laugh erupting from his chest as he read it. You stopped breathing as you waited for his reaction.
He shoved the paper into his own pocket as he kept his eyes trained on you. You stood frozen in front of him. “Aw, don’t get shy now. You had no problem replying to Kai’s very obvious flirting earlier.” He tilted his head to the side slightly still looking down at you. “I just threw this on today though.” He was mocking you but instead of getting offended you tried to press your thighs together in hopes of him not noticing.
His fingers came up to trace your jaw before finally wrapping around your throat slightly, pressing down on the sides and pulling you towards him to crash his lips onto yours hungrily. You immediately melted into his lips, gasping as he ran his tongue along your bottom lip which allowed him to slip it into your mouth.
You knew replying to Kai was like adding fuel to fire but you also knew (or hoped) it would end like this, with you wrapped around his finger. Teasing was in your nature when it came to Hyunjin.
With his free hand he unbuttoned your jeans and slipped his hand past the waistband, lightly ghosting his fingers over your clothed core feeling the growing wet patch. You felt him smirk against your lips. “All this for him, hm? Couldn’t help yourself feeling his hands over you? Sliding into your pocket and touching your ass?” The same smirk on his lips as he spoke and waited for your reply. "Enjoyed him watching you the entire time too, huh?" He added but all you could let out was a strained moan as his fingers continued their attack over your underwear. He pulled his hand out of your jeans, “Use your words Y/N.”
“N… no never. Only for you.” You whined, missing his touch. “I’m only yours.”
Just as you allowed your hands to wander across Hyunjin’s torso he pulled away from you and walked over to the seats to sit down, dragging you along with him to straddle his lap. “Are you gonna be a good girl and prove you’re mine, jagiya?” All you could do was hum in response as you attached your lips to his neck, sucking sharply. But before any serious damage could be done he had raked his fingers through your hair at your scalp and pulled your head back, the sting causing your eyes to tear up a little.
He wasted no time attacking your neck with the same urgency you had done to him. You whimpered as his lips reached just under your ear as he sucked and nibbled which left a mark behind. His tongue swiped over the same spot to soothe it before he travelled lower to the small part of your exposed collarbone to add another mark. Your hands found themselves in Hyunjin’s hair as you bit your lip and held back a moan.
You felt his hand gripping onto your waist, digging his fingers in which you hoped would leave a bruise behind causing you to start moving your hips on his lap needing more friction. A smile formed on his lips as he stopped kissing your collarbone and looked up to make eye contact with you as he grabbed the hem of your shirt, lifting it slightly. Giving him an eager nod he lifted your shirt off your body, immediately dropping his eyes back to your chest.
"No bra? Bet you came here hoping Kai would be here so he could see you like this hm? Such a tease.." Hyunjin hummed before continuing his kisses along your collarbone and down your chest. Before you could reply he had ghosted his lips across one of your nipples, laughing lightly as he heard your breathing hitch. Finally he took it into his mouth, swirling his tongue over the sensitive bud and watching your reaction.
"Hyune..." You whined out, pleading for more.
"I know angel, I know." His hand slipped past your waistband once more going back to touch you through your underwear where you need him most. Letting out a shuddered breath you dropped your head on his shoulder muffling any sound coming from your lips. "Needy today aren't you? Craving my attention that badly? Knowing how to rile me up perfectly."
Pushing your underwear to the side his fingers finally touched your clit, rubbing small circles around it as you moaned and let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding. You gripped his forearm as his fingers continued circling your clit drawing the most lewd noises from your mouth as you dug your nails into his arm, forming little crescent moons underneath. His fingers danced around your entrance before he finally slipped a finger inside of you, pulling it out enough to add a second.
You squealed at the new sensation as his fingers continued to pump in and out of you at a steady pace. After a couple more thrusts of his fingers he started to curl them, feeling that spongey spot inside that had you gasping for air as his name fell from your lips like a prayer.
"Hyune please... need to cum." You begged, panting as you spoke with your chest rising and falling erratically. Your grip loosened on his arm and instead drifted to his very obviously hard dick in his pants, tracing the shape with your nails.
His hand in your pants faltered slightly at the new sensation but quickly found rhythm again. The fingers in your underwear continued to pump in and out of you, his thumb playing with your clit, as the other hand came up to cradle the back of your head and bring you forward so he could catch your lips with his in a slow, gentle kiss, swallowing your moans as your orgasm built up in the pit of your stomach.
"Cum for me angel. Been such a good girl." He whispered against your lips and with that you let go, the knot in your stomach finally exploding as your eyes rolled to the back of your head while you saw stars and his fingers slowed to help you ride out your orgasm with a high pitch moan ringing through the echoing studio.
He pulled his fingers out of you, slipping them past his lips and sucking them clean. A groan fell from his lips at the taste of you on his fingers. The sight was pornographic, you couldn’t help but crash your lips against his, tasting yourself on him. You deepened the kiss by grabbing the back of his neck to angle his head so you could take over a little, thanking him for the earth shattering orgasm he just gave you.
After you had caught your breath you wasted no time standing up with slightly shaky legs and dragging your jeans and panties down off your body in one swift motion, ridding yourself of the material and kicking it off to the side. Sinking to your knees in front of Hyunjin, your hands started off going up his inner thighs teasingly before finally reaching the tent in his sweatpants.
"Wanna make you feel good Hyune, prove how good I can be for you. Only you." You blinked up at him, resting your cheek against his thigh as your hand kept tracing over his dick with your fingers. "Please. Wanna taste you."
He only hummed in response, leaning over and putting his hand on the back of your neck to pull you in for a searing kiss. You bit down on his bottom lip causing him to groan into your mouth and pull back to look at you with lust filled eyes before sitting back again, waiting for you to continue with what you had begged for.
Hooking your fingers into the waistband of his sweats you pulled them down to his ankles leaving him in just his shirt and boxers. You started kissing his thigh, working your way towards his lower stomach before finally dipping into the waistband of his boxers and freeing his dick from the confines. Your mouth watered at the sight. He wasn’t too long but definitely longer than average with the perfect girth.
Licking a long stripe up the underside of his cock you made your way to the tip and giving it a light kiss, licking your lips after and tasting the salty precum that had transferred onto your mouth.
“Angel don’t tease.” He groaned, eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of your breath fanning over where he needed you most. Hyunjin wasn’t usually impatient and had a good amount of self restraint and control but today was different, he felt an uncontrollable need for you that had to be fulfilled.
Your tongue darted out of your mouth giving the tip of his dick small kitten licks before finally wrapping your lips around the head sucking lightly. A groan slipped past Hyunjin’s lips as his head tipped back slightly faltering but brought it back up quickly to watch you with your mouth wrapped around his length. Deciding to give him what he wants you finally sank your mouth down on his leaking cock, using your hand to accommodate for what you couldn’t fit.
“F…fuck y/n, always s.. so perfect for me huh? Always so good with that pretty mouth of yours.” His voice shuddered as he spoke, bringing his hands through your hair and creating a makeshift ponytail. “Does my pretty girl want my cum down her throat? Is that what my jagiya wants?”
You hummed in response and the vibrations caused Hyunjin to shiver and his grip to tighten on your hair, pulling at the strands. The mix of his hands pulling on your hair and the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat caused tears to well in your eyes as they fluttered open and you looked up at him through your lashes, the eye contact enough to have you gushing with arousal.
It didn’t take long for a string of curses mixed with your name to come out of Hyunjin’s mouth as his hips began to thrust up into your mouth, chasing his high. After just a couple thrusts his hips stilled and you continued to pump his length, keeping your mouth over the tip as he painted the back of your throat white. You let him ride out the orgasm and took your mouth off of him with a pop, saving him from overstimulation.
Once he had caught his breath you brought your face close to his, sticking your tongue out to show his release held in your mouth before swallowing it down and showing him it was gone causing him to smirk and once again crash his mouth onto yours, all tongue and teeth.
He was quick to wrap his arms around your waist and roll you over him gently so you were on your back along the seat as he hovered above you. Grabbing his shirt by the back of the collar, he pulled it off in one motion, leaving he finally completely bare.
The new position allowed him to easily kiss down your body, starting with the corner of your mouth slowly making his way to the sensitive spot beneath your ear where he has sucked a mark into earlier. You whined at the contact in the increasingly sensitive area but he was quick to soothe any discomfort with his tongue, lapping over the area softly.
His trail of kisses continued down your body, between the valley of your breasts and across your belly. You felt even more bare if that was even possible under his stare as he kept eye contact with you the entire time he kissed along your pelvis and hips, finally coming close to your soaking core.
Feeling his breath fanning over your most sensitive area your hands surged down to thread through his hair, like an automatic reaction. He smirked at you before his plump lips finally came into contact with your clit, giving it soft kisses before sticking his tongue out, running it through your folds causing your back to arch off the seat you were laying on.
You were practically non-verbal at this point except the moans and whines slipping past your bruised lips, still reeling from the previous orgasm he had given you and the fact you didn’t give yourself enough time to recover before jumping on him.
Hyunjin got encouragement from your moans and hands tugging his hair and continued his assault on your clit with his mouth, rolling it between his lips and teeth, softly biting on it every so often. You felt him getting hard again as his length pressed into your inner calf from the way he was leaning over you.
With one hand holding your hips in place his other came up to grip your chest, rolling your nipple between his fingers and gripping the mounds of flesh. The added stimulation only caused you to moan loader, the sounds reverberating off the walls making it sound way louder.
You began to absentmindedly grind against his face, feeling him smile against you and chuckle slightly at your eagerness which in turn added an extra vibration to your clit which was enough to send you over the edge for the second time tonight. He let go of you clit with a loud smack of his lips and brought his face close to yours with a shit-eating grin plastered on it despite your arousal soaking his lips and chin.
“Baby are you alright?” He softly asked, stroking the side of his your face and ignoring his again painfully hard dick. Eating you out was one of his favourite things in bed so it’s no wonder he was hard again so quickly. He always cared more about how you were feeling rather than his own feelings at times like this, he needed you to be comfortable.
“Hyunnie, ‘m so so good. Need you in me… please” You had gotten to the point where all you craved was your boyfriend filling you up and you were so close yet to getting it.
“Such a greedy girl wanting my dick to fill her up even though I’ve given you two orgasms already. Don’t worry jagi I’ll fill you up real nice, it’ll be all you can remember all week.” His words hit you deep in your core as he grabbed your plush thighs, pushing them back to meet your chest and he lined himself up with your leaking cunt.
Grabbing the base of his dick he ran the tip through your folds, coating himself in your slick before finally pushing into you slowly and bottoming out in one thrust. You both moaned in unison at the stretch and tightness of your heat encapsulating him, sucking him in.
“Baby move. P…please move Hyune.” You begged, your hands going to grab his thighs as they snapped against your ass from the position he had you in. He pulled out halfway and quickly pushed in again. You could feel every vein of his length dragging along your walls as you clenched down on him feeling your slick leaking out of you at each thrust of Hyunjin’s hips.
Suddenly his pace picked up, his hips snapping into you at a wild rate.
“Pussy was just made for me right angel? Think we should show your little loverboy just how well you take my dick huh?” His thrusts faltered as he reached for his phone from next to your hip. He was quick to open the camera app and two seconds later you heard the telltale sign of a video starting. “Jagiya’s gone on dumb on my cock like the cock drunk slut she is. Who does this cunt belong to baby? Whose dick are you taking so well.” He gasped out through thrusts, holding his phone steady enough to capture him disappearing inside of you, bottoming out with each thrust.
“Y…yours! Hyunjin baby please don’t stop. Belongs t…to you ‘nd only y…you.” You shifted your hips up to meet his thrust, the new angle causing him to reach the spot inside you that had you hurtling towards your third orgasm. The pressure building was the most you’d felt all day. Hyunjin’s thrusts got sloppy as he neared his own release, the camera picking up on the slowed pace.
“Baby ‘m gonna cum quick if you keep clenching on me like that.” He groaned, trying to keep his pace while you drove him crazy.
“Cum with me Hyune… please baby.” You weren’t going to last much longer and you’d always loved the intimacy you felt whenever you and Hyunjin finished together. He knew this about you which is why not even a second later he had brought his free hand up to slot with yours, interlocking you fingers and giving them a slight squeeze, a silent sign of his that you’d caught onto meaning you could cum.
You chased your high, back arching off the seat as the pressure inside of you exploded harder than you’d ever came before, your arousal gushing out and coating your boyfriend’s abdomen and upper thighs. That was enough to have Hyunjin’s hips stilling as he bottomed out for a final time and released inside of you with a low grunt, giving you a couple more shallow thrusts to ride it out before pulling out of you completely. You whined as your legs spasmed and you felt empty again, your hole fluttering around nothing as both of your releases leaked out of you.
He was quick to get the sight of you fucked out with the mess between your shaky legs within the view of his camera before he stopped the video and crawled up to lay beside you, wrapping a strong arm around your waist and pulling you close.
Your brain hadn’t fully registered anything for the past couple minutes as you caught your breath, still reeling from your final orgasm. Eventually you could feel a hand stroking the side of your face and registered the warm breath fanning across your neck.
“Mmh… baby.” Your voice came out as barely a whisper. Hyunjin quickly sat up and grabbed the water bottle on the nearby table and took off the cap, holding it up to your mouth and tipping it in, soothing your burning throat. “Thank you.” You smiled and sat up slightly, feeling the mess on the seat beneath you.
“y/n that was single handedly the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m gonna need you to do that every time we fuck for the foreseeable future.”
“HYUNE! You can’t just say that you pabo!” You laughed while lightly smacking his shoulder causing him to laugh.
“Sorry sorry! Seriously though baby I had no idea you could do that.” Your face flushed with embarrassment but Hyunjin was quick to realise as he grabbed your face with both hands and ran his thumbs across your cheeks, leaning in to give your lips a gentle kiss. “Kinda wish Kai was here to see how good you were for me… It would be a real shame if this video somehow ended up in his text messages though.” Hyunjin shrugged, grabbing his phone and pretended to send the video.
“That would be cruel, the poor guy wouldn’t be able to face us normally for a long time.” Truth be told though, you wanted him to see. Maybe it would finally put a stop to his ruthless flirting and he could move on. You didn’t think Hyunjin would actually send it though so you didn’t bother to try grab the phone from him.
“Yeah I think you’re right. Oh well.” He shrugged and the noise of a text being sent caused your head to whip around and look at him with wide eyes.
“Oh my god Hyunjin tell me you didn’t. He literally going to stop being the groups choreographer!” You said in disbelief, still finding the humour in the situation though but more so in the fact your boyfriend was hot when he’s jealous.
“Aw whoops! Oh well! Come on princess let’s get you cleaned up and then home for a proper bath, maybe some nice dinner too.” He pecked your cheek and started to grab everything you had flung across the room. Aftercare in the company building was always quick and very minimal but you knew the minute you walked into your apartment you would be treated well by your loving boyfriend.
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a/n: thank you so much for reading my first one-shot! i’m gonna go crawl into a hole after posting this and if it does bad then i’ll maybe die off from embarrassment! i’m trying to get this account up and running now starting with this post and then working on my other wips so we’ll see what happens. feedback would be very much appreciated, thank youuuu!
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anonymousicecream · 2 months
The Boy in the crowds (Minji x M Reader)
Smut & Slight fluff
(Y/n's POV)
Chosun University, the University I'm currently attending. I'll admit it, it wasn't my first choice, as I would've preferred to go abroad, but I did my best in school, and it got me into Chosun. It's my 2nd year of Uni now and I'm currently enjoying every second of it. Being a student is quite hard, but being a student also means time to party, which I do almost every night. Tonight almost became "another" night where I party until I forgot who I am and just hook up with someone, but it didn't became that night because my friends reminded me that the Uni Festival is here, and a special guest is performing.
(Later that day)
I took a quick shower before changing into my shorts and tank tops before leaving my dorm, heading for the location of the festival. It took me 10 minutes to walk to the site, but once I got there, it was a blessing as it wasn't too crowded as of now. I immediately walked into the site, managing to get near the stage and REALLY near the barricades. At this point, I can imagine myself getting squeezed or even flipped over the barricade due to how close I was. However, it took little to no time before the first performers started the show.
(Time skip)
It was so fun to the point that I didn't realize that we're nearing the end of the show.
"And now, the moment we've all been waiting for, give it up for NEWJEANS!!!" The MC shouted.
Just then, 4 beautiful ladies walked onto the stage, each holding a mic, and wearing the same Chosun jersey. However, one really caught my eye from the start.
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One of the tallest members, Minji, really caught my eye with her beauty and hotness. It really caught me off guard on how a women like her could act and dress very hot.
(Timeskip to the end of concert)
It took another 40 minutes until the concert ended. Once it did end, the crowd started disappearing into the night. It took me another 30 minutes before I manage to leave the site. I started walking back to my dorm, but before I reached my dorm, I suddenly felt hungry. I decided to make a run, going to the nearby minimarket. I searched the racks and fridges for a few times before deciding on getting a cup of shin ramyun and a bottle of my favorite soju. I reached for my favorite soju, before someone else reached for it too. I stared at her, being amazed and captivated by her beauty, despite her wearing a mask.
"You can take it." The girl said.
"No, you can take it if you want." I replied.
"I have an idea. What if we drink it together?" The girl offered.
"Sure, if you're fine with it."
I then let go of the bottle, allowing the girl to grab it. She walked to the cashier, and I followed her, grabbing 2 cans of beer along the way. We put the items on the counter and I reached my pockets to grab my wallet.
"Don't. It's on me." The girl said.
"No way. You already asked me out. The least I can do is pay."
"You sure?" She replied.
She then relented and I gave my card to the cashier. We paid before the cashier put our items into a plastic bag and we left the minimarket together.
"So, where to?" I asked.
"Let's go to my hotel room It's more private there."
"Lead the way."
She led me walking to her hotel. It was silent, but not awkward. We enjoyed the peace and tranquility while walking, and by no time, we arrived at her hotel. We entered the lift and she pressed the top floor. "Huh, interesting", I thought. It took no time before we reach her room, which turned out to be the penthouse. I followed her into the penthouse, and she closed the door, before guiding me to the balcony. She sat down at one of the sofas, and I sat in front of her. I put the hot cup of Ramyun and alcohols on the table, before she took off her mask. When she took off her mask, it shocked me.
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Kim Minji. THE Kim Minji, asked me to drink with her, and invited me to her hotel room.
"Hello? Are you okay?" Minji asked.
"Yeah, just shocked." I replied.
"Oh I see. You watched the performance didn't you?"
"Yes I did."
"I actually spotted you, and bumped to you in the minimarket again. That's why I invite you here."
"Oh, that's good to know."
"Let's drink."
She opened the bottle of soju and poured it on the shot glass. I took the glass and clinked it with her. "Jjan!" We both say. We drank the soju quickly.
(Time skip)
It's been more or less an hour since we started drinking and in the hour, we got to know more about each other. I found out that she's going to university in secret, without the knowledge of the public, and now she knows that she's my ultimate bias. We finished the final shot of soju before she suddenly stand up. I followed her but suddenly she walked towards me and pushed me down on the couch.
She hopped onto me and started kissing my lips. I kissed her back with the same intensity she showed me and started moving my hands around her back. I started from her shoulders and dropped down to her ass. I squeezed her ass, making her moan. I snuck my tongue inside her mouth and started kissing her again, and she did the same with me.
It took us a while before we parted due to lack of air. It was at this time that I got sober.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry I shouldn't do that." I said in panic.
"It's okay dear, I want this. Do you?" Minji asked.
"I do."
"Bedroom, now." Minji instructed firmly.
I smirked at her before leaning to kiss her neck while standing up, walking towards the bedroom. Once we got to the bedroom, I kissed her collarbone, leaving a hickey on her right collarbone, before I took my top off. I then took her top off, leaving her in her bra and jeans. At the same time, Minji reached to my shorts and lower my shorts and boxers, exposing my cock to the cold night air. I unbuttoned her jeans, taking it off her and put her panties aside, starting to rub her clit while kissing her, all the while she's jerking me off slowly, going at the same pace as my strokes.
I started caressing her clit with my thumb, while my index and middle finger entered her tight pussy.
"Ahhh" Minji moaned softly, "Give me your cock baby" She added
I stopped kissing her and directed my cock onto her face, and she immediately grab onto it, stroking it slowly before spitting on it and putting it into her mouth. It is the WARMEST mouth I've ever experienced, and the way she blew me is doing magic, looking at how she does it makes me wanna cum immediately. To make sure I don't embarrass myself by cumming early, I started inserting my finger deeper and faster, hitting her g-spot harder. Not long after, her pussy started clenching, which means that she's about to cum.
"Y/n, careful, I'm cumming, AHHH" Minji moaned loudly as she cums, squirting so much until my fingers were forced out of her pussy. The sheer pleasure in watching her cum caused me to cum as well, as I grabbed her head and pushed it deep onto my dick, making me cum deep in her throat. After I finished cumming, I pulled my cock out of her mouth, and she opened her mouth, showing to me that she swallowed it all.
"Good girl." I complimented, and she smiled and blushed.
"I need it inside me." Minji said.
"I don't have condoms." I replied.
"I'm safe, and I'm on birth control, it's okay. Just pull out if you don't trust me."
After receiving the assurance, I moved down and flipped her over to her stomach, raising her ass and aligning myself with her pussy before pushing my cock inside her.
"AHHHH" We both moaned.
I started thrusting deep and slow inside of her while kissing her upper back, starting from her right back to her left, before kissing each side of her neck. At the same time, I started moving my hands from her hips upwards through her abs before stopping at her breasts, bundling the bra and playing with it. She moved one of her hand towards her breasts, holding each other while her other hand moved down towards her clit, rubbing it. I started thrusting harder and harder.
"Baby I'm close." Minji moaned. "Cum with me baby." I replied, kissing her on the lips as I thrusted harder and played with her nipples more, before she clenched very hard one last time, and came. The sudden increase in tightness cause me to reach my limit as I pushed myself deep inside her one last time before releasing inside her, causing us both to moan as we kiss each other.
After we finished cumming, I pulled out of her and flipped her to her back, pulling the blankets over us and reached over to kiss her on the lips one last time before we call the night.
(The Next Morning)
(3rd Person POV)
The sun shined early, but for the two who had the best night of their lives, they wouldn't be up until 11, which was more than 12 hours since they both sleep. Minji was the first one to wake up, noticing the warmth y/n's hug gave her, and it made her smile. It didn't take a long time before y/n woke up as well, noticing that Minji has been staring at her.
"Staring at me huh?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah." Minji replied.
"Gotta say, you look more beautiful in the morning."
What y/n said caused Minji to blush very much as she never liked a compliment this much, especially coming from someone she doesn't know much.
"I gotta say, I really enjoy what we did, and I want to do more of it." Minji said, while smirking.
"I agree." Y/n replied.
"Move to Seoul. Go to college there, the company will pay for it. After graduating, be our manager." Minji ordered.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Just tell me yes or no and I'll do it immediately."
"Of course I'll do it." Y/n replied while smiling, before leaning into Minji once again, capturing her in a deep kiss, affirming their feelings for each other.
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princessaxoxo · 1 year
Dad's Best Friend
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August Walker x reader 
Summary: August is your dad's best friend, and the two of you share a special afternoon.
Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, unprotected sex (p in v), cussing, oral (f and m receiving), fingering, pet names (princess, my girl, baby, good girl), Age Gap
Wordcount: 1.8k+
A/N: Reader is in her mid 20s and august is in his 40s.
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You attended your father's 46th birthday celebration; this year, he went above and beyond. Instead of hosting the celebration at his home as he usually did, he chose to rent a banquet hall. The reason? You did not know.
Nonetheless, the décor and the extravagantly dressed attendees were stunning. Ladies, including you in the most exquisite dresses, and men dressed in their best suits
As you moved around the room, you introduced yourself to everyone and thanked them on your father's behalf.
That is when you noticed him, August. You did not think he might be here, but he definitely would be given that your father and him have been close friends for a long time.
In the past, even with other people around, you did not dare to approach him. You were not as nervous anymore because you were older and had more life experience.
"Hey August, remember me?" you said as you entered his field of vision. "No, I am sorry; I don't," he said after giving you a quick glance. "Alexander's daughter, I know I do not look the same," you said with a smile as you looked at him. August's eyes nearly bulged out of his head in shock at what he was seeing.
Although he thought you were attractive the last time he saw you, he decided not to pursue you because you were the daughter of his close friend.
"Oh yes, I apologize. How are you doing?"
Compared to the earlier conversations you had that same night, this one between the two of you seemed to flow naturally.
August began to perceive you differently; you were not the same apprehensive college student he first met three years ago. That is what frightened him, because he did not care about the consequences of what he wanted to do to you and with you.
He eyed your movements more than he should’ve. Whether or not you noticed was irrelevant to him. How you occasionally licked your lips following each wine sip
He needed to leave your presence because of the unholy thoughts that started to run through his mind. "Please excuse me; I have to use the restroom." He smiled at you with his lips pursed.
You were upset in some ways and dreaded the conversation's end. However, you also departed to spend the rest of the evening with your parents.
When the cake was brought out for your father, everyone gathered. August put his arm around your father and shouted, "Happy birthday!" clearly drunk.
When your father went to blow out the candles, August looked at you with a lustful glare that made you squeeze your thighs together.
He noticed that, and it made his ego soar knowing he was making you feel that way.
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You arrived at your parent's house the following morning. "Hello?" As there was nobody in sight when you went to look around, you made the decision to sit and wait for them.
After 30 minutes, you heard the door open. "Mom? Dad?” you called out.
"Unfortunately, no, I came by to say goodbye to your father," August said as he appeared.
“Oh, my parents' are out. I’m not sure when they’ll be back.” You looked to the couch and said, “If you like, you could sit and wait with me.”
He didn’t second-guess his choice.
He took a seat and began to man spread.
On a chair your parents had in the living room, you sat across from him.
Until he spoke, the two of you sat in quiet comfort. “If I have not already said so, you looked stunning last night.”
“Thank you; what I wore last night wasn’t my first choice, nor was the dress my favorite.” August stayed quiet for a moment, taking you in. He rubbed his jaw. "Well, still, you looked stunning. I'm sure you look stunning in anything you wear"
What he said shocked you, you hadn't expected to hear that from him.
You eyed him just as he did with you, and you realized that you hadn't seen someone look so good with a beard; you wanted to know how it would feel against your pussy while giving you head.
You were 99% sure it would feel like heaven.
Acting on instinct, you walked over to the couch and climbed onto his lap. He leaned his head back to look up at you with a smirk. “And what are you doing, princess?” You grabbed his jaw and kissed him. His lips were soft, moving elegantly against yours.
You felt his hardened cock underneath his slacks, and you started to rub yourself against his cock.
He grabbed the back of your neck, turning the soft kiss into a harsh one.
Holding onto you tightly, he turned you on your back. He started to kiss down your neck, your chest rising and falling at a rapid pace.
"Let's get your shirt off." He threw your shirt off and started kissing between your breasts. You leaned up for a moment to unclasp your bra. As soon as it was off, he grabbed each one, kissing and sucking your nipples and moaning around them.
"Fuck, you have the most perfect tits."
Moans were filling up the silence in the house.
You helped him undo your pants, and he smacked your thighs for you to open them wider.
"You're drenched for me already, princess." He moved your panties over and slid two of his fingers between your folds before removing them and tasting you.
He held a smirk on his face as he lowered himself. He ripped your panties, and you felt his breath over your bare pussy. "Please August" 
"Tell me what you want, princess, and I'll give it to you."
You looked at him with pleading eyes and said, "Please lick my pussy; I need it."
He opened up your folds with his fingers and started sucking on your clit, he removed his mouth, and you whined. You leaned up to look at him; he spat down on your pussy and started to rub your clit. "Oh, shit" you moaned loudly.
You watched as he relentlessly sucked and licked your pussy repeatedly.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head. Your pussy tasted so sweet. "Does my girl want my fingers?" You couldn't get your words out; you nodded quickly.
"Give me your words."
"Yes, I want your fingers."
He plunged his fingers into you, and he watched as you threw your head back.
You could feel yourself on the verge of an orgasm. "I- I'm going to come." You held on to his hair as you grinded your pussy on his face.
Your moans became louder, and your thighs started to shake. He held a tight grip on them. Your eyes were shut tightly, and you saw spots behind them as you came on his face.
You were right; his beard felt fantastic against your pussy.
You watched him take off his shirt and then his slacks. He pulled out his enlarged cock, which was bigger than you anticipated.
"Open your mouth." You did as told; he looked at you, then his cock. "You know what to do, baby."
You kissed his head and then licked around his tip before fully taking his cock into your mouth. You began to hallow your cheeks as he pushed his cock down your throat. "God, baby, your mouth is a talent."
Tears started to brim in your eyes. "My girl looks gorgeous with my cock down her throat. Shit, I'm going to fucking cum." He spurted down your throat, and you proudly swallowed his load.
"I need to feel your pussy around my cock; I can't wait a moment longer."
He tapped his cock on your pussy, and moved between your folds. Your wetness spread over him before he delved into you. Your mouth parted with a moan. "Oh god, August."
"That's right, baby. Taking my dick so well. You're such a good girl for me."
He slowly built up a pace that had your eyes rolling into the back of your head. "Your pussy belongs to me now, do you understand?" He grunted out, "I've been thinking of this since last night, wondering how you feel around my cock."
He gave your face a little slap and grabbed your jaw. "Answer me."
"Yes, my pussy belongs to you."
Both of your moans were mixing together with the sound of slapping skin, and he was in awe at how your tits were bouncing up and down. He leaned down and licked around one of your nipples while pinching the other one.
He moved his lips upward and began to massage his tongue with yours. You moaned into the intense kiss you were sharing.
He grabbed one of your legs, lifting it onto his shoulder, kissing the side of your ankle, and holding onto your hips. This position allowed him to reach deeper. "August, baby, I'm going to come."
"Yeah, going to come all over my cock? Just like a good girl, I know you are."
He pulled you closer to him and increased his pace; your nails were scratching on his back. His grunts were sounds of pleasure and pain.
"Look at me; I want to see your pretty face while you come all over, my cock princess."
Your brows furrowed, and you felt that familiar feeling in your stomach while your thighs began to shake.
"Oh, oh yes."
August was close to your face, your lips brushing against one another.
"I'm going to fill up your sweet pussy; make you full of me, baby."
"Yes, please" 
He kissed you hard before he moaned out, filling you with his cum. August thrusted inside you a few more times to get every drop of him into you.
August removed his cock, and at the same time, you heard a car pulling into the driveway.
In a hurry, you and August got dressed.
Your parents walked through the door. "y/n, where are you, sweetie?"
"I'm in the living room." You smiled at her once you saw her. She looked over at August, not expecting to see him. "August, what are you doing here?" He responded kindly to her, "I was coming to say goodbye to my best man, of course."
Your mother told him where your father was, and afterward, she walked to you. "Are you okay? you're flustered."
"Yes, of course I'm okay. Just excited to spend my last night with both you and Dad."
Your mother, being the sweetest person on the planet, of course, believed your lie.
"y/n come say bye to August."
You walked to him, standing in front of the door. "It was so nice seeing you again. It was a pleasure." The smile you held was genuine.
"No, trust me, the pleasure was all mine." August brought you in for a hug and whispered in your ear.
"You will keep my cum in you for the rest of the day. If you don't, I will find out. I'll be seeing you love." He gave you a kiss on your cheek before bidding your parents goodbye for the last time.
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nicromancytarot · 5 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel like the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to pick another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I do not charge for these readings, and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I get for the readings, but I pull like 15-20 cards each reading and that is just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
I asked my spirit guides what your daily routine looks like in 5 years time, pick a card to find out what they had to say!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2 ———> Pile 3
DISCLAIMER: the timelines I give are not the period as a whole, they are just an estimate of the time when these events could happen.
7:00-7:30am: Wake up, I got the lyric “7am the usual morning line up” from “When will my life begin?” Rapunzel, so you guys are waking up early. The first thing you do is either feed your pets or children, I’m getting heavy dogs for those of you who don’t have kids by this time, but I am seeing a lot of children vibes.
8:00-900am: Showering and getting ready, if you have kids, your partner will be up and looking after them for you, or this will be the time you take them to school. I feel like you’ll be listening to podcasts or ted talks every morning to get you ready for the day.
9:30-10:00am: Checking emails? You might be working from home and checking your emails or messages from clients or employers. I see you sat at your desk with a warm cup of something, going through things on your computer, your partner walks in and lets you know that they’re leaving for work now.
10:30-11:30am: Work work work, you guys will find yourself dealing with a lot of work during this time, however I do think that you make money by the hour, some of you could have a job that ensures you get paid separately by each client (like Tarot or something)
12:00-1:00pm: Making lunch for your partner, you guys will either go out to buy it and then drop it by their work, or you will make it yourself so that it feels special. Some of you could be seen as the “trophy spouse” when it comes to your partners work, they all think you’re a doll and are probably jealous of the food that you bring for your partner.
1:30-2:00pm: You can do whatever you want, this is your break time to go shopping or chill on the couch and watch your favourite show, I see that this changes often so you may like to do different things during this break, it’s not something that is set in stone forever.
2:00-3:00pm: Back to work, I feel this is when you do your best and most progressive work, some of you may be balancing another online job like authoring or possibly being a ghost writer for someone else. This is the time when you would absolutely hate to be distracted or interrupted.
3:00:3:30pm: Your final time to rest up before having to pick up the kids or take your dogs on a walk. During this time you might make yourself a snack, tidy the house (although I feel like you guys have a cleaner)
3:30-4:00pm: Little bit of a messy thirty minutes, you’re rushing around, which is why I think kids could be involved here, the school pick up is never easy lmao. For those of you who don’t have kids, this may just be you being dragged around the street by your dogs (I think they are large)
4:30-5:00pm: Your partner is home! You are also probably dealing with your children fighting during this time LMAOO, one of them wants the TV remote and the other is pissed. This could also be your time to catch up with your partner and tell each other about your day.
5:00-6:00pm: Dinner time, I do think you’ll be the one making dinner, but you definitely want to, sometimes your partner helps you out, but since you did the school run both ways, they’re looking after the kids for you now. You spend a while on cooking, you may even get it prepared around lunch time, throwing some meat in the slow cooker for later.
6:00-7:00pm: wind down time with family, chilling on the couch with the pets, watching as the kids play on the trampoline outside, relaxing in the arms of your significant other. Very calm energy for this.
7:30pm-9:30pm: The battle of the demons, time to put the kids to bed! The kids don’t like going to bed. “But I went to sleep yesterday!” You’ll have a field trip with these.
10:00pm-12:00am: You wanna get spicy with your partner? You can, here’s your opportunity. I do see you guys trying to make another kid around this time if you already have them, or perhaps this is your first. Relaxing in bed with your significant other, I’m seeing someone counting 100 dollar bills, so take that as you will, you may even take a shower together to end the night, or possibly getting wet in other ways is your way to close the day.
5:00-6:00am: Wake up. You guys may have to commute to work, and need to wake up early, for some of you, your work could be over seas, like if you lived in Paris but commuted to London for work everyday using the tunnel, or if you lived on the Isle Of White in the UK and needed to travel on a ferry to get to your job, either way, you’re waking up before the sun rises.
7:00-9:00am: Work, you’re at work for the majority of the day now, your job itself seems something that you’re used to and like doing, a lot of you may have to coordinate meetings, so you could be a higher up. There does seem to be a tad of stress here and there, for a few this may be caused by need of public speaking, for others there could be workplace drama.
10:00am-4:00pm: The people around you look up to you a lot, you may own a company or share management of it, there is a possibility of you working in something which involves fighting, a few of you may be in the army, and this could be the cause for the early wake up and start to the day. Either way, whatever you’re doing, you are the head of it, people have to work with you in order to climb the ranks and better improve their chance of success. You could honestly be in control of pay upgrades and promotions for your business or workplace. I see you making a lot of money by having a lot of control.
5:00-6:00pm: Home time, I see you making dinner or possibly even ordering out, although I do think that you have a healthy diet and lifestyle. A few of you could have your own cook, or utilise certain artificial intelligence that makes food??? (I don’t know bro, my guides seem to think that could be a thing of the future, you could have an online recipe book that you follow)
7:30-10:00pm: Resting up or doing whatever you want. I can’t get a strong read on this as I think it changes each day, you could sometimes go on a run, other time you’re baking cookies on call with your mother. I do think you have a strict schedule you follow when it becomes time to go to bed, you sleep like a log lmao. Some of you may be looking for a relationship at this time, and this could be the entry period for going on dates, perhaps you go on multiple dates a night lol, you seem to be the life of the party either way. A lot of you don’t drink, I see someone at a bar holding a juice box so take that as you will.
Sorry it was so short pile 2! Your day is much more put together and scheduled.
4:00-9:00am: If you have a young baby at this time, you may immediately go to nursing them as soon as you wake up, it honestly could even be that you’ve woken up early morning, your partner comes over to your side of the bed holding the baby, hands it to you. I do see a lot of stress around this time, so honestly I think the majority, if not all of you will have kids in five years time.
7:00-9:00am: I see you spending this time laying in your bed with your partner, possibly the kids have joined you now and you’re all just relaxing watching some TV for the few hours that you have until the morning begins and you need to get up and ready. For the few of you who may not be in a relationship or have kids, this could be a pet perhaps that you are spending the early morning with.
8:00-10:00am: You’re getting out of bed around this time and heading to the kitchen to get some breakfast started, you may have time to take a quick shower around this time, your partner will be looking after the kids, getting them all ready for the day so they can come and eat breakfast in time when it’s made.
8:30-9:00am: Some big change happens around this time, it may be that the kids are taken to school, or you perhaps take them to school. I’m seeing that this is the moment you begin your work for the day, I’m not too sure if you leave the house for it, I think so, as it does seem that there’s a change of scenery.
10:00am-12:00pm: This time is spent getting everything together for your job, I am seeing someone grabbing some coffee, if you work a corporate job, you’ll be getting yourself and some other people some coffee, collecting papers to make sure all your paperwork is complete. Some of you could be a therapist, psychologist or something to do with examining people, this is when you grab all your stuff to prepare for your clients, possible meetings etc.
12:00-1:00pm: A lot of teamwork around this time, this will be your first meeting of the day, first client, first job that you are supposed to complete. I see a need to write down a lot of stuff, you may even have a meeting presentation during this hour. Your lunch time may appear late, you perhaps have a job that runs over the normal lunch hour, so you go on your break in the next 1-2 hours.
2:00-3:00pm: Lunch time, I feel like you will leave your work building to go and buy lunch elsewhere, or perhaps your partner will bring you lunch themself, you might even order it into your section. You could be getting paid this time everyday, or you may count up your money for the day at this point.
3:30-4:00pm: You get to decide what you do here, I think sometimes you get the opportunity to go home at this time, other days you have to stay a little later, I think it depends on your schedule and the day of the week.
5:00-6:00pm: You get home during this period, I see there possibly being some time for you to relax and so what you want, before your partner and kids come home, some of you may have family around at this time each day? Or perhaps you live with extended family members and they will be making dinner for you, or getting some things done.
7:00pm-12:00am: A lot of you honestly could have family helping around the house, or perhaps you even have personal butlers, I don’t see you having to do much when it comes to making dinner, getting the kids to bed or anything, I see that you’ll be working hard on some paperwork that needs finishing, or getting your schedule ready for tomorrow, you’ll mainly be focusing on your work during this period too, I feel like you like to be prepared. You may get intimate with your partner during this time, I don’t see it lasting for too long as I think they go to bed earlier than you.
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devoutekuna · 3 months
Playing with their child
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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"Your so stupid!" Shouting at the little girl. "No, you are" retailing at the man, he pair of them were trying to roast marshmallows on the campfire they recently created, though it wasn't going as well as she wanted, normally you'd never let her near an open flame especially despite her father being able to make flames. "Shut up, you take after your mother" refusing to acknowledge that his daughter wasn't the brightest. "Leave mummy alone!" Threatening him with the burnt marshmallow. "Do it then!" He knew she wouldn't do it, she valued her life too much despite knowing that he'd never kill his only offspring.
"That'll be £30" sat, scanning the fake barcode on the bowl of soup. "But I made it, so why can't I get it for free?" Normally he'd never create a fuss with her absurd prices but recently he wasn't having it, she started to charge him the average of £20 for a bag of chips, and most of the time they were half eaten. "No, I made it" taking the bowl out of his hands. "You only added the spoon!" He had to teach her about real life and how stupid this was. "Do you want the food or not!?" Grabbing the spoon as she stored it around as if she was going to eat it. Sighing in defeat, he was hungry and tired from work so he just wanted to eat something. "Here" handing her a £30. "That'll be an extra £10 because of the shouting fee"
You couldn't understand why his daughter was so obsessed with tea, maybe because he drank it most days but that still wasn't enough. "Here you go" pouring him a glass of 'tea' it looked a little clear to be the tea he liked, and it was proven as he took a sip. "This isn't tea baby" shaking her head in response as she picked up her own cup. "No, it is tea" unable to hide her smile as she drank the real tea, she had switched the cups so that she got the special drink whilst he only got the water. "But it's okay because you can have a biscuit" handing him the last biscuit on the table. "But I want the tea?" Cocking his head to the side. "It for me" smiling at him as she gulped it down.
"Ow" looking down at the battery powered vehicle which kept ramming into his ankle. "Beep beep!" Honking the horn at him, he didn't understand why his son couldn't just drive around him, they were in the open. "Go around" "NO! Your blocking my road" noticing the small toys aligned up in the shape of a racecourse. "What road!?" "This road!" Running over the man's foot "Ow!" They argued like siblings rather than father and son, kicking over the boy's car with a reflex. "MUMMY!"
"Give me the money" motioning for her to put it in his hand. "No, you owe me 25!" Crossing her arms as she laid down, she wasn't willing to give up the £5 she got from the bank, it was stupid really as she was just being petty. "That was last week!" The three of you were currently playing monopoly, it never ended well so you didn't understand why you kept doing it, they always argued about the money which normally lasted around 5 minutes. "You owe me 25!" Screaming at the poor man, literally. "I'll pay you back when you give me the money!" That's what he always said you weren't surprised he was in debt before you two got married.
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wosoamazing · 18 days
Part 4 | Beneath the Surface
Warnings: Endometriosis, mean teacher
Notes: This was a request, I hope you like it (I'm not to sure about it but yeah, I hope it's not too 'cringe' or boring). I don't know how IEPs work in the UK but hopefully I got it accurate. Let me know if you have any requests for for this series. 1.3k words
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When you were officially diagnosed a meeting with you, your Mum’s and some of the school staff was arranged, so you could get an IEP. You didn’t want to have to go and talk about your period with some of your teachers but you knew you had to, to make things easier. It was decided to give you a nurse pass and a bathroom pass you also where allowed extensions to assignments and breaks during exams if needed. It was all going well, the plan had been followed and the first few months it was great. However, that all changed when you happened to have a teacher change the same day you’d started your period, and she was a new teacher too.
“Excuse me Miss, I’m sorry but I was just hoping I could go to the bathroom quickly,” you asked having walked up to her desk, it was a double period meaning you needed to change during class, you also needed to take your tablets which you’d accidentally left outside in your bag.
“You should’ve gone in your break,” your maths teacher replied.
“I’ve got a bathroom pass. I’m on my period, it’s really important,” you said quietly hoping not everyone would hear.
“No one gets special treatment for something every girl experiences, I doubt you’re the only one in this room on your period and you don’t see any of the other girls asking to go to the bathroom do you?” you shook your head, “good, so go sit back down and stop complaining.”
You walked back to your desk as tears started to prick in your eyes, quickly blinking them away as you sat down next to one of your close friends, Isabella.
“We’ve only got 30 minutes left, you'll be good, you go to the toilet as soon as the bell rings and I’ll pack everything up for you,” Issy said, trying to reassure you. You nodded at her, hoping she was right but you had this pit in your stomach that it wasn’t going to end how you would hope.
“Soph, do you want to go and tell the others we will be there in a bit?” Issy asked one of your friends from your group who nodded before leaving, Sophie was really nice, you and Issy just weren’t very close with her.
“I leaked. Didn’t I?” you mumbled, causing her to nod, as she handed you her jumper, which you tied around your waist quietly. Before you both headed down to the nurses office, before she left you so she could eat lunch. You thankfully had your swim bag with you meaning you had your tracksuit you were planning on changing into after your gym training session you had that night.
You got cleaned up and changed before walking back out and lying down on one of the beds the nurse had ready for you, her saying that your Mum was on the way to pick you up.
“Where’s Mum? I thought she was picking me up,” you asked Leah as she walked with you to the car.
“She is in the car, she drove so we decided it was easier for her to wait,” Leah said and you nodded before she continued, “do you want to tell me why you didn’t take your tablets?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you huffed, not wanting to admit what had happened, worried you’d get in trouble for not advocating for yourself more.
“Yes it does, you have to take care of yourself and your health, and part of that is making sure you take all your tablets that you need to,”
You could tell Leah was mad and she was kind of scary when she was mad, you wanted to tell them that it wasn’t your fault, but you were too scared. However after what felt like Leah’s one millionth huff of the car ride you decided to spill, hoping it would make you feel better.
“I didn’t not take them on purpose, I left them in my bag and I asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom because I needed to change and then I could take them, but she didn’t let me, even though I told her I had a bathroom pass and was on my period and it was important, she said that I didn’t get special treatment for something every girl experiences and that I needed to stop complaining,”
Your Mum reached over the centre console placing her hand on her thigh trying to keep her calm until you were home and not with them.
“Thank you for letting us know bubs, we will talk to the school about this, and we will fix it,” your Mum told you and you nodded.
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You’d gone upstairs to have a shower and then to go up and lie in bed, with the promise that one of them would come up and check on you.
“Babe, can you breathe, and maybe blink. You’re freaking me out a bit,” Maddie said as she placed two glasses of water on the coffee table before sitting next to Leah.
“You know how hard we worked to tell her and get her to know that what she experiences isn’t normal and that she isn’t weak and then this bitch of a teacher goes and quite very well throws that all out the window,” Leah said as hot harsh tears pricked her eyes.
“I know, it’s wrong, it’s not right, but we are going to call the school and fix this, I just need you to calm down slightly,”
“I understand Ms Williamson, but she was a new teacher and she doesn’t have all their IEPs and information yet, it was all very last minute,” Your principal sighed, having been on the phone for 5 minutes and not getting anywhere.
“That doesn’t matter, these are teenage girls, as you said she didn’t know, so she can’t just say no, they are teenage girls they are discovering themselves, they are learning to become more confident in their body, you can’t just tell someone to stop complaining when you have no idea what they are experiencing,”  Leah snapped back, wanting to say a lot more but trying to remain at least semi professional.
“Go upstairs and check on her please,” your Mum mouthed to Leah as your principal spoke over the phone, and Leah nodded before turning to go to you, wanting to stay and have the conversation but knowing it’s probably for the best she didn’t.
“Bubs, it’s just me,” Leah said as she softly opened your door.
“I thought you were calling the principal,” you mumbled.
“I was, but your Mum sent me away,” she admitted, causing you to laugh, “What happened today was wrong, she shouldn’t have done that, she didn’t know about your plan but that doesn’t excuse her behaviour, she has no idea about anything and so she shouldn’t have said what she said, and I just want to remind you that you have every right to be annoyed and frustrated, what you experience isn’t normal,” she told you as she sat beside you on the bed, you leaning into her.
“I know,” you said before your phone buzzed.
“Who's that?”
“Probably Issy,” you answered, causing Leah to nod her head. They both knew Issy, not just because you’d been close friends for some time but also because she was an academy player. 
“Do you want to come with us to training tomorrow?” she asked you after a period of silence.
“But I have school,” 
“I know, but Issy won’t be at school tomorrow and you had a hard day today, you don’t have to, you can go to school, it’s up to you,”
“I’ll come to training, if that’s okay,”
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writerslittlelibrary · 8 months
So, I'm not a prisoner? part 3
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masterlist part 1 part 2 part 3 extra
summary: you did not expect that your mission to take down the traitor, could end in such a difficult situation for you…
pairing: Natasha x Red Room teen reader
warnings: none 
genre: fluff
words: 3293
a/n: this is the last part of this (mini) series. I’ll be posting a birthday special for tomorrow, and then that’s it 🫶
(also, I’m not American, so I apologise if the mac and cheese part is inaccurate. I just see kraft mac and cheese as some terrible artificial pasta with powdered cheese… 🫠)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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After Natasha left your room, you simply allowed yourself to lay on the bed. It felt foreign to you. You’d never been allowed to just lay in bed. Laying in bed during the day was impossible in the Red Room. 
You felt slightly uneasy since the moment you were left alone. It didn’t feel like you were alone…
You sat up on the bed, scanning the room. You stood up, walking to all the corners of the room, checking for obvious placements of cameras. After checking all corners, you continued with checking the vents, and after that, the heating system. 
You couldn’t locate any cameras, but you knew they were there. You could feel it. 
After debating where the cameras could possibly be, you took another good look at the room. If you had taken someone prisoner, where would you hide the camera? 
After scanning the room for the fifth time, you decided to investigate the bedframe, finding an indent on the wooden frame at the top. The bed looked like some princess stuff to you, like a real royal would sleep in it. The bed itself had a heavy wooden frame, and the corners were high, all of them being connected with more wood at the top. There were thin, see-through curtains hanging on each corner. Yeah, real princessy…
You walked over to the desk, finding a pen. You pushed the desk chair towards the bed, stabilising yourself by holding the bedframe as you stood on the chair.  
You ran the pen over the indent in the wood, scratching some of the wood away. It didn’t take long before you saw a black spot, and you knew you finally discovered the location of the camera. 
You were quite proud of yourself, something you didn’t feel quite often. Carefully, you used the pen to pick the small camera out of the wooden bed frame, getting down from the chair and placing all items on the desk, returning the desk chair. 
You sat back on the bed, waiting for Natasha to come back, preparing yourself to ask her about the camera situation. 
Natasha returned to the room after about 30 minutes. She carried a few books, along with some dinner for you and herself. She put all the stuff down on the desk, immediately noticing the small camera and pen. 
“What’s this?” she asked, picking up the camera. 
“I know I’m just a teenager, but I’m not that stupid, you know,” you told her, not looking at her as you laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling. 
“I know that,” Natasha started, turning around to face you and sitting on the desk chair again. “I didn’t know about this, I swear.” 
You simply shrugged, sitting up and turning your body to look at her. 
“I didn’t expect anything else. Your boss would be stupid to just leave me unattended. However, I am rather offended about the fact that they honestly thought I wouldn’t notice. Besides, I’m not sleeping in a room with a camera,” you stated, and Natasha nodded. 
“I’ll talk to Fury about it. This shouldn’t have even been in your room. This wasn’t what we agreed on…” Natasha trailed off, and to be honest, she looked more hurt than you did. 
You stayed quiet, however, and just waited on what Natasha would do next.
You noticed the stuff that Natasha had brought with her, and you felt yourself become pretty excited at the idea of being allowed to read a book for entertainment. 
It only took a few seconds before Natasha turned back into herself again. She stuffed the camera in a pocket of her jacket, and then turned to the desk, grabbing the dinner she brought. 
“So, I wasn’t really sure what you liked, but then again, I’m pretty sure you don’t know either, so I just brought you my sister’s favourite food,” Natasha stated, handing you a bowl of mac and cheese. You stirred the fork around for a bit, looking at the meal sceptically. 
“What is this supposed to be?” you asked Natasha, and she smiled. 
“It’s mac and cheese. It’s a well known American meal,” Natasha explained, smiling as she took a bite from her own mac and cheese. 
You looked at her slightly disgusted, then back at the bowl in your hands. 
“Please don’t tell me that this cheese comes from a powder from a bag…?” you asked hesitantly, and Natasha just gave you a small smirk. 
“Okay, I won’t,” she said, taking another bite of her own bowl.
“And you are sure this is edible?” you questioned, stirring the pasta around in the bowl. 
“It’s actually pretty good. You should try it,” Natasha stated, and you looked at her unsure, before turning back to your bowl, scooping a small amount of pasta of your fork and hesitantly taking a bite. 
“Well?” Natasha asked.
You shrugged. “It doesn’t suck as much as I thought it would,” you stated, taking another small bite. 
Natasha chuckled and ate her own food, smiling at the way you looked so sceptically at the meal. You didn’t really mind it, but it definitely wasn’t your favourite food.
You two ate in silence. It wasn’t uncomfortable. Maybe you’d even say you quite enjoyed Natasha’s presence. Not that you would ever admit it, of course. 
After finishing the food, Natasha took the bowl from you, setting her own one on the desk as well as she grabbed the books.
“Like I said, I got you some entertainment. I wasn’t sure what kind of stories you like, but these are books Wanda enjoyed, so I figured you’d might like them too,” Natasha explained, handing you the books. You smiled at her as you took them, placing them on the bed beside you. 
You took the first book in your lap, studying the cover and turning it over to read the back. 
“Is it a series?” you asked as you picked up the second book, comparing the covers. 
“Wanda said that that is a two book thing, and the others are stand alone”s,” Natasha explained, and you nodded as you went through the other books,
“Thank you,” you said after inspecting them all, placing them on your nightstand.
Natasha smiled and nodded. “Of course. I have something else for you, though,” she said as she reached into her pocket, pulling out a small device. 
“It’s an mp3 player. I put some music on there that I thought you’d might like. I didn’t really know what else to get for entertainment, as Fury says you’re not allowed to have any electronic devices yet, but I cannot live without music,” Natasha explained, handing you the small device. 
“Thanks,” you said as you took it, inspecting it. 
“How does it work?” you asked after a few minutes, surprised with yourself that you couldn’t manage to turn it on. Right, because that made sense. You could hack into the most complicated systems, but turning on an mp3 player was far out of your league. 
Natasha smiled and went to sit next to you on the bed, gently taking the mp3 player from your hands and turning it on.
She took her time explaining it all to you. How the playlists worked, how the volume button worked, and how to skip songs, or put them on repeat. She handed you the mp3 player back and you thanked her as you placed it on your nightstand as well.
Natasha talked with you for a bit, which mainly consisted out of her telling you stuff, and you giving responses to that. Sometimes.
After Natasha told you goodnight and left the room, you got settled with your first book. The cover drew you in, and you were excited to read your first ever story book. 
Sure, you read books before, but all books were made to teach you something. Not to mention the fact that they were heavily indoctrinated. You had never read a book purely for your own enjoyment. You didn’t really think about it. 
Now, as you were settled in your huge, soft bed with a copy of ‘Fireborn’ in your hands, you felt an odd, warm feeling in your chest.
You couldn’t really explain it, but you enjoyed it nonetheless. 
After opening the book, you didn’t close it until the light was staring to peak into the room through the curtains. You had stayed up the entire night reading, not that you minded. You didn’t really plan on sleeping anyway. You were already having nightmares in Germany. You were certain you would have nightmares here as well.
After you put the book down, you made your way towards the bathroom, freshening yourself up and brushing your teeth. 
You took one glance at the shower before you knew you had to try it. It looked so luxurious and large. You turned the water on, smiling as you felt it warm up. You had never had a warm shower in your life.
You were in the shower for what you were sure had to be longer than an hour. You simply revelled in the warmth, enjoying the feeling of all the dirt washing off. 
You washed you hair two times, making sure all the dirt was gone before turning the shower off. The entire bathroom was warm and steamy, and the towels were huge and incredibly soft. You had never, ever in your life had a hot shower like this one. At the Red Room the water was luxe warm at best, and you were given only 5 minutes to complete your entire shower. 
When on mission, sure you showered, but you stuck to your routines, keeping the showers cool and short to make sure you wouldn’t waste valuable time. 
After stepping back into your room and digging through your closet, you found some simple sweatpants and a sweatshirt to wear. 
You sat back on you bed, opening your book again. It was about an hour later when Natasha came into the room, and you had already finished the first book, now holding the second in your hand.
Natasha smiled at you, before noticing the book. 
“You know that is the second part, right?” she asked as she closed the door, setting some sandwiches on your desk and taking her place on your desk chair again.
“I know. I already finished the first,” you stated, putting a piece of paper you found between the pages, before closing the book and putting it on your nightstand. 
“Did you sleep?” Natasha asked surprised, and you simply shrugged. 
“I didn't feel like it,” you stated, and Natasha gave you a knowing look, however, deciding not to comment on it as she reached over to the desk, grabbing a plate and handing it to you.
“I hope you like peanut butter sandwiches,” she said as you took the plate. 
“I’ve never had one…” you said, inspecting the sandwich, taking the top part off to inspect what was on it.
“Well, you’re gonna like this even more than the mac and cheese…” Natasha trailed off, taking a bite out of her own sandwich. You gave her a confused look, turning back to the sandwich in front of you. 
“Americans don’t honestly call this bread, do they?” you asked as you picked up the sandwich. 
Natasha shrugged, eating her own sandwich without a word. 
“Calling this bread is an insult to bread…” you stated as you took a bite out of the sandwich, cringing at the doughy texture the white bread had. 
However, you finished the entire sandwich without a word, handing the plate back to Natasha after you finished. “Did you like it?” Natasha asked, putting the plate on the desk.
“It was… an interesting taste,” you stated. Natasha chuckled.
“Trust me, you’ll get some better food when you’re ready to eat at team meals. Wanda cooks the best food,” Natasha stated as she got up from her chair. You stayed seated on the bed, expecting Natasha to leave the room again. She didn’t.
“Well, come on. We need to get you some proper stuff so you don’t have to walk around in other’s people’s clothes all day,” Natasha told you with a smile, lending you her hand.
You were a little unsure at first, but you grabbed her hand nonetheless, letting her pull you from the bed. She walked over to the closet, grabbing a pair of sneakers that were standing at the bottom of it. 
“Here. They might be a bit big, but they should fit fine for a little while,” Natasha said as she handed you the shoes.
You thanked her and put them on. 
They were comfortable, but indeed, they were a bit big. Natasha left the room after you got the shoes on, and you followed her.
Natasha had taken you to a mall. She claimed you needed some stuff, and you simply agreed with everything she said. You figured she knew better anyway, and it’s not like you wanted to upset her. She had done so much for you already, so it was better to just do what made her happy.  
Because of that, you simply agreed with every clothing item she held up, asking you if you liked it or not. 
You weren’t sure what you liked, and if you were being honest, standing in the store was absolute torture. There were so many options, and there were so many people. After being in the store for only 15 minutes, and after hearing Natasha suggest a few clothing items, you were officially sure that you did, in fact, not like shopping.
Natasha saw you were having a hard time. Of course she did, but she knew you’d hate her if she pointed it out. She knew it would be better for you to say something yourself, and so she kept quiet as she watched you walking around the store uncomfortably. 
After about 45 minutes, you still hadn’t picked anything, and Natasha decided she had given you long enough to say something yourself. 
She stopped you from walking, guiding you to a seating area and putting her basket down. 
“Are you okay?” she asked sincerely, and even though you knew she knew you weren’t, you merely shrugged and looked down at the ground. Natasha didn’t say anything, knowing you would talk out of your own initiative at some point.
“How do I know what I like?” you asked after a few minutes of silence, and Natasha smiled and she began to explain.
“You just try things on, and when you feel good in the clothes you are wearing, then you like something. If you put something on and it’s uncomfortable, and you don’t feel good in it, then you know it’s not something you like.” 
You took a minute to process the information, before standing up and pointing at a t-shirt. 
“I like that colour,” you stated, and Natasha followed your direction and she looked at the shirt. “It is a very pretty colour. You should try it on,” Natasha said as she walked towards the shirts, grabbing one in your size and putting it in her basket. 
That’s how you and Natasha spend the next 30 minutes in the store. Either you or Natasha would point something out, and if you liked the colour, you put it in the basket. 
It didn’t take long before Natasha noticed your exhaustion, and so she guided you towards the fitting rooms. You looked pretty done with the whole clothes shopping thing, and Natasha realised she might have pushed it a bit with wanting to do so much on basically your first day of freedom. 
After trying each item on, you decided that the trying on was the worst part of the whole clothes shopping. 
You picked around half of what you had picked out in the store, with Natasha’s approval of course, and after checking out, Natasha led you back towards the car. You got excited, thinking you were going to get to go back to your room and read. However, Natasha just put the bags of clothes in the car before locking it again, grabbing your hand and leading you back into the mall.
You groaned slightly, and Natasha chuckled as she led you up the escalator. 
“You’ll like this, I promise,” she stated as she dragged you towards another store. However, this store had books on it’s logo, and your annoyance washed away immediately when you noticed you had ended up at a book store. 
“I figured we should get you some books of your own,” Natasha stated, leading you inside as you nodded excitedly. 
Natasha helped you pick out multiple books, and after she had paid for everything, you two finally made it back to the car. You were absolutely exhausted, especially after not sleeping that night, so it wasn’t much of a surprise when you fell asleep on the ride home. 
After arriving back at the tower, Natasha had carefully woken you up, not wanting to startle you. 
She carried all the clothes, while you carried the book as you two made your way back into the tower. After arriving back to you living quarters, Natasha pushed the door open. However, before you could step inside, another door opened, and Wanda just left her room.
She smiled when she noticed you two. Natasha gave her a smile in return while you let your gaze fall to the ground. 
Wanda made her way over with a smile on her face. 
“I hoped you liked the books. If you’d want, I have some more you could read,” she told you with excitement, and you glanced up at her as you gave her a small smile. 
“Thank you,” you told her before looking at Natasha, almost pleading for her to break off the conversation.
Luckily, she got the hint and turned towards Wanda. “That’s very sweet, Wanda, thank you, but I think y/n had enough to read for just now,” she stated as she motioned her head towards the book bag in you hands. 
Wanda smiled and nodded. “I love that store!” she said excitedly, and Natasha nodded in understanding before pushing your bedroom door open a little more. 
“We gotta put all this stuff away,” she explained as she looked at you, and you quickly made your way into your room. 
“I’ll see you at dinner,” Natasha told Wanda as she followed you into the room, letting the door fall close. She put all the bags on your bed, watching as you put away all the books onto a book shelf that stood against the wall. 
Natasha took it upon herself to put away all the clothes. 
You sat cross legged on the bed, watching Natasha while she put all the clothes away. After she finished, she sat at the end of your bed, giving you a sweet smile.
“Do you maybe wanna try and have dinner with the team tonight?” Natasha started, picking up on the deep breath you took. “I know it’s a bit quick, but I can assure you they’re very welcoming, and they won’t bite,” Natasha joked, hoping to calm your nerves a bit.
You shrugged. “Sure. It’s better than sitting in her all day,” you stated, and Natasha nodded in understanding. 
You weren’t used to not having a routine. You craved the discipline and order that the Red Room had always provided you. Sure, the way they did it was terrible, but you didn’t know any better. Now, after not being in the Red Room for a few weeks, and after being in the Avengers tower for two days, you craved the routine the Red Room had given you. 
But who knows? Maybe you’ll find a new routine. Maybe you’ll even enjoy this one…
Tags: @wandanatlov3r @tobiaslut @natashasgirlll @xanthreee @mrsromanovaa
Permanent tags: @marvelnatasha12346 @lesbionion @nova-kyle @darkstar225 @saraaahsstuff @marvelwomenarehot0 @screechcat @iheartjohansson @simp-erformarvelwomen @swaqcenix @karmasgxrl @marvel-lous3000 @mxximoffswifey @lorsstar1st
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sassypossumm · 2 months
Unlikely Beginnings
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Zaddy Mob Boss!Miguel x Reader
Couldn't get older gentleman Miguel O'Hara out of my brain, and what if he were heavily mob boss coded and suuuper mysterious???
"Stop looking at him like that, it's creepy!" Jess leaned over, hissing in your ear. Brushing off the unpleasant sensation you leaned back and gave her a dirty look.
"I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about, Jess!" Grabbing several paper towels, you began furiously wiping up a wet spot on the counter. Folding her arms, she raised a brow and gave you a knowing look.
"Don't think I haven't noticed how you've been staring at him every time he comes in! And don't try to deny it!" Clenching the towels in your hand you closed your eyes and clenched your teeth. She wasn't wrong. Much as you hated to admit it, you'd developed something of a... fascination for the older mysterious gentleman who'd taken to coming in everyday now.
And every morning he ordered the same thing. A plain hot chai, cream on the side. Then he'd do the same thing, every day.
He took his chai and sat in the exact same chair at the exact same table, every day. And every day you watched him shake open the paper. And he sat there for exactly forty-five minutes to the dot. Never a minute more, never a minute less.
Then he'd neatly fold and crease his paper, tuck it under his arm, return the empty teacup, and thank you in that rolling accent of his, and he'd walk out the door.
In the weeks he'd been frequenting the shoppe where you managed, you'd exchange a handful of words with the man, and that was a generous estimate at best. And yet, somehow, you'd become fairly well acquainted with the stodgy man.
For starters, he was wealthy. Disgustingly if you had to guess. From the way he dressed to the way he carried himself, he exuded confidence and that old-world charm that seemed to be going rapidly extinct. His appearance was always meticulous.
He didn't dress in a flashy manner, that had you supposing that he was a self-made man who valued his money, and preferred to invest in the quality of his garments rather than simply following whatever was the idiotic trend of the week dictated by the self-proclaimed fashion gods.
In summary, you were besotted.
"I swear, you've got some serious daddy issues, or a major grandpa kink." Jess' voice dragged you out of your thoughts and back to your present reality. Coffee. Strong coffee at that. Your shop prided itself on the special blends you brewed. It was rumored that even celebrities popped in from time to time, discreetly of course. Tossing the towels in the bin, or trashcan as you'd say back home, you threw Jess a wry grin.
"Maybe it's a little bit of both, J." You chuckled at her scowl. You knew she hated that nickname, which was precisely why you continued using it.
"He actually remembered your name today." She teased, bumping your hip playfully as she passed to wipe down the tables.
"Yeah, yeah, big whoop." Rolling your eyes, you opened the cash register to make sure you'd have enough funds to make it through lunch. Business usually tapered off around 12:30, meaning you'd most likely be able to dash to the bank and back without being missed.
Jess hated holding down the fort, but hey, perks of being the manager, right? Flipping through the fives, you were so focused on counting and facing the bills, initially you didn't notice when a customer came to stand in front of the register. He cleared his throat.
"I'll be right with you." You said politely, glancing up absently. Him. Your throat constricted and your grip on the bills tightened. "Mr. O'Hara." Your voice sounded a pitch too high even to your ears. Stuffing the bills back into the drawer, you slammed it shut just a bit more forcefully than necessary. A ghost of a smirk crossed his face, but before you could fully appreciate it, his features fell back into their usual passive refrain, and he slid the empty teacup across the counter.
"You're finished early." The words left your mouth before you could stop them. You felt a telltale flush creep up the back of your neck. He did smirk this time. You reached for the teacup, utterly mortified. You weren't supposed to keep tabs on how long customers spent in the shop. That was creepy, right?
"Yes, I've unforeseen matters to attend to."
Your heart jumped at that. He was talking to you. Sure, it was vague and a bit cryptic, but Miguel O'Hara was actually talking to you. And while his expression remained impassive, something in his eyes told you he wasn't exactly pleased to have his schedule messed up.
That you could understand. As a rule of thumb, you yourself were a creature of habit. If your plans were screwed with, it had the strong potential to through your whole day off.
"Well, I hope it resolves itself." Offering what you hoped was a conciliatorily smile, you placed the teacup in the mess bucket and turned to take it to the dishwasher.
"Oh, just one moment." You turned expectantly. He flipped open his brief case and fished out a book. A very old book from the looks of it. "Here." He held out the book and you took it gingerly. "I recall we were discussing the classics,"
"We were?" You blurted without thinking. Mr. O'Hara soured at your outburst. Pursing your lips, you waited for him to continue.
"Perhaps I heard you and your friend discussing it in passing, regardless, I recall you mentioning that you'd never read 'Anna Karinina'. To be quite honest I found such a notion appalling. Most likely the result of the poor public education system."
Your head span like a dervish under his barrage of words, you hadn't been aware he was even capable of so many. And caught- as you were- under the spell of his dulcet voice, you could scarcely find it within yourself to be affronted by his blatant dig at your supposed 'upbringing'.
"Nevertheless, that is neither here nor there," He continued, shutting his briefcase. "You now possess a copy, and I expect you to read it." His eyes pierced through you with the order.
"Yes, sir." You murmured, your ears burning under the heat of his gaze.
"You seem intelligent. And an intelligent woman should be well read." He tapped on the cover of the book for emphasis. Your mouth went dry, and you found it impossible to tear your eyes away from his. You were vaguely aware of yourself nodding in agreement. With a final curt nod, he left without so much as a look back.
Looking down at the book, you actually took the time to look at it. A first edition copy of 'Anna Karinina'.
"What did he say? Come on, tell me!" Jess rushed over, animated and full of questions.
"He... gave me this." You gestured to the book and handed it to her without a second thought. The shock of the encounter had left you a little hazy.
"This is a first edition, those aren't cheap!" She looked at you and narrowed her eyes. "What else did he say?"
"I think I need to sit down." The blood rushed to your head, and your knees wobbled. Jess placed the book on the counter and grabbed your arm.
"Easy, girl, come on, easy does it." She pulled out a chair at one of the tables and you sat with a heavy thud. "I observed,"
"You eavesdropped." You looked at her pointedly. Jess huffed.
"I eavesdropped. But I couldn't hear much." She grumbled, tapping her nails on the table. "But I saw how he looked at you."
"How did he look at me?" You squirmed in your seat; not certain you wanted Jess' undoubtedly accurate insight. Somehow it might make it... real... tangible. She leaned forward and looked at you seriously.
"He was practically eye fucking you through the entire conversation." She said with a bit more gravitas than you'd have liked. Pinching the bridge of your nose, you willed your head to stop spinning. "What else did he say?" Her tone was gentler this time, concern shining in her eyes. You sighed heavily and propped your chin in your hand.
"He said I seemed intelligent."
"He's seducing you." She concluded. Your mouth opened and you looked at her as though she'd grown a second head.
"Jess, be serious! A man like Miguel O'Hara,"
"My point, exactly." She cut you off, adamantly. "A man like Miguel O'Hara, with his reputation, and disdain for Americans, no offence,"
"None taken." You waived a hand dismissively. "Continue."
"When a man like that starts handing out expensive books and compliments, that's as good as him propositioning you.
"Well, he sure has a funny way of going about seduction, and what do you mean, reputation?" You look up at her before closing your eyes and rubbing your temples.
"You honestly haven't heard the rumors?"
"If I had I wouldn't be asking, would I, Jess." If you'd opened your eyes at that moment, you'd have seen the nasty look she was giving you.
"No need to get snippy with me."
"Sorry." You sighed, dropping your forehead to the table's surface. Placated, she continued.
"He's a terribly mysterious businessman, few people actually know how he makes his money."
"And naturally people imagine the worst and run their big fat mouths."
Jess soured a little at your dismissal of her words and shook her head. "All I'm saying is... tread lightly when dealing with the likes of Miguel O'Hara." She reached out and squeezed your hand. Your grin turned wry, and you returned the squeeze before releasing her hand.
"I'll keep that in mind, besides," Pulling away from the table you stood up and shrugged. "What's the likelihood I'll actually end up in his bed?" You both chuckled.
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alexiapp · 8 months
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Make Time
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Warnings: Angst, light swearing words, talks of infidelity
summary: Your relationship has met an all time low.
no part 2.
side note: I kinda wrote this half asleep, so i wouldn’t doubt if this is shit and it might be a little corny but😭 I’ve been gone for a while i just needed a little mental health break but i’m back now !! i missed you all
You were on edge, you have completely lost yourself. You were a drowning mess of emotions.
You were struggling, mentally mostly.
The hardest part to grasp was that you were doing this all alone.
It seemed like your relationship was straining, like it was on its last thread and it had finally snapped. Alexia never seemed to be there, You understood that she had such a consistent schedule, but there was only so much you could take.
It started off with her coming home late, it bugged you.. badly. You knew it was just Alexia being Alexia..pushing herself and others and going above and beyond. You wanted to see her thrive and succeed in her career but it was hard to contain your feelings when all you wanted was her.
All you ever wanted was a partner to be there for you, to guide you, and help you through times like this.
You felt like a burden in her eyes..
You wish Alexia was there at night to help you through tuff evenings like these, to hold you and tell you that it was going to be okay…that you two were going to be okay.
Things only got worse when Alexia started skipping out on important things you planned.
You planned a special dinner between the two of you, to celebrate your anniversary of 3 years of you to being together. This brewed up a storm between you guys relationship dynamic, which you doubted the older woman even recognized.
Your last straw was when You realized Alexia couldn’t pull through when you asked for support in a situation.
You were having a special dinner regarding your job, you begged and begged alexia to show up for support.
“Alexia, please i know i’ve spoke about it a bunch of times but i really need you to be there, this is very important to me” You said with high emotions.
“I know cariño you’ve spoke about this plenty of times i hear you” Alexia said with a tired expression.
“Thank you, love. I appreciate it” You said walking over to hug the taller woman.
“no hay problema, amor” She said bringing one hand to wrapping around your body embracing you and kissing your head, as a deep sigh left her mouth.
Later that night she ended up going out with her teammates.
You briefly sat at the dinner table, dress tight around your body, hair up, with a full face of makeup.
You discreetly checked the time on your phone being respectful of the professional setting, wondering where the hell Ale could be.
30 minutes turned into 60 and that turned into a hour and so forth.
You now lost all hope in her showing up.
Alexia failed you for the last time tonight. She knew how disparately asked her to show up.
This is when you knew that you guys relationship had came to an end.
It takes two people to pull through, and it felt ike it was mainly you fighting for it, and you could feel it.
You’ve felt this way for a while, you even talked to your best friend about it.
“I swear i’ve thought of everything Ashley, I don’t know what’s been going on between us” You said in a tired tone.
“This is going to sound harsh but, have you might’ve thought that Alexia is seeing someone else?” Your friend said in a suggestive tone.
You knew deep down that Alexia was not like that at all, she even hated the thought of cheating. it was insensible to her. You knew if Alexia really caught feelings for someone else she would simply end the relationship between the two of you no matter how painful it would be to the two of you.
“God no, Ashley” You said quickly
“Okay, okay i get it that’s a pretty wild accusation, but you need to talk to her” She said reassuringly.
“I know i do but, a part of me feels like the relationship between me and her isn’t there anymore” you said sadly.
3 years… down the drain. A relationship that lasted 3 years seemed like it meant nothing to Alexia.
You tried everything in you to fight for it, not knowing that it was already over, you just had to come to terms with it.
When you arrived home, you hastily undressed yourself from the uncomfortable clothing.
You walked into you guys shared closet and grabbed your suitcase. You quickly started packing all your belongings and little things you had laying around in the apartment.
You were closing a chapter, and you knew that it was your time to leave. You didn’t want to stay up and wait for her, knowing it would be no use.
You quickly wrote her a goodbye note and headed to your own flat.
You knew what you did was a cowardly move but you had no fight left in you.
You finally said goodbye to the apartment that had built memories between the two of you.
It was really over..
Alexia soon arrived home from another night out with her teammates. She parked her car as she finally checked her phone and was met with multiple missed calls and texts from you
y/n ❤️: where are you ?
y/n ❤️: are you on your way it’s been 30 mins ?
y/n ❤️: I thought i could’ve counted on you…
The blonde quickly freaked out. She totally forgot herself and everything around her. How could she be so stupid ?… She forgot the one important thing you asked her to show up to and she failed you.
She knows she’s been busy..
She quickly opened the door and quickly raced into you guys shared flat.
She was met with silence, all the lights turned off. She called out for you and was met with no answer.
She quickly scrapped her feet to move upstairs to see if you were there but just asleep.
She was met with a nice made bed. She also saw you guys shared closet door open with the light left on.
All of the hangers with your clothes were gone…
You suitcase was gone…
Your shoes that were once nicely lined up with her’s were even gone…
You left… she started freaking out.. looking left and right for any signs of something you’ve left.
She went towards the bed and found a letter with her name written on the front folded up.
She opened the letter..
“ Dear Alexia, I know you may be reading this with confusion, wondering where i’ve gone. I’ve decided to leave…Our relationship has been on a strain. I’ve tried to fight for it, but it feels like i’ve been pulling the strings by myself. Tonight just showed me that I in-fact could not depend on you. It feels like our 3 years have been wasted. I wanted us to become more in the future and grow with each other, but i guess it just wasn’t meant to be between the two of us. I can’t stay somewhere i’m not wanted. I’ll always love you Alexia.
From: Your’s truly y/n”
The blonde frantically folded up the paper in a haste to find her phone and call you. she continuously called you, to no avail you didn’t answer. she was continuously being met with your voicemail. Anger struck her body and she threw her phone, cracking it.
Alexia sat on the bed with her head in her hands accepting her defeat. She lost the one good thing that she had…taking it for granted blinded by her selfish actions…
She lost the love of her life…her everything.
Alexia sobbed that night…alone in you guys used to be shared bed.
She was all alone…
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fanfiction4sooya · 11 months
Just a quick lesson (Yunjin x F!Reader)
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I wrote this on a 30 minute rampage so it's a little rushed but... yeah, I finally felt like writing again. Hope some of you like it!! 💖💖
tw: cursing, dry humping, fingering, a little bit of dubcon. cunnilingus, yunjin is a little mean, nerdy reader, etc etc;
"Okay nerd, I'll teach you a few things" Yunjin rolled her eyes, looking you up and down as you sat on the edge of her bed.
She was one of the popular girls at college and was definitely the meanest of them, literally forcing you to be her private tutor in return of not making your life a living hell.
She enjoyed making you blush and stutter talking about the most random topics ever, and that's exactly how she found out you had never intimately touched anther girl, even though you really wanted to.
"W-what?" Your eyes widened as she got up, stopping in front of you. Her eyes had a certain humour, this specific glint. You felt yourself shiver. "You are joking, right?" You weakly laughed, trying to brush that idea off.
"Why would I joke about fucking you?" That humour left her eyes and now only that mischievous glint remained. She held your chin between her index and thumb, lifting your face towards her.
She was so much taller and intimidating, specially because she was always so nice until she wasn't anymore. Her red hair made her look even fiercer, sexier. Of course you looked at her with lust, you just never thought she would actually reciprocate.
You tried to avoid her gaze but her long nails dug deeper into your cheeks, pulling your eyes back to her. She bent forward, her sly smile frighteningly inviting.
"I don't think we should do this..." You whispered, gulping. Your felt yourself getting wet against your own will. You had to resist her at all costs, specially because you really thought she was kidding.
"I think you saying we shouldn't makes me wanna fuck you even more" She said in a low tone, her eyes darkening before she finally made her lips connect to yours. Oh she was such a fuckboy.
Ok. It was happening.
Her kiss was rough but so good it made you moan as soon as her tongue slightly grazed yours, her plump lips felt hot and soft against yours.
"I'll make sure to help you learn well" She pushed your face to the side to kiss your neck and you suffocated a moan, too embarrassed to actually do it. She immediately stopped, staring at your face. "I wanna hear you" You rolled your eyes when she kissed your jaw, nibbling at it.
You lightly nodded, not being able to deny her request.
She pulled your dress over your head and now you were only on your panties, your semi naked body on display for her. You felt your cheeks grow hot, closing your eyes as she pushed you to lay on her bed. She quickly pulled her shorts off, straddling you next and going back to kiss your lips, dry humping you.
"Oh my god" You moaned when you felt that friction against your hard clit, your hands immediately going to her hips. She smiled against your lips, biting them.
"feels good, right?" She said, humping a little harder and you almost screamed.
"Yunjin...too good, please" You felt yourself getting wetter, and she quickly worked on discarding both your panties.
"If you think that feels good, wait until our clits really touch" She exhaled sharply when she positioned her clit over yours. She plucked two fingers inside your mouth and you obviously accepted them, coating them with your saliva.
She collected it and smeared against your pussy, spreading your wetness on it too and making you toss your head back, arching your head off the bed when your clits finally touched.
"fuck!" You exclaimed when you felt her thrust her hips forward, closing your eyes.
"Shit, your pussy feels so good" She said through gritted teeth, holding your hips with those big hands to pull you into her harder.
The obscene wet sounds reverberated through her room and you could feel your heartbeat on your ears. Fuck, it felt liberating, wild, insane. You knew that having sex with a woman was an out of body experience because of what experienced women said, but this? It was another level of pleasure.
"Yunjin please, please" You asked her for something, anything. She got off of you, promptly laying on her stomach to eat you out. "Oh my..." You couldn't finish the sentence because her mouth sucking your clit like made your brain short circuit.
"Fucking moan for me, baby. I wanna hear you" She said, adding two fingers in one go inside you; You glitched, completely lost. That feeling was too much, your pussy dripping so much you almost felt embarrassed but couldn't really bring yourself to it.
"I'm gonna cum" You closed your eyes, pulling her even closer to your core. She fucked you ever harder, sucking your clit at the same time.
You came screaming, tossing yourself against the mattress in a wild state, clenching hard against her fingers. She took them off of you, licking your pussy from your slit to your clit and you basically screamed louder, trying to close your legs around her head. She smiled, getting up to sit by your side, pulling you to sit as well.
"Now it's my turn, pretty girl" She said in a husky tone, her chin glistening with your wetness and she kissed you again to make you taste yourself.
She took your fingers to her lips, spitting on them and smiling at your awe expression when she took them to her own wet cunt and running them up and down to scatter her juices. Your body trembled when she pushed them inside, her breath hitching for a moment.
"That's it..." She smiled at you and you felt yourself melt at that. "fuck, your fingers feel good" She held your forearm to keep that pace and you kissed her lips in a sudden bold move. "Eat me out" She said against your lips and you sort of panicked. "I'll teach you, don't worry nerd" You smiled, that stupid nickname finally starting to grow on you.
You positioned yourself between her open legs and she put your hair to the side, her eyes scanning your face.
"you look so pretty..." You mumbled in a shy tone, literally staring at her glistening pussy. She clenched so hard, your innocent face looked so pretty.
She wanted to absolutely ruin you.
When your tongue made contact with her pussy, she didn't even moan just grunted, holding herself back to not fuck your face as she pleased at that very moment.
"That's it pretty girl, lick it just like that" She said, caressing your hair. "You are doing so good for a nerd who never fucked a woman..." She scoffed, pulling your fingers to fuck her again.
A million things went through your head, but the main one was that you really wanted to make her feel good.
"Please, use me..." you pleaded, looking up at her beautiful face.
That was enough for her to lose it, pushing you to the mattress to straddle your face and fully sit on it.
"Oh, I knew it would take less than a month for you to be on my bed" She basically spat, fucking herself on your face hard and fast. "I'm gonna fucking cum on your pretty face, baby" She tasted delicious, her clit brushing your nose and her slit completely fitting your mouth.
You drank from her as if you haven't had anything to drink in months. It felt sinful, delicious. God, you were screwed.
She kept that pace, not even caring if it was suffocating you or not, just trying to get off. She was burning, going insane against your hot tongue as she held you by the hair to scream that she was coming, completely tensing up over you.
Her body was shaking so hard that you felt the need to hold her, your own cunt wet again because of how hot it felt having the Huh Yunjin cum on your face like that.
She got off your face, going back to kiss you. She held your cheeks digging her nails into them again to make you look at her. Her pupils were completely blown, her eyes dark and hungry.
"I knew you were a fast learner, nerd" She pulled into another searing kiss, her free hand roaming on your body again.
Oh you were in for the best lesson ever.
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cakelitter · 1 month
Apple Of My Eye Older! Leon x Fem! Reader (oneshot)
warnings: angst, fingering, oral (f recieve), p in v, daddy kink, makeup sex
summary: Leon and reader get into their first argument, but Leon apologizes in his own way.
words: 3.1k
a/n: i'm writing so much older Leon fics but this man lives in my head rent fucking free omg
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Everything is going to shit.
Words were said, things were done, that all cut through you like a knife. This is your first actual argument, not just a simple misunderstanding or a silly disagreement. But a full-on fight.
To rewind, you and Leon were supposed to have a nice dinner date, romantic and sweet. Something the two of you haven’t had the chance to do since he’s busy all the time. You got ready, all dolled up and looking the best you’ve ever looked. You wore his favorite dress, painted your nails his favorite color, put on the kind of make up he likes. You wanted this to be special, a night to remember.
But he forgot, leaving you sitting at that table in the restaurant for an hour and 37 minutes to be exact, like an idiot. No text explaining why he was late, and wouldn’t pick up his phone either. By the time he arrived you had already downed most of the bottle of wine the two of you were supposed to share, and was feeling full from the sympathetic stares the waiter and other guests were giving you.
Worst part, he didn’t even apologize. No “Sorry baby, I had something come up at work” no nothing, just sat down, looking at you like what he did was normal. You decided to suck it up and continue on with the night. Trying to be the bigger person even though he’s twice your age and your size. Sure, you still had a bit of an attitude, some short answers, and not clawing to get closer to him like usual, but you have the right to.
Apparently not, cause he decides to get all pissy with you. Giving you glares from across the table, and in general being petty. It was clear to you, and to everyone around, that your nights wasn’t going great. You both end up leaving the restaurant after 30 minutes of his arrival, neither of you finishing the meals you ordered.
The car ride back to you shared apartment was quiet, but the tension was no joke. Instead of the normal sexual tension you both experience after these usual dates, or even just being around each other in general. There was the tension that made your heart sink and your throat tight. His eyes fixated on the road, both hands on the wheel gripping it firmly till his knuckles turned white, instead of having one in between your thighs like usual. You can’t tell who’s ignoring who, or who is more pissed at the other person more. Your mouth didn’t utter a peep, when shaky breaths and pleading words should be escaping it at this point. You hoped that once you get home, the two of you would have cooled down a bit and would talk it out like you always do.
Yet again you were wrong. As soon as you arrived back home, he slams the door behind the two of you. And starts to speak through gritted teeth.
“What he fuck was that whole fuss about?”
Turning around, you don’t know if you’re more shocked at the tone he is addressing you with or the fact that he genuinely doesn’t see what he did wrong.
“Oh I don’t know, maybe the fact that you left me there for almost two hours without explaining even why?!”
He scoffs, fucking scoffs. “What, am I supposed to give you reports on everything I do now? What I’m doing and who I’m with?”
“Leon, you can not be serious right now. All I wanted was for you to simply give me a heads up telling me that you were gonna be late.”
“Well, I was clearly busy. I’m sorry that I have a real job and responsibilities that I have to deal with.” Why is he acting like you don’t know that? like this is new information to you? In the past 2 years of your relationship, you have understood how demanding Leon’s job is, and have always been patient.
Going on missions for days and not being able to contact you. You get it, he should focus on his mission and getting home safe. Canceling plans with you last minute cause he was needed at his work. That’s fine, he can’t control it anyways.
But he always made it up for you. Taking the next day off to spend time with you, consoling you, spoiling you with gifts if he couldn’t be there physically with you. He has never gotten angry at you or talked to you in this tone before. He has never refused to apologize, and always tried to reach a solution. But now he is choosing to argue with you.
“You know how much I respect your job and how patient I am when it comes to this topic. But I can’t always brush off the feeling of neglect sometimes.”
“Well maybe you need to stop being so fucking needy.”
He always had loved it when you were needy though, loving the way you’d sit on his lap and shower him with kisses as he worked, loving how you needed to be close to him on the couch while watching a movie, loving the pout you do when he leaves for another mission.
You compose yourself, and start thinking of why he’s acting this way. Is he having a bad day? Did he get bad news before he came to see you?... Is he done dealing with you?
The last possibility makes your heart drop as you try to shoo that evil thought away, but it sticks like cigarette smoke on clothes.
“Are you having a bad day? Is there something bothering you?” your voice is gentle and understanding, trying to deescalate the situation. But he replies with the same harsh tone.
“Yeah, I’m tired of constantly dealing with your bullshit.”
He sighs, running his fingers through his hair and looking away from your face. You stand there, not knowing what to do. Feeling so stupid, just staring at him, praying he tells you that he didn’t mean that, that this was all a mistake. To pull you in his arms and whisper sweet nothings in your ear like he always does when you’re upset.
He was always so gentle with you, from his actions to his words. Scared to be too rough with you while play fighting as if you’re going to break. He constantly reminded you of how much you meant to him, how much he missed you on missions, and how much he couldn’t wait to be with you again. His sacred treasure, the apple of his eye, the love of his life.
But now, it all came crashing down with the venomous words he’s saying. Dropping your glass welded heart from what feels like a 13-story building, then proceeding to run over whatever survived. The burning sensation in your throat is starting to get hard to ignore, you try fight it off but to no use.
“What, are you gonna cry now like you always do?”
And that’s all it takes for tears that have been brimming in your eyes to finally break free dropping down to your cheek as your lip quivers. Yes, you are crying like you always do. Feeling so humiliated, tears blur your vision as you turn around and walk to your room shutting the door behind you.
You’re so upset. Sadness mixing with anger creating a disastrous cocktail causing your throat to burn like hell. And to make things worse, you can’t even go to the person that knows how to comfort you best, cause they are the reason why you feel like this in the same place.
Laying down on your side of the bed, tears are practically soaking your pillow. You’ve been crying for what feels like hours now and you’re sure your eyes are going to be swollen as fuck the next day. Multiple sobs, tears, and sniffles later, you fall asleep. Pass out is a better word for it actually. Only to be awaken by a knock on the bedroom door. You ignore it, and close your eyes again.
“Baby, please, let’s talk.”
You ignore again, hoping he takes the hint and leaves you alone. But he doesn’t. He opens the door slowly and looks over to your huddled figure laying on the bed. You’re clearly cold, legs tucked close to your chest, and your face nuzzled into your pillow as much as possible. He sighs, walking over to the bed, and lays down next to you with you back facing him. He stares at you for a bit, knowing that you’re not asleep, he knows your breathing a little too well. He scooches over placing an arm around you, and places a gentle kiss on top of your head.
“I’m sorry baby, I was being an asshole.” He whispers, planting another kiss.
You don’t reply, but you do open your eyes. Noticing that, he continues.
“I was just stressed from all the bullshit going on at work and… took it out on you. It’s not your fault, I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Those hurtful things, I don’t mean them. God, I don’t mean a single word I said.”
That last sentence was all it took for you to start crying again. But this time, those arms are around to pull you in. He turns you around and places you against his chest as you let it out. An arm is behind your back rubbing up and down soothingly, while the other helps getting your hair out of your face.
“Shhh it’s okay.”
“I know sweetheart, I know.”
“I’m sorry.”
Are words he repeats in a tone juxtaposing the one he was using a couple of hours ago. This is the Leon you’re used to. Calm, and feels like home. The warmth of his body helps warm you up and the arm rubbing your back, helps ease your breathing back to normal. After a few minutes you calm down, and look up at him. He smiles kissing your forehead.
“Was Daddy mean to you earlier?” he asks and you nod.
“Want him to kiss it better?” you nod again.
He smiles softly and starts tenderly kissing your lips, your forehead, cheeks, and jaw.  Each kiss was full of affection and pure sincerity. You started sensing that warm feeling in your chest, heart beat regulating, and lips curling up into a smile as he kissed every single inch on your face. You’re not sure you quiet understand the science behind this technique and how he can manage to lift up your mood with a few kisses and his heart-warming voice. But it somehow always works.
However, can’t tell if it was the sudden change in your mood or his hot breath and soft lips on your face, but the wholesome warm feeling in your heart switched at one point, to heat pooling between your thighs. And soon enough you started being needy again.
“Daddy. Want more.” You muttered, making him stop momentarily to respond.
“Want what baby, you need to tell daddy what to do so he can help you.”
You start feeing a little shy to word it out for him. Normally he would keep you being a needy squirmy mess till you say it yourself. But he was already mean to you today, so it’s only fair to help his girl out.
“Want Daddy to kiss you somewhere else?”
“My pussy.”
How could he say no to that face. Lips puffy, eyes glossy, and lashes wet from your tears. Humming in agreement, he places one final kiss on your lips and moves down between your thighs, spreading them open for him. You were still wearing your dress, so he was immediately greeted with the lace panties you wore for him. Running his finger up your cunt, he can already feel the dampness through the thin fabric.
“Damn baby, you wore all of this for me? God, I don’t deserve you.”
He says planting an opened mouth kiss on your clothed clit making you whine. Bunching up your dress, he grabs the hem of your panties sliding them down and shoving them in his pocket. He runs his tongue up your slit, and it feels warm as he tastes you. Spreading your cunt open with his fingers, his mouth starts sucking on your clit as shaky heavy breaths escape your mouth.
His blue eyes meet yours as he continues guzzle your pussy up while occasionally fucking his tongue into you. He laps up every single fluid that comes out, appreciating every drop. Eventually, he rewards you with one of his fingers penetrating inside of you and fucking into you at a slow pace as he pulls the hood of your clit back and continues sucking on your bundle of nerves.
Moments later he removes his mouth off of you, wanting to watch your expression as he sticks another finger into you. Your mouth opens slightly as a broken sound leaves your throat. His fingers were thick, much thicker than yours. The rough skin on them making your back arch at the sensation.
“So fucking pretty.”
You can’t tell if he’s addressing you or your dripping pussy as your eyes flutter shut when his palm makes contact with your cunt. He starts moving his digits in and out of you, mouth finding it’s way back to your clit once more. Your hips start squirming in place as he uses his other hand to hold you down in place. His digits then begin scissoring you open while his tongue flicks your sensitive bundle of nerves.
Amidst the intense feeling of pleasure, you grab his hair pulling his face towards your dripping cunt even more. Grabbing Daddy’s hair and not being gentle with it is against some of the rules the two of you have established. Leon is going above and beyond to make sure he doesn’t go bald, avoiding it like it’s the plague. Hence, pulling it, is something he would normally spank you for, fuck you roughly while pulling yours to make sure you always remember. But he’ll let it pass this time.
You start babbling, the pleasure fogging up your field of vision, and the ability to form a coherent sentence, but he knows your having a good time.
“Daddy, can I please cum?”
“Do whatever you wanna do sweetheart.” As soon as you get his permission, you reach your peak with a squeal, letting go of his hair and clutch instead on the white sheets beneath you. His fingers continue moving, easing your way back down from your high. And he eventually removes his fingers out of you, placing a final kiss on your clit before looking up at your blissed out expression.
He gets up, ready to run you a nice bath to relax, but you refuse.
“Want you.”
You say looking up at him. He smiles and replies.
“I don’t know baby. Don’t think it’s fair that you get punished for not behaving and I don’t.” You whine, a pout forming on your lips. Even though you just came, you fear that you’ll never satisfied till he’s deep inside you.
 You tug on his shirt, eyes pleading, batting your lashes at him the way you do, decreasing is chances of saying no to zero.
“It’s okay, I forgive you. Plus, that boner of yours looks pretty painful.” You retort, pointing at the way his dick is begging to be released out of his jeans.
“You sure?” You eagerly nod, and before you know it, your hands are already undoing his belt. He helps you out, taking his pants and shirt off while you strip out of your dress as well.
“How do you want me?” he asks as the two of you sit naked on the bed.
You put your finger on your chin, squinting your eyes as you think.
“On your back.”
He complies, resting his head against the pillow as you crawl over you him, placing a gentle peck on his mouth. Your legs straddle him, grabbing his dick and rubbing it up and down your leaky slit. He grits his teeth, eyes fixated at your motion before you start nudging it as your entrance.
You drop down on his length, making the two of you moan in unison as you bottom out on his dick, his hands involuntarily reaching over to grab the fat on the side of your hips. You don’t take too long to adjust thanks to his fingers warming you up earlier, and soon enough you start bouncing.
Placing a hand on his chest to balance yourself as you increase the pace while occasionally grinding your hips on his skin to get more friction on your clit. One of his hands leave your hips, making its way to your lips as you take two of his fingers into your mouth. He groans at the view in front of him.
“Fuckkk, such a good fucking girl.”
Moments later however, you start getting tired. Poor thing, doing all the work by yourself. You were always destined for princess treatment anyways.
“Getting tired?” he asks through heavy breaths, and you mindlessly nod.
Grabbing your hips once more, he plants his feet on the bed and grabs you pulling your body closer as he starts drilling into you. Your head falls back, all of that sadness you experienced before disappearing with each thrust of his hips. His dick feels amazing inside of you, hitting all of the sweet spots with each move.
The familiar sense of release starts approaching. The sound of skin slapping fills the room as you start chanting “daddy” over and over. You don’t even need anything from him, but he’s all your mind can think about.
“I’m right here, cum for me.” And you do. Your body convulses as sweet release takes over you. Leon moans from how tight your walls are gipping him. Dick throbbing inside of you as he fucks you through your release and starts chasing his. Picking up the pace even more, he feels himself getting closer and closer to his own climax.
“Where do you want it baby?” he asks through greeted teeth. You mind is complete mush at this point, completely and utterly cock drunk. “Inside please.”  Look at you, still using words like please and thank you even in this state.
He was hoping you would say that, he doubts he’ll make it in time to pull out anyways. Leon’s releases washes over his as he spurts his cum all over your walls, while crashing his lips into yours. You kiss him back, moaning as you feel so full and warm from the inside. His hips slow down and eventually reach a stop, and both of your bodies relax. Lips separating, you stare into each other’s eyes for a bit, one of his hands runs through your hair delicately, before cupping your cheek. You tilt your head, resting its weight on his palm as he strokes your face with his thumb.
“I love you. I’m sorry.”
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