#← since his animatronic form is a sun model
Aaaahhhh ok so i read your polar fic and just want to draw him right now, can you describe him please
*screams at the abyss with excitement*
Polar is 12 foot, he's a solid four feet taller than Eclipse, who is Blood Moon height at about 8 foot, Eclipse is 2/3 Polar's height and Polar must pick up his comfort tiny to hug him if they're standing.
Since they're bio-organic in the AU, Polar isn't a 'celestial model' but would be one if he was fully animatronic, but he's humanoid and muscley. Polar has short fluffy shock white hair with a few sky blue streaks throughout and blue eyes.
His original pants are white had sky blue snowflakes on them but he prefers wearing black sweatpants Eclipse stole that were waaaaay too big for Eclipse to wear. With his original outfit, his little frill things the other daycare attendants have were blue based with white on the stripe thing.
Think the humanoid DJ Music Man that was floating around for a while without the extra arms, the pink, and short fluffy hair.
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Hey if this is not a problem sun and moon show x insecure or shy reader please
𝐓𝐒𝐚𝐌𝐒 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐡𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Hi! I'm so sorry it took so long! I this was one of the requests that I had to spend a long time writing it. Mostly because you didn't specify who you needed, so I tried to write a little for everyone. I hope you're happy with it! ^^
Soon, I'll be done the other requests aswell!
Also, I didn't write scenario for every character, mostly because I couldn't think of anything new TwT
And they might be out of character aswell-
×❢ About my work ❢×
fluff, I'm just writing random scenarious here and there, don't mind me, angst maybe?, panic attack, hurt/comfor, the reader has no pronouns, imagine Killcode with his old model, everybody just loves their dear partner, they can't help it, no proof read, I'm tired af
Requested by: @noinoi999
Character(s): Eclipse, You| (Y/N) |The Reader, Dark Sun, Bloodmoon, Ruin, Sun, Old Moon, Nexus, Earth, Lunar, Frank, Jack, Killcode
Ship(s): Tsams characters (except Moon, Nexus, Lunar and Earth)/ Reader, Earth & Reader, Lunar & Reader, Moon & Reader, Nexus & Reader
Form: Headcanons
[The artworks are not mine! The credit of the thumbnail arts belongs to their right artist!]
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• At the begining Sun will concerned why don't you want to talk anyone.
• He'll approach you carefully and if you refuse him, he'll leave you alone.
• Maybe something scared you? I mean, he wouldn't be surprised if that actually happened. This dimension is full of danger. Sometimes even he gets creeps from it...
• "Hey..." You jumped a little as you heard someone speak beside you. The jester looked at you concerned. You've been hiding in this little corner of the Daycare for... Damn, even you don't know how long. Maybe he came to check up on you. "Are you okay? You know, I've been watching when do you you want to come out of here, but you didn't move an inch." Sun chuckled softly. "Are you feeling sick? Do you need help?"
"No..." You answered as you looked into his pure white eyes. Huh... No pupils'. "I'm just... Unsure. I didn't want to bother people." You spoke as you struggled to swallow lump in your throat.
"Oh! Don't worry about that!" Sun shook his head before coming closer to you. "Earth and Lunar are busy for now. Do you want to help me clean up the Daycare?" He kindly offred his hand. You were thinking a bit before answering. Maybe the cleaning will distract you of some things and you can get a chance to get to know the yellow animatronic better. He seems interesting...
" Sure! " You said softly as you seen his concerned look dissapear. He looked more cheerful than before.
• And from that moment, he doesn't hesitate asking you to help clean up. And to be honest, you don't really have problems with this. Sun is more than a great company.
• Also Moon isn't willing to interact with others aswell, so Sun knows at least a little bit of how to handle this.
• He'll include you into conversations with the others at times. He's confident that they would be happy to get to know you better. However, he won't push you, he'll do the process softly, giving you enough time to open up to him and the other animatronics!
Relationship hcs:
• Almost the same, you two still doing the clean ups and other things together. Sun wants to be close and give you comfort anytime you need it.
• He gives you comfort by gentle touches and complimets. He'll hand you his cats too if they make you feel better!
• "You did so well today, sunshine!"
• He thought about including you taking care of the kids in the Daycare aswell, but since you prefer being with his cats instead, he won't force you
• He'll try to avoid things that make you feel uncomfortable or stressed. Also, he is really attentive! He'll often scan you to see how are you feeling.
• He can be energetic sometimes (tho nowadays this is rare). Despite that he is always patient with you. His touches are always gentle, never forceful.
• A bit back to comfort — he'll gently gives a squeeze to your pinky or shoulders, or rubs your hand OR wraps one of his arm around you to reassure that he's here with you
• "Don't worry, hon, everything is okay!"
• If you're really insecure about touching, he'll ask everytime "Is this okay?" or for example "Can we hold hands?". He would never force something on you that you're uncomfortable with. He always asks firts and then acts.
• In the end, he would be a gentle and caring partner! And he would easily hand you comfort aswell!
Old Moon and Nexus
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• The Moons aren't really shy, despite that, they can't be called social either.
• Nexus won't really talk to you, if you have nothing he needs or you can help with. If you have a deeper friendship with him, he might share some of his thoughts with you, but he keeps his plans to himself. If you're good with technology, then it will probably be one of you two's main topic.
• Same with Old Moon, however he'll be a bit more concerned and attentive than Nexus. He is more rather to ask you if you're okay.
• Both of them have a good sense to recognise it if you aren't feeling well. They will both react, but Old Moon will show more care.
• Both of them feel a little bit awkard when it comes to comforting. They'll try their best, even though they aren't really good with emotions.
• Now that I think of it - they are more than okay with this. They were (well, at least Old Moon) meant to appeare at nightime, so they are used to the silent. In fact, they prefer a quiet person by their side than a really loud one. You're almost matching their vibes! Nexus isn't really care anymore and he can be rule, but if you feel unsure about something and you ask them to help you out, they will!
• If you feel unsure about something, they will confirm you or send you compliments like Sun.
"That looks good!"
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• He won't complain, if you chose to stay in the theatre. The theatre is usually a quiet place at the evenings, so he can understand why did you choose it.
• You cautiously stepped into the daycare's theatre. After you looked around you took an another step. It seemed like you were alone.
"Are you searching for someone? I don't think there's a movie that is currently playing right now..." You yelped as you heard someone beside you. You turned your head to the direction of the sound. The animatronic by your side was similar to the Sun one, but still looked so different. The rays and half his face looked orange-ish, but the other half was much more darker. He wore dark gloves and a slightly torned 'Superstar Daycare' shirt. He also seemed tall and tired. Damn, how didn't you notice him before?
"Oh... I'm just-" You tried to find the words under his gaze. "I was just looking for a more quiet place and I was thinking about staying here. But I don't want to bother you, so I'll just..." You moved to walk away, before he replied.
"You can stay, I don't mind." He shrugged before he stood up.
"Okay... thanks"
"We also have some snacks. Do you want something?"
• Solar is pretty chill about it. You can stay as long as you like, just don't bother him.
• If you don't want to be found by the others, he'll hide you away and cover for you.
• If you ask him, he'll help you out
• Also, he and Earth will help you settle in together!
Relationship hcs:
• Solar won't admit it, but he finds you cute. He won't say it, mainly because he doesn't want to make you feel embarassed.
• Since you two will mostly spend the time in the Theatre, he'll make a small spot of pillows and blankets for you to settle down somewhere.
• Ocassionally he'll let you help with his work, but trust me, just your presence gives him a lot of support
• Okay, maybe he'll tease you just a little bit to see your reaction
• "You want to help me? Really? Oh, you're just the sweetest."
• OH, and also if you need help with something, first he'll help you out by showing you how to do it then he'll analize it how you manage to imitate it.
• "Keep it up, you're doing great!"
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• Won't question it really
• Eclipse will definitely mock you with how shy you are. Mostly because of fun. He can be a jerk at times, but besides teasing he won't harass you seriously.
• "What? Cat got your tounge?"
• Same with the other animatronics, he can easily recognise it if you are overwhelmed. He's not good at giving comfort, so you two will probably just stay in silence while you try to relax a little. Although, you two might share small talks.
• "You seem pale... are you okay?"
• As long as you don't make a noise he won't mind you.
• He can be a little mean when it comes to helping, but despite that he will still do it.
• "Seriously? But this is so easy. Okay, pay attention, because I'll only explain it once."
Relationship hcs:
• Eclipse finds you adorable and will tell you just to see your reaction. He'll also try to make you flustered almost all the time.
• He just can't help it, he loves seeing it how flushed you can get just from his words.
• He'll be always behind you, looking out for you. If you aren't feeling well, he'll most likely know about it.
• He'll appreciate it if you find comfort in his presence and trust me, he's much more than happy to be around you, but with all of this he won't let you in his lab. HOWEVER he will search a quieter place in the pizzaplex for you two to enjoy each other!
• When helping, he'll be gentlier and more patient, but still can be a little sarcastic.
• "Good! See? It's not difficult."
• You weren't really good at technology, but you wanted to help Eclipse as much as you can. And to understand technology, you need to learn it first. Which came with many difficulties. You weren't stupid, no, it's just it can be tiring and complicated. How great is that Eclipse is always here to help. :) "I don't think that's how you do it." You heard a low chuckle behind you as heavy steps metalic were made by your way. "Let me show you how it's done. Give me your hand, dear." He said beside your ears as you had to hold back a squeek to not boost his ego more. "Okay." You tried your best to sound as neutral as you could, but it didn't matter, your voice felt quiter than before and the blood boiling on your cheeks didn't help either. You just hoped that Eclipse didn't notice it. But knowing him, he already did. Your hands were on the mouse you worked with, and his were on yours. He moved the way he wished to move the mouse. No words were made, but he was gentle. A few clicks could be heard before he let your warm hands go. "There we go!" Nevertheless, he didn't move an ich, he stayed behind you. You didn't make eye contact with him, but you felt like he was watching. "Thank you, Eclipse." You tried to sound condident, rather than embarassed. But despite that, you were greatful for his help. "You're welcome, my love."
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• Okay, so Earth is just the sweetest and gentliest of all of them!
• If she doesn't know well, she'll get worried about why don't you want to talk with anyone.
• She'll help you fit in and you can almost always rely on her! If you need help with something just call her, she'll be right there! Although she might not be able to help with EVERYTHING, but she'll try her best. And when she does help, she's usually patient and optimistic.
• "Don't worry, we can try it again! No one is perfect, it's okay if you can't do it without failing! Plus, I'm here to help!"
• Earth'll be so happy to meet you, but at the same time she'll try to act calm. She wouldn't want to scare you away!
• She is pretty good at taking care of people. She will quickly noItice it if you're getting overwhelmed and will try her best to calm you down. She can easily hand you comfort and her positiveness always manages to cheer you up a little!
• You gasped for more air, but it always felt like you catched nothing of it. Your heart beated rapidly in your chest, your hands started to shake, and you were pretty sure that if this continues then you're going fall apart. Suddenly you felt someone grabbing your shoulders. You yelped as you looked up the person before you. You wanted to tell that you aren't feeling well, but no words came out your mouth. "Just take a breathe," Earth spoke softly, still holding you by your shoulders. "it's going to be okay." She told you to count one to five, and you did as she wished. Together you started to calm your heart down and finally your breathing become steady aswell. "Thank you." you breathed out quietly, still trying to collect yourself back together. "It's okay." Earth gave you a warm smile before leading you to a quiter room.
• She'll be the person who always goes to check up on you!
• Tho, don't get her wrong, if you need some alone time, she'll accept that and wait till you ready to talk again!
• Will ask first you, before doing anything
• She'll be surprised if she hears you for the first time talk or speaking louder, but she'll quickly turn happy about it!
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• With how tiny he is, he'll definitely surprise you without noticing him. Like just imagine you're sitting in the corner, silently going trough your thoughts and suddenly he's like "Why are you sitting in the corner?"
• Don't get him wrong, he doesn't mean to scare you, it's just hard to notice him when you're not fully aware of your surrondings
• He rather asks you, than scans you.
• He'll get concerned if you stay quiet for long time
• Lunar doesn't mind that you are shy, actually it's kinda calming when he's working with loud children all around the daycare
• He'll also try to include you into conversations more and more often as time goes by, and he'll be so happy if you choose to open up for him!
• He'll gladly help if you ask him! Don't be afraid, he's more than happy to help a friend out!
• If you're overwhelmed, he'll most likely take you out in the nature! Either for stargazing or just simply enjoying the beauty of it.
• You were trying to get rid off the though glue that the kids left on one of the tables. The Daycare was finally quiet, all the kids were picked up by their parents. You were only here because you promised Earth to help clean up in Daycare, and to be honest it got off your mind of some things. You got job in the pizzaplex a few days ago. You've been trying to avoid as much attention as you could, but the celestial animatronics always seemed to do the opposite with you. You've already met a few, but you wanted to take things slowly. Earth and Lunar were one of the first animatronics you met personally. They are kind and patient with you, which you are greatful for. You need some time to open up to people. Honestly, this work isn't so bad. It could be worse. "Are you okay?" You could swear to god that your heart almost jumped out of your chest. You looked down on the small lavender animatronic surprised. "Geez, Lunar, you startled me." "Sorry, didn't mean to." he apologised with a small smile, but his expression quickly turned into concern. "Are you doing okay? You've been quiet all day." "Yeah... I just," you started something, but you didn't finish it. "It's been a long day, I guess." You said as you turned back to your work. You weren't lying, though. "You wanna talk about it?"
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• To be honest, they won't really pay attention to it
• For neutral, when you ask for their help, it depends on how long time it takes. You broke one of the machines in the pizzaplex? Don't he can quickly fix it. You need help with cleaning the Daycare? No, thank you, but he'll definitely tell Earth on the way. He's more helping when you have a friendship with him.
• Oh my god I just imagined like- How enjoyable would be just seeing them sing Hamilton with cleaning supplies in their hand! Also, he would totally live it.
• If you are a quiet one, he might get surprised hearing you speak
• Despite what relationship you have with them, they can still recognise when you aren't feel, and they'll take care of you.
• Also, at helping, he's mostly energetic, but still patient. He won't rush you, but always check what you are doing!
• "Hmm... I think that looks good enough!"
• Well, this depends on his mood, but I don't think your presence would bother them.
• You desired some space to clear your mind and you chose the arcade for that. The Pizzaplex were mostly empty for now. Just some staff bots lurked all around and they didn't really bother you. You stepped deeper into the arcade until you were caught in surprise by realising that you're not alone. You were about to leave when the daycare attendant spoke up. "You can stay." They said as a small smile appeared on their face. You couldn't lie, he has his charm. "I don't mind a little company you know. So? What are you standing there? Sit down, friend!"
Relationship hcs:
• Ruin finds you adorable! He might tease you a little bit about it, but he does it playfully.
• Okay, so I think Ruin would be the kind of lover, who is always by your side. Simply, because they just love their partner so much and they love their company! So with that, he would quickly recognise it when you aren't feeling well.
• To relax, he will mostly spend time with you in the arcade, watch anime or listen to some musical.
• You need help? He's more than happy to help out his beloved partner! Sometimes, they will just ask without you needing them.
• "Is everything okay, hon?" • "Do you need help with that?"
• You smiled as you heard your partner humming happily song tunes. They were so busy working on the machines they didn't even notice you were staring at them. He was so silly and you couldn't help but adore him. "I think we're done for today, Ruin!" You excaimed it as you stood up from the couching pose. "Already? Huh..." They sounded surprised, but neverthless they still stoped. "Time is just flying so fast when I'm with you, darling!" They smiled cheerfully as they came to your side. You couldn't help but smile aswell. The feeling of someone adoring you this much made your heart flutter. "Thank you for helping me check the aracde machines! It would have take much longer time I was doing it alone." You admitted. "It's okay, dear! I'm more than happy to help you!" They said as they wrapped their arm around your waist.
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• Okay, knowing Bloodmoon, they will definitely use this against you somehow
• They'll also probably mock you about it
• However, if you are friends with them, they might enjoy your company if you're a quiet one. At least you don't interrupt their hunting time.
• They'll get very surprised if you asking help of them
• "Damn, you must be in a really bad situation, if you're asking help from us."
• Also, not 100% they'll actually help-
• Don't forget that they aren't good at everything aswell. So maybe at times they really can't help at all
• Like imagine you're fixing something you broke in the previous minute and you two look at each other like
"So... What ya think?" "... I don't know." "Does it look fixed?" "..." "I really don't know what am I doing..." "Yes, we can see that."
• They'll get taken aback if you talk back to them, but still won't hesitate to hurt you.
Relationship hcs:
• It's the same, they won't really mind your behaviour
• They'll check up on you more
• When you're asking for their help, they'll still get surprised, but they're more willing to help on their partner
• "Really? You're asking help from us? Well... okay, what is it?"
• You don't have to worry about socializing. We all know that they can't be still more than 5 minutes, so they'll probably spend their time outside. AND in that time, they can get supplies you need while they're away. Don't ask how they got it-
• Although, if you have no choice, but go out in public, they'll watch out for you from the distance. Don't worry, you'll never feel alone when you're with them. :)
• They'll encourage you by telling you
• "I think that's good." "It's okay." "Don't give up. You're getting better."
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• He'll try his best not to scare you away
• Killcode knows how scary he looks, so he'll approach you slowly and gently
• He'll give you enough time to get used to him and maybe open up for him
• Despite his scary look, Killcode only shows gentleness, patience and understanding towards you. He isn't really an animatronic you should be scared
• He'll help you to get you used to this universe.
• He's always excited and happy when you share new informations of yourself. And he's so eager to learn about you more and more (especially if you're a human)! He's so interested!
• If you aren't a talkative one, he'll be happy when he hears you talk and he'll encourage you to do more
Relationship hcs:
• He loves helping out his partner anytime they need it! Though, maybe he won't be able to help with everything with his huge claws, but he'll try his best!
• He'll be by your side everytime! Giving you comfort and protection. But of course if you need some privacy, he'll give it to you.
• Killcode is very attentive towards his partner, he'll stay away from everything that would make you feel stressed.
• How does he hands you comfort? He'll most likely help you calm down with his voice, with thouches (reassuring squeezes), hushing ("Shh... It's okay, love" ) and with a tight but comforting hug. He always treats you gently.
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• Will try his best not to scare you
• Won't mind if you're asking help from him, he'll be more surprised
Relationship hcs:
• Frank can be really caring when it comes to comforting! He might not talk a lot, but he'll definitely treat you with gentle touches and such
• Also, he can be very cuddly aswell!
• He'll keep you safe from the distance
• Frank will be very happy, if he needs to help you out!
• He loves his partner so much, he'll do his best to protect them
Dark Sun
• Dark Sun won't really mind a quiet person, actually.
• Won't show it, but he'll be surprised when he hears you spoke for the first time.
• You might seem a little suspicious to him at the beginning, but he'll quickly get used to your shy personality.
• He'll be lil shocked if you ask for his help. But, if he receives something aswell, he's willing to do it.
• So, for this scenario imagine that you're working with him. If you do something bad, he might get upset. He won't shout at you or anything, but he definitely won't get over it just this easily. He'll most likely watch you as you work (whether with cameras or in person). And just imagine hearing him behind you saying things like
• "No. I don't think that's right." "Keep going." "Good. Keep working." "I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I'm glad that I gave you a chance to work with me back than. Don't let this go to your head too much."
Relationship hcs:
• If you're getting overwhelmed, he'll be quickly aware of it. He'll also hand you as much comfort as he's capable of. He can be cruel, but he's not a heartless being when it comes to you.
• Will avoid anything that may get you stressed. Somehow, he always manages to watch out for you.
• He isn't a loud one either, and actually he doesn't have any problems with spending the silence with you.
• He'll find it cute, but won't really mention it. Though, if he does, he does it so doubtlessly...
• He's more willing to help you. When helping, he's actually a really patient, gentle and deliberate!
• He usually gives support by small touches, but with much more words
• He reassures you mostly with praises
"Good job, darling"
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• Jack can be quite... well lively at times
• He might not approach you so gently, but don't worry, you don't have to be afraid of him
• He can be very interactive and curious when it comes to people!
Probably will ask many questions like
• "Why are you hiding?" "Are you afraid?" "Did someone hurt you?"
• Will apologise after if he scared you
• He'll keep in mind that you aren't a social person
Relationship hcs:
• Wherever you go, he'll watch out for you making sure about your well being.
• He can be so silly, he loves to make you laugh
• When comforting, he won't really talk. You'll most likely just cuddle while he holds you close
• Being in the darkness with him isn't so bad
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galactic-drops · 8 months
*kicks your door down holding Jack-o-Moon in my arms*
So first off I'm not very good at the classic Fnaf theorizing, this will be a first for me lol. So I'm probably missing a bunch of information but this is just a theory for funsies anyway.
Alright so first off this video here gives a pretty good look at their model. So I'll mostly just being using that and what I've seen playing the game.
So it's made very clear the model is completely identical to Sun and Moons and his mannerisms are identical to Moons, between voice lines and movements.
That being said I think that he is or was to some degree Moon. Not the moon we know of course, he's still with Sun.
It's definitely Moon's body since you can see the blue where the orange paint is chipping off. (This could be because the paint could be blocking any light sensors so he is just permanently stuck in moon mode.)
He also acts slightly differently from Moon on the carousel ride, where Moon attacks right after he reaches the third row, Jack-o-Moon hangs out in the middle for a moment just observing before his jumpscare.
And when you shine the bright light on him on Foxy's ride, he is distressed and flies away. I could be wrong here but it didn't seem like it even started to cause and shifts to a Sun form (circle back to light sensors being painted over) just distressed bight the evil overhead light.
So theory time.
1. Jack-o-Moon is another version of Moon, stored away as a seasonal animatronic, and was a backup of Moon (and maybe Sun) from their theater days. There is no indication they know anything about childcare, but they certainly put on their own little performance on the set of Foxy's log ride.
2. I'm wrong in thinking Moon is still with Sun and somehow they managed to get him his own body from an abandoned Halloween version of them. Probably very unlikely but I'll leave it as a possibility.
3. Fazbear started to make separate bodies for Sun and Moon when the virus, but to test it out they copied Moon's code over to the new body. When he still showed slight signs of the virus they just threw some paint on them added some fancy LEDs changed their outfit and marketed him as a scary Halloween version they could store away from the public while still using once a year so they didn't throw away money on something that didn't work. (This would also explain why they seem more curious on the carousel compared to Moon. They don't get to see people as much.)
So yeah. Just some brain rot I figured I'd ramble on about. Cus I'm totally normal about Jack-o-Moon.
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kinshenewa · 5 months
So I came up with another au for my Celestial Jesters story.
The whole story is fake. It never happened. It was just fanfic written by a depressed teen, and it became her dream to create a show based on her story. So as an adult, she was lucky enough to have a lot of extended family who gave her small amounts of money for her birthday every year, and she had a Kofi/gofundme/Kickstarter (I'll decide later) going for that since she was a young teen.
She went to college for robotics, and got a degree. As a young woman quickly approaching 30, she was lucky enough to have inherited a nice parcel of land and have the money to pay her friend to help make 3D models of the characters (She already had rudimentary models 2 years before she started working on the show (Which would take another 2 years) but she wanted help from a friend but would not take 'no don't pay me' for an answer. She pays her friend even though her friend has told her repeatedly she doesn't need to pay them)
She created the actual animatronics, but not looking like themselves, they were just some nice endoskeletons with all their required mechanics and wrapped in green screen fabric. She dresses them up in their outfits (Which she gets custom made from a tailor) and built a room specifically like their room on her property. It is in an enclosed building, which includes their whole room and the hallway for their room.
She had to get custom-made furniture as well, because the furniture that the boys use are slightly bigger than regular human furniture.
It took 5 years total to get the building permits, build the rooms, build the animatronics, code the animatronics, make the 3D models (And rig them), change some parts of her house to match the script, and make the story in script form.
She changed her room just ever so slightly, changing the door ever so slightly and covering the window with a green screen because in the story there is not a window in her room.
She didn't have any help with the camera work, just had cameras set in specific points and some little camera jockeys (Which is what she lovingly called the small cameras that moved around on wheels).
The boys room is in her backyard, which is quite big since she inherited a parcel in a rural area, which allows her to make some of the sets (the cafeteria is completely animatated, they human is the only real thing in there aside from some food on her plate)
One day, during a shoot, everything is going as planned, until Eclipse says, "I really do love you." And then she's all confused and looking at the script and saying, "Hold up, that isn't in the script?"
She had programmed them with actual AIs so it could be easier to get everything done. Saves a lot of work compared to just coding them with their actions and dialogue.
So the DCA went full circle and back to their roots XD. Originally an animatronic, then aliens, and back to animatronic.
Sun, Moon, and Eclipse all see her with reverence, they see her as their god and creator, and they are madly in love. So when Eclipse says that and she's looking at the script in her hands, Eclipse takes the script, literally throws it over his shoulder and out of the room, then kneels and grabs her hands gently as he looks into her eyes. The only color on him aside from his outfit and green screen covering is his eyes, because she made the eyes to act like how eyes are supposed to (when it is really just screens that light up, allowing their eyes to glow for some scenes), and he just looks deep into her eyes. The frills are also colored, because tests done had failed when they tried to make it happen with the animating.
Eventually it turns into where, on her Youtube channel, she starts releasing bloopers of the animatronics, them goofing off during filming, which she can only do now because the have grown sentient.
Yeah,I'm probably missing something but that is the general idea
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Prompt: after Freddy gets taken over by the virus during the events of Security Breach. Gregory has no choice but to hide in the museum wing, where he gains 11 new allies in the form of the classic and toy animatronics that were on display (and the souls that inhabit them, returned to take down Afton).
The glamrocks might be faster, but they're not built to take a hit, the classics can tank the worst the glamrocks can dish out, the toys can dish out just as good as the glamrocks.
Charlie and Cassidy make childsplay (pun intended) out of the virus and soon have the glamrocks and Vanessa freed from it, Afton's digital abilities being no match for Cassidy's supernatural might and Charlies control.
Tumblr generated prompt number 23! So, since this prompt is already pretty similar to The Thing About Night Guards in terms of older models coming to Gregory’s defense and also that would be so. many. characters. for such a short ficlet haha, I decided to focus only on Charlie (and the Puppet). I really like how this one turned out!
Once again, the lore escapes me. I’m uncertain of Charlie’s age when she was killed, but for the sake of this ficlet, she’s about the same age as Gregory.
An Extra Reflection
The Puppet, in Gregory’s humble opinion, was one of the creepier animatronics. Its spindly limbs, its exaggerated mask, the eerie way it somehow floated around—he certainly hadn’t been able to spot any wires like Sun and Moon used—none of it exactly inspired trust in him. 
But the Puppet had been the one to get between Gregory and Freddy after the virus infected his previous protector. So. He figured he could give it a chance. 
“Are you even an actual animatronic?” he mused as he followed it down a hall. It moved completely silently, and its body was minuscule. How could anything mechanical actually fit in there? 
It turned to look at him, slowing down so they were walking and floating side by side. Its eyes were empty and blank. The mask was incapable of movement. 
He shivered as it contemplated him. There was a hairline crack in its forehead from intercepting what would have been a deadly blow. But Gregory would swear that Freddy’s claws had done more damage than that, that the fracture had been worse half an hour ago. 
Anxious at its lack of response and continued staring, Gregory blurted out into the uncomfortable silence, “It’s just, y’know… one of these things is not like the other? You stand out. And you don’t—I dunno, look robot-y? No offense.”
Its body trembled in a way that might have indicated laughter, and it wavered its long, claw-like fingers in a so-so motion. 
Gregory huffed. “Yeah, great, that really clears things up.” 
For all that he was left with even more questions, something about the brief exchange settled some of his worries. He knew three things now, which was two more things than he’d known a while ago: first, the Puppet wanted to keep him safe; second, it had a sense of humor, which implied it was capable of intelligent thought and thus wasn’t mindless like the STAFF bots; third, if it was so-so a robot… maybe he didn’t have to worry about the virus affecting it. 
Even distracted with his thoughts, his hyperawareness was in overdrive. The moment the Puppet paused and lifted its head, Gregory froze and shifted, ready to run. He eyed their surroundings without fully looking away from the Puppet. 
It reached for him, and he made an effort not to flinch as it took his wrist and hustled him along. When he quickly glanced over his shoulder as the Puppet pulled him through a bathroom door, he was shocked to spot one of the older animatronics, the fuzzy Bonnie, trudging into view. 
He shivered as he made sure the door didn’t bang shut behind him. The Glamrocks were so loud. They clanked and thunked and shook the floor. They called out pretty lies and bitter taunts. 
The others, the old ones… they were so quiet. He wouldn’t have noticed Bonnie behind him until it was too late. 
Gregory let out a shaky breath and smiled wanly at the Puppet, hovering over him with its hands out, like it was ready to catch him or help in any way he might need. “Thanks,” he said. “I owe you twice now.” 
The Puppet shrugged, ducking its head almost bashfully. It floated further from the door, looking around the bathroom in mild curiosity. Gregory considered the stalls. You never knew how long it’d be before you got the chance to go again, not with homicidal robots stalking you. 
He stepped into the main area and recoiled at sudden movement in the corner of his eye. But it was only a large, floor-length mirror on the wall. Wow, Gregory, paranoid much? 
Gregory absently eyed his reflection. The rough night he’d been having was plain to see in the grime and blood staining his shirt. A few scratches stood out on his arm, and his band-aids had doubled in number over the past handful of hours. 
Movement behind his mirror self drew his attention, and his brain said, The Puppet, but his eyes said, Human girl. 
A startled noise slipped out of him as he whirled around. Across the room, the Puppet stopped its exploration and looked at him. It was alone.
Speechless, Gregory stared for a moment before peeking over his shoulder. 
The girl was still there, standing beside the Puppet. She looked to be around his age and of a similar height. She was wearing a black t-shirt with a black and white striped long-sleeve undershirt. Black shorts ended at her band-aid littered knees. Scrunched up black and white striped socks poked out of cherry-red high-tops. Her straight brown hair went a little past her shoulders—oh, and her eyes were completely black. 
He pointed at the mirror. Then at the Puppet. Back at the mirror. The Puppet. His thoughts were a jumble, and he couldn’t get out more than a stuttered sound before whatever he wanted to say withered into silence.
’Cause, like, she was clearly part of the Puppet. The stripes? Yeah, duh. But that, that really didn’t help this situation make any more sense. Was he hallucinating? Dead? Had Freddy succeeded in ripping out his throat?
The Puppet came closer, and he fully faced the mirror, mouth gaping. He gestured wordlessly and emphatically at the girl, and her eyes promptly went very wide.
“I’m torn,” Gregory said. “Either I’ve got brain damage or you’re a ghost.”
The Puppet’s body shook in silent laughter again as the girl flailed a bit. She darted forward to stand at Gregory’s side.
The girl’s mouth moved as the Puppet joined them, floating at their backs, looming like a bizarre guardian angel. Her face fell when it became clear he couldn’t hear her. 
“Sorry,” he said, even though it wasn’t his fault. Feeling genuinely bad for… whoever or whatever the Puppet and/or the girl was, he patted its arm. 
The girl’s mouth started moving just before he did, and the second he touched the Puppet, his ears popped and he heard, “—be able to see me like this.” 
Gregory choked at the electric shock he got, jerking his hand back even as he cried out, “I heard you! I heard you for a second!” 
She blinked, stunned, and the Puppet reached out—slowly, giving Gregory time to pull away—and laid its hand on the back of his neck. The shock wasn’t so bad this time, nearly ignorable. 
“Try again,” he said. The three of them made for a strange reflection, and he cracked a grin over it. 
“Hi,” the girl said, “my name’s Charlie.” 
“Nice to meet you, Charlie. I’m Gregory.” 
There was a moment of silence before the realization hit her, and then she was hugging herself around her stomach and falling to her knees as some painful-sounding combination of laughter and sobs exploded out of her. 
He was crouching down and reaching out like a dummy before he could even remember that she was a ghost, but it didn’t matter anyway because the Puppet followed, hand still on his neck, and instead of his own hand passing through her, his fingers landed on her shoulder just fine. He could tell she was oddly chilly beneath her shirt, but otherwise, she felt completely real and solid. 
Charlie’s head jerked up, hiccups spasming through her, her black eyes shiny with tears. They stared at each other in the mirror for a few seconds before Gregory sat down all the way and scooted closer to hug her. Her expression—one of such heartbreak and shock and desperation—spoke of profound loneliness. He wondered how long she’d been dead. He wondered when she’d last been hugged. 
She collapsed against him, shaking, and the Puppet kept him from falling backward. It knelt beside them, its arms magically extending to wrap around them both. Gregory’s head was pressed between Charlie’s and the Puppet’s, and he both was and wasn’t surprised to realize there was no sound of whirring or clicking or creaking coming from inside it. 
There was, however, oh so faintly, a heartbeat. 
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amphiptere-art · 9 months
Both of my dialogues from rested wheels are lacking a lot of context. So here we go for those of you who haven't ever looked at that one event with rusted wheels and Blue Moon.
Rusted wheels is a post-apocalypse scenario. There isn't a lot of, in world story. Just a lot of backstory. Basically. There's an old theory from game theory before we knew much about the vanny mask. Basically it said that the glitch trap virus or vanny virus would spread like cult. That the game itself was a widespread cult plague that was going to take over the country or something. Clearly that's not how the games went. But that's an idea I latched onto. A virus that takes over the world. Like a zombie virus.
Basically, I took that idea, and made it robotic. It is a nano machine virus that is the glitch trap virus. An awful mix that together brings upon the apocalypse. At first of course it's just robots. But the nanite virus soon figures out how to latch onto flesh. Making was essentially a zombie virus but with metal.
The nanite virus runs off of solar energy. So dark places or at night is actually the best time to wander around. As most of the zombies are powered off. The only type of the virus that would be on, are the ones that took over animatronics. Which have a battery. The nanite virus can also basically take over any sort of machine or metal object. Metal objects of course can't move, but they make a great leaping place to get into hosts.
That of course is just the virus. Now we get on to Sun and Moon.
So unlike what most people might think. Sun and Moon actually come from different Pizza plexes and at different times. Sun is a newer model. With a malleable faceplate and better tech. Moon is an old model. With a still faceplate and old tech, Although he does have the advantage of night time charging. Both Sun and Moon have lost their counterparts through different scenarios.
Sun lost his moon due to the virus. Basically a metallic part has a small window of time before the nanite virus takes hold. The best way to deal with it is to send the assumed affected into a dark area where the nanite virus can die. Unfortunately for robots, that doesn't work because of their battery. So they're best option is to cut off the limb. This is what happened with Suns Moon. He was unlucky enough to get his chip infected, and Sun barely had any time to say goodbye before he ripped himself out for their safety.
Moon was by entirely physical circumstances. Humans of course distrust robots since it's very hard to tell which ones are infected. So their aggression is something robots have to be wary of. Moon and his Sun had been walking around innocently. Unfortunately they got caught in a skirmish. Moon is missing half of his face because he got blasted by a rocket. They're of course was no goodbye, as his Suns chip was immediately exploded to smithereens. Moon became very distrustful of humans after that. Considering them reckless and murderers.
Sun is more of a mechanic/support in this AU. He drives the cart. He fixes the cart. He makes most of their weapons and armor. General busybody. Moon is of course more so their offense. He knows guns, He's got lots of weapons on him. Plus he's a bit of a sneak and usually the ranger that figures out what's happening ahead of them. Usually also helps figure out what the humans are doing, Although of course is not good at dealing with them.
Side note. Despite having no prevalence, vehicles played a big role in this AU. Basically everyone uses vehicles as a form of transportation. It is your livelihood if you don't live in a defended town. So almost everyone has vehicles that are attuned to them. Sun and Moon have a go-kart that they have modified they call the star dancer. The YN can have anything, but my YN rattler has this motorcycle abomination thing.
That is the basics of sun and moon. Now on to rattler.
Rattler is supposed to be YN. So in reality it's a self-insert. But like any good YN, in my reality it's my own self insert. Which usually develops into a character. Rattler is a standard human that is sort of a mechanic. They're more so a rogue fighter that just kind of travels around, and had to become a mechanic for convenience reasons. The one thing they are though, was that they were a trucker. They have this motorcycle thingy. It's basically supposed to be as big as a truck. But works like a chopper from Halo. That tail is free spinning and is a danger to anyone.
And I think that is basically any backstory have. Otherwise it's just sort of a fun world. It's got infinite possibilities. Infinite little fun scenarios. That's why I started doing some dialogue from it. Unlike some of my other works, this one really is just kind of a setting. I feel no need to bake a story because it's supposed to run like your standard continuous TV show. Things just happen because things happen and by the end of the episode the thing is already done. So I might poop out dialogue bits every once in awhile for fun. You're stupid silly and workout in their own way.
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catflowerqueen · 2 years
Among my various other WIPs (and actual papers I have to write for finals), I am now seriously considering doing a “Moon’s consciousness gets lost among the security cams” fic. I even spent most of my downtime at work today outlining exactly how Moon would have gotten to that state and where and when the others would have found his body, as well as some of the early hints he’d start getting as to the fact that he was more than just a camera.
Some of those (spoilery) thoughts include:
-Moon can sort of inhabit two cameras at once, but one of those “cameras” is actually his body—he was designed to be able to split his consciousness like that so that he could retain awareness of his surroundings if he was in pursuit of an invader and having to follow their own movements with the other cameras while he was en route—meaning that he would start to wonder about why he had such a connection to this specific animatronic, especially when he can’t access the “cameras” (i.e, eyes) of any of the other ones.
-Moon would actually be watching the moment where the others found his body (which he’d stashed in one of the ill-used service tunnels, along with a charger), and while they—unaware he was watching—were discussing quietly among themselves about what they should do, he would be idly wondering whether they came to collect the "abandoned, moon-themed animatronic” for scrap, or perhaps for spare parts for the sun-themed one that came down with them, since they look like they could be similar models. Perhaps even some form of sibling AI. And it’s anyone’s guess if these morbid thoughts are due simply to the fact that Moon is rather divorced from a lot of his emotions at this point in time, or if it is some remnant of self-loathing poking through. Not that anyone else is actually aware of this.
-This actually is probably not the first time Moon has gotten lost in the cameras, because I can see a similar thing happening when he was first learning how to use them. This would lead to Sun having a lot more optimism about what is going on, since he and Freddy know how to fix this, having done it last time. It won’t be until later on, when he’s pieced more of the clues together about what led Moon to this state—as well as found out that Freddy legitimately doesn’t remember having helped Moon out that way before—where he starts to dip into the same worry and thoughts that the others had from the beginning that maybe Moon is just staying away deliberately, and that if he truly was lost, then it was by choice. (Which is not entirely true, but also not entirely false? He was staying in the cameras deliberately, yes, but he didn’t actually intend to lose himself in them to the extent that he did)
-Moon is actually really good at sewing—its something he could do during the day to fix toys and things and help keep the daycare running while Sun was in charge of the main area, and it was a quiet enough activity that he could continue doing it during naptime while the kids were sleeping. This means Sun would go to him a lot to fix his own well-loved toys and plushies. And that’s actually why Sun would go looking for Moon in the first place—one of his favorite plushies mysteriously had its head ripped off, and all his attempts to fix it (and then to find a temporary replacement) failed, so he was seeking Moon for help with that. And then happened upon a few disturbing clues that lead to the realization no one had seen Moon in person for quite some time, even though the security reports were still getting done…
-Probably would call it something like “I (Don’t) See the Moon, and the Moon Sees Me.” Unless I wanted to be more vague about what was going on.
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sunny-day-dream · 3 years
Ooh I love angst too ngl.. please give us the angstiest HCs for djmm and sun abd moon, thanks in advance xoxo
Ohhh you want angst? We can do that here.
Warnings: Suicidal thoughts/actions, lots of hurt and no comfort.
You've been warned.
🎶 He doesn't get as many upgrades as the other animatronics (if any at all) and the pizzaplex is trying to phase him out for a newer model that guest will find more appealing. There's currently a countdown on your relationship, though neither of you know it yet.
(It's probably for the best, at least this way you can enjoy the time you have left together without him trying to pull away from you to spare you any pain.)
🎶 Due to issues with his last upgrade, he's unable to speak. He can if he really pushes himself, though it's very painful and damaging to his body. The first and last time you ever heard him speak, it was a garbled, noise filled "-l̷̜̝̲̾́̇o̶̥̍̂͝v̵̦͆e̴͇̔͝ ̸̫̤͇͂͒̌y̷͇̏o̴̟̟̅û̷͉̌͗-" Before he shut down due to overheating and the tax it put on his already under-repaired body.
🎶 He could probably push himself to do it again, and has tried, but you stop him every time, telling him once was enough and that you don't want him to break himself just to tell you something you already know. He's determined though, and thinks you deserve to have at least a partially normal relationship.
🎶 Once (towards the end) when reaching out to grab you, he accidentally knocked you off his stage and was unable to catch you in time. You only got minorly hurt (a few bumps and bruises) but he's refused to make a move to pick you up since, and goes still as a stone when you get close to him in fear of hurting you again. He just watches you sadly, wanting nothing more than to be able to hold you in a form closer to your own size- one he couldn't crush you in.
🎶 Speaking of holding you and being close- Just seeing other couples kiss is enough to almost make this man sob. He wants so badly to be able to express his love for you properly. To be able to kiss you breathless, to hold you tightly in his arms and bury his face in you hair. To make love to you and worship your body.
(If you try and bring up alternatives for this, or try and tell him how you don't mind- he knows. But he minds. He craves that intimacy)
🎶 One day after work, you head onto the dancefloor to go and see him- Only to find the stage empty and a poster advertising their newer model that'll be arriving in a few months. Pray as you might, it's not his AI in the body, and you never see him again.
🎶 (When you check your phone later, all you have is one voicemail that was set to be sent to you on a delay. You have it saved and listen to the distorted "I̵̺͗ ̸͈͑l̶̺̆o̵͝ͅv̴̗͆ḛ̷̏ ̶̞̍ y̷̦̏o̷̥͋ȗ̴͎ ̵̪͐(̵̅ͅy̷̰̿/̸̦̐n̶̖͋)̵̡̀,̵̂ ̵̲̒p̶̞̌l̷̯̈ĕ̷̗ả̸͇š̷͕e̸̜̓ b̸̜͋ę̵̕ ̵͖̆s̷̩̏a̸̮͌f̴̡͆e̸̦͝ ̴̞̕.̶̰̌" every night before bed.)
(It's the only time you'll ever be able to feel close to him again.)
(His last thoughts were of you as he sent it, watching the staff prep the room for his decommission.)
🌗 The first time they get overstimulated/heated and glitch out around you, you panic and try to step in to help. You end up with a scar on your arm, and they NEVER forgive themselves for it. Moon always hesitates to touch you now. It's not super noticeable, but if you know what to look for, you'll see his hands pause before they touch your body.
Sun just gets teary and quiet when he sees it, so you have to wear long sleeve shirts to keep his attention away from the mark.
🌗 The first time they tell you that they love you, one of the other staff members overhears and laughs at them. You have to spend weeks reassuring them that you find them attractive and that they don't need to be a human for you to love them. That you do, in fact, love them too.
They think you're humouring them for awhile, but you do eventually convince them otherwise.
🌗 (Still though, they're never as affectionate in public as they once were. And they'll have a sad look on their faces when they see love confessions in movies or books.)
🌗 As time passes by, they'll either try and distance themselves from you, or become a depressed mess and cling to your every move. You're unsure why, and it stops soon after- you do notice that it comes and goes every few months in waves.
(Someone finally told them about how you'll pass on one day and leave them forever. They don't know what to do about that. Won't admit that there is nothing they can do about it until it's too late to process)
🌗 When you do pass away though, for any reason? They'll follow very soon after. They don't want to live in a world without you, they utterly refuse to. If you've had children (adopted or born), they'll try and hold out for them- but all they see when they look at your child is you and they just. can't. do. it.
(They do so next to your grave, the one place they haven't left since you were lowered inside)
(They had to be by your side, what if you needed them?)
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asherashedwings · 2 years
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Specifically in animatronic form.
Here’s a rough sketch of his base form, without a physical body:
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Headcanon-y stuff and a few doodles under the cut:
Eclipse’s base form is more based off of my designs for the older models of the Daycare Attendents (closer to how they look in game, but like, still with my own bit of self indulgence thrown in. I’ll prolly draw them eventually).
Eclipse can possess basically any kind of electronic, but they prefer ones with screens. I imagine screens kinda work like a window to outside the body, and make it easier to see.
Eclipse’s animatronic body is a tweaked version of Sun’s model. There are quite a few changes, but Sun’s model was the base.
Don’t ask me who made the animatronic body, I have no idea.
Eclipse’s second set of arms, on their animatronic body, are actually Glamrock arms, hence them being smaller and only having four fingers.
Really, Eclipse’s base form can look like whatever, but they usually tend to look similar to Sun and Moon because they’re around them a lot, and they tend to mimic whatever or whoever’s around them.
When their body was being worked on, they would sometimes possess a wet floor sign bot just to have some sort of moving physical body. Since, yknow, arcade cabinets can’t really walk. I have a few drawings of them as a wet floor sign bot, so I might post those later.
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egotheplanet · 5 years
Singles Will Be Paired
(MJ x Peter Parker)
Based on this post - In the form of HCs
Summary: The class is going on a field trip to a small theme park! Peter and MJ find themselves in line for a ride with the intent of going alone. But park regulations are cause for a slight change in plans.
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Seating on the bus goes a little something like: MJ towards the front whilst Peter and Ned are closer to the middle with Flash in the way back (you know, the cool kids spot).
The ride there was a loud one. And by loud I mean it was full of singing, provoking, and a few classic cases of beat making (against the seats and windows nonetheless).
At one point, someone uses the charter bus bathroom much to EVERYONES pleasure. They end up riding with the windows down the rest of the way.
Their supervising teacher puts in headphones for an audio book so everyone starts getting braver with their discussion topics. The bus driver doesn’t even peek back once.
The making of groups once at the theme park.
Obviously Ned and Peter are in a group. MJ in a separate one that she kind of got herded into. Flash in a separate elitist group. They don’t plan on meeting up till the scheduled meeting at the end of the field trip. As soon as the teachers are finished debriefing them of the rules and procedures, the groups split off throughout the park.
Deciding where to go as a group takes a while. Ned whines about having to go to the bathroom and Peter asks why he didn’t use the bus’ bathroom. This prompts everyone to remind him of the kid who shit in the bus toilet.
Ned mentions that there are water rides at the park and they should all put their phones in a locker.
Peter makes a bunch of excuses to do anything but.
“Mr. Stark could call at any time, I shouldn’t put my phone in a day locker!”
“I shouldn’t even be this far from home, he might need me.”
So they decide their first adventure is using the theme park bathrooms. Peter finishes first and ends up awkwardly waiting on everyone else, Ned comes out all sunscreened up. Complete with a bucket hat and sunglasses. Not to mention the classic lifeguard bit of sunscreen on his nose.
“What? You won’t be poking fun when you’re painfully sun-kissed and I remain in tact.”
It took forever for the group to pick a ride. Upon arrival, the realize the wait is at least 65 minutes long
Another group arrives at the same time. MJs group. Their groups harbor different friends so they intermingle as they join the line.
They spend what feels like ages waiting so the two groups make up games to pass time. Strangers in line look slightly annoyed but just keep to their phones.
“I spy with my little eye... Something red.”
“If you point out the estimated wait time sign one more time we’re kicking you out of our group, Ned.”
At the 38 minute mark, half the group gives up and decides to go wait in the attached gift shop. Peter jokes about being betrayed since Ned is first to quit which prompted a lot of the others to agree.
“We waited way longer for The Last Jedi premiere!”
“Peter. One thing changed my life. The other might make me hurl.” He pats him on the shoulder as he makes his way out of the line. “See ya on the other side pal.”
At the 46 minute mark all that’s left is Peter and MJ which results in banter about who gets to ride first since it’s unclear who got to the line before the other.
Once they are near the front, a sign comes into view that says “Singles Will Be Paired”.
They both get in and try to keep to opposite ends at all costs. And then with the climbing of the ride, begin to sarcastically chat about the scenery.
A couple seconds in, they realize it’s a slow log ride with multiple SMALL drops.
“The map said it was called ‘Rapid Waterfall Canyon’. That’s a pretty misleading name, don’t you think?”
“Well according to the map, this ride is the oldest in the park. I guess the small drops felt big back in the day. Maybe you should ask your friend Captain America what he thinks of it.”
They spend the whole ride laughing at the animatronics and talking about how the kids in their class could make clearer movements. They quickly become comfortable in one another’s presence.
After that gets old, they start pointing out which animatronic characters they look like.
“That sickly squirrel must have been modeled after you, Parker.”
“Funny, I was thinking that vulture carrying it off bared a striking resemblance to you, MJ.”
At the end of the less than exciting adventure, the groups are waiting for them .
They look around the gift shop before realizing the ride took a photo at the ‘biggest’ drop.
They both wait for each other to walk away before both buying the photo separately (in secret).
The groups say their goodbyes as they part ways to enjoy the rest of the day since their respective groups had two different rides in mind.
Peter shows Ned the photo and Ned immediately teases him about it which ensues defensive Peter.
“It’s not like that, Aunt May told me to get at least 1 souvenir and I doubt I’ll ride anything else since the lines are so long.”
On the bus ride back home MJ sits closer to Peter, much to his surprise (and dare I say glee).
She starts to trash talk how scared he was on the log ride which ensues exhausted banter as the rest of their groups join in on the conversation.
It ends abruptly when Ned blurts out, “Peter didn’t look scared in the photo.”
They’re visibly embarrassed whilst sheepishly admitting to one another they bought the photo— but ONLY for each other’s stupid expressions!
“Maybe I’ll submit it to yearbook in retaliation for your snide comments all day.”
“Do that and I’ll submit it as your funeral photo, Parker.”
Their shared day ends with the bus parking at school.
They’re both smiley as they wave goodbye and walk to their respective homes.
Needless to say, both photos are framed and on display on two very different dressers.
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