#⍣ ;;  yeah i heard they say we should stay home; but fortune always favours the bold ☾ steven visage
enneadchosen · 2 years
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bestie-enthusiast · 3 years
Chapter 1: First (Proper) Meetings
This is the first proper chapter of my PTA! Dad Zemo fanfiction, and the 3rd of 11 chapters. The chapter is located under the cut.
Chapter word count: 4265
Fic Summary:
After the untimely death of both his wife and father due to a bombing, Baron Helmut Zemo takes his son and immigrates to America. He does not expect to find a family nor a romantic partner, and he especially does not expect to find the ability to heal. To grieve.
And yet, here we are.
This is a story about connections, growing, healing and mourning the past while still appreciating the future and all it has to offer.
One Year Later
“Come on now, my sonnenschein. AJ and Cass are most certainly already waiting for you.” Zemo told his son as he dragged him out the door. Carl had been having dreams (memories, blood, dust-) about his mother lately, and it had been difficult for both of them, especially considering the new school year was about to begin.
“Yes, papa.” Carl muttered sleepily, getting in and buckling himself when his father told him too. It wasn’t a particularly flashy car, but it did scream luxury, Zemo didn’t particularly care about the coincidental bragging though. He drove Carl to school in silence, letting his son have a few minutes of rest while he did the same. He didn’t sleep of course, just took a few moments to calm himself. It was stressful helping Carl process his dreams (memories, memories, memories-), let alone discussing his late wife. Carl wasn’t young enough when she died to forget her, and he couldn’t decide whether that was fortunate or not.
Zemo sighed and perfectly parked yet again, helping a just-awakened Carl out of the car and handing him his school bag. Now that his school was in sight, Carl had perked up a bit, rushing his papa along rather than the other way around. Zemo watched carefully as he rushed over to AJ and Cass, before looking around for Sarah.
He smiled when he saw her, then grimaced when he noticed who she was talking to. Fucking Carol. Nevertheless, he made his way over. He needed to play nice with Carol in order to keep his role in the Parent-Teacher Association.
“Ladies, always a pleasure.” He greeted with a smirk, which turned into more of a smile at Sarah’s hidden huff of laughter.
“Oh hello, Baron Zemo.” Carol greeted flirtatiously, and he had to hide the way his smile faltered with a glance toward the playground.
“Just Zemo works fine, Mrs. West.” He told her. While he was aware of his title and it’s connections, he did not want to flaunt it, just like his riches. He wanted Carl to live as normal a life as possible, which meant that he would have to do the same, not that he wanted much to do with what his future would have entailed without the unfortunate status of Sokovia. Sarah let out another huff of laughter.
Suddenly a new voice joined them. “Excuse me,” The man said, gently manervouring through them. Zemo knew immediately who it was from the voice, and even if he didn’t, the metal prosthetic was more than enough of a give away.
“It’s fine,” he heard himself say faintly, letting his eyes flicker down the man's whole body. James Barnes was a very attractive man, he thought to himself.
“Shit, I’m sorry. Just in a bit of a rush this morning.” He didn’t leave any time for a reply as he rushed into the school, fumbling with the stack of boxes he was carrying in his arms. Zemo stared at him behind the entire time until he was out of view. He knew he was blushing but he couldn’t help it.
“Well, well, well…” Sarah commented, a sly grin on her face. Carol looked rather huffy though, and cut her off.
“How disrespectful! He shouldn’t even be allowed near the children with his “PTSD.” And that metal arm, I mean think of the children! They shouldn’t know about it, and he should get a more realistic one. That would be far better for the children, not confusing them with his… robot arm.” Carol ranted angrily, her face growing a rather unpleasant shade of red.
“Carol!” One of the playground supervisors shouted in their general direction. “Hunter had another accident!” Carol stormed over in yet another huff, and both Zemo and Sarah let out a sigh of relief.
“I don’t know where she gets off being all high and mighty like that.” Sarah complained, before her mouth turned into a sly grin once again. “But I do know where you're getting off.” Zemo let out an undignified snort of laughter, covering his mouth in horror as he realised what he had done.
“I have no idea what you mean!” He protested. Sarah was very much like a sister to him, and she was also the reason he was on the PTA board. He enjoyed going to the meetings, especially when it came to fundraisers and budgets for prizes. He wasn’t the type to flaunt his wealth, but in the cases of donations? He would totally out-pay every other parent out there.
“Uh-huh, and you weren’t just ogling at your kid’s teacher’s butt?” She asked teasingly. The bell rang, cutting off their conversation. Despite the fact that it had been a year at this point, he still flinched at the loud, shrill sounding bell that signalled the start of the school day.
“Of course not! That would be incredibly impolite.” He retorted, smiling even as he protested her words. “It is good to see you again, Sarah.” He said quietly as they both watched their children line up together.
“You too, Zee.” She replied, just as soft. “And don’t think I didn’t see those bags under your eyes. Pick up your act or I’ll smack some sense into you.” Zemo ducked his head and blushed at both the nickname and the vaguely threatening nag to take care of himself.
“Apologies, I will ensure that you will not need to “smack some sense into me.” He assured her, knowing that he wasn’t actually going to do anything to sleep better, simply invest in some concealer. He felt bad planning to deceive Sarah like this, but he really was okay, so it didn’t matter. All he was doing was preventing her from worrying, that was a favour, right?
Once all the children were inside the school, he and Sarah said their goodbyes. He walked over to his car, and once in the privacy of it’s tinted windows, dropped his head and took in a deep, shuddering breath. He had no idea how he was going to stay awake and aware through the PTA meeting later that day. It was to discuss how the first day had gone and such, but Zemo really couldn’t care less, especially considering he already had a full day of work ahead of him.
Sighing, he turned on his car and drove home. Oeznik greeted him and took the car keys and his coat. Zemo muttered a thanks and headed to his office, spreading a fake grin on his face as he began his day of online meetings and phone meetings with his accountants, lawyers and business personnel.
The hours dragged by slowly, and he was thankful when the time came to pick Carl up from school. He had gotten Oeznik to go out and purchase him some expensive, good quality concealer, which he generously applied over his eye bags. Once he was satisfied with his appearance, he took his coat and keys from Oeznik, and headed to pick up Carl. Oeznik came along so that he could drive Carl home and Zemo could stay for the PTA meeting. He would either walk or call a car home, whichever he was feeling in the aftermath of the meeting.
Oeznik drove, which Zemo was grateful for, not trusting himself to not fall asleep at the wheel. He dozed slightly on the short drive to the school, but never for more than a few minutes. Oeznik quietly called out when they had arrived, and Zemo gracefully stepped from the car, looking every ounce of the baron that he was, and not an exhausted single-dad who was still mourning his wife and probably needed therapy.
“Thank you Oeznik,” he murmured quietly in his native tongue. He was still fluent, as were Oeznik and Carl. Even though Sokvia had technically fallen as a country, cannibalized by its neighbouring countries and removed from the map.
He plastered on a fake smile and took his place beside Sarah in waiting. She was talking to someone on the phone, once he heard the name he knew it was her brother. Sam Wilson. He did not know much about him, just that he left whatever he was doing to join Sarah in raising his nephews.
“Everything okay?” He asked, carefully making sure none of the residual tiredness leaked into his voice. Sarah was very observant when it came to the health of the people around her, so he couldn’t let her see anything at all. No signs that he was unwell in any way. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her, he did. He just- this was something he needed to deal with himself. He could comfort Carl and talk, he could. It was easier. He could tell Carl that it was okay to cry, that they could talk for as long as he’d like, as much as he’d like, tell him that acceptance wasn’t easy, that it was going to be okay. But when it came to himself, none of that applied.
He should be strong enough to handle it, handle everything. If he couldn’t handle it himself, then how was he meant to help Carl? He needed to stay strong.
He was broken out of his thoughts when Sarah responded. “Yeah, we’re just a bit tight on money at the moment, but Sam is insisting we need to keep the goddamn boat. And don’t you dare go offering anything, we’re fine.” Zemo pursed his lips but nodded, already mentally planning how he was going to get Sarah to accept help; he could, after all, provide more than just financial aid.
The bell rang, he had to make an actual effort to flinch this time, he was very tired, and felt disoriented. Sarah laughed at him, which means he must have done a good job. He blinked harshly a few times to clear his blurring vision. He just had to get through the meeting, or maybe he could skip it and just give the school a generous donation to “help” them forget about it. But then Sarah would worry, so he would suffer through it.
AJ and Cass came rushing out, with Carl trailing behind them, clearly tired. Although he perked up once his papa waved at him. He rushed at him, and just like always, Zemo scooped him up and gave him a hug, before gently setting him on the ground. The PTA meeting technically started fifteen minutes after the school day let out, but most members took longer, and no one ever commented, except Carol, because they all had kids, or taught kids, and understood.
Zemo led Carl over to the car, helping him in and telling Oeznik that Carl could take a short nap before completing any school work. Oeznik nodded and Zemo started his walk back down to the school. The secretary buzzed him in before he could even ask, and he gave her a polite smile as he made his way over to the teachers lounge turned PTA meeting room. He blinked heavily, staring at the door for a second. He was contemplating just turning around when he heard a voice behind him.
“Are you just going to stand there or…?” It was James, and Zemo blinked again, struggling to find his voice.
“My apologies.” He replied quietly, “Just debating whether or not I want to deal with Carol today.” He quipped, opening the door for James to enter. He put on his best smile and straightened his posture. It was time to put on his mask of “Insufferable PTA dad who knows he’s better than you.”
The only other people here so far were staff and Carol, who was sitting in the seat directly beside his usual one. His smile grew even faker and more tense as he reluctantly sat down. Carol was the type of rich person who flaunted it, even though she had never actually had a job before, and all of her money was from her father and her husband's father.
“Hey, Helmut~” She said in a flirtatious voice, and he couldn’t hold back the flinch at her butchered pronunciation of his first name. She said it like an American, not the way it was meant to be pronounced in its language of origin.
“Hello, Mrs. West.” He greeted quietly, hoping that she wouldn’t be like this the whole time. “And like I’ve said numerous times before this, it is just Zemo.” He hoped that she would finally accept the fact that he preferred to be referred to as just his last name, but that hope was quickly crushed.
“But I like Helmut!” She shouted, pouting, once again butchering the pronunciation. He inhaled and exhaled slowly, calming himself. He had to stay polite and perfect. He had an image to maintain.
“Mrs. West-” He began, but was cut off by a snort.
“Your name is Helmut?” James asked incredulously, looking at him in exasperation. “What kind of rich person name is that?”
Zemo took another breath to calm and compose himself. “That is not the correct pronunciation, and it is not a traditionally “rich person” name as you put it, Mr. Barnes.” Zemo gently corrected, trying not to let any anger seep through his carefully constructed words. “And I prefer to go by my last name. Just my last name. Zemo.”
James hummed in consideration, and Carol let out a huff at her flirtations having fallen short. Zemo struggled to keep his eyes open in the lull of conversation as they waited for their final members, Sarah among them.
When Sarah arrived she took the seat on the other side of him, and he almost cried in relief at having a familiar, friendly face. It seemed that while James was nice to look at, he had some sort of dislike for upper-class people, which Zemo knew was not uncommon. Not that it didn’t hurt, being judged for something he personally had no control over.
But that's beside the point. The meeting started, and people started talking. Zemo kept himself awake by repeatedly pinching his hand, squeezing the soft flesh tightly everytime his focus started to slip. Several of the mothers attending tried to make flirty conversation with him, but he politely shut them down. All of them were married women, and he was not going to get involved with a married woman. Nor any woman for that matter, or man. He was not planning on ever seeking out a long term connection, not after Heike.
The meeting dragged on and Zemo, while occasionally participating, mostly stayed quiet. It wasn’t as though he was extraordinarily vocal at these meetings anyway, but he was more quiet than normal.
“I know you think I’m a dream but pinching yourself is not the right way to prove it.” A husky voice murmured to him. He looked over to see that Carol had physically gotten up to rant at some point, and James had taken her seat.
Zemo blinked in confusion. He was pretty sure James was flirting with him, which seemed unlikely, considering the man's attitude when they last spoke.
“More like this meeting is a nightmare I want to wake up from,” he replied, keeping voice as quiet as James. Carol had grown louder in her shrieking and it was giving him a headache. Well, at least now he couldn’t sleep even if he wanted to.
“Carol.” He said just loud enough to interrupt her and gain everyone else's attention, but he did not yell. Yelling was unfitting of a man of his stature. Baron’s do not yell, they command a room with silence, or with patience and a steady voice.
“Yes, Zemo?” Carol asked, eyes going half lidded and practically turning into hearts. He gave her a patient smile back, like she was a toddler too excited to wait.
“I’m afraid I have a rather potent headache at the moment,” he said, perfectly coaching his expression into something a tad more vulnerable than normal. “And I would greatly appreciate it if you could keep your-” ‘temper tantrum’ he thought to himself “-louder ideas, for the next meeting?” He pushed as much pain and tiredness into his eyes and smile as he could, which was a lot at the current moment.
Carol looked properly scolded and shrunk in slightly. “Sorry, Zemo.” She said quietly, sitting in James' original seat since he was still in hers.
“It’s fine. Thank you.” He replied, giving her a tight smile. He could feel everyone's eyes on him, and hoped it was because he got Carol to be quiet and not because of his admission of a headache. He could feel James staring at him, so he looked at him, tilted his head so that only James could see his face, and gave him a smirk. He hoped it wasn’t too obviously fake, and it seemed like it was real enough because James let out a huff of laughter (and oh how that made his heart soar) and turned away.
The meeting continued on for a while longer before everyone packed up. He had recorded the audio of the whole meeting on his phone, so he didn’t worry about missing anything. He was looking forward to listening to Carol’s rant a second time, but he did catch James’ laughter. He smiled giddily at the thought.
“What made you so happy?” Sarah asked from behind him as they were leaving the school.
“I got Carol to shut up.” He responded, biting his lip. He knew that if Sarah knew the true reason behind his smile she would never drop it.
“Uh huh.” She replied teasingly, before saying her goodbyes. They parted ways and he decided to walk home. He had just started walking when he heard loud, fast approaching footsteps behind him. He instinctively stepped out of the way and put himself into a loose fighting stance. Despite his now good mood, he was still very much sleep deprived and high strung. Thankfully the person, who he saw was Carol, had not attempted to grab him in any way. If she had, he probably would have broken her arm, or at the very least tried too.
“Hey Zeze!” Carol shouted, and he winced, both at the nickname and her shrill voice.
“Just Zemo, Mrs. West. And what can I do for you?” He asked, still perfectly polite. He would not allow himself to be anything but perfectly polite in any situation, public or otherwise.
“Well I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving you after you declared having such a horrific headache!” She declared, following just a step behind him as he started to speed walk towards his home. Then realised if he led her to his house she would never stop showing up. He pulled out his phone and called Oeznik, ignoring Carol when she asked what he was doing.
“Oeznik, come pick me up. A lady won’t leave me alone. She is not a threat, but a nuisance.” He explained, talking in Sokovian as to not insult Carol in a language she could understand. Carol was quiet as he talked to Oeznik, who said he’d bring a car right away.
“Thank you, old friend.” Zemo replied and hung up. “My apologies Carol, it was a serious matter. My butler will be around shortly to pick me up, so I’m afraid we’ll have to cut this conversation short.” She blinked and he noticed how she seemed dazed when he mentioned his butler. Was she not as rich as he thought?
“Whatever.” Carol huffed insolently, and strutted away. Zemo let himself relax just a little bit, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He flinched when someone put a hand on his shoulder and reflexively defended himself. His vision was blurry and he was almost certain he was a minute away from passing out, but he could not allow himself to get caught off guard.
“Woah!” The person exclaimed, and Zemo blinked. “Hey, it’s okay. You’ve just been standing here awhile, I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Zemo stared at the person, it was James. He had just attacked James after staring at nothing like an insane person.
“M-My apologies.” He stuttered out, “I am just waiting for my ride. You startled me.” Zemo had no idea how to explain what was actually going on. How do you tell your son’s teacher that you haven't slept for more than a few hours a night for almost a month and were practically delirious with sleep deprivation, which had caused you to disassociate, and then when he touched your shoulder your brain thought he was a Nazi so it made you flip out? That's right. You don’t. “Mm. Well since we’re both already here, I wanted to talk to you about Carl?” Zemo froze, had something happened? “I read the note you sent with him and just wanted to let you know that the school has a counseling program that I am required to recommend.” James continued with a huff of laughter at the end.
“Well thank you, but I assure you and your requirements that Carl is already seeing a licensed therapist.” Zemo replied. Despite the rocky start to the conversation, just being around James made his heart and head happy.
“Are you?”
“Parodon?” Zemo asked, tilting his head in confusion.
“Are you seeing a therapist?” James clarified. Zemo blinked in shock. No one had asked him that before. Well Oeznik had, but not again once Zemo had told him no. His entire world revolved around Carl and keeping him happy, so wasting time and resources on therapy for himself would be pointless.
“No.” Zemo answered, keeping it short and to the point. He was not, and it was not up for debate.
“I see.” James responded, pursuing his lips. “This may be out of line, but I don’t particularly care. Have you considered seeing a therapist? I think it might benefit your son if he saw that you were also actively taking measures to keep your mental health in a good place.” Zemo blinked, having to make an actual effort to keep the smile on his face.
“Well, thank you for your opinion. I will take it into consideration.” He wouldn’t but that doesn’t matter. It would keep James happy and Carl would stay happy, and he wouldn’t be happy but what does that matter? Keeping everyone else happy was key to staying in control.
“Right.” James sounded like he didn’t believe him, but Oeznik pulled up right after. Zemo held out his hand for a shake.
“It was nice conversing with you, Mr. Barnes. Please, do let me know if you have any more concerns regarding Carl.” Zemo said as James shook his hand.
“Of course, and just Bucky, please.”
Zemo nodded and ducked into the passenger seat of the car. Oeznik was in the driver's seat, and Carl was sitting in the back. As Carl started to excitedly tell him all about his day, Zemo allowed himself to drift into a semi-conscious state.
When they arrived back home, Oeznik started on dinner preparations and Zemo went over all of Carl’s school work with him, before sending him off to play in his room until dinner. After checking in on Carl, who was playing superheroes, he headed into his office. While everything regarding the legal side of his finances and immigrant status in the US was technically complete, he still had to manage his own finances and continue adding to Carl’s trust fund. There was always work to be done, especially when you were a baron. So while waiting for dinner, he worked on some paperwork. The mindless task felt numbing, in a good way. It was simple, but he did need to be present for it, meaning that his brain was flooded by words and numbers instead of thoughts of Sokovia and his wife. Oeznik called for both him and Carl, so he gracefully exited his office, intercepting Carl on the way down to tell him to go wash his hands. He waited for his son, before they walked down the stairs together and into the private dining room. They had a dining hall for guests and meetings, but also a family dining room for their everyday meals. Today Zemo quietly asked Oeznik to stay, which he did. They enjoyed a family dinner, and Zemo could feel his emotional state improving every minute he spent with his son.
After dinner was completed, Zemo ran a bath for Carl and kept an ear on him while finishing up some paperwork. Once Carl had finished Zemo helped him get dressed, brushed his hair and sent him to go brush his teeth. After Carl had done that, he tucked him in and quietly told him stories about Sokovia, speaking Sokovian of course. Carl quickly fell asleep and Zemo just watched him for a few minutes, soaking in every detail of his perfect son.
He took a long shower, letting the water wash away the pains of his day. He completed his extensive skin care routine and eventually found his way into bed. He stared up at his ceiling for a long time, just thinking.
It took quite some time, but he did manage to fall asleep, for a few hours at least. Carl slept through the whole night for once, but he didn't. He woke up only a few hours after he had initially fallen asleep and had been unsuccessful in his attempts to fall back asleep. He sighed, and headed into his office.
If he couldn’t sleep, then he might as well work.
Tagging @morganbritton132 (Who created this AU) and @i-ll-be-the-moon (Who is a supportive friend and likes my writing <3)
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rvmmm21 · 3 years
[ V V S her diamonds ] – ch 03.
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[4:15 p.m.] Disappointment tweaks at Seungwan’s heart when she peers through the huge glass window of their study cafe and sees no Bae Joohyun. 
. . . . .
A group of students are huddled in the back, bent over open textbooks, laptops and scattered stationary. 
Yerimie, Saeron, Seul, wow, there’s Jennie sunbaenim. And she spies Sooyoung sunbaenim balancing a tray of various caffeine-injected drinks back to the table.
A sad sigh escapes her lips. Perhaps she’s l–
Oh my g– what the–?! Seungwan screams, whipping around in shock at the fingers gently resting on the back of her shoulder. She’s met with a slightly surprised Joohyun, standing there wearing a cream Jute blouse tucked into denim jeans, twinkling eyes and endless amusement etched into rosebud lips. 
“S-Sunbae!” She exclaims, grasping her chest to calm her rapid-fire heart. “Y-You’re here, I was just–”
What, peering through the glass, looking for you like a creep? 
“It’s fine,” Joohyun chuckles, adjusting her hold on the stack of thick notebooks cradled in her arm and motioning for the younger girl to lead the way. “Let’s go. This is heavy.”
Thursdays might’ve found an unexpected favour with Son Seungwan.
Busy eyes move from annotating to the two girls urgently making their way over, the students lifting their heads at Seungwan’s warm greeting. 
“Sorry we’re late,” she sincerely apologises. 
Jennie knowingly eyes her friend. “Not surprised.” 
Joohyun raises her a playfully challenging brow before slipping into the free seat next to Sooyoung at the end of the table, right across her partner.
“You ordering anything, Wan?” Seulgi asks between highlighting her page, offering her and Joohyun biscuits in individually wrapped aluminium packets.
Joohyun takes one and Seungwan nibbles on the edge of her biscuit, deep in thought. The group soon slips into the robotic rhythm of monochromatic scribbling, greyscale note-taking, typing, and intermittent snacking. Jennie slips away to order small desserts for everyone at the table. They thank her with shocked bows and hungry stares, unable to settle on one in the garland of appetising coloured treats on the tiny table.
“Sunbae, you’re like Santa Claus,” Seulgi happily attacks the New York baked cheesecake. “When did you order this? It’s like we were asleep and we just woke up to presents!”
Her bearish enthusiasm has an observant Sooyoung unconsciously smiling around her fork.
As the group tucks in, Seungwan thinks a group study date is the safest she can be in terms of being on the receiving end of any more of her senior’s teasing mannerisms.
Fortunately, Joohyun always surprises her.
A little later on, they’re discussing the historical impact of contemporary Korean literature. Right in the middle of a sentence, Seungwan’s concentration is shattered by a deep blush of raspberry when she feels a feather-light graze against her right Adidas sweatpant leg. She chokes, almond eyes shooting up from messy essay notes, silently begging for mercy. But of course, Joohyun’s serene, unbothered expression gives nothing away as she continues to ask for her opinion as though Seungwan is crazy for looking like a flustered mess. 
The frazzled junior doesn’t know what makes her head spin more; the fact that Joohyun, composed as ever, initiated a game of footsie right under both their friends’ noses in public… or that she secretly enjoys it.
Not that she’ll ever admit to the latter.
Small fists corkscrew the sleeves of her sky-blue Chrome Hearts hoodie as the desperation to hide the cherry-blossom tint in her cheeks builds.
. . . . .
It’s past midnight by the time they’re done, and everyone bids goodbye with ‘Z’s coming out of their ears. Much to everyone’s surprise, Sooyoung and Seulgi got along pretty well this evening and the taller girl had hastily agreed when Seulgi suggested they visit her favourite boba place. Yerim and Saeron were late for their movie, and Jennie was spending the weekend at her girlfriends’.
“Wait, are we dumb? Why did we book this now,” Saeron asks incredulously, “aren’t you gonna get wrecked by grumpy ajumma? Curfew ended like ten minutes ago.”
“Ah who cares, she’s always like that,” Yerim retorts with a dismissive wave. “I could fill a prison wall with how many strikes she’s given me and Seungwan and Seulgi unnie.” She slings an arm over Saeron’s shoulder, urging them to hurry. “C’mon, ads don’t take forever.”
“Wan-ah,” Seulgi calls back as she’s being dragged away by an eager Sooyoung, “if you order pizza can you leave some out for me!”
“Yeah, yeah. Enjoy. Don’t wake me up.”
“Hyun-ah, you sure you’re not coming?” Jennie’s sleek midnight-black Vetements cardigan blends with the hues of the night sky, giving away how late it is. She swipes into her messages. “Chaeng said she doesn’t mind.” 
Joohyun laughs with mock disgust. “Thanks Jen, but I’m not crashing your date-nights anymore, thank you very much. I saw enough the last time, my eyes can’t take that kind of stuff.”
Waving goodbye, Jennie and Chaeyoung speed off, leaving Seungwan wondering what ‘kind of stuff’ Joohyun could be referring to.
The pair are drawn to the horribly lit bus stop and just about the only source of light for miles. 
Seungwan yawns silently, but she doesn’t mind waiting with Joohyun. It’s late and although her apartment is in the opposite direction, she’d be at ease knowing her friend got home safely.
The darkness is engulfing, allowing an overhead street lamp to bathe them in its flicking spotlight like stars in a West End Production. 
“We were pretty productive today, sunbae,” the younger tries to make conversation to fill the space between them. “Do you wanna come for next week’s session too?”
“Sure,” comes the reply. “Thanks for waiting with me. When’s your ride getting here? We should’ve booked at the same time.”
Seungwan nervously scratches the back of her neck, crinkling her worksheets in her grip. “Uh, I’m just walking home tonight actually.”
“Oh? Do you live closeby?” she asks in surprise, assuming they were both waiting for taxis.
“Ah, yes, I’m just– it’s just down there.”
Joohyun narrows her eyes suspiciously. “Down there… where.”
“Just a quick walk, past… past the duck pond,” the girl mumbles, staring down at her shoes.
“Q-Quick? Quick?” Joohyun stutters, malfunctioning at their severely clashing definitions of ‘close’. A delicate fist draws back and Seungwan flinches, Bae Joohyun looking closer and closer to doing what she did to Lucas to her poor, startled junior. “The duck pond near uni? Yah, Son Seungwan, that’s almost a twenty minute walk from here.” 
“Fifteen if I have my speed walking playlist on,” Seungwan tries, but she isn’t listening.
“A lot of dangerous things can happen in twenty minutes, you know.” She hurriedly unlocks her phone and clicks into the KakaoTaxi app, altering the destination to add a stop and shoving it into reluctant hands. “Hurry, put your address in.” 
Seungwan so badly wants to politely decline, not confident in her ability to sit in a moving vehicle with such a pretty person without hurling herself out the window at top speeds. But the latter’s glare dares her to try.
With shaky fingers, she successfully types in her address after three tries and hands it back. Joohyun checks it and confirms the change. Seungwan wants to comment on how her frantic nature is actually really endearing, but she resists, thinking she’s still cooling off from it.
“Thank you, sunbae,” she bows instead. She even tries to insist she pay her share of the ride, but Joohyun refuses, saying it’s what she gets for thinking it was a good idea to walk home alone.
Finally, a black Sedan pulls up to the curb and the driver winds down his window. “KakaoBlack for Bae Joohyun?” He checks, looking as ready as both girls are to go home and crash for the night. 
The girl nods, opening the door for Seungwan to get into the backseat and climbing in after her.
Grand streaks of neon dance across the car windows, falling behind as quickly as they appear. Seungwan tears her gaze from the rapid city lights when she hears her name. 
An almost child-like excitement masks Joohyun’s usually steely features when Seungwan hums questioningly, not having heard what she’d said. “I said unnie,” she repeats, “you should call me unnie now that we’re closer. Honestly, I wanted to correct you this evening, but I never got the chance to. Aish, everyone was so noisy.”
The topic of noise has Joohyun distracted, suddenly popping off on a tangent about how sound-proof couple study rooms should be integrated in cafes and student-dense areas alike. But Seungwan finds it hard to focus on anything other than those glowing eyes and that tiny, lopsided smile.
For the rest of the journey, the two exchange stories of their university life experiences, life outside classrooms and even a few laughs; mostly on Joohyun’s part at how Seungwan seems to have the most prankish roommates slash best friends in the world. She loses it at ‘carbonara shampoo’, finding the idea wickedly genius and hilariously absurd altogether. Uncontrollable cackling booms in the backseat and Seungwan can’t help but giggle too, ears saturated with Joohyun’s chimerical laughter.
Eventually, the street lights and the houses start looking familiar and they’re pulled into a student apartment lobby before either of them knows where the time went. Joohyun can see the grumpy ajumma at reception wearing a frown, but she doesn't know it’s because someone’s gone over curfew. Again.
“Goodnight Seungwan.”
“Goodnight… unnie.” Seungwan wishes, ignoring the way their new closeness unfolds her heart like a secretly passed note. “Stay safe, and message me when you get back!”
Making to get out of the car, she flinches when she’s unable to fully stand up. Gulping, she glances over her shoulder to see Joohyun holding her back by her bag straps. In her sleepy state, the younger can’t tell if that intently searching gaze is serious or not.
“By the way, when you were looking into the cafe from outside this evening, you weren’t checking Jennie or Sooyoung out, were you?”
Seungwan shakes her head truthfully. “Why?”
“Good.” A cat-like smirk graces her lips and Seungwan’s stomach drops. “Just making sure.”
. . . . .
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adriannasharp · 4 years
Fake Dating Fic Sneak Peek!
So about two years ago, @minakosaino posted on here that she needed a fake dating fic with Minako and Kunzite and the wheels in my head began turning. Today, I finally finished my first draft of this fic (because I very much need to write a full fic before I post it or there will be so many plot holes). For now, I’m going to let it sit for a while before I go back to edit it but in the meantime, have the first draft of chapter one! Enjoy!!
Minako sat, staring out the window. The bullet train rumbled ever so quietly as it turned through the Japanese countryside. It was a beautiful day. The sun was bright and she knew it would be hot on her skin when she stepped outside of the air conditioned passenger car. A binder sat in her lap, open to a seemingly random page but she couldn’t focus on it anymore. There was only so much of Kunzite’s life she could take in before she felt the need to gag. And no, that was not the fault of the train, as it was smoother than anything.
It was no secret to their friends that Minako and Kunzite did not like each other. If they didn’t share their circle of friends, they would most certainly never be seen together but, such is life, or however that saying goes.They were always on opposite sides of discussions and he mocked her at every chance he could. Of course, she would throw fire right back at him. He was just so arrogant and serious and never any fun.  Fortunately, after one too many rather public fights, they silently agreed that they should just stop ever talking to each other unless something nice could be said. After that, they barely spoke and always made an effort to sit as far apart as possible whenever there was a group get together. She still wasn’t sure how she would get through a whole weekend with him.
It was a few weeks prior that he asked her for a favour. She was hesitant, of course. What kind of favour could you ask of someone you don’t like? Well, it turned out he needed a date.
As the train curved past a small town, she recalled the conversation.
“You want me to be your date to a wedding?”
Kunzite’s face was its usual stoicness. Of course. He never did show emotion, after all.
“Yes. My little sister’s wedding.” He was silent after those words, hoping that was going to be enough but the disbelief on her face said that she needed more information. “If you must know, my mother has been...pestering me for some time about my single status. She has been rather insistent about me finding someone so I told her several months ago that I was seeing someone. Unfortunately I did not take into account bringing this fictitious woman to my sister’s wedding.”
“And you chose me?” Minako said somewhere in between mockery and confusion.
“Yes.” His face was in disbelief as well. “Unfortunately, my mother knows my friends and their significant others too well for me to utilize one of them. And it would be incredibly inappropriate to ask someone from my work.”
Right. He was a bigshot partner at some law firm and everyone he worked with worked under him. Yeah, she supposed that would be weird. And he was such a damn workaholic that he really didn’t have time for anyone else outside of his usual circle. But there were other things he could do.
“And before you say anything derogatory, no, I will not hire someone from an escort service.”
Damn. How did he know she was thinking that?
She looked him over. He looked surprisingly genuine with his turned down eyes and, was he fidgeting? Hmmm.
“What’s in it for me?”
“I would pay for the whole weekend, of course. And outside of the wedding itself and the rehearsal dinner, we can completely avoid each other.”
Minako eyed him skeptically.
“That's it?”
“And,” Kunzite continued as if it pained him to continue, “my firm recently gained a new client. If the weekend goes well, I could arrange a meeting with Minami Ogawa.”
Minako eyes popped. “The casting director?!”
It was true that Minako had been trying for years to get her big break in the entertainment industry. Her friends knew it, their partners knew it, and, of course, Kunzite knew it. This could make her career. But she also didn't want to quite admit defeat yet so she reigned in her excitement for one more clause to the deal.
“And you'll pay for two new dresses for me for the weekend?”
“Yes. I can’t wear the same dress twice in one weekend. You want me to look presentable, don't you?”
Kunzite sighed before holding his hand out. “Deal.”
Minako pulled out of her reverie. She tried to enjoy the summer sights but she couldn’t. She looked back down at the binder in her lap and mock gagged. She had insisted that they just wing it but he disagreed. He had to make things so much more complicated, as usual. She had met boyfriend’s parents before and she always come off lovely and charming and promising the mother she would keep in touch. It would be easy. Instead of winging it, he made a comprehensive binder listing details that he felt she should know. You know, things a girlfriend would know. How they met (common friends, at least he stuck with that one), where they had their first date (Ginza Sky Lounge), their second date (Jindai Botanical Gardens), the first movie they saw together (some pretentious Western movie she had never heard of), his family (both parents still alive and one soon to be wed little sister), and it went on.
At first, she tried to look at this as an opportunity to practice her acting skills. Surely, a weekend of playing a doting girlfriend would be good practice, right? At first, she took the binder with enthusiasm, determined to learn her part. But then, as she got further into the details, she found it harder and harder to continue. The thought of dating Kunzite was just…weird. And as the date loomed closer, she found herself pushing the binder away. But she was due at the station in under an hour and if she wanted to woo Kunzite’s family and get that meeting with Ogawa, she had to learn the last few pages quickly.
The wedding was in a small town a two hour train ride outside of Tokyo. They were staying at a hot springs inn a little ways from the station and the wedding was in some nearby hall she had never heard of. Well, that was probably because she didn’t venture much outside of Tokyo.
Kunzite didn’t say much about his sister in the binder. Just that she was four years younger than he was, she was a kindergarten teacher, and that the groom was an old college friend of Kunzite’s. It was weird to think of Kunzite with family. He never talked about them so she just sort of assumed he didn’t have any or he wasn’t close with them. Apparently it was the latter.
Her phone pinged with an unwelcome trill and she tried not to visibly shudder. She set his text tone separately so she knew it would be a message from him. The tone she chose was called chimes. It was a nice, pleasant sound that she hoped would balance the dread that would inevitably follow. So far, it hadn’t worked.
Did you manage to catch the train?
Only he could sound so condescending over text. To even it out, she typed back in her most sarcastic manner.
Yes. I did catch the train. I’m not a moron.
Was that really all he had to say? Jerk.
She thought about going back to the binder but she pushed it away with a grimace. Instead, she pulled up her contacts and called one of her best friends.
“Hey Rei.”
Both girls paused. Rei waited for Minako to say why she was calling, but Minako wasn’t sure what to say.
“What’s up?” Rei asked. “Shouldn’t you be on the train right now?”
“I am.” She paused again before continuing. “Am I crazy? This is crazy, right?”
Minako could practically hear Rei’s smirk over the phone.
“I did say the whole thing was rather ludicrous.”
“Thanks for the encouragement,” Minako drawled.
“If you wanted encouragement, you should have called Makoto. You called me so you must have wanted me to talk you out of it.”
“No. I don’t want that. Just...do you think this is doable?”
Rei sighed. “If you’re both committed to it and don’t yell at each other, maybe.”
Right. The yelling. To be fair, it didn’t happen often. Their whole gang was discussing some heavier topics and, of course, Kunzite had the complete opposite opinion of her.
“What the hell do you mean?” she asked.
“Simply that if you cannot afford to have children, people should be careful about their-” he paused, searching for the right word, “dalliances.”
“So people should just never go out and enjoy themselves? Is that it?”
“No, that’s not what I-”
“Or do you think we should all be abstinent and boring like you?”
“If you would just listen-”
Before Kunzite could finish, Nephrite slammed his hands on the table. “Stop it both of you.” They both stopped and sat back. At least Kunzite had the sense to look mildly embarrassed. Well, as much as a piece of granite could look embarrassed. “Hearing you two argue is not what I had in mind for my birthday so if you could both just cut it out, you won’t have to leave.”
Minako shrinked back in her seat as Nephrite changed the topic. While Nephrite was usually the happiest of the group, he could be downright scary when he was mad. So Minako glanced at Kunzite and they both nodded, as if finally realizing how much their arguing was getting in the way of their friends.
Stupid Kunzite. He always had to escalate things. Since then, they just tried to avoid being in the same conversation, with some near misses.
“And how do I manage that?”
“Minako, you’re an actress. Just act like there’s something about Kunzite that you find desirable.”
Minako slumped her head against the window. “Any suggestions?”
“You won't believe a thing I have to say anyways. Pick things you can work with. He’s attractive, right? Use that. Find a few things about him that you can latch onto and talk about to his family.”
Minako massaged her temple with her free hand. “That’s going to be hard.”
“Then get off the train at the next station, turn around, and go home.”
“And miss my chance with Ogawa?”
“That’s up to you. But if you do want that meeting, you have to do a good job impressing his family and pretending like you’re in love with him.”
“Whoa. No one said anything about being in love. We just have to pretend we’re dating.”
“Minako, you don’t bring someone that casual to your little sister’s wedding. If you bring someone to a wedding, it’s someone that you’re going to be in love with.”
Shit. Rei was absolutely right. How could she overlook that? Shit shit shit.
“So I have to be lovey dovey with Kunzite?” The thought almost made her retch.
“What were you expecting to do before?”
Minako shrugged, although she knew Rei couldn’t see that. “I don’t know. Just hold hands and be lovely to his family?”
“You know Kunzite will need more than that. If you’re going to sell this, you need to do more than that. Channel Makoto. You know how lovey dovey she gets with Nephrite.”
Minako pictured the couple in the midst of one of their cutesy wutesy talks and chuckled. “Thanks. That kind of helps.”
“Good. Are you alright now?”
Minako let out a breath. “I think so.”
“Good. Because I have to go. Jadeite is burning lunch.”
Minako hung up and used the rest of the time on the train to begrudgingly learn the rest of the binder. Fortunately, it wasn't overly complicated and she was able to skip some redundant parts Kunzite wrote. Did she really need to know what his favourite food was? Or the colour of the walls in his apartment?
The final section was, oddly, about her. It would seem that Kunzite told his mother some details when pressured so, of course, Kunzite felt the need to include all those details too. According to him, Minako was a receptionist who enjoyed museums and dabbled in fine wine.
She scoffed. A receptionist? How dull and uninspired was that? Was this the kind of woman Kunzite looked for? Well, she supposed that would be perfect for him. She wouldn’t threaten his success and they could be dull and uninspiring together.  
As the train slowed to a stop, Minako heard chimes again and shuddered.
I’m in the parking lot.
Minako groaned. It was a half hour drive to the hotel they were staying at. Minako insisted she could take a cab but Kunzite seemed to think it would look better if they arrived together. And of course he had to drive. He was too good to ride the train like a normal person.
Okay she replied and resisted the urge to add a rolling eyes emoji.
She hoisted her bright yellow suitcase off of the train and wiped her brow at the sun’s heat beating down. Her wheels click clacked on the tiles as she made her way through the station and finally through to the parking lot. He was standing by his too fancy car, sunglasses on. Women stared at him as they passed and Minako remembered Rei’s words. “He’s attractive, right? Use that.”
Sure, he was attractive. She wasn’t blind. He had a strong jawline, relatively broad shoulders, and always dressed well. It was just his personality that was so unattractive. She wanted to yell the truth to the women passing by, that he was arrogant and entitled and probably wouldn’t give them a second glance unless they were models or something.
He raised his hand slightly to get her attention and Minako could feel the jealous looks on her back.
“Hi,” he said as she approached.
An awkward moment passed between them before he reached for her suitcase. “I can get that. The car’s unlocked.”
She muttered in acquiescence, slid into the car, and realized she was wrong. His car wasn’t just too fancy, it was WAY too fancy. There were a ton of buttons that she couldn’t even figure out the purpose of. There was a fancy screen mounted on the dash and she found herself waiting for some kind of personalized AI to jump out of it.
The driver door opened and Kunzite slid in. The car started up again but the engine was so quiet, she barely noticed. The only sign of the car starting was the screen coming to life and a full blast of AC.
It was at this point that normal people would make small talk. He would ask how how the train ride was or tell her a bit about the hotel they were staying at. But no. This was Kunzite and he was Mr. Silent, Mr. Unfriendly. He could never be bothered to say something nice to someone else. So she supposed it had to be up to her.
“So have you been to this place before?”
“No. But that does remind me.” He reached down to the console and punched in a few things on the screen. Next thing Minako knew, she heard an electronic female voice coming out of the console, directing them where to go. Kunzite seemed to have forgotten Minako’s question and stayed silent.
So much for small talk.
Well, if he was going to be silent, she could too. She fiddled with the radio, trying to find a good station. He eyed her out of the corner of his eyes but said nothing. She found something with some fun pop and settled back in her seat. It was only a half hour to the hotel. She could manage that.
Well, she lasted seven and a half minutes.
“Are you going to be like this all weekend?”
“Like what?”
She gestured at him wildly. “Like this. All stony and quiet. Can’t you be a little more interesting?”
“Interesting,” he echoed in a deadpan voice.
“Yes. Interesting. I can’t work off a piece of granite all weekend.”
“Are we trying to impress someone right now?”
She opened her mouth and then closed it again. “No.”
“That’s why I made the binder. No extra contact with us, right?”
Minako shrugged. “I guess. So you just want to figure this out when we get there?”
“You act as if it’s going to be difficult. As long as we have both prepped for this, this weekend will run smoothly. And I thought it best not to talk too much if it wasn't necessary. Keep the peace and all.”
Minako picked at a loose thread on her shorts to avoid looking at him. That was a pretty good point, she supposed. If the two of them ever fell into a conversation, it always escalated into a full on argument. I mean, does he have to be so disagreeable all the time?
She realized she still hadn't said anything so she muttered, “I guess that makes sense.”
The sounds of a Jpop star filled the silence and Minako decided to watch the scenery, though there wasn't much. Just lots of trees. Then, she heard the music change.
Kunzite's hands were still on the wheel but it was definitely a different station. He probably had fancy controls on his steering wheel.
“What was that for?”
He raised an eyebrow. “I changed the music. Those top 40 pop songs give me a headache.”
“So? I was enjoying it. And besides, it wouldn't kill you to listen to it for a half an hour. May I remind you that I am taking a weekend out of my life to do something nice for you.”
“Something nice?” He scoffed. It was the most emotion she heard in his voice the whole ride. “You're only here so you can meet Ogawa so don't pretend like you're doing this out of the goodness of your heart.”
Damn. He had her there.
“Well,” she trailed off for a moment, trying to find the right words. “If I were in your shoes, I would at least try to make a guest feel welcome.”
She crossed her arms, sank into her seat, and rested her feet up against the dash.
He swatted them down without taking his eyes off the road. “My car, my rules.”
“You know, it wouldn't kill you to do something nice once in a while.”
“Like let you dirty my car and blast your terrible music? No thank you.”
Minako rolled her eyes. “That's not what I meant.”
“It's exactly what you meant. You want to have your own way.”
He shrugged and continued as if it was common knowledge. “You do. And no one else’s opinion matters.”
She was aghast. “Excuse me?”
“Come on. At least admit it. It’s obvious.”
Her cheeks reddened. How dare he? “I don’t do that. I just want people to be included.”
“Against their will.”
Her face grew an even brighter red. “Well at least I'm not a stick in the mud with a stick up my own stick ass.”
“At least I don't always have to be the centre of attention. I understand subtlety and I don’t make everyone around me uncomfortable.”
If steam could be coming out of Minako's ears, they would be.
“Pull over,” she demanded.
He raised an eyebrow but obliged. Before the car could fully stop, she was out the door. She walked around to the back and Kunzite watched her struggle a bit before she stormed over to his window.
“Open the trunk please,” she said. Her voice was calm but her teeth were clenched.
He pulled a latch and she stormed to the back of the car again. After an awkward yank, she hoisted her suitcase out of the trunk and began walking away.
Kunzite sighed and stepped out. “Where are you going?”
“Isn't it obvious? Back to the train station. I clearly won't be respected this weekend so there's no point in me staying.”
She paused, waiting for him to say something. Instead, he glanced over her, settling on her feet. “It's probably about a three hour walk back to the station and those shoes don't seem to be built for that.”
True, her wooden wedges were less than suitable for the rocky sides of the road. “I’ll call a cab then.”
He leaned against the car, as if he had all day. “Do you even know where you are?”
She was aware of the long pause she took but she still said, “Of course”
He said nothing. He just stood there and stared at her. It was a challenge. He was calling her bluff.
“Well, I should start back to the train station then,” she said. “Anything is better than being in that car with you for five more minutes.”
With that, she flipped her long golden hair and continued walking away.
“Okay then. Good luck.”
She didn’t even look back as she reached her arm high and waved goodbye. She waited for him to get back in his car. She waited to hear the hum of an engine and the sound of him driving away. Then she remembered how quiet his car was. Damn. Did he already drive away? Should she risk a look over her shoulder?
She forced herself to count to twenty as she walked away. Then she took a glance over her shoulder.
He was still there. In fact, he hadn’t even moved.
“Are you done?” he called out to her. “Will you get back in the car?”
She turned around and took several steps towards him. “What do you mean?” she yelled back. “I’m storming off. Tell your family I was sick or something.”
“You and I both know that you’re not going to miss out on a chance with Ogawa. Now will you stop wasting time and get back in the car?”
Her eyes darted back and forth as she weighed her options. Her act of storming off was supposed to make him apologize but if she went back now, he had the high ground. And she didn’t like losing.
On the other hand, it was true what he said. She could just prolong this and hope she ended up with the higher ground. But she also had a feeling that he wasn’t going to budge. He was definitely stubborn like that. Stupid stubborn jerk.
“Okay.” She was still a fair distance from him so she still had to raise her voice. “I’ll come back. But you have to be nicer to me.”
Minako thought she saw him roll his eyes behind his sunglasses but she was too far away to tell. “Fine.”
She walked back to him, expecting him to step forward and help her with her suitcase again but he just got back in the car. She hoisted her suitcase back in the still open trunk and made sure to slam it shut with more force than necessary.
Minako stared out the window. She didn’t think she could look at him without getting mad again. Neither had said a word since she got back in the car. She thought about trying to find a neutral conversation point but her imagination kept coming up with ways he would argue with her.
Okay. Maybe he was right. Maybe they should just avoid talking to each other unless they had someone to convince that they were madly in love. So instead, she flipped through her phone and the radio stayed quiet. The only sound she heard was his dash, telling him where to go.
As they turned the corner and pulled into the hotel, Minako forgot about her vow of silence.
“It’s gorgeous!”
It really was. It was a little more modern than she expected. There were glass walls intermixed with the wood but still held an older look. It fit perfectly amid the surrounding greenery, the crisp, fresh smell of it wafted on the air.
After pulling out their suitcases, they made their way into the building. It was beautiful. Rich, traditional wood architecture mixed with more modern brickwork and glass. Rooftops rose high to a peak, making the dark wood seem more airy, and doors were wide open, letting in the warm summer air. But it got a bit gloomier when Kunzite took her hand. It felt weird. His hand was stiff and had callouses. Before she could ask why, she realized a middle aged couple was walking towards them.
“Kunzite. You made it.”
It was the woman who spoke. She had long dark hair and a friendly smile. The man with her had neatly trimmed hair and glasses and she assumed them to be his parents.
“Hi mom. Hi dad.”
Minako forced herself to stand a little straighter, her posture for girlfriend who was madly in love. At the last second, she stepped closer to him. Intimacy, right?  She didn’t miss the look he threw her. But it passed quickly. His parents were approaching fast.
His mother pulled him in for a hug and then smiled wider when she looked at Minako.
“So, you must be Minako.”
“I am. It’s so nice to finally meet you. Kunzite has told me so much about you.”
Her words had the desired effect of making his mother blush.
“I’m so glad to hear that. We haven’t seen him in ages and he kept refusing to send me any photos of you. I was starting to wonder if you even existed.”
“Well, it is hard to get him to be in a picture with me. If it wasn’t for us going out in the daylight, I would have thought he was a vampire.”
Minako felt Kunzite’s hand squeeze a little harder but his parents were laughing. It even allowed his dad to interject.
“Kunzite never was one for photos. He always looked far too serious in them.”
Minako laughed but she felt like Kunzite was getting annoyed. He overcompensated for it well though.
“Well, we should really check in. We don’t have too much time before dinner and we should get settled.”
“Oh,” his mother began, ruffling through her purse. “I actually got everyone checked in. You two are in room...” She pulled out a key card and squinted at the number, “204.”
She handed Kunzite the key card and it wasn’t until she let go that he realized what she said.
“Both of us in the same room?”
“Of course,” his mother waved her hand dismissively. “You’re an adult now.”
“And this isn’t our trip to Nara,” his father said.
“We are perfectly comfortable with you two staying in the same room.” Kunzite looked shell shocked. If Minako wasn’t so shocked herself, she would have wished she had a camera. “Now hurry up you two.” She glanced at her watch. “Kunzite’s right. There really isn’t too much time before dinner tonight and I would love to get together with you both before that so we can get to know you.”
“Of course,” Minako said, keeping her voice soft and light. “I would love that.”
“Perfect. Then we’ll meet you in the restaurant at five?”
“That sounds wonderful.”
With a wave, his parents walked away and it took Minako and Kunzite a moment before they snapped back to reality.
“Let’s go,” he said, letting go of her hand.
She was happy to let go and took the moment to rub a bit at her face. Maybe that smile had been overcompensating a bit.
The trip to the second floor was quiet and when they reached their door, Kunzite swiped his card and held the door open for her. Minako raised her eyebrows and wondered where the sudden chivalry was coming from.
“Take the luggage in. I’m going to get another room.”
So much for chivalry.
The door closed behind him and Minako was left to check out the room. It was lighter and airier than the rest of the hotel. The walls were off white with wood accents. The bed was large and looked incredibly comfortable. That was confirmed when she ran her hand over it and experimentally flopped onto it. But what really caught her eye was the view. The balcony was large with a couple of chairs and looked out on a sea of green. She felt herself getting calmer already.
Then the door opened again. Loudly. Leave it up to him to break the serenity.
Minako walked back inside and saw the frustrated look on his face. “What’s wrong?”
“The place is completely booked.”
He huffed before continuing. “We’ll just have to make do with separating the futons and not look at each other.”
Kunzite was still in the entryway. He didn't see the bed. He didn’t know.
“Umm. That might be a bit difficult. This place is a bit more modern than that,” she said pointing towards the bed that he couldn’t see.
He quirked an eyebrow and walked in to see the very sturdy, very heavy bed frame, bearing a single, whole mattress.
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tradetales-blog · 5 years
She wasn’t surprised, to find her double had made her way to the sea. If she were anything like Tressa herself, then no wonder -- if she was hoping for a way out from her troubles, then no wonder. It makes her heart ache, if she’s at all honest. The name of this place, the ‘Swirling Gulf’, sounded wild and dangerous, as if it could swallow you whole. But after the difficulty trying to get inside the place, eventually claiming to be a tourist, Tressa quickly realised it had become a home to the wealthy. A controlled place, wasn’t it? Rare, wonderful, magnificent... but heavily cultivated, all the same.
She wondered if this was what the other her was looking for. She knows, deep down, that it isn’t. That she would have gone to the most daring place she could find.
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Asking around, the locals seemed to peg that moniker to a place called the shipyard -- and respond with utter horror whenever she asked for directions. Apparently, it wasn’t exactly a favourable place, haunted with ghosts and the target of many uncomfortable rumours. Largely untouched by the settlers of this place. It was a place likely to hold long forgotten treasure, if you asked Tressa -- the place she was sure her other self had gone searching.
There was no point waiting -- no point losing any more time. Getting to this point had already taken long enough, and the time for the both of them was running out. Standing before the ship with the protective gear she’d rented, she can understand why others avoid the place. It was eerie, a place she would usually bypass out of respect for the loss that had happened here. But if a reckless girl didn’t want to be found... why ever would she go anywhere else?
The waters are almost silent, as she passes through them, aside for the creaking of the ship’s parts and the sounds of the wildlife passing through -- small fish, mainly, but sometimes Tressa thought she saw something else moving in the dark waters. Whenever she pursued the movement, though, hoping to find the girl she was looking for -- there was nothing to be found. A chill runs down her spine. She does not like ghosts, the last person to go seeking them out, whatever her curious reputation. Her other self, though, had to be the same way. Leaving her alone out here with her worst nightmare... aside from not being an option, it just wasn’t her style.
She swims deeper.
Eventually, she finds something unlike the depths of the sea -- a shimmering beam of light. The surface? A cavern, perhaps? Unlikely, but a desperate girl could have tried it, and a curious one can hardly stop herself from seeing what the source was, swimming through a splintered hole in the ship’s ceiling and into a small room. A cursory glance tells her it was likely once the captain’s cabin. Her body tells her that it is partially filled with water, and partially with air -- a triangular, diagonal shaft of the sea. It shouldn’t be possible, but the place already betrays all reason. The water shifts and seems to move, as if the ghosts here were still trying to breathe.
In the pocket, though, is a girl -- equipment half removed, apparently struggling with her oxygen tank. It’s easy to see her, then. It’s easy to see that this girl had the same face as her own.
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She assumes the other girl uses the same name -- and she assumes right. Her double flinches, hands tensing around the tank, before her eyes flicker around the cabin for an exit. Tressa was over the only one, of course -- and she could imagine in such a precarious situation, it must seem dangerous to move. She is no stranger to danger, but she has never desired to throw away her life. The shaking of the girl’s limbs tells Tressa that she isn’t the only version of herself, with such an earnest desire to live.
She takes in a deep gulp of air. “Are you alright? What’s wrong with your tank?”
“I’ll be fine, if you go. I can handle it... I can handle it myself!”
“Really...?” She peers closer at it, but the girl’s own demeanour is easy enough to read. “How long have you been down here? Are you running out?”
“Longer than you’re supposed to use these things.” The girl frowns, indignant. “You want to replace me, don’t you? Why don’t you just let me drown out here?”
She shakes her head. “Hey, I’m you. You’re me. I wouldn’t drown anyone. And you wouldn’t want to drown me, right? This situation is way too creepy! Like something you’d tell your kids to make them behave. I’m not falling for it... not like that.”
“Like that?” But there’s a recognition in the other her’s eyes, a recognition that gives Tressa hope. So her double wasn’t out to kill her, whatever scary stories would say. Her double... was herself. Tressa. “Sure. I don’t want to kill anyone. But... you can’t just take my place. There can’t just be two of us!”
“I wish there could be. I’ve always wanted to be friends with myself. Then things would never get lonely.” She pauses, the word striking something in her, before she turns to look her double in the eye. Softly pushing herself up towards pocket of air, brushing herself up against her mirror, she tugs her breathing equipment from her face. “Tressa... you’re lonely, aren’t you?”
She flinches again, seeming to shy away. And then -- a pout, an avoidance of the eyes -- almost childish, almost familiar. “How would you know? I’ve never met you in my life! You don’t know anything about who I am!”
“Maybe not. But... I’ve been lonely, too. Really lonely. Not that there wasn’t anyone I could turn to, or laugh with... but... there wasn’t anyone who understood me. I didn’t just want to work in my parents’ store, even if I loved them so much... that kind of day to day... it just isn’t living, it just isn’t being me!” Tressa stops, smiling softly, before moving to meet the others’ gaze. “That kind of thing... no matter how many people are around you... it’s lonely. It’s like you’re the only person who’s like that, like you couldn’t ever explain it, or make someone understand. I think maybe that’s something that happens, when you’re... Tressa.”
The other girl crumples. Reaches for her eyes, only visibly wavering as her head is out of the water. “You really are me. I couldn’t tell that to anyone.”
Tressa smiles. “Me neither.”
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There’s a pause. Tressa watches herself -- the girl’s face changing, becoming calmer, but more melancholy as each moment passes. “Even so... even if you know how it feels.” She clutches her chest. “There still can’t be two of us. There isn’t a place where we aren’t lonely, is there? We can’t turn to each other. I have to do things myself!”
“Yeah... you do. There isn’t any point, if it isn’t you. Right?”
She pauses. It’s uncanny to her -- it must be, to her too. “Right.”
“I know that too. But... you don’t have to be lonely forever. I promise. I know that, since I’m... not lonely anymore. But someone tried to help me, so we could both exist. There can be two of us. There should be. If you trust me, Tressa.”
A moment of hesitation. “I don’t know if I should.” Followed by a sigh -- slightly impish, hopeful, asking for a sign. “But I don’t have any other ideas.”
If she were honest -- if she were honest, Tressa wasn’t sure either. To trust the word of a mysterious voice she’d never heard before, someone who was likely in charge of this place, perhaps responsible for the whole incident? Yet if Tressa was known for something, it was seeing the good in even the most unexpected things. Perhaps she was gullible. Perhaps it would backfire on her -- perhaps this time would be the time. But... it was worth a try.
For the sake of a girl, just like her, who had been so terribly lonely. It was worth a try.
She pulls out her phone, hopefully shaking water from the thing before lighting up the screen. Thankfully, it seemed to be either waterproof, or delaying breaking for now. “Right now, you’re... going to die. You feel weird, don’t you? It’s why you ran away. But, someone told me that there’s a way to help. So I had to look for you.” She taps the app that they were directed to, showing her double the screen. “They said that you can go into another world... a parallel one. And there all of the people who got caught up in this mess can stay alive, and live how they wanted to.”
She pauses. It all sounded even weirder aloud. Looking at the other girl, Tressa smiles sheepishly, for the first time looking a little worried. “It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it...? Apparently the stranger who offered this way out is going against the rules. I’m not sure I like following orders from someone I can’t even see, but... even worse, I can’t just watch this happen.”
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She meets the other’s eyes, her smile softening. “It’s your choice, though. I can’t decide who you trust... or how you want to live.” Falling silent, she watches her other self’s face, eyes falling to the phone. She reaches out her hand to touch it, making Tressa yelp, pulling it back -- “If you touch it with the app open, you’ll just go right there! I don’t want you to get pushed into it if you aren’t ready, you know...”
Her double’s hand hovers in the air. She presses her lips together. “I am dying... aren’t I? It isn’t something I really wanted to think about... really, I’m too young for something like that... I always thought I still had so much time, to do what I wanted to do.” Her eyes clouding over, she looks down, Tressa’s gaze still on her. “But I don’t want to give up. Dying all alone down here... that’s the last way I want to go!”
A smile finally surfaces on the double’s face. “Maybe it will go wrong. Maybe it’s crazy. I’m crazy, for even listening to you, but... a lot of things could go wrong anywhere. I’m tired of this world. Of sitting behind a counter, dreaming of the day where I can run away... where fortune finally blows in my direction... I’m tired of only dreaming!”
She pauses, as if short of breath, meeting Tressa’s eyes. She smiles back. With a smaller smile, her double tucks her hair -- wet and dripping -- behind one ear. “Just tell me one thing. You said... you used to feel lonely. How was it that you changed...?”
“Ehehe...” Holding out the phone, for her other self to touch, her face glows warmly. “I followed my heart. I did what I wanted to do. Even if it was scary, even if it was reckless.” Lifting up her free hand to meet her double’s, clasping her hand in hers, she nods in confirmation -- reassurance. “Thank you... for letting me meet you, Tressa. Something tells me you’re gonna be just fine.”
The girl nods. Closes her eyes. Before reaching to touch the screen.
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Smiling, enveloped in a white light, she says -- “Thank you.”
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okwithbrave · 5 years
The End.....
*Trigger Warnings for DV/DA
November 9th 2012. It took me 6 months to actually go through with it. 6 months of trying to summon up the courage, the strength and energy to end it. I kept putting it off, I had even said "No I'll do it after Christmas, just get Christmas out of the way and then I'll tell him." My sister (who is always my sounding board, whether I like it or not) had said to "Stop putting it off, it's Christmas soon, then it'll be new year, then your youngest's birthday, then valentines day then your birthday etc." There'll always be a reason not to. Soon another year would've passed and we'd still be together. Still going round the cycle of our toxic and abusive relationship.
I had planned out every possible way of telling him. I hoped to find some significant evidence of him cheating, something concrete but nothing. I hoped he'd completely lose his temper and hit me, just like he had threatened me about day in day out. He screamed, shouted, swore, threw things around, broke things, got in my face and clinched his fists, it would get too much and I'd walk away or desperately tried to diffuse the situation. I think it's safe to say I would look for any excuse not to start the conversation where I had to tell him I was done.
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The month before the end, he'd gone on a fishing trip with his father. This was his first trip away from us in 10 years. He told me before he left that upon his return if I didn't appear happy to have him home, if I didn't practically throw myself at him then he would know. Know that I had been with someone else whilst he was away and if I thought he could be a c**t before I hadn't seen anything yet! I believe now that was his way of getting the welcome home he desired. He rarely called or text and when he did he was rude. I had to make all the effort whilst his rant of how I should I behave when he gets back played in my mind. However, I was determined to enjoy the free time. The house was calm and quiet. I maintained a good routine with the kids and kept on top of household chores. I chatted on the phone with my sister and with other mums on the school run. Not once giving a second thought to how he would feel about it. 8 days of bliss. Then he came home. I did exactly what I was told to do. He arrived late, around 10:45pm. I made my move within 5 minutes of him being in the house, desperate to get it over with. The moment it was done I felt empty and used. His smug grin made me feel sick. He was beaming, not because the sex was so good but because he had got what he wanted. He actually joked that maybe he should go away more often if he was going to get that reaction out of me. He even thought it was a compliment to tell me that my keenness was so enjoyable it was like being with another woman (he was still in me when he said this). Seeing that his back handed compliment hadn't gone down well, he suggested that he'll get up with the children in the morning. The following morning my quiet, calm house was shattered. The children woke up just after 8am, they had put cartoons on in the living room quietly. Being a small house I had heard them get up. I woke him up, gently, as not wanting to poke the bear too much. Reminding him of the promise he had made the night before of making the children breakfast, getting them dressed etc. He bolted up, throwing the covers off the bed and started getting dressed whilst shouting. "Oh yeah I see how it goes, first day back and I'm back to doing everything. You f***ing lay there you lazy fat c**t. Hope you f***ing die there." I reminded him of his promise and that if he was going to be like this then I'll get up and he should stay in bed as it's not fair on the kids. "You'd f***ing like that wouldn't you. Always have to play the victim. No you f***ing stay in this room, you should stay in here all the time no-one would miss you, you stupid fat s**g." Slamming the door shut, he has left the bedroom. I barely have time to process what just happened and I can hear him shouting. One of the children had asked him about breakfast, his response was to shout "f***ing wait!" My child and I made eye contact as I came out of the bedroom. I gestured for my boy to go back into the lounge and that I'd sort his breakfast. Meanwhile, he's ranting away in the kitchen. Slamming cupboard doors, banging things down. No one is in there with him but he's talking away to himself. "I've got to get up whilst she f***ing lays in bed, lazy b***h. I gotta do everything for these useless c***s." I can't listen to him any longer. I marched into the kitchen, told him to forget it. His feeble attempt at appeasing me was ruined by his behaviour. If he had no intention of going through with his promise of looking after our children that morning then he shouldn't have agreed to it. I even brought up that I had questioned that he may get s****y about it in the morning, he assured me this wouldn't happen. I have no idea why I believed him. There's always part of me that thought maybe once he'll come through. He says nothing, he comes towards me with hands full of bowls of cereal. Before I have the chance to move out of the way, he barges past me, forcing me into the open kitchen door, grazing my arm on the door handle and sending the cereal swishing over the sides of the bowls onto the wood floor. He gives the children their breakfast and storms back into the kitchen, nearly trampling on me as I clean the cereal off the floor. Rolls himself a cigarette, makes a coffee and then disappears into bathroom for nearly an hour. It was the first time since his return that I had a moment to think. I was tense, my stomach felt knotted. I was on edge, waiting to see what he'd be like when he decided to get out of the bathroom. It was then I realised I hadn't had these feelings all week. The only time I'd come close to it is when he'd call or text. This is what he does to me and the only way to stop it is for him to go. He was never going to change.
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Somewhat fortunately I was given the silent treatment most of the following week. Eventually he began to talk to me again, as if nothing happened. However, I now found it impossible to play pretend. We argued constantly for the next 3 weeks. His aggressive and threatening behaviour became worse, desperately trying to regain that control over me he once had. Then my prayers were answered. His father called with the opportunity of another fishing trip. I couldn't get him out the door quick enough. We'd barely spoken in days and he couldn't threaten/lecture me when he was leaving as his father was there. He stood at the open front door and glared at me, not blinking not breaking eye contact. Just staring me down. As his father walked down our path he asked if he was going to say goodbye to me. He just said "Bye" and walked away leaving the front door wide open. So dramatic, I swear that man thinks he's the star in his own drama show. Calmness swept through the house once again. The slamming doors, banging, swearing and shouting had been replaced with the sound of children playing, cartoons and my own heartbeat.
 “you don’t love me anymore, do you?”
Heard nothing from him for 3 days. I made no effort either. I knew that he wouldn't be happy that I hadn't made contact, that I hadn't tested the water to see what mood he was in. The silence was broken, he text me. An essay long rambling speech, one long sentence with no grammar. In it I was portraited as a terrible partner, awful mother and general blight on humanity and if I wasn't prepared to change my ways I should just kill myself. I ignored it. Several more nasty and vulgar messages followed over the course of the evening. I ignored them all, then the phone calls, I ignored them too. Until the "you wait till I get home" message came through. I started to feel sick. The threats of violence came one after the other. Before I have time to read all the messages he's sent, he phones me. I don't want to speak to him but I'm scared if I don't it'll make things worse. I answer, he screams at me that I must have had someone there that's why I wouldn't answer before. I told him I didn't answer because he's spent the last few hours calling me every horrible name under the sun. He continues to scream and shout. I'm asked questions that I'm not allowed time to answer or they're answered for me. He puts the phone down. This goes on until about 2am, in the end I text him a message of "I'm tired, I'm going to bed, I am turning my phone off." I didn't wait for a reply, I just turned my mobile off, unplugged the home phone and tried to get some sleep. I didn't care anymore of what the repercussions would be. I just wanted to be left alone. It wasn't until midday the following day that I heard from him again. More essay long messages where I am called a whore, lazy, stupid etc. Several more times I am told I should kill myself. That I provide nothing of value for anyone, it would be doing the world a favour. More phones calls where he screams and shouts and then puts the phone down. I am exhausted, scared and an emotional wreck. This was his favourite state for me to be in. I'd give in more, fight back less and ask less questions. That day something changed, I powered through. I interrupted him, I carried on speaking although he was trying to shout me down. Remaining calm I simply said "I'm done. This isn't normal, we're not normal, our relationship isn't normal. I can't do this anymore." There was silence. Then finally he meekly replied "you don't love me anymore do you?" Now it was my turn to be silent. I had to take the 30 seconds to get the word no out. I had to choke back tears as I said it. Not expecting my own emotional reaction, I was so focused on his. The angry violent man who had taunted me for years was lost for words. Eventually he asked me "who is he?" The question shocked me. Absurd and bizarre questions/statements were his forte. It was what I needed though at that moment. The sheer ridiculousness of the question snapped me out of my emotional state, I asked what on earth he was talking about. Coming up with the assumption that I must have been cheating and am now leaving him for somebody else. I almost laughed when attempting to respond to it. I very rarely leave the house, even rarer I'm without at least one of the children. He goes through my phone, handbag, bank account etc. I have little to no social life. His attempt at gas lighting me had not worked. We both knew that the idea that I could possibly have an affair was laughable. Running out of options, he no longer wanted to talk about it. Refusing to admit it was over, he just repeated that we would discuss things when he got home. I knew what that meant. Love bombing, fake promises and if all else fails, good old fashioned bullying. Taking a deep breath, I tell him he's not coming home. I don't want him back in the house, I can't have him back in the house. Why would I? Reassuring him I would bag up his belongings (there wasn't much) and keep it safe until he was in a position to collect it. That I needed some time and that we would have to talk at some point as we have children together. He promptly ended our conversation by saying "whatever, f**k you and die" and then hung up.
Fear and panic took over again. I wanted to be happy, feel a huge sense of relief. Thought maybe I would feel sad, the thought of loss for our ten year relationship. All I could think about was that he never agreed to not come back. My first thought was he is going to turn up isn't he? He'll just waltz in, expect me to walk on egg shells until I crumble. That's how it's always gone. All contact from him stopped and I sure as hell was not going to open the lines of communication with him. Desperately wanted to know what he was planning/thinking. Tried to second guess his every move. He was originally due back on the thirteenth so I knew I had to at least then to put something in place. Due to the wonders of social media, I managed to find out he was planning on coming back as normal. In a panic I phoned my sister. She's a no nonsense woman. Not missing a beat or even giving a pause to console the sobbing sister on the other end of the line, she told me forthright to change the locks, text him that's what your doing and that you'll call the police if he turns up. If he needs anything from mine I'll have a friend drop it to him. Arranged the locks, text him and phoned my sister back. I wanted to stay on the phone to her as long as I could, being alone with my thoughts was enough to drive someone insane. She gave me the pep talk I needed. I decided that whatever was going to happen I was at least going to be the best mum I could be. The kids and I watched Dr Who and had hot chocolate and biscuits. I wanted to protect them from all of it as much as I could. True to form he never responded. He liked to do that. It kept me guessing, whether or not he'd be compliant, what state of mind he was in.
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Heard nothing from him for 11 days. Every time the phone rang or buzzed I'd feel sick. An instant shot of dread to the pit of my stomach. It always at the back of mind, waiting for his next move. Had to keep going though, couldn't let him take away anymore of the children's or my time. Eventually the inevitable happened, a message from him. "I wanna see the kids. I'm coming up next weekend." Took me 20 minutes to reply, tried to word it perfectly so not to provoke him. Only thing I could muster to write was "Yep no problem what time and day were you thinking of?" I was given a date and time and was told he's not taking them anywhere as he hasn't got any money. So he expects to come here. This time I was quick to respond, I was stronger already. OK, but on two conditions. One, you're not staying here at night, you spend time with the kids and then you leave. Two, we are not discussing us. I meant what I said Paul, I'm done. "Okay" was his response. Although I was sure he was never going to go quietly, what I knew for definite now was that I wanted my freedom back more than anything.
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thehuggamugcafe · 6 years
​❝ good morning. no, don’t get up, it’s raining, let’s stay in bed a little longer… ❞ for Akira, who I’m affectionately dubbing ”the pumpkin spice king” for the remainder of the season.
OOC: In this café, any customer who calls or sees Akira as the pumpkin spice king is–and will always be–a golden child, and… The title is strangely fitting? I mean, it’s October, and soon it will be Halloween evening sooner than we think. So the pumpkin makes sense, and Akira’s a spice king year ‘round, so… Yeah!
That aside, it’s always a treat to see you stop by, Star. You don’t beat around the bush do you, dear? I should expect nothing but prompt orders from you by now, shouldn’t I?
Very well! One prompt order of the pumpkin spice king, Akira, coming right up! Enjoy, Star! ☕
There were a few things to look forward to on a Saturday morning.
If fortune favoured you as it did on this particular morning, it included not having to drag yourself out of bed, shuffling around like a haggard undead, going through the usual routine of getting ready for an 8-hour shift.
Luckily, you didn’t have to go through such a mundane ritual. Not today.
Instead, you settled for enjoying the lumpy warmth of the bed, enjoying the way in which you were cocooned in layers of sheets, polished off with a thick quilt. You enjoyed the familiar feeling of a pair of lightly muscled arms encircled your waist, pulling you in closer.
A sleepy hum of content was heard from behind you, followed by the sensation of frizzy hair ghosting against your ear and cheek, polished off with a chin resting on the curve of your shoulder as a warm exhale wafted across your skin.
Despite being able to enjoy a Saturday off with your live-in boyfriend, there were a few things that you didn’t look forward to doing throughout the day.
The first that came to mind was the trip to the grocery store. Loading wet grocery bags into the trunk of your car was a pain in the ass, and it didn’t help that some shoppers all but sped out of the parking lot.
More often than not, you and Akira would end up being splashed with icy rainwater from nearby puddles, much to your chagrin and your boyfriend’s mild amusement.
“My, my… You’re soaking wet, Treasure… You’ll need more than a towel to warm up when we’re home…”
He always earned a quick reply of, “Bite me” from you, to which he’d simply chuckle and retort with, “Maybe later, kitten.”
The next thing, or things, that followed the weekend trip for groceries came the other, far less exciting reminders you had to do throughout the day. Do the dishes. Tidy up your room. Wash, dry, and put away the laundry. Vacuum the living room carpet.
In short, anything that didn’t include lying in bed all day with Akira wasn’t at the top of your list of things you’d prefer to do. Not on your day off.
However, there was something else you didn’t look forward to on a day off.
The shrill blaring of your alarm. 
It was nothing short of a ritual than to set your alarm for 6 a.m., and if that wasn’t bad enough, the tranquility was shattered two-fold by a radio host’s voice droning through the small radio.
“…Citizens within Shibuya can except a torrential rainfall lasting all day and into tomorrow afternoon. Winds are estimated to be reaching gusts of 60 kilometres an hour, so everyone is advised to exercise caution when driving today.”
“So noisy.”
The groggy grumble came from the lips of your live-in boyfriend, Akira, feeling him shifting closer to you. The rustling covers and the mattress moving as he moved told you as much, that he wanted to be closer to you. A breath of warm air wafted over your face, tussled your hair, and whispered past your barely clothed shoulder.
“Morning, Akira,” you muttered, blinking open your eyes.
Warm onyx stared back into your eyes, smiling softly as his reply came in the form of a sleepy, “Good morning, darling” and pressing several gentle kisses to your cheeks, your forehead, polishing everything off with a few lip-locks before leaning away. 
However, Akira’s smile fell slightly, pointing a lukewarm stare on the radio on the end table next to the bed you and he shared.
“Damn radio.”
“Then just turn it off,” you mumbled, your reply muffled by the pillow your head rested on.
A few seconds after you sleepily suggested turning off the radio to your boyfriend, the boring voice of the radio host was abruptly silenced, cut off in mid-sentence as Akira hit the snooze button.
“That’s much better,” he muttered, breathing a sigh of relief.
You were quick to voice a content hum, feeling the frizzy-haired man lying at your side bringing you closer to him, letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
You and Akira laid like that, together, content to lie nestled in each other’s arms, limbs tangled in bedsheets, listening to the heavy pitter-patter of the rain as it struck the window of your bedroom.
Unfortunately, all good things must end, and the tranquility was shattered by the alarm clock going off again thirty minutes later.
You voiced a low, drawling sigh, prying open your eyes.
“Guess I should get up.”
You hadn’t budged more than a few inches, sliding away from Akira, moving an arm to shrug the sheets off of you when the feeling of warm arms encircling you made itself known to you.
You were gently pulled back into a familiar grip; loving, caring, but watchful.
“No, don’t get up.”
“Akira, it’s morning.”
Your light protest may as well have fallen on deaf ears. You were snuggled into, Akira pressing himself into you a bit more insistently. It wasn’t enough to cause you discomfort, no, but it was enough to let you know that he didn’t want you to leave him alone on the bed.
“So,” you replied, stopping only to voice a small chuckle, “I have to get up.”
“It’s your day off.”
“I have things to do.”
“It’s raining.”
“Akira, you’re being so childish–mph.”
A kiss promptly silenced whatever else you planned to say, cutting you off in mid-sentence. Whenever you opened your mouth to speak, it was quickly covered by the noiret’s lips.
It wasn’t until you were mentally drawing a blank, not focusing on anything but Akira’s mouth pressed to yours, that you realized that Akira was right. Why should you get up? It was raining and it was your day off.
Surely the daily to-do list of housework and errands could wait.
Akira would be damned if he came second to a lousy list of chores!
Soon, you couldn’t focus on anything that wasn’t Akira’s hands skimming up and down your body as he pressed you to the mattress. You couldn’t focus on anything that didn’t concern Akira showering you in early morning affection. You couldn’t focus on anything besides Akira’s mouth connected to you, stealing one quick, desperate kiss after another from you.
Finally, he pulled away. A few strings of saliva connected his mouth to yours, staring into your eyes as his warm onyx irises were swallowed up, lost to a crimson hue as he smirked down at you as you panted for air.
“Let’s stay in bed a little longer, Treasure.”
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michaelreaderreblog · 7 years
Sons gonna rise
Story by Supernaturallyhockey
AN: This is the first part and second part will be added in a couple of days. And right now Im working on my stuff, so that should be up sometime this evening. Im very fortunate enough to be posting these fic
Word Count: 2,271
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"Hey Michael get up!! Mom and dad are waiting down stairs for breakfast" Lucifer knocks on my door to wake me up.
I don't want to get out of bed, I would rather stay in bed all day but have no other choice or else Lucifer will come back again. Lucifer is home from College for the weekend
"Castiel, are you up?" I knock on my younger brothers door.
"Yeah come on in, what's up Michael?" Castiel asks me as I walk into his bedroom and lay flat on his bed.
"Could you go down stairs and tell mom and dad I'm not feeling well." I look up to the ceiling not facing him.
"Michael what's wrong" Castiel asks me while sitting at the foot of the bed that's when Gabriel comes into the room lands on top of me and rolls over to my left side.
That kid is getting heavier by the day if you ask me.
"Big bro here is suffering his first heart break and can't get the images of Anna Milton and Dean Winchester doing the ugly last night" Gabriel says while I lay there glaring at him but that doesn't help to make Gabriel shut up.
"Oh Michael I am so sorry, Anna was really" Gabriel cuts off Castiel
"A whore and a bitch yeah I know." Usually I would cut off Gabriel for talking bad about Anna but didn't have it in me.
"I wasn't going to say that, I was going to say she is tedious and vile. Michael I don't know why your so broken up about her, think about it more of a favour" Castiel advises me while I lay there but he is right, I just thought something real was there.
"Ladies come on mom and dad are still waiting" Lucifer says but I'm not going to bother with a retort.
"Fine, lets go Gabriel. Ill bring something for you after I finish with breakfast" Castiel closes the door, he always had a good heart.
I lay there in my own pity but I'm allowed one day to myself and I don't see why not it would be today since its only Saturday, no football practice till Monday.
Fuck Monday, the day I have football practice with Winchester. Fuck it I’ll just go, no point in hiding. In a few weeks I will be graduating and go on to college. I didn't know how long I was laying on my brothers bed until he came into the room.
"Here mom said to give you this bagel and OJ" he says while setting them both on his night stand.
I sit up to take the juice to take a sip. When the cool liquid hits my throat and quenches my thirst.
"Thanks, and thanks for covering for me to. I just want a day for myself" I look to Castiel and he looks at me while he tilts his head sideways which I think he looks like a 4 year old trying to understand what I'm telling him.
"Have a day to yourself, you mean by hiding in my room from mom and dad good job with that" I couldn't help but laugh at the idea and he has a bright smile on his face.
I spend the entire morning having a conversation with my brother, this is what I needed to hang out with him. I rarely do but he is good company.
"Hey you want to join y/n and I while we go to the record store?" Castiel asks me to come along with him and his best friend since day care and who happens to be Deans younger sister.
I wouldnt mind spending the day with her since I have taken a liking to her and cant help feelings.
"Um yeah I don't see why not I mean I haven't gone out to get some new music lately" I accept his offer and I get off from his bed to take a shower.
"Good I’ll send her an IM to let her know" He tells me while I walk out his room to come into mine to have my toiletries ready.
CJS25: hey I thought I would let you know I invited my brother Michael to come along with us to the record store. Hope that is ok
TheNrmlWinchester: Michael? Hhmm weird. I don't mind the more the merrier :D
CJS25: yeah I know but Smaug practically ruined him so I just want to do something for him since he is my brother after all. Wouldn't you do the same for yours?
TheNrmlWinchester: ohh yeah I heard about that. Walkers party right? Well don't worry I'm totally kicking his ass right now, Dean not Sam. Sam is a harmless nerd.
CJS25: right like your not any nerdier haha
TheNrmlWinchester: hey Im the way cooler nerd than Sam. Anyways I got to get ready and ill text you when I'm done. Later Clarence :p
CJS25: oh god! Yeah see you later snow flake :)
While you log out of your instant message account you wonder why Cas has called you snow flake, you would need to ask him that later. As of right now you needed to let Dean know that he is a dick, douche, asshat and what Cas always says assbutt for sleeping with Anna and Michael walking in on them and basically ruining him and Lisa poor girl doesnt know what she is in for. Stupid Dean you mutter to yourself as you walk out of the room.
"Y/N!!!! Hurry up I need the bathroom." Dean pounds on the door almost knocking it out of its hinges.
"SHUT UP!! GO PUKE OUTSIDE!!" You yell back to Dean and hear him mutter something as he rushes down the stairs and your sitting there taking your time getting out of the shower.
“I think I'm done torturing him for the day” You mutter to yourself as you walk out of the bathroom and met on the other side is your dad.
Oh boy you were in for it now but you see a smile slowly forming
"That's my girl teaching your brother a lesson for staying out late” Dad says to you and he sounds proud for it.
"Of course. As the youngest it's my job daddy" you smile to your dad to peck him on the cheek to get to your room to finish up.
"Ok, now time to text Cassie" you mutter to yourself as you pick up your phone, slide the screen, put in Cas' number
"hey I'm ready. Meet up at our usual spot?" After you sent the text you walk out of your room to head down stairs to wait for text back from Cas.
You reach the kitchen to find Sam putting the dishes away and Dean washing the pots.
"What's up turd face and turd nugget" you tease your brothers when you enter the kitchen.
"Niblette" Sam retorts back.
"Where you off to?" Dean asks from the sink.
"I'm going to hang out with Cas and Michael today" your phone goes off after telling your brothers who you will be hanging with.
Cas: actually Michael is going to drive and we will be there in a few minutes to pick you up. Ill let you know when we are outside.
You: ok sounds good. By the way Dean looks skittish after I told him and Sam I will be hanging out with Michael to :) I'm still kicking ass by the way.
Cas: Haha. Maybe you can finally tell my brother about your feelings than :)
You: maybe you can finally ask Meg out :)
Cas: I hate you
You: I know I love you to
After you sent your text you had a smile on your face telling Cas off after he mentioned your feelings for Michael but it was only a crush it wasn't like you stood a chance with him.
Michael is a senior and will be going off to college soon. You were a sophomore in high school along with Cas, while your brother Sam is a junior and Dean a senior.
"Michael?" Both of your brothers say in unison.
“As in Michael Sinclair?” Sam asks as he puts the pot in its rightful place
"Yeah what's wrong with that?" You ask back to your brothers while glaring at them
"Nothing, I'm just surprised ok." Sam says holding up his hands in surrender.
You look to Dean but cut him off before he says anything.
"Dean I don't care what your going to say. You did what you did and that's done just dont tell me you are dating Anna" you say to Dean while he has a surprised look on his face.
"No, not dating her, it was a drunken mistake. I feel bad ok and I just feel bad ok. I mean I don't even know how to tell Lisa" Dean says in defeat.
"Well you figure that out on your own and I don't like what you did to Lisa plus I really like her, just grow a damn pair and tell her before she finds out from someone else. You know how school is, one thing happens and spreads like wild fire" you tell Dean almost yelling at him.
"Fuck, yeah yeah ok" Dean says in defeat and takes his phone out to call Lisa to hang out or something. Your phone goes off
Cas: we are outside
You: ok coming out
You tell Sam to let your parents know who you will be hanging out with and he nods.
You grab your house key by the door and head outside to Cas and Michael. You get into the back seat.
"Hey Cas, Michael" you say while closing the door and buckling your seat belt.
"Hello y/n" Michael says looking in the mirror
"Hey y/n" Cas says turning his head and you smile at the both of them.
"Y/n give me your iPod, I would rather listen to yours than mine or Michaels" Cas says while he reaches out for you to hand over your iPod, you reach into your shoulder bag to grab it and give it to Cas.
"Hey my music isn't that bad" Michael says looking offended over to Cas, you sit in the back seat giggling.
"Cas what's wrong with your music?" You ask Cas
"I don't have mine, forgot it on the table on the way out" Cas says while turning on the blue tooth and plays Modern Man by The Arcade Fire.
"Plus you always have the better music, why do you think I give you my iPod to add music" Cas says turning to look at you.
"Again what's wrong with my music? And y/n what kind of music do you have on your play list anyways?" Michael asks Cas again and looking to you about your play list.
"Your music contains rap music that shouldn't be called music at all plus when did you even start listening to rap music anyways? You had better taste before you started dating Anna. Oh my god she got you into it didn't she?" Cas talks about his taste of music while Michael has a smile on his face but fades at the mention of Anna.
"Yeah some of it and the rest just were catchy afterwards. So where are we going first?" Michael looks to Cas and to you.
"Let's go to Cain's Cafe first" you say from the back seat as you lean forward to make sure Michael or Cas heard you.
"Uh I don't know, what if" you cut off Michael before he can even finish his sentence
"Don't worry about it, I'm pretty sure everyone else is still sleeping trying to recover from last night" You tell Michael reassuring him or try to put his mind at ease.
"Y/n is right Michael plus I really want a caramel iced cappuccino especially from Cain's cafe" Cas agrees with you while you have a smile on your face.
"Yeah ok, how come you two weren't at the party last night?" Michael asks out of nowhere looking between us as he parks in front of the cafe.
"I would rather hang out somewhere else far away from my brother. Thank you very much" they both laugh at your comment.
You and Cas were at Ash's party and you bumped into Lisa and Rachel and hung out with them all night while Cas was flirting with Meg all night. It's been forever he has had a crush on her and you always wondered why he never asked her out but you hope it would be soon.
"We were at Ash's party last night, Andy pulled out his stash and almost got everyone high with the brownies he made. Y/n didn't you have a brownie?" Cas asks as we get out of the car to walk inside.
"Castiel you go inside while I have a talk with y/n" Michael cuts you off before you could even answer Cas's question and he nods than heads inside to seat himself at a table to wait for us to come inside.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" You turn to look at Michael
"I just want to thank you for allowing me to hang out with you and Castiel. I hope we have days like these from now on well if you don't mind" You were shocked to hear Michael say this but couldn't agree to all of it because you wanted to know how Cas would feel if his brother would hang out with us from now on.
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the-countessa · 7 years
Embrace the suck...it's gonna be a long ass night
It is not that I no longer care, because I do, and always will; not matter how angry, how hurt, how used up I feel, and without rhyme or reason, I always shall care. I'm always going to keep an eye on his facebook to make sure he is still alive and ok. I'm never going to stop wishing things were different or hoping like hell they're gonna change, or get something back from before. And I mean wish, and hope and hell, even prey (my version anyway) But I simply cannot have the person that he has become in my life. Too much hurt; too many times times over the last four and a half years of being treated (as he is fond of saying) like a cunt. Cheated on when we were dating, lied to repeatedly, and my feelings being railroaded. Then when I sat there, angry and upset, demanding to be treated with respect and consideration; well, with each time, it's become harder and harder for him to see. And treating my pain as insignificate and only from some shallow places of jealousy. And yes, even I can see the obserdity of it, to end it all over, as he sees it, pizza. But after so long of looking after him, since the very beginning back in Gravesend when we first hung out and he was unemployed, buying him food, trying to keep him going as best as I could. All I have ever done really. After doing that and being treated so badly and used up, when I needed him to simply return the damn favour when I had no food and no money, I get thrown out on my arse, for a date? And the ironic thing is, the bit he doesn't know, I actually like the idea of this one... But after so long giving and giving and giving; after him banging on about gratitue and friendship and giving back, he simply failed. Failed again. Failed me. And then to have the line "You're not my enemy, you'll just be another 'friend' that's decided to not talk to me anymore." as though I haven't tried time and time again, as though nothing I have ever done made any sort of matter; not Christmas (not good enough), not his birthday (too depressed), not paying for food, gym clothes, warhammer boards, taxis to and from a&e, not all the time I cooked dinner, did the laundry, made the bed, bought the linin and kitchen crap, not the running to the chemist when he was sick...not the sex, dating, friendship. None of it. And no, that doesn't mean I've forgotten what he did for me...but it doesn't balance the books. He let me move in with him, rent free, to get me away from my dad who was close to driving me to suicide; but that he had someone to pay for food whilst he wasn't working, pay the rent when he couldn't manage it (once? twice?). And arrangment of mutual conveniance that saved him just as much as it did me. Yeah, he paid out for some great nights out, but so did I...but it hurt more to pay for tickets to go up to London and watch him butterfly his arse around his friends, only to return for a drink. Hell, I paid for his birthday and for him to be at my own. The books just no longer balance, and there is only so much one can put up with until you wonder "why am I here? How can this be friendship when I feel like I am trying to constantly please you, only to have it go unnoticed, unmentioned?' I was always the first to fight his corner and the last out the ring, no matter what. But more and more he says and does things that leave me speechless and sick. A mutual friend lost the love of her life a couple of weeks before christmas; he'd have rather spent his money on a bottle of booze than support her. Even heard tell that she offered to pay for him to go to the memorial, just because she wanted him there...he couldn't muster up enough friendship to support someone who has truely lost something vital. December again, I spent a small fortune on a long month doing everything I could to make it good for him, almost the way you would for a child. And after forking out over £60 for his birthday, paying for him to come out for mine...couldn't even manage a 99p birthday card. What did he say to me the day before Christmad Eve, something about him rather spending his money making him happy. Not a thought to giving back. Halloween; I get sexually assulted, and what frightened me most was him pining me to the bed with his hands around my throat screaming at me. And promptly throwing me out. Ignored me for three days. Told me how his hands around my throat was my fault. The wife beater excuse, the line of domestic abusers, that it was asked for. And that's now ironically been capped off with him telling me to report the abusive bastard who lives next door. And that is who he is. A lying, cheating, violent, angry, bitter man, so self obsessed that if he were to read this, would be more concerned about him image than that he has hurt and terrified the person who has done more good things for him than most. So self-serving, he's rather date than help a friend who sucked up their pride and fear and asked for just a little help. So hypocritial, he bangs on about how pro-feminist he is, how much he understands mental health because he has problems too, that he oh so easily paints me as the Crazy ex-GIRLfriend, throws my depression in my face, hell, even the other day he was pulling at the thread of someones BPD. So obssesed with this idea he has of happiness, that he doesn't spair a thought for those he climbs over to get to it. So weighed down with his past, so stuck there, that any female worth a damn couldn't get through; more in love with what has gone that he barely appreciates what he has. Ok, so exactly true; he has been more than happy to praise everyone else who has helped him (joint incommers or people who have had a sudden windfall) just not me. The one who the second she can't afford to keep him is told "If someone offers to pick me up n feed me for free then sorry but I'm gonna take it." turning his date into little more than a meal ticket and showing me that I am no longer of any use. What was the point of me? That isn't even a drop in the ocean of it all; so much over the last four and a half years. And memories that should be good are now completely tainted. I managed 28 years on this earth without one real regret, until now. And that is I regret having ever met him. And that is heart crushing. That is what drives me into a bottle and into a packet of little blue pills. For my shame. So, how can I still care for someone, after all that? Maybe everyone, his people and mine, are right, Im just abused and frightened and simply stockholm Syndrome. Or maybe I am right, maybe underneath it all, the fear and anger and confusion, there is a good soul. Or maybe my mother is right and he is suffering from some serious mental health issue. I just don't know anymore. But still, how in the hell can I still find it in me to give a damn and wish we could go back? It's fucked up. I don't know if he'll read this. I hope he does. I really hope he does. I know he'll be fuming, see it as an attack or bitchfest. But honestly, I just want, and he needs to see that he cannot go on this way. That this, who he has become and what he is doing is not good or right, for the best, or anyone elses fault but his own. And fix it! No one else can. I am not just some 'friend', I was your best friend who would have done anything to keep you from drowning. I did not decide to not talk to you, I am just simply unable to talk without wanting to scream and shout and cry and hope like hell something finally gets through that thick skull of yours! And no, I am not the only one. Hell, my family hates him now; even my own mother, who opened her home to him after he cheated on me with Jasz because I asked her to, who stood by me during so many arguments and rows before Christmas to ensure that he wasn't alone wants to clobber him (though, as I keep telling her, she is disabled and probably would not get very far). And as for his friends? How many of them told me to run, call him a snake, have told me how they are done with his melodrama and bullshit...and not just the ones who show two faces, but the genuine good ones have basically decided that they are done. I'm sure that will send him into a rage, but I should be clear that no, I haven't been slagging him off to everyone and their mother just to get that response because I have been begging everyone to tell me I am wrong. And trying like hell to make sure these people stay close enough in his life to keep an eye on him. I do not want him to loose his people because (so long as he doesn't continue to alienate them) he will need them. It hurt to see him advertise a gig for a band that he knows I love, that he promised to take me to, because he cut me out. It hurts to read him alter history just enough that I loose my place it in. It all hurts and I get angry and yes I lash out. Because it is unfair and crule. But I'll get over that all in time...a very, very, very long ass time. What I shall not get over is his self-distruction. Ok, maybe we no longer fit in one anothers life; but to watch hin waste his life, ignore his health, and basically act more like a child than the almost 40 year old adult is driving me nuts. I want to shake him. No, I want to tie him to a chair whilst I beat him with a basebalk bat yelling "I love you but sort you fucking shit!" Own your mistakes. Admit to them. See yourself for what you really are, and fucking well fix them! Take a long hard look at your life, stop blaming others and walking around with a chip on your shoulder like the Universe owes you something and get the hell over it. And take a long hard look at everything you have done to me over the last four and a half years, be honest with yourself about your actions, your behaviour; from the editing of a truth to "save" my feelings, to the outright lies, cheating, using my body like I was a whore (a post for another time, but fucking someone without eye contact, without a simple sodding kiss, and with what we did, without basic aftercare, I have come away with some serious issues in regards to sex...on top of a sexual assult) and see through my eyes. See how it looks and feels to always be dropped by you best friend for the same reason time and time again, sex. No other reason, not for family or friends or emergancies or work or anything, just sex. Just open your eyes. All this writing, all these words are for me, and though I know he will be angry for it, I hope that there is an understanding (finally) that this silly little account is the one corner of the internet is mine. And surely a hell of a lot better than posting it to facebook. And Id never be able to say these things to him, because his anger would stop him from actually listening and just start shouting me down. I don't honestly know if he'll read this, but I hope he gets to the end. I hope he reads and dwells and thinks and learns and changes. I do not know how to get out of this blackhole, I only know that he is the only one with the power to do so. All I can do is make an attempt to follow a little of my own advice. I am lacking for a life, but I am working on it. Not to spite him, but regardless of him, I need it. And I need to follow my passion too. Something that makes me happy, that I hope may bring joy to others. You broke my heart, and my spirit, but I shall rebuild me. A better me. Me who will be just as giving and as loving as I always have. And I sincerly hope he can do the same because he is on a path to his own personal hell, and to stay in his sphere right now will only drag me down with him. I cannot allow that. And once he has fixed him, maybe he'll come find me, and maybe he can lay some groundwork to fix us, better than before. But no one can live on just hope forever. Anyway, if you stuck with this long ass post, thanks. And ten points to you. I realise it's filled with melodrama and meloncolly...and god awful spelling errors, but I dont have a spell check and it is below freezing and I am smoking up a storm as I type. And it's dark too since we've blown a fuse at the homestead. But I am an emotive person, a quite a talking, and a classic over thinker whose mind has literally been stuck on this issue for the last 2 weeks and 6 days. And people have told me to talk to him, but I know he will not listen to me, so I figured, try here? Maybe something might get through? And maybe, I can expell some of this negativity and pain so I can move on, in that healthy mature sort of way. Anyway, I guess that's it. XOXOX
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My journey didn’t exactly get off to a great start when at Gatwick check in they asked me for my ESTA. “Sorry, you what?!” Having not travelled to or via the US for over 12 years, I had actually never heard of an ESTA! I’m still not exactly sure what it is. It’s described as a ‘non-visa’ but as far as I’m concerned it is a visa! Anyway, turns out you need one even if you are just transiting through the USA and it gives you permission to stay up to 90 days – sounds like a visa right?!!
Fortunately I could request one online which I did at a cost of $14 but imagine my horror when I get a message saying “Thank you for your application, we will let you know if you’ve been successful within 72 hours!” I actually remained surprisingly calm though there was that moment of “Oh god, what have I done?!” But it was all resolved just a few minutes later and I was off on my travels!
The first leg of my journey was with Norwegian airlines.
Good points
Plenty leg room even I economy. Seats were comfy too!
It was very clean
The onboard entertainment wasn’t bad – there were films and games but no music options.
There was a USB port to charge electrical items which came in very handy!
Bad Points
There was no provided meal or drinks despite it being a transatlantic flight! Apparently this is getting more common in the last few years though I’ve spent that time exploring closer to home in Europe and only taking short flights so it came as quite a shock to me when I had to pay £10 for the worlds smallest toast and a bottle of water!
The staff were a tad slow to respond.
All in all it was a pretty good flight even if I did spend most of it dehydrated, refusing to pay extortionate prices for a tiny bottle of water! I would book again with Norwegian airlines but next time I’d pack myself a yummy picnic!
Boston airport however was a completely different story and I’d like to avoid that experience again if I can! Firstly queuing for customs took over ONE HOUR AND A HALF!! And I thought it was the British that enjoyed queuing!! It was so chaotic and there were barely any staff. They were shouting instructions rather than having signs or even annoys. You could tell how frustrated they were getting and the poor guys were sitting ducks for a case of laryngitis!
The problem was, even the staff seemed confused as to who should be in each line. I had the same people tell me to stay in one queue and then an hour later when we’d barely moved at all tell me I should be in a different queue after all, as it was my 2nd visit to the US. So off I trotted feeling smug to have escaped the  long line only to go through a machine system and fail the fingerprint test (as my previous trip was 12 years ago pre- ESTA) and have to rejoin the same dreaded queue!
When I eventually got through customs, the baggage carousel had a few lonely abandoned suitcases but my backpack was nowhere to be seen! Ok, now I was panicking! I’d ignored the advice I would tell other people – to pack enough clothes to last a few days in your hand luggage – in favour for carrying my electrical items instead, loathe to part with them. So I was potentially facing a week in the Galapagos in just the clothes I was wearing and even worse – no swimming cossie! But at least I had my 2 cameras and laptop!
I made my way to lost baggage where the guy I spoke to spent ages faffing on his phone and not telling me what was going on until eventually I asked him again what he thought had happened. “Oh yeah we have the bag, but you have to wait.” Ok well thanks for letting me know so I could stop pacing the room! After a further 20 minutes wait, I was very relieved to be reunited with my bag though instantly less so when I swung it up onto my back. God that thing weighs a ton! I’m used to travelling light when I backpack but I’m learning how tricky that is when you are packing for hot AND cold climates and need to bring your own camping equipment! (Read my guide here for how to pack for travelling South America.)
So off I wobbled like a heavily pregnant woman or possibly a penguin, to my next check in and guess what? It was incredibly slow! Another 40 minutes despite being seemingly near the start of the queue from the offset! Anyway eventually I was through security (which was surprisingly quick in Boston’s defence) and had enough time to get some food before my next flight. I sat there counting my lucky stars that I had a long stopover of 5 hrs 30 mins otherwise I would most definitely have missed my connecting flight! I had planned to spend some of that time finding somewhere for a massage to relax and soothe my achey travel muscles – that did not quite pan out!
Hopefully the next section of my journey will be more smooth sailing. I have 2 more flights today then staying in Quito before my final flight to The Galapagos. From all I’ve heard, the mega long 4 flight journey will be completely worth it!
I’m sat here writing this on my 2nd flight with Avianca and guess what?! I just smelt breakfast! Hurrah, included airport food is still a ‘thing.’ Who knew I would miss flight food so much?!
Have you ever had a good or bad experience with Boston airport? I’d love to hear about it. As always I promise to tell you about the good, the bad and the ugly parts of travelling and give you my honest reviews! Travel is not always plain sailing but it is ALWAYS worth it!
A review of Boston Airport - What a shambles! Customs for 1.5 hrs, missing luggage... My journey didn’t exactly get off to a great start when at Gatwick check in they asked me for my ESTA.
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