#╰ (✪∀<) ~ *:・゚✧ I’ll put a curse on that beautiful mind of yours. ✘ ASK.
padfootagain · 3 days
Love in Verses (XI)
Chapter 11: ‘Lived to see you throwing me aside.’
Hi! Here is another chapter! On the menu today: a dinner with Sam and Frank… I’ll let you guess how well this will go… (I hope my choice for Andrew's pic for this chapter gives you a clue...)
I hope you like this chapter! Tell me what you think!
Pairing: Hozier x fem!reader (professor!AU)
Warnings: slow burn, angst, hurt, hurt/comfort, tooth-rotting fluff in later chapters, some scenes in later chapters will have heavy sexual themes even if it’s not explicit nsfw description, so minors here
Summary: Your life seems perfect. You're engaged, your career is thriving as you become an assistant professor at Trinity College, and this Andrew Hozier-Byrne you're sharing an office with seems to be a nice guy you hope to call a friend soon. Life seems to be smiling at you... until everything goes sour. When your fiancé breaks up with you, your perfect world shatters. And when your colleague also gets his heart broken soon after, your shared office seems to be a curse rather than a blessing. But Andrew seems determined to mend your broken hearts... Will things finally go according to plan?
Word Count: 2933
Masterlist for the series – Hozier’s masterlist – Main masterlist
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Hesitate to call
Lived to see you throwing Me aside. That fought Like nettled fish inside me. Saw you throbbing In my syrups. Saw you sleep. And lived to see That all that all flushed down The refuse. Done? It lives in me. You live in me. Malignant. Love, you ever want me, don’t.
Louise Glück, The First Five Books of Poems
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Andrew checked his appearance in the mirror for what seemed to be the hundredth time.
He was nervous beyond reason, after all he was heading to a restaurant to see Sam. And after a long-term relationship, he shouldn’t have felt so troubled by it. But things were different now, things were… complicated, to say the least.
Still, he heaved a sigh, checked his appearance once more. He had let his hair loose, had put on contacts, was wearing a black shirt and some dark jeans. He looked tired, exhausted even. Work was a lot at the moment, he had a thousand things to do. He still struggled to sleep, was still tortured with thoughts and dreams of Sam, of her leaving, of her loving someone else.
November was ending, and with it, the remnants of Andrew’s and Sam’s plans. Plans…
A weekend in Kerry in September. Saimhan with friends. Now, Andrew should be packing. He should be choosing clothes, not for an evening in a restaurant, but for a weekend in Glasgow. A flight late at night leaving from Dublin, another one during the night between Sunday and Monday. And in between, a couple of days just for them, spent eating, visiting museums, seeing the sights, walking around the town. A night in a hotel, one she had chosen, spent on filling their hearts with love and their bodies with lust and desire.
He looked at his reflection again, stared right into his own hazel eyes. They were greener than usual, probably because wearing contacts made his eyes water. He would have been more comfortable with glasses, more relaxed as well, more himself, in a way.
He blinked tears away as a thought crossed his mind, a painful one he wished he could have kept at bay, but he didn’t have the strength for that. Beating himself up was a habit, since childhood. There were thoughts sometimes that formed in his mind that brought him pain, but he listened anyway. Sometimes they were quiet, sometimes they were deafening. These days they were loud and clear.
He went to get his coat, grab his car keys, get ready to leave. He petted Elwood, told him to be a good boy, that he would soon be home. The thought followed him outside his home.
Being himself was never enough for Sam to love him.
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Christ, Sam was so beautiful…
It was breaking his heart that they weren’t on a date. As he entered the restaurant, saw her sitting at a table waiting for him, Andrew was reminded of hundreds of evenings spent like this, going on a date in a restaurant, at the cinema, it didn’t even matter where. At the end, they didn’t go out much anymore. Sam always seemed to be too busy for that. At the time, Andrew thought it was only because of her job. Now, he wondered if maybe she had not already started to give up on them.
But he hadn’t. To this day, he hadn’t given up on them…
He kept on admiring her for a few more seconds, until the rest of the table was revealed to him, and the illusion waned. You were there too, facing Frank. The restaurant was posh, he felt a little uneasy in this atmosphere. He wouldn’t have chosen such a place for a date, but he had no doubt that Sam liked it.
He forced a smile as he approached, was greeted warmly by Frank, the first one who spotted him as he approached. You turned on your chair to greet him with a relieved smile, and his heart made a happy jump at the sight of you. He had an ally tonight, he wasn’t on his own…
“You’re late.”
He turned to Sam, his heart dropping again. Her tone was flat, emotionless, and he knew her enough to be aware that it was worse than annoyance. She was angry. He struggled to swallow.
“Yeah, sorry… Had some stuff to take care of before coming.”
She rolled her eyes, knowing it was a lie. Or well, it wasn’t a lie, but the real reason was simply that Andrew was always late. To everything. He couldn’t do much about it; if left unattended, he simply lost track of time. The alarms he had set up had done little to help him tonight. He didn’t add anything, merely took a seat.
“Ha, no worries!” Frank reassured him, and Andrew could tell that he was nervous and willing to make Andrew feel welcome. As a result, Andrew was highly uncomfortable.
“The food looks… interesting,” you commented, trying to drag the conversation away from Andrew, and he was grateful for it.
“The oysters are particularly good!” Frank recommended.
You said nothing, but Andrew frowned.
You… hadn’t you told him once that you weren’t such a fan of seafood?
Indeed, when you chose what to eat, you didn’t follow Frank’s advice at all.
Conversation drifted towards work, and your respective lives. Catching up or getting to know each other.
And Andrew understood Frank’s appeal tonight, as he watched him lead the conversation. He was louder than Andrew ever was, bright, clearly extraverted, longing for people’s attention. He was funny, charming. And handsome, that too, Andrew couldn’t deny that either. His complete opposite. Average height, muscles that threatened the fabric of his sleeves while he passionately talked about his work and moved his hands around, blond with electric blue eyes.
So… that was what Sam longed for? What had made you fall for him?
Andrew tried not to think this way. There was nothing he could do about his physical appearance, his ridiculous height, his gangly stature… there was no need to torture himself over that. He could show that he took care of Sam though. That he paid attention to her. That he loved her…
Because Frank didn’t seem to care all that much. Andrew saw it as you talked about your work, about how nervous you were as you got ready to give your students their first test of the year. And if Andrew was intently listening, Frank was clearly uninterested. He drew the conversation away from your job as soon as he could, offering encouraging words, and quickly moving on. You smiled, but you weren’t fooled. Andrew saw it in the way your gaze saddened, in the way the excitement that had been glimmering there died out instantly. His heart ached at the sight. And when Frank spoke again, Andrew didn’t care.
“Will you set a limit for the length required for the essay?”
Frank grew quiet, frowned. You turned to Andrew, clearly surprised by his question.
“Erm… I haven’t decided yet. I usually don’t.”
“Once a student gave me a twenty-pages long essay…”
“Twenty pages?!”
“Yeah… she was thorough, for sure.”
“Did you read the whole thing?”
“Of course. And now I set a limited word count.”
You chuckled, nodded.
“Maybe I should do that. What about your class about Yeats? Have you decided on a subject for an essay?”
“I’m still hesitating… I want to prepare one about Yeats’s involvement in the Irish Literary Revival… but I could choose one of his love poems about Maud Gonne too.”
You chuckled.
“Why do I feel like they’ll hear a lot about No Second Troy…”
“I love that poem.”
“Anyone who speaks of literature with you for more than ten minutes knows that,” you teased. “It’s a short poem to study, though.”
“Yeah… but that means they would really have to work on each line, instead of simply skipping whatever element they struggle with.”
“I feel like it would be easier for them to work on the more political side of Yeats’s work during exam season. The material is easier, and we’ll go thoroughly through the most important aspects of these texts in class. So… I think I’ll ask them to work on love poems at home.”
“Sounds like a good idea.”
You exchanged a smile. When Andrew looked up at Frank and Sam, they had stopped listening and were both eating their meal in silence. Sam was looking at something on her phone, a habit she had developed in the past couple of years.
She hadn’t asked him about his job. She hadn’t asked him if he wrote, how he felt, if he was suffering because of her. Perhaps she didn’t want to hear his answers. Perhaps she didn’t really care. Andrew was starting to have doubts. The more the evening was progressing, the more he realised that she didn’t seem to care. Sam and Andrew had spent years together, but she wasn’t listening as he spoke of his work, of the things he loved most on Earth.
Did she even care at all about him anymore? She used to listen to him talk about music and poetry for hours, back when they were students…
Or did she? She had never liked his own writing, but he thought she listened when he spoke of what he loved, still. She didn’t seem willing to make an effort these days… but then again, they weren’t together anymore. So, why would she?
“I’ve listened to your record, by the way!”
Andrew blinked, looked at you again.
“Duke Ellington and John Coltrane. I’ve listened to it.”
He raised a surprised eyebrow.
“Did you? Really?”
You nodded, an excited smile on your lips.
“Of course! I’m going to sound very basic, I think In a Sentimental Mood was my favourite… although I really loved My Little Brown Book too.”
His mouth broke into a bright grin.
“Grand! Like… that’s grand! I’m glad you liked it.”
Frank stared at you for a moment.
“Who are you talking about?” he asked, trying to slither in the conversation.
“Andy recommended me some music! I have a whole list at this point,” you teased, nudging him with your elbow and making him chuckle and blush.
“It’s Jazz,” Andrew explained. “Some of the greatest, honestly.”
Sam heaved a sigh, still focused on her screen.
“Oh… nice,” Frank nodded, although he didn’t sound convincing at all.
“I really liked it a lot,” you went on. “I don’t really have the vocabulary to describe it, like… on a technical point of view, you know? But I liked it. It was very… like… drawing me in, in a way. There was tension, and then once I was trapped in the song, there was so much emotion there… And it’s unusual for me to be so focused when listening to instrumental music. I have a busy brain, I get distracted easily.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. I have a busy brain too… but that’s what Blues and Jazz do to me. They kind of… shush my brain. Make it go quiet.”
“Yeah, exactly.”
“You like music, then, Andy?”
Andrew looked at Frank again, wanted to correct him and ask to be called Andrew… but he didn’t want to seem rude. He didn’t like it, though, how he used his nickname.
“Yeah, a lot.”
“Andy wanted to be a musician, back in the days,” Sam intervened, putting her phone down again.
“Really? What instrument do you play?”
“I sing, mostly… play guitar too.”
“But you didn’t make a career out of it? Not that it’s surprising, it’s a tough field to work in. Most people can’t make a living out of it. Like… there’s so much competition, so few who actually get to make it. It must be a tough life.”
“A few of his friends made it though, and he had the talent for it,” Sam went on. “But Andy is not one to compromise easily.”
Andrew stared at her with a raised eyebrow.
“What do you mean by that?”
She shrugged.
“You could have had a record deal, had you accepted to change a few things about your songs.”
Andrew huffed, he could barely believe his ears…
“There was never an opportunity for me to record my own songs, and you know that. I didn’t want to sing those… attempts at pop hits that felt soulless to me.”
“And you didn’t get a record deal.”
“I didn’t want that kind of deal. I wanted to record the songs I had written.”
She didn’t say a thing, but her thoughts were loud enough for Andrew to guess them.
And then you didn’t record any of those either.
“Why are you saying all that like you’re resenting me?” Andrew asked, and Sam shook her head.
“I don’t resent you, of course! It was your choice.”
“You do sound like it though…”
“I’m just pointing out that you’re not the kind of guy who compromises much.”
He raised an unimpressed eyebrow and huffed again.
“You’re one to talk…” he mumbled.
Andrew spent his time compromising. Had he not compromised when he wanted to take a job in London and had settled for Dublin instead because she didn’t want to move there? When she refused to move in with him and asked for more time to find herself? When she chose most of their topics of conversations? When he barely talked about his work?
He let out a long exhale, took a bite of the overpriced fish he had ordered. He didn’t even like the food…
Sam spoke again, about some stupid tv reality she had been watching with Frank, and you listened even though you hadn’t seen it. Meanwhile, Andrew wanted to talk about music with you again. He wanted to ask you about Duke Ellington, he wanted to ask you what songs you liked, he wanted to listen to you ramble about how music made you feel. Your thoughts were always interesting, he could have talked with you for hours… and sometimes he did.
But he shook himself. He wanted Sam. He wanted to have Sam back, and nobody was perfect. There were some things in Sam that annoyed him or disappointed him or that he didn’t understand but at the end of the day she was Sam, and that was enough for him.
He was quieter throughout the rest of the evening, trying to do some damage control over the couple of tensed moments that had occurred during the night.
But then the conversation settled on the wedding itself, and things turned ill all over again…
“And we need to settle on a cake too! Christ, everything is complicated when you’re planning a wedding!” Sam laughed, while Andrew was tightly closing his fists under the table, until his nails drew crescent marks into his palms, while you looked away in a hurry.
“You know… I thought we could choose a strawberry cake,” Frank said. “It’s a classic, most people like those…”
“Sam is allergic to strawberries,” Andrew answered without thinking.
An uncomfortable silence settled across the table.
“Oh… you didn’t tell me that, babe,” Frank told Sam, who frowned.
Clearly, she had told him before, but she said nothing.
“Well, we’ll choose something else!” Frank shrugged.
“What about your career, then?” you asked your ex, staring intensely at him.
“My career?”
“You… you used to say that you wanted to wait to get married because you needed to focus on your career.”
Slowly, Frank nodded.
“Yeah… that’s true. I used to want that. But… it’s different with Sam.”
Andrew saw the pain that shot across your features. There was so much anger that ran through his veins then…
“Right,” you nodded.
“Like… my work seemed the most important, but now… not anymore. Or… not in the same way. So, why wait?”
“Why wait, indeed…” you slowly nodded while Frank and Sam exchanged a tender gaze, one that made Andrew nauseous.
He looked down at the piece of cheesecake he had barely touched, decided not to eat it. He couldn’t get anything more down…
The meal ended in a quiet mood, with conversations spent mostly between Sam and Frank, but the couple seemed satisfied with this situation. When they disappeared in a cab together, Andrew felt emptier than ever. A shell without a pulse or any other semblance of life…
He turned around to look at you standing behind him in the street, right before the restaurant. Your frame was illuminated by both the white light coming from the restaurant’s sign and the orange hues of the streetlights.
He caught himself thinking that you were beautiful, had to push the thought away. But you were. You had dressed up tonight, undoubtedly to impress Frank, just like Andrew had tried to impress Sam with his careful choice of outfit. And Andrew was impressed, at any rate. You were gorgeous…
You offered him a humourless smile.
“Tonight was… a lot, right?”
He nodded, letting out a long exhale through his nose.
“You can say that…”
“I can’t say that it went… incredibly well.”
“No… it was… strange.”
“Let’s put it that way, yeah.”
“I’m not sure it helped us make any progress.”
“I’m not so sure either. On the contrary. But we tried, at least.”
Andrew nodded, looked at you as you heaved a sigh.
“You know what I want right now?”
He shook his head, tilting his head to the side as he waited for you to speak again, his hands now buried in his pockets.
“I really… really… want to get drunk. Like… hammered. Properly destroyed.”
Andrew exploded with laughter.
“You know what… sign me up! Getting very drunk sounds nice!”
“Let’s go to my place. I don’t want to be surrounded by people anymore,” you offered, and Andrew easily accepted.
As he followed you throughout the street, he reckoned that at least one thing in this evening could be pleasant, after all.
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art donaldson is reader’s ex from college, except you two never really broke it off. at least not properly.
a/n: this isn’t proofread lmfao this was written in the middle of the night i was bored but enjoyyy
you were looking around a gift shop for a friend visiting the city. it was nearing the end of her trip and you wanted to give her a goodbye gift to remember the moment.
the day was cold, snow falling on the streets as cars honked by. thick jackets, winter festivals, christmas trees in the windows of random houses on the street. the entirety of earth settling down to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year.
you knelt down, scanning the shelves for mugs, keychains, you name it. picking out a gift for a friend was a great art you took specialty in.
“lils, don’t run around like that with glass in your hand. drop it and i’ll have to pay.”
you nearly dropped the item in your hand at the sound. a voice that haunts you each day, one that never left your mind. what was his presence doing here?
you were cursing yourself in your mind, putting down the item almost immediately. you didn’t want anything to do with him or his life.
suddenly, a tap on your shoulder causes you to turn around. your gaze meets his beauty, the sculpture of a face he owns. he was a piece of art. literally.
the first exchange of awkward glances soon turn to smiles. past experiences flooding back in a couple seconds of silence.
“i knew it was you.” did you really know? i don’t think you remembered me at all. unless i was stored in the back of your mind like i had always wished. did you miss me too?
“oh my gosh, i haven’t seen you in forever.” you pried a smile on your face as he gave you a side hug. the proximity of your faces sickening knowing that if you’d lasted it would’ve been different.
art took a glance at the girl standing cluelessly beside him. her hand tugging on his jacket as she held up a keychain with a smile. he knelt down, nodding his head and setting a kiss on her curls before she continued her adventure. art’s attention turning back to yours after a huff from the parenting.
“that’s my daughter lily.” “that’s nice, how old?” “seven.”
seven years, and more, he spent getting over me. i never really let go. you keep a leash on my neck even though you’ve got your life together. a child? a wife? a fucking career? why do i feel so magnetized by your invisible presence? why do i, after all these years, hold so much against you, but in reality, there is nothing at all?
“are you and your family just visiting?” you wanted him to come over sometime so that you could excuse yourselves to the bathroom and make out and possibly find your spark again. would that be so evil? you didn’t think so.
he puffed his cheeks, nodding as his hands stuffed into his pockets. “just for a bit, yeah.” the signature side smile that tugged his lips made you have déjà vu.
you were proud of him for doing what you couldn’t, moving on. he found himself a life, one without you, and definitely more successful. did his wife know that you were the one he slept with at night before her? you were the one who ran your fingers through his blond curls? how did he throw you away so easily as if you were never there?
“i missed you.” “i did, too.” “no, i mean like, i really fucking missed you.”
your eyes glistened with something more. yearning, the unresolved question that hung in the air. you didn’t know whether to cry on the spot. everything was full with question marks, anger, sadness, mixes and mixes of emotions that took too much mind to handle. your breath hitched with hesitation. a reassuring smile from art, wiping the tension away.
his smile signaling his acceptance of my thoughts before speaking. “it was real, all of it. and i’m sorry for throwing it under the rug like that. we’re both well past that now, i hope. please forgive the immature mess i was back in college,” his voice paused, like a barrier to the words that were urging to come out.
his hand slipped out the pocket of his jacket, setting it on your shoulder. please, console me, my lover. help me leave the role of being the biggest fish in your sea. no matter how many hooks go through my body, i will always come back to the surface to show you my scales.
“i have to go, but i wish you a happy holidays from my family. you’ll find the one, alright?”
your breath shuddered as you saw art walk away with his daughter hand in hand. their presence disappearing like the intimacy that once remained. the bells ringing as a sign that he was gone, that was his exit. the closure that you so desperately needed all those years.
your story was always destined to be tragic. you were left behind in a dusty cloth, an heirloom soon to be found near his deathbed.
it hurts to know that you will never be loved by anyone like art donaldson again. he was only temporary to your story. you still have a journey that continues, why shed on the past if he’d already moved on?
it was worth knowing that the love was there, and it might still remain, just left unspoken.
you won’t welcome him back anymore. you won’t stay on his doorstep, scratching on the door to find your place again. instead, you’ll be waving goodbye to him from the dock, watching him getting shipped off to sea.
this is our goodbye, art. thank you for stopping by.
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theircurse · 5 months
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╰ ☆ ✧ — @vulpesly asked: "What exactly are you looking for?"
[ from jono ]
↳ -: ☆ ( &. 𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. ) ☆ :-
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˗ˏˋ *ㅤ★ㅤ‿︵ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒉𝒖𝒆𝒔 𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒆 as they turn towards the man. Maybe they shouldn't have just snuck inㅤ—ㅤbut they didn't see too much of a problem with it. After all, they were on their OWN very important mission !
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⊱ ★ ⊰ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ❛ㅤThe other Hunting Dogs said you had SUGAR PUFFS ! They said you have sugar puffs that fly ! So I'm looking for them !ㅤ❜
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╰ ☆ ✧ — @petalbound asked: Kyouka - for the sender’s muse to step between the receiver’s muse and a threat to protect them .
↳ -: ☆ ( Unprompted ) ☆ :-
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˗ˏˋ *ㅤ★ㅤ‿︵ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒍𝒚 𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 always happened in their line of work. Being pitted against GROWN ADULTS twice their age and height all for the sake of OTHER grown adults. This was nothing but an every day occurrence for them ( or at least, every day the Boss decided to pull them out of their cell for some reason or another ).
⊱ ★ ⊰ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤBut today, they find themselves having TROUBLE. It already took enough effort to break into the place and take what the Boss had wanted ( just more stupid grown up stuff that had nothing to do with them ). Yet, they find themselves CORNERED by gang members that they had obviously UPSET a great deal with their act of theft.
⊱ ★ ⊰ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤThey could just CURSE EVERYONE HERE. All it would take was spilling some of their own blood. It was always a pain to get themselves hurt — but if they could see the people that HURT THEM suffer and AVOID PUNISHMENT from the mafia, it was worth it.
⊱ ★ ⊰ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤBefore they or the other men could take any action though, they find a figure donning a FAMILIAR RED KIMONO obscuring their view of their would - be assailants.
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⊱ ★ ⊰ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ❛ㅤKyouka - san ? What are YOU doing here ?ㅤ❜
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theircurse-archive3 · 2 years
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✧ * º • –– Anonymous asked: Your interpretation is so f*cking good omg. I come to your blog whenever I either want cuteness overload or to have my heart ripped out and stomped on.
↳ -: ✧ ( Unprompted ! ) ✧ :-
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YELLS ANON I APPRECIATE THAT SO MUCH ! I've put so much work into Yumeno these past few years and it's so wonderful to know that people appreciate my interpretation ! I'm so glad I'm serving and either giving you cuteness overload or giving you soul crushing agony and pain. Thank you so much, anon ! I hope you have a lovely night because you're amazing ♡
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nateezfics · 3 months
i hope requests are still open, can you please do atz with a breeding kink?
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PAIRING — ateez x reader
GENRE — smut, romance, established relationship, boyfriend!ateez, parent!wooyoung, fem bodied!reader, sub!reader, soft dom!ateez
WARNINGS — smut, unprotected sex//creampie (wrap it before you tap it, folks!), breeding//impreg kink, cum play, cum eating, oral (f receiving), overstimulation, choking, shower sex, dirty talk//sexual language, intentional lower case and small font, intentional word abbreviations
SUMMARY — ateez breeding you.
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a sharp thrust, and then another. the lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the room, accompanied by the harmonies of moans and curses. the grip around your throat tightened, and all you could do was surrender your body to the pleasure coursing through you.
lips were at your ear. “you’re squeezing my cock so fucking good, baby,” hongjoong whispered, voice raspy with exertion and desire. his hips were brutal and grip firm. “gonna make me cum. gonna fill this pussy up so full. would you like that, huh?”
your nails dug weakly into his back as you tried to hold onto the last vestiges of your coherence. the lack of proper air and the promise of his hot seed had your mind reeling. you managed a nod and small whimper.
hongjoong smirked and lifted his head to peer down at you, enjoying the fucked out expression on your face. “i’ll breed this little pussy of yours, and you’re gonna take every last drop, yeah?”
his cock struck a chord deep inside and you spiraled into ecstasy with a hoarse whisper of his name. your own high urged him to his own, and just like he promised, he filled your hole with his seed, and you cried as you felt its warmth.
“you take me so good. so fucking good, baby.”
“fuck,” seonghwa groaned, hands pushing your thighs into the mattress and putting your pussy on full display. he was awestruck at the sight of you, your sex pretty and swollen and leaking his cum. “you’re so dirty.”
your cheeks grew hot at his words and at the feeling of his eyes examining your most intimate area. “s-stop staring.”
one of seonghwa brows quirked as he regarded you, a look of disbelief on his handsome face. “stop staring? how can i stop when your pussy is so beautiful.” his palms skated across your inner thighs until his thumbs were at your pussy, spreading your folds open to watch as his cum gushed out. “your pussy always looks the most beautiful after being fucked and bred so good.”
you didn’t have much time to process what he did next. his face dove between your thighs and his tongue licked a stripe up your slit before you could react, a choked moan falling from your mouth at the contact. “seonghwa!”
seonghwa laughed against you while he reveled in the mixed taste of you and him. “we can’t let all this cum go to waste, now can we?” his tongue was plunging between your folds in the next second, pushing all of his cum back into your hole.
your hands dug into the sheets while your spine arched uncomfortably. there wasn’t much you could do to brace yourself against his powerful thrusts except to take every bit of what he was giving you. you cried out as his cock churned your insides and battered that sweet spot repeatedly. you’d already cum a few times, overstimulation having you on the brink of pleasure and pain.
your slick and his seed dripped down your thighs; you were so full you were literally spilling, but yunho was determined to fill you up even more. “you can take some more, can’t you? this pussy was meant to be bred.”
you whimpered into the mattress as your body shook. “s’much, yunho. so full. can’t take anymore.”
yunho laughed at your small voice. “yes, you can. you can take one more load. i just can’t stop until i’ve properly bred you.” his voice was soft, a stark contrast to the way his hips pistoned into your backside hard enough to shake the bed frame. “you’re gonna look so pretty all round with our kid inside you.”
you yelped when he leaned over you, the size of him overwhelming you. his cock reached deeper at this angle, and it felt like there were wildfires on every nerve of your body.
“now, be good and take some more, baby.”
“god, baby. you’re milking me so fucking good.” yeosang had you trapped in a mating press, your knees by your head. his cock was throbbing inside you; he was so close to cumming, and with the way he battered your sweet spot, so were you.
“yeosang, you’re so deep!” in this state it was impossible for your brain to comprehend much of anything outside of the way he filled you to the brim and stretched you wide. you were delirious, so drunk on his cock. “‘m gonna cum…”
he huffed, hot breath fanning your cheek. “yeah? you’re gonna cum? me too, baby. where do you me to cum?” there was an urgency to his voice.
“inside me, please.”
yeosang groaned, cock twitching at your plea. “inside you? want me to fill you up?”
you wanted, no, needed to be full of him in every sense. “y-yes! fill me up! i can take it, i promise.”
you were both reaching your ends at once, unraveling together with sighs and curses. your walls spasmed around him, coaxing every last drop of milky cum out of him. and you took every bit until you were leaking around him.
yeosang panted as his forehead rested against yours, cock still throbbing from the aftershocks of pleasure. “fuck, i love when i get to breed you like this.”
“god damn it.” your cunt had a tight grip on san’s cock, pulling him in like you never wanted to let him go. he bottomed out again and stilled, cock twitching with need to release while he was trying so hard to keep that from happening just yet. “god, this pussy of yours, baby. gonna get us in trouble.”
you whined at his stillness. you pushed your ass back into him to urge him to move, desperate for the orgasm that was now slipping away. “just cum inside me, san.”
he groaned and groped your ass while he attempted to hang on to his sanity. “cum inside you? want me to breed you, is that it?”
you shouldn’t have found him breeding you so hot. it was a dangerous game, but you wanted to play nonetheless. “yes, sannie. please.”
you were beginning to flutter around him, obviously aroused from the thought of his cum filling you up. san resumed his pace, fucking your tight pussy until you were unraveling around him. he fell apart right after you, spilling into you with a low groan falling off his tongue. and later when he watched the way his seed dripped from your hole, he knew he’d found his new addiction. “fuck it. one kid won’t hurt anyway.”
“you want more?”mingi’s deep voice reverberated inside the steamy shower, as did the wet slaps of his hips against yours. he held you in place against the shower wall, your legs wrapped around his slim waist.
you moaned into his ear just as your hands gripped at his soaked hair. “please, mingi. i want more.”
he groaned at your cute voice. “are you sure your little pussy can take more? you’ve already taken so much…”
“fill me up again, please. i want your cum.” you were so delirious on his cock, begging for him as if he hadn’t fucked you full of his cum twice already.
mingi nipped at your neck as his cock twitched, your pussy clamping down on him so tight he felt like he could’ve lost his mind. you had milked him of everything he could give, but here you were, crying for more. and how could he resist you when you sounded so cute? “you’re so desperate for my cock and my seed. you’re so fucking,” a sharp thrust, “adorable.”
you clawed at his back as he drove into you deeper, harder. you were slipping and sliding against the wet wall, but mingi held you in his embrace securely even while his thrusts grew more erratic by the second.
“okay, baby. take my cum. take all of it like the good little cum slut you are.”
“oh my god, wooyoung,” you huffed just as he bent you over the countertop, your dress hiked up and panties pushed to the side as he entered you. “we gotta go pick up the kids from my parents. we can’t – fuck – be late.”
wooyoung’s hips were swift and sharp, driving his cock into you so good it had your back arching. he took you over the kitchen counter, too fucking pussy drunk to even attempt leaving the house just yet. “need to fuck you first. need to fill you up.” he felt like he was a dog in heat with the way this primal need overwhelmed him.
you moaned as he hit that perfect spot inside you. he was fucking you in a frenzy, in a way that was going to have both of you cumming as quickly as possible. “wooyoung, ‘m not gonna last.”
wooyoung’s cock throbbed. “fuck, baby, neither am i,” his hands locked around your hips as he used them for leverage to fuck into you harder. “gonna fill you up, okay? gonna put another baby inside you. how does that sound? would you like that?”
your eyes rolled into your skull. “yes, f-fuck!”
wooyoung emptied himself inside you soon after, and the feeling of his hot cum inside you tipped you over the edge. he let you ride out your high, groaning as your cunt sucked him in and took every last drop from him. “just like that, baby. milk my cock.”
a deep plunge, a firm palm on your lower belly. “god, baby. you’re so full. how does your little pussy take me so well every time?” jongho’s thick cock stretched you wide with every dip of his hips, his palm feeling the bulge in your belly.
the pressure of his hand on your abdomen accompanied by his cock reaching deep inside had you at a loss for words. you were dumb with pleasure; the only thing that mattered to you was him.
jongho enjoyed the sight of you speechless from the pleasure. he pressed into you more firmly, and the whine that escaped you was immediate. “gonna cum inside you, gonna claim that womb of yours. think you can take it all, baby?”
you mewled at the meaning of his words, at the idea of him claiming you fully and completely. your cunt twitched with excitement, signaling to him you were already so close to falling apart. “y-yes.”
he smiled down at you lovingly. his eyes watched his hand as it remained firm against your lower belly. “you’re gonna look so beautiful pregnant, belly round as it grows to accommodate our baby. tell me, you gonna let me fuck you when you’re pregnant, hm?”
you groaned. god, he was ruining you. breaking you down. you didn’t utter a word this time, just offered him a whimper and nod of your head.
jongho picked up the pace, his hand leaving your belly to grasp a hold of one of yours, interlocking your fingers. “good, now lay back and let me fuck you full of my seed.”
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AUTHOR’S NOTES — “créme de la penis” lmao.
TAG LIST — @abiaswreck @charreddonuts @hongthoven @httpseungmxn @itza-meee @jungkookieprincess @jaerisdiction @kitten4sannie @lilie-dctl @mjyungi @marievllr-abg @maltesejjong @mylovelymito @nebulousbookshelf @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23 @staytinyinmybpack @svintsandghosts @thesafecafe @wolfgurl2600-blog @5starduca
NETWORKS — @kflixnet @wonderlandnet
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enhalouv · 2 months
hyung line - when you want his attention while he's on the phone
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a/n: another lil easing in w some pov !! hope u enjoy hehe
pairing: enha hyung line x fem!reader
warning: SMUT!, corporate!enha hyung line, derogative language (c!nt), oral, unprotected sex, voyeur, public-ish sex, a mention of a foot, cursing, lil dub-con
w.c: 1,541
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“Well, I’ll be in the office quite late, so there shouldn’t be a problem with finishing it.”
Heeseung’s playing with the papers on his desk, a contract awaiting his signature. He knows it’s important, but it’s 3 hours past work hours and he’s finding it difficult to concentrate on the vital information dump. 
Nonetheless, he tries his best. Soon enough, he finds himself absorbed in hearing what his colleague says regarding a business deal they’re both working on. 
He’s so distracted, he almost misses you walking in. 
It’s hard to miss you when you’re in the lingerie set he brought you back from his business meeting in London. You look beautiful. Heeseung leans back on his chair, hand gripping the armrest as he shifts his legs forward to relieve the pressure of his growing erection. 
The set was something he noticed in the shop window of a high-end sex store. Heeseung imagined your beautiful body gripped tight by the material of the lingerie. He hadn’t even hesitated to buy it, disregarding the quadruple-digit price tag entirely. The lingerie was barely concealing anything. Mesh and lace exactly hugging your skin the way Heeseung knew it would. God, he’s drooling. 
“Well, the client needs to confirm the fee estimate before we can get started. But he’s barely responding…”
The voice of his colleague flows in one ear and out the other, his attention solely on the way you stroll into his room. His breath hitches when you drop onto your knees in front of him. 
“Pay attention to your call, Hee. It must be important.” You’re being cheeky. Lips pulled into an innocent smile like you’re not working to unbuckle his belt. 
Heeseung’s straining through his slacks, his grip on the armrest of his chair tightening as you palm his cock. 
His attention gets drawn back by the call of his name. “Yes?”
“Were you listening?”
“Sorry,” Heeseung chuckles, a hand going to grip the back of your head as you mouth at his cock through his underwear. “Just got a bit distracted there, what did you say?”
“I was saying…”
The call drifts out of his mind, his phone dangling precariously in his fingers. His business partner continues to update him on something- Heeseung doesn’t care. All he cares about is the warmth your wet mouth provides as you suck his cock down your throat. 
You’d been acting up. Whined and tugged at Jay to give you attention while he answered an important work call. 
You were being a brat. 
Jay wasn’t so nice when you acted out. So, now you’re on all fours, being pounded by your boyfriend from behind. A hand firmly covering your mouth to prevent any noise from coming out, less the person on the other end hearing how Jay makes your head spin. 
He’s relentless with his thrusts, a hand pushes your back into a deeper curve, and the other holds a phone to his ear. He’s responding with a steady voice, one that doesn’t give away the way he’s got you unravelling on his cock. 
“Actually,” Jay cuts the other person off, slowing down his thrusts and pushing in deeper. “Can you relay that to my assistant, she’ll be much better at ensuring this job gets completed.” 
You’re barely paying attention, the new pace making you drool from how deep your boyfriend is going. 
“She’s here right now, let me pass you to her.”
Without hesitation, Jay leans forward pushing deeper into you and puts his phone against your ear. You begin to panic as Jay shows no signs of stopping. What the actual fuck is he thinking?
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!
“Go on, love,” Jay’s voice is low as he speaks to you, careful to not let it get caught by the phone’s microphone. “Answer him.”
You grip the phone hard against your ear, trying to breathe deeply to steady your voice before responding, “Yes, h-hello, I’m Jay’s assistant. Please c-continue.”
The voice on the other end filters in and Jay’s being kinder and slowing down his thrusts, hips resting against your ass as he pushes shallowly into you. You’re thankful that he wasn’t being heartless, and you try your hardest to listen to what’s being said. 
But before long, your hand slaps against your mouth as Jay pushes your back as deep as it curves and grips your hips and thrusts in so deep, you see stars. Jay begins a brutal pace, uncaring of how hard you’re trying to be quiet. 
You’re absolutely fucked. 
He should be listening to his colleague on the other end of the call. This was an important business deal that would cost his company thousands if he fucks it up. 
But you’re right in front of him with two fingers deep in your cunt, and his attention was otherwise occupied. There’s no way his eyes, let alone mind, could drift from the way you play with your pretty pussy.
You’re spread out on his desk, one leg up and the other hanging between his own. The heel of your foot presses against his hard-on, the pressure not being enough for his cock. His hips subconsciously grind up into it, his slacks straining against his thighs at the motion.
“Will you be in tomorrow? I want us to delegate some tasks to the team.”
Jake hums absentmindedly, lips tucked between his teeth as you slip your fingers out and lead them up to your mouth. He tries his best not to groan into the receiver as you lick your fingers clean, spit dribbling out your mouth in an obscene mess. 
Fuck this. 
He puts his phone on speaker and places it on the other end of his desk. With his now free hands, he grabs your hips and pulls you closer to the edge of his table and immediately shoves his face in between your thighs, desperate to taste your sweet cunt. 
Your thighs wrap around his head, hands gripping his hair tightly as his tongue flicks against your clit and slides against you. His fingers creep up your leg making you shiver. You're straining hard to be quiet, biting onto the palm you've clasped over your mouth.
Jake's fingers circle your hole, huffing out a laugh when your whole body jerks at his teasing, and slides two in. He works two digits into your cunt, cum squelching as he pushes in deep. His mouth is back on your clit, sucking the sensitive nub into his mouth, loving the way you tense in his hold.
“Jake, you there? What was that sound?”
Parting from your clit, Jake still fucks his fingers into you. Uncaring of the way you're gripping his dress shirt, eyes squeezed tight as you're nearing closer and closer to orgasm. There's no way he's going to stop now.
“Yeah,” Jake sighed, his voice strained. “I'm listening. Just getting ready to head to the gym. Uh- stretching and stuff.”
“oh, okay… anyways-"
Jake doesn't hesitate to get his mouth onto your cunt just as you shake in his hold, cumming straight on his tongue. So worth it.
Sunghoon’s barely paying attention to his boss in the other line as it is, but the moment you walk in with the cute loungewear set he bought you, his attention entirely zeros in on you. 
The shorts are tiny and ride up your thighs as you walk towards him. There’s a cheeky smile on your face, and Sunghoon should know by now that’s never a good sign. But really, he can’t find his attention deterring from how glorious your legs look. 
With no words being exchanged, you perch yourself on his lap. Sunghoon’s free arm immediately wraps around your waist, and he pulls you in close. He stretches his arm out with the phone so the microphone doesn’t pick up the chaste kiss he leaves on your lips.
“Hi there, darling.”
Sunghoon is infatuated with you, eyes never straying away from your face. He can’t find himself caring about the possible reprimanding he’ll get tomorrow for not listening to his boss’ instructions. His girl is in his lap, looking unbelievably gorgeous and grinding down into his half-hard cock. 
His mind short-circuits as you continue to roll your hips, a devious smile on your face as you watch Sunghoon’s reactions. 
You pull his pants down until they’re halfway down his thighs, gripping his cock to stroke him a few times. Sunghoon’s hips jump at the contact, thighs tensing at the feeling. 
You eventually lift yourself up with Sunghoon’s help, pulling your shorts to the side to show your dripping cunt. No panties. Good God. 
Your hips circle the tip of his cock, teasing. He hisses when you slide down on his cock, you’re tight and so, so warm it has his head tossing back in pleasure. 
“Sorry? What was that, Sunghoon?”
His boss’ voice filters through and Sunghoon has to remind himself he’s actually on a phone call. But the way you’re rolling your hips in his lap is making it a difficult task to remember. 
“Ah, sorry, I just got a paper cut,” he lets out a fake chuckle, gripping your ass harder. 
You continue to bounce on his cock and Sunghoon continues to lose his mind.
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gyuswhore · 3 months
Sit Down
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anniversary event [closed]
kim mingyu x reader
prompt(s): getting aroused by the other's jealousy/obsession with them, "Could he/she/they do it like this?”, “you're sexy when you're angry”
word count: 5.1k
warnings: smut (MINORS DNI), fluff, potter!mingyu, they're married, reader discovers jealousy, oral (m.rec), penetration (unprotected!!!), kissing, breast play, clit stimulation, they're nasty as hell idk what to tell you
synopsis: It isn't your fault that you feel this way, especially as you watch her hands trace over your husband's own.
It isn't your fault that you can barely go on with your day with that cursed image replaying in your mind like a broken record.
And it certainly isn't your fault that you find yourself completely naked on your husband's lap while his clay-clad hands cannot touch you.
[a/n]: @highvern at the scene of the crime as always, we all have to thank her for her service as she betas for me and encourages my tomfoolery. enjoy this and let me know your thoughts in the rbs, comments or send me an ask!!!!!
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The grip you have on the file is proving to be detrimental to the cheap plastic covering. Not that you could blame yourself as you watch your husband through the window of his pottery studio, leaning over to help a student with her discombobulated salad bowl. 
It was a beautiful morning, the beach across from the boardwalk sparingly occupied with delighted tanners and swimmers, the low buzz of waves reaching the shore sending a calming draft across the area. Envious as you were of Mingyu and his impeccable real estate choices, especially right now as your heel clad feet ache to take a dip in the waters, you couldn’t help but feel all the more irked that this was the background the image inside the studio was sitting against. 
Through the large glass windows, Mingyu is pressing his foot over top of his very pretty student’s on the pedal to force the pottery wheel to spin, hands over her own as he guides her fingers to put pressure on the wet clay. A spiteful part of you pushes a thought in your mind, that your husband was attempting to fix a lost cause, especially when his student seemed quite insistent in her soft smiles and keeping her gaze on the fingers that cover her own, rather than actually fixing the abomination on the pottery wheel. 
You don’t know how long you’ve been standing there by the time he’s done, straightening his back to turn his attention to the other students that make their attempts at their half done projects. Mingyu catches your figure through the window and immediately breaks into a big smile, clay covered hand coming to wave at you. 
Taking it as your cue to walk into the studio, you return neither his gorgeous smile or his occupied wave as you strut through the glass doors. Your husband meets you on the other side of the open space, hands now washed clean as he leans over to place a kiss on your cheek. 
“Hey, you,” he says in greeting, hands drying on a towel. 
All you can think about is if that salad bowl girl can see you, and you thank goodness you wore your nice top today. 
“Here.” You merely push the slightly crumpled file of documents to his chest, jaw set and lips tight. 
“Oh, thanks,” he comments as he grabs the papers pushed towards him, smile dropping a little at your abrupt attitude. “Is everything alright?” 
“Hm? ‘Course,” you answer, adjust the strap of your bag. “I have to get back to work. Be careful about your paperwork next time, I can’t keep making trips across town for this.”
You bite your tongue as soon as you say it, the words tumbling out before you can help it. Can’t keep making trips across town for this? Last time you checked, you were looking for passive excuses to make the trip to your husband’s studio just to see him during the day. 
“Oh.” His brows are furrowed, the frown apparent on his face. “I–I didn’t think you’d be too busy today, you said you’d be done early so—I—nevermind. I’m sorry I pulled you out of work for this, I’ll be careful next time.”
There’s a pang in your heart as you hear him apologise, immediately mad at yourself for going on and ruining his mood. What were you annoyed at? That he was doing his job? 
Your gaze lands behind him where most of his students are occupied with their projects, but just one whose eyes dart between you and Mingyu. 
Taking a step back, you’re about to walk out before you feel him grab your wrist. “D’you wanna have dinner at the new restaurant down the pier after work? We can watch the sunset too, haven’t done that in a while.”
You want to scream yes. Of course you want to watch a beach sunset with your husband. Of course you want to eat at the restaurant you’ve been waiting eagerly for with your husband. And you aren’t entirely sure if this reaction is simply because you’ve been stressed lately, but the sticky feeling is pushing you to make your claim in some way, somehow. 
Biting back another strangely snarky reply, you make an attempt to fix your stoic face and walk back to Mingyu. Leaning up, you kiss the corner of his mouth in what you hope is slightly reassuring. 
“I’ll see you in a few hours.”
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Kicking off your heels is the first thing you do once you make it back to your desk, taking no time to punch the power on button on your computer. You pull a file from the stack next to you, one that sits at the bottom, with a harder than necessary yank. Bad idea, because as you scramble to stop the pile from tipping over entirely, you can only think of other ways your day could get worse. 
Before the worst of it can hit the floor, you find a second set of hands catching the strewing papers. 
“Thanks, Han,” you say as you attempt to reorganise the documents, taking the extra ones off his hands. 
“Have the laws of physics forsaken you? Or do you just like reorganising paperwork?” Hansol asks, sipping on something from the stupid horse mug Mingyu had made for him in light of his promotion. 
Huffing, you only haphazardly stuff the files to the corner to be done with it, opening the file you need as your computer finally boots up. “Don’t you have manager stuff to do?” 
“Being a manager means I can put off doing manager stuff,” he states. “Besides, I’m taking care of my peers, can you imagine the catastrophe that could’ve been if I didn’t swoop in to save you?”
“Papers on the floor? How catastrophic indeed,” you monotone as you click away at trying to find a particular excel sheet. 
“How was Mingyu?”
Stiffening, you want to curse Hansol at reminding you of the very thing you did not want to think of right now. 
“He was fine.”
“You were back earlier than usual, thought you would’ve had lunch with him.”
That was your plan, but clearly the universe had other ways for you to go about your day. Like thinking about an overly flirty student and her all too oblivious teacher. 
“He…he had a workshop today,” you simply comment. 
“Okay, Elsa, who shoved an ice cube up your ass?” You can hear the sneer in his voice, the judgmental stare. 
Groaning loudly, you can only slam your forehead onto your desk in an all too dramatic fashion. “Can you drop it? Please?”
“Ah,” he drags. “Trouble in paradise. Understood. I will be at my desk if you want to complain about your husband like Margaret from Finance.”
Margaret from Finance. The woman who’s entire catalogue of marital issues would be solved if she and her husband simply spoke to each other once in a while. Perhaps even held hands on occasion. 
You wince as you envision yourself becoming as stuck up and miserable as that, Hansol’s harmless comparison sending you into yet another spiral. It wasn’t that serious, this was all because your brain was stressed, horny and in love. The fact that your husband looked like how he did wasn’t really helping either. 
With a little more aggression than you usually would’ve done with, you attempt to skim through the files as quickly as humanly possible, flicking through the useless filler pages to get to the ones that actually required your attention. 
You send a passive aggressive email to Hansol entailing his job to keep things precise. 
Shoving forkfuls of salad into your mouth, your mouse clicks louder than anyone else in the area, having gone back to change your cursor speed about thrice since you turned your computer on. 
Your phone dings. Closing your eyes, you count to ten before turning to look at the illuminated screen beside you. 
[Gyu <3]: did u have lunch?
[Gyu <3]: i wanted us to get sum together but u zoomed off : (((
[Gyu <3]: im done with my classes for the day. The students were asking ab you earlier when u came in heh
[Gyu <3]: cant wait to see u tonight i looooooveee u <333
God, he makes it hard to stay mad at him. 
Snapping your head back to your monitor, you close your eyes once again as you question the war in your head and chest. Why were you mad at him? There was nothing to be mad about. Did you expect him to go about his day covered in plastic wrap and a neon ‘OFF LIMITS’ sign all day? The ring on his finger was supposed to do the job just fine. 
You sigh as you force yourself to text him back something that wasn’t entirely passive aggressive. Typing and erasing, and typing again and erasing again. A smiley face to seal it into something you were not feeling, and send. 
It’s late in the afternoon by the time you’re done, the sun less blaring as it pours through the office windows. You flick the last file shut, power off your computer and spring up to your feet, immediately gathering your things. Phone, ID, keys, and the last plastic file in your hands, you stalk towards Hansol’s desk and slam the papers next to his computer. 
He nearly chokes on his pocky stick as you spit out your final notes in rapid fire, not caring if you were indecipherable in the slightest. Hansol’s eyebrows remain in the air by the time you’re done, spinning on your heels and walking straight towards the elevators. 
“See you, Monday!” you finally hear him call out and you don’t turn to return his goodbye. Something that might have given you a strike but you could threaten him to take it off all the same. 
Besides, you had somewhere to be, and the idea churning in your brain didn’t seem like it wanted to wait. 
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The sun is setting by the time you get to the beach boardwalk, climbing the steps to the line of establishments that overlook the significantly more occupied shore. Everything is perfect. Warm just the right amount, the sunlight forcing everything in its path into an incandescent glow. 
What you would’ve given for a nice lie on one of the beach chairs to release an entire day’s worth of tense muscles. But alas, you trudge straight down the boardwalk and walk the way to Mingyu’s studio. When you’re nearly there, you see the glass door of the studio open from a distance, immediately recognising the part timer leaving for the day. 
You cross paths as he walks towards you in the opposite direction, lighting up as he recognises you through your work attire. 
“Oh, hi!” Chan chirps, arm raised in a half wave. 
“Hi! Clocking out?” you ask as you stop to greet him. 
“Uh—yeah, Mingyu let me go early.” He’s grinning. 
“Good to hear. You enjoy the rest of your night, alright?” 
“Yeah–uh, you too!” he stutters once again as he continues to smile wide. You think nothing of it and continue your short walk to where the studio doors were. 
Coming round, you find the large glass door and walls have been blocked out with the blinds, the blaring CLOSED sign right at the entrance. 
You stand there in front of the door like a fool, taking a deep breath, eyes closed as you gain your bearings. Grabbing the shiny handle, you push the unlocked glass open. 
The bell at the top jingles, signalling a customer, and you watch your husband sitting at one of the turntables, clearly occupied. The studio is completely empty except for him, the whirr of the spinning table coming to a halt as he turns to tell whoever came in that they were closed for the day. 
It’s revolting. He’s wearing his usual black tee, stained with months of splattered clay, his hair tousled like he’d run his hands through it before he started his project. The sun seeps in through the neglected edges of the top of the glass walls, past the blinds that cover most of them, casting him in an unbelievable light. It’s revolting, he’s done nothing and it’s making your head reel; revolting. 
“We’re—oh, you’re early!” There it is, that stupid smile he can’t help but flash at every last person he sees, directed straight at you laced with nothing but love. 
Reaching behind you, you push the metal lock on the door to click it shut, locking the both of you inside, and the rest of the beach and boardwalk out. Right after, you begin to kick off your heels. 
“I already made the reservations for an hour from now, let me change and wash up so we can go to the beach till—”
“Sit down.”
He was halfway out of his seat as he was talking, ready to leave his half done work on the turntable to leave with you. Your words come out firm, a strange tone like you were giving him a command. 
It works, and the shock has him immediately falling back into his chair. The force pushes the chair away from the turn tables, now half facing you.  
Dropping your bag, you shuck your long coat off and leave it on the floor. Eyeing his hands, they’re covered in wet clay, suspended away from his body so as to not ruin his clothes more than they already are, speckled with dried clay and paint. 
He recovers quickly, confused as he watches you fiddle with the buttons on your bottoms, rising out of his chair once again. 
“What are you—” 
“I said,'' you grunt as you finally push your bottoms down so they hit the floor. “Sit down.” 
The shift in his face makes it obvious it has clicked in his head, staring at you as you walk towards him in just your blouse as the situation escalates faster than he can keep up with. 
“Right now? Can you at least let me—”
Through his blabbering you’ve reached him and swung a leg over his lap, seating yourself on his clothed thighs as he moves his hands away, making sure not to get clay all over your blouse. 
His hands may be occupied in a different sense, but you choose to busy yours in other ways. Taking his face in your hands, you lock your mouths in an open mouthed kiss, rendering him speechless. 
Taking no time to think, nor to let him think, you push your hips down to meet his own in a deep grind, panty clad pussy making contact with the rough of his jeans right over his bulge. The feeling is so sudden, spiking throughout your system as you hear him take a sharp inhale still pressed into your mouth.
That was you. That was you getting that reaction out of him, no matter how small it was. The thought has you gripping the back of his head, fingers making home in the short strands of his hair as you let go from the kiss. 
Wasting no time, you push his head back and stick your tongue out, licking a stripe from the base of his throat right up to his jaw. He shivers beneath you, and it only muddles your mind even more. 
You can feel his bulge beneath you growing larger and larger by the second, pressing into your inner thigh as his breathing grows exponentially heavier in your ear. Locking eyes with him, you trail your other hand down to graze over the front of his shirt, pressing into the bumps and ridges that lie beneath.
Reaching his buckle, you hook your finger underneath the gap and pull at the metal. As you let go, it snaps back into place with a resounding cling! Keeping the eye contact, you drift even lower, your fingers find the growing tent in his jeans as you cup the bulge. Moving your hands in the way you know he likes it, you curb your speed to drag out the feeling for him. 
“Fuck,” you hear him curse lowly. 
It’s becoming impossible for him to keep his composure, especially to keep his hands away from your body that sits on him. He gets close, fingers brushing the white of your blouse in a moment of confusion, instant brown on the surface as his wet, clay hands ruin your shirt. 
“If you really can’t keep your hands to yourself,” you say, halting your movements on his crotch. “I guess this’ll have to go too.”
Not bothering to undo all the buttons, you tug the first couple ones unfastened and pull your blouse over your head, throwing it somewhere behind his head. Quickly, you reach behind and unclasp your bra, flinging it away in the same general area. You’re now almost entirely naked while he remains clothed head to toe. 
Your nipples harden as they meet the air in the studio, Mingyu’s eyes set on your mounds as he takes them in. 
Before he has the opportunity to do anything, you slip off of your seat in his lap, knees slamming the floors in your haste as you kneel before him. Hands flying, you tug at the buckle of his belt, undoing it despite your hurried motions. 
“You’ve been off today, are you sure everything’s alright?” Mingyu asks from, still wide eyed as he watches helplessly as you yank his jeans enough to reveal the final layer of his underwear. It doesn’t take you long to take his entire length out of there too, needing him in front of you.
“Do not ask me about my feelings when I’m trying to fuck you.”
“What on earth–shit!”
You’ve taken his now fully hard length into your hand, licking a strip from the base of his cock up to the bulbous head. The tip of your tongue teases the head ever so lightly, and Mingyu watches as his head and your tongue match in their reds. He watches the way your tongue dips into the pooling white of his precum, pushing into his slit as the tip of your tongue wiggles slightly. 
The fact that he cannot touch only heightens the effects of your teasing, clayed hands balling into fists just to feel something on his fingertips. 
Soon, your lips have wrapped around the head of cock as you let it rub against the beginnings of the inside of your soft mouth. Letting go, you take him in again, this time running your tongue over his slit, feeling his hips twitch beneath you as you continue to take him in and out, only to take him back in again. 
In one motion, you sink your mouth lower onto his dick, feeling the head of his cock run against the roof of your mouth. Mingyu hisses audibly amidst his very loud and heavy breathing. 
When you feel him hit the beginnings of your throat, you pull back, bringing your hand to curve around the base to cover what you couldn’t fit, pumping him up and down as you continue to pull his member in and out of your mouth. 
He’s moaning loud, the echoes resonating off the walls as you hear your name slip from his mouth over, and over, and over again. It only encourages you as you move down deeper, his cock touching the back of your throat in more familiarity than before. 
Everything is wet; the spit and precum turning into a shiny gleam on his cock and on the lower half of your face, the heat between your legs that makes you feel oh so empty. Clenching around nothing, you resist the urge to bring a hand down to relieve yourself. 
“Are you ovulating or something, why are you suddenly…suddenly, fucking hell I don’t know.” 
Releasing him from your mouth with a loud pop, you rear your head to look up at him, the lower half of your face covered in a wet glisten. Your hand continues to pump him as you watch his face remain contorted in pleasure.
In a daze, you don’t realise what you’re saying as you blab. “Could she do it like this?”
“Could she do it like this?” you repeat like a mantra, needing to hear his answer. “Could she make you feel like this?”
“What are you talking about?” It’s taking Mingyu every bit of his soul to form coherent words. 
In one swift motion, you’ve hoisted yourself back on your feet, nails digging into his thighs through his pants. 
Hovering over his lap, you take his shaft once again, but this time you push your panties aside with your hand and bring it close to your heat, brushing the head of his cock over your wet folds, using him to feel the pleasure that builds. 
“God, you’re so wet,” he blabs as he throws his head back at the feeling. “I wanna touch you, fuck I need to get this clay off, I need to touch you.”
He’s brought his mouth to latch onto your nipple, evoking a loud gasp from you as feel him circle your nub with his tongue before sucking. Letting go, he sticks his tongue out as his only weapon, flicking it repeatedly as you continue to rub his wet cock over your equally wet cunt. 
Lining him up with your entrance, you sink onto his head as you let out a loud moan, feeling the tip stretch you out in the familiar way you’ve been craving all day. It’s like your brain is buffering as you recover from the bout of pleasure, barely registering that he’s continued to assault your other nipple now. 
Your free hand comes to toy with your relieved tit, twisting your spit covered nipple between your fingers as his dick pushes further and further inside you. 
Fully sheathed, you pull your husband’s face away from your breast as you bring his lips to your own, kissing him deep as you clench around his hard cock.
“Don’t. Do that,” he hisses against your lips, hands suddenly closing in your waist, so close before he realises he can’t. “‘M gonna fucking come, I’m so serious.”
The news is enlightening, especially as it encourages you to lift your hips ever so slightly, and curl back back down in an initial thrust. Again, and again, and again till you’re moving your hips at a swift pace, striking down on his length as you both moan into each other's mouths.
The feeling is electrifying, and the borderline pornographic noises your husband is making is only making it all the more easier to gush around his member, to move your hips faster as you feel the knot in your abdomen tighten and loosen. 
“You feel amazing, so fucking good,” he grunts as he mouths the column of your throat. “My baby, my darling, my wife.”
And when the burn in your thighs becomes more than just a mental battle, your hips slowing despite the mind boggling feeling and the choked sobs that come out of you, you feel Mingyu’s hips lift from the chair he’d been trapped in, pushing into you instead. 
His still dirty hands have taken hold of the top of the back legs of the chair, helping himself push off his seat to thrust into you rapidly. 
“Touch yourself, baby,” he says. “Rub your clit for me.”
Who are you to deny him, one hand on one of his broad shoulders while the other flies down to the mess that’s becoming of your cunt. Rubbing two fingers over your clit, you throw your head back in a loud moan as you feel yourself beginning to close in.
Mingyu is watching the apex of your thighs; the way your fingers work against your swollen clit, the way his dick disappears inside you, a ring of sinful white foaming at the base of his cock. He twitches inside you, a clear indication that he was also close. 
Your breasts are a sight to behold, and the scene before him is enough to make him bust entirely. Bouncing tits that he cannot touch, perfectly red, puffed pussy he cannot touch, the beautiful curves and dips of your waist and thigh, barely illuminated by the setting sun, that he cannot touch. He curses the wretched idea to make a last minute thing on the turntable before you arrived, curses the fact that he should be able to feel all of you. 
He might lose his mind, and he does when your walls clamp down on him like a trap, your moans so loud he’s sure he’ll be hearing them in his ears for weeks. 
“G–Gyu, I’m cumming,” you whimper through the pure brain fog. 
Mingyu fucks you through your orgasm, finally letting himself release his own load into you when he simply can’t take it anymore, dick spasming as he shoots white hot cum into your hole. The added slick makes it easier to slip in and out faster as his orgasm holds out far longer than it usually does, both of your hips twitching like you’d been zapped as you come down from your highs. 
It’s become near impossible to hold up your own weight, slumping against his large frame as you unclench every pinched muscle and joint. Forehead on his shoulder, you take pleasure in the afterglow, breathing in his scent with your nose pressed into the sliver of skin that reveals past his shirt. Sweat, the earthy odour of clay, and the calm familiarity of him.
“I don’t know what I did to have you acting like this,” he breathes into your ear. “But whatever it is, I need to do it more often.”
Sluggishly, you lift your head to look at him. His head is leaned back on the chair, face glowing as you stare into the eyes you fell in love with so long ago. 
“You haven’t done anything,” you sigh. “It was…stupid.”
“That’s the worst thing you could say to me right now.”
You whine, rolling your neck. “What do you want me to tell you?”
He stares. “Who do I need to thank for creating this monster?”
It was a joke, clearly, but you couldn’t help but feel the little pool of pride swell within you anyway. 
“Salad bowl girl.”
“And I’m supposed to know what that means? Do you want a salad bowl? I can make you one.”
“No. The girl in your class this morning with that god awful salad bowl,” you huff. “It looked offensive, she was too busy burning holes into you.”
“Oh no,” he whispers, eyes wide, mouth turning it the beginnings of a hysterical laugh. “My pretty little wife is jealous.”
“If you’re gonna rub it in, I'm getting off.” You try to remove yourself from his lap, slipping his now soft member out of you. 
You’re stopped when you feel the two points of his elbows locking you at the waist, pushing you down. He’s grinning like a fool. “You’re sexy when you’re angry.”
“I’m not angry—”
“Your hello was my dick in your mouth.”
“So you didn’t like it?”
“I’d fire myself in the kiln before I ever say that.” He locks his elbows harder, pulling you closer. “Besides, I think this means I’ve won.”
“Won what?”
“Like you’ve never noticed Chan looking at you like…like he’s got some puppy dog crush on you. I’ve won the battle of composure.” 
You guffaw, “What are you—stop it, he does not!”
He merely leans forward and kisses you, “I don’t blame him. My wife is the most gorgeous thing anyone could ever see.” 
Grabbing him by the elbows, you break free of his hold and get off of his lap, attempting to gather the clothes you’ve scattered across the studio. 
“Can you at least help me put my dick back inside my pants, these are my cleaner jeans!”
Snapping the elastic of your bra back on, pantied adjusted, you walk back to him. He’s looking at you with those stupid stars in his eyes and it makes it hard to focus on readjusting his jeans for him. 
Leaning down, you take in your hands his still wet cock, smothered in your spit and arousal, complete with his own release. You can’t help it when you dip further to take his head into your mouth, the groan coming from above you near automatic. 
“Oh, you’re evil.”
You grin as you wrap your mouth in a harsher suck, feeling him harden slowly, still quicker than you’d thought. Giving him a few more generous sucks, you run your tongue over his slit before moving back. 
He’s breathing heavily, leaning close as you pull his waistband up. “You know, they say you should lay down afterwards if you want to be successful. I think we might have to go again later on a real bed to do the trick.”
“You can stay horny, I’m getting dressed for some real food.” 
“I think we kinda need to be horny to do what we’re trying to do,” he lowtones, moving his face back and forth to meet your drifting eyes. 
You sigh once again, “Why can’t just getting off birth control be enough?”
“Are you not having fun?”
“I’m literally buttoning your pants for you, it was fun until now.”
Mingyu raises his hands in both surrender and pointed regard, the clay now dried and cracking over his hands and forearms. “I digress.”
 It annoys you that he’s right, so you lean in to give him a kiss as a distraction. It works. 
“It’s alright,” he smiles into your kiss. “This is the one thing I won’t mind breaking my back for.”
The giggle escapes you before you can help it, and you feel him kiss at your cheeks, placing one last one on the tip of your nose.
“Now, if my lovely wife will let me wash my hands…?”
“Go,” you chuckle.
“We should name our baby Salad Bowl in this honour.” He’s way at the handwash station by now, water running as he scrubs off all the dried up clay.
“So sad our baby will have to grow up without a father.”
 “I love you,” he yells. 
“I’ll be sure to tell our child.” 
“You’re insufferable,” he says, suddenly behind you as you pull on your blouse. Wet hands grasp your waist and you squeal at the feeling. 
“I love you,” he drags, spinning you around to face him. 
“I thought I was insufferable.”
Your husband groans, simply pulling you into him with his own two hands to kiss you. 
“I think we’re late for our reservation.”
“You’d better hurry then.” You eye his clay speckled shirt.
“Don’t miss me.” He turns around to find his cleaner shirt, all while you drift over to see the incomplete project still on his table.
A mug still clay-brown and half done, but one that looks suspiciously similar to your favourite one you broke last week. 
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alexiroflife · 3 months
MDNI, very suggestive content
Synopsis: you and choso keep warm as a snowstorm swarms the city
to sum it up: you have sex together for the first time and both love the word 'please'
WC: 7,077
Warning(s): SMUT, all of it smut
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There had always been something about snowstorms, the way they ushered people indoors and howled against the windows angrily, creaking the floorboards and coating the world outside in a smooth blanket of white. 
You had always thoroughly enjoyed them, watching with childlike wonder from inside your room as flurries of ice rushed into view, blowing about the gray air in a frenzy. You liked the way it inspired warmth within your home and brought people together, how a mug of hot chocolate tickled your palms with its heat, sending shivers down your spine as your backyard froze over. 
Your boyfriend, Choso, had never gotten the privilege to experience a snowstorm in full flux. You had been excited for him to witness it with you for the first time and prepared the essentials, sparking the fireplace, fixing hot beverages, and putting on soft music that played softly in the background. While you were captured by the weather as the two of you sat on your shared sofa, you in his lap and a heavy blanket wrapped around both of your bodies, the brunette was far more interested in what was transpiring within the room.
His fingers tapped and traced against your thigh, heavy eyes gazing up at you as you rambled on to him about how beautiful the snow looked from there, swirling and dancing about as though it had a mind of its own. He would hum every now and then to show that you had his attention, but he couldn’t deny that he was far more intrigued by you, not by the weather. Not in the slightest.
Jade eyes danced over the movement of your jaw, the occasional pull and part of your soft lips as you spoke. His eyes glazed over, catching each spec of dampness that coated the ridges in your lips as you lifted your mug to your mouth. He studied the way your throat moved as you cautiously drank in the warm liquid, hands cupped gingerly around the ceramic piece, then the way your tongue slid slowly over your top lip to gather the sweetness from the rim of your mouth, pursing your lips inward. 
Your perfect voice sank into his mind as he dragged his eyes away from your mouth to meet yours, pupils blown wide and cheeks dusted with pink from both his recovery from stepping outside and the impact of your contact. You touched the nape of his neck gently, setting your cup down to turn to face him as his hand slid up your back, keeping you upright and close to him, oh so close. 
“You okay? You still cold?”
How could he be cold within the embrace of your heat? So enticing, so whole, so full of you. There was no way for him to have been cold as long as he was by your side, heart bursting into flames at the very slightest touch of your fingers. He looked at your slightly concerned face and flustered, still somehow nervous under your gaze though you had been together for close to a month now. 
He was prepared to tell you that he was fine when your other hand slid over the curve of his cheekbone to hold his cheek in your palm. His lashes fluttered and he hummed, addicted to you. “A little,” he ended up saying shamelessly, eager for you to press yourself further into him so that he could practically suffocate at your will.
You made a small noise that sounded like a coo and curled impossibly closer into him, wrapping your other arm tighter around his neck as your hand on his cheek brought him up to your lips.  Choso melted, allowing you to guide him into your tenderness without hesitation. Your lips met his softly, deftly, and he practically sighed, taken completely by all of you.
“Sorry love,” you whispered against him, kissing softly at the corner of his mouth. “I’ll turn up the heat more.”
The half curse’s eyes almost went wide when he felt you try to move against him. “No,” he stopped you before you could even think of setting a foot to the ground, your legs being held tighter to your boyfriend. You looked at him curiously. “I’m sorry, no, I’m okay. Don’t go anywhere.”
You giggled lightly, understanding. “Okay,” you smiled, kissing him gently again.
Choso relaxed against you, comforted by the fact that he knew you weren’t leaving him. When you moved to pull away from his lips for a second time, Choso was selfishly pressing them back in, fingers digging into the soft fluff of your pajama pants as he kissed you fervently. 
You loved kissing your boyfriend. He was always so sweet and needy with the way he kissed, shyly bumping his lips against yours in a peck before breaking away to press in the smallest bit harder, succumbing to the taste of you and regaining a sense of confidence alongside the building desire in his gut. He liked you practically on top of him when he kissed you, hovering over him as he tilted his head to follow your mouth as you straddled his lap, caging him beneath the softness of your face, of your gaze, of your heavenly mouth. 
You held his face to yours, the soft symphony of lips smacking rumbling beneath the crackle of the flame before you, providing the only source of dim, delicate light within your living room. The wind proceeded to knock against the window as your legs surrounded Choso’s thighs, his large hands hoisting you up over him and keeping your waist secure, connected. Making out heatedly was the farthest you and Choso had ever gone in regard to your intimate lives, but the way your boyfriend was desperately pressing up into you with an involuntarily buck of his hips toward your crotch, you could tell that there was something more he wanted. That both of you wanted.
You broke away from him slowly to catch his eyes, both pairs sunken with desire. His brows were knitted together desperately, lips parted as he breathed heavily into you and watched you closely, cheeks flustered. “What is it baby?” your voice asked out breathlessly, lips still brushing over his, his head twitching beneath you. 
Choso dragged his hands along your legs, from your knees up to your thighs over the fabric of your soft plaid pants. A look of slight embarrassment crossed his face as he looked at you, eager yet unsure of how to express so. “I want…” he started in a weighted exhale, chest falling heavily as you danced your fingers over his neck and his chest. He looked down then back up, distracted yet captured by you, all of you. “I want to feel you,” he sighed.
You could feel something harden against the inside of your thigh the moment the words left him and manifested into reality. Your heart jumped as you studied him, the way his lips twitched slowly when he felt the very same movement below. He looked down again as though pained, sliding his hands to grasp your hips and strained a soft groan. 
“S-Sorry,” he grumbled. “I just think… I want you so badly right now,” he confessed earnestly, glancing back up at you sheepishly, your heart palpitating at the adorable sight. “Is that alright?”
God, Choso was so sweet, asking for permission as though you hadn’t already sworn that you were his and his to take whenever either of you were ready. The air around you thickened as the fire glowed warmly against the side of your faces, enhancing the needy gleam in his eyes as he stared up at you, anxiously, lustfully. 
“You want me how?”
The pads of his fingers squeezed your hips every now and then as he awaited you, trying so hard to be patient and gauge what you were thinking, what you wanted. 
“I want to have sex with you,” his deep voice rumbled out, and you were already aching for him at the thought. While this wasn’t something unexpected to you, you understood that taking your relationship to the next level was a big deal for the both of you. 
“Are you sure?” you asked, though you knew that you wanted it so badly. You wanted to show him how much you loved him, to feel him against you in every sense of the word.  
You could see your boyfriend falter slightly, doubting himself when you questioned him as though he hadn’t been more sure of anything in his entire life. The light in Choso’s eyes flickered as he nodded rather certainly, pressing his soft lips together.
“Do you want to?” 
His question came out so innocently, eyes searching yours in earnest, and you melt for him. “Of course I do, Cho. I love you so much.”
He trembled, hands freezing on your hips. “I love you too,” he murmured, a sudden vibrance in his low tone. He leaned up slightly, seeking your lips again. “I’ve wanted you for so long, (Y/n), please. I’ve been wanting to make you feel good for so long,” he confessed.
Your gut swarmed into a mass of butterflies as he kissed you again, eager for a chance to taste you over and over again until nothing but you was left for him to think of for the rest of time. You fell into him, looping your arms around him and massaging your lips into his slowly, each languid motion of your lips swimming against each other’s dragging out sensually. Choso’s body shivered against you with anticipation, digging his fingers into the skin that poked out under your sweater. 
It was mind numbing the way his palms touched over your bare sides, carefully, lovingly. 
You gently swiped your tongue over his bottom lip and his hips jerked again, blood, normally under his manipulation, rushing to print into his sweats and against your skin. He parted his lips, welcoming the touch of your tongue against his.
Your wet muscles tangoed together languidly, pushing and swirling over the other, searching for the taste of your warm, wet caverns. The sound of Choso grunting against you spurred you on, your hips pushing eagerly up against his. The brunette’s brows furrowed, the sugary chocolate taste of you from your cocoa smothering him in arousal. 
You had him in the palm of your hands wrapped tightly around your finger. He would have done anything for you if you’d asked him if it meant he was gifted the chance of loving you, of touching you, of massaging his tongue into your mouth and drawing out precious soft moans that complemented the groans building in his throat, of smoothing his unsteady hands over the fat of your bum and pushing you up into him to meet the third buck of his hips. You could have done anything to him, and he would have thanked you, thrusting up into the heat of your thighs as your hands ran over his face.
You pulled away to duck your head gracefully, lips meeting just under his jaw in a feather light peck. Choso’s breath hitched in his throat, his chin tilting back subconsciously as your mouth melted over his throat, the affectionate graze of your lips and tongue sending his body into flames. You knew exactly how to work him up without even going farther than kissing him, pressing your chest to his and curling your fingers into the roots of his hair.
Your kisses marked over his neck and swam down to his collarbone, pressing with such love and care as though you were taking all the time in the world to appreciate him. “Take off your shirt for me, Cho,” you leaned into his ear to tell him, each motion you took and word you spoke making his head spin with their angelic, yet seductive tone. He didn’t even fix his mouth to say anything before he was already reaching down to tug his shirt over his head with the help of your soft hands. 
You watched as he peeled the fabric over his head, pale abdominals flexing deliciously as his elbows rose up and his shirt caught over his face. He finally popped his head from, dropping the shirt onto the floor beside him and relocking his eyes with yours, seeking your next request. You ran your hands slowly over his skin, detailing each bump and scar over his enormous pecs and all the way down to his well defined v-line teasing out of his pants. Choso watched the trek of your pretty hands intensely, inhaling slowly and sharply through his nose as they traveled lower and lower. 
You unwrapped your legs from around his waist to scoot yourself back, leaning down to kiss softly across the milky skin of his chest. He jerked beneath you, sucking in a breath. “Relax, baby,” you murmured, and he obeyed. 
Choso didn’t like the fact that you were climbing off of him, but once he saw where you were headed, his mind went fuzzy. You reached down to the waistband of his sweatpants, tugging slowly with your lips to his abdomen, revealing the tent poking angrily against his boxers. His eyes went wide, heart racing in his chest and hand hesitantly reaching down to you.
“(Y/n), you don’t have to-”
“Shhh,” you shushed him. You dotted kisses to the outside of his underwear’s fabric, sweatpants pooling around his knees now. You glanced up over your lashes to catch the beautiful sight of your boyfriend staring down at you through heavy lids and sharp violet eyes over his nose, brown locks sweeping handsomely over his forehead and around his shoulders. “Is this okay?” you asked in a murmur, lips ghosting over the bulge of his throbbing dick. You puckered your lips softly over his print and he reached to grip the side of the sofa, grinding his teeth together and jutting his hips toward your nose.
“F-Fuck,” he hissed out, nodding rapidly. “Yeah… yeah, that’s more than okay.”
That was all you needed to hear before you were hooking your finger into his boxers and lazily, watching with unwavering focus as his happy trail unveiled itself just seconds before his pretty cock was springing free and slapping up against his stomach. Choso winced, desperately holding back a moan as you helped him tug off the rest of his lower garments.
His eyes were trained on you as though he would die if he looked away, your lips teasingly meeting the skin surrounding his shaft before they touched it gently. He whimpered, moving to slap his hand over his mouth to prevent himself from making any further noise.  You hummed against him, sliding your lips up to his angry red tip, already oozing dots of precum as you hovered over him. You eased your tongue over it, wrapping your lips after to suck the inch of liquid away with a pop.
“Hah-” Choso gasped, muscles tensing and flexing beneath you in pleasure. He wanted more, more of your lips, more of your tongue on his aching length. You looked so gorgeous, wrapping your fingers around his base with your eyes glued to his, watching each reaction you pulled out of him when you licked a long stripe along the side of his long, veiny dick, so heavy in your hand. “(Y/n),” he sighed raggedly, biting onto the back of his knuckle with curled brows. He needed you so badly, it was beginning to hurt. “Please, please keep going.”
“I’ve got you, baby,” you reminded him, and he was whimpering, tension easing away as your other hand smoothed over his beefy thigh, lips circling to finally capture the whole of his leaking to tip in your mouth. Choso choked on a strained sigh, hips bucking once more involuntarily, jolting the upper half of his length further into your mouth accidentally.
“Shit, I’m sorry, m’sorry,” he breathed. “Just felt so- so g-”
He couldn’t even finish his sentence when your hand started stroking up and down over the base of his cock, rotating in a painfully slow, circular motion while your tongue swirled over his tip, lips sucking around his girth gently. Choso moaned, a long, shredded, deep sound that sent a throb straight to your clit. You immediately determined that this sound he released was the most astounding thing you had ever heard in your life and continued with your mouth’s movements, bobbing your head to take him into the drooling, heated pool of your mouth.
“Baby,” he groaned, eyes fluttering as he lowered his knuckles from his mouth to place his hand atop your head, smoothing affectionately over your hair as you hollowed your cheeks and sucked him off. The sound of your slurps hit Choso’s ears as you hand continued to rub his length, squeezing your hand around him ever so gently before wrapping the other hand around just above, synchronizing the strokes in opposite directions. 
Choso’s jaw fell open, hot shallow breaths escaping his parted lips while he watched you, your head ducking to take more of him as his tip slid against the warm silkiness of the roof of your mouth repeatedly. He had fallen in love with the feeling of your lips and the touch of your hands long ago, but as both swallowed the whole of his twitching length while your hums of satisfaction vibrated against his sensitive cock, he was falling in love all over again. 
He squirmed beneath you, broken moans and whines spilling past his lips, unable to tear his eyes away from the gorgeous sight of slobber spilling down his girth and smearing over your lips from your mouth, yet his eyelids proceeded to weigh lower over his jaded irises, breath pattern growing uneven.
“Baby, please,” he murmured, voice pitching into a warbled whimper. You picked up your pace, bobbing up and down faster and slurping him into you as though he was your last meal. It was disgusting, the way his precum leaked into your spit and dribbled down your chin, dripping onto his balls and soaking the couch, though the loving stroke of his hand over your head contrasted the sloppiness. His hips bucked again, slowly pushing to meet the bob of your head so that he was gently fucking your throat. He moaned out loudly, his head falling back and eyes falling shut, Adam’s apple bouncing. He was completely lost in pleasure, conquered by your beautiful lips sucking prettily over his cock. 
“Please, please, please, ah, f-fuck, keep- ngh- going baby. Please, it’s so- so good…”
He was so mouthy. You absolutely loved every bit of it. You could feel him twitching inside you, signifying that he was already close to finishing. You moaned around him sweetly, tucking your head and pushing forward to take all of him to the back of your throat, hands pressing against his sides to give your mouth room. You were overzealous, taking for more than you were capable of, but you wanted to see Choso’s eyes roll into the back of his head. You wanted to hear those gorgeous moans roll from his tongue, you wanted to taste all of his perfect cock, sliding in and out of your throat until you were choking.
“Ahhh, fuckkk! babyyy, fuck, oh my fucking godddd,” he whined, a mess of himself as he pathetically humped into you. 
Your own eyes rolled into your head as you bobbed rapidly over him, tip hitting to the back of your throat with sinful plunging sounds. You were whining into him as he groaned out, writhing beneath you as his balls tightened. You felt his hand still upon you, grasping gently into your hair. His head lifted suddenly again to catch the vision of you, eyes watery and lips drenched over his dick; a sight to behold. “Y’so- so pretty, baby, please- fuck, I can’t- feels so good, so gooddd-“
It didn’t take long for him to snap, plunging your head downward and stilling in your throat, hot ropes of his cum decorating the inside of your mouth as he moaned, eyes dazed and rolling backward, voiced gasps heaving from his chest. 
You took it all, swallowing generously as his cum trickled down your throat and spilled from the sides of your mouth. His body went limp beneath you, grip in your hair loosening as you sat up and popped his length from your mouth. You gazed down at him as his thumb reached to swipe away streaks of cum from your chin. 
He was coated in a shiny layer of sweat and his brown hair stuck to his flushed skin, chest expanding and toned muscles gleaming in the firelight and afterglow of his orgasm. “Baby,” he whispered and you smiled softly, lifting up to straddle him again and wrap him into your arms, his own following and winding around you sleepily, securing you to his bare body.
He tucked his nose into the crook of your neck as he held you, struggling to adjust to reality once more as he continued to recover from the finish you gave him. “You okay? I didn’t mean to grab you like that,” he muttered with a hush into your skin, melting his hands beneath your sweater and up your back as he savored you against him, closing his eyes and breathing you in.
“Don’t worry, baby, I liked it,” you whispered to him, and you could feel him sigh in relief against you.
“Good, because you made me feel… amazing,” he praised gently. “I love your mouth. Love your hands so much, so so much. Felt so good…”
He was kissing your neck, then your cheek, and pulling back to kiss your swollen lips, tasting a hint of himself lingering on your tongue. 
“You take your shirt off now. It’s your turn,” he said tenderly, raising it over your hand from inside of the fabric. 
The brown haired man looked down over your bare torso, your perfect tits sitting upright over your smooth stomach, (s/c) skin capturing the fire light enchantingly. You flushed under his gaze, his purple eyes roaming every inch of your figure with swelling ardor. 
“Let me see you, beautiful,” he pleaded, stroking over the plush of your shoulder then down, over your chest and grazing at your hardened nipple. You flinched and he looked up in a panic. 
“No, Cho, it’s okay,” you reassured him, grabbing his wrists and guiding his hands to cup your breasts within his palms. “Just sensitive… but it feels nice when your hands are on them.”
He soaked in the sight, the feeling, hands curving around the plush fat, groping them experimentally within his large palms. You let out a weak sigh, lips parting and back arching slightly. The brunette caught the reaction with haste, heart skipping a beat. “Like this?” he rolled his thumb lightly over one of your nipples and you shuddered.
“Y-Yes, just like that.”
The brunette snatched your response as a means to continue eagerly. He moved to hold your back as he adjusted the both of you, laying you back on the end of the couch as he climbed over top of you with your legs still hooked around his torso, settling you onto the soft cushions with ease. You looked bashfully up at him, the confidence you had moments ago when sucking his dick fading surprisingly fast as he caged over you, his large frame trapping you beneath his. You felt vulnerable like this, lying beneath your boyfriend with your tits out, but you wouldn’t have had it any other way with any other person. 
Choso’s sweat-dampened hands reached back over your tits, squeezing them generously as he watched the plush fat jiggle like fluid within his grasp. He was mesmerized, captivated by your body. “So pretty,” he marveled to himself, running his tongue over his damp lips hungrily. He glanced up at you to ensure that he was still in the clear, your dizzy (e/c) eyes granting him all the permission in the world.
There was no stopping him now. He had your beautiful body to explore, to please, to worship. There was nothing on this planet that would have been able to pull him away from you.
The brunette ducked down in a similar fashion you had earlier when you kissed his chest, and took the whole of your nipple into his mouth, sucking graciously. Your back arched, chest curving forward and into his jaw. He groaned, gripping your tit tighter and lapping hungrily at your bud. You writhed in response to the sensation, the sensitivity in your nipples heightening the more Choso took advantage. You reached your hands out to the sides of his face, holding him as he pressed his groin down into your crotch, securing your body with his length pressed into you, twitching.
“Ngh- Cho,” you gasped, head tilting backward. Your boyfriend knew he was doing something right when your head moved the exact same way he did when you were sucking him off. 
Choso closed his eyes with you, relishing in his bliss as he released your nipple to move over to the other one. He kissed the skin passionately, sucking bruises all over your breasts, guided by his lust for the taste of your skin. Your tits were perfect, soft and malleable at his will. He would have died like this if he could. 
He lifted his head to kiss your cheek, then your forehead, then nose and mouth and chin. “Perfect,” he exhaled in between kisses. “You’re perfect, so perfect, (Y/n),” he babbled nonsensically, ducking back down to your chest then slowly traveling down your stomach, lips finding any piece of skin he possibly could. 
When he reached your pants, he kissed along the fat of your thigh through the fabric, greedy to feel more, to see more, to taste more of the girl he knew to be the very love of his life.. You squeaked as the purple eyed man climbed off of the couch and crouched down at the side of it, tugging you carefully toward him by the hem of your pants. He lowered himself down to his knees, your upper back now propped up against the couch’s vertical cushions. 
Choso looked up at you lovingly as he moved to tug your pants down your legs. His eyes flickered down at the motion, you helping him by shimmying out of the article of clothing. He studied the manner in which the fabric peeled down the plush of your soft thighs, teasingly revealing her skin to him. 
He took a moment to take in the sight of your bare body and the lace pair of black panties that adorned her bottom half. A weighted, eager breath escaped his lips as he pushed your thighs open slowly, smoothing his lips sluggishly over your inner thighs. He could smell you all over him, and the arousal seeping from your cunt and soaking your underwear.
Choso was losing his mind.
He gradually made his way further toward your clothed heat, elongating the process so that he could absorb as much of you as he possibly could on his own time. The tip of his nose brushed over the lace that stretched over your skin, pecking lightly over where your clit happened to be located.
He knew that he had hit some sort of target when your legs jolted around him. “Is that sensitive too?” he asked and you nodded, breathlessly.
“Yeah, baby, right there,” you affirmed, and something possessive spurring within him had him swiftly dragging your panties off to see more. 
A sting of arousal stretched as he shed you of your underwear, leading him to fixate his gaze upon your glistening entrance. He practically salivated, digging his fingers into the outside of her thighs whilst his elbows rested beneath them. He tugged you close so that his breath fanned over your wet pussy. “Gorgeous,” he praised again.
He ducked back down, fingers sinking into the plump flesh of your thighs, and flattened his tongue at the base of her lips experimentally, dragging it slowly along her lips and gathering her wetness on his warm tongue.
God. You tasted amazing.
You mewled out and Choso watched you intently from between your legs, the taste of you so sweet in his mouth. A low, satisfied groan rumbled through his chest and he dove back in with sudden urgency. Your hands flew to his soft brown tangles, gripping tightly as his tongue swirled around your pussy slowly.
“Oh my god,” you moaned, eyes fluttering shut as your body surrendered itself to bliss. Choso grunted, his own eyes closing as he licked you out passionately, skin setting itself ablaze as he devoured your fruit with the same intensity that you had taken with him. “Cho, baby, yes,” you begged, fistfuls of his hair scrunched within your fists.
If your words weren’t enough to keep him going, the way you tugged at his hair sent his body into overdrive. Pathetic moans flew from your mouth, leading the half curse to tighten his hold around you and secure your lower half to his face. 
His tongue lapped hungrily at your throbbing cunt while his lips smoothed over your clit, sucking you into the heat of his mouth as he took dominance over your weakness. Your legs squirmed around his head, ankles locking over his shoulders and around his neck. He was suffocated by you, happily, both restricting himself and you from escaping.
He was so good at this.
His pace suddenly quickened, tongue darting in and out of your walls as he switched between motions. The sinful sound of slurping echoed throughout your living space, your moans picking up volume along with it. 
Choso glided his tongue from your core to the bundle of nerves above it, kissing it gently before taking it between his lips and sucking. You cried out, grip tightening on his hair to the point where it had begun to cause pain, but the pain only made Choso’s dick harder as he sucked graciously onto your delicious clit. He couldn’t get enough.
You started to try to squirm away, for the sensation had begun to prove to be too much. Your legs shivered and your fingers tugged wildly at Choso’s hair. The pale skinned man groaned helplessly in desperate opposition, locking his fingers together over your abdomen so that you could no longer move around. “Please don’t go, baby,” he murmured, muffled by your dripping pussy around his lip. “You taste so good, need to keep tasting you.” The motions of his tongue continued, faster, adding more pressure. 
“Fuck, feels so good, Cho,” you exclaimed mindlessly, voice straining into a high-pitched moan. 
Choso proceeded faster, gluttonous for your juices and for the sound of his name from your mouth.
You arched yourself further into him, chasing the approach of your incoming high. “‘M ‘so close,” you whined, thighs tightening around his head. “St-Stick a finger inside, baby. Please. Please.”
Choso moaned into you, desperate to oblige to make you feel good because of him. He released one of his hands to creep it back under your thigh. He focused his mouth’s attention solely on your clit while his middle finger slipped past your folds and into the warmth of your dripping cunt. You cried as Choso started at a slow pace, thrusting his finger in and out, a squelching sound accompanying the slurp of his tongue over your messy cunt. 
His fingers quickly matched the pace of his tongue, pistoning in and out with remarkable speed. He could feel your slick coating his fingers as your walls quivered around them, unable to hold on much longer. 
“Do it, beautiful, please,” he begged, groaning as your pussy bumped to ride against him. 
A tingling sensation rose in your lower abdomen as your high came crashing down suddenly. Your grip in Choso’s hair went taut and your legs locked around his head, hips grinding into his face and his now two fingers. Choso furrowed his brows, riding you through his climax as slick dribbled onto his palm and down your thighs onto the couch.
Choso had no intention of stopping even after your orgasm had occurred. His mind had become a puddle, his mouth slurping up your sticky, creamy arousal without a moment’s break. He was obsessed with you, with your pussy, with how it soaked his chin and his fingers and the floor. He couldn’t stop, hungrier than he had been before, nothing but the intoxicating taste of your cunt occupying his head. He snapped his fingers from inside of you and gripped your thighs again, pushing them upward so that your knees dangled by her ears. 
“Just let me get a little bit more, sweetheart,” he whispered headedly against your pussy. “So pretty, you taste so good, can’t stop yet. Not yet, please.”
You sobbed, releasing his hair to push at his head, but Choso was a man on a mission. He was enamored by the taste of you, completely whipped by the way your cunt responded to his mouth. Your helpless pussy continued to leak arousal, smearing his face and drooling into the puddle beneath you. His tongue moved faster, and faster, lapping you up for everything you were worth. 
Your toes curled and your clit throbbed from overstimulation, tears pooling into the corners of her eyes. Your moans had transitioned into desperate pleas and ragged, messy wails. It drove Choso insane.
“Too much! M’gonna cum again- AH!”
The entire bottom half of your body was shaking, legs soaked, but Choso didn’t care. He wanted to keep hearing you cry for him. He was addicted, starving.
He proceeded his torture, the melodious symphony of your begs filling his ears. He shuddered, dragging his tongue from your sopping entrance back up to your clit in rapid circles. His grip on your thighs was sure to leave marks, but it didn’t matter. What mattered was your pussy in his mouth, responding to him at his will.You were so good, so delicious.
He couldn’t stop. 
Tears streamed down your cheeks, a knot building in your stomach along with a foreign urge to pee. You tried once more to scramble away, but Choso’s incredible strength left you completely stuck. 
“Choso!” you cried, and with that, you came once again, a stream of liquid flying from your core the moment Choso finally broke away. His chin and neck were sprayed with your squirt, his eyes watching in a trance as it sprouted out and onto his skin. You twitched uncontrollably, tensing until you collapsed back into the cushions, completely spent. 
The brunette stood quickly, climbing back over top of you and maneuvering you to lay back once more. “(Y/n)?” he called out, caressing your damp skin and looking over you with worried eyes. You hummed in a trance, peeling your blurry eyes back open to see your boyfriend hovering over you again, his chest and chin dripping with your slick over his flushed skin. “Are you okay? I’m sorry, I got carried away. You just tasted so good, baby, I’m sorry,” he apologized nonsensically and you shook your head, smiling gently and reaching for his shoulders. He ducked down for you, allowing your hands to grasp around his neck. He swiped the back of his hand over his chin, eying you worriedly. 
“That felt amazing, Cho,” you told him softly, watching the concern melt away to be replaced by bashful pride and longing. “I’ve never felt like that before.”
He cradled your arm to lower it and bring your hand to his lips in a soft kiss. “Really?” his eyes gleamed and you nodded.
“C’mere,” you tugged at him, and he was pressed into you without a second to spare. His lips were hot, the strong scent of you consuming your senses as he kissed you tenderly, smoothing over the aches in your legs and guiding them back around his waist, arms caging either side of your head as your fingers tickled the side of his jaw. 
Below, you felt his still hardened length brush against your clit and you jumped, breaking away to look down. Choso caught your gaze and smoothed a hand over your face. “We can stop if you’re tired,” he said to you. “You’ve already done so much.”
You shook your head, holding him close and kissing against his temple. “No,” you denied. “Want you inside me now, Cho.”
How much more sexy could you possibly get?
Choso’s heart was pounding once more, dick jumping in reaction to your words. Violet hues sank into yours as he asked again. “You’re positive, baby?”
“Yes,” you exhaled, kissing the outside of his ear and nuzzling your nose against his skin. “Please.”
You were going to kill him one of these days, he was sure.
He groaned softly, holding your gaze when you pulled back to look at him, eye contact deep enough to cast a peek into the array of stars and galaxies above. You reached your hand down, holding his stare, and gently wrapped your fingers around his dick. His lips parted as you stroked softly, before guiding him toward you. He helped, cradling his weighted cock and aiming it toward your drenched hole, smearing the tip past your lips to find it.
“Oh god,” he sighed. You were so slippery, so welcoming. His eyes bored into yours when he found it, pressing and sliding inside, sheathing his girthy cock into your slick coated heat gradually. You gripped his shoulders tightly, feeling the way his length stretched the walls of your pussy so drastically. You gritted your teeth together, pressing your forehead against Choso’s as he leaned his against yours, harsh breaths meeting each other’s. He trained his eyes on the scene below, his fat cock sinking into your folds, your slick gathering around his shaft the moment he bottomed out.
You moaned out together, pressing in close and entangling your limbs. Choso slammed his lips into yours sloppily, stilling the second he was fully inside of you. “You’re so tight, baby-ngh- hah-!” he exhaled against your lips.
You clenched around him, adjusting to his mass as you swallowed him into you. “Cho-s’big,” you murmured, your words babbling into nonsense.
“Gonna move now,” he warned you, sliding back out slowly, the veins in his pretty cock dragging against your walls. “Gonna- fuckkkk,” he was already pushing back into you, a singular squelch resounding from your connection. “Oh, baby,” he whimpered. “So goodddd.”
“Cho,” you whined, clawing at his toned back. “Keep moving, Cho, I need it. I need you so bad, please fuck me, baby.”
“‘Kay, baby, okay. I’ll t-take it slow, I’ll- mmm… shit…”
He slid back out of you and plunged in again, dragging the motion out so you could feel every inch of him press into you. You moaned, muscles in your face releasing as pleasure overcame your expression, Choso’s hand gripping your waist tightly as he set an uneven, perfect, languid pace. Your heels dug into his lower back, knees bumping against his sides as he thrusted carefully into you, holding you as though you were a piece of glass he was afraid to watch break. You were a mess beneath him, mewling and murmuring nonsense as his loud breaths came down over you, his hair mashing against your forehead before he ducked his head into your shoulder, his back muscles flexing with each thrust of his hot length into your greedy pussy.
“Choso,” you begged, the sensation of his dick filling you up so wholly turning you to sap at his hand, indescribable ecstasy waving over your body and washing away any previous discomfort. Your swollen clit bumped against the ridge of his abs with his thrusts, sending shivers down your spine as she quivered into his mass. 
“Nghhh, fuckkkk, y’feel so good inside me, Cho. So good, I can feel all of youuuu!”
Choso was so loud in your ear, panting, choking over his groans, growling, whimpering, moaning. His voice was so hot when desperate for you, rugged and heavy, blazing with the pleasure that overtook him as your walls suctioned around his dick, dragging him in. “I can- ngh- f-feel you too, baby, so good,” he blabbered, kissing across your neck, his hair tickling your chin. Your fingers dragged down his back, eyes hazy as he murmured sweet nothings into you. “So pretty, so fucking pretty. I need you, baby, need to be inside you. Just like this pretty, oh my god…”
He was making love to you so passionately, tucking his arms under and around your waist as you tightened your legs over him, arms wrapping him to you tightly as he speared deep into your walls. The wind proceeded to howl against the window, but neither of you paid the snow any further mind, far too enraptured with the conjoining of your bodies, of your souls, of your love. 
“Love you, Cho,” you whimpered, gasping loudly when a sting of arousal pooled from around his dick, dripping over your ass and smacking into his hips against yours lewdly. “Love you s’much,” you cried, moaning louder when his pace fastened.
“Love you too,” he whined into you. “Love you, m-more than anyth’ng, love the way you feel, love your pussy so much, so so much. I love you.”
“I love you!”
You didn’t know how long the two of you were on that couch that night, or whether the storm had passed or not. Skin slapping against skin lifted over the roar of the fire partnered by your escalating moans, which could have likely been heard down the hall in your apartment complex, but it didn’t matter. 
What mattered was Choso lips crushing against your jaw, murmuring proclamations of devotion and praise over your being and your beautiful pussy, gripping him and dragging two more orgasms out of his body, onto your stomach and deep inside your heat. What mattered was the push of your tits against his pecs as your bodies rocked into the cushions, fucking each other for all you were worth and for all that you mean to one another. What mattered was your breathless pleas, your loving embrace, your second, third spray of fluids over Choso’s abdomen.
What mattered was your love, how beautifully the two of you had consummated it, and how you simultaneously kept each other warm in the midst of the storm.
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misserabella · 5 months
pls i love your work 😭 can you write an abby x reader where reader is on her period and she’s been irritated at everything and gets an attitude with abby and she puts reader in her place, like soft dom abby because she doesn’t wanna hurt you bc you’re extra sensitive on your period but she’s not gonna let you talk to her like that
bloody heaven
abby anderson x fem! reader
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cw; +18 content! minors dni!, period sex!!, soft dom! abby x sub! reader, oral (r receiving) (IF YOU DON’T FW IT DON’T READ!!), fingering (r receiving), punishment, spanking, begging, slight teasing, praising, praise kink, abby being a perfect girlfriend, cum eating…
“keep counting baby.”
“five…” you whimper.
your ass was reddish below her hand, aching and on fire. a fire that warmed your bones and made you shiver, a fire that made you soak your thighs, made you impossibly wetter by how sensitive your period made you.
“you’re doing well baby. doing so well for me…” she caressed your abused skin, soothing it before another slap made your ass giggle and a moan fall from your lips.
your eyes were swelled with tears, your bottom lip swollen by your constant biting.
“six…” her touch trailed from your ass down in between your soaked thighs and onto your exposed core. you were on your middle of your period, your blood staining her fingertips. but your amazing and gorgeous girlfriend didn’t care about the mess. it was something natural. and just a little bit of blood didn’t make you less beautiful, or desirable.
“so wet for me already… this what you needed, baby? needed my attention? that why you got an attitude with me?” you nodded, making her coo. “but you know that’s not how we ask for things, do you princess.”
“i’m sorry…” you sobbed.
“i know baby, i know…” she muttered, circling your throbbing and sensitive puffy clit, making you whimper and shake on her lap. “but good girls like you know that punishments are important too, hm?” you nodded once again. “words, baby. use your pretty voice for me, come on.”
“yes. yes.” you moaned, thrashing and whining when she removed her touch from your soaked cunt.
“just four more, okay? just four more for me, baby.” she went back to your ass, giving you a little caress before her hand was raising and giving you a harsh slap. you let out a small whine, your nails digging on the sheets. “now, keep counting for me.” she softly said.
“seven.” another slap. “eight…” you whimpered out in a sob.
“two more baby. two more and i’ll take good care of this pretty pussy of yours, hm?” she promised. and you sighed, your ass rising against your touch. her eyebrows rose. “don’t tell me you’re enjoying this, angel.” your cheeks blushed, and she chuckled. “is this making my pretty girl wet, hm?” you nodded.
“please…” you begged, and she cursed.
“fuck it.” you squealed when abby suddenly and easily manhandled you so you’d be resting on your fours, your chest against the sheets as your ass stood up in the air, your soaked and throbbing pussy showing for her hungry eyes.
“abby!” you screamed her name when her mouth found you, her strong and warm hands spreading your ass checks as her tongue made a fat long strip from your clit to your hole, humming, never minding the metallic taste of your blood. you were not bleeding much, but it was still enough to make a mess of her lips and chin. “abby don’t!! i’m-!”
“you’re what?” she asked, licking at your clit and making you shudder. “you think a little bit of blood is gonna keep me away from this pussy? no fucking way.” your eyes rolled back when she sucked on that little bundle of nerves, making you whimper as you held on tight to the sheets, moaning when her palm came down onto your ass, making your hips thrust back against her touch and mouth. “so needy…” she groaned, kissing at your folds, licking up and down, moving her face side to side… she was devouring you, driving you insane.
“abby…” you whimpered her name as one of her fingers plunged inside of you, the squelching of your warm walls taking it making you flush.
her hungry eyes took in the way your gaping hole swallowed her in. “thaaat’s it. taking it so good for me, baby. such a good girl for me.” your back arched as another smack came down onto your ass, her mouth back at your clit as she started to thrust in and out of you, her finger stained in your pre cum and blood.
you whimpered, fucking yourself against it, gasping in pleasure when she pushed a second in. “i’m- i’m not gonna last. feels ‘s good…” you slurred, babbling, completely lost in your pleasure as abby fucked you dumb on her fingers and tongue.
“so sensitive…” she hummed. “bet it feels so good to get fucked like this, doesn’t it?” she thrusted harder, deeper, making you scream. “want you to cum for me, pretty girl. want you to make a mess out of my face.” she muttered against your pussy, flicking your clit with her tongue.
“yes, yes… im going to, im cumming! fuckfuckfuck!!” you cried out, feeling the band on your lower stomach snap, your orgasm hitting you so hard your whole world went quiet for a second. abby moaned against you when the tangy and creamy cum hit her tongue and filled her mouth, slurping up every last drop that dripped from your hole down your folds as she shallowly fucked you through it, overstimulating you to the point in which you had to push on her head so she would get away from your cunt.
you hissed at the feeling of her fingers pulling out and the last lick she made up your folds, slurping all your juices with a pleased hum. you kept your back arched, completely boneless as you tried to pace your breath. abby smiled, taking you in and slowly pulling you into her arms, staring at your dazed and pleased expression. “feeling better?” she asked, and you nodded, before you took in the sticky and bloody mess you’d made out of her cheeks, chin and mouth.
“abby… look at you.” you pouted, your hands cracking her pretty bloody face. the red only made her blue beautiful eyes shine more. she hummed, leaving a soft peck on your lips to take away that pout.
“anything for my baby.”
a/n; ty for your support angel <3
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reverie-verse · 6 months
Azriel x Reader: The Bond of a Century
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An old request that I decided to revamp
Request prompt: Can I request an Azriel x reader where the mating bond snaps for Azriel but not the reader? Kind of like how Feyra didn’t know Rhys was her mate till she was told.
My prompt: A bond forgotten for over a century and a half makes its way back to the forefront. All of it starts with Rhys asking for a favor.
This is a fluffy, steamy, angst-ish fic
I hope you enjoy!!!! My requests are open!!!
This was the last thing you thought you would be doing for Rhys. Out of all the things, this-this is what he chose for you to do. Rhys had a sick twisted mind that put you in a situation you had no desire of being in or a part of. You mentally cursed at the high lord, hating him in the moment even though he was your dearest friend. Elain scoured the city for certain pots for her plants, and certain seeds for her garden. Azriel right by her side and you trailing behind them. All you wanted to do was to go back to your home near the docks. It was the first home you had when you first moved from Dawn to Velaris less than a century ago, but with some convincing Rhys and Feyre were able to get you to stay at the town house. It was only then did her sisters arrive, and at some point you were put to the task of keeping an eye on Elain with the occasional visit of Az. Honestly you wished you could train with Nesta, but Cassian was chosen for that task. You wouldn’t have minded living in the house of wind-“ I think I need to go to Day Court or maybe Spring,Oh perhaps we go to Dawn instead. They must have better pots.” Elain speaks more to Azriel than she does you. You were eyeing the various shops, and the people delighted to be around you, each grinning and waving at you. Another beautiful thing about Velaris you’d come to love. People were kind here.
Azriel smiled softly at her “ Of course, if that’s what you want” his voice was tender and sweet. You fought the urge to roll your eyes, turning your attention elsewhere. You hated being there dealing with this shit, but Rhys insisted you tag along, “It’s good for the soul. Get some fresh air” with that insane cat-like smirk. Ooo you shoot daggers into your mind, a deep chuckle echoing in the background.
“ Yes that’s what I want, thank you Az” Elain returned the gesture.
“ Alright then I’ll let Rhys and Feyre know-“ You say as you pinched a flower petal between your thumb and index finger. You looked away from it then back at them. The two watched you with curiosity, you let go of the petal. It was no simple task, an easy reminder of what you needed to do and a simple approval came from Rhys. A gentle poke in your mind causes you to shake your head.“-Let's get this over with” You take steps towards them placing your hands on their arms you effortlessly winnow the three of you to Dawn. The landing was gentle and less sickening, the three of you placed in a Market, one that you were familiar with.. Elain squealed with excitement as she rushed over to an area where she had seen fresh flowers, a few shops down could be seen a pottery shop, the two of you already trailing her.
“ Look at this beautiful bouquet! Y/N? Should we get this for the town house?” She gestures to the bouquet filled with many vibrant colors, various shapes and sizes. You were stumped, she normally doesn’t ask you these questions most of the time they were directed at Az.
“They look lovely Elain, I’m sure they’ll fit anywhere you put them..” You replied not really sure how to respond. Honestly you’ve never really thought about what flowers you liked or didn’t . It wasn’t something that was ever given to you, nor something you found and immediately fell in love with. You didn’t have anything against anyone who knew what they liked, you just-never had the experience of looking forward to your own set of plants. Even when you first attempted gardening most of your plants and flowers died, you simply didn’t have the skill or the eye for it..but that was okay, though on rare occasions it was something you wished you had..
Elain smiles awkwardly “ Well, maybe we can get it, it might brighten up the home. Make it seem more natural..comfortable” She pulls out her coins, handing it to the shopkeeper. The three of you move further heading over to the pottery shop that she explained earlier how she wanted to visit. Your eyes searched the area, checking for predators, anyone who might cause harm to the high lady’s sister, before entering the shop. You had other plans that you needed to attend to while the two looked around, it was in the midst of Elains discussion, mostly to Azriel about the various styles of pottery, that you planned to sneak off. It was only then did a voice capture your attention from behind you.
“ Y/N, I must admit I never pegged as you someone who might be interested in pottery” Thesan, high lord of Dawn, speaks out, the entire shop haunting their work to bow at his presence. He waved his hand dismissing them easily back to work. Azriel positions himself so that he stands near you with Elain behind him, she peers her head out, trying to see who it was that spoke so elegantly. A small smile graces your features at that familiar voice you knew so well as you shifted to face Thesan, who was already grinning. Azriel didn’t miss it, taking note of it.
“What if I was?” You retorted,
“ Then that would be a surprise”
“I hate to burst your bubble High Lord but I’m here on business not for pleasure” You replied, the two of you sharing a small laugh together. Azriel forced his expression into neutrality, Elains eyes sparkled with curiosity and intrigue. Thesan looks behind you for a moment, taking in the Shadowsinger and the woman next to him.
“ Ouch, that one hurt Y/N, I see you brought friends, Shadowsinger” Thesan greets civilly no hate present.
“ Thesan,” Azriel gives a simple head nod in his direction, there was no need for malice, Thesan had always been a great friend of Rhys’s and now apparently yours. Though a feeling crept inside his chest, this odd feeling takes root, Azriel does his best to shove it away, especially with Elain right next to him..
“ And you must be Elain, one of the sisters of High Lady Night.”
“ Yes I am. It’s a pleasure to meet you” Elain smiles with a blush that creeps along her cheeks. She wasn’t sure how to respond being that a high lord, whom she never met knew she existed. The surrealness of the situation becomes a reality, the more she realizes how well known her sister is, how well known both of her sisters are including herself. A delighted yet astonishing experience for her, something she wasn’t used to yet.
“ Same to you, i hope you don’t mind if I borrow Y/N for a moment or two, there’s somethings I’d like to discuss” Thesan offered but secretly it was a meeting that needed to take place. You were in fact here on business, something that Rhys specifically shared with you and no one else. Dawn used to be your home, but when you were moved to Velaris, you became the seg way for Dawn and Night. Your job was to be the emissary for both sides, keeping the courts relationship in even better shape. You missed your home dearly at times, and you missed Thesan whom you were extremely close too, and who you cared about, even with this being only for business there was some pleasure that came out of it.
“ No of course not, I’m sure she could use a break from us, right Azriel?” Elain looks up to him but his eyes were trained on you and Thesan. You were ready to join him without so much as another word, it struck a nerve in him, why? What could possibly be the topic of conversation between you two? Why do you only need to speak with him? Surely Rhys would’ve told him what this meeting was about? Why hadn’t you come to him for advice or as a second set of ears? Why was the meeting a secret?-“Azriel?”Elain calls out to him, you were looking at him suspiciously, your eyebrows furrowed, your eyes flickering across every part of his face and bodily language. Azriel adjusts himself, shielding off whatever thoughts or feelings he harbored in the moment. He blinks, his eyes drift back to Elain then back to you and Thesan “ Go ahead, we’ll be here in the shop if you need us, we leave in about two hours”
“ Alright then I will have my men escort the two of you back to my palace.” Thesan replied, You eased the questioning look off your face, you shift back towards Thesan, the two of you walking out of the shop, the conversation immediately flowed. He could see the smile on your face, and yet again the melodic sound of laughter that left your lips. The high lords' guards remained in place while Azriel and Elain both continued their shopping. However, that didn’t stop him from taking one last look out the door.
When the two hours were up, Azriel and Elain were guided securely to the Palace where he’d find you and Thesan walking along the hall. Thesan stopped in his tracks grabbing your arm, it forces you to halt in place, your body halfway facing him. His mouth moves but Azriel can’t hear what he’s saying, he lifts a hand to your face gently swiping at your cheek. He removes his hand, pulling you gently into a tight embrace. Azriel could see the way you held onto him tightly, as if you dared to let go. The two of you stayed in that position for a few moments until you both eventually pulled away. Why were you crying? Were you hurting? Were they happy tears? Did he say something to you? What was it? There were too many emotions to pinpoint, Azriel’s chest continued to tighten at the emotions he felt. You left Thesans' side offering him one last smile, but that smile fades, when you approach them.
“It’s time, are you ready?” You ask softly, your demeanor changed, a bit relaxed but a heavy weight stays on your shoulders. You roll them back, adjusting yourself. Azriel watches you with such careful eyes, you paid no mind, your thoughts elsewhere.
“ Yes-“ Elain starts but her gaze flickers back and forth between you both. For Elain it was rather odd to see the two of you interact, when she had met you, your relationship with Azriel was already thin, you were distant with him compared to everyone else. Elain assumed that your relationship had always been like that, but now she wasn’t so sure..
“ Are you alright?” Azriel asks you, his hand twitches slightly, part of him restrains himself, the other yearned to reach out for you. But you were quick to recover, offering him a reassuring smile.
“ Yeah I’m fine, let’s go.” You placed your hands on both of them, winnowing them back to the town house. There Nuala and Cerridwen greeted the three of you. Nuala took the pots out of Elains hands, Cerridwen took the flowers and placed them in another vase. Elain begins gushing about the journey to Dawn, how gorgeous it was..You sighed exhausted leaving the space quietly to head to your own room. Azriel was about to follow you when Elain called for his help in the kitchen. Azriel hesitated staring up at the staircase. Why couldn’t he just talk to you? He’s a Shadowsinger, a spymaster, and he can pry details out of anyone but you. All he can feel is your emotions-your emotions... Elain had pulled Azriel from his thoughts as she hugged a pot to herself.
“Az? Are you coming?” She says as she waits for him to follow her to the garden. Again he hesitates but he feels a stirring in his chest. Azriel lifts up a hand instinctively touching it, a sharp sensation could be felt beneath his chest. It couldn’t be? Could it? Azriel’s eyes widen, Elain takes a breath “ I’ll be outside Az when you’re ready-“ Azriel moves his feet faster than his mind could process, he was out of the town house door, his wings pushing him off the ground shooting him into the sky, he needing some time to think..
The moons at its highest peak, your curtains flowing with gentle breeze that filtered through your bedroom. The candles and lights burnt out signaling that you were asleep, that was until you heard a creak in the floorboard, and the atmosphere changed, a darker presence filled the space. You were lying on your stomach, your hands slipping beneath the pillow as you grip the handle of the blade you’ve hidden beneath it. You felt the figure stop just before your bed frame, you could hear them bend down towards your face. As they reached for you, you swiftly reached out a free hand grabbing them, you flipped them onto the bed, rolling over pinning them down with your blade tucked against their neck in the most vulnerable area.
“ It’s only me” He whispers, the lights in the room reaching a dim hue, illuminating the area.
“ Jeez Az, I could’ve killed you” You replied tiredly, you pulled back the blade placing it on the end table. Azriel’s eyes followed your movement above him, your hips and legs straddling him, your hair in an unruly nature, from slumber. The candles hue amidst the room, caresses your face, your bare legs, your skin making it appear warm to the touch. You had worn a tunic that wasn’t yours, it hugged loosely around your body frame. The tunic looked oddly familiar to Azriel but then again he wasn’t so sure. All he wanted to do was rip whoevers tunic that belonged to, off of your body and replace it with his.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you-” He apologizes,”-I have one question I’d like to ask you” Azriel whispers, as he watches your facial expression twitch into a sleepy confusion.
“This couldn’t wait till morning?” You sighed as your hand moved to rub the sleep from your face. You remove yourself from him, you slip off the bed but not before Azriel caught your wrist. He shifts himself so that he sits up lifting himself off the bed. He towers over you, the candle's glowing light touches his features in a way that it could come off intimidating, but there was a more intimate, soft, texture that made him appear more angelic.
“ No I’m afraid not.” He admits.
You nod your head” What’s your question?”
“ How long have you known about the bond?”Azriel’s voice low, as if to test the waters but enough to plunge himself. He needed answers and after speaking with Rhys, it was his right.
“ What?” Your face dropped, your skin becoming clammy as nervousness passes through you, sleepiness evades you.
“ You heard me, answer the question” his eyes switch between both of yours, searching and evaluating. He tried to pinpoint every emotion you felt, he tried to feel you through, the only thing stopping him was- you.
“ It's not that simple-” You shook your head, pulling your wrist out of his hold. You weren’t prepared for this, you weren’t ready to unravel all that you worked so hard to ignore.
“ It is that simple” Azriel continued to pry, he didn’t need the bond to notice how uncomfortable and painful this topic was for you-it was news to him, he wanted the truth..no lies no games only the truth
“ No, it’s not. It’s complicated-“ You looked away from him moving to the other side of the room. You couldn't find the words to explain this situation, your reasoning. What if what you told him set him off? What if this ruins everything between your friendships? The alliance that has been created? So many thoughts and questions, never enough answers…but for Azriel you did have an answer to his question..
“ Complicated enough for you to leave.” It was then that feeling in your chest, it builds a thick pressure. A heavyweight on your shoulders, the air almost sucked out your lungs. “ Is that what you told Rhys when you were packing your bags?” You couldn’t breathe, Azriel’s footsteps followed you till he was right behind you. You faintly feel the pulse of his surprise and his anger, as if it was your own, but it had been so long since you’d tapped into the bond. You had spent a century ignoring it, shielding it, and now, it was muscle memory..
“ Don’t make me do this..” You whispered out, a silent plea to move on, to let this go.
“ You knew, and yet you decided not to tell me” His voice held a deep frustration, a deep want and need. He wasn’t going to give up, he had a way with finding out the truth..
“ That’s-not what happened..” You were again stumped with words, torn between giving in or lying, torn between running away or staying..
“ No? Then what happened?” He continues to look down at you, you refuse to meet his gaze. Azriel doesn’t take no for an answer moving towards the front. He stands in front of you. His smell, his faint emotions from the bond slowly consuming you. It surrounds you, his shadows dance along the edges of the room, waiting, watching, whispering.
“ Az-” You warned him, it was another weak attempt to fight him off. But he continued to poke, to pull, to pry, to grasp at anything you’d give him. You were tired, exhausted, hiding your emotions, your thoughts, your protected heart and mind bound to collapse, all secrets were meant to escape..
“ I want the truth, Y/N-”. You took a deep breath, your nerves running a mile a minute. His own anxiousness was replaced with a demanding thirst for the truth. A truth that belonged to him too. You’ve kept this wonderful secret to yourself, he watched as his own family found mates that paired well with them. Watching as their life finds the pieces to the puzzle it was missing. Deep down he wanted that very same thing. He felt as though he may not deserve it but he craved it, to be loved unconditionally… “-You owe me that much”
You sighed, your heart shattering, you gave in, you really hadn’t planned too but the look in his eyes-, “..Before Amarantha began her reign, Rhys made an offer to Thesan to let me stay in Velaris, as an emissary between the courts. It was then that I found out that we were mates… It was then that the deal was made.“
“All these years and you kept this to yourself, why?” His eyebrows furrowed.
“ Because I knew you were in love with Mor. I wasn’t going to take that from you. But I did wait for you, I waited a long time. But when it became an achingly slow desperation, I gave up. I practiced silencing the bond, so I couldn’t feel the emotions you felt when you were around other-women..romantically and lustily I mean. Then Elain came around and it was the same process. I’m exhausted, Azriel. I can’t keep doing this”
“ You didn’t bother to try! You’re running back home because you never thought to ask how I might’ve felt!” His jaw tenses, his head slightly tilted to the side, his frustration grows, at this notion of forcing the information out of you, when you should’ve let it happen, when you should’ve told him..
“ I didn’t because I wanted you to come to your own conclusion. I wanted it to be as natural as possible but you were so invested in Mor and Elain and I’m not one to take you away from that. But I also miss the people I care about, I miss my old home-It’s time for me to go-” You protested.
“ What does Rhys think of this?” Azriel jaw twitches.
“ He was the one who encouraged me to speak with Thesan-“
“ Is that what the discussion was between the two of you?” He presses.
“ Yes but-“ You attempt to defend yourself.
“ Y/N, what exactly did you say to him?” Azriel wanted every detail, every version of this story, of his story, of his mates-his mate.
“ I didn’t- I didn’t say anything. I asked if I could return home, and he told me that I should stay here, that if I truly wanted to come home then he’d considered it.” Your heart leaps into your throat, you swallow it back, the feeling collecting.
“ His answer wasn’t even a Yes” Azriel’s scoffs shaking his head, his hands on his hips as he looks at the floor and then away at the window.
“ Yes- but it’s my decision-“ You looked up at him, watching his movements carefully.
“ No it’s not, you’re not going back there.” He challenged, his eyes find their way back to yours.
“ You can’t decide that.” You tell him, the two of you hurting by the weight of your decision. Azriel’s own heart squeezes painfully, at how easy it was for you to say those words to him. You were his, he wasn’t going to let you just walk away, not without fighting for you.
“ Why not? You’d already decided to keep this to yourself regardless of how I felt” He takes a step forward his arms falling back down to his side.
“ Azriel please listen to me-“ You tried to reason, you tried to find a way to break through, he wasn’t thinking straight, you weren’t thinking straight, neither one of you.
“ No you listen, all those years, all those centuries, you were my friend, and you were someone who loved me. Loved me enough to sacrifice what you felt so I could find happiness. In the depths of my mind I have fought and searched for you without realizing that you were here in front of me..I was too blind to see it. ” His hands flew to your face, your jaw, cupping it, his thumbs grazing your cheekbones. Your hands follow suit as your fingers grip his wrists. His shadows remove themselves from the dark corners of your room, shooting out to tangle around your wrists, not to pull your hands away but to hold you there in place. “ Please don’t run from me” He whispers, his forehead dipping down to rest on yours. His hands slide from your cheeks to the sides of your neck.
“ Az-I can’t stay” You replied quietly, your hands pulling at his wrists weakly at his. You both knew that you could take him down easily, but at this moment in time the two of you were struggling. The tension grew thick in the air. A sort of sharp feeling intensifies, the faded familiarity that was the bond, solidifies. You thought that you had successfully mastered the art of blocking the bond but no. Azriel must’ve truly accepted it, a different feeling takes over, Azriel hums at the feeling. You sucked in a breath.
“ You can’t leave without knowing I’ve accepted the bond” His nose brushes against yours. You shook your head once more, completely pushed Azriel away. Your hands fly to your head, your fingers tangling in your hairs. You wanted nothing more than to curl into yourself, this was too surreal, too overwhelming. You’d spent so long, alone, and working, on occasions waiting. Now you were uncertain, even more than you had been hours ago. Azriel could feel your indecisiveness, he just needed to bring you back to him.
Azriel followed you, he pulled your hands from your hair, one of them he placed on his chest, his heart beating beneath it, you couldn’t look at him. But you could feel the gentleness, the love that flowed through him into you. “ My heart, my soul belongs to you” he tries again. You could feel your body sag at the feeling of comfort. It was so intense and welcoming. You wanted to wrap yourself in it-but you fought it, you were so used to the fighting, the restraint, the self control. “Let go” His voice reaches into the depths of your mind, into your soul, calling out to you.
You placed your forehead on his chest, your hand leaving the area above his heart. Azriel’s wings moved to surround you, his shadows moved to get to you, tangling themselves in your hair, caressing your face and hands. They speak to you wishing you nothing but love and happiness. They bring you comfort, your eyes fluttering shut.
“ Y/N” Azriel calls out. You could feel his hands cupping your face once more tilting it upwards, his breath light. You could feel how close he was, Azriel was right there, all he needed to do-Az’s lips crashed down onto yours, so soft, and yet his kiss held all his desperation, his passion. He couldn’t hold back, not with you, not when he loved you so. You weren’t surprised, in fact you hadn’t realized how much you yearned for his touch, his kiss. Azriel turns his head to the side deepening the kiss, a quiet moan slips out. By the cauldron Azriel loved to hear that sound, he wanted to hear it again, and again, and again. For as long as he lived and breathed.
You were putty in his hands, the feeling of his touch, his thoughts, his emotions was putting you in overdrive. Your mind couldn’t comprehend nor catch up to the pace in which things were happening. Azriel lets go of your lips for a brief moment, allowing you a chance to breathe, a whimper and the need for air also escapes your lips. Azriel had to fight the urge to keep himself from taking you right then and there. You had the urge to let him do it, you placed your hands on his chest pushing him back a step. You couldn’t think with him in your space, Azriel wasn’t going to budge, but with the way you were so caught up and caught off guard, he let you take a second.
“Okay-“ You breathed out. Azriel’s eyes light up, a smile threatens to break out. “ I-um-“ You cleared your throat,”Uh-I-I accept the bond..” you whispered the last part. Azriel’s heart gave a squeeze of joy, his chest filled with lightness, with happiness and relief. All he had ever hoped for had finally come to fruition. A twinkle of mischief sparks in his eyes, a smirk finds its way onto his beautiful features.
“ What was that?” He asks, yet you squint your eyes at him, you know he heard, he knows he heard you, but he wanted you to say it again. “-I didn’t quite hear you” You bit the inside of your cheek still squinting at him. You sighed, your body began to relax, your facial expressions changing to that of a sheepishness. You were struggling to admit it, Azriel waited for you patiently.
“ I-“
“ Yes?”
“ Az” You raised your eyebrows at him, as if to say I’m trying here.
“ I’m sorry, please go on.” He encourages you.
You sighed as you tried again this time “ I accept the bond-” You are much more confident and certain. “I’ve loved you since I’ve known you. You were right, my heart and soul belongs to you-“Azriel couldn’t contain himself much longer as took you into his arms and spun you around. A victorious grin graced both of your features, and for once the weight of the world didn’t feel so heavy in your chests. You gave a light hearted giggle, your heart swooning. Azriel places you back on the ground. You smiled brightly, the twinkle reaching your eyes. “This is happening?” You asked out loud, you searched for clarification.
“ Yeah it is” Azriel let go grabbing your hand pulling you towards the window. You tilted your head to the side, a sweet smile on your lips, a playful yet teasing expression stretches onto Azriel’s face. “Do you trust me?” his hand extends outward.
“ Yes.” You lift your hand to place it into his, this time a new height sense fills both your bodies. The touch feels like a loving hum on your skin. Your minds, your souls, finally resting after all the searching that it had done. You place your hand in his, he guides you out of the window onto the terrace of the town house. You followed him blindly, willingly. Azriel stood taller in the moonlight, and the stars above shining, his shadows nowhere to be found, it was just him. “ Az wait- Elain-“
“She knows, and I’m sure she will be upset with me, but she has Lucien..She doesn’t need me.” He nods. You watch him closely, as you slowly lift a hand to caress his cheek, the touch sweet and warming. Azriel instinctively leans into your touch, turning his head slightly to kiss the palm of your hand.
“ I’m sorry” You whispered, you realized that you may have ruined a friendship for him, a little bit more than a friendship..
“ No I’m sorry” he replies as he takes you back into his arms, the sounds of the city's music playing amongst the trees, the flowers, the plants, the night sky seeming more inviting, more alive. All Azriel knew was in this moment in time he finally understood the accept of the bond, the waiting, the calling, you had always been there waiting for him, you gave him time, space, anything he needed to figure himself out..All those times he spent with other women- then it dawned on him, had you done the same? You chuckled upon feeling that jealous emotion. “ Who’s tunic are you wearing?”
“ Az, it’s yours”
“ What-“ You peel yourself out of his arms.
“ This tunic you let me borrow on a mission we had, remember? Court of nightmares? I was stuck in a brothel, I ended up fighting my way out, my clothes were completely shredded?” You offered bits and pieces of the memory, Azriel’s takes a moment to recollect and it hits him.
“ Yes I remember, you ate a bowl of soup that night at one of the hostels. You hated it,” He chuckled as he remembered the disgusted look on your face. You laughed alongside him. You moved to head back towards your room but Azriel was quick to catch your hand.
”Where are you going?”
“Um-to make you something, we still have to seal the bond.”
“ Not here”
“ Then where?” Azriel grins as he throws one of your arms around his neck, one catches your back the other catches your knees.
“ Somewhere private, where I can have you all to myself, no distractions, just you and me” He whispers to you, his face dipping closer to yours, you sucked in a small breath, the blood beneath your skin singing, practically humming. His arms tightened their hold on you pressing you as flush to him as possible. Azriel looks away and upwards towards the night sky, his wings strong as they help push the two of you off the ground. Excitement filled the air, the night, seemed sweeter, less stuffy, inviting. You guessed that Thesan was right for making you stay here, to reconsider, you were thankful that he pointed you back in the direction of your mate. Azriel was happy that his brother fought for his love, fought for him to find happiness. It was more than just two courts keeping a civil peace, it was about two souls that needed to find each other, even if it takes a century.
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Everyone Hates Todo Except You
The best part about Todo is that you don’t have to put yandere in front of him because his normal behavior already screams delusional and obsessive.   You cannot convince me that he doesn’t sniff all your things as soon as you’re not looking.  He’s just so intense.  I love this man, need to catch up on jjk.
~1k words. Thank you to whoever requested this and I hope you enjoy!
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At the Kyoto branch, nobody really bothers sticking their nose in Todo’s business.  But when there’s an enormous mound of trash bags outside his room that just keeps getting bigger, concerning glances and eyebrow raises no longer cut it.  Normally his antics earn a side eye or two, but lately it’s been a little much, even for him.  At the breakfast table the next day, the girls decide to draw straws to see who has to tell him to move his shit.
“It’s not fair!  Why do I have to do it?”  Miwa groans, cursing her bad luck for the thousandth time.  
“It is fair, you just happened to draw the short straw now go deal with it!  We'll back you up.”  Mai grins, knowing full well she rigged it.
Kasumi Miwa would rather be doing literally anything else at this moment.  She timidly knocks on the door, and says, “Todo?  Could you move all this stuff please?  You’re starting to block the hallway.”
“Yeah I’ll get to it whenever I get the rest of this junk cleaned up.  Don’t worry there’s no food waste so there shouldn’t be any smell.”
“B-but Todo…. It's been almost a week now…”  The only response was the muted sound of shuffling.
Miwa looks back in defeat at her so-called “back up” as they peek from behind the corner.  Their best bet now is to get one of the boys to convince him.  And if they fail it’s straight to Utahime-sensei.  
Todo looks at his room, emptier than it’s ever been.  He knew this was the likeliest outcome.  Takada-chan was a beloved idol, and even if she liked him back (which he thought she might have at some point) there was no way she could be with him.  He knew, but it doesn't mean it hurt any less.  There were years of carefully collected merch, thousands of dollars being stuffed into trash bags to be thrown away.  But instead of the despair he carefully denied for years, he didn’t feel any loss throwing away all the autographed posters and pictures.  No, he had something much better now, someone who could actually be with him in this wretched, boring world.  He had his wonderful, gorgeous, beautiful, perfect in every way girlfriend.  And while you weren’t aware that you were destined to be with him yet, he would make sure you’d know soon.  As soon as he finished purging his space of Takada-chan (it wouldn’t do to have pictures of an old flame) he’d confess.  
A few days later he was tying up the last trash bag, ready to enact his plan.  He asked you to meet him under the largest tree in the forest on the edge of the training field.  Several hypothetical scenarios floated through his mind, and he focused on the one where you’d enthusiastically said you loved him back and then he married you and had many children.  As he neared the confession site, Todo felt yet another arrow go through his heart as you came into view.  I’ll never get tired of seeing her.
“Todo, is everything okay?  What’s up?”  A shiver ran down Todo’s spine, goosebumps rising.  God, even your voice was perfect.
“I love you.  Promise me, y/n.  That we’ll spend the rest of our lives together.”  He got down on one knee like a proposal, looking up at you like a devout follower.
“Todo… I don’t know about the rest of our lives but why don’t we start with a date?  I like you too.”  While you were a bit taken aback by his forwardness, you brush it off as Todo being Todo.  You never disliked his honesty and unabashedness.
“My girlfriend!! I knew you felt the same!”  A single tear ran down Todo’s face.   
Back to the dorms, it wasn’t long before everyone found out and congregated at your room to badger you with questions.  
“Ugh that gorilla?  You guys are dating now?”  Nishimiya asked, firmly believing Todo to be an improper and inadequate boyfriend.  
“I thought he only had eyes for that idol Takado or whatever,” Miwa chimes.
“It’s Takada,” Mai corrects, not able to make eye contact with Nishimiya’s suspicious glance in her direction. 
“We’re dating now!  He just asked me out, and he’s really good to me.” you reply, thinking of how Todo insisted on carrying you back to the dorms, gently setting you down before running off saying he needed to ‘prepare’.  
“You can do way better than Todo, trust us.” The girls all nod in agreement.  However, Todo is outside your room balancing a tray of perfectly cooked lunch and a cold pitcher of water.  
“What are you guys talking about?”  he knows already, but wants to hear them say it to his face.  
“How y/n is too good for the likes of you.”  Mai minces no words for Todo.  With the uncomfortable tension rising, the Kyoto girls hastily make an exit.  
“My love, I made lunch for us.  I know I am not handsome, or come from wealth and a good sorcerer family like some of our classmates.  But I will be devoted.  I will never stray from you, I’d die if you asked me to.”  he says, as he sets the meal on your small desk, pulling out utensils and napkins.  His normal confidence seems to waver a bit, and it seems that not even Todo is immune to worrying about what other people think of him.  
“Todo, don’t worry about what they say and please don’t say you’ll die for me.  I like you a lot, I wouldn’t have accepted your confession if I didn’t.  I also think you’re quite handsome.”  
“You love me back?”  he whispers, kneeling at the edge of your bed, looking up at you.  While it’s a bit too early to tell, Todo’s hopeful, reverent look has you obliging him. 
“I do love you back.”  He embraces you, and you can hear his heartbeat in his bare chest.  It feels good to be loved so wholeheartedly, and you’ll give him all the love you have to repay him.  
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wandaslittlebird · 19 days
Stepmom!Wanda x Pervy!GP!Reader
After months of spying on your stepmother, you’re finally caught and made to confess far more than you’d expected.
CW: Reader is displeased with her anatomy, non-consensual spying, underwear stealing and other nefarious acts, mentions of masturbation, stepmom/stepdaughter, intense questioning, dacryphilia (kinda), humiliation, spanking, mommy kink, accidental orgasm
Word Count: 4k
A/N: It’s finally complete! There’s going to be an alternative version of this fic with a non g!p reader soon! Wanda’s also a lot meaner in that one, so get excited if that’s your thing.
You stood in front of the bathroom mirror, still mostly naked from the long shower you’d just taken. You stood up on your tippy toes in order to highlight the main attraction: your new lacy thong underwear.
You’d stolen them from your stepmother Wanda's wardrobe earlier while she was busy making dinner. When you’d found them, you just knew you had to have them. It was the first time you’d ever stolen her panties to wear, and the act both scared and aroused you.
It was kind of her fault, really, that you had to steal her panties to wear. At least, that’s how you justified it to yourself. She always bought you the plainest and ugly boxer briefs.
“Pretty girls with penises can’t wear little panties like that,” she had told you when you asked to buy some panties. “You gotta wear some with a little more fabric to keep those princess parts all tucked into place.”
She was right, of course. Your “extra appendage” made even boyshorts unwearable. Perhaps you could make it work if you were a bit smaller. Alas, you’d been cursed to have a bigger dick than even most men had.
But you hated your boxers, regardless. Sure they kept your anatomy secure, but they never came in pink, or lace, or had any fun bows on the waistband. Even your favorite pair were just navy with blue dog silhouettes on them.
These panties, however, were so much better. They hugged your hips perfectly, creating a beautiful V shape that accentuated your shape. Sure there was still a bulge between your legs, but you thought it was made much less unsightly by the black lace it prodded. There was, of course, the issue of keeping it inside the panties. There was so little fabric it was bound to pop out at some point.
But for right now, you twisted happily on your toes, feeling sexy and pretty, just like Wanda was when she wore her pretty panties.
“Honey! Dinner’s ready!” You heard Wanda’s voice from the dining room.
You frowned, not ready to get dressed quite yet. Nonetheless, you shouted from the bathroom, “I’ll be down in a second!” before slipping on your plaid pajama pants and an old band t-shirt. It’s fine. You’d be nice and quick with dinner, then you could slip away to the privacy of your room for the rest of night. You had a better mirror in there anyway: a full body one that would solve this tip toe problem. Maybe you could even put on a bit of a fashion show for yourself, trying on all of your favorite bras and deciding which one made for the best set.
You took a deep breath, trying to mask your excitement. It was going to be a perfect night. All you had to do was make it through dinner first.
You walked nervously down the stairs into the dining room where you found Wanda dishing out pasta onto each of your plates. She offered you a gentle smile upon arrival. “Oh good, you made it. I was worried for a second there you’d make me eat alone. Just pasta tonight, nothing fancy. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Oh, uh, it’s no problem at all,’” you stammered. “Anything you make will surely be delicious.” You tried to offer her the same smile she’d offered you, but it came out awkward and uneven. It was clear you were nervous. You cursed yourself for your inability to hide your feelings from her.
She tilted her head in slight confusion. “Are you feeling alright? You look a little flushed.”
“I… uh… yeah I’m fine. I must’ve just taken a really hot shower,” you attempted to explain. She clearly wasn’t buying it. You shrank back in your chair a little bit, shifting uncomfortably as your dick threatened to escape its flimsy confines. The sensation only caused you to blush harder.
“Are you sure?” she asked, unconvinced. “Let me feel your head.” She leaned over the table, giving you a clear view down the front of her shirt. Fuck. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath her blouse. You inhaled shakily, shifting even more obviously as you felt yourself grow hard. You took in a sharp breath as you felt your dick pop out of the leg hole of the underwear.
She touched your head innocently with the back of her hand. Her brows furrowed in confusion as your uncomfortable wiggling became more pronounced. “Darling, you seem terribly restless. What’s going on?” She was starting to catch on, at least, to the fact you were keeping something from her. Though she couldn’t pinpoint what it was, she was certain she could get it out of you. You were never very good at keeping secrets, especially not from her.
You scooted your chair backwards, determined to escape this situation as quickly as possible. “I… uh… Actually I am feeling a bit poorly. I better go up to my room.” You made a move to try and get up, but she grabbed your wrist before you could escape.
You turned to face her and you were met with a glare that nearly made you crumble. She looked at you like she was looking into your soul, like she was some sort of omnipotent goddess that already knew every secret you’d ever tried to keep. “Honey,” she said, voice even and emotionless, “I think we need to have a talk.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you collapsed back down into your seat. “I’m sorry, mommy,” you whispered tearfully. How could she possibly know? Did she see something by accident?
She smiled knowingly. She had you now. That poor little head of yours couldn’t come up with a lie right now no matter how hard you tried. She circled the table and squatted down next to your chair, squeezing your hand and soothingly rubbing your temple with her thumb. “It’s okay, baby. Mommy’s not mad. I just need you to tell me what happened, okay? It’s okay, you can tell mommy.”
You swallowed. So she didn’t know. If you played your cards right, you could still make it out of this. Subconsciously, you crossed your legs, squeezing them tightly together, trying to hide yourself from her. It was a painfully obvious move, but her soft voice and her hand on your head were making it so very hard to think clearly.
Wanda smirked and ran her hand up the side of your hip. Whatever you were hiding was somewhere in here. Surely it wasn’t just a boner that’d gotten you this worked up. She’d caught you with several in the past, but she’d never said anything. Maybe you blushed or scratched your arm, but you’d never been like this.
Her hand slid over the fabric of your baggy pajama pants. Oddly enough, she couldn’t feel the bulky fabric of your boxers under the pants. Your secret wasn’t just that you weren’t wearing underwear, was it? No. As her hand got further up your waist, she felt them. They weren’t boxers, but there was something there.
“Honey,” she said calmly. “What are you wearing under your pajamas?”
Your mouth went dry and you froze, unsure how to answer her question. You decided it was best to play dumb. “W-what do you mean? Underwear.”
“Oh come on now darling,” she said, voice soft but slightly perturbed. “You know what I’m talking about. Are you wearing your boxers right now?”
Your eyes darted around the room, avoiding her gaze at all cost. She wasn’t going to check if you lied, was she? You hesitantly nodded.
“Are you sure?” She asked, unconvinced. “Do you mind if I lift up your shirt so I can make sure?”
Your hands flew to your waist, pinning your shirt to your body. “I… uh… I don’t feel comfortable showing you my underwear.”
She pursed her lips, annoyed with your evasiveness. She had started to believe that her soft mommy act wasn’t going to cut it, if she really wanted you to confess. “Darling, I’ve seen you in your boxers countless times before. Why are you getting so bashful all the sudden?”
You curled up tighter. You knew she was on to you by this point, but the humiliation of revealing yourself was too much. “I just… I don’t wanna show you, okay?” Your bottom lip quivered, tears threatened to spill from your eyes.
Wanda stood up, pushing your chair back until it hit the wall. You gasped, looking up at her, frightened as she loomed over you menacingly. “Alright, darling. If you can’t be a good girl and tell mommy what’s going on, I’m going to have to pull you over my lap, push your pants down to your ankles, and spank you in whatever underwear you’re wearing, okay? So I’ll ask you one more time. Are. You. Wearing. Your. Boxers. Right. Now?”
Your eyes went wide. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest. Your entire body started to shake as you stared up at her, frozen. Her gaze was harsh now, face unmoving as she waited on an answer.
Finally the dam broke. A cry ripped from your throat and tears poured down your face. You crumbled to pieces underneath her. “No! I’m not wearing my underwear, I’m wearing yours! I’m sorry! I know I shouldn’t have done it. And I know I shouldn’t have lied! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” You sobbed.
She shrunk back down, squatting again on the floor in front of you. She could hardly hide the pleasure she got from watching you shake and sob underneath her. She took your hand in hers, wiping away your tears. “See, baby? That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
You melted into her hand. You were truly hers now. No more lying, no more games. No more thoughts in your precious little head aside from “do exactly what mommy tells you to do”. Any resistance you had had melted away.
“Can you tell mommy why you were wearing her panties, sweetheart?” She asked softly.
“I wanted to be pretty,” you cried weakly. “All I ever get to wear are gross, ugly boxers but I just wanted to be pretty like you.”
Wanda nodded in understanding. “You wanted to wear pretty panties like mommy, huh?”
You nodded. Your head was so jumbled it felt like the confessions were spilling out of you. “I see you through the door sometimes, when you’re getting dressed. You look so pretty with your matching bras and panties. And I just… I wanted to look like that too,” you confessed.
“You see me through the door?” She asked, noting how you had said ‘see’ rather than ‘watch’. “Do you spy on mommy while she’s naked? Do you watch me when I change my clothes?”
Your head lulled to the side. “No! …yes… sometimes.” You confessed, getting quieter with each statement.
She raised her eyebrows, surprised and amused by your unswerving honesty. She’d known, of course, about your little habits. You weren’t as sneaky as you thought. However, having you blubbering under her, confessing every little thing you’d ever done, brought her immense satisfaction.
She ran her hand up your upper thigh again, lightly tracing shapes with her fingers. “How long have you been spying on mommy, huh?”
You sighed, feeling yourself grow hard in your pants. Her touch was so memorizing you nearly forgot to answer the question. She pulled her hand away, grabbing your face and raising her eyebrows expectantly. You snapped out of your haze. “I don’t know! I don’t know how it started! Please! I promise I’m not a naughty girl!”
Her hand moved up to your hair, gently wiping it from her face. Her rapid switching from gentle to harsh was making your head spin. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Mommy’s not mad. You’re doing a very good job being honest with me.” She leaned forward, so close you could feel her breath against your ear. “How does it make you feel, watching me in my room like that? Watching me change my clothes and seeing my pretty lingerie?”
“G-good,” you answered hazily. “I just… I like to see, sometimes.”
She was slowly climbing up your body, almost in your lap now. “You just like to see sometimes, hmm?” She repeated. “Is that all?”
“Sometimes I-I like to… um… to-touch my… in the hallway while I watch,” you confessed, too scared and hazy to lie to her anymore.
A faint smile grew on her lips. She could hardly believe how vulnerable she’d made you. She’d never quite seen you like this before. “That’s quite naughty of you, darling. You can’t just touch yourself in the hallway like that. Someone could catch you, you know.”
“Dad almost… one time he saw… but he didn’t know what I was doing and I pretended I was waiting on you.”
She sat on your knees, rubbing soothing circles on your collarbones and shoulders. “Dad almost caught you, huh? And what were you doing, exactly?”
“Just… rubbing… on the outside. I didn’t have my h-hands in my pants or anything,” you stammered.
She leaned forward again, moving her hands down to your hips. “That was a very very naughty thing to do, little girl. I better not catch you rubbing yourself in the hallway again.”
You shook your head. “It will never happen again! I promise!”
She grabbed your face again, significantly softer now that she’d already broken you. She simply lifted your chin to look her in the eyes. “No more lying, darling. I want to know the truth. Are you going to stop spying on me?”
You nodded frantically, determined to never find yourself in this situation again. “Never! I swear!”
“Good girl,” she cooed. She gently rubbed your cheek with her thumb. “And no more stealing my underwear, agreed?”
You nodded again, driven to yet another confession you hadn’t planned on making. “No more! And no more stealing the dirty ones either. I won’t even snoop again! I promise!”
“Oh?” Wanda purred, “So you’ve been stealing my dirty panties too? Not just the clean ones?” Once again, she had been noticing her panties in your laundry instead of hers for months now. She was under no illusion that they were ending up there accidentally.
“This… this was the first time I stole any clean ones! I’ve never worn them before either!” You defended.
She hummed softly, pretending to ponder your confession. “Hmm. And what, exactly, do you do with my dirty panties?”
“I just… smell,” you confessed. “Some I use them to… t-touch myself with.”
“You use them when you touch yourself?” She asked, her voice still gentle and sweet. She ran her hands through your hair with an air of possession.
You nodded. “One time I had… I had a taste. But just one time!”
She chuckled smugly. “Oh?” She smirked down at you. “You took a taste, huh? Just once?”
You nodded. You were so terribly embarrassed. You wanted to throw yourself into her and beg her for forgiveness, but you doubted it would help.
“And how did I taste, darling?” She asked.
You moaned a little at the memory, hips bucking up as you felt yourself grow harder. “Really g-good. I’d never… finished that much before.”
“Aww,” she chuckled again. “Did you cum really hard when you tasted mommy?”
You nodded. Her hands traced light patterns on your hips, making their way to your stomach. “Just from a little taste?” She asked again, egging you on for more details.
“I didn’t even have to… touch myself. It just… happened all on its own,” you said. The tip of your cock was pressing hard against the fabric of your pajama pants now. The outline was painfully clear now that your underwear was no longer covering it. Wanda looked down at your lap and smirked smugly.
“It looks like maybe you enjoyed it, huh? Cumming from mommy’s taste alone?” She lightly traced the waistband of your pants, getting close but not quite touching the bulge in the fabric.
You whimpered and bucked your hips up, trying to get her hand closer to where you needed it. “Y-yeah. I didn’t know it could… happen like that. I thought you had to… touch it.”
Wanda hummed, pondering your words. “Most little princesses do. But you're a very special little princess, aren’t you?”
You nodded, still sniffling. The whole ordeal had you beyond embarrassed, yet you noticed that your arousal persisted through the embarrassment. Perhaps it was even worsened by it.
“Can-can I go to my room?” You stuttered suddenly. You had to get out of here, to somewhere more private before your humiliation and arousal bubbled over.
“Aww, sweetheart,” she cooed with fake sympathy. “Did you really think after all of this I would just let you go to your room?”
Your eyes went wide with terror. You weren’t sure how much more of this you could take before disaster struck. “B-but you said you weren’t mad!”
“I’m not mad, honey,” she reassured. “But what you did was very very naughty, wasn’t it?”
You nodded, another wave of tears threatening to fall.
“And when little girls do naughty things they have to be punished, don’t they?” She said, affectionately combing through your hair.
You nodded again, whimpering under her gentle touch. “But you’ll go easy on me, right? Because I was a good girl and I was honest and I told you everything?”
She chuckled. Your description wasn’t exactly accurate, but she couldn’t help but take at least a little pity on you. You had confessed in the end, even if it took a little pushing. “Of course, baby,” she soothed. “Now go upstairs and wait for mommy. I want you over the end of the bed in nothing but mommy’s panties, okay?”
You nodded frantically, running up the stairs and assuming the position as soon as she got off your lap.
She chuckled, amused by your eager obedience, and boxed up the pasta she’d made so she could easily heat it back up after this was over.
It only took her about five minutes for her to finally come upstairs, but to you, bent naked over the edge of the bed, it felt like hours.
You had to fight to keep your head down on the mattress when you heard her open the bedroom door. You whined as you watched her pull the wooden hairbrush from her nightstand. “No mommy! Please not the hairbrush! Please I was so honest and-and I answered all of your questions-“
She cut you off by rubbing gentle circles on the swell of your ass. “Shshsh,” she soothed. “Mommy’s only doing this because she loves you, okay? I have to remind my sweet girl what happens when she’s naughty so she’ll remember to be a good girl, right?”
You whimpered and squirmed under her, trying to be patient and still but also desperate to get away from the hairbrush. The thin fabric of the underwear offered you little to no protection, and your now hard dick was no longer restrained by the fabric.
“I want you to count for me, okay?” She instructed. “If you can keep count like a good girl, we’ll only do 15, but if I have to count for you, I’m gonna have to do 25, okay?”
You nodded, determined to be good and keep count. However, you weren’t traditionally known for keeping a clear head during your punishment. “Can-can I hold onto a pillow, please?”
She couldn’t see your face, but the tears in your voice made it hard for her to deny you anything. “Of course, baby,” she said, pulling a pillow from the headboard and tucking it into your arms. She kissed the side of your teary face. “Mommy loves you very much, princess. It’ll be over soon.”
She tapped your ass twice with the hairbrush before placing the first smack firmly on your left cheek. You cried out, wailing more with overwhelming embarrassment than pain.
She hit you again with perfect precision in almost the exact same spot.
She switched sides, smacking you again on the other cheek.
You made it to seven before you inevitably lost count. She waited for a moment after the strike before she decided your wailing was not going to give way to a number, and she officially started counting herself.
By ten, you had resorted to begging. You knew better than to flail and kick your legs, she’d have you pinned over her lap with a far worse punishment in store, but you were allowed to cry and plead all you wanted. “Please mommy! Please, I'll be good. I learned my lesson mommy please no more!”
You sounded so pathetic she was almost tempted to have mercy on you. You weren’t even halfway through your punishment now that she’d pushed it to 25. But she would stick to her word. That was, after all, what was most important when it came to discipline.
It wasn’t even so much the pain, you were trying to escape, but something far more alarming that boiled in your lower belly. Having her, a commanding force over you, was awakening something in you. The humiliation of a confession matched with wearing her underwear and being spanked like a child over her bed had a coil building in your lower stomach.
By 15 spanks, you realized it was inevitable. You were pleading with her more quietly now. Your hips bucked against the bed in what she thought was an attempt to get away, but by the 20th spank the coil snapped. In a humiliating display of desperation, you came, spilling your seed on the sheets.
She stopped spanking you, taking a second to realize what just happened. “Did you just…?”
You wailed into the pillow, burying your face into it until it nearly suffocated you. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry mommy I didn’t mean to! I’ll clean it up! I promise! Please no more spankings mommy! Please, I'll be a good girl!”
She rubbed soothing circles on your lower back, genuinely trying to calm you enough to talk. As much as she wanted to stay true to her word and finish your punishment, making sure you didn’t suffocate yourself was a higher priority.
“It’s okay honey. You’re okay. Accidents happen,” she comforted. She was more amused than anything by the situation. However, she feared if she busted out in laughter, you’d keel over right then and there.
“No it’s not!” You sobbed. “I just came on your bed while I was getting punished for being naughty and dirty already!”
“It’s okay, baby. Mommy understands. You didn’t mean to make a mess of mommy’s bed, did you?” She asked in her most soothing voice, one she might use if she were talking to a small child.
You shook your head into the pillow. “I really really didn’t mean to. Please don’t punish me!”
Wanda cooed, rubbing your heaving back. “You’re not in trouble, baby. You’re never gonna be in trouble for something you did by accident. You just made a little mess, darling. No need for tears.”
She sat down next to you on the bed, dragging you onto her lap. She could almost laugh at how pathetic you looked, all snotty and sobbing, still mostly naked as she sat you up on her lap. Despite it all, she thought you looked absolutely darling.
“Are you a little embarrassed, princess?” She asked as you refused to let go of the pillow you had practically burrowed into.
You nodded, remaining completely unwilling to look at her. She grabbed a sheet off the bed and wrapped it around you, hoping being less naked would lure you out of hiding. “You don’t have to be embarrassed, baby,” she reassured. “Mommy understands. You're not in trouble, sweet girl.” She rubbed your back through the sheet, rocking you in her lap.
After a few moments of silence she kissed your head and said “I’m gonna put you on the couch while I clean up your little mess and then you can sleep in mommy’s room tonight. Does that sound good, princess? Do you wanna stay with mommy tonight?”
Finally, you discarded your pillow, allowing her to see your teary face. You nodded. “I wanna stay in mommy's room.”
She smiled, kissing you once on the forehead. “I’d love that, darling. You can keep me nice and warm all night long.”
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theircurse · 5 months
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╰ ☆ ✧ — @a-hell-of-a-lot-of-muses asked: "I'm a nice person but I'm about to start throwing rocks at people." (Lucy)
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˗ˏˋ *ㅤ★ㅤ‿︵ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆. The child's starry eyes only drift from the older girl to the person that had obviously made her so irritated. Lucy - san said she wanted to start throwing ROCKS at peopleㅤ—ㅤso clearly, there was only one solution to her dilemma.
⊱ ★ ⊰ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤThe child simply walks over to a grassier section of the park; bending down to rustle and rummage through the greenery. When they finally stand up, they were holding a rather HEFTY rock that soon found it's way into Lucy - san's hands. They even went the extra mile to give her some additional, smaller rocks as well.
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⊱ ★ ⊰ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ❛ㅤSTART THROWING.ㅤ❜
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theircurse-archive4 · 9 months
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╰ ☆ ✧ — @lunargifted asked: Atsushi took a deep breath as he smiles down at Q, sure they were still enemies but even the mafia deserves a gift too. "here you go, Yumeno. it's for you!"
↳ -: ☆ ( Christmas 2023 ) ☆ :-
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˗ˏˋ *ㅤ★ㅤ‿︵ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒐𝒇 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆 before it morphs into that of SUSPICION. Gingerly, their hands would shake the box; trying to assess just what lie beneath its cardboard barriers.
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⊱ ★ ⊰ㅤ˗ˏˋㅤ❛ㅤWhatever's IN here isn't going to kill me, is it ?ㅤ❜
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theircurse-archive3 · 2 years
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✧ * º • –– @jardinae asked: ❝ don't eat that . that's not candy . ❞ the boy in striped pajamas warned , snatching the candy-like blue pill midair before it landed on the other child's mouth . ❝ sorry , this wasn't supposed to be out in the open . this is bad medicine that restricts supernatural powers . human doctors used this on me back then , it's icky and it gives you bad headaches . not sure if it works on humans , but you don't wanna find out . ❞ the boy's expression soured , but he was quick to recovery before pulling out a glass bottle from his pocket the glass bottle was wrapped with a lilac-colored satin , ❝ try this instead . ❞ he shakes the bottle and out pops out a blue jelly in a shape of a teddybear , it lands on yumeno's palm , ❝ it's vitamins . tastes like blueberry . ❞ | Sunrise @ Yumeno for the Inbox Call !
↳ -: ✧ ( Unprompted ! ) ✧ :-
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╰ ★ █║ ⁞ — ˗ˏˋ 𝐎𝐇, 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄. Not the fact that the ' candy ' was carelessly left out ... but the fact that they had been FOOLED by its unassuming appearance. With the pill's shiny, bright blue casing, it was practically the PERFECT MIMICRY of a sweet treat. Had the other not warned them, they would have most likely gobbled it up.
╰ ✗ * . ⊹ ˗ˏˋ Now the JELLY CANDY ... that looked much more appetizing. Under normal circumstances, they wouldn't have accepted something like that; especially not when they had nearly ingested something SO HORRIBLE. But this boy looked like another patient; one just about their own age too. Surely, they could TRUST him.
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╰ ✗ * . ⊹ ˗ˏˋ ' Okay ! Thank you ! '
╰ ✗ * . ⊹ ˗ˏˋ The child chimes; a smile on their face before they would taste the cutesy gummy teddy bear. Just as the other said, the vitamin tasted just like BLUEBERRIES and not the usual bitter pills they've had.
╰ ✗ * . ⊹ ˗ˏˋ ' You're right ! It DOES taste like blueberry ! It's a lot better than the medicine I usually get ! '
╰ ✗ * . ⊹ ˗ˏˋ Behind those cheerfully spoken words was a hint of WORRY however. Why was this boy here ? The PAJAMAS suggested the boy was at least sleeping at the place. But for how many nights had the boy been here ?
╰ ✗ * . ⊹ ˗ˏˋ ' So why are you here ? Is it because of the HEADACHES ? '
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