#╳ | the white witch returns | (adult verse)
hcrrorbabes · 5 months
I gotta put this into more detail and posts on their own but for now this is going to have to do. below are Eddie, Enid and Jason's verses. they've decided they're the primaries for the moment. I will flesh these out a bit more when I have time. especially Eddie's and Jason's.
DEFAULT V. currently tweaking s4 slightly bc fuck that noise (will post soon but willing to discuss) survived The Incident ™ because I said so spent a ridiculous amount of time in the hospital a town over returns to " Natural Disaster Clean Up " and battle plans
PRE S4 V. running HellFire & attending band practice being a general menace to society casually failing most classes because who cares
WITCH V. ( as a treat ) inherited his mother's penchant for being a kitchen witch spends most of his time helping supernatural beings that no one else really will is essentially a hex / love potion ( always fake ) dealer and backyard surgeon
KAS V. 'dies' in Upside down loses his mind in a way and turns into a bit of a monster not as far gone as Henry but def on his way claws his way out of the cracks caused by the breach secludes himself to the trailer park tearing any bat / demodog that slips through kids hear police talking about 'teens messing around' in the trailer park nosy little shits go to check it out --- because why wouldn't they find Eddie completely 'feral' scuffle ensues, quote unquote adults step in to put a stop to it kids (read: Dustin & Mike) are determined to 'bring Eddie back' devise a plan to 'tame the beast'
DEFULT V. post s1 currently learning how to deal with her transformation and her mother out of school for the moment
S1 V. contains all of the events of the first season
DEFAULT V. reigning bat fam disappointment #1 batman hater Tim Drake's biggest fan currently dividing his time between helping street kids and vigilante behavior
SUPERNATURAL V. Wayne family hunter who's seen the bad side doesn't believe in experimentation or research on supernaturals has the bad habit of black and white thinking dispatch the bad, turn a blind eye to the good begrudging older brother Tim Drake's biggest fan
0 notes
ddagent · 5 years
If you're still taking holiday prompts, I would love a mistletoe fic, maybe in the verse where Brienne is married to Renly?
Quick aside: as children, Cat and Brynden used to pretend that Ser Jaime really was their father. He was an old Westerosi prince who had fallen in love with their mother but an evil witch had banished him and removed their mother’s memories. Ser Jaime is now in disguise to protect his family. 
“—and if they kiss, maybe she’ll remember!” 
Jaime paused his procession to the White Sword Tower as he heard the soft lilt of his daughter’s voice. It was just after midday, and both Cat and Brynden should be with their septa for their afternoon lessons. Sighing, Jaime turned on his heel and sought out his children. It wouldn’t be the first time they had found themselves in mischief. Rounding the corner, he caught sight of his eldest standing atop a chair whilst she pinned a small plant above the doorway to the Small Council chambers. 
Fear momentarily gripped his heart; Cat falling an image he would never lose, like the last moments of Aerys Targaryen. He couldn’t shout at her. She might fall. So, Jaime softly padded over to his children and helped Brynden steady the chair. He waited for Cat to pin the small white plant above the doorway, and then cleared his throat. 
“Uh oh.”
“Uh oh, indeed. May I ask what you’re doing, Princess?” 
Cat turned, wearing a sheepish expression upon her face. “We’re…playing.”
Jaime looked down at his son. “My Prince?” 
“Robb and Jon gave us a plant. They said it makes people kiss!”
It was then that Jaime looked closer at the plant his children had pinned above the Small Council doorway. Mistletoe was a Northern bloom, part of the traditions of the old gods, but it was slowly worming its way into the rituals of Sevenmas. Lord Stark had visited recently, bringing his and Rhaegar’s boy to Court. Jaime distinctly remembered a blushing Cat, Robb following her with a large grin on his face. His own quickly fell. 
Fucking Northerners. 
“Nothing can make you kiss another person,” Jaime thought it best to state. “Just because you stand underneath mistletoe doesn’t mean you have to kiss.”
Cat frowned. “Oh.” 
“Yes. Now, come along you two. I’m sure your septa – and your mother – are worried about you.” 
Slipping his hands under Cat’s armpits, Jaime lifted his daughter from the chair and placed her down upon her – Seven help him – bare feet. Young Brynden grabbed another bunch of the mistletoe, Cat grabbed her shoes, and both of them took his hands as he escorted the heir to the throne and the future Evenstar back to the royal quarters. They passed a few courtiers as they walked; Jaime with the children a familiar sight. Even holding his children’s hands, no one suspected he was truly their father. 
At least, with Renly in Essos cultivating trade negotiations, he could spend some time with his family unimpeded. 
Quickly they found themselves at the children’s rooms. He opened the door, and ushered them both inside. The septa was there, wringing the handkerchief in her grasp; Brienne resting a firm hand upon the woman’s shoulders. Two of his fellow brothers in the Queensguard visibly relaxed at the sight of the children. Brienne knelt down and gathered Cat and Brynden in her arms. 
“Where have you both been?”
Jaime answered for them, wiggling a bunch of mistletoe in his hand. “Planting mischief around the halls. I’d ask a servant to remove the one over the Small Council chambers, unless you wish to see Lord Stannis and the old bat get a little frisky.” 
Brienne pursed her lips before she turned to their children. “I’ve told you before: you cannot wander off. As punishment, you will receive no lessons for a week. No sword-fighting.” Cat groaned. “No sailing.” Brynden let out a sob. Brienne’s chin wavered; she loathed to see her children upset. But they had to learn. She turned to the adults in the room. “I am so sorry about this. I shall take it from here. I believe I have to have another talk with my children.” 
Septa Alyce and the two Queensguard soon departed. Jaime, unfortunately, had to do so as well. If he wished to guard Brienne that night – and, indeed, find himself in her bed – he would need to return to the White Sword Tower and at least present the illusion of sleep. Brienne walked him to the door; her hand light upon his arm. She did not need to thank him; they were his children, and he would always protect them. 
“Do we know why they were pinning it up?”
Jaime shrugged. “I think I heard Cat say something about her remembering? I don’t know; probably one of their games.” 
It was then that Cat called to them from across the room, pointing at the door frame above their heads. “You’re standing underneath mistletoe!” 
They both looked up, greeted by the sight of the small green plant and white berries that had been the cause of so much drama that afternoon. In Northern tradition, they would kiss. Jaime would cup the back of Brienne’s head and bring her lips down to his; exchanging a soft kiss to sate the seasonal ritual. But they were not two young lovers; a lords daughter and a hedge knight. She was his Queen; he her Lord Commander. They couldn’t do this.
But Brienne was smiling. “It’s tradition, Ser Jaime. If you wish, you may kiss me.” 
Oh, he did wish. Closing his eyes, Jaime lifted up on his toes and brushed his mouth over Brienne’s. They had shared many kisses in the years since they had fallen in love; this perhaps was Jaime’s favourite. It was short and soft, and it was the first kiss they had ever shared in front of another. When he pulled away, Brienne’s cheeks were rosy and a wide smile was upon her face. He couldn’t help but grin himself. 
“Mother! Do you remember?”
A line creased Brienne’s forehead before she turned to the eager Cat and Brynden. “Yes. I remember how much trouble you two are in. Now, say goodbye to Ser Jaime and we can have a little talk.” 
Jaime waved farewell to his despondent children, but savoured the memory of Brienne’s lips all the way to his chambers. 
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salvatoreschool · 5 years
5 Reasons You Should Be Watching Legacies
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October is, just objectively, the best month of the year. Exhibit A: Golden autumn leaves. Exhibit B: All things apple. Exhibit C: This gif. Exhibit D: Witches. Like, it’s just science.
Around these parts, though, the best best thing about October is, of course, the television. Yes, I’m talking spooky, kooky Halloween specials—love a good Halloween special—but also I’m talking fall premieres. Specifically, I’m talking The CW’s fall premieres, which have been landing in mid-October (later than most other broadcast networks) since at least the first season of Arrow.
This fall, the teen-skewing network’s biggest draws are, arguably, the series debuts of Batwoman (October 6th) and Nancy Drew (October 9th), and the final season bows of Arrow (October 15th) and Supernatural (October 10th). But while I’m professionally interested in seeing how all those premieres play out, the CW joint I’m most personally invested in getting back on my screen (also October 10th!) is Julie Plec’s supernatural boarding school double-spin-off teen drama series, Legacies.
Friends—you should be watching Legacies. I know there’s a lot of television out there, but really and truly, if you like television that likes being television (more on that in a minute), Legacies is absolutely worth tuning in to. Why? Well, let me just count the reasons:
1. You don’t have to do any television homework to join the fun.
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Yes, TECHNICALLY Legacies is a hybrid spin-off of two different long-running Julie Plec series, The Vampire Diaries (eight seasons) and The Originals (five), and sure, technically it was in those series that the mythology driving the character arcs/motivations of Legacies’ most central leads, Hope Mikaelson (Danielle Rose Russell) and Alaric Saltzman (Matthew Davis), was developed. After spending a cumulative thirteen seasons not just telling stories on television, but telling stories on television from this specific world, Plec’s ability to set efficient narrative groundwork under fast-moving vampire feet is nothing if not masterful. Genuinely, aside from a few single-episode cameos of side characters from Hope and Alaric’s TVD/Originals past, the only thing you need to watch to make sense of Legacies is this official promo for the first season:
…and honestly, most of that soliloquy, plus much more, is folded into the cold open of the series premiere, “This is the Part Where You Run,” which uses new lead Landon Kirby (Aria Shahghasemi) as audience avatar as he gets introduced to this particular supernatural world for the first time.
2. Two words: Julie. Plec.
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That said, if you are familiar with Legacies’ double, er, legacy, you’ll get a kick out of how precisely Plec has taken her signature whip-fast storytelling and fitted it to a breezier, more “teen” setting, and how deftly she manages to weave in both key characters and core emotional beats from both her previous series.
The most obvious example of all of this is Matthew Davis’ Alaric Saltzman, who became such a fan favorite during his time as vengeful-vampire-hunter-turned-loyal-teen-vampire guardian-turned-rogue-vampire’s-best-friend on The Vampire Diaries that not only did Plec resurrect him from the (very truly) dead to keep Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) on the straight and narrow, but she then brought him on as co-lead of this series to do the same for every supernatural teen in the contiguous United States. Now, as both father to a pair of Gemini twin witches (Kaylee Bryant and Jenny Boyd) and mentor/father-figure to Hope, the teen witch-vampire-werewolf tribrid with a hero complex, Alaric gets to flex all the emotional muscles TVD fans know and love. Plus, as the Salvatore School’s headmaster, he also gets to take charge of the dramatic supernatural research and heroic (and/or chaotic) supernatural missions that are key to a Plec series’ fast-paced success. Beyond all of that, though, in positioning him as the central human adult foil to a whole pile of supernatural teen protagonists, Plec has also found a way to let him be funny, bringing a uniquely fun dynamic to the fast-moving monster drama of the TVD universe that hasn’t always gotten such pride of place.
In other words: Julie Plec, still running wild supernatural stories turned up way past 11.
3. Three words: Supernatural. Boarding. School.
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One more time, in case that didn’t sink it: Supernatural. Boarding. School.
I really shouldn’t have to elaborate on this, but Legacies is set at the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted, which is the school for young witches, werewolves, vampires, and Hope that was funded by Hope’s (dead) dad and is located at/on the Salvatore family’s Virginia estate, just outside Mystic Falls. All the moody opulence of Damon and Stefan’s TVD homebase, all the zingy, angsty tropes of great Teen TV.
More than just being a fun setting, though, the Salvatore School gives Legacies a chance to sprawl out and complicate the consequences of being a teenager consigned to eternity as part of the supernatural world. These consequences are still very real and very serious in Legacies, but while The Vampire Diaries mined dramatic tension from supernatural teens (or at least vampires who looked superficially like teens) living in dangerous proximity to human teens, its kid sibling series looks inside for its tension. The teens at the story’s core need, first and foremost, to find a way to come to terms with their own inhumanity, and what it means to be good as they define it. And honestly, after so many years of TVD stories focused on the former, spending time with a bunch of super compelling, super different supernatural kids working through the latter is just a treat.
4. A diverse cast and diverse stories
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This leads directly into a key update to the TVD legacy: With such a sprawling cast of teen characters brought to the Salvatore School from all walks of life and corners of the country, Legacies gets to improve on one of the original series’ greatest weaknesses: A lack of diversity. While both Alaric and the three central female characters of Legacies—all carried over from the previous series—are still white, the characters that round out the rest of the new series’ core cast are not. On the adult side, Alaric is joined by faculty members Dorian Williams (Demetrius Bridges) and Emma Tig (Karen David), while on the teen side, Hope, Josie and Lizzie are joined by softie vampire MG (Quincy Fouse), activist vampire Kaleb (Chris Lee), reluctant alpha werewolf Rafael (Peyton “Alex” Smith), ex-alpha werewolf Jed (Ben Levin), bad girl with Penelope (Lulu Antariksa), and the audience avatar/mystery box supernatural mentioned above, Landon Kirby (Aria Shahghasemi). Nor is racial diversity the only benchmark hit with this large cast. In terms of queer representation, Josie is bi, with Penelope her ex/possible future girlfriend; in terms of class representation, Rafael and Landon are foster brothers who both have dark histories with the system.
Importantly, none of these measures of diversity are included just for show. Each character’s identity and background are as key to who they are within the heightened emotional context of the boarding school as their individual supernatural abilities. Kaleb’s experience as a young black man (and vampire) is markedly different from MG’s, which is markedly different from Dorian’s (who, to be fair, is also not a vampire). Josie and Penelope’s relationship is informed by their strengths (and weaknesses) as witches, and further informs how they each approach solving problems both social and magical. Landon and Rafael’s history, as thrown away kids whose only shelter was each other, drives every decision they make. That diverse identities should inform characters in these ways isn’t a surprise; that Legacies is embracing them all now after so many seasons of its parent series falling short is, if not surprising, then at least worth taking note of.
5. Finally: Legacies totally knows it’s a TV show.
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This seems self-evident, but as pop culture critic Grace Robertson so sharply observed earlier this year in her essay “Let TV Be TV” (like, literally; the heading above is a direct quote), the best trick Legacies pulls isn’t even a trick. It’s just being good at being entertaining, episodic television.
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In an era where a TV show can be anything from thirteen thirty-minute episodes (pick literally any prestige comedy) to dozens upon dozens of bite-sized Facebook posts (SKAM Austin) to an 18-hour art film (Twin Peaks: The Return), defining just what counts as television is practically a professional sport. Well, it’s a sport Legacies isn’t interested in playing. With both its new-to-the-TVD-verse Monster of the Week mode of storytelling and the Salvatore School as its comfortable, “fixed point” setting, Plec is even better at framing episodic stories than she was in her already rollicking previous series. In a television landscape so full of cinematic innovation, the freedom this old school “status quo” television model gives Legacies is, as Robertson notes, a huge relief.
So, yes: Legacies knows it’s a TV show, and it knows it’s a fun one. With the short first season currently streaming on Netflix, there is literally no better time to jump on the Legacies bandwagon than now. And I know it’s one I can’t wait to have back in my weekly rotation. All hail October.
Legacies Season Two premieres Thursday, October 10th on The CW.
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“new normal”
On March 9, 2020, Phil Murphy announced a state of emergency, and I transformed staying home and watching TV from a hobby into a full-time occupation. Since then I have watched dozens of hours of not just Netflix but a variety of on-screen content. But only Netflix has a clear list. 
So, I am going to review the best/worst/most interesting movies I’ve been watching on a possibly weekly basis for your enjoyment! You may be wondering, why just movies, why not shows? Well, you will see that I watch kind of a lot, and I had to draw the line somewhere, especially since I rewatch show episodes over and over. But I will throw shout-outs to Anne With An E, Alias Grace, Kim’s Convience, Self-Made, End of the F***ing World, and Never Have I Ever as the shows I remember getting up-to-date on over the past couple months.
So anyway, the fun thing about movies I watch is that I choose them for really arbitrary reasons, and a lot of times I get to the end like why did I watch that? But sometimes I’m like thank you Netflix for bugging me until I watched it even though I didn’t think I would enjoy. Here’s what I’m going to pick from
March (FORTY-SEVEN MOVIES can you believe):
The Danish Girl
The Theory of Everything
My Week with Marilyn
The First Wives Club
The Croods
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
Always Be My Maybe
Nappily Ever After
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
John Carter
Joseph: King of Dreams
Julie & Julia
Saving Mr. Banks
Open Season
Super Dark Times
Death at a Funeral
The Platform
Valentine’s Day
The Rainmaker
Christopher Robin
The Other Guys
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle
Jerry Maguire
Olympus Has Fallen
The Hateful Eight
War Machine
The Siege of Jadotville
The Kindergarten Teacher
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile
My Girl
The Hundred-Foot Journey
Ex Machina
Race to Witch Mountain
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
Kill Bill (1&2)
April (Down to 38, mostly because I got roped into watching this REALLY LONG series with my friend):
The Laundromat
The Irishman
The Fundamentals of Caring
Young Adult
Hell or High Water
Secret Obsession
The Players Club
The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind
Sleeping With Other People
Minority Report
All the Bright Places
True Grit
Miss Americana
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Bad Boys
Taxi Driver
Murder Mystery
Steve Jobs
Obvious Child
Frances Ha
Spring Breakers
The Incredible Jessica James
Get Him to the Greek
Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
War Horse
Dolemite is My Name
Pan’s Labrynth
Nacho Libre
Don’t Think Twice
Cadillac Records
The Breaker Upperers
The Adventures of Tintin
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
The Place Beyond the Pines
Deadline: Sirf 24 Ghante
The Dirty Dozen
Blade Runner? Kind of? Netflix removed it from their catalog before I finished but I WANTED TO FINISH!
May (38 again, with a shout-out to the show Crashing for being a mini-series the length of a movie, and Avatar for being the greatest thing to grace any screen anywhere):
Good Time
The Willoughbys
Molly’s Game
As Good As It Gets
Promised Land
Mary Poppins Returns
Road to Perdition
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
The Half of It
Fun With Dick and Jane
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
For Love or Money
There Will Be Blood
Spenser Confidential
The Money Pit
Mystic River
Coffee & Kareem
The Score
Swiss Army Man
The Last Thing He Wanted
The King
The Two Popes
First They Killed My Father
Knock Down The House
Mirror Mirror
The Iron Lady
The Last Samurai
Beasts of No Nation
The Florida Project
June (Only 17, but shows of the month was The Assassination of Gianni Versace, Jeffrey Epstein, The Politician, 13 Reasons Why, and Hollywood—quite a few!):
The Sapphires
Uncut Gems
Malcolm X
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Lincoln Lawyer
The Lovebirds
Jersey Boys
The Longshots
First Match
Roxanna Roxanne
The Spiderwick Chronicles
See You Yesterday
Juwanna Mann
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myupostsheadcanons · 5 years
Books “Read” in 2019
I am going to rank these by how much i enjoyed them vs. any actual literary quality. often well written books aren’t always the most entertaining books.
Note: i listen to many of these books at work, which is why i am able to go through so many of them in a year.
List from 2017 List from 2018
------- My Favs of the Year ----
Novels from The First Law:
Best Served Cold (#1), The Heroes(#3), Red Country(#4), Sharp Ends(#5).
A Little Hatred (#2) (Age of Madness, sequel to The First Law)
I read “The First Law Trilogy” about a year or two ago and finally got around to reading the rest of the books, just in time for a new series taking place in the same world to start up (Age of Madness) and now i am waiting like everybody else for the next two books to come out in 2020 and 2021. A Little Hatred shouldn’t be read as a stand alone, a lot of what goes on is dependent mainly on knowledge from the first trilogy and in The Heroes, then bits and pieces from Best Served Cold and Red Country. So much of your enjoyment of each book is based on what you’ve learned in other ones (character development or seemingly useless information being not so useless later).
Age of Legend (Book 4,  Legend of the First Empire)
This is more-or-less an “aftermath” book where the main characters are still reeling about what happened in the previous book and are trying to make plans for what they are going to do next. I still like the characters and the world/setting it takes place in.
House of Assassins (Saga of the Forgotten Warrior, Book 2)
I’ve been waiting for the next book in this series to come out the second i finished the first book in the series. It is one of those Science fiction in the disguise of Fantasy settings and I am on the edge of my seat waiting to see how that plot/revelation comes out (I am certain that the location the story takes place is Earth, more specifically around Asia/India, but in a post-invasion apocalypse setting where nobody remembers anything prior to the invasion). I also really like how much of a badass Ashok is... i have a thing for emotionally stunted badass characters, especially when their flaws are held up to a mirror and have real consequences.
R. R. Haywood’s Worldship Humility & Extinct (Extracted, Book 3)
I love the way Haywood writes characters and dialog. I was at-first iffy about WSH, but was won over after i warmed up to the new characters.
Shades of Magic Trilogy (A Darker Shade of Magic, A Gathering of Shadows, A Conjuring of Shadows)
Solid multi-verse and magic system world. Well-written characters, some minor nitpicks on plot points, but can be easily ignored. LGBTQ rep, the gays don’t stay buried.
“Don’t you have enough [knives]?” “You can never have too many.” [me, every time: LOL]
One of the few times when a character deserves a redemption arc, doesn’t really get one, dies, and i am perfectly fine with it because it is done well.
Assassin’s Fate (Fitz and the Fool, Book 3)
I read this one in book-book form, but i already knew most of the emotionally painful parts of the book by spoiling it to myself when it first came out a couple years ago. The main appeal is the inner monologues of the two main characters, even if like 50% of this trilogy is basically spending weeks/months trying to go from Point A to Point B, when many other books would have glossed over the details of travel.. but you can really feel the stress as they dwell in their thoughts and struggles.
Madeline Miller’s The Song of Achilles & Circe
Re-Imagining of the Iliad and The Odyssey. Focusing not on the characters of Achilles or Odysseus, but on Petroclus (Achilles’ lover) and Circe the sea nymph witch that Odysseus had an affair and child with.
The Spear of the Stars (Cycle of Galand, Book 5)
Still love Dante and Bleys... This is where they really get into the meat of world building and solving the mysteries of the Arawn Cycle (the book/bible) and peel back the layers of their reality.
Dust (Silo Book 3)
A great ending to a good series, it answers whether or not humanity can or has survived what had caused them to be locked away in the silos.
Blackthorn and Grim (Dreamer’s Pool, Tower of Thorns, Den of Wolves)
I like the premise of the books, the two main characters first seeking out revenge, but end up wanting to become better people due to magic shenanigans.... One part Fantasy, One Part Mystery, One Part Lovestory.
The Dispatcher (Audible Free Book) 
I want a whole series based off this novella. It is John Scalzi so he can write a good story. I had previously read Android’s Dream by him, which it didn’t make it into my top-10 that year, but was still decent, even if the subject matter was a bit gross... The Dispatcher world is a Sci-Fi Noir, not quite Cyberpunk, where people don’t die by anything other than natural causes. The Dispatcher’s job is to kill people before something goes does wrong and the person “resets” to when they where safe and sound.
---- this is the “Above Average” Zone ----
All the Pretty Horses & Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West
The master of bleak and depressing fiction. if regular Dark Fiction isn’t enough for you.... there is Cormac McCarthy books. Get use to the “purple prose” that fills up pages with no dialog.
The Golem and the Jinni
Supernatural world of the far past dealing with Edwardian New York and Immigration. It not only is a “fish out of water” story of the two main characters trying to fit in with society but they are among communities that are also new to America and trying to find their own place in the world. There are love subplots but most of those kind of fizzle out.
The Axe and the Throne: Bounds of Redemption Vol. 1.
“Discount First Law” book... it is lacking the dark humor that made TFL series far more entertaining.  This was also the book that was prefaced by warning people about how grim and dark the setting was... Hahahaha. I still found it entertaining none the less, and hope the rest would show up on audible soon.
Black Snow, White Crow (Audible Free Book) 
Another one of those short stories that should have a larger saga to its name. Fantasy Industrial Punk. It has the whole equality role reversal thing going on, it isn’t done quite as well as Left Hand of Darkness (but that book leaned onto the boring side of things).
Stephen King’s IT, Pet Semetary, and Carrie
It’s Stephen King. Classic King. Not much else to say.
Watership Down
Depressing Rabbit Book. Though I did like all the stories and mythology the rabbits had.
Bloody Acquisitions (Fred the Vampire Accountant, Book 3)
A series that is always fun to listen to. I wish the audio books were cheaper because they are rather short.
Lethal White (Cormoran Strike, Book 4)
shuddup, i don’t care if it is Rowling... i have a low-key crush on Cormoran.... he just hits that big-burly tragic-backstory man-shaped soft-spot of mine. These stories are also her “for adults” writings so...  expect more racism and garbage values.
The Eye of the World (Book 1, Wheel of Time)
Classic set up to a long running series, though i am reluctant to go further as the middling books in this series are said to drag out the story too much.... It’s not as self-centered as Wizard’s First Rule and the characters are more relatable and stick to their fantasy tropes. This is the “mold” that other modern fantasy try to subvert by going “darker and edgier.”
The Exorcist
If you like the movie, read the book. There is a lot of back story that the movie wasn’t able to adapt.
---- This is the “AVERAGE, but Still Good”  Zone ---
The Iliad and The Odyssey
Classics. I am still on the hunt for an unabridged version of Jason and the Argonauts story. I also have Virgil’s Aeneid in my wishlist to get too soon.
Phillipa Gregory’s Plantagonate Novels (The Lady of the Rivers, The Red Queen, White Queen, The Kingmaker’s Daughter)
Sometimes it is like reading the same book 5x in a row. other times you end up not liking the previous protagonist in a book you just finished reading because of how the current protagonist sees them from their POV.
Return of the King (Lord of the Rings, Book 3)
Read the other books last year and didn’t get around to this one for a few months.
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Fuck... I’m a janitor... why can’t i afford a house?   If you liked Stephen King’s “IT” go back and read this book.
Alien Franchise Dramatizations: Alien: Sea of Sorrows, Alien: The Cold Forge (Audible Free Book) Alien III (Audible Free Book)
I don’t mind that they all are done with a full cast. Though often I end up wanting to find the actual book and listen to them with just one narrator and descriptions.
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (Narnia, Book 1)
I would like to get the rest of the books in this series, but for books that are only 5-7 hours long they want 20$ a book for them. It needs to go into an omnibus.
Stephen Fry’s Victorian Secrets (Audible Free Book)
It’s Stephen Fry... he’s funny and a good narrator.
Wizard’s First Rule (Book 1, Sword of Truth)
I don’t like Richard. He started off alright, but even before he got tortured 2/3rds into the book, i was starting to dislike his personality.  Other than that, the side characters and world are solid, but it was like taking an R-rated movie and cutting it down for TV. There is somethings that are vaguely described when i am use to harder fiction like ASoIaF, The First Law, Dresden, and McCarthy books actually describing those things.
Halloween (2018, movie novel)
Like I said when i first read the book, it would’ve benefited by a second re-write before being published. But, i like the movie and so I liked the book.
Don Quixote
Another classic read. I did find it hilarious that the Author spent a good chunk of the second book complaining about Fanfiction of his own book... in the 1600′s.
The Princess Diarist
I listened this book instead of going to see TROS. worth it.
Smoke Gets in Your eyes: And other Lessons from the Crematorium
Non-Fiction, If you want to know the ins and outs of the funeral business and get told in an informative yet non-clinical way with lots of tidbits and history facts tossed in as well as a semi-autobiographical account of the Author’s life.
--- These Books are “Alright” ---
Frank L. Baum’s Wizard of Oz books
I ligit got into an argument with a 70yo man in a comic book shop about how Canon the other Oz books were post Baum’s death. He was looking for Oz comic books and I brought up reading the first 14 books, and he’s like “There’s over 100 of them” and i was all “but all those are written by somebody else.” and he got all “they are still canon...” 
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
If you want to know about the In//cel ideology in a classic literary form, this fits the bill. So much man pain.
A Christmas Carol (Tim Curry) (Audible Free Book)
Tim Curry, guys.....
The Poetic Edda (Norse God Mythology)
I listened this book twice. I bought two Edda books thinking I’d get some extra content, but no... same book just different production teams and readers. Returned the one with the worst translation.
Treasure Island (Audible Free Book, dramatization)
I need to read the actual book sometime, but i did like the cast and thought they did a good job.
Wally Roux, Quantum Mechanic (Audible Free Book)
A YA coming of age story about diversity and acceptance... with wacky science fiction. 
Carmilla (Audible Free Book, dramatization)
The vampire before Dracula. Victorian Lesbian love story.
Even Tree Nymphs get the Blues (Audible Free Book)
A novella from one of those “love on the Bayou” romance series with supernatural creatures. Could practically take place in the same world of either True Blood, Dresden, or Fred the Vampire Accountant.
Mystwick School of Musicraft (Audible Free Book)
Harry Potter lite. For 10yo girls.
A Grown-up’s Guide to Dinosaurs (Audible Free Book)
I like dinosaurs.
Rivals! Frenemies Who Changed the World (Audible Free Book, Dramatization)
Interesting way on telling us about the Fossil Wars and Puma vs. Adidas.
True-Crime from Audible: Body of Proof (Audible Free Book),   Midnight Son (Audible Free Book), The Demon Next Door (Audible Free Book), Killer By Nature (Audible Free Book)
Why is True-Crime or YA fiction the only halfway-decent things Audible is giving us? But yeah, these are basically the type of reporting that the two journalists from Halloween were trying to do. Where they go around and gather up information about semi-famous cases and present it in a Podcast-like format.
---- Meh... ---
Camp Red Moon (Audible Free Book)
Would’ve been better if they were actually written by R. L. Stein.
More Bedtime Stories for Cynics (Audible Free Book)
No... half of these aren’t written very well.
The Darkwater Bride (Audible Free Book, Dramatization)
The setting is nice, but it is far too .... Soap Opera Dramatic.
Junk (Audible Free Book)
A cross between Alien Invasion and Zombie outbreak, read by John Waters and written as if it was a bad version of a Philip K. Dick Novel.
Rip Off!! (Audible Free Book)
Most of them are duds and boring. I don’t even remember half of them without having to look them up. The two that stood out the most for me where the “Other Darren/Bewitched” and the “Dark and Stormy Night” stories, the rest were rather garbled.
--- Garbage... ---
Dodge and Twist (Audible Free Book, Dramatization)
No, you are not being edgy or kool.
Siege Tactics (Spells, Swords, & Stealth. Book 4)
Triumphant (Genesis Fleet, Book 3)
Earthsea (Tehanu and Tales from Earthsea, i am going to re-listen to the first three before i get to these)
Into the Wilds (Warriors, Book 1)
Pout Neuf (Audible Free Book)
House of Teeth (Audible Free Book)
Viva Durant and the Secret of the Silver Buttons (Audible Free Book)
The Other Boleyn Girl (Phillipa Gregory)
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imperiuswrecked · 5 years
How many times has Namor’s kingdom been over thrown or invaded at this point??
This is really long and if you wanted to count each time it has been destroyed and invaded it’s better to just give you a summary of the history of Atlantis’s treatment in Marvel. Marvel constantly destroys Atlantis, and it’s constantly under threat or has been invaded or Namor has been usurped. We also can’t forget the story of Atlantis begins with its destruction because it fell into the sea. Total count that I can recall is: 20 times of invasion or destruction. Of course there are some issues where the conflict was resolved within the same issue, or there were poisons and toxins as the water was polluted. Also the times that Namor’s cousins tried to take over the throne. These are the major ones and I tried to keep them in order. I hope someday Marvel can actually world build Atlantis rather than constantly tearing it down.
- Atlantis is destroyed and falls into the sea. This is called the Great Cataclysm.
Namor’s whole story begins in 1920 when his home is destroyed.
- When Namor’s father Leonard McKenzie and his crew began blasting the ice above Atlantis which at that point was located in the Antarctic waters, the debris from the explosions caused the city to become damaged and many died. (This is why Princess Fen was sent to the surface, to see what had caused the damage and bring back information, she falls in love, and has Namor.)
- During WWll his waters were invaded by Nazis, though not necessarily the main city, since Atlanteans were kinda spread out and Namor’s people were hurt/captured for experimentation.
- After the war, during an unspecified time in the years that followed, Namor gets amnesia and wanders the surface world and when Johnny Storm helps him regain his memories he finds an outpost that had been destroyed and his people were killed by the humans testing their nuclear bombs in the water. During this unspecified time Atlantis was destroyed by massive earthquakes, Princess Fen and Emperor Thakorr were killed. The reason for the earthquakes occurring were due to the serpent crown being discovered and used by human named Paul Destine (codename Destiny) who was the man who gave Namor amnesia.
- Emma Frost (the white queen) was ordered to bring Namor into the Hellfire Club since Sebastian Shaw (the black king) wanted Namor to become the white king. She fakes a suicide by drowning to get Namor to save her and take her to Atlantis, when Shaw didn’t hear from her for some time he sent out Sentinels to Atlantis, they destroyed parts of it in an attempt to kill Namor. Emma was horrified when she found out Shaw was responsible for the Sentinels. 
- Llyra the Lemurian, attempts to marry Namor while disguised as Lady Dorma to usurp the throne and have control of the kingdom, but her plan failed because Namor had already signed the bonding contract with Dorma days before the ceremony. She then kills Namor’s bride after running off from the ceremony. Namor leaves Atlantis because he wants to hunt her down.
- Namor finds a unconscious Magneto in the Savage Land and brings him back to Atlantis to heal, meanwhile Namor goes off on an adventure with the Fantastic Four and returns to find that Magneto had usurped his throne, Namor kicked him out.
- Namor deals with Attuma the Barbarian (an Atlantean enemy) constantly through his comics. Attuma is always trying to take the Throne of Atlantis, so I can’t count how many times Namor has had to fight him off.
- Namor attempts to create a new city for himself and his people after his marriage to Marrina, since he isn’t welcomed back in Atlantis, this city is abandoned when Namor is taken by Neptune to face trial against Zeus.
- Namor fights off the ancient faceless ones, an ancient monster race who attempted to invade Atlantis.
- Namor’s mother, Princess Fen is discovered alive after Namor regains his memories from another round of amnesia, (I think at this point it’s his third time having it?) but in truth it was not Princess Fen, but rather a witch-queen called Artys-Gran, who stole Fen's body in order to release her husband Suma-Ket, a pagan sorcerer-king who had been banished by Namor's ancestor Neptune thousands of years earlier. Fake Fen attempted to usurp the throne as well, but was defeated by Real Fen who was stuck in the witch-queen’s body and Real Fen sacrifices herself for her son and people.
- Llyra (the woman who poisoned his cousin Namora, killed his wife Dorma, and helped kill his father and is Namor’s arch enemy) comes back, disguised as Susan Storm she r*pes Namor (he didn’t consent to sleeping with her) and attempts to tell everyone that her son Llyron, is Namor’s son. 
(I need to take a minute here because dammit Bryne. This isn’t how Atlantean society WORKS.)
Turns out that Namor was sterile (HOW? TELL ME HOW BRYNE) because he was a half breed (EVEN THOUGH HE HAS TONS OF KIDS IN AU VERSES. This was also ignored/retconned in later comics) and Llyra had also been sleeping with a bunch of men (disguised as Phoebe Marrs) including Jim Hammond (who can’t give you a baby Llya, he is a freaking android) and Namor’s long lost half-brother Leon McKenzie (turns out Leonard got married at some point and had a kid) Llyra then shows up in Atlantis with a freaking full grown adult son, who was aged by a mad scientist, to lay claim to the throne of Atlantis through his McKenzie blood.
Namor’s nephew Llyron gets the throne and kicks Namor out of Atlantis, right after we have the Atlantis Rising event, where Morgan Le Fay rises the whole city for her purposes and uses her magic for her plan. She is defeated by all the heroes coming together in this crossover event. Namor’s people die horribly, many of them suffocated in dry air, and Atlantis is broken. Namor sits upon an empty throne with no people left.
- At some point Atlantis is restored, during the Civil War arc (first one) Namor sides with Captain America, after the war, Tony Stark occupies Atlantis by keeping his army on the outside border, accuses Namor of terrorism. Namor discovers his long lost son, Kamar, who was responsible for the trouble on the surface, and even after proving that Atlantis had nothing to do with the attacks, still has Tony refusing to leave them alone. Namor orders his people to evacuate secretly, and then kills his son, and the man who murdered his cousin Namorita, by blowing up Atlantis.
- Atlantis is now gone, the people are scattered for a while, Namor sets up a city called Oceanus, then later is approached by Magneto to rebuild Atlantis under Utopia. New Atlantis is made and there is trouble with underwater vampires. This is the Utopia arc during the time of the X-Men. Atlantis is destroyed after Utopia/the Phoenix Five falls.
- Atlantis is rebuilt at some point, and then we have Avengers Secret War event and the Incurisions. Namor and Black Panther (Tchalla) are hostile to each other. Namor attempts to make peace. Queen Shuri orders soldiers to attack Atlantis as revenge for the attack on Wakanda when Namor was phoenix possessed. Namor’s people lay dying as Proxima Midnight invades. Namor sends her to Wakanda.
- Atlantis is now somehow rebuilt at some point. The Squadron Supreme destroys Atlantis and kills Namor. Namor got better by some of Squadron playing with time to bring him back to life, and some members rebuild Atlantis with him.
- Hydra invades Atlantis, and destroys a temple before Namor pretends to comply with them.
- Namor joins Jean Grey’s X-Men, the Kid Abomination is sent to Atlantis and destroys some buildings before being stopped.
- Namor’s warriors were killed by Roxxon soldiers while they were trying to stop Roxxon. Namor captures them, and brings them back to a broken Atlantis. Atlantis had been destroyed by the Final Host, his city was crushed. Namor releases the Roxxon soldiers to the Avengers, however he later kills them by flooding their cells in the surface prison. Meanwhile, the children of Atlantis, tired of their home constantly being destroyed tried to go to the surface to get help from the Avengers. They died on the beach while humans looked on and laughed and didn’t help the atlantean children as they suffocated on air. 
After learning of this Namor declares war on the surface world and begins to rebuild Atlantis. This is where we currently are in the comics as of Avengers (2018) #9.
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Dani Dennison
“A virgin lit the candle.”
Origin: Hocus Pocus, Expanded Character
Age: Verse Variable. Defaults to young adult, younger available on request.
Orientation: Complicated
Crossover & OC Friendly
When Dani was eight, her family moved from Los Angeles to Salem, Massachusetts. She took to the move better then her older brother-Max. On Halloween Night, an extraordinary misadventure began when he was trying to impress the girl he liked. He lit the Black Flame Candle, and the Wicked Sanderson Sisters returned to life.
Over the course of the night, they chased Dani, Max, and their new friends-Alison, and Thackery Binx, a cursed victim of the Witches. In the end, they were able to outwit and outrun Winifred, Sarah, and Mary. Dani and her brother were closer then ever before, but Dani’s life had been forever changed.
Magic was real. There were Wicked Witches. But she’d heard Winifred say something in passing to Allison during a confrontation-Clever Little White Witch. Did that mean there could be good witches, too? Thinking of people like Binx, who had been cursed, she made it her business to find out. She began to study everything she could find on magic, theoretical or mythical.
In fact, that became her life. She learned magic, and became a White Witch, out to protect the innocent from Black Magic and Evil Doers.
She has a website-CleverLittleWhiteWitch-in which she advertises her services, and word of mouth can get her some work. For the most part the jobs are simple-cleansing a home, helping put a non violent spirit at rest-but on occasion they’re more. And sometimes, she has to deal with things beyond witchy...
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 years
✸ Tell us about any NPCs on your blog. Who are they to your muse? What do they contribute to your blog?
Munday Munday! || -
Etienne Devereaux || EMT- New York
Etienne is a Euthanatos Mage, part of Beth’s former {or current, depending on verse} cabal. He was born in the bayous of Louisiana, as what some people might consider ‘poor white trash’. He was raised by his grandmother until the age of 12 when she died a long, slow, lingering death after falling down the stairs of their rickety home. Etienne was traumatised by the incident, and later, during college where he was studying to become a doctor, his avatar awakened and reminded him of how terribly powerless he felt unable to save the woman who was his only family. He dropped out and moved to the biggest city a bus ticket could get him, and went to work as a paramedic. He eventually met Beth and then the rest of the Latch Key Saints, and formed a new family with them.Etienne is often Beth’s favourite partner in crime/companion, the most non-judgemental person she knows.~*~
Father Vincent Dafaux, SJ || Catholic Priest- New YorkVincent is a Celestial Chorus Mage, founder of the Latch Key Saints. They are a cabal of disparate Traditions working together to help the Five Burroughs stave off the contributing factors of despair and disbelief: poverty, homelessness, abuse, sickness, drug-abuse, domestic violence, etc. He believes in a vision that even the smallest act of kindness and charity, preformed as a duty to your fellow man, can help elevate them to a better state, and that eventually enough such acts can ennoble even the dimmest spirit.He’s Beth’s confessor and leader, and he’s vastly amused sometimes by her ideas of sin. He’s banned her from the confessional for six months, until she has something to ACTUALLY atone for.
Dmitri Woźniak || Conspiracy Theorist, Black Market Importer/Exporter- New York
Dmitri attended the same group grief counselling that Beth did, and has always believed that her brother’s death wasn’t an ‘accident’. He also felt that she was a little too naive for her own good so he tends to watch out for her. When she needs supplies for her clinic that she can’t get legally, he provides…for a price.
Jimmy “Bag of Donuts” Riley || Longshoreman, Pack Leader -Sept of the Green, New YorkEveryone has a cousin Jimmy.Somewhere along the family tree.
Beth’s cousin Jimmy is a longshoreman who works for the NY Port Authority {Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Terminal comprising the Brooklyn Piers and Red Hook Container Terminal in Red Hook, Brooklyn}. He’s mild mannered, with the family’s predilection toward sarcasm, and proud of the Irish blood running through his veins.
And…so what if Jimmy drinks a little too much and picks a fight now and again…What isn’t common knowledge is that Jimmy also happens to be leader of “Nine Waves”, a pack comprised entirely of Fianna Garou. He’s not thrilled that his cousins are caern-raiders {doesn’t matter that Beth’s never actually raided a caern a day in her life}, but she is family. He keeps her up-to-date on where not to be and when not to be there. He makes sure she respects Garou law and doesn’t get into too much trouble where the other werewolves are concerned.
Sebastion Phoenix || Bartender, Cultist of Ecstasy -New York
Sebastion was born and raised in New York. Given up for adoption at birth, he spent his life in and out of foster homes. He was always able to use his magic, though in his younger years it wasn’t very strong or very refined, and this often got him into trouble. He was quickly labelled a troubled kid and was more than willing to play up to the label the adults had stuck him with. His troublesome nature actually helped him stay under the Technocracy’s radar because he was never in one foster home long enough to be found.  Sebastion was a smart kid but was completely untrained. He tended to use his magic to help him shoplift which led to bigger things, like stealing cars and B&E. At sixteen he ran away from his foster home and, using his larceny skills, made himself a life on the streets. He squirrelled away the money he made, and generally kept himself under the radar as much as possible but he got caught after a job went south. He was given an assignment that involved a little B&E on a mage’s home, not that he’d known at the time. That mage turned out to be an older Cultist who immediately recognised his potential and took him under wing instead of handing him over to the police. Sebastion was a fast learner and the Ecstastics’ ethos fit well with his view of life. He traded B&E for a job as a bartender at Dante’s Inferno, a known mage safe-house hidden behind the front of a popular night club. His mentor trained him both in magic and in the mundane affairs of running the club, signing it all over to him when he turned 21. Once the club was in his name, Sebastion’s mentor left New York. Sebastion began work on the club, changing it to suit his desires, and the club’s popularity only grew. Sebastion is a hedonist who believes in living life to the fullest. He enjoys exploring all aspects of what that means but is particularly fond of exploring pleasure and pain in sex. The club still fronts as a mainstream club but for those who have interest, there are private floors dedicated to exploring taboos or kinks of all sorts.  He also continues to maintain the club as a safe haven for mages and works with others to keep the place well secured. He has never been known to turn any mage who requests haven away. Because Dante’s is the primary haven, most mages who come to New York will have met him. Sebastion is easy going, charismatic, and generally likeable. He is more than willing to teach his magick and his beliefs but never pushes them on the unwilling. Consent is the rule of his actions.
Sebastion views Beth as a grail of sorts, and he continually offers her temptation when he calls on her to help tend the various club kids, junkies, and wounded mages that make their invariable way to the Inferno. In return for her services, he often repays her with ‘donations’ to her clinic, or helping one of her Sleeper pet-projects back onto their feet. And he always accepts her refusal to succumb to him with gracious smiles and a resonant laugh.
Count Aloysius Flyte of the Duchy of the Delta Crescent, Kingdom of the Willows, Sluagh grump of the Seelie Court || The Long Finger Man 
“Why did you come here to my attic and disturb my rest? Are you here to find something from long ago? Be careful you don’t open something you can’t close….Oh. You have questions about the Prodigal then. I hope for your sake that you brought more than your curiosity to barter with. Yes, that will do nicely. Very nicely indeed. Tut-tut. Pour the tea and mind that cup, it has a chip in it.”
She isn’t sure he’s even real, the Long Finger Man. But he’s real enough that she respects his advice and his aid, and maybe fears the old Fae more than she’ll let on. She lets him retain his rooms in her clinic, and for her graciousness, Aloysius keeps an eye out for her when she’s busy, and strangely, there is no vampire presence in her ward.
New Orleans is a part of the Kingdom of the Willows, and the Capital of the Duchy of the Delta Crescent. It is currently under the control of the Unseelie Duchess Lisette Levay of House Balor, and one of Aloysius’ chief rivals. The self Stylised “Voodoo Queen” holds court in a freehold called the “Spirit Hall” south of the City, within the Swamp. He’s pleased now that she has to contend with the little Verbena witch, her Husband the Incarna, and several new friends.Due to the high presence of Cold Iron for some reason, the local Fae suspect that New Orleans acts as the headquarters of an active group of Dauntain. Levay also holds contact to several other unsavoury supernatural forces, like Black Spiral Dancers, and the Followers of Set.This means Aloysius is more than content to protect the Witch’s properties and occasionally slips her JUST enough information to ruin Levay’s nefarious plans.
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elhoimleafar · 5 years
The devil of witchcraft in the Amazonas. #Lucifer #Satanas
Unlike many other similar posts that you may have read on the internet before, if you already know my work as a writer and blogger, you know that I do not summarize what others write, there are others writing about it, I prefer to focus on writing about what I know, and that implies (most of the time) that many other authors and writers are going to completely disagree with me, but that's what my blog has always been about, writing from my perspective and experience, even when this It sounds a bit arrogant on my part, but I think the diversity of views is important in these issues.
Already after rambling a bit to introduce you to the topic (something silly but necessary), now to return here to the topic we came to, several months ago I posted a very silly phrase on my twitter account due to an entirely personal situation, the tweet read the following:
“In my culture, we do not venerate the devil and in my family, we never discuss if it exists or not, but if he goes around I think he owes me a couple of favors 🤔 where are my devil?”.
And as expected, he receives more questions and doubts than he expected, and it is understandable, in this modern hodgepodge of witchcraft / Wicca / paganism, where everything seems to enter but nothing can come out, and everything ends up transforming into something much in there. more ethnic and weird, and that really doesn't bother me at all, this only seems to piss off some 'pseudo-keyboard activists' who fight “at heart” against something they call cultural appropriation.
The topic to be discussed here is about the devil's belief in witchcraft, although I recognize that I am not the most qualified to talk about the subject, I am sure that this will help as support material for others in the future, at least as a reference, Maybe because of my origin and ethnicity.
The devil, this charismatic, eccentric, witty and vivacious Christian folklore character who seems to earnestly gain more followers than his apparent creator and father, is today (and perhaps always has been, I don't know that) one of the most common characters in folklore linked to witchcraft and magic.
Something that I understand, admire and respect greatly, is that many modern wizards and pagans come from the Catholic religion, and many of them for that reason tend to include the belief in this 'malevolent' character as part of their practice, which although not It seems to correspond to them, in a way it has been linked to the witches since the time of the persecution, if my mother said "it is totally absurd to persecute someone for venerating something they do not believe", I also understand that persecutors of witches accused them of venerating the devil for being what they identified with evil, especially because certain verses of the Old Testament promote the taking of immoral actions against witches, which he repeatedly calls " Demon lovers. ”
Perhaps for practitioners of black magic and other forms of dark arts, I am referring here to true practitioners who perform rituals and invocations, not those who read hundreds of books and do not practice anything (usually they know much less than they believe ), these in their practice venerate the figure of evil in the form of the devil, and the few that I have known in my personal life, assure me that they believe in the devil and venerate him in different ways, not publicly (or attending any church), and they claim to receive huge favors, benefits, and powers from this character.
Now, in my case and from my point of view, the first time I remember hearing that word "devil", I remember that I was 10 years old, I was waiting for my mother outside of school, she arrived entirely dressed in white, because she was at that time living her stage of 'iyaworaje' as a follower of Santería, and I clearly remember that Professor Lucía Ramírez, commented to another of the representatives “oh yes, that is the lady who is diabolic”, I I kept quiet and when I got in the car, I asked my Mom, she only replied “oh, the devil is the one to blame for everything”, she has always been very crude to answer about these types of issues, not telling me nothing else, I waited until I got home and asked the same question to my sisters, one of them 'Neyiber' replied that the devil was a kind of dark god that “certain people” revere and others are afraid of, and every time someone does something wrong, or something bad happens and the reasons are not understood, they simply blame him.
I continued with the doubt for some time, perhaps because I have never been very sociable, especially in school so I did not ask anyone, on the contrary, I waited until I got some books and a dictionary to inform me about the subject, and although with the passing of I have continued to have many doubts about this, at least I have informed myself much more and a broader view on the subject.
"There are no devils in witchcraft and magic" ...
So says an old saying that many preach and I believe in him, but I understand that this is a matter of perspective that plays with the beliefs of the origin of each individual, some believe that the devil is the one who gives his powers to the witches, others think that he works directly with the witches who seek to do evil, and not with other witches, the Wiccans see it as something alien to their practice, pagan wizards mostly refuse to believe in it, I personally see it as one of many myth-surviving gods, as a kind of dark god, a trickster like Loki, and from what I have read I understand that he was a beautiful and wise angel of light who was in a way, punished for believing himself as great as his creator, I see him as a representation of rebellion and freedom, an archetype of the rebellious and tempting god that you can find in all myths, and obviously an ingenious master of sorcery.
My experience in the Amazon.
If you have the opportunity to visit the Amazon, and if you can visit the Wayuu and Caribbean tribes, you will understand that the devil is a belief entirely alien to them, they do not understand it for different reasons, mostly because the beliefs of origin teach them that gods are unequivocally flat, the gods of light only give children of light and the gods and dark spirits only bring darkness, but it is difficult for them to understand that a god of light has a perfect child and it is revealed.
Most of the Amazonian folklore is recorded in old books that are contained in the national public library of Venezuela, and which, unfortunately, on issues of Economy and Government, have not had the opportunity to be digitized, so what many of us know, We know really very little, in the vicinity of the Orinoco River some healers of the old school call it “awujii” (the one that was brought), referring to the Amazonian legend that tells the arrival of some clouds over the blue sea, and in whose clouds full of iron men came a spirit of redemption and light, and a dark spirit that would bring misfortunes, temptations and death to the tribes.
For them clearly the devil is something completely alien to their faith, but if you visit those aboriginal peoples that survive in the vicinity of the border with Colombia, where the Catholic faith has mixed and diversified with the native pagan faith, where the Cults of the different gods, the devil is known as "the pinzao" a horrendous demon with burned skin, four eyes without pupils on the face and bat wings, the size of a dog that moves among the trees and deceives the who get lost at night, take the form of the deceased and give sweet gifts to children and treasures to adult men and women in exchange for serving them for life, these men, women, and children who fall under their influence become sorcerers who fly at night and transform into all kinds of animals, and this character "the pinzao" can possess their bodies to walk in the human world and have sex.
Now, the indigenous indigenous groups of the Yaracuy state, the caquetíos, gayones and jiraxaras, see the devil as an annoying "pixie" that grants all kinds of wishes in exchange for granting him three favors, one at dawn, one at sunset and one at midnight, that pixie seems to have many names for them, but they all clearly describe him always with the same characteristics, a dwarf man with very dark purple skin, pointed ears, always naked and with six fingers on each hand.
In the Amazonian folklore there is also the figure of “Aworie”, described with all the characteristics of a faun, a bearded man of short stature with animal legs and horns on his head, this character “Aworie” has an iron crown around of his horns which he decorates with precious stones, he is the king of the women who leave the tribe to not marry and he, grants them powers and gifts, these women then do not age and do not know the disease, can see at night and speak The tongue of all animals, these women give birth to the children of Aworie every eight moons and these children, who look like men with horns, have powers to cause disease and call thunderstorms.
Now, although I usually mention having worked with the magic books of the old school "the grimoire of Solomon", "the book of St. Cyprian" and similar ones where they always mention the character, I have never worked with him and never I have had the need to do it, clearly that is not my way, but I invite you to answer below if you have any personal experience or anecdote about it.
Hugs and lots of light...
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Only Gods Know How Unicorns Choose Their Knights (1/?)
((I’ve been reading the ‘How Best to Use A Sword” story, and I got inspired, so I wrote about a unicorn and a witch and invented a bunch of gods.  Like I do.  Shoutout to @underhandedpenguin for her great ‘verse.
Ariadne had been fourteen when she first saw the unicorn.  It was a glorious beast, shining white among the green foliage of Yuu forest.  She'd still lived with her mother, then--Training the littlest girl how to feel the earth and measure her herbs right and making tree roots grow into little figurines instead of helping with the household chores.  It just was a flash, but Ariadne would bet her life on the fact that she had seen a unicorn on that day.
She told her mother about it later that day, who smiled cryptically and told her a story of Idra, the forest's rumored unicorn protector.  Ari didn't find it to helpful; Idra had a tawny coat, not one of pure white.
"Unicorns are the only truly good creature, you know."  Her mother had smiled and placed her dish to the side.  "It was said that when you die they're the ones that judge your virtue."
"According to what faith?”
"The Cult of Jino, mostly."  Her mother looked slightly embarrassed.  "But followers of the Earth Mother and Jianti also had unicorns as creatures of judgement.  The only impartial creatures in the world."
Ari nodded, steadying her features.  "The Earth mother had many different faces depending on your region.  The followers of Pulga once caused the turning of an entire town to stone, and another sect that worshiped Hyra overwhelmed a city with vines and trees.  All harm caused by overexcitement, rather than malice.”
"And Jianati?"
"A moon goddess used as a symbol of prosperity in a dead kingdom in the east.  Was said to gorge herself on mortal pleasures during day so she could glow during night.  Followers disappeared when Yuell did a year before the old faiths died out"
"And what is Yuell connected to?"
"Jino."  Ari blinked a few times.  "Unicorns go back to Jino, don't they?  Either to their forest or to Jino."
"Remind me to tell you the tale of Jino and the Lilac.  But that's enough lore for the day."  Her mother ruffled her hair affectionately before turning back to the dishes.  
"Ma."  Ari called finally.  "Do we believe in Jino, here?"
"He wasn't a god."  Her ma assured.  "He was worse."
~ * ~
Ariadne was sixteen when she saw the Unicorn again while burning sage to purify her flute.  She'd been teaching the roots of her flower pots to depict Jino and the Great Web again and it always left the energy of her pipe feeling off. She’d been trying a few months, but the roots refused to show Jino in any form but playing his flute with eyes closed.  His character was far too nuanced to only have one acceptable form.
Ari didn't believe in most of the gods she worshipped: didn't believe that eating well on new moons was necessary to make the moon come back at all and didn’t believe that the earth she pulled her power from was one big woman, no more than she thought a woman that powerful would be letting the sky fuck her over like in the Hyra and Kei the sky god.  Ariadne preferred Tyrll, the tiger goddess, but her mother hadn't been enthusiastic the first time she dressed up in skins and went hunting in the night like an animal, so she'd toned down that faith to just sacrificing part of anything that she had to kill.  
Little Natalie claimed she wasn't little anymore, but as Ariadne was ten years older than her she knew better.  Still, it meant that any worship of Ne'Okna, the goddess of female pleasure, was not permissible in any place a little girl might let herself end up in, and that was everywhere.  
She'd brought the half completed artwork with her, hoping she'd be able to finish it if she could banish the discordant energy that interrupted her.  She'd already gotten the image of the Great Spider just right (a creature that Ma had assured her was a real God, of the old and minor sort that was boring except for the mortal that managed to slay it).
The unicorn came while she began Jino's form again, passing into the meadow to look at the distracted Ariadne like she was as fascinating as the unicorn would be to be Ari.  It struck a pose: horn out to stab the spider, hoof up to kick it's torso in.  Proud, radiant, and deadly.
The Unicorn held the pose even when Ari looked over, but whinnied and dropped it’s pose when she dropped her flute in surprise. In a flash the unicorn was gone again, leaving just a shadow of unusual magic behind.
When she told her mother about the fascinating scene she laughed but told her not to spread such silly fantasies in front of Natalie.  "You're near an adult, now.  You go telling the Great Coven that you think you've sighted undocumented unicorns and you'll get us into all sorts of trouble."
"Yes, mama."  Ari huffed.  “But I swear to Tyrll I saw it.”
~ * ~
Ari did not have to wait two more years to see the unicorn again.  When it came out of the trees this time she was already depicting it, teaching the silvery grasses by the Yuu river how to weave themselves into shapes.  The grass unicorn stood ready to attack, solid yet delicate enough that near anything could tear it to bits.   She noticed the unicorn as soon as it came this time but made no motion to greet it; just informed the grasses that the hair should be even lighter than the rest of the body and that the horn was a spiral.  
The unicorn seemed as pleased as a horse’s expression could manage, this time posing itself itself look like a creature of many mysteries rather than a creature of bloodshed—Or at least that’s how Ari’s muse read it.
She started on another grass sculpture and tried to recreate the feeling with intricate patterns and abstraction.  The unicorn watched until it realized that she was not making an equine figure and then left.  Ariadne watched it go, wrinkling her brow.  What is your obsession with your appearance?  She wondered. Conceit isn't exactly the height of morality.
She did not bother telling her mother of the unicorn this time, but did ask to hear a story about Idra.
“All places, especially forests such as this, have myths of times long past.  It is our family's job to collect these ancient stories and pass them through generations so they do not disappear."  Her mother began every tale like this, a reminder of the responsibility of the Liberakis lineage as educators and scholars along with that of the usual witch.  "But no lore of our forest is as sacred as Idra, the Unicorn of Ether.  Every forest has it's own unicorn, and that forest that loses its unicorn is the next to fall to darkness.  Most Unicorns are aloof and never seen but in times of great trauma, such as fires and deforestations.  Idra is one of the few exceptions.
"I have already taught you of how Idra came to this forest, rising out of the Yuu when the forest first realized it was alive.  But Idra has many other tales, the most important of which is her role in the Siege of the Quieri Library.  Witches did not always pass information exactly as we do now: long ago there was a gigantic library nestled in the branches of the biggest tree in the forest, home to a collection of records more complete than the libraries of the modern mage academy."  Her mother took a bundle of dried rosemary and began to dice it as she spoke.  "Inside was every spell a witch had recorded and every rite of every god, written in books without human intervention.  It was the ultimate place of knowledge, and all the witches of the world enjoyed it in harmony.
"Then came the Dolovai invasion."  She placed the rosemary in a metal bowl with a single twig of oak and lit it, the makeshift incense slowly filling the room.  This tradition was not inherently magical, but it had long been proven to Ari that she remembered things better while the smoke still hung in the air.  "And their worship of angels.  A priest of the dominant faith,” (Her mother never used the real name for the religion most followed as if it were a slur.) “heard of the library from a nonmagical performance of the ancient song The Ballad of Inquiry, one of the three great songs of Jino.  He learned of harmony between many gods still active in territory he thought he'd contained and ordered for the library be destroyed
"After years of searching he finally found this forest and the Quieri library was laid siege to for ten days and nights.  It is to this day the largest gathering of witches for one common goal: to protect our Great Library.  However, the priest's crusade did not come without magic users of it's own and soon people became disillusioned with protecting a resource that they may use once, and the unity started to break.  Eventually the remaining witches could not control the fires, and most ran away.
"However, representatives of five lines stayed: the Zenn, Poko, Hollow, Glittergold, and Liberakis families.  Then came Idra, running through the forest like a god reborn.  Idra did not stop the fire or save the library, but reached out with her magic and gave part of the knowledge to each family to be passed down through generations.  The Liberakis were given the task of preserving the old of faiths as they become swallowed by the Single God, so if He ever was to disappear the land need not be faithless."
Ari nodded, breathing in the rosemary.  "Ma, I have a question."
"Always, dear."
"What are the three great songs of Jino?"
"Always so curious about him."  Her mother laughed.  "The Ballad of Inquiry, a song to answer any question if performed correctly, The All Aria, a spell that can create anything if sung as a duet, and the Hymn of Yew, a forbidden song of necromancy that uses witchcraft to bring a person back to life."
"Isn't all necromancy forbidden?"
"Well, yes." Her mother conceded.  "But this song is worse.  It does not animate dead into a zombie, and it does not kill, but it interferes with local time and causes a dead person to return to a truly living state.  Even Jino couldn't cast it correctly, and all knowledge we’ve managed to retain says there was a terrible consequnce.”
“Unknown, huh?”  Ari thought about that for a bit.  “Is that why Yuell disappeared?  The Hymn of Yew went wrong?"
"That's one theory.  But an unpopular one, even among those who believe Yuell was ever real."
"Do we believe that?"
"Without a shred of doubt.  But it can no longer be found on mortal feet, and none that have attempted to teleport have returned.  Portals just collapse."  The last of the incense burned out, which meant it was time to end the sharing of lore.  "Well then.  Let's prepare food, shall we?"
~ * ~
The next time Ari saw the unicorn she created a near perfect replica from tree roots and and asked if it's name was Idra.  It shook it's horse head and looked out to the forest as if to say ‘No, but she's around.’
The forest had two unicorns, and that was said to be impossible.
~ * ~
The fifth time she saw the unicorn she chose to make a statue out of clay because that took a lot longer than making one from plants and she wanted the unicorn to stay.  It left almost immediately but soon returned pulling a giant block of the most beautiful white clay Ari had ever seen on a plank of wood.  It shimmered in the sunlight and practically sang of magical energy.
It pained her to waste it on yet another depiction of the unicorn, but she got to spend five hours with the beast.  When the statue was complete the unicorn instantly fired it into a beautiful stone statue.  Ari tried to approach the unicorn, but it ran away.
~ * ~
"Ma, can people ride unicorns?"  Ari asked one night after tucking Natalie into bed.
"It is said there is a secret caste of knights that ride unicorns.”  Her mother winked at her.  "But Idra isn't looking for one, so you'll have to settle for a horse."'
Ariadne got rather good at horse riding after that and had never enjoyed herself more.  She continued to make statues for the vain unicorn, sometimes using Otto as a model when the unicorn was absent.
She went to get her horse on an autumn afternoon and found it had numerous puncture wounds in the chest and the magic of a unicorn hung heavy in the air.  She did tell her mother about this, who assumed the stallion had been possessed and was glad it was gone and made a sacrifice to Idra at their shrine.  That night she told the story of when the entire Yuu dried up that night because a water demon drank it all and Idra made great flows of water from her horn to restore it.  
Next time Ari sculpted the unicorn she placed a saddle blanket on it.  The blanket quickly caught on fire, and Ariadne supposed that was answer enough.
~ * ~
The next time she saw the unicorn it was holding a full saddle of beautiful silver, and after the statue of birch was complete the unicorn fitted it itself.  When Ari approached to touch the beast, it bolted.
~ * ~
The first time the unicorn let Ari touch it was a year later, with just a single hand on it's head.  In exchange she enchanted her next statue to glow silver, which pleased the unicorn to no end.    
"What's your name?"  Ari asked finally, not expecting an answer.
Sage.  The 'voice' came out of nowhere, and Ari jumped back.  When she looked up, Sage was gone.
"There are two unicorns in the forest."  She told her mom eventually in the most serious tone she could manage  Her mom dropped her fork and looked Ari in the eyes.
"Ari, please."
"There are.  The second one is named Sage.  I've been meeting with it for years."  Ari insisted.  "I've made numerous statues."
Her mom paused.  "You're old enough not to tell me fictions.  There are two unicorns in this forest."  Her brow furrowed.  "That's not a good thing."
"I know."  Ari whispered.  "I'm going to ride it out of here, for my knowledge quest.  I'll leave as soon as it lets me mount it."
"You are around that age.  What will you study?”
“Unicorns.”  Ari looked her mother in the eyes, then.  “And the lost lands of Yuell.”
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belzinone · 6 years
This is a running list of all the verses I’ve written for bel. First are her fanon (canonical) verses, followed by modern, fantasy, crossover, other fandom verses, & lastly, her Wallflower verses (+ link to a more in-depth description of my concept). I’m more than happy to create a verse that is compatible with your muse, let it be giving her a new modern occupation or adapting her to your muse’s universe (if you’ll be patient with my learning ) However, I’ll be applying her to new universes selectively because I’m not a fan of everything nor do I always have the energy/patience to invest in it.
hello it’s mz. hyde . undetermined // verse
HELL IS FOR CHILDREN . underground child // verse
a bright, curious, cross-dressing child who goes by the name “bailey” & gets into more trouble than her mother & older brother can handle. in attempt to control her behavior, risa lets her stay with a trusted doctor in town (former colleague of her late father) & he starts teaching her basic medicine & biology (which quickly turns into epidemiology come the shiganshina outbreak). she proves gifted with the material, a trait she shared with her father.
BIRD IN THE CAGE . underground citizen // verse
past adolescence, a teenage bel selectively relents to the feminine gender role designated by her mother as the small Zinone family works towards building a large enough fortune to buy surface citizenship. she does her homemaking & continues to pursue her medical apprenticeship while at home & in the clinic, but occasionally dons drag to explore the rest of the city under her family’s nose. when her brother enlists in the scouting legion for a vast sum of money (to those in poverty), he takes the light behind her eyes with him.
SLAVE TO THE GRIND . shiganshina citizen // verse 
a languid young adult who maintains a modest medical practice as well as helps with her mother’s homemaking business. she makes the occasional secret trip to scout hq to volunteer her medical expertise, where she momentarily rediscovers her lust for life.
TWIN ROSES . garrison soldier // verse 
giving up on her dreams following the year 845 fall of wall maria, bel dons twin roses & secretly composes her plans for 3dmg modifications. she lives a quiet, uneventful yet peaceful life with her mother & squad members.
LA GUILLOTINA . sentenced to scout // verse
having lost the majority of her squad during the year 850 battle of trost & committed murder to defend her mother during the retreat, bel finds herself with a accolade she detests, but would decide her fate as she faces her sentence
& TO DEATH WE SAY ; NOT TODAY . medical officer // main verse 
bel settles into the scouting regiment & lives out her dream of saving lives on the front lines. this verse leads up to the uprising arc.
FAMILIAR TASTE OF POISON . war criminal // verse
the uprising arc. forced to face the demons of her mother’s past as well as her legion being marked a criminal organization, she is also forced to come to terms with taking lives rather than saving them.
GRACE PERIOD . scout redemption // verse
this verse spans the time between the resolution of the uprising arc to her amputation. the scouts experience renewed glory as they return the rightful heir to the throne & prepare to reclaim shiganshina.
LA TRAVIATA . retiree // verse 
soon before the return to shiganshina, bel loses her foot to the leader of the underground mafia & is forced to retire from her military service. she departs for the snowy mountains of the north to research titan spinal fluid.
alternatively, she’s crushed by a boulder during one of the preparatory expeditions & amputates her foot to save her life either single-handedly or with the help of another soldier, i.e. yours?
LA RESORTA . amputee // verse
bel hangs up her lab coat & returns to her soldiers, where she comes to rediscover is where her heart lies.
RED SWANSONG . postwar // verse
paradis is clear of titans & the world is free of war. bel retires her military service for good & continues to care for the remaining military veterans while mourning the fallen. she dreams of settling with a family at this time.
~fanon divergent verses~
FELINE TITAN . shifter // verse
bel reawakens with the memories of a former queen who once ruled humanity before Paradisian allocation. her 10 meter titan is skinless, spotted, & sports long claws. [aimless meta]
AS ABOVE SO BELOW . noble // verse
instead of being born in the underground to a poor homemaker, bel’s born in the sina capitol to a rich socialite. she nonetheless dreams of becoming a scout soldier & practicing medicine like her father.
~modern verses~
CODE BLACK . emergency responder // main verse
as used in los angeles county hospital, “an influx of patients so great, there aren’t enough resources to treat them.”
G. O. M. E. R. YOU P. I. T. A. nurse // verse
nurse slang for “get out of my emergency room, you pain in the ass”
LIONESS . mother // verse
bel becomes a mother, let it be via adoption or a fertility miracle.
SO CLOSE ; AND STILL SO FAR . medical tech // verse
bel leaves medical school & lands a less than satisfying job
GLORY AND GORE . clinical doctor // verse
a cutthroat doctor who rose to her status by playing the game of the social ladder.
PRETTY HUGE DICHOTOMY . medical student // verse
bel studying for her phd & finding a stark divide between clinical & the average life.
BETA EPSILON LAMBDA . undergraduate student // verse
although not part of a sorority, the lack of social life experienced by this iteration could very much use a pledge.
VAGABOND . homeless // verse
after dropping out of high school, bel leaves her family & takes to the streets, convinced that she is better off on her own. she makes a living through stealing, odd jobs, & street performing.
bel engages in transactional sex to survive.
RED LIGHTS PAID SIGHTS . sex worker // verse
cam girl, stripper, exotic dancer, nude model: bel engages in all these things & more, finding comfort in sensual attention.
SICK INDIVIDUAL . high school student // verse
a rebellious young woman spends her days challenging authority inside & outside the classroom while maintaining grades reflective of her interests.
IF IT AIN’T BROKE; IMPROVE IT . mechanical engineer // verse
rather than pursue medicine, bel finds a rewarding career in her other passions.
IT’S SUPPOSED TO HURT . personal trainer // verse
bel makes a living out of training others to thrive.
BODY LANGUAGE . professional dancer // verse
she started out as a street dancer before making her way through club after club & finally landing a contract with mainstream talent. belly dancing, burlesque, & pole work are her go-to styles.
~fantasy verses~
ABERRANT APOTHECARY . witch // verse
a life witch or necromancer? this woman manipulates the energies of life to do her bidding.
SEIS SEIS SEIS . concubus // verse
unbound by position & generally unaffected by a thirst for intercourse, this nonbinary asexual demon finds thrills elsewhere.
DON’T FALL ASLEEP AT THE HELM . merfolk // verse
a rather terrifying as opposed to conventionally beautiful mermaid, bel passes her time defending her territory & rummaging through shipwrecks
conversely, she’s an obnoxiously colorful mermaid that makes an easy target for predators
HURT LIKE HELL WHEN I FELL . angel // verse
bel’s an angel much like those from cw’s supernatural sans the dryness
SINGED FEATHERS . caladrius // verse
this magical bird takes blight unto herself & flies into the sun like a phoenix, dispelling the plague & curing her benefactor. feathers naturally sprout from various parts of her body. she uses a cloaking spell to appear human, but she nonetheless sheds feathers.
~crossover verses~
ONE STEP CLOSER TO THE TRUE WORLD . the115project // crossover verse
Commander 115′s army lands in Paradis & brings a new battlefront to the island (original multiverse concept from the115project)
FELINE FAUNUS . rwby // crossover verse
the transition from Paradis to Remnant brings out cheetah-like characteristics similar to her titan form her aforementioned fanon divergent verse. human skin with full body markings, ears & a body-length tail with fur
~other fandom verses~
MITOTIC REGENERATION . naruto // verse
a failed student of a legendary shinobi & excommunicated from her clan, bel wanders the ninja world in search of a way to revive her fallen brother as a missing nin from tsukigakure. she specializes in poison art jutsu, is developing her own version of mitotic regeneration, & agnostically practices jashinism.
GOLD DUST WOMAN . rwby // verse
subject to the discrimination of being a faunus, bel finds herself a member of the White Fang but begins to question whether their endeavors are really what’s best for her kind. her semblence is life transfer & manipulation while her weapons are dual-wield blades similar to those from her snk verse.
I WANT TO BE CONNECTED . sarazanmai // verse
bel, a fresh Wallflower devotee, soon throws herself at the mercy of the otters to save her brother, a police officer who died on duty. as punishment, she’s made to keep an eye out for kappa activity but maintains a dual relationship with those duties alongside her obligations as a Wallflower agent. she keeps her loyalties to the otters blurred while seeking to protect the sara trio as an undercover school nurse.
FAIRY; WHERE ARE YOU GOING? . fairy tail // verse
bel’s a caster mage from the Wallflower dark guild & specializes in disease & organic link magic
GRAND DUCHESS . anastasia // verse
anastasia (1997 film) plot inspired
FACE DOWN IN THE DIRT . fruits basket // verse
her work as an international Wallflower brings her to the Sohma clan, a hotbed of mysterious cries of abuse from its most closely guarded family members. quickly recognizing the fragility of the job, bel takes a much lower profile during her investigation. she takes on whatever role she must to get to the bottom of the sohma family curse & support its victims.
HALF GOD; HALF DEVIL . bnha // verse
[fandom verse profile]
THE DEAD SHALL SPEAK . atlus trauma team // verse
inspired by dr. naomi kimishima. bel’s a medical examiner that can hear a victim’s last words upon interacting with their body.
tiefling, bard, necromancer, commander of life energy & tells stories through percussion & dance. she uses magic to mask her tiefling features in order to escape prejudice & avoid scaring away her audience.
-wallflower verses-
BAD GIRLS’ WORLD . wallflower // main verse
[about] this verse traverses all universes, from fandom to modern to fantasy as well. i use it to designate her criminality/gang affiliation & the belief system she was raised in. whether or not she remains loyal to her cult (as well as the severity of the cult itself) will vary greatly by thread.
LA MADONNA HYDRANGEA . wallflower madame // verse
bel reigns over the wallflowers as madame, presiding over an immense, international criminal underworld.
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getinthefunvee · 4 years
mobile-friendly rules
❔ #getinthefunvee
❔ semi-private:  will generally only write with mutuals, but very happy to meet new people.
❔ exclusivity:  is pre-pubescent and used as a cliquey gatekeeping & ostracising mechanism 99% of the time. I do not practice character or ship exclusivity; I will side-eye you if you do, and I will not tolerate it on my dash, and I will lay the verbal smack-down if I see you using it to bully someone else. I've been playing with some muns for nearly 5 years, and at least one for more than a decade; if anyone was going to be an exclusive, it would be those friends, but exclusivity = possessiveness and it's really, really not the way to roll your adult relationships. Note: if you choose to make me your exclusive Tony for any reason (ie, if you generally hate Tony interaction and want to avoid it, emotional safety reasons, whatever) please give me a heads up. Please be aware that, as stated above, I will not do exclusivity in return.
❔ basic etiquette:  human decency is expected. Do not attempt to god-mod (it's so 90s), force-ship, engage in pass-aggro nastiness, harassment, or any other asshattery. Thanks.
❔  Personals et al are very welcome to follow and 'like' RP posts and to reblog non-RP content. Please don't reblog RP threads you aren't participating in; it's creepy, and I will call you out on it.
❔ multi-muse, side & personal journals:  I will not follow you back if you run a multi-muse blog or RP from your persona that heavily features muses from fandoms I’m not familiar withl; I really need to limit dash clutter in order to be able to focus. (ADD & autism are gr8 that way.) That doesn't mean I won't RP with you on your multi-muse blog, and I'm very happy to RP with side blogs, but I will not RP with personals.
❔ OCs, female characters, obscure canon characters:  This shouldn’t need to be said, but: Yes please! I look for fully-formed characters whose creation you've put thought into; this goes for 'popular' canon characters in equal measure.
❔ crossovers:  Please check with me first to make sure I'm familiar with your fandom.
❔ cut your replies:  Please cut your replies & repost asks as new posts when replying. (note: this is not the same as 'read mores'; I'm happy to explain the difference.) I will not follow you if you never cut your replies.
❔  You must have rules or, at the very least, your age stated somewhere on your blog. I will always read your rules before interacting, and I ask that you please do the same.
❕  est Dec 2012
❕  21 or over for intermittent content which may not always be tagged; I will generally not play with you if you are under 21 as I may not be comfortable writing certain content [because I'll feel like a dinosaur]. I will not RP with anyone under 18 years old, regardless of thread content or your geographical location's 'legal age.' This is not up for discussion, though I'm happy to explain the legal ramifications (for you and your RP partners around the world) of lying about your age. tl;dr I'm not going to jail so you can have smut. Thanks.
❕ safe space:  This blog is fiercely inclusive. I make a point of avoiding ableist or bigoted language and terminology. Please come talk to me in chat or send an ask and tell me if I screw up. note: If you ever need to talk about anything, or if you're having a really bad day, I'm here for you & wouldn't want you to feel alone. Seriously. Come talk to me. I do have chat set to mutuals only thanks to the huge influx of spam messages I was getting, but you can always unfollow me after we’re done talking (I won’t be upset) or send me an ask if that's easier.
❕ triggers:  I will tag genuine triggers when asked (please don't conflate squicks with triggers). I don't have any triggers, but I prefer not to see child abuse, domestic violence, incest, or pregnancy on my dash; if you regularly include that content, I will generally unfollow. Please see below for a comprehensive list. Triggers will be tagged 'triggery thing tw' and added to the tag dump post.
❕ formatting:  usually no fancier than small text +/- 66x66 or 100x100 icon (depending on the size you use), but I will try to match your style. If you need any special formatting to make it easier for you to read, please tell me. I'm very happy to comply.
❕ pre-established relationships:  I'm happy to discuss these.
❕ readmores:  used rarely, but will always use for explicit dubcon/noncon content & graphic stuff.
❕ memes:  generally mutuals only but will always be tagged as 'mutuals only', so if you don't see that, feel free to interact. I do my best to observe reblog karma but don't expect you to; it's all good.
❕ open posts:  will be tagged clearly; generally open only to mutuals, sometimes character-specific (will specify in tags).
❕ shipping:  multiship; not ship exclusive. Shipping is dependent wholly on muse interaction and never guaranteed. Tony is demiromantic and pansexual; he may or may not be open to poly setups depending on verse. He's experimental, inclusive, and flexible. Got a kink? Bring it. BDSM? He'll want to know your safeword. Three/four/eightway? He's probably into it. That in mind, I'm on the ace spectrum (see below) so mature-content threads aren't going to be that common and will generally, though not always, fade to black.
✅  duplicates, multiple 'canon' realities, AUs, cross-fandom, What Ifs
✅  crossovers, especially within Marvel & DC
✅  AUs: love, love, love. Give me your tropey coffee shop AU; better yet, give me your research-worthy Mesopotamian AU, time-travel AU, etc. I'm utter trash for Sentinel!verse (and if you don't know what that is, come at me).
✅  plot-development, complex characterization
✅  conscious, intentional, creative abuse of grammar/syntax
✅  any gender identity/lack thereof; sexual orientation/lack thereof; neurodivergent characters; disabled characters
✅  LGBT, non-cis/het, POC, or other minority versions of canonically white cis straight Christian etc characters
✅  female versions of canonically (cis)male characters
✅  dark, edgy, angsty themes up to and including psychological & physical torture, abuse, and character death
✅  complex and conscientious portrayals of trauma and mental health issues
❎  self-insertion (omnipotent manic pixie Gary-Stu/Mary-Stu characters make me cringe)
❎  pages of ooc
❎  pages of graphic porn
❎  you RP nothing but smut of a variety that squicks me, such as (below) and don't put it behind readmores: - A/B/O, especially if it involves 'mating'/'breeding', pregnancy (esp cis male or cis female pregnancy), etc. Really major squick; - BDSM that uses an abundance of misogynistic language like 'slut'; 'daddy/mommy' themes; pet play; romanticising unhealthy abusive relationships ('50 Shades of Nope' comes to mind) by framing them as consensual BDSM.
❎  consistent grammar/spelling errors (note: ignore if English isn't your primary language; I’m happy to help if that’s something you want, and I speak a few languages so I might be able to RP in your language)
❎  lots of family/baby/child content
❎  'child of'/'sibling of' & non-canon family member/friend characters
❎  anthropomorphic, furry, or 'real people' characters
❎  SuperWhoLock, anime
❎  gatekeeping, canon-snobbery, constant negativity
❎ erasure of any minority group (ie male versions of canonically female characters; suspiciously white FCs for canonically POC characters, etc)
❎ messianic anything; proselytizing
✩  ari (aka kai), 30s, London (GMT)
✩  working in medicine, re-qualifying for med school entry; usually not around much Tue-Fri due to work (replies are sometimes queued & I'm usually happy to do short stuff like texts during the week)
✩  thoroughly spoken for; married to cap.co.vu (but thanks for asking *fingerguns*)
✩  introvert:  very social at times (I tend to 'read' as an extrovert), but I need more distance when out of social energy. Feel free to ask me about this. I will love you forever if you respect the need for space, and will not like you very much if you insta-pounce 10x daily when I've gone quiet.
✩  jewitchy = unrepentantly jewish + low-key hedge witch (observant Reform/Conservative Jew; dash of pagan)
✩  grey-a + demi, greyromantic, as impossibly flirty as Tony Stark
✩  ADD, autism (psa: you can be super direct with me), major depressive disorder, EBS (epidermolysis bullosa), mild anxiety (when out of social energy)
✩  sharp-spoken, sharply-dressed, stickler for punctuation, polyglot, menace to society, method RPer, (mostly) good human being, guaranteed at least 80% carbon-based lifeform, will use elbows on the Tube, well-travelled, great ass (thanks, yoga!), hearts horseback riding, BDSM, dismantling the patriarchy
✩  ask box is always open, Discord available by request, IM/chat is gr8
If you feel like it, send me your favourite trope as a way of letting me know you've read these. I'm not going to ask for any sort of specific symbol, codeword, etc to prove it, but I will presume you have and act accordingly. If you feel compelled to acknowledge any specific parts that jump out at you or query something that doesn't sit right with you, we'll probably be bffs.
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youforeverwithme · 4 years
Owl Some Days You Have To Put On The Hat And Remind Them Who They Are Dealing With Witch T-Shirt
I think the Owl Some Days You Have To Put On The Hat And Remind Them Who They Are Dealing With Witch T-Shirt job in this room have is the opportunity to present visible but also to inspire up and coming physicians who are in medicine sports medicine and so that the legacy will be how many and I like how many more doctors can I encourage with the key to continued success still like another three months to go through the celebrate now do not celebrate the first milestone was Wilson 22 teams. Dominic in just a moment that we want to bring me the asian reaction as well gracefully is in tokyo this morning from asian leaders when we hearing so far on the president diagnosis grace while their first we heard from some time usually include prime minister nearing the money which I was trying to outrun the recovery along with his wife pointed response front prints me out and she will treat it out this morning saying donald try paying the price for gambling you are responding trying to which_shower theory overall the other as well overall donald transcribe you mind going on by not going and not sugar overall in the us response front where I am right now you leave there is really survive trying and trying to tow the line between the trade partners you may point in the political process due to the us probably got so interesting donald trump from microphones from my by very much really setting up a real fight over the source of 19 and will insurance sometimes encouraging us using page and sometimes very critical. The children staff not wearing masks this morning from a moderator chris wallace foxman first offered masks that refused to talk seems late trump side of of the hall this is trump came in wearing a mask that took it off when what she said sat down to see when they came in but all the other members the first family that I saw there including about god tiffany when they sat down they weren’t wearing masks i’m told by the pool of reporters was there that somebody from the cleveland clinic came up to the first family I believe this was before mrs trump sat down and offered the mass in case they didn’t have them and they waved them away on the following wednesday trump was traveling card opportunity on outdoor rally on a trip should the cognitive morning as well on aboard air force one and returning to washington then took new and got a result positive and significant morning white house knew of the results of the morning your traveling resort to for learning from multiple report photo of people in close proximity
Source: Owl Some Days You Have To Put On The Hat And Remind Them Who They Are Dealing With Witch T-Shirt
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Fox Either Calling up Our People When Dealing with Them When Giving Them Certain Advice We Actually Have the World Health We Have Them over There Also and We Have A Lot Of Our People Making up That Group That Went over There Now He’s Working Very Hard Be Very Easy for Me to Say No Doesn’t Matter What I Say Really I Can Tell You He Is Working on a Owl Some Days You Have To Put On The Hat And Remind Them Who They Are Dealing With Witch T-Shirt Long Talk with Him the Other Night He Is Working Really Really Hard He Wanted to Go Away from. Built by slaves know this desk that’s coming but back then by means of comparison how would you really know why it was the oldest it’s exactly theand always is a cool ruler of ancient Egyptand one day he wandered out into the desertand he was visited by aliensand disappear that’s don’t have any data on acne after certain point all day they checked the in of the sarcophagusand it’s emptyand I would leave the bills are covetous for a fee because he was presumed dead as a physician the idea here is that like apparently Jim Starling must’ve taken some kind of like ancient Egyptian class is working on thisand why would you do this like hotel in Stargate was passing three by then you may started to fill the crappy show the amazing show depended on you when I went to college I was roommates with people who had the whole show prominently displayed on top of their television for easy access to any episode started as the oneand later started went right anyway so why can by aliensand Jim Starling admits that like there are a lot of theories as to what happened to them that are probably realand then there is the real fake one which is the aliens took me a while at the X mansion Jean Grey is hit by a psychic visionand she is reminded of a villain that she fought back in the day with the X men women Pharaoh the whole living Pharaoh is not Akin eightand nor is he related to this in any way but he is an ancient Pharaoh villain that the extra foughtand he kinda reminds them of thatand in other reports of the story people will refer to academe as the living Pharaoh but don’t get confused because there is another living Pharaoh is nothing to do with all my God is actually a made up character is a real character but this is all appropriate financial meet up character from the sort of cut so when Jean just has a thought she said she’s getting a psychic vision like I remember correctly my one massive dump health is a psychic vision versus just a regular vision whining because her power psychic days so the division would be from anywhere right but anyway sheesh she thought at least about a decent flick will chill outand such like did you get the same vision energies like I did a not all crap what are we gonna do about this we should call our friends the other superheroes process were you wearing a dune costume because Grant Morrison is writing the exit of the spine at this pointand Frank Whiteley’s drawing themand so Jim Starling is using the new X Men designs from that raw that explains beasts yuppies looks like a cat he is is straight up like movies like where we yeah the fortunate but you do it’s an acquired tasteand it’s it’s a moment in time them using acquired taste like people like that people like these people people like Ted pleased people like Wolverine to fill these weird like synergistic costumes were like they all like to bring over interviews wear a shirt with a silver leather jacket such as bare chested wolverine in leather jacket that was his next costume people like these suits I don’t but whatever right I guess if you started reading X Menand they were wearing this that’s what they look like yes exactlyand is supposed to make you think will happen right now right something years ago writes so meanwhile in the space between universesand whatnot lays a small childand the usurper of the previous Guardian of said on the verse is sitting around watchingand guarding the cosmos along with her babysitters Adam warlockand Gomorrah of the set up via a previous Jim Starling events which are not to get into it right if she’s here that’s it there’s like a little interdimensional place where a small child is supposed to bear witness toand control the universe not control of were like guarded the rightand at laser is the name of the small child also soaring of upper right but like you’re in space so it is weird because like you expected we were space close but you just where normal colossal because like you just a good job of drawing a child but some artists who draw comics can’t really draw a child versus a small adult so if you put her in romper is no mistaking of the child was to get the image that a child is cut guarding the universeand that’s kinda crazyand not like a weird alien in small no literal file number I get that it’s just bizarre to see a girl in this giant universe is to make you think that graduation but the world more there like what what’s going on laser Jesus everything about the change CO what is going on your cosmos all she she should I watch her but she is not really effective anyway so that for who is currently at this point in time in charge of Asgard is at his balcony door gets a vision of unspeakable power this is careening towards me guardand it faces himand says everything on Tiger Woods slowly doors like woe that is such power is stuck hereand talk to me because you know for his poor Laura can have your divorce right now hello he’s is pretty powerful years the current WWE title know that’s that’s Conan’s belt it’s a pretty dope belt it plays no part of the story yeah so doors like Crestor is there to show you all my God this new power in the universe is way stronger than the old for so it may be even stronger than like any force that Jim Starling has previously created while it’s free strongly while in space the sheer Empire has been decimated just completely wrecked over servers line for a clandestinely oh sheer embarrassment decimated what kind of power could possibly destroy the will a survivor it’s gladiator disease made of tougher stuffand will gladly was going to do something came through hereand whacked us there was a vocally confirming what you already surmise something superpower both wrecked everything Rosso fan is like binary wondering well tell youand so that he segues into himself back then which is to say in the present in his satellite just coping with being but a cog in the grand scheme of the universe now that he is taken to his you know quest for powerand conquests off until the table but he is still technically looking for to buy is doing is essential to select look I know that conquestand ruling universes about it he assaulted all the powerful things out there what else goes exactly the argument you ever wonder what else they can get Jim Starling is more than happy to tell you that directly asked a lot yeah everyone does that so the fantastic four monitoring this leaving the fuel you know some great power in the universeand all crap they call the avengers eventually we sought to the X Men have a have a meeting where they call everybody they called like because of Xavierand Jean Grey psychic vision like let’s everyone all the reserves on every single axman you could ever imagine that is alive right now into the mansion at onceand so they all appearand then Jeanand Chuck go everybody stay in living room were to go to cerebral were to tryand contact this this thing that reached out to usand see what’s up okay so they doand the many genes that the best choice for the right to be an excellent start is no reference to things all them shocked there is a like concern for the other thing is you willing to fix issues we want to get the flow below the entire issue for removing it precisely so Jean is basically there just kind of like help support Xavier White is going to try harder there is a retry before you your brainpower he needs their combined power to make it workand they doand when John asked Emma Frost now she’s in the living room literally else that you get the use ofand so they do reach out past the known universeand they find activate all is now the ultimate powerand universities common for pennies like hello you’re my subject technically I was the in the 18th dynastyand on the ruler of Egypt like as far a lot of water concern I ruled everything the assets on coming back to my rightful place in your one of my subjectsand I can tell from your thoughts that you don’t like that idea alland then Chuckand Jean disconnect through not sureand Akin Eaton drops a powerful beamand blows up all the X Men’s on the right oh so was also exiting the present one will think of recurrent told him to converge. The Oval Office two weeks later their absentee we have to defeat him criminal justice reform prison reform opportunity zones with Tim Scott a great senator from South Carolina he came in with his incredible idea for opportunity zones one of the most successful programs people don’t talk about a tremendous investment is being made beneficiary black and Hispanic communities and then historically black colleges and universities after three years of coming to the office I love some of those guys they were great pertaining to the office and they said should we do and what you keep coming back because we have your funding is not to come back every year we have to come back because Pres See Other related products: Owl Some Days You Have To Put On The Hat And Remind Them Who They Are Dealing With Witch T-Shirt
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biointernet · 5 years
Seeing does not mean just watching
The Energy of Space Seeing does not mean just watching Seeing does not mean just watching, it means staying at rest, merged with the surroundings. To understand sounds does not mean just listening, it means being silent and hollow. Keeping to temperance does not mean to limit oneself like a miser, but to implement it gradually, as if a secret from oneself. Those who practice the three rules never exhaust them until the end, but by combining them together, can achieve the Oneness. Dao De Jing, Verse fourteen
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Seeing does not mean just watching It has long been observed that people feel differently depending on environmental factors that may include temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and geographic location. There are some places where you sleep like a baby, have wonderful dreams and wake up full of energy. But there are others where sleeping is disrupted, fatigue is frequent and there is increased susceptibility to illness. Western science has no explanation for this other than it represents a confluence of geomagnetic influences, subterranean anomalies, hollows, water streams, natural and industrial atmospheric gases; gases, electromagnetic fields, and especially solar and cosmic emanations. It has been practically impossible to distinguish between all these factors or to determine what each contributes, so our ability to measure the cumulative effect at any particular place can best be described as primitive and rudimentary. In all ancient civilizations there were people who could feel the energy of space. They were sorcerers, shamans, priests well aware that society and the state can be strong and successfully resist all attacks only if people are united by a spiritual idea. The highest form of spiritual ideas is religion. As Karl Marx said, “Religion is the opium of the people, but without religion people have no soul”. The most cruel wars and cases of violence, the worst confrontations took place on religious grounds. Neither wealth, nor striving for a better life motivated people, but abstract spiritual incentives. These incentives allowed the invaders for thousands of years on all continents to raise millions of their compatriots and lead them to distant lands, some to the victory but the majority to the grave. But to maintain and develop the spiritual incentives of the nations collective rites and ceremonies are required. In the early stages of development of human society people began to search for those special places, began to create in these places special facilities, more and more complicated as the development of civilization went on. Stone circles and spirals, vertically standing blocks - mengirs, burial places of complex arrangements, temples, pyramids. In each case for such a facility people looked for Places of Power. Now we call these places sacred. The most beautiful places were always chosen for them: the top of a hill, the bank of a river, a cave, a sacred grove, lush vegetation. People usually call such places “God‘s places”, “sacred”, “gracious”. In such places in former times sanctuaries, temples, churches and monasteries were built. It is important that these places since ancient times have been considered sacred, healing, people came there to feel the grace, gain strength, to recover from heavy fights and work. When people visit such places they feel euphoria, inspiration, excitement, enthusiasm; they want to return there again. Naturally, such places are located all over the globe. Local people tell legends and stories about them; the church erects temples in these places. Here are some of them in Russia: Valaam, a small island on Lake Ladoga, Kizhi Island in the White Sea; Olkhon Island (“the heart of Lake Baikal”), one of the most beautiful places on Lake Baikal, the gathering place of Baikal shamans. The sacred Valley Kyren in the south-west of Buryatia, 170 km from Irkutsk. Numerous lakes: Linevo, a healing lake in the north of Omsk area; Plesheevo located near the town of Pereslavl in the south of Yaroslavl area; Svetloyar (the Shambhala of Russia), a legendary body of water located in Nizhny Novgorod area; Svyatozero, the lake in the south- west of Petrozavodsk. We could name a lot more such places in Russia. Sometime their classification will be made. But along with the “blessed” places there are the “wretched” ones. They, too, are told about in legends, but these legends are scary and bleak. In these places there live only witches, sorcerers and cannibals. As soon as one gets there, death is inevitable, there are few who managed to get out alive and unharmed. And even if they get out they will get sick, will wither and grow old prematurely. This may be accompanied by loss of memory, or a hundred years’ sleep that seems like one night. In short, it is better not to go there and keep away. In our times the inquisitive and curious actively engage in search of adventure to their misfortune. Some climb a mountain where there is “nothing, neither gold nor ore”, some dig up grenades in swamps, some poke about in anomalous zones. Often this has no good ending, in full accordance with the old predictions. (The author himself refers to this category of “naturalists”, so he had an opportunity to experience the effects of the adventures on his own broken bones.) Finally, some indications of anomalous zones have been formulated: • “attraction” of view; inadvertently the gaze clings to a certain area; • inadequate behavior of animals; • the lack of animals, even birds are not heard; • “strange” vegetation, somewhat different from plants in the neighboring areas; • the presence of strange objects; • various sounds; phenomena not amenable to logical explanation; • unusual sensations; • visions and pictures. There are several opinions about the nature of anomalous zones. Natural geopathic zones are geophysical anomalies associated usuall with breaking of the Earth’s crust, underground cavities, old burials, etc., where there is an impact on people, flora and fauna. Geopathic zones of artificial origin are caused by various anthropogenic factors, such as, electrical and television networks, heat and water supply and sewage systems, as well as technical facilities of all kinds. All this has given rise to a large number of energetically active sites, stray electric currents of different fields interacting with natural electromagnetic fields. Seeing does not mean just watching These phenomena are particularly common in the cities. Cosmo-physical situation also has its effects: distribution of air flows, clouds, background radiation. Since very few people have been purposefully engaged in research of anomalous zones, there are no unambiguous representations of their origin and properties. However, scientists have begun to seriously address this issue. Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, the principal researcher of the Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, Professor Vyacheslav A. Rudnick, the author of more than 300 scientific publications including 20 monographs, back in the eighties began to research the industrial and the anthropogenic impact on the environment, and in 1990-s shifted his interests to the issue of the impact of geo- active zones of the Earth’s crust on human health and the objects of the biosphere and the Earth techno-sphere. Professor V.A. Rudnik pays his major attention to studies of his hometown St. Petersburg St. Petersburg is unique for the only reason of its location. It rises above the underground intersection of the four systems of transcontinental breaks of the Earth crust at the junction of the Baltic Shield and Russian Plate. The four gigantic scars, mutilated body of the Earth over 600 million years ago and invisibly intersected under the feet of citizens of St. Petersburg. It turned out that this intersection gave our city the zones hazardous to man’s health and living. Within the zones of breaks of crust constant geological processes are taking place, in which physical, chemical and energy fields and radiation occur. Malicious zones are also underground streams and ancient, now buried riverbeds, tunnels, mineral deposits. Of course, the proximity to the area of break or the paleo-riverbed of an ancient river is not the only cause of cancer and other ailments. But the fact that it actively promotes the incidence is now beyond doubt. In the study of geopathic zones scientists found that in these areas the sick rate of coronary heart disease exceeds the norm 2 times, essential hypertension 1.5 times, the sick rate of leukemia 3.5 times; death rate is 2.5 times higher than the average. Adults 2.3 times more are likely to apply to hospitals. The overall sick rate is 2 times higher than average. a unique in its kind map of St. Petersburg, spotted with a spider web of invisible cleavages and cracks. The intersection of the four major breaks looks on the map of the city as a network of small faults that define the coastline of the bay, the channels of modern and ancient rivers. Defective are Vasilevsky Island and areas along the banks of the Neva. In different districts 5 to 15% of the population lives and works directly above the geo-active zones. In Kalinisky district of St. Petersburg 3.5 thousand traffic accidents were analyzed. The schedule made in the result left no doubt: over the break zones and over the underground watercourses the number of accidents increases dramatically. This dramatic increase is from 50 to 1000%! The researchers together with the traffic police analyzed the accidents on the highway Petersburg-Murmansk. The picture is the same. It has been assumed that the cause is in involuntary reductions in the muscles of drivers and, as a consequence, uncontrolled actions that appear over the geo-active zones. Researchers recommend placing the road signs on highways with warnings about an increased risk in such sections. There is no need to say how important is to remove the control towers of airports, runways, command posts, rocket launch sites, chemical and biological production, nuclear power plants from the scope of such a psychogenic effects. Thus, the problem of geopathic zones is quite urgent not only for research but also for practical life. Crucial for the serious study of this problem is the development of specialized instruments for measuring the activity of these zones. The adverse effects of “godforsaken places”, the areas of natural biological discomfort, have been known since ancient times. In the old days, before starting construction of houses, and churches in particular, people addressed the people with hyper sensitiveness, well- known throughout the county looking for their advice. The animals’ flair to places unfavorable for living was also used: you may build a house where the sheep lay and dig a well where a magpie sat. In recent years the study of geo-active zones have been included in the new scientific field, Geoecology, an interdisciplinary scientific field that combines studies of composition, structure, properties, processes, Group of scientists headed by Professor Evgeny Melnikov compiled 89 physical and geochemical fields of the geo-spheres of Earth as a habitat for humans and other organisms. In the specialty code it is written: “The main task of Geoecology is to study changes of life-sustaining resources, geo-sphere shells under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, and their protection, rational use and control in order to preserve for the present and future generations the productive environment”. A large part of this science is the concept of biosphere. In his writings famous Russian scientist professor Vladimir Vernadsky pointed out that science does not pay attention to the organism’s interaction with the Earth’s crust and the biosphere. Revealing the essence of his teachings in numerous works on the biosphere, he wrote: “The clue of life can not be obtained only by studying the living organism. To solve it one should apply to its original source, to the earth’s crust. In science there is no clear understanding yet that the phenomena of life and the phenomena of inanimate nature, combined with the geological, i.e., planetary point of view, are manifestations of a single process”. In particular, referring to biologists, he said, “Biologists have forgotten that the studied organism is an inseparable part of the earth’s crust, a mechanism for amending it, and can be separated from it only in our abstraction”. Nevertheless, it is the scientists of XIX and XX centuries, Louis Pasteur, Pierre Curie, Alexander Gurvich, and Vladimir Vernadsky who developed the fundamental basis of the relationship of the human organism with its environment. One of the key provisions is the following: between the spatial structure of molecules and their properties there is a connection manifesting in the left or right optical activity;the phenomenon of dissymmetry is the difference between the leftand right forms of the molecules of matter or energy;living cells possess the right or left optical activity and have the energy cellular field of non-electromagnetic nature around them, also based on spatial structure of the cell (geometry of shape), and all its structural elements. Summation of fields of cells is abiological field of the whole organism;life on the planet is a direct continuation of cosmo-geological processes and is closely linked with the state of the near-Earth 10 space, the biosphere, and is subjected to the phenomenon of dissymmetry;biosphere has dissymmetry;the phenomenon of dissymmetry in the world is manifested by the impact of the forces of the cosmos. There is widespread acknowledgment that environmental conditions can affect health, especially changes in weather. The foehn is a dry southerly wind that blows from the Alps across Switzerland and southern Germany that is associated with a statistically significant increase in accidents, emergency room admissions for heart attacks, asthma and respiratory problems, as well as a spike in suicides. Some hospitals routinely postpone elective surgery until these “winds of depression” subside. Similar responses may accompany the Sirocco in Italy, the Mistral in southern France and the Middle East’s Sharav, which the Arabs call Hamsin (the fifty days wind). Western Canada and the U.S, have the Chinook, a foehn-like wind that raised the temperature in one Montana town by 96 degrees in less than 24 hours (-48°F to 48°F). The strong, dry Santa Ana winds of California, called “The Bitter Winds” in Indian lore, have also been blamed for an increase in suicides and homicides. Some studies suggest that these effects may be due to electrical changes in the air that increase positive ions or decrease negative ions. GDV technology has the potential to confirm these observations. All the energy on earth is derived from the sun, which continually emits a stream of charged particles. The ability of solar magnetic storms to cause mental aberrations was noted by Alexander Chizhevsky almost 100 years ago and subsequent researchers have confirmed this and other effects on health. The earth itself is a giant magnet that is constantly in motion. Since life evolved under these influences, it should not be surprising that biological systems have developed to take advantage of electromagnetic forces, or that they can significantly influence physiology and behavior. This can be vividly demonstrated in lower forms of life like bacteria and planaria, but is also evident in homing pigeons and birds that use geomagnetic information to guide curious migrational habits that have persisted for centuries. Seeing does not mean just watching The Chinese used certain animals to predict earthquakes over 6,000 years ago and there is abundant evidence that all animals can anticipate other natural disasters like storms, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions. Flamingos, elephants, wild boars, snakes, reptiles and other animals all fled their usual habitats shortly before the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami hit. Sharks, dolphins and, fish can also sense an approaching earthquake or hurricane well in advance. Domesticated pets may retain this ability since it has been observed that advertisements for missing cats and dogs consistently increased in volume a few days before an earthquake struck. Some individuals also seem to be unusually sensitive to natural as well as man made electromagnetic influences. In addition, there is increasing evidence that living things emit their own energy fields or signals that interact with these environmental forces, as well as with other forms of life. Verifying this has been difficult, because skeptics correctly demand objective proof rather than anecdotal reports. Attempts to provide this by electrographic visualization of energy fields date back to 1777. Significant progress was made in the last century due to the efforts of the Kirlians and others, but techniques varied, results could not be consistently reproduced nor were mechanisms of action delineated. The advent of GDV technology and its sophisticated software, has now removed these impediments, and will withstand scientific scrutiny. Geo-active zones are usually associated with some special regions of the Earth, so it is, and we will dwell on it later, but such zone can be right in your home. A search for geo-active zones by bio-location (dowsing) using wooden or metal frames and pendulums has been practiced for centuries. Special measurements showed that the movement of the frame is an indicator of unconscious muscle contractions, i.e., people’s reaction to the impact of natural fields. Naturally, a person must be trained in a special way to respond to an impartial outside influence, rather than his own imagination. It is believed that on the Earth’s surface there are energy networks whose cells are separated by lines of high tension. These networks have different cell sizes, from 20x20 cm to 5-6 m. Geopathic zones have field nature, which is expressed in the form of lines, planes and energy nodes. Typically, a healthy person does not react to changes of electromagnetic, gravitational and other background in the lines and nodes of these networks, although there is ample evidence that they can influence health status. In the same apartment there can be several different zones having different impact on health. It is especially strongly manifested during sleep. If the bed is located in the area of geo-active zones sleep will be restless, the man wakes up exhausted, his efficiency decreases, hence the inevitable disease. Can you handle it? Without doubt! It is necessary only to put the bed into another room, sometimes simply move to another corner, and it can drastically change the situation. There is no need to say about a country house that should be built taking into consideration the location of geo-active zones around the construction site. Seeing does not mean just watching The worse was still to come. Now the most important thing for us was total calm. There was no rush. The wind was gone, the visibility good. It was as smooth as silk. I could see the ditch where Slimy had kicked off. There was something colored in it –– maybe his clothes. He was a lousy guy, God rest his soul. Greedy, stupid, and dirty. Just the type to get mixed up with Buzzard Burbridge. Buzzard sees them coming a mile away and gets his claws into them. In general, the Zone doesn’t ask who the good guys are and who the bad ones are. So thanks to you, Slimy. You were a damned fool, and no one remembers your real name, but at least you showed the smart people where not to step3⁄4. Of course, our best bet would have been to get onto the asphalt. The asphalt is smooth and you can see what’s on it, and I know that crack well. I just didn’t like the looks of those two hillocks! A straight line to the asphalt led right between them. There they were, smirking and waiting. Nope, I won’t go between them. A stalker commandment states that there should be at least a hundred feet of clear space either on your left or your right. So, we can go over the left hillock. Of course, I didn’t know what was on the other side. There didn’t seem to be anything on the map, but who trusts maps? Arkadiy and Boris Strugatsky. “Roadside Picnic” (1972) Seeing does not mean just watching Pyramid effects on humans Teotihuacan pyramids measurements 2019 Great Pyramid, Human Aura and the Chakra System See also about Pyramid effects:
Measuring Sacred Sites Egypt by GDV
Psychic discoveries behind the Iron Curtain Seeing does not mean just watching Magic stone Shungite Influence of Geopathic Zones on the Human Body The Energy of Space Lunar calendar and Moon’s phases now Read the full article
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kindcstguardian · 5 years
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NAME. Allison Greyjoy BIRTHDAY. April 2nd. AGE. 18-24. BLOOD TYPE. AB+. LANGUAGES. French, English &&. Spanish. GENDER. Female. SEXUALITY. Heterosexual demiromantic. STATUS. Multiship. OCCUPATION.  Infirmary &&. nursery student. 
Fandomless interactions / Default verse - 17 years old. TAG.「 V • Student ; Allison / ˢᵘⁿˢʰⁱⁿᵉ 」    She still lives with her abusive father and attends her last year of school without considering the possibility of leaving him behind. However, she’s thinking in attending university given she has a schoolarship: she is debating whether to choose nursery school teacher or pastry chef.
Fandomless interactions / Default ending - 23 years old. TAG.「 E0 • Living ; Allison / ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ᵐᵒᵛⁱⁿᵍ ᶠᵒʳʷᵃʳᵈˢ 」   After receiving the help from the Salvatici household, a trial took place and her father was sent to jail     it was a small step at her point of view  ( her friends found this admirable, though )  and she still feared everything, truth be told. She disliked her weak self and how dependant she was of Cyrel hence why, with the money she earn, bought a small house with a garden.    It’s not like she cut ties with everyone, but balancing her work with her two careers was tough but this time around she wasn’t going to let life pass her by.
Obey me verse - 23 years old. TAG.「 𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐲 𝐦𝐞 ; Allison / ⁱ ʰᵒᵖᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵘⁿ ʷⁱˡˡ ʳⁱˢᵉ 」 Takes the role of MC, after the events of her default ending.
   Life kept simply targeting her and she simply gave up fighting when she was dragged against her will to The Devildom     instead, she fully accepted her fate as an exchange ( human ) student in RAD. As a devoted believer of God, she tried to understand why of all humans she was chosen and, perhaps, being involved with not-so-holy creatures might have been the root of it, frowning at her friends from hiding their nature around her regardless of being fully aware of what they were.    Sighing heavily at her current situation, she decided to do her best and try to stay in her best behavior. Unlike Earth in which she had allies, here she had no one, and those who claimed being friends, were suspicious. But she is grateful at Diavolo for allowing her to stay in The House of Lamentation, surrounding herself with the Avatar of the Seven Deadly Sins ought to provide some sort of pretend sense of security.
Amour Sucre / My Candy Love - 17 years old. TAG.「 V ♡ MCL ; Allison / ᴸᵃˢᵗ ʸᵉᵃʳ···ᴬˡᵐᵒˢᵗ ᵃ ⁿᵉʷ ˢᵗᵃʳᵗ 」    Allison has been attending this institution known as Sweet Amorris since she started first year of highschool and is currently having a good time with the few friendships she managed to make, their presence along studies surely help her mind to stay busy.    She’s happy and grateful for all the experiences but rather insecure about what will happen with her group of friends after this stage of life is over and is terrified about her own future as well given she made it this far with their support albeit she never spoke about her issues.
My Candy Love: University Life / College verse - 21 years old. TAG. 「 V ♡ MCLUL ; Allison / ˢᵉᵉ ʷʰⁱᶜʰ ʷᵃʸ ᵗʰᵉ ʷⁱⁿᵈ ʷⁱˡˡ ᵇˡᵒʷ 」    After vanishing for four years from France to England, a lawyer friend of Daniel took her case and made her biological father get in jail under the charges of aggravated physical and mental abuse for sharing bloodline, in short, domestic abuse.    The trial took place around a year and, in the meantime, she studied in college at England to become a nurse—different from her initial goals of turning into an elementary school teacher or pastry chef. All of this was possible because of help from his lawyer who quickly became an older brother figure of sorts.    Still, once Allison returned to France, to cover her own expenses she works in the Novak’s bakery and loves learning how to prepare baking goods and any sweet recipe that Daniel can teach her.
Eldarya / Fantasy verse - 21 years old. TAG. 「 V • Fantasy ; Allison / ᴸᵒˢᵗ ⁿʸᵐᵖʰ ᵈᵉˢᶜᵉⁿᵈᵃⁿᵗ 」    Because she chased after the man who stole her bag with money she had along her textbooks for her college classes, Allison stepped on a circle of witches—they appeared to be mere glowing mushrooms but once she found herself falling from the sky onto the water and having to swim her way back to the CQ…she figured out it wasn’t just that.    Now part of the Garde Ombre, she is seen generally in the library with Kero, helping with missions paperwork or walking around with a werewolf friend of hers when she has to do garde related activities.
BNHA verse. - 18 years old. TAG. 「 V ☆ BNHA ; Allison / ᵉᵃᶜʰ ˡⁱᶠᵉ ⁱˢ ᵖʳᵉᶜⁱᵒᵘˢ ˢᵒ ˡⁱᵛᵉ ʷⁱᵗʰ ⁿᵒ ʳᵉᵍʳᵉᵗˢ ⁱⁿ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵒˡˡᵒʷⁱⁿᵍ ˡⁱᶠᵉ 」   QUIRK: Provoke and Localize.   HERO NAME: Beita.   CLASS: 3 - B.    Her quirks manifested at the age of only four years old, not under good circumstances...  Truth be told, they activated as soon as she felt sharp glass cutting her skin, a fresh wound across her back made by her very own father     a miserable man who could not cope with the loss of his wife that died at giving birth and blamed their only daughter, for her death. Labelling her as a killer.   The first quirk to activate had been localize which clouded entirely her field vision, only able to see everything in a dark blue hue and spot shapes of people or animals in white alongside a number. The second was... provoke,  that alone caused her father’s violence and abuse to increase at an alarming rate; when grey hues turned to face her father, she could see his shape perfectly in the dark endless abyss that surrounded her until she could deactivate her quirk consciously.    As time passed by, she decided to become a better version of herself. Her quirks initially were intertwined as she simply could not activate them separately, but she didn’t feel discouraged. She practiced every single day, she would spend most of her time in the school’s library and then change into her P.E. uniform to run in the park, activating her quirks in order to get used to them      even if it mean animals or people would chase after her, consumed by a sudden wave of negative emotions that targeted her. It was a reckless move, but it helped her learn which areas were affected and how much people, what livings she could see and the distance.    Allison was fully aware her quirks weren’t flashy or cool, that she was literally bait. That enemies could focus their sole attention and intent to kill to her, and her alone. But even then, that was arlight, a burning flame was set within her heart that yelled she would become a heroine against all odds.    The first step she took right after graduating middle school was to report her father’s domestic abuse. It hurt, it made her feel guilty having no other relative, but he couldn’t keep living like that. She couldn’t keep tolerating his behavior, but until her graduation, she had the faintest hope that he would change. But he didn’t, and now she lived with a friend’s family who took custody of her at the time.    Nowdays, she’s a third year and she didn’t foresee not even in her wildest dreams all the events that were taking place in U.A. and outside of it: the fallen symbol of peace, the sudden raise of villains, how the first years were forced to catch up with that fast non-stopping pace     with her quirk now localizing enemies in a radius of fifty meters and everyday studyng to improve, memorizing faces and gathering date of each student to see them with localize, Allison Greyjoy is aiming to be a heroine who can save those whose cries and pleads of help don’t reach everyone, voice quiet in a fear that she once felt. A stealth type of hero.
Godness verse - Over a thousand of years. TAG. 「 V • Godness ; Allison / ᵀᵘʳⁿⁱⁿᵍ ʷⁱˢʰᵉˢ ⁱⁿᵗᵒ ʳᵉᵃˡⁱᵗʸ 」    She’s a small goodness from a forgotten temple given her village is little after a war that killed a majority of the population.    Still, when people do remember her and pay visits, she may ocasionally grant wishes if she can truly feel the one making said wish is asking from the very bottom of their heart.
Utano prince-sama / Idol verse - 19 years old. TAG. 「 V ☆ Idol ; Allison / ᵘⁿᵉˣᵖᵉᶜᵗᵉᵈ ᵗᵘʳⁿ ᵒᶠ ᵉᵛᵉⁿᵗˢ, ᴴᵉᵃʳᵗˢʸ 」    Escaping from her former life in an abusive household, Agatha found her unconscious on a couple of trashbags with nasty bruises and took her under her wing. A few months later, legally taking custody of her as her guardian.    Shortly after such fate, she studied in an idol / composer & artist school in which she chose the course of idol without giving to it much thought and once, among other selected ones, got to exchange schools for a month with Saotome Academy in which her decision to become an idol stopped being pointless and started to have a meaning.    Along a couple of friends, they made their own debut under the name ʜᴇᴀʀsᴛʏ: Allison’s an official idol and is often in kid shows and ocasional starring guest in drama or romantic type of series. She will also accept request from radio shows although those don’t happen that often.
Kamigami no Asobi verse / 18 years old. TAG. 「 V • Assistant ; Allison / ˢᵒ·ˡⁱᶜ·ⁱ·ᵗᵘᵈᵉ 」    Not entirely aware how she ended surrounded by gods or why she was required to assist Yui in such important request, she couldn’t bring herself to hesitate. If a powerful deity had asked her to help, she must do so.
APH verse. / 17 years old. TAG. 「 V ☆ Another life ; Allison / ᵗᵃᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵃ ˢᵗᵉᵖ ᶠᵒʷᵃʳᵈ」   After yet another night in which her father drank too much and the violence was beyond to what a child could resist, she ran out of the house. It wasn’t strange for her at age seven to find a spot where to sleep in the park, usually a bench or a really good bush not to tempt her luck if it was dark.    Except this time around, someone found her. Initially, she was wary and utterly scared but this man was different     just like her teachers back in school, that kind aura that her father never had. But to bring herself to trust an adult was hard, it was difficult to build a trust in a relationship she never had: her father was only sober during her birthday which was the same day as her mother’s death anniversary.    Regardless, something made her trust this man. Whether it was the utmost shock but real expression of seeing a little child with so many wounds, trembling on a park bench past midnight with no adult companion. He didn’t abruptly approach her, aware of her fear. Kneeling before her and softly speaking, it wasn’t long before she cried.    Nowdays, she currently lives with that very same man who is named Francis Bonnefoy. Thanks to that faithful encounter, she found something she never had: a family, even if it only consisted on a father and herself. 
Osomatsu-san verse / 20 years old. TAG. 「 V • Part-timer ; Allison / ᵗʰᵉ ˡᵃⁿᵍᵘᵃᵍᵉ ᵒᶠ ᶠˡᵒʷᵉʳˢ 」    She actually works near the Sutaba Café, in a small flower shop. Given her Japanese is not the best, she is usually seen with an albino female whom translates for her or, when on her own, speaks rather awkwardly.    However, she’s learning through constant interaction with clients and Yummikko herself.
Fandomless interactions / Plotted with starryburglar - 18 years old. TAG.「 V • A new family ; Allison / ᵉⁿᵈˡᵉˢˢ ʳᵒᵃᵈ 」     For once in her life, Allison decided to hold onto that hand that was reaching out for her to help. And that’s how she ended living in the road with her new brothers. 
「 Allison Greyjoy / ᶠʳᵃᵍⁱˡᵉ ⁱˡˡᵘˢⁱᵒⁿ 」
「 Allison Greyjoy / INQUIRY 」
「 Allison Greyjoy / MUSINGS 」
「 Allison Greyjoy / VISAGE 」
「 Allison Greyjoy / MANNERISMS 」
「 Allison Greyjoy / ROMANCE 」
「 Allison Greyjoy / CRACK 」
✘ ˢᵗᵃʳʳʸᵇᵘʳᵍˡᵃʳ · Nevra ♡( ʷʰᵉⁿ ʸᵒᵘ ʰᵒˡᵈ ᵐᵉ ⁱ ᶠᵉᵉˡ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ⁱ'ᵐ ⁿᵒ ˡᵒⁿᵍᵉʳ ˡᵒˢᵗ ) 
✘ · Hiccup ♡
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watcherofsalem · 7 years
Tag Drop #1: Verses
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