#╳┃┄-- crying she begged; `  won't you stay with me ?  `
2hightocare · 1 month
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Synopsis: Despite undeniable chemistry, your guys’ relationship remains undefined, caught between playful teasing to deeper, unspoken longing.
Pairings: bad boy! jungkook x fem! reader
Genre: friends to lovers. college au. slowburn!
Warnings: angst, drug use, profanity, explicit content, talks about abusive home, fighting, arguing, screaming, crying, flashbacks, oc and jk are nineteen (freshmen’s in uni) mentions of death, daddy/mommy issues.
a/n: GOSHHHHHHH! pray for my girl yn😓😓 she’s down bad and she fr ain’t getting up. Left you guys on a cliffhanger hehe. enjoy🤍🤍
01! playlist
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"What do you want?" He says, the smallest glint of amusement on his face has Jungkook's stomach recoiling.
"The regular," Jungkook found himself saying, reaching into his pocket, pulling out his wallet. "I don't have opioids. My supplier said there was a shortage—want to try some new shit?" Yoongi says as he balances his cigarette on his lips, looking into a cabin.
"You've tried snow before, right?" He looks up at Jungkook who stands there. "No, I told you l don't fuck with that shit," Jungkook shakes his head, putting his wallet back into the pocket of his jeans.
"It's on me, just try it," Yoongi hands Jungkook a small bag filled with white powder. "Just snort it and let it do its thing, boy," Yoongi chuckles as he watches Jungkook look down at the drug in his palm. "It won't kill you if that's what you're thinking," he continues, taking a drag from his cigarette before exhaling.
Jungkook's mind immediately goes to you as the words leave Yoongi's mouth.
“You’re going to kill yourself,” you scream, your hands pulling on your hair as Jungkook watches silently—his heart breaking as he sees the tear fall from your eye. Whatever he wants to say stays stuck in his throat.
“I’ll be fine,” Jungkook finds himself muttering, a loud scoff heard from you as you hold his face in your hands, making him look up at you. “Tell me what’s wrong, fuck! I’ll fix it, just tell me,” you cry out. Jungkook watches as your legs give out and you drop to the floor in front of him.
Jungkook feels his stomach drop, his heartbeat stops, and his mind goes blank. He wants to drop to his knees and beg you to not care and run away as far as you can from him, but the selfish part of him wants you to stay.
“Baby,” Jungkook slurs, the drugs in his system not letting him speak normally. “I’m so fucking sorry,” he apologizes again for the hundredth time in the past few days. Jungkook drops beside you, removing your hands from your face as another sob racks through your body. Your eyes red and puffy as tears continue to cascade down.
Jungkook knows nothing about love, but there’s you. The highlight of his days, the only reason he even wants to wake up in the morning.
He hates how he drags you along with him—in every bad decision he makes. Jungkook’s life hasn’t been easy; an abusive household isn’t something anybody wants, but he’s one of the unlucky ones who got it. He knows he’s a legal adult and can move out, but his feet stay glued inside that house because of her, his mom.
God. Jungkook has seen everything fucked up in the piece of shit he calls his house. The blows his mom would take from the man whose blood Jungkook carries. He wasn’t a father to him, that’s for sure. Screams and fighting are the only things his house is filled with. He never heard a bedtime story or got a good night hug. The hug was replaced by a hit on the cheek, jaw, face—or anywhere his dad could get his hands on.
Jungkook blames his dad for the way he is, and every time he looks at you, he imagines the what ifs. Jungkook has done everything he could do to push you away, but instead of leaving, you stayed. It’s scared the shit out of him.
He’s in love with you. Jungkook has never felt anything more in his life than his love for you—it’s almost pathetic how much you make him feel. If your love were a drug, Jungkook would do it every day, every hour, and every minute instead of all the shit he put in his system to forget.
Your love is pure and innocent—everything that Jungkook isn’t. Every time he looks at you, he’s afraid he will break you. He wishes you could realize how unfixable he is and leave—but instead, you’re on your knees begging for him to be better.
How badly did he want to be better; so he could be with you.
“Stop saying sorry and stop doing it, fuck,” you sob, your fist holding onto his hoodie—your knuckles turning white from fear that if you let him go, he’ll vanish.
“You’re better than this. I know you are,” you cry, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, wetting his hoodie with your tears. “Please stop, you could die.” you beg desperately, like a child would.
“Shh,” he comforts, his hand rubbing your back as you sob into him, “I’m sorry.”
As Jungkook walked, the guilt inside him consumed him more and more. The hurt expression on your face after he disrespected you remained etched in his mind, feeling like someone was poking his heart with a needle with each step he took.
Similarly, the weight of the small bag in the pocket of his sweater sent a sense of panic through his body. He hadn’t planned on taking it, but the moment it was placed in his hand, he couldn’t bring himself to give it back. Instead, he bit his tongue and shoved it into his pocket.
His heart sank as an image flashed in his mind of what your reaction would be if you ever found out. With a shake of his head, he buried the thought deep within him before reaching the main door of his house.
Jungkook’s hand trembles as he holds onto the doorknob. He had nowhere else to go, it was either yours or this. He felt his throat close up as his mind went back to you, his heart screaming for you. To turn around and run back to you—like always, his safe space. The only place where he could let his guard down.
The aching sensation in his chest reminded him of the first time he told you about his dad. You were both seventeen—laying on the carpet of your room, staring up at the ceiling. The broken expression on your face after he confided in you made him feel worse than any hit he had ever taken.
“Did you seriously get into another fight?” you groaned as you examined his face, the purple and blue marks beginning to form twisting your stomach in knots. “Who was it this time?” you frowned, your hand reaching out to touch his bruised cheek.
“Didn’t fight anyone. I actually hit myself with the car door,” the lie flowed smoothly out of his mouth.
“A door?” You raised an eyebrow, not fully believing him. Jungkook had a tendency to throw the first punch after someone lightly touched him—he had more suspensions and run ins with the police than anyone could count. Every time you saw him, there was another bruise decorating his skin, always brushed off like it was no big deal.
“Who was it?” You tried again, your face turning to him.
Jungkook's eyes remained locked with the glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling. “I can’t tell you,” he mumbled softly into the darkness.
“Why not? Is it a secret?” You quipped, scooting closer to his side—your finger tracing his features as he let out a deep breath. “It’s a really big secret,” he hushed, to which you only nodded eagerly.
“I can keep a secret,” you smiled, your heart beating fast in your chest as you noticed the proximity between you two. You raised a pinky into the air. “Pinky promise,” you bit your lip anxiously, watching him interlock his pinky with yours. “Okay, now tell me.”
“My dad,” he said, releasing a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“What?” You stuttered out, hoping you had heard him wrong.
“My dad, he's abusive,” he restated. The color drained from your face, and Jungkook saw it.
Sadness written all over your face. Words didn’t come out when you opened your mouth; instead, an ugly cry replaced the words.
“That’s why I can’t stand someone’s hands on me,” Jungkook says, his eyes squeezing shut as he tried to escape the pain in his heart. It felt as if he was being kicked and thrown.
“Fuck.. I always touch you,” you bit your lip, trying to contain your sobs. “Your touch is the only touch that doesn’t repulse me, baby. So if you plan on not touching me, don’t,” Jungkook quickly interjected, grabbing your hand and intertwining it with his.
Jungkook loved your touch; your fingers on his skin felt like heaven. It almost confused him how much he looked forward to it—sometimes he found himself initiating it. You were the only exception with such privilege; anyone else who laid a finger on him sent a sense of nausea and shivers down his body.
“I didn’t know. I’m so fucking sorry, baby. Let me help you.. we can tell the police, he deserves to be in jail. Please,” you sobbed, placing your palm on his cheek.
“You think I don’t know he needs to go to jail? For all I know, he should be put on a electric chair,” Jungkook spat out, shoving your hand away from his face.
“And fuck. Yes, my mom knows. She fucking gets hit too,” he rambled, his chest heaving as he tried to look anywhere in your room that wasn’t you, and for the first time, you saw him break down.
As Jungkook crumbled down with a loud sob, his hands cover his face as his shoulders shake as he weeps, you wasted no time dropping to your knees and pulling him into you, whispering reassuring words in his ear.
"She doesn't leave," he cried. "I keep telling her he's going to kill her if she doesn't leave, but she stays." The cracks in his voice mirrored the cracks in your heart as you listened, feeling the weight of his pain, as the double meaning clicks in your head.
"And I can't leave. Who's going to protect her if I'm not there?" he sobbed quietly, his hands tightening around your waist. "I'm scared that if I leave for too long, I'll come back to a house with a dead body in it," he confessed, sending shivers down your spine.
"Baby," you cooed, tears streaming down your cheeks,
"we should tell the police. They'll help you. I promise."
But his response shattered your hopes.
"No," he croaked out, untangling himself from your embrace.
"Listen to me. If you even think about telling a policeman what I just told you, I swear to god yn, I will never fucking forgive you," Jungkook shook, his face contorted with pain and panic.
"I trust you enough to tell you, but I swear if you say anything about this to anyone, we're done. Whatever the fuck we have, it's done. I will never fucking forgive you."
Jungkook pushes the door open, and he’s met with silence. Without thinking twice, he rushes to his mom's room, slamming the door open to be met with her limp body on the bed.
His heart stops beating, and suddenly everything stops—his hand trembles as he makes his way to her. He nudges her once.
“Mom,” Jungkook calls, only to be met with silence.
“Mom,” he tries again. She stirs in her sleep.
“Jungkook?” She croaks, her voice hoarse as she peeks from her lying position. Jungkook's heart picks up again, letting out a sigh of relief.
“Mom, are you okay? What happened?” Jungkook asks, dropping beside her on the bed. His fingers move her dark hair off her face carefully, revealing a bruise on her cheek.
“He hit you again?” Jungkook lets out a growl, his fist tightening beside him.
“I made him mad. It’s not his fault,” she defends, almost automatically making Jungkook scoff. “Mom, that's not an excuse!” He grits his teeth.
“He isn’t a bad man, Jungkook. He's still your father,” she sighs, the look of tiredness clear on her face as she winces when she moves to her side. Jungkook watches dumbfounded.
“You know, you remind me of him,” she shakes out a laugh, the whole sentence feeling like a punch in the stomach for Jungkook. The more he tries to breathe, the more difficult it becomes. “He was just like you, you know? Every time I look at you—it’s like I’m seeing him. He is a good man underneath it all, Jungkook. You have to understand that I could never leave him. I’m in love with him,” she continues, and every word feels like a hit in the gut.
“W-what do you mean.. I’m just like him?” Jungkook stutters, his throat drying up and the familiar feeling of tears picking up in his eyes have him clawing his nails into his palms.
“Do you think when I met your dad, he treated me wrong?” She finally locks eyes with Jungkook. The light in her eyes she once had is now gone, replaced with dull, tired eyes. “He was gentle with me, he was sweet, caring, he was everything to me. He’s still everything to me,” a tear rolls down her cheek, making Jungkook suck in a breath.
“What about me?” Jungkook's voice cracks, the knot in his throat tightening as he watches his mom shake her head.
“Am I not everything to you, Mom?” Another tear falls, followed by more.
“It’s more complicated than you think, Jungkook,” she sighs. Jungkook feels his heart crack into a million pieces as he watches the woman who brought him into this life discard him.
“He’s going to kill you one day,” Jungkook speaks, wiping the tears from his eyes before clearing his voice. “He’s going to kill you, and you’re going to let it happen.”
“He wouldn’t do that to me,” she whispers into the silence.
“He wouldn’t?” A shocked laugh leaves Jungkook's lips as he can’t believe what he just heard. “He fucking wouldn’t? He fucking hits you? Aren’t you fucking scared that one day he throws the wrong punch?” Jungkook shouts, anger taking over.
“Don’t talk to me like that,” she snaps. “I’m your mother, and you don’t get to fucking talk to me like that.”
“Well, you’re a shitty mother. A good mother would put their child first. The only reason I’m still here is because of you!” Jungkook snaps back, his frustration growing stronger as he watches his mom stay motionless.
“I keep coming back because I’m scared he’ll kill you. But apparently, you don’t give a fuck,” he breathes out, his hand tugging on his hair—feeling almost manic at the lack of his mother's reaction.
“Every hit he took on me, you blamed it on me. When all I did was try to protect you. But you always choose him. So fucking next time he comes in through those doors and has his way with you, don’t come running or yelling my name to come and save you,” Jungkook spits out before walking out of the room and shutting the door behind him with a loud bang.
Jungkook's mind kept racing, never shutting up for a moment, allowing him to think. His brain was filled with repetitions of everything his mom just said. The words "he was just like you, you know? Every time I look at you-it's like I'm seeing him" kept getting repeated in his head over and over again without a break.
Screams of his mom asking for him to save her echoed in his brain, the weight of his guilt and the haunting memories that plagued his mind had Jungkook pulling out the small baggie from his sweater, moving to the small desk in his room.
Jungkook dropped the white powder on the surface, making a line. Without hesitation, Jungkook leaned over, pinching one of his nostrils before snorting.
A sharp burning, stinging sensation spread through Jungkook's nose as he sniffed, rubbing off the remaining powder.
Jungkook dropped onto his bed in a star position as he stared at the ceiling, the feeling of numbness taking over his body. His muscles relaxed as the drug entered his bloodstream, sending a sense of euphoria—a warm feeling spread throughout his body, making him groan in pleasure.
And for once, the voices finally stopped.
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It was embarrassing how you found yourself looking for the man you were in love with every corner of the campus. You started with the lockers and hallways, peeking through every classroom, hoping you’d catch a glimpse of the boy who left you standing in your angel costume Saturday night.
You had debated on running after him; the guilt that weighed you down from the slap was intense. Your touch was supposed to be his only gateway, instead, you used it against him to hurt him the same way his dad does. As messed up as his words were, it didn’t compare.
“Have you seen Jungkook?” You ask, poking Dahlia on the shoulder. She turns to look at you, mouth filled with food as she nods without saying anything.
“You have?” Your eyebrow raises as she continues to nod eagerly.
“Y-yeah, he’s ou-outside, in the corner,” Dahlia finally says, swallowing her food. You throw a small ‘thank you’ and rush outside.
As you run to the corner where everybody meets up to smoke, you curse out loud as you trip on the crack of the pavement before changing your pace to walking instead.
Your eyes meet his in an instant as you pass the corner, the lit-up joint hanging from his lips. You look around to see Taehyung and Jimin with worried looks on their faces. As you walk closer to them, Jungkook passes the joint to his friend before crossing his arms in front of him, flexing his muscles. If you weren’t so mad at him, you would find it hot.
“What’s up, pretty,” Taehyung says, trying to break the awkward silence as he takes a hit off the joint before passing it to Jimin, who looks uncomfortable as hell.
“Hey,” you acknowledge them both, giving polite head nods before turning your attention to the boy in the middle, his eyes bloodshot red with a small grin decorating his handsome face.
“What’s so funny?” You snap, crossing your arms in front of you. A loud laugh slips out of his mouth, shocking the boys beside him. “Hi baby,” he says, his eyes dropping low as he moves closer to you. You push him away with a hand on his chest, making him pout.
“Rude,” he playfully scoffs, leaning back onto the wall and reaching for the blunt on Taehyung’s fingers as he raises an eyebrow at you.
“That’s enough,” you say, taking away the joint from Taehyung’s hand as Jungkook was about to reach for it.
“This is our cue to leave. Let’s go,” Taehyung hurries off, pulling on his blonde friends arm, before they both mutter something under their breaths as they disappear around the corner.
“Don’t throw that, it’s some good shit, and I just bought it,” Jungkook chuckles, reaching for it only for you to push him away.
“Alright then,” you pull the rolled-up paper up to your lips and take a drag. Jungkook's face drops, and suddenly nothing is funny. His hand immediately shoots up and yanks the joint out of your mouth before throwing it on the ground and stomping on it.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Jungkook roars, watching you cough loudly as white smoke rushes out of your mouth.
“Fuck, what were you thinking?” He panics, rubbing a hand over your back to coax your coughing fit. Your throat and chest burn as you continue to cough.
“Don’t ever do that shit again, do you hear me? It’s not good for you,” Jungkook sighs, his rough hand drawing circles down your back as you finally calm down.
“So, you agree it’s not good for you?” You say, your voice hoarse from all the coughing. “Let’s not do this right now, yn,” he pulls on your arm as he walks you to the parking lot. “You never want to do anything,” you yank your arm from his grip. Jungkook takes a deep breath, trying his best not to snap at you.
“Just get in the car, baby,” he continues, opening the passenger door for you. Instead, you push him off and slam the door shut.
“You’re high as fuck; you can’t drive, asshole,” you snap, throwing your arms in the air in anger. “And you’re not?” he clenches his teeth. “I took one hit,” you shove a finger in his face.
“Yeah, a big-ass one. Before you know it, you’ll be high, so get in the fucking car or I’ll put you in it myself,” he snaps. “You wouldn’t dare,” you spit out, and before you know it, your ass is in the air as he hauls you over his shoulder.
“I wouldn’t?” Jungkook mutters under his breath as he opens the car door and sits you down on the seat, reaching for the seatbelt and strapping you in. “Where are you taking me?” You roll your eyes as he sits down beside you.
“To your fucking house,” he says, pulling out of the parking lot of the school and driving you home.
The whole car ride is filled with silence; neither of you decides to utter a word. The moment the car stops in front of your house, you hurriedly unbuckle your seatbelt and open your door before sprinting to your door, unlocking it, and disappearing inside. Jungkook almost screams into his hands, wanting to throw a whole tantrum in this car, but he decides otherwise.
With a loud sigh, he turns off the car, turns to the back seat, gets his sweater, and jumps out of the car. He takes the same route he always did when he showed up at your house, climbing himself over the picket fence before climbing the tree next to your window.
The window is opened as you sit on the ground of your room, your knees up to your chest. Jungkook throws his sweater in first before jumping in.
Then his heart dropped, your small hands hold the tiny bag that was in the pocket of his sweater that had fallen out.
“What’s this, Jungkook?” You voice out, and Jungkook doesn’t miss the wavering of your voice as you finally look up at him. His heart might just have been stabbed by your shocked expression, the betrayal and the pain etched in your expressions send a shooting pain in his heart.
“Don’t fucking baby me! What the fuck is this?” You interrupt him, your hand shaking as you think of every possible drug that could be in the bag. Jungkook didn’t reply; the words suddenly died in his mouth.
“Is this a way of pushing me away?” You ask, tears starting to flow down your cheeks, mixing with your anger and heartbreak.
“Did something happen at home again? Why? Fuck, why?” You cry, a soul-crushing sob that comes out of you, which has Jungkook coming back to his senses. He feels like shit, and that word doesn’t even cover half of what he’s feeling.
“Please tell me why? I’ll do anything. Let me help you, just fucking stop doing this shit, baby.” You cry, pulling his body to yours, wrapping your arms around his waist, crying into his uniform.
“Use me, scream at me, tell me horrible shit if that helps. Just don’t ever touch any drugs, Jungkook. I don’t know what I would do if you died.” You whisper the last words as you sob into his arms, begging for him to stop. “I’m never leaving your side, so get that into your head. If this is your way of pushing me away, it won’t work.” You sob.
And that’s where everything clicks for Jungkook. His mind thinks back to his mom, “You have to understand that I could never leave him. I’m in love with him,” and his heart drops to the ground. All the walls he took so long to build collapse. He was just like his dad—Jungkook wanted to say he wasn’t, but here he was, hurting you, making you sob into his arms, begging for him to change. The same thing his mom does anytime his father would get drunk.
“I’m not good for you,” Jungkook finally speaks, his hands cupping your face. “I’m not good for you.” He repeats, and you shake your head disapprovingly repeatedly. “Stop.” You cry, your tears wetting Jungkook's palms as he repeats the same thing over again.
“You deserve someone so much fucking better, baby,” Jungkook whispers, dropping his forehead to yours. “You deserve so much better than me. I can’t give you anything, baby, besides heartache and pain.” He continues as you repeat ‘no’ over and over again under your breath.
“Please don’t leave me,” you cry, as he untangles himself from you, pushing your hand away gently when you try to reach for him.
“Fuck, Jungkook, don’t leave. Stay the night; we’ll talk about this in the morning.” That was the last thing Jungkook heard as he jumped out of the window and ran to his car, leaving his heart in the hands of the girl crying on the floor, praying for him to be safe.
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genshin-obsessed · 5 months
Could I request Diluc, Kaeya, and Zhongli trying their hardest -and failing- not to cry after their wife, due to being tired and frustrated during an argument, wonders if they should get divorced because she thinks she's tying them down?
Ooh, ok, I need to sleep BUT the chance to write angst? sleep can wait! I wasn't entirely sure how to end it so I just left it like this. I'm sure this could be much, much longer but I didn't wanna make it too long, yanno? meant as a fem!reader but I don't mentions pronouns, just the term 'wife'.
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▻ Kaeya
He didn't really know when the argument started. He didn't know what it was about anymore either. It was one of those arguments where the points end up getting lost and you're just yelling at one another about something completely unrelated. Honestly, you two were basically screaming at one another. But then he heard that one, awful sentence he never wanted to hear in his life.
"Why don't we just get a divorce and I won't be ruining your life anymore!?" Suddenly, the room's so eerily quiet that you finally realized what you said. Your gaze held Kaeya's and you watched as his usual cocky exterior just melt and tears fill his beautiful eyes. He slapped the back of his hand against his lips to stop but he couldn't. Your words shook him to his core and every thought in his mind was wiped away.
At some point, he didn't even register you trying to calm him down as he fell to his knees, tears flooding down his face. He didn't even register as he wrapped his arms around you in a near death grip, begging for you to stay.
He loved you, adored you, cherished you, worshipped you basically. So... wherever did you get this idea that you were tying him down? That you were ruining his life? Just where did he end up going wrong for you to have such awful thoughts?
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▻ Diluc
Often talking to Diluc was something that was a little touch and go. He didn't talk much and when he did, he usually only talked enough to get the point across and that was it. Even during arguments, Diluc only spoke when he felt it was necessary. To avoid pointless yelling matches, he kept quiet until you were done.
But tonight was... different. Maybe it was a hard day for him, maybe it was something you said, maybe it was that he had a frustrating spat with Kaeya, or maybe that he was dealing with issues at the tavern... but tonight, Diluc was just as angry as you. You two were yelling so much that even the maids heard you outside of the manor. There was no end in sight.
"Then leave, Diluc! Leave me and you can be happy doing whatever you want! I won't be here to tie you down anymore and you can be a free fucking bird!" Diluc opened his mouth to retaliate but nothing came out. It was like the world stopped moving for a second. This uncomfortable pit grew in his stomach and he just knew it was bad. You thought you were tying him down? Never once did such an atrocious thought ever cross his mind. Never during an argument, never during a bad day, not once in his life.
So... why did you? Diluc didn't realize just how much he hated the silence until that moment. He hated it so much, that the tears he attempted to bury just burst out in a loud cry. Anything to stop that deafening silence.
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▻ Zhongli
Zhongli was by far, the worst person to argue with. Why? He just sat there silently until you were done. Zhongli didn't argue, no. He waited, listened, then just explained his side. If it didn't work, he'd step away. But even an archon such as himself had limits. Your arguments never turned into screaming matches, at least not on his end, but sometimes they dragged on.
Today was just one such day. Even with his near impeccable memory, the man couldn't recall what happened to lead you two here. You were so upset and angry and no matter what he did, he made it worse. Truth be told, he was angry and frustrated too. It was like neither of you were listening to each other anymore.
"Well, if it's all pointless then why don't we just quit now?! Let's just get a divorce and you can go on happily without a wife to just drag you down!" That's when everything just stopped. Zhongli slowly looked away as he registered the words, feeling his chest begin to constrict.
Why... did you say that? Why would you think that? Was that his fault? You figure began to blur and he fell to his knees, desperately grabbing the dining table for support. You were at his side and tried to calm him down, desperately trying to wipe his tears but anything you said after just... didn't touch him. The awful reality of his life had his heart in a death grip and he could only listen if he got away from it.
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 5 months
Taking care of his girls (part 1)
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x reader (y/n)
Warnings: none
a/n: another girl dad Carlos because I just can't get enough
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Y/N's pov
The newborn stage is extremely challenging. Sleep deprivation caused by countless sleepless nights, lack of energy, baby crying even though she ate half an hour ago, trying to figure out the cause of her crying, colic, baby not latching, painful feedings or lack of milk production - all that and much more comes when you step into motherhood. Trust me, it is exhausting both physically and mentally and anyone who says otherwise is lying!
However, not much is talked about how demanding and tiring and difficult it is when you are burning with a fever and can barely stand on your feet, and you have a two-year-old daughter who also has a flu and who, in addition to all of that, is a very stubborn daddy's little girl and doesn't really like to listen to anyone except her dad. That two-year-old is our little girl Bea. Bea is a very stubborn and smart girl who is very attached to her dad and loves spending time with him. She is completely enchanted by him and whenever Carlos returns home from the race, she does not separate from him.
We've only recently started taking her to the races, but since she tends to run around the paddock and starts screaming when it's time for Carlos to get in the car, we've decided that we won't be able to follow Carlos everywhere he goes.
This time we could not attend the Grand Prix in Italy for another reason, and that reason was because I caught a flu, which almost knocked me off my feet, and two days later Bea was burning with a fever as well.
Being alone with her while I was sick, doing all the housework, cooking and taking care of her was very difficult and exhausting. I was very worried about her because she had a high temperature, she was very weak, she didn't want to eat much, she was crying all the time and she just wanted me to hold her in my arms and cuddle her.
Carlos returned from Italy to our home in Madrid yesterday and we both couldn't wait to see him. When he came back I could finally breathe a little, sit down and rest because he decided to take care of both of us.
It was the same today, even though I felt a little better, Bea was still coughing a lot and her nose was blocked, so I decided to go to the pharmacy to get a children's inhaler. Carlos decided to stay with her and fulfill all her wishes, and today the wish was cuddling and watching cartoons in the living room.
It took me quite a long time to get to the pharmacy, make the purchase and get back home, so I only returned after 45 minutes. The sight that greeted me when I entered the living room brought tears to my eyes, but happy tears full of gratitude.
Bea was lying curled up on Carlos' chest, his arms wrapped around her as his head fell back against the back of the couch his lips slightly parted as both of them were fast asleep while Dora the explorer begged for help in the background. Carlos tied her hair into a small ponytail on top of her head while her baby hairs were messily sticking out. For a moment I just stood next to the couch and watched them smiling and thinking how did I get so lucky?
"Babe" I approach Carlos from the back of the couch and whisper into his ear. "Babe, wake up." It took him a minute to realize they had fallen asleep and to wake up.
"Ay dios mío.." You could also hear the tiredness in his voice because he didn't sleep at all last night. He demanded that I rest and that he would look after Bea overnight.
"Let's take her to bed okay?" I say quietly trying not to wake her up.
"What time is it?" He asks.
"It's only 7 p.m. I'll take care of her tonight, you get some sleep okay?" I say caressing his cheek.
"No, no I'll do it You still haven't fully recovered amor and I want you to." He says leaving a kiss on my thumb. Just as Carlos slowly straightened up from a semi-lying position on the couch, Bea startled and started crying.
"Shh cariño, no llores." (shh darling don't cry) Carlos immediately began gently shushing her and rubbing her back as I sat next to them.
"Do you want to go sleep in mommy and daddy's bed baby?" I asked her placing a kiss on her hand. She doesn't usually sleep with us, but when she is sick we always let her.
"No" She rubbed her eyes nervously, still crying and burrying her head into the crook of Carlos neck. "Papa, mama" She whined extending her little hand towards me, but not wanting to leave Carlos' embrace.
"Está bien mi amor, mamá y papá están aquí, no te preocupes." Carlos said tightening his grip around her with one arm and with the other pulling me closer to them.
We quickly gave up on trying to talk her into going to bed because we realized it would only upset her even more so we both decided to curl up to Carlos.
"Mis princesas." I leaned my head against his shoulder wrapping my arm around our little bean as Carlos kissed both of our foreheads.
Part 2 here
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weeknd-ogoc · 7 months
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SUMMARY: in which carlos suffers the consequences of liking an influencer who is younger than him. (part one / part two)
FACE CLAIM: kelsey calemine
CONTAINS: reader is 21; 8 year age gap, first argument as a couple, smut & suprise ending!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: can't believe the season is over!!
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liked by carlossainz55, charlesleclerc, and 5,356,789 others
ynusername just us missing our dude 🏎️
view all 6,863 comments
username this is so cuteee!
username i love how much she loves piñon!!
ynusername he's my son 🥹❤️ username crying and throwinf uppp
carlossainz55 coming back right now! 🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️
ynusername hurry up 😚
username oh you're so hot, carlos is so lucky
charlesleclerc pinon!!!
scuderiaferrari our favorites!
liked by ynusername
before carlos had left to japan, he tried everything to get you to go with him but since you were still upset you decided to stay at his house for the time being. he was hoping that you would maybe show up on race day but you never did.
"this is so childish..." carlos sighed as sat on the couch.
"if it's so childish, why don't you back with isa?"
he groaned once again and got back up, following you around the kitchen. "you know that i want to be with you and only you! i'm sorry for making you stay there another night but i just didn't want my fam-"
“you're so unbelievable carlos, you are a grown man! why do you care what your parents think of you?”
“i don’t expect you to understand, you don't even talk to your family!” he had slammed his hand on the kitchen table, his voice was loud and it left an echo but there was a hint of hurt underneath his tone.
piǹon had barked at carlos and you remembered it got quiet in that moment, maybe you pushed the argument too far — before you could even go hug carlos he had already made his way out of the kitchen, leaving you with piǹon standing right next to you.
this had been the ending of your first argument.
it took carlos about two days before he could call you but you never picked up, instead you guys found yourselves texting for the rest of the week.
you enjoyed staying at his house with piñon, you guys would go on walks, sit outside to eat and you even found yourself sleeping right next to him — but what you didn't like was that carlos wasn't around, it was really lonely without him.
as you watched carlos doing an interview on tv, piñon jumped up to the tv and started scratching it. "i miss him too."
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liked by carlossainz55, charlesleclerc and 356,789 others
ynspam love youu ❤️
view all 2,633 comments
carlossainz55 love you the most amor ❤️
username me and who?
username can he fight??
carlossainz55 i can and will 🤺
landonorris theres kids on here!!
carlossainz55 close your eyes
username should be illegal to be the hottest couple
you had woken up to someone stroking your hair and you opened your eyes to see carlos sitting right next to you. “you're home"
he smiled and nodded before leaving a kiss on your forhead. "c'mon let's go to bed."
once the both of you got comfortable, you guys stayed looking at each other but couldn't find yourselves to speak so before you so instead his lips suddenly crash into yours.
that kiss led you to be in the position that you were in now.
"i missed you so much." his bare chest is against your back as he started to rock his hips into you slowly, a satisfied moan leaving your lips as your walls clung onto him tightly.. "i'm sorry for lying to you and leaving without saying goodbye..."
when you didnt answer him he leaned your head back and with his fingers he forces your mouth open. "c'mon say something mi reina." he then licks your bottom lip and bites it.
the position you were in had you feeling every inch of carlos's thick cock, repeatedly hitting your sweet spot. "it's o-okay..."
"te quiero mucho..." he began sucking on your neck, leaving marks behind for the next day. "promise i won't ever lie to again..."
once you heard carlos say that you felt like you were getting close and he felt it too. "i love you too carlitos."
you were now seeing stars as carlos continued to blow your back out.
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liked by ynspam, ynusername, and 2,234,567 others
carlosainz55 little baecation dump
view all 5,422 comments
ynusername 🥹 que guapooo
f1wagupdates ugh you guys are so cute!!
username carlos you are so lucky
charlesleclerc why wasn't i invited
carlosainz55 you're invited, come swim here
username if you look closely you could see me jumping off the cliff (i cant swim)
ynusername i'll save you carlosainz55 you cant even swim either ynusername 😧 now that was a secret
"c'mon stop worrying about the bugs amor..." carlos said as he helped you across a puddle. "they won't kill you."
you swatted a fly and continued to hold his hand as you guys walked across the field. "if i knew we were coming to a place like this, i wouldn't have worn heels, maybe some sneakers."
he smiled as you continued struggling to walk in the grass with your heels and talking about whatever nonsense that was going on in your life, piñon was just behind you guys sniffing the flowers.
carlos had never felt so in love with someone but yet again he never dated someone like you — you were constantly getting on his nerves, you'd cook him dinner, most importantly you've supported him and showed up to almost all his races.
"well i'm not worried about kids right now..." he remembered you saying. "maybe when you become world champion, we'll open this conversation back up."
you made him think about getting married, having kids, buying building a house just for you.
"alright close your eyes, we're almost there..." carlos said as he gently put his hands around your eyes, trying not to mess up your makeup.
he finally saw the boat and the red rose arch as you guys got closer.
"you better not leave me in a ditch or something." you mumbled.
"now why would i do that?" he chuckled before finally getting to the spot and letting you see.
"for getting cranky this morning wit-" you finally had looked and saw the marry me arch and the beautiful picnic boat he had set up. "car-"
you suddenly felt your heartbeat racing in your chest and felt your face getting warm, by the time you had looked back at him he was down on one knee with a smile. "will you marry me?"
you nodded as he stood back up. "that's a yes?"
"yes carlos, it's a yes!" you quickly pecked his lips before he slid the shiny ring onto your finger.
once you guys got on the boat he saw you smiling at him. "what is it?"
“oh nothing, you just move pretty fast.” you fed him a piece of croissant and placed it down. "we’ve been dating for abou-” 
“six months and four days.” he responded rather quickly and as your smile grew, he rolled his eyes. "but y'know who is really counting?”
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liked by carlossainz55, francisca.cgomes, and 3,896,789 others
ynusername six months in, forever to go! ❤️
comments are limited
username f1 drivers really do move on fast 🌚
francisca.cgomes ahh congrats my love!!
username screaminggg
charlesleclerc congratualtions guys!
landonorris i'll be the best man
ynusername wont 🤺 carlossainz55 will
username the setup is so cute!
vinniehacker must've skipped a few pages
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my f1 & f2 masterlist!
© weeknd-ogoc, 2023
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rafesfavgirl · 2 months
gurl i neeed a part 2 of stop asking me to stay, that broke me😭😭😭
you ask, i deliver :) hope you like it!!
i don't regret a thing — r. cameron
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part 1.
❝ we're not the only ones,  i don't regret a thing every word i've said, you know i'll always mean ❞
pairing: ex-bf!rafe x fem!reader
context: you and rafe have been dating for seven months, and while the relationship started it out well, as soon as the honeymoon phase ended (about 3 months in), everything went to shit. you've been trying to put up with it, knowing the situation with ward, but tonight, you realize you've had enough.
words: 2.4k+
warnings: swearing, toxic relationship, mentions of drug use, mainly fluff, a little angst, might still make you cry. rafe being an absolute simp for you, basically.
rafe wakes up the next morning, faced-down on topper's living room couch with almost no recollection of what happened the night before. except one thing—you'd finally walked away from him.
"not enough to choose me. you give in every time." your words echo in his head, as he opens his eyes.
fuck. what did he do?
"good morning sunshine," kelce comes down the stairs and greets rafe, who looked as if he couldn't move from the couch. "you sleep well?"
"i slept like shit," rafe groans, finally sitting himself up. "what the hell happened last night?"
"you mean other than you getting coked out and royally screwing things over with y/n?" kelce sasses him. "not much bro."
rafe shoots him a glare. "i did not royally screw things over with y/n."
"are you sure about that?" kelce raises a brow at him. "cause i had to drive her home last night crying, bro."
rafe's ear perk up at kelce's confession of you crying over him. you wouldn't have. you were the one who broke up with him.
"she was crying?" rafe asks.
"do you seriously even have to ask?" kelce replies. "i can't even count on two hands how many times you've made her cry the last few months."
no, that couldn't be true. surely he hadn't made you cry that often.
"shut the fuck up kelce," rafe gets up from the couch in complete denial of how shitty he's treated you the last few months and makes his way over to the kitchen.
rafe opens the fridge and grabs a bottle of water, while kelce joins him in the kitchen.
"you know it's true," kelce says, leaning back against the counter and crossing his arms. "you just never see it, because she won't let you."
was he right?
"you know how y/n is, bro," kelce adds, as i take a sip of water. "she'll never let you know you're hurting her, because you fear nothing more than being the cause of her pain and losing her. but she's also not going to beg and cry for you to stay and fight for her."
i did know that. that's what i loved about her. she didn't necessarily play hard to get when i tried asking her out on a date after months of texting, but she didn't give in too easily either. she wanted me to prove i was serious about her before giving me a real chance. she knew her worth.
i recap the bottle i'm drinking from and set it down on the counter beside me, my eyes focused on kelce. "so what should i do?"
kelce holds his hands up. "if you don't know by now, i can't help you."
rafe wasn't an idiot. he knew what he had to do.
so, after going home and taking a shower to freshen up and get a change of clothes, he drove to the flower shop in town to get you a bouquet of lavender and baby's breath, then nothing bundt cakes to get your favorite treat—a white chocolate raspberry bundt cake—and finally, your house.
once he parked his truck in front of your house and got out, he went through his usual routine of rounding around to your backyard, where he moved the ladder the gardeners used towards your bedroom window.
he climbed up and knocked, balancing the flowers and bundt cake in one hand.
you were sitting in bed watching after we fell on your laptop with a box of tissues beside you and puffy, red eyes when you hear the knock on your window.
without even thinking about it, you already knew who it was. this was just what he did. and against your better judgment, you got up from your bed, and walked over to pull the curtains open and find rafe outside with a regretful look on his face, a bouquet of flowers and a small box of your favorite treat.
slowly, but surely, you unlock the window and pull it up.
"i'm sorry," he speaks before you can, and you scoff.
"you know, i'm getting real sick of hearing you say that," you reply, turning around to walk away and reposition yourself back on your bed, while he slips in through your window.
"i got you flowers," he offers you a small smile and holds both items out to you. "and your favorite bundt cake. white chocolate raspberry."
your eyes shift from the gifts in his hand to his piercing blue eyes. they were no longer dark like they were last night, but there was a sense of uncertainty in them. like he wasn't sure he could win you back.
"so what? am i suppose to just forgive you? just like that?" you retort.
he lets out a sigh, and takes a seat at the edge of your bed, placing both items down on your bed next to your box of tissues. he finally gets a good look at you—from the messy bun on your head, to the bags under your eyes from barely getting any sleep last night, to your red, puffy eyes—and realizes just how badly he's messed up this time.
"i should've just fucked all those other girls. at least they know how to have fun." he still couldn't believe he said those words to you last night.
"i don't deserve your forgiveness," he admits. "i know that. but i want it, y/n. and i'm willing to work for it."
while those words were music to your ears, you were apprehensive. he apologizes every time. and while things do change for a while, they're never permanent. and a week or two from now, you'd be back in this same situation again. was that really worth it?
"i know i don't deserve any more chances," he continues, his eyes only focused on yours. "but i promise… i promise just give me one more and you won't regret it."
your eyes shift between his. he looked a little… scared? was he really that afraid to lose you?
"i don't know, rafe," you say honestly, shifting a little. "you've hurt me so bad… i don't know if i can take you doing it one more time."
"i'm not going to," he immediately shakes his head and reaches out to take your hands in his, fiddling with your fingers and glancing down at them. "please, baby, please. just let me show you i'm the guy for you. that i can be the guy you need and want me to be."
"you'll give me a chance?" he asks, his eyes lighting up at the idea of being given another chance to win you back. 
despite your brain screaming at you not to, your heart wins over and you nod. you couldn't help it. every part of you yearned for him. and if he was willing to show you that he really could be the guy you knew he was—the guy you fell in love with—then maybe it would be worth it.
"wear something nice," he says. "i'll come back to pick you up at seven."
at exactly seven on the dot, you hear rafe park his car in front of your house, and look out your bedroom window to see him dressed in skinny black slacks and a long sleeve, white button down carrying a bouquet of red roses as he walked towards your driveway and front door.
you can't help the small smile that forms on your face as you hurry to strap your heels on and look at yourself in the mirror one more time, before grabbing your purse off your vanity and heading down the stairs.
"where are you heading off to?" your mom asks when you pass by the living room, all dressed up.
"date with rafe," you reply, walking towards the front door.
your parents had never been rafe's biggest fan—they weren't exactly unaware of how often he's made you cry the last couple of months—but they also knew they couldn't stop you from dating whoever you wanted, so they never fought you on it, and you were grateful for that. it was comforting to know they'd support you no matter what happened.
taking a deep breath, you place your hand on the doorknob, and finally open the door when the bell rings.
rafe's eyes instantly widen at the sight of you, his eyes trailing down your body wrapped in a tight, short, satin red dress. "wow," he gasps. "you- you look…"
your cheeks redden at his loss of words. "you don't clean up too bad yourself, cameron."
he smiles at your use of his last name as a nickname, and holds the red roses in his hand out to you. "these are for you."
"you already got me flowers this morning, you know," you joke, taking the bouquet from him. your mom was gonna be pleased to know rafe was back to filling up all her flower vases.
"i know, but…" he trails off. "you deserve the best."
the blush on your cheeks deepen at his words. "give me a second," you turn to walk back towards the living room, and set the bouquet down on the coffee table in front of your parents. "don't wait up."
they don't even get a word in before you're walking away again to join rafe outside.
"shall we?" you ask, looking up at him through your lashes, as you closed the door behind you.
"just… one more thing," a sly smile comes across his lips, as he reaches into his back pocket to pull out a black blindfold.
you stare at it, your mouth agape. "you're kidding, right?"
he shrugs, "i want it to be a surprise."
you groan, but give in anyway. "fine. but if i trip in these heels because i can't see where i'm going, consider us broken up for good."
he laughs at the threat, even though a part of him was afraid you still wouldn't forgive him after tonight. "you know i won't let that happen. turn around."
you do as he says, and he ties the blindfold around your eyes, before taking your hand in his and leading you down the driveway towards his car parked up on the curb. he opens the door for you, and carefully helps you into the passenger seat, before closing the door and rounding the car to get in the driver's seat.
the second the engine comes on, your romantic taylor swift playlist plays through the car's speakers.
"you didn't," you say. he would always complain when you had aux because she was all you'd ever play.
"i guess she's not too bad," rafe shrugs, chuckling as you began singing along to the lyrics of wildest dreams.
rafe continued driving through the island for another ten or fifteen minutes, before he finally pulled the car to a stop in front of his family's beach house on the edge of figure eight, completely secluded from everything else.
he gets out of the car first, and helps you out, taking your hand in his to lead you through the house and out to the back porch.
"are you ready?" he leans in towards your ear, and goosebumps rise along your skin at his proximity.
you nod, and he reaches his hands up to the back of your head to untie the blindfold.
it takes a little while for your eyes to adjust, but once they do, a feeling of warmness fills your heart at the sight in front of you.
red rose petals were scattered in the sand of the private beach, along with fairy lights, a candlelit table for two set up in the center of it all, as acoustic instrumentals of taylor's best love songs played through the speaker situated on the porch.
"you like it?" he asked.
you turn your head to look at him. "rafe, i… it's perfect."
"that's what i was going for," he shrugs smugly, and nods his head towards the set up. "come on."
you both remove your shoes, before he takes your hand in his again and leads you down the back porch to the table in the middle of the beach.
"i can't believe you did this for me," you say, as he pulls a chair out for you to sit in.
"i'd do anything for you," he smiles, taking the seat across from you once you're seated.
after a three course dinner and a bottle of wine, which was all served to the both of you by a waiter that rafe hired from the country club, the night slowly came to an end, an endless amount of stars filling the night sky above you.
but while you were focused on the stars, rafe was focused on you.
"god, you're beautiful," he says, causing you to look at him now.
you chuckle, "shut up."
"no, i'm fucking serious," he replied, standing up from his seat.
you watched him carefully as he walked over to you, and held a hand out.
you glance at his hand and tilt your head up at him, "what are you doing?"
"dance with me," he says.
"you're asking me to dance?" you raise a brow at him.
"mhm," he nods. "you gonna say yes?"
"well how can i say no?" you reply, a small smile forming on your lips as you put your hand in his.
he leads you a few feet away from the table, and rests a firm hand on your waist, as you trail a hand up to his shoulder.
he locks his eyes with yours as you both begin swaying to taylor's timeless, and scans your face.
he shakes his head, "i don't deserve you..."
"but i'm gonna do everything i can to make sure i become the kind of guy who does," he cuts me off. "i want to be better, y/n. not only for you, but for myself too."
you smile, and pull him closer, your hand snaking to the back of his head.
"i'm sorry for being such an ass the last few months," he says, and you close my eyes, taking the moment in as he continues. "i know i haven't deserved all the chances you've given me, but i'm not gonna disappoint you again. i want to be the guy you think i am."
you pull away, just enough to have your eyes lock with his.
"you are that guy, rafe," you tell him, and you mean it. "you just need to let him show more."
he smiles, "you're pretty damn amazing, you know that?"
"so i've been told," you shrug jokingly.
he chuckles. "i love you, y/n."
"i love you too."
reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated <33
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ellieslittlewh0re · 10 months
𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢𝐧 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐞)
* ೃ⁀➷ part 1 - part 2 - part 3
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pairing - farmers daughter! reader x farmhand! ellie
summary - ellie gives in
additional tags - breeding kink, oral (reader receiving), strap on usage (reader receiving), fingering (reader receiving), use of words cock/dick, pet names (baby, doll, sweet/pretty girl, miss/ma’am), praise/humiliation, dom/munch ellie, sub reader
───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────
It had been almost 2 weeks since that last interaction with Ellie. Your dad came home earlier than you expected and almost caught Ellie's lips so close to yours.
Luckily, he didn't and your secret is safe- at least for now.
Ellie, on the other hand, has been avoiding you since. She comes, she works, and won't even step foot inside the house if she could avoid it.
You tried your best to coax her in small ways- wearing the littlest articles of linen you owned, brushing against her body when you went out and offered her a drink, but she wouldn't bite.
You were growing frustrated to say the least, and you tried to relieve the ache every night, but your fingers weren't enough.
You needed her.
Ellie had just came inside the house to grab a hammer that your dad had left on the dinning table, glancing around to make sure the coast was clear. She thought she was safe, but she would be wrong.
"Hi Ellie." You sing your siren song, making your presence known to her from around the corner.
"Shit- I-." She stutters, almost dropping the heavy tool from her hands that were slipping from her fingers because she was so fucking nervous.
You made her nervous.
"Why are you avoidin' me? Did I do something wrong?" Your fingers interlock behind your back as you walk towards her, making Ellie sweat more with each step you took.
"N-no, not avoiding- I just-"
"Just what, Ellie? Hm? You're hurtin' my feelings." You play hurt, batting your eyelashes as you take one last step to close the space between you two, your fingers playing with the buttons on her top.
"M' not doing it to hurt your feelings, doll-"
Your hand comes up, ghosting her cheek as you tuck a stray hair behind her ear which makes Ellie freeze up- short circuiting her brain.
"I just-" she moves her head away from your touch, grabbing your hand in hers.
"I meant what I said.. I don't want you to regret it."
You couldn't help but chuckle- finding it amusing that Ellie had no idea how you touched yourself every night to thoughts of her.
You shake your head, your pointer finger looping around the hoop of her waistband, pulling her that much closer to you.
"Won't regret it- I need you, Els.. need you bad." You almost whisper, luring her closer with just your words alone.
Ellie's jaw opened slightly, feeling the quickened breath of her aroused state against your lips, and her eyes darkening, looking at your face and then narrowing in on your lips, repeating until she finally gave in.
She tossed the hammer aside, letting hit the table with a loud thud, grabbing your face with her hands as she chased your lips- tasting you like it was her fucking job.
Ellie wanted to be be gentle with you- give it to you how you deserved- soft and sweet, but she wasn't thinking about that right now.
She wanted to fucking ruin you- leave you shaking and crying. She wanted to hear your begs and pleads for her to stop, but she wouldn't.
She wanted to fuck you, over and over again, and punish you for how fucking hard you teased her.
You whimper into her mouth, letting her take control since you were already weak in the knees, feeling her tongue assert dominance against the muscle.
She pulls away, slightly out of breath as she looked at your pathetic state- bracing yourself against the table, lips reddened and puffy- your expression full of need.
"You're fucking killing me, doll." She wipes the corner of her bottom lip with her thumb, her chest heaving with adrenaline, ready to pounce at any second, but she doesn't.
"Stay the night." You asked, but it didn't come off as a question- more of a demand.
"You know I can't do that-"
"I'll come to you then."
Ellie furrows her brows slightly, mentally weighing out the consequences of her actions.
"What about your dad?"
"I'll wait till' he's asleep- take his truck, he won't know I'm gone."
A chuckle echoed in her throat- in a way that felt like she was mocking you- possibly because you were not this sweet angel that you portrayed yourself to be, and she was getting to know the real you. 
Her arm reaches around you on the table, grabbing the hammer with her chest bumping against yours.
"See you tonight, doll."
You tried your best to act normal all day, and so did Ellie. Both you minimized the conversations around your dad, not even daring to look each other for too long because of the plans you two made for tonight.
You were nervous, excited, but mostly nervous- even though this was your own damn fault. You were all tough and big when it was you calling the shots, but you had a feeling that was going to change as soon as you are standing outside her doorstep.
The sun was setting, and Ellie was saying her goodbyes as she walked down the driveway to her truck. You pretend to shrug off her departure, but not before slipping the little piece of paper with her address scribbled on it into your pocket that she had left wedged between the slates of the porch swing.
"Goodnight, hon." Your father places a kiss to the top of your head before walking down the hall into the master bedroom , shutting the door behind him.
You waited a good hour- making sure your father was in a deep sleep before taking his keys from the glass bowl on the table next to the entrance and slowly opening the front door, suppressing any noise to the best of your abilities as you stepped out into the moonlit night.
The drive there felt short- too short. It didn't feel like it was enough time to realize what you were doing, but it was too late- currently standing outside of Ellie's house- a small, classic cottage style one-story home- modest, but it had its appeal. The landscaping was bare- unkempt at best, but at least the lawn was mowed.
"Okay-" With one hand at your side- the other knocked softly against the wooden door, tapping your knuckle twice. You straighten your posture, pushing out your chest in your best attempt to make it seem you weren't as nervous as you were. It's not like it was your first time sneaking out, but it was your first time sneaking out to see someone like Ellie and to do the things you had planned to do.
The door creaked upon opening, revealing a slightly surprised Ellie, towel drying her damp hair.
"I didn't think you'd come." She smirked, her cheeks already bright pink as soon as she saw you standing there in your short- borderline lingerie nightgown.
"Why wouldn't I?" You asked rhetorically, tone dripping with suggest as you stepped past her and into the home.
You kick off your shoes by the front door, walking around and looking at all the details. You're were genuinely curious about how Ellie lived.
Even though you see her everyday- she was still quite the mystery to you.
The home was simple and cozy- the same way your grandparents' house would feel; worn leather couches and wooden furniture. A vase with withered flowers sat in the middle of the dining table. Ellie had picked them from a field on her way to your house- thinking she would give them to you, but she never mustered up the courage- so instead- here they were; peddles of faded purples and yellows, dried and crunchy by now, but Ellie couldn't get herself to throw them away yet.
"Can I get you anythin', water?" She asked, sounding obviously nervous. You just had to get that Ellie back- the one who's presence demanded to be obeyed.
You direct your attention away from the flowers, your nail grazing against the grain of the oak table as you turn away from it and step towards her.
"No, I'm okay-" you shake your head, declining the offer gently as your hands held one of hers between you two.
"I've never done this before, miss- m'sorry if I'm not any good."
God, you cranked the notch up on your southern accent- making your words definitely sound like it's straight out of a porno, but it was working on her.
Ellie breath hitched, her body freezing up as your fingers played with the hem of her black wifebeater tank top.
"I'll go easy on you- promise." Ellie said with the best intentions in mind, but it's a promise she doesn't know she could keep.
Your stomach tightened, feeling her warmth radiating into you, and her scent filling your senses- not feeling her touch was starting to physically hurt.
You stood on your tippy toes, your lips lining up to her ear, "take me to the bedroom."
You didn't have to ask twice either- Ellie quickly taking your hand in hers, dragging you down the hall to the last door on the left.
Ellie practically pushed you into the room, kicking some clothes under the bed that she had lazily left on the floor all the while shutting the door- just in case someone would interrupt even though she lived alone.
You take a seat at the end of her bed, propping your legs up on your toes as you let your knees drift apart, and it doesn't take Ellie's eyes long to land on your pink cotton panties- hugging the shape of your puffy lips.
"Fuck-" She huffed- almost to herself like she was in complete denial that such a beautiful girl was in her house, or even her room for that matter- wearing such little and with all the intent to get fucked by her... it was a scenario straight out Ellie's wet dreams.
Ellie fell to her knees before you, her hands resting on yours, and her lips tempting the skin of your thighs.
"Are you sure bout' this, doll?" She breathed heavily. Just from her proximity from your pretty pussy alone- she felt like she was losing control, staying further and further away from her promise to go easy on you, but you didn't care.
"Y-yes ma'am, m'sure." You mew, taking your bottom lip between your teeth as your cunt drips, feeling her breath through the thin fabric.
"Lay back fr' me, darlin'." She demands gently, sense of urgency in her tone that she was failing to mask.
You do as your told like the good girl you are- laying back on the bed, propping your legs up, and bending then at the knee.
Ellie almost whimpers as your knees fall to the side- practically salivating just from the thought of your taste.
"M' gonna touch you now, okay?"
"Mm-hm." You nod from your horizontal position, giving her full permission and allowing yourself to be completely at her mercy.
She simply stands, using her thumb to rub over the cotton clothed bud- her eyes paying close attention to how you squirm from so little.
She was teasing you, testing you, wanting to see how badly you needed her.
Soft, high pitched whines slip off your tongue as her thumb rubs tight circles over your clit. It was cruel honestly, how little she was giving you, but if you kept making those fucking noises- it wouldn't take long for Ellie to break.
You pushed your hips up against her touch.
"E-ellie, please.. it's not enough- need more."
Ellie sucks the air through her teeth before biting down on her bottom lip, her thumb lightly grazing the now soaked patch of your panties.
She lowered herself at the end of the bed, her hands wrapping around to the under side of your ass, tugging you closer to the edge.
She kissed the skin between your thighs, suckling at it to the point it stung, but it felt good- almost too good knowing it was Ellie that was doing it.
"I'm gonna take these off now." Her fingers gently tug at the hem of your panties, watching your face closely to ensure you were okay with her actions.
You nodded eagerly, lifting your ass from the mattress to help.
Shivers were sent down your limbs as your wet lips were exposed to the cool air of the room. Ellie huffed guttural curses, her eyes practically rolling into the back of her head like she was on some sort of high. She kissed closer and closer to your heat- hunger taking over at this point, and eager for a taste.
"Fuck- so pretty.. knew it would be pretty." She talked to herself, sounding slightly deranged and out of it before she flat lined her tongue over your folds.
A high pitched squeal echoed through the room, not expecting the sensation nor have you ever felt anything like this. It was warm, slippery and you felt instantly addicted.
She took her time, licking slow before speeding up the pace on your clit. You twisted and contorted under her touch, but Ellie was quick to hold you down- trapping you with her firm grip.
She lapped up your juices, not letting any of it go to waste if she could help it. She alternated between flicking your clit, sucking on swollen bud and letting plop back into place, and just simply tasting you.
Her tongue stiffened- sinking into the depths of your gummy walls before replacing her tongue with a finger.
You cry/breath out a sign of relief as her long finger sank into you, reaching a spot her tongue couldn't- pulling it out and pushing it back in, repeating the motion before adding a second finger.
"You're so tight, baby- need you to relax." She coaxes, trying her best to sound calm, knowing she was everything but calm.
She couldn't wait to pound into you- leave you breathless and fully screaming her name.
Your walls relax around her fingers, your dress bunching around your hips, and the straps falling off your shoulders- you looked like a painting to her- meticulously and carefully designed, perfectly imperfect- every flaw coming together in the most beautiful symphony.
"Thats it- atta girl, you're doing so good for me." She praised although her tone was rough- coarse like dirt as she was slowly falling apart from the sounds of you- soft, breathy moans- sweet and angelic mixed with the wet, sloppy sounds of her fingers picking up pace inside your cunt.
Your fists clutch the sheets beside your head, squeezing the fabric between your fingers to remind yourself that this was real- not a dream or fantasy.
"F-feels- weird... mm-fhm- feels weird, Ellie." You babbled, a tear threatening to spill from the corner of your eye as you pressed a hand on your lower stomach.
She lowers herself over you to be face to face, her fingers never faltering in pace against your cervix. She soothes, "shh- it's okay, pretty girl. I got you." She kissed the saltwater mixture away from your eye before ghosting her lips over yours, pulling away slightly when you tried to connect them.
Her lips upturn into a sinister smirk, watching you get so fucking needy for her touch, not giving in right away to your pleas of "p-please, miss- mmhm, wanna kiss- I wanna kiss you." Just then, she quickened the pace, her wrist slamming against your clit as she pistoned into you- slamming her lips against yours to soften your cries.
She breaks away, heavy panting fanning over your chaffed, swollen lips, "fuck- baby, I can feel you pulling me in- be a good girl and cum on my fingers, yeah?"
That pushed you over the edge- the corners of your vision turning white, your stomach tightening and flexing as you squeeze around her fingers. You come undone, her pace remained steady as she fucked you through your orgasm, with you clasping into her with your nails digging into the exposed skin of her shoulders. You sing her name, over and over, head dizzy and limbs feeling weak as she slowly removes her fingers.
You laid there- weak and still coming down from your high, but this was just a warm up- she was simply prepping you for what's next.
You closed your eyes, forearm thrown over your face, blissfully unaware what Ellie was doing- she was digging through the drawer of her nightstand, taking off her sweat pants and replacing them with a black harness- a silicone cock standing between her thighs.
She sits on the bed, her back resting against at the headboard as she signals for you- tapping her thigh twice, "c'mere, we're not done yet." Her tone has shifted- the once gentle, loving pitch now felt demanding- almost like it was threat and not a suggestion.
You turn over into your stomach, weakly crawling over to her on the bed and straddled her hips, the length of her strap resting against your stomach.
"Ellie, I don't know how-"
"It's alright,- " her hands held you by your hips with her thumbs soothing over the skin, "I'll teach you."
You take your bottom lip between your teeth, a worried furrow in your brow that Ellie picked up on, "jus' sit on it, doll. I'll help with the rest."
You prop yourself up, using her shoulders for balance as you line the tip with your entrance, Ellie mumbled a breathy "that's it- there you go, pretty girl, just like that."
A whimper vibrated your throat as you sunk yourself onto her cock- just the tip at first as she coaxes you to keep going. It burned, and for a second you thought she was tearing you open, but the more she praised- mixed with the feeling of her hands over your breasts and neck- the pain started to lessen, and was replaced with pleasure.
Her hands gripped the fat of your ass, squeezing it between her fingers as you let yourself get accustomed to the pressure.
"Such a good girl, taking it all in- are you sure it's your first time?"
You nod, your eyes shooting open to meet hers- dark and transfixed on your face.
She chucked lowly, her hands slipping under your nightgown- cupping your breasts. You moaned- feeling her calloused fingers playing with your hardened peaks, twirling the bud and pulling it back- making you wince.
"I wanna see you- can I?" She asked, already pulling the dress over your shoulders- leaving you completely bare.
"Fuuck- such a pretty little thing." She leaned forward, sucking the delicate skin around your nipples- kissing and licking, leaving a trail of her spit wherever she went.
She sucked your nipple, letting it plop back from her pretty pink lips.
"El-ellie- please.." you pleaded- desperate for ache to go away that was quickly building inside your tummy.
"So needy- you want to be fucked that badly, huh? Move your hips then, baby." She spoke condescendingly, sitting back against the bed frame like she was as relaxed as ever, but that couldn't be more wrong.
She was losing it quite frankly- she was growing impatient and wanted nothing more to have her way with you, but she was letting you get use to it for your own sake.
Her hands guided you by your hips, gently directing you back and forth, up and down and so on- no rhythm in mind- no, she wanted you to be close, but never getting there.
She wanted to hear you cry out for her help, and it didn't take long.
Your legs were shaking, hips were starting to ache from the compromising position. You were weak on top of her, resting your head on her shoulder and you needed her help- being too fucking dumb to do it yourself- so, you give in.
"Mm-pl-please, ellie.. can't do it."
Her hand wrapped around your head and interlocks your hair between her fingers before yanking your head back, forcing you to look at her.
"Need my help, huh? Can't do it yourself, doll?"
You shake your head, indicating a 'no' to the best of your abilities, but her grip was tight.
"Poor thing-" She spoke coldly, a smirk on her lips and a killer look in her eyes. She was preying on you- waiting 2 painfully long weeks for this exact moment, and it was finally here.
Her hands gripped the underside of your ass as she leaned forward, pushing you on your back and with her on top.
"Been waitin' for this, you know? Always wondered what you'd look like on your back all ready fr' me, fuck- you're unbelievable." Her chest heaved as she spoke, her voice deepening into an almost growl.
"M-me too- been wanting this since I've met you."
"Yea-" your voice cuts into a yelp as she thrusted into you, the length of her cock fully disappearing inside your pussy.
She kissed the inside of your knee that was draped over her shoulder like it was the last gentle gesture she would give you for the night.
Tears quickly gathered at the corners of your eyes, trialing down your cheeks and neck as she snapped her hips forward, pounding against your sweet spot every fucking time.
After the first few minutes, you were already gone- head dumb and toes curling, nails digging crescent shapes into her forearms and biceps.
Ellie was becoming more vocal- not as much as you, but she moaned and grunted- the base of the strap hitting against her clit just right. She was chasing her own high- fully getting off to your sounds, and how your slick coated the length of her cock.
Her hand came down, pressing and hand over the bulge in your tummy, "you feel that? - mhm, fuck.. I'm so deep inside you- gonna get you pregnant.. make you my little wife."
❥ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 @tfuuka @mattm1964 @tlouadditc @bugaboodarling @robinismywifee @omgidksblog @bf4iy4z @ellieswifee @endureher @asteroidzzzn @machetegirl109 @thatgiraffefromtlou @locaforellie @bellaramseysgirlfriend @wannabwanted @iconsoft @pick-me-up-im-scared @elliesmainhoe @feelsoseencantdream @okayyesbutno @elsbouquet @lastofvenus @aouiaa @p1llowthoughtss @333stvrlightt @urmomishotyes @333stvrlightt
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bonny-kookoo · 4 months
𝓛𝓪𝓬𝓻𝔂𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓪 𝓞𝓵𝓸𝓻 [Final]
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It's time.
Tags/Warnings: Alien!Jungkook, Human!Reader, Size difference, sci-fi, Romance, strangers to lovers, fluff, suggestive, smut, unprotected because this is alien fantasy, kinda creampie idk
Length: 5.5k words
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A/N: I hate how it turned out but you all always beg me to finish my shit so here you go.
Jungkook watches fondly from the large windows of his main office at the castle how you feed the still unsteady animal out in the large gardens where it's home is placed, while Hoseok, one of his closest guards and advisors, watches you from close by. 
The man has been tasked to basically watch over you when the king himself can't, and he takes his job very seriously, visibly- much to Jungkook’s approval. 
"I heard that she was crying last night." Namjoon says, walking up behind the king who nods. 
"Bitterly so." He admits, remembering the incident from hours prior when you'd sat close to the being as it passed, Jungkook offering you silent comfort. He wasn't sure why you were so upset- and why you even demanded to stay even though the situation had caused you so much distress. "She cared a lot for a being she used to be afraid of." He says. 
Last night, Ikkan rebirthed. You had given the Is'oi a name after asking Namjoon for help to choose an appropriate one- settling for one that means 'deep blue' in native language. You had just gone out to 'say goodnight' to the being you'd played around with the entire day, just to call out Jungkook's name in clear distress, causing the King to instantly rush to you, fearing something might've happened. But instead, he found you, on your knees in front of the being you used to be so wary of- it's body clearly stiffening now in it's laying position, head barely moving anymore as it's eyes watched you with fondness. The glow had dimmed significantly, as the first scales fell from it's body, rotting like a flower that wilts away as it reached it's end. 
He'd told you, reminded you that the being will be reborn tonight as well- but you still did not stop crying as you ran your hand over their head, offering comfort for what usually is left to the quiet of night. But Jungkook could not bring himself to tell you to leave, couldn't take that moment from you- going against his own culture to instead stay that night, watching the whole process for the first time as well. 
And he could've sworn, he heard the large being purr, leaning against you as they rested their head in your lap, falling asleep one last time before Ikkan's chest no longer moved. And then, with no life left, they began to wilt away, body falling apart as they dissipated into nothing but ashes it looked like. 
Until something moved. 
Your eyes were wide as you watched the small, still somewhat blind being cry out into the night- but this time, their cries were being answered by a kind hand reaching out, softly brushing away the remnants of their last life. And Jungkook had felt a certain sense of pain in his heart he could not describe as you showed just how nurturing you are to things not even remotely resembling your own kind. 
How would you be as a mother? 
"She's a kind one." Namjoon agrees, pulling him out of his thoughts and memories. "Maybe a bit too kind." The advisor and doctor worries a bit. 
"That won't be an issue." Jungkook shakes his head. "She's got me at her side." He exclaims, gaze softening quite a bit as you hold the bottle of nutrient feed up for the young rebirthed being to drink from. He's almost a bit jealous- you're spending a lot of time outside now, far away from him. He'll walk down to you soon though, wondering how you can not be cold with just your regular gowns on your body. 
You're fragile. You get sick so easily. 
"And yet there is no true claim on her yet." His friend teases, making Jungkook turn his head to glare at him. "You cannot be mad at me for pointing it out. It's painfully obvious to everyone- in fact, there's rumours already spreading." He says, and that catches Jungkook's full attention now. He doesn't like people talking negatively about you. You don't deserve to be spoken down to, especially not as a future queen, once he brings you officially into that job. 
"And what, pray tell, are those rumours about?" He asks, eyes sharpening. 
"That she is incapable of.. providing you." Namjoon teases, and Jungkook sighs, shaking his head as he crosses his arms, watching you in the gardens again instead. "How come? You had been very quick to connect with Hana." He asks, and Jungkook's gaze hardens. 
"Because she practically demanded it." He growls. "It was necessary for her.. happiness, or at least that's what I believed, back then." He lowly says. 
"And she does not want it?" Namjoon wonders. "Curious. Even though humans are such intimate creatures." he hums, standing next to Jungkook again. 
"Oh she does. It's very clear in her behaviour." Jungkook almost smirks. "Her body is calling out to me almost every night." He admits. 
"So?" His friend asks. "Why not take her then?" He questions, before he notices the deep thought in Jungkook's face. "You're worried." 
"I am." The king admits. 
"About what?" Namjoon wonders. 
"I believe it is clear what I could possibly worry about, Namjoon." He says, looking at his friend. "You as a man with medical knowledge should know that more than anyone. Or are you not familiar with human anatomy compared to ours?" He almost teases, making Namjoon laugh. 
"Oh I am aware!" He laughs. "Which is why I can tell you, that she will be just fine." He reassures. 
"I was too much for even Hana." He reminds his friend. "Which is most likely why she searched for.. satisfaction somewhere else." He mumbles lowly to himself, averting his gaze. 
"So you'll give up before even trying?" Namjoon clicks his tongue. "Ah well. I may be able to ask Jimin if he's up for the job then. Considering how humans connect love with intercourse-" He starts, making Jungkook instantly move to grab his arm, twisting it around as he backs Namjoon into a wall. 
"You will not even think about such a thing." He growls. 
"Then what?" Namjoon challenges. "You'll just leaver her lonely? Put your new love on the line just because you're a coward?" He asks, making Jungkook clench his jaw, eyes glowing for a second while his veins darken underneath his skin. 
But he behaves himself, forces control, and lets go of Namjoon. 
"You're right." He settles himself. "I should not.. think of her so lowly." He sighs, swallowing down his bubbling rage. 
"Talk to her." Namjoon says gently. "I'm sure she'll understand where you're coming from if you just explain it to her." 
"Breathtaking." Jungkook comments, as you turn your heads while the maids bow at him, who leans against the doorframe, watching them help you dress and connect the chains over your body with decorative pliers. The chains hold jewels that sound like a windchime almost, a sound you've come to enjoy a lot. 
As soon as the maids are done, they walk out, looking very much caught off guard and even quite shy at the soft 'thank you' Jungkook offers them as they pass him, something that's not common in his culture. As soon as the door closes, he walks towards you with a gentle smile, his own clothes looking expensive, and official. "You look just like the queen you are." He muses, and you laugh. 
"About to be." You correct him, leaning into the hand on your cheek. "I'm a bit nervous." You admit, and he smirks. 
"You are very nervous, my dear. Not just 'a bit'." He corrects as well, and your shoulders slump down as you admit defeat. "Do not worry. I'm there, and the people are already very fond of you and the changes you brought." He admits. 
"Changes?" You wonder. "But I've done nothing." You ask him, confused. 
"You did." He nods. "You changed me. And with that, you changed the way I rule this kingdom." He explains, as he adjusts your dress for you, fingers tracing the delicate jewelry decorating your body. 
"What if they think you're weak now?" You worry instantly, and he shakes his head, smile never leaving his lips. 
"They do not." He shakes his head. "A King is strongest with his people's trust placed in him. You'll see what I mean later." He offers, before he makes sure to adjust the soft pelt around your shoulders now to keep you warm. 
As you both make your way through the halls, you wonder. You've never actually been in the town surrounding the castle grounds, only ever saw some of the outskirts and farmlands from afar. But today, you'll make your way into town- to show yourself to the people, your first official 'showing', as Jungkook had explained. It's a first- even with Hana, he's never shown her publicly like this. But with you, he wants to make that step. 
He's serious about you, and your future. He's proving that today. 
And the first glimpses of the town makes you realize what Jungkook had been talking about- because as soon as he's visibly to the people, they smile, wave, children run to him with opened palms as if to wait to receive something. And Jungkook does give something- his own hand brushing over their palms, a gesture that makes them smile and laugh in excitement. "It's a blessing." Hoseok mumbles from your other side, the man keeping his hand on his sword at his belt. "So that their work will always be fruitful." He explains, and you listen to it at full attention, when Jungkook laughs next to you, making you look at him- his eyes looking down at something. 
Two children, young boys looking at you with dark red eyes and cat-like pupils similar to Jungkook's, hands opened towards you. You're a bit lost now, unsure what to do- so the king next to you takes your hand in his, and offers you guidance in how to do it- your fingers running over the warm palms of the two kids, who grin and laugh happily, before running back to their parents in the crowd gathered on the sides. 
You repeat this action time after time, growing more comfortable and mostly confident in yourself the more you walk around in town, letting Jungkook explain to you where he grew up, showing you taverns and other places he remembers visiting often. It makes you remember that at some point, Jungkook was not considered royalty at all- just a regular young man, a boy, a child at some point, nothing out of the ordinary. And now, he's done what he said he would- he challenged the king, took the throne, and changed the ways that used to be the norm. Not just by taking you as his partner- but also in other ways. 
As you sit in one of the bigger taverns, you can't help but watch with a constant smile how the people celebrate Jungkook almost, dancing around and drinking, though the King seems to stay away from the alcohol, for a reason you're not sure of. "Can she drink?" A young man asks, setting down another pitcher with water onto your table you sit at. "I apologize, I don't know much about humans." He apologizes. 
"She can, but she shall not tonight." Jungkook answers for you. "I'd hate for her to too intoxicated to survive the way home." He chuckles, making everyone laugh, including you. You already know that you can't handle any of the liquor on this planet- something you realized way before you even met Jungkook in the first place. 
"Oh, then I won't offer any!" The man says, bowing politely before he leaves you be. Jungkook keeps his arm around you, always makes sure that you're comfortable, noticing how the trip is taking a toll on you. For him, this isn't stressful at all- but you have a lot less energy than him to spend. So he's not surprised when he notices you trying to hide your yawns multiple times as soon as it gets dark outside, eyes growing heavy as you listen to the music played. 
"You are so bewitching, you know that?" Jungkook teases, causing you to force yourself more awake again, looking at him in question. "I can sense the... nature of the gazes on you." He offers, a hand moving some of your hair out of your face. 
"How fortunate for you that I'm not going home with any of them, then." You say, making him laugh openly. 
"You're very right on that." He agrees. "And I believe we should head back now." Jungkook says, making you shake your head though. 
"No, just a little longer." You complain, causing the king to chuckle. 
"You are literally on the very edge of sleep, darling." He teases. "And I do not feel comfortable with having you in such a vulnerable state outside the castle walls, in front of people who should not see you that way." He gently says, nodding towards Hoseok to gather all the guards and knights to prepare for the journey back home. And god, does the way home drag. 
You're barely able to somewhat make it back into the entrance hall of the large castle structure when Jungkook finally offers his help, carrying you up the stairs to the bedroom he shares with you. "You are so very fragile, my love." He teases you with a smile, helping you out of your jewelry and dress while you're almost falling asleep. "Did you enjoy it?" 
"I did." You smile. "It was.. really fun. Even though I didn't really know what to do most of the time.." You mumble while Jungkook unravels your dress to help you out of it. 
"You did great nonetheless." He reassures you, placing a kiss to your cheek. "You deserve to rest now." 
And rest you do- falling asleep before he can even come to bed himself. 
The next day when you wake up and stretch your limbs, it's already way past the morning hours. A window is opened, letting in fresh air, familiar sharp crow sounds of the large predatory birds outside by now no longer a cause of fear for you. It's as if they've become familiar with you now- no longer trying to feast on you, instead only sometimes curiously poking their heads inside the room to observe you. 
"You slept for ages." Jungkook chuckles next to you, making you turn in surprise. Usually, the king is gone before you wake up- it's unusual to have him beside you like this, eyes still wary from his own rest. 
"It was a pretty eventful day yesterday." You defend yourself, and he nods, moving forward to kiss your lips. It's a gentle gesture, oddly slow, as if he's putting a lot of thought into it. "How come you're still in bed?" You ask, and he watches you for a moment, before he answers. 
"I've been thinking." He admits, head leaning on his palm, elbow pushed into the bed below. His upper body is bare as usual in bed- but it's still a rather rare sight for you considering you typically don't spend moments like these together often. "About us. And our.. differences." He hums, while your eyes notice the scars he has- one of them right on top of his shoulder. 
"Oh." You nod, unsure what he means. 
"These past few days.. even longer than that.. there's been tension, hasn't it?" He asks, reaching out to move some hair from your face. "Sexual in nature, that is." He explains further, and you nod, eyes no longer able to stand his gaze now as you become a bit shy. Of course he’s able to speak about it a lot more open and boldly than you ever would be able to. 
"I uhm.. yeah." You nod, remembering that moment you almost went that far- but he's never done anything further than playing around with you. "Is there.. a problem?" You ask, and he waits for a moment to answer. 
"I'm not sure." He admits. "I have spoken to Namjoon about our obvious differences. And if we could make it work." He tells you. "But I'm worried nonetheless. I don't want to hurt you- but I am also aware of your growing frustration with me." He offers. 
"I- its not like that!" You defend yourself immediately. "If you don't want to, you know, have sex with me, that's fine. I don't need it to be happy with you." You reassure him, and he smiles kindly. 
"I know." He nods. "But do trust me that my lust for you is very real, and unbearable these days." He admits. "Even right now." 
At that, you move, boldly so, seemingly catching even him off guard as he holds your waist, while you sit on his thighs. His gaze is heated, red in his eyes clearly telling you how much his control is challenged in this moment, as you place your hands on his abdomen. "Then what if you just trust me instead?" You wonder, while he watches you. "Give up control for once?" You ask. 
"And you believe you can control a king?" He asks, challenges almost, as he very obviously stirs to live inside his underwear. "Very bold words." He smiles, though his worry does not leave his eyes at all as it returns full force, face becoming serious again. 
"What's the problem?" You ask, feeling his hands run over your skin to your legs. "What are you so scared of?" You press, and he sighs. 
"Hurting you." He reveals. "Losing you." 
"Why would you lose me?" You ask, unsure. 
"Because humans connect love with physical intimacy." He says. "And so does my kind. It's an important part of a partnership, and if I fail at providing you with the appropriate attention you deserve, I fear that I'm not valuable enough as a lover to you." He admits. 
"Even if we can't have sex, I'll still stay with you." You shake your head, moving to sit next to him now, hand reaching out to hold his. "Love is more than just that to me. And I love you." You argue. "No matter your strength, or your status, or your worth. You've got worth to me no matter what." You confess. 
And at that confession, he breaks. 
The moment he sits up to lean closer to you to be able to kiss you with a hand on your cheek, you know that he won't stop this time. "You're so dangerous." He growls, hands uncaring of the fabric covering you as he pulls the gown over your head, revealing your almost entirely bare body to him.  
It's time, and he knows it. 
You've become much more to him than just a partner- you've become a lifeline, a reason to think over his challenges and dangers he faces in the choices he makes, just so he can stay alive and at your side. He would burn down the world for you, if it meant that it would keep you safe from all harm. 
His kisses are heated, desperate, quite literally stealing your breath as he moves to mouth and bite at the skin of your neck and shoulder. He's noticeably not a gentle lover- he wants to make sure that his love is visible on your skin, needs to see the remnants of his lust for days to come. And with his control finally snapping, he will not hold back- he will test your strength for a final time, and devour you whole. 
He wants to watch you bloom- wants to see your petals open to reveal the most beautiful flower created by simple chance on a planet so far away from his own. And yet, this flower was meant for him- to be kept forever, to have it plant it's roots into his heart so it can feed off his love until he dies and cannot provide any longer. 
Only then he will set you free again. Only then will he accept defeat. 
Your back arches into him as his hands adjust your position, laying you down once more beneath him, pulling off your underwear to reveal everything, soiled fabric thrown carelessly away. He's played around with you before, that's how far you've come at this point- but never quite past that. Something always kept him from giving you what you were yearning for- but this time, he's granting you your wish. 
When he met you, truly face to face, it had been nothing but pure curiosity. He wanted to see what's so special about the human kind that others have such drastically varying opinions on them. Why one seems to fear them, while the other hates them. 
He does neither. 
You're not a being he has to fear, neither physically nor emotionally.  
When you say you love him you mean it. When you're close to him you simply crave his company. When you ask him how he feels you're genuinely interested in his emotions. You've always been nothing but open and honest with him, had nothing to lose, and everything to gain. And yet even when given full freedom to do as you please and leave him if you wanted to, you stayed. Because you wanted to. 
No words are exchanged as he sheds his clothes as well, leaving both of you bare beneath the silk covers of the bed you two share. "Are you cold, darling?" He asks, whispers almost with how close he is, in a way that gives away his amusement over your squirming body underneath his hands. You shake your head. He grins. "No?" He asks for you to confirm, and you do. "And yet your body is trembling. I wonder why.." He hums over your skin. 
"Because you're torturing me!" You whine in complaint, turning to the side- something he does not approve of, as he grabs your hips to instead turn you over entirely, a strange tenderness in his rather rough manner of handling you into a new position. Like a predator warning, growling down your neck, but never slipping in his control, never actually making the kill. "You know, usually, this is how I'd take you.." He explains, and you push back into him at that, impatient, or maybe even quietly begging. You really don't care how he does it. Just that he does it. "..but I cannot. Not with you." He tells you, kissing the line of your spine from your neck down, before he lets you turn over once move to face him. 
"Why not?" You ask, and he simply smiles, hands running down your sides until they meet your hips. 
"Because I cannot see your face." He simply answers, before he leans over you to kiss you again. By now, it's evident that without even touching you, you're more than ready to take him on, body inviting him in every way it can- and this time, he can't hold back even if he wanted to. 
You've waited long enough. 
"And I want to savour this experience, and all that you'll offer me." He hums against your skin. "...as I claim you as mine for now and forever."
You're not used to.. sex being this big of a deal. But it's obvious to you that Jungkook sees this as more than just an act of simple lust and satisfaction, if the way he kisses down your chest to your belly button is anything to go by. He didn't lie when he said he'd savour it- he's going terribly slow.  
"Jungkook please... I want you.. " you beg, and he smirks like the predator he is, faking innocence.  
"Oh but you have me right here, my love?" He says, leaning his head on the bare skin of your hip for a second. "I'm not going anywhere." He teases.  
Well- that's the problem. 
"I want you to focus just on yourself." He suddenly says rather seriously. "No matter what." He adds, and you nod, unsure what he means by this. Satisfied by your answer however he moves back up, hovering over you while his hand feels you up between your legs. You're more than ready by now, inner thighs slick with your arousal, and it makes his already leaking length move a little at the feel of it all. Could you handle him if he really was to let go and chase his own pleasure?  
Will you handle him in any way at all?  
You're not her, and he reminds himself of that as he pushes himself inside your body, core warm and welcoming towards him despite the obvious stretch you have to go through to accommodate him. He's worried you might not be able to transform enough- but you surprise him, as you always do.  
Inch by inch he slowly claims your body, waiting for the sign to stop- but you seem rather eager to take him in, never showing signs of discomfort at all. In fact, you look rather pleased- eyes closed, head laid back into the soft pillows below, hands holding his. He can see the slight bulge forming on your lower stomach, showing faintly where he is, and it makes him lust for you in ways that make him worry he might be going feral.  
He's pressing himself against you now, wet sound escaping your cunt as he realizes there's nothing left of him to give you, your eyes hooded just like his as he slowly retracts himself, just to enter you again much faster than before.  
The gasp that leaves him can't be controlled. Neither do you hide your own reaction, mouth opening silently in pleasure as you arch your back.  
He wants to see it again, so he moves his hips once more, once more, steady pace, causing your body to rock along, chest swaying as if to hypnotize the king. There's no need for foul play like that however- he's already under your spell, no need for any kind of assistance.  
"Your body was truly made for me.." he whispers into your neck as he continues his pace, holding himself back from snapping, keeping your well-being in mind.  
"Please-" you whine breathlessly, and he eagerly leans in to kiss your neck, bite at it, mark you up for days to come.  
"What is it you want?" He asks just as faintly, never losing track of his pace.  
"Don't hold back." You say, eyes meeting his own. "Take me, my King."
"I'm yours."  
He can't help the way his patience snaps, thrusts now deeper than ever as he pushes himself as far as he can with every move of his hips, kisses heated, burning, forever imprinting his love on you as he presses his hands into the bed below you, pace quickening. "I'll make the entire kingdom know." He growls against your lips as his hips snap against yours I'm a ruthless manner. "I'll have them all hear you come undone under my hand, just so they know-" He presses out between clenched teeth. "That you're mine, and that I'm yours."  
Your legs move to wrap around his body as best as you can manage, your hands on his back as they accidentally scratch his skin faintly, his own hands grabbing roughly at your flesh to keep you still as he ruts into you, for the first time actually chasing his own release.  
He need to fill you up, have his seed forever mark you up with his scent until it spills out of you. He's desperate at the prospect of finally gaining fulfillment in a way he's not managed to achieve before- a kind of high currently blurring up his thoughts as he feels himself getting lost in the scent and taste and feeling of your body.  
You're a drug, and he's happily willingly getting addicted.  
Your legs suddenly quiver as you find your own peak way sooner than he does, and he doesn't mind one bit seeing you come undone beneath him like this. A goddess in his eyes, gracing him with a heavenly touch, as he slows down, and slips out to see your core gaping from the stretch, clenching around nothing.  
But you're not done with him, as he gets a taste of what you're capable of in the eyes of lust.  
Your hands pull his face back towards you, your kiss a siren song clouding his mind once more as he falls into your spell, chasing his own high like a man starving.  
And he is. He has been for way too long.  
The moment he actually reaches his end you move your hand between the both of you to help yourself to another high as well, clenching core making him groan out in pure pleasure as he spills his seed into you, much of it already leaking out your core as you lazily move to milk him for all he's got.  
His eyes have never looked so vibrant in color as he looks at you, visibly stunned.  
And as you smile, no trace of any sort of doubt or anything other than pure and passionate love, he realizes you've finally bloomed.  
Your bond falling into place, silently, as he kisses you once more.  
"Come here, love." Jungkook says one day, as you walk into the throne room, nodding politely to Min Yoongi- who you know by now from the scar over his eye and rather withdrawn attitude. You're not sure why he's here- but if the King feels comfortable with his presence, you trust that he is no threat to you or him at all in this situation. Jungkook has got his back turned towards you for a good while, before he turns, something held in his arms covered by cloth and golden jewels. "It is a gift from him to you." He says, as you move the delicate cloth of whatever he's holding in his arms, satin with finely woven golden patterns.  
The small being opens its eyes slowly, before it raises its head- dog like creature visibly studying your face as Min Yoongi speaks.  
"It is a gift sent with the most well wishes from my betrothed." He clarifies, as the white dog like being moves his head to inspect your hand held out to him, it’s fur so short that it feels more like velvet than anything else.  You’re mesmerized by the puppy, before Yoongi looks almost annoyed. "...and it has also been.. Sent from me as well." he mumbles, as if he's forced to admit that part. "His name shall be for you to choose." 
Jungkook laughs to himself as he sets the small being down, the white and lanky body shaking before it sniffs at your legs, tail wagging wildly. The young puppy is obviously still rather unsteady on his long legs, but he appears to figure out quickly that you're his main person from now on.  
"Thank you." You tell the rather grumpy looking King with a smile, and you could swear he even returns it-  
"He'll grow into a proper guard if well trained." Yoongi explains with his gaze set on Jungkook, who nods. "...That is not just a statement." He mumbles, and Jungkook rolls his eyes.  
"I am aware." He bites back, and you can't help but smile at their brotherly bantering, long having gotten used to their more rough way of speaking to one another. Just like you've grown used to a lot of things on this planet-  
after all, you consider this home by now.  
"Etka!" You call, as the dog like being runs on fast legs towards you, broad collar decorated with gems as he finds his place next to you, eagerly accepting your praise and affection.  
He's grown a lot these past few months- almost to full height, according to Jungkook. The haatra has his place in front of your shared quarters where he sleeps every night, guarding you both at your most vulnerable states.  
"Min Yoongi has invited us to the showing ceremony of his to-be queen." Jungkook says as you enter the bedroom after saying goodnight to your newest guardian outside the bedroom door.  
"I'm happy for him." You say, joining him to sit on his lap at the table near the window. "He sounded very happy last time we spoke."  
"He did not sound any different than usual to me, love." He shakes his head a little, before he leans in to kiss you. "But enough about him.. I have a different thing I'd like to indulge in than chatter about my brother." He offers you, who teasingly leans away from him, eyes falling to his lips.  
"Oh? I wonder what that might be.." you mumble, as he adjusts your position a bit, hands shamelessly traveling beneath your gown to feel the warmth of your skin. 
"Something that has no need for talking at all.." he hums against your lips, eyes hungry as he lusts for you with clear intentions.  
"And yet you surely won't be quiet." 
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bettymylove · 5 months
hello! I really love your work and I was thinking if you could write a one-shot of theo inspired by the song " Open Arms by SZA ". but somehow make it a good ending? idk 😓 ( like a slow burn or something ) reader had to let theo go but theo is kind of begging..? for reader to stay in his life and so on! idk if I explained it good enough but you can search up the song and take a look at the lyrics, you'll see what topic I'm going for!
thank you if your write this! you're an amazingg writer ‼️
never leaving
pairing: theo nott x reader
content: your insecurities push you to break your friendship with Theo, only to realize you were wrong all along.
a/n: hope this matches your expectations, I'm sorry if it didn't<33 (also I feel like I'm apologizing in every a/n)
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You could say that Theo took you in, he was the only person in your life that ever made you feel too comfortable. When you were on the train, he had befriended you and he never let his friendship falter.
Theo was everything, he was all you could ever need and it scared you how much you were dependent on him. You had never needed anyone, always doing everything by yourself but you could see that changing.
Friends weren't a usual sight in your life and Theo had changed that, but you still had your doubts and maybe that's why you had decided to tell him.
You always had a lingering feeling, that he was taking pity on you because who would willingly spend so much time with you, call themselves your best friend, he had no reason to do it.
You spotted Theo in the hallway along with Mattheo and Enzo. The former two were smoking, and Theo's eyes met yours, and he immediately threw down his cigarette, crushing it using the sole of his shoe.
His eyes stayed on you while yours diverted here and there, ashamed to even meet his gaze. You wanted to be with him, but he was ruining his life for you, he was way too enamored and you wanted to help him.
You reached the group and scrunched your nose at the nicotine smell, Theo noticed this and dragged you away. Why does he have to be sweet and make this harder? you thought.
"Theo, I-" You questioned yourself, he was the only person who knew you but it would be too selfish to make him stay, so you continued, "I don't think we should be friends anymore"
Maybe friends wasn't the right word to describe you two, you weren't dating but he never dated anyone else and it's not like you could. You always hoped it was because he harbored some feelings for you but that had been a foolish fantasy.
"Y/n, I'm sorry sweetheart, I won't ever smoke again, I mean this was the first time in weeks, I really am trying" what? he thought this was about him smoking?
"No, Theo it's not about that." you simply stated trying to make him understand about you suddenly pulling away. He stared at you, his mouth opening and closing as if he wanted to say something but really could find the words.
"You can't do this, you cannot wake up on a random day and decide to remove me from your life as if I'm a pawn in your chess board" he was almost yelling, Theo had never yelled at you nor had he ever gotten angry at you, it was always you being mad and him picking up on it.
You remembered a scenario from second year and how different times had gotten now, you had changed and him not so much but you guess it was for his better.
"Where's y/n?" The twelve year old Theodore Nott asked his friend and said friend just shrugged in response before saying, "She hasn't been talking to anyone."
You're mad, he knew you were you always shut everyone out when you were, falling silent and Theo knew just how to better your mood and so he headed in your direction.
Your flashback stopped when you saw a tear fall from his eyes, you had never seen Theo cry either, only once and that too not intentionally. He was showing every emotion of his and you stood there unable to think, mumbling a sorry before leaving him stranded in that hallway.
Theo was shocked, hurt, angry and was feeling all these emotions at once. He had known you for six years and you had left him in six minutes. He loved you and you couldn't see it.
He knocked on your door for the fifteenth time, and you finally opened it. Your eyes were red and puffed up, you were crying.
"Why are you doing this?" He asked in a small voice unlike the one he used in the hallway, he was scared to lose you.
"You don't need to take anymore pity on me, Theo, go live your life" you said with a sniffle in the end and your statement had only made him more confused.
Pity? he had never taken pity on you, and it hurt himself that you believed that nonsense. "You can't replace me y/n, I'm forever, no matter what."
You so wanted to believe him, you so wanted to be in his arms right now, you so wanted him to stop as he was doing right now but you just couldn't.
"I'm sorry Theo, but I have to" Those were last words to him before you shut the door and Theo couldn't sleep that night.
It had been 2 months, 18 days of you ignoring him and he thought he might go mad, you were driving him crazy, you not being there was so much worse than he had anticipated.
It was late in the night when he spotted you leaning against a railing, breathing hard, and when he got a bit closer he noticed you were crying.
He went to stand beside you, you flinched but then sort of relaxed when you noticed who it was. You laid your head in your hands and started crying even harder and without missing a beat or saying something spiteful, Theo took you in his arms.
It was much later that you realized that you could not live without him, he was your Theo. Your tears wet his shirt but he didn't seem to mind, he never seemed to mind.
"You won't leave again, would you?" He asked as if he knew you were coming back and he was right. "You could try, but this time I won't let you."
You smiled at him, god he was the only person in the world who would never make you feel bad about what you did, and you realise it was only your insecurities holding you back from him.
He kissed your forehead lovingly and hugged you even tighter, "I love you" he whispered, half hoping you didn't hear him, but you did.
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sourbinnie · 11 months
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☆ regrets & replacements ☆ (2)
♡ genre ¿? ♡ -> angst with a hopeful ending ♡ pair ¿? ♡ -> hyung line!skz x gn!reader ♡ plot ¿? ♡ -> it's not about making up, it's about owning up to your mistakes. ♡ warnings ¿? ♡ -> swearing ♡ request ¿? ♡ -> yes!
a/n -> BEFORE YOU READ ; if you're expecting an angsty ending, this is not gonna please you but if you expected everything to be happy and good in the end, this isn't for you either. i really did try to write a part where they fully make up and i couldn't do it. i don't even if it's my angsty side kicking in or if it's just instinct where i just don't find it possible for that to happen. i also didn't feel like giving in and making it sad as hell because i got requested to do something happy and i'm sorry if i disappointed that person. i literally couldn't do it:( and i'm really sad with myself about this one, i would say this is a neutral ending and i'm gonna leave it at that.
first part -> hyung line
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chan ✉
waking up with no chan next to you was rare. your birthday was gone now but not your feelings and that sucked because that meant you would have to talk to chan about what happened. you didn't feel bad about not explaining it to him, you kinda hoped he already realized his mistake but even if he did it wouldn't change the course of things right now.
as you got up and walked to your living room, you saw the never ending pile of gifts. the flowers, the cake, the different things the boys got you and of course your boyfriend chan. he looked tired as hell, bags under his eyes and just overall the energy he usually had wasn't there. he looked at you and sighed when he saw the the reddish eyes from crying but he still had hope in him.
"you know getting me stuff won't make me forgive you that easily channie." you said and chan nodded as he heard your words. he wasn't doing this to earn your forgiveness, he knew he didn't deserve that in the end. but he still wanted you to have a birthday, even if the day had gone by, you deserved a celebration and he would leave if you asked him to because he just respected you that much.
"this isn't for you to forgive me even if i am so fucking sorry. this is because you deserved a good day yesterday and because your boyfriend's an idiot, he ruined that." he muttered and it was your time to nod as you listened to him. there was no easy way to forgive him really because what he did hurt you so deeply and this was beyond just forgetting.
"why did you do that chan? i mean i don't really expect you to always remember my birthday but i wasn't expecting to find out that you spend it with someone who deeply hates me." you explained and felt like you were going to cry again thinking about it. it wasn't fair to you and chan knew better than that, he didn't want to push it but he did want to fix things. losing you was not in his mind right now, he needed to make things right.
"when soohee called me yesterday i left without a comment because i truly was worried that something happened to her. it turned out she broke up with her boyfriend and whatever, begged me to stay with her and everything just went by so fucking fast. i didn't notice anything and i just-." he had to cut himself off because he knew he was rambling and he was desperate to make things okay but he was feeling so broken. thinking about you being all alone and waiting for him to come back was probably gonna haunt him and that made the tears build up in his eyes. "i know i don't deserve it (y/n) but please let me make it right."
you looked at him as you took in everything. you wanted to believe him because you knew chan and you knew how kind hearted he was when it came to his friends. you saw how he realized that soohee wasn't who he thought she was and it's hard losing a friend, you hated that this was all happening and felt absolutely betrayed but you were not heartless and chan crying always made you feel the worst way.
"channie, i don't know if i'm gonna be able to forgive you right now. but i would really like to spend the day with you because i missed you so much yesterday." you said and he could feel himself crying more but understanding. he was so scared that this was gonna be the end but he was given another chance. you got close to him and as soon as you were next to him, he wrapped his arms around you.
"i'll make it right, i promise." he mumbled through tears and you really hoped he would. drying the tears from his face with your thumb as you gave him a little kiss on the lips and he smiled again. it wasn't quite alright yet but the wound would heal eventually.
minho ✉
you knew it wasn't gonna be easy to go through the night all by yourself. of course you had your friends there but usually having minho by your side made things easier. jisung stayed by your side, disappointed in his friend and sad to witness the falling out but he was rooting for him to show up and make things right. the night was still young and he had been texting minho to come over even if you told him not to. jisung knew better though, he could read you and your eyes were always at the door.
when minho arrived at the place, he sighed deeply and prayed that he could fix this. the boys greeted him but jisung had a look on his face of "make this right" and it was scary. he wasn't the type to be afraid but if he did lose you today, that would be his biggest fear coming true and he didn't know what he would do without you.
he saw you looking as beautiful as ever out on the balcony. he had you all alone, he needed to talk and he needed to choose his words carefully before thinking of the worst.
"minho? i told you not to show up." you said but you didn't sound confident in your words. he could tell there was a mix of anger and sadness in your tone and it was all because of him, this wasn't going to be easy.
"i could not miss my partner's birthday even if i screwed up everything." he said and looked at you. you weren't even looking in his direction but he was captured by your beauty every time he glanced at you and it was beyond your outfit and how you did your hair. he got so lucky with you and knowing that this could be the last night he saw you would kill him slowly. "i can't lose you (y/n) and i know everything's beyond wrong right now but i just need you."
"i didn't feel bad that you forgot or even that you were with her of all people. but you lied to me and we've never had an instance where i felt like things were beyond repair but right now i just don't know what to say minho." you said and you didn't want to cry right now but it was all too much. he felt like crying himself as he saw those spill from your eyes because like you said, there wasn't a situation that you lived before where you guys wouldn't make up and he felt you slipping away from him.
"don't say that, i don't deserve you and i should've remembered in the first place. i choose someone who doesn't understand that i met the love of my life already and that i'm not gonna give up on them. i won't put you second ever again (y/n) and i know you probably won't believe me right now but i truly do mean it." he said confidently and you looked at him, meeting his honest eyes. "i lied i know and i thought i was making things better by keeping soohee away from everyone. i cut her off and i know i should've done it sooner."
you took his hand in yours as you looked down. he knew you did this when you were nervous, when you needed to hold or do something to distract you so he just let you. 
"i can't forgive you even if i want to because all i wanted was for you to show up and explain yourself." you said and it warmed his heart. even if he let you down, you always believed in him and will always wait for him. "minho i love you, would you give me time?"
"all the time you need, i'll be here waiting for you as long as it takes." he responded and even if it hurt that things went so wrong, there was a glimpse of hope in the end. "i love you more (y/n)." he then said and you kissed his cheek as you headed inside. 
changbin ✉
waking up to someone yelling over the phone wasn't really what you had in mind. you went to the living room where all the noise was coming from and you saw changbin looking as tired as he could be. you really didn't expect for him to stay in your apartment and for him to be mad was rare. 
"changbin what's going on?" you asked genuinely concerned because even if all the events from yesterday were on your mind, you cared too much about him to not be there if he needed you. on the other hand, changbin couldn't take that you still were looking at him with caring eyes, he deserved to be yelled at and deserved to be kicked out.
"i'm cutting someone out of my life and they didn't make it easy. as soon as they started insulting you, i had to say some things that were not quite nice but i don't regret it." he responded and you could imagine who he was talking about. it still surprised you that he did that because even if you hated her, you knew that changbin in the end cared about her but from how angry he was you could see there was no going back.
"you didn't have to do that changbin." you muttered and he was so sad to hear that, not because of soohee and cutting off their "friendship" but because you genuinely thought he shouldn't have defended you. "i mean it's not like you didn't go there yesterday and spent all day with her when she needed you."
"stop that right now. first of all, i know what i did and i'm always gonna be fucking sorry about not being here with you, celebrating your day and choosing someone who clearly wanted this to happen all along." changbin said and you were glad he was now finally realizing but you also felt like it was too late. "but i'm not gonna hear you say that you don't want me to defend you because i'm always gonna be choosing you even if you want me to go right now, you will always be the one for me. i'm genuinely serious (y/n), i don't want soohee and i'm never gonna want her because i am in love with you."
"and i'm always gonna be in love with you but it doesn't change the fact that you hurt me." you said and he nodded now getting what you meant and how you felt. there might no be going back from this one and he just wanted to disappear right then and there. 
"tell me what i can do to fix this. i'll do anything you want me to because i swear i can't live without you." he begged basically and you could hear his voice getting higher pitched. it wasn't common for him to cry and if you saw him cry, you would end up crying as well.
"binnie i don't know. this is not the end and i don't want you to leave, can we pretend for a while that yesterday didn't happen?" you said and he looks at you. his eyes filled with tears but he still finds the strength to hold on to you and give you a hug. you felt like you needed to be in his arms, maybe even more so yesterday than today but right now is all you have and your birthday is long gone.
"i will make it up to you, i swear i will." he whispered as he kissed your forehead. you let the tears go, staining his shirt but he didn't care as long as he had you in his arms where you belonged. 
hyunjin ✉
to your dismay and your surprise at the same time, he was knocking at your door an hour later. you knew it was him, he had been spamming your phone ever since you left the building but you couldn't even respond from how disappointed you were. even now you were doubting if you should open the door or leave him knocking all night but you couldn't do that without a neighbor complaining so you decided to head to the entrance and open the door.
"i told you not to come. go back to soohee or whatever you had in mind for today." you said and you wanted to close the door again but he stopped you before you could do it. you looked as he walked into your apartment and took in his appearance. he looked like he almost ripped his hair out and like he had been crying, so pretty much like you did right now.
"i don't even know where to start." he said pacing back and forth and as much as you wanted to hate him, you grabbed his hand and sat down with him before he kept spinning around your apartment. that action alone was enough to calm him down but the glare you were giving him was making him doubt himself all over again. "the only thing i have in mind right now is the fact that i don't want to lose you because i was so fucking stupid."
"you were and i truly don't know how you're gonna get out of this one jinnie. this is beyond it being my birthday just why? why didn't you pick up? why did you show up with her? why didn't you defend me? i feel so stupid." you expressed and the tears were rolling again but so were hyunjin's because he could not stand seeing you cry. you didn't have to feel stupid, he was the stupid one and the one that messed everything up on a special day.
"i didn't pick up because she kept telling me that it was an unknown number calling and hanged it up for me. i showed up with her because she told me she would help me pick up your present at the end of practice and i didn't defend you because i truly wasn't expecting her to say that. i thought she was my friend and i thought she cared about me but i had to kick her out as soon as i saw it all go down." he said in between tears and rambles. you didn't want him to justify himself or his actions but it was nice hearing his side even if you were still very much hurt by everything that happened. 
"hyunjin i always told you how i don't want to interfere in your friendships but she has always hated me and you put her first." you said and he nodded, he was already accepting defeat because he truly did fuck it up this time. you pushed the tears away because you didn't feel like crying anymore and yet they wouldn't stop. 
"i'll leave, you don't deserve to spend the rest of your birthday with someone who did you wrong." he said and even in all this pain, it still hurt when hyunjin didn't fight it anymore. there was a point in all the fights that you've had where he gave up because he could not take in your anger or your sadness, he just wanted to see you smile again. right now he felt like he was holding back what could be a good day for you because it was still your birthday after all and he didn't want to ruin it anymore.
"hyunjin, stay. i can't say that i'm past it yet but i just wanna be with you right now even after all that happened, i just don't see myself going out celebrating if it's not with you by my side." you said, giving him a little smile through all the tears. he got closer to you as he placed a kiss on your lips which you responded to, the most hurtful one you shared yet.
"i'll stay for as long as you want me to and i'll leave if you need me to." he whispered and you nodded because everything was hurting but his words would always find a way to your heart. his hand on your cheek as he caressed it slowly and you met for another kiss.
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obsessedwrhys · 2 months
Can we have a part 2 Deadpool reader with the boys and maybe soldier boy too❓❓ if you want to of course
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ The Boys x Deadpool!Reader
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t/w: loooots of dark humour/jokes, reader's origin will be explained underneath, reader is still an asshole lol that comes with the character, mention about killing,death,gore, weed, drugs, Reader is gn!!!
ᯓ★ here's a version with the seven, kiss kiss <3
Quick summary, when you were born, your parents had agreed with Vought to have you be pumped full of Compound V so you could grow up and be a hero working under them, but the problem was when you were around 7, they changed their mind so Vought ended up sending several people to come to your house to settle the matter.
Your whole family was massacred in the living room during thanksgiving and when they tried to capture you. You were able to run away. Homeless and living on the street, you grew up in a life of crime, depending on nobody but yourself. Make sense? No? Good! Let's start now.
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To him, you were like a fly that won't leave him alone.
How he knew you was through Mallory, she thought you were okay and fit for the job since you hated Vought just as much.
Obviously he didn't like you once you were introduced to him and the two (M.M and Frenchie)
"No way am I lettin' a supe join us"
Though after what happened to Mallory's grandchildren, the gang pretty much dispersed but wherever Butcher went, you followed. Since he was the only person you trusted... and also enjoy annoying the shit out of.
He'd head inside a club, relieved he hadn't seen you for the past few days so he decided to grab a drink by the bar to unwind.
"Whiskey" He said with his eyes looking around, paranoia shown on his face.
Once his drink was served, he would look back to find your eyes smiling at him, you were wearing a bartender disguise over your red suit.
"Did you miss me?"
"Oh christ..."
When you heard word that he was gathering back the team, you had to be there. What kind of friend would you be if you didn't?
Undoubtedly he had to admit, there were times where he was grateful to have you on the team but there were also other times he regretted it.
For example, that time when you guys needed to sneak into a lab to get something and the goal was to stay quiet but even that simple rule was hard for you to follow.
"Room's up ahead. (Y/N) I need you to—"
"Heads up!" You said as you threw a bomb at the metal door.
The explosion causing the alarm to turn on and it had the whole lab now on high alert. You shrug innocently when Butcher glared at you like he wanted to tear you apart.
Also, you enjoy constantly pissing him off. You can't die so you don't really care if he'll kill you for it.
"Maybe, if you didn' press the fuckin' button, we wouldn't have to come bac' to save yer ass from the guards"
"OOH GOD SAVE THE QUEEEN!! Please, cry me a fucking river. I got us the target didn't I?"
"He's dead"
"Well you weren't being specific when you said to capture him"
But it's fine, all his frustration will be solved once he uses you as bait. He knows you can't die but hey, it makes him feel slightly better watching you get shot at.
Despite your ups and downs, he appreciates you. When the team would turn against him on his insane journey for revenge, he always found you the only one still standing by his side. You're loyal and he likes that.
Compatibility? 75%
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You treat him like a child.
No seriously you baby talk him sometimes and it annoys him
"Awwwww is little hughie angry?"
"Does baby want his milky?"
Since he's pretty much the only person who isn't that exposed to crime as the others, he's terrified 100% everytime when he's paired up to do any dirty work with you.
"Now listen buddy, you better start talking or I'm gonna shoot" You said, gun raised at the man who seemed to be begging you to spare his life in a language you didn't speak.
"I don't think he speaks English"
"Ah shit... ENGLISH!! SPEAK!! ABCDEFG??!"
"How is shouting in English gonna make him understand?"
"Eh, you're right"
"Well did you expect me to pull out Duolingo and start taking classes?!"
You had to admit, it was a pain in the ass each time he starts giving you the cold shoulder whenever he gets mad at you for doing something terrible. It was like his way of guilt tripping you so you always try to apologise in your own ways.
"Hey..." You said, handing him ice cream.
"...I uh... I don’t like Strawberry ice cream... I thought I told you that"
"God you're so ungrateful!!"
Since he was such a scaredy cat, you try to tone down your craziness a bit. For the sake of him not going into cardiac arrest.
"(Y/N) STOP!! She has nothing to do with this!! She was tricked" Hughie grabbed you by the arm to pull your gun away from the innocent woman.
You turn your head to look at him, then at the woman, then at him again, then the woman, then him again.
"Ugh finnnne... you're boring..."
However, he does appreciate you trying to be a better person. Even you had to admit, after you met him and became friends. You noticed yourself being less brutal than you used to be. The thought keeps you awake at night and it scares the shit out of you.
But oh well, how could you ever say no to those scared little puppy eyes?
Compatibility? 55%
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He's like your hype man which is concerning.
Not because you're not afraid to get the job done but also because you always have his back.
"Well... I need some gunpowder but I've run out of them" Frenchie said, telling Butcher that the plan was most likely not gonna happen.
"Hold on" You said with the typical comical ☝🏻 gesture before heading into a different room. Everyone exchanging confused glances at what you could possibly be doing.
After a few minutes you'd return with a bag of gunpowder while struggling to zip up your pants with the other hand.
"Don't tell me how I got it. It almost tore me apart" You said, rubbing your ass.
On stressful nights, you guys would enjoy smoking weed together by the sofa and share stories of your traumatic childhood. It's how you guys bond and it's oddly wholesome.
Also when he needs a shoulder to cry on, you were always there for him. You two shared a type of relationship that even Romeo and Juliet couldn't compete with. To be fair they're dead so they actually can't fight.
"Hey reader!! If you're gonna keep reading then you might as well give the post a like or a repost. C'mon, pleassssseeee pleasepleaseplease"
"Ma cerise, who are you talking to?"
Although he doesn't mind your behaviour sometimes but he won't tolerate it if you ever cross the line on something. He's like the owner who sprays water at his pet cat when they don't listen.
"What are you mad at me for?!?!"
"You damn near tried to get us killed!!"
"Hey! You're the one who said it would be a suicide mission so I made sure it was a suicide mission!!"
There's no way he can deny how curious he is about where you get your guns and things. He once went in your room to find boxes of dynamite and a RPG just placed against the wall like furniture.
Like do you have a supplier or are you your own supplier?
Compatibility? 99.9%
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Everybody deserves second chances.
He always tells him that to calm himself down everytime you managed to fuck up a thoroughly planned mission.
"What did I say about pressing buttons (Y/N)?"
"Honestly I stopped paying attention after you said 'Listen here'."
M.M has to be the only person you fear to the fact you try very hard to avoid him, this is because his long ass lectures are such a pain to deal with.
"How many times do I have to remind you? You can't just go around doing shit like that. You gotta consider the amount of danger you'll put everyone in..."
"(Blah blah blah... he's still going... uggggh... make it stop...!)"
Unable to handle the lecture any longer, you ended up shooting yourself in the head.
"(Y/N)!" His tone more disappointed than concern since this wasn't the first time you did this to escape his talks.
You know that russian dollhouse he tries to build in season 2? Well you'd constantly be found standing or sitting near him when he's trying to finish the set.
Since you're aware of his OCD, you like to edge him on by sometimes rearranging the parts or stealing some of it so he ends up searching high and low for the missing parts.
You had to admit it was entertaining to watch him accuse other people for touching his stuff when it was you behind all the schemes.
I'd like to think that after every mission when you happen to die, he'd be the one in charge of collecting your remains so you'd grow back.
That's why it comes naturally that his job is to make sure you don't do anything extreme.
"Where are my bombs??!?!" You'd shout, storming around the place looking for them.
"I sold them. Thought it'd do us more good knowing you won’t accidentally blow us up"
"WHAT?! GOD! It's like the writers of the show couldn't afford another explosion for this season so they had to use this DUMB of an excuse!!"
Though he does see some good in you through the messed up parts, he once saw you give his daughter a cute teddy bear when they've been burned by Vought.
She still has the bear and M.M likes to think that maybe you have a soft spot for kids since you never had a proper childhood. That's why he chooses to understand you rather than just being ignorant about your behaviour.
Compatibility? 80%
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She finds you a little odd but she doesn't mind once she realises how everyone is used to you being like that.
Whenever you're bored, you'd come to see what she was up to. Just imagine you sitting on the sofa like a curious kid as you watch her write alphabets on the book.
She also tries to communicate with you since she thought maybe your fucked up mind would understand her better in a way. Like how in season 2 she was repeatedly writing 'boy' to Frenchie but he didn't understand, so she came to you.
"Woow... watching you try to talk to me is like watching a baby take it's first breath..."
"It's beautiful..."
Turns out her theory was wrong, you had a harder time understanding her compared to the rest.
Since you're the only two people in the group with powers, most of the time you two are sent on dangerous missions together. It's a nightmare for her because everybody knows communication is key but one is mute and the other doesn't listen.
"(Be quiet! There's people in the other room!)" She'd sign to you but you were busy humming a song while throwing around the enemies equipment.
"Oooh, what's this?" You held up a Homelander figurine which made you laugh as you show it to her.
"Hey look! 'I'm Homelander, I'm God's favourite. I play golf with Jesus every Sunday."
"(Can you please take this seriously?)"
"You're right, you gotta stop messing around Kimiko! We have a target to kill here" You said and you threw the figurine away which apparently clashes into a stack of boxes that came crashing down. The sound making everyone inside the building grab their weapons and began cornering you two in the room.
"Okay that wasn't me that was gravity"
For the boys, you were plan A and she was plan B. That's because you always end up rushing into a fight first which most of the time resulted in you getting dismembered, which she later comes in to save you.
For example when Stormfront had stopped you guys, your bright ass thought it was a good idea to charge at her even though everyone was signalling you to stop. Next thing you know you were just a head being carried by M.M, you ended up watching as Kimiko fought Stormfront with the help of Starlight and Queen Maeve.
"That's my girl!! Now can anyone lend me a hand? I think I lost mine"
Compatibility? 97%
Bonus +
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You know the scene where he walks out of his containment with the gas surrounding him? You swore when you watched him step out butt naked, you could hear angels singing and trumpets playing inside your head.
Shockingly enough, he was the only person who appreciated your humour. Could be a generation thing. He's just relieved not everyone has gone soft over the years.
In a way, you feel like you've become his babysitter. Everytime Butcher and Hughie left to do some business, you were in charge of making sure he doesn't blow up anyone. You kept him entertained so he didn't mind. That's why on the hunt for his former team members, he immediately chose you to be by his side.
"I'll take red with me"
"Red as in the american flag or the russians?" You asked which had him do the typical boomer laugh.
"I like you, you're funny" He said with a strong pat on your shoulder.
Butcher doesn't mind you with him cause he trusts that you can keep him under control. Hughie on the other hand isn't sure if you can even keep yourself under control.
"Shhh... wait... do you hear that?"
"Ah shit, did I accidentally said my dirty thoughts out loud? It's just you look breedable in that suit"
Another thing he likes about you is that you're okay with killing pretty much anyone, just try not to overstep cause that could potentially piss him off.
"I told you he's mine" He said as he had you pinned against one of the trees, apparently you had shot Mindstorm in the head when he literally made it clear to you minutes ago that was his kill.
"Quite possessive aren't you? I can recommended a therapist I know. Her names Martha—"
"You shut your mouth before I shove my shield up your ass"
"Gasp don't you DARE threaten me with a good time!!"
At the end of Season 3, you would obviously side with Butcher when everyone started to turn against Soldier Boy. He had to admit he was kinda hurt though, he expected you to be on his side.
"So what? You're crawling back to him now? After what we've been through?"
"Sorry big daddy, but Butcher has been my day one and I also happen to love him veryvery much"
Cue Butcher rolling his eyes out of disgust.
Compatibility? 100% but after the betrayal? 0% 😔
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adventuringblind · 4 months
Don't Leave Us
Lestappen x Reader
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort
Summary: With the mass amount of online hate and a relationship that's not public, it all gets too much.
Warnings: graphic depictions of self-harm, graphic depictions of suicide
Notes: I hope you're doing okay, Nonny! Maybe this will help you like it does me :)
side note: I am not above begging for interaction. Fill my inbox with feral driver thoughts! Interact with my posts! It feeds my praise kink and makes me giggle and kick my feet 🥰
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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It's not like the toxicity of social media is a new thing. She's always known that it could happen. She just wasn't expecting it to be so... much.
Her relationship with Max and Charles isn't out for the public. There are dangers that come with opening that up for everyone to get a glimpse of. Reporters waiting to make snide remarks. Fans that want to bash on the drivers they dislike.
Plus, she's not famous. People don't notice her. At least - they didn't until recently.
Some WAG account had managed to get photos of her with either Max or Charles. Not the three of them together. Speculative fans determined she must be playing both of them.
Not all of them, some people defend her. Those comments make her cry out of relief that at least someone isn't trying to tear her down.
She doesn't bring it up to either of the boys. They have enough on their plates as is. Stress and sickness become her new best excuses to not go out in public.
Sure, she's isolating herself and not talking to anyone. Carmen and Lily keep trying. She's just not ready to show her face.
Nothing is sacred anymore. The rumors are too much. Even avoiding all social media isn't enough. She can't even leave her house without someone trying to discreetly take her photo.
Her skin burns with attention every time she steps out the door. She can't eat knowing people are always looking at her. She can't even go to the shop to get groceries or to her mailbox.
It gets worse by the day. Soon enough, someone figures out where she lives. Knowing she has a stalker makes every ounce of security she once had vanish.
It's miserable seeing her information leaked out for everyone to see. Privacy is now a luxury of the past. It's enough to send her spiraling.
When her safety is called into question, Max and Charles bring her to Monaco. They are willing to risk it for her. Their attempt at giving her some piece of mind by staying in the same apartment only makes her thoughts darker.
She's the reason there is so much negative publicity. The sharks are circling them, just waiting for one wrong move. Is she ready to be the catalyst for her lovers' downfall?
The thought sends her stomach up her throat. The thoughts swirl around her head, paralyzing her body into a perpetual state of fear. Stuck in a luxurious Monaco penthouse. Because people being toxic and stalking her is such a horrible problem to have. She should just suck it up; pretend everything is fine.
So then, why is it so hard? Why can't she just be alright?
One week. A plan in her head and a smile plastered on her face. The boys haven't asked about it. Their concern shows in the facial expressions, but they don't push. Maybe it would be better if they did. Send her already crumbling walls to the ground.
She deep cleans on Monday. She does her best to make sure the apartment isn't in disarray, that her own things are packed away, so they won't have much to deal with. The contrasting red and blue of Max and Charles' clothes are the only things left in the closet when she's done.
Speculations start again on Tuesday. Max and Charles spend all day in some PR meeting about it. It gives her time to sort out her affairs without them hearing her. She cooks them dinner to help ease the frustrations. Their teams don't want them to come out, but they do.
Wednesday, they leave to their next destination. She doesn't leave the hotel room despite the concerns of others. Carmen and Lily come around at some point. They eat in with her and kick out the boys. It feels normal for the first time in months. She almost breaks and tells them.
Thursday is media day. She feels for both boys as they get asked invasive questions about their love life. They look stressed. She gets hugged a little tighter that night. It calms the thoughts, but it's not enough. They hurt more every day. She's just wants it to stop.
Practice on Friday goes well for both. Max and Charles are in better spirits. She drags herself out to eat with them. the boys don't care who sees. She does. The anxiety nearly suffocates her. eyes crawling over her skin. Please, make it stop.
Saturday is a wreck. The qualifying is difficult for both her partners. Their relationship status is once again coming under fire. The speculating is becoming extreme, enough for the whispering of the paddock to become deafening to her ears. She spends her time hiding away, writing her last thoughts in messy scrawl.
Sunday, they turn the weekend around. The podium has always suited them. Smiling for everyone to see and dousing each other in champagne. She smiles too, even though it hurts.
They fly back to Monaco that night. Conversation turns to going public despite team wishes. They are willing to risk it for her. She can't bring herself to say yes. They worked hard to live their dreams; she won't ruin it for them.
Monday comes around again. The notes are laying out on the table. The boys are with their friends, some kind of brunch get together.
She leaves the bathroom door unlocked.
The bath filled, her clothes still on. Her thoughts finally still. Tears streak down her face.
The water is cold.
Then it's red.
"I worry about leaving her alone." Charles pulls the car back into its spot.
"Well, if we brough her along it wouldn't be much of a surprise, yes?" Max checks his watch again. "Plus, what could she have done in the fifteen minutes we were gone?"
They haul the ridiculous number of snacks to the front door. They decided last week they would see if they could coax the female out of her depressive state, just for a little while. Maybe get her to confide in them. If not, then at the very least a therapist.
The distance is damn near suffocating. She's so close physically, yet so far away mentally. Always staring at the walls with a distant look in her eyes.
The apartment is eerily quiet when they step inside. The kind that Charles despises after living in a chaotic house with two brothers and three busy schedules his Maman had to keep track of.
He drops the bags and peers around the entry way. Then searches the corridors until he finds one of the bathroom doors closed.
Charles knocks on the door but receives no response. "Cheri? Are you not feeling well?"
Charles almost dives out of the way when Max comes barreling down the hallway. The Dutch tries the doorknob, heavy breathing filling the odd silence.
Charles pales at the sight revealed to him. Paralyzed that this horrific scene could even be a possibility. Is he dreaming? He has to be - there isn't any way for this to be real... right?
"Charles!-" the Monegasque is dragged from his thoughts. Real or not, Max needs his help. Scratch that - she needs his help. "- Get an ambulance!"
Charles fishes his phone out of his pocket and makes the call. Max is desperate trying to stop the bleeding from the vertical slit traveling her forearm. "Is she...?" He can't finish the thought. Heart being through his chest at the possible answer.
"Pules is there but faint." Max sounds like he's desperately trying to hold back his tears. His mind working desperately to keep her alive.
Charles must space out. He doesn't remember opening the door or watching her be carried out by the swift paramedics. The car ride doesn't register, not until they are already in the waiting room.
Max hands him her notes. The paragraphs she wrote to them. A final goodbye in messy scrawl, but the tails of her letters still curled.
"She did it for us, Charlie, because she thought she was hurting us."
They both break down in the uncomfortable waiting room chairs. Charles violently sobbing. Neither of them respond to their messages. Phones buzzing with calls that go to voice-mail.
A doctor comes calling her name. Charles is only half listening. Specifically looking for either a confirmation of death or the relief of hearing that she's okay. Max seems to be paying attention. His shoulders sag, and there is a soft look on his face when they are left to their own devices.
"She's alive, Charlie."
He erupts until tears once more.
Everything hurts. Her thoughts are fuzzy. There is something soft beneath her.
The white ceiling is paired with the burning smell of alcohol. A sterile environment. Meaning-
Fuck. How did it go so wrong? How had they managed to keep her alive?
The beeping on the heart monitor picks up. A sign that she's definitely alive and in a hospital.
Her attempts at moving are futile. There is too much pain and exhaustion to do so. A pulsing behind her ears drowns out the thumping of her heart.
"Rest now, amour."
It takes a single stroke of Charles' fingers on her cheek to make her entire facade shatter into nothing.
She's mumbling incoherent words. It's a string of apologies, rants of anger and embarrassment, and confusion at why they are even here with her. They are continually reassuring her. They coo into her ear how they are so glad she's alive. That she doesn't have to fight whatever battle through hell this is alone.
Recovery is difficult. They have to put her on a suicide watch, but Max and Charles somehow manage to keep her out of the psychward. Mostly because they want to be with her at all hours of the day.
They miss a singular race for her. Then drag her to the next. Part of the deal they had made was that they won't sacrifice their careers for her.
They negotiated with the teams. Managed to wriggle around their soft spots and get them to approve going public. Max and Charles want to openly defend her. No more public executions. They'er pulling her out of the shark infested waters that is the media.
It's slow. People ask about it sometimes; why Charles and Max had missed that race. None of them give an answer. They aren't obligated to.
"Why fight for me?" She asks. a year after the events.
"Because chéri, we love you enough to help you carry the burden."
"Honestly liefste, we fight for what we believe in. We believe in you and the love you have for us."
"Maybe it's selfish, but we want to share that with you. Keep you here with us to go on adventures and explore the different paths life offers."
"So don't leave us yet. You are worth every sacrifice."
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naomeii · 5 months
Hello! Here's my request:
Modern au where Childe and reader get into a particularly heated argument because he always comes back bloody, battered and bruised from a fight. Unfortunately, Childe ends up telling her he liked it better when she was ignoring him instead of nagging all the time, which shatters her heart. He tries to apologize but she's already out the door and staying over at her mother's house. Even when her mother reassured her that Childe does love her, it did little to heal her heart.
On the other hand, Childe was in shambles. He kept on trying to call, email, and text her but she won't pick up. He was left alone at their shared house, the meal she made had gone cold but he still ate it and yet, he didn't feel full. He ends up crying himself to sleep on their entryway.
The next day, reader returns to their home with the intention of packing up her things and leaving but is stopped by an exhausted Childe who follows her even when she tells him not to touch her. He notices her missing engagement ring (she had left it in their bedroom) and is terrified; he begs her not to leave him while sobbing and holding her tight. Eventually, his pleas were heard when she finally forgives him after he apologizes for snapping at her.
—Pairing: Childe x F!Reader
Content: Modern au, angst to fluff, arguments
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Childe's entrance into your shared apartment was marked by the tired shuffle of his boots against the floor. The faint odor of blood mixed with the antiseptic scent of a healing agent lingered in the air. He looked up, eyes shadowed with weariness, as you confronted him in the doorway.
"What happened to you this time, Childe?" Your voice was a mix of concern and frustration, and your eyes scanned his battered form with a mix of anger and worry. This had become a routine – him coming back battered and bruised, and you, waiting to pick up the pieces.
Childe sighed, leaning heavily against the doorframe. "It's part of the job, darling. You knew what you were getting into when we started dating."
Your jaw tightened at the dismissive response. "Part of the job doesn't mean you have to come back looking like you've been through a war every single time! Do you even care about how this affects me?"
Childe's tired eyes met yours, and for a moment, there was a flicker of remorse. "I liked it better when you just ignored me, you know? Instead of nagging all the time."
As the weight of his words sank in, you couldn't help but recall the days when Childe was indeed all over you. His playful antics, the way he made you laugh until tears streamed down your face, and the warmth of his love enveloping you. It was a stark contrast to the current reality, where his flippant remark shattered the remnants of those precious moments.
"Childe, what happened to us?" The question slipped out, laced with a mixture of pain and confusion. "You used to care about us, about me."
He avoided your gaze, a hint of guilt crossing his features. "It's just the way things are now. We both knew my life was dangerous."
A bitter chuckle escaped you. "I knew, but I never thought you'd grow indifferent. I miss the Childe who used to come home to me, not this stranger who treats me like a burden."
His eyes softened, but it was too late. The damage had been done. You turned away, tears threatening to spill. "I can't do this, Childe. Not if it means losing myself in the process."
As Childe desperately reached out for your hand, the door swung open, as you quickly left.
"Wait, please!" Childe's voice cracked with desperation, but you were out the door, oblivious to his pleas.
In your tear-streaked haze, you hailed a cab, directing it to your mother's house. The city lights blurred as you tried to make sense of the shattered fragments of your relationship. The cab's interior provided a temporary sanctuary, shielding you from the unresolved emotions that lingered at the doorstep of your shared home.
Arriving at your mother's house, the front door creaked open before you could even knock. Concern etched across her face, your mother pulled you into a tight embrace, her worry palpable.
"What happened, sweetheart?" she asked, guiding you inside.
Through choked sobs, you recounted the argument, the hurtful words, and the irreparable damage that had driven you away.
"Sweetheart, people say things they don't mean when emotions run high. Childe does love you; I'm sure of it. Relationships have their ups and downs, but love can overcome even the toughest moments."
Her words, meant to console, offered a lifeline in the storm of emotions. Yet, despite her reassurance, the ache in your heart persisted. The wounds were fresh, the echoes of Childe's indifferent words still reverberating within you.
"I know, Mom, but it just hurts so much," you whispered, tears welling up again.
She held you at arm's length, her gaze filled with concern. "Take your time, dear. Healing doesn't happen overnight. If he loves you, he'll realize the impact of his words and make amends."
On the other side, Childe's attempts to reach you knew no bounds. His phone buzzed with unanswered calls and texts, each message a desperate plea for forgiveness.
+𝟗𝟗 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐃𝐮𝐦 <𝟑 3:33 am Y/n, please, just pick up the phone. I'm so sorry. I never meant what I said. I love you more than anything. 4:32 am I'm an idiot, love. I messed up, and I need you to hear me out. Let's talk. Please. 4:45 am ▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:10 (Hey, dummy. I know I screwed up. I didn't mean any of it. I miss you... Can we just talk?)
The echoes of your silence were deafening. Each attempt to reach you felt like shouting into the abyss, the void swallowing his words.
Returning to the shared house, the remnants of your presence lingered. The cold meal you had prepared sat untouched, a poignant reminder of a time when warmth filled the home. Childe mechanically picked at the food, each bite a tasteless reminder of the void that now enveloped him.
The once-familiar walls seemed to close in as he wandered through the silent rooms. The solitude amplified the weight of his regret, and a profound loneliness settled over him. Despite filling his stomach, an emptiness gnawed at his insides.
Tears welled up, and he crumpled to the entryway floor, the place where the love you both had built now reduced to a battleground of hurtful words. The cool surface provided little comfort as he cried himself into an exhausted slumber, the entryway serving as a painful witness to the wreckage of a love he feared might be irreparably broken.
As the morning light filtered through the curtains, you cautiously returned to your shared home. The air hung heavy with the residue of the previous night's turmoil. With a determined resolve, you planned to pack your things and spend some time with your mother until the wounds of the argument had a chance to heal.
The moment you stepped into the entryway, you noticed a disheveled Childe, still draped in the shadows of sleep. His eyes, red-rimmed from crying, widened in surprise at your presence.
"Y/n…" His voice wavered, a mix of regret and exhaustion lacing his words.
"I'm here to pack my things, Childe," you stated, avoiding eye contact.
His eyes pleaded with you, but you remained steadfast. "Please, love, let's talk. I need you to understand."
"No, Childe. We've said enough," you replied, your voice firm. The weight of the situation pressed down on you, but you were determined not to let it sway your decision.
As you began gathering your belongings, Childe, propelled by a mixture of desperation and a genuine desire to make amends, rose from the floor. He moved closer, his hand reaching out involuntarily.
"Don't touch me, Childe," you warned, your eyes flashing hurt.
Childe's heart sank as he continued to trail behind you, the weight of your silence pressing down on him. The atmosphere was thick with tension, and he winced at the palpable pain in your voice when you told him not to touch you.
His eyes were red and swollen from the tears that had stained the entryway floor the night before. Yet, a glimmer of hope flickered within him, fueled by the desperate need to salvage what was left of the love that once filled their home.
As he followed you through the house, his eyes caught sight of your left hand. The familiar glint of the engagement ring was conspicuously absent. Panic seized him as he realized its absence, the realization hitting him like a punch to the gut.
"Y/n, where's the ring?" His voice trembled with a mix of fear and desperation.
You glanced at him briefly, the weight of your gaze heavy with unspoken words. "It's in the bedroom. I left it."
Childe's heart raced as he hurried to the bedroom, his footsteps echoing in the empty space. The room, once a sanctuary of shared dreams, felt haunted by the shadows of fractured promises.
He found the ring on the dresser, its absence from your finger a stark reminder of the fragility of the bond they had built. The intricate design, a symbol of their commitment, now seemed like a fragile artifact of a love slipping through his fingers.
Fear gripped him, the gravity of the situation hitting him like a tidal wave. He returned to find you near the front door, the distance between you growing wider with each passing moment.
"Y/n, I—I can fix this. I'll do whatever it takes. Please, don't go," he pleaded, the vulnerability in his voice bared for you to see.
As you moved towards the door, a determined resolve etched across your face, Childe's hand shot out, instinctively reaching for you. He caught your wrist, his grip firm but not forceful. His eyes pleaded with yours, mirroring the desperate turmoil within him.
"Y/n, please, I beg you… don't go," he pleaded, his voice breaking.
You paused, feeling the grip on your wrist, the pull of emotions warring within you. Childe's sobs echoed in the silent room, the raw vulnerability he displayed tearing down the walls you had erected around your wounded heart.
"Childe, you can't fix this with just words," you said, your own voice wavering with the weight of the situation.
His grip softened, fingers slipping from your wrist to intertwine with yours. "I know… I know, but let me try. I love you, and I can't bear the thought of losing you."
His tears fell freely, staining the floor beneath him. The vulnerability he exhibited, coupled with the sincerity in his eyes, created a tumultuous whirlwind of conflicting emotions within you.
"I can't promise anything, Childe," you said, gently trying to disentangle your hand from his. "But I need time to think, away from this… chaos."
Childe, however, held on tighter, his sobs intensifying. "I messed up, Y/n. I don't want to lose you. Please, just stay. Let me try to make things right."
The conflicting emotions battled within you as Childe's sobs reverberated in the room. Despite the anger, hurt, and the shattered trust, a deep well of love still lingered within your heart. The sight of him crumbling before you, laid bare in vulnerability, tugged at those lingering threads of affection.
Taking a deep breath, you relented. Your free hand reached out, gently cupping Childe's tear-stained cheek. Your touch, though soft, held the weight of both love and reproach.
"Childe, stop crying," you whispered, your voice a delicate plea.
His tearful eyes met yours, and for a moment, the world outside their shared turmoil seemed to fade away. The touch of your hand, wiping away his tears, bridged the emotional chasm that had grown between you two.
"I love you, but this can't be fixed overnight," you admitted, your tone a delicate balance of firmness and compassion.
Childe nodded, his grip on your hand relaxing.
In the days that followed, the atmosphere in your shared home transformed. Childe, once a tempest of chaos and unpredictability, began to change. The realization of the pain he had caused you, coupled with the fear of losing the love he cherished, became a catalyst for a profound transformation.
His actions spoke louder than words. Childe started attending therapy, seeking guidance to navigate the complexities of his emotions and learn healthier ways to cope with the challenges that came with his role in the Fatui. The reckless impulsivity that once defined him began to give way to a more measured and thoughtful approach.
The wounds of the argument were still fresh, and trust needed time to mend, but Childe's commitment to change became evident in his actions. He took on a more active role in maintaining the home, shared responsibilities with newfound diligence, and made genuine efforts to communicate openly.
Gone were the days of recklessness overshadowing your relationship. Childe, now more attuned to your needs and the impact of his words, worked tirelessly to rebuild the connection that had weathered the storm.
While the scars of the past lingered, the metamorphosis within Childe created a sense of hope.
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whathebeep · 8 months
Okay so like the perma death of Tav and how it would affect the party-
Just cause my Tav died during the end boss and it got me thinking (SPOILERS FOR SURE) (definitely romance centric around poly Tav/Astarion/Halsin)
The party definitely doesn't fully comprehend it at first. Oh it's fine, Shadowheart has revivify- no? It won't work? Right okay we have the scrolls- oh. Okay well we can bring them back to Withers- what do you mean you can't?
That's it. That's the end, and Tav is dead and gone, cold to the touch.
Astarion is in shock. He doesn't believe it, won't believe it- he gets angry at Withers. Yells and screams until his voice his hoarse and angry hot tears are running down his face until he drops to his knees and sobs. Tav's body is on a bed or a stone slab, and he just kneels and cries next to Tav. Squeezes their hand, begs, pleads with them for you to come back. Don't take them, take me- let them live, let them stay, I can't do this without them. Halsin stays with him, by your side, the two comforting each other through their tears and the loss of their love. He cries until he's weak and tired and can't bring himself to move- Halsin feeds him and brings him to bed. He cries at the smell of you on his pillow; you were his sun and now you were gone.
Gale is quiet. Gale comforts the others, makes sure everyone else's needs are being met. He makes Tav's favourite meal that night for everyone at camp- probably something like a nice hearty stew with potatoes and beef. After he's sure everyone else is fed and has drank water/blood, he returns to his tent to eat alone. He closes his tent and quietly cries. He doesn't eat.
Wyll? Wyll carries Tav back to camp- perhaps with the help of Lae'zel. He feels how cold your skin is, and he does his best to hold it together. He sees how deep your wounds are, how blue your lips are. He's unsure if you died before you hit the water, or if you succumbed to your injuries before Halsin pulled you out- but he feels the weight in his chest. You were a hero. Baldur's Gate deserved the privilege to know your face, to hear your laughter. You would've been knighted, you would be a hero to the people. They couldn't of done it without you, and now you were gone. He knew it before they even reached Withers. Wyll didn't sleep that night, rather staying up and tending to the fire.
Shadowheart knew it too. When she tries to revivify Tav and there was nothing, she knew there was no hope. She lingered when the party started back to camp with your body. Shadowheart made her way back to the now empty house of grief and picks night orchids. She takes her time coming back. Camp is quiet when she returns. She feels the familiar wisps of sorrow grasping at the edge of her mind- she is reminded of Shar, and the urge to forget. She won't go back- both for herself and for you. She brings you the night orchids and leaves them in your hands.
Halsin pulled you from the water. He was the first to realize you hadn't surfaced and swam down for you. Minsc realized quickly too and helped him bring you back to shore. Upon the return to camp and the cold hard truth from Withers, he's hurting. His heart hurts. Halsin falls into old habits, hard. He comforts Astarion first and foremost, putting his needs second. He did this at the grove, too. He realizes this and finally breaks, crying as he holds Astarion, the two at your bedside. He lets them fall, he hugs Astarion close, he prays to Silvanus- not to bring you back- he of course knows you are gone. He prays to Silvanus to meet you someday again, be it in the afterlife or if your soul comes back to this plane as something else. When Astarion is too weak to move and needs to go to his bed, Halsin carries him back to his tent. He holds Astarion as Astarion feeds on him, before laying him down to sleep. He leaves, returning with wildflowers to weave into your hair, before returning to bed with Astarion.
Karlach rages. She's violent for hours on end- punching trees, her upgraded engine burning so hot that her tears sizzle if they fall on her skin. She spent 10 years in the hells, 10 goddamn years with absolutely no one- you were the first person to give her a chance. You were her friend. You stood up for her time and time again, you saved her from needing to go back- and now you're gone. She punches a tree and scratches at it and yells angry things in infernal. Her rage only simmers when Scratch and your owlbear cub come to her- she collapsed against the tree and holds them both, crying as her engine starts to cool.
Lae'zel is quiet. She helps Wyll carry you back- she might not be the best at reading emotions, at telling what is happening- but she's seen death before. She realized you were gone when Minsc and Halsin pulled you out. You were a hero- you saved her people, you saved her prince, you saved /her/. And now you were gone. She wonders if you felt as scared as she was, when the tadpole was the greatest threat to them back on the Nautiloid. She knows she didn't say it, but she considered you a true friend. She comes to you later in the night to lay your weapon in your hands. She notices the orchids, and leaves them within your hands as well before going to sit at the fire with Wyll. She's quiet.
Minsc? Minsc is optimistic. He's not stupid- he holds out hope you'll be fine, reassuring the others while they walk back to camp. Surely you were fine, Withers would make sure of it! But when Withers tells everyone the truth, Minsc isn't angry. He feels the sadness, Boo does too- they go to the shore and sit to stare at the water. Minsc has been around for awhile- he knows the finality of death. He, in a way, knows Tav will be okay. That you will return as a bird or a baby or maybe you won't, and you'll await them all in the final death- and he and Boo mourn you.
Jaheira is the one to arrange the coffin for Tav. She's familiar with the process- she's done it many times before for Harpers. She's gone all night getting an oak coffin for your burial, and returns with a few men in the early hours of the next morning. They move Tav into the coffin, careful not to disturb the weapon you held and the numerous flowers. Jaheira sheds tears for you- she brings you medicine, laying the plants in your casket around your head. Lilacs and lavender, cedar and sage cradle Tav's head in the coffin. She thanks you for the lives you saved, the ones you've avenged- for doing what you could.
When the funeral happens, the cathedral is full. When the dust settled and word of your deeds, of your battle, of your sacrifice spread across the city, hundreds come to mourn Tav. Tav the great, Tav the hero, Tav the brainslayer. Tav is knighted before the burial, and is buried in a cemetery in the upper city amongst other heroes of Baldur's Gate. Church bells ring, and taverns are filled with people drinking and singing in Tav's honour. Bards have somehow already come up with songs of Tav and the group- and truly, while the party will remain together, their hearts bleed for the leader they lost.
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c0eu4 · 7 months
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OP81 | Overstimulated ♡☁︎
Summary: She wanted to try role-play but she can't take it anymore. He takes care of her after it.
Warning: oral (f receiving), overstimulation, swearing?, fluff
A/N: enjoy <3
MASTERLIST requests are open
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Hands tied to the bed, her whole body trembles with desire. Her eyes are filled with tears as she starts to beg him even more.
''Oscaaar... Pleaaase..'' She whines, her body wriggling under his lick.
''I didn't tell you you can cum.'' He looked up at her from between her thighs, his eyes dark from lust. It might be one hour they were like this. Her hands tied to the bed, him between her legs. But she still didn't cum. He doesn't say that she can come.
''Please please please please!!'' She begged him, almost crying from the intense pleasure.
He doesn't answer and keep rubbing his nose against her clit, fucking her with his tongue. What a lucky girl that her boyfriend has a long tongue. He fuck her, stimulating her sweet spot at the same time. He moves away a little, pushes two fingers inside her and moves back and forth, using his other hand to rub her clit.
''You're so tight..'' He whispered to her ear, kissing her collarbone and leaving a few red marks. He plays with her nipples by nibbing it and sucking her breasts.
It was too much for her. She can't take it anymore. Even if he didn't tell her to do it, she can't help but cum brutality around his fingers. ''Oscar!!'' She moaned loudly as her whole body shook and tensed.
''What a naughty girl..'' He takes away his fingers, places his tongue against her cunt and licks her again. He tasted her sweet nectar, overstimulated her. She keeps moaning, but more in pain than in pleasure.
''Uhhg.. Osc-.. Pastry! Pastry! Pastryyy!'' Tears falling from her eyes, she has to do it. She knows he won't stop until she uses the safeword. It was because of herself if she was here now.
He immediately took a step away from her, undoing the knot that tied her to the bed and massaged her wrist red from the tie.
''Sweetheart you're ok ?'' She refound her Oscar. Her sweet Oscar who takes care of her. Her sweet Oscar who pays attention to everything he does. Her sweet Oscar who always put her pleasure before his own.
He takes her in his arms, lifting her up to make her sit against the headboard. She takes refuge in his arms, crying softly against his shoulder.
''I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..'' She blames herself. She was the one who wanted to try. It was she who suggested that they can try this 'little role-playing game'.
''Don't apologize for using this word.'' He struck her back and her hair tenderly, trying to calm her down.
They stay like this for a few minutes, her calming down.
''You want to take a bath?'' He knows how much she likes to take a bath when she's not ok.
She nodded her head, wiping the last few tears from her face. He placed one hand under her knees and lifted her up like a princess towards the bathroom. He makes her sit in the sink, filling the bathtub with hot water. He had some rose and lavender essential oil.
''You want me to tie your hair up ?'' He looked at her, with his lovely eyes that she loved more than anything. She smiles tenderly at him.
''Yes please.'' He approached her, he took his hair in hand and brushed it then tied it into an ugly bun. He peeked her cheek and lifted her up again, making her sit in the bathtub.
He sits behind her, her between his legs, her back against his chest. He keeps her close to him, gently stoking her waist and arms. He kissed her cheek again.
''I love you my princess.'' He said, kissing her hair. She nuzzles her nose into his neck, kissing his neck.
''I love you more.'' Her voice sounded sleepy. He chuckled softly.
''Don't play this little game with me. I love you even more than my sisters.''
She closed her eyes, taking advantage of this rare moment. Oscar is a busy man. He's always in the four corners of the world, and she can't always follow him everywhere. Plus, he's not someone who shows his feelings a lot. Even though she is aware that when he is alone with her, he is no longer the same. But still, hearing her favorite Australian says that he loves her more than his sisters, it's not nothing. Especially when she knows how much he loves his family, his sisters.
They stay in the bath for around twenty minutes, until the warm water begins lukewarm, then cold.
Again, he helps her to get out of it, pass her some fresh clothes and when she's brushing her teeth, her hair and tied it in braids, he changes the sheets on the bed to be more comfortable.
They then go back to the bed, but for sleep this time. She cuddles him, already hearing his little snores.
What a lovely man he can be.
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gojos-fr-bae · 10 months
Stood up
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Pairing: Gojo x fem!reader
Genre: angst to fluff
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: Cursing
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Three hours.
You waited at that damn restaurant for three excruciating hours receiving a pitiful look from the waitress and you just couldn't handle it anymore.
Your precious boyfriend had let you sit there and feel embarrassment flood you every time you caught someone staring at you before whispering to their date.
He couldn't even bother bother to text or call nor reply to your texts or answer your calls. And as if this all isn't bad enough this wasn't the first but fourth time that month and you couldn't take it anymore.
It's been so long you two spent time together. He always arrived home when you were already asleep and left before you could wake. You were the only one even tying to keep you two together and you were so, so exhausted. You couldn't keep giving your everything to someone and receiving nothing in return, after all you're only human.
And so, driven by pain, you ignored your tears and painful sobs escaping your chest as you packed all your belongings and wrote one last letter to your soon to be former lover.
It hurt you so much to leave knowing you may never love anyone the way you love him, but you had to do this for your own sake and if that meant walking out that front door and not turning back then so be it.
It had been a week since you left the house you shared with the love of your life and you had received nothing but silence from his end, and yet today you woke up to 45 missed calls and so many messages from the bastard but you couldn't bring yourself to open them. You knew that if you listened to even one of the voicemails he left your resolve would crumble considering the texts you also received from his students begging you to speak to him and talking about how much of a mess he is.
You were scrolling through their messages when you barely heard the gentle knocking on the door over the rain outside. You had been staying at your friend's that night and as far as you were aware she was spending the night at her boyfriend's so you had no idea who'd be at the door.
You got up, groaning from the headache your crying had caused and began walking towards the door. You opened the door, breath catching at seeing Gojo standing on the other side of the door. He looked up at you and his eyes began tearing up. They were swollen, red and had bags, his cheeks sunken in slightly. It felt like a dagger was jabbed into your heart and was being twisted. You couldn't bare to see him looking so broken.
"H-hi" he whispered, looking at his feet and fidgeting with the hem of his shirt so that you don't see him breaking or hear how his voice cracks.
"May I- umm, may I c-co-come in?" this time you heard how his voice wavered."
"Please, d-don't call me that"
"Come in" You said, finally noticing how much he was shivering, his hair and clothes soaked.
"Satoru, did you, walk here?"
"Walk, stand outside the building trying to gain the confidence to enter what's the difference?"
"Oh no, I'm so sorry let me get you some spare clothes, I hope I have something that can fit-"
"No no, that won't be necessary I don't plan on staying long."
"Well in that case uhm... how can I help you?"
There was a heavy silence between you two as you stood in the doorway, waiting for him to respond.
"P-please" he croaked, tears beginning to fall down his face, "Please take me back"
"Satoru don't-"
"I'm so, so sorry. I'm such a pathetic and useless boyfriend and It's completely my fault that we split up because I stood you up and hurt you and I know I don't deserve to be forgiven but I'm begging sugar cube please, I can't live without you"
"Satoru you constantly disregarded me and our relationship. You never spoke to me, constantly stood me up and never even bothered to apologise ONCE, It's like you never even loved me in the first place!" You shouted, feeling your tears begin to blur your vision.
"I know and I'm sorry! I feel like and absolute piece of shit but I LOVE YOU Y/N! I love you so much it hurts, I love you so much I almost have a heart attack whenever you smile! And I love you because you are the only one who ever made me feel like that, only one who ever told me that I would be ok who ever held me when I cried, no one else but you!"
"Even if you do I can't keep carrying this relationship alone Satoru! I can't be at peace unless I leave"
"Satoru, even if I said yes, I know I would never be your first priori-"
"I quit!" He pressed out quickly, looking up to meet your eyes and lacing your hands in his.
"I quit at Jujutsu tech immediately after reading your letter a-and I realised that you were right. You were right about everything! I had neglected and mistreated you so much when you deserved none of it and I'm sorry."
You were stunned. flabbergasted even. You knew how important Gojo was to the Jujutsu world and so did he. You were pretty sure that the world would fall into chaos, he was the only person keeping things in balance. And he quit...for you"
"Before you say anything, don't worry about money. I already have tons and once I'm head of the clan it practically doubles so I can spoil you the way you deserve to be"
"And I promise I'll work harder to make you happy. I know I really don't deserve it because I'm a worthless piece of-"
"Yes ma'am" he said, almost in a whisper.
"Did you really quit for me?"
"Do you really love me? "
"More than breathing"
"And are you really going to change?"
"Anything for you"
"Then if we give this one more shot things will really be different?"
"Okay, then let's do it, I mean what's the worst that could happen?"
His face lit up up before he pulled you into a bone crushing hug, burying his head in the crook of your neck.
"Thank you so much, I love you"
"I love you more sweetheart"
"Eh, doubt it"
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© gojos-fr-bae
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onlyjaeyun · 9 months
⤲ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
⤲ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞!𝐀𝐔, 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝!𝐀𝐔, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
⤲ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟖𝐤 (𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲)
⤲ 𝐜𝐰: 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 (𝐟.𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐩𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐲 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤!𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠
⤲ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞, 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞. 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬, 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨'𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧...
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Heessung isn't really sure why he thought it'd be a good idea to show up at your door at midnight on a random wednesday, you haven't been replying to any of his messages or returning to calls after all.
But after Jaeyun's – partly hurtful but true words, he knows this is the right thing to do.
He cares about you and he wants to make sure you know it, not because he's telling you but because because he's actively showing you.
As cliché as it may sound, Heeseung wants his actions to speak instead of his words and after hiding a rather important fact about his "best friend" from you, he knows he has to take advantage of every moment Sunghoon isn't by your side.
The past four days your brother has been trying his very best to take care of you, forcing you to do the basic hygiene part, whereas he took over the other stuff such as cleaning your apartment and bringing you home cooked meals Jongseong had sent to you.
Only after you promised to call him whenever you're eating, has he decided to give you some space, knowing you'd stay true to your words.
It's only been about two hours since Sunghoon had come home after staying at your place most week and as soon as Heeseung saw his best friend firmly asleep on the couch, he knew had to take the chance and leave.
Leave to see you, leave to finally hear more than "she told me", leave to find and pull you into his arms, breathe you in and apologize, explain himself to you and beg for your forgiveness.
There's so much he wants to do and say but he knows he has to be careful with his words. From what Sunghoon's been telling him, you haven't been talking much, one word answers and two word questions the only thing to leave your lips, mostly to make sure your brother doesn't go into cardiac arrest.
Heeseung's been too scared to talk to Jungwon about you, even though he's aware you two have been in contact since your brother had almost started crying when he talked about how proud he felt when he saw you listening to your best friend's voice mails.
Knowing he's broken your heart as bad as this has been destroying him in the worst way possible, yet he never once blamed anyone but himself, as usual.
However, this time he's decided to actually do something about it instead of just accepting his fate.
Heeseung has never been as serious about someone as he is with you and that's why he won't go down without a fight the way he usually does.
And maybe because he's still hopeful of a future with you, something he used to be too scared to even imagine, but actually had gotten a taste of and fell in love with just a few days ago.
Only by the time he arrives at the front door of your apartment, does Heeseung realise you'll probably see him through your security camera and deny him entrance, something he hasn't quite thought of when he rushed out of his own home to get to you.
But as soon as he decides to accept his defeat of the day, a gentle buzzing noise makes it way through his loud thoughts and with a gasp he pushes the door open, doesn't even bother waiting for the elevator.
And for a moment you wonder why you had decided to actually open the door for him, when your own brother had to beg for the same exact thing.
Maybe it's a moment of weakness and you don't actually want to see him and maybe it's the urge to hear him out, too lost in and broken from all those horrible thoughts that have been clouding your brain for the past four days.
You've barely stopped crying ever since your conversation about his best friend and functioning like an average human being has definitely never been this difficult.
So why would you actually give him the chance to say all these things to your face?
What's the point in looking at him while getting your heart broken? Does it make it any less painful, more real?
You actually have no idea, yet feel your breath hitching at the sudden sight of Lee Heeseung.
Dressed in a pair of dark sweats, a thick hoodie and an even bigger puffer jacket, his hair messily falling into his eyes because of the beanie on his head and at the sight of his glossy bambi eyes, you somehow feel your heart healing just the tiniest bit.
You've missed him.
The sound of his voice, his touch, his kisses and his scent, just him.
After finally getting a taste of being so close to him, you've stopped denying just how much your body's been craving him and his presence rather quickly.
You've never hated him for the things he's done and said and you probably won't ever feel resentment for him, yet he's always managed to break your heart into thousands of pieces to the point where breathing felt like an actual challenge.
As your eyes roam his tired face, you let out a shaky sigh when you notice the darkness under his eyes and exhaustion lingering in the sweet brown around his slightly dilated pupil.
Just as usual a beat of silence follows his sudden presence and gives you enough time to take in the sight you've missed so much, yearning to be in his arms and finally feel the ache in your heart slowly but surely fade away.
You know he's always going to be the only one to have this effect on you, even if he happens to be the reason for the pain in the first place.
"Can I – Can you please hear me out? All I need is five minutes and then I'll leave, I promise." Heeseung's voice is strained and raspy, slightly hoarse and for a moment you wonder if he's been just as effected by everything as you.
"Come in", you reply calmly and look at him with tired eyes, destroying his heart with a chainsaw in the process as he notices how physically and emotionally exhausted you look.
With a soft sigh you step to the side and watch the way he takes his shoes off before he walks into the hallway of your apartment.
You notice his lack of gloves, his pale hands red from the cold and the urge to take them in yours and warm him up is definitely harder to suppress than you thought.
"Do you want me to make you some tea? A hot water bottle? Need a blanket?"
You don't look at him as the words leave your lips because for some reason you feel embarrassed about the fact he's the first person besides your brother and best friend who you've said this many words to within the past few days.
And as soon as you lift your head and actually meet his eyes, he seems surprised, just as you'd expected, maybe even a little confused.
Every time you've talked to Heeseung ever since Jake's birthday, you've noticed this certain expression of uncertainty and surprise in his eyes, as if he couldn't believe you were actually as interested in him as you claimed to be.
"I – no, thank you", he stammers and takes his jacket off, revealing his pretty neck to your hungry eyes and you hate how you seem so shameless when it comes to him.
"I'm listening."
Your sudden reply doesn't sound like one, but definitely is a demand.
Heeseung can tell how tense you are from the way you've balled both hands into fists as they're neatly placed on your thighs and the way you've been chewing the inside of your cheek for the past few minutes.
"I hate Bae Sumin", he begins and looks away as her name leaves his lips because he knows he can't bear your reaction to hearing it and from the way your eyes start burning with tears, you're glad he knows you as well as he does.
"She's the biggest mistake and only regret in my life", a deep sigh follows his words before he pulls his beanie off of his head and reveals the rest of his messy hair to you, "and she's been blackmailing me into a friendship with her ever since the day we met."
Now that new piece of information leaves you speechless.
You can't help but look at him with raised brows and parted lips, actual shock grazing your features and as soon as Heeseung catches a glimp of your expression, he can't help but pull his bottom lip between his teeth.
He hates himself for being so attracted to you to the point where everything you say or do is driving himninto insanity. Evennin the most inappropriate moments.
"Care to uhm – elaborate?"
Heeseung nods and starts fumbling with the rings on his fingers, quickly pulling your attention to the one you know your brother had gotten him on his 18th birthday and the one he hasn't taken off ever since.
"Right after the party, Hoonie and I both started our jobs at the company and neither one of us actually knew who Sumin was because she's only recently started being part of her family's public image", he explains and you nod, attentively listening to him and trying your best not to focus on the way his lips move.
"She applied for the manager job of the basketball team and that's how we ran into each other again. Sunghoon never liked her and none of the boys were fond of her, either", the sound of another deep exhale fills the space of your living room, "long story short, about a month into the semester she told me about how her uncle, who just so happens to be Hoonie's boss, asked her if she knew the new intern and what she thinks of him."
"Oh, my God", you whisper when the realisation hits you. Yet again, life had decided to test Heeseung with the loyalty towards his best friend and with big eyes you look at him.
"Ever since that day she asked me to spend time with her and whenever you said no one too many times, she went 'it'd be such a bummer if your precious Sunghoon lost the internship he worked so hard for' and that's why I'm stuck with her."
All of a sudden everything makes sense.
Everything he's done and said, just to protect your brother's future career and current situation. Neither one of them ever fails to surprise you with their selflessness whenever it comes to each other and as your brain processes his words, you can't help but tear up again.
It's not like you minded Sumin's prrsence in his life, you never cared enough in the first place.
"Why did you hide it from me?"
You don't give your brain enough time to intervene as you voice the question lingering in your broken heart, a thick veil of tears blurring your sight almost instantly.
"I thought it was the right thing", Heeseung whispers and you hate how his voice breaks at the end of his sentence, since it genuinely worsens the state of your shattered soul.
"Would you still have thought the same if I did that, Heeseung?"
"Imagine if I fucked Jungwon at one point and didn't tell you", you say and instantly feel a weird taste coating your tongue at the mere thought of crossing a line like that with your life long best friend, "would you have preferred if I kept it to myself?"
Within a second jealousy flashes through Heeseung's eyes and you can tell how he's tensing up the more he thinks about it.
"No", he presses through gritted teeth and throws his head back with a sigh of defeat.
"Then you understand why I'm as hurt as I am, right?"
"Yes, Baby", he mumbles, his head shoots up as soon as he realises how he had addressed you, but you don't bother correcting him.
"You have to tell Sunghoon and cut that bitch out of your life, Heeseung", you finally say after a long beat of silence, the sudden waves of anger towards the young woman resurfacing way quicker than you could have expected, "or I won't give you another chance."
Your ultimatum doesn't come to either one of you as a surprise; you both know there's no way you'd let that woman be part of his life along with you, too aware she'd make everything a competition to the point where it ruins you.
Heeseung didn't expect any less from you, he even feels proud of how confident you are about it, glad you finally know your worth and set boundaries.
"I'm going to talk to your brother", he then sighs and shakes his head, "his career isn’t worth losing you forever. Nothing is.. He's smart and ambitious, has good grades and a great reputation, he'll find something else."
You can't deny just how happy his words make you. For the first time in what feels like ever, Heeseung isn't choosing your brother over you, something you never dare to think about yet are often reminded of. A fact you know you should feel ashamed about because of their bond and its importance, yet can't help but feel validated by.
"Jaeyun suggested to print the screenshots out and send them to her uncle", he suddenly says and looks up at you, attentively taking in the sight of your puffy, bloodshot eyes and your swollen lips, losing himself in the thought of kissing you for a second.
"That sounds a lot like a Sim Jaeyun plan", you chuckle and fumble with the tissue in your hand, "and I think it's a good one. Hoon's been the backbone of his team for almost four years, they know how good he's at his job. Even if she's close with her uncle, he'll probably think of his business first."
Heeseung approves your words with a soft nod, runs both hands over his face and pulls his beaie back over his head with a gentle sigh.
"Thank you for hearing me out", he says and suddenly stands up, "I'm sorry for hiding this from you and I'm going to do everything in my power to show you I'm worth your forgiveness."
He sounds confident yet unsure, his eyes fixated on yours and yet obviously filled with longing for your approval.
"Have you eaten anything today yet? Do you want me to order you something?"
With your brows furrowed in confusion you look up at him, the current position making him lightheaded as you your pretty eyes are focused on his face and he oh so happens to stand right in front of your seated self.
"Are you..leaving?"
You're surprised at your own question.
You didn't mean to ask him, yet the suddenness of his movements have overwhelmed you and you're actually scared he might just go.
"Yes", he says quickly and sighs, taking another step back, "I don't deserve to stay just yet. I have to earn the privilege of being with you, princess."
You physically can't stop yourself from tearing up at his words and with glossy eyes you look at him, slowly standing up and absolutely indulging in the close proximity.
For some reason the air is heavier than just a few minutes ago and you can't help but wonder if you're the only one to feel like that.
"Okay", you whisper and finally take a step away from him, despite the urge to bury your face in the crook of his neck and fall asleep with his scent in your system.
"Just to make sure, you didn't fuck Jungwon, did you?" Heeseung laughs awkwardly, yet loosens up as soon as he hears your little chuckle followed my an eye roll when you shake your head in response to his question.
"Losing your virginity to your best friend is such a cliché", you add casually and cross your arms over your chest when a sudden coldness hits you.
And as soon as Heeseung speaks, you freeze.
The realization of what you've just told him hits you like a ton of iced bricks, sends shivers down your spine and actually leaves you gasping for air for a solid minute.
You weren't planning on telling Heeseung about something so intimate, not yet.
The fear of your lack of actual experience scaring him away is far too big to risk it and the thought of him being turned off by you sends a rush of anxiety through your veins.
"I'm sorry", you sigh and grab your forehead, "I didn't mean to make it awkward."
You try to play his reactions off, mostly to make sure neither one of you is unnecessarily uncomfortable but mostly to stop your brain from interpreting things under the influence of arousal.
He already had a slightly flushed face and ears when he walked in a few minutes ago, the cold the reason behind it. And his glossy – no, needy eyes are something you should have gotten used to a long time ago. Heeseung looks at everyone like that, there's absolutely no point int reading into it too much.
"But, you had boyfriends", he suddenly says and looks at you confused, his statement flustering you in the worst way possible.
"Can we please not talk about this, Heeseung", you whisper and feel shame and embarrassment overwhelm you again, "I really don't want to."
"Okay – yeah, of course", he whispers and almost chokes on his own spit at the mere possibility of being your first in something still existing.
"Can I just..ask you a question?"
The words lay heavy on his tongue because he's ready to have his hope being shattered into million pieces yet again but for some reason he can't help but be hopeful.
"I am."
Is the only thing you reply, not giving him the chance to vocalise said question as you let out a shaky sigh and look away.
After going through all these emotions the past few days, you definitely didn't expect to find yourself talking about your virginity with Heeseung, of all people.
Admitting your lack of orgasms from someone else was difficult enough, you definitely wanted to wait a little longer to tell him about this. If you had ever planned to come clean about it in the first place anyway.
Heeseung tries his very best to stay composed and calm but this new found information about you is about to drive him into absolute insanity.
You're a virgin. Nobody has ever had the privilege to lose themselves inside of you. Nobody knows what you feel and look like when you're filled to the brim. Nobody on this fucking earth has ever had you cumming for them in the most intimate way possible.
No matter how hard he tries to deny it, there's a feeling of relief rushing through his chest. He never expected you to be untouched, he couldn't have. Yet knowing he still has the opportunity to be the first, if you ever saw him worthy enough, excited him more than it should.
He never cared if his partners were inexperienced.
And he never found himself genuinely caring about it when it came to you. Of course he somehow hoped to give you the opportunity to live new experiences, maybe a few firsts but not like this.
First the fact nobody has ever made you cum and now this.
"I should – get going", he suddenly presses out, his head spinning from the lack of oxygen in his lungs and for a minute he's convinced he might just pass out.
"Oh", you can't help but feel a sting in your heart at his response, "okay."
As soon as he hears the tone of your voice, a huge warning pops off in his mind and with attentive eyes he tries to read your expressions.
You've looked hurt since you had opened him the door, yet this time there seems to be something else. A different type of pain lingering in the sweet color of your eyes as you try to maintain eye contact.
"What's wrong?"
He quickly asks and reaches for your face, only to stop himself halfway up when he remembers his initial intentions.
"I'm just tired", you say calmly and you're technically not lying to him, you've barely slept all week after all, "my mind's a little fuzzy still, so I think I should go to sleep soon."
"That's not everything."
Damn Lee Heeseung and his stupid ability to read you like an open book.
You've always thought your poker face is good enough, only to realize it's probably a joke to him.
"It's been a long week, Seung", you sigh, "let's call it a night for now, yeah? We can talk about it tomorrow or whenever you're free."
"Baby please", he finally dares to step a little closer to you, "I want to take care of you the way you deserve. Please, give me the chance to."
With your lips pressed into a thin line you play with the hem of your oversized shirt, trying to sort out what exactly it is you're feeling and thinking.
"It's not the right time", you whisper suddenly, "I haven't forgiven you yet."
Your words are harsh, but honest and Heeseung is glad you're standing your ground and refuse to give in as easily as one might expect from you.
No matter how much his heart hurts, he knows you've been hurting worse because of him these past few days. This is the least you could tell him.
"You're right, I'm so–."
"And I told you I'd disappoint you when it comes to the topic of intimacy", you don't really know why you decided to interrupt him or say what had just fallen past your lips but you simply couldn't stop yourself from saying that, even if you had tried.
Heeseung seems genuinely confused about your words.
There's absolutely nothing he could think of when it comes to this topic you could ever disappoint him with. Let alone your lack of experience.
"I have done a few things", you whisper and hate the way your body grows hotter at the thought of talking to Heeseung about sex, "I just never made it to the point where I wanted to go all the way in."
Your confession makes his heart skip a beat, just so it can hammer against his rib cage with full force, thrumming in his throat and ears.
For a second Heeseung feels the need to steady himself and subconsciously reaches for you, despite knowing he hasn't moved an inch the past few minutes.
"And you think that's disappointing to me?" he asks curiously and never once shifts his gaze from yours, the fire in his usually so soft and gentle eyes one you've grown quite familiar with and all you can do is nod hesitantly.
"Baby", he presses through gritted teeth, "I never cared about it. And I still don't. You're still going to be the only thing on my mind when I cum."
Heeseung's lewd choice of words definitely shouldn't surprise you as much as it does, since you've heard it quite a few times now, yet you still can't help but gasp for air.
You hate the way your brain is fighting your body, telling you to be rational and not get worked up over him talking to you like this, but how could you when this is Lee Heeseung. The one man you've ever fantasized about, the main character of all your dirty fantasies and dreams, the one you've been secretly saving yourself for.
There's no way you can actively stop your heart from beating a little further down, right in between your legs.
"Does it drive me crazy? Absolutely", he breathes and pushes a strand of your hair out of your face with one of his fingers, never once touching your skin yet sending shivers down your spine, "but it's never been of relevance for me. I still want you like a starved man."
"Stop", you whisper and let your hands find home in the fabric of his hoodie, tightening your grip and pushing yourself against his chest without hesitation; a complete contrast to your request, "I'm not strong enough to reject you right now."
"Does it feel like I'm taking advantage of your vulnerability, Y/N?"
Heeseung's question surprises you and with a soft sigh you shake your head. It never felt like he's taking advantage of any of your emotional states, which probably just makes everything even worse. Everything he does and says seems so genuine and honest, you can't get yourself to distance yourself from him. No matter how hard you try.
You know you should still be angry and mad at him, what he's done isn't supposed to be forgiven this quickly but the way you're physically and emotionally craving him feels unhealthy if not treated.
"Your words, Baby, need you to use them for me", he whispers against your lips and sighs softly when you let out a tiny "no, Seungie".
He genuinely can't believe how hard he's right now, not after he's been crying the past few days thinking of ways to make his wrongdoing up to you. Not after he genuinely thought about leaving the city to give you the space you need.
“Good girl”, the praise leaves his lips almost instinctively. There’s always been something about the way you look at him which makes him want to lay the world to your feet and never have you lift a single finger again.
He’s been wondering if you enjoy hearing it as much as he likes doing it and as soon as you bury your face in his neck with the softest, neediest whimper he’s ever heard, Heeseung finally gets the answer to his question.
“Baby, what do you want me to do? I want you to decide”, he whispers softly, his big hands caressing your back as he loses himself in the feeling of holding you in his arms.
“I feel like I should send you home and get my ass to sleep”, you reply and finally wrap your arms around his small waist, pressing yourself even closer against his chest in an attempt to ease your nerves.
“No, princess. What do you want? Forget about what you think you should do, this is all about you and your needs and desires."
Heeseung takes your face into his big hands in the softest and most gentle way possible, nudges his nose against yours and grazes his lips against your parted ones with a soft sigh.
"I want you to stay", you finally let go of all those thoughts in your head and take a deep breath, loving the way his scent fills your nose and calms your nerves just how you needed, "and I want to fall asleep in your arms."
"There you go, well done", Heeseung smiles against your lips, yet doesn't move any further and that's when you realize he's not going unless you tell him.
"And I want you to kiss me."
That's everything he needs to hear and without missing another beat, Heeseung presses his pretty lips against yours, capturing them in a hungry kiss.
He wants to go slow and soft, yet after finally getting a taste, he's been thinking about nothing else. It takes him every bit of self control not to shove his tongue down your throat and have you moan into his mouth the way you did in his car all those days ago.
But as you start moving further into his touch, your kisses growing greedier, hungrier and needier, your hands digging into the actual skin of his waist, Heeseung knows you're just as impatient as he is.
So without losing more time, he reaches for your arms and places them around his neck, a soft grunt escaping his pretty lips when you pull off his beanie and let your hands find home in his hair. The urge to pull you even closer against his body until not a single piece of paper could fit in between the two of you is overwhelming and for a moment Heeseung isn't sure if there's any oxygen left in his lungs.
You hum into his mouth, letting him take over and enjoying the way his tongue plays with yours, grazing it too and exploring your mouths in the most perfect way possible.
Heeseung's hands are messily roaming your body, groping and kneading every bit of flesh he can reach and you can tell how much he's holding himself back by the gentle pain in your hips from how much he's been digging his fingers into your skin. So with a gentle push to his wrist, you guide him to your ass, a soft whimper falling past your lips as soon as he takes a handful of your soft flesh, pushing your hips against his own without realizing it.
You love the way Heeseung is making you feel. Everything about the way he kisses and touches you makes you feel desired and adored in a way none of your previous boyfriends had managed to and for the first time in your life you actually feel sexy.
Heeseung doesn't give you much time to think, his lips sucking on your tongue, teeth digging into the soft flesh of your bottom lip as he kisses his way to your chin and down to your neck with a deep grunt rumbling through his chest.
A row of your soft whimpers and little whines fill the space of your living room and as soon as he hears the way you're falling apart for him, from just a few kisses, he feels like he could cum in his pants without the feeling of a single touch.
"Tell me to stop", he whispers, begs gently and sucks the skin of your neck into his mouth, "please, Baby."
"No", you whisper quickly and guide his hand to your chest, yearning for his touch, only for your breath to hitch in your throat as soon as you takes one of your tits into his palms, "I want you so bad."
"How do you want me, angel girl? I'm at your mercy, wanna do whatever you want me to." Heeseung's voice is raspy and hoarse, the arousal present in every single one of his words.
Of course it doesn't take you longer than a second to know what you want. You've been dreaming about it for months now, your thoughts just intensifying after seeing the name of a certain groupchat.
Only one of your three boyfriends had ever tried to go down on you, only to leave you absolutely disappointed after about a minute of trying. Their lack of desire as well as energy and motivation definitely weren't something you enjoyed and for some reason you just know Heeseung is going to be the exact opposite.
Maybe that's why asking him isn't as difficult and embarrassing as it used to be with your previous lovers.
"I want you to eat me out."
The words of every single fantasy he's ever had are finally processing in his brain because you actually said them out loud.
Heeseung has never wanted much in his life, he never had the privilege to ask for a lot, so he's always been cautious about what he wants.
Burying his face in your pretty cunt has been on top of that small list for as long as he can think of, right after you as a whole.
So as his brain tries to make its way through the fog of arousal, he can't help but halt his movements.
For a moment you're actually afraid you might have turned him off with your request, your choice of words or your boldness, only to notice the way his eyes have turned darker than you've ever seen them as he looks up at you with flushed cheeks and parted lips.
"Say that again", he whispers against your mouth and digs his fingers further into the flesh of your thighs, "please, Baby. I have to hear them again so I know this isn't another dream."
Another dream.
So he has actually been thinking about you in that way and despite his several confessions you can't help but gulp harshly once the realization hits you.
"I want you to eat me out, please", you repeat yourself a little less confident, your voice smaller than before because of all the arousal clouding your brain and as soon as Heeseung's deep moan fills your ears you feel your cunt clenching in despair, ruining your panties even more.
"That's my girl", Heeseung grunts and suddenly drops to his knees, pushes your oversized shirt up just enough to reveal the skin of your lower stomach before he starts littering open mouthed kisses all over you.
"Mine", that single word and its meaning send shivers down your whole body and yet again your heart starts beating in the center of your pussy to the point where you can feel just how sensitive you've gotten.
You attentively watch the way Heeseung takes off his own Hoodie, leaving him in a black shirt and for some reason he's never looked as attractive as he does on his knees with his flushed face so close to where you need him the most.
"Come on, Baby", he suddenly whispers and gently pulls down your shirts, revealing your little lace panties to his hungry eyes and quickly burying his face in your clothed cunt, "tell me who you belong to, yeah? Use those big girl words for me."
You try everything in your power to form a proper, coherent sentence but the fact you can feel Heeseung's pretty nose nudge against your sensitive clit has your head spinning to the point where keeping your balance is an actual struggle.
"You smell perfect", his voice is muffled by the way he's pressing his nose deeper in between your legs right before he gently pushes them further apart and pulls away to look at you.
"Oh, Baby", Heeseung cooes and looks uo at you with a soft smile and the prettiest shine in his bambi eyes, "you're fucking soaked. Made a mess of those pretty panties, what a bummer."
And before you can even think about what to reply, you hear the sound of fabric being torn apart, followed by watching your now destroyed underwear gently fall to the floor.
"Don't worry, I'll get you a new pair", he whispers but from the way he's staring at your now exposed cunt you can tell he's barely available anymore.
You try to read his expression, only to come to the conclusion that Heesung looks drunk. His eyes are heavy, his cheeks an even darker shade of red than before, lips swollen from the abuse of his teeth and his words sounds slurred.
You've never had anyone look at you with such hunger and that's probably why you don't feel exposed at all. Usually this would have been the point where you ask your boyfriend to turn off the lights to feel a little more comfortable and hidden but as you're standing there with your complete cunt put on full display for Heeseung to look at and admire, you've never felt more at ease.
"Say something, please", you whisper and push your fingers through his thick hair, tilting his head back to meet his gaze and you can't help but hasp at the way he looks at you.
"Couch", Seung whispers and gets on his feet, his hand around your wrist, "and spread those pretty legs for me, princess."
His words, voice and touch feel hypnotizing and without hesitation you find yourself doing as you're told, your eyes never once shifting away from his face and if it wasn't for how well you know him, you'd be worried about the look on Heeseung's handsome face.
It doesn't take long for him to drop to his knees yet again, yet this time he seems hesitant and all of a sudden tension floods your body.
"No", he whispers and quickly pushes your legs apart again, his other hand reaching for the couch as he digs his nails into the soft fabric until his knuckles have turned white, "I just need a moment to stop myself from cumming in my pants."
His confession has your cunt clenching around nothing and you can feel your juices leak out of you, something you have never experienced before and yet again, not an ounce of shame or embarrassment overwhelms you.
Knowing Heeseung has to physically calm himself to stop himself from reaching his climax makes your eyes roll into the back of your head and with a soft whimper you reach for his hair.
"This is the most perfect pussy I've ever seen", he whispers, his lids flutter shut before he pushes his cheek against your inner thigh, followed by a row of open mouthed kisses on the soft skin.
"And it's all mine."
His possessiveness comes naturally, he never meant for these thoughts to leave his head but as soon as you said those words to him, Heeseung has stopped thinking rationally and isn't planning on going back anytime soon.
And from the way you're bucking your hips up with the sweetest, most desperate whimper he's ever heard he can tell you're actually agreeing to him.
"Say it, Baby", you have no idea how many times he's made you use your words today but you don't even think about denying his request.
"It's yours, Seungie", you whine and try your best to stop squirming but no matter what, the arousal has become absolutely unbearable.
You've never been this turned on in your entire life and for the first time you're actually positive you might actually cum.
"Good girl", the praise rolls off of his tongue in the most casual manner and you hate how much heat it sends through your veins; you're already on fire and everything he does or says, just the way he looks at you pours more gasoline to it and you feel like you might pass out from the overwhelming feeling.
"You're so fucking wet." Heeseung wants to be a little less blunt and more sensual, softer and a little more romantic but his brain has shut off minutes ago and at the sight of your soaked cunt he can't seem to produce a single thought.
He's never been this aroused, none of his fantasies coming close to reality as his eyes take in the image of you in the most perfect way possible.
"Please, Seungie", you breathe as the anticipation becomes too much, "I want you so bad."
How could he ever deny a request so sweet? How could he even think about denying you what he's been dreaming about for years to the point where not a single day passed by without thoughts of you saying exactly these words to him?
So with a soft sigh and his eyes glued on your face, Heeseung leans down and lets his tongue graze over the slit of your pretty cunt, only for a deep, guttural moan of his to fill the quiet space of your living room.
For a whole minute, the world comes to a stop as the taste of your sweet juices spread on his tongue and send him into the deepest, darkest corners of his lust; something he would have never expected to see yet has already become addicted to with just a single taste.
"Finally", is the first word to leave his lips after what felt like an eternity and you can't help but bite your bottom lip at the sight of his eyes rolling into the back of his head.
You expect him to say something else, but as soon as Heeseung finds his way back to reality, he literally buries his face in your cunt and starts lapping up every single drop of your arousal without shame.
The feeling of his hot tongue grazing your drenched folds, his moans and soft whimpers, as well as the feeling of his nails digging into your hips as he pushes you against his mouth is absolutely overwhelming. There's no other way to describe what your body is going through.
You throw your head back in ecstasy, losing yourself in the haze of pleasure and finally getting what you've been dreaming about for so long, from the man you've never stopped thinking about.
And Lee Heeseung can definitely back up his big words. The way his tongue slowly yet firmly works its way up and down your pretty pussy isn't meant to bring you to the edge, it's just him savoring your taste in his mouth and literally devouring you.
With every flick of his hot muscle against your hardened, sensitive bundle of nerves you arch your back, pushing yourself against him even further until his noises are completely muffled and all you can think about is the sweet feeling of relief slowly building up in the bottom of your spine.
You can barely pay attention to his pretty face, the pleasure taking over every single bone in your body and by the time you do look down, you're absolutely mesmerized by the sight you're met with.
Heeseung seems absolutely lost in your pussy, skillfully moving his head with his tongue flattened, sucking your clit into his hot mouth before he pushes his to gue into your tight hole and easily starts fucking you with it.
Neither one of you manages to say anything; not a single word being exchanged as you both lose yourself in your biggest fantasy becoming reality.
With every movement of his tongue, your little hole clenches even tighter, making a mess of his whole face to the point where you can see your juices covering his flushed cheeks.
"S-Seung", your breath hitches in your throat when you suddenly feel his thumb pressing against your sensitive clit, rubbing gentle circles into it and pushing you even closer to the edge in a way nobody has ever managed to do it before.
"Need it, princess", Heeseung grunts and pushes his tongue into your pussy, looking up at you with the tip of his pretty nose grazing your clit whenever his digit disappears, "I need you to cum all over my tongue."
All you can do is nod as his name falls past your bit swollen lips in breathy whimpers and high pitched moans to the point where you're convinced your neighbors probably know who's currently buried between your legs.
But you can't get yourself to care enough. Your only focus being the prettiest man you've ever seen and the feeling of his tongue grazing the spongy walls of your cunt.
"You're almost there, angel girl", he sighs and pulls you closer to his face, gently rubbing another set of circles into your clit as he laps up more of your juices, not giving a fuck about the way a mixture of his own spit and your arousal is dripping down his neck, "do it for me, yeah? Be my good girl and cum for me, cum for your man."
And for some reason his choice to address himself as well as the sweet, raspy tone of his voice are more than enough to push you over the edge.
The coil in your lower stomach finally snaps and with a harsh inhale, the feeling of sweet relief starts spreading through your body all the way to the tip of your fingers and toes.
"That's my good girl", Heeseung mumbles but you can barely hear him, his voice muffled from the blood rushing in your ears as your heart slams against your rib cage and your cunt spasms uncontrollably around his tongue.
And as he watches the way you lose yourself in the sweetness of your orgasm, Heeseung can't help but smile against your pretty pussy, eyes heavy as he swallows your release and swears it's the sweetest thing he's ever had the privilege to taste.
You have absolutely no idea how much time passes until your ears stop ringing and you actually feel air filling your lungs, your sight still slightly blurry when you open your eyes and loosen your tight grip on Heeseung's hair.
You need another moment to regain your composure until your eyes drop to the man between your legs, only to whimper when you watch the way he places the softest kisses on your pulsating clit, followed by a soft "so good".
The longer you look at him, the harder the realization of what just happened hits you and for some reason your body decides to represent your current state in the form of tears because before you can even overthink anything, you feel them pricking at the corners of your eyes.
Heeseung still seems completely dazed, like he can barely keep his eyes open and you don't miss the way he keeps licking your lips to make sure not a single drop goes to waste.
But as soon as his hazy brain manages to pull him back to the here and now, his brows furrowed in light confusion and instead worry flashes through his hooded eyes.
"What's wrong, Baby? Did I hurt you? Was it too much? Did I take it too far?"
You can literally feel the heaviness vanishing from his shoulders and chest when you instantly start shaking your head, denying his implications and just reaching for his face to pull his whole body closer to your own.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cry", you sob into the crook of his neck, barely noticing the way he flips you two over rather casually, "it was perfect. I've never felt this good. Nobody has ever..thank you."
Heeseung can't help but chuckle breathlessly at your words. He definitely wasn't expecting you to cry after receiving your first orgasm from someone else but the sincerity in your voice is what does it to him. The fact you're still so gentle and sweet after making an actual mess of his face is so like you, he actually feels himself falling for you all over again.
"No, Baby, thank you for giving me the privilege of your pleasure", he sighs and kisses your forehead, making sure not to get any of your juices on your skin to avoid awkwardness, "I won't ever take this for granted. This is everything I've ever dreamed of."
You don't know what to say, all you can do is treasure his words and give them the safest place in your heart before your eyes start feeling heavy as the exhaustion of your orgasm finally hits you.
"I can't stay tonight, Baby", Heeseung says softly after he's firmly tucked you into the warmth of your bed, his hand gently caressing your cheek and you sleepily nod, "I don't want to lie to Sunghoon or talk about another woman, even if she doesn't exist, when it's about you. I'll call you tomorrow and come by after your brother's left, yeah?"
You nod and kiss the palm of his ring clad hand with a soft sigh, loving the fact his face is the lash thing you'll see before falling asleep.
"Good girl", Heeseung says and gives you one last kiss on the forehead before he gets up, "I'm so proud of you, Baby. My perfect little princess. All mine, right?" You hum approvingly, not awake enough to properly register what he's said but agreeing nonetheless.
"And I'm all and only yours, angel girl." That's the last thing to reach you and as Heeseung watches the way your lids fall shut and don't open again, he can't help but stay another five minutes just to look at you and wonder how he could ever be worthy of a heart as perfect as yours.
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(A/N: the length..i’m sorry about the length like genuinely…but i hope you still enjoyed it and dont worry i’d skip a lot if i were you so just go ahead 💀 sending everyone kisses and tysm for all the love and support, i love you SO much 🥺🩷 especially feedback and reblogs are appreciated my loves!🧸💗)
TAGLIST CLOSED: @soonigiri @thvhannie @enhaz1 @kpoprhia @abrazosolorcereza @deobitifull @mixtape-racha @certifiedmoa @jungwon-xo @hoonieluv @enhamysunshines @jaehoonii @pussyslayerhd @ineedsomezzz @neocockthotology @heerinnie @onionzzzs @hee-pster @3amstarlight @xxxxrvexxxx @primroselover @mimikittysblog @iea-tsand @lhspeachie @xiaoderrrr @viagumi @smg-valeria @kells5595 @heeseunghee7 @xrvrqs @ddazed-lhs @heebrry @fakeuwus @dammit-jjk @ivyannemarie @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads @s00buwu
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