#☆—`fuyu rambles
appreciatingtokrev · 2 years
i keep on accidentally posting stuff on my x reader writing acc instead of on here istg i nearly die every time from embarassment it’s horrible
the fact that my profile pics on both are tokrev manga panels does NOT help
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blushblushbear · 2 months
Hear me out… concubine/consort AU with monarch reader
you'll have to forgive, I'd be open to writing more of this kind of set up but frankly I read this prompt and one dude came to mind in particular.
Utterly humiliating.
Fuyu, worn down and looking the most unkempt he ever had, was being pulled from a dim covered wagon by a chain around his neck and wrists. The restricting runes etched into them glowing, almost as a warning to not resist.
"Come along, fox."
Ornate guards with brutish demeanor were tugging him along, beckoning him out into the blinding sun of the court yard and up the steps of a large palace.
He followed with a look of indignity and a shimmering feeling of rage. He, the once mighty leader of the winter clan, a prisoner to humans. And being passed off like a trinket no less! The emperor who he had fought with managed to trick his way into the upper hand, and Fuyu had been captured. Taken cavity as a victory of his prize.
He was paraded around for a while as a show of the 'great emperor's might', kept in shabby livings and feed off scraps like some god forsaken beast that pompous gloat had tamed.
And now here he was, being given off as a token of 'peace' to some other noble. No doubt another cruel master for him to play trophy for.
As his eyes adjusted, he took the sights of his new 'home' in. Lavish does not do justice to the finery that can be seen even along the front steps into the palace. The stairs were finely crafted; with linings of gold to accent the soft color of the marble, all taking shape into something that mimicked a walk way lined with flowers. The grounds from what Fuyu could see were adorned with vibrant flowers to compliment the stairs.
And as he stepped inside, the finery did not stop. All neatly ordered walls a wash with tastefully placed art. Nothing too gaudy, but meticulous, thoughtful and most of all-- tasteful.
'Well--' thought Fuyu, 'at least this master has an eye for presentation.'
His mind cast back to the shear sickening slop job of decor his previous master had fancied. The most expensive pieces he could find strewn about with little thought or care other than to show off that he had the means to buy it. All money,no decorum.
Fuyu was marched through the halls, deeper into the heart of the palace, and with each new wing he past through, he noticed the themes shifted-- each wing it's own proud individual, but somehow still meshed seamlessly with the wings around it.
Truly the home of someone with genuine refinement.
Still, with each rattle of the chains that bound him, with each time they pulled against the sensitive parts of skin, he knew that this place would still be a prison, no matter how lovingly it was adorned.
As they went deeper, Fuyu heard music drifting in from a distance. And as they drew closer to it, he felt a weird sense of relief and fear. On the one hand, his new master seemed an artistic soul. On the other--- Fuyu was still bound in chains.
He almost felt as though he might be sick as the doors opened and gave way into a cozy yet spacious parlor.
"Your Grace, a present from the Emperor of the Southern Kingdom."
Fuyu was a bit shocked that the one who turned to respond to the guard was the figure who was at the piano. He was assuming that they were simply having someone else play to entertain them. Fuyu was also shocked at how they were shocked-- for when they turned around their expression went from curious and cheery to a look of disgust and confusion as their gaze fell upon him.
"Oh--" They rose and made their way towards Fuyu and the guards that surrounded him, "Oh my-- how.... lovely??" She looked down at him, looking unsure as to what to make of him. "He uh--- he sent... a man...?"
"There is also a letter your grace!" The guard stated, holding up a wax sealed letter and holding out for them. They did not take their eyes off Fuyu, still baffled of what to make of him.
He was just as confused. They seemed more shocked than anything. Were they not told he was coming. They still were looking him up and down as they opened the letter and unfolded it while matter,
"You poor thing, the state of you..."
They then turned their attention to the letter and began reading it's contents aloud,
"For the most Honorable Monarch of the North, I humbly submit this, my most prize position," they made a face reading over that last bit, "A Kistune of a felld tribe from the mountains. This beast has been my greatest triumph and now I share it with you. I thought it fitting seeing as yOU DON'T HAVE A SPOUSE?!" the indignity in their voice made it almost crack, "AND I HEARD THAT KISTUNE MAKE FINE LOVERS?! I PRESENT TO YOU THIS SPECIMEN TO TAKE AS YOUR CONCUBINE?! WINK WINK?!?!"
Well-- that was news to Fuyu as well. And guessing by how they are reading it, his new master finds the insinuation just as insulting as he does. He's not sure if he should be hurt by the fact that they are not honored to have a kistune such as himself as a prize, or relieved.
"HEARS TO LONG AND PROSPEROUS PARTNERSHIP, YOUR BUD THE EMPEROR!" They sighed deeply, pinching their nose "of all the... SERIOUSLY?! Who sends a person?!" they asked turning to their guards and Fuyu. "Unbelievable..."
They leaned down, taking a better look at Fuyu as he knelt before them. He was almost shocked how gentle their hand was as they inspected his grimy face.
"Poor thing... Look at how poorly he cared for you..." They noticed the chain around his neck. "Did he send a key?"
"Uh, y-yes your grace," the guard said, handing them the key as soon as they held out their hand for it, "but are you sure it's a good idea to--"
"There, that much feel better." They said, unlocking the collar and deactivating the runes. For the first time in a while, Fuyu felt the air on his neck. It almost was a shock how much of a relief it felt. He was still processing his thoughts as this new master held his hand up and unlocked one wrist, then the other. All the while he was taking in the sight of them-- their face was very warm and their eyes so gentle... this was-- definitely not what he was expecting... As they held his hand, they saw how raw the skin beneath those bindings had become.
"Oh, look at your poor wrists..." They leaned in closer and gently touched his neck, "oh, and your neck to--" turning to the guard, "bring me a healer. And tell them to bring dressing for wounds. And you," they gestured to another guard, have the staff draw a bath. He needs on," more examining of Fuyu as they ran their hand across his hair, "hmm-- and tell them to break out the good conditioner. Stand up for me please?" They gestured from him to stand and in a fit of confusion, Fuyu followed their orders. They guided him to spread his arms out and they took a good look at his form.
"Man you're tall... probably not going to have anything that will fit you that well... we're going to have to make due for now, but I'll send someone down to get your measurements after you're cleaned up. Oh, speaking of-- Rose," they turned to a maid who had been standing by in the corner, "have the house staff ready one of the guest rooms-- one of the larger ones."
Fuyu stood there still in shock. What was all this...? Now that all of the staff had departed to handle things, him and his new master were left alone.
"You must be hungry---" they walked over to a table and grabbed a tray of treats and brought it over to him, "Take your pick. Oh, but this is just to tide you over! Don't worry, we'll get a real meal into you of course!"
Their smile was so sweet. Fuyu still wasn't sure how to take this... was it a trick? Or some sort of ruse. He remained in a stunned silence as he looked at the tray, then back at them curiously.
"Go on!" They said with a bit of a laugh, "They won't bite!"
He sheepishly picked up some sort of baked good and started to nibble on it experimentally. It was strange... it had a pleasing enough smell but the taste was--- almost herby? But not quite an herb...
"It's lavender!" they chirped, "You don't have to eat it if you don't like it, it's not everyone's taste." It was now Fuyu's turn to give his new master a semizing glance. They were definitely... a lot better looking than his previous master. Though they were also much more confusing. Fuyu could handle cruelty-- that he was used to-- but such an out pouring of kindness? And to one who looked so feral as he must right now? This must be some sort of trick...
"And once we've got you cleaned and fed and clothed," they started, setting the tray down on a near by table, "we can begin to make arrangements to send you home."
Fuyu froze. In his shock he dropped what he was eating and stared at them wide eyed.
"Send... me--- you... aren't going to keep me?"
"Pff-- what? No!" they chuckled and walked towards him, "Dude, you have kidnap victim written all over you! I'm not going to keep you prisoner here!"
"But... that emperor..."
"Oh I'll just tell him you escaped. And if he tries to come find you-- I can always send you off with some form of protection! I know many a guy, we could probably hook you up with some kind of way to make you untraceable! Besides, your tribe must miss you!"
Fuyu felt a paign of sorrow and bitter rage that was capping a mild panic. After a long silence he finally growled out,
"My clan are all dead... I lead them to ruin like a fool... I have nowhere to go..."
The Monarch's expression turned sympathetic. They came up to Fuyu and took his hand in his.
"You can stay here. As long as you like. To save face, you can be a concubine, but in name only." They took the other hand, pulling Fuyu's attention to their face as they looked in his eyes and told him, "I will never make you do something you don't wish to do. You are free to do as you please here. No chains, no bindings. I promise."
Fuyu left his eyes watering. Such kindness, such mercy... it had been so long since he felt it, and he believed he did not deserve it. But he will accept it. He took their hand in his, lowering his cheek into their palm.
"Thank you..."
They simply smiled.
"Of course. If you're mine now, then I plan to treasure you. NOW! Let's get you washed up. And after that, I can show you my library if you'd like---I have all manner of literature-- you're free to go through it as much as you like of course-- and the--" Fuyu followed as he was dragged once again through the halls, though this time it was gentle and surrounded by excitable chatter.
He still didn't feel he deserved this, but maybe he could grow to enjoy being treasured...
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kiwibongos · 5 months
im thinking so loudly about ibuki and fuyuhikos friendship. i think i will explode
i dont see it ever really talked about honestly, they had so much potential together as a duo. even after everything fuyuhiko had done, he genuinely showed remorse for everything (by the whole slitting his abdomen open especially) and ibuki knew that, she understood it, so she went as far as to throw him a whole party for his recovery because she cares, she believes he can be a better person bc she is STUPIDLY optimistic about everything. fuyu must've thought he didnt deserve all that kindness
iirc, i even think at some point in dialogue, ibuki says to hajime she was gonna go find fuyuhiko to bug him, and GOD i love the thought of that. fuyuhiko just going off alone often thinking about shit (you know, The Horrors) cause its not like he had anyone— but then ibuki finds him and follows him around because she doesn't want him to be alone.
i think theyd slowly become really good friends just unfortunately off screen. i think ibuki would personally and deeply understand his kind of feeling of loneliness and not really fitting in/being normal, though it may be in different ways, ibuki must've had a tough life as well, so she would cheer him up about it. theyre both a little fucked up and silly, its what ties their bond
and dude you cannot tell me fuyuhiko didn't try to help the others while they were sick during ch3, but most notably ibuki in this case. she had done so much for him with the party, he wanted to return the favor, he wanted to keep her safe especially with how she was wandering out her room
but his efforts failed in the end. when she died, that mustve fucked him up so badly. like. for a while
he'd lost peko and natsumi, everyone hated him, but he didn't let it stop him from trying to be better. but now, he lost ibuki, just when they were getting close (AND hiyoko, who he was trying to make up with, AND mikan which hurt him too bc i think he cared deeply for her too and tried to help her overall during the disease ordeal to give back as well, but thats a whole other post), its like everyone was being taken away from him right at his feet. i feel like he'd just try to avoid people permanently from that point on. (which didnt work obvi bc akane and hajime flicked his forehead and said Hey Bitch I Love You) but anyway. god. it was too early for those three to go dammit
god i want more of ibuki and fuyuhiko i eat it up sm. their friendship is everything to me. i think ibuki would stick around with him in the restaurant at breakfast, and they'd run around the islands (fuyu would be as slow as a snail bc he's still healing lol), fuyuhiko would put up ibukis hair for her, and theyd perhaps even spend some time in the music venue just jammin to the same rock music.. god. just let them be together
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yukimomodivorce · 17 days
finally implementing a better tagging system for my mission au stuff :) I still haven't thought of a real name for it I'll probably come up with one once I start being able to post parts of the actual fic. which is probably gonna take ages because I decided to structure it in the most convoluted way possible. it's gonna be so good though. probably. maybe. possibly. we'll see
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habizuh-studios · 1 month
shade of snow, your everything has lost it's eternal tomorrow, you are my eternity, the cold tears that fall, under the freezing sky, they're just pretending to be kind, you will always be here with me, even though i couldn't say goodbye
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asparoh · 8 months
i'm watching chaser game w and i bet it's the misunderstanding and jumping to conclusion trope. the beef is that maybe fuyu and itsuki were doing a project together back in university years and itsuki realizes it's a bit too ambitious for just the two of them so she gets aoyama on board too but she sees them hugging so she runs away. to get revenge she marries and has a kid and names her after her past lover. does fuyu hate her life and is that why she's so bitter nowadays... she clearly has a low tolerance for her husband's household ramblings and she'd much rather drink away the night in poor company (or whatever those two men pitching the idea of a joint game-anime release)
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everynya · 2 months
I was in fact the one to send the anon hehe! And um for my selfship Nagito... Think guy who is constantly mean to himself and has depression with girl who is always there to tell him to be nice to himself and is sunshine personified yippee!
- @charlies-crushes
HALLOOOO YAY! again I am glad you like my ship w kuzu 😭
And LMFAO I adore this, the idea of a person who sticks by his side and brings him a kind of light that would motivate him! yet catches him when hes viewing himself as merely a stepping stone for others and going on another fuck ass rant… its fun to think abt! i also get explaining ur ships in a simple way i do the same sometimes myself lol, but i like the premise and its fun to hear! dr self shippers i feel i cant find often esp ones who i can talk to so its great to meet u!
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atypicalsouda · 1 year
The reason I made Sal a fist-fighter/boxer(which is def not my talent tho I do think it’s cool) is because to meet Fuyu at all I’d have to be either in yakuza territory or be at Hope’s Peak. And I just find it super boring to just say we’re in school together/feel like it’d be weird cuz I’m 25. So yeah I just needed to be someone who could survive and meet my beloved lol. And I just chose to be taken to the Kuzuryuu manor instead of him being the one to randomly find me or something.
But there’s also the fact that Fuyu would be harder to win over if I couldn’t hold my own or survive being a clan member. He’s someone who admires physical strength, and I’m sure he’d prefer not to have to worry about me as much. So I gave myself brownie points lmao. Not to say I can’t defend myself, cuz I can. I’m just nowhere near the “my motto is punch first and ask questions later” kinda person that my self insert is.
Oh also I have no interest in being in canon DR with Junko okay? That’s why it’s an AU. A somewhat happier one.
And another thing. Fuyu will still worry all the fucking time cuz…autism. So much that it may cause us to fight over my/Sal’s capability. Not calling Fuyu ableist, but he’d be rather highly misinformed about it, probs having never even met an autistic person before. It’d take seeing Sal in action to really understand that he’s strong.
Luckily he does, and that’s his initial spark of attraction! 😊
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rasazys-ramblings · 1 year
Chatacter development questions incoming! Number 10, 11, 25, and 69. I'll be sending more soon~ Hehehe. - New anon, 🍪 anon
Post in question
Since no OCs were specified, each question will have multiple responses, each coming from different characters.
You've been added to the anon list!
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10. They're on their way to the hospital when they hit a parked car. They can't stop, and don't have paper for a note. They drive away without telling anyone what happened. How do they ease their conscience?
"I have no reason to go to the hospital or drive. But if I did, I would move on. That's not my car, why should I give a shit? My car is damaged too? I don't have to do anything to fix it. It takes a hell lot less effort to fix a dent than travel across 6 dimensions." - Benivondo
"I have a phone to try and call someone while driving... It's not the best idea, but I don't want the owner to go back to their car and think they damaged it when it was my fault." - Cherri Bloom
"I'll probably forget it and cry about it when I remember later in life. I may always have paper on me, but I don't have time so..." - Jingyi Hua
"I have plenty of time. Slap some money onto that windshield wiper and leave and hope no one steals it." - Amaris, as her sister Torie facepalms in disappointment
"Haha car go vroom crash vroom." - Adrinna
"Fix the car and leave a note. Magic has many uses and this can be one of them. I don't have time to do anything else." - Arie
"I'd be panicking too much to realize I'm in a rush to the hospital." - Crystal
"Cuss it off while driving and hope I don't do any more dumb shit." - Blali Flammia
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11. Most embarrassing middle school moment?
"In science, I announced to the class that the opposite of dominant was submissive when the teacher asked." - Adrinna
"When someone asked me out and I said 'idk' so they stopped talking to me. I wish I said no. I still have that page in my notebook of our 'Who can reach the end of the page filling every line with OwO's first?' contest and it scares me." - Blali Flammia
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25. Are they more likely to notice the shapes of the clouds or the color of the sky?
"Most of the time, when I look at the sky, all I see are snow and clouds. There's no shaped clouds or skies of different colors. Only grey and white." - Fuyu
"It depends on the time of day, how many clouds there are, what type of clouds, and the weather. I'll spare you the details." - Jingyi Hua
"Clouds! That one over there, it looks like a butterfly! And the sky is blue!" - Aria
"Who sees the shapes of the clouds before the sky??? The clouds are in the sky, and when the clouds are covering all of the sky as far as you can see, you don't see any shapes." - Benencino
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69. What's a weird / wacky / embarrassing story about them as a young child that everyone remembers, but they don't?
"Before I ran away, everyone told me I threw my mom's perfume at her face. I didn't even know she wore perfume. Oh wait..." - Benencino
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rinneverse · 2 years
time for my before bed i miss chifuyu post. i miss chifuyu
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atarathegreat · 10 months
Scary Wife Privileges Tokyo Revengers
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Featuring: Chifuyu Matsuno, Mitsuya Takashi, Hakkai Shiba
You were getting tired of it, hearing Chifuyu complain about Takemichi and how the man runs things. "He'll come back, I know he will, but it's just aggravating right now."
When he talked about his boss he made little sense. You never understood his ramblings about "any day now." and "It's been twelve years." Some days it was too much and you started an argument with Chifuyu, an argument where he constantly refused to tell you anything about what he meant. It was pissing you off. Majorly. You wanted Chifuyu to be happy, but when he came home exhausted and angry every night, you didn't feel that he was happy.
His friends greeted you as you walked through the big building, smiles and waves from both sides as you walked to your husband's office. Chifuyu had been in a particularly bad mood the whole week and you hadn't made it any better by causing fights when he came home. Remorse was one of the many emotions you were feeling, topped with a cute little bow to compound everything and stamp it in like concrete.
"Fuyu," You spoke softly, a way you hadn't spoken to him in months, "do you have time?"
It was in his eyes, the fact that something had already happened was painted into the dark circles under his lashes. It made your heart lurch as he smiled sadly at you. "Always have time for you, baby." Chifuyu held a hand out to pull you in as you approached, "As long as you didn't come here to fight, in that case, I'm in a meeting." His half hearted joke made you sigh, "Already, today?"
His chest heaved with a sigh, "Trashed his own office. Don't worry, he wasn't mad at me this time."
There was no time for a response as the very man exploded into your husband's office behind you. He was on edge, clearly, but you didn't care about what he had to say. Months of anger from seeing your husband drink until he fell asleep with his face buried in your chest just poured out.
"Shut up. No one cares about whatever bullshit you're about to spout. Is this how you treat all of your workers?" You snapped, hands on your hips as you chastised him, "You're the exact definition of an asshole and so help you if my husband comes home angry again."
Takemichi looked caught off guard, a stark contrast to the man you'd not only met at your wedding, but the man in the stories Chifuyu brought home. He stumbled over his words, but you continued to chew into him as Chifuyu hugged around your waist and smiled into your shirt.
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Mitsuya was used to the nitpicking his clients did, often smiling and agreeing, even if he didn't. He wasn't the type to retaliate because of a bad mood, especially since it was going to be something the other person wore and he would never have to look at it again.
And yet he kept having to send you silent glares and pointed looks to keep you from speaking up as you watched him work.
"And maybe if there was more detail in the train-"
"Do you know how long he's spent on this ugly garbage?" You spoke clearly, your nose in a book so you couldn't see Mitsuya glaring at you, "All the detail on the sleeves took two months anyways. And that's not including the beading along the end. Can't you appreciate that?"
The client stared at you, open mouthed and shocked. But you kept on, "To ask for more detail when he's already fixing the fabric to your measurements is... Stupid."
Mitsuya sighed, "Apologies for her."
"Don't apologize for me." When did you get off the couch? "How about you let him finish this piece so he can come home to his family at a decent time, yeah? His daughters are tired of going to sleep without Daddy tucking them in."
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The club was loud. Too loud. You cursed under your breath at your husband for bringing you along with him. It wasn't your vibe, the whores and half naked bartenders that walked around while rich, old men played card games. Your dress, the one Hakkai told you to wear so you would fit in while still being modest, was swaying around and scratching at your ankles. People were staring at you as you walked through with your heels in hand. It wasn't your fault, the shoes were hurting your feet and Hakkai had disappeared almost an hour ago. You would've already headed home if you knew Hakkai wouldn't throw a fit.
"Black Dragon trash." You hissed under your breath when you finally saw him. He was laughing with his guys, seemingly ignoring the woman massaging his shoulders. Hakkai zoned in on your hips as you straddled his lap, your chest pressing into his face as you got in the woman's face, "Hands off, unless you want to give hand jobs with stumps for the rest of your life."
The fear you instilled in the woman was attractive to Hakkai, and his men noticed as well. It wouldn't have been the first time you'd left them with raging hard ons, and Hakkai sent a glare at all of them.
"Go rub up on someone else's husband, or so help me god the only use that pretty little mouth will have is sucking food through a straw."
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my-blooming-darling · 4 months
I felt like I could have added more to these so the readers could imagine it more, so here’s a revised version! I wonder if I should make another part?
Tw: slight sad in Rindou’s part…I had to do it to ya 😭
Categories: ☁️fluff; 🍡gn!reader; 💫old work; 🎐multi-character (of the same fandom)
💕 Ryusei is a big cuddler when he’s cold. You could be wearing your own jacket and he’ll still try to trap you in his with the excuse of “we can’t freeze if we’re in the same bubble”. He insists on staying home, but will go with you if you need to run errands. As soon as y’all are done though, he will be on you and squeezing you for warmth. Will reluctantly let go if you ask but he comes back with your favorite drink. He did go outside exactly once during a day in and that was because he was pelting Chifuyu and Baji with snowballs, but then he comes back acting like a wounded puppy after they tag team him. He likes to take pictures of you in the snow and he will gush about you to anybody that’ll listen to him. Chifuyu and Kazutora are tired of hearing it, but Baji will listen to him until he rambles for an hour, by which point he’ll send Ryusei back home to cuddle with you more.
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💕 Baji’s grumpy when he’s cold. He doesn’t like going anywhere and he’ll tell you as much if you wake up earlier than him because he knows what that means. Will squeeze you and grumble when you try leaving him. And by squeeze, I mean koala-type squeeze and you’re either stuck with him or you’ll do what you need to do while he buries himself in blankets like a hibernating gremlin. Sometimes he’ll occasionally wake up and y’all take turns making food or something, although he’s wrapped up in a blanket like he’s a house elf. Will curl up in front of the heater with whatever cat he has that day, and will probably complain if he can’t find his socks. He’s very cuddly when it’s cold too, and he’ll pepper you with kisses until you agree to snuggle with him. He won’t find out about the snowman competition between Chifuyu and Mikey until a full hour later.
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💕 Yuzuha buys you matching socks and takes pictures of y’all’s feet for her scrapbook. She likes having good memories of your time together, so she tries to take as many pictures as she can. She also likes to play in the snow with you if there’s any or enough to do something with, but she’ll also get embarrassed if you take pictures of her in the snow. If not, then she’ll have no problem staying in and cuddling with you while watching your favorite shows. If you’d like to go somewhere, she’ll go with you but only after making sure you’re properly warm, something she’s had to do for Hakkai throughout their lives, so it’s basically second nature to her. Hakkai does sometimes come over and he tries to feed you both because he’s a sweetie. Her favorite thing to make in winter is warm milk tea, but she would make sure to use a milk alternative just in case. Cooking with Yuzuha during winter is always an adventure because you’re always trying different recipes.
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💕 God forbid it snows because Chifuyu will go outside and build snowmen. His cutest one is a snowman of Peke J. If you won’t come out with him, he’s fine with that, but do expect him to come poke his head in the door (he won’t go inside with snow covered feet) and tell you about the snow person he built of you. He will take so many pictures of that snow person of you and send all of them to you. He sends you a picture of them in the group chat and Mikey’s hilariously offended by the fact that Chifuyu made him smaller than Peke, which was absolutely done intentionally because Fuyu’s a joker like that. He’ll take a picture of the snowman he made of Peke J and show it to him like “Look, it’s you!” while Peke meows and tilts his little head. He comes back to cuddle with you though after picking up warm drinks, cuddling with Peke J, and snacks…until he catches wind of Mikey’s snowmen, then it’s war. He also makes a snow person of you and Peke J cuddling after he finds you asleep with Peke curled up on your chest and snoring like a cute little void.
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💕 Mikey, although he’d rather be sleeping and cuddling with you, tries to go outside out of spite to build a snowman of Chifuyu after he catches wind of his hilariously tiny snow version of himself. Yes, that’s probably one of the only times he’ll willingly wake up for anything in this weather. You wake up to hear him grumbling away as he puts his boots on. You quickly figure out why he’s displeased when you see the snowmen that Chifuyu built of everyone in the group chat. Mikey hears you laughing at his expense and proceeds to tackle you and squeeze you. He’ll cuddle with you for awhile and complain until you give him kisses and snacks. Don’t mistake him though, he did go outside and show you his poorly made snowmen of Chifuyu, and wondered why you laughed harder at that one than the one Chifuyu made of him. “You’re supposed to be on my side, don’t laugh at me!” If you have to ask if he’s pouting while he says it, then there’s a 99% chance that he is absolutely pouting, and will continue until you hug or kiss him.
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💕 Emma, much like Mikey, will find you when you least expect her to and wrap you up in a giant blanket. You’ll essentially be a burrito while she makes your favorite soup. You’re not sure how she does it, but she’s able to squirm into the burrito with your bowls of soup without spilling a single drop. She’s just graceful like that, just saying. Y’all both bear witness to the snowmen war between Chifuyu and Mikey voting on whose are more absurd. It’s essentially the same as watching a game show on television but with bragging rights for the prize instead of anything else. Emma intentionally votes against Mikey solely to spite him because his grumpy anger is funny to her, which causes them to bicker, and Draken is subsequently left in charge of diffusing the situation, albeit with lots of grumbling in between sentences. She sneaks pictures of you when you’re not looking if y’all do go somewhere and keeps them in a photo album on her phone, very likely to have them printed so she can make a scrapbook or have them framed to put on her wall.
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💕 Sanzu is displeased when you and Senju declare snow war on him. Firstly, he can’t believe you’d team up with his sister instead of him. The idea mildly offends him, and he makes sure that you know it with petty complaints like “this would be more fun if my beloved didn’t pick my sister over me!”. Secondly, he wants to sleep. He’d much rather be in bed hugging you and having you all to himself with about three blankets and all the pillows you have in your home. Unfortunately , there is no such thing as sleep for him when you two have basically dragged him outside to have a snowball fight, so he gets stuck calling in reinforcements…which is an equally displeased Takeomi. Takeomi, of course, grumbles with Sanzu while you and Senju yell at them to stop complaining and bring it on. He only laughs when Takeomi gets a huge snowball thrown at his face, only to shriek when he gets hit by one himself. He takes a video of it but decides not to post it because although he’d rather have been cuddling with you, this was a fun memory of his. He likes to watch it when you’re not there.
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💕 Hakkai likes to lay on you when he’s cold. He may seem like a shy violet, but he loves his cuddles. He’s another person who thinks it’s cute to match with his partner, so y’all have matching sweaters. You took notes from Yuzuha and got him a pair of matching socks too, and he loves that y’all are on the same page. You don’t let him or Yuzuha go home when Taiju’s there. Y’all three are bound for life, they’re stuck with you for all of time. It’s a slumber party for the night. You two sometimes visit Yuzuha and her lover with food that you both cooked and you try to feed them while you’re there (mostly because Hakkai wants to make sure they’re still alive if there’s a power outage). In the event of an outage, all of you pile together in one room and try to make the most of it while you wait for the power to come back on. You and Yuzuha’s partner are good friends so this makes an already bad situation into a better one where everyone gets along.
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💕 Taiju, the roided out not-so-jolly green giant himself is surprisingly a good cuddler. Probably because, well, he’s huge and has a high body heat. Does not care about how tall or short you are, he will find a way to engulf you while he holds you. Refuses to go anywhere if he thinks it’s too cold, will hug you so you don’t escape. This is the same man who dips a toe in the ocean during the summer and refuses to go in because he thinks it’s too cold, but tells his siblings they can go in if they wish and will stay on a beach towel under an umbrella. You have to find him sweaters and shirts that are larger than life because he has a nasty unintentional habit of ripping them with his tiddies alone. It embarrasses him and he makes you swear that you never witnessed it the first time (but you totally told Inui and Kokonoi about it in the group chat). Taiju grumbles at you to never speak of that incident again when he finds out that you already spilled the tea to his dog and cat.
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💕 You and Kisaki watch Hanma (from a very safe distance) try to build the tallest snowman that he can muster. Not wanting to be caught in the carnage that would be the string bean himself falling, you two are behind a sturdy tree while he’s putting snowballs together. Hanma fully believes that he can do it, and he surprisingly pulls it off after about three hours. Yes, y’all really stayed out there for three hours, watching him put together a snowman as tall as possible. If you’re somebody that likes the cold, then you’re not really that bothered, but you and Kisaki agree to huddle for warmth because he, admittedly, is shaking like a leaf. But if you don’t like the cold, you two agree to go inside and watch from the window. Y’all don’t want him to die, and him somehow dying by his own actions seems a very on-par thing for him. Hanma manages to build it to about 7’9 feet tall with no injuries, thankfully. Kisaki thinks its eyes are beady and shudders. Hanma thinks it’s the greatest thing ever and proceeds to try and make a taller snowman. You and Kisaki have emergency services on speed dial…
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💕 Rindou is outside jogging. He keeps his body in top shape, and he does not care about the weather. He actually doesn’t seem to fear the weather much, truth be told. You’ve seen him in the beating sun working out one summer (but that was also the same summer he got that sunburn and refused to exercise outside in the summer ever again). He’s probably the type of guy to go to Tornado Alley in the States and be like “a tornado? Headed here? Lemme go see this” while standing outside. If you join him, great. If not, you don’t cuddle with him until he’s no longer covered in snow and sweat, and you playfully call him stinky until he showers. Yes, he complains about the lack of cuddles but comes back out tired. This is optimal cuddle time, for he won’t be trying to wake you up for any errands if your social battery is deader than your former friendships. Will bury his head in your neck and hold you like you’ll disappear if he doesn’t. At one point, when Takemichi was doing his time travel business, that was always a possibility. He doesn’t like to think of those timelines where he had to live without you. He also will give you lazy kisses as he falls asleep, telling you how much he loves you. He doesn’t know when it’ll be the last time he does.
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💕 Now why would anybody think Ran would wake up for anything when winter makes him more tired? That man will sleep and will barely wake up even if you told him the house was on fire. Could sleep through an entire apocalypse, even, but he’ll immediately wake up if he feels you getting up. If you do wake him up, he will pretend he’s still asleep so you’d give him more kisses. You almost miss him giggling to himself as he rolls over, conveniently turning on his side so you’ll kiss his other cheek. He’s a cheeky, sneaky little bastard sometimes. Will pounce on you when you’re not looking and pull you back into bed with him. He’s dramatic, so he’ll whine if you escape and act like you’re leaving him to be alone forever, but he won’t make you come back if you really don’t want to. He’ll just miss you a lot until you come back. Will wholeheartedly act like he’s dying and sigh very loudly. He will also come into the room you’re in and flop onto the nearest bit of furniture that’s around and fake cry like he’s a Disney princess (and you have caught him petting an actual raccoon before and not get attacked, so that might not be very far off). If you do want to, prepare to be pelted with kisses.
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💕 You can sense the displeasure in Sanzu’s eyes when you team up with Senju over him. He looks hilariously offended that you would choose her to be your teammate. If the phrase“how could you?!” was a person, it would be Sanzu. Senju, however, is motivated by pure menacery and declares snowball warfare on her brother. Sanzu’s not safe from Senju and she swears she’ll win this war. Once a reluctant Takeomi arrives, it’s game on. Everybody in the vicinity better clear out or else they’ll get caught in the crossfire. You guys spend the day pelting each other with snowballs of various sizes and shapes (yes, Senju had kunai shaped snowballs at one point, you have no idea how she was able to mold them in such a short amount of time). Alas, Sanzu gets revenge on you for throwing a snowball at him after hitting Takeomi, lands a snowball directly on your face, and you “die”. Don’t worry, Senju avenged you by burying him and Takeomi in a pile of snow. She fake gags when Sanzu kisses your cheek in apology.
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💕 Izana hates winter. Absolutely cannot stand it, he immediately starts hunting for his socks and a humidifier as soon as there’s a mild chill in the air. He probably has some sinus issues that could get worse in colder months, which is another reason why he doesn’t like winter. Hilariously, he complains about how he took breathing for granted when one of his nostrils is stuffed while the other one works. You have found him under about 5 different blankets, all of them fleece and weighted with different patterns on them. He’s grumpy, worse than Baji, and can only be bribed into leaving his nest with kisses. Yes, he has actually made a nest with those blankets. He still won’t go anywhere if you have errands to run. Instead, he’ll clean up the place, cook, and then return to his nest where he waits for your return. If you stay with him, he’ll help out around the house but he’ll still go back to his pile after he’s made sure that you’ve been fed. Yes, he will pull you in like the gremlin he is and cuddle you. Does not speak once, only hiss.
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💕 Shinichiro, bless him, tries to get his sleepier siblings to exist in society. Emma’s no trouble, she wakes up pretty easily and is usually in a good mood until Baji comes over, then she’s yelling at him to tell her his hair secrets. Even still, the commotion doesn’t wake up the other gremlins. Izana and Mikey are lazy potatoes that are one fry short of a happy meal, so you end up having to help him. Once they’re done being McMad, you and Shin have some alone time. Y’all spend part of the day putting together a blanket fort and staying there until he has to leave for work. You wait for him to come back at the end of his shift. He temporarily forgot where you were when he left so he goes around the place looking for you until he sees you sticking your head out of the fort, which jump scares him enough to fall onto a napping Mikey, who screams bloody murder and clings to you while dramatically claiming that he’s a victim of attempted fratricide. He kisses your forehead and runs off to shower so he can come back and cuddle. Y’all don’t see Emma tying Baji to a chair Liam Neeson-style and interrogating him for what he does to make his hair perfect.
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💕 Kazutora, the sleepy tiger, reluctantly wakes up and goes to work. He doesn’t leave without cuddling with you for a few minutes. He’ll leave a few kisses on your head before dragging himself out of bed. Yes, he steals your sweaters because they smell like you and it makes him feel closer to you. If they don’t fit, he wears a scarf you wore. He doesn’t care if it’s black or if it’s pink with giant red strawberries on it, it’s yours and he wants to feel like you’re with him. If neither of y’all have work or anything to do, you two either stay in or go outside for a bit. Even sitting on the porch or balcony with a warm drink is enough for you two. He’s so pretty in his landscape with snow or rain falling all around, cheeks and nose bitten pink from the chill and his lips slightly reddened by whatever warm drink you two made. He doesn’t understand why you suddenly kissed him, but he’ll never complain and he’ll always kiss you back. He’s your lock screen, but he doesn’t know yet. He’ll probably find out later on, and he’ll blush so much while you laugh and hug him. You make his heart warm up just a little bit more in the winter air.
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porcalinecunt · 1 year
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𝐜𝐰 — needy!chifuyu, wall sex, overstimulation, sound kink, creampie, a bit of begging.
𝐚/𝐧 ❥ i was a bit down horrendous for chifuyu, my baby <3 this is based off of a personal hc that chifuyu is a needy bf who can’t stand being away from his s/o! anyways, enjoy this quick drabble 🤍
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You were so cute.
Your legs dangled off of Chifuyu’s hips, unable to hang on any longer. Your inner thighs burned from rubbing against the rough material of his pants, along with his cock deep inside your cunt.
Even after two rounds, your ‘Fuyu still couldn’t get enough of his sweet girlfriend. Before, he was pawing at your mini skirt, desperately trying to pry them off. He was so so impatient, that he didn’t even bother stripping off his clothes, already balls deep inside you the moment he unzipped his pants.
Picking you up like a doll and pressed you against the wall, you remained in that position for only who know’s how long. His pace was quick, not letting his dick slip out of your warm and wet cunny. His usually well groomed black hair was now messy with bangs sticking to his forehead and his suit was falling off his body as you tried to get it off yourself.
“Fuyu..slow down..”
You whispered in his ear, arms wrapped around his neck in a weak attempt to stabilize yourself. A loud smack! startled you, as the stinging pain began to settle in. He landed a harsh and quick slap on your thigh, something out of character for him to do. You turned his head towards him, eye to eye with your boyfriend.
His eyebrows were upturned, his mouth agape with some of the prettiest sounds you’ve heard in a while spilling off his tongue. His cheeks a beet red color, hot to the touch against yours. He looked so..cute.
So desperate.
“Fuyu baby, you missed me that much..?”
He quickens his pace in response, forcing you to arch your back. He adjusted you so you’d sit up straight in his arms, looking right at him. He peppered your face in butterfly kisses, before giving a gentle peck on your lips, too weak and breathless to give you a proper one.
“Yes. God—yes! I missed you so fucking much..so much..ah fuckk..—“
He was rambling at this point, soft moans and even sobs filled your ears and went straight to your pussy. Even after cumming twice, Chifuyu still managed to arouse you enough to have you creaming on his dick. The noises he made had you wanting for more, all just to hear his high pitched moans and sweet ramblings in your ear.
Your his lovely girlfriend, body of a goddess and a voice belonging to an angel. He couldn’t spend another second away from you, it would be too much on his poor self.
“Ah..i love you, i love you so m-much..”
He moaned out, pulling you down onto his cock as he reached his orgasm. Your cunt quivered around him, clenching down as you felt yourself going dumb.
“F-Fuyu!—i’m gonna..!”
“Cum on my cock baby..please, please, please..!”
He pleaded, pushing you over the edge as a creamy white ring formed around the base of his cock. Finally, he felt that familiar warmth that he was chasing. He buried himself deep in your pussy, painting the walls white with his own seed.
Calming down from his high, he planted another sweet kiss on your lips. His cheeks dusted with a light hue of pink, and his mouth curled up into a smile that never failed to bring butterflies to your stomach.
You could only shake your head, resting it on his shoulder as he carried you off to the bathroom, looking forward to washing each other off of their little act.
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attyisavailable · 26 days
Do you got any Haru and Aki general dating headcanons?
Also forgive me for my writing w/ them, I have not gotten far ✋️ (Haru is still stuck in kitsune form..)
-Did he tell you that you look pretty/handsome today? Of course he did. This man does not waste a single opportunity to tell you how attractive you are.
-Shares clothes with you, and by sharing, I mean he hides his clothes in your closet. He absolutely LOVES seeing you in his clothes, he's got several reasons. Would you like the list? Of course you would, but I'm too lazy. One of his main reasons being that he just thinks they suit you, another main reason being that he's a little possessive and seeing you in his clothes reassures him that you're his.
-SPEAKING OF BEING POSSESSIVE. He is, but not to a concerning (*cough* Cole *cough*) amount. He's, as said in a dialogue before, used to being a lover. He's had lovers come and go, but you? Nawh, you stayed, and he's not letting that go. He trusts you with being loyal, though.
-Slighty envious of Fuyu's tails. He wants to cuddle you with that many tails, but he does what he can with the ones he got. He likes wrapping his tails around you, both around your waist if you're walking together.
-He'll listen to whatever music you recommend him, but he prefers playing anything romantic or with a certain vibe to it. Though he mostly prefers the sound of your voice (once did a pick-up-line like this).
-A bit opposite from Haru. Rather than using words, he prefers using actions and gifts to show you affection (and steal kisses). Most of his gifts are probably stolen.. But it's not like you mind, right?
-Sometimes purposely gets himself stuck in his own traps and pranks just so you have to help him out. If you say he can do it himself, he'll give an excuse about having a hand cramp or a bad paw if he's in kitsune form.
-Boundries? What're those? He moved in the moment you cured him from the curse. Like Eli, he kinda just invited himself over. Think of it as him saying it was a sleepover, except his stuff is there 24/7 and he doesn't leave unless he's got something to do or a prank to set up.
-SPEAKING OF PRANKS, you ain't safe from them, buddy. If you wear makeup? He'll switch your foundation with face paint. If you read books? He'll find a book of the same cover, just blank pages. I guarantee you, it doesn't matter who you are or what your interests are, he'll find a way to mess with you a lil'. Loves seeing your confused or startled expression, thinks it's cute.
-He's a bit scared of losing you. He's the youngest out of the three kitsune, plus with what happened to the summer clan? He thinks he won't be able to protect you if anything were to happen, but he'll be fine after a little reassurance.
Mb 90% of this was me rambling
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correctproseka · 9 months
On ships: Opinion on Minori x Mafuyu? 🍀🐰
Bnuuys... (Or oupies...)
The silly ass potential.
Mafuyu has to get a leash to not lose Minori who is very tiny and very hyper in the crowd lmaoo.
Minori says one of her weird phrases ("OH MOTHER THANK YOU FOR GIVING BIRTH TO ME" as an example) and you get a confused Mafuyu who just looks lost but is supportive anyways.
Also Mafuyu deadpanning full in Minori merch on every show. People think she's mad, or was forced to be someone's company, meanwhile Mafuyu is crying on the inside.
Also Minori is a very understanding person, so I can see her being very supportive of Mafuyu not knowing herself, and taking her on dates to eat different things and on different places to try to find what Fuyu likes.
.. i rambled more than I thought i would.
Also Mafuyu would go from only child to having a young sibling in law and her trying to be good at it. Also she's known for animals tending to not like her but Samo-chan is known for liking everyone and- I'll shut up now.
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cosmic-nebula356 · 12 days
I wanna take a moment to send my admiration for the many Natsus that the fandom has made thus far💖
The attention to fan made lore detail is incredibly unique for all and it just makes me happy to see different variants of him.
It’s like into the spiderverse, only in this case it’s with Natsu☀️ so keep it up!
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On a more serious note, I really do wanna share more of my Natsu online:
For mine, I wanna do my best to keep it a visual story. I don’t just wanna share what’s already shared out, I genuinely show a story of love, a prequel to how it all started to how it ended into the next novel kind of ordeal. I know it may be narcissistic to say, but I absolutely adore and am proud my Natsu iteration ;-; a lot actually.
Sure admitidly he may be a Gary sue, but in a comedic sense of irony it’s his sueness that got him killed 🤷‍♀️/j
And- for sure, I am a procrastinator, and I am busy with irl stuff as well now that I'm 20 as of writing this.
But if I can at most make a comic of the climax where Fuyu kills Natsu and show how it affected the other two, leading to an even bigger mess all because they all loved him? Followed by going in depth of exploring how the kitsune’s deal with the stages of grief? (spoilers, Fuyu is gonna remain stuck in denial for 200 years or more)
As well as 100% posting shitposts of it too.
To keep it separate so that it won’t clog up any blush blush tags, I may create my own tag of my AU of the Kitsunes 🤔
And thus far, I have already come up with a name that I am willing to share here ✨
❄️🍁Eternal Seasons☀️🌸
So yeah, I guess this is my first ramble post of sorts. I hope that is alright to share here🙇‍♀️ thank you for reading if you are!💖 have a good rest of your day/afternoon/night
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