#(  first of all - this is cheating lololol  )
senpujin · 2 years
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positivity / what i think abt them       –––– >       (     accepting     )
i  have..  such  an  inner  conflict  trying  to  come  up  with  what  to  write  rn  x’D
geezus..  what  can  i  say  about  @senpujin ?  i  haven’t  spoken  to  her  much  but  i’ve  seen  others  comment  once  in  a  while  that  she  writes  “ beautifully ”..  that’s  what  a  few  people  have  said  so  that’s  ok..  i  think  she  does .  i’ve  also  seen  that  her  edits  are  pretty  cool .  she  mostly  does  colorings  lately  ,  but  yeah  ,  that’s  cool .  i  think  she  should  do  more  writing  than  edits  though .  but  still  ,  i  guess  she’s  doing  great  &  her  patience  is  contagious  because  the  blog  still  has  followers  despite  the  lack  of  writing  ;  so  senpujin..  four  words  for  you ::
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lasirenatarot · 2 years
Hello darlings!!💋 This is my first ever PAC reading, hope you like it! If traditional gender roles aren’t applicable to you convert to feminine/masculine energy.
{18+} Your person’s hidden $€xual fantasies about you and will they reveal them to you.
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—>Pile 1
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9 pentacles; 8pentacles; 6cups; high priestess; the empress; 9 of swords reversed; and more from other decks.
First of all let me just mention: do not shoot the messenger if you do not like what is being said.I am getting kinda weird vibes from your person pile 1! ( i don’t judge tho lololol)
Briefly, the whole vibe I’m getting can be described with this Weeknd song “Professional” or “Six feet under”, again by The Weeknd,  where he sings about a girl who does SW professionally if I can say it like that. The image I’m getting is red lights district if u know what I meannn..
«…You're professional, won’t treat it like it's personal
No, 'cause this is just love, it always makes its way back around…
'Cause everything you've been through made you stronger and every day you learn about yourself..
Depending on somebody else's wealth
But now you know the value of a dollar
And girl I make enough of it to spend
I love the way you've put yourself together.. »
Nowww, I am not saying this man’s fantasies are to cheat with a S*x worker if y’all are in a committed relationship *you can switch the word to masculine energy if it is not applicable to your situation*, I think he will be onto some role-playing sh*t where the feminine is the dominant one and he is PAYING to be dominated, take this how u want. I do not see anything aggressive tho, more like a soft fem-dom, although he may like being restricted in a way as I’m getting Saturn energy. Blindfolding, spending money..
His fantasy is an independent, detached woman who is ALL about her money, an Empress with a man-eater typa energy. The masculine energy from this pile may be dominant in his job/life as a whole, and that is why he would like the exact opposite in bed. He may be very busy and tired as well from his work and this would be another reason for him to like the woman to take the lead. I am also getting cowgirl, riding and some form of exhibitionism (or even str**pers, lap dancing etc.) as additional details. He may like this role playing thing because he sees it as a game which helps him escape some sort of melancholy. Mutual pleasure is a thing for him as well, he likes to work for the feminine’s approval, serving her in a way. Some may not like this as well but I’ll say it anyway- physical beauty and foreign women *fem energy* may be a turn on for this person. He has wounds from his past he should face is sth else I am getting. He may also like to appear as a savior to this fantasy woman I described, a knight on a white horse if u will..
« She don't depend on anybody, know just what to do with her own body..Countin' all that money like a hobby..she don’t give a f**ck about nobody..
She don't need nobody waitin' back home, she got it..
She lick it up just like a candy, She wanna make 'em leave they family
She tryna live a life so fancy, she wanna pull up in a Bentley..
She ain't got time for lovin' , Louis Vuitton her husband, she’d rather die in lustin' ..»
However, I do not think he would openly admit his fantasies, he would like them to stay a secret.
Placements: aquarius venus; Capricorn; scorpio sun; fire placements, possibly leo; mars in gemini. – aqua venus/leo may be for the femme, while Capricorn and scorpio for the masc. or vice versa.
—>Pile 2
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This pile will probably be the most romantic one out of the three. I am not getting much s**ual details, besides some sort of very light bondage, more likely handcuffs.
This person’s fantasy is to build a life with you basically, they want to share both the good and the bad moments in life with you, focusing on the good, as a lot of cups fell which gives me party vibes. The masculine energy would like things to start veeeery slow, he is a person who pays a lot of attention to detail, even too much. This person would like to know everything about you, your interests, hardships and opinions. He would be the type to actually listen to what you say and remember little details about you and what you like. I think the connection y’all (people who choose pile2) have is pretty new.
You and your person might still be in the “courtship” stages even. This person is the type to write love letters, send flowers, presents, wine&dine typa man - everything romantic and sweet overall.  I am getting lots of cuddles, hugs etc. -I must say I am very jealous of you pile 2 ahahahh🧿🧿🧿
 His hidden fantasy is to be romantic, give all the love he has to you, and get the same energy back. The reason why is ‘hidden’ I think lies in the fact that he may have been betrayed by past partners, not having got the same amount of energy/love he was giving OR he may have been raised in a family in which emotional people were looked upon as weak ORRR both. I think currently this person has an open heart or is on a mission to become more vulnerable and openly emotional with those he loves, which I think is a very sweet thing.
This person would def share his fantasies about you with you. He would want you to remember the intercourses y’all are having, maybe even be “the best u ever had”, this person also loves and worships your body and is the type to praise/compliment you in bed. Would also love to see you dressing up for him in lingerie, nice dress, full glam and all. This person loves just seeing you shining and happy, would want to make you come every time.
I am also getting they have been waiting looong time for a person like you to come into his life, even if he was in another relationship prior to getting with you. He was probably feeling his soul was “sick” or like something was missing in previous connections. And there was sth missing – the chemistry, conversations and intimacy you two currently have. Some people are meant to be, some not,  and that’s just life.- Astrological placements: Sagittarius, scorpio, venus in pisces, mercury in pisces, embodiment of leo energy for the feminine, I am not getting leo placements tho. The attention to detail is giving virgo moon for some reason to me, although it did not appear in the cards.
—>Pile 3
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This may definitely be the k*inky pile. First thing I get is that this person likes taking risks, adventures and is very spontaneous in nature. This person needs constant changes in their s*x life. I feel like they’d try everything taboo you can think of, at least once, and would be open to anything.
The only particular theme I get would be a “fantasy” for this person is power dynamics in which the masculine is the dominant one, while the feminine is very submi$$ive. Also ro**ugh/aggre$$ive s*x. This of course would be consensual and I also get they’d get pleasure from pleasing their partner as well, getting them to experience “a little d€ath”.
Ch*king and heavy BD$M theme, the whole act is a game for them. Their main fantasy would be to tame *metaphorical* in bed an independent woman who would be submissive only for him.
It’s giving you can be the boss by lana del rey
This person may be jealous and possessive tho. (if you are not okay with any of this and feel like they cross a line – LEAVE them).
I also get they maybe have some insecurities in themselves. This may not be applicable for all, but this is a collective reading after all.
They like having a trophy wife typa woman?? /fem.  
I think this person would be open with you about their fantasies.
Astrological placements: aquarius, gemini sun, libra moon, aries, aries mars.
I hope you liked it!! I also added songs which remind me of the vibes I got while reading the cards. Please give me feedback and follow me, and just know that more is coming 🔜🔜
- La Sirena🥀🥀🥀
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hunieday · 8 months
Momo - Drama Collection (Winter) Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Momo: Good work, Torao! Hope you enjoy your time today at the drinking party 😆
Momo: I'm super looking forward to drinking with the drama cast! 💯 ✨
Mido Torao: I’m also looking forward to it.
Mido Torao: Seems like Nikaido and Yaotome will be late though, did you hear about that?
Momo: I did! They said they're busy with work~!
Momo: Is it okay if it's just the two of us until they come ⁉ Or do you want me to invite the super handsome special guest Y-san ⁉
Mido Torao: Yuki-san huh…
Mido Torao: Um
Mido Torao: I want to be alone with you, is that okay?
Momo: ba-dum...
Momo: I was joking around to lighten the mood, but Momo-chan got all giddy... 
Momo: I’m not cheating on you, darling ‼ 😭 💦
Mido Torao: You were joking huh…
Momo: But thanks for saying you’re okay with just the two of us alone 👍✨ I'm really looking forward to drinking with you!!
Mido Torao: Thank you. I'm looking forward to it too
Momo: Huh!? Really!? 
Mido Torao: Yes
Momo: What should I do!!! I feel like Momo-chan is wrapped around Torao’s fingers... 🥺
Mido Torao: no i’m not HAHA
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Momo: But you know, you've become cute! You’re a lot rounder around the edges nowadays
Mido Torao: Are you saying I got fat!?
Mido Torao: I mean yeah, the other members keep giving me unusual snacks to eat lately...
Momo: that’s not what i meant lolololol you’re already cute lololol
Momo: By the way, what kinda snacks are you getting? 🤭
Mido Torao: Puffed rice? They come in pouches and are crispy and delicious.
Momo: Puffed rice~~!! How nostalgic! Makes me wanna go to a candy store (*ノωノ)
Momo: Tell me more stories over drinks okay!
Mido Torao: Got it. I also have something I want to talk to you about
Mido Torao: I’d like you to teach me a lot more about acting.
Momo: Torao... 🥺 ✨
Momo: Now that you mention it, you know, Yuki liked Torao's role and found it really interesting! 
Momo: "I thought he'd stop Momo from recklessly breaking into someone else's territory alone, but he charged in head first" he looked like he enjoyed watching it 😂
Mido Torao: The part where I ride my bike and blurt out, "I’ll be the one who paves the way for the leader" right?
Momo: Yes yes! Vice-leader-kun is quite reckless!
Mido Torao: Of course his followers would be bloodthirsty when their leader’s like that.
Momo: Well, the leader is a tiiiiiny bit of a rascal, isn’t he? 😅 💪
Mido Torao: a bit is the understatement of the century.
Mido Torao: Chasing after the enemies up a three meters high wall, jump-kicking them from the stairs... I thought it was quite the violent script
Momo: right lolol the action scenes sure were intense~~!!
Momo: I tried my best to follow your example 😤💪
Mido Torao: My example?
Momo: That's right! Watching Torao work so hard on his stunts motivated me!
Mido Torao: Is that so...
Mido Torao: I was an inspiration for Re:vale…
Momo: Are you getting fired up?
Mido Torao: Burning hot.
Momo: Just! too cute!!! 😆 😆
Momo: Apparently our relationship was popular on SNS too ;P🫰
Mido Torao: Really? What were they saying?
Momo: "Vice-leader-kun always standing next to the leader with a smug smile, they’re my bias!" (1)
Mido Torao: There it is, “they’re my bias”. What’s a bias? what the hell does that mean?
Momo: there it is lololololol
Mido Torao: I’m curious. I heard Haruka use it the other day too.
Momo: It means someone you like the most! 😆 saying “bias” sounds stronger than just saying “love”~!
Mido Torao: I see. It does feel more intense.
Momo: How about you start using it, Torao!
Mido Torao: In what situation would I even use it?
Momo: For example...
Momo: It’s everyone’s bias, Momo-chan! ;P 🫶 🫶
Mido Torao: I don’t think that’s for me…
Momo: That’s not true!!! Just try saying it for a bit!!
Mido Torao: I’m your bias, Mido Torao.
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Mido Torao: I’m not sure about this one…
Momo: No it's really good!!!!!???
Momo: But well, your fans are most likely looking for a strong and cool Torao (*ノωノ) 🤎
Mido Torao: Well, I’m confident that I can make someone fall in love with me just by standing there and not saying a word.
Momo: Nice, I want to hear tons of stories about the confident Torao 👍
Mido Torao: Hell yeah, later. I’m looking forward to it.
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The original conversation went a bit different, Momo ends his message with “好きピ= sukippi”, Momo later on explains that it’s a combination between 好き=suki (like) and ピーポー=people (pi=ピ), which means a “favorite person” even if it’s sometimes used on objects and such. The closest and most “literal” translation would be “fave”, but I doubt Torao wouldn’t know what a fave is so I went with bias instead.
HUGE thank you to Ai (soushibana and chettiri on twitter) for helping me out with the snacks translation! I wouldn't have understood it without her, big props & go check her accounts out!
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txtmetonight · 6 months
Second Chances?
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call summary ⋆ ★ Maybe he's too good for you or maybe your just an asshole
"reader accidentally cheats on member while drunk when he's overseas and he comes back and finds out even though reader tried to hide it from him. but reader truly doesn't want to break up and with a heavy heart tells him to do the same so that they would be even."
caller ID *. * Anonymous
pairing ⋆ ★ OT5 x Fem! Reader
genre *. * Angst, Fluff
warnings ⋆ ★ Cheating, erm toxic behavior, crying, bad grammar bc I was too lazy to check it lol, alcohol
call duration⋆ ★ 4.2k (Headcannons + a little story)
a/n*. * omg sorry this is so late 😭 I work with kids and no one tells you that working with small children gives you the immune system of a Victorian child 💀 and 3 of my classes had assigned me several essays to write. Hopefully this satisfies you bc i changed some of the stuff around so it didn't seem repeated for each member and may have taken your request and just ran with it lololol. Also if you see an uncanny similarities between one of my enhypen headcannons...no you don't zbzbzbz.
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Soobin ˚ · • . ° .
✭ The first night that Soobin has ever cried to you, his lips trembled as he tucked his head into the crook of your shoulder, he had asked you not to leave him–to stay with him thick and thin for he couldn’t live a life without you 
✭ Pressing soft kisses to his head, you lifted his head to leave a long-lasting kiss on his lips, melting into him before you pulled apart, love swirling on the pads of your fingers as you wiped away his tears 
✭ “I will never ever leave you. I promise.” 
✭ And you don’t, you really don’t, but now your lips are bruised with guilt that you can’t get rid of as many times as you wash your face, and your eyes are rimmed with tears that can’t seem to stop falling even each time you think that you’re leaked them all 
✭ The bathroom mirror reflects a version of yourself that you wished to never see yourself–a lying cheater when your poor hardworking boyfriend was overseas 
✭ You really suppose that you didn’t mean to, but you’ve been missing the touch of someone or maybe you were missing the feeling of exhilaration thriving underneath the skin so that’s why... 
✭ That’s why you let Hyunjin let you kiss you so soft underneath the club’s lights while your brain fell into a drunken haze that you couldn’t escape 
✭ You don’t dare to tell anyone though and for days on end you’re ridiculed with endless guilt and insecurity as you wait for your lover to come back home–which even them brings you more despair 
✭ You love Soobin and your heart aches for him and so with much mulling over a despicable thought you had decided that you would hide the sinful kiss and continue with him normally even though your stomach churned in guilty displeasure 
✭ And when your boyfriend came back with a flourish of his love, you kiss him hard against his lips trying to erase the pain that stirred deep inside you 
“Are you alright babe?” He chuckles, pulling away from you to scan your face, cradling you in his arms. “I... I just missed you a lot” You whisper and pull him back into a kiss again, tears threatening to flood down your cheeks, a promise to yourself that you’d never ever let him find out–even as much as guilt as you felt.
✭ Too bad you weren’t as careful as you thought you were–because, after nights of unrestful slumbers and gut-wrenching pain, you find yourself in the hands of your own karma, hands that choke you slowly when Soobin pulls out a piece of paper that you didn’t even know existed 
✭ That sinful night when you committed an act of immorality, it seems so that Hyunjin has slipped his number and rather disgusting words down the pocket of your jeans
“Soobin...” Your head hangs low as you chew on the bottom of your lip, swaying side to side as you watch your boyfriend unfold the slip with a tremble in his hands. “I had fun with you. Hit me up again? XOXO Jinnie.” His eyes are rimmed with red and you your guts swoop and tumble up your throat where they threaten to spill out of your tongue.
“I didn’t mean to,” you cry, walking a step closer to him, but stop when he flinches. “How am I–how am I supposed to trust you.” His words are vile like poison and send you spiraling and before you know it, you’re on you’ve buckled down onto your knees and Soobin’s right by your side in a worry. “(Y/n)–” 
“I’m so sorry Soobin! I really–really didn’t mean to, I dunno what happened and all of a sudden, I–no he kissed me and I just–” You’re breaking down and your lover is wiping away your tears and kissing your cheeks. You feel worse than you felt before. You’re not sure why he was doing this but your heart aches for him. It’s about to burst.  
“Calm down.” He sighs, pushing back your hair, gently turning your jaw to look at him with pity lacing his eyes. “You’re not going to leave me, are you?” You whimper, eyes widening and jaw going slack when he doesn’t answer. “Soobin?” You’re gasping for air by now and your brain makes you pant when you clutch his hands against you.  
“Soobin–you can–you can cheat on me if you want to! I really–please don’t leave me!” 
His eyes widen in shock before he shakes his head and pulls you closer to him, letting you curl against his frame while you shake. “(Y/n), sweetheart, I–no. I’m not going to do that.” He reassures but those aren’t the words you’re looking for, searching the expanse of his tearing eyes for them instead. Soobin notices and kisses you softly on the forehead.  
“And I’m not going to leave you either.” 
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Yeonjun ˚ · • . ° .
✭ Yeonjun is truly one of a kind–a man that you couldn’t even start to explain even as much as your tongue twisted and turned with words that tried to describe him 
✭ Yeonjun who is your boyfriend, Yeonjun who you love very much that your heart feels like it would explode in adoration, Yeonjun who you’re sure makes out with half of the girls he meets because, he is just so pretty and handsome, and he just can’t help it 
✭ Perhaps you are really stupid, too blind in love to notice his tousled hair every other night, or the bright red lips that plaster his neck–a color that you don’t even own! 
✭ And maybe you’re tired of it, you really are, but every time you have your body aches to leave him, you always find yourself back at step 1, kissing him fondly as he whispers sweet nonsensical words to you, having you drink it in like ambrosia 
✭ You suppose you miss true love once more–and crave it in ways that you couldn’t imagine 
✭ So, when you let a childhood friend that you’ve known has liked you for years, back into the space of your living room, just because you were starting to feel the shadows of Yeonjun’s absence on you... 
✭ You let him tap his finger on your jaw and pull you in to softly kiss you, raw emotion bursting in your gut when Changbin pulls away, his fingers wiping away the tears that you cast 
When Changbin places another kiss right on the corner of your lips, your heart melts and you sob, tucking into his chest for a chance to escape. “(Y/n), I don’t know why you’re still with him, but I promise I can treat you better.” You nod, closing your eyes as crimson paints your mouth, and after much thought, you say what you believe you deserve. “I–I’ll break up with him.” 
✭ Yeonjun is more caring than ever when he comes back, and you wonder what happened in the span of a few months 
✭ He stays behind more, helps you with the chores and you wake up every morning with his head snuggling the crook of your neck, placing kisses of love that you couldn’t find before 
✭ He blamed it on the homesickness because you’re his home and he loves you very much 
✭ And you blame it on the guilt and the bullshit 
✭ But you can’t help getting the words out of your mouth and it scratches your throat as you stand next to him, in his embrace, where you find a bruise on his neck 
✭ But you suppose fate was giving you one more chance when Yeonjun found Changbin’s sweater in your shared room 
“(Y/n) whose is this? This definitely isn’t mine.” Yeonjun spits, throwing a bright blue sweater at your feet when you enter the room. Your eyes widen and you shake your head, mouth trembling when you pick it up. “It’s–it’s...” Looking at his furrowed brows you falter and take a step back. “I don’t know.” Yeonjun sneers, ‘Really? Is it not Changbin's? Do you really think I’m that dumb?!”
Tears leak down your cheeks when you realize that this is your chance. But you’re too afraid–you think. Too scared to imagine your life without Yeonjun. And so, you shake your head at his words, saliva slowly sticking your teeth close. “You’re such a fucking–” He bites his lips to stop his words and messes up his hair in frustration.
“Yeonjun...” You cry.
“What!” He barks.  
“You can cheat on me back if you want to.” 
Yeonjun’s lips quiver into a smile before it diminishes into a tight lip, slowly walking towards you to back you into the wall. “What kind of boyfriend would I be to do that? Cheat on my girlfriend? I’m not you, am I?” He chuckles, pulling back your hair when you look at his feet. “No, you’re not,” You say, softly pushing at his arm. “It’s whatever, sweetheart. I’m such a good boyfriend, not leaving you.” 
You nod and clench your fists. “I’m so sorry Junnie. You’re an amazing boyfriend.” 
✭ You don’t meet Changbin’s awaiting eyes when you and Yeonjun walk past him, figure trembling when Yeonjun flips him off 
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Beomgyu ˚ · • . ° .
✭ You and Beomgyu were complicated, but he doesn’t think so 
✭ “He liked you” he would say, but he always seemed to ignore you in the eyes of the public, lips always tearing into a sneer when he found you staring at him with a rather pitiful look 
✭ But why did he kiss you so softly every night, holding you in his arms when you cried to him about it 
✭ You don’t understand him at times–he gives you severe whiplash and you’re not sure if it was intentional or not 
✭ He gives and takes, and you’re exhausted when you watch him flirt with another girl in front of you but then drag you to the nearest alley because he missed your lips  
✭ You’re not official in the eyes of his friends but you’re official in his heart–and it stabs you in the heart every single time when he acts like he cares 
“You’re so pretty” He softly says, kissing the spot right below your ear when you turn around and face him. You have more to say, and he notices so he shuts you up with his lips. “Beomgyu I...” You pull apart and fiddle with his shirt, but he ignores your saddening mood, instead grabbing his phone. His eyes light up when someone texts him and you try to melt into the couch, shying away your gaze to the window. “Hey (Y/n), I have to go. I’ll text you later, kay?” He doesn’t even wait for your response and leaves the door shut in his wake. 
✭ When Beomgyu leaves for a while, you come to an area of realization that him leaving you for a few months feels the same when he uses you like a toy–you’re alone in all the ways possible 
✭ And you’re moping–which gets your friends confused and annoyed, so they’ve convinced you to go out with them for drinks 
✭ Which ultimately ends up with you in the arms of an old friend that you haven’t seen in years, bringing Jaeyun back home with your lips tangled with his and his hands in your hair 
✭ Yet you feel some sort of hole in your heart– and it aches and burns when his fingers expanse over your stomach and your neck 
✭ When he leaves small kisses against your cheeks and forehead, while you two settles against the couch–the same couch where Beomgyu called you his so lovingly  
✭ And it feels so wrong when he cuddles into your side, watching a movie that you supposed you loved when it was actually Beomgyu’s favorite 
✭ So, when Jake quietly apologizes and says that he needed to pick up Heeseung because he shit-faced over a few drinks, you feel as though the rock on your chest had been lifted and you can suddenly breathe again  
✭ But it’s back again, heavier than ever when you find Beomgyu ringing your doorbell just moments after, with a suitcase in hand and an angry tremor on his lips–which you just find so absurd
“Beomie, what...what are you doing–” 
“Who was that?” He sputters, letting himself into your apartment. “No one.” Your mouth is clenched when you close the door behind him, cursing at yourself underneath your breath. “Seriously? No one?” He mocks, crossing his arms over when you don’t respond, but how could you when anger rolls off you and your nails dig into your skin? “I don’t know why you even care!” You yell, throwing a pillow at him in frustration.
“Ow! I–what do you mean I don’t care, of course I care!” You shake your head and grab his suitcase to take it back outside. “You’re always acting like I don’t exist when you’re with your friends but then you come back to me like nothing’s wrong! Are you embarrassed of me or something?”  
“No of course not.” 
“Then why?!” You stare at him for an answer, but he just looks at the ground, shuffling around with his feet. You sigh and tap your feet against the floor. “Whatever Beomgyu, just get the fuck out of my house.”  
“Wait, (Y/n), I’m so sorry, I don’t know why–" His hands clasp around yours, pulling you back into him. "Just leave me alone, find another girl to cheat on with or something, because I'm done with your bullshit." You crack and suddenly you're being hugged, quivering when you start to cry.
"I'm so sorry."
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Taehyun ˚ · • . ° .
✭ The first time you’ve ever cried over a movie was actually a Disney movie–Rapunzel at that 
✭ And you were just sobbing because Flynn Rider loved Rapunzel and not you...which you quickly found out in a few years was a really stupid thing to cry over and served your mom a lifetime camera roll of videos that exemplified pure embarrassment 
✭ But here you are now, almost 15 years later and tearing up over a boy (Jay Park) that you’ve had your eyes on for so long but can’t attain in a relationship 
✭ Taehyun is in the same situation too, lost in the eyes of another girl (Yu Karina) whom he can’t help but admire 
✭ So, when you sob to Hyuka about it, he immediately consults you to Taehyun and proposes a rather idiotic but genius plan that leaves you and the pink-haired boy nodding along idiotic but a genius plan that left you and the pink-haired boy nodding along 
“You two should totally fake date! You know, like making whoever you want jealous. I think it would work out!” Kai’s loud and his words seem to echo inside your head while the boy you’ve met just a few moments ago stares at his friend with a rather interested look on his face.
“That’s not...a bad idea, actually.” He then turns towards you as you shy away into where you were sitting, looking back at Kai for help who does nothing but shrug. So, you sigh and slowly nod your head, growing a grin on Taehyun’s face. “Sure, why not. Wouldn’t hurt to try, I think.” 
✭ Everyone was certainly shocked and surprised; eyes widening and several gasps falling from your friend’s lips (except for Kai) when you came out to everyone that you and Taehyun were dating–after some very detailed rules that you both agreed upon 
✭ And it was nice you suppose, especially when you find Jay staring at your interlocked hands with Taehyun, or when you pretend to kiss him
✭ Yet sometimes, when Taehyun tucks your hair back and hugs you to his chest, your chest thrums a little in warmth and you long to indulge a little more in him 
✭ You think you’re about to go insane–in turmoil, as your stomach aches each time you look at Jay and Taehyun, lips quivering at night at your feelings of love 
✭ And oh god, it didn’t help that Taehyun was so nice to you, all gentlemanly-like while he pretended to care, pretended to love you as your own tenderness seemed to fester underneath your beating heart 
✭ You were confused and hurt about yourself, so when Taehyun goes off for a while and you’re stuck at home, your fingers scratch at your skin for answers that you craved, bleeding at the tip of your tongue as Jay finally took his chance to kiss you in the back of a parking lot 
✭ For a kiss you thought would be joyous, it was stale and gross when you recount it back sadly to Hyuka, cheeks red with shame when you see Jay’s text following up
✭ You weren’t exactly dating Taehyun so you haven’t done anything necessarily wrong, but the remnants of sourness burn your stomach, as though you were caught doing something so immoral 
✭ When Taehyun comes back, you wish to cut off your lips so you wouldn’t tell him what had happened–but you quickly find out that your mutual friend had called him the very morning 
The air is warm and mellow but inside your throat, it rages a storm of guilt and despise as you stare at Taehyun at the door, swaying softly on the balls of your feet when you both exchange greetings filled with unease. You’re being eaten alive, you presume when you let him in, knees becoming Jello when he sighs.
“You and Jay, huh?” He finally teases but his words don’t have a joking tilt to them, and rather are dull and blunt when it hits you. You’re not sure what to say, because you have millions to spew out to the boy next to you, a whirlwind of emotions that you want to express, but you stay silent and stare at your newly bought red boots next to the front door.  
“It would’ve been nice if you told me earlier.” 
“I’m sorry.” You softly whisper, not flinching at the way that his fingers rub at your knuckles. “It’s fine...I was going to ask you to ‘break up’ anyways, I didn’t think that it was working.” Your head shoots up at his words when you suddenly dawn on the situation at hand, on why your gut was churning so much when you kissed Jay.
It meant that this whole ordeal with Taehyun was going to disappear like nothing ever happened between you two. You also realize that you’re really fucking dumb when you reach out to grab his wrist, stopping him from getting up. His eyebrows raise and you feel bile in your mouth, swishing around as you try to figure out what to say.  
“I–I don’t want you to leave.” 
You quickly shake your head, playing with the tiny rip flannel as you try not to erupt in a multitude of emotions. “I really don’t want you to leave. Just please–I... you can cheat on me if you want to, but please don’t leave me.” Your brain hurts when you think about him kissing another girl, but you’d do anything for him to be by your side, just for a little longer.  
Taehyun furrows his brows and lets himself sit back down, taking your hands into his when you look away. “What’s going on?” 
And finally, you sob. “I’m just so fucking sorry. I know I promised that I wouldn’t like you or whatever and that Jay was who I liked, but I can’t help it! And I really regret kissing him, and I really regret telling you to kiss another woman, because I’m going to be really fucking jealous–” 
You’re shut up when Taehyun kisses you so softly, his hands tucking back a stray piece of hair from your face. “Taehyun...” You sigh, trembling against him when he wipes away a stray tear. “I like you too, pretty girl. But you promise you don’t like Jay anymore...” 
Yoru heart clenches and your teeth grin but when he pulls you back into his chest, you nod.  
“I promise.”  
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Kai ˚ · • . ° .
✭ Kai was your first sweetheart–the one that you suppose you’ve loved for your entire life without even knowing 
✭ And oh god he’s so sweet, with honey eyes that never left you or a smooth tongue that spewed out countless messages of his love towards you with his tender fingers brushing a strand piece of hair away while you sat in his lap 
✭ But as of now, your heart throbs with trouble and agony when you catch his faltering smile and when his plastic lips kiss you tightly, and you think that you’re going to sob–hard 
✭ You assume that this was natural, feeling as though you were slowly breaking apart with him, but you find yourself praying over that it wasn’t, that you still love him as much as you did before 
✭ But all that ended up doing was leave sour blood in your mouth from the number of times you bit your cheeks, hands tainted with guilt when you stared too long into the distance–just past your lover 
✭ Falling out of love was maybe the best but you can’t seem to reason why 
✭ Your teeth are starting to fall out and your head hurts as you try to wrap around the explanation–the revelation that’s making you and Kai feel this way 
Your eyes hold tears that refuse to fall. Kai doesn’t notice and it hurts even more, but you sit next to him, watching the clock tick. You wonder if a clock was an animated object–would it get tired of its clicking? Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Tick Tock.
Your heart doesn’t beat faster anymore next to him, and you think that it got bored. When his fingers rub at your knees, rubbing in a scar, you do nothing but stare at the time. Time used to go fast but it’s dulled now into an inconsistent background noise of humming.  
✭ Kai has never liked leaving you alone for so long nor did you, always whining on the phone for him to come back to you 
✭ But now you find it almost melancholy when the house is empty and the thoughts of another don’t infiltrate the air–and so you breathe deeply 
✭ You take fulfilling breaths that you couldn’t do, lips drawing into a smile when you eat breakfast or talk to your friends or when you start drinking bottles and bottles of Soju that leave you crying over lost love in the middle of the night 
✭ It’s bad you know, but it’s the only way you know to cope, feeling alone in a maze that you were supposed to get through with Huening 
✭You’ve never in your life thought about the prospect of cheating, not with Kai who was the world’s biggest lover 
✭ But you think that you’ve just soiled your lips with the mouth of another, in a haze that you were slowly falling deeper and deeper into, desperately trying to climb yourself out before everything caved into itself  
✭ You feel wrong and like throwing your guts back up when you realize what you had just done but you hadn’t drastically pale too much upon the thought even though you should have 
✭ Your thoughts don’t run a million miles per hour, rather just a thousand but it’s still bad... 
✭ Yet you come to a realization and a questionnaire after a cup tea and some crackers for your upset stomach–Would Kai even care? 
✭ It shatters your heart though you know that the both of you are stringing the other on but can’t leave, like you’re addicted to a lasting bitter taste that resides just after a sugary smidge 
✭ When he arrives back, you try your best not to slip up, though you really should
✭ An Instagram post spills your secret instead
You’re not crying, surprisingly. You really should be though when Kai sends you a screenshot of you in the background of Yeji’s picture kissing Sunghoon at a small dingy bar. You don’t respond to his text either, but walk solemnly back to your shared house, the smell of decaying love just on the tip of your nose.
And when you open the door, the smell wafts through the hall and the kitchen, where Kai sits at the dining table with a huge frown on his face. “I’m sorry.” That’s the first thing you utter when you walk inside. “You didn’t mean to, did you?” He asks and his words are like tiny daggers that prickle at your skin when you nod, pressing deeper and deeper as he stands up.
“(Y/n) I don’t know if I can do this anymore. I–I think I...” He trails off and tucks his lips under his teeth. Tears begin to well in his eyes and it hurts you to the point you can’t inhale. “I know. Me too” You whisper, pulling and teasing at a hangnail, sighing when you try to throw a watery smile at him.  
“If you want to, you can...can cheat on me too. You know, kiss another girl, your choice.”  
Kai chuckles. “That’s not healthy and you know that (Y/n). Maybe this was for the best.”  
“So, are you just going to leave?” You ask, tonging at your raw cheeks.  
He nods slowly and looks at you once more, straight in the eyes so you could flinch away from him. As though you’ve been slapped. “Yeah, I think so. For the best?” 
“For the best.”  The clock stops ticking.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 7 months
so i just remembered i don't have any rules set up at all on my page lol ! i haven't gotten any requests that i'm uncomfortable with or anything, but i think it's important to set these types of boundaries as early as possibe, sooooo..!
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! ࣪✦ ♡ RULES ࣪✦ ♡ !
first of all , please do not repost, plagiarize or steal my work. obviously. without my permission !
my blog is strictly NO NSFW, so do not ask me to write or send me any smut of any underaged character, thanks !
don't interact with my page if you're a weirdo lol (racist, homophobic, transphobic and other loser behavior attributes) i only want to spread positivity and sillines on my page, so go somewhere else for that !
! ࣪✦ ♡ WRITING RULES ࣪✦ ♡ !
before i start with anything else i want to start by saying MY BLOG INCLUDES SPOILERS. i also mark whenever there are any manga spoilers, so you've been warned not once but twice twin !
if you somehow didn't notice, i write a LOT for katsuki bakugou lololol but i'm not against writing for other characters ! but since i don't know if i'll write them as good as my stinky stinky ugly boyfriend, i reccomend you just stick with katsuki when you send me requests !
most of the stuff i write for katsuki is childhood friends to lovers ! it's one of my favorite tropes and katsuki is my favorite character, so the potential of mixing those two is simply too cute to pass up ! we here on my blog enjoy this i lot (i hope yall do at least </3) so if you don't wanna see this repetitiveness, or if you simply don't like this trope, this may not be the blog for you </3
speaking of this, i will not write anything i do not believe a certain character would do. let's say for example you send me a request where a character abuses or cheats on you or wtv. i would rather avoid writing for stuff like this. mostly because i'm not that good of a writer and it's not something i am able to write, but also because if i do not believe a certain character would do this in canon, especially if it's a character that's really dear to me, i will not feel comfortable writing it. i'm sure you can find someone who can write those type of asks for you ! but i am simply not that person <3
i strictly write for fem readers as i am female and feel the most comfortable writing fem reader, but i occasionally do not mention any gender in my fics. this is usually specified !
i stick to writing for katsuki bakugou, as i feel i understand and characterize him the best, but as mentioned before i have no problem writing for others should you ask me to ! said characters include : shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya, eijirou kirishima, denki kaminari, touya todoroki /dabi and tomura shigaraki (wish me luck for those guys lol) it's always fun to experiment with writing for me , but please don't be upset if i don't characterize them how you want or i'll cry :(( (not really) (..unless?)
requests are allowed !! i love writing what you guys thought about and i love that you come to me for it ! it's always a bunch of fun and actually helps to inspire me to write more ! but, please keep in mind that i sometimes am extreeeeemely slow to respond to requests :(( i'm still in school but also like to take little writing breaks. sometimes i feel like expectations that i put on myself stress me out and make me not want to write, which is a horrible feeling. so please be patient and i'll get your ask to you as soon as i can ! <3
readers race stays unspecified at all times ! as a black girl myself, it always feels a little disheartening to see, even if i know it most definitely is not meant maliciously ! however, if you have any specific black reader requests , i'm your gal !
i will not write any nsfw for any character, so don't send me any smut requests pls n thanks !
i will absolutely not write anything related to incest. blood related or not. proshipping or morally wrong reader (teacher x student) pairings are not allowed either, that includes pedophilia, bestiality and all that freak shit as well. please take your weirdo shit somewhere else !
i also generally avoid writing aged up fics. it depends on the request or story, but i don't like writing about things like pregnancy, marriage, children n things like that. not because i find it nasty or anything but bc i get embarrassed LOLOLOL also i'm not fully into that part of the adulting world yet, so i have no idea how to even write it lmfao.
i don't write gore. canon typical violence is fine, but i'm not that good at being descriptive and also it's not really my cup of tea !
i do not write anything for oc's and will not respond to oc asks !
as you can see when you first come in here, my blog is entirely fluffy because i am a major optimist despite myself lololol ! angst requests are fine of course ! but most of the angst i write is either bittersweet or has a happy ending, so you've been warned ! don't come on here expecting heartbreaking angst because i am, for all intents and purposes, a massive baby.
please do not be surprised if i ignore or decline your requests if you do not respect my rules, i haven't had to do this yet thankfully, you all have been amazing <3, but this is simply a warning !
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aaand i think that's it for now ! i hope you enjoy reading my silly lil fics and interact ! i love love LOVE talking to yall
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danieyells · 4 months
I was reading Leo's affinity lines and his max affinity line has him making a bet with PC about who falls for whom first.
What if PC said something like "Jokes on you, I am already in love but it's not you", and the rumour spreads and now all the ghouls are thinking whom it might be , while Leo is just ... Leo
It would be even more funny if it's just an NPC they are in love with or even better if it's the janitor 👀
Lol I feel like Leo's reaction would be very 'this isn't about someone else you might be in love with this is about me' like. What's it matter if they like someone else? Do they think they're the only person he likes? NOT THAT HE LIKES THEM-- the bet still stands. They can love other people all they want but that doesn't mean he won't be among them.
On the other hand he probably wouldn't believe them when they say it's not him U: like yeah okay of course you're not in love with me. You'll admit it eventually.
But yeah I think if a rumor that the scholarship student was into someone got out people would start speculating. . . .and Leo would wanna know who it is and try and find out or get them to spill. Because he loves gossip and tea and being nosy. And he'd probably judge your taste unless it was like. Jin or Romeo. Or him, obviously.
You like Tohma? That fake ass guy??? I don't think you'd be worth faking love for for him.
You like Kaito? You'd be a terrible influencer if you fall for your simps that easily.
You like Lucas? Well that's just hopeless.
You like Alan? He sees the appeal in a good himbo at least but the guy's just as hopeless as Lucas.
You like Sho? Ha. Good luck with that. Sho's kind of a heartbreaker. Good luck with not falling for Leo too when they're basically a package deal!
You like Haru? The guy too busy to even attend to himself? Have fun pining I guess. Pretty pathetic.
You like Towa? Your taste is fascinating they should study you in a lab.
You like Ren? Yeah Ren probably doesn't like you. Pathetic.
You like Taiga? Are you some kind of masochist? Oh he's heard of this you're into vore aren't you. Freaky.
You like Subaru? Pretty boy with the perfect life and submissive personlity? That's about as basic bitch taste as you can get.
You like Haku? Again, fake. You like guys who make the first move and who're probably gonna cheat on you.
He doesn't know Zenji exists(maybe??? Maybe he could hear him with his stigma????) but. He wouldn't even know where to start with how bad he'd think your taste is for that.
He probably doesn't know about Ed either but he'd absolutely judge you for being into a vampire. Like is your fyp all gross booktok romance shit?
You like Rui? Hopeless. Maybe he can put you out of your misery lol
You like Lyca? Again, judging you for being into werewolves.
You like Jiro? Laughably hopeless! Jiro doesn't like you for sure.
You like Yuri? Once again you should be studied in a lab, but maybe you'd enjoy that too much.
You like Cornelius? Jokes about calling the cops.
You like Moby? You're a pervert with a tentacle fetish. Also you'll always be second to whatever group or whatever he's simping over.
You like Nicolas? You've got the most bland milquetoast taste in men he's ever seen.
You like Hyde? That is hilarious and he is going to text Sho right now oh my god. Hyde's a weirdo so maybe you have a chance there but Sho is never gonna let you live this down.
He probably doesn't know the janitor--at minimum he'd concede that he's a good looking dude--but if he did know him he'd probably have similar criticism to Haku. The guy feels fake and like he flirts with every cute girl he sees. Also, gross. Yeah Darkwick is pretty clean, not a ton for him to maintain, but still. And he'd probably have a similar "well I guess NPCs fit better together" reaction to the janitor or a general student lololol
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yourstrulyaiko · 2 years
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╰┈➤ featuring; boku no hero academia! drummer! bakugou katsuki! x lead singer! fem! reader  
જ about; Heartbreaks. Aches. Dreams shattered. You feel like there was no bridging between you and your goal as an artist. Especially since the bridge that connected you that was your ex-boyfriend, Shindo, who you met at club. Now, that you’re separated. You thought, that was it. No more. Well, you thought wrong.
જ contents and warning; profanity cause bakugou is on it, asshole bakugou, cigarettes, smoking, angst, drummer bakugou, band au, fluff, romance, drama, paparazzi, cheating, break ups, toxic relationships, getting physical (the bad kind) and many more that I have definitely missed.
જ author's note; I actually have a lots and lots of chapter about band au which needs to be revised and re-written. unedited. THIS IS GOING TO BE A DARK ONE. Please proceed with caution as this portrays ab£s3 and toxic relationship in general. If you’re ever in a similar situation. Please. Seek help. Immediately.  Bakugou’s reaction is an effect of being in a toxic relationship, you tend to push people around you. So, if you are in this kind of ‘relationship’. LEAVE. YOU DO NOT DESERVE THIS. I will defo write this as an entire series in more detail cause I acc like it lololol.
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So, Bakugou plays drum really well.
He was planning to go to University and work his mother and father’s company.
But, Kirishima was the person who brought up the fact that they’re forming a band and invited Bakugou along.
He was pretty excited.
Not he’s going to tell anyone that.
They were constantly practicing and juggling their part time jobs.
Once, they’re off rushing to Bakugou’s garage practicing.
Bakugou worked at a music shop.
He started working there at the age of 17.
The band formed when they were 16.
They were still little scrawny kids trying to navigate what they wanted to do
They were working hard to achieve their dreams.
Denki eventually introduced Jirou 
She started composing songs for them to play.
They were having so much fun.
Mitsuki would always bring them snacks and drinks too
Not too long after that, Mina was introduced into the group.
She was the one who kick started them into playing in clubs.
Because she work at that very club.
They were playing simple tunes and rhythms that everyone dances too.
These guys are amateurs but the practice and dedication they have for this band 
The club owner would pay them a huge amount of money 
They brought in a lot of customers because people heard about this amazing club with the live band.
Now the problem is, what do they call themselves?
They were throwing around random names.
King Explosion band suggested Bakugou
Ladies Magnet says Denki
Definitely a nope.
Then Sero,
“How about Tokyo Lights? I mean, we live in Tokyo and there’s a lot of fluorescent lights here.”
“That sounds dumb.” Bakugou snorts.
“I mean, it’s better than King Explosion Band.” Kirishima pats him on the back.
It was fucking perfect.
With the money from gigs and part time jobs,
Mitsuki and Masaru didn’t have to worry about their little boy anymore.
His part time job also heard about him playing for a club so, his boss paid gave away a drum set.
A much better kit than his current one.
This gave him the opportunity to start saving up for his first tattoo.
At 18, he did manage to.
It was the big red dragon one.
He has been wanting one for a long time and he had it all planned out.
So, when he finally got it.
His confidence and ego shot up a ten fold.
This only led caused a snowball effect of Bakugou wanting to get next one already.
Instead he got his tongue pierced instead.
Needless to say, his friends wanted to get piercing and tattoos too!
As their band grew and grew more popularity. They were all 18-19 at this point,
They’re asking when they were going to get a singer for their band.
This is how Bakugou and Camie met.
After they played for the club.
Camie approached Bakugou offering to buy him a drink.
Started talking and they found Camie could sing.
They offered for her to join the band.
That’s the start of skyrocketing to fame. People started talking about this little band
Tokyo Lights
Not too long after that Camie and Bakugou started dating.
It wasn’t open out there in public but their friends knew.
They continued to climb up in fame. They started getting inviting to bigger events.
This was it, they needed to record their song.
No, fuck that let’s go for a debut album.
Thankfully, Jirou was there and her parents are musician.
So, they all had the equipment they needed.
They took a break from playing at the club. 
They quit their jobs.
They focused on being a band.
Then, their debut album was published.
It was amazing
They were having a great time and celebrating.
They were on cloud 9 
Katsuki especially since he was living his best life, on the path of his dreams and has a great girlfriend.
The band also gets to be a open up for much bigger singers and bands.
This skyrocketed them even more.
They bought an office and recording studio
The happiness wouldn’t last for long.
Camie was starting to act weird.
The fame was getting to her head.
She wanted the upmost perfection. Unrealistic even.
How bad was it getting?
Well, any single error? That would get you Camie screaming your ear off
For, “Being fucking dumb”, “How can you be a professional fucking musician and be this fucking dumb?”, “I don’t know what’s worse you guys claiming to be this big thing and still slow. Oh wait- Nothing could be worse than that.”
That just didn’t stop from her degrading the other band mates.
That extended to her boyfriend, Bakugou.
“What the fuck was that?”
“It’s the beat for-”
“No, the fuck is not. Get it the fuck together or do you want me to do your job for you?”
It’s even worse because-
Camie would get mad at something out of their control and her own mistake.
When Denki’s bass guitar string snapped, Sero forgot to plug his keyboard and was about to, Kirishima electric guitar wasn’t plugged to a amplifier, Mina got the wrong size for her top for their upcoming show and Jirou accidentally playing the wrong melody when it comes to recording.
It’s bad.
Bakugou wouldn’t say anything.
He just follows along and nods.
But, he’s weirdly quiet about the whole thing.
While that’s happening? Camie was whispering all kinds of things to his ear.
“They’re pretty shit, aren’t they?” Camie blows smoke into the air and hugs him from behind, “Why not just kick them all out? Tokyo Lights would be better with just the two of us.”
“I don’t get why you formed a band with these people.”
“I think everyone knows, I made this band anyways.”
“I think everyone knows, I made this band anyways.”
“Quit it.” Bakugou growls.
Camie pretends to be confused and she didn’t say anything wrong,
“What? I don’t know what you’re getting mad. I’m only helping you.” “You can’t be wasting your talent. I care about you.”
She wasn’t hiding her thoughts.
Camie publicly said it too. This band wouldn’t be where it would be if she didn’t join.
It was terrible. She always found ways to tear people around her and put herself up.
Bakugou was being drained by this.
But, he didn’t know how to go about it.
Bakugou still remembers the first time it happened.
He was 23.
Camie struck him across the face.
Right, in front of everyone.
That was it.
“Get out.”
Camie looked at him in disbelief,
“Are you fucking serious?” She’s jabbing her finger on his chest, “You’re nothing and fucking worthless without me. Now, you’re telling to get out.”
It was a never ending cycle.
A push and tug situation.
Camie would manage to convince Bakugou to let her back in.
Then, she would end up hurting him. Mentally.
Sometimes, physically.
And, Camie would pull some shit.
Like, “You know, I would never hurt you.”, “I didn’t mean to do that.”, “But, you just push me to the edge.”
She always made it seem like he was at fault.
Kirishima had to pull him aside and tell him this isn’t right.
It’s not good for him at all.
Listen, it isn’t easy leaving a toxic relationship or friendship.
Sometimes, friends and family will be the one encouraging you to do it.
Bakugou was facing a lot of dilemma because yes, it ain’t good for him but, he knows his attitude.
He can be brash.
He feels like no one can love him the way Camie does.
As she said, “Who would love you if I wasn’t here?”, “A lot of women would find you so annoying and wouldn’t be able to stand you, that’s why I’m here.”, “I’m the only one who could ever love you.”
I mean, he’s very self aware that some people will never get along with him.
Bakugou doesn’t know how to control his emotion.
So, he stays. Cause deep down he was right.
Even if, he’s working on himself. Everyday.
When they finally broke up and she is set to leave the band
He remembers what she said to them,
“They were no good for her.”
The years of pulling and pushing accumulated.
Bakugou was lost.
It’s like he didn’t know how to live.
For him, leaving this toxic relationship felt as if he was lonely.
Bakugou starts to question whether what Camie was telling him was true.
There’s no one that is going to love him like Camie does.
He still clings onto the thought of her coming back.
Work things out.
Then, you came along.
You who is going to take her place. You who was the reason for Camie will never come back.
To him, you are barrier between Camie and himself.
He was slowly destroying himself and his friends.
He goes out drinking often. 
Smokes so much more now too.
That’s why Kirishima was always telling him to go to therapy.
Because he will regret the road he’s go down in.
He did.
It was a lot.
Extremely uncomfortable.
He didn’t understand why Camie was at fault.
To him, he was always at fault. Camie had enough if him.
That’s why she left.
“This is your your way of not opening that space in the hopes that Camie comes back.” His therapist Hayakawa, “This is what a lot of-”
“I don’t want to talk about this, right now.” Bakugou stood up quickly.
“That’s fine. Do note, after your first therapy session. It can be extremely overwhelmed. So take a walk by yourself and digest everything we discussed today.”
He leaves and kept what his therapist said,
Bakugou pulls his hoodie up and wears his mask to conceal his identity,
He walks around the city thinking about what his therapist said to him.
He’s so confused.
Was it really Camie’s fault all this time? 
The next week, he appears back at his therapist office.
He spots you.
Just staring off into space.
The hell are you doing here?
“Oi!” He barks, “The fuck do you think are you doing here?”
“Well, what the fuck do you think I’m here for? A tea party?” You scoff.
@xviternity @bluebreadenthusiast​ @to the anon who left an anon message! <3 @chuugarettes​
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riacte · 2 years
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🛸 exterrasexymenpoll Follow
Vote for your favourite sexyman in the Exterra racing industry!
For our other semi-final— BLUE BALLS from TEAM COBALT CATMAIDS vs THE HAND from TEAM DOGWARTS please vote here!
Poll closes at 8pm Intergalatic Central Time. Campaign all you like.
Spamming about van’ilah extract in the comments will result in an instant ban (yeah, we know the meme’s going around sunblr, but let’s keep this poll somewhat sensible, okay?)
Requests about including THE Blue Stalker will also result in an instant ban. This blog does not condone attempted murder, harassment, stalking, violence, etc etc.
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🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
voting for qoh bc rk would’ve wanted it 🥺 i miss them forever and forever ueueue
also sorry but the blue stalker is the ultimate exterra sexyman. those fanfic authors gave them so much personality when all they want is to unalive rk 😩 rotating the iconic enemies to lovers 20k oneshot in my brain
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🦇 starshipspachelbel Follow
I’m more surprised by how Blue Balls is in the semi-finals
Anyways I’ll be voting for RK, he’s a pathetic wet paper bag of a Lykos lmfao <3
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👽 blueballs Follow
dude my name is blueballs how did you NOT expect me to be in the semifinals lmao
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🦇 starshipspachelbel Follow
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☄️ cosmiclovee Follow
By the way, QoH stans rise!! Did you forget our awakening? Remember the starry suit she wore for the 2109 gala and how everyone was immediately like 😳??? And she rolled up the sleeves?? Remember the x reader fics on Launchpad?
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🪓 handoftheking Follow
Yeah, because I’ve read them. Hey, some fics were pretty good.
I also voted for Queen of Hearts. I mean, just look her at her. And as a fellow Lumian, I’m obliged haha.
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☄️ cosmiclovee Follow
… Oops, total containment breach now? Mods I’m sorry, you guys don’t have to eat the spaceship that you promised to—
But onto more important things: RK’s own GUNNER didn’t vote for HIM??? And voted for QoH??? LMFAO THIS IS HILARIOUS. the total betrayal. it feels like he’s cheating. the disrespect for RK. i love it.
Also, Hand, you read QoH x reader fics? Any recs lmao? And did you read the bad boy RK ones?
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🌲 dilfkisser Follow
So I’m learning from my dash that the Hand himself voted for QoH over RK???? My Treebark ship just sank in two seconds. Wtf.
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🥂redkingsboyfriend Follow
Lololol the Hand’s narcissism is really showing. Look at him voting for his pre-transition self. He’s so vain.
@/exterrasexymenpoll can you please remove the Hand’s deadname? It’s disrespectful to transgender people.
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📺 saintswept Follow
are you fucking for real, believing in the trans qoh/hand theory in this year?? they’re completely different people. shut up and ship treebark lmao
still funny that the hand didn’t vote for his bf and went for his bf’s ex gunner—
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💫 concorp-official Follow
Hey, I know sunblr hates corporations but as the CEO of ConCorp, I feel rather… mystified that I got out in the first round. Was my mad scientist jacket not enough?
Personally I’m surprised that Xisuma Void got further than me. Anyways, supporting the Queen of Hearts.
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👬 kissinghomiesgnight Follow
??? Look at how much this poll breached containment? First a CC notice, and then a racer notice, and now a fucking CORPORATION??? Mr Cubfan I am So Sorry but I think people were just too excited to vote for the Catmaid—
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lululawrence · 2 years
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lululawrence's February 2023 Fic List
Previous Fic Lists / Lulu’s List Podcast Masterpost
Happy 28th! It's totally still the 28th... in some time zones... lol I am still working on the amazing Christmas fics that posted this year, but I also read some non-holiday inspired fics as well! And all of them were fab. As always, be sure to show your love and appreciation with kudos, nice comments, and (when applicable) reblogging their fic posts!
syrupy sorrows and gingerbread grief by @adoremelikeasunflower19 / adoremelikeasunflower (68k, NR, Harry/Louis, Christmas fic, friends to lovers, teachers Harry and Louis, coworkers and best friends, jealousy, pining, divorce, emotional hurt/comfort, secrets, pay attention to the tags because there are some abuse, gaslighting, and cheating aspects to the fic that might be triggering, but overall this fic is so cute and sweet and the way their friendship is so perfectly supportive is lovely)
The Top of Your Lungs by @zanniscaramouche / zanni_scaramouche (32k, M, Harry/Louis, sequel/completion of part 1, werewolves, pack fic, omega Harry, alpha Louis, angst, slow burn, violence, fighting, scenting, magic, listen okay the first part of this was impeccable and had me thinking about it regularly for MONTHS until this part could post, it was the perfect ending to the story, SO much pining and angst, and it was just so lovely and wonderful and I love love loved it)
Stole My Heart by @haztobegood / haztobegood (3k, NR, Harry/Louis, meet ugly, humor, chicken nuggets, awkwardness, this fic was SO hard to read but was also so funny I couldn't stop giggling the entire time I was reading it, I had to take a break though because the beginning was written so well that I almost died of secondhand embarrassment lol, so great)
(not) driving home for christmas by @justanotherghostblr / BeautifulWisdom (3k, T, Harry/Louis, Christmas fic, meet ugly, shifter Louis, snowstorm, snowed in, Harry accidentally hits Louis, but he doesn't realize it's Louis, lololol, this fic is so funny and fast paced and the emotions Harry flips through along with the bantery dialogue is fab)
Give it to someone special by @djtommotomlinson / yourlionheartx (10k, G, Zayn/Liam, Christmas fic, meet cute, lonely Liam, sad Zayn, clueless Larry, ot4 celebrating Louis' birthday who invited Liam to join, emotional hurt/comfort, this fic was so SOFT, the love and friendship between ot4 is so wonderful and they welcome Liam in so fully, it's so perfect and wonderful and a lovely ending for all of them)
12 Days of Courting by mission2feelike (23k, E, Harry/Louis, Christmas fic, A/B/O dynamics, alpha Harry, omega Louis, friends to lovers, secret courting, friends with benefits, pining, scenting, nesting, heat/mating cycles, this fic was just like a massive mix of everything that I love in a fic all thrown together, and it was done so perfectly, I loved how clueless Louis was but how much he WANTED it to be real, and just it made me squee a little bit when it all turned out in the end honestly, I loved this fic so much)
From Dust to Lust by @jacaranda-bloom / jacaranda_bloom (45k, E, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, road trip fic, enemies to lovers, more like miscommunication to friends to fwb to aching longing messes to lovers, lmaoooo you know whatever works to get you where you gotta go lol, so much banter, flirting, cute old people, dust, bonding, and there's a legit fist pumping moment!, it's so great I love it so much, this fic was so fantastic and had me dreaming of those tiny places in Australia, such a great fic to fall into)
Loved and Lost by @princelyharry / princelyharry (44k, M, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, Famous/Non-Famous, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Exes to Lovers, Amnesia, student Louis, Broadway star Harry, angst, happy ending, this fic was a RIDE, I had forgotten it was an amnesia fic by the time it got to that, and it's told in a switch of POV, which is SO powerfully done, it hits so hard and hurts so bad, and you're just SCREAMING for it all to come together and it just, yeah, anyway, SO GOOD lol such a ride too like wow)
Oh Little Town of BATHlehem by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry (2k, G, Harry/Louis, Christmas fic, crack fic, humor, meet ugly, fighting over a plastic bath, this fic omgosh you guys, I could hardly breathe, I screamed in the tags of my reblog, and the comments, and then again at Emmu once I'd finished it, because it might just be my new fav fic by her, it's so funny in genuinely every way, like what even?, and it's so sweet too, I cannot fully explain my love of this fic, just know it is GREAT)
Here where you should be by @lunarheslwt / lunarheslwt (19k, G, Harry/Louis, Christmas fic, A/B/O dynamics, alpha Harry, omega Louis, strangers to friends to lovers, the friends part is... short admittedly but still there lol, the way they both save each other in small but important ways, is so lovely, and such a great basis for their friendship and then SO much more, idiots to lovers, these two are so wonderful I love them)
A Life Turned Upside Down by @chelsea-frew / Chelsea Frew (chelseafrew) (29k, E, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, canon divergent, previous mpreg, exes to lovers, deaf character, post-hiatus, kid fic, the way this fic is constructed and how it revolves around the kid and their reconnection, getting past their differences, all of that, it is just, SO wonderful, such a soft and lovely and hopeful fic)
Wake Up! It's Christmas by @megz1985 / Megz1985 (6k, NR, Zayn/Liam, Christmas fic, established relationship, kid fic, adoption, past trauma, healing, domestic fluff, parenthood, beautiful and lovely and so real)
All I want for Christmas is You by @sparklebootsandvans / hlftanna (43k, NR, Harry/Louis, Christmas fic, A/B/O dynamics, alpha Harry, omega Louis, miscommunications, friends to lovers, jealousy, pining, flirting, scenting, dropping, touch deprivation, nesting, fluff and angst, happy ending, this fic is a wonderful mishmash of confusion between characters while trying to get to know each other, pining, the best parts of A/B/O dynamics, and just so much goodness, it makes you wanna shake them but also wanna force them into a closet to kiss and figure their shit out, in the best of ways, lmao it's such a thoroughly enjoyable read)
Once The Dark Divides by @zanniscaramouche / zanni_scaramouche (15k, E, Harry/Louis, childhood friends, friends to lovers, kink exploration, dom/sub dynamics, pwp, this fic, let me just... holy hell y'all, I didn't even mean to read it, not right that moment, I only meant to mark it as to read, but then I wanted to read the author's note, and then I kept reading, and never stopped because I was so immediately pulled in, and it's so hot but it's so much more than just that, it's so emotionally real, and the power struggle, and figuring it out, like Louis' experiences and feelings and confusion as a submissive for the first time feels SO REAL, it's incredible, so sexy, so intimate, I just still don't really have words for it but it's an entire experience, and honestly I feel a little too seen after reading it so I'll stop there lolllll)
The Holes of My Sweater by @harrysmaison / yourdelicatepov (31k, NR, Harry/Louis, Christmas fic, primary school teachers, friends to lovers, Harry is the new teacher, lives quite far from everyone else, he's quite an idiot really but who doesn't love a good idiots to lovers story?, obiously I do based off this rec alone lol, it's a fun story and fantastic pining)
falling in love with the stable boy by @sup3rbloom / haveufoundwhaturlookingfor (6k, G, Harry/Louis, Reverse Bang fic, Royalty AU, Prince Liam, Prince Zayn, Prince Louis, Stable Boy Harry, love at first sight, basically, this fic is so fascinating to read because it is so clear that there's so much world building and story that we don't get as an official part of the fic, but you only get enough to keep going, and i want to know so much about the family dynamics now lol, ANYWAY, an interesting and cute read!)
An Extra Surprise by @beanno28 / Beanno28 (7k, M, Harry/Louis, Christmas fic, established relationship, kid fic, mpreg, mpreg Harry, domestic fluff, the funniest part of the entire thing was how Zayn and Liam so openly teased Louis about his need to claim some of the holiday celebrations for his birthday, and the rivalry between them for the gingerbreads, but also the way they help with the kids etc was so lovely, but all of it was so fluffy and tender and sweet)
Grow as We Go by @larryatendoftheday / larryatendoftheday (7k, T, Harry/Louis, Reverse Bang fic, established relationship, the Ultimatum AU, proposal, angst, angst with a happy ending, this fic holy mother, the way they hit the reason for the breaking point, and how Louis is just so caught off guard and so hurt, and then his realizations that he wasn't perfect either and how he wants to fix it, and just all of it, it is so heartwrenchingly painfully perfect, it feels possible and real, if that makes sense?, but the ending is perfect for that too)
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tired-biscuit · 8 months
uuuu spill the tea!
it’s a long story but basically to keep it short and not as messy, we all have a mutual friend and she’s this friend’s coworker so that’s why she came along to interview us today!
and that mutual friend told me that she’s cheating on my ex because he knows the dude who she’s going out with from time to time and said dude told my friend that they did indeed smash. and since i know my ex kept texting me (and probs a million other girls as well) while they were (and still are) in a relationship, they’re basically just cheating on each other lololol
anyways, it’s been years since i broke up with my ex so i don’t really care about them, but it was pretty funny cos i didn’t recognize her at first and then when i did i was just like🧍‍♀️oh. and mr. biscuit saw her immediately texting my ex cos him being the libra that he is, he loves to gossip as well and he saw her phone screen so we were both like 😏😏!!!!!!!!!
but i decided to stay nice and she was professional as well!!!!!!!! so it went okie!!!!!!!!!
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silcoitus · 9 months
You might be tired of me.. (if u saw the other requests..)
BUT do u have a oc? Like maybe u can perhaps doodle what arcane oc u might have? Or maybe even for ur first, if ya want
Haha i'm not tired of you! Thank you for all the wonderful messages! But it will be a while till I get to your (3) requests. But I like all of them, so I'll likely do them all (in time)!
So technically I guess all my longfic reader characters are OC's, though some are a lot more fleshed out than others. (For instance, Swapped reader doesn't even have a name.) I've commissioned art from some wonderful artists, so why not share them! Especially because one of these I never posted, so this is the perfect opportunity to!
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Coi's OCs!
(only main characters, I have so many OC side characters, it's ridic)
Reader character from The Mad Scientist's Assistant
33 years old
Hair color: Green
Eye color: Brown
Stubborn, easily tongue-tied, fiercely independent, protective of kids/teens
Went into science/alchemy
Haunted by memories of late ex-bf Nico
Meets Silco when she becomes Singed’s lab assistant
Enjoys: dissecting animals, listening to old records, eating at Jericho’s
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Above art by @misugii
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Above art by @silcosentropy
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Reader character from Tailor-Made
An AU of TMSA Quinn where she inherits her late mother's tailor-shop rather than going into science. Like TMSA Quinn, she's: 33 years old, 5’4” with green hair and brown eyes. But unlike TMSA Quinn, she:
Has a 10yo son, Griff
Divorced from ex-husband Nico (who left when Griff was born)
Meets Silco when he comes in for repairs and to get new clothes for Jinx
Enjoys: sewing, playing with Griff, hanging out with her best friend Faye in her bakery
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Above is me doing a very rough costest of Tailor-Made Quinn sans green wig/contacts, gold trim on her apron.
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Above concept art by @stepsonsilco
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Reader character from Songbird
Works odd jobs in Zaun to get by
Has an ex-gf who cheated on her (naturally, she wrote a song about it)
Meets Silco while she's busking in the Lanes, about a week or so after Vander's betrayal
Enjoys: Playing her guitar, writing songs, and daydreaming about seeing the rest of Runeterra
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Above art by @silcosentropy
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Cowgirl Reader
Reader character from Barton Hollow
I never could come up with a good name for her! It's rather unfortunate because she's such a fun character.
May or may not have killed her late husband (who was also a drunk and a cheat) in self-defense
Inherits her late husband's shop that she begrudgingly runs in the small town of Barton Hollow
Stubborn, loud-mouthed, and not afraid to look Death directly in the eyes
Meets Silco when she goes to the bank for a loan and ends up as Silco's hostage during his (successful) robbery attempt
Enjoys: playing card games
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Above art by @deny-the-issue
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Okay writing all those out, it's very obvious that I have a tendency of giving my reader character's terrible exes lololol oop. Hey, at least they all end up with Silco in the end.
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captainaikus · 2 years
Is it okay to talk about Yandere Blue Lock characters with you? If so, what's your take on Nagi, Oliver, or Rin (I just finished reading Breaking mirrors and so I thought of their names immediately lololol) being yandere for fem!reader? Feel free to roam free with your imagination as you wish. However, if you're not okay with yandere-themed asks, it's okii not to elaborate uwu, all I can say is.. thank you for reading my ask!
Absolutely! (。>﹏<) i like writing yandere themes as well (this is my first ask acutally) - i focus more on the psychological part of it; I don’t like writing about guro. My take on the Nagi, Oliver and Rin as yanderes :
Warning : dc (dark content), emotional manipulation, mentions of starvation, mentions of chaining down, mentions of baby trapping, psychological mindbreak.
Nagi would be a mild yandere, but also the most unpredictable one. Will be jealous of anything and needs full time attention not to mention that he’s clingy- to the point where it’s not adorable, but it’s overbearing and smothering you. So rather than living with a boyfriend; you’re his official caretaker. He has separation anxiety- and always wants to be around you to the point that it’s actually suffocating and you can’t have any space. Try bringing it up-
“I want some alone time to think Seishiro. I need some space.”
“I don’t care. I wanna stay here.”
He knows he is cute and adorable when he speaks softly; so he’ll use it to his advantage to make you give him anything - which includes emotional manipulation.
“Do you know how much you’re hurting me?”
“Why can’t you stay with me? That’s all I’m asking of you. Is that too much to give?”
Oliver if he had to be a yandere… he’s definitely the type to plan ahead of time itself. He is the kind to get addicted to you. Even after he tried meeting with other girls- he can’t stop thinking about you; thinks it’s cheating when he even considers of asking another girl at the bar out. So it narrows to two options, talking to you and dating you. He has the reputation of playboy and he can use it quite well; here’s why- when you start dating your friends begin warning you that he is a red flag and that something seems off about him.
“Your friends don’t like me?”
“I care for you, you know that don’t you?”
“You wanna see my phone? There are no other contacts there. Just you, my mother, sister and niece.”
“What should I do for you to not doubt me?”
His exes start disappearing, and your friends grow concerned. He’ll sweet word his way into your mind, telling you that he is good for you; your friends don’t know anything about your relationship. If they were really your friends, they should be happy for you. Soon you start cutting them off one by one until you have no one left to turn to but him. Oliver’s plan is a very meticulous one- first was to isolate you from friends and family. The second being relying on him solely for the validation of your existence, basically Stockholm syndrome. The third plan was the one in case everything else failed - trapping you with his child. And you’ll never see it coming because Oliver is just so sweet.
Rin would be a strict yandere. He is all about punishments and getting things done to the point of perfection. If you’re defiant and don’t do what he says, he will punish you; from not giving you meals to chaining you to the bedpost or to a handle he attached specially to the wall. He won’t allow bathroom privileges either and humiliate you if you can’t hold it in.
He goes hard on you until your will is broken and you’re in a fragile state of mind- to the point where you would do anything to get his attention. He is also very sadistic, and finds it “adorable” when you’re trying to get his attention, even testing the boundaries of it.
“And why should I pay attention to a pathetic little thing like you.”
“You can’t do anything by yourself can you? Always need me.”
“What would you even do without me.”
“You can’t live without me, you need me.”
His aim - first breaking your will. Second, making you broken to a point where you can’t function well without him. He wants you to live for him and be completely dependent on him. And third, making sure you can’t fathom even the thought of leaving him. He knows he’s won when you’re very broken for him.
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RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by both @ashilrak and @60sec400, which is honestly fantastic, because I love this idea! My wip folder is deeply hilarious and probably incomprehensible to anyone other than me, so enjoy! I have titles, but also describe scenarios, and use lines I've written that I like as fic placeholders. There is no order to this, it's just how it appears in the folder! Italics indicate what I'm currently actively working on! Feel free to ask questions, lmao!
Post-HoO Truth or Dare beach party
'Percy Jackson's Six Steps to Seducing Your Girlfriend'
Post-HoO summer Chariot race
Titan War Memorial service + bonfire - explore grief ritual?
'[conduct] not unbecoming men who [strive] with gods'
Percabeth wedding
'still half-perfect' - working title for dark as shit wip, feat. percabeth fuck or die
'The Firefighter of the Month Club'
Poseidon and Ms. Lafayette parent- teacher conference
Percy graduates high school!!!!!!!!!!
'a name adds context, not truth'
Percabeth strip poker, Annabeth cheats
'kindness justifies itself'
Percy&Poseidon&Paul, wedding day shaving/ritual
Annabeth&Rachel&Piper&Hazel&Sally&Clarisse&etc, wedding day bath/getting ready ritual
Percabeth first time, in Percy's dorm
'like two birds on a power line'
'I drown in you' - kinky percabeth hotel sequel to 'to burn and to boil'
Percy teaches Estelle how to swim
Demigods talk to Estelle about death
Percy talks to Estelle about differences between mortals and demigods
Percy/Annabeth/Apollo negotiations? Just sex friends or more - have to decide
Percy/Annabeth/Aphrodite negotiations? Just sex friends or more - have to decide
Fed kidnapping fic - dark, long, big angst, outline currently: 20k
Jackson-Blofis Family winter cabin trip multichap
Whale pregnancy wip lololol
Percy&Calypso missing moment conversation in TOA; follow up, Percy's missing moment conversation with Chiron - 2 shot?
College Percy, Annabeth, Frank, and Piper 'rent' a sailboat for the day and go exploring, there are shenanigans, Hazel has to send the Roman navy after them
"Oh, bite me.  Why should I have to choose between being a lover or a fighter?"
"I'm not sure of much, but I know my body can take a pretty good beating and then just get up and keep on going. There's always been something comforting about knowing that. It keeps me moving."
"If actual hell couldn't separate us, then what makes you think that you can?"
"Face it, dude. You have the eyes of a lovable aquatic mammal."
"I've seen what you like as a corpse, "Annabeth. Did you really think I wouldn't recognize you when you look like a queen?"
"You are alive. Let me celebrate that, won't you?"
"You are only a man, but one who could have been a god. I'm sure that weighs."
"Wisdom's daughter, afraid of new knowledge?"
"And so he acted, out of that place of peace and clarity and resolve within him that one might call a conscience."
"One of the best things about Percy Jackson was that he rarely said something he didn't mean. It was also one of the worst things about him."
"A soul like his is more alive than most."
Lolololololol. I hope you enjoyed this? I'm going to tag as many people as I can, but I don't know if I have enough, given the number of wips I have! Tagging everyone who pops into my brain: @tater-tots-last-of-the-romanovs @timemachinechaos @timelesslords @finalgirlmoment @judoflipped @imaginmatrix @mrthology @celestialepiphany @phykios @darkmagyk @no2ticonderoga @ashilrak @moonlacess @moonfrost41 @templarhalo @soleil-in-retrograde @campercabeth @percabeth4life @sappho-of-space @perseannabeth @ananbeth @annabethy @punkflame @zambomarti @hellomomo @duender-writes @melancholic-pigeon @captain-jackson @posallys @faemischief
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anmoll · 3 months
hiii! i saw that u were doing dialovers matchups n i wanted to maybe join in hehe ^.^
ok so i would like a romantic matchup! n i have a preference for males.
alright so my oc’s name is Miu (haven’t decided on a last name) and she is not a sacrificial bride but a 3rd year student from their school. She’s known to be a bit of a loner in school because she always eats alone, doesn’t really converse with anybody unless it’s needed (eg, group activities) and just overall very silent. Although, even though her teachers and other students encourage her to speak up and make friends, she’s just the type to prefer her own company rather than other people — ‘go at your own pace’ is the moto she lives by. She focuses on her studies and hobbies and can often be found lounging in the library or in an empty classroom after dismissal either reading or getting lost in her sketchbook :) oh yeah she’s an A+ student if i haven’t said it yet
She comes from a very privileged family but doesn’t like to flaunt it— would rather spend money on other people she cares about
Her hobbies include: drawing, baking (thought she’s not that good at it, she’s trying lololol), and photography.
Positive traits: she’s very patient, easy to talk to, gives good advice, will help with studies, wld 100% pay for u if she likes u enough
negative traits: would lose track of time/get lost in her own thing that she’d kinda forget abt u🧍-> forgetful, has a difficult time communicating properly (wld appreciate a partner that is straightforward)
likes: sweets, nighttime, stargazing, listening to all kinds of diff music
dislikes: loud things, overly spicy food, getting ignored
if it’s important, her relationship with the diaboys is basically: she doesn’t rlly care abt them but they keep bothering her so it js ends up w them being friends-ish w her (against her will) LOL i just haven’t set a specific love interest for her so i’d love to see who u match her up w!
- 🌱 anon
After some thinking i match Miu with Kanato!
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He would love how silent you are since it reminds him of a doll (just don’t ignore him!)
He would copy your homework.
Loves that your a loner! Because you don’t really converse with people he wont really worry that your cheating on him. (If you end up dating him) But if your not dating him yet he would love the fact that you don’t have many friends.
Would ask you to bake sweets for him! (You better be a good baker)
He HATES that you seem to not care about him. Even if the friendship is against your own will At least make it seem you care about him.
Since you said Miu doesn't really care about them I think Kanato would fall first then.
Sometimes if he’s feeling nice he would give you some of his sweets.
If you forget him he’s throwing a tantrum.
Other possible match's are Shu and Azusa!
I hope your happy with the diaboy i matched Miu with!
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miss-lurker · 2 years
LITA Special Episode
Liveblogging thoughts below the cut (spoiler territory):
Is Pai's whole family in love with Sky? LOL
The sound is atrocious, as always. Seriously, MMY please figure out a way to get better sound. I beg of you.
Rain is enjoying Sky's pain. LOL
Now, Sky is enjoying Rain's pain. LOL
These two besties!
This is the last time I will complain about the sound, I swear. Holy hell, the volume on the dialogue is fluctuating so much during this scene. It's so frustrating. I swear the special episode audio is worse than normal. *breathe in* *breathe out* *let it go*
Rain is super jealous. LOL
Is a scolding bragger a thing? If so, Rain has got it down.
Already to the Daddy. LOLOL
Sky is enjoying this too much. Seriously, he's got some things in common with Payu, I think. Little sadists. lol
I keep pausing. I'm never getting through this episode.
Payu what are you doing? Nope, can't do it. I gotta FFWD or I'm never getting through this episode.
This whole episode is the Rain and Sky Boyfriend Gossip Hour with a side of Best Friend Torture. hehehe.
Awww, Payu and Prapai watching them fight is so cute.
Rain! Payu is not cheating on you. Don't even think it.
This girl trying to hit on Pai is cute.
That boy hopped up so fast. He's so scared of Sky. LOL
Girl, you're losing your cuteness. It's pretty clear he's not interested.
He's so scared of Sky. LOLOLOL
I've officially taken away all the cuteness points from this girl. Have some dignity and stop being catty.
Just the two of them?! I get this feeling Payu and Pai will be joining this impromptu trip at some point.
They sure are doing a lot not!talking about their boyfriends already.
I like how Pai's first suspects are his family and secretary! LOL. I wish we could see his parents interact with Sky.
Sig is so funny! That evil cackle had me dying and, potentially, him. Looks like he was choking there. Haha.
Is dressed like the character from One Piece? lol
Get your feels out already, boys. Go ahead and start the boyfriend complaint hours.
Rain and Pai are the puppies of their relationship.
Rain is so moody and jealous. I think Payu would be similar though if he felt he had reason to be jealous. These fools.
Why do you have that packed Rain? Did you mastermind this whole thing?! Did you know Sig would tell?! Raaaaiiinnn!
Poor Prapai. He's so confused, but I get the feeling you're about to get your world rocked so just go with the flow, sir.
The balcony lights are pretty.
Is he taking pictures? Raaaaiiiinnn.
Making out?! What? Boy, that so didn't happen.
Ms. Natsu is so cute. Don't get involved with the mob though, girl.
Rain is ridiculous. I guess I was wrong. Still, dress up for me. LOLOL
Payu is ready for naked!time. 0_0
I don't know if Pai is making it through this punishment alive.
It wasn't Rain. It was Sky!
TMI, Payu! LOL. These mfers know way too much about each other's sex lives.
I hope it does change in the future. Keep up the good fight, Thailand.
Aw, it must mean a lot to Sky that Pai wants to marry him.
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daechwitatamic · 2 years
WWH POV Drabble: I would like to request from Chapter 1 Tae's POV at the party, wanna know what was he thinking with his spider facts, also was it love at first sight?
What Was Hidden 
POV Drabble #1: Steps
WC: 4k
Warnings: language, drinking, angst, flashbacks to a car accident, lowkey references to living with ptsd, taehyung is a poor baby :(
The request: 
In addition to @pamzn I also received the same request from my beloved palm tree anon!
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I hope you both enjoy this and I’m sorry for making it sort of painful lololol
A/N: This references Chapter 1 and early Chapter 2. :) unbeta’d, pls lemme know if you find any nonsense that doesn’t belong
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Taehyung starts the night in Jin’s basement. He’s standing in the corner, talking with Jin, Yoongi, and Jungkook when it happens. A group of girls come down the stairs, and he turns to look. A clear view of everyone who enters the basement is the main reason the guys always stake out that corner in the first place. First dibs, and all that.
Taehyung recognizes the first girl - her name is Bridget, she lives on campus. She’s friends with Jin and Jungkook, and Taehyung’s talked to her a few times at parties. The three girls with her, he doesn’t know. 
And what a shame, because damn, the girl in the middle almost takes his fucking breath away. 
Game on, he thinks, feeling a thrill shimmer all the way down to his toes as the girls make their way over. 
Bridget makes noisy hellos, hugging Jin around the neck and then turning to grin at the rest of the guys. 
“These are my roommates,” she says, waving a hand behind here, where the other girls stand close together, looking around. “Y/N and Kiko. And this is Y/N’s friend from home, Nina.” The girl in the glasses - Kiko, apparently - looks uneasy, but the other one - the angel that has Taehyung’s heart flopping like a fish on dry land - looks around with a bored, flat expression. The third girl, the one who isn’t from campus, tucks her curly hair behind her ear and scans the room, shark-like. Taehyung immediately starts trying to decide if his play with the angel should be getting her to laugh, or if he should try matching her I’m too good to be here energy. 
Bridget rattles off the guys’ names, and Kiko makes eye-contact with each of them, but you and your friend are watching the pong tables. The two of you wear your practiced disinterest with such a perfect synchronism that Taehyung can see the years of history between you easily. 
It’s barely even a minute later when your friend takes your hand and drags you to the pong table. Taehyung sits back, giving his aching leg a rest, sipping at his drink and watching you play with interest. By the end of your first round, which you and Nina win, things have already shifted in Taehyung’s little corner.
Bridget, Jin, and Jungkook had gone upstairs to refill their drinks and hadn’t returned, despite Jungkook promising to bring Taehyung a refill. Next to him, Yoongi is talking to the remaining roommate, the one with the glasses. Taehyung watches this with surprise; Yoongi usually disappears about a third of the way through the night at these parties. He never stays out in the crowd chatting with girls. 
Not wanting to encroach or ruin their moment, Taehyung subtly moves away, crossing the basement and perching on the arm of a couch next to a group of guys that are in his frat. He hops into their conversation easily, but his eyes are still on you over at the beer pong table, taking in the way you narrow your eyes before each throw, the way you square up your whole body down to your feet. 
One of his buddies on the couch follows his gaze and leans over with a knowing look on his face. “Which one are you after?” he asks. 
“On the left,” Taehyung answers, unashamed. WIth Jimin nowhere in sight, maybe he can rope this guy into wingmanning for him. It’s worth a shot. 
“Isn’t that the girl that stringy guy in your photography class was cheating on?” the guy asks, but Taehyung misses the question as the couch next to them explodes into roars as they seemingly disagree about something.
He watches when you and Nina finally get knocked from your spot at the table, watches as you retreat back to the corner where Yoongi and Kiko are still talking, heads bent together conspiratorially. He watches as your friend tugs you closer, says something close in your ear. You ask her something and she shakes her head, then turns away and heads back for the stairs. You continue on, ready to third-wheel next to Yoongi and Kiko.
“Now’s your chance,” Taehyung’s friend says, and Taehyung slaps him on the shoulder as he rises, making his way over.  What to say? He wonders as he crosses the room, squeezing between bodies, dodging around beer bottles and elbows. Not a comment about how gorgeous you are, even though he’s thinking it. You look like the type to throw drinks. Maybe a compliment about your pong skills? Or is he better off avoiding compliments and giving you some advice on your game instead?
Yes. That. That sounds good.
“You need to use your hips more,” he tells you, biting back a little laugh when you startle, jumping and turning to glare at him, clutching your red cup tightly.
“Excuse me?” you demand, one brow lifting. You haven’t tossed your drink at his face yet, so Taehyung presses on.
“When you play pong,” he explains. “You have great hips - use them to box out your opponent.”
Your second eyebrow joins the first. “Seriously?” you say, pissed. “The first thing you ever say to me in your life, and it’s about my ass?”
Ah, this is fun, Taehyung thinks. Repartee. 
“I didn’t say anything about your ass,” he points out. 
Bridget appears behind you, slinging an arm over your shoulders happily. She grins up at Taehyung, sly. “Tread carefully, Taehyung,” she warns. “Y/N doesn’t like to leave survivors these days.”
Taehyung always did like a challenge. 
The look you give him, steel-eyed and challenging, sends all the blood in his body rushing south. He blames this, and the rum in his cup, for when he opens his mouth and asks, “Is this like a black widow thing? I’m pretty sure they mate first.”
Your eyes go wide and your jaw drops. It’s your move in this little dance, and Taehyung almost bounces on the balls of his feet he’s so eager to see what you’ll do.
“You did not just fucking say that to me,” you growl. 
Grinning, he holds his hands up in surrender. “I’m just giving interesting spider facts,” he defends. “No need to get upset.”
“I’m done with this conversation,” you say. You suddenly look a lot less hot-bitchy and a lot more actually offended. Taehyung hears a little voice in his head sing, uh oh.  “Enjoy your night.”
“Wait,” Taehyung says, hoping he doesn’t sound as desperate as he feels. He doesn’t even know what he’s going to say next - anything will do, anything that keeps you from turning away. He can right this ship, he’s sure of it, he just needs to focus. “Are you actually mad? We were just flirting!”
Bridget laughs, and you roll your eyes. Still, you don’t turn away. Yet.
“You might be flirting,” you grouse. “Not me. I need to go find my friend.”
“She’s upstairs with her tongue in Hoseok’s mouth,” Bridget announces, and Taehyung nearly laughs out loud at the look of outrage and betrayal on your face.
“Sounds like your friend has the right idea,” Taehyung observes with a little shrug. He really expects your drink in his face this time, but instead you turn your back to him completely. 
Okay, Taehyung thinks. I can work with this. This is just a minor setback.
He shifts away from you, giving you some space, but staying in the circle. Jungkook and Jin have shouldered their way back over, and Jungkook presses a fresh cup into Taehyung’s waiting hand. Taehyung busies himself drinking, letting the conversation carry on without him for a minute. 
“This is boring,” Bridget finally laments. “Does anyone have a party trick to share?”
“I can lick my elbow,” Jungkook offers. Taehyung joins the other guys in boo-ing him. They’ve all seen him do it no less than fifty times since he figured out he could. It gets old.
“I have a great party trick,” Taehyung says, bitterness creeping into his voice even though he doesn’t mean to let it. “But the pay-off’s a little delayed. I can predict the weather - it’s going to rain like hell tomorrow.”
He’s a hundred percent sure of it - his leg never aches like this when there isn’t wet weather coming, and it’s not cold enough for snow yet. 
But you roll your eyes again and pull out your phone, shaking it back and forth as your thumb goes automatically to the weather app.
“My phone knows that ‘trick’ too,” you counter, all attitude. “And it says tomorrow will be warm and sunny.”
Taehyung knows he’s not wrong, but doesn’t want to explain it. It’s not really a conversation for when he first meets someone - oh yeah, I wrecked a car nine months ago with my best friends in it, and now my bones tell me every time it’s gonna precipitate like I’m an eighty-five-year-old. 
“I’ll put money on it,” he says, instead. 
You roll your eyes - again - and turn to head towards the stairs, not telling anyone goodbye. 
I… may have played that wrong, Taehyung considers, and then follows you at a clip. 
You’re at the counter in the kitchen mixing a drink when Taehyung catches up to you, approaching you quietly. When you glance over your shoulder to see who you hear, your eyes go wide in disbelief. 
“Oh my god,” you hiss. “Why are you following me?”
Taehyung feels weirdly defensive. He’s trying to be nice! “I feel like I actually pissed you off downstairs,” he says, hoping that you’ll drop the attitude and assure him that it was all in fun. 
“You did,” you say flatly. “So go away, please!”
Time for damage control, Taehyung thinks. 
“Wait,” he says, and reaches out a hand, placating. It freezes midair; he’s got enough sense to know that touching you would be the absolutely wrong move. “I wanted to apologize.”
He’s not done, but he can see immediately that he’s on the right track. You physically relax, the tightness around your eyes melting away. 
“Sometimes when I drink,” Taehyung tries to explain, “dumb shit just comes out of my mouth without my brain’s permission. I wasn’t trying to be… disrespectful, or gross. But I think I was.”
You aren’t looking at Taehyung, but over his shoulder. You look paler than you did a moment ago, he thinks.
“I’m sorry,” Taehyung finishes. “Okay?”
“Sure,” you answer, your eyes snapping back to his. “Whatever. I need some air.”
You push past him, through the living room, before he can react.Whatever? What kind of apology acceptance was that? Taehyung frowns, staring after the spot in the crowd where you’d disappeared. He’d found you instantly alluring, interesting; he’d been having fun teasing you. But your walls were up - he could see that from the first second. You were like a poison dart frog, displaying colors as a warning. Don’t get close.
Taehyung gets it - he’s the same way, to an extent. Where it seems like you keep people at bay with cold eyes and a sharp tongue, Taehyung hides behind bright smiles and loud jokes. It’s a better camouflage, he’s found. People don’t see it for what it is as easily. They tend to believe it more readily. Taehyung can’t help but wonder, despite how unsuccessfully this night is going, what you’re like to people who can get past your defenses. 
GIving up - for now - Taehyung decides to head back to the basement, the last place he saw the guys. Your roommates are still there, too, as far as he knows. Maybe you’ll come back in a better mood. 
Maybe he can think of something better to say before you do.
The stairway is dark, and Taehyung should have known better. He should have been more careful. He doesn’t remember missing a stair, only the split second of panic when his foot doesn’t connect with wood as expected, and then the jarring impact once it does find a stair further down. He catches himself on the railing, leaning heavily against the wall, heart pounding wildly with adrenaline, as pain radiates up his leg.“Fuck,” he hisses, sinking to sit down. It starts at his ankle, but it hurts most up by his knee, near the area where a metal pin was put in last February. He holds his knee with both hands, pressing in, but the pain pulses in waves, unrelenting. It takes him over for a minute - the pain becomes the memory and he’s gone from the stairwell and he’s instead in the car. He’s hearing the impending screech of tires, the shattering of glass, his own gasped breaths ringing in his ears. He can hear Jimin call his name frantically - ‘Taehyung. Kim Taehyung, answer me!’ - can hear his own voice repeating Jungkook’s name over and over, getting no answer. His eyes see snowflakes melting against the spiderwebbed cracks of the ruined windshield. 
The door at the top of the stairs opens behind him, pulling him back to reality abruptly. The memory melts faster than the snowflakes had. The dark February night melts back into the unlit stairwell. The pain is less piercing now, just throbbing. 
“Look out,” Taehyung calls, not sure if whoever is coming down the stairs can see him.
Whoever it is doesn’t hear him, and he tries to shift sideways to get out of the way more, but there’s nowhere for him to go. Someone’s legs hit his back and they fall over top of him. He reaches up to protect his head, and manages to grab what feels like their elbow, giving a hard tug to stop their fall. 
The person shrieks wordlessly in alarm as Taehyung holds on tight. He can hear the splashes and bounces of their cup finding the bottom of the stairs. The girl sits heavily two stairs below him, panting and gasping in surprise, her fingers digging into Taehyung’s arm desperately.
“Ow. What the fuck,” she says - and Taehyung knows immediately that it’s you.
“You’re welcome,” he deadpans, still holding your elbow, not sure how firmly you’re seated, or how drunk you are. He’s not sure that he can let go without sending you the rest of the way down the stairs.
“Why are you sitting on the stairs in the dark?” you ask in a hiss, annoyance clear in your voice. “I almost died!”
“I missed a step and hurt my ankle,” Taehyung explains. His voice shakes a little and he pauses, trying to steady it. For a second, he thinks he can still hear Jimin calling him, echoing from the recesses of his memories. Focus, he tells himself. “I tried to warn you I was here – I guess you didn’t hear me.”
“I guess I didn’t,” you allow. You’re quiet for a second, the two of you alone in the dark. Taehyung keeps his eyes trained on your face, uses watching your expression to ground himself, keep himself tethered to the present. Then, you ask, “I didn’t kick you or anything, did I?”
“No,” he says. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you say slowly, as if you’re still assessing. “All things considered.”
He releases your elbow, then, assured that you won’t go toppling. He’s feeling more firmly here now, but his stomach still twists. He’s upset that it happened, the first time in months. It feels like a setback, feels like a failing. 
“Thanks for the save,” you say, suddenly sounding weirdly shy to Taehyung’s ears. “Quick reflexes.”
You get to your feet unsteadily, holding the wall with one hand and the railing with the other. “How hurt are you?” you ask. “Can you make it down?”
Taehyung thinks about this. His ankle feels better, the initial shocking impact having faded away. But his knee is still throbbing and his heart is still racing. He feels nauseated, vaguely dizzy in a way he knows has nothing to do with the alcohol and everything to do with the flashback he’d just experienced. 
Pride be damned, he thinks he needs to cut his losses and go upstairs to his own room. He needs some quiet. “I’m not sure,” he says finally. You’d been standing on your stair below him, watching him silently. All signs of your earlier anger were completely gone, and he thinks you look even prettier now. “Do you mind going downstairs and getting Jimin? Please?”
“Yeah,” you say, right away. “I can do that.”
You make your way down the stairs, pausing at the bottom and looking back up at him uncertainly. Then you disappear around the corner. A few minutes later, Jimin comes up the stairs, calling Taehyung’s name quietly. Yoongi is behind him, mouth a thin line.
“What happened?” Jimin asks. 
“I missed a stair,” Taehyung says grimly. “My knee - can you help me back up?”
“Up?” Jimin repeats. Taehyung hears his unsaid question - not downstairs, with us?
“My room,” Taehyung clarifies firmly. Jimin gives him a searching look, but doesn’t say anything. “Please.”
Jimin helps Taehyung stand, acts as his crutch all the way up the stairs. Yoongi goes carefully behind them, one hand up in case they overbalance. Jimin and Yoongi shoulder and shove a path through the living room, moving bodies out of the way so Taehyung can limp through, and then they repeat the process up the second set of stairs. 
“You good?” Yoongi asks from Taehyung’s doorway as Jimin helps Taehyung sit on the edge of his bed. 
“Yeah,” Taehyung tells him, giving him permission to go back downstairs to find the girl he’d been talking to. “Thanks, man.”
Jimin stays, perched on Taehyung’s desk, legs stretched out before him, looking at Taehyung expectantly. 
“I’m fine,” Taehyung insists. “I just…” 
He doesn’t usually get thrown back in time like that. Not anymore, not while he’s awake. It’s left him shaken, and while he knows Jimin will understand - he was there too, after all - he doesn’t want to say the words.
“You just?” Jimin echoes. 
Taehyung grimaces. “I just… had a moment. It passed, I’m fine. I just… don’t feel like partying now.”
Jimin nods silently. Taehyung knows that he understands exactly what Taehyung is saying. Taehyung had moments all the time, back in the spring, and Jimin had been around for most of them. Jimin knows better than anyone how to call Taehyung back to the present when he opens his eyes and finds himself in the middle of a snowstorm that happened nine months ago. 
After a few minutes, Taehyung can feel himself relax, and he lays back on his bed, his legs dangling over the end. The quiet is good for him. So is his best friend’s protective presence. His pulse slows, the adrenaline fades. He thinks back to the look you gave him from the bottom of the stairs, how searching it was, hope open your expression was once you dropped the pissy act.
“I think I’m in love with that girl from campus,” he announces. “Bridget’s roommate?”
He can hear Jimin’s eyeroll. “No you’re fucking not. Smitten, maybe. Horny for, definitely. In love? No.”
Taehyung chuckles. “Okay, but I could be. Did you see her?”
“I saw her almost kick you in the ‘nads,” Jimin says flatly. 
Taehyung smiles, taps his toes happily. “No way, man,” he argues. “She totally likes me.”
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Taehyung is woken in the morning by a body draped over his. He wiggles, readjusts, accepts his fate. Then, as he slowly comes to, he tries to figure out which of his housemates is about to die.
“Jungkook,” he grumps, “you were not invited in.”
“There’s no coffee,” Jungkook whines. “Drive us to campus.”
“As the only person who doesn’t drink coffee in this entire house,” Taehyung growls, “that sounds very much like not my problem.”
“Please,” Jungkook whines. “Jimin says he’s too hungover to drive. I’ll buy yours? And a pastry?”
Taehyung grumbles, but as Jungkook continues to cling to him like a koala he finds that he can’t fall back to sleep. He’d stopped drinking and gone to bed hours before the other guys, so it’s probably true that he’s in the best shape out of them.
“Two pastries,” he counters.
“Yes,” Jungkook agrees immediately. “You’ll do it?”
“Yeah,” Taehyung grumbles, and Jungkook gives a happy wiggle. “Now get out of my bed.”
Jungkook rolls off of him, setting his feet on the cold floor and sitting up. Freed from his clutches, Taehyung sits upm rubbing a hand over his tired face. They both sit there silently, waking up by degrees. 
“How’s your leg?” Jungkook asks finally. “Jimin said you hurt it?”
Taehyung swings his legs out from under the covers and crosses the room, grabbing clean clothes and heading for the door. “It’s fine,” he says flatly, and vanishes into the hall.
The line at the coffee shop on campus is surprisingly long for a weekend morning. Taehyung shoots Jungkook dirty looks as they wait their turn, and Jungkook happily ignores him and chats with Jimin about homework. 
“I’ll probably be in the library until dinner,” Jungkook complains. “This paper for Professor Watanabe is killing me.”
“I finished that one,” Jimin says, apparently not too hungover to be smug about academics. “Did you reference Ibsen or did you go with Strindberg?” 
Taehyung groans out loud. He hasn’t even opened the assignment that the other two are talking about. “Is it bad that neither of those names sound even remotely familiar?”
Jimin gives him a look. “Yes. Yes it is. Tae, did you even open the assigned reading?” 
“You know what happens when I try to read,” Taehyung whines. He’s still pissed that the university requires two Literature credits. “I fall asleep.”
“Then at least look up the synopsis, for fuck’s sake!” Jimin mutters. 
The line moves, and they order their drinks, pay, and shuffle over to a table. 
“Can we not stay long?” Jimin begs. “My head…”
Taehyung doesn’t answer - he’s too busy realizing that the girl paying for her impressively large coffee is you. He taps Jimin’s wrist with his knuckles, eyes locked on your back. 
“She’s here,” he says quietly. Jimin and Jungkook both swivel to look at you, just as you turn around with your cup in hand. Taehyung considers going boneless and sliding under the table to hide from the mortification. 
His chance to escape diminishes as you meet his eyes, and he raises a hand to wave, forcing a friendly smile. Across from him, Jimin becomes the human embodiment of the popcorn-eating meme, watching this interaction with wide eyes.
Better just lean into it, Taehyung thinks.
“Hey,” he says, as soon as you’re within earshot, your coffee cup tucked between both hands.
You slow down, pause by their table, giving him a tiny smile.
“Hi,” you say, voice small and a little self-deprecating, as if you’re a little embarrassed. 
Adorable, Taehyung thinks happily. 
You continue, eyes only him. “You seem better today.”
“Oh,” he says. He feels his smile fade as he remembers that you’d seen him hurt - from your perspective, too hurt to even walk down the stairs alone. It’s embarrassing, and untrue, but the reality is equally as mood-killing. With effort, he tries to add some cheer to his voice. “Yeah. I am. Thanks.”
“That’s good,” you say, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot, as if you can read the deception all over his face. For a split second, Taehyung panics that you somehow knew he’d been having an emotional spiral, not a leg injury. But of course, there’s no way you could. You press on, adding, “See you around, I guess.”
“See you,” Taehyung echoes.
As you near the door, Jimin and Jungkook lose it, falling into a pile on top of one another in their laughter.
“Fuck you guys,” Taehyung grumbles, but he laughs once. “Why are you laughing at me?”
“That was so sad,” Jungkook tells him, wiping a tear from under one of his eyes. “Dear god. You two need, like, remedial conversation classes.” 
Taehyung aims a kick under the table at Jungkook’s good leg.
“He’s not wrong,” Jimin giggles. “What’d you get all weird for?”
Taehyung grumbles. “I don’t know… it feels weird that she found me on the steps like that last night.”
“Demasculating,” Jungkook agrees, nodding sagely.
“Dude, from the bottom of my heart, shut the fuck up,” Taehyung tells him, “or you can walk home.”
“That’s not even the right word,” Jimin tells Jungkook, still fighting back giggles. “I swear, you two just get dumber and dumber.”
Taehyung tunes out a little as they begin to bicker, thinking instead of the small smile you’d given him, the way you’d looked only at him, talked only to him.
“Earth to Taehyung,” Jimin says. “You ready to go?”
Jungkook lets out another giggle. “You were so far away just now. Where’d you go?”
Taehyung can’t help but hide his expression, pleased and a little eager. “I’m telling you,” he asserts as he stands up, reaching for his hot chocolate. “She likes me.”
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Thank you so much for reading! You can find my full masterlist here :)
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