#❈ ⠀⠀⠀ you are my own love language / sara.
wearebarca · 5 months
2. Captured // // Alexia Putellas x Original character
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Part 1 Part 2
synopsis: Rosalie has never stayed too long at the same place. When the opportunity of a lifetime presents itself critical moment in her life, the photographer decides to once again leave behind what she knows and joins the staff of Europe's best football team.
word count: 5,7K
18 + (eventually)
A/N: Currently procrastinating instead of finishing my thesis on "The methods of repression used during the first Christian Inquisition" Spanish is from google translate so please be nice. French is my first language so all should be good on that part. Enjoy.
As soon as the words left her lips, Rosalie knew that she would be in for a world of teasing from the two women who still stood behind her. She had hoped that even with the few years she had spent playing in France, Lucy had not picked up enough French to understand what she had said, but the burst of giggles that was heard quickly killed all her hopes. The confused look plastered on the Catalonian made the French-Canadian turn an even darker shade of red. 
“ Perdon? I am sorry I do not understand,”
“Oh no I’m sorry, I got my languages mixed up. I’m Rosalie” She extended her hand for the captain to shake. 
“Rosalia? It is nice to meat you, I am Alexia, Welcome to Barcelona ,” Her hand was much bigger than her own, calloused from all her training. The blond never broke eye contact from the smaller brunette who did not dare to look away. 
A cough finally broke the girls from their interaction. Lucy and Keira were still there, but another woman had joined them. “ We hope you enjoy it here,” Alexia let her hand go and made her way back to Mapi, who was looking at her with a raised eyebrow and a cheeky smile hovering on her lips, which earned her a loud smack behind the head. 
“ Hola chica, I’m Sara, one of the coaches, welcome to the team,” she hugged the Canadian like she had known the woman for years, “we just wanted to tell you that if you would like, we could go over your training together! We’d love to help if you need.” The woman’s enthusiasm made it hard for the photographer to refuse which led them to set up a time the following week for a run together. It was indeed a good proposition since her marathon was quickly approaching and a professional opinion on her training routine wouldn’t be a bad thing. 
Soon enough, all the introductions were made and Rosalie was left once again alone with Lucy, who was still giggling about her friend’s encounter with her captain. Seeing as the girl was showing signs of being a little overstimulated, she decided to drag her to the locker room. Once inside, she shoved Keira’s spare boots in her hands and pushed the younger girl back to the pitch. Back at England’s national camp, especially during the last one they spent together, whenever Rosalie felt like the world was spinning too fast around her, Lucy would pull her aside and pass the ball with her. This would always  relax the brunette and help her talk about whatever was on her mind.  
« Are we even allowed to do this” she asked as she kicked the ball right at Lucy’s feet.
“We have twenty minutes before the end of training and I am not going back in there.” She said wincing “ And don’t worry, the staff does this all the time” she kicked it back to Rosalie, the ball flying to her chest, absorbing the shock before falling to her feet.
“Your captain seems intense”
“ oh oui madame elle est très intense.” The younger woman's  eyes rolled so far she would have caught a glimpse of her frontal lobe
“ Got you a little nervous didn’t she”
“ Don’t even start Bronze” While she was distracted, Rosalie stole the ball from Lucy’s feet and sent it to the top right corner of the goal. A few cheers could be heard from the gym where a few players had gathered. 
“Some defender you are” the younger woman said as she started to walk toward the building. She turned around just in time to see Lucy lunge towards her and grab her by the waist to hoist her on her shoulder like a potato sack. 
Lunch arrived soon after and everyone made their exit towards the cafeteria. Rosalie sat at the table with the rest of the media team whom she hadn’t had the chance to meet yet. Everyone was very welcoming, especially Marcello who was one of the marketing guys and Isabella who is the head of social media and the face of barça’s media. Marcello is a very laid back guy with an easy laugh while Isabella was a whirlwind of colours, energy and excitement. The both of them together completed each other and quickly included the Canadian in their conversation, speaking in English and slowed down Spanish for her to understand. 
Even with the cacophony of voices and constant back and forth between tables, at the other side of the room, Alexia seemingly could not take her eyes away from the brunette who’s bright green eyes had not left her mind. A sharp pinch on her arm pulled her from her day dream. “ If you stare harder she might combust, you know.”
Mapi had watched her friend stare for a good ten minutes before feeling bad for the brunette across the room. « You can talk to her you know, you’d like her she seems like a simple girl. »
« Mhm »
« She’s gonna fit well here, have you seen her instagram? She is very talented and obviously very beautiful and… » The blond captain tuned out her friend who she knew was going on one of her rants and didn’t need the blond's participation in this one-sided conversation.  
The truth was that the catalonian did not know how to feel toward the new photographer. She had never been a big fan of the media team. She knew that they were simply doing their jobs but she had always hated this part of professional football. The eyes constantly watching her, her private life exposed for profit, she simply wasn’t comfortable whenever a camera was near. 
She didn’t hate the previous head photographer, but she never bothered to be more than courteous towards her. For some reason, this time, there was something different, she was curious about the canadian. 
The afternoon went fast for Rosalie. An official meeting with the media team, more documents to sign and more hands to shake. The brunette was itching to take her camera and go down to the pitch to start on some training pictures, which she did as soon as she was free to leave management’s office.
 It was now around two in the afternoon and the sun was shining bright on the training pitch. The whole team was out and playing a practice game and the photographer took this as an opportunity to take a few shots. She had heard Spanish football and how different but these girls were definitely on a different level and seeing them in action for the firing time was truly impressive, the woman thought as she watched the ball fly towards the goal, the shot so precise and powerful that Sandra Paños had no chance to block it. 
It did not take long before she was running around the pitch with her camera in hand. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she could feel her baby hairs stick to her forehead. The heat was getting to the photographer who had rolled the sleeves of her t-shirt and was currently cursing her choice of pants. Heat wasn’t her cup of tea. Even after a month here she still wasn’t used to the temperature. She was Canadian after all, the cold was more her element. Even under the unforgiving sun, her eyes were glued to the viewfinder, her mind set on the scenery around her and  the heat wasn’t even an afterthought.  
Rosalie  managed to get a couple decent shots of the girls in action that she ended up showing to Mapi and Patri who kept shouting something about who was the hottest one in Spanish. 
Everytime her eye left the camera, The brunette could feel a piercing gaze stuck on her, the eyes belonging to none other than Barcelona’s captain. Even though she had caught her staring, Alexia’s hazel eyes wouldn’t stray. The French-Canadian would send a shy smile her way which would break her trance, and then the blond would simply go back to the game without acknowledging her even the slightest.. By the third time, Rosalie simply stopped acknowledging her and just focused on her work. If the blond didn’t bother to be polite, then she didn't have to be either.
After an hour outside, she finally decided that she had enough material and headed back to her office. She made a stop at Martina’s office to discuss which pictures would go in today’s post and ended up agreeing to go get coffee tomorrow morning before work. The rest of the afternoon was spent on editing the pictures she had taken and working on some more from the night before. She had had an idea during her little meeting with the media team. A project that would serve as a thank you for the never ending support of the Barça fans and she was really excited. This project would take up a lot of her schedule, but after only a month in Barcelona, she had seen how spirited and dedicated the fans were and she thought it was important for them to know that their club was infinitely thankful for them. 
A knock on the door pulled her from her work and her eyes quickly shifted to the door.
 “ It’s half past five, why are you still here?”
Keira was standing in her doorway, changed and bag in hand, ready to go home after a particularly demanding training day. She half thought that the younger brunette would be gone by now but she wasn’t surprised when she saw her still at her desk, ready glasses low on the bridge of her nose, completely focused on her computer screen. 
“ I just want to finish these for tomorrow, it has to be perfect.” Her eyes strayed back to her computer but she could still hear the other woman walk around her desk and lean over her shoulder. A picture of Alexia standing on the sides lines, arms crossed and face scrunched up in a concentrated expression was currently in the process of being reframed and adjusted. 
“These are good.”
“Thank you,” she scrolled on the lot to show her more, “ Everyone looks so happy, besides..”
“It’s normal, you won’t catch her smiling, especially these days” she said it so casually, Rosalie  felt bad for the woman.
“Most likely” she said “ Come on, we’re coming over to your place tonight, you gotta prepare.”
“Says who?”
“ Your big sister, we know you’re far from unpacked. We’re coming to help.” She said, grabbing Rosalie’s bag on her way out. 
“We’re bringing take out” That was all it took to convince the Canadian to put away her laptop and follow the woman out of the training grounds. 
She had not realized just how badly she needed a night like this. The last time she had spent the night goofing around with her best friend was almost a year ago during international break and she had missed her friends dearly ever since. As the brunette had predicted, the couple arrived shortly after her, still in their training kits, claiming that this was as much their apartment as Rosalie’s which meant that they had the right to shower here if they pleased. While Lucy was gone, Keira had set up the kitchen island as a table while Rosalie was busy rummaging through her boxes to find two additional plates and cutlery. 
“ How long have you been here? A month? And you still have this many boxes lying around?”
“What can I say, all I really need is out and the rest could wait… indefinitely.” She ducked fast enough for the placemat to miss her head by an inch.
“ By the end of the night I’m telling you, you’ll be all set and you’ll owe us a round at the pub.”
By the end of the night, they had managed to take care of most of the boxes and made a list of what items were missing for this palace to become a real home. The couple ended up staying late, and would surely regret this at training the next day. It was truly like no time had passed since they had last seen each other. The evening was full of laughs and stories shared but the girls on their respective journeys since they had last been together. Rosalie would not admit it, but she truly needed a night like this. She felt so happy to finally be surrounded by her family, and the prospect of being able to see them a lot more often made this place feel like it could finally be somewhere she considers home. 
The rest of the week was more or less the same. Rosalie started her days by going to get coffee with  Mapi and Ingrid, who quickly became good friends,  or Martina. She loved the woman’s constant smiling and contagious energy and quickly found out that the head of social media was the woman to go see if you wanted to know the latest gossip amongst the Barcelona team and staff members. 
Friday was her last day of the week at the training center and was scheduled to be a very busy day. The morning would be filled with meetings and a presentation for the special fan project she had come up with. Then she had several shoots planned with the girls that would take place in her office. This alone would take the whole afternoon and Rosalie knew that when she would leave for the weekend, she would be exhausted. She knew that she would need all the energy she could get which is why she was currently on her way to the coffee shop with both Ingrid and Mapi by her side. 
Upon entering the shop, the girls beside the photographer both stopped in their tracks and turned towards the counter. A tall blond woman was currently leaning with her back against the counter and her hands in her pockets. The shop was almost empty so the three girls entering made enough noise to pull Alexia out of her thoughts. She recognized easily the voice of the tattooed woman and the Norwegian but, the third voice sent chills down her back and the woman froze, keeping her eyes on the floor, half hoping that the trio would make their way to the register without noticing her. But of course, as if the universe was against her, her name was called by the barista.
“Alexia, chica, cómo estás?” Mapi made her way towards her captain, leaving the photographer and Ingrid at the counter. 
“ Bien, ¿Por qué estás aquí tan temprano?” Usually on fridays, training started a little later, so the blond did not understand why the couple was here so early instead of relaxing at home like they usually did. 
“ Ambos tenemos fisioterapia esta mañana, pensamos que tomaríamos un café con Rosalie antes de nuestras citas.”
“ Ah si, fisoterapia,” Eversince the photographer’s arrival in the small shop, the blond was hyper aware of everything happening around her. The sound, the wiring of the espresso machines, the sound of spoons hitting the rim of the cup, the shuffling of sneakers on the hardwood floors. When a delicate smell of coconut and argan oil came to her, she did not need to turn around to know that the reason for her nervousness was standing next to her.
The photographer was just as nervous as the footballer. All week she had seen the captain’s behavior change every time she would walk in a room or on the pitch. The captain would either avoid the brunette and stare from afar or simply leave the room she was in. At first, she thought it was simply because the woman was shy and needed time to warm up to new people, but that theory quickly fell once she had seen the taller woman interact with journalists and strangers. Now standing so close to the woman,the French-Canadian did not know if she should ignore her or try to engage with the mysterious woman.
Surprisingly, it was Alexia who made the first move. “ I heard you will have a big day today with the annual team shoot.” 
“ Oh oui, it’s going to be a busy one I'm afraid, but I’m excited to work more closely with you all, I never get to see you guys outside of training settings so this should be fun!” She said, clearly excited to get to do a little studio work. The clear happiness on the smaller girl's face made the blond smile slightly. 
“ I do not know if you will still be happy once you have a bunch of children running around in your office.”  
“ Hey! We are not so bad.” Mapi said, hitting her friend on the shoulder.
“I love you darling but yes you are.” Ingrid had her arms crossed and was smiling fondly at her girlfriend who was pouting slightly. 
Silence fell on the group as they watched a mother and her little girl entering the shop. Sensing that the atmosphere was starting to be a little awkward considering no one was going to talk, Ingrid decided to steer the conversation towards something she knew would appeal to everyone. “ Are you guys excited about the match next friday”
The team was playing Sevilla next Friday and this would be Rosalie’s first away game. She had a feeling they would ask her to join the team to see how it usually goes. As the head photographer, she would usually not have to make the trip every single time but shetought it was important that for the few next away games, she would come along and experience the whole ordeal herself. 
“ Sevilla is always entertaining to play. Besides, we will get the whole day after the match to go around the city.” The blond responded. “ You will come with us, I heard.” She added turning slightly towards the brunette.
“ They haven’t told me anything yet but I can only assume that if they told you I was coming then it means I’ll be there.” At that, the blond catalonian let a small smile graze her lips. The sight made the photographer melt a little on the spot. 
« Good, it will be a good game » an awkward silence fell on the  little group.They were all waiting on Alexia to add something but the woman stayed silent, staring down at the smaller girl. From closer, the Canadian realized that in order to look Alexia in the eyes, she had to tilt her head up quite a bit. Combined to her intense gaze, the height difference made the blond Catalonian look even more intimidating which added to the Canadian’s inability to speak at the moment.  Thankfully for both, Alexia’s name was called once again by the barista which allowed the smaller brunette to relax while the captain went to finally pick up her order. She quickly walked back to the small group and handed Rosalie a cup that smells exactly like her favourite coffee. 
«  te veré en el entrenamiento chicas » she said, quickly exiting the shop without sparing another glance towards the confused photographer. 
« What did I do? »
« What do you mean? »
“She must hate me to act so weird when I’m around » She said as she took the coffee that she had ordered herself the counter, Ingrid trailing behind her, carrying her own order and Map’s since the woman had ran out after Alexia. 
« She’s very closed off. It’s always been hard when newcomers arrive in the team. '' She said, while staring down at her feet. “ She did get you a cup of coffee so I don't think that she hates you.” She added. In her mind, it was clear that the Norwegian was keeping something from her just by the way she would not meet the photographer's eyes while talking.
“ Speaking of coffee, how did she know my favorite?” 
“ Martina” 
“ Mais quelle fouineuse celle-là”
“ What?” 
“Oh nothing,” 
When they arrived at the center, the Spanish women were near the entrance, deep in conversation. The rapid spanish rambling was completely lost on the French-Canadian who was starting to think about asking about those intensive lessons management had offered her. She made a mental note to ask later today and decided that she had had enough awkwardness for today and wanted to save the small amount of energy she had left from her first week to focus on the day ahead. She would thank the captain for the coffee when it would be her shoot in the afternoon. 
Just like she had predicted, Rosalie’s day started at a hundred miles an hour with multiple meetings. One of them being an update on the fan project she was currently working on. She also met up with management about the game on wednesday and got the travel details. She would travel with the team and be seated with the girls on the plane and bus so she would be able to capture as much content as she could during the trip. She would be the only member of the photography team to go since the rest was working on a side project that involved the second team and youth club, so for the sleeping arrangements, she would most likely room with a random coach or therapist but nothing was sure yet. Being the only photographer on the trip meant that Rosalie would have twice as much work as usual which put her on edge a little but nonetheless, she was excited at the prospect of her first trip with her new team. 
 The meetings ended up taking up the whole morning and finished only when lunch started. The photographer still had to set up her office for the shootings and had to skip lunch in order to have everything ready for the first group. The day before, when she received the backgrounds management wanted her to use, she had almost laughed in front of them at how cheesy it looked. They were a dark navy blue with red and white stars all around. Someone who did not know Barça’s colour team would have probably thought this was an american themed photoshoot. The brunette had decided to lean into the cheesiness of the backgrounds and picked up some props that would go well with the vision she had in mind. 
The first ones to arrive were Lucy, Keira, Mapi and Ingrid, which eased the Canadian's nerves a little. With the help of the people she knew best in this team, she was able to pinpoint what worked best and test out some poses she had thought of. Alexia had been right. As serious and focused these girls could be on a football pitch, whenever they were out of training settings, they turned into a bunch of children, which made the photographer laugh a lot, and their happiness and childish energy showed in the pictures. 
Most of the girls were easy to work with, not being shy in front of the camera and understanding quickly the directions the brunette was giving them. But some, mostly the younger ones, weren't very familiar with all media related things and had a hard time relaxing. Rosalie prided herself in being able to charm these girls into forgetting they were in front of the camera by distracting them with music and making the shooting as casual as she could. Seeing the girls in smaller groups allowed her to get to know them a little better and when the last group came around, she was confident that these girls had accepted her in the Barcelona family. 
The last group consisted of Irene, Fridolina, Marta, Panos and Alexia. Knowing the girls, this would be the calmer group and she wasn’t mad about it. She was definitely feeling the exhaustion of the day toppling over her and adding to the week’s worth of stress and overall tiredness. The brunette was ever grateful for her extra cup of coffee, which sat, cold and half empty on the corner of her desk. Unfortunately, the photographer would not get the chance to thank the captain just yet because the blond was not in the group that had just entered her studio. 
“ Hola chica,” Sandra exclaimed, hugging the smaller brunette. “ Alexia will be running late, she is with the physiotherapist for her knee. I’ll be just the four of us for now.” The French-Canadian would be lying if she said she wasn’t all the more stressed at the prospect of having to have a solo photoshoot with the woman that rendered her a nervous mess, but she put the thought aside and got to work.
The girls ended up being the one that worked the quickest, being used to this sort of duties, but they were certainly not the ones who looked the most at ease in front of the camera. Irene in particular looked comically angry in certain shots where she was meant to look like she was celebrating a goal. Overall their shoot ended quickly, without Alexia ever showing up. 
“ If you want, I can go see what is taking so long and fetch her for you,” Irene said, lingering in the door of the studio. 
“ Oh no, don’t worry. I don’t want to press her, she can come to me when she’s done, I’ll still be here editing the photos till pretty late.”Answered the brunette who was already settling down at her desk. 
“Alright as you wish. Thank you by the way, you’re really good at what you do, it was fun, for once.” The tall woman said before leaving. The statement put a smile on the brunette’s face before she put on some headphones and dived in the multitudes of shots taken during the afternoon. Whenever she works on editing, Rosalie usually completely loses track of time, being pulled into her own little bubble and forgetting the world around her. She was so focused that she did not even realize it was well past her usual work hours and supper was rolling around the corner. Hunger started to make itself known but the photographer was dead set on at least finishing first three groups before leaving for the weekend. Her shooting with Alexia had completely slipped her mind, which made the brunette even more confused when a polite cough pulled her from her work. 
The Catalonian had been standing in the threshold of the photographer’s office for longer than would admit, but the way her reading glasses were placed low on her nose giving her a little secretary vibe, or the way the small brunette would scrunch up her nose whenever she wasn’t certain about a specific angle or even the smile smile that would stretch across her features whenever she would take in her work were simply too enticing for the blond. The only reason Alexia finally made her presence known was the bag containing the paella from her favorite place. Lucy had texted her that the brunette most likely would have forgotten to eat and the football player decided to get something for the photographer to thank her for her patience.
“Hola Rosalia,” 
“ Alexia, hi!” The brunette said, taking her glasses off and getting up to greet the blond. “ How was the physio?”
“ Good, they said everything was stable,” Alexia had just recently been back on the squad after her knee had relapsed, so she had frequent visits to the physio’s office and was very careful during training and games. 
“I’m glad to hear that,”  As the photographer got closer to the blond, an amazing smell reached her nose and reminded her that her last meal had been breakfast. “ Did you bring food?”
The pure excitement emanating from the smaller woman was enough to break the nervousness that was clawing at the captain who smiled and finally stepped in the room to go put down the bags of food on the small coffee table in front of the couch. She pulled out a plastic container filled to the brim with fresh paella and motionned the woman to come sit next to her. “ I did not know what you liked so I brought you my favourite.” 
The smell alone was enough to make Rosalie drool. She sat down and quickly picked up the plastic fork. The blond was looking at her, seemingly waiting for her to take a bite and tell her what she thought. The face and sound that came out of the photographer at the taste made the blond blush furiously which prompted her to turn around to try to hide her reddening cheeks. On the other hand, the other girl seemed completely unaware of what she had just done and simply kept eating the delicious food. 
“ Are you not eating anything?” The brunette asked after a moment.
“No, no I will eat at home.” The truth is that Alexia had simply forgotten to order anything for herself, too worried about making the photographer wait any further. The brunette got up and reached in one of her drawers and pulled out a fork that she then offered to the blond.
“Here, we can share,”
“ No I got this for you, as a thank you for waiting so long.”
“You already got me coffee this morning, thank you by the way, I would not have survived my day without it.” She said smiling, “ Besides, I won’t be able to finish this on my own and it is too good to waste.”
The blond hesitated a moment and then reached for the second fork. They both ate in silence, too absorbed by the food to say anything. Once the plate was empty and the trash disposed of the girls drifted towards the studio part of the room and Alexia, who previously seemed relaxed enough, seemed to tense at the sight of the set up in front of her. 
Rosalie, after a week of observing the team interaction had quickly realized that Alexia, even if she was a seasoned player that was no stranger to the camera, was still incredibly uncomfortable when she was the target of the lens. Seeing the way the captain went rigid when she reached for her camera, the photographer decided that her traditional distracting methods would not be the best way to go about in this particular case.
“ Would you mind grabbing the speaker for me please?”
“ Si,” While the blond was gone, Rosalie rapidly prepped her camera and left it on the side in order to adjust the lighting so it wouldn’t be as harsh for the eyes and wouldn’t blind the football player. 
“ Here, you can go on Spotify and put on anything you like,” She said, handing the captain her phone. 
“What do you usually listen to?” 
“ Anything really, but I wanna know what you like, surprise me.” This made the blond relax a little as she searched for the songs she had in mind. As the photographer was finishing setting up the equipment, she created a small playlist with her favourite songs at the moment and hit shuffle. The first few notes from “Provenza” started playing and the photographer started to sway a little while trying to select the right lens. “ This is nice, very… Spanish.”
“ Wow, how perceptive of you,” The brunette laughed at the comment and turned towards the blond who was standing awkwardly next to the lights. 
“ Can you tell me why you are so tense?”
“ I don’t like pictures.” The answer was short, delivered hastily, making the photographer almost regret asking in the first place, but she had a plan, and she was determined to get some answers out of the captain. 
“ And what don’t you like about them?”
“It is not the pictures I guess, but the camera,” she said with a certain disgust, “ It’s always looking, it’s like you are never really alone, someone is always watching.” 
“ It must be hard, not being able to go out without people pulling out their phones or cameras to catch a glimpse of you. I am sorry there are people who have so little respect for privacy.” The blond offered the photographer a small apologetic smile and took place in front of the background. 
“ How do you want me,... I, I mean where,... Wait, what should I do,” Rosalie brushed off Alexia’s stammering, thinking it was just the nerves and stepped away from her little station.
“ We’re just talking now, you can relax,” 
“ Si, thank you,” 
“How’s the light, are you blinded at all, can you still see me?” 
“ Si, it’s all ok,” the blond shuffled on her spot, “ Have you visited the city a bit since you moved?” 
The brunette was slightly surprised by the blond’s curiosity but gladly answered, taking this as a sign that Alexia was slowly getting more comfortable with her. 
“ Unfortunately not a lot, no, besides the streets around my apartment and the more touristy places, I haven’t seen much, I haven't even seen the beach yet.” A gasp almost made the woman drop her camera on the floor.
“ This is a crime. How could you not? You have to see the sunset, go take pictures, you'll see it’s beautiful.” The expression on the players face was too cute not to capture and the brunette took advantage of the moment to snap a picture of the awe displayed on the taller woman’s face.
“You’re gonna have to show me the good spots though.”
“Si si, Ingrid knows all of them, I can ask her to bring you..”
“ I didn’t ask Ingrid.” The captain instantly blushed at the comment and smiled big. A clic was heard and Alexia’s featured switch to indignation.
“You are distracting me!”
“ Guilty, I'm afraid, now cross your arms and spread out your stance a little bit for me please.” They stayed silent for a moment, the photographer trying different angles and Alexia holding the position she was currently in, harbouring a serious expression, as if ready to take on a whole team alone. Once the brunette lowered her camera Alexia decided to ask the question that had been on her mind since she had set foot in the studio
“ Why photography?”
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soracities · 2 years
what are your suggestions for starter poetry for people who dont have strong reading/analysis backgrounds
I've answered this a few times so I'm going to compile and expand them all into one post here.
I think if you haven't read much poetry before or aren't sure of your own tastes yet, then poetry anthologies are a great place to start: many of them will have a unifying theme so you can hone in based on a subject that interests you, or pick your way through something more general. I haven't read all of the ones below, but I have read most of them; the rest I came across in my own readings and added to my list either because I like the concept or am familiar with the editor(s) / their work:
Staying Alive: Real Poems for Unreal Times (ed. Nick Astley) & Being Alive: The Sequel to Staying Alive (there's two more books in this series, but I'm recommending these two just because it's where I started)
The Rattlebag (ed. Seamus Heaney and Ted Hughes)
The Ecco Anthology of International Poetry (ed. Ilya Kaminsky & Susan Harris)
The Essential Haiku, Versions of Basho, Buson and Issa (ed. Robert Hass)
A Book of Luminous Things (ed. Czesław Miłosz )
Now and Then: The Poet's Choice Columns by Robert Hass (this may be a good place to start if you're also looking for commentary on the poems themselves)
Poetry Unbound: 50 Poems to Open Your World(ed. Pádraig Ó'Tuama)
African American Poetry: 250 Years of Struggle and Song (ed. Kevin Young)
The Art of Losing: Poems of Grief and Healing (ed. Kevin Young)
Lifelines: Letters from Famous People about their Favourite Poems
The following lists are authors I love in one regard or another and is a small mix of different styles / time periods which I think are still fairly accessible regardless of what your reading background is! It's be no means exhaustice but hopefully it gives you even just a small glimpse of the range that's available so you can branch off and explore for yourself if any particular work speaks to you.
But in any case, for individual collections, I would try:
anything by Sara Teasdale
Devotions / Wild Geese / Felicity by Mary Oliver
Selected Poems and Prose by Christina Rossetti
Collected Poems by Langston Hughes
Where the Sidewalk Endsby Shel Silverstein
Morning Haiku by Sonia Sanchez
Revolutionary Letters, Diane di Prima
Concerning the Book That Is the Body of the Beloved by Gregory Orr
Rose: Poems by Li-Young Lee
A Red Cherry on a White-Tiled Floor / Barefoot Souls by Maram al-Masri
Deaf Republic by Ilya Kaminsky
Tell Me: Poems / What is This Thing Called Love? by Kim Addonizio
The Trouble with Poetry by Billy Collins (Billy Collins is THE go-to for accessible / beginner poetry in my view so I think any of his collections would probably do)
Crush by Richard Siken
Rapture / The World's Wife by Carol Ann Duffy
The War Works Hard by Dunya Mikhail
Selected Poems by Walt Whitman
View with a Grain of Sand by Wislawa Szymborska
Collected Poems by Vasko Popa
Under Milkwood by Dylan Thomas (this is a play, but Thomas is a poet and the language & structure is definitely poetic to me)
Bright Dead Things: Poems by Ada Limón
Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth by Warsan Shire,
Nostalgia, My Enemy: Selected Poems by Saadi Youssef
As for individual poems:
“Wild Geese” by Mary Oliver
[Dear The Vatican] erasure poem by Pádraig Ó'Tuama // "The Pedagogy of Conflict"
"Good Bones" by Maggie Smith
"The Author Writes the First Draft of His Weddings Vows (An erasure of Virginia Woolf's suicide letter to her husband, Leonard)" by Hanif Abdurraqib
"I Can Tell You a Story" by Chuck Carlise
"The Sciences Sing a Lullabye" by Albert Goldbarth
"One Last Poem for Richard" by Sandra Cisneros
"We Lived Happily During the War" by Ilya Kaminsky
“I’m Explaining a Few Things”by Pablo Neruda
"Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" //"Nothing Gold Can Stay"//"Out, Out--" by Robert Frost
"Tablets: I // II // III"by Dunya Mikhail
"What Were They Like?" by Denise Levertov
"Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden,
"The Patience of Ordinary Things" by Pat Schneider
“I, too” // "The Negro Speaks of Rivers” // "Harlem” // “Theme for English B” by Langston Hughes
“The Mower” // "The Trees" // "High Windows" by Philip Larkin
“The Leash” // “Love Poem with Apologies for My Appearance” // "Downhearted" by Ada Limón
“The Flea” by John Donne
"The Last Rose of Summer" by Thomas Moore
"Beauty" // "Please don't" // "How it Adds Up" by Tony Hoagland
“My Friend Yeshi” by Alice Walker
"De Humanis Corporis Fabrica"byJohn Burnside
“What Do Women Want?” // “For Desire” // "Stolen Moments" // "The Numbers" by Kim Addonizio
“Hummingbird” // "For Tess" by Raymond Carver
"The Two-Headed Calf" by Laura Gilpin
“Bleecker Street, Summer” by Derek Walcott
“Dirge Without Music” // "What Lips My Lips Have Kissed" by Edna St. Vincent Millay
“Digging” // “Mid-Term Break” // “The Rain Stick” // "Blackberry Picking" // "Twice Shy" by Seamus Heaney
“Dulce Et Decorum Est”by Wilfred Owen
“Notes from a Nonexistent Himalayan Expedition”by Wislawa Szymborska
"Hour" //"Medusa" byCarol Ann Duffy
“The More Loving One” // “Musée des Beaux Arts” by W.H. Auden
“Small Kindnesses” // "Feeding the Worms" by Danusha Laméris
"Down by the Salley Gardens” // “The Stolen Child” by W.B. Yeats
"The Thing Is" by Ellen Bass
"The Last Love Letter from an Entymologist" by Jared Singer
"[i like my body when it is with your]" by e.e. cummings
"Try to Praise the Mutilated World" by Adam Zagajewski
"The Cinnamon Peeler" by Michael Ondaatje
"Last Night I Dreamed I Made Myself" by Paige Lewis
"A Dream Within a Dream" // "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe (highly recommend reading the last one out loud or listening to it recited)
"Ars Poetica?" // "Encounter" // "A Song on the End of the World"by Czeslaw Milosz
"Wandering Around an Albequerque Airport Terminal” // "Two Countries” // "Kindness” by Naoimi Shihab Nye
"Slow Dance” by Matthew Dickman
"The Archipelago of Kisses" // "The Quiet World" by Jeffrey McDaniel
"Mimesis" by Fady Joudah
"The Great Fires" // "The Forgotten Dialect of the Heart" // "Failing and Flying" by Jack Gilbert
"The Mermaid" // "Virtuosi" by Lisel Mueller
"Macrophobia (Fear of Waiting)" by Jamaal May
"Someday I'll Love Ocean Vuong" by Ocean Vuong
"Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou
I would also recommend spending some times with essays, interviews, or other non-fiction, creative or otherwise (especially by other poets) if you want to broaden and improve how you read poetry; they can help give you a wider idea of the landscape behind and beyond the actual poems themselves, or even just let you acquaint yourself with how particular writers see and describe things in the world around them. The following are some of my favourites:
Upstream: Essays by Mary Oliver
"Theory and Play of the Duende" by Federico García Lorca
"The White Bird" and "Some Notes on Song" by John Berger
In That Great River: A Notebook by Anna Kamienska
A Little Devil in America: Notes in Praise of Black Performance by Hanif Abdurraqib
The Book of Delights by Ross Gay
"Of Strangeness That Wakes Us" and "Still Dancing: An Interview with Ilya Kaminsky" by Ilya Kaminsky
"The Sentence is a Lonely Place" by Garielle Lutz
Still Life with Oysters and Lemon by Mark Doty
Paris, When It's Naked by Etel Adnan
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winchesterwild78 · 11 days
A Little Bit Stronger 
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Master List
Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Language, body image issues, Dean being a dick, John being a dick, angst, light smut, assault
A/N: I was stuck in traffic on my way home today and my playlist started playing the song “A Little Bit Stronger” by Sara Evans, and it got me thinking about a story where the reader had dated Dean for years, they broke up and she’s dealing with the loss of their relationship. She’s learning how to move on, and she’s slowly getting better. Then out of nowhere, the green eyed hunter pops back into her life. Mention of Supernatural characters, but doesn’t follow the timeline. 
I’m not sure how long this will be. Maybe a chapter or two, or maybe one really long chapter. 
All work is my own, I don’t give permission for it to be taken or posted anywhere else. Feel free to reblog. 
Minors DNI 18+
You pulled the blanket over your head when your alarm went off. Turning over after turning it off. Not feeling like getting up or going to work. Let’s be honest, you didn’t feel like doing much of anything lately. 
Knowing you were going to be late you slowly climbed out of bed. 
Getting out of bed used to be so much easier when you had something, well someone to look forward to. 
You met Dean Winchester and his younger brother Sam about 10 years ago. They were on a hunt, the same one you were on too. 
Of course you’d heard all about the Winchester Brothers. The ones Hell itself couldn’t hold. They were feared and respected in the hunter community. 
You remember the night you met them, like it was yesterday. That was the night you fell in love with Dean. You were pretty sure he had fallen in love too, even if he wouldn’t admit it. 
You were working on clearing a vampire nest, when these two giants came in and tried to take over. 
You and Dean lunged at each other, both thinking the other was a vampire. Dean’s machete swiped against your collarbone, causing a gash to appear, and you to pass out. 
“Dean, she’s not a vamp. Stop! You’re going to kill her!” You remember Sam yelling before you passed out. 
Before Dean got that slice in, you were holding your own against him. 
You woke up a few hours later to the soft whispers of the brothers, and the hum of an air conditioner. 
When you went to sit up, you realized you didn’t have a shirt on. Just your bra. Grabbing the blanket and holding it up, you looked at the brothers. “What happened, where am I, and who the hell are you?” 
Sam offered a soft smile, Dean sat with a tight jaw. “I’m Sam and that’s my brother Dean. You’re at our hotel. We brought you here to patch you up. When you and Dean were fighting, his machete cut you pretty bad. You passed out from blood loss, so we brought you here.” 
Your eyes blinked a few times before talking, “You’re Sam and Dean Winchester?!” The boys exchanged a quick glance. Sam questioned, “So you’ve heard of us. Which means you’re either a monster, demon or hunter.” 
“I’m Y/N, a Hunter. My parents were hunters and used to hunt with Bobby and Rufus. I grew up in this life, like you guys did.” 
“Well, Y/N. It’s nice to meet you. I have to ask though, why are you hunting alone?” 
“Oh, my parents retired so to speak and are living a quiet life together, my brother is married, with kids and a “normal” life. My boyfriend and I just broke up.” 
You noticed the older Winchester kept his distance and his eyes locked on you. When you mentioned a boyfriend his jaw tensed more. Normally when someone is staring you down it makes you uncomfortable, but with him it made your heart race and your cheeks flush. 
You’d occasionally make eye contact with him and you were completely mesmerized by his piercing green eyes. He would shift in his chair anytime you looked at him or bit your lip. 
“Well thank you guys for patching me up. I need to get going though. Where’s my shirt?” That’s when you realized your pants were gone too. “And where are my pants?!” Panic filled your body. 
Did they take advantage of you? Sam and Dean saw your panic. That’s when the eldest Winchester spoke. His voice was gruff and sent a shiver through you. 
“Hey, calm down sweetheart, your shirt was ripped and covered in blood, your pants were too. We didn’t think you’d want to sleep in clothes covered in blood.” 
Embarrassment rushed through you. “Yeah you’re right, sorry. I’ve just met my fair share of bad people. I didn’t mean to accuse either of you of anything.”
Dean stood and stepped closer to you, “it’s okay. Just know we would never hurt you.” 
You were lost in each other’s eyes when Sam broke the silence by clearing his throat. “Guys I’m gonna grab some food. I’ll be back soon. Y/N, you like burgers?” “Yes, that sounds great. Thank you.” You softly smiled. 
Sam left, closing the door behind him. Leaving you and Dean in the room together. The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes. Then you broke the silence, “Um, Dean. I really need some clothes. I can’t just walk around in my bra and panties. I don’t want to traumatize you or Sam.” You chuckled softly, but you meant it. 
Sam and Dean were good looking and you’d heard about “Dean’s type”. You were far from it. Where he liked thin, flat stomach, busty women, you had a stomach, extra weight in places, you were thicker than most, and your breasts were slightly different sizes. 
Dean looked at you, tilted your chin slightly and whispered “You could never traumatize me.” Red filled your cheeks and you bit your lip. 
Was Dean Winchester really flirting with you? Most definitely not. Maybe he just sees you as an easy screw, cause you’d give in to him in a heartbeat, but you’d never been a love them and leave them person. 
You pulled the sheet up more and tried to look away. Dean kept his hand on your chin, “I’m so sorry I hurt you sweetheart. I would have never hurt you if I knew you weren’t a monster.” 
Feeing brave you stood up, sheet still around you, you touched his cheek, “I know Dean. It was an accident. I do still need some clothes though. Maybe a shower too.” 
Before your brain could process what was happening, Dean leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your lips. “So beautiful” he whispered. “Come on, let’s get you in the shower. You can borrow some of my clothes.” 
Your mind was racing. Dean Winchester just kissed you. What the hell was going on?! 
Your heart was pounding in your chest and ears as Dean grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the bathroom. 
“Dean I can do this myself, I’m not that injured.” You tried to protest. “I know, but where’s the fun in that.” He winked at you. 
Holy shit! Dean is flirting with me and that kiss oh my god. I never thought a single kiss could make me instantly wet. 
You smirked at Dean, “What’s your plan Mr Winchester?” “Whatever you want Ms Y/L/N. I know what I want, but it’s up to you.” 
“Dean I don’t know what to say. I’m not like the women you’re usually with. I can’t do one night stands.” 
Dean stepped closer to you and pulled the sheet away, your breath quickened. He leaned down and crashed his lips to yours. Pulling your body flush to his. Your hands went behind his neck and into his hair. Moaning in his mouth you felt your body responding to his touch. 
When his lips pulled back he said “Then don’t.” 
That night Dean and you had sex in the shower, on the bed and the couch. You stayed with the boys after that. Your relationship with Dean deepened. 
About three years ago you and Dean were talking about how your parents were able to get out of the life and live normally. You explained to Dean it was a hard process and one that took a lot of work on their part. They eventually made it. 
Laying in Dean’s arms was your favorite place to be. Your head was on his chest and he mindlessly ran his fingers up and down your arm. 
“I love you baby. So much. Marry me?” You gasped softly and leaned up, “Dean, do you mean it?” “Yes, sweetheart. I want to marry you and have children with you. If your parents could do it, I’m sure we can too.” 
Tears streamed down your face, “Yes, Dean. I’ll marry you.” Dean pulled you into a kiss. When you leaned back he slipped a small diamond on your finger. “It’s beautiful, baby.” 
He kissed you again. The past few years with Dean had been amazing. You both learned to navigate your love while you hunted side by side. Sam had found someone too, Eileen. She was his perfect match. The four of you were great together. 
There was however one obstacle in your life, John Winchester. You’d met John a few times over the years, and each time the tension was palatable. You tried your best to charm him and get him to approve of your relationship, but he refused. He said you were nothing but a distraction and a way for Dean to pass the time after a hunt. The words hurt, but nothing could prepare you for what was to come. 
The morning after Dean proposed, he called Sam and told him he finally did it. Sam and Eileen were over the moon. Then came the phone call that scared you the most. Dean had to call his father. 
Dean sat beside you on the couch and called John. “Hello, Dean.” John’s gruff voice boomed through the line. “Hey dad, I need to tell you something.” “Dean if you’re about to tell me you fucked up and got Y/N pregnant I’ll beat your ass.” Dean’s eyes went wide, “What?! No, dad, she’s not pregnant.” You scoffed when you heard that. “Well, then what is it son?” “Dad, I asked her to marry me. She said yes. We’re getting married.” 
There was silence on Dean’s end of the phone. The only sound was your heart pounding in your ears. 
You reached for Dean’s hand and he pulled away, getting up. He started pacing the room, his jaw tight with anger and frustration. You knew John was saying something to him, because he was nodding and would occasionally let out a “Yes, sir.” 
It seemed like hours before Dean hung up. When he hung up he looked tense. “Dean, what did he say?” “Don’t worry about it.” He snapped. You flinched at his tone. Dean had never spoken to you like that before.
You looked down at your lap and fidgeted with your hands, “Okay, Dean.” He stormed outside and slammed the front door behind him, making you jump. You were determined to find out what happened, and if Dean wouldn’t talk to you, then you’d go straight to the source. 
Taking out your phone you dialed John’s number. A few rings later John answered, “What do you want, Y/N?” “Well hello to you too, John. I wanted to know what you said to Dean. He was mad and left.” “Good, he came to his senses. Look, you’re a nice girl, but you’re not right for Dean. He doesn’t really love you. The only woman he’s ever loved was Lisa. She’s a better match for him than you could ever be.” 
Your breath caught in your throat, he’d never mentioned Lisa. “John, why are you so cruel? Dean loves me and we are getting married, whether you like it or not.” John laughed and you growled in frustration. “Keep thinking that, sweetheart. I need to go. Have a nice life, Y/N.”
He hung up and you were fuming. 
You tried to call Dean but he didn’t answer. As the night wore on you slipped further into despair. Did Dean leave me? Was John telling the truth about Lisa, and does Dean really still love her? Why won’t he come home? 
You softly cried until the tears wouldn’t fall. You curled up on the couch and fell asleep. Around daybreak you heard Dean stumble in. You sat up looking at Dean. He was drunk, and you noticed the faint smell of perfume and you saw a hickey on his neck.
“Dean, where have you been? I’ve been worried sick.” “Aww don’t be like that sweetheart, I was just having some fun. It’s been too long since I had any fun.” Your heart clenched at his words. “Dean, I don’t understand. What’s going on with you? You left without saying a word, came home drunk, smelling like another woman and you have a hickey. I thought you loved me, wanted to marry me.” 
“Well you thought wrong. I was wrong. This (he motioned between the two of you) was fun while it lasted, but I think it’s time to move on.” You sat stunned, speechless. “Dean, you don’t mean that. You’re drunk and not thinking clearly.” “No sweetheart, that’s where you’re wrong again, I’m thinking very clear. You were right all those years ago, you aren’t my type. I mean maybe if you lost a little weight and actually tried to be pretty.”
You let out a gasp, and before you knew it you slapped him across the face. Your heart broke. “Dean, why are you doing this? What the hell happened?” “I’m finally thinking clearly, my dad reminded me that I’m truly in love with Lisa and she’s the mother of my child, Ben. I owe it to them to make it work.” 
“Dean, please don’t do this. How can you just walk away from us?” “Easy, I’m packing and moving in with Lisa and my son. I spent last night with her and it felt good to be back in her arms.” You felt sick to your stomach. 
Dean walked into your shared room and grabbed his duffel bag and started packing. You sat on your bed and watched him pack, silent tears falling. With each item he packed your heart broke more. As Dean put the last thing in his bag he glanced over at you. With a tremble in your voice you tried one last time, “Dean please don’t walk away from us. I love you, and I know you love me. Please don’t do this. We can figure this out.”
Dean just looked at you and grabbed his bag. You followed him to the door, “Dean, before you go, here.” You slid the ring off your finger and handed it to him. His eyes filled with sadness as more tears fell from yours. “I’ll always love you, Dean.”
He turned and walked out the door. You collapsed on the floor.
It was 3 years ago today that Dean Winchester broke your heart. You’re slowly getting better, but days like today, anniversary days are hard. You moved in with your parents temporarily, got a pretty good job working at the office your brother worked at, and now you had your own place. 
As you opened your closet to get dressed for work you glanced over and saw the t-shirt Dean loaned you the first night you met. Your fingers lightly brushed over the fabric and the happier memories came flooding back. 
You’d kept in touch with Sam and Eileen. They had since gotten married and had a little boy. They left hunting and Sam went back to law school, becoming a lawyer. You’d occasionally ask about Dean, and Sam would tell you he was okay. You also found out that John had died in a car accident about a year ago. You knew Dean would have been devastated. 
You got to work about 10 minutes late. Sitting at your desk your mind wandered to the thought of Dean. You missed him so much, but with each passing day you got a little bit stronger. You knew you’d never fully get over him. He was the love of your life and you were supposed to marry him and have his children. Now he’s in the arms of another woman. 
Your friend from work, Libby invited you to the bar with her and a few other colleagues. It was Friday and it had been a long week. At first you weren’t going to go, but decided to drink until you forgot him. You went home after work, changed and caught an Uber to the bar. 
You decided to wear your jeans, low heel boots and a nice top that revealed just enough. You put your hair up in a messy bun and applied some light makeup. Stepping out of the Uber you saw Libby at the door. “Hey, Y/N! So glad you could make it.” She pulled you into a hug. 
You and the rest of the people in your group settled at a table at the back of the bar. Drinks flowed and you were starting to get tipsy. One of your male colleagues, Ryan, came out too. He’d flirted a few times with you, but you never gave in. You, Libby and a few other girls got up and started dancing. Libby leaned into you and said “Don’t look now, but Ryan is watching you.” You glanced over and he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You smiled at him. “Yeah, I don’t know.” “Come on girl, it’s been 3 years. You can move on.” You hadn’t thought about Dean all night, now he’s all you could think about. 
“I’m, um, gonna get some air.” Libby nodded sadly. She knew how much you had loved Dean and how much it broke your heart. You grabbed your jacket and walked outside. Taking out your phone you scrolled through the pictures of you and Dean. You sighed sadly, “I miss you so much Dean. I miss how happy we were, how in love we were. I’m sorry I wasn’t enough for you.” 
Tears started to flow freely. 
You stood outside a few minutes longer looking at the pictures of a happier time. The sound of a voice pulled your attention up. “Hey ya sweetheart.” That voice, you knew that voice. You looked up and saw Dean standing in front of you. He looked good. You were speechless. 
“How are you? You look good, sweetheart.” “Dean…I…” Your words stuck in your throat. He stepped closer to you, and his thumb brushed your cheek. “Still as beautiful as ever.” 
Fury filled your body after what he said, “Dean, what are you doing here?” You stepped away from him. “I was here at the bar tonight with some work buddies and I saw you. I needed to talk to you. It’s been too long.” 
You scoffed, “It’s been too long?! Dean, you’re the one who walked away, not me. You threw our relationship away. You proposed and then the next day you slept with another woman and left me for her. Oh and let’s not forget I found out you had a kid I didn’t know about. I heard you were engaged again, Congratulations. I hope you and Lisa have a wonderful life together.”
You started to walk away, but Dean grabbed your arm, “Baby, please.” You tried to free yourself from his grip, “Don’t baby me. You lost that privilege when you chose another woman over me. It’s taken me 3 years to finally get to where I am. I don’t cry myself to sleep every night, and I don’t question my worth as much anymore. I was doing all of that because of YOU! I gave you everything, EVERYTHING! I loved you. I wanted to marry you and have your children. Goodbye, Dean.”
As you started to walk away you glanced at him one last time, “Just so you know Dean, I still love you. I wish I didn’t, but I will always love you.” You walked away, heading towards the bar so you could get your Uber. You needed to get away from Dean. Just being near him made your heart clench with pain and love. 
Dean stood frozen, he had been keeping a secret from you he desperately needed you to hear, but would you listen? Would you really care? 
Just as you reached the door, Dean grabbed your arm, “Y/N, please I need to tell you something.” You turned and looked into his green eyes, you saw pain, sadness and love. “Y/N, I love you sweetheart, I was a fool to push you away. I want to come home to you. Please baby.” You’d waited 3 years to hear him say that, but your heart was scared. You wanted him to profess his love to you, but was he being genuine? You were afraid what would happen if he wasn’t, you couldn’t bear to get over him again. 
“Dean, it’s too late. You’re in love with Lisa, she’s your fiance and had your son. I can’t and I won’t compete with that.” He stepped closer to you, “Sweetheart, she’s not my fiance, we broke up, and Ben isn’t mine. She said he was, but he isn’t. I ended things with her because I realized I wasn’t in love with her. There’s been only one woman in my life that I truly loved, well love. Because I still do. I love you.”
“Dean, I don’t know what to say. You said some really horrible things to me.” “I know, but I knew if I didn’t you wouldn’t let me go. I’m so sorry. I‘ll spend the rest of my life trying to fix this, fix us.” “Then why did you do it, Dean?” 
“When I talked to my dad that day he played into my fears, my fears of losing you, of our children having to grow up without you or me. He also told me it was safer with Lisa and that Ben was mine. I’m sorry sweetheart, I believed him. My life has been miserable the past three years. There hasn’t been a single second where I didn’t think of you.”
You scoffed, “Then why did it take you three years?! If you were that miserable, why did you warm her bed for three years, while mine was cold? Dean, I can’t do this. Please just let me go.” You turned as the tears started to fall. 
Making your way to the front of the bar, you called an Uber and waited out front for it. Standing outside waiting, Ryan came out of the bar to talk to you. “Hey, Y/N, leaving so soon?” “Yeah, I’m just tired and need to go home.” Ryan touched your arm, “Hmm that’s a shame. I was hoping to have gotten at least one dance with you.” You smiled softly as a blush filled your cheeks.
Ryan was a good looking man, and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t fantasized about him. Maybe it was the raw emotions you were feeling, or the bravery brought on by the alcohol, but you leaned into Ryan and placed a kiss on his lips. He pulled you closer to his body and his hands went in your hair, deepening the kiss. You moaned into his mouth. 
As the Uber pulled up you and Ryan climbed in. Not able to keep your hands off each other. Once in the car, Ryan started kissing your neck. You leaned your head back and as you looked out the window you saw Dean standing on the sidewalk with a look of shock and sadness on his face.
A few minutes later you and Ryan were walking into your apartment. The two of you couldn’t keep your hands off each other. Clothes began to fly and hands roamed. You moaned into his mouth as his body hovered over yours. You hadn’t had sex with anyone since Dean. 
Trying to push Dean out of your mind you decided sex with Ryan would help. As things heated up between you and Ryan, you grabbed a condom from the side table. Ryan slid it on and pushed in. You gasped at the feeling. He definitely didn’t give you time to be ready or adjust like Dean did. Ryan was rushing, you tried desperately to chase your release, but it felt like Ryan was only concerned with him. Stop! Stop comparing him to Dean! He’s not Dean, he will never be Dean.
Tears began to fall. You were about to tell Ryan to stop, but his lips crashed on yours in a forceful kiss. He wasn’t gentle at all. His thrusts were hard and angry. You weren’t enjoying yourself. Trying to slip your hand between the two of you, so you could get off, proved to be the wrong move. Ryan became angry, “What the fuck are you doing?!” “I’m trying to get off too.” “No! You don’t get to touch yourself. I’ll get you off.” “Well, you’re not going to fucking me like you are.” Ryan slapped you across your face. 
You screamed in pain and tried to push him off of you. “Get the fuck off of me!” “No! You don’t get to start this then tell me to stop.” “The fuck I can’t! Get the fuck off NOW!” Just as you were about to knee him, you felt Ryan being pulled away. 
When you looked up you saw Dean, he pulled Ryan off of you and punched him over and over. “She said get off of her! Don’t you ever fucking touch her again or I’ll kill you! Now get the fuck out!” Dean growled. 
You’d grabbed the sheet and pulled it around you. Ryan grabbed his stuff and left calling you a whore under his breath. As soon as he was gone Dean was at your side, “Are you okay, sweetheart? Did he hurt you?” The tears started to flow freely as Dean pulled you into his arms. His sweet, protective arms. You buried your face in his chest and cried as he held you. “I’m sorry Dean. I left with him to make you jealous. This is all my fault.” 
“No baby, this isn’t your fault. You’re okay now, he’s gone.” “And you’re here. Protecting me like always.” “I’ll always protect you, sweetheart. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up and in bed.” 
Dean helped you up and you went to the bathroom to clean up and check your face. There would be a bruise, but things could have been so much worse. You got cleaned up and dressed, when you walked back into your bedroom, you saw Dean laying on your bed with his boxers on and nothing else. “Come on sweetheart, get some sleep. I’ve got you.” He offered his arm and you curled up next to him. You laid on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart as you drifted off to sleep.
When Dean was sure you were asleep, he placed a soft kiss on your head, “I love you, Y/N. I’m so sorry.” 
Part 2…..coming soon
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dearestro · 6 months
Knight in Plaid Boxers
Summary: James will always be there to save you from danger...big or small.
Warnings: Innuendos and crude language.
Wilson's Pov
I woke up upon hearing a scream.
"James, help!" Recognizing my wife's voice and the empty space next to me, I quickly got up, fearing the worse.
"Shit, shit! Where is it?" I whispered to myself as I searched through the closet looking for the baseball bat she had insisted on keeping 'just in case'. Finally finding it, I armed myself and ran out to the kitchen screaming. Not the smartest idea, but continuing to hear my wife's screams of fear I only had one thought: to scare the intruder. I reached the kitchen and swung blindly, still screaming and shouting only to be met with my wife's voice.
"What the hell are you doing?" I opened my eyes to see her standing on the counter, totally unharmed.
"I-I heard you screaming? I thought- I thought you were being hurt?" I asked as I tried to catch my breath, very confused with the situation. She looked at me like I was insane.
"Yeah, because of the spider!" She pointed to the floor. My eyes followed her finger to see the remains of a mug and a spider crawling around. My hands fell to my side, and I dropped the bat in disbelief.
"What?" I looked at her incredulously.
"Babe, kill the freaking spider!" She continued to point before shrieking when it started towards her. I rubbed my hand over my face and sighed before carefully kneeling beside the broken glass and picking it up.
“It’s only a daddy long leg. You know, I don’t think they’re even classified as spiders.” I picked it up and laughed, seeing how small it was. I started to walk closer to her to show her, but she screamed and pushed her back against the cupboard.
“James Evan Wilson! So help me! If you come any closer I-I…I’ll withhold sex for a month!” I stopped and frowned at her threat before looking back at the ‘spider’ struggling in my fingers.
“Sorry buddy. You heard the lady. It’s either you or me, and well…I’m sure there’s plenty of lady spiders outside.” I opened the sliding glass door and threw him out before coming back to my wife’s aide. “Will you come down now? As much as I enjoy the view, I don’t want you to get hurt.” I approached her as she nodded. I was careful to avoid the broken shards of glass on the floor.
Once I got to her side, I picked her up bridal style.
“My beautiful damsel in distress.” I rolled my eyes and kissed her cheek, and she snuggled closer.
“My handsome knight in plaid boxers.” She laid her hand on my cheek and stroked her thumb on my under eye. I smiled at her. She’s a handful, but she’s mine.
“You know usually the hero gets a reward for saving the princess…” I smirked at her.
“And what…reward…do you have in mind?” Her eyebrow raised even though she clearly knew what I had in mind. I kissed her as I took her out of the kitchen before wiggling my eyebrows at her suggestively. She laughed. "What about the broken mug?" I shrugged.
"We'll deal with it tomorrow."
"What if Sara hurts herself?" We entered the bedroom.
"She's a cat, I'm sure she'll be fine." I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes, I could tell her worry was just a way of teasing me. I set her on her side of the bed before going over to my own. She smirked up at me.
"Alright, if you insist." She feigned disinterest. I smiled before jumping onto the bed and attacking her neck and face with my lips. We continued making out for a little as things got more heated until Sara jumped up onto the bed and tried to wiggle between us. Suddenly, she pulled back. I tried to capture her lips again, but she put her hand on my chest. "As much as I love you and enjoy this babe, I'm not doing 'it' in front of the cat." I frowned, looking at the cat, who was now curled up on the bed sleeping.
"I can kick her out." I said a little too desperately. She shook her head.
"It’s like two in the morning. You have to get up for work tomorrow, sweetheart." She said before leaning over and kissing me. "Goodnight. I love you." And with that, she laid down and went to bed. I groaned and glared at Sara.
"Damn cat." I mumbled before laying down and turning to my side. I was still...calming down when I felt an arm wrap around me. I smiled.
This was nice, too.
Author's Note: I'm working on the requests! This was just a small/easy idea I had in my notes that I thought I could publish as a filler.
Also, is this any good, or is it like weird? idk I'm always worried when I write in his pov and the entire thing is in it.
When writing this, I imagined the mug to be one that House got them for their wedding that just has his face on it. I don't know. OH! And when he ran out with the bat, he was in his McGill sweatshirt and plaid boxers with white socks. Again, just the image I had when writing, lol.
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cosmal · 2 years
you said hurt/comfort? maybe reader always gave to much of themselves in relationships (like they buy a lot of gifts, they’re the first one asking to hang out, stuff like that) and never had as much effort in return (w their ex partner for example idk) and when james (who’s love languages i hc are all) gives as much effort as reader does, and like buys them gift without reason, reader is just crying bc omg someone cares about me
this was really about me lmao i need comfort and very long sorry
summary no one has ever cooked you dinner before. james fixes that for you.
content james potter x fem!reader
note this req is literally from nov but i wrote it like two months agar and never posted im so sorry. also combined with this! request.
James bursts through your door with a mouthful of apologies already on his tongue.
"Sorry, I tried to knock but my hands were full!" he says breathlessly, holding a ridiculous amount of bags in his hands, mumbling sorry's for scaring you.
You stand at the bottom of your hallway with a hand held to your chest. "You okay? Do you need a hand?"
"Don't move a muscle," he says firmly when he reaches the kitchen bench, heaving his groceries up onto the marble with a groan. You move your hand to your lips to stifle a laugh.
"I don't want to be rude," you move to stand next to him at your kitchen island, "but what are you doing here?" You say it with a softness. He usually calls or messages you before he shows up at your flat.
"We made plans, remember," he says smiling. He kisses you on the side of your head before composing himself, starting to unpack the bags.
"I went to Morrison's and bought a bunch of stuff. Thought I'd cook you dinner." You did make plans, they were your idea. You didn’t expect him to do anything for you, you expected to maybe take him to the park for lunch or something.
"Oh," you say lightly.
You watch as he unpacks. Cloves of garlic, parsley, thickened cream, fettuccine, eggs, and pancetta. It looks like all the helpings for a carbonara. There's a Sara Lee chocolate bavarian sat to the side with frosted ice all over the cardboard that you assume is dessert. You've only been together for a few months and you're yet to have a homecooked meal together.
You're sure you've never had anyone cook you dinner before. Not without a reason or a special occasion. You worry suddenly that you've forgotten an important date.
You hum and smile along as James buzzes around the kitchen with enough energy to power a small country. You fret that you're tamping down his good mood but you're trying to remember your anniversary. And the first time you kissed. The first time you met. For a second you think you've forgotten your birthday.
He says something to you and you crack an uneven smile.
"Sweetheart?" he says again. He stops where he's got the side of his knife pressed into a head of garlic.
You blink. "Sorry, what did you say?'' You try to hide your emotion. Your voice is scratched with dread and you bite down into your lip to stay calm.
"I asked you how your day was," he repeats, setting the knife on his chopping board. He's grated half a block of cheese while you've been stuck in your head. You hope you haven't embarrassed yourself.
"Have I missed something?" you ask, voice drenched in worry. You hide your hands under the kitchen bench where you pick at your nails.
"Hmm?" he hums, eyebrows pinched together.
"You're cooking me dinner," you say, James's confusion worsens, "Is there a special reason?"
"Not really," he shrugs all blasé. This makes it worse. You don't understand.
"Then why..."
"Did you already have plans?" James worries, smile faltering. His confusion warps into something like embarrassment. "Sorry, honey, I didn't even ask."
"No, Jamie, it's not that!" you backtrack, feeling more awful than before. You just feel out of your own depth. "I've just never..."
He moves around the bench to stop where you're sitting on one of your bar stools. Your knees press into his thighs he's so close. "What's the matter?"
You grab his hands before you pick your nails raw. You think about hiding your embarrassment in his chest but decide against it. If you get too close to him you might forget bout the entire reason you're upset. You'd rather it that way but you're sure he wouldn't.
"I've never had someone cook for me," you admit quietly. You warm with a prickling heat and squirm in your rickety bar stool.
"Oh," he says, all sullen. "Well, that won't do."
You look up at him and worry you look pathetic. He cracks a smile and you're sure it's on your behalf. "What?"
"No one ever has cooked for you?" he asks. He's not rubbing in, he sounds shocked
"No," you say. You sound stupid, you're sure you look it too. You want to crawl up into a ball.
"Y/N, I know you've had boyfriends before." He knows about your past relationships and how they weren't the best. But surely they'd at least made you dinner. James overestimates them sorely.
"They never did any of this stuff for me," you sniffle. The first tear is a shock and then James is looking at you all upset and confused and the next one isn't as startling.
He wraps his arms around your back and holds you close to his chest quicker than you can reach to wipe your face. He presses slow and hot kisses into the top of your head and your tears worsen. They're sticky and thick, his cotton shirt catches the brunt of your embarrassment.
"I'm sorry," you mumble with the side of your face smooshed into his firm chest. It's too grounding and your tears don't slow like you wish they would.
"Hey, don't be," he says, smoothing a hand down your trembling back, "You deserve things."
You don't say anything, rubbing your cheek against his shirt. He tuts. "You deserve a relationship with effort, Y/N."
You hiccup. "I've never had someone care about me like you do."
James holds you so close you worry you're hurting him. He turns his head until his cheek is pressed into your hair and takes a breath. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," you say and try not to disturb where he's resting on top of you. You like it more than you should. "It's okay."
"It's not."
"It is," you sniffle and pull yourself from his hold. He lets you go though with a hesitance. "It is because now I've got you."
James finally cracks a smile. "Right," he sniffles to compose himself, "right and I'm about to make you the best carbonara of you life."
"I'm excited." You wipe the remnants of your upset from your cheeks and smile wetly.
James sets to work. Buzzing around the kitchen after he'd plugged his phone into your sound system. Shuffling the playlist he made a week into your relationship. He sings his heart out, stirring whatever it is he's got going on in the pan.
You sit at the edge of the bench with the biggest smile on your face when he starts to serenade you. Wooden spoon held to his mouth, he sings an awful rendition of Lay All Your Love On Me by ABBA. You laugh so hard you think you might be too sick to eat the pasta.
Later on that night when you're too full to move, James slides a box across the table and says, "I also got you this." With the prettiest grin you've ever seen.
You're overwhelmed with love for you to be upset. Your boyfriend is lovely and you think you might be the luckiest girlfriend on the planet.
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
Thin Ice (modern!HOTD)
pairing: Aegon x Reader & Cregan Stark x Reader
summary: Aegon and you attend the annual hockey awards. The spring semester comes to a close and you and Aegon plan to say goodbye for the summer.
rating: Mature/Explicit/18+ (detailed warning below the cut)
series masterlist
previous chapter ~ Ch. 11: Worth It
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warnings: language, explicit p in v, oral (fem receiving), titty slapping, finger sucking, car spicy times, mentions of recovery
word count: 3.6k
note: SUPRISE!!! hope you enjoy this finale! thank you so much for reading my story about this lovable goofball 🥹
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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As long as you’d been in college, you’d always felt the spring semester went by faster than the fall semester. This year was no exception. January melted into spring and hockey season came to its inevitable end. Sara, though saddened at first, was overjoyed when she realized she could spend more time with Jace.
“No more practice to get in the way of date night,” she said triumphantly, “You and I have to double date.”
“Of course,” you’d assured her. 
Everything was going great. Classes were easier this semester with philosophy out of the way, the Knights had won their championship game. A celebration banquet was held for the team, along with an awards ceremony. Though, you were missing the majority of the awards as you were currently otherwise occupied. 
“Aegon,” you moan, right leg draped over his shoulder. 
Look, you hadn’t meant to miss the first part of the ceremony, but Aegon was insistent. You’d joined Aegon and the rest of the team for the fancy dinner, held in the ballroom of The Golden Lion Hotel which, coincidentally enough, was owned by Jason Lannister’s family. 
Suddenly, before you could find your seats, Aegon was dragging you down the hallway and into a supply closet, kneeling before you and removing your panties; throwing them to a forgotten corner. Aegon swore it wasn’t his fault, you just looked so tempting in your dress and heels.
Aegon’s head is currently buried between your plush thighs, tongue lapping your folds like your pussy is ambrosia. He murmurs a soft command “Keep quiet bunny, c’mon you can do it, that’s my good girl,” and you’re suddenly raking your nails against his scalp, soaking his mouth with your release. 
Aegon rises from his knees, his hands trailing a path up your thighs to rest on your waist. He looks too damn good in his black tux, with his forest green tie that matches the silk dress you’re wearing. His shaggy silver hair is slicked back with gel, he runs his palm over the side to make sure he didn’t mess it up too much with his antics. 
“I love it when you’re noisy,” he murmurs, kissing you passionately, beginning to grope your ass while grinding against you.
Your eyes roll back into your skull as he trailed kisses down your neck. He’s so hard, you can feel him pressing against your legs-
“We have to go, they’ll be looking for you-” your concerns are silenced by another kiss.
“I’ll be quick,” Aegon promises, kissing your lips gently.
“You’re never quick-”
“And you love it every time-”
“Seriously,” you tell him, fisting his hair and pulling his face away from you, “Don’t give me those puppy dog eyes! I’m doing you a favor, Mr. Player of the Year.”
“You don’t know that,” he mumbles, a blush blooming on the apples of his cheeks, “I’m not that good-”
“Stop it,” you tell him, “You are. You’re going to win. C’mon.”
You adjust your dress back over your ass, smoothing the silk fabric over your thighs. As you exit the closet Aegon smacks your ass with the palm of his hand- the very reason you’d ended up in there in the first place. 
You glance back at him, a playful disapproving smile on your face. His eyes are glued to your ass, as he takes his lower lip between his teeth.
“How’d I get so lucky?” he murmurs, reaching for you again.
You move away, just out of reach of his grabbing hands, ushering him down the hallway and back into the ballroom. It’s been decorated for the occasion, with lots of streamers and centerpieces in the colors of KLU. You catch Cregan’s eye, he’s sitting next to Jace, and flashes him a small smile.
He returns it, smiling politely before turning to say something to Aly Blackwood. You’d heard through the grapevine they’d reconnected recently at Riverrun Cafe. Judging by Aly’s smile, it was going well between them. You can’t help but feel a warm feeling spreading in your chest as you watch them. Cregan deserves to be happy, he’s a great guy. 
You slide into the seat next to Sara. She raises her eyebrows at you and Aegon before mouthing ‘quickie?’ You quickly shake your head no, but Aegon nods, a smug smile plastered on his face. Sara lets out a snort and you jab Aegon in the ribs with your elbow. Jace turns to Sara, frowning at the lack of context as to why his girlfriend is in stitches. 
“Alright, listen up,” Coach Mormont says, clearing his throat, “Next is player of the year.”
You notice Aegon shift in his seat, his goofy attitude switching to one more anxious. He begins picking at his cuticles and you reach for him, taking his hand in yours to distract him.
“This player is integral to our team. He’s a fighter, always has been, but always shows up when the team needs him. I’m proud of how far he’s come, how he’s handled challenges on and off the ice,” Coach Mormont pauses, “And I’m proud to announce that the Player of the Year is our center, Aegon Targaryen!”
The hall erupts in cheers, even Cregan is clapping and nodding in agreement as Aegon rises on shaky legs to accept his award. You can’t stop the tears that blur your vision as you clap for him. Sara squeezes your shoulder, a smile plastered on her face.
Aegon makes his way to the podium, hugging Coach Mormont and taking the trophy before standing in front of the mic.
“Shit I-sorry I shouldn’t swear but…..shit,” he says with a breathless laugh. Aegon pauses for a moment, just gazing down at the trophy in his hands.
He looks up, meeting your eyes across the room and smiling.
“I really didn’t think this would happen,” Aegon begins, “My freshman year was pretty rough. I couldn’t have gotten the help I needed without the guys on this team.”
Aegon pauses, voice cracking with emotion.
“I’m proud to say I’m almost two years sober, and hockey…it means everything to me,” he says, wiping his eyes, “And I want to thank my siblings, the guys again of course, and my girlfriend.”
Your heart stops. 
“I couldn’t have made it through this year without her. I wouldn’t be right here, without her. So, thank you. Thank you so much,” he says smiling.
The crowd erupts into cheers as Aegon leaves the stage. You stand to greet him, wrapping your arms around him in a fierce hug. 
“Holy shit,” Aegon says, holding the trophy in his hands. 
He hasn’t stopped grinning since accepting it onstage. The dinner had long ended and you’d been seated in his car for the past few minutes. Jace and Sara had driven separately and had already headed back to the hockey house for the celebratory after-party. 
“I’m so proud of you, Egg,” you tell him, for the millionth time. You’ll probably never stop reminding him. 
“I just…” he trails off for a moment, eyes becoming glassy with tears, “I don’t know. I was never the make mom and dad proud kid, you know?”
Your expression softens, and you can feel your throat begin to constrict, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. 
“But I’ve been really trying, you know? It’s nice…for someone to notice,” he finishes, with a sniffle.
You reach for his free hand and he looks up at you, watery violet eyes meeting yours. 
“You are amazing, Aegon Targaryen,” you tell him, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” he says, a tear falling down his cheek, “I should probably put this down before driving, huh?”
You release a breathy chuckle.
“Yeah I think that’s wise,” you tell him, “We can buckle it in the back seat, like a child?”
“Our child,” Aegon says, his tone teasing, “What a beautiful baby.”
You laugh, opening the passenger side and getting out. Aegon slips out of the driver’s seat and opens the back door of his car. He glances at you from across the seat, smiling suggestively.
“On second thought…” he says, placing the award on the driver’s seat and slipping in the back, “Get in, bunny.”
Your eyes widen, sensing where this is going.
“Egg, no way-”
“C’mon we’ll be quick,” he says pouting, “It’s a celebration!”
“What if someone sees?” you whisper, but slip into the backseat all the same. You close the door behind you and Aegon grins, looping an arm around your waist.
“Everyone’s gone,” he murmurs, kissing your lips softly, “No one left but us.”
You melt into him, as you always do. He seems to have that effect. Aegon keeps one arm around your waist, the other wraps itself around your neck, his thumb smoothing the outline of your jaw. Your tongue seeks out his metal tongue ring as you kiss, and you arch your back to push yourself closer to him. 
“I fucking love you,” he groans, breaking away from kissing you for just a moment.
“Egg, I love you so much,” you whine, “Please, please.”
“What do you need, pretty girl?” he asks, whimpering as you tug harshly on his silver locks. 
“Just you, always you,” you tell him, burying your face in the crook between his neck and shoulder. 
Aegon quickly unfastens his belt, freeing his hardened cock. He strokes himself with his hand, pausing to swipe his thumb over the tip, wiping away a bead of precum. You get on your knees, preparing to straddle him when he stops you. You frown, confused, which causes Aegon to chuckle.
“Backwards, baby, c’mere,” he says, motioning so you straddle him, facing away from him.
Aegon’s hands move to push your dress up your thighs and he chuckles, feeling the wetness there. He playfully frowns at you, his lower lip jutting out in a dramatic pout.
“What happened to your panties?” he questions, sliding a finger through your dripping folds.
“Probably still in that closet,” you admit, breathing heavily with anticipation as you hover over his cock. 
You were in such a rush to get back to the table, you’d forgotten to put them back on. You can feel the head of Aegon’s thick cock prodding at your entrance and you sink down on top of him. The angle is new, and you feel every inch deep in your abdomen as he bottoms out. Your mouth falls open, a moan spilling from your lips.
“Fuck,” Aegon murmurs, lifting his hips to thrust into you, “Gods this fucking pussy, feels so good wrapped around my cock baby.”
“Oh fuck,” you whimper, lifting your hips and bringing them back down, matching Aegon’s thrusts, “Gods you’re so big.”
Aegon brings his hand to your neck, wrapping it lightly around your throat, squeezing just enough for there to be a pleasurable lack of oxygen. Your head is spinning as he continues sliding his cock in and out, the wet sounds of your soaked pussy filling the car. Through your lashes, you can see steam begin to cloud the windows.
Aegon takes his free hand to your chest, freeing your breasts from the top of your dress. It didn’t make sense to wear a bra, the back was too revealing. You thrash against him as he removes his hand from your neck, pressing his fingers against your lips. 
“Open up,” he murmurs, placing a hot kiss against your neck.
You do as he says, allowing him to push three fingers into your eager mouth. You suck the digits greedily, the cool metal of his rings kissing your lips as you do so. Aegon palms your breast with his other hand, tweaking your pebbled nipples before lightly slapping them. You whimper against his fingers, but they keep you quiet.
“So pretty like this baby,” he coos as you swirl your hips around him.
It’s perfect, his cock pulsating inside of you, rubbing against your sweet spot with every swivel of your hips. Not enough to get you off, just leave you on the edge of pleasure, your sanity slipping with every slap he delivers to your heaving breasts. 
You gaze at him with pleading eyes, and Aegon grins wolfishly. He pulls his fingers from your mouth, trailing them between the valley of your breasts, and down your stomach; knowing exactly what you need. 
His hand comes in contact with your clit, and with his well-lubricated fingers, he begins rubbing circles around the sensitive little button. Pleasure courses through your veins, prickling your nerves like lightning and he squeezes your breast harshly. 
“Aegon, oh fuck Aegon,” you moan, head dropping back onto his shoulder as your legs begin to shake.
“Just like that bunny, that’s a good girl,” Aegon encourages as you desperately ride his cock, chasing your release. 
It builds and builds before you finish with a cry, walls fluttering around his thick cock. Aegon moans as you cum, bringing both hands to squeeze your breasts as he finds his own release, deep within your pussy. 
You take a moment to regain your breathing and Aegon reaches out drawing a smiling face on the fogged window. 
“Girlfriend,” he says, phrasing it like a question, “I hope you don’t mind that I called you that during my speech.”
You rise from his softening cock, reaching over his lap to write on the window. 
“Of course, I didn’t,” you murmur, “I want you to be my boyfriend, Egg.” You finish your drawing. 
Another smiley face, right next to his. 
Aegon presses a kiss to your cheek, and you make yourself presentable before driving to meet your friends. 
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Finals are a blur, and to your dismay, Aegon finishes his before you finish yours. 
“It should be illegal for this to happen,” you argue, as Aegon finishes putting his things in Criston Cole’s car. 
Cole has yet to return from helping Helaena with her luggage. Aegon likes to joke that she’s a princess and has 7 bags. Finals take place on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday. Aegon had his last final this morning, along with Helaena and Aemond. 
Thus, the siblings were being packed up and shipped back to their hometown, while you were stuck here until Monday. At least Sara, Baela, and Rhaena were in the same boat, but still. You were not ready to say goodbye to your boyfriend. 
“Bunny,” Egg says, pulling you towards him, wrapping you in a warm hug, and placing a kiss on top of your head.
“You really have to leave now?” you murmur against his chest as you bring your hands around his back.
Maybe if you hold on tight enough, he won’t go. You can feel his chest shake as he chuckles. 
“You know how my mom is,” Aegon says with a sigh, “But, she was pretty cool about you coming on the Summer Isles trip.”
“I can’t wait,” you tell him, honestly.
“Two weeks,” Aegon says, pursing his lips and nodding, “We can survive two weeks.”
You grab his cheeks, connecting your lips once more.
“Gross!” Helaena calls, appearing from the direction of her dorm carrying a duffle bag. 
You pull away from Aegon, but Helaena only smirks.
“Is this going to happen the entire time in the Summer Isles?” Helaena teases. 
Aemond walks up beside her, taking her bag.
“Gods I hope not,” he grumbles, taking Hel’s bag to the car. 
Criston appears a moment later, pushing a luggage cart full of Helaena’s suitcases. 
“That’s everything,” he assures and you quickly count 9 bags on the cart. 
Helaena embraces you, pulling you against her tightly.
“Good luck on your finals,” she says, “You’ll do amazing. And I’ll see you soon.”
“I’ll miss you Hel,” you tell her, squeezing her close.
“2 weeks, no biggie,” Helaena says, pulling away, “Love you.”
“Love you too,” you tell her, “Drive safe!”
“Criston will!” she confirms, sliding into the back of the car. 
You turn back to Aegon once more, your heart heavy. Goodbyes are never easy, no matter what.
“I love you,” you tell him, trying to fight the tears that form in your eyes. 
“I love you too,” he says, giving you a final kiss.
You wave to Aegon and Helaena, watching as their car disappears. 
“Okay enough of that!” Sara’s voice says before you feel her arms on your shoulders, dragging you away, “I’m starving, and besides! What about me? What am I supposed to do without you?”
Sara links her arms through yours, starting to walk to the main dining hall. You wave, spotting Baela and Rhaena headed toward you from the opposite side of the main quad. The sun is setting, casting a golden haze over campus. The flowers are in full bloom and the air has a lovely chill to it this late in the day. 
“Wither and die?” you sarcastically suggest.
“So not funny,” she says, shaking her head, “And you are so visiting Winterfell this year, I’m not driving all the way south for your ass-”
“Okay, you drove one-time last summer-”
“I haven’t recovered,” she interrupts, “Plus, I need to show you my hometown! And we’re going to Facetime every-”
“Night,” Baela says, joining you, with Rhaena beside her, “At 7 pm sharp, but you know Rhaena’s gonna hang up promptly at 9 for her mandatory 8 hours.”
“Some people care about their routines, and don’t want to waste their summer!” Rhaena interjects.
“I’m not wasting anything! I have an internship,” Baela insists.
“How long is this one going to last?” Sara snickers.
“Shut up,” Baela scowls, “Are you going to visit Jace at all?”
“Of course, I can’t survive without his big co-”
“Sara!” the three of you scold in unison causing her to snicker.
“We’ve become too comfortable here,” you say laughing as you enter the main campus dining hall.
It’s relatively quiet, some students cramming in some last-minute studying while scarfing down various fried food options. It makes you momentarily reminisce about when you met your best friends freshman year. You don’t know what you would have done without them.
“One more year,” Rhaena says, her expression wistful.
“One more year of KLU,” Baela says with a sigh, “I can’t believe we’re seniors now.”
“Don’t remind me,” you tell them. You can’t imagine college ending. 
Sara smiles knowingly.
“One more hockey season,” she says with a smirk.
Your cheeks flush at the thought of spending your senior year with Aegon. At his games, at the hockey house, in the library. No scheming this year, just you and him. You can’t think of anything better. 
“Dude guess what?” Sara says suddenly with a gasp, “I have to take Intro to Philosophy.”
“I thought you got out of that?” Baela asked with a frown.
“Nope, you’ll tutor me, right Y/N?” Sara says, pouting, “Please please please!”
“We’ll see,” you tell her with a chuckle, “I don’t know if I’m the best tutor.”
“Egg passed!”
“That was special circumstances!” you argue, grabbing a table. 
Sara slumps into the seat across from you, Baela sits beside you and Rhaena squeezes behind Sara. 
“I’ll ask you again in the fall,” Sara says with a smirk, “You’ll be with Egg all loved up and will have to say yes.”
Just as she mentions his name, your phone buzzes. You glance at it, seeing Aegon calling you. You rise from your seat. 
“One sec,” you tell your friends and they roll their eyes. 
You can tell they don’t mean it though, they’re only teasing you. They were beyond happy for you and Aegon. You walk out of the dining hall before answering. 
“Hey you,” you say, unable to stop your smile, “You miss me already?”
You push through the glass door, the warm spring evening air washing over you. 
“You could say that,” Aegon says, and you can practically hear his grin through the phone.
You laugh, before glancing up and meeting a pair of violet eyes. 
It’s Aegon. 
You’re still holding your phone against your ear as Aegon hangs up, sliding his own phone into his pocket. And even though it’s been maybe 20 minutes since you’d last seen him, you throw yourself into his arms, kissing him ferociously. 
Aegon chuckles, lifting you off the ground and spinning in a circle.
“What are you doing here?” you manage through a giggle as he plants you back on the ground, “Your mom, you said-”
“I told her I had a final Monday,” Aegon says, grinning ear to ear, “My car’s still here, I’m driving down after.” 
He holds your hands in his, his thumbs caressing yours. 
“I was thinking maybe, you could come home with me? You know Helaena misses you and Daeron seemed to like you and Aemond is-” You cut him off with a kiss.
Aegon came back for you. He’s staying, for you.
From the beginning, Aegon’s always made it clear. Even when you didn’t understand. Even when you weren’t ready to admit it. Even when you were scared.
It’s always been you.
You pull away from him, smiling ear to ear. In the light of the setting sun, he’s so beautiful. And he’s all yours. And you’re his. 
“C’mon,” you tell him, grabbing his hand, “Sara is taking philosophy next term and needs pointers.”
Aegon groans, but a smile plays on his lips as you drag him back towards the dining hall. You all sit together in the dining hall, staying long after you finish eating; laughing, nearly crying, and just talking the entire time. The smile never leaves Aegon’s face.
He can’t help it, it’s the happiest he’s been in what feels like forever.
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note: and that's a WRAP! thank you so so much for supporting me through this series! I love each and every one of you, and will miss my KLU babies!! Until next time, ilysm ~ Jo
Thin Ice Tag List:
@padfooteyes, @nina2697, @julieeba, @darkenchantress, @heavenly1927, @fan-goddess, @possiblyafangirl, @n4tforlife, @serving-targaryen-realness, @bubblyabs, @cicaspair418, @jamespotterismydaddy, @tssf-imagines, @platonichug, @tosiaf, @skikikikiikhhjuuh, @rwdkarla, @partypoison00 @moira-strangle-me-please @clairacassidy, @sh4dowrav3n, @okfashionista, @kravitzwhore, @queenofshinigamis, @misspendragon, @marytargaryen, @dope-trope-105, @imarimon, @whoisalexa, @oneeyedvisenya, @valeskafics, @aemondsmoon, @doublesparrows, @namelesslosers, @fidelias @imarimon @trifoliumviridi, @bellstwd @elle4404 @schmexie @sahvlren @clairepotter, @m1ndbrand @shessthunderstoms
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cheynovak · 7 months
Happy ever after?  
Sequel to: Another, other Cinderella story.
Soldier Boy x Reader (Y/N)  
Warnings: Angst, Smut, 18+, Alcohol, Soft dominance, ...   
Side note: English isn’t my first language.   
Words:  7286
*Does not follow The Boys storyline!* 
If you liked this, please check out my masterlist for other stories.
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Y/N is the rebellious daughter of a famous actor in the 1960. Her dad wants to keep her out of the public eye, since he cheated on his wife with her mother. All she wants to do is leave, have fun and start a life of her own. On one of her father’s parties, she meets Soldier Boy, who despite his reputation falls for the young girl. She is mesmerised by him, but how long can he hold the little rebel from discovering the world?  
Y/N woke up from the sunlight on her face. She turned around to feel her bed already empty and cold. Which unfortunately wasn’t a surprise anymore, he hasn’t been home for weeks.  Ben got more and more tasks, missions and projects since Vought knew about them.  
And even though he did manage to give her a nice condo, she did miss the action and fun she used to have in her old life. The last couple of months became clear he wanted her for himself, a nice woman to come home to. But deep down she knew that isn’t who she really is.  
Her dreams were to travel the world, see beautiful nature, cities that come to life at night, enjoy different cultures. She hoped Ben would be the same, but his red, white and blue blood thought there was nothing better than the USA. Why would one want to travel to let’s say Europe.  
But for now, she was content. 
Y/N got up and did her daily morning routine, she threw on one of Ben’s old shirts, she loved the fact it smelled like him, tobacco, vanilla and some other spices. She walked in the kitchen and made a fresh pot of coffee, while loading the washing machine, she would take a quick shower. Ready to start the day fresh.  
She lifted his shirt over her head and looked in the mirror, noticing a pretty big bruise on her hip. Y/N’s finger mover over the spot when realising Ben got a little too excited the last night they had spent, before him leaving. Maybe time to remind Ben again she is not a supe. Although the night itself she didn’t mind his roughness.  
While the hot water was streaming over her slightly sore body, her mind started to drift away to all the placed she once read about. Hoping that one day Ben would agree to come along with her. But for now, it stays with daydreaming.  
After breakfast Y/N went into town, trying to get her mind off of the fact that Ben was gone for a while to shoot a documentary on his life. And she was, once again, left to herself to enjoy life. Unconsciously she walked towards the travel agency.  
She stopped in front of the store, looked through the window. Asia, Europe, Africa, ... before she knew it, she stepped inside. It took almost an entire afternoon, the shop assistant was very friendly and helped her pick out 3 trips worth seeing.  
With books and information under her arm she walked back to the condo when she heard a familiar voice. “Y/N?” She turned around seeing the twins, Anna and Sara, she once befriended in school. “Oh my...Hi! How are you guys?” She hugged them.  
Y/N invited the girls over to her apartment for a cup of coffee. It had been almost 9 months since graduation. “Wow, girl you really did good for yourself.” Sara said looking around in the pretty big place. “It’s all from Ben, to be honest.” Y/N said while emptying her bags on the counter.  
“You really went through with that didn’t you?” Anna asked curiously. “We both thought it was just another one of your casual hook ups.” Y/N blushed hearing that. Answering, “Turns out he has something worth sticking around for.” -” Clearly.” They both said at the same time.  
The afternoon coffee turned into late night wines and take out Chinese food. Y/N never really thought often about her old life, but this lovely evening made her homesick, thinking about the fun times she was around her friends.  
Anna, Sara and Y/N agreed to see each other in the morning for breakfast and a shopping day. Just to relive their high school Saturdays. Y/N waved the girls goodbye at the door, smiling when she walked back inside.  
Y/N looked back at the mess they left on the table. “Right.” she let out with a satisfied sigh, she turned on the radio before cleaning and placing the last food scraps in the fridge. The music made her hum.  
She closed the fridge, jumping up when she noticed Ben leaning on the cabinets in the kitchen. “Yeez, Ben, you scared me.” She smiled as he walked towards her without saying a word. Her back pushed against the fridge. 
His hand went through her hair, while he looked in her eyes. “Hi.” Y/N whispered, drowning in his beautiful green eyes. His lips turn into a small smirk. “Hi.” he answered with the same tone before his lips claimed hers.  
Ben’s hands roamed over her body, it wasn’t new to her, him coming home and needing some sort of relieve before being able to have a ‘normal’ conversation. Y/N managed to break free for a second to breath. His mouth found its way to her neck. Sucking and kissing her skin.  
“I would really like to clean the rest of the table before going to bed.”  
” Who said I want to go to bed.” His voice sounded muffed against her neck. “The kitchen is good enough for me.” His hands moved from her thighs back to her cheek, demanding her head to look at him, so he could kiss her again.  
“B-Ben, I’m serious... give... me... 2 seconds.” she managed to say in between his hungry kisses. He let go of her lips with a deep and annoyed sigh. “Fine, hurry.” He answered grumpy. “I don’t want the room to smell in the morning.” She explained herself while Ben leaned back watching her.  
Secretly he loved that she played the role of housewife. Might even say it turns him on. His eye fell on the books that were lying on the corner of the kitchen cabinet. His curiosity took over, “What are you reading?” He asked while looking through the books. 
“Er, some travel research, just inspiration.” His eyes shot up from the counter to her. “Travel? You’re still thinking about leaving?” - “Well, not leaving.” She said rinsing the rag. “More like explore.” Y/N could feel his look, his disapproval, afraid to look up.  
A little hum was all he responded before she felt the warmth of his body radiating against her back. She felt his big hand caressing her hair, almost petting her. “Maybe you need a reminder.” His hand covered her neck right underneath her chin, pulling her head back.  
“Now, are you done?” His husky voice whispered against her ear. She nodded slow, part of her hated his dominant side, hated the fact that it turned her on as much as it did. Months ago, she would never, ever give up control. But with Ben, it was different.  
He turned her around before lifting her on his shoulder like a ragdoll, caring her to the bedroom. “I thought you didn’t want to go to the bedroom.” She answered a little sassy.  Ben’s hand landed flat on her ass. Making her gasp shortly. “Auw!” She sneered.  
He dropped her on the bed, hard enough to see the matrass bounce her back, ones. “You really need to learn how to keep that pretty mouth of yours shut.” His voice sounded deep and firm. “I thought you like me loud.” She said while pressing her lips together, trying not to laugh.  
She would have sworn his lip twitched at that comeback. But his dominant side came back fast. “Strip.” He said while looking down on her. Y/N did as she was told, throwing her clothes on the other side of the bed until she was bare.  
“Come here.” Ben said still fully dressed in his suit. She crawled towards him, the second her face was within reach he pulled her up by the back of her head. Making her kneel in front of him, his thumb moved over her partly separated lips.  
Y/N felt his finger pushing between her lips making her automatically wrap her lips around it and suck softly. Ben’s lips curled into a smirk, “That’s it baby girl. That is all I want that mouth of yours to do.” He said while pulling his finger out of her mouth.  
He looked down to his belt, giving her a silent order before he took off the bulletproof vest he wore over his shirt. Y/N undid his gun belt, unzipper his pants. She’s mouthwatering only by the thought of him. She never liked giving head, but the way Ben praised her made up for it.  
Ben was already hard for her, he lazily strokes himself a few times. “Open that dirty mouth.” once again she obeyed without a question. Her hands moved up his thighs, on their way to the base, so she could help herself a little.  
“Na-ah, hands on your lap, doll.” he said while he held her head. Y/N could feel his large hands guide her over his warm length, tasting the precum on her tongue. She looked at him while her eyes started to fill with tears. Each time Ben pulled her in she felt him further in her mouth.  
She focussed on taking him without gagging. “That’s it, good girl.” His praises made her moan around his cock. “You like it don’t you, sucking my dick.” She noticed a crack in Ben’s voice, she knew he was enjoying her moans. So, good girl as she is, she moaned again when Ben hit the back of her throat.   
And again... and again. Making Ben growl underneath his breath. His hips unable to stay still, he really wanted to fuck her mouth, but knew he would hurt her if he did. So, a little to his disappointment he needed to hold back.  
By the time he pulled out of her mouth the tears were streaming down her cheeks, her mascara ran out just a little under her eyes. “On your back. Hands above your head.” while she placed herself on the bed, she noticed him taking of the last pieces of clothing.  
He hovered above her, “now tell me baby, who do you belong to?” He asked sweet yet demanding, while his fingers moved in between their bodies, spreading her wetness with his fingers. Her head snapped back, gasping for air. “Hm? Who owns this tight pussy?” He repeated his question.  
“Y-you... Oh... Ben.” She felt the sharp sting of him pushing his dick all the way inside her. Her hands snapped to his shoulders, wanting to pull him closer. But before she could do so, Ben had his grip on her wrists above her. “I said hands above your head!” he commanded again.  
Ben’s thrusts were hard, sharp, normally he waits for her to adjust, but today he was needy. She felt the grip on her arm tighten when she fucked her so hard it was on the brim between pleasure and pain. “B-Ben... Slow..” He interrupted her by kissing her, forcing his tongue in her mouth.  
This movement made him slow down just a second, until he abrupt stopped. “What’s wrong doll, can’t take me anymore? Didn’t I fuck you enough lately?” His voice sounded sarcastic. “Need me to stop?” He asked while pulling out, making her whine at the sudden emptiness.  
“No, no Ben. Please.” She pleaded. “Please what?” He smirked. “Please, please fuck me... Please don’t stop!” She begged him, her hips moving underneath him trying to find friction. Before he pushed back into her, he let go of her wrists but pressed his hand down on her throat.  
Making her eyes roll to the back of her head. “Look at you, such a needy slut.” He pounded hard, holding his face next to hers “You’re not leaving me. You’re not going anywhere.” He breathed heavy. “All you’re going to do is fuck me. Whenever, wherever I want.”  
Y/N felt his thrusts getting uneven, the rhythm of his hips slowed down. One last thrust, one last growl, and Ben came inside her. His hold on her neck loosed and for the first time she realised how strong it was.  
Ben rolled of her, breathing heavy. He pulled her close to him, caressed her back. After a few unspoken seconds she opened her mouth, “I’ll be right back.” but the second she placed her feet on the floor trying to walk to the bathroom, she felt lightheaded. Ben noticed, jumping out of bed holding her.  
“Hey, hey, calm down, get back in bed. I’ll get a washcloth. Take it easy sweetheart.” All of the sudden all of the dominants in his voice changed to worry. Ben walked out holding two wash cloths. “Here.” He said, placing a wet cold one on her neck. She looked confused until she realised it felt amazing against her soar skin.  
“I keep forgetting you’re only human.” He said while taking care of her. “Is that an apology?” her voice sounded hoarse. She knew it was his way of saying he cared for her and that he was sorry. Or at least she hoped.  
He crawled back in bed. “Just, be more careful next time, ok?”  She whispered against his shoulder. Ben kept looking at the ceiling. “Or we could find another way.” Y/N didn’t understand him. He noticed her confused look.  
“Vought suggested to turn you into a supe, and honestly, I wouldn't mind.” She opened her mouth, “Hell no!” She answered harsh. “Hold your horses sweetheart, I told them you wouldn’t want that.” - “Why would you even want me to be one. Compound V is poison, it kills people.” 
“No, it doesn’t, that’s a gossip created by anti-believers.” - “Ben, I can’t believe this, a-are you serious?” -” Jesus Y/N, just...Stop lay down, relax.” - “No! No, I need to know Ben. Why would you want that? I’m a not good enough?”  
“It would be nicer not to hold back every time I touch you, yes.” She heard the hint of annoyance in his voice. “You’re a fucking porcelain doll in my hands. Like walking on fucking eggshells around you. I constantly need to think of it in the back of my head, quiet the turn off when you’re fucking someone.”  
Y/N held back every insult she wanted to throw at him. Instead, she turned her back to him and covered her sore body with the blankets. Feeling her eyes tear, not wanting him to see how deep those words hurt her. “Then why don't you find someone who is fucking perfect for you.” she whispered under her breath.  
The next morning, to her surprise she noticed Ben still sleeping, laying on his stomach, hugging the pillow. Due to their fight last night, he didn’t have the time to tell her they finished shooting early being able to be home for a few days. 
The doorbell rang Y/N put on a robe, before answering the door. Ben lifted his head, looking over his shoulder wondering who was here at this time. Y/N completely forgot the twins were here for breakfast and a day out. 
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” They yelled, hugging her, while holding balloons and a basket filled with croissants and sweets.  “You remembered.” Y/N seemingly surprised. “To be honest I'm not prepared yet.” She felt her cheeks blushing.  
“Don’t worry we’ll help you with the table.” The women fell immediately in their old habit of laughing and joking. Ben heard Y/N’s laugh in the other room, it gave him a warm feeling. But also, he felt a little guilty he didn’t got her anything for her birthday. He never even asked her when it was.  
After a short while Ben walked out the bedroom, wearing a sweatpants and shirt. He looked at the women around the table before he poured himself a coffee with wiskey. “You want something to eat?” Y/N asked. “Hm, yeah.” he grumped.  
She walked over to his grumpy ass in the kitchen. “Why didn’t you ever tell me your birthday?” He whispered a little irritated, she bends over to grab him a plate. “You never asked me.” She placed the plate next to him on the counter.  
“Plus...” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “I had no idea you would be here today.” Ben didn’t hug her back, he noticed the light bruise on her neck. He just moved her robe slightly and kissed her sore neck before making sure it was covered again with robe.  
He turned around, to fill the empty plate, leaving for the open kitchen again. Not in the mood to join the girls.   
Y/N’s friends noticed the tension between them, “Everything ok?” - “Yeah, it’s nothing... Hey I’m going to get ready.” - “Where are you going?” They heard Ben from the kitchen while he crushed a few tablets on the counter. “We made plans to go shopping.” - “Have fun.” He said while snoring a line.  
Ben hated the fact that she went out, leaving him alone, but deep down he knows he can’t tie her up wanting her to wait for him like a lap dog. He saw the books again. She wants to leave me, she will leave me. Was all he thought.  
Y/N got home by 9pm a little tipsy, she saw Ben watching a tv show, his brows still frowning. “Honey I'm home.” She joked while dropping her purse on the table. Ben looked up at her, clearly not liking the state of her. “Took you long enough.”  
“Sorry mom.” She started to giggle at her own response. “Are you drunk?” Y/N could hear Ben’s disapproval. His tone surprised her. “Yess-sir” Y/N placed her hands on her hips after saluting him. “Had no idea I had to justify my action to you. Especially when you’re the picture of class.”  
Ben’s brows lifted. ”Come again?” -” You swear like a sailor, drink like a fish and take drugs like a, a, a fucking rockstar. Pretty embarrassing meeting my friends like that.” 
Y/N didn’t stop there. “You have no manners, whatsoever. You think you’re a gentleman while you are NEVER gentle with me. Ever thought about the fact that I actual love you?” Ben, surprised by her confession, walked slowly towards her.  
She continued her preach “...And that being loved, making love would be so much more satisfying mentally, maybe if you thought about anyone else except yourself for once, you would have noticed I'm rotting in this golden cage for you... YOU, BEN!”  
She made her way to the bedroom, leaving Ben standing in the living room. “Oh, and next time when you hear it’s someone’s birthday, you wish them a fucking HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” She yelled before smashing the door close. Her words lingered in his head. She loves me...  
Ben knew he felt different about her, different than any other person he’s ever been with, but he never thought of the idea this might be love. After a second that felt like an eternity, he opened the bedroom door only to hear the water running in the bathroom.  
Y/N heard Ben moving around in the bedroom next door, her tears blended with the water streaming down her face. She couldn’t believe she said all that to him, hoping it wouldn’t backlash. Because no matter how much she wanted to leave this place, she wants him more.  
She took all the courage she had to face him again. Ben was already sitting in bed, watching her walking over to her side, crawling under the covers. He still thought about the fact she, even though she was angry, admitted she loved him.  
He wanted to tell her he felt the same, or at least say something. But he had no idea how to.  “Goodnight.” was all she said giving him a soft peck on his cheek, before turning off her light.  
Y/N felt Ben moving behind her sinking down in bed, to her surprise he wraps his arms around her. “Happy birthday sweetheart.” he whispered in her ear before giving her a small kiss on her shoulder. She turned around facing him, nose to nose under the covers. “Thank you.”  
“And... I am...” Why was it so difficult to say he was sorry. “It’s ok. I know.” she said. Her hand moved to his cheek, feeling the light stubble growing under his skin. The air shifted, Y/N felt warmth rushing through her veins when Ben’s lips caressed hers.  
Their kiss deepened but she noticed a difference in his touch. Softer, more loving. “Ben... I’m exhausted.” She sighs while breaking the kiss. “I know.” He pulled her close to him. “Try to get some sleep, doll.” His large hands caressed the back of her head. “Sweet dreams.” He mumbled against her head. 
That night was the first time in a long time Y/N slept good, really good. Her face was hugged by Ben’s chin and chest. His steady heartbeat made her feel at ease, the circles Ben’s fingers drawn on her back felt soft and loving. Unfortunately, she got woken by the sound of the phone on the nightstand.  
Y/N felt Ben’s body move right before he answered the phone, letting go of her. Ben answered with an irritated sleepy voice. “Hm? Yeah, ... now? Can’t this wait? Hm, ok.” - “Duty calls?” She asked when he turned back to her. “Yes.” She lifted herself a little so she could kiss his grumpy lips. 
Ben held the doorknob in his hand, without looking to her, he asked: “I know there is a lot we still need to talk about, just... just promise me you wait with... making decisions until we had a decent conversation?” For the first time she saw a nervous Ben. he couldn’t even look at her.  
“I’ll be here when you come back.” She reinsured him. Ben nodded before leaving for Vought.  
A few days had passed. A man had called her today, saying he was an assistant at Vought, clamming Ben wanted her to come to Vought. This was unusual request, but she was hoping he wanted to talk about all that had happened over the past few days.  
Y/N was led into a small waiting room, sitting next to the security guard she met months ago. He greeted her at the door claiming to bring her to Ben. The blond receptionist kept giving her judgy looks. Y/N heard her phone ringing, she stopped typing only to answer it, when she hung up the phone, she told Y/N she could enter the room now. Still being followed by the big fella.  
Once inside she noticed Ben wasn’t there, the uncertain feeling in her gut became fear. “Why am I summoned here? Who are you?” her voice almost broke trying hard not to let her fear out. “Ah, miss. Y/L/N/, good to finally meet you. Please sit.”  
"You can call me the legend, Senior Vice President of Hero Management here at Vought. You may have heard of me.” - “I’m sorry can’t say I have.” She said while taking the chair opposite his. 
“We asked you to come here to discuss an urgent matter. We are aware of your relationship with Soldier Boy. And he made it very clear he doesn’t want to break things off with you. And even though we are thrilled there is a woman out there who can, tame, our best soldier, we still want to make sure he knows his duty. “ 
“I don’t see the problem. As far as I know he has been up and ready every time you called.” - “Well miss Y/L/N you are not around when he is doing his job. On his last job, a documentary he left, leaving us with a lot of debt to a lot of people.”  
“Because I quote: “He didn’t need this fucking job, and he sure as hell don’t need a team, he can spend his time with someone better.” That did sound like Ben. “Now we, at Vought, believe a crew would lighten the workload and encourage young supes. You know send a bright message to the world.” the man gave his sales pitch.  
” Let me guess, you want me to convince him?” Y/N interrupted his story. “Well, actually miss Y/N, can I call you Y/N?” She nodded once. “We want you to be part of it, guide Ben in being a leader, show the young girls out there a woman can accomplish the same things a man can. After all you are quite the rebel back in the day I heard.”  
Y/N frowned, “Oh Soldier boy couldn’t stop talking about the young girl turning her back to her family to run away with him. Almost a fairytale we want to tell.” Y/N’s suspicions grew bigger, shifting in her chair.  
“But then again...” He stood up walking over to her. His hand moved away her hair. “ We don’t want the world to see that our beloved hero leaves bruises on pretty little girls.”  His hand moved over the sore spot on her neck. Making Y/N push his hand away.  
The bodyguard took a step forward, but the legend waved him away. “I don’t care about your popularity.” Y/N said. “But you do care about him, and he does care about his status. So here is the proposition, we give you the power, make you a superhero, and you get your life out in public with Ben.”  
“No.” Y/N could see the old man’s brows frown. “Sorry?” - “Are you deaf, I said no.” Y/N got up, but the large man blocked her. “I really wanted to do things different sweetheart.” She heard the older man say before she felt a pinch in her neck.  
The next thing Y/N knew she woke up under rubble, her throat was dry from the dust around her. She would have sworn she heard Ben’s voice. She tried to call for him but was unable to get a sound out of her. A beam of light shined on her face. “WE GOT ONE.” She heard a man yell.  
Bricks and other rubble got lifted of her, piece by piece. Her legs still trapped under a metal beam. “We need assistance here, she is trapped.” The man called out. Y/N vision was troubled. “Y/N? Oh god Y/N!” This time she was sure, she heard Ben’s voice.  
Ben lifted the beam of her legs before he kneeled down next to her. “I got you sweetheart, hang on.” He carried her in his arms, her weak body close against his. “MOVE!” she heard him shout at the people in front of him. He brought her over to the ambulance. “Soldier boy, there are still other people trapped in the store.” 
He looked at the police officer in charge, “looks like there is enough help from the fire department and the police. I’m going to the hospital with her.” he closed the door of the ambulance with Y/N in it. The entire ride he held her hand, worried, trying to understand why she was in the travel agency again. She did promise him not to make decisions before they could talk.  
Once in the hospital it became clear Y/N needed blood and quickly and even then, it wasn’t sure she would make it. Ben was angry and upset. He yelled at the doctors they needed to do more when he felt the legends hand on his shoulder. “There might be a way to help her heal up faster.” - “No, no she won’t...” he thought for a second. “She would never agree to turn her into a supe.”  
“Who said anything on turning her my boy. She needs blood, give her yours.” Ben looked at the doctor. “Could that work?” - “It might. We never tested it.” Ben looked through the window at Y/N laying in the hospital bed with a weak heartbeat on the monitor. I can’t lose her. He thought. “Ok”  
Little did he know, Vought had run tests with Ben’s blood. Turned out that injecting someone with enough blood would change them. Ben had enough compound V in his system that his blood made it possible to create or change the cells inside another person. Only if their body was shutting down, his blood would react like a surviving mechanism.  
Y/N woke up from a discussion in the hall, without opening her eyes she knew it was Ben. “You told me she is healthy, then why the fuck isn’t she wake yet!?” Slowly she opened her eyes, getting used to the light in the room. The fog before her eyes cleared, but soon she felt the pounding headache making her growl under her breath. 
She looked around the room noticing Ben was talking to the doctor in the hall, she saw that the door was closed. Weird I thought he was standing next to me. Y/N thought. “Ben?” she softly spoke. She saw him turning his head looking at her through the window before storming inside. “Hey doll. How are you feeling?”  
Y/N thought about that for a second.” Part from the headache, fine. What happened?” - “A terrorist blew up midtown, you were.... shopping. I found you amongst the victims.” Y/N couldn’t recall this happening, couldn’t even remember she went shopping in the first place.  
“How many...” Her voice broke. “Everyone made it. You lost a lot of blood, we had to eh, give you a blood transfusion.” She saw the terror in Ben’s eyes. “What’s wrong?” - “You almost didn’t make it. And eh, we decided to try something... new. We, eh, gave you, my blood.”  
“What?” - “We gave you, my blood.” he repeated. Y/N blinked her eyes a few times, trying to understand. The doctor walked in checking her vitals one last time. “So, what side effects does that give?” Both men looked at each other. “I presume there will be side effects.”  
“We don’t know yet, but there is a possibility you will have his powers or maybe even copy some of his personality traits, just for a while until your blood fought off his cells.” The doc said. “Is that why I have a headache?” - “That’s my best guess. You may leave the hospital now, but I would like to see you for a check-up later this week.”  
The entire ride home Y/N didn’t say a word, the thought of having his blood, compound V, rush through her veins made her stomach turn. But she also knew he did it to safe her. Once inside their safe space in the apartment she turned towards Ben, wrapped her arms around his ribs and just hugged him. He answered by rubbing his hand on her back.  
“Y/N?” - “Hm?” - “Why were you at the travel agency?” - “I don’t know, I don’t even remember going shopping.” she looked at him. Y/N saw the fear in his eyes. “I just... thought, we would talk when I got back.” He pulled her arms off him. “But it seems you already made your decision without me.”  She shook her head, “No.”  
“How can you say that when you don’t even remember a thing.” His voice turned cold. “Because I remember our fight, how miserable I felt, thinking I want to be with you, Ben.” She could see he wasn’t convinced yet. “Ben, let’s talk now. Let’s fix this, this tension between us.” - “There wouldn’t be tension if you just knew your place!”  
“My place? Where the fuck would that be!” She matched his tone. “You know what, fuck this, no! Fuck you. Since the first day we met you claimed me like some fucking price. I’m no fucking object you can buy. I’m not a toy you can play with when you’re bored! I’m done. I’m so, SO DONE!” Y/N smashed her fist against the kitchen counter breaking the marble countertop. 
Ben grabbed her hand to check if she was fine. “Let go of me.” she pulled her hand out of his grip. “I’m still mad at you.” He looked him dead in the eye before she walked to the bedroom packing a bag. “What are you doing?” He stood in the door. “Maybe you need a little time alone. I know I do.” 
“Time alone?” - “Yeah, alone, like not being used to me waiting around for you, not being able to visit your puppet, you know the one you think about only when your fucking boner talks to you.” Y/N was ruthless, the things she said to him, she never even dared to say out loud afraid he would walk out on her. But now she felt strong enough to walk out on him.  
“I just saved your life.” - “You changed me into the last thing I wanted in this life.” - “We had no idea. This will all end sooner or later.” - “What if it doesn’t? I can’t even look at you anymore Ben. So fucking selfish.”  
Ben grabbed her arm. “If you leave know, you don’t need to come back.” He said in despair, his body screamed anger, his eyes trying to show dominance but glanced at hers in fear. Y/N nodded slow, letting his words sink in. “Good luck finding another fuck toy.”  
Years passed; Y/N travelled the world like she wanted to. But never really being able to forget about Ben. She sends him a post card from every land she visited, not even knowing if he would receive them, or even still had the condo. But she needed to tell him about her days.  
Once she heard the news that Soldier boy and Crimson Countess started dating, she stopped sending cards. She hated herself for not getting home earlier, she always planned on getting home, talk to him, convinced him she still loved him. But she was afraid, afraid he would turn his back to her.  
Y/N needed the travel not just for the memories, but for her mental health. During her time alone she noticed more and more powers compatible with Ben’s. She had a hard time trying to figure out how to live with it, how to accept it. She used the time to find a cure, but never found one. So when she had to deal with the fact, she would be forever a superhero, she hated herself.  
Now many years later, Butcher had found her, via intel coming from the legend himself. “You want to win him over by bringing him the head of Countess on a silver plate? Boy you need much more than that.” He shook his head. “I suggest you find the reason he made his relationship with the young redhead public. Y/N.”  
The entire It couple gimmick began when Ben had the brilliant idea of making Y/N jealous. He had no idea where she was so reaching her was difficult, by the time he got her cards she was probably halfway around the world again. So, he agreed, after a few years, to leading a superhero team. Making Crimson countess his girl.  
When Y/N broke all contact, he started to appreciate crimson more and more. Desperately trying to forget Y/N.  
“Can I help you?” Y/N said to the men waiting at her door, in her New York apartment. “Maybe luv, we are looking for miss Y/N Y/L/N.” - “You found her.” she answered very calm, leading them inside. Hughie was surprised, thinking they were searching for a woman in her 80s. Not a young girl looking not even a day older as him.  
Butcher explained her how they found Ben. How he was the one to blow up mid-town. Y/N sat at the table looking over to Hughie, French and MM while Butcher kept giving his pitch. “So, you are telling me not only that Ben is still alive, but that he has a new superpower, radiation or something?”  
“Precisely luv.” She British fella grinned while leaning back in his chair. Y/N nodded slow. “And you want me to ‘control’ Ben, for... you?” - “Well to ease him. Making sure he won’t blow up again.” Hughie corrected trying to flash her a smile but to nervous.  
“Get the fuck out of my apartment.” She said looking Butcher straight in the eye. Who clearly didn’t expect her answer. “Out, before I kick you out.” She got up and opened the door for the men. ”Oh and a word of advice. No one, and I mean no one, can guide Ben. He does what he wants, when he wants and well, how he wants. So, good luck.” Y/N said before closing the door in their faces. 
But Butcher had made her curious, a part of her wanted to see Ben again, she always had known, the story of him being dead was fake.  She felt he was still alive, was it her undying love for him or the fact that his cells made her to who she is now a days. But she knew one day he would be back from the dead.  
So, Y/N decided to follow the men, seeing where Ben stayed. No intentions to meet him, but when she saw him, her heart stopped. She sat in her car watching Ben opening the small motel door, wearing a baseball shirt and sweatpants. But his physique was nearly untouched, she saw he was slightly skinnier, what to expect after 40 years of torture and sleep in Russia.  
Before she knew it, she stood in front of the door, letting out a deep sigh. “Please don’t be angry.” she whispered under her breath.  
Ben held his hand up, making Butcher and Hughie shut up. “Did you...” he broke off the sentence he wanted to say walking towards the door.  
Right when Y/N wanted to knock on the door, it opened. Her eyes locked with his in an instant. “Hi.” she said breathing heavy. For a second that felt like a lifetime she stared at his beautiful eyes, roamed his face, noticing those freckles she loved. Feeling the desire to kiss his full lips. Needing to taste them once more.  
Ben kept looking at her like he saw a ghost. When he didn’t move aside or say anything, she started to regret coming here. “T-this was a mistake, I’m sorry to bother you.” But those words seemed to wake him up. Right when she wanted to turn away, he grabbed her tight, pulling her in his arms.  
She felt his chin and nose on her head, while one of his hands rested on her back the other one caressed her hair. “I thought I would never see you again.” He blurred out. “I thought you didn’t want to see me anymore.” He slightly loosened his grip on her, only to look at her again.  
“You cut your hair.” He noticed the once luscious locks were trimmed to a long bob, making her hair wavy now. “Well, you grew a beard.” Her hand instinctively moved to his chin. Accidently moving her thumb against his lips.  
That small touch started the fire withing them. Ben immediately held the back of her neck, pulling her up to kiss her. Passioned but controlled, when they let go of each other, their eyes where once again locked. Butcher and Hughie left the room. “We shall give you two time to talk.” The Brit said when walking passed them.  
“Fuck I missed you, Doll.” She could hear the heat in his voice. “How much?” she flirter, Ben’s lips curled in a smirk. “I’ll show you.” he whispered before finding her lips again. All their sorrow, doubts and fears flew out the window.  
Ben placed her down on the bed underneath him. His hands moved over her body, already stripped her from her clothing. His large hands cupped her breast, kneading softly before pulled her bra straps down.  
His lips sucked at her already harden nipples. Making her moan his name in a prayer. “You haven’t aged a day. Still so fucking beautiful.” He breathed out when his hand moves in between them, finding her wet core. His fingers glided through her fold, coating before slipping two fingers inside her.  
“Hm.. Still so tight.” He moaned in her ear while her back arched. When Ben wanted to move down she pulled him back up by the back of his head. “Ben... I don’t want to wait.” - “Tell me what you want doll.”  
She pulled his shirt over his head before using her strength to turn them around. Pulling his pants down to his knees and straddled him. “I need you...” she pumped his hard, thick cock with her small hands. “Inside me, now.”  
“Are you sure?” His cocky grin appeared. “Fuck... yes.” she answered while she sank down on his cock. Letting her head fall back. Ben’s hands moved up over her breasts and neck. Her body instinctively started to grind against his. 
The moans and praised sounded out of porn movie. But for them this felt like heaven. Ben lifted himself, kneaded her ass cheeks while guiding her. While her hands found their way to the back of his head and shoulders. Feeling his slightly longer hair through her fingers. Tugging while her lips concurred his.  
Ben felt her tightening around his shaft, knowing she was close, he turned her on her back. Hovering over her while his hips found a little faster but, oh so good pace. He knew from that moment he wouldn’t be able to hold back when she came, and he didn’t care, he needed to hear her moan his name in ecstasy.  
“Oh Ben...” She moaned while her back arched, her legs tightened around his hip. “Let go sweetheart, I got you.” Where the last words she heard before blanking into a breath taking, leg shaking orgasm. She was so out of this world, that by the time she came down, she noticed Ben had his at the same time as her.  
Ben laid down next to her. She looked at him, “what?” he asked out of breath. “You were, softer than I remember.” She noticed. ”Well...” his hand moved over his face to his hair. “A very special girl once told me to be more... gentle. Something about making love would be so much more satisfying.” 
Y/N bit her lip. “And I promised myself, if she ever gave me a change, I would show her how a man makes love to his woman.” he added. Y/N felt tears of joy in eyes. His woman... She crawled back on top of him, kissing him once more.  
“Thank you.” She smiled.  
She noticed a question lingering on his lips. “What’s wrong?” His eyes found hers again. “Stay here, at least tonight.” Ben said, realising his words weren’t a question. So, he added “Please?” after a second.  
Y/N’s lips curled into a smile once more. “Why should I?” she teased, knowing it would drive him crazy. Expecting him to say something along the line of “I’ll make it worth your while, or I'm not done fucking you.”  
But no, he thought about it for a second and said:  
“Because I love you.”  
Thanks for reading, if you like it feel free to like, share or comment. 🩵
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
"Oh my gosh do you sound like a sim to them??"
Me trying to place myself in their shoes:
"Why the fuck do I sound like a villager in Animal Crossing-- ARE THEY HEARING ANIMALESE WHEN I SPEAK?!"
(A.k.a I saw the previous ask and thought wait a minute. Two different worlds. Languages so similar but so different....... We're basically speaking animalese in another game/world lmfao)
(Bonus: Creator!Reader knows this and takes full advantage as their payback. Traveller magically understands and speaks back causing further pyschic confusion. Pretty sure soke brains have been melted among linguistic students in Sumeru)
-Vine Boom
It has been a minute and yet, you remain my love!! Thank you for your patience, have a little scenario as my thanks for that and submitting the cool idea <3
Me @ you: ♥ ( ॢᵕ n ᵕ (꒡ᵋ ꒡ღ) mwah! /p
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this gif is just really cute thats why its here.
also i have very little to add so its short but only bc im ✨uncreative✨ atm and ur ask alone is funny enough lmao, so once again, a scenario bc vine booms just a genius all on their own ✨️
😭so you mean 😭 as revenge 😭 for this awful deed 😭 done to your speech 😭 you just start EMBRACING IT 😭😭😭PLEAASEEE-
PLEASE the traveler understands it!! 💀
Also if anyone reads this im so sorry ive flooded the sagau tag with language shenanigans LMAO
Ever since you realized that the entirety of Teyvat sounds like Sims to you, (and the subsequent awful reckoning that you sound the same to them 😭) 
You have finally mentally recovered enough courage, and desperately shoved any embarrassment deep into your soul, to try and think of what to do about it
You quickly found that people had 3 types of reactions to your speech,
1. They try to understand the nonsense like you trying to understand their Simlish, it really doesnt work, you wish you could tell them to give up and just gesture at you instead:
(ALHAITHAM he keeps trying then giving up then trying again lol, Diluc, ZHONGLI, Sara, Albedo, Candace, Dehya she thinks she’s gonna get it THIS time she swears-, Eula, Gorou, GANYU she feels bad lmao, Jean, AYAKA, keqing, kuki, Nahida, ningguang, AETHER, Thoma, xinyan, XIAO)
2. They act like you when you hear animal crossing characters speak 💀 you can see the “omg so cute” sparkle in their eyes:
(KAZUHA, kokomi, barbara, KAEYA, ZHONGLI again lol he tries to hide it but you can see the tiny smile everytime you walk over and start ranting at him bc ur bored, Faruzan, GOROU, AYATO, YAE MIKO, keqing, LISA, mika, mona, KLEE literally loves you and you can tell shes always trying to get you to say something lol, Ei (archon), Rosaria she always SMIRKS and ur just- 😳, CHILDE the little shit giggles at ur misery, LUMINE AND AETHER U CANT TRUST EITHER OF THEM- , THOMA, SCARAMOUCHE BUT HE’D NEVER ADMIT IT BUT HE ALWAYS IS OBVIOUSLY TRYING TO HIDE A TINY SMILE AND GOES A LITTLE PINK-!! SAME FOR XIAO LMAO)
3. You know that tiktok audio thats like Isabella from Animal Crossing singing, and then someone’s like “uh-huh! YEAH! OKAY!!” yeah like that, but to you LMAO
(ITTO, Bennett, KAVEH, heizou, VENTI, Nilou she like nods after everything you say and makes sure you’re treated well in every conversation aw, qiqi, KLEE, Raiden (puppet) + Ei (archon), SHENHE no explanation needed, CYNO too, LUMINE, YELAN, yoimiya, yunjin)
Alright i got tired sorry not everybody’s there lol^
So no matter the reaction, they all are a little bummed nobody can get you, 
…but then of. Fucking. Course. 
(there’s not a single person throughout all the nations, the archons, the allogenes, doesnt matter, who hasn’t felt a LITTLE pang of envy for this- bc as cute as you sound, goddamit they USED to understand you when you weren’t physically here, before you overcame the Universal Barrier AKA the computer screen lol)
The Sumeru linguistics department is grinding their teeth, Alhaitham straight up glares every time they translate for you lmao, Zhongli’s eye twitches at least once everytime they do so, Kazuha is literally trying to bribe them with cool places he’s seen that the traveler hasn’t so they’ll share the secret of how to understand you, Ningguang gets 10x chillier when they’re helping convos w/ you, Ei looks like she’s fucking pouting-
Aether is just like 🤨?? For what?? I’m helping???
So confused he never gets what’s going on lol
Lumine, on the other hand, is FULLY aware and smirks every time she’s so smug about it LMAO 
^ the embodiment of the cat surrounded by knives meme ^
Ahhhh my exhibition is April 6th u guys!
May I finally rest in peace when that day comes 🪦
Cant wait to graduate and just have a regular job and not academia + deadlines 😭😫
Hope you guys have had a nice week or two!
Look out for more posts after the 6th :>
Safe Travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
Short one but hope its fun my beloved!! :)
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vanfleeter · 6 days
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My Love: Chapter 3
Characters: Jake Kiszka x Sara Warnings: 18+ || Language. Gore. Mentions of blood. Dead body. Stabbing. Angst. Threats. Betrayal. Smut. Allusions to sex. (let me know if I missed anything so I can add it.) A/N: Posting this early because I have a family reunion tomorrow and won't have time to do all the tags ;) ENJOY!
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The morning soon comes and the dread of leaving her fills my body. Her own is draped over mine, her legs entangled with mine and her arm draped over my chest. Her chest expands with each breath she inhales. I absentmindedly trace the curve of her bare shoulder. Leaving her for who knows how long is going to be absolutely horrible. I’ve never gone more than two days without seeing her, and even then it was never a good feeling.
I would miss her entirely too much. And who would protect her while I’m away? Surely not my own brothers. Not when they have their own responsibilities.
Looking down at Sara once more, I gently kiss her forehead. She stirs slightly but moves to rest her head on my shoulder before her body relaxes again. Carefully I slide out from beneath, careful not to wake her. After redressing, I leave her a note on the pillow, informing her of my departure but that I will be home as soon as I can, and then I am leaving.
Chris had sent a car to pick me up, almost as if he’s assuming that I cannot drive myself to the airport. Though seeing his presence inside when the door is pulled open is quite the surprise. He gives me a smile and holds out a glass of whiskey.
“Surprised?” He says as I slide inside the car.
“I thought I would be meeting you in Boston?” I say as I swirl the amber liquid in the glass.
“I figured we could ride there together.. Discuss the murders of this newborn.”
I hum in acknowledgement and take a drink of the whiskey. “Soo.. Any updates on this newborn? Any witnesses?”
“Well,” He takes a drink from his own before continuing. “Any witnesses would no doubt have been murdered..” He shifts in the seat. “I had the body of the latest victim brought to somewhere private.”
“How did you get it from the coroner?”
Chris smirks. “The same way I always do..”
I roll my eyes and finish off my drink. “One of these days, your little trick won’t work.”
Chris shrugs his shoulders. “We’ll see about that.”
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The rest of the ride was quiet, save for the soft blues music playing over the speakers. My mind drifted off to Sara. A couple hours into the trip, I received a text from her. A solemn one, wishing she could have seen me to say goodbye before I had left. I do agree that I wish I would have woken her up but I had kept her awake late the night before, tangled in the sheets of the guest bed. She needs her rest, unlike myself, for she is still a human. God, how am I to survive this trip for who-knows-how-long before I can get my hands back on her body?
I left strict instructions for Josh to keep his eye on Sara while I’m away. Though I know she is capable of handling herself, I still want some form of protection around her with this supposed newborn on the loose.
Why must I be roped in to solve this problem? Sometimes I curse myself for possessing so much knowledge on how they operate. There have been no dealings with newborns since.. Well, since myself and my brothers. And that was nearly five hundred years ago. So how did this newborn come about? Especially here? We know of all of the vampires within North America, all of whom are in their respective areas and living as normal as possible. None of which have been careless to kill another soul, nor turn someone.
Chris shoves my knee and nods his head towards the door. Looking over I find the driver holding the door open. Sliding out from the car, I step out onto the pavement and adjust the ring on my right ring finger. Chris leads me into the nearest alleyway and to a solid wood door. He knocks a few times in a certain pattern and soon the door is being opened. I follow him inside and the door is shut tightly behind us. Candles flicker to life along the walls, illuminating a long hallway and there he leads me down to a separate room guarded by two taller men. Men that I’ve never seen before.
They let us through the guarded doorway and we enter into what I presume is the makeshift autopsy room. The body of the latest victim is laid out on a table, a female, a sheet covering most of her body except for her neck. For obvious reasons.
“This is–” Chris starts before I stop.
“I do not wish to know,” I say, holding up my hand to silence him.
He nods his head and steps around the table. “I have forgotten that you do not like knowing who they are.. Too personal.”
It is too personal. Even though it is not my doing, I do not want to know who they are, for the guilt would be too much. Looking down at the woman again, all I can see is Sara. The guilt of leaving her alone fills me more than the secondhand guilt of this woman’s untimely death.
“The gashes on her neck indicate to me that this newborn has no self control.” I say as I bend down closer to examine the woman’s neck better. “He ripped out her jugular vein when he was done feeding.”
“You suspect it to be a male?”
“I’ve learned newborn males have less control than the females do. They feel less guilt, even less so if they have learned how to turn off their emotions. The females, before they learn of the switch, are more likely to be guilt ridden just from feeding on a human. Newborns also have yet to learn how to compel someone to relax and to not be scared.”
“Is that what you did with Sara?” Chris says, making my head snap upwards to glare at him. “What? No human in their right mind would fall in love with a vampire.. They only say they would because we are romanticized in movies and tv shows.”
“She fell in love before I had told her what I was.”
“What, not a who.” Chris hums as he circles the table again. “Interesting.”
I straighten back up and clear my throat. “I’m going to talk to the locals, see if they know of any newborns running around here.”
Turning away from the body, I leave the room and make my way back down the hall and out to the alley. My phone rings in my pocket and I pull it out to see Sara calling. Timing could not have been better.
“Hello love,” I say when I answer the call. “I was just thinking about you. Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, I just wanted to call.. I miss you already.”
I smile and turn on my heels to go back out to the street. “I miss you too.. I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer for you to say goodbye this morning.. I fear that I wouldn’t have left if I did let you say goodbye.”
“And what makes you say that?”
I chuckle. “You may be human, but you have this way of making me do things against my will.”
“Oh really? I was not aware that I could.”
She giggles, the sweet melody filling my ears. “How long do you think you’ll be gone?”
“Honestly? I’m not sure.. I’m on my way to talk with some of the local vampires around here to see if they know of any newborns.”
“Ah well, I will let you go-”
“Wait!” I exclaim. “I want you to do something for me.”
“And what would that be?”
“Every night before we go to bed and every morning, I want you to call me.”
“I.. I just want to know that you are safe.”
“Are you afraid this newborn might make his way inwards?”
“I don’t know.. But just please call me.”
“Okay, I will.” She says.
Chris steps up beside me and I glance over to him before going back to the phone call. “I have to go, I’ll talk to you tonight.” I say before hanging up.
“No ‘I love you’?” He questions as he sticks a cigarette in his mouth and lights one. He offers me the pack but I decline.
“I should get going. The sooner we find this newborn, the sooner I can get home.”
“Missing your human already?” He teases.
I roll my eyes and turn to face him. “I get it, alright? You don’t approve of our relationship, but last time I checked, it’s none of your concern. I do not care what you have to think about it.”
Chris’s demeanor changes and he pins me to the nearest brick wall with his hand gripping my throat tightly. “And the last time that I checked, I am the one who turned you and your brothers. So I would be careful how you speak to me.. I turned you, and I can easily get rid of you.” I claw at his hand, trying to free myself from his grasp. “I’m not just here to catch this newborn, Jacob.. Onyx sent me here to take care of that human.. I do not want to hurt her, because I know how much you love her, and it would pain me to see you go through the pain of losing someone again.. So, do not cross me again and we won’t have problems. Am I understood?” I nod my head and he drops me to the ground. “Good.. Now go talk to the locals and try to find out any information.”
Standing back to my feet, I straighten out my clothes. I wait until he gets into the car and it drives off before I start going down the street. There’s a clan of vampires that don’t live too far from here. They own a small boutique that’s open at all hours. They had to have seen something.
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The bells chime above me as I push the door open. The air conditioner is blasted on high, already chilling me to bone. As if I wasn’t already cold to begin with.
“Jacob Kiszka..” I hear a male call as he steps out from behind the counter. “I have not seen you in a very long time.”
“Hey Anthony,” I say as we hug. “It’s been what–sixty years?”
Anthony chuckles. “Try eighty four. I’m wasting away like Rose from the Titanic.”
I playfully roll my eyes as we pull away. “At least you survived the Titanic.”
“So did she!”
“She’s fictional!” I laugh.
“Alright, alright.. What brings you up here anyways?”
“There’s a newborn on the loose.. Leaving bodies along the coast.”
Anthony hums and turns around to go back to the counter. “A newborn you say?”
“I guess so..”
“You guess so?” Anthony says. “You aren’t sure?”
I shrug my shoulders and lean on the counter. “This last victim is consistent with the patterns of a newborn..”
“You would know,” Anthony smirks. “Though I sense a ‘but’ coming.”
“But…” I lean on my chin. “I feel like there’s something off about this.. Yes, newborns can be erratic and uncontrollable, but this seems messy.”
“Well they are newborns. They crave blood and that’s all they want, they don’t care about being clean.”
“I know, I know, but still.. This doesn’t feel like a newborn.”
“I can tell you that I haven’t seen a newborn running around here. Their scent is very distinguished for the first year. If there was a new one, we would’ve known already.”
“That’s it!” I say as I push off the counter. “Anthony, you’re a genius.”
“Well I did study at Oxford so..”
“I gotta go.”
“Don’t fucking disappear for another eighty-four years, got it?”
I chuckle and shove open the door. “I got it.” I say before stepping out of the boutique and back out to the street. Going back down the street and slipping down the alleyway, I knock on the door in the same pattern that Chris had done moments ago. The door is pulled open and I am allowed inside. Making my way down the same hallway, the candles lighting up as I go. Finding the room again, the guards stare at me before allowing me to pass. If I had just a few more inches added to my height, I wouldn’t feel so intimidated by them.
Closing the door behind me, I walk over to the table and pull the white sheet away from the woman’s face. Leaning in close to her neck, I take a long sniff. Her scent mixed with the dried blood has me clenching my jaw. A secondary scent lingers lightly.
Not a newborn.
It’s a familiar scent.
Taking another whiff, the realization dawns on me. My blood stills and a chill runs down my spine. This is definitely not a newborn. Rather someone experienced. Someone who knows exactly what they are doing but chooses to be reckless.
“I always knew you were the smart one..” Turning around, I am faced with Chris. A knowing look on his face.
“It was you..” I say as the pieces finally fit together in my mind. “You have been the one terrorizing the coast..”
“Twas I..” He sighs. “I’m surprised it took you this quick to figure it out.”
“Why are you doing this?” I say as I walk around the table, putting distance between us. “Why bring me into this? Were you trying to get caught on purpose?”
Chris chuckles. “It was indeed a ploy to get you involved and away from home..” The wicked gleam shines in his eyes. “Remember what I told you earlier.. I was sent here to take care of Sara.. I needed you to be distracted. Though I really was hoping that you would have taken slightly longer to figure it all out.”
“Chris, you said it yourself you didn’t want to see me go through this pain again. Why are you doing this?”
“Because Jacob, you have broken the rule.. You didn’t think you could hide this from the Onyx, did you? They know all and they see all.”
“No, you can’t let them do that!”
I start to lunge at him but he only grips my neck again. I feel something pierce through my chest and I look down to see the silver dagger that Josh threatened me with just last night. I look back up at Chris, betrayal evident in my eyes.
“How could you?”
“I’m sorry,” Were the last words to leave his mouth before I fell into darkness.
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if i have missed you and you would like to added to the taglist for this, please do not hesitate to comment or message me!
@losfacedevil @writingcold @edgingthedarkness @i-love-gvf @katuschka @josh-iamyour-mama @sammysstolenbirks @asendingtothestarsasone @hollyco @musicislove3389 @its-interesting-van-kleep @katiegvf @tinydancer40 @gretavangroupie @lizzys-sunflower @fleetingjake @takenbythemadness @godly-sinsx @psychedelectable @dancingcarbon @oliverfuckingreed @cheersdannyx2
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juniperskye · 7 months
Remember That Night.
Sneak Peak: Hotch reaches out to you five months after breaking your heart. Based on the song Remember That Night by: Sara Kays
Aaron Hotchner x GN! Reader
Word count: 1095
I wrote this in an hour soo…. it’s not edited - please be kind. Requests are open and feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
Warnings: My blog is 18+, minors DNI, not use of y/n, some language, implied smut, talk of heartbreak, some mention of toxic-ish relationship, reader and friends are all left gender neutral, idk ummm bad writing – lol. Let me know if I missed any!!
I do not consent to having my work translated or reposted to any other site. That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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He had broken things off just over five months ago. It had been out of the blue and you were devastated. The day after he said goodbye you had felt paralyzed, things had been so good, so how could Aaron be so okay with walking away? You had a hard time grasping onto reality after he left, so much so that all you did was lay in bed and cry. You had ignored all the incoming texts and calls from your friends for a few days, finding it impossible to leave your bed. But as time went on, you could feel things returning to normal, you started to feel joy again.
When Aaron first broke things off, you were sure you’d never heal. You were certain that he’d been the one, but after one month, you started to move on. You had started going out with your friends again. You had allowed yourself to be open to meeting someone new because things were good, and you were happy. You could return the smile of the handsome stranger at the supermarket because it no longer riddled you with guilt. Instead, that smile sparked something inside you, hope.
One month had been good for you, and after two, you felt alright, truly. Every once in a while something would come up and your thoughts would return to Aaron, but it was happening less and less. For that you were thankful. Your friends had set you up with someone and the date had gone well, he was nice enough and he made you laugh. So, when he asked you out on a second date, you didn’t hesitate to agree.
Then three months in, he was off your mind. Aaron hadn’t crossed your mind in quite a while. You felt good and things with this new guy were going pretty well, you weren’t sure if anything serious would come of it, but honestly you didn’t care. It was nice to be dating again and to have someone who was around. 
 And month four and five, you were living your life, you were better and didn't have to try not to think of Aaron. You had just moved to a new apartment and gotten a promotion at your job; the pieces were finally falling into place. You felt good about things and tonight wouldn’t be any different.
Your friends were throwing you a sort of housewarming/congratulations dinner party! You had put on your favorite outfit while they set the table beautifully and waited for the rest of your guests to arrive.
The night went on full of laughter and so much love. You were so grateful to be surrounded by so many people who cared about you and who celebrated your success with you. The group of you were a few bottles of wine in when a ping from your phone caught your attention. The notification had stolen the breath from your lungs.
You had been fine. Great even, that is, up until now…'til he reached out and said, "Remember that night?". You didn’t need any further explanation; you knew exactly what night he was referring to. It had been pretty early on in your relationship, Aaron had gotten home late from a case and you went for a drive, 2:30 in the morning he kissed you, it was pouring.  You held each other tight, before the night was over he looked over his shoulder. You had known exactly what he needed, and you hadn’t hesitated. That night you had climbed into the backseat of his SUV and let him have his way with you. It had been clear he needed to let off some steam and who were you to deny him. You’d never forget that night…but you hadn’t thought of it in a while.
Your friend had immediately seen the shift in your mood and gestured for you to go with them to the kitchen. Gently grabbing your arm to guide you there.
“Babe, are you okay?” They asked.
“Oh, I was doing fine until he said, “Remember that night?”.  “Remember that night?" are you kidding me? I haven’t seen him or heard from him in five months, and he texts me that? That’s so fucked. I was finally moved on, hadn’t even thought about him. Oh, I was doing fine he said, "Remember that night? Remember that night?".” You couldn’t help but wave your hands around as you explained the situation to your friend.
“Are you kidding me? Babe do not reply to him, he’s not worth it. Did you want me to stay with you tonight?” Your friend offered.
You shook your head, wrapping your arms around yourself in hope of finding some sort of comfort. Your friend wrapped you in a hug and made their way outside to start cleaning up and hinting to the rest of your friends it was time for them to go.
That night you hadn’t slept a wink. You tossed and turned, your thoughts racing through your mind, feeling completely unsure of how to proceed. The day after he had reached out you were broken for the second time around. You barely made your way to the couch, thankful that you had the weekend to sulk before needing to return to work on Monday. You prayed on the third day that you would be okay, that you'd forget he was ever yours.
You felt so frustrated with Aaron, how could he be so inconsiderate. To text you after all this time and ask you about a night you shared together. He broke up with you, he broke your heart. The more you sat with it, you started to think; “Oh, I don't think you realize How long I had to fight to be living my life To be better and never have to try Not to think of you until you reached out And said, "Remember that night?" We went for a drive, 2:30 in the morning I kissed you, it was pouring We held each other tight before the night was over You looked over your shoulder Oh, I was doing fine You said, "Remember that night? Remember that night?".” Aaron was probably reaching out because he was thinking about himself and how he was feeling, and not how his actions would affect you, which had been a constant issue in your relationship. As much as you wanted to reply to him, you decided against it, but that didn’t stop the memories from flooding your brain. As much as you didn’t want to, you definitely did, remember that night.
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prettymuchteddy · 8 months
Good Luck Egg Chapter One: Welcome Egg
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Summary: Jace Targaryen was one of the eldest siblings of his two mothers and when he found out they would be having yet another child he was both excited and nervous. His baby brother, Egg, would have to navigate life through their crazy family so as any good brother would do he started creating video diaries to give him advice for the future.
Chapter Summary: When his mother goes into labor early Jace struggles to wrangle all his siblings together to get to the hospital and meet their little brother
Pairing: Alicent Hightower x Rhaenyra Targaryen, Jace Velaryon x Sara Snow, Cregan Stark x Helaena Targaryen
Warning: some language
Words: 5,262
A/N: This is high-key written like a sitcom and is Jace-centric (since he's Teddy in this fic), also muña means mother in High Valyrian
The house was mostly quiet for once. The only sound came from the TV, a humming signaled the beginning of the theme song. Rhaenyra turned up the volume enthusiastically. She glanced down at her bowl of strawberry ice and frowned. Taking the whipped cream topping in hand she added more until it was a mountain that buried the ice cream, only then was she satisfied. She took a spoonful and smiled. 
Rhaenyra never felt fully comfortable when she was in her final trimester of pregnancy even when she had done it several times. However, to her, the best thing about being pregnant was that she could eat anything without her wife bringing up how “unhealthy” it was. She could say it was cravings and her wife moved on.
The screen lit up with the colors of her favorite fantasy series. Without hesitation, she took another spoonful. A sharp pain came from her abdomen. 
“Ow”, she huffed. Her eyes went to her stomach. “All your brothers were easy, why aren’t you?”
She swallowed the ice cream and turned back to her TV. Her favorite family drama show was on. She had yet to catch up to the current season like her son had but with the rest of the kids out of the house, she could watch her show without having to worry about them walking into the awkward parts.
Another pain came from her abdomen. She gripped the remote tightly. She winced. Slowly, Rhaenyra turned off the TV and put down her plate. She could barely adjust to sitting on her own couch. Every time she would end up rolling. Gods she forgot how much she hated this feeling. 
“Alicent”, Rhaenyra called.
The sound of boots clicking in the kitchen got her attention and before long, her wife walked into the living room. 
“What is it?” Alicent asked. 
“I’m going into labor”, Rhaenyra sighed.
Alicent’s eyes popped open. “What?! But you’re not due yet!”
“Well take that up with him.” Rhaenyra gestured at her stomach. “Unfortunately, I’m running on his time, not the doctor’s or mine apparently.”
Alicent scanned the couch for her purse. “Okay, okay”, panic edged in her voice. “A bit of a hiccup but it's fine.”
Alicent grabbed the purse which was thrown lazily on the floor. “Okay, I have our stuff here. Do you want me to bring you a robe and slippers?”
Rhaenyra bit in inside of her cheek as another round of pain resurfaced. “We don’t have time for that, my love.”
Alicent helped Rhaenyra to her feet. Rhaenyra threw on her sweater and casually walked toward the door with an anxious Alicent behind her. 
Rhaenyra looked over her shoulder and then smirked. “Ready for baby number eight?”
Alicent was practically shaking. “Gods no, but let’s do this.”
Jace wanted to throw his controller on the couch. He had lost another video game match with Cregan. His best friend was smiling but he was not. How after so many times playing had he not improved at all? He thought at least with the new combo he had, he thought he could get one victory over Cregan but nothing.
He rolled his eyes at the TV. “This is rigged.”
Cregan threw back his head and laughed. “Keep telling yourself that.”
“This is your game and console. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had done something.”
“I only play games, Jace, I’m not a tech wizard that’s your brother.”
“I bet he did help you.”
A ring broke through the conversation. Cregan picked up his phone but saw his screen was pitch black. 
“Jace, I think it’s yours.”
Jace shuffled through his pocket and pulled out his phone. The word ‘Mom’ lit up the phone. He answered.
His face scrunched a bit in confusion. “Mom, what’s up?”
“Um”, he could hear the nervousness in his mom’s voice. “Your mother went into labor early.”
Jace sat up on the couch. “But I thought the baby wasn’t coming for a least like two weeks. Is Muña okay?”
“Yes. Yes. Your mother is okay.” 
A scream came from the background. “Alicent, can you drive any fucking slower?!”
“I’m talking to Jace”, his mom said.
“Watch the road!”, his muña yelled. 
“I’m trying to”, his mom responded in the calmest voice she could muster. 
“You’re on your way to the hospital, right?” Jace asked.
“Yes, we are. Jace, I’m so sorry to ask this but can you please bring your siblings here? I can’t leave your mother alone.”
Jace nodded. “Yeah, of course. I’ll get bring them over as soon as possible.”
“Thank you, darling,” his mom said. With that, she hung up.
Jace had wanted to record a film from their short film, but it seemed that would have to wait. He turned toward his friend. “Cregan, I need to borrow your car, it’s for an emergency.”
Cregan sat up. “I heard everything your mom was screaming, let’s go.”
“Believe it or not that’s her calm.”
Cregan threw the car keys at Jace, who caught them with one hand. They got into the car and Jace turned on the engine. He glanced between himself and his friend at their uniforms, it was for their film, but he didn’t have time to change. Whatever.   
“Do you know where you’re going?” Cregan asked. 
Jace nodded. “Yup, theater rehearsal.”
The younger teen was practically speeding until they got to the parking lot of their local high school. It was a weekend so few cars were in the lot when Jace pulled into an empty space. He turned off the car and ran toward the auditorium, with Cregan close behind. The two opened the doors to the building. Inside were other teenagers dressed in costumes reading over a script. Jace scanned the group assembled.
“See 'em?” Cregan asked.
Jace opened the doors to the stage. On top of the stage, he saw a couple rehearsing some overly dramatic monologue while staring into each other’s eyes. Behind them was a group of teenagers dressed as fairies with cheap plastic wings. In the corner of the stage, she saw a girl with light hair dressed as a tree. 
“Helaena,” Jace called out.     
The couple stopped monologuing. The guy looked annoyed. “I thought we locked that door.”
Jace smiled awkwardly. “Sorry to interrupt, family emergency.”
Helaena in her tree costume made her way down to the stairs. The closer she got the more Jace was struggling to not laugh at his sister’s odd costume. She looked as if she could barely move with her arms stuck at her sides where the trunk of the tree was. 
“Jace, I’m at rehearsal”, Helaena reprimanded softly.
“I know. I know but it’s muña. She went into labor.”
Helaena’s eyes widened. “But I thought she wasn’t due yet.”
“She isn’t but the baby calling the shots here.”
Helaena nodded. “Okay, let me get out of this stupid costume. They can find another tree in the meantime.”
Jace helped Helaena unzip the back and she tossed off the tree costume. Underneath her costume though was a camo jumpsuit, supposedly to match the tree. Jace didn’t bother to bring this up. They raced back to the car. Jace jumped into the driver’s seat but found that Cregan was no longer in his passenger’s seat. The rearview mirror showed he was now in the backseat with his sister. Jace shook his head.
“Hel, do you know where everything else is?”
“Aegon and Daeron are at Ben Blackwood’s party”, Helaena admitted.
“Ben Blackwood is having a party today?” Jace asked.
“Yes, they didn’t want to tell mom and muña. You have to keep it a secret”, Helaena demanded. 
“Fine. Fine.” Jace then groaned. “Crap. How are we going to find his house?”
Cregan leaned close to Jace. “He lives in Ravenhall.”
“How do you know that?” Jace inquired.
Cregan glanced to see if Helaena wasn’t paying attention. “I used to date his sister, Aly.”
Jace’s face scrunched together. “You’ve never brought this up.”
“It was a long time ago.”
Jace sighed then started the car and pulled out of the parking space. As he began driving, he saw Cregan lean closer to Helaena in the rearview mirror. 
Cregan swallowed nervously. “So, are you a big theater person?”
“I like it, so I guess.”
“Cool. Um, what play were you doing?”
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, Helaena replied.
“Oh really? My teacher made me read that book for literature. It’s got a lot of freaky magic and stuff.”
Helaena smiled. “I know, right? I think that’s why I like it so much; it stands out from Shakespeare’s other work.”
Cregan smiled. “Yeah, it's awesome.”
Jace wished he could be anywhere else than inside this car and being forced to live through this conversation.
The neighborhood of Ravenhall was luckily close to where the school was. The security guard at the gate was nice and let them in once Jace said they were going to the Blackwood’s. The man asked if they were Brackens and Jace said no. He was confused about what was going on between the Brackens and Blackwoods but that was not the main objective. As Jace got closer to the house, he could see cars surrounding the house. The music from the backyard was playing loud enough that he could hear it from the front. 
“You’d think for a house party, they’d be more lowkey about it.”
Helaena pointed at the fence, suddenly. “Look the gate is open.”
Jace nodded. “Come on let’s these two.”
The three of them slipped through the half-closed gate. When Helaena told him it was a party, Jace had not expected this. There was a bounce house beside the pool where children around the age of ten were playing. A clown was face painting a little kid, while another clown made balloon animals. A pile of presents was in the corner next to a large table with an ocean cake. A banner above spelled out ‘Happy Birthday Sam!’ in big blue bubble letters. 
Jace stared at the scene before him. “Cregan?” 
“This is the Blackwood house, right?”
“I swear it is.”
“Helaena?” Jace asked.
“I swear they said they were going to Ben Blackwood’s party”, Helaena replied.
“This is a kid’s party”, Jace pointed out.
“Um, Jace.” Cregan nudged his rib.
Jace turned and saw Aegon and Daeron sitting in beach chairs beside the pool. Their legs were sprawled out as they laid back on the chairs, juices in hand. Without a word, Jace walked over to them. His older brother, Aegon was quick to notice him. 
“Hey, you were invited too?” Aegon asked.
Jace looked down at his two brothers. Both of them were wearing Hawaiian shirts with cargo pants and straw hats. Their accessories consisted of flip-flops, sunglasses, and a capri-sun in hand. Aegon even had sunscreen on his nose.
Jace sighed. “I don’t have the time to ask you why right, just know you need to come with us.”
“They’re cutting the cake soon, though”, Aegon complained.
“Muña’s having the baby”, Jace said.
Aegon sat up. “Wait, how?”
“I’ll explain in the car.”
The group hastily left through the open gate and shuffled back into Cregan’s car. Jace started the ignition and then turned back to the backseat.
“Okay, where’s Aemond?”
“At a friend’s house”, Daeron mentioned.
“Can you be more specific?” Jace asked.
“That girl he hangs out with, Alys Rivers,” Daeron added.
“Alright we need to hurry, mom and muña should have gotten to the hospital by now.” Jace began speeding down the road. His eyes occasionally went back to the mirror. He caught a look at Aegon and Daeron’s clothing again. 
Jace cleared his throat. “So, are you guys going to explain why you were at a ten-year-old’s birthday party?”
Daeron chuckled while looking at Aegon. “This should be good. Go on tell him.”
Aegon buried his face behind his hands. “So, I heard a rumor that Ben Blackwood was going to have a party this weekend and Blackwood is one of the most popular guys at school…”
Jace asked. “And?” 
“When we were in class, I commented that it sounded cool and that I could help out. He invited me and told me to bring my little brother so he could have fun too. I brought Daeron with me to the Hawaiian pool party he told me about. Turns out it's a party for his little brother, Samwell and when he told me to bring my little brother, he meant to bring Joffrey 'cause they go to the same school.”
Jace bit his hand to hold back a laugh. Unfortunately, a snort escaped. 
Aegon rolled his eyes. “Yeah. Yeah. Real funny. Laugh it up.”
Daeron suddenly stood up from his seat. “Wait Jace, that’s her neighborhood, you’re passing by it!”
“Shit!” Jace gripped the wheel and abruptly turned it without warning. 
Daeron who was standing, hit his head against the roof of the car. Aegon crashed into Daeron’s chest and then Helaena fell against Cregan. He immediately heard sounds of pain form the backseat. Jace was sure whatever he pulled was illegal, but he frankly didn’t care. However, he didn’t hear the end of it from his siblings until they arrived at the front door of Alys’ apartment. 
Jace knocked on the front door, impatiently. 
The person who answered was just as irritated as him. A guy wearing a long green cloak and riding boots glared at him. “What do you want?”
“Is Aemond here?” Jace almost growled.
The guy sneered. “We’re in the middle of something.”
Cregan stepped in front of Jace. “Let me handle this.”
The Stark was much taller than Jace despite the fact he was only a year older. His gray eyes bore down at the guy. “Either get Aemond or move out of the way.”
The guy was shaking when he turned over his shoulder. “Aemond.”
Aemond came around the corner. “Has the food arrived? Shall we finally feast?”
His older brother’s face fell when he saw them. Jace stared wide-eyed. Whatever annoyance he felt before was gone. His brother wore a long wig with an eye patch covering his right eye. He was wearing black pants, a black leather tunic, and a black leather trench coat. By his side was a fake sword attached to a belt. Aegon was the first to say something.
“Is that a wig?” He asked while slowly raising his phone to take a picture.
Aemond looked horrified. “What are you doing here?”
“Muña’s going into labor”, Jace explained.
Aemond stepped forward. “Now? Is she alright? Did mom get her to the hospital?”
“Yes, and we need to go”, Jace expressed.
Aemond nodded. “Okay.” 
“But my Prince, we need you for the campaign”, the guy said.
Aegon was trying to keep in his laughter. “Prince?”
Aemond sighed. “Sorry, family emergency comes first.”
Jace knew they didn’t have time to continue this argument and closed the door on the guy. 
“Car, now”, he directed his siblings. 
They didn’t need to be told twice. Aemond rushed to the passenger’s side while everyone else went to the backseat again. 
Jace took one look at his older brother. “Before we leave…a campaign?”
“And cosplay?” Daeron asked from behind. 
“It’s not cosplay, it’s for an original character”, Aemond explained.
“So, an OC?” Daeron asked.
Aegon furrowed his brows. “How do you know what that is?”
Daeron crossed his arms. “No reason.”
“Is that from the fantasy show you and Muña watch?” Helaena asked with a smile.
Aemond avoided looking at them. “Yes.”
Jace smiled. “Hey, at least you’re hanging with friends.”
Aegon leaned back in his seat. “Yeah, wait till we tell mom and muña when we get to the hospital now that everyone’s here.”
Aemond glanced back at the mirror to take in those present. Then he looked at Jace. Slowly, Jace’s brown eyes widened. 
“Oh my god, we’re still missing Luke and Joffrey!” Jace yelled.
Aemond stared in disbelief. “I thought you already got them.”
“Obviously not! Do you see them in the trunk?”
Aegon actually turned back to look inside the trunk. “Yup not there.”
Cregan looked at the Targaryen. “You thought I would put them in the trunk?”
“I mean saves space. Also, Luke deserves it depending on the day, especially when he’s always messing with the neighbor.”
Jace straightened up. “Wait. Wait. Say that again.”
“He’s always messing with the neighbor?”
Jace started the car. “I know where Luke is.”
“Terrorizing Ms. Velaryon, no doubt”, Aemond sighed. 
Jace made it quickly to the house. He refused to get out of the car and Aemond opted to be the one to knock on the front door. From what Jace could see from across the street, their neighbor, Ms. Velaryon answered the door. Her usual scowl was on her features when she opened the door. Aemond said something before she went back inside though curiously left the door open. Not even a minute went by when she came out dragging Luke by the collar of his shirt. His younger brother had a smirk on the entire time as she seemed to complain to Aemond about Luke. Eventually, she closed the door and Aemond walked with Luke back to the car.
Jace lowered his window as they approached. “Do I even want to know?”  
Aemond tilted his head. “Apparently, he broke in through her cat’s door and tried to ‘prank’ her by putting blue hair dye in one of her hats.”
Jace shifted to his younger brother. “Luke?”
“She said blue is her favorite color, I don’t see the problem.”
Jace looked at Aemond who was back inside the car. “He didn’t dye her hair, right?”
Aemond looked over his shoulder. “No. Ask him what happened instead.”
Jace turned at Luke. For the most part, his brother looked fine. His shirt was a bit wrinkled from where Ms. Velaryon grabbed his collar. However, his shoes were fine as was his baseball cap. Jace’s eyes narrowed. Luke’s curls weren’t sticking out of the cap. He couldn’t see his brother’s hair at all. It was all tucked inside.
“Luke, the cap.”
Slowly, his brother reached for the cap and took it off, revealing a head full of blue hair.
Aemond sighed. “Yup.”
“I might have mixed up the hats I was supposed to dye”, Luke elaborated.
 Jace could only stare. A moment passed before he turned back to the road and shifted the gears into drive. 
“Where’s Joff?” was all he felt like asking anymore.
“Mom mentioned that he was at a field day event”, Luke answered.
Jace picked up his phone and began to call someone as they made their way to the park where Joffrey was having his field day. As they approached the park, Jace saw the crowd gathered. He stepped out of the car and ran toward the group. The children were wearing different colors from their respective teams. Joffrey was sitting on a bench with a teenage girl beside him. His brother was wearing a jersey with the name Targaryen on it. However, dirt had gotten on the jersey, his shorts, shoes, and somehow his face.
Jace smiled at the girl. “Hey, thanks for helping me get Joffrey.”
The girl smiled in return. “You don’t have to worry about it, I didn’t mind especially with Rickon participating in this too.”
Jace glanced at her shirt. Team Stark was written in silver letters.
“You guys winning?”
“Well, sort of.”
“What do you mean? You’re always good at sports.”
“Sadly, the sign-up age was from seven to ten, so I missed the mark”, she joked. “Instead, I’m on water bottle and moral support duty.” 
Jace chuckled. “Maybe next time I can come and be the moral support of the moral support?”
He wanted to smack himself. God that sounded so stupid. 
She leaned close and gave him Joffrey’s backpack. For a second, their fingers touched. “Definitely would like the support next time.”
Jace nodded while he tried to ignore his heart beating in his ears. “Yeah, of course, I’ll see you soon, Sara.”
Sara gave a smile. “See you soon, Jace.”
Jace watched as she walked away by the time she left his sight, Jace realized Joffrey was halfway to the car. He rushed after his brother. Once he got into the car, Jace mentally counted the people inside the car. He had managed to get the last of his siblings. Now, they could go meet up with their mothers.
The hospital was busy when they got there. Jace, his siblings, and Cregan passed by dozens of patients in the waiting room. He walked up to the nurse in the front.
“We’re here to visit, Rhaenyra Targaryen. She’s having a baby”, Jace explained.
The nurse glanced at the seven other people who he was with. “Sorry, I can’t allow that many people inside of the room while she’s in labor.”
“But we’re her kids”, Jace insisted.
This time the nurse’s eyes bulged, and she again glanced at the large group. Jace recognized the surprise in her eyes. He was used to it, being in a big family and such. Now his muña was going to have an eighth. 
“I’m sorry I still can’t allow all of you inside during the labor.”
“What about like two of us?” He asked.
“Okay but only two.”
Jace turned back to his siblings. “Guys I’m going to check up on Muña and Mom, Aemond are you going too?” 
Aemond glanced at Joffrey who was standing in front of the vending machine. “Yeah, someone just keep an eye on him.”     
Jace and Aemond went down the hallway and found the room fairly quickly. Jace opened the door. His muña was lying on a bed while wearing a hospital gown and his mom was sitting in a chair beside her. Upon hearing the door creak open they both turned to him and Aemond. His muña gave him her usual bright wide smile.
“Jace. Aemond. You’re both here.” She reached out her arms. 
Jace hugged her followed by Aemond. His mom stood from her chair then captured both of them in a hug.
“Oh Gods, I’m so glad you made it. Are the rest of your siblings here too?” His mom asked.   
“They’re in the waiting room”, Aemond said.
His muña rubbed her belly. “That’s good. That’s good.”
“How’s everything been?” Jace inquired.
“Um”, his mom fidgeted with her nail. 
Jace’s stomach dropped. That was never a good sign.
“The doctor is running late”, his mom explained.
“What do you mean running late?” Jace asked. “I’ve been running around trying to get everyone here, if anything I should be considered running late. How is he running late?”
“There was an accident on the highway and he’s stuck in traffic”, his muña expressed wearily. 
“Wait but if he’s not here what happens?” Aemond asked.
“The nurses will have to help”, his muña said.
Jace scoffed. “So, the guy who we’ve been seeing for nine months for this exact delivery isn’t even here?”
“Jace, it's fine I’ve done this before. You have one example here and the others in the waiting room. I’ll be fine.”
She winced for a moment. “Just wait outside, don’t worry about me.”
Jace begrudgingly went outside and Aemond closed the door behind them. When they walked back into the waiting room, Jace excused himself and went outside toward the vending machine. Outside was fairly empty. Jace wanted to hit the machine, shake it, anything. He couldn’t just stand there and be useless when something bad might happen to his muña.
He wanted the machine to just swallow his dollar and give nothing back. He wanted a reason to take out his anger on the machine. That didn’t happen. The machine dropped a bag of candy. Jace roughly pulled it out.
“Didn’t know you were that serious about candy.”
Jace turned around to see Cregan had followed him.
“Shouldn’t you be in the waiting room?” Jace asked.
“Shouldn’t you? It’s your family.”
Jace looked away. “I just needed a minute.”
“Something happen?”
“You shouldn’t worry about it. I already dragged you into enough as is.”
“Okay, first of all, drop the bullshit, Jace. I let you take my car and went to go with you. I wasn’t dragged into anything. Call me crazy but I like hanging out with you and your family. And also, as your future brother-in-law-”
Jace scoffed.
Cregan looked offended but only cleared his throat. “I repeat as your future brother-in-law, your family is going to be my family too, so they concern me too.”
Jace shook his head with an amused smile. “Right your future mother-in-laws.”
“Exactly. So, what’s up?”
Jace shifted his gaze. “The doctor’s running late.”
“How late?”
“Might not get here in time late.”
“Crap. Okay. Okay. What’s his name?”
“Dr. Gerardys. Why?”
“Jace, just let me handle it,” Cregan assured.
Jace made a face. “What are you going to do?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Everything you say makes me even more worried.”
Cregan put his hand on Jace’s shoulder. “Jace, for once let me help you.”
“Fine just don’t do anything like…illegal.”
“Says the one that made an illegal U-turn earlier.”
“That was a different scenario.”
Cregan rolled his eyes. “Sure.” His gray eyes shifted. “In the meantime, you might want to talk to Joff.” 
Cregan gestured over past the vending machine. Joffrey sat alone in a seat, staring at his lap.
Jace nodded at Cregan. The two parted before Jace approached Joffrey. He sat beside his youngest sibling. Joff wouldn’t look at anything beside his lap, tough.
“Hey, what are you doing here by yourself?” Jace asked gently. “Everyone else is inside the waiting room.”
Joffrey kept his arms crossed. “Waiting for the baby, I know”, he said bitterly.
Jace immediately knew what was wrong. “You’re upset about the baby.”
“Why did Muña and Mom have another baby? We were just fine before. Now when they have a baby, they’ll only pay attention to him. Everyone else is always busy. Aegon likes to go out with his ‘cool’ friends, Helaena comes home late from her play stuff, Aemond tells me I wouldn’t understand his shows, Daeron does his martial arts and soccer every day, Luke is always planning some prank on Ms. Velaryon, and you’re out with Cregan making your films. With the baby, you’ll forget about me even more than you already do.”
Jace faced his brother. “Joff, that isn’t true. Look, if I’m being honest, I was caught off guard by the baby too. However, even if I’m a bit nervous, I know that I’ll love him just like I love you.”
Joffrey continued to pout. 
“We don’t forget you, Joff. We just have our own things sometimes and can get caught up in them. But you’re still our little brother.”
“You won’t forget about me?”
“Even if I got third place in the field day today?”
“Hey, third place out of twenty isn’t bad.”   
Joff finally smiled. “I won at tug of war with my team.”
“You did?”
“Yeah, I accidentally threw dirt at someone on the other team.”
Jace’s face scrunched together. “How do you accidentally throw dirt?”
“I mean I said it was an accident.”
Jace stared at his brother. “An accident?”
“Yeah. I also accidentally stepped on someone else’s foot.”
“I’m starting to think these aren’t accidents.”
Joffrey giggled. Jace just ruffled his dirty hair. 
“Want to go back inside the waiting room?” Jace asked.
Joff nodded.
When they walked back to the waiting room, Jace sat next to Helaena while Joffrey rested his head on his shoulder. Eventually, Cregan came back inside from wherever he was and sat on the other side of Helaena. They waited in the office for fifteen minutes before the door to the waiting was slammed open. A man in a white lab coat hastily ran down the halls. Jace sat up. It was Dr. Gerardys. 
Jace turned toward his brother, Aemond. “He’s here.”
Aemond sighed. “Thank the Gods.” 
Jace leaned back into his chair. The stress left his body when he allowed himself to relax his muscles. Half an hour went by when a nurse called their last name. Jace gently awoke Joffrey, who had fallen asleep. 
Helaena took Joffrey by the hand and walked ahead toward the hospital room. Aemond followed behind with Aegon and Daeron, whose flip-flops squeaked against the white glossy tiles. Luke walked just ahead of Jace and Cregan.
“I’m surprised the doctor got here so fast”, Jace commented to himself. 
“A little bit of persuading helps move things along”, Cregan mused.
Jace turned to his best friend and narrowed his eyes. “What did you do?”
“A little bit of persuading.”
“What did you do? And should I be concerned that it was illegal?”
“I just grabbed his business card at the front desk and gave him a call.”
“What did you say on the call?”
“I may have said something along the lines of a car accident being the least of his concerns if he’s late.” 
“You didn’t. Cregan, you didn’t.”
“Motivation helps.”
Jace rubbed his temple. “Oh, my Gods.”
“Jace, hurry”, Helaena called.
They shuffled inside the hospital room. His mom was sitting beside the bed with a smile on her features. She gestured for them to get close. His muña was sweaty with her hair slightly tied as she held a bundle in her arms. Her eyes gleamed when she saw them enter the room. 
“Kids, come over here”, she beckoned. “Come meet your baby brother.”
They approached her side. Jace smiled when he saw him. The blue blanket did little to hide his face. His tiny cheeks were red and round. His eyes were closed shut as he slept. His fingers were wrapped around his muña’s gown. Small strands of light hair were on the top of his head.
“Do you have a name for him?” Jace asked softly.
“We were actually talking about that”, his mom replied.
His muña scoffed playfully. “We can think about that later, let’s get a picture of the whole family.”
His mom scanned the room. “Oh, Gods where did I put that camera?”
Cregan grabbed the camera from a seat. “I got it.”
His muña smiled gently. “Cregan, would it be alright if you took a picture?”
Cregan smiled. “Got you, Mrs. T.”
All of his siblings stood on both sides of his muña as she and his mom presented the baby in her arms. 
Cregan grinned. “Say cheese.” 
Jace smiled with his family. A flash went off. 
“You guys look great”, Cregan commented as he looked at the photo.
The door creaked as a nurse came in. Jace watched the color slowly drain from her face as she saw them. Jace looked back at his family. He had nearly forgotten Aegon and Daeron’s beach attire, Aemond’s eye patch, Helaena’s camo jumpsuit, Luke’s blue hair, Joffrey’s dirtied appearance, and his and Cregan’s shirts from their film.
“Hi”, his mom greeted the nurse. “Would it be alright if you took a picture of all of us?” She looked at his friend. “Cregan, get in the photo.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Cregan rushed to take a spot by their side.
The nurse took the camera. Her face looked less than impressed with the family.
Joffrey was looking down at their news addition when he out loud he said, “He kind of looks like an egg. That’s what I’m going to call him, Egg.”
Jace gave an amused smile as the camera flashed. 
The nurse sighed. “Good luck Egg, you’re going to need it.”
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satansapostle6 · 5 months
Kids | Rodrick Heffley
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Rodrick Heffley becomes obsessed when he finally meets his thirty-five year old band mate, Bill Walter’s, younger sister.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Sexual content.
“This Night Has Opened My Eyes”
“Losing My Religion”
Sara Walter ran down the stairs with a reluctant weight to her steps; she and Lauren Do had had a sleepover the Saturday night before that involved a bottle of wine, prescriptions that weren’t under either of their names, and Uptown Girls. How Sara wished she could’ve been a Brittany Murphy blonde instead of a Courtney Love blonde.
She all but rolled herself down the stairs and opened her front door, not at all expecting who she found.
“Hey, Sara.”
She was stunned. Flabbergasted. Even a little offended.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” she murmured, actually taken aback.
“I decided to leave Boston,” Tyler Hayden announced.
“Yeah, I see that,” Sara said, not giving him the welcome with open arms he was hoping for.
“Sara, I hated it there,” he confessed to her.
“And why’s that?” she crossed her arms.
“I, it just… It was fine. Better than fine, actually,” her ex-boyfriend admitted. “But there was just something wrong with it,” he said, caring a little too much about his little speech.
“What was wrong with it?” Sara asked through gritted teeth.
That was all Tyler could say before their conversation was interrupted.
“Oh my God! Is that Tyler?!”
Sara winced with discomfort as Tyler smiled and waved to her mother, enjoying the attention far too much.
“Hi, Destiny,” Tyler greeted her.
He was the only person Sara had ever known who was allowed to call her mother by her name.
“What are you doing back here, I thought you moved to Boston,” Sara’s mother remarked.
“Oh, I decided to come back home,” Tyler stated, glancing over at Sara with an uncomfortable longing, “I… missed it here.”
“Well, welcome back,” Sara’s mother beamed. “Hope I’ll be seeing more of you.”
There was a lot of subtext here. Sara rolled her eyes, knowing her mother never liked Rodrick even though she barely interacted with him.
“That’s the plan,” Tyler responded brightly, once again sounding far too hopeful.
“Well I certainly hope it works out.”
Destiny Sharpe smiled as she walked away up the stairs, and Sara shot him a look.
“What the fuck. I told you if you ever came back not to look for me,” she said with a deep severity.
“I know, and I’m sorry,” Tyler apologized, “But I just had to see you… There’s so much I want to say to you…”
This hurt Sara the most because out of everyone she’d ever been with, excluding her ex-girlfriend Nadine, Tyler was the one whose apology would’ve meant the most to her. Had it not been for his own gain. Sara hated looking at Tyler in that moment, with his almost shaggy nineties ‘good boy’ hair, and his almost preppy oversized sweater.
Sara absolutely hated that he looked like Milo Thatch; it was what she couldn’t resist about him. He was the ‘good boy’, despite some of his behavior, and she was ‘bad girl’.
“Then say it,” Sara said painfully, before they were interrupted one more time.
“Hey, Sar, I think you’re out of…”
There was a deafening silence at the end of that sentence when Lauren stopped at the bottom of the stairs, realizing who was at the door.
“Oh, god, I can’t do this, I have too much hangxiety,” Lauren announced, before bolting past Tyler right out the door.
Sara just sighed, wishing she could do the same as Tyler just looked at her.
“Sara, I think you know exactly why I’m here,” he told her.
“I’m sorry. I regret how I left. I miss you, I wanna be with you,” he begged her desperately.
“You called me a drug addict!” Sara shouted.
“No, I didn’t,” he said sadly, “It was in the heat of the moment, and I called you Amy Winehouse—”
“That’s even worse, you know how much I love her!” she exclaimed.
“I know, and I’m sorry,” he pleaded, “I never should’ve said those things.”
“Well, you did, and you can’t undo that damage,” Sara stated firmly, “Now, I have a boyfriend, still, I think, who I love very much, so you need to get out of here!”
“I’ll leave if you tell me you don’t love me,” Tyler said dramatically.
She just blinked her eyes in complete shock, unsure of how to even react.
“What?!” she yelled at him more loudly than she had yelled in a very long time.
“If you can look me in the eyes, and tell me I’m not the one for you, that you wanna marry, and have kids with, and whatever else, I’ll leave!” Tyler announced. “Because that’s what you are to me!”
“Okay, fine then,” Sara agreed emphatically, “I don’t love you anymore!”
Evidently, this was not the outcome Tyler was expecting, and he was thrown.
“What?” he questioned.
“I don’t love you!” Sara cried, still flabbergasted. “You’re months too late! This might’ve worked in August, but not anymore! Go away!”
“Are you sure about that?” he asked desperately. “I feel like there was still something between us when I left—”
“Yeah. There was,” she nodded. “And then you left. With no regard for me, or how I felt. I don’t hate you, Tyler, but I don’t even like you. Coming here was a mistake.”
“I don’t believe that,” he expressed.
“That’s what’s wrong with you; you see what you wanna see,” Sara said coolly. “Now, I have a boyfriend, and… I love him. So there’s nothing for us to talk about. I wish you the best. Goodbye. Forever.”
Sara waited patiently, as Tyler Hayden stood at her doorstep, slowly coming to terms with reality.
“I’m gonna miss you, Sara.”
“I spent months missing you, to no avail. Now it’s your turn,” she informed him, before slowly closing the front door on him.
Knowing on some level that Tyler was still standing on the other side of the door, processing at his own speed, Sara exhaled deeply, letting out a pathetic, shaky sigh as she sank to the ground. Unfortunately, this moment was less of a rom-com moment and more of a Girl, Interrupted moment.
Why everything had to be happening at once, she had no idea. She hadn’t expected Tyler Hayden, of all people, to randomly show up back in Plainview on her doorstep. And now that he did, all she knew for sure was that she wanted to be with Rodrick. No one else, ever again, just Rodrick.
Sara sat hopelessly on the ground, struggling to breathe as she was overwhelmed my a mixture of hangxiety and life. Despite what she had said to Tyler, she didn’t know if she still had a boyfriend in Rodrick. She didn’t know if he still wanted to date her, or if he’d forgive her after the way she’d ran out on him without a word this entire time.
She knew, on some level, that most of this was all in her head, and she just needed to go and talk to Rodrick, but at this point, she had no idea how. One little incident, and she’d run off never to be heard from again. This all was too much for her at the moment, but Sara knew that the one thing she could never expect from life was a break.
“Why do you do this to yourself, Sara?” her mother’s voice interrupted her thoughts.
“Do what?” Sara said through gritted teeth, not at all in the mood for this.
“Why do you always make the worst possible choices?” Destiny Sharpe asked her.
“What are you talking about?” Sara stared.
“I’m talking about Tyler. The only boyfriend you’ve ever had who’s worth a damn,” Destiny reasoned. “He just told you he wanted to give things a shot again, and you turned him down?”
“I have a boyfriend, Mom,” Sara said in disbelief.
“A loser who plays in a shitty metal band who can’t even spell isn’t much of a boyfriend,” Destiny reminded her.
“Oh, so that’s what this is. You hate Rodrick so much you’d rather I get back with the guy who broke my heart,” she nodded, enraged.
“At least Tyler can make up for his faults,” she said softly.
“You know what, Mom, Rodrick has done more for me, and you, than you’ll ever understand,” Sara scoffed, standing up. “I’ve only had one boyfriend who’s both accepted me for who I am, and encouraged me to be better. I’ve only had one boyfriend who’s taken Connor to the movies with his friends, or gone so far as to yell at his mom in defense of me, and our family, and it wasn’t Tyler! You take Rodrick for granted! And frankly, so do I these days!” she spat angrily.
“Sara, you can do so much better,” her mother responded persistently.
“You, of all people, have no right to say that to me,” Sara assured her, storming off to her bedroom.
Sara had made up her mind. She’d taken a shower and cleaned herself up to drive herself over to Rodrick’s to apologize. It was all she could think about, consuming her every thought. She had to make things right; she was determined.
The moment she arrived at the Heffleys’, she ran out of the car to the door, sighing to herself and ensuring she was calm enough before she knocked. Unfortunately, she was not in luck when the door opened.
“Oh. Sara,” Susan Heffley breathed, looking as if she’d seen a ghost.
“Hi, Mrs. Heffley,” Sara Walter greeted her awkwardly, not sure of what to say.
“Come in,” the woman said automatically, unsure of what else to do.
“Thanks,” Sara said quietly, accepting the invitation.
She entered the house apprehensively as Susan shut the door behind her, looking around nervously.
“Rodrick’s upstairs,” Susan told her, “I can go and get him if you’d like.”
“Yes, please, thank you,” Sara said politely.
“But… before I do, sweetie, I, um…” the words were difficult for her to get out. “I’m really sorry, Sara. For the horrible things that I said that night, about you, and your family,” she apologized.
“It’s okay,” Sara said quickly, not really wanting to talk about it.
“No, it’s really not,” Susan admitted. “I said before I’d stop judging and respect you and your family. And I certainly didn’t keep that promise. I was rude, and cruel, and extremely superficial. I behaved like a monster, and I’m really ashamed of myself,” she offered genuinely.
“It’s okay… Some of the things you said weren’t that far off,” Sara murmured.
“Oh, that’s not true,” Susan seemed sad to hear her say so. “Listen, you and Rodrick… You do a lot of questionable things. And that stuff will be dealt with. But the way I talked to you… That was unforgivable. Especially considering how much you love Rodrick, and our family. I was unappreciative, and ungrateful, and judgmental. You’re one of us now. And I should have known better, as an adult. I’m sorry, Sara,” she tried to bridge the gap.
Sara nodded slowly, appreciating the genuine effort that she had never put in before.
“Thank you, Susan. That means a lot.”
“Of course,” she nodded, relieved that they agreed. “I’ll go tell Rodrick you’re here.”
Susan Heffley disappeared upstairs for a moment, leaving Sara alone in the foyer. Soon enough, because they were in the Heffley house, someone else came practically bolting down the stairs a moment later.
“Sara?!” Greg realized, eyes wide as he came down the stairs. “I knew I heard your voice!”
“Hey, kiddo,” Sara smiled softly, giving him a gentle hug.
“I missed you,” Greg sighed with relief.
Sara was one of the few people he actually hugged of his own accord.
“I missed you, too,” she mumbled, “More than you know.”
Greg went back upstairs after a minute, and eventually, Susan came back downstairs, just before Rodrick slowly appeared in the hall outside his bedroom door. He just stood there, in his old white T-shirt, beyond relieved to see Sara. It felt like it had been years. His eyes lit up when he saw her, and she was relieved that he wasn’t angry with her.
“Rodrick, I’m so sorry,” she apologized, the saddest look in her eyes.
His dark eyes just locked onto hers as he realized everything was going to be alright.
“It’s okay,” he breathed, coming downstairs immediately.
She didn’t have to say anything else. She sighed exhaustedly as he wrapped her in the most warm, loving hug he could, just like they used to do all the time. Both were just happy to feel whole again as they found their way back together. Sara couldn’t explain what happened in that moment.
It was just a shared moment of clarity; both of them knew then exactly what was important, and what didn’t matter.
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fictoculus · 6 months
౨ৎ electro; the masterlist...
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"the static of electro connects those who are moving; it connects us people with things of nature. we've learnt to understand plants and animals alike, but no intellectual bond could overpower one of an element. the sheer strength of electro is displayed often in the region of inazuma, lighting ripping through the skies and, in severe cases, leaving behind damage and destruction. never underestimate the force of this electric element, for the moment it will strike is unpredictable..."
➛ go back
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✧ beidou.
their voicelines for you; part 4
✧ cyno.
they find you crying they're crying, but why? their voicelines for you; part 4 how they kiss how they hug crying hcs; reverse comfort cuddling scenarios; sumeru ver how they kiss; rewritten
✧ ei.
their voicelines for you; part 5
✧ kujou sara.
how they kiss their voicelines for you; part 5
✧ wanderer/kuni/scara (note: i don't really understand the difference between them so some stuff could be ooc, i genuinely have no idea)
their voicelines for you; part 2 how they kiss how they hug how they kiss; rewritten genshin men; love languages
✧ yae miko.
their voicelines for you; part 1
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can't find what you're looking for? feel free to send me a request, and check out my rules if you haven't already!
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© FICTOCULUS 2024; please do not steal, translate, or repost my works as your own
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saynomorefic · 2 months
For Simon Month 2024 Day 22: Labor Day
Sara goes into labor, naturally, on Labor Day. Simon is about to be an uncle, and Wilhelm is Sara's distracting pediatric nurse.
Thanks to @youngroyals-events as always for hosting <3
Read on ao3 or below the cut
Sara looked pale when Simon rushed into the hospital room. He hastily threw his backpack on the nearest chair and went right to her side.
“I’m sorry it took me so long, the bus was delayed because of the parade,” he panted. “How are you?” 
“I need to get this fucking baby out of me, is how I am,” she exhaled sharply, wincing as another contraction hit. Simon squeezed her hand and circled the bed to hug Linda. 
“She’s certainly been a trooper. She even took the train from work to the hospital! Can you imagine?” Linda looked at her daughter with awe in her eyes. 
“I’m guessing Lukas is on his way?” Simon asked. 
“No, Simon, Lukas is not coming to witness the birth of his first child.” Simon rolled his eyes internally, but he was happy to bear the brunt of Sara’s pain if it meant getting them all through this. 
He had just been at the Labor Day parade with Ayub when he got the call. They had been getting signatures for a petition to increase the budget for Swedish language tutors in public schools, and things had been going really well. The moment he got the news, he rushed to the nearest bus stop and high-tailed it to the hospital. It wasn’t Sara’s first choice, or even second choice; she had a doula and a whole plan, but apparently when your water breaks over a week early, the best laid plans go flying out the window. 
There were three sharp knocks on the door, and two people dressed in blue scrubs walked in. “Sara Eriksson?” A middle aged woman greeted, walking over to the hospital bed. “My name is Katya, and this is Wilhelm. I’m your nurse midwife, and I'll be delivering your baby. Wilhelm here is your assigned pediatric nurse. His job is to monitor your and the baby’s vitals, and make sure everyone is healthy. Things are looking great so far,” she smiled. Sara looked skeptical, but nevertheless she nodded at them in greeting. 
The male nurse paced right towards Simon. “Sorry, if you don’t mind, I have to be here next to the screen.” He half-smiled at Simon, and he thought Wilhelm had quite a nice face. He wondered how common it was for male nurses to work in labor and delivery, and immediately chastised himself. Of course there were male nurses in every specialty. 
Brushing past Simon, Wilhelm looked down at his jean jacket. “I like your pins.” He smiled again, and for the briefest moment Simon swore he saw something flash in his eyes. Wilhelm was looking right at his enamel pride flag. One of Simon’s students had given it to him his first year teaching, and to this day it was one of his most prized possessions. 
“Thanks. Labor Day, you know.” Simon turned to show Wille his panel of other buttons. 
“Nice,” Wille nodded. “I’ve always wanted to go.” 
“You’ve never been? Is the medical profession void of any social causes to fight for?” He questioned teasingly.
“The medical profession doesn’t get national holidays. Babies get born every day of the year, you know.” He looked at Simon with matched sarcasm, and Simon’s stomach flipped instantly. Wilhelm turned towards the screen and started typing. Simon thought to himself on a scale of one to an extremely bad person, how awful it was to flirt with his sister’s nurse while she was actively having her baby. He landed somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. Someone had to keep the group spirits up. 
Sara’s contractions were getting more and more intense, and the midwife informed Simon and Linda she should only have one person with her. Simon was more than relieved to be dismissed. He grabbed onto Sara’s hand and squeezed it. “You’re going to do great,” he reassured her. It wasn’t often she welcomed his physical comfort, but she had a vice grip on his hand and stared at him wide-eyed. 
“You’re not really leaving, are you?” She asked. 
“I’ll be right outside.” He squeezed her hand again. Wille turned and smiled as Simon left. 
It was one of the hardest things Simon had ever not-witnessed. Sara was grunting and crying, obviously distressed, and he knew there wasn’t anything he could do to help. It didn’t get much better when Lukas got there, panting and sweaty and on the verge of the rest of his life. Simon had heard horror stories of parents being in labor for an entire day. His Mamá never let him forget that for his own birth, she didn’t have enough time to get an epidural and just had to grit her teeth and bear it. 
He felt selfish, but Simon’s mind kept wandering to Wille. As his palms sweat against his jeans, Simon kept thinking about how this man did this every day. He witnessed people endure the worst pain in their lives, had probably dealt with all kinds of situations and worst case scenarios, and did it all with a smile on his face and a sense of humor. And people said that teaching was a difficult job. 
Before long, Simon heard some of the worst crying subside, only to be replaced by a new kind of crying. It was high pitched, and much louder, and holy shit holy shit holy shit, he realized that was the moment. He was an uncle. Tears sprang to his eyes. It still felt surreal that Sara was starting a family of her own, and for the rest of his life he’d have her kids to take to Rosh’s games, or on playdates with Ayub’s two menaces, or even to take to Labor Day parades. 
All of a sudden the door slammed open and Wilhelm was standing in front of him purposefully. “You want to meet them?” He asked, beckoning his head back into the room. 
“Holy shit, yes,” Simon said, nearly tripping over his own feet. 
Sara held the baby on her chest, a sated and peaceful expression on her face. Lukas stood next to her, caressing the top of her head and cooing at the bundle in his wife's arms. Sara looked up at Simon and smiled, ever so slightly tilting the newborn in his direction. 
“Alma, meet Uncle Simon,” she breathed. 
“Hi, little Alma,” Simon said. She was covered in all kinds of fluids, her eyes screwed shut, but she was undeniably precious. He could see the beginnings of both of her parents features on her face. Sara’s mouth, Lukas’s nose, Linda’s hair. She was spectacular. 
He stepped back to let his Mamá come closer, coincidentally moving towards the nurse’s station. “She’s so calm,” Simon murmured to no one in particular. 
“It's the oxytocin. Some powerful stuff,” Wilhelm commented. He looked at Simon, eyes smiling. “This is always the best part. Right after, I mean.” 
“It’s pretty amazing,” Simon laughed wetly. He couldn’t be bothered to hide his tears. 
“Are you excited to be an uncle?” Wilhelm asked.
“It's crazy. My friends keep saying I'll be the cool Guncle.” Simon joked offhandedly. 
Wilhelm beamed back at him. “It is pretty cool, not going to lie.” Simon looked at him with a start. “My older brother has two kids. Also takes the responsibility off of us. Unless, of course, that’s something you want,” he finished. This was turning more personal than Simon suspected most of Wilhelm’s interactions with patients’ families went, but he couldn’t be bothered. 
Simon didn’t know what to say. He’d thought about kids, but it seemed so complicated. Surrogacy was banned in Sweden, and sure you could go abroad, but that was complicated, expensive, and potentially ethically unsound. Simon had thought about adoption, but it was just that. He figured once he met the right person, they would have that conversation, but until then it had only been a passing thought. It all seemed so real, with Sara cradling Alma in her arms, and Linda standing over them proudly. 
“At least ask me on a date before we start having the kids conversation,” Simon finally joked. Wilhelm startled, looking at him with wide eyes before bursting into laughter. 
“Is that a request?” He said quietly, glancing around the room. “I’m a professional.” 
They left the hospital early the next morning. Sara insisted on bringing the blanket they wrapped around Alma postpartum, the sheet of paper that had her heart signals and time of birth printed on it, and the basin they had washed her in. Simon, too, left with his own souvenir: a new contact and number in his phone, and a promise of a date.
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heliza24 · 2 years
Analyzing the sex scenes in Young Royals (using cinematic language!)
Every day I log on to this app and see y'all waxing poetic about the way Simon and Wilhelm kiss. And don't get me wrong, they're good kissers and you should talk about it. But like, if we're gonna discuss the intimate scenes in Young Royals, let's discuss them. Let's break them down. Let's get into the nitty gritty. Let's analyze lighting, let's discourse about framing, let's talk about musical motifs. And then let's all say "thank you" together to our queen Rojda for gifting us with these beautiful scenes. Yes Omar and Edvin are great at their jobs and have incredible chemistry. But at least 75% of why I love these scenes is down to directorial choices. It's Rojda's (and Erika's and Lisa's and Kristina's) world and we're just living in it.
Before we get into it, I should probably tell you about my thesis about sex and intimacy in this show (hammered out over the course of many irl discussions with @bluedalahorse), because it really shapes how I think about each individual scene. There's a lot of different reasons that characters make decisions in Young Royals. They're influenced by their families and their childhood and their peers. But they also often make decisions based on a kind of physical and emotional logic that only makes sense to us only because we have witnessed the magic that exists in the intimate scenes. Does it make logical sense for Sara to want to date the boy that betrayed her brother? No it does not. But the tangible proof of their connection is in their scenes together, so I understand why she made the decisions she did even if I don't agree with them. Sometimes I don't think it makes sense for Simon to go back to Wilhelm after everything that Wilhelm put him through. But I've felt the magic, the way the rest of the world falls away, in their scenes together. So I understand how Simon can be so desperate to put the rest of the world aside and kiss Wilhelm again in 2.4, damn the consequences. In order for this to work, in order for me to believe that two characters' attraction is so powerful it alters the rules of logic and gravity, the sex scenes have to speak their own cinematic language. They have to be different, elevated from the rest of the show. They have to feel sacred. And that's why we need to talk about more than just the kissing itself if we want to understand why we're so obsessed with these scenes.
I think the morning after scene (aubade, as my Shakespeare professor would have said) at the beginning of 1.5 is a good place to start. It's the zenith of Wilhelm and Simon's connection in season 1 and it's easy to notice all of the things that make it special, because the knock on the door that ruins the moment creates an immediate contrast with the regular world.
The whole scene is diffused with golden light, which makes sense because it's morning, but is also an intentional choice. That light becomes a recurring theme whenever Simon and Wilhelm are together in this way. The camera is close to both boys; when you're getting coverage of one of their faces you're practically on the shoulder of the other. Their faces fill the whole frame. (The show occasionally pulls a little trick of giving the camera the POV of a character, like before the first kiss when the camera stands in for Wilhelm and Simon is looking directly into the lens. This isn't that direct but it's still very intimate.) Contrast this with the wide shot of both boys after the knock on the door, when the camera is removed and above them.
I'm obsessed with Matti Bye's score in general but I especially love the music here. Those sustained notes create an otherworldly feeling of floating, while deconstructed pieces of melodies we've heard before filter into the scene. Also, the way the sound is mixed here is so different than any other part of the show. We are able to hear every tiny detail: sheets moving, breath quickening. Every touch has a sound. That sound cuts out immediately after the knock on the door, so much so that it almost feels like the oxygen has been sucked out of the room.
The first thing I notice about the kiss scene after the dance in 2.4 is the lighting. The lights coming from the party in the background are twinkling, which creates a magical backdrop. But the reason they're twinkling like that is because they're out of focus. The shallow focus of the scene creates a literal bubble for Simon and Wilhelm to exist in. The noise of Hillerska is distant and unimportant compared to whatever is going to happen between them here on the lawn. The other lighting element that sticks out to me is the warm light the hits Wilhelm, which I think looks like it's coming from a street lamp. That's a light source that makes sense for the scene, but I'm also sure it was intentional. A return to being with Simon means a return to that golden light.
The music here is so intense. The use of the abstract choral vocals creates this incredible sense of anticipation, like the whole world is holding its breath. I love the contrast between Wilhelm's historical costume and Simon's modern outfit too. By going out to find Wilhelm, Simon is going back in time to when he and Wilhelm were together. He's also reaching back into the traditions of the past and trying to pull Wilhelm, who has been overwhelmed by the historical weight of his royal role, back into the present.
We've got the very deliberate sound mixing again; you can hear every move of that kiss. The thing that stays with me though is that the sound doesn't go back to normal until Simon has fully exited the scene. His footsteps crunching on the gravel are crystal clear. Wilhelm is holding on to every piece of him he can, even his steps as he walks away.
This scene actually contains one of my two gripes with season 2. (Gripe number one is a much bigger story thing to do with Felice, which I might write about another day). But this complaint is, of all things, a tiny editing decision I disagree with. The edit stays on coverage of Wilhelm's face through the whole lead up to the kiss. I really wish it had switched to coverage of Simon when he says "everything just got so messed up between us", because that's the moment he decides to step forward and kiss Wilhelm. Watching Wilhelm patiently wait for Simon to make that decision is fascinating, but I wish the edit had respected Simon's agency a little bit more in that moment and shown us his face while he makes that crucial decision.
Anyway, the kiss is still great. Ok, moving on.
The "what's going to happen to us" hookup scene in 2.5 is interesting to me because there's a very clear beginning, when the scene tips from normal dialogue into something more intimate. When I first watched this episode, I was holding my breath, wondering if that hug was going to turn into something more. And then it did! There's one wide shot of the boys hugging, during which the score drops out and the sound mixing changes to emphasize those small movements and breaths. Then the next shot is up close, with their faces filling the frame. We hear Simon sigh and know that the energy in the scene has shifted.
And then the camera catches the golden light from the window, creating a little bit of a lens flare. "Holy" starts playing, which sets this scene apart from all the other sex scenes in the show which are scored but don't have a needle drop. I love that the lyrics of the song make explicit everything that the cinematography up to this point has been trying to convey in these scenes: Wilhelm and Simon together create a sacred space. And there's so much yearning in that song, which perfectly suits the desperation of their situation. They're scared of all the ways the future might separate them, but they know they want each other in that moment.
Also, I'm obsessed with the decision to cut the scene at the climax of the music on a shot of the curtains. It's like the cinematic version of an ellipses. It invites us to imagine all the things they're going to do together, while still granting the characters the privacy they were so cruelly denied in season 1. It is, in a word, extremely sexy.
Each decision is so intentional in these scenes, and I think it's one of the reasons why people connect with this show on such a guttural level. I think it also feels rare to have queer sex scenes shot in this way, with such care and precision. I feel cared for when I watch them, because the creators clearly care for the characters and the story they're telling.
I think that's a good sample of scenes, but if people are interested or have scene requests I'm happy to do more! Also curious about what you all noticed that you think sets these scenes apart.
(And a little PSA: If you enjoyed me talking about the sex scenes in Young Royals you might also enjoy me writing sex scenes for our Young Royals fic Heart and Homeland. Even though it's an AU we tried hard to capture the sacred tenderness that we love in the show, especially in the Simon and Wilhelm scenes.)
And edited to add: there is now a part 2 of this analysis that you can read here!
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Parent headcanons - Sara, Ei and Lisa
Characters: Kujou Sara // Raiden Ei // Lisa Minci
Genre: Fluff
Note: I felt like writing some fluff, as I tend to neglect it a lot. So I made a randomizer with characters from the game, and spun it. I tagged it as 'male reader', but can be easily read as GN reader.
Here's my attempt at some fluffy headcanons :p
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//Kujou Sara\\
First of all, congratulations for convincing her to have children in the first place.
Sara never got to experience any warm, parental love, and as such has trouble offering it. She has the instincts, sure, but her affections come out as awkward most of the time.
Looks to you for support when your child has any emotional issues.
Sara, being raised in a very conservative and tradition-focused society, has a solid view on how a family should look like. She most likely would like to have a son and a daughter.
May try to push her son towards a military career, and her daughter to the shrine, as tradition says. If they don't want such a future, she will try to get you involved. Please, explain to her that there are other ways in life than what society says! She will step down a fair bit if you support your children.
Will most likely try to pursue the traditional role of a mother while on parental leave, but will soon understand it's just not for her. She is a busy woman, used to constant action and the military routine. Sara hopes you are alright with providing the quality time and the emotional support she can't.
Doesn't mean she won't try to show her love, obviously.
Her motherly love shows mostly through acts of service.
If there is anything she can help with, she will do it. Even if her duties call, Sara will make sure to put them on second priority, or just hand them over to her subordinates.
That is aside from academic help. Sara recieved an education, but is not very eager to sit through it again. So help the bird-lady, alright?
Gifts are the second language of love, as her sizable paycheck allows it. Expansive clothing, rare foods, books and high quality toys, as well as others. They are not always on-point, but her children will surely appreciate the gesture.
Is the strict, somewhat scary mom. You'll most likely take on the role of the lenient, fun parent to balance it.
Bullies? What bullies? If anyone will be stupid enough to raise their hand on her son or daughter, their parents will go through absolute hell until they come on their knees to her, begging for forgiveness.
If her children will inherit her Tengu blood, she will help them tend to their wings and teach them how to fly.
She is loyal to the Shogun, but after enough time will rethink her priorities.
Now that she has a family, a real one, to return to, she will rethink the whole 'leading the charge' thing as well. Commanding from the back seat is not for her, so she will take to staying on the sidelines instead.
That said, her zeal will increase. She is now not only fighting for the safety of her ideals and the Shogun, but also her own family.
Overall, a 6/10 mother. She is not very good at this, but she tries her best.
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// Raiden Ei \\
Ei would only have a child with someone similar to her - a god. She has lost so many people in the past, and she just couldn't afford to see her partner wither away, and outlive her children (I assume demigods live shorter).
If Ei were to meet her love before the Archon war, she would be a completely different person nowadays. With someone to help her cope, the isolation and Vision Hunt Decree would just not have happened. But, for this scenario, let's assume you met her after the Inazuma story quests.
She will take her time starting a family. Raiden Ei has a lot of issues to work through, but the healing process will be faster if you will be there by her side.
Ever since her childhood, between all the fighting and bloodshed, she entertained the thought of having children at first, but the image of her own family grew more and more distant the more she fought. Soon, it was completely forgotten. It was you who reawakened the desire in her.
Ei was split between wanting to have one child to devote her love and affection to, and having multiple. She came to the conclusion that one son or daughter would be lonely by themselves, so two children will be her dream.
Her role may make her out as very busy, but personally I think that's not the case at all. With the Tri-commission to do all the work, Ei only needs to approve existing ideas and solutions, and propose new ones every now and then. That leaves her with lots of free time.
Wanting to devote full attention to her little ones, she will ask you to take over most of her duties. She will still take part in the most important discussions, but will avoid exhausting herself. You, being the loving and understanding partner, will gladly help her.
To say your heirs would be spoiled would be like saying nothing. Being the children of the leaders of a powerful nation certainly has lots of perks.
Ei will not hesitate to indulge her children in luxuries and expansive entertainments, like food or toys. You may want to keep an eye on her though - she will forget that her children have actual bodies to keep clean of cavities.
Gift giving, physical affection, quality time - Ei will try to give everything she has in store.
She will often get confused at modern things, looking up to you for guidance. She will learn eventually, but it's all still quite new to her.
Auntie Miko will make frequent visits, if only to tease her friend and play with the youth. A friendship will form between them, and Miko will get into all sorts of predicaments with them when they grow up.
The Plane of Euthymia will become brighter and more lively when she takes her children there.
When it comes to roles, Ei will be the helpful and loving type, who can annihilate her enemies one second and wash her child's hair the next.
The roles of fun and serious will be split between you two.
When it comes to jobs for her heirs, Ei will do her best to not let them experience the same things she did - which means keeping them as far away as possible from the military and politics.
If anyone dares to pick on her joys, they will be gone in a flash, leaving only a black stain on the ground to remember them by.
In summary, 8/10. Tries hard, and gets the results. Gives her little ones all the attention and love she can muster.
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// Lisa Minci \\
It was a hard decision for her to make.
Since becoming aware of her incoming mortality, she wanted nothing more than to live her life to the fullest. That includes trying out new things, drinking tea, dating and having a family.
But, on the other hand, when she will die, she will leave you alone with your kid.
Lisa ultimately decided to take the risk, but agreed to have only one child with you in mind.
Has no preference over their sex.
Her comfy job at the library puts no stress on neither her mind nor her body, so the pregnancy will go without issue. Her maternity leave will be relatively short, and she will often visit the headquarters to escape from her little ones and get some actual sleep do her duties, of course.
Lisa is going to cherish every moment she is granted with you and her children.
Quality time is her absolute favorite, mixed with constant words of affirmation.
Lots of walks, lots of picnics, game nights, cooking together or any other imaginable activity (appropriate for the kids' age that is) are frequent.
Insistent on eating every meal together.
Will hog most of the time and attention of her kids.
Will spoil them to the limit, leaving you to take the hit and be the serious one.
Lisa would still be very helpful, especially in academic troubles.
The mage would take a lot of pictures, and hang them on every accessible surface. Every memory worthy of immortalizing must be made such. Not for her, but for you and the kid to remember.
She has no delusions that she will live long enough to see her joys go to work - she would like to, no doubt, but it's a foolish hope. That said, her heir's role in the world is up to them to choose.
Will insist on sleeping together, sandwiching the kid in between you. It's the best position to be in, being able to hold the people that made her the happiest woman in Teyvat as she drifts off to sleep. That is where she would like to pass away.
Will offer words of wisdom and book recommendations when the kid grows up enough to understand her.
As painful as that will be, she will try her best to hide any symptoms of dying. Lisa just... doesn't want to see you or them distressed over her state.
Will make life difficult for any bullies that might surface, maybe going as far as to dish out the punishment with her Electro vision herself.
A stellar mother. 10/10. Cherish her while she lasts.
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Thanks for reading!
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