#⩩ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀(  ✿ rosalie  ⦙ fashion / style  )
kitsunetsuki · 6 months
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Richard Avedon - Jean Shrimpton Wearing a Dress by Rosalie Macrini (Vogue 1966)
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artfaceswarsaw · 5 months
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LETNIE BRZMIENIA feat. Brodka & Rosalie
Styling Ewelona | ART FACES
Hair Michal Pasymowski | ART FACES
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firsthchvrming · 2 years
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Inspos de estilo: old money, preppy
     Rosalie observa bastante os estilos non-maj, porque acredita que eles tem bastante potencial e também porque os acha incrivelmente bonitos. Desta maneira, é bem possível vê-la com esse estilo extremamente feminino pelos corredores da Academia e fora dela também.
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disarmluna · 5 months
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lilystyles · 7 months
when not in rome.
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a @lilystyles blurb!
my masterlist & no strings attached masterlist & blurbs masterlist
authors note idk this was a random thing i wrote at 2AM because i just missed them, i am still working on style so don't worry that should be out soon. also this is set way before no strings, i love writing about them in their previous moments!
brief description harry surprises y/n at her graduation (also listen to love of my life by h whilst readinggg)
warnings! angsty? fluffy? drunk y/n and harry (2.1k)
younger!lhh!nostrings!h x reader
* * * * *
University has a funny way of making you feel like you might never cross the finish line. Y/n like everyone else had multiple days where she would just sob and scream from the stress of it all. Exams were totally a torture device.
When Y/n graduated with her first degree before deciding to write her thesis Harry surprised her.
He’d been touring the world with One Direction for months now and she hadn’t seen him since Paris the year before, when he’d surprised her by flying her to join them in their Paris show and they’d had a wild few drunken nights that she felt blurred the lines of friendship into something more.
But after their few days, when the champagne ran out, and she came back home, she sobered and realised that nothing would ever happen between them. And if you spent a few nights with Harry in a limo drinking champagne and dealing with his wandering hands you too would fall for him. Just a bit. It's only natural.
She missed him, though, loads. He was one of her best friends after all.
Around a month ago they phoned each other, it was late for her and the morning for him, she’d been studying and they talked for hours catching up till the sky turned bright for her and her eyes drooped shut. The time between their phone calls had grown longer and longer now, and she missed him. She’d mentioned that she was graduating soon and that they were both supposed to be graduating if he’d stayed in Uni. She remembers them staying up late at parties discussing their futures and how post-graduation Harry was insistent that they’d still be roommates. She realised now that their dream definitely wasn’t a possibility anymore.
He’d told her that instead of being there graduating like they’d suspected he was going to be, he was in Rome at some fashion show gala thing, and his date was this sexy model named Rosalie who had her sex tape leaked a couple of months ago. She was happy for him, but a part of her couldn’t help but be disappointed. She felt like he was drifting away from her every day, but she couldn’t find in herself to be cross with him. He was swept up by the fame of it all, and how on earth could she be mad that he was literally a rockstar? She knew that he was still Harry and she was still Y/n but they weren’t Harry and Y/n anymore. Not like before.
And honestly, she’d probably leave everything and everyone behind, party all night, and sleep with sexy models too if she had the chance to be famous. But she couldn’t sing for shit. So instead she did what she was doing, and shoved her nose in a book rather than in lines off a bathroom sink, and she was rather content with the peacefulness of it all.
All thoughts of Harry were swept away from her mind when she walked across the stage in the grande hall. She was finally graduating! Thank god! She thought. She had a sash that showed she was an honours student, and she was blooming with pride, when they called her name her list of achievements was longer than the four painful years she’d spent studying in their grande libraries. She was so glad to shake the hand of one of her favourite professors and leave, the next year ahead she planned to travel and work overseas, she was excited about that.
But honestly, she was even more excited to get absolutely shit-faced at the graduation after-ball party. She found herself a few pints down, sitting by the edge of one of the fountains, when she nearly fell in at the absolutely shocking sight in front of her.
There was just no way it could be true. I mean he was in Rome, and she was drunk in London. She’d seen photos on her Twitter of him wrapping his tattooed arms around that Rosalie model girl, so how could he be here in London just like that? It was not real, surely. She must be hallucinating and the second-hand smoke of all the spliffs had finally got to her brain. But suddenly the man turned around and Jesus Christ it was him. It was Harry. His eyes were pinched as he searched the crowd and when he finally saw her they lit up, all green like a forest, and his mouth kicked up into that devilish grin of his.
He saw her dumb-struck expression and laughed softly walking toward his best friend. He was dressed in a suit jacket like everyone else, and since they were all drunk none of them noticed it was the Harry Styles of the One Direction AKA the biggest band in the world. To them, he was just some random twat who just graduated too.
His hair had grown all long and curly, and he just looked so much more like a man than when he’d left. Had he gotten taller? More strong? The arms of his jacket strained and Y/n sighed at the sight of him.
She didn't think she'd changed much, but Harry thought she looked even more beautiful than before, if possible.
When he stood right in front of her, her mouth was still wide in utter shock. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
He laughed. “Is that all you hafta’ say? Come on, hug your best friend!”
She sprang up from her seat and the silky long dress, which was a teal blue colour. All smooth and tight on her skin was hiked up slightly. Her gown and cap were long gone, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulders. He lifted her up off the floor and spun them around. 
She smelt like peaches and sweetness, and God, he could've stayed holding her for weeks.
She giggled and felt her face hurt from smiling so big. “Oh my God, I can’t believe you!”
When he placed her down, his hands did not leave the curve of her waist. “Surprise, babe.”
“What the- shit- I thought you were in Rome! How’d you even get here?” She asked 
He smiled. “I was, got a flight this afternoon. It was the only one coming home, sorry for missing the graduation part.”
She just smiled up at him. “You’re crazy.”
He shook his head landing a hand on her shoulder. “I knew how important it was to you, and I missed you. Sue me.”
She laughed, eyes welling with slight tears. Maybe he wasn’t drifting too far from her after all. “Oh, god, don’t make me cry, you know how I get after a few pints, H.”
He laughed, arms outstretched for her to cuddle him. “Aw, pet, c’mere.”
She smacked his chest playfully but cuddled him nonetheless. “Let’s go get royally fucked, mate,” She whispered and they pulled apart, hands interlocking as she lead him off to one of the pubs where everyone was buying drinks.
It was called The Ducks Nuts.
A few of her mates were inside. Ones Harry didn’t know, but she’d already spent a good portion of the night with them. So she told them her old friend had surprised her and they’d be here and there.
Harry ordered them some shots and eventually the night was just a blur of hands touching each other, as they got so drunk Y/n felt her world spinning. They’d hopped around multiple different pubs and bars and Y/n was so tired. Her heels itched her feet with pain and she ripped them off, along with her bag. As they walked with little purpose she threw her things at him and began to dance in the middle of the road.
Harry was holding her things as she danced in the street showing her best Elton John impression, and he silently decided that was what made her so perfect. She was just herself. And he loved that about her, he loved everything about her.
He laughed and told her what a realistic impression it was, and how they’d met at some award show to back up that comment. She was infinitely jealous, she loved Elton.
On her way back toward him she landed in his arms after losing her footing he shook his head at her.
“You are very drunk, Lovie. Aren't ya'?" He said, in a soft tone one that made her tummy turn in flips.
She sighed as they walked in a direction with no destination in mind. “You aren’t drunk enough, you need to get on my level.”
He noticed her shiver under his arm and quickly ripped his coat off. It swallowed her form and she smiled gratefully hugging the coat around herself. It felt like a warm embrace, and that smell filled her nose and suddenly she was home in her old flat with him, home in Holmes Chapel, home with him. Just home.
“Smells good.” She giggled as she sniffed the shoulder pad, her cheek brushing against the soft material all dog-like. “N’ soft too.”
“Why thanks, it’s Gucci.” He replied. 
She rolled her eyes. “Come on then, money-bags, let’s get you as drunk as me.”
They strolled into a tavern near her flat and drank so much tequila that they had to practically carry each other home.
As Harry looked up at the stars and moon, feeling the cool air nip her skin he sighed. He hadn’t gotten this drunk, and been this happy in such a long time. He was giggling contently, as she leaned into him and he silently wished that the night would never end.
He never wanted his time with her to end either. He loved spending time with her, whether they were on an adventure or doing nothing at all. Y/n made it worthwhile.
When they reached the shitbox of a flat she lived in Harry followed calmly behind her, and when one of her neighbours spat a comment about drunken youths he sighed, “I wish you would’ve taken up my offer,”
She looked up at him as she played with the jammy door that never seemed to open on the first try. Shoving her shoulder into it as she managed to finally wedge it open, stumbling inside ungracefully.
And with a roll of her eyes, she ushered him inside. “There is zero chance I’d let my all-of-sudden bazillionaire rockstar friend buy me a flat, just cause he can afford shoes worth more than my entire life savings. Anyway, how could I ever pay it back? I have two p to my name and a packet of noodles in my possessions, Harry.”
He laughed. “Think of it as a graduation present then,”
She sighed. “Just shut up and sit down, and I’ll get some wine.”
It was almost 4AM now, and neither cared. They were beyond drunk, but Y/n missed him and if force-feeding him wine would get him to spend a whole 24 hours with her, she totally would.
When she sat down with two mugs spilling with a cherry red wine, that was the cheapest shit she’d ever bought, Harry laughed. Her wobbly legs forced her to land awkwardly on one thigh practically on top of his. He smiled, one that showed his kind eyes. 
Green pools of emerald she wished to swim in for eternity. She laughed at the thought, she really got poetic when she was drunk, huh?
“God, remind me to get you drunk more often.” He whispered.
She sighed. “Oh shut up, and fill me in on life then. Who are you shagging?”
He looked at her pointedly. “Who are you shagging?”
A blush crept up her neck, and suddenly the only secret she had kept from him was threatening to slip past her drunken red-stained lips.
“None of your business, but there’s this hot guy in my physics who I would totally shag,”
He laughed, but underneath it, he felt a jealousy creep up his spine, he knew he had no right since he’d been balls deep in two Italian models this morning, turns out threesomes are a really good cure for hangovers by the way. But despite that, he felt an itch he couldn’t scratch that resembled something pretty close to jealousy.
“What’s he like?” Harry asked.
She shrugged. “Dunno, tall, glasses, got that whole nerdy silent thing going for him.”
“That’s what you like then, silent types?” He asked, running a hand through his long curls, and she reached out to play with one.
She shook her head, and said distractedly, “I don’t know.”
“Makes sense why you never dated me then.” 
During primary school, Harry dated every girl in their class including Daisy and Penny, except Y/n who told him she didn’t fancy him. It was an ongoing topic of discussion between them. Why wasn't he good enough? He always asked.
She laughed at that comment. “I know you too well for that, and I get the unfiltered you, and I lived with you which was basically like being married to you. We bickered too much to ever date, Haz.”
He looked at her with hooded eyes, and for some reason that stung, but trying to be light-hearted he said. “Never say never, what if we needed to repopulate the earth?”
She looked over at him and placed a hand on his and kissed his cheek, all soft and slow, and for a moment he thought she might actually kiss him for real but instead, she said. “There’ll be no hope for humanity then.”
He sighed, fake pouting before a couple of minutes of silence passed and he turned to her and said. “Come with me to Brazil.”
Her eyes widened, “What?"
“I leave tomorrow night, come with me.” He said.
She frowned. “What? Come with you? You can't be serious.”
He nodded. “Please? I miss you! And we can party for a whole week together, or sleep, or do whatever the fuck you want! Just come, pack a bikini and something sparkly, and I’ll take care of the rest.”
Y/n and Harry did end up going to Brazil but that’s a story for another time.
She stood up from the couch holding her hand out to him, and he slid his into hers. Cool rings grazing the soft skin of her palm.
“Let’s just go to sleep, you're talking like a crazy person.” She said, softly pushing a lock of his hair away from his eyes.
He sighed at her, “But m’ serious, Love.”
“Alright, ask me again tomorrow. That is if you even remember...now come on, let’s listen to Fleetwood Mac and sleep until tomorrow evening.”
Y/n's room was cosy and welcoming. Harry felt his eyes droop at the sight. A tiny lamp shining over them in an orange glow, her cot-like bed covered in blankets and the scent of her likely covering those sheets.
That night they slept in Y/n’s twin bed, cuddling, with Stevie Nicks serenading them to sleep. Cheeks plump and pink from too much alcohol, hands wandering scandalously, and the love in air was thick and obvious.
Before Y/n fell asleep she pecked his lips, in a quick kiss, one that it barely even touched him and said, “Night, mate,”
His lips burned like wildfire, and from that night on, he did think humanity had a chance if it was up to them. Whether or not she believed that.
“Night, Love.”
i have been a bit slack with updates lately...second year of uni is crazy and im already soooo busy, but i missed them and i wanted to write a lil sum for y'all until my next proper update :) BIG LOVEEEE
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
The cullens with an Emo mate
The Cullens with an Emo! Mate
Okay now this one is legit me. I’ve been rocking the side part and band shirts since middle school don’t even play with me
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He loves your sense of style
He’s the dark and brooding type, himself, so he relates to you there
I think he would really enjoy the music that you introduce him to
Always willing to help with your hair or accessories
“Edward, can you get my one shirt, you know, the one I wear all the time, the black one?”
“Of course”
And since he can read your mind he knows exactly what you’re talking about
He does get a bit concerned when he hears some of the darker themes of some of the songs
He sits you down and genuinely asks you if you’re okay
Just reassure him that you are lol
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She literally has a degree in fashion
She loves and appreciates all different styles
And she can definitely tell when someone is suited for a style or not
And she can tell that you were born to wear black
She will still help you pick out outfits tho just like she does with the rest of the Cullens
She just tailors them to your style
And she loves the music
She lets you aux anytime you guys drive somewhere
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I don’t think he would care either way how someone dresses
Like if he loves someone, they could wear those ugly ass galaxy leggings and he wouldn’t care
And he doesn’t really care about music either
So of course you can aux in the car
The only time he cares is if people start bullying you for being different
He will hurt someone
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I mentioned it the rock band post, but she LOVES alt music
Chances are, whenever you start talking about bands you like, she already knows them
She either doesn’t care about the way you dress or she likes it
I think she would have fun doing your hair
Especially if you lean more into the scene side
She would watch that one girl’s YouTube videos on how to do the hair (iykyk)
Another one who wouldn’t take shit from people at school
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I'm like a broken record at this point
But I feel like he would love being with an alt person of any kind
He just thinks it's badass
He likes your music too
He loves to roll the windows down and blast your music while you guys scream along
He would jokingly tease you though for what you wear
"Have you ever tried wearing a different color?"
Doesn't actually mean anything bad though
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She would think your sense of fashion is a bit... different
But overall she doesn't care
She just notices in the way of noticing someone's appearance when you're out and about
Kinda like "oh that person has pink hair ok moving on"
She's not a fan of the music
But she doesn't hate it
She loves you for you
And she would never try to change you
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Another one who overall doesn't care
You could literally wear a trash bag every day and listen to asmr of people breathing instead of music and he would love you just the same
But like Edward
He notices some of the dark themes in some of the songs and he gets a bit worried
Has a genuine talk with you about what he's noticed and asks you if that's something he needs to be concerned about
He will drop it if you say not to worry though
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Vampire! Bella:
The goat
I've mentioned it before but Stephenie Meyer confirmed that she listens to Linkin Park
So I feel like she wanted to dress emo at one point but was worried about not fitting in
Or maybe she went through an emo phase in middle school
Either way she digs it
She mentions a couple times how she wishes she could dress like you
Always down to listen to your playlists
And will verbally assault anyone who bullies you
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esotericas-sims · 6 months
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Countess Tatyana Straud has always been and will always be the center of attention, and she makes this clear by her fashion alone. Despite her age, Tatyana is always decidedly fashionable, even known to abandon dresses mid-creation when their shape is no longer quite so desirable. She wears the traditional Straud black in most of her outfits, but she accents it with bright colors, bold patterns, and extreme silhouettes. All drama, all the time. Her clothing is designed for show, and for controversy; she has concluded that this will aid her in her mission to bring her family fully into New York's social scene. Suitably, her outfits are always carefully curated for entertaining. They are always designed to be seen.
Count Vladislaus, on the other hand, prefers not to be seen, whenever possible. His outfits are simple and sober, meant to be worn indoors, or ideally just around the house. It's a rare day that he's spotted at social events, and when he is, he's content to be outshined by his wife. There is calculation in his own outfits too, however, styles carefully chosen to be timeless - always slightly out-of-fashion, but never entirely so. It's convenient to have a wardrobe that will last you far beyond mortal lifespans with minimal effort. Indeed, in years past, Vladislaus has spent much of his time asleep belowground. It was only after the conception and then birth of his daughter Rosalie that he has returned to the living world with any consistency.
Little Rosalie is still of an age to be entirely dressed by her mother, and Tatyana often doesn't do her favors. Already, Tatyana can tell that Rosalie will be a beauty to rival her, and the prospect of her own daughter stealing her spotlight is so maddening that Tatyana frequently dresses Rosalie in plain or outdated clothing, in an attempt to stave off the inevitable. Rosalie is too cautious to speak against her fearsome mother, and contents herself with the knowledge that someday she will have control over her own life. In the meantime, Rosalie tries to claim what power she can with the aid of her father. This manifests itself in the occasional spot of grey or brown in her otherwise entirely black wardrobe. They're baby steps, but she's confident that she'll make faster progress when she's older.
Playing with SeveralPerson’s Ultimate Decades Challenge Rules
Started: 1800
Current year: 1885
Family tree
CC Finds
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Next to me(Emmett Cullen)
Chapter 17: prom dresses and hoes
A/n: I'm back baby!
Table of contents
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The sun shined brighter than ever today. It was kinda comforting to see brightness the town barely got. I smiled as I felt the heat on my face as I opened my currents and opened my window wider.
As I got dressed and ready for school my phone dinged. A smile apered on my face as Emmett's name popped up.
Emmett: good morning Babe, I won't be at school today because of how sunny it is. I'll see you later tonight though. Love you.
I smiled and quickly replied. I went to get my laptop from Bella's room when my phone went off again. I looked and to was Rosalie this time.
Rose: hay, you want to go prom dress shopping with us tonight?
I responded a simple sure with a smiley face then jogged down the stairs for school. Before heading out the door I went down to basement where Owen's room was. I knocked on the door but no response. Bella came down and looked in my direction.
“I think Charlie took him to school” she said softly. I nodded slinging my backpack over my shoulder.
“okay, see ya at school” I called out as walked out into the sun.
Since the weather remained perfect throughout the day everyone was outside for lunch. I sat at a picnic bench with Tyler, Eric, and Bella's friends.
Me, Bella, and the boys were playing Uno. When it was her turn she didn't go due to the fact she was too distracted looking for Edward.
“they're not here today Bella” I said not looking up from my cards. “and it's your turn”
“where are they?” Bella asked putting down a card that made Tyler draw four cards. “nunya” I mumbled.
“Emmet and them ditch?” she asked ignoring what I said just a minute ago.
“when ever the weather is nice Dr and Mrs. Cullen pull them out of school for hiking and camping” Jessica said.
“I tired that on my parents, not even close” Jessica said as I put a plus four card down making Tyler draw.
“guys! I'm going to prom with Eric!” Angela said coming up behind me and giving me a hug.
“that's great!” I said as she sat down next to me. “yeah, I just asked him and took control”
“we told you he'd say yes” I said giving her a side hug. Angel then gave me a sad look. “are you sure you have to go out of town?”
Oh right, Rosalie told Mike I was going to Alaska. I didn't even think about that white lie getting to our other friends. I shook my head smiling. “no me and Emmett are going... I just didn't want to go with Mike so Rose told him we were going to Alaska”
Jessica gave me a dirty look as me and Angela continued our conversation.
“well I don't blame you there” she chuckled. “but I'm glad you and Emmett are going, you guys make a cute couple”
With jealousy in her eyes Jessica chimed into the conversation. “Angela, we should go shopping in Port Angeles before all the good dresses are cleaned out”
Angela nodded then turned to me. “yeah, y/n you want to come with us?”
Jessica rolled her eyes, ignoring her I gave Angel a soft smile. “I'm actually going with Alice and Rosalie tonight, but hey, maybe we'll run into each other”
Angela nodded agreeing. The bell rung and Tyler slapped down his last card. “UNO! suck on that!” he threw the deck of cards at Bella as everyone started to go back in side for our next class.
The girls sorted through different dresses and threw them in different piles. As Rose and Alice went through them like a couple of tornados with lipstick, y/n looked at the more casual ones with darker colors. Alice saw this and her fashion police persona was about to kick in but Rosalie stopped her.
After awhile Rose and Alice both found dresses, but y/n on the other hand was freaking out in the dressing room. As the two vampire girls sat on the uncomfortable couch they watched different dresses of colors and styles.
“I don't look good in any of these!”
Rosalie rolled her eyes playfully and dropped her hand on her thigh. “well, it would be nice to see one of them Sweetheart”
Y/n huffed and came out in a short blue dress. Alice and Rosalie's eyes lit up with happiness. To the two vampires it was like a memory they always wanted with a sister. The two had a moment and had the realization of how comfortable they really are with each other.
Rosalie, still in her white one, spung her around checking out how the dress compliment her figure. There laughter came to hult when a group of guys knocked on the window and cat called them.
“gross” Alice mumbled.
“bunch of creeps” Rosalie growled not realizing she was blocking y/n from the prying eyes of those men.
“come on let's pay for all this” Alice said happily.
--------( the boys pov )--------
The same group of guys giggle with laughter, they were obviously drunk. “hey, did you see that blonde! She was smoking” the drunk cackled and blindly bumped into Damon and Jasper.
“what the fuck man?” Damon said throughing his hands out.
As the boys got out of the way, rage filled Jasper and Edward. Edward could hear every vile thought the those guys had about his best friend and sisters.Jasper could feel the lust and he almost did the unthinkable when he found out on of them was lusting for Alice.
“let's go find the girls” Edward said. Emmett gave him a confused look as he slung his TUX bag over his shoulder. “What wrong?”
Unless they wanted a blood bath Edward nor Jasper told Emmett about the vile guys thst pushed past them. Emmett asked again and Edward shook his head.
“I'm board, let's find the girls... There's movies and must story y/n wanted to go to” Edward lied.
The boys walked in and met up with there mates. Emmett smiled as he walked up to Rosalie and Y/n as they waited to pay for their dresses. “hey Beautiful”
She smiled as Emmett kissed her forehead. “let me see the tux” she said turning towrds him. Emmett held the hanger and unzipped the dust cover showing a black and blue tux.
“looks awesome, and we match” y/n grinned as she held the dress up to her body.
As they were having their moment, Jasper and Alice kept their conversation dark and hushed. “did a group of drunk guys come into the store?”
Alice shook her head no. “they banged on the window and cat called... That's it” Jasper nodded feel a bit better about the situation. It still angered him that thoses guys would even look at Alice that way, but he was just happy she was untouched.
As they left the dress store they mistakenly split up again. Rosalie and Y/n left for the movie/music shop while Alice and Jasper went to a shoe store. Edward went God knows where while Damon and Emmett left to get a car part at an auto part store for the jeep.
It was about night time when Rose and y/n left to met up with the rest of the family. It was dark and uneasy and both girls could feel it. Rosalie linked her arm with y/n so they stayed close together.
“stay close” Rose said as she noticed the same guys walking close to them.
“Hey, saw you girls in the dress store” one guy chuckled. Roses blocked their veiw of y/n as old memories came flooding back to rose. Royce kings voice rang in her head fearing that she'd have to kill again just to make sure the same thing that happened to her didn't happen to y/n.
“pretty thing” one said as he touched y/n hair. Roses immediately pushed him off of her. “don't touch her”
“Iike the blonde... She's got fire in her” another one said. Y/n then swung her fist making the guy fall to the ground. As he did tires screached in the distance and Emmett's jeep came flying in.
“get in the jeep” Emmett said as Damon came flying out of his brother's car. He sped over to the guy that touched Rosalie.
“Damon don't!” Rose said, but it was too late. Damon sunk his teeth in the guy killing him instantly. He didn't drink the blood like the family feared just left the body and pulled Rosalie towrds the jeep like Emmett did y/n.
“drive!” Damon shouted as he got in the passenger seat. Y/n started to shake in the back as Emmett's engine roared and speed through the slik streets.
“we should go back there and finish the job” Emmett grited as he pushed his foot harder on the Gas. Rosalie rubbed y/n's shoulder as she started to shake.
“no you shouldn't” Rosalie said.
Damon just as pissed punched the glove box. “shit! Don't tell Carlisle I killed a guy”
Emmett rolled his eyes. “that's the least of our problems right now” he speed up making the car feel like it was flying. It made y/n heart pound as Emmett made sharp turns that made by standers honk.
“Emmett please slow down” y/n mumbled. He didn't let up, his anger was making it hard to think straight. Damon looked behind him to the backseat seeing y/n having a panic attack.
“dude slow down” Damon said a bit more calm.
“shut up!” Emmett said.
“EMMETT STOP THE FUCKING CAR!” Rosalie shouted making the jeep go to a sudden holt. The sudden movement made Damon lung forward and hit his head on the dash.
“fuck” Damon said.
Emmett wripped his door open and speed to y/n. “I'm so sorry baby... I-I wasn't trying to scare you” he said pulling her into a massive bear hug. She held on tight as the other cars came up to them.
“is everything okay?!” Alice said coming over. Jasper walked over to y/n and she immediately started to calm down.
“guys let's go home” Rosalie said. “Esme already talked to your uncle, your staying the night”
“your driving” Emmett said tossing the keys to Rose so he could ride in the back with his girlfriend. The drive home was silent expect for the occasional joke from Damon. They were trying really hard to turn the night and and not give those guys the satisfaction of ruining the party.
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chibivesicle · 12 days
Current manga[ish] reading list in no particular order
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Neighborhood Story (Gokinjo Monogatari) by Ai Yawaza - I now own up to volume 3 of the English release of the manga. The four volume set is based on what I believe was the 10th Anniversary reprint of the manga in Japan. The French edition also follows the four book format but I think the German sticks to the original seven. I have the original tankobon editions for volumes 1-3 where when you line them up, it creates a long dinner table with the entire cast.
I read the entire manga in the early 2010s via scans and had spent the late 90s to that point praying for an official release after Paradise Kiss was printed by Tokyopop. The series was old enough that in the late 90s early 2000s no one was out there doing the line by line translations that I used to use to read manga. I read all of Wish that way with the original manga and the speech bubble guide. e.g. page 12 panel 5 Overall impressions - this was a white whale for me - I likely bought the original manga when I was sixteen or seventeen based on the art style alone. I would say it falls into your standard dramatic shoujo manga with high school students but the lives of ones in counter-culture, outside the norms of usual expectations. When I read the scans I enjoyed it and while it was nothing mind blowing it is a rewarding read. The various individuals sporting alternative fashions is one of my favorite aspects of it. You have a MC who leans mostly towards mod style (Twiggy from the 1960s) with a strong vintage twist, punk, lolita, generic 90s alternative dude, preppy and your designer brand girl.
I look forward to getting volume 4 and completing the set, just it will be likely 28 years later than I would have wanted. The Rose of Versailles by Riyoko Ikeda - I sprung hard for the recent English hardcover editions. One of my friends lent me her roommates 2 volume tankobon set of this series in 2000, but it too lacked a good translation to find online and read along to it. I watched the anime in 2014 and bought the DVD box set. Of course, I couldn't say no to this classic shoujo manga. I'm through the first three volumes and slowly working my way through it. Seeing that I already watched the anime, nothing in it is overall surprising.
I have noticed that early on the level of gay is pretty high and this current "twist" of Andre getting closer to Oscar is much stronger than I felt in the anime. The entire loss of Rosalie and her fawning over Oscar was a disappointment, also toned down in the anime. There is a lot more questioning with Oscar's character as to who she is, what she desires and how to fit into her world. I really wish it pressed those questions more but alas, I'm really starting to feel the Oscar x Andre pressure ramping up. In the anime I felt like it sort of came out of nowhere and in the manga it is more like - okay Rosalie's crush was cute but real adult relationships need a man. lols. Even with my different opinion on the manga compared to the anime, I cannot stress how owning such a fundamental manga series is. I don't think I'll ever attempt a meta on this - more than enough already exists about this with how long it has been around. Witch Hat Atelier by Kamome Shirahama - An impulse purchase at The Comic Swap on Allen Street. I'm pretty sure some of the individual volumes of X and other early 2000s manga were on the shelf when I was in university.
I'd heard some good murmurs about this manga and a friend kept recommending it. I can't explain how blown away I was this series. The art style is amazing with little use of screen tones and the emphasis on line art. With the author's previous work for DC and Marvel it shows but in all the good ways as far a composition and again that line art. And we haven't even gotten to the story itself! I have read through volume 3 and the pacing is excellent. It doesn't info dump how magic works and the world building is natural and unforced. It already has brought up great questions about who controls knowledge, disability vs accommodation, dealing with trauma, what is your purpose in life/goals. It has the right amount of whimsy that you feel cozy but at the same time you know when shit is serious.
What I feel the most is that Witch Hat Atelier is intentional with everything in it. It is a carefully constructed story and comes together naturally with a good balance of young pupils and adults. And the character designs! Oh my goodness, I love them all.
The Apothecary Diaries by Natsu Hyuuga - Can't skip my gal Mao Mao. I mean I cosplayed as her back in April because how frequently do you get a pragmatic female lead with deadpan humor and is a scientist who likes plants? I also watched the first season of the anime loving every moment of it and how it really shines with its focus on women navigating a world not made to really benefit them. I decided to read the original light novel instead of the manga based on the light novel. I think by time I finish volume 2 I will have caught up to season 1 and hopefully, pull ahead of the eventual second season which comes in 2025, I think.
Out of all the titles, this one is likely my biggest guilty pleasure as a plant biologist; Mao Mao as a character has a lot of common scientist traits which make her very relatable and fun to see in any sort of media. Her obliviousness to certain things not because she doesn't have an eye for details but because she can't be bothered is realistic but rarely given to a female character in most forms of media regardless of cultural context.
Will I dive into the rest of these series for a meta? I'm honestly not sure. I may do a "quick" review of Gokinjo Monogatari when I complete volume 4 but it isn't the sort of manga that feeds into deep critical analysis. It is a coming of age story about artistic kids and looks cool.
I'd likely be more inclined to tackle Witch Hat Atelier but sometimes I just want to read something and not deep dive into it even if it intellectually feeds my curiosity. My current plan is to catch up on the manga and I'm relying on my county library to read volumes 4-13. If I really like it, I'll probably become a sucker and buy it at some point but I need to be a little more mindful of my manga purchases for the sake of my overflowing bookshelves. I took one of those surveys about how much manga you own and I wasn't expecting to clock in at almost 200 volumes when I've given away/sold/donated them from time to time.
I've got some thoughts on Kekkai Sensen but I'm waiting for the next chapter to drop since it ended on a cliff hanger with that plot twist where the "Count" from previous statements in the manga was not some old frumpy classic Dracula like Blood Breed but instead in a teenage form as Edgar. I liked the twist since I was suspicious of his character but didn't think he might have been the true mastermind of things. But we'd be lazy readers if we'd forgotten that Blood Breeds can easily shapeshift as demonstrated with Girika and Tonio. I will always give her ultimate cougar cred testing out her boy toy before committing to making him a Blood Breed instead of snacking on him.
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fuckmeyer · 9 months
How do you imagine the Cullens and Bella dressing like in your book?
similar style but slight adjustments.
Bella probably goes through the biggest change. she starts off In the Afterlight wearing jeans, band tees, chunky sweaters, & very eclectic pieces (bowling shirt ABSOLUTELY exists). in Come Nightfall she changes - she 1) won't wear anything she stole from Edward (i.e. sweaters and flannels), 2) does so much activity outdoors she's wearing exclusively athletic wear, and 3) is forced to hide her scent later on so objectively dresses WORSE with stained, mismatched thrift-store clothes. doesn't own a khaki skirt. in By Starlight, now that Edward's home, she's back to athletic wear. Edward likes this very, very much.
Edward has the same style with more color. NO sleeveless white button-up because what the FUCK. when he's hunting, he's a jeans and flannel shirt kinda guy - he'll often wear clothes he hates when hunting. (ofc, now that Bella wears his flannel shirts, he's rethinking his tastes.) otherwise, day-to-day, he's a loose slacks, undershirt, & suspenders kinda guy (think 1950s or 20s). nice button-ups and dark fitted sweaters in deep, dark colors like navy, burgundy, phthalo green. extremely lame in a cute way. light spoilers for future chaps, but this man is literally always trying to hide his body.
i picture the Cullens dressing mostly in timeless outfits and styles.
Esme adores dresses and skirts à la Audrey Hepburn. classic, chic, evergreen. she would wear neutrals the most day-to-day but adores flowing prints and polka dots when she feels in the mood :) definitely wears ratty skirts or jeans when gardening.
Rosalie's casual/business casual style has some Princess Di influences with some modern trends mixed in (thanks to Alice). keeps some greasy old jeans and overalls for her mechanic work.
Carlisle really misses wearing embroidered brocaded waistcoats & frilly shirts. thinks modern men's fashion is boring. slacks and button-ups for this man. CARDIGANS ALL DAY. misses wearing ascots, but likes scarves. god, he hates modern men's fashion.
Jasper actually loved his 90s grunge/punk era and never really left it. army boots/doc martins (with the coded laces OFC), ripped jeans, plaid shirts, band tees, beanies, leather jackets with handsewn patches.
Emmett is jeans and tees all day. James Dean kinda guy with the boots, slacks/jeans, nice white tee, bomber jacket.
Alice is a freak. she's following every trend. she says it's to keep the Cullens in the modern world (true - to their dismay, she WILL go through their closets and add/subtract items). but really, it's her way to stay connected to the present day. she has ofc rare commissioned pieces from different designers, beautiful pieces from eras long gone that she can't bear to part with (because ofc everything comes back in style), weird pieces from niche trends... but she absolutely DOES dress like she's straight from a 2000s-era issue of Seventeen. for better or worse.
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ginger-grimm · 2 days
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Full Name: Juniper Aaliyah of Agrabah
Birthdate: March 26th, 1997
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Species: Human
Family: Sultan Aladdin of Agrabah (Father), Sultana Jasmine of Agrabah, Sehzade Amon of Agrabah (Older Brother)
Love Interest: Jay of the Isle
Friends: Tabby Andrews, Greer Grimm, Falk White, Minty Liddell, Lonnie Li, Jane Godmother, Doug Dwarf, Petra Müller, Willa Darling, Tee Wiley, Rosalie Gardener, Prue Woods, Colette Potts, Ben Beast, Evie Grimhilde
Likes: Make-up, pickpocketing, traveling, partying, food, luxurious things, mysteries, tigers, taking pictures, candles, spending money
Dislikes: Boring people, sticklers for rules, being tied down, responsibility, rules, stifling environments
Phobias: Being stagnant in life
Style: Dresses, long flowing skirts or billowy pants, sandals, jewelry always, will wear her hair down mostly (if it's up, she's depressed), impeccable makeup, loves flowy clothing in general
Speech: Soft spoken but just in voice terms because the girl can yell, will cuss but it's boring to her because everyone does it, will often hum when she's bored
Physical Quirks/Scars: Plays with her clothes, hair, or hands when she's bored, has a big scar on her left arm from when she tested a tiger's patience as a child
Personality: Creative, fashionable, mischievous, fun-loving, reckless, loving, needy, likes to spoil people with gifts, gossip, loyal, ditzy
Background: Born and raised in Agrabah, Shehzadi Juniper always took after her father more than her mother. That's what Jasmine found out whenever her guards would return her youngest to her with a sheepish grin, telling her she's been stealing from the villagers. Jasmine would go on to teach her to do better and June would internalize her words...and steal from the rich and bratty instead. Knowing her brother Amon was first in line on the throne, June never bothered to learn much about the royal life, though she did enjoy the dances, learning how to create perfect make-up looks from her handmaiden. When June started running off into the desert to explore other cities, Aladdin and Jasmine decided to send her to Auradon Prep to keep her from running off. There, June enjoys the freedom of doing as she pleases away from her parent's judgemental eyes. She makes friends fast and easy with her fun demeanor and affinity to gift the ones she loves plenty of trinkets. When the kids of the Isle come to attend Auradon Prep, of course, June can't help herself from falling for the son of her parents' mortal enemy.
Faceclaim: Avantika Vandanapu
TAGLIST: @eddysocs @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @nikosasaki @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @stelstellakidd @andromedalestrange @far-shores @daughter-of-melpomene @bibaybe
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tinycactusfromarizona · 3 months
How does your depiction of Bella and Alice differ from canon Bella and Alice? This can range form their personality to their fashion style. Info-dump as much as you want! I would love to hear your thoughts on this cause your art is wonderful and I will read your fics! I promise you that!
Okay so like i've wanted someone to ask me this forever!! so the fic Overcast is my canon Bellice, my partner wrote it for me so that's definitely somewhere to go to if you're curious. but i also have my own headcanons to add towards them. so bella is not super different, but definitely a lot more masc leaning. sure she keeps her long hair but in her style. im drawing a lot of inspiration from ellie from the last of us in her style (thats another one of my hyperfixations) personally wise, at first she's very meek and shy. but it's probably because she's new to Forks. she's really come into her own. and calmed down. once she's comfortable in her relationship with Alice she's definitely a lot more charismatic. she still loves to read, she goes through books ravenously. but also she joins Jacob and Rosalie with mechanics. she loves being able to put things together and make them work. And it's a way her and Rosalie get closer. they end up having a really great relationship. and that also goes for her and Emmett. they're probably the closest outside of her and Alice. they're basically long lost siblings. and they get into all kinda shit when they're together. They terrorize Edward it's hilarious honestly.
With Alice, She’s fairly the same in the roots. Much less problematic than how she is in canon. She doesn’t want to dress up Bella like a doll, sure she’ll have an influence on her fashion. But she wont dress her up. She respects her and loves her. I’ve made her kinda self indulgent to my tastes. I made her goth since it’s a style of fashion that i love so much. And personally i think it suits her incredibly well. At first i wanted some E-girl influence but as I got more into developing it I’ve started drawing some influence from trad goth. It makes sense since Alice lived through the inception of the goth subculture. She probably went to goth clubs and danced the night away back then. And honestly i think thats beautiful. I think she probably was attracted to all types of alternative subcultures. Being a little strange herself, she felt a kinship with outcasts. Not only that but also being queer and despite Jasper not being so into the idea of queer culture. (Straight white confederate soldier man, smh smeyer what were u thinking) She like all vampires can’t use modern smart phones due to modern touchscreens use bio electricity to work, since our vampires are undead and don’t produce bio electricity. So they’re stuck with either using styluses or dumb phones. Which I think is hilarious. Due to Alice’s being subjected to electric shock therapy she still has memory loss and on top of that she has developed a reading disability. I think she’ll want to look into her human life and look for her sister Cynthia. But I haven’t thought that far ahead of what goes on with their story. Her relationship with Jasper was inherently abusive, due to him abusing his gift of emotional influence on her to trick her to think they were mates. (Go read overcast if you want more of that storyline) So as expected they don’t last much longer after Bella comes into her life. I think it’s sweet that they end up saving each other in their stories. Alice helps Bella come into her own and gain her confidence, Bella helps Alice escape the abuse she wasn’t even aware she was being subjected to.
In my own personal head canon, vampires can change forms. Depending on anger and bloodlust. They become much more monstrous. Gaining a mouth full of sharp teeth, jaws unhinging, claws forming and body frame distorting into a much more animalistic or demonic body. I want them to become so scary. Not just the pretty marble statues that Smeyer depicts. Vampires are monsters and i want them to look the part when they let their humanity go. I have a few drawings of Alice showing her monstrous side, but not going that far into it. Vampires are one of my hyperfixations so i go pretty in depth on twilight vampires in my head. A big part of why i like them is the creatures they are, the politics of covens and the Voltori. I just think they’re just so interesting. Not only that me and my partner dive into werewolves and the difference between werewolves and shapeshifters in our twilight universe. (It’s all in overcast and full moon so please go read those fics if you want more of that)
I have drawn some personal pieces for them (mostly nsfw) but tumblr is not nice to those kinda drawings so they stay in my personal collection. Unless like y’all want me to start up a Patreon or something idk.
I want to draw more for them but like I’m a bit burnt out at the moment, I’m focusing on stuff I’m hyperfixating on right now. But I’ll come back to twilight, it’s my great love and bellice is my otp so don’t worry, I’ll be back soon. This is everything I can think of at the moment but like if you want me to elaborate on like specifics I’d be happy to talk about more. I love twilight and i love to talk about it. I really appreciate you asking me about my personal headcannons and the bellice i draw, so thank you!!
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Hi there!!
So august 21st is my birthday and I was wondering on how any characters from the Twilight saga will celebrate the readers birthday
Twilight characters X Gn!Reader
It can be separate if you want❤️
Aww happy birthday, I would ask how old are you turning but that’s far to personal therefore I’ll break this request up into different ones for you that way you’re able to celebrate with all the twilight characters :)
↳ happy birthday ↲
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✭ pairing : twilight clans x gender neutral reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : this fic has to do with our loveable gender neutral reader celebrating their birthday
✭ authors note : once again happy birthday and I hope you enjoy it to the fullest
✭ twilight masterlist
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✭ Olympic Coven :
In the tranquil setting of the Olympic Coven's sprawling home, nestled amidst the lush forests of Forks, the family was abuzz with excitement. The Cullen clan, known for their unique abilities and immortal existence, had gathered to plan a special birthday celebration for their beloved family member, (Y/N).
Carlisle Cullen, the patriarch of the family, had suggested an idea that resonated with the rest of the Coven. A birthday celebration was to be the theme, embracing (Y/N)'s diverse preferences and creating an atmosphere of inclusivity.
Alice, the family's clairvoyant, had taken charge of the decorations, adorning the spacious living area with a blend of colors and styles. The room was adorned with a myriad of hues, each chosen to reflect the spectrum of (Y/N)'s personality. Streamers, balloons, and twinkling lights intertwined to create a vibrant and harmonious ambiance.
Emmett and Jasper, both strong and light-hearted members of the family, had taken on the task of organizing games and activities. A variety of options were prepared to cater to (Y/N)'s interests, ensuring that everyone, vampire or human, could participate. From trivia to scavenger hunts, the planned activities would allow (Y/N) to enjoy the day without any gender-specific expectations.
Rosalie, with her impeccable taste and flair for fashion, had selected a wardrobe for (Y/N) that embraced their individuality. The outfit consisted of a comfortable ensemble that could be styled to reflect any gender expression, embodying the spirit of the celebration.
Esme, the nurturing and caring mother figure of the Coven, was overseeing the preparations of the birthday feast. A diverse array of dishes was being prepared, accommodating (Y/N)'s preferences and dietary needs. The dining table was adorned with an assortment of delicacies that transcended the boundaries of traditional gendered cuisine.
Edward, with his uncanny ability to read minds, had assisted in orchestrating the evening's playlist. A collection of songs spanning genres and eras was carefully curated to create an atmosphere of celebration and joy. The music would be a testament to (Y/N)'s unique tastes and interests.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting soft hues of orange and pink across the sky, the Olympic Coven eagerly awaited (Y/N)'s arrival. Each member of the family had put their heart and soul into ensuring that the celebration would be a reflection of (Y/N)'s individuality, free from expectations and norms.
When (Y/N) finally entered the lavishly adorned living area, they were met with a burst of applause and cheers. The room was alive with vibrant colors, laughter, and the promise of a memorable evening. As the festivities began, it was clear that the Olympic Coven had succeeded in creating a birthday celebration that celebrated (Y/N)'s uniqueness and embraced the power of love and acceptance.
As the evening unfolded, (Y/N) was enveloped in a warm embrace of happiness and appreciation. The gender-neutral theme of the party had truly touched their heart, and the effort put in by each member of the Olympic Coven was evident in every detail.
Alice's predictions had led to an array of delightful surprises throughout the evening. From spontaneous dance-offs to impromptu games, (Y/N) found themselves laughing and enjoying the company of their extraordinary family. Even the normally reserved and stoic members of the Coven seemed to let loose, their genuine smiles lighting up the room.
During the trivia game, Carlisle, who had taken it upon himself to research (Y/N)'s diverse interests, was pleasantly surprised when (Y/N) effortlessly answered questions about literature, history, and even obscure scientific facts. The game was a testament to the deep connection and understanding that the Cullen family had cultivated over the years.
Esme's culinary prowess shone brightly as the family sat down for the birthday feast. The table was laden with an assortment of dishes, ranging from Italian cuisine to Asian delicacies, all meticulously prepared to cater to (Y/N)'s tastes. The dining experience was a reflection of the love and care that Esme poured into every aspect of her role as a mother figure.
Emmett and Jasper's games had everyone in stitches. The scavenger hunt led (Y/N) on a wild adventure throughout the sprawling grounds of the Cullen estate, uncovering hidden clues and sharing laughter with each step. The camaraderie that had always bound this unconventional family together was on full display, reinforcing the strength of their bonds.
Rosalie's gift, a beautifully crafted leather jacket, was met with genuine appreciation. The jacket was not only stylish but also a reflection of (Y/N)'s individuality and the shared moments they had spent discussing fashion. It was a gesture that touched (Y/N) deeply, highlighting the consideration and thoughtfulness that the Cullen family held for each other.
As the night continued, the living area transformed into a dance floor, and the carefully curated playlist set the tone for the celebration. The Olympic Coven members, each displaying unique dance moves, encouraged (Y/N) to let loose and join in the fun. It was a liberating experience, reminding (Y/N) that they were surrounded by a family that accepted them fully for who they were.
Amidst the laughter, the music, and the joyous celebrations, (Y/N) found themselves catching a glimpse of Edward, who was sharing an intimate dance with Bella, his soulmate. The depth of their love served as a reminder that the journey towards self-discovery and acceptance was ongoing, a journey that was supported by the unwavering bond of the Olympic Coven.
As the night came to an end, (Y/N) was overcome with a profound sense of gratitude. They felt loved, accepted, and cherished by a family that celebrated their individuality with such enthusiasm. The gender-neutral birthday celebration had not only been a tribute to (Y/N)'s uniqueness but had also reinforced the strength of the bonds that had been forged through centuries of shared experiences.
As (Y/N) watched the stars twinkle in the night sky, surrounded by the people who had become their true family, they couldn't help but feel a deep sense of contentment. The Olympic Coven had created a memory that would forever hold a special place in (Y/N)'s heart, a memory that represented love, acceptance, and the power of embracing one's true self.
✭ Volturi Coven :
In the grandeur of the Volturi's ancient castle, nestled amidst the heart of Volterra, the atmosphere was alive with anticipation. The Volturi Coven, known for their regal and formidable presence, had gathered to orchestrate a special birthday celebration for their beloved (Y/N). The plans for the day were shrouded in secrecy, as Aro and the other Volturi leaders had decided to surprise (Y/N) with a gender-neutral birthday celebration.
As the coven members convened in the opulent main hall, Aro, Caius, and Marcus shared a private conversation. Their deliberations revolved around creating an event that would cater to (Y/N)'s diverse interests and preferences, while embodying the Volturi's signature grandeur.
Chelsea, the coven member with the power to manipulate emotional bonds, was entrusted with coordinating the guest list. The castle was to be graced by the presence of (Y/N)'s friends from various parts of the world, reflecting the global reach of the Volturi's influence.
Alec and Jane, with their unique abilities to cause physical and mental pain, were tasked with planning the entertainment. Their creativity was boundless as they conjured an array of activities that would cater to (Y/N)'s tastes. From art exhibitions to captivating performances, the festivities were designed to appeal to (Y/N)'s diverse interests.
Felix and Demetri, known for their physical prowess and unwavering loyalty, were responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the event. Their vigilance extended to all aspects of the celebration, ensuring that (Y/N) would be surrounded by an atmosphere of protection and comfort.
Heidi, who possessed the ability to allure and attract humans, had taken charge of the decorations. The main hall was transformed into a stunning display of colors and themes, each element carefully selected to reflect (Y/N)'s multifaceted personality.
As the day of the celebration dawned, the Volturi Coven members were abuzz with activity. The castle's halls were filled with the sounds of preparations, and there was a sense of excitement in the air. (Y/N)'s arrival was eagerly awaited by the coven, who were determined to create an unforgettable experience.
When (Y/N) finally entered the lavishly adorned main hall, they were met with a resounding applause. The coven members, dressed in a blend of modern and timeless attire, stood together as a united front. The decorations were an enchanting blend of colors, patterns, and motifs, a testament to the Volturi's meticulous attention to detail.
Aro stepped forward, his charismatic presence commanding attention. "Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, it is with great pleasure that we gather here today to celebrate the birthday of our esteemed family member, (Y/N). In keeping with the spirit of inclusivity and respect for (Y/N)'s individuality, we have planned a celebration that transcends traditional norms."
As the festivities commenced, (Y/N) was enveloped in a tapestry of music, art, and camaraderie. The art exhibitions showcased a fusion of traditional and contemporary works, representing the diversity of (Y/N)'s interests. The performances, ranging from classical music to contemporary dance, were designed to evoke emotion and appreciation for the beauty of self-expression.
A highlight of the evening was a display of fireworks that illuminated the night sky in a dazzling array of colors. The spectacle reflected the Coven's dedication to making (Y/N)'s birthday celebration a memory to be cherished.
Throughout the celebration, (Y/N) was embraced by the warmth of the Volturi's hospitality and the genuine connections they shared. As the night drew to a close, Aro raised his glass in a toast. "To (Y/N), a unique and cherished member of our family. May this celebration remind us all of the power of acceptance and the beauty of embracing our individuality."
As the Volturi Coven members clinked their glasses, (Y/N) felt a profound sense of gratitude. The birthday celebration had not only celebrated their unique identity but also showcased the capacity of the Volturi Coven to evolve and adapt, reflecting the changing times and embracing the strength of unity.
As the moon cast its gentle glow over the castle's courtyard, (Y/N) looked around at the faces of their coven, illuminated by the bond they shared. The celebration had become a testament to the power of love, acceptance, and the ability to come together to honor the essence of an individual.
✭ Denali Coven :
In the serene and picturesque landscape of the Denali Coven's Alaskan refuge, the air was tinged with excitement as the coven members gathered to prepare for a special occasion: (Y/N)'s birthday. Known for their close-knit bonds and appreciation for nature, the Denali Coven had decided to plan a gender-neutral celebration that would resonate with (Y/N)'s diverse interests.
Tanya, the leader of the Denali Coven, had taken the initiative to organize the festivities. She believed in celebrating (Y/N)'s uniqueness while embracing the values of inclusivity and respect that defined the coven's close relationships.
Kate and Irina, the sisters known for their unique abilities, were tasked with arranging the decorations. The spacious communal area was adorned with a harmonious blend of colors and patterns, reflecting the natural beauty of the Denali landscape. The ambiance exuded warmth and tranquility, a reflection of the coven's connection to the environment.
Eleazar, the coven member with the gift of sensing and understanding relationships, took the lead in designing the guest list. He had gathered individuals from various walks of life, each chosen for their connection to (Y/N) and their shared values of acceptance and individuality.
Carmen and Eleazar, who were passionate about art and culture, had prepared a range of interactive activities and workshops. From painting to storytelling circles, the activities were designed to provide a platform for self-expression and the sharing of diverse perspectives.
As the day of the celebration arrived, the Denali Coven members put the finishing touches on their preparations. The air was filled with the scent of flowers and the gentle rustling of leaves, creating an atmosphere of serenity and anticipation.
As the sun began to set, bathing the landscape in warm hues, (Y/N) entered the communal area to find it transformed into a haven of beauty and creativity. The coven members, dressed in comfortable and stylish attire, greeted (Y/N) with smiles and warm embraces.
Tanya stepped forward, her presence exuding grace and warmth. "Dear (Y/N), we are honored to celebrate this special day with you. The Denali Coven has come together to create an experience that honors your individuality and your unique journey."
The festivities kicked off with an art workshop led by Kate and Irina. The coven members gathered around, creating colorful masterpieces that reflected their individual perspectives. The atmosphere was relaxed and collaborative, allowing (Y/N) to connect with their family in a way that transcended traditional gender roles.
Carmen and Eleazar's storytelling circle became a space for shared experiences and revelations. Each member of the coven took turns sharing stories that highlighted the importance of embracing one's identity and celebrating diversity. The circle of trust and acceptance that formed around (Y/N) was a testament to the strong bonds that defined the Denali Coven.
As night fell, the celebration shifted to the open courtyard, where a bonfire illuminated the surroundings. Tanya raised her glass in a toast. "To (Y/N), a cherished member of our coven. May this celebration remind us all of the power of embracing our authentic selves and fostering connections that transcend societal norms."
The bonfire cast dancing shadows on the coven members' faces, creating an atmosphere of intimacy and shared moments. As the night continued, music filled the air, and the coven members engaged in lively conversations and spontaneous dances.
As (Y/N) looked around at the faces of their Denali family, illuminated by the fire's glow, they couldn't help but feel a deep sense of belonging. The birthday celebration had not only celebrated their uniqueness but also highlighted the power of unity and acceptance.
As the stars twinkled in the Alaskan sky, (Y/N) felt a profound sense of gratitude for the Denali Coven's unwavering support and love. The celebration had become a symbol of the strength that came from embracing diversity, the beauty of connecting with nature and one's true self, and the power of forging deep bonds that stood the test of time.
✭ Egyptian Coven :
In the arid landscape of the Egyptian Coven's ancient desert sanctuary, the members were gathered with a shared purpose: to celebrate (Y/N)'s upcoming birthday with a gender-neutral celebration that embraced their uniqueness. The Egyptian Coven, known for their connection to ancient wisdom and traditions, were eager to create an event that reflected (Y/N)'s individuality.
Amun, the wise and reserved leader of the Egyptian Coven, had taken it upon himself to oversee the arrangements. The coven had decided to honor (Y/N)'s diverse interests by crafting a celebration that resonated with their values of harmony and acceptance.
Kebi and Tia, the devoted partners who shared a unique bond, were tasked with organizing the decorations. The vast desert landscape provided inspiration, and the communal area was adorned with warm tones, sand-like textures, and hints of gold and turquoise. The ambiance radiated a sense of tranquility and history.
Benjamin, who possessed the power to control the elements, was responsible for coordinating the entertainment. He envisioned a mesmerizing display of fire dancing, sand sculptures, and the harmonious melodies of ancient instruments that would evoke a connection to the past and (Y/N)'s love for diverse cultures.
Senna and Zafrina, with their keen senses and perceptive abilities, were entrusted with selecting the guest list. The gathering would include individuals from all walks of life, reflecting (Y/N)'s inclusive spirit and the Egyptian Coven's deep appreciation for interconnectedness.
As the day of the celebration arrived, the Egyptian Coven members worked together to prepare for the festivities. The energy of the desert was palpable, and the coven's dedication was evident in every detail.
As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the desert expanse, (Y/N) entered the communal area to find it transformed into an oasis of beauty and culture. The coven members, dressed in attire that merged timeless elegance with modern comfort, greeted (Y/N) with smiles and gestures of welcome.
Amun stepped forward, his presence exuding a sense of ancient wisdom. "Dear (Y/N), we are gathered here to honor you with a celebration that celebrates your individuality. The Egyptian Coven has drawn inspiration from the sands of time to create an experience that reflects your diverse interests."
The celebration began with a mesmerizing display of fire dancing, performed by the talented members of the coven. Flames seemed to dance in harmony with the music, creating an atmosphere of awe and wonder. As the flames leapt and twirled, (Y/N) felt a sense of connection to the past and the unique talents of their coven.
Benjamin's sand sculpting demonstration followed, as intricate shapes emerged from the desert sand under his skillful control. The artistry depicted scenes from various cultures, symbolizing the universal nature of (Y/N)'s interests and the interconnectedness of humanity.
The highlight of the evening was a musical performance led by Zafrina, whose hauntingly beautiful voice resonated across the desert landscape. The ancient instruments produced melodies that seemed to bridge the gap between past and present, creating an enchanting ambiance that captivated (Y/N) and their guests.
As the night deepened, the celebration shifted to a large tent that had been set up under the desert stars. The tent was adorned with rich fabrics and ornate cushions, creating an inviting atmosphere for shared conversations and laughter.
Tia raised her glass for a toast. "To (Y/N), a cherished member of our coven. May this celebration remind us of the beauty of embracing diverse cultures, and the power of unity that transcends all boundaries."
As the celebration continued, (Y/N) found themselves immersed in conversations that spanned languages, cultures, and centuries. The Egyptian Coven's commitment to creating an experience that celebrated (Y/N)'s uniqueness had resulted in a birthday celebration that was as rich and diverse as the desert landscape itself.
As the night sky shimmered with stars, (Y/N) reflected on the beauty of the celebration and the deep connection they shared with the Egyptian Coven. The birthday celebration had become a testament to the coven's reverence for history, culture, and individuality, and their ability to weave these elements together to create a tapestry of acceptance and love.
✭ Amazon Coven :
In the heart of the lush Amazon rainforest, the Amazon Coven was abuzz with preparations for a special event: (Y/N)'s upcoming birthday celebration. The Amazon Coven, known for their strong connection to nature and their fierce independence, had decided to plan a gender-neutral celebration that would honor (Y/N)'s individuality.
Zafrina, the leader of the Amazon Coven, was at the forefront of organizing the festivities. She believed in embracing (Y/N)'s diverse interests while celebrating their unity with nature and the Amazon way of life.
Senna and Kachiri, the inseparable sisters of the coven, were entrusted with the task of arranging the decorations. The communal area was adorned with vibrant shades of green and earthy tones, reflecting the lush surroundings of the Amazon rainforest. The decorations were crafted from natural materials, showcasing the coven's commitment to sustainability and their connection to the earth.
Benjamin, who possessed the power to control the elements, was responsible for curating the entertainment. He envisioned a celebration that would immerse (Y/N) in the beauty of the rainforest, with activities such as guided nature walks, drum circles, and stargazing under the canopy of trees.
Zafrina and Kachiri, who were known for their perceptive abilities, took the lead in creating the guest list. The coven had invited individuals from various backgrounds, all of whom shared (Y/N)'s values of inclusivity and respect for nature.
As the day of the celebration arrived, the Amazon Coven members worked together to prepare for the festivities. The sounds of the rainforest and the rustling of leaves provided a soothing backdrop to their efforts.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the rainforest, (Y/N) entered the communal area to find it transformed into a sanctuary of nature's beauty. The coven members, dressed in attire that combined practicality with elegance, greeted (Y/N) with warm smiles and gestures of welcome.
Zafrina stepped forward, her presence resonating with a sense of natural wisdom. "Dearest (Y/N), we gather here to celebrate you with a birthday that aligns with our Amazon values. The Amazon Coven has taken inspiration from the heart of the rainforest to create an experience that reflects your diverse interests."
The celebration began with a guided nature walk led by Benjamin. As the coven members ventured deeper into the rainforest, Benjamin shared his insights into the delicate balance of nature and the Amazon way of life. The experience allowed (Y/N) to connect with the rainforest on a deeper level, reinforcing the Amazon Coven's commitment to unity with nature.
The drum circle, led by Senna, became a celebration of rhythm and connection. The rhythmic beats of the drums seemed to echo the heartbeats of the coven members, creating an atmosphere of harmony and shared energy. (Y/N) joined in, feeling the power of the rainforest's pulse within their own heartbeat.
The stargazing session under the canopy of trees was a testament to the Amazon Coven's ability to blend tradition with modernity. Benjamin used his abilities to control the elements, ensuring a clear view of the night sky. (Y/N) and the coven members marveled at the constellations, feeling a profound sense of interconnectedness with the universe.
As the night deepened, the celebration shifted to a cozy area illuminated by torches and lanterns. The coven members gathered around a fire, sharing stories, laughter, and a sense of camaraderie.
Kachiri raised her glass in a toast. "To (Y/N), a cherished member of our coven. May this celebration remind us of the beauty of embracing our individuality while staying grounded in the wisdom of nature."
As the celebration continued, (Y/N) found themselves engaged in conversations that spanned cultures, experiences, and the wonders of the rainforest. The Amazon Coven's commitment to creating an experience that celebrated (Y/N)'s uniqueness had resulted in a birthday celebration that was as vibrant and diverse as the rainforest itself.
Under the starlit sky, surrounded by the sounds of the rainforest, (Y/N) felt a deep sense of gratitude for the Amazon Coven's unwavering support and love. The birthday celebration had become a symbol of the Amazon Coven's harmony with nature, their respect for individuality, and their ability to forge deep connections that transcended time and boundaries.
✭ Irish Coven :
In the picturesque Irish countryside, the Irish Coven was bustling with activity as they prepared for a special event: (Y/N)'s upcoming birthday celebration. The Irish Coven, known for their strong connection to nature and their affinity for magic, had decided to plan a gender-neutral celebration that would honor (Y/N)'s individuality.
Siobhan, the leader of the Irish Coven, had taken the lead in organizing the festivities. With her keen intuition and respect for individuality, she believed in creating a celebration that would resonate with (Y/N)'s diverse interests while embracing the coven's love for tradition and magic.
Maggie and Liam, the charismatic and charming members of the coven, were tasked with arranging the decorations. The communal area was adorned with a harmonious blend of earthy tones, rich fabrics, and intricate Celtic designs. The decorations exuded a sense of enchantment and mystery, reflecting the coven's deep connection to their Irish heritage.
Liam, who possessed the ability to manipulate emotions, was responsible for curating the entertainment. He envisioned a celebration that would be filled with music, dance, and storytelling, allowing (Y/N) to immerse themselves in the magic of Irish culture.
Siobhan and Liam, who shared a unique bond, took the lead in crafting the guest list. The coven had invited individuals from diverse backgrounds, all of whom shared (Y/N)'s values of inclusivity and respect for personal identity.
As the day of the celebration arrived, the Irish Coven members worked together to infuse their preparations with the magic of the Emerald Isle. The air was filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation, as the coven members prepared to create a celebration that would reflect their love for tradition, nature, and (Y/N)'s uniqueness.
As the sun began to set over the rolling green hills, casting a warm glow over the landscape, (Y/N) entered the communal area to find it transformed into a scene straight out of an Irish fairy tale. The coven members, dressed in attire that seamlessly blended history with modern comfort, greeted (Y/N) with warm smiles and gestures of welcome.
Siobhan stepped forward, her presence exuding a sense of wisdom and grace. "Beloved (Y/N), we gather here to celebrate your individuality in a way that reflects our Irish heritage. The Irish Coven has drawn inspiration from our land's magic and history to create an experience that honors your diverse interests."
The celebration began with a traditional Irish dance performance, led by Maggie. The lively and rhythmic dances seemed to capture the spirit of the land, as the coven members and (Y/N) joined in, creating an atmosphere of joy and unity.
Liam's storytelling session became a magical journey through Irish folklore and history. The tales were told with a blend of enthusiasm and reverence, connecting (Y/N) to the rich tapestry of Irish culture and the coven's love for tradition.
The highlight of the evening was a musical performance that combined traditional Irish instruments with contemporary melodies. The sounds of the fiddle, flute, and bodhrán filled the air, creating an enchanting ambiance that captivated (Y/N) and their guests.
As the night deepened, the celebration moved to a cozy area illuminated by lanterns and candles. The coven members gathered around a bonfire, sharing stories, laughter, and a sense of camaraderie.
Maggie raised her glass in a toast. "To (Y/N), a cherished member of our coven. May this celebration remind us of the magic of embracing our authentic selves and the power of unity that transcends all boundaries."
As the celebration continued, (Y/N) found themselves immersed in conversations that spanned cultures, history, and the wonders of Irish magic. The Irish Coven's commitment to creating an experience that celebrated (Y/N)'s uniqueness had resulted in a birthday celebration that was as enchanting and diverse as the Irish landscape itself.
Under the starlit Irish sky, surrounded by the sounds of music and laughter, (Y/N) felt a deep sense of gratitude for the Irish Coven's unwavering support and love. The birthday celebration had become a symbol of the coven's reverence for tradition, their respect for individuality, and their ability to create an atmosphere of magic, unity, and celebration.
✭ Mexican Coven :
In the vibrant heart of Mexico, the Mexican Coven was bustling with energy as they prepared for a special event: (Y/N)'s upcoming birthday celebration. The Mexican Coven, known for their zest for life and rich cultural heritage, had decided to plan a gender-neutral celebration that would embrace (Y/N)'s individuality.
Huilen, the leader of the Mexican Coven, took the lead in organizing the festivities. With her strong connection to her roots and her deep appreciation for traditions, she believed in creating a celebration that would reflect (Y/N)'s diverse interests while honoring their shared love for culture and unity.
Nahuel and Yul, the siblings known for their warmth and charisma, were tasked with arranging the decorations. The communal area was adorned with a burst of vibrant colors, papel picado banners, and intricate Aztec patterns. The decorations exuded a sense of joy and celebration, reflecting the coven's love for life and (Y/N)'s individuality.
Nahuel, who possessed the power of rapid healing, was responsible for curating the entertainment. He envisioned a celebration filled with music, dance, and activities that celebrated the richness of Mexican culture and the diversity of (Y/N)'s interests.
Huilen and Nahuel, who shared a deep bond as aunt and nephew, took the lead in creating the guest list. The coven had invited individuals from various walks of life, all of whom shared (Y/N)'s values of inclusivity and respect for personal identity.
As the day of the celebration arrived, the Mexican Coven members worked together to infuse their preparations with the spirit of Mexican culture. The air was filled with excitement and anticipation, as the coven members prepared to create a celebration that would reflect their love for tradition, culture, and (Y/N)'s uniqueness.
As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the picturesque landscape, (Y/N) entered the communal area to find it transformed into a lively fiesta. The coven members, dressed in attire that blended cultural heritage with modern flair, greeted (Y/N) with warm smiles and gestures of welcome.
Huilen stepped forward, her presence exuding a sense of wisdom and grace. "Dearest (Y/N), we gather here to celebrate your individuality in a way that honors our Mexican heritage. The Mexican Coven has drawn inspiration from our rich culture to create an experience that celebrates your diverse interests."
The celebration began with a lively dance performance, led by Yul. The energetic and rhythmic dances seemed to encapsulate the vibrancy of Mexican culture, as the coven members and (Y/N) joined in, creating an atmosphere of joy and unity.
Nahuel's storytelling session became a journey through Mexican history and folklore. The tales were told with a blend of enthusiasm and reverence, connecting (Y/N) to the rich tapestry of Mexican culture and the coven's love for tradition.
The highlight of the evening was a musical performance that combined traditional Mexican instruments with modern melodies. The sounds of mariachi music, guitars, and trumpets filled the air, creating a festive ambiance that captivated (Y/N) and their guests.
As the night deepened, the celebration moved to an open courtyard illuminated by colorful lanterns and fairy lights. The coven members gathered around a bonfire, sharing stories, laughter, and a sense of camaraderie.
Yul raised her glass in a toast. "To (Y/N), a cherished member of our coven. May this celebration remind us of the beauty of embracing our diverse heritage and the power of unity that transcends all boundaries."
As the celebration continued, (Y/N) found themselves immersed in conversations that spanned cultures, history, and the wonders of Mexican tradition. The Mexican Coven's commitment to creating an experience that celebrated (Y/N)'s uniqueness had resulted in a birthday celebration that was as festive and diverse as the Mexican culture itself.
Under the starlit Mexican sky, surrounded by the sounds of music and laughter, (Y/N) felt a deep sense of gratitude for the Mexican Coven's unwavering support and love. The birthday celebration had become a symbol of the coven's reverence for culture, their respect for individuality, and their ability to create an atmosphere of celebration, unity, and joy.
✭ Romanian Coven :
In the enchanting landscapes of Transylvania, the Romanian Coven was a hive of activity as they prepared for a special occasion: (Y/N)'s upcoming birthday celebration. The Romanian Coven, known for their mystique and their deep connection to history, had decided to plan a gender-neutral celebration that would embrace (Y/N)'s uniqueness.
Vladimir, the ancient leader of the Romanian Coven, was at the helm of organizing the festivities. With his centuries of experience and respect for tradition, he believed in creating a celebration that would reflect (Y/N)'s diverse interests while honoring their shared love for history and the supernatural.
Stefan and Valentina, the siblings with an air of elegance and mystery, were entrusted with arranging the decorations. The communal area was adorned with deep jewel tones, intricate patterns, and hints of medieval motifs. The decorations exuded an aura of timeless charm, reflecting the coven's connection to history and (Y/N)'s individuality.
Vladimir, who possessed the power of illusion, was responsible for curating the entertainment. He envisioned a celebration that would blend elements of the supernatural and the historical, creating an atmosphere that would captivate (Y/N)'s imagination.
Vladimir and Valentina, who shared a bond forged through centuries, took the lead in creating the guest list. The coven had invited individuals from various walks of life, all of whom shared (Y/N)'s values of inclusivity and respect for personal identity.
As the day of the celebration arrived, the Romanian Coven members worked together to infuse their preparations with the mystique of Transylvania. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and intrigue, as the coven members prepared to create a celebration that would reflect their love for history, the supernatural, and (Y/N)'s uniqueness.
As the sun began to set, casting an ethereal glow over the ancient landscape, (Y/N) entered the communal area to find it transformed into a scene that seemed to come straight from the pages of a Gothic novel. The coven members, dressed in attire that combined elegance with a touch of otherworldliness, greeted (Y/N) with enigmatic smiles and gestures of welcome.
Vladimir stepped forward, his presence exuding an air of mystery and authority. "Dearest (Y/N), we gather here to celebrate your individuality in a manner that aligns with our history and the supernatural. The Romanian Coven has drawn inspiration from the realms of mystique to create an experience that celebrates your diverse interests."
The celebration began with a dramatic performance of illusions, led by Vladimir. The illusions seemed to blur the lines between reality and fantasy, captivating (Y/N) and the coven members with a sense of wonder and enchantment.
Valentina's storytelling session delved into the rich history of Transylvania and the coven's own past. The tales were woven with a blend of intrigue and reverence, connecting (Y/N) to the mystique of the region and the coven's love for tradition.
The highlight of the evening was a musical performance that combined classical compositions with haunting melodies. The sounds of violins, pianos, and other instruments filled the air, creating an atmospheric ambiance that captivated (Y/N) and their guests.
As the night deepened, the celebration moved to a candlelit hall adorned with antique furniture and ornate chandeliers. The coven members gathered around a table laden with a feast that seemed to transcend time and culture.
Stefan raised his glass in a toast. "To (Y/N), a cherished member of our coven. May this celebration remind us of the beauty of embracing our individuality while staying connected to our history and the supernatural."
As the celebration continued, (Y/N) found themselves immersed in conversations that spanned centuries, mysteries, and the wonders of Transylvania. The Romanian Coven's commitment to creating an experience that celebrated (Y/N)'s uniqueness had resulted in a birthday celebration that was as mysterious and diverse as the region itselt.
Under the starlit Transylvanian sky, surrounded by the ambiance of history and the supernatural, (Y/N) felt a deep sense of gratitude for the Romanian Coven's unwavering support and love. The birthday celebration had become a symbol of the coven's reverence for history, their respect for individuality, and their ability to create an atmosphere of mystique, unity, and celebration.
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disarmluna · 2 years
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Rosalie in Miu Miu @ Latin Grammys
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How do you think each of the Cullens would dress if they didn't have Alice picking all their outfits for them?
I don't know.
We never see the Cullens not dressed by Alice so it's a big old mystery. But I suppose we can make a few educated guesses, why not.
Alice is already dressing Alice. She stays exactly the same. Beige, beige forever! CHANEL FOREVER!
Fuck it, she gets to be on the list. We know how she dressed, very not form revealing clothing like large sweaters and jeans. If she's being really classy, she breaks out the khaki skirt and the blue top.
That said, that was poor Bella who hated herself. Bella wants to become a Cullen and that means dressing like a Cullen. Bella will eagerly wear whatever Alice gives her, pretending to be upset, because she wants to be a Cullen.
She wants to look wealthy, fashionable, and beautiful.
So, she continues to wear Alice's outfits.
Probably whatever will make him look the most "normal". Now, given that he's known to be wealthy, he can't shop at the local TJ Maxx. However, I imagine he dresses in high end department store type clothing, where it's expensive but not out of this world and the thing he'd be expected to buy, and dresses primarily as a normal guy.
His goal is to not attract attention and given that he lets Alice dress him in the first place, he must not be too attached to any particular fashion.
Long sleeves, long pants, as little skin as possible without looking like a bank robber.
Edward canonically tells us that he wears long sleeves as much as possible because he despises the way his skin looks. Even among his family at home, he doesn't want to see his skin sparkling in the sunlight or just looking to angular and inhuman.
Edward actively hates the way he looks.
He wears cloths to hide as much of himself as he can without standing out too much which means he is always in long sleeves and long pants.
It's a major plot point for him in Midnight Sun when he wears the sleeveless blouse that Alice bought him one time telling him with a wink and a grin that he'd wear it someday. He had scoffed, but then discovers when he goes to the meadow with Bella (and decides to show her how ghoulish he truly is) that he does indeed need it.
But if Edward could get away with it, he'd be a blanket burrito walking down the street. Just a blob, covered in cloth, whose form you can't even make out.
He'd wear whatever.
I just don't see him caring.
At all.
Esme probably gets a little more freedom because she's rarely if ever out in public. So, I imagine she'd wear similar to what she does in canon.
I don't see him caring either.
Also, Alice is his wife, he's never wearing what he wants ever again.
She never gets a choice in what she wears.
And she will be forced to look ridiculous forever.
Hard to say.
She does seem to like the femme fatale look when she can get away with it and she has too strong of a personality for me to see her kowtowing to Alice's fashion choices when she doesn't have to.
So, I think that's the style Rosalie must like.
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flippinpancakes64 · 1 month
I’D LOVEEEE if you could do a cullens x indian s/o ? there’s NOTHING with Indian x Twilight so i’d super appreciate it ! you don’t have to be super educated about the indian culture just mentioning the outfits and food are enough ! TYSM ! also its fine if u can’t do it . I loveee ur work and I ADORE the fact that you don’t like angst like LETS BE HAPPY LOL !
The Cullens with an Indian! SO
I’ve mentioned it before but I am a white woman and I do not know like anything so sorry if this is completely wrong 🙏
And I’m so glad that someone else loves fluff!!! Like just let me be happy if I wanted to be sad I’d go talk to my dad or smthn fr
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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This man has over 10 degrees
He loves to learn
So he is more than willing and happy to sit down and learn about your culture
He asks so many questions
The last thing he wants is to assume something to be true and then embarrass himself when it’s not
So yes he will ask about literally every single little thing
Does his best to respect your culture as well
He wants to learn about all of your folk tales
He wants to listen to all of the music
Hell, he’ll even fly you out to India if you want to go
And he doesn’t take shit from anyone
If anyone says anything that could be even remotely perceived as racist, he is sending them the hardest glare ever
Also there’s a pretty good chance that he can speak Hindi so at least he’ll impress your family
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She LOVES your culture
She appreciates fashion of all kinds
But I feel like she would love the intricate designs and patterns of sarees and henna especially
Invite her to a wedding please please please
She doesn’t care whose it is
She just wants to go and admire all of the outfits
She is also very open to learning anything you want to teach her
You have a recipe that has been passed down in your family for generations? She’s ready to learn it
Also your parents definitely love her
How could they not tbh
If you wear henna a lot, look no further than your personal artist
She just has so much love and respect for your culture
And you of course
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He’s pretty inexperienced
If you asked him what language is commonly spoken in India he would say Indian
But once he meets you and starts to get more comfortable around you, he does his own research
He doesn’t want to burden you with making you explain everything to him
He’s so worried about screwing something up that he just… doesn’t do anything
Like if he reads something about there being a specific holiday, he doesn’t do anything for it
He just gets in his head about what if you don’t celebrate that, what if he does the wrong thing, what if it’s not a holiday at all
You’re gonna need to help him out a little
Or else he’s just gonna stay stewing in his own self doubt for forever
But he’s got the spirit
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She knows next to nothing about basically every culture that’s not American
Not because she doesn’t want to learn
But because it’s just never been a relevant thing for her
Like no she has no idea about the cultural practices in India because she’s never had to go there or been close to anyone from there
But now you’re here, she loves you, and she wants to learn
She finds that she absolutely loves the clothing styles
Especially at weddings
I mean, she already loves extravagant weddings
So this is right up her alley
She’s a little sad to find out the fact that henna doesn’t do anything to her skin
So she just makes do by doing it on yours ❤️
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Ok this is going to sound bad but stick with me
He doesn’t particularly care about your culture
Not in a mean way of like “you want me to celebrate what with you? No not doing it”
But in a way of it’s not what’s most important to him
You as a person is more important to him than your cultural background
That doesn’t mean he isn’t willing to learn
It just means he’s more likely to remember your birthday than a holiday
But again, he is more than willing to learn anything you want to teach him
He will sit down and listen to anything you want to say
And he will remember it perfectly
But he doesn’t go out of his way to seek out the knowledge
But he is the best when it comes to people being racist
He can throw a punch with the force of a semi truck and he’s not afraid to do it
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We know that she does her homework when it comes to meeting new people
She made Italian food for Bella because she was 90% sure she was Italian
I feel like she carries that same energy
She does her best to cook food or put on movies that she thinks you’ll like
But overall food is definitely her favorite
She loves to cook, it’s one of her favorite hobbies
But she doesn’t have anyone to cook for
So you best believe she is always making something for you to eat
And she does her best to learn traditional dishes and how to make them
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He has traveled all over the world and experienced many cultures
He knows all about the history and culture of your country
So you don’t really need to explain anything to him
He’s just respectful like that
He will go with you to all of your parties or family get-togethers
He will help you make any dish at all
And he will fly you anywhere in the world or sightsee any country you want
But your culture isn’t the thing he notices most about you
He just loves you
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Vampire! Bella:
She’s super curious
She has been three (3) places in her whole life
Forks, Arizona, and Italy for all of a day
So she knows actually nothing about your culture
Sure she knows what she learned in school, but honestly that’s not a lot
She wants to know everything that you’re willing to tell her
What holidays you celebrate, your favorite foods, the history of your family
And she will definitely try her best for you
You might have to be the one to drape her saree
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