amumate · 1 year
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moji2 · 9 months
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monokuropage · 1 year
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 3 months
the official one piece channel released a music video to promote volume 109 much like how they did with volume 106 and the start of egghead:
and i watched it and i started bawling almost instantly. below the cut is the rough (very rough, i'm not great at translating music) translation i did of the lyrics, so you all can cry along with me.
例えば誰か一人の命と/tatoeba dareka hitori no inochi to 引き換えに世界を救えるとして/hikikae ni sekai wo sukueru toshite 僕は誰かが名乗り出るのを待っているだけの男だ/boku wa dareka ga nanorideru no wo matteiru dake no otoko
if, for example, by saving the life of one person i could save the whole world i would be a man who only waits for that one person to declare himself
愛すべきたくさんの人達が/aisubeki takusan no hitotachi ga 僕を臆病者に変えてしまったんだ/boku wo okubyoumono ni kaete shimattanda
to all the many people dear to me i sadly became a coward
小さい頃に身振り手振りを/chiisai goro ni miburiteburi wo 真似てみせた/manete miseta 憧れになろうだなんて/akogare ni narou da nante 大それた気持ちはない/daisoreta kimochi wa nai
the gestures i learned when i was small i've showed you how to copy and i've come to yearn for something no grand ambitious feeling
でもヒーローになりたい/demo 'hero' ni naritai ただ一人君にとっての/tada hitori kimi ni totte no つまずいたり転んだりするようなら/tsumazuitari korondari suru you nara そっと手を差し伸べるよ/sotto te wo sashinoberu yo
but i want to become a hero if only to you alone if you ever stumble or fall i'll quietly reach out a hand
駄目な映画を盛り上げるために/dame na eiga wo moriageru tame ni 簡単に命が捨てられていく/kantan ni inochi ga suterareteiku 違う 僕らは見ていたいのは/chigau, bokura wa miteitai no wa 希望に満ちた光だ/kibou ni michita hikari da
for the sake of bringing this no-good movie to its climax lives were simply thrown away but no, what we dream of seeing is the light that has fueled our hopes
僕の手を握る少し小さな手/boku no te wo nigiru sukoshi chisana te すっと胸の淀みを溶かしていくんだ/sutto mune no yodomi wo tokashiteikunda
that small hand gripping mine all of a sudden melts all the hesitation from my heart
人生をフルコースで深く味わうための/jinsei wo furucosu de fukaku ajiwau tame no 幾つものスパイスが誰もに用意されていて/ikutsumono supaisu ga daremo ni youi sareteite 時には苦かったり/toki ni wa nigakattari 渋く思うこともあるだろう/shibuku omou koto mo aru darou そして最後のデザートを笑って食べる/soshite saigou no dezaato wo waratte taberu 君の側に僕は居たい/kimi no soba ni boku wa itai
so that you might deeply savor life as a full-course meal with all its many spices laid out for everyone though at times it may be bitter and full of sour thoughts and at last you'll eat dessert laughing i want to be by your side
残酷に過ぎる時間の中で/zankoku ni sugiru no naka de きっと十分に僕も大人になったんだ/kitto juubun ni boku mo otona ni nattanda 悲しくはない 切なさもない/kanashiku wa nai, setsunasa mo nai ただこうして繰り返されてきたことが/tada koushite kurikaesarete kita koto ga そうこうして繰り返していくことが/sou koushite kurikaeshite iku koto ga 嬉しい 愛しい/ureshii, itoshii
i certainly came to adulthood in the midst of these times that are far too cruel but i'm not sad, and i'm not in pain although things have just repeated like this yes, although things will repeat like this i'm happy, my dearest
ずっとヒーローにありたい/zutto 'hero' ni aritai ただ一人君にとっての/tada hitori kimi ni totte no ちっとも謎めいてないし/chittomo nazomeitenai shi 今更もう秘密はない/imasara mou himitsu wa nai
i always want to be a hero if only to you alone without any mystery left after everything, i have no secrets anymore
でもヒーローになりたい/demo 'hero' ni naritai ただ一人君にとっての/tada hitori kimi ni totte no つまずいたり転んだりするようなら/tsumazuitari korondari suru you nara そっと手を差し伸べるよ/sotto te wo sashinoberu yo
but i want to become a hero if only to you alone if you ever stumble or fall i'll quietly reach out a hand
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leomacgivena · 5 months
OGAWA KandaiさんはTwitterを使っています
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depression-napping · 9 days
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idk why I never translated this before. It’s probably available in English somewhere, but here’s my take:
“To wake me from my nightmare… who is it?”
(or, as the new Remake translation put it: “Who dares disturb my slumber?”)
ヴィンセント•ヴァレンタイン / Vincent Valentine
Voice cast: 鈴木省吾 / Suzuki Shogo
A self-proclaimed guardsman who dwells* in the basement of the Shinra Mansion.
To atone for his sins, he stayed asleep in a coffin in an underground cave for many years.
Beneath his deep crimson mantle (cloak), he conceals the presence of ferocious monsters.
He seems to have a fateful connection to Sephiroth, but the details are wrapped up in mystery.
*I found it interesting that they use the kanji meant for animals, not people, when writing the word to dwell (住まう), instead they used 棲まう which is uncommon and threw me for a loop.
I also took the liberty to translate the word 因子, “factor”, as something more like “presence” instead, which makes more sense in English.
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elle-p · 4 months
Scan and transcription of the Persona 3 part of Newtype Magazine February 2016
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監督 田口智久
田口 第3章で自分が監督としてかかわっていない劇場版「ペルソナ3」を見ることができたのが、刺激になりました。自分とはまったく違う方法論で構築されていて、僕がやったら確実にこうならないですし、なんというかジェラシーのようなものを感じまして。ああ、ペルソナって、こういうふうにつくることもできるんだ、と。それを受け止めることができたからこそ、第4章では、自分のやり方を突き詰めたフィルムにしなくてはと思いました。あとは、やっぱりフィナーレということでのプレッシャーが大きかったです。
田口 理と綾時の関係性ですね。そこヘシャドウの母体であるニュクスが襲来したり、それに伴ってみんなの心がダウナーになって⋯⋯という展開で、ずいぶん重いものになっています。でも、みんなが悩んでいる部分にしっかり尺を取って描いているので、映画ならではの見せ方ができているのでは、と思います。
田口 第3章に、理が旅館の池に落ちて笑うシーンがありますけど、あの理を経ての理をしっかり追っていこうと考えていました。今作では、抱えきれないほどの絶望を前に、悩み、立ち止まってしまうというところまで、みんなが落ちてしまうんですけど、そのなかで理が見つけ出す答えというのが、全4章通してのテーマでもあり、象徴的なセリフになっています。そして、それは、第3章で笑った理がいなければ、たどり着けなかった答えなんじゃないかな、と。
田口 すごく極端な⋯⋯本当に超極端な言い方ですけど「綾時と理は両想い。アイギスは理に片想い」っていうのを、こっそり頭の片角に置いてました(笑)。もちろん僕独自の解釈なので、いろんなとらえ方をしてほしくもあるのですが。ただ、そうやって、アイギスがヒロイン然としているわけではないからこそ、ペルソナならではの仲間感が出る、というのもあるんですよね。
田口 石田さんだけ別の週に理以外の綾時を中心とした声を録らせていただいてから、全体アフレコの週に理としてみんなといっしょに録らせていただいた感じなんですけれど、本当にすばらしかったです。演技に対するストイックさが本当にプロフェッショナルで、ご自身で「今のは少し綾時が出てしまったから」とリテイクを申し出てくださったり。
田口 圧倒的にスムーズでした。特に今回は静かなシーンが多くて、感情的にセリフを吐くような場面はほとんどないんですけど、その淡々とした空気感を成立させるのは難しいはずなのに、自然にスッとやってしまえるのがこのチームの方々の成せる技。こんなに研ぎ澄まされた現場は、なかなかないのではないかと。
田口 カッティングが終わった後に、編集さんに言われたひと言が「暗っ!」でしたからね(笑)。刺されて死ぬとか大惨事が起こって死ぬとかのサスペンス的な死ではなくて、非常に観念的な死についての物語なので、精神的にどうやられていくかというのを、どう表現するかが課題で。光や色味の演出であったり、降ってくる雪の量で表現していきました。アニメで雪が降りつづけている作品もあまりないんじゃないかと思うんですけど、心情とマッチさせたいなあというところで、力を入れています。作画もすごいアニメーターさんたちが集まってくださっていて、誇張された動きというよりはリアル寄りの芝居をていねいに描いてくださっています。全然動いているように見えないところにも実は枚数が割かれていて、作画枚数もこれまででいちばん使っているんですよ。
田口 ラストですね。それは第4章を担当すると決まったときから、見据えていたビジョンでもあります。第1章の春からともに季節を経てきた理と仲間たちが迎える、そのラストを見届けてほしいです。
#1 Spring of Birth
#2 Midsummer Knight's Dream
#3 Falling Down
「PERSONA3 THE MOVIE #4 Winter of Rebirth」
●第3章Blu-ray&DVD 1月20日水発売
illustrated by YUKIO HASEGAWA, finished by SAORI GODA
background by BIHOU, text by HITOMI WADA
©ATLUS ©SEGA/劇場版「ペルソナ3」製作委員会
STAFF 原作=「ペルソナ3」(アトラス) 脚本=熊谷純 スーパーバイザー=岸誠二 キャラクターデザイン=渡部圭祐 ペルソナデザイン=秋恭摩 プロップデザイン=常木志伸 色彩設計=合田沙織 美術監督=谷岡善王(美峰) 美術設定=青木薫(美峰) コンポジット&ビジュアルディレクター=高津純平 編集=櫻井崇 音楽=目黒将司、小林哲也 音響監督=飯田里樹 第4章監督=田口智久 制作=A-1 Pictures
CAST 結城理=石田彰 岳羽ゆかり=豊口めぐみ 伊織順平=鳥海浩輔 桐条美鶴=田中理恵 真田明彦=緑川光 山岸風花=能登麻美子 アイギス=坂本真綾 天田乾=緒方恵美 荒垣真次郎=中井和哉 イゴ ール=田の中勇(特別出演) エリザベス=沢城みゆき
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lastscenecom · 10 months
マーケティングを学んだことのある読者なら、大手食品会社ゼネラル・ミルズが1950年代に発売した、「ベティクロッカー」に関する有名なケーススタディをご存じかもしれない。 このケーキミックスは、水を加えて混ぜて焼くだけの優れた商品だったにもかかわらず、当初の売上げは振るわなかった。経営陣はこの状況に首をひねったが、やがてその謎が解けた。この商品を使うとあまりにも簡単にケーキが焼けるために、その購入者が「手抜きをしている」という後ろめたさを感じていたのである。このような顧客理解を踏まえて、同社は原材料からエッグパウダーを取り除き、購入者が卵を割り入れて混ぜるレシピに変えた。この小さな変更によって、つくり手の気持ちが楽になり、売上げの増加につながった。それから70年経ったいまも、ほとんどのケーキミックスはつくり手が卵を加えるレシピのままである。 このストーリーには、自動化された商品やサービスの導入が活発化している現代に通じる教訓がある。企業は、顧客がその商品・サービスだけでなく、それらを使う「自分自身」に対してまで、ど���ような感情を抱くかを深く理解する必要があるということだ。
AIは私たちのアイデンティティや消費活動にいかなる影響を及ぼすか 顧客や従業員の心理的な障壁に目を向けよ | ギゼム・ヤルチン,ステファノ・プントーニ | ["2024年1"]月号|DIAMOND ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー
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lachatalovematcha · 18 hours
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🧇🎀🌈ぷっちぐみ オリジナルまんが🧃🎀🍓「ふわもこたんてい ぱにゃにゃ」🧃🎀🍓まんがちぃ クイズ🧇🎀🌈✧ ˚. ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)☆⋆。 .🌞🍊🌈★。・:*:⭐️🎀みんなで歌えばスベテ花となり舞う🌈☀️🎀★。・:*:・🍓☘️謎だらけで不安だけど君がいる☆.:*・🎈⭐️🌈
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genoskissors · 9 months
Daily Danganronpa Fun Fact #7
Kazutaka Kodaka, Danganronpa’s writer, made a few posts on his twitter about uncovering lost material. In one of them, he stated there was a former Ultimate Detective.
[Uncovering Lost News]
The Former Super High School Level (Ultimate) Detective, Kumaichi Suzuki
A nice, middle aged man with a hard-boiled personality, however, he has completed his training.
He will always crawl on all fours when ordered to by his mysterious master
“My master is the only one allowed to ride on my back” is his policy.
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 2 months
I like the following conversations after it is revealed that Halara is number one in the popularity poll:
32:52 - 33:30 Fukuhara: Halara is... well, can I say this? She(He) is the character who first teaches Yuma what a detective is, so she(he) is a really reliable female… male… well, it's not clear. She(He) is a mysterious character who has various secrets, but her(his) every action is so cool that every time she(he) appears in a cut scene or something, I was like, "Wooo, Halaraaa!" Yeah, I remember that.
(It was cute how he closed his hands when he was about to shout Halara's name.)
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33:45 - 34:12 Miyokawa: What do you think about the first place, Kodaka-san? Kodaka: Well, I didn't expect Halara to be the number one. I thought she(he) would be popular, but I didn't expect it to surpass Shinigami-chan for first place. It's a pretty close, though. Fukuhara: Yes, that's true. Kodaka: But now the sequel has been decided. Fukuhara: Oh? Kodaka: I'll kill all the top five. All: (laughs)
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Miyokawa: Seriously? Fukuhara: Yumaaaaa! Yuma! Nooo stop it! Stop iiit! Kodaka: Then, Icardi will take its place. All: (laughs)
(Before the results were announced, Kodaka kept saying that Icardi would be ranked. As it turned out, he wasn't in the top 10.)
Just in case, the Japanese transcription is included below.↓
32:52-33:30 Fukuhara: ハララさんって、あー、なんだ、ちょっと言っていいのかな。一番最初にこう、ユーマに”探偵とは?”探偵の何たるかっていうのを教えてくれているようなキャラクターでもあるので本当に頼もしい、女性、男性…あーそこもちょっとわからない色々シークレットな、謎に秘められたキャラクターなんですけども。ね、所作がいちいちカッコよかったりするんで、それこそ、ね、あの、ムービーとかで出てくる度に僕は、キャー!ハララさーん!と思って見ていたのが懐かしい。
33:45-34:12 Miyokawa: さぁ、どうですか小高さん、1位? Kodaka: いやぁでも1位とは思わなかったですね。人気はあるだろうな思ったけどまさか死に神ちゃんを超えて1位っていうのはちょっと(予想外だった)。ただまぁ、すーごい競ってますけどね。 Fukuhara: そうですねぇ、確かに。 Kodaka: まぁでもこれで、続編が決まりましたよ。 Fukuhara: おっ? Kodaka: 上から5位は全員殺します。 一同: (笑) Miyokawa:マジで? Fukuhara: ユーマァァァ!!!ユーマ!いやぁ〜やめろぉ〜やめてくれぇ〜 Kodaka: で、イカルディが活躍します。 一同: (笑)
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kennak · 4 months
[B! 謎] レジ接客座ったままOK? 「環境改善を」イス置く店も ドンキで“専用イス”試験導入(テレビ朝日系(ANN)) - Yahoo!ニュース
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noeyebrow313 · 2 months
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Gakken「ひみつの小学生探偵3 タイムカプセル暗号事件」の絵を担当しました。短編4話の難事件をふつうの小学生が挑みます。今回で最終巻!7月25日発売です🔍
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leomacgivena · 2 months
かつて金持ちの人と高い寿司屋へ行った際に最も感じたことは「海苔がうまい! 回転寿司の海苔とか、ありゃ何なんだ!」というもので、ネタがどうこうとは二の次で、今でも人に「高い寿司屋は海苔が違う」と力説するほどである。しかるにネットの寿司通みたいな人は余り海苔を語らず個人的な謎である。
XユーザーのOGAWA Kandaiさん
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slickricklj · 3 months
I keep seeing some misinformation being spread about something Koshi Nakanishi (the director of RE7) brought up years ago, after RE7 was revealed (in regards to Chris and Jill). Since some people keep buying into/spreading misinformation, I'm gonna address it on here.
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I've seen this screen shot (and others) showing partial text of something I posted some years ago, being spread on here and even on twitter. Notice how this individual cut off what I said in MY POST?
Here is what was said:
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Not sure what the reason was some individual felt the need to cut out the context from my post. Even just looking at what he said itself, the context is STILL present though. HE said SPECIFICALLY THEY received MANY OPINIONS and REQUESTS. This is why it's in its own quotation marks. Comprehension is key. What Nakanishi is saying here, is that FANS have told them things such as, "It's about time to get Chris and Jill married." It's a quote WITHIN his response to what was asked. He's saying THAT'S a REQUEST/OPINION, it's not his own statement. He's mentioning what was requested for the "story of the latest game," which is why the man said he can't say anything about the story of RE7 afterward.
Ask yourself, does it make ANY sense, for him to just randomly say it's about time for them to marry Chris and Jill, when the question and his baseline comments were about the story of RE7 itself, and clearly Chris/Jill (as a duo) were irrelevant to the plot (with Jill only just recently getting a NEW story released -set in 2015- in 2023)? If it was of such urgency, wouldn't it have been established after all these years, let alone back then?
The link again (so people can actually read it/go translate it for themselves)
original text:
some various translations:
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See how it's a QOUTE within his response? *also note how this translation actually points out he LAUGHS after referring to the REQUEST*
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Like I made VERY clear, it was FANS being acknowledged for a request to see progression in Jill and Chris's relationship. Just like I was talking about what Takeuchi said when asked about them, and Kobayashi with his RE6 interview, when asked about specific romantically-angled pairings. Guess I may as well address his interview as well.
Hiroyuki Kobayashi (based on several translations people can do themselves with the scanned images), was saying RE was never planned to be a "work" about romance. NOT ONCE does he DENY romance existing anywhere (hell he talks about Leon and Ada having some development). He NEVER said Chris/Jill was STRICTLY a partnership for instance (as some have claimed over the years). What he actually said was in line with Takeuchi's claim about there being sort of a rule (for the scenario writers), on romances in the series--though they OBVIOUSLY still exist. There's a difference between someone saying "we don't focus on romance" and "there is no romance at all."
Kobayashi NEVER even denied there being a romantic aspect to their relationship, if people actually bothered to read the ACTUAL interview (even some messy online translations of the interview scans can give you the gist of it still clearly). He said it's more accurate to call them partners (meaning in the official sense) rather than to call them lovers, because they are not "together" officially. I actually thought it was interesting Death Island, never even referred to them as partners once, and it was just a given they were close and working together again once Jill got back on the field, even with Chris still serving as a captain (shown in the film and stated directly in his bio for the film).
A user (valenfieldc) on gamefaqs gave a translation I saw years ago, that lines up closely with what I got from online translations in recent years-
what producer says are actually these:
Q: About Leon and Ada's relationship in this game, will they finally have a breakthrough or they want to remain this ambiguous, unclear relationship fighting BOWs for another 10 years
A: they will have new development, "change" is the theme of RE6. Leon changed due to the mutated president, Ada changed due to some event, one of the interesting part about this game is how do changed Leon and Ada interact with each other. they also have secrets. anyway, you can look forward to it.
Q:there are some lover-like pairings in this series, eg, ChrisXJill, LeonXAda, which one do you prefer?
A: We never intend to make any romantic relationship in this series, so Chris and Jill are partners more precisely, in RE:R is also this way. If you really have to find a romantic relationship in this series, Claire and Steve in CV 's relationship are more subtle. Players can look forward to Jake and Sherry in RE6.
^He even name dropped Jake/Sherry as the NEW pairing with "romance."
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^All errors aside, you can see the GIST of what he said is very clear either way.
Anyway, the point is, this claim being made about Nakanishi's interview was NOT something anyone at Capcom said THEY needed to do themselves, or confirmation they would be. Love interests can exist as "canon" storytelling, without ever even having them become an "official" item. Things could change someday, who knows, but even married couples in this franchise haven't actually been allowed to be "romantic" either.
Always check sources when available, and be careful with what is being presented as a "fact."
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depression-napping · 5 months
Vincent’s Rebirth Bio
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(This is the paragraph on the bottom of his profile page next to his cape)
The mysterious man who sleeps in the basement of a gloomy mansion
Dwelling in a single room in the basement of the Shinra Mansion is a man who calls himself a security guard.* He seems to have the authority to unlock the laboratory, however, usually he just sleeps in a coffin, and doesn’t do anything more than required beyond the bare minimum.
Records left on Shinra’s computer terminal state that he is a former Turk, and he has mentioned that in the past he used to serve as a bodyguard for Shinra researchers, but other than that, the rest of his identity remains a mystery. He seems to have some kind of connection to Sephiroth, and once he learns that Cloud’s team is pursuing Sephiroth, he decides to travel along with them.
(*Ok I am dumb this just hit me like a ton of bricks. “Security guard” that guards the entrance to hell? In Greek mythology, that’s Cerberus. They are not being subtle about this at ALL. Amazing.)
(This is purely conjecture, but. Are the first three monsters like the heads of Cerberus, and Chaos = Hell? And this explains why his ultimate weapon is actually Death Penalty and not Cerberus. Guyysssss the devs thought this THROUGH.)
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