arcadebroke · 9 months
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torahoes · 4 months
(IDOLiSH7) FANTASY - Minami Natsume & Touma Inumaru [English Translation]
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Link to my Twitter post with the color-coded lyrics
Iwanai omoi nara
If these feelings go unspoken,
Doushitatte todokanai ne
There's no way they'll ever reach you
Kon'ya wa sunao ni tsutaete miru yo
So tonight, I'll try conveying them honestly
Kimi e no LOVE SONG
In a love song for you
Afureteku merodi
To this overflowing melody,
Odoridasou youen ni saa
Let's dance bewitchingly, come
Hayaru kokoro narasu yo aizu
When our eager hearts sound a signal,
Mahou de irodoru sutairu
In a style enchanted with magic,
Nando demo izanatte
I'll invite you over and over
Futari de saa yukou
Just the two of us, come on, let's set sail
醒めない君と僕の fantasy
Samenai kimi to boku no FANTASY
Towards the fantasy that's yours and mine, never to awaken
Madoromi wa samezu ni
While I'm still half-asleep,
Hazukashige ni warau kimi daki yosete
I'll embrace you as you shyly smile
そばにいてよ forever
Soba ni ite yo FOREVER
And say "stay by my side forever"
Koigokoro utsushiteta ano hoshizora
Under the starry sky that reflects our love
Iin janai?
Isn't it alright?
やるせない そんな日の運勢は
Yarusenai son'na hi no unsei wa
On the days you feel disheartened,
Boku ga uranatte gokigen ni shite ageru
I'll divine your fortune to cheer you up and
Make you smile
Kitai doori o enjite
By acting the way you always do,
隠してる? ジェラシー why?
Kakushiteru? jerashii WHY?
Are you hiding your jealousy? Why?
騒ぐココロ 惑う your eyes
Sawagu kokoro madou YOUR EYES
With your restless heart and wandering eyes,
教えて 僕への愛
Oshiete boku e no ai
Tell me about your love for me
Aikotoba kawashitara
Once we exchange our secret words
Mirai e touhikou
We'll escape to the future,
醒めないように描く love dream
Samenai you ni egaku LOVE DREAM
Sketching a love dream so we never wake up
Hoshizora no mukou ni
Beyond the starry sky,
Itsuka mitai keshiki ga aru kara
There's a sight I want to see someday
Mada mou sukoshi dake wa
So, for just a little while longer,
Tomaranai merodi ga michibiku mama
As we're guided by the never-ending melody,
Tobitatte yukou
Let's take off and fly
夢でもいい everything
Yume demo ii EVERYTHING
Even if everything is merely a dream, it's fine
Kodoku ni sukoshi nareteta hazu no bokura dattan da
We were meant to grow a bit accustomed to solitude
消せない痛み照らす your light
Kesenai itami terasu YOUR LIGHT
But your light illuminates the pain that can't be erased
Dare datte tsunagatteru yorokobi wakaritakute
Everyone desires to understand the joy of being connected
All night いつまでも答えを探していたい
ALL NIGHT itsumademo kotae o sagashite itai
All night long, I want to endlessly seek answers
Hayaru kokoro narasu yo aizu
When our eager hearts sound a signal,
Mahou de irodoru sutairu
In a style enchanted with magic,
Nando demo izanatte
I'll invite you over and over
Futari de saa yukou
Just the two of us, come on, let's set sail
醒めない君と僕の fantasy
Samenai kimi to boku no FANTASY
Towards the fantasy that's yours and mine, never to awaken
Madoromi wa samezu ni
While I'm still half-asleep,
Hazukashige ni warau kimi daki yosete
I'll embrace you as you shyly smile
そばにいてよ forever
Soba ni ite yo FOREVER
And say "stay by my side forever"
Koigokoro utsushiteta ano hoshizora
Under the starry sky that reflects our love
Tobitatte yukou
Let's take off and fly
夢でもいい everything
Yume demo ii EVERYTHING
Even if everything is merely a dream, it's fine
Kodoku ni sukoshi nareteta hazu no bokura dattan da
We were meant to grow a bit accustomed to solitude
消せない痛み照らす your light
Kesenai itami terasu YOUR LIGHT
But your light illuminates the pain that can't be erased
Dare datte tsunagatteru yorokobi wakaritakute
Everyone desires to understand the joy of being connected
Alright? 君とただ答えを探していたい
ALRIGHT? Kimi to tada kotae o sagashite itai
Alright? I just want to seek answers together with you
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Sean bienvenidos, japonistasarqueologicos, al tercer capítulo del Japón prehistórico y seguir recorriendo sus lugares mitológicos y mágicos, una vez dicho esto póngase comandos que empezamos. - Para continuar nuestro viaje, más vale tarde que nunca, pero despacio y con buena letra. Nos trasladamos al yacimiento arqueológico de Sannai Maruyama en la prefectura de Aomori, localizada en la región de Tōhoku. - La estructura, de madera, data del periodo jomon, es una estructura que funcionó como un gran calendario, ya que algo común que tienen todas las culturas en el mundo es adorar a las estrellas en lo que respecta a la prehistoria. El yacimiento data del 3900 a.c localizado a lo largo del río Okidate en la punta de una suave colina que se extiende desde las montañas Hakkoda. - En la década de 1992, tuvieron lugar las excavaciones que han desenterrado los restos de viviendas en pozos, tumbas de adultos, niños y los pozos de almacenamiento, entre otros rastros de la vida cotidiana. Además de una hay una gran cantidad de herramientas de loza de piedra. Se han excavado una gran variedad de huesos de pescado y de animales que indican hábitos alimenticios de aquella gente, también fueron encontrados frutos secos: como castañas y nueces. Además, se han desenterrado muchas reliquias orgánicas, como productos de madera, herramientas de hueso, canastas tejidas, así como artículos comerciales como jade, obsidiana de áreas remotas y asfalto. Hay una teoría: en Iwate se crean estructuras similares para realizar la danza de los ciervos ¿Qué opinan al respecto? _ Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones mis amantes del mundo japonés, que pasen una buena semana. - 考古学者の日本主義者の皆さん、先史時代の日本の第 3 章へようこそ、神話と魔法の場所を旅し続けてください。 - 旅を続けるには、遅刻しないよりはマシですが、ゆっくりと上手な字で。 東北地方にある青森県の三内丸山遺跡へ移動します。 - この木造建造物は縄文時代にまで遡り、先史時代から世界のどの文化にも共通して星を崇拝しており、偉大な暦として機能していた建造物です。 この遺跡は、八甲田山系から続くなだらかな丘陵の先端、沖館川沿いに位置し、紀元前 3900 年に遡ります。 - 1992 年代に発掘調査が行われ、井戸内の住居跡、大人、子供の墓、貯蔵穴、その他の日常生活の痕跡が発掘されました。 1 つ以外にも多数の石器の道具があります。 当時の人々の食生活を示す魚や動物の骨が多数出土しており、栗やクルミなどの木の実も出土しています。 さらに、木製品、骨道具、編んだかごなどの有機遺物や、翡翠、辺境の黒曜石、アスファルトなどの交易品も発掘されています。 岩手でも鹿踊りをするために同じような建物が作られているという説がありますが、どう思いますか? _ 日本の世界を愛する皆さん、良い一週間をお過ごしください。 - Welcome, archaeological Japanists, to the third chapter of prehistoric Japan and continue touring its mythological and magical places. Having said that, put yourself in command and let's begin. - To continue our journey, better late than never, but slowly and with good handwriting. We move to the Sannai Maruyama archaeological site in Aomori prefecture, located in the Tōhoku region. - The wooden structure dates back to the Jomon period, it is a structure that functioned as a great calendar, since something common that all cultures in the world have is worshiping the stars in regards to prehistory. The site dates back to 3900 BC located along the Okidate River at the tip of a gentle hill that extends from the Hakkoda Mountains. - In the 1992s, excavations took place that unearthed the remains of dwellings in wells, graves of adults, children and storage pits, among other traces of daily life. In addition to one there are a large number of stoneware tools. A wide variety of fish and animal bones have been excavated that indicate the eating habits of those people. Nuts such as chestnuts and walnuts were also found. In addition, many organic relics have been unearthed, such as wooden products, bone tools, woven baskets, as well as trade items such as jade, obsidian from remote areas, and asphalt. There is a theory: in Iwate similar structures are created to perform the deer dance. What do you think about it? _ I hope you liked it and see you in future posts my lovers of the Japanese world, have a good week.
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (18)
T for Tinne (Holly) - July 18th - August 5th
“Tree of Sacrifice - 8th month of the Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref)”
Colour: red; Star: Mars, Saturn: Gemstone: ruby, bloodstone; Gender: male; Patrons: Taranis, Jesus Christ, Thor, Lugh; Symbols: discord + humanity, blood + compassion, endless love
When it comes to holly, there is no one who doesn't know the prickly leaves and red berries. The evergreen holly tree has dense branches, and thanks to its glossy evergreen foliage, the holly tree remains unchanged through over time and throughout the year. 
Since ancient times, holly has represented the robust vitality and masculine strength of nature. It was closely associated with birth and rebirth rituals and the transmission of esoteric knowledge, and was particularly linked with unconditional love, and eventually came to symbolise all gods dedicated to sacrifice. The holly is also known as a tree that protects fairies and, as with all 'fairy trees', legend has it that cutting it down will bring bad luck. People in the past planted holly near their houses because it was said to ward off evil and stop lightning from striking.
It is said that long ago, when the island of Britain was still called Albion, prehistoric Britain was protected by a giant called Gogmagog. This giant who covered his entire body with holly branches and leaves, primeval god Gogmagog, eventually became known by the name 'the Holly King'. The giant held a holly bush as a club and is said to be the twin brother of the 'King of Oak'. In the medieval story 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight', the Holly King appears as the immortal Green Knight and Sir Gawain as the Oak King. 
The Holly King, who rules over the six months leading up to the summer solstice and winter solstice, takes the throne after the Oak King dedicates himself to the summer solstice bonfire. Then, in a cycle of death and rebirth, he sacrifices himself to give way once more to the Oak King on the winter solstice. Hence, Oak King and Holly king represent two phases of nature's guardian deities.
The Celtic festival of Lughnasadh (Lughnasa) takes place at the end of the holly month. This celebrates the rebirth of Lugh, the god of light (the sun) and crafts, and is celebrated on 1 August in the UK, Ireland and Europe at the Harvest Festival. This is also the Anglo-Saxon festival of Lammas.
The evergreen holly, which does not die out even when all plants have died, symbolises a strong life force and is a 'good omen' tree. The druids (Ref2), who regarded holly as a particularly sacred tree, proceeded to bring holly into the house during the winter months. The holly, with its red berries and bright foliage, which exalts the soul, was a protector of elves and fairies from the harsh cold. So, during the winter, they do not misbehave.
Any holly brought into the house must be returned to the outdoors by 'Imbolc Eve'. It's because if holly leaves remain in the house after that, misfortune will befall them.
This was retained in Christianity as Twelfth Night (also known as Epiphany Eve). In Christianity, which teaches that holly eventually grew from the ground on which Jesus walked, the thorny leaves and red berries of holly represent the Passion and shed blood of Jesus.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (18)
TはTinne (ヒイラギ) - 7月18日~8月4日
『犠牲の木 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の第8月』
色: 赤; 星: 火星、土星: 宝石: ルビー、ブラッドストーン (血石) ; 性: 男性; 守護神: タラニス、イエス・キリスト、トール、ルー; シンボル: 不和+人間性、血+憐れみ、限りなき愛
ヒイラギの月が終わる頃にはケルトの祭典、ルーナサが行われる。これは、光 (太陽) と技芸の神、ルーの再生を祝うもので、英国、アイルランド、ヨーロッパでは、8月1日に収穫祭が開かれる。これはアングロサクソン人のラマス祭にも当たる。
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noink131 · 1 year
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#柳沈 #渣反 #SVSSS
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illym · 6 months
Translating the Human Side introductions for Witch's Heart, because I've always wanted to know what they said. If someone else has translated these without DeepL, please let me know.
[ translated with DeepL. ] [ localized by me. ] [ DeepLで翻訳 ] [ ローカライズ ]
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Claire Elford
"I'll take care of it!"
The main character of this story.
She loves pretty and beautiful things,
and longs to live in a fairy tale world.
She lives alone in the forest on the outskirts of town.
She is earnest at heart and quite good-natured.
She also works out on a regular basis and is extremely strong.
and I'll include the Japanese text as well, because there's no reason not to. The golden text [ 操作キャラクター ] is just [ character ].
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Ashe Bradley
"You know what they say about researchers.
I can do anything for the sake of research.
I can even camp in the wild…………….!"
A man who travels around the world for one reason or another.
He is energetic, cheerful, and friendly.
However, he is a bit too talkative.
He likes to cook.
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Wilardo Adler
"How much fun is it to go to the same place over and over again?
It doesn't change."
A taciturn, unsociable man.
He only speaks the bare minimum.
It is unclear why he came to the mansion.
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Sirius Gibson
"Do you people really believe those fantastical rumors?
They're absolutely ridiculous."
A man who claims to be the owner of the mansion.
He is misanthropic and hysterical.
He is especially hostile to Claire.
He reveres "The Witch Dorothy",
and is sensitive to any mention of her.
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Noel Levine
"Look, look.
The stars are so beautiful tonight!"
A soft-spoken man from downtown.
He is a sensible man with no venom in his voice.
However, due to his work, he is nocturnal and sleeps all day long.
[ Obsessed with Noel being from downtown... And Sirius' hysteria ]
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ryotarox · 2 months
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 「響け!ユーフォニアム」も部活の年代記なのかも。
『黎明の王 白昼の女王』イアン・マクドナルド
『棺のない埋葬』 ファン・ファン
『ドラゴンクエストV 天空の花嫁』堀井雄二(ゲームデザイン)
『血脈 西武王国・堤兄弟の真実』レズリー・ダウナー
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danmei-action · 2 months
Danmei Gotcha for Gaza: Day 3 Update!
Attention danmei fans! Our fundraiser (link) has reached $470 USD for Palestine as of 8/3/2024 - thank you so much to all the prompters ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Notice: We've seen several donations that cover much more than the number of prompts requested! While this is great for our fundraisers, prompters can also use the extra money to request two types of "free" prompts; you can either leave "creator's choice" prompts where the creators are free to make whatever they like (specifying a fandom is optional), or donate prompts for fans who are unable to donate at the moment.
For example, if you want to make a $20 USD donation but only want to request a single SFW prompt for $5 USD, you can specify that you want to donate the other $15 as prompts for the rest of the fandom or let 1-3 SFW contributors pick what to create. You can also consider leaving creator's choice prompts for the fandoms listed below, since they have not received any prompts yet:
Brother | Da Ge (大哥)
Pure White Devil (纯白恶魔)
Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire (烈火浇愁)
Itinerant Doctor | Youyi (游医)
Jin Se | 锦瑟
Nan Chan (南禅)
The Submissive Emperor | Jun Wei Xia (君为下)
The Wife is First | Qi Wei Shang (妻为上)
Drink, Drank, Drunk! | (千杯)
Global Examinations | 全球高考
Copper Coins | Tong Qian Kan Shi (铜钱龛世)
I Ship My Rival X Me | (我嗑了对家x我)
More under the cut:
City of Angels | (天使之城)
Legend of Exorcism | Tianbao Fuyao Lu (天宝伏妖录)
Dinghai Fusheng Records (定海浮生录)
Seizing Dreams | Duo Meng (夺梦)
Those Years In Quest Of Honour Mine (当年万里觅封侯)
AWM: PUBG | (AWM [绝地求生])
The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path (仙道第一小白脸)
First-Class Lawyer | Yi Ji Lushi (一级律师)
Judge | Pànguān (判官)
Wildhood Friends | Zhu Mu Lang Ma (竹木狼马)
Run Wild | Sa Ye (撒野)
Qing Kuang | (轻狂)
Antidote | Jie Yao (解药)
Wait for Me after School | 放学等我
PUBG Online Romance of the Century | (PUBG世纪网恋)
I Can Do It | (我行让我来)
Glory [e-sports] | Rong Guang (荣光[电竞])
My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting | (学渣同桌不需要安慰)
Game Loading | (游戏加载中)
How Did You Guys Become Boyfriends While Gaming | (你們打個遊戲怎麼就交到男朋友了)
Fake Slackers | 伪装学渣
Beyond the Outline | (这题超纲了) *The Guy Inside Me
They All Say I've Met a Ghost | (他们都说我遇到了鬼)
After Marrying the Evil God | (和邪神結婚後)
After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General (被迫嫁给煞星将军后)
After Crossdressing and Provoking Long AoTian (女装招惹龙傲天后)
The Demon Venerable’s Wistful Desire | (魔尊他念念不忘)
After Crossing Through Ten Worlds, I Failed To Run Away | 穿越十个世界后我跑路失败了
Swallowing the Seas | Tun Hai (吞海)
Breaking Through the Clouds | Po Yun (破云)
Your Distance | Nĭ Dè Jù Lí (你的距离)
Is the Gentleman Feeling Alright? | jun you ji fou (君有疾否)
Encountering a Snake | Yu She (遇蛇)
You Boys Play Games Very Well | (你们男生打游戏好厉害哦~)
Waiting For You Online | (就等你上线了)
I’m Completely Clueless About Sockpuppet Accounts Being Unmasked [E-sports] | (被扒了马甲我一无所知[电竞])
That One Rich Fan of Mine | (我的那個有錢粉絲)
I Just Want To Be In A Relationship | (我就想谈个恋爱)
Heart has Ling Xi | (心有凌熙)
After Getting Gayified, I Swore Off Parody Mashups | (被gay后再也不敢鬼畜了)
Reborn with an Old Enemy on the Day of our Marriage | (和宿敌结婚当天一起重生了)
Transmigrated into the prince regent's beloved runaway wife | (穿成攝政王的侍愛逃妻)
After transmigrating into the book, I picked up the protagonist-shou | (穿书后我捡到了主角受)
Cold Sands | ��上寒沙
I Know I'm About to Lose You | 我知道我快失去你了
Fanservice Paradox | 营业悖论
Fantasy Farm | Huanxiang Nongchang (不离)
The Emperor's strategy | (帝王攻略)
The Missing Piece | (貌合神离)
I'm using the interstellar live broadcast to raise cubs | (我在星际直播养崽)
Not in Vain | (不枉)
You use a gun, I use a bow (你们用枪我用弓[电竞])
I’m A Male Mom in a Nightmare Game |
I Like Your Pheromones | (我喜欢你的信息素)
Transmigrating Into The Heartthrob’s Cannon Fodder Childhood Friend | (穿成万人迷的炮灰竹马)
Pixiu Restaurant, No Way Out (貔貅饭馆,只进不出)
Mist [Unlimited] | 薄雾[无限]
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deadscanlations · 10 months
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Glamorous Fellows - Various
000 Cover + Author Comments 001 [森薫] アメノウズメ 002 [冨明仁] フワリンモーニン 003 [山田果苗] ぺらぺらまるまる 004 [九井諒子] 彼女へのなり方 005 [高橋拡那] 湯姫伝説 006 [志岐佳衣子] にゅうげーむ 007 [松本水星] MISS.ほほかべ図書館の魔力 008 [宮永麻也] スミレちゃんとコウタくん 009 [八重樫莉子] 僕だけのポートレー卜 010 [真冬麻里] デッサンの時間 011 [サワミソノ] 空が飛べるだけ 012 [町馬順子] セクシー ドラッグ 013 [なかま亜咲] 落ちオチまっぱ 014 [設楽清人] アラジン 015 [戎島実里] ホラー映画撮影 016 [大武政夫] 90 59 88 017 [川田大智] ヒッチハイク 018 [緒方波子] 恋と肉 019 [山高守人] ドロップ&グラマラス 020 [佐藤春美] 特権的肉体についての考察 021 [中西芙海] 探究者、その名はカー夕ー 022 [二宮香乃] リリスの悪魔的生活 023 [浅井海奈] ぽんぽこ! 024 [須川佳] 太陽の子どもたち 025 [富岡二郎] かなえて!イヌ松さま 憧れのボディー!の巻 026 [原鮎美] 怪盗インス夕 グラマラス 027 [上瀬達也 ] グラマラスで いこう! 028 [高江洲弥 ] カガミの国 029 [山本ルンルン] 愛しの赤ずきんちゃん 030 [比嘉史果] うけもちの神 031 [佐々大河] 玉華のチャイナドレス 032 [高橋拡那] グラマラ捨て山
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epixlog · 3 months
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マイスリー 10mg タリージェ 5mg 10mg 他
一番お世話になっているのは、マイスリー(画像左)。 睡眠導入剤。筋金入りの不眠症で、ぶっちゃけもう20年近く飲んでいる。「なにそれやばいやつ…」って思われるかも、でも全然やばくないよ!ぶっちゃけマイスリーなんて死ぬまで飲んでも平気だよ笑。副作用もほぼないし。むしろアルコールの方が中毒性高くてドラッギー。寝つきが悪い人には超いい薬だよ!オススメ!
それから最近あらわれた超新星、タリージェ(画像右)。 疼痛治療薬。僕はずっと身体の痛みに困っている!痛みをコントロールするためにありとあらゆる薬や治療を試したんだけど、なかなか上手くいかなかった。そんな時、とある大学病院の麻酔科の女医さんが、「私の今一番の推し」と出してくれたのがこのタリージェ。マジでめちゃくちゃ効いた。えっえっえっ魔法???新薬でまだ世に知れ渡ってないらしい。副作用が眠気なんだけど、さっきも言ったとおりワイ筋金入りの不眠症だから逆にありがてえ・・笑。タリージェ、裏も表も愛せるよ。
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light-end-dragon · 4 months
Rondo in Amber and Lapis-En Lyrics
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✦✦Valkyrie ✦✦Enstars ✦✦
**This is not an official translation. All rights to the lyrics and characters etc. are property of Happy Elements. The only thing that is my own is the translation**
Note: I suggest reading/listening to these lyrics along with Shu's solo, as they have many moments that relate to each other.
~琥珀ト瑠璃ノ輪舞曲 "Rondo in Amber and Lapis"~(1)
煤けた硝子玉  淡い月と碧い夜
The two glass beads are covered in grime / as I lay hidden, unbidden by time 
それだけを映して  時の函に横たわっていた
The pale moonlight reflects onto me / the glint in my eyes answers back ever so feebly 
優しく触れた指 轉々捲かれてく
Those fingers gently turn the gears round / over and over they spin as i am wound  
発条の魔法が 壊れていた魂にかかった
The magic of their clockworks grow / fastening life onto pieces of my shattered soul
Oh, it’s so dark….Oh, how gloomy it all carries on
色を与えてくれた 嗚呼、旋律は
Can your hands paint my world full of color too …. That song that you play….
Oh, can it save me as I’m rotting away? 
踊ろう 唯、その意の侭 人形に意思は要らない
And all I ask is that I can dance as you please  / A doll like me hasn’t a will to appease
黄金の繰糸が 紡いでくお伽話が  一つだけの真実
The only wish that a thing like me needs   / is to come along with the strings that you lead
Oh yes-tell me what you don’t like -let me gather it-and I’ll cast it away 
憧れが染み付いた琥珀も    絶望が染み付いた瑠璃も
Like this broken amber I have caught in a prayer / And this piece of lapis dark with despair 
下限の三日月の   欠けた影の一片を (2)
The moon above me calls my shadow night / One a replica gave here upon the light
繕ってくれたから    人の形を纏えたんだ
The broken strings brings it as I’m sewn /  fragments that give me a body that looks like your own
時計の歯車が    轉々廻り出す
The gears click into place as they spin / round and around they all turn once again
調律師の振るう   指揮棒こそが命の鼓動さ
The rhythm of the tuner’s baton /  is the same beat that calls me to live on and on
Yes, and I know….that the world may crumble away
潰えてしまおうとも   嗚呼、構わない
And if I do too, then let it be so, I am just a doll
No, I don’t feel any pain at all!
 歌おう 唯、欲しいのは  完璧な環を成す輪舞曲 (3)
Oh please I ask, just let me sing to the end / and let my rondo meet at its refrain
黄金の琴糸が    奏でゆく絢なる調べ     たった一つの星
If it lies with the song you once played / then the desolate star in the sky might have stayed 
Yes, that is my soul you see ….And just like the moon, it may disappear soon
溶けてゆく硝子にも映そう   永遠に消えはしない愛を
Know that though my eyes burn out on this final day / endless is their love as they melt away…..
This is not as much a translation note (those are below) as it is me pointing out that I've noticed a lot of the things Mika says in these lyrics are very heavily reminiscent of things Nazuna also says during ExValk days. Mika himself has even admitted that he used his nii-chan as a reference in Acanthe, so I would like to believe this is very intentional.
(1). There are a lot of 'everyone knows this' moments I'm pointing out, but either way, the 'amber' and 'lapis' here are referring to his eyes, same as in the lyrics. I also chose to translate the title as "Rondo in Amber and Lapis' b/c most classical songs are titled "Rondo in X Key" and it just sounds better to me that way.
(2). Another 'probably obvious' moment as I've seen it get pointed out before, but it also took me a little while to realize this entire line is a play on words involving Mika's own name.
三日月 "mi-ka-d(z)u-ki"  
欠けた影の一片を "ka-ke-ta ka-ge no hi-to-hi-ra"
plus, the 'kage' and 'hira' use the same kanji as his name does.
There isn't a really good way for this to translate it into english while keeping the meaning of the lines, but I wanted to really try my best b/c I'm stubborn, which is why the line might sound a bit odd. (I'm hoping not, but...)
However, while english has a lot more syllables and sounds for things than jp does, I did manage to get something to work.
The moon above me calls my shadow night (mi:- kɑ:)
One a replica gave here upon the light (kə: - ɡeɪ: -hɪr: əˈpɑː)
Translated more literally, the original line is something like "a piece of the waning crescent moon's broken shadow" so I was trying to match the phonetics while keeping it in line with the moon and shadow imagery, as well as Mika inferring that this is what made up his body as he was given a human form.
(3). This is another very important not for the whole song, but the line here more literally translated has Mika singing something like "my only wish is to sing/be able to sing / a rondo that forms a perfect loop"
Rondo form in music is typically characterized as a main theme or refrain of sorts (I'm using that term b/c it rhymes, I dunno if its supposed to be called that lol) alternating contrasting episodes. A typical rondo is in ABABA formation or variations of. This is likely what he means in the lyrics; he wishes to be able to sing his song until the end, so it can meet back at the beginning again like a proper rondo.
Another note like in Shu's song, a rondo can also be both a music form and a dance, and looking it up, the closest thing I see it coming out to is a ring or circle dance, which seems pretty similar to square dancing in the US. It refers to a pretty broad genre so its hard to pin down exactly what people might be saying when referring to it, but an interesting note is that a waltz can be considered a round dance, round/circle dancing is more associated with communal and folk dancing than typical waltzes.
This likely has rather little bearing on the song in general, but I didn't spend an inordinate amount of time on Wikipedia and other sites to not put something down.
And the final note that is far more relevant to the composition, is about the end. I have to preface this saying that i am not an expert on musical theory, nor am I wholly confident in saying this, so take it as you will.
That being said, I've been listening to the song and melody left and right, and if you recall what I said before about rondo structure, its typically at its simplest, ABABA? There of course can be many variations, but I don't think Mika's song ever finally loops back.
He very well might be singing an incomplete rondo, which makes his line right before it about asking that he's able to finish his song before he burns away....
I certainly feel an emotion, and it isn't good.
These lyrics are not a word for word translation, and are an adaptation of the original song's message, made to (pretty much) fit in with the original vocals. It's my interpretation, but I wanted to keep the meaning close to what it was in Jp while coming across as what one would write in an En song.
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buried-in-stardust · 10 months
Tag someone you want to know better
tagged by @scarletlich ! thank you!!
Favourite colour: blue!
Last song: 《予你》 by 隊長
Last movie: Little Women (2019)
Currently watching:
Season 2 of 《天官賜福》 TGCF
Rewatch of seasons 1 + 2 of 《全職高手》 The King's Avatar (QZGS) (donghua) when is s3 coming out???
Other stuff I've watched this year:
Across the Spider-Verse
...I think that's it
Currently reading:
《我只喜歡你的人設》 Rose and Renaissance by 稚楚
《可愛過敏原》 Lovely Allergen by 稚楚
《全職高手》 The King's Avatar (QZGS) by 蝴蝶藍 (I've been "currently reading" for 2 years and I still haven't finished it, but I do know the rest of the plot lol. )
《撒野》 by 巫哲 (just started)
《如琢如磨》 by 幾杯
Other stuff I've read this year: (adding this bc I read more than I watch)
《小蘑菇》 Little Mushroom by 一十四州 (very interesting apocalyptic setting! an zhe is also a very cute mushroom)
Babel by R. F. Kuang (very interesting magic system based on translation between languages)
You Feel It Just Below the Ribs by Jeffrey Cranor and Janina Matthewson (i love the way footnotes are used here and the unreliable narrators. fascinating setting too)
《小行星》 by 微風幾許
Novels I didn't finish: (also adding this)
《穿成反派的我靠沙雕苟活》 by 馬戶子君
《極度失常》 by 姜和
《封建糟粕》 by 超A的小花卷
(all for various reasons)
Currently working on:
QZGS fic translations
Creating a murder mystery board game (for a game design course)
Learning the basics of soapmaking
Learning basics of crochet (not really, I learned exactly one type of stitch)
Not killing my sourdough starter
Improving my Chinese in general (seriously though, it's not been that long since I first started learning how to read/write. I could read maybe 20 total characters until June 2020, and since then it's mostly been self-learning)
(all non-school related stuff is on hold bc I made poor choices and took too many courses this semester and employers in my industry expect a portfolio of personal projects)
Current obsession:
魔道祖師 MDZS my beloved 💙
全職高手 QZGS my beloved 💙💙
good characterization is just *chef's kiss*
tagging @misha-kitsune, @aestian, @kasarian, @enpr-ss + anyone else who wants to/hasn't done this already
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Forest myths, Estonian traditional beliefs (4)
The world of the Estonians’ ancestors – Mythical motifs in Estonian runic songs
The Estonian literary mythology describes the following pantheon: The supreme god, the god of all living things, is Taara (variations of the name include Tooru, Tharapita and Tarapitha), also known as Uku or Jumal, is a prominent god in Estonian mythology, with a strong resemblance to the Finnish Ukko and the Germanic Thor. He is celebrated in sacred oak forests around Tartu. The god of thunder is Uku. Uku's daughters are Linda and Jutta, the queen of the birds. Uku has two sons: Kõu (Thunder) and Pikker (Lightning). Pikker possesses a powerful musical instrument, which makes demons tremble and flee. He has a naughty daughter, Ilmatütar (Weather Maiden).
Estonian legends about giants (Kalevipoeg, Suur Tõll, Leiger) may be a reflection of Germanic (especially Scandinavian) influences. Giants themselves in some stories stood as protectors against such Germanic influences, such as invasion. There are numerous legends interpreting various natural objects and features as traces of Kalevipoeg's deeds. The giant has merged with Christian Devil, giving birth to a new character – Vanapagan (a cunning demon living on his farm or manor) and his farm hand Kaval-Ants ("Crafty Hans").
Other mythical motifs from Estonian runic songs:
a mighty oak grows into the sky, is then felled and turned into various mythical objects
Sun, Moon and Star are the suitors of a young maiden, she finally accepts the Star
a crafty blacksmith forges a woman of gold but is not able to give her a soul or a mind
a holy grove starts to wither after having been desecrated by a love-making couple; only sacrificing nine brothers cleanses it
mighty heroes are not able to kill a terrible giant ox, but a little brother is
a woman is forced to kill her daughter who then goes to live in the heaven as the Air Maiden
a girl finds a fish and asks her brother to kill it – there is a woman inside the fish
young girls go out at night and young men from the holy grove (or the land of the dead) seduce them by offering them riches
a lake travels to another place when it has been desecrated by an inconsiderate woman or an incestuous couple
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森の神話・エストニアの民間伝承 (4)
エストニア人の祖先の世界 〜 ルーン文字の歌詞に見られる神話のモチーフ
エストニアの文学的神話には、次のようなパンテオンが描かれている: すべての生きとし生けるものの神である最高神はタアラであり、タルトゥ周辺の神聖なオークの森で祭られている。タアラ(トオル、タラピタなどの異称がある)は、ウクまたはユマルとも呼ばれるエストニア神話の著名な神で、フィンランドのウッコやゲルマン民族のトールに類似している。タルトゥ周辺の神聖なオークの森で祭られている。ウクの娘はリンダと鳥の女王ユッタ。ウクには2人の息子がいる: コオウ(雷)とピッカー(稲妻)である。ピッカーは強力な楽器を持っており、悪魔を震え上がらせて逃走させる。彼にはいたずらっ子の娘イルマチュタル(天気の乙女)がいる。
少女が魚を見つけ、兄に殺してくれるよう頼む - その魚の中に女がいる。
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kennak · 8 months
1980年代当時、薬師丸ひろ子や原田知世などの人気スターを続々と送り出し、 映画界の話題を独占していた角川のアニメ参入第1弾として大々的なプロモーションを展開していた「幻魔大戦」と、 未だに熱狂的なファンを持つ「機動戦士ガンダム」の完結編を除くと、 松本零士作品か「ドラえもん」しか残らないという状況。 「うる星やつら2」が公開された1984年は、「風の谷のナウシカ」「超時空要塞マクロス 愛・おぼえていますか」など アニメ界の流れを大きく変える作品が続々と登場していたのだが、興収的には今ひとつ振るわなかった。 種の蒔かれる瞬間を劇場で観ることの出来た、幸運な世代である私は 「宇宙戦艦ヤマト 完結編」が公開された翌年に「風の谷のナウシカ」と「うる星やつら2」が 相次いで公開されたことの衝撃を良く覚えている。 ここから劇場アニメの概念が大きく変わるだろうと確信を持てる2作だった。 サントラも「愛はブーメラン」のシングルも、関連雑誌も買いまくった。 多少の想い出補正がかかっていることを差し引いても、 どちらの作品も未だに古びない素晴らしい作品で、あの頃の衝撃が正しかったことをこの歳になって再確認している。 あたるとラムの夫婦漫才のような関係をベースに 多彩なキャラクターが集まったドタバタアニメとして人気を集めていた「うる星やつら」が 突然ダークファンタジー全開の作風になったことで「押井守がやり過ぎた」だの、 「高橋留美子が激怒した」だのと、当時は様々な憶測が飛び交った。 Blu-ray発売までに随分と時間がかかってしまった(しかも一度中止になっている)ことも、 噂に信憑性を持たせる理由になっていたのだが、待てば海路の日和ありとは良く言ったもので こうしてプライムビデオでいつでも見られるようになるとは夢にも思っていなかった。 奇しくも今年で劇場公開から40年。長かったようで、振り返るとあっという間だった。
「うる星やつら2 ビューティフル・ドリーマー」がAmazonプライムビデオで見放題に - 忍之閻魔帳
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moja-co · 12 days
(7)『魔法のアイドル パステルユーミ』
(9)『六三四の剣 青春編』
(11)『銀牙 流れ星銀』
(17)『マシンロボ クロノスの大逆襲』
(18)『地上最強のエキスパートチーム G.I.ジョー』
(20)『たばこ1本のストーリー ハートカクテル』
(29)『戦え!超ロボット生命体 トランスフォーマー2010』
※『G.I.ジョー』『トランスフォーマー2010』は 海外作品(国内プロダクションが制作で参加)。
『COOL COOL BYE』(1月21日)
『美少女アニメ くりぃむレモン パート11 黒猫館』(成人向・1月25日)
『魔法の天使クリィミーマミ CURTAINCALL』(2月1日)
『美少女アニメ くりぃむレモン パート12 いけないマコちゃん MAKO・セクシーシンフォニー 後編』(成人向・2月25日)
『夢次元ハンター ファンドラ PartII デッドランダー編』(3月10日)
『ザ ヒューマノイド』(3月20日)
『YUMIKO KIRITA in Venus[臆病なヴィーナス]』(3月21日)
『超獣機神ダンクーガ 失われた者たちへの鎮魂歌』(4月21日)
『バリバリ伝説 PARTI 筑波篇』(5月10日)
『るーみっくわーるど ザ・超女』(5月21日)
『美少女アニメ くりぃむレモン  パート13 亜美III』(成人向・5月25日)
『ペリカンロード クラブ・カルーチャ』(6月21日)
『超・時・空・ロ・マ・ネ・ス・ク Samy』(7月5日)
『リヨン伝説 フレア』(成人向・7月14日)
『California Crisis』(7月21日)
『戦え!!イクサー1 ACT-II イクサーΣの挑戦』(7月23日)
『CALL ME トゥナイト』(7月28日)
『機甲界ガリアン VOLIII 鉄の紋章』(8月5日)
『エリア88 ACTIII 燃える蜃気楼』(8月15日)
『美少女アニメ くりぃむレモン  パート14 「なりすスクランブル」』(成人向・8月10日)
『DREAM HUNTER 麗夢II 聖美神女学院の妖夢』(9月5日)
『湘南爆走族 —残された走り屋たち—』(9月10日)
『ルーツ・サーチ 食心物体 X』(9月10日)
『魔法のスター マジカルエミ 蝉時雨』(9月28日)
『蒼き流星 SPTレイズナー ACT-III 刻印2000』(10月21日)
『BAVI STOCK・II The Revenge of Eyesman —愛の鼓動の彼方へ—』(11月10日)
『夢次元ハンター ファンドラ FANDORAIII —FANTOS— FINAL STORY』(11月21日)
『アーバンスクウェア 〜琥珀の追撃〜』(11月28日)
『くりぃむレモン  パート15 SF超次元伝説ラルII —ラモー・ルーの逆襲—』(成人向・12月5日)
『HELL TARGET』(12月16日)
『バリバリ伝説 PARTII 鈴鹿篇』(12月16日)
『デルパワーX 爆発みらくる元気!!』(12月21日)
※参考資料:「B-CLUB」138号(バンダイ)、「ロマンアルバム Animage アニメポケットデータ2000」(徳間書店)
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yasuderland · 9 months
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