#🇺🇲 politics
gayarograce · 4 months
Man fuck SCOTUS. "Checks and balances" my ass! They barely have shit keeping them in check
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tygerland · 3 months
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The War Room 1993
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applejongho · 2 months
feeling so insane and powerless and just fucking depressed what the fuck
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mooshkat · 1 year
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thecostcoman · 1 year
This is why I love my country
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left-reminders · 9 months
[Democrat voice]: hey, hey, look at me. look at me. you're gonna have to vote for an accomplice to genocide in november if you want to save democracy. joe biden isn't perfect, but he's the most progressive president we've had in decades. he's doing so much behind the scenes to dissuade the idf from bombing gaza; his administration's consistent uncritical sending of money and arms to israel is not his fault. i know he's not your first choice, and he isn't mine either, but the only way to save our shining beacon of democracy is to use your vote — the thing we always harp on about as being the most important political tool at your disposal — in the exact way we deem appropriate and in a way that does nothing to send a message to change biden's flaws (which we readily admit he has*, since he isn't our first choice, but also he's the most progressive president we've ever had). the "people" saying otherwise are just russian bots or traitors serving enemy nations. nationalism and imperialism are fine when they're wielded by liberals 🌊🐴🇺🇲🗳🏛
*his flaws are just that he's old and that he stutters sometimes 😊
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srbachchan · 9 months
DAY 5809
Jalsa, Mumbai Jan 12/13, 2024 Fri/Sat 11:00 am
🌹 .. the 12th was having no Ef wishes .. hence … ❤️
🪔 ,
January 13 .. birthday wishes to Ef Ekram Mahmoud from Egypt 🇪🇬 .. and Ef Olivia Elizabeth from USA .. 🇺🇲 .. and all wishes for a happy day from the Ef family .. 🌹
I consider delay .. I lament it .. and confirm it .. for its manifestations are severe and ones that should not be .. but it be ..
"Delayed actions can have profound consequences across various domains. In personal life, procrastination may hinder goal achievement, leading to missed opportunities. In business, delayed decisions can impede competitiveness and innovation. Politically, procrastination on critical issues may exacerbate crises. In healthcare, delayed medical interventions can jeopardize patient outcomes. Environmental challenges often worsen with postponed conservation efforts. Socially, delayed responses to societal issues may perpetuate inequalities. Technologically, delayed updates or advancements may render systems obsolete. Overall, the issue of delayed actions underscores the importance of timely, proactive measures in navigating personal, professional, and societal landscapes for optimal outcomes and progress."
there could be a difference in the world of the Blog and its inmates .. and that is lamentable and absurd, but the reason whatever it be, cannot take anything away from the intent .. that is PRIME !
yes .. you want to leave the World with a life that was lived with hard work respect and dignity .. you want to leave the World by the provide for those that remained dear .. they should not suffer, penury, defeat insult ..
The 'head' the provider bears this responsibility with determined resolve .. so help me God .. !!
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self aggrandizement shies away from the self ever .. mostly with others too .. it is not a proclamation of an edict .. it bears the cerebrum mind of positivity and negativity , where percentages are alarmingly varied .. in disfavour ..
And as I am guided by the mentions and informs from the learned, tributoried through the grace of them that give all in affection, I express gratitude .. even though it may sound obligatory ..
But NO ..
In matters of the divine or bearers of divinity , there is never the barrier of obligation ..
It is ever to GIVE .. whether the receive presents itself or not ..
And so greetings .. for the festive Lohri ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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reality-detective · 8 months
I know I sound somewhat cynical on the Texas border issue and the moves that the governor is making… I hate to say too little too late, but there will be massive repercussions for waiting for something for three years. It should’ve been done instantly.
The only vote of confidence I will get from this is if we find out that Abbott had a gun to his head and was being ordered to stand down by the white hats to show America what the DEEP state criminal structure had planned all along if they had full control of the apparatus…
Other than that, I will not concede the point that we should all be celebrating. Although we are now, and I am along for that ride… BUT, Somebody needs to be held accountable in a military tribunal for allowing this to happen in the first place.
At the end of the day, we’re gonna find out everything and there will be Justice because lives have been lost by weak leadership, political cowardice and calculated moves
People, look at everything from a distant lens
Scott McCay
Patriot StreetFighter 🪓
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Other states that agree and support the State of Texas. ⚔️🇺🇲🛡️
Additional comments from Scott 👇
So where is Pennsylvania in all of this? The home where it all started has not shown up onto this battlefield because of a milquetoast pussy criminal governor (Dirty Diaper Shapiro) who has his tongue firmly planted in the anus of the WEF!
It is time to raise hell Pennsylvania. Where are the PA Patriots? 🪓🤔
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sofiaflorina2021 · 2 months
All the best to the American people, thank you President Joe Biden. Your withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race is a great political move for yourself, the Democratic Party and the United States of America. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
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In this photo President Joe Biden speaks at the Pieper-Hillside Boys & Girls Club in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US, on Wednesday, March 13, 2024.
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workersolidarity · 2 months
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🇺🇲 🚨
U.S. President Joe Biden has announced his withdrawal from the American Presidential election, and will no longer seek re-election.
This offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for third-parties to garner the attention of the American people and to rally the population around the rejection of the Democratic and Republican parties, an opportunity which has not presented itself since the start of the 20th Century.
Now is the chance for the Green Party, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, Libertarians and various other third-parties to reintroduce themselves, or for some, to introduce themselves for the first time, to the American people.
It's a chance for political parties and political organizations outside the corporate duopoly to rally the population around the rejection of Neoliberal and Neoconservative mainstream policies that have destroyed the American Middle Class, deindustrialized the country, ignited conflict all across the world, and has seen working class wages stagnate for more than a generation even as corporate elites siphon wealth out of the country on a level unseen since the late 19th century.
Now is a once in a century moment with which to change the rules of the game, to change the structure of the US Political system and to radically alter the American economy to serve the people, rather than a handful of ultra-rich billionaire elites.
The question now is who, if anyone, will recognize the opportunity for what it is and seek to take advantage of it, to truly change the face of US empire.
Will the Americans recognize the opportunity at hand?
It is now up to the American people to remake their country in the image of ordinary people, of the working class, and to envisage a United States that can actually serve its population, and to provide a living standard that matches the bloated budgets of corrupt US government institutions, and an equally corrupt and nefarious military that serves as a hammer with which to boost the fortunes of the political elites and their oligarchic benefactors.
Now is that time. Now is the opportunity. Now is our chance for change.
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In case you don't know, Q!Cellbit and Q!Roier are getting married TODAY!
If you don't know what time it will be, I'm here to help you
Friday 16/06
🇦🇷🇧🇷🇺🇾 20:00
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🇲🇽🇧🇿🇨🇷🇸🇻🇬🇹🇭🇳🇳🇮 17:00
🇺🇲 19:00 EST, 16:00 PST
Saturday 17/06
🇮🇨🇬🇧🇮🇪🇵🇹 00:00
🇪🇸🇨🇵🇮🇹🇿🇦🇵🇱🇲🇪🇧🇻🇩🇪 01:00
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🇻🇳🇮🇩 06:00 (GMT+7)
🇰🇿 05:00 (GMT+6)
🇺🇦 02:00
🇸🇩 01:00
🇮🇳 04:30
Just a quick reminder in case you don't know but
It is forbidden to discuss politics during marriage.
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h4it4n1 · 7 months
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Zvlam (Yuusona): My French accent is a little embarrassing guys
Ace: What are you taking about! It's very cute, right Deuce?
Deuce: It's a very nice accent and even more so with your tone of voice....ammmm....sexy?
Grimm: We can go to the bedroom now, my foot hurts
Zvlam: I'm carrying you Grimm, we're leaving
Ace: Just teach me a phrase and that's it
Zvlam: "Les gâteaux des autres sont respectés, cher"
Ace: That means?
Deuce: It seems like a very politely aggressive scolding or warning
Zvlam: You answer: ""Je ne mangerai pas les friandises de Zvlam sans votre permission"
Ace: Je ne manguera pales friandasw Zvlam sansvotre permison
Deuce: Better keep speaking Japanese
Grimm: Jejejeje Bête
Ace: It's not fair you taught Grimm!
Zvlam: Oui
English 🇺🇲:
My Yuusona!, I had this little drawing that I did in a class a few months ago and I had to upload it, also my oc is French in the non-magical world, the first year boys like to be with her (or well,Annoy her every chance they can), Zvlam teaches Grimm French phrases at his request 💜, And did you notice his tarantula on his arm? She is her best friend and her pet, they love each other, Grimm still scares her (and half NRC too + Jamil).
Español 🇪🇦:
¡Mi Yuusona!, tenía este pequeño dibujo que hice en una clase hace unos meses y tenía que subirlo, además mi oc es francesa en el mundo no mágico, a los chicos de primer año les gusta estar con ella, (o bueno, molestarla cada vez que pueden), Zvlam le enseña frases en francés a Grimm a petición suya 💜, ¿Y notaste su tarántula en su brazo? Ella es su mejor amiga y su mascota, se aman, Grimm todavía le asusta (y la mitad de NRC también + Jamil).
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mewos-laptop · 3 months
"Write cannibalism as a metaphor for love and devotion"
CANNIBALISM AS POLITICAL CORRUPTION AND DESTRUCTION OF SOCIETIES. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🔥🔥🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲💯💯💯💯
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inkher0 · 2 months
Okay I'm sorry but I'm going to talk about Actual Politics for a second because something very interesting is happening with Polls
So background for anyone who doesn't understand (skip this if you do): In American Politics, we actually have a third, Independent party, but it's never elected to power due to a lot of reasons that amount to Lack of Support (to put it kindly). Often, the Third Party is why Rebublicans get elected despite unpopularity- the Third, "Independent" Party takes votes from the Democrats, as they're where our Liberatarians and Leftists want to put their vote instead of Democrats (because Democrats suck, it's understandable, that's your American Right and that's not for me to judge). Those votes get split up between the two left-leaning parties, leaving the Republicans with (seemingly) the most votes overall. It's called "splitting the ballot", and leftists fight to the death over it every election (as is tradition)
Knowing that, Leftists are banding together and doubling down on Kamala Harris no matter what. There has been more momentum in the last two days than there has been in four years. Everyone left leaning that would have voted third party is willing to suck it up and vote defensively. And because of that, that leaves the right-leaning and Republicans to split the ballot between the third party and Trump, instead of the other way around. When Kennedy is included in the polls, Harris has a four point lead.
This is huge. I've never seen this happen before, since being politically aware. The closest I think was Bernie Sanders, and that was in the Primaries, not the actual Election.
I think we can do this. Register to vote. Show up. Be active in your local politics. Excercise your HOT-BLOODED AMERICAN RIGHTS (🦅🇺🇲🌭) AND VOTE FOR OUR FIRST BLACK WOMAN INTO OFFICE.
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israaverse · 2 days
This is probably a result of diminishing expectations but it's wild how Civil War was the last movie to give Bucky a decent look, because every appearance since then seems intent on making him uglier and hideouser— okay wait I just realized I'm kinda exaggerating his look on the Falcon show wasn't bad I'm just letting my hate for that shows writing & the it's exemplification of nearly all the ways Marvel used the Cap brand to push propaganda cloud my perception of the visuals..... but everything else! jail. (can you tell I just discovered what he looks like in the quote "degenerate villain" squad movie?)
NGL they did Steve bad but at least they killed him off. Seeing how they made a decent Cap2 with blatant cliffhanger-setup for a sequel continuing that storyline just to... not continue it & instead cast Bucky as The Bad Guy of the Group because of multiple directors+writers (explicitly admitted in interviews) hate for Bucky... is still wild. They practically dropped his entire character development arc after only hinting at it in an end credit scene. And it's a large part of why Steve's character circled the drain too before getting killed off because the core part of Steve's character arc was dependent on Bucky's story arc actually being continued instead of randomly dropped for multiple back to back crossover events.
Marvel managing to make one decent movie out of CapAm is more of a curse than anything. It'd have been better if expectations never got lifted off the ground and just kept the characters rah rah 🇺🇲 PatriotMonologueBotd all the way through like in the comics, which aren't very good.... at all. If you thought the propaganda is gonna be bad in the upcoming Cap4 movie, the DNC-style patriotism of the Captain America brand becomes is even worse in the comics, and it gets worse to stomach with IRL events making it seem more and more out of touch. Treating the USA flag (and its representatives) as a literary symbol of moral virtue gets more and more ridiculous with each new run of books (like, did you know that a recent run decided to flashback to WW2 just to include a revisionist-fake-history speech about how the Zlonlsts were a large force fighting against the Nazis, whereas IRL the opposite happened). How a single decent adaptation was managed to be pulled out of the source material is still kinda shocking. But now Marvel seems to have remembered that the CapAm brand is meant for their white writers to pull out atrocious political takes via superheroes. Back to tradition!
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the fact that writers n directors hate him baffles me bc Winter Soldier is such a good setup but they just let him FLOAT AROUND? A SET PIECE? AN OBJECT OF THE PLOT????? like you MADE HIM THAT WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im convinced that the US military propaganda contracts completely neutered his MCU character bc if u think about it for more than 5 seconds you start coming to Conclusions (didnt WS point out that the US govt hired a bunch of nazi scientists, framed him as JFK's assassin, etc etc etc.....) and they made the decision to just nuke him as a result. Oooh he was just a bad guyyy all alooong SHUT UPPPP hes morally grey even an antihero for a bit but hes not EVIL he is literally the poster boy of being manipulated into doing atrocities for the interests of a greater power and they just. dropped it. on its ass. esp with the stupid Sabra and Zionism bullshit its like ohhh i see we are gearing up for a media push for fascist nationalistic narratives for a draft or more wars and the presence of moral grayness isnt conducive to that so its just cut. got it.
like the Falcon show was........ so clearly cut to erase that moral grayness it made me ill. so ill i even sought out WS' presence in the comics and like you said its just not cutting it even slightly. they flattened him which SUCKS but also they made him UGLY WHICH IM WAY MADDER ABOUT. IF I CANT HAVE HIS MORAL COMPLEXITY WHY DID YOU UNSEXIFY HIMMM
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i remember being SO excited when civil war came out bc the kind of political thriller feeling of winter soldier was so enrapturing!!!!! it captured me in a way the other MCU films lacked, so to see him stagnate like he has is just mortifying. especially visually. if they wanted to commit to the whole "hair holds memories"/buzz cut to visually separate himself from what he's done then DO IT!!!! dont linger at the threshold then go back to cash in on his old look but done BADLY. i almost wish he got killed off in civil war or shortly after because hes so clearly become a Plot Device instead of a Character and its so disappointing.
sorry for the super long un-art related post but oh my god this gets me so wound up, Bucky/WS was my first brainrot from back in my forum days (had an RP partner who based their character off him).
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xtreme-cringe · 6 months
Drop art requests here or ask box + intro
I'll do ALMOST anything.
Please feel comfortable suggesting any ship, fictional or real. Like kpop ships or rock music ships. I say this to make some people comfortable.
I'll do almost any fandom or ship except anything problematic, hetalia, or country humans. The last two is something personal and I'll STICK to it.
Introduction [kinda long oops]
Hello, I'm Laura. I'm a minor who's an amateur fanfic author, musician, and artist. I have many obsessions but my main ones seem to be certain animes, The Doors and kpop [ATEEZ specifically]
I Iove love love birds
I go by any pronouns, I'm bi.
Btw I fucking hate x readers/ self inserts. Just like my hetalia hatred, it's personal and based on MY experience. If you like it, that's fine. If you write it, I'll be polite and respectful but indifferent. If you write NSFW/border line illegal activity x readers, I'll just be indifferent. Don't take it personally. Like actually, don't.
By the way, I'm a shipper and a multishipper at that. That includes- implying I also ship fictional characters- the doors, ateez, stray kids and other groups. If you don't like that, it's okay! Please note it's for fun, I don't genuinely believe they date, there's little to zero chance they even like men and if they did, they probably wouldn't date their members lol.
If you interact with my account, I'll check out yours. So don't be a weirdo.
Art acc!!
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