#🌤 ran
syntheticavenger · 3 months
On My Mama - Two
Thank you to @cocobutterqwueen for the support while I was trying to map out this second chapter!
Santiago 'Pope' Garcia x Female Reader
Tyler Rake x Female Reader
Andy Barber x Female Reader
Jax Teller x Female Reader
Word Count: 6.2K
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, language, more angst, jealousy, a lot of male posturing, persuasiveness.
Summary | Being a single mom with a complicated relationship with your ex-husband makes for an interesting summer after a school event and an unexpected errand puts you front and center with some eligible contenders for your attention.
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True to Jax’s word, you’re in and out in less than fifteen minutes, happy to leave Melanie as she gave you a polite but pointed stare when you tried once more to pay him. He wouldn’t have it, slipping you his card in case you needed anything else, his cell written on the back. Not wanting to get in between Melanie’s distraction, there’s nothing left to say but to lobby another gracious thank you his way and slip into the driver’s seat. 
You found out much more than you ever wanted to in those short moments, Melanie whispering in your ear whenever he was out of earshot every detail that she had gathered about him. A single father to a son, a seven-year-old named Abel, rumored to be part of a biker gang – Vice President, Melanie had told you dramatically, her eyelashes batting when she says it like a secret – and more importantly, the best mechanic she’s ever had. 
Nevermind that her husband doesn’t particularly like that she takes her car to get repaired here, a fact she reminded you about at least three times. Melanie’s daughter tells every single bit of her mother’s business and Mia, at her young age, parrots it right back to you, laughing when you sometimes widen your eyes at the somewhat scandalous details, such as when Melanie bought store bought cookies and passed them off as her own, telling her daughter to stay quiet.
But as you had learned, there was no such thing as a secret to a five-year-old.
The late 90’s music blares through the speakers, pushing your cart down the aisle to continue your search  for marinara sauce. School nights are hard to plan for, especially with Mia’s ever changing appetite. 
This week it’s all about pasta, opting for spaghetti for dinner, even as you feel a small wave of guilt for the vegetables you will puree in the sauce. Reaching for a jar, a familiar face catches your attention, Laurie Barber giving you a wave when she approaches.
You know Laurie well enough to know that she has some gossip to share, usually between her and Melanie trading stories during field trips or snack day rotation.
“How have you been?” she asks, a hint of mischief in her smile. “I’m so happy I ran into you.”
“Oh?” you reply, noticing that she looks around before she finally speaks to make sure the coast is clear.
“You didn’t tell me your ex came to the parents’ lunch,” Laurie accuses playfully. “I had to find out from pictures?”
“Pictures?” you repeat, Laurie nodding her head, digging her phone out of her purse. 
“Of course there are pictures! I’d seen him with Mia when you had pictures of him with her as a baby but holy hell, that man is handsome,” Laurie praises, showing you a photo of Mia in Santiago’s arms, both of them looking intently at a finger painting. “Him being at the school is a good sign, right?”
“I don’t know,” you mumble, Laurie slipping her phone into the pocket of her pants. “It’s a start.”
“Still not on the mend, huh?”
“We’re divorced, Laurie. There’s no going back.”
“Don’t I know it,” she agrees. “It’s been at least three years since Andy and I divorced and I never look back. We got a great kid out of it and Andy’s moving on up in the world and he’s up for pretty big promotion.”
“Andy? That’s great.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t see him. He saw you,” Laurie teases, seeing you shake your head in response.
Every single mother throws themselves at Andy Barber.
You aren’t one of them.
“I guess I must have missed him,” you reply, Laurie shrugging her shoulders.
“You know Andy. I wish he wasn’t married to his work that much so he could get out and see the world, maybe date a nice girl who understands that sense of righteousness that he can’t seem to shake.”
“It’s nice that you’re on good terms.”
“Are you and Santiago not?”
“No,” you say quickly, hating that you feel like you’re now put on the spot. “I mean, we’re good, I guess. I was surprised that he wanted to see the school, he’s pretty much been against her going to public school since before she could even talk.”
“Avon Academy isn’t close to being terrible. He’s always had impossibly high standards, hasn’t he? Didn’t he go to a boarding school in Switzerland?”
“He did. If he had his way that is probably where our daughter would be right now.”
“Alone?” Laurie says incredulously. “She’s five!”
“No, not alone. I’d most likely be in some apartment in Zurich, trying to keep myself busy.”
“Sounds like a dream.”
“It’s lonely,” you respond, Laurie nodding, realizing that you aren’t willing to give up more details.
“Well, selfishly, I’m glad you and Mia are here. I’m also thankful for Santiago for gracing us with his presence.”
You crack a smile then, Laurie trying to contain her laughter as you both laugh. It’s absurd to discuss anything regarding your ex-husband but you know that Laurie is a safe space for you and that little bit of relief is what you need.
“Speaking of hot dads, Melanie told me you got your tire fixed. Jax Teller, huh?”
“Oh, God,” you mutter, running a hand down your face. “She really tells everything, doesn’t she?”
“Your fault for giving her a ride. Come on, don’t be shy.”
“What do you want to know?”
“Well, I’ve seen him like once and he wasn’t even on a motorcycle. He showed up in a truck to pick up his son.”
“Abel is seven, Laurie.”
“Still disappointing,” Laurie reminds you. “Barely got to see him up close and personal.”
“He’s nice.”
Laurie lets out an inelegant snort at your response.
“Nice? Nice is my neighbor across the way who wears a cardigan and a polo shirt and offers to water my lawn. Jax Teller is not nice. He looks like he could rail you into next week and send you off with a pat on the -”
“Laurie!” you admonish, hearing her laugh.
“I’m kidding but also,” she trails off, tapping the tip of her nose. “You know it’s true.”
Laurie’s cell goes off in her purse, picking up her basket.
“Shit, it’s Andy,” she mutters. “Probably needs me to pick up Jacob. I’ll see you at Jacob’s birthday party. Can’t wait to have a slice of your homemade cake!”
With a nod, she rounds the corner, speaking quickly while you add a box of noodles to the cart when you realize what she told you.
Birthday party?
Birthday cake?
“You said what?” you ask softly, Mia chewing as she hums.
“I said you could make Jacob’s birthday cake,” Mia offers proudly.
Placing your fork down on your plate, you stare at the wrinkled birthday party invitation that you had to dig through Mia’s unicorn backpack.
“Sweetheart, remember we talked about this? You ask Mommy first.”
“I did,” Mia insists, a smear of marinara at the corner of her lips. “You made mine when I asked.”
“Yes, you asked me to make yours. You did not ask me to make Jacob’s.”
Her little face scrunches up in displeasure at your hesitation, swallowing her food before she defends herself.
“But you’re good at it! Jacob’s daddy said you make the best cake in the whole world!”
“Mia,” you warn, seeing her little shoulders slump.
“No cake?” she asks pitifully, her lower lip trembling. “Please, Mommy? It’s his birthday. He has to have cake.”
“I don’t even know what flavor he likes.”
“He likes banilla!”
“Vanilla,” you correct gently.
“Vanilla and he likes vanilla frosting,” she enunciates. “He told me so.”
With a sigh, you get up, Mia following suit, nearly on your heels when you check the pantry to make sure you have everything you need.
“You’re going to make it?!” she asks, clapping her hands together excitedly. “You’re the best mommy in the whole world!”
“I’ll make it if you promise to finish your dinner.”
Mia gasps, running back to her chair as she climbs up, ignoring your warning for her to wait for you to help her, slurping spaghetti into her mouth.
“We gotta get a gift,” Mia reminds you, as if she didn’t just tell you last minute. “He likes cars.”
“We’ll go tomorrow after school, how does that sound?”
She finishes her food, watching as you pick her empty plate up from the table, remembering her manners as she wipes her sauce coated fingers with a napkin.
“May I be scused?”
“You may,” you agree, seeing her jump off the chair as it slides backward slightly, nearly giving you a heart attack when she bolts up the stairs.
“Don’t forget to brush your teeth!” you call out, hearing her slam the bathroom door.
Pulling out a mixing bowl, you start adding in the ingredients, hearing Mia singing loudly at the top of her lungs.
You have to hand it to Laurie.
The woman knows how to throw a birthday party. As if directly ripped from a Pinterest page, you and Mia walk through a blue and silver balloon, Laurie’s headband green with alien googly eyes that move back and forth when she hugs Mia.
“Jacob’s out back,” she tells Mia, holding out a pair of headbands – one like hers and another that is hot pink with the same eyes but with lashes. Mia plucks the hot pink ones from her hand, handing them to Laurie so that she can place them on her head, smoothing out her hair before she does so, both of you knowing that she’ll either lose it or break it by the end of the day.
Laurie spies the cake you hold, the piping in blue with an astronaut on the left.
“God, I love your cakes,” Laurie murmurs with glee, taking it from your hands. “I was so happy that Mia said you would do it because I was at my wit’s end with him and trying to make up his mind. First it was a western themed party and then it was a dinosaur party and finally, at the very last minute, he wanted a space party. Gotta love the indecisiveness.”
She looks at your green sundress, settling on your white Mary Janes.
“Finally,” Laurie teases. “You got smart and finally wore flats.”
You were never sure of a dress code, especially with a child’s party. Every party in the city that you attended, kid or not, you were dressed up, right down to the sky high heels. After the last birthday party, you’d gotten wise once your heels had sunk into the grass, leaving a stain that you couldn’t get out.
You pass a contingent of parents, mostly fathers, talking in a huddle, beers in hand while you follow her into the kitchen.
“Andy will be so thrilled that you made a cake. I swear he kept asking. Do you know those peppermint brownies you made last Christmas? He took half the pan home and -”
“I did not,” Andy denies, his gaze settling on the cake when he steps into the kitchen. “Well, well, well. Looks like Jacob got his wish after all.”
You forgot how handsome Andy Barber is up close and personal, his mischievous smile on display when Laurie rolls her eyes.
“Jacob got his wish,” Laurie repeats to you, moving behind you after she sets the cake down. “I’m going to check on the bounce house. Make sure he doesn’t take a slice before the birthday boy, hmm?”
She’s out of your line of sight before you even have a chance to answer, Andy opening the fridge, pulling out a beer before he pauses.
“Do you drink?” he asks cautiously.
“I do.”
Still holding the beer in his hand, he glances at the pitcher on the top shelf.
“Beer or what I think may be a cosmopolitan. Laurie always has some sort of signature drink for these types of things.”
“I’ll take a beer,” you offer, Andy placing it into your hand after lobbing off the cap.
“Good choice. Last time we had a mom who downed three Tom Collins before she realized what hit her.”
You don’t dare share that you’re a lightweight, taking a swig of your beer while Andy leans back against the counter.
“I saw you at the parent luncheon, didn’t I?”
“I was there,” you confirm.
“That lunch was something else,” Andy comments, making a face. “I thought Jacob was teasing when he mentioned glue. Turns out the kid was onto something.”
“You didn’t try the sandwiches?”
“No,” you say, trying to stifle your laughter at the look of pure disgust on his face. “I’m sure we’ll get a letter of an apology like we did with the dirt pudding cups last year.”
“I must have missed that.”
“You’d remember,” you point out, suddenly feeling self-conscious when you notice his eyes lingering on you. “What?”
He straightens up, looking over your shoulder, his index finger moving in a circle.
“Turn around?” he asks, your eyes narrowing suspiciously as you turn, seeing the ties of your dress float around you.
“Shoot,” you mumble, placing your beer down to try to reach behind you.
“I can help you,” he offers, keeping still when you feel his hands pick up the fabric, carefully drawing them together, the warmth of his breath on your back as he checks to make sure you’re comfortable. “Too tight?”
“No,” you respond, feeling him tie it quickly, the faint scent of his cologne lingering as he ties it slowly, your eyes looking up at the ceiling, staying still, feeling the slight tug of the bows before you feel him step back to look in approval.
“Thank you,” you mumble, feeling embarrassment wash over you when he waves your appreciation away.
“I was hoping I didn’t touch you with cold hands,” he answers. “Or get into your personal space.”
“I didn’t feel a thing.”
“No comment about the personal space?”
He smiles, lifting his beer to you before taking a sip. 
“Seriously though? Thanks for the cake for Jacob,” Andy thanks you, nodding toward the cake. “This kid hasn’t stopped talking about it once he found out. I gotta admit, they’re pretty damn good. I don’t know what you put in them but I can’t just have one slice.”
“I do the buttercream by hand.”
“Really? Tastes like heaven, that’s for sure. Not sure what you do for a living but if you made that career, I’m just you’d make a fortune.”
“Project manager,” you say, Andy nodding in response. “Wish I had the time. Baking relaxes me.”
“I’d be happy to eat your cake anytime,” he says, trailing off when he realizes what he’s said, laughing to himself as your eyes widen, biting down on your lips at the comment to keep from laughing yourself, when you hear Laurie coming back inside. Eyeing the cake, she looks up at you, turning to Andy.
“Cake is still intact. Guess she distracted you enough.”
Pete nudges Tyler in the side when you pass by, herding a small group of Jacob’s friends outside who were late arrivals, Laurie calling out to them outside to get their gift bags.
“You’re a married man, Pete,” Tyler reminds him.
“And I wouldn’t trade it for the world, but I have eyes, you know,” Pete counters. “Judging by the rest of us gawking, we all have eyes.”
Tyler can see Hunter running, playing tag with the other kids as they laugh and scream. He catches a glimpse of you, beer in hand as he sees Andy next you and Laurie. It’s a scene he’s still getting used to, seeing Laurie and Andy divorced but still cordial. It’s wistful thinking to believe he could have the same, knowing that the shared custody took years to be processed.
“Does Barber know that Mia’s dad is back in the picture?” another father asks, raising an eyebrow at the sight outside. “Bold move, Andy. Right next to your ex-wife.”
“He never left,” another man chimes in. “Look at her. You really think he wasn’t that far behind? Surprised he showed up, he never comes to these things.”
“Reconciliation,” Pete says with a confident nod.
“He came because it was a special occasion,” Tyler points out, the men turning to look at him.
“How do you know? She told you?”
“Hunter knows Mia through school, and she told him that her father was going to be there because it was important.”
“So, he’s still out of the picture,” one of them hints.
“I don’t hear any of you offering to step up and take care of his child so unless you’re willing to break up your marriages or take on another responsibility, you’re all creeping on a single mother who doesn’t know that you’re looking at her. Excuse me,” Tyler responds, breaking away from the group as he heads outside.
“Honey, it’s alright,” you say softly, holding onto the boy’s arms gently to keep him steady after he was dropped off unceremoniously on the door step. “It’s alright. You don’t need a gift, okay? Your gift is that you’re here. Your presence is enough, I promise.”
Tyler peers over to look at the boy who is nodding, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. 
Abel Teller.
No doubt his mother had dropped him off without a word, a far cry from his father, Jax, who would have come in to say hello. He would have most certainly provided a gift, even though it wasn’t required, seeing Abel shake his head when he’s asked a question.
“What’s your name?” Tyler hears you ask, soothing him as you dab at his tears that slide down his cheeks. 
“Hi Abel,” you respond, introducing yourself. “Jacob’s outside. I’m sure he’ll be happy you’re here. Are you ready to go in and have some fun?”
He sniffles, nodding his head when Tyler clears his throat.
“Hunter’s here as well, Abel,” Tyler speaks up. “They’re playing tag, I think. You like that game, don’t you? Why don’t you come with me? They’re still in the thick of it.”
Abel’s eyes light up at the game, following Tyler to the boisterous crowd of children. A few of them recognize him, calling out to him before he leaves Tyler’s side. He can feel you standing next to him, your gaze settling on your daughter who is climbing up the ladder to the slide.
“You know him?” you ask, Tyler nodding as Abel takes off running.
“Yeah,” Tyler says after a pause. “He’s a good kid. His mother… she’s not always present. Father does what he can but when it’s her weeks to take him, it gets a little complicated.”
“I can’t imagine.”
He can hear the uncertainty in your tone, your fingers gripping your beer bottle tighter. He can tell you’re thinking about Abel and before it can go deeper, he nods at the beer in your hand.
“Need another one?”
At his question, you look at him in confusion before he smiles. You’ve been nursing that same beer since he’s seen you, absentmindedly ripping at the wrapper with your nail when no one is looking, a nervous habit that he finds adorable.
“I’m good,” you answer. “Thanks though.”
“How’s it taste?”
You look up at him, unsure of why he’s asking by the way you raise an eyebrow.
“Great,” you tell him, forcing cheerfulness into your confirmation.
He laughs then, seeing how stubborn you are. 
“Never met a woman who liked room temperature beer. You’re one of a kind.”
He sees you smile then, nodding at your lie.
“It tastes terrible,” you admit with a laugh. “But I was running around and by the time I got back to it, I didn’t want to ask for another one. It’s like coffee. I end up reheating it at least four times because I don’t have the time to finish it in one sitting.”
“I can get you another one, you know. No pressure, of course,” Tyler says, putting up his hands.
“I would like one,” you tell him, placing the bottle in his outstretched hand. “Thank you.”
“Thought so. I’ll be right back.”
Mia stops mid run to wave at you, grinning wide when you wave back, taking off after Hunter and Abel when Tyler hands you a beer.
“Thank you,” you say, looking back at the kids when Laurie gives you a pleading look, motioning with her hand that the cake needs to be cut.
“Shall we?” Tyler says.
Laurie calls out to Jacob, the kids lifting their heads so quickly that it reminds Tyler of meerkats, nearly a stampede as the dads remind them to slow down as they head toward the table.
Forks clink dully on the paper plates, frosting smudging on faces and clothing, moms swooping in to wipe mouths and clean off messes. Mia sits between Hunter and Abel, picking up a buttercream star and eating it, eyes closing in bliss as she dances in her seat.
Collecting discarded plates, you nearly run into Andy, who holds out a trash bag for you to toss them in.
“They’ll sleep good tonight,” Andy assures you, seeing the trio run into the house. “And I know I said this already but the cake… you just knocked it out of the park. Amazing.”
“Thank you, Andy.”
Between the number of kids and adults moving around you both, you focus on cleaning up the leftover cups of juice and water while Andy picks up the plates, working together in unison. 
You don’t really know the ins and outs of his and Laurie’s former relationship, only that they seem to have the co-parenting thing down to a science, no ill will, just a simple partnership that works well for them. Without meaning to, your mind wanders to if they sleep together, much like you and Santiago, watching his tongue run over his lip as he focuses the tower of plates in his hand to the trash.
You blink the impending thought out of your mind. It definitely isn’t any of your business and it only makes you more embarrassed that you have no self-control with Santiago.
Which is only half-true. You’ve been cordial when he asks about Mia, sending him pictures of her at the birthday party.
And you’ve conveniently ignored his text from the picture with you and Mia under the balloon arch.
Nice dress.
“Seriously though,” Andy says, any hint left of Santiago disappearing in a flash as he smiles at you. “Thanks for coming and helping. Laurie couldn’t do this without you, and I know I couldn’t clean this up alone. Crazy how people love coming to parties but when it’s time to clean… it’s suddenly time to go home.”
“I’m still here, Barber,” Tyler interrupts, holding up a trash bag. “Did you forget about the poppers with the streamers in them? They’re everywhere.”
“When Laurie throws a party, she goes all out, I told you,” Andy informs him.
Laurie stands, rubbing her lower back with her fingers when the doorbell rings. The small clean-up crew continues on, tidying up before the vendors come and finish up. A soft whisper of your name from Laurie makes you move away from the Andy and Tyler, both of them engaged in sports talk.
Hunter and Mia are asleep on one side of the large sectional, Jacob laid out in the middle and Abel on the other side. Standing in the entryway, Jax zeroes in on his son before he engages in a hushed conversation with Laurie for a moment, both of them turning their attention on you when you approach.
“Sorry,” Laurie says, frustration in her voice as she gives you a small squeeze of your hand. “I’m going to send Abel home with a gift bag. Would you mind showing Jax where he is?”
Jax gives you a glance when you give him a smile, hearing him sigh behind you.
“Sorry to come so late,” he says in a hushed voice as he looks on at the sleeping kinds. “Got word last minute that my ex wasn’t going to pick up Abel and I was doing a double at the shop.”
“He’s been fine,” you assure him, watching as he carefully picks up his son without waking him, brushing back his hair as he focuses on his son’s face for a moment. It’s a tender moment, one that you don’t pay attention to for too long, unsure of what to say. You can feel the anger radiating off of him, muttering to himself as he places a kiss on Abel’s head.
“We’re going home, buddy,” he says, Abel’s eyes opening for a scant second before closing once more.
Laurie meets you at the door with Abel’s gift bag, Jax extending his hand to you as you shake it, Laurie giving him a hug, careful not to wake Abel.
“You know he’s welcome here anytime,” Laurie tells him, the sliding glass door closing in the distance.
“I appreciate that, Mrs. Barber.”
“Laurie is fine, Jax. Do you have my number?”
When he shakes his head, Laurie has her phone in hand, waiting for Jax to recite his number.
“I’ll make sure she has it too,” Laurie promises, referring to you as he nods, giving you a hint of smile.
“Have a good night, sorry again for being so late to pick him up.”
Laurie closes the door after you both see Abel get settled into the truck, turning around to face Tyler and Andy.
“Teller?” Andy asks Laurie.
“The one and only.”
“Pity I missed that,” Andy murmurs. “I would have liked to ask him a few questions.”
“You leave your interrogations at work,” Laurie fires back softly, keeping her voice down. “He’s a father doing his job.”
“Oh, he’s got a job, alright.”
Tyler checks his watch, heading toward the couch where he looks over the remaining sleeping kids. You follow suit, your cell phone vibrating in your purse that is on a chair.
“Need some help?” Tyler asks, Laurie and Andy still in the foyer, their hushed voices a cue that he’s not ready to let whatever he knows about Jax Teller go.
“Actually,” you pause for a moment, looking at how peaceful Mia looks. “I think I’ll take you up on that.”
He’s gentle when he scoops her into his arms, cradling her to his chest as Mia doesn’t move, her breathing steady as he carries her toward the door.
“Not everything has to be investigated, Andy. Sometimes people can make mistakes and learn from them,” Laurie says, her words fading out when she sees Tyler holding Mia.
“I hope my spirited debate with Andy didn’t scare you away,” Laurie says, shooting Andy a glare. ‘We differ on justice and knowing when to pick our battles.”
Andy stays silent, his eyes locking with yours.
“Thanks again for today,” he says, Laurie nodding in agreement. “Get home safe.”
Tyler waits until you collect your purse, hug Laurie goodbye and give Andy a quick hug, inhaling the scent of his cologne once more that is intoxicating. Underneath that Henley, you realize there is a solid wall of muscle, something you weren’t expecting to feel before you head out the door and down the steps, opening the backseat for Tyler to place Mia in her car seat. Her head falls back on the headrest, still fast asleep when you close the door, checking to see if the movement woke her.
“Thank you,” you tell him softly, waving to Laurie, who is standing in the doorway.
“Don’t mention it. It’s the least I can do.”
Warmth radiates off of him, trying to get the picture of how quickly he had lifted Mia into his arms so smoothly out of your mind.
“I was thinking,” Tyler says, looking over behind you to see Mia still asleep. “If you’re interested, maybe you’d like to go to dinner with me.”
It’s finally cool now that the sun has gone down but your face is warm, nearly burning with anxiety on what to say. You haven’t been asked out on a date since your ex, let alone even entertaining the thought if you were ever asked.
But now you have been asked and you need to give an answer.
You only get one chance at this.
“Sure,” you reply. “I’d like that.”
“Great,” he says. “I can give you my number. There’s no pressure, of course, if you find that you want to cancel or that you’re not interested then let me know and -”
You recite your number, Tyler realizing almost too late as he punches in the number, sending you a text.
“Get home safe and uh, just let me know when you’re interested in going. My schedule is pretty open this week and next.”
You see Andy standing next to Laurie, both of them waiting until you get into the car, turning on the lights and the engine starting before they take a step back into the house. Easing out of the parking spot, you see Tyler heading back inside to presumably get Hunter, text messages popping up on the screen during your drive home.
Birthday party? Is that why you’re all dressed up?
Need a favor.
I’ll be there in an hour.
At the last message, you look at the timestamp when you pull over. The time is nearly ten and the message was sent almost an hour ago. With Mia still fast asleep, you take the quickest way home, unsure if he’s already beat you there.
Pulling into the garage, you see him leaning against his SUV, your resolve hanging on by a thread.
He never visits at night. Always morning, always in between meetings or a flight, or some appointment.
When the car is turned off, you hear the back door open, looking over as he studies Mia’s sleeping face.
“Out like a light,” he murmurs, smoothing back her hair. “She must have partied hard.”
“What are you doing here?” you ask quietly, his dark eyes snapping up to look at you.
“You didn’t get my texts? Got a late flight out tomorrow, Derek was able to charter it at the local airport, so I figured I’d come and see my girls.”
He unlatches Mia from her car seat, careful when he lifts her into his arms while you get out of the car. In a way, it feels like this should be a snapshot or normalcy, domestic life that you had a taste of once that had been snatched away without having properly processed what had transpired before it was too late.
The promise you had made to yourself still lingers in the depths of your thoughts, propelling you forward when you open the door, letting Santiago carry Mia across the threshold, heading up the stairs slowly while you watch him disappear.
It would be so easy to fall into the same routine. To have him share your bed, to give and give as he takes, lusty promises against your skin that he doesn’t intend to keep because he knows you well enough that you won’t hold him to it.
Placing Mia’s gift bag on the kitchen island counter, you know you could follow him, let his lips trace a line down your neck.
Picking up your phone, you send off a text, heart skipping a beat at what you’ve done. For a moment, you don’t think there will be a reply.
Your answer comes swiftly, Santiago coming down the stairs.
I’m glad you made it home safe.
Santiago follows you up the stairs, your silk robe billowing out behind you.
“I liked the pictures,” he tells you once you reach the top of the stairs. “I’ve always loved the color green on you.”
“Why are you really here?” you ask, turning around to face him. His shirt is half unbuttoned, revealing a hint of the chest tattoo.
“I told you,” Santiago reminds you. “I wanted to see my girls.”
“Since when?”
He leans against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest when he narrows his gaze.
“Since I saw the pictures you sent me. You’ve always held people’s attention. A child’s birthday party is no different.”
“I wasn’t sending them to you to make you jealous.”
He smirks at your passionate denial.
“And I’m not jealous. I know every inch of your body, every little nook and cranny that makes you come apart. They don’t know you the way I do so no,” Santiago says with a sigh. “I don’t think you were trying to make me jealous, but I think you’re lonely. I think the men in that picture know it too, judging the way they were staring..”
“I’m not.”
He gives you that perfect smile, looking you up and down.
“We both know how this always ends. We’re good for each other. Maybe not emotionally but physically, we’re compatible and we always have been. There’s no one else I would have wanted to have my child, to be the mother of my precious daughter. I can’t get enough of you still.”
He pushes himself off of the wall, settling his hands on either side of your face, your fingers wrapping around his wrists. It feels euphoric, his lips close to yours, body pressed against you, and it feels familiar, like you aren’t living separate lives when he kisses you.
“I can’t,” you whisper against his mouth, his forehead resting against yours.
“You can. I’ll take care of you like I always do.”
Your hand flattens on his chest, feeling his heartbeat when you close your eyes. You want to, you already know how it would end, tangled in sheets and alone when you wake.
Satisfied but alone, yet again.
“I can’t sleep with you anymore. This isn’t healthy for either of us. You can have the guest bedroom,” you answer, moving away from him as he lets you go.
“Guest bedroom,” he repeats, seeing you head toward your bedroom. “I’ll leave the door open if you need me.”
Closing the door behind you, you lean against it, squeezing your eyes shut as you ignore the ache between your thighs.
Sun shines in your eyes, startling you when you toss away the blanket, looking down to find yourself still clothed, clad in your shorts and t-shirt. The sigh of relief that flows from your lips gives you a sense of calm, nearly laughing to yourself that you had the willpower to deny the man who you’ve willingly given your body to after the divorce.
The savory scent of breakfast hangs in the air, scrambling to get up when you look at the time. It’s well past the time you had meant to wake up, running down the stairs to stop in your tracks.
Santiago cracking another egg in the bowl while Mia carefully picks out pieces of fruit to place them on a tray. Bacon, pancakes and oatmeal is on the table, something you haven’t had the time to make in at least six months with Mia’s busy school schedule.
“Oh, you’re finally up,” Santiago greets you, Mia dropping a strawberry on the counter as she hops off the step, running after you when she clings to your legs.
“Hi Mommy! Daddy and I are making breakfast!” Mia announces loudly, standing on her tiptoes to see what her father is doing. “I want an o-mel-le.”
“Omelet,” Santiago corrects gently, Mia nodding.
“Yeah, one of those!” Mia agrees.
Santiago cleans as he works, wiping off a counter before he checks on the omelet he’s making for Mia. 
A ripple of resentment goes through you at the thought of what this means. He and Mia always make breakfast together when it’s his week with her. It’s something Mia looks forward to when she’s packing her suitcase to see her father, knowing that the best you and Mia can do is a rushed breakfast of toast or instant waffles.
Father of the beginning of the day, you think, sitting at the table after Mia points to your chair, Santiago placing a glass of orange juice in front of you.
“Breakfast is almost done,” he reminds you. “Coffee?”
Before you have a chance to answer, a mug of hot coffee is placed next to the orange juice, Mia giggling when he turns back to the stove, flipping the omelet over as she claps her hands excitedly.
Mia whispers to her father, the hushed discussion reaching you. Curious, Mia covers her mouth when she sees you staring.
“Secrets don’t make friends,” you tease her gently.
“We’re going on a tour!” Mia blurts out, Santiago plating her omelet, holding it high above her head.
“A what?” you ask, Santiago placing her plate down and lifting Mia onto the chair.
“A tour,” Santiago repeats.
“I heard her,” you protest, Mia grabbing her fork as she stabs into her breakfast. “A tour where?”
Santiago sits across from you, Mia focused on shoving a piece of fruit in her mouth as he looks at the breakfast spread and back to you.
“We’re touring St. Mary’s today.”
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meiriyeo · 2 years
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Kang Yeosang x Reader
eyes straight on the road... yeosang was driving back home. he was really worried about you.
you were having really worst nightmares past few nights. they made you cry or sometimes tremble. he wasn't ready to go to his office leaving you alone. but you insisted.
when he rang the bell he was met with a really happy face of yours.
"hey baby, welcome home. " you greeted him. suddenly all his worries were gone when he saw your cute smile and those smiley eyes.
"thank you, sweetheart. you look better than the morning." he replied. "yes-" you were interrupted by a small meow sound. yeosang looked behind you and saw a small white kitten near a bowl of milk.
he looked back at you, confused. you just gave him an awkward smile, not knowing what will be his reaction.
"i- i went for a walk and saw this kitten. i noticed his mother was dead she might got ran over. so.... so i decided to bring him home. "
you spoke stuttering but relaxed watching him smile.
"no darling, it's fine we can keep him if he's making you happy. but we'll also have to take care of him." he replied smiling. "yes, yes i know let's go to the vet later i still haven't showered him." you said in excitement. yeosang smiled seeing you happy. he looked down to his feet and saw the little kitten sniffing him and then looking at him with glassy eyes. like he was asking to be picked up. yeosang bent down to pick him up. "and i guess he's really cuddly. since i brought him home he just wants to be picked up. " you told yeosang. he giggled at the kitten's cuteness. "he is so soft, baby let's keep him" yeosang pleaded you with his puppy eyes.
the kitten was so small in yeosang's hand. he was licking yeosang's fingers and trying to rub his head asking for head pats.
you laughed at yeosang. it was you who thought yeosang might not allow you to keep the kitten. but now he's the one wanting to keep the kitten. "baby, let me get changed and we can shower him together" yeosang spoke now eyes twinkling brighter than the stars.
after showering the kitten with warm water and wrapping him in a small blanket, you and yeosang were lying on the bed with him. kitten was slowly drifting to sleep. yeosang was rubbing with his fingers on the kitten's head. kitten's purring made both of your hearts clam.
the sun was shining bright from the curtains. when you oped your eyes you saw your small white furry baby cuddling in your arms. you noticed yeosang wasn't in the bed with you. "good morning, sunshine" yeosang called you with a tray in his hand. he brought breakfast for you. you smiled at his small efforts for you. "why didn't you wake me up before? i would have helped you make breakfast. " you asked him. "after so long you got a really good sleep. you were waking up before me due to nightmares. well... now i was coming to wake you up for breakfast. " he replied.
that night you slept without waking up even once. the kitten came out of his blanket and snuggled you and yeosang, enjoying the warmth of you both.
note:i didn't check for errors 💀 i was just craving for some sangie fluffs brb gottta read other writer's fics coz i need more
•do not repost someawhere else!!!
•do reblog if you liked 🍃
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Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP
“Wilbur, it is four fifty-eight! I checked the wall clock!” Ghostbur stops for a moment. “Wall clock. That sounds a little bit dramatic. How do-“
“Ghostbur, you need to hide.”
Ghostbur’s eyes widen (thank goodness, he’s finally looked away from the bloody mirror). “You called me Ghostbur!”
“You haven’t called me Ghostbur since we met! Even though I’ve called you Wilbur a lot!”
Wilbur stares, dumbstruck, for a few seconds. Then he shakes his head. “Okay, I don’t care! You need to hide!”
“Hide? But I just got here.”
“Listen: Technoblade is coming.”
“Yes, Technoblade. My flatmate.”
“You have flatmates?!” Ghostbur squeaks, holding his hands to his chest and shaking them excitedly. “I didn’t know you had flatmates!”
“Just one, and he doesn’t know about you. So come on, just hide!”
“So we’re surprising him?” 
“Hide!” Wilbur explodes, racing forwards and pushing Ghostbur away from the mirror himself, paying no attention to Ghostbur’s surprised yelp. 
Where to go, where to go, where to put him, where to go, where to-
“Bedroom,” Wilbur announces, steering Ghostbur in that direction. “To the bedroom.”
“The bedroom,” Ghostbur repeats, sounding awestruck. 
Wilbur stops abruptly, grip tightening on Ghostbur’s shoulders in order to stop him as well. Ghostbur doesn’t complain. “No. Crap, we can’t go in there. Techno’s gonna go in there. We can’t… crap.”
“Why would Techno be going into your bedroom, Wilbur?” Ghostbur asks, turning his head around to make eye contact. 
“Because we share.”
“Crap crap crap crap crap, turn around.” Wilbur, still gripping Ghostbur’s shoulders, spins around, beginning to walk in the opposite direction. “Kitchen. We’re going to the kitchen.”
“The kitchen,” Ghostbur repeats, sounding just as amazed as before. 
“You can get behind the island and stay there untilllll nope, not doing that.” 
“Why aren’t we doing that, Wilbur?” Ghostbur questions, voice hitching just a little bit when Wilbur tugs him to a halt. 
“Because Techno’s gonna go into the kitchen.”
“Why will Techno go into the kitchen?”
“Because he’ll want a glass of water.”
Wilbur stands still, face tightening. “Crap. Umm…” 
Is there anywhere else Ghostbur can go? Wilbur doesn't really think so, because he’s scanning as much of the flat as he can and he can’t see a single good place to-
Wilbur’s eyes widen. “I got it.”
“A place to hide?” Ghostbur prods, sounding freaking excited. 
“This way.” 
Ghostbur lets out a surprised sound as he’s pulled away from the kitchen and down the short hallway, pushed mercilessly along by Wilbur. “Where are we going?”
“Bathroom,” Wilbur replies shortly.
“Oh!” A pause. “Why the bathroom?”
“Because it has a door.” Wilbur walks just a little faster, not bothering to slow down when Ghostbur trips over his own feet. “And you can lock it.”
Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
I don’t know, most of my fic ideas I’ve written :0 At least partially.
That being said, I did come up with one AU during church that I like but haven’t really written yet XD
The premise is…
Modern AU (I have too many of these it is a Problem)
Sally and Wilbur are young—like twenty—and newly married
Sally is also pregnant aksvsksgjs
They have sucky families so as soon as they married they took off in a van and never looked back
They’re basically just traversing the country, no end goal in mind. They are wanderers *nods nods*
At some point they come across three little kids who ran away from home/a foster home/etc etc I’m still figuring things out
They’re all Teeny, like seven or something
Smol bench trio :)
So now Sally and Wilbur have to figure out what to do with these random kids
Sally is all “oh my gosh babies I am their mother now I have adopted them oh my gosh Wilbur we’re parents”
And Wilbur is all “kids ew”
Something something Wilbur starts to grow attached to the little guys something something found family something something
That’s kinda it lol!
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tsarisfanfiction · 1 year
An ask for the Summertime Writer's thingy 💙
🌤 name the hardest thing you've had to do for writing
Hmm, that's a hard one because usually if something's hard I just don't do it. Sure there's been the delving down too many rabbit holes' worth of research, but that's not exactly hard.
The thing that springs to mind is also how I found out exactly how bad my phobia of needles ran - and the fic never got finished or published after all that, either, which is actually annoying.
So, basically, for this now long-abandoned wip for a fandom I haven't touched in years, there was a scene where a character needed a blood test done. Now, at that point in my life, I had avoided blood tests like the plague and never had one (I've been terrified of needles for as long as I can remember and yes, through my teenage years/early 20s that was an active detriment as I refused literally every vaccination bar one and also never went to the doc about things I should've done because I feared getting sent for a blood test - as an adult I've since just bit the damn bullet, but at the time of writing this fic I was twenty-ish and still in my Avoid Everything Needles No Matter How Much It Screws My Health Over mode, which, seriously, do not do. Don't be teenage Tsari). Don't ask me why I was determined that this fic needed not only a blood test scene, but also one written in detail, but I was, and having no idea what blood tests entailed, that meant one thing: research.
Cue the discovery that even the sight of a picture of a needle could send me into a panic attack.
I perservered and got that scene written but... yeah. That was rough.
Summertime Writer's Asks!
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umbrellaacademyfun · 2 years
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So I went to LA Comic-Con this weekend, and it was my first convention with an Umbrella Academy element.
The panel was wonderful (I have some video if you want to see!)
But a highlight for me was when Jordan Claire Robbins announced she would be signing! I used all of my cash for it with zero regrets. She is beautiful and kind and I highly recommend meeting her if you have the chance.
Then, on my way out of the signing room, I ran into Jason Neese, Cameron Britton, and Justin Cornwell! They were so nice and and friendly and kind, and they all took time with me and compliment my Christopher :)
I've been on cloud 9 since. ☁️ 🌤
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A Haunted Forest 🍂 Introduction!
Hey there! We're the Haunted Forest Collective. A traumagenic polyfragmented system of 400+ people. We are bodily a minor.
We have different alters who will post on here and each will have their own tags. Each one may make their own separate intro, if they are comfortable doing so!
People you may see here often are:
Tommy[He/it/neos] 🦝 - Host, symptom holder, traumaholder - Fucktive
Estelle[She/they/it] 🌌 - host, emotional sponge - songtive
Conan [He/him] 🍁 - host, traumaholder - songtive
Icarus [He/him] 🌤 - Host, Jack of All Trades - brainmade
Ash [He/him] 🍰 - Host, protector - brainmade
Billzo [He/it/bone] 💀 - Host, Jack of All Trades - factive
Atlas [He/they/it/neos] 🫀 - Host, social alter - single - brainmade, fusion
Fenix [He/it/death/rot] 👻 - Co-host, Jack of All Trades - brainmade
Karl [He/it/spiral/time] 🕐 - Co-host, social alter - introject
Victor [He/it/guts] 🥩 - Co-host, protector - brainmade
Oreli [He/they/it] 🏹 - Co-host, protecto - taken - fictive
Ranboo or Ran [He/they] 📼 - Co-host, social alter - factive
On our blog you will find:
General thoughts
Different alter aesthetics
Partner gushing
And some serious topics, though we want to keep this fairly light-hearted
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cnusoid · 1 year
🌤 The White Light
Her face looks like god himself sat down for 7 days, with hammer and chissel and chipped away all evil, until nothing but pure beauty remained.
When she lays in my bed and the sunbeams hits right, her whole divine body gets covered in a warm dress made out of rainbow prism light. Im laying next to her, admiring every feature, every detail of her perfect body. I love to tenderly run my hands through her pretty little curls and trace her face with my finger over and over again. And her lips. God her fucking lips. They are the hole im breathing through and charging my battery. A respiring human being laying next to me. I think thats all what earthlings strive and live for.
Every part of her life is filled with a little bit of 'i want to save the world', and i think thats so admirable and altruistic. When she steps through the door, she fills every corner of the room with her presence, which you could feel from miles away. Everybody loves her, because she is amazing in every way a human being could be. I love to learn from her strength and confidence. Shes always honest to the bone and im feeling like i know who i am to her and can act free without being judged, because she sees me.
Even tho her war was over, she still got anger in her heart, but she learned how to handle it. Its not an aggressive, blazing fire - its the fuel that keeps her breathing, focused and determined. I once got attacked by a frat boy and she took in action within the blink of an eye and protected me. I never told her how much I loved that moment, but I felt like a little teeny tiny princess, getting rescued by her knightess in shining armor.
Last week there was a massive thunderstorm. We went outside anyways and danced in the heavy rain like little kids. I was watching you the whole time when you ran on the field and spinned in the rain being thankful for what we are and what we have. It felt like a final scene in a movie. I saw nothing but pure beauty. Pure joy. Pure love.
She accepted me for who i am and cares for me with such gentleness, that i almost start to levitate. She feels like the moment right when the pills start to hit. You are a drug i like to abuse. You are a good drug. Im addicted.
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circassianhatko · 1 month
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Illustration to the Circassian 🍀 Fairy Tale,
"The Bear 🐻 as Nurse"
In the distant past, an old man lived with his old woman. In the whole village there was no one poorer than them. They never had warm clothes to wear, and they could never eat enough. But that was not what the two of them complained about. The fact that they had no child, that no carefree, boisterous children's laughter could be heard under their roof, that was what caused them grief... One day, however, their hearts warmed; the woman had given birth to a boy. He was healthy. He was beautiful and happy. And like a ray of sunshine 🌤☀️, he brightened his parents' evening years. They now had a son, but how should they clothe him, what should they give him to eat?
"If we wrap him in rags, people will mock us and the little one," said the old man to his wife. "Let the three of us go into the forest, perhaps we will find what we need to live there."
In the deep, slumbering forest 🌳, where no human had ever set foot before, they built themselves a small hut 🏡. One day the old man went deeper into the thicket to look for prey. The old woman, however, stayed in front of the hut in the sun 🌤☀️ with the little one, rocking him in her arms and singing him a sad song.
Then she laid the bundle down on the threshold to check on the house 🏡 for a moment. At that moment a large, old bear 🐻 came stumbling out of the bushes, grabbed the tiny human bundle and dragged it with him into the darkness of the forest 🌳. Oh, the old woman almost killed herself with terror. She cried and screamed - nothing helped, her child remained missing. Towards evening her husband returned home 🏡. But there was indescribable grief - one would not wish such a thing on one's worst enemy. Together, they bore their grief, together they decided: "We will never leave here. Here, where we have lost our only child, here death shall take us too."
In the meantime, the bear 🐻 had dragged the human baby into his cave and began to care for it as if it were a bear 🐻 cub. He fed the little one with wild nuts 🥜, berries 🫐 and honey 🍯🐝. When he slept, he snuggled him up to his soft, woolly, warm, broad bear 🐻 chest.
When the boy had grown up, the bear 🐻 took him to a clearing, chose a young, strong oak 🪵 tree 🌲 and ordered: "Come on, try it, pull it out with all its roots!" The boy put his arms around the trunk. He tried again and again.
The oak 🪵 tree 🌲 bent, but he couldn't pull it out.
"Obviously it's too early for that," grumbled the bear 🐻.
Years had passed again, and again the bear 🐻 took the boy to the clearing in the forest 🌳🌳🌳 so that he could pull the oak tree 🪵🌲 out of the ground.
But the oak tree 🪵🌲 had also grown and become even stronger in the meantime. And this time too, his efforts were in vain; the oak tree 🪵🌲 remained in the ground.
"Too early, brother, still too early," grumbled the bear 🐻 again.
One fine day, the little boy had become a strong, skillful and handsome youth. The bear 🐻 led him to the clearing for the third time. A mighty oak tree 🪵🌲 stood tall and erect. Its thick branches stretched out far away. But the Son of Man also felt great power. He wrapped both arms around the mighty tree trunk and, as if it were a blade of grass, he pulled the mighty oak tree out of the ground, along with its roots. "Now, my son, I can tell you who you are!
Many years ago I was wandering through the forest and suddenly saw a tiny, miserable hut. On the doorstep sat a woman with a baby in her arms, singing it a sad lullaby. 🎶
She complained that she had nothing to feed her little one. I listened for a long time and felt sorry for the mother and the child. When the woman took her eyes off the child for a moment, I grabbed it, along with the pillow, and ran away with it. That child, that little boy from back then, is you! I raised you, taught you and made you strong and powerful.
Now, return to your mother and father, be their help and protection. Go and learn the customs and traditions of men, but always remember:
"Evil always brings evil in its wake. But good always sows new good deeds!"
The youth thanked the bear 🐻 for his care and teaching and returned to his human parents. 👨👩
Together they set off for their home town. Their life became beautiful. There was no longer room for suffering under their roof, but there was room for everyone who needed help and knocked on their door.
The End....
* Aul = Circassian/Caucasian 🍀 mountain ⛰️🏔 village.
"The Circassians are far too unruly to submit to duty and custom."
Osmanbey, son of Vizier Magomed-Pasha (Turkish 🇹🇷 officer), 18th century
Illustration by SD Soldatow from: Rellers Völkerschafts-Archiv 🇩🇪
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bromcommie · 6 months
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis?
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately?
Hi nonnie, thanks for the ask!
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
I've been writing little stories since I was a kid, but when it comes to fic I was always just content to read it and never really thought I'd write any. I only started sometime during the pandemic, I think - I wasn’t really in fandom anymore at that point but I was stuck back at home, I had a lot of time and restless grief on my hands, and I was in desperate need of doing something creative but suffering from a massive block. That was around the time TFATWS was being filmed and in a sudden bout of nostalgia and inspiration I thought, eh, what the hell. So I essentially started by writing a bunch of semi-fix-it ficlets about Sam & Bucky bonding and figuring out their post-Snap 2.0 grief together and lovingly antagonizing each other all over the European continent. (It was a nice mix of pandemic horror projection and escapism, and weirdly enough it kind of helped.) Eventually I ran out of steam and life responsibilties started picking up speed, but flash forward a couple of years later I picked it back up as a post-CATWS fic for reasons I can't really remember right now. That one wasn't really meant to see the light of day either, but here I am🤷🏻‍♀️And it's been a fun, engaging ride so far! Always a nice way to work on my writing, and everyone I've interacted about fic on here has been genuinely very lovely and engaging.
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis?
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately?
Oh man. The importance of community, I guess has been up there recently. Figuring out ways in which to foster mutual support and understanding and solidarity starting from my own bubble and locale. Finding resources to learn about the history of that and engage with people that came before me.
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bb-baker · 7 months
[offscreen posting]
Liz was running through a field in the terrarium chasing after her kubfu. This being the fifth time it had run off to battle another pokemon
“Kubfu! Get back here!”
Finally she opened her bag pulling out a poképuff waving it in the air sure got kubfu’s attention as he ran over to get the treat.
“Alright, now we can go back to the…dorms….”
Sentence cutting off Liz looks up to be surrounded by several wild pokemon all wanting the treat.
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jgnico · 1 year
🌧 ANGST >:)
These are all gonna be from different WIPs cause I have way too many lol. Also, sorry in advance for the long answers, I tried to include context for what's going on.
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
"That's why we'd all work on it, silly." Vash says, tone suddenly sober and serious, and Nick wonders if the four shots of tequila –bleh– that he downed at the beginning of the night were finally starting to wear off. "Oh, I know! I could ask Nai to help!"
On second thought, maybe they really, really weren't.
He opens his mouth to point out that Nai would probably rather get ran over by the ugly ass bus in front of them than help them repair it, but Millie cuts him off with an excited sound.
"I'm sure he'd love to help." She says with the confidence of someone that Nai didn't outright hate. So far only she and Vash had the privilege of being on that exclusive list, as far as he knew.
"You're right!"
"She's really not." Nick tells him. Someone has to be the voice of reason in their group, and Meryl – who normally took up that job – is currently nodding off against Millie's hip.
"What do you mean? Nai could never say no to me."
Nai tries not to feel bad when Vash –who had stumbled out of his room like a zombie after sleeping half the day away and drug him up a hill to look at the broken down monstrosity currently in front of him– slumps dejectedly over his donut.
Unsurprisingly, it isn't that hard.
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
The first thing he sees is the curse, an overgrown pelican with a few too many wings, and then a short distance away, a group of people that seem to be more interested in their surroundings than whatever Geto is saying to Yuuta. There's an arm draped over his student's shoulders and sickly-sweet nonsense rolling off his tongue and it's wrong. It's all wrong.
Because he looks healthier than Gojo remembers, color high in his cheeks and hair that's longer, shinier, no longer threatening to tangle and break after a few too many days without care.
You're beautiful, he had wanted to say so many times, back when he could have, but hadn't. It presses against his teeth now, sits on his tongue like syrup, like his residuals. Sweet in a way that isn't, that's disgustingly bitter underneath.
Instead, he says, "Now, now, don't be spouting crazy talk to my students."
He keeps his tone light, but Geto's cursed energy flinches, even as he turns to smile at him.
"Satoru!!" He calls back, like they're still teenagers. Like they haven't spent the last ten years separated by distance and grief and Geto's own decisions. It makes the part of him that never stopped loving him ache.
🌪️Sum up a WIP with a few fic tropes/Ao3 tags.
Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna/Uraume, Heian Era, Slow Burn, Angst, Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Typical Violence, Getting Together, Major Character Death
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numb-little-bean · 1 year
Eat the frog 🐸, they say. So, we ran at 6 am today. 🌤🏃‍♀️
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manjiroro · 3 years
pick me~! - a haitani brothers smau series
content: gender neutral reader, fluff, crack, maybe angst?, swearing
summary: the haitani brothers are both head over heels for you and are competing to see who you’re gonna pick
status: on hiatus at the moment !!
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hi! this is my first smau series and im kinda nervous as to how its gonna go eheh so do enjoy this!! also i dont rly have a plan for how this is gonna go so im just gonna go with the flow oops
please note!! if you wanna be in a taglist do send in an ask :3
♡︎ chap 1
♡︎ chap 2
♡︎ chap 3
♡︎ chap 4
♡︎ chap 5
♡︎ chap 6
♡︎ chap 7
♡︎ chap 8
♡︎ chap 9
♡︎ chap 10
♡︎ chap 11
profile information:
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y/n’s circle haitani brother’s circle
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nnatsume · 2 years
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foreword: THIS GOES TO MY SILLY MUTUALS WHO I LOVE WITH MY ENTIRE HEART. you make my day fr. i'm going to lovemail you all now i hope you don't mind the tags or anything. twiddles fingers. i hope this list gets to grow longer hehehehhehe. i gave you all a little song each along with it!! it's in the receiver. <3
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╰┈➤ dear @yumetokashite,
you were right there from the beginning! i remember the boost i got when you reblogged my first post hehe. you're probably one of the coolest people to ever exist and you have such a colorful personality under your timid shell!! hehe i look up to you a lot you know?? you're incredibly talented and super super kind. ♡ i hope we can stay friends for a loong time!!
╰┈➤ dear @nyaitsu-writes,
okay you are so important. i remember reading one of your posts and i was like, "woah, i can follow this perfectly without stop." and i sent you an ask and bam! you're so friendly and accepting of everyone, and you're the kind of person that i can talk to from midnight to morning!! i'm really happy to have met you. you taught me to chill a little bit, you know? ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
╰┈➤ dear @lisxdumbr,
i saw your letter in my inbox and i combusted. as i'm writing this one, yours is open in another tab ready for response. ♡ i'm so happy to have met you !! the late talks with you were so interesting always, honestly—you're very refreshing! definitely irreplacable—you always think you're bothering, but i'm always overjoyed to see you pop up in my inbox.
╰┈➤ dear @lilikags,
do you know how happy it made me when you decided i'm going to be your kuya? i cried a little bit, i'm honoured to take that spot. ♡ you have a very, very good life ahead of you, i can tell, you're very ambitious!! i hope i can cheer you on in the future too—i'll be the older brother in the crowd with the qiqi support banner.
╰┈➤ dear @oh-man-its-a-banana,
my beloved bestie, my radioactive yellow fruit. talking to you is always so fun—our silly little walls of headcanons and cute shuffles and everything! i care about you lots & lots!! you're one of the most amazing, talented people i've met—you're not afraid to reach into the fire to help people—very admirable!!
╰┈➤ dear @imagineshuitsukieveryday,
i remember i reblogged your post with a silly addition and then you made a masterpiece out of it—i was shocked but wowed. i can tell the path ahead of you is also very bright—take care of it and decorate it, you have an artistic vision that the world should see. ♡ you come in randomly, but then you say very interesting things, you know?
╰┈➤ dear @runanadwiddles,
remember the reaction roles course? shudders. you carried me through it flawlessly—you're a very patient soul, and you're good at passing things to other people. you have a lot of light in you—i hope that one day you'll gain the confidence to shine even more than now!
╰┈➤ dear @rinnelovebot,
i think i've said this a couple times before, but i think you're very humorous. you bring light where you go! i admire you a lot—you're a very responsible and talented person!! i see you juggle a lot of things in your life—i'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, whenever you need me. ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
╰┈➤ dear @nikikyuuun,
we don’t talk too much but i still think you’re irreplaceable–i’ll be your admirer from afar. you’re very humorous and endlessly kind, so i hope we get to talk a little more in the future. ♡ i look up to you a lot as well!! the future has good plans for you, i can tell. ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
╰┈➤ dear @shucore,
every time we met you’ve shown only love! you let your love flow into what you do, and that takes a lot of practice–or maybe a gift of yours? either way, you hold a special place within everyone’s hearts, you must know. ♡ it seems that life doesn’t treat you well sometimes, but for people like you, light always waits at the end! ♡
╰┈➤ dear @heiiskii,
we haven’t talked too much either, but i still adore you! you put your heart to the things you love–you’re the kind of person that people can’t get tired of talking to, you know? i’ll have your back whenever you need me!! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
╰┈➤ dear @actuallylgp,
you shoulder a lot of things, and very gracefully! a break awaits you soon. you have my support until then. and afterwards, too. ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა bantering with you is like sibling-banter, it’s quite fun and i hope that’s not just one-sided. ♡ you’re very passionate about the things you love! and one day i’ll be the one lifting you, watch.
╰┈➤ dear @s4egusas,
you may think this is redundant because i’ve already lovemailed you in the response to your letter, but i think you need to be appreciated s’more. ♡ you work very hard, and i admire your skill!! and you’re very funny on top of that. (i have to laugh every time you say “pookie”). ibara might find a rival soon (platonically on my side.).
╰┈➤ dear @mocha-tapioca,
my favorite eldritch creature! you kidnap the children, i eat them. ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა fooling around with you often turns into a tiny tiny highlight in my day!! you’re endlessly precious, you know? don’t let the stumps in your life stop you–the path ahead of you is filled with happiness. you’re a real bestie. ♡
╰┈➤ dear @ururuo1,
you’re the hard-working type and while that is admirable, i think you deserve to take a looong long break. ♡ sometimes i get the feeling that you don’t like me very much, but i think you’re awesome. you don’t strike me as an overly.. let’s say proofless-believing type, but trust me when i say that there’s miracles to reward you in the future. ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
╰┈➤ dear @nvzuna,
we used to talk a lot, remember? ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა housecat solidarity. talking to you is always something new–you’re a super cool and interesting person, you know? you always meet people with kindness and love, and that often takes a lot to do. ♡ you deserve all good things coming your way and more!!
╰┈➤ dear @yuezhong,
can i just say how peaceful and comforting your presence is? you carry yourself in a very graceful manner. or type, i guess, but that doesn’t sound very charming. i find you to be someone very respectable! ♡ i can’t wait to get to know you a liiitle bit more. you’re an interesting type. ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
╰┈➤ dear you,
i may not know who you exactly are, but i appreciate you to the moon and back! i’m very thankful for you and all the support you gave me. whoever you are, you deserve all good there is! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა treat yourself today in my stead, okay?
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246sn · 2 years
﹒SUNNY DAYS ˒ ˓ O4 𖥦 hi sunny :) ! 𓈒 ꔛ ˙ ˖ word count : 0.3k
⋆ NEXT ⫾ kim sunoo is a popular student. so popular in fact that he has numerous fan accounts, but he only cares about one: an anonymous user who posts encouraging messages every morning before school. his goal is to figure out who this mysterious person is but what would happen if one betrayal reveals this user’s “true identity”? would they rather fight for love or stay with the person who has been with them since the beginning?
the story is below!
to stop the glitch :’)
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ding dong!
you and yeoreum’s eyes move from the tv to the door as soon as you both hear the ringing of the doorbell, signalling that the food you ordered just arrived.
“i’ll just go grab something upstairs and get the food. you can go ahead and pick the movie while i’m gone.” you say, standing up immediately right when yeoreum gives you a smile while nodding.
while you ran upstairs to “borrow” some cash from heeseung’s (not-so-hidden) stash of birthday money he got last year that was conveniently “hidden” under his pillow, your phone vibrated on the coffee table right in front of yeoreum.
this naturally piqued her interest, so she looked around to see if you were nearby before looking at the notification you received.
🌤 : hi sunny :)
“sunny?” she whispered to herself while tapping on the notification.
the message, to her surprise, came from the kim sunoo. she knew you and Sunoo were texting and he made it clear a few days ago.
sunoo had nothing else to do but scroll through his twitter and Instagram feeds because classes that day were extra boring. he noticed yeoreum checking his phone from the glare of his screen, which showed her staring at his phone. of course, she didn't notice because she clearly wasn't the brightest of people.
sunoo immediately decided to text you that he was bored, which obviously worked when he heard yeoreum scoff and move her seat away from his.
even if she isn't very bright, she isn't dumb enough to know that sunoo had never texted you through twitter dms until today. in all honesty, she had no idea sunoo had opened his dms until this notification after all of her failed attempts to contact him.
yeoreum's eyes widened when she realized your account wasn't yours, but rather the ever-popular sunnydays. she didn't know what to think; was she supposed to be nervous, upset, or outright angry at this brand-new discovery?
she heard footsteps coming down the staircase just as she was about to tap on your profile to see if it was actually sunnydays but in a state of panic, she returned to your dms and deleted sunoo's message.
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⋆ NOTE ⫾ i hope i was only gone long enough for u all to still remember what happened last time :’) did u all miss me… i’m so sorry for not being able to update recently T-T anyways, the silent beef between haewon and yeoreum is actually kinda crazy … also yn girl it’s 2022 why don’t u have a password
TAGLIST ﹑ @ja4hyvn @mymomsdisappointment @acciomylove @staysstrays @soobin-chois @gyufxc @hiqhkey @enhacolor @yizhoutv @butterflyy-ningg @cparqx @heavenforatlas @junhaodni @bearseulgs @yjwnoot @nova-xae @trsrina @kazuhugs @arizejkt19 @lovnayeon @soobins-gf @hokuuusk @callme-kami @thaliese @c9tnoos @y4ngjungw0nz @prince-mingki @viagumi @ferxanda @iamsimplyasimp @wonieleles @beans-and-jeanes @homohoons
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falling slowly, eyes that know me
“How’s the sky?”
And Kojiro sighed, because of course Kaoru noticed. Of course Kaoru could see through all his forced bravado and flirting. Joe was supposed to be easy. But he wasn’t tonight.
"It’s—” he began, a lie already dancing across his tongue, but he couldn’t lie, not to Kaoru. He tried, once, but when he couldn’t keep it up anymore, he ran away to Italy. “Dark,” he mumbled, closing his eyes. The sunset vanished before him, covered by colorless trees and a desolate fog.
“How dark?”
Kojiro felt like a child again—like the scared little boy wandering through the cold alone. And he was swinging on the broken swing, his feet dragging through the mulch. “Foggy,” he admitted, flinching as he tried to grab the fraying rope, tried to hold onto something, and it fizzled into nothingness. It wasn’t connected to anything anyways, just an endless rope hovering in the sky.
[or: kojiro is sad and kaoru is his lighthouse]
🌤5,051 words | matchablossom🌤
written for @chasvchalilah & @aromanticmara - happy matchablossom friday🌸 🍵 
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