#👻 answered.
dawnedon · 10 months
Flashback to a Galactic memory!!
Send ‘Flashback’ to see one of my muse’s old memories | accepting
It felt like ages before the thunderous shaking of the earth finally ceased. Earthquakes in Sinnoh weren't uncommon, though you knew something about this wasn't right. Professor Rowan had originally tasked you, Barry, and Lucas with going to Sinnoh's three lakes to gather information on the mythical Lake Trio, and you'd soon come to learn that the source of the quake was an explosion at Lake Valor. Now, they were going to the lakes for a very different reason.
Something in your stomach, and in your heart, would turn at that. You weren't worried about yourself, really, but more for your friends. Other patrons of Canalave's library would pick themselves up from the floor, having dove for cover once the earth began to churn. Books had tumbled from the shelves, though the group didn't have time to help clean up.
For once, you were on the move before Barry was, pushing your chair back from the table as you stood. Midnight eyes gaze upon your friends, lingering on Barry especially. "Be careful. I'll let you all know what I find out."
You noticed the denizens of Canalave outside after you left the library, some looking around for structural damage, while others talked amongst themselves. If time was a luxury you had more of, you would have stuck around to assist.
The late autumn air stung your face as you took to the skies, fingers threaded through Dela's soft feathers. You knew the Togekiss was pushing herself - perhaps a bit too much - but there's a silent understanding between you both that this situation is dire.
It felt like an eternity before the lakefront finally rolled over on the horizon. The sight, and sudden realization that the barren crater below was Lake Valor made your heart drop to your stomach. All of the water had been blown from the lake, with only what appeared to be a small river trickling in on one of the corners.
You feel your stomach twist uncomfortably as you silently wonder if a similar fate is in store for the other two lakes. The worry you felt earlier for your friends only grows at the thought... but your friends were strong. They wouldn't have made it this far if otherwise, right? You had to trust in them - believe in them - for they surely would do the same for you.
Dela was returned to her ball when you land, and you waste no time in accosting the first Galactic grunt you see. Though something deep within you tells you that the spirit of the lake is no longer here, you can't give up anyways. Galactic doesn't belong here - not at such a sacred place... and for them to defile it in such a way only made your blood ice over.
Each and every Galactic grunt was dispelled with a ferocity you didn't know you and your team were capable of until now. Emperor stalked behind as you entered the cavern, looming behind you menacingly. Your lips set in a line, jaw clenched tightly, and nothing but a cold, cold fury in those nighttime eyes of yours. There was the final Galactic admin you hadn't met on your journey so far - a man with blue hair that called himself Saturn.
"How dare you," you spat, voice dripping with acidity and ice; unbecoming of your normal, calm demeanor. Your Empoleon moved from behind, to stand in front of you - his pointed glare was far more menacing than your own. The fury the two of you had towards the admin was palpable in the small cavern, the air feeling far colder than it normally should.
You were going to make him pay.
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hellsite-hall-of-fame · 2 months
this one wasn’t from me, but I relate. thank.
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niko-sasaki-dbd · 3 months
Do you have any pictures of Edwin’s notebook/pages about hell? I’m trying to recreate it and it would be greatly appreciated!!
I have these:
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Also, if it helps, here's the Payne coat of arms:
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(I'll leave it to tumblr to ruin the definition)
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monstrouslyobsessed · 1 month
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—all rights reserved to @monstrouslyobsessed​, the beastfolk character design of valerius, with a bonus sketchy doodle of him and his darling in the background, complimenting each other on their acting in whatever episode they recently starred in while valerius is squeezing his flustered darling. you can get some idea of how big of a height difference between the two--ideally he'd still be a fair bit bigger though.
prompt requested by a dear nonnie <3!!
I love the latest designs of papa and duke! Had me blushing seeing both of them with a suggestive smile 💜 If your still taking requests, can you doodle Valerius? I loved reading about him and seeing him drawn would be a dream come true 🥰 --anonymous
aaaa hope you enjoyed! it's not the most accurate design i can envision for valerius, its rather rough and done quick-like for my liking, but i'm satisfied for now :) he's quite a handsome snake, isn't he? all dressed up for the today's episode, flirting it up with his favorite boo across the countertop while mixing up the pretend expensive drinks in front of the cameras.
the pieces featuring valerius: —a thousand photographs of you (the og hc that spawned valerius' existence) —smile for the camera (full n/sfw piece) heed the dead dove warnings!
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buckdefencesquad · 26 days
Ohhh boyyyyy…..
Okay so to begin I’m going to need to ensure that I get the basic cleared up
So! Spoilers for the video game nier automata
There’s one line in the game when the character 9S says to 2B, “you know, my friends call me Nines”, and to that 2B (they’re both androids) says “9S is fine”.
It is then revealed that 2B is secretly an execution model of android, sent to destroy 9S and his memories every single time he learns the truth about their world.
This is is Ghoap coded? And there’s so many layers of this!!!
1: every time Ghost kills Johnny and he comes back in a new body, Johnny has no memory of what happened prior to his execution
2: Ghost doesn’t want to call Soap “Johnny” because he doesn’t want to get attached (it fails, every time)
3: Ghost has seen Johnny die and come back countless times, but it still hurts him
4: Not only are these two in a tragic inescapable loop, everything that they know is. Which means that at some point in the cycle, everything and everyone is wiped out and reset….
Which means that the two of them can never escape this horrible cycle
Oh that is delicious!!!!!! Changing the plot slightly what about where Soap doesn’t even KNOW he’s an android!
He’s put on the team to be a real soldier, never deviate, always follow commands but of course soap always deviates, makes friendships he shouldn’t, disobey orders hich means ghost has to reset him!!
The shock and betrayal of ghost also being an android! Of ghost KNOWING and keeping it from him. The betrayal of ghost not being able to fight his programming for him like soap does. Soap always fights until the very end, right up until the moment Simon destroys him/resets him. Ghost? Never tried. He ignores the errors in his programming.
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agaypanic · 2 months
I just got out of a concert and omg it was great. Thoughts on Rockstar Rodrick calling a fan on stage to sing the band's next/most popular song? And she can't stop staring and smiling st him the whole time?
- 👻
imagine the song is some love song collab, but the female artist isn’t there so you sing her part instead. like imagine singing a love song with stick omggg
or imagine you’re his friend, and you’re in the crowd instead of backstage bc you wanna actually see the concert. and he gets you on stage to sing with him bc he’s used to you singing along at practices and stuff
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lilstrawberryghost · 30 days
Hello my friends !
I'm Rasmi frome Gaza supporting my wife, Eslam, and she a mother of two daughters, Hanaa 5 years old, and Alma, 10 months old.🍉 🇵🇸
Asking for help is not easy.
I am asking for a small donation of $20 or $25 from each person..
I need your help if you can
Please donate to save my life and my family or can you share the pinned post on my personal page? I will be very grateful to you ��️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
My donation link is in my bio.
Every donation, even if it is small, will
make a big difference in my life.
Help me and my family ❤️‍🩹 🇵🇸 🍉
Im not able to do anything financially, but Rasmi and Eslam’s GFO is in this ASK as well as in their BIO!
@4necdote , @ashxlr , @v-rg1l , @midnightmah07
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cchallucination · 6 months
Out of curiosity….
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ask-the-dead-feys · 14 hours
hi there! It’s been awhile , how are you guys doing and hows the uh- being dead thing going?
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“We’re good, Maya, we’re good-“
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“No, we’re not! You got ink on my dress, you bi-“
“We’re good.”
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dawnedon · 9 months
❛  are you always so competitive?  ❜
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"Uh. Yeah? I try to be more tactful about it normally at least." There's a pause. She's focusing for a moment- "But this is Mario Kart, so I think the tact can go out the window. If I don't get first I might as well have gotten last. Plus, King Boo looks so depressed when you lose. I can't do that to my boy." Another pause. Her eyes are focused on her half of the screen.
"All I'm saying is, if you blue shell me then you'll probably have to explain to Roark why you have a controller-shaped dent in your face. That's all."
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wandasaura · 6 months
Randomly wondering how any Wanda and Nat would react to R calling them Bro or saying bruh to them.
Because I honestly say it way to much and thinking r is already younger than them she is probably used to saying that with her friends anyways 😭
i think she’d just do it to get under their skin, r and the very few friends that she has are all annoyingly proper or whatever, but she knows it irks wanda especially when she’s demoted from girlfriend to bro
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ririchanxd · 8 days
heh can you make a perowlaw stimboard
🌸Perona x law stimboard🐼
🚨!trigger warnings!🚨:needle, pills
The art in the middle is from Pinterest the rest is from Tumblr!
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niko-sasaki-dbd · 4 months
hello! not music anon but i also have a recommendation, if you don't mind :D
The Calling by The Amazing Devil i think reflects Crystal and her conflict with who she is really well: "Back then, I was dauntless/ And dawn could never know/ And my weakness made me weep less/ Than I would ever show you", "I look into the waters and see a face I don't understand/ We're both unwanted daughters/ But there's more than water in these autumn hands", "Shoulder the sky (I can't wait to show you how much)/ Open those eyes (I know you can be, just let the rain come)/ There's a kind (let the rain come down, darling)/ (Can't you hear it howling?) Of calling, calling"
Hello 🩷
I listened to the song earlier, and added it to my playlist immediately, because I absolutely love it, but I'm sorry for answering so late.
First of all, thank you so much, It's a beautiful song (it gives me literal goosebumps), and the lyrics fit her so well, and I think it's about the conflict with who she is and who she used to be, but in some way, it also reminded me of those moments in which she connects with her ancestors and the discovery of her own power— It's just amazing ♡
Really can't thank y'all enough, please keep sending me such incredible recs!
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monstrouslyobsessed · 9 months
Will you ever draw papa bull and duke together as a comparison of what they look like? I’m genuinely curious to see duke in your artstyle.
sure thing! i was already working on a drawing anyway, so any excuse to exercise a quick sketch never hurts.
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—all rights reserved to @monstrouslyobsessed​, the beastfolk characters, papa bull and duke for character design sketch, with a bonus doodle of dorothy fawning over devon with her faceless spouse and child (being held by the bulls' darling in a very vague appearance) in the background with some random expression tests and two babies, devon and dorothy's still-nameless baby.
additional details/ramblings under the cut.
im not really too good with drawing furries so they probably look pretty awkward. anyway, yeah, you can tell there's a lot of resemblances between duke and papa bull. i actually copied and mirrored on purpose and just changed certain details (mainly age and fashion sense).
i tried to make papa bull to look softer, kinder, in his eyes, while it's harder to interpret with duke, other than him being a bit awkward.
they all do have hair tho! a bit more mullet-like, i suppose, but i don't think they can help that considering how their anatomy works (and i'm somewhat trying to keep true to the irl animals as well so there's not really any 'rainbow anime gravity defying' hair going on there). papa bull have a bit more hair than duke, since he had a beard whileas duke doesn't.
if you noticed that duke didn't have the nose ring, good eye! i figured it's a specific species cultural factor, that the head of the family has it (regardless of the gender).
they're actually supposed to be darker, closer to black, but i also wanted to show the wrinkles and other finer details in their looks thus the brown. i...think i might like them better that way, but eh.
as for dorothy, she adore kids regardless of who or what they are. she's always happy to see the little devon and fawn on them lol i kind of tried to keep her to look like a (summery) farm girl, with a lot of body confidence in herself, but it's pretty sketchy so i don't think thats obvious. she's a big, happy gal though.
yes, i just wanna doodle her lol
if you're having troubles reading the text because my handwriting is crappy, i gotchu
"hoovedfolk babies are so heavy..." "i can hold them?" --Dorothy, who traded babies for a minute --Devon, in dino onesie
thats about it for my nonsense, hope my doodles are passable?
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bburnt-breakfast · 11 days
not trying to start anything, but you must've known how fragile her mental state was - I mean, she told you how she died - why she felt like she needed to.
Do you know how insulting it was to hear that she would give her life to die? To be a ghost? To be , ah, what did she say? Free?
What. A . ASSHOLE thing to say. I died alone, trapped in a pile of ash and wood and brick as our house collapsed in on itself. I have burn scars lining my back, my arms, my legs, and I still get phantom pain.
My teenage years were ripped away from me, and now I spend my eternal girlhood being a ghost. No friends, no cute little boyfriend, no family, alone.
I spent years, and years, and YEARS trying to pass on, to see my family. Because I had nobody. And that opportunity, it was ripped out of my hands.
It was ripped away from me, because of her. Because I love her so damn much. It gave me yet more unfinished business.
What an asshole.
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agaypanic · 3 months
Despite being standoffish, Warren Peace isn't touch starved. If anything he'll be the one to give a ton of physical affection to his partner
- 👻
i think that he’d just be private about it. the most he probably does in public is hold hands and kiss you every now and then
unless he’s jealous, then he’s making sure everyone knows you’re with him
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