kakusboyfriend · 1 year
♦️🌺𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 𝓼𝓹𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓬𝓪𝓼𝓽 🌻♥️
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͝ ⏝𝅄︶ ͝ ⏝ ⊹ ⏝ ͝ ︶𝅄⏝ ͝
Hi! I'm Cebi/Nero/Arlo/etc and I'm a queer guy (he/they/it) in his 20s who can't stop falling for weird fictional men 🧡 I draw occasionally and write very rarely.
Check my Carrd for f/o lists, ship names, sharing and OCS!
Kaku is currently my *main* focus. Champagne is the oc I pair him with, and their ship name is 'Mimosas'. Our anniversary is 07/03/2024.
I don't share him, and I don't want to be exposed to canon/canon OR oc/canon ship art of him either.
Other than him, I'm currently focusing on Weevil Underwood, Ryuichi Fuwa, and Imori from Yu-Gi-Oh!
DNI/BYF | Main | Commissions
This blog is intended for people over the age of 18. Please respect my boundaries and be civil.
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Quick and easy tag reference
For f/os, it usually goes [heart color][name] UNLESS I have ship name for them. The guide is:
💜: romantic (💜Veloci)
💛: familial (💛Weevil)
💙: queerplatonic (💙Rohan)
🧡: platonic (🧡CP9)
💚: FWBs (💚Mercury)
🥩: 'im sexually attracted to this character but by god i do Not want to be their friend' (🥩Engarde)
❔: questioning (❔Ultron)
💌: crushes (💌Mai)
Other tags are:
📡 incoming transmission 📡: general text posts and blabber
💫close encounters (suggestive)💫: nsfw-ish
Incomplete ship tag list:
Cinder: Citrus x Guy Gardner (GLTAS)
Citrine: Citrus x Guy Gardner (BTBATB)
Corny: Citrus x Red Tornado
J'itters: Citrus x J'onn J'onzz
Synesthesia: Citrus x Guy x Razer
Wiscottbarda: Winona x Scott Free x Barda Free
Corkscrew: Orchard x Copperhead
Victorian: Alborean x Victor Fries (DCAU)
Crudy: Cupid x Rudy Jones
Psionics: Bruno x Psimon
Katharsis: Kit x Curt Connors x Martha Connors
Kitkats: Kit x Mac Gargan x Sarah
Caldera: Eudicot x Kif x Amy
Plumage: Pluto x Zamasu
Violoncello: Viola x Cell
Cherieza: Cherry x Frieza
Picturesque: Pluto x Piccolo
Phoneydew: Honeydew x Photar
Pandora: Anora x Pleakley
Razorblade: Adonis x Arlong
Akita: Nikita x Adrian Andrews
Atkey: Nikita x Luke Atmey
Oc (non sona) stuff:
Voltera Epianthra: Cupid's descendant. Dating Mekt Ranzz. Brother of Brainiac 5.
Dahlia Aerospace: Eudicot's best friend in the whole world
Carmesin: Red oni who's a piece of shit and Viola's only coworker aside from Syke
Kurosuto: Frost's kid, universe 6s version of Kuriza. Actually venomous
Vito: member of Appule's race and Cherry's adoptive father
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wynnyfryd · 6 months
Here are some – hope they are a good distraction and enjoy your day!
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now? 
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now? 
pass. 😂
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
steve was the one who kept dragging eddie to the movie theater again and again when the second lotr movie came out because he had such huge crushes on eomer and eowyn. eddie's like "baby you know i love tolkien but we've seen this 7 times already" meanwhile steve's just humming the rohan theme under his breath.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
oh, god. write me a five paragraph essay and i will propose to you. it's a promise it's a threat i am picking our wedding venue as we speak
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
taxes should be filed once every ten years or preferably never
ask me stuff
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For the piping hot asks: Grima + 👃, 👂, 😍, 💋, 🔥, 💞, and 💌, please!!
Thank you sooooo much for this!! Apologies in advance for the novel I wrote you. But this is Grima and you were so very generous in asking me many things! 💞💞💞
[Qs from the Piping Hot OC asks]
Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?
Grima Wormtongue.
Smell good?
Finally, a question I have been asked!
Everyone in Rohan has an Odour. No one smells good by our standards. Not Eomer. Not Eowyn. Not Theoden. Not Theodred. Not Grima. No one.
Just saying.
These people aren’t bathing every other day. The very wealthy are bathing maybe bi-weekly? Weekly at most and that’s a hell of a lot of work (for the servants, to be fair. Since these are posh nobles who don’t labour for themselves. Since really, the only commoner among them who has probably drawn his own water and heated his own tub at a regular basis at some point in his life is Grima). This is all presuming that Rohan has a pro-bathing culture and doesn’t believe hot water opens your pores into which illness descends and gives you plague.
Just context setting.
So ok look, I understand why Peter Jackson took the approach he did for Grima in the films—he needed to make him visually distinctive. He had a lot of characters who kind of looked the same (I remember the first time I watched FOTR and I couldn’t tell Boromir and Aragorn apart) and he needed to make sure the audience was able to swiftly look at a scene and go a) New Person! We haven’t seen this one yet! & b) He is Clearly Evil. We can tell by his appearance alone. He doesn’t need to speak, we can just tell that he is evil.
(There’s so much to unpack about why we associate those visual markers as evil, but that’s for another time.)
However, when we look at Grima as a character—where he is positioned in society, his role, his rank etc. etc.—then the greasy, probably-gross-to-be-near, implied-minimal-personal-hygiene persona doesn’t make sense.
I am perfectly willing to have Grima be visually ugly in his base appearance (his face should be weird and unappealing). I’m fine with that. In fact, that’s how I want it. But he is a man with no family standing, no land, no title, his entire fortune and position is dependent on the good graces of the king.
Within the court he’s a distinguished enough figure that he is the king’s chief advisor. [I talk about the roles he might have played elsewhere on my tumblr.] And he is close enough to Theoden that he sits at his right hand and holds enough power to speak plainly to titled men and distinguished guests without needing to bow too low to the ground.
This means he has standards of appearance and self-grooming that he would be held to and expected to fulfill. The social (and personal, political) cost of not meeting these expectations would be high and Grima is a climber and a survivor therefore I see him as being dedicated to meeting the standards others impose on him.
He also is clearly someone who values wealth, nice clothes, displays of power etc. and that includes bathing and primping and preening and all that good stuff. The fact that he has time and financial means to Look Fancy says a lot about his position within society—even if he doesn’t have a nice title or whack of land to go along with it.  
All of this to say—by the standards of Rohan, yes. He smells good.
Does he have a signature scent? I don’t know if Rohan has a perfume culture that would enable the idea of a signature scent, but he’d probably have some form of soap and such that he’s partial to. Also does Rohan believe in miasma-theory of disease spread? Because if so, Grima totally wanders around with a clove studded orange.
Could I have answered that in two paragraphs? Yes. Did I choose violence instead? Yes.
2. Does your OC have an attractive voice?
As it’s not described in the books, so far as I can remember, I tend to flip flop on how I imagine his voice to sound. There are days when I head canon it as resting higher up in his throat/nose – so it comes out a little nasally.
Then there are days when I head canon it as deeper and he can speak quietly, when he wants to. The sort of weighted quiet that you have to really stop what you’re doing and pay attention in order to follow him. Which is a good way to ensure his audience is focused on him, and him alone. (I had a director at work who did that and I remember it being very effective during negotiations.)
Looking purely at canon, I lean towards the latter option since he is clearly positioned as the mini-version of Saruman, so to speak. He’s meant to have abilities that mirror the wizard’s but aren’t equal to him. Saruman’s Voice is infamous, therefore as a scaled down version, it stands to reason Grima’s voice would have been pleasant to listen to.
He's definitely a good public speaker, as we see in that battle of the wits with Gandalf (in the books, as the films cut 95% of it). Gandalf obviously wins, but Grima definitely holds his own. Also, he comes from an oral tradition society where rhetoric and public oration are highly prized, so he’d be well versed in it. Also song is a huge part of Rohirric culture so he’s likely able to hold a tune, at the very least, if not know how to properly sing.
So yeah, I would say I generally view him as having a pleasant voice to listen to. When I’m not leaning into the slightly whiny version, but that’s just me and not based in canon.
3. What does your OC find irresistible in others?
Smarts and confidence. 100%. Intelligence and willpower and a strong personality that conveys “I’m in charge, I know what I’m doing, and I am strong in my sense of self.” Grima is one of life’s followers, that boy don’t lead, and I think he finds highly confident and intelligent people very attractive. Power is also irresistible to him—so someone in a position of wealth and power who throws their weight around, is clever and wise, and conveys an air of “I’ll walk on you, but it’ll be sexy”—that person would be Grima’s catnip.
I personally write him as having a thing for people who could physically break him. Like Eomer could bench press that man. So could Eowyn, for that matter.
Grima: It’s so hot that you could kill me.
Eomer: right.
4. Is your OC a good kisser? How do they do it?
I think he’s tolerable. Not someone you’d write home about but he’s not terrible. He’s not like, trying to chew your face off.
As in life, in this he is more of a follower. So, he might start instigating something, but he’ll quickly want the other person to lead. I mean, look at the (attempted) seduction scene in the movies with Eowyn. I think he was hoping, “if I lead us to a certain point in this dance, she’ll take up the reigns from there.”
(To be fair, it is hard to say how much of that was him as a person and how much of that hinged on class and rank issues. She’s the daughter of kings, he’s a nobody. He can’t touch her without her consent without serious repercussions. I know he was controlling her uncle and some of the court, but there are certain social and class rules that he wouldn’t be able to squirm out of and I strongly believe “the commoner laid a hand on the noblewoman and she didn’t want it” is one of them. It’s that sticky thing of—he might be a man in a very, clearly patriarchal society—but it is also a classist and rank-focused society wherein she’s the niece of the king, sister to the third marshal, cousin of the second marshal, and descended from the house of Eorl on both sides of the family. She outranks him to an insane degree. And again, his power and position is by the grace of Theoden alone. Her power and position is by dint of birth.)
In terms of approach, I think he goes from gentle to rough pretty quickly—depending who the other party is depends on if he wants to be hurt or do the hurting.
5. What’s a surefire way to make your OC get flustered?
Lord, I have no idea. I think it would depend on the person and the situation. He’s quick witted, we know, so I suspect he just defaults to sarcasm whenever presented with something unexpected, even if it’s sentimental or heart-felt from the other person.
I always think it’s interesting how taken aback he is in the Eowyn-Theodred-Death-Bed-scene when he’s doing his “oh you are alone” shtick then she says the famous “your words are poison” and storms out. I can’t tell if he actually thought she might be swayed and is surprised that she’s not or if the words hit home (I don’t think this is the case, for some reason). I’m not sure what to make of that scene in terms of his expectations and reaction to the outcome. Regardless, he’s clearly flustered/surprised.
For more sentimental things, I think if he was keen on a person and they complimented something he took real pride in, he would find it surprising and might be taken aback. Then he’d go through his paranoid-politician brain of: what do they want? What are they trying to get from me? what’s the secret motive? Etc.
He might, eventually, come around to realizing there isn’t a secret motive and someone was truly just being nice to him. This is a rare event and should be documented with the same intensity as once in a lifetime meteor showers.
6. Do they treat sex casually or do they view it as something with a lot of emotional weight?
This is another hard one. I suspect that he’s very all or nothing. So, if he’s decided this is a casual fling, he will be ruthlessly cold and distant. He and that person will fuck then they will put their clothes back on, not talk to each other, and go on their way for the remainder of the day. It would be short, too, and likely transactional in nature—either explicitly or implicitly (e.g., he and Person A shag—Grima gets jollies and maybe something else from it and Person A, in turn, get their ale licence renewed).
However, if he does the daft thing and develop emotions for a person it’s very intense. “I’ll set the world on fire and kill everyone for you” sort of thing. Even if that person never asks it of him. Which can, uh, cause problems. In these situations yes, sex carries emotional weight though I suspect it would be less than other aspects of the relationship. I think he would take any sort of oath or troth very seriously and would expect the other person to do as well. Which is a funny thing, coming from the King of Oath Breakers over here. Sex would be meaningful, and would be used as a way of confirming that oath or troth or understanding between the two of them. I suspect it also might be important in a reaffirming way since I don’t think Grima would be very secure in any sort of relationship—barring marriage, perhaps, since there are legal aspects to hold people in place—since I run on the belief that he assumes everyone is going to leave him at some point.
7. How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
Meticulously. And, to a certain degree, earnestly.
Yeah, I really think there’d be a weird, earnest, sweetness to it. Weird being a word that carries a lot of weight in that sentence. I suspect there would be a few disquieting aspects as well, since I don’t believe Grima does anything quite the way the average person goes about activities, but he’d put a lot of effort into it.
This would also be the point when that person would realize that Grima has memorized all they’ve ever said about themselves and has, possibly, been spying on/stalking them and so knows everything about their likes, dislikes etc. Which, Grima, honey, no. Don’t do that.
I haven’t thought through Rohan’s courting and marriage culture so I don’t have much to say on that front—nor have I thought through Rohan’s view of non-marital relationships. As I have their spiritual life being not a religion, and more just a mental landscape of the natural world and it happens to be animistic, marriage as an institution has no faith-based implications to it. Having a mistress isn’t offending god, so to speak. Therefore, like in so many places, it’s an economic and social custom meant to cement bonds and alliances between families (and countries, for the Eomer and Eowyns of the world).
That said, Tolkien was a Romantic in many respects and his view of the world had a lot more “they married for love! They also happened to both be nobles and their marriage happened to also be a great alliance” than is reasonable.
I’m not sure where I’m going with this—I suppose, a musing on the role of romantic love in Rohan would be separate from courtship/marriage and therefore how you romance a potential mistress might be different to how you romance a potential wife.
Not to mention if it’s same-sex wooing, since I don’t believe Rohan is at all chill with anything approaching homosexuality. They seem pretty firmly patriarchal, binary in their gender roles, and idealize militaristic masculinity. Therefore, Grima trying to plan something for a man would be different than for a woman.
Regardless the complicated social layers, that man would be meticulous and if it were for love reasons he’d be sweet and earnest, if in a disconcerting and possibly creepy fashion.
Thank you again! This was a blast to write, and I enjoyed it so much. ❤️❤️❤️
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nobylite · 2 years
ok so for the character ask game. angsty, fluffy, h/c, and a song for date :3
💔 angsty headcanon: the 2% of saito and 1% of rohan still live on in his brain. some days he'll have flashes of memories he knows aren't his, find himself staring at hitomi's eyes, or see manaka in iris. there’s also a couple of memories that he can’t quite reach no matter how hard he tries
💌 fluffy headcanon: after the cyclops case, he starts letting people call him by his first name. boss is first, then pewter. hitomi takes time because of how intimate it feels. mizuki gets the privilege in theory but she drops it in favor of calling him "dad." iris calls him uncle kaname. by the time aiba comes back, date's finally grown into his name, and she couldn’t be prouder
📝 misc thoughts/headcanons: his og body has polydactyly- he has six fingers on each hand. his first thought after swapping back is "god dammit not ANOTHER six"
🔊 a song that reminds me of them: violet by those who dream
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exantivancrow · 1 year
💌 for the oc ask !!
hi!! thank you for the ask!! i just went with my canon three, so this didn't get excessively long lmao
how would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
rohan would plan something private and lavish: two things he never really had in orzammar. he and zevran might take a long hot bath in a tub big enough to fit four, with lots of perfumes and a plate of fruits and cheeses. lots of candles too, placed safely away from the silk robes for bed after. they may talk or they may just sit in silence.
nicholas might ask his friends how to plan something special for fenris, but either way, it's going to go wrong in some way shape or form, and he and fenris will end up laughing about it and doing the same things they'd do anyway. they spend a lot of time just pressed together, talking or having reading lessons. maybe playing card games, or if it's a really romantic evening. killing slavers.
cody and cullen don't have a lot of free time, even after corypheus' defeat. their romantic evening is something they can do quickly. taking their mabari, solstice, for a walk, or complete paperwork in the same room in silence. sometimes a romantic evening is going for a walk on the battlements to check in with the recruits but at the same time. every once in a while it's special. dinner but it's on the balcony in cody's room, watching the sunset or the stars.
thanks again bb!!
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longbobmckenzie · 8 months
Hi Sarah! For the ask game:
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it. 💎why is writing important to you? 💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Thanks so much for the ask, Mo!
💥My fic with the least kudos is Jo & Tim & Blake & Rohan. And yeah it's totally understandable that people wouldn't read or kudos a wild bang or die foursome fic 🤣 But I think it's really funny (or at least I did when I wrote it, I might cringe if I read it now) and it was fun to write, especially since it was a gift for the wonderful @thoracic-orchid. It also has a bunch of New Girl references in it! If people have a sense of humour and just want to read something a little (or a lot) unhinged, I think it's good for that!
💎Honestly, writing is the hobby that got me through the pandemic so I guess that makes it pretty important. I still do it because I still have stories I want to tell, but mostly because I love the LITG fanfiction community 🥰
💌Ooookay where to go with this one! I'm actively working on 3 WIPs at the moment (plus a 4th which is on hiatus) but none of them are really exciting me right now 😭 But one of them is for the Romance Club fandom and I'm excited to finally write for RC after 3.5 years of playing it! It's a smutty oneshot (of course) for Titian from SCN who's my unromanceable love, and even though the words aren't flowing right now, I really love the concept and the title and everything I've written so far - I just need to figure out how to write the rest
Writers Asks
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sparklee-selfships · 10 months
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𝐈. tags
F/O list!
okay with sharing except for the highlighted ones!
🥀 Lawrence Oleander (Boyfriend To Death 2)
💉Daan (Fear and Hunger 2: Termina)
🔶 Albedo (Genshin Impact)
🖌️ Hwei (League of Legends)
🔪 Andrew Graves (The Coffin Of Andy and Leyley)
🤍 Griffith (Berserk)
🖤 Simon Henriksson (Cry of fear)
💌 Chae Yul (Secret Alliance)
🚩 Kayn (League of Legends)
🌙 Aphelios (League of Legends)
🦊 Ahri (League of Legends)
✝️ Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
🐰 Sigewinne (Genshin Impact)
💟 Qiqi (Genshin Impact)
✒️ Rohan Kishibe (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
🎠 Lucy Steel (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
💡Niko (One Shot)
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fairy-cores-world · 2 years
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I’m currently in love with Rohan/Corey 😩🥴 I’m patiently waiting for the ff to role in 🧸💌💕
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gyro56789 · 3 years
What are some of your part 4 head cannons (sfw)!
characters: josuke, okuyasu, rohan
- you being on of the only people who he’ll let tease him
- idk why but i feel like he likes surprise hugging you from behind. or just wrapping his arms around you and holding u for a long time.
- you have lost count from the amount of times he risked his life for you
- you are always there to patch up his wounds and lecture him in the procrss
- and he just stares lovingly
- whenever you get hurt he starts freaking out even if it’s minor
- is so ready to pull out crazy diamond
- he hates seeing people try to make fun of you or be evil to you in general
- will always come to your defense
- lots of quick nose kisses
- comforts you when you’re scared
- the best moments are when you two just laugh ur asses off together w okuyasu
- always walks you to school or to your job. it’s a romantic gestures but he also cares a lot regarding ur safety.
- sometimes stays at your house or place of work for a long time because he loves being in your presence
- will always play video games with you and will try to win. don’t be fooled, him being madly in love with you won’t mean he’ll let you win.
- ok but like imagine this. josuke playing music outside of your house with like those big music box things. (okuyasu gave him this idea)
- can be a really soft lover at times
- pretends he hates when you’re being loud or purposely distracting him
- because it wont let him work on his manga
- but he secretly finds you cute when u do it
- but he’d rather die than admit that, but you know
- has a folder of sketches he made of you
- you’re relationship is also like rohan doing something and u being like “what the hell??”
- he takes you to sometimes to the mountain range he (blew all of his money on) bought
- and tell u scary stories while doing so. but stops if they actually scare you.
- he has definitely used you as inspiration
- one time he used heaven’s door on you and came across a part that talked abt how much he meant to you and he almost cried
- u always give him ideas for his manga and he’ll always write it down
- in return, u always listen to his crazy stories from “researching.”
- u always cook for him or bring him food whenever he’s working
- he prefers looking after you, but he appreciates all ur efforts to make sure he’s eating and resting well
- you have to come in between him and josuke trying to murder eachother
- AHHHHHH i lovee him
- literally ideal bf im sorry but he’s perfect to me
- one thing about him is he can make u laugh
- imagine him picking flowers out of the grass to give to you <33
- ur definitely the brains in the relationship
- study dates <333
- u explaining a concept to him for the 5457455554th time and he just stares like he’s seeing aphrodite herself infront of him
- he always wants to impress you.
- he’ll pick up heavy objects, arm wrestle someone, do anything to show off how strong he is. and it makes you love him more
- i see him being really protective and always looking out for the ppl he loves.
- not only ur bf, but also ur best friend. definitely hypes you up and makes you feel better when u need it.
- he’ll always take you out to eat ice cream. and i see him offering you his cone.
- whenever he talks about you, its like he’s on cloud nine. he’s so in love you can see hearts form in his eyes.
- he always sticks by you and loves to spend time with you. he loves talking about any and everything and ur always there to listen.
a/n: i might do a post koichi, yukako, and 4taro later.
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sunlitfacade · 3 years
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* ・゚ ◞   ꒰   💌   ꒱in another life ↝  ❪ tatsusaishi ❫
* ・゚ ◞   ꒰   💌   ꒱ maybe you were the ocean when i was just a stone  ↝  ❪ kamidol ❫
* ・゚ ◞   ꒰   💌   ꒱  our past is feeling troubled but i can’t stop going back to you ↝  ❪ heartthrummed ❫ eichi
* ・゚ ◞   ꒰   💌   ꒱ it has always been you ↝  ❪ heartthrummed ❫ tsumugi
* ・゚ ◞   ꒰   💌   ꒱even on the darkest days the sun will rise ↝  ❪ henshyne ❫ rohan
* ・゚ ◞   ꒰   💌   ꒱my heart stops when you look at me ↝  ❪ henshyne ❫ wataru
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brown-little-robin · 2 years
💌 whenever you feel up for it! <3
Forest green. Forest green: deep, tall, wide, airy, earthy green that you can walk through for days. Rays of golden light. Sturdy sheepdogs. Chronic pain. Laughing at yourself. Rohan & Eowyn, of course. Chickadees!! Streams and rivers and large rocks and climbing in and around them. The tumblr-message fwoosh followed by the best photographs. Natasha Romanoff (yes!! Laurelin's awesome spy lady!). Sleeping at Last and assorted Christian Rock. Google Street View (you're never going to live that down). Passionate essays and tag rambles. Boldness that is tempered by wisdom like a sword in water. Laughter, hilarious. Laughter, sad. Laughter, after the sad.
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softlimefluff · 3 years
Welcome To SoftLimeFluff 💜
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Hi, I'm Ari 💚 • Adult • Self Ship with Rohan est. Sep 2019 • started JoJo writing Oct. 2019 • Bi/Demi • irl Artist •
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About My Self Ship (AriHan):
While in Morioh for a research trip, I met Rohan at the waterfront. We ended up talking and he offered to help with my research on the landmarks.
We fell in love over our months together and got engaged before I was supposed to leave at the end of the summer (spoiler: I didn’t leave 😌) We got married Jan 30, 2020 and our daughter Eliana (Ellie) was born May 7, 2021!!
Rohan just finished teaching art classes at University this year, Pink Dark Boy finished its first anime season. Currently our focus is on the SPW Foundation branch in Morioh (made on the land/hotel Rohan inherited from his grandmother).
Follow for more family updates + fics!
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BYF: Please read my Rules 🔑📝🔐
Quick Links: ✨ 💚 ✨ Headcanon Ask Meme (what I use to write requests)
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Current Requests in Progress: Event: Little IRL things for your JoJo f/o
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ubashaaa-archived · 2 years
💌 walks in here ^-^
pink and purples, AKIRA AND ROHAN OBV OBV... and also phasmo LOL lets spin around in phasmo after my trip OK?
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melodux · 3 years
Hello Sinners & Saints
It is I, Melodux/JoJoSpitroast. Here's a little info post on me, and how I organize things.
You should read my carrd. It's gonna have even more relevant info.
The important things:
- I'm pan & demi-sexual & neruodivergent
- I'm nonbinary - any pronouns are fine
- I post problematic and NSFW stuff. No minors or assholes.
- This is an OC/reader-insert/selfship/yumeship-safe space.
- I'm an everyone fucker multishipper.
- I will reblog whatever the hell I feel like.
- I get to requests when I get to them. I will take a break from certain characters, or ships to avoid burnout.
- Mini-requests/headcanon lists/imagines are accepted through my ask box, or curiouscat
- For full fics, please use my request form. Read the FAQ before requesting.
- I reserve the right to deny any request that I'm uncomfortable with.
- No scat, mecha, or furry.
Curiouscat FAQ Request Form
What you can request through inbox/CC:
✔️ All characters from pt. 1 - 8 are fair game (please be specific with parts if a character shows up in more than one part).
🖤 Headcanon (HC) lists: If you're curious about how I think a certain character is, or would act in certain circumstances.
🔥 Short scenarios (mini requests): a fully written paragraph or two for whatever you request.
💌 Love notes & dirty texts: an in-character quip to you that can be sugar sweet, or saucy sexy.
(tag list under the cut)
Tag List (developing)
Jonathan: sunlightmantag Dio: divampiretag
Joseph: ballboytag Caesar: bubbleboytag
LisaLisa: localMILFtag Jotaro: oceanmantag
Oldseph: silverfoxtag Avdol: magicianmantag
Pol: unluckiestmantag Kakyoin: cherryboytag
Josuke: loverboytag Okuyasu: billionboytag
Keicho: trillionboytag Rohan: thegreatkishibetag
Yukako: deluxegirltag Tomoko: younghotmomtag
Giorno: goldenboytag Bruno: zippermantag
Abba: moodygothtag Mista: kindastinkymantag
Narancia: orangeboytag Fugo: anangryboytag
Trish: spicegirltag Risotto: deadlyjestertag
Prosciutto: hammantag Melone: babymantag
Illuso: maninthemirrortag Diavolo: thecrimsonkingtag
Jolyne: butterflywomantag FF: planktongirltag
Hermes: #aniqueentag Weather: #weathermantag
Anasui: #thesimptag Pucci: #holymantag
Johnny: #starboytag Gyro: #mozzarellamantag
Diego: #dinomantag F. Valentine: #muricamantag
Hot Pants: #creamygirltag Lucy Steel: #steelygirltag
Gappy: #justgappytag Yasuho: #paisleygirltag
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writing-good-vibes · 3 years
BRAD DOURIF MASTERLIST (ft. chucky, jack, sheriff, doc, grima, tommy, billy, tucker, james)
HOUSE OF WAX (2005) MASTERLIST (ft. bo and vincent, though lester makes an appearance or two)
HALLOWEEN ('78 & H40) MASTERLIST (ft. corey and michael)
MISC. HORROR MASTERLIST (ft. otis, baby, chop top and beetlejuice)
ASSORTED MASTERLIST (ft. kylo, lucifer, olaf and dewey)
CHUCKY AND CAZ VS. THE WORLD MASTERLIST (charles lee ray and carrie white au)
AO3 (please boost my stats there lol)
CURRENT CHARACTERS: corey cunningham, michael myers ('78/H40), assorted characters played by rohan campbell
PAST CHARACTERS: bo sinclair, vincent sinclair, lester sinclair, chop top sawyer, otis driftwood, musical!beetlejuice, charles lee ray, jack dante, billy bibbit, sheriff brackett, tommy ludlow, grima wormtongue, tucker cleveland and doc cochran.
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ironmanstan · 3 years
hi rohan! im sending a whole storm of hugs and soft strawberries your way! 🍓💌🌺🍓💌🌺🍓💌🌺
ohhh dbdmngbf :']]] thamks aa
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