pulchinelle · 2 years
❛ alright, who am i beating up? ❜ with Petva x Athena, ❛ you got me flowers? ❜ with Katrina x Regina or ❛ may i have this dance? ❜ with Yuu-Mun x Mel
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Petva's tail swung back and forth slowly as he looked around him. He knew he likely stood out against all the other students there, but he continued to walk down the gardens, while his eyes searched for Athena. He was surprised to not find her anywhere, even more so in seeing another girl approaching. He barely remembered her face from when Athena had introduced her, as distracted as he was. 
"Hey! You're Athena's boyfriend right?" Petva's ears went up at the word 'boyfriend', and as a thought popped in his head, the girl's voice faded "did she say I was her boyfriend?" He almost said that aloud, but luckily she waved her hand in front of his eyes to get his attention "are you even listening?" For a split moment he saw her glare-although it didn't have the same effect as she was pouting too-, but what she said next was enough to make him forget that "the nurse wouldn't let Athena get out of the infirmary. Since she didn't want to leave you here to wait she sent m- wait! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Before she could catch up, the beastmen had already stormed over to the infirmary, leaving behind him either confused or scared students. 
Athena's heart hardly jumped when Petva burst in, yelling "Alright, who am I beating up?" As he scanned the area and cracked his knuckles menacingly. The girl sighed, taking her glasses from the table next to her, and only made a little smile seeing the now clear Petva run over to her to kneel down and inspect her, his eyes stopping at the bandages over her arm. 
"Petva, before you do something you will regret, I got this from one of Frederica's traps. It triggered a lot later than it should have, and aside from this."she gestured at her injured arm "the guy was caught in the net before he could harm any of my friends. And really, it's not the kind of injury to be so dramatic over." Petva let go of her arm, his brows still furrowed and his eyes narrowed towards any unlucky student in the infirmary. He felt Athena reach up with her good arm to pet his head, scratching his ears. It was a gesture she always used when she teased him, and the beastmen hadn't even finished thinking that
"Is this really the most serious wound you've ever seen? My poor kitty, please don't faint " She said, lifting her glasses and making her usual smug smile after one of her snarky remarks.
Regina & Katrina
A light breeze brushed through Regina's hair as she walked through Ramshackle's corridor, to the stairs. The rooms filled with the echo of the notes she was humming, as she quickly made her way down the stairs to find a rather bizarre scene.
Katrina was standing in the middle of the lounge, and Regina could recognise her even if at that moment she had her back turned. A helpful hint was the aggressive whispers she spoke to another person
"I told you, this is stupid! I'm going back right now, I-" she was stopped mid sentence, and she suddenly turned around to face her
"Ah, Regina. I just wanted to stop by." Katrina said sharply, and her movements were more harsh and quick than usual as she thrust the flowers in her hand. Regina stared at them, still processing. They weren't ordinary flowers, but were instead made with some sort of ice that didn't melt, as they felt astill cold when the girl took them in her hands.
"You..got me flowers?" She looked up at the young woman before her. Regina held back from chuckling, as Katrina's face had turned completely neutral. She always did that when she was flushing or embarrassed.
"Yes. You're not the only one with an aptitude for ice magic." Her lips cracked into a little smile, then went back to being a thin line
"I owe you lunch, you're the one who got the highest grade this time. Maybe on the weekend?" She asked "Sounds good to me." Regina clutched the bouquet close.
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paiirupie · 1 year
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nick n maya dancing :)
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candyheartedchy · 12 days
How was Molly and Ollie's reaction to Todd's news?
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Molly takes it very well, starts crying right on the spot!
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yesandpeeps · 4 months
may i request art of aether and swiss? :3
Their asses are NOT listening‼️
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dbloodmarch · 3 months
Your f/os are literally kicking their feet and twirling their hair thinking about you btw
Proshippers dni
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sparklings-bf · 2 months
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me when my f/os
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jesterloverbastard · 4 months
your f/os accept the fact that you have a personality disorder
your f/os are willing to give supply if you ever need it, even when you don't directly ask for it
your f/os are understanding and try to help u throught the recovery proccess
your f/os understand when u have a crash or breakdown, your f/os are willing to give u space, hear you or just whatever that makes ya feel the best
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offorestsongs · 1 month
according to twst, the only types of gay relationships are:
childhood friends
you're my rival i need you dead
annoying eachother to lovers
"let's be evil together <3"
whatever the fuck Rook and Vil have going on
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legoes · 5 months
would your f/o peel an orange for you?
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pulchinelle · 2 years
don’t you know what you mean to me? i feel aiden would say something like this to Tera
Before you read, the context is an upcoming event I'm working on for Tera's homeland
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Tera crossed her arms, the various silver accessories she wore in her hair shone in the dark of the woods behind them, her stern and firm gaze fixed on the young man in front of her whose ears moved frantically to indicate his discomfort.
"Aiden, I repeat, it doesn't matter who sees us together, least of all those who have already hurt you."
Aiden shook his head, his expression more concerned but also slightly softened when he took a few steps forward toward her "Don’t you know how much you mean to me? I can’t put you at risk. If you get hurt, it's my fault."he stopped, feeling her fingers sliding up his face as Tera's hands holding up his face, and looking at her so close he noticed a soft smile: "I could tell you the same thing. It seems you keeo forgetting that I'm from an important family, I am trained in self-defense." She leaned closer , and for a crazy moment I think she would have kissed him, but instead Tera let go of his face and ruffled his hair a bit, adjusted her dress and held out her hand to him, "Come on, you’re not going to leave me dancing alone now, are you?"
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'It's normal for guys to be super aggressively sexual and objectify women if they're grown men!!!'So close!It's actually gender essentialism and toxic masculinity
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candyheartedchy · 1 month
Thinking on some cute Scratchyenne scenarios, I can only imagine how emotional Scratch got when Della was born. And you know Molly was even more of an emotional wreck, instantly calling dibs as Godmother. 🤭
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He becomes very emotional.
And yes, Molly not only calls dibs on being the godmother, but also determined to make Della an little enhappifyer in training lol
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pasteilian · 2 months
Just cuz the creators said there were no canon ships in Rottmnt doesn’t mean you have the right to be annoying with people who still enjoy shipping
It’s so easy to block a tag and move on losers all of you
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littlekingbergara · 8 months
at ghost files live in LA yesterday ryan talked about how he saw a couple on their first date walking along the bridge during the goatman ep and said “they probably looked at shane and i and thought… you too huh?” implying that him and shane looked like they were on a first date too lol 😭 and then acted out how him and shane were lying down on their sides in the grass smiling at each other lovingly. he said this all unprompted btw
of course he said it all unprompted i cant stand him!!!!
what does he MEAN they were just laying there smiling at each other lovingly!!! at goatman's bridge in 2017?!?!? were they having a romantic candlelit picnic too?? were they about to kiss?? he ACTED IT OUT ON STAGE??
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ryan bergara you are On My List.
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thepitycryingparty · 2 months
Imagine your f/o comforting you after a nightmare, turning over in bed and gently holding you. Rubbing comforting circles on your back, telling you everything will be alright
-antis dni-
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sparklings-bf · 23 days
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