#💞 we loved with a love that was more than love ; ( spencer )
kaylasfos · 10 months
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spencer & kayla, a collection —
“true blue” by boygenius ; “criminal minds” 8x20 “alchemy” ; “the kiss” by edward munch ; “annabel lee” by edgar allan poe ; “criminal minds” 8x20 “alchemy” (again) ; “true blue” by boygenius (again)
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kisses4reid · 4 days
understand? pt. 1 | ·˚ àŒ˜ spencer reid ,,
summary - you’re a polyglot translator assigned to work for the bau in a cross-national case, and there’s a doctor who wants to impress you.
genre - fem!reader, SHE/HER r, fluff, meet cute, you know more than spencer and he’s attracted to that
warnings - you're both awkward, mentions of gross case file photos, little research about polyglots actually done so there are inaccuracies, cliffhanger for part 2.
w/c - 1.4k
a/n - thank you for the req anon!! there was multiple parts to this but i really like the first idea so that’s what this fic is about, might keep the other idea for later hehe. i did change some aspects. love you, thank you for the support <33 there will be multiple parts!!! stay tuned!!!
req - hi pia đŸ’žđŸ’đŸ©·đŸ’“ how r u? i hope you’re feeling wonderful! this is my first time requesting smthg i apologize if i get something wrong! i’ve been having 2 thoughts about spencer x fem!reader, where reader is a russian translator and idk they meet cute or she has to work with the bau helping them on a case. just wanted to give these ideas to you, obviously feel free to do anything with them! i really enjoy your work and your writing is incredible! i have your notifications on so i am always reading whatever you post! have a great day pia 💝 lots n lots of kisses for u!
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This was not what you expected. 
You, a woman in your late twenties that spent most of her time in a room listening to voices and decoding foreign messages, didn’t know what you expected. But this: a scary boss, an italian old man, and a skinny college kid, was not it. 
“Y/n L/n? I’m Aaron Hotchner, the unit chief, and this is Agent Rossi and Doctor Agent Reid.” 
You nodded your head, thick hair covering your top eyelashes as you glanced at the men. Agent Rossi shook your hand, and Dr Reid simply stood and gawked at you. To be honest, it made you worried. You had been warned this was a close knit team, that they trusted each other more than anything and that you shouldn’t get attached to any of them as you’d only be assisting them for one case.
Maybe they just didn’t warm up to new people. 
“I’ll do your formal introduction to the rest of the team now, if you’re settled down.” He asks cooly. You like the way his voice rasps, it’s assertive yet comforting. 
“Yes, of course. I can’t wait.” You smiled reassuringly at the unit chief, not ignoring the raised eyebrow you received from the silent young man now behind you.
Aaron Hotchner, your new boss for the next week or so, lead you to a large room with a circular table sat in the middle. There were two other women, one blonde and one raven haired, and another bald man that glanced at you immediately after you entered. They smiled at you and trailed your steps to where you stood beside the unit chief in front of a large TV screen.
“Everyone, this is Agent Y/n L/n. She’ll be assisting us with the Becker case you’ve all been informed of. She’ll mainly be our translator and interpreter, but she’ll also be useful for cultural identifiers and anything that we wouldn’t notice otherwise.” 
You nodded along, never being a fan of introductions since you moved to America as a small child. 
“This is JJ, our liaison, Agent Emily Prentiss and Agent Derek Morgan.” 
The ladies smiled at you, in fact all of them did. They were surprisingly open to the fact you would be joining them, the fact made your shoulders loosen and a breath to be let out discreetly. 
Next, you were on a long plane flight to Maine with Agents you had known for little under two hours, conversing about victim profiles and motives. The table in front of the ladies and your boss was strewn with victim files and gruesome photos. And while you weren’t a stranger to the dangers and violence the job brought, you had gotten comfortable with only hearing about it and not seeing it. So you opted to hover around the table and stay silent, you weren’t a trained profiler after all, just a translator.  
There was a wave of cologne that disrupted your senses, causing you to angle your head back, only to be greeted by the tall doctor. 
You smiled softly, assuming the closeness was due to the aeroplane's arrangement. Also because you got the vibe that Spencer didn’t like you. 
“Are you okay? You seem uneasy,” he asked. It was the first time you heard his voice. And it was as adolescent as you imagined for someone so young, but it had a sophisticated edge to it, with a honey-like undertone. Finding things in voices as if they were perfumes was something you unconsciously started to do since working as a translator.
“I’m fine.” You grinned reassuringly, turning back to focus on the team’s findings. 
Spencer furrowed his eyebrows slightly and stepped away, sitting down beside Morgan who had taken a seat at the back. Morgan squinted at his friend, noticing the rare confusion splayed on his face as he stared in your direction. 
“What’s up? Pretty girl got your tongue?” Morgan removed his headphones with a cheeky smile displayed on his handsome face.
“For someone who specialises in languages she doesn’t talk much.” 
Morgan smirked, “Maybe not to you.”
“I didn’t do anything wrong though.” Spencer ripped his gaze off the back of your head.
“You’ve been staring at her since she walked through those doors. You were so distracted you didn’t even greet her this morning.” Morgan pointed out. Spencer tilted his head confused, a small blush creeping up his neck. “I watched the whole thing from the conference room, so did JJ and Emily.” 
The tall boy slumped in his chair and forced himself to look out of the plane’s window, avoiding a reply to Morgan as he knew it would only result in more teasing. You were physically attractive, everyone could see that, but the thing that caught Spencer’s attention was your intelligence. He was no stranger to being a polyglot, he learnt languages for fun, but you were simply next level. Morgan studied Spencer’s face for a second before raising his attention to your hovering state. “Agent Y/n L/n.” Morgan called, causing Spencer to widen his eyes and immediately adjust his slumped position in his plane seat. You turned your head in surprise, slightly confused why you would be needed anywhere else than the files you had been translating for the past two minutes. Your heels were silent against the carpeted floors, but Spencer could sense your presence anyways. 
“How many languages do you speak?” The stoic man asked, his eyes darting between you and the doctor below you. You were not short, your genes didn’t allow for it, but you had noticed you were only taller than JJ and Rossi in the team and it felt foreign to not tower over everyone. “Um, I speak 8 languages fluently, and 4 languages semi-fluently.” You stated, readying to turn back to assist the team before Morgan spoke up once again
“Did you know that pretty boy can speak Spanish and German?” 
Before Spencer could help himself, he corrected the man, “And Latin and Russian,” Spencer turned his head up to you, “But I can understand more.” 
You smiled, genuinely impressed and confused on how a man that young could learn that much. But to be fair, you were in the same boat. The nickname got your attention, locking it in the back of your mind to remind yourself that the people you were working with did in fact have senses of humour, and weren’t just heartless officers. There wasn’t any reason to think that though, as you had been cared for with respect and even Prentiss made a funny remark beforehand. It sort of felt like a family dinner you were intruding on. “That’s impressive, Doctor Reid.” You reply genuinely. 
“I mean it’s nothing compared to you though,” his voice was pitched slightly higher and his hands started motioning to nothing in particular, “your brain is constantly changing from high activity to low activity when you're translating from one language to another. Your language network, the lateral frontal lobe, is constantly lighting up and dimming down depending on what language you hear, ordinary people’s language networks only turn on and off.” 
Morgan smirked and glanced up at your intrigued and surprised expression. You nodded, a small blush coating the tips of your ears as you responded, “Thank you.” You didn’t really know what else to say, which is funny for someone who understands so many languages, so you simply smiled and turned back to the table. Spencer slumped again, watching you walk away and asking himself why he would inform a pretty girl about her own brain, when she most definitely already knows about it. 
“Don’t worry too much, Reid.” Morgan called, grabbing Spencer’s attention. The boy raised a brow, not understanding. “She digs it, I can tell. But she’s just like you, knows how to speak in a million ways and still doesn’t know how to small talk.” 
You landed without any more awkward interactions, and got introduced to some sheriffs in Maine, one of them giving you a tighter handshake than the rest and a stare that could only mean unpleasant things. It wasn't something sexist or creepy that lingered in his eyes, it was more like hatred. Spencer took the sheriff's attention away from you after noticing what the whole team did, and asked him to show him the records they kept at the precinct.
Emily Prentiss came up behind you and placed a hand on your upper arm, squeezing it like she understood what you had thought you'd seen. Out of everyone else in the team, she would understand the most.
taglist (open!!): @jeffswh0re @reap3erslov3 @candyd1es @0108s22m @aurorsworld
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
May Fic Recs! 🐇
Rabbit, Rabbit!!
I am so beyond blessed and privileged to be witness and even mutuals with some of these incredible authors! Their work always brings me so much joy and excitement! Please feel free to browse around, show some love, and maybe even find your next favorite creator! 💞
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The Harry Styles Category!
💞 First we have @avatar-anna! You probably know her from her Unknown Number series, if not one of her many other wonderful works! She's so incredibly talented and creative!
~ Here is her masterlist!
💞 @be-with-me-so-happily is so crazy talented and inspired! So many amazing and addicting stories to discover! Namely her take on Don't Worry Darling and the trouble that follows!
~ Here is her masterlist!
💞 @watchyourbluesturngolden is a beast!! In the absolute best way! A true legend, especially for giving us Harry and Stevie! They've got so many wonderful blurbs and requests to check out!
~ Here is their masterlist!
💞 @lonelycowgirls who not only gave us The Garden but has complied a couple fic rec's herself, which was so fun to go through!!
~ Here is her masterlist!
💞 @londonbelow has been giving us amazing content for far longer than we've deserved, but nevertheless...I'm so grateful! Not only for Black Rabbit but for all the other incredible stories she's graced us with!
~ Here is her masterlist!
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The Harry Styles + Other Category!
đŸ€ @lovebittenbyevans has just started taking requests and (if I'm correct) is planning a series, too! For Chris Evans and Harry! They don't have a masterlist yet, but check out their page to make sure you don't miss anything!
đŸ€ @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite has been crazy supportive of me for so long now, and I'm so excited that I finally get to show some support back! They've got an incredible Niall Horan series, and I believe (correct if I'm wrong) are opening up requests for both Harry and Niall (again, correct me if I'm wrong)! You'll find their other works on their page, and attached to that link!!
đŸ€ @reidssbau has also been giving us incredible content for years! She just recently posted this fan-freaking-tastic plus-size stripper fic with Harry, but also writes for Spencer Reid, and has some amazing, amazing stories and blurbs about him!
~ Here is her masterlist!
đŸ€ @chrisevansonly writes for both Harry and Chris Evans, and when I came across her story Lavender Moonlight...my heart burst! Absolutely incredible writing, such sweet and descriptive imagery, and the most adorable premise! I'm so excited to go through her collection of stories for both men!!
~ Here is her masterlist!
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The Dylan O'Brien Category!
♄ @stilinskisnevermore is one of my favorite Dylan content creators. The obsession started with their Thomas Fic, and quickly snowballed into a full-blown simp-fest! They've written for almost every character of his, including some about him personally! Each one is guaranteed to leave you breathless!
~ Here is their masterlist!
♄ @theinternetisfulloftrash is so much fun to keep up with! They've written some crazy accurate blurbs for Dylan (my personal fav being 24x24...but whose isn't?), but they also have an incredible Coachella Dylan fic you can find on Ao3!
~ Here is their masterlist!
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The Chris Evans/Steve Rogers/Stucky Category!
💜 @straywords has written an incredible Stucky fanfic that takes place in the mountains that is as cool as the very air in those mountains (...horrible joke, I'll see myself out). They write more explicit content, so make sure to check the warnings, but they've got an extensive catalog that is sure to provide you with excellent stories!
They have some for Steve, Bucky, Stucky, Peter Parker, Yelena Belova, and so many more!
~ Here is their masterlist!
💜 @myfictionaldreams has written some crazy fun stories for so many characters, but I first stumbled upon this surprisingly sweet (but still sexy) Mafia Stucky story! They also write some pretty explicit content, so make sure to check the warnings. But, they've got an incredible list of concepts, requests, and series that I'm so excited to keep perusing!
~ Here is their masterlist!
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The Fic Recs and Other Types of Content Creators Category!
💖 @reveriehs has been helping promote authors for years, and I honestly don't know where I'd be without them! If you are ever in a reading rut, and need some ideas, this list is the place to go!
💖 @tiredinwinter was so kind enough to show me some support, and it absolutely made my day! They are endlessly sweet and...they make ART!! Incredible drawings and adorable stickers! They are definitely an account to follow for inspiration, beautiful imagery, and even some fic recommendations!
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If you've made it to this point, I LOVE YOU very much!! If you ever need some creators to discover, new stories to obsess over, or just wonderfully kind blogs to follow...these are just some of the amazing people I've been blessed to know and discover!
Thank you to everyone for your crazy wonderful support! I hope this list can be a good start at giving just a little bit of that love back!! 💞💞💞 (I have added so many heart emojis to this damn doc, I am so sorry)
Here is my other author recommendation list if you'd like it! These authors are also still my absolute favs, and that is never gonna change!
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mshalfemptygirl · 1 year
Protective (S.R)
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Plot: Spencer is very jealous after prison and this can be bad for his relationship with Reader.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Contents: against and fuffy, just a couple with problems but i love it
Request: meu cenĂĄrio fav Ă© post prison spencer sendo suuper over protective com a reader 😿💞 e tipo uma vez eles vĂŁo sair e tem um cara enchendo o saco dela e ele ficaria TAO PUTO ao ponto de quase prender o cara 
A/N: Thank you so much for you guys liked my fics. I’ll let the link for Spencer Reid Masterlist in the end. Love y’all. Requests are open! Hope you like it!
It was the first time in public since Spencer got out of prison, he lived hell for months until his innocence was proven. I don't even like to remember how many sleepless nights I spent crying about not being able to see him, knowing he was suffering and having to deal with a lot of shit. It was all a nightmare. But now he was here, he was back in our apartment, his things were in the same place, his life was in the same place – but he wasn't the same person. That's why I tried to convince him to come to our favorite coffee shop, where we had our first date, to see if he felt a little happier. We had ordered our coffees and also some cookies to eat, I was trying to distract him by talking about my work teaching the children, that this week they learned about fruits and there was a student of mine who just liked all of them. She is so cute and lovely, I can’t stand it.
He pays close attention but at the same time I knew he didn't care, that his thoughts were far away. "Y/N, very interesting. Will you excuse me? I need to go to the restroom." He smiled and stood up without waiting for my answer. It hurt me a lot, seeing him so far away, I was trying so hard but he didn't seem to want to go back to his old life. It looked like he didn't want any more. When I realized I was already crying, a silent, suffering cry. I looked at the park across the street to distract myself, I had to pretend everything was fine.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow sit up and I turned my head quickly to see if it was Spencer. Well, it wasn't. "Oh, love, I'm sorry. Are you okay? Why are you crying? Did that guy treat you badly?" Great, if this man notices I'm crying so Spence will notice too. He kinda looks like him. I shook my head in negative. "No, No! He didn't do anything. He's cool, we're just going through stuff." I gave him a shy smile. "Oh, it's okay, my love! I'll be right there on the other side... if you need anything, angel...". He placed his hand on mine. I was so focused on the guy in front of me that I didn't even see Spencer come back to our table, he was standing right behind the guy, looking at me very angry. I pulled my hand away at the same moment.
"What a beautiful couple! Can you explain to me what the fuck is this? Did you found another guy while I being out, hm? Such fucking whore" I was shook. He never did that to anyone, he has never been rude to me or yelled at me like that. The man I love is gone and now he's turned into this."Honey, it's not like that at all, he just came over to ask if I was okay, I don’t know him and..." he laughed, and loudly, as if he didn't believe it. He was doing a scene in the middle of the cafe and people were looking at us. "Of course she is okay. More than okay. She's with me, you got it? She's my girlfriend, are you crazy? I can arrest you for harassment. She belongs to me, get out of here before I punch your face, asshole. " The young man stood up and waved at me before walking away. It seemed like he knew I was in trouble and that I was broken inside.
Spencer returned to his seat across from me, took a sip of his coffee. I stared at him, still not believing. He doesn't talk to me, he doesn't want to tell me what's wrong, he doesn't want to go to therapy or anything like that. And I love him so fucking much but I don't want to date someone if every time I go out with him he tries to hit someone, trying to humiliate me in front of everyone. I started crying again and then grabbed my bag, took one last look at him. His lips were together and he was looking at me in a mocking, challenging way, as if what happened was nothing and the whole cafe still wasn't looking at us. “Fuck you, Reid! Go to hell”, I stood up, headed straight for our apartment. I need to think. But I guess I lose him.
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I was in the bedroom, under the white blanket eating my Ben & Jerry's Mint Chocholate Cookie ice cream to drown my sorrows while watching The Fault in Our Stars. I wanted their love, they loved each other and stayed together until the end. I wanted to stay with him until the end. I heard a noise at the main door, little by little the noise of the shoe on the wooden floor got louder and I heard a knock on the bedroom door.
I paused the movie, wiped the tears away before saying, "I don’t wanna talk, Spencer". I should have gone elsewhere, “Baby, please, can we talk?”. I sighed before saying "come in". He came in, and he was bad. It looked like he had been crying too. He sat on the bed and I looked into his eyes."Y/N, I'm really sorry. I was such an idiot, but I don't want anyone to touch you or go near you because you're mine and it’s not possession... fuck, it's just that in prison, I saw how they treated the women they came to visit and they told me things they would do to you...I'm just being protective. And it's not an excuse for what I've done, I've been such dick these past few weeks, I'm so sorry. I was so rude today. Please, Y/N, I love you", he sighed.
I started crying again, because I love him and I know he was trying but it's not enough. "Spencer, my love today was a hard day to me, I was talking but it seems that you don’t care and then you scream with the guy for talked to me. You call me whore. That’s so fucking heartbreaking. You really need help, please go to therapy, talk to someone. You almost hit him today for me. I love you but I can't live like this... I want you but you're ruining my plan", I let out a giggle. "Plan? What plan?" he asked me. "I made a promise that I would marry you if we survived prison but your mind is still there, I can’t compete with that. And you don't have to be jealous of me, I'm yours forever, body and soul. Promise me you'll go to find some help?", he came closer and ran his hand through my hair. "Promise, love. And I want make your plan happen. Sorry. I love you". I kissed him, a salty kiss because of the tears, then hugged him tight. Nothing will separate us.
Tell me what you think/ request
Spencer Reid Masterlist
TAG (let me know if you want me to tag you)
@playspretends @thebloomingeagle
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inmyminditsreal · 10 months
Hey Melody!!!
I freaking love your stories. You are such a good writer!!!! The way you write Spencer is great!
Can I send in a request? If you don't want to write it don't worry!
Could you write one where the reader is shot on a job and Spencer is worried about her in the hospital. Maybe they weren't already together but he stays with her and they confess their feelings when she wakes up. He helps her recover and tries to make her laugh and stuff. Feel free to change anything or if you don't like it you don't have to write it.
Thank you!!!!!! Love you!!!!!!!
Hey anon!! Thank you for the compliments omg! This is a great idea! Here it is! 💞
Fem!reader x Spencer reid
Summary: You get shot and end up in the hospital. Your crush Spencer takes care of you, and you both find you have something new in common.
Word count: 516
You wake up, feeling dizzy. You look around to find yourself in the hospital. Aching pain radiating from your leg. You remember the events from the night where you had been shot in action. You see Spencer and a doctor talking outside of your room. Once Spencer sees you’re awake he quickly rushes over. He pulls up a chair and sits beside you.
“Finally you’re awake - I thought I lost you.” He says while beginning to hold your hand.
He gives it a light squeeze.
You begin to think about the unsub and ask, “Did we catch the guy?”
“Yeah we did. Couldn’t let that degenerate get away, especially not after hurting you.” He scoffs. 
“Is the rest of the team okay? Is anyone else in the hospital?” He notices the worry in your voice and responds, “They’re all okay, nothing more than scratches.”
You smile at the news, and he smiles back. He begins to draw circles over your palm with his thumb. 
“For both answers?” You mutter. He nods. You sigh, feeling worried about him but also smile. You melt at his caring nature. 
“How long have you been here? How long have I been asleep?” you ask him.
“47 hours, 3 minutes and 42 seconds.”
“What?” he asks, looking into your eyes. With a sudden boost of confidence, you return his sweet gaze and say, “I love you Spence.” 
His eyes go wide and then they fall into relief, “I love you too - so much.” He smiles. You smile back and tease, “What's your favorite thing about me?” You see a spark light up in his eyes and he gets the look he gets before he rambles.
“Everything, I mean, your smile, the way you laugh, how you let me ramble about whatever's on my mind, how kind you are, your eyes, the way you walk, the way you enter rooms, the way you carefully flip the pages when you read, the way you blush when i tease you, how you lean in when you talk, how excited you get- I could go on forever.”
At this point you’re a puddle. Carefully you pull on his sleeve. He furrows his eyebrows. 
“Come closer” you say softly. He does, still looking confused. “kiss me.” 
And he does, he gently places his hand on your cheek and his lips glide onto yours. He makes sure not to cause you any pain. After he lets go he smiles, you do the same.
“I bet I don’t look very kissable right now.” You joke.
“Okay sweetheart, we’ll talk more in the morning.” He begins to walk toward the couch, but you say, 
“You look beautiful, you always have and always will.” You giggle at his sweet words and say,
“You do too. But let's get some sleep.” 
“Wait” He turns around and you continue, “will you be here when I wake up?”
“I could never leave you.” He says while placing a final kiss on your forehead,
you mumble, “Goodnight.” In a sleepy tone.
“Goodnight my love, sleep well.”
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After reading every blurb, one shot etc. from @radiant-reid, I can't help but imagine Spencer and a bubbly and friendly s/o.
Like, maybe she and Hotchner knew each other from before, like they started off as partners in crime together( he probably surprise adopted her at ine point with Haley) and are best friends and one day he just comes like "We have new people coming. Come with me and greet them." like a very demanding father whose child is insisting to not talk to her. relatives when they visit.
But s/o is so glad she did because wow, all these gorgeous people will work with us?đŸ€”đŸ™ƒAnd I'm finally blessed with beauty, elegance in all forms? đŸ„°đŸ’žđŸ€©
S/o just takes a hold of Aaron's shoulder dramatically, bending slightly which makes the others worry but he already knows what's coming.
"How did you find all these gorgeous people? Pretty... So pretty and handsome- oh look! She is wearing the pink tone I love and a parrot necklace!" *aggressively shows Penelope with heart eyes, makes the woman suddenly shy and bashful because she never got complimented*
"Stop flirting with people, Y/N."
"When I see someone pretty, I need to appreciate God's work, Aaron."
*Aaron being done with y/n but still watches with a soft smile as she hugs everyone and welcomes them warmly.*
*The team being surprised since they didn't expect it but soakes it all up since Y/N is being a cutie*
*Y/N almost crying, having a slight meltdown when she hugged JJ and Emily because "Wow, I'm hugging two pretty women... 😭"*
Y/N almost hugging Penelope so thight that she was about to combust because all she felt was warmth and softness
Derek hugging her and ruffling her hair because damn, she is like a sister to him already with her bubbly and kind self.
"I'm so glad there are other people Aaron can finally annoy apart from me! He and his wife is always nagging me-"
"It's because you don't eat, kid. And We don't 'nag' you."
"Says the man who almost made me run extra laps because I didn't eat what his wife-"
*Y/N seeing Reid who was looking around shyly, quite unsure but turning to her when he felt a stare on his face* Uhm... Hi... I'm Spencer Reid...
*Y/N looks at him with a dazed look, sweet smile and glistening eyes that Aaron knew too well* "Y/N, no..."
"Y/N, yes... I found my new bestie! Look at him! So cute! And finally someone close to my age!" *later hugging him thightly and him feeling both emotional and awkward because he never felt this and he is all like đŸ„șđŸ„ș*
*Everyone being confused because he is a lil nerd and you are loving every second of it, even more when Hotchner lets out a sigh* "There she goes, adopting a new one... Just watch her do her magic now. You will not let her get away ever again."
*the team being confused even more but laighs as you excitedly show their desks and insist Spencer sits next to you because unlike others, you think he is so cool since he knows so much and his little facts are always so interesting*
Spencer just flushing and blushing madly since you don't sound fake and are genuinely so kind and welcoming, accepting of him that the boi literally falls in love in less than an hour and being teased by others for it.
But then, all of them falls in love with you when you came in with heavy boxes and shopping bags a few weeks later. Obviously late for the meeting and they expected Hotch to be angry but... he was just smirking knowingly, watching as you bounced up and down excitedly and was about to steal their hearts.
"So, before any of you says how late I am, I'd like to say that I had to do my usual welcoming party but I wasn't expecting any of you that day so... Firstly, here is all of your favourite drinks, snacks and meals for later... And Derek, your choice is so picky that I had to drive to the other part of the city, which is the reason why I'm late!" *Everyone widens their eyes as they see the mouth-watering meals they love while you bring the bags inside and clear your throat*
"Okay, okay... Derek, you said you wanted go to that one boxing match but was unable to do so since all the tickets were sold. Coincidentally, I know someone that works there and I was able to get you one, oh! And here is your new holster for your gun!" *proceeds to give it to him with a tiny dragonfly for luck.*
"JJ, I saw that you love scrabble a lot and also wristlets too, so I made a little charm for you alongside with an one year worth coupon for a Chinese take-out restaurant at the corner since you always gush about how amazing they do it!"
"Emily, I seriously didn't know what to get you at first, because you seemed like you don't enjoy jewelries that much but then I saw you looking at charms and playing scrabbles all the time too so I also made one charm with your initials into a keychain for you to use and got you the Lord of The Rings triology you have been wanting to have!"
"Oh, oh Garcia! I heard you were complaining how all the women's clothing were so dull and not like your style at all, wanting to have your dream dress at one point in your life... And remember I asked you to draw it? Welp, here it is! There may be some mistakes since I hadn't honed my skills in sewing and my friend helped me but I hope you like it and remember me whenever you wear them! I also got you matching jewelries too, and they are all bright colors, just as you like it!"
*Tries to catch her breath after talking for 10 minutes straight without breathing*
*Hotchner looks up and down at them as the first wobble of their lips could be seen, smirks as Garcia and JJ are the first ones to jump on you with tears because damn, no one ever loved them too much to notice all these details about them yet alone buying and making them*
"Oh wow, look at the little profiler here~" *Derek ruffling your hair to hide his own emotional eyes as you giggle, parting from them* "I've been working for like 4 years now but yeah-"
"Hey, kid. Are you not gonna show what you got for Spencer too?" *Aaron points out as you flush, your eyes beaming happily while getting out towards your car as Spencer looks confused and a lil bit hurt*
"I don't think Agent Y/N got me anythi-"
"I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED HOTCH BECAUSE-" *slams a huge box on her desk while other let out an audible wow* "I LOVE ALL THE THINGS I GOT HIM! I might as well go to a shopping now..."
*mumbles cutely as Reid's heart starts to beat harder and faster since... the box is huge and is that double chocolate and honey muffins he smells?*
"Firstly, here is your favourite coffee with lots of sweets just as you like it! And what coffee is good without some muffins next to it! I made two of your favourites, at least I think so since you always eat them, and just a heads up... I ate one because damn, did I do them so good!" *pushes them to his desk as he looks down at them with teary eyes because you spent your time doing something for him and up at you as you go on talking*
" Also here is one of the books you once mentioned reading, I think the historical one! That one was so hard to get and I had to follow you into the library you always go but I got distracted with how amazing it was... OH OH, AND I MADE YOU SOME CARDIGANS TOO! I noticed how you like wearing them and made them in your favourite colors! There are bow ties too! I had to hug you a lot of times to understand your body measures tho, I hope it was okay..."
"Then you mentioned you love pens of all kinds and I also bought some of the best ones I found and a notebook too... And the last is the best one!" *jumping in excitement*
"Hey Aaron, remember our hunt back in the national museum? And how the owner was so glad that he gave us free entrance for a year? NOW IT'S SPENCER'S, ISN'T THAT AMAZING! I expect you to bring me too since Aaron here or his wife doesn't enjoy me drowning them with sacred knowledge about the Ancient civilizations."
"Someone has a favourite, I see~" -Derek Morgan who is smiling like an idiot
"Oh please, since I kinda claimed him as my new best friend I had to do so. Besides, you are all my new friends too! Do you know how long I watched you..."
*Spencer slowly taking all of the items one by one as he looks at them, the cardigans being soft and comfy, his favourite muffins are still steaming and the pens... the pens were amazing!*
*Spencer looking at you as you wait for his approval with a smile, tilted head at him cutely and he does something he never did before: hugged you.*
"Thank you, Agent Y/L/N... You didn't have to..."
"Nonsense! You are my friend now, and you will feel it! And please call me Y/N!*gasps dramatically while turning to look at Hotch while still hugging Spencer who had a lovesick smile* "Can he sit next to me? Pleeeease!"
"Okay, okay he can...But you are not gonna sabotage his work- Who am I kidding?" *exasperated dad sighs as you pull him towards his new desk right next to you, excitedly telling him something*
"I bet my ass they are gonna get together in less than two weeks..."
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Baby-girl 1: So... Mom basically called dibs on dad?
Baby-girl 2: And he wore cardigans? I KNEW THAT LOVE CAME FROM HIM!
Baby-girl 3: I want to be like mom so much...
Baby-girl 1: You did almost the same with your boyfriend in highschool đŸ€”đŸ€”
Baby-girl 3: Yeah, I know...
Baby-girl 4: *baby noises*
*all the girls giggling as they continue to look at the photo Auntie Penny took at the first day where their parents are already looking at each other with love*
P.S: God knows all of them need a soft moment and someone loving them unconditionally.
P.S: How cute it would be if they sticked together for 16 seasons tho-
P.S: Am I too invested? Yes. Am I gonna write this? Yes.
*slowly writes it down on the wip*
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littlespacereader · 11 months
Haiii, I hope this request iss Oki:
I'm a trans male little who sometimes still has to deal with periods.. they make me feel very dysphoric and sad, often causing me to regress..
Could you write a fic with that theme?
I'm not set on one specific fandom, here are some options I'd love to see & you can choose wich one you want to go with!!
[The little one would be a trans guy in every scenario.]
Stranger Things:
Steve and Eddie, both are flips in my hc, so it could be each way around.
Cg Argyle & little Jonathan Byers
Cg Nancy Wheeler & little Steve Harrington
Cg Wade Wilson & little Peter Parker
Cg Gwen Stacy & little Miles Morales
Criminal Minds:
Cg Jennifer Jareau & little Spencer Reid (other cg options: Penelope or Derek)
Teen Wolf:
Cg Noah Stilinski & little Stiles Stilinski (other cg options: Melissa or Scott)
Cg Boyd & little Isaac Lahey
Cg Dean Winchester & little Sam Winchester
American Horror Story coven:
Cg Violet Harmon & little Kyle Spencer
So, yeah.. any of those would be cool hehe
Thank you for reading!!
My first ever request!! Thank you so much!! I was so excited and intrigued by your idea! First off I would like to state that I am not trans myself but I am a HUGE Ally to anyone in the LGBTQ+ community! Know that you’re safe with me and I got your back💞 I absolutely loved the list of fandoms and pairings to chose from. I decided to go with Caregiver! JJ and make the Reader the Little with Spencer as an older brother Little. That being said if I don’t do this story justice I apologize from the bottom of my heart! I hope you enjoy this @dino-boyo-agere ! Thank you again for the request!!
Forever Mommy’s Little Boy
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Caregiver! JJ & Trans Male Little! Reader with Big Brother Little! Spencer Reid
Tags: mentions of period, pull-ups, hurt and comfort. (Completely SFW)
Relationships: Caregiver! JJ, Uncle Derek Morgan, Big brother little! Spencer Reid, Aunt Penelope Garcia, & Trans male little! Reader.
Nicknames: baby, sweatheart, baby boy, kiddo
Breathe! Just breathe! It’s only about 10 minutes more and we’ll be going home. I can wait that long.
I sat at my desk and was waiting patiently for JJ or Morgan or literally any Caregiver in this office to announce we would be heading home. They would’ve been wrapping up everything by now
what’s taking so long?
The case, like every case before it, was long and exhausting. All I want to do is collapse into JJ’s arms and just be babied for the rest of the night but we were still stuck at work!
Regression played the devil on my shoulder, teasing and taunting me to regress at work. But I couldn’t, not yet. I had to remain big till we got to the car, then I could regress and finally relax for the weekend.
I checked again to see if any Caregivers had finished their files. Morgan sat at the desk across from me and he was still leaned down working, same went for JJ who I wanted more than anyone to finish her paperwork. The rest of the team looked the same, all expect Spencer who, like myself, finished his work early.
Spencer regresses as well. He acts as my older brother, watching out for me and creating all the creative pretend games. I’m so lucky to have him!
With a glance towards him I could see he was struggling to keep from regressing as well. At least I wasn’t alone.
Then suddenly I felt off, like weirdly off. It was a weird feeling I haven’t felt in- oh God no. I must be wrong. I have to be wrong. I quickly stood up from my desk and rushed off to the restroom. I walked in and quickly closed the stall door behind me before checking to see.
Sure enough my period arrived earlier and heavier than expected. And since I was unprepared my pants and underwear are stained noticeably. I tried my hardest to push back tears threatening to spill.
This is dead to me. This
this period, it’s just a nagging reminder of a life that didn’t feel whole. A life that wasn’t really mine, not like now. But this was just a hurtful reminder, one I definitely didn’t need right now.
This combined with my struggle to not regress was not a great combo. With a last ditch effort I cleaned myself up as best as I could before walking out and looking in the mirror. But sad and terrible thoughts plagued my mind.
Tears started to run down my face. There was no holding back my regression now. Immediately I started to just regress, feeling smaller and smaller every minute. I just wanted JJ. I wanted her to hold me and tell me it’s all okay. Tell me I’m her sweet little boy and not-
“Y/n?” Spencer asked before entering the large bathroom. He immediately froze upon seeing me.
“Hey, what’s wrong? What happened?” I must’ve caused a domino effect because I could see Spencer regressing along with me.
“Nothing, I’m fine Spence.” I tried to say, wiping away my tears as fast as possible. But Spencer wasn’t buying it. He also didn’t seem to notice the issue which I was grateful for.
“I know something’s wrong. Let me help! I want to make sure you’re okay
please.” He put a hand in my shoulder and looked me in the eyes.
“I’m fine I just-
. P-Please
get mommy.” I said, barley a whisper. Tears starts to flow again, running down my face as I started to cry.
“It’s gonna be okay. I’ll go get her.” Spencer right away said. As much as he didn’t want to leave, he knew there was only one person who could fix whatever was happening.
JJ sat at her desk finishing up the last details on her case file. Even though they were still at work her careful Caregiver eyes spotted Y/n leaving the bullpen, and then Spencer right after.
A sinking feeling fell upon her that something was wrong, call it a Caregiver’s Spidey sense. She wishes for once she was wrong. Spencer came rushing over to her, worried and sad.
JJ, something’s wrong with Y/n.” He tried to explain sounding like his normal adult self. But his regression was in full swing and JJ could easily see it.
“What’s going on? Where is he sweetheart?” Now she was worried. A thousand questions played in her mind.
“The bathroom. I walked in to see if he was okay and I found him crying by the sink. I tried to help but he only asked for you.” Spencer explained.
JJ stood up from her desk and placed a comforting hand on Spencer’s shoulder. “Thank you for looking out for your little brother and making sure he’s okay. I’m going to take care of this, and while I’m gone I want you to go to Aunt Penelope’s office and keep her company. Okay?”
Spencer nodded. “Okay
but just-.” He stopped for a moment, looking up at JJ with tears in his eyes. “Just make sure he’s okay. I’m worried about him.”
She smiled and kissed the top of his head. “I know you are sweetheart. I promise I’ll make sure Y/N’s okay.”
With that small reassurance Spencer nodded and left heading towards Garcia’s office. With Spencer taken care of JJ turned her attention to the bathroom.
When she arrived she could hear Y/n soft cries and sniffing. She knocked on the door, “Y/N? It’s me baby, it’s Mommy. Can I come in?”
Even though it was a public bathroom filled with different stalls and sinks, she wanted permission to enter his space instead of barging in.
If she wasn’t listening as closely she could’ve missed the soft “You can come in.”
JJ immediately walked in and closed the main bathroom door behind her, locking it. If someone needed the bathroom they could go to the one a floor down. For right now they needed this space, just the two of them.
Once JJ and Y/N made eye contact, it was as if the world paused so the two of them could have a moment alone together.
Her heart shattered seeing Y/N so broken and upset. She instantly made her way over to her boy and wrapped him into a tight comforting hug.
“My baby boy, what’s wrong sweetheart? What’s happened?” She asked but didn’t get much in the way of a response.
Y/N just cried into JJ shoulder, finally getting the comfort he’s wanted after this long case.
JJ decided to help Y/N along with figuring out why he was so upset. She rubbed his back with one hand and played with his hair in the other. She could tell he wasn’t in the mode to talk and that was okay. Yes and no questions it was then.
“Did someone hurt you?” She asked. He shook his head against her.
“Did someone say something to you?” Another no from him.
Thank God those were two no’s. Because if they weren’t, she would’ve killed someone.
“Sweetheart,” She said pulling them apart and looking into his teary eyes. “I want to help you as best I can right now. But I can only do it when I know what’s going on. You don’t have to talk if you don’t feel like it right now. But you have to give me an idea what’s going on.” She explained.
Y/N nodded wearily. He turned around and pointed to his pants which now sadly had a small red blood stain on the back.
Immediately it all clicked into place for JJ. “Oh sweetheart I’m so sorry this happened. You’re okay baby boy, you’re okay.” She pulled him back up against her, holding him in a tight hug once more.
“Baby boy?” He broke apart and looked at JJ.
Her heart shattered at the question. She caressed his face and placed a kiss to the crown of his head, “You will always be my baby boy. This will not change that. It never has and it never will.”
More tears started to run down Y/N’s face hearing those words. JJ almost fell backwards by the force of the next hug he gave her.
“It’s okay baby. You’re okay. Mommy’s going to make it all better.” JJ said, rubbing his back to comfort him so more.
When the tears dried and his breath started to slow to a normal rate, JJ broke apart from her boy and wiped the last of the tears away.
“Here’s what we’re gonna do, I’m going to get you set up in the stall over here. Then I’m going to grab your bag and get you changed into something clean and comfortable. After that we’re going to get your brother and head home. Sound good?” She asked only to get a nod and a small smile from Y/N.
“Okay let’s get you set up then.” Taking his hand in hers, she led him over the the big stall in the bathroom. Inside was your standard public bathroom only this time with a changing table made especially for Littles.
“There,” she smiled. “Now, I’m going to grab your bag from my office. Keep the door locked okay?” That got another small nod from Y/N. With a small kiss to his head she left the stall, hearing a small click of the lock on the way out.
After JJ left the bathroom I felt uncomfortable again. She just made everything so safe and comfortable. Now without her here everything felt overwhelming, scary again.
But she wouldn’t be long. She just went to grab my bag and then we would go home. I couldn’t wait to be home again, laying on the couch with my favorite stuffie on one side and JJ on the other.
But my beautiful daydream was interrupted by the sound of someone entering the bathroom. Despite my stall door being closed, I backed myself far away from the door, my back hitting the wall.
This was a restroom, it would be ignorant of me to think no one else would use it. But I want to just be alone with JJ. Now with strangers walking into the space I felt more exposed and scared.
But the person who walked in stayed by the sinks. They didn’t walk into a stall or wash their hands. Before I had a moment to really question it further, the man spoke up.
“Hey kiddo it’s just Uncle Derek. Your mom just sent me in here to stop anyone from coming in. You doing alright in there?”
A wave of relief washed over me. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding and wiped a few stray tears.
“M’ doing okay.” I managed to say.
“That’s good to hear. You just let me know if you need anything okay?”
I nodded my head. But then I realized he couldn’t see it so I added a quick: “okay.”
Uncle Derek was a life saver! Not once but twice people tried to enter the bathroom but he redirected them away. I’m couldn’t have been more happy to have him there to protect me.
After what felt like years but was only really 15 minutes JJ returned and relieved Morgan of his guard duties. He knocked on the door before leaving.
“See you when you get out kiddo.” He added before leaving the bathroom to JJ and I once more.
I heard the main door to the bathroom lock before JJ knocked on the stall door. I quickly ran over and opened it to her only to see my favorite stuffie in her arms!
“I’m sorry I took so long. I thought your bag was in my office but it turns out it was in my car. But guess who was also in there waiting for you?”
I immediately grabbed the stuffie and brought him close. Between him and JJ being back, everything started to feel calm again.
“Alright baby boy, let’s get you all sorted out.”
JJ opened the changing table, quickly cleaned and placed a cover on. Then she went over to me and helped me and my stuffie up onto it.
With that she started to get to work, taking my shoes off, then my pants and underwear. Then she helped clean up and before I knew it she was sliding a fresh pull-up on me followed by my emergency set of pants.
“There you go,” she said rubbing my belly. “All fresh and clean.”
Suddenly a sad thought came across my head. “Mommy, I can’t wear a pull-up.”
“Why not? You’re too young not to wear one.” She pointed out, making me feeling smaller.
“No, it’s just that
it’s going to have blood on it.”
JJ sighed. She sat me up and held my hand in mine. “I want you to listen to me for a second Y/N. I don’t mind taking care of you whether you’re on or off your period. That changes nothing about the fact you’re my little boy. Do you understand? I still love you the same and I will never see you different. You are and will forever be my baby boy.”
More tears found their way to my eye as she pulled me into a hug once more. I felt so much better now that I was changed, but even more so now that I felt accepted. No matter what anyone said or what my body said, I’m her little boy. Forever.
“Now,” she said breaking apart. “We gotta go catch up with your brother. He’s very worried about you. I’d say he’s so worried he might let you chose the movie we watch tonight.” JJ winked.
“Really?!” I said shocked. Tonight was his movie night choice. But he was gonna let me chose?!
“Really! And if we’re really lucky we might be able to convince Uncle Derek and Aunt Penelope to stay and watch it with us.” JJ added as she helped me down.
Hand in hand the two of us walked out of that bathroom. Once out we went to Aunt Penelope’s office and met up with Spencer again.
He stood up and ran over to me “Y/n! Are you okay? I’ve been so worried!” He wrapped me in a tight hug.
I smiled against his shoulder, “I’m okay Spence.”
“While you were gone I thought of the coolest game we can play when we get home!” Spencer added excitedly once we broke apart.
“I can’t wait!” I smiled back.
“Come on boys, it’s time to go home.” JJ said after talking to Garcia.
Spencer took one hand and JJ took the other as we left the BAU. My little family always knew how to make me feel appreciated and accepted. Caregiver and Little boy. Forever and always.
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rxreid · 2 years
u can make this a blurb if u want 💞
being spencer’s sister + meeting derek (or hotch if u want!!) at a work party (christmas works)
such an adorable concept omg!! reid!reader x spencers co-workers is so cute. i used derek, i hope you dont mind!
spencer would have been so nervous looking over the flyers jj and garcia had made for the office christmas party, specifically due to one rule: must bring a +1! (relative, partner, whatever!). how on earth was he supposed to find a date in a week? spoiler alert: he didn't, so he forced you to tag along instead, his beloved sister.
"spencer, why would i want to go to a party on a wednesday evening? who does that?"
"well, statistically, we're more likely to get a case on a friday, so it makes no sense to have a party when we could be called out right in the middle. plus - please, y/n, i need a plus one, its literally written under the rules!" he'd exclaim, shaking the flyer in your face.
obviously, because you're such a nice sister, you'd go, but not without making yourself look amazing.
"why are you that dressed up?"
"in case you have any sexy co-workers, why else?" you'd smirk. he'd roll his eyes.
when you'd arrive, spencer would be reluctant to introduce you to anyone, but nobody can stay far away from derek morgan for too long. he'd stride up to the both of you, curiousness laced in his steps.
"who's this? you got a girlfriend we don't know about, reid?"
"ew, she's my sister, asshole."
you'd be right. as always. spencer does have hot co-workers.
"oh? delighted to meet you then, miss reid." he'd wink.
the rest is history, to be honest. how could you not be in love with derek. if you did end up getting together, the two of you would have so much fun in teasing spencer, from derek telling him random things about you, to you telling him things derek says about him. if he, you and spencer were in a room together, he'd jokingly address you as "morgan", rather than reid, to avoid confusion - but also to piss off spencer. bonus points if you actually married derek, officially making you a morgan. ;)
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ddejavvu · 2 years
meiiiii how r u !!
may i pls get some filthy lovely spencer x virgin!reader content 💞
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First Time Jitters - Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (PREVIEW)
Summary: You express to Spencer how nervous you are to lose your virginity, and he assures you that you don't have to do anything you don't want to. But you do want to, and you're grateful for his help while he guides you through your first time.
Contents/Warnings: smut (18+, minors dni.), self-doubts, reader gets nervous, gentle, soft sex, oral (m receiving), penetrative sex
this is just the preview for the full fic. the full fic will be posted 24h from now, so please let me know if you’d like to be tagged, and thank you for reading! the full fic has been posted here.
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"Spencer," You whimpered, your hands shooting out to push against his chest, "I'm scared."
He stilled, his eyes flitting to your own from where they'd been glued to your neck. You squeezed your thighs together, and he took your hint, removing his hand and bracing it on the bedsheets instead.
"What are you scared of?" His voice was soothing and subtle, and he inched forwards slightly, his face over your own instead of pressed into your throat. The relaxed position calmed you down even more than his voice had, your anxiety lessening slightly at the familiar comfort of your lover.
"What if it hurts?" You felt hot, sticky tears brimming in your eyes and you brushed one away angrily, ashamed that you weren't able to embrace the moment.
"Hey," Spencer's eyes never left yours, no judgement apparent in his expression, "That's okay. If you're not ready for this, we can wait. We don't have to at all, if you don't want to. You're in control."
You nodded, reaching up once more to smear a tear across your cheek, "I- I want to, I just.."
"It's okay." Spencer repeated, "Any hesitation is hesitation enough for us to stop."
"Spencer," You called warily, watching him stuff one foot in his boxers, "Wait."
"Can I.." You glanced down at his cock, now softening, but still hanging thick and heavy between his legs, "I want to taste you."
"God," He panted from above you, "You- You're uh, enjoying this, aren't you?"
You whined softly around his cock, swiping your tongue over his slit.
"You're drooling," He mumbled incredulously, swiping up a string of saliva that seeped out of your lips, "And I'm not even inside of you."
He let another few seconds of silence pass, the only sounds in the room being the lewd sounds of your lips on his cock. Then you felt his hips jut upwards, bucking further into your mouth while he pushed your head down once more.
He forced his cock as far into your mouth as possible, his voice raspy and rugged as he breathed, "I- god, just think about what you'd do if- if I was inside of you."
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this is just the preview for the full fic. the full fic will be posted 24h from now, so please let me know if you’d like to be tagged, and thank you for reading! the full fic has been posted here.
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spencermyangel · 2 years
Heyy, can we get a part two to this ? Thank you in advance, I love your stories 💞
Part 1
Spencer’s heart pounded and his fist shook as he raised it to knock on Rossi’s door. The two of them had arranged another evening together, only this time Spencer was going to meet Mudgie. 
“Reid, come in,” Rossi greeted him with a kind smile and a hint of excitement in his eyes. 
“H-hi.” Spencer forced a smile and awkwardly waved as he entered the house. 
Rossi noticed his discomfort, “you don’t have to meet Mudgie tonight, if you’re too scared.” 
Spencer shook his head, “I’m fine
 just a little nervous.”
Rossi studied Spencer, he could tell he was a lot more than ‘just nervous’. “He’ll be on his leash the whole time. He won’t be able to hurt you.”
“Okay,” Spencer took a deep breath, “I’m ready.” 
“Okay, I’m going to get him.”
“Rossi!” Spencer called after him.
“Yeah?” Rossi asked, a questioning look on his face.
Spencer shook out his hands, “you promise you’ll hold him tight?” he asked, his voice quiet.
Rossi’s eyes softened, “I promise.”
Spencer paced around Rossi’s living room, fidgeting and occasionally flapped his hands or pulled at his hair. 
Spencer spun around when he heard the door open. Standing in the door was the slobbery beast, Mudgie. Spencer breathing sped up when Mudgie let out a whine and tried to crawl towards him. Spencer backed up in fear and his panicked eyes met Rossi’s calm ones. 
“You’re okay, Spencer. He just wants to see you,” Rossi told him, “and remember, at any time if you get too overwhelmed just tell me and I’ll take him out.” 
Spencer nodded. He then slowly took a step forward, cautiously watching for Mudgie's reaction. Mudgie only stared up at him with warm eyes. Spencer had to admit he was pretty adorable, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t dangerous. 
“Is it okay if I bring him up to you?” Rossi asked, when Spencer hadn’t moved again after a few minutes. He waited for Spencer to nod before walking forward with Mudgie. 
Spencer squeezed his eyes shut and tried to ignore the clicking of Mudgie’s feet on the floor as he moved closer and closer to him. He let out a small squeal when he felt something start licking his hand. He opened his eyes to see Mudgie right beside him, giving his hand kisses. Spencer’ breath sped up again as he tried not to panic. 
“Hey, you’re okay, Bambi,” Rossi assured him, “Mudgie is very gentle.”
Spencer nodded and allowed Mudgie to stay for a while longer, he even managed to pet him! Eventually though he had enough and asked Rossi to put Mudgie in the next room.
Overtime, their visits got longer and longer, and soon Spencer was playing and cuddling with Mudgie without a second thought.
Send in asks and requests here
Reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated :)
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linkles-art-blog · 1 year
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So do you tell all your friends
You’ve got your gun to my head?
I know it’s never gonna be just us

Collab artwork with my fellow artist @asachuu for Chapter 7 of my BSD fanfic, Cherish. đŸ„ș💕 
Although this has only been the second time I’ve worked with him on an illustration for the story, it has truly been a joy for me to be able to call him my partner in crime on this lengthy endeavor of mine; he is truly a talented individual beyond even that of my own abilities and seeing these scenes come to life in his beautiful BSD manga-reminiscent style is genuinely a dream above my wildest imaginations.
My gratitude knows no bounds, as I could in no way have ever done this scene justice without him. 💞💕💖đŸ„ș💖💕💞 Thank you so much for allowing me to work with you again on all of this, Art; it really means a great deal more than I could say that you were willing to make this wish of mine come true.
And as for you, my loyal readers and followers, it is beyond a pleasure for me to be able to post and present this amazing work we created together for everyone to see. Shortly after posting this, I will be adding the artwork into the fic itself, in the chapter where it belongs, so please look forward to that and feel free to check out the fic if you haven’t done so already!  (Also please go give Art a follow; he’s amazingly talented and especially if you love things relating to BSD Fifteen/Storm Bringer/Arthur and feel there isn’t enough content for him out there as I do, he’s sure to be a source of great joy to you too. uwu He’s also a great writer and has written many fics on the subject! ^-^)
Original Base Sketch by me First Version of LineArt by me Second Version of LineArt (the one featured above) by Asachuu Color Palettes for characters & Suggestions provided mostly by me Background and Background details by Asachuu Final Adjustments by Asachuu Main Art Coloring & Shading by Asachuu Typesetting of credit urls by me
Do not repost this artwork anywhere without my and Asachuu’s explicit permission or claim it as your own. See F.A.Q.s for details. Songs I listened to while drawing this:
Vagabond by Spencer Day (Chapter 7â€Čs namesake)
Homicide Love by James Arthur (The original concept chapter namesake for Chapter 7â€Čs first scene and the song the quote above is from)
Suicide by James Arthur
My Heart Can’t Tell You No by Rod Stewart
My Heart Can’t Tell You No by Sara Evans
Memories by Conan Gray (You’ll understand someday the significance of this one ;) )
Hellfire from the Hunchback of Notre Dame (including the covers by Peter Hollens and Jonathan Young.) Delilah by Tom Jones
You can also listen to Cherish’s playlist — or at least the only publicly available one (currently an only partial version, so as to avoid potential spoilers for too many future chapters) — here.
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kaylasfos · 2 months
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me and spencer pulling up to the bau after a three year leave
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ptrckjcne · 2 years
I am absolutely loving thesee!
May I pls request hotch and emily “Kiss stolen away in the corner, ignoring the people around them” maybe on a night out with the team plsss
hiii! đŸ„° thank you! and thank you for requesting đŸ„° i love writing about hotch and emily, so of course i will happily do that! i hope you enjoy it, and i hope you have a wonderful day 💞💞
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Aaron Hotchner x Emily Prentiss Wordcount: 583
Pick a kiss + character / ship, and I'll write you a drabble!
“This calls for one hell of a celebration!” Derek cheered as the team prepared to leave Quantico for the day, something Aaron immediately found himself rolling his eyes at. Everyone who knew the unit chief, knew he preferred the silent celebrations; the ones he could do at home, with Emily half asleep on his chest, some stupid TV–show on the screen, and Jack sound asleep in the room next door. However, this time around, Emily chimed in with Derek, claiming this was a victory the whole team needed to celebrate.
Not that Aaron understood what was different with this case; they had placed a murderer behind bars, but they did that more or less every case they worked.
“What about you, Hotch?” JJ spoke up, an eyebrow raised as everyone turned to look at the unit chief, hopeful expressions on their faces – even Spencer looked excited about the chance to go out as the entire team.
He gave it a thought; Jack was staying with Jessica until the morning after, when she would drop him off at school, and Aaron would (hopefully) be able to pick his son up after school. “Oh, what the hell, count me in.” He sighed, causing a loud cheer to erupt from the group, several other of the Bureau’s agents turning to look at them in confusion.
Not more than an hour later, they found themselves hunched in a bar, Aaron and David returning to the table with drinks for everyone; a white wine for JJ, a beer for Derek, a red wine for Emily, a cocktail with a tricky name for Penelope, some mock–tail for Spencer (he had strictly told the two older agents that he didn’t want anything with alcohol), while they had gotten two whiskeys for themselves. The drinks were devoured within a short time, Derek and JJ offering to get the next round – though, together with Penelope, had been caught up by the jukebox (somehow the team had found the one bar in all of Virginia with an actual jukebox), fussing over which song to queue. David and Spencer had wandered off, finding a quieter spot to discuss chess–strategies, something that caused Aaron to chuckle.
“Do you think anyone’s watching?” Emily spoke up, causing him to throw a quick look around the room, seeing how everyone was busy with their own things. He responded with a shake of his head, a smile spreading on his lips as her hand found his cheek, cupping his face as she brought her lips to his. “I’m sorry we had to do this here. I know you wanted a quiet night at home.”
He leaned his forehead against hers, chuckling lightly. “It’s okay, Emily. I get to spend my night with you, and I still get to kiss you, and hold you close – even though we’re being a little bit more discreet than we would be at home.” Aaron leaned forward, softly pushing his lips against hers once more, before they parted, his hand finding her lower back as he brought his drink to his lips.
“I’ll toast to that.” Emily chuckled.
“Toast to what?” Derek curiously asked, a bottle of beer in his hand. “I’ll toast to us being the best damn team there is, if that’s what you’re toasting to.”
Emily and Aaron shared a look, just for a brief second, chuckling at Derek’s words, before nodding. “Yeah, that’s it.” Aaron confirmed, noticing the wide grin that spread on Derek’s face. “That’s what we’re toasting for.”
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tinalbion · 2 years
Hot chocolate sounds so good rn. Thank goodness I have a bag of it sitting around!
Aww, my heart đŸ˜©đŸ„ș My girls name is Heaven-Leigh.
She would definitely come up to Spencer first. If he isn’t warming up to her quickly, she’ll know, & she would definitely not rush him. She would remind him to take his time if needed~ Of course she would listen to him, no matter how long it takes. She’s patient.
Would you say anything romantic would happen between them some time later? It’s all up to you. I wouldn’t mind if it happened uwu Heaven-Leigh wouldn’t either! To her, he would definitely be up there.
Also, another interesting scenario. What do you think Spencer would do if she found out he’s a killer? You won’t offend me if he has to, you know, “shut” her up. Realistically, she’d freak out and run away if Spencer’s allows her to. In my world and AUs, she is no final girl, she is a tragic figure.
Gosh you are sooo nice and amazing. 💕💞 I hope you have a good upcoming weekend~ can’t wait to see more of our favourite stabbi boi that we love so much! Keep it up! 💖
I APOLOGIZE if you got multiple of the same asks from me! My connection is messing me up!
Aww, she sounds like a lovely gal to hang around with, much more relaxed and calm which I wouldn't be used to, but Spencer would enjoy it nonetheless. It's refreshing from what he was used to and how people were in school, so having someone around him that would actually calm him more than upset him is a huge plus.
If things were to escalate between them, he would allow it so long as she's able to handle him trying to articulate his feelings, and sometimes, just sometimes, he loses a little bit of control and ends up pushing boundaries. Not by much, mind you, nothing insane, but he would almost be someone completely different, his entire personality would shift and he would be more confident than he'd ever been before. She Heaven-Leigh would be dealing with a roller coaster of not knowing what to expect. He wants to step up and take control like he should, but being careful to not unravel everything he's worked up for is also a huge worry for him.
Now if she were to find out what Spencer does, it wouldn't be the best outcome if she were to scream and try to run off. Her running off means spilling his secret to the police, which isn't a good end for him. He'd contain her and since they've had history, he would keep her contained for as long as he could to hopefully get through to her to show her that he can't help what he does, this is just how it is for him and he won't apologize for that. He'd assure her that she wasn't part of his plans to do anything remotely harmful to her, but if she can't be convinced, it would pain him to shut her up, but he'd have no choice. He can easily dispose of her and not even draw attention.
That would leave him a total wreck for a while but he'd recover, though he'd remember her fondly, and it would also give him the heartbreaking reminder that people like him cannot have the "normal life" that everyone talks about. His lifestyle is dangerous and not exactly what someone wants when thinking of their future. Things just end up that way.
But hey, thanks for being so kind and amazing! It was wonderful to officially meet you in the DMs, my friend! <3 I would always love to hear more about your girl as well! We all love final girls here, but tragic story girls? A bittersweet taste on the tongue.
Thanks for sending these in! I love trying to determine what Spencer would do or how he'd react, he's my baby boy. You're always so lovely~ Have a great week, hon!
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encrucijada · 4 years
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almost forgot @mackerelgray dm-ed me this!! so woop here we go ✹
misha venpua is one of the two protagonists of my one and only high fantasy story anatomy of shadows (co-written with @theladydurin). i named her before i knew anything about supernatural so lay off. she is a jocandra which is a species in the aos universe that is a cat-human hybrid a là catra from spop. her valokmaar is named fasma and she has fox-like anatomy with huge fennec fox ears. she is part of a circus and performs as an acrobat/trapeze artist. she is one of my prettiest characters straight up??? she and clara (her romantic interest) have one inch difference that gets more pronounced when clara wears high heels which is all the time. misha hates it. they totally do the upside down spiderman kiss at some point 💕
fae velásquez is one of the four main characters of coughing roses and my problematic fave 💕 she is a short redhead with more freckles than braincells who dresses like a punk grunge fan of the 90s. her story is set during the end of the world so she has a lot going on. has two dogs named orion and tallulah and also unexplained powers in regards to music (with severe side effects for those around her and her own mental state). dating her two best friends jo czerny and rafael ocampo though you could see it more as friends who kiss sometimes. physical manifestation of "chaotic bi". capable and willing to commit murder. acts grumpy but she's like a pomeranian, you can just pick her up, and really she wants to be held. answers the phone for two people and the first two guesses don't count.
and finally... ismene bane 🌒 love interest to garren olwen from in the wild life garden. she is an irish werewolf and the oldest sister of the banes pack, which has been conformed only by her and her siblings since their parents passed. has a reddish tone to her fur. wears skirts but always has the hem tucked into her belt so really what's the point. in a power struggle with her older brother lyall because they have clashing ideas on how to raise their three younger siblings. her name used to be spencer! but the remnants of my 2013 crimes need to die a fiery death. she is also replacing the character of rita murray, who was a sunshine-y redhead witch. but garren has more the vibe of dating a whole werewolf and his dad energy goes well with ismene's mum energy. there is a version where they date and then break-up but the revamp says this is endgame 💞
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kaylasfos · 1 year
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all’s well that ends well to end up with you ♡
kayla & spencer 
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