#🛸 still weird… 🛸 about
to-hold-the-line ¡ 1 year
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Name: Cal Kestis
Age: 23 (verse dependent)
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, Demiromantic
Profession: Scrapper (former), Jedi Knight (current)
Appearance: 5’9”, lean build, nearly shoulder-length red hair, green eyes, pale skin, freckles, stubble of a beard, one tattoo on his right forearm of an employee barcode from the scrapyard he used to work at.
FC: Cameron Monaghan
Personality: Compassionate, awkward with romance, noble, determined, can be obsessive in regards to his goals, always has to be active and/or working, still figuring himself out, intelligent, overly self critical at times, needs to learn to slow down and rest before he burns himself out, is slowly figuring out how inherently flawed the Jedi Code was and wants to do better for his eventual students, far too trusting, treats almost everyone around him (droids included) with respect and kindness, natural explorer.
Goals: To defeat Darth Vader and the Galactic Empire, to make Tanalorr a safe haven for those seeking refuge from the Empire, to train a new generation of Jedi.
Strengths and Powers: Strong in the Force, and can use it for telekinesis, Force jump/dash, enhanced spacial awareness, mind trickery, and mental/emotional stabilization. Adept with several forms of lightsaber combat, though he prefers to switch between double-bladed and dual wielding stances. Adept with an ascension cable (grappling hook). Decent shot with a blaster, though he's not entirely proficient with it. Increased agility, speed, and mental fortitude. Quick learner. He has a fair singing voice, though untrained.
Weaknesses: Cal tends to overwork himself, and be extremely harsh with himself when things go wrong. He blames himself for every loss of life that happens under his watch. He trusts a little too easily, often not questioning the motives of new companions (although he's learned to try and do that more often because of Bode. It's verse dependent.) Has trouble expressing negative emotions in a non-destructive way because he was always taught to repress them; he has trouble with showing romantic affection or coping with attraction for the same reason (again, he's learning these skills, too.) He's mortal, despite all of his Jedi sturdiness and agility. Often forgets to eat or rest when he's hyperfocused on a goal.
Likes: BD-1, Merrin, Greez, Cere, Bode(verse dependent), Kata, anyone who joins his crew, old stories and songs, history, archeology, anthropology, home-cooked meals, savory/salty foods, food in general, people with a good sense of humor/snark, rockets, small droids, non-hostile animals, gardening, watching both plants and people grow, ponchos.
Dislikes: Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Sith, the Empire, Bode(verse dependent), traitors, complaining about things that don't really matter that much to him(i.e. someone getting his order wrong at a cantina), putting himself before others, vast heights(when he's on unstable ground or has nothing underneath him), letting others down, bounty hunters(when they're after him).
Languages: Basic(aka English), Binary
Background: Wookiepedia Link
(The link contains spoilers for both Jedi games, but that's easier on me than typing out his entire bio, since I'm playing him largely canon-compliant.)
Additional Notes:
(I'll add these as I go along.)
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holographic-mars ¡ 6 months
What au has been running around your brain the most lately?
I call it The au that I made up but have no creativity to make anything with it: subjecting soundwave to the horrors of the Lost Light; a coswave au
So basically I’m insane right? So what if I put Soundwave (and co) along with cosmos on the lost light (against their will) and force them to endure the tortures of captain rodimus prime and co-captain megatron absolutely fucking shit up in the universe (also ravage is still alive bc fuck you IDW give her back).
Soundwave and Cosmos get stuck on the Lost Light during a stop at the Sanctuary Station and now Rodimus and crew have to figure out how to get them back home (weird-science-dimension-hopping-probably-brainstorms-fault-shit idk just go with it). Soundwave hates this very much bc 1) he didn’t ask to be on this torture bus to hell, 2) now his station is left sorta unattended (hold down fort sky-byte!), and most importantly, 3) that bitch megatron >:((.
It’s not all THAT bad tho bc cosmos is here and he gets to be reunited with Ravage again (he misses ravage. So much). But still. Let me out let me OOUTTT
ANYWAYS. So thus the adventure begins—Cosmos is handling this like a champ bc he’s been on the LL before so he knows the drill. Cosmos and Soundwave get to share a hab, Cosmos actually get to meet Ravage in person (gets called an idiot multiple times), and Soundwave gets to learn how to socialize with other mechs properly (it goes just as well as you’d expect). Cosmos and Tailgate bond very fast bc they’re very similar and minibots gotta stick together ykno? while Soundwave is struggling bc everyone here is weird and loud and so… friendly (it’s actually Cyclonus who manages to break down Soundwave’s very carefully put up barriers first. Antisocial losers stick together 4ever).
Megatron is also struggling bc he feels guilty for how he left things with Soundwave, but Soundwave is very adamant on hating his stupid guts.
Gradually, our favorite fellas learn about Cosmos and Soundwave yearning for eachother but being stupidly oblivious to the other’s feelings, and are now determined to get them together (led by yours truly, the minibot gang).
Shenanigans ensue, Soundwave figures out how to express himself and his feelings, Cosmos learns to dance, Megatron gets engex thrown at his face, and Ravage is so exasperated she might start scruffing these idiots like newsparks since they wanna act immature.
I’m actually super insane about this patchwork au I came up with I think about it near constantly. THANK YOU FOR THE ASK HEHEEHEEE I LOVE RAMBLING ABOUT MY HALF BAKED THOUGHTS EEHEEHEH❤️❤️🛸🛸🛸🛸
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r0tt3n-corpse ¡ 6 months
Your writing is absolutely stellar! Can you maybe try a Dib x Reader / Y/N (female or gender neutral, whichever you want to choose) where the Reader has been living in the house across from Dibs house for a few months, but he never noticed them/her because Reader is homeschooled. and one day, Dib meets them/her while the Reader is outside drawing (maybe drawing Mothman or something), and It turns out that the Reader is obsessed with the unexplained, just like Dib.
(Sorry if it's not that good of an idea it's just something I thought of at like 2 am. a couple of days ago) 💙🛸👽
Sorry I disappeared for like a day. Writing is easy for me, it’s just convincing myself to actually sit down and start writing that’s the hard part lol (Also thank you for the request, it’s nice to see people enjoying my writing!)
Fandom: Invader Zim
Warnings: None!
Gender neutral reader x Dib Membrane
You had never liked actual school. The buildings were confusing, the teachers were strict, and the kids were… well, weird. When your parents informed you two months ago that you were not only moving but that you’d be homeschooled as well, you were overjoyed to put it lightly. It was great! Well, maybe not the move, but the homeschooling was.
It was hard to think that you hadn’t seen your friends in more than two months. Sure, you got to talk to them online, but it just wasn’t the same. Homeschooling was great, but being a loner wasn’t.
You didn’t explore much in town, something about your parents not wanting you to get lost. You never particularly listened to their reasons.
Currently, you are outside drawing, like you were almost every day after your homework. You loved drawing, and your parents encouraged the creative outlet.
The sky was a wonderful color, still bright and high in the sky. The wind whistled through the grass as you sat on the steps of your front door, hunched over as you drew. It was truly a beautiful day. Everyday was. Just being alive and in the light of day was amazing to you.
You weren’t focused on the picture as you drew it, more on the colors and the shapes. Everything was beautiful already. It was made by you, after all. “Things made with love will never be dull”, or whatever that poem you read once said.
You lifted your head as a school bus momentarily stopped at the house across from you, dropping kids off. You must’ve lost track of time if the school kids were already getting out. You listened as the bus door closed and watched as the bus continued down your street. A tall-ish black-haired boy was standing on the sidewalk next to a shorter purple-haired girl. His sister, most likely.
The children of that scientist who lived across from you, you assumed. What was his name again? You couldn’t recall, but remembered your parents talking about him a few times. You never knew he had kids.
You put your drawing to the side, making sure it wouldn’t get blown away by the wind, and stood up. You hesitated, not quite sure what you were doing. Making friends would be nice, but how? You watched the boy turn his head and say something to his sister, both backs still to you. You walked down your driveway and to the sidewalk. No cars were coming, but you didn’t cross. The boy seemed to see you and turned, while his sister walked inside their house. You waved, not wanting to look like a weirdo. He waved back slowly from across the street.
“Do I know you..?” He asked, hand back at his side. He adjusted his glasses with his other hand. You shook your head no. He nodded, seeming to have thought so. You caught sight of a keychain on his backpack. It looked familiar. Was that Mothman? He seemed to catch you looking.
“Do you like paranormal stuff?” He asked before pausing for a car to pass between the both of you. You nodded. The paranormal was cool, you’d admit. You liked listening to those weird conspiracy theory videos sometimes as background noise.
“Yeah, I think that stuff is pretty cool.” You said, realizing you hadn’t talked yet. He smiled wide at your response and promptly jogged across the street to your side. He adjusted his backpack on his shoulders, both of you now in your yard.
“I’m Dib Membrane. What’s your name? I didn’t realize any kids lived here.” He looked over your house briefly before turning back to you. The last name Membrane sounded familiar, so you guessed he was telling the truth.
“I’m Y/n. I’m homeschooled, that’s probably why you haven’t seen me. Plus, I usually hang out in my backyard, and not the front.” You explained with a shrug, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. You hadn’t talked to someone in person that was your age in a while and hoped you didn’t seem too awkward. If you were being awkward, Dib seemed too focused on meeting someone with the same interests to care. The boy was practically beaming.
“Oh, that’s cool. I wish I was homeschooled. My dad is real smart, so I’d probably be learning more than I do now anyways.” Dib said, his words quick because of his excitement. You nodded along to his words, a small gesture of the fact you were actually listening. Dib adjusted his glasses and peered down at his watch.
“Well, actually, speaking of my dad, I have to go.” He lifted his head back to you, looking slightly less happy. “Here, you can have this. I saw you looking at it.” He added before slipping the Mothman keychain into your hand. You pocketed it.
“I can met you here again tomorrow, when you get off the bus.” You called out to Dib as he once again crossed the street to his house. He smiled back at you.
“I’d like that.”
(I’m pretty sure this is shorter than my normal writing but it’s okay lol)
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c-billbaby ¡ 3 months
for the ask game:🟣💳💰🌼📚🛸
( @is-the-battlemech-cool-or-not )
🟣: Top three planets I ever been to, and in no real order, are Kooken's Pleasure Pit, which was not its legendary hedonistic self but rather a pretty place ruled by stuck up jerks that had it comin when we bombed their hot springs into a lake. Great fun, that. Next was Sarna, and specifically the Sarna Martial Academy which has still not entirely thrown off its old mercenary ways and whose students are hard working enough to love their time off, and low class enough to do it proper. Best parties ever. Then is Tharkad her own self, what treated me like dirty in the upper houses but was a right pleasure in the lower, and all of it smellin like fresh snow and flowers.
💳: Me most favorite client ever was this Freebie bloke what wanted us to take back his ancestral home from his evil uncle what killed his pa and stoled it. Sos we did and he payed us a handsome sum and was too dumb to check his palace treasury before we was on our way. If we had more clients like that we could retire! Worst client we ever had was the esteemed House Davion who pays us "on retainer" they says to play garrison on some shitehole called Palmyra along with AFFS goons when out of nowhere comes a sneak attack from the Dragon's own Sword of Light and they blast the Fedrats back to the stone age! We gets the order to regroup in the mountains but fuck a lot of that shite and we runs for it and never looks back. We never did get paid for that job on account of some nob got his tank kicked over and died.
💰: Dumbest purchase I ever made was tryin to build a horse race track in a swamp. Lotta horses died that season, due to drownin or steppin in sinkholes. Smartest purchase I ever made was tradin a planet for twn mechs, five power armors, and a dropship.
🌼: As for what I think of them clanners, they's just folk like anybody else. Sure they talk funny and they got their weird ways about em but in the end they bleed and breed and die like any of us... What? They don't breed? Like at all? DISHONORABLE?! So they do ot in thw butt or what?!
📚: I ain't much for book readin but if there's one old one I respect it's that Snord fella. Knee what he was about and did it or damn their eyes. Inspirin.
🛸: There's birds out there. People birds. And they can talk and they know things.
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lobotomy-lady ¡ 3 months
i love women with interesting interests. can you tell me something about ufos ms lobotomy lady :)
YEAS. 👽🛸
so the checklist that ufologists use to classify UAP encounters & determine which ones could actually be an anomalous phenomenon rather than a normal object that's been misidentified is called the five observables & they are as follows!
-instantaneous acceleration & maneuverability
-hypersonic speeds w/no heat or acoustic or electromagnetic signatures left behind (we don't know of anything that breaks the sound barrier without a sonic boom. UAPs are silent).
-trans-medium travel (breaking the laws of physics as we understand them)
-positive lift (weird aerodynamics that we can't explain)
-low observability (relates to their elusiveness, their ability to seemingly disappear & reappear at will)
the crazy thing is we have reliable videos, radar data & eyewitness testimony from military encounters w/objects that meet all of the above criteria. I still cannot believe that we have scientific data proving the existence of crafts that cannot possibly be of human origin bc they are thousands of years ahead of us technologically. we are not alone & we have so much cool stuff to learn about the universe still. big reason I'll never kill myself is bc I'd hate to miss first contact
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catchyhuh ¡ 3 months
how do they handle spontaneity? who would physically and/or mentally keel over without SOME kind of structure? yes I know they have to be highly adaptable in this line of work but even outside of being gay and doing crimes. for example can the gang just Get Food Together™️ or do they have to spend 2 hours making a whole ass itinerary because someone NEEDS to know what, if anything, we're getting up to after dinner - 🛸
ooh ok yeah yeah, i can form an opinion on this, sure! let's get spontaneous with it
SPONTANEOUS IS HIS MIDDLE NAME BABY lupin HATES structure! NO plans! ride with the WIND!! except maybe when making the initial step-by-step process for a heist BUT REALLY WHO’S FAVORITE PART IS THAT
really the only time he feels a plan is necessary is in job situations and all that anyhow. otherwise it feels oddly limiting even though he knows it’s. not a set guideline so much as a suggestion
like he might make a guide for a vacation or something, and it’ll be detailed! but will he really be following it? unless someone is dying if he doesn’t, um. no.
i think he’s more adaptable than people really give him credit for. he’s always going to bitch and moan but my god is he going to get with the program
that said, he’s not… really a structure guy? he (very visibly) does take comfort in same ol’ same ol’ reliable shit but he’s just generally not bothered enough to fuck with stuff like that. but again he WILL be complaining,
he does tend to work better without a plan than with one, though. he’s not sure why either the science of this one isn’t clear
prefers a plan not because she wants to be boring here but because it’s nice to know what’s coming next and what you can fall back on
going back to the vacation example with lupin, if it’s some place with a lot to see and do, fujiko’s scheduling reservations and shit weeks in advance because why WASTE time during the day of when she KNOWS she’s gonna wanna do these things??
she’s still not super rigorous about these things though, and she can work fine with casual spontaneity too, but if she’s got the time and it’s REALLY up to her, then, y’know
he’s kind of gotten used to it just from being in lupin’s company for long enough but if it was up to him, specifically, can you guys please just make a plan and stick with it. for two hours. please.
it’s just a basic courtesy past a point. people should know if they’re going to be on an island inside of a major lake at least 20 minutes before it happens right? that’s just manners right??
goemon operates on spontaneity the way a wild horse reacts to you standing behind it and shouting really loud. like. he’ll be fine. will you?
ok he’s weird. if he’s the one being spontaneous and having to make last second plans and decisions he’s fine. he’s cool with it. but if someone ELSE is springing it on him. oh he’ll hate them for a month at least.
“you have to live in greece for the next three months” he’s never reacted less in his life. that’s really impressive considering who we’re talking about here
“ahh jeez we’re out of gouda today. what’s your second choice for your sandwich” do you want him to throw the next guy who almost hits him with their car into the haliacmon
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diorncoke ¡ 1 year
I think I’ll keep you here in my arms forever ୧⋆。🔑
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˚⋆ ☽ °˖ summary: reader never thought her life would become something more than just being a sick teenager with a rare skin disorder. she definitely didn’t expect to have one of the most potent aliens on the planet to be fond of her.
˚⋆ 🕊️°✩⋆ authors note: i ran to write this because, my goodness, does it make sense lmao:,) — word count: 3.1k
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🛸 characters: transformers: rise of the beasts:, unicron, / x black! fem! little! reader ♡
🛸 content warning(s): no set plot line, mentions of wounds, descriptions of skin issues, talks of money problems, the word ¡slave! used on multiple occasions, bottle feedings, cuddles, fluff, littles are knowledgeable, cliche asf ;) — third person pov!
🛸 before reading: her dress & bottle, https://pin.it/fvoSBYJ , https://pin.it/2pSc9aG
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🫧*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Reader twiddles her sandal-covered toes in the passenger seat of her older brother's car. He had come into this vehicle from doing some underground work. He never told her anything except his adrenaline rush when he begged the wheel in said car. Sitting in the same car, she pushed her tiny fingers against the dashboard, feeling relaxed from the vents tingling against her red patch.
The siblings sat in the parking area of their apartment complex where their mother lay sleeping, for goddess knows how long her shift would be in the morning. Taking care of a sick child who didn’t even have enough mental energy to do online school, let alone get a full-time job to support her family. She hates watching her brother hold a simple cup of coco milk that he crushed her medicine in—in comparison, rushing to put breakfast on the table for their mom. All she was was a burden.
The rain hit the windows of the vehicle, watching the raindrops race against one another in her mind. Secretly she hoped one of the rights won against the other raindrop. She smiled as she cheered loudly in her head.
The excitement died, feeling small patches were highlighter red and hurt like a semi-truck hitting a Honda. Taking a sharp breath intake feeling her stomach cramp from another patch forming from the a/c being too uncool. It wasn’t something she wanted to state to her brother, all he wanted to do was help, and she was complaining about it not being good enough.
“Come here.” Noah carefully lifted the reader from the passenger side, grimacing at how light the teen felt. God, when had she lost all this weight? He could feel her ribs through his shirt. He knew the girl ate - he made sure of it. Constantly bombarding her with snacks and bottles of Ensure - he knew sometimes the meds did weird things to her metabolism and eating patterns, but she still should have had more meat on her bones.
The chilled feeling of his leather jacket hitting her delicate skin felt lovely. She could take a nap right here in the arms of her protector. Her bony arms found their way against his shoulders, giving him a cold hug with all the strength she could.
“You’re being cute. What’d you do?” Noah chuckled, feeling her ruffle her fingers against their similar hair between her fingers. She fought back a smile from underneath her chin, even though she was terrible at hiding it. Her nose scrunched, feeling him twiddle his fingers underneath her lip. Knowing each crevice of her face would make her giggle and give up her wants.
“Just missed you.” Noah smiled quietly, knowing she had seen it anyways. He distracted himself by placing his large hand on her stomach to lift the remaining texture up and away from her irritated skin.
“Feels good?” He questioned, holding her head against his chest with a soft kiss against it.
“Mmhm. The car is pretty. Did you name them?” Reader answered sweetly, rubbing her fingers against the roof of the car. There was something so pretty about the car. It was like a shiner new toy from the store. It was outshining her old ones in her toy chest.
She had never been inside something so expensive in her life. With her skin condition, a cooling feeling helped her hives calm themselves down tremendously. But with being low income, they couldn’t afford an a/c. Let alone a proper one.
Unknown to her, Noah felt that his new accompanied friend could form an a/c high enough to cool her inflamed stomach and arms. Causing such a connection exposed something he didn’t think he expected.
Abruptly the car shook forwards, and the feeling of the car they comfortably resided in came apart. The interior shifted from a two-door vehicle into small metal compartments that slowly pushed the siblings outside of it. The force of the movement made each of their heads shake harshly, though it was the last thing on her mind.
The being in front of her stood at least 20 feet tall. Though it seemed this one was bent over laughing at who knows what. All it caused was her to hide behind her brother, though she still peaked at the blue and silver thing. Her ( eye colour) eyes squinted, gazing between Noah and the metal action figure. The reader could almost tell he seemed annoyed. Did he know this strange-looking thing that was not from around here? And why didn’t he tell her?
She still curled into a tight ball peaking at the transformed being before her. She could feel her skin break out in hives from the beaded sweat on her neck. Noah’s senses were on overdrive seeing his little sister grimace in pain. He knew that his new friend didn’t mean any harm to her or knew of her condition. But seeing her in the state wasn’t something he could ever get used to.
“Aw shit, my bad. I didn’t mean to scare the little lady.” Mirage looked upon a delicate being in the arms of his newly founded friend. Noah offered her comfort, allowing himself to haul his hands in her curls, though still shaking ever so slightly. She winced initially but didn’t move her hand away from his touch in discomfort or resistance. Relaxing against her brother's touch, it was no wonder why Mirage interrupted their moment.
“It tickled.” The action figure pouted while kicking a small rock in between his foot. Noah looked down at his sister, forcing her to push her figure out before the transformer. Out of all the metal things he had met, Mirage would be the last one on his list to hard him or his little sister.
“Hi.” Reader grimaced against her tightly closed teeth. Her hands twiddle behind her silk pyjamas, cranking her neck upwards to him. She wasn’t one to hold a grudge, especially against someone who could crush her with their foot. Plus, he looked so sweet.
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🌿🫧*ੈ✩‧₊˚ The reader didn’t know how she had gotten captured by such a feared hunter in the universe. She had taken her time walking in the cage with Noah and Elena. She was running her hands on the symbols she had recognized. The low light area turned froze with anxiety when one of Scourge’s pets ran across the wall she stood against. All she felt was one of his paws embedded in her skin, coated in her blood.
The harsh sandy beds embellished her tanned skin, and she felt its mouth hovering over her neck before biting down harshly. Her voice squeaked, feeling the puncture wounds wheeze throughout her voice. Her eyes filled with tears before they fell on her cheeks, feeling the teeth pressed harder with each movement it made. Her forehead beaded with sweat, thinking of her life flashing over her eyes once more. She thought it would be her own body, but it was clear that she had new friends that she was fond of. They came ones that could kill her with a flick of their wrist.
“Noah!” She screamed the best she could, knowing the creature pressed on her voice box. It was a childish cry that couldn’t distinguish between a crow. She felt herself become limb against the creature's teeth, knowing any more movement could paralyze her. Her mind hyper-focused on her breathing, and she had her to notice the creature had pulled her outside, clearly making its way to its owner.
But nothing was more scary than being forcefully placed in an unknown environment with no time to adapt.
Unicron didn’t quite understand what was compelling him to be so gentle to this young girl presented in front of him. Maybe it was because she previously held the key against her chest like a teddy bear floating above the environment he only used for his slaves he wrongfully surrendered to abuse. His gears winced, thinking she had known of this like the thought of seeing her hating or disliking him would make him perish. Something about her tugged heartstrings he didn’t know he had.
“Come here, little one.” He watched the being they called (name) present her face towards him, hearing the chilling soft voice he used on her. He hated how his slave pushed the little thing to her knees before she could process what he had called upon her. The sight made him want to inflict complete charge pain on this Scourge who dared to push her to the ground. She could only wince, feeling the robot push his metal fingers into her shoulders while tears and heat coursed throughout her body. In her short time, she loved the feeling of her new friend's metal, but the robot beside her felt cold in a mean way. His energy made hers melt.
“Unhand her.” Not a second later, scourge did, placing his hands behind him like he was trained to do. The energy around her seemed lighter as he lifted her with his mind softly from her kneeled position. However, she seemed scared to look into his eyes, obviously from the interaction with his slaves in such a short time. He heard her sniffle while she put her hands in front of her. Patches of brutal red formed on her skin like they did the first time he watched his subjects claw at her at the lab. She was sick, her body almost gawking at her flesh.
Looking behind, seeing the world turn to standard colours around her shocked her. The surroundings she had once known weren’t something she could get used to. The air felt thinner; each breath felt like the half it did when she was on earth. The skin that surrounded her insides didn’t feel like they were her own, almost replaced by someone she didn’t recognize. She wished she listened to her brother when he said to stay in the safe house in Peru. She knew she would need it as she spent the majority of her bed rest exploring ancient relics of a time before jokes even commenced. It was something she had always been fascinated with.
And to think of her situation, she would die in her room scrolling through the web.
“What brings you here?” Unicron questioned, knowing his eyes fought to leave the deeply embedded skin on her neck.
“The scary spider thingy,” Reader added a quick sir at the end to ensure the safety. Her neck broke out in hives feeling sweat from her hair touching her neck form. The robot was just as intimidating as her mother, throwing a chancla six feet away and still reaching her. Her gaze barely met the beings, mostly keeping her head down, moving them occasionally towards Scourge.
“Do not fear us. Come closer.” Unicron’s voice softened much more, sweetening his native tongue towards her. He constructed a hand to show what he was doing. The all-powerful couldn’t help but move the little one towards his with the slightest flick of his wrist. His heart pounded in his chest, and he watched her come forward, entering his space. The scent of a human heart formed the same way he did in his ears. She smelled of medical crème and the mixture of honey and flowers that prickled her tiny fingers. The same ones she ran against her patched arms. She was nervous.
Her floating figure was the size of one of his fingers. The sight almost made his heart flutter. The sight of her was something so regular yet intense. Eternal, beyond the universe, beyond his galaxies of worlds he had concurred and destroyed with the same hand he placed her softly onto the very pad of his metal hand. The delicate touch of her flowery salmon dress pooling against it swirled his world in a colour scheme he had yet to see in his world. The tiniest/largest of curls popped each time her twitched eyes did while looking upwards towards him as her braided pigtails flapped against her (hair length) sweetly.
“I do not mean to interrupt you, Master. But she must be going back now. Her human friends are destroying everything we built to find her.” Scourge grimaced, knowing the man did not like being interrupted or spooked out of turn. He flinched before feeling the pulsating electricity that stroked his nerves heavily. Though he never actually felt it. His eyes opened, feeling his master form himself into a much smaller self to play with what the humans called a little. He would soon only be four feet higher than himself. It will be a sight for sore eyes. For once, he was not withering over in pain.
“Let them. She will be of no harm.” His formed face picked up what they called a smile. Feeling her hand touch each crevice of his hand. A small giggle coming from her chest warmly filled his ears as they twitched towards the sound.
“Excuse me, sir.” Unicron flicked his eyes toward the little one in his palm. The quiet politeness of her tiny voice was utterly sweet. Reader hesitantly looked upwards to the eyes of the robot while twiddling with her thumbs. Watching the light press of her dimples showing underneath that beautiful tanned skin, he fell in love with her. The nagging feeling of not being watched so inventively by someone she wasn’t close to. She was left with a nauseating feeling in her stomach. Or maybe it was because the air change left her lightheaded and hungry. The tiniest of grumbles coming from her belly notified him of her hunger.
“Yes?” His voice silkily lost all of the roughness in his throat.
“I in no way mean to bother you. Of course. But maybe I could have something to eat. Sir.” She felt uneasy in the silence that came after her sentence. Swallowing thickly, she felt the hairs on her neck stand up, watching the robot adjust his posture closer to her. It was the thought of his twitching ears that made her feel comfortable enough to ask. He notes that he shall do it more often.
Though the nervous demeanour didn’t last for long, the reader watched the man fumble to his knees slowly in approaching her space. Leaving a rumble from his weight, she wafted her nose in his calming scent of sandalwood and metal. It was as refreshing as rain hitting her window, watching it closely while she smothered herself with plushies.
Though it was unknown to her, the robot made her a meal with his mind. The all-powerful being had yet to commence himself to being small enough to place her in the crevice of his lap and, at the same time, doing so, still at least four feet taller than (your height) girl. Unicron gave the universe the slightest smile as she became the size of a toddler rather than a pebble on his palm.
Floating over the pair was a baby blue co-bottle with an adult tip that was perfect for her. The contents inside were something the humans called angel milk. A tasty treat would be ideal for the grumbles of her little belly, hm?
“Baba?” Her voice was nothing less than sweet, pointing towards the milk bottle now in front of her face. Her eyes glistened like the diamond of a chandelier dangling from the top of the ceiling, pooling into her (eye colour) like it was always meant to. She could feel her mouth instantly melt to open to the exposure of a bottle. It was unknowingly something she had craved deep within her heart.
“You like?” Unicron appealed to her big eyes staring at the bottle. Not even questioning where it even came from, just that she wanted it quite severely.
“Scourge, leave us.” He demanded. His hard eyes watched the being bow before him before the portal between the two worlds closed.
He delicately picked the reader up; the metal fingers quickly chilled her patch. He watched the minor redness in the corner of her eyes with tiredness and hunger. The reader weighed almost nothing cradled in Unicron's large arm. He couldn’t imagine anything but living in this beautiful moment with her. He cooed, watching her lips wrap around its nipple eagerly. The sound of suckling on her milk while she looked into his deep and cold eyes only softened in the presence quickly.
“I am deeply sorry for my- um, friends and the way they treated you. I will fix this. For you, my sweat heart.” Unicron hesitated about using words not meant for such a small child. All he felt was himself using his other hand to push the small amounts of hair that fell into her face. Reader smiled against his finger, hearing words that were so simple yet powerful. The thought of ever leaving made her a little sad. She would have to enjoy being in his arms while it lasted.
Unicron began to bounce his knee, whispering sweet encouragements into her ear. Before he knew it, the world amongst him was slightly brighter. The feeling of a blanket coming into his universe wrapped around the little one in his arms. As well as sighting her flesh wounds beginning to layer among themselves, healing her completely.
Within a bit, she fell asleep in the arms of a powerful creature that torments people for a living. A tender smile pulled at his lips as a fond expression crossed his face. Leaning down, he allowed his hands to hover over her cheekbones. Then, closing the distance, he gently pressed his forehead against the readers. He was falling backwards against his throne. Relaxing.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Just as Unicron was about to pull himself into his soft bed, he felt his chest heavy — weird.
As he looked down, there she laid, his sweet baby angel. She was hiding her dainty arm up against his arm, gripping it tenderly. In contrast, her other hand was stuck in front of her mouth with her thumb sucking softly back and forth smoothly. She felt warm but not in a harmful way, tangles in her sulked sheets that caved the delicate scent she wished to devour whole. He felt himself unclench any forms of tension throughout his body. The jaw he clenched tightly, the creasing that showed in dents softened in sight of his little one.
They weren’t going to be taking his newly-founded baby any time soon.
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🌿🫧*ੈ✩‧₊˚ I hope you enjoyed!! 💗
most recent rework — wednesday, august 2nd :)
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wolf-among-mechs ¡ 5 months
🛸🍜 for the ask game.
- Star Captain/Colonel Hazen, @is-the-battlemech-cool-or-not
Greetings Star Colonel. Somehow I was expecting you to ask me about my thoughts on a mech. You are free to do so as well of course. Nevertheless your choice of questions are still quite fun.
🛸 Is there a "canon rumor" theory (e.g. hyperspace weirdness, aliens, Phantom 'Mech Ability, time travel, alternate universes, the Lost Cameron) that you believe in? Or perhaps have experienced?
I have to admit that most of these rumors, these wild flights of fancy have an explaination. That is not to diminish anyone else's beliefs. But rather... I have already spoken about how in Kuritan space I was believed to be an Oni, an ogre of ancient terran myth on the planet Yance at first and then beyond. To the point where shinto priests put up paper wards to keep me away from settlements.
For a long time in the inner sphere the remains of General Kerensky's exodus fleet was still out there in space. That turned out to be very real. Many thought they were aliens at first. It came as a bit of a surprise that I was a descendant of them. In truth actually, to me when I was told of the clans when I had proved myself to the Dragoons in full, it felt like a strange myth. I was not sure what to think for a very long time. After a few years I was honestly ready to dismiss it as some sort of... Story to explain the founding of our company.
But as for what I currently believe... I feel a lot of uncertainty with hyperspace travel. What is to say that the next jump does not take you somewhere where a different choice was made at some point? Do you exit in the same reality that you left? There are so many decisions made every day big and small that the amount of deviation to the reality you left it is so highly unlikely you will ever notice. That thought troubles me.
I am also pretty sure there are aliens out there. Ones that could talk with us. Communicate. Like in holovids. They have got to be out there and figured out their own hyperdrives right? Something to transport them between stars. I get that space is big, mind boggingly big as one author once put it. But is it that big? Looking around the stars of the Inner Sphere the miracle of life is not a single isolated incident on Terra. It brings to mind an old... I do not know if proverb is the correct term. But I have seen it in litterature.
"Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
🍜= what is your favorite food?
Now for something a bit mundane. Food.
There are few things quite as satisfying as pizza or a kebab after when you return to the hangar in a condition to eat. Battles do take a lot out of you so something like that is good to get you on your feet. And water. So much water. Even with a cooling suit my mechs are always very hot.
Remember to rehydrate fellow mechwarriors.
But if we're talking favourite... Probably Rasalhagian sushi? It is probably slightly perplexingly specific. If there is a complaint I do have about sushi it is that is not very filling. And Rasalhagian food is maybe a bit bland sometimes. They smoothen over the others weakness quite well. If you have not had it. It consists mostly of the same things you would find for sushi plates but also variants for smoked herring and lobster. Which do have a different flavour profile entirely than salmon. It also a few different side dishes. Potato, gravy and meatballs are of course one of them. It is Rasalhague after all.
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professor-pato ¡ 2 years
Hhhi! Could you please do some older brother dirk hcs? I'm currently in no-older-figure-madness LOOL
(Please take your time with all the requests!)
i've been a little hesitant to answer homestuck asks for a while, because i've been trying to distance myself from it for a while, but i still find that writing homestuck comes so easily to me... 。゚(TヮT)゚。
anywho, here you go anon!!! sorry for the wait, i hope you enjoy!! ♡(>ᴗ•)
(also, i'm trying out a new layout, lmk what you think!! <3)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
ੈ♡˳ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀
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dirk is a strange guy. we all know that
he's even stranger when he's in his natural habitat
so you bear witness to dirk at full weirdness capacity
he'll regularly come into your room, infodump at you for a few minutes, and then leave
he likes talking to himself, especially when he's working on things
he knows a weird amount about your friends
he'll remind you about your friend's seven month anniversary with their boyfriend and leave you wondering how he knows about that
it's really because he just tends to remember small things
but he likes to creep you out in mundane ways like that
dirk's platonic love language is something akin to parallel play
you've lived with him long enough to know that one of his main ways of expressing love is simply being... just there
and he really is. just there
he sorta just appears out of nowhere when you least expect it
like his little sibling sense are tingling and he needs to go hang out with you
usually without saying anything
another thing he does is get you random stuff he thinks you'll like
he is very much a "i saw this rock and thought you'd like it" person
so you'll just end up with the most random things on your bed when you get home
a pack of gum, a weird rock, some feathers, a bottlecap
while we're on the topic of expressions of care also
he asks you if you've eaten that day, or taken your meds (if you have them), or showered, etc.
has he done those things? don't worry about it.
he'll come into your room to drag you out for a meal if you haven't had one yet
if you're really not up to it, he'll bring you some
he cares about you a lot
he's pretty bad at verbalizing it
but he really does care
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hux-and-gay ¡ 9 days
🛸- for Hux
♥️ - Mitaka has a crush on Hux. What's Hux's reaction, but more importantly what is Kylo's reaction?
🛸 - Well he lives in space so this would be less weird for him. I think he would first of all definitely put up a fight, and fight dirty, like ripping peoples ears off with his teeth and shit, and if they managed to subdue him he would be really bitchy about it. You know being like “I AM A GENRAL OF THE FIRST ORDER” and acting all entitled and shit while simotanously describing in graphic detail how he’s gonna hunt down them and their families when he escapes. Basically being the worst prisoner he could possibly be. But internally he’s quietly plotting, getting his bearings, gauging escape routes. So when he does try to escape he does so flawlessly. And he gets back to the order which is already in chaos because of the little time he was gone
Now if we’re talking modern AU I feel like he’d still put up the same fight at first but from then on he would quietly observe, he’s plotting his escape while at the same time observing his otherworldly captors. Maybe he’s secretly obsessed with aliens and planned this all along. Maybe his alien captor is really hot (cough Kylo) and Hux wants to figure out what would happen if they fucked, yk for reaserch purposes
❤️- Hux would be so flustered. Bc yk he doesn’t hate Mitaka like he does Kylo so no need to play hard to get or pretend he doesn’t like him. He’s trying to act professional but there’s no hiding the blush so he just like clears his throught and says in like the most professional manner he can muster, “Then I belive it would make sense for us to Kiss” and inside he’s screaming and bashing his head against a wall.
Kylo Is very possessive of Hux Ik but he’d want Hux to be happy so what would he say? “Threesome?”
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rainbowlemonslices ¡ 7 months
we don’t use code names anymore because none of us gaf lmao. we have dsmp fictives so if you don’t like that then leave. also we swear. a lot
we’re a endo system who has been on tumblr for a little bit and are redoing certain aspects of our blog to be a bit more accurate! many of us are nonhuman in the headspace in one way or another (kin, holothere, etc). in addition to this, we’re all collectively a goop dog alien who also has parasites, or as we call them, “bugs”! we are physically goop, but are usually in a human form as it takes too much effort to intentionally shift so might as well stay in disguise. we are also able to rarely shift into other creatures, such as a jerboa, but we usually stay human or sometimes our true body. originally we were nervous about bringing up the whole physically nonhuman thing, but with the recent in holothere content, we decided to go ahead and show that part of ourselves to tumblr. also, we mostly use the color purple, despite the rainbow username so yeah.
filter tags
goopsona refenerce image
✮🛸basic info🪐✮
~ our name is goop (collective identity) or lemons (tumblr system name)!
~ collectively we currently use they/them (in a plural sense), it/its, and be/bim/bis/bimself!
~ we use the label holothere usually, but don’t rlly care much abt or mind labels
~ we’re probably neurodivergent so keep that in mind!
~ some of us are adults, while others are not (the body is a minor tho so don’t be weird and shit)
~ endo system (no syscourse, most of us hate discourse and all that stuff)
~ we’re still learning abt the whole parasitical bugs thing, and will add more abt that whenever we find stuff out
~ plz interact u you want, we like to try and meet new people even tho we’re bad at social stuff! (rbs, asks, comments are much appreciated!)
~ we mostly post nonhuman and alterhuman stuff, so except to see that kind of thing on this blog as we get better at writing (we struggle with writing so we’ll see how much improving actually happens lol)
~ the purple goopy alien dog designs is a more online sona version of what we look like, which was designed by a friend!
✮🛸headmates list🪐✮
codename+emoji (pronouns//non-human?//kin type//other)
~ tommy (moots and headmates can call me toms/tom)🌹(he/fae/she//existence related to tommyinnit in some way but we don’t know for sure the details//red panda and bird hybrid//polar bearkin//minor)
~ nick or nikki 🏵️(he/she//piplup and vampire//huskykin//age regressor?)*
~ yellow 🍋(alien//whalekin and monkeykin//dsmp ponk but doesn’t rlly like talking abt it)
~ phil 🍃(he/him//part crow//shockingly philza,idk where he’s been tho)
~ cyan (can also call pup) 🦋(kinda dogkin but it’s complicated, hawkkin, arctic foxkin, sockeye salmonkin//minor)
~ ranboo 🫐(he/him//some kind of creature//ranboo fictive but dunno where he’s been)
~ sodalite/soda 🌀(dragon//uses translations form other alters)
~ purple(d)/finn/cosmo (moots and headmates can call me purp)🪻(ey/em/eirs/emself and he/him//dsmp purpled fictive, don’t like me? fuck off then because i like me//alien, rabbit, and jerboa (complicated)//rabbitkin, duckkin, agoutikin, maybe something else but idk)
~ iris ☂️ (they/them//alien//polecat therian//minor//age regressor)
~ pink 🌸(he/him//pig//technoblade fictive but doesn’t rlly care if you call him that or not)
~ crimson 🧣(he/him//demon dog)
~ frost ❄️ (any pronouns, including neos//bug alien//questioning sea turtle kin)
~ taffy 🎀 (any//angel)*
~ lime 🍊(any of he/she/they/it//lion)
~ ube 🪁 (he/him, sometimes they, never she//eevee//luigi fictionkin(i think)//age regressor//i’m not the brightest or best at communicating sorry//trans in a kinda confusing way??? [complicated but i feel the need to specify as it is very important to me specifically])*
~ forest 🐊 (he/it, maybe other but dunno//crocodilian or gator thing//maybe agre?//it types like this a lot so be patient with it)*
~ littles 🌤️ (anonymous)
*very close to each other and often all active at the same time
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to-hold-the-line ¡ 6 months
who would Cal romance in BG3 👀
(Ooh, probably Karlach or Lae’zel, maybe Wyll or Halsin? Depends on who shows the most obvious interest in him and is willing to act on it. He doesn’t really do subtle flirting or talking in circles. Potential partners have to be really blunt with him to bring attention to their feelings for him, otherwise he really won’t know that they reciprocate his own. He’s too afraid of not being liked back to advertise when he likes someone beyond like friendly camaraderie. Gale in particular would have this boy’s head spinning lol)
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holographic-mars ¡ 6 months
MARS! any headcanons on what ravage thinks of cosmos?
I absolutely have hcs for Ravage and Cosmos!!
Ravage is, to put bluntly, an incredibly judgmental mech with impossibly high standards. You CANNOT impress her. It doesn’t matter what kind of mech you are or what you say your intentions are, Ravage WILL find a reason to not be impressed by you (okay. Well. Maybe not if you’re megatron, but thats beside the point)
So naturally, Ravage is completely and utterly unimpressed with Cosmos. She thinks he’s small and silly and useless and she has no clue why Soundwave lights up when this chubby little minibot enters the room.
Pretty much the entire 3/4ths of their first meetings is Ravage stalking Cosmos. Cosmos was a little weirded out by it at first, but eventually gets used to it (being watched by cassettes is such a norm for him he’s learned to enjoy the company. Even if it’s lurking in the shadows thinking of ways to eat him alive).
Ravage is baffled and fascinated at how strange Cosmos is. Cosmos is very blunt with Soundwave in a way that Ravage hasn’t really seen before. If Soundwave does something Cosmos doesn’t like, Cosmos is the first to call him out on it. He has the wit and attitude of a mech much bigger than himself and it’s almost funny seeing how Soundwave stumbles over himself for this little autobot. But at the same time, Cosmos handles Soundwave gently like he’s something precious to be protected (and he is. Watching cosmos care about Soundwave—genuinely care about him—is what gets Ravage to start softening up towards cosmos).
So, Ravage supposes, that unimpressive, stout autobot isn’t THAT bad. She’ll give him a chance, since he makes Soundwave so happy (and that’s what’s important to her—if Soundwave is happy and safe she’ll go along with whatever stupid thing he wants).
Ravage likes scaring Cosmos. She thinks it’s the funniest thing ever, watching Cosmos yelp and fall down bc he didn’t see her from the shadows. Soundwave scolds her for it and every time she insists it was an accident. She does it again a couple minutes later. Cosmos falls for it every time.
Ravage is not a very talkative mech so sometimes she likes to just chill around Cosmos and listen to him ramble. Cosmos, on the other hand, is very very talkative and he talks to himself out loud a lot. She teases him for it. She also likes to sit behind Cosmos and read over his shoulder while he’s reading.
Ravage has begrudgingly accepted that cosmos is one of the warmest mechs she’s ever met. He rivals Megatron with how much body heat he produces. When Ravage decides that she wants to use Cosmos as a heating pad, he does not get a say in it at all. Cosmos has to just sit there and let ravage cuddle up for a nap.
Cosmos is aware of Ravage’s dynamic within Soundwave’s little family so he is very respectful of Ravage. Ravage is happy there’s finally someone here who respects their elders (though don’t get it too twisted, he’s still got an attitude. Though ravage finds it funny in a small-kitten-trying-to-be-intimidating kinda way)
Cosmos has learned to accept Ravage’s bossiness. As long as she’s around, everyone has to do what she says. Cosmos finds it really funny watching Soundwave get scolded by a mech 1/5th his size.
ANYWAYS I HAVE TO GO TO WORK THATS ALL I CAN COME UP WITH RIGHT NOW THANK YOU FOR THE ASK EHEEE I love Ravage so much, she’s one of my favorite characters ever so I am so happy to talk about her eheehe THANK YOU❤️❤️🛸🛸🛸
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strawbrygashez ¡ 20 days
Fillmore headcanons because I love him 👽🛸
•Autistic & ADHD
•When he was little he actually was really scared of aliens and all those ‘serious’ conspiracy theories he saw on TV but somehow ended up becoming fondly obsessed with them. He does overplay it in front of others for the lols but he genuinely does believe in a lot of what he says.. it’s weird.
•Used to self h*rm by cutting and burning himself. Now when he burns himself it’s more than likely an accident because he’s seriously clumsy.
•Speaking of being clumsy, his hands are usually shaking and he forgets how lanky he is sometimes and he’s just not aware of what he’s doing with his body often. During each and every UFO group meet up, he manages to fall off his chair at least once especially when he works himself up.
•He was really lonely in high school. A lot of people avoided him basically bc of his undiagnosed mental illnesses. Pim was really the only peer of his who would listen to his stories in awe instead of telling him to shut up or calling him a freak. (Even though Pim definitely doubted some of what Fillmore told him, Pim never was rude to him. He was happy that Fillmore seemed happy to be able to talk about his interests without being shut down for once)
•He loves cheesy horror movies. While conspiracy documentaries certainly get his attention, he secretly prefers old horror movies with bad effects, dialogue and all that good stuff because it lets him shut his brain off for a bit.
•He’s quick to jump to conclusions in situations not even involving the paranormal and whatnot. Like if one of the club members had to leave a bit earlier than usual he’s like “Oh. Okay. You probably hate me and that’s why you’re leaving. goodbye.” 💀 It’s fairly easy to explain to him what’s actually going on though.
Kinda going along with this, he can be pretty blunt even to strangers.
•I think it would be interesting if he lived in a little trailer home on farmland or something.. while his friends are in the city.
•He texts like he’s scene. Yknow like 0_o xD (^_^) xP :P >_>
•He has horrible hand writing. Part of it’s due to his shaky hands but also he just likes to make his writing huge for some reason.
•I dunno why but I just see him being a blanket hog. Or just owning tons of blankets. Like if you knocked at his door, he’d probably come to it with 3 blankets wrapped around him. He gets cold easy.
•He rarely eats actual meals. For the most part he just snacks or heats up TV dinners unless a friend offers to cook something for him.
•He has a staring problem.
•He loves setting things on fire. He’s tossing basically whatever he can get his hands on into the little fires they make sometimes during meetings. He’ll also just watch the flames for hours if no one interrupts him.
•Not the biggest fan of Charlie since he reminds him a lot of the kids who would tell him to shut up growing up :/ but since he’s important to Pim, he’ll put up with Charlie’s complaints.
•Okay this last one is gonna be Gnarly/Fillmore because I wanna have some fun.. I shared before I think they went to school together and that Fillmore has/had a crush and blah blah blah. Anyways, in present time, if he sees Gnarly in public (before they maybe become friends again or more) he basically straight up follows him around a bit 💀 and tries to make conversation. Even if Gnarly is only giving vague replies like “uh-huh”, he’s still bothering him. He’s fidgeting with his own hands while trying to keep Gnarly engaged. He really wants Gnarly to like him because he thinks he’s so cool :,)
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trrickytickle ¡ 1 year
Ten-Tickles 🛸
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the punchline was “what does it take to make an alien laugh?” but then again, title would get too long. last fic i did for this franchise was so bad (it was pretty much a glorified headcanon list) so i deleted it 💀 Be warned, a lot of these drabbles have the same sort of wafer-thin setup, I just need excuses to write the situations they're in.
Self-indulgent switch Ben+Gwen drabbles I did in between prompts and such. because 1) I’m a 2000s CN kid and 2) I’m trash lmao. Props to my brother for putting up with me for asking him questions about a show I haven’t seen in years and then again it was only bits and pieces of said show. they should have had a tk scene let me live my truth. and yes i've never watched this show in years but i do have a human encyclopedia at my disposal (shoutout again to my poor brobro)
But anyways, oh my DAYS, Ben and Gwen. Still essential parts of EVERY tickle doodle sheet. They were THE ler-leaning switches ever in my day (old hag voice). DEF annoying lers, tk potential THROUGH DA ROOOOF but the shenanigans are better in small doses. footerfeet tickles in ditto + wildvine + greymatter drabbles btw (if u dont like) (OH and in the last drabble as well)
I am NOT familiar at all with any of the story stuff or like 128923 other serieses. All I know is that there's a blue furry now and what my brother tells me (a whole bunch, it's the tism) (same). This is just my brainvomit.  So yeah. These are the small shenanigan doses. 10 drabbles, 10 aliens, that’s the gist.  YEAH IM TRASH SUE ME
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Putting the weird gut-wrenching feeling he got after the Omnitrix would power down again aside, Ghostfreak was a fun one. What was not to love about phasing through walls like a peeping Tom and scaring the crap out of little kids? Best part was- Gwen didn’t seem to like him.
This past summer, the Rustbucket had parked its tires down next to many, many art museums, much to Ben’s dismay. The Cleveland Art Museum was no different to him (it was in Ohio, so it was probably worse).  Marble statues and paintings filled a lifeless square with ivory walls as if to compensate for something. Like the art strung up on the walls, it was a tragic sight. Ben gave a loud groan, to which Grandpa Max shushed in response.
“Look, it’s all part of the deal-” he lectured. “We went where you wanted to go-”
“Blehh-bleh-blehh-bleh-bleh-bleh-bleeh..” Ben mocked, just barely brushing past a delicate display.
“Can’t you have some culture, mush-for-brains!?” Gwen snapped. “This place has lots of history behind it!”
They kept walking, stopping to admire piece after piece after piece, and then they just had to read the little information cards on the bottom. Boring.
“Yeah, yeah, history, schmistory. The guy who drew that’s probably dead anyway. Speaking of dead…” Slamming the dial on a spooky silhouette, Ghostfreak floated up with a chill in the frigid air. 
 "Boo!" he joked, startling Gwen (and everyone else in the museum) with a jolt. She scowled, glaring daggers into Ghostfreak's single pupil.
“What? This place is practically a ghost town already.” Another glare from the ginger. “Tough crowd, I guess.”  Ghostfreak phased through a few statues and peeled off its skin to scare onlookers, then went back to bother Gwen again.
"What.” Gwen snapped, turning around from her view of a sculpture. The alien dove through her torso, phasing through and quite literally getting inside her head, possessing her and stringing her hands around like a disorganized puppeteer.
"Stop tickling yourself." Ghostfreak rasped. Out of her control, Gwen's own hands danced around her tummy. Her possessed body struggled to keep from breaking out in a laughing fit, snickering, snorting and gritting her teeth.
"NGH-gh-hh-heh.." Gwen grunted, contorting her twisting smile into a grimace. Her own arms still moved unwillingly around her sides, and Ghostfreak's teasing whispers rang through her own corporal body.
"Stop tickling yourself. Stop tickling yourself. Stooop tickling yourself~" Her cousin's nagging voice surrounded Gwen's thoughts louder than usual, and if that wasn't bad enough, her own fingers involuntarily dug their way into her ribs, and along the hallowing halls reverberated her shrill, loud shriek.
'Hehehe-haha-hYIEEEEK!! Youhohou're such a dweeb!!" Through laughter, her own hands squeesed their way down her sides.
Ghostfreak phased out of her, laughing in a strange demented manner. Scowling, Gwen and Grandpa Max were dragged out of the building whilst Ben floated behind, gloating.
Well, this wasn't the first place they were kicked out of.
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The Plumber base was cool at first. The secret entrance was cool. The alien ray-guns were cool. Even the prospect of plain old Grandpa kicking butt for a living was cool. As visits became more frequent, the wow-factor dulled. Grandpa Max would almost always be off discussing confidential matters, and Ben and Gwen would be left to their own devices under the vague condition of "don't touch anything", and more often than not, Ben would run into a room he wasn't allowed in while Gwen ran after him, and such was the case. A monitor twice the size of a movie screen fell before the cousins' eyes, with a keyboard thrice as wide to boot.
"Too many failed login attempts. Try again in fifteen minutes!?" Ben groaned. "You'd think we'd be allowed to test some of this stuff out.."
"What part of "don't touch anything" do you not understand, bozo?" Gwen retorted.
"Relax, it's not like he'll notice.." Ben shrugged in response, fingers wriggling over the cluttered keyboard. Before he could lay a finger on it, Gwen held him up by the back of his shirt.
"Hey! Do I look like I want Grandpa to kill us?"
Writhing, Ben looked down, turning the Omnitrix dial and slamming it, resulting in a mass of neon-streaked ferrofluid coagulating into his technological form. Upgrade slithered its way out of Gwen's reach and enveloped the screen, and Ben was interlinked to the monitor.
"Wo-ho-hoah! Look at all these! I don't even know what to name all of them!" Upgrade chirped, putty-like head popping out of the monitor. Slides of alien data files popped up in duochromatic green and black. Gwen groaned in frustration and scoured the keyboard for some sort of power down switch.
"Come on, come on! The Plumbers should know where to put a dang off button!" Disgruntled, Gwen's fingers closed as many tabs as her cousin could open. Ben felt jolts of static zapping at his mechanical form. For every press on the unnecessarily complicated contraption, the little zaps would grow increasingly inconvenient. And they tickled. Bad. Upgrade thrashed, threatening to jump out of the screen.
"-ngh- Would you stop -ugh- bothering me? I'm trying to get us- YOU out of trouble!" Gwen dodged the assault of his synthetic limbs while resuming her attempt to shut the device off.
"Hehe-heh-hey! I'm nohot trying to, you're tickling me!" Upgrade jittered. There was an eager glint in Gwen's eyes which made him regret his choice of words. Like a pianist, she cracked her knuckles, wiggling her fingers before the keys.
"Oh yeah? How's this for tickling? How about this?" Gwen pressed a crescendo of keys in a sadistic cacophony in a quick, succeeding fashion. Her fingers precisely clicked away from the top row all across the bottom. Upgrade's putty-like construct could barely constrict, only jutting outwards as each shockwave coursed through his synthetic body.
"G-gh-HA-HA-heh-HAHA-hah-heh-ha-HAHAHAHAHA! Quihihit it, lame-brain! Stohop, stohoho-hop! Ihi-hihi'm beheh-hehe-gging you!"
"Nope. Serves you right!" Gwen continued, smirking in sadistic glee at her newfound knowledge. Her hands criss-crossed across the board, aiming for certain nooks and crannies (the space bar was especially bad), laughing along with the Mechamorph.
As what was left of ten minutes ticked away, the clicking of keys grew louder and faster, and Upgrade's chippery laughter rang through the hallowed halls of the Plumber base.
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It wasn’t fair. No matter how many games of license plate bingo Ben betted it on, it was always Gwen who got to sit and soak up the AC in the front seat. It was torture, seeing her kick back, a gloating grin square on her face when she looked back at the shaky, sizzling back seat- and desperate times like this called for desperate measures. Annoying ones. Wandering his way down the matted carpet of the Rustbucket on his tiptoes, Ben crept up at his cousin and goosed her in the sides with an evil glint in his eyes.
A squeal! made Grandpa look back from the steering wheel and groan dejectedly. Gwen scowled, gritting her teeth.
“Rrrr!  Why do you have to be such a- EEEEE!!” A plethora of pokes followed from her sides up to her ribs, along with occasional digs at her armpits- that is if they weren’t slammed shut in preparation for imminent attack.
“Gr-Grandpa! He’s being annoying!” To no avail, Grandpa Max kept on driving, trying to shut out her high pitched laughter.
“I’m only stopping if you’ll let me sit up front..” Ben retorted obnoxiously. “Poooooke- OW!” Gwen flicked him on the index finger in response, giggling smugly. He attempted to reach in numerous times afterwards, but each one would be deflected by Gwen’s hand.
“Nice try, doofus! That won’t work on me!” she stated, hands on hips. It was desperate times like now which called for desperate measures. Knowing Ben, he wouldn’t back down from a challenge, and when Gwen heard the dial-turn of the Omnitrix, it spelled trouble.
“But this might!” Four-Arms’ booming, baritone voice growled. His massive size bent him double against the roof of the RV, which only made Gwen closer to (two) arms’ reach.
“Don’t. Even. Think. About. It.”
But think about it he did. Gwen’s wrists were grasped by Ben’s single muscle-bound alien arm, lifting her up, and his other three were prodding away while she squirmed at the hands of the squatting extraterrestrial.
"Hihihehehehehe-AH-haha! Puhuhut me dohohown!" She bucked, instinctively kicking the window so hard the air freshener swung like a pendulum. Grandpa Max lifted one hand off the steering wheel to facepalm and rub his temples. Kids.
"Surrender the front seat!"
"Or whahahat, you slimeba-ha-hall!?"
"Or I'm amping it up!" Halting the stabbing jabs, Four-Arms lifted Gwen's legs up, receiving full access to her torso. Her long-sleeved tee was pulled to reveal her midsection, which his brawny lower hands then toyed with like an organ. "So, about that front seat.. Ready for it to be mine now? Huh??.." " ..Huh? Aw, MAN!" Like it was fate, the Omnitrix timed out in a flash of red, and Ben was met with a stern Grandpa-glare.
Why'd she always have to win?
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"Kk-ggh-HA-HA! That's unfahair! G-Gwen, you're che-hee-HEA-ting!" 
"Hah-how is it chehe-heating if- -ngh- I'm nohot letting you cheat!?" 
The plasticine squeak of chafing against polyester was frequent as gunfire in the warzone that was the Rustbucket and laughter filled summer air like mustard gas- an all-out tickle tussle had arose in the midst of a stop for gas and supplies. Gwen had the upper hand, as Ben had slid off onto the carpet from her dirty tactic of holding up his left hand (conveniently also his cool alien watch-wielding hand) and targeting his armpit. Hypocritically, she reached over for her spellbook,  leaning over on the booth seat as her cousin floundered on the carpet, and she had let go, unaware, only to look back at a flash of neon green. Ditto emerged, splitting into one- then two- then three. 
"Uh-ooooh, looks like somebody's outnumbered!" One chatty clone piped while the other snuck up behind her back, putting its arms above Gwen's shoulders and mercilessly targeting her tummy. The other two, however, grabbed her ankles and tossed her shoes off and gave each other the same shit-eating knowing smirk, cartoonishly wiggling their free fingers. 
"Hah-hehe-HA-ha-HA! Ahaha-ha-quit it, quit it, qui-hih-hi-hit it!" Gwen repeated, giggling.
"Raspberry on three?" the Ditto at her left foot remarked, the rest nodding. 
"Three.. two.." 
"One!" Gwen yelled, squeezing the Ditto behind her's side. All three yelped in unison, and the smile on her face shifted to one involuntary to a knowing grin. Smirking, she pinned the clone down, pursing her lips and leaning in for a satisfyingly sloppy raspberry, then  another, and then another. All three laughed hysterically, swatting at air. 
"guh-HA-HAHA-AHAHAHA-HA!! Stoppit! P-puh-PLEEASE!" 
"Hah-HA-Ha-HAHA-Haha-have MERCY!!" 
"Nnnnghh-HHHAHA-HA!! It TICKLES!!" 
"Not 'till lunch, dwe- ACK!" Gwen called back as the Omnitrix timed out, only to be greeted with a pounce by her now-human cousin, his fingers threateningly spidering over her. "Don't even! B-Be-hehe-hen!"
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Typically, Gwen wasn't one to boast. It was mainly Ben's antics that kept her humble during the road trip. Today seemed to be a rather obnoxious exception- she'd just grasped a spell, and used it every chance she got. Throughout this long summer day, cries of "Reanima Verdanica!" irritated Ben and to an extent, Grandpa Max to no end as flowers bloomed wherever she went.
"Alright, alright! I get it! You can make a few posies and pansies, what's the big deal!?" Ben whined. No response. Thinking the campsite they were parked at could use a little sprucing up, wildflowers sprouted from the mana on Gwen's hands onto the ground. Flowers that were tenfold their original size were visible from the sun-faded windows. Ben slumped onto the dinette table, rolling his eyes, when not long after he decided to take matters into his own hands.
"A little Wildvine'll show her who's boss!" Evergreen now surrounded the inside of the vehicle in a flash of light.  Ben, in Wildvine's form, slithered out the door and snuck up behind his cousin.
"Reanima...verdanicAAHHH! What is WITH you, freakazoid!?" 
"Hah! How's this for a plant?" Wildvine growled. "Betcha flowers can't do this!" Extending like a jumper cable, a tendril from his left hand extended, grabbing Gwen by her legs. Upside-down, the spellcaster struggled in her surprisingly strong bonds. Her spellbook fell to the floor with an underwhelming thud.
"Grrrr! Let me down, or-"
"Or what? You're gonna make me a flower crown?" He gloated. Wildvine's tuberous face shifted into a smirk, and from his sides, he conjured three sets of rakelike vines- two of which wormed into Gwen's armpits, the other pair slowly skittered against her ribs and tummy, and, to her relief, the last pair laid still against his roots. His methods were slow, but boy, were they evil.
"Ngh-hehe-gGGGGH! Reanima-haha... Verda-HA! Reanima Ver-daha-HAnicA! Ngh.. STUPID spell!" Continually, Gwen attempted to say the spell straight-faced, but humiliating giggles would slip out in between her attempt to resist. Not even weeds would grow from the ground. 
"Payback, princess!" Wildvine rasped, the last set of arms shot up and the left arm grabbed hold of her left foot, whilst the right took off her shoe and began to scribble and shuffle against her sole in quick succession. The other vines followed suit, speeding up.
"Ugh! Reanima-HA-HAHAHAHA! Eeee-ya-hehehe-HAHAHA! You are so-hoho getting it when I'm out of here!"
She'd keep that promise and keep it well.
(oh ma JESUS i had to do research (ick) to get this one to work, i'm also a dog person if you couldn't tell)
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Most people associated summer with sweltering heat and running through sprinklers. Most people, however, would not associate it with a life-or-death journey to retrieve lost alien DNA samples across the galaxy on a spaceship. Half the Omnitrix's rogue's gallery had been magically corrupted in a battle with Hex, giving Ben limited access to its library. 
It wasn't as grueling as the past battle against Vilgax- the aliens scanned in the past had offered themselves up again without a fight- but Wildmutt's sample was different. Its home planet Vulpin also housed heaps of malignant radioactive waste, so Tetrax, the crystalized mercenary, took matters into his own hands and brought it onto the ship. Flighty, feral and difficult to control, it was hard to ease. 
"Now, no sudden movements.." Tetrax husked. "Just touch and scan." 
"Aw, yeah! Just one left and it's hero time!" Ben boasted. To prevent further damage, the Vulpimancer was surrounded by a ring of creeping green crystal. 
"Nice doggy.. good doggy.." Gwen attempted to reason. The alien responded, eagerly lapping her face and showering it in thick drool. "Ugh! Gross!" Sniffing the air, the canid alien inched toward the two human children. It snarled, then with a series of curious pants, leapt at Ben. 
"Yeesh. Talk about a sudden movement." Gwen chided. The Omnitrix-bearer was nervous- its sharp teeth and cud-like drool was an inch to his face. Tetrax and Gwen flinched. Ben knew Wildmutt, and he knew him well- this beast could maul him at any second. 
What came instead was much less lethal- the alien's panting changed to that of excitement, and nuzzling against the fabric of Ben's shirt, it started to sniff him, the gusts of hot air blowing against his tummy. 
"Nnghh! Gh-hh-Ahah-Hh--" 
Gritting his teeth, it didn't take long before he'd burst into loud, embarrassing laughter. 
"AH-hah-ha-ha-HAHA! Hehe-haha- Te-hetrax! Make him stohohop!" 
Tetrax stood, smiling innocently. Boyish laughter urged the Vulpimancer to lean in closer and pepper Ben with slobbering dog-kisses, much to Gwen's delight- this was perfect blackmail material. 
"Aw, who's a good boy? Whooo's a good boy? Who loves torturing my doofus cousin? You do, ooooooh, yes, you do!" Gwen cooed, teasing Ben with wriggly fingers. 
"Gaha-guh-Gwen! J-Juhust ge-heh-het Wildmutt offa mehe-hehe!" 
"What's that? The doofus says he likes it?" She chided. 
"Now, now, don't tease him too much. Scanning mode will trigger soon." Tetrax responded, ceasing playing dumb. 
Ben bucked, as the Vulpimancer's head wormed its way into his armpit, instinctively causing him to conk it on its skull with the Omnitrix. The watch glowed a dim orange as a robotic voice reverbrated-
 "Scanning mode engaged." Finally. Both Tetrax and Gwen helped the mushy, giggly puddle on the floor which was Ben Tennyson up. Panting in relief, the tingly, shaggy sensation passed. The Omnitrix was complete, and it was safe travels back from here- safe, long, travels where Gwen wouldn't let him live this down.  
(this picture looks really stupid HAHA)
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Despite the wide range of useful alien heroes in the Omnitrix, it was no secret that Ben had a clear bias towards Four-Arms- what more could you want? Heck, the guy was hulked out, with four knuckle sandwiches at the ready- and his strength could fare useful for any situation.. especially annoying Gwen. The cousins were tasked to work together on setting up camp, and knowing them, things would only take a turn for the worse. Littered across the campsite were pinewood not yet built into a campfire and tents left unpitched- all because the two were too busy squabbling. 
"...What part of "pitch a tent" do you not understand, bonehead!?" Gwen nagged, hands on hips. 
"Grandpa said that was your job! Remind me who helped gather the firewood earlier?" 
"Four-Arms." she chided. "It's not fair! You get to go hero and I've gotta do everything myself!" Just as fate had intended, the Omnitrix sparked green once again, and Ben gave a mischievous grin, making the redhead want to swallow her words. 
"Oh, I'll have fun showing you what else he can do!" He wiggled his fingers, pressing the watch dial down. In a flash of quick metamorphosis, the boy emerged as- 
"Hah! Please. Like that thing can pitch a tent." 
Ben, disappointed with the form he had taken, looked down at his radish-like feet, then back up at his armor plated shoulders- then his fluffy claws... and a devious idea hatched in his spherical head. Grabbing Gwen, Cannonbolt curled up halfway, and though she couldn't see it through her predicament, there was a wide, fanged smirk across his face. 
"AH!! Whatever you're doing, don't even-" 
"Too late! Tickle-tickle tickle tickle-tickle.." His four-pronged claws wormed their way into Gwen's shirt, scribbling and squeezing against her sides while their unbearable fur fluffed against her midsection. Her tummy jerked around as she writhed and threw her head back. 
"Ggg-rr-HHH!!-Hh-HAHAHA-hahahEEEEK! Eeee- Sss-HH-Stoppit! Put me dOHOWN!" 
"Hmm... no. Unless.." Laying on his plated shell, Cannonbolt remained nonchalant as Gwen squealed, cackled and bargained. He upped the ante, lightly tracing over her navel and going over her shirt to poke at every individual rib while she was held snug in a bear-hug. "You let me go hero." 
"Nnnnn-NEHE-Never!" Fighting the press of its claws, Gwen put up a fight- only urging Ben to further egg her on. Bad idea. 
"Well, in that case..." A barrage of quick, spiderlike claw-movements were skidding and skittering around Gwen's tummy. The pine forest clearing around them were as much as a wreck for once, and a familiar voice boomed from within the trees louder than her laughter. 
"Benjamin. Kirby. Tennyson." Grandpa Max scolded. Gwen and Cannonbolt stood like deer in headlights, darting their eyes along the mangled campsite. At least there was someone who could keep Ben in check.
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Nothing in the Rustbucket worked like it was supposed to. Flushing the toilet was a three-man effort, the oven would start sparking when the stove was on, and most inconveniently, opening the fridge cut the air conditioning- which was left running as the Tennysons trekked back from a strenuous hike at the Grand Canyon, and to their dismay, Ben and Gwen were greeted by a snail trail of melted ice-cream stretching from the faulty fridge.
“Aw, man! That was our only real food!” Ben whined, wiping his brow, standing at the puddle like it was blood at a crime scene. Gwen stood next to him, equally distraught, as the chunks of cookies and cream barely reached their shoes.
“Yeah, if only SOMEONE didn't leave the AC on!” she snapped.
"Oh, that's an easy fix. A little Grey Matter'll work wonders!” The tiny trooper jumped up onto the kitchenette’s counter, over the stove and made a springy leap up to the top of the fridge and launched himself toward the dusty air vent. Incessantly technobabbling to himself, Gwen looked up with a little too much faith in him. 
"You know, I think this is one of the only good ideas you've had all summer.." 
Grey Matter crawled, slimy hands soldering wires to the best of its abilities. Almost there. Wiping out gunk from crevices without breaking a sweat, his sagacity was paying off well.
“I think it’s working!” exclaimed Gwen, a moment too soon.
“Just a clean around the filter, and..” Red light creeped through the vent as a low jitter signaled the Omnitrix’s cooldown. There was a thud- and Ben’s lower half stuck out through the roof, leaving the air conditioner in worse condition. 
"-Unf! Oooowww!!" 
Stuck in the vent from his shoulders up, he could do nothing but kick and flail- as Gwen erupted in mocking laughter. 
"Hey, hey! Help! Seriously! Stop laughing and let me down! Ugh, I'm telling on you!" Ben whined and kicked at Gwen's face, unaware. 
"Oh, I'll help you down, alright.." Her smug smirk, one of pure, unadulterated childlike mischief, was out of sight, which left Ben oblivious to the assault that was to come. Yanking his shoes off with a struggle, and swiftly, her shifting fingers swooped along his socked feet.  This was so worth losing an entire tub of ice cream.
"WAIT!!- Nnng- heh-HUH-hahaha-Whahaha-what gi-HI-hihives!?" 
"I'm just helping you down, what's with the attitude? Do you want to spend the rest of summer vacation with your head up a vent like an ostrich!?" Gwen played dumb, almost-reluctantly sliding off Ben's left sock, nimble fingers flossing through toes, ringing unrelenting laughter. 
"Ggh-HAH-haha-HA!! Stohop making f-huhun of me!" With each trace at the arch and dig at the toes, his face flushed from above. Gripping desperately onto the roof, he thrashed, threatening to crash on the carpet. 
"I bet there's a spell in here somewhere.." pondered Gwen. 
"nn-NNN-PLEAHASENO!" In fear of the mere suggestion, Ben fell facefirst into the confection on the carpet. Holding back giggles, Gwen walked away as he grumbled. 
They wouldn't be getting any cool air for days.
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A failed leap of faith sent Gwen, donning the Lucky Girl mask, careening down the Seattle Space Needle hopelessly, just barely escaping Charmcaster and her bag of tricks. Her own hero exploits were as infrequent as they were dangerous- which was why, for safety's sake, she would be frequently accompanied by Ben.
As her arms flailed in an ostrichlike attempt in flight, Stinkfly's gangly hands had grabbed her mid-air, a light buzz coming from his insectoid wings. Gwen was safe and sound- but his putrid smell couldn't escape her. 
"I really saved your butt there, didn't I?" his phlegmy voice reverbrated, Charmcaster's flying golems hot on their trail. They weren't any trouble- they were easily apprehended by the goop from his eyestalks. 
"Yeah, but you really didn't need to smell like one! Now, hurry!" As they lost the evil enchantress, Gwen sassed and the duo flew toward the Rustbucket. Manoeuvreing over buildings with beating wings and showing off to onlookers, Ben was taking his sweet time for someone she told to hurry.
Gwen rolled her eyes. "What part of hurry don't you under-ST-eEK! " With a mischievous smirk, Stinkfly's legs reached over to poke at Gwen's middle- exposed from the wind blowing against her costume. Letting go of one arm, its brittle claw wormed (insect pun) into her armpit.
 "Ahaha-HA! Y-yooo-you-hoo-hoo STINK!" she bucked. 
"I know!" Keeping it up, two legs squeezed at the midriff like dough, while another set prodded at her ribs. "Not so lucky, are you now? Are you?" Even in a repulsive form, Ben still couldn't help but boast. 
"Ghh-AHAHA-Heh-sto-STAHAHAP!" Gwen cackled. Fortunately, he heeded her demand- but only when they noticed Charmcaster, brandishing her magical bag behind them. Glowing red, the Omnitrix cooled down. Trouble. 
"Looks like Lucky Girl has a weakness!.." she cooed. "And, oh, would you look at that! I have just the thing.." As wriggly, teasing stone hands flew towards Gwen, she couldn't help but grumble under her breath. Cousins.
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(I ran out of "good" aliens.)
(also Gwendolyn's design is just so fucking good I literally love it for reasons I can't explain)
Another time adventure was the perfect opportunity to whisk Ben and Gwen away from a lunch of fried grasshoppers. Though their presence would cause many, many timeline discrepancies, they were the key to thwarting a major anomaly in Ben 10,000's way ..but their importance wouldn't stop the two from running amok in his headquarters. The two marveled at their own accomplishments, their egoes only expanding in the process. 
"Woah! I get to learn more spells?" Gwen leafed through collections of magical runes, unusually eager. A slew of scrolls rolled off onto the metallic floor making a mess. "And that's my black belt!" 
"Another hoverboard? Oh-ho-HO, check it out!" Pushing buttons and flipping switches they shouldn't have, the cousins made a mess of the tall tower- and it wasn't long before their future selves stepped up from the elevator doors, glaring dourly. 
"What have we told you two about not touching anything?" reprimanded the older Ben. "That was a present from New Petropia!" 
"You too, Gwen." Gwendolyn deadpanned. "You know, I'd think us- you out of all people would know better." 
"Ugh, jeez! Guess you're still no fun.." The ten-year-old Ben rolled his eyes, blowing a raspberry at his elder- who exchanged a sly, knowing smirk with Gwendolyn.
"Well, we do know a thing or two about fun..." In the blink of an eye, Future-Ben went Four-Arms, holding his younger self up by the wrists with his first pair of arms. Gwendolyn straddled the latter cousin's legs with a wry smile. 
"Consider this revenge." she teased, baring her long nails at Gwen, tracing, scribbling and spidering over her sides. Four-Arms, bigger and more rugged than he was in the past, dug into Ben's ribcage and armpits, just harsh enough to be unbearably soft. 
"Wha-What are you- Wait! No! We're really so-HORRY! Ah! Haha-hah-heh-HA!" Gwen pleaded through laughter, throwing her head back as her older self dug into her armpits while she thrashed with every touch. 
"Ple-HEASE! I'm -huh- not gonna-ha-ha- touch yo-hour stuff! You're gonna KI-HEHE-HILL ME!" 
"No use bargaining, shrimp." Changing form, a (new!) agile simian alien emerged and webbed Ben up. "I call him Spidermonkey." Its tail yanked his shoes off, and eight fluffy fingers spidered over his soles. Hitting the floor, he thrashed in silky bonds as one of many new forms exploited weaknesses that he himself knew better than anyone. 
"Just s-huh-SE-hehend us to the Null Vo-hoi-d ahat thi-his point!" 
"We're just getting started! I've got 9,998 heroes left!" 
"You know, Gwen.. great point earlier. I did get to learn more spells. Esthesio Pluma!" The younger redhead gulped, preparing for the worst. Fluffy feathers descended out of nowhere, flitting and floating at the flick of Gwendolyn's wrist. They ghosted over her stomach, telekinetically flying into her shirt to fluff at her belly button. The other plumes brushed over her neck in slow methodical fashion, and into her armpits. 
"AH-hehe-HEH-hehehe! Lemme GO-hoho! You've behehe-heen through this!" Gwen reasoned, attempting to swat away the feathers, curling up into a kicky ball. 
"Should we let up?" Nonchalantly, the older Ben rasped whilst running around in XLR8's form, waggling his tail quickly over his younger self's stomach while his claws targeted multiple spots simultaneously.  
"We don't want us to suffer forever.." Gwendolyn assured, relinquishing control of the floating feathers. As quickly as he started, XLR8 stopped, reverting back into Ben. The past-cousins had a moment to catch their winded breath before getting back on their feet. 
"-huff- I'll get me back someday.. Maybe.. now!" Just as Ben was about to slam his watch, his future self poked him on the stomach. "-y-IEEK!" 
"If you tried, we'd know." she jeered. 
and that's the end of that! damn, that last one was long. back to requests!
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ladychaos ¡ 1 year
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Main Aspiration: StrangerVille Mystery
StrangerVille was living up to its name. For her first day in town, the neighbors came to welcome Myrtle at the motel. How did they know she just arrived? Was the town so small that people knew everything about everyone? And Myrtle wasn’t one to judge, but something was definitely wrong with those people. They spoke in a weird language and yelled at her randomly. It was unsettling. One of them gave her a fruitcake and then, just like that, they all left. Myrtle looked at the plate and then around her. It seemed that all of the motel’s residents were still asleep. She didn’t like any of this. While she was trying to understand what just happened, a woman in a suit approached her. “I’m Agent Banana. Myrtle, you need to be really careful while you’re in StrangerVille. You’ve entered a seemingly normal world shrouded in secrecy. But you have to stay out of it. Don’t talk to anybody, don’t try anything, don’t go near the secret lab and don’t look at the plants! Agent Banana, out.” The woman went away, leaving Myrtle with her fruitcake. She knew what she had to do: she was going to investigate everything. First, she’ll go to the shop next to the motel and go grab a drink at the local bar. A nice normal drink in a nice normal town.
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