#🥺👉👈 bro are we kissing....
i just wanted to say i love your art so much!! the way you draw beetlejuice characters is amazing, especially lydia and i get so excited when i see that you've posted <3
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floofeh-purpi · 2 months
Getting isekai'd?! (Part 10)
Sagau! Genshin Fatui x Gn! Reader (ft. Your bsf)
『Beloved fluffball/s mentioned below! 💜』
@justmare @mc-cos-charm @keirennyx
Guys when did I last upload a part again? 😭🙌
Warnings: Beh if the links are somehow arent working anymore you might have to look for that certain part of the fanfic somewhere in my blog, cursing, grammatical/spelling errors, ooc (help me), Your vitiligo is back 😫, this is shorter than my bsf in real life.
【Part 9】
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Much to Y/b/f/n's delight, Dottore was finally done treating you, but not before giving a tender kiss to your knuckles with a tiny blush on his face. Yah, they were tired of being a 3rd wheeler to this shit—
"Yo N/n, lets gooooo" They dragged you out of Dottore's lab. "Can we play mineraft again pelesè?? 🥺👉👈"
"Lmao we can when we get home 🙃"
"Yo bro..."
"Milk chocolate planks or dark chocolate pla—"
"AJÆJEJDRKFOGKAÆÆ👹👹👹👹" *Turns into an alpha*
"...omigash so couquette 😍🎀" You feigned innocence as you could hear y/b/f/n screeching in both voicechat and in their room. Amazing.
Someone knocked on the door. Which much to the happiness of your almost bleeding ears its your turn to get ear theraphy, stopped your bsf's screeching. "Ima get that shit 🤠👍" You say to y/b/f/n like they didnt make you wanna rip your ears out like 3 seconds ago.
You skipped your ass down the stairs after praying to whoever the fuck is watching/reading this in other words, you basically lmao for no reason, and opened the door, in which you saw a certain banker that was totally not visionless you thought he was also visionless in terms of eyesight at first with how his eyes were close in their debut 💀.
"Uhh... hi?" You awkwardly said to the banker who looked flustered with how pretty Vitiligo looks on you. "H-hello My Your Grace... •/////•" Pantalone replied with a blush that you're pretty sure it'd be ooc of him if he'll be playable...— "Ehmm... Come in...?" You made way for him so he he could come in y'alls house. "A-Ah... Of course Your Grace... Holy Tsaritsa they're so pretty..."
Oh... how he wanted to kiss those oh-so-soft looking lips of yours... he doesn't care if your lips are actually rough. He was tempted to kiss you regardless! Anygays, he sits down the huge ass couch in the living room.
"Wait how'd you know that im.. uhhh... y'know?"
"Childe and a certain doctor who just so happens to have the hair color of a certain fucking toothpaste (*EHEM* COLGATE *EHEM*) told me so, my love. Your Grace."
"Oh cool, anygays wanna something from the kitchen?" You asked him as you stood up to go to the kitchen. I hc that he's a coffee enjoyer.
Pantalone hummed in thought and was gonna say he wants you but had to stop himself to not scare you. "I'd like some black coffee."
"Alrighters :D" You said with a smile that made him mentally recite the reasons of why he fell inlove with you in the first place.
【Part 11】
Published: July 17, 2024. 10:00am.
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coulson-is-an-avenger · 9 months
this is the randomest idea, but have you ever considered making something where starbuck is just exploring his gender withhhh his lovers IMAGINE starbuck with a dress that mary made/helped make or design for him or ahab just being really supportive of starbuck being Gender like !!! honestly idk what this is, no need to do anything about it it's not like it's a request or anything i just thought of it and felt you of all people would be interested in the idea
oh my god. OHHHH MY GOD. NONNY. ANON. MY GOOD FRIEND NONYMOUS. I am cupping your face I am jumping around like that cat gif. HELLO.
@pocketsizedquasar and I have talked. AT LENGTH about starbuck Gender bc there is soooo much there. We personally hc him as being bigender man and woman, but any Gender starbuck is beautiful and lovely 💙🏳️‍⚧️
In canon I don't think there's a ton of room for him to fully realize he has gender stuff going on - the man can't even fully recognize his bisexuality before Dying At Sea - but in a softer universe where the 1800s are maybe a bit kinder on everyone, where perhaps he knows and sees people who are gnc/trans, perhaps he can begin to think that maybe, maybe....
I think a Lot about Starbuck telling Mary in quiet hours of the night that he wishes he were a woman so he could stay with her and her being so gentle with him about it. waaaaaa
But bro ohhhh my god Mary making her a dress 🥺🥺🥺 that is so unbelievably soft hang on,,, starbuck trying it on and getting to feel euphoria.... Ahab telling her she looks beautiful.... both kissing him on the cheeks about it....🥺 I am so fond of this i am holding them...
also I know you said this isnt a request or anything but still pls enjoy a wip of starb trying on a dress (and ahab wearing one also for support) that im very fond of 🥺👉👈
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[ID: A traditional drawing of Ahab and Starbuck standing together, wearing modern dresses. Ahab wears a bralette top piece and a long, pleated skirt over a lace up boot and his pegleg. Starbuck wears an off the shoulder, long sleeve, simple dress that ends below the knees, as well as flats. Starbuck is smiling down at the ground with a soft, bashful smile, and Ahab reaches out to touch her arm, smiling softly. End ID.]
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lost-in-azalea-forest · 9 months
hELLOOOOOO giving ya 2 and 8 for Neuvillete and 17 and 18 for Saga from the this or that ask game!! dobranoc and I hope you enjoyed your boyfriend's bday :D!! I'm sure he feels like this has been the best birthday he's had in so long
Hi brooo ♡ tysm!! TT i sure hope he enjoyed his birthday 🥺🥺🥺 I sure did although ngl i'm having it a bit rough these days xd but thank you for the ask!! f/o thoughts make my days better fr
2 - neck kisses or thigh kisses?
*cOUGH COUGH* EKhMmM uhm .///. w-well, um, uhmm... b, but i love both 👉👈 listennn there's something so nice about him kissing me from behind on my neck, brushing his lips up to my cheek... or, or when we cuddle i would kiss his neck only to then nibble on his cute pointy ears (///∇///) oh, but then thigh kisses, as, let's say, i help him take off his boots- oh- oh archons-
8 - already answered here
17 - love at first sight or slow burn?
ekhm its kind of a joke between us at this point that he's been pining for me for 2 years since the first time i watched the series XD so i think it's pretty self explanatory; besides i feel like i would fall in love with him only after knowing him for a while, learning about his ideals and goals as well as seeing how he can be caring even though he usually looks rough and angy
18 - cuddle in bed or need their space to sleep?
bro im fucking clingy af and he's pretty chill and lets me do whatever i want, there was only one answer possible from the beginning XD
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
I broke up with my ex bf because I’m fairly certain he was low key stalking me. There’s rlly too much to cover unless you were there tbh but basically here are the main reasons or things that tipped me off.
I mentioned that yung gravy is generally (and very platonically) attractive and he got super jealous and told me that he didn’t want to hear abt it and he doesn’t like that I find other ppl attractive besides him.but the thing is he would buy kpop albums and send me pics of the posters and photo cards and tell me how hot they were so like ???? Huh. 🚩
Another reason is that I mentioned that I would have to be very comfortable around him to consider a lot of physical stuff, even kissing bc I’ve had some shit happen in the past and he was like 🥺👉👈 b-but I’m your boyfriend so it shouldn’t matter.
Pretty much any conversation after those two where we were talking abt serious shit, for example the differences person to person in the love you learn from parents and guardians, or love languages and how everyone has a different receiving and giving language, he would bring up the fact that i didn’t want to be physical and found other people attractive besides only him and say that I didn’t love him. 🤪
He also said I love you on the second day of dating after only knowing him at a coworker level for about 4 months prior. There’s a lot more that you rlly had to be there to get it. but idk we only dated for like a month and a half and I was getting maaajor red flags. Like when we would FaceTime I found out he would screen record a lot of our calls 💀 and at work he said he would stare at me all shift, and other stuff like that.
I also have weirdly prophetic dreams and up until I dated him I hadn’t had a nightmare since I was a child but I kept kept having nightmares where he was stalking me. Which sounds crazy but with the stuff he would say sometimes like idk. And get this, we used to go on shopping dates to a specific store and I hadn’t been to that store in a month since I broke up with him and the day i decided to randomly go there with a friend he randomly appeared out of nowhere after we were finished walking around the store for like an hour or so and got behind me in the self checkout line. 💀 I couldn’t tell why it bothered me so much for like two weeks but I realized he makes a certain face when he’s fake surprised at something and he made that face when he saw me so no way was bro surprised. Like 🤨. He also texted me after I saw him in the store and noticed the very small change I made to my hairstyle. Like I parted my bangs ever so slightly different and he texted me abt it. 💀
There was a lot of other stuff like him getting low key upset when I would hang out with my friends that he has never met before. Or when he would hang out with his friend (singular I’m dead serious only one friend) he would say stuff to try and get me to be jealous over the fact that he’s hanging out with someone else🚩💀🚩
Yandere is fun in fiction, not irl. 💀💀Anyway there’s my reason for breaking up.
Yikes, no that's a whole lotta red flags 🚩🚩
I'm happy you ended it and now that you're okay and safe! One of the few reasons I don’t date straight guys!!
One time, this guy who I went on a date with said I smelled good. Which, was nice. But he continually bring it up; "Oh my god, I cannot get enough of your smell" and "what kind of shampoo do you use? It's smells so delightful!"
I mean, saying someone smells nice is a good compliment. But if you continuously say it and be weird about it, it's a red flag.
Again, I'm happy you ended it. Hope your okay :]!
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twinsloveco · 4 months
I never wanted him to see me naked after I was with you
I never wanted him in the God damn room..
I literally fucking fought almost crying begging plz ALONE WHILE YOU JUST SAT THERE COLD AND GIGGLED A BIT AND WOULDNT HELP and you said he can come in cuz YOU felt bad then I felt bad ..ugh ITS MY ROOM I SAID NO?? WHY IF YOU LOVE ME YOUD LET HIM PUSH PAST ME AND HURT ME NIT EVEN ASK IF IM OKAY it hurt.
But at least when I asked if we can at least make sure im hidden and we are under the blanket you did that.. you guarded me.
You glared at the door when we thought someone was gonna come in on us doing stuff and u made sure I was hidden and it was closed and your face said you fucking try anything on my lucifer I'll start a riot...
🥺❤️‍🔥👉👈... that stays in my mind slot.
[But so does you kissing him and saying I love you baby you asking first right infront of me and everyone saying I'm just your friend shattered something in me idk I'll ever get back.. with the excuse oh so long and bd it's normal it's not.. my sister doesn't call her bd baby.. I dropped that shit instantly once I moved on from my ex of 6plus years... but I went with it.. I should have argued more tbh]
When I went away to cry it's because I seen you posted that you don't need my crying rn and it was me crying cuz you said we will be separated again for a bit and you'll be sad .. broke my heart .. so I went to hide my tears from u so you wouldn't be bothered and u couldn't be bothered to come to me ..Adam said he did he brought the flowers .. that u didn't care and didn't want to come find me.
I walked in with you naked infront of him and it felt like yall almost wouldn't unlock the door ... I felt abandoned alone excluded made a joke of as you all kept running off laughing together leave me behind even my sister asked and tahtz when it hit me and she said they ain't your real friends bro... well she also wasn't a very real sister either soo.. 🤷
I heard you say Lus gonna be so mad when he finds out what we did hehe oops..
And something snapped in me I heard a voice say: they fucked !! Fuck it!!! Fuck love fuck it all!!! Grr .. I cried myself to sleep a bit.
[I realize now Adam's souls voice in my head a LOT to fuck with me ugh...]
She's the one who told me you were likely cheating with one the two exes and that their the ones you're holding out for and I'm like no no he says it isn't like that they stay seperate and stuff just friends like me and adam... Adam sent me a ss where he said otherwise..that your relationship was good and you cuddle every night .. ouch...
I seen on my birthday you and him posting baby flirting saying you never loved anyone else that way ever and never will or something like that ..more ouch ... so that's where you went as I cried alone on my b day? I just wanted a damn hour even with you..
You didn't realize I fell asleep with your chat open with the phone close to my heart to feel closer to you , crying myself asleep waiting all day.. you didn't realize how shit is small hit by small hit add up for me...
I hid so much of my pain for you .. I was like no I need to put him and his needs first...
I couldn't contain it though.. the visions of seeing and feeling you having sex with someone else for months before proven irl I was always sick and hurting deep dark pulling heart pain sinking in my stomach in silence .. choosing to believe in you at all costs I never would have even allowed cheating or poly for anyone else but I was so willing to grow past that ego thing and just love you as you wanted to be ... I just wanted no one else but myselfes. I run to self love when I feel I have no one else my dude...
I saw a life together marriage and house and 1 kid.. and the animals.. Adam gone in his own place and me only interacting with him when you allowed it as a friend at arms length.... we went over and gamed with him one time.. but other than that he was out.
I was gonna help him get a car and move out and me get financially independent and secure again so he had no more hold over me
Oops that upset you too sighs... I'm sorry.
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bellemyers · 1 year
(also pspsps did you like the fic did you have a favorite part 👉👈)
I DID LIKE THE FIC heres a little bit of liveblogging
also for anyone seeing this i'm not slowing down on dating sim campaign posting ANYTIME soon so. block the tag if you dont want to see it i think? yeah
augh is finley in love with SIMON!!!!!!?!!!!!! thats so. gay holy shit. but tbf who isnt at least a little in love w simon
AWWW FLAIN LIKES SUNNY SO MUCH THEYRE SO CUTE- f. flain. no way in heckers is sunny straight have you Seen the way that man dresses. Bro . BRO HE KISSED YOU !!!
IM SO SMART she(? are we a he she i think so but i want to make sure) is in love w simon 🥰 oh finflain is so cute. Ohag okay i love them.
IAUFHS i finished the fic . needless to say holy shit i think they Might be a little bit in Love. holy moly macaroni. awg the eggs (sunny taking part of the extra 🥺) ... the hesitation ;-;
yeah invest in that bigger bed mr crimeboy you're Hopefully gonna need it
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sips-tea-cutely · 3 years
"what if we held hands and then you brought me closer to kiss haha just kidding unless 😳👉👈" | YTTD cast having their s/o hold their hands. And Maybe kissing.
NOTES : wowowo more yttd content lets goo. Sorry if mod maki and mod ibuki see this, i want hugs rn so i wrote this :( -chihiro
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"Before I knew it I was holding on the door, Holding on your hand..Getting off of work just as fast as I can."
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SCENARIO ; JOE was prepared for this. He was ready to ask you to hold hands with him (It took a lot in him!!) —— Oh no never-mind he fell in a ditch. He is slightly flustered, as his clothes were dirtied by the mud and his umbrella broke. Reaching out your hand to him, his eyes brightened and got up. He sheepishly laughed when you scolded him for falling down an easily avoidable area.
Walking together with an umbrella, you both find a good place to rest while waiting for the rain to abside. Still holding hands, Joe keeps on averting his eyes to the window and the embraced hands.
Thinking he was uncomfortable —— you let go. His back straightened, as he grabbed your hands once more. Cupping his cheek with your other hands, you both lean in and share a warm kiss.
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My guy is so dfgshjakaaajiwwija cut him the slack guys wtf ?! anyways his plan failed, but he was able to hold hands with you !!! so its kinda a success !! maybe !?
So you guys find a place to wait until the rain goes away. HE IS PANICKING IN HIS MIND BECAUSE YALL ARE STILL HOLDING HANDS ???? WHAT IF YOU LET GO ????? 🥺🥺🥺
And then you let go . BROO WHY???? so he grabbed onto your hand ok wait HE GRABBED ONTO YOUR HAND ???? what if we held hands and then you brought me closer to kiss haha just kidding unless 😳👉👈
And then he leaned closer to you, and you both kissed. bro is his thoughts coming alive or sumn ????? anwyayws you both were so flustered you looked away from each other. this was only your fourth date and yall already kissed !??!?!
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RANMARU KAGEYAMA ; A COMPLETELY UTTERLY FLUSTERED MESS !! (but it's okay we love him <3 hes cute)
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SCENARIO ; RANMARU did not expect for you to hold his hand. Internally panicking, his grip tightened. Both of you were simply walking too a shop (A charm shop to be precise.)
His walking —— was stiff. Like, a robot, maybe? Is that the right word? You could tell he was sweating so hard, his hands were droused with sweat already.
You pat him on the back for comfort. He turns to you and gently smiles, opening his mouth to say something. However, his mouth quickly went back in place.
Before you could ask him what was wrong —— His mouth was quickly on yours. It was a quick, rush kiss. But nevertheless was something warm and made both of your hearts pounding.
After that, he furiously apologized with your re-assuring him it was okay.
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hes shocked too, how tf did he even get the guts to kiss you 😟😟 he liked it ofc his heart was pounding the whole entire time
he initially thought he made u uncomfy that he is so sorry for 😰 but you werent wtf ranmaru i liked it kiss me more 😡😡 /j
u guys probably got milk tea and charms after that <3 probs ur favorite date !!
he said he would pay for everything expensive to make up for it (so obviosuly you choose the cheapest ones)
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SCENARIO ; SARA and you were walking around the festival, playing majority of the games and (sadly) losing most of them.
Sitting down in one of the cliffs (Which wasn't too high, by the way.) , you could see the fireworks boom and do their magic. It was truly a magnificent sight to see.
Sara then sits down, holding takoyaki and dangos. Getting one, you gleefully chow down on takoyaki.
Sara keeps on looking at your face, and her eyebrows furrow. "What's wrong Sara?" You asked, slightly sweating.
Her hands move to your cheek, removing a piece of Takoyaki on your face. "Ohh, thanks!"
Her hands do not stop cupping your cheek. She then gave a quick peck on your cheeks.
You could say you were dumb-founded, flustered. But those feelings quickly went away when she happily (and adorably) takes a bite of the dango, smiling sweetly at the sweet flavor.
Both of you turn to the fireworks and bask in the moment.
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sara bro ur so cute im sobbing !? after that, you guys got more food :DD
u guys tried something called 'dango milk' and sara absolutely loved it she so cute brooooo
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yooo this is done
𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 !!
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hyperfixationtimego · 3 years
For some reason I've been thinking about Kaito x Chiaki x Kyoko but platonically a lot??? Idk just them. And then romantic Chiaki x Peko-
Queerplatonic Kaito/Chiaki/Kyoko
- immediately imagines Chiaki falling asleep on both of them at any given time,,,,,,,
- I have this hc that Kaito buys space-print/themed items for the people important to him and just…….him getting Chiaki a custom game controller with stars on it and getting Kyoko a pretty pair of gloves with the universe printed on them 🥺👉👈
- Chiaki and Kyoko both steal Kaito’s shirts because of how big they are on them. Kaito wants to know where the FUCK all his clothes are going skdhdmdndn
- Any time Chiaki comes across a space level or finds a game with a murder mystery aspect to it, she’ll show it to either Kaito or Kyoko, respectively! It almost always launches her and Kaito into a fun rambling conversation, and Kyoko usually listens with an intrigued smile and then watches Chiaki play the game/helps her solve the mysteries if they’re too tough!
- imagines Chiaki falling asleep on their couch and then Kaito & Kyoko picking her up and tucking her into bed <3
- Kyoko trying to teach Kaito how to braid hair, meanwhile he’s fucking it up SO BADLY ndbdnsbdnsnd straight up pulling her hair OUT like it is NOT his forte
- Kaito, despite knowing full well that Chiaki is the ultimate gamer, gets VERY competitive when playing against her. It lowkey bums him out whenever he loses lmao
- but she gives him hugs and kisses and it’s all good <3 /p
- bro this squad is literally neurodivergency cubed,,,,,,,,there are three of them and NOBODY understands social cues, NOBODY understands proper social norms, WHAT are they supposed to do
- Kaito casually holding either of his gals’ hands while they’re trying to get work done…….absolutely phenomenal *chef’s kiss* 10/10
Chiaki x Peko
- please they are so poggers
- Peko does anything with her sword and Chiaki is immediately like “women 💖💓❤️❤️💓”
- WOW transfem icons go brrr ❤️
- Chiaki reminds Peko of a small, fluffy animal. Whenever she falls asleep on Peko’s shoulder, Peko has to resist the urge to start petting her gf’s hair. She fails. Miserably. Every time.
- Chiaki starts introducing Peko as “my girlbosswife” because that’s just how she is
- thinking about them cuddling while Chiaki plays one of her games ;-;
- Chiaki’s pout immediately makes Peko lose 1000 HP and stamina. Nanami doesn’t use it too often to get what she wants, but it IS a last ditch method :)
- they are both just so chill,,,,,
- Peko uses ‘:)’ after each text message she sends and it is exclusively Chiaki’s fault
- “wow hinata, that is very ‘poggers.’”
- Chiaki,,,,,,feeling sleeby and immediately climbing onto her gf’s lap for cuddles and kisses,,,,,,,,,,Peko is very .//////////. abt it
- they probably eat takeout a lot
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fruitypremium · 2 years
"bro can we hold hands, in a homie way though bro"
"of course bro, no homo"
"hey bro did you hear that its kiss the homies day today, do u,, do u wanna be my homie 🥺👉👈"
"bro 🥺"
"bro ❤️"
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onamitaro · 4 years
Nami as y/n’s girlfriend
hi hello, i wrote some head canon for nami as y/n’s girlfriend. hope yall like it whbsis
You’re the only person she would spend, almost, all her money on.
Fancy restaurants dates 🥺
Surprises you with random gifts.
Remembers all important dates. And if you forgot one, she gets upset.
Posts a lot of snapchat/instagram stories with/about you.
You’re her phone wallpaper.
Likes to paint nails with you, do face masks, skin care, hair and everything that includes self care.
Makes sure you eat and drink enough water.
Whenever you’re sad, she’s the first that comforts you.
Wants a lot of attention. If you don’t give it to her she acts grumpy all day.
Cuddles >>> s3x
S3x >>> video games
Sends you a lot of relatable memes about you, her, your relationship and your friends.
Tea parties with Usopp, Robin, Brook and Sanji 😩
Double/Triple dates with the Sauso, Frobin, Zolawlu, Sanlu, Zosan, Sanlaw, Usolu and literally every strawhats ships.
May start an actual poly relationship with the other sh (strawhats), but i’ll leave head canons about it for later.
Always on vacation every summer because she loves summer.
Expensive gifts on christmas and birthday :3
Breakfast dates 😠
Good morning and goodnight texts are essential.
“Love you 🧡”
Sleepovers uwjziwn
Very jealous tbh
Mental breakdowns on how gorgeous you are.
Gives you her phone without hesitation if asked.
“[Meme] this u?”
“This ain’t some wattpad bs 🙄✋🏻”
Uses 😂😍🤪😎🤩😏😠😱😰🤔🤭😪🤢 a lot but ironically, of course.
“Nice ass”
You: 🧍🏻
“I don’t wanna speak to you anymore”
“Okay, fine”
You close the chat
Her after one minute: [Spams your phone]
After a fight she comes at your place to cuddle.
Uses cute pet names for you like “darling”, “honey”, “babe” and all
But also “bro”, “dude”, “bitch”
Gossip 😗
Randomly enters your room and goes
“Zoro is a hoe”
Is the first to like your posts in any social media.
(Has the notifications on 💀)
Slides in your dms like
“Hey there hottie 😍 you single? 😏”
Dark humor jokes 😭
For uterus owners:
“I don’t want kids ew”
You: My period is late
“Omg are you pregnant? i’ll take care of our baby even tho they’ll own me money”
“Oh wait we’re queers”
Again you:🧍🏻
Alternative ending:
You: My period is late
“Yeetus the fetus”
Y’all made each other a playlist with songs that reminded yall of the other
“Do you like me?”
“Nami, im literally proposing”
“Ok, but do you?”
Matching outfitsss
Everywhere kisses
At least 8 hours of facetime ✋🏻
Someone random hits on you
“Ayo thats my bitch”
When she’s sad, she just come ups to you and hugs you without saying anything. The when she’s more comfortable she starts to talk about what happened.
Robin makes fun of you two making yall blush fufu ;)
Nojiko cant wait for you two to get married.
Hand h*lds 👉👈
Send you paragraphs on how much she loves you and how lucky she is to have you in her life at 3 am.
She has a folder in her gallery with only of pics of you/related to you.
“I want to cuddle 😠”
She gets a lot of butterflies whenever something involves you/with you.
Y’all both big simps 😪
Snaps you a lot
“Send nudes”
“Or just selfie”
“Or both”
Shopping dates.
She pays.
You pay.
Arguing on who pays.
At the end of the day yall pay for each other lol
“Wake up i want to eat breakfast in ft”
“Can we get a pet please? 🥺”
“Fuck you, y/n. I do what i want!”
She did get the pet.
That’s all for now 😭✌️
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also take a doodle of nami and y/n
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doctor-roman · 3 years
5, 6, 29, 49 👉👈🥺
5. what was your last kiss like?
Ouph, I have to dig into the memory banks for that one…
Uhh, I want to say it was almost a decade ago. I had gone to see this girl that I was coworkers with, and we were going to watch the new Constantine show that was set to premier that night.
She answered the door in Pac-Man boxers that said “Eat me”, but I spent the entire night talking about my Commander decks that I was interested in building, before we settled in and cuddled to watch some gothic horror show over Constantine.
As the night really started to set in, she started getting flirty, sitting on my lap, kissing me, all the good stuff.
Up until I remembered that I had to work tomorrow morning and if I didn’t get to sleep in time, I was going to be tired as hell. So I basically said “gotta go!” before taking my leave.
The following day she texted me and said “Yeah those Pac-Man boxers were a hint.”
I’ve been kicking myself over it ever since, because she was my type, too.
6. sexual/romantic orientation?
I’m realizing more and more that I’m probably, mostly straight when it comes to sex and romance, but I’ll still cuddle with the bros if they need it.
29. are you single?
Yeah…at this point I’m not sure if that’ll ever change. I just haven’t had the chance to go out as much as I used to to meet new people.
49. hand kisses or nose kisses?
Hand kisses! You can give them while driving, while sitting on the couch, while laying in bed. Hardly ever a bad time for a hand kiss.
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hellboys · 2 years
bro i wanted to say this...... but bro i would love to cuddle with you and gib u lil kisses on the face
BRO 🥺😭 we can hold hands and cuddle and watch horror movies bro. I'll even let u pick the movie 👉👈
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autumnalreaper · 3 years
Started following you for the content, stayed bc you make me giggle. Truly, 10/10 humor. Love it here <3.
(We’re all in love w you, honestly.)
i’m so glad i can make this hellhole comforting & entertaining for u, queen. just call me ur fool <3
(bro, 🥺👉👈 are we about to kiss?)
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feketeribizli · 4 years
for the fandom thing! 1917, lotr and hp
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thank you!!!! 🥺
for 1917
i. favourite male character
h. hard to choose bro really hard. generally speaking it's probably tom blake but they do be playing into my interests with leslie and kilgour and i ju. i just think rossi is neat 🥺👉👈
ii. favourite female character
like we have any choice...... stan lauri and the baby
iii. least favourite character
colonel m*ckenzie i hate him so fucking much oh my god
iv. favourite ship
rn it's cookerossi..... the dynamic.... the forced in height difference..... i want what that stinky gremlin bastard and scar faced chainsmoker dude had going on
v. favourite friendship
ooo i really like leslie&kilgour!!! the Possibilities bro. an iconique chaotic duo. also even tho we got to see nothing of it i really like and crave the blake siblings....
vi. favourite quote
listen you can't make me choose one. what krysty did here oh my god. the whole script is a work of art i can't do this!!!!! but probably this one: "then the water around him turns flat. the current begins to slow. white. petals float on it, a patchwork blanket. cherry blossoms. schofield is swept through the white petals. schofield raises an arm from the water and sees the petals clinging to him. blake."
vii. worst character death
what do you think. take a wild guess bro
viii. this made me so happy you have no idea moment
honestly i don't know. to a certain degree the whole movie is just. instant serotonin but also. it pushes me into this deep and devastating pit where i have to Think. but y'know i really liked the after credits where they all were happy and together and blake got his chicken dinner and got to play around with myrte's puppies 🥴
ix. saddest moment
oh on god. but i gotta tell you that after a certain amount of rewatching i cried a lot more at the lauri and her baby scene than at blake's d*ath
x. favourite location
ecoust!!!!! th. the night window scene oh my god it's so beautifully executed!!! imagine walking thru that place during that scene while the flares were going off and all that (maybe even the being chased around part too)
for lotr
i. favourite male character
ugdjshkwhssj legolas i'm gay okay what about it. i also think aragorn is neat and pippin darling i'd so anything for you
ii. favourite female character
eowyn 🥺🥺🥺 i certainly wouldn't mind a spare kiss from arwen either
iii. least favourite character
ugdjshka saruman maybe? he's ugly and stupid i don't like him
iv. favourite ship
gigolas....... to fuckin die by a friend's side bro!!! also i love their shipname so much because it reminds me of the word giggle and. i automatically giggle when i think of them
v. favourite friendship
whatever the men and the hobbits had going on. boromir, protector of lesbians shielding the little ones from the rain with his cloak? you're the real one sir
vi. favourite quote
vii. worst character death
boromir sir come back to us :-((( i was so sad when i first watched that scene. and when aragorn plants a kiss on his forehead? i bawl man i fucking bawl
viii. this made me so happy you have no idea moment
all the movies bro whenever i'm down i'm like. (goes and rewatches lotr for the 75390274927th time) it's free serotonin
ix. saddest moment
"don't leave me here alone. don't go where i can't follow." not particularly sad but the yearning and the affect it had and still has on me
x. favourite location
the shire!!!! :-D rivendell is very sexy too i want to live there alright
for hp
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i. favourite male character
seamus!!!! i fucking love that lad. excellent superb character jk rolling deserves no credit for him
ii. favourite female character
luna...... 🥺💓💗❣💞💟💖💘💕 she deserves all the love and good things in the world!!! i also really like minerva.... ma'am.....
iii. least favourite character
sn*pe and dumbodoor. umbridge is funny as a concept but as a person i'm worried for her
iv. favourite ship
deamus.... they're a whole package baby with the childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining and all that shit i love it!!!! i'm also a big fan of parvati/lavender 🥺👉👈
v. favourite friendship
the power that luna&draco could have had!!!!! i love fantasising about their friendship.... the Possibilities man. the wasted potential
vi. favourite quote
idk man i'm not that big on hp anymore but probably everything ron has ever said. also "just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have"
vii. worst character death
cedric baby.... he was just vibing there :-((( i miss fred too
viii. this made me so happy you have no idea moment
i honestly don't know. funnily enough i only got into hp and binged the movies because a few years ago when we went to london our teacher promised us to visit the studios and i was like i wanna know what's all that about BUT THEN WE DIDN'T VISIT THE STUDIOS so basically. i did all that for Nothing. i gained nothing from hp tbh tho i'm really thankful for all the great friends i met here because of hphm 🥺 love and miss you guys a lot
ix. saddest moment
everyone's respect dying for jk rolling
x. favourite location
that bathroom with moaning myrtle
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