#'/no/ dammit i mean i /love/ you. more than i should. in...ways i shouldnt'
bloodfreak-boyking · 8 months
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what if this whole thing was over tonight? man, i'd sleep for a month. go back to school - be a person again.
this feels like the start of a love confession ngl
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zorria · 4 years
This is the conversation i imagine the SD having with Tristan
SD: looks at tristan WHAT IN HOLY NAMES ARE YOU
tris: im tristan
SD: okay thats nice but huh why do you have the powers of the demons and goddesses
Tris: cause my parents are from both
SD: okay and how did that happen
Tris: well mommy says when you love someone very much they wrestle until something magic happens!
SD *dying on the inside*: okay and who exactly are your parents Tristan
Tris *points at eli and me*l: those two crackheads
ELI: hi mother how are you...
SD: oh just swell ELi you see i found this interesting creature today
ELi: oh really what would that be? *please dont say tris*
SD: *points at tristan* that thing over there
Tris: hey im not a thing im a kid
SD: Yes we all know that. Look the point was why in holys name did you FUCK MELIODAS
Mel: actually she didnt fuck me i fucked her lets get the facts straight here
Eli *dies*: yes mel you fucked me
Mel: thank you for backing me up Eli!!
Eli: youre welcome mel!
SD; i hate to interrupt what ever the fuck that was but you didnt answer my question.... WHY DID YOU FUCK EACH OTHER
Mel: well you see when two people really love each other they wrestle and something magic happens and poof the other person is carrying a baby
SD *annoyed*: Thats it liones dies
Mel: well fuck...
*SD about to destroy liones*
Tris: WAIT big scary lady please dont destroy my home look i know my parents are idoits
Mel: HEY!!
Eli: tris thats just rude im smarter than your father
Mel: HEY!!!
tris: buttt it doesnt deserve to be crushed cause of them if anything my father does for drinking too much and playing with mothers boobs to much
Mel: hey SD can you curse me again please
Eli and tris: NO!
SD; Pretty please....
Eli: NO!
SD: ughhhh fine...
Tris: anyway point being please dont destroy it i love it very much its the only home ive know....
SD: but youre a creation from these two if anything you should die along with liones
Tris: but i cant help it that im part demon and goddess and human. i was just made that way and mommy and daddy say im perfect the way i am
Eli and Mel: YEAH!
tris: but you shouldnt destroy things just cause you dont like them there are people in there that have families and kids they dont deserve to be destroyed so please dont hurt them *gives her the puppy dog eyes*
SD: ahhh fine! only if you stop doing that
Tris: okay!
SD: good thank you. now as for your request i shall grant it if your can promise me one thing
Tris: sure
Mel and ELi: NO!
SD: make sure those two dont get rusty and die so easily
Tris: done!
SD: also
Mel: fuck theres more
SD: meliodas you say one more smartass thing i will arc stomp you so hard you wont live
Mel: fine ill stop
SD: good
*Mel climbs on eli koala style*: Eli everyone is being mean to me im going to hide here okay
*Eli holding mel*: okay mel
mel: thank you!!
SD *ahem* may i continue
Tris: sorry continue
SD: good
SD: when you get older and stronger, stronger than those two over there i want you to come fight me. our fight will wager your precious kingdom and your parents lives as well. if you can beat me then i wont destroy it however, should you not i will destroy all of it and your parents leaving you all alone exactly what a monstrosity like you deserves
Mel and ELi: no deal!
SD: fine if he doesnt accept ill just do it now
Tris: WAIT NO!
Tris: i accept your challenge SD i will become stronger and when i do your holy high ass is going down for threatening my kingdom and my parents!!
SD: sounds like we have a deal
Tris: we do indeed
SD: well then until that day comes i bid you all goodbye *poof*
Tris: i know its dangerous but i had to protect you and everyone else what other choice did i have im sorry..
Mel: ahh shit youre right *puts his hand on tristans head* listen tris what you did was both dumb and noble but even so you did what you thought was right and thats all that matters i know you'll get strong and defeat her
tris: can i be strong like you?
Mel: i guarentee it!
Tris: thank you father i wont let you down!
Mel: i dont doubt it! now lets go back and drink till we are dead!!
Eli: mel tristan is still underage so no drinking but he can have his favorite drink
Tris: raspberry tea?!!?
(he likes tea from having it with uncle zel)
Eli: yes of course silly boy!
Tris: YES!!!
and then they all went back and partied for being alive
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looking4purpose · 4 years
My therapist decided to practice reciting facts, I found it a little bit grounding and I thought maybe some of you peeps needed to hear some of it. I like to paraphrase and he would probably shake his head at it haha
here they are, paraphrased :)
These are just my opinions and personal experiences and words. Not those of a professional mental health expert, blah blah, Please don't take offense. If its not for you, its not for you. All that good stuff.
Trigger warning
Self harm can consist of SO many things. Seriously people stop thinking that your wrists need to be slashed in order for ypu to need help and support. EVERYONE deserves support no matter how insignificant it may feel. Self harm can be anything from cutting and starving yourself to scratching a bit too hard. If its hurting you INSIDE, it matters. Hell, maybe you just want to talk to someone.
SELF HARM IS NOT A GENDER SPECIFIC ISSUE!! If you couldn't tell by the caps...this one bugs me. You don't have to be female in order to hurt yourself. Thats the dumbest thing ever....just....no. And if you're female that doesn't make your struggle any less important either! People....everyone hurts. (Yeah... I get points for song reference there.)
Self harm OFTEN means, (not always i guess he said but I'm not buying it) that there's some underlying struggles too. Depression, eating disorders, anxiety, substance abuse, sexual abuse/molestation/etc., abuse, peer pressure, bullying, THE LIST GOS ON AND ON AND ON AND ON (more song reference points). Fact here.... Don't just tell these people to stop hurting themselves. Self harming is often used AS A COPING MECHANISM. Think about it, yes, it's unhealthy, but you rather them/yourself NOT cope with whatever is going on? A LOT of people don't have the resources or help they need and dont have "healthy coping tools" and dammit good for you for coping with all the shit life throws your way. THIS is not in ANY way saying you should hurt yourself, please don't BUT you're not bad or wrong for coping.
Self harm is NOT AN AGE SPECIFIC STRUGGLE OR "PHASE". Good grief if I hear that one more time imma kick some ass. Just because you're not a teen doesnt mean ypu need to be embarrassed to admit you self harm or reach out for help and support. Just because you are a teen, almost teen or young adult, doesn't mean it's just a phase or "age thing" and you shouldnt find help or support. ANYONE hurting inside and out, should be supported, no matter what age you are.
Just because you self harm, have in the past, or experienced anything like that, doesn't mean you're not beautiful. I mean it. Seriously. You're not ugly because of your scars or your weight or anything like that. That does not define who you are, only where you are, where you've been, battles you have overcome and sometimes, that people have let you down, not yourself Scars are not weaknesses, your weight is not a weakness, your personal hurt or struggles are not weaknesses. You are you, and if youre reading this and you personally resonate, than that means you've overcome a lot and you're strong as hell and you deserve everything, NOT AT ALL that you're weak. Work on it for yourself. So you can be happy, not anyone else, dont put yourself down.
You're not alone. Reach out to the right people. Not people who drag you down or make you something you aren't. Not people who trigger episodes or... (Im sorry) need a lot of support themselves UNLESS, that helps you. Reach out to people who can help you cope safely and the right way. Don't be embarrassed to ask for support. Everyone needs it whether they admit it or not. It might not be okay, so I'm not going to say it is and i cant honestly tell you it gets better....but no one is alone, and its not a burden to others if you reach out. Please people, you are loved, i promise, dont ever think you're not.
THERES MORE BUT I DONT WANT TO GET IT TOO LONG!! I know its hard peeps, stay strong and be gentle with yourselves. <3 <3 <3
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colloquialcolors · 4 years
anyway so im watching the gay holiday movie and
- my type is, very clearly, tired and moderately stressed women who are trying their best. 
- that said: i really like kristen stewarts characters usually, but also both of them seem like they will be stressed and suppressing feelings, so i have no idea who my gaybrain will cling on to this time. 
- before starting, i was like: do i dislike romcom christmas movies because of the movies, or because of the heretonormativity? about ten minutes in, i’m leaning towards the movie tropes. god. why do none of u fuckers communicate.
- but also, this whole “i am so deeply and constantly stressed about not being out and then i have to go home and Not Be Out” vibe is really just smacking me across the face too. dammit. 
- but also. *tsks over relationship dynamics*
- but also i feel like i’m having an ongoing allergy attack watching this because WOW thos family dynamics and the SENSATION OF STILTEDNESS. I’m just gonna
- *LIES DOWN AND SCREAMS OVER THE ANSWER TO “do you have a boyfriend” *fast no* *but like ive had them of course. BUT NOT TOO MANY.* fuCK. 
- her mom scares the shit out of me. i am deeply worried about her sister but not in a “she’s a threat” way but in a “oh god i hope she has access to therapy” way.
-oh i see why everyone was gay for aubrey plaza.
- oh her older sister is like that.well i suppose. yeah. makes sense with their mom.
- i shouldnt have said anything about a sister being a threat now im just. all red flags. oh god oh god oh god
- watching this at home silently in my room at the dead of night after agonizing how best to hide the way it would alter my hulu recs is a CHOICE because now im just having a silent secondary panic attack over harper trying so hard to be straight to be Good and abby just fuckin. silently losing it.
- oh no riley is classic gay flirting. *appears* *hovers* *tries very ahrd to be friendly* *drops random compliment* *LEAVES FAST* jesus goddammit
- i remember now why i dont watch these kinds of movies. i dont do well with secondhand social anxiety.
- oh somehow this thing about trying to awkwardly hem around being Gey with someone who should be friendly is getting me more than it should
- also between the general anxiety of secondhand “you have to watch everything you do and everything the people around you do” and also my brain going “why arent they wearing MASKS” this is a wild experience
-hrggggggg every romcom is built on misunderstandings piling up and i understand that but hrgggg pain
- here i was minding my own business and they have the NERVE to let kristen stewart stand around in a suit with her shirt unbuttoned and tie undone excuse me.
-”I thought she loved me and I made her happy, and I see her here and she’s so terrified of what everyone thinks, its just making me wonder who the real Harper is.” “Well, maybe they both are.” HA WHOOPS DONT LIKE HOW CLOSE TO HOME THATS HITTING.
- oh im not a fan of forced coming out scenes.
- oh there we go, the reason im watching this alone at night: im crying. this whole fucking scene ex fucking scuse me “its really terrifying” KASHFJA fuck
- oh here we go: the good alls well that ends well of a romcom. okay but also.... fuck. im here for it. god. being gay and accepted and, oh god. alright. okay. im done crying.
- i might have more thoughts later but this is fine for now. 
- okay no i DO have thoughts: i think its a romcom which means i automatically will side eye carious relationship choices. i dont think the movie portrayed the actual abby/harper rel well enough, so im mostly like; i will trust u that they make each other happy. i dont hold it against harper because i Get It. Being closeted is fucking terrifying and draining and creates a separate you, almost. It portrayed that well. too well? hmmmm. riley deserves Good Things. In romcom fashion, fingers crossed she got em. AND of course, abby deserves the world. protect her.
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youreonlylow · 6 years
Pls Elia flirting awkward with Filippo for the first time until they uffially date . You are soooo good!
Thank you! I have taken it upon my self to fix this lack of Elippo content haha. I hope this is somewhat what you wanted but it took its own turn. Also, it got a little long sorry! I love getting requests so keep them coming!
They were at a party. They were standing in the kitchen. The Contrabbandieri. “I just don’t know how to. It seems different. It’s not like girls. They know what the outcome is no matter what you say. What if he just thinks I am being nice? Like what if he doesn’t realise what I am trying to do?” All these worries came flooding out of Elia. It was nothing new that Elia liked boys. Or the fact that he liked Fili. But Elia had never really tried going after guys. In all honestly, Marti’s coming out had pushed him to try. But he had no idea to go about it. For some reason, he did not think the infamous suitcase story would woo Fili as much as it did 16-year-old drunk girls. So here he was, getting flirting tips from the only people he could ask but admittedly also the worst people. But then something amazing happened. “Just take it over the top. Show him exactly what you mean. How desperate you are for him to notice you and your intentions.” They all turned to look at Nico. “Hey! I am not desperate for him. I just would much like his face on mine…” They all laughed. A little at him but it was okay. 
“What are we discussing?” A new voice quipped. Fili was there. Tension. Immediately. All the boys exchanged looks. Then Elia gave Marti a nod. “We were trying to teach Elia how to flirt with guys… because he has never done that before but frankly I don’t think we are the best group to consult…” Fili looked at Elia who suddenly found the label on his beer very fascinating. “So, boys, huh? That’s new.” Elia just nodded. He would very much like for the world to open up and swallow him whole right about now. “I was saying since he scared it won’t get picked up on due to the lack of heteronormativity he should just be very clear in his intentions and just show exactly how fucking desperate he is.” Nico grinned when Elia shot him a dirty look. “I. Am. Not. Desperate.” They all chuckled. “Well, it sure is good I came around, isn’t it. I can take in another mentee. You don’t mind, do you, Marti?” His question was aimed at Marti but his eyes didn’t leave Elia. Observing. Analyzing. “Nope. Not at all. Come on, guys. I think we have tried as much as we can. And I would like to go dance now. Come on.”
And then there were two. Alone. And Elia felt like his mouth was sewn shut. “So, guys, when did that happen?” Elia shrugged. But then it all came running. “It’s always been this way. It’s nothing new really. I just never did anything about it because, you know, and then Marti came out and it was all fine and I guess I just got more curious and maybe a bit more open about it and then I told the guys and obviously they were fine and Marti said he kinda knew and the rest were also fine. And now I am here. Feeling very embarrassed if you can’t tell by my rambling.” Elia inhaled deeply. Fili laughed. They were standing opposite each other, both leaning on the counter. Elia tried not to stare too much. But it was hard. The soft smile on his face. The piercing in his lip. The loose shirt unbuttoned just a bit so Elia could see the skin on his chest. Fili looked almost knowing and it made Elia burn. He knew how red his face was. 
“Well, do you know if this guy is even into guys?” Elia nodded. “Does he know about you?” Elia hesitated but nodded. “Then shouldn’t he kinda know what is happening? If he has that information?” Elia shrugged. “I am not sure. I just don’t know how to randomly just start a conversation with him.” Fili shrugged. “Do me.” Elia froze. What the hell. “You can practice with me. I’ll be whoever this guy is and I’ll tell if you did well or not.” Elia looked away. “I don’t know. Seems awkward.” “No, really, go ahead. It’s better to do it with me than the guy you actually are going for. Hopefully, this will help.” Oh god. He was really going to this, wasn’t he? Dammit. He had one card on his hand and there was no way he was telling the story. “Can’t you start. I’ll see what to then…” Elia tried. Fili nodded. “Okay. Well, if you are at a party like now, see if he is alone, then just go up to him and say hi. It doesn’t have to be complicated. You could always give him a compliment or something. Like, nice shirt. Something not too forward. And then hopefully he will actually respond with something useful that can start your convo. And then it’s all about body language. Turn towards him, actually pay attention. And as long as your tone of voice is flirty, a lot of mundane things will come across that way. Don’t worry. You’re a handsome guy, I am sure he will be into it.” Elia blushed. Fili stepped forward, leaving his beer behind. He placed a hand Elia’s shoulder. “It’ll be okay. It’s not that different from girls. And I know you can do that. Kinda,” Fili joked. 
A week later Elia still hadn’t made a move on Fili. It was too awkward now. How could he ever go “Oh, by the way, that guy was actually you so you basically told me how to flirt with you isn’t that just hilarious?” He dug himself a hole and it was deep. The boys thought it was hilarious. Elia did not. However, one good thing had come out of that night. Fili had given Elia his number. In case he ever needed it. Or wanted to thank him for helping him get laid. Elia had one again blushed at his comment. But Fili was part of their social group and it was hard to avoid him. He was at all the parties, more so than usual, which was just really annoying. And the guys would not let him forget. Not even when he found new people to go after. Girls, nonetheless, but he still noticed Fili wherever he was. So when Fili approached him as he was returning from the kitchen he was not surprised. “Did you give up on the guy? Or is he just in very convincing drag?” Fili joked. “Yeah, uhm, girls are easier I suppose. Less work. Less nerves.” Fili nodded. “So, you’re not hung up on that guy anymore then?” Elia shook his head. “Oh, couldn’t keep your interest, could he?” Fili prodded with a smirk. Elia shrugged. “Well, such a handsome guy like you has a lot of options, I am sure.” Vaguely uncomfortable. Either he was losing his mind or Fili’s tone of voice had changed. Was he flirting with him? He was alone when Fili approached him. He had complimented him. And he knew Elia liked guys. And he knew that Elia knew that Fili liked guys. Check, check, check. Oh my god. Elia was not ready for this. “Uhm…” Elia had no words. “Wanna go for a smoke?” Fili held up a joint. Elia nodded. 
The air outside was not cold. The summer nights were light and warm. But the light meant you couldn’t hide. And that terrified Elia. They sat down leaning against the balcony wall. They smoked and talked for a while until the conversation died out. Both because of the weed haze but also a sense of comfort had settled. Oh god. Elia knew this was a bad idea but the alcohol and weed gave him a false sense of what was appropriate and he couldn’t stop it. “It was you.” It hung in the air for a while and Elia almost thought he hadn’t said it out loud. “I knew. But watching you squirm was fun.” Asshole. But he laughed. They both did. Suddenly it seemed easy. The weed making them feel alone in the world. Just them. And Elia did it. He turned and Fili did too. He brought a hand up to Fili’s face. “Can I?” Fili nodded. He leaned in and they kissed. It was both everything he thought it would be and not at all. It was slow and lazy but a buried frenzy lied beneath it. The world disappeared. Elia felt his head spin and he could barely feel the reality around him. Nothing seemed real. But then a hand found his thigh and it squeezed. That was real. Time no longer felt real either. He had no idea how long this went on. But at one point they got up. They reentered the house. The music drumming. Fili smiled at him. It was alright. It wasn’t that different after all. Just right. 
The next day they met up for coffee. It was a little weird but somehow familiar. It felt safe and comfortable and new and daring. Elia gave that all to the amazing wonder that was Filippo Sava. 
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Chat thibg
Grey I think he’s also uncomfortable because in this episode it shows Jo with black eyes.  And now he’s going to go drink like he hasnt in a while. Gray’s always happy when Grey’s upset
Grey And there’s those eyes
Jo Hiya demon!Jo!   ….The real question is has he actually seen Abandon All Hope before in its full LOL  …he really hasnt gone and had a drink in a while has he. Oh dear. LOOOOOL That’s very very true
Grey Yes.  >_> He doesnt like it.  At all. No he hasnt, not for a while.
Jo …Its a sad moment when its one of Jo’s favourites because she’s proud of herself right up until Ellen stays and she dies before she can do her duty… But yeah makes sense he doesnt like it.  ….The poor thing. You shouldnt have let me be mean!
Grey Grey hates the episode from start to finish and really really dislikes Sam and Dean during it.  And Cas. He deserved it, he’s starting his punishment early
Jo ….what on…get him to explain that because what….    LOL Well…glad to help then? *pets him and points him towards Jo’s stash*
Grey Because Sam and Dean drag Jo along in his opinion then Dean is the reason she gets hurt and it was their plan.  As far as Cas it’s because had he not “gotten himself trapped like a stupid shit” he’d have been able to heal her and take her and Ellen out of there when it got bad.  Oh no he knows not to touch her stuff, he’ll get his own
Grey And by drag Jo along he doesnt mean against her will
Grey He means like she gets caught up in their wake of self destruction and bad luck
Jo Jo would hiss at the idea of someone saying she gets caught up in other people’s things and she didn’t go because she wanted to. But I guess that makes sense. *gives him a chocoate for adding ‘and Ellen’*  He;s more than welcome to it, not like she’d notice/not just think she had it without realsing
Grey Grey knows she wanted to go but he also knows if the Winchesters had never crossed paths with her she’d have never gone on that suicide mission. He added Ellen because he knows Jo would have gone no where without her mom.  …. How much does Jo drink that her entire stash could be gone without her realizing she drank it?
Jo He should know that if she had never crossed paths with them she’d either have been a depressed little bar maid or gotten herself killed on her first hunt.  True true. ….well she’d notice the entire stash gone, but she’s got a lot of the same stuff or rather she’s got a lot of whiskey, scotch, rum and vodka and never knows how much she has of what and wouldn’t be surprised to find a fair few
Jo empty ones because she only tends to go restock when she’s out of everything
Grey That’s true but during AAH, Grey really doesnt care about anything but the fact the “Winchester Curse” is getting Jo killed just because she’s around them.  Grey would empty out her stash as he is right now
Jo …Well now Jo’s just pouting because eavesdroppers never here things they want to blondie!  Well best he not touch hers then
Grey LOL why is she pouting?
Jo Because… …she was really proud of herself uring that time. Like really /really/ proud of herself. …If Ellen had just unlocked the doors, given her the fuse and ran, Jo would have actually died happy that time. Because she was doing what she was supposed to do, what she’d always wanted to do, ever since she was a little girl and she was finally getting to do it and be treated like a mature
Jo adult and so she was really happy, honestly. The only thing that made her unhappy was that she was too useless to be able to do it herself fully.
Jo (Which meant Ellen died which she didn’t want at all)
Grey She always wanted to die for a cause?
Jo …she wanted to be a hero like her dad.
Jo She wanted to be treated like an equal and an adult and die saving people like her dad di.
Jo Die fighting too..
Grey That’s horrible
Jo You thought it wouldn’t be? This is Jo we’re talking about.
Grey Not the treated like the equal part the fact she’s always wanted to die for something
Grey See this is why Grey panicked
Jo *nodnod*
Grey She was all set to do it again
Jo Jo… wants to be like her dad, she wants him to be proud of her. That’s pretty much the one thing that almost everything can eventually be drawn back to by playing the ‘why’ game.
Jo *nodnod* Course she was.
Grey Now Grey is /pissed/ and having a fit
Jo LOL …whats he pissed and having a fit at?
Grey He cant stand the martyring
Grey Grey doesnt think dying makes you a hero if you go around seeking death he thinks it makes you stupid
Grey And selfish and a lot of other unpleasant adjectives he’s loudly yelling
Grey (remember that was one of the problems he had with Anna?  How she was all holier than thou about her being willing to get herself killed for anyone and everyone)
Jo Jo would like to clarify she’s not /seeking/ death and never has been trying to /die/; just… be something that she can be proud of in herself and that she thinks her dad would be proud of - its not about thinking the dying makes a hero but the motivations and the reasons behind whatever actions you make, whether you do die or not. She just wasn’t afraid of the dying. And now she’s pouting and
Jo sulking even more.   (Thats very true - though the difference is that Anna is holier than thou about it and preachy over it, while Jo is just 'if I die, I die; what matters is X’ where X isn’t 'that you wont’)
Grey Grey’s saying she’s fooling herself by saying she doesn’t go out seeking death, that all hunters do one way or another and if she really wants to do her dad’s memory justice she won’t keep throwing her life away like it’s nothing.  (Yeah but it’s still reminding Grey of the unpleasantness he had with her)
Grey Grey honey it’s kind of pointless to argue with her about this when you’ve already temporarily dampened the part you dont like
Jo Jo’s saying that if that’s his opinion than she should just stay at home and /do/ nothing; that he knows her better than to think she /wants/ to die given he knows where she /thinks/ she’s going and that he 'doesn’t understand!’ and getting huffy.  (True true. Poor Grey) It really kind of is, but… and thats cool
Grey He says doesnt want her to do nothing, he wants her to not take chances and not go running headfirst into dying.  And he says no he doesnt understand and he won’t ever understand how she thinks that it could ever be fine to die if she thinks she’s headed downstairs.  I’m still sorry about that, something started glitching and it was not beeping me or doing any sounds.
Grey (And the first song I get to hear after fixing sound is Heavy in Your Arms nice one playlist)
Jo She’s saying that she’s not and not going to, that he’s made himself perfectly clear in past and she’s not going to be so 'to use his word - stupid!’; And that that isn’t what he doesn’t understand.         (That’s cool hun, honest *hugs* dammit playlist)
Grey Grey’s asking then what is she talking about because there’s a lot of things he doesn’t understand about Jo and while he loves some of those things he really doesnt know what to do with the other ones.  (*hugs* Appropriate time to play it though)
Jo She’s saying that he doesn’t understand about family, the way it is with human’s - or at least not the way it is to her and that he might think he does, but he doesn’t get it and he doesn’t understand or otherwise he wouldn’t think that she’s throwing her life away trying to be something for her dad. And that she’s sorry if that was snippy but..  (It really really was.)
Grey He’s saying he doesnt think her dad would have wanted her to get hurt for him if her mother’s attitude is anything to go by about how family is treated.  But she’s right and he doesn’t understand about family or people because he’s not either. (*Trying to shush Grey because he’s putting his foot in it* this is why you do not just drink and drink silly monster*)
Jo Jo says that he didn’t know her dad and she’s a great deal more like him that her mom. That her mom never liked her dad hunting the same as she’s never liked Jo doing it, and that she’s not /trying/ to get hurt or die or whatever else for him - she’s trying to do what she thinks he would have done from what she remembers him of being like. And that it’s okay that he doesn’t understand and it
Jo 'doesn’t really matter much really’.  (Oh Grey, you silly little thing you.)
Grey Grey’s saying if her dad was a person who wanted her to go out and get hurt for his sake or the sake of pride he wouldnt have liked him. (Meanwhile Gray is watching with great interest)
Jo She’s huffing and saying that that wasn’t the kind of person her dad was either! That her dad was strong and brave and treated people right and he wanted her to be safe and able to protect herself and other’s. And that’s what she’s doing, protecting herself and other people who can’t protect themselves.  (LOL Why so? What’s he interested in mostly of what is thinging?)
Grey Grey moving into a silence and having some more drinks.  (He thinks there’s an explosion immenient somewhere in here and that sooner or later Grey or Jo is going to trip the switch and he’s going to get to see fireworks)
Jo Jo’s huffing again and muttering that he would have liked him.  (Of course he does…Whose he putting money on triping it?)
Grey Grey’s saying her dad never would have liked him because he’s a monster and he’s with his little girl.  "That’s like two big no no. First no no is touching his daughter and then second is being something he’d hunt in the dark.“ (Grey.  he thinks Grey is going to say something stupid.)
Jo Jo’s shaking her head and saying that she meant /Grey/ would have liked him. “Might have been his little girl but I was his only one and he only ever wanted me to be happy, whatever that meant - hunting, baking, riding on his knee and driving the wheel..”  (LOL …I never know with these two)
Grey Grey’s saying saying it would have been a mutual dislike because her dad probably would have shot him.  And he doesnt mind getting shot over Jo but it’s hard not to take it hard when that happens. (Grey is getting to where he’s noticably being effected by the alcohol now)
Jo Jo is making a hand for his bottle and saying that if he thinks someone like her’s something that he 'doesnt mind’ being shot over then he’s in no position to comment over what she’s willing to get hurt over or was willing to. “Whichever.”  (This should be an amusement)
Grey Grey’s shaking his head and saying getting shot isnt going to mortally wound him, usually and that it’s unpleasant but not anything he can’t fix quick.  Jo can’t just mend bones if she hurt herself. And he’s moving so the bottle is furher out of her reach/sight. (Stupid thing)
Jo She’s saying she damned well can, it just takes her a little longer than the 'rest’ of them, and that she used to have a /lot/ more scars than she has now that she’d be able to completely prove it to him that she can 'recover’ eventually, mostly. And that doesn’t change the fact he’s seemingly dumb enough to wear himself out over her, so her point still remains, and that he should maybe put the
Jo bottle down.
Grey Grey says she can’t have his bottle because it’s his.  And that maybe he was a little self-destructive there, so that’s exactly his point those kind of things are problematic for everyone.  And he’s sorry for being stupid.
Jo Jo’s saying shes not asking for his bottle just that he should put it down for a bit; that that was stupider than any of her own old habits and that the closest she’d gotten any time recently to anything quite that stupid was… not anything anywhere near that crazy. And how she doesn’t understand it’s alright for him to do something like that, yet he hates the idea that she’s slightly sacrificial
Grey Grey says it’s not alright, it was dumb and he knows it and he doesnt want Jo making the same error.
Jo She says that that just because someone wants something doesn’t mean it’s going to happen and snapping her fingers for the bottle.
Grey Grey’s mumbling he doesnt get why Jo doesnt want him to want her to be safe and that noooooo she can’t have it
Jo Jo is huffing that it’s not hi-… that he can want that all he wants but it doesn’t mean he’d get it the way he wanted it if he got it at all. And that he’s to hand it over or she’ll take it from him and drink whatever is left of it.
Grey Grey says fine take it, he’ll just get more
Grey You need bed Jesse
Jo Jo’s grumbling and setting it away from him regardless. She’s also muttering something about people drinking alone
Jo I’, good, its a Friday and tomorrow I dont have to get upa t all
Grey Grey’s got another full bottle and says he’s never alone while he’s in a meatsuit. (WAY TO BE CREEPY GREY)
Grey Are you sure?
Jo She’s pouting. A lot. A lot a lot a lot. And that she doesn’t want to think about that… she doesn’t have a word for Jack. (LOL CREEP FACTOR LEVEL MAXIMUM)
Jo wow, that was a misplace hands too far to the right, I’m sure - no work, no uni, no picking people up. Sleep in day.
Grey “But see I can never drink alone.  And asshole is the word you’re looking for.” (How creeped out does that make Jo?) Okay just tell me when you get sleepy and I will put this drunk monster to bed
Jo “Unless you’re talking to him while you’re drinking, it’s still alone.  I don’t even think that quite… just… He’s more loathesome than your brother, Grey! And put that… put that away.”  (A fair bit if only because she doesnt like Jack and she is often quite worried about what he must say and think and annoy Grey with)  No problemo c:
Grey “We can talk in here, I just don’t like to.  It’s not like he does anything but curse me for hijacking him.  You want me to call him a monster? Why?” (Of course she doesnt.  And yeah usually Grey ignores him unless it’s something about Jo then he walls him off)
Jo “Yeah well, it’s better for everyone that he’s in there the fuckin’ ..nrgh! I liked it better when you were being insensetive about my dad than talking about that ….that despicable excuse for a human being. He is a monster, of his own damn makin’. And because!”  (*nodnod* I’m guessing 75% bitching at grey 15% bitching about Jo and 10% other cruel remarks?)
Grey “I was being insensitive?  I’m sorry. He doesn’t think he’s doing anything wrong, which is why he’ll never get his life back. Because why?” (Yep.  Accurate breakdown)
Jo “You’re drinking, you get /some/ leway.. Though you’re going to have to learn that my dad’s one of those things you don’t understand you’re either gonna have to love or just not try to work out what to do 'bout.  …sound about right. Fine! You drink away then!”
Grey “I’m not loving anything that gets you blown up.  Are you mad?” (He turns into an annoying four year old when he’s drunk with the questions)
Jo “Technically I was dead before then, it was mom who died in the explosion..  I’m not mad.” (LOL he does. It’s cute in a 'oh god here we go’ way)
Grey “…. Okay I’m not loving anything that gets you mauled by a hellhound and gets your mom blown up.  Really?”
Jo “I thought you…nevermind.  Nevermind, nevermind, nevermind.”
Grey “Thought I what?  Tell meeeeeeee”
Jo “I said nevermind, not important. ….god you’re ridiculous when you’re drunk.”
Grey “No tell me.  Pleeeeeeeeeeease.”
Jo “I thought you.. Well, I was what got me mauled by a hellhound and got my mom blown up, so I thought.. it’s unimportant. And I’m not mad, and you’re still ridiculous.”
Grey “No that’s not… I mean the impulse not you.  I still love you just not the part of you that wants to get you hurt and thinks you’re not worth anything.”
Jo “It wasn’t an impulse…it was the right thing to do…”  (I love how awkward Jo just completely got)
Grey “Nothing that hurts you like that could have been the right thing to do.  What’s the matter?” (Because of the “I love you”?)
Jo “…you don’t know what could have happened if that hadn’t occured though, Grey. …who knows what would have happened, I heard from Dean what he saw the future to look like and he hadn’t heard any news of what happened to /me/ in that world…  Nothing’s the matter.” (Yeah, though she got awkward a little bit the second she said 'I thought you..’ because she knew where her brain was going and
Jo made her slightly awkward then a little more awkward until the “I still lvoe you” really hit the top point thus far)
Grey “But how can something that hurts you be the right thing?  Okay.” (Did she really think he didn’t love her?)
Jo “Because I’m just one person…the right thing doesn’t always benefit the person doin’ it, you have to weigh one person’s life against the future of mankind…and in that? I don’t think I’d come out on top.” (No, but she was half joking and then realised she was serious and then realised what she was saying.)
Grey “You would if I was making the choice.” (She can comfort herself with the fact he loves her.  He doesnt understand her sometimes and he gets frustrated but he loves her, also drunk Grey is painfully honest)
Jo “Grey!” (She’s more just gaping at him not quite sure how to feel about the idea he’d pu her above the future of the whole of mankind.  But that’s slightly comforting, that even if she frustrates him and he doesnt understand her all the time he does anyway)
Grey “I know, I’m terrible and evil and a monster for saying it.  Not a good guy.” (*nods* Understandably. Yeah even when he’s spitting mad at her he loves her)
Jo “I..don’t think you would. And I don’t think you’re any of that. Just.. I didn’t expect..” (She’s just blinking at him and if he didn’t smell like a gin joint and wasn’t acting so weird she’d kiss him for it even if it is not what she wants to hear.  LOL True true. ….he ever get the same 'sometimes I want to choke you’ feelings about Jo that everyone else gets?)
Grey “I would pick you though.  I know me, there’s a reason I’m a monster.  I would pick your safety over an earthful of strangers.”  (Awwww. He wants to cuddly but realizes she doesnt want to be close to him because of the smell so he hasnt moved to.  Not exactly. I mean he does, just not for the same reason Anna does)
Jo “But…you like people, you don’t want to be a monster, you want to do the good thing, the right thing..right? So you wouldn’t. Even if.” (Ah, she’ll move in a second to cuddle so long as he doesnt screw up and upset her.  Yeah everyone gets it for different reasons.)
Grey “I do, I mean I don’t want to hurt anyone and I don’t try to hurt someone on purpose.  But I’m still not good. I’ll always be a monster. I would pick you.” (Incoming screw up probably.  And he’s getting so sad right now because now he thinks he is evil and it’s making him look like a sad puppy)
Jo “You’re good to me… Even if you say you’d pick me, even though you know I wouldn’t want you to. Stop sayin’ that you’re not good, Grey, there’s no reason to look like that..” (Yellow alert, yellow alert.. )
Grey “I just want you to be safe and happy.  That’s all.” (At least he’s not guzzling booze anymore just kind of toying with the bottle)
Jo “Do I look unhappy or unsafe..? …… *Jo snatches his bottle away setting it away before settling across and ontop of him* ..There, now do I look anything but what you want?” (Well, there goes his booze away in exchange for a lap and armfuls of female. …she’s clever. very clever Jo..)
Grey “No.” *Grey bites his lip putting his arms around her and burying his head against her shoulder* “But how do I keep you this way without doing something wrong?” (His heart is breaking)
Jo *Pulling her hair to the side and curling into him, she rests he head against his, smiling* “Forty-two..” (Poor thing..)
Grey *Grey stays there with her in his arms, wondering how much she’ll hate him when she finds out what he did to her*
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adultteamharmony · 6 years
What's the worst fight you all had?
“The worst fight? Oh no... I... think that one was a while back, when we were still teens.”
FlashBack Time~
(slight warning, this is long, like sorry guys)
“Ok, that’s it! I’ve had enough of this punk, going around and giving people a ‘reality check’. Well, I think its his turn to have one.” Zackery huffed, his lips drawn back into a snarl as he began to pull his hair back into a ponytail.
“Zackery, no! You are not going to do anything except sit down and cool off.” Kodo stated, standing up and crossing her arms, her vines sprouting out and wrapping tightly around his waist. “Zackery, you are part of Team Harmony and you’re trying to become a hero, going around and punching anyone and everyone who pisses you off is only going to end up hurting you in the end and it wont solve anything.” She added, huffing out hot air from her nose and narrowing her eyes at him.
Zackery simply snarled before yanking at her vines, forcing Kodo to stumble toward him. “And what about you?! All you end up doing is just shut down and get all passive, basically rolling over whenever a problem comes up that you cant figure out how to solve! Dont you care at all that the guy you, supposedly had a crush on, told you to fuck off?? Doesn’t it bother you that he’s happy with someone else while you did absolutely nothing and just sat out in the background?!” He shouted, waving his arms around, clenching and unclenching his fists over and over as his anger start to boil over.
“Yes.. no... I dont know dammit! I failed and messed up and made things worse, so just let me forget about it and move on already for Christ sake! As long as he’s happy, I’m happy, who cares? Whatever. Besides, the key word here is HAD. I HAD a crush on him, right now, I dont, so I dont care. And why do you care anyway? None of this involves you, none of this is about you!” Seemed anger was contagious since Kodo was starting to engage Zackery in a screaming contest. By now, her vines had released Zackery but they were flinging around, mimicking Kodo’s arm movements. Finally, she stood on her toes, chest puffed out and glared up at Zackery, fists balled up and at her side, shaking.
“Why do I care? Why do I care?! Kodo for fuck sake, has over 10 years of friendship mean so little to you that you have to question why I would care about someone telling you to fuck off? What am I to you? A knight, your brother, or just a fucking joke?!” Zackery trailed off, having started off yelling and stomping closer to her but has he started to piece things together, his shoulders sagged, lips forming a small and thin line, eyes glancing at her and then at the ground before he just sighed and shook his head.
With a huff, Zackery spun on his heels and stomped over to the door, only for Tachi to have had enough of this screaming contest and stepped in, blocking Zackery’s way.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Tachi asked, looking down at Zackery with arms crossed.
“And just who the fuck do you think you are? You really think you’re something all high and mighty huh? Look at you, looking down at me as if I was nothing more but just a nuisance... thats what I am to you people, right? A good for nothing nuisance that does nothing but brings trouble?”
“Zackery, please, lets just talk about this.”
“Zack, you’re a major nuisance right now. Just turn around and sit down before you blow a fus-.” Tachi ordered, only to get cut off by a sudden punch to the face. The sucker punch was strong enough to knock Tachi back and bump against the door before he regained his footing. Rubbing his now sore jaw, Tachi glared at Zackery, clenching his fist.
“So I’m a major nuisance huh? Finally glad that we can have some fucking truth around here. You want to know what I think about you!? All you do is walk around as if you own the place, all high and mighty just because you have a real special quirk, AND YOU DONT EVEN USE ALL OF IT! Not to mention, you never really talk to us about anything that goes on in that thick skull of yours. If we’re supposed to be a team, you sure do have a funny way of showing your team spirit.” Zackery ranted, getting all up in Tachi face, who was doing all he could to stop himself from knocking the fireball out.
“Zackery please, that’s enough. Can we just cool off and move on?” Kodo asked, hesitantly approaching her friend only to jump back when he spun around to face her.
“Dont think you’re getting out of this scot-free. You’re just as bad as he is when it comes to your secrets. I get it, I’m a dumb fuck, I know I am, and its clear thats how the two of you see me, but I’m not blind. You like to go around pretending that you’re this open book, almost as if you’re better than all of us, but I know the truth, you hide so many things in between the lines. I am just so sick and tired of you two keeping everything a secret and treating me like I’m the dumbest fucking hazard there is in the world!” As Zackery ranted and scream, Kodo slowly backed away, wanting to keep as much distance between herself and her angry friend.
Finally, Tachi just grabbed Zackery and lifted him up to eye level. "So you think you’ve done nothing wrong? Look at you. You’re just a walking fire hazard. Its a wonder how you made it this far in life without someone else coming around and dealing with you. With either of us, you’d probably just end up sleeping under a bridge somewhere!”
The two dived into a heated argument between each other, Zackery’s hair slowly growing in temperature with smoke rising up from it, while Tachi was just shaking in anger.
As Kodo watched her two friends just verbally rip each other apart, a lump formed in her throat as her eyes watered up, stinging and making it hard to see until finally, “I’M SORRY!” She shouted, causing the two to pause in their own argument and looked at her.
“Wait, what? Why are you apologizing?”
“I’m sorry! I dont tell you guys anything, I just bottle everything up, I feel like crap every single day, I’m just so jealous of your amazing and strong quirks while I got stuck with something weak, I’ll never be able to match anything you two do, I never meant to make either of you feel stupid, being smart is all I’m good at and even then I still mess up, I’m not worthy of being your leader or friend...” Kodo continued to just spill her guts out as tears cascaded down her red cheeks. Her voice cracked and shook in several places, but she continued to just spill it all out.
Tachi immediately dropped Zackery and the two scrambled over to her, a little unsure of what to do. After a while, the two decided to just let Kodo let it all out, tissues and a water bottle ready for her. After several minutes, she finally calmed down enough, that or she just ran out of things to say.
The room was just filled with this heavy and thick silence, the two brothers awkwardly looking at each other before one of them spoke. “Look, Tachi I-”
“No, I’m sorry. What you said... I... I think I really needed to hear it.”
“But dude, I shouldnt have yelled or said those nasty things... I mean, I’m sorry too.”
“But you were right. You two are family to me, when I lost my sight in my eye, everyone else just turned their backs on me but you two, you were there for me, helped me, and look at where I am now because of you two. I really should open up more, it would only help all of us, right?”
“Just because I was right doesnt mean that I should have said it in the way I did. I just, I just get so mad. Like I can clearly see that something is bugging your two guys, but no matter what I do, I cant get either of you to talk to me. It just made me feel like that I didnt matter to either of you and that you guys must hate me I’m sorry.”
“Zackery, you do matter. No matter how angry I get, or frustrated you make me feel, I could never hate you, and I will never stop loving you. I promise that from now on, I’ll try to open up more. You guys are my family.” Kodo chimed in, her voice a little scratchy from crying.
“Am I promise to try opening up as well. Zack, I’m sorry for making you feel like you were below me. You’re not, but I failed in making that clear.”
“I’m not exactly guilt free either. I really need to stop doing all of this fighting... and that sucker punch was just really uncalled for, I’m sorry dude. How about your punch me back and we call it even?”
“Zackery, if I did that, you’d end up in the hospital, so no. I kind of deserved it, so we’re fine.” Tachi added before ruffling his hair.
“Can... can we just stay like this for a while, please?” Kodo asked, referring to the cuddle pile that they had formed.
“Yeah, its rather nice... Maybe afterward we can head out and get some food?” Tachi offered, shifting a little until he was a little more comfortable.
“Sounds good to me, and I’ll pay since I started all of this.” Zackery stated, not letting any of them counter it. And with that, the trio just relaxed for a while, until Zackery said one last thing. 
“I’m still kicking that punk’s ass, hard.”
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