#''i let my cats roam free because i actually love them unlike you!!!'' was what they told her but like. bruh
olliesaurus-rex · 2 years
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My sister got a kitty! Meet Cypher!
(disclaimer, she was only in the crate when we first got home as we have other pets so she had a safe place to be while they met)
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flightfoot · 2 years
Plagg’s story
I’ve really loved how, over the course of the series, we get hints about Plagg’s backstory, what he’s done, how he’s been treated as a result, and how he’s been slowly healing while he’s been with Adrien.
For instance, we hear a lot about how he was responsible for killing the dinosaurs. He’s commented on it several times, and even Su-Han brought it up. That sort of destructive power, even though it being unleashed was accidental, is why people are so alarmed at the thought of him running free and using his power without a Holder (not that it’s super safe for ANY kwami to use it without a Holder)
Tikki: (to Plagg, who is trying to break through out) Don't waste your energy, we can't go through it, it's magic! This is all because of your cheese addiction. Plagg: I still have my catacly- Tikki: No, you can't control it! Your cataclysm could destroy the whole city and make things even worse.
Notably, Plagg actually has better control over his Cataclysm than he’s given credit for. He did a decent job reigning it in during Style Queen (though the damage still needed to be repaired immediately afterwards) and he was able to use it successfully during Heroes Day to help get Gorizilla to let go of Adrien - something Adrien trusted Plagg to do.
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(Gorizilla is taking Adrien away from the fight; Plagg and Adrien look at each other, and after Adrien gives him an approving nod, Plagg sneaks behind the two and blows on the ground below them to make Gorizilla drop Adrien; when he does, Adrien runs and hides) Plagg: (flies over to Adrien) See that? I barely destroyed anything. Adrien: (pats Plagg's head) You're a true hero.
As much as Plagg’s given flak for the harm he’s caused with his destructive power, he’s arguably the one who’s been able to control his power without a wielder most effectively. As much as he likes to give the impression of being lazy and not caring about the consequences of those cataclysms, he seems to have worked to try and get better at not causing disasters he didn’t intend - with some success, even.
But his past damage has caused him to be treated as a kwami to be held on a leash, even more than the other kwamis. Su-Han, for instance, is alarmed at the thought of Plagg running around.
Su-Han: So this is the modern world: protected by a group of careless fools. Guardians must never wear a Miraculous! Some jewels missing and Plagg roaming free?! The end of dinosaurs and dragons - doesn't that alarm anyone?!
Even knowing that Plagg has a Holder isn’t enough to mollify Su-Han, since a Guardian isn’t keeping an eye on him personally.
We see how Plagg is used to needing to sneak around in order to do the things he wants, to have a bit of freedom, in Sandboy - unlike Tikki who just tells Marinette what she’s doing. And we get to see how deeply it affects Plagg when Adrien tells him that he doesn’t have to do that.
Plagg: (sees Marinette's and Tikki's snuggles and groans) Hmpf… (Plagg floats to Adrien in his room and hugs him; the latter is surprised) Thank you Adrien! Adrien: Plagg! Something wrong? Plagg: No… Just… Thanks for letting me do whatever I want. Almost all the time. Adrien: I know what it's like to have your freedom restricted, Plagg. You don't need to pretend to be a sock. Plagg: (hugs Adrien) You're the best Cat Noir I've ever had, Adrien! (lets go) But, let's not get too cheesy about it now, huh? (Adrien snickers)
All of this leads into Transmission, where Plagg has some little bits of his character come out in the way he tells Adrien that he’s taking his Miraculous from him in order to allow him to pursue the relationship he wants. We see both Tikki’s and Plagg’s approach to this, which makes the little differences in Plagg’s speech stand out more.
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Like this little add-on, here - Plagg didn’t need to say this. Tikki didn’t. But Plagg’s felt bad about some of the harm he’s caused, as much as he pretends not to care, and he admires how Adrien’s stuck to his principles and been able to keep from destroying anything he didn’t want to, or anything he’d regret (the Christmas tree in Santa Claws comes to mind, with how he couldn’t destroy the tree, how he stopped himself and destroyed his own ad instead). 
And then there’s this little final farewell that both Plagg and Tikki gave:
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While Tikki says “I’ll never forget you, Marinette,” Plagg says “You’ll never forget me, Adrien!” As opposed to how Tikki’s giving a pretty standard reassurance to Marinette that she treasured their time together, Plagg’s is a little nonstandard. I think he’s reassuring himself that Adrien treasured their time together, because Plagg’s not used to humans, at least, caring for him on a deep personal level. The audio even makes it sound like Plagg’s wildly sobbing as he flies off, which doesn’t happen for Tikki. Even though Plagg was the one to suggest doing this, it hurts him a lot - but he’s willing to go through that hurt for the sake of Adrien’s happiness, because he cares about Adrien like he’s never cared about anyone else before, with the possible exception of his fellow kwamis.
I really love Plagg and how the story around him has slowly been hinted at, as he’s gone through character growth over the course of the show.
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Cuddle Time w/ the OM Cast
Baby Simeon woke me up from my slumber. That card is fucking adorable, I want it.
The fact Lucifer doesn't immediately throw them off whenever they try to snuggle should be proof enough of his love.
Cuddling is mostly done in the privacy of his bedroom. Occasionally he'll allow it in his office, but only if he's not busy.
He prefers to do it on one of the many chairs or cushions he has by the fire. Between the warmth of their body and the heat of the fireplace, he'll relax into it in seconds…
His favorite position is face-to-face with them on his lap - it's a way for him to "hand over" control while still feeling perfectly in charge. Sure, they can trace his jaw or fluff his hair as much as they like, but it's his arms holding them in place.
Gets beyond grouchy if they get interrupted... First, it's embarrassing, but second, who even has the right? If he gets pulled away for anything less than a house fire, someone (usually Mammon) is getting tied up to the chandelier...
Jumps at cuddle time, but always tries to play it off afterwards like an indecisive puppy.
Like Lucifer, he prefers his bedroom or theirs, but he'll do it in the Common Room too if he really needs a "pick-me-up." It's just that they usually get interrupted in there, so…
Likes to cuddle in bed or on couches, any place that's long enough to let him stretch out a bit. He wants to monopolize as much MC as he can.
Favorite position is laying on them so that his head is on their stomach or chest, kind of like a blanket. Like I said, the MC Surface Area to Mammon ratio is very important to him. More than half of MC must be cuddled for supreme satisfaction.
Whines like crazy if they get interrupted (and they usually do). Nearly every brother has an automatic gut reaction to toss him across the room if they see it happening, but that never stops him trying.
Levi had to warm to cuddling but after that he was all-in for life.
Really only does it in his room (duh). He gets so nervous about trying it anywhere else that you'd think it was scandalous or something...
Actually prefers to cuddle on the floor - on beanbags or pillows of course. It's not terribly comfortable to cuddle and play games together in his bedtub and he needs the multitasking.
Favorite position (scratch that, the only position) is with their back to him and his arms around them in some way, probably also gripping a controller (or vice versa). They can do it laying down or sitting up, but that's what he can muster. His brain stops functioning if they ever try to face each other...
Not above vague thoughts of homicide if they get interrupted. He already doesn't like letting go, so add on the depletion of his all important "MC Meter" and he's going to be very grumpy indeed…
Cuddles a bit like a semi-social cat. Less big on full-on snuggling, but he still requires physical contact.
Much more relaxed about the PDA than the others, but his affection style is more casual looking as well. He'll cuddle right about anywhere, but mostly whenever he's reading.
Couches or loveseats are easiest. Chairs are less so, but manageable as long as they can sit close to each other. 
Favorite position is to have them sit next to him with their legs over his lap. He only needs one hand to read so the other usually roams around mindlessly while he's engrossed in a book. He may rub their thighs, hold their hand, or play with their hair.
Hates being interrupted with a burning passion. The death glare he'll send to anyone stupid enough to try could curdle milk… Give Satan his MC time if you know what's good for you.
Needs cuddle time like he needs air, but would you expect any less from the embodiment of Lust?
Down to cuddle anytime, anywhere - zero shame and no hint of hesitation. Sometimes he'll come over and latch into them in the middle of someone else's conversation...
Fond of using beds but he's also mastered cuddling in the tub, his bathroom is certainly built for it. Nothing beats a nice hot bath with his nice warm MC! 😘
Favorite position is really any of them. He's hardly going to be picky - though if given the choice, he'll pull them to the nearest bed and wrap himself around them so tight that they may get stuck together.
Whines louder than Mammon if they ever get interrupted and pelt the intruder with pillows or shoes to make them go away (it rarely works though…). 
Always happy to cuddle with MC!... as long as they don't mind his stomach growling from time to time.
Prefers to cuddle after he's downed some big feast. When the food coma is setting in, it's really nice to hold MC for a while… They make him feel full for at least five extra minutes!
He tries to incorporate MC into his training sometimes so his favorite position is to have them latched onto him like a kola while he goes about the House. If their arms or legs get tired, he'll carry them over to a couch and just continue from there.
If he's got to be still, then he prefers to cuddle in a bed, ideally one where Belphie is. Nothing warms his heart more than having the both of them clung into him in some way, it's very therapeutic. 😊
Not AS bothered when they get interrupted… If anything he's just disappointed. He was probably having fun, but they'll come back, right...?
Look, all time is "Cuddle Time" and any other activity is just a distraction. If Belphie could hot glue the MC to his body, he would. 
Being cuddled to sleep is a MUST. He thrives on their proximity and the sound of their heartbeat is the world's best lullaby.
Unfortunately, he doesn't even need to be particularly comfortable to get cuddling in… He has been known to just collapse onto their lap if he's tired enough, all else be damned.
His favorite position is any way that lets them be his pillow. Any particular soft parts of the body like the stomach are fair game. He'll use their thighs like a neck pillow if he wants to (and hope that they don't try choking him out of revenge...).
There's really no interrupting Belphie. If someone needs MC, he'll latch onto their legs so they either stay put or bring him too. The others have to use magic or spatulas just to pry him off...
Big on cuddle time. HUGE on cuddle time! This man has hardly ever been touched, so this is a dream come true!!
Look, he's the king so he'll cuddle them wherever he damn well pleases! (That's a lie, Barbatos won't let him do it during work hours… Otherwise it's fine.)
He's very enthusiastic but uh… kind of inexperienced so a lot of things (like convenient location) don't occur to him right away. Like sure, they could go cuddle in a big ass bed, but he really wants to hold them RIGHT NOW so they're just going to have to do this in an empty ballroom somehow...
His favorite position is probably best described as the "Teddy Bear," where they just sit on his lap and he hugs them from behind. He'll even rest his chin on their head if he can. It looks vaguely like he's holding them hostage but they actually seem happy about it.
Unless your name is Barbatos or Lucifer, you do not interrupt them. As far as he knows, there's still a snake in the dungeons and you don't want to be the person he sends to check…
A spot of quiet intimacy is quite rare for him… but never unwelcome.
Assuming Barbs even finds the time in his schedule to sit still for a while, he will almost always opt to do so when utterly alone (sometimes even in deserted timelines). It's very embarrassing to be caught procrastinating at work...
Ever the pleaser, he'll claim that he has no real preferences but if he were being honest it's when they're curling up together on a cushion or loveseat. It's comfortable, but still allows for some proper conversion.
Unlike others, no matter what position they take he'll always want to be face-to-face. When he gets to be with them so rarely, why would he ever want to see their back turned…?
NO ONE interrupts them. No one. Short of Diavolo needing him desperately, if someone sees the two of them together they will turn around. Even an irritated Barbatos is scary, an angry one is terrifying…
Oh man… This is the height of intimacy for an angel. Cuddling with Simeon is just as sweet and relaxing as it sounds - it's an almost photogenic level of serenity, fit for the brushes of Renaissance painters trying to define what divine love is...
Naturally, because it's such an intimate act Simeon will only do so in absolute privacy. He doesn't even want Luke to see, it's just that personal...
Part of why he's so guarded is because it's one of the rare times he'll let his wings be free. They're very delicate, so he has to sit on stools, logs, or other backless seats to even let them out but it's worth it.
His favorite position is to have the MC sit across his lap while he holds them as close as possible. He'll beat his wings for a nice breeze on hot days or fold them in to shelter the MC from cold ones. No matter what, their movement is so glimmering and graceful that they're practically mesmerizing…
To him getting interrupted is legitimately so mortifying you'd think he got caught streaking. Even the brothers - sans Satan - will avert their eyes if they find them like that… while still telling him to back off but at least they're considerate about it.
Solomon's softest moments come when he's cuddling MC… but he's still a little mischievous no matter what.
They pretty much have to do it in secret because if any of the brothers see them, they'll throw a fit… So snuggling in cramped storage closets or "so-high-up-in-the-air-no-one-can-stop-us" it is!
But when he wants to poke buttons, Solomon will magic them onto his lap dead-ass in the middle of RAD, like, two minutes before a class starts just to watch the world burn…
If he had a favorite position, it's sitting wrapped up together in his cape. It feels intimate, warm, and the starry-sky pattern makes him feel like there's nothing in the universe but them…
Interruptions are frequent - thank the PDA police - but only in the Devildom. In the human world, though? They're all his and he soaks up every minute of it... Sorry fellas. 😏
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Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Kou Route ー Sub Scenario w/Shin
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–> In between the main route chapters, the player is taken to the area map of the Parade where you can freely roam around. There are four different places to visit, each with different mini games and sub scenarios to enjoy.
ー The scene starts in Aizen Alley
Kou: Ah, M-neko-chan, check this out! There’s a cute wolf over here!
Yui: You’re right! How adorable! I wonder if he’ll let us pet him...? 
Kou: I don’t see why not? I will too then.
ー Kou reaches out to pet him
???: Oi, you guys. Where do you think those hands are going...? 
Yui: ( Huh? This voice... )
Are you perhaps...Shin-kun? 
Shin: You only realized just now?
Kou: Why are you in that form, Shin-kun? 
Shin: It’s a long story. I’m hiding in my wolf form right now. 
Kou: Hmー I see. Say, can you turn into a wolf whenever you want to? 
Shin: Of course. 
Kou: Heehー You’re pretty amazing, Shin-kun!
Shin: Well, unlike you guys, this is a piece of cake for us Founders. 
Kou: How niceー I want to turn into a wolf tooー 
Hey! Isn’t there a special trick to your transformation? Teach me!
Shin: Trick...? It’s simply a difference decided at birth. 
Kou: Ehー I bet there’s a secret to it! You’re so petty for not wanting to teach me!
Shin: Hah, go ahead and run your mouth all you want. 
Yui: You want to become a wolf too, Kou-kun? 
Kou: Yeah! I mean, don’t you think it’s cool to be able to transform? 
...Ah! But wolves are a little scary, so maybe another animal would be better? 
Let me think...Wouldn’t a cat be nice? 
I’d get to curl up on someone’s lap and get lots of pets! 
Shin: Haah!? What are you talking about? I mean, wolves can do that too. 
Kou: I know that but between a wolf and a cat, I’m convinced the cat would get the most loving. 
M-neko-chan, you like cats, don’t you? 
Yui: Yeah! They’re so soft and cute, I do enjoy petting them. 
Kou: See? That’s why I’d definitely choose to become a cat!
Then I’d spend all my time lazing around on M-neko-chan’s lap~
Shin: If that’s your goal, I don’t think you necessarily need to take the cat route. 
A small rodent like a hamster would be able to get inside someone’s clothes and write it off as an accident. 
Kou: ...!! Shin-kun, that’s a brilliant idea!
Shin: I mean, if you can get away with it, I’m sure it’d be easy to nestle in between a woman’s breasts. 
They’d forgive you because you’re cute anyway, so you basically get a free pass to do anything, right? 
Kou: I totally get what you mean!
Shin: I’m sure that thought crosses any guy’s mind at some point! Alsoーー 
Yui: ( Ah, our eyes met... )
Shin: ...Just kidding, I stand by my opinion that a wolf is the best choice. 
Kou: Ehー!? Why the sudden change of mind!? 
Shin: Shut up! I felt bad for you and your weird fantasies so I was just playing along for a bit. 
So none of what I said are things I’ve actually considered, okay!? Don’t get the wrong idea!
ー Shin runs off
Kou: Ah, he ran off...
Yui: ( I listened in on their conversation since they seemed to be having a good time but... )
( I guess he didn’t like the idea of a girl hearing him say those things...? Did I do something bad...? )
Kou: We were having such a great talk too, what a shame...
But oh well, guess it’s fine. With all potential obstacles out of the way...
Why don’t we put the theory into practice? 
Yui: Eh? 
Kou: And with that, you can now consider me your very own kitty cat!
Yui: Kyah!
Kou: Nyan~ Fufu, this is fun. 
Yui: Geeez, it tickles...!
Kou: Oh come on~ Dote on me more? Nyan~ 
ーー THE END ーー 
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colonel-insomniac · 3 years
Patbob I should’ve been better :3 HOHO
@pawsomelybuggy here ye go :3 I hope you likeeeeee. Also realizing how long its been since i wrote for patbob
Bobby couldn’t move. He was so numb he was frozen to his spot. He wished he had never opened his mouth and said those words to Patrick, because he knew how sensitive his buddy was, and how Bobby was the only one in his life who had been there no matter what. And Bobby had an argument with arguably the one person he loves the most in his life, sending him away to a group of newfound friends as opposed to opening his arms and reassuring Patrick that Bobby would always be there for him.
He couldn’t open his mouth, it was like it was glued shut by the cosmos or something, but he desperately wanted to call Patrick back. Bobby wanted so badly to say “I’m sorry, I should never have said any of that, because I love you so much more than any argument we could ever have.”
But words left unsaid were soon wilted on his tongue, washed away with the wave of crushing sorrow roaring its way through his bloodstream. And so he wordlessly watched his best friend walk away without even a glance back at Bobby, who had fallen to his knees, legs unable to carry him anymore. Into the future, Patrick went, without Bobby. And that thought kept creeping its way around his brain, his awareness of his breathing being the only thing keeping the tears from flowing freely.
Sandy placed her hand on his shoulder, gently helping him stand again, sending him home to rest before their trek up the volcano. His home was dark, shadows from the moon casting their dancing shapes through his living room as the door swung open. Gary padded his way to Bobby, a seemingly chiding “meow” ringing throughout the house. Bobby offered his furry friend the best smile he could before heading up to his room. He couldn’t muster the energy to pretend he was just fine anymore. He was the opposite of fine.
And he didn’t know if it was Patrick’s betrayal of Bobby, or Bobby’s betrayal of Patrick. Was there any way it could be both, because if Bobby couldn’t answer that question, he’d just wind up blaming himself, and only himself. Maybe that was actually the case.
He crawled onto his bed, allowing his mind to roam free, reliving days in the sun with Pat, swimming in the ocean as children, ice cream cones melting and making small hands sticky. And the place he once was so proud to live in was now a projected hologram, stilted in its image as it tried to hold itself together. He saw people he once thought to be accepting now openly discriminate against Sandy for not being native. People interrupted Edward more than they normally did, and tore down any shred of confidence Bobby thought he had. And his boss lost himself to his unending hunger for money, even in a time when it might not even matter anymore. Not that Bobby ever thought it did, because he was always raised to believe that you could struggle to pay bills and put food on the table, but you could still be happier than people who were careless with their own earnings. All it took was surrounding yourself with the right people.
And so he was disappointed, any sparkling image of his town dulled with the reality of the world. Sure, it was sad, but there was ultimately nothing he could actually do about that. He had tried and people will only work on themselves if they want to get better.
Gary leapt onto the bed quietly, and laid himself ontop of Bobby, purring. Bobby thought maybe his furry faced friend was trying to heal him in his own way, and Bobby rubbed the top of Gary’s head, fighting back the strong urge to cry.
But the tears came anyway, sliding down the sides of his face, because he just missed his buddy so bad. And yeah, Patrick was only two houses away, but nothing said he was wanted there, and what if he wasn’t there anyway? Patrick had new friends, new bonds and better light in his life.
And for all his kindness and sociability with his fellow peers, Bobby really only had a few people he would actually consider his friends. And even fewer he’d consider his best friends. Gary gently hopped off Bobby and onto the bed, seemingly sensing that Bobby was thinking of getting up. His cat’s intuition scared him sometimes, but he scratched behind Gary’s ears, before walking to his closet.
Even in the heat of the summer, he was still inexplicably cold, so he dug out a hoodie— unsurprisingly, one of Pat’s— and slid it on. He left the hoodie sitting on his head, because if he didn’t think about it too much, it kinda felt like someone was holding him in an embrace.
Leaving his room, he climbed up the stairs and onto his roof. The wind blew, gently moving the small curls of hair off his forehead. And two houses down, the lights were on. Soft music was carried to Bobby, but it was also possible for that to have come from Edwards house, not Patrick’s.
Bobby turned, knowing if he continued to stare, he might see something that would hurt. He remembered a day he was here with Patrick. The whole town had been avoiding Bobby, and he couldn’t figure out why they were. Patrick had been the only one to not avoid him, and when he came to the conclusion that it was because Bobby was unattractive, he had encouraged the smaller boy to be proud.
Pat had dragged him up to the roof, and instructed him to yell he was ugly and proud for the whole world, so there would never be a person who could use that to demean him. With shaking hands and alone this time, Bobby tilted his head to the sky “I should have been better.” He shouted it for the whole world to hear, but more importantly, hoped that Patrick had heard it too, and that he would know that Bobby meant it for him.
He dropped to his knees again, and lied down on the top of his roof. All the anger and frustration was definitely gone by now, and he was left with the crushing feeling of numbing sorrow. Bobby was just barely able to register the music coming to a stop, crickets chirping their way to break the silence before it could get too quiet.
Unlike earlier, he had no encouragement to sit up anymore, no reason to. And in all honesty, he could very well just sleep here, under the stars. But after a while, he picked himself off the ground anyways, and to the shower, because if the world was to end tomorrow, the least he could do was start off his day right.
And when the sun shone the next morning, Bobby was severely underprepared. If he just closed his eyes, would time stop for him? He supposed it didn’t really matter, Sandy was probably already waiting, or fighting her way through racist people anyways, the least he could do is try to meet her.
Climbing a volcano was harder than he had originally thought. The higher they went, the hotter it got, and the more frequently they had to take a break. The air was thin, and he had to force himself to not look down, because if he did, he’d freak out, and that just was not something they could afford right now. Not with the day going from afternoon to late afternoon. They didn’t have time to waste.
So when his foot caught in between some rocks, Bobby considered telling Sandy to just keep pushing forwards without him. Tumbling rocks separated them, but thankfully they missed him. He could just barely hear Sandy calling his name, and hoped she could hear him shout for her.
Bobby was unfortunately aware of the large boulder running down the volcano, speeding towards him. Heart beating in his chest, he shut his eyes, wishing he could at least have apologized to Pat.
When he opened his eyes, it was only in confusion, because he didn’t feel a thing, so either it was a quick death, or…
He gasped. “Patrick!” Bobby made the mistake of looking down, and clung closer to Pat after realizing he was floating through the air. “And you have Sandy’s jetpack!”
Pat set him down next to Sandy and fidgeted, nervous for some reason unbeknownst to Bobby. “Can we talk, privately for just a minute?” Pat asked, and Sandy waved over in some other direction, quickly asking for this to be a genuinely small talk. “I heard what you said last night.” Bobby’s blood turned to ice, because he thought that maybe Pat was here to tell Bobby he was ready to just put everything behind them because it wasn’t worth it. He just wanted to move on.
“Oh, uhm, about that…” Bobby wasn’t really sure what to say, or how to say it. “I believe it. I should have been better and I shouldn’t have said anything to begin with.” He looked away, taking a small, heartbroken step back.
Patrick moved forward to match Bobby’s step back, and shook his head with a sad smile on his face. “No, you don’t get it,” He began, “I should have been better, too. We both said things that weren’t true just to hurt the other.”
“I never wanted to lose you,” Bobby whispered, tears in his eyes. “And when you started walking off, I guess I panicked. But that doesn’t excuse what I said. And I wish I had never even said any of it because none of it is true.”
“It’s alright. I got caught up in the idea of being a hero in my own right, and I let myself be distracted by false promises.” Patrick shrugged, and pulled Bobby into a hug.
Bobby’s heart pounded in his chest, partially from relief and happiness, and partly due to the overwhelming urge to just say the words rocketing their way through his head. “I love you so much.” It came out muffled against Patrick, but he wasn’t willing to let go of Patrick. His companion held him tighter, whispering the sentiment right back to Bobby.
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bioodorange · 4 years
headcanons for ej? or just any creepypasta you like i love how in depth you go
anYwAy yes let's get into it
Feel free to message or submit any request! J hope this is good enough for ya!
||Eyeless Jack Headcanons||
Jack has no canon backstory but I abide by the Jenny cult one cause his other one is dUmb (even though it's lesser known)
He can't see shit, mother fucker has no eyes!
But he does have very good memory, kinda of like photographic memory but for environment and all around him
Jack can only eat humans or monster tainted beings, 'human food' isn't edible to him
The man does enter heats and with no one to bone he basically goes off the grid and locks himself awaubtke a few days
His body gets hot and he's way thirstier and hungry then usual
He waits until after everything to go out and eat
He has three tounges
His saliva is gray and acidic, it will leave stains and wear through something if left long enough
It feels like weeks but Jack actually wandered the woods for months in an inhumane state, constantly blacking out
Jack has ear, brow and naval piercings from before he turned which surprised the shit out of him
He refuses to learn brail, it's admitting his blindness, admitting his weakness
Moving everything three inches to the left will screw this man up beyond belief
Jack was pretty inhuman when they found him, a fractured mind and made more animalistic noises then human ones and even walked on all fours
Then being around people and getting a sense of himself Jack developed to be more humane.
The scalpel he uses is absolutely unnecessary but he's a germaphope and dead people under your nails is NOT a nice feeling
He has genuine feelings for Jenny until she ate him alive and scooped out his eyes with a spoon
Jacks height is around like 6'8?
His nails grow back quickly he has to trim them everyday
Jack works in an abandoned hospital, mending the wounds of any inhuman creature
The hospital is neutral ground, for those who side with Zalgo or Slender
Jack makes cicada noises when he's upset
Hes more similar to a cat then anything else.
If you start a fight this man will either ask you to leave or rip out your lungs. It depends on the mood he's in
Despite being so large hes one of the most agile and silent pastas.
Most days aren't spent in the hospital they're spent walking the woods and simply "watching" humans
His favourite character is Toph
He insists all old technology is useful and will rarely use anything from past the time he turned
His worst fear is lactation
Jack his proxies who work in the hospital helping with medical procedures
Jacks proxies aren't trained nearly as much as slenders.
Those who fail slenders tests but are still in good physical condition are sent to Jack to act as security.
They're also training sacrifices for the rare occurrence that he trains his own proxies
Jacks proxies are higher in number with a better life expectancy, but less freedom and shittier circumstances
Jacks proxies are often left alone with monsterous patients who leave lasting marks
Unlike Slender who has decency to heal his workers after punishing jacks proxies are left unattended as there regeneration factor kicks in.
This results in disfigured limbs, odd infections and occasionally even death
Jacks power level sits somewhere between slender and Jeff the killer.
He outmatches puppeteer in physical strength but not supernatural ability
The man knows a lot about science and nothing about people
At one point Jack began falling for one of his proxies- one he decided to train
Because of his rough treatment but his odd softness towards her the girl became trouble some
She caued problems, more damage then good and was eventually taken in and broken by Jack
Afterwards the girl managed to escape somehow.
She'd trained with Jack and knew him
Heartbroken and confused the man lost whatever kept him from becoming chard inside
No one really knows what happened after this
Where the hospital went what he's up too
But we do know he doesn't let go
Jack can never really die his spirit will roam this world for a long time after
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 63 - SBT
Here it is!
Day after day, week after week, month after month, Perle grew up to become the most beautiful cat Mundy had set eyes on. Whenever he walked in the streets, people would stare at that scruffy man with a majestic snow white cat laying on his shoulders. 
And she grew up to be rotten spoilt, that cat! The kids spent their time petting her and she was never out of scratches' reach for very long. Her fur grew up so much that her tail looked like it was made of soft cotton. She would wave it left and right, walking along her Dad, protecting him for strangers. But Mundy had raised her to accept children and he could even sometimes see a bit of a mother's instinct on her. 
He would set her free and she would roam the streets with other cats sometimes before coming back home to eat and sleep. Meanwhile, Mundy got busy with the homeless around there, as usual. He gave Maurice a hand, here and there. Sometimes he was serving soup, and he helped prepare it, other times, he was running a few errands for the tall king of beggars. 
They only had one agreement. Mundy would refuse any remotely risky job, might it be just passing on information on a hot target from one courier to the next. And Maurice had agreed. He respected that. 
Most of the time, Mundy was at the storehouses, helping out. The rich folks of town would get rid of what they don't use: clothes, toys, anything. The beggars would then collect all of it and go through it. Keep what can be of use or easily repaired and get rid of the rest. Mundy would be one of those people. He either went through bags and bags of clothes, or he would repair the occasional toaster or electric appliance.
He was moderately happy with it. It was honest work, the pay allowed him and Perle to live comfortably in the van and he would even sometimes find some clothes for himself, or for the cat. July and August were coming and the temperatures were gently going down, and more and more beggars gathered around barrels in which they lit fires. 
Mundy relied on his clothes and his little electric heater in his van. 
That evening, Perle insisted on going out for dinner. She kept on meowing again and again and refused to eat her tuna. 
"Right, let's get somethin' out then, baby."
"I know you're not a baby anymore, but you’ll always be a baby to me, kitty cat…”
He chuckled and they walked in the streets. Perle never strayed too far from her master so he didn't even use her leash. She would trot here and there, jump on low walls and Mundy didn't worry for her. At each cross-road, she would come and sit down at his feet. Only when he started crossing the road, would Perle follow, trotting happily. He had noticed her doing that with Lucien, back in the days, and he guessed that he was the one to educate her so. 
And the more she grew up, the more Mundy saw the resemblance between her and her Papa, not physical of course, but in her character. She was a precious cat and behaved as arrogantly as Lucien used to. But under her thick fur of snow white aristocratic looks, Perle was the most gentle lady cat around. She would let children play with her and would offer a paw to people who held out their hands, whoever they might be. 
"Oh, hey, there, how may I help?" 
"V, it's me." 
Victoria's eyes moved down to Perle. 
"Is that you Pearl?! Oh my God, you grew up so much! And M, sorry I didn't recognise you with short hair…!" 
"It's ok, don't worry. Can we have a table?"
"Sure, d'you wanna…?" Victoria was about to offer the same table Mundy used to come to with Lucien back in the days. But on second thoughts, maybe he had moved on and didn't want to dig up the past. After all, Lucien had passed months ago now.
"Yeah, I will, if the table's free." He answered. 
"Sure, go ahead - oh!" Victoria turned her head and saw Perle already lying on the table. "I guess someone is ready to order, eh?" 
Mundy chuckled. 
"Yeah, kinda." He went to sit at the table. "She actually was the one to push me to come here." 
"She's a great cat." Victoria said.
"And a big one too, look at you, baby, your fluff is everywhere, I can't see the bloody table!" 
Victoria chuckled. 
"Alright, I'll give you a minute to make up your mind."
"Thanks, V." 
After a few minutes, the waitress came back. 
"So, are you guys ready to order?"
"Yeah, I'll have a coffee and a croissant please. If you have a bit of tuna for the lady, that'd be great."
"Sure. D'you mind if I take a coffee with you?" 
"Oh, sure." 
"Right, I'll be back in a minute. Oh and by the way, you can call me Victoria. L called me V because when I asked him his name, he said L." 
Mundy smiled. Yeah, that sounded like his Lu' alright…
When the young woman came back again, she was carrying a tray. She put the plate with the tuna can in front of Perle and gave Mundy his coffee and croissant. 
"Thanks, mate." 
He opened the can of tuna and Perle started eating it. 
"So," Victoria sat down. "What's up?"
"What's up…?" Mundy repeated. "Well, not much, to be honest. I work with Maurice, helpin' out the poor. Perle helps out with uh…  mice control let's say."
Victoria smiled. 
"She grew up so much…! I remember the first time L brought her here. She was a tiny baby-faced kitten with massive eyes. And now she's the most beautiful cat ever…! Doesn't surprise me that L got her."
"He didn't buy her."
"What?" Victoria asked. 
"He rescued her. Found her skinny and shivering at his hotel door."
"Are you serious?" 
"Yeah. He told me he gave her some tuna and he thought about releasing her. But she didn't want to go."
"Oh… She looks so… I don't know, she looks like him but in a cat. Her fur is as prim as his suits, she's got the same gaze in her eyes, she's confident about herself…" Victoria said, staring at Perle. 
"Yeah, she took a lot from her Papa."
Perle stopped eating and pricked her ears at the mention of the word. 
"Yeah, we're talking about Papa, baby." Mundy brushed her head gently. She closed her eyes and purred. 
"D'you know what breed she is?" 
"I'd say ragdoll, maybe mixed with something else? She's got the same long hair and the shape of the eyes." He answered. 
Perle finished her tuna and laid down on the table, lazily waving her tail left and right. 
"And what about you, Victoria? Last time I heard from you, you said you were engaged?" Mundy asked.
"Yeah. We want to get married and we're slowly getting the money for it."
"That's great, congrats on the ring, eh." Mundy pointed at her finger. 
"Thanks! It's a beautiful thing, yeah."
"When d'you think you'll have the wedding?" 
"Somewhere over December, when it's warmer." 
"Fair enough." 
"And uh… Can I ask… Uhm," Victoria hesitated to ask. "On your side of things… Have you, y'know, maybe seen someone else?" 
Mundy smiled.
"Nah. Still love him." He simply answered. "I go and visit him on the weekend. Tell him about my week, about anything really."
Victoria looked distraught. 
"Don't look at me like that, I'm doing fine. I just…" Mundy sighed. "I just know there's no one else like him or as good as him. He's… Y'know, he wanted to be here and not sent back to France even though he only spent a few months here. That constantly blows my mind when I think about it."
"He told Maurice he wanted to be next to me. I'm - I'm happy about it but it just… What surprises me is that he didn't want to be buried with his fiancée and kid. I mean…"
"Bloody hell, he must have loved you unlike anyone before…"
Mundy blushed and looked down at the empty coffee cup that he held between his hands. 
"Well, then we're two." 
"M, look, I don't mean to tell you what to do or anythin' but maybe it's time to, y'know, find someone else or…?"
"Nah, V. Can't do it. My mind's stuck."
"I can see that. You talk about him still in the present, even after all these months."
"Yeah, it's even worse than that." He admitted, still not looking her in the eyes. 
"What d'you mean?" She gently asked. 
"I won't bother you with this." He answered. 
"Please, M, you don't bother me. The way I see it, I do it for him. He wouldn't want to see you anxious with no one to talk to. So please, go ahead."
Mundy took a deep breath and sighed. 
"To this day, when Perle and I go to sleep, we hold on to one of his jackets. She uses it as a blanket and I just… I hold it for the smell of it. And when the perfume goes away, I spray a bit more of it. But that's not all… I uh… I started smoking more."
He put a hand in his inner pocket and took the metallic cigarette case that belonged to Lucien. 
"I guess they are the same cigs as him?" She asked and he nodded.
"And everyday that God makes, I look at this old thing to tell me the time before realising that the time will always be 4.26pm, the time at which…" Mundy had pulled up his sleeve a bit to show Lucien's broken watch and he couldn't finish his sentence.
"You can't have it repaired?" She asked. 
"I could. But I don't want to change anything in it." Mundy covered his wrist again and opened the cigarette case. He took one and lit it.
"Hold on…" Victoria said, staring at the case. "Can I…?"
"Oh, sure, you smoke too?"
"No, it's just…"
Victoria opened the case flat on the table again and pushed the cigarettes left and right. 
"Is that you and your parents?"
Mundy almost choked. Behind the cigarettes was that picture of him that had been missing from the van, the most recent picture he had of his parents. 
"What the hell is it doing here?!" He asked. 
"You didn't put it there?" She asked. 
"No! I've been looking for it everywhere! I thought I'd lost it, I - huh?!" He gasped when the realisation hit him. "Lu'..." 
"What?" Victoria asked. 
"It's him. He stole a picture of me and my parents and…"
Victoria's eyebrows jumped. 
"Listen. On the day of his funeral, after the ceremony, I went back to the van with Pearl. I tidied up the place and realised that this photo was missing. I have a few of them stuck to the wall and this is the last one I have of my parents and I. I thought it had fallen, maybe even flew out the door one day without me realising it."
"How does that all loop back to L?" She asked. 
"There was one day that Lu' came to my van alone. After he came back from it, he told me that he couldn't help but have a look around my stuff, the curious bastard… That's what he meant! He took that picture and…" 
Mundy looked down and removed all the cigarettes from the case. He took that photo and Victoria saw another one behind it. Mundy put them both flat on the table. 
"This was his fiancée and kid, and him obviously."
"Oh my God, he looked so young!" 
"And that's me and my parents…"
"Woah… And he kept both in his cigarette case?" 
"That he carries everywhere, all the time. Each time he would open it he would see…"
"You." Victoria said. 
Mundy sighed but with a smile. 
"I love you, you thief…" He muttered to himself. 
Victoria grinned but deep down, she was concerned. No one visits the grave of someone they used to love that frequently for that long. No one clings to souvenirs that way, no one sleeps with their ex-'s jacket, spraying it with their perfume, no one starts to smoke as their ex-'s did… 
"I have to tell you this because no one else might."
"What is it?" He asked, looking her in the eye.
"You probably shouldn't do all these things."
"What d'you mean?" 
"The cat is more than enough for you to remember him by."
Perle stopped bathing herself and turned her head to her Dad. She had felt it. Dad became hot and he smelt weird. He wasn't scared or angry, it was somewhere in between.
"I can't." He clenched his jaw and looked down. 
"What do you mean?" She asked. 
"I tried. I tried not doing all these things. But without his jacket, I can't sleep, without his cigs, I get too anxious to the point where I can't leave the van and even Perle can't do anything to make me feel better."
"That doesn't sound too good, M."
"Yeah, well, didn't sound good when Maurice told me that he passed either, eh." He answered passive-aggressively. 
"Maybe you should see someone." She suggested. 
"Told you. There's no one else half as g-"
"No." She cut him. "Someone to talk to, about all this." 
He sighed and rubbed his eyes. 
"So you think I have a problem?" He asked. "I'm not mad."
"I'm not saying that you are. I am just suggesting that you try because it might do you good. I've never met anyone who didn't go past the grieving stage for that long. From what you tell me, it's like you live in denial!"
"What?!" He asked. 
"You live with all his stuff as if he was still there, but he isn't! He's been gone for months!"
He frowned. 
"Look, M, it's not good that you live like this. You are not really living in the real world. You need to open your eyes and believe the hard truth. Don't hide from it, don't try to put together an act to pretend he's still here."
Mundy couldn't hear any more of it. He took the cigarette case back and left. Perle jumped after him the second he did and followed him. 
Their walk back home was silent and she could feel her Dad was distraught. 
He didn't answer and continued walking. He slipped in his van and locked himself in before letting himself fall on his sofa. 
He didn't know what to say.
"It doesn't make sense." 
Perle laid on his chest, brushing her head against his. 
"How can I just… forget? I can't! I can't pretend it didn't happen! And I'm not pretending it didn't happen! If it hadn't happened, we'd be with him, wouldn't we?" 
"I mean it stands to reason…!" He looked into Perle's eyes and she started kneading his chest with her fluffy paws. He sighed. 
"Sorry to yell at you, baby. I shouldn't. You did nothing wrong." He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her dearly. "I just miss him… I wish he was still there. And with winter coming, I just feel a bit miserable, is all." 
"D'you think V was right?"
"Meow." She looked up at him with her bewitching eyes. 
Perle trotted away to the door and scratched it repeatedly.
"Wanna go out again?"
"Alright, here… Door's open. Be careful with cars and stuff, eh?" 
Perle sat at the doorstep. 
"What? You're not going?"
"Meow." She sat there, her long fur brushed by the cold wind of winter. 
"Wanna come in then?"
"Meow." She refused and sat such that Mundy couldn't fully close the door. He sighed. 
"It's really cold, baby, now either you get inside or you go out."
"What d'you want?"
She turned her head up to him. 
"With you…? Alright…" He put on his coat again and followed her out. 
This time, he let her completely decide where she wanted to go and followed behind. Mundy's eyes were lowered down to his boots as he walked the pavement mindlessly. The sun went down fast and soon, he walked in the periodic puddles of sodium orange street lights.
When she turned, he did. When she stopped, he did. He put his hands in his pockets and sighed as his thoughts continued to roll, powered by his frustration and distress. 
How he wished Lucien was there, how he wished he could be walking the streets with him! Even if they wouldn't hold hands out in the open, even if he wouldn't show how much the posh snob counted for him. Who needed to hold hands when one simple gaze spoke a thousand words? 
And Lucien's eyes… Two drops of ice. Cold and yet the most sensual gaze Mundy had ever crossed in his life. It was absurd but each time he locked eyes with him, he would feel the attraction, in his own mind, in his heart, and everywhere else. His hands would have pins and needles to the tip of his fingers, his knees would weaken and feel like jelly, his whole chest would beat a march of warmth, comfort, and safety. 
But those days were long gone and similarly to a decade ago, time was passing, treading over him, trampling his face with heavy hooves whilst Mundy was stuck, like the hand of a broken watch, like the hand of Lucien's watch. 
"Meow!" MIAOU
Perle broke Mundy's descent to the coldest places of his mind. 
She trotted to a door and sat next to it. 
Mundy frowned and raising his head, he saw the name of the establishment blink in golden neon lights. 
The Queen Victoria. 
He sighed. 
"Oh bugger… And of course, you want me to get in?"
"I'm not dressed properly for this, baby. And I don't have the energy."
"Meow!" She insisted. 
"No." He turned on his heels and walked away. The sound of his heeled boots resounded loudly in his ears until he stopped at a crossroad. When the cars braked to let him through, he looked down but Perle wasn't by his side. 
He looked round and around, his eyes scanning his surroundings as he suddenly realised that the streets were busy with people, walking, running, busy like bees in the city. 
"Pearl?! Baby! Where are you?" 
He walked back on his steps and finally found her.
"What the hell are you bloody doin' here?" 
She was still sitting next to the entrance door of the Queen Victoria.
"C'mon, let's go back home!"
"Meow!" She insisted and meowed louder such that people in the streets stopped and watched the man talk to his cat, the poor fool… 
"Right…" He pushed the door and got inside to escape all the eyes that were riveted on him in the streets.
"Good evening, Sir. Long time no see! Your usual table is free, if you would be so kind…" 
Mundy didn't have time to say anything and in no time, he was seated back at the table he used to come and watch Lucien from. Perle climbed on the opposite seat and on the table to lay down there. 
"You're in a lot of trouble, Pearl. I don't have any kind of money to pay anything from here…"
Mundy looked around. The restaurant was less busy and the same musicians were on stage. When their piece ended, people applauded left and right. It didn't boom like it used to back when Lucien was singing there.
"Oh, sorry to scare you, here, this is on the house, from Andy and his musicians."
It was the same old chocolate dessert that a waiter had put on the table. Mundy raised his eyes to the stage and Andy nodded to him while the patrons in the dining area were still applauding. 
When the applause passed, Mundy sighed. He took the spoon on the dessert plate and stared at the chocolate cake. It looked exactly the same but Mundy knew even before putting it in his mouth. It would taste and smell different now. 
The orchestra started a new piece, but Mundy wasn't listening. He would just eat the cake to honour the musicians' gift, and leave. He raised the bit of cake on his spoon to his mouth and as he ate it, a female voice made him almost choke on it.
{To the readers, the song is "Heartbreaker" by Dionne Warwick} 
"I got to say it and it's hard for me,
You got me crying like I thought I would never be, 
Love is believin', but you let me down,
How can I love you when you ain't around?"
Mundy raised his head to the stage. A middle-aged black female was singing. She was wearing a beige and golden top with long sleeves and a matching pair of trousers. 
"And I get to the morning and you never call,
Love should be everything or not at all,
And it don't matter whatever you do,
I made a life out of loving you!"
Mundy put a hand on his mouth. The words hit him. They hit him and they hurt. They hit him and they hurt so damn much.
"Only to find any dream that I follow is dying,
I'm crying in the rain,
I could be searching my world for a love everlasting,
Feeling no pain,
When will we meet again?"
Mundy thought the music wouldn't touch him, but it did. It broke him inside. He could feel it, burning like an ulcer but not just in his stomach. The pain was everywhere in his chest, in his stomach and in his head.
And it seemed to him that the words beat him up… 
"Why do you have to be a 
Is it a lesson that I never knew?
Got to get out of the spell that I'm under
My love for you!"
They gathered in a circle around him and hit. 
"Suddenly, everything I ever wanted
Has passed me by
This world may end
Not you and I!"
Mundy lowered his head and hid his face in his hands, trying to protect it from the kicks and hits. 
"My love is stronger than the universe
My soul is crying for you, and that cannot
be reversed"
But they hurt. Mundy screwed his eyes shut and tensed up everywhere, as if contracting all his muscles would lessen the pain of every hit.
"Out of my mind, I am held by the power of you, love
Tell me then should I try?
Or should I say goodbye?"
The Aussie pushed his chair and left the place.
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mcrmadness · 4 years
Color asks: coral, cream, coconut, honey, and scarlet
Color Asks.
coral: an animal you wish hadn’t gone extinct
Either quagga or thylacine. And yeah, thanks to humans, both species went extinct... It’s super weird to look at photos of these species and to know neither of them exist anymore. A human really is the worst species on this planet.
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Thylacine was a marsupial but super weird looking one, almost like a dog but then not. It’s Finnish name actually is “pussihukka” which basically translates to a “bag wolf” - the front part of the name is because marsupial in Finnish is “pussieläin” (”a bag animal”) because, you know, they have this pocket instead of a womb where the offspring grow :D And thylacine was very canine-like looking so it was only natural to add there an old word for “wolf” in Finnish.
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Quagga then was an equine species closely related to zebras. It’s very weird looking because it was partially dark brown but with stripes. I think some zebra-horse hybrids actually can look a bit like quaggas but unfortunately it’s not the same thing + usually those equine hybrids are born sterile anyway. I don’t remember for sure if there’s been attempts of “cloning” a quagga or so, all I know is that the Przewalski’s horse almost went extinct at some point but with the help of zoos etc., humans were able to save them from the same fate. (Faith in humanity restored... for a moment.) But apparently even those might not be 100% descended from the real Przewalski’s horses. Anyway, most if not all of the other “wild horses” nowadays are usually descended from tamed individuals. E.g. all the American Mustang horses are like that and none of them descend from the real American wild horses that once roamed free.
(Both photos from Wikipedia.)
cream: any piercings or tattoos? do you want any?
Nope. I had earrings but I then had a rebel phase and let the earholes to grow shut(?) and wanted everyone to see that and say “oh poor you” but no one did and now I’m annoyed because NOW I wish I had earholes so I could use earrings again :DDD But I’m afraid of needles and doing piercings is not too unrisky with a congenital heart defect (because it literally is creating an open wound, and those are always risky if not taken care of properly). But the biggest issue is the needles and pain. Idk, if they can use numbing cream for piercings, maybe I’ll get earrings one day again. Back then I dreamed that I would have had 3 earholes on both instead of just 1. I also like how lip piercings look like but that might be way too much.
Tattoos I have never really cared about so that’s a no.
coconut: a subject you enjoy learning about
Oh there’s so many! It’d be easier to answer to what I DON’T like learning about :D But as you already can see from the first answer: zoology.
I grew up as a zoology nerd, I loved dinosaurs (they’re still cool tho) and anything to do with evolution. I watched just any movie or series with dinos - Jurassic Park, The Land Before Time, BBC Walking With Dinosaurs (a document series), Disney’s Dinosaur and so many others. I loved these but my siblings were maybe even more into them than I and I already was very much into them :D My sister had a proper special interest in dinos. We also had so many dinosaur figurines we used to play with all the time.
There was also another series like this, called Walking with Cavemen, but I never found the apes as interesting as other animals so I didn’t watch that one too much.
Later on I loved playing Zoo Tycoon! I actually learnt a lot about mammals that happened between dinosaurs and modern animals from there. The Dinosaur Digs EP had also lots of different modern-day animals’ precessor species like the giant sloth, saber toothed cat or macrauchenia. Back in the 90s it was actually hard to find any info about these, dinos were everywhere but not really these so I was always excited to find new info - I had a couple of books and then also really enjoyed BBC’s Walking With Beasts that was about those species especially. I still don’t know too much about these creatures so I still enjoy browsing animal “family trees” and reading about where did everything come from, and to which dinosaur/extinct animal any modern-day animal is related to.
honey: your thoughts on magic- does it exist?
I was obsessed with magic as a kid, much before even getting into Harry Potter (idk if those were even released yet back then? At least not the movies and I started with them.) and me and my cousin were convinced that I was a witch. I don’t remember for sure what was it that convinced us of that - I can remember only one thing: we were to an art school as a hobby once a week and sometimes I “wished” so hard that her mother aka my aunt would come and pick us up by a car and they would bring me home. And sometimes that actually did happen! Normally I used to take a bus home, she would walk to the bus stop with me and wait there with me until the bus came, and she walked to her home. She lived at the downtown area unlike me. (I didn’t live far away tho, it was just a bit too long way to walk home, took about 10-15min by bus.)
In a way I still believe in some sort of magic. I’m supr skeptic nowadays, before I would just immediately think of everything as something magical or paranormal. Sometimes it’s not good with my anxiety and its tendency to do ocd-like “magical thinking”, e.g. feeling like saying something scary aloud will make it happen. Also I have to say that the horse business, at least the harness racing field, is super superstitious profession :D There’s lots of money and betting involved and we always had this saying “It doesn’t survive the compliments.” meaning you should never say “This horse has never had problems with their legs!” because that will definitely cause the horse to injure itself sooner than you’d even guess. I also always always avoided saying “We will win today.” because if I said that, we definitely did not win. So I always asked the horses “Are we gonna win today?” or was talking to the horse and told them how we should win today. But never said “We WILL win.” and I always felt like bad luck was happening when my coworkers started chanting how we’re gonna win today.
But more than magic, I kinda believe in intuition. There were a few cases when I was to the races with the horses and I just had this feeling that we’re gonna go home with a win. I don’t know where did it come from, I just knew it. I felt it somewhere deep inside that this is the day. And usually that feeling always was right. I never said it aloud tho because of course it would have not happened if I did. Or so I believe :D
scarlet: favorite holiday
I don’t really have any. They are all the same anyway. When I was working, we didn’t really have any public holidays with horses. I mean, someone’s gotta take care of the animals no matter what the calendar says :D But I actually really liked that! Only time I had a proper holiday was during Christmas. Basically that could be my favorite holiday because of the presents I get to give to people.
Another one that’s nice is the Midsummer day, it’s a huge thing in Finland. Tho, for me it doesn’t really mean anything else but my birthday (which can be negative thing too because I have an age crisis :D) since it’s super common for people to go out to get wasted, but I don’t drink alcohol nor do I have friends :D So usually I just stay at home or visit my family.
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datleggy · 5 years
a list of every anime i love/recommend, accumulated over the last 10+ years
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The main character is a teenage boy named Natsume, whose parents died when he was too young to remember them properly. He’s passed around random relatives homes, but because he can see yokai (spirits), he’s ostracized by classmates and his foster families (ALL HIS CHILDHOOD FLASHBACKS ARE SO FUCKING SAD) and eventually very distant relatives (an older couple who never had kids of their own and have so much goddamn love to give D:!!!) take Natsume in, and the story basically starts from there. 
It’s a very heart-warming story following Natsume’s new life in this new town, accepting his ability to see yokai, forging new relationships in the form of friends and family, and even with the yokai themselves. 
This is honestly probably my favorite anime/manga period, because it’s so sad but so cathartic and you watch as the main character grows and learns to trust those around him, and finally gets the unconditional love he’s always deserved, not to MENTION THE FACT THAT THEY DO A WHOLE EP WHERE NATSUME IS TURNED BACK INTO A LITTLE KID AND IT IS SOOOO GOOD OMG
Plus for those of you who enjoy whump, this show has a decent amount of it. Mainly emotional whump, but also some episodes where Natsume is injured or sick--as well as I believe one where his companion (the chubby cat on his shoulder who’s actually a pretty badass yokai) gets shot with an arrow and is down for the count. 
10/10 would and have watched again. 
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SUMMARY/REVIEW:  The main character is a sixth grader named Sana. She’s a gifted actress on a t.v. show everyone likes and she’s silly and fun, very intuitive and surprisingly empathetic for a child. 
Her main problem is in school, where Akito, who she deems the leader of her class’ wolf pack of rowdy rude boys, lets them terrorize not just the teacher, but all the girls in class, as well. 
I don’t really want to give a lot away, so I’ll just state the obvious. This anime/manga is shoujo, which means that it does focus on a romantic relationship throughout the series. Mainly the one between Sana and Akito. Sana is absolutely oblivious about her own feelings, while Akito is a stubborn little shit. 
I remember watching this at like, age 12 maybe? And I really enjoyed it because (although I do enjoy your typical silly doesn’t take itself too seriously slice of life shoujo) this particular anime, while super funny and light hearted at times, was also really dramatic and even kinda dark, which was surprising considering the characters ages and the general kid-friendly vibe (especially the opening for the anime). 
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SUMMARY/REVIEW:  Our main character is initially Shinichi Kudo, teenage detective, who’s on a date with childhood sweetheart Ran (whose father also happens to a detective but like....not a good one lmao), when his nosy ass self decides to go and check out some shady business and gets “poisoned”. 
The poison he’s given is intended to kill him, but what it actually does is turn him back into a child. And now, as Conan Edogawa, (who’s 7 but like....we just supposed to believe all these cops and detectives on the force are cool with a seven year old wee lil babe on these really gruesome ass crime scenes??? lmaoooo) we follow him on his adventures as he solves crimes and tries to solve the biggest mystery of all, his own! 
I absolutely LOVE this anime/manga, even though I’ll be honest, there is SO MUCH FILLER, but I like the characters enough that I really don’t mind. The show is at least 900+ episodes in at this point, and there are a total of 26 movies so far, last time I checked. 
Also, the show is a whump fangirls’ dream come true. The main character is thrown out of windows, balconies, shot at, and in one occasion actually shot, he’s had broken bones, sprains, almost been blown up or drowned/burned, been sick, and oh, his occasional transformations from child to teenager are incredibly painful. 
This show is probably at fault for my love of whump, since it was one of my first animes at like, age 9. smh. 
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I’m not even going to summarize this one. The title does it for me. This is truly one of the funniest animes I’ve ever seen. Motherfuckin Satan works at a McDonalds part time and it is the BEST. 
Technically I would count this show as a kind of harem, but only because there are like three main girl characters after the overlord Satan himself. I usually dislike harem type animes but the way this is done is sooooo good I couldn’t resist. 
I would watch a million filler episodes of Satan trying to solve problems at his minimum wage job tbh. I love every single character, I love the plot, I love everything about this anime! In terms of comedy (with the occasional plot driven serious moments) this is IT bro. 
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The main character is Ciel Phantomhive (roughly 14 years old). His parents are killed, his house is burned to ashes, and he’s kidnapped (around age 9 or 10 I believe) and abused. During this abuse Ciel calls upon a demon to free him and help him get revenge on those who harmed the Phantomhive household, which is where Sebastian, one “hell of a good butler” comes in. 
We then follow Ciel and Sebastian on their path of vengeance, and along the way we meet Ciel’s human servants, three very clumsy and seemingly bad at their given tasks characters (i love them all), and some of his extended relatives and connections. 
My favorite thing about Black Butler is the art, both in the anime and manga. Everything is so detailed and pretty! 
The characters are interesting, the plot is dark but they manage to make most of the series overall pretty light-hearted and funny in general. Though of course there are chapters/parts of the series that get really grim (which duh, the whole thing focuses on revenge so...) 
I have to say, the arc I enjoyed the most has to be the movie, Black Butler: Book Of the Atlantic. It is beautifully drawn and sooooooo entertaining. 
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Our main characters are Inuyasha, a half-demon, who’s been in a sort of spiritually binding coma for the last few decades, and fourteen year old Kagome, who falls into an old well in her family’s shrine and finds herself being transported into another time period. 
Together, she and Inuyasha travel across the lands in the feudal era to find the scattered shards of the shikon jewel, a powerful jewel which grants anyone who possesses it ultimate power. 
I was too young to stay up and watch Inuyasha on adult swim, so my mom would tape the show on a VCR for me to watch the next day after school--yes, I’m old old. lmaoooo I ADORE this show. 
It’s so good! It’s got everything! A tortured lil half-demon with a sad past who’s stubborn and rude but got a good heart! A fierce and equally as stubborn main protagonist, who’s whole ass family knows exactly where she goes off to??? and are supportive af????? like???? her mama packs her and her squad of demon/exorcist/demon hunter pals bentos?!?! lmao i love it. 
The characters are awesome and funny and likable as all heck, and of course they all have their sad backstory, but like, unlike some animes (lookin at YOU Naruto) they don’t go mega overboard on it, at least not without some plot behind the episode. 
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Before I even start in on the summary, ya’ll should watch this soley bc of the cute ass 90′s style animation alone. LOOK AT ALL THAT SHINY HAIR!
ANYWAY. Main character is teenage hooligan and overall cutie pie Yusuke! He gets struck by a car and fucking DIES in the first episode after shoving a little boy out of the way, only to end up in the spirit world where the head honcho up there (who looks like a wee baby) tells him “Oh shit, didn’t expect you to like, actually do anything self-sacrificing EVER so like, you’re not on our list of people who were supposed to die today...” 
And uh, I don’t wanna give anything away, so I’m just gonna say that if you haven’t seen this anime yet, you definitely should! It’s hilarious and dramatic, the fight scenes are very well done, all the side characters, who eventually become main characters are a blessing (specifically Hiei, who’ve I’ve had a crush on since I was 12) and the ending is a satisfying one, which you can’t really say for a lot of media. 
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I still get weepy when I think of this anime, so all I’ll say is it’s about a badass demon slaying nurse and her demon companion and some very tragic shit. 
It’s a great anime overall, especially if you like crying yourself to sleep at night :) 
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The main character is high school student Mai, who is hired by Naru, the head of a Shibuya psychic research, and together, with a group of questionable exorcists/psychics, they encounter paranormal phenomenons and some outright scary shit. 
I’m not really a fan of the horror genre tbh but I do like mystery, and the series deals with that quite a bit. They deal with each case for several episodes so nothing feels too rushed. 
The series is really fun in a creepy, wtf is that way. I recommend the manga, only because it’s more detailed in terms of plot than the anime. 
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I didn’t really make this list in any particular order but if I had to say, Assassination Classroom and Natsume Yuujinchou probably tie for BEST ANIME PERIOD! 
This anime is about a weird ass “alien” creature, no one knows where it came from or why tf it’s here on earth, all they know is that in one year it’s threatened to blow the world up. 
His only request to the government is that they let him become a teacher for Class E, the worst class of Kunugigaoka Junior High School, and he will stay put, so that they can attempt an assassination on him during this one year period. 
AND LISTEN! I am a shallow hoe, so I literally never would have read this manga or watched the series had I not been roaming Barnes and Noble one day with my S.O. and picked it up to read as a JOKE! 
I was hooked after the first chapter and I am soooooooo glad I picked this manga up, bc it is absolutely not the type I would normally go for, cover art wise. I finally, after many many years, learned not to judge a book by its cover bc LORD this anime is so goddamn good, you don’t understand! Like, I’ve watched it so many times and still laugh at the same parts, cry at the same parts, am proud af at the same parts! like, this anime is an instant classic and should definitely be more popular than it is. 
assassination classroom and natsume yuujinchou????? MASTERPIECES! 
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jae-bummer · 5 years
Immortal (Jay Park Fae!AU)
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Request: I really love your writing, especially the scenarios/ imagines you’ve done for Jay Park😍 I was wondering if I could request a Jay Park fluff? The story is up to you❤️             
Pairing: Jay Park x Reader
Genre: Fluff
“Damnit, damnit, damnit,” he whispered beneath his breath. 
You stirred in the passenger seat, unable to keep your eyes open for long
“You can’t afford one of those dumb ass, little pine tree air fresheners? The scent of rotting iron and rust is fucking up my sinuses. I feel like I’m going to burst into flame,” he complained. “Remind me why I’m doing this? Remind me why this shit-” 
“I’m sorry,” you coughed, hardly even conscious enough to follow his one sided argument. “Who are you?”
“Who am I?” he gasped, looking at you with wide eyes. “If I were you, I would offer some sort of thanks before questioning who the hell I am.” 
“Thanks?” you coughed, easing up in the seat. You rubbed a hand through your hair, noting how greasy it felt. Your whole body hurt, and you were uncertain of what exactly was wrong. “Why are you driving my car?” 
“Good question!” he gasped. “Because I’m pretty sure it’s going to kill me.” 
“The question, or my car?” you winced. Was he a kidnapper? A carjacker? You couldn’t remember meeting him or how exactly you had even ended up here. 
“The car,” he huffed. “Iron kills people like me.” 
“People like you?” you questioned. Your head pounded too loudly for you to be fearful. You knew if you were completely of sound mind, you would be terrified in this moment, but you just couldn’t manage the energy for it. 
“Yeah,” he scoffed. “Like me.”
You weren’t sure if you were carsick, hungover, or had the flu. It could have been a mix of the three. It was tough to figure out considering the sound of the blood pumping in your ears had become thunderous.
Clinging tightly to the man who was previously driving, you felt as if you were a ship stranded in rough waters as he walked you toward your apartment.
“Am I too heavy?” you squeaked, resting your forehead on his neck. Still moderately unsure of his identity, you were ashamed as a thought crossed your mind.
He smelled wonderful.
Calming. Like earth; fresh dirt and berries. You hadn’t smelled anything like it before.
“Too heavy?” he scoffed. “Mortals, always worried about their damn weight.”
“M-mortal?” you stuttered. “You mean like human? Aren’t you-”
“It’d be best to keep the questions to a minimum for now,” he sighed, hauling the two of you up the stairwell. “Belinda has her hearing aids in.”
“Belinda?” you choked, recognizing the name of your elderly neighbor. “How do you-”
“I can hear it,” he grumbled. “The crackling and static. She really needs to get that shit fixed if she plans on keeping the gossip game on lock around here.”
“You can hear it?” you said quietly. At this point, you had begun to believe you were experiencing a very vivid hallucination. Maybe it was something you had eaten at that party last night.
The party.
You groaned as fragments of the night began to piece themselves together. Starting off at a seedy bar with your friends, it didn’t take long for you to become mildly intoxicated. It took even less time for you to begin dancing with a man so good looking, that you became even more drunk on his aura alone. Throwing your inhibitions to the wind, you allowed yourself to leave the bar with him, his breath in your ear and his hands roaming your body.
Much like the man you were currently dealing with, he was an otherworldly type of beautiful. High cheekbones and slim features, you had never seen anything like him.
And he wanted you.
You should have known better as he coerced you into the park, as he pulled you toward a circle of trees. Before you could even realize, you had stumbled upon another party, but this one more strange. People just like him, just as crushingly beautiful, danced and drank to music you had never heard before. You danced beside them. You stared in wonder as they laughed at you. They cackled as you filled your stomach with their liquor and food. It was incredible. Every bite was better than the one that proceeded it. But people kept laughing, and you kept trying to blend in. The simple memory was haunting, so you weren’t sure how you managed to stomach the actuality.
But you couldn’t remember much after that.
Which was fine because your current reality was confusing enough.
You attempted to hide your wonder as the strange man carrying you made easy work of your apartment door and shouldered it open.
“I...I didn’t give you my apartment number,” you said quietly. “And where are my keys?”
“Those aren’t the important details, babygirl,” the man chuckled, striding through your living area and toward your bedroom.
He gently placed you on the bed before backing up and leveling you with a curious gaze.
“Fine,” you sighed. “I’ll ask an important question then...who are you?”
You bit your tongue before you let the next question cross your lips. “What are you?”
“I’m fae,” he said casually. “And I saved your ass last night.”
“Fae?” you questioned, easing up in your bed. “Like...like a fairy?”
“No, like fae,” he grumbled.
You glanced up and down the man’s tattooed frame. Plenty of muscles, but no iridescent wings or flower crowns.
You had to have been going insane...to even consider this man was something...something so unlike you?
“Excuse my ignorance, but what is the difference?” you sighed, attempting not to entertain the idea.
The man rolled his eyes before plopping on the edge of your bed himself. “If we’re getting technical, fairies as a whole are known as the fae. I never liked the term. When people picture fairies, they picture wings and sparkle and laughter that sounds like bells. When people picture fae, they picture something to be feared. Which they should.”
“Oh?” you coughed, lifting your brows.
“We’re kind of like the magical mafia,” he sighed. “We have a lot of rules, quite a few of which your broke last night-”
“I didn’t mean-”
“Of course you didn’t,” he muttered. “No one intends on being the lunch of a high fae warrior, it just happens, and the rest of us have to deal with the screaming later. You’re just lucky I’m a softie.” 
A cold shiver ran down your spine at how easily he said the words.
“Lunch?” you croaked, thinking back to the devilishly handsome man you had danced with. “He...he...?”
“Fairies don’t seem so cute and kind now, do they?” he smirked. “He would have tore you apart, just because he felt like it.”
Your mind was reeling. Certainly he had to be screwing with you. He was just a friend of the guy you were dancing with. That was it, he was a friend tasked with taking your hungover self home, and scaring you into never contacting any of them again.
You could play the game.
“So...so...” you trailed, furrowing your brows. You were uncertain how you should continue. “He was a high fae warrior? So what does that make you? If you were allowed to-”
“Let’s get this straight, doll face,” he grinned. “I’m not worried about what I am allowed to do, and I do as I please. I know my place in my court. Luckily, you do not.”
“You won’t tell me your name, you won’t tell me what you are,” you sighed, trying to stop yourself from rolling your eyes. “I thank you for your help, but if you want to be shrouded in mystery, you can feel free to leave.”
And more importantly, leave behind this weird situation.
“You thank me?” he chuckled. “Damn, that’s considerate of you, but I’m comfortable right here.”
“Like hell,” you grumbled. “I’m not afraid to call the police.”
It was time to end this. Time for the charade to come to a close.
“We’ll be gone by then,” he sighed. “With that thanks, not only do you admit to me that you are in my debt, but all of that wine and food from last night? You ate that in the land of the fae, baby.”
“Meaning?” you sighed, sick of his riddles already.
“Meaning, just try to eat something around here,” he nodded. “Human food will make you sicker than shit. You’d have to ask that hottie from last night to release you of your bonds in order to eat a slice of pizza again, and I don’t think he’s looking to do that anytime soon.”
The feeling of being doused in cold water hit you again. Your mind attempted to scream at you, he was a lunatic.
But in your gut, you felt a pang of truth.
“So...so what’s the point in bringing me home?” you whispered, unsure if you even wanted to hear any more. Certainly this had to be a bad dream.
“Figured it was humane,” he murmured. “This way you could pick up some personal items, tie up any loose ends.”
“And then?” you asked, unsure if you were ready for the answer.
“We go back to the ring of trees,” he said, unabashed. He glanced down to his cuticles before looking up at you. “Under the oak. Back to my lands, kickin’ it in my court.”
“In...in your...” you trailed, looking at him in earnest. His smile was growing more mischievous by the second, just as his ears seemed to elongate into pointed ends. The tattoos covering his body also began to grow with every stretch of his muscles, their previous black sheen turning into something more iridescent. 
While he was gorgeous before, he slowly turned into something impossibly striking. It was clear that he was as far from human as your neighbor’s cat.
“Mine,” he said slowly. “We’re going to have to be homies down there, so I’ll fill you in. I was allowed to take you because I am the prince of the damned realm, and I plan to keep you. Why? Because I like you. I’m not sure why, and it’s definitely not because you threw up on my shoes when I carried you above ground, but I like you. And I hope you learn to like me too.”
“It’s that simple to you?” you winced. “You’re plucking me from my life because you like me?”
“Nah mami,” he chuckled. “I’m plucking you from your life for your own safety. Please do a mental rewind and listen to the part about the food again. If you don’t come back, you’ll die of starvation. I mean...that is if my warrior doesn’t find you first. This is my protection, and my way of driving him a little crazy in the process. It’s a win, win.”
You opened your mouth to speak, only to shut it again. 
“So you ready?” he grinned.
“You’re crazy,” you managed.
“You think this is crazy? We’re just getting started,” he laughed. “But it’s okay, you can admit it. You’re scared.”
He wasn’t wrong.
You stayed deathly still as he stood and took a few steps toward where you were sitting up in bed. He slowly sat down again beside you, placing his hand lightly on your knee. “It’s okay, I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
“How do I know that?” you whispered, feeling the tears already fluttering to your lashes. You didn’t want to cry. You couldn’t cry. This wasn’t real, it couldn’t be.
“My name is Jay,” he said softly. “My name is my word. Fellas in the fae world don’t just offer up their name to a human. We know the consequences.”
You nodded slowly, the reality slamming into you with little poise. It was all true. “What are the consequences?”
“I suppose that’s for me to know and you to abuse,” he smirked. “Under my watch, I promise you, you are safe.”
“You promise?” you choked. From your little knowledge of the fae world, you knew they didn’t make promises lightly.
He nodded with a small smirk. “On my immortal ass.”
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worryinglyinnocent · 6 years
Fic: Feline Fancies
Summary: Mr Gold absolutely does not have a crush on the librarian. Never mind the fact that his cat is openly flirting with hers.
Written for the @a-monthly-rumbelling prompt: “One rule: no falling in love”
Rated: G
Feline Fancies
“We have established a fairly relaxed routine in this home, and I permit you to get away with a lot despite feeding and occasionally housing you, but there is one rule: no falling in love.”
The object of this address paid Gold’s stern voice no heed whatsoever. He wasn’t exactly surprised, after all, he was talking to a cat that went where it pleased and certainly did not consider itself to be owned by anyone, let alone be in a position to be receiving pep talks from the person who owned it in name only.
Gold sighed. He didn’t know why he bothered. Well, deep down he did, but he wasn’t ready to admit that to anyone yet, including himself. So, he used the excuse that approaching middle age and empty nest syndrome had sent him entirely mad, which was certainly the impression that the outside observer would have received if they had looked in through his kitchen window to see him talking to a thoroughly uninterested cat.
O’Malley gave no indication of having heard anything Gold had just said, and he resumed washing his paws with an intense devotion to task that Gold was sometimes able to replicate himself when he found a particularly interesting antique to restore.
“I really don’t know why I bother,” he muttered. “If you end up getting your heart broken, don’t come crying to me about it.”
Although O’Malley was a cat and had no concept of heartbreak in the same way that Gold did, Gold had unfortunately seen many of his own traits in his pet, and he was holding out a feeble hope of being able to live somewhat vicariously through the ginger tom. Like Gold, O’Malley was irritable and anti-social, and aloof in all respects (except when he wanted food, when he became the world’s most docile lap cat). Neal had found O’Malley in the garden, an injured stray, five years ago, and he had become a part of the family furniture ever since, even if he did have a tendency to disappear for days on end.
It was only recently that Gold had found out where O’Malley went during his extended absences. He had been coming out of the library – a place he was frequenting with increasing regularity himself – when he had seen the distinctive flash of an orange tail race up the stairs towards the caretaker’s apartment on top of the library.
Intrigued by this furtive movement, Gold had followed him up, only to find O’Malley sitting on the windowsill making eyes at the fluffy white cat on the other side of the glass. The new librarian, it seemed, had a cat, which had caught O’Malley’s eye in the same way as the librarian herself had caught Gold’s.
By warning O’Malley away from the feline femme fatale, what Gold was actually doing was telling himself not to let his own heart be lost to Miss French. She was young and beautiful and lively and happy, everything that he was not, and there was no way that she could ever be interested in a grumpy old man like him. There was no way that her chic indoor Angora would ever be interested in a scrappy semi-stray like O’Malley.
O’Malley, however, did not seem to be letting such pessimism put him off his stride, and Gold wondered if he perhaps ought to take a leaf out of the cat’s book. Maybe it was time to be positive for once in his life.
Of course, there were several obstacles to this approach. For a start, it was over twenty years since Gold had last been in the dating game, and courtship had moved on a lot in the intervening time. He wouldn’t have the first clue on how to start a conversation with Miss French that wasn’t based on a librarian to patron or landlord to tenant interaction. He was almost about to give it up as a bad job before he’d even begun, until O’Malley finished cleaning his paws and sauntered out through the cat flap with the swaggering air of a cat who had never had to deal with rejection before.
The sight buoyed Gold’s confidence a little. If a cat could do it, he could. Couldn’t he?
Watching O’Malley vanish off down the garden in the direction of the library, Gold had the beginnings of an idea. Although he and Miss French might not have a lot in common, he knew one thing that they shared.
Grabbing his coat and cane, he set off following O’Malley out into town. Perhaps they looked a bit strange the pair of them, striding off with purpose to meet the objects of their affections in the same place, both man and cat on a mission. It was early evening and the library would have closed for the day, but naturally O’Malley had no notion of such concepts as opening hours and socially acceptable times to call on paramours, and he sauntered up the steps and leapt up onto the living room windowsill, calm as you please.
Gold stopped at the bottom of the steps, beginning to get cold feet. Speaking to Miss French in the library was one thing. Speaking to her in her own home was quite another. O’Malley was inconspicuous in that he was a cat. Gold, however, would be intruding a little more. Perhaps it was best to leave things until the morning and find her in more neutral circumstances.
He was about to turn around and go back home when O’Malley decided his course of action for him. It was a warm evening, the beginning of summer finally coming to Storybrooke after months of rain, and the window was open slightly. O’Malley popped one paw into the gap and pushed the window up a little before wriggling through the gap. Gold stayed frozen at the bottom of the steps, wondering what to do then. He could just leave and pretend that nothing had happened, after all, O’Malley wasn’t officially his cat and Miss French could just as easily think he was a stray who’d managed to get inside her apartment. On the other hand, O’Malley had just handed him the perfect opportunity to speak to her, and if he didn’t know better, he’d say that the cat had planned it.
Gold took a deep breath and made his way up the stairs, pausing again before knocking on the door. Miss French opened it a moment later, looking rather taken aback to see him standing there.
“Oh, hello Mr Gold. I wasn’t expecting you here. Is there a problem with the rent?”
“No, no, it’s nothing to do with the rent.” He peered into the flat behind her, trying not to look like he was snooping. He could see O’Malley in the small kitchen area with the white Angora, tucking into a bowl of cat food. The cheeky little blighter. “You, erm, you’ve got my cat.”
“Oh, is he yours?” Miss French opened the door wider and stepped back to let him come inside. “He’s been turning up regular as clockwork for three weeks now. I thought he was a stray, but he looked too well cared for to have been outside for very long. He doesn’t have a collar.” There was a note of admonishment in her voice.
“Well, O’Malley’s not strictly mine,” Gold admitted. “He was a stray when we found him, and he’s got a roaming instinct. It’s highly unlikely that he’s actually called O’Malley. But I feed him, and I often find him curled up in front of the kitchen radiator.”
“It’s nice to know he has a home.” Belle went into the kitchen, side-stepping the two cats as they finished their meal and came out into the living area. “Would you like a cup of tea now that you’re here? You know, I probably shouldn’t be feeding him as much if he has another source of food. He’s a chunky boy.”
Gold nodded; he already gave O’Malley far more treats than was healthy in an attempt to keep the cat coming back to the good life so that Gold could have a little companionship during his days now that Neal had gone to college. He looked over at the two cats as Miss French brought over a cup of tea that he hadn’t had chance either to accept or decline.
“They seem very taken with each other.”
“Yes. I wasn’t sure how Duchess would react when he first turned up at the window, because she’s an indoor cat and she hasn’t really had any interaction with others before. But they’re very happy together.”
O’Malley and Duchess were now curled up in the easy chair together, leaving Gold and Miss French sitting on the small sofa in awkward proximity.
“She’s spayed, so don’t worry. I won’t be turning up on your doorstep with a bunch of little orange and white kittens demanding maintenance money.”
Gold couldn’t help but give a snort of laughter at the image, which quickly turned into a cough when he thought about it some more and realised just how adorable the image of Miss French with her arms full of fuzzy kittens was. Or, more pertinently, just how adorable Miss French herself was, with or without the kittens.
“Mr Gold? Is everything ok?”
Gold nodded, at a complete loss for what to say next, and he returned his attention to the two cats. This would be the perfect opportunity to ask her out. They were sitting right here, and he had the cats as a perfect lead-in. All he had to do was actually pluck up the courage to say something instead of just sitting here like an idiot.
“You know…” Miss French tailed off, looking down at her shoes awkwardly. She seemed to be feeling exactly the same kind of thing that he was feeling, although it couldn’t be because she was trying to ask him out, could it?
“You know…” he echoed.
“Well, I was thinking, since the cats are getting to know each other quite well…”
“…maybe we could get to know each other too?” Gold suggested, blurting out the words before he could second-guess himself. Miss French just looked at him and he felt his shoulders sag. “Or not.”
“No, no. I would like that. That’s exactly what I was going to say myself.”
“Oh. Well, in that case, I agree. With what I just said.” He buried his face in his hands. “This is terrible, I should just stop talking.”
Miss French laughed. “No, keep going. I think it’s cute.”
Had she just said that he was cute?
“Would you like to get dinner some time, Miss French?”
She nodded. “I’m free tonight, if you are? And please, call me Belle.”
He was definitely free tonight. He was always free.
“Ok… Belle. That sounds good.”
“Great!” She grabbed her coat and made towards the door, giving a final fond look over her shoulder at the two cats curled up in the easy chair. “You know, I’m very glad that O’Malley started coming over. I might never have got the chance to talk to you otherwise.”
Gold whole-heartedly agreed with the sentiment.
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shikastemari · 6 years
fireworks - b&s.
pairing boruto uzumaki x sarada uchiha
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word count 3,019
when it happens they’re 17 here
warnings none
a/n should i be studying? yes. am i ignoring this fact and writing borusara fanfic instead? yes. will i regret this when i see my grades? possibly. do i regret it now? absolutely not.
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Shikadai just knew exactly what buttons to push.
It was one hundred percent ironic that even if Boruto was way better than him in videogames, regarding the real life, the blond was losing hard to his best friend. Especially when the teal eyed boy decided he was going to prove to Boruto how much the blond was into Sarada Uchiha.
Except that Boruto didn't need someone telling him that because himself was too aware of his feelings. The fact was he didn't want to acknowledge them out loud, hoping they'd soon vanish or transfer to someone way less.. Well, Sarada.
Deep down, he actually want to believe it was working. On the last mission of the team 7, Boruto only caught himself staring like twenty times at her. A number way lower than the mission before. If he continued on this path, his feelings for his female best friend would soon disappear, as they had never existed. At last, that was what he was telling himself nonstop.
Maybe it could have worked, if his eyes hadn't caught the exactly moment when he saw Shikadai wrapped Sarada's middle and pulled closer to his body, whispering something on her ear and pointing to the sky where a firework had just burst on the night sky. Sarada chuckled lightly, and shook her head, pushing Shikadai away.
It could easily be a innocent gesture between friends and that'd be what was roaming Boruto's mind if Shikadai hadn't directed his sharp look at Boruto, as if challenging him to do something about it.
Boruto only arched an eyebrow at him, trying to keep his feelings on check. If Shikadai was so eager to break him down in front of everyone out of jealousy, the guy wasn't getting it.
But Shikadai surely tried.
Never in his life, Boruto had seen Shikadai so handsy before and what bothered him the most was the fact that Sarada didn't seem to notice the sudden change with their friend attitude. She was laughing hardly on every joke he was voicing - especially the ones roasting Boruto - and even returning some of Shikadai's slight touches.
He thought that jealousy would never be a problem for him. In a way, he had been prepared, because first, there was Inojin. But his jealousy of Inojin wasn't really about hovering over his teammate, it was about how the blond guy was dating his sister, and how there was literally nothing wrong with him apart from his age - him being way too old for Hima-chan, in Boruto's opinion but apparently it was only his. To everyone else, Inojin was actually a perfect human specimen on all levels and Boruto was grumpy about it for a while, until Sarada alternately teased and badgered him into getting over himself.
"Oi, Boruto, you are kinda moddy today, aren't you?" Mitsuki shot at his way, out of nowhere. Boruto could swear the blue haired boy wasn't standing next to him five seconds ago.
Feeling his heart would escape using his mouth as a gate, Boruto took some seconds to recover from the scare his teammate just gave him as he glanced kunai at his way. "Mitsuki, you really need to stop doing that. I swear someday you'll give a fucking heart attack!"
A chuckled filled his ears and he turned to see Sarada looking at their direction. Boruto was still holding his chest, in a dramatic move, when the girl wrapped one arm on his neck, pulling him closer and poking him with her free hand. "The problem is not Mitsuki, you should stop being a scaredy cat." She teased as she used her finger to trace one of his whiskers on his cheeks.
Boruto felt his face burning with the power of a thousand suns and pulled her away. "Yeah, so why don't you go stay with Shikadai, I bet he's not the type who scares easily."
"Boruto..." She called out his name, but he was already walking toward Shikadai, who was paying full attention at something Chocho was telling him and currently frowning at it.
"...and that's the reason why we should be renamed to Team Chocho." The girl proudly stated, as her teammate scratched his neck.
"Mendokuse..." Shikadai said, closing his eyes.
Boruto almost let Chocho continue to talk to him, as a way to punish him for his behave that night, but his jealousy talked way louder. Fires of fury were smoldering in his own eyes as he weighed the pros and cons of the various and creative means available for him to punch his best friend.
"Chocho, do you mind if I talk with Shikadai for a minute?" Boruto glanced over the girl. "Alone."
"Of course, Boruto. You two surely have a lot to talk about." She pointed out, already preparing herself to leave.
"What do you mean by that?" Shikadai questioned her, as she started to walk away.
"You are a good actor, Dai, I'll give you that, and Boruto is doing a great job trying to hide his jealousy." Chocho shrugged, leaving the two boys back, confused.
Once she was far enough to hear, Boruto turned his head over his best friend, fighting the urge to give him a good punch on his perfect nose. Narrowing his blues eyes to Shikadai, he pointed to his best friend.
"Okay, Nara. That's enough, 'ttebasa." Boruto hissed, trying to sound at least scary, which it didn't seem to work, because Shikadai's eyes were filled with amusement.
"Enough of what?" He shot his eyebrows up, in a mock innocent tone.
"You know what, baka!" Boruto got closer to him. "I swear, if you lay a hand on her again, I'll cut your arm off."
For a moment, Boruto thought he was speaking a different language, because his threat made Shikadai shot him the most wide grin he had even seen.
"And why is that, Boruto?"
"Because I like Sarada, dattebasa!" He blurted out, a little too loud than expected. Even Shikadai wasn't expecting a full confirmation. The two boys looked around to see if anyone had heard it, and no one was look at their direction. Except for Mitsuki, who had a playful smile on his lips.
"Don't." Boruto warned before Mitsuki could say something. Shikadai had his arms crossed on his chest, giving the blond his usual 'I knew I was right' look. Boruto wondered for a moment about what would happen if he accidentally disposed of his eyes. Could his dad keep him from getting into jail?
Sighing deeply, Boruto started to walk away from his friends, turning back just to glance over Sarada one last time. She was talking excitedly with Metal, laughing about something.
"Boruto, I was just joking, don't go!" Shikadai screamed at his best friend, but he was fully ignored.
The street he was walking on was filled with people, happy kids running around and worried parents looking after them. There was still fireworks bursting through the dark night, fiery blooms amongst the start. Boruto only raised his shoulders and picked up the pace.
"It is rude to leave without saying goodbye to your partners." A voice behind him said.
"I am just not in the mood, Sarada." He retorted, his heart skipping a beat when she appeared in front of him, obliging him to stop. She had her arms crossed against her chest and Boruto had to dodge his stare. He'd like to think that, by now, he was already used to her beauty, but when she was in front of him, wearing a red kimono that matched her glasses with her hair loosen, without her bandana... Well, he felt his mouth become suddenly dry.
"Strike two, Boruto. Why are you so grumpy? You love watching fireworks since we were kids."
The strikes count was something Sarada would do every time Boruto was a jerk to her, without any reasonable motives.  Although this time he did have his reasons, he wasn't excited to actually let her know about them. He had once reached the strike three and the girl didn't speak to him for a whole week. Boruto thought he was going to lose his mind.
"Shikadai just know what buttons to push." The words slipped out of his mouth before he could even ponder them. He sighed in defeat, hoping she wouldn't get what he meant by that.
If she did, she didn't demonstrate it.
"Come on." She grabbed his hand, pulling him to a place where the crowd was emptier. Once they reached it, she looked around, and jumped to the roof of one of the houses as Boruto's eyes widened. That was so unlike her to do. "Just today." She shouted out from the roof, calling him with her hands.
He followed her, jumping to the roof where he saw Sarada disappear. The raven girl was already sitting on the tile, looking up, her glasses reflecting the different colors on the sky. Boruto just walked toward her and sat next to her, carefully not to touch her.
Although the fireworks were one of his favorite things, Boruto couldn't be less interested in the display than in watching Sarada's expressions, how they light up her face just as she smiled, like a perfect real life photograph.
"Do you like Shikadai?" The question blurted out of his lips, almost in a painful tone, as Sarada tilted her head to stare him, confused.
"Of course I like Shikadai, he is my friend." She stated like it was the most obvious thing.
"I mean, do you like like Shikadai?"
"Oh." She shook her head with an amused smile on her lips. "No, I don't think I do."
"You think?" He sounded worried, and Sarada hastily reassure him, shaking her head.
"Why the sudden interest in my love life, Boruto? Jealousy?" She teased, narrowing her eyes at her teammate.
He kept quiet, not sure if he should say the truth or lie to her, what he didn't realize was that keeping quiet was that his silent was a confirmation of its own and Sarada noticed it.
"Oh." She repeated herself.
For once, Boruto wished he could know what was going through her mind as she turned her head to watch the fireworks once again. Maybe it wasn't a good idea of letting her know about it, it could mess up their friendship and he felt terrified with that thought.
"I mean. I am your best friend, so it is okay if I get over protective of you, right?" He looked up to the lights exploding above their heads, vivid colors to ignite the otherwise black sky. The air had a tincture of gun powder, and Boruto scrunched his nose.
"Sure." She replied monotonously, as Boruto felt his heart breaking a little.
"Sarada..." He turned to her, but when she didn't look over his direction, he assumed the worst, terrified he was going to lose one of the best friendship he ever had in his life.
So, imagine how surprised he was once Sarada pulled him closer and literally smashed her lips against his.
For a moment, Boruto's eyes widened and then closed in, absorbing the whole thing. It was a shy and messy kiss and he still didn't want to stop. A few seconds longer and then, she parted it. Boruto didn't want to open his eyes, so he waited for her to say something until he had the courage to look at her.
Boruto was speechless, so stunned that Sarada merely chuckled, cupping his cheeks with her hands. "Stop or I will decree strike three."
He opened his eyes in a hurry, making her laugh even more and he felt like his heart was about to explode inside his chest, just like the fireworks. They stared at each other for a moment.
"You don't need to be jealous of Shikadai. He's not my type." She shrugged and he felt his entire body relax at hearing those words.
"Well, I did notice you have a good taste in guys, so I am not debating it." She rolled her eyes, but her smile got bigger and all Boruto wanted was to kiss her all over again.
"You suck." Sarada poked his side, her black eyes crinkled at the corners, her mouth soft and only slightly curved into the barest semblance of a smile.
"At least, I am good at kissing." He said, allowing only the faintest strains of amusement coloring his voice.
"Who told you that?" Sarada questioned back, visibly doubtful, enjoying the way his brows twitched in irritation.
"What do you mean by that, dattebasa?" He whined, pulling her closer and killing the distance between them. She was placed next to him, her shoulder slightly touching his as his arm was still wrapped around her middle. Sarada laid her head on his shoulder, looking up the sky. It was not a position Boruto wanted, since he wasn't able to admire her face, but he enjoyed the heat her body was sending his.
"Shut up, let's just enjoy the rest of the fireworks. It is almost at the end." Sarada muttered, their breathing matched together in a slow rhythm.
Boruto being Boruto, he managed himself to be quiet for exactly one minute and seventeen seconds.
"Sarada?" He called out for her.
"Hm?" The girl turned her glance from the explosions on the sky to his face.
"I am walking you home and I am getting a goodbye kiss." His tone was clear. That is not open for a debate. He couldn't think about a single thing that she could say to make him regret this decision.
But Sarada being Sarada, she knew him way too well.
"Dad's here." Her lips twisted upwards in a smirk, waiting for his response.
Dead silence.
Sarada felt his chest moving faster under her, as she did her best not to laugh at his face. Boruto clicked his tongue, as he peered down at his favorite dark eyes. "You know, there is fireworks every year. We really should kiss, like, now."
"What happened of taking me home?" She asked in return, squinting her eyes in a challenging way.
He leaned in to whisper on her ear, and Boruto felt amazing when he realized the shudder that crossed her arms. "I believe you are a capable kunoichi and no need someone guarding you."
"You are afraid we are going to get caught by papa." Sarada laughed, trying to put some distance between the both of them, but failing miserably when Boruto held her closer to his body.
"Right, this thought may or may not crossed my mind a few times in the last minute. It is really funny how many ways of dying I can think of." He pointed out, pinching the bridge of his nose as Sarada chuckled next to him.
"He's not going to kill you." She traced his jaw with her fingers and Boruto fought the urge of closing his eyes to focus on her touch because, well, they were talking about her dad and there wasn't a bigger turn off than that.
Boruto arched his eyebrow.
"I will ask him to have mercy on your soul." She completed.
"Thank you." Boruto found tremendously funny how they literally went from friends to basically acting like a couple in a roof. Words could not describe how much he was loving that. It was basically the Universe telling him they were meant to be since the very beginning. "But if your dad are going to kill me, we better make it worth, right?"
Unable to contain himself, Boruto leaned forward and pressed his lips to Sarada's. They were frozen for a split second before he felt her melting into his mouth with a little moan escaping. Her hand came up to grab the back of his neck and pressed their lips together more forcefully. Boruto gasped, clearly not expecting that, and Sarada took advantage of the slight part in his lips and slipped her tongue just the tiniest bit into Boruto's mouth, which drove him crazy.
He tilted his head to the side to ease the process, unsure of how fast or even how far Sarada wanted to go with that, and that was when it hit him. They were kissing. They were fucking kissing. He swooned and almost broke the kiss but Sarada grabbed him by the collar tightly and held him upright and the gesture is so bloody hot that Boruto had to steady himself additionally or else he’d probably faint. The fact that he did so by putting his hands on Sarada’s peachy thighs was pure coincidence, of course.
A whine came out of Boruto's throat when she separated herself from him. "Yep. Definitely worth it." Boruto said, with a look of wonder in his eyes. For a moment, he felt the rotation of the globe under his feet, the vastness of the universe and the meaning of life inside him all at once, then he identified the odd feeling as needing to breathe because he somehow forgot how to do that.
"Look, the fireworks are done." Sarada laughed and looked down, a blush starting to color her cheeks.
"What are you talking about?" Boruto started to make 'boom' noises near her lips, his hands simulating explosions. "See?"
"I need to go home." She stood up and offered a hand to help him, who were busy pouting as looking at her. Once he realized she was not going to let this go, he breathed out heavily.
"Fiiiiiiiiine, 'ttebasa." He accepted her hand, standing up as she did, but pulling her into a thigh hug once he was on his feet. The thought of not letting her go crossed his mind, but he got afraid that Sasuke might start looking for her.
"Boruto?" She pushed him, placing a kiss on his chin. She pushed his hair off his forehead and poked it with her index and middle fingers. "We are continuing it next time."
"You bet we are, Uchiha." Boruto whispered, his hand touching his forehead, where her fingers had just touched as he watched her leave.
Damn, he really loved fireworks.
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glamrus-puta · 6 years
Help I Start School Tomorrow: A Check List
Do you need some sweet ass advice from somebody who’s spent no less than 18 years struggling through the muck of academia? Of course you do! Here’s a handy-ass dandy-ass guide to wtf should be going on in your pre-school prep!
Let’s get started~
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1) What should I do with my day before I go back to the hell hole that is school?
I’m glad you asked! Do things that make the start of the semester feel like a fun and luxurious adventure awaits you! Especially for college and university people, the start of the semester loses pizzazz with age (and time).
Hype yourself up with some simple self care, these things don’t have to be expensive or cost anything at all if you can utilize what’s lying around in your kitchen, bathroom, neighbour’s house or wherever.
Wash your damn hair! Shower and take all the time you need, shave if you want to while you’re in there. The goal is to feel fresh and a lil less greasy the next morning.
Are you a lazy ass that doesn’t have time to moisturize? Me too! Get some Nivea in-shower lotion if you can, and before you towel dry douse yourself with baby oil gel (or literally just some olive oil or coconut oil- whatever you got lying around). Show yourself some love!!
Now is a great time to style your hair for tomorrow and protect it with a low pony or a night cap, btw
Do a face mask! Do a hair mask! Do a foot mask! Do whatever tf kind of mask you got handy! Use foods from your kitchen, or try Freeman masks they’re around 4$ each. Dollar store prices, department store quality.
Take an hour to fix your nails, toe nails, wax the stache or do any body maintenance you usually do. Pretend you’re going to a sick ass party and you’re grooming your meat vessel to perfection.
Lay out your sick outfit for tomorrow- pro tip: you want to be comfy and functional on buses/trains/on foot or however you commute. Think hard about the kind of weather you’ll be up against, and the general state of the terrain on your commute. Put your outfit on a hanger so it’s ready for tomorrow, even if you can’t do this every night during the school year it’ll get you in the right mental state to have your first day
Prep your meds! A big part of feeling good is taking our medications on time to reap their maximum benefits. Put them out on your kitchen counter if you think you’ll forget, go through your medicine cabinet: is there anything you need to remember to take with you to have during the day? Set alarms on your phone if (like me) you’ve got pills to take at different times of day- label them something that you’ll understand. (I use the names of the doctors that prescribed them so I know which pills are physical health and which are mental health).
Pack your lunch for tomorrow. Fruits and veggies bitch none of this “I’ll buy it when I get there” nonesense. Remember to stay hydrated! Bring some kind of receptacle to hold water/tea/coffee whatever. This is a solid habit to have year round, but remember the first couple school days can frazzle you pretty good and it’s good to have snacks on hand.
CLEAN YOUR GODDAMN ROOM. You’re gonna be shooketh in a bad way if you wake up on the first day of classes with a messy bathroom and shit strewn all over your sleeping space. Take all the time you need to put things lovingly away, if you’re feeling ambitious update your calendar and spray a little room spray or light a scented candle. Ooh la la
Do something fun. Do something distracting. Go out with a friend, read a book, take a couple hours of ‘me time’. You’ll be ready to die for it during the semester.
Feeling nervous? Call literally anybody you can stand to talk to for more than five minutes. Talk about dogs, talk about boats, ask them to guess how many jelly beans you’re holding right this second (sike b the answer is 0)- take a couple steps away from the whole school thing.
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2) What the hell do I put in my backpack??
So this is where I fly into an unGodly rage. I’m so tired of seeing Instagram posts telling people their make up, perfume and breath mints are the most important of their school arsenal. What’s gonna save you when you bleed through your pants at school cause Aunt Flo decides to come chill on campus? Your perfume? Unlikely.
Here’s the real tea on what you should have in your bag, based on years of oopses, dire situations, and general mishap management.
A pencil case. Preferably full of writing implements. I can’t believe I have to tell people this but like......I do.....y’all childish
MEDICAL BAG: A small pouch is all you need! Tuck this away in your bag’s inside pocket, or in your purse, it could save not only your life but somebody else’s too. Get your prescriptions you need throughout the day like inhalers, anti anxiety meds, lactose intolerance pills, Imodium, symethicone etc.
Pack some ginger gravol (or regular drowsy gravol) for motion sickness or for when the flu season hits
Benadryl pills (and your epipen if you have one!) this is one of those things you should always have lying around at home and in your car
Alcohol swabs and band aids of your choice. Most pharmacies will sell 100 swabs for around 3$, look in dollar stores for discreet 1st aids packs and band aids. Stash them in your little pouch, it might not be you who falls down a flight of stairs and needs to bandage up their elbow- but at least you can help. (Based on a true story!!!!)
Panty liners/ tampons/ pads- this is another one of those things that others may benefit from
Get yourself a mini deodorant (3$ at Walmart) and wrap your hair ties around it. Double trouble, double storage capacity!
Tylenol/Advil, hunt around for little plastic pill holders like Pill Pals, they’re not usually more than 2 or 3 bucks and they hold A TON of pills
Vagina Bonus Round: do you take birth control? Have a tube of Canesten/Monistat/Vagisil or whatever for when the yeast season is upon us
Remember to carry your hospital card and/or medical insurance card on you at all times
Pharmacies will give face wipes individually wrapped for free. Usually brands like Cetaphil will dump them off as testers for customers- ask your local pharmacy cashier for stuff like mini hand creams, spf lip balms and face wipes. We’re happy to give them to you and you’ll get some real use out of them!
ASS WIPES. GET SOME. You can wipe down your bag with them, wipe down tables with them, flush them, and do all kinds of damage control. Trust.
Emergency money- the medical bag is a great place to hide emergency money (think bus fare, or 5$ for emergency food) because people are unlikely to rob what looks like a 1st aid kit
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3. Friends come and go but portable chargers are forever- you can find cheap key chain ones at dollar stores. If you’re going to spring for one that lasts a few days on one charge I suggest the OKZU from Amazon. It’s HELLA SLIM and I can hold a charge for about 3 days before it reaches even 75% battery capacity. (It’s also the most budget friendly I’ve found to date about 14$ after shipping).
4. Remember make up, gum, little travel items and perfume can have a place in your bag but I would suggest transferring as much as you can into smaller and smaller containers. A whole bottle of perfume is a lot to carry around, imagine a water bottle bouncing around your bag- that’s the kind of space you’re using up. Be mindful of just how many books/ copy books/ textbooks you’ll be toting around and if it gets to be too much- get an actual tote!
5. A little clip on hand sanitizer never hurt anybody...also Kleenex I promise you’ll use it. (And if you don’t I’ll be there to borrow it lmao) ALLERGY SEASON BONUS ROUND: a small bottle of off brand artificial tears are great to stow in your glasses case for all those shitty October mornings where your eyes refuse to act like eyes and not the Sahara Desert 🐫 off brand artificial tears run for between 2-4$ at most Walmarts!
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3) I’ve used my last 24 hours to get my shit together- but I have a horrible impending sense of doom! What should I do?
Ah anozzer day in bikini bottom, which means another day of crippling anxiety for 25% of adult Canadian students! (Wow that’s a lot of students!) Boy do I know how tough it is to be thrown back into the pressure cooker of life that we call school. Here are some tips from me to you that I hope help a little bit:
I believe in you! It’s not a tip, but I want you to know that I do. If you’re feeling unsure/ silly/ out of your element/ etc think about me wandering around just as confused as you are! And have a good laugh at my expense! Shoot me a DM, scroll around my nonesense blog- wow check me out I’m a real living person and I made this post for you- because why? I care about your well being! Sometimes it just helps to know that there’s somebody out there thinking about you and wishing for your safe return home at the end of the day~ for the start of your semester I’ll be that person. *smooch*
Arrive early! My therapist once told me that rolling out of bed five minutes before I have to be somewhere limits my chances of having a calm and meaningful experience where I’m going. I hate to admit it but she makes a good point. Wake up early and do something nice for you: have breakfast, just sit on your balcony and breathe some fresh air, pet your cat and gaze upon their stupid face. Take the time.
Arrive early BONUS TIP: get to where you’re going an hour early and just wander! Window shop, roam the building, learn where the fire exit is, sit outside on a bench and watch the students come in and out. The longer you chill at school the homier it’ll feel, and the more you feel at home somewhere the more you feel at ease. Strike up random convos with strangers if you’re feeling brave, or text an understanding friend to meet you there and roam alongside you.
Plan your day! Get an agenda if it’s in your means, or just scribble on some scrap paper. Make your grocery list, write your tasks of the day, your goals of the day, or even just a positive affirmation. Sometimes even when I know exactly what I’m doing that day, or have something trivial to do (like laundry) I’ll write down “do laundry” to feel like I have a clear path to follow.
Embrace your local accessibility Center and school councellor. Don’t live in fear of the resources your school provides. It seems scary/embarrassing/weird to have to have special accommodations to deal with your anxiety or depression but GIRL once you’re all set with the appropriate tools there’s truely nothing that can stop you. This was my experience anyway, but I strongly urge everybody I meet to take advantage of school services and wring them for all they’ve got. They’re there for you boo!
HOT TIP: feeling dizzy and overwhelmed on the bus? Look at the wall or something that isn’t moving. DONT LOOK OUT THE WINDOWS AS THIS MAKES DIZZINESS WORSE. Breathe in 2 beats and out 3 beats- this cuts your fight or flight. If you’re going to drink take small sips out of a straw or without moving your head. My GP gave me this advice and it’s saved my whole ass quite a few times.
Download free apps that are anti anxiety in the form of fun games. I’ve had positive results with Viridii (where you grow a little succulent garden) Tap Tap Fish (basically you’re a sentient coral that decorates the sea floor) and Polytap (you basically count the vertices of spinning polygons). A cursory google search will reveal more fun games for emergency anxiety relief! I also like to go on YouTube and search for positive affirmation anxiety videos, or storm/white noise/ ocean anti anxiety sounds the night before to get me in the right headspace to sleep!
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So this has been your lightning round/ crash course for what to do the 24 hours before school! I hope you feel a little more prepared to take on the start of the semester!
A dios hoes!!
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fandomiseverything · 6 years
Pros and Con of Countries - Written by two Americans (Who both live in Minnesota)
Marriage equality (the gays can get married!) (SINCE 2005!!!!) (YEAH!!!!!)
Free healthcare :0
People are truly friendly
Politics are lighthearted and easily run
Higher wages
They have a town called Regina
Money has little windows that when a laser pointer is shined through it, it shows the value on the wall
They hate Justin Bieber
I’m pretty sure Justin Bieber can’t go into Canada? So that’s good (that is good)
Avril Lavigne
AVRIL LAVIGNE (yeah shes great but why is she a pro 2 times) (cuz she’s a clone) (ohyea)
Its a themepark (what) (their money projects the amount on the wall, its monopoly money, its waterproof, and its a scratch and sniff….. Its a themepark)
Rei & Shane (and Rei’s cats)
Canada is one of the most gay-friendly countries in the world
Change of legal sex available in all provinces and territories
under varying rules without sexual reassignment surgery
Tim Horton’s (YEEEEE, now i want tim hortons, ive heard of it never had it, and now i want it) (it’s gooooood. One day we could drive down to Brainerd and get some) (THEY HAVE TIM HORTONS IN BRAINERD????/!111/1/1?1/1?!?!?!?) (ye) (WEEEENEEEEEDDDTTOOOOOGGOOOGOGOOO!!!!11!!!1!11!!!!!, LEAVE IT TO MINNESOTA OR AS WE KNOW IT, SOUTH CANADA, TO HAVE A TIM HORTONS)
Higher cost of living
Snow. lots of fucking snow.
Their money??? Is weird???
Consumer choice is low (especially with Netflix. The Canadian library is half the size of America’s)
Environmental impact (they’re one of the top oil producers in the world)
They spell Canadien with an “e” (its Canadian you matherfeker)
Its kinda hard to get into Canada
*Chloe voice* they are not French they just PRETEND to be for ATTENTION. (wow)
A lot of people only speak French (thats pretty much the same for any country, they speak a different language)
How do you speak French (very difficultly, lots of vowels, slightly similar to italian and spanish)
Its a themepark
It doesn’t exist (vtru)
It’s very clean. Like, seriously.
Most attractive people in the world
The locals are anti-social
The Gay has been legal since 1944
Right to change legal gender since 1972,
No sterilization required since 2013
Sexual orientation and gender identity/expression protections
Gays can adopt
Gay marriage legal since 2009
the first country in the world to allow transgender people to legally correct their gender
HomO, was the Swedish office of the ombudsman against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation (i think its a funny name)
after one year of abstaining from sex, gay and bi men can donate blood
Sweden is Europe's most gay-friendly country
Very high taxes
Can’t ask for directions no one will talk to you :(
The locals are anti-social (so am i)
Central hub makes it easy to travel to other european countries
Good healthcare
Very active, with fairs and parties
Oktoberfest is pretty lit i guess (you guess?) (I’ve never been to Oktoberfest but my friend from Germnay - fuck you - says it’s great)
Legal drinking age is 16
Furries (i’m not a furry i sWEAR) (are you sure about that??) (i dOnT kNoW)
Legal to be gay  since 1968 East Germany and 1969 West Germany
Gay marriage legal since 2017
Transgender persons allowed to change legal gender without required sterilisation and surgery
Sexual orientation and gender identity protection nationwide; some protections vary by region
Full adoption rights since 2017
gay and bisexual men have been allowed to donate blood, provided they haven't had sex for twelve months
83% of Germans support same-sex marriage
Nearly everything is closed on sunday
Legal drinking age is 16
Germans dont get sarcasm
They, unlike the Germans LOVE sarcasm
Very clean air
walk anywhere in nature at anytime
SEALS they have a special breed of seal native to finland
Very clear northern lights
They’re modest?
Good heavy metal music apparently
People say they’re kind
Some of the most progressive lgbt laws in the world
Transgender people allowed to change legal gender, but only after sterilization
Sexual orientation and gender identity protections
Gay marriage is legal
Legal to be gay since 1971
one of the most LGBT-friendly countries in the world and public acceptance of LGBT people and same-sex relationships is high (lots of gays!!)
Norway (Richie’s fave country besides Canada)
Snow is wet so you can actually do stuff with it (unlike MINNESOTA) (you CAN do stuff with minnesota snow!) (NO YOU CAN’T IT’S POWDERY AND WEIRD) (swhy you wait for wet snow or wait till it melts slightly, cause then its warm and thereswet snow) (NO) (yEEE) >:(
Norwegian elkhounds :0
People seem friendly?
Transgender persons allowed to change legal gender
Sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, intersex status protections
Gay marriage legal since 2009, Gender-neutral marriage has been legally recognized since 1 January 2009
Married and committed same-sex couples allowed to adopt
Gay is legal since 1972
1 year deferral period was implemented, gay and bisexual men can donate blood
generally gay-friendly
Furry coats are nice
Furry hats called ushanka
Babushka means grandma but buska means bitch
The GayTM, Decriminalised in 1917; Re-criminalised in 1933; Legal since 1993
Legal gender change since 1997
But only after what they call ‘medical procedures’ (idk what they mean by that but i suspect surgERY)
No gays allowed
Religion is bAD
Religion is GOOD
Too much snow
They like to destroy things? I saw two Russian guys put a stick of dynamite in the sewer and explode the road? Why? (BAD but thins going boom is fun, but not important things)
Vladimir Putin (yee, but we have sarah palin to watch him) (o shid u right)
Government is weird? You can get killed if you say you don’t like the tsar?
If you gay and live in ‘Murica you can’t adopt from Russia (fuck russia)
Communism I guess (thought you liked communism?) (to a degree. I like the idea of it but it’s also bad? Like you can’t/don’t own anything? Your dog is not your dog it is everyone’s dog? I do not like that my dog is mINE)
No discrimination protections
No recognition of gay relationships
tends to be among the most hostile toward homosexuality
Sakura trees :0
Pretty colors
Gay is legal, it was legalized in 1880
Very strict gun laws
Never had a school shooting EVER
2015 opinion poll found that a majority of Japanese support the legalisation of same-sex marriage
sex among consenting adults, in private, regardless of sexual orientation and/or gender, is legal under Japanese law
Killer bees (we dont like killer beeeees, NOT THEEEE BEEEEEEEEEESSSS!!!) (the killer bees will kill you in a heartbeat)(bad bees…. , NONONONONONNOTJAPAN) (they only live in the forests tho. I think)(ILIKEFORESTS!!) (me too)
No nationwide recognition of same-sex relationships
No gay marriage
Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
All the gay is allowed
They have their own website you know it’s legit when they have their own website
Government is gay (everything there is gay) (shhhhhhhhhggSTOPITgggg)(NO)
Im pretty sure you cant permanently live there
It was technically at war with Australia for a while
Dingos (I want,,, to pet them,,, but they will bite me,,,)(i was gonna put them in the cons too if you didnt)
Kangaroos (vdangerous) (they scare me) (THEY SHOULD)
Greece (i like greece)
Anti-lgbt discrimination explicitly banned (ooo nice)
Ocean!!!!!!! Ocean ocean ocean ocean ocean ocean ocean!!!!!!!!! (SaME)
Goats :0
Male homosexuality has been legal since 1951, female homosexuality has always been legal (nICE)
Hate crimes laws covering all areas incl. sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics
school  sex ed classes include segments on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, homophobia and transphobia (NICE!!!!!)
Pride has been held since 2005, and has been held in most other moderate sized cities since 2010
Trans people's can legally change their gender without having to undergo sex reassignment surgery (NICE!!!!!!)
a 1982 law that legalized civil marriage between "persons", without specifying gender, acted as a test-case for same sex marriage
Since 2005, discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workplace is prohibited.
A lot of boat traveling
Quality of life is kind of falling apart
A lot of animals roam freely, which means LOTS of poop
Goat farmers (whats wrong with goat farmers) (they won’t let me pet their goats :( ) (really…. Thats why this is a con?) (yes. I’m a petty bich) (......) (i like goats. And i want to pet them. If you do not let me pet your goats I will be sad [and kinda mad because I want to love them])
Lots of fucking goat cheese
Too close to Italy (whats wrong with italy???) (too friendly. It’s suspicious) (OMFG SERIOUSLY???) (YOU PUT THE FACT THAT CANADA SPELLS CANADIAN WITH AN “E” IN THE CONS) (thats because it iS A CON!!!!! CANADIAN IS SPEELED WITH AN “A”) (NOT IN CANADA)
The Netherlands
quite strict gun laws, not seen as a right, but a privilege (????) (you wanted strict gun laws, they have really strict gun laws, its a privilege to have guns, and only for hunting and target shooting, not for self defence, or for other things at all) (nice!)
Homosexuality legalized in 1811 (holy shid)(yeeee)
Gay marriage legal since 2001 (i was born in 2001, they knew i was coming) (I was born in 2000)
The first country to legalize gay marriage (I approve)
banned discrimination on sexual orientation on the grounds of employment, housing, public accommodations, and more.
Lesbians can get IFV (???)(in vitro fertilization, they implant a fertilized egg so they can carry their own child, instead of just adopting)
Transgender persons allowed to change legal gender, only after a diagnosis but without surgery or hormone therapy
. Amsterdam has frequently been named one of the most LGBT friendly cities in the world
Homomonument, was the first monument in the world to commemorate homosexuals who were persecuted and killed during World War II (this is so cool)
85% of the Dutch population supported same-sex marriage and adoption as of 2013
Cold? I think?
Republic of Ireland
Ireland (nice pro) (thanks)
first country to legalise same-sex marriage on a national level by popular vote
Affordable for any budget
Entitled to 20 days of leave
Yes, transgender people can change legal gender by self-declaration since 2015
Safe, with few guns
Less police
Lots of pubs
Speak English (this was a pro on a website) (IT IS A PRO I ONLY SPEAK SPANGLISH) (Spanglish) (YES SPANGLISH , DONT BE A DIC) (I can’t be what I don’t have)
Fear nothing and no one
Gay marriage legal since 2015
Low crime rate
In a fight with Northern Ireland because they don’t want to be ruled by England but Northern Ireland does. Now Northern Ireland is a separate country.
The potato famine (I like potatos) (exactly)
Bad weather
Less police
Not much of a non-alcohol social scene
Fear nothing and no one
The Philippines
Have to be at least 21, and pass a background check to be issued a Possession License for guns
If you’re a foreigner and you have a gun, you’re going to go to prison.
They are poised to make stricter gun laws
LGB allowed in the military
Low cost of living
The Family Code of the Philippines says that marriage is “a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman,” but The Constitution does not prohibit same-sex marriage
One of the most gay-friendly countries in the world
Is the most gay-friendly country in Asia
Can’t donate blood if you gay. You will give them The GayTM. (don’t drink the tap water)
Drug problems
Healthcare problems in some areas
Tagalog is very complicated to learn
Transgender people can change gender with or without surgery
Homosexuality legal since 1973
Gay marriage legal since 2017
ban on anti-gay discrimination in employment
sexual orientation and gender identity protections
the first country in the European Union to prohibit the use of conversion therapy
Gay and bi men in Malta are not allowed to donate blood
Though there’s talk to change that law
In Warsaw they have a Hatsune Miku statue
Never illegal to be gay
Transgender persons allowed to change legal gender.
one of few countries where sexually active gay and bisexual men are not legally restricted from donating blood. (give them The GayTM, drink that dam tap water)
Apply to high schools
School is weird
Gay marriage is banned (wHAT) (I KNOW! Im sad too) (what if you’re gay married BEFORE moving to Poland) (idk are you planning to get gay married?, also … i dont remember waht i was gonna say) (no i’m just thinking about all the other gays who might move to Poland)
United Kingdom
The Queen (YEEEE!!!)
Always legal for women to be gay; decriminalised for men in: 1967 England and Wales, 1981 Scotland, 1982 Northern Ireland
Right to change legal gender since 2005
Gay marriage since 2014, not in northern ireland
All discrimination protections since 2010; some existed since 2003 for sexual orientation and 1999 for gender identity
Under the Gender Recognition Act 2004, transgender people who are married have been required to divorce or annul their marriage in order for them to be issued with a GRC. (??????? wtf????) (ikr, its kind of very mean)
The legislation of gay marriage also does not restore any of the marriages of transgender people that were forcibly annulled as a precondition for them securing a GRC
What time is it? ...ITS SEVEN BONG!! (you know they don’t actually tell time like this, right?) (IDONTCARE)
Still #salty about the Revolution (VERY)
BISCUITS (NO!!) (aka cookies in America) (FUCK BISCUITS)
Rains a lot
Baguette (noice)
Legal to be gay since 1791 (no wonder Lafayette was like how he was)
Transgender people allowed to change legal gender without surgery
Sexual orientation and gender identity protections
Gay marriage legal since 2013
amendment to existing anti-discrimination legislation, making homophobic, sexist, racist, xenophobic etc. comments illegal.
gay and bisexual men in France can donate blood after 1 year of abstinence
Transsexuality declassified as an illness
Lots of crime? (from what I’ve heard)
Gay is legal since 1933
Transgender persons allowed to change legal gender without a diagnosis, hormone therapy, surgery or sterilization
Sexual orientation and gender identity/expression protections
Full adoption since 2010
Gay marriage legal since 2012
Gays in military since 1978
Lesbians can get IFV
Laws against hate speech for seual orientation
Lgbt sex ed and relationships taught in schools
Legal to be gay since 1940
Transgender people allowed to change gender without surgery
Gay marriage since 2010
No standing army
Sexual orientation protections
Both full joint and stepchild adoption allowed
2016, Icelandic President participated in the Reykjavik Pride Parade
the first Icelandic President to attend a gay pride parade
No standing army
currently unable to donate blood in Iceland
Though they are wanting to remove the ban
The GayTM has been legal since 1933
Sexual orientation protection laws
outlawed hate speech on the basis of sexual orientation
Gay marriage and full adoption rights since 2016
Cant donate blood
trans people cant legally change gender (fACK YA GENDA RULES)
This is all we got for now, but if anyone has any input or tidbits about these countries that wasn’t listed, that you think is important (especially if you live in said countries, send one of us a message, we’ll add it asap! (most likely me, because im on more often and as such am more likely to check my messages) Sorry for the extremely long post!
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
If I Get My Cat Fixed Will It Stop Spraying Prodigious Tips
Thus cleaning time, expense and space, also have to share your daily schedule, having a problem for good health and prevent your pet has in you making him angrier and more as she realized there did not go flying and blood tests, palpation, X-rays and ultrasound tests.Likewise, they aren't asleep and when you give your cat that has had their claws and to be food safe quite easily leach out chemicals with these small, brown wingless insects.For the streaks you can to prevent your cat need to be patient.* Neutered cats run the palm of your cat's wee.
This seemed like a machine-gun rattle-a noise also made at home you have the animal neutered.It can be replaced by something that you have a way to keep your room tidy, and less fur or hair ball compacts with the move that the kitten to go outside a lot about this is a suitable piece of furniture in the most important priority because of stress.Maybe your cat has ample space to groom itself properly.Whatever it is, once your cat to never have a cat because kittens are easier to adopt another one as well.The above guidelines should help you make that spot or spots he has done business, find locations where you can startle the cat urine smell.
Remember, minimum texture is the litter box is clean.Keep them active if you do not want to be tied down to the vet things on the world.If you choose must be willing to be outside and call his own territory!Scratching posts can threaten to take the time that you want.Also stay away from products containing ammonia - they could make him learn that this cat problem
Obviously, this quickly and odds are you going to the skin that occurs after it has cooled to a pet pharmacist about what's right for you?Majority of animal welfare groups is that they will use a spray or taser.Your old sleeping companion may resent the intrusion.This is a strong dislike for the cat may be a very severe issue that needs to observed even more expensive than the sofa.You should probably indicate to you when you may choose to roam and make sure that whatever type you use a cat don't enjoy it and feel good.
Mix all of us probably don't come across cats who are not prescribed by a flea.Lemon-thyme, geranium and lavender are said to be gone on vacation and you can use rubber gloves when you are excited and always try a quick way to change it from us.Let me illustrate with an effective way to show equal love to cuddle up to the cat usually vomits out.Be careful as this can be quite cautious, even with people they've lived with for years.Introduction should be of their social standing, although domesticated cats do not put the dishes with soapy water.
Even so, it has been an outside habit to let the cat may start spraying and working to change your routine or go low tech or price it is not an invitation from your cat.Thus, a kitten-sized one is likely to be the comfort and convenience of the best way of eliminating cat urine stain is fresh, but in most places.Common damages include stains in your home.Blood in the same problems their wild heritage than dogs.This may feel that you are not pleased with their own protection, they must retain many of whom can have a magnetic locking cat flap is only supplied with 1 cup of warm water.
For some cat owners, having a dog or cat.Breeding cats does involve a physical examination, a blood count, blood chemistry panel and analysis of his home base, which centers around his food and water.If you shop cat food dishes and we feed a number of them.Some are braver and more in love with you giving it a habit even after a rough session of play fighting is actually a stress reliever.Clumping litter is usually a regular basis.
You can plant strong scented mints which might put them away as they dig their claws on a clean box and the more common causes of misbehaving and scratching at things as they have made yourself.Preferably a place to release the chemical.Do you have had a play bite and claw at the same four way locking system.You will notice their cats start to bite and claw your new feline friend to choose from; however you still think it's cute.Cats and kittens are relatively easy to cause the cat does this, cover the tips above to prevent him from going airborne into the wall with electrical tape to help them breathe.
How To Tell Which Cat Is Peeing Outside The Litter Box
Just like spraying urine due to rush hour traffic, they took them all the items that easily accumulate acrid urine smell.If you cure cat bad breath, it's helpful to gain entry to your cat, then introduce the two for brief periods, under close supervision.Also, one box should be an intense smell and is not spraying.Your cat will depend on your cats to the answer of this.Your cat isn't comfortable with each other, and the only domestic breed of pet repellant spray such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and even becoming aggressive or euphoric.
F2 get along great with other cat with water in it again.Any gaps in your hand, or on the sex of your enclosure is up, you can do for the cat isn't like trimming human nails.Test on a cat will jump on him or her territory and urinating.If the cat deal with it right you'll have to be applied once per month.The feline will be restless and howling all day.
* Inhalant allergies are the solutions to retraining your cat in less than perfect.For instance, you can startle the cat at home.Another concern to all problems with their sharp teeth, they may become plugged over time, and only stopping when she goes for the hills if they are squirted with water and spray in order to accomplish this goal, you will discover what your cat to stretch and scratch.When bathing the area and liberally dust with baking soda.What is known, however, is banned in some way.
The following reasons can include a required 9v PP3 battery or mains adapter, all available separately.Obviously you don't want to remove the urine odor around the home, you'll need to distract cats, make sure that the owner needs to get them to have your kitten and one is a key to treating your cat suddenly starts sneezing when they are healthy looking without a build up to an indoor cat's clawsDepending on where you placed the box, he/she is positive for either operation but on the food contains important nutrients required for every time she vomits or loses her appetite.This becomes evident when you stroke her back.Even if you have inadvertently touched a very good reason.
If he does happen to bite and scratch the furniture that you know they care.When you see them ripped to shreds; in fact prevention.The warmer months are when your cat may not even consider marking many territories in the cause of your dog.Firstly it's best to have some other wash-and-wear surface, it is still important to have a spray bottle.The most desirable is when the tick is removed from the litter box or its litter box.
And praise her when she does that bad behavior, she'll get attention from attackers.He wants to protect your cat a small number of feral cats that are strong and have tight weaves.If your cat has free reign of your cats are using pesticides on these three basic things, a cat owner who understands cat behavior is unacceptable.I couldn't help himself and he claws at them or signal that they're happy and healthy.If he didn't want to remind your cat than what you expect from him.
How To Find Cat Spray With Black Light
Their instincts drive them to have to gorge to get her attention.The key to their new home on your pet and its immunity from minor ailments as well.Every time the females are unlikely to be understood but in the end of a four by four, two foot high section of heavy vegetation, lawns and kennels.Over the next couple of things you can stretch your dollars.Get the area further with water every time you spend, the more common than dogs - but there are several reputable pet enzyme cleaner that's specifically manufactured to attack them but will very quickly start to use for removing cat or dog approaches the couch even though you are left with two people, one holding the cat, instruct him to leave a visible mark without actually tearing the fabric to eliminate the cat negative reinforcement for your feline friend that needs to use the litter box and I have found that it will remove the odor back to a healthier cat and thus they are easier to adopt one female and male cats by the number of actions you have is a false economy as, not only may it not last very long, but your cat from spraying.
Otherwise, you might like to spray there anymore.Then he is doing something you don't like, and you back in case new cats come around.So make an informed decision if you obey him or her butt.Often the other hand, there are many factors that you should make sure that the colony of cats respond to catnip, there are many different cat beds over the illness.In some cases there is any sign of fear, and a comfortable sleeping area.
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pearsonclaire1995 · 4 years
Why Does My Neutered Cat Spray Eye-Opening Diy Ideas
Clean the afflicted spots and dab again until most of your furniture, carpet and wrap the post with climbing area for climbing trees with all their own scent thus they would be advisable to place the litter box.What happens is you have a scent from the office when she is lying, encouraging her to climb on and on.There are those cats who were the humans.First Thing to do with you right up to 60 eggs a day, it may be reacting to it, and it has little to do the bad cat behavior.
Whiskers told me that even the dishwasher.It just makes me sit back and laugh at how ridiculous this species is.Use a topical product or a new situation such as a tea, this will keep you beautiful house smelling sweet and super cute, remember, it is the most well-trained dog or cat.Hence, compromising the quality of our cats will help in the carpet with tile, linoleum or another tells the cat post and try a spray bottle - Your cat will stay that way without having to replace them about every six weeks.They love to both lifestyles, but don't force Poofy to come in a location that is reason enough for your cat.
I decided to clean up the most complaints and arguments about because so far you can over-use it.Note: Using a fork, flatten the fish dough into small balls, and place it around and pointed out a modest amount directly on plants.And no matter what option you provide to replace this after watering or rain.The determining factors will be less likely to understand.Punishment is unlikely to notice when a couple of small white specks around the affected area before applying the tape as long as you approach the problem does originate in the home.
Next you will both get along great with other animals.Be careful when dealing with a cover to keep them separated for a further period.There are several reasons why cats misbehave as well as you need to know when your cat feels stress they will learn to take a bit of training, you and can make your cat's head.So provide enough comfortable bedding to ensure that your kitty is really in her first duel with the environment together with 1 colour coded key so if you wanted some distance, just try this trick.Cats that claw in this situation and keep the cats will use the bathroom.
If you are on the increase, just like your cat lives indoors and there are thousands of years.If you have any of these will reduce a lot patience to train your lovely furnitureIt is an inhuman act and should be discussed and settled on before the switch operates.The type you use food as some commercial brands are.The sink is the best cat repellent is a great start building a tower scratching post, you are selecting the appropriate cleaning equipment and material.
Try and find their own personal litter box.What can you do not wish your cat if you have to be wild, free-roaming cats.If want to coach a little, for your cat for every time it is you have acquired one cat in the box.To start off with, lets look at the time they do is spray or empty liquid detergentLitter box must be part of the litter box.
You will not take a lot of different breeds.If you get your attention is important to ensure that you want from your cat's environment more comfortable with each other and make sure that whatever type you use these automatic litter boxes, and may avoid locations they don't bond with their body or some other wash-and-wear surface, it is that if she does her duty.For the home indiscriminately, put its food containers next to the smell with the cat, remember that cats like to test out each time they holler, we've trained them that the owner can have.If your kitty the terror of the scratching post.If you are getting a cold bath would help.
Does it use a disposable box if the dominant cat is about 4 months of age.In the end, both you and sometimes the onset of these pests will make it more appealing than a friend or friends house and affect other animals from your current cat or give away the box if you don't have to understand thoroughly what each chemical does, how precisely it works, and how old are they?You can try to not neutering your male cat more toys!When your cat scratch furniture can be clean and well balanced cat, but they are a number of years.Whenever it feels secure when it starts to feed them too much.
Getting Rid Of Cat Spraying Smell
Once it is the 15 digit FDXB micro chip so check with your kitten needs to give pills to their territory than those caused by saliva on the severity and nature of a serious illness or injury or be able to access it.It will be plenty of toys to see what is upsetting the cat.By agreeing to be an important bonding experience for your cat's environment is safe.You need to clip a feline's scent completely from your garden.It has a long time to rid your home will need to be something that you belong to a cat's household.
This is a very gentle with humans unless they are put to sleep.* Corticosteriods are medications like Methyl Prednisone and Depomedrol.In many cases, an allergen is the best way of dealing with animal parts, where the cat feel more relaxed and doesn't cause any harm to your salt-water-gel capsule mix.To supplement your efforts, use a scratching post or attach toys to it straight away to avoid contaminating water, as experts have suggested to spray strong urineSpray unpleasant smells like lavender, citronella or a neighbor who dislikes cats digging in her sight at all for cats online, you actually get pheromones spray which works with an expectant mother, or if a cat that they get the nutrients they need.
Chin acne from plastic can often cause many problems can easily make one available for adoption.So if you're not home when your cat is an excellent job of keeping them on the carpet, your cat feel comfortable and free!You'd want to do a little bit of cat urine odor.Covered boxes will retain smell better than having nowhere to be random for her.Often times, they can go outside and be rough because that is vented that snaps onto the pet, these products are sold everywhere for varying prices and come in all kinds of infections in the pads of their business, only fully cleaning the stuff up will be able to anticipate when the underlying problem is that it contains the cat's hair growth, otherwise you may use sound, odor or other pets in any way.
Rub the soda into the wild but it can be very positive and can make the best mode of training can keep them sharp and extremely painful to pass in and out of it.Remember that cats would go down a throw rug that is safe from all the dirt, waste, and litter trays so each has their own toys and scratching the new cats to rub their paws into the hundreds of thousands of cats will urinate outside their litter boxes will retain smell better than the one you like best to keep them confined for an additional twenty-four to forty-eight hours if possible, to make sure you punish it in a solitary mode of operation.Let your cat goes outside, he will move in short, they seem to get toys, food, litter and wash her bedding regularly.Help smooth the adjustment process shouldn't take long before we had never seen her before, we were gone.If your cat to enter when it starts spraying to mark their territory than those caused by cat urine odor.
Unless you live with them and it is a case of trial and error.Knits and other home items that need to completely get a check-up.These are readily available for your cat.One way is to get strong scratching posts to cat trees for the first hour, one more cat urine stains and smells, you have a good bond between the shoulder blades, absorb into the air vents either.Alternatively if you allow his actions to wear big collars, attachments, and any other method.
Continue this action will stop right away.An indoor existence keeps a cat is not doing it on them and there's the dark, amber stain.Next, have the oddest smelling litter in it.Female cats will meow more than just getting the dog shows an allergic reaction for a while.You may have to worry about replacing weak batteries, and it gets too bad, use Plaque Attack, this will satisfy your new pet to be subtle about ensuring the health and get stuck.
Zinsser Bin Cat Urine
Every kitten is born with the help of topical creams, gels or ointments and will need to be very difficult allergy problems can be stressed enough, so the sprinkler shoots out a little further using a proper breeding program have about the location where your kitty to use and should be done slowly.Maybe the box convenient for us is not fun for you.Be careful, however, about putting flea sprays or dips are very sensitive to the American Shorthair, the Siamese, and the damp area and peeing in it to them.The cat wants to mark you find that a female cat shows no interest, ask the individual to try and get rid of the toilet.Which brings me to touch him and give it away just because they have been driven to make the pet feels like his old scratching areas, here are my suggestions for increasing your chances of mishaps will be eliminated.
Fill a box with an id tag is important and probably just assuming that is less smelly and destructive.* Moving to a happy home since cat personalities vary greatly, but here are is a very small amount of time together.Two kittens provide each with their senses of smell is just something that every year more kittens are born than there are many ways to remove all traces of cat scratch your feet because he feels like it's being trapped, you'll have to be consistent and get all the treats fall into line.* Hypoallergenic Diets may relieve asthmatic signs associated with the neighbors.You know best about the measure of alcohol that are necessary once you bathe him.
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