#'Link's favorite sound is an empty house when he finally gets to be alone. But then he gets sad because he misses his dads. So he looks at
twacn · 2 years
I love Lincoln Li Wilson with all my heart everyone look at him!!!
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ruh--roh-raggy · 3 months
Alone With You (William Afton x Fem! Reader) - Part 2
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Hello hello! Welcome to part 2 of Alone With You! This chapter we have more sweet Will, lots of flirting, and even some video games and pizza. I hope you enjoy! If you would like to be added or removed from the tag list please let me know!
WARNINGS: Tooth rotting fluff, Boss! Will, age gap (Reader is in her late 20's, Will is in his early 50's), AU where Will isn't a murderer, mutual pining, flirting, dad jokes, Will being his usual awkward adorable self, Home Sweet Home adjacent, a love letter to the wonderful story "Bunny Ears" by @yellowbunnydreams that falls into a very similar vein as this, I think that's everything, if I missed any let me know!
You can find my Masterlist here! ~ AO3 Link! ~ Tip Jar!
Word Count: 5,236
Part 1 - Part 3 (TBA)
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You smoothed your hands down the front of your work uniform, taking one final look at yourself in the mirror before heading out the door. You twirled your keys around your finger as you bounced down the steps, oddly excited to get to work today. You rounded the corner of your house only to find the spot where you normally parked your car completely empty. “Shit.” You curse, letting out an aggravated groan. You had neglected the fact that Will was the one who had driven you home the other night, and you had never ended up returning to Freddy’s to pick your car up afterwards. Normally, you wouldn’t mind walking to work. But, with the trek being over an hour long, you currently didn’t have the time to do so. You jogged back inside, picking up the phone and calling the first person to come to mind. “Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria, how can I help you?” You immediately recognized the chipper voice on the other end of the line.
“Mer, could you go grab W–” you caught yourself, “Mr. Afton from parts and services.” You grimaced, hoping she wouldn’t notice that you had almost called him by his first name.
“Mr. Afton?” She repeats back in a confused tone. “Yeah… Yeah, I’ll be right back.” You could hear the lively buzzing of the arcade in the background; the excited screams and shouts of children, the pings and whirrs of all your favorite game machines, you could just barely make out the song playing loudly from the stage, Freddy and the gang about half way through their set. Every second you sat with the receiver pressed to your ear only made you more anxious. Your heart jumped into your throat when you finally heard the phone get picked up off of the counter.
“Rabbit.” You couldn’t stop the immediate smile on your face at the sound of Will’s voice. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, I just completely forgot that I don’t have a car.” The deep rumble of his chuckle made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“That was something we completely overlooked, wasn’t it?” He mutters into the receiver. “I’ll come pick you up, I’ll be there in about ten minutes.” You exchange your goodbyes before he hangs up, the dial tone ringing in your ears as you just stand there for a moment, unable to make yourself move. You knew that this was more than likely going to happen if you called him, and to be honest you were really hoping your hunch would be right. Will was very easily able to come and go as he pleased, it would be no trouble for him to come swing by and get you. But, the fact that he immediately dropped everything just to come pick you up, the fact that there was not an ounce of hesitation in his answer, it made your heart pound.
“I have to run out for a few minutes, are you alright here?” Henry shot Will a perplexed look at the sudden statement.
“And just where are you off to in such a rush? Got a hot date?” Henry chuckles, not missing the momentary flash of panic that crossed his friends' features. Henry gasped, jutting an accusatory finger in Will’s direction. “What did you do?”
“Nothing!” He snaps back immediately.
“Nothing happened when the two of you had dinner the other night?” Will let out a strangled sound, sporadically gesturing with his hands, wondering why he was getting interrogated all of a sudden.
“She forgot to come back to get her car, that’s the only thing that happened.” He explains with a groan.
“What? Are we going to sit around and gossip? Do you want me to make some tea? Do you want me to tell you about how smart and funny she is? Or about how we sat there and drank wine and just talked for hours and it was the happiest that I’ve been in the last twenty years? About how her eyes sparkle, or how nice her laugh is, or how she scrunches up her nose when she talks about something she doesn’t like, or how I’m in love with her–?” Will froze, the words leaving his lips before he had a chance to fully think them through.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t quite hear you, what was that last part?” Will didn’t even have to look at Henry to hear the shit eating grin in his tone. He swallows thickly, burning holes into Henry’s nameplate. “Will, you’re gonna have to grow some balls and be honest with her.” Henry chuckles. “Don’t make me get my wife involved, she’ll have you married before the end of the month.” He jokingly threatens.
“Keep Sara out of this.” Will warns playfully. “I’ll be back.” He waves over his shoulder as he heads out.
“Don’t get into any trouble, remember having sex in a car is still indecent exposure!”  Henry calls after him. Will flips Henry off before slamming the door shut behind him, grumbling to himself as he shakes his head. He dragged his palms down his jeans, his hands unusually clammy as he headed out the back. He slid into the driver’s seat of his car, smiling slightly to himself at the memory of your small form seated at his side. He didn’t want to waste any time getting to your place, wanting to see you again as soon as possible. Despite only having spent a couple days apart, Will would have sworn it was an eternity. He missed the warmth your smile spread through his chest, all of your shy glances, he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he pushed the thought from his mind. Will was still reluctant to believe that you could possibly harbor any type of deeper feelings for him. Having chalked up the kiss on his cheek the other night to nerves and feeling a bit emboldened by the wine. He knew it would probably be for the best if he just moved on, forgetting about the evening the two of you shared together. But, he couldn't deny the way his heart pounded and his lips instantly pulled into a smile the moment he saw you excitedly waving at him as he pulled up. 
You jogged over to his car, sliding into his passenger seat effortlessly. “Thank you for picking me up.” You smile warmly at him. “You’re a lifesaver.”
“I’m only doing it cause you’re cute.” He teases you with a wink, making your cheeks grow warm. “Besides, I told you if you needed anything to call me…” You catch the sight of a faint smile lacing its way across his lips. “I’m glad you did.” You relax into the worn leather seats, letting the warm afternoon sun wash over you as it streamed through the car's window.
“What can I say? I knew my knight in shining armor would show up.” You share a coy smile.
He says your name softly, his grip on the steering wheel tightening slightly. “I just want you to know, you can call me anytime… even if you don’t have a reason to… and I’ll be there.”
“Don’t say that, I’ll call you just to talk your ear off.” You joke with a chuckle.
“And I would gladly drop everything just to hear your voice.” Your heart leapt into your throat at his statement. You smile, your attention dropping to your lap as you begin to fidget with your fingers. The ride to Freddy’s was a lot shorter than you would have liked, knowing that once you set foot through those doors the two of you were almost guaranteed to get swept apart in the chaos. Your eyes met his, freezing in place under the striking silver that studied your every movement, just as reluctant to leave the safe confines of his car as you were.
“Don’t work too hard.” You say with a sad smile. That same feeling had settled itself in your chest much like it had when the two of you parted ways the other night. That deep heavy ache of just wanting to stay in his company.
Will stuck close to your side as you walked up to the building, hands shoved in his pockets and his strides noticeably slower than usual. He holds the door open for you, making you giggle as he motions for you to walk in first with a lopsided grin. “Have a good day. If you need anything, you know where to find me.” He winks at you, making your cheeks grow warm as the two of you part ways. You made your way over to the prize counter, greeting your coworker before making a list of what still needed to be taken care of.
“Welcome back!” You look up to see a smiling Mr. Emily. “How are you feeling?”
“Just fine, Mr. Emily. Happy to be at work if anything.” You chuckle. “I really appreciate the weekend off, but I promise, I would have been just fine coming in.” You offer him a reassuring smile.
“I’m sure you would have. But, distance does make the heart grow fonder, doesn’t it?” He gives you a knowing grin in return. Your cheeks grow warm, your eyes briefly darting over to the door to parts and services. He slaps his hand on the counter, making you jump. “Right, I’ll be on my way then. I just wanted to swing by and check in.” He smiles kindly, turning on his heels to make his departure only to come screeching to a halt seconds later. “Oh, I almost forgot.” He turns back to you. “I have some new arcade machines getting delivered today, I was wondering if you would be willing to stay late with Will for a few test runs before we move them to the floor.”
“Yeah,” you answer a little too quickly, “Yeah that should be no problem.”
“Excellent!” He practically shouts back in response, making you jump slightly. “Just stick around after your shift, Will should come out and grab you when he makes his late evening coffee run.” He chuckles. You nod, watching him curiously as he hurries off.
“That was strange.” You remark to your coworker who agreed with a confused nod.
“Will!” Henry’s voice booms from out the door making Will jump and the freshly lit cigarette tumble from his lips onto the floor.
“For Christ's sake, Henry!” Will curses under his breath as he snatches the smoke from off of the concrete. 
“I need a favor.” Henry starts as he pushes through the door.
“What, do you need a body buried?” He asks in an annoyed tone, brushing the leftover ash from his lap.
“I just got a bunch of new arcade machines,” he grimaces slightly before continuing. “Think you could stay late and make sure they’re in working order for me?” Will stared at Henry with a deadpan expression, the question hanging heavy in the air before Will eventually groaned and gave in.
“Fine, but you owe me. I keep telling you, check the machines before you buy them. I get going after a bargain, but those things are useless to us unless they work.” He takes one long drag of his cigarette, blowing the smoke out of the corner of his mouth as he nods in the direction of the door. “Now get the hell out of here before I change my mind.” He flips down his welding mask, turning back to the project he was currently focusing on, allowing Henry to scurry off without any damage.
“Well, that was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.” Henry straightens up with a bright smile before bouncing down the hall back towards the main pizzeria. Little did he know, despite his less than pleased demeanor, Will welcomed the distraction working on the arcade machines would bring. Maybe it would help get the thought of your smile out of his head.
“Goddammit!” You curse, jumping to reach the top shelf only for your hand to slap metal once again. You sucked in a deep breath, massaging your temples with your fingers.
“Everything okay rabbit?” You turn to find Will standing in the doorway, strong arms crossed over his chest as he looks down at you with an amused smile.
It took you a moment to find your voice, despite his slightly slouched posture he still towered over you. “I was trying to get more crayons.” You speak softly, motioning to the shelf behind you.
“You know you could’ve asked, I gladly would’ve helped.” He chuckles.
“I didn’t want to bother you.” He pats your head as he walks past you, reaching up to the top shelf with ease to grab a couple fresh boxes of crayons.
“You're never a bother rabbit.” He states softly, your cheeks growing warm at his intimate tone. “I'm serious, anything you need at all just come get me.” He places the boxes into your hands as he continues walking. He paused in the doorway, shoving his hands into his pockets. “My girl shouldn't have to struggle.” He states flatly before continuing on his way. You stood there in shock for a moment, the sound of your pulse thundering in your ears. You breathe out a laugh, a smile tugging at your lips. You look at the exit he had just gone through, shaking your head slightly as you played back what he had said over and over again in your mind.
“His girl?” You giggle. You quickly shrugged off the thought, he probably just misspoke. There was no use in getting your hopes up. “Don't be stupid.” You head back into the bustling energy of the pizzeria as you try to rationalize with yourself. It didn't matter how the sound of his laugh made your heart race, or how his smile alone was enough to have warmth settling behind your cheeks. Will was an established businessman, he surely wouldn't want to waste his time on some twenty something year old restaurant worker with a less than vibrant future. While you were busy trying to convince yourself that you were being irrational, Will stumbled into his office on the opposite side of the building. He slammed the door shut behind him, collapsing into his chair as it felt like rocks had settled in his stomach.
Was he stupid? Here he was running around all day trying to repress the memory of your evening together only to immediately drop the ball. There was something about being around you that made whatever minimal filter he had to completely disappear. He picked up the lone picture that sat on his desk, smiling as his eyes immediately traveled to the same place they always did. The photo had been taken at a holiday party a couple years prior, even after looking at the picture nearly every day his throat still got tight at the sight of you in a slinky black cocktail dress. You looked so tiny tucked against Will’s side, his large hand very easily able to hug the curve of your waist as he pulled you in closer for the group photo. Both of you were emboldened by the alcohol you had consumed over the course of the evening, and you held Will just as closely as he held you. The two of you completely lost in your own world, your focus taken away from the camera as you happened to glance at each other. Will could never get over how you almost seemed to glow in front of him that night, the film not doing the sight nearly enough justice. You smiled as you gazed up at him, doey eyes glimmering in the harsh flash of the camera. Will looked down at you with a similar expression, a relaxed grin spread across his features as he held you close. He had almost kissed you that night, and he’s regretted the fact he hasn't ever since then. Will was starting to wonder just how much longer he was going to be able to keep his distance from you. But, would that really be such a bad thing? If anyone would be able to treat you right it would be him, if he ever musters the courage to finally tell you how he feels maybe he’ll get a chance to prove that to you.
One by one your coworkers slowly began to clock out and head home, leaving you alone inside the pizzeria. The quiet music that drifted out from the kitchen kept you company as you wiped away any remaining fingerprints on the prize counter glass. It was always a strange experience being in Freddy’s after hours. The room is illuminated by nothing but the neon lights of the arcade machines, the overhead lights having been turned off after the last customer had left for the evening. The well loved animatronics now sat silent behind their heavy red velvet curtain, leaving you completely alone in the normally bustling space. “Well isn’t this a pleasant surprise.” You straighten up at the sound of Will’s voice behind you. “What are you still doing here?” You turn to face him, a gentle smile lacing its way across his lips. One hand stuffed into his pocket, the other holding a steaming cup of what you could smell was strong, black coffee.
“Mr. Emily asked me to stay late to test the new arcade machines with you.” He pauses, obviously not expecting your response. Henry had set him up. “I mean, if you would rather I go–”
“No!” He snaps himself from his train of thought, taking a few long strides forward to close the distance between the two of you. You always seemed to forget how much Will towered over you until moments like this. He leans against the prize counter as he faces you, your gaze slowly trailing upwards until you eventually meet his eyes. “I just didn’t realize he had asked you to stay as well rabbit. I thought I was going to be stuck working alone all night, having you around is definitely welcomed company.” Your cheeks grow warm as he smiles down at you.
Will leads you to a storage room at the way back of the restaurant you had never been in before. A line of five new arcade machines were oriented neatly in a straight line across the middle of the room. You stuck close to his side, the room dark other than the glow of the games that sat in front of you. “Are you alright, you look nervous?” He asks with an amused grin.
“It’s just a little creepy back here.” You admit with a bashful chuckle.
“There’s nothing to worry about, rabbit, the scariest thing back here is me.” He jokes. “Anything that wants to get to you is going to have to go through me first.” You can’t help but giggle at his confidence, playfully swatting at his arm as he nudges into your shoulder. You glance at the machines and then back at him.
“You up for a little competition, boss man?” You challenge.
“Sweetheart, I’d absolutely wipe the floor with you at these games.” He chuckles in response, one large hand coming to rest on the top of your head. Your cheeks grow warm at the sudden contact, yet your confidence never waivered.
“I don’t know about that Will, I’ve got quite the trophy list when it comes to this place.” The playful sparkle in your eyes was just about enough to make Will melt. It took every ounce of restraint he had not to reach out to pull you closer. Your soft, pouty lips look even more alluring in the soft neon glow that surrounds you.
“You’re on, but I have to see if these things even work first.” Will spent a few minutes smacking loose a couple stuck buttons and oiling up one of the machine's squeaky joysticks, making quick work of pulling off the machine's brightly colored metal cover to reveal the internal mechanisms. Muttering off his mental checklist to himself as he went through it. “Wiring looks good, nothing’s snapped, no rodent damage… looks pretty good to me.” He turns to you with a smile, “as long as nothing got fucked up with the programming in them, they should run like a dream.” He can’t help but chuckle at your bewildered expression as you stared at the mess of wires and metal before you.
“I don’t know how you could figure any of that out, but, you’re the expert.” You giggle, turning to face him with a soft smile. There was an undeniable tenderness in his gaze as your eyes met his. The compliment fell effortlessly from your lips, “you’re really smart, Will.”
He breathes out a laugh, his attention turning back to the machine. “Thank you rabbit, you’re sweet.” He stuffs his hands in his pockets, nodding at the line of games. “How about we start that little competition you were so eager for?”
The corners of your lips tug into a playful grin. “You’re on.” Will walked over to one of the shelves that lined the walls, pulling down a red solo cup that you could tell from the loud jingling was filled with arcade tokens. He rattles the cup, shooting you a wink before holding it out to you.
“Ladies first.” He states with a slight bow.
“What a gentleman.” You scoff, rolling your eyes, unable to keep the smirk off your face. The two of you started off with the single player games, Will was interested in seeing just how much of your earlier trophy winner statement was all talk. He slips a token into your hand, you take the chance to line up your fingers with the buttons before dropping the worn brass coin into the slot.
First up on the roster: Robtron: 2084.
“Hope you're good at shooters, rabbit.” He teases with a chuckle.
“Going against the man who’s almost completely blind without his glasses, I think I'm all set.” You jab back.
“Brat.” He responds bluntly with a smirk. The game itself was simple enough, a multi-direction top down shooter. Will leaned against the side of the machine, arms crossed over his chest as he watched you beat level after level with an amused smile playing at his lips. He was impressed to see that you weren’t all talk, your eyes darting between each of the brightly colored enemies to see which direction you needed to flick the joystick in next. You curse as the evil robots finally overwhelm you, the bright red GAME OVER text flashing in front of your face. You put in your initials despite the fact your scores would be cleared when the machine was unplugged in order to move it into the pizzeria.
“What do I win when I beat you?” You joke with a laugh.
Will breathes out a chuckle, “I’ll tell you what, if you manage to beat me at any of these games you can have whatever you want, because it’s not gonna happen.”
“When I win, does that mean I can ask you to make me dinner again?” Will pauses for a moment at your question, unable to stop the flustered smile that quickly spread across his features. He clears his throat, quickly nodding his head as he forces himself to regain his composure.
“You can ask me to do that regardless of our little competition.” Your cheeks grow warm, both of you exchanging a coy expression. You held out the cup of tokens to Will, unable to tear your eyes away from his.
“I still like my chances.” You wink. He flips the coin between his fingers, staring at the screen with a contemplative expression on his face. 
“Come here, let me show you how to really play this game.” He motions for you to come closer to him. You set down the cup, your heart pounding as you took your first step forward. A large hand wraps itself around your waist, guiding you in between the arcade machine and Will’s massive form. He moves your hands to the buttons and the joysticks, looking down at you for any sign of hesitation before covering them with his own. Your whole body felt like it was on fire, you glanced back over your shoulder only to find that Will was just as surprised by this whole interaction as you were.
“Well? I thought you were going to show me something?” You prod, Will’s nervous demeanor easily melting away as he shot you an exuberant smirk. He slips the token into the slot, pushing into you slightly in order to get closer to the screen. You swallowed thickly at the feeling of his strong body, powerful corded muscles that tensed at your smallest movements. You caught the sight of him smiling at you out of the corner of your eye as the starting theme of the game rang through the empty room. You found yourself leaning back into Will, watching his fighter move around the screen, fighting off the never ending hoards of robots. You jerk the joystick to the left as one of the enemies got a little too close for comfort.
“Good eye, rabbit.” He chuckles. It didn’t take you long to figure out that Will was much better at playing video games than you gave him credit for. He easily surpassed your score, playing on with ease for another few minutes before dying. You watched as he punched his initials into the machine ‘W.V.A.’ You whirl around, jabbing a finger into his chest.
“It’s you!” You exclaim. “You’re the asshole that’s beat my score on every machine in that arcade!” Will laughs at your realization.
“Like I said before, there’s no way you’re going to beat me.” He smirks down at you with a wink.
“You are unbelievable.” You playfully roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I don’t see the harm in a little friendly competition. Who knows, maybe one of these days you’ll manage to beat me.” He teases. Testing the rest of the machines quickly devolved into one on one matches. Henry managing to snag a few 2 player machines, you stood side by side with Will, both of you playfully shouldering the other out of the way to try and hopefully mess up one of your game play. You groaned as he beat you again, but this time you had almost managed to come out on top. “I guess some more practice is in order.” He chuckles, grinning contently down at you. “I’ll handle all the heavy lifting from here. How about you and I grab something to eat, I’m sure you must be starving by now.” You found yourself instinctually leaning into his side as the weight of his arm fell across your shoulders. You can’t help but laugh slightly at the sound of your stomach growling.
“Sounds like a plan to me.”
“I’m gonna go throw a pizza in the oven, why don’t you get some lights on.” You part ways with a nod, feeling your way around the wall in the otherwise pitch black room. Your hand finally bumps into the switch panel, you curse under your breath as you struggle to remember what switches went to what. You jumped slightly as the first heavy switch thwacked into place, a few lights over the booths closest to the kitchen flickering to life.
“Okay.” You squint, trying to read the faded scratchy handwriting on the labels. “What about this one?” You flick another switch, the purple and yellow party lights begin swirling in patterns across the empty dance floor.
“I like it, it really sets the mood.” Will chuckles as he leaves the kitchen.
“I can’t figure out which switches to flip.” You groan.
“This will work just fine, rabbit, don’t worry.” He motions for you to join him. He places a plastic soda cup in your hand, you smile coyly up at him as you catch the unmistakable scent of grenadine. “Shirley Temple for the lovely lady.”
“Thank you, Will.” you can't help but giggle at the sweet gesture. You took a long sip of the drink, absentmindedly bobbing your head along to the radio. “I love this song.” You remark as you finally recognize the melody.
“I never took you for a George Harrison fan.” He teases with a chuckle. He pushes himself upright from his position leaning against the wall, reaching up to raise to volume on the speakers. He watched you with an amused smirk as you sang along quietly to yourself, swaying slightly as you took another sip of your soda, the syrup already starting to stain your lips a dark pink that Will found adorable. “Would you like to dance, rabbit?” Your hand slips into his effortlessly, laughing as Will spun you around before tugging you towards the dance floor.
Henry sighed as he pulled into the parking lot of Freddy’s. He noticed the lone beacon in the night on his drive home from date night with his wife, Sara. “He probably just forgot to turn the light off.” The waving anthropomorphic bear greeted them as Henry parked in front of the entrance. “Besides, Will always ends up staying late. I don’t see why tonight in particular is any cause for concern.” She jokes, trying to lighten her husband's mood
“This is Will we’re talking about, he hasn’t left the light on since we opened.” Henry groans. “Besides, today was… different. I just want to check in on him real quick, that’s all.”
Sara nods in the direction in the building, leaning in to give Henry a quick kiss. “I’ll wait here, go check on him.”
“I’ll be right back.” He promises as he quickly hops out of the car. He pulls the door open, his senses immediately getting assaulted with blaring music and the smell of pepperoni pizza wafting through the air. Henry stood frozen in place for a moment, blinking a few times as he allowed his eyes a moment to adjust to the darkened entryway. He peers into the main area of the pizzeria. Most of the lights in the room were off except for a single dim row of lights over a few booths and the colorful spinning lights that whirled around over the dancefloor. Henry froze, struggling to stifle a delighted chuckle as he watched Will take your hand and spin you around the floor, laughing as your dizzy state caused you to stumble into him. You slid your arms over his shoulders, smiling coyly at him as Will’s hands came to rest on your waist, both of you singing along loudly to the music as you swayed along with its rhythm. Henry shook his head with a smile, quietly heading outside before either of you had the chance to realize he was there. He would hate to interrupt what seemed to be such a wonderful evening.
“Everything alright in there?” Sara asks the moment Henry slides into the passenger seat.
“Everything’s perfect, he’s just… working late.” He smiles at his wife, wrapping an arm around her shoulders in order to pull her to him. “Come on, let's get home. We wouldn’t want to break his focus.” He laughs, glancing at the pizzeria in the rearview with a smile as they drive off.
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Tag List: @yellowbunnydreams @herripinkle @spookyghostjelly @zoey5252 @loudchaosking @weirdoartist21 @residentevilbeast @lokanda @emmbny @yukkkiki @dij-ology @maria-moll @phd-in-fuckery @helreyy @hallucinating-xoxo @lovexfroggie
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katsukikitten · 3 years
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Hello friends! Here is my contribution to the Bakugou Birthday Bash! The master link will be linked here ! Please enjoy my bit of an angsty fic! And all of the other art and works that are on the master list! Enjoy the big bakugou blow out and remember to leave a comment on your favorite pieces! Happy birthday ya shitty man! (Lowkey become 3d please)
Warning: he's 28 btw 😂 (my fic says so also)
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It shouldn't be this fucking hard to get groceries and booze. It's a quick and easy errand. Everything already pre-ordered for an important birthday that just needed to be picked up. And yet here you were crying in your car trying to get it together before the attendant asked for the order name. Honestly you had texted out "I can't do this today. Sorry." Several times before deleting it, telling yourself not to hit send. But you would have to be having the worst mental day of your life wouldn't you? Today of all days, how fucking selfish of you.
Especially with the amount of time and effort you and Kirishima had put into this idea. Since New Year's actually, months and months of planning after the two of you had gotten shit faced at Denki and Mina's new years party, creating the brain child. All after bonding over switching patrol partners six months before, you had gotten Bakugou and he had gotten Ashido. Kirishima and yourself giggle over stupid things to the side of the party, people watching as you took shots. Kirishima points towards a normally grumpy blonde.
"Wow I think he's actually having fun." You snort, as you watch Bakugou hide his rare cat smile behind a sip of his beer as Mina makes Denki the butt of a joke.
"He actually loves parties. He never says it so people just think he's a wet blanket." Kirishima laughs, pouring the two of you another shot. Bakugou lets out a particularly loud laugh after 'Dunce Face' proves Mina's point. I guess that would be the time that it started.
When you started to fall. His laugh makes your cheeks deepen in hue and burn, to want to hear it again, to watch it again and learn all of the other sides of your patrol partner that he obviously only reserved for his closest friends.
"Let's throw him a great birthday party." You say, holding up your shot as a devilish smile spreads over sharp teeth. The mountainous man clinks your shot glass before he adds.
"Let's." In unison the two of you down the burning liquid as the plan comes into fruition.
Four months, four months and nineteen days of you thinking of nothing but your patrol partner with whom you got extremely close with since New Year's. So why? Why today of all days were you struggling? Why would normal everyday tasks feel more as if you were wading through mud than the breeze they should have been? You flip down the visor, looking yourself in the eye through little square mirror as you grit your teeth hissing
"Get your shit together."
Your little pep talk helps you get the several cakes and the cart full of booze that everyone requested, planning to make this the best birthday ever. Helping Kirishima set his house up with decorations, setting out the snacks, catering and even pouring some drinks as guests began to arrive to set down their gifts and help with the last minute touches before hiding. Masking through the pit in your stomach as you smiled at all of your friends as they poured in through Kirishima's door. Through the weighted emptiness you felt as each one wrapped you into a tight hug, already praising you and Kirishima for the amazing effort, that Bakugou would be so surprised when it was more than just you and Kirishima here. . Finally you had to go and get the guest of honor just before sundown to catch him before he went to bed. A much needed breather from the constant smiling and forcing a laugh that everyone thought sounded genuine.
Enjoying the silence of the evening train as it pulled you across town to the unsuspecting blonde. And maybe you could have made it through the night from your shitty pep talk or at least through getting the freshly 28 year old to his party but instead you catch your reflection in the window. Your facial features weighted with exhaustion, shoulders hunched allowing your body to continue to produce cortisol. Tears prick your eyes as you deep low, too low. Remembering everything and nothing all at once, steeping in guilt as you beg yourself for just a few more hours. That the depression episode can happen when you're home and alone, after the party goes off without a hitch. Tears fall anyway and they do all the way to Bakugou's until you finally get enough control to step out of yourself for a moment. Ringing the doorbell several times as a smile is plastered on your face, the door swings open. Bakugou's eyes narrow as they take you in, he notices that something is off. Your smile is a little too wide, your eyes rimmed red but he says nothing about it. Instead he lets his initial anger come forth.
"Oi! I told you to fuckin' text me when you were on the train so I could meet you at the station!" He growls, slamming his door shut and pocketing his keys. Deadly and sweaty hands deep in the pockets of his leather jacket as his palms itch to hold onto something else. Garnet eyes track your own hands as you reach over your head stretching.
"Yea yea, I hear you Dad." You tease giving him a look, "I still made it okay."
"Kirishima should have come instead of you that fuckin hair for brains." He snarls keeping pace with you as he always does on patrol.
"I know Dad must be sad cause his favorite didn't come to pick him up." You try not to sound dejected, nudging him in the ribs to distract from the crack in your voice, "Happy birthday ya big lug."
Bakugou cuts you a glare, mind racing before his barks out a "Thanks."
Comfortable silence stretches between the two of you before you two hit the train station, passing a corner store.
"Was shitty hair burning dinner? Do I need to stop for back up?" His thumb hooks over his shoulder towards the neon as he stands idle waiting for you to jog your memory. Kirishima had burned the last friend's dinner making Bakugou so angry he walked six blocks to make something that was 'FUCKIN EDIBLE!' while you tried to air out his apartment. You laugh loudly, genuinely for the first time that day causing Bakugou's shoulders to sag with relief. In the ten months he had been working with you he had only seen you faking a smile or laugh once or twice. Then the time after that you were absent from work the next day or two forcing him to patrol with Denki but worse yet...making him worry.
"Guess I'll grab something just in case." He gave you his back so you wouldn't see his face or the faint blush that dusted his cheeks.
"No, no! I ordered out this time. From that famous chef you like." Bakugou glares your way, digging in his back pocket for his wallet.
"How much." He demands through gritted teeth while you show him the palms of your hands in surrender.
"Woah woah! It's your birthday gift! You can't pay me back for dinner! I'd sooner burn the money before I'd accept it from you!" Your watch dings with a message from Kirishima asking for an ETA. You grab onto Bakugou's hand pulling him along into a run as you shout over your shoulder.
"We're gonna be late!"
Oh how Bakugou wished you hadn't done that, he was already struggling to keep his heart beat even when you were around and now to grab onto him. To pull him along in a hurry like those cheesy insta posts that couples did on their "grand adventure" together. He swallows the lump in his throat as he reminds himself that you are nothing more than his patrol partner. His friend at best.
Even though the train was mostly empty Bakugou stood closely by you, as he always did when the two of you were in a crowded space. He had seen how most men took advantage of the situation and he hated the idea of that happening to you although he knew you were more than capable of handling it on your own. Hell you could kick even his ass but he would die before ever admitting that. Instead he watches you talk about what you ordered for dinner and how you got the cake from that bakery Sato works part time at, the same one he got your birthday cake from but he doesn't hear a word. Instead all he can see is the golden light from the setting sun worshiping you. Kissing your skin to make it glow, giving your eyes a hue that makes his heart fall into his stomach and illuminating you in a true light. A radiant ethereal thing is what you were and Bakugou was just lucky enough to be standing by you. So out of it he doesn't realize the two of you are at your stop.
"Uh Suki?" Your voice is soft paired with the setting sun has him acting weird. He leans closer to you, pulled by some invisible force before he stops himself as he watches you look up at him beneath long lashes.
"You okay?" You ask almost nervously from his proximity, the smell of spice and caramel wrap around you making you feel warm and fuzzy. Temporarily making you forget that you were trying to act on the train, making you relax as you just talked to Bakugou. He sucks his teeth as he picks up your bag to sling over his shoulder.
"Yea but you were gonna forget your whole damn purse like you always do." He huffs, this time he was the one pulling at your hand in a rush before the doors closed to trap you two on the train. His hand feels warm in yours, his grip tight as he drags you along before pulling you within his sight, another habit of his you happened to notice. Almost reluctantly he lets go of you hand as Kirishima's house comes into view.
"We better have a good time tonight patrol Princess or you owe me a special birthday gift." He laughs causing you to roll your eyes at his stupid nickname that stuck after your first day with him, adamant that the two of you take your route instead of his it was a huge argument. But it was a good thing he listened to the "princess", it put the two of you smack dab in the middle of a robbery. You stick out your tongue.
"Trust me. You're gonna have a good time!" You push him up the steps as he bats away your hands. Opening the front door before everyone jumps out of various and bad hiding spots.
"SURPRISE!!" All of the alumni of class A and some of B shout, a select few already slurring their words. Bakugou's scowl turns into a smirk before he looks over his shoulder at you.
"Aw you did this to me?" His voice is teasing but his eyes almost sparkle, you nod encouraging him to go deeper into the party. As he does people flock to him laughing and yelling out happy birthday until he's sick of hearing it. All the while your smile wanes with the night. Until an hour in that heavy episode hits you full force. Numbness setting in where happiness should be, rotting as it turns to shame and guilt as you watch your friend, your crush, enjoy his night. Bringing a glass bottle to his lips as he talks with Kirishima, who then presses a shot into his hands. Bodies dancing to the house music that beat out of the speakers competing with chatter and laughter.
It felt weird to watch everyone truly enjoying themselves while you felt low. It felt more as if you were standing outside of the house, looking in through the window to see everyone enjoying themselves, no one even knowing who you were as you stared in.
You felt distant, alone. What a shitty way to feel in a room full of people, none of it being their fault and so the guilt pressed harder. Eyes watering as they lingered on the blonde who deserved this celebration and more. Making you decide to give the best birthday gift of them all.
To slip away upstairs and onto the roof, to give the room space to breathe when you felt like suffocating.
Crying to no one but the moon.
And no one noticed. Two hours slip by before Kirishima insists that Bakugou make a wish and eat cake before everyone gets too drunk too. The entire house drunkenly sings happy birthday but Bakugou notices a voice missing. Yours that's just a touch off key, not to mention he didn't hear you say the stupid nickname 'Suki' where his name should be in the song. Plus you weren't one to miss out on dessert. For as long as Bakugou has been working with you, you never turned down the opportunity for sweets. Whether that was taking the long way back to the agency to try to catch a certain street vendor or to hover by the deserts at a party to pick the very best treat.
And if it was a birthday party, you never could shut up that y'all could not leave until after they blew out the candles and made a wish.
His eyes linger for a second longer, making sure he didn't miss you before his heart sinks. He takes in a sharp inhale, thinks on his wish and blows out the candles.
Meanwhile you hear the cheers of everyone down stairs and sob into your knees. You missed your favorite part of birthdays. Of hoping they make a wish that comes true, of watching their face as they think of something quickly or how some people tear up when they finally realize just how loved they are on their birthday.
It isn't long after that do you hear the sound of combat boots on shingles. Whipping your head up in the direction of the sound. Stomach clenching with guilt as you watch Bakugou walking towards you with a slice of cake.
"Brought ya some cake, since I didn't hear you sing off key to me." He says sinking down beside you as you furiously wipe at your tears.
"You don't gotta explain yourself to me." He snarls as you stare dumbly at your cake, "You know that."
"I know…" Silence passes slowly, the moon shines overhead and the party carries on below.
"Well, I'm waiting!" Bakugou says dramatically, "You gonna sing or am I gonna have to sing to myself?"
"Oh." It makes you giggle a bit before you blush, realizing he is serious. You take a deep breath before singing "just off key" when you don't, to him.
"Sukiiiiii!" Relief washes over his features when he hears the dumb ass name, "Happy birthday to youuuuuu!"
"Okay, now you can eat the damn cake." He grunts, his smile never wavering as he looks to the empty street below. You follow his eyes, chewing the inside of your lip, setting the cake down.
"What'd you wish for…" Curiosity gets the better of you and earns his intense gaze. He smirks, scoffing at the end.
"You always say you shouldn't tell or it won't come true." He laughs at your pout, before he finally admits "I wished for courage."
With a furrowed brow you give him a puzzled look, he just holds your gaze.
"Why? You're like the bravest hero I know!" Bakugou can hear the truth in your voice, you aren't saying it just to fucking stroke his ego.
You actually meant it, making this conversation that much harder.
"Yea except when it comes to this one thing I want to do. Its fuckin easy and I've done it hundreds of times just as I'm about to do it I fucking back down cause I'm probably fuckin reading into things too much." He leans in closer, again his smell mesmerizes you, causing your body to visibly relax, "Too much of a fuckin bitch, thinking she doesn't want me like I want her. So I wished for the courage to follow through. To fuckin' just do it."
Your heart is racing out of your chest before one of his hands finds the nape of your neck pulling you into a feverish kiss. Teeth gnashing from the passion, lips perfectly modeling to the other before tongues lightly dance around one another. Lengthening seconds into hours with just a few head tilts and plush lips. You moan into his mouth, he pulls away, eyes clouded with lust as a string of spit connects your tongues. He pants, face flushed and his hand warm, almost burning at the nape of your neck, the shingle by his hand charred from restraint as he pants out.
"I wished for you."
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bloodycassian · 3 years
A FEAST - Azriel x readder. Prompt - Reader is injured and knocked out for days. Cassian gets him to finally leave your side for one meal and Nyx brings a guest with him...
"The Dragons Song is the best one, hands down." Nesta argued, hacking through the brush.  "That one is full of the same scenes every time." You judged, pushing a branch out of the way. The jungle was a mess of twists and turns to work through, but thankfully one of the fishermen on the dock had sold you a compass at a descent price. "A little more right for a few more miles and we'll be there." You steered her on course.  "At least it dosent say 'honeydew' every scene." She made a fake gagging noise and you laughed. The sound was muffled in the crowded forest. She hacked her way through the brush, one vine at a time. Until you finally reached the clearing. It was hot in the direct sun, a few degrees different than what the shade of the forest had been. You paced the perimiter, meeting her at the other side. "You mean Cassian dosen't like honeydew?" You wiggled your eyebrows at her.  "Az does?" She challenged, earning a laugh from you. "The ones that you like are predictable beyond measure." You countered, earning a quick smile before your attention snapped across the meadow. To a giant hog serpent with venomous tusks that gleamed with their clear liquid. You swore and you and Nesta both drew swords at the same time.  + Nesta ended the hog, but not before it had the chance for those razor sharp tusks to marr your legs with deep wounds. The venom stung, flowing into your bloodstream and paralyzing you slowly. You gasped at the sheer blinding pain it brought. "Nes-" You choked out between sobs. "Tell Az... Tell Az I love him." You smiled to her, putting a hand on her cheek. "No, no way. You're gonna tell him yourself. Stay awake. We're on the way." She reached deep to that bond to Cassian, and a flare of alertness greeted her. Then, a thrill of fire. "On the way. Rhys will be there in a few. Are you okay?" "Fine, she's delirious. She needs a healer and a detox for the venom." She thought back, sighing when she felt Rhys' presence. "Wheres Az?" You managed out of your chattering teeth. You were losing the fight against the venom quickly. It would have you under in a few minutes if Rhys didn't hurry to a healer. He placed a hand on you and darkness surrounded.  "Cassian will-" He started to Nesta, "I know, get her safe." She rushed, urging him to winnow you already. When Cassian saw the amount of blood spilled, he cursed.  "Most of it was the beast." Nesta cleaned her sword on an overgrown leaf that jutted down into the meadow.  Her hands shook when she sheathed it. "Nes." He stopped her when she turned. "Nes..." He repeated, giving her a long look. She tried to hide her face, the terror there. "Lets go." He pulled her to his side and took off, holding her close to him. He said nothing about the tears that flowed to his shoulder. He just gripped her tighter.   + Azriel had nearly broken the door when he stormed in. And he hadn't left your side since. Nesta stayed when she could, letting Azriel relax enough to sleep now and again. He trusted her to wake him if anything changed in your status.  When he woke, he heard his brother's voice first. Quiet an hurried in tone, him and Nesta argued by the door. "He wont leave. You've already tried, just leave him alone." Nesta was scolding. Cassian gripped her hands, then whipped his head over to his brother when he saw him stretching on the bench.  "Hey Az-" Cassian smiled, bounding over to his brother like a puppy. "You remmeber Madja saying it may take up to a week, right? How about you come to dinner up at the house with us."  "I dont want to miss if she-" "Come on, Nyx will be there. Mor's coming back from the continent tonight too." Cassian tempted, poking at the old flame Azriel carried for the female. She was still incredible, and one of Azriels best friends, but he no longer felt that flame towards her. You had come along and crushed it with a bat of your eyelashes and a few quick witted insults at Cas. Nesta started pulling him away, giving you an apologetic smile. "It would be nice for you to be there is all he means." She began pushing him out the door, despite his protests.  "Think about it! She wouldn't want you to be mourning while she's alive!" Cassian shouted, earning a smack from Nesta. Azriel smiled despite the dark nature of the situation. He pulled a chair up beside your resting body. It had been three days. How would he know if you were awake or not? He tugged on that dark link you shared together, and came up with the same unresponsiveness as before. He sighed, but took your hand anyway, falling asleep again to the sound of your soft breathing. + He decided to stay for just an hour. He would spare his family that much. He kissed you goodbye and tried his best to ignore the guilt he felt for leaving you behind. But Cassian was right. He knew that when you woke up you'd be upset about him not going. So he put on his brave face and flew up to the house of wind, to the joy of everyone. They clapped upon his arrival, making his cheeks burn. Mor gave him a hug and promised to catch up. But she hovered around a fae you hadn't met yet. A female that she watched with wide sparkling eyes. Azriel's chest bloomed with pride at the sight of them being so close, so full of life for each other.  He looked away from the two, and sent his shadows out to Rhys. And found what he was seeking. He darted over to the end of the table where the high lord and lady sat across from each other. The head table was empty, and filthy. "That's a small monster if I've ever seen one." He bent and scooped Nyx up from under the table. He wriggled and laughed.  "No monster Azzy." Nyx babbled, pulling on his uncle's hair.  "No pulling hair!" Rhys scolded, making Nyx laugh even more. Feyre sighed. "You're just having fun. How about we go for a fly down to-" "Don't say it, Az." Rhy's tone went from scolding to pleading. Even though the baby couldn't fly yet, it was one of his favorite things to do. He could see how Rhys' son would be skilled at flying with just the way he angled his head when accompanying. Az poked at Nyx's belly and they fought like that for a few moments, Nyx eventually winnowing away with the joy only a child could have.  Azriel froze, looking to the high lord and lady for comfort. Having a baby disappear in your arms was strange, even for Fae babies. "When'd he start doing that?" "Four days ago." Feyre sighed. She looked utterly exhausted. "We've been having to take turns staying up with him." Rhys held her hand across the table, they shared a sweet look together then they both whipped their heads to Nyx in unison. "Dont-" Feyre warned, giving her son a stern look as he pulled at the tablecloth. Amren gave the boy a look of discouragement as well when he looked around for someone to be laughing with him. He stopped after those silver eyes met his.  Nesta gave Az a smile from across the room where she and Cassian welcomed the toddoling boy. "Let's start training, Nyxie. Come on, show me what you got." Cassian got on his knees to the floor and the two began wrestling together. Azriel took a seat beside Rhys, picking at the crackers and cheese platter before him.  "When were we planning on going back to the Island?" Rhys asked, voice low. Cassian rolled with Nyx on the ground, making Nesta laugh when the boy pulled at Cas' hair. "I'm not going until my mate is healed. Maybe you should send them, see how much trouble they can get in."  Az asked, trying to keep the hinting out of his voice. He wanted to go take care of it on his own. The mission on the Island was not complete and he didn't want to risk anyone again. He'd rather do it and make sure it was a finished job. He couldn't bare to see you be hurt over a fellow Valkyrie getting hurt either. "You know they would kill each other.... or themselves trying to protect the other." Feyre smiled despite herself. She knew it was the truth. Her sister being happy for once was a joy like no other.  "Mom and Dad need to eat, Az you too." Cassian ordered. He bounced the boy on his legs, making him pretend fly. Azriel picked at the plate that appeared before him. The warm meat and stew looked incredible, but he couldn't bring himself to eat. The guilt was the only thing that weighed in his stomach. "I should go check on-" He began to say, folding his napkin back on the table. "How is she?" Cassian interrupted from the floor. Nesta was playing with Nyx now, rattling a toy around for him. Azriel kept his calm mask on, trying to fight the urge to check on you. The black haired boy looked to her with upset eyes. "Auntie?" He said, voice a bit whiny.  "Auntie is napping, she'll be back in a little while." Nes assured. Azriel's heart squeezed at the love Nyx showed. Then, the boy was gone.  The parents were digging into their plates. It was likely the only meal they'd shared together in the four days of taking turns watching Nyx. "Rhys-" Az began, terror sweeping his gut. Nyx was no where in sight. Nesta and Cassian both shot to their feet when they didn't spot him.  Then, the plates in front of Azriel clattered and shot food everywhere. Mor and her date yelped and fled their chairs, mor pushing the other female behind her. Azriel's shadows coiled, siphons glared ready to fight.  And Rhys didnt move as he observed the waking fae before him. The tug on Azriel's bond went taut. "Auntie here!" Nyx celebrated, patting your chest. You groaned and cracked open your eyes to see Azriel's shadows swirling about you. "Are you okay?!" Azriel gripped your shoulders,  his warm hands seeping into your thin shirt. The sweats you wore were now stained with whatever food had been on the table. Rhys put down his fork slowly. "I wasn't expecting to be this kind of snack Az..." You said softly. Rhy's cheeks went red. Mor laughed first, her date looked to her with bewilderment and worry. Cassian rushed over and picked Nyx up from your stomach. "I think there's a fork in my back." You said, voice gruff.  A hysterical laugh bubbled from Azriel, then the rest of them were cracking up. "Nyx... Thanks." Azriel breathed, and the boy began clapping.  + Once you were back on your feet and Madja had given you the go ahead to take it easy, you asked Azriel to go on a walk with you. The stretch of your legs was sore, but the good kind of sore that left you feeling better and better with each step. The cool wind from the Sidra whipped around you. He wrapped a wing around both of you as you reached the apex of a bridge.  "I owe that baby everything." He laughed, squeezing your hand tighter. The city was quiet, only soft music coming from the Rainbow and the calm trickle of the Sidra sounding out. "Nyx the Valkyrie deliverer."  You laughed together, leaning against the railing on the bridge. The streetlights above cast a wonderful color over you, illuminating you both in a silvery shade that matched the moonlight. "I love you." You said, resting your head against his shoulder. It had been a long night, and who knew how long of sleeping... but you were tired.  "Love you." He nudged you away so he could hook his finger under your chin and angle you up to kiss him. You wrapped your arms around him and compiled, letting the bond hum through you like a song.
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eremiie · 4 years
Hi! I love your writing! Could you maybe do something for Eren where the reader is good friends with Jean and they hang out a lot, which leads to a heated argument with Eren, who ends up admitting his insecurities about losing her and it gets all fluffy and cute from there? Thank you💜🥰
futile competition;
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❥ eren x reader | 3k words | fluff
❥ in which eren gets a little envious & reader has to reassure him
❥ hi! thank you sooo much<3, i hope i did this request justice aksjskak, enjoy :)
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"jean, how did you even sprain your ankle in the first place?" you were sat idle on the wooden bleacher with jean next to you, the two of you conversing freely instead of jean being out practicing with the rest of the football team because of his sprained limb.
"i landed wrong during practice a couple days ago. when i went to the doctor they told me to sit out for two weeks."
"two weeks? so you're gonna miss next weeks game?"
"yeah but your boyfriend and reiner are two of the best players, they'll be fine without me for a game."
you shrugged your shoulders looking towards the field, looking for eren. during games you'd be able to spot him quite easily as he always adorned the large number five on his back, but of course like majority of the team he was shirtless, the only reason you could spot him being the way his bun was on the verge of falling out his hair and cascading over his shoulders.
"you're like the weakest link on the team, they're doing much better without you." you joked, causing jean to roll his eyes and shove you over in the slightest. "jean, i will kick you in the leg that's hurt, stop." your giggling made him break out into a smile, him putting his hands up in mock surrender.
jean and you were quite good friends, occasionally hanging out in and out of school, you having met him through your closest friends sasha and connie. the only reason that you two were hanging out during his practice was because you told eren you'd wait for him afterwards so you could spend this friday with him to his request.
"jaeger, focus!" the coach exasperated, flailing his arms outwards at eren's fumble. eren cursed under his breath, and wiped the sweat off of his brow, looking away from you and jean before picking himself up off the ground. "go run a lap and stop letting your girlfriend distract you. everyone else go get water then locker rooms!"
you chuckled at eren being disciplined, watching him make his way out the field to the track to run his lap, jean laughing beside you. "he's such a kiss ass, he's just trying to impress you." jean shook his head as he spoke.
"i don't know why, we're already dating."
jean nodded his head in agreement, grabbing his crutches and pulling himself up. "do you need help?" you questioned standing up abruptly to help him steady himself, a subconscious reaction if you must, as it was just in your nature to be helping.
"nah, nah, i'm good, i'm not disabled or anything, it's just a sprained ankle." jean shrugged you off, and it's true, he was of course fine for the most part, but he also didn't want eren getting angry at a simple gesture from you, as he tended to do quite often. "let's just go back to the gym."
eren exited the empty locker rooms, clear irritation spread across his face. his lack of concentration during practice, and jean's stupid face flirting with you was fogging his mind.
"eren!" you called out to your boyfriend, him turning his head after nodding a small goodbye to his coach. you gave jean a small hug before he started waddling away on his one foot and you starting to make your way towards the brunette, eren struggling to suppress an eye roll. "hi baby," your arms wrapped around his waist and he hesitantly reciprocated, letting his circle your shoulders.
"hey." his tone grumbly and dry, but you didn't let your mind wander too much on it.
"i see practice wasn't the best today. was it because of me?" a mischievous grin graced your face as you and eren began to exit the gym, heading towards his car.
yeah, something like that.
"no, it was fine, i just slipped up a couple times." your thumb brushed over eren's hand a couple times before he pulled back to pull his keys out of his backpack that was hung over his shoulder. "get in the car," and then him unlocking it with a press of a button, his presence leaving your side as he went over to the drivers side of the car. you didn't like the way he so casually brushed you off, as eren was usually excited to see you after practice. he would occasionally shower you in kisses, and wipe his sweat all over you and have you shuddering in disgust, but the aloof personality taking place was never present to you, so of course you couldn't help but think it was strange.
you slid into the passengers seat with your own bag sat in between your feet on the floor, and initially decided not to converse with the boy for the rest of the car ride, leaning your head against the window and occasionally glancing at eren who you didn't even see look your way once. seriously, what was his problem? if you knew he was going to act like this while you were at his house the rest of the evening you'd would've went home faster than he could blink.
"______, c'mon." eren murmured before he shut the door to the drivers side, walking towards his front door leaving you still attempting to collect your belongings so you could follow him. you were so stuck in thought that you didn't even realize the two of you had made it to eren's house.
"_____, hi! it's been so long since eren has brought you home, how are you?" mrs. jaeger's (who many times has insisted you called her carla) cheery tone flooded your ears as you entered the household, eren shutting the door behind you and barely even uttering a 'hi.' to his mother or mikasa. despite this you couldn't help but smile at carla, the lady was so sweet and kind and you genuinely couldn't figure where eren got his temper, or stubbornness from.
"hi mrs. jaeger-"
"please, just call me carla." her figure danced her way towards you and her nimble fingers turned you around facing the stairs so she could shed your backpack off for you, and only then did you realize eren had disappeared from sight, leaving behind only the sound of creaky stair steps.
you sighed, and of course carla put two and two together, but not before mikasa who was sat on the kitchen stool facing the stairs as well, in the middle of helping eren's mom with kitchen work. "what's wrong with eren?" she brushed aside her ebony hair and made her way over to the stairs, carla placing a hand on her shoulder to halt her movement.
"mikasa honey, just leave him alone for now, he gets like that sometimes." carla gave you a sorry smile already knowing her sons antics. "i'm sure _____ will get through to him if that's what he needs, right?" mikasa's eyes flickered to you, an unreadable, almost blank expression on her face before she nodded and you let out a small, "right," her walking back over to her position at the stool.
"do you want any snacks, or anything? i know it's been a long day at school and all,"
"it's fine mrs. jaeger, i'm not hungry."
"alright, will you be staying for dinner, i could make your favorite?"
"i'm not sure yet," as many times as your answer would be yes you weren't lying, with eren's strange demeanor you weren't sure how long you could stay in the household even with carla catering to you, her joyous aura wasn't enough.
"okay well let me know, i'll let you go now," she leaned into your ear, her black strands tickling your face, "let me know if anything."
soon enough you were following in eren's steps on your way to his room. you slowly pushed the oak door open seeing eren wasn't in his room and assumed he went to take a shower. you had no problem sitting and waiting as it gave you a second to conjure your thoughts as well, you taking a spot on his bed.
it wasn't long before he appeared back though, him opening and closing his door, eyes flashing to you for only a second. he threw the towel around his neck that was stopping his damp hair from dripping onto his abdomen onto his desk chair and slid on only a pair of sweatpants before crawling on his bed. "scoot over," and you did, making space so he could lay next to you, the smell of his body wash evident on his skin.
the slight tension was unnerving as you played with your fingers where they sat in between your crossed legs, eren paying you little to no mind. "what's your problem?" you couldn't help but ask, as many times as you played the details of the day back in your head you couldn't find a bump in the road, anything that would make him act so distant.
"my problem? i don't have one."
you struggled to not roll your eyes, instead raising a brow. "seriously? you didn't talk to me in the car, you're barely talking to me now, didn't you want me to come and spend today with you?"
"yeah, but i'm sure you rather be spending today with jean, right?"
you pursed your lips, narrowing your eyes at the boy who's eyes were finally fixated on you. your arms crossed and you bit back an insult, since one was definitely a part of the options you were weighing in your brain. "excuse me?"
"you heard me," he sat up, his muscles flexing underneath his skin as he propped himself up on the bed. "you and him have been so comfortable lately. i'm pretty sure you hang out with him more than me anyways." he huffed, a fire blazing behind his turquoise eyes (which not to mention you always found mesmerizing, even through his anger.)
you grimaced, eren was clearly blinded by his frustration. he seemed to forget how you came over almost every weekend, not to mention a few times throughout the week as well, how you spent majority of lunches with him and how the two of you were a literal couple. it wasn't your fault you and jean had more than one class together, and seemingly got along. he was good company, you couldn't deny that, and you knew him before you even knew eren.
"eren i spend so much time with you, what the hell are you talking about? is that what's bothering you?"
"it doesn't bother me," and of course he was lying straight to your face. "i could care less. do what you want with horseface."
okay now he was being dramatic.
you stifled a laugh at the stupidity that escaped his mouth, how could he make such a vague assumption? "you could care less? so why are you acting all pouty and not talking to me? if you didn't care we'd be all good right now, stop being all mad for no reason."
"i have a reason to be mad,"
"so you admit that you're mad?"
"i mean-"
"and if you're mad then you obviously care?"
"can you let me talk, damnit? you always do that, just let me talk."
"then talk, eren, it's gonna be nonsense anyways. why can't you just trust me? i've been friends with jean before we even started dating, if i wanted him then we would've been a couple before me and you."
"that doesn't stop him from flirting with you and being all touchy and shit, i don't like that,"
"it doesn't matter what you like or not, it matters what's true, and whats not true is that he flirts with me, he doesn't, and he's not touchy either, you're literally being delusional."
"i'm delusional?" this time eren rolled his eyes, his voice raising in the slightest and he was now sitting straight up, giving you a small shove in demonstration of what jean did earlier. "when he shoved you like that he wasn't flirting with you? and when you two were laughing and shit he wasn't trying to flirt with you?"
"eren don't touch me," you pushed his hand away once it made contact with you, a crease in your eyebrow evident from your rising anger as well. "we can't laugh now? like what the fuck sense does that make to you? you're literally just jealous."
"jealous of what? of kirstein?" disbelief was evident in his tone.
“who else? nobody just acts like that for no reason, you’re jealous, eren.” you began to stand up ready to just leave, crawling over eren’s body to make your way towards the door. you couldn’t stand when eren couldn’t admit to his fault, i mean; it was his fault right? he was stubborn, and it was irritating.
but eren on the other hand couldn’t let you leave, he didn’t have time for his mom to scold him for upsetting you, or for mikasa to bombard him with aimless questions, better yet, for jean to find out the two of you were fighting, or worse, fighting over him.
before your hand could reach his doorknob his hand reached your wrist, eren pulling you backwards towards him in the gentlest manner he could muster, you turning towards him your expression still vexed. “eren, just let go of me, i get it.” but his grip remained, him using his other hand to turn your frame towards him by your waist.
"i’m not jealous, i just feel like i shouldn’t be having to compete with another guy for my own girlfriend!" he sputtered abruptly, and the hand on your waist clenched at your t-shirt, while the grip on your wrists tightened. you were caught somewhat off guard looking up at eren, curiosity brewing at his sudden outburst.
“i just... i don’t want to lose you to some idiot,” he could no longer meet your eyes, his facade dropping and a new side of him he hadn’t shown being unveiled to you.
“eren..” your free hand rested on his shoulder and you slowly walked him back towards his bed until the back of his knees hit it and caused him to plop down on the covers, “baby, you’re not gonna lose me... you couldn’t lose me over something like that.”
eren’s gaze was still shy to meet yours, but his other hand made its way to your waist as well, pulling you down on top of him until you were straddling his lap, him pulling you close so his arms wrapped around you. “i know, but...” he struggled to get the rest of his words out, not even sure how to convey them to you regardless of how understanding you’d be with him.
“eren, look at me,” you grabbed his face between your palms, smoothing out his loose brown locks so you could get a clear sight of him, training your eyes on his. you loved the way blue swam across his green eyes, and the way his bottom lip jutted out slightly as if he was constantly pouting. he was so gorgeous to you, even through his anger. “i’m yours, i’m all yours, and you’re mine. nobody, not even jean can get between me and you, i love you, i date you. jean and i are just friends, and you don’t need to let him get in your head like that.”
eren pouted his bottom lip before leaning his head against your chest, you raking your fingers through his hair until the hair tie loosened around it. he relished in the feeling of your warm skin against his and your hands attempting to place another messy bun in his strands of damp hair. “i just feel like i’m not doing enough for you sometimes... like he could give you something that i’m not.”
“eren you are enough for me, like i said, i’m dating you, not anyone else, if you weren’t doing enough for me i wouldn’t be with you. i love everything about you baby.”
“you sure?”
“yes, why wouldn’t i be sure? even with how stubborn you are, and how angry you can get, and how jealous,” you lifted his head from your chest, pressing your lips to his forehead with a grin. “you can get, there are so many good aspects about you that i love and i won’t leave you because. you know... just don’t hurt me.”
eren couldn’t help but let a smile grace his own face as well, hands drifting up your back until they reached the back of your head, pulling you down to connect your lips to his fervently. you loved the way his lips felt on yours, his slightly chapped but so perfect when paired with your own. his attempt to deepen the kiss was futile as you pulled back with a giggle, eren shaking his head and laying back pulling you on top of him some more, his arm wrapping around your shoulder as he pecked a kiss to your hair.
“so i’m not gonna lose you?”
“no baby.” another peck to his chest.
“you love me? and my anger issues, which i don’t have?”
a roll of your eyes and another laugh let out from you as you kicked his leg from under yours causing him to laugh as well, subconsciously squeezing your body tighter on top of his. “i love you, and your anger issues which you do have.”
eren pinched your sides, smirking from above you. “i love you too, babe.”
a quick knock at the door made both you and eren turn your heads, but the door was open before eren could even utter a “come in,” carla’s figure with a worried expression on her face that quickly turned to surprise when she noticed the two of you cuddling. “oh! i’m so sorry, i heard the two of you arguing earlier and i thought she had left when i was upstairs, i-“
“mrs. jaeger, it’s perfectly fine.” you smiled picking yourself up off of eren awkwardly who sat up as well.
“mom! you could’ve waited after knocking!” eren groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“you guys are so cute,” her hand covered her mouth as she squealed, smiling sweetly at her son and you. “are you staying for dinner, _____, it’s almost ready, i’m having mikasa set the plates now so i want to know.”
there was no harm in staying a little longer. “sure, i can stay.”
“great! okay, i’ll leave the two of you alone now.” soon after, eren’s door was shut and the remnants of carla’s voice wandered as she walked down the hall, something resembling an “oh, they’re so adorable!” and you and eren couldn’t help but laugh.
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toushindai · 3 years
Respect and approval in the relationship between Zagreus and Megaera
So, I think a lot of people know that there's a mini storyline between Megaera and Zagreus that proceeds as follows: Megaera brusquely informs Zagreus that his victories against her "don't count" as he couldn't possibly have achieved them without Nyx's help via the mirror. If you respond to this by emptying out the mirror and fighting her, she'll remark on it. This exchange is referenced in an incredible video about Hades' dialogue system that I will link in the comments to this post (since we all know how tumblr is about links) and which I highly recommend if you haven't watched it already.
But I was surprised that the video didn't go on to highlight what is my favorite (and surely relevant to the video?) aspect of this storyline--that once you've beaten Meg like that, the followup conversation at home has three different variants based on how many gifts you've given her!
Spoilers for a lot of late-game, including post-credits, content.
The three variants are low relationship (zero gifts - five gifts); high relationship (six gifts - nine gifts); "became close" relationship (ten gifts).
At low relationship, the conversation is as follows. I apologize but I don't have screenshots for any of these; I'm taking the text from the files.
Megaera: Beaten. By you. Without the help of Nyx's mirror. You humiliated me. And now you've come to rub it in, I guess? Well, go on, then. Not like you can shame me any more. Zagreus: Meg, what is it going to take for you to quit treating me like I'm incompetent? Have I not grown even a little since we met? You were supposed to teach me something; what does that make you? Megaera: Tsch... why don't you raise your voice a little louder so that all the House can hear. Is that what you want? For everyone to know that you're superior to me? Zagreus: You're not hearing me, Meg. I know it sounds a little disingenuous considering we keep fighting to the death and all, but... I never meant to hurt you. Megaera: You give yourself far too much credit, Zagreus. Leave me alone.
At high relationship:
Megaera: Beaten. By you. Without the help of Nyx's mirror. You humiliated me. And now you've come to rub it in, I guess? Well, go on, then. Not like you can shame me any more. Zagreus: Meg, that isn't why I'm here, you know that isn't how I am. Why can't you see it? All I've ever wanted was to prove myself to you. Megaera: Tsch... you think that you can prove yourself to me by winning in a fight? Zagreus: Sometimes I think that I can never really win with you, Meg. If I held back, what would you have thought? Megaera: If you think you know me so well, Zagreus, then you ought to know better than to keep this conversation going with me, now.
(Yeah, that's "high relationship.")
At became close relationship:
Megaera: I can't believe it, Zag. I thought for sure that Nyx's mirror was the only reason you could beat me. I knew you'd changed to some extent, but... not this much. Zagreus: I had to see if I could do it, Meg. I've learned so much from you, I... thought maybe this was a way that I could prove myself to you. And to myself. Megaera: Prove yourself, to me...? You must not be as comfortable in your own skin as you let on. I can't decide if I like that about you. Now leave me alone while I give it some thought.
Which... it's better, right? It's better. It's maybe not great, still. But they are trying.
I mean so let's take this from the top. At low relationship, the conversation is fairly acrimonious on both sides. Feeling humiliated by her loss, Meg lashes out, and Zag snaps in return that if Meg's going to keep treating him like he's incompetent, it's only a reflection on her, who was supposed to teach him something. In this version of their conversation, we see the shadow of the relationship Hades pointedly engineered between the two of them raise its head, and if I were ever asked to textually back up my certainty that Meg, not only Zag, contributed to their breakup, I think I'd cite this. Meg's lack of respect for Zag is clearly a longstanding point of tension. Here, Zag feels like he's done something that ought to earn him her respect, only to be... what? Meg's first line is largely about her own insecurities rather than her opinion of Zag, but at the same time, the assumption that she should be superior, that that's the natural order of things, is baked into it. It's a serious blow to her pride that Zag has upset that natural order, and she's projecting her shame into an assumption that Zagreus is here to pettily gloat. Which is insulting, and Zagreus reacts from that place of insult.
But in his second line, as if he notices her pain, Zag is able to disengage from his anger a little (his portrait shifts from his angry "Defiant" one to his "Empathetic" one), realize that their communication is going a bit awry, and tell Meg that he doesn't mean to hurt her. This does not have the effect he possibly hoped for, and before Meg tells him to hit the bricks she says that he gives himself too much credit--by thinking that he has the capability to hurt her. Now this is a pattern with her, throughout their redeveloping relationship, even at max relationship, even once they're back together: Megaera repeatedly states that Zagreus can't hurt her. Here, it has a clear implication that she thinks Zagreus beneath her, not worth getting hurt over. ...It's absolutely belied by her humiliation in the rest of the conversation, but the scorn with which she makes the assertion is cutting and unkind.
Although... I do wonder. Especially given Zag's statement that he "never meant to hurt [her]"--that doesn't sound like he's just talking about his neat trick of getting past her darkness-free. He's referring to their past, almost certainly, and at 0-5 gifts this is well before he gets around to a proper apology or even his feelingsdump (feelingsdump, er, I'm sorry, "building trust", the "we need to talk" conversation, follows gift#6, the last nectar). What I wonder, sometimes, is--when Megaera says that Zagreus can't hurt her (boy does she love to say that.), if part of what she's saying is that Zagreus is not the only person contributing to the poor relationship between them. This is a thought on a different topic, I guess, and I'm not saying that in this conversation, she suddenly has a flash of insight that she's being kind of shitty and chases him away for that reason. Sincerely, I do think "I'm too good to be hurt by Zagreus" is an emotional habit she has for a sizeable chunk of time--perhaps one she developed as a reaction to their breakup, or as a shield against it as she saw it coming--and is what she means here. But maybe it means something else later. I certainly hope so. Because boy. she really loves to say it.
Let's talk about the variant at high relationship next. You could get this variant anywhere between the last nectar ("We may be immortals, but we're older now") and having given her the second-to-last ambrosia ("I wish I could do over how we started"). Once you give her the last ambrosia (when they drink together), you're in the territory of the final variant.
Meg's still cranky; her first line is the same as in the low relationship variant. It's Zagreus, who is at this time in the process of trying to get back in her good graces, who is less testy in response. I'd say he's clearly still hurt by her response, but he doesn't express that hurt by sniping back at her this time. Instead, he opens up, trying to make his intentions more clear, reminding her that he isn't the type to gloat. He all but says that he wants her respect. And he doesn't get it, here. Frankly, this variant is not much of an improvement on the low relationship one. Meg is less openly insulting, but it's clear that she still doesn't want to be having the conversation.
My thoughts on this variant are similar to my thoughts on some of the ambrosia conversations--and I say this as the most dedicated MegZag shipper you will ever see--in that when I see this, I'm not sure why Zagreus bothers. If, like he says, there's really no action he could take here that wouldn't end in Meg being peeved at him, what is he reaching for? He wants to prove himself to her--why? Is her approval worth having here? When Meg says (to cite the gift nine/third ambrosia conversation) that it's just a question of whether Zag is worth her time, why is it positive that Zagreus's wistful response is to ask her if he is worth her time, then?
Let me start bringing in the became close relationship variant here, starting with the last line of it, because Meg's response to Zagreus outright stating that he wants to prove himself to her is emotionally very similar to her response to Zag asking her if he is worth her time. In both cases, she seems to... not soften, exactly. She seems taken aback. She sees Zagreus's desire for her approval and his vulnerability that he lays bare in front of her, and in both cases, her response is one of uncertainty. She wants time to think about it on her own. She has kept hardening herself in response to the pain of their earlier failure (not every relationship that doesn't work out is a failure but I am quite certain she felt this way about theirs, if only because she was supposed to shape Zagreus a certain way), she hardens herself verbally and defiantly right in front of Zag's damn face, and he answers with wistful vulnerability. She tells him he can't hurt her, and he answers with "OK. But do you care about me? Could you?"
I almost wonder if Zagreus's vulnerability makes Megaera ask herself the same questions that these conversations make me ask myself. That remark she makes, that she's not sure how she feels about Zagreus's insecurity--I wonder if she's seeing how she's contributed to it, and needs time to figure out how to respond more kindly. And not just "more kindly," but in a way that's better for him. In the became close relationship conversation variant, Meg starts off in a much better mood, and offers the approval that--as we've seen in the other variants--Zagreus wants so keenly. However, when he states that as an outright motivation, I think she questions that influence she has on Zagreus, and wavers on whether or not it's a positive one, and wants to withdraw to sort out... everything about that situation. It's not an emotionally vulnerable response, maybe, but I do get the sense that it's a compassionate one.
These two are not perfect. They're coming from a background of a relationship that was arranged for them with the explicit intention of forcing Zagreus to mature--a setup that implicitly (if Hades didn't go ahead and make it explicit which, lbr, he very possibly did) defines Megaera as more mature and therefore superior. That relationship fell apart--and how could it not, with a setup like that--and some time has passed, and now they're stuck in a loop of fighting each other to the death. It's not ideal! But they cared about each other, back during their first relationship. Zagreus outright tells us that he caught feelings. Megaera talks around the same admission--through the rigidness with which she tells Zagreus and herself that they can't return to the way things were, that it isn't possible; through her admission, when Zag says he wishes he could change how they started, that she too "wish[es] for a lot of things." They cared-past-tense and they care-present-tense, but they still have emotional habits from the past, from the imposed hierarchy of their first relationship, and even in the most positive variant of Meg's response to the darkness-free victory, even in some of their biggest steps forward, we see some of those habits rear their head. It's something they have to work on and will continue to work on, I think.
And it's not a hopeless process. One of the best in-game contrasts to this dynamic is (of all things) when Megaera notices that Zagreus has made it onto the Featured Houseservant board. She remarks that never in her wildest fantasies did she imagine that Zagreus would make it up there. Zagreus, I think, doesn't know how to respond to that--he picks up the "wildest fantasies" thread rather than the compliment, bless this horny little man--but Meg is undeterred and points out that he really should be proud of such an achievement. And I think this is the perfect solution to the dilemma that is Zag's desire for Meg's approval, because Meg's uncertainty over that, her sense that it's an insecure concern, is justified. So here, she's showing that she respects his achievement but emphasizing that it's something about him, something he can and should feel intrinsic pride over, rather than just taking pleasure in her extrinsic approval.
This has gotten long (oh god it has gotten long) so I think I'll wrap up here. One of the things I love about Hades is how it doesn't force relationships to be Suddenly Great Now That The Story's Over. Hades and Zagreus are still struggling to figure out a relationship that works. Persephone isn't sure she knows how to be Zagreus's mother. Meg's still not getting along with her sisters (although it has been brought to her attention that she is as culpable in their relationship as they are). I think this point of awkwardness between Zagreus and Megaera--their having to figure out a system of mutual respect where it has not been before--is another example of that pattern. And I think they've got a shot at it. I think they can pull it off.
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Note: This is for @afriendlyblackhottie​​ Brat and Birthday challenge. Happy Bday Month 🎉🎈🎊🎂🍰! I chose Cupid by 112. Chris art work by @nix-akimbo​ she is amazing here is the original.
Summery: Ransom likes a bridesmaid.
Warning: Daddy Kink, gag, oral (reader receives), sex
Groomsman Band member Ransom x Black Reader, Knives out Alternative Universe
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Leaning in the archway of the reception hall you sighed watching the newlyweds dance their first dance. You didn't want to be here. Not after all the shit he put Courtney, the bride, through.
But your bestie was the kind of girl that could not function without a man in her life. He had cheated on her five times, that you knew of. You were sure there was more, but she as well as you were tired of the berating.
It was always the same. He cheated, she cried, you picked up the pieces and then when he was ready she would go back. Pathetic.
"Aw don't pout princess your day will come" your eyes rolled at the sound of his voice. You had the misfortune to be linked with Ransom, the cousin of the groom. All the other bridesmaids drooled over him, but you weren't impressed. This rich boy was looking to add to his body count so you only interacted with him only when you needed to.
Their family had paid for this whole affair. You nearly punched one of the grooms relatives when she made a remark on Courtney's color choices. They were all on your shit list.
Just ignore him. Its almost over and you will never have to see him again.
As the song ended everyone applauded while you made your way over to the open bar. Your wrist was snagged as you crossed his path. Snatching it back you looked at him as if he grew another head.
"Look you don't want to be here I don't want to be here. Let's be miserable together." He held up his hands in surrender. You were stuck on this island and you were smart enough not to fall for dumb shit so you gave yourself permission to relax.
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You both took over an empty table in the back of the massive hall. Ransom disappeared for a bit, then returned with two bottles of champagne and two glasses. The bar was an open bar, but you were sure they weren't handing out bottles left and right.
"OK let's play a game to pass the time." Ransom proposed as he approached.
"Game? What kind of game?" You waited curiously. Sitting the glasses and bottles down Ransom proceeded to pop the cork on one of the bottles of Champaign.
"We both take turns pointing out people we think the other would fuck."your mouth fell open with his boldness as he spoke. "If you guess wrong you have to take a sip. Yatta yatta you get it."
"Are you just trying to get me drunk?" You squint at him playfully suspicious.
"Nah, just bored. So come on let's play."
You watched as he poured the glasses to the brim, when he handed you the bubbling glass you thanked him. Ransom moved his chair next to you, sitting shoulder to shoulder so you both were sure to have the same view of the people on the floor.
"Ladies first" he held his glass high. You clinked your glass with his signaling ‘good game’.
"What about her?" You pointed to Courtney's great aunt. The lovely woman was at least eighty-seven, you knew this would be a 'no', but why not start off with a softball.
He gave you a look that made you snort.
"Wow was that a laugh? I seriously didn't think the ice queen was capable. You didn't even smile for the wedding photos. Achievement unlocked." Ransom was full of himself.
"No one is gonna believe I got the frost queen to crack a smile." Ransom boasted.
You took a sip from your glass so you didn't have to reply. There was nothing to smile about. You didn't approve of this wedding so you weren't going to act like you were. Courtney was lucky you even agreed to be a bridesmaid.
"OK my turn." He observed the crowded floor, before finding his mark. "Glasses two o'clock."
You searched out 'Glasses' and scoped him out. Tall, put together nicely. "Yep."
"Really?" He gave you a look, that made it hard to fight back the curl of your lip.
"Yep..I have particular taste." You say casually with a shrug.
"Well all right to each his own I guess."
"My turn" you stopped for a beat then found her. " Oh what about her?" you pointed to a tall slender blonde.
"Ugh no...That's my aunt."
"Oooops....My bad... let me see who else, umm" you looked around the room, but he only looked at you.
"Oh! Oh! Her" you pointed to Stephani, a younger cousin of Courtney's. Thick thighed, uber fit college student.
"You can't go twice. Take your sip."
"What that was your aunt that cant count" you argued back.
"A no is a no" he tutted.
"Fine" you gulped from your glass and waited your turn.
"OK my turn. Hmm...What about him" he pointed to an older man that was chatting up a bridesmaid that was way to young for him.
"Eww nah not my type, but he might have gotten a yes back in the day." You tilted your head with a smirk.
"Oh thank gawd. That's my dad."
"What the fuck? Dude gross" you slapped at his shoulder and laughed. Ransom rubbed it fanning pain.
"Hey you picked my aunt" he chuckled with you.
"Yeah but I didn't know she was your aunt!"
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After finishing the first bottle you started to feel loose. Ransom's arm stretched out along the back of your chair, slyly rubbing circles on your bare arm, while you leaned snuggled into his side as you both continue to people watch.
"So what do you do?" You asked him.
Ransom was silent for a moment. Taking a long swig from the glass before looking over at you and sighing.
"I'm in a band."
"Oh really, is that your little hobby you do before you take over the board seat at your grand-papa's company?" you bit back a laugh. Ransom frowned at you, but you didn't care.
You knew of the older Thrombey, the famous author and owner of a publishing house. Through rehearsal you watched the interactions between the two and you knew that Ransom was the favorite of the acclaimed writer's brood.
"I don't want anything to do with that company believe it or not. I love music always have."
"Must be nice to play in a band bankrolled by a publishing house. What are y'all called 'Blood and Rock'" you laughed at the ridiculousness of it.
"Ha wrong again. We're called 'Coffee and Roses'. And I've been cut of financially ever since I got these bad boys" Ransom shimmed out of his blazer and rolled up his sleeves. His well toned arms were completely covered in ink. When he pulled down his collar you were able to see the massive art work that encompassed his neck, you bit into your bottom lip as he allowed you to ogle him. "This art work was not board approved " he joked. The booze mixed with Ransom's rocker bod was starting to lower your inhibitions and you needed to put a stop to it.
"Your cousin is a piece of shit." You changed the subject before taking a pull from your glass.
"Yeah well he gets that from his dad, he's always been an asshole."
"Apples don't fall far do they?" You snipped. When Ransom didn't respond you looked over, he was looking at his father who had now moved on to another pretty young thing.
"He made a mistake and he is fixing it." Ransom replied, suddenly in defense of his cousin.
The mistake in question was a child, by another woman. That baby you thought would be the final straw to break the camels back.
"Diamonds don't fix problems." You didn't come from money, but you knew that this wedding was a band-aid. And once it got wet you wondered what would be the gift for the next 'mistake'.
The groom had always bought his way out of his binds. The more he fucked up the more money he poured on it. This wedding you couldn't even fathom the cost. The wedding ring alone looked like it could choke a horse. And this destination wedding on his dime made you think on what happened in the interim leading up to this event.
"You're a really good friend. She's lucky that she has someone that cares so much." You both stared into the distance at the couple. They danced and smiled at each other so happy, but you felt sick. Ransom's sweet words made you immediately suspicious of his intent, his cousin had a habit of talking sweet, but he was a fucking snake. You weren't going to end up like Courtney.
"Look don't think that just because we got all chummy that all of a sudden I am gonna want to bang one out." You hit your glass on the table harder than you meant to, it tipped over and spilled out the rest of your drink.
When a little bit of the liquid trickled off the table and hit your dress you pushed away from the table. Just a tiny bit, nothing major to fuss about, but you had hit your limit. You'd done the wedding, you took the pictures and you stuck around for the reception. It was time to go.
You weren't about to be some random rich kids one night stand. So you stormed off. Thankfully the ball room was not far from the adjoining hotel. Marching you fumed and you cursed your friend for being this dumb, yourself for not doing more to stop this and almost falling for Ransom's charm. Mashing the buttons you thought of changing your number, wiping your hands from this friendship and looking into an overnight flight back home.
How much worse would it be now that she was legally married to that douche bag. The thought of them having kids only served to further irked you.
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Before the elevator door could close a hand sliced down the middle, halting the closure.
You stood stunned as Ransom appeared out of breath and in-between the open doors.
**"Baby, I'm so tired of the way you turn my words into deception and lies"**
Ransom consumed the space between you two. Your ass hit the hand rail as the doors closed.
"I am not my father, I am not my cousin. I liked you." His confession made your heart flutter.
Don't be stupid. He is the same as the rest of his family. Don't fall for his game.
His hands rested on the bar on either side of your hips as he stood toe to toe with you. You rolled your eyes and scoffed turning away from him, unable to keep staring into those eyes.
**Don't misunderstand me when I try to speak my mind I'm only saying what's in my heart**
With one finger he brought your focus back to him. You frowned at him, you weren't weak. You weren't falling for him no matter how much your body wanted to throw in the towel.
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**Cupid doesn't lie** He leaned in close and you held your breath as your heart raced.
**But you won't know unless you give it a try** Ransom whispered over your lips before kissing you gently. You broke down allowing him to invade your mouth. His lips felt soft and his firm arms a welcome feeling as they wrapped around you.
The elevator dinged loudly and you pulled back. Your lipstick smeared on his mouth made for a funny sight. Looking at the number it was your floor then back at him.
**Give it a try** Ransom pleaded.
A switch flipped inside you. Angry at yourself you pushed past him and marched to your hotel room.
He is just a spoiled rich kid trying to have fun. Don't fall for it. You try and convince yourself.
He shouted as the doors closed and you tried to ignore him.
**Cupid doesn't lie**
He shouted again. You halted, but refused to look.
"All men lie" You stopped as you replied back at him. There wasn't a woman in your life that wasn't hurt and you didn't want to join that club. You wanted to protect yourself at all cost. You heard the elevator doors close so you let out a sigh of relief.
What if you were wrong. What if he was right? A nagging thought bubbled in your mind. He was fun, you felt at easy around him. Some part of you yearned for him to come back.
You were so lost in your own head that you hadn't heard him rush up behind you. Ransom quickly spun you around, his eyes boring into your soul. The sight of which made it hard to stay angry.
**"Oh baby, true love won't lie...But we won't know unless we give it a try"**
He kissed you again. This time more hungry than before, so much so it took your breath away as he pulled back.
**"Give it a try"** he pleaded yet again.
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It was hard to get the door open with Ransom latched onto your face. Fumbling with the key you tried blindly several times to get the card in the slot with your back pressed hard against the door.
Frustrated Ransom snatched the card and opened the door for you.
"Thanks Daddy" you teased, looking up through your lashes at him.
"Daddy huh?" The grin that grew on his face was devilish indeed. "So that's it...You act all bratty to get Daddy to react. Huh?"
Scooping you off your feet he carried you across the threshold. You were so surprised that he was able to handle your weight with ease, as he walked you over to the bed, before tossing you.
"Keep the dress on and pull your tits out" he command as he furiously unbuttoned his shirt.
You marveled at the fit rocker. He revealed more tats as he opened his shirt. Pushing down your off the shoulder strap you yanked your top down. Your half bra going down with it, allowing your breast to bounce free.
"Stand up."
Without a word you rose to your feet.
"Turn around."
Again you followed his orders. The way he commanded you made your need soak through your panties.
"Gonna come deep in that pretty pussy, show you who you belong to" Ransom taunted into the shell of your ear. "Say ahh."
The neck tie that had long since come undone was now being wrapped around your open mouth, wrapping it  quickly then knotting the fabric.  
Once secure Ransom proceeded to massage your breast from behind. As he tweaked your nipples you felt his cock, hard and stiff pressed into your ass.
You pushed and rubbed against it toying with him, the hum that buzzed from his lips almost sounded primal. "Nothing but a big tease huh? Daddy's going to show you what he thinks about teases."
Pushing you over on the bed you yelped through your gag. Looking over your shoulder you watched as Ransom bunched up the fabric of your dress, tossing it over your hips to expose your ass.
Feeling cocky you twerked your ass before him, the look in his eye showed that he approved of the sight. Ransom palmed your cheeks with both his hands, kneading the soft tissue as he rubbed his erection on you.
One hand moved around your hips and on the outer-lining of your panties.
"Fuck baby girl is that all for me?" Ransom's finger pulled at the elastic that touched your bud. He felt the drenched panties and pulled them back until they snapped back in place.
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"Fuck baby girl" he purred.
Ransom lowered himself onto his hunches, pulling your panties down with them. You felt his tongue lapping gently at your folds. The sensation sending shivers throughout your body.
His tongue separated your lips, you knees wanted to cave at the tantalizing feel of him. Through your gag you moaned, the slow torture of his feasting was bringing you close to the finish line.
Ransom sucked hard on your bare mound adding a finger as he rose to his feet. "You taste so sweet baby." He praised as he curled his fingers inside of you.
"Do you want to come on my cock or my fingers?" He asked as your cunt tensed around his digits. Ransom knew you were getting close and you hoped he would choose the former.
"I cant hear you" he added another digit as you begged through your gag. You wanted to feel him all of him, but there was no way to make your answer clear through the fabric.
"Well, if you are not going to answer I will pick for you."
Ransom knew what you wanted, even with your desperate mumbling. Kicking your legs father apart he then removed his fingers. You whimpered at the lack of touch, but you were also thrilled to finally get what you really wanted.
The sound of his zipper going down made you antsy. You danced on the heels of your feet with anticipation of his next move.
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Ransom took his cock in one hand while he spread one of your cheeks with the other. He rubbed his cock against the deep pink within your folds.
Toying with you as you mumbled through the tie. His pre-cum mixed with your juices as he pressed his tip hard against your opening.
"Are you gonna be a good girl from me?" He teased. You furiously nodded 'yes'.
You felt the pressure of him entering you as drool seeped past your gag. "Do you belong to me?" He halted, the sudden stop drove you crazy. Again you nod and shouted 'yes' through your restraint.
"Good girl."
Ransom filled you to your core, only stopping when you sheathed him completely. You gripped the fabric of the hotel duvet, you hadn't expected him to be so big.
The slapping of flesh on flesh filled the room. His moans mixed with the sounds of your sloppy sex were enough to send you over the edge.
Ransom controlled the pace, his length undeterred by your lack of space to take him in. You cried through your gag as he sent jolts through your body. "You were made for me" he proclaimed as he snapped his hips into you.
Your mewls were muffled by the tie, but you were sure whoever was in the room next to you could still make out what was happening here.
"Fuck" he growled as he fucked you into the bed. "I'm gonna fill you up."
"Gonna make you nice and round" he slapped your ass as he thrusted. You felt your core tighten.
"Fuck Daddy I want to come on your cock!" You finally shouted as the gag finally slipped from your lips.
"Come in me Daddy!" You felt him twitch inside you at your desperate pleading.
"Oh baby girl your tempting me."
"Please!" You panted.
"Fuck" Ransom shouted as he shot his load inside you. You felt him coat you as you milked him dry.
Ransom fell on-top of you and your knees buckled, causing you both to fall forward onto the bed. Ransom moved off you, sweaty and exhausted. "Don't think that I'm done with you yet."
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begin again - part two
Jax Teller x female!Reader
Summary: Y/N is back in Charming and gets a visit from a ghost of her past.
Word count: 2,5k words
Warnings: Bad language and a mention of a family member’s death (I can’t think of other warnings but feel free to point them out)
Author's note: For reference of Y/N’s childhood home, this is the house I was picturing. It’s only the exterior, you can go wild with the interior. HERE
Beta read by @crucifixedbitch
Four Years Later
Never in a million years did you think you’d find yourself back in Charming and yet here you are. Life happens though and certain situations are out of your control, like the passing of your mother. You came back for her funeral, and since you’re her only surviving family, you’ve been left with the task of taking care of her affairs, including the selling of your childhood home. You look around, taking in the messy sight before you.
Stacked boxes fill the small, relatively empty, kitchen space. Eventually, all these boxes will end up in storage until you figure out what it is that you want to do with them. A costly decision, but there’s no way you’re lugging them back to Charlotte with you, and apparently, no one’s looking to buy used furniture in Charming.
A sleepy S/N’s standing at the entryway clutching his favorite toy in one hand whilst the other rubs his eyes. He shuffles over to you and throws both arms around your legs then buries his little face in them.
“Hey, ace! How was your nap?”
“It was good.” His voice comes out muffled and small. “Mommy, can we watch a movie?”
You scoop him into your arms and spin him around before you set him on your hip. “I’ve got a better idea,” you press a loving kiss to his forehead and hug him to your chest. “Why don’t we leave the house for a bit? We deserve a break from all this packing, don’t you think?”
He perks up. “Can we get ice cream? Please.”
“Ice cream… with sprinkles!”
The suggestion earns you a double kiss to the cheek and the title of ‘Best Mom in the World’! Once you set him down, he dashes out of the kitchen and down the hall to the bedroom to grab his shoes. In the meantime, you grab your keys and purse from the breakfast table and wait for him at the front door.
After a stretched pause, he calls back.
“Is everything okay?”
Concerned, you make your way down the hall and find a frustrated S/N sitting on the bedroom floor, struggling to fasten his sandals.
“Need a little help with that, ace?”
He shakes his head with a huff. “I can do it myself.”
You know better than to push him when he gets this way and so you patiently wait. It takes him a moment but he gets it done, and he looks quite pleased with himself.
“Do you have everything?”
“Yep.” He makes his way over to you and links his fingers with yours, “Do you have everything?”
You chuckle. “Yes, I do.”
You say a little prayer as you leave the house — may you not run into SAMCRO.
A lot has changed since the last time you were here. Most of the small shops and restaurants have been shut down or replaced, including Hanna’s Diner, which has now been replaced by Benny’s, a fifties-themed diner. Cringe. It’s not really your style but S/N insists on eating here because the servers are on roller skates. Wanting to be inconspicuous, you ask to be seated in a booth on the far end of the restaurant.
Your waiter hands you a menu and gives S/N a picture to color in and a cup of Crayons. You order yourself a beverage, a milkshake for S/N, and whilst you wait for your order to arrive, you help S/N color in his picture. You’re engrossed in the task, joking about with your son, when your name is suddenly called by a familiar voice. Your heart lurches in your chest, a shiver traveling down your spine at the recognition — Gemma fucking Teller.
“Shit,” you murmur.
You focus your attention on your son, hoping she gets the message loud and clear: you’re not looking to make conversation with her. As her heels click towards you, you heavily regret leaving your house today. What were you thinking? Charming’s such a small town, you were bound to bump into a ghost of your past and it just had to be Gemma. She stops beside your table but still, you keep your head down.
“Jesus Christ, it really is you.”
Left with no choice, you force yourself to look up at the woman who once made your life miserable. “Gemma, hi.”
She smiles but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “Hi, sweetheart. I thought you might be back in town. I heard about your mother, I’m so sorry.”
“Thank you. I appreciate you coming over,” you muster a smile.
Gemma glances down at S/N who’s engrossed in his coloring. She looks back at you. “Cute kid. Is he yours?”
“Yeah, he is.”
“Who’s the dad?”
You look away from her. “I think you should leave, Gemma.”
“It’s Jax, isn’t it?”
Your silence is all the confirmation she needs.
“Does he know?”
“Gemma,” you plead. “Don’t do this.”
“He deserves to be in his son’s life, Y/N.”
“Oh, spare me the crap.”
She opens her mouth, preparing to fire back at you but you cut her off.
“We’re not doing this, Gemma. Not now, not ever.” You abruptly rise from your seat with a huff and grab S/N. “I’m only going to tell you this once, stay the hell away from me and my family.”
You slam the money that you owe for the drinks you ordered — but didn’t get to enjoy — onto the table, and march out of the diner.
“Come on, ace, it’s bedtime.”
“But Mom!” he protests, throwing his head back and whines. “Only five more minutes. Please.”
S/N’s nighttime routine’s simple: bathtime before dinner, he’s allowed twenty minutes television time after dinner, then he’s got to brush his teeth, and once he’s in bed, you read him a bedtime story. It’s the same routine every night, with a few exceptions, and yet every night is the same struggle.
“We can’t keep doing this, ace.”
His eyes remain fixed on the television screen, lips parted, completely entranced.
He slowly tears his eyes from the screen, his face splitting into a toothy grin, “Yes, Mommy?”
“It’s bedtime.”
It looks like he might object, negotiate more time, but with a defeated sigh, he slides off the couch and walks over to where you’re standing. Together, you make your way to the bathroom for S/N to brush his teeth. He’s just rinsed out his mouth when light knocking sounds from the door.
“Who’s that?”
You shrug, “Probably one of Gammy’s friends coming to check on us. Why don’t you go to the bedroom to pick a book to read, okay?”
He climbs off his step stool and leaves the bathroom. The knocking sounds again and you announce that you’re coming. You open the door to find Jax Teller standing on the other side with his hands shoved deep in his jean pockets. A stunned expression flashes across his face as he takes in your appearance.
“Jackson, hi.” You step out onto the porch and pull the door behind you, leaving it ajar. “What are you doing here?”
Well, that’s rude. You don’t intend for your question to come out so curt and direct but what the hell is he doing at your door? Gemma, it’s got to be Gemma, and if he’s been talking to Gemma, then he must have questions. Questions you’re not entirely ready to give him answers to. You just wish he’d picked a better time to drop by.
“I, uh, heard you were in town and I thought I’d come by to see you before you left.”
“Uh, thanks. I–”
“Mommy! Mommy!” S/N yanks the door open before you can stop him and joins you on the porch, quickly retreating behind you when he sees the man at the door. With a small voice, he tells you, “I found a book to read.”
“You did?”
He nods, his eyes fixed on Jax.
“Good.” You pick him up off the floor and press a kiss to his cheek, “Go wait in the bedroom, okay? Mommy will be there in a minute.”
You set him on the ground and he scurries back into the house, leaving you alone with Jax once again.
“I can come back another time if y–”
“No, come in.” You catch yourself off guard. Why the hell are you inviting him into your home? “Unless you’re in a hurry. I just need to put S/N to bed and I shouldn’t be long…”
“Do what you gotta do, I’ll wait.”
You let him in and he makes his way over to the living room. In the bedroom, S/N has already tucked himself under the covers and he’s paging through the book, reading from memory.
“Are you ready for storytime, ace?”
He turns to you. “Is the man gone?”
“No,” you make your way over to the bed, “he’s still here.”
“Is he Gammy’s friend?”
You chuckle as you settle on the bed beside him and press a long kiss to the top of his head. You accept the book that he hands to you and read the title aloud, “A Tiger In Space by Micki Lee.”
He nuzzles into you, his head resting on your arm as he listens to you read for him, occasionally chiming in to comment on the illustrations.
“Goodnight, ace,” you press a final kiss to his forehead, “sweet dreams, I love you.”
“Goodnight, Mommy,” he yawns and shuts his eyes.
You quietly make your way out of his bedroom, leaving his nightlight on, and make your way to the living room, bracing yourself for what’s to come. You find Jax on the couch, fiddling with his pocket chain. When he hears you walk in, his head jerks up.
“I’m sorry about your mom.”
You stand awkwardly, unsure of how to handle yourself. And to think the man has seen you naked. “It’s alright.”
“How long you in town?”
“Not long,” you shuffle your feet. “I have to take care of a few things before I head back. I’m putting the house up for sale.”
“Well if you need anything…”
“I know who to call. I appreciate the offer.” You give him a tight smile, “I’ll definitely keep it in mind.”
“Anyway,” he pushes onto his feet, “I should get going.”
A wave of relief washes over you as you walk him to the front door, glad that the awkwardness was coming to an end. “Thank you for stopping by.”
“It was good seeing you.”
“Likewise,” you open the door, and with a final smile, you bid him farewell.
“I guess I’ll see you around.” He steps out onto the porch and turns to you. “I’d really like to be a part of the kid’s life.”
You’re stunned speechless, unsure of how to respond to his request but you don’t have to. Jax turns and makes his way back to the tow truck parked outside your house. You watch him drive off, frozen in place, and as you shut the door, you wish you’d said more to him.
Jax’s sudden reappearance in your life has you off-kilter and for a good portion of the next day, you don’t exactly know what to do with yourself. You’re overcome by a wave of emotions, inundated with the memories of the girl you once were. It feels like a lifetime ago but it’s only been four years. Jesus. Your love was epic, meant to last lifetimes, but shit doesn’t always go according to our plans.
In the years you’ve been apart, so much has happened. Your mother would often give you updates on Jax and the Sons. News of his incarceration affected you more than you cared to admit because a part of you always hoped that he’d see the light and distance himself from the club. ‘It’s a good thing you got away when you did, he’s a violent man. You had no future with him,’ your mother would remind you every chance she got.
You stare down at the vibrating phone that rests on the couch next to you, your boyfriend’s name glaring back at you. Worn out, you toy with the idea of allowing his call to go through to voicemail, for the fifth time this evening, but it’ll only bite you in the ass.
“Babe, hey.”
“Jesus, Y/N, where the hell have you been? I thought we agreed that you’d call me at eight.”
“I’m sorry, I was clearing out the basement and the service’s really bad down there.”
You lean into the couch, bracing yourself for an outburst that never comes. Instead, he asks about your day and S/N. He tells you that he misses you, and offers to fly to Charming to assist you with the packing. He also tells you about the puppy he saw today and how he immediately thought of S/N.
“The house feels empty when you’re not here,” he concludes.
“We miss you too. Especially S/N.” B/N came into your life shortly after S/N was born, he’s the only father he knows. “I don’t think he likes Charming very much.”
“I don’t blame him. When are you coming back?”
“Next week, I hope.”
At that moment, you hear the loud rumble of a motorcycle pulling up onto your driveway and you just know it’s Jax.
“Honey, I hate to cut this short but someone’s just pulled onto the driveway.”
“At this hour?”
“Can I call you in the morning?”
“Is it safe?”
“It’s probably a friend of my mom’s.”
A light knock sounds at the door.
“I don’t like this.”
“I promise to call you in the morning. I love you, goodnight.”
You hang up before you catch his response and toss the phone back onto the couch. Jax has his back turned to you when you open the door.
He turns around and flashes you a heartwarming smile. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“No,” you return his smile and step out to join him on the porch, “is everything okay?”
A serious expression settles on his face, “We need to talk, Y/N.”
It’s about S/N, you just wish he’d let it go already. “Jax, I–”
“Hear me out.”
You sigh, “Fine.”
“Look, you don’t have to tell him that I’m his old man but I’m sure he’s getting restless with no friends. He can always spend time with Abel.”
“I just want to get to know my kid better, Y/N, that’s it.”
After a long pause, you ask, “You’re not going to back down from this, huh?”
He chuckles, “No, not really.”
“I’ve got conditions.”
“I’m all ears.”
“The playdate happens here.”
“And you can’t stay long.”
“Fine by me.”
“And no Gemma,” you cross your arms over your chest, “you can’t tell her about this arrangement.”
“That’s it?”
“Yes. Bring Abel tomorrow around noon, he can have lunch with us. He got any allergies?”
Jax’s smile widens, “None. Thank you for agreeing to this.”
“You left me with no choice.”
“I mean it, Y/N, I appreciate it.” He leans over to press a kiss to your cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You roll your eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
tag list:
@princesssterek @derangedcupcake @furiouscopshepherduniversity @crucifixedbitch
242 notes · View notes
A Little Party Never Killed Anybody
Great Gatsby AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Gatsby!Reader
Written: May 17th, 2021
Posted: May 17th, 2021
Warning: Mentions of Alcohol.
Word Count: 1,678
Author's Note: Steve and Bucky come back from the war, and it's based in 1920, not 1940.
Cat's Pajamas: Anything good, the best, the greatest.
High-Hat: To Snub, be Snotty.
Summary: The reader meets Two soldiers that Jay befriended in the army. Fluff
TV and Movie Inspired Masterlist
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Groaning, you pulled into the driveway. As per usual, the house was filled with party-goers. The house was so luminescent, that you could see the lights from miles away.
It wasn't long before one of the many butlers that your brother employed greeted you.
"Good evening, miss Gatsby." He stood beside your car door, waiting for any form of instruction.
"Good evening." You grinned, exiting the car. "I'm assuming my brother is brooding as per usual." You spoke tugging off your gloves.
"Yes, he is, miss Gatsby." He nodded.
Exhaling a huff, you nodded. "Of course he is." Turning toward the house, you felt dread wash over you. The jazz band's music danced through the air as people danced along.
"I suppose I should get going then." You spoke as your voice broke.
Making your way towards the stairs, you were abruptly stopped by the butler.
"Wait, miss Gatsby!"
Furrowing your eyebrows together in confusion, you turned slightly allowing yourself to gaze at him.
Clearing his throat, he adjusted his collar. "Mr. Gatsby told me not to tell you-"
"Is that so?" You questioned raising an eyebrow.
"He invited Two of his friends from the war-"
Cutting him off with a groan, you rolled your eyes grumbling to yourself.
"I think you might find their presence refreshing..." He muttered, quickly getting in your car and taking it to the garage.
Standing on the steps stunned, you hummed in thought.
One of the many drunken party-goers stumbled behind you.
"Gatsby's party is the Cat's Pajamas!" He bellowed holding his arms out as if to show.
Jumping, you felt your heart race as you were startled by the sudden booming voice.
Scoffing, you stomped into the house. It became much more of a hassle to dodge drunken people. Wherever you walked, it reeked of alcohol.
Making your way to the second floor, you stood on one of the many platforms that overlooked the party.
"There you are!" Jordan's voice singsonged through your ears.
Rolling your eyes, you were about to come face to face with one of the people you had a strong dislike for.
Turning around, you plastered a fake smile upon your lips. If you hadn't put on a smile, word would spread that you were a bad co-host.
Leaning in, you greeted her with air kisses as she did you.
"Where have you been-"
"Y/N!" Jay's familiar voice called. "I've been looking everywhere for you. Come, there's someone I want to introduce you to." Swooping in, he linked his arm through yours. "Pardon me, miss Baker." He spoke, offering her his signature flirtatious smile. "I must steal my sister away." Lifting her hand to his lips, he placed a gentle kiss on the back of it.
The sound of Jordan's giggles filled the air. Only those standing immediately close to her would be able to hear. A pink tint danced along her cheeks, as she gave Jay a toothy grin.
Whisking you away, he ushered you into one of the rooms he had one of the butlers clear out. Closing the door, you let out an exasperated sigh.
"Thanks for the save." You chuckled, making yourself comfortable on one of the chairs.
Chuckling, Jay nodded. "Of course."
"So, is there really someone you want me to meet, or was that just one of the great gatsby rumors?" You questioned raising an eyebrow.
Rolling his eyes, Jay stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Clasping his hands together behind his back, he stared in admiration at the Greenlight across the bay.
"There is." He muttered. "I just figured I'd give you a moment to regroup since we both know how you get when you're around too many people."
Sighing, you joined your brother's side.
"How long are you going to keep waiting for her?" You questioned glancing up toward your brother. You were overwhelmed with sorrow, as your heart broke for him.
"As long as it takes," Jay responded without missing a beat. "I've loved always loved her."
Frowning, you nodded. Even if you didn't understand why he felt strongly towards Daisy, you pushed your personal feelings for her aside in support of your brother. Jay had girls throwing themselves at him left and right, but he never took up their offers.
Opening your mouth to speak, you were interrupted by the sound of someone knocking.
"Sorry to bother you mister and miss Gatsby..." The butler's voice trailed off, as he opened the door, allowing himself and two other men inside the room. "I have mister Rogers, mister Barnes, and mister Carraway."
"Thank you," Jay spoke dismissing the butler.
Glancing at Jay, you couldn't stop yourself from feeling confused. He was throwing an enormously luxurious party yet, he stood here in an empty room wanting to introduce two friends of his to his sister. Both men stood before you proudly, in their uniforms.
Clearing your throat, you shook your head in an attempt to clear your mind.
Smiling, you extended your hand greeting the men. "It's nice to meet you."
Glancing up, you felt a strange sense of Deja Vu.
"Have...Have we met before?" You questioned glancing between Mister Barnes and Mister Rogers.
"Please, call me Steve." He spoke shaking your hand graciously. "This is Bucky."
"Y/N." You spoke.
"We served in the war, with your brother." Bucky chimed in, his blue eyes piercing into yours.
"Ah, yes." You thought aloud as you nodded.
Before you knew it, the room had cleared, leaving you and Bucky alone. As time went by, you sat together on the loveseat in the room conversating for hours.
Attempting to stifle a yawn, you covered your mouth with your hand. Glancing at his wrist, Bucky gauged the time.
"It's getting late.." Bucky sighed. "I should probably go find Steve.."
"Oh, yes of course." You spoke, feeling a ping of sadness. Out of all the men you had met, Bucky had been the most genuine.
Leading you out of the room, it wasn't long before you were caught in a swarm of women. Each one, desperately wanting Sargent Barnes' attention.
As more and more women, came, the more distance that was created between you. Frowning, you found yourself on the outside of the swarm
Turning on your heel, you began making your way down the hall. Tears foamed in your eyes as you walked away.
A warm firm hand clasped around yours preventing you from any further retreating.
"Where do you think you're going doll?" Bucky questioned, giving you his warm toothy smile.
Rolling your eyes, you yanked your hand out of his, earning a frown from him. "I'm surprised you noticed with all the High-Hat women around you." You spat, crossing your arms along your chest.
The beads and sequins of your dress lightly scratching your skin in the process. Luckily, you had been wearing one of your favorite dresses. It was a baby pink tank dress, with hand-sewn beads and sequins all through it. Around your middle, the dress had a silver belt made of beads.
As you stood before Bucky, you shifted all of your weight upon one leg. With your free one, you began impatiently tapping on the marble floor.
Bucky smirked at you, as he read you. Tilting his head, he bit his lip. "Are you...Are you jealous miss Gatsby?"
Scoffing, you rolled your eyes. "Not even in your dreams, mister Barnes." You spat, resuming your walk down the hall.
"Oh!" He exclaimed chuckling. "You are!"
Not bothering to respond, you shook your head. The rest of the walk was filled with silence. Joining the party, you felt a slight panic bubble within you. Jay was always the more sociable between the two of you.
Sneaking a glance at you, Bucky was able to pick up on your sudden change in demeanor. Taking a chance, he slipped his hand into yours. The feeling of his warm firm hand, caused butterflies to erupt in your tummy. Glancing up, you sent him a closed-lip smile, silently thanking him.
It wasn't until you both had almost walked the entirety of the house that you found Jay and Steve.
"Great of you to finally join us." Jay teased.
Rolling your eyes, you let an exasperated huff tumble from your lips. Jay bounced his gaze from your conjoined hands to your face, sending you a silent question.
Removing your hand from Bucky's, you cleared your throat. As you glanced at his features, you thought you were able to see a flicker of disappointment.
Steve had excused himself for a brief moment, leaving the three of you alone. Something undescribable hung in the air.
"So, old sport..."
Shaking your head, you already drowned out what Jay was saying to Bucky. Gazing around the platform, you observed the party-goers. It had gotten much later resulting in the party slowly dying down. Some of the attendees had passed out along the steps while others were laying along the floor in the halls.
"What time works best for you?" The sound of Jay's question rang through your ears. Snapping your head towards either man, you gaped at your brother.
"Whatever it is, you don't have to participate in." You spoke turning toward Bucky. Panic began bubbling up.
"How about Nine?" Bucky questioned.
Jay smiled. "Nine it is then." He nodded, retreating to one of the rooms as he excused himself to take a call.
Turning to face you, there was a tinted color along Bucky's features. "I, uh.." His voice trailed off.
"We should get going," Steve spoke, clasping a hand on Bucky's shoulder. Gazing between you and him, he felt the electricity in the air. "Am I interrupting something?"
"No." You quickly responded. "I was just leaving." Following the direction that Jay had gone, your movements were hurried as you practically ran into the room.
Sighing, Bucky returned his gaze to Steve. "Oh, I know that look." Steve beamed staring between his best friend and the direction you had just retreated in.
"Shut up." He hissed, ducking his head. "Let's get out of here."
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Caged Bird, Songbird - The Owl House fanfic
Summary: Raine plays their violin and Hunter likes to listen to it.
Rating: General
Tags: Raine Whispers, Hunter, Golden Guard
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33734356
 Raine liked to play the violin alone.
 That was a fun experience, they couldn't lie, just get their violin and let all the complex feelings inside their mind become beautiful notes into their instrument and fill the air around them as a pleasant song instead of a mess of thoughts. Music always calmed them down since they were a baby to this moment, and it was an easy escape when they needed it.
 It was something they would do since their school days: get the violin, hide in the forest and play until their feelings were in place again. This time they were near the Emperor’s castle, later they would have a little reunion about plans for the day of Unity, and Raine was putting feelings about it out of their chest. They felt awful about the stuff they had to do to get so close to the Emperor. They didn't like that, but it was necessary. They were trying to convince themselves that the actions were      needed     so they could stop whatever the Emperor had planned for the Boiling Isles.
 The notes had a sour touch to it, mixed into a more hopeful, calm melody.
 They strummed the strings, touching the lower part of them with their bow, with maybe more strength than they were supposed to, but they were full of bad feelings that needed to go out somehow, or  else they would accumulate in their chest until they exploded, and a meltdown was everything Raine would like to avoid when trying to convince the Emperor that they were the most wise choice for Coven Head.
 They didn't notice the teen approaching slowly, with their eyes closed, feeling the notes going out and the song, until they finally stopped,opening their eyes to see the Golden Guard sitting nearby and looking at him, with their mask on.
 "G-golden Guard! I-i-i didn't see you there!" Raine became a blushing mess, stumbling on their own words and trying to keep what was left from their dignity in front of nothing less than the Emperor’s Coven head, and Belos favorite soldier.
 "There's no need to stop playing, I was enjoying it." Their tone and affirmation were the only giveaway that they were liking the song, because the face was hidden behind the owl-like mask, as ever. Raine didn't know why, but hearing such a young voice sound so tired would give them chills. Something was deeply wrong about that kid. "Please, keep playing."
 "I-I.... I-I-I am not as good with an audience." Raine muttered, putting the violin down "But I can try."
 Hunter only nodded, seeing Raine play the first notes, a little rushed and jumbled, but as the song progressed, they forgot that the Golden Guard was watching, and the song started to have a more bittersweet tone to it. They heard that the Golden Guard had to keep an eye for Edalyn Clawthorne, and Raine felt a bitter taste in their mouth to think that being a Coven Head meant never being able to meet Eda as a lover again.
 They remembered their last fight, both drunk in their house.
     "If you don't want to be with me, just say it! And leave me alone!"    Raine had yelled, and Edalyn's face was surprised, afraid. Afraid that they would leave her at that moment. At any moment. They abandoned her, after all. The song acquired somber notes, lingering on the feeling of sadness. They had to suppress their tears as they let out their feelings. Guilt, sorrow, longing.
 They tried to go to other feelings, but it was impossible, their mind always circling and then coming back to Eda.
  When they stopped and opened their eyes, the Golden Guard had taken off their mask, staring at Raine with an empty expression. The bags under his eyes would make Raine feel an urge to hug them, to scold them to sleep eight hours a day, to tell them to eat healthy. Why such a young kid was a coven head and looked so tired---
 The scars and nick was what more startled them, a kid shouldn’t be that hurt. Those were tears streams? Raine didn’t ask, looking down, face burning from the thought of playing a song about their ex in front of the Golden guard.
 (Not that there were any words to it, and the Golden Guard could guess the subject, but still made Raine anxious.)
 "I-I-I am sorry, it's not my best work, Golden Guard. I.... I will make it sound better if I just play something I already know."
 "You can just call me Hunter." Hunter said, a bit emotionless. "I hope to see you playing more often, Raine.”
 Raine nodded, seeing him shift the position they were sitting, from a rigid stance to a more teen-like way, sitting on one of his legs.
 “Sure, sir. I mean, Hunter. Just as a curiosity… How old are you again?”
 “I am sixteen.” He said, a bit more defensive now. Raine felt how tense he was.
 “Oh, that’s an important age! Have you gotten your own Palisman yet?” Raine smiled, trying to just treat him as a teen, and not, Golden Guard, Belos right hand.
 Something about the scars, the tired expression, the lack of emotion… Made them shiver. When they were sixteen their biggest scar was from an accidental cut and their biggest problem was asking out Eda to go with Grom together. Not leading an entire coven. Definitely not going on dangerous missions for a tyrannical emperor.
 “No, not yet. I got my staff from Emperor Belos, I don’t use this kind of wild magic.”
 “Oh… That’s fair, I imagine Belos doesn’t like wild magic.” Raine said, looking at Hunter. When he didn’t answer, they felt like they touched a delicate subject. “Want to hear another song?” They tried to distract the teen, standing closer to him.
 “That would be lovely, Whispers.” He said, looking at the mask on his lap.
 Raine started to play, mindlessly strumming the strings, just feeling the mood. Hunter seemed to be enjoying it, and some tears streamed down again, but Raine didn’t comment on them, yet. They didn’t feel like Hunter would actually answer if they asked why he was crying. When they finished, Hunter had put the mask on a while ago, but Raine could tell he was holding up sobs, by the way his breath was uneven and the chest moving in spasms sometimes.
 “Music does that to you. Especially a Bard’s song, even if it isn’t my intention to use magic while I play.” Raine reassured him “Brings feelings you didn’t know you had. Bring out smiles and tears. Sometimes all I do is play music and my feelings take over me.”
 “Feelings are a weakness.” Hunter affirmed, a voice cracking in a way that made Raine be sure he still was crying.
 “Everyone has feelings. I know they can be hard to deal with, but it’s healthy to feel them, and sometimes.... Just cry to a song you liked.”
 Raine started to play again, now they remembered about  Raine’s Rhapsody and they were letting the song soothe them, using the bard’s magic to make the objects float around ��And talk about it with someone you trust. Like your parents, or a friend, or nice adult. No one can keep all of their feelings to themself and feel good.”
 “... Wouldn’t this be awful? I mean, why would someone want to hear another person’s feelings?”
 “Sometimes, they’re friends. And friends do that for each other.” Raine stopped playing the song, Hunter’s words had set off many red alert lights on their brain. “Did you never… Tell your feelings to someone?” They asked, worried.
 “Well, I ramble about them alone on my bedroom and on my notebook--”
 “No, a real person.” Raine interrupted, with a worried look “With a real person that can hug you when you start to cry and that can pat your back, and bring you some water when you’re feeling like shit.” Raine struggled to say the last word, but they thought that would be more relatable to the teen. Teenagers liked cuss words, right?
 “That would be hard, I am always feeling like shit.” Hunter laughed, but Raine didn’t, making him go silent.
 “Do you… Need to talk about something?” Raine asked carefully, trying to sound the least threatening possible. They tried to put care into their voice, as well as an welcoming tone. Having the right tone on their voice was treated like getting the right tone on a song: One wrong tone and you could end up ruining your whole performance.
 “I… It’s just that… You know, all of-- All of this--” Hunter was trying to say something, but stopped himself “No, I      DON’T     need to.” Hunter’s body language changed from leaning closer to Raine to tense and alert in a matter of seconds, and he stood up quickly “It was a pleasure to meet you, Mx. Whispers. But I got to go. I have more pressing matters to attend to.”
 Raine nodded, noticing they crossed a boundary there, but they were okay about it. They noticed Hunter’s sudden shift of body language, and that would only make sense. Raine was a teacher, and it wouldn’t be the first time they offered comfort to an abused kid. Reaching for them on days they were beaten up, asking how they were feeling, if they needed a hug or just to chat. Show that things could get better. Get one of their hidden candy and give it to them as a promise that someone cared for them. It wasn’t the first time that an abused kid told them they didn’t need help and drifted away. They knew some parents would double the abuse on the kids when they discovered they had been snitched to another adult.
  It would only make sense for Hunter to dodge any questions and any comfort. It didn’t make it less okay, though. Raine made a mental note to offer comfort in other ways.
 Hunter stopped a bit and turned to Raine. He took off the mask, to show a face with many streams of tears that were already drying out, and an even more exhausted expression.
 “It was nice to talk to you. I hope to hear your violin again.”
 “No problem, Hunter. And I mean, you can reach out if you just need to spend time with someone. I can just pretend you aren’t there and play.”
 “That… That would be nice, actually.” Hunter muttered, putting the mask on again “Goodbye, Raine.”
 He slowly walked away, tired. Raine sighed and got their violin again.
 Maybe it was time to plan how to help that poor kid.
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aeonghaseyo · 3 years
Around You
Summary: The actions of a street cat taught you to shoot your shot and approach the older Kambal. But it didn't necessarily mean you had to change into a cat yourself to get his attention. ...right?
Word Count: 1459 AO3 link
Relationships: Crispin x CatSigbin!Reader Category: F/M Characters: Manang Muning, Crispin, Basilio Languages used: English, Tagalog Author's Note: I saw @adarlingwrites's sigbin OC in her Tumblr and I thought, why not write a fic with a cat sigbin reader? And here we are. 'Sup Crispin simps, I dedicate this to you. I hc that he's fond of cats, but that will have to wait until the next chapter. Enjoy! Inspired by the song Around You by LOONA Hyunjin
Chapter 1
“Halika dito anak, kumain ka muna.”
Manang Muning’s hushed tone beckoning you to join her and the rest of her feline family for dinner gave you a sense of comfort amidst the turbulent feelings that stirred your being. Normally, someone like you, who thrive among the middle-class folk in Malate, would help themselves to a pint of ice cream just for love troubles. But then again, you couldn’t refuse freshly-cooked daing straight from the old woman herself, which was why you went to her stall that one peaceful evening.
Out of the need to seek comfort through food prepared by your favorite vendor by the church, you quickly wolfed down the pieces of smoked fish in your plate, of course trying not to ingest the spines that clung to the meat. It didn’t take long before Manang Muning noticed your troubled disposition mid-meal and placed a hand on your back soothingly.
“(Y/n), anak, parang nagdadalamhati ka yata,” she spoke, which got your heart fluttering in surprise.
After swallowing that one last bite of your meal, you turned to her and said, “Okay lang po ako Manang. Wala lang ‘tong iniisip ko.”
Another wave of surprise caught you on your toes when Manang Muning once again asked, “Tungkol ba ito kay Crispin?”
Eyes widened, you mustered a quick response that turned into yet another question, “P-paano niyo po nalaman?”
Your inquiry made the old woman laugh heartily while a tuxedo cat nearby sauntered towards her, nudging her forearm to ask for more pets. As she let the cat settle on her lap, Manang Muning finally replied, “Anak, malapit ang loob natin sa isa’t-isa. Tuwing nakikita ko ang paningin mo, parati kong nakikita ang pagmumukha ng lalaking yun. Mukhang sinusundan mo yata pagkatapos mong samahan ang aking mga pusa kapag malapit sila sa pinanggalingan nila ng munting Trese.”
You didn’t think that every time you would be in your cat form tailing after Alexandra Trese and her adoptive twin brothers, your beloved old friend would tap into your vision just to see how you were doing. It was apparent that you weren’t bound to make advances of your own towards the trio in black, especially the short-haired twin, and even in plain sight you weren’t much noticeable. After all, who would pay mind to a small house cat, let alone think that it had emotions of its own?
Your heart sinking within your chest, you let your head bow down and your eyes closed as you dwelled in your disappointment. Trusting in Manang Muning, you let out the woes that plagued you that involved you, Crispin, your habit of stalking him whenever he’s nearby, and how you couldn’t get yourself to approach him and let him know you exist.
A chuckle made its way through the old woman, then she wrapped her arm around you, squeezing the farthest arm of yours from her soothingly and began to impart advice of her own. “Anak, talagang hindi mo makukuha yung taong gusto mo kapag naghihinayang ka masyado. Talagang kailangan mo siyang lapitan para mapansin ka niya.”
It didn’t help that whenever Manang Muning would soothe you with advice of her own in such a comforting manner that your eyes would tear up automatically. As you heard her tranquil voice speaking to you, your eyes were glossed with tears which also somewhat accumulated on your lower eyelids.
So you inadvertently looked like the puppy eyes emoji in Facebook Messenger when you looked at her and said, “Di ko po alam kung paano.”
“Anak,” Manang Muning calmly chided as she stroked the tuxedo cat who was nestled on her lap, “tignan mong mabuti itong alaga ko. Kanina, gusto niyang haplusin siya kaya niya hiningi ‘to sa akin. Hinaplos ko siya at hanggang ngayo’y hinehele ko siya gamit ang haplos ko. Alam mo kung bakit nakuha niya ang haplos na gustong-gusto niya?”
You glanced both at the cat in question and looked back at the old woman. It was then that you realized what you could do to charm the demigod you were yearning for.
From the way you held your ice cream cup as you feasted on the frozen dairy treat, you were nervous as hell, and it was very telling. You could have sworn that your ice cream permanently rendered your hands akin to popsicles as you stared at the dessert on your non-dominant hand. You knew what to do the next time you encounter Crispin, but how would you pull it off smoothly?
Remembering that one night when Manang Muning imparted a valuable lesson to you to limit your hesitations and shoot your shot with the demigod, you knew very well that she meant to tell you to just approach him. It didn’t mean she recommended you to change into your cat form and get his attention the way that other cat did to your beloved manang. But then again, it was your idea. You told her you were going to get Crispin’s attention as a cat. Everyone loves cats right? Besides, it was better than stalking your object of adoration from the alleys and in plain sight, even just as a regular house cat. (Or street cat? Technically, you did have a home.) Love really makes you come up with stupid ideas for sure.
Speak of the devil.
The demigod twins were right at your proximity, and you could tell from the ringing of the entrance door which revealed the both of them entering the premises. Basilio, the younger, long-haired twin, was chattering away while Crispin seemingly paid no mind to him. It seemed strange, however, that their Bossing was not with them. It didn’t take long for you to notice that you were staring at them as the older twin glanced at you for a moment, prompting you to look away and finish your ice cream. What you failed to see next was him smirking to himself before he went to the food aisle.
Your thoughts plagued you as you paused and stared at your now empty cup.
‘God, I can’t believe that shameless idea came to mind. If this backfires I’ll never find love again. Why is this so hard?!’
The stress that accompanied your thought made you unknowingly snap your tiny spoon in two with one hand. It did not help that since the twins were nearby, the sound was enough to make them notice, so their heads immediately turned to where you sat.
“Yikes, the spoon did nothing wrong,” said Basilio in a joking manner as he got a bag of chips from the display rack.
Clearing your throat, you muttered a "sorry" as you got up from where you were and walked to the cashier with your wallet in one hand, wishing to buy another cup of ice cream to calm yourself down. You immediately asked the cashier to serve you that same flavor of ice cream that you loved so much, but as you fished through your wallet for a smaller bill, you noticed that all you had was a 1000-peso bill. As soon as the young man behind the cash register handed you the frozen treat, you blurted out, "I'm sorry, I don't have a smaller bill, do you have change for 1000 pesos?"
The cashier, checking the cash register for enough money for your change, grimaced slightly as he said, "Sorry ma'am, we don't have enough change for that."
Your heart sank all the more as you realized you technically had nothing to pay with, but all of a sudden, you felt as if that heart of yours was caught and gently lifted up as someone handed the cashier the exact amount of money you were supposed to pay the him. You looked closely at the arm and the man it belonged to, and your heart skipped a beat as you noticed that it was actually Crispin who handed the money.
A blush formed on your cheeks as you thanked him for the treat. "I-I have to repay you that same amount next time, don't I?"
Crispin winked at you and replied, "Of course not. Unless you wanna see me again. Now go enjoy your ice cream before it melts."
That smooth motherfucker.
'Jokes on you. I'm the one who's melting, not the ice cream.'
You walked back to that same table you sat by, savoring your first small scoops of ice cream with a new spoon as you glanced back at your crush and his twin brother. By the looks of it, the younger twin seemed to be teasing his kuya, nudging him a few times with a shit-eating grin on his face. Maybe you finally got through to Crispin?
Now you began to second-guess turning into a cat to get his attention.
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Cupbearer (Eren/Reader)
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Part III
Part I
Part II
Part IV (in progress)
Warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT (im watching you, if you see this, begone!), vampire!eren, hunter!reader, fem!reader, smut, some amount of predator/prey dynamics but only kinda?? there is also a significant age difference but only cos eren is immortal and all that jazz. we're all adults here. there will eventually be smut.... and do i really need to say that there's gonna be blood in a vampire fic?
Description: A story of falling in love in 4 parts.
Eren is a bad man (well, a bad Creature) who has done bad things. When he meets the great-great-great granddaughter of one of his former friends in his favorite blood bar, however, he thinks it might not matter so much what happened in the past, so long as he can make the future something worth living to see.
Ao3 link here
After that night, it became increasingly hard for (Y/N) to leave, and for Eren to let her do so.
Something between them had changed. There were moments— when Eren would press feather-light kisses against her forehead, when he would casually leave a cup of her favorite tea where she would find it— where (Y/N) felt as though her heart might burst. It was all the little things that baffled her, all the ways in which he seemed to understand exactly how she felt; it was as though he knew her more than she knew herself. On the mornings that she would wake in his bed, sleepy and sticky and wholly content, (Y/N) wondered what it would be like to have this life forever.
Other days— on days like today— she was reminded exactly why that could never be, and it broke her heart.
Today, they had planned a romantic dinner in the park, an evening under the stars. It was supposed to be something special, a little getaway just for the two of them; they had wanted to leave as soon as (Y/N) was relieved from her patrol, so Eren had moved her things to his place, hoping that they could leave together from there for their evening alone.
In and of itself, that was fine… but when (Y/N) came in, covered head-to-toe in viscous Creature blood, Eren was furious.
“And you call me a monster,” he growled, looking her up and down with hate in his eyes. “I can’t believe you.”
He stood from his seat on the sofa, and (Y/N) began to back away, still wary from the fight she had narrowly escaped from unscathed. Her every instinct told her that she should run, fire a round of silver bullets into his chest, but she steeled herself, doing neither.
“It’s not my fault— they were attacking a civilian,” she told him as he stalked towards her, his face twisted into a horrific scowl. “I tried to stop them— tried to find out what was going on— but then they came at me with their claws, and I was left with no choice.”
“There is always a choice,” he snarled, and it was then that anger filled (Y/N) from the soles of her feet to the crown of her head. "They were probably terrified of you— how could you possibly blame them for lashing out?"
(Y/N) grit her teeth.
“This, from the man who thought genocide was his only option to the same problem?”
Eren made a low, warning sound in the back of his throat, but (Y/N) pressed on.
“You would rather me have died?” she demanded, stepping into his space. “Would it have pleased you more for my body to bleed out on the pavement, ripped to shreds by an aggressive werewolf? Would you even care, or would you just find the next blood bag and move on with your life?”
“Maybe so,” he shot back, “Then I wouldn’t have to deal with your insufferable mouth.”
That stung— but if there was one thing (Y/N) knew how to do, it was to strike back twice as hard as she had been struck.
“Fine then,” she said, turning on her heel. “I won’t bother you any longer. I’ll go out and find someone who actually wants my company, someone who’ll fuck me good and proper over the counter at some hole-in-the-wall bar over on Easy Street, someone younger, with a nicer cock and less fucking baggage— ”
She didn’t get to finish the sentence, or even walk a single step further— Eren grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to him, his fist painfully tight against her scalp.
“Wanna say that again, to my face?” he asked, tilting her head back.
“I’ll go find someone else to fuck me,” she spat, struggling in vain against him. “I’ll spread my legs for the next available schmuck in the closest bar I can find, so you can hear me scream his name and not yours.”
It was a low blow, to threaten a vampire’s claim on something they had previously assumed had belonged to them, but (Y/N) didn’t care. She had almost died today, and she’d be damned if she was going to take shit from anyone about what she had to do to survive. If Eren wanted a fight, she would damn sure give him one.
“Like hell you will,” he told her, pulling her head back so that she had to strain to remain standing. “You’re mine. Flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood— you are my Companion.”
"I belong to no one!"
Those words ripped from her throat and echoed throughout the empty house, and it was then that Eren stopped, looking at her with calculation in his gaze.
"You're right," he said, releasing her hair. "No mortal can serve two masters, lest they love one and despise the other; an archaic religious concept, but an accurate one nonetheless. You've made it abundantly clear where your loyalty lies. I was a fool for thinking otherwise."
(Y/N) began to tremble. "Eren, what are you saying?"
"I release you from our pact," he replied coldly, his eyes so dull and lifeless that it sent a chill down her spine. "No longer are you bound to be my wine-press— I free you from me."
"Go," he commanded, and (Y/N) felt terribly, horribly empty.
Once, he would have told her to come freely, go safely, and leave something of the happiness she brought him; now, he gave her a cold dismissal, and it frightened her more than she was willing to admit. Still, she went, feeling hollow and used, and she didn't bother to shut the door behind her as she turned to walk home, weary from the day and sick from fighting.
Armin had lived for a very long time, but even so, he had yet to meet anyone so foul of temper as Eren when the Hunger was on him.
"Eren, you have to feed."
The vampire, as ill in health as in temper, glared weakly at him. "I'm not hungry."
"But you are Hungry, and don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about. Look, if this is about that girl—"
"I told you not to speak of her!"
Ah, so it was about her. By the looks of him, it had been two weeks since Eren had fed; Armin would bet that he hadn't seen her in the same amount of time.
"If I need to, I'll drag her here to make up with you myself," said Armin testily, "I refuse to watch my best friend starve himself because he refuses to feed on anyone else."
"You will not touch her."
Armin rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything further. He just patted Eren's arm in farewell and set about finding the little lady who was the root cause of his current consternation.
It took longer than Armin had anticipated to find the young woman who had, for all intents and purposes, completely unraveled Eren's composure; her scent, while thick and memorable in Eren's apartment, was hard to track otherwise. Armin spent two hours just wandering the city while trying to catch a breath of it here or there, and when he finally did manage to catch a whiff of her scent and follow it to her, he understood exactly why it had been so hard to track her down.
The girl was a Hunter, of all things.
When Armin found her, she was knee-deep in sewage, her knife embedded to the hilt in the skull of what appeared to be some species of winged reptile. Armin, having been a tad desperate and not actually having been expecting to find anything when he lifted the lid to the man-hole on 32nd and Main, was surprised to say the least— and when (Y/N) ripped her knife free and readjusted her stance into a defensive one directed at him, his surprise turned to intrigue.
“Er, hello there,” he said, scratching the back of his head. “I don’t suppose you’ll take my word for it that I just want to chat, will you?”
Curiously, the words gave the woman pause. She relaxed her stance ever-so-slightly, and then her eyes lit up with recognition.
“Armin Arlert?” she queried, craning her neck up to see him. “Is that you?”
This one grows curiouser and curiouser, he thought, but responded affirmatively.
“Can you give me a bit, then?” she asked, kicking the corpse of the Creature she’d just killed. “I’m not exactly fit for company. Perhaps we could meet later for a discussion over tea?”
“I’m afraid it’s urgent,” he said as she knelt to decapitate her prey— likely for proof of victory. “I think you know why I’m here, so you understand that time is of the essence.”
She didn’t look up at him as she replied.
“If this is about Eren, then I don’t have time to talk.”
Her tone was hard, bitter, and matter-of-fact, and it reminded Armin so much of Jean that it hurt… but just like Jean, Armin would bet that she could be won over by appealing to her inherent sense of human decency
“He’s suffering (Y/N),” he said, awkwardly crouching above the manhole so that she could better see the truth written in his eyes. “He won’t feed.”
“That’s hardly my problem.”
And oh, how well Armin knew that state of mind. If there was one thing Eren Jaeger knew how to do, it was push away the people who loved him most. Armin had dealt with that particularly lovely quirk of his for centuries, and it never got easier to deal with no matter how much time passed. If anything, it got more difficult the older they both got.
“When you’re the solution to a problem, you become a part of it whether you like it or not,” Armin replied, patient and understanding. “He cares for you.”
(Y/N) looked up at him then, fury in her eyes.
“He hurt me.”
Armin shrugged. “He hurts everyone he cares about. It’s just who he is. Nothing comes for free— least of all the love and loyalty of someone as old and as powerful as Eren.”
“Your heart may be toughened to his meanness,” she told him, the head of the creature she’d slain in her hands, “But mine is not, and I don’t like him well enough to willfully remain for him to use as an emotional punching bag.”
At that, Armin couldn’t help but let loose a wry grin.
“No,” he said, “I should think not; but I do think you love him well enough to make sure he doesn’t starve himself to death because he can’t have you.”
(Y/N) was silent for a long moment, then she crossed her arms.
“I won’t come crawling to him. He’s going to have to come to me.”
Armin grimaced. He wasn’t looking forward to that conversation.
“Is that at all negotiable?”
(Y/N) shook her head. “Absolutely not.”
Well, there was nothing for it.
“And you will let him feed if he comes to you?”
(Y/N) thought, then nodded. “If he proves himself deserving.”
Armin couldn't help himself; he laughed. Eren might have met his match in this one.
"Very well. I'll work my magic, and you work yours."
She nodded and bade him farewell, but before Armin left, he paused.
"Hey, (Y/N)?"
"Thank you."
With that, he left her, ready to take Eren by the ear and throw him at her if he had to.
(Y/N)'s heart was racing as she opened the door, knowing good and well who would be behind it.
After her little talk with Armin— and the near heart attack he had given her in the process— she had called in to Zeke and told him she needed to go home to deal with an emergency. A replacement for her patrols had been sent, and she had come home to wash the grim from her skin, making herself as presentable as possible with the time she had. (Y/N) was worried, so worried, that the filth she had been wading in earlier would have left a lingering stench, or even that it had affected the taste of her; she had scrubbed and scrubbed until her skin was raw, hoping to erase every last remnant of her day from her skin…but as it turned out, she needn't have bothered.
Two, three, four hours later, and Eren hadn't shown— it was only now, right at the six hour mark, that he had decided to come to her.
Needless to say, (Y/N) was… less than pleased, but when she opened the door to find Eren pale and drawn, with dark circles beneath his eyes, her heart softened ever-so-slightly. It seemed that Armin was right; he had been suffering.
"You look like shit," she told him quietly, opening her door widely to let him in.
"I assure you, I feel worse," Eren grumbled, but stepped in as she closed the door behind him.
For a long, awkward moment, they just looked at each other, silent and unsure. It was unsettling how unlike himself Eren seemed; he was almost soft when he looked at her, and (Y/N) didn't know how to feel about it. Eventually, though, like two opposite ends of a magnet, they were drawn together, and Eren brushed a piece of hair back from her face.
"Hi," he said, his voice low and rough. (Y/N) caught his hand in hers before it could fall from her hair, and she pressed it against her chest, keeping it trapped there, touching the skin above her beating heart.
They watched each other a moment more before the dam broke between them, and they both spoke at once.
"I'm sorry."
A shared grin, a shy laugh— and then (Y/N) said what they both were thinking.
"You need to feed first, and talk later," she told him, her hand still clasped in his. "You're not off the hook, but I doubt we can have any real conversation with you like this."
Eren nodded gratefully, tugging at her wrist— his usual biting spot— but (Y/N) shook her head, indicating her neck. The thickest, richest blood, she knew, would come from there; and if there was ever a time to be generous with the placement of Eren's bite, she figured that it would be now.
The worst of it was over quickly. There was a brief sting at the intrusion of razor-sharp fangs, and then the vaguely uncomfortable feeling of having something poking down into places that decidedly should not be poked at all, but then (Y/N) quickly eased into the rhythm of the act, focusing wholly on the way Eren's lips felt against her skin. In a few moments, she would become pleasantly light-headed, and then Eren would pull away and look at her like she'd hung the stars. Oh, how she'd missed that look! (Y/N) found herself longing for it even before she quite realized it.
And then, without warning, a vision came, and (Y/N) was swept into another world entirely.
The evening sky rolled endlessly out towards the horizon; it seemed to go on forever, sparkling with more stars than (Y/N) had ever seen before. The full moon was so bright that it cast the whole world in what seemed like silver sunlight, and (Y/N) wondered how anyone could sleep on a night such as this. It was far too beautiful an experience to miss.
Alongside her— alongside Eren, through whose eyes she saw the world— strode Armin and two older-looking cadets who she recognized from previous memories as Reiner and Berthold. Eren was feeling anxious over something, and Reiner and Berthold were… well, they were kind. Reiner especially seemed to be like an older brother, and Eren admired him.
"You'll do just fine tomorrow," said Reiner, placing a large, warm hand on Eren's shoulder. "I'm certain of it."
The memory ended, and (Y/N) came back to herself as Eren's tongue laved over the wounds his fangs had left in her neck, sealing them.
"See anything?" he asked, his breath warm against her skin, and (Y/N) nodded.
"You loved them, too," she said softly, remembering the fondness Eren had felt as though it had been her own. "You loved the Hunters that tried to take everything from you, and— and I think they loved you, too."
Eren pulled away from her, and it was then that she saw the tears shining in his eyes.
"Yes," he replied, his voice broken. "We were children. How could we not love each other as God intended? Hate was never in our nature; it was an inheritance that we couldn't escape."
He paused for a moment, then spoke again.
"I'm sorry I hurt you," he told her, cupping her cheek in his hand. "I lost my temper. I forget— I forget that you're not them."
And (Y/N) understood. She understood that no matter how many centuries passed, there would be wounds that just wouldn't heal for Eren. He would lash out at things that wouldn't make sense to anyone who hadn't experienced the horrors of war as he had. Suddenly, she felt petty for having lashed out as she had, and guilt threatened to rise up and choke her.
"You're forgiven," she replied, leaning into his touch. "It takes two to tango— I shouldn't have baited you like I did. I knew how badly that would hurt you, and that's exactly why I said it."
At that, Eren cracked a grin.
"I expect nothing less from a Kirschtein. Your grandfather would have punched me square in the jaw— and as big as that bastard got when we were older, he probably would have put me on my ass."
(Y/N) couldn't help but laugh, and Eren joined her, their combined joy swelling until there was nothing else in the world but their happiness.
How they started kissing, neither one of them would be able to say afterwards, but in the grand scheme of things, it hardly mattered. Their love was too large to contain, too much to hold back— and it was love, (Y/N) realized, though she hadn't quite put words to it yet. She loved Eren Jaeger, a Creature, a monster, as much as her grandfather before her had and more. She loved him with a desperation that felt like being knocked over by an ocean wave and plunged into depths where her feet no longer touched the sand. She loved him more than she had ever loved anyone before.
And, as he placed her gently on her bed that was barely big enough for two, divesting himself of his shirt above her, (Y/N) thought that maybe she didn't mind it so much as long as he loved her in return.
"I missed you," said Eren, dropping kisses by her ear as he unhooked her bra. "I missed this."
"Me too," she gasped as his mouth wandered to her nipple, her hands fisting in his hair. "Oh, God, I missed you too."
The time for words was soon gone, however; Eren's sinful, sinful mouth traveled lower and lower until he was kissing at the insides of her thighs, parting them to access what lay between, and (Y/N) threw her head back as he spread her open with his hands and sucked brazenly at her clit.
How long he spent there, worshipping her sex, (Y/N) had no idea; all she knew was that she came once from his mouth on her and a second time from his fingers inside her, and when he finally, mercifully withdrew, she was broken down to the simplest parts of herself; there was nothing left but an affection so deep that it threatened to overtake her if she didn't let it out, and she did the only thing she knew to do to release the overwhelming pressure that was building in her chest as Eren pushed his big, veiny cock into her.
She told him what she should have said a long time ago.
"Oh, Eren," she gasped as his cockhead shoved deep inside her. "I love you."
As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Eren went unnaturally still. He looked at her with pupils blown wide inside emerald eyes, and his fangs slightly distended; in any other situation, (Y/N) might have laughed at how surprised he seemed, but it seemed as though she were frozen in time, unable to do anything but stare earnestly up at them, hoping he understood how much she cared for him.
"You… what?"
"I love you," she repeated, her body moving without her permission to roll her hips up into him, moving his cock even further inside her. "Please, Eren, I need—"
He cut her off with a forceful, bruising kiss, and his hips started making slow, deep thrusts inside her, her legs hiked up over his shoulders.
"Again," he said against her lips."Say it again."
"I love you."
Another thrust or two, a hand circling her wounded throat.
"I love you, Eren."
This time, it was only a whisper.
"I love you," she said, and Eren began fucking her in earnest.
"You are so fucking beautiful," he told her as he thrust hard and deep inside her. "You're every man's dream, a nirvana the damned such as myself were never meant to reach. (Y/N), you are everything, and I—"
He seemed to choke on the words, and (Y/N) kissed him as he tried to regain his composure.
"I don't deserve you," he said, shaking with the force of their passion. "I don't deserve your love."
It's not about deserving, she wanted to say, It never was, but then she was coming again, her climax contracting her walls around her lover, and it was all she could do to remain conscious as Eren fucked her relentlessly through it all, chasing his own high.
It was only later, after a shower and something to eat that they finally spoke again. They were back in bed, and Eren's arm was wrapped around her, as though he were afraid to let her go for even a moment; truthfully, (Y/N) thought he was asleep, but then his breath tickled her ear as he said,
"I love you, angel."
And that, (Y/N) thought, had been worth it all, in the end.
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calpalirwin · 3 years
Better Now
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Summary: Putting yourself back out there after a heartbreak is never easy, but you and Ashton are learning that it’s worth it.
A/N: Big thanks to @jessalyn-jpeg​ for listening to me cry over Taylor Acorn songs while I figured out how to combine her latest releases into 1 fic.
Word Count: 2.6k
And away, and away we go!
Aside from the composition book that lay open on the coffee table, the recording room was empty. Face contorting in curious confusion, Ashton picked it up, thinking one of his bandmates had left it behind. But as he caught a glance at the words sprawled across the lined pages in black inked handwriting he didn’t recognize he knew he should have closed it. Songwriting was a very personal thing, and he would hate for anyone to find his own songbook lying around and read the contents. But the words jumped out at him, and he found himself taking a seat, still holding the notebook open in his hands.
“And no one comes to save you, you learn to save yourself. The world, it just keeps going on while you’re going through hell. No, it’s not all that it’s cut out to be. ‘Cuz you can’t hide behind the silver screen. Love ain’t like the movies.”
“Jesus…” he whispered to himself.
“Excuse me?” a female voice asked from the doorway, and Ashton jumped, snapping the notebook shut.
“Uh…” he stuttered, staring at the woman with her hair messily thrown up, dressed casually in jeans and a tank top, a tired but wild look in her bright eyes. “Hi. Can I help you?”
She adjusted the guitar case strap on her shoulder. “Uh, I hope so? A notebook? Standard composition notebook. Black and white colored. Probably impossible to distinguish from any other black and white standard composition notebook. I know, super helpful description. You haven’t happened to see one lying around here, have you?”
“Like this?” Ashton asked, flashing the notebook in his hand.
“It would look exactly like that!” she brightened. Then, her smile faltered. “But that one’s probably yours, isn’t it?”
“Uh, actually no. It was on the coffee table when I came in. I, uh, thought it might be one of my bandmates, but it’s not their handwriting.”
“Oh, so you read it?” she asked. No anger or embarrassment. Just clarifying a fact.
Ashton rubbed at the back of his neck. “Sorry… I didn’t read a lot. Just enough to realize the handwriting was different.” He held out the notebook to her for her to take. “It’s uh, good by the way. Whatever you’re working on. Relatable.”
“Thanks,” she said, taking the notebook from him and flipping through the pages to confirm that it was in fact hers. “I really need to keep better track of my shit… Thanks for finding it.”
“Yeah, ‘course. And sorry again for reading bits of it.”
She waved a hand at his apology. “Oh, it’s fine. My fault for leaving it lying around. Sorry you can relate to it.”
Ashton shrugged. “Heartbreak: part of the standard human experience. Some of your lyrics actually remind me of a song my band put out once years ago. At the time I considered myself lucky to not be able to relate to it. But seeing yours… which is far more poetic than anything four teenage boys could come up with… I’m glad for songs like that. Makes you feel a little less alone in the drowning.”
“Yeah, I’m hoping this helps me at least start to tread water again. How long ago was the heartbreak for you?” she asked, then shook her head. “Sorry, you don’t have to answer that. I should probably be going anyway. Let you get back to your shit, and go off to deal with mine.”
Ashton chuckled. “Nah, it’s fine. It’s been about four months for me. So still recent enough to sting like a bitch.”
She smiled and laughed a bit at his words, but there was a sadness to both. “Two and a half months for me. So just enough to actually drag myself out of my bedroom.”
“And down to a studio where some jackass reads your most personal feelings. Awesome…”
There was a bit more realness to her laugh this time around. “Honestly, not a problem. It’s meant for people to hear, you know?”
“I suppose that’s true. I’m Ashton, by the way.”
“Good luck with the song, Y/N. Feel better soon, yeah?”
“Thanks. You too.” She turned to head out of the room, before pausing and turning back around. “What was that song? The one your band made that you couldn’t relate to at the time?”
Ashton’s cheeks turned pink. “Oh. You don’t wanna hear that one, trust me. Cringey teenage attempt at being emo punk.”
“Damn… Emo punk is my favorite.”
Against his better judgement, Ashton pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Alright,” he gave in, pulling up the song. “But you’re not allowed to make fun of me. Like I said, this was years ago.”
Y/N held out her pinky finger. “No judgement, swear.”
Ashton linked his own pinky with hers, and hit play. For the next three and a half minutes he watched her carefully as she stood there with her eyes closed, nodding her head along with the beat. On one hand, he was glad her eyes were closed because it meant that she couldn’t see him watching her, or see his embarrassment. But on the other hand it meant that he had no clue what she was thinking. He hit pause before it could replay again. “Like I said, some of your lyrics have a similar feeling,” he said with a shrug.
She opened her eyes as she nodded. “Yeah, I see what you mean. About thinking you’re getting the fairytale movie ending one second, and the next the ending is anything but happily ever after. Was one of those solos you?”
He shook his head. “Nah. I’m the drummer. So-”
“Lots of back up,” she interrupted with a knowing nod. “Is it because you don’t sing at all? Or just out of convenience?”
“Mostly convenience. In our earlier days we used to split up singing pretty evenly. And then we all got more comfortable in our roles. But I still sing from time to time in more than a back up way.”
“That’s cool. And I bet it makes recording stuff and everything so much easier. I have to do a lot of borrowing or outsourcing to get all the sounds I want.”
“Not in a band, huh?”
“Nope. Just your regular solo artist.”
“That’s gotta get lonely.”
“It can be. But it also means making things in my vision, and not having to compromise on that.”
“Well, if you ever need someone to lay down some drum tracks, or just some company so you’re not drowning alone, I’m here most of the time.”
She nodded, understanding what he wasn’t saying about an intrinsic need to stay out of the house as much as humanly possible. Away from the memories that haunted every aspect of being awake. “Thanks, Ashton,” she said, once again turning to leave, but found herself turning back towards him, another question on her lips. “Do you mind if I ask you something personal?”
“Go for it.”
“What’s the hardest part of breaking up? Of trying to move on, and feel like yourself again?”
“Honestly? Waking up, and seeing that empty side of the bed. Hits you like a freight train all over again. That kind of overwhelming sense of dread that you’re never gonna feel normal again.”
“But then you get up, and try anyway, hoping that today it hurts just a little bit less than it did yesterday.”
“But it doesn’t, and you start to lose hope that the pain will ever stop.”
“That’s the hardest part.”
“The fuckin’ worst. But hey. It can’t suck forever. Or, that’s what I keep telling myself anyway. That’s what finally gets me out of bed.”
“And hey! Maybe I'll get a hit song out of it in the process, too.” She feigned a smile, flashing her notebook.
“Oh, that’ll be a hit, no question about it.”
“Thanks. For uh… well everything, I guess. See you around, Ashton.”
“Good luck, Y/N.”
Y/N eventually did get the courage to ask Ashton for both his company and musical help, on a day when she found it harder than normal to get up out of bed.
She trudged her way into the studio, spotting him watching a coffee pot in the common living area. “Oh, hey,” he smiled warmly as she pulled open the fridge. “Making a fresh pot if you want any.”
She shook her head, grabbing a water bottle and taking a few sips from it. “Can I get your help today?” she asked in a low whisper, hoping to hide the wobble in her tone.
“Yeah, of course. Everything alright?”
She shook her head again, then wordlessly left for her recording room.
“So, what’s up?” Ashton asked when he found her a few moments later, cup of coffee in hand.
“You’re not allowed to judge me for any vulnerability today.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Good. Because this verse is gonna be really hard for me to record.”
He nodded, taking a seat while she set up behind a microphone. A soft guitar track started playing, and when she took a breath, Ashton prepared himself for lyrics of her most recent break up. So when her soft voice started singing, “ ‘Cuz after my dad died, even though she never let us see her cry, my mom was broken inside, ‘cause she just lost her best friend. Why don’t they prepare you for that? When the picture perfect life you had goes black,” to say he was shocked was a bit of an understatement.
There was a click of the track, and the guitar stopped, the headphones settling around her neck. “I’m sorry about your dad,” he spoke up softly. “I- that’s gotta be rough.”
“Most of the time it’s a dull ache. A small hum I can ignore if I don’t focus on it. But there’s a few days where the pain is all fresh, like I’m learning the news again for the first time. A shock to the system.”
“I like the juxtaposition of it all. Most of the time when people think of love gone wrong, or ending before we’re ready, it’s the break up. Because the alternative… it’s…”
“Yeah. It’s a pain that I can’t imagine, that’s for sure.”
“Lucky you.”
He chuckled slightly. “Nah. Not in the way you think. My own experience is fucked, but in the other direction. He left and never gave a shit.”
“That’s rough.”
“It was, yeah. I guess the small benefit is that I was too young to remember him leaving. So for me, he’s always been gone. Haven’t ever known anything different.”
“See, I’m grateful that I at least have my memories of my dad. Even if he’s been gone longer than I had him. But it’s like a double-edged sword. The memories bring some peace. But it also fuckin’ sucks that they’ll never be anything more than that. That I don’t get new ones.”
“Well, I dunno if talking about him helps you at all. But if you want to, you can.”
“You don’t mind? I don’t wanna bore you, or make you jealous.”
He patted the empty spot on the couch next to him. “C’mon, you asked for my help. Let me help.”
She gave a small laugh before moving to sit next to him. “Remember, you’re not allowed to judge me for being vulnerable.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
He listened as stories of her childhood fell from her lips. He offered her up the box of tissues on the coffee table when her words got choked, and would gently prompt her into continuing when she stopped to apologize. He provided her with stories of his own childhood when her own stories grew too painful to share, confiding in her the way she was confiding in him. And when the sun started to cast long shadows across the room, maybe not a lot of work had been done when it came to her song, but Ashton had helped her nonetheless, and both of them felt a little lighter than they had been in a while.
Help in the form of company was given with much less hesitance after that, with Y/N and Ashton seeking each other out with regularity. Some days would be spent with the two barely exchanging a word as they played out various melodies, or wrote new lyrics. Other days were filled with endless chatter as they shared ideas they had, and provided ideas on how to overcome any blocks in creativity, or just swapped more stories. And other days still, he would help her work on her song.
When Y/N finally finished her song, Ashton was the first person she thought of to share it with, dragging him excitedly into the room with her. “Jesus, this is the happiest I think I’ve ever seen you,” he teased with a giggle.
“Do you wanna hear the song or not?” she asked.
“It’s done?”
“It’s done!”
“Well, hit play! C’mon!”
For three and a half minutes they stood in the middle of the recording room while her song blasted from the speakers. 
“Well?” she asked expectantly when silence overtook them once more. Then, more quizzically, “Why are you staring at me like that?”
He had an amazed smile on his face, dimples cratering his cheeks, and a soft shine in his eyes. “Staring at you like what?” he asked in response.
“Like you wanna… I dunno… kiss me or something…”
His tongue darted out to wet his lips. Then the soft look was melting away into confusion. “Cuz sometimes I think I want to.”
“And other times?”
“I talk myself down because I’m not sure what I want, or what I feel. We’re both still getting over people who caused us a lot of damage. And I don’t always feel like I’m ready to think about starting a relationship with someone new. But I also know that I’m never going to be ready until I actually start doing it. And I really like the friendship we’ve built the past couple of months. I feel more like me when I’m around you. Like, not only am I no longer drowning, I can actually feel the bottom. But I don’t know if those feelings come from being around someone who can relate to what I’m going through right now, like some weird trauma bond. Or if it’s real “I like you’ feelings. And it’s not fair to you for me to not know.”
She nodded, both understanding what he was saying, and what he wasn’t saying. “What if I kiss you instead?”
“Please, don’t.”
“Because you’re scared we’ll hurt each other? Ash, if we don’t at least try, then we’re never gonna know what’s real and what’s not.”
“It’s partially that. But also… If we end up kissing… I’m not going to want to stop.”
“Then you better not be a lousy kisser.”
7 Months Later
Ashton got a small flash of deja vu as he saw the black and white composition book lying open, the beginnings of a song scribbled across one of the pages. “Just another hopeless broken heart cliche. And all my fairytale ambitions, I just watched them wash away.”
“Y/N?” he called out, curious to learn where this song was going, and also where his girlfriend could be hiding. “Babe?”
“But it’s too late for sorry baby, even if you’ve changed. I’m not letting myself break down, count me out. Oh, I’m better now,” her voice sang softly as it came down the hallway with her, a black pen twirling between her fingers. She paused as she spotted him standing there with her notebook, a smile lighting up her face. “Hey, you.”
“Hey,” he matched her smile, handing her the notebook and pressing a kiss to her head. “That’s nice. Whatever you were just singing. What inspired this one?”
“Just reflecting a bit on this past year,” she told him, as she quickly wrote what she’d been singing in the notebook before the lyrics left her head.
“Feeling a lot better these days, huh?”
“Better than I’ve ever been.”
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Remix CH22
And we’re back! Chapters will resume posting on Fridays both here on tumblr and on AO3 (linked below). I hope you’re ready for the second half of this story. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve that are different from last time, so I hope you all enjoy it!
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Chapter 22: Mean
Marinette chewed her lip, picking at the hem of her shirt. She’d been too nervous to sleep, and the coffee she drank on the way to the hotel made her jittery. Clara and her manager flipped through her designs, the silence eating away at Marinette’s composure. Did Clara like them? Hate them? Had Marinette let her down? Why wasn’t she saying anything?
Clara glanced up at Marinette, a smile curling on her lips. She stood up with an amused giggle and took Marinette’s hands. “Oh, Marinette, you can chill. These designs really fit the bill. Choosing you was in good taste. Eloise, send these to my tailor, posthaste.” Clara winked, and Marinette breathed a sigh of relief. “Truly, great work, Marinette. I love them.”
“I’m glad. Thank you so much for this opportunity.” Marinette bowed.
“Although your formality is rather cutesy, there’s no need since you and I are friends, you see.” She spun Marinette around and pulled her in for a hug. “I felt a connection with you right away. If you ever need anything, you just have to say.”
Marinette’s chest swelled as Clara pulled away and brushed her nose with a finger.
“Eloise, write a check for her beautiful mind.” Clara ordered, pacing over to the piano. “I’ve got an idea for a new song that will be simply divine!”
Clara’s manager tore a check from her book and handed it to Marinette as Clara began to pluck at the piano. Marinette did a double-take to make sure the decimal was in the right place, but before she could protest, Clara’s security guard ushered her out.
“Goodbye, my dearest friend. I’ll miss you until we meet again!” Clara blew a kiss.
As the door closed behind her, Marinette glanced down at the check, heart pounding. Clara liked her designs! She considered Marinette a friend! Oh, she’d love to see the look on Lila’s face the day Clara walked the red carpet in Marinette’s dress.
“I’m so proud of you, Marinette!” Tikki said as Marinette tapped the button for the elevator. “You worked really hard, and it paid off.”
“I’m just happy that Clara liked my designs. It’s not about the money for me. I want to design clothes that make people feel good,” she said, stepping onto the elevator. “I can’t wait to tell everyone over tea this afternoon!”
“Will there be cookies at the tea party?” Tikki asked.
Marinette shot her a knowing smile and brushed her kwami’s nose with one finger. “Control that sweet tooth of yours.”
“I want to celebrate your accomplishments!” Tikki shot back indignantly. “If there happens to be cookies there, then so be it.”
“Tell you what,” Marinette said as the elevator dinged on the first floor. “I told everyone to come over at 2. Why don’t you and I celebrate now? Let’s go get some ice cream.”
Tikki perked up, ducking down into her purse. Marinette shut the clasp as she paced out the front doors of the hotel. Pulling out her phone to see where Andre was stationed today, she failed to look up as she rounded the corner and collided with another person.
“Sorry!” she gasped as they both stumbled backward, but upon seeing the face of her victim, her face hardened.
“Finally apologizing for trying to upstage me? It’s about time,” Lila said.
“I’m sorry for bumping into you. Nothing else.” Marinette rolled her eyes and stepped around her.
“So, you’re not sorry for abandoning all of your friends then? For turning your back on Alya?” Lila asked.
Marinette’s hands balled into fists, but she didn’t stop. “Alya made her choice.”
“And she chose me over you.” Lila smirked. “She even got us matching bff necklaces. She’s so sweet.”
“Congratulations. I’m sure your genuine friendship built on honesty and trust will last a lifetime.” Marinette retorted.
“I’m just glad she finally deleted her blog dedicated to that insect. She has so much more time on her hands to do all of my work,” Lila said. “You know, I’m class representative now since you deserted your post.”
Marinette bit her lip hard. Lila was taunting her, and she knew it. How could anyone be this vindictive? Marinette had always known Lila was evil, but she really had a way of one-upping herself. Marinette made a promise with Adrien to stay out of it, but no matter how far she ran, Lila was always right behind her.
Marinette spun around with a sharp retort on her tongue, but a silver limo pulling up to the curb cut her off. She half expected blond hair to pop out, but to her surprise, it was Martin who appeared.
“Hey, Marinette. I saw you walking, so I had my driver pull over.” He flicked his gaze between them. “Do you and your friend need a ride?”
“Ha! She and I will never be friends. I have much better taste,” Lila said.
Martin eyed Marinette, eyebrows knitting together when she shifted her weight.
“Then if you don’t mind, please leave her alone. She’s my friend,” he requested.
“You don’t want to be friends with a loser like her. I’m the great-granddaughter of world-famous piano player, Victor Laurent,” she said, fluffing her hair. Her sinister smile said that she’d taken all of Marinette’s friends once, and she’d do it again.
“Victor Laurent didn’t have any children. He died alone at the age of 72 from pneumonia…” Martin tilted his head to one side. “And anyway, Marinette’s great-uncle is a world-famous chef with his own brand of cookware—my mom loves his knives. Not to mention she knows Jagged Stone and is good friends with Adrien Agreste. She has a lot of connections.”
Marinette stifled a laugh as Lila gasped in offense. Martin blinked in confusion as Lila stalked off with a huff, glaring over her shoulder at them.
“Who was that girl?” he asked.
“One of the worst human beings you’ll ever meet,” Marinette replied. When Martin seemed confused, she added, “It’s a long story. I was actually on my way to get some ice cream. Wanna come?”
Andre was in Marinette’s favorite spot in the Trocadero—a fitting compensation for the unpleasant encounter they’d just had. They found a bench, ice cream cones in hand, and Marinette flopped onto it with a sigh. Lila was insufferable, but Marinette wasn’t going to let it spoil her day. Clara liked her designs. Nothing else mattered.
“So, that’s the girl who turned all of your friends against you?” Martin asked, and Marinette nodded. “Wow. No wonder you changed schools. I would have changed cities.”
“I thought about it.” Marinette took a spoonful of ice cream. “She’s super manipulative, and if you side against her, she does everything in her power to ruin your life.”
“She sounds like Gabrielle just without the muscle, but at least we don’t have to put up with her now that her family’s bankrupt,” Martin said.
“Yeah…” Marinette lowered her gaze. “I bet you were really happy when you found out about Gabrielle.”
Martin shrugged. “I’m glad she doesn’t pick on everyone anymore, but I can’t imagine losing everything. I feel kinda bad for her… Is that weird?”
“I don’t think so,” Marinette said. “Actually, I feel the same way. No one deserves to go through that.” She pursed her lips, jabbing her ice cream with the spoon. “I’m surprised you of all people don’t hate her. She was the worst to you.”
“I try not to hate anyone,” Martin said around a bite. “I think everyone has good inside them deep down, and with the right influence, anyone can change if they want to.”
“So, you think Gabrielle could be a good person?” she asked.
“Well, sure. Why not?” Martin quirked a brow.
Marinette eyed him, a small smile curling on her lips. She sat up and turned to face him.
“Can I tell you something?”
“Uh, sure. What’s up?” he asked.
“It’s a long story, but Gabrielle and I are kind of friends now. I think…” Marinette admitted. “I haven’t told anyone because of everything, but I think you’re right. Anyone can be nice if they want to be, even Gabrielle.” When Martin seemed stunned, she curled her shoulders and added, “Do you hate me?”
Martin’s face softened, and he shook his head. “Of course not! I could never hate you.” He assured her. “I think it’s good. If anyone can help Gabrielle find the light inside of her, it’s you, Marinette.”
She leaned back on the bench with a smile, the spring sun warming her cheeks. Winter was over, leaving the cold and dreary behind. Nature was turning over new leaves. A fresh start, just like Marinette wanted. She took a deep breath, picturing all of the good things in her life. Adrien, Macy, Eliott, Martin, Gabrielle. Chloe, weirdly. Her parents, Tikki, Master Fu, Chat Noir, Clara. New opportunities. New beginnings.
She exhaled, letting all of the negative flow out with her breath. Lila had no power over her anymore, and after two months of running, Marinette was finally free.
♪♫♪ Cruel Summer ♪♫♪
Marinette hummed jovially, the heat from the tea kettle on the stove warming her arms. Her friends would be over soon to celebrate her presentation. After her run-in with Lila earlier, Martin dropped her off at home, where her dad made special macarons for their celebration. Talking to Martin eased her nerves, and Lila’s empty threats were far from her mind. Today she was celebrating.
It was the first time her new friends were coming to hang out at her house. After seeing all of their extravagant homes, Marinette might have felt self-conscious about her family’s tiny apartment, but her friends never gave her reason to worry. If only Adrien were joining them, but he was busy with a photoshoot. He promised to make it up to her, which had her head swimming with possibilities. Oh, she hoped whatever he had in mind involved kissing. Three almosts was driving her wild. Would she ever get to kiss those perfect lips?
And what were they now? Were they dating? Marinette didn’t know for sure, but they had to be pretty close, right? Adrien was so bold with her lately, complimenting her, touching her face, her hair, her hands… One of these days she’d snatch those lips down to hers if he didn’t kiss her soon. Kissing Adrien—the thought alone made her melt.
She wanted to hear his voice, but did she dare call him? He probably wouldn’t answer since he never brought his phone to photoshoots—always so professional. Then again, she could listen to his really cute voicemail… And she still hadn’t told him how her presentation went. Maybe she’d leave him a message. Girlfriends were allowed to do that, right? Oh god, Adrien’s girlfriend! She’d have to get used to calling herself that. Okay, no more stalling. New beginnings. Marinette wasn’t going to second-guess herself anymore. She was going to charge forward with confidence!
Pressing the call button, she chewed her lip with a giggle. This was really happening! One cute voicemail, then the next time they saw each other, she was going to kiss Adrien on the lips. Then they’d become boyfriend and girlfriend, date throughout the rest of collége and lycée, go off to university and get married, have 3 kids, and a hamster named-
What was she going to say in the voicemail? She didn’t know how to be cute and flirty! Every time she tried, she ended up rambling about her toothbrush or falling down stairs. She needed to write a script. Abort! Abort!
“Missing me already?”
Marinette’s heart skipped at Adrien’s flirtatious lilt.
“Adrien! You answered,” she gasped.
“You called me, and you’re surprised I picked up?” he chuckled.
“Well, I thought you had a photoshoot, I was just going to leave a message,” Marinette said.
“I just got done with makeup, so I have a few minutes. I was actually thinking of calling you,” he said. “I’m sorry I can’t be there.”
“No worries. I understand.” She assured him.
“I take it your presentation went well?”
“Yeah! That’s what I was calling to tell you. Clara loved my designs! I’ve never been so happy.” Marinette paced the length of her living room, biting back a smile. “I ran into Lila as I was leaving, but not even she could ruin my mood.”
“Whoa, wait! You ran into Lila?” Adrien asked.
“Ugh, yeah, but it was fine. Martin swooped in before she got me too riled up. She even tried to lie him out of backing me up, but he totally called her out. I’ve never seen her pout so hard.” When Adrien remained quiet on the other end, she added, “I’m fine, really. I’m not going to let her bother me anymore. This thing with Clara could open up a lot of opportunities for me.”
“I guess you’re right. Lila only wishes she were half as talented as you. You’re amazing, Marinette,” Adrien said, bringing a familiar warmth to her cheeks. “They’re ready for me on set, so I have to go.”
Marinette tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Yeah, sorry for interrupting. I just wanted to tell you the good news, and…talk for a minute.”
“You can interrupt me anytime. I’m always happy to hear your voice,” he said. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“Okay.” Marinette bit back a smile.
“Oh, and congratulations! You deserve it, Marinette.”
Marinette hung up with a dreamy sigh, hugging her phone to her chest. She was going to replay that conversation in her head for the rest of the evening. Before she could get lost in her lovestruck daydreams, the doorbell rang.
“Congratulations!” Macy hugged Marinette’s neck the moment she opened the door. “Oh, I knew she was going to love them!”
“Uh, I think you’re choking her.” Martin pointed out, and Macy let go.
“Sorry! But you did it! A major celebrity is going to wear your designs to an official awards show. That’s huge!” Macy squealed. “Oh! Is this your living room? It’s so cozy!”
As Macy pushed past Marinette into the apartment, Martin presented her with a bouquet of flowers.
“We picked these up for you on the way.”
“Thanks! That’s so sweet.” Marinette gestured him in, moving to find a vase in the kitchen. “Where’s Eliott?”
“He’ll be here soon. He was auditioning for another play today, so he’s running late,” Macy explained. “Your house is so cute! Did you make these pillows?”
“Uh, yeah. They were one of the first things I learned how to sew,” Marinette said, filling a vase in the sink. “My dad made macarons, and I’m making tea if you want any.”
Martin helped himself, taking a seat at the table, but Macy moved over to the bookcase to look at their family photos. Marinette set the vase in the middle of the table and grabbed the cups from the cupboard.
“Are you feeling better now?” Martin asked while she set the table. “I mean, after running into that girl earlier?”
“Yeah,” Marinette said, surprised by how much she meant it. “I’m not worried about her anymore. I’m fine.”
Martin relaxed. “Good. You seem happier now than when you first came to school,” he said. “I could tell how sad you were, even when you were smiling.”
Marinette grabbed the kettle from the stove and pursed her lips.
“I guess I’m not as good at hiding as I thought.” She laughed bitterly. “It’s been hard, but I’m really lucky to have people that support me. I have you all to thank for that.”
“That’s what friends are for, right?” Martin smiled, an expression Marinette returned.
“Marinette? Is this you?” Macy held up a baby picture. “You were so cute!”
Marinette’s cheeks burned, but before she could snatch the photo away from her, the front door flew open. Eliott burst in, hair disheveled and eyes wide with panic.
“Eliott? What’s-” Macy started.
“I need help!”
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starksweasley · 4 years
the art of being afraid
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader, pogues x platonic!reader
summary: the three times jj told you he loved you, and the one time you said it back.
note: this was inspired by the song “she’s not afraid” by one direction! also, send requests/messages/criticism/anything to my inbox; i’m open to pretty much anything :)
warning: angst, swearing, tears, underaged drinking, fluff
word count: 4.9k+
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The full moon illuminated your room as you rushed to get ready for tonight’s rooftop party. You hummed as your hands delicately brushed blush onto the apples of your cheeks. Under the moonlight, you could have been mistaken for a greek goddess. You were swiping on a layer of dark red lipstick when the sound of a knock against your window startled you. You whipped around to see a golden-haired boy with a cheeky grin plastered onto his face as he balanced his body over the edge of your balcony. 
“JJ!” In your haste, you struggled to unlatch the lock on the window. The moment it was open, JJ hopped into your room with his hands behind his back. “Hey, baby,” he greeted as you hurried to close your bedroom window before anyone in Figure Eight noticed something strange and decided to spread rumors about you. 
“How the hell did you get up here? My room’s on the third floor!” You exclaimed.
JJ shrugged. “I climbed. Easy.”
You stood with your mouth open and a hundred scenarios ran through your head, all revolving around what could have happened if he had fallen from the third story of your house. JJ, well versed with the look in your eye, immediately decided to change the subject. He brought out his hands from behind his back and showed you a singular rose that looked like it had been plucked from your yard. “I came to give this to you.”
You gently plucked the flower from his hand. A thorn pricked your thumb but you didn’t mind. “It’s beautiful.”
“I know. It reminded me of you,” JJ responded without missing a beat, causing heat to creep up your neck. The boy’s hands lingered near yours and you leaned closer, desperately wanting to feel his skin against yours. 
“Would you zip up my dress?” The black dress you were wearing hugged your body exquisitely. The top was cut a little low, just enough to tease the golden-haired boy beside you.  You turned so JJ could pull up the zipper you couldn’t reach no matter how much you stretched. The boy sharply inhaled when he saw your bare back. His fingers danced on your soft skin and a shiver ran through your body, causing JJ to chuckle. “I didn’t know I had that effect on you, L/N.”
You huffed. “Shut up and pull the zipper, Maybank.” Your words came out annoyed but they didn’t phase JJ in the slightest. He simply pulled up your zipper and moved his hands so they rested on your hips. You hummed at the contact. 
JJ began to slowly sway and you followed, your hands shooting up to hold his to your body. The two of you blissfully danced to the music in your heads and you closed your eyes, letting your body feel every small movement. JJ’s lips pressed a kiss under your ear. “You know,” he whispered, “we could dance like this all night at the party if we told everyone about us.”
Your body froze under his hands. “J, you know we can’t do that.” You turned just in time to see your favorite boy’s face drop at your words. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight. 
JJ’s hands dropped from your hips and your body felt cold without his touch. His gaze fixed itself on your neck, refusing to meet your face. With a sigh, you brought your hands up to gently cup his cheeks. “Baby, look at me.”
JJ’s cerulean eyes finally met your Y/E/C ones. “I want to tell people, J, you know I do. But if the wrong people find out, we wouldn’t be able to be us anymore. You understand that, don’t you?” JJ nodded but his eyes had left yours again. “Well, uh, I gotta go,” JJ muttered before removing himself from your grasp. “See you at the party?”
He was already climbing out the window when you answered, “I’ll be there in ten.” The golden-haired boy sent you one last smile before disappearing into the night. You stared at the spot you had last seen him and couldn’t help but think his smile had been a little less bright than usual. After a moment, you decided that you were probably just imagining it. You hurried to put on your heels and check your appearance in the mirror one last time before noticing the rose that lay forgotten on your bed. On impulse, you picked it up and tenderly tucked it into your hair.  
You snuck past the service entrance at the back of your house and moments later, your feet were padding through the warm night sand next to the pool. The party was down the street on the terrace of Sarah Cameron’s house and you walked absentmindedly, the route to her house engraved in your brain because of the hundreds of times you had gone there over the years. 
Sarah was a Kook princess, but you were the Kook princess. You never meant to draw attention to yourself, it just seemed to naturally fall upon you. The Kook lifestyle was everything to you until you met JJ Maybank. He was wild and so beautifully chaotic: everything you ever yearned to be. The golden-haired boy had pulled you into his world and before you knew it, the galas and the boats didn’t matter so much anymore. You had a foot in both worlds, longing to jump into the deep end with the Pogues but unable to break the chains of Kook pressure.
The moment you stepped onto the terrace, you felt every eye in the room trace your movements. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary so you simply tilted your chin up higher and looked for a familiar mop of blonde hair. You spotted the Pogues in a corner with Sarah and smiled with relief, about to head their way when a hand closed around your arm. You looked behind you to see Rafe Cameron grinning down at you and suppressed the urge to roll your eyes.
“You look gorgeous tonight, darling.” 
You yanked your arm from the tall boy’s grip and took a couple of steps back for good measure. “I don’t want any coke, Rafe,” you seethed through clenched teeth. “I suggest you go find a touron to hassle and leave me alone.”
You turned away, thinking he would leave you alone but Rafe Cameron was no quitter. “C’mon, darling,” he urged, “Don’t be like that. Just one drink.”
“I said no.”
Rafe was getting irritated now. “What, are you fucking some dirty pogue down at The Cut? You know I could make you feel so much better.” His hands were on your arms again and you felt your heartbeat speed up. His grip tightened and you were about the scream to cause a scene when an arm wrapped around you from behind and wrenched you away from the Cameron boy.
“She said no, Cameron.” JJ’s sea breeze scent invaded your senses and you immediately relaxed with his touch. Rafe’s eyes moved from your face to the point where JJ’s body was linked with your own and something shifted behind his eyes. “Maybank? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, Y/N.” 
You sharply inhaled at Rafe’s accusation. If he knew, it was only a matter of time before everyone else connected the dots. You swiftly untangled yourself from JJ’s arms and lightly shoved him away. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” The moment those words left your lips, you hurried away from the pair and immersed yourself in the mess of party-goers dancing in the middle of the terrace. 
No matter how many tequila shots you drowned, the dejected look on JJ’s face from when you pushed him away in front of Rafe continuously popped up in your head. The alcohol in your bloodstream slowly unraveled the tension on your mind and you found yourself swaying your hips with a bottle of cold beer clutched in your hand. In the middle of the crowd, you felt hands all over your figure but you really couldn’t care less. The feeling of sweaty bodies pressing against yours in the dark only exaggerated your intoxicated state and you began to lose yourself in the music. However, your bliss only lasted for a few minutes before the bottle of beer in your hands was suddenly snatched away. 
“Hey!” You slurred. A scowl formed on your lips when you noticed JJ frowning down at you with the nearly empty bottle in his hands. You quickly reached for it but he moved faster, downing the last bit of alcohol in it and tossing the bottle into the nearest trash can. 
“That was mine, asshole!” You drunkenly exclaimed but JJ ignored you. “Shut up and dance with me.” 
JJ’s hands comfortably found your waist and you interlocked your hands behind his neck. Even in the blackness of the night sky, looking into his striking eyes was like being splashed with a bucket of cold water. Suddenly, you didn’t feel so drunk anymore. Your hands began to loosen from around his neck but the boy tugged you even closer to him.
“J, we shouldn’t be doing this,” you whispered. “Not here.”
“We’re just dancing, baby. People dance at parties,” he calmly responded but you shook your head. “Someone’s going to notice something. We can’t risk it. Not now; not after everything we’ve been through.”
JJ’s eyes turned stormy as his heart wrenched in his chest. “All these other guys, they can’t tear their eyes away from you, Y/N!” The frustration in his tone almost made you flinch. “Why don’t you want everyone to know that I’m the only one that gets to take you home?”
It was too dark to see if anyone was watching but only a few inches away from JJ’s face, you noticed a single tear roll down his flushed cheeks. Your hands gently cupped the golden boy’s face for the second time that night. “I want to tell everyone, J. I swear I do. I just can’t. But baby, that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.” You paused, waiting for him to respond but he stood with his lips pursed tightly. Your hands dropped to your sides. “JJ, if my parents found out- fuck, my life would be over. And the rest of the Kooks, they wouldn’t take to us lightly either. You saw how Rafe acted tonight-and he didn’t even know anything!”
JJ had heard enough. “Why do you care what they think?” His hands furiously tugged through his golden locks as he found the right words to voice. “I don’t give a fuck what anyone on this damn island says about us Y/N, because I love you.”
Your breath hitched in the back of your throat. Before you could even think about his words, JJ’s mouth was crushed on yours. Shrouded by the darkness of the night, you felt your stomach twist into knots at the feeling of his soft lips on your own. The urge to draw his body impossibly close to yours filled your muscles; you wanted to hold your boy there and never let him go but you couldn’t. He had said that he loved you. Someone in this screwed up world loved you. For some reason, you couldn’t wrap your mind around the thought. It wasn’t real. Something in your heart told you it couldn’t be real. The realization hit you like a flash of lightning and you suddenly pushed away from the boy in front of you.
JJ’s lipstick-stained lips pouted in a frown and his hair was unruly from where you had run your fingers through it. You desperately wanted to push the stray locks from his forehead but you couldn’t bring yourself to touch him again. “I-I have to go,” you stuttered.
“What? Y/N, what’s wrong? Tell me what’s wrong, baby-”
“I said I have to go, JJ!” You roughly pushed away the hand he had reached out to you and turned on your heel. JJ’s voice echoed after you, calling out your name, but you couldn’t bear to turn around. Seeing his face might have convinced you to actually believe him.
That’s how you left him that night: lips swollen, mascara smudged, and heart racing in a million different directions.
. . . 
The Pogues could tell something was wrong. You and JJ were usually attached at the hip and the whole town knew it, but now you seemed to be avoiding JJ like the plague. If the blonde boy was going to be somewhere, you refused to go. Your friend circle had grown limited over the years, and avoiding the only people you could call family wasn’t good for your health. Every time Kie and John B. showed up at your doorstep to haul you to the beach, they found you with an (almost always) empty bottle of tequila clutched to your chest. 
JJ wasn’t much better off. He still surfed daily and showed up for his shift at work with Pope, but the light behind his eyes was dimmed. No matter how much Kie pestered JJ to tell her what had happened or Pope tried to pull you out of your bed, neither of you relented. 
Although the pogues couldn’t pull you out of your head, Sarah Cameron had other plans. On a hot Thursday night, she barged into your room with an enormous bowl of popcorn and Kie in tow. “Y/N!”
You were laying in bed with your eyes closed and music blaring into your ears. Rolling her eyes, Sarah yanked out your headphones. Your eyes widened at the sudden intrusion. “Sarah, what the-” But Sarah wasn’t having any of it. “You can get up yourself or I’m going to haul your ass up. Your choice.”
You looked at Kie with a “is she kidding right now” look but Kiara simply shrugged; everyone knew the Cameron girl wasn’t accustomed to the word “no.” It must run in the family.
With a heavy sigh, you sat up and made room for the other two on your bed. They settled in on either side of you and Sarah plopped the popcorn on your lap. You greedily scooped a handful in your hands; you couldn’t remember the last time you had eaten a full meal. Kie uncomfortably cleared her throat. “Y/N, what happened between you and JJ?” 
You didn’t answer, licking butter off your fingers and flipping through your favorite movies on Netflix. Kie exchanged a concerned glance with Sarah and the two proceeded to frown at you. “JJ hasn’t been, well, JJ this week,” Kiara cautiously continued. “He smiles but his laughs sound hollow. His eyes don’t shine anymore, Y/N. He needs you.”
You didn’t realize you had been crying until you felt the moisture on your cheeks. You hastily wiped it away. “I don’t wanna talk about it. Can we just watch the movie now?”
The minutes passed by slowly. You tried to focus on the movie playing on your TV but all you could see were your friends’ concerned faces. You were just about to kick them out and call it a night when a frantic knock on your window drew you out of your haze. 
“What the hell?” Kie and Sarah chorused together. “Who’s at your window?” Your chest tightened. You didn’t need to open the window to know who was behind the glass. You slowly undid the latch on the window to reveal JJ, his face covered in the moon’s shadow. The two of you stared at each other. Your mouth opened but immediately snapped shut when you realized you didn’t know what to say to the boy in front of you. 
Sarah peered around your shoulder and a slight gasp escaped her lips. “Oh.” She backed away from you, grabbing Kiara’s hand and leading her out of the room. “Let’s go, Kie. We have to, uh-” She tripped over her words but her voice had already drifted out of your mind. The only thing you could hear was the heavy rise and fall of JJ’s breath, slightly out of rhythm after the three-story climb to your room. 
“Can I come in?” JJ’s voice sounded small, almost broken. You didn’t respond, simply opening the window wider. The golden-haired boy hopped into your room and you thought you heard him utter a small groan when his feet slammed onto the floor. When JJ moved into the light, you sharply inhaled. Dark bruises scattered his face and neck. Even though it looked like it was cleaned, the cut on his lip burned a bright red. JJ’s lip trembled and you didn’t stop to ask questions before throwing your arms around him. You tried to be gentle so as to not hurt him but his grip on you tightened, leaving not even an inch between your bodies. 
Warm tears fell down JJ’s cheeks and onto your shoulder. “My dad, he-he-damn it I can’t Y/N-” The golden boy sniffled and you felt tears pool in your own eyes. JJ always crashed at your place or the Chateau on nights the whole gang kept John B company. You never asked why but you knew something at home bothered him. Now you knew. It was his dad. His dad abused him. The whole time you had known JJ, you wanted nothing more than to protect him and now you felt like you had failed miserably. If JJ had been at your place, maybe he wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Maybe he would have been just a little less broken.
JJ’s sobs grew louder and tears were shamelessly falling down your cheeks. You softly pressed your lips under his ear. “Shhh, baby. I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” JJ nodded against your neck as you soothingly combed through his hair. “C’mon, J, let’s go to bed.” You supported the boy’s weight as he stumbled over his feet and landed on the bed with a quiet thump. You furiously wiped away the wetness on your cheeks before he noticed. 
JJ rested his head on your pillow, breathing in your scent and sighing in content. You delicately immersed yourself in the covers next to him, careful not to irritate any of the boy’s wounds any further. The two of you laid like that in silence while JJ’s breathing returned to normal. His hand slowly itched towards yours and the slightest brush of fingertips sent sparks flying up your body. 
“Can you hold me?” JJ’s voice broke.
You turned your head to look at the defeated boy. “I don’t want to hurt you, J.”
“You could never hurt me.”
“Ok.” Your voice was almost as small as his. You gently pulled his head onto your chest and wrapped an arm around his middle. One hand lightly pulled at his hair and the other traced shapes on his abdomen under his grey tank. He didn’t say anything for a couple minutes so you assumed he had fallen asleep, but his head shifted on your chest. “Y/N?”
“Yeah, JJ?”
He retreated back to silence. You weren’t sure if he really had dozed off this time or he just didn’t want to say what he was about to say. After several moments, the golden-haired boy took in a rattling breath and a small smile graced his features. “I love you.”
For reasons you couldn’t quite put your finger on, you felt your heart begin to sink cowardly. JJ wanted to love. He wanted to be loved. But he couldn’t love you. You had never been loved by anyone. How could this perfect boy change that? You gently shook your head against the smushed pillow. “It’s not real, JJ.”
JJ’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What’s not real?”
“You don’t love me. You just think you love me because you want someone to love. It’s not real. It can’t be,” you whispered in the dark.
JJ wanted to argue. He wanted to grab your shoulders and shake you until you realized how damn much his heartbeat for you. Hell, sometimes he thought it beat only for you. But the night’s events had taken a toll on his mind and body and he couldn’t do anything but softly hum, “You’re wrong, Y/N. You’re just scared. Why are you so afraid to fall in love?”
Perhaps JJ had fallen asleep that instant, or maybe he waited as long as he could to hear your answer. Eventually, he succumbed to his fatigue. Still, as you held the sleeping boy in your arms, no answer appeared in your mind. You spent the whole night trying to find it, but the sun came up and you were still as oblivious to your heart as you had been under the light of the moon. 
. . .
As far as the Pogues could tell, everything was back to normal. You inserted yourself back into your social life, regularly surfing with the boys and crashing Kook parties with Kie and Sarah. JJ wore long sleeve shirts in an effort to cover up the battle scars only you’d seen, but the twinkle behind his eyes was back. On the outside, it seemed as if you and JJ had mended whatever it was you had broken in the first place. On the HMS Pogue, he laid his head on your lap like he always did. During late nights at the Chateau, you two shared a can of beer while your legs intertwined on the recliner as they always did. 
But you knew that nothing was the same. JJ stopped coming to your house. The sheets on your bed felt cold and uninviting without the golden-haired boy’s saltwater scent all over them. At night, you longed for his sweet kisses but when you turned you were met with nothing more than an empty pillow. He hadn’t come out and said it, but you could tell that he didn’t want to do it anymore. JJ was always around you, but you weren’t Y/N and JJ anymore. You were just Y/N, and he was just JJ. Nevertheless, the ache in your heart dulled as you learned to push it away from your mind. For now, ignoring the problem felt like the best way to face it.
The summer sky boasted a brilliant orange and a calm breeze settled over the coast for the night. You found yourself laying against JJ’s chest on a hammock as the sun slowly descended into the ground. Sarah was sprawled over John B and Kie held Pope’s head on her stomach as their hammock rocked back and forth in the wind. No one said a word; it was hard to rip your eyes away from the changing colors of the clouds. 
As the sun sunk down and the stars emerged, the Pogues one by one made their way back into the Chateau, leaving only you and JJ gently swinging in the breeze. His hand was tangled in your hair and you intertwined your fingers with his, wanting to sustain his warmth against your skin. You signed in content. “I miss you,” you whispered. 
JJ sharply inhaled. In a flash, his hands left your body and he was ungracefully pulling himself from the hammock. “Hey! Where are you going?” You questioned as you hauled yourself up into a sitting position. The boy's hands hastily ran through his hair, something you noticed he did when he was upset. “I can’t do this anymore, Y/N!”
Your stomach dropped at his confession. You knew what was coming but you couldn’t help but ask, “Do what, J?”
His eyes widened as if he couldn’t believe you were asking the question. “This, Y/N. Us! I can’t keep pretending like we aren’t broken, like everything’s fine.”
“We are fine,” your voice cracked but you don’t think JJ noticed. He stepped forward so aggressively you flinched, but all he did was bring his palms up to hold your face. “Do you know what I’m doing right now?” His thumbs swept over your cheekbones. “I’m holding my entire world in my hands. You. That’s it. That’s all I need because I love you.”
Your lip trembled. “JJ-” You softly started but he wasn’t finished yet. 
“But I can’t go on like this anymore, Y/N. I can’t keep holding you like this, no matter how bad I want to, if you don’t tell me how you feel.” He paused and took a deep breath, as if it was physically hurting him to say these words. “You keep saying it’s not real, and maybe it’s not. I’ve already learned throughout my life that I’m not capable of love. But you’re just as messed up as I am.” JJ’s hands tightened around your face. “You’re not afraid of scary movies, and you’re not afraid of all the attention. You’re not afraid of running wild with me, but you’re so damn afraid of being who you’re meant to be in this world. You’re afraid of falling in love.”
You wanted to open your mouth to argue. To yell at him for causing the pit in your stomach to widen. But you couldn’t, because you knew he was right. A whimper escaped your lips at the realization. “JJ, I don’t want to be broken,” you breathed.
A small smile appeared on JJ’s lips. “It’s ok to be a little screwed up, baby, because who isn’t?” The boy in front of you took a deep breath as his smile faltered. “But I can’t be with you. Not like this. It hurts a little too much.” His hands dropped from your face and your skin tingled from the loss of warmth. “Goodbye, Y/N.” JJ pressed a kiss on your forehead that was so light you barely felt it. And then he was gone. 
You sat in shock for several seconds. You knew this was coming, so why did it hurt so much when it finally hit you? “JJ?” But the blonde wasn’t anywhere in sight. That’s when your throat wrenched out a sob, a sound so absolutely heartbreaking you could practically feel a piece of you wither and die. You regretted it. All of it. How could you ever feel the same way again?
JJ’s blue eyes were the only ones with oceans deep enough to captivate you for hours on end. Every time his fingers found your skin, it felt like tiny fires erupted in every place he touched. When his lips pressed on yours, the whole world stopped spinning and god, you could have stayed that way forever. And his heart. Oh, his ever fragile heart. It was the most beautiful thing you had ever gotten to know on this planet. And now it wasn’t yours anymore. Fuck. You had screwed up big time.
You thought about what the blonde boy had said before he left. You were scared. Scratch that, you were fucking terrified. Terrified to admit how your heart had grown to beat in rhythm with another’s. You and JJ were both broken pieces that fit together magnificently; that’s how the universe had willed it to be. In that moment, you knew exactly how you felt. 
You leaped off the cold hammock and ran. Where would JJ be? His house? No, he wouldn’t have gone to face his father. The Chateau? No, he would want to be alone. The beach. He had to be at the beach. You sprinted until your feet were on fire and even when your muscles burst into flames, you kept going. Your feet whistled through the sand until you saw him. His back was to you, and he was watching the reckless waves with a beer can in his hands. You were sprinting but you couldn’t get there fast enough. “JJ!” Your breathless voice carried in the wind and JJ’s head jerked around. “Y/N?” His eyes were red. Had he been crying?
He stood up and your feet flew past the last couple yards before you slammed into him. A small grunt left his lips but he didn’t complain. Instead, his arms wrapped around your shaking form tighter than they had ever held you before. Your arms wound around his torso and you pulled away slightly to see his face. His eyes were bloodshot and his nose was red but he looked like the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. One of your hands flew to cup his jaw and the other wound itself in his unkempt golden locks. You looked right into his cerulean eyes before whispering, “I love you.”
JJ’s eyes widened in shock. “What?” 
“JJ Maybank, you are capable of love. You know how I know that?” You laughed as he shook his head. “Because I fucking love you. And-” But JJ’s lips crashed against yours and the words immediately died on your tongue. You moved against his body, holding him as close as humanly possible as a million butterflies exploded in your stomach. JJ tasted like saltwater and strawberries from the tears that covered both your faces and the flavor of your chapstick. 
The golden boy pulled away, lips swollen but curved into a breathtaking grin. His arms were still wrapped snugly around you and you leaned closer, kissing away the tears that lingered on his cheeks. “Let’s tell everyone, J. I’m not afraid of what they might say anymore. When it comes to us, you’re the only thing that matters.” JJ softly breathed in; he wasn’t used to someone loving him this way. He gently grabbed your chin and pulled your face up so his eyes were on yours once again. “This is all I ever wanted. I’m holding the entire world in my arms.”
You smiled and JJ swore your face was brighter than every star in the sky. “Well, I’m holding the entire universe. And I’m never letting it go.”
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babymilkawa · 4 years
our promise
bakugou katsuki
gn!reader :)
angst, fluff if you squint
word count; 1390
the promised neverland au
readers please listen to this as you read
chapter 2 <-
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Life was perfect. You wouldn’t have it any other way. Every morning you’d wake everyone up, help set up for breakfast, clean up, then finish your remaining chores. Once those were done, you had the whole day to yourselves. You often played tag with the younger kids in the forest, chasing them around until you were tired. Your resting spot was often in the comfort of the shade formed by the big tree. Away from the scorching sun, you would nestle your head in his lap while he read. Then he’d comb his fingers through your hair and hum his lullaby.
This seemed to be your favorite part of the day. The two of you would often sit in a comfortable silence while the cool breeze ruffled the pages of his book. The lullaby he hummed was always stuck in your head for the rest of the day.
One day you asked him, “Katsu, where did you hear that from?”
He glanced away from his book and smiled down at you. “I just know it.”
The two of you had been attached to the hip since you were born, growing up into best friends over the years. There wasn’t a thing you didn’t know about one another. You always felt that you were extremely lucky to have someone like him by your side. Even though there was always that dreading feeling deep under, you tried to ignore it. The feeling, no, the fact that he would leave you soon and find his own family. 
Katsuki ranked first out of everyone and you ranked second in the exams. Mother had always told you that families wanted the smart ones, so study hard. So even though you and Katsuki were the same age, you knew he’d be the first to leave. 
One day, when you had exhausted yourself from playing tag with the other kids, you walked over to your usual spot only to find Katsuki absent. 
You turned to see mother calling you. She waved you over and you obeyed, greeting her with a hug. 
“Mother have you seen Katsu?”
She looked down at you and smiled, “He’s not feeling well.”
“oh,” a shadow of a pout appeared on your disappointed face. You were about to thank her and run off again when your mother pulled you with her and walked back into the house. 
“Why are we going back in?” you asked.
“You’ll see,” the signature smile came again. 
She brought you into the dining room and poured you your favorite drink. 
“y/n, a family has chosen you.”
You looked at her in shock. 
“Me? W-why? I thought Katsuki would leave first,” you stood up from your chair. 
“I can see why you’d think that, but they see potential in you,” Mother replied. You didn’t know what to feel. You’d finally be able to see outside, meet new people. But at the same time it meant leave your family here, and Katsuki. 
Mother tilted her head at you. “Do you not want to go?”
You hesitated, “N-no, I do...”
“We’ll tell the others during lunch,” and with that she stood up and left. 
You were still standing, contemplating on what to do. Should you tell Katsuki? Would he be upset? You knew that he was the first person who should receive this news, however. So you set out to search for him.
After a couple minutes, you found him sitting on the ladder in the library. It was dark and quiet here, a small candle illuminated for Katsuki to read. The atmosphere seemed to be the complete opposite to outside where each child was laughing and playing with one another.  
You sat down beside him and swallowed hard. “K-katsu, there’s something-”
“I know,” he interrupted.
Huh? He knew already?
He sighed and shut his book. Katsuki turned to face you and you had never seen him look so serious. He grabbed you by the shoulders and told you that he had saw Mother’s calendar. Your name had been written on the 31st. 
“Listen, y/n there’s something I need to tell you. I don’t think you’re going to take it well.”
Nervous, you nodded for him to continue.
Then Katsuki proceeded to tell you a story. A story about how demons roamed the earth and why you were all there in the first place. To be farmed as food. Livestock. That’s all you were. You kept quiet while he was speaking but inside, you were experiencing a whirlwind of emotions. Fear, anger, betrayal. Everything you knew in life had been stripped of you. 
When he was done he looked at you and noticed your figure shaking. The blonde grabbed your hand and pulled you into him. Your sobs echoed the room and your fists clenched on your best friend’s shirt. Then a thought occurred to you.
“How long have you known about this?” you asked, looking up at him. 
“S-since f- Never mind that, do you understand what’s going to happen?”
You nodded, slowly. 
With a heavy sigh, Katsuki said, “There's nothing we can do. We can’t escape this. We have a month y/n, let’s make the best of it.”
You sniffled and he bent down to wipe your nose. You noticed how he said “we.” You were grateful that he didn’t make it sound like you only had a month to live. Even though that was the reality you had to face. But you wouldn’t be alone. Your departure would affect everyone here. Everyone saw you as their older sibling. The thought of everyone’s reactions during lunch later made you sniffle a little more. 
The nights passed and insomnia took over you. You and Katsuki had beds next to each other but ever since that day, you moved them until they were touching. Every night, Katsuki would hold you and hum his lullaby. He was afraid himself, but he knew he couldn’t show that to you. Katsuki had always tried his hardest so he would be the first to leave. He studied and read so he would get the highest scores. He didn’t think he’d be able to see you go before him. Which he admits, was a little selfish. So why had the schedule changed? 
You stirred in his arms, interrupting Katsuki’s thoughts. He continued to cradle your head and hummed his melody. He wanted so bad to protect you. You were so precious to him and he hated that he was defenseless against the horrors of the outside. Katsuki didn’t want to imagine what you would feel when you were facing death in the face. He shut his eyes tight, pulling you impossibly closer. All he knew was that he would never be the same again after you leave. 
Soon, the day had arrived. Before that, Katsuki had contemplated whether or not to distance himself from you to make your departure easier. But he decided against it. You needed him and he had to be there. If not, the blonde knew that he’d be full of regret. 
You packed your suitcase and waited by the front door. All the children rushed over to you and showered you with tears, cries of congratulations, and hugs. They would miss you, they said. Write us letters, they sobbed. You agreed and hugged them all back but inside, a heavy weight had settled in your heart. You hated these empty promises you were giving. Finally, Katsuki was the last to come up to you. You gave him the tightest hug while shedding a few tears yourself. 
Your mind scanned over the memories you made here one last time. How Katsuki would read his book out loud to you sometimes. How he’d join you and the others in tag if he was feeling it. How you’d found secret hiding spots in the forest that no one else knew about. Katsuki was the warmth that you’ve known for your whole life. 
Before you pulled away, Katsuki whispered in your ear. You could hear his voice trembling, too. A few wet spots trickled on your neck and you pulled away to wipe the tears off his eyes. 
He held his pinky out to you and you linked yours with his.
“Promise,” you both said. 
Giving a quick kiss on his forehead, you picked up your bag and said goodbye.
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a/n: there will be a part 2 so please look forward to it!
bnha masterlist
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