#'Yeah this medicine isn't good for my stomach but I'm not feeling well so just one pill won't irritate my stomach'
heartshattering · 5 months
Today is an IBS flare day and I'm regretting all of my life decisions
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arcanadreams · 5 months
period comfort, bloomic style
i'm about ten years late to this game but better late than never!! title says it all. i started writing this on my period but then it took me like a whole week to get done with it so i'm not even on it anymore LMAO. oh well
these are written with gender neutral reader in mind, tho they do have a uterus for the sake of the prompt lol. i also use the username lovelylola for them, for simplicity's sake. i imagine these as taking place after the events of the bulk of the story, but before you guys meet in person. i may make a follow-up of what they do when y'all finally live together if i feel inspired enough haha
lovelylola: i know i said i was going to bed early to sleep it off but it hurts so bad lovelylola: can we have our usual call after all? Quest: of course, angel <3
He hated the fact you were in pain, but he also couldn't help but feel honored that you felt comfortable sharing your pain with him, going to him when you were hurting. It felt so good to be trusted like that, especially by you.
When you joined voice, Quest almost choked on the water he was drinking. You were so. Fucking. Cute.
There you were, curled on your side in bed, wrapped in blankets, smiling through a pained grimace. Your eyes lit up at the sight of him. "Hey, handsome."
"Hey, angel," he replied softly. Immediately, his caretaker tendencies took over. "Are you drinking water?" A nod on your end. "Did you take any medicine?" "Yeah, but I think we can officially cross Aleve out of the running, too; it isn't helping anymore." You winced and curled in on yourself, a cramp shooting through your lower belly, almost as if your body was bragging about the way it resisted your attempts at easing the pain.
Obviously this was something you'd learned to deal with, and it was natural, you weren't in any danger...but Quest still couldn't help but feel like he was letting you down somehow. Damn, he wished he could be there with you now. He so desperately wanted to take care of you. It's what you deserved.
"Is there anything else to try?" He asked. "Mmm, I have my period demon." "...Your what?" You laughed as he arched his eyebrow in confusion and lifted his water for a sip. To Quest's surprise, you pulled the blankets from your body and angled your phone camera down to your midsection. This time, he did choke a little. He managed to mute his microphone just in time to hide it from you. With your phone angled the way it was, you couldn't see the way his face reddened slightly, or the way his eyes wandered. He took in the loose top draped over your body, the way it rode up slightly and exposed a bit of your stomach. And those sweatpants resting low on your hips...you were so damn beautiful. He was the luckiest man alive for you to feel this comfortable with him.
"Anyway, his name is Gengar, because when I opened him up on Christmas and saw his face I thought it was a gengar plushie at first. Cute, isn't he?" Quest snapped back to reality. He had heard you speaking the whole time, and not fully processed it until now, but he was catching up now that he was done...admiring. Sure, that word fits well enough. He realized what you had angled your camera down for was to show him the heated, lower-belly pillow with a sewn-on face and little horns. Ah; this must be the period demon.
You angled the camera back up to your face, a content smile on it from the memories you had just shared with him. Your shirt had slid down off one of your shoulders, and some bedhead was definitely already forming from your time spent tossing turning. Quest cleared his throat.
"Yes. Very cute, angel."
lovelylola: hey not to be a bother but lovelylola: would love to hear your sexy accent rn <3 lovelylola: to ease my unceasing suffering (my period cramps) xyx: rip xyx: as you wish
"That was the easiest time I've had getting you into a call since we met, I'm pretty sure," you said when he joined you in voice chat. "Oh, so now I can't be nice to my doll when they're enduring 'unceasing suffering?'" He rested his chin in his hand, his usual smug yet fond grin appearing. "That is not what I meant and you know it."
The two of you both laughed. You often closed your eyes when you laughed, and Xyx took the opportunity to get a good look at you while you weren't able to see his lovesick eyes - he could never hide the love in his eyes from you, even when he was doing his best to guard his heart when you first met.
You were on your side, in bed. It occurred to him he'd never seen you anywhere but in the chair at your desk. And you'd never seen him anywhere but in the chair at his desk. ...He hid a wobbly smile behind his hand when the thought came to him that he didn't mind this view. He could get used to it, even. The only way it could've been better was if he was actually there, could reach out and pull you to him...
Your laughing fit was interrupted suddenly when you groaned in pain and curled in on yourself. "Don't - don't make me laugh, Xyx," your eyes were open again, gazing at him with a weary smile. "It hurts."
Laughing hurts, hm? He couldn't help but be reminded of when you first made him laugh on a tough day; you told him you were terrible at tongue twisters, but he still hadn't expected you to be that bad. Or that cute. The laughter both helped and hurt him, that day; helped because he needed it, and hurt because it made him realize he was falling again...and that was a painful thought, at first. It was before he knew you'd treat him, and his heart, and his mess, with all the sweetness in the world.
"Oof, that's going to be tough restriction, doll. No making you laugh? Not even when it sounds so lovely?~" You grinned and giggled, hiding the lower half of your face beneath your sheets.
"Is a giggle like that off limits, too?" He continued. "What about a nice chuckle? Maybe even a snicker?" You snorted, your eyes closing in glee yet again. Xyx watched, eye full of both smugness and adoration.
"Mmm...I think I can allow those. None of them seem to make my cramps worse. They do make my cheeks hurt from smiling, though," you said. "That tends to happen a lot when you're around." You smiled at Xyx tenderly, and he offered an equally soft one back...for a few seconds. Then came the grin.
"Are you saying I always leave you sore, love?~" "Haha, stop, you'll make me cramp!!"
nakedtoaster: ffxiv? lovelylola: nnn...not tonight. cramping nakedtoaster: understandable lovelylola: can we still call, though? hearing your voice would be a balm to my aching uterus <3 nakedtoaster: ...don't ever write those words in that order again nakedtoaster: but yes. I'll be in voice lovelylola: <3333
"I take it saying your voice will sooth my sore womb is not your favorite way for me to call your voice sexy?" Those were really the first words out of your mouth when you entered the call, yes. Toaster's cheeks turned red, and they frowned in that adorable way they always did. "You could say that," he huffed. You laughed. At that sound, all the grumpiness from your teasing left him in an instant and a soft smile appeared on his face instead.
"Are you holding up okay?" They briefly glanced away from their screen and looked at you, on your side in bed. "You look cozy, at least." "I'm definitely cozy now that you're here to keep me company." "You-!" Toaster squirmed in their seat, pulling their microphone closer. You smiled brightly, affection sparkling in your eyes.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just...you're so cute, Toaster. Teasing you a little helps me forget that my guts are trying to kill me." You propped yourself up on your elbow as you spoke. "I'd hardly call that only teasing me a little," your boyfriend mumbled. You snorted. "Okay, maybe a lot." You winced before you could continue. Toaster frowned, this time out of concern.
They turned away from their gaming monitor. "Even teasing me a lot doesn't make it go away, though, huh?" "No, unfortunately," you grimaced, sitting up. "But don't worry your pretty pink-haired head about it, yeah? I'm gonna go downstairs and heat up a water bottle. Don't miss me too much.~" Toaster rolled his eyes, huffing a laugh at your parting remark. Once you were out of both eye and earshot, he got to work.
Minimizing FFXIV, for just a moment, he started searching. They reasoned that, since you were using a water bottle as a heating pad/pillow, you must not have had one. And what kind of boyfriend would they be if they didn't remedy that as soon as possible?
When you clambered back into bed and came back into frame, heated water bottle in hand, Toaster had a smile on his face. "Wow, is it that fun when I'm not around?" They scoffed at you while you giggled. "You don't have a heating pad or pillow, do you?" He asked you. You shook your head. "Nope. I gotta get myself one of those cute heatable stuffies; you know, the ones shaped like animals? Those are adorable."
"That's what I thought," Toaster smiled to himself. You watched him move his mouse around, clicking on a few things, before opening FFXIV back up. They looked at you before they started playing again.
"I wouldn't worry about getting yourself one of those anymore; you've got about three different ones on the way."
lovelylola: pspspspspsps nightowl: :3 ? lovelylola: hi <3 can we call? i'm having a uterus moment (tm) nightowl: askdhskdfhs nightowl: anything for my cutie!! (`・ω・)ゞ (i'm using this in place of that one salute emoji they use on the bloomic server LOL)
Nightowl looked at you with gentle eyes when you joined him in vc. You knew when you asked that he'd call you as soon as possible, but you hadn't expected him to be in voice before you could even crawl into bed! Honestly, in restrospect, you weren't sure why you were surprised.
"How you are you doing over there, cutie?" He asked, unable to stop himself from smiling at the sight of you snuggled up under your covers. "Mmm...not great. But seeing and hearing you helps." You watched as his face lit up. "Awwww, you mean it?" "Mmmmmhm! You're my painkiller tonight."
Nightowl let out a laugh and smiled widely. "Happy to help. What can I do?" "Just talking to me like this is enough. Ramble to me about architecture? I love hearing you talk about your passions." You watched as your boyfriend's happy smile melted into a lovestruck one right before your eyes.
"You...you make me so happy, cutie. Really." There was a brief pause where neither of you dared speak. "Yeah. Yeah, I can do that."
And indeed he did. He talked about his favorite style of architecture for a good while. He asked you yours, to which you said ancient Greek because 'adding all those columns was a sexy design choice,' which made him almost fall backwards on his bed laughing. Once he could stop giggling, he taught you the types of Greek columns.
"Okay, now that you know what they're called, which style is your favorite?" He asked. "Corinthian, for sure. They went all out on those." He chuckled a little, but before he could respond, you were hit with a wave of pain. You curled in one yourself for a moment, letting out a small groan.
"You okay?" The worried voice of your boyfriend came from your phone. You offered him a weak smile. "Yeah. I just...I wish you were here, nightowl."
"I wish I was there, too, cutie," he responded immediately. He leaned closer to his computer as he continued speaking, seemingly not even realizing it. "I wish I was there so I could get you that ice cream you like and bring it to you in bed, and heat up your water bottle for you whenever it stopped helping, and give you my hand to squeeze when the cramps get bad. And so we could cuddle. Shit, do I want to cuddle you so bad." By the end of his little declaration, you had hidden your face in your patterned sheets, your face bright red. "Nightowl..." you murmured, voice muffled ever so slightly behind cotton.
"Holy shit," he said softly. "...What?" You lowered your sheets down to just below your eyes. "Even your sheets are fucking adorable."
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romanarose · 1 year
Gross Reality
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Santiago Garcia x fem!reader
Join my tag list!
Triple Frontier Masterlist
800 Words
Summary: You are on your period and feel disgusting, Santi isn't phased.
Content Warnings: BODILY FLUIDS, all the bodily fluids. This fic is just me being self-indulgent because I'm feeling disgusting on my period today. Breif reference to butt stuff bc it's me. But mostly, if bodily fluids like puke and shit gross you out, keep going but I know this is the reality for many people who get periods.
A/N: In my head, this takes place in a lil universe of several of my Santi fics, including the one I did with Dolli, Honest Mistake, and but more importantly another Santi period fic I referenced in this fic, Santi With a Reader on Her Period.
Santi Claus: Hey babe, you wanna come over today? The new Spider-verse movie is on Disney plus, we can refuel your fanfiction inspiration 👀or inspiration 👀 for other things 👀
Benny’s Hot Friend: Can’t, busy sitting on the toilet.
Santi realized, again, he needed to change his girlfriends name from what he had drunkenly put it in as months ago at Will’s engagement party.
Santi Claus: … just sitting there?
Benny’s hot friend: No, dumbass
Santi Claus: Did you get distracted watching tik tok for an hour again?
Benny’s Hot friend: NO! Im on my period and it’s day two and everything is fucking awful and I wanna die and I think I’m going to on this toilet
Santi Claus: Cramps?
Benny’s Hot Friend: Shitting, Santi. Shitting. I’ve bled through my tampons after 30 minuets and i'm sick of it and I keep needing to shit and it’s disgusting and I’m disgusting and I’m just free bleeding over the toilet and shitting when need because I can’t trust my farts ARE YOU HAPPY
Santa Claus is typing
Santi Claus is typing
Santi Claus is typing
Santi was very carefully plotting his next words.
Santi Claus: Amor, have you eaten today?
When he didn’t respond, you assumed he’d gotten sick of your shit. It wasn’t that long ago that you happen woken up on top of him with a surprise early period, bleeding all over your new boyfriend who you hadn’t even farted around, and now, although you were more secure, you still worried you’d come across as gross and bitchy and he was over it. Your periods were horrible, the first 2-3 days at least. Dejected, you clean yourself up but only to go get more pain medicine and plot yourself back down on the toilet. 
Another round of cramps came and pretty soon you could add tears and puke to the list of fluids exiting you, ready to just get into the bathtub and cry when you felt your hair being held back and you look to your side to see Santi, eyes concerned and worried, but not disturbed.
“Do you need a hospital, mi vida?”
You shake your head. “No, tummy just hurts.”
Not deterred, Santi holds your hair and rubs your stomach as you empty into the trashcan until the pain subsided enough to try taking a pill again. Dutifully, Santi cleaned up the trash can and your face before guiding you up rinse your mouth out with mouth wash, all while muttering oft praises and encouragement. ‘There we go, let it out’ ‘Do you feel better? Bien.’ ‘Doing good, just spit it out now’
“Santi, I’m sorry, this is so gross-”
“Oh hush. This is far from the worst I’ve seen.”
“Saw worse in the military?”
“No- well, yeah, but I was thinking about the time Benny called me after getting food poisoning from Taco Bell and I had to play big brother while Will was out of town.”
“Yeah” You pant, stomach hurting. “I’ve had to deal with him sick too. He’s a bigfucking baby. Now can you please get out, I need to shit.”
Santi scoffed at that. “You think I don’t shit? I shit all day, three times before lunch-”
“Yeah, you should get that checked out”
“-I’m not phased. I’ve had my finger in your ass, I can handle what comes out of it.”
Finally, you giggle, smiling at him as he sat at the tub edge. “Okay, your funeral.” You bent over in pain again, wondering what the fuck you did to deserve this nonsesnese every month and what you did to deserve to deserve such a loving boyfriend. You wanted to marry this pain in your ass, marry him so hard. He talks to you while you take care of business whipping your face when you get the cold sweats
“Santi, I love you but you’ve gotta get outta here while I clean up.”
He chuckles, but concedes. “Okay, I brought over chinese food-” 
“-and coffee”
“I’ll get it ready in the kitchen when you’re done”
He does as promised and you begin to clean up when you get a ding on your phone. You didn’t realize it was Santi’s until it was too late, and you saw it. No, he wasn’t cheating. No, he wasn’t talking shit. It was the last text you sent him and you saw what your name was on the screen.
Benny’s Hot Friend.
“Santiago Garcia!” You stand in the kitchen with his phone, fully dressed but your hair clinging to your face from sweat. “Wanna explain my contact name?”
He looks confused, then his eyes widen and he stops plating your food. Muneca, listen, I can explain-”
“BENNY’S HOT FRIEND?!” But you were smiling.
He starts to back away, hands raised in defense. “I said you were hot!”
“Did you forget my name that night?”
“Honey, I had like 8 beers and I’m a short king! I was drunk!”
Playfully, you run at Santi, threatening to bleed on him again.
Anyway, shout out to my Peeps in the whorefully yours discord! we all go there and complain about our periods bc they suck. Mine arent THAT bad, I mostly had the shits and the excessive bleeding and I do just sit on the toilet sometimes but I know other people who throw up from the pain.
Your pain is real, and you deserve someone to take care of you
@fandxmslxt69 @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @k-ra @eyelessfaces @ivystoryweaver @steven-grants-world @campingwiththecharmings @ahookedheroespureheart @littlenosoul
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Can I get some kinda Eden Fluff when it's period time? I'm having particularly shitty pre- cramps that are dropping me into a fetal position pretty quickly.
He's lost. Well and truly, lost. When you've spent most of your life living alone, and have never had a uterus or any of those parts associated with it, periods and how to handle them are alien.
His books are no help, it wasn't exactly a proper topic of discussion back when they were written, most mentions of it being something like "But alas, she was not with child as she had wished, for her bleeding time came as it always did."
So, when his darling spouse can barely get out of bed and is walking around hunched up like an arthritic 90 year old, his first (horrified) thought is food poisoning.
"Here, some bread." He offers it to you as you curl up on the bed once more after returning from the outhouse. "It helps."
You only look confused as you take it and nipple on the slice. "Bread? Really? I heard ginger helps, and a hot water bottle. Even orgasms. Never heard bread, though."
"... how are orgasms meant to help with food poisoning?"
Eden feels like a fool when you burst out laughing, clutching your tummy harder and letting out little "Ow,"s in between breaths.
"It's not food poisoning," you finally get out on a shaky breath, "it's period cramps."
Ohhhh. Yeah, he still doesn't understand.
"You get cramps when you have a period?"
"Well, yeah. Cause the uterus contracts and squeezes the blood out like a sponge."
He almost shivers at that. The thought of an organ just hurting when you've done nothing to the damn thing seems cruel.
"Do we have any painkillers?"
With a nod, Eden fetches his box of medicine he'd grabbed from the pharmacy. There's paracetamol, ibuprofen, codeine Bailey gave him cause the damn hospital in town requires a prescription. He lets you have your pick of which as he fetches some water to wash it down with.
"How long do they last?"
"Depends. Can be just at the start, can last a few days into it. Sometimes they get really bad and they're all the way through. And don't get me started on the lower back pain, either."
It can come with back pain? The animals in heat he sees don't seem to be in pain when they bleed. Why the hell do humans get pain?
"Oh, and sometimes you can get headaches too."
"I'm glad I don't have periods."
"You think this is bad, imagine giving birth."
Yeah, no. He's fine right now. He wants kids, sure, but thinking about labour sends his head reeling.
"Did they not teach you about this stuff in science class?" You reach for his hand and place it under your shirt, holding it to your tummy. "You're staying here by the way, no work today. Your hands are warm and it helps."
Eden almost protests before he remembers the food stores are stocked and there's enough firewood for the rest of the week.
"Like I said, I wasn't very good in school. Probably slept through that lesson." He climbs back into bed behind you, spooning you and keeping his apparently warm hands pressed to your stomach.
"... you said orgasms help?"
"Later," you giggle, "when it hurts a bit less. Right now I feel like I'll throw up on you if you jostle me around too much."
"So does the blood like... just drip down your leg? Like a wolf?"
"No, I bought pads, they're in my drawer. Might need to pick some more up, though."
He isn't quite sure he knows what a pad is.
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ellisgirl · 1 year
Ellis Twilight — All Because of A Slight Fever Collection Event
Take Care of Ellis
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I do not own any contents of Ikemen Villains. This story being uploaded in this blog belongs solely to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading their games and buying their stories. Both English and Japanese are not my mother tongue languages, please keep in mind that there will be mistakes and added words for my own preferences. I translate for my personal entertainment and for my own practice only.
Big thanks to @otomefiend 😘 who provided this ellis snippet so we(I) can live happily for another two weeks😍
Kate: "Thank you for going shopping with me, Ellis."
Ellis: "Hmm...if you have any trouble, please call me anytime."
Ellis smiles in the sunset as he lifts a large shopping bag with ease.
I wonder if they are preparing dinner in the city, and if you walk on the street, it smells delicious.
At the same time as feeling hungry, the gait on the way home becomes lighter.
Kate: “Ellis, that is the way home, isn’t it?”
Ellis, who was walking next to me, wandered off to the side, so I hurriedly called out to him.
Kate: "Is it a shortcut?"
Ellis: "Ah...no. I was just a little dazed. Sorry..."
Ellis comes back next to me again, but his steps are unsteady.
Kate: "Oh, are you okay...?"
Ellis: "A little...hot..."
As soon as he murmured, Ellis's slender body tilted toward me.
Kate: “Ellis!?”
Kate: "I'm sorry. I didn't realise that you were not feeling well and even took you out...”
Ellis, who returned to Crown Castle and was diagnosed with a cold by Roger, is resting in the bed in the medical office.
(Why couldn't I notice it sooner........)
Ellis accepts my requests without making a single unpleasant face.
I was always spoiled by his kindness.
(I'm pathetic...)
Ellis: "I rarely catch a cold, so I didn't notice it either..... I'm sorry for making you worry."
My heart is tightened as Ellis cares about me even when he’s sick.
Kate: "Please don't apologise. Let's take a good rest now."
Ellis: “…….Yeah”
Ellis nodded a little and pulled the blanket up to his chest.
When I saw him lying there, I couldn’t help but feel a tingle in my hair—
Kate: "Um... if you don't mind, could you let me take care of you?”
Kate: "I got some lemon jelly from the kitchen! It's a classic when you have a cold, isn't it?"
Kate: "If you feel uncomfortable sweating, I’ll help you wipe it with a warm towel.”
Kate: “Also, water, ice, and anything else you would like, please let me know!”
Ellis: “……….” :0
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As I prepare to take care of him and speak in rapid succession, Ellis rolls his eyes in surprise at me in bed.
Kate: "Ah... I'm sorry for making noise when Ellis is having a hard time….”
(Of course I'm worried about Ellis who caught a cold.….)
(I thought it was a chance to repay the favour on a daily basis, so I was too excited.)
Ellis: "It's okay, you’re not noisy. ....It's lively, isn't it?"
Kate: "I-I'll be careful..."
I can't stand the kindness of choosing words so as not to hurt me.
(Ellis left it to me to take care of him, so I have to do it well.)
Kate: "...You have to take some medicine first, so let's put something in your stomach."
Ellis: "Well, I want to eat the lemon jelly that you brought me."
Kate: "I see you have an appetite, that's good... Here you are"
I gave him the jelly and spoon on the plate.….but Ellis doesn’t accept it.
Ellis: "...I'm feeling a little tired, so could you feed me?"
Kate: “I understand! Could you open your mouth?"
Ellis: “Nn…..”
I gently insert a spoon into Ellis's small open mouth.
Kate: "How is it......?”
Ellis: ".....It's delicious.”
Kate: “Hehe, that's good. Then I'll go on the second bite, aaah.….."
Ellis: “aaah……”
Ellis, who opens his mouth defencelessly at my urging, is like a chick receiving food from his parents.
I'm so happy that he's being pampered, and carrying the spoon doesn’t bother me at all.
In the meantime, Ellis finished eating the jelly in no time.
Kate: “Is there anything else you would like me to do? Please ask for anything.”
Ellis: "Other than that......"
Ellis wandered his eyes and stopped at the pitcher I brought.
Ellis: "Well then....... Can you give me some water?”
Kate: “Of course!”
He continues to be obediently spoiled, and something like a desire to protect him welled up inside me.
After that, I devoted myself to taking care of Ellis.
Kate: “I've done everything I can to help you, but is there anything else I can do?”
Ellis: "If that's the case... I want you to sleep with me.”
Kate: "S-sleeping together...!?"
(Does that count as nursing......?)
Ellis: "If I sleep holding you, it will be warm..... Can I?"
(If you ask me with that kind of face, I can't refuse...)
Kate: ".....Well then, please excuse me."
I take the plunge and gently climb onto the bed.
(I have to make a place for Ellis to take a good rest.….)
Ellis: "......If you're at the edge like that, you'll fall."
Ellis hugged me vigourously as I lay down reluctantly.
Kate: “……..Uh”
I press my face so closely against Ellis's chest that I feel like I'm going to stop breathing.
My heart was struck by the faint scent of soap and the hot body temperature.
Ellis: "As I thought, it's warm..... Thank you, Miss Kate."
Kate: ".…..I'm happy to be of help to you."
I answered as best I could while calming my beating heart.
(I'm nervous, but...)
(I'd be happy to help you, Ellis.....)
Ellis: “Can I talk to you for a minute until I can get some sleep?"
Kate: "Of course. What shall we talk about?"
Ellis: "......I have something to ask you.”
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Ellis: "Miss Kate, how happy were you to be with me today?"
Kate: “Eh……?”
I was caught off guard by the question that fell from above my head.
Ellis always asks people if they are happy.
But I never expected to be asked that question on the day I took care of him.
(It's hard to say I'm happy considering Ellis, who has a cold…..)
(However, this question has some important meaning for him......)
(I'll think about it in my own way and answer it firmly)
Kate: "...Looking back, I was happy to be able to take care of you."
(I was happy that Ellis spoiled me a lot himself and relied on me a lot as well.)
(You let me feed you, give you water, do everything for you......)
(.......Oh, that? Could it be.....)
Kate: "....Did you let me take care of you so obediently to make me happy?"
Ellis: “That’s one of it.... maybe”
(All my feelings were seen through........)
I was surprised, and then I couldn't help but smile, as is typical of Ellis.
Kate: "......You are always kind. I was going to repay the favour, but the favour has increased again."
Ellis: "Not really. It's also true that you saved me by taking care of me...”
Ellis: "It's true that I wanted to be with you."
Kate: “Well, that's good to know.......”
I'm even more happy to know that you're telling me from the bottom of your heart, not to make me happy.
(I wonder if the time will come when I can return so much happiness to Ellis with my own power......)
My desire to give back only grows, but I can't think of any concrete ways to do so.
(......Maybe I just have to do what I can do now.)
Kate: “I was happy to be able to take care of you, Ellis. But….."
Kate: "If you get better, I'll be even happier."
Ellis: “Then….., you're in safe hands."
Ellis: “Since Miss Kate took care of me, I'm sure I'll be fine in no time."
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softhairedhotch · 11 months
lil pre-relationship hotchgan fic that could be seen as platonic but i didn't write it with that in mind!!
comfortember day seven: sick/illness
aaron hotchner x derek morgan
jack is sick and aaron, in his panic, asks derek for help.
word count: 1k
warnings/content: jack is ill, worried aaron, derek saves the day, mentions of food and painkillers, pre-relationshup hotchgan fluff
comfortember masterlist here!
also on ao3!
spider-man and soup
Derek's phone rings in his pocket and he fishes it out, muting the song he's listening to as he checks the contact information. At the sight of Aaron's name, he almost sighs. "We got a case?" 
"What? No, no, sorry, do you think you can come to mine, please?" 
"Of course," Derek replies, stomach dropping at the panic in Aaron's voice. It's rare to hear his voice waver from its usual tone, much less sound as panicked as it does right now, and Derek feels uneasy. "What's wrong?"
"Jack's sick. Really sick. He needs, uh, some medicine, and Jessica isn't available so I guess I thought to call you." 
Derek silently wonders why he hadn't called JJ instead as he locks the front door and makes his way to his car but he refuses to voice that out loud. Now's not the time for that. "What do you need? I'll pick it up, Hotch, anything you want." 
"Cough medicine, some painkillers, cough drops if there's any available just in case, and a few snacks, if you can." 
Derek nods to himself, repeating the list as he starts the car. "Got it. Anything else?" 
"That'll be all, thanks." 
"I'll be over ASAP."
Finding the items for Jack proves much more difficult than he assumed it'd be. There's too many options, ones he's never even had the need to look at before, and he feels rather lost. Glancing around for a nearby employer and coming up short, he lets out a sigh and digs his phone out from his pocket, scrolling through his contacts before finding his mom's and calling. 
She answers on the third ring. "Sweetheart! Oh, what a lovely surprise." 
"Hey, mama," he replies, grinning at the sound of her voice. "Sorry for the random call, I just need some help with something." 
"Never apologize for calling me, Derek, it's always nice to hear your voice." She shuffles around on the other side of the line. "What do you need?" 
"Well, what do I buy for children? For medicine, I mean. When they're sick." 
She laughs, amused. "Derek Morgan, is there something you're not telling me?" 
"Wh– No, ma," he chuckles, "Jack's really sick." 
"Hm, you mean Aaron's boy?" There's a smirk in her voice. 
"Yes, ma, Aaron's boy. He asked me to grab him a few things and I'm a bit out of my depth here." 
"He asked you specifically, hm?" 
"Sorry, sorry, I'm just messin' with you, sweetheart. So, you're gonna wanna grab some Tylenol. Children's one, not the one for adults. The one with the oral suspension, if they have it, that always goes down much better from my experience. And then you'll want soup. Any soup will do but one without any bits in it, like tomato or chicken, also goes down better than anything else. You getting this, honey?"
Derek hums as he throws various items in his basket. "I am." 
"Good," she replies, before listing off a few more items he can grab. 
"Thanks, ma," he says once he's gotten everything he needs. "Really appreciate the help, you're a saint." 
"Takes one to know one." 
"Yeah, yeah," Derek chuckles. "Well, I have to go now, I'll call you sometime later this week, okay? I'll find out when I'm next free to visit and we'll arrange a date. That sound good?" 
"That sounds great. I love you, honey. Take care of Jack, yeah? And Aaron."
"I love you more, ma. And I will." 
He makes his way to the counter and pays for the items when his eye catches onto a mini Spider-man plush. "You wanna buy it?" The cashier asks, already grabbing it from where it's placed on display. "It's the last one." 
"Yeah, sure, why not?" 
It takes fifteen minutes to get from the store to Aaron's, fifteen minutes he's sure the poor man is stressing over in his panic. He pulls up to the apartment and parks beside Aaron's car, ensuring he has everything with him before making his way to the front door and knocking a specific pattern he picked up when he was younger that's become like second nature now.
The door opens immediately and an unkempt Aaron greets him with a relieved smile. Derek feels a flutter or two in his stomach at that but he pushes the thought away and smiles back. 
"Got you what you needed," he says, handing Aaron the bag. "You need me to do anything else?" 
"I think that's all. Thank you, I appreciate it." 
Derek nods and steps inside, ignoring the confused look Aaron sends him. "C'mon man, you're freaking out over here all alone, I'm not gonna leave you like this."
Aaron is speechless. 
"Besides, you'll need some company once Jack's settled down." 
"Will I?" 
"Yeah," he nods, heading to the kitchen and grabbing Jack's favourite bowl from the cupboard. "Don't want you losing your mind, do we? Wouldn't be good for the team's morale." Derek reaches out and takes the bag from Aaron's hand, pulling out the soup and a few more items before giving it back. "Now go be there for your kid, man. I'll make him something to eat." 
Aaron's shoulders drop and he looks like he might cry. "Thank you, Morgan." 
"Anytime, man." 
Later on in the night when Jack is fast asleep with a stomach full of soup, Spider-Man plush wrapped up in his arms and thumb in his mouth, Derek coaxes Aaron out into the living room. He forces him to relax on the couch before going back into the kitchen, coming out moments later with a tray of food. 
"You didn't have to do this, Morgan," Aaron says, sounding guilt-ridden. He looks down at the soup on the plate and the cheese toastie beside it. "I'm grateful, of course, but you didn't have to do all of this." 
"I know." 
"But you did it anyway." 
Derek drops beside him on the couch and grabs the remote, switching on the TV and putting on a random movie. "Of course I did." 
He misses the look of adoration that crosses Aaron's face. 
tag list: @hotchs-big-hands @criminalskies @ssahotchnerr @citrusiove
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lythea-creation · 7 months
Caught on Camera - Shams x fem reader (Chapter 5)
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Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
warnings: none, i think
word count: 1.196
The flashy lights and loud music were surrounding Nadeen and me as soon as we left the car. The party was already alive.
“I need to go and see Shams for a minute. Do you wanna come along or join the party?”, Nadeen inquired.
She could not be serious! I did not even have an invite! But after Nadeen's reflection session earlier today, I kinda wanted to avoid Shams for a bit. At least until I had it all figured out.
“Go ahead! I'll see you later”, I declared and made my way over to the garden.
The noise was telling me clearly in which direction I should head.
I was not really one for parties like this. The drama was inevitable, especially with the social hierarchy of getting an invite. Not mentioning that I did not even know Omar in the first place, neither most of his guests.
So I settled on one of the sofas standing around.
I did not stay alone for long though as some guy sat down next to me.
“Hi, what's a pretty girl like you doing here all on her own?”, he greeted me with a smirk.
“Seriously? That's basically the most overused pick-up line ever”, I teased him, chuckling slightly.
“I just couldn't help myself”, he confessed. “I'm Ali by the way.”
“(f/n)”, I introduced myself casually.
His smirk turned into a genuine smile. “I've never seen you around. Why is that?”
“Well, this isn't really my trope”, I enlightened him. “Though I gotta say that I regret coming here less now.”
“I'm feeling flattered”, he proclaimed, dramatically placing his hand on his heart. “How do you know Omar?”
“I don't, actually. I'm here with my friend Nadeen. She basically dragged me here”, I declared.
“Guess I'll have to thank her for that”, he noted.
“I wonder if she's back already?”, I thought out loud, looking around for her.
But instead of spotting her, I accidentally made eye contact with Shams. Could I even claim it a coincidence, considering the frequency?
After looking around a bit more I finally found Nadeen talking to Omar. Fine by me.
Ali and I were having a great time talking. So why interrupt it?
Although after some time I could not shake the feeling that I was being watched.
But Nadeen was still busy chatting with Omar and Shams was not even looking my way. Maybe I had imagined it.
Ali told me some stories about his time with Omar and his soccer games. From time to time he asked me some questions to get me to tell him a bit about myself as well.
I had not had such a good chat in a long time, but it was disturbed by a nauseating pain in my stomach.
“Are you okay?”, Ali worried.
“Yeah, I'm fine”, I brushed it off, quickly masking the pain. “But I'll need to go for a minute. I really enjoyed talking to you though.”
“All my pleasure”, he remarked.
On my way into the house I remembered that my period was supposed to come soon. How could I have forgotten about that?
I internally cursed myself for being so thoughtless. But it would not change anything to beat myself up over it.
Instead I hurried to the nearest bathroom to check the situation and to my horror my assumption had been right.
Frantically I was looking through the bathroom cabinet, hoping to magically find a pad.
Luck seemed to be on my side at least in that aspect. I even found some painkillers.
A part of me was feeling guilty for taking without asking first. But over the years I had learned not to take my period lightly.
I just hoped that I had taken Shams' stuff and not her mom's. That would be even more awkward.
After some damage control I went to the kitchen to get some water to take the medicine. By now I was already feeling pretty dizzy and nauseous on top of the pain.
At least I found everything easily and hurried to take the painkillers.
As I was only starting to feel even worse I intended to sit down on the nearest chair. But suddenly the world around me was spinning until it all turned black.
When I woke up again I was disoriented for a moment.
The dark blue ceiling was the first thing I saw as I opened my eyes.
Panic rose inside of me. I had never seen a room with such a ceiling before. Where the hell was I?
Out of reflex I quickly sat up, groaning at the pain in my head. My stomach was actually feeling better.
“Hey, it's okay”, Shams reassured me, placing her hand on my arm. “You're in my room. The door is unlocked. You can leave anytime you want. But I think you should take it slow for now.”
I had not noticed her until now.
So this was Shams' room?! I took it all in for a moment.
“What exactly happened? How did I end up here?”, I wondered.
“Well … you passed out in the kitchen. So I made Omar carry you to my bed”, she enlightened me. “How are you feeling?”
“My head is killing me”, I proposed.
“Figures when you hit it on the floor”, Shams noted. “Do you know why you even fainted?”
“My period just loves me”, I joked. “Shit!”
I just remembered how strong my period always was and took a look at her sheets. The pad had not been sufficient. Now all I wanted to do was vanish. Could this whole situation become any more embarrassing?
“Shams, I'm so sorry”, I apologized.
“Nah, it's alright. I know how to get the stains out. We all know the struggle”, she brushed it off. “Wanna go take a shower to clean yourself up? I have my own bathroom. You can also borrow some of my clothes if you want to.”
“You're a lifesaver”, I declared, making her smile.
She got me some clothes and a towel and showed me where her pads were.
I had never expected this evening to turn out like this. Sometimes my life felt like a drama show.
After being finished I returned to Shams' room where she was sitting at her laptop wearing headphones. She was deeply focused and somehow it was mesmerizing. I could not take my eyes off of her.
Nadeen entering the room without knocking startled both of us, although Shams noticed later than me.
“Are you okay? Omar told me that you had passed out”, Nadeen worried.
“Yeah, I'm good now. Thanks to Shams”, I added, sending her a grateful smile which she reciprocated.
This was the first time I was genuinely being nice to her and to be honest I was a bit ashamed of it. She had not deserved my nasty behavior towards her.
After a sigh of relief Nadeen was grinning at me. “Guess I'll leave you two alone then”, she announced and left before we could react.
Next Chapter
I just finished writing and couldn't wait to share it with you. So here you go! Looking forward to the next suggestions. I rlly wanna continue writing rn.
Tag List: @sunwoniie
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thatwriterchaotic · 2 years
Finally here it is! I spent all night writing this up for you my lovelies. 50 Follower special!! Ahh Im so happy to have all of you! anyway I wrote this as a huge thank you to all of you. I hope you love it.
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I could have lost you...
Word Count: 2,269k
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Blood, Violence. Cursing.
It was supposed to be easy. Just a quick run in and run out. Nothing else. It wasn’t supposed to go like this…
Your POV
You woke up panting, covered in sweat from the dream you just had. It had been awhile since your last nightmare. Brushing your hair back from your face you got out of bed. You went to the bathroom to splash water on your face and do your morning routine. Doing your best to shake of this eerie feeling you had in your stomach. Maybe you were just hungry. You were supposed to meet up with Daryl and Rosita to do a morning run into the nearest town. You quickly got dressed and grabbed your pack. Getting something quick to eat on the way out.
You walked out of your house and quickly made it to the gates of Alexandria. Noticing Daryl and Rosita waiting on you. You smiled and greeted them both. You always felt a connection with Rosita and Daryl. Rosita was practically like your sister now. And Daryl… well you always had feelings for him but you wouldn’t admit it. After he told your everything that happened with Leah, you didn’t want to make things complicated between you two. Even with the occasional glances between you two you still just didn’t feel good enough for him.
“Hey!? I know ya can hear me” Daryl said to make you snap out of your own thoughts. Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment. You herd Rosita laugh quietly. Your cheeks only got hotter. “Sorry! Let’s get going” You said to get the attention off you. The gates opened, you got in the small pick up truck with Rosita. Daryl was on his motorcycle following you.
It had been awhile to find this small town. Aaron told you about it on this map he was given to by Maggie. It was quiet until Rosita wanted to pester you with questions. “So you finally going to tell him?” She asked glancing your way. “Confess what?” You said trying to play dumb not wanting to talk about it.
“How you feel to Daryl! Things are kinda getting better back home and it would be good for you both” Rosita said gently shoving you to get your attention. You sighed and faced away from the window. She didn't really know about Leah and what happened in those woods. It wasn't yours to share either. “Just a lot is going on and I don't think it's the right time and besides Daryl probably isn't even into me” You confessed to Rosita. That feeling starting to come back in your stomach.
Oh come on! You can't think like that with Daryl. Maybe he does just nervous to tell you is all” Rosita said trying to comfort you. You smiled a little as the truck went in silence. Eventually you arrived to where you needed to be. It looked like a empty town with a small pharmacy and a few stores to loot. Wouldn't be difficult for you three. The truck pulled to a stop by the pharmacy first. You and Rosita got out grabbing your packs. Daryl wasn't far behind stashing his bike.
The three of you approached the building, Daryl went in first, you second and Rosita behind you. Holding out your trusty machete, you followed Daryl to make sure everything was clear. Once everything was checked you opened your pack and started grabbing medicine. Rosita was in the front of the store grabbing any supplies that was on the list Aaron gave us. Daryl was in the back with you. It was quiet, kind of peaceful.
Hey” Daryl said softly to you. You turned around and looked at him. “ya feeling alright today? Noticed your kind ah jumpy” Daryl asked. You thought it was nice he cared about you. “Yeah I'm alright just had this awful dream last night I can't shake is all” You explained to him as you grabbed more supplies off the shelf.
“Wanna talk about it?” Daryl asked as he moved a little closer towards you. You stopped for a second and set the pack down on the counter. “It was honestly like this really, we went out on a run but it didn't end very well” You said to Daryl as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
Daryl nodded and listened to you talk about your dream. He understood since he had frequent nightmares himself. Sometimes they where about you or him losing you.
It felt nice to talk to someone about your dream. Especially with how close you where to Daryl. You didn't want to ruin what you have now. After everything you've been through you couldn't confess to him the truth.
“All done up here!!” Rosita shouted startling you both. You grabbed your pack and grabbed the last of the meds. “We should get going, saw a few other stores we can loot” you said looking at Daryl. Daryl nodded and watched you walked out the door of the pharmacy center.
He sighed to himself and slid his pack on his back. Daryl cared for you deeply, he wanted everything that was best for you in this messed up world. He also just wanted you to become his world. But after Leah, he didn't want to lose you like that. He shook his head and quickly followed after you.
The first two stores you looted didn't have much in them, besides a few clothes and a few cans that was it. Most of it was all picked over. The three of you arrived to the last store. It was a bit bigger than the first two. Daryl and Rosita went in first this time. Clearing out any zombies if they needed. You stayed out front as look out make sure they didn't make too much noise.
Soon Rosita came and got you to let you inside. You joined them both in searching for supplies. Daryl blocked off the back so the stragglers couldn't get in. It was dark, you turned on your flashlight and looked around. This must have been an old convenience store of some kind. You dropped down and opened your pack shoving some cans inside. Along with a few bottles of water. You stood back up and contined to search around.
That's when you noticed that feeling in your stomach again, it made you sick. Like your insides where twisting and turning in different directions. You stopped and listened. You heard several sets of feet and groaning noises coming your way. It must of been a herd coming through! And there wasn't really another way to leave since Daryl blocked off the back.
You heard a yell and your body went running. It had to be Rosita. You saw the walkers and quickly pushed the closest one away from her. “We got to get the hell outta here!!” You heard Daryl yell coming from the back. The back door was going to come crashing down any minutes. The barricade you put up wouldn't hold forever.
But now the front had a few walkers spilling in. Daryl grabbed his crossbow and started shooting. You held your machete and started to take them down one by one. Rosita was right behind you with her pistol. Eventually there was a path way out the front. “Go go go!!” Daryl yelled and he grabbed his bolts out of the walkers heads. Rosita went out first, you followed right after her then Daryl. You all quickly ran headed towards where you stashed the truck and his motorcycle.
It was getting to hard to get through. So many walkers started to surround you. You swear Rosita was right next you. You started to panic that eerie feeling going through out your whole body. You quickly started taking down walkers. Yelling for Rosita in the process. That's when you heard the truck had roared to life. A bolt zipped by your head and you quickly got in the truck. Daryl had just saved your life. You sighed heavily and leaned back in the seat. Finally you would all make it back home safe.
No no…
This wasn't right…
You rolled up your sleeve and noticed the bite mark on your forearm. All the blood from killing walkers had hidden it. You didn't even notice getting bit from the adrenaline pumping in your veins.
“Rosita…” You said softly not even looking at her. This is how your dream played out. This is exactly how it went. Rosita panted outta breath “What?- Oh shit!!” She said hysterically. She quickly put her foot on the gas trying to get you back to Alexandria as soon as she could. Daryl noticed Rosita picking up speed and knew this wasn't good.
The three of you busted through the front of the infirmary as quickly as you could. You passed out on your way to Alexandria. “She's bit!! We need to cut off her arm!!” Rosita explained as they set you on the closest table. Aaron heard about what happened and came rushing in. “What the hell happened!? How did she get bit!!” Aaron was frightened and confused. Daryl grabbed Aaron by his shirt.
“That doesn't fuckin matter right now, help me save her! Help me save the woman I love!” Daryl yelled at him with tears in his eyes. Aaron nodded and quickly got to work. Rosita, Maggie and Aaron spent several hours in the infirmary to help you as best as they could.
Daryl's POV
Daryl only got more upset seeing what had happened to you. He could've prevented it all. He could have kept you safe. But he didn't. You got bit.
Daryl crumpled to the ground outside the infirmary. He was so scared of losing you. Losing someone he was so close with. He kept losing all the people he cared for. He just couldn't lose another person so soon. He couldn't lose you.
Eventually Aaron came back out. He walked towards Daryl and placed a hand on his shoulder. “She is really lucky Daryl, We got the bleeding to stop and she hasn't spiked a fever at all yet. Things seem really good, She should be okay” Aaron said to him.
Daryl stood up and hugged Aaron. Silently thanking him for helping save your life. He then let go and walked into the room they put you in.
You laid passed out in the bed resting peacefully. Daryl glanced over at your left arm. It was covered in gause and several layers of wraps. He hated himself that this happened to you. He walked into the room and gently sat on the end of your bed. He gently grabbed your right hand holding it in his.
His tears slowly fell down his face. You shouldn't have gone. You should have stayed here where you wouldn't have gotten hurt. “This is my fault.. I should've been there to save you” Daryl spoke his voice becoming raspy as he sobbed. Daryl had always had feelings for you. He always loved you. He adored you.
“I'm the one who is supposed to protect you, to keep you safe from the world out there. I'm the one who is supposed to watch over you and keep you here. I can't lose you too, not after everything we've been through not after everything I felt for you. For what I still feel for you… I love you” Daryl finally confessed to you as tears streamed down his face. Daryl lifted your right hand and kissed it softly.
Your POV
You stirred in your sleep slowly starting to wake up. You grabbed onto Daryl's hand holding it tightly. “D….” You spoke softly looking up at him. His eyes where red and puffy and his face was stained with tears. You gently lifted your hand and wiped away his tears. This man had saved your life. “Don't cry D.. I'm still here” You said softly with a small smile on your face. You did always try to stay positive about things. Even when you felt at your worst. Daryl smiled and moved closer to you. “I'm happy I didn't lose you" Daryl said grabbing your hand to kiss it softly again.
You smiled more and looked at him. “Did you really mean all that?.. what you said?.. You love me?” You asked him staring into his eyes. He looked back at you and cupped your cheek. “I love you..” He said again softly before leaning down and gently but lovingly kissed you on the lips.
You kissed him back your hand going up and into his hair. Gently cradling the back of his head. Eventually you both slowly pulled away. You couldn't look away from him. His eyes where filled with nothing but love and care. “I love you too Daryl…”
Honestly just wanted to thank you all again! You all mean so much to me. And there is still more of you coming and it brightens my day even more. I love writing and sharing it with you all so much. As for requests I'll have those rules up tomorrow. I promise!! :)
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crystalsnow95z · 1 year
Could you do Joon with a high fever and stomach bug during a comeback stage? Caretaker ot6...how they help him
It feels like I'm writing a lot of sick joonie lately.. my two part flu, my collab story and another story where he's sick at a concert..
I'm sorry it took so long halfway through writing. I hated it and started a new idea..
It's staying as long as it is..I'm done editing it >.< I have no idea why I obsessed over this so long, and hate it or not this is how it's staying
Tw: fever, vomit
Namjoon adds one more layer of foundation to try to cover up his pale skin without making it too obvious that he put on makeup carefully, adding it around his face moles so they don't get covered.
I'm doing much better this morning.. I don't need the others worrying about me..
Namjoon checks himself out once more in the mirror before taking a seat at the table, picking up a pair of chopsticks to eat with the others.
"I can't believe this is the last practice before the concert.." Jimin pushes the rice around with his chop sticks, struggling to calm the nerves that knotted his stomach.
"Don't worry, Jiminie. I know you'll do great. We've been practicing for a couple of months and we did it perfectly yesterday." Taehyung tries to quell Jimin's anxiety, rubbing his hand across his knee.
"But for the past week, we've been a member short.." Jimin glances at Namjoon, who just sat next to him. Their leader has been fighting with some sort of stomach bug, unable to eat anything without it coming back up again.
"Don't worry about me. Yoongi-hyung has been sending the practice recordings to watch, and I already learned the choreography before I got sick. I'm fine." Namjoon takes a mouthful of rice to try to prove his point.
"Are you sure you're well enough to perform? You were able to hold dinner down last night, but you still shouldn't push yourself. " Seokjin worries about the youngest rapper, reaching to check if his fever really was gone.
"I'm fine, Hyung. I was cleared to perform tonight. I'll just take it easy." Namjoon allows Seokjin to place his hands on the back of his neck to help ease his mind, the older relieved when he doesn't feel the heat that's been radiating off it for several days.
What Namjoon wasn't telling him is that he was still taking medicine to keep his fever under control, and last night, even though he never threw up, his stomach still cramped up keeping him up most of the night.
We worked on perfecting this album for over a year, I can't let our hard work be in vain just because of a stomach ache.. I have to perform tonight..
Namjoon ate even with his stomach still feeling bloated, knowing if he refused to eat, the others would suspect something was wrong. He kept his bites small, washing them down with sips of water.
"It's really good, we should order it again when the show is over." Jungkook says through a mouthful of food, changing the subject to a lighter one.
"Don't eat too much, though Koo. You don't want to be too full before practice." Jin warns.
"Joon-ah you shouldn't eat too much either, I know you're probably hungry from hardly eating but you need to slowly start eating again.." J-hope frets over Namjoon.
"Don't worry Hobi, I only had some of the kimchi fried rice.. I don't want to push my luck.." Namjoon reassures his fellow 94liner with a gentle smile. "I feel much better today, really. You guys worry too much."
"Seriously, don't overdo it, and if you start to feel unwell, tell me right away, okay?" J-hope places his hand on Namjoon's shoulder, biting his lip when he notices that he could see more of Namjoon's collar bone. "Joon, you lost weight.."
"I wanted to lose a bit of weight anyway." Namjoon brushes off J-hope's grip. "Eat Hoba. You hardly ate anything. You need to keep your energy up. You got a tough slot tonight." He tries to turn the tables, but J-hope refuses.
"Yeah, but the way you lost it isn't healthy. I'll be fine..."J-hope watches Namjoon for a moment before taking another bite. Namjoon has pain hidden behind those eyes, and it looks like he hasn't slept.
"I told you, I'm fine." Namjoon says looking away from J-hope's eyes, jumping when he sees Taehyung standing next to him. "Sh*t! You scared me.."
"Sorry Hyung, I made some ginger tea for you." Taehyung places a cup in front of Namjoon, giving a shy smile.
"Thanks, Tae.." Namjoon takes it gratefully, hoping it would help settle his stomach. But since he made it, he also doesn't believe I'm better..
"No problem. Even if you do feel better. Better safe than sorry, right?" Taehyung gives a warm smile before sitting back down next to Jungkook.
"Right.." Namjoon sips on the tea, relaxing when the warm liquid soothes his aching stomach. "It's really good."
"Shoot, we have to leave in ten minutes." J-hope says after noticing the time, shoving one more bite into his mouth before starting to clean up the table.
Jungkook jumps to help J-hope clean up the table, taking care of Namjoon's mess for him. "I got it, hyung."
"I put the extra tea from the pot in here for you Namjoon-ah." Taehyung hands him his BT21 thermos.
"I said I'm feeling better. Don't worry so much." Namjoon places his hand on Taehyungs head, ruffling his hair.
Namjoon normally didn't feel car sick, yet the moment the car started moving, his stomach felt painfully tight, the seat belt pressing against it making it worse. He tucks his arm around it, using it to stop the strap from touching his aching middle.
"Hyung are you okay?" Jimin asks when he sees Namjoon wrap his arm around his stomach.
"Yeah, I just started feeling sick when we got in the car.. I'll be fine when we reach the stadium." Namjoon felt his stomach flip when the driver made a turn, a small groan escaping.
"Poor Hyungie. Try looking out the window and focusing on the horizon. It might help." Jimin says sympathically, taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. Usually, it was him or J-hope who got motion sick, but on rarer occasions, the others suffered too.
Namjoon stares out the window, keeping his eyes on the setting sun, but it doesn't do much to help settle his aching stomach, though not throwing up was enough to please him. "It helped..thanks Jimin-ah.."
Jimin smiles. "No problem. I'm happy to help."
Namjoon focuses on the voices of his teammates chatting, their excitement helping him be distracted from the pain.
"Army will be so surprised with the new choreography! Especially the hook part! I can't wait to show them!" Jungkook speaks with excitement.
"That's because you plan to flash your belly." Jimin teases him, remembering the move he added to practice yesterday.
"Not my belly.. my.." Jungkook stops in mid sentence to check if his abs were still there after his meal, peeking down his shirt. "My abs!" He confirmed, making the others laugh.
Namjoon smiled, knowing what happened even without looking at Jungkook. He presses his cheek against the window, the cold glass feeling nice on his hot skin. I'll have to take another dose of medicine when we get there...
"You should flash yours with me! Jiminie-hyung and Taehyungie-Hyungie. In the part where it's just us three!"
"Unlike you, I don't quite have abs.." Jimin says with a tinge of pink. "I don't work out as much as I used to back in our debut days."
"Yes, you do.. i saw them a few days ago, and even if you don't, that doesn't matter. Army will still love it." Jungkook reaches over to Jimin to lift up his shirt, but the older vocalist holds it down.
"Jungkook-ah! Stop that! Go bother Tae about his. He's been working out with Namjoonie-hyung." Jimin fights off Jungkook's hands, grabbing his wrists, trying to sound serious, but a smile gives away he's not actually upset.
"He's not the one who says he doesn't have any, you did." Jungkook points out, now trying to peer down his neck line, Jimin using one hand tp hold down his bottom and one near his neck.
"Namjoonie-Hyung got sick like a week after we started. I dont think my body is that great either." Taehyung states, getting the attention off his soulmate, smiling with amusement.
"It was pretty close when you started." Jungkook moves to his next target,trying to lift Taehyung’s shirt to check. "I bet you got at least a little toned!"
"Stop that tickles..." Taehyung giggles, trying to fight off the mankae. "Jungkook-Ah..!" He laughs when Jungkooks fingers brush against his side.
"I feel them!" Jungkook smiles.
Namjoon was thankful for all the noise the youngers were making. It covered up the gurgling of his stomach, discreetly rubbing his hand across it. But not discreetly enough.
"You okay Namjoon-ah?" Yoongi asks, looking over Namjoon with a worried expression. "You're not gonna be sick are you?" He looks around the van, trying to look for a bag.
"Oh, no. I'm fine, I was just thinking about my own body. I probably lost mine while i was sick.." Namjoon wasn't lying to him, just not telling him the real reason. He looks at his reflection in the window. "
"You planning to join the maknae’s stage antics to make army scream?" Yoongi smiles with amusement, raising an eyebrow, dropping the subject.
"Nah, I'll let them have the fun. I hope they don't waste all their energy before the show even started." Namjoon smiles, taking a sip of his tea.
Namjoon's stomach didn't settle when he got out like he hoped. Maybe it wasn't carsickness... Every jump, every turn, every quick position change. It made him feel worse. He was happy they didn't go all out for stage practice. His stomach gurgled angrily at the movements, but he didn't dare touch it to try to ease the pain. He knew the others were keeping a close eye on him.
"That was great, everyone!" J-hope tells his team with a warm smile. "That's enough practice for today. Namjoon-ah, you're sweating more than usual. Are you sure you're okay to perform tomorrow?"
"I lost some of my stamina, but I'll be fine. With a crowd cheering, it'll be much easier. I'll get to bed early tonight." Namjoon walks away from J-hope to get water, but when he goes to bend down to get it, another wave of pain washes over him, making him stumble forward.
"Woah, i got you." Jimin grabs him by the shoulders to steady him."Here, hyung, you can have mine.." Jimin offers his water bottle, helping him to the floor. "You should rest a bit.. You haven't fully recovered yet.."
"Thanks, Jimin.." Namjoon smiles forcing his voice to sound normal despite the cramping that made him feel dizzy.
"Jimin-sii! We figured out the part where all three of us can flash our abs! Come here!" Jungkook calls to him.
"Aiish, that kid.." Jimin smiles fondly.
"Go on. I'm fine." Namjoon shoos him away before Jimin realizes he wasn't just tired. He only allows himself a minute to rest, taking small sips of water before getting up to join the olders.Yoongi and J-hope were fussing over the minor details. "No, I think we should do more center stage.."
Namjoon went to ask what they were discussing, but a stomach cramp made nothing come out but a breathy groan, taking a few steps back before they noticed he approached.
Why now...? I need to get better not worse..
"I think we should do two songs on the left stage, three center and two on the right.." Yoongi countered.
"Namjoon-ah what do you think?"
J-hope was trying to ask him for advice, but he was too focused on keeping his stomach under control, walking a bit ahead of them to keep them from looking at him. "I trust your judgment.Do whatever you think is good Hoba."
"You don't trust mine?" Yoongi tries to tease him playfully, but Namjoon's eyes widen when he feels like he just disrespected his hyung.
"No, no its not like that Yoongi..I'm sorry." Namjoon does a slight bow, not wanting to bend.
"You don't have to be sorry.. Since we got that settled, let’s go back to the hotel." Yoongi gently pushed him towards the stairs.
He must be exhausted from practice. I think he came back too soon.
"I'll round up the kids." J-hope goes to the mankae line to tell them it was time to go, having the exact same thought as Yoongi.
The next day came, but instead of feeling better, Namjoon found himself three steps back. He woke up at six in the morning, dry heaving on the bathroom floor, already empty from the salad he had for dinner that night.
He was tempted to call Jin or Yoongi to come to his room, but then the concert popped in his mind, only making him feel worse..
It must just be stress and nerves.. I was cleared.. I can't still be sick..
Namjoon continued to lie to himself as he shakily rose to his feet getting himself a cup of hot water to try to sooth his raw throat.
"I don't have time for this...the concert is tonight.." Namjoon sighs, looking at his reflection in the mirror, seeing the dark circles and red cheeks. "I look awful.."
Namjoon quickly showers, putting on another layer of make up and taking another round of medicine to try to fight off the sickness that wouldn't leave.
"Good morning Hyung, did you sleep well?"
Jimin greets him with a worried expression when they meet up together to go back to the stadium. "Me and Junggukkie went out this morning to get you vitamins to try to help your energy for tonight."
"Thanks Jiminie..i probably slept a good five hours. It's hard to sleep on the first day of a concert.. especially when we're performing a song for the first time live." Namjoon replies, trying to keep the conversation off of him.
"I'm nervous but excited." Jungkook says bouncing his leg, clearly feeling more nervous than he's letting on.
"We practiced hard. We'll do fine." J-hope reassures him, taking his hand and giving it a squeeze.
Namjoon listened quietly to the others as they drove to the stadium, the others telling stories about past concerts, going over lyrics and practicing the native language. All the different conversations made his head spin.
"Are you okay Joon-ah?" J-hope asks when he sees Namjoon press his forehead into his palm.
"I'm just a little stressed, so it's giving me a headache. I'm worried about being able to keep up tonight." Namjoon couldn't say nothing was wrong.. not with J-hope. He was lucky his friend didn't catch on yesterday.
"If you want to sit on stage and just sing, you can Joon. You don't have to push yourself if you dont have the energy. I don’t want you fainting.." J-hope reassures Namjoon, squeezing his knee softly.
"Yeah joon. You shouldn't do more than you can.." Jin joins in the conversation, abandoning his conversation with Yoongi. Namjoon was more important than making sure he got the lyrics right..
"I'll see how I feel after the first few songs.. I know I'll feel stronger with army cheering. Don't worry about it. I'm just overthinking.." Namjoon tries to make it sound like it wasn't a big deal.
"Alright, but if I tell you you have to rest then you have to listen. Okay?" Jin speaks in a serious tone, not dropping it until he sees Namjoon nod.
I have to try...
Namjoon bit the inside of his cheek when he feels another cramp in his stomach. "Can we go over Just one day one more time?"
Namjoon took the cocktail of vitamins to try to fight off the fatigue that made him feel dizzy.
"Here hyung.." Taehyung gives him a thermos. "To help wash it down."
"Thanks Tete.." Namjoon guessed correctly when he let the warm liquid touch his tongue. It was tea, mixed with ginseng and honey.
"No problem.. ah..hyungie, are you sure you're okay?" Taehyung asks voice thick with worry.
"I can do this. Don't worry. Just focus on the concert.." Namjoon ruffles Taehyung's hair.
"Hyung! She just did my hair.." Taehyung pouts, swatting his hand away.
"Oh, sorry.. I didn't think of that." Namjoon lies. He knew exactly what he was doing. Getting rid of Taehyung before he got a closer look at him.
"It's okay. I'll get it redone." Taehyung returns to the stylist, bowing in apology.
Namjoon goes to his makeup stylist. "I'm sorry..I tried helping by doing a basic layer.." he was safe as long as staff was working on getting him ready. He just needed to do his best to not stick out before sound check.
Soundcheck came, all seven boys going on stage together, starting with just singing spring day then dancing to Fire. Spring day went smoothly, but when it came to the next song, he found himself out of sync, when he dropped low he couldn't jump back up as quickly as the others and no matter what he did go try to fix it, all the jumps made his stomach hate him even more.
Namjoon knew the choreography perfectly. They've done it multiple times at many concerts, award shows, even just as a warm-up during practices, but he just couldn't concentrate. He picked up his mistake right away, guilt churning in his stomach as he tries to correct himself, but he couldn't get himself back on track. He lost the beat.
He tried to follow the movements of the others, nearly missing his part to rap when he notices everyone move back.
Namjoon closed his eyes, focusing on only the music, ignoring everything else. The pain in his stomach, the throbbing headache, the chills that kept making him shiver. No..no..I can do this..
His mind and his body weren't in agreement. He ran into Jin when he was trying to switch positions, but both boys pretended nothing happened.
Namjoon felt tears swelling up, each wrong step weighing heavier than the last, making him feel worse. I can't do this...
Namjoon had to get off the stage, but in his feverish state he ends up going the wrong way, nearly stepping off the stage, army squealing to see him so close, some trying to grab him.
"No Namjoon-ah!" J-hope is the one to grab hold of him, pulling him by the back of his jacket.
"Hoseok-Ah, what's wrong?" Namjoon jumps when he feels J-hope grab the back of his jacket, noticing the end of the stage quickly backing up two steps. "Oh sh*t!"
"Namjoon-ah.." J-hope moves in front of Namjoon to look into his eyes, noticing they don't focus on him, looking glassy. "Joon, are you okay?"
Namjoon quickly looks away when he sees J-hope's panicked expression, but it is too late, he's already checking him over placing the back of his hand across his forehead.
"Namjoonie, your fevers returned.." J-hope states, sucking his breath through his teeth. "You're burning up with fever. "
"I'm fine." Namjoon pushes his hand away. "It's just the stage lights. It's hot here."
"Then why didn't you take off your jacket if it's so hot?" Yoongi was done with his excuses. Hw takes Namjoon's hand, pulling him backstage. "Hoba, please handle things up here.."
J-hope nods, going by Seokjin. "We aren't doing the small talk with army.
"Why? What's wrong?" Seokjin asks as soon as J-hope approaches when he notices Yoongi and Namjoon leaving the stage.
"Namjoon is still sick..Yoongi went to take care of him.." J-hope answers, bowing to army when he passes them.
Jin wanted to follow Yoongi but knew they couldn't just abruptly leave. They had to be professional. He gathers the remaining members to quickly say goodbye to the army, trying his best to hide the concern.
"Stay here for a bit, we'll handle things backstage.." j-hope orders the younger members.
"Love you army!" Jimin yells into the mic, giving a thumbs up to j-hope.
"Sorry..." Jungkook apologize into his.
Seokjin goes backstage to find Yoongi striping Namjoon out of the jean jacket he was wearing. "Yoongi, how is he?"
"Namjoonie is running a high fever.." Yoongi explains, taking a towel to wipe the sweat from Namjoon’s face. "I can't believe I didn't notice until now."
"It's not a big deal.." Namjoon says softly, not having the energy to fight off Yoongi removing his shoes and socks.
"Be quiet Namjoon-ah.. let me take care of you." Yoongi gently orders him. "Joon, did you bring any medicine with you?"
Namjoon nods, Seokjin quickly going to find where the young rapper put it. He finds the liquid medicine Namjoon shoved in his bag pouring some out for him to drink.
"Hyungie is still sick?" Jungkook runs towards them.
"Did you explain things to army?"
"I did my best without trying to worry them.."
"I tried too, but they see right through my lies."Taehyung bows his head in apology. "I'm sorry hyung.."
"It's fine Hyung. They'd find out sooner or later." Yoongi takes the medicine from Seokjin, tipping the cup to Namjoon's lips.
Namjoon tries to swallow, but it doesn't make it past his throat before his breakfast from this morning makes a reappearance, heaving loudly as the half digested rice sprays across the floor before anyone has time to react.
"Sh*t..Sh*t Joon.." Yoongi looks around with widened eyes for something for him to get sick in before the next retching comes.
J-hope feels nauseous when he hears it, backing up slowly. Namjoon feels his stomach knot up even more with guilt when he sees him fleeing, along with seeing the mess he's made, some of the white mush hitting Yoongi's shoes. "I..i..so..rrp-" He burps up more sick puffing up his cheeks, refusing to let more hit the already soiled floor.
Seokjin provides him with one placing it in front of Namjoon, gently rubbing his back. "It's okay baby, it's okay.. it's not your fault.."
Namjoon allows the sick to fill the bin, gripping the small bin, his knuckles turning white. His stomach churns again, pushing up watery liquid. "Hyung...it h..hurts.." he says in a breathy whimper as his body continues, heaving not allowing him any breaks to breathe.
"I know, Joonah, I know.. it'll be over soon.. just try to take deep breaths.. you're hyperventilating, sweetie.."
"I..i..I ca..." Namjoon coughs, gagging up nothing but foamy salvia.
"You need to try.." Yoongi gently urges him.
Namjoon takes a deep breath, whimpering when he feels the pain burning his sides.
"That's it, good, good..." Seokjin let's go of the breath didn't even realize he was holding when he hears Namjoon's retching dying down, leaving the rapper trembling and fighting to catch his breath.
Seokjin gently peels Namjoons fingers from the waste bin, gently pulling him back away from the mess. "Here Joon-ah..lay down baby.. it's okay.."
Seokjin places Namjoon's head in his lap, gently moving his plastered bangs from his forehead, gently rubbing his thumb across Namjoon’s temple"There is that any better?"
"I..I'm dizzy..an..and the f..floor is c.cold..Hyung.." Namjoon murmurs, clinging to Seokjin's waist. The oldest vocalist gets startled by his sudden affection.
"Oh Joon-ah, you're really not doing well.." Yoongi takes the towel to wipe the sweat off of Namjoon's skin.
"We need to get him to a hospital.." Seokjin motions for the staff who's been watching the scene, but Namjoon grabs his wrist.
"I'll..I'll be okay in a few minutes..no..no hospital..i have to perform.." Namjoon coughs, his throat still burning.
"Hyungie.. you can't.. you're sick.." Jungkook kneels down in front of him. "I know how hard it is to sit out, but you can't perform .."
"I won't m.mmess up th..this time.." Namjoon whimpers out the words.
"No one cares you messed up, baby. You just can't perform in this condition.." Seokjin tries to stroke his hair but Namjoon pushes his hand away.
Namjoon sits up, swaying into Seokjin. "I..I have to! We've all been practicing for months, we've been getting army ex..exci..ted.. I..I can't d..disappoi.." His voice breaks off in a sob when his stomach turns into a ball of anxiety, clutching his stomach.
Jungkook hugs onto his ailing hyung. "Don't cry it's okay..it's..we understand, and so does army. You can't help it if you're sick.." he strokes Namjoon's back, feeling the heat radiating off of him. "You're gonna make yourself worse..pleaSe..?" The last word cracks as he breaks into a sob.
"Kook-ah don't.." Namjoon whispers.
Don't cry because of me..I've already ruined enough.. you still have to sing tonight..
"Hyungie I'm..I'm sorry.." Jungkook lip quivers, voice coming out as a shaky whimper when he feels Namjoon growing heavier in his arms the shivering worsening. "Namjoon-ah!"
"I..I'm..I'm okay..ju..jus..dizty..." Namjoon's words come out slurred, pressing his forehead into his shoulder.
"We need to cool him down.. could I have an ice pack?" Seokjin asks staff, already having some on hand. "Thank you.." he bows his head as he take one, placing it on the nape of Namjoon's neck after wrapping it in a towel.
"That's cold..!" Namjoon whines, clinging closer to the warm mankae.
"It's okay Hyung...I got you.." Jungkook rubs Namjoon’s shoulders, trying to ease some of the tension out wanting to do something to help. "You gotta rel..relax a little okay..?" His voice trembled with the tears that could not control.
Namjoon takes a few deep breaths, enduring the cold. I gotta..or I can't perform..
Jungkook sniffles, wiping his nose, feeling his heart and getting lighter when Namjoon stops leaning on him so heavily, the shivers becoming less violent. "I..I think it's working..'
"Sorry Jungkook-ah.." Namjoon murmurs an apology. "I..I'm good now.."
"Don't be sorry Hyungie.. it's okay. Lean on me as much as you want.."
Namjoon shakes his head. "No.. no..I'm being..a big baby..not your hyung.. You guys are right..I can't do this.."
Jungkook feels the tension in his body loosen when he hears Namjoon sounding more like himself. "It's okay.."
"Hyung...hyung listen!" Taehyung blurts out everyone getting quiet to listen.
"Kim Namjoon..It's okay!" The stadium were all cheering over and over.
Namjoon smiles softly. "Seems you're right Koo.."
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marmotsomsierost · 9 months
I have been sick since fuckin. What day. The fuckin 16th of december is when this bullshit started. It is JANUARY FUCKIN FIFTH. That saturday i woke up, coughed (not super unusual with this persistent stupid postnasal drip crap) so hard i puked all of the little i had in my stomach out (super unusual) and had a scratchy throat for the rest of the day. Didn't think anything of it. Was feeling kind of but not really better towards evening. Then, decorating the tree, cough drop in mouth, i go to fling a string of lights up and inhale said cough drop, which lodges just below my thyroid.
I do not die. The dog and the husband are not convinced. I use actual words to mention the not dying thing. They are...slightly more convinced.
Sunday i wake up with sensation in throat, not like pain, not raw, just like...there's something there that isn't normally there. Have minor cough and very raspy voice. Sinuses mostly clear. I wake up on the 20th and have literally no voice. I need my voice to be able to triage people. I call out sick. I go back the next day, it's fine. Still little cough, mostly clear sinuses, just suddenly a tenor. This continues until the 25th.
Dinner on christmas i find annoying to eat. It's like my throat has decided it's full and the stomach goes 'eh okay sure let's stop' in weird agreement. I go to work the next day.
I have turned into the crotchety old man you never see out of scooterdress with snus in his lip and a suspicious possibly-sentient coffee mug in one hand and the other hand tucked into the front of his bibbed pants. Basically Bjørn Sundquist. Anyway.
I now have a coughing wheezy rasp where by the end of the night i will cough all the air out of my lungs, die, gasp in air, cough that out, die again, then am able to breathe again. Unfortunately not shiny and chrome. Still. I call out the next morning, have a video visit, get some antibiotics and an inhaler, we're good to go right.
Wrong. Turns out pretending really really hard that you don't have a fever does not actually get rid of said fever. I call out again. I'm off work the next three days anyway, that gives me a nice block of time to finish my antibiotics and get back to normal.
There's no tech for the two days before new year's day so when i show up despite sounding like a zombie everyone is all 'oh thank god you're here' and 'we have a tech?? We have TWO TECHS?? Yeah!' But about four hours in i keep getting the concerned face and side-eye of concern and avaunt foul beast from the rest of the ED. The doctor tells me i sound worse than half of the patients. The PA listens to my lungs and says something like 'wow with that cough i figured your lungs would be shit but they're actually really clear'. The loud triage nurse says 'well hell marmot's been coughing for weeks and she's still here' loudly several times in earshot of patients whose chief complaint is 'cough since this morning' and the night shift triage nurse tells the charge nurse that i can stay in the back, he wants to keep the front plague-free.
I almost call out yesterday. I had the phone in my hand but an alert went out that the evening tech called out and wednesday was a shitshow so i was like okay, i'm not that bad, i'll go in.
I should have called out. I have alarms set for when to take the sudafed and the cough medicine and the inhaler because time is fake at the best of times and this ain't the best of times. I survive to the end of the shift. I blow my nose before i leave and my ears pop- the right clears fast, the left clears by the time i get home.
I'm off today. Cough is demonstrably better in frequency if nothing else, even without regular doses of medicine. I get home from dropping samus at the vet (she's fine) and blow my nose again, and ears pop. Left ear won't clear. It doesn't hurt but it is driving me absolutely batshit insane. It's like juuuust on the edge of fucking with my equilibrium. I've tried gum. Decongestant. Antihistamines. Soak in hot bath in our dwarf-ass tub as best i can. Am about to try broiling in a shower.
I'm so tired of this crap. Where is bones with a magic lung-fixing ear-clearing pill when you need him.
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paleparearchive · 4 months
Thoughts Written in A Letter
Bazille's initial 4★ story (2/3) ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Location: museum entrance (morning) ; Renoir, Monet, Sisley & Bazille's room | Characters: Bazille, Sisley, Aoi/MC
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Aoi: Bazille-kun, you examined Gauguin-kun yesterday, right? Courbet-kun told me about it.
Bazille: The correct term is "put him to bed," not "examined". He has neurogenic gastritis. There's not much I can do.
Aoi: But you wanted to become a doctor, right, Bazille-kun? Having such a person nearby is still a relief… uh…
Bazille: Hey, are you okay?
Aoi: … Yeah, I'm just a bit dizzy. I think I'm just a little tired. I think… I'll feel better after a little rest, so…
(Uh, oh no… I'm losing my strength…)
Bazille: Deputy!
Aoi: (Ah… Bazille-kun's voice, it's so far…)
Aoi: Hm… Uh, huh…? This is…
Bazille: Our room.
Aoi: Bazille-kun…?
Bazille: Don't you remember? You collapsed while you were talking to me.
Aoi: (Come to think of it, suddenly it was as if everything went dark…)
Bazille: I actually wanted to carry you to your room, but I can't just go into a woman's room without permission. So I brought you here.
Aoi: I see, sorry for the trouble…
Bazille: Seriously. Here, give me your hand.
Your pulse is... normal. Fever is a little high, but nothing to worry about. You've been moving around a lot these days. Perhaps you're just tired.
Aoi: Tired… I didn't notice it at all…
Bazille: Seriously, you. Taking care of yourself is part of your job, right? No matter how busy you are, your body should be your capital in everything you do. Get into the habit of resting properly.
Aoi: Uuh… You're right…
Sisley: Bazille, you can't talk to a sick person that way.
Aoi: Ah… Sisley-kun.
Sisley: Thank god you're awake. I brought you a wet towel and an ice pillow. I will keep water nearby, so if you get thirsty, please drink it.
Aoi: Thank you.
Sisley: Don't mention it, I only brought them like Bazille told me. It was Bazille who brought you here and who cared for you until you woke up.
Bazille: … Hey, don't say anything unnecessary.
Sisley: Fufu, but it's true, isn't it?
Bazille: A-Anyways! If the fever persists until tomorrow, you should go to the hospital. For now, take a good rest today and let's see what happens.
Sisley: I would really like to take care of you too, but I have a part-time job after this. Sorry.
Aoi: No, don't apologize. Thank you to you as well, Sisley-kun.
Sisley: You're welcome, take care of yourself.
Alright, Bazille. Please take care of the rest.
Bazille: Yeah.
Hey, are you hungry?
Aoi: Hmmm… Not really, but I think I could eat a little.
Bazille: Then I'll bring you some porridge. Because it's best not to take medicine on an empty stomach.
But before that…
Aoi: (Ah, cold…)
Bazille: I changed the towel for your face. Let me know if there is anything else you need.
Aoi: Thank you, I don't think there is anything in particular I need right now.
Bazille: Alright. Well, I'll go get some porridge.
Aoi: (You could say Bazille-kun is a diligent person… I'll let Bazille-kun spoil me today so that I can get better soon.)
Aoi: (Hmm… Now that my stomach is full, I'm starting to get sleepy…)
Bazille: Your fever is… still high. If I were a doctor, I might be able to cure you faster…
Aoi: Bazille-kun…
I'm glad you became an artist, Bazille-kun. Otherwise I wouldn't have met you and the wonderful artwork you have painted…
Bazille: Is that so…
… Come on, you're already sleepy, right? Take it easy and sleep plenty.
Aoi: Right… Goodnight…
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Dr Yun Yun at it Again
Genre: hurt/comfort
T/W: none
A/N: yeah idk where this fic went but it's ok I guess
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That's why I'm stricter with you
Today – you made a mistake.
You were trying to do the right thing and make the best food you could – just like Yun taught you – but you took it too far.
You tasted raw ingredients to make sure when they were done cooking – they'd taste just right – bad idea
Later in the day you felt fatigued and heavy for some reason.
"Did I work too hard today?" You thought to yourself.
It dawned on you
The raw ingredients
The raw ingredients were making you feel heavy and out of sorts.
You did your best to hide it as you helped carry firewood back into camp.
But someone in the group knows you better than anyone – and can sense any change in behavior – that someone, is Yun.
As you headed back to camp carrying the firewood your arms felt heavier and heavier and your head grew fuzzy.  But you did your best to shake it and preservier! 
Little did you know
Someone was watching
"Sin ah – can you carry (Y/N)'s firewood back to camp?" 
You looked back and to see who said that
Yun was staring at you with severity and concern
Sin ah took your portion of firewood and continued back to camp with Ao, while you and Yun stayed back and stood in the middle of a field.  
(Wh… why… why did he make Sin ah take my firewood… why is he staring at me like this)
Yun just stood there with his arms crossed with a furrowed brow.
(Aw jeez… he's onto me isn't he)
Yun took a deep sigh – vocal enough that you heard it loud and clear at your distance.
"(Y/N)... I've told you time and time again to watch your health!  What did you do this time?"
"Urp… you mean .. you could tell?  That I'm unwell?"
"Idiot!  Of course I'd notice!" Yun yelled at your face then turned his head and grew red. "I …". Yun cut off what he wanted to say and grabbed your hand leading you towards camp in a hurried pace.
You passed Yona and Hak – they tried to say hi but you were instantly pulled into Yun's tent. 
"Lay down"
"Ah… ok…"
You laid down feeling so nervous that you had inconvenienced him and gone against what he had advised.
A gentle hand grazed your forehead as your eyes met with his.
"I knew it… a fever…" he sighed "how did this happen (Y/N)?"
"I.. well…" you looked away nervously "I just wanted… to be a good cook like you!"
"I… tasted raw food.."
You shuttered at his use of language as you noticed his eyes water.
"Yun I… it's really not that bad… I'm just… fatigued is all…"
"You don't get it!" Yun's voice cracked a little as he shouted. He grabbed your hand and buried his face in your stomach "I.. can't… I… don't want anything to happen to you.  I don't want to lose you.  That's why…"
"Why I'm stricter with you!"
Your tummy ached as you looked up at him with hazy vision.  You rested your hand on his cheek and smiled. "Hey… it's ok… I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon ~"
Yun cleared his throat and looked away
"R-right well anyways!  I'll get to treating you now" he said flusteredly.
You smiled gently through your hazed expression as you watched the sweet boy prepare medicines and such.
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shangchiswife · 2 years
anakin/obi-wan/padme- period?
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This was a request that I ended up altering the prompt of. To the person that requested this if this isn't what you wanted I'm sorry!!
summary: reader is late for practice in the morning so anakin and obi-wan investigate and reader tells them that they are on their period so they call padme.
obi-wan x afab!reader x anakin x padme (platonic)
warnings: none just periods
word count: 829
You had been having a nice sleep when you felt a sharp pain in your abdomen.
Your eyes shot open as you clutched your stomach, immediately curling in a fetal position as if you had been majorly injured.
It was hurting so bad that a few tears slipped down your cheeks.
You groaned as you rolled around your sheets, planting your face promptly into your pillow, still continuing to groan.
You lay there for an hour, trying to ease the pain in your abdomen before you heard a loud knock on your door.
“Y/N?” a voice called from behind your door.
Fuck, you thought before turning over to your clock. The moment your eyes scanned it you cursed internally once more.
You were late for your sparring match with your fellow padawan, Anakin Skywalker.
“I don’t think I’m feeling up for fighting today, Ani,” you croaked.
“Are you okay?” he asked, concern evident in his voice.
“Yeah, just feeling a little sick,” you said as you felt another stab in your body.
“I’m coming in,”
Your eyes widened.
“Anakin, Anakin no!”
It was too late, the door that led to your quarters had been opened and a fully-robed Anakin sauntered into the room, his lightsaber attached to his dark robes.
His dark eyes immediately landed on your bed where you lay.
He knelt by your bed and pressed his hand to your forehead.
“You don’t seem to have a fever?” the long-haired man sounded confused.
“Anakin it’s because-”
“Anakin did you get them I’ve been waiting?” the voice of Obi-Wan appeared from by the door.
Good grief, you thought. 
“Master she’s ill but I don’t understand it she doesn’t have a fever or a cough?” he told the Jedi-Master as he walked over to where you are.
A stray tear fell down your cheek as Obi-Wan’s blue eyes looked down at your figure with worry.
He swiped your tear away.
“Dear, what’s wrong?” his voice was soft as he knelt beside Anakin.
“You guys ugh,” another jab beat at your belly as you curled up further into a ball.
“Maker call a medical droid, Anakin,” Obi-Wan stood up, anxiety filling his entire system.
“Master, what’s going on?” Anakin’s dark eyes were as large as saucers.
“I’m not sure-”
“GUYS!” you screamed.
Both of their heads snapped towards you, matching looks of shock covering their faces.
“I’m on my period,”
The moment you finished your sentence, both of the Jedi’s cheeks flamed.
“Oh,” they said in unison.
“Can you please get Padme? She’ll know what to do,” your eyes flickered to each of their shocked forms.
Anakin immediately ran out of the room while Obi-Wan stood apprehensively, looking stiff.
“You can leave now, Obi-Wan,” a small smile graced your lips at this rare image of an uncomfortable Obi-Wan.
The auburn-haired Jedi-Master shook his head vigorously before staring at you.
A laugh left your throat.
“Of course, Y/N, feel better,” he bowed his head before leaving, with the shut the door.
A few minutes later, Padme rushed in carrying a box.
“Hey, I heard from Anakin that you’re having a rough morning,” she sat beside you on your bed as you put your head in her lap and nodded.
“Aww,” she said, patting your head before lifting you up.
“I brought you some of your favorite food, some water, and some medicine for your cramps,” the Senator smiled as she handed you to box full of all the contents she mentioned.
“Padme have I ever told you that I loved you?” you said as you opened the box and began digging into your favorite dish.
Padme’s sweet laugh rang across the room.
“Multiple times, yes,” she said.
“Well I love you even more,” you said with your mouth full of food.
She smiled, rubbing circles into your hand for a moment before standing up.
“Well I have to get back to work but enjoy the care package,” she gave you a quick hug.
“Bye Padme!” you called and she waved before leaving you in darkness.
A few minutes later after you had finished your meal, the two Jedi returned, with sheepish looks on their face.
“Y/N, I’ve decided to give you the day off,” Obi-Wan cleared his throat after a moment before you burst into laughter.
“Masters I’ll be alright, the medicine Padme gave me should be kicking in soon enough so I’ll be able to spar against you, Ani,” you gave Anakin a smile which he immediately reciprocated.
“Well, that’s good news because then I was going to go against Master and you know how much of a buzzkill he is,” his lips curled up in a wicked grin as Obi-Wan rolled his eyes.
“Alright Y/N whenever you’re ready, please join us, but in the meantime, I will be teaching this padawan a lesson on manners,” the older Jedi grabbed his padawan’s robe and pulled him out of your room.
Oh was Anakin in for it.
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bemylord · 3 years
↠ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴄʀᴀᴛᴄʜᴇꜱ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴅʏ ↞
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characters: gojo, sukuna, itadori, megumi, nanami, toji x fem!reader.
warnings: smut, aged up, marks/bruises, creampie, daddy kink [toji and nanami], oral [fem!receiving], degrade and praise kinks, grammar errors.
a/c: or s/o gave them scratches on their body. hc + drabble. kento's, toji's, and sukuna's part might be rough. also i may used inappropriate word don't blame me.
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ɢᴏᴊᴏ ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ:
would be teasing you in the morning for being too horny to suppress your nails. although, he doesn't hide the fact he adores the little pain when his clothes touch places where you left stripes.
also likes those moments when you're leaving fingernail marks on his thighs or hips whilst sucking his dick. it'd be better spelled if i specify that gojo using your head as a toy for his pleasure.
would praise you for marks you've given him, labeling his muscular body as yours, letting your fingers traveling all over his back to the chest, outlining every muscle.
prefers to do it slow but deep, touching the spongy coil inside you with his every push, feeling your hands on the back as you're trying to take his dick, being capable of not losing your mushy mind at his sharp pushes as how he's overbearingly fucking you.
'giving me all your juices and marks you've gotten for your master' satoru might be playful during the training time, but you've known he likes to talk dirty and be dominant railing you. those marks perfectly suiting on his skin so why not leave them?
despite being overdose with your cum and a facial expression - you opened your mouth releasing ragged whimpers and arching your back, approaching towards gojo's chest in the climax, cumming all over the base - he'd thrust in you more 'till you'd turn into the drooling mess below.
'yes, honey, you're doing good, so good. constricting my dick so good' obscene squelches become louder, as you could feel satoru's released on your stomach. 'you did so well, honey, i'm gonna take good care of you'
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ɪᴛᴀᴅᴏʀɪ ʏᴜᴊɪ:
okay, i think itadori would be the softest boy through all monsters we've got here.
but don't let his innocent face trick you. despite of the fact that most of the time he's a soft bun, he'll make you scream.
ok, make you scream and be asking if he isn't tempestuous.
he'd be disconcerted if you asked him to heal his back. for what? he thinks is a sort of a recall so he could remember what the two of you had been doing in the night and how loud you were while giving him your residue of cum.
he might take some photos of his skin pattern in marks so he could ogle at 'em later, repeating seconds where you were patterning his back.
'take off your shirt, yuji. i'll heal your back'
poor itadori is sitting on the couch totally discouraged as he heard your request. he glanced at you with a bambi look: eyes wide open, as if you said something vulgar. he aimlessly rubbed the back of his head, tossed his head back.
'but i like your marks, baby'
he whined, grabbing your palms in his, forcing you to sit on his lap, wrapping arms around your waist.
'you gave those stripes because you.. you were feeling good, yeah?'
you put your head down at his question but nodded, putting your head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat.
'then i don't need your recovery, baby, let your marks stay until you'll add new ones'
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ᴛᴏᴊɪ ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ:
let people know what sex is. let it be a slogan for your intercourse.
he could fuck you all night due to his long-term capability and would be smug after intercourse as he'd watch the disorder [?] you did on his biceps.
mostly biceps, cause a man knows the main destination of his tongue, masterfully giving you an oral. goddamn that tongue.
he'd let you scratch his back as he'll know that it'd be possibility to show off the mark his love gave him. on other days, you're pulling his hair into your pussy, burying him even more, letting him to destroy you before the fun will start.
his arms full of red stripes. though it wasn't your fault - how can you inhibit yourself while toji is literally eating you like a meal?
'being waiting for my tongue, huh?' he's a teaser - you're at the edge of the bed, baring your dripping pussy to the one he can lick you as you need to whilst teasing and degrading you.
'being waiting to be demolished by me you little whore, don't you?'
you grabbed his strong biceps, dotted them in half-moons then squeeze as toji peeks at you.
'answer me, slut!'
his low voice makes you open widely your legs as not closed to squeeze his head. he's running his tongue on your crotch and labia, teasing you, forcing you to say how reckless and anguished you were without his tongue and fingers.
'yes, daddy, i-i've been waiting f-for you' you sharply breathe, letting out the whimpers, feeling his tongue playing with your swollen clit.
'i'm about to ruin you tonight, are you ready?' he giggled once more, getting into the little game he's been waiting for since he left the house.
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ᴍᴇɢᴜᴍɪ ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ:
it is in their genetic code to make a woman scream but since megumi hasn't got a huge sexual experience as his father does, he'd be tender at first, asking abt your well-being, if he can move, etc..
when he watches at the mirror in the morning, he finds out his back and a few shoulders are drawing by your nails.
he'd be overwhelmed and speechless as he saw a reminder of the night.
'gumi will make up an excuse, sort of: 'i got into the fight with a curse, nothing special'. itadori'd have been asking him if he's okay, how it was but satoru isn't a naive one.
deep inside would be proud of himself that only he could put you on the pleasure, privately enjoying those patterns.
'y/n?' he pronounced your name in a question way, rubbing his shoulder aimlessly, as you glanced at him. you let out a quiet mooing as a response, staring as to how megumi taking off his school uniform.
'would you mind heal me a little?'
you smiled, coming closer to your boyfriend, grabbing a tube of medicine on the way.
'don't think i don't like your.. marks, just-'
'don't apologize, 'gumi, it's kinda chaos on your back' you giggled at your comparison, running with medicine on red stripes. his tensed and muscular body is overwhelming: those abs and pretty strong arms conquering every time you've got an opportunity to ogle.
'tho i love the chaos you made'
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ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ:
i'm certain you'll be scratching his back because nanami is packing - big dick energy, lol.
screaming his name as you've been drawing illegible patterns, mostly on his wide back, so lately he'd smirk at his reflection in the mirror.
those nights when you're trying to fill the lack patterns on his back by drawing lots of geometrical figures or promiscuous tracery.
every move with his tight white shirt at the office makes his stoic face change as he reminisces the night you gave that pleasant pain.
he wants to find half-moons littering his biceps as you were holding 'em while giving creampie on his dick.
if you want it spicy - trail your fingers on his back suddenly, giving nanami little goosebumps to switch his mood.
'darling, you want me to stop?' he unaware question left you desperate as nanami stopped pumping, left a soft kiss on your forehead. 'am i fucking you way too hard?' seldom moment of nanami being tender as he gets used to fuck recklessly 'till you'll be a dripping mess under his cock.
you didn't see fit to answer the question but smack your lips against his, as a silent response named: 'i'm fine, my love, you can move' your wet, deep, and in some way subtle kiss that doesn't fit on the action you've been doing. you trail your nails from the back of his neck to the coccyx, ogling as to how his facial expression changes.
'you want to be used like a slut you are, don't you?'
you couldn't respond, only purr as how nanami suddenly turned on into daddy. feeling how your empty pussy being filled out with a thick kento's cock again as he's making a demolishing [?] pushes.
'get what you want, slut, scratch my back so it'd dotted lately with your nails'
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ꜱᴜᴋᴜɴᴀ ʀʏᴏᴍᴇɴ:
as for that rough man..
he gives hickeys - you give him patterns on his back.
he'd be exceedingly obsessed after had seen your marks on itadori's body. still, itadori is a vessel for him, so sukuna will be even more self-satisfied. why? a little reminder for the owner who took possession of your body at the night.
once he'll take possession of the body, itadori it'd be or someone else, he won't stop himself as long as his back will be patterns of yours nail on it.
he does literally everything to make you scratch his back, whether it be licking your swollen clit to the way your legs got shaken or fuck you on his lap.
'let the bastard see what matures did it the night' his pace increase as he uttered the phrase that makes the butterflies in your belly thrives off.
his lowly and husky voice intermingled with ragged breathing, little drops of sweat on his hairline as he crushes devastating punches, letting your moans out of your mouth.
you're digging into his skin on the back as he masterfully target into the spongy coil in your stomach, feeling as your orgasm is building up with his every hit. he wants to see his back littering in patterns of your nails, wants to have that sweet but stinging pain in the morning.
's-sukuna, ugh~' you let out a whimper as your cunt constricting creampie on his dick. he chuckled as your hole clenching his thick cock while nails trailing all over back.
idk i start always from sukuna and i've got inspiration only on kento's part, that's why nanami and toji might be rough than a king.
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littleoddwriter · 3 years
Hello! Torrence anon is back again! I know your inbox is full but when you get a chance, would you be okay with doing a HC list about Danny with a GN!S/O who has the flu? I’m not feeling very well and could use some love from the shiniest doctor to pull me through. As always, your work is amazing! Also I double checked your pinned post and I know certain illness stuff is a no-go but hopefully this is okay? ^^; if not feel free to say so, it’s not big deal/pos/sincere
Dan Torrance x Sick!GenderNeutral!Reader | Headcanons
Hello there! <3 I'm feeling ambitious (and guilty) tonight, so I'm squeezing this right in there, now. I hope you feel much better soon and that these headcanons can provide you with some much needed comfort in those trying times! And yeah, things like general sickness (colds, the flu, stomach bugs, etc.) are completely fine, so no worries. Thanks for making sure and giving me an out, though! You're so kind and wonderful, Torrance Anon, thank you for everything. I'm thinking about you and crossing my fingers for you, so that hopefully you'll be back on your feet in no time! Anyway, I just hope you enjoy these, thank you for the request. <3
notes; Gender Neutral!Reader; Sickness; Flu; Being Taken Care of; Domestic Fluff.
Reblogs > Likes. Thank you!
He can tell that you're coming down with something even before you register it, thanks to his shine, and so he's already going through your medicine cabinet and other usual supplies you need when you're sick to make a list of what he'd have to stock up on, so that he's ready when it hits you full force.
When you start getting truly sick, he's making you tea, wrapping you up in blankets, cooking food (especially soup) for you, measuring your temperature regularly and he makes sure you're taking your medicine.
Depending on how bad it is, he might call in for work and take those couple of days off so he can focus on taking care of you.
Since he's the best boyfriend you could ask for, he also makes the appointment and accompanies you to the doctor's office if you need to go.
He lulls you to sleep with the help of his shine, because getting rest is the absolute best medicine after all, and usually he ends up spooning you from behind and falling asleep shortly after you did, too.
Dan isn't afraid of cuddling you while you're sick, even when you tell him not to get too close, lest you infect him, too; but he doesn't care, his immune system is surprisingly good and he rarely even gets a head cold.
When you start getting better and therefore don't need to sleep as much, you two huddle up on the couch and watch movies or TV shows together that you meant to catch up on anyway, but never found the time for.
Once you're not feeling super dizzy and weak in your knees, he helps you take a bath and washes you gently so you don't have to waste any energy on that, other than staying awake and getting in and out of the tub.
Always makes sure that you eat something, even if it's something light and not a lot (like a small bowl of soup or dry toast, depending if you have stomach issues or not); and so the better you get, the more he'll make you eat solid, more nutritious food.
Generally, he definitely uses his shine to his advantage when you're sick, because you have a habit of saying that you're already feeling much better when that's not true, and so that way he can keep an eye on you and make that judgement for himself with the truth that your thoughts betray you with. (It's beneficial to you as well, since you don't have to actually tell him what you need or what's wrong, which helps you not agitate your sore throat, for example, even more - so it's a win-win!)
Also, he showers you in soft little kisses at all times when you're sick - He sits down next to you after he's gotten up to do something? Kiss on your forehead. You have to use the bathroom? Kiss on your cheeks. You think you're super gross and he doesn't find you attractive anymore? Kisses all across your face, plus some sweet reassurances that he tells you via his shine.
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vacant--body · 3 years
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MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING: Su!c!de attempt, graphic description of bl00d, mentions of death, medical procedure talk, loss of pregnancy, PTSD, lots and lots of angst, mentions of drinking.
Female!reader, love triangle with Steve and Bucky (kinda?)
Word count: roughly 2,076
Please don't read if any of these warnings will trigger you :)
Bucky's eyes snapped open, his advanced hearing honing in on the soft wails coming from down the hall. It was you, it always you. He inhaled sharply and pushed himself out of his warm bed, his dog tags clinking against his bare chest. It gets worse when Steve isn't here; your night terrors. He's the only one that can rock you back to sleep, soothing your tear stained cheeks and calming your raging mind. Bucky isn't very good at it, but he can get the job done.
His door slid open and he walked quietly down the hallway, careful not to wake anybody else up. Tony had to semi soundproof your room. When you first came to live in the compound, your screams would keep everyone up all night. Now only Bucky and Steve could hear your cries, which often made for sleepless nights. But lately it’s been getting better, which he was thankful for. Both for your sake and his sake.
Bucky stopped in front of your door, expecting it to just slide open like it normally does. But it didn't. Confused, he waved his hand in front of the sensor but it didn't budge. "Friday?" He yawned, annoyed. What couldn't Tony just put in normal doors? They're so much simpler. "What's wrong with the door?"
"It seems that Ms. Y/L/N has locked it." Strange. You never lock it.
"Well, unlock it." He snapped back at the AI.
"I cannot. She has over-ridden my capabilities to unlock it."
"What?" Bucky asked, suddenly more awake. The hairs on his arms stood up and a gut wrenching feeling began to churn in his stomach. He could hear you on the other side, still crying. "Y/N!" Bucky yelled pounding on the door. The cries grew harder. "Y/N open the door!"
"Go away!" You screamed. "Just go!" This wasn't a night terror, you were awake. “I don’t need you, Bucky!”
"Friday, get Tony down here." Bucky yelled, pounding on the door again. "Y/N please just open the door! Let me help!"
"Don't need your help." There was the sound of the bathtub starting up. "Just go."
"Bucky,” A tired voice groaned from behind him. Sam. "It's 2:30 in the morning, why in the hell are you screaming."
"Y/N locked us out." He muttered, pressing his ear against the door. He could hear you whimpering on the other side. "Friday can't open it."
"Friday, get Tony-"
"He is on his way." She replied back. "Ms. Y/N also disabled her cameras. I can't see inside there either."
"Y/N!" Bucky tried again, his voice cracking just enough for him to notice. Hopefully not enough for Sam to notice.
"Does someone wanna tell me why I am down here in the middle of the god damn night?" Another voice said behind them.
"Just get the fucking door open." Bucky snarled. Tony took note of the worry and urgency in his voice and unlatched a panel that was next to the door. He moved some wires around and the door hissed open.
Bucky rushed in and the state of your room hit him like a truck. It was a wreak. Your mattress was halfway off of its frame, your dresser was knocked over with all the clothes torn out, and there was a smashed chair in the corner. You had also punched out your mirror, making Bucky's footsteps crunch as he walked through her room. How did he not hear this? Why didn't he wake up? But that's not what bothered Bucky. His nose instantly picked up on a coppery smell that stung the inside of his nostrils, making him instantly nauseous. He pushed into the bathroom, where somehow the cupboard was shoved in front of.
The sight before him was enough to make him cry and vomit at the same time. You were submerged in the bathtub, the water stained a bright red color. A long shard of glass from the mirror was laying on the floor, stained with your crimson blood. Two deep long cuts had been carved into your forearms. The ringing in his ears slowly subsided and he heard the sound of either Tony or Sam dry heaving behind him. He wasn't sure who it was.
"Friday, prep medical bay. Get Banners ass up. Now." He heard Tony growl.
Bucky sunk to his knees, his sweatpants become stained with the blood soaked water that had sloshed over the edge. "Y/N." He muttered. She was pale. Too pale. "Y/N!" He yelled grabbing her by the shoulders. “Open your fucking eyes and look at me!" You didn't open her eyes, the only movement was coming from your chest. You were taking quick short breaths, which Bucky figured wasn't good. "Please don't do this to me, please. I need you, fuck-" He choked back a sob.
"Buck, we have to get her down to-" Before Sam could finish his sentence, Bucky was lifting you out of the water and took off towards the med bay.
Banner was already down there, a suturing kit already laid out. "How much blood has she lost?" He asked immediately as soon as Bucky came barreling through the doorway.
"A lot." Was all he could manage. He carefully laid you down on the cot. His thoughts were going a mile a minute. You were supposed to be getting better. Sam and Banner were supposed to be helping you, the therapy was supposed to be helping. Not killing you. Why wasn’t it helping? Why were you so selfish? How could you do that to us? To me, to Steve. To this whole team?
"Well good thing most of the team is A Positive so we have some on standby for her." Banner said. Bucky wasn't sure if he was talking to him or to himself.
Banner flushed out your wounds with what looked like water, and carefully began to stitch you up. Bucky noticed the slight shaking in his wrist and he pulled your skin together.
"Where is Steve?" Bucky whispered to Tony, not taking his eyes off of Y/N and Banner. For once, you looked like you were at peace. Your features were smoothed and relaxed, nothing like your previous state.
"His teams on their way back. ETA 4 hours." Tony whispered back.
A heavy silence fell over the med bay. Bucky felt drained. He couldn't keep his thought straight in his head, and it was numbing. He just kept asking the same thing. Why? You were doing so good. You were laughing, smiling, and actually making progress to talk to people outside your comfort zone. Of course you were still having night terrors, Sam said those wouldn't go away for a long time. But other than that you were fine. You said you were fine. He couldn't understand why.
Banner was done with one side. He moved over to the other and began to repeat the process, but one of the machines she was hooked up to began beeping rapidly. His head snapped up and his brows furrowed.
"Friday do a full body scan please." He grunted.
"What? What's wrong?" Bucky pleaded, his skin tightening and his stomach doing loops.
"Blood pressure is dropping. Not good." Was all he heard over the several machines firing at once.
"There is hemorrhaging. Location: uterus." Friday said back. "Surgery is recommended."
Banner quickly finished the last of the sutures and yanked your water and blood soaked sweatpants off. There was a large amount of blood pooling in between your legs.
"Bruce what is that?" Bucky yelled rushing over to them. "What's wrong with her, did she stab herself there?" He felt like he was going to vomit.
"Bucky-" He started as he fumbled with some tubing.
"What are you doing to her?!" Bucky yelled again his voice become more and more distressed. "You're gonna kill her please help her!"
"Tony get him the hell out of here!" Banner screamed finally, the Hulks voice peaking behind his anger and frustration.
Bucky was being yanked out of the bay by Sam and Tony. He could fight back easily, fight them off so he could be with you. But his legs were so shaky he could hardly stand on his own two feet. The windows that looked into the bay dimmed and Bucky caught one last look as Banner yanked down Y/N's underwear. A sob escaped from Buckys lips as he crumpled to the ground. What was happening now? Y/N must be so scared. He was so scared.
He felt that hot tears prick at his cheeks and dribbled down into his beard hair. He was crying. Crying for the first time in who knows how long. He couldn't loose you. You were the only one who truly understood Bucky. You meant too much to him.
"Buck-" Sam started but Bucky just cut him off.
"Leave me alone." He sobbed. It felt like a metal pipe had been shoved down Buckys throat. He couldn’t breathe. "Please just go away." Tony and Sam shared a look before the disappeared down the hallway.
He sat there for what seemed like days. But it was only hours. Soon enough Steve came jogging down the hallway to where Bucky sat.
"Buck." Steve gasped, kneeling down next to him. "What happened?"
"I thought she was having a night terrors." Bucky's voice was raw and it hurt to swallow. The crying must have stopped hours ago, but he couldn't remember when it ended. "But she locked me out. Tried to...tried to..."
"Oh god." Steve whimpered, understanding what he was saying. “Is she...?" Bucky shook his head.
"She started bleeding. I think Banners still doing surgery." Steve's face was screwed tightly together as he stood back up. Bucky couldn't tell what he was feeling. He paced the hallway for a bit before he slid down against the wall across from Bucky, his eyes blankly staring at the door. He could see the trembling in his chest when he inhaled.
They sat there in silence for about another hour, when suddenly, the doors to the med bay swung open. Banners eyes fell on them. He sighed heavily and put his hands in his pockets.
"What? What is it?" Bucky pleaded getting to his feet, which caused Steve to stand up.
"Is she okay?" Steve asked, his brows closely knit together.
"Yeah. She's stable. Woke up for a few minutes but she's sleeping now. I had to give her some medicine to calm her down. And I had to..." He trailed off. "Restrain her. She's very agitated." Bruce exhaled and wrung his hands together.
"Then what happened? Why did you have to do surgery." Bucky prodded. He could tell Banner was hiding something.
"The bleeding was caused by a mixture of shock and her blood pressure tanking. I couldn't-" He cleared his throat like he was keeping back tears. "I couldn't save the fetus. She miscarried."
It felt like someone had punched Bucky in the gut. Fetus? Miscarried? She was pregnant?
"From what I could tell she was about 15 weeks along. I ran the DNA because I wasn't...I wasn't sure who the father was."
"I had a child?" Steve whimpered. Tears were falling freely down his face.
"No, Steve.” He whispered softly. “Bucky, it was yours.”
"What? No. That's impossible." Steve scoffed. "You must have your science shit mixed up. There is no way."
"No, he's right." Bucky whispered, absolute shocking talking grip of his body.
"I'm sorry. It was a boy."
"What? No. No! It's wrong. Go test it again Banner! I know it's wrong!"
"You were fucking her?!" Steve screamed, turning to Bucky. "You knew I was in love with her and you were fucking her?!"
"It was once Steve! Almost 3 months ago! We were drunk and you were away on a mission and I came onto her!" Bucky bargained, staring into the flames of his best friend’s eyes.
"You fucked my girl! My girl!" Steve was irate, barely able to contain himself.
"She isn't yours Steve, you're not even together!"
"I told her that I loved her! And you went and fucked her anyway! What, do you always follow your dick!? I bet that's why she refuses to look at you!"
"No, she told me that she loved me!" Bucky screamed back, his voice echoing in the hallway as silence washed over them. Bucky took a deep breath. "She said it first. And I told her it was a mistake and should be with you." He said quietly.
Steve let out an animalistic growl, and his fist made contact with the side of Bucky's cheek and the back of his head smashed against the wall.
"I love you Bucky." Y/N's soft voice said. Your head was currently buried in Bucky's bare chest. "It's you. It's always has been." You whispered.
Bucky reached down and cupped her cheek, making you look at him. He has been waiting to hear that since they first met. He didn't believe in love at first sight but ever since he first laid eyes on you, he started to believe.
"You don't mean that, doll." He muttered back. Alcohol was still running its course through their bodies. "You're drunk."
"Drunk words are a sober mans thoughts."
"I want you Bucky. Just you. No more going back and forth between you and Steve. I can't do that anymore, Bucky. Please believe me." You pleaded, your large eyes staring into his.
"You deserve someone like Steve, not like me. You can't love me." He sighed, letting go of your face.
"I love Steve. He’s amazing and kind, but I love I have for him isn’t like how I love you.”
"No. You love the thought of me." He snapped, rising off the bed. "But you don't love me Y/N. I promise you, you don't. You shouldn't." He gathered his clothes from the floor and shimmied into them. He reached the door and stopped at the sound of your voice.
"But-" Bucky winced at the sound of your voice as it was filling with tears.
"I'm sorry." He whispered turning away, his own eyes brimming with tears. "I don't deserve you. You can't love me. I'm sorry."
part 2
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