#'be careful what you wish for' type story. like sure there are some scenes where the voice-over describes how mobile phones
woodnrust · 2 years
I will not lie I cried three times watching Mr.Harrigan's Phone. That being said when I went to review it on letterboxd I did not expect such low ratings and a lot of people were saying it was bad cause it was anti-technology but that is not what I got from this movie At All so I'm wondering if maybe I'm not processing this movie right cause I'm too hung up on the death scenes or if everybody else is just bad at analyzing this movie.
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meow-meowo · 3 months
Yandere Online Friend Headcannons
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Y! Online Friend who's always updated on your posts! Isn't he so sweet to like your pictures even when it's from years ago? ^^
Y! Online Friend who's always available for late-night chats with you! Sure, they have work and assignments the next day but his beloved is more important than that! Don't mind the occasional groan he lets out whenever you guys call each other<3
Y! Online Friend who's that one friend that will flirt with you every chance he gets. He would say the most down bad, diabolical, horny, unacceptable, horrendous, and disturbing flirtatious comments towards you and quickly brushes them off as jokes to avoid making things awkward^^
Y! Online Friend who has an impressive memory when it comes to remembering details about your life! He'd even bring up some shows you've been interested in just so you could rant them about this and that<3 He loves to jerk off to your voice
Y! Online Friend who's always there to offer his support and encouragement whenever you're feeling down or stressed! <3 he would stay up late to chat with you and send some funny cat memes or videos to cheer you up!
Y! Online Friend who gets jealous when you talk to other people in groupchats. W̶h̶y̶ d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ y̶o̶u̶ p̶a̶y̶ a̶t̶t̶e̶n̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ t̶o̶ h̶i̶m̶ i̶n̶s̶t̶e̶a̶d̶ o̶f̶ t̶h̶o̶s̶e̶ l̶e̶e̶c̶h̶e̶s̶?̶
Y! Online Friend who wishes he could spend time with you in person! Don't get him wrong- he enjoys your online interactions but he wants to see your beautiful face and hear your angelic voice in person too!
Y! Online Friend who writes unsent messages or love letters to you! <3 He pours out his feelings and desires onto every word and yet it remains hidden and forgotten:(
Y! Online Friend who overanalyze every messages you send him<3 He searches for hidden meanings and signs that you might feel the same way about him! He'd dissect your words, emojis and kamojis, hoping to find evidence that his feelings have a chance of being reciprocated<3 He's the type to watch those type of videos on tiktok that goes "5 signs your crush likes you back"
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"And so obviously I was mad at her because of- Are you even listening Rein?"
Your eyebrows raised at him. You were in a call with your online friend Rein and telling him about this girl you hate, however your dearest friend had been awfully quiet... Aside from the occasional groans though! But you just took it as him agreeing
Suddenly, you heard some shuffling and finally his voice can be heard
"Wh- what?? Oh yeah..!! I was just uh- Doing something..." He let out a nervous cough before continuing "Please do continue" His voice was hoarse and you could hear his fast paced breath
You were a bit suspicious but still continued to the story, oblivious to the fact that the other was slowly slipping his hand back into his boxer<3
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To him your voice was angelic. A symphony where he can find comfort, warmth and satisfaction.
In fact he hated talking to others until you came. Oh how he loved how you vent to him about your problems<3 he loves your voice so much that it got him to the situation he's currently in right now.
Small groans and whimpers can be heard from the room. His palm teasing the evident bulge from his boxers as you continued your rant.
His mind was going wild as of the moment—he was humiliated at himself for getting off from your voice that wasn't even hinting anything particularly sexual.
Still, He can't help but entertain his fantasy about you finding out how perverted he actually is and degrading him for it—fuck, he can't take it anymore.
He's getting really impatient...be careful<3 ^^
It's been so long since I posted anything but uhh... :3
I tried to make a full blown scene of him getting at it but I couldn't do it🤡
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thankeywa · 1 year
hi babes i hope YOU MISSED MY SUPER DETAILED REQUESTS! so, for a long time now im craving for the “rut”, “heat”, “nest” and other a/b/o dynamics inserted on avatar universe, so i WAS HOPING:
could you pretty please write something about lo’ak and reader (a female na’vi) where they're best friends and both insanely in love w each other – reader already had her "cerimony" meaning she needs to find a partner soon, but lo'ak has been convincing readers parents to decline any mate offers because none of them is good enough for her. one day, reader's heat come and bsf lo’ak comes to the rescue? i need a cocky possessive lo’ak in my life and I KNOW you're the one whos gonna gimme !!!!!
lov u, drink water and stay safe <3
The Right Profile | Lo'ak x fem!Omaticaya! reader (a/b/o smut).
Happy Valentine's Day to all my readers! As always, requests are open. Minors DNI!
A.N= everyone needs to know that every time you send me a request my mind makes me put everything on standby until I get it done. Also, I have a major weakness for a/b/o and I've been dying for someone to send me a request like this, so yeah, your wish is my command. For anyone who wanted the new installment of Star-crossed instead of this, you can send your complaints to @punkrockrogers (I'm kidding, obviously).
Summary: exactly what's in the request but I found some juicy canon info about Lo'ak failing to tame an ikran on his first attempt and almost dying in the process, and you can bet I'm going to use that for this fic. So, our boi failed his driver's test therefore he does not get to smash. Both Lo'ak and reader are aged up (20 y/o). Title from the song 'The right profile' by the Clash. Quotes in this: one is from Avatar 2009 and the other is by Goethe.
T.W= this is going to be A LOT, if there ever were an Omegaverse phd course, I would be teaching that class, so if that stuff is not for you, scroll away now. NSFW: p. in v., a/b/o dynamics, mating cycles (heat, rut), marking, scent marking, knotting, breeding, also possessive!Lo'ak (our boi is a lil ooc in this, I don't condone this type of behavior in a relationship, it's all for the sake of the story, you know the drill, if this might be disturbing to you, again give this story a miss).
word count: 8k
Mini na'vi dictionary:
'evi= child (said affectionately by an elder)
Tsurokx= rest/sleep
yawne= beloved
syulang= flower
Ngaytxoa= forgive me
Oeya= my (possessive)
yìmkxa= banshee catcher
The Na'vi say that every person is born twice. The second time is when you earn your place among the people, forever.
"I do not wish to take part in the Uniltaron without you." Y/n had told Lo'ak, still distraught from the events of that day. His best friend had been the first of their group to manage to tame her ikran, of course, she had. And now she was set to take part in the Dream Hunt before finally taking her rightful place among the people along with the rest of Lo'ak's peers, while he was left behind.
He had failed and almost fallen to his death during his attempt, and now his parents were going to make him wait until he was 'truly ready' before he could try again. His father had thought it was somehow his business to step in and stop him from trying his second attempt at taming the banshee then and there. Lo'ak had never felt more embarrassed, especially because y/n had immediately dismounted from her ikran and run to his aid the second she'd seen the scene unfold before her eyes.
"You have already waited five years for me to complete my training..." Lo'ak dismissed her words. "And I won't be the reason you wait any longer..." Y/n had never said it out loud, but Lo'ak knew it was true. She'd been postponing her rite of passage so that they would have joined the clan together, and he couldn't deal with it anymore.
"But Lo'ak, I do not care about-"
"Well, you should care." He snapped at her, not really knowing where his anger was coming from. Sure, he'd just had what could have been described as the worst day of his life, but something and been simmering inside him all week. And now Lo'ak felt like he'd reached his limit. In a few hours, the young Na'vi male was going to discover that anger was only a prelude to his first rut. "Everything comes easy to you, but it's like you don't even notice! No one ever said we needed to be attached to the hip for the rest of our lives, so why don't you just get over it and do what's expected of you?"
The second he saw the heartbroken look on y/n's face, Lo'ak wanted to take it all back. He hadn't meant to say any of those things, of course he hadn't. She was his best friend, she was the woman he loved, yet he'd passed up his chances to ever be with her twice in a single day. He was petty and weak, unable to own up to his own shortcomings, and now he was taking it out on the only person in the world who would have never judged him for it.
"I see..." Y/n said, her voice laced with grief. For a single, stupid second Lo'ak had deluded himself into thinking she was about to say 'I see you', it was what he wanted to tell her. He'd been wanting to tell her for so long. "I have... been foolish. I thought that maybe you... that we..." Y/n wiped a tear away from her face, and stepped back from Lo'ak when he tried to reach out for her. "I do not need your pity." She hissed at him, feeling that Lo'ak had just rejected her. "You have made yourself understood."
With that, y/n disappeared from Lo'ak sight and into the darkness of the night. By the time Neteyam found him, Lo'ak was already in the throes of a terrible fever. His father and brother took him to a secluded place where he would have been safe, but couldn't do much for him besides that. Moat had said the rut hit Lo'ak so suddenly that he was beyond being helped with any sort of treatment. He had no mate, and neither did he have the right to choose one. Left alone to endure the most excruciating pain known to the Omaticaya people.
A lot could change in a week. Especially when it came to things taking a drastic turn for the worse. Lo'ak, who was still experiencing the occasional violent aftershock from the trauma he'd just finished enduring all by himself, was about to get accustomed to a whole new kind of pain.
"We seek your guidance, Tsahik." Y/n's parents had come to speak to his grandmother, while she was still in the process of checking he hadn't suffered any irreparable damage during his absence. "Our daughter, y/n, does not wish to wait for love to find her. She has invoked the old ways, asking us to choose a mate for her." Another violent fit wreaked havoc over Lo'ak's body, but this time he wasn't entirely sure it was due to the aftermath of his rut. Moat had told him the worst was now behind him. "Cease your whining, 'evi." She reprimanded him. "Only by regaining your strength will you find the way to be whole again." While that statement sounded overtly obvious to him, the look his grandmother gave him made him think she was trying to tell him something more.
"Forgive us, we have come at a bad time." Y/n's mother said, directing her sympathies to Lo'ak. They had always been kind toward him. "Your grandson is still injured, y/n has been heartbroken about it. We have prayed to Eywa every day for your swift recovery-"
"He has recovered." Moat cut her off. "And your daughter cannot force her childish whims on you. She is a woman, a warrior of this clan, she cannot hide behind her parents. We only arrange the marriages of future Tsahik and Olo'eyktan, for they are given gifts by Eywa herself to guide the people. The old ways have brought nothing but suffering, I remember the time when they were enforced all too well. They are only to be invoked in drastic situations, such as the event of a heat."
"We are grateful for your wisdom, Tsahik." Y/n father said. "But that is precisely what we fear... she is already showing signs. Every day our daughter grows weaker. We know she may not survive without a mate, and now it is too late for her to make her own choice."
"Fools." Moat almost spat. "Bring her to me at once-"
Lo'ak was on his feet and running out of the healing tent at once, no longer willing to listen to a single word of that conversation. Mating cycles were usually something that a couple faced together, but he and y/n had waited too long for their rite of passage. In that time they hadn't found the person who was truly right for them, so now y/n was going to force herself to be with someone or face her heat alone, along with the consequences that entailed. And it wasn't like Lo'ak could step up and ask her parents to marry her, he wasn't even part of the clan. Not only that, y/n also probably thought he wanted nothing to do with her.
He went looking for y/n everywhere. She wasn't in her tent, nor was she staying with her parents. Word was she'd gone hunting, and after a desperate search, Lo'ak ended up finding her in his own living quarters when he returned home in the early hours of the morning. As much as Lo'ak wanted to yell at y/n in frustration because he'd been worried sick over her, the sight of her sleeping peacefully quelled his anger. He knelt down to touch her forehead, and let out a breath of relief. Her body temperature hadn't drastically risen just yet.
Lo'ak took a look around and only then noticed y/n had rounded up the entirety of his possessions to surround herself with in her sleep. She had made a bed out of the skins and paintings which used to adorn the inside of his tent while holding on rather tightly to a piece of fabric he quickly recognized as one of his loincloths. He felt himself turn into a deep shade of blue in the face and attempted to gently tug the item out of her grip, but y/n growled menacingly in her sleep, immediately making Lo'ak give up on his intent. He did not wish to wake her. Not when it was clear she'd been so distressed, she'd felt the need to make herself a nest just to feel safe.
"Tsurokx, yawne..." Lo'ak wished her a good sleep, and went to tell her family she'd been found.
Her parents were thankful, and just because Lo'ak was not allowed to catch a single break, it turned out y/n parents trusted him so much they began to ask him his personal opinion on the skxawngs that had already shown up to ask them to be her mate. Lo'ak respected y/n's parents and knew they were only worried about their daughter, but he was running on zero hours of sleep, and the image of y/n curled up in a nest she'd made of his belongings was still too fresh in his mind, so he let his worst side get the better of him. He lied. Something so deeply human, his people did not even have a word for it.
"...I would not even consider Selkath, he is too arrogant to even see past himself..."
"Pantoran is weak, I would not trust him to provide for your daughter..."
"... I have known Skakoan to have used cruel words against y/n. She does not deserve her..."
The more he spoke, the more Lo'ak realized he was describing himself and the way he had treated y/n, not giving a true judgment of his peers. And her parents were trusting him with that information, even though he had absolutely no authority to be judging anyone. But there was no reason to worry, a fresh batch of idiots would have shown up to declare their 'love' soon enough, over and over again until eventually someone was found.
Lo'ak slept on the cold hard ground just outside his tent, barely getting an hour's sleep before the day began for the rest of the clan.
"Showing your worth to the clan, as usual, Su-ly?" A voice Lo'ak knew all too well asked, as he was 'accidentally' stepped on and woken up. Tholothian had never been too shy about disliking Lo'ak, and the feeling was entirely mutual. "Watch where you're going, Tho'lo." He growled as he stood up, certainly not in the mood to be taking anyone's crap. The other Na'vi was also standing entirely too close to the tent where y/n was currently resting, and Lo'ak was about the get real territorial real fast if the skxawng didn't back off. The low rumble in his throat was still there, and Lo'ak was making it very clear he was not to be messed with at that moment.
Tholothian, who thrived off humiliating the younger Sully brother in any way possible, had to take a step back. Lo'ak had been missing for an entire week, and now that he was back, he seemed to have doubled in size. He was taller, his shoulders wider, his once delicate-looking human hands bigger, and his muscles considerably more defined. And his entire demeanor also seemed... different, menacing almost. Never before would he have considered Lo'ak Sully competition, least of all a threat. So he decided to back off, for the time being at least.
What he wanted was y/n, and Lo'ak couldn't claim her. There was no pride in kicking someone down when they had already lost. Or was there? "I was just on my way to see, y/n..." Tholothian gloated, knowing it was a sore subject for Lo'ak. "You must have heard... she is searching for a mate..." The look on Lo'ak face darkened considerably, and it would have been a lie not to admit he was reaching for his dagger to challenge Tho'lo to a duel and see which of them could draw first blood, when y/n audibly called Lo'ak's name from inside the tent.
Tholothian paled considerably when he heard y/n call out to his rival and Lo'ak smirked, basking in the pride he felt at that moment. Y/n was probably waiting inside to give him an earful about disappearing for a week, but Tho'lo didn't know that. "Yeah, man. I heard." He sneered, his cocky attitude back in full swing. "I'd wish you luck, but I think it'd be fairer if I gave you a little advice instead..." Lo'ak lowered his voice and pointed his dagger in the direction of Tho'lo chest. "If you, or anyone of your friends, come sniffing after y/n again, just know you're going to have to get through me first." He snarled, showing a full set of teeth, before heading back inside to see y/n.
"Hey? That's all you have to say?" At least she was still lucid enough to be mad at him, Lo'ak thought. There was still time. Y/n threw the first thing she could find at his head, but Lo'ak managed to dodge it. "Where were you?"
"I was sick." Lo'ak said, and cautiously sat down next to her. He didn't know how else to describe what he'd been through, without inadvertently bringing up her own situation.
"Sick?" Y/n asked, still not understanding why he'd been away from home if he'd been ill.
"I'm sorry I missed your ceremony." Lo'ak said truthfully, the regret clear in his voice, even though he'd just avoided her question. "And the dream hunt, and all of it... the reason why doesn't matter, I should have been there for you."
Y/n hugged her knees to her chest, her worry not subsiding at all. What could have been so bad, Lo'ak couldn't even tell her about it?
"So... you're going to be mated soon..." Lo'ak didn't even know why he said it, other than the fact he was always the one to break the silence and say the things others wouldn't. "Why are you making your parents choose for you?" He asked when she didn't respond. "Y/n you know that's stupid..."
"What? Now honoring our traditions is stupid?" Y/n snapped at him, barely leaving any distance between them. "Weren't you the one who said I acted like I didn't care? That I should start doing what's expected of me?" She threw his words back in his face and Lo'ak immediately understood how the entire insane idea of an arranged marriage had come to her in the first place. He'd made her feel less than worthy, like she wasn't grateful enough to be part of the people, and now she was trying to make up for it, even though it was never true in the first place.
"Y/n... I never should have said those words... I wasn't myself that day, you have to believe me..." Lo'ak implored her, but it wasn't enough to keep the tears from rushing down her face.
"Well, it doesn't matter now..." Y/n kept half the truth to herself. She'd childishly thought that Lo'ak would have tried to prevent her from her recklessness and chosen her himself. But clearly, it had been a fantasy. "Lo'ak, I know what's happening to me... and I'm scared, I don't know what's worse, facing it alone or...or..."
Lo'ak pulled y/n into his arms then, holding her close as he felt her tremble against his chest. "You won't have to face this on your own, and... and I'll make sure you'll be with someone worthy, who'll take good care of you..." His words were like daggers to her chest, because there was no one else she could ever want besides him, yet she understood Lo'ak was trying his best to comfort her. Y/n buried her face in the crook of Lo'ak's neck, breathing in his scent. It was a lot stronger now, and only at that point did she realize so many things about his appearance had changed.
There were two small glands, one on either side of his neck, where his scent seemed to be strongest, and she was suddenly overcome by the need to be covered in it. Y/n began to purr softly, rubbing her face against Lo'ak's neck, not really knowing what she was doing other than chasing after the feeling of comfort and protection that came along with dousing herself in Lo'ak pheromones. "What are you doing, y/n?" Her bestfriend asked, his voice sounding considerably deeper than it had been a few seconds ago. "Feels nice." Was the entirety of the explanation she gave him, without showing any intention of stopping. Not that Lo'ak wanted her too.
He suddenly understood why she'd come to his tent in the first place, and that was to seek out whatever still held his scent, to numb out any feverish symptoms her pre-heat was going to throw at her. Lo'ak knew they were treading a dangerous line, but he also knew he would have given anything to have felt any sort of comfort during his rut, and he couldn't bring himself to tear himself away from her. The type of contact y/n was craving at that moment was completely harmless, yet the idea that she needed to be marked with his scent so badly made a Lo'ak feel possessive in a way he hadn't even known was possible. "Yeah? Is that what's been stressing you out, baby?" He cooed, wrapping her braid around his hand and tugging it softly. "You just wanted to breathe in my scent, didn't you?"
Y/n whined at his touch and nodded feverishly at his words. "Y-yes... I missed you, and I didn't know where you were. I just knew you were hurt..." She rambled, but Lo'ak kissed her temple, trying to let her know that there was no need to worry about him. "I'm right here, I'm sorry I was away. I let you down. I should have been here to help you with your nest. Look at this, you did it all by yourself, huh? Good girl." Lo'ak praised her, letting out a deep-sounding purr to let y/n know how impressed he was with her. Y/n nodded, smiling as she basked in Lo'ak's praise. "I did it for you, I wanted to be here when you got back..."
Lo'ak had to remind himself all he was doing was for the sake of helping y/n deal with how increasingly hormonal and emotional she was about to become over the next few days, and nothing that was saying in that moment held any real meaning. Somebody else would get to take care of y/n, and somehow he'd ended up on the council of people who got to determine who that person was going to be. As long as he kept his own feelings out of it, there was no reason why y/n shouldn't have stayed with him.
"Thank you, baby..." Lo'ak whispered softly and brought her hand to his mouth, kissing her wrist. "I'm going out to get you something to eat now, do you want to come? Or do want to stay here?"
"No." Y/n wrapped herself around him like a vine. "Stay."
"Huh-uh, it's like that, is it?" Lo'ak chuckled, powerless against her death-grip. So he took the opportunity to have a lie down. Unlike y/n, he was missing several hours of sleep. "Well, I'm not going to argue with the woman who has me in a choke-hold... and sleeping will do you some good too..." He sighed, resting his arms around her middle. It didn't take long for Lo'ak to pass out completely.
When Lo'ak woke up, y/n seemed to have been long gone. Someone had also brought him some food and water while he'd been resting. Lo'ak hurriedly ate something, before heading out to look for y/n, but he didn't end up needing to look too far. Moat had been in the middle of examining y/n when Lo'ak showed up out of the blue.
"Ever heard of privacy? Get out of here, skxawng!" Y/n yelled at him, and Lo'ak immediately did as he was told. At least y/n seemed to be once again lucid and back to normal. For the time being. And now that he knew she was alright he really didn't have any other excuse to be around her, so he left.
Lo'ak finally found the time to get back to his training, something he now did in private. It was embarrassing to perpetually remind the rest of the clan of his failure, and he would not ask his father or brother for help. His mother however, was a lot more difficult to get away from. And she understood more than most. "My son, it is clear you are hurting... we have not seen you for days... "
"So? What good is showing my face when I have failed you?" Lo'ak turned away in shame. He did not need anyone to look out for him, not anymore.
"Stubborn! Just like your father." Neytiri hissed at him, bonking him on his head with her bow and not too gently either. "It is clear... that Eywa made you and y/n to be together. Do not treat me as if I do not see. I see you, my son."
Lo'ak broke down as soon as he heard those words. It was true, he had been pushing his family away, but simply because he hadn't thought himself capable of facing them. What would his mother think of the twisted game he'd gotten himself in? What kind of example was he setting for his younger sister? He didn't deserve to be around any of them until he somehow managed to make things right.
Neytiri hugged him, even though it was something they hadn't done in a long time. She had immediately known how strong and independent her youngest son was from a very early age, and she feared that it may have been the reason why, out of all of her children, he'd most often been left to his own devices while she and Jake were forced to tend to the others.
"You have not failed us, Lo'ak. But you must still fight for y/n... and I will help you."
The next few days went by in a blur. If he wasn't training with his mother to successfully pass the Iknimaya on his second try, he was making sure to steer away y/n's parents from any candidates they may have seriously been considering to be her mate without seeming too obvious. If a certain potential candidate began to seem like a real threat to Lo'ak, then he would personally seek them out to politely dissaude them himself.
"If you ever try to talk to y/n, ke-he, you ever even look in her direction or... you just as much as think of her again, I'm dragging you out of your tent while you sleep and leaving you out to die in the forest. And trust me, the viperwolves will finish whatever meat the Thanator doesn't tear off your bones first."
The Na'vi might have been dangerous, but they were a peaceful people. Humans had been the ones to bring war upon them. And Lo'ak had begun to realize just how much of a scary breed he was of the two things. He was now turning on his own kind, on the very same members of his clan, his brothers and sisters. He was cheating and lying to get his way, just like a human would. And the scariest part was, that realization was bothering him less and less as time went on. Y/n's heat was approaching fast, and as a consequence, he was getting more protective and territorial by the day.
While y/n had been able to keep her head in the beginning, only going through a few 'fever dreams', as Lo'ak liked to call them, in a single day and quickly recovering from them, it was now rare to come back and find her to be lucid rather than not. She had a few lulls, here and there, where it was once again possible to get her to have a coherent conversation, but those instances were now few and far in between. Lo'ak would have to seize those opportunities to take her out so she could have a walk, drink or eat something, and show her parents she was still alive. One night he'd even managed to take her all the way out to the ponds for a swim, something she'd always loved, but she was way past that point now.
Y/n slept most of the days off; the nights were the real problem. Due to her body temperature slowly increasing to the point where it was eventually going to be unbearable for her, y/n had taken to refusing to wear any sort of clothing. Which was particularly hard on Lo'ak, especially since her body was also changing in ways that weren't so subtle. As much as he tried not to look, it seemed as if both her breasts and her hips were filling out little by little each day. By that point, he was sure it was some specific torture that had been crafted for him especially, but it all came to pale into comparison when most nights were spent treating the aches of y/n's fever.
"You need to drink some water for me, baby..." Lo'ak would try to encourage her. "I promise you'll feel a lot better if you do..." Y/n was struggling, and Lo'ak was thankful for the fact that after making a bit of a fuss she would eventually listen to him. He couldn't think of a single other person who would've had the same amount of care and patience to make sure she was eating and drinking regularly throughout her heat, and there was hardly any time left before she was completely under the influence. A decision was going to be made whether he liked it or not.
The only problem was that now, he didn’t know if he was going to be able to stand aside when the time came for her to leave. The two of them had gotten somewhat... close during their time together. Close in a way that Lo'ak was certain didn't apply to being best friends. Y/n had suffered a great deal the night her scent glands came in, two on her neck, two on her inner thighs, and one on each of her wrists, and Lo'ak had almost mistaken the event for the beginning of her heat. The sweetness of her scent had him so out of his mind, and he would have torn himself away from her if she hadn't been holding on to him for dear life. "Don't go, Lo'ak, please..." y/n had begged him through choked sobs.
Lo'ak still didn't know if he'd made the right choice to stay, because of everything that happened afterward. He peppered y/n's skin with kisses as usual, trying to bring her comfort, only this time the need to taste and sink his teeth into her was almost uncontrollable. "Y/n, I don't think I should be here..." Lo'ak tried to say, having never felt so at war with himself. Y/n shook her head and caught his lips in a kiss, completely tearing down any ounce of doubt he may have still had. For the time being. The fact that she was promised to another suddenly didn't matter anymore, and the two of them were painfully aware y/n had been dripping with slick from the moment Lo'ak had pulled her into his arms. They were all over each other instantly, reaching desperately for one another in the dark. The sound y/n made when he breached her walls was the most beautiful thing Lo'ak had ever heard, and they fucked so desperately, he was almost ashamed of it afterward.
"I told you, my sweet syulang..." He teased, regretfully having to pull out of her for the second time. "You're not ready to take my— a knot, I mean..." Lo'ak kissed her whines away, only taking a few more strokes before coating her belly will his warm seed. "But I want to try again, weakling..." Y/n huffed, having absolutely no mercy for her spent companion as she climbed on top of him. Lo'ak let out a groan and a laugh at the same time, pulling her in for a hug. "You have come so many times, I am literally covered in your slick... and since you're clearly in the right mind to give me attitude..." he pinched y/n's ass cheek and she yelped, slapping his chest. "You're more than capable to come with me for a swim and... help me clean up all this later..." Y/n had bit him in protest but eventually complied with his unreasonable demands.
In those moments with her, Lo'ak had felt so happy he'd almost forgotten what the future actually had in store for the two of them. Even though now he knew y/n so deeply, both at a mental and physical level, another would be the one to marry her. Another would the one to make a lifelong bond with her, mark her and mate with her.
'Sometimes I don't understand how another can love her, is allowed to love her, since I love her so completely myself, so intensely, so fully. I grasp nothing, know nothing, have nothing but her!' Kiri had once read out those words from one of her mother's old books, since the ability to read and write in English had always been important to his sister. At the time, Lo'ak had made fun of her, saying it was all a bunch of boring nonsense. Now, those words haunted him. Every day. And here he was now, acting in the worst of ways just to hold on to y/n for just a second longer, have every part of her until the was nothing left for anyone else to aspire to.
When he walked into the tent that night, y/n was sitting upright and wearing a large white T-shirt Lo'ak had stolen from the RDA supplies. Lo'ak was happy to see she was doing her best to eat some fruit, and the awkward smile she gave him made him understand she currently had her wits about her. "Moat came by... she said it will happen tomorrow... and she gave me... something to help with the pain. Medicine, I think. She told me... my mate will have to take me away. I can't stay here with the rest of the clan while it happens, it might be dangerous-"
Lo'ak shook his head, raising his hands as he tried not to laugh bitterly at the sadness of the situation. How could she talk about it so calmy?
"I don't want to know, okay?" He tried to say as calmly as he could, but she could hear the distaste in his mouth.
"If you can't even talk about it, then admit what I've known all along." Y/n managed to say in a weak voice. "Lo'ak, I see you... I see you... everything you're doing for me, because of me..."
Lo'ak's ears immediately turned down at the sound of the words he'd been waiting for y/n to say his entire life. His immediate instinct was to shut her out. Now that he wanted nothing more than to say those words back, he knew he was only going to make irreparable damage. He'd justified the fact they'd been having sex in secret because it wasn't uncommon for their people to do so, nor forbidden. The only problem of course was that he and y/n were painfully aware of being in love with someone who couldn't commit to them. They had chosen to live in the most blissful of lies until their time together was up.
Well, that time was now.
"Spend my heat with me." Y/n said, not even posing it as a question.
"I can't! How hasn't that gotten through to you yet?" He asked angrily, hating himself for the way she instinctively flinched at his words. Lo'ak got down on his knees, kneeling in front of her. "Ngaytxoa." He asked y/n for her forgiveness. "Oeya syulang, you deserve to be with someone who has shown enough strength and honor to be part of the people... If we'd only had more time, I... but you cannot face your heat alone, nor will I allow you to tie yourself to someone who is not worthy. Who may never be." Y/n had begun to cry at this point, and Lo'ak could feel that he'd been joining her soon. "An outcast. Someone like me."
Simply put, if Lo'ak had spent y/n's heat with her, got her pregnant, and then ended up dying on the Halleluja mountains on his second or third attempt at his Rite of passage, not to mention the unpredictableness of surviving the Dream Hunt as well, he would have committed the cruelest act of all: giving his mate false hope before leaving them behind forever, all for the sake of getting what he wanted.
"You are... impossible..." Y/n cried. "You say these words, therefore you must believe I deserve to be with someone I do not love when I have already chosen the man I belong to and he has chosen me... do you not understand that would kill me just as much as being alone would? I know you went through your rut alone, Lo'ak... I know you went through that pain and survived, Moat told me. I am willing to take that risk, and wait for you."
Lo'ak looked into her eyes then, and it seemed to y/n he was having a realization. Had she finally gotten through to him? She knew her chances of survival were slim, and she hadn't exactly prepared, but after finding out Lo'ak loved her as much as she did, he would sooner risk her life to be happy with him in the end than choose someone else.
Suddenly he was grabbing her face and kissing her, pulling away just as quickly. "I'll be back by morning... there's something... important I have to do." Lo'ak saw the look of distress on her face as he stood up. In many ways, I would have been their last night together, and he was leaving. "Trust me, syulang, I beg of you. Nga yawne lu oer."
"I love you, too."
And with that, he was gone from her sight.
As he climbed the path of vines and rocks leading to the banshee rookery, Lo'ak wondered if anyone had ever managed to reach the Halleluja mountains past the eclipse in the dead of night. If that person, whoever they may have been, had been so desperate to have made the attempt even though everyone around them had said they were not ready, because it was a question of life and death for them as much as it was for him. After the initial surprise of having made it to the top, he was immediately aware of a dozen pairs of yellow eyes blinking at him in the dark.
Lo'ak immediately whipped out the yìmkxa, swinging it around a little as he cautiously walked amongst the ikrans. "Didn't mean to spoil your beauty sleep..." He said, counting how many of them had already flown away at the sight of him. "There's just one of you I've come to settle the score with, some motherfucker who threw me off a cliff the other day-"
A very familiar hiss came from out of nowhere and Lo'ak now knew he was looking back at his banshee. "Long time no see bro, I sure hope I didn't ruin any late-night plans." The ikran lunged at him but Lo'ak knew exactly what to do this time, and moved without hesitancy, muzzling the creature's mouth with the yìmkxa. "Me? Oh you know, my girl is going through the worst experience of her life--- shit, stop that, man--- where was I? Oh right, I'm supposed to be back home with her, yet I'm out here, dancing around with you. Bet you can't wait to get inside this head, huh? Hope you enjoy all the angst, you mother-"
With a final struggle and a minor chunk taken out of his leg, Lo'ak was able to make the connection. The ikran, his ikran, immediately calmed down and let out a pained sound, that Lo'ak recognized as being directed at him.
"Yeah, well... no worries bro." He sighed from exhaustion and patted the banshee's neck. "Now let's get out of here, I don't have all goddammed night."
By the early hours of the morning, Lo'ak had returned aching from the fight with the ikran and still disoriented from the self-induced high he'd given himself with whatever concoctions he'd found in his grandmother's hut to make himself find his spirit animal. No matter what anybody said, he'd completed his rite of passage and now he was going to tell y/n they could be together. Y/n however, was not where he'd left her. Moat found him soon after, and after reprimanding him for stealing her supplies and acting so recklessly, she told him y/n's parents had chosen Tholothian to be her mate and they had left not even an hour prior to Lo'ak's arrival. The Na'vi, much to his grandmother's protests, immediately set off to find them.
With the sunlight by his side and the ability to fly over the forest, it didn't take long for Lo'ak to recognize Tho'lo's ikran resting on top of a branch and its rider wandering the forest below.
"I thought I told you to stay away from her." Lo'ak snarled, quickly dismounting from his ikran.
"Stay out of this, Sully. The fact that you did the bare minimum this time, doesn't get you a prize." Tho'lo took a threatening stance against him. Lo'ak immediately noticed his bow and dagger were missing, and that he had a large cut across his chest. "Y/n was left in my care and responsibility-"
"She attacked you." Lo'ak accused Tho'lo, charging at him with everything he had the very next second. "What did you do?" He roared with a murderous look in his eyes as he held his knife to his rival's throat. "What could you have possibly done to her to leave you stranded out here, huh?"
"What I have done? What have you done, Lo'ak?" Tho'lo accused him back, sounding all too calm for Lo'ak's liking. "She has clearly chosen you, I see that now. I had known you two were close, but I never thought it went beyond you recklessly amusing yourself with her. I never would have accepted her parents' decision if I had known-"
"The why. the fuck. did she attack you?" Lo'ak growled, actively losing his patience by the second.
"Because she's in a heat, you moron. She won't be with anyone who isn't you now that the two of you have clearly done everything except maybe name your future children...I just wish someone had warned me, so I wouldn't have to be here right now!" Lo'ak stepped back from Tho'lo then, realizing he had just been assuming the worst of someone who was meant to be his brother-in-arms. "She attacked me not two minutes after we were in flight. I thought she was going to kill my ikran so I got us all down to the ground. She escaped of course, but I still couldn't leave her out here... "
Lo'ak nodded, ashamed of all the grief his actions had caused. But he didn't even have time to dwell on it, or make things right with Tho'lo, because y/n was still out there, scared and alone.
"I'm sorry, brother-"
"I'll forgive you when you find her and bring her home in one piece." Tho'lo cut him off, calling his ikran and mounting it. "And I know you threatened others just as easily as you have just accused me. That's what separates you from the rest of the people, Sully. You reek of anger and distrust, toward yourself and others. You are selfish, just like the rest of the sky people. Whatever y/n sees in you... must be the true reason why I'm still willing to call you brother."
After a few minutes of frantic wandering, Lo'ak picked up y/n's scent and it didn't take him long to track her down. She'd hidden herself in a small cave behind the waterfall, a place they'd both discovered once when they were out hunting. The closer he got, the more overpowering the influence of her sweet pheromones became. As he climbed his way up to the cave, mindful of the water cascading above him, he knew she could sense his presence too because she began to call out his name. Lo'ak could hear the strain in her voice and ended up cutting his hands and feet several times on the rocks as he made his reckless endeavor all the way to the safe haven she'd chosen.
He looked up to see her looking down at him, and he made one last stupidly dangerous jump to get her away from the edge. "Where were you? You told me to wait, I waited for you but- you are hurt!" Y/n reached for him, she was shuddering violently and unable to keep herself from crying. Lo'ak knew exactly what kind of pain she was going through, and he had to dissuade her from fretting over his wounds.
"I know, I'm sorry Oeya syulang, I'm right here now. I'm with you..." Lo'ak kissed y/n, making quick work of getting rid of whatever fabric was left to separate them. He let out a guttural sound at the copious amount of slick that gushed out of y/n simply from his touch. "Lo'ak, it hurts..." Y/n begged him, holding onto Lo'ak so tight he was pretty sure she was going to end up rearranging his bones.
"I know baby, you're burning up..." He kissed her neck, feeling how scolding her skin was as she lowered herself onto his cock, taking him all the way with a desperate moan of relief. Y/n seized up around him and coated him with a second wave of slick, high on the feeling of finally having her mate buried deep inside of her. "Fuck--you really needed me bad, didn't you baby?" Lo'ak groaned, unable to even comprehend what was happening around him anymore. Y/n's cunt was impossibly tight and warm, and she was making a complete mess on his lap.
His mate nodded and began to ride him in earnest, her stamina never breaking for a second. Lo'ak was so in awe, he could barely keep up with her. Their moans and whines echoed off the walls of the cave, and Lo'ak knew y/n was desperate to get knotted. "You need to... relax syulang." He kissed her face when she began to whine in frustration. "Might have to fuck you a few more times before your body is ready for me, sweet thing..."
"But I want--" Y/n was beginning to sound completely unintelligible, but she never once stopped grinding down on Lo'ak, challenging herself to take in deeper and deeper every time. "Such a good girl, look at that..." Lo'ak praised her, earning a deep purr which he happily returned. "Gonna make you a proper nest... so my baby can be nice and comfortable while I mount her later, how does that sound?"
Y/n curled up against his chest at the idea, kissing him deeply and coming on his cock for the fourth time since they'd started (yes, he was keeping count), and without much warning Lo'ak began to feel the his knot forming inside of her. She gasped and began to frantically fuck herself back against it, giddy on the pleasure the foreign experience was giving her. Lo'ak gave a a few more harsh thrusts, until his knot finally popped deep inside y/n's walls, binding them together. "Fuck, baby you can't keep moving anymore..." He groaned, blissed out and slightly amused by y/n's attempts to bounce up on his knot while she was stuck on top of him.
Y/n wasn't particularly shy about being loud, but the sounds she made when Lo'ak finally began to breed her made him want to fuck her all over again right at that moment. "It's... it's so much..." She sobbed, overwhelmed by the constant stream of warm cum that was now pouring into her. Lo'ak wrapped his arm around her and made a second connection between them, bringing their cues together. Immediately he could feel how close she was to climaxing again, and he reched down between them to rub her small bundle of nerves while she was still split on his shaft. "Going to cum on my knot, baby...? You're been such a sweet girl, taking everything I have to give you... once I'm done breeding you, your belly's going to be so pretty and full---"
Y/n gave out another high pitched whine and came thanks to Lo'ak's expert fingers. He managed to lull her to sleep after that, while they were still tied together and in the process of mating. Lo'ak found his sleep to be rather light, keeping an eye open for his vulnerable mate and growling menacingly at any noise he heard coming from outside.
When his knot died down he left y/n to get some much needed rest and set out to get everything they needed to stay in the cave for the rest of the week. He knew that his scent was more than enough to let anyone and anything to stay the fuck away from the cave, and that y/n would have been safe. Even though he'd returned with food supplies and other creature comforts to make a worthy nest, y/n was not too forgiving of his absence and jumped his bones the second he came back. After she'd deemed herself sated, they made their nest together, but it was hard to do anything without eventually getting distracted.
Y/n's belly was beginning to stretch out a little already from their activities and Lo'ak was completely mesmerised by the sight of his cum slipping out of her. So much so he could help but hold her down and get a taste. "Lo'ak... w-want your knot again..." she mewled, tugging fiercely at his braids while he drank down the sickly sweet taste of her slick.
"Oeya syulang, I haven't eaten all day, you can't blame me for wanting a taste... " Lo'ak growled softly before sinking his teeth in the scent gland on her left inner thigh, making her cry out. He soothed the wound with his tongue, lapping up her blood. "Now, you're going to have to behave for me a little, or I'm going to eat you out until you're a sobbing mess... understood?"
Y/n was a lot more partial to taking a break to eat and drink something after that. Lo'ak was not surprised when she feel asleep again, and he curled up around her on the makeshift bed they'd made, holding her close to his chest. He immediately woke up when she began to cry next to him a few hours later, not even thinking twice about mounting her from behind as her kissed her shoulders and reassured her everything was alright.
Y/n was the one to link their queues this time, moaning softly as he began to move. "Still hurts if I'm not inside you, baby?" Lo'ak asked, genuinely worried that the heat was still painful even though y/n was no longer facing it alone. Y/n shook her head and tried to find the right words to express what she was feeling, Lo'ak kissed her temple reassuringly, stroking her tail to soothe her. "J-just now... I think... I think I'm ready..." It took a little while for Lo'ak to understand, but then he felt it through their bond. Y/n was at the peak of her heat, and his next load was sure to get her pregnant. "You're happy..." she said, Lo'ak still forgetting that she could probably feel his heart soaring at that moment.
"Yeah..." He laughed, a little choked up. "Course I'm happy... so fucking happy" Lo'ak placed a hand on y/n's lower belly, firmly holding her there as he picked up his pace, pounding into her deeper and deeper. Y/n bared her neck to him then, submitting and asking him to mark her as his own. "Nga yawne lu oer..." He whispered before sinking his teeth into her scent gland, tasting the blood and sweetness there. Y/n cried out his name, feeling their bond deepen even more and the desperate need to mark Lo'ak just the same.
Both of them felt the exact moment when life began to blossom between the two of them when they were lying in each other's arms some moments afterwards. They were holding each other close and tending to the deep marks they'd left on each other's bodies. Lo'ak spent the rest of the night whispering promises and soft nothings to y/n, and she quelled all his anxieties about his wrongdoings or the fact that his child might have inherited his human features.
After all, she'd never cared for the right profile anyway.
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i-am-baechu · 8 months
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❥・Title: Passenger
❥・Paring: Namjoon x reader 
❥・ Summary: Meeting a cute boy at the bookstore wasn’t new to Y/N. What was new was when the said cute boy asks her out and he’s Kim fucking Namjoon. Why would an idol want to be with someone in a wheelchair or someone who uses a cane?
❥・ Rating: Explicit (18+) 
❥・ Genre: Idol! Namjoon, bookstore worker! Y/N, disabled reader, toxic ex-friends, musician Y/N, fluff, romance, angst, comedy, and smut
❥・Author's Note: I had this done yesterday but I didn't like the story so, I re-did the story
❥・ Playlist: Passenger - Candice Glover ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚
“Mom, can I please have this?” 
L/N Y/N glanced at the mom with a curious look as she put books on her cart. It was a normal Thursday afternoon, some kids were just getting off of school and coming in to study or looking for books. Y/N smiled at the scene as the mom got down to her daughter's level, “What is it?”
“It's a koala. Well, it's bt21 Koya. I don’t have this one.” 
The mom glanced at the keychain and smiled, “Sure, you passed your math test. You deserve something.” 
“Really Mom!? Thank you!” 
Y/N watched them walk away, “How cute.” 
Yuri walked over to her and smiled down at her, “It is cute. Wait, are you talking about the scene or the keychain?” 
“Both. Both are good.” Y/N pushed the cart slowly as she turned her wheel on the chair, “Where does this cart go?” 
“It goes in the back. I heard that Maria is leaving on Friday.” 
Y/N scoffed at this as she stopped moving, “Good. After what she did to me, I’m glad she got fired.” 
Yuri nodded her head as she stood next to her, “I am too. I am scared that she’ll do something. Maria and Chae were close, Chae might come after you.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes and shook her head, “This isn’t high school...why do they want to act like it is?” 
“Because that’s when they peaked. Just be careful, I’ll keep an eye on them too. I just don’t want you to get hurt.” 
“What more can they do to me? I already have nerve damage.” 
Namjoon leaned back in his chair and stared at his screen with a blank expression. It’s been two hours and nothing. Every time he typed something out, he deleted it. He just wanted to write a simple poem to get his thoughts flowing and so far, nothing. He cracked his neck and ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. A knock on the door made him glance at the dark wood and rub his forehead, “Come in.” 
The door opened to reveal Yoongi leaning against the door frame with a raised eyebrow, “It’s bad that I’m checking on you.”
Namjoon sighed with a chuckle escaping, “Yeah, I know. I’ve been trying to get inspiration but nothing.”
“Why don’t you go to that bookstore?” 
“That narrows it down.” 
Yoongi rolled his eyes and took his phone out of his pocket. He typed something in his phone and turned it towards his leader, “It's called Sea of Hope. It’s by a park and a cafe, I think it will be beneficial for you.” 
“Sea of Hope...I’ll check it out. Will you go with me?” 
“Sure, I have nothing else to do. Plus, Hae wants me to get her a new sketchbook.” 
Namjoon nodded his head and took out his phone with a sigh. Yoongi raised his eyebrow with a small smirk, “Waiting for her?” 
“I don’t think she's going to text me back.”
“You don’t know that.”
I do...I do, “Do you want to get a drink with me?” 
“Sure, let me get Hoseok too. He needs a break too.”
“Alright sounds like a plan.”
Namjoon watched Yoongi leave his studio and he leaned back in his chair staring at his phone. He sighed to himself and felt annoyed. Why did she ask about him if she wasn’t going to communicate with him? He was interested but clearly she wasn’t. How many times is he going to get ghosted? 
Y/N brushed her hair as she glanced at herself in the glass leaning against her cane for stability. She was in her late twenties with her wheelchair and cane to get around. She was born with nerve damage and there wasn’t much she could do but to live with it. There were days where she wished she could’ve ended it all but there was always something stopping her. It was her mother's smile and her father's laugh that kept her grounded throughout her life. Then she met her best friend in high school, Jung Ae-Cha. Just their simple love kept her moving forward in life.
She pushed some hair back and smiled to herself, “Okay.” 
She opened the door and called for a car, saying goodbye to her orange and white cat, Sonia. She locked her door and put her keys in her pocket when the cold air touched her warm cheeks. She had a small shiver and shook her head, it’s so cold but I do love fall... The drive there was short but it was enough time to watch the leaves fall from the branches. It was a sight to see. Watching a leaf dance with the wind was like watching a married couple take their first dance, it was always special no matter how many times you’ve seen it. 
The cafe was like any other cafe, it felt warm and it wasn’t just the tea. The windows showcased the large park with the flowers touching the cold glass. She sat next to the window and watched the kids play with one another. She couldn’t help but feel some sadness watching them run across the grass without a care in the world. 
“You shouldn’t think too hard, Y/N.”
She turned her head and saw Ae-Cha giving her a soft smile holding two cups, “I guess. Sometimes thinking is good for the soul.”
“It can be good but it can also be bad depending on the thoughts. Knowing you, the thoughts are bad.” 
“Not necessary...what kind of tea did you get?”
Ae-Cha set the cups down on the small table as she pulled out her chair, “I got myself a London fog and I got you a green tea with cream.” 
“Thank you. How was the trip here?” 
Ae-Cha sighed and shook her head, “I know moving to Italy would be exciting but my god, the flight here. I feel so exhausted.”  
“I thought your boyfriend got you first class?” 
“He did but the people around weren’t so nice. How’s work?”
Y/N rolled her eyes and put her cup back on the table, “You remember that girl I was telling you about?”
“Maria? Or was it Chae?” 
“Technically both but the story is focusing on Maria.”
Ae-Cha nodded her head and took a sip of her tea, “I thought you liked her? What happened?”
“She got mad that I was getting more hours than her so she tried to trip me and then she got Chae to make my life harder. She said, “We only need her to make the company look good.”
“I’ll slap her for you.”
“You could get sued.”
“You should sue the company for letting the manager discriminate against you. It’s not right.”
Y/N sighed and glassed at the park, “I know...but sadly I need this job.”
Ae-Cha shook her head and gave her a stern look (something Y/N was avoiding), “No job is worth the abuse.” 
“Tell that to the economy. I was already looking at another job.”
“That’s good. You need to leave that toxic place.” 
“I’ll try.” 
Namjoon sat down on the grass and stared out into the neverending grass fields. He looked down and gently touched the daisies that were around him. Each flower was a different color but the petals felt the same. He placed his backpack behind him and laid down staring up at the clear sky with the cold air touching his skin. 
It was another day with no work getting done and another day without getting a text. Maybe this online dating wasn’t meant for him. Maybe he should go look for someone without someone helping him. It was time to take matters into his own hands. He was going to find a girl. 
He glanced at the cafe and smiled, “Neverland..that sounds cute.” Namjoon had a small shiver when she felt the breeze again but it didn’t bother him. He actually loved fall. 
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
It was early morning and Y/N was opening up the store. Chae was on the schedule with her but she knew she wasn’t going to show up. Why would she? Her parents owned the bookstore and she hated her guts, it makes sense. She didn’t understand why Maria or Chae hated her. They were friends in the beginning but then something shifted and she didn’t know what it was. She’s tried talking to Maria (the more civilized one at least that’s what she thought) but she got ignored. 
Maria was someone that Y/N knew back in college. They only talked when they needed to but the conversations were never malicious. They were the opposite. Maria was kind and gentle to her whenever she saw her. Obviously, something changed. When she met her in the bookstore things were going well. She would go out to dinner with her or they would hang out at the cafe. Once she started to hang out with Chae, she changed. 
Maria was fired because Y/N laid everything on the table to Chae’s parents. She only mentioned Maria because she was scared to even mention Chae. Maria would make everything harder for her. She would make sure all the books she needed were higher than usual or she would make sure there was stuff on the floor whenever she had her wheelchair. Y/N tried letting it go because it was just childish and she didn’t need to be angry. It wasn’t until she had an accident. Maria tripped her and she fell. She asked Maria for help but she got laughed at. Chae was there and recorded everything. Their laughs clouded her brain that day and a decision was made. Now she was the target of Chae but she wasn’t going down without a fight. 
Y/N watched as people made their way into the store. Talking amongst each other with small voices that would make a mouse jealous. She was always jealous seeing groups of friends, she never really had a group. Sure she had friends throughout high school and college but they never stayed. Ae-Cha was the only that stayed but even with her, it gets lonely at times. This is one of those times. 
The way the girls laughed with each other and hit their shoulders as they laughed, it made her smile in green. She sighed to herself and picked up the go-backs, it was a small stack of books so it was manageable. She leaned against her cane putting some books back on the shelves. She turned her and her eyes landed on a group of guys. It was four of them but they had masks with sunglasses. She squinted her eyes at them because this wouldn’t be the first time someone stole from the store. She made a mental note about them but headed back to her desk to finish her morning paperwork. 
Namjoon felt her eyes and glanced at her, her curious eyes were bright as her lips were shining under the light. She was cute but that's all he thought. In his mind, she knew he was famous because of the stare. It wouldn’t be the first time that someone stared at him in public when he had a mask on, so much for the mask to cover his face. At least she didn’t come up to him to ask questions or anything like that. 
Jin raised his eyebrow and glanced at him, “Are you okay?”
Namjoon nodded his head and glanced over his shoulder to see her leaving, “That girl was staring...I think she knew we were famous.” 
Yoongi rolled his eyes and shook his head, “I think you're paranoid. She probably was just checking in on us or something like that. We are wearing masks, sunglasses and black hoodies. She probably thinks we're going to steal.”
“I didn’t think of that...” 
Hoseok let out a small laugh, “See, don’t assume someone knows you're famous. She’s just doing her job, that’s all.”
Namjoon sighed and nodded his head, “I know, I know. You just never know with people and I want to make sure we're safe in public.” 
Jin nodded his head and put the book back on the shelf, “I get it Joon. I saw you looking at her though, you think she's cute?”
Namjoon rolled his eyes at him and put the book in his basket, “Do you have your books?” 
“You ignored the question, you think she's cute.” 
“I want to look at more books, I’ll be in the back.”
The three older men let out a small chuckle watching him leave, annoyance with each step he took. Y/N signed off her last paper and looked up to see the guy with the mask and glasses. She tilted her head at him as he headed towards the back. He had an interesting aura but it was probably because he was going to steal or something. Some people came up with their purchases and she looked away from him. 
Namjoon grabbed the book that he wanted and smiled underneath the black material. He ignored his members and went to the front. He waited in line but he heard her soft voice, “This book is really good. The poems are kinda dark but it's still good.” 
“Oh really. I’ve read the other works of his but they weren’t dark. So this one is dark?” 
Y/N nodded her head and gave her a smile, “It is but it's really good. I’ve read it.” 
The younger girl smiled at this and took out her cash, “Thank you for helping, I appreciate it.” 
“Of course and if you don’t like it, you can always return it.” 
“Thank you again.” 
Namjoon smiled to himself as he watched the girl smile. Her smile was gentle and her voice sounded like the gentle wind in spring. She was cute, “I can help who's next.” 
Namjoon snapped out of his thoughts and bowed his head at the girl. He placed the basket on the counter, “Hello, how's your day?” 
Y/N smiled at him as she put the books on the counter (happy that he didn’t steal anything), “It’s been going good. Do you like history?” 
Namjoon smiled (even though she couldn't see it) and nodded his head, “Yeah, it’s a story about a feminist leader and I’ve been interested in it for a while.”
He’s interested in a feminist leader...it could be a way to pick up girls. He could be one of those guys.... “My co-worker read this book and liked it. You should get the other volumes.”
“I thought about it but it gives me another reason to come back.”
She raised her eyebrow but nodded her head, “That will be ₩ 88,077. Will that be cash or card?”
“Oh, card.”
“Alright, let me set up the card reader and when it’s ready just hover your card over the corner to have it read.” 
Namjoon nodded his head as he took out his card to do what she said. She doubled his bag and clicked the tender on the computer. She pushed some hair behind her ear as he glanced at her. She smiled and took the receipt and put it in the bag, “You have a good day.” 
“Y-You too, bye.” 
Y/N watched him leave and tilted her head. “How strange.” 
After her shift, Y/N went to the music store next door. She waved her hand at the owner, Kim Jin-Young, and walked up to him, “How’s your day so far, Mr. Kim.” 
Jin-Young let out a small laugh and shook his head, “I told you to call me Jin-Young, Y/N.”
“I know but it's fun calling you Mr. Kim, makes you feel older.” 
Jin-Young rolled his eyes and glanced at the back door, “Do you want your guitar?”
“Yeah, I was checking in on it.”
Jin-Young smiled at this and went to the back room. He came out with a brand new acoustic guitar with flowers on the side, “I tuned it for you but you might want to do it yourself. Are you performing this weekend?” 
Y/N smiled and nodded her head. She set the cane against the counter to take the guitar with a smile, “Yeah, Ae-Cha signed me up a month ago. I had no idea but she thought it would be good for me.”
“I think it would be. You have really good lyrics and a beautiful voice.” 
She rolled her eyes and shook her head, “Shut up, I’m nothing like those K-pop idols.” 
“Some of them lip sync. Be proud of your talent.” 
“I suppose. Thank you for this, I appreciate it.”
“No problem, Y/N. I’ll be cheering you on Saturday.” 
“I’ll see you later, Mr. Kim.”
Jin-Young rolled his eyes and watched the girl leave with the guitar on her back, “Yah! It’s Jin-Young to you!” 
Namjoon leaned back in his chair and stared at his ceiling with a blank expression. His blank expression matched his computer screen and he sighed to himself. He glanced at his couch and saw the bag from the bookstore and smiled to himself. He got up from his desk and took out the book he got. He smiled to himself when he thought of the cashier but he shook his head. Maybe reading the book could give him a break from life. 
Namjoon finished the book that night and he came back to the bookstore the next day. Y/N recognized him because of his voice and the pair of sunglasses he had on. She didn’t check him out at the register but she did talk to him when he was walking around the store. She realized that he wasn’t using a feminist leader to flirt but he was actually interested in it. She smiled at this as he went on tangents about the leader. He even recommended books to her. He was interested and he read pretty fast because he’s back again today. 
“You read pretty fast.”
Namjoon jumped at the voice and looked at her. She was wearing a simple white short-sleeved shirt with her work vest and her hair was in a low ponytail. The vest had different buttons of things that she was interested in and he held in a laugh when he noticed a Koya on the dark green vest.  He nodded and showed her a random book on the shelf, “I was looking at a different genre this time.” 
She tilted her head at the book and let out a small laugh, “You want to read a teen fantasy about a vampire falling in love with a wizard?” 
Namjoon glanced at the cover and back at her, “I-I...”
“If you're into that then go right ahead.” 
Namjoon put the book back and shook his head, “No-No, I just grabbed a random book. I-I-”
“I can put that in the front for you.”
Namjoon felt his face get hot and he wanted to slap his forehead, “I want some poetry books.”
“So, why did you grab that book?”
“I just grabbed a random book to talk to you.”
“To talk to me?”
“I like talking to you...is that weird? It is weird, I’m sorry.”
Y/N felt flattered and she ignored her heart fluttering,  “I like talking to you too. I can show you the-”
“I’ll show him the poetry section. Y/N, you should be in the front. Not walking around.”
Y/N held in a sigh and turned around to see Chae glaring at her. She nodded her head and looked back at Namjoon with a small smile, “I’ll see you in the front.” 
Namjoon watched Y/N leave and he frowned at the scene. Whoever this girl was, it was clear she didn’t like the girl. The one thing he was happy about was that he knew her name, Y/N. It matched her perfectly. Namjoon turned towards the girl and smiled at her under the mask, “I can find it, thank you.”
“Are you sure? I would love to help.”
Namjoon fought back the urge to roll his eyes but shook his head, “No, it’s okay. Thank you.”
Namjoon left her standing there before she could say anything to him. He quickly went into the poetry section and sighed to himself, “Y/N...pretty name.” 
Y/N signed off some return receipts and when she turned around Chae was standing there with her arms crossed. The glare she was giving her made her skin feel like it was on fire, “Hi, Chae”
“Why weren’t you in the front? That’s your task for today.”
Y/N glanced at the paper in her hands and then back at her with a tensed smile, “No one was on the floor with me so, I had to walk around the store to make sure everyone was helped.” 
“Walk? You barely do that. You're slow, that's why you stay in the front.” 
“I have my cane, I can walk around-”
“I don’t care what you can do, you stay in the front. You’ll just get in my way and it's annoying.”
She knew she shouldn’t feel hurt by her words but it was hard, “Okay.”
“Okay? Is that all you can say? You should-”
“I’m ready.”
Y/N glanced over Chae’s shoulder and saw the mystery standing there with his books. She was grateful for him because she felt saved at this moment. Chae gave him a fake smile and nodded her head, “Y/N will be happy to help you.” 
And with that, Chae left. Y/N let out the sigh that she was holding in and smiled at him, “Thank you for that...you know my name, what’s yours?” 
Namjoon let out a small laugh and put the books on the counter, “Now why would you want to know my name?” 
“Because...I like talking to you.” 
Namjoon smiled at this and nodded his head. He took off his sunglasses and looked around before pulling down his mask, “My name is Namjoon.”
Her eyes widened at this when she saw who it was, “Kim Namjoon? Like from Bts?”
“Yeah...don’t tell anyone, please.” 
“I wouldn’t dare to do so. It would mean other people talk to you and I wouldn’t want competition.”
Namjoon let out a laugh and put everything back on, “It wouldn’t be a competition. I would only talk to you anyways.” 
“That’s good to know, Mr. Idol.” 
“Mr. Idol? That feels weird, just call me Namjoon or if people are around Nam.”
She let out a small laugh as she scanned the last book, “Nam? That’s not very creative of you.” 
“Hey, I’m trying here.” 
“I see that. That will be ₩ 94,248, Mr. Nam.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes and took his card out, “I regret saying that now.”
“I don’t...I was wondering...We have this festival tomorrow and it would be cool if you came. You don’t have either.” 
“A festival?” 
Y/N nodded and put the receipt in his bag, “Yeah, it's a small music one. You said you’ve been having trouble at work. Now that  I know it's music...I thought it would be beneficial for you.” 
Namjoon smiled and nodded his head, “Are you asking me out on a date?” 
Y/N’s face felt warm and she shook her head, “It’s not a date. A hang-out if you will.” 
“Then I’ll come to that hang-out, Y/N.”
“Good, Mr. Nam...I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
She watched him leave the store and she couldn’t help but smile to herself. He was interesting and she couldn’t wait to know more about him. 
Namjoon sat on the grass with Yoongi sitting next to him as he stared at the empty stage. Y/N already met Yoongi and Yoongi thought it was funny that Namjoon was interested in her. She was the opposite of him, she was more blunt with her comments while Namjoon wasn’t but it was clear they were both interested in each other. Y/N told them that she had to do something and walked away. The last thing that he saw was the rose gold cane shining.
“You like her?”
Namjoon glanced at Yoongi and took a sip of his water, “She’s interesting...” 
“Just say you like her. You're not waiting for the other girl, right?” 
“I deleted her number. She wasn’t worth the wait.”
“What was her name again? Hae told me that she wasn’t good news so I blocked it out.” 
Namjoon sighed and looked at Yoongi, “Hae, knew she wasn’t good? Why didn’t she tell me?” 
“She wanted you to learn your lesson, I guess. What was her name so I can keep an eye out.”
“The next performer is my good friend, L/N Y/N.”
Namjoon snapped his head to the stage and watched Y/N go to the microphone with a guitar and without her cane. She sent a smile to the crowd and gave a small wave to Namjoon. Namjoon returned it as Yoongi watched on the sidelines with a smirk on his face. Yoongi leaned towards Namjoon and whispered in his ear, “Did you know she was performing?”
She played a few cords and smiled to herself as the melody echoed throughout the park, Raindrops make me think of you, Fragments of you in them. Each drop is our memories. Good or bad, there are no outliers. Especially with you. I think that’s why I like rainy days. You're always with me, even in an empty room.”
The sad melody played and for Namjoon everything was at a standstill as he stared at the girl in front of him. She was playing the guitar and her soft voice pierced his ears. It was beautiful but it was so sad. The words to the song were poetic and they held the pain of the past. Anyone can relate to her words and he thinks that’s why he liked it so much. 
When she finished everyone applauded her and bowed. She headed off the stage making Namjoon run towards it, ignoring the stare from his member. He entered backstage and saw Y/N looking down at the ground with tears in her eyes as two girls stood in front of her, “Why would anyone like your song?”
“They probably felt pity for you because I mean look at you. Disabled and you barely can walk.”
Namjoon glared at this and let out a small cough behind the mask as his glasses hid his glare. The two girls turned around and looked him up and down with confused looks, “What do you want?” 
“I’m here for Y/N. I don’t appreciate you saying all those things to her.” 
“It’s true and it's time she learned. She’s just a headache to everyone.” 
Namjoon took off his glasses and sent a hard glare that made the girl take a step back, “You're a  headache by just talking. Now move.” 
She scoffed at this and glanced at Y/N, “He only did that because he felt bad for you. Remember that.”
The two girls left while Y/N stared at the dirty wood with a blank expression. Namjoon shook his head at their behavior and tilted her chin with his thumb, “Don’t listen to them. Idiots just echo each other to feel heard.” 
Y/N let out a sad chuckle and shook her head, “Sometimes Idiots say the truth....”
“Y/N, they're wrong. You're beautiful inside and out, no matter what people say. Everyone is different, and that makes everyone unique in their own way.” 
She tilted her head at him and let out a small cough as he looked away, “Just don’t listen to them.”
“Should I listen to you then?”
“If that makes you happy, then yes.”
They stared into each other's eyes and she let out a small laugh, “Thank you...we should get back to Yoongi.” 
“Y-Yeah, where’s your cane?”
“In my dressing room. Can you help me?”
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Fall came and passed. It was spring when the flowers bloomed from slumber from the cold winter. Y/N opened her window to let the semi-warm air into her room. She glanced outside to see the bush that was near her house was already blooming with small pink flowers. She smiled to herself and pushed some hair back as she relished in the morning sun. 
She had known Namjoon for a while now and everything was good. In her dark thoughts, it was too good. He would always make time for her and come visit her and her cat. He would bring her favorite food and drinks while they sat in her living room talking about poetry. It was as if he understood everything she was saying and vice versa. It was lovely but again her mind loved playing tricks on her. 
Namjoon was building up the courage to ask her out but every time he wanted to, it didn’t feel right. The rest of the members were threatening him at this point to ask her out but he was nervous. He never really liked anyone before her, they were only flings. Y/N was different and he didn’t want to ruin anything between them. It would devastate him if he lost her. If he had to keep his feelings hidden longer then he would do so. 
Y/N got ready for another day at work and she was already dreading going in. She didn’t want to see Chae but at least she worked with Yuri today. She laid back on her back staring at her ceiling with a frown. It wasn’t until she felt softness at her fingertips and she smiled. She glanced and saw Sonias with her bright green eyes. Y/N softly scratched Sonia’s head, “Sonia, I wish I could stay home all day with you. Nothing to worry about, just cuddles.” 
Sonia let out a loud meow and cuddled into her side making Y/N melt, “I love you too but I have to go. You be a good girl. Namjoon is coming by later, he’ll have your treats. You know how he is. Always spoiling you.”
Another meow left her lips and she smiled to herself. She leaned down and kissed the top of Sonia’s head. She gently got off the bed and frowned when she felt pain in her leg. It was going to be a long day and she wasn’t ready for it. She walked down the stairs carefully as Sonia went beside her, slowing down when Y/N did. When she finally reached the last step she grabbed her wheelchair and slowly sat in it. A sigh left her lips as she tried to be positive for the day. It’s so hard to feel anything when you feel nothing. 
A knock at the door caused her to raise her eyebrow, “Who is it?”
“It’s Namjoon! Can I come in?”
Y/N rolled her eyes and a small laugh, “You know the code.”
Namjoon opened the door and saw that she was in the wheelchair and frowned, “Is your leg acting up?”
“When is it not acting up? It’s just a wheelchair kind of day. Why are you here?” 
“I wanted to drop you off.” 
Y/N smiled at this and looked down at her feet, “You want to drive your disabled friend to work?”  
“I want to drive Y/N to work. You're much more than being disabled.” 
“Wait, you can’t drive though.”
Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck and let out a nervous chuckle, “That’s why I asked Hyung to help me.”
“Which one-”
She smiled and watched the door open wider to see Hoseok giving her a wide smile, “Hello, oppa. Thank you for driving me.”
“It’s no problem Y/N. Namjoon woke me up early to-”
Namjoon hit Hoseok's shoulder and let out a nervous laugh, “Let’s get you to work.” 
“Thank you, Nam.” 
Namjoon rolled his eyes and let out a huff of air, “I told you not to call me that when it's just us.” 
“When do I listen to you? It’s fun making you mad.” 
The ride there was filled with soft music bouncing off the leather fabric. Y/N stared outside looking at the flowers with a softness in her heart. She loved spring, it was the time when things that were hidden away from the cold appeared. It was a metaphor for life and she wanted to stick to that. 
Namjoon saw that she was looking out the glass and smiled at her gentle look. He let out a small cough that made her look at him and raised an eyebrow, “Tonight I was wondering if we can write together again.” 
Y/N smiled at this and nodded her head, “That sounds fun. Are you going to spoil Sonia?” 
“She deserves it. She’s the only cat that behaves well and loves cuddles.”
“Does this exclude Yoongi?” 
Namjoon let out a small laugh and shook his head, “You know what I mean. Who do you work with today?”
“With Chae and Yuri.” 
Namjoon scoffed at this, “I don’t like Chae. She needs to be put in her place.” 
“I don’t have to deal with her any longer. Next week is my last week, so no worries.” 
Namjoon smiled at this and nodded his head, “Where are you going to work?”
“With Jin-Young. It felt right to move to the music store and it's near the cafe.”
“I’m glad you're leaving that bookstore. It was toxic.” 
She nodded her head as she looked out the window, “Ae-Chae, asked her boyfriend to sue Chae and wants me to go forward with it.”
Hoseok nodded his head at this as he gently stopped the car, “You should go forward with it. She discriminated against you.” 
“I just don’t like conflict...it’s so much money too. Ae-Chae said she would pay for it but I feel bad for that. I don’t think I’ll go forward with it because well I’m scared...”
“That’s understandable, Y/N. If you want to go forward, I’ll be happy to help you.”
She turned towards Namjoon with her eyes widened, “You would help me?” 
“I told you. I’ll always help you.” 
That night, Jin picked her up with Namjoon and the tension in the car was different. Namjoon was nervous while Jin was smiling to himself, it was clear that he had done something to him. They sat in her bedroom typing away on their laptops. Namjoon kept glancing at her over his screen while Y/N was typing and petting Sonia in her lap. 
“Nam, what did you write?” 
“I-I...I want you to go first.” 
“Okay...Falling snow with secrets of winter linger. Springtime is when the truth is revealed 
Warmth is replaced in the summer with your touch, But when fall comes loneliness returns. Four seasons isn’t enough to heal. A lifetime will do.” 
Namjoon nodded his head and smiled, “That was pretty. I liked the mention of the different seasons.” 
“I thought about it because it's the first day of spring.” 
“Ah, you were excited about the flowers blooming.” 
“I was, now what did you write?” 
Namjoon nodded his head and let a nervous sigh out, “I wrote this from the heart...I hope you like it.”
“If it’s from the heart then how could I hate it?” 
“The moment we met, I knew. Somehow the truth always comes out with you. The reason I survive is one of the reasons for my rebirth. My meaning of life. Hold me, with tears escaping into the abyss. Something so pure and true. Can even make the strongest whimper. My summer sky in the harsh winter, the first raindrop in a drought, a crumble in a famine. My strength, my clarity, and my heaven...Y/N will you be my girlfriend?”
Her eyes widened at this and stared at him with a shocked look, “Y-You want me to be your girlfriend?”
“I do...I really do.” 
Y/N glanced down at Sonia as she continued to pet her, “You want me even though I have so many things wrong with me?” 
“Y/N, I don’t give a shit if you have problems. I love you for you. Every little thing about you I’m in love with. Regardless of how you see yourself. I love you.” 
“You-You love me?” 
“I do.” 
She gently touched Sonia’s butt to have her jump off her lap. She leaned against the table and gently placed her lips on his. His eyes widened but he closed his eyes and tilted his head to deepen the kiss. He gently pushed the table away and grabbed her hips, picking her up effortlessly. His hand moved to the back of her neck and he pulled her closer. When they leaned away he pushed some hair away from her face and truly looked at her face. She tried to look away from his intense eyes but he would let her budge. He kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose, her cheeks, and then the edge of her lips, “I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too...Nam.” 
He let out a deep chuckle and kissed her neck as her fingers went through his hair, “Always the one that likes to annoy.”
“I think it gives you excitement.” 
“It does.”
He gently pushed her down on the floor as he towered over her. Her hair perfectly framed her face as the nervousness in her eyes became clear to him. He leaned down and kissed her lips again and this time it was more passionate than before. She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him in closer. He happily accepted it. Nervous as she was, she couldn’t help the feeling in her stomach that erupted because of his touch. His thighs slowly separated hers as he got into a better position. 
He was perfect and she was the greatest treasure that he could ever acquire. He lifted up her skirt and gave her a small smile, “Is this okay?” 
“This is everything I want...” 
It happened so fast but so slow at the same time. He buried his face into her neck, panting as he placed kisses on her sweaty skin. The thrusting that started off slow was no faster with each passing second. He leaned away and looked down at her pleasured-out face. Her lips shined under the light with her eyes closed tightly. Her moans became louder as she felt her body moving forward with each thrust. Her arms reached up to him and he knew what she wanted. He leaned down and gave her another deep kiss as she arched her back when she felt her orgasm approaching. 
Keeping his mind focused, he continued to focus on her. Lifting up her shirt and kissing the tops of her breasts. He was losing himself and he couldn’t stop, “I’m going to come, Y/N.”
“T-That’s okay.”
“Where do you want me to come?” 
“You can just do it on my thigh or stomach.”
He nodded his head and pulled himself out with a low groan coming out of his mouth. He started rubbing himself and a white substance touched her the inside of her thigh. She felt it drip down and out of curiosity, she brought her fingertips to it and gently touched it. She brought it to her mouth and tasted it. Namjoon's blissed-out expression registers what just happened and lets out a moan at the sight. 
“You’ll be the death of me.”
“That’s good to know.” 
He leaned to kiss her left shoulder and back at her with a smile, “I love you regardless of what’s happening. You're my everything. The moment I saw you with your cane in the bookstore I fell in love with you. I love you for you. Nothing less.”
A small tear escaped as she gently touched his face, “Even if I can’t walk some days.”
“I’ll carry you.”
“Even on days that I can feel anything.”
“I’ll become your nurse.”
She smiled at him and kissed the tip of his nose, “Then I’m yours.”
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Two Years Later 
“Y/N! Are you ready?”
She turned around and smiled at Namjoon, “You think Army would accept me? I mean it’s me...” 
Namjoon let out a small laugh and sat next to her. He kissed the side of her head and pushed some hair from her forehead, “Why wouldn’t they?” 
“I’m not normal...”
“Y/N, you're the greatest thing that has happened to me. I love you. Remember what I said to you.” 
She let out a laugh and kissed his cheek, “Call me Nam.”
He rolled his eyes and kissed her forehead, “My strength, my clarity, and my heaven. I would do anything for you.” 
“I would do anything for you too...Let’s tell the world about us. I’ll stand by you no matter what. I’ll be your passenger through life.” 
He smiled at this and intertwined their fingers together as a diamond sparkled in the light, “Forever.” 
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baobaojng · 2 years
Again (Jeon Jeongguk)
again (jeon jeongguk)
jeon jeongguk (rockstar jungkook) x (fem! waitress) reader
themes: angst, fluff, smut
summary: where rockstar jeon jungkook wonders if he’ll ever see you again.
warnings: graphic sex scene, they use protection because it's the only reasonable option here!, oc and jungkook have an age gap and they kinda have a crisis around that (jk is older)
note: i do not permit the use of this fic for anything else. this work is mine and mine alone. these premises and characters are entirely fictional and do not intend to paint anyone in a bad light.
wordcount: 7,729
author's masterlist
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Well of course you were having the time of your life, swaying around mindlessly on the dance floor - hair on the loose and friends way tipsier than you were.
Thank god your fried Joy was able to sneak you in this rich people club on the Upper East side. Apparently she partied with a popular choreographer named Hoseok during her recent escapade to Aruba (the guy apparently knew the owner or something), and now you were shimmying around snobby rich folk like you belonged.
“So,” Joy practically nudges you by the ass, hips still in sync with the music, “you having fun?“
You laugh, “of course I am! I don’t know where I am and I don’t care what we do!” 
Hands sprung up in the air, strangers unintentionally pressing themselves up against you. Your week was terribly long, and you sure knew how to party all the stress off. Maybe inspiration would hit with this emotional high - and maybe you’d forget all about the things clogging up your mind. 
Above you, a different scene unfolds. It’s not like you care enough to spare a glance and observe everything about this huge, overpriced, and way too decorated place - but you didn’t know that the VIP section overlooked the main floor of the club. 
“Who’s she?“ Jungkook asks Yoongi, his producer, who has no clue who he’s even talking about.
They’ve already gone through the usual round of groupies who stayed long enough to have their tongues wet and their dicks just hard enough for there to be some motivation to live another night out after an unproductive recording session. The usual when writing an album, and the usual when being fucking rockstars. 
“I don’t know man, there are tons of pieces of ass here.” Yoongi shrugs, shoots a glass of 42 down his throat like it’s water. Well, at this point it basically already is - this was almost every night anyway. 
“Pieces of ass we all know and love.” Jungkook wiggles his brows, alluding to the fact that they knew everyone here. Celebrities, trust fund babies— everyone. Anyone new was a form of excitement on its own.
“Yeah, well, okay,” Yoongi shifts in his seat, “let me take a second to look around.” 
Jungkook looks at you quietly, hoping his friend catches on quick and gives him a fucking clue. Yoongi had enough friends from being around the industry, and Jungkook was impatient. 
You look like you didn’t care, in fact you look a million times more confident than any of the model chicks that littered the place. Although he knew you didn’t belong here; effortless beauties that danced around so graceful and careless weren’t the usual types here. More girls trying to be sophisticated but only wanted to social climb and be taken home by someone with a shiny name. He’s taken by your white tank top, the skirt that hung by your hips - the sweaty sheen that glossed the high points of your face. Tattoos sticking out, and he wished he were close enough to see what they were. Curios to know what they meant, and what stories were behind them— what stories were behind you. 
“Her?“ Yoongi asks, “the one in red?“ He clarifies, and Jungkook knows he’s referring to the other unfamiliar girl dancing next to you. 
Friends, probably. He assumes you two are friends. But your friend isn’t the one catching his interest, no, it’s you.
“No, the one in white.”
“Oh, well, the one in red is my type.”
“Sure she is.” Jungkook gives up, stands to leave his hopelessly drunk friend in their little booth. It seems like he was alone on this one.
“Hey gorgeousness.” Hoseok, who you met earlier in the evening, smoothly makes his way to you on the dance floor and whispers in your ear.
“Hey!“ You hug him very lightly, trying to express your gratitude through gesture. He gets the message and smiles. 
“I know this guy who wants to know your name.” He says, and you’re a little confused. Boys weren’t even at the top of your priority list tonight but seeing as this wasn’t your usual spot, this could be interesting— and why the hell not? Right?
“Well do I know his name?“ You joke, but Hoseok looks like he’s delighted by the question.
“Only if you’ve listened to the greatest hits on the last ten years!“ 
“Yeah right.” You say, but you take him half seriously. Rich people could play jokes if they wanted to. 
You wish you could tell yourself that you were an absolute idiot five minutes ago. 
Hoseok was kind enough to persuade you to go upstairs, which kind of felt shady at first because the stairs leading up had way more security than the front door, but you went so anyway. It took a couple of quick turns with you catching glimpses of vaguely familiar faces of people you swore were on the runway or in some movie or on your Spotify recommended playlists, and he led you to a private booth at the very end of the floor. 
Sitting smack dab in the middle was, to Hoseok’s really vague honesty, was an insanely popular celebrity that has been racking up charts for the past ten years. You weren’t his biggest fan, but you’d be stupid not to know who he was.
Jeon Jungkook, sitting there, arm tattoos partially exposed because of the ridiculously expensive black button-up shirt he was sporting. Yves Saint Laurent, you were guessing, he was wearing something similar in a billboard ad set up near your apartment recently— and you knew for sure it made you look twice every time your eyes landed on the large metal thing. 
He wasn’t paying attention when you got there, a drink lazily being held by his right hand like a claw machine at an arcade - his gaze set behind him where the crowd danced below. The view was great here, Jungkook got himself another booth that was private enough and Yoongi-free.
“Hello? Earth to JK.” Hoseok fakes a cough to get his attention. Jungkook isn’t even startled, he smoothly acknowledges your presence. And you have no idea if it’s the snobbiest or the hottest thing you’ve seen. 
For some reason, he doesn’t intimidate you. Maybe if you were an avid follower or a fangirl, you would a hundred percent be pissing your pants right now, but you weren’t. You knew maybe a few of his songs, and that was enough for you to be cool in this very moment but not be an absolute ignoramus that didn’t understand just how monumentally popular this guy was. 
“Hey.” He greets you so casually, it’s like he’s met you before with how natural he shoots a smile at you. 
“Hi?“ It comes out more of a question than it does a greeting. “What am I doing here exactly?” 
Jungkook really doesn’t know what to say. 
Girls usually just giggle, sit, and expectantly look at him after he says hello and it’s all just easy going sex from there. Seeing you up close has an effect on him, you’re haphazardly tying up your hair with a claw clip you had biting on one of your free belt loops. You’d just asked him that question and you look like you’re waiting for a response. Hoseok had already gone back to the dance floor before the two of you could even be formally introduced, and before he could rat Jungkook out for basically asking him to pimp you up here so he could meet you.
“I thought I knew you from somewhere.” He lies, knowing his confident tone made him sound certain but your forehead moved upward in doubt. Fuck, you really didn’t belong here, you probably knew to read right through him.
“I’m sure you would have known if I were someone on your friends list.” You sing song, but an amused smile plasters your face and he knows you genuinely find this encounter funny. “Oh yeah! You’re super famous, of course you meet like five hundred people a day. Must’ve mistaken me for someone else!“ You actually facepalm yourself, creating a whole excuse for him instead. Never mind then, it seemed that you were giving him the benefit of the (celebrity asshole kind of) doubt. 
Jungkook would have made a solidly dumber excuse, but you’ve made up a far better one for him. 
“So we’ve never met before?” He asks you, selling the lie he was riding on like a wave.
“Last time I checked, Hoseok called me up here because he said you wanted to know my name.” 
“Just wanted to make sure.” 
You laugh, it’s the sweetest thing ever. He’s not sure if he wants to do this all the way that he normally would with every other groupie that wanted to try him out. 
“Y/N.” You say and he looks at you, fueling the hope that now bloomed in his chest. “If you wanted to know so badly.” 
Somehow, his brain goes on overdrive. Your name rings a million times over and over and over like a guitar riff being re-written over and over and over until each note was perfect. He isn’t certain what it is about you, but his mind has traveled a million miles over now and he knew this wasn’t like him at all. He wanted to know your name, how he’d say it through different times. 
Boy, he sure did.
Neither of you are sure how you ended up here. The Holiday Inn in Manhattan, facing each other sitting on the right side of the huge king sized bed. The cold from the air conditioning only settling in now, making your breathing staggered. You’re just looking at
each other, the long conversation dissipated when you both had nothing else to say.
You both talked a lot, whatever random shit you had to say to ignore the sexual tension building up from the moment he invited you to sit with him in that booth. The conversation was humorous, honestly a bit trivial, and really left out all the personal details from either one of you. It bordered on comfortable, but not too much to make it all feel rushed - not to impose closeness, no matter how curios you both were. 
“So.” You trail off.
“So?“ He asks you right back, mimicking your tone. It seemed a common theme tonight that you both knew what the other felt because you felt the same. 
“No funny business?” Setting your hands right on your side just a little bit behind your back, leaning on them for support, you wait for his answer. 
Jungkook is too busy staring at you, romanticizing each part to make you last in his memory forever. Trying to battle the haze of alcohol that could stand between him and remembering you once this inevitably ends as it usually did for him. He etches the expectant face you wear, how you obviously do not blend in his world but how he already imagines you in it.
He isn’t sure if the air conditioning is to blame but as your chest is on display this way, he can see the very outline of your hardened nipples. You’re tempting without trying, he thinks, anybody else would have very much taken off their clothes and his included within the fist five minutes in a private space. 
You’ve been in this hotel room for half an hour now, and he’s not sure how long you’re going to be together.
He leans forward, surprising you, and places one of his hands over one of yours. “Entirely up to you.” Jungkook wishes, he just wishes, you’d say you wanted him - but he didn’t want to assert anything. It seemed to him that the last thing he wanted to do was treat you like any other groupie he could have met tonight. 
Meeting you tonight was enough to keep him happy for a while. Granted he could try to keep you in his sights, he wasn’t entirely sure how long anyway. Subjecting a decent girl to last longer than a night in his life was unfair. He knew that. Jungkook couldn’t even keep up with himself sometimes. As much as he felt that you were different, he knew as far ahead as to know that it was dangerous to make this sustainable, it was wildly going to be unjust. 
“And if I want funny business?“ It sounds like you’re taunting him, but your eyes sparkle in an entirely different way from minutes ago. 
He holds your hand properly now, making a dip in the bed. “Well then I’ll have to know how old you are, sweetheart.” Of course, the elephant in the room. You looked young, maybe enough not to be part of his age group - but you looked tired enough to pass off as a reasonable responsible adult.
“Twenty-three.” You say like it doesn’t matter at all, but he’s only half relieved at your answer.
“You do know I’m turning thirty-one this year, right?“ He asks you for confirmation.
“I’m not that big a fan to know when your birthday is, sweetheart.” You say the nickname back to him - it worries him more that you’re cooler about this than he is. 
“I’m eight years older than you,” his free hand finds itself tucking the stray piece of hair behind your ear, settling on your cheek, “is that alright?“ 
You laugh a little, and he can feel the way your cheek swells through his palm. “We’re both old enough to know what we’re doing.” 
He knows this means you don’t mind, but when he relishes in your soft skin, he’s sure the callouses on his fingertips cannot compare to any of yours. You’re young, and it’s not like it’s the first time anyone younger than him poked any interest at him or slept with him before— there flocks of fans that could fill up that category easily. Maybe Jungkook fears you are too young to be something more than someone he just met.
Many things he found unfair flew past his head when you took the liberty in kissing him.
You’ve never had an encounter that made you realize your affinity for the removal of clothing. 
Slow, clammy, impatient hands - stopping ever so often to savor the moment of seeing hidden skin for the first time. Jungkook allows you to take his button-up off ever so slowly. It’s definitely not the air conditioning this time that’s making your mouth dry, no surprise that the man is built like a God; the gym routine and the celebrity diet definitely took a delicious number on him. It’s like unwrapping that fucking Saint Laurent billboard and finally understanding why you looked at it so much. 
Your hands just moving at the muscular expanse of skin, kiss getting even sloppier. 
The top you’re wearing is gone, and he quickly removes the flimsy bra you had on. Breaking apart from your mouth to gently suck on your breasts, a pleasured mumbling sound leaves your lips.
To him it sounds like heaven, and to you - his mouth is doing all kinds of things you never even knew were possible. 
In one swoop, your skirt is gone, discarded somewhere on the floor to be found later. You try to tell yourself to not get to excited with here his hands travel, and Jungkook is elated at the wet spot he sees on your panties. Not a very lucky day for you to choose white. 
“Can I get a taste of your pretty pussy?“ He asks, face dangerously close to your crotch. 
“Yes please.” You allow him, and he takes the liberty of pulling your underwear down.
You feel his breath, the sensation making it feel warmer on your thighs and you cannot believe that you’re about to be eaten out by a celebrity when you only wanted to party out tonight. The thought disappears when Jungkook runs his index finger quickly over your clit and at the entrance of your pussy, gawking at the wetness that glazed over.
“Oh, please.” You manage a whisper, your throat tightening in anticipation.
His finger goes inside you in one push, and his mouth latches at your clit - tongue skillfully generating pulses of pleasure. You manage to stay still for the most part, breathing irregular, fingers gripping at his soft black hair.
“So good.” He says in between, entranced by your reactions.
Whines leave your throat as he licks and sucks the nerve ending with greater pressure, finger going half in and half out each time. It doesn’t feel that long, but he’s able to make you cum by doing this. You’re a twitching moaning mess of a woman, losing your grip on his locks.
“Holy shit, Jungkook,” He climbs up and your hands go in straight for his belt to undo his pants, “I want you inside me, please.” The impatience turns him on, even more so when you are eager to kiss him on the mouth - tasting yourself in the process. 
It’s all so sudden from that point: the shock on your face when you see just how big he is, the condom packet being ripped in a rush to just get the latex thing on his length, the slow steady burn of his entrance. The sounds you make, oh the sounds that you make, how your hands are everywhere and anywhere they can get. Taking in his scent, and his head finding the crook of your neck from time to time. 
Jungkook fucks you with gusto, chasing his own pleasure and making sure he’s doing it at just the right pace and just the right angles, at just the right time. It’s calculated, you’re sure, it comes with his status. He obviously has had a lot of good— no great— fucking sex. 
Except when he’s fucking you it feels like he wants more than just a fix of pleasure; you do jot notice how his eyes notice every single bodily reaction with each action he makes. He’s learning about you, about your body, this way. He selfishly wants to make sure you’ll be fucked out, and you’ll only want him to do it to you forever.
He tells you this in chaste kisses and whispers throughout the night, but your mind is too hazy with all that’s good and sweet that you cannot put all his sweet dirty words together.
You cum multiple times, too much that you’d be tired to count. For someone much older, you don’t know if you should be shocked or impressed that his endurance has lasted a good chunk of the night before he emptied himself in the condom. The two of you only disentangle your bodies enough to take a good breather, you take a quick trip to the bathroom to pee and he discards the used latex in the rubbish bin near the bed. 
Picking up your underwear from a random plot on the floor, you prepare to clean yourself up a bit before you leave. You were pretty sure the night would come to a close this way.
But Jungkook protests once he sees, “no, please, stay.” A confused look sprawls on your face. This isn’t how it’s supposed to go, right? Jungkook looks just as surprised by what he said as you are.
“I mean, spend the night. It would be terrible for me to let you go home at this hour and what bad would two naked bodies laying next to each other bring anyway? I’ve been inside you, this shouldn’t be weird.” He banters, trying to make it sound cool but he knows he’s rambling on just to get you to stay longer.
“Huh.” You hold in a laugh - a justification. You knew that two naked bodies laying next to each other meant the harm of something much scarier than sex. 
It is tempting, and he is just on the bed waiting and knowing you’ll say yes. Even fucked out with lips swollen and eyes obviously tired, you understand why people are so crazy over him. He’s just so handsome, it’s like all the air has been stolen from your lungs. 
“Just please don’t tell me you love me tonight.” You joke, and he only half laughs. “I can barely stand on my knees and my head’s all woozy. You know a girl can only take so much in one night.” 
You lay next to him, a vision to behold in his eyes. He leaves traces of love and question on the ink that settles on your arms, very small compared to the art he sports on his— but he’s convinced that yours are full of bigger secrets, heartier stories.
“I’m glad that I met you tonight.” He tells you, voice squished by the pillow. You face each other, legs tangled up and arms lazily resting on each other’s torsos.
A smile settles on your face and he tells himself to never forget what that looks like, and how it makes him feel trying to memorize everything he can about you, “I’m even gladder.” 
When Jungkook wakes up the next day, you’re gone. 
It’s half past noon when he fishes his phone out the pocket of his pants, groaning at the barrage of notifications all lined up for him to eventually answer. It’s when he turns to his side, trying to find traces of your sweet perfume that he notices that there’s absolutely no you in the room - none of your belongings to be seen.
Only a piece of hotel room paper placed carefully on top of the telephone used for room service on the nightstand.
‘thank you for one of the best nights of my life, Jungkook. i’ll see you around again, maybe.” 
Well, at least he knew you were real, and he guesses that he has to get on with his life because he didn’t know enough about you to personally respond to your note. 
Life goes on, he supposes, going back to check his phone and see what all the morning ruckus was about. For a Saturday morning, it sure didn’t feel like a restful weekend.
Soora (11:58AM): about to land in JFK, am i going to see you today?
Soora (12:00PM): you know what actually i’m going to wait for you to pick me up see u
Jungkook groans; his semi-usual hookup was expecting to see him and now he knows he’s obligated to go and pick her up and spend the weekend - or however long she’s in town for - with her. Soora was a model that Jungkook had the awkward chance of meeting through several parties and several fashion shows. Although the cliché had been treated more like a curse— he couldn’t help but dip his fingers into models, he was an entertainer. Relationships like these were practically inevitable. 
Except Soora had stuck around more than others. Probably because the rumors about them spoke well for her in numbers and people didn’t mind Jungkook being with her because it made sense. Two attractive individuals being spotted together more than usual didn’t hurt the eyes. Plus, it was still very good publicity. 
“Can you believe?” Seokjin rolls his eyes, scrolling vapidly on his phone instead on focusing on all the business papers he had stacked up on his desk.
“What can’t I believe?” You ask him, wiping down on the countertop. The after lunch crowd was easier to manage, only a few tables were taken and there was some downtime to speak to your boss casually without worrying a customer would be unattended. This gave you enough downtime to experiment on new recipes; your food blog needed an update. It seemed that you had a little bit of a following online now and people were pestering you for a new post.
“Well, I’ve been waiting for that Jaime Oliver cooking video on some stew and my entire timeline’s suddenly flooded with my favorite rockstar guy and his rumored girlfriend spotted in the airport just now or whatever! Nonsense!” He complains, still neglecting paperwork, and obviously interested in this new piece of celebrity gossip. Seokjin’s reading the contents of the article and you can see the reflection through his eyeglasses. 
“What you’re not a fan of the union?“ You laugh, brewing a new batch of coffee in the pot.
“What do you mean I’m not a fan? Of course I am! Huge! Major! Big big fan!” He says genuinely, and you can understand why he’s so riled up about this. “Everything about this would be peaceful if either Jungkook or Soora finally confirmed that they were dating.” He huffs, and you regret listening so attentively - lucky that you weren’t holding anything that would be so close as to become a safety hazard, because you were sure that you would have probably hurt yourself in shock.  
Your skin crawls with a weird feeling, call it premature jealousy mixed with nervousness, but you suddenly realize that the world is smaller and much crueler than it feels. That was correct, right? You did just hear him say Jungkook’s name.
So you just laugh it off passively, acting like you couldn’t relate to Seokjin who was still furiously reading and scrolling. You couldn’t blame him though, he didn’t know the reason why you clocked into your shift a bit late was because you just had the sneakiest walk of shame of your life after a one night stand with someone who, apparently, your boss was huge-major-big-big a fan of. 
It’s when your shift ends that you find yourself doing a quick shameless Google search of Jungkook. New recipe be unfinished and damned. Sure enough the celebrity profile is there with his hometown, his birthday, and the people he’s commonly related to search with. It feels unreal to see him like this all dialed in like a piece of meat for sale with all the measurable descriptions; he was a real warm body next to you last night that laughed along and spoke to you in detail.
The trending sticker on the upper right tells you that that’s Soora, an almost 30-year-old model that’s been heavily linked to him for the past year or so. There’s even a Buzzfeed timeline for their supposed relationship, and you’ve never clicked exit off an article so quickly in your entire life.
This was none of your business anymore, surely. 
Whatever was done was done last night and it was great. You thought that there was a genuine connection there but you didn’t belong in his world and he didn’t belong in yours. Reality had to catch up with you anyway; something like that was far from ever happening again. Jungkook probably didn’t care for you by now, and it was only right that he was taking some famous girl closer to his age out seriously.
You were probably a momentary conquest he was used to having, and that was that.
Soora’s gorgeous. Fairly speaking, she always was— it was literally her job to look like that. 
But for some reason, Jungkook just did not care for seeing her at all. Well for the first time ever, anyway.
She was fresh off a Paris fashion show, she still smelt buttery and bubbly like an after party would - and this was usually irresistible to him, but he kept on thinking about your powdery vanilla perfume and it was driving him just a little insane. He would just have to hope that there was enough of himself to spread thin for her; he had to admit that she was a great distraction. 
But then you were definitely distracting him from the distraction.
Jungkook is lucky that Soora doesn’t notice him drifting off as she tells him all about the other, newer snotty models that walked the show with her or the many designers she managed to impress when she managed to pull of some Alexander McQueen dress that he didn’t have enough brain power to imagine what it looked like.
“So what are your plans for your next show?” She suddenly asks him, and he’s quick enough to answer.
“Oh, I told my manager to hold off on my fashion show attendances. Working on some new music.” 
“No, I meant aren’t you going to play some sets? I haven’t properly been dangled off your arms for what feels like ages!“ Well of course her intentions are for the media coverage of it all, but he just smiles it off like she didn’t say something so bluntly surface level. “I heard there’s this great place in Tribeca where you can do a private show, get the pot stirring for the rich journalists in that neighborhood you know?“ Soora keeps on going.
The word ‘Brooklyn’ pops up into Jungkook’s mind, replaying you telling him that’s where you usually did your roundabouts of life - and the idea is planted in his head. 
It’s a Friday again, a week later. Nothing’s really changed about your life except now you have a troubling habit of skipping the random Jungkook song that would play through the diner’s Spotify account that was hooked to the lavishly installed sound system Seokjin poured money into. That, and holding your breath every time there would be celebrity gossip on your social media timelines - hoping it wasn’t an article confirming his relationship status. Suddenly, you felt even smaller - knowing you couldn’t escape the damned guy even if you tried hard enough. 
Joy’s in your apartment begging you to come with her on another night out, the fucking Jungkook billboard still outside and poorly covered by your blinds.
“Come on! People have been hyping this show up for weeks! Apparently some high profile people are gonna be there and I asked Hoseok to get us free passes to get in!“ She says.
If only she knew what Hoseok’s free passes to big places got you in for last week.
“I don’t know Joy, I’m kinda of not feeling it this time.” 
“Suit yourself, hot stuff. You know where to go if you change your mind though!” She says, simultaneously leaving your apartment as she texts you some address to an underground club you’ve heard of maybe once or twice before.
It’s a smaller, much more crowded, grimier, and a lot less glamorous than he was used to. When he hit the five year mark on his career, he started becoming more selective about his shows. A lot less touring unless they were big venues, shows were only done for special calls for huge bars he frequented or a fashion show that needed a hot frontman for an afterparty.
A dimly lit, spray-paint decorated, run down Brooklyn club was not his style anymore— but he figured, if this area was were you frequented then surely word would reach you if it spread that there was some high profile guy playing a low key show. It was a little out of reach, really. A shot in the dark. But if it meant a small chance at finding you, then it would probably be worth it. He wasn’t even sure if you were the type to go out all the time, but this was all he could do to try. 
“And that was Jeon fucking Jungkook!“ The guy who apparently hosted the joint announced into the scratchy speakers. It seemed that business was booming tonight; the place was jam packed because of Jungkook’s pop up show and everybody had their phone cameras around to get the information out on the internet.
His set ended, and he had to leave the place before he’d get caged in by the massive crowd of people spilling in. 
Jungkook’s security team already tapping his band from behind that it was time to go, but his eyes still carefully wandered around in the sea of people - hoping you were somewhere there. 
A claw clip, a white tank top, buttery soft skin, eyes that looked somewhere deep inside him - he tried profiling small things, sometimes stopping when he saw something that vaguely reminded him of you.
No luck. You weren’t here and he had to go. Now.
“I saw the same chick in red a while ago when we were getting our asses dragged out of there.” Yoongi tells Jungkook at the back of the limousine, drinking champagne out of the bottle. 
Jungkook feels betrayed by his producer tellling him this only now - if he saw your friend then it must have meant you were there and it would have been easier to find you. 
It seems Yoongi knew what Jungkook was going to ask next though, so he beats his friend to it. “And no, girl in the white tank top wasn’t there. Just the chick in red.” Yoongi clarifies for himself, and Jungkook continues being disappointed - opening another bottle champagne bottle dampened by the bucket of melted ice where it sat. 
Their car finally starts up after the security team cleared out the driveway out of the parking lot after storming the exit, Jungkook could see the glare of the camera flashes outside. The chattering noise of voices made by the paparazzi who kept throwing questions at the vehicle. 
He doesn’t know if he’s having whiplash, or the overwhelming amount of people mobbing him (surprised that he even held a pop up show in maybe one of the most run down strips in New York), but he sees something that surprises him. Shakes him a little in and out of his senses. 
Perhaps he was just imagining things because he desperately wanted you to be there, maybe Yoongi’s story fed too much into his brain and now he was seeing you in a sea of flashing lights and sounds of banging hands on the car’s metal exterior.
Right there, a little behind and among the photographers and the underdressed fangirls. You had a worried look on your bare face, knitted pajama sweater too big for you - sleeves spilling out. A worried and annoyed look on your face as you put your phone next to your ear, then a look of relief when you come to hug your drunk looking friend. The same girl in red that Yoongi found attractive.
Jungkook doesn’t get a last say; the driveway had already been cleared and you’re just another faded view in the background left behind by the car. 
Long gone again.
He wasn’t even sure if you were really there or not.
Joy called you at around 1:00 in the morning. A call you definitely expected since she went on this venture out alone, and she knew you’d stay up on a Friday night. Plus, the place she went to was a few blocks away. So you pulled on an extra sweater and stuck with whatever it was you had on and got to quick walking. 
God forbid you’d be the friend to abandon her friend alone, who was probably drunk and a bit hazy. 
Joy (1:03AM): @ the baaaclkk! back parkinf lot exit plss
It’s somewhat easy to decipher, so you make your route around the building. 
The not-so-pleasant surprise of people swarm around the exit, and you know it’s going to be a challenge looking for your friend when there’s a frenzy right where she asked you to meet her. It seems like the photographers were fighting tooth and nail trying to get their questions through the limousine that was trying to exit - and you couldn’t understand much with the skidding car tires, stomping feet, and hands making contact with car metal. Clicking and flashing sounds like a loud metronome behind mudded shouts. 
Guess you had to ring Joy’s phone to get to her. 
So you stand there with an arm crossed, a little nervous reflex at how intense this atmosphere was. Brooklyn sure was crazy but this was a little different than what you were used to.
A phone up to your ear and several rings later, Joy shouts your name.
“Y/N!” She looks a lot less drunk than you imagined, but with the never ending crowd you could see why she felt unsafe going back home.
You hug her, “let’s get out of here.” You point to the ruckus happening just a few feet away from you.
“Dang, I don’t think Soora was in the limo with him!” You hear one paparazzo complain to the other guy next to him, and it’s not like you meant to listen - it was just loud enough for you to hear before you left. Soora?
“Who’d you watch tonight?“ You turn to Joy once the two of you started walking.
“Jeon Jungkook played the pop up show!” She says so excitedly, “told you it was some high
profile guy playing!” 
Half of you regrets not going, and the other half tells you that it was probably best that you sat it out. You didn’t even know he saw you. 
“So all this and you didn’t get a last name? Not even an address, not her home phone number?“ Laughter floods Jungkook’s phone, two of his close friends who were also musicians were in some small get together in Los Angeles - and here they were demanding an update.
“Yeah, yeah, stop giving me an earful.” Jungkook complains, knowing the situation he was in was also brought about by his carelessness.
“So you saw her at the Brooklyn show?” Yugyeom asks to clarify.
“I’m not even sure that it was her.”
“Pfft. Well whoever you saw affected you enough for Soora to notice.” Jaehyun points out. “How did Brainwashed Barbie react to you ignoring her and ditching her for a Brooklyn show anyway?” He follows up with a question, showing the disdain he had for Jungkook’s publicity-boo-thing.
“Well, she told me I was a bag of shit and stormed out.” Jungkook laughs, half entertained and half bitter, “then I heard she told her manager to tip TMZ off that I broke up with her like an asshole.”
“Explains the media reception.” Jaehyun, suddenly enlightened, says.
Twitter was going crazy, calling Jungkook a heartless asshole - and he had to disable the
comment sections to his Instagram posts. He couldn’t fly to his friends now because he’d be mobbed at the airport, and he didn’t feel like partying all the unnecessary crap out anyway.
“So about your mystery girl.” Yugyeom starts.
“What about her?”
“You never thought to ask Hoseok about her, didn’t you?”
“Well, they were just dancing close to each other and I asked a friend to call her over. They probably don’t know each other at all.” It was pretty reasonable, and Jungkook thought that there was nothing more to it that night.
“I don’t know maybe it wouldn’t hurt to consider.” His friend says, and Jungkook looks over at his cellphone with contemplation.
“You good with that?” Seokjin doesn’t know what to call ‘it’— the baked good covered in a suspiciously pink glaze that you were currently holding up about a half a foot above a mixing bowl.
You’re unsure about it too; not sure why it turned out that color - but maybe you were too distracted by the TMZ reports on Jungkook that Seokjin decided to play on the televisions. It was another slow day with barely any customers walking in so you two had free reign to be awfully comfortable in the diner. 
“I’ll just set this aside.” You accept defeat, placing the thing on a cooling rack. Maybe it will have hope when you come back to it. 
Seokjin’s looking worrisomely affected by the news of Soora getting dumped through text - Joe Jonas to Taylor Swift style. “They had so much potential too.” He says like a tear is about to escape his eye. You snort behind the counter, and he’s still too busy being emotional to care. “Don’t you just look at these celebrities and wonder how they’re able to live like bachelors when time isn’t on their side? I mean, they’re only getting older and it might be time to I don’t know - settle?“ He actually asks you.
“I wouldn’t know, Seokjin. Maybe I’m too young to understand what rushing into that part of my life feels like.” It’s true, but it’s the only bitter truth coming out of your mouth. “Besides, there could be more to it than we know. They are celebrities after all, the course of life could be much different for them.”
“Had high hopes for them though,” your boss sighs, “I love me some highly sensationalized drama.” 
You laugh in response. “I know.”
“That’s all you got? She works at a diner, that’s it?“ Jaehyun finds this comical on the other end of the line.
“Well, I tried asking Hoseok nicely but apparently her friend Joy or whatever was too hungover to gloss on details and just said she worked at a diner and had a blog or something.” Jungkook responds quite fast, he was currently on the corner sidewalk of the expensive residential he lived in - hoping to catch a cab to Brooklyn to whatever diner he could get to. If only there weren’t almost hundreds of them in the area.
“So you plan on just wiping out all the diners in a whole metropolitan area? Brilliant. Never thought of you as a romantic Kook, but I guess she has you going crazy.” He knows that his friend means it in good will; support in pursuing a relationship like this was complicated and Jaehyun knew that very well. 
“No,” Jungkook was finally able to hail a cab, and he was hurriedly opening the car door, “I’m going to ask this kind driver where the best diner is in Brooklyn so fate can pull its surprises if it all seems right.” 
“Letting the Big Guy do all the string pulling then, huh? Good luck, man. Hope you’re lucky enough to find her.” Jaehyun says and the phone call ends.
“Huge fan of your music dude!“ A cheerful man maybe around Jungkook’s age drives the yellow taxi. 
“Thanks, uh, we’re headed to—“
“Where I think the best diner is in Brooklyn? Gotcha.” The driver obviously heard the tail end of his phone call, and Jungkook knew that it was desperate destiny from there on. 
“Hey Y/N, I know your shift’s like done, but there’s some guy up front looking for you.” Namjoon calls for you right outside the employee room at the back. “And Jin’s literally offering up everything for free to this guy— boss looks like he’s about to burst into tears.” Your co-worker says ever so nonchalantly like his personality is.
“Yeah I’ll be out in a sec.” You call back, setting your phone down - looking at your timeline flooded with Jungkook’s recently developed relationship drama.
Ignoring any indication from Namjoon’s description, you carelessly parade yourself behind the counter as you usually would - your hair mindlessly being clipped together as you work your way to tame the strands. Force of habit not to get anything in the food, your apron just a little loose and undone.
Nothing registers to you quickly, not even the way Seokjin is looking at you like you were a suspect to a crime and it was his life’s mission to interrogate this shit out of you.
“Hi.” Is what you hear, it hits you so fast and it makes you feel so dizzy. 
Jungkook is there, he looks distraught— the messy hair and the semi-rugged appearance shows this. It doesn’t make him look any less handsome than he really is though, and it feels like you’re seeing him in person again for the first time.
He looks at you, an apparition haunting his thoughts finally materializing to the real thing in front of him. Looking at him again, your sweet perfume enveloping his senses ever so slightly. He was fucking lucky that this was the first diner he was brought to, and coincidence be damned but Jungkook was convinced that this was meant to happen. And he finally found you. 
“Hi.” You parrot, unsure how this is supposed to go or what it’s all supposed to mean.
“I,” Jungkook pauses, “I tried looking for you, after you know… That night.” 
You can feel the blush creep up on your cheeks. “Right…” You say, knowing that he had more to say.
“I guess thinking about you drove me crazy and I don’t think I’ve ever felt that way before. You left me wanting to know more, and before I knew anything I pictured myself right next to you for a long time. I was too caught up with you that night that I was stupid enough not to ask for a full name or contact details. I know it’s a little crazy I was able to find you regardless of the fact, but I just wanted to know if you felt like thinking about me made you feel insane— because that’s how I’ve felt thinking about you.” Jungkook says all in one tired breath, he looks up at you with hope and you try to pinch yourself on the arm in case this was all a daydream. "I got out of a public stint of a ‘relationship,’ played a show on your part of the city to find you. Y/N— I even thought about the consequences and what we could work on if I found you." 
“Do you mean that?” Is all you can ask, your overthinking over seeing him all over the news reminding you that you were completely different people.
“God, Y/N, of course I do.” He runs a hand through his disheveled hair.
You try to look through him, not as an illusion of fame or the insecurities you had piling up. Neither of you were to say what tomorrow would be like if you were to work things out or not, but all you knew was that you felt the same and you were as equally crazy to see how it all would go.
“Are you sure that I was all you could think about?“ You ask him, this time a slight tone of teasing in your voice but it seems that he couldn’t detect it.
Jungkook looks straight into your eyes, and it didn’t feel like you were anywhere else in the world.
“I wondered if I’d ever see you again.” 
(author’s note! 
hello everyone! first fic i’m posting in years and it was driven by the hiatus announcement but also my recent obsession with this song and its music video.. i know i know the ending is a bit lack luster and there wasn’t a ton of resolve to the conflict i presented in the story buttttt i wrote it this way to potentially pilot a sequel if a lot of you want one! otherwise, i think you can pretty much picture an ending to these two anyway :p 
hope you had a good read!
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otomefiend · 9 months
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Victor & William Rex
Story Event: Villains want to bother little 'Robin'
Chapter 3 Premium
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Aww, my heart. How is that those two shady guys are so precious. The dialogues were so moving that I felt emotional practically the whole chapter. Kate is so kickass with those two. ♡
~~Part 1~~
Kate: "There's something both of you are not telling me, is there?"
William: "May I ask what made you think that?"
Kate: "First off all, you're not the type of people who'd carelessly expose themselves to danger."
Kate: "Furthermore, William has mentioned he was Her Majesty's double in the past."
Kate: "It wouldn't be a stretch for it to happen again since there's a precedent."
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William: "... and yet this time we've entrusted you with this role."
Kate: "Yes. That's why 'no attempts on the Queen's life were meant to happen this time round'."
Kate: ".....mhm, you must have known that in advance."
(On the other hand, the carriage incident was something no one could have predicted?)
William: "Anything else?"
Kate: "Yes. I haven't seen Lord Elbert, Alfons or Roger since last night."
Kate: "Are those three on a mission pertaining to Her Majesty appearing in public......?"
At that point, Victor started clapping his hands with delight.
Victor: "Kate! You're so bright and observant!"
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Victor: "Ah, if I could, I'd squeeze you in my arms right this instant."
Kate: "Then..."
William: "You're correct on all accounts, Kate."
William: "Both of us were certain that no incident targeting you would occur 'in here'."
Kate: "... why 'in here'?"
~~Part 2~~
Victor: "There's no shortage of those who'd want to take the Queen's life... either out of frustration with the class system or for personal gain."
Victor: "So once again we've been tipped off there was a group of people plotting to assassinate Her Majesty for money."
Victor: "That's why we leaked false information."
Kate: "What kind of information?"
Victor: "That the person who was to take part in the parade wasn't Her Majesty but her double."
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Victor: "While the Queen herself had an important meeting in Oxford."
Kate: "Then right at this very moment --"
A series of gunshots could be heard in the mansion where important talks were supposed to take place.
The men who had plotted the assassination were mercilessly piled on the dinner table.
Alfons: "Dear, oh dear, to cause such a commotion at the meeting place..."
Alfons: "I guess there'll be no talks or some other crap happening here. Don't you agree, Your Majesty?"
The woman sitting on the chair gently removed her veil.
Elbert: "... is it finally over?"
Roger: "Yeah, it's done. Ha-ha, El. You've been chilling there all this time, haven't you?"
Elbert: "... I'm just glad I had no need to be careful trying to avoid their shadows."
Alfons: "I'm sure the parade over there has ended by now, hopefully with no incident."
Roger: "I guess. I wish we could've enjoyed Kate's performance as Her Majesty."
Elbert: "...a shame."
Elbert: "... where's Her Majesty now?"
~~Part 3~~
Elbert: "... where's Her Majesty now?"
Roger: "Looks like Victor is hiding her somewhere safe."
Alfons: "I'm sure all of the details will only be known to the two accomplices."
(I suspected something was going on, and it was all happening behind the scenes...)
(... I guess that means Her Majesty is safe and sound?)
When I touched my chest with a feeling of relief, Victor shrugged apologetically.
Victor: "I'm sorry we kept it from you, Kate."
Victor: "I hoped you would enjoy Her Majesty's life without any worries."
William: "How cunning of you to be the only good boy, Victor."
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William: "We wanted you to have fun, and we thought you might figure it out yourself."
Kate: "Hehe, isn't that a bit contradictory?"
William: "Oh, I won't deny that it's very contradictory."
Kate: "I'll take that as a sign of trust from both of you."
Victor: "But that doesn't change the fact that we kept secrets from you."
Victor: "-- therefore, we'd like to make it up to you if you allow us."
Kate: "Huh...?"
William: "Kate, why don't you go on a date with us?"
A few minutes later I was taken to a place I wasn't expecting.
~~Part 4~~
I found myself on the roof of the Crown Castle.
(I shouldn't be surprised that it's so high..!)
Victor: "Hahaha, what a great view, don't you agree? It has cleared up and we can enjoy a lovely evening."
Kate: "You're not planning to jump off here, I hope?"
William: "Not exactly, though come here, Kate."
He picked me up and started moving over the rooftop.
He ran through a dense forest, across a drawbridge...
For the three of us to finally end up on the roof with a view of Big Ben.
By then my fear had turned to curiosity.
Victor: "How was your trip through the night sky, Kate?"
Kate: "It was so much fun! I wish I could fly again."
William: "Heh, you really like doing naughty things."
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Victor: "We love kids who are naughty. Otherwise, we wouldn't get on well with them."
We looked at the streets of London, then at each other, and burst out laughing.
My day started abruptly with a surprising proposal from these two, but by the end I felt that I had learned so much.
(Her Majesty's thoughts, her resolve but also a few things about Victor and William)
Kate: "Thank you for giving me this valuable experience."
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Victor: "The pleasure was ours."
Kate: "...I'm still not sure what I can do as a fairytale writer."
Kate: "But I will look for things I can do, for Victor,"
Victor: "........."
Kate: "For William,"
William: "........."
Kate: "This day reminded me as well that I'd like to be of service to Her Majesty."
Victor, William, even Her Majesty... might have lost their freedom at some point in the past.
That's why they craved freedom and wanted to give it to people whilst living surrounded by evil themselves.
Kate: "May the Crown, the symbol of freedom, shine above everyone's head one day."
Victor: "........."
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William: "Pfft, haha, are you feeling nostalgic, Victor?"
Kate: "Why nostalgic?"
William: "Hmm, it must have been on the way home from our first mission after establishing the Crown..."
~~Part 5~~
Kate: "May the Crown shine above everyone's head one day."
Victor: "........."
William: "Pfft, haha, are you feeling nostalgic, Victor?"
Kate: "Why nostalgic?"
William: "Hmm, it must have been on the way home from our first mission after establishing the Crown."
William: "Victor said, 'I've made up my mind, William. The name is 'Crown', what do you think?' Then he added,"
William: "May the Crown shine one day above the heads of all who seek freedom."
(That's what the name 'Crown' means...)
Victor: "Every time I talk to you, I feel so very grateful you became our fairytale writer."
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Victor: "Just as you open your heart to us, we want to open our hearts to you."
William: "We're listening to your desires, cute little Robin."
The two men standing on either side of me smiled so beautifully that I let out a sigh.
Just looking at those smiles made my heart flutter and left me with a feeling I could go anywhere,
And do anything.
-- it's as if I had become the strongest.
(...I'm in trouble. I'm having so much fun with you guys that I don't want this night to end)
Victor: "Haha, what a lovely expression, Kate. Can you tell me what you want right at this very moment?"
William: "Kate -- tell us what you want."
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I was sure that these two strongest people could see through all my desires.
(If so)
Kate: "Victor, William. Would you stay with me just a little longer --"
Looking at the faces of the self-righteous king and the Queen's aide, I told them my true feelings.
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demiaroacejolynekujo · 7 months
This post contains some spoilers from The Amazing Digital Circus. This post also contains critiques in regard to Vivziepop, Helluva Boss, and Hazbin Hotel. Vivziepop stans (as in the people who defend her work and her as a person) are not allowed to interact with me. Any Vivziepop fan who sends me asks (especially Anon asks) will be deleted. Any fans who DM me will have their message deleted and will be blocked. Finally, anyone who screenshots this post and makes a post tagging me in it to defending Vivziepop will be blocked.
I'm not trying to get people to harass Vivziepop and harass anyone who is a fan of her. And I'm not trying to stop people from supporting Vivziepop and not trying to make people feel bad about supporting her either. Watch whatever you want. Take this post with a grain of salt. And if you get somewhat upset with the criticisms I have for Vivziepop, then that's your problem.
Vivziepop antis and critical fans are allowed to interact.
Earlier today, I watched The Amazing Digital Circus, and these are my final thoughts.
Honestly, the pilot was really good, and I'm looking forward to it finally becoming a full-fledged series. And I'm looking forward to it expanding the Lore as well. I'm curious as to how Pomni got trapped there in the first place and other stuff like the void and the exit door thing.
What I appreciate it is that it didn't need copious amounts of swearing, unlike other comedy web series like Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. There were swears, but they were more spread out and brief on top of the swears being censored.
Even though Gooseworx has worked with Vivziepop in the past, I find TADC to be leagues better than HH and HB. I've seen a video about the drama surrounding Gooseworx, but from what I've seen,the stuff they have done is much more tame than the shit Vivziepop has pulled.
I hope to see more Amazing Digital Circus content to come out in the future. I'm interested as to see where the series will go. Unlike Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, it didn't feel like I was watching something that felt like it was created by an edgy middle schooler. The female characters had much more personality than the ones from HH and HB, despite it being just a pilot.
Another thing to point out is that the cast of TADC had a lot of fresh faces to the voice acting industry, unlike Hazbin and Helluva Boss, where Vivziepop relied on casting big name actors in order to garner more attention to her work. And I'm going to be fully honest, I find it really sus at the fact that the OG cast of HH couldn't return because they didn't unionize in order to get their roles back. A lot of them were fully new to the industry, too, which is the sad part. I wish that Vivziepop wouldn't rely on hiring big-name actors in her work and would hire people who are very new to the voice acting scene who are desperate to land a role as some of them rely on voice acting as their main source of income.
To end this post, I just want to point out that I'm not blaming Vivziepop for the fact that the original cast of Hazbin Hotel didn't get their roles back. But at the same time, that whole situation feels questionable to me. Until I hear the full story about it, then I'll decide if she should be held accountable or not. However, the whole hiring big actors thing has been a critique of mine for a while on top of the use of the r slur in Helluva Boss (even though it was only said once and was almost again, it shouldn't have been used at all as it's an ableist slur and I'm a disabled person who has been called the r slur many times in the past). I'm fully aware that HB takes place in hell, but using hell as a way to excuse the use of the r slur is ableist. It's still ableist to call someone the r slur regardless of the setting and the context. The r slur should never be used as a way to call someone stupid. I'm not sure if Vivziepop wrote the script herself, but whoever is in charge of the script should be careful of the type of language they use in the show. I'm fully aware that both Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel are adult shows, but it doesn't mean it's an excuse to normalize offensive and bigoted language. It doesn't help that the shows poorly portray women (like how Millie is just reduced to being Moxxie's wife and likes killing) even though the creator of both shows is a woman.
I'm just gonna stop here for now. I'm going to go back to waiting for more Amazing Digital Circus content to come out.
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chimielie · 2 years
bitter ain't sweet
summary: Suna x F!Reader. a college fairytale in reverse
word count: 2.8k
cw: angst to fluff, [kuroo voice] stupid young people, hypothetical discussion of throwing up towards the end
a/n: one night i was so so miserable bc i just know suna is out there falling stupid in love with girls who don’t care about him and this was born
"Aren't you tired?" You say, amused, as a twenty-one-year-old Suna Rintarō stretches out his legs over the arm of your couch, his head resting in your lap.
"Nah," he shakes his head, his eyelids dropping shut and his muscles going limp when you thread your fingers through his hair. "I'm staying on that grind."
"Oh, aren’t you," you snort. He reaches up to flick your face, eyes still closed, and settles for waving his hand vaguely around in search of your face about five inches below it.
"Vulgar," he says. "Who's teaching you these things?"
"Ah. You shouldn't let me do that."
"Do what?" You cease petting his hair, and he wriggles petulantly upward, searching for your hand. You give in too easily and resume.
"Corrupt you," he says, all too happily. "Anyway, like I was saying, I can't decide where I should take her out Saturday."
With the subject change, you let your mind wander away from the man at hand. You pull your hands away from him, the only contact between the two of you the weight of his head in your lap, pressing against your stomach. He doesn't notice, too engrossed in parsing out his latest romantic encounter with his latest romantic interest.
You sigh and tip your head back as far as it can go. Oh, Rintarō. You've been long since corrupted, ruined for all men by one who falls asleep in his classes and passes them all anyway, who has a beautiful singing voice only so long as he's wasted, who takes you to movies and taught you to wait in the bathroom to watch a second one for free, whose glowing eyes see everything but you.
Rintarō doesn't have a type.
Sometimes she's tall, sometimes she's short, always she's enamored by him. He never really gets to know her that well before it's over.
He likes—adventure, likes flirting and fucking around, likes it when she does something he doesn't expect. Eventually, though, something has to shift. It can't be late-night driving and hot tub hickeys forever, as much as he wishes he could stay steady in the stream of change.
Sometimes he ends things. Sometimes she does. He's never really that cut up about it.
And there's always another girl.
Rintarō doesn’t want to break hearts; he’s not playing the dating field like it’s some kind of game. It’s just never... quite... right.
You’re right (and he knows you know it). He’s tired. He wants a cinematic story with a happy ending, in his own way, without frills or saccharine sweetness. He wants someone he won’t get tired of, someone who doesn’t idolize him, someone to love. Hands cold and blood pooling in his cheeks, Rintarō just wants.
You’re Rintarō’s best friend, one of his favorite people in the world; you make everything easy. Of course he’s sitting next to you, shoving popcorn in his mouth and staring at his television, when he figures it out.
“Your friend,” he says suddenly, interrupting the sopping, dramatic monologue of the man onscreen. “Your, ah, roommate.”
“What?” You glare at him, the tension of the scene broken.
“Is she single?”
Your expression shutters off. He’s never not been able to read your thoughts on your face. It’s disturbing. He’s not sure what he did wrong—his words, interrupting the movie, discussing her—but he wants to take it back.
“Yeah, she is.” You cock your head, still inviting an explanation. Now that he’s started, he can’t stop his momentum.
“Would you—do you think, uh—”
“She does hate you,” you say, dry to his ears. She hates him because she’s the one who checks in on you while he’s out, who watches you insist over and over again that you’re over him, who lets you lean on her when it all inevitably happens again. To Rintarō’s knowledge, she’s just a little ornery, someone who will fight for what she wants, someone whose next move he’ll never guess. “That might be a problem.”
“I’ll figure it out,” he waves it away, infuriatingly confident in his own subtle magnetism. “But only with your permission.”
“My permission.” You echo, sounding faraway. He’s handing you a big, round, waxy red apple here; watching your turmoil with serpentine eyes. Rintarō leans forward, takes one of your hands between both of his. The movie is long forgotten.
“Yeah. You’re my friend, and she’s yours. I don’t want to move forward with anything if it’ll make things weird between us.”
“Why would it make things weird between us?” You say, and he doesn’t have an answer, just a gut feeling. “Do what you want, Rintarō, don’t bother with what I think.”
“But I care what you think,” he says. “You’re right. Fucking around isn’t enough for me, anymore, you were right when you said I go after women I don’t really like. But I like her,” he says your name, and your heart feels overworked and suddenly you’re just exhausted. “I really do. I think I always have.”
You jerk your hand out of his. He jumps at the moment, at the outright fury that breaks over your face. His hands feel cold, again.
“If you care so much about what I think, then don’t,” you say, more bitterly than you want to. “Don’t ask her out, don’t try to convince her she’s the one. Don’t jump ship from dating women you don’t like to dating women who don’t like you.” You let out a broken laugh, and he’s not sure exactly where this is going but he’s sure it’s too late to salvage. “For the love of—do something good for yourself, Rintarō.”
You storm out, the blood rushing in your ears deafening his pleading, his desperate questions. He catches your wrist, and you look back at him with something awful in your face. The line between love and hate is thin. Your last words hang in the air like thunder rolling behind your lightning, and the echo sounds a lot like stop being selfish, Rintarō.
The door catches before it shuts, and Rintarō can’t bring himself to close it, ‘cause maybe you’ll come back. He sits down next to the opening and scrubs his hands over his face, through the strands of his hair. His head hurts. He feels sick. He fucked up.
You’re Rintarō’s literal girl next door, or you were, his freshman year in the dorms. Your assigned roommate was never home, and his was always kicking him out. He found a comfortable spot as the shade to your sunny disposition, spending countless afternoons dragging you outside to laze around on the green or pulling you out of the library to stock up on more poisonous energy drinks.
He’s selfish; he’s not stupid.
He's spent too many days almost lying across your dining table while you don an apron over your hoodie and shorts, whipping together incredible concoctions from a cookbook. He can't cook worth shit, but he loves to watch you do it, phone lifted in front of his face but eyes trained on you. He heckles you as you go. What do stiff peaks mean? That's dirty. I'm not eating this if the souffle comes out flat. How many syllables are in ratatouille, honey?
Every time, he says it's his favorite food in the world, right around the time you slide him a portion, because he knows he's an ass and he's sorry about it. And because you're amazing.
He knew that, too.
You have standards too high to ever want anything to do with him like that, know him too well to imagine that he could treat you like you deserve to be. At his bravest moments, he imagines that if he could prove to himself he could do it with another girl, one not as important as you, he could convince himself he could touch you without breaking.
At his most cowardly, he asks for favors you can't give.
Your laugh, that raw sound filled with anything but mirth, plays over in his mind and it feels like it’s sanding him down, tearing him into pieces. If Rintarō has nothing else going for him, he can make you laugh; he can bring the light into his sunshine girl’s face. It feels like he’s ruined that, too.
The ring of your doorbell is like a death knell. Once upon a time, when boys like Rintarō fucked over princesses like you, they would have been executed for their dishonor. Maybe he’ll go back to Hyōgo and ask Kita to bring back the old days.
There’s a scuffle behind the door; muffled words that he can’t understand.
“You shouldn’t!” He can hear your roommate say, frustrated and protective, and it hurts to think that she’s protecting you from him. He curls in on himself (further), wonders what he looks like in the fish-eye view of your door’s peephole. The stems of the flowers he’s holding crinkle in his grip.
Shit shit fuck you fucker, he thinks at himself.
The door opens a crack, and your eyes appear above the lock.
“What do you want,” calls your roommate, and his view of you disappears.
“Can you let me—” the sentence is aborted, but Rintarō can imagine your combination of hand gestures and mouthed words.
“Okay, okay,” she calls, and he’s more than a little relieved that she seems to be getting further away. He almost feels bad for it, too.
Mostly, though, all of his energy is focused towards feeling guilty about you. You pop the door open, leaning on it, and there’s not a smile on your face when you face him, just shadowy eyes and chapped lips.
“Hi,” you open the door for him, flannel pajama pants dragging on the floor, and he watches, eyes wide. “You wanna come in?”
He passes you the flowers, stammers through an explanation for them that doesn’t make any sense to his brain no matter how many words he adds on. You don’t say a word to help him, don’t complete his sentence to parse out his meaning, nothing. You just let him flail.
Eventually, he trails into defeated silence, and wishes he could be grateful that his own voice is no longer grating on his ears. It’s embittered by the way you take the flowers, expression unchanging, and turn, pretending to fluff them up and rearrange them.
He stares at your back, left open and vulnerable. You don’t have a reason to guard against him, he guesses, he left all his swords behind when he stabbed them through you today.
“I’m sorry,” you say, and glance halfway over your shoulder. Rintarō freezes.
“You should be free to date who you want. Or ask, anyway. Especially if that’s how you—how you feel.”
“No,” he says, and his tongue feels thick and gluey and stupid.
“Yes,” you argue. “I’m sorry I reacted—um. I let my f-f—” You can’t seem to finish the sentence, a long-held horror icing over your veins. Years of pining, collapsed into this one awful moment.
You drop your chin to your chest, stare down at the flowers. There’s an aphid crawling in one of the roses, descending into the heart of the bloom.
“I’m sorry,” he says, and it’s like a full-body sigh to finally say it right. You turn, and he’s right there, and it’s so easy to lean your head on his chest and let his heartbeat calm you.
Except his pulse is hammering in allegro, faster even than yours, and you have to wonder why unflappable Rintarō seems on the verge of panic.
“I’m sorry,” he says again. “I lied.”
“About what?” You lift your head, and his eyes are softer than you’ve ever seen them, his mouth barely turned down.
“Not your roommate,” he mutters, and you nudge him.
“Can’t hear you.”
“I—shut up, this is hard, okay?” His voice has no anger in it, though, and you can’t help the smile that tugs at your face, even as you brace yourself for god-knows-what. “I made a lot of mistakes. That were especially. Unfair. To you.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you say plainly. “Please, what the fuck?”
“I’m in love with you,” he says it like a curse, scrubbing his hands through his hair, eyes squeezed shut. You stand up, ramrod-straight, and he sways a little, practically unnoticeably, at the loss of your touch.
“You are not.” Your voice is firm but your eyes are watering. You want him out, you want him to go away. You want him not to use this, your most precious secret, against you. You want him to be better.
“I am,” he says. “And I’m sorry.”
“That is,” you struggle for words, and that distorted laugh escapes you again. “That is cruel. That’s not funny.”
“I’m serious,” Rintarō says, desperate, hands out and palms up. “I love you."
"I'm going to be sick," and you might be joking, but your hands are clutched over your stomach like maybe you mean it.
"Please don't," he says, and the familiar warmth of his touch is a balm on your clammy cheek. "I made mistakes because I was scared. That you were too good for me, that I'd fuck you over, just like I ended up doing. You're right, I think, I knew I was dating girls I didn't like or who didn't like me and I thought I couldn't face that with you. I know it sounds stupid, really stupid, but it's true, Y/N, please."
Wiry strands of Rintarō's hair are sticking to his forehead, his lashes clumping together, his mouth wobbling. You hate how many minutes you've spent staring at that mouth, the shape memorized through quick, platonic swipes of your thumb across it to clear smeared crumbs, through taking advantage of his love of side-eyeing other people and leaving you free to stare. That's your undoing—the stupid tremble of his barely pink, bitten lips, the ones you've always wanted to kiss until all of his snarky nonchalance has melted right off him, the way you know Rintarō couldn't fake that expression if he wanted to.
"And my roommate?"
"I'm an asshole," he says, with none of the usual wryness he uses when he's being charmingly self-aware. "I couldn't face my feelings for the only girl I couldn't have so I asked for the closest thing to it."
Maybe he could have survived like that, chasing a forever that could have existed if he weren't heartstoppingly, achingly, crazy in love with you. He could have watched from a safe distance as you fell in love with someone else, could have distracted himself while the girl he wanted found someone who was better for her.
"You could have me, though," you say, frustrated. He shakes his head.
"Nobody should have you. Nobody deserves you. Should just feel lucky you let them hang out with you." You huff out a laugh, but he sounds dead serious. You remember, early on, you'd gone on a couple dates, and Rintarō had always been there, sprawled over your couch, yawning, tawny eyes narrowed. Don't drop your standards for these losers.
"You know this kind of thing doesn't foster trust," your hands cover his, and there's a hopeful glimmer in those eyes that makes his breath pick up. "Kind of an ominous start to a relationship."
"I'm not romantic." He's a little afraid of the effect the words will have, but he needs to be honest with you, with himself. Even when it's ugly. Example: "You threatened to puke on me when I told you I love you."
You turn your nose up in the air, joy leaking through your expression, and the rub of your thumb over the back of his hands feels like forgiveness. His teeth tug on his lower lip, exposing the scar where he'd once had a lip ring that had driven you into a fever for all the months he'd worn it. You know then: you have history with the fucking mouth he has on him, and you're not done with it. "It was deserved."
"The worst part is that I wouldn't mind." He'd just worry that it got in your hair, that you weren't feeling good. God, he loves you so much it's grossing him out. "Are we...okay?"
"We will be," you say, and kiss him, because you've been wanting to since he first hid in your room from the chaos of your floor's common area. And then you kiss him again because he's really good at it. And then one more time, to bite his lip and hear him pretend he didn't whine when you pulled away. "You shouldn't call yourself an asshole, you know. I don't like it when people shit talk the people I love."
"Mm, it was deserved," he grins. "But if you really want it—you should make me."
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yuriko-mukami · 24 days
Her Calamity Dark Prologue
Beta reader: @ruki-mukami-dl
Chapter Selection
Story so far...
This story includes themes that can be triggering. The content has similar traits to Diabolik Lovers' games. By reading forward, you accept that the story is meant for people who enjoy dark romance with scenes intended for adult readers. There won't be further warnings, so if you aren't a fan of these types of stories, DO NOT READ.
TW & CW: Toxic relationship behavior, captivity, sex, violence, blood, biting, various kinks, and probably something else too.
Chapters with sex tagged with #steamytimes and chapters with either toxic content or violence tagged with #lurid lilies.
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She's something worth holding onto After everything she's gone through Rose full of thorns Hope through the storms She's got stories that could haunt you
— Curiosity by Bryce Savage
Yuriko pressed her palms together and lowered her gaze. She was standing at the far end of the backyard of the Mukami manor in the shadows of tall trees, where she had built a tiny stone shrine that held a photo frame with her mother’s picture. She had just placed a cup of rice right next to it.
Mom, if you can hear me… I’m so sorry what happened to you. I never realized how your life was, I never saw it for real. I probably made many mistakes, but you said nothing about them. And… I didn’t ask how you were and what was going on in your mind. Then you were suddenly gone… A whimpering sob escaped Yuriko’s lips. I wish we would have more time together… but I understand that you had to go to Yuuto. But… but… if only you had told me, then I would have realized sooner… I loved you so much, yet I didn’t say it often enough. And now, it’s too late…
So much had happened in the last few years. Yuriko’s mother, Tsukino Hisoka, had gone missing when Yuriko had been in her second year of high school. She had started to skip classes, until she hadn’t gone to school at all during her third year, ending up failing completely. After that, her father, Tsukino Keisuke, had moved them to Kaminashi City… which had turned Yuriko’s life upside down or more like, inside out.
Little had Yuriko known, that her parents had met in the said city, fallen in love there, and married, even though her mother had been a Kitsune and ran away from her home village that was located in the Demon World. All this had been slowly revealed to Yuriko after she had met a Vampire called Mukami Ruki in Ryoutei Academy where her father had forced her to start over her third year.
I know it might sound scary, Mom, but I have found my happiness with Ruki. Only because of him, the seal you and Dad made that witch put in my blood was broken and my fox side surfaced. Because of Ruki, I can finally be myself. Yuriko sighed. Was that too harsh? Surely, her parents had thought what would have been the best for her and that’s why hid away her supernatural true nature. I… I don’t blame you for doing it, of course not. But I’m happier this way. Ruki… I love him, and I don’t care that he is a Vampire. So, you simply need to accept that, Mom.
Was her mother happy now? Yuriko couldn’t help but wonder. Hisoka had been executed for running away and marrying a human, and Yuriko would never see her again. It had been so long ago since they had talked to each other the last time. So many things had been left unsaid.
Yuriko lifted her gaze and looked at her mother’s photo. Hisoka didn’t smile in it but stared into the distance. It had been taken in the same year, Yuriko had been born, hence Hisoka looked much younger in it than Yuriko remembered her. But it had been the only photo she had managed to find in the apartment she had shared with her father for a brief while. For some reason, Keisuke had left that photo behind along with all Yuriko’s things, when he had left. To where? Yuriko didn’t know… and she had come to realize that she didn’t care. It was better this way. Now, the man couldn’t hurt her or her big brother, Yuuto, anymore.
“But Mom, don’t worry. I’m going to do my best in school now and help Yuuto build his life here in the Human World. Everything will be fine for both of us. Your efforts weren’t in vain.” Yuriko clapped her hands together two times and bowed her head for a moment.
“Here you are…” The voice from behind the bushes made Yuriko flinch. She glanced at her mother one last time before turning around.
“Ruki…” Curling her lips up, Yuriko tried to make her eyes shine.
Ruki stepped into the shadows that offered a fresh spot in the summer’s heat. Even though Yuriko was sure the Vampires didn’t sweat, Ruki had replaced his usual combo of long-sleeved shirt and blazer with a black t-shirt that had a skull pattern. Yuriko was sure that Kou had gotten it for Ruki. She dug her bare toes into the soft ground as if drawing strength directly from the earth. She was only wearing a light sundress and still sweating. How unfair.
“A penny for your thoughts, my angel.”
“Umh…” Shifting in place, Yuriko hid her hands behind her back. “Nothing big… I just… came here to… talk to Mom…”
A cool touch brushed Yuriko’s hair off her cheek and behind her ear. Leaning in, Ruki pecked her lips. “I see.”
“I… I… know it doesn’t probably make sense, but I feel closer to her this way…”
“Then you should keep doing this. I will tell my brothers to leave this corner alone.” Ruki wrapped his arm around Yuriko’s waist. “But if you are done now, you could come to the pool with me.”
Yuriko leaned against Ruki. “Isn’t Yuma still in the garden, filling that mystery hole that had appeared while we all were buying the groceries?”
Ruki shook his head. “He finished with it. I still do not understand where it came from. It looked like something had dropped from the sky… Haa… probably my imagination.” Nudging his nose against Yuriko’s, Ruki smirked. “However, Kou took Yuma and Azusa out, so now, we are all alone here.” He captured Yuriko’s bottom lip between his and gave it a gentle tug.
Gasping, Yuriko nodded, and Ruki released her lip. Before she could say anything, he had already gathered her into his arms. Hastily she enveloped his neck with her hands, holding onto him while he marched through the yard towards the pool. When he stepped into direct sunlight, the heat welcomed Yuriko once more.
“Somehow, this summer feels hotter than any other…” Yuriko buried her face in the crook of Ruki’s neck. He was cold against her, like her personal cooler in the sweltering weather. But being this close to him caused a whole new problem, another one Yuriko had struggled with recently.
Was it because of the summer heat? Was it something else? Yuriko had no idea, but as she drew breath and Ruki’s musky scent sailed into her nose, her heart took a sudden leap and she was happy that he was carrying her, for her legs would surely have given up in this very instant. Sticky, soaking feeling slithered deep within her, gluing her panties between her thighs even though Ruki had literally done or suggested nothing more than alone time in the pool.
“Hmm… already turned on by your master~?” Ruki’s whisper vibrated against Yuriko’s eardrum, causing a squeeze in her. She shifted in his arms, letting him feel her fingernails on his nape. “Lately, you have been much more like this than before, almost like I have awoken something in you. I wonder what it is…”
I wonder about it too! Yuriko gasped against Ruki’s neck, covering it with tiny kisses. His groan encouraged her, and she gave him a tiny suck. Probably not enough to leave a mark but the sudden urge to have his everything was coursing faster and faster in her. She needed him right now.
“You started to use the new potion this month, did you not?” Ruki’s voice was already hoarse.
The new potion for contraception? Yuriko nodded. Ruki had gotten her another one that needed to take only once a month after she had started to forget her daily routine due to all the stress that had dropped on her shoulders lately.
“Mhm, I have… ” Yuriko breathed the words on his skin, tracing the column on his neck with her tongue. He was cool and salty, just what she yearned for.
“Good girl.” Ruki put Yuriko down right next to the pool before grabbing the hem of his shirt and pulling the cloth over his head. It landed on the grass. “My brothers will be away until the evening…” There went his belt. “Come here…”
Grabbing Yuriko by her waist, Ruki pulled her against him. She could feel a bulge pressing on her belly as his hands traveled along her back until they met her buttocks and slid under them, flipping her hem. “So many clothes even though it is hot…”
“Maybe… you should help me get out of them… Master~?” Yuriko lifted her gaze, realizing it was blurry.
Ruki leaned in, capturing her lips with a brief smooch. “Color me curious. What is lying behind those pretty eyes of yours that just changed their shade?” Leaving Yuriko’s butt alone for a moment, Ruki lifted his hand and picked up her eyeglasses. He made sure they were secured on a table near the pool.
“Umh… thoughts of you in the night…” Yuriko swayed her hips. The soaked sensation heated her face even more. “Feelings… I might need to feed…”
“Yet the sun is far from setting…” Ruki stepped closer again, gazing at Yuriko from head to toe. “You look like a little angel…” Without further ado, he snatched her dress, ripping it off her and tossing it on the ground, leaving her standing in her lingerie in front of him.
The moist, soaking feeling was spreading. Soon, it would reach Yuriko’s thighs.
Ruki simply watched her, smirking. “Naughty thoughts, my angel?”
“I… I…  umh… just want to make you feel good…” This was almost too much. Yuriko feared she would faint soon if she didn’t cool down. With a hasty decision, she turned her back to Ruki, lifting her arm and inching her finger under her bra from the backside. Soon, it was unhooked, and she let it slide down.
“Hmm~?” There was a hint of intrigue in Ruki’s voice.
Almost quivering, Yuriko tugged her fingers under the waistband of her panties. She wished she would have worn lace instead of cotton today, but it couldn’t be helped now. Leaning forward, she glided the fabric down her bottom. She didn’t crouch her legs as she lowered the tiny piece of clothing, allowing Ruki to view her from behind for the whole time.
This surely didn’t help with the overly heated feeling but that was one of the reasons Yuriko let this happen. She lifted one foot after another, dropping the panties near the edge of the pool.
“Such a beautiful view. You should stay like that for a moment.” Ruki chuckled. “Or perhaps spread your legs a bit.”
Shivering, Yuriko moved her thighs apart. As she started to feel light-headed, she could hear the sound of Ruki’s zipper going down. Rustle revealed that his pants went off, probably along his boxers, releasing the hardness Yuriko would have wanted right this very instant. Her insides clenched, pushing out more sticky moistness of lust as if welcoming Ruki to enter anytime now.
I can’t handle this! I’m flaring all over! Yuriko straightened up, panting as she peeked over her shoulder only to notice how ready Ruki was for action. She could already imagine the wet slaps, skin against skin as he would thrust her into oblivion and bliss. Oh, she wanted him to shove his hardness deep into her so roughly she would see stars instantly. So harshly that her moans would echo from the wall of the manor. She needed him to fuck her until there was no sense left in anything.
I can’t be this lewd! Oh my gosh!
Turning her head, Yuriko took a leap. A step. Second. A jump. The air swooshed in her ears as her feet left the ground. She gasped and closed her eyes. Her feet broke the surface of the water first, sinking into coolness. The water splashed around her just before it covered her all over as she slid toward the bottom of the pool. Such a pleasure!
Yuriko’s soles reached the floor of the pool, and she bounced upwards. Only seconds later she broke the surface again, gulping for air and blinking as water ran down her cheeks. She couldn’t help but notice how Ruki stared at her from the edge of the pool.
“I should punish you for jumping off without permission.” The words came with a chuckle.
“Ehh? But —”
Yuriko’s protest was interrupted when Ruki dived into the pool. He broke the water hands and head first without splattering it as Yuriko had done. She could see how he swam closer and closer, popping up right next to her only moments later.
Droplets sparkled in Ruki’s dark hair and slid down his nose as he blinked for a while. Yuriko pedaled in place to keep herself in an upright position. She was still slightly out of breath from the jump… and now it felt like not even the water could completely cool her down. Could it be that the new potion made her act like this?
Ruki hauled Yuriko into his embrace, lifting her lightly. Without further thought, she enveloped his waist with her thighs only to feel his hard shaft pressing between their bodies. Holding Ruki by his nape, she raised her gaze to meet his eyes. As she nibbled her bottom lip, Ruki let out a chuckle.
“And now you are acting all innocent. Are you trying to spur your master on with these tricks of yours?” He tilted his head. “Is that so, my angel?”
“I…” Yuriko swallowed. To be honest, she wasn’t sure. It was like something new had opened in her this summer. After everything they had been through it felt impossible to hold back. Her life was here and now, and she wished to have everything with Ruki before someone would take it all away. It was clear that anything she had at the moment could turn out into nothing in the next one.
Before Yuriko could muster an answer, Ruki captured her mouth and pulled her into a kiss. He gave her lower lip a hungry nip as if reminding her how his love could easily hurt and heal at the same time. As always, his kiss was cruel and devouring, impossible to resist.
Already trembling in Ruki’s arms, Yuriko opened her mouth and allowed his tongue to meander in. Groaning, Ruki started a tempting tango that set Yuriko’s soul on fire and pushed all else from her mind.
Pouring everything in the smooch, Ruki made the couple float through the pool until Yuriko’s back met the edge in the shallower end. Only then, he broke the smack, leaving Yuriko panting. He spun her over, pressing her against the rim. In the instant his teeth raked her nape, tongue flicking over the skin.
“You burn like the sun…” Ruki placed a peck on the crook of Yuriko’s neck and nuzzled her shoulder, scraping it. “You should get your punishment…”
Ruki’s lips were as cold as his body but that wasn’t enough to stop the flaring that had taken Yuriko over. Without another warning, he pierced the skin of her shoulder with his fangs and grunted as her blood gushed out. A cry pressed out of Yuriko and her body arched against the edge of the pool as white pain shot through her, blinding her mind from other sensations for a moment. With each suck, Ruki pulled her deeper into dark temptations that contradicted the brightness dancing around the yard.
“Ruki… ahh… please…” Yuriko wasn’t sure what she begged for. Even in the scorching daylight, the world faded from her. Her entire body tingled at Ruki’s touch as his body prowled against hers. His rough hand squeezed and caressed her buttock.
Another pleading moan left Yuriko’s lips. “Please… please… please… I need you…”
As Ruki pulled his fangs out of her skin, Yuriko whimpered. His cold tongue glided over the fresh bite, sealing it but not taking away the sweet swollen pain that throbbed in her.
“You must state your wishes clearly.”
Ruki’s words made Yuriko pant. Frowning, she tried to muster out more even though her whole body was tensed, and her brain turned into a mush. “I… I… need… to fuck… you.”
Silence followed.
Ruki turned Yuriko around, meeting her gaze. There was a whirlpool behind his eyes of the cloudy evening sky. “You… need to fuck your master?”
Slowly, Yuriko managed a nod.
A smirk arose.
“I see. But it does not work like that.” Ruki’s voice was hoarse. He hauled Yuriko against him, his hardness rubbing on her belly. “I am your master, and I will fuck you. Not the other way around.”
Placing her hands on Ruki’s shoulders, Yuriko gripped them. She was pure fire inside, not wanting to hold back any longer. “Please… it… I… I… umh… wish… for it…”
Something flashed in Ruki’s eyes as his arms tightened possessively around Yuriko. His length pressed on her front; hard steel ready to intrude in her. The silence lingered again, and Yuriko dared not open her mouth again.
A minute passed. Perhaps two.
Suddenly, Ruki rolled them over, his back resting against the pool's edge. He lifted Yuriko up and onto his lap, onto his shaft. “Then that is what you will get.”
Gasping, Yuriko held Ruki’s shoulders tighter. Emboldened by her own reckless desire, she swayed her hips and guided him in, not believing that she truly was straddling him, easing herself down and taking him in. His girth stretched her, forcing a long moan out of her lungs.
Ruki gripped Yuriko’s hips, his fingernails slightly digging into her skin as a groan compressed through her mouth. He jerked his shaft up, filling Yuriko to the deepest parts of her. Her back arched in response, and she wiggled against him, whining in a way that sounded almost like howling.
“That’s… my… good… girl!” Ruki thrusted up, groaning between each word. He slid one hand on the small of Yuriko’s back and the other up her spine, all the way to her head, pressing her face closer while his fingers entangled with her hair.
Capturing her lips, Ruki locked Yuriko into his embrace and started to ram into her. Their foreheads pressed together as they moved together, body to body, mouth to mouth. Each thrust sent Yuriko reeling as she enjoyed every single second of holding Ruki inside her.
Almost scrunching Yuriko, Ruki kept going, and she luxuriated in the sweet sensation of almost painful penetration that sent her toward the flaring sun. Powerful sensations built and throbbed below her waist as her every nerve end quivered. Her body clenched around Ruki’s thick manhood, his rough motions sending her closer and closer to the edge already. Her entire body vibrated in response.
Tongues tangling, Yuriko’s insides squeezed against Ruki’s member faster and faster as she was riding to the release she ached for. Sobbing and moaning into Ruki’s mouth, she swayed her body at the pace of his harsh lunges, her cells turning into sparkles as every secret part of her cried out his name. And when he finally poured himself into her, bucking and groaning, Yuriko’s toes curled and back arched as she came apart too.
Hanging on half into kissing, half heaving, Yuriko quivered in Ruki’s arms, relishing the sensation of his cold cum flooding her. Lazily, she swung her butt, hugging his slowly softening shaft with her walls as if her body was trying to get every last drop of his juices. His hand glided to her nape, giving it a tiny clutch.
“You are such a bad girl when the mood is right…” Ruki’s whisper vibrated on Yuriko’s lips. “You simply cannot shake your lust for your master, is that it?”
“Mhm…” Yuriko swallowed, still panting. “I… I just want to be used… by you… because I trust you and love you.”
“Is that so?” Ruki chuckled.
As an answer Yuriko clenched her walls again, this time deliberately, forcing Ruki to grunt.
“I see…” Lifting Yuriko from his lap, Ruki pulled out and whirled her bridal style in his arms. “Let me carry you in.” He pecked her lips before getting up from the water and walking out of the pool.
The summer breeze traced Yuriko’s bare skin as Ruki walked under the trees and toward the manor. Even being exhausted after their tryst, she couldn’t help the heated feeling that was already coursing its way back into her veins.
Ruki stepped into the manor, heading toward his bedroom. “I love you. From the bottom of my heart. And for that, I will fulfill your wishes.”
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You can find the uncensored version of the pic from Yuriko's X account and later in the ebook version of the story.
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Yuriko yawned, cuddling against Ruki on his bed. Ruki was playing with her hair in an almost lazy manner as if he had been much more relaxed than usual. The sun was sinking behind the window, disappearing behind the tall trees of the forest.
Finally, the inner burning had eased up a little. Yuriko pressed her nose against the column of Ruki’s neck. It was dry now. They had taken a shower – a rather long and heated one – after what had gone on in the pool, and then Ruki had wrapped Yuriko in a towel, making sure she had been properly dried before bringing her into his bed. Her curls were still somewhat damp, and the moist summer heat was wafting in the air, but her muscles weren’t stiff, and she was able to close her eyes and simply breathe.
This moment of peace. The couple wasn’t in a hurry. Everything was perfect right now; their worries were pushed aside. This was what Yuriko needed.
“You should move into this room…” Ruki placed a kiss on the top of Yuriko’s head. “You are always sleeping next to me anyway. We could bring your clothes and other things in here. I can move my bookshelves in the library so that we have more space here.”
“Umh… are you sure?” Yuriko fluttered her eyes open while her heart bounced a little faster. “I mean… I would love to share this room with you.”
That way we would be even more together officially, right? The soft sensation of her lips curling sent warm shivers through Yuriko’s body. She sighed when Ruki’s fingertips caressed her cheek.
“I am sure. I want to have you by my side at all times. Your everything belongs to me, and I will never let go of you. It only makes sense for us to live in the same room.” Ruki’s nose rubbed against Yuriko’s hair as he drew breath. “I wish nothing more than —”
A tap on the window.
Yuriko flinched from the sound and lifted her head, almost hitting Ruki’s chin. He crawled upright, moving her a bit further before landing his feet on the floor and heading toward the window. As he opened it, a tiny bat flew in, dropping an envelope into his hands. It flapped its wings, dancing in the air around Ruki.
“Good boy, you did well. I will call you again later, when I have read this and decided if it demands an answer.” With Ruki’s words, the bat flew back out, and Ruki made sure the window was shut again.
“Umh… what is it?” Yuriko sat up, pulling the blanket on her lap. It was too hot to wrap her body into it, and honestly, she didn’t mind Ruki seeing her naked anymore. He had seen everything and… he loved every inch of her. That much she had already learned.
Ruki scooted right next to Yuriko, pecking her cheek before he shredded the envelope open. He pulled out something that looked more like parchment than regular paper — it even had a dusty scent on it. Without answering Yuriko, Ruki focused on reading the message. And with each sentence, his brows knitted closer together.
“Haa… It seems I need to take my words back…” Ruki dropped the letter on the bed and ran his hand through his hair. “Do not get me wrong. I want to stay by your side, and I want you to live in this room with me… but that must wait a bit longer.”
“Eh?” Yuriko swallowed but that only made something cold slither down her stomach. There was such a serious tone in Ruki’s voice.
The Vampire raised his hand, brushing a damp curl behind Yuriko’s ear. “Karlheinz-sama has invited me to Eden.”
“For what?” Yuriko could hear how her voice quivered.
“I do not know. The letter said he had something important to discuss with me and that I should arrive alone.” Ruki sighed. “I am probably away for a few days. I will make sure that you are safe all the time. One of my brothers will accompany you.”
“Umh…” Yuriko hung her head. Ruki was her perfect distraction from unwanted thoughts, and now he would be gone. Even if it was only for a few days…
“You could meet up with Elizabeth. I will ask Kou to bring you to the mall and entertain you there. He knows how to do that.” Ruki snatched Yuriko’s chin and lifted it. “Then perhaps a library visit on another day and catching up with your brother on the third. You will be so busy that you do not have time to worry. And when I come back, I will spoil you so much that you will beg me to let you rest. So, make sure you will sleep enough while I am gone.”
Once again, the heat covered Yuriko’s face before the words even had time to sink in. She noticed that a glance from Ruki was enough to make her nod. She would do exactly how he wished. To be his good girl.
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directdogman · 10 months
hello there dog!!! firstly, i just want too say im incredibly proud too see how far you have come, dialtown is so special too me, and for not only that game to be so loved, but also for you too be so involved in the community, is amazing keep up the great work! i do have a question, i am working on a theory pertaining to my favorite characters gingi/milton, and if i may, i have a couple questions about him specifically, if you don't mind of course :) 1. what made you come up with the design/personality of gingi?
2. what are your personal feelings/thoughts on gingi? are you satisficed with them as a character? or are there anything you wish you could change now? 3. this is a wierd one but, gingi generally does not really care what he looks like/what others think, so im really curious why hes so meticulous with making his phone/type head, and if he is so bent up about it, why not try to get someone like Oliver to make him a more proper one? instead of replacing the rotten flesh over and over
4. idk if you can answer this one, but i dont think it can hurt to try...was gingi around, before callum lost his mind?
if you cant answer this, then i have another, what flower would best represent gingi?
Milton question:
ok so....did Callum just straight up cheat on his Marla with Milt?...or am i mistaking something? what i read on the wiki says that milton and Callum had a romantic...fling?
2. did norm know milt? where they friends?
3. does mingus know at least some of the extent of miltons involvement with callum?
4. are there any plans with milton? he seems like such a cool character with crazy potential
that's my questions done, again thank you if you answer! and if not, thank you for making a truly special game, cant wait too see more gingi and dialtown in the future
1)Design for Gingi was primarily based on Frankenstein's aesthetic applied to a the chupacabra. Personality was largely ripped from quite a few unpublished stories/ideas I had before making DT. There's a few protagonists in other things I'd written as potential new game/story ideas that are eerily like Gingi.
2)I'm really really happy with Gingi as a character and I wouldn't change anything that I've established. I like how Gingi starts the game and changes by the end because it's pretty vast, but also not a complete change (and it happens very very gradually.)
TBH, outside of Gingi's interactions in DT, the fandom doesn't really know anything concrete about Gingi due to Gingi's poor memory. Until Gingi formed real human relationships, there was nothing to anchor to, just fragmented and barely remembered individual interactions. Honestly, the bigger picture is really interesting and I'm very happy with Gingi as a protagonist and I'd love to make sequels to DT as I've had concrete ideas for where the character would get up to in potential sequels for years now!
3)Gingi's flesh-head is a bit of a mystery. Gingi doesn't have the same adverse reaction to rotting things that most people do, but does have a general chip in its shoulder about being judged as lesser by others. Gingi (generally) does not make efforts to change its appearance to be seen as less repulsive by others, as we can plainly see from the fact Gingi often forgets (or refuses) to wear clothes.
4)I have all the main character date of births written down, so I could tell you Gingi's exact age... but it's more fun if I don't.
1)I'm not really sure why the wiki says that. There's no canon materials that state that Crown + Milt had an affair together. I think someone just read between the lines and stated their hunch as a fact.
2)Norm and Milt met but didn't know each other well. There was a cut mention of Milt in Norm's dialogue, but after a lot of head-scratching, felt the topic was too forced. Norm wouldn't have volunteered the information unless it was relevant to the scene and Gingi would not have asked.
3)Mingus knows about Milt, though not intimately. The only person alive during Mingus' lifetime who could've talked about Milt to her was her grandmother Marla, who was a husk of a person for Mingus' whole life (and in particular, talking about Milt would've hurt too much for her given their closeness.) Mingus knows about Milt from her obsessive study of her paw paw's presidency, but not much more than any historian/social studies teacher would. A lot of information I'd consider very important about Milt was never put to paper.
4)I'm not 100% sure why the fandom likes him as much as they do, given how little of him the fandom has seen (and how little information there is about him out there so far.) I just wanted a few references to him included in canon so I could potentially reveal more about him one day without fans wondering how this SUPER important character had never been mentioned. It's incredibly likely that I'll show more of Milt in future DT stuff due to how instrumental he was in Crown's decision-making + rise to power. There would be no practical way to expand on Crown without discussing Milt more.
There's a much bigger picture that the fandom hasn't seen much of that Milt is very important to, though it isn't often relevant to the modern day events of DT. Understanding Milt isn't important to understand DT itself, but is to understand both Crown and exactly how the world (and by extension, Dialtown itself) ended up exactly the way it did. And with time, I will discuss that some more.
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charthanry · 2 months
OS2xBBS: My Overall Thoughts
This is severely overdue, but I wanted to distance myself from these episodes to make sure that 1) regency bias didn’t seep through and 2) my thoughts don’t get clouded by the cute, swoony moments (all the kissing!) in an attempt to mask deeper plot and characterization issues, and 3) with some difficulty, I try to set aside how desperately I wanted OhmNanon’s reunion with PatPran to live up to the OG series.
So, to address the last item, for the most part OhmNanon’s chemistry was still alive and well, save for a few hiccups. This is a testament to two very experienced professionals. That said, my biggest gripe with these special episodes was the treatment of the Pat and Pran characters that has nothing to do with the actors.
It didn’t feel like a true crossover of two beloved series but instead felt like Pat and Pran’s presence were more like afterthoughts thrown into an ATOTS script. Pat and Pran were merely there to serve Phupha and Tian’s story and that is were I take great issue. In this case, Ohm and Nanon should not have been billed as main leads but rather supporting characters that have extended guest arcs in an ATOTS sequel.
Maybe setting plays a larger role here. I’ve asked myself if I would feel this way if Phupha and Tian got thrown into Pat and Pran’s university life instead. But I can’t imagine a storyline where the inverse of what we got makes sense since PatPran are the more established couple and PhuTian have no reason to leave PPD.
My wish was that instead of a crossover, P’Aof would have let BBS stand on its own even if it meant we got two fewer episodes out of it. While we did get glimpses of Pat and Pran’s life three-years into their relationship, it felt watered down because they weren’t in their own environment but a borrowed one. So, really, more like seeing them while on vacation than anything truly concrete. A lot of ‘what have Pat and Pran been up to and where are they in their relationship’ was left to viewer interpretation, which is all fine and well if what P’Aof had to say about the state of their relationship made any sense.
Fake fighting and cute hijinks aside (Ohm and Nanon can sell these type of scenes in their sleep); what I’m after is the meatier stuff like the end of EP4, the entirety of EP5, EP10, EP11 and EP12. Where is the Pran that got choked up when Pat revealed he ran after him with his guitar; who gripped his hand when Pat volunteered to fake break up to win back Pran’s friends and wordlessly said I’m here to stay. Where is the “but I care about you more” Pran? 
And where is the Pat who communicated so openly with his man? Who served as a walking advertisement of what it means to be a soaring green flag to all those who came before and after him? Why was he reduced to an amalgamation of Harry and Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber? Make it make sense, P’Aof. Pat never, ever, not once, came off as a dumb himbo in the OG series, so why was he reduced to that here?
The script could have been so much better, tighter, just more substantial. And we can't even say that P'Aof didn't have the space to include a meaningful story for them; I call bullshit on this notion. There's so much story that you can tell in a single hour. We've seen him do it with the BBS pilot.
It felt like so very little thought went into the BBS side of the story. Does P’Aof not know how to write established relationships in a compelling way? I know this can't be true because he gave us EP12, but why did it feel like he phoned it in with these bonus episodes? It’s like P’Aof knew he had both boys for a limited time and just threw the entire kitchen sink at them and anything that stuck made it into the final cut. Like, he relied heavily on the actors to bring it home for him. And that really wasn't fair to Ohm or Nanon who really did the best they could with what they were given.
I mean, even if he wanted to show the (realistic) cracks in their relationship, there were so many better ways to show this than have Pran essentially running away, avoiding Pat (basically regressing to who he was pre-relationship) and then treating Pat like a bumbling Barney Fife for following him? There was no fire in either of them to fight for or with one another. They were shown to have grown complacent (and dare I say taking each other for granted?) which is so at odds with what we got in the OG series that I was confused at what I was watching onscreen. It did not feel like a continuation of EP11 leading to EP12, in fact it felt very disconnected from their origin story.
Pat Jindapat. What they did to my guy was a travesty. They took away all his depth and cast him in the role of a bumbling idiot. Don't get me wrong, OG Pat had his comedic moments but I felt like OS2 veered so far into the extreme of 'lets bring the funny' that it fell completely flat. It was NOT funny. It was disappointing and sad to see one of my favorite characters reduced to this cartoon version.
More than senselessly reducing Pat to cannon fodder to merely serve as comic relief, I'm upset that Pran's growth from the series was essentially negated to where he became, in some ways, unrecognizable. More than once, it felt like Pran was just tolerating Pat's presence rather than basking or gravitating towards it. Again, so inconsistent for a guy who longed for his man for literal YEARS.
Gone are the days of "I'm done adapting" or adoringly staring at the space Pat used to occupy with heart eyes. I just don't get how we went from that Pran to this Pran to the Pran who readily committed his life to Pat in EP12. This in-between Pran is a stranger to me.
Final words: I'm both grateful that we got extra scenes with our boys but at the same time wish P'Aof had left them untainted.
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bulkseason · 1 year
9000+ Followers! GoStuffMe
Thank you everyone for helping this blog reach 9000 followers! Can we break 10000 by the end of the year? Whenever we do, thank you all for following this blog throughout this journey. Below if my big “announcement” which is more of a shower thought on a new way to create gainer content. I’m still workshopping it so if anyone wants to further flesh this out, please feel free. 
So most gainer content is built on an unstable structure. From the gainer side, they want to grow constantly. There are few who have feeders supporting their growth; most rely on the crowd to fund them whether that be through Patreon, OnlyFans, or direct donations. Those who rely on subscriptions to fund their gaining deal with several problems. Their numbers can fluctuate drastically and patrons may not be permanent sources of income. As they produce more content, each video becomes less valuable under a given tier unless controls are made. Finally pirating risks both the gainers privacy and monopoly over their content.
To a gainer, they aren’t able to gain as consistently as they’d like because of unsustainable sources of income.
For a feeder, their ability to stuff is based on whims. They must first be within the vicinity of a pig to feed them. If they care more about making sure their pig is fed they can use food delivery services to mediate this issue. Then there is the pig themselves. Depending on appetite, properly stuffing a pig can be expensive; even using cheap foods like pizza or burgers a pig with a massive appetite can require $50+ to feed for one meal. If extreme weight gain is the goal, several of these meals may be required leading to significant costs. Besides the heavy expenses of feeding, the relationship may not be sustainable due to interest. The gainer may lose interest in their pig for several reasons some outside the pig’s control. Similarly, the pig may lose interest in the feeder or gaining entirely and end the partnership.
A feeder may not get the satisfaction they desire due to the long term costs of feeding someone to extreme weights/fullness, or lack of commitment from themselves or their pigs.
I’m not a feeder or a gainer, why does this matter to me?
If you are a lurker, admirer or encourager, it’s likely you derive pleasure from the content gainers produce either for free to attract attention/praise, or by feeders looking to attract more pigs. We’ve all had experiences where our favorite creator just disappeared. The common story is they wished for privacy after some content they wanted private elsewhere was exposed. Although stories of feeders disappearing from the scene are rarer, it’s easy to imagine lack of funding being a major reason why they no longer are sharing gainer content for the hungry masses.
Ok nice essay. What’s the point?
This is a very niche community where finding the content we enjoy is rare and fleeting. It depends on a structure that can hardly be considered sustainable. I’m proposing a way to produce gainer content sustainability for the gainer, reduce costs on the feeder, and provide more content for the rest of us.———/——//—Solution: Recently a lot of great things were funded not by one or a few donors but by many. Whether that be a game, a new product, or a political campaign, crowd funding has been an increasingly popular topic way to fund projects.
Instead of relying on a few wealthy feeders to control the gainer content, the masses will fund the feeding.
How would this work? A website like GoFundMe can collect donors from admirers and the like who want to see a future pig get fatter. At the same time gainers who need money for a stuffing can apply to receive money from this fund.
Periodically the applications are reviewed and gainers are chosen to be fed. How much money that is given out will depend on several factors; a major one being the type of content being produced after the stuffing. Not all gainer content is created equally. For example a photo is worth less than a video. All content created after a stuffing will be uploaded to a social media account run by the fund so that all can view it.
So to summarize the people fund the stuffings, the fund and the people controls who gets paid, and the fund controls the content so that everyone can view it.——————
Q and A
Wait how is both the people and the fund controlling what content is created?
The fund manager will check to make sure who only one project per feeder is funded each time money is dispersed. They’ll also make sure a gainer who was already chosen doesn’t get chosen again at least for a while. 10 applications from the pool will be selected to be voted on by the people. The top 3-5 stuffings will be funded depending on the cost of the stuffing.
So to summarize the fund manager moderates what feeders are in the pool, random chance chooses who is on the ballot, the people’s vote is the final say on what content is created for the period.
Who is the fund manager?
If no one else, me. But if the idea is good enough maybe another person can adopt this project. Ideally a group of people can moderate to control for bias in body type. While chance and the people vote can hopefully select who gets stuffed fairly, stratifying based on body type, weight, or some other factor might be needed to ensure diversity.
As a gainer, what if I want my content removed?
Since the fund paid for the content it’s the funds discretion to remove the content. However if the gainer pays the fund the money that was donated to them + a removal fee, that would be one way to get the content removed. If privacy is a concern effort should be made to make sure your identity isn’t revealed in the content.
Does this only work for one time stuffings?
Not necessarily. This system is focused on stuffing videos because buying food is expensive to do and a well stuffed belly is almost always a crowd pleaser. If enough money is available from the fund we can give out more money for longer term weight gain projects.
There was enough free content to mastrubate to, why should I partake in this communist crap and give up my money?
As mentioned earlier, gaining is not cheap and content is often removed. While there will always be a new belly to admire, this system ensures there is a library of bellies . Maybe your favorite gainer used the system. While his Patreon may have been taken down, the fund will always have at least one video from them that is easily accessible. There is also the pride in knowing your donation helped create a really popular video that others enjoy; a record of donors will be placed either as an end credit on the video or somewhere to recognize your generosity?
Do I need to show my dick to win in this system?
No this isn’t PornHub or ThisVid. Though if that is what the people want maybe we’ll branch into that. Most content will be in SFW venues like YouTube or Instagram.
This isn’t all my questions, I have more!
I’m still workshopping this system so if you have comments/concerns, please DM me here on Tumblr or on my other accounts
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heymacy · 1 month
hi! i haven’t seen mickeyless seasons so i wanted to ask if ian ever has issues about being bipolar like he did with mickey? like him breaking up in s5 for not wanting to see mickey hurt and s10 when he asks if he’s crazy for wanting to be with him! i think i read somewhere that caleb? maybe had a talk about self love or whatever to ian but that dude was horrendous ( not that trevor was best for what ive seen ) so im not sure that counts ahah
hi anon!
yes, ian grappling with his disorder is a very very big theme throughout seasons 6, 7, 8, and 9. in fact i would argue that aside from him becoming an EMT, the bipolar storyline is his most significant one (i typed out my response and it got very long so i'm going to put it below the cut 💛)
in s6 he is fresh off of the diagnosis, the breakup, and coping with mickey going to prison (and he was definitely trying to cope, he still loved him and seeing someone you love locked up is immeasurably hard. i feel like we don't talk about this enough). he feels very aimless and it isn't until an incident (he's a bystander to a car crash and rescues a woman from a burning vehicle) that he finds his new path (becoming an EMT, which he does by the end of s6). caleb was absolutely awful in so many ways but the one good thing he did do was encourage and support ian in finding a new life path, which is the only credit i will give him. there's also a deleted scene in s6 that is so, so important re: understanding how mentally ill people are viewed and treated in society and of course ian's monologue about how he's good at his job because of his illness, which is one of my favorite scenes in the entire show.
in s7, he's getting healthy again and taking his meds, but it isn't without struggle. there's a very poignant and important scene (part one, part two) with lip where he expresses his struggles with his disorder and how hard it is for him to cope with taking his meds and listening to the warning signs for episodes (he was behaving in ways akin to a hypomanic episode/showing signs of slipping into an episode just before the conversation happens). by the end of the season, after he leaves mickey at the border, he's still relatively stable, but the emotional triggers of leaving mickey behind + monica's death start to take a toll on him, which we see in s8. there's also the trevor of it all in s7, but that's a whole other issue. trevor did not have a positive impact on ian's self-esteem whatsoever and even went so far as to demand ian forgive monica and "move on" after knowing 0.1% of the history between the two of them. that scene in particular makes me unfathomably angry and i just know it was deeply, deeply triggering for ian to hear that from someone he cared about.
in s8, we have the gay jesus storyline, which i absolutely detest and hate to discuss, but it's part of his story and it needs to be acknowledged. he's taken advantage of a lot this season, propelled towards some sort of fucked up end goal with very little control over his circumstances, and it quickly spirals out of control. while the writers never explicitly state that ian is hypo/manic during this season, you can watch the progression happen if you pay close enough attention. despite not being given a lot to work with, cameron did a great job at playing the nuances of bipolar disorder this season, showing ian's descent into hypo/mania as the gay jesus movement grows and warps.
in s9, he's in prison for the first time and is noticeably manic. after being released, he starts seeking out meaning and purpose in religion. eventually he's forced to face the consequences of his actions and pleads not guilty to arson by reason of insanity, not only defying the wishes of the gay jesus followers (they feared him going public with his diagnosis and pleading insanity would delegitimize the movement) but also finally choosing to really acknowledge his disorder, reckon with it, and make peace with it, in a strange sort of way. it's a very important and pivotal moment for his character and cameron absolutely delivers during his plea monologue.
if you've see s10 you know how his self-worth takes a hit regarding the marriage storyline, and how he's so terrified of marrying mickey because 1) he doesn't know if he's capable of being a good partner because he doesn't feel like he had good examples of healthy marriage standards growing up and 2) he isn't sure mickey knows what he's signing up for re: his disorder and everything it entails. which, of course, is not the case, because mickey doesn't love him in spite of his disorder, he loves him completely, and his disorder is just a part of that. he wants all of him, always, and that's a huge plot point in s10 and s11 ("i gotta worry, you're my husband" scene my absolute beloved).
anyway. the short answer is that yes, ian spends a lot of time grappling with his disorder and the realities of life as a bipolar human. he deals with issues regarding his self-worth, his purpose, and his relationships. speaking as a bipolar individual, i can say with absolute certainty that coming to terms with your diagnosis is a long, arduous process that takes many years and a lot of commitment to achieve. it's not easy, and though the writers dropped the ball on a LOT of storylines in the show, they did a pretty damn good job of showing how hard it is to cope and live with the realities of bipolar disorder and everything that entails.
if you ever want to see more of his journey, gallavichscenes on youtube has playlists of all of ian's scenes in season 6, season 7, season 8, and season 9. i highly recommend watching the show in its entirety but if you don't want to do that, i recommend at the very least watching the rest of ian's storyline. it colors so much of his story and mickey's and it's hard to fully comprehend the extent of their relationship without understanding that storyline. i hope this answered your question! sending tons and tons of love 💛
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soupandsimple · 1 year
Alone Together For The Holidays (with Remus Lupin)
[ thinking Remus deserves better while spending your first Christmas Eve together ]
* tiny angst but overall fluff! ❣️🎄
- warnings?: a bit of Molly/Tonks slander so if you love them maybe this isn’t for you whoops
It was Christmas Eve and there you sat cuddled up in a blanket with your boyfriend Remus in his cozy, warm house. The fireplace was going and you both held mugs of hot chocolate in hand while occasionally snacking on homemade cookies from a plate on the coffee table.
It sounded like a beautiful scene and it was, but yet there was worry and a bit of guilt brewing in your mind that wasn’t allowing you to see it that way.
“You know, I can’t help but think you should have chosen differently,” you spoke.
Remus furrowed his eyebrows as he stretched over to set his now empty mug down on the table.
“What do you mean? It’s the same brand of hot chocolate you get, does it taste off?” he asked concernedly.
You smiled gently and shook your head, “No, I’m talking about your life choices.”
Remus held the squeeze of his eyebrows and waited for you to continue so he could understand what you were on about.
“I mean, you realize if you had chosen differently you could be with the entire Weasley clan right now instead of spending Christmas here alone in your house.”
Ah, Remus’s face relaxed upon realizing what it was you were insinuating.
The story was that a couple of months ago, Remus realized he fell for you despite you being some years younger. He had then confided in Molly Weasley for advice on what to do which she in turn took as an opportunity to relentlessly suggest he pursue Tonks instead of you (this being since Molly knew Tonks was deeply interested in him, given their mother-daughter relationship). “Well if you’re looking for someone young, why not Nymphadora? Beautiful and such an interesting woman she is” was only one of the many remarks Molly made to him.
Unfortunately for her though, that only pushed Remus to confess his feelings to you quicker; not only because he was sure he didn’t want to be with anyone else but also because he didn’t want anyone else thinking they had any type of chance with him if it wasn’t you.
Upon his confession to you and finding out the feelings were mutual, he then proceeded to tell you about the Molly/Tonks situation and made it clear to you that he had no intention of spending any more time than necessary around the pair.
Of course you told him that wasn’t necessary but he was too repulsed to want to continue a friendship with either of them by the way they had assumed his intentions were about finding someone young and not someone he actually cared for.
So prior to this moment right now, you had never felt insecure in your relationship and it was certainly most in part due to Remus’s honesty from the get go, but sitting with him in an empty house on Christmas Eve had you feeling otherwise. Remus would no doubt have been accepted into the Weasley family just as easily as they had accepted her- and you couldn’t think of anyone who deserved to spend holidays with a big old happy family more than Remus.
Not wanting to let you sit with doubt in mind a minute longer, Remus then began, “Well first of all darling, I’m not here alone. Secondly, I don’t wish I’d chosen differently. And thirdly…” he said, reaching over to pick up a cookie from the plate.
“Open” he whispered, interrupting his train of thought to offer you a bite of it which you took obediently. “Good girl,” he teasingly praised, bringing the rest of the cookie to his own mouth.
You blushed and lightly slapped his chest.
“Thirdly,” he chuckled, continuing from where he left off before, “you know Sirius and Harry would be here with us right now if they weren’t on their trip.”
Sirius and Harry were on a backpacking trip for winter break; it was their first Christmas together as a family, not counting last year’s holiday spent at Grimmauld Place before Sirius’s innocence was proven.
“Yes but don’t forget Harry loves the Weasleys and vice versa so it’s safe to assume that’s where they’d be tonight, given the chance.”
Remus smiled adoringly at you; he then took your mug from your hands and stretched over to set it on the coffee table next to the cookies.
Laying back in his spot, he mumbled “C’mere” to you as he pulled you closely into his side. Instantly you made yourself comfortable against his frame, letting your head rest delicately just below his shoulder.
“Now, between you and me darling, Sirius isn’t that fond of Mrs. Molly Weasley either. With that said, you should know Harry will always choose Sirius above anyone else. If Sirius isn’t at the Weasleys; Harry isn’t at the Weasleys. Harry can always see his friends when he returns to school but you know as well as I do that his time with Sirius is precious. Especially now that it’s still all so brand new.”
After taking in his words, you lifted your head up and kissed his cheek.
“You’re right Remmy, I’m sorry for being such a downer. I just really can’t help but think you deserve better for the holidays though.”
“There is no way I could have better” Remus said, placing a hand on your chin with thumb at your cheek to caress softly back and forth. “I’ve spent many holidays by myself love, trust me when I say that I don’t feel alone- not now, not ever…not when I’m with you.”
Looking at him tenderly for a moment, you then leaned in and kissed his lips and before you could pull completely away, he gifted you another.
Smiling, you cuddled your head back on his shoulder and lovingly said to him,
“I don’t feel alone when I’m with you either.” <3
TagList: @regulusblackswhorecrux
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roberrtphilip · 4 months
Hey! What about some fluffy hurt/comfort headcanons for Robselle? If you want to obvs! :) :)
lmao I typed these, then realized I was mostly just writing angsty headcanons I have, so these don't really fit in the "fluffy hurt/comfort" category, but I'll post them anyway :]
I headcanon that Giselle's pregnancy was pretty hard on her, and stressful, and Robert was always there to make sure she was taken care of. He made sure she got enough sleep/rest, gave her massages whenever she needed them (even if it meant waking up at 3am to give one), and held her a lot. She really needed to be held.
I also headcanon that there was a short period of time where Giselle just couldn't get Sofia to stop crying, no matter how hard she tried. That, combined with Morgan's change in behavior, really took a toll on her, and she started to feel like she wasn't a very good mom. Robert does his best to assure her that she's a wonderful mother, and that Sofia's crying, and Morgan's behavior aren't her fault. I wrote a fic about him comforting her during a small breakdown, but it's very rough atm, and idk when I'll ever finish it rip.
This is based loosely off a scene from one of the scripts, but Giselle is very aware of how some people view her. She knows when people think she's "crazy" or "stupid", and when they treat her like a joke. She tries really hard to not let it get to her, but it isn't always easy to ignore.
They are each other's go-to person for comfort, and the only person they ever really breakdown in front of. (that scene in Disenchanted when Giselle says she "used to be good at things" is truly the Scene of All Time to Me, I wish their little moment was longer)
After the spell broke, Robert had a lot of anxiety about losing Giselle (again!!) and his daughters, whiiiich I wrote about here (x). I've been trying to write more about this topic, because his story wasn't really... resolved or even really touched on in the movie, and it makes me sad. It takes him awhile, and a lot of reassuring from Giselle that everyone is fine, but he eventually feels more at ease as time passes.
Related to that ^ I headcanon he had anxiety after almost losing her the first time too. He never told Giselle about it, but he'd have nightmares about losing her again pretty often, and will sometimes wake up and rest his forehead against her chest softly just to make sure her heart is still beating.
I also think, when they first started dating, Robert worried he wasn't good enough for Giselle, and wondered if she regretted staying with him. He'd make jokes in passing, but there was a bit of true fear behind his words. This is another headcanon I really want to write about, but I can't ever get it right. Some day... some day!!
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bapydemonprincess · 2 months
Did they fuck behind the scenes or what??? how does this mating thing work? 👀 Also next part when. WHEN.
GSDJYKGLHOIJ ohhh sweet summer anon... there may be some big time sexual tension, but in this particular sebard storyline... they've only kissed as many times as I've written, and nothing more 😈 I know that must be torture to some of you smut enthusiasts, but despite my own bisexual horny frustrations, I LOVE writing long game, slow, romantic shit 💖 So ya'll will have to endure.
And the mating bond concept is a thing @grelleswife and I came up with and have explored together in our collab writing The Owl and the Raven, a Sebamey centric story. But I realized in that last sebard drabble that I absolutely wanted to explore it again, just with a different ship. uwu It's basically a familiar concept of like, bonded souls or something I'm sure most people have seen. Like the whole "red string of fate" trope, but make it DEMONIC. Lmao. Basically if a demon such as Sebastian grows close enough to develop feeling of a romantic nature, but of course in whatever way demons feel it, they start to connect to that person in a way deeper way than physical and literal like we humans do. It's a logical way, in my opinion, to explain why maybe you don't hear or read about demons being romantic or demon courting, unless its in a bad or smutty light like seducing scenes. This bond that forms unconsciously with this other the demon wants to eventually be with, even if they themselves don't realize it or deny it in many cases, is like an extra intimate special way a demon can stay close to their "mate", as they call them. So it's no surprise that this doesn't happen a LOT or is unheard of. What demon who wants to hunt souls greedily and have fun their whole lives tricking and messing with humanity wanna suddenly be weighed down by a lover??? So I think basically these sorts of things only happen at a certain POINT in a demon's long life; like when they no longer NEED to eat souls as much, and no longer wish to mess around with humans. Like finally feeling like settling down and having a family like humans do! And it works out pretty interesting I'm sure with a demon + another demon; how it SHOULD go normally. The demons come together, court each other in whatever ways they do for the types of demons they are (like a crow/bird demon dancing and flaunting for their possible mate and bringing them shiny presents to show they care 🖤), and once the bond forms between them on BOTH SIDES, they can feel each other's emotions, talk to each other mentally, find where the other is much faster than if they weren't mated; and over long long looong distances too! So it's only natural and meant to happen between these two.
HOWEVER, for this bonding to at some point "activate" with a human the demon has been around and close to long enough... oh boy it's quite a trip. Almost embarrassing in some cases. Basically like a demon's equivalent of "WHY DO I HAVE A CRUSH ON THEM??? I DON'T WANT THIS!!! 🙈🙈🙈" And also the fact remains that a human is a human, they can't feel at all a bond forming on their end. 😭
So sometimes I'm sure these things don't last long and rarely happen at all, seeing as the smart thing to do is to move away and separate themselves from that particular human! ... If they really, really don't want this, that is.
But.. for a demon who might grow curious and hopeful, for they have grown to.. at least like this human in particular..
Well it's certainly seems like the beginning of something different from this demon's usual interactions with humans. 🖤
Finally... I will admit I don't know for certain when I will continue this, I can't promise anything, anon!! TwT But know that because I did enjoy getting to this point, I'll def. likely come back or keep going with my own little take on sebard 🥰 So thank you for enjoying my writing!!!
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