#'gross' intimacy my beloved
valtsv · 1 year
you know i really owe terror fic writers so much for opening my mind to the possibilities the world has to offer. never in my life before now did i think that "your dick doesn't work and i've puked blood on you more times than we've kissed" could form the foundations of a beautiful relationship between two people. now i can't enjoy a fanfic unless the characters are vulnerable with each other in ways so undignified and grotesquely honest that it somehow circles back around to being erotic.
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quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
thinks about the intimacy of wound dressing thinks about the intimacy of wound dressing thinks about-
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fissions-chips · 9 months
I know the like… ‘sneaky bloodsucker’ trope is the most classic for vampires (and it rocks don’t get me wrong) but like. Vampire bats are only capable of being so stealthy and secretive due to their size.
Short skull + long canine teeth (which are traditionally holding/tearing implements might I add) and like. A determined vampire could probably snap a neck with their teeth easy. Big cat-style dispatch.
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shakespearerants · 4 months
Started watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, currently somewhere in the middle of season 3. Here's my comprehensive list of things I think would fix the gang:
- Charlie: Going to live on a ranch in the middle of nowhere as a ranch hand/cowboy -> He loves horses and he needs an environment where Charlie Work™ is actually valued. Also I'm choosing to headcanon his substance abuse problem as self medication to cope with sensory issues thus the middle of nowhere. Also tell me that boy wouldn't be the pride and joy of every ranch owner. Does every gross shit without complaint, is able to immediately grasp what needs doing and does it independently, will work all hours of the week, and has a knack for animals, handy with machines. He even likes country music. They would never let him go.
- Mac: Toxic gay friend circle. Also going to church more often -> he needs people who accept him for the bitchy queen he is (toxic gay friends) but also I think he needs to fix his daddy issues and projecting on God/an older priest who will actually tell him good job for once is the way to go. Also being accepted into a group of bitchy judgemental Church Elders™ would fix him. Tell me that wouldn't be that boys natural environment I dare you.
- Frank: Become the director/producer of a failing amateur theatre company -> he has the money to keep them going and actors would actually voluntarily participate in his convoluted shenanigans. Also I just KNOW he would put on absolutely bat shit out there productions. I'm talking Much Ado About Nothing fully naked in a junkyard and everyone dies at the end. I want to see that.
- Dennis: Therapy - Ayahuasca retreat - become a minor celebrity/cult leader in that order -> He is deeply fucked up and needs validation (therapy) but I don't think it would actually sink in without some kind of Experience™ (thus the Ayahuasca, though I think shrooms would work too). But I don't think his need to be The Best And Prettiest Boy In The World is something that can be therapized away, thus he needs to become some kind beloved public figure. Hopefully with the therapy and shit he won't let it go to his head so much he ruins it again. Also that boy needs a pair of absurdly expensive Persian cats.
- Dee: Join a weird women only cult then leave said cult with a group of like five other women and form a lifelong friend group bordering on qpr/polyamory. Also never ever ever contact the rest of the gang ever ever again -> this woman NEEDS close female friends she NEEDS them. Also she needs to speed run emotional intimacy. And cut off the rest of the gang. Thus the cult. And then she needs to leave the cult but keep her support system. And that support system needs to tell her she's the best and prettiest and goodest girl ever every evening while tucking her into bed.
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helloenee · 2 months
Finally started watching The Secret of Us. Got through the first two episodes and quite enjoyed it.
Ep 1
Cute and fluffy first episode. (At least, until the end.)
Earn is so bold. She reminds me of Ayaka. Go get your gal, gal.
Lol @ the snowing scenes. The lighting does not work at all, but ok~ I still don't know the exact setting of their college years. Somewhere in England?
Racist guy at the cafe. Booooo. Gross.
Whooooo was stalking Lada in England and sending pics to her mom???
*ponders how long Earn and Lada dated in college*
Earn eating a banoffee cake even though she was allergic... Earn... just say that you are allergic. Omfg....
Yes Earn is terrible at communication. Very very terrible. Why would Earn not talk to Lada about all the things that Lada's mom told her? Instead she just shuts down and says absolute lies and other hurtful things to dump Lada. She could have at least accused Lada of cheating or being dishonest but no? Earn, you are such an ass here.
Poor Lada. :(
Ep 2
Earn... Earn, why do you not like to communicate. You discovered that you messed up and now you want Lada again. Alright. But... at least give an apology and clarify wtf happened before trying your shenanigans to get Lada back?
Lada must have such whiplash. This girl hates me and now she wants me. Wtf is going on.
Still, it is fun to see the shenanigans. (But I'm just saying, Earn, you could earn yourself a lot of points by saying sorry first.)
Lada knowing that Earn would hit her head on the table and putting her hand there to protect her is so cute.
Exes-to-lovers trope my beloved. The yearning and familiarity and intimacy that occasionally bridges the distance. Yet the bitterness that prevents one from getting too close. Nice.
Everyone is a lesbian here. Nice.
Everyone is SO FORWARD with their intentions. Nice.
Wisanu has such nice hair. I've honestly long given up trying to style my hair nicely. But I'm always on the lookout for how people do it. :observe
Hospital gossip scenes are fun. I love the side characters.
Earn needs to realize how deeply Lada is hurt and actually try to address it instead of papering over it with grand gestures to be together again.
But... she is so persistent. It is cute.
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beeinyourbreadbox · 9 months
Okay everyone wants to talk about 'oh yeah cannibalism as a metaphor for all-consuming love' but I personally think that's tired. How about cannibalism as a metaphor for unhealthily co-dependent relationships (not even talking romantic, necessarily) born out of harsh environments?? Huh??
They cut chunks off of each other. Just small ones. They consume each other, but never completely, never enough to fill their stomachs. Just enough to keep going, hopefully small enough cuts that they'll heal without too much trouble. They laugh harshly but with a certain haunting light to each of their eyes about how gross it is to eat yourself and someone else. They hold each other gently and tears roll down their faces with each slice and sink of the knife, each small chunk of flesh that they offer up to each other. They pass the blade between each other with far too much casual trust for two people who are slowly cannibalizing each other.
"Fuck, that hurt," the elder of the two by two years says, but with a sort of deranged laughter hiding behind his tone. He throws the flesh that's been rended from his thigh on the cast-iron skillet propped over the fire while he holds a cloth to the wound. His companion grimaces as they swipe the blood off of the blade with their shirt and hold it out handle-first.
"You'll survive," they say, though not unkindly. "Now. You do me. Try to go for somewhere on the legs this time, my arms need a break." They say it without horror, with far too much casual energy for the situation. Because they know he won't kill them, won't take more than is needed, won't betray them or trick them.
Because if even one of them died, then who would the other have to nourish themselves from?
The two reluctantly cannibalistic companions carefully peel off a small layer of skin from each of them one night to contribute to the small meal of foraged berries and watery soup. On a particularly desperate evening the slightly older of the two offers up their two least favorite fingers. The younger one eventually donates their ear despite the less-than-ideal texture and taste of cooked cartilage. It was damaged to begin with from an accident in their childhood and probably needed to be removed eventually anyway, and hey. It's calories!
The two laugh and joke while bandaging each other's wounds to the eerie yet somehow tempting background music of their own flesh sizzling over their shared fire. At night, the younger one runs their finger over a particularly large bandaged divot in their beloved's arm. Tears well in their eyes and grief warps their features as they look at it. But they don't cry, because that would wake him up and he needs his rest. "I'm sorry," they whisper, voice trembling. "Fuck. Fuck I'm so sorry. This is so fucked up. I'll make it up to you, somehow. Someday. I promise."
Absentmindedly, they reach up to tuck their hair behind their ear out of habit, but there is no ear to tuck the hair behind so it simply falls back into their face. They would laugh if it wasn't all so fucked up.
The intimacy of saying 'i know. I know you don't want to hurt me. I don't want to be hurt and I certainly don't want to be doing the hurting either. But we have to survive, so we have to hurt each other, whether we want to or not. I know I know, It's okay. Don't cry. We'll carry the burden together. We'll keep each other going even as more parts of us disappear. We'll love each other through it anyway.'
The devotion and love and determination of 'me. Consume me. Use me. Hurt me so we can both stay alive long enough to see a day where we no longer have only each other to consume. If we can ever find our way out of here I promise I'll buy us a turkey and we'll prepare it together. I promise. This isn't forever,'
'I don't want to keep eating you. I don't want to keep hurting you, I can see all the damage we're doing to each other but there's nothing else. There's no one else. It's only us, and we have to survive. Here. It's my turn to be the main course, you're still healing. we'll do a few toes this time, just wash them before you cook them."
"gross! I'm not eating your toes!"
"oh, what, but you were fine with an ear? Shut up and eat my toes before we both starve to death,"
And when the two are finally rescued, they try to love each other still but they can't stand the sight of each other. He can't look them in the eye anymore, and they can't be near him without remembering how he tasted, and a deeply twisted part of them misses it and they hate themselves for it.
They're not in the wild anymore, they don't need to hurt or consume each other anymore but neither of them remembers how to do anything else, so two people with suspiciously large and deep scars never see each other again. It's better for the both of them, but sometimes he runs his fingers over the divot in his arm, and they never bothered to get a prosthetic ear.
Just. Yeah. Lots of potential there. See also: Cannibalism as a metaphor for people pleasing, cannibalism as an allegory for abusive/toxic relationships, cannibalism as a symbol of rebirth and rebuilding (especially in stories about transness!)- eating your old self, serving it up on a platter to nourish your new and better body. Just. Yeah I feel like we're missing out by limiting ourselves so specifically to metaphorically eating people we also want to fuck, is all I'm saying.
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pooma-bible · 1 year
Praise Elohim.
Father in Jesus name. Almighty God we praise you for bringing us to another study time. Lord I pray that this hour, you will speak to us powerfully. I pray that you will give us light and help us to walk in it. In Jesus name I pray.
The topic is Ignite your fire for God.
Another way of saying be set ablaze for God.
It implies that one can be ablaze for Satan. That is why the topic says be on fire for God.
Ignite means cause to start. It also means activate.
Our text is from Isaiah 60:1-2.
1, Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
2, For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
The text says Arise, shine. And it gave the reason for rising and shining: it says for the light is come.
Light here is not talking about bulb but God as light...
That is why in verse two it says darkness will cover the earth but the Lord who was referred to as Light in verse one will arise upon thee...
That should not confuse you. Bible clearly says that God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5
This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
This text had been used to explain living above sin and that is correct, but also it means that anyone who has link with God who is otherwise referred to as Light in Isaiah 60:1, should not live without sense of purpose and sense of direction.
Light here is from the Greek word Photizo. And it means the following:
to give light,
to shine
to enlighten, light up, illumine
to bring to light, render evident
to cause something to exist and thus come to light and become clear
to enlighten, spiritually,
to imbue with saving knowledge
to instruct, to inform, teach
to give understanding.
It is a process of bringing divine illumination that clarifies life purpose and brings sense of direction.
Arise shine because you now have light on what you created for, you now understand that very reason your creator created you in his image and likeness.
Dearly beloved, know this truth that every fulfilled life is as a result of an encounter with Light (God).
Until that happens, life will remain meaningless and useless.
You need to meet with your creator before you can know what he created you for. Walking in purpose is burning for God.
It is when you are doing that which you are created for that we can say you are burning for God.
Peter was created for seeking the lost and it was when he agreed to that and started doing the fishing for souls that he started burning for God. Hallelujah
You can't shine on your own. So that text says Arise, shine for thy Light is come.
Just like the moon has no light of his own but that of the Sun, likewise a believer cannot shine without light of God.
So to be on fire for God, you need:
Encounter the Light (God)
Experiential knowledge of Light (you must experience the light)
Empowerment by light (the light must establish you on the path of purpose).
Then you will be able to do
Exploits by the propensity of that light.
You need this truth to be on fire for God.
It should be noted that, being with God (light) sets a man on pedestal of fulfillment, intimacy with God keeps him on that path, matures him on that paths and helps him to fulfill on that path.
Hence, don't joke with waiting upon the Lord. Also, since you don't have your own light, you must wait upon the Lord just like the moon does wait upon the Sun to get light.
See these two texts for further light on waiting upon the Lord for Light and glory of God to rub on you.
Leviticus 6:12, 2 Corinthians 3:18.
May God help us to be on fire and remain on fire for Him.
Lord reveal yourself to me as Light to turn my life around and establish me on the path of your purpose for creating me.
Pray this prayer for at least 10 minutes.
May God appear to you.
Closing prayer.
Father, I praise you for these great light you have released upon us. Lord I pray that you will by your grace and mercy help us to apply this truth. Reveal yourself to us all and help us to shine for you. Thank you for answering us. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen
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valtsv · 10 months
Do you have any favourite fitzier fanfics :3c
yeah alright:
to be as one is (series) by TheGoodDoctor (rating: G, T) (this one deals a lot with gender and self identity and never fails to make me smile no matter how rotten i'm feeling)
Through by robokittens (E) (one of the tags on this fic is "spiritual woundfucking" and i feel like that recommends this fic better than i can in my own words)
oh you pretty things by wildcard_47 (T) (one of many 'Francis buys James a dress' fics, but this one stood out to me because the dialogue and prose is just so thoroughly delightful to read)
The Shipmaster's Song by ripeteeth (T) (what if... we were shipwrecks at the bottom of the ocean... and we were both doomed polar explorers...)
Sunlight, sunlight, sunlight by for_autumn_i_am (E) (a 'what if Carnivale didn't go up in literal smoke' au where everything aches with the promise of future tragedy but still manages to be heartwarming)
an unexpected gift by aes3plex (G) (JFJ meets Francis' extensive family. all of this author's works are incredible but this one was my favorite, equal parts charming and heartwrenching.)
twin high maintenance machines by veganthranduil (E) (obligatory 'the one where they both have erectile dysfunction but they still try to make it work' fic; selected this one specifically for the equal parts delightfully and painfully in character dialogue.)
Swallow by Daucus (T) ('gross' intimacy my beloved. you know the scene in Princess Mononoke where San feeds Ashitaka when he's too weak to care for himself so that he'll survive and heal? well that rewired MY brain and this is the fitzier version.)
burnt-out match in a dark room by deadgreeks (T) (marriage/death parallels and the intimacy of performing someone's last funeral rites. this one's a 'keep a pack of tissues on hand just in case' one.)
singing even so by shortcrust (T) (Orpheus and Eurydice in the Arctic. had me staring blankly into space and hugging myself as if chilled for nearly an hour after i finished it.)
The Gunner's Daughter by reinetta (E) (the most gorgeously written and romantic depiction of a sadomasochistic scene i've ever had the pleasure of reading)
Da mi basia mille, deinde centum by anactoriatalksback (M) (makeout fic, but calling it a "makeout fic" is so vastly underselling this. the plot is literally "they make out", but you will be hanging on to every word and astonished by the amount of character study that the author manages to pack into that premise.)
Buried deep as you can dig inside yourself by 5runner5 (M) (PTSD recovery fic in a pre-PTSD recognition era, and by far my favorite for how honest it is about the difficult reality of communication and recovery in a relationship)
shall warmer, sweeter be by baestard (T) (a wonderful exploration of transgender identity and self-discovery that remains impressively period accurate. or: 'what if we survived the arctic and we were both girls'.)
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candyk0rn · 3 years
Hello! I'd like to request for headcanons where Azul, Jade and Floyd take care of a sick SO please! Gender neutral reader if that's alright. Have fun~
Yes! My favorite characters lets gooo! And ofc gender neutral reader is okay!
Also sorry this took…a whole week to get done. If I’m being honest I was being like stupidly lazy
Octaville trio taking care of sick s/o
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A/N: Gender neutral reader, and no other warnings besides that!
Azul Ashengrotto
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Azul is very observant, so he almost instantly noticed your more sluggish behavior
And the fact that your nose was running 24/7
He sees you in the hallway walking to your next class, and he drags you away from the door
“Nope! You need to rest.” He would say
He takes you to Octavinelle, to his dorm room
He sets you on the bed and asked what was going on, and how bad it feels
You say pretty much everything feel gross, and that your throat, stomach and head hurt
He lets you snuggle up in blankets, and then leaves the room
Only to come back with a bunch of snacks.
You ask him where he got it was he quietly says
“I may or may not have a small-secret stash…”
Emphasis on the “small”
He doesn’t want to get to close to you, not in fear of getting sick but in fear of you getting too hot
And if you’re too cold, he’s cold blooded so it doesn’t really help either
He feels kind of hopeless, but he’s doing everything he can
He takes your temperature every few hours, and will come back from his office very so often to check up on you
If he walks in on you sleeping, he plants a little kiss on your forehead and then places a cool and wet towel over it
He will do everything in his power to make you feel comfortable!!!
Floyd Leech
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Oh my god
The moment he hears a single- and I mean a single sniffle or cough
He has his arms wrapped around you and is all like, “ My beloved Shrimpy is sick!!!”
He whines about how he can’t go out with you now!
The moment you plop down in bed, he has a cup of water and a pillow
He sets you down, a small worried look on his face, and he’s quiet
When you’re finally comfortable, a large toothy grin spreads around his face
Uh oh
He weasels his way under the covers and squeezes reaaaaal close to you
And soon, he is out like a light
You try to drag him off you, in fear he could get ill or catch what you had
But he had the goofiest smile on his face, it was quite hard to resist
His way of “taking care” of you doesn’t exactly help, but it does make you feel better in a mentally and restful way
When you wake up the next morning, Floyd is still clinging to you, but your silence is interrupted by a loud sneeze by him
“Told ya so”
Jade Leech
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Jade almost instantly is right beside you going
“What’s wrong with you?”
It’s almost intimidating in a sense, but you know he’s not the best with-intimacy quite yet
You explain it’s probably the common cold, or maybe a slight stomach bug
The moment you tell him, he picks you up bridal style and carries you to Octavinelle
He doesn’t really bother noticing the odd stares he got, but that’s not important at the moment
He lets you rest in his dorm, and asks if you need anything-anything at all from the lounge or from him
He says, “It would be my honor to get anything you please.”
If you say something like you want some water, he is on it IMMEDIATELY
He just wishes to pamper you until you feel your best, giving you small pecks on your temple or petting your cheek with his hand
One you fall asleep he is right by you until you awake again
You do so much as a small shutter in your sleep and he’s already worried
He’s extremely clingy, if it wasn’t obvious already, though he won’t show it in public but he will when alone with you
His way of letting you heal is to pamper you and stay by your side until you feel yourself again
Thanks for reading!
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What You Can Learn Ch. 2
Summary: After being suspended from AEW, Max’s dad decides to give him a life lesson by sending him to one of the poorest parts of Long Island to get a small taste of what real life looks like. What seemed to be a nightmare soon turned out to be quite the journey when he meets a single mother and her nosy offspring. And for the first time in his life, Max will quickly realize that what truly matters in life might not be his beloved money after all.
Word Count: 675 words
Pairings: MJF x OFC Ella
Warnings: None
Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Tag: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @damnnhausen , @starwithaheart , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @cuzimacomedian , @baysexuality , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @sldghmmr , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch
A/N: Thank you @letsgivethisonemoreshot and @theworldofotps for the undying support 😘
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Chapter 1
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Ever since their last encounter, Max began to pay close attention to his hot neighbor and her annoying offspring. He learned that she was a single mother and had some kind of night job since a woman in her mid thirties - who he later found out to be her older sister - came over to stay with the child overnight three times a week.
He tried to approach her, to get some intimacy, but since he apparently somehow offended her little beastie that day in the garage, she made sure to ignore him every time he tried to greet her.
But this though…this was his chance to make up for his “rudeness” and somehow finally convince the sexy next door neighbor to come over for dinner. The kid was running barefoot around the street, pulling an old plastic toy dog by a string behind her.
Max waited, and when she ran in front of his garage, he called:
“Psssst. Hey, little rascal! Over here”
The little girl stopped in her tracks and stared at Max, who was holding a cherry popsicle in his hand.
“Hi” Max smiled with fake innocence “Does your mom know you’re out here by yourself?”
“Yes. And she told me that if you talked to me I should tell her so she can come over here and kick your ass”
Max narrowed his eyes at the little girl’s audacity “Shouldn’t that three letter word earn you fifty cents in the cussing jar?”
“I don’t know what a three letter word is. I just know how to write ‘mommy’, ‘sun’ and my name”.
He took a deep sigh before rolling his eyes in annoyance “Why am I not surprised?” He offered her the popsicle and the little girl gladly accepted.
In less than two minutes she had already successfully painted her whole face a dark cherry red color. Max quickly glanced at her dirt and dust covered feet and winced “How does your mom let you walk around barefoot? That’s gross”
“Antibodies” She hiccuped.
“Great, so you don’t know how to write ‘ass’ but know what antibodies are?”
“Mommy said they help you to not get sick, and she also says that walking around barefoot helps you to get them because if we have them then we don’t need to go to the hospital.”
Max was about to say something but the little girl continued “I don’t like the hospital. There’s too many people, it’s noisy, scary and it smells funny”
“Ok?” He frowned and quickly shook his head before plastering a fake smile on his face “So what’s your name and how old are you?”
The girl hiccuped again before answering “I’m five years old” She showed him five fingers “and my name is Violet. V-I-O-L-“
“Yeah yeah yeah. I know how to spell it, ok? I’m Max” He offered his hand and the little girl just stared at him in confusion.
“Yeah, you’re Mr. Fancy Shoes…that’s nice. I don’t have fancy shoes. I do have Barbie sandals that my aunt Jenna got for me-”
“Cool” Max squatted down to the ground and asked “Would you like to be my friend, rascal- I mean, Violet?”
Violet’s blue eyes narrowed, copying Max’s early actions “Are you gonna be mean to me again? Because mommy said you were mean to me”
“I wasn’t being mean, you see, your mom got it all wrong. I was actually trying to be your friend” Max smiled and it took Violet a few seconds to consider his proposal.
“Okay, Mr. Fancy Shoes, I want to be your friend” She smiled “But if you are mean to me I’ll make sure to tell mommy so she can come over and kick your ass! She’s very good at that”.
“Weirdly enough, I don’t doubt that” Max sighed before he went back into his house to get another cherry popsicle for Violet.
Little cub was an easy one to win, now momma bear…well, Max had a feeling it would take him more than a couple cherry popsicles to win her over.
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hush-writes-preg · 2 years
Pronouns are he/him
It doesn’t really fit with the rest of the blog, but I’m a massive sucker for praise, it’s one of my main kinks. Could you maybe… write something where you just shower me with praise for carrying your babies to term?
Oh, dear Anon… I've got a lot of sides to me that like to come out and play, but at heart IRL, I'm a soft Dom. I'm big into pleasuring and praising my partners. So your request fits perfectly into my view of the blog, and that's all that matters. ❤️
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You've come so far in the past nine months, haven't you?
The pregnancy was a bit of a surprise-- not unwanted, just unexpected. I remember how nervous you were the day you finally admitted that we hadn't been as careful with protection as we'd thought, how you looked at me with eyes filled with fear and uncertainty as you asked me what I wanted you to do. Even though the choice was yours to make, you still asked me.
In that moment, I realized just how much I loved you. And I also realized how much I wanted to make a family with you.
I don't think you expected me to sweep you into my arms and tell you how much I wanted both you and the baby. I don't think you expected me to vow to stay by your side through the whole ordeal either, not if the way you burst into tears was any indication, the relief from all of the stress weighing you down suddenly too much. But I held you and kissed you until you calmed down, and from then on out, I made sure you knew you'd never be alone.
So the months passed. Your belly grew bigger. Things got harder, especially after we realized there was more than one bun in your oven. But I stayed right where I promised to be, making sure that not a day went by without you realizing just how much I wanted all of you. The morning sickness sucked, and the mood swings weren't much better, but the cravings were cute and the changes in your body left me absolutely enthralled.
Despite what you sometimes said, your pregnancy never 'trapped' me, sweetheart. It only drew us closer together.
That's why, even as we creep up on your due date and you feel as big as a house, I can't help but be thankful for what we have. I adore you, even when you're cranky or gassy or slap my hands away when you're feeling too gross for intimacy. You are so goddamned handsome with my babies in your belly that I can't help but go starry-eyed when you enter the room. And you are the strongest and most admirable guy I know, to just roll with the punches and come up swinging no matter what life does to bring you down.
There aren't enough words in the English language to describe how amazing you are. You're my beloved partner, and you're about to give me the most precious gifts a man could ask for. I can't wait to discover all the ups and downs of fatherhood with you.
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obeymeluv · 4 years
Random Headcanons for the Bros (SFW + NSFW)
I’m bored and was thinking about the more ‘demon’ noises they’d make. It turned into a bunch of random headcanons (SFW + NSFW).
These got really long so I skipped Belphie for now. I was getting sleepy and I need more time to think up some headcanons for him.
I think I caught all the spelling errors but I’m not sure. Super sleepy...
His ‘angry’ demon noise sounds a lot like the ones koalas make. It’s not an especially deep or rugged noise, like a lion, but this simmering mess of hisses and clicks with a bit of air in it.
Tends to keep his mouth closed and tongue fluffed when making the noise so it sounds more subdued/reptilian
Lucifer’s horns are very sensitive. Mammon found that out at an early age. His beloved could use this to their advantage, but it does bring the teeth.
Would deny to his last breath that he likes head massages or temple rubs. If you can manage, give the guy a shoulder rub and he’s putty in your hands. Won’t even speak. Might make a clicky purr sound though.
When he doesn’t want you to leave or could really use another minute with head scratches, his tail will wrap around your wrist and hold it in place.
When you share a bed, he’s not a snuggler. Lucifer’s the type to be content knowing you’re in the same space. He moves in his sleep, though, so you always end up a little spoon
Asmo says he has a size kink, but he’s not sure. Lucifer will begrudgingly admit he likes power dynamics. There’s something thrilling about grabbing you by the throat, as delicate as you are, but being so gentle with you.
He’s not the most aggressive biter in bed, but he will use his teeth and claws for the sensation. Lucifer’s big on anticipation and overstimulation
Weak for neck kisses, especially at his pulse. Attack! He WILL get even though, so beware.
Doesn’t openly think he has any clothing-related kinks, but he’ll stare a bit longer if you dress up in red or black.
Would never do it in front of his brothers because of the teasing, but very much the ‘come sit in my lap’ type.
His pride won’t let him allow any public fun times, not even the fear of getting caught, but he does get off on flustering you and watching you pull yourself back together before anyone catches on
The ‘lots of strong, long kisses’ kind of guy. Not big on French kissing unless he has time to indulge and knows he won’t be interrupted
Runs very hot when he sleeps. He prefers to be shirtless so cold sheets take the edge off.
You’ll come before he does. It’s a matter of pride, after all.
His love language is helping you get organized (if you’re not), and tracking down resources to things you’re interested in because that’s within his skill set. Also good at creating absolute silence for you if you have a migraine.
If Lucifer makes a pact with you, it’ll be around your heart because it takes a lot of self-sacrifice to do. He’s TRUSTING you.
Mammon sounds like an angry tortoise when he’s woken up too early, when he’s embarrassed (or in denial), or telling one of his little brothers to shut up without saying it
I head cannon that he actually needs the glasses he wears. Or that he has contacts and just wanted yellow frames because yellow is the color of Grimm
It crossed my mind that he might wear them just so he can see everything as golden and beautiful because he remembers the Celestial Realms and misses it
He says he stays with you because Lucifer assigned him, but once you connect with him on ANY level (say something nice, defend him, just give him attention instead of suspicion), he’s 100% whipped. Wants to be with you all the time and chase that feeling you give him. He needs more of it. Has to have it!
Mammon’s a sucker for getting his hair played with. Run your fingers through it, play with the ends, and you could probably rob him blind
Will also pester you for back massages because he jacks up his back running from Lucifer all the time (and trying to run off with heavy shit to pawn)
Is really good with math, has bad impulse control, and gets very distractable. Would probably surprise a few of his brothers with his math mark is and the fact that he could tutor if he stays in the right mindset. 
He’s the sloppy/needy kisser that has to be as close as he can. He’ll end up between your thighs and somehow surround you.
Big on little butterfly kisses.
He’s not a full-on biter, but he’s a nibbler. He’s a hickey expert and he wants them to be seen.
Actually super easy to turn on. If you take his glasses off and get close enough to see him, he’s hard because you rubbed up on him coming into view. Also: praise him. IT WORKS!
The Avatar of Greed probably has a breeding kink. Just saying.
Might complain about it, but he’ll give you piggyback rides and carry you if you ask. Literally, all you have to do is ask.
You can’t do the whole ‘laying in nothing but my earrings’ because he’ll either take your earrings out before sex to look at them (very much an ‘oh, shiny!’ person), teeth them during sex and break them, or he’ll think you look so good he’ll want to pile on ALL the jewelry.
Steal his clothes to wear them? He’ll lowkey cry. YOU LOOK SO CUTE, ALMOST AS GREAT AS THE GREAT MAMMON!
Prefers to be the little spoon, but honestly if you fall asleep with him you guys end up tangled up together. Usually face-to-chest, but some kind of tangled up together
Can’t always keep up the dirty talk in bed because he gets so sappy, but he’s big on soft touches, hickies, and needing praise if you want him to go harder/faster when he’s in his gentle moods
Will fight Belphie for King of Lap Naps. Mammon would monetize your nappin’ thighs but then he’d have to share them and that just seems like a bad business idea.
Main fantasy? You begging. Beg for him to do anything and you’re occupied for the next few hours.
Has a bit of a smart mouth so he’ll also get into banter with you and if you get the last word, he’s super embarrassed, proud, and give him a consolation kiss or something, huh?
Helpless when you initiate it because SHIT that was bold and he can’t believed it worked! All you have to do is say his name, look him in the eyes, then his lips, and kiss him. If you think you’re walking away, you don’t make it far.
The type to con you into a quickie in the closet our just out of view/hearing of the others.
The type to write checks his mouth can’t cash 85% of the time. Call his bluff. If he invites you into the bath, do it. Walk in naked. You might have to save him from drowning. 
Levi’s angry noises sound like bearded dragon hisses. Those hisses are used for warning, frustration, and when he does the uncomfortable prickle of awkwardness. When he disagrees or is bashful, they get a warble/chatter to them.
I headcanon that they can also take on their demon form when they feel threatened, as it puts out an aura and makes them more defensive. Levi can transform the easiest due to him feel uncomfortable and not being the most sociable.
When he’s in demon form, his tail will either wrap around him for comfort or will go over to the person he most trusts to comfort him. He tends not to consciously want to touch Lucifer with his tail, but there’s something instinctual about going to the oldest brother. He usually goes to Satan or you (if you’ve reached that type of intimacy)
You would think a guy that shamelessly plays a lot of otome games and uses them as social guides (even though they’re far from perfect) wouldn’t be so susceptible to a peek of skin or nudity, but LEVI IS WEAK!
That whole ‘shirt rides up getting a library book’ thing? He’s dead.
The biggest virgin, basically. Boy’s got a strong imagination and he’s sensitive from the whole ‘gross otaku’ complex.
His biggest fantasy? Water play. He wants to be the big, scary monster who grabs a tasty, tiny human and has his wicked (totally consensual) way.
One of the more adventurous bros because he’s seen a lot of stuff in anime and wants to know if it would really work.
Will definitely ask for a blow job. It’s the shortest blow job ever but he loved it.
Is weak for any kind of kiss so have at it! Especially likes kisses on the mouth, shoulder kisses (because that means cuddling!), and kisses on his chest or belly.
The type to get addicted to sex once he has it, but not helplessly so. He won’t say no if you ask.
Is too embarrassed to ask you to wear some of his clothes so he just kind of leaves them in your room and waits to see if you wear it. If you don’t, he buys you matching clothes so you HAVE to.
Once you’re dating, you’re his good luck charm. No ifs, ands, or buts! He NEEDS you for game night, even if you fall asleep in his arms, okay?
After getting used to the idea of giving you affection and understanding your boundaries, he’s dropping a forehead kiss 24/7.
He hisses more than his brothers, and his tongue can do some tricks the other bros can’t. He’s WAY better than those other dumb humans, too.
You’re one of the only people who can pull him out of his room. He becomes aware that you get him out for exercise (or because Lucifer asks) but if he leaves the House of Lamentation and has you to himself, he won’t complain.
Cougar noises--the chuffs, the growls, the yeowls, all of it. He is big angry kitty boy
He’s afraid of losing his temper but he’s got a ridiculously tight grip on the reins. You wouldn’t think he’s the Avatar of Wrath until one of his brothers set him off.
His love language is gentle pets, a good book, and a cup of tea. He’s your guard when you don’t want to deal with the outside world. Because Satan’s super logical and admires detectives, his love language is also helping you solve your problems. He just conveniently shows up with something that helps (because he’s been listening and is a background type).
Is emotionally keen, perhaps because his cardinal sin is wrath and he can be sensitive. He has a radar for you and it calls him like a moth to a flame.
Want to seduce him? Read to him. It’s that easy. Share your favorite quotes.
Or just take a cheap shot and do something with cats. He may enlist you to smuggle Hellcats into the House of Lamentation since Lucifer can’t do anything to the precious exchange student. Being its ‘parents’ will bring you close.
Doesn’t like mornings but forces himself to be a morning person. HIGHLY enjoys it if you’re not because it’s so nice to see you go through all the stages of discontent before resigning yourself to getting up and starting the day
He’s not easy to fluster, but he’s the ‘tried and true’ when it comes to getting bothered. If you find something that works, file it away because it will ALWAYS work.
If you fluster him, he has to make it even. It’s the only way he’ll feel good about his weakness. Much prefers if you’re worse off than he is, actually, because there’s something delicious about it
A bit of a sadist. Prefers drawn-out pleasure and taking you for all that you can give
Loves to catch you with that studded tail and keep you in place. Very much likes to drag you back to him. That looks pretty, too.
Doesn’t know what to call his kinks, but the idea of restraining you is a nice one. Likes the positions where he has to hold you against him or in place, or can move parts of you to better fit with him. Big on taking you from behind.
Doesn’t care if he’s the big spoon or the little spoon. Just wants to make sure you’re there with him.
Has a fantasy about you serving him tea naked in his room.
Big on biting, and is usually embarrassed about the marks the next day
The type to let you throw your legs over his lap and read in contented silence with you, occasionally massaging your leg
Boy likes legs. Show ‘em off.
Interrupt intense studying sessions (because he over-studies and studies WAY TOO EARLY FOR TESTS) with snuggly pop quizzes (”Who’s cute? A) You, B) The Avatar of Wrath, C) Satan, or D) All of the Above”) because he lives for it.
Cheeky and unexpectedly playful. Will wake you up with tickling or tracing. If you are romantically involved, he’s definitely woken you up with a squeeze or kiss at least once
If you’re in a pact with him, it shows up on your thigh or hip.
Very proficient with magic. Has probably found a way to bring it into the bedroom.
The cuddliest boy
His angrier noises tend to sound like a giant salamander but his cute flirty/chirpy noises sound like a toy gecko.
I headcanon that Asmodeus became part incubus when he fell to Devildom, or that he ended up with some of those traits once he became the Avatar of Lust
He can feed off the various types of love emotions (genuine love, sweet crush love, jealous love, sex, etc.) but it doesn’t fill him up as much as hunting humans or other demons. It’s just something he can feed off of more frequently so it keeps hunger at bay.
Will pamper his crush or someone he holds dear because that’s bonding. He wants SOMEONE to understand the lengths he goes through to be beautiful! It’s a process! Respect him!
The biggest hype boyfriend ever. Will take your confidence to new levels and show you that you can rock anything
Epitome of ‘looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you’ trope
Are you having a play date with makeup? Turn those lipstick swatches into lipstick kisses and he’s got to stop and recollect himself. His little heart’s going so fast!
Glows when you praise him. It could be something he’s heard for centuries but somehow you say it better than anyone ever has.
When he’s feeling extra affectionate and just really loves you, his eyes will be a pinky-red.
Wants to be babied. Please kiss him.
100% down for soft cuddles and luxurious touches. Long days spent in bed and slow, dream-like sex.
Doesn’t really like his hair messed with because he works on it a lot.
Touch his arms, his back, and his chest and he’s all yours.
Will kiss you anywhere, but his favorite place to kiss you when you’re cuddling is on the inside of your wrist
Prefers to be the little spoon.
The skin on his shoulders can dry out when he takes on his demon form. Something about the texture of demon wings dries them out really bad. Put lotion on him and he’s singing your praises.
Gets you into the most exclusive places and plans the best shopping days. Your off days will be the envy of everyone in the Devildom!
Asmodeus is very perceptive when it comes to his love, and very receptive in terms of sex. It feels like the world’s longest questionnaire before you have sex, but he needs to be ABSOLUTELY clear about your experience, comfort, what you like, and what you don’t.
Probably gets off first because the act of having sex is very heady and strong. It’s a massive energy boost at once. It’s the second-best type of feed he can get and makes him feel drunk/light-headed.
Definitely makes up for it. You probably won’t be able to walk afterwards.
Big on PDA around others. Holding hands and matching nails!
When Asmodeus makes a pact with you, it shows up in aesthetic places like your shoulder, your wrist, your ankle, or above your chest.
Is big on receiving praise but not as big as Mammon
Sex with him can be rough and hard, sweet and gentle, and everything in between. Is very likely to mess up your clothes because he has a hard time controlling his claws when he’s in the moment but you can wear his clothes. It’s fine.
Will give you hickies. Loves the colors they take on your skin.
If he’s helping you get ready for an event, all that pretty makeup might get messed up when he takes you against the vanity. He can’t help it!
10/10 the best, most supportive boyfriend. A sweetheart with claws.
Sweetest boy. The one that has good intentions even if things don’t go to plan
Very loyal. He’s neutral to everyone when they first meet him, but he’ll quickly pick favorites or befriend someone if his intuition says he should.
Beel’s a pretty good people-reader. Maybe it comes from being an older twin, but he knows a bad heart when he sees it
Is very empathetic and can get really upset for his hungry fury. It’s hard to shake but if you’re gentle/persistent, you’ll get a smile.
If you get some tears, just hold him and tell him it’s okay. You know it’s hard to control.
Also on team ‘play with my hair’
He’s a sucker for kisses around his ear, the base of his throat, AND HIS STOMACH. KISS THAT TUMMY!
Forgets that he’s built very differently than you and is honestly amused by how awe-struck you get with his muscles.
Squeeze his bicep. It makes him blush.
Quiet fawning over his muscles really warms his heart. Just praise him, kiss him, and run your fingers over his chest and you’ll get the good, deep rumbly polar bear purr.
Beel has deep, rolling demon noises. It’s something about how tall and wide he is that makes the reverb shake deep in your bones no matter how gentle it is
Will think the stars of you if he catches you looking after his family.
His heart skips a beat and his face goes super red if you pack him snacks with little notes on them
Is 100% down for food dates.
Loves carrying you. He’s nice and helpful and when you start dating, he just loves having his tiny human close.
Has to learn to temper his strength when you start dating because he tried to be cute and scoop you up but almost threw you into the ceiling
Very gentle bear hugs from very gentle Beel
Prefers you to climb on him when you want to cuddle that way he doesn’t accidentally hurt you. Loves to feel you struggling to climb on his back.
Likes to snuggle your arms when they’re wrapped around his neck (especially when you’re getting a piggyback). Absently rubs your thighs/knees because they’re in his hands.
Lots of absentminded but heartfelt kisses because you smell good and he loves you. He just wants to kiss you, not taste you! (”One more, please?”)
Has a size kink. He’s a big boy so you’re probably smaller by default and you’re just easy to pick up and hold and--boy’s going to bust a nut just getting you into position
Big into oral because you smell good and taste good and he could eat you for HOURS. He has the strength and stamina, trust me.
Has the best jawline of the bros because he’s always working his mouth muscles.
Tends to take you from behind just to minimize the height difference but he’s also had sex in the kitchen, in his bed, and is coming around the idea of you being on top of him.
Won’t leave hickies but he’s the suckling type. Most likely to leave fingerprints/handprints
Heavy post-cuddler.
If you feed him (even jokingly) after sex, he’s going to immediately roll over and want to go again.
You love him enough to feed him and he just loves you and--?!!
If you cook him anything, he’ll definitely give his compliments to the chef
Always buys you cute aprons and things to wear in the kitchen. Has a matching set even if it doesn’t fit him very well.
If you make a trip to the human world, please come back with a bunch of cheeseburgers for your baby. He’ll love you forever (even though he already does).
Loves to cuddle. If you rest your head on him, he puts his arm around you and pull you in close. He’ll initiate the ‘in lap cuddling’.
Is surprisingly good at potions because he’s familiar with the ingredients and can tell if you’re on the right track based on how it smells.
Loves to feed you. Won’t say no to being fed. Didn’t know he had a finger kissing/sucking kink until he was being careful with a bite of food and somehow still got your finger (no damage though).
When you make a pact with Beelzebub, it shows up on your stomach.  
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kodzumie-archived · 4 years
can you do some yandere!mikan nsfw hcs?
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Synopsis; Yandere Mikan certainly is a freaky one, isn’t she?
Featuring; Mikan Tsumiki x GN! Reader
Warning(s); Yandere themes, nonconsensual somnophilia, drugging, manipulation, blood (taking of blood samples), blood kink, consumption of blood, cum eating, mentions of piss (watersports), masturbation, use of sex toys, mentions of needles, and intentional misuse of medical supplies. (Things do get pretty fucked and gross, please pay attention to the warnings!)
Kodzumie’s Note; Absolutely! Thanks for your request, and I hope you’re doing well. Muah! <3
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⤷ She’s calculating and rapacious; plotting all the ways she can get you to succumb to her. She practically thrives in the vulnerability you’ve unknowingly put upon yourself due to the blind trust you’ve put in her.
⤷ As hopelessly in love as she was, Mikan was aware; she knew that it was far too soon and sudden to formally ask you to engage in such bare intimacy with her. She was also aware of the possibility that you wouldn’t even want to do something so lewd with her.
⤷ But she can’t help herself. So much has been taken from her by those who’ve recognized her weaknesses, her bullies taking anything and everything as she’s unable to do a thing. Isn’t it only right that she’s a little selfish?
⤷ It’s not like you’d mind, of course. You can’t mind something if you don’t even know it’s happening, right?
⤷ Mikan’s desires surge through her with insuppressible fervor. Yet she wouldn’t dare do something so reckless; she wouldn’t dare run the risk of tarnishing your treasured friendship.
⤷ So she covers her tracks. She takes full advantage of your trust within her as a friend and the faith you’ve put within her talents as a nurse. A common tactic she’s picked up is replacing the sugar within your tea—which she orders you to drink to retain good health—with a finely powdered drug; their appearances akin with only a minuscule difference.
⤷ After drinking, you’ll subconsciously succumb to the effects of the drug within fifteen minutes, and then she’ll begin her ministrations; pampering your unconscious body and exploring your most intimate realms.
⤷ A hidden utopia reserved for only the eyes of those you’ve allowed seeing you so bare; so exposed. And, even if you hadn’t known it, Mikan was those eyes. Peering down at you so sickeningly gleefully as she thinks to herself; Your body, sprawled beneath her, was all for her.
⤷ As you’re knocked out, there isn’t an inch of skin she doesn’t smother in sloppy, wet kisses. Her breathing rapid and crazed.
⤷ She savors each moment; relishing in your taste as she sears the memory of every sensation into her core memories. She will never allow herself to forget the blissful oasis of her beloved’s body.
⤷ At first, you’d only assumed that your state of fatigue and extreme exhaustion were the aftermaths of stress. It was understandable; that week had been your finals week.
⤷ And yet, it kept happening; moments where you feel fine, but then you’ll experience powerful waves of nausea before slipping unconscious. So much so, that you asked Mikan about it, of course. She was the Ultimate Nurse, after all.
⤷ Just like you expected, she managed to deduce the possible reasonings behind your experiences. Even going as far as to pinpoint habits that are a common occurrence before you fall into such a vertiginous state.
⤷ “W-Well, typically it’s when you’ve consumed a beverage with sugar.” She deducted, a thoughtful visage as her soft features sharpened with determination. “If I remember right, you’d felt particularly nauseous after you drank tea with sugar that one time.”
⤷ “That can’t be a coincidence though! It happened another time too. Remember when I gave you those sugar cookies? You fell unconscious from those too...” She ponders, her bottom lip jutting out in thought. Your eyes widen as the dots connect internally. That is true, all the instances had been induced as you’d consumed anything with sugar.
⤷ “If you’d like—“ Mikan’s voice cuts out as she nervously squirms under your curious gaze, her hesitant nature bringing a smile to your lips. “Take your time.” You assure her, placing your hand over hers to, hopefully, calm her nerves. If only you knew what you did to her and her poor little heart.
⤷ “W-Well I just thought that if I took some blood samples, I-I could confirm my suspicions!” She exclaims, cheeks flushed as her gaze remained fixated on your hand atop her own.
⤷ Your eyes widen once more as they glimmer with surprise and appreciation. “Would you really do that for me?!” She’s taken aback by your exclamation, accidentally tearing her hand from yours as she falls backs.
⤷ But she’s quick to recover, smile faltering at the lost connection of your hand with hers. “Of course!” She confesses.
⤷ And that’s how it began, her odd secondary obsession. Behind you, of course.
⤷ You hadn’t given her suggestions much thought other than that you trust Mikan, and what she was doing was simply what’s best for you. This was her talent, her field. If you couldn’t trust her with what she did best, who could you possibly trust?
⤷ So she began taking samples of your blood. At first, it was only a weekly thing. Once a week, she’d draw out enough blood to fill a miniature capsule and examine it to determine the underlying causes for your sudden fits of falling unconscious. Though she was more than aware of the true reason.
⤷ For each blood sample she took, she returned to you with the discovery that the amount of glucose within your blood was alarmingly high, and that her hypothesis was, in fact, correct.
⤷ But that’s all lies. Lies, lies, lies that you oh-so-helplessly believe. Mikan’s the nurse, she knows best. Mikan knows best, Mikan knows best, Mikan knows best!
⤷ Regardless, you believed her. And you provided her the weekly blood samples as she instructed. Though it was a bit tedious to have the pricking of a needle within your arm so often, it was better than randomly passing out at the most unfortunate of times.
⤷ Once she collected the capsules, she informed you that she’d take them back to her house where she can perform more thorough research. Since all of her equipment is there, of course!
⤷ You don’t question it. Not even as you wonder what she’d done with the capsules after weeks of no word of them. Surely she threw them away. You shouldn’t question her, you trust her, after all!
⤷ If only you’d questioned her. If only you’d taken the second to doubt her; debunk your trust in her. Perhaps then you’d have realized the red flags within everything.
⤷ Within the confines of her bedroom, Mikan’s moans are barely concealed as she unscrews the capsule filled with the familiar crimson liquid; your blood.
⤷ Her mind fuzzy with idea of her possessing such a fluid. Your fluid, of all things. Her obsession fueled further as she coats her fingers in the viscous liquid. It was still warm, still so fresh from within you. The thought of how this blood was once within your body sends jolts of depraved pleasure down her spine.
⤷ She lathers the blood around her fingers, savoring the sensation. A shaky sigh of ecstasy escaping her lips as she stutters out a moan. Everything was so overwhelming at that moment. She was in disbelief, yet oh-so alarmingly aware. This was your blood. This was your blood.
⤷ “Ha...Aha!” A delirious moan escaping her lips as she swirls her blood-coated fingers over her clit. The stimulation paired with the searing reminder that it was your blood beginning to smear over her clit instantly sent tremors through her legs.
⤷ The pleasure felt so intense; so very intense. Even as she has pumps two fingers into her pussy, stretching herself out as your blood coats her walls, it all felt so intense. Almost unbearable. The feeling of your blood within her driving her to the brink of insanity as if she hadn’t already plunged into the abyss of madness.
⤷ Yet even as her fingers continued to plunge into her sopping cunt—her slick blending with your blood—she couldn’t help but yearn for more. She wanted to have your blood coat her walls entirely. And her petite fingers simply wouldn’t do.
⤷ Thankfully, she has just the thing. Within her hands she cradles a dildo, having already removed her two digits from her cunt as she eagerly drags her fist down the girth of the toy. It’s lengthy. Good.
⤷ She grabs the previously discarded capsule which still witheld blood. Perfect; everything was perfect.
⤷ Mikan tilted the small bottle, drizzling the viscous crimson fluid as it glazed over the dildo, painting its pink exterior in a contrasting red.
⤷ As the bottle emptied, the last of your blood poured onto the toy, an eerie giggle escaped Mikan’s lips. Her eyes swirling with psychotic euphoria as she pumped the blood upon the length of the dildo. Successfully smearing the blood all over the toy, not a trace left untouched.
⤷ Her breathing turned erratic. Huffs of air forced from her lungs as she sunk onto the blood-coated toy. It stung; the stretch searing through her senses as she gasped, squiriming in discomfort. And yet, it felt so damn good.
⤷ Your blood was inside her, your blood was inside her, your blood was inside her, your blood was inside her, your blood was inside her—
⤷ The idea driving her mad as she bounced, squelching air bubbles caused by the drool of her pussy mixed with the blood, arousal poisoning the air as she released an unsettling laugh, moaning mid-way through.
⤷ This was it. This was true happiness! To be filled with your fluids, no matter what they made be. Stuffing her pussy full of you and anything reminescent of you. This was true ecstasy.
⤷ The blood upon the tip of the dildo nuzzling against her cervix—painfully—yet smearing your blood deep within her.
⤷ It’s painful. Her thighs ache as she bounces, yet she craves the stimulation; the pleasure. It’s so overwhelming she trembles, shaking until she’s attempting to squirm and retreat from the toy as her orgasm begins to bubble within her stomach, ready to boil over.
⤷ And so, the string snaps; her climax washing over her with violent shudders and breathless sobs. Her cum oozing around the base of the dildo as the length remains snuggled within her clenching pussy.
⤷ Mikan breathes heavily, shifting her weight to ease her knees as she moans. Every movement forced a jolt down her spine, her cunt throbbing with sensitivity.
⤷ Her fingers delicately brush over her stretched slit, toy still buried within her as she dabs her digit in the mess, coating her fingers in her cum mixed with your blood.
⤷ It was a rosy hue; the translucent, milky white of her orgasm and your deep vermillion blood mixed together. The dew an embodiment of the connection you and her shared; your shared fluids mixed into an addictive concoction.
⤷ Mikan brings her fingers to her lips, sucking on the mixture as she licks her digits clean. It tastes so good; it tastes like love. It tastes precisely like the bond you two shared, a bittersweet cocktail.
⤷ And as she layed spewing your combined mixture of love—an unknowing commitment and the blossoming of yet another depraved addiction—she couldn’t help but grin. She couldn’t wait for how many more times she’d pleasure herself with your fluids.
⤷ What more could she take from you? What more could she use to satisfy her needs, yet keeping a piece of you with her? She wanted more. She needed more. But she knew better than to be impatient.
⤷ One day, you’ll willingly engage in such ludicrous acts with her. One day, you’ll provide her with whichever fluid she selects; blood, cum, spit. Hell, she’d even accept your piss. She just wanted more of you, you, you!
⤷ She’ll wait. She’d wait a millenial for you; lifetimes. If it’s for you, she’ll do anything and everything. But for now, she’ll settle on waiting; waiting as your blood coats the valleys of her pussy’s walls. If she can’t get you, she’ll get the next best thing.
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cassiesboy · 3 years
hi same anon as the deancassie ask this is the last one i promise (sorry for the mistakes english isn’t my native language and i wrote a lot) i just think it’s insane that they are the only canon het relationship on the show (besides saileen) that was well written lmao i mentioned their love scene in the previous ask and i think i like it so much because they aren’t cringy or uncomfortable to watch partially because their chemistry is really good but also because they seem so hungry for each other (and again you don’t see that happening between dean and his other female interests) like please his grip on her hair, her biting his nipple, the last bit when they are just breathing in each other mouth, the forehead touch. idk if it was in the scrip or if that’s just the way megalyn and jensen decided to acted it but they literally eat other mouth whenever they kiss. i mean i too would kiss my first love like i want to alienate all thoughts from their brain. they’re so hot for each other and not in a gross way but in a i miss you so much way, also the intimacy ?? the fact that he kept caressing hers arms and her back during their pillowtalk and the fact that he admitted her he couldn’t lie to her and that he was afraid of working things out with her, i’m sorry but he can fight monster but he is afraid of being vulnerable and taking about his feelings yet he chooses repeatedly to do so with her cause he is in love (literally dean thesis) and his grip on her waist during their movie kiss and the fact that he kept his eyes close after the kiss yeah that’s peak of romance, the fact that he always steals glance at her and he only ever do that with one other person on the show, and they probably drove in his car, and he blasted his favorite songs and started singing super loud while staring at her with a goofy smile and she probably laughed from the passenger sit, i’m unwell lmao. in my alternative version of the show, cassie is back in season 6 and she is living with dean but cas has to erase her memories etc and the last shot of them is dean seating in his car staring at her (their) house, and after they never mention her again on the show because she is a bit of a taboo subject since she is the only other love dean ever had but when he thinks of her it’s with a lot of fondness…deancassie my beloved :) i’m going to stop my rant here because it’s so long but yeah i just think they are a good premise for any dean’s ship xx
"he can fight monster but he is afraid of being vulnerable and taking about his feelings yet he chooses repeatedly to do so with her cause he is in love" LITERALLY YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!!
i have a lot of thoughts about her reappearing on the show... i think for one thing we should've seen a lot more of their stanford era relationship -- the flashbacks like u mentioned would've been a good option for that. but also i think... idk i like the idea of her reappearing but it's so difficult to come up with when to place it, because like in every season OTHER than the first season there's always some insane baggage for him. like not that he'd have to keep his hunting life a secret anymore, but originally, his secrets were, what. his baggage with john, the fact that he's a hunter. after season 2, it's that his dad literally made a deal with a demon to bring him to life and then promptly told him he'd have to kill his own brother someday. after season 3, it's that he made a deal with a demon where he sold his soul to bring his brother back to life. after season 4, it's that he went to hell for forty years, and when he came back, he found out that he started the fucking apocalypse while he was down there. like it never stops. and so at some point it's like, i don't know if they'd be able to work on any real level unless dean was finally given a moment to breathe, and then it's like... what could he possibly tell her? i think there's a seed of tragedy in that went unexplored since we never saw her again
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starvels · 3 years
so often i read fics where characters are like, "ewwww my close friends have sex?!?? i don't wanna know details! la la la laaa"
and to be a boring adult, its kinda weird ngl! bc most, if not all the close friends i know send each other porn or giggle about their partners together or talk about what they hate in bed or complain about dirty talk in television shows, or are vocal about wanting intimacy and their friends want that for them too and want to understand their wants too, etc. its not weird or gross to know what your friends like or are doing. for sure that's not all friendship dynamics but, c'mon guys. part of the draw of platonic, close adult friendships is that you get to talk about your sex life with someone who you're not having sex with.
just for once,.,, can i please get a fun healthy friendship dynamic where friends do talk to each other about sex or the lack of it because its normal and humans overshare and we love to cup our hands around little details of our beloved people like sparkling soft pebbles we found on hot summer beaches. can i please get some casual friendly intimacy that doesn't have a weird implication that sex/the lack of it shouldn't be talked about as a casual part of our lives? can i please get a waffle
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duker42 · 5 years
First,, I’m obsessed with you work and you’re amazing🤩I’m in love😍I was wondering if you could do a NSFW alphabet headcannon for our beloved Levi heicho? Also ,, what are some good Levi headcannon/fanfic blogs out there?
Thank you!!!! I really appreciate that. Some great blogs that I have run across are: @shewolfofficial @dirtylevi @attackonleviheichou @dreamss-of-boston @ackerfiction @phen0l @sexuallylevi
There are other great blogs out there I am sure, but these are a few that stick out in my mind!
NSFW Alphabet for Levi Ackerman:
A-Aftercare: Aftercare depends on the type of sexual session you had. If it’s particularly rough or sensual, he will be attentive and loving while you are cleaning up. If it’s quickie, expect a slap on the ass after finishing washing as he saunters out to finish that damn paperwork on his desk.
B-Body Part: Levi is an ass man. He loves the way the uniform makes your ass look so mouthwateringly round. Plus its easy access for a quick squeeze when he’s feeling cheeky. He loves watching it jiggle while he is pounding into you from behind.
C-Cum: Cum isn’t his favorite thing in the world, but he isn’t squeamish about it either. He’s a man who doesn’t mind getting dirty if the situation calls for it and sex is definitely an area where he’s willing to get filthy. He preferes to cum in you, but if thats not possible, your mouth or all over your ass is a nice second choice. He also love when you cum on him, seeing your thick cream on his cock is an incredible turn on for him and makes him go harder.
D-Dirty Talk: Levi is the fucking KING of dirty talk. It doesn’t happen every time, but when he’s the mood, that man can make you cum just by murmuring dirty things in your ear as he is fucking you. “You love the way my cock stretches your little pussy, don’t you?” “Your pussy was made for my cock.” “I want you scream my name, let the entire building know who’s fucking you.” *Sigh*
E-Experiment: Levi is a pretty laid back guy when it comes to sex. He has seen a lot of shit over the years and the sexual proclivities of the human race is one of them. If there is something you want to try, just ask. He will not judge and let you know if its a Hard Limit or not. If it’s not, he’s down to try almost anything once.
F-Favorite Position: I am going to have to go with the two most popular. Doggie and Missionary. Doggie is for the leverage, watching your ass jiggle, and the satisfaction of watching his cock disappear into your pussy. Missionary is more for the sensual side of Levi. Holding you close and watching your expressions as he fills you and brings you over the edge. There is a lot of kissing in this position and more emotions seen in those expressive eyes of his.
G-Goofy: He’s not very goofy in bed. It’s a serious time for him, wether its blowing off steam from the stress of your lives or making sure you know how he feels about you, sex isn’t the time for jokes. Now, he will make a comment if there is a particularly loud noise emitted or something unusual happens. But he’s not going to normally crack jokes when he’s inside you.
H-Hair: Trimming all the way! Levi preferes to keep himself manscaped regularly. Not only for the hygiene aspect of it, but for you as well. He knows he enjoys it better when you are neatly trimmed or shaved so why wouldn’t he give you the same consideration? Plus there’s the added bonus of being able to get a centimeter more of his cock into you if you’re both trimmed.
I-Intimacy: We all know that Levi is a man of fewer words than most, and most times they are sarcastic and rude. However when it comes to showing you how he feels in bed, he’s most expressive through touch and his eyes. Those ashen orbs fill with unspoken words as he kisses you or touches you. Every move he makes during this time is for your pleasure as he worships your body with his own.
J-Jack Off: Levi would rather wait than jack off. You feel better than his hand any day of the week. Plus with all the stress he’s under, there’s little time for that. If he does get too needy, he will rub one out in the shower, thinking of you the entire time.
K-Kink: Dirty talk and spanking are his two go-to kinks. Those are the ones that get put into use the most often, but he also enjoys tying you up and making you beg for him to let you cum as he edges you relentlessly.
L-Location: He will always prefer the safety of the bedroom. There would only be an interruption in the case of a major emergency and he’s free to take his time. Plus the bathroom through the next door for easy clean up. However, if he’s feeling frisky, he will pull your ass into the nearest closet and fuck you hard and walk out with a little smirk on his face while telling you to hurry up.
M-Motivation: Watching you do simple things will rile Levi up. It could be as simple as watching your hips sway when you walk down the corridors, or having you execute a perfect move while on the ODM course. The other thing that gets him going is you coming up and whispering in his ear that you want to fuck him. Being bold with words or just coming up and rubbing him with that wicked look on your face will get him in the mood fast.
N-No: Hard Limits are pretty basic for Levi. If it’s especially gross, expect that to be a no from him. No one is peeing on anyone.
O-Oral: Like most men, he loves to receive over giving. He loves when you are on your knees with his cock in your mouth. You look so pretty with those eyes looking up at him. However, he is willing to give as often as you want it. He’s not shy about going down on you. You taste delicious and he loves the way you cum on his face.
P-Pace: He will change it up depending on the mood. He will normally start off slower, make sure that you aren’t uncomfortable before ramping up the speed and power behind his thrusts. However, if you are wanting it rough and fast, hold on, because he’s going to slam himself into you with enough force to take your breath away and just keep hammering into you until you are shaking and crying out his name.
Q-Quickie: Prefers the normal sessions over a quickie, but if he just has to have you or you are short on time, he’s down. He’d rather have a quick fuck than no fuck at all if the situation calls for it.
R-Risk: He’s not one for sex out in public. That’s between you and him. As far as risky sex, you risk your lives for a living, why shouldn’t he be willing with sex? Will only be willing to try it after you have both done extensive research on it and feel comfortable will the idea. Safe words and signals are a must. Risky is one thing, idiotic is another.
S-Stamina: He’s not Humanity’s Strongest for nothing. That Ackerman bloodline is great for the bedroom. Expect him to last at least a good hour or more if you don’t want him to cum too fast. He can speed it up or draw it out depending on his mood and how into it you are. If you are up for more than one round, he’s your guy. Give him 5 minutes and he will be back in the ring to take another swing.
T-Toys: Another one of those things that Levi will just shrug and give a chance. He doesn’t like a cock ring, so don’t even get him to try that shit again. As far as other toys, he will see how much you like it before deciding to use it. He prefers to use his own fingers and tongue to bring you pleasure, but watching you masturbate with a toy is fucking hot in his book.
U-Unfair: This little fucker can be a huge tease. He doesn’t like it when you tease him, but he can edge you for hours with a twinkle in his eye. It’s an ego boost to have you begging for him to fuck you.
V-Volume: Levi isn’t loud at all. The occasional grunt or low moan is the most you will really get out of him. The loudest you’ve ever heard him was when you hadn’t been together in a few weeks because of a mission and you gave him a blow job in his office. He bit down on his knuckle, but still the moan you heard was regular speaking volume.
W-Wild Card: He can be a bit jealous, even when he knows he doesn’t need to be. Not that yandere, serial killer kind of way, but he will glare at those soldiers who haven’t figured out that you are the Captain’s girl yet. Hasn’t thrown you over his shoulder to go fuck you in a fit of jealously yet, but you’re still hoping.
X-X-Ray: Levi is a little bigger that what people would expect for a man of his height. He is 8 inches long but thicker than average. The tips is particularly large and he curves upward just perfectly for slamming against your g-spot.
Y-Yearning: If it weren’t for those damn Titans and the piles of paperwork he had, plus the training schedule with the squad, you would have shit ton more sex than you do. He didn’t get a lot of physical affection in his life until you, and he craves that feeling when you to are connected.
Z-Zzzz: Okay, poor Levi. We all know this boy can’t sleep decently to save his life. But after sex he can doze off faster than he would without it. After cleaning up of course. He still will only get about 3 hours, but with you in his arms and the hazy endorphins from his orgasm still in his system, the nightmares are kept at bay long enough for him to feel refreshed.
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